The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 13, 1849, Image 4

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    - - - vonofitowo C ‘“* l ; 'i
or 11. cl.' .>«• tar Bml. F>cK€U.
■ ■KSjSfISSsL'
cicd l.y tor ; , '- r Gai»«n.tlnif mettlt In
cwei *'• ' • 1 .-‘ e , a the treatment
lh? nenM-l mtiiln«T; l “‘' tbpr« art Jew
of di-ca-e* ?>M led mm w Ucat
cea, i.rtt-y. ir Tbe
nl by aprtrerH’? •i* uon .® I r . «rcn of core*
mo>i lomfjcwry tc *^J ß^ r n j i /r C rent di»ee«e». «enie of
having been *®* et f!* fL.-i,?,. ordinary medical:
O ”»• any kind,
; ..^sss;®iSSirf ■««■“ »»■>■'" ml "' “■“• “ ,u '
monlilf <nt*utdP*elvee»-
errxwrTVKS. too, prepared liy the tnoat weeeMW
£ & >•««• and administered by then.
•»?^«mM*tion l with or separate from tbe.operatien,
will «Su"dybe keploii band.WitUduecuen. fcttue
. jingle operaiiont on ihc most moderate lerna.
n&etL No. 4i. St- Clair at, near the Old Alleghcny
Bridge- A. WESTERyt.LT.
Tin moit Wonderful Dedielne of the Ist,
. 1,600,000 BOTTLEB
ThU Medicine U pat up tn Betties,
- t* coxed non ttian
100,000 Cases of Ohronlo Dlseasei
« Y READING the following affidavit
|.S<T.S ( «S3
£>rKyof the nan w&> a ” I *^~j3 lk " “
. thaionclnal Dr. Townsend'* Bamparill*. Dr* »
. nfoLa reputationthattioother
. Sffla3sais'-'jS ! SsSssRS
Manufoetarti* in the worid. Frioolp* l Ofle% US
S ,^SA a cGS.? I S. st l aiigffi
Dfronerl farther saya, Out ha
wUhaald Townsendatthe Thaodqra Foater.
• s&ffi.a?sass-tasw^s*
J stated he wta an
not fit for hard labor-end wished to
m»k» Krme noser, In order to lire easy to bis old
fisTA ted thai,ifßamperillAonderthe mnatf Towfr
*2f sold *o well, tndso much weney w«*
Eh/wuld see no reason why ha might not mahe
• somethin* oat of H too. (his name being Townsend^)
’ . if he cocld get a capable person to prei ’P'JJ&F?:
■ vSdt B.F Townsend, to which ha replied, thatbo
ISfi* Dx. A ? TwKwd wonld be down oahta after
Bnt that ha did notc.".for
• hli?M ha had formed a opntnanWp anA
famish the reonlsits amount ofcsptal-and was
to Sand himself against any atUck
that mfgntbe made on him- • • ‘ »
* : SH«TstAihawi*hfid to gratify them in erery tiling.
fornUbed all the capital said Townsend aIJO
■: ::-.?ffisg-*nrttfUS instf-suss
to jtoob.ibwto.»l«,»Sx«»^
,i ; .w OT tobdb»» e .uu.«^,ror i H ? .^ u
; " Mayor of tha City of New York.
aomeofthe most respectable papers in this State.
Albany K-renlng Joornnl.
Dr. Townsend’s Saraaparffl*- .
- * • Tt : r ’, r sSX"to r D h TS'.~Kto« P^?u.
and continne* to be rnsnafse-
br the Doctor huaselfi and
tntadto this city, --4 to Jjj 8 present time,
: S§^g|s*sfe£-
.- • £££££* , (he Junior
cf onr eltteto tan(*W U?• * <ta*»g“‘>“ , 1
■ ss|;sSis^® : * s "Ka'V' s ’ 1
* great remedy.
their Ktlclo as the genuine, should be esposed.
; '
> ■ .fefe^ssassjssg;
: ■ :&S^S?kSSS3
J » 1« Jhitlee to (h. Dr. tob, (hi. ex
’from the .
too lM Olfta foa t bondrad
S»r, sad «»«nthi» too room qxuOlXj
„tsi £ijsat-ss.tisair»
ib« c« tarn k*
0» Knr To* So« tor *>"'<“«
* lul W( T tm ' "* T ,Ivl
: that it i* lb* ehaapaat **•
Thl» medleina ia •sported to th* 1 ►
;ai«, SoaQi Attetiea and Europe to eon *£ , fc”!:
- mtuUUu. tad W comtoE isto E*mrtl u»* la Uwm
{ countil®*. aa wellaa h«ro
I ■ Swindlers. -
DrertWa and other* that nil StmparilU ft* .to*
.. J£3?ai>d otiEtaal Dr - Towoaand’a BanapmUU.
.!. SaJUaot«lEw4 ®y S.T.Tewanad.ewMtosfcjtod,
i -nd coslamer*. M«a that wooid ba.
I Vniltr of'auchaaact,would commitanycthartosad
f no Dracsiit of common tataUiE«oca bot knew*
' that trait la th» oalj fanuina.
‘ Old Jacob TwWßnnd.
here that tb*ir oar**!** h ij_ >har at th» *am« tin)*
: ;;3fifi«lsfeSES
f SSgSSgaSressi
om »rpoM°a to. jjfflto* fa to
: glggs 2 -^-
t- >. Wddaft tiii!L tftS. Cofteenii j
--abntjMton*;, .p, 7sE?v
— > •
• '■ i ' 1 I
milF. psekrt - and
1 ■ Beawt ,iejri rtr «# mrnve « Yoangilown'«mn ? i ai6 l-^^ r^n .. Ic -^ C> Youn S »-
next morning -amVday evenings ot 4
l*wii Toe*d*7, “ ume lor the tdoming boat,
cUpTeS «t Ptob.,,^,
lei " re leave New Castle, Monday,
m-etinr wiuitbe morning boat wt Pittsburgh.
are fitted up m complete order, hav
intfineaccommodations forPMsengeT*,und shipper*
oayretyon more punctuality and.greater dgipateh
b^ob^.^ p^w
' -. • J.CIlUdweU, Agent, Pittsburgh.
UidwcU fit Bio., “ Beaver.
A. Jacobs, u \oan«uwn.
B. W. Curnin*hajm,“New Cattle.
Tbe elegant steamer, ALLEGHENY CLI
Im« Beircr, daily A. U, a»d PuuSanjb “fj-!
M„ running in conpecuon with the above boats. !»_
1849. smasrn
“- « -OCEAN- „ I «t«v
of the above Pickett leave Better ercry a»y
O (Sunday* excepied) and hfor
”“ nJ & l 8“ * co,, j Plo ,
M CAUGIIF.Y, Ascii, •
•PlO ‘ earner Water And SmilblfcUl ru_
ifao Caital and Ltik**- usuarpuied in numhei
“ OnTto.u2«« «.dci e «d»nJ d.aiT,>«.
A ‘^j\?« P SSWb;Yoi. S »i»»". OUO.
M II Taylor, Warren,
Cyfo> I’renUM, Karens*,
Crowfort* ChtSalSrijii.C . 'onJ.O
Ofiee, tot Water aod SmlthSeU rnolnna-
SibS3> : SX’ISmS “
fc JlSiSr. Ka 2 leare. KneW. dalle atdtfclrfv,
“ a ThS’l-ei reill roti 1» couil«U<m rrilli ,
r s3^‘s^SSl^»^'
"•‘“'"cuSiF I"&SicS,'llSeer, Ajena.
, Aecnu, Xiea^ci.
4 J.aBIDWFXL, ARail,,
• . Water ttreel, «U»uSrßh.
'. nar V. - ——: sTw.c.»n>w*u.
i.c.lfflwm, Reaver.
i Forwarding Ittcrch mis, ..
-vßijif. - '
AgtnUf* tJ*Pj&*rgk«udCl' .
forgL. andEn* Lit* via Ete, and for tu
font' Riaxraxd CaUbCopt* . _,;ili\vh
wiUi the tfldltioa of t V> an
S , &isS=au to tJieil care, mfl fdj
ftrr* trUIL- • -rBM»MT, J 5
Ste&m 1849. jgSL
T‘is.wsswWr ssss
BKAVEB .04 C»..„ „d« : . 1
«< L ” r
»«»•« g" BEW Krtt ' ‘'* !
Vhunday hod Baturdar. at A iwoVorw llwk from |
it Mme jJJJJJirrgb, both on up. j
hem or »• AJI «ei*bi tectivtJ |
~lio P™ »“,' ?“ 1 , h °" J M MAHSHAEE i Co. 1
fr«o ol '“““‘“"’"juo VaKBEN A Co, Agdiil*,
Canal llwin, Liberty at, Pituburgh |
of Uorntmen’elpme tU/Mgb.
Tairas fc O’Cosso*, Putsbarth.
rpiUß .U e«“>£S“S»«ISS'wSS. £MS
£iieaju«C ** IlU, /i®5 1 th 6 i«iove poru, on liberal term*,
| andalfety peculiar lo
I “Snp«fig«" * T !“* Whc,llwl
i hipmenlohthe> **^i B uldfetthi*lino YecaTed,char
411TSJSSSSA i«J roqoirol dlrooßono freo
! ?’f“™«mcoSSaS»i* 4 »“““* or •“”T SF ',.
' of ebarge \oi'coma ortndirectly, in •leambcatt.
m oo.ppUot
lion to l be Mlo , *^2?£s?}*j|j^ r ) te t ,1, Philadelphia.
Tl,o^WffcON NQiLCana> U«iu, fittabargb.
tt*.. jsrrab 1849. JP&fg£fe
ions UissEAJ*] : l)coc.
W*. ® t^ aßAj *Jis_,ts»bbaih*keepine principle*.
Conducted on j cd b ave
:Tls ,^jL^«2Kisas
Si°m iSKftt ln ft. curjiDS
•rallied. Last and ,_- h . ••nroee or coauaieio"*
"'i‘." , il A t.trj
»“• Bum, tor Libonj a JioClf,
No 163 and *76Market streeu Pbilada.
N* l£t North Howard •treet, Ualtiiaoro
No 10 Wearatreet New tori
afeggm 1849. ESS<^
> T!ri..nui Truiportatioß Lin
TJIK CimU noil Rail Road* beinc n° w °P e
in foSo»der,we nre prepaftW io fotw
lOodirmuMßß/oibc MeASiULTY A >
Cintl Re|>n «,P«u!
eT»»*Ti™^r P^gl c t.^£u‘«,
1849. J^J
?SS SASSh Tognjfip 5 " 1 *
(Eldn»i*'lr f"‘■J’fteS'i!,.,
T“fSSi*?®"* on U.fe'ln.l. n
inpfhor ela»», wiv
cotaforL •
; ew* »*»^?J* l i-LrtS l b?Si-port, and t»Telcr«»re-re
*a*eel«wher«. Ooe of tie boauof
; “pare •»‘T n^ ol l sf|fS oppotHe ft 8. Hale.
»Sr3fe'“‘ ;
eiesi foutablx boa^uj*t
: Fertile Trto*portiuon-ol Pre 15 ui J
\ T>I!SINESSon ibe-Cantl btiny now rc»om©d,tie
f H Proprietors of tlie there Liue respectfully mlona
waid Frtlsbl with deipateTi.pj..,.
They would also cull die nueaaoe of ahipperaEu"
wort 10 ttu fuel dint tbe Feats employed by "
Ira nspomdon, are owned by diem and commanded bj
•‘■SffiSlrlS.toß.lkwill Sad U.d..»«e.a.
» as .be subscriber. naje «“^
nngtaci* at Colombia to here such , J°£ B “.
tiraore handed directly tromWu ic car*, thereoy
**.Tse.r d.roc,b in dm
' ‘“noW made
ebanfea , , raE C tt mf., J i.X'de.eU-ueed c _
AGENTS —fobn A. sb “ w i!f,‘fe i tot
CullontU A Co. Wl»nm»« JmJ»« * •’ mcb 3l
pbitj Fr^eHA Thomas,Colombu.
1849. mMftfc :
express East jack-LT un e,
Pittsburgh to Philadelphia and Baltimore.
.loruv. be in port, "o d wwie".«• "•.
A !*,‘“„if£3 ciomine litem before engaging pn>-
goe«ed to eoU 000 ox» Tii J u lc „ e |l]C landing, op-
JSta Si? U. S. Hotel, comet Pettit .treat nod Canal,
ave. 7 'ffif Jgig’fjjß DOLUtSS THROUGH.
JYine—3l Days.
1 proprietors of the above line arc now
buUdK. »Jdiuonnl Line of Packets, U) run a. obovo
»■ 'miideE 5»
~ h ..uo,e«p.elte.erilllen.= e.eryn.ora,nsnnd.»en-
handlinß.ihuiatir A „
"SfSfiifi KiU.pu.eb, on « |ea.ooable
teJrnw as by any other M t£« A DEN & Co,
Canal Uasintl’ennirt. Citodmrch
j A «j M DAVIS A Leo.
or Market X 51 Commerce st, Pbtla.
~ Ml?q M DWIS * Co, Flour Faclor* and Cdramis-
««»;. «“"-"“.r
Philadelphia. . ritherfff the above on Float,
oSr^sn£ r c o ,, us u rf .OU.-JOT
r a!! uite.nncdiaie j.iacc*. .
rpHIS Line will continue to' cnrnr a f * tc , C |
i With tbclr usual despatch, and- a; fair rate, ei
f ' C & h «w*-0 A. M’ANULTY A Co, Pittsburgh.
ASE ” t, u WnkcGHd, Jobustowit.
John Miller. HoUidaysbarga. n P
Ru*Bi3CV— Jamc. J ‘ >r J lon, l ilona- I
Shoe»bers«r, R Moore.:W«l M-uivilL 1 lire*,
1548. b
o’!£S>S«p s S!sffi , S^'S
\Carren, where the) conn > c f these places
Akron ini Clcvctaii 'toil,.
urn. .0 uu= 0,
mo ‘cu^'^ lA,l"^'^lN^''r 1 A , l"^'^ lN^''r Wl \^ n ’ i Propnl’ra
aiu tavlor, [_ 1
" J EsrTHr
.. - « “ SS!y7r!
The above neX? bTxv’krT'lN'D t KIUt;
commended -J 4 ttr in*U»e sea«o«i-otie »*>ax
- -
• V..* boats are new c pL v-ngcr. to an/
w„. .hrt throngb m fi *d thi
buinten toe Lake*, ” r j .I 1 _?j expeditious. rickets
>». V
• rf iriL, s U> ibn C o, lk*V«.
CO Wick.Grcenvtlle, ra, -
SrFarlaa>i and K' n B> • ? d {,^*
Unys A Plnmb, Sharpsburgb, 1 a,
W C Malaii,Shorn it, ra( •
pC-MaOxevea. Pulaski, I'aj • .
R WCauni
for t„r
eenpUou. daily,»V IOW /cJBID'-VKLL. Agent,
' Water itieet, Pittsburgh*
U-J South i*r.arle»_»t. Baltimore.
'jiaKNOEN A COs <
_ mjiil Bamlttanca Offlea.
P U?NKDEN A CO. conunue to bring perwn
rlf2SrtS Wtow " r passengers.
iti 5:
| p " f ” n " rf ”” ■“•
■ Euro}*e-’»ti ai.d General Af<«C
y.ftl, s««
".S "‘SSSri lecee.-x- u Arthur* a N.rh.
T ll lit*,*■.,urn. ofP.l'thur
h»T« thrtr puttrrn* ready tar Ihe >o«**ri
htT« P* r * . . ..-‘oocktne Moves, Coni nDd "o
Swe-Tillb « apleutlid au-U«hl l>al *•.<»«, wbich
J breeding m .other citic« th; common rou
AU.V a lacap co.l Cooking Stove, well ad.
-anti families, with « lull BwirimeiU °[ «
.dfor»®a Wc would puricularly
! ou audition of person* building to call at 1
- aileoiiksv VKSiriAS ptisb,
41 ' L fhll,;aI1INCT WA.'KHUOta.
II fully inform the r>u
■ keep* on iiand alia
| west tide ot tliu tti
I *i* h hiajee
,\k cyr.ry thing in their Hue,
lh «“B' ‘‘“““‘A' urow! '- ■
IT from the munufnevure * »eWed
phi* and flilltnnoic. a larg - > r lnprovcJ .(ylc« ol .
raent of all th« lateit ar vxPKR >»>i
tin, glazed and common rA <
* l,li lO,«K> pa-ccH of Parlor and
of those havnis hotter* to paper, u» c an J*,
the Paper W «r« i.ou*c of woo ,| , t
ratTitXCT OF
jLi Pi«* l r Co^l^ P ‘rnte l.eing more pleMwn *<' A P* t
sS!«S& sss^ «V.’SS&HE.
Pui of iot'f*niUy«w,,iß tin \
aSPnom fw' ;
ami Clovci, • i | ilC new Splfe and
rd all Warranted pare. 1 / L> rry 4, l.inertr *l»- .
ilaan-1 Wosiacd Factory, corner of t y jqUnJi ÜbLL
dona* triyld .... --- trnm the Tempo r
'i'NVlLS—WrnufiUl lro " constantly
Co-, • A work., warrahied,.««'
ouhandand supplied £<JcHRA^-M Wood »J
V_J »nperior article of BoUAnr ,-|| , .K fc. JUNr>
■tore and for »«le by . u c# fih of MU’"
A Mr. W. W. Wallace bEritt*u«da
J&s* quality anti manufacture for t l ** **
1 pronounced it fopenor to the Ucana*
&UAL- uk i.
viuftiir»,'>f'iir own importation yet
“5S' ‘"’“iJf’" 1 ""' I °’ l '-Shu'eß* IUCKICTSON
TVoiiUOilAlNs— jul tectli.i). >*7“'."'"“S
«“ (j tnent of lodie« and M.nlemen*’■ <*«W OnaM
« Chain*', from#JU to aMcacl.. ca»tc.rn pnc«. Al».
>Waicbe».Ac. con .er4th amiMarket.U
olZeualoti K«
’ V »rv‘« <■" Market *Ueet, • ,
' ; i J, cbird Vrtjel UidWd. ‘ '
“ « SScrT Oiofi «P» »U*
Medicines °f lie <Jav. n | .... icjo
i (jßvUixsta Ohio, May. ■»>.***'•
O v teller* i think it :or.the benefit of oibei*
,&£ T °° f CICeIICD ‘
I Lave c
enlaced in mericiiamliiine, 1 am able to
I have «> ef the Urn suture when,
dicinrs have been c?ed in my »cci:oii o. .««•
1 In condition. I pay «w {‘»a: ***7 » r ‘ jj'
tfines of the day, and p-e cestrned to have a v. ry
««ve popularity. Ypars, rer^ciut!f
Pr-nared and aold by R- fe. SELLERS*. No 57 Wood
,J2?Sd »!d by Druggisp generally in c
«-JhSbURK OF by be
G Oriju..., V- {
f Marcu d'»:u, .»
\i r n r Sellers: Dear Sir—l mink it a duty rowe
to you and to the public ly, u> state that
been afflicted witi the liver Comriaini wr a ton?
„„h « ft bndhvlbat an abcess formed and brost,
whfc“ettm?inlT C jylo)w suie. Having heard oj
your-celebrated Liver fjilla being by.
in West Liberty, and recommended to me t>T
S£Xr."£ Dr! E.Silk, 1 courfuMd 10 n« >Mm
_ r_f. L«L 1 purchased tone box. and (ouiul Utem t
* , ,—*,«» are recommended. THEBIAI Ll*
vehVile Bvfmused; u>a“io“«
1 find the disease ha* entirely lelt me, and 1
perfectly well. Respectfully cole^iaN .
. West Liberty, March t? 0, »«»•
*enifr that l am personally acquntmed with Mi
SXJand can bear testimony to
PUIh are prepared and by
No 57 Wood street, and by druggist.
Too genuin
oiber* are .counterfeit*, o» * sKLLKfW, Proprietor
remedies w«il* l ’A 1 '!£?« s U*»J*acK This he «*ed nc
ofDr D 3*y»c ,s >^‘“ a ; n e / f ““t'neirieU!y tbAtthir
eordinp lo the thalf in three cr four ism
«edicmec»«.edU.ep*jn»»h*tt»n uiMpvrrv w
Bie», and »d fifteen or t ry The medicine wusaf
ienMrtionwasenurelyqu- . «hta nrpit rac^l< ' <
„r».rf.u.eO prevrn:-
palnwete perceived, and the l ** di ipe - CTCTV evp»'»S
ed. IH ‘neda necve f wegl ,
-id romeume* mthp no . r^ I l lVrhc sufferer was relief
Couiorapuon, Difficulty of Breath*
ffia Heart, lnfiue«», Cronp, nrokenx , h ortly. The Maaaftteturo or Ire
*s*3®, Pare &S. (fow t! . e , Iis( . IHS of iron ore an*
,v ar.-l till Diseases of the ruoat, l|( - timrcoal mid coke; the boildtr
Mlrriutnitd Lung*; ti.c mo*rel* j of o| . |)|t larniu . M i, y charcoal, anthj
fectual and speedy cu.e j a „d l»)a»t machine*, ice. It
over, known lor any of ‘ I oUay on the manufacture of *teel: bk
Use above rtirea*- i nmh, Miinnp Knglimer. Complete m
r%W.. .., 0 , J with illustration*, engraved t
9W A * N L i» - . *i; i.,*,ii.<cnben Subscription*ire*
«iMti fiyrtop Of Wild Cb«r T I auf r£) JaS D LOCKwO 1
wSs£sN« , s=£2 jss^sss
Sialats* l “'A e Ude ol erpflntncnt, attdinow */ u .and Jesuitism In It
***** * f( f
- cr»«sJiasg
P g-a-*-- :„t psetfasasraaft
SSrS&wW'lJ^jaiSS? *>• ►»** IJ-LtOTi
,'X » heu, ‘“ttej’® “«»o»y »«*** «► M «««.,. MwaiejuS »■>!*■ [
ikecnaelvc* no .‘ m i rnr f;iH«?rccUeuce f rtxa ■• *£• r.ungU-.a.'« Medical Dictionkry
elOfively.thati-' r . P ard tfcC unquestionable nx lyt\- Tailor’* Medical Jarupnidiliicr
by its intrinsic merit • I# -j n *tantaneou* rebel >» «• Taylor on Poison* Arnotil>Fh
ty of public ®r»n}®"- | || eae e diffused tbroap a U.* t : VC s«ptwl.n oi Practical Medtcu
ford*, and tlteaooihingt o 0 ,; turn.iu'- j»cr,per ! » Medical Dtcuoaaifj.
whole frame by J£? **s’ ? H.muon’* Practice 01 Medipine
remedy for a®c|?gjiEyßEU: c |?gjiEyBEU: n , Smith and Horner’* AnatorUlra
1 cotfeicuuoe* • .Mn<>e» Anatomical AiTa*.rFoi
•‘When men, Uj* l,, JjL ttV sj Uie truth of a t.n aaffjl • JAS D LOCKS
Toluntanly bear being contrary u UOtiK-KKKPINp—I
worldly inicre*Wk B up f . nß I? eeia cr to pfll) , rU on Uio cover*. Ane
it* truth, and coalman- E . Moral Maxim- , ia \ eW S o.k. and forj*ale
1^ 1 .», f „ PIANOS.
other tdiciua. | Cnwrsa Co.. April • • ]
i « ! tiTr^H verily* believe your ter
Dr. Sv lyoe—Oeat b> * been Un- me in*;,
pc?«j f SiJftfpiwe ; r “,
ftartwd all the f F taedlt Shlblted tbe *ymp on.»
KS3»» ™>u wstf BS“iu.>i! > »** •
U.U liwnd* k * rSiSS’I ‘‘i
my recovery A* j w ,ui the mi « U
your » <Jie .fleet to r■.
prre*ttiu. b& c * ot *. c ftee.y; «'»d •'»
cough, fca ß “ B s ®s| wase-nurtt)’ wed,
anse 1 had tt *cd n* n ;J§ ever •*»«», lu ‘ nJ ’ ',
OOW as beany* mformauoo «»»’«
would be happy to P’j d ,1-nve *e oefi.u* t
ea»< that otfecr »udei«fh- ' lrn ;h of Usi e'* o '
” Sp&lTT»"«
violently tircompansed wiji ,l n# (irru
be re I wa« ud*'-e« Syrup of Ws»a'-n* r
ssS ass JSeK
lriiuenUy U'w»* I .‘KSL?ihe u»e of the br*l four or Ci
conridcral.te relief f* f^akcr . I fren«n«y “
Ull«. riut vc‘n»»rinerenrmg .trenptU, u
tempted to P rea hsd already Peg
thereby rupmKd lb ** btlei », my carc -'^ff„V,:,.'
s, h .*‘ n »< ss r,r f w. 4
fectly resw'md have made me *ou»d. >*>i
number of Iniit l '. * , Thn Hvrup allayed the I- r
tbe above inducirOom couch, put n .
ifhhabl'.toCk *® lrf iminthc lung*, and «
t 0 the discoary-of g(W I health lbave.i
«*«“» -|w-”>S'
f.A av
rould rr«pe < '*'
Ui«l b«
«atniid on thi
i tout Venttifafce largely in ny own f*m*
riequeoiiy t«rri r elU.>r ; <»*■
v| to 2WJJ woxnn trom two cmiuttl '
-d yonr Liver i’lll* a'-d '-OJS* >yrup »r.
nd icy $ every *‘»unre produrrd
pl county N.tji ,
hrtpor»*nt tfUtt ®”“^^ n(
Thero i» *}“ l ‘ttwAra% ever offered to th*-
rnd than* IK- largely throughout the
public, wl,,c k ' j ,omeP*n»°f uru l' r; *". r ;
United aw***,la,,d, 1 a,,d , *°Sb name of Wild Cherry haw
paralioni L^ uu d c r cover of wiuedceejmvc
been ourrC ncy totueir «uW
circum»v* nc f*’ ’* no person need nuat.ikn tin
■r,r,s'; -%src."“- sss
tsss? -ss^s^srs^r
Swine'. Com .:tr.,orm/l0 SiTc currency w »h*\‘
”s°usom[o»' '"’ytSK"*! 1 nun,
I)S. »**> “VSTI,,Tv.." »d «td «., «•»!
l£ s.»■>«■"-r- 1 "ST”
oriiicliir' -—.——— —- —>■"" * ~
dTiioNU Uiil Dr JAY N L . r.
■■t’r,sr;£: i ■• ■>»t
.•msa*-.! _r ri^nt ‘'
i “nr w. P. lnlan«l , »Pnmlom P |
Dl D r TV' p INLAND, ofthe Medical College bf J bii
adtlphta. uowoffets lo th« public LtA Imlinit N■ «K
pluter?guaranteeing a aure and ipekdy cure tn U*
Li.rt .rlttce of fro* two to thee wee#>, if applied win.,
rc.l-di-c*tdiiis .11 du> eowiUr»«
Sdexpen«i*« bandage* m» long Thi* Ine f
coaicienUOUJ in »WUar, inasmuch a* pc baa °
Ui onej case out of three hundred and tiny-Uirec j a
*A&Jfor Rheumauwn and Weak Breast or Bock,■ •£
landed with pain, there i» nothing to excel tb»s Ilu icY
in aJhtding relief oy effecting a cure, hor ta t l>>
l Wilcox, comer of Diamond and Market »t
Hratin * better, M Liberty and tit-Clair Mi
Insurgent “ Federal at and pnuuoca, Ahe-
Jacques &!&>, * Denman and Diamond Birnncg
tT” K. SELLEK±S Druggist, No M Wood sireeV
Tv Sole Agent for the sale of Dr. Townsend «Getv
ha* just received UW dozen of thn
din-at Coring and FumEcr Medicine,
i Far "baser* ihoald reeollccUhnt K E Seller* « •
l .gcnHor Piusbnigl., and DM Curry for AHegbcnj
1 (t KS.—Duplex Watchc*, made by tbo cel f' ,f
* ffiLSf!irf London. M J.Tobinvof Liverpool, and n
£|srtfa*aortmeniol detached go!*land adver U»
Ln.trl lit the be«t Geneva manulhumicrs.
‘“J&ctacle* oi alUmdv CommuniouWare m *«u,
‘'“(pt wittl. «■»•<<** w w&Sn,”"
' comer Market thd •tih m«
_ , . r A ijLAY’S KNULAND-UMpei’* finccJiiioc
If. HObKJBS * j _
Banker., •**«*»»£» E***|*'»»
. COLLECTUJNS.—Draft*-. Note* £o™,! ! n '«
payable In any part oi the Union, edleetea on .
on New Tot*, rhilftdelphia and Oal-
Saint Lout, and
t inted sint?.diKoauiei) l ijdantfCoin'bought
Foreign American Cold anu -'•» j s .
"osUNo. 35 M.tket «««. b«w«3 M
. p s. ■'*&*“ skss
il. u> Jlloou. Mite **“t. jrnMl AInOBISt
Wiliioul artucion or ducocii.-bj S;!l .1 on.
SON, Earopetrn ana General Agen*» '
du„r we*t of foot. liiwiWi ulm
1> in Foreicn and Dotaertic » *l. of M raer of
tifralr. of Dt'po.Mie, Bank bolt* and Coin corn
3J and Wood ttfeett, directly opposite bt.
YV uiuo,
. aitswan :
• Bank Note*
pnreh.sed a* U»« lowcsl ***{?’ * sbNS,
. , 3&'Market street.
iTtL'LS OF KXqUASOE-Sigbt Cheek* on
Ncw '° fk i»hiiidelpliia. and
Baltimore, ;
j Con-tairdy for .ale by N. HOLMES
*ep»P . ——
USlt, &c.
vn-'W UUMO-Roll on Silver Moon;
“l, Ur ""» «U land pop.-
I,! „t™.!“™po.rf by Ford. 8.-Vjr-.o *> »«»<«>•
oi ~ vag' * eiicbj pnec ;!3c per na ™ b< ;r-
Tbe above. with a large coUeciioc
i'o!ku ; , Somr-, Ar. &c- rrcilj
V l.nii" Le<*n;i«. L«iin I'm*" J
C;r*ar‘« t'otimieir.nnr* on Jl«« <»»iiic f
Th<- A>eidof Virgil . Cicero* &elct
S«ilu"' : * J meat thine War, and meColi
aline. 'The Wort* of Horace. I
l-ir*t Greek I.Cfsous lueek rro»e l
Grammar of ihe Greek Language. I
‘ “Tnc Aniiiiwir m Zenopbon. . • I
I'iccio de Senccintc, de Amiolia. li
For »a'o :.i reduced price* at the book)
f pi;) corner Third a
NKW HOOKS— lUr'torr of the Nati
A.--«nb.> from Miry, lb»rt, by b.
History of IVndeiinii, lu» fortunes i
l» ; « (HetnW ami jr*eaie*t enemy, by >
.pv :>l !, V:r,nty Pair.*’
Iteinhuuni; or, die Vale of Shadon
niHi, l.y Juniua D. li Neveu Southwo
JuVreoUby JOHNSTON fci
anc'Ut corner Markc
iif k R.—'Tbo«e who are in warn
u- »r-rr*f>«'cti«tiy tnvitsd to eiam
ill f.i ibr reuatrjr, Rod will l*tf wld t
<>i f-ortii.c AUojusl rc+riv
,-U inuuuiacmrc, warraflieU
.1- rv«-r*olJmUiU country;[
«' "NKWlN^ai
r > riMIF.»nUS»-nt.prf.a»i«real»PlJ'
■P; J.hheMitofCAHilAßljSU
N rcti*& V. bir, <‘ f v-aieiilnsu
! cxu-ni tocit.g lut four !**>»
aiTorUwifr with ttm fiioefo
v*- Uio seals of Uic*
m a 0.-U<»se. Uiasuittlil) 5 «
„„ ih-rn .my m:u*:c wn\len I
e riM-fiof. «.»o, l>rrii to
• i,o«ly of tliti iu*trom«lui u
nnutaiiy btoiitc*! uuJ Oniai
rr a 1110*1 clcgnnl nad jsXtKj
pru-s u |*ui *o low a»|lo b
rvery one U» obuiii a
ij.'at Uip jump time:, a «»•«
aconpa»au»*in#e. |
;i>V&LTV—'rhe subscriber
•om turode, and lor sole, “n
Piano Fopo, called the OAU*
,-liitlrpor jessing more P« w «»
uarr I'iaAn,occupies buloue
V, ia a reach more showy nhd
are. «i idpurueularly desua
,paec ii kn object, being ei
*Vi. and occupying no more
Till: subscriber hM m
• uivr.mdy .lorn tbc cclebra
n hi* owil hand writing,which
" ||. KLKUKK,
\ At } W Woods*til’s
lii* jus* rrccivcU I
c.uirrly ««» .^nuono 1
i>i:r W'Krh,'
•mil *wrptti*-*« tll!U. Ibe *
romth a-1 tauob ronm. a«
liuii4»ntnr luiml
ui P wi.<' :«• in-: rawiajrol
ri i'ill '*i> nrat nx.l i-otUf
r.iuni ti*tin n «tnnH mrt**
iun.l a •c-'jMiii'-ul ol in
«wy t.«
b in«oa.
OarKcl Strrel,
Wn eiieniftTc and carefully re
ins uiidlSummrr floods, the
informs llus friends and the
urci-aniig to receive amide-
aud in me nrulesi
ruiuotiai.jle mnimer. Ashen
o» tM rn*h *y»t«in, he Qm
i i ixi aoic lo do worn n«-ehcii|
, liAurcii! in the country
, .nsisimg of Ciustruero, ilroad
• \icli his friends “re tespcoUu.
„ u »-^ s . kuK
.fiO* 46 itl
IT A VIMI furcbn»o«i
.T^i-f.UV 1 rr v*cu\iU>-
niittln?, Unit I'.-- »U»«
■-u'.p iliPir pj4:m wttb
rii'i't i-i:. an*! ‘
tiima''-i tliii* i><*
: >!o!-W i« i'nrifii. t
~ Ve-ui.-;*, A**
t’KU to |» now three siory bticx
UGeld street, one door below
reel, Teeth inserted from one
(irtiun principle, witUu neuu-
Sc uaiuyal gum—restoring the
to an cnlif« Mil, on iltn
utal r?pre*p»uninm of i,
orii’iunl etinpe ol tbo fnj
S U.—Tonli mrucU
Ik*c*ny?d Ti'i'Ui pern i
vcnuii? ih< io»m miliet
ring it* ibciMgti n *bou <
id witlfllillle ot no pain,
fuirnily »a»eJ by plugging,pi
I which! i» much bcUer ihr
[d bo ilcine m five ‘
warh. U rapidly t“kes eat.alll *P®j»
£■?£«*■**' J ?«“>*““°^t
Light ll*’
in- - ..i.liv unruled Itunuug fluid can now be “®d
!,Vii!r 11.-. n. Lump Score, No.bO Third aimel,
rrccn Worn! ami Market. \ . .
~r u mm-iuTt liome U Uat the prerercacci'iall
' u .. tn <uti--. beiii? perfectly *afo and cheap
{ ' „„ ILI . - fo -. U or nnt 01 the disagreeable Oh
i.:,..iii« f now in common arc; alto, a beaali
,| n ...»rm i ciu'.»niLai|.4 Qflh-I lal«»l P a ‘ ,e ™ n^vH^
; tltt . lynybmo V- -I. UAVIU
Karl *idr of ihe' Diamond, where VeaiUaj,
iiiinO* of all the different tixe* and colon
Jg|j£M» arc Lieinon hoiid or made lo order aAe
tlie line*! and nio»i approved Knttern fiub
— h>ni,ai the shoheat uolicflaad ou Ihc mot
! ”S“llI°“Sl> u . l o„iillor Blind Tiui.p.-
A 2 i«7iV.tier Curtatn* of all >Uc different »lxe» and
Sr” »S“ dtor .&« lo» feinrt- Old Veni
, nn .N otu..f‘l over nii 1 repaired) or taken in pan
iOl ’ui>-n:uVt:LT;pro'pr
N ‘u--AU. \>UI. dd-.ewun uie u-s
viirt.naiidiip) hud aratrwdcd to pica;
uny, Aug. 10,
MANUirACTURKS. —Tha under*
I -itii'ii \ir*’ui for the iiiaiiuiuclurcrs, liasoa hand i« .mi-iniiiiy receiving a lull supply of the articles
m* .nil »mcU hj ofta K"
.\le ui manufacturers prices. OhUCOWIKAW.
fcutfw _ *! I tfi woodsy
1 >'iii AUiWEk I'ASTK-1 gross boUle* India Kub*
I lierl'aMt* an excellent article for rendering bools
Hl oc* Weeny waieriproof, and soft as a piece ol
.... application «)i ihu posts is sufficient in.
runic litem impervious locator for or 3 months, and
„ - w .,f crl [.tevt-nuilve from the leather crocking.
“ *,u ? d Jml lor sate ut ti{e India Rubber Depot, No 8
. fi**» j ww.‘“r u -~
amkiucan Tm&ifloiiAPi* cobpakv.
lu . ti moiik, rirraocaou *x» vraamse.
' , Western line.
ome# at the Exchange, DaUlmore.
RrtUIXKD BATES.-tbe charges have been redu
ced on all Message* to or from lialumoro. Pius*
„- ufEO or Wheeling,, and a corre«poudiug reduction
mmte on all telegraphic despatches lonvardcd from Ual-
U charge B is’ f a telegraph despatch to or
fromlSuniore, i’llMDurgfa and Wheeling, is 45 cents
forTbUrsUcn words, add 3 cents for each additional
No charge is nwlc for the tddi
“{mill the completion ofjthe South Western Line oi
r KAh Term., to New Orleans, des
iiiTfci can^eforWtuUeato Meiliphi*by this roulc, and
rnVlied lot New Orleans,; : ..
rno V A MIL* BsHiOheimeui Liquid for washing
I clothes, ™ 118 "-
hftlltho labor end dispensing enurelf wnhlhc
The finest Wilton earpeu, after burin*
m «m clefen yeert, h*ve been pertectly restor
.Tvriliioul the slightest injury to tbo itbne, atul ««*-
r>,\ rouioetlX (rum thejfioor. It will not injure the
32* jnrrcloi.B accompanying esch LoUle. I rice
C «C«U. Fo»«lo by Co, gi
'inv" [ ■ ; . . ......
7--. ItaYiWpTalult, lit i'us-TUrfr toKS, con
1 alphabetical list of Fast Offices lUrouga*
*r.* froflt Washington, Di
imie ami terntotial cujmal* resjrectiTely; »!««•
7.:: u* *>r fss&'esssp
. • • wimmm m tiiffifitr ; JfiiifiiMWr :
3 .1 sdssfs'sl5 s ’i|il«'‘“ol|s!|lt!t3ssss ? 1 ’< SsiK|S!;s,6l:;|»hi.|i i3=*-j
3 :-=£;sj^ * Is~-1 =u s-uh ■£ 5-® ?
"«>@? 4tc ifr K&ifitiuHs£sgiifl!&-|?in- 11
fi M slillM Iliiilirtl 11 "3^
Zq« s §* & £ Is1 e Pa-llJls^ii s i*-5 si g|f^i
.* £ S |l £| o 'i£ili4iS‘l : |S P% I s >i?
«si |f *h rtifcMliiitill Jill
fit fi iw§fl ® f.g 101 l
s 2 1 111 11.2|It|||lfi||i|i|f £ |!|':!i aifi :
°o I |f b'SI ~M-f £11: ■
"ill If fit SBllRiililftlliSllllN|l s|
Ol 5 sxf «: fl 2 , «iK-SsS'3p!’S l |||s?’sS3»|?-=s|.<6 | =
g; I ».“ss! h il|iiiiJ|i?isi!|iii?iriliisii.
Eli! .- Bi‘2i% 1 11'=.s-
S? o g r-s4ll£'fSs & Ss-iSifSls»i-|fEg -3 5 £ ?1
Z. < n «!l!|-||lUi?it3£IrlPl! 1111^^ I E111 s . gg |a
0 |lfii!lri!ili!ialr|*HS.lsS^?Sl B? .tf.-.fe •' ■' “fill 5*351 »ts if is* 111 - '? * * 3
lixteen years &* all ibiUty t *l'declare
ihe almost danger and ra*j»n‘“ ln » one case bos U
“tSSiiffSb*? •“HSiIS.'SKSStJ
:„^V;.»^™™ur , 01 NTM E NT
dtfttf erery thtog kDOW %ff us ue had t pent
taxes of Ointment cared them. care of
TETTER—There w nolhiagwwr
a of Walur*,
oml (or aale by
t;el Wood at
id Market at*
mil Contutoei
Tocfcran, Esq.
»d misfortune:
'm. M. Thacki
a, a tale of pa
rtu. ;
n, mallii* bran*
‘•coafto ibe ma
rt]- aid managing
racitfc and coke;
[c.. including an
1 ■
I SmVrable nMttuu gotten SJJSjjfjSfc
I uj
I „ to be hoi, tihMoroocberooio »t home,T-«K.«“««
‘"'“SSS'm THE OB AVE. _.!
i i„», e i.u«wo. ■ ■>j
I l\R. ** , S~SABSAPAWLLAr:*g '
I) dojcn of l)f- Town* end's Ge " u APs^V|^S
|wl rtcd j “k(Sl only AjfoUwKusUiilt .',
iu3 Byl)MCUßß^rAßC'‘ irorAlle -SH. c °>'.. c, - I T-
I .' Facts for U»« PnWlc,
In relation to mat unrivalled _
m|>'llMONY of * rcspeetnMa.rhytf wan.—Read
x Uio following, addressed lo oy F ‘ er •
tywealher, Cmauinati: 1» ISU. ■
<;ir- a sense of duty compels mo to give my tnnnio
to Dailey’s Pain Extractor. Betug opposed to qo*»j[*
Druggist*. Tl y !awtmet L / Bteuvutitvu . :
The following, tea tim*Mil»i comes source fa,
i Ur -boae tenor , April I3,’l8«.
K&SXte-1&“S* ~5 “ le >“' 1 “‘ W ™“"‘' SflSSf” iT.a^.^r.ouv^ -rte. '
m Wood «~t, >*r«er; i.lbo most valuable dU*|
r i KP -E d pn„r, „> > {bmM „ GraU.
s HilSfe Afes&iZJ? j
1 "“ l ° r ‘‘ lcU “’ ,1 * , £1L,0»T,Ky.N0v.!13,160 ',
nallev “I have tried yoai Pain Extractor in
_*.rttV£»..SraAtj, teJM«jgSS
ad cored 10 d aery ibort U-." l« jE “’ \?“" a
'TofmON-’ul’.ore rad apply oiU» ro ibe temblor,'
a^V^rood-y,nS-Vo*, or» *-
Iborucd Genital Depot, Piluborsh.
the pain in a few minute«-tt ntverjail* ja _
\1 ORGAN’S iVOtot 12 ,1319.
full of your '\°jm toller to on® 01 Urge
{ Ftpdenc Oter
one;Tolurae, 600
m ryood. Price,
eiTcd by
)p, Wood at _
"of hie Puritan*
•ra,: complete in
Rpdlmenu, by
.mi,: or Skelrbea
Teller. . , tMnn In lhe world fc
BURNS—It w one ofibe ben uung
Religion, by Rea.
I e IlJiiory of the
ii; krakiDC’s Goi-
New York. The
! Of Klisha, by Km
pilgrim’* Pro? re*>
If Am. 8. 8. Union,
tied |by Am. 8. 8.
1 A flngli^h,
■ 70 Wood at
Bores- , cored by this Oint- '
SJltear, *g*A/Sb l 2'pi«M. D 3.
Sw* TAnct, BrcniAU«t J £af ati*.
S-fTO; EsTuK Pin-
Bums, Corns, «U !««*“ %. . flAjumotum,
%?BUf. S.«^ 1W
jSiS SS? I
“iSSfte “jTU. Olng*;”J' *filSl"”' 47 '’ ‘‘ I
r™.®-4 S ■'b-r
••,3“«r **»>•*• i‘ n» Pri.lfll'l” »»i
iown* in ihc United Stale, j AMES McJll xiBTEß,
1' -^S^sS&^S^
EIVED —t*erc
‘IRJp, Cft IVwj a*
lanki* lor teaching
jitecUous to ve»eb
r supply just reect*
>R, PI Wood
laaoetment ’t
ood.t'ianoa, Just-6,
mitnetui arc made,
and, beat materia'
aobayb a I’ l ' \Vi:cox. Jr, comcf of
Übeny * Dd Bl i < ?£ kJbSSS, 1 .1.0 eornor of <lh «od
jTaih ward; and *oM ‘ city by H > J
•i, 3d d~r fr J t Dru«i*t, JUr-
Sehwanx and J 6 "|*R‘J. I ?,j> e rty; H Rowland, Me;
mittghani; U?»«Bl«y» * . MaaonzmbelaCtiy; N
Keeipom Vr!. fKeW, Brown.TiUe;
l ieU25-deodly .
Its Wood »treet.
Id door bUoy# Fifth,
Df a Wood iniuuaenl,
ue Uicm before put*
bi 4>4 excelled *Jf *»!>
■werilian wiybroußbi
d, i«lo Vianoiof Hun*
o bdißuperior to fcny
©e«3 F. B.
.ed Solo A*ea»
perfected by
I k’e usual cotnpan
’t\ jMctsn. M k
c#*ir* and demand,
:ia»>mnienulo4i anil
r,p>«tj£*ble 10 penoim
!>-tai ' ia»o or 0/|an
•kuapiovcd by plafinj
o c«t iron J'iww
rui4<l, rendering li
□cly deslraUo. ull'
mg v within the w
i njuiieftl uiitnna*
leemi piece-<rf fin
11. KI.KDKU,
Aid W WoodwcU
' MLOUft, „ -<lt
bei* i® inform the iubnbitanii of Pim**
y McPAUU »e*»»» ,u, “ t he ha( opencl i a*
"uicrwm.Ld all other delicaciei or U.C «uon.
—J IIt ,yOS PAPKU 1UL1» " ””
mnF. ■‘iYSS'fat'lS",."
T ■‘“ f tS. , iS p s 7“"S!ta l S!r»“!Cr
FKJ Will ho rl=*“ J “ rceci.oihc parroo
;|Joftt«pat.liJ, aud the former ce.lom.r. of Ihc «•
m Tw; , S‘i"'ot*l'>i”" ‘“P °» hsnd ,» ‘•S'SLV.'
b jJS, O Lociwooo. <□ Wood prar, ho. ja«l
oindhwme bcealifolV omomeoied hRAfh
'.PHONO,ofo.oneiy of paliorn. and color., also,
oolT?..oo Paper for’oroa.acouaj.looldns «U»«e».
Dictate frame*, or la/np*. J .
'r-~rrt; iim ol Lbe Plane ami Saw, 73 W ooil ■ireel
A ■ cffiei* wwrtmem of Cincinnati Coopert
C-rrr,ir-.n.ATK cocoa, amu bkoma-tinkers
]‘bS££nol Chocolate and Cocoa; also. Schmlla
iffSSSd Chocolate, just rec* and for sale at the
W'S.etod rdi'd “d f« >■>• Iho
.KuSwMo T«. Srorr, n round .L
- a oaDoCK• b
PATENT dasher churn.
r iut! ,ull U* PEOCUUKD W 5 or 10 MtdUTXU Fkort
Bon f> < KXW MIIX.
I ii> attention of the public is invited to this wry
( «Aluihle Churn,’which has the adenuuge «( »»
o!»ii in’ eSmWaSi the bld.and now tneeuuona to
* TheuUlity ofthi* Invention l*i apparent, asiby-a siiaj
nU nroeeM the air is forced beneath the dash, and
Sra? MvaywUh the necessity of purchasing a new
rs i/iTcan bn applied to any churn in use. and
f““„: doiiur can have’all tho improvements of the
s|. conbSiu.U,o» of gklhering Iho Bunrr Id
lnuitod lo 001 l o»d- judire for ihtm
selws before purchasing elsewhere, at 87, corner of
Martetlnd Fifth streets, or at «3 D.amoud alley, be-
Murtr. KlnF-SKN.
THE undersigned having been appointed Agent
the DcLiWAEB Mutual Safsit Issubasm Co
jt in the Place of John Frnney, Jr.,. resign., i.
wMtfol yiniormi* the public and tho mendsand cus*
mmersof too Company, that he U prepared to taka
Inland and Fire risks on liberal term*, at iheir
Ss£%?!lSr Wwf Btreeu P. A. *'
JlOfiK:!—iowTeet X in. a ply India Rubber
How— jo*t received for the Borough of Munches-
A-lilelwill l>« held in store for a few day*- The
naaion Belling'Company express a strong desire for
K deparunenu’of lie ciue.or Pittsburgh and Al-
to call and examine ami makeatrial ofibem.
The company is willing to pat them to any teat they
'***s*' W COQCIB 4 fl wood st
Citizens' Instance Company of FRtaUrgh,
, be opened in the Room* of tho Board of Trade, on
die firet Monday of Wtwaato a. K.
Wn. Larimer, Jr. Robert >vooc»,
Wsl B. M'Clure, Joseph Plummer,
•plfcdtsort ■ Comraissioncra^
HPARRVhaslnTeoied a machine ftV washing
, Gold, for has mode application:for a
m.u>nt. They are-now offered for sale at.the ware*
K of l*2ry, Scott fcCo, No. 103 Wood street,
to California are inxited to call and ex*
amine these labor-saving machines. They ■» "“Jf*?,
in their eonstnicuon, easily transported on the bacKoj
mules or horses, weighing eighty pounds caeh.anu
can be pat in operation In half an W. rbey
filled with provisions. It U the opinion of th°«
have scon the trial ofoneofthese machinesofemalleiit
Site, that two men will wash the miners!
bushels of sand or earth Inn day, ” Jze
partieie ofthe mineral. They ean beiitcre»«dio* nV
and worked by water or mule power, u <*Pf“
Tire operatorsi work without going Into ihe ‘ut eh*
being exposed to wet, and consequently
dangering their healtfi. They will ***!*“*?£_ . ea «on.
stream of water, and can be UK £ r ‘J > Q. P " b u P not infi?
and-can be put into operation where there is
coipuJrf b, '“{,*“£{??&' leu * C.%
'"•* *' * ‘ ~gQTfi?tS. i
aytLHAML.II HARTMAN having sold bis uyet*
sts.-ar—-* •—issssuss?
salteu’s t
T „
1. LUN(«S —The unprecedented, snocees “ M j
“““‘"“'"“"Im&c panacea
a .11 Ho sorioo- formswhichirnlallon ofllelopJlM
I limes, has imlaceil Ihe proprietor esain to call alien
The chanrabte weather wSSi ntatk* °« ana
these, if neglecteil, ra tal “>e precursors of Uni all
destroyer, 1 pAotfifprinv
Mrts ssa
olds? is or vita! imponsjiee io tho C“ b ’& 1ED y
Ice. from U ‘J OU[ITiA j LS oFUffiDAY,
'•aosjKi l ' ' s'fefr
'®^©5 r 4S^ ,J ‘®i
,„'bTrtmt»ea unJ lbc prlcb will b. mlnoital.
K l%& Poiu£sil«ki>“ne. CUoridu GoM,. U»e«
«wg«te '■
Jainet Towder, ' ■
Cbleiide Soda,
Extinct BhiiaoTi .EBS,
stiec’d and fcr *aie by. R B “^Xvoodst
N. v" city
0 'K. Fui*moc*rjr~ " U ‘ '*
;l. J„ K*Uswn*», S Piusborgh.
u " c,,,ro '
/TUIE undendffned “•.•2«pS ,r «JSSuS»et!Si
i :Whotewtfl Jtnt bu«iaeu■*.No. <»V«ppty
toe eiiy of Ntw '? Paiau,,
Urauttta t&6 ema ~pf ff ljm B iyl
> k “fJ vort’t"“ 7 ‘
l \V e hare too
i Kind. She h“" WHITE sW ELLIN OS, attended
mtn olccranoni^nv^iMe*have been Uacbarjedfroio
nrjwtockmmnjfJJ cr aSiem,from both ter arma,
the iranuil toe , fom teai.apd from the left
-nilsand hoaM■•no iroo.o m palpim
fe.r.o*** one baffled
U v l<?er km n of the moilemmetit ph jsictani of
.'" moat of Urn lime bef .nlTetmst ha»e
E?„ iieriaPM mol deplorable. Atom dins month*
. fee wa. todoccd to try Dr. Jayno’a Alterathe,
ihjrfi to had an aatoalrhihl ly happyeffect upon her,
Mreitoms all pain and .«ellim«,and canamj the
afeerito hXl,while olthe lamoutaeher ecneralhealth
To'rml’eS'rtott. at tie EEKIRTEA BTOOE,
n Fonrtli st near Wood. , : • ' AIV
• • yZvS^'
M. iK.tanyniMciiaßifeoriiieiohufMfeUjr. - I
\VWjaro3Tp-, WnttiareUnd co. Pa. ;|
Mr John D. Morean:-TW* u l® certify that I bate ,
been aellioK your Vetßufagc for »ome time, lay about I
one vest—an<* m c Uia< tiraal hatexheter frown ft to I
to fail in bringing wora»,.iwray.<whfr, the; lyaptoiai
treated theft preiencei I bad occasion » gite it to
two crown op member* ofraykoajr.l frte each of
them one doie, and one ofthempaßjedSa) and fee os.
cr oter 2M worn*. It it the best Vcraifere that any
m:mcanoieiAhf»'ft*«7-'‘ 7 J.A^Yooso—
• prepared asu inidby iNp.
me door below Diamond alley, on Wood «fc T&dH
I I in* Stone* on bud and toe raJo
| b , wij y WHO * co, 10 usxni n
/ ~’ '." ~..! ... :. ...
Tbe Co iui e onihr- moat t ei? jl >SlM
andmoslfatliionable AJo
lof made lo order of *ll »1m«. and at allpiieM. - .. H
I Country M erchanti and dtim are jnrlted W ejtl«“
| examine the aboTe for themielf ei.aaallwiUMMjd
wholesale or retail; aad a liberal dedacuoa m»d* «
wJioleailepiirrhaaera. “
|. aoldly > •
_ •- Ho tie* to tIM Fmbue.
TKTTZ'htnbY noU/y oar friend* and corre*p6naen»
ff *t ho®* Bad abroad, that we will
til atcnUTiacxs, receive freight from any B°» l *°‘
,hWU. Newlon Jone. i. .jgff- nm ,. a fc >LC OBN.
bottlea of Rubber Pule, a aupenor • »niolei
Important to peraooi that wUh to keep thtir Wt ary*
U preTcata the leather from crocking-, mid wiU MJtfc»
poUih orer It. For ittle at the India
,Wo 5 Wood street. marf .Jfc H
TUB subscriber, wholesale m&nurwe tureroTJ e-TT -
KLRY, mriies wholesale-dealers and]
ding South and Wesl—also, connffY "
eolfnnd examine his »loek of
void at tin lowest prices for cub or •PP r ® , “iJsv7*
unces. Coastanily on hand and mannfaemnrjj,
large assortment suiialilo for r-
p B Mr Hangtngii ' j, '
tel and nude arrangements by which I wUIM
fioi to procure il V.OWi Tf'TSSid ta
, their appearanee la the Eastern market, ! .
Vile ihe Mlenuon of those desiring to have theu hmitM
papered with the latest-styles of P“Pf r »J?„ e “* ad
examine my stock, before purchasing elsewhere.
. I have now on the way trom the Bfl,c™pieces
of Gold, Satin Giazsd, and common p$? r i{*^*2£ 5 W
ßasft gs^ss-
HAVlNGJaatcompleledtho rebufiiMofontwort
homes,we aw uow prepared to receive meat
. . near Seventh n
which wtrodcthl '■“‘"ngfifajSS-BH EE,
; feL24 ’ comer Penn andlrwlfr** _
WOBKfc-' '*■ „
piurtufttßintei their mention. . •-. : ..'
ondnuleobloiroaon übe £*“£?*-
Warehouse oa Water aod Foanh »U- fcb«o-u_
’ SAM’L. GRAY, - :
ii.« mrr itmamnoa
And U now reeeiring a fine aasortmeaiof
■\VLich he U prepared to make to orde -
' And in the l ate a t Faahio n».
rairio _ •
Head <*uart«r* for BoottWd8l»o«»,
Corner of Fourth und rimhhfield .trcett, _
PliiuuiQU, ri.
sSj irai
PllLwbOle*ale and reiail, would respcctftdijf ft.
iiit ucJie atteniiou of their friend, and tto.imbUp geu
e rally, to their splendid new slock, coaiislingof men*,
womens', boy.’, mi»cs’ and children. wearofevery
vS“;iuilible for the .eiwa and at price. tn.«it
the time*. A splendid crude of home mode .work,
such u» gentlemen’. line Uoou. miuc. ani
T o ™ l '**- corocrlSsSSeMi-,
N\B.—Traveling Trank., Carpel Hag#, Ac. Ae., al
ways on hand and low for cash •
liuuiO' raerehaulswould find it to their Interest w
«ve ui a call when Vlstting thocity. tn,-hl4
~ LOGAHi WiXiSOM * ««•» , .
anil Wliole.ate Dealorsin F<w*>*soo
Domestic Hardware, Gallery, Saddlery, fee-ami's
Wood it reel, Pittsburgh, are now fully prepared with
a recently imported .toefcof llardware, Cutlery, Sad
. dlerr, Carpeuicr*’ Tool* Ac, to offer rary great m
‘ dnccmeaii to Weiteru Merchants, m to atfiliuon u»
the many advantages had by our predecessor* Me*-
sre. Logan A Kennedy,.we havo greatly ltrt " ia ? e h ‘ l
faciliue* and purchase all oar good, iroa 6»t hand*
1 ou the very best term*. -
Tae junior member, of the “[® , T ,
attention to sales; and feeling confident
respeeuollj solicit * call irom
vail this market.
make a from to the best .front bnek. . >
K have greatest .uusfacuoa wall who f
have A kiln con be seen ntmy g
11 sd.ja I -tta,b»»,o».b ß la««- io 0( |
■ • • tr- n
UimingJiaA' June IJ,
anrooE—Tae figaett price in coin paid lor all foe
W Afferent gr«d<* ofclean wauhed wool, by.
H LEE, Übcny it, pppocaaSd> - . .-jg
/ rOPABTNEBSUIP—I havc ~iRl»" day ai*oe«ted <i
IJ wiiime in ihe wbbletale Grocery, I'roduco and ; £
CotnmiMion Burine*«,Slr. ■„
ofWUN WA'rTfc.cbj o -- ; • JOHN VYATT. ~ j
l»imbnnh. AgrUSD, IMg. • • _j_ . ,-*j
rrULPii of (Jinalne, Oxide of Tuv I'nuic Acid, Cu- •, 7
nme 01 ltuu, BTCarbonateof Fotadj, .ttiroie of g
Siirer Calomel, Zodiac of Lead, Chloride of Soda and $
caloric Miner, on aaddand for aale by ?|
JTd t- A, C~£H3si " r “ v“ 4
O HATEFUL for the"Vciy liberal encouragement I f
nave received for to many yean, 1 have, deter- %
inmcd 10 enlarge my boiinoMCoatideiabljr- Mating £
tuKugvd aeoint«leai Foreman, l will im. enabled}!* 5
Utl ail orders promptly, and do tie work in oaf .2
tiyle and at fiu.* pricer, and a»k Um-otvottikm of J”T* f |
obanu and citizen* to my lurge'ctock of uyiIOLSTO*. 1
KV GOODS and Ifods, nlauraa«e» and Beddingi <*** 1
mjii Walenale, Damaak* abd MotCL-ii*,CoftHfe*, FOB* C
get, Uoiddnngi, TaaKl*,' Split and KoUef D-indr, *“® 5
every article asaully kepi, in 09 eztubiuiiraeai®* “
kind.. Oidcr«Te«pecifuliy»oli.cUed and promptly |j
1 tended lb-- ' i-.j
N. D.—Carpeic abide and pat diiwtu" - - ! ■>;
Wti. Noni.g- ....5
►W£s"‘2- :
AiL\,C'M!UEMiUi*v,Zdil.,watF<*l ( &Z- a <
Onoiaaertjbß of ]Slinc#> or .
Twoiotetiioaiwfthoalelteretiow,;********* |oo •" .
Three 60'
One Week u „
Two Week* . .. 800 i
Three •« . " » .-*•*'*„ 400 * ~ . *
One M.onth, 44 *••** ,j 600 ; ,
Two “ m i N [- L
Three “ *• *• -
JET Lonhet.edrerlUemente in •***• Pi- 10 00* :
One «qmre,6 month*,wilhout aU^** 1 . 15 OU -
Baehaddilionaalfqnarofor.6®°^ ,, . ,^* # ~. 10 00 ]
Ooe tquare.Gmonthi,renews#*® •*“« 20 00- ;
*' V 12 ' “ ' tfci .i.*— ' 10 00 ;
1 BarJiadidiUonal»qna»foHs® < ?®Vj' J !f # aiure f SO 00 -•
. Two equare«,*^., 800 ; f ;
EMhaadiiionaleqoerO/P B ? on rliiM‘ \
W»KM 0» XU-W»**» » j
| One eqnnre. 3 meertione!. 57 ;<
rj t J
Fite llne*or le*i, o s * < ‘ ' ' J . (
«. « '«U P oaiai,»»y«yf v uj 4
« << « tii month*
’ia-l»unim,oile».oj\ u,0 ., 3, “
i " i: \ r
; - J i>
•a thek whole
ofgmug aut
all who may
, nchtO ..