The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 15, 1849, Image 1
ESTABLISHED IN 178 b. BUSINESS CARDS. ■“SK? xsttarr ■ ~~ ■■iru nmi win. B*'i™!IFIKLDA LEADER, moleinle aealen in ftSuSdA Grocenei, 80010, Skoo., rnub«(h Ac, No. i» Utony moot, ftfltbwyk —, •V.TTK.' AKUKftX tcin. fCSuiJ &. prJTEHr Wholesale and Retail I£ug- Bp»* iSnetorU*'>T “■! SLCIilt urecu, P.l» ——• |L I. UOVS. EIOWJj TCULBERTSON, Wholesale Groeeis, «nd f immiimm Merchants, No. 14ft, Liberty »t-i ruuborrb.Pm tT"ATI'AHNtaitX;K A Co., Wholesale and Re- Jj. tsH Jftuggists, comer Wood and 6th »*»• If*— B —wMITU. Wholesale Grocer*, U end 80 Wood street Pittsburgh. • O. H. FAETOIDGE) H. D.» WO. MS SPRUCE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, CONTINUES lo /?*▼*: hi* particular attention to the treatment of Diseases ol the SHUN, aCKOFLLA, Ud Dinuei of the TIIHOAT. , Ofheahourt: 9 A.M., l P. JL, and • P M 'octftdaia*' 20U A. CIAIS. 1 W. I.UIMIIL A SKINNER, Forwarding • and Commission Merchantt, No. ad Market *4 Pittsburgh. ... spu aTMcANOLT? A Co, Forwarding and Com • Suion Merehaau, Canal Basin, Fituburgh^Fa. bifiiw* ud Iron COLEMAN, ‘ 11AILMAN A Co, manufacturers of in«< J&ptie Springe, Hammered Axle*, Soring and Plough Steel, Iron, Ac. Warehouse on WwSaad'Fronte'wu, rituburgb. ' dealer* mj Coach Trimming* and Malleable Caning*. Wlli Da * W^IfTPAK.^, Orrm 'pmttnne.u street, between Seventh and /LBJ—l******* of the mouth, gam* and teeth treated : iptUljLtm • -•A. *. vnausn. - ' JAStn J. iuhm. fTNtilfreM AUENNKIT, (late English, Gallagher Pi j. Co.) Wholesale Grocer*, Communitm and For- Merchants, and dealers in Produce and Piits bßirt»enaiaeturei,No.37 Wood «L, between vd and 3d street*. - A ocU_ \ txtHUt* CuCUKAN, CommiMum and V y Merchant, No. 30 Wood street. Pittabui C. U» UAKKi m. D, HOMCEOPATOIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, orrrea—On Southfield st, between 3d and 4th. Otflce hour*—Prwm 13 M. to 3 r. M.—from 0 to 9, IV 11. : Rhukkcb—Mr. Sauder's, corner Smilhfield and and Third *l*. sptsidfia .. UOfilK LKdQVK FACTOttY. HAMILTON STEWART, manufacturer of 11 eery Shining*, Check*. Ac., Rebecca street, city of Allegheny. 1 novlS-uly* H (successor to Murphy. A Lee,) Wool Dcal • er and Commission Merchant, for the *ale ol American Woolens, Liberty, opposite ftth st feb!7 • wa. uiAU>7Dalumore. a. i. season, xswaxd hxals, tphtiuii. s. c. m’cajutos, johs a- WASnra, > i. TJ EALD A BUCKNOR, Tobacco Commission Mer». t~l chants,4l North Water st, A lONorth Wharvea, pCTa. • noT3O-tf A. A. BAKST. WA.T.2OSSS. TTARDY, JONES A Co, (successors to Atwood, JIX Jones A Co.) Commission and Forwarding Me*-- dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactured Goods, . Pittsburgh, Pa. * s?.U2«___ tbataW picaiT, annxsx stem, jb, ' ISAIAH DICKEY A Co, Wholesale Grocers, Com dsaion Merchants, and dealers in Produce, Nos-bO Water, had IU7 Front streets, Pittsburgh. nosh, ' r» an a ctLWoam. losaru oawuaru. : JB. DILWORTII A Co, Wholesale Grocer*, Pro-: • daee and' Comnrimion Merchants, and Agents for the iiaxard Powder Co. of N. Y., No. Kt Wood st, Pituburgh. • ' • . - | JUHNM* TOWNSEND, Druggist aad Apothecary No. 44 Market sL, three doors above Third *t J’UtsJ tnrgh, will have constantly on hand a well se}ecied u; •omaent of the best and freshest Medicines, which h* will sell on the most reasonable terms. Physicians aiders, will be promptly atiended to, and enp* piled with articles they may rely upon as genuine. AT physician* Frcseripuoc* will be accurately and Mtuy prepared from the best materials, at any hear o( ha day or nighL Also for sale, a latg* stock of friaband good Pern. marr. . • ~ • ■. i«l a _ • T B. CANFIELD, (late ol Waneu, Ohio,) Commi*- V * sioa and Fcrwarving Msrehant- and wholeaale ; deale> in Western Reserve Batter, pot end Pearl Ash, and Western Produce generally, Water tree I, between amithSeld and Wood, Pitabargh. ap3 IOHN WATT, (tseceator to fiwail A Gelbart,) tf. WhOleude urocer gnd ConuniatioQ Merchant dealer in Produce «*«* Pituliargh Monutactaxc*, cor* per of Liberty and Haitd *trect*,Pitt»bnrgli Pa. jaafi_ _ 1 AMES 8 McGUIBii, (late ofthe'fijnof Algeo usd ■ MeGuirOj) Merchant Tailor, St. Chart** Building*, fetri meet, near Wood, Pittsburgh. ' J/MKS A. HUTCUISOS, :& Cov—aacce**or* to Lewi* Uuubijon A Co, Commiiaion Merchams, mA Iff rV^*. 8 ' Loot*Steam Sugar Re&ujry. •’ )«n> —~ T '~ i JOUft IX. awkuATOvuuilWAt Vi oodcca*- eria Bye St*fl*,Pa£nt*, Oil*, Vanuafiea, Wood atrecx one door Somho/ Diamond Alley, l*itu bnrgfa. • luJtl TAMES T f *>■. . KKBBj ft Co- (Meeeuor to Joseph U #jDa»is,) JpxipCbhßdlert,36 Water street. oca J' OUNiL &IBLDOB, Wholesale and Retail dealer in Hone and Musical Instrsments, School Boot*, paper, Slates, Steel Pens, thrills, Primers’ Cards, oud Stationary feneraltj»No. til Wood su, Phubargh. '• [fr* Bags bought or tafcen iu trade. __seplB __ J- - 6CUOON&1A1&&& ft Co’-T Wholesale Druggists, m No. at Wood street, Pittabargh. JO UN D. DAVIS, Aacuoseer, corner 6th and Wood • streets, Phtshurkh. octS fOHNSTON A STOCKTON. BookaeUeys, Primers I and Paper Manufacturers, No. 44 Market sl, Pins trgh. ~ 1 ■ ' jefi joss Plots. Kicnaao Flotp. J. A H. FLOYD, Wholesale Grocers, Commiuton • McrcnaAu, and Dealers in Produce, Round Cbtreh Buildings, fronting on LiUmy, Wood andUth streets, Pimbargu, Pa. m>» J/twvx Wholesale Grocer,Ccminission Mei chant, and dealer in Produce and Pituburgh juswnfiu»utrc*. No.k4 Watcf st-, Pittsburgh. -janltP JACOB WEAVER, Ja, wuleuie and Retail Dea ler in Foreign. Wines and Liquors, and old Motion gahela Bye Whiskeys, earner Fust and Market-sis. . iy* ' " . . I. rjER A JONES, Forsrording and Commission Mer chants, Rulers in Produce sndPtttsburgh taonu jtarod articles, Canai Basin, nesrTth st. dm * PJfiNH BILL, PITTBBGUGU, PA. TTENNEDY, CHILDS A MsnuTacurers of very IV' saperior 4-4 sheetings, Carpet Chain, Cottoo Twxnc and Batting. ja3o-ly Vcrartu iron Works* ' T EWIS, tiAf.KKi.i. * c«k, mannfaetaten of all si* I « ki lUx, bheev Boiler Iron end Neil* of the l>csl naiitjr, Wnrehoue, 54 water end lIS front u. •)«nia ■ I ft WATERMAN, WTwleeale Uroeer, Forward- Merchant. Dealer in Piiu* and Frodace, Not. dl Water »t-» maaffil Front. j*J ******* uorazDi. ji. b K£HSUD¥*SAWYKiI, X OOKIPiU GLAUS Manufacturers, andvVholesale 1 j dealers in foreign aud domestic Variety Goods. Wcttcn merchants, Pedlars and others are invited 10 call and examine the prices and quality o/our stuck, M with oar present increased facilities in manufactur ing and parchaaingi are think'we can offer ns great -ioaaeemenutbbayeraaaiuy oilier house west of the Mountains. . . .. . ,;ab-ly w& KLLZX< PtulaAa .a w. sicixisosjTmsbvrgb. Mji.l.Kß ft IUCKETSUN. Wholesale Grocers, and importers of brandies, Wines and Begars, Nt>». 17* and *74, comer of Liberty and Irwin streets, PUu- ■ burgh, Pa Iron, yarns, Ac, fto. con stantly on hand. angl4 . johh >roai- . ram & tcaiLtwanru & nux. ‘■wa ft ROK, Wholes ale Grocers snd Couuuis lVl lion Merchants, No. IVI Liberty il, Pittsburgh. MURPHY. WILSON A CU, (late Jones, Morphy ft C«.l Wholesale Dealers in Dry Goods, '.No. 4s Wood street, Pittsburgh. ■K/fiYiTillßW'VVlLSVHTPortraii and MirnaturcPain ijX'- ter. Rooms, comer oL Post Office Alley aud foanh stmt, eaumnccvCrrllh near Market.’' dccO-dIC ■ ' ■ prn&iiUßGir smaiL works and spring ANXJ *XI.K FACTORY. zuao rmaa. 1 jobs s. qtnaa. , " a *’ JONES * ttOIQO, - Manufacturers' of spring and butter steel, plough steel, steel plough wings, coaeh aud ebp. u spn&ga, hammered iron axles, aud dealers in mol cable eiuuiigs, fire engibe lamps, and coach trimming* jeaertlly,earner ofKoss and Front sta, Pittsburgh, Nunt.Ml-M ft finy, No; M Market st, Second • door from corner of Fourth, dealers in Pcreigu , asd Domestic UillaofpUchsjige, Gertihcatcsofl>epcs - It, llank Notes and Bpeeie. . mad on all the principal cities throughout tab United BjatCft ~ • declT Xi * thini door above Snutfifield, aoath side. Ooaveyandngofeli Kind* done wiiii the greatest ear* and legal aeearaey.') , Titles te Seal Estate ciaiaioed, &o, Dlb JlefiUOK. /OFFICE, Fourth street, new Grant, iu the room V/ lately oe espied by Alderman MiUer, immediate ly opposite Mr. iJakewell’s. He majr be found at night ts No. 71, SC Charles Hotel. *' Jnilidgm ■ . _ U« JX. Dn f\PTIIALhUG BURGEON, will attend to the treat* qjraicnlof Diseases of the Eye. ’ 1>(. R. has been engaged in this branch of the medU cal profession for sixteen years, and has conducted an establishment for the treatment of diseases of the eye alone for sevarml years! Ontci and residence,'corner of;Sandusky si slid Btrawberry alley, Allegheny etty. * actl3 PESIS STORE.— No. 72 Fourth' BH at-, near Wood—AH quantities of Green and ■■■b Black .Tets, (done ap in qaarter, hfrlf, and •oopoani packages, hanging from M cts. ‘per pound Bite ili A. JAYNES, Agt. for Pekin Tea Co. ■Q> ROBISON CO. baring UMtiataiTIIOMAS LTITLE, Sr., with Uremia bu*ine»*,ilie Whole •ale Grocery, l*TOdnce and Comminian batinet* will ecratinned asuual under iho firm of Robison, Ul- TIOBJSON,LITTLE No. lW Liberty •treoL tv Wholeeale'Grocer*, Produce,and Merchant*, and dealer* la Pittsburgh Manufacture*. Jy7 r ■n«r. ao*t»o»- • nUiUmii taro.!. xosuom. - TaollEfeT WOORETWEoIeiaIe Grocer, Rectifying • •'■V.'Eirtilier, dealer to Produce, Pittsburgh Manufac' (•-££*: and all kind* of Foreign and Domestic Wine* »<LLiuaors> No, H Liberty street. On band a very ' *of superior old Uoaonguhela whiskey, jj?j3d> will W , rrrn v llT tv -1 7 WluGiil. Qtccm, FomorJuif {fprSJw*" l ' W“ sb “'* v ilanrfumre., Lilwnj .1 ntxrtS&S-- ' ' p£S»K KttSMm m««ssmb«. ladCblorida eait,paid at all time*for coon . _iss? _ . WWWllt Owe? ggS«-ftk?S!S£ Sm&w* -gg* JfTt«U**J? * . . '-■', . ' j j- CARDS, «. C. StJAQIURT, ' • TEOIL E. WHITS. BHACKIATT k WHITE, Wholesale Dealers la Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods. No. 09 Wood sl Pittsburgh. : febl“if BAGALEY A Co-Wholesale Grocers sad' O Produce deaierc, Nc.SO Mafrkel street,between sth sad Cib, North side, Philadelphia. novd St W. HARBAUGH, Wool Merchants, Dealers « in Flour and Produce generally, and Forwarding asl .Commission Merchants, No. S 3 Water m, Pitu. be ts'h _' - , - .? sbuje*; rrmm.’acii. jous tncnoLS, mabilakd. SKLLKRS A KICOLS, Produce and General Com* mission Merchants, No. 17'Liberty st- Pittsburgh. Sperm, linseed and Lard Oils. SF. VON BONNIIORST, 4. Co., Wholesale tin>- • cers, ForwarJmr and Commission Merchant*, uratera in I itubatith Manafaetnreff and Western I*ro» •fC'V* “* vo temoyed.lo their new warehouse,(old stand) No. cornet of Front cl and Chancery Lake. iio*7 11ASSEV A BEST, Wholesale Groeert and CoraraU sioa Merehanu, and dealers in Frodncc. So. 35 w ood n., Tiusbnnrh. Dt on _W. 1. TBQTtL' I'ROTH 4 SCOTT, Wholesale and Retail dealers in . Roots,' Shoes,.Trunks, Carpet Uses, tc n S-W. corner ol 4tband SmithfleJd its, Pittsburgh, Pa. ja3 0. WICX, DAVID M'CA.IDLKSS TITICK & M’CANDLESS, (successorsto L. & J.D Yv Wick,) Wholesale Grocer*,' Forwarding and Commission Merchants, dealers in Iron, Kails, Glass, Yarns, and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, eorn«-* of-Wood and Water ‘trreix. PittobarßU. W* W. WALLACE, Mill stone and Mill Furnish* a ing establishment, No. 244 Liberty sl, near the canal. ’ mariS \IT W7W atckies, J eweiry .Silve r Ware, TV • and Military Goods, corner of Market and 4th streets. Pittsburgh, Pa. N. B.—Watches and Clocks carefully repaired. «Icr4 WEST BOWEN—Commission and Forwarding Merchant, No. 90 Front si. between Wood and Market streets. fehSl Wjl MURPHY .Wholesale and Retail dealerin « Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, north east corner of Market and Fourth ata. angtt wx. yuroe, lito. a. ifetmx. ItTM. YOUNG ft Co.—Dealers in leather hides, ft*. VV_ ljCl Liberty«. , ,Ans-ly wk. st^crnniios.. toer. si'crrcuKon n; ft.Jl. M’CUTCHEON, Wholesale Grocers, dra ft , Jrrs in Produce, Iron, Nails, Glass, and Puts, burgh Manufactures generally, 12tf liberty at* Pitts burgh. deed Wyv, WILSON. Dealer In Watches, Jewelry a Silver Ware, Military Goods, ftc- No. 57 Mar sei «i nov7 wn. touno ft co., • DIALERS IN HIDES AND LEATHER, Morocco, Shoe. Findings, ftr.. No. 143 Liberty street, have jodt received their SPRING STOCK oi goods, com* pri a ing a large assortment of articles in their line, to which the attention of purchasers is invited. mefalS : PETTIGREW * CO.. BT6-iSI. HO:AT AU Hitts Orncß akovjjM. Atxn-Nft Co, MBHBWCCaXI octal No. 4S Water street. INSURANCE. IItSUKANL'K. PROTECTION FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPA* LtJcJ'Uft NY OF HARTFORD, CONN. •MiaHH tscoaroEAiao in IWS. Annual Premiums, Capital Stock, and Surplus Fund, •1,000.000. •This old and responsible Company continues ti !*• ‘sue policies on the most favorable terms on D»el mg Houses, Household Furniture, stores. Stocks of Goods, Warehouses and content*. Mills aud Manufactories, Ac. Ac., against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE. Also, on Goods, Wares and Merchandise, against the hazards of iNLASoTKAJuroaTAiiox, (Bid unou the Cargoes of Sea Vessels. The Protectioo.lntnrance Compauy having, in the Insist years, paid ttsirt suluuks or dollais at their several ugeuetes throughout the Untied State* and the Ilritiah 1 rovlnees, have established a just reputation for tolvency and . lair dealing, which challenges com* panson with any other insurance company on the eminent of America. The annexed extract from an article ou the subject of Insurance Companies, taken fra *: the “New York Day Book," exhibits briefly the standing and policy of the Company. “The 'tnonoed men’of the ancient and always pros perous city of Hartford, have (or half a Century been famous throughout the 'Union for ihe care, discretion, rigid honesty, tuid unvarying success with which they have formed and managed corporations of this de scription. No Hartford. Sank or Insurance Company has ever failed! These - Companies hare for more than a whole generation scatiereJ their risks in near ly every Blate-of the Union, aud have never fetlcd to pay the innumerable losses which they have tusured against.” All losses arising upon policies issued by the under signed, will be promptly adjusted and at the Gen eral Agency office, located at Cincinnati, O A large portion of the funds of the Company, (including all premiums received at the Western agencies.) u de posited with the General Agent of the Company at Cincinnati, for the payment of Western and Houibero losses. Apply to FAYETTE BROWN, Agent for the city of Pittsburgh, and for Allegheny county.’'—-sr- 1 1 — — aatfldJm --rwiojn&ackasLivxsAXDUaANTnro Aiunrmxa. rK first Lift luraiawie Company in the U. Stales. Incorporated March 10, ter perpetual. Capita) £390,000—a1l paid in. Having authorised the undersigned 10 receive appli cations lor insurance, on which policies will be issued, according to their proposals and ratrs, jrhieh will be made known to applicants at his office, No. VO Wood street. spll GEO COCIHIAN. WBBTKBH IHBBKABCE COfflPJ-BY OF PITTSBURGH CAPITAL (100,000. J. Fmsxi. Jr- SeeT* l K- Muxso, Jr., Ptcs*l Will insure against all kind* of risks, FIRE AND MARINE- ALL losses will be liberally adjusted and promptly paid. A home institution —managed by Directors who are well known in the community, and who ore determin* ad by promptness and liberality to maintain ths char acter whieh they have assumed, as offering the best 'protection to those who desire to be Insured . Dm zero xs—R. MlUer, Jr., Geo. Black, J. W. Butler, N. Holmes, Wm. fl. Holmes; C. Hin«n, Geo. W. Jackson, Wm. M. Lyon, Jas. Lippmcott, Tho*. K. Litcb, James M’Aaley, Alex. Nimick, Thos. Scott. Onricß, No. 39 Water street, (warehouse of Spang A Co., up stairs,) Pittsburgh. iui:dly 2 • INSURANCE. It HE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSU RANCE COMPANY.—Office. North Room of the Exchange,Thirdstreet, Philadelphia FJOilssciAJic*.— fltuldingn, Merchandise and other property in rows and codstxt, iasured-against loss or damage by fire at the lowest rue of premium. Hastnx Issnaxscs.—'They also insure Vessels, Car goes and Freights, foreigner coastwise, under openor special policies, as tho assured may desire. lirLAiroTiuKsfOßATioa.—'They also Insure merchan dise transported by Wagons, Railroad Cara, Canal Boats and Steam Bouts, on river* and lakes, bn the most liberal term*. DIRECTORS—Joseph 11. SeaJ, Edmund A. Sootier, John C Davit, Robert Burton, John R Penrose, Samu el Edwards, Geo G Leiper, Edward Darlington. Isaac R Davit, William Folwell, John Newiin, Dr R.M Hot* tou,* June# C Hand, Thcophilus Paulding, II Jones Urookt. Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig, George Serrill, Speneer Mcllvain, Charles Kelly, J G Johnson, Wil liam Hay, Dr SThomas,-John Sellers, Won. Eyre, Jr. DIRECTORS AT PITTSBURGH—D. T. Morgan, Wm-liacaley. Jno. T. Logan. J» WILLIAM MARTLM, PrewdenL IDcuaid S/JiawBOLB, Secretary. fr»“‘Ofliee of the .Company, No. 42 Water street, Pittsburgh. Juls:Jtf A. MADEIRA, Agent. FIRK ASD U&RIKR INSURANCE. riMIE INSURANCE CO. ol Nona America will I* mate permanent and limited Insurance* on pm nerty in this city and vicinity,: and cu shipments by Canal, Rivera, Lakes, and by Sea. The properties pi this Company are well invested, and Airrnih an avail able fnndfor the ample indemnity of all perrons who deaire to be protected by intarance. myli ' WM. P. JONHS, Agent, 4f Water at. ISDKtmTT. ‘ jfo Franihn Fva Insurance Co. of PhUaJsJphm. DIRECTORS.— Charles N-Baueker, Thomas Hart, Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant, JnCob R. Smith, Geo. W Richards, Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolpho t. Done, David S. Brown, Morris Patterson. , CBaauts N. Bsncaaa, President. Charles O. Baneker, Secretary. . . Continue to make insurance, perpetual or Utniicd, on every description of property in town or country, at rates as low as are consistent with security. To Company have reserved;# large contingent Fund, which with their Capital and premiums, solely invests ed, afford ample protection to itbe assured. The assets of the companion Janaary Ist, IM9, as published agreeably to an act of Arsembly, were as Fellows, viz: .. Loans •• • • wyjl Sloe ha Hi Cash, Ao.<- 3d,bM J 7 Sl£&>,4!Kl 71 Since their Incorporation, a period of la y ears, they havopaid upwards of one million four hundred thous and dollars, losses by fire, thereby affording evidence efthfc advantages of as well as the ability amt meet with promptness all nubilities. ' J. GARDINER COFFIN, Agent, nurl-dly OfficeN E corner Wood and 3d sis DELAW ABB MUTUAL ISSUBASCECO 1> A MADEIRA, Agent at Pittsburgh for the Dcln* • ware Mutual Safety Insurance Company ofihial adelphio. Fire Risks upon buildingaAnd merchandize of crery description, and Marine uisks apon bulls or cargoes of vessel*, taken, upon tbc moft favorable try Office in the Warehouse of W. B. Holmes A Bro., NoT37 Water, near Market street, Pittsburgh. N fl.—The success of this Company since tbe estab lishment of tbo Agency in this city, with ibo prompt ness and liberality with which every claim upon them for losa has been adjusted, fully warrant the agent in inviting the confidence and patronage ofhu friends and the community* at large to tho Delaware M. 8. Insu rance Company, while it'has the additional advantages os an insiitaitnu among the most flourishing in Philadel phia—os having on ample paid-in capital, which by the operation of iu charter is constantly increasing; as yielding to each .person insured his due share of the profits of the company, without involving him in any responsibility whatever, and thetetnre a. polling the Mutual principle divested of cjrcry obnoxioas fea ture, and in lu tnostjutractivejorm. BOVf AND MABINE INSUttABCK. THE Insurance Company of North Amcmn,i a ro U gb iu duly authorized Agent, the subscriber, ofl*srs 10 wake permanent and limited Insurance on property ui Siscityandiu Vicinity,and on shipment* b> the Ca* | T , Charles Taylor, • Ambrose White, Jacob M. Thomas, John It Neff, Richard D- Wood, Wm. Welsh. Frames Uoskens, • .3. Austin Alltbone, . ARTHUR Ot COFFIN, Pres't Hekbt'D. Smmjxo, Bcc’y- , \ ir nl ,,d This is the oldest Insurance Company nlhe UnlieO States, having been chartered in 1.94. IU ** perpetual, and from iu high standing, long eipeneuce, ample means, and avoiding all n»ksof *u extra ha* tnwus character, It may be coiisidered aioffem. sam ple security to the public. . ' v * * ; At the Counting Room of Atwnpd, Joue* A t.o-, " a tar and Front streets Fnuhutgh* n.n\o_« bUIIBCRIUER has been appointed Agent pro "ion. ofQie lusuranee Company of North America, : and win issue Policies aud attend to the other business Of the Agt"cf, at the warehouse of Atwood, Joues A CA. 4>l* WM-P. JONES, wutet st Arthur G Coffin, Sato’l W. Jones, Edward Smith John A. Brown, John White, Thomas P. Cope, Samuel P. Smith, Samuel Brooks, HOTELS FOUNTAIN HOTEL. LIGHT STREET BALTIN STina establishment long and wide j known as being one' of the most commodious j rt the city of Baltimore, hot recently undergone very cxten irve.alteration* and improvement*. An entire new wing has been added, containing numensus and-airy sleeping apartments, and extensive bathic g rooms: Tlte Ladies 1 department has al*o beet completely reorganise** and fitted up in' a mo ■ uniqu : and r*escu fsl rtyle. In fact the whole arrangenfent jftbe House has been rerodeled, with a single eye t n the part of the proprietors, towards the comfort and pleasure nf their Guests,And which they confident!} assert will challenge compaiisomwith any Hotel in l ie Uninn. Heir table will always be supplied wit \ every sub •tanial and luxury which the market affords, served op in a soperior style; while in the way oi Wines, &c_, they will not b* surpassed. In conclusion ihe proprietors beg to say, that nothing will be left undone on their part, and on uu pan of their assistants, to render .this Hotrl worthy tile continued patronage nf their friends and thg public generally. The prices for board have also been rt dueed to the following rates: Ladies 1 Ordinary) Cl,?slpe Gentlemen's “ 1,501 N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the He ways be found' at the Car and Bteamboi which will convey baggage to and from t’ of charge. EXCHANGE HOTELj coxsn or rent *.vb n. cun nt, rrmi BTbe subscriber having assumed ll raent of this long.etiabhshed and p respectfully announce* to Travel Public generally, that he will be at nit tir to accommodate them in all thing* desire regulated Hotel* Ihe House is now bein repaired throughout, aad new Furniture a punt will be spared to make the Exchan very best Hotel* in the country. The undersigned respectfully solid'* a of the very liberal patronage the House hi received. THOMAS OW: . febMtf LAHAHTINE HOUSE coxnn or rocaru am exam srarna, MTUE subscriber reapecuully an he hot now opened his new and ex< for the accommodation of travele and the public generally. The house a are entirely new, and no pains or expeii* snared u> render it one of the moat com pleasant Hotels in the eity. The subscriber is determined to deserve fore solicits, a share of public patronage. oCtl4-dly JACOB HOUGH, 1 UNITED STATES XIOTI cexsttct rr., isrwn.i touktu sud rii OPPOSITE late Hank of the United sj delphia AI. POPE MlTClj tnarju f law offices; JOHN fl. RANKIN, ATTORNEY and Counsellor at Law, rioter for the State of Prnusylvann Mo (tat i of Pittsburgh.) Rmtaiwaa.—Pittsburgh: Hon. W. For ton A Miller, M'Candless A M'Clure, Jc i «sells A temple, M'Cord * King. • t. u. aaiao. *> J. BAIHDABTERRETT Attorneys and counsellors Fourth street, between SmiUtfield MUburgli, Pa _ _ LARGE * FRIEND, AT LAW, Founa street, " JAHEBF.KEHB, 4 TTORNEY AT LAW -Office on Fc tween Snrilhfield and Giant st, Pitt 'sjill&dly WM. TIMHUN, ATTORSKY AT LAW Butler, Pa WILL &lso attend to collection and a ues* entreated in him in Bo tier and eoanlMt, Pa. Refer in ’ J. kR. Floyd, Liberty at 1 • W-, W. WoJlr.ce, do I Jamea Marshall do - f Pituburgh dly Kay k Co., Wood at. ‘ J J" n, _ Jll. tsWEITZER, Attorney at Law, office.tiJ at., , opposite fL Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh. will also attend promptly to Collections, in Washington, Fayette and Green counties, P*. Blackstock, Belt i Co., ") Church Jt Carothers, ' VPmsborgh. D_T. j v E. J. HENRY, Attorney and Counrellor at • Cincinnati, Ohio. Collections m Southern Ohio, and in Indiana, and in Keniutky, promptly and carc fatly attended to. Commissioner for the State of I’enn rylvytia, for taking Depositions, acknowledgments, Rim to— Hon. Wo. Bell A San,. Church A Carothers, Win. Hays, Esq-, Willoek & Davis. a 53 HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. Mecnßis*iiy«"» »oa HAT». g (Sainrday, Aa# VAth,), this day | tan, corner of Fifth turf W oOh * italic ifl c ft's ]H*CORD *■ CO,, Jfflis* H (Successors ifl WConf ATCingl . fg3B_ Paiblonablt natt.ra,‘»P« Cqrnsr of Wood tout. Fifth StrtrU. PARTICULAR aaentioo paid to oar Retail Trade. Genltemeo can rely upon getting their Hat, and Caps frpm our establishment of the sbt auraiau and wouKixun?, of the utbt sttlo, and at the mwan FS2CS3. Country Merchant*, purchasing by wholesale, are 'respectfully Invited to call and examine our Stock; as we ean say with confidence that as regards *caUTT and run, it wjtl not suffer in a comparison with any house in Philadelphia. _ . f 511 ,7 - rrj, CALIFORNIA HATS—IS dos water' proof I m Caiiforala Hau, just received and for sale by M’CORD A Co. ,eb27 comer slh and Wood.sts PfeSPRING FASHIONS FOR IBM. [_M M’CORD A Co. will introduce on viftday, March 3d, the Bpring style of HAT*.sS Those in want of a neat and superior bat, are invited to call at comer of sth qnd Wood streets. mart SPRING BONNET RIBBONS, Ac.—W R Murphy has now open a supply of spring Bonnet RihUoui, -of new and handsome stylea Alto, new style fig’d Netts; 'Lisle and. Lodg ings; Linen Edgings; Victoria do; plaid Muslirt- and Jaconets, embroidered Swiss Muslins, beriJes * large assonmeut of Bpnng Goods generally, at north east comer 4th and Market streets. Wholesale Rooms up stairs. ape FORWARDDiG & COMMISSION. STUART A SILL, Gtoeersj and Produce and Com mission Merchants, No. 119 Wood »l. Pittsburgh. Dealer* tn Groceries, Ploor, When 1 , Rve, Out*. Corn, Barley, Pork, Bacon. Bauer, Lard. Cheese, Closer, Timothy and Flax Seeds; Iron. Nails, Glaw, Ac. Ac. Ac. Particular atieuuou paid to the sale of Western Messrs. Myers A Hunter, Robt. DaU xcli A Co., MGills A Roe, Hampton, Small A Co., James May, King A Moorhead, Pittsburgh. leaner A M'MiUan, Massillon. Jos. 8. Morrison, E»q. M. Louis. . »pWBy jons a. caaio, late of N. Lisbon. O w. a. earn her - CRAIOABKISNER, GENERAL AGENCY, Commission and Forward ine Merchant*. No. 30 Market »t.. Pittsburgh, Pa. • lD*Prompl intention given to the purchase ana sale of all kinds of Produce. Karas to—John-Watt A Co., Murphy, Wilson A Co. Pittsburgh, Pa.; Lawson A Kill, Mahton Miirtin, Wellsviiie, John 11. Brown A Co., Grieg, Kllioti A Co., Philadelphia; U. W. Snodgrass A Co., Gregg A Naee New Union, Fr. Skiimer, Hon- C. D. Cornu, Ciuctmmu; J. P.Xeller, Youugstown, O.; W. L. Stan dart. Cleveland. JO. oug*Jl uc-cora. J- c. aaxrumlr. . COPE * BREYFOGLK, FORWARDING A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And dealers in While Lead, Windo w Glass, Ac., ltt- Second street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Will attend promptly to the eale of articles entrusted to their care. Rtrxa to—Bagnley A Smith, R. Tanner. A Co. S. A W. Harbaugh, Kay A Co, Murphy, iVitson A Co, Pittsburgh. Hannah, Granam A Co., t rod the imer chants generally, New Lisbon, O. B. A D. M DonaUl ACo , Ueo. Wells,' WelUvtlle. O. Joseph Unison, D. J. Bigger A Co., Fenner AAPMMen, Massillon, O Uenncit, Marlin A Co., Weaver, Taylor A Co.. John 11. Brown A Co., Philadelphia. A. G. Richardson A Bro, Groff, Holmes A Co., Cincinnati. O. John K Howard, Louisville, Ky. John Smith, New Orleans. Handy A Harman, Cleveland, O. A. J. Rmllcy,M»n«- iidd, 0. Clark, Parks ACo . Beaver, Pa. augfiioif GEORGE COCIIRAI. Commission and Forwarding Merchant. no. 38 wood tr. i rmaonsoH, .... CONTINUES to transact a general Commission bust nes*. especially in the purchase and sale of Ameri can Manufacture* and Produce, and in receiving and forwarding Goods consigned to bis care. As Agent for the Manufactures, he will he constantly supplied with the principal articles of Pittsburgh Manufacture at the lowest wholesale prices. Orders and consignments are respectfully soficlted. _ l *’ 7 Penn Machine Bbop. H WIGIITM AN—Muitt faeturer ofall kind* of eot . ton tt ,„l woollen mackinenr, Allegheny ciry. P* The above works being now tn full and t 1?; eration. I am proposed to cxesite oi.trs with di*?ateh for all kinds of machinery m ity line, s*^* 1 ** " ow ** nickers, spreaders, cards, grinding aatLutcs, rnmi s, drawing frames, speeders, thtSjsß*, loom*, woolen carda double- or angle, for merchant or country work, mulesjacka, Ac.; slide and handlathes and tools in gen eral kinds of shafting mode to order, or plans giv en for gearing factories or mills at reasonable charge. Retch to—Kennedy, Child* A Co-Blackstock, Bell & Co , King. Prmnock it Co, Jaa. A. Gray. Monancahsls Llvsrr SUbU. ««S ROBERT 11. PATTERSON has opened /1 large stable on First si, running through /MVto Second »t, between Wood and Southfield in the rear of the Monongahela House, with an entirely new stock of Horses trod Carnages of the best quality and latest styles, llorscs kept at live ry ill the best manner. . B'* 11 ? FOR GREENWOOD GARDENS. lia Tl« steam boat A. MASON_£Vw i - ft now run» from the Point, foot^jMmf .itftbrggjj* of Liberty sued, to the Gar ■OMSanMleo—leaving at U o'clock, A. M.. and at the beginning of each hour until V P. M- Y niters may rely on finding the boat at the hour. She leaves the Gardeu, the last up trip, at 10 o'clock. The season is fast advancing, and tbosc wishing to vim this delightful retreat, now ts the time to spend a few hours, not in the smoke and dnstlof the city, but in a pure atmosphere, perfumed with the fragrance of flowers. I All kinds of refreshments, except intoxicating drink*, •roikrpi on the premises. Greenhouse Plants, and Bouquets of choice flowers lor sale.' Closed on Sun day. jyjc JAMES M’KAI.V of landing made on account of low wa er. ; r__ ti bbholal. D.MILTENBBROKR 8. B. AGENT, ' Forwarding and Commission Mere chant, ha* removed to No. V 7 Front, between Wood and Pmithfield streets. aotl E have tome PUMPS, made on an improved plan, so as not to freeze in the coldest weather. Persons wanting such articles, are invited to call and see them at SCAIFK A ATKINSON’S, a T& Ut, between Wood Market *t» ' .... •. -'iwAJsjiji.'C.dii. Iff TTSBURGH,! MONDAY MORNIffG; OCTOBER 15,! 1840. COPARTNERSHIPS. ! DifSolaUbta ofCo-Putßcnhlp. fpiJE coiptrtniflhip heretofore existing between U e X subscribers} under the style of Brown.A Culben* •on. *u dissoiVKl oa the l»t util. by mutual eouakt U : |T M. B. BROWN. Pittsburgh, 1549. 'A. CULBERTSON. The Continue the Wholesale Croc rr and Comminign Basinets, as heretofore, altlie ofi ■land, 145 Üb*rn£st. ocis A. CULUERfSON COPARTNERSHIP* JOHN PARKER and JOHN W. RIDDLE hare en tered Into partnership, tinder the firm of PARKER A RIDDLE, and will carry on the Shod business in all its hranehes, ni the old aland of John Parker, cor ner of Federal ti-jand Booth Common, city of Alleghe ny. I! JOHN PARKER. octUlm ;i JOHN W. RfDDLE. -TATLOR dfc BKSHBTi PROPRIETORS OFT.UE PITTSBURGH ALKALI WORKS, aie now prepared to furnish a superior article of Soda v«h and Muriatic Acid. Persons wishj ing to purchase, fcilher ol the above articles, are re quired In call oijfISAAC WALKER, No. JJPifth *t n and riamirte ihe;«rtiele» before purchasing elsewhere. N. B —The Sodp Ash manufactured at thi* esiablish men'. n greatly- superior to any other brought to this market. j .£ spfH *>«. b. fuiv*.., BOAtFB * ATKINSON, FjasrsT., BcrwvgJi Wood as® Mtatrr, rnTsacaon, CONTINUE all kinds of COPPER, TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. Also, Black smith Work. Si- fhriar Hotel, ers and the ea prepared >le in a well - thoroughly ;e one of the Steam Hosts bfill to order. Special attention riven to steam boat work. • • Have on hands A fine assortment of Copper and Brats Kettle*. Tin Warrjhe. 4e. Steamboat Cooking Biovcs, Portable sites—a very convenient ar ticle for tteambo&u, California emigrants, or rail road companies.' jr> * \\e would invite steam boat men and others to coll our articles and prices before purchasing [elsewhere- J 7-1? . "DliiewloD of PaVtnerihip. THE of HENRY ILANNEN A CO., lormerlr. Hfnneu, Muller A Co., in the Window, a d Colored Glaff'liusincs*. is this day dissolved by the withdrawal o£Mr. Frederick Muller. The bushiest will be continued by thQ undersigned, under the of-HKNRY HANNEN A CO. Ware house No. IjM Sefbn.Kjfl. where we will have constant supplies of tupemr \Yahdow Glass. “ | -n n JOHN HANNEN, I i f HENRY HANNEN. II HUGH ROBERTSON, Pittsburgh. AtjJ- p. MO. HENRY,UM3TF.AD. continuance 1 s heretofore : (TON, *ropr>eior. , fITTSBOIOU. I lounces that tcellent Hotel : «. boarders, II id furniture 4 have been a Tollable and I Qopartnerablp' rtlllE undrlpdctOid hate ibis day associatedwilh them 1 m l.usirje.* JftCOU L- SCHWARTZ,and will con < "uc the lmfinc««&is heretofore, under the firm of ! B. A. FAIINKSTOCK A CO. •Jyia laic*, I’hila- IFXL, 1 r 'ropriftor. |- Jnly-g, Itfo. II IMIK parinenhtji heretofore existing antler Use firm o' A. A 0. IJBADLEY, i* di*«olveilby lhe decease ' Mr. C. Bradley? Tb e* mil be carried on by ■'.radlefj wh jl will ><>lllo the bnsinest of the late RKMOVXI. —A.'Di*tn.Kt ha« removed hi* Foundry Warehouse; froiti! No. lIS S*ecnml Ktreet, to No. I# Wood airret, between Fir»t and Second itreeu, o ihe warehouse laudyipcfupied by G. A. llerry, where be will keep ednstar t lly;on band a general n»rorUnenl of CfjMir.f ». (iratr*,Slove*, Cooking Stove*, Ac. iyn _ 91ISOLCTIOS. IWK partnership tioreiofore exiiting between Sam uel U UoxliCelii and William B. Hay*, trading under tbe firm k HaYß,baa this day i-e :n diMolved bj? William ii- Kara selling hi* entire interest in the finj to S. 1). Burbbrid.. All account* due ilie ■firm' will lie collected t>y S B. Puahfield, and debt* due by the late firm to be paid by tbe same. T; S. B. BUSHFIELD, W. B. HAYS. Pittsburgh, June 22.1349. CO-PARTNERSHIP.—S. B. Bcsumxlb baaing Uis day associated arifth himself Hkxxt Lxidkb, formerly of Bedford, Pa_ t£td recently of the National Hotel, Pimbnrgb. willdoiitinne the business under the firm of BUBHFIELDiat LEADER, at the old stand, No. Stt> Liberty street, r H. HUSHFiELD, Pittsburgh, Jusfetfe. 1549. • H. LEADER. , 1 bus!- .Armstrong Having retiree;-; fsaro the former bawntM, I take pleasure in rccofrtmending ray successors to the pa* ‘ronage of my and the publie^e" e l;j Dissolution. IMIE co-par Uie}?hip heretofore existing hetween the »üb*criber*,.-|fl *" c R*n*c of Const it tilf, Boiko k Co. is tfaic (lay by reomal comont Mcmt*. Uurkr k Harncs&rill mUIc the buriucM of the con cern for which mirpo»e they are authorised to use the name of the (otifirn. NATHANIEL CONSTABLin £ EDMUND BUUKK, ■i THOMAS DAKNES. The have this day musoeiated themselves in the name oi A BARNES, for the purpose of manufwturmjjfite Proof Safe*, Vault Door*. Ac. Ac., at the »uw«f the late firm of Constable. Burke A Co., where theS will be pleased to receive the pa irutitt'e of the customer* of that house .and their friend*. EDMUND BURKE. •y THOMAS BARNES. .In retiring from the firm of Constable,' Borke A Co., I with sincere reeoßtnend Messrs. Burke A Uanre* to the co-ifidcnee of my friends and the public. Feb. *J, I*l9. FS NATHANIEL CONSTABLE ' febia-dlfEj THE partnership of MLKI'UV dissolved bronutual cooaeut. The business of the late firm ,wtli bqseuicd 11. Lee. J. R. MURPHY, Pittsburgh, SO, 1h49. 11. LEE NOTlCE—TbtCundereigned will continue the Wpol business and attend to the sale of Woolen Goods, at tne old stand. 'll. LEE. In retiring Crffci the firm of Murphy A Lee, I take great pleasure <p recommending Mr. 11. Lee to ihe confidence of nmYricnds and the publio. i Pittsburgh, Jurb 30,1949. J. R. MURPHY. THE subtcnl^n - bare Oil* day associated them selves loeetifer for the purpose of transacting a wholcsuliyand retail Dry Goods and Grocery business, at No tSJU liberty, opposite Seventh street, under the style usd firm ©& BUSHFIELD A I LAYS. Pittsburgh, January I, XB-S9. N.B—Our ol<£ciuiomera and the public are invited to give ash jofi copartnership. ' TITM- B. SCAJFE and Capa JAMES ATKINSON f f haveentefed into partnership, under the firm of SCAIFE A ATKINSON, and wtU carry on the Tin, Copper,and Sheet Iron Ware manufactory. Also. Hlafcksflßthj&g in all its branches, at the old stand of Wm. First street, near Wood. Particular attention given to steamboat work, tuna ss__ _ IliA V K this say associated with me in the whole sale Grocer?. Produce and Commission business, my bi other Jo.cnb, under the firm of J.B DILWOKTu A Co. ?! J. S. DILWORTH. January l, 16$. . tIO-PAHTNKRSIIIP— Wm. Young having this / day uasocia&d with him, John R. M’Cuue, the lea ther business Will hereafter lie conducted under the linn of Win. Yoking A Co. WILLIAM YOUNG, janfi R JNO. R. MCUNE. MISCELLANEOUS- Btiani;BrtekWoiki for Bole. THE subscriber offer* for sale,, the STEAM BRICK Works, fcbove I.awrencevitle, comprising a Steam Engine, C Mould Machine, capable of manufacturing 9),V00 Pressed Bricks (out of dry clay, a* taken from im bank,} per day; with three acres of land on the Allegheny river, on which a/e 4 kilug and sbeda, machinesiid day sheds, wheelbtrrows, trucks, shovels, spuiles, Ac., every thing reuuisile to com mence operating* at an hour* notice. Price, including the patent u*e siud machine. 67,000—terms of payment mode easy. Without the land, SS.UOU. Far particulars, tuldte** HENRY MERRITT, oug37-dtf • & No Ud Monongahela House. JABS3ES W. WOODWELL, Modern Antique Furniture, e>t,fruißD Sntxrr. Prrtsßuxta. XA and splendid jWMMUBgP^. assortment of Fumiiure, satiable for Sleamtniati, Holds and private dwel lings, constantly on nand and made to order. The present (Stock on band cannot be exceeded by any manufactory in the western country. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to giro me a call, as tam my pncea shall please. Part of the stock cimsiw* in— TeteaTcte; !•* Buffet Etaqeie; : Ixiui* XIV ti&airs; Queen Elizabeth -chain; Tea I'oyse; i? Fruit Tallies; Toilet Table*! Lnui* XV Comtndder, French IMahofcany Bedsteads; Piano Sioolsj ' dOspfas yhth Plush and 1 lair-cloth eovara. 50 Mahogany Rocking Chain; 40 doz Parlor do ru> “ Fancy "do $ < S 5 ccntrejTables; (- — an jiair Durant: 4 pair pier Tables; 12 msrblqtop Dressing Bureaus; S Wardrobes; B Secretaries and Book eases; 80 morbid top Wash Blands; 4 pair Ottomans; 6 pair faifcy Work Stands; A eery large Assortment of common chairs and other mature jU>o nepnerons to mention. Siium Ifeats furnished on the shortest notice, nt on thh mn»i reasonable terms. deetd . J ;; --- «. vtTitarr DiapUMW jrmcr, lor Urdraiit win -1 esaJ. THIS Uto certify that I have apJ 1 Jffi pointed Livingston, Rogpeti & Co, Hole Agent* for the *ole of Jenmng’* tE53f Patent Dinpralignj Filter, fprtlieci| non tie* of Piiubureb and Allegheny. »Hi JOHN GIBSON,A^enI, r for Waiter M Cibwn, 349 Broadway, X ? N beV 10, IMS. ' We have beenntine one of the above article* at the office of the Novelty work* for three month*, on Inal, and feeiWrfectJy «ati*fied that it u a awful mvenuon, and we take pleasure in recommending them a* »u«j foi article to all who love pure water. Order* will be "f "" uvlNß^NfmiMKNfciv. Which render* turbid water pare by removing all iubiiance* not soluble m water. The croton water in N. York, clear and pare to the eye, vet Nvhen It pa**e» an boar through, tfui filtering cock, *how. a »W « e tt£ impure *ub*taneei,wonna, Ac. inti s.°„ w .r.fdS% & 'SA’ssa.’S rc“j »nJ Muriel ,u Avbcit he will be pleawd » «« hit ©ld cuitonJ CtertCliSltSißi Bell* of c pTov -4b |Q,(XXI pound*, cut from pauemJ ofihe ino* tpprov ed model* mid warranted lobe of the <><*t ttiuenaU. Mineral Wmter Pump*. Counter*, Ratling, Ac., *©B©* of Urau Catinga, M required, turned and !iu«h«l In the neate»t manner. A. F. I* the’oole proprietor of Baaarrt Anti-ATtni nos Metal, m juiUy celebrated-for the reducuon of friction in machinery. The Boxct and Comf>o.«uon .can be bad of him at all times. jaJWljr P4lirff 4Mi!Ptßi i Jg MISCELLANEOUS Choeolktsi I Coco** *«• W. Baker's American aadjFreneh Chocolate, Prepar ed Cocoa, Cocoa Pane, Brom*, Cocoa Shells, Ac -140 merchants and eon sailers, who would purchase . the bestprodueu of Cocoa, free from adulteration, more nutritious than tea or feoffee, and in Quality unsur passed, the subscriber recotatnends above articles, manufactured by himself. and stamped with his name. His Broma and Cocoa Paste, as delicate, palatable, and salutary drinks for [brands, convalescents, and others, are prdooanced by the most eminent physicians superior to any other preparation*. Ht* manufactures. ore always on sale, in any quantity,, by tho most re spectable groeera in the eastern dues, and by then agent*, Hawes,Gray Aco.iof Boston; James HBunco A co, Hartford, Conn; Hussey A Murray. New York; Grunt A Slone, Philadelphia; Tnomas V Bntndige, Bal timore; and Kellogg A Bennett. Cincinnati, Ohio. WALTER,BAKER, Dorchester Mass. ' For >tlej by auiftli BAG ALEV A SMITH, Agts 'Wrong lit and Cut Iron Railing* THEsutftcnoera beg leave to inform the public that they have obtainea froin the East all the late and fashionable designs for Irfen Railing, both for houses ami cemeteries. Persons (wishing to procure hand some patterns will please eAmine, and judge for themselves, wOi be furnished at'the short est notice, and In the best imanner, at the corner of C^l^ b “ em,^^^M y 0 r #A KNOX. W.i A J, QLSSK, Bools Binders. WE axe sail engaged in the above business, corner of Wood anaThirdistreets, Pittsburgh, where we era prepared to do any Work in oar line with des patch. We attend to our Work personally, and sans faetion will be given in regard to its neatness and du rability. Blank Books ruled to any pattern and bound sub stantially.] Books in numbers or old book* bound care fully orrepairtsd. Names phi on books in gill letter*. Those that have work in bur line are invited to calL Prices low. 1 1 mygfctf JAMES XTEIXSOS. sot{ok» TTAVINQ sold our eaiirc siock to C. H-Gaairr, with fl a view toeloving-our old business, we hereby so licit for htin the patronage if all our fnends and cus tomers. RO. W. POINDEXTER, TUB. POINDKXTEB. Pitubnrgh, Aug. 4th, 184 a. Cy H. GRANT, Wholesale Groceri Commission end j, Forwarding Merchant, No. *1 Water st. aulk Seal<i| Cooldnf Stovaa, Qrat«h v Ae> AARSIiALL, WALLACE fc CO, Hound Church, X comer Liberty and Wood strata, manufacture and oder for sole Platform, ;Floor aqd Counter Beales, of the most improved quality; Cooking Stoves, for wood and eoal; Egg Stoves of [various sizes, Parlor and common Grates, Hollow Ware, Ae. Ac. They also manufacture the Kitchen Ringe, whichhas given such general satisfaction to those having it in use, to all of which they would respectfully invite the attention-of the citizen* and generally. ocUf7-dlf Manufactured tobacco—The subscriber would call the attention cf tlie city trade and dealers generally, to the following’ brands Tobaccos, in store anil to arrive, which being, consignments di rect from reinufactarera, he Is enabled to sell at east ern pncea: 139. | bzs R W Crenshaw fit; 70 | “ James Madison fit; 81 I “ Lamartine : fit; 33 I “ Mirabeau - 9a; S 3 I. “ Praam fis and is; 15 I “ Roberts A feisson ss; K 1 “ Oseak Burt ss; 9 | u John* A Lewis It; 3 I Warwick, bupr Is; 49 | “ Henry A James fis. Is and 8s; \ feb-ri L 8 WATERMAN Pitt Hsohlns 'Works snOsuhdry, JOHN WRIGHT A Co., are prepared to build Cotton and Wooten Machineryior evert detcriptian, sueb as Carding Machines, Spinning Frames, Speeders, Drawing Frames, Railway Heads, Warpers, Spoolers, Dressing Frames, Looms, Ckrd Grinders, Ae. wrought Iron Shafting turned; all sizes of Cast Iron, Pulhes and Hangers of lie latest patterns, slide and hand Lathes, vend tools of all kinds. Castings of every description furnished cm shen nouee. Patterns made to order for Mill Gearing, Iron Roiling. Ae. Steam Pipe for heat ing Faetones. Cost Iron Window Sash and fancy Cas ting* generally. Orders-left at die Warehouse of j. Palmer A Co., Liberty street, will have prompt auen- Rf for to Blaekstoek, Bell A Co- J. K. Moorehcad A Co., G. E. Warner, John IrWin A sons, Pittsburgh ; Q. C. A J. It Warner, Steubenville. janlE BBW COACH-9AOTORT, uuaiun. MA. WHITE A CO- vfouJd. respectf-iliy Inform • the public that they have erected a shop on Laroek, between Federal ai d Sandusky streets.. They are uow making and are prepared to receive orders for every description of vehicle*, Coaches, Chariot’s, Ba rouches, Baggies, Pbsetons, long experience ut the manufacture of the above work, and the facilities they have, they feel confident they are e'nsbled to do work on the most reasonable terms with these wanting articles In their line. Paying particular attention to the selection of mate rials, and haviug none but competent workmen, they have no’ hesitation fn warranting their work. We therefore ask. the attention df the public to this matter. N. IL Repairing done in the best manner, and on the most reasonable terma i . jagfctf TO COTTON AND WOOLEN MANUFACTU RERS.—Having made arrangement* fora eon stant supply of FACTORY FINDINGS, we will sell st lowpne'es Calf and Sbeepj Holer Skins, Lace Lea- Reeds, Shuttles, Hemp Twine Treadle* 4 ' No. 5*14 Belt Punches, Wrenches, Stripping Cards, Potent Dresser Bnuhes, Weavers’ Unub —— a qj„ POST WlNES—Offley, Webber A Forrester.lxrtr JT Pare rich and dry, Gould, Campbell A Co’s eld dry 1838. Osbourn’s 1831; Pure (840: Pure Juice par ticular Port, Harris A Sons, 'Pure Juice, threble, dou ble and tingle Grapes. These wines are all celebra ted for their medical properties, and can bo hod whole sale dr retail at the Wine Stdre of iy» _ ; JACOB WEAYEiVJr. ' : PIANOS! THIS snbicriber offer* for ±»Je a large and tplendid assortment of rocewood and mahogany grand Ac tion ituno*, with and without Coleman’* celebrated /Boliau' Attachment. The above instrument* are war ranted to he equal to any manufactured in this coun try, and will be sold lower tha* any brought from the East. " '*'"*••* “*U2 wood it, ioor above 6th Hardwa* tarn fcwart OGAN, WILSO* -a and Wholeaal* 1 i Dealera,in Saddlery, No 12j Wood meet, above i-.. m in store a very cheap and well selected stoo.. rdware, imported since the decline of"prieei wt,u.. r e l end whteh they are determined to tell correspondingly low. Merchant! wlio have been in the habit of going Hast, are parties* lerty requested to call and lioi through our stock, ai wo confidently believe they jwtfl aave their expenees ‘ <KI4 _ mine Frer*' f IA,LF SKINS—JO dot gent .onch Calf Skint, i Very fine article. A few dorens Philadelpoii SLinA, from the rasaofactoty of H M Crawford, u -which the attention! of hoot makers i« invited. Jbi received and for sale by .1 W YOUNG A Co, jcrtf? ]__ 143 liberty «t PATENT SOLAR LARi) LAMPS—An extensive* assortment of Co A Co’* celebrated manu facture, and superior to all © eriJn use; adapted to churches, steamboat*. faetonti .dwellings, public and privwe balls, and to all other a rs where a cheap, s&fo and brilliant light is deurablp Al*o,Oiran doles, Hall Shades, Wicks, Chimaiet, Cans. Trimmers, Ac. Also. Qua Chandeliers, from one id four lights, decs W W ! WILSON. 4fl market s WAHTfcD, Daily at th« Baltimore, Philadelphia, NEW YOkK, BOSTON AND NEW ORLEANS (iKNKRAL AGENCYAND COMMISSIONOFFICE. Young MEN in wholesale aiid retail stores, and other rrspeciablo holiness, to act aa Book-keepers, Sales meg, Porter*, Bar-keepers, Waiters, Farmers, Coach* men. Car Agents. Book at.tTMsp Agents, Collectors, Overseers in all branches of business, Ac. We have ut all limes a large number bf good situations ou hrxd, which pa? from 300 to *2,000 per aooum, Those in want of situations of any kind would do well to give o* a call, as we bare agents in each of the above cl ues, which will enable ns to place every applicant in a suitable situation at the shortest notice. We have a large acquaintance in all; the above named cities, which we trnst will enable,ns to give entire satisfac tion w all who may favor us with a call. TAYLOR k TAYBXAN, No. 59 Second it, between South and Gay. N. B —Persons living in any pan of the U. States, and wishing to obtain a situation in Baltimore, or ei. ther of the above cities, will have their wants imme* dioicly attended to by addressing us a line, (post-paid) as by so doing they will cahaii both trouble ana ex pence, which they otherwise would ineur by coming to the city, and seeking employment for themselves. Address, TAYLOR A TAYMAN, i N 0,53 Second.street, my2s:dtf ■ Baltimore, Md ÜBLIEP FOR C&A WE UAVE ABDOMINAL WARMERS made from the must approved English pattern, furnished and recommended by Thotpas Bakewell, Esq., and a number of epilnent physicians; being a most conveni ent apparatus for the applichiion of warm or hot wa ter ti> the bowels, in case of cramps in Cholera. As every person is subject to sadden attacks, no family should be without at least ode. BGAIFE A ATKINSON, First st. between Wood and Market PITTSBURGH INSTITUTE IUIE Second Sestiau of (kis Instils lion, under the care of Mr. and Mrs. jUoasout, for the present academic year, will commence on the first of rebrua ry next, iu the same buildings, No. 62 Liberty street. Arrangements have beenjmade by which they will be able to furnish young ladies facilities equal te any In the West, for obtaining English, Classi cal. und Ornamental education. A full eourseofPhi* iisophiual and Chemical Lectures will he delivered during the winter, Ulastrufod by apparatus. The de* taruuenu of Vocal und Instrumental Music, Modern .nnguages. Drawing and fainting, willeaeh be under the care of a competent Professor. By close attention to the moral and intellectual improvement of their po* oils, the Principals hope to' meni a continuation of the liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For terms, see circular or apply to the Principals. juso-dif _ ; _ Dr. McLaas In Tsandut. 1 l HI9 is to certify that ] purchased one.vial of Dr. UcLane's Worm specific, some two months agio and gave to a sou of mine, some seven year* old, two, teaspoons full, and although the amount may appear large,'yet l have no doubt but lhere was upwards of rwo tboobakd worn passed from him, measuring from cco quarter of an inch to two inches long. i G W HOLLIDAY. Creek. Carrol co; Tcnit.. Deo ¥7,1M7. )»84 BENNETT a BROTHER. qfeensware manufacturers, v Bltfalughsm,|uikr PUtsburxht)Pa< Y/archou*t> No. 137, Wood itreel, tittiburgh. wmrsWlLLeonitamly keep on hand a good assort* dPWwment oi Wars) of our own manufacture, and YMV superiorijuality. Wholesale and country Mer* W chant* arc respectfully invited to eall and ex amine for themselves. a 4 we are determined to sell cheaper ihan.bueveroefbra been offend to tha pub lic. i \V7- Orders sent Ly maJlj accompanied by the cash < tty reference, will be promptly atiendetftw inylti. TO THE LADIES—Just received, a full assortmen of gold and silver Thread, Cora and Braid; also Bpaagles and Bullion, for embroidering and other or* oamenul work. Also,goldondsUverTaasels, Fringe, and Lace. Jewelry of the latest fashions, In great variety. Watebes of superior adilUy and beautiful patterns, and for sale at Eastern prices. W-W WILsON, aa*7 corner Market and Fourth sts ATtossun bathihg «*** l *i?*fc MENT—Open from 6 A.M. to U Bath 25cents,or6 fori dollar. Ladies department open from 9 to U A. M. and from 9 to 5 r. M- • The Refreshment Saloons are uneqtalled in atyto attendance. Recherche Jee Creams! ■uglfi : T.M’FALL, Proprietor. :, MISCEILANEOPS. , Jpalt-Clertti Oon«4 puao*. . | ’ ‘"ntr. THE subscriber has-jast comptea*, flgEtaHhU stock of PIANOS, composed*f #* .■WSpWßfcind 7 ©ctsves of every y-riev/ol IT' tf! |.f style and prieq. with andwiih*™ £2u". ou'i celebrated Lolita AiUchment, from tbe brated fauorr of Nanus A Clark,. New Vork. «ey are all provided with the above, important t ™PT®3®I ment AU otter ttano makere in U& wuntry eover the hammers.Jwhich strike the string and orMuee th toae.) with leather. Thu, aa ihef an badly,theleatherarowinjc hard and eaanna,'after the nano has been used disagreeable, harsh and wiry tcme-J<n“* have within the last/fle swatt* covered the -ha»«r* wldi Ait flirt it an entirely new invention. P* 0 ®"# 0 ? * ■epimelodiOti* and voluminous lqh®»!wbjnh»jN- * proves by age, instead of growing hnnh leather necessarily does. HUs «.Pin aooneed the greatest improvement in vented The interior of these Pianos ij msgmncenu^r S“dtd and embellished, si together, the riebest 6msa nginable... Keeping an assortment of other Pianos, the public ean eonvinee themselVM « thn saperiority of felt to leather, by cailine «id trying the instruments. , N. B—tlb aboro wlllb« uU »■ prices, and the money returned ll iband in the le fdeectlre. ' - PAPER HANQINQB. IXtlll. JAI. HOWARD A CO., „ Mo. 81 Wood SUHt, WOULD call ibe mention af the pnblie w uteir present stock of Paper flangings, which for va riety, beauty of finish,durability and cheapness, is an suipu«ed by any establishment in the Union. 'Besides a largo and full assortment of paper of their own manufacture, they are now reeeivluia direct Im portation of French and English stylesolraper flang ing*, purchased by Mr. Levi Howard, one of the fina, now in Europe, consisting of Parisian manufacture, pieces. ■ London do 4,000 do •Of their own manufacture they have 100.000pieees Wall Paper, and 12,000 pieces satin glared Window Blinds, Ac. ... Messrs. James Howard A Co. have spared neither expense norlahor (a their endeavors no rival the east ern wall paper establishments, both in quality of man ufacture anu variety of pattern; and they are warrant ed in assuring the public that they ,have succeeded. The whole assortment, foreign' and home manufac ture, will be offered on terms as low as those of east ern manufacturer* and Importers. mch27:dlf watxsuajsraijsxa. joshua tuiau. wu. t- bait PALMER, BASRA * CO., (Successor* to llnstey, Hanna A Co.) BANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealers In Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates of Deposite, Bank Notes, and Specie—Fourth street, nearly opposite "the Bank of Pittsburgh. Current mo ney received on depos^e—Bight Checks for sale, and eollretions made on nearly aD the principal points in the United Stdtes. The highest! premium paid for Foreign and American Gold Advances made on consignments of Piodoce^ship* on liberal terms. np2 OBEATINVENTION!—VALUABLE DISCOVERY! Patxjtt Scctraxs Jascait Ist, lott. Pelent-ermiever extension Tolies, Sofas, Bureaut, Book Cates, Writing Data, LEVER OP WROUGHT IRON. THE TABLES far surpassing every other in vention oflhe kind now extant. They ein be ex tended from ten to twtmj-Sve feet, and-when elosed the leave* an all contained Inside; -they are made to all lire* and shaped and are admirabry adapted for Steamboat*, Hotels, and large private families, fann ing when closed a complete centre table. SOFAS AN D BUREAUS—These artieles are inval uable, particularly to those who wish to econo mise room, and convert a sleeping apartment into a parlor or sitting room, as they caa be opened cad shut at convenience, and when shut, the bedding is enclos ed. A great saving in room and rent. All the bed steads when closed form a beautiful piece of furniture for a parlor or silting room, f BOOK OASES—A neat and useful article for parlor : or drawing room. i WRITING DESKS—For law offices, counting rooms, and other offices; whenopehedamosteonvenienitoed stead, when closed a perfect Desk and Library alone is visible, ' [' All thesf need ; no recommendation: the nu the*e article* n*. Veauty of ike whole i*. they are warranted not to get out of repair. It will oe for your imereti* to call and examine (be article*, at the'manofactßrer’* •tore. No. ■O3 Third •treet,.Puubantb. In addition to the above advantage*, they are proof araioet bug*. • mcM« JAiJES W WOODWELL. Patent Graduated Galvatue Battery and Paim f Insulated PM* for Medical andtdur yvnrostx. rpnis la the only Instrument ol the kind tut haaevcz X been presented in this oonntry or Earope for med ical purposes, and is the only one ever known to nan, by widen tbe galvanic fluid can be couyuyed to the ha* man eye, the ear, the brain, or to any part of the body, either externally or internally, in a definite nolle aireem, without shocks or pain—with perfect safety— and often with the happtestefleets. This Important apparatus la now highly approved of 1 by many of the most eminent physicians of this coun try and Earope, to whom the aifiieted and others whom it may concern can be referred. Reference will alee be given to many highly respectable citizens, who have been eared by means of this most valuable apparatus of seme of the most Inveterate nervous disorders which eoatd not be removed by any other known means. Among varihns others, it has been proved to l>e ad* mtrftbly adapted for the core of the following discs ms, vie nervous headache and other disease* of the brain. It is with this apparatus alohe that the operator ean convey the magnetic fluid with case'and safety to the . restore hearing; to tie tongue and oiiarorgaaiqTo'ieJ store speech; , and to the various parts ofthe body: tor the cure of chVoaie rheumatism, asthma, neuralgia, or tie doloureox, paralysis, or palsy, goat, chorea or 8l Vita's danoe, epilepsy, weakness from (prams, some diseases peculiar to females, contraction of the limbs, loeJgaw, etc. etc, . . Bights for surrounding comities pf Western Pa- and privileges, with the inurnment, may be purchased, anil alsotestoa tor the cure of diseases. Puli instructions will bo given for the various chemi cals to be used tor various diseases, and the best man ner for operating for the core of those diseases will al so be folly explained to the purchaser, and a pamphlet Kinto his hands expressly for these purposes, care y prepared by the patentee. Enquire of ocil3-oty d WLLLLAMS, Vine at, Pittaborgh ¥tlE~Att2oM£’r£B rLE auentimfof the public is respecuntiy called to the following certificates; Ms 8. Eaxias—Having tested a quantity of Gold weighed by your Areometer. I find tne result proves your instrument correct; and recommend the use of it to those going to California, as the best method tor ob taining the real valae of Gold. Besp. yours, J. B. DUNLEVY, Gold BeattT. Pittsburgh, March 9,1849. >*r for * few oi P- 8.. Pnniuxan, March 7,1849. - Ma. Eoxm—Dear Sin Having examined the‘‘Areo meter," manufactured at your rooms, I do not hestute to eommend U u the use of those gentlemen who are about removing to California in search of Gold. It gives a close approximation to the specific gravi ty of metals, and will eenainly enable tee adventurer to ascertain when his placer is yielding Gold. marH Yours, resp’y, J. rTm’OLINTOCK. INDIA RUBBER CLOTHING—Just received for the California Expedition, a complete assortment of Gum Elastic Clothing, at prices ranging from to 811,50 for suit of coat/ pants and hit. ror sale at the India Rubber Depot, No 6 Wood st. dee» J AH PHILLIPS "For Californio. THE celebrated Hazard Rifle Powder, in kega, hall kegs, quarters and cans, for'hale by feblS J 8 DILWORTH A Co.‘JTwood at REMOVAL. ■" fIHIE subscriber has removed hi* Wholesale Groee* I ry Store to the corner of Hancock street and Alle gheny Wharf; next door to (he Perry House. . mcbS7:dt? . JOHN F. FERRY. WILLIAM UEISS, Bsnnfoeturer ol'Blneral Water Apparattu, •ten OT THU OOtiDßt IMLI ASD FOtJJfTAIB, No. 213 North Second st., above Vina, PHILADELPHIA. AN experience of more than twelve years in tha manufacturing OfMineral Water Apparatus, and the preparation of Mineral Water in Bottles and Foun tains, on an extensive scale, with a scientific and pruc* lichl knowledge of of both branches of business, toge ther with reeent improvements in the construction of the Apparatus andue preparing of the Water, whieh he has succeeded la adopting since his visit to Paris, and after yean of close study and practical applica tions as applied to the arts in Mechanics and Chemis try; enables the subscriber to come before the public with entire confidence, and offer them the best and most complete Apparatus, for the manufacture of Min ers! Water in Bouiea and Fountains, that can be fur* dished in the United Stales. He also flitters himself that the enlarged success he has met with, and the present extensive and daily in creasing amount of his business in both the above de partments, famishes the most convincing proof of bis claim to the superiority of Apparatus over those of all others, and of the parity anti .salubrity of the Wamr prepared therefrom. Persons who-order the Apparatus from a distance, may be assured that their instructions shall be faithful ly .complied with, and so packed as to carry safely etiher by land or water to any part of the U. State*. To avoid disappointment, it is recommended to those who intend supplying themselves the approdehlug sea son, to forward their orders at as early a' day iu con venient. Mineral Water Apparatus, Generators, Pumps and Fountains, Ornamental Urns ttnd Pedestals for Stands, Counters and Bare of Hotels, for drawing Hydrant Water, together with Corking and Tying Machines, and everything appertaining to the above business, constantly on hand, and for sale on the lowest terms for cosh, apS& ’ O ADDLE, HARNESS,TRUNK AND WHIP MAN O UFACTORY.—The subscriber lakes this method or informing hi* friends and the public in general that he has the largest stock of the following named arti cles of his own manufacture in this cily—Baddies, Har ness, Trunks and Whips, all of which be will warrant to bemade oftbe best material and by the best mech anics in Ailegheuy county. Being delerruuird to sell his maoufacinres something lower than has been here tofore sold by any similar establishment in the city, hft would Invite persons is need of Iho above named articles to his warehouse. No. 944 Liberty street, oppo •ito Seventh. Also, bands made to order for machine ry. . octSVly O. KERBY. TUBS A6&'CHURNS. PINE AND CEDAR "’ARE MANUFACTORY No. 87, comer of Market and Fifth streets, Pitts burgh. The tabic riber keeps, constantly on hand wholesale and retail, very fow for ca*bi ■ Tub., Sit.Tr-h?™?' n,,L TSrt.K- I Sian Chora*, HoicßuckcLt, I IWfltoho^Ae. Atl other kiuds of WsVe tn hi* hue made to order SAMUEL KROKSEN. SToUffFEASLETRIPOLI, for Polishing, a newly jVL discovered substitute for Croeua, Konen Stone, B F*roities hove found it invaluable for their silver and coarser wares-'.n short, as remarked by the ‘•Scientific American,* in an article upon It, “of all the substances which have been applied to polish Glass ■nd M rt*ls> none can equal that aabstance known by foe name of Tripoli—this is a superior artieie to that first brought from Italy by .the Venetians, and used by them ut their palmy days of glass making, to give it that peculiar polish so much admired byothernatiqns. inhould bo in every thmily and every work shop. For sate by RESELLERS. aaglO - 57 WoOdst Prsalaa 8 tnwbsrry Ploatsi A T GREENWOOD GARDEN.—Buifi'a Pme, the premium plant, fi',oo per hundred. Victoria and Hovey’i SeedUftgc,*6o cents per hundred—all thrifty plants warranted. Orders from a distance carefully Sit up and forwarded. Also, a large collection of reenhouae Plants. Faatolph and Taylor's Seedling Raspberry, Re. An OMNIBUS leaves the Allegheny City end of the 8L Clair Street Bridge, for (be Garden, every half hour daring the- day.' Tha steam boat will commence Its regalar tripa as soon as the? river rises. __ ' aur-CT JAMES WKAIN. ' f DRY GOODS, & c i SswStyU«MP*«' WhTCUNTOCK,:* Fourth street. • • now reeaivitig his jmw Fall stock of-C* !* • «»of which are same of. the latest and beet •£»*• nbw in the country. - Tbo*e wishing to farnUhboases ok steam boats are respectfully invited to c*ol snd s« •tie new style* and low prices, the sabsenhet Is now offering In his Has. I R ; Received this dsy, direct from the Importers and manufacturers— T . WO yds new style Tspeiry Brussels Carpets; t,ii22su u tißlylmperial «}©- ’ M 522 ; “ aoperfine Ingrain do , WOO •‘fine ( -7“ do 0000 1 • “ comma n * u do ; All ofwhieh will be sold {low for cash, .as low as tan bo purchased in any ofthe Eastern cities. • iptatt W M'Ct.INTOCK. 7S Fourth at _ jfIUEAP AND DESIRABLE CARPETS forthe fall and winter, will be received all through the sea son dlrecl from the manufacturers, and will be Mid or cash as cheap as ean be bought in the Eastern ei» fies,at spr» - W hTCLINTOCK'S. 73 Fourth it tjHliNtW Murphy has C . opened uxay a fresh lot of the above goods, from two dollars pet yard up to,’superfine qualities, and of approved manufheture, to which he particularly in vites the attention of buyers. Also, b.laea and fancy Cassuheres, Batin Vesting*, nwilin. merino and couon UodcTshiru,'Hoaieryand Gloves, Pocket lidkfs and black Italian and fancy Cravau, at. low eash prices. Merchants will find It to their advantage to exanftno tbe stock in Wholesale Boom, upstairs, before huy ing their gooda Y ; ” I>7 - - DRY GOODB. BPBPHY, WiliSOX * CO.. No. 48 Wood St., Prmsctsß, ARE now receiving their usual supplies of Goods lor the Fall season, which they will be happy to exhibit to old customers, and as many new ones as may feel inclined to presenUbemselvei. Always taking great pains to lay ursueh goods ** are adapted to the wants of the Western trade, whtc > long experience enables them to'do, they can say with much confidence, and without eniering into a detail of their stock, that the Western retail mefehantwui find with them all that his customers require, loose who have formed the unprofitable habit ofrepamng to the Eastern eides tor their stocks of Dry Goods, would do well to eall, as a candid comparison or pri ces would in many eases result in ihe-conviction that tire expense of going farther may, be obviated by buy mg in Pittsburgh. ■ : » . »P u 3 QfiEAT. ABOIYAIif OF HEW 300DS FOETDE FALL; TRADE. A A. MASON A CO., No. CO Market • just received sn immense stock of NEW GOOD?, to which they invito the attention of their friends and the public—assuring them tiiat every arti cle will be sold at their usual low prices—so low a* to dtfy competition. I * l / ' sew a W/ hPCUNTOCKisno • Fall Sleek of CAB Aq. among which may be toi Axminster Carpets; Velvet do Tapestry do Brumels do Extra sup 3 ply do Bupertue do do Superfine Ingr. do Fine do do Common do do listing ta Bar- do 4-4 TI, and | Tap. Ven. do 4-4,3 4 A M Tw’ld do do 4-4*4) | A 3-4 wool do do 4-4. f, | A 9-4 com. do do Oim which we are ne evsr before ofered in this c to Houses and Steal inn err stock before purchi Ccnet Warehouse, No. 7 WR. MURPHY is now receiving his first Fall • supply of Foreign and Domestic GOOD?, aiid . aas already opened an assortment of new and beauti- All styles dark fall PRINTS, warranted fast colors; and neat new style Fall Muslin de Laihes: Alpaeeas and Mohair Lustres; ( Damask fig’d and striped do Parmertos and Lyonese Cloths; ' • Ofthe most desirable color*; and a full supply pf bleached and unbleached Muslins, Irish Linens, Man chester Ginghams, Ac., at northeast comer Fourth and Market its. Buyers are invited to eall and see. spt9 L_ YTOENCH MERINOS—Of all the desirable colors,' X? inch as Maroon, Garnet, cherry, scarlet, different shades ofgreen drab, and black. - I Also, PARMETTOS ©t all the above colors, in eve-, ry variety of quality; and LYONESE CLOTHS, also of all the desirable colors, now open at Dry Goods House of spt!4 ' WR MURPHY! Mourning goods—w. r. Murphr ba» now open anexiemdTo usaonment of. Black Good'S including Bombazines, French Merinoe*,- Parmettfs, Mom* de Lainea, Mourning Alpace&s, and other Mourning Goods. . spil4 ‘ Military goods.—capi,Fiumr*,gworda Siu li es, Epaulettes, Lace, Buttons, Flaf*, and all tic trimming* necessary to equip Tolonteer companies.; ,ID“ Volunteer companies equipped incomplete and clean aa done lathe East, attne - MUilsry Store, cor ner Market and Fourth sis* W w WILBOtf • —The Unitea Btates 'Bass and Tenor Drums! of Germantown make, fbr sale and -warranted Inr ' «pti . w. w. \y. BHAOMBOT A WUITE) j w^oob I sTifa&l? acjl^-'< — ABE sow receiving m vary large flock of fresh Good*, of rceeoipsrchase and importaUoa,whleit they wiU sell to the trade at >aeb prices ai eomurt fail to rive entire satisfaction. ; City and Country Merchant* are invitodtocall aud examine oar week before purchasing elsewfc— . myd : KENNEDY A SAWYER, comer Wood and Fourth street, are now receiving direct from first hand*,, a large stock of Fancy and variety Good*, including Clock* of every variety, gold and silver Watches, Jewelry,. French Prims, Combs, Hooks and Eyes, Gloves and Hosiery, Suspenders, Goa Caps, and all other articles in their line—all of which having itcen purchased, personally of the manufacturers east, du ring the tast winter, expressly for the Spring trade, aril] be sold wholesale at a small advance on cost. Constantly on hand, aUdescripturaa of Looking Glass- : es, ofonr own manafactaring, at eastern price*. mhSJ- New fancy and variety goods—At zeu ULON KINSEY’S, 67 Market street. 100 prs fine China Vases, eas'd;. 175 sets twist and eut 'velvet coat Buttons; 40 fine velvet Carpet Bsxt; 20 do do gent's traveling; 100 grow fancy silk Buttons, for dresses; 10 dox Noil Brushes, ass’d; 100 gro fine blk Vest Buttons, asi’d; S5O do do gilt ana plated; do; 23 doz rosewood Hair Brushes; 4 do Washington do; 1 do Barbers do, 3 gro Fish Lines; Fish Hooks, lime- rick, Ire. i J EWELRYi Ac.—so gold lever Watches; 60 do do uched lever W ate ties; 10 do Lepine do; 10 fino dia mond Ftnrer Rings; 1 doz fine gold Vest ami Fob Chains; 9do do Guards; Breast Puis, Finger iUnga, Ear Rings, Ac. GLOVES, Ac.—2oo doz Ladies Cotton Gloves, ass’d; 300 do do Lisle Thread, fancy top, An.; 10 do gents’ silk Gloves; 12 do do kid do; 60 do ladies kid, aseM; 111 do do fancy top silk. VARIETY GOODS—7S ptgs American Pins; »» bxs Cotton Cords; 75pa Paper Muslin; 500,000 ribbed Percussion Caps; 2UQ gro dress Whalebone do; tuudoz Ivory Combs; Dressing Combs, Back Combs, Ac. Ac. ap9 I - • t TirHEEEAS, John P. Hopewell, of the city of Pitts* YY burgh, Merchant Tailor, by his deed, bearing date the 23th day of July,'A. D n 1840, and recorded in the Reerrderis Office of Allegheny country; .m deed book Vol.bfl, page 490, assigned ana transferred to mo all tils estate, real and personal, in trust for his credi tors : NOTICE is hereby given to nil person* indebted to said estate to make payment to ibe undersigned, and those having claim* against it, to present them for set. dement. BFNIA3IIN GLYDE, Assignee, augll - . Pittsburgh. EIGHT BATHS FOR ONE DOLLAR, oratiagl Bath for fifteen cents- Ladies Department open from 9 to 11 o’clock, A. M and 2 to 5 o’clock, P. M. 1 Athenmum Saloon and Bathing Establishment, jy 18 ; T. M’FALU Proprietory MIL ! ELUAH EATON’S CERTIFICATE TO I>R JAYNE4-Thls certifies, that immediately after having attended tny brother, who died of consumption in March, 1842.1 was taken sick with the Cousuronubn oriiver Complaint, and was reduced so low with toe disease,that for four years I was unable_fo aitrnujto' my business, either at home or abroad, being lor the most time confined to my bed. Duringthe above peri od of lime, 1 had expended for medical attendance o regular Physicians and medicines, to Utc umountof 83U0, without receiving any benefit therefrom, jln July, IS4S, I'commenced taking Dr. Jayne’a Mcjdj cines, and have taken them more or less over and oclicve that it was by persevering m their use, that I can now truly say that I have completely «bo-. vered my health. I bebeve that Jayne's banuuve Pills and Expectorant arc the best family medteiad* nost in “Treside in Springfield, Otsego county, N. Y, and carry on a farnace and machine shop in that place, and am not interested in any manner in the sale of the above medicines, and make this certificate for Um ben efit of those afflicted- ELIJAH EATON. Springfield, N. Y., Septltf 1848. jn4 IMPORTANT 4 "TO APFLIOTBH. Dr. Bose's Celebrated Remedies. r\R. JACOB S. ROSE, the discoverer and sole pro _|l prieisrofthese most popular and beneficial med iemes, and also the inventor of ibe celebrated instru ment for inflating the Lungs, in effecting cure of Chronic diseases, was a undent of that eminetil physi cian, Doctor.Phyiic, and u o graduate of the Universi ty of Pennsylvania, and for-tfurty yean stuce has been engaged in the investigation of disease, and the appli cation of remedies thereto. rttS'TK&S Through the use of his inflating tube, in connection with his Prophylactic Syrun and other of tins remedies, ho has gained an unparaleiled eminence ui caring' those dreadful and fatal maladies, Tubercular Con sumption, Cancers, Scrofula. Rheumatism, Asthma, Fever ana Ague, Fevers ofail kinds, Chroma Erysipe las;, and all those obstinate disease spec aliar to female*. Indeed every form of disease vanishes under the use of hi* remedies,to whieh humanity is heir—not by the use of one compound only, for that is ir compatible with Physiological Law, but by the use of Ids reme dies, adapted to and prescribedior each peculiar farm of disease. Dr. Rose’s Tonis Alterative Pills, when used are in variably acknowledged to be superior to all other, as a purgative or liver pill, inasmuch as- they leave-ihe bowels perfectly free from costiveness; as also his Golden Pill* is admitted by tha faculty to possess pecu liar properties adapted ta female diseases, but Icing satisfied that a bare trial is sufficient to establish what has been said in the minds of the most skeptical:- The iffiicted are invited to call upon the agent, and procure (gratis) one of the Doctor's pamphlet*, giving a detailed aceaunt of each remedy and its application. For tale by the following agents, as well as by most Cl. ri Jos Barkley, Darlington, Beaver county, Fa. Jno ElliolCEunon YoJley, “ “. u T Adams, Beaver, “ .’neyin-oty - OELLEBS’ , ud has been tte adednieratioa of ISu wwo during the coming aeoson i“ Lu I -BIW «*"■ “ "'A'“P-- p,r t'CARTER. pSSa iSlbdh, R- K. SEXLES3, fi7 Wood .1, and*iSd by druggisu ft me rally, in Pittsburgh and Al teg Any. ; VOL. XVII. NO. 58. SELLERS’ UVER PILLS WAS MY DOCTOR.- . . . :,.i !.\u. R. Ik Sellers—Deal S r l feel it is a duty low*.. „ uj the politic, as well tyf to the eredtt or your Ltvet. pttl«, to state the good effect* produced by thetrase in i*y own.ea*e Caring iho month ot June, ISII, l toot very unwell, my appetite failed, and my strength *u : entirely prostrated. with «evere pain tn oy side and • shoulders. I was to hi by medical men that my dise—O 1 .Wasa severe attack of uvef complaint-: I took sevc nd boxes of M’Lanc’sLivcr Pills; and somesyrtps, - which: 1 was told was good for ihal disease, but "after alii wit getting worse, finally concluded to plaeo -; myself under the care of a phyiieian for better or ■= worse; but fortunately, ju*i.atiht» : ttme, I was tola ;» the. Rut, I.' Nibloct, of this place, that a friend ent him a box of Sullen’ Liver Pills from vhich had benefited hinf very Intieh. lent for a box of your liver Pills, end by the urn* J Was done usniglhcmil v»* sniiified that it was job the medicine that suiied-tuy ca*e. 1 sent tor more, and took fire or tlx boxes. , and loaud turself almost entirely cured; but in March la*t I caught" a severe cold, which brought back the' dUeare, and m a short time I was as boil as lever. 1 «*sm hid Woanc to. r ■ year liver Pill*, nnd'iook them every other mjbt for . six week*, and oeea*4eua!!y «ince. and I caanowaajy J that l enn now say, that 1, iee{ little it any symptoms,, of" the Liver Complaint, jtnl >ny general health is.oa good now a* it has been for Hi* 1*« ID year*. - ■ ; My neighbors a«k mo who. was , ray doctor. Jlcll them thnt;<eiiera’iiv,>r pflU-was my doctor,ana by . the blessing of Divine ProviJeuee thdiueausol eanSFi me._ 1 am confident that when the public beeomonc*.. xjuiumed with the v*lac «'f yoor liver'Pitls, the ce toand for them will melons*.-' Many of my neighbor*,; ' ,to whan 1 have recamaemled the pills, can testify to their value, as welt os to the facts above stated. ‘ 1 ‘ 1 Respectfully your*, . Crum* Main.' i . Toths Pesuc.—The Original, only true and genual ttiuo Liver Pill* are prepared ?by IL, B- Sellers. aud_. have his name stamped ■in black wax upon the fid of each Box, aud hi* signatUr-ron the outside wrapper! {SJT AII others arc coauterLtu, or busoimhations,,. »pt!l7 R. E SELLERS, Proprietor, 57 Wood gl ’~* CAUTION IfiXTHA ■.',.*** A man by the ngraeof RUEL CLA.FT bah engaged.- with a young nun of the name of S. P.Tuwnseuu, and uses his name to put dp a Sarsaparilla, which thej l eall JDr. Townsend’s Sarsaparilla, - denominating GENUINE, anginal, etc. .This Townsend t* noooc* tor and never wa», but was formerly a workeroflrtil-i roads, canals, and the like. Yet he assameriha title of Dr. Ybr the purpose of gaining credit for what be is not. He is sending out card.* headed “Tricks, of Quacks,” in which tie says, I have sold the uso of my name for S 7 a week. 1 will give 8. P. Townsend BSW. ifhe will produce ono single solitary proof of this.— This is to caution the public net to bo deceived,,and* purchase none but the GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD, ’ Dr. Jaeob Townsend's Sarsaparilla, bating on IfAe Old Dr.’s likeness, his family Coat of arms, aAd his riS’*' uature across the cool of arms. • .. JACOB TOWNSEND. Principal Office, Jftl Nassau at, New .York City;.,- * OLD , DOCTOR.^ JACOB TOWRSBBP,* TIIF ORKiiNAJ- \jpsl%iP iDISCOVEBER 300 DB. ow constantly receiving uir, RPETJNG, OILCLOTH:*, mod the following varieties Bap Chenille Kays; do Tailed do Commou do do Sheep skin Mats; Chenille do Tailed do Adelaid do H7d,U l M,jl4tlidM Oil Cloths; . Table Linear » Huekeback Diaper; Linen Crash; Damask Linen Str. Cover; Pat. Oil Cloth do do Stair RodSr-Dinding, Ac. iow able to sell lowerthan city. We invite all wishing un Boats, to eall and exam* lasing elsewhere. 75 Fourth st. W. M’CLINTOCK. TOWNSENDS AES At»ABILI#A. ; Old Dr. Townsend is r.ow about 70 years of age. aorl has long been known as the A.UTUOR and DISCO VERER of the GENUINE ORIGINAL “TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA.” Being poor,' ho ; vu ccmpelW 10 limit its manufacture, by which, means it few been kept out'of market, and iliu Mies circumscribed tb those only who had proved it* worth and known- in value. ThisGuxn axd ParpAJJLtlos U ' manufactured on the largest scale, and Is called for throughout the length undbreadth of tl.o land.* •* .- / Unlike ygung S. 1?. Townsend’s, it improves .with ■ age, andiKivei changes, but for the.better; because it, it prepared on seicHtufic principles by a scientific naff. The highest knowledge of Chemistry, and the latest discoveries of ibe Arc have till been brought law re quisition in the. raauuiactnre < ’ot the Old Dr.'S Sarsapa* rilia. The Sarsaparilla root, it Is well known to thed ical'raen, contains medicinal properties,and somepfo* .perlies which are inert or useless; and others, which, * if retained in preparing it for use, produce ferioenla tion and acid; which is injurious to the system! Some : oftbe prop-rtles ol Sarsaparilla are so. volatile that they entirely evaporate and arc lost in -thfl prepara- ... non,iftbey are nol preserved by a icientiOe process,, known only to tboso experienced, in' its munnfactßfc. Moreover these volatile principles, which flyolTUt va por. or as an exhalation, under heat, ore tod veiy es sential medicnl properties of the root, which gives u> it all its value. The . __ ' :t FALL GOODS. OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA is so prepared; that ii'l the inert properties of the Sar saparilla root are first rem'oved. evcry. tbiug eawblo c . " of becoming arid or of fermentation, in'extractea and rejected; then every particle ofjncdienl virtue ii seen- . red in a pure and concentrated .form; and. thus RU rendered incapable of losing any of its valuable *ut i healing properties. I'repared .in this way, it is a&fle Uio moM powerful ugeui in lite' - / v ‘ ' cure op innumerable diseases. *•* every side in in invor by men, women and children. We End it doing wonder* in tlie care of Consumption,- Uyrpcpnis, and Lavet complaint, and in Ciieatßatiu&i Scrofula and Piles, C<wLirene*», all Cutaneous Erup tions. Pimples, Blotches, and dll nffeciimw nming from ■ IMPURITY OF TUB. JJLOOft li possesses a marvellous efficacy in all complaints arising from Indigestion, from Acidity of the Stomarhj from unequal ctrca'alioit, determination of blood tqthc head, nslpitaiion of the heart, cold feel and coldjhands cold cnills and hot Cashes over the Inuly.' 'ltnaanot hod its equal in coughs and colds; and promotes easy expectoration, arid gentle perspiration, relaxing strie '‘'"’at* and every mherparu- - HEW GOODS, 1849. Bathing. MEDICAL. Hence the reason whv we hoar eammeitdstions'qn and acknowledged than lanii k *1 'T' r»-n B 1 FEMALE . It vrorki wonder* in eases or'fluor.albus Of white*, Failing of the Womb, Obstructed, SjipprejaedjOFPsiu-" rul Meases, Irregularity of the mens'rati periods, and the like; end is effectual in curing oilforms oftho,Kid ney Diseases. Uy remoTingcbsinictioas, and regola ting the general it give* wue and strength W •. the whole body, and cure* all forms of • . NERVOUS DISEASES AND DEBILITY' and ihurprevents or relieves a groat variety ofother. . diseases, ns Sptmtl Irritation, Neuralgia, St. Vitus Dunce, Swoonm<, Ejnlcptic Fils, Convulsions, An. Is doi this, then, tux Mxniaxs xou Pax-ExtiTsaTLT NxxnT . But can any of these things be said of S. P.Towu- “ send’s iulerior.ariicleT This young man's liquid la not to be COMPARED WITH THE OLD DR.’&v because of the Grand Foi-t, ’hntjthC'One is incapable' .. of Deterioration and NEVER SPOILS, while the oth er DOES; it sours, ferments, .and blows the bottles containing It into fragmnnts; ine hour, acid liauid ex- j ploding and diuuactng other goods! Mustuottuia hor- - rible compound be pr.'tsauous to the system! , tVhati.' 1' nut acid into a system already diseased; With acid! What causes Dyspepsia but acia! Do we not ail know, that when food sours in'our stomachs, what mischiefs • it produce*!—flatulence, lieortburn, .palpitation’-of the • heart, hver complaint, diarrhma, dysentery, cholic and corruption of tha blood? What u Scrofula but as acid hutdor in ine body! What produce* all: the humors which bring on Eruption* of the Bktn. Scald Head, Salt While Swellings. Fever-Sores, and all ulcerations internal and external!'- It ianoth- ing under heaven but an acid substance, which and thus spoil* alt the fluids of the body, move or less. What causes Rheumatism but a sour acid fluid, which insinuates itself between tho joints artJ'eltcwfaiere, ir ritating and iu Aiming the tender and delicate tissues upon which it ucts! So of nervous dtscucs, of'impu nty rtf the blood, of deranged circulations, and nearly all the ailments which afflict hdman nature. Now. is it not horrible to make and sell, and infinite ly wor-e to uto this ’ SOURING, FERMENTING. ACID “GOMPOUND” OPS. I’.TOVVNSKXD! ind yet he would fain have it understood that Old Ja mb Townsend’s Genuine Original Sarsaparilla, is an Imitation of his inferior preparation!! . Pz Heaven forbid that we should dual In an article which would hcarthe most distant resen\hlaitco toB. 1». Townsend's'ortiebt! and which should bring down upon the Old Dr. such a miiuntuin load of complaints . and crimination* from agenu who have .sold, and pur chaser* who have used ti. P. Towifseud’a Fenscnting Compound! We wish it understood, hecaute it is the- absolute truth, tbat S. P. Townsend’s article and Old Dr, Jacob * Townsend’s Sarsaparilla nre ficavemwidc apart, aud infinitely dt-eimilar; tha: they nrcanlike in every psir ticular. having not one single thing in common. . It is to arrest trauds upon the unfortunate, to poor, balm into wounded kindla hope in the", despairing bosom, to restore -health and bloom und vi gor into the crushed and broken und to banish Infirmi ty—that old DR. JACOB TOWNSEND h«s BOUGHT ; mid FOUND the opportunity und to brine his Gsasp UNIVERSAL'CONUKNFIL\ FED REMEDY. witliin the reach, und tii thc knowlcdifo of'allLwho' need it. that they may learn aad know,’ by jojl'nl ex*. - perienee. itsTaavscuvint-vr rowxiro uzau! For *ala hy J. K!Dl> & CO„ Wholesale Agent for 'Westont i’enuiylvanta; J. sMITIi, UirinlugluL'n; Dr. J.SAUGEANT, Allcghcuy: Dr. J. CASSELL, Filth ’ wanl.G. \V (>AKDNKR.'rth ward,Pittsburgh iptfl , Jayaes’ EzpseteranL ' T~ Columbiana Apr. 24, 1&41. DR. D. JAYNES; Dkab Sim—l foct.boand to yon_ and the mflicird public, to avail myself of this op portunity of giving publicity to the extraordinary eflccti of your Expectorant on myself. Having been alflieted for several years with a severe cough; hectic fever and its concomitant disease*, and scoruea ouiy doomed to linger out a short but miserable .‘existence, until the fall of 1830, when, being more severely'attacked, and having resorted to'aU my former remedies, and ihepre» ' ; scriptions of two of the most respectable physicians in the neighborhood without deriving uny benefit, orjlto consolation of snrvisinfr but a few daya or weeks af:: farthegt—wltcn tlifi last gleam of hope waaahoulto vanish, I had recohtmrnded to rec your Expectorant— andb)cs«ed by thatikiiig who does'ihe use of the inrons—and contrary tn ibe expectations of my physician* und friends I was In a few days raised from my bed, and was enabled by the useof a-ioUie,to attend to my business enjoying wncchcncrheaJththan ! had far ten years previous. Respectfully yrrars,<&:c., J*x.W. Ertzu. ' For sale in Pittsburgh, at the Pekin Tea Store, 71 Fourth street. marts • from the . A. East, of in years standing, offer* U> treat all cases of n Delicate Nature wiih.promptness aoisicrecy. liissucccrs iu Huffnm and other large citieshoa • benr proverbial. Hit charges are tnoderale, sod hix cures'permaoent. OKI ease* of Gleet, Stricture, Scro fain. Fluor Albus, Rheumotisin. Ague, Syphilis, or any ' ciiionto or inveterate case* solicited, A cure wnrrunted, or charge refuuded. , , Ort.ctfy St-Ul*ir street. 2 doors from the Bridge. ' Teeth Extracted- Advice to toe poor gratis. N. U—Dr A. vrl.cita tscwom'ca*M.ofany dlseaia iu TitMbargh to e.niL.' ' • f ■ ApHsdly.' • • - oftER v WOOD" U A£ilsl£ar~ —— \i riLL remain open for vLiters until thofjst Janua ?V. ry, IrAO. Oyirtct? and other Hefreshmenu suit- ' e<i t« the scavtn will tie kept.. The Greenhouse, con taining a large collection of rare and choice Plants, : will he open to vi-iiers. Doqacu neatly put up at short umico 'ihroughcut the : season. An Ommbua leave* the Allsgltsoy end of the St. Clair-Street . Bridge, every half hour daring tho day, to the' ' Gszueoj aim the fotry boat; Captain "Walker, runs • from thi: J’nint, landing a short distance shove the Gar den. Parties wirhinj to spendthe evening, will, bo accommod4ted with a return Ornnlbuxiat .4i> o‘ciock, P. M- Kept on Temperance principles, and closed oa Bh-l. ay; . *..t13 ' .. J. STRAIN. AsLeutrnm baJoon nud-OatlUiif Kittle llalizacat* THE , PROPRIETOR is now prepared to :s«rvo' up meals at alt hoora,£nconnection wi'h Jlaardinx by the day or ■week' • T.’M»FAI-L, • . ipcH Fr^rtetor..