The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 13, 1849, Image 1
TABLISHED IN 1786. IUSINESS CARDS. ILONti A CROKEK,Commission Merchant* k.>oler# iefroduae, No. 2d Market street • . decB insiW ■ KISKT LBASSA (IDS LEADER,-Wholesale dealers in oodi, GiopCTH'i, Bools, Shoes, Pittsburgh red No. £h> Liberty street, ft wutrsT*] exoitai mril IAJiHPTEIt, Wholcftle and Retail Dreg srucr of Liberty and Su Clair streets, Pins < ' i tnayl4‘ (I'zsox; I- M.|Asaowtr. I 14- CVLBBktSON, Wholesale Grocers, . isimistioe .Merchants, No. 14A Liberty st, i Pa. [ i [ 4c3ljy._ I nllNtilUCK A Co, Wholesale end Re- Jiruggista, corner Wood and CUtts. - jyl , iV A SMITH, Whoiesaie Grocers, lb and t od street i*ittsburgfa. '• U. PAUZRIDGE, n. S., H.SPRUCE STREiTT, PHILADELPHIA, iUES to’giTO. bis nanirolar aitention to'thc dmt of Diseases of the SKIN, SCROFULA, Es of die THROAT. jits; d A.Mi 1 and 7 PM. : JOUX Ju I CIKAiUJ i Mrtck Pi'l I • B b»i !. SKINNER, Forwarding add Commauion uvUjKo.tSMarkeot, Pittsburgh. *jni I :ANUI«TY t Co., Forwarding add Com j ia Merchant*, Canal Ruin, Pmtburgh Pa. !.' • ‘ mcha_ I« Aite, steal andiron ii/lIAIUdAPi it Co, Dinaiicttifti af and jaiptic Spring*, Hammered Axle*: Piough-SieeL, Iron, Ac. .W&rthoue'on Froni*'reeu t i'ilubßrgli. ler* ml Coach Trimming* and Malleable {•• oetl* Dll. W.O. OAIUB. DKNTItfT, . (Late of New hojk ) jtUnwu iUceL between Seventh. mi !!«>'. :u*es of the mouth, gum* and teeth treated ;a Hr- »pilU.d3m - , COLHitJ Codeh Sprinf asd wuerand iAUoi do Carting*. • Oroe*—Souti'"- l(ixn«eop«liiy i . WH. ts. ohusu, jiiua j. rcnifKrr EN«U811 A UKNNI/nyOM* EnrlisU, GSSrf 4“ Vholrsnle (irottri, Coßiuiissiiui and For wsruiiie Mm ehmnu, and dealers in Produce and Puw bßrgfc Mauuiaciuaa, No. 37 Woo<l su between id and Sdtireei*. , ' oeu . tUAJKUK t Mcrcha IXNIILKAIV, Commission »H'l Ki»rwKfilin< No. gu Wood street. Pittsburgh. myl! c.A2» uAKfct BtTb.; : : ’ATIItC PHYSICIAN AND SUBGRON. /—Ov Smith&cid «t, between 3d ud 4ia. *—From l* M. to 3r . AL—from oto V CB—Mr. Bauder’s, corner PmUhfield and ’• 1 . *pts:dOm tkiuActK factohy." T -JN HTHWAHT, manufacturer of lleayy Ac., Hcbccea street, city of 1- ' • • ■ ' BOTlb-dl)' * HOlltKO «»rtc; ' Otfice hadi M. Iliusi) . and Third _st ♦ iiui 1 TlAiirL'i Ji ghiniu - Altcgheuy. successor to Alarphv A Wool Deal ‘ 4 Commission Merchant, (or the sate -o( ooleusi Liberty, oppoe lie fith rt. fcbl7 u>, DaminorC. ~ • * aya, kbwAlfl iuau>, > p , juio.Oohh a. WA&nsx, J BUCKNOH, Tobacco Ccmioii&lon filer* U Muiji Water it, AlO North Wh arret, . I : . cuVatMf r wx. t. ;oait»r JONES A Co-, (successors 16 Atwood, : Co.) Commission and Forwarding Aler ts*, in Pittsburgh filonufaciurcd Goode, l ; ~ mchd? ■ fej Boiuai incor, is, .LKLIY A Co., Wholesale Grocers, Com* erchtmu/und dealers tn Produce, No*. Ad U 7 Front streets, Pittsburgh. novd U> cr ftr American W 9. c m’cj HEA LDi ebante, Phila,* ’ A-a-sanm Tl ARDV, XI Jones a chants, dealt PmAljurji,, 1’ i&aua nrci ISAIAH Dlj mission Mi Water, and U| JO tUt 8. fiiuj JB. MLM • for the linun Plttsbcrgh. | foMH-. io*xfh au-wowa. . /ORTH A Co, Wholeutlc Grocers, Pro* M Commission Merchants, and Agents 1 Powder Co; of N. Y,No. VE7 Wool st, r' • ' ■' ■" '”. spin JOIIN M. ioWNiiLND, Dragglstaad Apothecary No. 49 Market iu, three doors above Third ft. Pitta* norgn, will have constantly onhaada well sclented su: •omaent of thb best and treaiiest Medicines, whioK ha wuiseli cm tie most reasonable terms. Physicians •aiding order i, wiU be prt'mjiUy attended to. and sup pued with art ties they may rely, own as genuine. '■ U7*.shysict ms Prescriptions will bo accurately hnd neatly prepared from Hie best materials, at any hear ol •'ha day or nig. ,l • - • . ■ - Xiao tor calc a large stock of fresh and good l’erfa ***y- ./ . •luci , ' J id. CANFIELD, (late Ohio,) Commit Tr 1 . 2.?" v Forwarding Mtrcham, and wholesale dealer in Weikerc Reserve cheeseTllattar, Pot aha . Pearl Ast] and Western Prodceo generally,’Water tteet, between and Wood, Pittsburgh. B pj ) V ATT, (successor to Ewwt * GebbanJ Wholesale Grocer tad Commission Merchant) dealer in Produce and Pittsburgh Mamuaeiarcs, cor net of Liberty and itana streets, Pittsburgh Pe- Jaffl J AMPS B Alrtit'lßE, (lateof the hnaof Aigcoand McGuire,)Merchant Tailor, St. Charles Buildings, street, ucwWoodj Pittsburgh. ' . ' JAMB 3 A iiui'cmsON, ’4 Co to’ Lewis Hutchison A Commission Merchants, and Agdau of the SC.. Laws Steam Sugar Refinery. N0.,49 water suid 93 front streets) Pittsburgh. MORGAN, Wholesale DrurtsLanA deal* -«laJjyeSUls,PftiiL S oils, VaruistHaiZ***, wood urett, oca floor South of Diamond Alley,'Pitts -• fflffc-,:',"-- ' - JAMES KERR, Jr., A Coi (successorto JosenhU. DavtSflAhip tihaadJctt. 3o Water street. • octJl ' Wholesale. and Retail denier uxnuuip tutdMsticai Instruments, School Boots, ttdmae*, Steel Peas, Quills, Primers’ Cards,: and , . »*}®i°"T generally,No. tsl Wood su, Pittsburgh? ; IP^lu-gs boughtor taken iatrade. jepU JSCIItSONAIAKtR A Co- Wholesale Drngxrsu, ■ No. V» Wood meet, Piuilmrgfa. “* JOHN iA DAVia»Aucuouecr,comera;h streets; PittJburgiL j PfM , JOIiN&rUN 4 aIOCKTON. BookseUera, i'ruuers and I'apcr Manufacturers, No. 41 Market st, Puts- Garglx, , ' ■ • , ] c » Jons Flo in. J 4 K. I LOYD, Wholesale Grocers, Cantsusston • Mercuaijta, and Dealer* :iu Prodace. Roiind Chaich ButlUiugs, Liberty, Wood awi eth ttreeu,‘i'ju»burt;b, Pai jjjyy JAMiSd DALZELL, \Vholcsalp‘Urocei, Ccmmmvuo Mcichant,ajid dealer in 'Produco and Pitlabunrh Jhianaißctutc*. ACOB WEAVER, Jk, Wholesale and Retail Dea ler ut Foreign Wine* and Xaqaors, and old Morton gaheia Hye \Yhiskcy*, corner Ftritand Market'sia, - TP i£R 4 JONEB,Fcrwardiug aud Commission Mer-' XL cttiiiu, Deairrs in Produce and Pltuhurah mauu factnred atuctss, Canti iiastu, near 7th «b ny| • " PjEatt MILL PIIiaBUUUU. PA, ENNPDY j CHILDS 4 ilauufactnrcrs of very JA enpenor 4-4 Sheetings, Carpel Chain, Cotton iVrtnc ai.d Baiiuig. . _ - Vesurim Iron Worki. T ~~* T- EWifl, DAli/K1.1,. A Co., manufacturers of all si Jj ces DovShpeij Doilariroo nnd.Nail* of tbo bee quality. Vy «rcbouse > (1 water and IOS from u. janlg ' •' - ’ - T ® WAI'KHMJUS, Wholesale Grocer, Forward- Jj> tng and Commission Merchant Dealer in Puts* bargh Manulnctures and Produce, Np*. 11l Water st and 6d I-rout nt . : . | iS7 • taomas tsnjuDt. ta. - - joust M. siwr * * BAWTE». I ’ . T 00®NO GLABsJ Manufacturers, and wholesale . . /-u dealers in foreign and domestic Variety Goods. Western, merchants, Pedlar* and others ; are- invited to collota gramme ihepricesdnd quality of okr stock, as with ou? present increased facilities in manufactur ing and purchasing, we think we eaa offer as great Jndacemrma to buyers as any other ho\ue west of (he ■ Mountains. - job-1 y • cTu^wcixTsdaTPiiuburgliT Tfc4 ILLUt A RICKETSON, Wholesale Grocers, and t. . JXL importers of Brandies, Wines and Sernr#, No». 1?X and iT-i, corner of Liberty and Irwin streets, Pius* . bargh, Pa iron; Noils, Couon yarns, Ac. Ae. eon stonily ou hand. < ongl4 ' torn itcill. •• iah. it. H'fiiu. wuju e. too. McGUJ.S ARUK, Wholesale Grocers and Co mini *- won' Merchant*, No. m Liberty ft- Pituburgh iafl ~ • > MURPHY, WILSON A CO., (late Jones, Morphy A Ctil) Wholesale Dealers- ui Dry Goods, No. 4d Wood street, Pittsburg. - • - aovtt MATTIIKW IV ILtiUN, i'orirairaait WltuauireFaitT tcr. Rooms, corner of Post Ofhcc Alley and Fourth street, entrance oa 4th near Market. dccLdtf. . PITTSBURGH STEEL 'WORKS AND SPRING AND AXLE FACTORY. tUACJtcto, ' ' toBJi t. <jciuf. V JONES * <IUIGG, MAN UFA CPU ItfclUS of spring and blister steel, plough steel, steel plough wings, coaeb and clip ic spring*, hammered iron axles, and dealers in ipa ..cable cojiiugSjfirc engine and cotch trummiigi generally.corner ofKois and Pnuit Pituburgn, Pa. • . j lelw - XT HOLiIKJJ 'A SON, No.' 45 Market st, second •• •• Xu • door from corner of Poanb. dealers in Foreign snd Doikciuc bills ofKxchaiisc, Ceruhcalesof L>epot . .. •U, Bank Notes audSpecle. ..ID" Uollecttons mad oa all the principal cities • - - throughout the United State*.- dcc!7- NDLCKMASTKK, Ahb<aaa»»oaiee, Fourth sh, • third door above Stniihfeeld, south side. Conreyanclngofali kinds done wuh the greatest ease an<t legal accuracy. 1 Titles to Real Estate examined, Ac. oqt3My ~ XJU- tiJCOUOIfi McCOOit. /’VPFJCE,' Fourth street, urar Grant, in the room VJ lately occupied by Alderman MtUer, immediate ly opposite Mr. Bake wcli-s.. Hemaybeloandatnight ; UNo.:i,SlCharles Hold. • jttlltdtfm i - - \ • ~ : TH/l. Uoberts, a, D., - SL'KGhION. wUJ attend to the treat* , V/.mentof Diteases of the hlye. - ' ‘ - Dr. R. has been engaged in this branch of the modi ... 1 etiprofcaaon fur sixteen yearsi and has conducted an cstahlisttmentloTtheUeamtenlof disease*of theeye slope fur sevarsl years. j • T .--Office and iCtideiicc, corner of Sandusky sl anti •• • •. Strawtert) alley, Ailegbcny city. »cU3 , JOB 3 pskjs TuTpnrth iKtW sl, near Wood—All qaamitles of Green and. .TA : . f .■■■ Bioek Teas, done op in quarter, half, aud . ' -Ms pound packages, miring from Hi cts. ’per pound ’ lyj A. Art-, tor Pekin Tea Co. . • CARD. T>,ltOHlsON A CO. having associated TUOMAS JLV* wub theniin basinets,tho Whole ?*" Grocery, .Produce and Commisslsu busutesswill be eomioaed ds usudl audrr the iintt of Robison, JJt — tie ACu.- , ... • •» X>OKIrfONVLITTLK ACO , No. 183 Liberty street, - JLv Puuaarrb, Wholesale Grocers, Produce, ana ,Mmmiitua-.Aletcbauu, and dealers in Pittsburgh I." Mxnofaciorcj. _ Jy7 • Kxqst. iobisohT Thos.t.rmJL aaau-a. aonaon. GbLRT iIOGJUJ, \VhoiesiUe Grocer, Rectifying Distuler. dealer la Produce, Pittsburgh Manui&c tares, and til kinds of Foreign and Domestic Wines • i ana Liqaon, No. 11 liberty street On hand a Tory !/- . Urge *iot-k o/ *uperior old Monongohcia whiskey, \ -which MinU be sold taw for cash. -apl£ly II Olifjff Cm Xpri, A Co n ~Whole»alo Grocers, . . Xkj'CommiMion'aiid Forwarding Merchants, dealers . in Produce and Piiuburgh Monufaeures, Liberty st Pittsburgh, P>/ . fcbaM • i-o. ucraouis, - t. l. tax*. ■ • 1 IEVNQLDaAWHF-g, Forwarding and Commisetoa > . JV Merchant*, for the Allegheny furer Trade, deal* train Groceries, Pittsburgh Manufactures »il.v-••. a RJtd Chloride of bind • i\ • '.Thehighest prices, In cash, paid at all times for eoun ,'l v ...i rng». Corner oil Vim anti irwin «t«. ■ Itntl JhOUjL,A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Orocey* - lAi Defiar in. Prodau and Pliubttrgk. Manufacture*, he. Mi liberty ‘J7« • ET^ l i " : TIB PITT K C. SHACKLm, . ; -TTOS -mi SHACKLETT A WHITfe, n^i^. n “ d DomuXit No. WwlS i“ r -tsuurgn. . . i ] r-K.-if * OillTll, BAGALKY A _ j K,,h M " ck *"“. '■“a jKpu.-incaoi*, xjlstlasp. O mi*»ion *** Genera] Corn et*,iUnjSKSU‘rd OiS! L,ber,jr *M’iU.tmrgb. S. SJ I Mg Uw l "^J o ]*** 1 * Crocen and Co ramie s*St.“SbS&“ ri in rnx3ac "- • w.j; tbotHl " - T R ISS. 4 <?fS >T fl<J! V t oles * {e “ d Retail dealer* in 4gajift£a& smsa. s? vr- WICt. 1 »tooe And Mill PtiniML etniil* “* wubliihmeni, No. 244 Liberty il, near the y\T ". WILB6N7VV a icbe *, Jewe 1 r y ,tTI Lvcr Wan! , * J* nd j LhtaryGood t , comer of Market And 4th TIXEST BOWKV-—CommiMiofl anil Forward]nr •./ «. Merchant, No: W Front »l between Wood and. ’ .. streets.' fetnil WR- MtiiU’Ut, Wholesale and ftetai) dealer in • -Vaf 1 *? S° me ‘ u ' c l>ry Good*, north east corner of Market and Fourth its. nopal Www. toetts * mo l «3 WJW° * Co-Dealer. in fcaihS hidS? A*. .143 Liberty at __ _ WM M’tCTCUßti.n. ‘ EOBT. iTcOTCliao*. iW *R- M*CUTCIIKOPJ, Wholesale Grocer*, dea . * .V! 6 ” J" Produce, Iron, Nail*. Clara; and Pun, bunrb 3Unnf3e V m: * lt«ner*»ri IM Liberty at, FUm- WW WlLSON.lteaTeT in~\VAi"che* Jewelry ir< «,* er Wmb * M uiu, *7 Good*, fce„ No. 57 Mar WM.Tolifa'VcoH-' UIDKB AND LEATHER, Morocco, p.iiinT.T” 1 sr^NowmcKSfSSJili! mchlS , , ■ , r . tv PK^IOXUCUrjrco^ —' ■ L STEAM] UQAT agents Baaaag OmauonM. aujcs&Co. OCt3l ; No. 4tl Water ; ft “ JSSIJttANCK. , PROTKCTIOH FHUC ASD VfimHLl M£®l£ I ' K INSURANCE COMTA t3» N\ OF HARTFORD, CONN. LtcoaronamD is lftta. ! stigtf,!S%' aaa ’ *■?%«- »«H« Fund, .i. T^t?I -‘ l4ndr F‘ pon,il ’ !o Companfr continues is i». on , lil r, mo,t fa«r*ble tenua on DweJ in* Hoaaebold fr amitara, Store*, Sioek* of Good* , Warehouses and content*. Wilis and Manufacioric*/ v c :, 4e ’ ■*»»* LOSS OR DAMAGE fly FIRE P *]*®’ ?? Ware* and Merchandize, araihn r d y* 5T| e o eie» throughout the UMtkfSiafSandthJ BriUah Provinces, have established a“jo»t reputation for solvency and fair dealing, wfceh ehMiauS, pariaon wuh any other iawranee mo or ,- AJB «f} c *- The anneaedcxtract from an article oa the subject of insurauce/Companies, taken “.■»«»,Y.riDw itook,» / SubESaStE ,l *£dinp.and. policy of the Company. ‘moneyed nen* of the ancient and alwav. om>* ««y of Hartford,have/ot hair *ccniary been wmoB» throughout the Umo/for the eare, discretion, «itd Iwnesiyjand anvaryiof aaeeesa with winch they eorrtratioaa of .this de £■« mm A 0 or Compau y f. a * n r i f f ile4! Companies have, fcr more iS ! pvneraUon scene red iheir ruki in near- Sial ° of the Luton, and hare never failed to p«) too innumerable loues which they have insured- BguinsL n _ . AR losses arising apon policies issued by the ander *r*'ied, wnl be promptly adjusted and paid at ihe Gen era: Agency office, located at Cincinnati, O A line portion; of the funds or the Company, (isclodine nil Sl! e^?1 2 m * * l® Cc j Twl at the Western agencies,)- is de* Goaeral Agent of the Company it Cincinnati, for the payment of Western and Southern losses. Apply to FAYETTK BHOWN, Agent forthe City of Pitubargh, and for Allegheny octO^n Tbs Psaasylrtala Oompaay i n¥??Ji txe tW >sLtva "oGnaanao Anrnus 'uolini Lite Inaaranoo Company in the U. States. X_ locorperatedMarch lu, IbUl-cha-Ut perpomaL fitpualLXM.OOCt—alipaid In. '' Manar aathonaed the undesigned to receive appli eations lor insurance, on which policies will be issued, .aborting ?o their proposals and rates, which will be made known to applicants at his office, No. s 6 Wood street sptt GEO COCHRAN. BSTUEH IHSBBABCIS COaPIS - PITTBBURGH. CAPITAL 1100,000. J.FtHHXT. Jr., See’y. I It Mills*, Jr n Pres'L Wul insure against all kind* of risks, - . FIRE AND MARINE. . L pild *** liherally adjusted and promptly " A home institution-oanajed by Directors who are wel). known m urn community, and who are determin* ed by promptness and liberality to maintain the char acter which they have assumed, aa offerick the b*st protection to those who desire to be Insured DmacroEa-R. Miller, Jr, Geo. Black, J W. Cutler, N; Holmes, Jr., Wm. a Holmct, C. Ihmteo, Geo. W. L l or b Ju - Lrppincott Tho». R. Utch.James M’Anley, AJex. Nimiek, Thos.SeotL Onto, No. J 9 Water street, (warehouse of Spang & Co-, up stairs,) Pittsburgh. , rotdly IBBUZkABCK. - * ' HIE DELAWARE -MUTUAL SAFETY’ INSU • P*** C 55^ M - P ANY.—Office, North Room of the Exchange, Third street, Philadelphia. Fiu lttstrtAffciL—Buildings, ftUrehahdise and other property in tow* and ceuszar, insured against loss or damage by fin atthe lowest rate of premium. r Blaiihe lasnurc*.—They also inure Vessels, Car . goes and Freights, foreign or coastwise, under open or .special policies, as the assured may desire. >' < ' IntAjtcTaAWrokxaTiaa.—Thor also iaiuremerehan dtse transported by . AVagoci, Railroad Cars,: Canal Bouts.and Steam Boots, on risers and lakes, ; oa the moot liberal terms... ’, i Joieehn.Seal, Edmund A. Sender, Jobß C ftwii, Robert Bonon, John B Penroae, Somu el Edwards, Oeo.G Lapcr, Edward.Darlirnont *«»«» B Davis, William FolwelJ, John Newlin,Dtß il Uu£- ton, James C Hand, TkwphUo* Paulding-, II Jones orooka, llenry filoan, Hugh Cnur, George Berrill, Spencer Mcilvaln, Charles Kelly, :J O Johnson, Wil IttnjJlay.DrSThojnafcJpHnSeUera.Wiii.Eyre, Jr DIRECTORS AT P?TTSBUnOIf-D.T. iSor’gw Wm. Bugaley,Jao.T. Logan. 6 ’ „ WILUAMHURTIN.Prfesideni. Richaio 8. Nswaotn, Secretary. Ef Office, or the Company, No. « Waier, street, Pitabnrgh.: Jnlffidtf P. Al MADEIRA, Agent. FIBB'AID UABIKB ISfIVBAHCE. TUB INSURANCE CO. ot North America will . mokepennanent and Jlmiledlnsormiiecon pro perty in {his city and rieinity, andt-n ahiptrieuiaby Canal, Bivora, Lakes, and by Son.: The properties of this Company are well invested,' nnd'fanusli an avail, able fund for the ample indemnity of all persona who desire to be protected by insurance, tnylv WM.P. JONES, Atenl ISDEOBITTi Tit FranHin Firs huuranec-Co. of Philadelphia, DIRECTORS.— Charles N.Baneker, Thotnai UarL Tobias Wagner, Samael Grant, Jacob R. Smith, <J*o*>V Ut chord*, UonUc&i D. Levi*, Adoluho E. Bone, David S. Brown, Jdorris Patterson. • • CHnaUtsN. BaJicm, President. Charles O. Bancker, Secretary, Continao to make inaoraaee, perpetual or limited, on every description of' property in town or country, at rate* ms low as are conslrtent with security. To Company have reserved a large eontinient Fend, which with their Capital and Premiums,'uJely Invert* ed,adbrd ample proiectTon u> the hamred.'’ The assets of the company, ou January Ist, 1549, u published agreeably to an act of Assembly. were as fellows. vie : Mortgages KenfEsum****--- Temporary Loans StoeK* • , • Cash, fee. 71 - Einee their incorporation, & period of IS year*, they “ a 'J* ■pw»rdf of ooe Billion four hundred thou/- anddoUart, louci by fire, thereby affording evidence or ue adTftotiges or insurance,'as wellas the ability and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities , „ J. OAEDINKB UOPFIN, Arent, pul.dly Office NEcoreer Wood ar*"' d: 1 * l for lie De]a> i # 'f lr ? lnsamice Coßpanv ofFbial. aaelphia. Finftixktuponbaildiogaendmerchasdixe oi every de*cripUon, andMarineEiik* aponhnliaor i'Sr* ° f *’ l * kea “P° a OMpfavontble I JPZPEI? 9111 *• of W. a Holmes k, Brp. No. 37 AVotert mar U&rket street Pituborrh. ! N-Jt—Theracoeu of this Company since theestib ; lishmentof Um'Agency, in this eity, with the prompt neu »nd libenpitjr with whkh etery claim upon them I for 01* . has been adjusted, folly warrant the agent in taviun* (he confidence and patronage ofhi. fr«7ds and 1 the Coaiatmiry. at large to the Delaware M. y. inm 'rnftce Company, while it hu the additional advaninrct , a* att institution among tho must flourishing in PhilaAel phi*—as having an> ample paid-in capital, which by the [ operation of it* enaner u contuntly. tneroaainr u yielding to eAfih-person insured hi* doe *Uarc of (he profitaof the- company, without involving him in ahv responsibility whatever, and therefore as po»«c»*u.» the ilataai principle divested of every obnoxious fct£ tore, and in its inait attractive form. novi ~~pypg AID BdilHK I2|BUBABOe7~ THE insurance Company of North America', uirougb it* duly authorised Agent] the subscriber, otter* to mahopermanent and limited Insurance on property, in thia city and its vicinity, and on shipment* by the £a nal and Blvgra. nitiivwn . a DIRECTORS. Arthur G Cofin, Chulct Taylor, \\ hit- Ambrose White, Jacob M-TOmaas, John R. Neff. Rjchnnl I>. Wood, Wn. Welsh. Franks Hastens, 8, Austin Allibone. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, Pfoa’L HUUT D. Sn*M*«», »ee*jr- , , , TbJfU the oldest lniuraneo Company in the Lnltetl States, having been chartered in i«W. Its charter is perpetual, ana from iu high standing, lon* experience, ample means, and avoiding all risks of au extra cox* anions character, it may be considered as ©fforutr am ple security in the public. • W. I*. JONI^J; ■ .At U»r Counting Hoorn of Atwood, Jones A Co-, V o ut.and Fnmtftwis Piiisburith ' m<i) s _ bus'l W. Jones, Edward Smith Joba A. lirown, John Whito, Thomas P. Cope, Samaol F. Smith, Samuel Brooks, r|lH£ CjLtaCRIOKR has been apj>oloted Afjent pro -X ten. ofQic Insurance Company of North Atnencn, and will iasae'Policies and attend to the other business ofthe Agency, si the warehouse of Atwood,/ones & CO, - WJLF.JpNES, water si if Lu i I CARDS. INSURANCE. , REFER TO Blackstoek, Bell 4 Co., 1 ■ Church * Carotbert, D.T. Morgan, j __ oellny J? HENRY, Attorney aud Courcellor at !-«* J* Cuteinnati, Ohio. Collections in Southern Oui and m Indiana, and In Kentucky, promptly and rm ruliy attended to. Commissioner for the State of Pent sylvarua, for taking Depositions, at'kiiowledeiaji:’. Ac. 4c. Rzru to—Hon. Wm. Bell 4 Son, Chnis.Chur.-h, Carouten, Wm. Hays, Esq., WRiock & ®avi». «C 5 a FAX.!* FAdaiOX FOR IIJITB. (J MeCORD 4 Co. wiU introduce itus H iv Ja (S.ianl.r, Ao» »lh,l il,; ftj, Hats, comer of Fifth and Wood srecu. ■ ang-id 4. !■ l—^ (Successor* to AFCord A King) ‘ Faihlosabl* Uattart, , Comer of Wood and Fifth Siwt «. PARTICULAR attention paty to omr Retaib Trade. Gentlemen can rely npou gertingtheir NaL- and Caps frtnnonr establishment of the exsr sutejcuu. and vroauumicr, of the liter rmu, and at thr im wen rceza. Country Merchants, porebashtj: by wholesale are respectfully invited to call and examine our gtocs, as we can *uy with confidence that as retards yuAUrr and raica, it will not voder iifra comparison with any bouse ut Philadelphia. f r >,] j njl CALIFORNIA HATS —lit dox wain proof California Hats, just received and for rale by M’CORD 4 Co lelj st/ comer sth and Wood >t* p*S FIUHG FASHIONS FOR 1*49. IK APCORD 4 Co. will introdnee o«i Maiur- / n .March 3d, the Spring style of HATS «& Those iu want of a neat'snd sapenor hst. are invileu lo call at comer afSth and Wood stredta. mart? SPRING BONNET RIBBONS, 4c".4-W' R Murpiiy ha* no w open a eapply of spring Bdmiet Rible iis, of new and handsome | Also, new style fig'd Netta; Uilo Lafcet uul » Hg- Icgv; Linen Edging*,-Victoria do; plaid Muslins und Jaconels, embroidered Swim Muslins, jkc.; besides u large astortment of Spring Goods goncmlly, at m/rth east comer 4th and Market street*. i t Wholcsalc Rooms op stair*. B pd FORWARDING & COiIIiSSION. --non a. ni.r. QTUi\Rf A SILL, Grocer*, tnd Pro< uce and « om minion Merchants, No. 119 Wood i. Pitt«ba,*gb. Dealer* In Gioeerieii, Flour, Wheat, Kye.Oau, i‘«.rn, I Dajiey, Pork, Bacon. Uniter, Lard. Cherre: Clo- er. I Timothy and Flu Seed*; Iron, Nail*, Ulum-, A<-. ,\t. Ac. Particular atlomion paid to itm unle of Wencni Produce. B*«assc»—Metre*. Myer* A Hunter, Robi. Pul zell A Co,, MHitll* A Roe, Ham pionJ Smith A Co, Jamet -Hay, King A Moorhead, Pituourgh. Fenner A M’MiHu,- Maatillon. Joy. 8. Moriisoti, Kaq , Louis. V I •j.iyiHfy roui a. cnaio, late of N. 1 w. a. iiisme' CUAIO A BKINHER, GENERAL AGENCY, GeramisMoulniui .pnrwunl ine Merchanu, No. V 6 Market <(., (Pittsburgh, l’a ID*Prompt ouenlion given to the purchase and sale of all kind* of Produce. . { Rrraa John Watt A Co., Murphy,- Wilnon A Co Pittsburgh, P»4 Lawaou A Mill, Mahlon Martin, >\eJ!»tfilie, O.; John 11. BrowQ A Co., Uriae, Elliott A Co, Philadelphia; B. W. Snwlgnm X Co., Grrg* A Nace, New Lisbon, O; Fr. Skinner, Htin. C. X>. Coffin. Ciueitmax i. P. Keller, Youngstown, p; NV. L. Stan daru Cleveland. 0. ! ' nugii 1 44 Water st. L.C.COPX. J <}. BHXT7UOL.R, COPG ft. BREYFOQLEi FORWARDING ft COMMISSION SIKKCIf ANT 9,. And dealer* in White Lend, Wt ado w Class, i.rj, r 11W Second street, PltuU argl , Pa. Will attend promptly to the sale o . ar Icle* eiuruatcd to their care. Rzm TO— Hagalcy ft Smith; K. Taj ner ft Co , f. ft W. Harbaugh, Kay ft Co, Wilnon ft Co, PiUabnrgh. Hannah, Graham ft Co. and lire mer chant* generally, Nowlattao, O. ' D. ft i) M’Dotiaid ft Co., Geo. Wcila, YVelliTUlri, O. Joteph \Vat*oo, H -4. Bigger ft Co., Fennor ftM’.tiillen, Massillon, n.— Bennett, Martin ft Co, Wo aver, Taylor ft Co., John H. Brown ft Co . Philadelphia. A. Ol Uieburdsou ft Bro., Groff, Holme* ft Co., Cincinnati, O. John F. Howard, Louisville, Ky. John Smith! Ntw Orlin.i*. .Handy ft Hannan, Cleveland, O. A. J. Entilcy, Mani field, O. Clark, FaxksftCo.. Beaver! Pa. augtijdti 439-4! • .94,7*4 BO • B3‘ • Sinaia 3ajaM 37 Commlialon and Foinrardli CONTINUES U> transact a general uommiasion busi ness, especially in the purchase and talc of A meri can Manufactures and Produce, and,/a receiving and forwarding Goods consigned to ni» eai/e. As Agt nt far (lie Manufactures, he will be coiunarMy supplied with thepriucipal articles of Pittsburgh Manufacture at the lowest wholesale price*. Order* ' are respectfully solicited. Penn Mmcbine'fihepk HWIGHTAIAN— Manifaetuter 01 all kind* of eel • ion and woollen machinery. Allcf ;heny city, P* The above work* being now in 101 l an-J »uceeai!o op eration,] am prepared to execute o»fe» • with dirnmeh for all kind* of raachinery-in tty hue, iua a* willow*, picker*, •preader»,car<U,x nnc —S f l **, bine*, railways, drawing: frame*, speeders, tlnasstls, loom*, wnulrn cards, doable orMiiele, for merchantOr country work,, mules, jeck» r ice.;iliife and'liandlaihc* and toolin' ren cral. Ail kinds of shafting mndeio or der, or plans giv cn for gearing factories or mill* at ro ssonnblc charge. Son to—Kennedy, Chilli* 4-Co_ Hluckstmk, IIHI k Co- King, Pwinoek A Co t Jas. A. ( iray^ Blononsrahelst Livery guEle. €* KODKRT H. PATTK'ASON hn.-t opened large stnble ott First *t, running through •to Second it, between V/o od and Sraithhoid the rear of the * iliinongnbcia House, .. . ... i i. ii. i • 1 wiili an entirely new stork of Ho r**?* and Carriages of the best quality and Intcst styles. Hdr»rt kept at live .ryut the bc*i manner. _ ‘jyJdly FOa OKKCNWOOD > GAUDUNS. .. The steam l»b at A. MASON >/j» i ff. . • ft now ruin from the I'oinl, footSMSj» • MSUfftSag of Liberty stre et, to the Cinr ■UlWCSSfiKlru—leaving ax 0 o'clock, A. M., anti at the beginning of each hour uiuil V f*. hi. Visiters auty rely ou finding the boat p 1 the hour. She leaves the Garden, the last op trip. • 1 10 o'clock. The season U fait advantr jig, and those wishing to visit this delightful retreat, n ow is the time to spend a few hours, no', iu the smoke jnd dust of the city,hotrn atmosphere, pertain til with the fragrance of tbwcn, f All kindtofrafreiltmcnu,. except inu»iiraiinf;<irinfc». are kepi ou the prrmlne-j. Grernbou*e I’lioU, and Uoßqucii of choice Dower n toi rale. Closed on Son* «lty. JjrJtt JA&JNS M’KAIN. (v*Ch*a« of landing madi • oa account, of low »i> er. o B. 111 X TK N BEROEII daKtoh s. u. a<;e.nt, . Forwardin Coinintriioa Her chwit, h*« removed 10 ,Ne. « 1 Front,'lx-twemi Wood -I _ _ b Lv hnte nuk made on «u improved »T plwXtßoaa not to free* tin the coliJent wruht f. 1 emont wanting incti article a, afe invited 10 cafTand *<elheroM SCAU FEfcATKINSONfS, . B I», lit, between Wood .Idar^Hto IRTiMH I>ML HOTELS •'OUXTAI.T HOTBLi LIGHT STREET UALTIM >BE THIS estabUshment long and widelylknown ■»«. teing one of (he most commodious in i c c j. v «/ Baltimore, has recently undergone r £ erln mtc iJienxioDs. and improvements.An e itue «« wing has Ueea added, containing namcree s aud eirv sleeping apytmenu, and extensive bathing • on™ Tiic Ladies. department has also been 1 omnlctelv reorgatusw! tod Cued op in a mortmiqac r nd EK ftl style. In fact the whole arrangement of he lion<* has bees remodeled, with a single eye’ oa he the propr.etors, towards the eSn&rt and p "Lure of their Guests, and which.they conCdenUy : * Th^nn^W* 1 “ y Hotel “ «>6 Kin„ Their table will always be (applied with i v'en kub ataniol and luxury which the market affor is served op in a superior style; while in the way of tVinV* &r they will not Us surpassed. , 1 In eonclasioa .be proprietors bed to say, that nothing will be led undot's on their pan, ami on the Durlnf U.eir assistants, to reader this Hite? Xhv V comitoed patronage of their friends and the inblic gcnerX JSxpsj’ b “ ra i "' ■'"i 1 "” »«« w^^v'.b^S C „d B ‘^!! ffe r' Wap< ’L , S* will .1- £ffrh£fii ~ al i 1 *® Car tt),d Sleamboa*, Tfchir^ 1 ey ba ss*« 010 and f ro« the Hotel, free mnyvtf KZOHAKOE UOTKiir *t- CTJUIt ««-7 Mttmprou, -a. rno nibacnber having tusuraed the ra&noccs 10115 estab *i»l»cd aud-popalar Jloi-1. ;n _ M . re »pectfßliy- announce* 10 Traveller# and the {** 'V 11 bo M * !1 ,inie » prepared EJSCTu! - ?*s 411 desirable m n writ n5?iS? I .fc ,o,e k House U itow l>efn» thoroughly K r s^" 11 “t w f unlllnre wdeJ, and no *?'»«"«* •ft" 'iiJcr»J patronage the Itonße hm bnrurne. THOMAS OWSTON, •i \ iamartikk house, VS*-?,' 0 ™" «■*» wnurre, nfrunnt. iflfti. -J ,tj * nbBcnber retpeeUalljr annooucet that JcUt, "W now opened hi* ucw and excellent Hotet ' . jor <np of traveler*. boardeA i2?^.?JS l ' l,^jen^r * ,l J r - 1 Thß hou,c fantiZre are entirely new t \and no pain* or erpcnu have/l>cen wared to render ttnne of the non comfortable noil pleasant Hotel* in We city. / ■ The aubtcriber U determined to deserve, and there fore toueitß, a thereof public patrmtare. / . ___ _ JACOB IlOUtill,proprietor. UNITED STATES HOTEL, OnmsrTar., mvxci Focnrn Asomrrn sr» i PI’OSrTE late Bank of ihetlnltcd Biaiet, i’hila delpbia. . Si. POPELMiTOHhXU . warttf / \ Proprietor. | LAW OPEICES, \ . hCrasuis, \ 'A •"£ <V«nMillor at law, anil C'omrai \wf-,^' ier /S. f .. lh , 0 g^,e of g u ]^ ui Mo. (Inis of Pitulmrgh.) > R h: lion. W. Forward, H a m t ton * Miller, WCandte.. it M'Clare, John E. Hark. i mi-II? & M’Cord k Kii»a. .n^ , t. u. r ~ JAIBD * STKRRETT,” BII^ A ttorsevs and counsellors a r laHv -O. hounh nreet, beiweca SmilhCeM and <jrdni -itubyph, Ta. . juls l wiffl a. utaot ' 'WTB. c. raii; /' LARGE *> FRIEND, l TH>SNB\B AT LAW, Fourth elrwt s near tJi *■ ‘ talO.n JAMES FfKEIUt, ■VTTOUNEY AT LAW.-Office on Fonnb.t tween BmitUCeld and Ur am *t. Pittsburch. tpttfelly _ ___ R \YM. TIMBLIN, ATTOUKEY AT LAW. Butltr-y Pa WILL alio attend lo collection* and all other bit. i ness entrusted to himjn Butler and Antis'.u t counties, Pa. Refer to JAR. Floyd, Libeny »C \ W. W. Wallace, do I • James Marshall do fPitlsbanL. dly Kay 4 Co., Wood su j ;»t7 Jll. SWKITZKR, Attorney ar LawTi'ffice Jd ■ !, « opposite St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburgh, wilULo attend promptly to Collections, io Washington, Fayet « and Green counties. Pa. • HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS TeleyiTrtcj Buffet Klaqeie; Louis XIV Chair*; Queen Elizabeth chairs; Tea Soviet Frail Table*; T«»ildt Table*; Lout* XV Coinmndcr; ■ Freiiirh Mahogany Bedsteads l*iou»> Stool*; So «oiu with Plush aud liair-clnth eovaig . £(0 Mahogany Hocking Chain; 4>idoz Parlor do !F> “ Fancy do 23 centra Tab lit; 20 pair IMrans d' pair pier Tables; IS marble toji Unioning Bureaus - 8 Wardrobes 9 Seerctarie* and Book ease*; 20 marble jlop Wash Stand*;" 4 pair Ottoman*; dpair I'oney [Work Stands; A very large assortment ofcomnioit ehairi and other farmiute too numerous to lneimon. {lji“ Steam Boats furnished oa the ahort-tt notiee, j j and rinjth- mo*l Jefl «onahlc tarn*. ib-eIS td cotuiguruenta Ulaphragiu w I ; Jr GEORGE COCIIB.AH, Merchant* So. iW wood rims , wv l ■ # SATURDAY W ■_ #fAKTNERSHIPS. Dissolution of Co>Parta*riMp. J. subscribers, under the style of Brown fc Culbert son, was dissolved on the Ikt tnst. br mown I consent tL- hi. jl brown, I’lUiburghjOcL 5, IS4D. .. A. CULBERTSON. The subscriber will continue the Wholesale Groer. ry and CumhjJ«sion Banners, as hereto fore ni the onl stand, 115 Ljfyjny rt. oetfi A. CUUIF.R t.SOS ipO-PAHTSEnSUIP. JOHN PAUXKR and llOliN W. RIDDLE have en. tered inirj partnership, under tfac firm of PARKER k RIDDLE, and wftl curry on the Shoe business in ; nil it* branch;-*. at the old stand of John Parker, (or ner of Federal • u and South Common, city of Allrobt l: John parkfr. • / _octLdling JOHN W. RIDDLE- 7 P TATldu * DBMKTr 7* ROPRIKTOKS OFTHR PITTSBURGH ALKALI \\ are now prepared to «uprnnr article of SodA Aah and Muriatic Acid. Person* wi»iij in< in purchay- either ol the above article*, are re quired mruif-on ISAAC WALKER, No. 13 Fifth u. jtjie articles before ptm-Jtasinee.rrwhrre. TheW>oda Ash mnnufimlu/td at tiiis establish men- u greasy superior to ruiy.oiber. brought to this market. fi • •’/ rptui WM - *- scAtfi. , /: tAnciarimto^. A- BC'AIFK A. ATKINSON. C*I*** 1 *** *•-,, nst]*’ kka Wooif >Ka?Ua*cT. I*m Kansan, manufacture alLkmd* of COPPER, TIN ANDjSHGBYiRON VAIUi Also, Blark smith Work. ! c / i ■ Sutam BocijfbaiU to order, i Special attetnioti sivru lo steam boat work. Have on liatul/ a fine of Copper and Drau Ketilr.*, Tin W lr '*> Ac. Stnastboat Cooking Stoves, 1 prtHbfe rflrgi**, vnriou* sixes— 4 very convciur.nt nr. tieie for Coliforuia caticranu, or rail road comj>amc* j ' ,Hc would rejncctfully pivtie rtcnm boni men and call ana see our an;rio» and prices before puru)oi.«n, elsewhere. j. 7„ Dlnriuttonof Pairtnmhlp. nnilh i-opanhcrship of lIENRY ILVNM-N k CO . /■!■ 'ornirrly It. timets, Muller fc Co., in the Window a d Colored Glas* liu-iinesv. is thi* Jny dissolved by Ihe withdrawalof Mr. Frederick Mtiller. fhe-busiiir*»iwill {«• continued by tho undursianed, under the firm -of HENRY llA.V.*«ilN 4 CO. Ware h««i»e .No. jot- hccond »t, where wo will hare constant supplies oi superior Window (Hass. • JOHN HANNUN, HENRY HANNI A. „ , . J HU(iH ROHF.KT-ON, P.tuhursh. Aha. -D, MO. HVAHY UMSTIUD. ■ _ ' Copartßirihlßt undersigned have UiwdHy associated with them JL in hu«inc». JACOB L SCHWAnTZ, and will ron Unce Ibe tm,mcf* as hi-rrtnforc. tinder the firm of * . n. a.Fahne«toi;k 4 co. July v, ism. • jyia NOTICE. Partncrahlrihcrptofoio existing under tho firm o' A. k C. lULADLEY, i* ilissolvetlby the dcaense ol Air. C. Bradley. The business will be carried on by A. Bradley, who will settle uic busing** of the Utc \Unu. —A. Daacurr ha* removed hi* FounilrT >* alehouse from No. Ili{ Second stxrct, to Nc\!#' between Find and Second rtreets, o the warehouse lately occupied by G. A. Berry, where he -will kccp'constautly.ou hand a general assortment of Lasting*. G*rates, Stove*, Cooking Stoves, dc. jjfJ N \DI«sbiiUTIOX.' fIHIE partnership bcrelofure existing between Sam-- A uel H. BoslificW and William B. Hays, iruduie under thr firm of BITSUIFIELD 4 llAYS.haa this ilav |e o dissolved by Wilharo B. Hays relbng hi* entire interest in the firm to SMI. llu.hheld. All accounts due Hie firm will oe oollertoj hy 5 a Bu*KfieW, uml all debts due by the laic CrmMo be paiJ by/tbc same „. , , , • \«. B. UUBHFIKLD, Pillaburgh, June !EK ISIB. W. B. HAYS. CO-I’ARTNKUStin*.—B. B. DranmtLU‘havine thi* day associated with himscll llx-var Ltniiia, formerly of Bedford, Pa„ aud n-centiy of the National Hotel. “«u*bureh, will continue the business unddxthe firm ot BLSIiFIELD 4 LE ADER, at the otdsiund,'No. ;HU • Liberty «treci. S. U. UU^IIFIEID, Pittsburgh, June tSt, IeAS. > 11. LEADER. Having retired f'om the former business, 1 uke'' pleasure ui recommending my successors in the pa tronage of nty customers and the public retieraby - - ... „ _ W. il. HAYS. Dlaaoiutibn. IMIEco-pannrrsuip heretofore existing betwe-n the . »üb»erit»eni. In the name of Coratable, Burke 4 Co., w tins day dissolved by mutual ermwm-- Burce 4 Ranies will settle the business at On- ,'on eern, for whirh purpose thiy are auihonwd to use tn e name of the concern. NATIIANJFd. CONSTABLE, EDMUND BURKE,- THOMAS DAILNIS. Thg undersigned have ibis day associated them scire* Iti the name of BURKE 4 BARNES, for the purpose 6: niotiui’ilctunug Fira I‘ronf Safes, VauJi Dotir*. Ar. 4c„ hi the stand of the lut- firm uf Consbible. Hurtc 4 (to,, where ihcy will be pleased to feed re the pa tronage pf die cu>tomer* of that house ami their friends. * EDMUND IU/fm; THOMAS BARNES. lu retiring froia*>he firm of C-onnuhle, Ilnrke 4 Co , with sincere pleasure reeommeud >ies*rv. Burke 4 lame* in the confidence of my friend* arid tb« public. Fch V, l.'id. NATHANIEL CONMTAHf.F. febltt-dtf 1„ ‘ JJISSOLHTIOtSf ±. _ . ’UK tmruierakip of .MURPIIV-4 LEE istkiaday dissolved by mutual consent Tlie b'usbierTorthe late firm will be settled 11. Lee.J. R. MURPHY. Pittsburgh, Jan. Sh, I>PJ. 11. LEE NOTICE—TLe nndercignrd will continue the Wool basines* and attend to the sale, of Woolcu tioo-ls, at ibe old (.and. {{ LK^f. in fntimtg from the firm ol Murpby 4 Lee, I take great pleasure in recommending Air. H. Lee to Utc confide ace of my fnends and the public. Ptttsbnrgft, Jan. 31, Lrlll. J K. MURPHY. lUIK subsenher* have this day 'associated tbem «iitvc* brgethcr for the pui|tose of iransuriing a wholesale and retail Dry Goods and Grocery business,. at No p£*o Liberty, opposite Seventh street, nmler ihc style and firm of BUBHFIELD 4 ILAYS. Ptuihurgh. January l,Jr4il. N. U.—«Jur old customer* and the public are invited : lo give u« a call. CO-PAUVNKIISniP. TITM. D. SCAJFH and Capu ATKINSON I TV haTeetttrrnl into partnership, nnder die firm of 4 ATKINSON,- and will carry on the Tin, Copper, aud Nhect Iron Ware rnunufactory. \ Al»n. Hla-ksmxtJmig in all tu brunebe*. ut the old ‘eland of Wm. B. Scaile, First sirect, ucnr Wood. Ponicuiar ottcutiou given to steamboat work. Iit AYK thi* day es*ociatcd with rae in the whole •air (troerry. INoilueo and ('omniio-ion busmess, my biaihrr Joseph, under the firm of J. t* Dll. WORTH J. t*. DILWORTH January I, 1319. C'lO-PAUTSfKIISIIU* WtuTVouiut J day -ussociatrd with him, Jobu R. MViinu, the lea ther business will hereafter be conducted under the Grin of)V, n . Young & Co. WILLIAM YOUNG, J'inS < JNO. R. M’CUNK. MISCELLANEOUS- * Stoajn Brick Works for Bale. T Nil subscriber offers for sale, the STKAM iiKICK WORKS, nhove Lawrence? Hie, comprising a Sicatn Engine, t! Boiler*, ti Mould Machine, o*|Juld« of manufacturing tai,(XU Pressed Bricks (out of dry clay, hr taken liom the bank,) per duy; with three acre* At land on the Allegheny river, on which are 4 kilns and sheds, machine and cltty sheds, wheelbarrows, trucks, shovels, spades, Ac., every thin* reijubiie to gorn inrnce opcrmi-in* rit an hoars notice. I'riee, including the patent right m iisu-4aid machine. A?ylWu—terms of payment made easy. Without the land, Sj.uou. For particulars, address HJWRV MERRITT, _augd7-du_ No lls Mot.ongwhela House. JAMKB W. WOODWKLL, Slodcru and Antique Furniture, S 3, Tiiied Btk&rt, Pmnacaeii. assortment of Furniture, i isTfflm- Ktiitahle far Steamboats, ffiffjSaosilifli KanflUfll Hotols and private dwrl- a# lines, Constantly on Band and made to order. The [present stock an hand cannot be exceeded by any mntialaeinry in the western country. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to give me a call, aa I unj determined tny prices shall please. Pan of the stock consists Li— yflteti for iljrdrant Water. to certify that I have up; pointed Livingston, Roygen ft Co". Sole Agent* for the sain nf Jf!iminir'« Jg3' Pftcm DiaprahffHi FHlnr. for tjr ei| YIT ties of Pitt*nurgn and AUrehrnv. JOHN GIBSON, Agrm. fO* Walter M Gibcon, ;Hi/ Broadway f N. V. M Oct. 10,1643. Wc have -been Paine one of the above articles at iL« tfficc of the Novelty World for three months, on trial, a&d feel perfectly satisfied that it is it useful inventin';, and u-c lake pleasure in recommending ihcmns a oeej fai article to nil |whb love pom water. Orders wilt be thankfully receive'! and promptly executed. on\U i : I LIVINGSTON. RfUIGKN ft. Os FllVeirtnf: Cocfii A I FOIIPURIFVING WATER,. Jj JvVhich renders tarblit water Pure by >gtu;> yetaovinp'all substance* noisnlublo m /M&v l jwaler. The erolon water in N. Yotk, S^tAßflOugh clear a,ld P ur * ,n th'n eye, yet *** srhipn tt pa.sCa an hour tliroueb Uilj cock, allows a lores deposit ‘ Atoms' jtnpiire mb-iianco*.worms, Ac. Thu is the c««e morfl'ojiless with nil hydrant water. The Rcvcptibienhercj; is noil and durab.e, and ir not attended inconvenience incident to other Filtered, as it in'rlejuised wiUioat being detached fmir the water pipe, by meHy turning tho key or bond), from one ride to Utbj? other Hr Uu» easy proerju, thu eourso'of-water U cduultfed, and nil accumulations fr impure robstijiceilia™ driveu off altnort instantly without nnscixsiinfl r iho Filter. It also possesses iht advantage »f i.ejnftYatop cock, stid ft* such in ca»« will be , e fj!|t}pnvetucManti eeononucAl. Itean be.atuoh&fwbera ihorel* any prerrore fclgfc or low to a cask* lh|»k, tub, Ac. whh'ease. To be had of the soli A*en4Fr , „ W V W - WpuN, -w.,17 • | Iteorneror Fourth and Market m» ' "ipWIAHS FOUSOUk. dpf, Bell and Brass Founder, has re* fmmenecd business at bis old «tn:id, iijl be pleased to see inrold cuntom- Uijis. dat/and Beils of every sire, from ll> [bkt frotn pattern* of the most approv* Irriuned to be of the best inuierioU. jPi»np«S Counters, Railing. Ac., tugc* »V£ty of liras* Castings, il required, a (p the neatest manner. IWoprietor of JUaerr s Ajm-Anai- I iiy celebrated for the rcdactum of' dry. The Boxes aid Composition. ; '|aiitimes. -jajfciy BKLL A! A A Kb'l.Tl fffl built np.d M ufliefc-bejv •••ern oud.-frH Charch,rftc:uni] to 10,006' pound*yd ed model*. sort w?'d Mincrnl Wtttrf. ther wilhflv*.ry vj Uinird ind A. IM* th s.Mlol T7OS W friction tn maetri cube hod itfhi^O \V' +—T- XJ I ORNING, OGTtIRER J3i 1849. ! MISCELIiANEOUS __ Chocolate,/Cocoa, 4c« ' " • B&aer’s American and French Chocolate, Prepor- T^rt 60 ® 1 Cocoa i’ayie, Urotna, Cocoa Shells, ic- O merchant* and cbnsnmen, who -woaid purchase the bnt producuof Cocoa, free from adulteration more nutritious than tea or coffee, and in quality nnrur* passed. the subscriber recommends the above articles, manufactured by himself, and stamped with his name, iti* Urania and Cocoa Paste, ns delicate, palatable, nnu salutary drinks for Invalids, convalescents, ahd others, aye pronounced by the most eminent physicians *upcrio/to any oih«-r preparations. Fit* manufactures on sale, in any quantity, by lha mottle speotitb.e grocer* to the eastern cities, and by tbeii agents.Hawes, Gray ft cn_ of Boston; lames Mlhinee .f «V Hartford. Conn; Hussey ft Murray, .New York; Cirautft, Stone, Fhiiaddphim Ttioau* V Bnindire, Hal twnorei and Kcllosr A Bennett, Cincinnati, Ohio. : WAI.TKR lIAKER, Dorciittster Mass. For sale by nfttIALKV ft S.MlTll, Agti T Vr °a9l>llan(t Caatlron Railing. Hr. subscribers bee leave to infomuthe public that they hare obtained from the East ail tlie late and inshionable drsiyii# for Iron Railing, both for bouse* j aim cemeteries [Persons wishing to procure hand-I •oiae patterns will please call and ciamrac, ftnd judge I wr theiUMlvca. Railing will be furnished at the shot c*t notice, and iu the best manner, at the corner Craii- and Reliecct streets, Allegheny city. _»urJ>-dif A. LAMONTft KNOX W.ftJ.OLEKS, Dookßlndera. TXTKfwr still engaged In the above business, rom< rr «f Wood niid Third.streets, Pittsburgh, whei we are prepured to do any mirk in tjur line with de patch. We attend to our work jiersctmlly, and *an meuon will be given in regard to its neatness and di rubtltty. Blnnk Hooka ruled (o any pattern and bound sub stantially. Book* in number* or old book* bound care tally or repaired. Name* put on book* in lettern. that have work in our line are invited to call, “rtre* low; nty'^tl' H„ NOTICE. A VINO sold our mure stock to C. H.Goatt, with a view u> closing our old busine**, we hereby *o licit for him the pnUonageof all our friend* and rus 80. XV. POINDEXTER, „ , THE. roiNUEXTEB. Pittsburgh, Aug. 1U:, 1843. CII. GRANT, Wholesale Grtfcer, Commission and • Knrwnrduiit.Merchant, No. 41 Water *t. aul* 0oal«i, Cooking Stove*, GraUs. dtc. AHSJIALL, WALLACE A CO., Round Cliurdh, UjL rorncr Liberty and Wood *trecta, manufacture u«U offer for tale Platform, Floor and Counter Scale*, 01 die most improved quality; Cooking Stoves, for wood ami coal; Kg* Stores of various, size*, Parlor and common Gralcs, Hollow Waro t Ac. Ac. They also manufacture the Kitchen Range, which ha* given such general mtisfactmigto'Oiose having it in use, to nil ol whirl! they would ri'*]i*cuully invite the attention of Die citirrm, audJlie public generally. oei'JT-dlf MANt-I .U.fbRFJ) TOBACCO—-The subscriber would rail tha aticntion .of the city trade aud itriiirr* generally, to the following brand* Tobacco* in .tore mid to arrive, which being consignments di rert from luanutucturrrii, he is enabled to Dell at cast era finer*: } bzs R W Crenthaw 3«; •t) 1 *• Jniuu* Madison 5-, nl I “ Lamartine s*; 31 I “ Mirabrau s*; ~l { - 4 ‘ j' 3* and la; Li | “ Itcae.-i* A Sim-on St; x f “ Oicor Burl $«; d I “ John* A Lewi* i*j •11“ Warwick, aupr Is; 4s | M Henry A James 6*, 1* ami 8*: _ fc " s}l , _ LS WATERMAN PUt flachlne Work* asd Ff'undrjfi irtrnißCßuu, r*. TONN WIUGiiT.t Co., are orepared to boild Cotton y r:id \Sooioii Machinery of ever. • desetiptmn, such « Curding Machine., Spinning • Frames, Speeders. Drawing Frames, Railway Iliads, Warper*, Spooler., Dressing Frame*, Loom*, Card-Grinder*. Ac. Wrouzhi Iron Shafting turned; ail sizes afCaat Iron, Pnllies and llauger* of the latest patient*, slide and hand Uthe*, and tools of all kinds, Castings of every description turiushed on short uotice. Pattern* made to order for Mill Gc&nug. Iron Railing, Ac. Steam Pipe fo r i, eil . "* ! acinne*. Cast Iron Window Sash and. fancy Cas ing- generally. Orders left at the Warehouse of J. ruitasr A Co., Liberty street, will have prompt siteb- R”rj°J lactfUick ' Bell ACo„ J. K. Moorct.ead A o , <i. K \\ arner, John Irwin A Soil*. Pittsburgh ; G AJ H. Warner. Sicnbenville. tvtii SEW COACH PACTOttYi aUi:uhe.xt. MA. WHITE A*LO.. would respectfully inform . the public that they have erected asbouon Lacock, brtvvsuuFcdcraiaidSandusky street* Thcr nre now making and arc prepared to receive orders for every description of vehicle*, Coachc. Chariot's Bu roucaes. Buggies, Piimior.*, £c.. Ac., whieh from’their long experience tu the muuuiuciureof Uie übovifwork and die laeiLiuc* they have,they feel confidenuhey are 'enabled L* do work ou the mom reasonable term* with thwi; wauling article* in their line. Paying particular attention to the .elcciion of mate and having norwMim eompriem workmen, they have no hesiuuoe in warranting Utnir work We therefore u«k the attention of the public to this matter' N. Ik Repairing done iu die best manner, and-on the most eosoiiable tcriuv Jaaittf i^»£^>iEsu?Acfir. iuu<.—Havlntniadc arrangements fora eon stain apply of FACTOR V FINDINGS, we will sell utlpn pares C4!f and c<heep Rolor string. Laeclea ther. Piekera, Reeds, Shuttle* Hemp Twine IVadles* Np. Mai* Hell Puuchcs, W reuchea, Stripping Card*, 10 to 16 in; putcut Dresser Brnthcs, Wearers’ • AdAc. M»«A.N, WiLBON ft CD., raft'd l‘JO Woo street. Pittsburgh. P qF OtHcy. Webber A FOrmie#, ISX; Pure rich snd dry. Gould, Campbell A Co’« old dry 133». Osbauni’gPure tefti: Pure Juice par ticular Pert, Harris.& Sous, Pur* Juice, ihreble, dou ble und Grapes. These wines are all celebra ted for llicir medical properties, and can be had whole sale or retail nr the Wiue Store of _»' J , JACOB WEAVRR, Jr. Tim subscriber offer* i osaurtueui of roaewe lio:. Pianos, wiih and w -Lolian AitachmenL Tbt rorned to cquaito any try, snd will be sold low. Ea .- L . r*. I for sale a large aud splendid sod mahogauy grand Ac ithout Coleman'* celebrated diibove instrument* arewar manumetnred in thi* coun- Hr thn- airy brought from the I LL'.ME, No list wood si, I 3d door above Slh ib taken at par for a few of N. B—City Scrip will bl ne wlxive H.MirtuiruL 1 - ."iTi. _ • _F- lb sapef thaß~Rvirl 0., Importer* and Wholeaals 7 (.tuilrry and Saddlery, No th.hnveuuw in stores very i>ck of Hardware, imported m Europe, nnd which they :«pondingly low. Merchant* lofeolng East, are particu- I look through our stock, a* y will save their expence* llsrdwarc—Ch* Logan, wh>"onac< Dealers in llanlwarej tgi Wood street, aliove Fi| cheap aud well selected s .■nee Uic decline of uiicu arc delcruuued to sell corr wbo have been in the hah iaFy.-reijucsted lo call *n we cimiidcntly behove lit oct4 CIALF sKJ.Nd—dux g :namc French Calf SkinsTa > very hue arueic. ji few dozens Philadelphia sk"i». iroin the mnmifat u»ry of |h M Crawford, to which the audition of makers is invited. Just re< viveil unit for naloby W YOUNG 4. Co. f' I ** .143 libertr st P.ll K*M| SOLAU LaRO LAMI’F—An extensive a-»«mnuuu of Cornelius A Co'* celebrated manu liu-iure, mid superior to all o <rs in use; adapted to cl|i:rcJic»,.«a-aiiiboau, factonis .dwellings, public and private hulls, and to ull «}ther « , § where a cheap, safe and enllionl light is desirable AKo.Giraildoles Hall Laui-rns.Candelahras.Globes, rfhutlcs, Wicks, Clummcs, Can« Trimmers, Ac. Also. <«n* Chandeliers; from one to four lights. W W WILSON. 4«markets WAHTKU, ’ Daily at th- Baltimore, Philadelphia, NEW YORK. BOSTON ANDNIsWOKLKANfI GENERAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION OFFICE \ oui;g MEN m wholesale and rcuui stores, and other respectable baiiacsi. to act as Dow keep?/*, SaJes, l’orters, Uar-keeper!, Waiters. I'aimers, Cuuch wen, Oar Agent*, Hook and Map Acciit*. Collectors, Overseers in all branches of business. *o. ft c have' nt nil unit* a large number of good situations on hand, which pay from 300 to Stt,uhi per annum. Those iu wuulol tituntnei* of any kind would do well to u« a call, as we hare urcu.s in each of the above ri nej, whil-h will enable as to place every applicant in a muatile sttuuiion at the shortest nonce. Wo have s large acquaintance in all the übovr named cities, wlocli tore ttusl.will enable us to give enure satisfac tion to nil' who may fuvor us with a call. ' i TAYLOR fc TAYMAN, No. 50 Second *l, between South and Gay. N. 11—Foreoo* living in any part of the U. States, and wiOuiig to obtain n situauon in Italtimorc, oreu thnr of the obpve cities, will have their wants itnfne diutrly Attended ib by addressing us a line, (post-paid! i« by *o doing Uiey will curtail both trouble andox- I* l- winch they otherwise would incur by corning . to i-.v nty, And seeking employment for themselves Addro*.., TAYLOR A TAYMAN, N’o iK Second street, nij ll&lumorc, MJ RELIEF FOR 7 U * F. nXVK AimuMJhTAL WARMERS made from I f \Jie inn»t approved English pattern, famished and rrcommemlrd by Thomas Uakewell, Esq., and a nuoilier t-J ermitfju physirfmus; being a most convent •lit apparatus for the application of warm or hot wa ter to un: bowel*, lit cace oT cramp* in Cholera. As every perron is aubject to sudden attacks, no family ► '■oiild be without at least one. . : S-OAIFK A ATKINSON, Ju“ Kirs! st. between Wood and Market 1 PITTSBURGH FBHAI*K~INSVITUTJC rntlK Second Suasion of this Institution, under die X cafe of Mr.und Mrs. (iosnou.’t, for the present academic year, will commence on the Crst of Februa ry next, in tbo samebuildings, No. M Liberty street. Arrangements have been mode by which they will be fcbJu 'to furnish young ladies facilittcs'rqua] t» any in llif West, for oMainmK a thorough English, CU**i Onirunciitni education. A full course of Pin. littipincal und lUirjiucal Lectures will tie-delivered during ihu winter, illustrated t> r apparatus. The dr* tiarimenu of Vocal ami ln»iruir cnUil Music, Modern Languages,- Drawing uml Pointi ig, vrilleuch be under the-nre of a competent Profrssi r. Uy ctoso attention to tin- moral and intellectual liu| rovemeni of their pu* piis, tuc Principal* hope to men a continuation of thei iiiierni jnurouttge they have hitherto enjoyed. For uiruij, atd circulur'or apply to tl c Principals jnSO-dit \ Dr. fllcL&ue In 1 f PIUSIa to certify lhai I put Ayuloljsne’* Worm Specific, i *a«i jjbv# u> a can oi nuu«:,*oni •eaapuou* full, and alihourh lh< -*iSOi:}3l I have no doubt l>ai t: hosed one vial of Dr. ioiuc two mouths ago i j seven yenr* nlil. two t amount may anneal 1 there win upward* of Venn him. measuring ' ro tuche* lone. . w iiolliLay. • )rtS4 ROTHER. LFACTUREKS, , ttaburßh,)Pa* elrut, l‘itt»l«*rgh. in band a good assort wn manufacture, and f sale and country Mer tiTitsd to call and ex- n'vo tuochto v/oinu pauct! ‘rora onn tjoaiter of on Inch to t < I nane'*'(>, M k. Cnrrol ei». Ten beNnett a b ctKKENSW Alii: . MAN! Btnalagbam,ißiar P Vfarekouts, No. 137, Wood Wii.Lconstantly keep gna/ui'rr.i oi Wnie, of uur t sffitr fcUpcritirijn.ilit}. Who!- rhanis are respectfully I amine for iht:mje]y<?ft, aa ws cheaper then haaeverbefore bi re determined to sell :n offeredto the pub- £>■ tinier* leut r.y mail.acco -V re/erence. wriJJ lm prompt! tpanied by the cash or attended to. niyid_. r PO TUK LADIKS—Juai reel A °f gold and Blivet Thread, red, a full as«ortnicn lord uul Unud; also lidorintt and other or illverTaiacift, Fringe-, ffpoiiglcaand UuJiion, fur cmbi itol v.-ori. a1m»» jtoldaujj iCi:. elry uf4he lalexl fo»hion», tehea of nnpctior ({uaUtjr d raale at Ksnicm price*. corner M , in great variety, iid beautiful pattern*, VV W WILSON, rket and Fourth »w HO KTAULIBII- Liotll’.M single i Ludica department , i 2 to 3 t*. M ATliBJfJKUitt BATHI Open from C A- , liaili 23 crinta, or o fori dollar opeu Aom u to 11 A. M. uu&froi The iiclrevhniciil Saloon* ar atteuduiccl Kechdrcbe leo Cre •Bgl3 l | T. S r t unequalled lu style tuna! .'FALL, Proprietor. r riWTO ! "Ifp md r [SGELIiANEOUS. , FtlMledi Covered Pltooii THE subscriber has jart completed fffTmSirßHMhls stock of PIANOS, eenposed of 6. U 4 I"il4uii7 octave* of every variety of * ! r l l*«yle and price,with cndwilhoutCole anav Aueekneut, from the cele brated factor)?, of Nunns A Clark. New York. They are all provided with the above inrperunt improvt aenL All other PUao makers in. this country eo*er U»e hammer* ({which urike tin) string and produce the tone.) with {father. This, u they all ad mi', wears badly, the leather growing hard and harsh, and thus causing,-afief the Piano has been used a while, a me»l disagreeable, harsh aikl wiry loan. Nmuia A.Clirk have witbin ibalMt/rw mentis covered the hammer* wtthjUJ elotk. an entirely new invention, producing a 'Dost melodises aud volnnlinnßi tone, which full im* Braves by age, instead of gloving harsh and hard, us leather necessarily dora.' This may safely he pro* Boaneed the greatest improvement ia Pianos yet in vented The interior,of these Pianos is magnificently gilded and emliellished. altogether the richest finish imaginable. Keeping an assortment of Poston and other{Hiancs, the putlic can convince of the superiority of felt u> leather, by calling and trying the inytromeait. h. rIEBKR, { Sole Agent for Nunn* A Clark. ' 1 At yvr. VVoodwelhs N 11.— I The above willtye sold at manufacturer* pneoiand the money returned il footid* in the least fdecctjye. < - \ »m 7 I paper hangings. nsAsas. JAB. HOWARD A CO J So. 81 Wood Street, WOULD call the mention of the pnblie to theii britsent stock of Paper Hangings, which for va nety, beauty of finish, durability and cheapness, is un *“. r , raJ I, any establishment iu the Union. Uesijies a largo and full assortment of paper of their own trisnafaetam, they are now receiving a direct im ponatyin of French end English styles ofPaper Hang inea, wire hosed by Mr. Levi Howard, one of the firm, now xr| Europe, consisting of i’ojrisiun manufacture, 10,000 pieces. Lofidnn do AOOU do , ~r!.a l f, rownmanafactttre they have 100.000 nieces Wall .Paper, and 12,000 pieces satin glared Window Bunds, Ac. Messrs. James Howard A Co. have spared neither expense nor labor In their endeavors to rival the east ern wall paper establishments, both in quality of man ufacture and variety of pattern; and they are warrant ee m assuring the public that they have succeeded. The whole awqrtraem, foreign and home manufac ture, will be offered on terms as low as thoie of eut em manufacturers and importers. mehS7:dtf WaTKHXS* PALMIIL JOBDci uLviA. WvTi. IUXT .PAL&EO, IIABSA * CO., {Successors to Hussey. Hanna A Co.) TJANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS,'and dealers : A A in foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates of Dcposile, Bank Notes, nnd Specie—Fourth street, nearly opposite the Bank of Piustrargh. Current mo ney received on deposite—Siehl .Cheeks for sale, and collections made on nearly all the principal points in the United States. The highest premium paid for Foreign and America] Gold Advances m*de on consignment* of Produce, ship pedKnij on liberal terms. apil ÜBEAT IN VKNriONI—VALUABLE DISCOVERY! PITBI SSCCIKD JjJtOABT Ist, 1549. Patent erossJever extension Tables, Sofas, Bureaus, Book Cases, Writing Desks* ~ LEVER OF WROUGIIT IRON. fpiIIC TABLES far surpassing every other in* A veution of the kind cow extant. They can be ex tended (rotn len to twenty-five feet, and when closed the leaves an all contained inside; they are mada to alt sizes and shapes, and are admirably adapted]for Steamboat a. Hotels, and large private families, form ing when closed a complete ceulre table. hOF-AS AND BUREAUS—These articles are inval uable, pameathrly to those who with to econo mise room, andljConvert a sleeping apartment into a parlor or sitting goom, as they can be opened and shut at convenience, and when shut, the bedding is enclos ed. A great saving iit room and rent. Alt the bed steads when closed form a beautiful piece of furniture for a parlor or sitting room. BOOK CASKS—A neat aad useful article for parlor or drawing room. 'V RJTING DlißKS—For law offices, counting rooms, - and other offices;’: when opened a most convenient bed stead, when closed a perfect Desk and Library rtlone is visible. All these article* need no recommendation: the Vsauty of the wliolo is. they are warranted not to yet jbj of repair. It; will be for your interests to call and examine the article*, at the manufacturer's store, No. Third street, Pittsburgh. in addition to the above advantages, thei are proof agaimt bog*. tnehlC • _ JAMES \V WOODWELL. ;/' OOAIT’S ‘ Patent Graduated Gabonte Battery'and Pete: »' Ineubted Pole* for Medieal and ether purreus. THIS U the i aly instrument o( the kind that has ever been pres rued in thl* country or Karope for med ico! purpose*, jidls the only one ever known to man, by which the g sivanic fluid can bo conveyed to tic ho man eye, the e lx, the brain, or to any port of the body, either externa !y or internally, in a definite genii* ttrenm, withou shocks or pain—with perfect safety— and often.with he happiest effect*. This import* it apparatus Lt now highly approved of by many ofth moat eminent physicians of thb eoun tiy und Europe to whom the afflicted and other* whom .1 may eoneernjean be referred. Reference wiQ also be given to mat >• highly respectable eUiicns, who have l<ecn cured by paeans of thlsmost valuable apparatn* Of tho-t lost inveterate nervou* disorder* which could nor be removed by any other known meant Among various other*, it has be£a proved to be ad* mimblr ttdaptejl for the care of the fo&ewing dieses, vim nervous headache and other disease* of the hraJm Ii i* with Uus Apparatus alone that the opermtor can convey the magnetic fluid with ease and safety to the eye, u> restore ighl„ or cure nmaurosas; to the ear to restore hearing to the tongue and other organa, to re! •toro speech; a d to flic various part* ol the body, ter the cure of chr me rheumatism, asthma, ncanEii or ue dolourous, j uulysls, or palsy, gout, chorea or 8t- Vita’s dance, e ilcpsy, weakness from •praini. some diseases peculmr to female*, contraction ofHhe limbs, lockjaw, eta tt t, i Right* ter *u robndlng counties of Western Pa., and privilege* witl the instrument may be purchased ai.J also tested for i is care of diseases. Full uittructi 'us will be given Jor the vanou* chemi cal- to be used jt vanou* diseases, aj;d the bestuian ner for operam g, for the euro of those diseases will ah eo be fully explained to the purchaser, and a pamphlet put into hu h*hd» expressly for tlmse purposes, care fully prepared 1 y the patentee, Enquire of S 4 '*! . JJ_ 'VILELAMS, vine »t Piusburxh Til£ aHKOMKTKII ' ' - itio i of the public is respectfully oatled to v i ig certificate*: „ 1 ts—Having tested a quantity of Gold >i r Areometer. J find the result prove* n correct; and recommend the use of li :11 California, as the best method for ob *J value of Gold. Rasp, yours, J. B.DUNLKvI,GoI I Better. Much 9,1519. Ptrrsacxcu, March 7, iS4a. a— >enr Sin Having examined the uAVeo ufa lured at your rooms, J do not hesitate It 11 the use of those gentlemen who are ring to California in eeareh of Gold. \ cloi-approximation to the specific gravi i, no will certainly enable the adventnVsr i wh m lt< placet is yielding Gold y gf* fe ".P|y? j- R- WCUNTOCK , JBU ,k OlXltlilNu—Just received ter live ia I xpediuon, a complete assortment Jf a Cli thing, at prises ranging from SASO ti» mo coat, pants and hat. For sale at this sr D pot, No 6 Wood sfc i , . - JA 11 PHILLIPS !• For California. | Jrat d Hazard Rifle Powder, in kegs, half ittarti ri aiul cans, for sale by J S DILWORTH A Co, 27w00d »i RKMOVAxT. brenl sr has removed his Wholesale Grocc reto tie corner of Hancock street and Alle trf; n xt door to the Perry Mouse, jy JOHN F. FERRY. YIELIAM HBIBB, of Mineral Water Apparatus, sias or rux ooldxs esslx asd rociuiia. No. 213 North Second si., above Vina PHILADELPHIA. * 1 AN experience of more than twelve years in the manufacturing of Mineral Water Apparatus, and the preparation of Mineral Water in Bottles and Foui> tains, on an extensive scale, with a scientific and otae tical knowledge of of both branches of buainesa, toge; ihcr with reqent improvements in tho construction df the Apparatus and the preparing of tho Water, which he has succeeded ut adopting sinco his visit to PariJl and after years of close study and practical andiei! uons as applied to the ana in Mechanics' and ChuniZ try. enables ;the subscriber to coma before thepulilifc wuh enure confidence, and offer them the best nnfi mo.i complete Apparatus, for the manufacture of Mini c”, V, ttte r in ,, 1,011161 Fountains, that can be furi uutied In the.Unued States. I ‘ He also flatters himself that the enlarged success he has me! with, and ihe present extensive and daily in creasing amount of his business in both the above de partments, furnishes the most convincing proof of his claim to the superiority of Apparatus over those of all otliers, and of the parity and salubrity of the Water prepared therefrom. v 1 Ale. S. E* weighed bjr j your insirup to thoht laming the n to commend I about reroovl li give* a i ty ol inet&lc, lo ascertain laarUJ India kui Cdliromii tiara 13&ciia ®11,50 (or vui Iriilm Hnlihei ilccifli TIIK cctctii krs«, qtti felt 14 rpilK mbs X ry Store Whar mchCT.-ilt leraotuwnoonJer theAppanttnafrom a distance, nay be assured that their instruction! shall ba faithful* ly complied With, and so packed as to carry, safely etlher by land or water to any pan of the U. Slate*. dUa PP° lnu ? e ni> »t i* recomraendod to those who intend applying them wires the approaching sen *on, to forward their order* at as early a day as con. reoienu ’. 1 c n Mineral Water Apparatus, Generator*, Pump* and Fountains, Ontameutel Urn* and Pedestal* for Stands. Coumcj* and Bars ofllotels, for drawing Hydrant Water, togedier with Corking and Tying Machine*, aod everything appertaining to the above business', constantly on hand, and for sale on the lowe*t term*, _ ap2S:isrodfiin - QRB£l r WEBTERS'" ~ “ SADDLE HARNESS,TRUNK AND Willi- MAN i.PACTORV—The subscriber takes this method ot informing hi* I'ricnJ* and the public in general that he has the largest ‘lock of the following named mu* cie* of his own manufacture in this city— fcnddie*. I fur ness, Trunks and Whips, all of which be will warrant to tin made ©fine best material and hr the best mech anic* in Allegheny county.'Ucing determined to sell his manufacture* something lower than bus been here toiorc sold by any similar establishment in the city, he would invite persons in need of the above named articles to his warehouse. No. dll Liberty street, oppo site Seventh. Also, bands made to order for machine. ry. oepu-ly w IL_KERHY. ' TVUB A«D CirCßSii. ' PINE AND CEDAR WARE MANUFACTORY No. ti“, corner of Market and Fifth streets, Ptu*. burgh. The subscriber keen* constantly on band wholesale and retail, very low for ciuh: WashTobr, -I Hirrrl Churn#, BailiTuU*. StarT Churnt, ilur*o Bucket*. I llmlf Diubc », 4c. , All uiiie*r kind* of Ware in hi# line made to order niißll __ _ BAMUK!, KROKBKN:, iVIVI NT I'ACILK TRII’OI.I, for i'otuhmg, a newly. [Vi «li«cbvrrcd »übstitu»e (oj Crociu, Rotten ptone, Boiife, Ac. ’ Fmmlic* hare found a for tbuir rilrrr and conrwir ware*—in *liort, remarked by the ••Bcieiii»«ic American.** in an article unon IV'of ail foe natmaiu-'-t which have been applied to j.olinh Gla»t and Mrta.«. none ran equal that cabit&nee knowu by ihr i.mue of Tripoli—this ia a taperiar artiste to tliat Gr«t brought from Italy by .the Vruetiana, and med by thrin m ihnr paltny day* ol gla#» makurfr, to give it that peculiar pellth k> much admired by outer nation*. It ahould bd tn every family and every work chop For rale by ..RE SELLERS, auglU < 57 Wood »t _ -t*i _’remlnm Strawberry plain, ~ ATGKKKNWOOIUiAROEN.— Bum’s Prize, the premium plant, SLQQ per hundred. Victoria and Hovcy’« Seedlings, 30 cents per thrifty pln'iU warranted. Order* from 1 * distance carefully pot up and forwatdeii. Also, a large collc&ion of <ireenonu*o I’lant*. fustolph anti Taylor's Seedling Raspberry. Ac. Au OMNIBUS leaves the Allegheny City ctidofihc St. Clair Street Bridge, for the Gardeii, every half hour during the d«y. The steam boat will commence its regular trips us soon as the river rise*. augtt JAMES STRAIN. ■I -U atfhlJ iS!i ; i,C d'.;/ ;VJ u.iii -'4 DRV'GOODS"to .Sew StyjiCarpsti, WM’CLINTOCK. ySFoorth street, »*' • now receiving his new Fall *u»k among which are some of the latest awl beat si} Ic* now in the country. Tbo*e wishing to fonuiti bwwos nr steam boats are'respectrtilly invited to call ami «■«< the heWstylet and low prices, 'lift labaeribc/ju pow offering in bisline. . •- . Received this day, direct from the importer* nr.u manufacturer*— -.1 ■ ~ ' 600 yd* new style Tapes'ry Brussels Carpel*! jrnoo »• « >» 3 ply imperial <j°- JDOOO “ *• •• *uperfine Ingrain do E “ - “ fine'”""' 4,0 ■“ *• M common !* l which wilt be sold low /orcjuli. «*'{ow end he purchased in n<vy ofthe FaMenvciuea. , ‘ spttft • ■ . . 75 Fourth »t j C’fEEAP AiND DESIRABLE CARPCT3 for lhe"<uil midwinter, will be received ell through tho.-seaj roit direct from thontanufaciurers, nud will'hb >ol4 oreaafa as cheap da can be bought in the Eastern ci» «jc«, at *prg i,\V M’OUNTPOK’fI. 75Fourth M • CLUTHrWVV. R. Murphy hat opened uxtayo fmh lot ofiheabove goods, from l«t» dollars per yard up to'auperfine iJunllUefV*iid of approved .manufacture,la which he particularly in* vite6 the attention of buyers. Alto, black and fancy Cassimercs, Batin Vestings. maniin. merino and cotton Undershirts, Hosiery and Gloves, rocket Hdkf* and black Italian ami fancy Cravats,’ at cash prices. Merchant* Will findlt to their advantage to examine iha slock in Wholesale Room, up litnitt, .before buy* i ing their goods. . . . aptl" j DRY GOODS MHBPHT, WIX SOS * CO*, • No. ,43 Woop Sr., Pirreacaoit, ARK now receiving their usual supplies of Goods Jor the Fail, season, which they will be happy 10 exhibit to their old and as otif new ones - os may feel inclined to present themselves. . Always taking greatTralns -to lay in such Roods u are adapted to the-wants of the Western trade, which ~ long experience enables them to dOj they can any with much confidence, and without entering into a detail e *«? f :oc * t ’ at t * je Western" retail- merchant will find with them all that htscastomers require. Those i who have formed the unprofitable habit of repairing I to the Eastern cities, tor their stocks of Dry . Goods, would dowolftpcali, as a candid comparison of pri* r . e ® would in-fanny eases retains the conviction that: the expense of going- farther may be nbviated by buy ing »n Pittsburgh. »pua J GBEATA OF SEW MODS FOR A A. MASON ACO , 1 • jnsj received an inm GOODS, to which' they im mends and the public—ass c '*.wiH be sold at their cuui to competition. IIIUIVAL, 5 THE FALL TBADB. No. CO Market street, have menae atock of NEW PALL mte the- attention ’of their tearing them that every aru unt low prieca—ro low as NEW G WM'CUNTOCKUno • Fall Stoek of CAR Ac. among wluch maybefot Axminner Carpets: Velvet <l*o’ Tapestry do l Brussels ' do i Extra sup 3 ply do ( Sepcrluc do do "J GOODS. ow constantly receivintrh]: RFETINO. OILCLOTHS rend the following varieties Sup Chenille Rugs; do Toiled do Common do do Sheep akin Mats; Chenille do Superinn lagr. do Hue do do Common do do M,?-4; W,M,4ri and 3-4 Oil Cloth*; ' Table Linen; . Lifting do I Roy do 4*4> A) and f Tap. Vcc. do M, 3 4 ± 6-4 Tw’ld do do 4*4, ft *iM wool do do | & iM coin, do-do Geee* vfalcb .we. are .m **ws btfirr* ©fend jij this c •ta4arr»j*i Hoaset aad Si>a | 100 t&rs took before purcbi I . Car; it Warehouse, No. “ ' ; Uockebuck Diaper; Linen Cruab; Ddma,k Linen Str. Covin Pat. Oil Cloth do do Stair Rods, Binding, A c? ow'uble to sell lower than city. We invite all wishing tin Btfaia, to eall and exam* a*ing-elsewhere. 75 Pourth Ft. / W. M’CHNTOC&~ x _ _ „ . JBW' WIL UOODX \fi [ MURPHY is now receiving his first Fail . tf • «>pjiiy of Foreign and Domestic GOODS, fend us already opened an assortment of new and beanti. fel styles dark fall PRINTS, warranted fast colon: and ncct new style Fall * • Muslin do Laines; . Alpaeca* and Mohair Lustres; ' Damask fig’d and striped dot ; Paraetto* and Lyonese Cloths; I Of the most desirable colon; and a Gill (apply of bleached and unbleached Muslins, Irish Linens, Man* «e*ter Ginghams, &c., at northeast corner Fourth end. Market it*. Bayers ore invited t« calf and sec. • sptS FRENCH MERLNOS—Of alUho 4c«lntl« color?. alien aa Maroon, Garnet,cherry, acarlet, different ahadca of green drab, mid black. I Also, FaRMETTOS ol all the above colors, in eve* of quality; and LYONE3ECLOTIL*. *!»o of all the desirable colon, now open at Dry Goods House of - iptl4 W R murphy MOUBMKO GOODS—W. S. Murphy ha* |isv open au erteaa'tve ationment of black Goods, ineluding-UombazineOßrmcb Merinoea, Parmeltos, Mouse de Latnea, Mourning Alpaccaa, and other Mourning’Good*. fP m \fILITAff Y GOODS.I-Caps, pl^f^STOrtsTs££ V*- «*, Epaulettes, I .nee. Button*, Flag?, and all the trimming* accessary to equip volunteer companies. .Uj Volunteer companies equipped aa complete and cheap a* done in the East, at tnc Military Store, cor* n ', r , „ Founb *it WW WILSON t. a —The United States Baa* and Tenor Drum*, of Germantown make, for sale and warranted by • — r *PH- - W.W, W. SHACKLETT a, WriiTg; ) ’ dry goods jobbers; A m _ WWOODtSTRECT,. { RE now receiving a very large stock of iVeah t*ooda, pfreeentparchaaeaild importation,which utey will sell to the trade at suehprices aa cannot fail to give entire satisfaction. City and Country. Merchants are invited w calf and examine ourttoek before purchasing elsewa** «• mys ; MS IV GOODS, 1849. j KENNEDY * SAWYER, comer Wood and Fenrth street, are now receiving direct from first band*, anireo «toek of Fancy anil Variety Good*, iiiß.qTliu? r oc * t * of e«ry variety, gold and stiver Watches, Jewelry, French Prints, Combs, Hooks and Eyes! O.OVCI tuid Hosiery, Suspenders, Gun Caps, aid ail other articles in their line—all of which htYine, r.ecn purchased personally of the manufacturers emu du rtnethe last winter, erprewiy for the Spring trade, will be sold wholesale at a small advance on, cost, constantly on band, all descriptioas of Looking Glass es of our own manufacturing, at eastern prices, i nth# Nf.w fancy and variety goods—AtzKu UIA»N KINSEY'S, C 7 Market street [ 100 nrs fine China Vases, ass'dj 174 sets twist and cat velvet coal Bottom; 40 fine velvet Carpet Has*: 20 do do pent’s traveling; 100 grata lancy silk Buttons, 10 d«Nail Brashes, ass’d; 100 cto fine blk Vest Buttons, ass’d; 2® do do gilt and nlaied, do: as d« rosewood Hair Brashes; 4 do Waaßngthn- do 1 dp Barbersdo, 3 pro Fish Linos; Fish Hooks, Lime nek, Ac % JEWELRY.Ac—SO gold lever .Watches; w’do de tached lever Watches; 10 do Leprae do; 10 fifae dia mond Finger Rings; 1 dox fine gold Vest and Fob chains; 2 do do Guards; Breast Pins, Finger •Rings. Ear Ruie*, Ac. ■ ■ ° ’ GLOVES, Ac.—2oo dos Ladies Cotton Gloves, ass’d; 30040 do Lisle Thread, fancy top, Ac.; 10do genu’ silk Gloves; 13 do do kid do; 90 do ladies kid, aw’d; 10 do do fancy top silk. . . ; VARIETY GOODS—7S pigs American Pins 300 bis Cotton Cords *3 ps Paper Muslin; 500,000 ribbed Percussion Caps; 200 pro dress Whalebone do; ltiOdox V ° ap9 mb, ‘ ® re, “ n S Co®b», Back Combs, Ac. Ac. HOTIOE2. ; \\l HKBKAS, John P. IlopeweU, of the city of Pitt** TT burgh, Merchant Tailor, by hi* deed, ;bearma date the Stfih day of July, A./D., Its4i», and recorded in the Recrrder’a Office of Allegheny country,! in deed book Vol. bO, page <SO, assigned and transferred to me all his estate, real and personal, iu tru« for hi* credi tor*: NOTICE it hereby given to ull pertout Indebted to said estate to make payment to the undersigned, and those having claim* against it, to present theta for set dement. . BFhftAMIN CLYDE, Assignee, augil ; Pittsburgh. ' • Hashing; ~ , EIOHT BATHS FOR O.NE DOLLAR, oramjtle Bath for fifteen cents. i.adic* Department open from atoll o'clock, A. M., and »to 5 o’clock, P. M. , Atheiwnm Saloon and Bathing EataMUhmetii. Jyt» T. M’FALL. Proprietor MB. ELIJAH EATON’S CERTIFICAtJTto DR JAYNfL—'niU certifies, that immediately after having attended my brother, who died of consumption ‘ m March, IMd. I wu taken tick with the Oo««umntion or Liver Complaint, aud was reduced so low with the ■disease, that for four years 1 was unable lot attend to my business, either at home or abroad, benig for the most time confined to py bed. Darina the above peri od of time, 1 nad expended for medical BUdndanco o regular Physician* and medicines, to the hmonst of* Cdtn, without receiving any benefit therefrom. In July, ls-45, I commenced taking Dr. Jayne's Medi cines, and have taken them more or tesseVer since, aud believe that it was by persevering id their use, tiiat 1 can now truly say that I have'completely rcco*. verej my health. I believe that Jayne’s Sanative Pills and Expectorant are the best family medicines no win .. . • ’ T .(.reside in Springfield, Otsego county, N- Y., and carry on a furnace and machine shop in that place, and ;tm m»t interested In any manner nr Ute sale of the above medicines, and moke this fcenificatolor the ben efit of uio*c atllictcd. ELIJAH EATON. Springfield, N. N., Sept Id , I jst IMPORTANT TO TH£ APFIiIOTED, l)r. Hose’s Celebrated Itemedlei DR. JACOB S. ROSE, die discoverer arid sale pto pnetar of these most popular and beneficial med icines, and also the inventor of tho celebrated instra mem tor inhaling the Lungs, in effecting a curo of Chrome discuses, was a student of that eminent physi cian, Doctor Physic, and isagraUuateoft&o Umreni ty of Pennsylvania, and for thirty years sidee has been engaged in the investigation of disease, And the appli entmn ot remedies thereto. . , •nitough the uso.of his masting tube, in connection with Ins Prophylactic Syrup amfotherofhil remedies; he has gained un unparalelied eminence-tn caring those dreadful and fatal maladies, Tnbtrcular Con sumptioh, Cancers, Scrofula. Rheumatism, Asthma, 1 Peter aud Ague, Favor* of.ail kinds, Chrdnio Erysipe las. and all those obstinate dtseasespeculiar to females. Indeed even- form of disease vanishes under the use of hi* remedicmto.which humanity is heir—not by the use of one compound only, for that is Iresmpatible with Physiological Uw, but by the use’of his reme dies, adapted to aud prescribed for each peculiar form i>t disease. ‘ | . Dr. Rose’s Tonie Alleraiive Pills, when used are in. variably acknowledged Lo be superior id all other, hs a purgative or fiver pill, inasmuch mi they leave the bowels perfectly free from coattvenesfi a* also his Golden Pill* is admitted by the faculty liVposress pecu liar properties adapted to female diseased-hot being satisfied that a bore trial is sufficient to e-tablish what has.been said iu the imiuls of the mart skeptical. The afflicted ara invited tri call opoi: the agent, and procure (gratis) one of tho Doctor's pamphlets giving a detailed account of each remedy aud hs application. For sale by tho following agents, ns Welt as by most Druggists throughout the country: J Scbooumaker k Co, 21 Wood street,'Pittsburgh; J M Townsend, druggist, 4£ Market #t Lea A Beckham, „** near the P. O. Allegheny pity; Jos Barkley, Darlington, Beaver eoouty, Pa. jno Elliott, Ennon Valley, “ ;* “ T Adam*. Beaver, “ “ “ . novln-dly ' ' '■ • SELLERS’ VERMTFTJGE IN GEORGIA— CoMnuus, Jan. bth,' 13«. •Mr. R. E- Sellers:—Your VermiTuee, has sold well,' and has been high yjspoken of by bQ who hava Used • Ll ; From the sueoewi atiepding tho anuunislranoa of* your Vermifuge in every ease l Uavejheard of. I am confident I ean sell -ruore during the! coming season than I dirt last. glad lo.recciJre another sup ply of< ori gro««. -toarf;respeeifd!ty, . . [Extract from letter.) R. CARTER. Prepared and sold by JL E. SELLERS, S 7 Wood, ml and sold by druggists gtaeraHy, In-Pittsbaxgh and Ai leghnjr. • -|aa . • -• » .—.-a urJt- *,J?I s j .C .".la.SJ.t **«»■ “.*»»& <jUyiWi r \ V c.- .-• •. r Cy- VOL. XVir. NO. 57. ; _ ' ‘ 1 ’'•"."’■•m#. MEDICAL. CIJLLERS: UVER PItLS WAS MTDOCTOR.-J 5p x- * r ”.uS£ ss«£g 1, ® > ®** nc “ e - Lonnglhe m D nUi t»Utme, IhiVLtbd? fi . Te f.y 4 nwe "i T7 i>' *»PP«ilo;iiuiMLaoiliny rtreiicth Slk ‘ «»*«* prostrated, yfhh; Mtverepam [ shoulders. I wasiold Vyine<ileal|ncoib**mr.dl*aJ* •wm & severe attack of lircf eompJaiou: I.taok.aevL , r%, Iwim oi M’l.aneV I aver Pill*,-*nd *«n* ayrtiE ! tuiarter • f eeUln ff worsc. I. finally canriadedta pt^rp , mj-ielf under the o, phyriciaa for'SeUerifT worse; hut, foriuaately 4 JtufatthN time, 1 %ra« told by.tbe Rev. I. Nibfeck, of this p!a*e, that a friend hall mut htm « box of Seller Liver Pilio frost emai*roh“ fwbicb liad licoefittfd him very much, i forthwith eeat for n box of your Liver Pill* and bythSttoMl was dans niuur them. 2 wavvaiilsfied that iiraru iou the medicine tbw suited my et«L l-wntfor o«X and took fire or rix boxes, and found tnyadlf'ilfitodt enUrely cored; but La Alwrft. lastl caught,* fevero cold, which broujrht.hact.tbc in «»hbn tinje I cat. as bad as ever.. L utzii iljd recourse to yobr river.PifK 'and took th?ia ►rcry'r.tber night for *tx weeks, and eeea*kmiUfy.merv»«id |eaiy.|iow»ay, that I con row say, that I tccl tiiCe if any •ymp'toms of the Liver CompijLbtrnninfy irrneTihadßlthii-ili goodcowovit has been fortho l**L Uiyean, x . My neighbor* n*k,me who wai my jloctor:'l «1i them that Seller*' Liver Pills wav my-yccWr/amKby (he blessing of Dtviae meqjagot enbgg' tnc., 1 >m confident thitMvben the paMid bceodio ao* quoimed with the value of your I ( (rvr:FiU*f-this de-\ mand for them wtiiincieruv -Many of myuotghboß,’ to whom 1 have rveetamrmt.'tl the pills, can tctiilyto their voloe. u well a* to the fact* abovp »taihd..'rJil • Keapoetfallyyogr*, , .pKOEgs^UujtSj*.' .To Tax Ptbuc.—The Original. oiilytra* oodrenß toine Liver Pills are prepared..UvilL L.-Se!lcns and ’ have hi* name stamped in Wick whx upim'th'e nd^bf' !^£!, »n o *l , and ihq oatfchloiwtWV- ' others are counterfeits or bate imitmiou*. *. . - «pt 37 R.T; SELLERS. Waafdtt ■ caution V.d A Du by the name P.luls engaged Willi # young man of the Dame ofS. I’.Towrtsena.'dnd , nnuie 10 pomp a Sarsaparilla,! dauoraitpuing ft uE-NulM.., Original, etc. Thu Tbwnsendis jio'fldo tor and never wav. but wa* formerly a workers* «4N : md the hka. Vet ho attunes the title Dr-[or the purpose of gaining credit for wltiirWii ” ot - Hd U lending out carda headw k *Xnck» f ol quacks, n m which ho says. I have sold the use of my for. *7 a week. I will give S. P.TowiudotftflW » te will produce one single solitary ptoofof v ihiif“ inn {«to raation the public not to no deceived, and purchase, none but the GENUINEOHIOINALOLU >25? Sarimporilla. haviuj H lhe uiu Dr. s likcue»,.-hi* family coat of arms, and his *!£•. ncros* the coat ef ansa •“lij.i'j, . . , •' . JACOBTOWNSpSIX 1 nscipal Office, 102 Nassau it. New, Y^rkCily. OLD - ■ -■ = DOCTOBU TItB ORIGINAL ;I)rSOOVKBBH. OP TflE • ■ XafegF ' TOWNSEND R A Its APA ftg f ,T,A» . . - Old Dr. Tnwijjeud ifjnow about 70 tear* of iif«£and 5 no« long been known «, -the AUTftOR aadDISCO SAH^APAniI.LA.• Bemgpoor. ho wns compelled to limit us manufacture, bv ryh»«.Kv.. n -kept out of market, n»d the' sale* to thOMjonlywliohid proved itJ.Worth'and'lchosvtfiu . value. ikis fiiuxD ant* •manufactured on jha largest scale. fend*Ujudleafor throughout the l.mcth and breadth ofthalauJ." ••’■* Lnlico young S l . J\ Townsend’*; it-improve*'jWitft age, and nuvei change*, hut fortho heuer, bee auto it J*, prepared on aclenufic principles by a idtcntlfblßan. The highest knowledge of-ChemiatrV, and IhotUsst discoveries of the Art. have oil been brought into re*' <, f ,lU^ in ,bc mail U'acturc 01 the Old Dr.VSars6p**ii riila. The Sarsaparilla root, it 1« wcll knowntomed*' •cal raeh,contain* medicinal propertievnnd *<?ine pro- tiei which are Inert-.or if tetained in preparing it for nee. priducorfenmmta* uon and acid, which iniujuriou* to tita system. Soma. t»Mhe properties of Sarsaparilla arelso-wledWHbitt they entirely evaporate pnd are loatin the DrcDara uou, if they are not preserved by a eeientific |>ro4e*s, known 01117 jo those experienced la tu menu (kdtaro. Moreover there principles which fly offia va j^T;,o? JU5 n under heat, pro the very >,'■ P Th^ enie * ° rtha GKxuinna'' OLD DR. JACOB TO WNj*ENI>-8 S.UUAPAWLLA uso prepared; that nil the inert properties or the gar- ■ aapamla root Are Cm removed, everything eahable ol becoming aeidor offennentaiionJ laeitraetotLand rejected; then every li-vticlc-qfmedical vinae i» eee«. red tnapure and concentrated /bnnjacd tbas‘ ills' rendered incapable of taxing any of h% xaluabtaan: healing properties. Prepared In this way, it is'uLoaa the most powerful Agent in iho / - CUKE OF INNUMERABLE DISEASES-., iteoce the reason why tre hear corninctidatiort* on eyerTsidein aswpbrl’Tmon.'vromea and ehiWren. *» c bnd it OoiiiewpLilew in the care of ConFomotlon, Dyspepsia, nndlayet Complaint, and In TUi'eatnatism, Scrofula and P»le*,!Co*tivenes«, all Cntiaeoua Ernii lions, 1 unples, Blotches, and all affection* arituic from - IMPURITY OF TIIK IILOOD. '■• • : ItpoMeuen a tndrvciions effioacy id all compialnta arums from indigestion, from Acidity bftho Sioma-b: irom unequal clrcu’alion, determination ofblooJtatha head, palpitation ofiho heart, cold fcetjftndcoldJwnda euld e&ilu and hat l ; flushes had its equal m coughs *ud coldsjanil prorbotsfrcovY ' f l f£ e °i°r i *H oa » “*{ «cnti« perspiration, seinxiogAaio turc of the lunga, throat, ami c»er/oliu*r part.' Baimnothtpg is it* excellence rodreinacithsdyocen and csikliOWiedgsd than in all kjnds and stascs « . FEMALECOMPLALVK.' v ••.;•• it woTia venders In cases of floor Jdbus4T-wh;>*a .* I Faihn* ofthc Womb, obr.rttcind»3aii pro jsed, or Pain- M Menses, Irregularity of the atdh*rt&sfcr»4s «d the like; and is effectual in coriar aliiortaf af thaXid..' ■' i "^? lsc *f c *- I «ng the general system, it grrer tone-kai 'stfeaShto'.: the whole body, and cures all (one* of, -c f> w?“ > M.RVOUS DISEASES AW) DEB!LinV : . ' ana thus prevents or rMicTes 1 * *reabv*rtety*fc>ifcir ; l diseases, ail Spinal Inflation Neuralgia, Vitas ..k®’.Fpilepue Fits,Cor.vulfmasj Ae. I* not this, xn» Alxoicntx toit PoE-Hiiftorfcy NjcxdT I . Rut can any of these things b« saidol.&.P.Towa. / senal interior nrticio!,' This yonnjt miufi liuoiJi* not to bo COMPARED WITiIthK OLD ffi * ?' ttrof Fact,j<hai Ute one is incapable \ l NEyERSPOILS; I er lXJh*; n sours, ferments. and blows ih*nfcosw ‘ m w^ 1 ' 1 " 8 'AIllto 1 llt0 Armenia; the sear,.acid Jiquldex- " Ua , rr ? i? ‘ !1 3 o;h K°o‘L! iVo?thortlis hor nble compound be jioisonsus to ton. »yeJeml;nWhatl ' pat actq imo a system already diiea'ed.'with ncid! • .V . 1 f* 11 ®?* Dyrpppsld hut acid! Do Mre nottfFicnow, -' that when food spur* m our stomachs,whßtfnttehxr.fs it produces.—Qat&bmcc, heartburn, paJmuitu>it oflbe- •' heart, User complaint, diarrhtaa. rirsMiarrffi&if «M 5 eorrupuoH of the Mood? .What i» SaSfqlafcot «n mrid'-'• humor In the body! What prodoces atf the’tanuors l ' which bring on Eruptions'of the Salt Rheum,{hysipejas,White Swellings,‘ and alt ulcerations Internal anffcxtemalK Jfcir noth! me under but an add substance, wiueh aoors, and thus spqils all the fluids of the body, worker less; - Wfcat onuses Rheumatiam but asonpasidOnid.whleh insinuates itself between thr joints and ehcvJkare, ir mating and inflaming the tender and deUfattftmues all the ailments which affltet hnmajrnsltte; 1 *- ■ Now, u U not horrible to.nxako nndsclL oik} infinite ly worse louse tiiis • ■ SOURING, . , UFS.P.JOWASE.ND! ... , r , L eik * wou l*l fmn have it understood lhaf Obi Ja* cob Townrend’s Genuine Original Binbaporifla, it an Imitation of hts inferior preparation!! * Heaven forbid that we should deal tn'' aj’i articl* which would bear Um most distant -resemblance to &*■ P. artiek! ami which ahoald brine down* upon the Old Dr. such a mountain load' of Complaints - and criminations Cron ftgeuis who bare sohL'and nor. ‘ clmacrs who hare used 6. d^Jovrascnd’s.FcraciiUn* \Ve with h undcrttobd, because it ii-ihoiabtOlata mub, that fit. P. Townsend's article and Old Dr. Jacob Towhseud nibiuvapariliu ore beaTcii-wWe' cparJ, ami infinitely dissimilar, thatthry an qDlUtein every par- ■ ucular, having not oao aiugle thing i a common. ' it is to arrest frauds upon the 'Unfortunatel to pour halm into Wounded Ltmipßity, to. kindle hope in the ' derpainn; Uosom, to restore health and Moom'ana ri gor into the brushed and broken and to banish iofirtni ,y7sE.?MrP- JACOUTDVVNSILND hasS OUGHT and FOfND ihe opjlominlty amrmcafiiilbfbrlnf hit Gaxr<D UMVKRSAUCONCRNraLA'rKD.BKAfiDY.-: wuhin me i iach, and ta the knowledge of ajlwbo need it, that thfey insy leant atuf know, by'yoylful er» penener, iu 7fiinscexDrafcrt>M’Sßjaaß4tl - f Fur suio by J. KIDOiCOj AVhoh:i ft 7e Aslnt for Western t’e in«y!vaniat J.-tf.MlTff, BfnrrthlthaJi: Dr. J. SAKGEANT. AJinsbenrliDr.'j, CASaftLb; Flnh ward, u. \y GARDNER, eth ward, riiUuurghspO * - &Ltzx, CoKimhiana ctf.,QJ ApR 21. lflil' DR. D. JAYNE& D*aa Sac-l’fMl- Cnd' toyon aud the afflicted public, to avail myself of thitop-: I ppnniuiyofffirlnffpabUciirtoihaexwwrtinaryetrccti I of yoar KiMotorant onmysel/1.. Haying Wen afflicted for several yean with a severe cougbl-hectic fever . ami its concj mutant and wcoedenly doomed to inccroutashortbut miserable existence, until the ffi^SSram^tes i syas!3^ag3g^--2:- 1 * vanish,] had recommended tome yaurEknemomnl-- and blessed by that iking- who does fothe - o»e of,the means—and contrary to the expectations of my physicians and friend*; I was raised •• Rom my bed, and was enabled by tha i«c»f a bottle to I,u, “ SCM » enjoying since bener healthtluut ■ Iliad for ten yearn previous. .- .• .--- -j a Rcpcci/cllyraua,to,:. . J«.5V.Emu. r^V^V 1 1,tu1, “ , * h > «'U» l*«toT«a sSS“re ' Fottrutrtrtct. ■ ■ - , i.... ?>■*,.: or« 0 jcars.itliiafjin^,olTcm to ircttl aifee*rs S IHanecen-a. »!|>U>i«H'Wtal^u»' ( Meib> f bct-n proverbial. l itto,. .ij, nfviscr.te, end la t cerevMnnMenl. OH b c»re v*,irfcMW wll^rt _ s i “OW Uw l*t Jauw- P ft iar K° toI!«t»n ofr*re fftflC'.chwce Plant*. -• I SMI Carpaodiha cnusiny, will bo; 1 wt-h * rdtorti Onhilbai « ll} o'clock, 5 f l '~k'P. ,k 'P o*JfcnpemteeprajcinJoo,and c!o»l on £ “«i»£ - -•• owtl • /.r.-?J,M’KAIM. ! Athenocnm SaTooa cn'n _ " ~ tlihwnti i*. noqrn prepared 10 aerre' .■*■ up roealan: all ln‘colmeci»n with Bjihllcr by tijc day or'week. . I .' -v.*i ; • ~ff. hvpalu •> .i : :'Pwpnrwr/{ “• • - :■ • -■ J •'■" * 'a’irw'-v - :i. ■- G *’l r a»iiß4 fl»OOfid ’' ilDgKaimb^- in p