The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 13, 1849, Image 2

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',!)• PITTSBCRfIai
rmann Daily Gaxctts U pabUalied
©mily, Tn-Weeluy, tad Weekly;—The Daily U Berta-
Oollin per aroaajj the Tri*Weekly 1* Fire Doltar»pre
«EBta;ia» Weekly i» Two Dollar* per aoasa, ttnaif
~ rn»Aam*tam are earactuy tequettedtob*ad la
.fcetr tarm before fir.U-, end as earlr imheday *1
fnofcablo. i«!eetti*e*euta not ituemd tor e ipeei*
Aad tfaM wfll taTtaiably be charred until ordered On
wnri«ntHtfriptlonj ta tlie North Amer
••»ttdCaUAdBuxe*G*Mtte, Phllulclphi*, recmc
aA torw*rd«4 from this ottca. , r * .
CTSEENEXTPAOE for local matters,
I' ' Pmssnsnu Auuto is CALnroann.— The
R ■k^.O*orf®’ , WMhlßft«namvcd«l Sta F»nci»*
B XofßUtftsd the KirkUad oa Iba
J : , 'ttiof iha —wm Boib tbsso Tesseli bad
.« nuyPittibargben ,oa board.
ft . la oat last article on this subject,
M - tkst twodiftcolttee had ariaenoatbeUna of road
8 t wader contract, from the mooth cf Beaver to the
g. : • tato Uoe. Osecftbem, to'‘Wttfoato damages
Ei | at flrfhftttn, vs hare already noticed./
' The'-plber i* iolalim-tor op by
1 Mr. Jtmea Bafleaoa, at the point where the RaH
Iff ■ v Boad Bridge cranes the Besver, just above the
•Brighton Bridg* When the ekpeomental exam
«—»*«»• www going. 00, Mr. Patterson was very
P —fa— t» thU road to be located on the rottte
I artfchta*ebo«ta,»nd the Chief Eugioter
hJ (bo StrtKtora inferred that every fedlity In
.x, bis power affprdcd. , After the contracts
Weremade,'-the atone quarried, the piers and
- Abetment* of the bridge marked oat> and the mt
acn* Were ready .to .commence,'"Mr. Patterson
fetfeld thrat to |p» on until the damages, which he,
■ '.' f| melted 'thb bridge and road would do to hit
{*3 1 property; wynlwssesaod. Aa the rive? waa low,
i thorocklaUtobed beiDg neuly baie, rendering
1 U extremely favorable to build the piers, the. En
l glneeri'orderedihe contractor again to go on, hot
. . he to again Iperemptorifrordered away by Mr*
; Q ahlfl lho. damages were assessed. As
5;- the.Director*’htd just ascertained, by the result
V.\ /tfWMKMoUuEocbMtCT, thUtHer m»H
p ytrostthe-deeisum or damages to f persona retid*
, . H / . |n| In tha neighborhood. ’ many of whom were
i .i’/ . H 1 directly cr indirectly, interested, they concluded
- ,;£ / ■ ■■ ty dsief the.ieomoenceoent of the work, a that
.$./:■ point until next season. An effort will be made
- -jfr. . this winter to procare an Act of tha Legislature,'
- * -tjy Hr™” 1 of damages 10 be taken from 1
► •• /• y All • adjoining county. The Pennsylvania Kail
•• / '•'■££’ ' • Bjtd’faradthis necessary,to save the Company
/ , from paying enormous damages, where the resd
an abeolnte benefit. It la the opinion of good
/ ( V- • t>,. - .jodges. that the Bailroad wllMncrease thevalue
P- Of Mr. Patterson's property very greatly, inatead
'fjpr- • g of beings damage to it ll he had not interposed.
*»/*• * |bs plats .would have been above the reach of the
1' v^;' :, WUerbefore the late rise.. Now a whole year
... | : £.{i' wQLbe lost, aa the water does not subside until
ft ’y. anatetiitta in July. If Mr. Patterson thinks th*e
'/.];• roadpriQ injure his property, be has a.perfeot
i ' tight to' ask for damages, bat they eonld hr*?©
. boon assessed just as easy alter the*Work was
oommehcedxa before, and regret much th*st he
v *■ did BOtlet the work go on.
. s,. v On'nll Other points of tbs lute, as far as we have |
H'fy .i^gaserudned,the work isgoing oa well, and the
be completed In due season. The see-
AiCjattmah* haa been paid, and another estimate
WiD bey Aid about the first ol Novomber, when
; gome of the jobs will be completed.
\ Oa the line'between the mouth ofthe Beaver
> asd Pittsburgh, the Engineers are expected to
\ oossenee to'locate the joed about the 20th of
. BiftMh. The only difficulty on this division
\ (sat the mans**,.commencing about four miles
below this city, where there is not room for both
v i ibo rail road and county read. It is proposed to
remove the county rmd, and carry the
Matt. This .the charter aothonxea the company
todoi-',ApreUminary,exaalQatld& isnpw
made by aa agent ofthe coa'paay.fcTthat purpose,
And the prospect of abetter location thanthe pre
■eal cae Is .extremely dsvorshle. It is said the
teed wi|-Jto »hocw;by<>a».nijle, andAetter in
. fresy '|*Otcl, except ihe efcvaiiott to be*ever“
come, vrtyob will be of eaay'gradea. The prop*
erty hotdars along ihe'narrows, we understand,
fe*falla‘faTty of the change, aa U readers the
. ’oooflty i'oadmifiohnwre accesiihle'ta them, and
the distance te maarket my h nearer to persons
- ' tmddinginthA region.
- The eossty read removed from the narrows,
.leaves a nesriy level and easv rooiA ihe whoie
dteaane prom Piitshorgh to Beava*. This
! . "ttiha'ibad will be.readr for co&trect by the first
as well as all the remaining dt*/i,ibn»!
’ . Al® Pittahurghto Mansfidd. . .V .r
' AHthal'isnow wanted lojinaoro-'the speedy
eoaptoma of tfahsgroat is >Jee money.' Tb.-
•Btoealof,atocl^ : by IhdividQ-A afjbscriptions, .ia
. PttttbttrfhvWiß'ho M“ly sbyjrbcd ingradisg
. the' road 'flqin B saver to the .Slate
the.-uioi* expensive part of tke
'* Vroots,' -Jo boild the road from this
>y' jft|tDßdtTtr»Uo,company have only ihe mb;
' the cities, o * Pitlsbargb tod AUeghe
; *y; That cf cad be made available
• ■ U ffric* operations, provided the.Connc;ls will
i - the bonds to be issued immediately. V
aonld be disposed of on the aame terms cn
* ■ ’ , whleh tbe laxe bonds were negotiated, the com
■, puy 000 U k»w tame ,160,000 wort
It will to nseesaary, however, ft»r ‘ibs capitalist?
vt this dty to anhacxibe ebont* ;»l 50,000 mote
IS enable the company to road in entire
xeadincse Sat the roila, clear of'debt. .The com
. "[ifwyoiathea go into the intikeMbr money to
• boy the rails and machinory with a good credit,
and thos preserve tha par value of the original
itoek.) We are glad to leare that the Directors
are firmly •resolved, to prepare the road tor the
. taQa with money derived from stock actually paid
- loomed at all. They, are determined not to
ycaort to any kite filing operations, by which the
erigiaai Itock would be tank, and the company
- ~yD£»rasHT embarrassed, but to guard ibe | criginal
••holders bv proceeding only as last aa the -
7 are Invested, provide the means.—*
TUs iff a wise decWon, and one which will com*
Bead kaeff to the good aenae of ail our citizen*.
Tta Wpla * Pautaj,>> ®a> liM *».“" If
tier TOUH, rtta Urn, tiey nmtt nO*i note
whlyij'Utev tre abnadmliy rtle 1060.
. . b* cottpautow rnada us talk noaaenao yes» I
ttritj. lualeadja*editorial article, we wrote
•a winning part? lit a PresideDtisl election a
' 1 nos jraanDr tho loserattho leas important one
' airnr-Vrr " Thejcompoaitor made unsay “eor
• genethßy’.ln thetime paragraph. wo write "tie
-Wluaiagpeity hasali <h* <K*-edvehta*esol having
fta disposal of ibel offioes,’’—wo were mute 10
. aaiui>*t!litse&antJ/M" • Atiho.mnaning, u
printed, is exactly op posho lo our Intention, we
- deemedir duetooaraciisto correct it. Implied
all wo can do; our .meaning la frequently mar
‘ I^3'ia the printing, jinlesa we art always oo hand
ttMarf tba prod* bat* it la seldom wo an soon-
Tbb DtuerCUsruu Attachxxkt.—Tbi» U *
atm •Btohaeol to ibePUno. whldi Uearaptor-
Inf lha Mi w Yorkers. , It la cn the pindplo of the
«»«to the violin.! A.nutnber of ncmern an io
•’mnoi Into tba bridge—that caned Hock oyer
' U» attia*a*aaa at tho u ppat cad of tha in
rmmto, nnd'whih testa on the sounding boatd
—and a oortenpcnpininnlaher of massive weights
andxad toacenln, which la worked by a pa*
j.i vgac-tbc preasnm la applied, the chancier
. of lha taco is chinged.ton riotllty which u said
to bo «*»By Cuoijrntlay
-1» odvoatosM perfod oiiaplicityi p«»er*
1 imuo to!aju4tk«lwu«® eotor 10 p ° l U oal
«f tSM} pocolJtty u 4 tweetaett ofiooe, aad
' mtf eTery instmmoßl. -
H..t«a'ißnj. Qwanr. U. 8. wTre.-Leaen
• tnm Naan, dated the. 11th ;u&imo, received
M pfrUrUlf fay the 111* Heatner, ibooopcc lie
feeoMOofOoptaia Mm a,riaa * of ** Medilcr '
- iir" ••qw*o®. yu«fc ; eV<al 100)1 p Uco 00
- tbo 4lb of SepUmberpOn boipd lb« UoitedSuae*
fa t >i?p CQptiiioUon. *■ Copula Gwino w«« «
gufreof Maryland, tad«ster®d ite n*nl oerrsco
. tattW. 1 "■
Mr. A.W.
'-■* . pi, b«»»rt»f
- tißgnTMWiti'
, TUtea.vUdil
•• Oor city vu Id a-ra»tfaia exdw»eiAj
pretty all day, ye*terday» b T W P°***
that Mr.Ue, the Whig caodidaUJ tot A**rt*h'
wu elected. After we COOBled
oat; however, they exhibited the lollowicg J*~
McCEaloek’* majority,... ...
Wo oto worry for Mr,W<
not mike «ny thick else, ilthottgb _ °
boro boon potHed hod lifT “ u * W
. Thl KUowicj no the cfflcial totol. of
tecoimdtoMtimiW'." 11 ' 1 *”declici u
in ibi, CoaotT- Tho M will bo pnblotU
(o oar next .*"
Fallot.* «?«
FaHeromojorityorer Gttnb10...... l»lflll
H-Wu Ss3
majority over Vfnceni»««*
Morgan.. .«
Wadlow. ...
Miliar... ..
Greeaoagh T
Curtis* majority over Mills
Hays’ majority over Coyl
Morrison -.
Stodd'art. •.
Morrison’s majority overßli
Milcieir® majority over While
i Arthurs’ majority over Rea.
Byers’ majority over McCleister 901
PtnniylTsnis Election. _ I
MSICKR CooirTT.—Whole Democratic tictrtj epticofono Democretie member I
of Assembly. _ .. .1
LAWimtc. CoDtTTr.—The whole Whig ucbel
elected, notwithstanding the coalition efthe Dem- 1
ocrau With the Pieesoflera. Fuller’* majonty abont
Bums Cootvt.— 'Whig member* of Assembly
elected. The re at of the ticket ia carried by the
Democrats sod l ? ree Sailers.
1 Wassikoto!( CioosTt.—Democratic ticket auc*
cesafoL The W bip [have done as bad there a»
in Allegheny, rjrbis j* a Democratic gain ot one
memberof Assembly.
Btma ComtiT.— The Whiga have done veil,
and-elected their .ticket A gain of one. Whig
memberof Assembly.
Csawtoso. —The whole Union ticket, rapport
«l b, tb* Whig, ud Free Soilcra;,*ipemd. «■
..jjpl Auditor. ' TiS i. .*puo »f‘»o Whig mem-
hers. ! I
Wnmtoartairo.—Loon fcco! of conreo. Gam-1
tde’s majority abont I*7oo. I. I
/UMsrxono.—Democrats, carried thh member*!
of Assembly, and ▼danteer elected Jbi I
.Treaiarer and Comtaiaslco'rs*; **\ j
C*kiau.--DempcraUe tI wet elected by a amal
majority. A gainofenom ember of Assembly fan
(he Locoa /■ * I
Bun-'iinmlt Whig lintel eleetid. Fuller’,
majority yoo. l
F*T*rr t—Democratic ti eket elected by a small
majantf’. .
Pmu iDEtraxa.—Tho City has go* for tbe
Whig/', nod the county' for. the Democrats; A
piny’ol eight members of Assembly fcr the Dem
'oersu. ,
Conerpondeaeeoftbe Pittsburgh G«<
tfsw Yoax, Ocu 8.
The equinoctial gale cornea Uu> this year, bw
it has to* no strength by the way. A more «
ee« »tonn we have od bad-in many years, an.
i is already ascertained that it has caused a con
»Iderable destruction of property in the ciif
neighborhood. As the wind was from the east
ward, part of the lime directly upon oar coasts
those vessels approaching port were subjected to
*ll the dangers ol a lee shore, the terror of those
who go* down to the sea in ships. The storm com
menced on Saturday morning, at ten o’clock, and
prevailed throughout the night with tembb vto
leoee. Never have I seetL in any latitude a more
perfect specimen of a tempestnoaa day, and
we. shall doubtlesshesrormany wrecks and great
loss fit life upon the coast.
We are on the eve of an important election, and
men’s minda begin to be occupied again with poU
ities. Each party hum ode Ua State nomination*.
, There is scarcely a doubt of the success of the
whole Whig ticket, except one candidate. Both
partiea hare nominated for.the station of Chlel
Judge of the Coort of Appeals, the highest State
tribunal, excellent ilawyera and unexceptionable
men, but the Barnburners have forced the
era to accept the nomination of Judge Jewett for
that office. The judge hubeen long on the bench,
and at the 'first election under the new oonstito*
lion was chosen a member of the Court in which
be now presides, but unfortunately., drew for the
shortest term. Thia brings him again into the
-political arena,’ where he' is not much at
boom u upon the 1 bench. He is a decided Free
Soil man, but has, of course, taken no part in
politics while a member of the judiciary. Hon.*
Joshua A Spencer; who opposes him, U an emi
nent and compotent whig lawyer, and there would
be no shadow of doubt election by a large
majority, bet for the circumstances I have spoken
of, sod which would equally apply to hid, had he
been in the same official position as Judge JevfJ
eu. The lawyers a/e .professionally in favor of the
stmts jwe.’and this, and the other facta referred to,
reader it probable, I think; that the present jodge
will retain his place. Boti whalever may be the
result of the contest, as to these two candidates,
,t is a coqoeded point that the Whigs will sweep
tbeState, er"tothe,»lber names 'oa ,tbe general
ticket. The allied forces ,of and
Honker democracy hope to carry the city and
eonnty, and thus secure 'to their party ibe con«
irol of several very fat offices, as those of Comp
j troller, Sheriff, and other?, in which is included a
I great part of the city patronage, and it was doubt
less a very ardent desire to acquire possession cf
these loaves and fishes that Impelled John Vso
Boren to make the surrender to Hunkerism which
bs did at Utica, on the 12th of last month. The |
suniable minor dignitaries, the local file leaders of 1
the two factions could not bear any longer to stand
as mere spectators on either side of a -full table, at
which their enemies filled the seats. It was in
view of the prenant alone that they came ,to a
mutual recognition of. the moral beauty of the
aphorism, that
“Their little hands were ocm made,
To tear each other** eyea ;*
So, grinning u lovingly op oa one another u a
hyena and a wild cat,they rushed together, not to
tend, hut to embrace.' Bet it will be all. of no
oae, the Whig*, carry the city aa well a* the State
a! ease. • * •
Personally, * pained and scandalised
by the capitulafionof my irieads, the Free Boiler*
tad ean only hope that when tberoaltofih* move
oeat baa-deooastmed to .them the uselewaeir.
i of such' combinations, that they will repent of
this fllrtatioo with expediency and return to an
adherence to principle and honor.
I was, last week, in IWa-thlagton, and was, as
over, anoied with the antics of the * senior Edi
tor," andthat worthy individual whom he has' cn-j
(aged as 4 blower and striker, 0 in his Tocatiob of
organism. It.must be a fatiguing taak to blow, the
beOows of an organ, which ia obliged lo tune iti
Smannel pipes.* to pieised the ears of so ▼arioos
sherdas ihs Uciouaddmaes the
npya it, fa I nets no
voilt, vfao hte been elected to
Icneoo Bute of Dceo-et in Coe
au St 'Looted He italeiitbi
vtiett ecoordins to lettett hero
, it hu bwo ieptoeoted the-whole
i brnia emigrante wan. eoewed, un
c alythe frecee of the tntploe pfo*
Jeeorllat to the meej-cnwomef
nherebeenboiJed.^. ,
ln the appesrancefof the senior editor ia
diestieg a fails re of his powers. This antique
relic of democracy, this be may be justly
called, of -tbe corner stones of *93 and *99, certain
ty deserves maeh credit (or his industry and his
vigilance. His voice is never aiiO, nor his land
idle, nor his eye drowsy. I fell convinced, as 1
! looked open him, and beard his “ frequent, anx~
ions cry,” tbst, at least while that remarkable
man lived, tbe Repoalic was safe. For early and
-late is he'heard in the high sod byways, pro*
claiming danger to the Commonwealth, and with
such warnings be must be, blinder than a mole.
I who does not shun the path of peril. Never did
I a chimney sweep or s fish monger bellow more
I lustily through Rag Fair or Houndscliich, than
I this sentinel upon the ramparts of democracy.—
I Hi* patriotic solicitude is above all praise, though
I not above all price, as u attested by the mighty
I meases of treasury pottage which have r -be*n dealt
I out to him in former days. It is tnie, however,
I that be has not, as ho might hsve done, pocketed
I the funds, and held his tongue; enjoying tbe pro*
I ceeds of hi* good lack in easy luxury.' He was
I above such “low ambition,” and prefers render-
J'ing his country gratuitous service, to hot serving
it at aD, Well, in this world, the art df making a
noise is a most useful accomplishment, and tbe
loudest bawler is sometimes the best fellow.—
' Besides,jwas not Rome saved by the cackling of
geese in the capitol.l and has not, ere nbw, the
bray of an a** admonished a aleepiog garrison
: that the foe was at the pies'? Why may not the
| feeble voice of the u venerable baltone of the
I Union,* as an Irreverent Barnburner In this State
des ; gnates the senior editor, be esteemed of -ai
least equal potency wiih that of a goose or an
The,fashionables have not been able to make
so much out, of Miss Bremer, In the way of lion*
ixing tbe distinguished anthoreis, as was expect
ed. 3he.left the city after making a very brief
stay in It, for a neighboring town, where, it is re
ported, ahe will be the pest of a gentleman whose
reputation- as a writer upon those practical arts
I appertaining to rural life, is, in bia own country,
I hardly inferior to her own.
I l infer Irom the appearance.of tbe hotels that
I the fall business continue* good, though it roost
Ibe drawing towards its close. There never was
| a period* of greater activity in this cily thaa. the
I last two months. The previous stapation, on
I account of the prevalence of the pestilence, was,
I na doubt, a reason for some ot -this slir -ond
1 bustle.'
This reminds me that in tbe official statement
of the number of deaths last week appears tbe
entry of “cholera, six” Yet the city has not, by
any means, recovered its uaust beahhfulness.—
Three hundred and twelve deaths io a week,
during this month, indicate the existence of some
cause of disease, which does not ordinarily pre-
I vail, and is, in troth, a very high rate of mortals
| ty. At this season, in former years, the number
I of deaths has not been, on the average, over 150
per week J JTh’o aeeds of peatflence would ap
pear to lark in the atmosphere, though it has
I cessed to stalk in the highway. Junius.
Correrpondeau.of iho Pittsburgh Gaaeiie.
New Yoax, Ocu 9, 1819.
On Saturday night and Sunday, the AUantit
coast waa visited by one of the moat diaaairoua
rales that has been recorded for many years- At
ibis point the tide rose so high that the terry boats
for some hoars could not approach the bridges,
thus cuuing off the communication between New
York and it* suburbs of Brooklyn, Williamsburg,
and the Jersey shore. Ho.oeea were unroofed,
and new ones torn doprn, 'as were the walls of
two new churches. The shipping in this harbor
suffered a good deal, but no loss of life was oc
casioned, tbongta out neighbors at Boston did not
eficspe so well, for an emigrant ship went ashore
at Pobasset rocks, and ninety aeven of her un
fortunate company were drowned.
• A. new sort of banking is soon to bo tried m ibis
country, which will take from tho banks ot New
England the privilege they now enjoy, of making
money by circulating their note* among the farm
er* of the West in payment for their crops. A
house in Wall street, of large capital and an ex
tended connection with.the west, intends to issue
I drafts of the valne of amall bank notes. These
Un&M drawn upon n western, house ia favor of
'’New York, can be used .as exchange, Ad thu*
tsveeven Pittsburgh merchants tbe premium they
now. pay for m specie, chock. The profits of cir
culation to a bank are large, and this new move
ment promises to give a limited amount of national
oirreney anch na is needed.
|Tbe wiUofamaiden lady baa joal been prosed
in.oor Probale Coort, Ibal goes JO show Ihet lita
■ decried classoi saleable women bnve as eolaiged
hcaria aa Jboso wko add lo Urn wealth of tbe
eoontlT and swell tbe ceasoe at tbo same time.
The Jadybh qoeaUon, Misa Demitl,has left SlttOOO
«, be abated «s fjllowm-Gnneral Society for M=-
rhaaics and Tradesmeo, Demilt Library, Deaf and
Diimb Orphan Asylum, Aged and Unsociable
Pemiles, New York Diapeaaary, New Yolk Hos
pital, Blootalngdale Asylum, HUlorieal Solely, and
New York Society Library, cenh five thousand
dollars, Eaaleraand Northern Dispensary,each four
thousand dollars; Orphan Aaylnm, Aasociallon for
Improve, the C lidiuon ol lbs Poor, Home o(Ibe
friendleaa,and Mercra'ii Library.eanh Ihrea ibooa
and dollars; Manners’ Fanfily Industrial Society,
and Society for Poor Widows with Small Children
eanll two thousand dollars. Those pro a few of
tbo New York cho.ilica, and this Ibo kindness of a
woman whoso wnnllh did Dot make her prominent
moon, Ibo richoflhls cjly.' ll is generosity above
that of aa Aster, for It ia.a.mito ftom a poor wo
man, compnrod with tbo Aalnr eatoln.
Tbo Empire Ciiy.'from Chagres, arrived this;
forenoon, wiib five bondred tboosnnd dollars in
gold dnat, and gold aloriea enough lo give n very
buoyant lone to tbo conversation ol all who have:
an internal in our new possessions on Ibn Fncifie.-
Tho largest recipient i« Messrs. Howland de As;
pin wall, who bavo ono hundred thousand dollars;
which is really a respectable depotil for a house
u> make, on account of one deportment of Ha bun
ness. The .pome and bullion now in New York
cannot bo' very mooh from fifteen millions of-dol-
Un, an elects of nine milliiKa over what is want,
ed for legitimate use, and a sum that makes it
morally certain ihalthn rein of internal will bn low
and money abundant thin winter; and that an im
petus greater Ihan waa ever fell, will bo imparted
to hoalnesalu most deportments.
Tho Pittaborgh Copper Company la made quite
nrominenl joatuow, and people made qnilo "nylons
-L ttl j assertion that dividend this year will lie
.! luod «B an hundred per cent, and ‘ b » l
.mount of the dividend will bo $114,900. If ib«
people of Piusborfcb hive not enoogh cooper block,
iimsy be said quietly, that there are a few ■£*"»
of some fomans oom panic* afioit here which can
be had cheaper than whit© paper, and that a good
many laborer* would be pleassd to i tcc ibe rbare*
Sthe»e companict in the hand, of reliable men,
w that them, and get tho pay for
A famon. concert U to come off to morrow, in
-id of lialian political refugee*, of which there ore
crest number* in our city, destituto of ihe commpo
necessaries ol life. They, have no country men to
appeal unexccpl the *inger* and artist-; but »*»* ►*
have promptly come forward, and wi.l p.«c the
patriot* who bave'aoeghl abelier here, »n the way
of obtaining a liveUbood.
■ New* ha* been received here that at the draw
inr far the heauiiful Daweldorf pictures, twelve
voe awarded to people In tbe Umied State*, and
UJPlhe poorest OttO u valued at S'JoO. Only four
hundred 1 tickets were aold, and „U»e purchasers
fortunate. One picture, “Joacph re
vealing himself to hi* brethren," ha* fallen to New
YorkTand other* to anbacribera ot tbe west Tbe
Art Union ia growing in fine atyle, and iu prises
fm Indeed tempting- It will be prudent to sub
scribe early, for the number will bo limited, a* Ibo
Utar of the institution ha* outgrown tbe capacity
■ *j o j,-d Stale* Mcnritie* there is an advance,
?o? a IbOWD ,T°
ita Mlea were very large. wd it ta aaid the
day the Enzti»b acoounl, and to go, by
~ fzspsszsr*
”Vfo° P . P ndb“rinn»““&nh f°°Mi”
lof Bin season. Flonr begin, lo
ra3so*s TLpriol? jehioh Ihe producer
weft and .hoi'font lb? farmer, are getting:ncb
u they should do. The demand is cniefiy from
ro. Wh-al 1. in Jess demand; na well as
the east. t i w f ratber lea* firm, caused
MerSSof”«k. Pork is dull and ifoold
2 hid cheaper. Some prime mess hr. sold for
moa’h u *lo,'rad romo for lewi
‘iS d fo't'bvo at mail in bbla. *|>d k.*«- . B "“"
it in mod demand, but cheese is little Inqnired f r.-
Whtriiey eloaeaat27l n,end dullClhu. Leadv.
dull, rad English iaofferod, inarriyef nper fo.
tmnn <• TerV ddL *Ud pt* hfcS BOld SI WW_t* §2O,
Linseed Oil la dull, and BOo.tbe fopprioq
whale iafirta. AU kind* of groceries *» W*k at
foil rat**, with »lug* tradadoinj. |v>
■ 1 AUiriix. or m.ptnss cm. \ j 1
The steamer Empire City arrived this morn in#
Croat Chagres, and brinp advice* from Sanj Franr
cisco to the ltt of September. We are indebted
to. Dr. R. jS. Martin, to: Captain Wilson and Ub
•porter/for iCelifornia pa pert, to.lhe3lit ot
inclusive, and for a Panama Journal to the: 24ih ol
September. The Empire City left Cbsgres on thb
25th of September, at 6 P. M„ and Kingston; Jf.
maica, 2d inaL, at 2 P. M., and arrived at Qnar
antine at 10 o’clock this morning, thus making the
trip in lenj days and sixteen boors. It will be re«
collected that on the outward, trip the Empire City
did not touch at Jamaica. i i
The stiamer Panama, Capt. Bailey, arrived jit
Panama, oo Saturday, the 2nd of September, with
one handled and thirty two passengers; and about
$5OOOOO in treasure. (
Of this'the Empire City brings $450,000 and 74
passengers. j
The steam ship Alabama bound’ from Chagrea
to New Orleans, hod stoat 50 passengers for that
potu ; . ' s > i
On the outward trip of the Empire - City; on the
13th of September, Mr. Sherman Yates, of Rooh
estor,New York,died of inflammation of Ihebowilt.
On the homeward passage, on the 29th of Septem*
ber, Henry Eo»art, a returning soldier, died of jin'
jury to the epine. '
The U. S. steamer Edith, Lu Commanding Me*
CormU k, from San Francisco for Santa Barham,
went astote on Point Concession, cn the 26th of
August,'and was totally lost. It was thongbt that
her machinery might be eared, if the weather con
tinned favorable. I
The steamer Senator, for San Francisco, was at I
Panama, on the 25th Sept., to sail for San Francis
co on tbo Ist of October;
The steamer Panama,waa to leave for
San Francisco on the lOthof October. The U.S*
steamer Panama, was to leave on the I6lbcf Oct,
for San Francisco.
The British steamer Grenada was to leave San
Francisco on the 2Sih of Sept., to proceed down
the coast. ' ~
Gea/P. F.jJmilh and Col. Fremont were both
at San Francisco, oa the 31 st of Any.
At the date of the latest advices from the mine*
there was much sickness. The sickly season com*
prises the months of August and September.
There are now two small steamers plying in the
The ehip'Memaoo. Gordon, arrived el Sao Fran
citco, after a remarkably abort paaaage of 120 day*
from Nev York.
From ihe Alt* Californian, 7 -
The Convention for fremin j a Mato eonalilatioo
for Calibrate assembles at Monterey this day. Tb«
composition of the body. «te far as known, is a*
district op tan r*a.NCi!ca
Rtsnih', Supemuaana.
Edward Gilbert, W. £>. M. Howard,
•Myron Norton, . Francis J. LippiU,
Wim. M. Gwin. .A. J. Ellis,
Jowpa Hobson. * Francisco Sanches,
Wm. M. Steaart. '.Rodman M. Price.
, DurrucT op aafl roan.
Joseph Aram, L_ P««»ro Ssnaevain,
K. H. Dmmirk, : Julian Hank*.
Antonio M. Pico, A. M. Pico.
J. D. Hoppe,
Elaim Brown.
otaTKJcr op arosmur.
11. Wager Halleck,
T’bomas O. Larkin,
liewia S. Dent, >.
Ctiaries T. Uoub,
Pacificua Ord.
Joel P. Walker,
Robert Semple,
L W. Bogffa,
M. G. Vallejo.
Dtrnact o» uiroiwo.
v Miguel da Pedroena, Cava J. CooU,
Henry Hill. John Fonler,
William Richardson.
The District of Sacramento, at it* vaiioa* prima
ry a*>eiqbilge*, waa of the opinion lb»t U »«*
tilled to a representation of leu member*, accord all toe precinct* where the poll* were
open, that number waa voted lor. . Oar advice*
frdm that D»mct do not allow o* to apeak posi
tively, but wt'believe thero U BO doubt of th* elec
turn oi Messrs. John A. Sauer, Winfield S Sber
wood, Lsnniortl W. HuUogs, W. E. 3hannoo,
Jacob R Sojder, John McDoogal and John Bid
well. It ia uncertain who are the other three elec
ted. The election of ten delegate* from ihl* m*'
uici, without apecilymg which aretberegoUr *od
j which’tbe supernumerary delegatewill prob*b l
throw upon the Contention the oau* « a. decision
“ Tftedutrict of San‘iKe*oJ*ia
ament apparently; we Uve received mWfe* «»*
five person* were elected from
ihe proclamation of Gen. Riley calling uMy fcr
lira In thi* state of the caae, in otr.t*blo we
bare arranged tbe two delegates receiving we
tj gbeat number of vote* ai the regular/ and tbe
others as the tnpernumerary delegate*.
i From Sima Barbara. San Lroia, Obttfo, and
Lot Angelo* districts, we have oo return*.; ,
From tbo San Joaquin distnet we have received
only ibe partial returns, which we publtabediwo
week* aioce. We have learned »ince. however,
that tbe election was not held at Stockton, on the
Uinii, u ordered, but that it lock P 1 « 0 r l ™
lOifc Here may be a dUpuied for. the Coe.
ivenlion to decide, ante** the candmalea receiving
, the highest number of vole* at tbe Stockton elec
iioo mould be the same a* thoae receiving;tbe |
|highest number of votes m tbe precinct*, where
I ;tne election wa* held on the l»t ol Aug.
The original number of delegate*ia*filed by
the proclamation of Gen. Kiley wa*37. T °
ibe proctamaiion • requested each, *•*'«*
auch number ofaupernumeranea aa might be deci
ded ju>U by reason of their increased population.
The district' of Sin Granciaco. Sacramento, and
Pueblo define Jo»e, have responded to ihiaaug*
getiion bf electing ►upcraamertrici a* Cilowa.
In San Fraocfrco.-. o
“ Pueblo deSanJoae • l *“ -
Total •••*
If we presume that these delegates wtU be ad
roiued to seats in the Convention, that body wtl» |
then cocB.< of 51. To this may probably bo add
ed five or six supernumeraries from ine district ol
San Joaquin, which will mate the wholenpmber
of deleeate* 56.
Mr. J. C. Fremont has reeeired the appointment
of U. S. Commissioner to surrey the boundary ol
Mexican territory acquired during the late War.
tvk qoloei unais-non. "
Annexed U • lt*t of the arrivals for tha month
eodicg Aujjcurt 29, of. malaa aod female*, .altfu*
port, by re*:
From Ifaw Y0rk......
. Boston
5 Baltimore
Warren, £L L
now Bedford
tfew L0nd0n....•
Sandwich Island*.
sMoTn. S. W....... to l
ftjo dc Janeiro. 38
Cxreennort. -80 »
Of which males*
“ females
On Thursday, 30th lost, at 13U-, then were
m .58? of shipping lo the harbor of San Pr*n*
ciseo, eslu*ive of about 50 riser craft.
Nomfcr of outward passengira from this port
for the ieeek ending August 29th:
'I * Males. Female*'
For Valparaiso. .....298 0 6 1
ftjazatlan.. • • 376 3
£|llao 70 2 1
[9 Total 7*4 11
In oiil day. Wednesday, 29th Inst, there airiv-1
ed in pin Francisco, by merchant vessels, 656 j
male ahftl 27 female oaaaeogera.
We i&deretand that J B Taylor, who came oat
about t&o years since as agent for a company in
New V4rk, is about returning to the Butea for ap-
work the quicksilver mines he porehms-!
ed on ise ranch of O C Cook, which ranch it is 1
beliovedj is inexhaustible in' its quicksilver,— j
The lofto mine of Forbes tc Company, stands!
upon this raoch. We believe Commodore Slock
ton is one of the company for whom Mr. Tayloris
■ sii DIED.
Indus city, August 20, of inflammation of the I
lungs,&les Waldo, sged 34 years, and late United 1
Stales? Vice Consul at the Sandwich Islands.— I
A Urge jcircle of friends and acquaintances lament
his decease. ' J
At Willow Grove, at the residence of Mr. J W|
Whistffsn, August 17, Mr. Jethro Hussey, aged I
about 32 years. I
On i|i&rd;tbe barque Ol*o, from MaxalUnEdwd. |
R Bosldiotc, formerly ofNew York, Ute of Quincy, I
Floridij ■ j j
| On ward American barque Equator, Aug. 28,
; Albert• Thomas, aged 42 years.
■ Rstgawtks.—‘The following churches have been
orgautsydln this city.—
1. Roman Catholic service administered ev
ery S&bath at (heir-church on Vallejo st.
2 FSrit Baptist. Reverend O C Wheeler pastor
every Sabbath at their new church, on
Washington street near the corner of Btockton.
3. first Presbyltjriao, Rev. Albert Williams, pa*
t or —jyrricc every Sabbath, at their large tent on
Dupo&Cjrirect, near Pacific.
.. 4. g|totestant Ep;*eopal, Rev. F Mines, rector—
Sunday, for tfie present, at the house
of J HlMerril, E-o*. , ‘ ,
5 Ikhtbodist. We undertsnd that thU denomU
nniio [ihas commenced the erection of a church at
ibo tiMftol Washington sU _ -
0. Tteft^.TOHnaknoß*
£*?••• •< v *
MBied to offldaie oec*no߻Df tar this cbwck
tQibo ft* of November oe*t.. iv: • j «
t« addhfon to the above the Bo*ei*4« ■*£_?■*
P«*t» e*ehS*Mmih «|be Pob-
wiih the above, it i* J*
Jf a id.E£e that Sabbtih
innbe Baptiat, PreahytexUa and
ea, andUserfl it alao ofte tainted to tbe chaj
laiocy. j ;
react* utt*lzj asset.
Thu month of AugxU hll mbtlipllud the nnm
b«, <J gold wuheira on ft..prfndH •»“*"[]
[to Stem Nevada; bnt the protpeCT ° r J*'l
crowding on me bnt id '
The wntem me neariy m tho Insult
quite in proportion to the mcrenio of l» b<,
«»“ refSro bromble bp thUgentMUoMt-
New waihicga haee been discovered and old once
* b The°mt»t northerly atream occupied hymineri,
ia Maripoaa riyer, abonl 20 milea aoolheaat
M TS d Saemnento river probably
northerly boondary atream 01 tho PlaMrii bn
it it erroneona to aoppoae thd region wntered by
£ Idrifermw. Gold basnever been, fcond dpon
that atream in qoantiliea/anffletent tojnatdy don
""it 11 Mormon Wand l company ""“.{Wj :
in waenliio mining. Tkoy employ 9 oi .' k,l IIJ 1 l JV | ?
extracting the metal fata ground h r ' , T lo “‘i J j "t
jeciedtotbo eradle orpin proceae, and
ihine invented farthepurpoae,averaga abouljS2oo
Rivxx Exrmmon.—Mai* B. P.
Readtog, wboae name ia identified with So card'
cat Agio Saxon el pioraliana of Cal'ibrnii, baa re-,
cenlly relumed from a trip into ite imerdstitig re
-7,00 It Trinity River. He mailed fro
memo ab nt tho middle of Jono.travtled upC ear
Creek, and eroaaed the ridge;dlvidiog the wawn ,
of tbe Sacramento from the alreame a °”‘” s
the ocean, by tbe only P«“'* ““
camo on thin ridge win one night nioci the enow
f,‘na. P Trinity. River was fodnd to ooaaeaa anrile*
Z. »ni and aathe party followed up tbe Imam
tbe ore woe lonnd in greater, abundance. They
averaged for the lew dnya remaining there aboot
SIO each, per diem. We lahall publish a more
detailed account of this expedition in a few daya.
. socoisavoi. Goan Dmonw-Dr. H. Vandyke a
member or the North Fork barn and Mining
lion which company haa recently completed a lav
leral canal at BeV. Bar, a llule above thejnclnre
of the North Fork'with the Rm Amencano.haa
joat returned from their aeene of oneraiionri The
, work of drainage had been: completed onTy three
daya before be left, and though the labor
ed coder many diaadvantages, they had railed in
Ihb short txme oyer $15,00Q.
Tab associstion is composed of aboot wmy
•hard working men, nod from thtfresoU of tbe few
days’ labor since drainage, and the fine prospeets
. of continued success, tbey;confident)y count upon
a yield of about ten ounces per diem, each man,
during the next and succeeding month.-
Th* Puicnu—We supposed must ssy some
thing aboot the mines, nolens volens. Ine r<-
ruviansand Chilbns have been pretty thorongUy
routed in every section of (ho Middle and Norm
Forks, and the dbpositionito expel them seems to
be extending through «>e whole minlnreqmmuni
tr. Our advices from the .Middle and North Fork*
are very favorable. One party of twenty on the
North Fork, within some twenty miles of the snow
were averaging W 5 per day each, and a Senlic
maa direct from the Middle Fork inform* ut that
many oflhe old minersare doing belter thb year
•than last- Yet many are returning, who either
have no Inck or noenergy—we think it a want or
the latter commodity. V
A party of seven arrived at the d?y diggings on
•h« 14th, having left Misfoori on the slh of May.
Among them are Dr. J. H. Dickson, of and
E. Green, Michigan. —Floor Times, July 25.
The Mrsix —We hare seen several who have
retnroed from the plaoer within the past few day*,
bat the? bring no aewa ofintereit. They rep**
aeot thing* fcvorabiy, as iall wbohave been roc
ceasml, but agree ip thia bpinion that a man ha* to
“•offer tome 7 ’ in the branch of protective ‘“dually-
We learn that a party are operating on the Middle
I Port with a aubmanne armor, bf which arrange*
I meet they tatce out many thooaanda; daily .ortho
dust. They think, when they get thetr apparatua
fairly at work, they will average $lO,OOO per day.
We make a few extracts, from a letter of amend
1 on thn‘Middle Fork : '
The trireme heat wei beard so moch about has
been moch We have suffered noth
log by it aa yet As regards the healthiness or
tb s locality, 1 sea nothing to prevent it from being
one of the most healthy place* in the world, moch
more ao than Sacramento City. There it a con*
stant stream ot pare \vriier both for bathing and
nek tag, fanning put qur encampment We are
told by people who mined here last season that a
will be better a month henao than it ia now.
•‘The water is falling,lend when it gels ddwn so
tjj 4 t can work oa thb bed ofThe river, tbo dust
will be fonnd more pie.iiifatljr and in larger pieces.
Mining is hard work, bht there is nothing copies*-
ent about It 5 it gives iyou • good apppeilw and
sioaod sleep at" night! ! The-mines hero average
•sbcua an ounce. per dayj- 3 i, ,- _
. We have edvieea from the North Tort of a very
flattering nature. Companies that have turned the
current of the river arejao* taktogioutGoa.fajr»
to flvij thousand dallarsper day.—P&ew Tt*ut,
Aug. 18. ■ ' . j
A Punmxxnw P*»to« Dimxtn. —-Captain
Euton, who .recently !arrived at fort Laramie,
had under hi* charge a box.; containing a few
thousand dollar*, whiih he was to convey to
Fort Kearney, and the; sergeant of the company
havieg got wind of it, immediately proposed to
make gentlemen oflbd nine dragoons onder hn
►barge. ; ! ' j i . .
He represented to them that the box contained
$15,000, and that a by little operation thoae gen
tlem could be sent to heaven expediuonsly. end
thev would enjoy earth in contentment with plen
ty df money. A man was detailed by therer
■ean' to beat at the do! ir of each gentlemens tent
•t a certain time of thh night, arlned with piatoi
and carbine, and at a jgiven signal to place the
pistol al their beads apd fire—the aergeaot bun
■elf, armtd with a rev'clver, we* to‘ "lake care
of Colonel Mackay, arid one, who accompanied
ihe party, and who slept ia the tame tent. But.
. before night had fairlri set in one of the «enj*-
I pentad and ooofesaed; the whole affair. All the
, men were called up and qaertiooed, and the col
onel being satisfied that no second attempt would
be made when they found the plot wu diacov
eted, look no farther! mouee until they reached
this place. The sergeant it how under arrest and
the afTair wiin>e investigated very soon.
fjy\Vow! Woimi!— The aymptomi of the prea
one* of worm* In children should be carefully witch
ed by parent*, and *o[ eoon at there is reason to ins
pect theireiiueice, d*ery means, ehonld be nied to
expel them promptly and ihoronjhly. The proprietor*
of M’Laue’t Worn Vermifuge are confident that they
offsr the I«rt meant ofaeeompliibing thi* resell that
hu ever qeea ibbmitled to the pablle; and they invite
to it the attention of ill who have the management of
children. Tho medians it a tafe and pleatantone,
and never fail* to produce tho detired effect.
For tale by 3. KIDD A CO, No. CO, comer of Fourth
and Wood tt, Pitubnrih. [octllUlkwlwS
Males. Female
..1150 v 21
~ 363 . 3
irrßev. Rtctuis Da Cutu, Minister of the New
Jerotalem Chnreh. vfill preach in Apollo Hal), Fourth
*l, to morrow, at 10J‘o'clock, A. M • octl3*lt
.. 56 ’2
... 64
... 3
... 864 • 6
... 237 2S\
... 31l 16
... 66
... 49 7
... 171 3
... 71 2
' On last evenidx. Taaa Wuqbt, Infant ton ofDa-
Tid Gehmt, aged 17i month*. ...
The Wendt and afcqualntaneei of tho family are re
tneetfally invited ta'aitend hit foneral, Uni (Saturday)
afternoon, at a o’clock, teMdeiwe, on
Darragh timet, near Robinson, Allegheny silty.
mAi'ESTRY OIL CLOTHS—Rec’d this day, at W.
U>Clintock's Carpet Warehouse, new and band
s me style Tapestry Oil Cloths, which will bo out to fit
.U. tall. ™.mj o. M , CUNTOCK
Table and piano covers-w. M’cunwck u
now opening the handsomest, assortment of Ftl d
Cloth Piano an*-Table Cover* ever offered in this mar
vel, to which he invites the.auentioa of purchaser*.
octl3 • ; :
S“*T6aMWAT TRIMMINGS-Wo Invite Steam
boat Men tn call and examine onr assortment of
.orunent in ourline. Carpet W.^on**^ W
3806 87
.3342 are Americans.
. 42 “
QSNEBURGS.-rHeary No. 3 Oineburg*, for Steam
Boat Decks, in store and lor si's at W; M'Cliu
toer* Carpet Warehouse, N«. "9 Fourth
viMßitainboatMeatseiU end examine before pur-
loffiaj W. bTCLINTOOK. _
Embossed piano and table covers.-a
Um ewomdenl of Embo.ied Piano end IW-
Oo.tV.iio be foohd el W. WClinUek'a Cornel Wot.
hoere. nl redtetdiprlee.. Cell, eod ejemino btler
parchuing 6l*ew)»ere.
60113 : '
Only T 3 Ml l • • luill«- .
»i» BroirnilUtelKiJ CntortMd to liiltunore uil
’** , Philadelphia.
The mooing boat IcaTC lho wharf, !abo« tho
"ridge, daUxi at 9 o’clock prccl»ely. Time
timore.3iboM*i lin t® w Philadelphia, 4Q bouri
“TS“e«rSk boat lea Vet daily, (except Saoday «»•
enLnJ mtTlelock. Paewngera by. leaning on the
♦twum boauVlOi ewnJhe mouetaw. w ttage next
dar and thni avoid night if avel.
fteewe year feketa at the Office, Nonongahela
H “«tW 1? Ch^C> HOICL J.MESKIMEN, Agent
' RHSFrohy hi Becelwi mother lot of
P [for aotfrnln*. Aleo, Black Parmet
“Tr™reK“S,«i<i other mla ol Dr... Good.,
2issSisS2Scf Foorth and Morhol .1.. .0113
1 Sft-* *> *• Drl ** WE MUKPIIY
PnmOOB, Sept 1», 1&49.
, i. n THOS. K. UIBBEETj—Di»r Sir. Your WRl
\f%tNfl FLUID we w»» *< ecn «»w* »W lb™
m Iftokiß* « r lhß eotne»in«SB by ii, we
J «l«? » briAl bine bloc*. liifolei**ntio
tba cQtotjt. onj dge| nfll c j o g &„ n uko
wt#e windflaw* . > wubinitou the reidy i*lc
lbcbrdia^%^si i
iu {oeriu dea«id> w 0 ***' T aJJdPSON & CO.
J- . . Jw*. wi«i Hibben*! Bed Ink, and Mt*
SfflSsOAlFWElflSlUi"* »U»I l» foraUl J
itsm* u< MimiM tk» ta'“ moimeot
iiSdfSd««'« «*«•
fcnrtt^o.JWMf*®' 1 , W. RTCLINTOOt
mt t«4 morit *» nuain are* a* Alt so«a*»
OB UAXSt Of THBJt****. Tl* _ ..
Scrofula or Km* 1 * E*ii, Rbeamsiiun, CHxtißSts C«*»*
ne< us Enipuons; Pimple* or Pttstaks on th«
' Wi tebev BRe*. Chronlc'Pore Bye*,.RiM Worm _1
, or Teller, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pam « W’
(W Boat* Bixt Jpints, Stubborn UlceTt,, STP“‘ l “, _
Sjjmpion*, Sciatica or Lumbago.-und «•«»•*£ J~-i,
arising from an injudicious u«e of Mercury. ** '
ti trier Dropsy, Bxposaxa or imprudence b tue, mi«i
Al»—Chronic Constitutional Disorders, *«- 7.
ThifMedictne has aeqnirtd a very extendcd*nde»- oMhe
üblUhcd reputation wherever it has been u«d. bw«4
entirely on its own merits; which ita superior elacMej prepa
baiafone aaamined. The unfortunate victim of pnee
disease, with swollen aland*, eonuacmd u- Hotw
newi and bone* hair earieat, lias been rc»» or f° . ” e
ha.*!’* and vigor. The setofaloao pitient, corereo
with ttleers, loathsome to himself ana his * ltrn ," ( J?_ i »
has tjecn made whole. Hundreds of persona, who #m
ftoaiied hopelessly tor yean under eutaneoaii aao
glandular disorders, ehronie rheumatism. and Ban?
other! Complaints springing from a derangement 01 in
secretive organs and the cirrnlation, have been raiieo
as iijwert from ib4 rack of disease, and now, with re*
generated constitutions, gladly test fy to the emcscy
of this inestimable preparation.
The aitentioa of the reader is called to the following
rtopUhing cure, effected by tbs use of Sands Sarsap*
- T& U to certify that I have a cobred woaaa wko
b&skeen afflicted forth* la»t fire yean with Serotata,
and all the remedies 1 naed had no effect in arresting
the tprogres* of the complaint; on the contrary, »no
constantly new worse; and after expend my beW«m
870 and,Bsowith-physicians, beaidea usingother pop
olar remedies wuhent sncects, till the dl*ea«o t*a
eaten away the cartilage of her note, made ha appear
ance on Tarioos-parta of her body, and baa finally
commenced its ravage* itx the roof erher mootn-
Id this dreadful situation, with the prospect of deatn
staring her la the face, I slated her ease to Dr. B»°**
way, the agent for Banda’ Sarsaparilla in Ncwbem. W-
C, by whom I wu advised to u*e that article; and to
my surprise and that of my neighbor*, *® *5? ia
case was known, after mine foor and a half l-otuel
she was restored to perfect health, and thatin the apaee
of three weeks, an 1 was able to work in two weeta
from the time she c< mmenced taking it.
In witness of tho x :mh of this statement, I havenere’
unto affixed my nai e,lhi« iPthday of Bepl, IM7.
Month of Nense-I iver, Craven co n N. C.
The following i* an extract from a letter received
from Mrs. Sevan, w to had been afflicted several year*
with Serofolons Ult ers, Dyspepsia, Ac., and recently
■\ affection of the t irott ana cnest:—
Baileysbnrg, Va, Dee. 11,1815.
I, Sxaw: Before l commenced us
' a, my sufferings were almost part
it was completely ulcerated, Inna
d there were fretinently week* to
lot speak above awhispe*; and bo
ion from my threat extended to mjr
l earing was very much Impaired.
• panllaaabcrt time, mr health
real it now well; I am a* free from
s of the ebesl as ever I wt»,.and
Lnetly. My throat has been well
. the eore of whl-h ha* Been effect*
sc of your Sarsaparilla.
• itißonial to the value of the Saraapr
: lev* Luther right, aged 7# year*,
: nister, residing at Woburn:
tToscts, Mas*, March JBlth, 1645.
iehilemen, From.what I haveexp*—
c the information I haye reeeaur re
c ber oPperion* of high respeetabill
el yoar 9amparilla. I havenot the
t it is a most valuable medicine, and
i certificate* you hayo received of u*
f sustained by experience, and al
j ob and utility are very extensive,
i ed of my humble efforts to increase
« ho are afflicted by disease to bicoroe
he efficacy and power of yoar vain-
ing your jiar»iparil
ejpreiHou; my thrt
a dreadful cough; a
gether that 1 con-d
tide*, the i'.fiiami
head, *o that ay I
After taking the St
improved, tod my t
coajth and tighuie
ban bear qnue di*
tboat three moathi
ed entirely by tbs
The following tc
aril it, 1* from the :
Congregational M
Meter*. Sandi:
leneed. and froi
ceiredtrora a non
ty who have tue
lettl doubt bnt tht
tbatthe numenuu
efficacy ore fully
though it* repaUu
and aland in no a
them, 1 want all’
able mediein*..
t am, gentlemt
Did, wholesale and retail, by A B. fc
Hint ud Chemist, 100 Fttlum street,
S; New York. Sold also by Orag
roagboiit the United Slates ana Can.*
ter boule: six bottles tor *6.
MRD PRNDKRICK, Fittsbargfc- Al-
TH, gridfwater. octlS
TOW* . .
prepared and
gi«ts generally t!
.adas. Price*l
For «tle by L
& CO„ and ED’
to, by Dr. S. BA
OOT—3 ease's jut re’d and for sale by
£ ALOES—I 43 lb», tiaperiorartiele,
id for sale by
cues iuil ree'-d and Tor tale by
J> octl3
. oct]
da do reperior.
do ' do Cbalan a
dc Ooliaf. extra fine;
[Mil]} C H GRANT
•rod hand Open Countar Entire
C VK&OER, toe Market it
iluUiU and
To C«pl
For halk^
)eflt COA .
Dan No S, on t
al Penon*«l
menL, will rec i
tabaeriber, or i
ocU2-da* _
by priT»i» contract, 40 acres of excel
;i AND. tliuate about *0 yard* abere
the Yooxhiogheoy ri»er. .Term* Über.
i*hitg to examine thi« deeireble ln?e*t
ite any Information by calling on the
iha premiaea, or addressing
HENRY KIKHL. Elisabeth P. O.
opening, a bctoiifal
it of Tuiquois, Peart and Diamond Jew
Pina, Bracelet a, Finger Bings, Baekles,
gold and silrer Watdiea,
Hitr and ateaatempTieea—warranted.
Cold PCtm,
corner tfatketanddUt»«
■ mirtme i
dry. BrcMljl
Slide*, Chair*
Also, a «plr t
of the best qei
Diamond 8 >
ly Ham*
ttEDUAMS—I» >bl» extra Itot:
TO hhdt prime Shoulder*; IBdoSide»iTd
’ o e u3 , “” d
E - . „
i prune Bio Coffee;
«ny».lob«re J»t» Coffee*,
t umYh and Goopowder Teai?
I Sek and Imperial
fi anofaeiared Tobacco;
i N O tmaer, ,
,s O (in oak;) > .
:tt«er hou«e do . 1. . . .
». d half do Net 1,8 and 3 Mackerel,
ice; 800 *idce Sola Leather?
i « No 1 Chocolate; 2 ceroona B P Indigo,
} Caaila; '
*0 ba*
40 do 4
40 do U
100 do, N
SO do
300 bblJ
70 let f
100 lb*!
. 3ctki :
10 bbU I
00 bale
a bVh Cloves;
laiaegK I bblCuapbon
, Botch Madder;
i thip’d Logwood; 20 doTannere’Ou;
•. No 1 Billing; 50 dozen Beavet Baeketa;
' vbite smoking Pipes. 60doxCoraBroona;
<ios l.SandO Bock Candy.
:ig*is, Brimstone, Chalk, Salemas,
i Yarns, Candlewiek, Iron* Naili, While
a and candles, with a general as«mmenl
corner ot Liberty and Hand »U ..
12 pair*
legging* fit
or ule «t t
&BEItCLOTHING-83 larje Orer Coatt;
niiti; 24 do LefffiDW W«o Bomb, wnb
iched, 24 Camp Biankeii, jolt rac’d ud
„n^.R^>n n No [| W^ L .. i , 3
f~ SOTICB. . ! I
of NICKLIN ißßYDßNbeinffdlMolTftdj
ojwgned will coatlnue ihe Forwartuj* and
Daii&eu at ihe *te»m boat landioj,
, ami reipecifollv inform* hU fnend* that |
•thoexpeoM of a hei»r laiurancoJ.W,
1 —ntani*. for actual yeans *iwr
e tatufaetion is all who may’
receive frebrht at ibe
Tub fit.
the us
he ha* got
the w»- '
Depot, No. S Wood »u
BiUldin* and premUe. la Wamood-auey. no"
occupied by Mr.. Boyl*. haTinf twenty feel In
front, extending back toward. Fourth Ureot one ban
teSAndmcc, and all perwn* baaing claim, agai"« .aid
ftSEwill ptcwAlttan, S»'r *»":cc«“?i’BT'
““"iSSrtS? v ™ Si.
R~ DBBKR PACKING—2SOO lb. Robber P.tkiM, for
itcun nipnf,i"> ■“« •» d /“/ SSfuif 1 *
Bubbot Deuel. ObU» fUH-UPS
’/»(A. Uaatnik, lit Saiga of lit CtmitefGain
ral Quarter Stttirmt of tit Teatt, w. and far tA,
mHESl^rfSirSßAWOT^lljj w™® ° f
I Baldwin, in the eonntT
•4,8? you petntonor huh provided hiwelfwUh
material* for the accommodation of traveler* aod
SS?«»t hi* dwelling tow, In the wwtuUp afore*
?rtd»nd crtTi Untyoar honor* will be pteaacd to
to keep a Public Son*e of En-
SKnJ&t. AndTopt PfUtiOW. “ bonad >
will pray. ( .
We, the iubacriber*, citiien* of *« t 0
cWtify. fo‘i • ii<rv> i>: ®{
good repute for bonair to*
; js-^^j^-ssssa-s*
"An“» affiSijlSmSuijjßE Moo,
Join Cute;, Tlot IGuma
t nxF SL'QAB—IO° bbl*a»»oTted No* LxjafSuger,
p »° MCT i, l rr , ° 0 gS"
(?«*-■ ° , “ i " llr * c ' ll f °R g^&jM
R F l? 10l5lD -" " ■EBEugßs’l
Hvd POTASH—IO lb« German, Jut rac'd and for
SALTPCTBE-IKO ltojMtteo'4 «gl gr ««to bj-
M lll , ft K ScJaLEBS
piANABYSEED-l bbl )« *7
BinTER-17 bbl* solid Boner, 9> keg* do d A W*
oetU . JA- B FLOYD
’nni—a acka Wool rec’4this day, ud far **le
by ©clll JL R FLOYD
T7EATHEB3— Sbftgi ju*t rec'd and for »ale by '
SOCKS— dos Woollen Sock*, on bind tnd for tale
br ocUl JA R FLOYD
'JE'LANNEL— 600 yd* birred Flannel forit'e by
■jX ocvll I ; JA B FLOYD
5/IROCEEUE3, Ac—lit half chert* YH,G P, and
It PouehonrTea*,JSo bpßio Coffee; ihhd* Had*
der, SO baft Pepper, IQ bbl* Alum. VS bx* Chocolaift
SO bx« Pipe*, iandingbr ennaj, and foraate by
Mill ’ JAMES PALZEIaU SI Wat** •} .
TANNERS’ OIL A TAR-100 bbl* bert brown Oil,
30ddfi(CTar,8? do Roein,landing and for b *
oetU T - J DAL2ELA»
lj; in ran'ud ferule by
. ocail t ■ ’ ■
OULri respectfully eall the attention
coalin'llerehants to their cholee
■L AND WINTER GOODS, whtelj tor agum
sty hesTprobshty rwrer b«a «tße weM
im!( Possessing the •*»•
ages efooyeo by Eastern Howe*,
e pannSr* constantly in the East among the
uirenTlDporten *ne Anedon House*, th*7 .
ated lolofler the time adrantages in
jt, thaiean be .obtained of the -Urseet EMteni
..eceivlng large eofirignmenm ofpOMESTICS fro®
je muoraatnrerfiof Nev-England, they ax®
s offer the Jr rood* at less rates than they *“ D® P*®*
ored of thd Eastern Jobber*. .
The fact that their establishment off*E» ,>!*.>.
greater advantages in eeery description of ff®*® JvrrT
can bo had Em, haaheen clearly deaenttnM W
their nomeroß* Patrons. They feel confident if «««^
chants eonumplstiDe‘pnrchaslng Fast, will exaatno
their stock. they wttfbe eonrlnean that they can Wr
the same dnality.ofgbod* atsnelipriees aswuiatw*
the eosl oil transportation, aadtbe necessary “P*®*®?
and time df an Eastern trip. Ther mention a pan oi
their stoefi which will arrays be teand fresh and eons*
Merrimack, Hamilton. Coeheco. and Manchester COtt*;
rallies' also from the Print Work* of Donnell, P. Allen,
Ppragse,J Richmond k. Carr, Chi pens, American,
A |oTa*es C GINGHAMB and CHINTZES, of the best
WUSUNP, of all the well
known andapproved makes, for sale by the package
“OTbStiSSSota MUSLIN 3, of .11 widtii,. QinU
ties and price*. .
H«n*g«r •©• B. Porter
ADJnwtos—Drew Circle and Paninette.-.
Second Tier ** <.
soma. Oct. 11-Wll togg***
M»cbeiJ} Hr. Web*
Macduff- .....Mr. Boya.
■ To conclude with eat-
oa, Tn* BoasaoT CataUT. ■
Mpjoi Snapdragon
?‘®? B
Adrien ,
EyWonday—Mr. PITT, the admired tragedian, ■
appear. • ; ■ =
■M-gW BOOKS—'The - tittle garage, by CaPt Mar* I
by Thaclceray. - l |
Part 8d The Carton*, by Bulwer, complete. . j
Vol 7, Cbalmers’ Roaihumona Worn. 1
or'PenniyiYuni*, 1m enwmed y tha^ndcmgnw
iioprovenienu, «hould call ■
m -• -IrfltoaHogL
Bnb^- , afsar»WS»
"■ t ??'?. P * t «■.
>bla for file by _
fcbc*U Poveboar
TVff™- 10 ke; » "ftgga.wo gcubzm
R.fe l 3““ ”’ d fMCT«ogi'o * CBPSEB
FffiF 5 b ° ;> '
Aiyf and Kew Collection of
iVcbnrch eomprUingm»ap«f
; Ssg.^a^
fOT «tlO 7 ' l«J Liberty W
T^i‘ ED ” A ° 3 ~ <a, ' W ‘"‘ ACTJLBmTOON 7
/'iOt'FEE—l3 bt{i old Qowmmeat J»t*- Coffee,
(J i„.^ , re d*td lor Mto t.r A •
i .ray* BU ” i “ :il r b 'n&? liQNte
|M- frfrl. far ulc bT . OCU° gl-iB»_JONK3
L CLASSICAL and CofflmercW Boirilnt School
A fat Boy*, on tha: Itearer JloaiV foarteea ttllea I
• The WINTER SESSION will ecmateneacaThßttM
Ac.; per acMlon orare months pet«w
i adrance; the balance at the e’ose of the »*•»»&- •.-
Those taking French or Drawing lessons, .will bo
•hatred Supersession extra. • ’ j .1
Bowks aua Stationery fstoished, when reqn Brted f .
it the expense©* the pnnil.- -AILCLOTHING TO BE
USTINUTbY MARRED. PqpiisTarnish their,own
towels. ItisYenrdeslrablethaiailsboaldbepnient
5n the first nay of the wstica.. . . •• \ .
For farther pertlealars, ennoire of tha IMocha!, at
he Aeadetny, or of Messrs. John Irwin * Son, No. U
Water street. Pittsbcnrh. .-r . . ret9:o2W •
New hooks.— ■ > • „ - . :' '
Sketches from Lite. by 3«me* Blanchard; ;
Lord Mahon 1 ! Life of Condi - • ~ * .' : -‘
The Seren Lamps of Arehiieetnre.
Note! on the Nfith We*t, by Brsdforf. -
Views end Reriowt in, American Literetsi*, a-
Reminiscences of Coleridge end! Boolhey.' • i
. Antobbgrapby of BenreniitoCeilint , ' . -
Johnston's Agricultural Chemistry. \
* Liebirt ' do do'* : - '-
, Ba!l‘e Hlnuto Molber*: Cheilloy’ißidwlftry.
X3nf* Treatment of Inrtniiy. • i .
Burton*! Anatomy of Melancholy.- ' .
The Wigwam and Cabin. . . .
Pluloupir of Uj«tnr.
Armstrong*! Notes of the ffuflfWtt t !
.Bowdiia’s Family Shekspearo. .*\- ’• ; .
Lite end Timet of Red Jacket, by Stone. _ j:. ' ,
The Singer 4 ! Manual by Adams, Bopreitd SwOetoet.
Expedition to the Seed Sea and the Jordan,by Lynch
Larard'eNmafchendlu Remains. t.
For tele by ELLIOTT * ENpLISjH, •
. oeuo . • »Wobd at-
liter, for sale by
RLTINO—C6OO ft. Voleaiiixe’d
inc Beliioff, from IJtolU inch.
1 for sale at ibe India Rabbet
ocill J fc H PHILLIPS
W&STED.-A Tongf Gentleman, m( 4f *»•
nloymeat, deaireiaaimatioa' ts Clerk fa kGro
cery or Commluloa botue, or ia-aay bmiaew whero
hla time can be employed. Salary not *° *>* e k“**
objeel aa beinf engifed In btuineea. He eanjlreUse
be»t eiiy.aod coantrr reference*. • .
Fle&M addrw “W.C." Gazette office, PttHbarjb
Pa* mating waete aa laurriew can be bad.
JOHN J). UXREABY, Printing Ink Manufacturer,
No*. 331 and 333 Stanton rtreet, NEW YORK—Pe
oot N 0.3 Spruce «treet—Would call the attention of
Printer* to hi* improved Mating Ink* of variou*
kind* mod order*, at the following price*:
Kxualine Jet Black, for Card and wood
Cal •' .. - ♦ S 3 QQand3k 00per lb.
Floe Book Ink • - SIMM® t
Boo*lnk • • • ©4B “ •80 “
Newtta* . . «
pSoßrfle* • »» » ® t u
Blot, Yellow, Green and White 75c t'5Q w
Gold alia at ©* per lb,’ and Bronte qt SB, Tdctatad
of New* Ink eaaho *ecaan thu paper.
Foruie by ft OTOCKTTO^
C. Morgan ft Co. Ctfieianatl, Ohio. - • !
ft Gr »woald, LoaitviUe, Ky. octStdStn
TX7EOFFEfteathomottTet*Biablo'UTm», a well
VY usciied »U>ckof £roc«ia»aftd Ptttibnrfh du
afierared article*, soar oa handasd recti Ti eg by ea-
ICO ban Rlo CdlTee lOdoPeweri CdoAUfdwj.
60 half (best* Y.IL, Block aaa Imperii! Te**i
.oo boxes -**.•■•**-• * . u ‘
too tobU N O Moltwee; 80. da saw.boas* do
ao fibde N-O Bognr,i4 tierce* Bee;
VJQ bbls No 1 Bosipi 69 aoTai?
IUO bb!» NQI **r;
f&ukaJapdaAthj ?3 do Gcrann Clift
so bbla Mo 3 iUnre) Mackerel;.
100 boxr* Pried Hemnx; .
TOO Ibt Cod&th; #bbl*Mndde»T
luO mnta Cittncmoa: twoopiladfco; ’
10 bbla Whitinri '
SOO bn auU wndawClou. £r«a<SiBtohu3oi
160kta.NiiU l «a*oxted aixea.. i; . , _ .y,
White TJead la oil, Cottoa Yiraa, Biuloft CnnMl
Wleb, Flint Gluoud Hollow Wore, with »
M*onmento(other vtioUitoo n«»oi«M to »«i“0®«
which wo hjriiacnr liienda marr** 1 "
~ • WiimaWMtrt, r ■• "•
TN • wholesale and retail By-®** I ,} KtS
Post Offi<
T>BINTINO P^reR l^,S2S. O,^SS, J!£
r Book Paper.« «P* ejSS* •» ibonm no tie*,
onkuid. A?y tm «w» to CT Wood , t
fS?x' k l^tta t r B ' m,t
Btgtll * Co., •> «•* » wuJJAM BAOALEV,
Piiubwgh. Oct 6, ’W. ISAAC B. SMITH.
. i
IB WM BAOaLEV fc CO, Pitubvnk;!
. WOODWARD A CO, JblladV..
i- INBKEDfOIL-»M'WIJJU«d Ott, in >&sdaaa
L oriar, netPM »Wa«MGlobe^Wle by
V for tale bT oca < BgAUPPSfcAEnrJI
PINT BOTTLE COMB-«t«li»ltc'dmd tor «tl»
ij o t» BB*SS*»inTs*.
iJL a.
ao. e« uio>*
" r .4ocues v*> Vo, ‘’ 1
Wlim«»4;Yellow FLANNELS, %
iSSfFJUmS* f°> 1« ■«» by O-1»1« « H«y.
lecoiyed direct (huamßiilfeettterl. ... -1 ». '
"caSS^JEANS 7 *®! TWEED 9-« «*•«<
«f tba Hamilion tad M*ncbe*trr Wotks *l*Oi *•
»nd Color* ■OWTOJ. FLAN:
A1i0.300 piece* French Merino,
Lvooeto *od P*T*Bt*tt* Cloth*; . i AMV
toUtS Bid SHAWLS-SM I*- "I 1 "* “ 4 5?2 '
Silkß' nearly SOOOShawli. Jonj: and •■!••«, «'*“ ■
Li.jr AltOi Vinttii Clotk kC‘ .i..
A toll twortmeui of White end uttn Goods Aj>*i
Hosier? tad Glove*, Embroideries Lsces rtd W»
Article*, *H q**lm»,ii«*aad
°ffimtt>N£U-gO bore* of rich Boanet
booß id*d, Velvet, Silks Swta*. ««* w;th ««£**“
■er dertription of Mniiuerr *racles,T*ilorV Wp__
*!rofwhkb. toreiher wlih • geaeral assortment of
l Good* of the newest end mo*t toshlonable styles
1 beofitir*du*a extremely lowadvixns.
New Good* contt*nur teoei»td. . ’( '»
ToW«iura Binteata.
R j&s&jGL
miDS well tnown line of iplendid pOMonger SleKP'
175 ’ new compoeed of Cw, ■w.fW by.
SBetad end famUied, end mo« poTOfal ‘M .
• wilen of fee Wert. EeeiT oeeoomodnoon »« «».
fort thamoney can procure,ba.beeoprwMdWn***’
-ha. carried a million of pebpl«^rifto“^J»S
rr to their penona. The boai. willj* *
Wood »xmttbadaTpreTioiul*«»«iiir»ftrti«tebs*
lion of Creirbt andlhaentry of.pamn*or» < M
, tor. In all cue. the puitp money nmttboptw w .
i adrmoce. _
IAD NEWTON,. Cap»in JtopßMg. I W., x *Vs9fe
>urgli every Bsad*y oarnin* «10 o’olocT,
very Suday eveaing ulor, * .j
lefcTe Fitubi
WKeeliruc ti
M«7 ».18
bdrrt every Monday morning bs 1# o’clogl? Wheeling
«»c?T Monday evening at 10 p.
n iegSi>7t'r¥XCKßK Lv m
The HIBEHNU. No. t, Cwt J, Kusrmttt, wm
Inyo Pittabarfh every Twirt morning rt IB 6>Blao»| -
- ,^WMaaKraSstosr| r -‘:
i The NEW ENGLAND No. % Cept.B, Dl fcWjU
,is.ssms)S s»xb?«b
’ warn^u i i
Tkb CLIPPER No. 8, Capt J*«M Dou&i
pin*burgh every Friday ®°n»{Bg»* We clock; Whoo
im every Fridayeveningltl9h*- •.
•Hie MESSENGER No. 2, CfnL I.C.
wM leave Fiulimrgh every Fridaymorningnl»o*> •
dock; Wheeling every Friday nX 10 f- M. .
Tha aplendld atetinCT I
.. <P*.**?A rinooold; J. ,
• LHgMBP ’ cspt. Cope, will leave for Ob above
all uienudiate porta tfua day,
"*rStaiSSo» : lMlMait«t*pP l ropbo«rf- ‘
UaatatfSr a M Hunter, rauter. will tea*e for
aßlllßßßtbft abore and *II Intermediate [pert*
thie day, ttelUfc. aUo'elock.P. M- \ :. v
, or >““*">gjfr2S i[a
' . The »pleodld ateamftr FORT WTT,
. B> MUl«r, nailer, will iearc lor abora
ÜBstatSt *nd ail iciermedia e pom 10-narrew,
■SnßHiulO’o'elock, Ar-U.
For frelfhtofpaiaato. apply on board. • *oetH>
r\OMraficFi*ANr»Ei.s-u < pii«*
II while and barred Flannel** (Artbare A Bio. min*
Settle,) wUeh will be eold ela»mell advance ebcve
mnSSwrer*' prieea..Ceil eadexemiaea* No.«»*
Market'll oetSrfttt D. IL FBAUCiL
Economy blankets-tho !•*«•;tfrmrwt
tnt cflettd In (hi* muket,'uui wt|l be *old ix *-
null •drmaee. CeU.MdeeoexNolOOMertem. :
• octSnUm ■ 1 . •D- It- rKALIvH-
Blankets,manpetioleTicle,a:NolGl Maraet.
It. roaSlil P- B. FEALIOH.I
tc o;
S'dBA.AaU-rai wkatißspnn *W*j M.doSieel
i .tr?.r: ,M "JSi»sasfcA»wo 0 T
a Fawn & Co. Win* recef
red a new rapply of pernro*, »re PTepered w «.
eeate to order *ll Um tulobs kind* of Embtoldetr.TO:.-
Ladiea CloaU, ehildnas eo»U *al 4reMes, InfufU.
e:e*k»mdi»ck»,J»*n»*ndMMi, upe«*T“* A
pbvr needle work, *e. *e. Tr naming dad Vuim i&jls**-
Sore. No *3 Foarth 1. ; I O'* '! .. ‘Mpf
T IQUOWCE ROOT— and fcf Ulft ? ’gjjr
Jj ty .oei9 . ■>; REaEtLEKtt •'
PRV«—fl halts M. W. Cork*. Wd aiid for
ccSr BaAUNy&ar.EB
ATTKRNS—Paper roam far lidi«gf i na*at»,
• and children girmerUiOf wtoai •. w fcmla
[ty F H KATON fc CO, Tnmig , I ng Btore
I'TJDCKBItiN ULOVES-or beamufal afcinv far
K «uti drwi glore*.' W I y T <otsTe« t (or
wuauy ' ocf* PH EATON kC^j,6tfPoirfc it
/-i UAStt—4uu bx»txlOOluk 4035
ij 10x14 do; in for r bv !
OfttS JOHN WATTp jg CO, Übtrty it •
MOIi&BSEH ANU BUoABr_iaj O Moil*
Ml,(in PitubttrjrhbbUV £ hbd* NO UottMsi,
la Ktare and for lalo or odrj JOHN WATT* CO
PERCUSSION Peroimida Cin.
iflflfrtndtpui wd tJifc, farule, j-■ \
TT BAMMONIPS Patanl Upper and Improved
ll* ot Window Sash Springs, top sale by Mesatd, -
Login to Kannady, J Wf Cooper, and Wentworth,
Pittsburgh; Perwin. Zanesville; Tyler, Davidson fc '
Co,Ctatianati,Ohlo: Bradley, Lexinstcn; and Mesm- -
Hardy's, Louisville, Kyv; also, in Now York, PtllaaeW
adelehia. Baltimore, New Orleu', St Lonli, Erie,.
Buffalo, «e.- With theoe Bprings, all kinds of wl.idow
can bo easily Ixed for lowering the upper a* well as '
TpiainglheTower sash, and either when that or par* .
billy open, eahnot bo opened farther from the eats de,
and ean bo no*e easily taken out. for washing, talnK.,
inf, (lasing, 4c. Tbeyare labeled,.no®btied,(oe--
coraiog to ii»J an foroished with direction, tor ae— ■
kations, the appropriate sixes and ppiperirappljl®*
them to windows, axuLaie warranted hot .to l«se ihwr
elasticity or break. ; j '
' II H. has been orer SO year* engaged mttutootn
ring Springs and patting them into window* therefor*
'Bitters hlaseirthat he understands the banners weir,
and believes his Springs la! point Of codvonlenct, da
rlhility and utility, are not eqnallodin the eoastry.
They took a premium at the American initial in
New York- : .oetfcdlw ,
***» . jsr JIIBST*™-
snsgxw.nßZH. I.' -^-r.
toA Bop Dealer*. Pitt ■t,Pitw>»nrb« *Pt»
r ” •Wrapping Pape**
1 nnn REAMS Medium Btra# Wrtppii* >
IUUUioOO « Crown J
T fiOO M DibloCrowa** „ :
600 “ Mediamßa* ■ - a -
800 “ Crown! “ - „ u
SCO-“ Med’ttTc*Blue too w l *
'• i' 3t» « Manilla • . I
3DO « Shoe Paper, anorted job
.j_ Mr«»*Bflne4Bfi5 a ** p S?s , v.. -#
for rale at redaced price*, by
~ oaiO U-l. SyWooiM .
TfolElSM* bxa sow lajSS^T
• ISAIAH CO,Frost tt ■
oetfl tmi.AH DICKEY >CO f
/-iiLptf F.R xrkP wanted by .
TT 'rill opes a Niost Bcsoobat
rl. ei o'clock ua* ertnio*, (Monday, Oei.BihJ
eaua coroar of 1 oanh and Ferry i treeu, entrance on
F«m, where to will be happy to Impart Inrlrocilo#.
in Eeadln*. Pen»atoth : p, Arithmetic, Book Kecpin*:.
Phonography, Fby«»lo*y,*e. ,u ocffl
rTIBIESTC BLACK LEAD—a eaikt; flja iniffr--.
7'lAßO,AhtMO>f.--lieatkfreih;frmrec l dbv
»MKRY, a*»ort*d-i*ls«t*e London, fotaaiebv'
i oc-j • i pcboonmaker k co ;
iSGF BLADDERS—SODOwamed lamedialelr br
Pj>ej3 J SCHOOSMAIfr.iI fc CO*
■IT7 RAPPING rcaafc extra lam sad
!?V heavy, for tale by ■ -P
•» oett J BCHOONMAgXR M CO.M Wood »i
! ILYER SAND—t bbla Sat tale b;
1 OCt9 . J SCHOO*
IINK ROOT—23AtbtJaatrac'd«iMl*7ortalfriiry , 'T*
FLAKE MANNA-1 cue jut rcb’daad for *»le by
0018 •; TRESBLLEita ’
OOOPEK«IBINGLAS3-4bjw Jaafm-Hl 'ana few
Vitale by. soeO r e B ptt -Y m _ '
jT\ ORKS^-IS bale* Porter Bottle Cork*, ree’d anti**'
\J tala by oetP • BRAUN It RETTER
4 NMWPAiI* and wunpßa qoom«*
No'. 100 Baiktl Slrtet, j
rflßß rabseribet wodldrarpeetfalfy InvitwhWn* 8 ?
JL.aad the public to eall and examine- bit;
wwen eampnaealn part the foUowfoe.vii; L,_
kn uuan> Brock*, TVH>et,T«roB**'i 8 “ l
B A «^gjr.-asasaga?
FB. BATON * CO. ttapWoilJyftiXt
• for wholetale aad
andStoektßfc,LadleaHotiaCTof ivarlety,
plain, tlripad and. plaid Stoeklaf*
Kid Gloveiwui a eaai variefyof N» tt 2sjTSSJSS
FtowtiL Fringe*, Qiapaßa*i No*r
dlaa. Timl iwi Sauta OariaeatpJ -Crs*