- - - vonofitowo C ‘“* l ; 'i or cTi-rn.i.lc 11. cl.' .>«• tar Bml. F>cK€U. ■ ■KSjSfISSsL' ESSSSES . cicd l.y tor ; , '- r Gai»«n.tlnif mettlt In cwei *'• ' • 1 .-‘ e , a the treatment lh? nenM-l mtiiln«T; l “‘' tbpr« art Jew of di-ca-e* ?>M led mm w Ucat cea, i.rtt-y. ir Tbe nl by aprtrerH’? •i* uon .® I r . «rcn of core* mo>i lomfjcwry tc *^J ß^ r n j i /r C rent di»ee«e». «enie of having been *®* et f!* fL.-i,?,. ordinary medical: O ”»• any kind, ; ..^sss;®iSSirf ■««■“ »»■>■'" ml "' “■“• “ ,u ' monlilf •««• and administered by then. •»?^«mM*tion l with or separate from tbe.operatien, will «Su"dybe keploii band.WitUduecuen. fcttue . jingle operaiiont on ihc most moderate lerna. n&etL No. 4i. St- Clair at, near the Old Alleghcny Bridge- A. WESTERyt.LT. COSXPOUISD EXTRACT OP SAHSAPAHIIiIiA, Tin moit Wonderful Dedielne of the Ist, . 1,600,000 BOTTLEB MANUFACTURED TEARLT. ThU Medicine U pat up tn Betties, - t* coxed non ttian 100,000 Cases of Ohronlo Dlseasei • EXPOSE; « Y READING the following affidavit |.SrKyof the nan w&> a ” I *^~j3 lk " “ . thaionclnal Dr. Townsend'* Bamparill*. Dr* » . nfoLa reputationthattioother . Sffla3sais'-'jS ! SsSssRS •ssaajssjsa^a-j^rißps Manufoetarti* in the worid. Frioolp* l Ofle% US F ° a °°BEAD THE AFFIDAVIT. S ,^SA a cGS.? I S. st l aiigffi . Dfronerl farther saya, Out ha wUhaald Townsendatthe Thaodqra Foater. • s&ffi.a?sass-tasw^s* J stated he wta an not fit for hard labor-end wished to m»k» Krme noser, In order to lire easy to bis old fisTA ted thai,ifßamperillAonderthe mnatf Towfr *2f sold *o well, tndso much weney w«* Eh/wuld see no reason why ha might not mahe • somethin* oat of H too. (his name being Townsend^) ’ . if he cocld get a capable person to prei ’P'JJ&F?: ■ vSdt B.F Townsend, to which ha replied, thatbo ISfi* Dx. A ? TwKwd wonld be down oahta after Bnt that ha did notc.".for • hli?M ha had formed a opntnanWp anA famish the reonlsits amount ofcsptal-and was to Sand himself against any atUck that mfgntbe made on him- • • ‘ » * : SH«TstAihawi*hfid to gratify them in erery tiling. fornUbed all the capital said Townsend aIJO ■: ::-.?ffisg-*nrttfUS instf-suss iffisassssaifflßSK?^^ to jtoob.ibwto.»l«,»Sx«»^ , , WUh» AIUiSTRONO. ,i ; .w OT tobdb»» e .uu.«^,ror i H ? .^ u ; " Mayor of tha City of New York. aomeofthe most respectable papers in this State. FROM THE ■ Albany K-renlng Joornnl. Dr. Townsend’s Saraaparffl*- . - * • Tt : r ’, r sSX"to r D h TS'.~Kto« P^?u. and continne* to be rnsnafse- br the Doctor huaselfi and tntadto this city, --4 to Jjj 8 present time, : S§^g|s*sfe£- .- • £££££* , (he Junior ' cf onr eltteto tan(*W U?• * “ , 1 JgiSsssSsSs ■ ss|;sSis^® : * s "Ka'V' s ’ 1 Wm&sm- * great remedy. ■-OThSKSSE §3*ii£%§£ their Ktlclo as the genuine, should be esposed. • • FROM THE ; ' > ■ .fefe^ssassjssg; : ■ :&S^S?kSSS3 J » 1« Jhitlee to (h. Dr. tob, (hi. ex ■ptoation. v ’from the . too lM Olfta foa t bondrad S»r, sad «»«nthi» too room qxuOlXj „tsi £ijsat-ss.tisair» ib« c« tarn k* 0» Knr To* So« tor *>"'<“« * lul W( T tm ' "* T ,Ivl : that it i* lb* ehaapaat **• Thl» medleina ia •sported to th* 1 ► ;ai«, SoaQi Attetiea and Europe to eon *£ , fc”!: - mtuUUu. tad W comtoE isto E*mrtl u»* la Uwm { countil®*. aa wellaa h«ro I ■ Swindlers. - DrertWa and other* that nil StmparilU ft* .to* .. J£3?ai>d otiEtaal Dr - Towoaand’a BanapmUU. .!. SaJUaot«lEw4 ®y S.T.Tewanad.ewMtosfcjtod, i -nd coslamer*. M«a that wooid ba. I Vniltr of'auchaaact,would commitanycthartosad f no Dracsiit of common tataUiE«oca bot knew* ' that trait la th» oalj fanuina. ‘ Old Jacob TwWßnnd. here that tb*ir oar**!** h ij_ >har at th» *am« tin)* : ;;3fifi«lsfeSES f SSgSSgaSressi '■.izg&ki&BSi ■ om »rpoM°a to. jjfflto* fa to t*-*-*** : glggs 2 -^- t- >. Wddaft tiii!L tftS. Cofteenii j --abntjMton*;, .p, 7sE?v jr — > • • '■ i ' 1 I tr AMKPORTftTIfIN UNEB._ i _J—TBA|iSPORTA.TIQN. milF. psekrt - and 1 ■ Beawt ,iejri rtr «# mrnve « Yoangilown' Ad.ye«mn ? i ai6 l-^^ r^n .. Ic -^ C> Youn S »- next morning -amVday evenings ot 4 l*wii Toe*d*7, “ ume lor the tdoming boat, cUpTeS «t Ptob.,,^, lei " re leave New Castle, Monday, m-etinr wiuitbe morning boat wt Pittsburgh. are fitted up m complete order, hav intfineaccommodations forPMsengeT*,und shipper* oayretyon more punctuality and.greater dgipateh b^ob^.^ p^w ' -. • J.CIlUdweU, Agent, Pittsburgh. UidwcU fit Bio., “ Beaver. A. Jacobs, u \oan«uwn. B. W. Curnin*hajm,“New Cattle. Tbe elegant steamer, ALLEGHENY CLI Im« Beircr, daily A. U, a»d PuuSanjb “fj-! M„ running in conpecuon with the above boats. !»_ 1849. smasrn ‘•l “- « -OCEAN- „ I «t«v of the above Pickett leave Better ercry a»y O (Sunday* excepied) and hfor HSSJS^ESSss^^-^-g ”“ nJ & l 8“ * co, w.mn, j Plo , M CAUGIIF.Y, Ascii, • •PlO ‘ earner Water And SmilblfcUl ru_ 1849. ONION LINE, ArRBSSSSKiKSSL «v* **• ifao Caital and Ltik**- usuarpuied in numhei “ OnTto.u2«« «.dci e «d»nJ d.aiT,>«. A ‘^j\?« P SSWb;Yoi. S »i»»". OUO. M II Taylor, Warren, Cyfo> I’renUM, Karens*, Crowfort* ChtSalSrijii.C . 'onJ.O Ofiee, tot Water aod SmlthSeU rnolnna- i*ackKts. TWrtSs^n^S^”^t‘SSuip» SibS3> : SX’ISmS “ fc JlSiSr. Ka 2 leare. KneW. dalle atdtfclrfv, “ a ThS’l-ei reill roti 1» couil«Uw*u. i.c.lfflwm, Reaver. B|DWELL ,ft BOTHER, i Forwarding Ittcrch mis, .. -vßijif. - ' AgtnUf* tJ*Pj&*rgk«udCl' . forgL. andEn* Lit* via Ete, and for tu font' Riaxraxd CaUbCopt* . _,;ili\vh wiUi the tfldltioa of t V> an S , &isS=au to tJieil care, mfl fdj ftrr* trUIL- • -rBM»MT, J 5 PLTTSBUKWH ANB Kttllt Ste&m 1849. jgSL T‘is.wsswWr ssss BKAVEB .04 C»..„ „d« : . 1 «< L ” r »«»•« g" BEW Krtt ' ‘'* ! i's±srwag; Vhunday hod Baturdar. at A iwoVorw llwk from | it Mme jJJJJJirrgb, both on up. j hem or »• AJI «ei*bi tectivtJ | ~lio P™ »“,' ?“ 1 , h °" J M MAHSHAEE i Co. 1 fr«o ol '“““‘“"’"juo VaKBEN A Co, Agdiil*, Canal llwin, Liberty at, Pituburgh | of Uorntmen’elpme tU/Mgb. -piTT«BtJftOBFOUXA»J^gA»Li^ ■***s*ss&r Tairas fc O’Cosso*, Putsbarth. rpiUß .U e«“>£S“S»«ISS'wSS. £MS £iieaju«C ** IlU, /i®5 1 th 6 i«iove poru, on liberal term*, | andalfety peculiar lo I “Snp«fig«" * T !“* Whc,llwl i hipmenlohthe> **^i B uldfetthi*lino YecaTed,char 411TSJSSSSA i«J roqoirol dlrooßono freo ! ?’f“™«mcoSSaS»i* 4 »“““* or •“”T SF ',. ' of ebarge \oi'coma ortndirectly, in •leambcatt. m oo.ppUot lion to l be Mlo , *^2?£s?}*j|j^ r ) te t ,1, Philadelphia. Tl,o^WffcON NQiLCana> U«iu, fittabargb. tt*.. jsrrab 1849. JP&fg£fe ions UissEAJ*] : l)coc. W*. ® t^ aßAj *Jis_,ts»bbaih*keepine principle*. Conducted on j cd b ave :Tls ,^jL^«2Kisas Si°m iSKftt ln ft. curjiDS SSSsss» •rallied. Last and ,_- h . ••nroee or coauaieio"* "'i‘." , il A t.trj »“• Bum, tor Libonj a JioClf, No 163 and *76Market streeu Pbilada. JAMBS VVILSON, Agent, N* l£t North Howard •treet, Ualtiiaoro K * U3 WILLIAM TVSOS. Agent, No 10 Wearatreet New tori afeggm 1849. ESS<^ > T!ri..nui Truiportatioß Lin ff |. PENNSYLVANIA CANALfTKAIL K' 4 -OyUUJLBILrniAABBfcUirmoEK. TJIK CimU noil Rail Road* beinc n° w °P e in foSo»der,we nre prepaftW io fotw lOodirmuMßß/oibc MeASiULTY A > Cintl Re|>n «,P«u! . eT»»*Ti™^r P^gl c t.^£u‘«, 1849. J^J ?SS SASSh Tognjfip 5 " 1 * (Eldn»i*'lr f"‘■J’fteS'i!,., T“fSSi*?®"* on U.fe'ln.l. n inpfhor ela»», wiv cotaforL • ; ew* »*»^?J* l i-LrtS l b?Si-port, and t»Telcr«»re-re ; *a*eel«wher«. Ooe of tie boauof ; “pare •»‘T n^ ol l sf|fS oppotHe ft 8. Hale. »Sr3fe'“‘ ; eiesi foutablx boa^uj*t m^kWBL : Fertile Trto*portiuon-ol Pre 15 ui J LTO PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE A OgK \ T>I!SINESSon ibe-Cantl btiny now rc»om©d,tie f H Proprietors of tlie there Liue respectfully mlona waid Frtlsbl with deipateTi.pj..,. They would also cull die nueaaoe of ahipperaEu" wort 10 ttu fuel dint tbe Feats employed by " Ira nspomdon, are owned by diem and commanded bj •‘■SffiSlrlS.toß.lkwill Sad U.d..»«e.a. » as .be subscriber. naje «“^ nngtaci* at Colombia to here such , J°£ B “. tiraore handed directly tromWu ic car*, thereoy **.Tse.r d.roc,b in dm ' ‘“noW made ebanfea , , raE C tt mf., J i.X'de.eU-ueed c _ AGENTS —fobn A. sb “ w i!f,‘fe i tot CullontU A Co. Wl»nm»« JmJ»« * •’ mcb 3l pbitj Fr^eHA Thomas,Colombu. PKHSSYI.VASIA > 1849. mMftfc : express East jack-LT un e, Pittsburgh to Philadelphia and Baltimore. .loruv. be in port, "o d wwie".«• "•. A !*,‘“„if£3 ciomine litem before engaging pn>- goe«ed to eoU 000 ox» Tii J u lc „ e |l]C landing, op- JSta Si? U. S. Hotel, comet Pettit .treat nod Canal, ave. 7 'ffif Jgig’fjjß DOLUtSS THROUGH. JYine—3l Days. 1 proprietors of the above line arc now buUdK. »Jdiuonnl Line of Packets, U) run a. obovo »■ 'miideE 5» ~ h ..uo,e«p.elte.erilllen.= e.eryn.ora,nsnnd.»en- StCirSc'r'pORTAtfCE^A.TCISE, 1849. handlinß.ihuiatir A „ "SfSfiifi KiU.pu.eb, on « |ea.ooable teJrnw as by any other M t£« A DEN & Co, Canal Uasintl’ennirt. Citodmrch j A «j M DAVIS A Leo. or Market X 51 Commerce st, Pbtla. baesHKiSSKsar ~ Ml?q M DWIS * Co, Flour Faclor* and Cdramis- ««»;. «“"-"“.r Philadelphia. . ritherfff the above on Float, oSr^sn£ r c o ,, us u rf .OU.-JOT SOIC. 1549. r a!! uite.nncdiaie j.iacc*. . rpHIS Line will continue to' cnrnr a f * tc , C | i With tbclr usual despatch, and- a; fair rate, ei f ' C & h «w*-0 A. M’ANULTY A Co, Pittsburgh. ASE ” t, u WnkcGHd, Jobustowit. John Miller. HoUidaysbarga. n P Ru*Bi3CV— Jamc. J ‘ >r J lon, l ilona- I Shoe»bers«r, R Moore.:W«l M-uivilL 1 lire*, s^ssssssa^**** 1548. b o’!£S>S«p s S!sffi , S^'S \Carren, where the) conn > c f these places Akron ini Clcvctaii 'toil,. urn. .0 uu= 0, mo ‘cu^'^ lA,l"^'^lN^''r 1 A , l"^'^ lN^''r Wl \^ n ’ i Propnl’ra aiu tavlor, [_ 1 " J EsrTHr .. - « “ SS!y7r! The above neX? bTxv’krT'lN'D t KIUt; commended -J 4 ttr in*U»e sea«o«i-otie »*>ax - - • V..* boats are new c pL v-ngcr. to an/ w„. .hrt throngb m fi *d thi buinten toe Lake*, ” r j .I 1 _?j expeditious. rickets >». V • rf iriL, s U> ibn C o, lk*V«. JOHN A. Pg^SMtSOOt^ CO Wick.Grcenvtlle, ra, - SrFarlaa>i and K' n B> • ? d {,^* Unys A Plnmb, Sharpsburgb, 1 a, W C Malaii,Shorn it, ra( • pC-MaOxevea. Pulaski, I'aj • . R WCauni for t„r eenpUou. daily,»V IOW /cJBID'-VKLL. Agent, ' Water itieet, Pittsburgh* ROBINSON A BOEHM, U-J South i*r.arle»_»t. Baltimore. 'jiaKNOEN A COs < _ mjiil Bamlttanca Offlea. P U?NKDEN A CO. conunue to bring perwn rlf2SrtS Wtow " r passengers. iti 5: | p " f ” n " rf ”” ■“• ss^^-sdetuw™*, ■ Euro}*e-’»ti ai.d General Af<«C y.ftl, s«« ESSSS^a ".S "‘SSSri lecee.-x- u Arthur* a N.rh. T ll lfuveioiiiu.ru. lit*,*■.,urn. ofP.l'thur ■ h»T« thrtr puttrrn* ready tar Ihe >o«**ri htT« P* r * . . ..-‘oocktne Moves, Coni nDd "o Swe-Tillb « apleutlid au-U«hl l>al *•.<»«, wbich J breeding m .other citic« th; common rou AU.V a lacap co.l Cooking Stove, well ad. -anti families, with « lull BwirimeiU °[ « .dfor»®a Wc would puricularly ! ou audition of person* building to call at 1 Sg£b£^wvss - aileoiiksv VKSiriAS ptisb, 41 ' L fhll,;aI1INCT WA.'KHUOta. II fully inform the r>u ■ keep* on iiand alia | west tide ot tliu tti I *i* h hiajee ,\k cyr.ry thing in their Hue, lh «“B' ‘‘“““‘A' urow! '- ■ IT from the munufnevure * »eWed phi* and flilltnnoic. a larg - > r lnprovcJ .(ylc« ol . raent of all th« lateit ar vxPKR >»>i tin, glazed and common rA < * l,li lO,«K> pa-ccH of Parlor and ■J^sssSjS* of those havnis hotter* to paper, u» c an J*, the Paper W «r« i.ou*c of woo ,| , t ratTitXCT OF jLi Pi«* l r Co^l^ P ‘rnte l.eing more pleMwn *<' A P* t gSSSfc^wwas ssswsiT' sS!«S& sss^ «V.’SS&HE. Pui of iot'f*niUy«w,,iß tin \ aSPnom fw' ; ami Clovci, • i | ilC new Splfe and rd all Warranted pare. 1 / L> rry 4, l.inertr *l»- . ilaan-1 Wosiacd Factory, corner of t y jqUnJi ÜbLL dona* triyld .... --- trnm the Tempo r 'i'NVlLS—WrnufiUl lro " constantly Co-, • A work., warrahied,.««' ouhandand supplied £ ■tore and for »«le by . u c# fih of MU’" A Mr. W. W. Wallace bEritt*u«da J&s* quality anti manufacture for t l ** ** 1 pronounced it fopenor to the Ucana* &UAL- uk i. TMNEeiK.NAO URANUII**— bait viuftiir»,'>f'iir own importation yet “5S' ‘"’“iJf’" 1 ""' I °’ l '-Shu'eß* IUCKICTSON TVoiiUOilAlNs— jul tectli.i). >*7“'."'"“S «“ (j tnent of lodie« and M.nlemen*’■ <*«W OnaM « Chain*', from#JU to aMcacl.. ca»tc.rn pnc«. Al». ■ >Waicbe».Ac. con .er4th amiMarket.U olZeualoti K« ’ V »rv‘« <■" Market *Ueet, • , ' ; i J, cbird Vrtjel UidWd. ‘ ' “ « SScrT Oiofi «P» »U* Sn.T ra» FAMILY MEDICINES are ** Medicines °f lie .***'• O v teller* i think it :or.the benefit of oibei* ,&£ T °° f CICeIICD ‘ jrMedictne*. I Lave c iaJ enlaced in mericiiamliiine, 1 am able to I have «> ef the Urn suture when, dicinrs have been c?ed in my »cci:oii o. .««• 1 In condition. I pay «w {‘»a: ***7 » r ‘ jj' tfines of the day, and p-e cestrned to have a v. ry ««ve popularity. Ypars, rer^ciut!f Pr-nared and aold by R- fe. SELLERS*. No 57 Wood ,J2?Sd »!d by Druggisp generally in c «-JhSbURK OF by be G Oriju..., V- { f Marcu d'»:u, .» \i r n r Sellers: Dear Sir—l mink it a duty rowe to you and to the public ly, u> state that been afflicted witi the liver Comriaini wr a ton? „„h « ft bndhvlbat an abcess formed and brost, whfc“ettm?inlT C jylo)w suie. Having heard oj your-celebrated Liver fjilla being by. in West Liberty, and recommended to me t>T S£Xr."£ Dr! E.Silk, 1 courfuMd 10 n« >Mm _ r_f. L«L 1 purchased tone box. and (ouiul Utem t * , ,—*,«» are recommended. THEBIAI Ll* vehVile Bvfmused; u>a“io“« 1 find the disease ha* entirely lelt me, and 1 perfectly well. Respectfully cole^iaN . . West Liberty, March t? 0, »«»• *enifr that l am personally acquntmed with Mi SXJand can bear testimony to PUIh are prepared and sn.tl by No 57 Wood street, and by druggist. Too genuin R K SELLfcI oiber* are .counterfeit*, o» * sKLLKfW, Proprietor ilgliilit assWSvs:s remedies w«il* l ’A 1 '!£?« s U*»J*acK This he «*ed nc ofDr D 3*y»c ,s >^‘“ a ; n e / f ““t'neirieU!y tbAtthir eordinp lo the thalf in three cr four ism «edicmec»«.edU.ep*jn»»h*tt»n uiMpvrrv w Bie», and »d fifteen or t ry The medicine wusaf ienMrtionwasenurelyqu- . «hta nrpit rac^l< ' < „r».rf.u.eO prevrn:- palnwete perceived, and the l ** di ipe - CTCTV evp»'»S ed. IH ‘neda necve f wegl , -id romeume* mthp no . r^ I l lVrhc sufferer was relief Couiorapuon, Difficulty of Breath* •'STffiISSSK and » reas Ster \ VIANUFACTUIUS UP IKUX ffia Heart, lnfiue«», Cronp, nrokenx , h ortly. The Maaaftteturo or Ire *s*3®, Pare &S. (fow t! . e , Iis( . IHS of iron ore an* ,v ar.-l till Diseases of the ruoat, l|( - timrcoal mid coke; the boildtr Mlrriutnitd Lung*; ti.c mo*rel* j of o| . |)|t larniu . M i, y charcoal, anthj fectual and speedy cu.e j a „d l»)a»t machine*, ice. It over, known lor any of ‘ I oUay on the manufacture of *teel: bk Use above rtirea*- i nmh, Miinnp Knglimer. Complete m r%W.. .., 0 , J with illustration*, engraved t 9W A * N L i» - . *i; i.,*,ii.• ►»** IJ-LtOTi ,'X » heu, ‘“ttej’® “«»o»y »«*** «► M «««.,. MwaiejuS »■>!*■ [ ikecnaelvc* no .‘ m i rnr f;iH«?rccUeuce f rtxa ■• *£• r.ungU-.a.'« Medical Dictionkry elOfively.thati-' r . P ard tfcC unquestionable nx lyt\- Tailor’* Medical Jarupnidiliicr by its intrinsic merit • I# -j n *tantaneou* rebel >» «• Taylor on Poison* Arnotil>Fh ty of public ®r»n}®"- | || eae e diffused tbroap a U.* t : VC s«ptwl.n oi Practical Medtcu ford*, and tlteaooihingt o 0 ,; turn.iu'- j»cr,per ! » Medical Dtcuoaaifj. whole frame by J£? **s’ ? H.muon’* Practice 01 Medipine remedy for a®c|?gjiEyßEU: c |?gjiEyBEU: n , Smith and Horner’* AnatorUlra 1 cotfeicuuoe* • .Mn<>e» Anatomical AiTa*.rFoi •‘When men, Uj* l,, JjL ttV sj Uie truth of a t.n aaffjl • JAS D LOCKS Toluntanly bear being contrary u UOtiK-KKKPINp—I worldly inicre*Wk B up f . nß I? eeia cr to pfll) , rU on Uio cover*. Ane it* truth, and coalman- E . Moral Maxim- , ia \ eW S o.k. and forj*ale 1^ 1 .», f „ PIANOS. other tdiciua. | Cnwrsa Co.. April • • ] i « ! tiTr^H verily* believe your ter Dr. Sv lyoe—Oeat b> * been Un- me in*;, pc?«j f SiJftfpiwe ; r “, ftartwd all the f F taedlt Shlblted tbe *ymp on.» KS3»» ™>u wstf BS“iu.>i! > »** • U.U liwnd* k * rSiSS’I ‘‘i my recovery A* j w ,ui the mi « U your » *>i number of Iniit l '. * , Thn Hvrup allayed the I- r tbe above inducirOom couch, put n . ifhhabl'.toCk *® lrf iminthc lung*, and « t 0 the discoary-of g(W I health lbave.i «*«“» -|w-”>S' "j«fnc’»Cariuii f.A av rould rr«pe < '*' Ui«l b« «atniid on thi MEDICAL i tout Venttifafce largely in ny own f*m* riequeoiiy t«rri r elU.>r ; <»*■ v| to 2WJJ woxnn trom two cmiuttl ' -d yonr Liver i’lll* a'-d '-OJS* >yrup »r. nd icy $ every *‘»unre produrrd pl county N.tji , hrtpor»*nt tfUtt ®”“^^ n( Thero i» *}“ l ‘ttwAra% ever offered to th*- rnd than* IK- largely throughout the public, wl,,c k ' j ,omeP*n»°f uru l' r; *". r ; United aw***,la,,d, 1 a,,d , *°Sb name of Wild Cherry haw paralioni L^ uu d c r cover of wiuedceejmvc been ourrC ncy totueir «uW circum»v* nc f*’ ’* no person need nuat.ikn tin ■r,r,s'; -%src."“- sss tsss? -ss^s^srs^r Swine'. Com .:tr.,orm/l0 SiTc currency w »h*\‘ ”s°usom[o»' '"’ytSK"*! 1 nun, I)S. »**> “VSTI,,Tv.." »d «td «., «•»! l£ s.»■>«■"-r- 1 "ST” oriiicliir' -—.——— —- —>■"" * ~ dTiioNU Uiil Dr JAY N L . r. Aaa^ss*sSSs ■■t’r,sr;£: i ■• ■>»t s^-r^SKssssSKSsEsr. .•msa*-.! _r ri^nt ‘' i “nr w. P. lnlan«l , »Pnmlom P | Dl D r TV' p INLAND, ofthe Medical College bf J bii adtlphta. uowoffets lo th« public LtA Imlinit N■ «K -—‘■lferajissv'ft pluter?guaranteeing a aure and ipekdy cure tn U* Li.rt .rlttce of fro* two to thee wee#>, if applied win., rc.l-di-c*tdiiis .11 du> eowiUr»«t.i.tru.nc.i. Sdexpen«i*« bandage* m» long Thi* Ine f coaicienUOUJ in »WUar, inasmuch a* pc baa ° Ui onej case out of three hundred and tiny-Uirec j a *A&Jfor Rheumauwn and Weak Breast or Bock,■ •£ landed with pain, there i» nothing to excel tb»s Ilu icY in aJhtding relief oy effecting a cure, hor ta t l>> l Wilcox, comer of Diamond and Market »t Hratin * better, M Liberty and tit-Clair Mi Insurgent “ Federal at and pnuuoca, Ahe- Jacques &!&>, * Denman and Diamond Birnncg tT” K. SELLEK±S Druggist, No M Wood sireeV Tv Sole Agent for the sale of Dr. Townsend «Getv ha* just received UW dozen of thn din-at Coring and FumEcr Medicine, i Far "baser* ihoald reeollccUhnt K E Seller* « • l .gcnHor Piusbnigl., and DM Curry for AHegbcnj /TSLOAN UyiT-VEH PATLNiXCVHUVVA-rCIIJ 1 (t KS.—Duplex Watchc*, made by tbo cel f' ,f * ffiLSf!irf London. M J.Tobinvof Liverpool, and n £|srtfa*aortmeniol detached go!*land adver U» Ln.trl lit the be«t Geneva manulhumicrs. ‘“J&ctacle* oi alUmdv CommuniouWare m *«u, ‘'“(pt wittl. «■»•<<** w w&Sn,”" ' comer Market thd •tih m« _ , . r A ijLAY’S KNULAND-UMpei’* finccJiiioc M^iSS^KSs^BSffiar For"**! i' EXCHANGE- BRO- If. HObKJBS * j _ Banker., •**«*»»£» E***|*'»» . COLLECTUJNS.—Draft*-. Note* £o™,! ! n '« payable In any part oi the Union, edleetea on . on New Tot*, rhilftdelphia and Oal- Saint Lout, and t inted sint?.diKoauiei) l ijdantfCoin'bought Foreign American Cold anu -'•» j s . "osUNo. 35 M.tket «««. b«w«3 M . p s. ■'*&*“ skss il. u> Jlloou. Mite **“t. jrnMl AInOBISt Wiliioul artucion or ducocii.-bj S;!l .1 on. SON, Earopetrn ana General Agen*» ' du„r we*t of foot. liiwiWi ulm 1> in Foreicn and Dotaertic » *l. of M raer of tifralr. of Dt'po.Mie, Bank bolt* and Coin corn 3J and Wood ttfeett, directly opposite bt. iif BSTKHM FUifUS^ YV uiuo, Indian., Keoinek7> . aitswan : • Bank Note* pnreh.sed a* U»« lowcsl ***{?’ * sbNS, . , 3&'Market street. iTtL'LS OF KXqUASOE-Sigbt Cheek* on Ncw '° fk i»hiiidelpliia. and Baltimore, ; j Con-tairdy for .ale by N. HOLMES *ep»P . —— USlt, &c. vn-'W UUMO-Roll on Silver Moon; “l, Ur ti.to.ta ""» «U land pop.- I,! „t™.!“™po.rf by Ford. 8.-Vjr-.o *> »«»<«>• oi ~ vag' * eiicbj pnec ;!3c per na ™ b< ;r- Tbe above. with a large coUeciioc i'o!ku ; , Somr-, Ar. &c- rrcilj JUIiN H MKLIpOR i »ttnF. ANTHO.VS SERIES OPCLW V l.nii" Le<*n;i«. L«iin I'm*" J C;r*ar‘« t'otimieir.nnr* on Jl«« <»»iiic f Th<- A>eidof Virgil . Cicero* &elct S«ilu"' : * J meat thine War, and meColi aline. 'The Wort* of Horace. I l-ir*t Greek I.Cfsous lueek rro»e l Grammar of ihe Greek Language. I ‘ “Tnc Aniiiiwir m Zenopbon. . • I I'iccio de Senccintc, de Amiolia. li For »a'o :.i reduced price* at the book) JOHNSTON kb f pi;) corner Third a NKW HOOKS— lUr'torr of the Nati A.--«nb.> from Miry, lb»rt, by b. History of IVndeiinii, lu» fortunes i l» ; « (HetnW ami jr*eaie*t enemy, by > .pv notf.nr :>l !, V:r,nty Pair.*’ Iteinhuuni; or, die Vale of Shadon niHi, l.y Juniua D. li Neveu Southwo JuVreoUby JOHNSTON fci anc'Ut corner Markc iif k R.—'Tbo«e who are in warn u- »r-rr*f>«'cti«tiy tnvitsd to eiam ill f.i ibr reuatrjr, Rod will l*tf wld t <>i f-ortii.c AUojusl rc+riv ,-U inuuuiacmrc, warraflieU .1- rv«-r*olJmUiU country;[ «' "NKWlN^ai r > riMIF.»nUS»-nt.prf.a»i«real»PlJ' ■P; J.hheMitofCAHilAßljSU N rcti*& V. bir, <‘ f v-aieiilnsu ! cxu-ni tocit.g lut four !**>» aiTorUwifr with ttm fiioefo v*- Uio seals of Uic* m a 0.-U<»se. Uiasuittlil) 5 « „„ ih-rn .my m:u*:c wn\len I e riM-fiof. «.»o, It.is l>rrii to • i,o«ly of tliti iu*trom«lui u nnutaiiy btoiitc*! uuJ Oniai rr a 1110*1 clcgnnl nad jsXtKj pru-s u |*ui *o low a»|lo b rvery one U» obuiii a ij.'at Uip jump time:, a «»•« aconpa»au»*in#e. | ;i>V<V—'rhe subscriber •om turode, and lor sole, “n Piano Fopo, called the OAU* ,-liitlrpor jessing more P« w «» uarr I'iaAn,occupies buloue V, ia a reach more showy nhd are. «i idpurueularly desua ,paec ii kn object, being ei *Vi. and occupying no more Till: subscriber hM m • uivr.mdy .lorn tbc cclebra n hi* owil hand writing,which " ||. KLKUKK, \ At } W Woods*til’s GHKAT ML'SIOAI. J lii* jus* rrccivcU I c.uirrly ««» .^nuono 1 i>i:r W'Krh,' •mil *wrptti*-*« tll!U. Ibe * romth a-1 tauob ronm. a« liuii4»ntnr luiml ui P wi.<' :«• in-: rawiajrol ri i'ill '*i> nrat nx.l i-otUf r.iuni ti*tin n «tnnH mrt** iun.l a •c-'jMiii'-ul ol in «wy t.« b in«oa. [NT TAILOR, OarKcl Strrel, Wn eiieniftTc and carefully re ins uiidlSummrr floods, the informs llus friends and the urci-aniig to receive amide- aud in me nrulesi ruiuotiai.jle mnimer. Ashen o» tM rn*h *y»t«in, he Qm i i ixi aoic lo do worn n«-ehcii| , liAurcii! in the country , .nsisimg of Ciustruero, ilroad • \icli his friends “re tespcoUu. „ u »-^ s . kuK UKO Ri) MERC HA] .fiO* 46 itl IT A VIMI furcbn»o«i .T^i-f.UV 1 rr v*cu\iU>- niittln?, Unit I'.-- »U»« ■-u'.p iliPir pj4:m wttb rii'i't i-i:. an*! ‘ tiima''-i tliii* i><* : >!o!-W i« i'nrifii. t ~ Ve-ui.-;*, A** m. UIDDLBi t’KU to |» now three siory bticx UGeld street, one door below reel, Teeth inserted from one (irtiun principle, witUu neuu- Sc uaiuyal gum—restoring the to an cnlif« Mil, on iltn utal r?pre*p»uninm of i, orii’iunl etinpe ol tbo fnj S U.—Tonli mrucU Ik*c*ny?d Ti'i'Ui pern i vcnuii? ih< io»m miliet ring it* ibciMgti n *bou < id witlfllillle ot no pain, fuirnily »a»eJ by plugging,pi I which! i» much bcUer ihr [d bo ilcine m five ‘ warh. U rapidly t“kes eat.alll *P®j» £■?£«*■**' J ?«“>*““°^t Light ll*’ in- - ..i.liv unruled Itunuug fluid can now be “®d !,Vii!r 11.-. n. Lump Score, No.bO Third aimel, rrccn Worn! ami Market. \ . . ~r u mm-iuTt liome U Uat the prerercacci'iall ' u .. tn ni,ai the shoheat uolicflaad ou Ihc mot ! ”S“llI°“Sl> u . l o„iillor Blind Tiui.p.- A 2 i«7iV.tier Curtatn* of all >Uc different »lxe» and Sr” »S“ dtor .&« lo» feinrt- Old Veni , nn .N otu..f‘l over nii 1 repaired) or taken in pan iOl ’ui>-n:uVt:LT;pro'pr N ‘u--AU. \>UI. dd-.ewun uie u-s viirt.naiidiip) hud aratrwdcd to pica; uny, Aug. 10, MANUirACTURKS. —Tha under* I -itii'ii \ir*’ui for the iiiaiiuiuclurcrs, liasoa hand ...il i« .mi-iniiiiy receiving a lull supply of the articles m l-.ml.utsl* .nil »mcU hj ofta K" .\le ui manufacturers prices. OhUCOWIKAW. fcutfw _ *! I tfi woodsy 1 >'iii AUiWEk I'ASTK-1 gross boUle* India Kub* I lierl'aMt* an excellent article for rendering bools Hl oc* Weeny waieriproof, and soft as a piece ol .... application «)i ihu posts is sufficient in. runic litem impervious locator for or 3 months, and „ - w .,f crl [.tevt-nuilve from the leather crocking. “ *,u ? d Jml lor sate ut ti{e India Rubber Depot, No 8 . fi**» j ww.‘“r u -~ amkiucan Tm&ifloiiAPi* cobpakv. lu . ti moiik, rirraocaou *x» vraamse. ' , Western line. ome# at the Exchange, DaUlmore. RrtUIXKD BATES.-tbe charges have been redu ced on all Message* to or from lialumoro. Pius* „- ufEO or Wheeling,, and a corre«poudiug reduction mmte on all telegraphic despatches lonvardcd from Ual- U charge B is’ f a telegraph despatch to or fromlSuniore, i’llMDurgfa and Wheeling, is 45 cents forTbUrsUcn words, add 3 cents for each additional No charge is nwlc for the tddi “{mill the completion ofjthe South Western Line oi r KAh Term., to New Orleans, des iiiTfci can^eforWtuUeato Meiliphi*by this roulc, and rnVlied lot New Orleans,; : .. rno V A MIL* BsHiOheimeui Liquid for washing I clothes, ™ 118 "- hftlltho labor end dispensing enurelf wnhlhc The finest Wilton earpeu, after burin* m «m clefen yeert, h*ve been pertectly restor .Tvriliioul the slightest injury to tbo itbne, atul ««*- r>,\ rouioetlX (rum thejfioor. It will not injure the 32* jnrrcloi.B accompanying esch LoUle. I rice C «C«U. Fo»«lo by Co, gi 'inv" [ ■ ; . . ...... 7--. ItaYiWpTalult, lit i'us-TUrfr toKS, con 1 alphabetical list of Fast Offices lUrouga* *r. djsur.ee* froflt Washington, Di imie ami terntotial cujmal* resjrectiTely; »!««• 7.:: u* *>r fss&'esssp . • • wimmm m tiiffifitr ; JfiiifiiMWr : 3 .1 sdssfs'sl5 s ’i|il«'‘“ol|s!|lt!t3ssss ? 1 ’< SsiK|S!;s,6l:;|»hi.|i i3=*-j 3 :-=£;sj^ * Is~-1 =u s-uh ■£ 5-® ? "«>@? 4tc ifr K&ifitiuHs£sgiifl!&-|?in- 11 fi M slillM Iliiilirtl 11 "3^ Zq« s §* & £ Is1 e Pa-llJls^ii s i*-5 si g|f^i .* £ S |l £| o 'i£ili4iS‘l : |S P% I s >i? «si |f *h rtifcMliiitill Jill fit fi iw§fl ® f.g 101 l s 2 1 111 11.2|It|||lfi||i|i|f £ |!|':!i aifi : °o I |f b'SI ~M-f £11: ■ "ill If fit SBllRiililftlliSllllN|l s| Ol 5 sxf «: fl 2 , «iK-SsS'3p!’S l |||s?’sS3»|?-=s|.<6 | = g; I ».“ss! h il|iiiiJ|i?isi!|iii?iriliisii. Eli! .- Bi‘2i% 1 11'=.s- S? o g r-s4ll£'fSs & Ss-iSifSls»i-|fEg -3 5 £ ?1 Z. < n «!l!|-||lUi?it3£IrlPl! 1111^^ I E111 s . gg |a 0 |lfii!lri!ili!ialr|*HS.lsS^?Sl B? .tf.-.fe •' ■' “fill 5*351 »ts if is* 111 - '? * * 3 MEDICAL. lixteen years &* all ibiUty t *l'declare ihe almost danger and ra*j»n‘“ ln » one case bos U “tSSiiffSb*? •“HSiIS.'SKSStJ :„^V;.»^™™ur , 01 NTM E NT 3538^g£5tH5K SfflflTSSiu^cEf^Aa^lNlllEFACE, dtfttf erery thtog kDOW %ff us ue had t pent »iTSSJSS^S^-^-*' taxes of Ointment cared them. care of TETTER—There w nolhiagwwr a of Walur*, oml (or aale by t;el Wood at VSSlCS.—Firs' roCKTON, id Market at* mil Contutoei Tocfcran, Esq. »d misfortune: 'm. M. Thacki a, a tale of pa rtu. ; n, mallii* bran* ‘•coafto ibe ma rt]- aid managing racitfc and coke; [c.. including an 1 ■ ttIfeSASKSSS^WtI I SmVrable nMttuu gotten SJJSjjfjSfc I uj I „ to be hoi, tihMoroocberooio »t home,T-«K.«“«« ‘"'“SSS'm THE OB AVE. _.! i i„», e i.u«wo. ■ ■>j I l\R. ** , S~SABSAPAWLLAr:*g ' I) dojcn of l)f- Town* end's Ge " u APs^V|^S |wl rtcd j “k(Sl only AjfoUwKusUiilt .', iu3 Byl)MCUßß^rAßC'‘ irorAlle -SH. c °>'.. c, - I T- I .' Facts for U»« PnWlc, In relation to mat unrivalled _ v DALbET’S BABICAI PAIN EXTRACTOR. m|>'llMONY of * rcspeetnMa.rhytf wan.—Read x Uio following, addressed lo oy F ‘ er • tywealher, Cmauinati: 1» ISU. ■ <;ir- a sense of duty compels mo to give my tnnnio to Dailey’s Pain Extractor. Betug opposed to qo*»j[* |K^SfSr| Druggist*. Tl y !awtmet L / Bteuvutitvu . : The following, tea tim*Mil»i comes source fa, i Ur -boae tenor , April I3,’l8«. K&SXte-1&“S* ~5 “ le >“' 1 “‘ W ™“"‘' SflSSf” iT.a^.^r.ouv^ -rte. ' m Wood «~t, >*r«er; i.lbo most valuable dU*| i®^*SS2s!SrsaasßSss iesssss^sgs^fe r i KP -E d pn„r, „> > {bmM „ GraU. s HilSfe Afes&iZJ? j 1 "“ l ° r ‘‘ lcU “’ ,1 * , £1L,0»T,Ky.N0v.!13,160 ', nallev “I have tried yoai Pain Extractor in _*.rttV£»..SraAtj, teJM«jgSS ad cored 10 d aery ibort U-." l« jE “’ \?“" a MMe. 'TofmON-’ul’.ore rad apply oiU» ro ibe temblor,' a^V^rood-y,nS-Vo*, or» *- Iborucd Genital Depot, Piluborsh. the pain in a few minute«-tt ntverjail* ja _ \1 ORGAN’S iVOtot 12 ,1319. full of your '\°jm toller to on® 01 Urge { Ftpdenc Oter one;Tolurae, 600 m ryood. Price, eiTcd by )p, Wood at _ "of hie Puritan* •ra,: complete in Rpdlmenu, by .mi,: or Skelrbea Teller. . , tMnn In lhe world fc BURNS—It w one ofibe ben uung Religion, by Rea. I e IlJiiory of the ii; krakiDC’s Goi- New York. The ! Of Klisha, by Km pilgrim’* Pro? re*> If Am. 8. 8. Union, tied |by Am. 8. 8. 1 A flngli^h, ■ 70 Wood at Bores- , cored by this Oint- ' ws£. SJltear, *g*A/Sb l 2'pi«M. D 3. Sw* TAnct, BrcniAU«t J £af ati*. S-fTO; EsTuK Pin- Bums, Corns, «U !««*“ %. . flAjumotum, %?BUf. S.«^ 1W jSiS SS? I “iSSfte “jTU. Olng*;”J' *filSl"”' 47 '’ ‘‘ I r™.®-4 S ■'b-r >v*““ ••,3“«r **»>•*• i‘ n» Pri.lfll'l” »»i iown* in ihc United Stale, j AMES McJll xiBTEß, 1' -^S^sS&^S^ tdelphii EIVED —t*erc Al!?a ->alod>y ‘IRJp, Cft IVwj a* lanki* lor teaching jitecUous to ve»eb r supply just reect* >R, PI Wood laaoetment ’t ood.t'ianoa, Just-6, mitnetui arc made, and, beat materia' PRICE » CEKT9PER Ml of . aobayb a I’ l ' \Vi:cox. Jr, comcf of Übeny * Dd Bl i < ?£ kJbSSS, 1 .1.0 eornor of J •i, 3d d~r fr J t Dru«i*t, JUr- Sehwanx and J 6 "|*R‘J. I ?,j> e rty; H Rowland, Me; mittghani; U?»«Bl«y» * . MaaonzmbelaCtiy; N Keeipom Vr!. fKeW, Brown.TiUe; l ieU25-deodly . Its Wood »treet. Id door bUoy# Fifth, Df a Wood iniuuaenl, ue Uicm before put* bi 4>4 excelled *Jf *»!> ■werilian wiybroußbi d, i«lo Vianoiof Hun* o bdißuperior to fcny ©e«3 F. B. aiEjS'*' .ed Solo A*ea» 'MOVtID MELODY 1 perfected by I k’e usual cotnpan ’t\ jMctsn. M k c#*ir* and demand, :ia»>mnienulo4i anil r,p>«tj£*ble 10 penoim !>-tai ' ia»o or 0/|an •kuapiovcd by plafinj o c«t iron J'iww rui4i”" ‘“P °» hsnd ,» ‘•S'SLV.' BOMUNBBJ!*N'^_ BFiiITIPOITOKNAfI'ENfs PUk fAKfiiio - b jJS, O Lociwooo. <□ Wood prar, ho. ja«l oindhwme bcealifolV omomeoied hRAfh '.PHONO,ofo.oneiy of paliorn. and color., also, oolT?..oo Paper for’oroa.acouaj.looldns «U»«e». Dictate frame*, or la/np*. J . 'r-~rrt; iim ol Lbe Plane ami Saw, 73 W ooil ■ireel A ■ cffiei* wwrtmem of Cincinnati Coopert &!* myK UUQKR & LAUFMAN C-rrr,ir-.n.ATK cocoa, amu bkoma-tinkers ]‘bS££nol Chocolate and Cocoa; also. Schmlla iffSSSd Chocolate, just rec* and for sale at the W'S.etod rdi'd “d f« >■>• Iho .KuSwMo T«. Srorr, n round .L - a oaDoCK• b PATENT dasher churn. r iut! ,ull U* PEOCUUKD W 5 or 10 MtdUTXU Fkort Bon f> < KXW MIIX. I ii> attention of the public is invited to this wry ( «Aluihle Churn,’which has the adenuuge «( »» o!»ii in’ eSmWaSi the bld.and now tneeuuona to * TheuUlity ofthi* Invention l*i apparent, asiby-a siiaj nU nroeeM the air is forced beneath the dash, and Sra? MvaywUh the necessity of purchasing a new rs i/iTcan bn applied to any churn in use. and f““„: doiiur can have’all tho improvements of the s|. conbSiu.U,o» of gklhering Iho Bunrr Id lnuitod lo 001 l o»d- judire for ihtm selws before purchasing elsewhere, at 87, corner of Martetlnd Fifth streets, or at «3 D.amoud alley, be- Murtr. KlnF-SKN. THE undersigned having been appointed Agent the DcLiWAEB Mutual Safsit Issubasm Co jt in the Place of John Frnney, Jr.,. resign., i. wMtfol yiniormi* the public and tho mendsand cus* mmersof too Company, that he U prepared to taka Inland and Fire risks on liberal term*, at iheir Ss£%?!lSr Wwf Btreeu P. A. *' JlOfiK:!—iowTeet X in. a ply India Rubber How— jo*t received for the Borough of Munches- A-lilelwill l>« held in store for a few day*- The naaion Belling'Company express a strong desire for K deparunenu’of lie ciue.or Pittsburgh and Al- to call and examine ami makeatrial ofibem. The company is willing to pat them to any teat they '***s*' W COQCIB 4 fl wood st BnnVfl FOR TITE SUBSCBIPTIOyroF STOCK, Citizens' Instance Company of FRtaUrgh, , be opened in the Room* of tho Board of Trade, on die firet Monday of Wtwaato a. K. Wn. Larimer, Jr. Robert >vooc», Wsl B. M'Clure, Joseph Plummer, •plfcdtsort ■ Comraissioncra^ 'dOLD I WABUSRB. HPARRVhaslnTeoied a machine ftV washing , Gold, for has mode application:for a m.u>nt. They are-now offered for sale at.the ware* K of l*2ry, Scott fcCo, No. 103 Wood street, to California are inxited to call and ex* amine these labor-saving machines. They ■» "“Jf*?, in their eonstnicuon, easily transported on the bacKoj mules or horses, weighing eighty pounds caeh.anu can be pat in operation In half an W. rbey filled with provisions. It U the opinion of th°« have scon the trial ofoneofthese machinesofemalleiit Site, that two men will wash the miners! bushels of sand or earth Inn day, ” Jze partieie ofthe mineral. They ean beiitcre»«dio* nV and worked by water or mule power, u <*Pf“ Tire operatorsi work without going Into ihe ‘ut eh* being exposed to wet, and consequently dangering their healtfi. They will ***!*“*?£_ . ea «on. stream of water, and can be UK £ r ‘J > Q. P " b u P not infi? and-can be put into operation where there is coipuJrf b, '“{,*“£{??&' leu * C.% '"•* *' * ‘ ~gQTfi?tS. i aytLHAML.II HARTMAN having sold bis uyet* sts.-ar—-* •—issssuss? medical. salteu’s t T „ 1. LUN(«S —The unprecedented, snocees “ M j “““‘"“'"“"Im&c panacea a .11 Ho sorioo- formswhichirnlallon ofllelopJlM I limes, has imlaceil Ihe proprietor esain to call alien lion 10 ' hi, WONDEIIFUIi PREPARATION. The chanrabte weather wSSi ntatk* °« ana wmtermon^isal^yeafnutfaleobrceor CULDS AND COUGHS- f „ these, if neglecteil, ra tal “>e precursors of Uni all destroyer, 1 pAotfifprinv Mrts ssa olds? is or vita! imponsjiee io tho C“ b ’& 1ED y sSSiSSK Sga^OTSS^! Ice. from U ‘J OU[ITiA j LS oFUffiDAY, '•aosjKi l ' ' s'fefr ‘“mB&KUT’S-cußflnra. ■MBBESSte**'-- '®^©5 r 4S^ ,J ‘®i ,„'bTrtmt»ea unJ lbc prlcb will b. mlnoital. — \» K l%& Poiu£sil«ki>“ne. CUoridu GoM,. U»e« «wg«te '■ Jainet Towder, ' ■ Cbleiide Soda, Extinct BhiiaoTi .EBS, stiec’d and fcr *aie by. R B “^Xvoodst N. v" city 0 'K. Fui*moc*rjr~ " U ‘ '* ;l. J„ K*Uswn*», S Piusborgh. u " c,,,ro ' /TUIE undendffned “•.•2«pS ,r «JSSuS»et!Si i :Whotewtfl Jtnt bu«iaeu■*.No. <»V«ppty toe eiiy of Ntw '? Paiau,, Urauttta t&6 ema ~pf ff ljm B iyl ffiafi^TOasssa'SKfffl > k “fJ vort’t"“ 7 ‘ “"' ph!~JAV IVE’S ALTKKATIVK. • l \V e hare too i Kind. She h“" WHITE sW ELLIN OS, attended mtn olccranoni^nv^iMe*have been Uacbarjedfroio nrjwtockmmnjfJJ cr aSiem,from both ter arma, the iranuil toe , fom teai.apd from the left -nilsand hoaM■•no iroo.o m palpim fe.r.o*** one baffled U v lOetfr I I in* Stone* on bud and toe raJo | b , wij y WHO * co, 10 usxni n / ~’ '." ~..! ... :. ... MtSCEMiANEOUS; Tbe Co iui e onihr- moat t ei? jl >SlM andmoslfatliionable AJo , TIIE CHEAP ROLL, or BOSTON BLINDjCU.MM lof made lo order of *ll »1m«. and at allpiieM. - .. H I Country M erchanti and dtim are jnrlted W ejtl«“ | examine the aboTe for themielf ei.aaallwiUMMjd wholesale or retail; aad a liberal dedacuoa m»d* « wJioleailepiirrhaaera. “ |. aoldly > • /l WE3TEEYELT _ •- Ho tie* to tIM Fmbue. TKTTZ'htnbY noU/y oar friend* and corre*p6naen» ff *t ho®* Bad abroad, that we will til atcnUTiacxs, receive freight from any B°» l *°‘ ,hWU. Newlon Jone. i. .jgff- nm ,. a fc >LC OBN. INDIA RUBBER PASTE-Jo«t.receiTiaf, SLpw bottlea of Rubber Pule, a aupenor • »niolei Important to peraooi that wUh to keep thtir Wt ary* U preTcata the leather from crocking-, mid wiU MJtfc» poUih orer It. For ittle at the India ,Wo 5 Wood street. marf .Jfc H GOLDI GOL.DII GOLDIH GOfcDmi , TUB subscriber, wholesale m&nurwe tureroTJ e-TT - KLRY, mriies wholesale-dealers and] ding South and Wesl—also, connffY " eolfnnd examine his »loek of void at tin lowest prices for cub or •PP r ® , “iJsv7* unces. Coastanily on hand and mannfaemnrjj, large assortment suiialilo for r- p B Mr Hangtngii ' j, ' tel and nude arrangements by which I wUIM fioi to procure il V.OWi Tf'TSSid ta , their appearanee la the Eastern market, ! . Vile ihe Mlenuon of those desiring to have theu hmitM papered with the latest-styles of P“Pf r »J?„ e “* ad examine my stock, before purchasing elsewhere. . I have now on the way trom the Bfl,c™pieces of Gold, Satin Giazsd, and common p$? r i{*^*2£ 5 W ßasft gs^ss- HAVlNGJaatcompleledtho rebufiiMofontwort homes,we aw uow prepared to receive meat . . near Seventh n P^SS3SSS3^!«Sg which wtrodcthl '■“‘"ngfifajSS-BH EE, ; feL24 ’ comer Penn andlrwlfr** _ WOBKfc-' '*■ „ COLEMAN, MAILMAN A CO. '“““"T “ ,““V SSSStSShSSX^SS^ piurtufttßintei their mention. . •-. : ..' ondnuleobloiroaon übe £*“£?*- Warehouse oa Water aod Foanh »U- fcb«o-u_ ’ SAM’L. GRAY, - : MERCHANT TAILOR, ESCHAKOS BUItDIIIfiS, ' : ST. CLAIR STRBRT, • PITTSBCReDi ii.« mrr itmamnoa *NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, And U now reeeiring a fine aasortmeaiof CLOTHS, CJSSIUKSKS ASD TEBTISBB, I .OF THE BEST QUALITY AND STYLES, ■\VLich he U prepared to make to orde - IN THE BEST MANNER - . ; ' And in the l ate a t Faahio n». rairio _ • Head <*uart«r* for BoottWd8l»o«», Corner of Fourth und rimhhfield .trcett, _ PliiuuiQU, ri. sSj irai PllLwbOle*ale and reiail, would respcctftdijf ft. iiit ucJie atteniiou of their friend, and tto.imbUp geu e rally, to their splendid new slock, coaiislingof men*, womens', boy.’, mi»cs’ and children. wearofevery vS“;iuilible for the .eiwa and at price. tn.«it the time*. A splendid crude of home mode .work, such u» gentlemen’. line Uoou. miuc. ani T o ™ l '**- corocrlSsSSeMi-, N\B.—Traveling Trank., Carpel Hag#, Ac. Ae., al ways on hand and low for cash • liuuiO' raerehaulswould find it to their Interest w «ve ui a call when Vlstting thocity. tn,-hl4 ~ LOGAHi WiXiSOM * ««•» , . anil Wliole.ate Dealorsin F*soo Domestic Hardware, Gallery, Saddlery, fee-ami's Wood it reel, Pittsburgh, are now fully prepared with a recently imported .toefcof llardware, Cutlery, Sad . dlerr, Carpeuicr*’ Tool* Ac, to offer rary great m ‘ dnccmeaii to Weiteru Merchants, m to atfiliuon u» the many advantages had by our predecessor* Me*- sre. Logan A Kennedy,.we havo greatly ltrt " ia ? e h ‘ l faciliue* and purchase all oar good, iroa 6»t hand* 1 ou the very best term*. - Tae junior member, of the “[® , T , attention to sales; and feeling confident respeeuollj solicit * call irom vail this market. S&S£Sr2fSf£,J make a from to the best .front bnek. . > K have greatest .uusfacuoa wall who f have A kiln con be seen ntmy g 11 sd.ja I -tta,b»»,o».b ß la««- io 0( | ■ • • tr- n UimingJiaA' June IJ, anrooE—Tae figaett price in coin paid lor all foe W Afferent gr«d<* ofclean wauhed wool, by. H LEE, Übcny it, pppocaaSd> - . .-jg / rOPABTNEBSUIP—I havc ~iRl»" day ai*oe«ted ; Wti. Noni.g- ....5 PITTSBURGH f ►W£s"‘2- : AiL\,C'M!UEMiUi*v,Zdil.,watF<*l ( &Z- a < UATKS OS 1 ADVKftTIM*^ Onoiaaertjbß of ]Slinc#> or . Twoiotetiioaiwfthoalelteretiow,;********* |oo •" . Three 60' One Week u „ Two Week* . .. 800 i Three •« . " » .-*•*'*„ 400 * ~ . * One M.onth, 44 *••** ,j 600 ; , Two “ m i N [- L Three “ *• *• - JET Lonhet.edrerlUemente in •***• Pi- 10 00* : One «qmre,6 month*,wilhout aU^** 1 . 15 OU - Baehaddilionaalfqnarofor.6®°^ ,, . ,^* # ~. 10 00 ] Ooe tquare.Gmonthi,renews#*® •*“« 20 00- ; *' V 12 ' “ ' tfci .i.*— ' 10 00 ; 1 BarJiadidiUonal»qna»foHs® < ?®Vj' J !f # aiure f SO 00 -• . Two equare«,firaonthi.re*^., 800 ; f ; EMhaadiiionaleqoerO/P B ? on rliiM‘ \ W»KM 0» XU-W»**» » j | One eqnnre. 3 meertione!. 57 ;< rj t J Fite llne*or le*i, o s * < ‘ ' ' J . ( «. « '«U P oaiai,»»y«yf v uj 4 « << « tii month* ’ia-l»unim,oile».oj\ u,0 ., 3, “ i " i: \ r ; - J i> •a thek whole ofgmug aut all who may , nchtO ..