The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 13, 1849, Image 3

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■ ' BPoaTED trotMugii™
• > or'the Pittsburgh daily gazetti
ABBITiL of 111 ilißiaii
' toroo*. »nd»y, Sept S 3.
The suulcet for colooiil pttdocstiMbwt, heary
tatalUwwert.Kid lower prfcM wore acccpfc
tor Coffee end Sosar/ -
The Cbn Ta*n» roles doth • .
Cotrw ia wpporte'd by speculative porehaaera,
tat ftua&ctorers and aptnner* find .no indoeej
wimi. ta what is at present in a depress
ed atate of bosfaesa. !
W«tv |f in note dec tad.
The overland mail arrived od tbo 28
lag date* from Calcoiu to August 8,,
Jnly 27th, Manilla Inly Htb.
mg doll in Chios, and hei
(Jona had taken place at Shangsidl, whi
rioaa ftgarT to the Couoa and Rfce er
' The Com Tannins dull ihroogbot
wheals per qaarter lover tru taken,
qaant&y. '
Turn fa alao cheeper; 23s is the.i
Western Canal—the prices for shippin,
wiso have a downed tendency, will
For Foitina Ikdxjm Conn the dema
aided, it ia held howerer u farmer prii
Cotto»—Sale* daring the week i
33,000 bilea ofSorat, at 431 Id. -j .
In Smmimh Stocks there ia no mat
for UiTeatmeat, in.ssreral instances It
fortJ. S, 6 per cents to the bearer.
Nothing haa t« inspired in relation jm the mo
fmtnm «r the Bnlian not to y ield the Hungarian re
fegeea totho demands of Aostria and Ratals, ex*
ceptj'thtfa Raaise officer of high nak hast*-
rived gi'GeasUatidopie, to demand j their extra*
diction*--‘There, fa nodoubtbm that requisite
faeflitfea.ean ho famished to the Hacgariaaa'to
leave the Jtarfeiah dominlona, aqd'g?whe r * they
-pieaae. •.
The latest Intelligence from Vlennji
the 23 d alt; Oomcrn had not surrej
that time, and: nothing ot imported
heard from that Jbrtreaa: Itwaajrepc
Hungarian* made a rally on .the I
obtained some advantage* over the In
Nothing aa yet haa been etrangn
Hangary. There does not appear
sormoontable difficulty in thetv*/ o
fiealion opon the baaia of comple
Austria.' ' j .■
The Emperor of- Rnssia haa retained to St.
Pelenbtirgh. Hit troops are gradually withdraw*
Jag within the Russian frontier. . \:
) | | ip
Commercial advices »rc onimporiant.
The cotton market U Very qoictJ j Both .con*
earners and ipeeulaloraaro setiog with I great'' can-1
Uob,although there ii afair amount oftraßsactiom. |
Price* hare •offered a decline. ’l j |
| Grain i» again doll; only a limited trade, going:
i - forward. Prices rather tending downward. Ho!d
•, era of Indian corn! afloat in larerpool, have her.
• ; come more Arm. | i.: ' v , |
. Reports from the minnfacturing districts repor
trade languid, without a prcipeci ot [improvement
particularly as recent advices from" India are nnf
fovorahle. |- ! !j . [ ‘ |
The mortality from cholera decreases. i
Cotton—. Daring the past week priceaof Amerj
■ iean have not changed, but at the same time have
I beendifßcnU tobuy or-stllon satisfactory terms.
! This continued dullnewlß cot attributable to any
| j change in accoanta of growing crops—which are
j ■ ; adll untavorable-rbut to.the' decrei sing stale of
; the Manchester mgrket/
j T imports for the week, only 323 In lea ; sales far
I \ week»30 l 000 bales. - (
: i ;j ~ ' FRANCE. ' : ,;j 1
Prance enjoys perfecsraaqmlliiy.j. No prospet
r j of another political agitation at present, - Rives,
L I who tnrcocmif ffnih. srriTrd.m Print
PmuT>rwjgii t Oci.ia. '
The steamer Caledonia 'has arrived at- Bottcra.
Nothing baa been beard of the c spreaa. The
•wire*, beyond Boaioa, arc oat of orser.
St.lio jis, Ocl 18.
Recent arrival* bom Santa Fe, vith dates to
the UU» of September,' Kate-that boainess was
The Indians were beginning to be more quiet.
The crops, in tbe valley of the( Rio Grande,
were abundant. I
PmuoxuaiAjOct. 12.
Gamble a majority in the City and County
of 182. Tbe Democratic candidate kir sheriff has
• majority of 953. In the State Senate, there wilt
be a Democratic majority. I
Tbe atearner** news has unsettled the markets.
No transactions worthy of notice have transpired.
CxncuauTi, OeL 12.
Aeeording to tbe returns Grom tbe counties whieb
bavabeen besrdirom, it appears that 20 Democrats
•nd 21 .Whigs are elected to tbe House.
. Reports op to noon left a> majority of two in'tbe
Senate to the Democrats. Tbe latest accounts,
however, from Carroll county, indicate n Whig
gjain for Senator, which ties the Senile.
We shall have further accounts giving very
nearly the result.: . ’
/ . . ixconD pisratta.
Cbcouuti, Oct 12.' ,
All the Sute has been preuy mneb heard Grom,
.milting both the Whigs and Democrats from the
•first district of Hamilton Conniy, the House
stands 30 Whigs, 31 Democrats, and 6 Free Dem
•eercU. The Senate 17 Whigs, 16 DemocraD, and
*cne Free Boiler.
thud pxsraTcu.
Cuicdguxx, OcL 12.
la ihU couaiy. there U * majority BgaUu the
OcßTeotfon of 3471.
fiote, -Jk-moerai ha» V majority of 250, which
h** ejection.
- 8003 uroxt. I
N*wYoix,Oct 12.
Vib»-TM wtai'toM *ndpH ce . #
u BOllitu« in Whoat-Geae»»ee U
k*ldu9i,2il - ...
Can-Wt nm*B ulci of northern yellow, «t *4c.
«sn4 yellow c?l*. '
i-Poik—Then i* not much mOTCmenl m
Sal*4weremadeu.nmodernte eyeot *'• •! .
mental for prim*. la.cmmeett then u noth
tag dan,. 8«l«a were m **• «-«*»* fof b “ u “®
ihotUeri, nai la enrw kiad* etSltfle f 6- ■
, : Whitley—lbsrp i» no ne w Centura to the mtrki
; tad prices up tnehtafol. „
CiTtcuouTi* Oct 12..
Flow—Tie market it firm, ■
'Whiskey hee declined lo 21022 c.
Prcvirioßv—Theprtoe* ere qaiet end tteedy*
Coffee it e airs' el 9|fi?ioo per ft, tad it ed«
Tne rirtr'bu rieeo.s2 inches, end there U
• plenty of water ie ihe'chaonel.
We hsd • reid !e«night,bbt the weather today
'it fine.
CHEESE— 73 bz* priato W R Cheese, Jon ree'd and
for (tie by (occQ JOtltt WATT k CO _
ifTICKERLL—Ioo bbls Lenelfo Ain »iorean<l for
CJALMON—IS bbit prime, io i'oro and for*ele;br
Q ecit ■ iOHSWATTfor-Q
'SILKS->A tpieadid eoaonnem ©f
rich fancy Drew Sillu, rmbri'fiing every deoerip
oaa of ihe Uleniud man fashionable tty lea, to whieh
m respeelfelly invite the attention of the Isdiee
: ALEXANDERS DAY, 73Market ft,
oefl N W eorner ofthe Diamond
BJOH- POL’D tUS liAlfiES—Ju« opened, e lot of
fcjirh col’d plaia Do Lsieea, of etoperier quality.
FT.tNN’KL&“-A fall Mwirtmoa Karlel, yellow and
wklta Klaanela, of all qtuliilc* and price*, hmre* I
w rod by - ocU ALEXANDERS DAY I
S «i/uH \NT) MOLAsBEs—dOhhd* prime N O Ba
tre> bbl* Mol**»e», (Piu. bbla,)ia*iote »ad M
JAS pm-ze£L.« w.i«t .1
vSuoKEri ÜBIUIINO-IK b» »n«kri Httrlnj, i'
iS“,“*TT n d far iaie low 30 elo*e eoo«lfiuneoL
E LAgl> — F ° r **il l *?Ait ciadrrtco
I r , ; , * n °^^s^soT
CiLOVES-ifiO derßerUu'jajtw,
rMb w f x\ 9*.
■ *-•* .-+<**•&
*?- Mnn. *. J. TOS SOBXBOOT. w. H. SUIT-
Omcx, Pliiihikk Gaxxttx, )
Saturday Mormnf, October 13,1649. I'
,Wehave S 3 change to notice in ike general featores
of the market For the peat three days, leu activity pre
vailed,bat iq the way of general sales to city asdcoaa
try trade, a fair amdunt of holiness is deitu- I
Funra—We notice ;no change in the market; the' arri
val* are tti’l very light, and there aeema to be very lit
tle deposition to Operate. : Tbe tales from first bands
yesterday, *o far as we coaid learn, did not exceed
300 bbls, at 94 1 2394,‘i7; and from sto-e, tales were con
fined to rega'ar dray wad lots, at 94,5094^13 9 bbl.
Casts—We find no change in quotations from our
yesterday’s report. Supplies are light, and aalea limited.
Gaocnrxa.—Every) thing under this heed continues
firm at folly quoted riles. Bales la a geoeral way to
city and country trade, are quite active at tbe follow-
ing prices. N. O. Bogar o}3fl} for prime, cash and
time. Coflee it buoyant at 9}99|e for Rio, and Java
at!l}9l2c 9 6. Sales SO bbls N.O. Molasses, in oak,
wSSIc, 4 moi. Loaf Sugar is in fairreqnest at 80LQe/
and Rice at die 9 ft] ‘ . % /
Bacon—We notice ibo receipt of several considera
ble lots by river, the greater pan ofwhleh U deigned
for eastera shipment. l ., Sales of Sides tad Shoulders in
lets of« to 10 casks, at 593} for and 5} fog
Sidea Plain Hams may be quoted at S|o9c, and
bagged at 9}9!oc; (applies light. /
arrivals of Lard fot'trsniblpment east,
have been large. We noliee fair lupplies In the mar
ket, with taler at a range of 6} lo7}, in bbl and keg.
Poraron—Sales of 100 bbls atthe river, at
91.57, for Neshannocks and Pinkeye..
CaxtsK—Tbe supplies are foil, sod the article offer
ed is of the best quality. We note sales in virions lots
amounting to tome 200 boxes, at a rtnye of 0 to 7e 9
b for common to best.
th nit, bring*
Hong Kon( ■
vy inanda'
eh did a ae* 1 -
t the week
telling in a
op price for
l Coro like*
t Liberal an pi
id has sob-
COTTON YARNS—The shipments of PittsLtlgb,
manufactured Cotton Yarns slnee the rise in the riven
havo been immense, yet they can hardly be tniased from
the abundant supplies in store. The following lab cor
rect hit of prices of the various articles under this
head:— •--* - . . '
No. 5, ets per lb
i : :
8, u .. —-ie*
9, . “ 11 do
10, «* « -do
It, » « IS}
'l3p “ “....-.-do
No. 600, cu per I No. rw,
“COO, *• “ S* 14 000, *•
- “ TOO, “ “ S “1000, *•' “•
Carpet Chain, .20 j Candtewiek, • ••
Coverlet Yam* 20 BagFUling.
Twine 1 Bailing, +'
-The above are the established •
for eash, <or air rami over w
GLASS—The following t
yariooi aizei Window 01
10 by 19*4,60; 19 bp 19 *7;
91 box.
For the various ift£a of enmity brands, the following
an the established prices:
.8 by 10 '«3£S 11 by 16
10 by 12 3,60 11 by 17
10 by 14 -3,73 .19 by 16
10 by 15 *...4,50 19 by 47
I* by 15 4,50 12 by IS •
10 by 17 • * —.......4.50 91 by 30
Pto Musi#—Sale of 700 tons Picey,ai 825,8 mos.
ik extend* to
pdered op to
icQ;b&d been
<|nad that the
lj3ih 9IL, and
■1 penal troops
i ia regard to
to| bo any ia«
£ i 'final ;pad
ijejiinioa with
Ijtowo— cmoti rscrr.—The Indigo plant was a na»
lire of South Carolina. It grew spontaneomlj - among
iu weeds and-wooda. More then one hundred year*
ago, the planter* there commenced iu cultivation. \ln
lie year 1743, South Carolina exported to Great Bri
tain £OO,OOO pound*, and the Parliament gra'me<j *
bounty of 13 eenu per pound, toindoce iu greater cul
tivation. la 1787, when that ordinance was pasied,
Indigo was one of the staples of South Carolina, ind
'we beliere of Georgia also. Now, in 1849, not a Jin
gle pound oTlndigo is raised in Bouth Carolina,.or,ias
far as we know, in all Uu South! A plant which is in-
deginnons to that region, and which, in iu early et
vmuou, was exceedingly profitable, has beea drit
from existence by the cheap labor of India., Gi
Britain now pay* seven millions of dollars a year
Indigo raisedinlndia* -
Spirit at the Dtmtßtle Htrkcti..
• Tex Oil Tuds.—Tho following are the recti;
from the Whala Fishery of the United Stale*, dari
ilia quarter ending 30th Bept. b 1&49:
Sperm. White.
•10,173 9^lo
1572 1370
fctf 83 0
IS 1300
6c5 ia,*s4
At New Bedford bbli.
: Nantucket
New Loudon •
Hag Hatbar
Mystic -•••••'-
Bt. Loro, OeL 4.
Tbe'pro*peet of a ri*e io the Ohiobascau*ed Jetsde
m»wd for fioor, which l* aboat the only ebanr* notice*
able Intlse prodsce Bartel Receipts to-day arete
moderate, not exceeding 4,003 bbls, and up to the el>w
only 4001 bis bid been sold, beyets offered 84,33084,- -
37ft for ordinary and good country brabd*. but bolder*
arere spparantfy firm atyesterdsy’* quota lion*. 81,504)
SI.C3}. Wheat was in good demand, and ealea reach
bushel* at full prices. Airival* of other
grain lirbe no eon on the market. 8a es of oats at 38
Prims Barley at 9509 Ge—a further adyaoee. But lit*
tie doing in groceries or provisions, and oo large sales
ofeilher reported.
Lead—No sale* reported, and little or noneon tie
market. Sale yesterday at Bl,t?ft- ’
Whiskey—Sale* of 13* 94, and 49 bbts raw at S3e; 73
bbls In three lots at S3|c.
Hides—Sales of dry Hint at“e.
Flaxseed—Prime 81-05 bn.
Beeswax—Sales aM6ot6fte.
Linseed Oil—Sales of 10 bbl* at 97081 4P rallon.
Butter—Sales of 37 package* common at 7ftc; 31 kegs
good at 9c (p b. '
ofSOO tacks Rio Codec, (old erupt
from the landing, *! Ffc; ?iOB-3O offered for 700 bats,
and refuted. Sale of 400 tack* G. A salt, from the
landing, at SI ,30—In rather bad eeodiiic n. Small tale*
In order, at 81.37101,40; 100 saeks T. I, from Here, at
81,12 ft.— Republican. ,
Tax Dit Goons Taast—'The folio' rug tab’e will
show the value of the dry goods im wrted at New
York for the week ending Fnday, atu the amount de
posited at-and withdrawn from the U. B. warehouse:—
Imports. Witrgb'd WithtTn
Manufactures of Wool. . .81G9.310 1117.C05 839,394
Do Cotton, 71,931 2.703 3,454
Do Silk 175,945 2,f1-.>4 33.738
Do Flax, 0X557 - 5,735
Miscellaneous, 51.939 &43 5,775
Total, 8532,413 883,933
The payments from the sub-treasury for seven days
endiaa Ist lost, amount to 8(75,151 91. leaving a bal
ance In the Treasury on the sth instant, 0f53,vC?,154,-
PmuDUfBU, Monday, Oct 8,5 P.M.
The [Fleur market continue* exeeslinrly dull and
inactive; holdTs aak 85,13 a for stsmdard brands, but
there is no inquiry for export, and no a des have trans
pired; the supplies continue very liglt, but they are
quite equal to the demand—for etiy cot sumption, mod
erate sales ofeemsytnand rood brand*
and extra, at 55,37i05,63jr bbl. Rye Floor—A imaii
sale at ,83.1*1. There is no inquiry I>r Corn Meal—
holder* ask 63,13 ft F’ bbl. but oo Mies t ave been made.
Grain—There is a good demand for W irsl and pnees
are steady; sales of 405000 bushels at 91,0601,07 for
red, 81,00 for mixed, and 81.1901,14 for ordinary to
prime white. Rye—We quote Southern and Penna at
67000 eu ft bo. Corn is very searte;' irieet have fur
ther advacoed; sales of 4000 bushels fi uolhern yellow
at 65, and one lot at Use T 65 bs. Oa' i are in limited
demand; 12)0 bushel* good Southern m Id at- 90, aad a
lot of Penn’a at 35 ets r bn. In Coil >n, we hake no
material change to notice. Quercitron Bark continues
very scarce; holders ask 837 f 1 ton or No 1, but a
amalllotsold on private terms.. Wh: *key—Demand
limited; small sales of bbls at 38 eu—t hd> are held u
the same—lnquirer.
Manifest*, DSL i lading, Contract*', Law Blank,
rouan, Ac.' Ac.,
Primed «t lie sbortestnotiee. si low price*, at. the
4 j.-w fiirrm Orrtrw. TmiP STS art
Improvinenu In Dentistry*
DR. 0.0. STEARNS, lute of Boston, l» prepared to
manafAetare tad act Blocs Tkctk in whole and pans
ofaets,spon Suction or Atmospheric Suction Plates
Tootascasrcatro Of nn mim**, where the nerve i*
exposed. Offiee and residence next door to the May*
ers office. Fourth street, Piusbunrb.
Rim to—J. B. M'Fadden. P. H. Eaton. jal*
Pxxmms.Lxaos ecoam— Prepared by J. W. Kelly
William street, N. Y-nnd for sale by A Jayne*, No.
TO Fourth street. This will be found a delightful am
elp of beverage in families, and particularly lor sick
Bain's Bxomju—An improved Choeolaxe prepara
lion, being a ecmbinatioa of Cocoa nut; Innocent, in
vigorating and palatable, highly recommended partic
ularly for invalid*. Prepared by W. Baker, Dorebes
,ief, Jias#-, arid for aale by A JAYNES, at the Pekin
Tea Store, No. ?o Fourth «t mehU 1
Firs and Barins Inanrasear—Tbb Puts
'«t*en NavUATtox atm Fiat Intnunrs Coxraxr—
chartered IKK—continue* to insure, upon every de
seriolion of property, at Os fewest rata.
OirmcSi No. SI Market street
Roanrr Pram- Sct'j. TnySttPirn
nirwrtOS wiU find a complete assortment of Brat *
1 Kettle* JaPhnned and Brass Candlesticks, Fire
Rhftrels and Tongs, Snuffers, Skimmers and La-
Forks, and all other kinds of goods nsu-
V._, hr them, and for sale at extreme low price*.
•** “S* 1 #3r “ * IJK3AN, WIIJOTN ACO
*-■ i-nit WHITE, No. 5? Market street, l* now
f™*** Winter Fashions, consist
inf.adie*’ si ft* velvet Paletots;
•« prerfb Merino Cloaks;
«i cloth and silk Paletots; . '
« BilkMM'Ults. These article# ate of the
latest and most faahlsnablo Ujlet.
Ai*o. French Embroideries,
.«« BatuTde Chine, fer ladies*
fl&ua Silk; and Silk and Wool Hosiery,
Oe!M l«Ue. .ilk Vesls and Drawers; -
T W., V”« sh TiUi„.
• oetJtdlo ■ ■■ -
TffK* dbutiiM Co*i Company* •
BOOKS will be Open for mbftnpaon Wine roe* ct
“The Chartiera Coal Company," on aafi, wwr
Monday, tie a4th day of September mat, it thoWmce
F °“ "■ r^a-MiNcrfe..
Vff ANUPACTURE and will keen on bud rail.
IVI ood Stem Bom Blanket*, Donexuc FlanbeU.
bloe.browa and dfab Blanket Coaun*; Sailor* W
Woolen Yam, wbleh they will m" al fca*u:rn pribe#
-WaichOtueNo US Second at, Pituborgb, Pa
Factory, Now Hare a, Faycttn co- Pa.- »m!3|
WHITING— 50 bblajo*tree’d*nd for nde br
■\A/ Afc’fc’Bp' Qa» oTiwo LAOS at the Dry & od
fV Mam. ApptyatrfaOQjfaUetßt. apt?
»>> . .-A
LoqU McLene, Bennett, Brownsville.
•EWigbunw,- ■ ‘.Eliiabeth.
Peytona, Hendrickson, McKeesport.
Philip Doddridge, Brownsville.
Caleb Cone, Murdoch, Bearer.
Beaver. Clark. Wellavilie.
James Nelson, Moore, Wheeling.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsvilie.
Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver.
Thomas Scott, —, Beaver.
Weliville, v 4
Ohio, Stoops, Cto-'
Niagara, Cox.Cia
L_ . Loafs McLsdc, Benneti. Brownsville.
R Wighlman, 1 ;■■■■> Elisabeth.
. Peytons, Hendrickson, M’Keeaport
CaletfCope, Murdock, We!lsv»Ue.
. James Nelson, Moore, Wheeling.
Lake Eire, Gordon, Beaver.
/Beaver, Clark, Welliville.
X Camden, Headriekson, M'Keesport.
■ Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
Thomas Scott,—Wellsville.
• ' Philip Doddridge, - ■ —, Browuiville.
Fort Pitt. Miller, Nashville.
■ Ringgold, Cope, Cincinnati,
l.ydia Collins, Hunter, Louisv.
West Newton, Bailey Looisville.
Clipper, Dnvol,Cia.
Then wen 5 feet 0 inches in channel last'even
ing at dusk, and falling.
Brownsville Packets, at 8 A. M. and 6 P. M.
Beaver Packets, 8 A. M. and 4 P. M.
willsville Packets, 10 A. M.
Cineinnali, Megjetiger No. 2.
D. Leech & co'i, packet line. 9 P M.
,VA 9 P lllVll.
**^1 8. Daily A- Co’* Canal Packet, 7| o’eloek, rK.
Tbi Nbbetoxs No. B.— CapL J. C. Woodward's
splendid floating palaee will take tfrr depinnre for
Cioelnuaii this morning as 10 o’clock.
i TAM. ■ , ' 1
No. 13 cts per lb-“•••20
“ 14 u “ IB
«« is « * an;
“*w’ “ * ai
“17 “ a
J 19 u “ a
« is >. “ ai
“80 “ 15
I No. MO, cu per lb- 7fc
“ boo, “ “
“1000, “ do
Candtewiek, ITJ
, Bag Filling, 17
I Bailing, No 1,3,3-11.10,9
lilhed price*, with cl off
The fame of this noble packet, in point of speed and
superiority of accommodations, is so well established
thst she needs nothing we can aay by way of recom
mendation. She is an almost entirely new boat, this
being only her second season out- Shaba* just un
dergone thorough refining and repainting; her general
arrangements are ttuttful and elegant, tad nothing has
been tefi undone waich could add to the ease and
comfort of the passengers. ; *
BEAVER—Per Michigan—2bore* goods,! trunk
owner aboard; 13 bdl* pap-r, R M Riddle; 1 lot house
hold furniture, J B Canfie.d; l bbl potash, i Jordan* 2
stoves and fixtures, Sheriff A Shirk; lot rags is bulk, 2
kegi batter, owner aboard; 620 galls siooewmre, S
Cooper A Co; B keg», l bbl butter, owner aboard;3 bbi»
butter, 3 *ks rag«; 2 do feathers, 3 empty bxs, A Craia;
7 bxssiareh, J S DilworthA Co; 10 do do, R Bruce: 10
do do, Miller A Kiebetson.
•re the ruling rue* for the
lass, elty bread* 8 by 10, 84;
; Patent do 10 by 14 to Id by
Per Tbos Scou—s bbt» oil, Robinson, Little A Co
-618 bxs cheese, J IfCm fi.ld.
CINCINNATI—Per Niagara—3 bxs books, H Graff
A Co; t pks truss hoop*, Whitman; 1 box mdse, D Leeob
A Co; 23 bols vint gar, .Alien Cordell; 202 bbls potatoes,
owner aboard.
- ..4,74
—ft OS
SUNFISH—Per Wellsville—l bbl wap. McAdams'
& Co; 8 do rye, 3 do fl*x»eed, Wm II Johnston; tJ bi.ds
tobaeco. R Dafzell k Co; 13 do do. D Leech k Co: I 4(
do do, Wm H Johnston; -44 skt wool, Clark k Thaw.
LOUISVILLE—Per Ohio—s bit mdse, D Leech &
C->; 4 tih-l*. I box tobacco, E Hurl; 4 do, I do da, Jas
McGuire; it fch-l* do, J Fullervn; SO aka father*, For
syth & Co;Bhbd« tobacco, XV Evan*; 7 hhda, I Ihji to
bacco, Ciark k Thaw; 80 hhda do, 30 bbl* molaraes,
Carson k MeKni«hi; 1 box trooks, O A Berry; 1 cheat,
i trunk, S F Von Honnbor»t; 0 *ks feathers. I do tin
•eng, J W Butler k Bra; 13 sVs rentier*; 8 do nnseiuj,
3do wool. 1 bbl beeswax, I Dickey k Co; 45 aks feath
ers .Juo Grier, 50 bois whia«».y,F c Martin; iro bbl*
apple*,! do swert potatoes.‘Englith k Be.inetu 30 bbls
applet, R E Sellers; 0 -k« wool, S k \V Uaxbsotb; ICO
sks bran, owner aboard.
BROW NEVILLE—Per Atlantic—7l pkgidry roods
40 do do, 65 k{i uaiK 42 bblt whiskey, Vi Obit flour, 04
bxs class, 11 *k» wool.
Per Globe—o bbla broken glass, (93 pcs lasts 5 aka
ti'ff, 0 bbls whiskey.
SliASßosr Coluuos —The steamer J. T. Doswell,
amred ia»t night. reports having come in collision
with the steamer Grneral Jcsnp, an Saturday morn
ing; at 3 o’clock, one mile below Tunica Island. The
Geqe al Jesup attack her on the larboard bow, ao<i
materially dan-aged her hull The J k T, Doawell was
then run outoabar, where she sunk. The damage
being partially repaired, the was pumped oat and rat*
ed. tier cargo, consisting of 75 hales of cotton, and a
not nr cattle, were all eared. She bad also a large
tamber of pu»-ag*rs, none of whom re eciTed any in
jury.—N. O. Bulletin.
KTTSjjSJ aTTa»sws.or »l a:o ata urva,
Market si, between 3d and 4th, Pittsburgh
WM. 1- RUSSELL, No. C 8 Market street, beiw.ten
Third and Fourth, sign of the big golden Uee
Hire, ha* jn«t commenced receiving and opening l&r
largest, cheapest and most splendid stock of Fall and
Winter Dry Good* ercr offered by one house is Pitts
burgh. All ef these foreign gooda bare been purchas
ed of the importer* p »r Ute last *icaa*er« from Europe,
and for nehnest of style and beauty of design are tut
surpassed In this or any ether market.
' The domestic and staple department will also be
found completf. and cheaper than at any other house
in this city. The subscriber would bets respectfully
call the'anenuon of hitnuaetoua customer*, and all
wishing to buy new and cheap goods, to the priiws
which will no doubt aatonlth them, being deternli ted
to sell cheeper than the cheapest. '
£5 1,075
1,100 IfrO
19.1*0 32.631
. Good dark Calico, only Oceoiaperyard;
Best quality dark Caieo, fast colors, 8 to 10;
4-4 Or.tish purple Print i, fast colors, 8 to 10;
Heavy Bed l icking, from 8 to 10 cents per yd;
Bleached Muslins, good qaaiity, 5 to Gj per yd;
Beit quality Bleached Muslin*, 8 to 1U per yd:
Heavy yard wide Unbleached Muslin*, 5 to 6};
Good red Flannel, fratn IS to 25 cents per yd;
Good yellow Flannel, 16 to 85 eta per yd:
Good black Alpseca from 15 to 25 per yd;
Fir nCI Ginghams I ram 10.t0'15 ct* per yd;
Iruh Llaens at prices' from 86 to 1,25 per yd;
Saiineil end Kentocky Jeans from 13| to SO cu;
.Cloaking* and Lanteya from to 31 cu;
Heavy Homeric Gingham* 10 to 19k ets;
Crash aed Diapers, all pnees a«d qualities;
A splendid assortment of all the newest style*.
Thibet Cashmere* tn high eolora, rich good*j
Luput Freaeb.Thibct Merinos, the finest imported;
Rich Camelion Silk*, in sll color* and qualities;
Black Arninres, best quality, plaid and stripe;
Stack Oros de Rhine, all widths and qualities;
Lapin’s fine black Bomharines, beaotiiul goods;
do best French Merinos, black and colored;
do .do dd do in htgh eolorr, ,
do- ffne French de Loinea, all wool, high
Rich fig'd Cashmeres, beautiful goods, very cheap
Dotted Bw:is Muslins, for evening dresses;
Droehe Thibet.Scarf*, late importation;
Best quality French Kid Gloves, all colors;
Mourning Cashmeres and de Lsines, all pnees;
.' Ladies embroidered Neck Ties, splendid goods,
Ladies finest qoalitv French linen Hdkri,
Belting Ribbons, a fullassonmem;
Worked Capes, Collars and Cdffs, in gnat variety
BUek and colored Crapes, all kjualllles;
Brocade Lustres, in all rotors end qualities;
Mobsir Camelion figures, rich good*;
French Cloaking*, euphrb goods, high colors;
Also, black Brussel Laee.all widths and price*;
■ Blaea trilk Fnn es, wide end heavy, best quality.
Together with a large *lock of white (roods, Bwit*
Jaconet and Moil Muslins, betides a very large and
superb (toes of Fall Bonnet Ribbons, of ute latest im
portation and most fashionable Btyies. Many of ih«
above goods bare just arrived per the last steamer*
from Europe, and are worthy the attention of the la
A splendid assortment of Shawls:—
Super extra size French Lon; Shawl*, bed imp’d
Saper extra a tie Long Broebo, Gnrai quality;
Superb quality Long Plaid Shawl*, nch color*;
Be it quality square plaid fins wool Shawl*;
Rich extra me blaeX silk Shawls;
Rich catolioa changeable ulk Shawl*;
Soper black and white, all wool, long Bbawls;
Saper extra size Long and Sq’re Mourning Sn»wl«
Pari* printed Cashmere Shawl*, in great variety;
“ a Terkerl *• ail price* A goal's
Mode embrid Thibet •* heavy *ilk fringe;
Black “ “ “ - - “
Black and mrdo colored heavy cloth Shawli;
White emb’d Thibet Shawls, beauiiiol good*;
Highland piM long and »q’re Shawl*, very cheap;
Mourning Shawl* and Scarf*. In great variety;
Alio, a large lot of plaid Blanket Shawl*, from 75
eu to i
Together with afa'l *npply of Glove*, Mitt* and Ho*
■iery, with ail artiele* usually kept in a Wholesale
and Retail Dry Good* Mmi*©—all of which will be
at price* to defy competition.
Remember the more, No- 03 Market street, be
tween 'Hurd and Fonrtn, *lgn of the Bit* Bcs-Hitb,
where bargnint can at all time* be had.
ARE NOW RECEIVING aWge and complete a*
DLERY, and'CARPENTERS’TOOLS, direct from
the mannfaclarera fa Eatopejand Aoenea, and are
now fatly prepared to ofler goods at such price* a«
cannot fail to pleaie, and would particularly request
the atiention of Merchant* who are in the habit of go*
ing East, a* we feet confident they wkl find, after a
thorough ex«m.nation, that our price* will Compare
favorably with any hooxo in Philadelphia or New
•York. ; octl
CAHBUT t EI9OT ha* commenced to reee:ve *
• large a**«rtmenl qf Woolen Comfort* and
Hood*; lU’skin, Berlin, bnekskin and woo'en Glove*;'
Thibet, cloth, moo* do lain and 1 blanket Shawls ca*h
mere, worsted and woolen Hose; Pnngee ana linen
Hdkfk; lilt and satin Cravats and Scarf*; Gimp* and
Fringe*; Irish linen, Taole Cover*, Crape*, Ribbon*,
Lace*, bleaebed hnd colored Mu»!tn*, Tabby Velvets,
. Patent Tbreada, sewing Silk, Buttons, Gam Bospeh
der*, Pin*. Percussion Cap*. Almanacs, common and
gold Jewelry, gold and silver Wntehei, Como*, pock
et and table Cattery, and many other goo la which
country and city Merchant* are respectfully invited
to examine. I tniib
—<frrg~ *r/' : dr. u. iiba’i,
Dentist- Comer ofPoanh
Jjid Decatur, between
Market and ferry meet*. 1 mtri-dlyln
if. PONT TOtt SALE. —A small ulac*
/AnfVPoncy, easy gait, warranted sound; rot: sale
i OVlow. Inquire at Rjl PATTERSON 8
, p uo , [ Livery Stable,
WANTED— -1000 bosh Flax) SeedT/or whieh tfci
highest market price will be f* 111 .
iptl7 SELLERS A tyCOLS. No 13 Liberty »t
VU Yon*tUogneny fUw«r« !
iv The iplendtd new end firt running
MSfIESaIBBiL B. Fdsk, Muter, will ran tea du-
It paeket (Sunday* exeeptea) between PITTSBURGH
«td WEST.NEWTON, on opfenlng of navigation on
•Yoogbiorhenr tirer. Leaves Wen Newioo from the
upper Whan Ban, every morning at B o'eloek. Re
timing, leave* Pittsburgh from Whhrf Boat ibore
the Nonongahela Bridge, evening at 4 o’clock.
QOOD3 received by Ageniji on board ibe Whirr
' The Firmer hu Veen built exprenly for the
rirer, and the public may rely on her
remaining permanently in the trade.
PirtieuleT'iuenuon pud to ill wit freight undpe*-
M «er> _ •*****?._
S*~aEBkaTUS— SJ bx* lad JO bbl» lot tula by
V. , a <0 bbi» H*t»eeil OIL ia\Drii
' ;u.q trier-
The meeting of Scbool Director*, held at tho
Fourth Ward School House, on Thursday evening,
was organized by calling Mr. Thomas Hamilton
to the and apjjoiating Mr. John B. Bell
Secretary. | j
On motion,|a committee, consisting of Messrs.
Harper, Eaton, and MciMaster, was. appointed to
draft resolutions to be laid before the general meet
ing on Monday night !'
After the committee' had retired, Mr. C. B. M.
Smith was called on to express his views relative
to the petitigd of the colored inhabitants of Pius'
burgh, sod he made a brief, but 'eloquent speech,
declaring that be sympathized with the colored
people—deprived as they were of the advantages
resulting fronj tne present system of free school
education. He maintained that so for as regarded
their rights to have their children properly edu
cated at the public expense, it was as self evident
as that of ouj white population, and that the law
made no distinction of color. Circumstances,
however, rendered it {inexpedient that the white
and colored children should go to the same scbool,
and he-was therefore jin favor of the proposed
central colored school|
At the close of Mr. Smith’s speecbfhie committee
returned with the resolutions which we published
in yealerday'ii Gazette, iad which being submitted
to the meelibg were discussed at length. We
regret that want of rockn compels us to omit the
interesting debate which ensued, and was partici
pated in by all tbe gentlemen who were present.
Some of the dtrectoratspoke in fovor of support-,
ing the colored school by a tax to be levied accord
ing to tbe number of inhabitants of
each ward, wthile others maintained that the tax
should be levied pro rata to the assessed value ol
■ the taxable properly returned in tbe several words.
A resolution to this effect was finally adopted, and
tbe meeting adjourned until Monday evening next
at seven o’clock. j
Tbe following is the memorial, presented by tbe
colored people to the school directors, urging their
claims to have a suitable school provided for their
children, which was signed by over one -hundred
persons:— \
To the President* of IA4, Board* of Director* of the
Public School* 0} the> several Wardt of the City
of Pittsburgh. j, 1
GzaiLtMEt—The memorial of tbe undersigned.
colored citizens oflhe City of PiUsbutgV respect
fully represents, that thfcir children are now with
out the benefits oflhe public School system of this
Commonwealth. Thejjare not admitted into the
schools which already exist, nor is there any ade
quate separate provision made for them. Wq;
deem it unnecessary |o attempt to adduce any.
argument to satisiy you of tbe pernicious conse
quences of the contiouajice ofsnch a stale of things,
or of your duty to provide a ayitablo remedy. You
are fully aware of toe fict that if the colored chil
dren are pencilled to grow up in iguorance, they
will become a disgrace hod burden 10 themselves,
a* well as a burden to society; and that it will cost
more in tbe end to restrain them from vice, and
punish them for crimf, than'to educate them.
That if educated, when they arrive at the period
of manhood, they wilfc! once commence a career
at virtuous Industry cad enlightened patriotism,
which can bavp no othir result than tbe greatest
g od to themselves rid to tbe Commonwealth
which shall jbave, through you, bestowed upon
them its fusturing earc.|
Nor do' we deem it necessary to attempt to des
cribe to yotf our feeltnri in view of the fact that
wbde oar children are fbas deprived of the bene
fils'of this noble system of Public Schools, the
white children are enjoying it ih a princely pro-,
virion of bouses, fornjture, and teachers, raised
and supported out of funds to which we have con
tnbnied oar fail share.; We make ibis allusion not
out of covetousness cr ill will towards tho white
children 00 account ol'ihe advantages which they
are enjoying from thejPubtic Schools, but qpl o;
grief and that the colored children
aremot enjoying ibe satnu advantages.
We have bad no uieaiis of ascertaining ibe ex
act number of tbe culojed 'inhabitants of tbe nine
Wards of the city, buj suppose it cannot exceed
1200 1 Perhaps one third of these are parents, and
tbe other iwo thirds children, and perb-ips one ball
>• (he cbildnre are either 100 young ur too old 10 Bl
end scbool. leaving one third of ihe whole number
11 ibe highest eslimati of the number cl acton*
-cboltrs. Bui it is nutjta bo expected that all who
arc of the proper age Will atlsnd school at ibe same
time, allowing for this, fwe might fix upon 300 0*
the highest number that wuuld actual,? attend
school at the present tia’ic. As'io the cost of a house
and lot, aniitd to the accommodation of these, we
have not tio means] of knowing precisely, bm
from such information as we have, wo suppose ii
wruld not exceed SIODQ.
We are umber of bpinion that one first rate
school ior all foe Wardij would be much more de
sirable lisa iwo or more inferior ones for separate
.districts; and that the|best and most cotrenieni
location for fuch a school would be in the Sixth
Ward, near tbe r otored Methodist Church.
Your memorisJfou Would remind you, that they
have been I6ng and anxiously waiting for tbe ob
ject, fir which they ifpw pray.—that they have
been again jaod ngalq 1 put 01T, fur reasons be»t
koown yourselves, on of which they need
scarcely inform you, Jthey lee) themselves much
aggrieved and tbsir children deeply injured. A?
parents and goardianfl of youth, responsible for
their present and futete well beteg, we feel / ■
duty, which, we may dot lightly evaoe, to orgeaip
oq you in the mostjearuesl and solemn mnaue/, so
immediate attention toTtbe object of this memorial
Your memorialist* would further inform you that
they'have |>eJd a public meeting, and appointed
three of their number,urn: John U. V'oahon, Lewis
Woodson, and Things* A. Brown, a standing
committee, who will ready to receive
from you snycommudicatiuo which you may be
pleased lo riialce, or tojeonier witb you at any ome,
or give you jiay InformiUoa which you may require.
And as in duty bojmd your memoriallals will
ever pray, dtc. i
Pittsburgh, 271 h, Oc|. 1549.
A CsAsuf—A lttrey s'ory brick building near
the corner of Ross sod Fifth streets, partly fell;and
was partly pulled down by Mr. Kowley, the Street
Commissioner, yesterday to preveal its injuring
the aurroobding property. It belonged lo a Mr.
Albaro, and tbe accident was occasioned by the
workmen digging the;foundatfont for a house in
tended to be built oex9 lo it, too deep.
f October 12,1549.
Westersjsn ts. Mejins< Bailer county. Judg
ment reversed. Opinion by Justice Coulter.
Commoojweslth Fullerton—Weitmorelacd
county—Judgment Opinion by Justice
Conker. ! jj
Thompson vs Clark I —Westmoreland conniy—
Argued by Foster for iflff in error: Laird be Ourrcl|
for DR in c rror. [: I
Stiner v« Banghmsti—Westmoreland county—
Argued by Cowan fotjjPiff in error; foster for DA
Cuitbertstn vij I»eti—lndiana county —Argued
by Banks 4nd Oawaajjjbr PltT in error; Stewart
and Foster lor DiVin drror.
Petition |of McCullough—‘lndiana county—Ar*
goed by Drum for Plk in error; and Banks lor
DA to error- jj
Dougherty vs Campbell; Cambria county: Jndg-I
meat of Non. Pros, t
Truby vs Syherl- Vrastrong county—Argued
by Purvincce and Lse for PIS' in e rror Phelps
and Forward for DA id error.
Qsoxoii E«Bnojt.—We learn from Macon iha
all the counties in the* Stale, except three, bavi
been heard from, and (bat the results in these 'bo
sufficiently known to determine the result (n th<
Slate. e ’
The Senate will 25 Democrat* and 21
. Whig*. In tho Hcasejpf Represcntaliveslbe Dem.
ocrata will have 67 and the Whig* 63j
thus giving the Democrats a majority on joint hal*
Thomaj irty for Governor Towns, the Dcmcf"
cretin candidate for Givertor, is put down at up
wards of 3000.
Baltimoxe xho OaJo Hail Road —The gener
al annual meeting of tho Stockholders of the Balti
more and Ohio Rail Road, was held yesterday
morning at the office] of tho Company, and was
largely attended, much interest being maifested,
especially as to the election of directors. Isaac
Tyson, E*q., was appointed Chairman, and J. J.
Atkinson, Ekj , Secretary. The President, Thos.
Swann, Esq., thin presented his anodal report,
giving a most encouraging vjew of the present
state oftbe road and its future prospects. It waa
ordered to be published in pamphlet form, and will
be looked (or with great interest.
The Stockholders then proceeded (o the election
of twelve directors, wliich resulted in the choice of
tho following gentlemen, each' receiving the num
ber of votes set opposite to their names, each vote
representing a share of stock:
Directort Elected.— Moses Shepherd, 23,'469; Jno.
Hopkinsi 21,586; John I -Dooaldson, 17.719; Baml
W Smith, 16,056; Columbus O’Donnelly, 45.419;
Wm. McKiro, 14,155; Andrew Gyegr, 14993;
Thomas Black, 13,832; Edward Patterson, 13,671;
Fielding Lucas, Jr., 13,560; James H Carter, 13,•
574; James Swann, 13,356. I.
Uiuuceutful JCondidetu,— Samuel IloOmai
"Wesley Starr, 11.561; W H Maryiott, §1
191: Jno. H Borry. 10,737; Taos. L Berry, 965; J*
Carter, 821; Joseph Wilkins, 281; J J Speed, J&;
Berry, 31. |.
• The whole number of shares of gtook vou
;yuayjCKb*- Bait. 3*m
' - sa t*’- ! **ihuSGtatiuM^i
BaprUai Coarc.
From the Bwton Journal— Ev'iim*'.
Dreadful Shipwreck and loss of nearly
On* Hundred Live*!
A severe gale from N. .E. ,eompieoced Saturday
evening, and raged with greit' fury during the
whole ot tbe night, and throughout the day on Sun
day. Tbe galo was probablyilhe most revere of
the season, and we fear, has proved very destruc
tive upoh the eofi*L j
Sad indeed is the devastation which the gale ban
wrought upon tbe coast, and iour worst feaia sro
more than realized in the heartrending accounts
which we are called upon to chronicle below—and
yet we fear that all has not yet been told. Below
we give the parti.‘blare, eo for as wo have learned
them. j
/ The British brig Saint John, jGapt Oliver, from
Gslwav. Ireland, anchored Minot’s ridge,
about 6 o’clock 'AM. on Sunday, drugged her
anchors and struck on tho Grampus roska a*
bout 9A. M. Tbe Captain, bfficere, nod crew,
—with the exception ofthe firsi mate—took to the
boat and lanced safe at Ibe Glades, The passen
gers who were saved, got on pieces of the wreck
and landed near Whitehead, north end or Cobas
•set harbor. Tbe number of passengers on board
was about 161, out of which about one hundred
and forty five are supposed to; have been lost—
There were 14 cabin passengers, mostly women
and children. Another account states that tne
captain took to the jolly boat, which soon swamp
ed, and he ewatn to the long boat and was saved,
with 10 otbers. The 2nd mate, two men, and
two boys, were lost. The balance of the crew
were saved.
Captain Beals, ofthe steamer Mayflower, gives
us the following particulars. He understood that
(he brig struck on the rocks known as the Sea
Ledges, a litllelo the west of Miqpi’s Ledge light,
about one mile from tbe shore, and Immediately
went to pieces. There appears to be different
statements in relation to tho number of passengers
ou board.' The captain says (here was but 114,
while the’ passengers who were saved say there
werq ISO. Ofthose saved and arrived at Cobaeret
let*in number, seven were females, and three
males. Six of them were provided with quarters
at the house of CaptoiQ Abraham H Tower, and
the other Mr. Latbrop's. AM of these
came ashore on pieces of tbe wreck. Two of tbe
women it is thought will not survive—one being
badly cut on the head by a piece of the Wreck.
The other woman, it is said, bps a husband resi
ding in this city. She bad ibreb children on board
with her, ell of whom were lost Another gentle
man from Cohasset informs ui that the brig first
went ashore aboat half past six jyeoterday morning,
and shortly after, her masts were cut away to ease
her. The cip'aio and ten of the crew then took
to the long-boat and landed safely near Ibe Glades.
Previous to this, however,'one 1 of the mates with
two of the crew and several of the passengers at
tempted to leave tbe brig io a small boat, but she
swamped alongside, and all were loir. The brig
soon-drifted on the “Grampus Rocks.” and almost
Immedia'fly went to pieces, strewing the beach
with fraameflts.' Tbe life boat; was manned, and
every exertion was made to save those floating in
tho surf on the pieces of wreck- Only fen, how
ever, were saved, as stated above.
Between twenty and twenty five of the bodies of
the lost bad been recovered morning when oar
informant leftthe spot. Preparations wereraaking
by the Coroner to nave them decently interred.—
A« near as we cab ascertain* among tbe many
conflicting stories, there were; twenty-one saved
'in all—ten passengers, and tea; of tbe crew, who
came ashore in the long boat i The : number lost
it is impossible to ascertain, ■ According to tbe
Captain's story'there were one hundred and twen
ty on board, including thecrew| If this true, there
were but nirwry-ums lost' The passengers who
were saved, maintain, that * there were
ont hundred-end fifty pamagei* on board, which
:f true, would swell the nutnbei of lost to one hun
dad and forty-three.
The captain and one ofthe mutes, we are inform
ed, arrived in the city from Cohaaselj in the noon
train to day. ‘
The following statement is from Captain Oliver
himself: ‘ !
“Saturday, S P. M, passediCapejCod, with-?*
light S. E. wind—weather (hick; hove to with
besdtu trie N. E; at 4 A. M. vj-ore ship and stood
South; rnd at 64 made Mmol’s Ledge. Not
having room-to wear sb'p, ventured to run where
we saw j brig at anchor, inside of the light. Tbe
. violence of tho gale and heavy ms caused uato
drag our anchors, when we cut away the masta,
and he!d 00 for a short time, i The gale increas
ing she dragged again, struck,dad'thumped heavi
ly for about one borjr before she broke/up.
Prevjpus to breaking un. the jolly boat was hang
ing by the tackle* alongside, wpen the stern ring
holt broke, ami the boit felt info the water. The
c&pts n. second mate, nnd two boysjjumped iuto
her to clear her, when about twentyjflvo passen
ger* jumped in and swamped her; tlje passengers,
t-tetber.wtth the second mate land (wo boys per*
i-hed. The Captain caught A jope hanging over
th<- quarter and vu drawn on board by the first
The long boat was got clear shortly after, and, a
• heavy sea com ag on bosrd cleared her from the
vesvl, when a number o! pas*«|nger»ijiiroped over
to swim to her, bm all perished. Thp captain. Ist
mate. (Mr. Cumford.) eight of [the utv, andtWo
pa-seogera. swam to the boat! nncf! reached The
shore in safety. Tbe others’seven then and three
women, came ashore ou part bf the 1 deck. Total
lot* of hfo 99—saved 21., Twebty fivje bodies have
washed ashore this mrrcfhg. ! 1
Tbe other brig which was sejen at j anchor near
where the St, Joha-wcatashon* was the brig Kath
leen, Cipr. Baraaby, from Pirdoo to Boston, with
coal. she also drifted aiboi#, am) still remains,
with lom of chains, anchors aod’ruddev. CapL B.
has arrived io tbe city, and a {lighter will be im-
mediately sent to her lt is expected
that she will come off after discharging a part of
her carrc.
Mr. EU.ot. British Coassl, left the city for the
rreok at sa early hour lh:s morning, to render all
assitUcce ta bt» power.
la tbe harbor some trifling damage was done to
several vessels at the whsrvek the particulars of
which will bs found beloV, but the fleet in port
gefiermllr rode out tbe gtle in safety; S-'me inx-
>eiy has been expressed for tbe safety of the pack
et ship Washington Irony, whjich left (his port on
Saiurrfov afternoon, for Li»erpool,iboi we lesrn
she w«- towed well out into thb bay, so that she
undoubtedly cleared Cape Cod, sod gained a
gopd effing before the storm! came on. Capt.
Clapp, ot the brig Lysaader, frbm Cfenfoegos, re
ports that 1 P. M. yesterday. jwindjN. E, Cape
Cod S. ) E.IS or 2ti miles, aaw a large shin beat
ing out, and thought she woujd dear the Cape.—
This was undoubtedly the Wqshlngfon Irving.
Pater Monet is Europe. —Tbe {Parisian cor
respondence oflhe Wsihiogtofi Republic of a late
date contains;tbe following rethorksiia rslstion lo
the paper circulation of Centra) and Southern Eu-
Sope. . j
Uoe of their great trouble* in Snathern Europe
will be with their paper money. Ah a necessary :
cOQsrquence of tbe terror whick the revolution and
the bloody scenes of the past ?e«r inspired, specie
ilmoit di»appeared frorfi circu>ation.,e*ch one hid
n* wbat be bad. Alt sorts ofjdevide* werotd-»pt
id to supply n* place. Its exportation was for
bidden. 11 *uk note* of small dcoouitnalions were
t»*ued—permit* to bankers sod corporations to
make similar iwues were grafted; but iheac reni
edie* jutoved inrutfictent. In Austria and Bavaria,
the pMt summer, »ucn has been tho want for
amsll <‘p>n that tbe 11 inn—forty cent:—Jaok uolei
are very commonly halved, quartered, dnd even
divided into eighths, in order io ratike eqirvalrut
sums in change; oa, for example, for fi/n eeul* tit
eghth ot a fljnn note is givea. and tneae 'T»k*'‘
ju,» readily curreut. Tbis not suffismg. tun beep
ert. metcbstiU, towns, corporations. &c.. have
iuued small notes, which pask or which have to
paa«, lor want of othercurrenrjy In their neighbor
hood. Specie, of cnur»e, Is enormously high. I
sm told that it commands almost all over-Austria
from 25 to 35 per cent. The «)vertbaler<if Prut*
sis, tor example, is worth bo*f in icorthern Aus
tria 30 per cent, prcmiam in the carrenoy of the
country and gold i» still higher,
The Austrians and Hungarian* have each for
month* past been manufacturing continually vast
quantities of bank notes, whicbj are forced into eir
cuiatioo. Tfie report of the Bank of Vienna, late
ly pub‘ abed, gives, a soecie deposit of twenty sev
,:u millions to a paper circulation! of almost two
hundrn | and sixty millions, and this' probably fs
•‘arVhort of the mark! Kossuth, who had a mama
for financiering,was by no mentis behind band wi h
. Austria in putting fonh paper mpnuj-j presses were
.kept nl work day and night manufacturing it. The
Austrian notes were declared worthies*, unrt vast
quantities ot the Hungarian come into circulation
ind pawed readily. Oue of ibe Brat acts of the
Austrian G .vernmcul, since : (he . subniis*<on of
'J >rgey. is to declare these worthies*. The Rus
hans, litiwever. have taken Jbeni freely at par.
and it s thought that some arrangement will le
made ier« fut-.t to the Huog.intiar .than this At
the capitulation of Venice they hata declared tbn
Venetian notes to ho available Duly’ at 50 per cent.
Such act* are uawortuy the Government of a civ
ilisdd nation.
It is known generally within tho circulation
of this paper, that the editor Mr.'J. 8. Bos'er la
now under arrest, charged with tbfl- cr.ino of ml.*'
bing the Poil Office. In hit abjaeono vre will'
merely say. that frequently men hgve been chsrg»{
ed with offiences of which they were not guilty. ■
In this cate, the editor only desires his nnmeroua r
frienda to suspend their opinion, until a legal in
vestigation shall have taken place. In tne mean
tune,' *we would altqjsay, that a helpless family
a wife and,-three arfiini childr-n are depending fori
support on the proceeds of this office. It la there
fore hoped that the friends of the establishment/
will feel an additional inducement to extend tbuir
patronage and kupport.— Fayette Whig,
A PolaxßeabSuot.—A Polar Bear was recent.
|y shot, on the coast of Labrador,by the crew o,
the Lord Etmouth, ol Halifax. .The animal .was’
sturted and senUo Boston, i
Two of the crew of the Lord Exmonth were
cruising in a boat, when they discovered tbe bear
upon an Island. They immediately returned tu
the vessel, took in six others of tbe crew, and eighi
muskets, with which they returned to the vicinity,
of the Island. Upon approaching within gunshot*
the bear perceived slid came !towards them; The
'first discharge wounded him in several places,but'
did not in'the least check hts approach. Finally,
however, after receiving quite a camber of balls,
in hts body, he turned and slowly retreated, msk
ing bis attackers shudder by the fierceness of
howling.. It was then proposed by Dixon that they 1 ;
should land, upon the Island, in order to consu*
mate the victory. To this tbe majority of the crew
demurred from fear. Three of tbe crew,
. including Dixon, landed, having armed themselves
ib. with two loaded, guns apiece. The bear, as he
J taw'them upoa land, tnrned jabont and began to
I approach, when six more balls were pat into b|&
d body, without appsren'ly checking his approach.
Bewr*, however. he got near encash to harm
/■ ~,:j J' ' 1
thru*, Mr. Dixon succeeded .n loading another
F"*'- At it:- omau-nt tfte hear oreMtnu;iJ hi-sside,
wn:< -l he !>r»d cot cJoue beforr, and a bullet wes
lodged iu hi« threat. üb;cb canred the animal to
fat), irwas more than a twit an boor before they
dared approach, as every Tew minolea the bear
‘Would, by a desperata effort, get upon'bis feei
with the intention of reaching theta. Alter it wu
deemed safe, they vetynred near, and found him
to be dead. He wag, with considerable labor, ta
ken to the vessel, and found to be sixteen feet long
and to weigh 2200 pounds. .Five hucdrrd pounds
of fat were taken from hm iu Halifax, and it was
found that sixteen bails had lodged in. bis body.—
The contest had lasted for an Botir and a half, and
the roars of the infuriated nnirail might have been
heard for many miles.
By John D* D«Tla» Ancttonear,
Hottrtkold Furniture, Family Carriage , Buggy,
Wagon. Sleigh,Horte,Hamest, ft, at Auction.
On Thursday morning, Ocl ted.. at lli/i'docfc, at tic
dwelling home of T. J. Campbell. in Oakland. will be
sold hi* entire stock or Household.and Kiirhen Fu/m
-lure, Hair Maitraise*,£?<'*, (tedding. Chi..a. G!u*» fcnd
Qaeeusware, Carpeting, Window blind r, Ac. Aqumi
tity of Family Giccerirs also, one ilnckawav Car
riage, one. Baggy, one Sleigh, one one horse Wagon,
(wo sets Harness, one Family Horse, two Mjleh Cows,
a quantity or doe Hay) Potatoes, Celery, Carrot*, Par*
snips, fire. LL
oetis JOHN WDAVIS, Anct
Jndtnenirr't Sait of 21 padogttWet Good*.
On Monday and Tuesday mornings, October 13lh and
lOtb. at 10 o’clock, at tho Commercial 8 <les Rooms,
corner of Wood and Fif.h sts, will t>e told without re
serve, the cbnten>* oft! boxes auoried seasansble
staple and fancy Dry Goods, which were slightly dam*
•jrilby wsioroaihe oml, among wh l ieh are super
fine cloths,.cassimercs, satinet*, tweedi; scarlet while
t" u Tallow flanne?*, b'ankcls, shirtiltg*, sheetings,
Irish Linens, colored cambrics, plain ana fif’d jaconet
muslins. Swiss matlius, lace*, ribbons, black crape,
worsted and cotitn hose, 40 dox men’s buck mills ana
gloves, 10 dox gem’s beaver cloves, locpenders, snool
cotton, silk \et-tinc*. super woolen plaid*, plaid flan
nels and Unseys, canton flannels, padding. silk coal
and vest buttons, umcrellas, indigo bind checks, gin*,
asms, super earadinn cnburgs, alpacess, de lames,
mennoe, velvet* super prims, furniture) chintz, green
barage, crash wadding, blown muslinalkc. Term* at
*»*“• fceU3j JOHN DI^AVIS, Aucl
Tw> tetond hand Buggui at Auction.
On Sttsrday moniinjr, Ocl 13th, si II o’clock, in
front of the Commercial 8slo« Room*,) will be told,
jWnB) T W? one open top
■iUftliiyj o.
JOHN’ D D/jvi3, Anct
Gxx as.
at [0 o'clock, at
or ol Wood and
si erre, to eloie
joalite I*—
'm 1
Positive Sato of Dry u.
Or Monday lSih, at
the Commercial Sale* Room*, comer)
Fifth street*,- will be sold, without rei
consignment*— I
An extenure assortment of seasons
amoß* which ore. £0 pieces snperfim
■nil olive cloth*, 33 pc* ca*<lmere* fjaitineu, lean*,
40 pe* red and yellf w flannel*, SO pair l(M blanket*,
SO pet 30 inch sheeting, ISO era* > silk enat button*, :o
do do rest do, HO do paper do do, 70 M llemmice & i
Sou** needle*. a**orted, together with a quantity of I
prints, gi'iyhamt, de Uint, alpaca*, merino*, tharrl*, i
ndkfs and fancy good*.
At 3 o'clock.
Groceries, Queens wire, Furniture, Ac.
A large nnd general assortment of new and second
hand. household furniture,. cooking stoves, kitchen
Ulentiia, Ac.
At 7 o’clock,
Variety good*, watches, cntlerr, >c.
Veluabh Mtdxeal and Misttilauaus Boots hj
. aualoffiit.
On Saturday evening, Oct. lath, at 7 o’clock, at the
commercial sales rooms, comer of Wood and Fifth eta.
Among them will bo found, Doane’a Maygties Mid
wifery, plates; Bir Aslley Cooper on the Breas', Her
nia and Testis; Phillips on Scrofula; Hamer on Ani
mel Keonotm; Galt on Insanity; Momlal on Sterility;
llluiiratrd . Natural Htst-iry, 2 vols. plates; Macaulay’s
Miscellanies; Tftieis’ French Revolution, d volumes;
Washington and.bis Generals. 8 voir, plates; Span
helm on insanity; I’laysof >hak»prare, 7 vots, fine
edition: Hush’s Residence at the Court of London, Ac.
Catalogues cart he obtained at the Auction Rooms,
octlti ‘ JOHN D DAVIS, Auct
Window GLASS
ES boxes 7xo Glass; | 325 boxes HxlOGtais;
Ml dD oxl2 .do 127 j do H>xl2 do
163 do < 10x11 ido | tfti do 1(1x13 da
- 10 do I oxl4 :do }vs do lbxtS do
Of Smith A manufacture, which wiLwill
warrant equal in quality to any made in
sale at the lowest market rates. '
All oriiera for larger sire* sheet G a*s, left with the
.rubleft! er». shall have prompt attention
RHEY, MATTHEWS a COj sii Water st
_ < _oetiJ Agii (brsmith ATlerron
For Bnle or Uent.
m THE very dcriratjle residence in Allegheny
City, lately oecupit il by K W Poindexter, and
possession given imme<l)»ieV;.
t»i tcurs, apply ai this office, ortoW. W. WIL
SON, Market ti. oct.t'
CIBEAM hxs Partridge’* celrbrutid
f Extra Crrant Chqr’se. just received and for sale at
the Bun*r and Cheese Depot, hy
SALEIIATUH —Xetks and 2 hxs Salerntus, jmtre
cei'-cd and lor sale by nei9 JB CANFIELD
CTHKKBK— 30u bx* Cheese, just received nt the llut
j ter aidi Cheese DypoL oriB JBCANFtELD
SABM— CoU| lights Wt draw Ha-ii. for sale by
GLASS— 10 obn etld, 40. J do IPxtS; son do loxl4,
FLOCK— 20 bbls extra Fttuiiiv Flour, for sale by
CIiIEKBE— 103 bxs Cranm Cheese. f.»r sale by
BUCKETS— ’0 dot Besver Baskets (or sale by
No HO lUbxct Brartr, 3doors rsosi Liasm,
18 NO'-V RECEIVING the Isrreita.idbcst selected
stock of Fail and Winter DRV GOODS, that he
has aver had the pleasorh of.ofleting to hts customers
and the which «»e several styles of
entirety new Goods in ttus market: All ih*high colors
of superior French Merino* and Thibet Cloths: Satin
Damask lliibct «))t lb, a new and. beautiful article rbr
ladtea cresses; Tare Sauna, Gro tie Armme; Satin de
Cbiac, Changeable Glaeie Silks, hik Si!*« -lor c*tt!i
-lbli an' dresses; Cashmeres, dc Bombazines,
Aipacca*. Ac. Alto, Velvets ami Falla* lor bonnet*,
Bontirt Ribbons, Neck do. Lace Copes. Standing aod
other French Worked Collar*; anil Merino
fccatfs, il.uvcs. Hosiery, Lace*. Trimmings, Ac Ae.
A full atforanert of Dome«tirs. iJnr., Shretlnga,
Table Line-*, Diaper, Checks, t Flannels, Ac.
Ac- Avery large assortment of Lo ip and Square
Shawls I'iaro and Table Covers. Dsmask Moreens.
Red Drnpt ry, with a complete stock o Coze hanker-'
Tnnuiunga. a!) of whicuhave teen purchased at the
lowest rates, and will be sold at a sroi II advance,
ocutd.’w R. 1> THOMPSON.
SUNDRIES— lOhh'ds prime N'o Sn'i ar;
23 bbls “ *• M ilasscs;
I3bbl 1 and kgs Golden Syrup; "ICO b (s cm Cheese;
73 bxs rummou Cheese; S bxs white Honey;
6 do Marcarom and Vermicelli;
: SOsks fine Dairy Balt; 90,(bush Oats; -
3u catty boxes Green Teas: 3do do lolocg Tea;
SU) packs Cheewr-’s Fite Kindling;
50 J bxs M K Raisins -
'1 3b do* Columbian Ink, assorted size 1;
< 5 do Red and Copying Ink;
i 30 bbls No 3 Meeker?.; XJ | and $ b >ls No 3 do;
5 do do 1 Salmon: tor sate by
1 octfl J P VViLUaM*. en-. sth and Wood ft*
CIiH.uFR— M bbls supctior Floor, ju« roe d and for
jJC_saljby oct« ArtMSTRONO A CROZER
bgi”Rjo Coffee, on hinds and to ar
rive; for sale by A OUIBKRTSUN,
I oc’tt M 3 Liberty ft
riAOllACt'O—!f;r> t>x* aa-orted and fhoicr brand*, of
X Manuiaciurtd Tobacco. 6'«, b'«, 9*« imi 1 Hi lumpt
on band m-d lor aalc by octC A CUI.UFItrSON
JJII3H— rtj bill* No* and No J Mackerel, VO do No~l
. lierrtuv, ou baud and for tile by
dow UlaM, on bond and Tor tale by '
Th AS— ICO pkgs Young lirton. Gunpowder," and
Black Teas, on band and for sale by
©ctfi ; A CUI.DKRTSO.V
WHERE will be found for' tale in assortment of
valuable religious Hooka and Ttacta. comprised
iu a aeries or abaui FOUR HL'NDRLD different pub
lications. (of wbielt catalogue* can be had orf nppiiea
lion.) embraaing many standard work* in Theology,/
Biography. Ae. 4e , selerted and published by the ;
!Pre»byteriao Hoard of Publication. n> Philadelphia;'
and well adapted for Sabbath School, Congregational,.
Mintftera’ and Private Librario*.
person! wishing to purchaie aoeh std invi
ted to ra I and examine the assortment ■-
Tee Dcporitory—nfthe PeansylvanLa Bible Society
la kepi at there rooms. " oc&dAwJniS
Tin subscriber will offer at .public-role ou the
prcraiies, on SATURDAY, the Win day of October,
is 19, at in o'clock, A M-. all that Farm of Land, aitu
nte in Ro.’m lownsiup, Allegheny county, adjoining the
property J>f William I eeky.l'.sq , oa .Wood*’run, hear
the lluitriibing Lurntuh oi Winchester, late the pro
perty of John Davia, deceased, which paa been subdi
ruled litui cnnve.itent Lola, cuitablo-fat Gardeners,
Nursery jmen, country >eaU, A*. AeTCOßtaioing as
fuifowis . ■ *
Lot No. I —l3 acres, 141 perches.
*• 1- •>_ 7 7 •* in? «
•• « 3—5 *‘ VO 14
•** p 4—l» •* m ••
“ a- 5 “ <it “
t “ ®—6 “ ■<
" '• R— ? “ 73 ‘i
O.—II ‘ ?a •*
•• * 10—9 “ Ml •'
44 *• It— 4 “ 100 “
“ “ l-i— « •« l*j “
u 13.—5 “ 1 Vi 41
• 14—fl 41 ->3
“ ‘ \Z - 5 “ l«J "
> - 10— i 44 4i» ■*
“ “ 17.- 5 Ivi “
•* “ IK—-U “ W 4 »
, “ 44 19. 7 41 10 •«
• “ *• so s “ 4a «
>« ai s “• :m “
These lot* comprise some of the moat beautiful, con*
vroieol *ud desirable locution* in thn itichborhood of
Ihe cities of Allegheny and Pmsbutrb, beltiir a abort
distance from the Ohio rivor, and the Weaver road,
which i« food at a<l *rn»o»«; mil distant About 31
minutes’ drive from the Old A'ietheuy tfemu
of the loti have valuable impio«cta-?m», consisting O'
levelling llouteK Dam, Fruit Trees, Ac. he , and
'ok spripus of good, pure water.
-:a* in the cities, aiul others, dr
eoontry seats, accessible at all
iursery tnenj Ac Ac wilt find
aortututy to procure choice lo
t be wen at liho otfi*e rrTTj. Jl.
*h, and edjolnina Urn premise*
•ho will ah i* tht* property to
(ourthSn eaah, and the balance
utalmrnti, a*i\h inioreit, wu
;aye. Sain pbtiUve—tlilo India-
1849. ggteasgft
> Ezpr«is;p>ek«t btn*.
i, Beaver, Proprietor,
u Passenger Packet*,]'
Capi Hill Jeflrits:
UA, “ J B Hoffman;
** M jTruhjf:
“ J MeUaUyi
between Boarcranjl Erie, have
ind will cominoe daTiag tlie gen-
lartripk, leaving Beaver after
ting l>uai front Pfcubarffh, (l a’-
-at I'rio in time for puMnirrri
. .jais to liufttio or up tee Lake.
Tlekeu through to t!rie nnrt all Lake pom, car) t-e
had lay applleetiou to JOHN A CAUCiIIEV, A*t,
corner of Water and Smithfield «u
* . ««CKOR<iKKKCK,
the St Charles Hotel
. t hi Ot £ rj.Lr
TIGRIS Insuiue, under the care of Rev.J. M.GOB*
JL HOIW re-oponcn Monday, the
I7tb oftteptrmbev, in the same reokifci'Tfn 1 ' ‘SStJaitfy
street. Having limited-the number of thsirpupils, the
Principal? hope to merit&ctxßinuation'of that libera}
patronage thfey have hi'hertd enjbyed. , Parent* may.
feel a*iore4|tq«t every advantage will be .afforded
their daughter*. IfpNeed under their Charge, for ' oh
taining a thorough English,Classical, and Omameutal
education. ' j mjg29:dlf '
' sLLKsnxxr.
THE AUTUMN ’SESSION -of this Institution will
comm-nce on the first Monday in September.—
Roorrn on Federal street, in “Colonade Box,” 2d door
from the bridge.
KaTTS op TcTnon rza 1D5T03 OF FIT* MoTTUS.
Eminh Department.' including Reading, Orthogra
phy and Defining, Writing, English Gramtner, Rneto-'
ric, 1.031 P, Engli-h OompoMiion and Criticism, Geo
graphy, History, Arithmetic and the higher branches
of Mathematic*. Natural Philorophy, Chemistry, As*
Botany, Physiology, Geology, Intellectual
amt .Moral Seien-e, and all other branches requisite to
a ihrrongb Kdglish Education . > . ! S3O CXI
Classical Department, Including the Latin and Greek
Languages, each - - . . SG CO
French, : - . . -. $lO 00
German, - . . . ... g(G 00
The services of competent teachers are secured for
soen a* «.emre tartruetion in Frenclj and German, arid
aUo in Drawing, Painting and Music.
It U desirable, that pupils eater at the commence*
merit of a session, yet they are rec'-ived many time, :
end are charged •at the above rates from the time of
entrance. No deductions ere made forabsenees, ex*
cent ia cases of protracted ilhtcss. *
Further information may ha obtained,: and applica
tions made by calling upon the Principal, at his rooms
on Federal street, or at his lodgiag* in “Irwin's Row,”
Liberty streeb Pittsburgh, between Ud 4nu 4th streets
or by addressing, through the Pittsburgh Post Office,
the Principal. N. W. METCALF.
* Allegheny, Aug. 7, |£49. . dff
•D g ner of Fourth and Kerry «treets, will beepen
ed this morning, Monday, August Ufi, if*4o. unggO -
PPNN STREET, between "Wayne and Hand, baa
resumed Jijj professional duties, giving instruc*
tiocs on tlm Pkt.lo, Goitarfond in Vocal Music.
augl4:dtf) •:
. Pittsburgh Stoam RarbUlVorks.
N 0.244 LIBERTY,' opposite SrailhSeld street.—
Marble Mantles, Monuments.Tombs,Tal>lo Tops,
«c-a large variety of the most beautiful kind, made
of this finest qvlity of foreign uni domestic marble,
always on bod or made to order, hy the'aid of ma
chinery, otftto shortest notice and at the lowest price*.
N. B.—Tho.Csuntry (Trade furnished with sill kinds
of Marble at Ihn lowest rates. All orders promptly at*
tended 10 st®MLiberty, opposite SmithGeid st. /•
myardfta > W.W WALLACE
TULL'S Palpal tjtono or French Barr SMUT Ma
J CHINE. Lie best article of the kindinuse; they
run !ifkt,'e!ee.u fast, do the work well, and will last, a
lifetime. Atect SOQ of them are in use, in the. best
mills ia the SMiiry, and we navo the strongest test!*,
raony ofcossfr ectpersons as their superiority over
all other Strut JAneiur.rj. For farther particulars, ad
dress the whetrriber ot 3*4 Liberty st. Pittsburgh.
mytlftdgia; ; —WWWALLACE
•>le Dry Goods,
black, brown
und other mils, always on hand,-or made to order
on very short nance, and at the lowest prices. All or
d,eri*J,ro®P?ly «|tsnded to at 844 Liberty street, near
the Cana). ny3o W W WALLACE
PLASTER PARIS—For land, and other purpovTs.-
alwsys on hand at 244 Liberty st.
. rcy” ■ . w w Wallace
ENT—Away* on hand, at 1! 11
sizes and grits,, always on
tJT hand at 344 Liberty street.
- m? 3O i ; WW WALLACE
IT ii with pleasure that the subscribers
. Jcfa iefono the citizens of Pitubnrgh and vi-
Vffia ctntty that they have completed arrange*
•ESP raents with Alctsrs. J. c. Jenkins A 00.,
JjS» nj" recdve their superior
BP• And win hereaß keptconsuntly on
J 3 J khiid. They are neatly and securely pul
jrr» ra up in metallic packs of J, 4 and 1 Ib.’each,
their printed card—showing the kina
Bar«Bi£asfeof Teo.bncc, uamo of the concern and
depot tn Philadelphia, with an invitation to retarn.the
Tea, If not liked; j
litktl. rstets:
■d ;Gunpowder—4 624 73 J,OO 1,35.1,fi1l
2 I Imperial f—6o 75 1,00 1.25 1,5 u
K< llyson-———'*3o 624 75 I Itt 1,*5
5-I Y. Hyaoc —L---50 02* 75 l.« 0 1,23 1,50
*«< ißliok—V 37* SO
iilaces. pine and.extre Fine- -70 J.UO 1,23 1,50
We will warrant all the TEAS we sell to be equal
to. ifbotsump>Bic>4 u ) rM>ldin city, and should
taey not prove veeptaoie to the taste,' they can be re
turned. and the! money will be refunded, as it is only
with that understanding we sell.
We a<k-< fair trial, that the noblic may be able to
adge beiweeiuour Teas and those heretofore sold by
other companies in this city. -
A* I lovers of rich, delicious and good Savored TEAS,
should give ui a coll.
For sole by! 1 ; JOS. 8. JL VOUNG & CO^
N \Y comer 4th and Kerry slrcnts. and
* E YOUNG fc _
myllhdfimik: < 8 W corgnr-rtirnnd Ros* r tree IS
nKVVjsyoCK OF eianoh. •
received a new stock «>f Piano Fortes from the fol
lowing celebrated manufacturer*}—
One Rosewood ? oct. carved in the style of Louis X.V.
One do 7do do do do
Oua do 7do rouftd enmer* r pUm earring.' ’
So do 7 do plain round corners.
0 do 64 do elegantly carved.
Oue ' do 6}- do plain round corners.
Oua do C? do do do
One do C do' carved furaitnre.
Ono do 0 do'plain round comer.
One do 0 do . do do'
One do 8j do plain square.
All the above are from the celebrated manufactory
of Chiekerine, Boiton, and are warranted in all cases,
apd the purcatse money refunded, if found defective
in any particular; the prices are the same os charged
at the manafictory, and ore as low Us those of inferi
or quality from other mikefs.'
SereaHosewood e from Uacon A Karen. N. V
One do 1 6 do do H. Worcester, N. V.
Two il i 0) do, do U*eori St Raven, N. A'
One do ' 6 do- do Galea & Co, N. Y.
AII the above Piano Fortes warranted In ever? re*
jptet, brim mailerxpresfly to order, and are suchas
cbtLbe relied oa for duraM ityt even in touch, and of
euperior tone. JOHN 11. HELLOS,
sale of Chtckerlng’s Pianofortes.
rpt7 " for Western Pennsylvania.
rpOBACCO—IO kg* * twin, fo* eat* by
\ I7HITK FISH—IO bhtc 6bf bUs, for tale by
PILL BOXES—i catk wood; 9 bbl- Paper, jotl re
ceived and for u'.e by ' *;RB SELLER®,•
ort3 ‘ ST AVoedst *•’
WATCH F.S AND JhWELRY—A large and well
teieeied nock just opening, corner of Market
and 4tb *u oem WW WILSON
GOLD PENS—Of all the approved makers, and a
very tupcriot article of my own brand, for. tale
by oet* W W WILSON -
DIAMOND SPARKS-Juat rec'd, 6 do* Diamond
Spark*, for glass cutter a, of the-first quality.
Also, 1 dor beiiUletiert’ Diamond*.
CIRB \M CllEF.3l>-2CQ hoxes'Crerun Cheese, ree’d
j ami for sale by W A RjM’CUTCHEtJN,
ocu | ' 15j Liberty st
FAMILY FLOUR—no bbl« Family Floor. x*c’d and
for «a!o by- oct3 Wiiß M’CUTCUKOX
ALLEGHENY METAl.—3ooion* No 1 AHrghenv
Meul, made at Ora, Hill Fufnacc. ja*l »ec’d and
or rale by oct3 * Wfc R M^UTCHF.ON
jisce, 100 do Manoa dn: lIXJ[do Dlsck Fox dp;
now an tho lauding and.for sale by
/ aoi3 > J&TtFIX)YI)
BY virtue of a wiit of K.eri Facias, issued oat ofthe
Diarir.r Court of Allegheny eoun.v. and to me tit
reeled, wl‘l tie exposed to sale jotthe Court House in
the oily of Pittsburgh, on Saturday, the 3d dav of No
vember, IbW. at 10 o’clock, A. M., the following de
-untied property, vis:
Atl the right, tide, interest and claim of William IX.
Allen, of, in and to all that cenuin Lot or piece of
Ground, situate in ihi Eighth Ward of the. ciiy of
PiUsburch, and bounded und described a* follow*,
vir:. Heginftinir undiesnut street, at the distance of
ittrOo hundred fert {3CO ft.) from" Locust street,
: scribed in the Plan annexed to IUo iatl will and testa
ment of Andrew Watson, Eiq. deceased: thence pnr
allcl with said Locust street, two hundred feet (200 ft)
and nine inches. (0 in.) or thereihout*, along the Hue
of a lot oow or lately belonging Is Mrs. Amic M'Kin
ney: parallel with Cbcinui strret, by the line
of property belonging to the estate of Mb. Mary .IVnt*
laitd. dreeased, one hondredfrtK M fu;} thcncondr
aPel with said Locust street, two hundred feet (iOO fl.)
•ecJ.n ne incbes, i» to.) or.thereabouts, to Chesnot n;
mid ihenec alone said Chetnut street, oue hundred
fstt, 1100 IY.) to the place of brtinniiig. Oawlticais
erected a three store brick dwelling nouie, and ecu*
dry out buildings. Sailed and taken in execution as
the ptoperty o! William H. Allen, owner or reputed
owner, at the suit of Surah Wbett: and to the «old bv
Sheriff ’s Office OrfffL leifl. dAwrnfl
WDlflHYwoud hereby inform his mends and
, customers, nnd the public iii general, that he
ba«jun received his full supply of fall good*,-cheap
anO gioi u« B«ual. ! ; .•
n:i nl.c» black-and colored French, English and
Ameii • *n Dmodeloih*, of every quality.
imi pi-ce* bine* and fancy Ci^rimeres.
3’ (i patterns Vestings, many of wliich can only be
hah at this establishment .
s(utos mpnuo, lombawool and cotton Shirts and
A full and handtome lot of Cravats, silk Handier*
chief*. Su'penders, Gloves, dec. ;
A large lot of fine and common white Shirts.
Also on hind, -ton ilrnb, blue and black fell and blari
krt liver Coals, from SiW to 812.C3. ,
40n drew, frock, box and sack Coats, from B>i to ¥2O.
A large nock oi'finc and common Pants, from SI to
810 per pair.
7«w Vest*, of various materials, from 75 cu to £?.
A fine assortment of jaditt and gentlemens’ Cloaks,'
always ou hai.d.
N. b.—Custom work will receive particular atten
tion. Hand*ome garments rutd good fits warranted.
• Any person in want of clothing can bejin su : ted to
their entire satisfaction, at , W. DIGUY'S
cheap Cash Clothing Store, isß Liberty it
TTBUdIiXSWup KiTTttuiiium who
iU. arts desitoos of extending their business in ihe
mobile* -of Fayette, Greene, Somerset- amt also in
Western Virginia, will find the FAVEITK WHIG,
publtti.'cd at'Jnioutswn, a desirable medium, a* it cir
cultites largely la the places specified above! Terms
.moderate. eugl»i;d3m ß .
A GIRL to do housework. .A. permanent litcadpn
and good wages will belgiven. Inquifo at tbit
omen. j ocvLdtf
WE have juet received a large and complete stock
of CLOCKS, Variety ana Pnncy Goods, suit*-
ble Tor the fall trsae, to wl ichj with - every description
of looking Glasses manufactured at our own sieam.
•power scop in this eity,:w* ask the atuntion of'Vest
ern filerehunis and other dealers.
cpi2o corner’Wood and Fourth its
HAXCFACtffxai or •
Corner Front and .Vine streets, Cincinnati, O.
ORDERS fioat Pittsburgh for Alcohol, Pare Spirit*,
Kawor Rectified. Whiskey, will be promptlyat
‘teuloi to at lowest maikatpncc. ashlAdlf
' FouUKais
„ And poiwwuon citen mm:*diatf!r,_A. wpli
ami K.inpVtery furnished STOBEon
- - •. .Al«kejL.«*,J'cjag a gw>d Masd for jw uooda
' rc«n>« loiuble ft* office* or Art*t**
fooipf. _ , I
AL*O—A large public Parlor. admirably eilcol*.
ted for « ladies 1 Refreshment and lee Cream Balboa,
From its nice. elrßani finish, *nd central location, be*
ins in the immediate neighborhood of the tajhioaabJ*
Jiy poods store*, and adjoining Philo llftll, this room
wotld afford ft permanent Hand, every way desirable;
and in the haflitTtrf-a person qcaUfico to eon'dnet the :
above t»turners in'EaMrrn style, wpold scpplv awant
much feh by strapeers iWitug Pitt-lulrgh ana ladies
residing iaibevietlwty pf the city, Jo each an-ocro*
panh'TPmlilieeare-a laryr T gentrel endpruSttMt
eustero. 71ft ipUzicoi and well lighted h**<tnent op
the-baildtngWiU be rented, with'tlie SalootriWtth'
which it U conveniently connected.' For tera*.whiefc r •
are rood**#®, apply to • * ' ■> c r
»pUO • - _ K.D.G.MZAM. •
" for gals, rr~?j-
cylinders, 4 feet stroke; 3 Boilers, Th(fcet.lotg,a;,
inches in diameter, all In good erder/wfltb* sold alt
bargain, if application be made roon. They ham oidy. -•
been in use about IS mouths. -For particafar*, inquire
of jy37:dlf . R. HAA & Gazette office j.
.Ajb* FOR ILK Si T—The-tmui*icn non « now !
u|sa occupied by Mr* AtwoOd. situated at Oakland,, 1
SUocres of gn-ttml'attached. The'Nttua .
rapacious and Convenient, and the'ground w*U Ita* 1 -
proved. Apply to HARDY, JONES k 00, ■
augdl . , .Water sf
F<iK SALK—A Hriek Homo, (bat one year
j&Hbtuli,) and Lot. on Robinson street, Allegheny,
. '"near old Bridge: Price low and term* easy.—
Inquire of jytH S SCHOVBB,HO Second it
FOR RENT.—The three swnr Erick Dwelling
House, on Liberty, between Hay 'and Martiury
street*. now occupied by W.Grahsm. Jr. Possession
Sven immediately. Enqalre of Wm. Graham, or at
e Bookstore of • *.
-‘AjA . , yott»ALJ«r - * r
Jy.H A THREE storied Dwelling Houift, being tb*~; . ■
• second boose from Pena street, in finyderi*
Row, on Hay-street Immediate possession wiUhn-i
given. Enquire of DAVID RITCUiE, Attorney.•*
Law—office between Cherry.allqT'j
and Grant street . r - jalfcdtf i .
MFOUft new two story '
well finished and la complete order, on COntsr»
Avenue, ?th Ward. Possession riveriJol? isL
Kent low. Ehevlreiof " JOHNWAPT A CO, '
jofl . 1.-; corner of Liberty andHandaa .:< .
.ZT Two i«ot* xer hais, ." r •
rjiUErabsenbeiswill sell at private Sftlivtbom iwn ■;•.
i valuable IxuofGround, altuAtedod Tomato it~
in the Third Ward of Allegheny City,fcaeh barter a
from ofCO feet, running back IUO feet (n,depth to n SO’ :
fertalley, upon which Ts bdillatßorio wall, CSbylOO ..
feet, wiilctLConulns stone cuoagh tohttild cellar* lor
two comfortable dwelling bm-es, and in; Don tbero
ere thrceihddeiirwssVora year* growthyYuitd Lhc »,de
walk Dpavcdwiihbrlck.aU of which will bosnldrt :
$9OO. Pittsburgh and Allegheny.-or Couhty'Bcdp,
wiil b« taken in payment..‘-'j
’ JairPHTLLrPSiNaS Woodst-':
or to w7iL BENSON, inuucdiatetjroppdsrt®said ten*
BJJ-J3 • 1 V-> .
■jntOß SALS—Fbve toil ln the &oa£ V
A isliiuqlownof Birmingham.. Hie lou.araiita*-
led on DeumtA street. numliercil.iit F Onosman'i plan
75,70,80,81 and£3—Lot No 75. fronting 3U ftelcn hla» r
ry Ami street. 7U feet deep; Ibooiher fonr SO feel front -
euCh, by SO feet deep.-- / i ;i.'
Tums—Bremer part of purchase money may re]
maia for six year*, *ecaied by mortgage.- . «*panl«| •
ulars, inquire cf ,i SbCIIOYER,
aylO; • ' - lIP second str
. TunatTliTiaal Lind tor laisi: ' •
\k HOUT fcarjnllci above Lock'No. U, at the month
A.,of Pine Rim, Monongahela River. The Cbai.ia
of the; venr best quality, and easy ’of access. 'Any.
uumber ofaercs, (rout iweu:y-&vo to a hand red, might
bo--obudneiL Persons desirous of purchasing, ‘ eaa ,
rail on Walker- REED, on UiVpremlse» K or Wa.
Reed, opposite the Post office, who will give' any In*
(ormarioa concemicß the property, The above srl 1.
bo sold at a great bargein: j ' . ' .-
I^OLET —A good brick Dwelling House, siuate «a
. Robinson street, Allegheny. Enqoireof •
■ m7lfl . . . SOLOMON SCHOYFA ,
Sj’Oß SALE DItESP FDR'dCtlip—A lotof groaST.
V intuntc on street, 35 feet from Highstregt}-
SO fret front ot Webster, by foot to a live root alloy
—quito-eloie to new ccart house. ' Prieo BWO. Tends, '
Klvli cash inhandj balance iii one. two, three and tbu
years from Uio first of April (Mil ‘ ~T
Cocuty arid City Scrip taVtn for cash paytdent. In
qujrr of • ; inylß rtSiIHOYKR. lißsecond st!
RAO Acrea Coa«'
*** “V* ww*, «V, .
CITUATEUon tliOMahou±abelativer,ab<ntlCßrilM
O frotn t ii argh and mile j above third bock, In
Lhe.inunedia\e 'ne)gQbi>rUoo(lidf Messrs.'Lyoo A Shorn,
and Alt John Uertou’s r u^ttu*e.- ;j l'his fine' body-kit
Cool aril be sold at the tow price bf 833 per acre- one
third in hand, balaucc' in equal animal payment*,
without luioiert Tttlo Indupmublr. Lot-mton tety
good^-cHimat be surpa-yed.i For further partienlara
euquire of i 5. BALSLEY, vrbp bas e draft oi said-pro*
penyj Residence;id st,below Perry> Mr. AdnmPßtrw.
N. B- There i* ’another itiiii ofcoal op t(ji» trail,
about|6(l feet above the lewctl; bf excellent uaality.'- 1
l-,. AW '
Valoisble Build In gXota foT3S]ei j -
THE aabsittibcis ure- tuiibonzud looder at private
sale, ami upon lavortbD term*, a number ,
of very vaiuaule Uuiid.ox Ivute, comprising d largo
portion of the. Lou numbered 37,'"Gd, UD and 70, in
AVotxD.’GcuerJl Plan of ihtf.CLty of Pittsburgh,' eitoa
ted suite M>si& ea<nwasdly cornet.of lVdn And Wuroe
sirecisvfrotiiing3l0 irutou t»^former,.ami .extendiog'
along tue ldtlor atiout -biW fett la the Allegheny river,
and being apart oftito RenlEi.uie'of the late Jambs
S.S>evuusoo,li*q.,detei-cU.! '
A (ituaor suiiOtvialon gf tiJJ above Lois, in .could*
mity wiiU which to sulL may be teen at
the office ot tne omiorH.-asd r di Fourth, between Mar*
Irel umi Kerry d». . . & Ktnttt i
• my:l . . 'i ' I
,;j>. TWO LOTS on Hea\W .street, in Ida city p
a:& above, the upper Comtuoas,on which
Deu-cted u frame building, taroauitice high.’suiuibl*
lor two smalt tensineuta. Ilteiou aro iwoniy
feet iu Dmui by one handreilTeet deep, onto .- c
to it nrcel fimV.feel buildiugs ou
ntiscs writ w-avery hamUeks intervai ou the luvettj
uent,andtLeorapcny.willtid*aoM clioap'lor'caib.
Apply to ii. apron], o!ent’n>aEce; U. S. • ■"<
oor^J. • •: . i r.i* KAY- Is. Co
, Sceum 250it0m.--IJfcsti for &»1«.
Tl'.N Ai;RK.> OF {.AN'r/Atitoai'iu iu’Peables ktwb-',
&lup,cjYt!K Mnni»»i»erJi'*liilhrce miles •
burgh—-hi low a» *dii purchavfrs. Fox farther J>artie» •
ularsurjlylb IjcnrrAVuodi.lM erto ••••,:' . ■!
w»T2?*iUf ' : - ' <tl*,atcvc t
>wC "VVAKFUOUSE FO^HAl.E.—’ltienjtoKntwl
Tn.j offers .0: tale ihc threfi’sujr? brick Washout# .'
■*' lWl oa Woou Btxeet, eccopiiti toy B. Tinner Se. Co.
-1? . . g! WM, WILSON,Jr.
"KKBfr. ,
I‘OBSAJ.E A Loi of&roaml titaateon Perm
street, tiny and Mnt&ary ctrceis/adjoining
ibc boutc ar.U ict now oceupidil by Richard J£d«*rdj»,
haviifr; a'froiit feet, and ft iloyitb 130 fc«t, will b*
•old on I’avcraMe terra*.' 'fitlijiUeiccpucmolAe. •■&«'
quire ci • . - C. O; lAKJiU«, Writ, new WoodJ 1
OCtSt-dt/ - t<i - I '
For S*l*« i'
4 iluilding ia Allegheny city, a*
■A vorablylyealed+iasiioiibijmhfcllafl acre, and
wm be »olil ■. Inquire or S
febfl _r J JJ WI&LIAMS, HO wood *i _•
*-k FOR KENT—AnwraflitVlire KCoad atory, No
JH&2O \V«wd errpi £■ ■ jigrf ) -
/Sfropcrty ,»’u Xii«gii«bv City fmr stiii‘
•IfljrE subscribers oiler for sale a number of cfcoie#
'i la Cie"Fcccii2 \Vftri t '
Cauiaios gtocnd,on tuy lenai. ißqaifeot
W. o’lL aOUINSU.S, A?y St Law, St Clair tt
. oiofJASßO?lNSON>onll)epremises .
<ayl“;dAwirr ij ’ . / i •-• |
snrifADiKa AtttT cautioned against iw
They are notaarare Itotr frightfu-ly injurious it is '
; to the skin! bow coar*e, bow roagh, hew sal
low, yellow,, and uuh-jnjthy the skuiap*
jjearsarierasiaxprcMfedcbatkl.lle- ,
sides it t* injurious, S vnuming a. ■ •.
large quantity or Lead!
We have prepared a iieaudful. vegetable anieißi
which we call JuNßs-'SPAN'ISH UuY- WHICE.
. h is pcrleedy innoeenh-being purified of all deleetL
ousquaiiues; andiitmpari* toUieskitlanoiural,heil
thy, alabaster, clear, living sfoite, ut tho samo tube
acting os a cosmetic on the .skin, making it soft abd
smooth. Sotd>by tho Agent. VVjhL JACKSON, 63 Lib
erty st, Ptrtsburxb Pnce its eynts. »Hr 7 d»wri
ll}** Ekcmiojcsaxu Saw DHbasio.—ju.vos-a Ital
ian Chemical boap causes ‘a tree perspiration, aridlat
the lame time molifies, soriena, and whitens utn skin,
grrieir it the texture and beauty of an lnfant’a. 'i (
Scchvt, Salt Rattcsr axußoscs, in' soon not only .
healed, but cured by its use, as at least adven. Phypl-j.
cinrtß in Newport know, who use' it in-tedt oases,
and find it cnfuifing—as also m [ .1
t'uirL&, Uloitho, Fixcxlss, or znjr other skin lit*
ea?i*. Too reader is insured - tut this ns nooMlsss'
patfrJ DOJtxom, as one trial v£ll prove. .-I cMld taa«;
merotd ut leu*. So person* curtd of r j
. Sou Jltai*, Sou Lies *^d’ ( Sou Btuo.—Boy fit. l
■ml use it, sad ilto reader is [attain named I wooM
not vnyjUy sell U for the. aligns.outei* i'kuaw it to be '
aU 1 muc. . Those who are liajio to f
Ciiukd, OttACKBU, ui lTjcsh, wEI.Imd this a
cure. Any one inflicted with tiny of the above, or situ
•lthr diseavs, Will imii this alt and even mors (aiaiiia
ble mils propenieO thttii t stato. - , 1
But. reader, the btores are ilooded with Imitations,-
ated bo fureyoa m> ior JONES’S Italian Cbemiiinl
Socjr. SoM Vy 'VM. JA(2KS>yN, H> liberty, street,
l‘m*'bufß!i. I
[LTTirs*- '
lU" Tux sums tTA.TiuilUrt9i is not more reppl*
.•ive than a bid, pntyd breath, or durt, yellow diseas
ed teeth. It'persons have thaee U ii their own taall—
• ihc« cno,.for two shillings, buy ait .article- that Will
make their breath pure anil sweet os fJu SfUjjir'o ;
AjflilUY. . J !
It cure* Jik-u-csof thp (Jans, spungy orlo’cerated,
-end (bribe Teeth it it aniujuaUcd, rctfiovisg the tarthr,
fastening Hhp tcelli in the gums and cietn ihomju
white a* 130 auoiojf tit jnztn forth j.
thicb. reader- are.tha properties of Jonas'* Amber
T'XK’J Viyx.nnd, wiu,ampntisi«s jt ourselves, MV
whet one a!., our mart re*[Haubk and' Klenti&e Ddn-
OBU, Ur. 11 IVuLoi New VuJk- *ays: •..• :•'•• | ;
“l bnve.boih used end anuluedtbi* beamtfal and im»
palpati.e > oniric, ? (Jotes* Amber TootiuP-ate.) and
can lecomtncfrd uaspo>'*e.Mtu;allUie qualities elated
ei furiv’r. Rnsds:, we can sty no aoro.lo.coavinba,
only ihil n you try this once you will lie wcllpieasfcl.
It is put upjji-beaaufel Kng’Uh China Pits, far2s
cents. SoldTi; the AtfeCi, .W.u. JACKSON, 89 Übfcf.
j lystreet, I’jCtburehrT ' ; a«rt;dtfwT f_
• <} r* rtLu ooou cmz.v>» ate iiouoraoiy, Mured that
Aha following are iU« actual qftalltie* of a-31 bottle] of
Joraaa (/oral Heir Rettemoyo- 1C tier (loubt qor
word,'.they cannot ti»i»j htajy- reappctable" citizens
who have tried in— ‘ ' 'i
Mr. Cco. bcc»et, *i Elm *** New York.
Mrs" Mrul'da ReeVc*,'MTtl'h er, Brooklyn. ' I
' Mr. Wm. Tompkins, OT KttjJevNdw York. 1 .
Mr.TliiWJ&cfcion, Mrrornuti Island, near plrubuigfc >
: 11. F* Cullen, Into Darter stc-imbtfattS. Amiffca. i
And ©ore .than a hundred other* ante* though thin
□list inline, that it will force- the her’ to grow 011 Uja
head orfuco,«op it fetlinj oIT, Btrtngtheo ihe-Tooi*»
removing, ecorf and tfenduifTtrora- the reou. aim*
li-ht, fed. or gray hair orehato f fine dirk look, and
keepmrdry, tsuia of wiry hail Oflui* soft, clean and
beautiful-, a very, ver? touj lists- :> ■ - --'J 1-
■ Sold by-the' Aceat, WjU. JACKSON, 63 liberty M,
Pittsburgh. Price 3T|, W eonUf OBiocedolmr. I
anrtniAwT -• • I
• n BUBK MILL STONKB. manuCuina
t\ Te d in FnncrveompotCd of bat few'
'j\ ' B*ock» and inlid eye»—a large ostbn- '
Mm— m-yt. tbe'bc-tof thek!nd,elway*.ca .
'feanri aigTOatiy minced price*. . ]
Fn-neh Durr.Mill Sionei of
lwyfl ci7 own inar.ufueiartiy reads of anew
SSaS?JU ,rd -uperiwt quafiiver.. Rtoeki. Tncio
fSttEaX itnmnsr- tngde.under Wvown mperin
lei'dinr.e, an! *» cfrr.t cere-ia taken to*inaltr [the
foisii close, and to ha c a‘i the blocke in e-coitone
of it uniform temper, 'bey me warranted - to be ofitha •
very best qnalviy, «u?eriot to those imported ffooi
Fra see; oua ulioonperiorw-itierre-t bus of the**
made in thi« country,and at }> ice* lower than t»?o"
everbjforebcenoJcredtntaiamirkeh • - \ ,
- ■: . | i •
jjohiny Ciolb»i’aM nuidsers of the bejtqaalitjr, War
ranted to'givf rndsfaciiod fo'tb'o parebaaer,-and ht
areaUyteduerdpri^* 1 • v\ ,i I .
Mill Spindle*, Altii Irena, .Screw* and Pick*, Pl*V
form Scale*.'Com and,"Coir GrnwJer*; .Grist and Saw
Mill C*iiinf*of all kunlir»aa4; MJB fantahhtg in geo
•Crgjl order* promptir’ait«jdod toar gl4 end ftiil T ijiT
enr street, near tho Owal, PiVebiwh;. .. Ji
BTJOJto ' :In -- i
TTJFORM their frfenty*ndit» pttWifi Ui&utnv
i no loader tnyeon&e&totrwfi'i liieettv
menUaPenn «tre«i,fcnarjji u the Pittsburgh Bre'
h>Tin< rccurcd their etmru butaei* to «*■■»
BREWERY,Ia PU* «*•£ -Ojlfiat
-nl Si _
corner Uartu anJThirl »trrei«.'
t* (or Mali