BY MAGNETW TELEiJMH]. , BKPOIITED 4 FOR THE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE PKHBBYLVAVIA~ ELECTIOSB. Private Detpatch for the (Jazelte. CRAWFORD AND ERIE ..COUNTIES. Unit, Oct. 11, IM9. Crawford county gives Gamble only pbout 200 majority, and ibe.wholt Whig ticket is elected.— Thte.ia a Whig gain of iwo members. . ■ Ift Erie county, Fuller 1 * majority is about 1100. A very email tain out. PHILADELPHIA CITY AND COUNTY. pmLiozLruu, Oct. H Gamble has a majority io both city and county. The Democratic ticket for Sheriff, County Assem bly, and Beneior, i* elected. Tbe city i* Whig. YORK COUNTY Gamble’s msjority, 60- BUCKS COUNTY Gamble’s majority,' &0. UCOmf DISPATCH. PHILADELPHIA COUNTY ’Crambfo ha* a probable majority of abotjt 1,000. iTbe ‘lndependent' 1 Mayor ia doubtlexa elected -*ia tbe City (proper,) there is not a hundred votes difference either way. 0810 EbECTIOSS, CiscunuTuOct 11. HIGHLAND AND FAYETTE COUNTIES. ’Peityon and Pogtley, Whig candidates for the Hoaae aid Senate, are elected by forge majorities. MARION AND UNION COUNTIES. jOoplaad, Whig, elected. GUEBSNEY COUNTY Tbe Democratic representative baa 200 of a ma jority. *1 PIKE AND ADAMS COUNTIES. Taylor, Democrat, ia elected by 250 mnjoqjy. PREBLE COUNTY. Hawkins', Whig, i» elected by a majority oM"S. THE LEGISLATURE The Whigs have the Senate, und of course the Democratic member from Hamilton county will be excluded, and a Whig admitted to the House— 31 Whiff and 31 Democrats are elected,‘lpretty cer tiia—s are doubtful, but the cbcncc ia ia fororoi the Whip. . 3E&OU3 RIOT IN PHILADELPHIA. pHfUUJELPnu, Oct. 11. A serious riot occurred here last evening. A large brick boose, frequented by blacks, in tbe lower part of the city, was burnt down, consuming the surrounding property. Tbe attacking parties were Whites from Moyamensing; the tir.-mea who came to save tbe property, were driven off, as also were the police. ‘Fire arms were freely used by the rioters. 1 " Two persons were killed, and eleven wounded’ some (stilly. ' No amist* could be made until this morning when the military [were brought down. . CINCINNATI MARKET j OISCtSSATI, OcL 11. The river rose aihee morning 22 inches, it is now in fine navigable order. The, weather is cold for tbe season. • Flour—Prjcea to day advanced five cents per bbL Sales were Ims'de to amodufato -extent at *4 600*4 71 per tbL for new. -Whiskey—Pricra declined, and sales were e£ footed at 21 1 per gallon. Provision*-—Pork—We note sales of SOO bbls. of mess, at *$ per bbL We have l no change to note is other articles usually quoted. Prices aro uncharged. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. PmiADEU’HJA, Oct. 11. The very disagreeable weather, at present, has checked commercial transaction*. NEW YORK MARKET. 1 SOOX REPORT. ' Nxw York, Oct. 11, Quotations (he tame ns yesterday. Nrw Yoav, Oet. U. Flour—The! market is in favor of the buyer. Wheat—The market baa a downward tendency. Com—There Is a good deni doing in corn, but no marked change in prices... . Provisions—-There is nothing- doing worthy of notfee. 1 i Lard Is quiet with regular salesj ■primp, 7c; in** Saior6jo6» j , Hemp—Saids of dew rotted, were made at $l6O per ton.. There is uo particular-change to notice In aay article Jjqoted.. The ttedmer is now over due, and is expected momentarily toarnve. . NEW .YORK MARKET. „ . : pci. n»b. Floor—The tronsactioas to day have been mo* derate, without'aay material change ia prices, al though upon the whole the market is heavy; good ' western tad straight brands, rate from* —primesslB|. ' Com—There it do change ia the market tor fnin of any description, and previous quotations may be rammed.' Whiskey—We notice safes of Ohio, at 251(227. Codon—The Mock in this port is estimated st 44,000 bales. Pneea to day advanced from an eighth to a quarter per Ibr *' , . BT LAST BIGHT'S HAIL. FAYETTECOUNTY. We learn from the Browoßville Free Press, that la Fayette, tf &r tu beard from, Fallera majority is 192. The balance of the two tickets received a vole with the Canal Commi&sicmera. WASHINGTON COUNTY. The Washing ton Commonwealth Ogives the re* iamass far as heL’rd from, up to lour o'clock, Wed. iteeday Enough is known to show that the whole Democratic ticket, with perhaps, one exception— Mc&iDq, Treasurer— is elected. Mercer county. The Mercer Luminary of Wednesday speaks confidently of the electiou of ilnge and I>eeoh to the Legislature; and of the success of whole bf the Democratic Ticket LAWRENCE COUNTY. Retnrna have been received from New Castle, Slippery JtocJr,Neahaaaock and Mabomug. These Townahipe giro 200 for Emory, and J. 70 for Waugh- Huge and Leecli are therefore elected.byacouaid crable majority.' Tbe whole Whig Ticket la elected in Lawrenc Coonty—some, with majorities. ■- USp 0 - 4 * Tyj rtiH IU ADDER—2 «*»• jw«Jfg “} f"-’’ 1 ' I 1 by I oetS Kr. »bUi.r.K» oa c.,... 5 g 1 « I r c H^°j,-g s '-v JSncF«^> c . »r tJrCANPL(aa c S-Tni Vr Ja TXT B. CHK£Si>-!riW hXi prime W B Cbeww: foi M > salejty j octS \VICK it M;CAM)LEgg^ T)AKSED FLANNKLS—3 CX(I Hirred Flanoeli, J«« rtc’d todfijr **lo Uy pieeA, »y . 6«4 I H Lt'-K, Libert)' »t, opPfo6Ho«M rtfr eei3 WRMjl*B£U* k*5TS5TL£a7J«t rec-'d. io « a»eUOTHS— VV. RTSlerphy in»ii*s .Jr , , P*rucnlir attention of Layer*, (either by wbdotaie or reuifrnSTiN «*ek of French Broad* Jan receiredl Alas, wool dye Pienoh Ca*«l marea, plain and taaey. octd * ®*? 1 °/ ?d»®?e toodi Jh »t rec’il, and offered whole* aala and mad at Dry Good, Hook of ... . ,WR MURPHY' /~T*EdAfCHEbgE~ai bi* ■J. Fti«f» extra Cream CMeie, tery fine, juitrcc’d and for laleby f P tf7 J it CANFIELD ; T3OA KENT—a Boom on No td Wood -*- * L ' *• oetf T) OGB—ReeM direct from the inrv >or«— JjL factnren, a larga «ia*w - * •*tyle and chr** j ftooi U>e itn'oricr* and &uao> JX frctaren, a lug* nock of &U ki id* of Ita**; **w atylc *gd_chc_»p._ LV _. >PBS T • OS’ WTTSI WBQB ifhft twderijoMof exiendinj ihetrb anne** la the remote* ®( r»Teue, Ofoeoo, tioiaenel «nd «V*o In Wertero 'irnni*, wiU fbd the VAVI?TTBW«ia, pabb*b*4 at Umontown, a detirable mtdJota, u iiclr eaU»»tar*elr »otW place* ipeciftedaKOfe. Term* moderate- •_ ■ ' lan^.'&dSra* OIGKT BUd shonUBW UILLSoFI SWlfiLNOfcVji.y- Q *M* to Ctnemnou, LcuifTUle aj VI St. pur e Sued on the oust faYonble leran. I m* ■ N.HoiLMBB-fcfeVWa. ffiAffNERS’.OH^lO hhla Jojt rec' s'madfor n-Eby" l agra i KHhflf. >1 A'. {THEWS fcCC) „ li/jSio'V p ■ Burnev sod **kct pfUens*.oah*3M Jind receiving; - ferhkleby »PtlP, V fCo. RVLL, .*7 Weed m •VteW LIGHT —A fresh supply of '%*nu«S Rutd,'" N Cot the ce« L*n>P*i Jn«t nre’d by .■■ • SOMPR4CATKIN.SON, jtt*t,betwtea Woob’ »BdMan'«i*u - R 7 W* htv« «*»d» arrangement*- to be eoa suaUy mnW. • f , *a a 7. v ssiSi 5 IIOMMaAi, R&-ORD. PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRAPS COMMITTEE FOR OCTOBER- - , *.V tos mxxhobst. w. u. cExrr , J San j Sun I ri.*?a I vet*-;, I'fl“f 3 M 6 2 & SI I * A 1 5 . It; 4 5 *t9 6 6 5 29 6 7 fin 6 H 5 25 15M. I AIiHASACi OCTOBER. ] 0 Saturday, T 7 Sunday, ♦ . S Monday, ;•• 9 Tuesday, 10 Wednesday, It Thursday, t ' 12 Friday. W.... rrrncE. l'rmucßon Gazette, f r Morning. October Hi, Ifc-D. * j • rday was cold and nrw', and lire is* quiet. We find no material union*. The river continues in and the shipment* of dry’ goods article* of Pittsburgh raanufae full. Tbe rale* of freight ou the eing 15S'20c to Cinciunati r ond 20 The weather ye*W< market generally W ekange from loot quo fine navigable order.l iron, and tbr variou turc continue quite f river ah) very low, l • OtSe to Pt. Louis FLOUR—The mai 1 only to the tegular he limited lots on ike w: in dray load lotsut Sil tremely light, and vdi CRAlN—Nothing l market Very little | ilod. We uoia rnodt ket ■* quiet, and sale* are confined sme demand. We note sales in tori' at 51,2534,37; and from store Receipts arc ex- Jry little is offered at the river. - of interest b»« imntpircd in the |s coming in, and supplies are lim •rate sales from first hands as fdl- L Barley 35ifi6Cc, Rye tOe, Corn P bo. tall supplies are held in the market lows:—'Wheat 91 if: 40c, and Oats at 27c RYE FWUR-S at 83.02 GROCERIES—\V e notice no change in quotations; price* arc general! ,• very firm, and a fair kas'inessis doing at the foilowi: ig pneer—N. O. Sugar in hkds Cl fftljc lor prime. N O. Molasses 9?jJ>29r for oak, and 27c (or cypress I>|
  • 111 stales of Loaf Pugar i,i >-M|i ol Ricc at s‘c lb. PROVISION'S*—' ' 'he market i» without chance. Wr_ notice a fair supply of Racon Phoutdera and Sides, hut the supplier of Itar j arc very tip lit Sales of OMi to* Shoulders and Sidi*, in dttferent lots, at s&s{e tor Shoulders. and 3|e or Sides. Sales of Lard in barrel* and kegs at G}«9<£<, as in qo&Uty. Rutter is scarce, and we licnr of lio 1 large taler; good keg t* worth Sc * ft. CHEESE— We notice heavy receipt*, and full sup plies in market Sales hare keen quite busk at Go7c for common in best \\\ R. regular bnsiuesv is doing ai the fr-lp nving quoted rales*. Water Crnrker*, per bid Rutter dor “ ” Dyspeptic do' •* *• Pilot Un-ad. , *• - 1 * Sugar Ciackeis, per lb • • Soda do " . ASHES—SaI* % have been confined to htni'.rd lots nl the following priced—Pearlashfle; Saleratuifi], Potash Ac, Soda Asli AfaysV, and Score kings at 3£o3ic4> to PRUITS—A fail) business is doing in the varicti| ar ticles uiid'.'i this head,at the ro!lcwingqn(iiatioii«:—Al monds, l’jyff l?c; Groundnuts, tOc ¥ bu; IVcnn*, 7c ft; Philbert*. *c, Crcamnutrs «c tO; Zame Currant*. S|c t* ft; KoisinsJotJ, SJ ? box; Lemon*, scarce, 57 bor, English Walnut*, &&. WOOL—Price* 1 epumme steady, and the following may now be gtvou as the present ruling figure*: Far Xk>tnmiln J "— —•• 25p E> ,J bloqd --27 c “ i do - 2ec do -...-30 u •• - I .I* Sfc •• " Poll Blood- —-— A3* *' u Prime -* • - S?ie “ WHISKEY - We notice novanaiioniti price*. Snl* of Rectified at 28c ? gall. • FEATHERS—We note sab* ficm store in limited quantities at ultffrc V &• CANDLE.**— Pt’icct arc without rhnnge Sales ot Dipped nlUc. Tollow ot llfj'e, and of Star Candle* ut 2ltf :»2c ft. SOAP—Regular sales of Ciaimon Kosm nt price* ranging, us in quality, from 4 to-4ic {► ft. • Ovaat Low uu Rn River.—The Alexandria,Repub lican state* that the losses through the iuqndation will be immense. It that parish alone, if the |crnp of cot- ton be eMimated at 23.000 boles,’ and of sugar at It'.non bogsheatl, with the u*uaf qncutity of molawcs, the loss will be Pi;TOfl.lrJU; and should the injuries done ti the corn crop arid property generally be takenintoconuti enrnon, tl will ran up to 83,0tt),iMl. The R d River valley, instead offgiving 130,90) talc* of cotton, wti! not yield this year more than 3u,tflKi. Here is s loss »f 80.W0.W0. I’ontnxaruT Notkv—The Wilmington (N C ) Com mercial, of Thursday, cautions the public ceiving counterfeit note* on the Bank of Cape Fear, of the denomination of SU. The paper aud engraving of tl»c counterfeit arc in'erinr in si} le to the genuine tiotr*. ‘bui not to muc.i so us lo arrest iheamcutiou'oi u cure less observer. .1 CbmmcrcVwi and Money’ Matters. New Yosa, October 6 The ruarkM fur Stocks to-dav wav heavy, and with but little doing genera ly. The Fancies fell off with the eicpplion of l-!nej which improved i per cenv Gov erumecu were in vniall inquiry and heavy. The sain of Ifarlrm were large, and the market fell off 1 per rt; L Formei* ! Loan was also heavy, *dJ decfuied 1 per ck There was no Second Board held. The Exchnngr market i* Inacavc, but (he rale* touch closely on the specie point. Flral-class Sterling (Jills are lb per cent, bat good cun be bought at !>loDj Francs and all Continental Exchanges are scarce and high, tn that sh’pdienl* Of silver are profiiable. The next French packet will have ail the silve, coin that cun be collected, say fcjno.bOQ. alihough it is not easy to find »o muck There it er>n*id*raMe coiueosmng m from the We»i..'which t* used for this porposc. Cn'ia ds has lately t'lfen considerable silver from thisresor voir,.and probably a little more will lake ihatdin-cuon ■before the Winter sets m. There is nothing to indicate that shipments of gold will be required to rlngtau-i lor some time to mice; indeed; the renewal of arai'i and floor shipment*, npd the high pr.ees ruling for Cd'tO'i. will lend to pr* veiit aoch a contingency. Still thf pros pect of inch » ihfmcnu it greater than it was a month ago. / ! OarTtoney market remtii's without change, If there be onv difference |in first class sreantie*. it ts in f iver of th* iKnrower. lOn satisfactory colla'.eral losns on short-call arc free|y made at 4 p-f cent, and bi W)iol*0 days mo::ey can be had at 3 per cent: reahy firtbeln* short paper go*-* it S3cp cmhfx, aranutiled to f 1;6u3 57U. The importations at lbi» porvfoT September readied i~,25l CH7, being Jauahle.merchanduc, S3.SBii.3GI; free. specie, W2SM3S Wc cutinat give our usual table of comparative imports for the year, in erjn«c qoenre of. the delay in making up the Auguit report which is yet Mtind.—(Tribune. ■ cattle Markets.', B*LT!Mos«, 'Oet. », t-lU. r Cuttle—Tl»e offerings at the'scales to-day reached muiiead, of which 710 were sol! to city butcher*, i:ta. to feeders. S 3 left over unjo’d, and 073 were driven in Philadelphia . , price* ranged from 81 ro«l on the hoof, equal to ft 04.75 net averaging Sit 4 gross Hogs—We quote fronrf-t.73t0 S3.—[Anr. ' Spirit of thaDomeatlo Market*. Balt!MO«e, October u Flour—There have hern no transaction* «f any ino- Howard «Ueet flour sinee our l««t. Holder* are asking f 5.lV|, hut buyer* aro not disposed to give more than Bo.’ I _ VVe note sale* to-day cl IvHW .bbl* City Mill* at ?j nmilOMJ bbWaiiSVSl- Grain—Not much Wheal at market. Sale* of R to prime red* to-jday at 1000103 c, aud of white at 10? 0115 c. f ' tSalc* of yo IoW Coro ort Saturday at 63385 c. hut to day the sale* isxroat &!361c, and of white at GloU3c. We qor.te Oatt at OOO3UC. Provisions—Small sales of Sides are making «' Gje. and of SboulJcra at s|o£c. Sales of tHJJ bbl» aud OtJO kept of Lard warn made on private term*. Whiskey—The demand is not|iv;\ and sales are making at ire for hhds, and lor hbls.— [American. / **t' albist, O*ioliero Wool—Sinrd oar report last Saiurdny, the transac tions In Wool‘have been very limited, hut bolder* .ire very firm. tot! lior the loner grades a slight advance on former sales Is bow asked. The receipt* for the week eiulinr to-day, were about KS.OOO fb»,*nd the ruler were 13,tiOQ fes to tcinnfscluren. IVc ehcr our quotation* to conform u> tila,yuw» of bolder*, iit wbich lbe salerf were mode Vf* quote .Common Paiony Fleece do fall blood Meriuo- •• do jl*nd| do do fjiaiive and i Meriw rtoperbne billed country No. I i do »saper6ne nulled city "Vo.- 1 ! . |do lamb*' f • '■ 1 proVIWKKUH. rvVirfKERS wUI Cod -a complete assortment «f Brs»» I Kettles,'Jfpanaed and Unua Canllertiekn, Fiie •ThoVel* and .Tongs. Bnatlcr*, .“theme* -'and La* dlea. Fleab Fork*, and all other kmd» of'gwxN osu* keßt br thbm. and for sale *t exirt-ni«;iowpnce!>.. . oets h t LOOAN, WILLIN' ACO tTiIoHOMY^3LARKKTU m|ju*i recef. einr uhoaFFall aupply of Kconoriy lliankeu, -*r“ ? |U goldat » «tn*il tulvajirn nn manufneiu i OClSallw J-OljN-KHBA. *"?!*sJ2^-aft£ M haw",™ ] V—«■ lachirrd a few fine I'/cmlum'lJlaiikri*, 01 *** TM . r tji* Quality. are inmrd iu Gr SininfftM?K«!l and Winter con,... aiik yelvet p * sct ®if* u- ■ / «• French Merino Cloaks j -a cloth and ailk Paletot*; . ~/ : ~. U Hilk MaiHilU*. These a«teU-<( art late*l and molt fa*bUnabl« »iyle«. AJboi French Ea>hroideri«i | . C 4 Linen*and h*pkm*- xJtOt Iriia Linens, imported t») himself direct. octfidlml - J. Th« Cbartler* Coal Company. 1 {IN'CfrRPOKATKD.]» BOOKS wifi !* Open for suN-eripuon to the nockl *>f “The Chartim Coal Company,” cn and after -Monday, the viik litjr of September in«i, at ibe office of*. W. Beilartoa, Penn at, Ki*i*banr»». »pt2latt/ ( " 2W. ITLMINGTON PORT OF PITTSBIIi^F. AKRKJV£D. : Louts MeLaae, Bennec, BrowoßviUe. R WifttUnao; —■ Elizabetlt. Pcytona, Hendrickson, McKeesport Philip Doddridge, Brownsville-. Caleb Cone, Murdock, Beaver. Beaver. Clark, Wcllaville. • James Nelsotj, Moore, Wheeling. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. Lake Erie. Gordon, Beaver. Camden, Hendrickson, M’Keesporl. Thomas Scott,Beaver. Embasiy, Cox, Cincinnati. - Lowell, Dexter, do Wrn. Phillips, Calfish, Allegheny. Elite, Bowen*, Cin. Allegheny Clipper, Abrams, Cin. Allegheny Belle, ; Franklin. Arena, ■■■ ■, Franklin. DEPARTED. Louis McLane, BcnueU. Brownsville. R Wightman, , Elisabeth. Peytonn, Hendriekaon, M’Keesport * Caleb Cope, Murdock, 1 Wellaville. James Nelson, Moore, Wheeling. , Lake Erie, Gordon, Bdaver.* Beaver, Cltuk, Wellaville Camden, Hendricßsoo, M’Keesport. Parkinson, Brownsville. Thomas ScolL , Wellaville. Philtp Doddridpe, ■ ■ , Brownsville. Planter, ——, Cincinnati. Pennsylvania, Greenlee. Si. Lou<*. / Oriental, Loots. / Brilliant, Grace, Cincinnati. I Win. Phillips, Coltish, ■ .. ( Allegheny Belle. —. Franklin. "" j Arena, ——, Franklin. j There were C feet 0 inches in channel loot even ing at dask, and falling. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. Brownsville Packet*, at S A. M. and tr P. M Bsavar Packet*, 8 A. M. and 4 P. M. WclUviila Packeta, 10 A. M. Cincinnati—Clipper No. 2, Louisville —Ringgold. Lydia Collins. Fort Put. FOE FUtLAOELrau. D. l tav btpre of one of the hog-cha>n* Tlie Clipper arrived hrrt: yesterday morning. • 1 A deck passenger on bnanl Ike Clipper, by the name t l Rrree. whi lost overboard, an(l it was *up;>o*ed that one was lost Vom the Ludlow, uJlht cry of “mail ov erboard ’ *v«! heard from the L. jimucdimieiy after the , collision. CurrWNi 2—The splendid Filtshurgh and Cincin imli parket * earner Clipper No. 2, Capl Prcsn Duvol, will leave t) it day pi 10 o’clock. A. M.. her regular hour vf deps rtnrc for Ctucmnau, offering an easy pas sige and lulid accoimH-vdaiiotts u> all who may be going in that direction ' - The Cuppc r has just undergone thorough repair* and painting, ant in appearance i« a.together that of a bran new boat, t apt. 1) and his first and second clerk's. Vet*r* -Weif|» and Anderson, are clever fellnws, and posses* every qualification to make easy and comfort able all who place them-elve* under their charge. For CixnpVATt —The splendid steamer Ringgold. Cupl. Cope, leave,* for the Queen City thi* day W« take pleosor: in rreommenditig the Ringgold, a* a boat of the very >e«t order uf her cla**; and (cel assured, that if Csjii O rereive* hi* due, he will leave with' a lull load < f freight, and farr show* f passenger- I3JPOUTS UT RIVER. CINCIN: !ATl—l’er Lowell—Sti bale* wool, W liar k. r, 3 iihd* !h*con, J P Hurinci, 40 bbls whi.key. F C Mart n; M.iks trenails. 13 do leather*. W Uiogbam: •> Uiid* ufuaego; 1 bid, 1 lif do, I box'beeswax,2do mdse. 45 bhg« fcnjhcr*. Clark A Thaw, 29 bbls whisker, T J liu .-aii. 4slhhlH whivkey, J M’Dcvitt A Uro; in do do. R Moo'rr. xi do do. J J'arker 23 do do. Lambert A f>h p ton. 3d do do. J»* Fatiuu, Jr; Ur'do im, W l.ebmer. ;VJ bales cotton. Kennedy A Childs; SiEhhd* bacon; John Oner; 15bid* htuns, iscltcr* A Nicols, 3 boxes mdse.C II Grant; 3 crates. 1 bale rugs jlnrulty A Smith, ion dox bucket*. Criurc.k A Carotliers; 5 onr mhs. 5 do krel qr*,«ame; 103 iloz btoccis, f-cmple; 2t> sks wool SA sv Horbsoih. 1 small pkg, Raker’A Forsyth; I reel tel egraph wire. D Grech A Co Fcr Allegheny Ctipjier—&w bbl» v«h,*key. J *t Ban uett; I boxvadte, L S \V« ejinin 2 do do,' R \V l>»il ver. 5 Lhls alcouo', H E Sell»r»i 3 b l- !* lard'oil. same. 14? blooms, J A Huichi-on; I l-bl deph'd. scftife A At kiusjn; *Ji bag* feather*, W Bingkata; 1)7 bbl* whis key. R Wsut.n, l bbl ukohol, 2 bx* ktarab. M Allen A Co. Fer Eiile—l tox milie, Baker ft forsytli. I bbl C»- tnwb» wine, A Heelen, i box leather, \\tlilmore A Wolff; 50 bbls whiskey, Miller A Hickeuon; 2 boxes books, M bbls, 17R3 kegs Isrd, W Bingham. J'or Kinprsss—6o obis whisker, j ttryou; 14 kx*. 3 pkga mJws, B A Fahnestrek A Co; 21 bins lard oil, 3o bags.wool, Wnt Barker; 32 bbls'whiskey, J M’Devit: A Bra; 90 bhJ* whiskey. A Morgkn; I box more, R Hopkins; I box books, U Griff A Co: 87 bbl* whi*k-y. W A M Alticheiiree, l box mdse, RheV, Matthew* A Co; tl cn*k* ba::on. Edward tirier, 37 sks wool, D 1' Morgan A tbi;:» bhl« 9 keg* butter, I bbl eggs, 8 DiKon, 3 bx* mac lim , *ry, J W Landis WHEELING—I’er Jam?* Nelson—l bx», 2chests, 1 tray, 2 s ands, Urbali*. K llcarc'l..!., 1 pke md»e. Ba ker 4. For*) ik; 17 empty b .I*. Wo ml A Hughe*; 2 cbts nnJse, (< R Must) ; t I'd! liors, G'nrn 1 box md»e. J D Williams; I keg butter, R II Palmer; 40 bbls flour, S M'Clurkan A Co: 14 l>’l>* Iratltcr, W Bingham; 5 bbl* dried apple*, W B Copeland; 27 bbl* duur, M Leech A Son; 40 do do, Lambert A Shipton; I bbl 6 kegs lanl. H A W Harb&ugr,; 2 bbls knobs, Livingston, Roggen A Co BROWNS VI LLE*»l*er Atlantic—4spkg* dry coodr. 24 express pkes, lii9 kegs na:‘s, tfj6 bar* m-n, Cdbbls whiskey, 475 fix* gtarr, iW pkgs ndv, bx* gloss. 3UJO lath*. 15 pkg* paper. 2 bx* mdse. BRAVER— IW Lpke Eric—CO boxes cheese, J A Caughey; 1 sk rat*. 1 do feathers, l kg hatter, W A R M'Cutehnon; > hag coffee. 8 M’Clurkan; 2-sk* mastard B'ed. Rhodes A Alcorn: 4 bbls batter, J M'Fadeu A Co; 4o kegs butter, D L.ech A Co; 79 do do, same Per Michira.i No. i.' -i!3 jail* itouewaro, F It Dra* *o; 141 boxe< cbeci, owner aboard; 31 bag* barley, hraiiM, Per ranal bool Aliquippa—l47 bbl* flour, W him; JiH) bu Grau, owner aboard; 90 bu corn mvtit, 67 grind (tom ». Per Caleb Cope—9 bbl* butler, \V U M'UalEe; 14 empty bale. It K {Seller*; 2 ll» Louie*, Bid well; 13 bx< broken glam, Herkimer 4. Co; Oawron: 3fl bbl* Ilnur, J Gibb*: uu *4* wool, H (graffy. C>; Hi bbl* flour, Cuiumint A s BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! jSftlfiW \!MI AND WINTIsEDRY GOODS, AT TUr «lU!S Of TU* 810 BK« HIVE, 1 Market ii. be tween 3d and 4 th, Ptttoburgli. WM. 1.. KUSSKLL, No. 62 Market rireet, between Third and Fourth, sign of the big golden Bee Hive., has just commenced receiving and opening the larccsl,'cheapest and most splendid stock of Fall ana VVnilrr Dry Gctrl* ever offered by onn house in Fitts burgh; All of tli,ese foreign goods have been purchas ed /if the importer* j»»r the last strainer* from Ruropc. und for richness of style and beauty of design are mi surpassed in ihi* of nay other market. The domestic and staple department will also hr found complete, and cheaper than at any tnlief bou«r in this city. The subscriber would hero respectfully call the a{ieiuion of hi* numeious customers, and all wishing 15 buy new and cheap goods, to the pricer wiiich wiihx/doubt astonish them, being determined to sell cheaper lb an tuc cheapest. Good dink Calico, only Scent* per yard; Best quality dark (Vico, fa«i colors,«to tO; 4-4 British purple Fruit i. fart color*. •* lo Ilk Heavy Bed 'licking; from *to 10 pern, per yd. ij Bleached Muslins, good quality, Sto d| per yd; l : Ben quality Blenched Mu*l| and l-iusey s from 131 to -H eta; Heavy Domestic Ginglynns 111 lo 12} cu, Cr*«h a-id'Diaper*. nil prices and qualities; LA Dll-S’ DRfcBS GOODS A sp'-undid assortment of all the newest style*. ThllMil Cathinerca in high color*, rieli 500*!*; Lupin French Thibet Merino*, the finest imported; Rich Camelion Silks, in all color, and qua’iner, ' Black Annures, best quality, p'aid and stripe; Black Gros de RJime, all widtoi and qualities; Lupin's fine black Ikirabaiine*, besutuul goods; 110 [bert Freneli .Merinos, blaek and rotored; slo | do do do in high eolorj; do i line French de Lnines, all wool, high colors, ‘ Rich ic'd Cttrhincres, beautiful goods, very cheap Dotted .-‘wiss Mntlins, for evening dreeaesj Broclic Thibet Scarfs, liae Importation; Best quality /reneb Kid Gloves, all colors; hlounuug CasMnerrs and de Laines, all prices; Larfiifs embroidered Neck Ties, splendid goods, Lntlid* finest quality French linen Hdkf»; B-ltiiie lUbbont, a full assortment; Wor»«| Capes, Collars and Cutfs, iu great variety Uhici and colored Crupes, all qualities; Brocade Lustres, in all colors and qualities; MohJir Ciimclroii figures, rich goods; Frenfii Cloaking*, superb goods, high colors, r Also black Brussel Lace, all widths and prices; | . Black Kilfc Fnn-es, wide and heavy, best quitlity. iTogctbrrwUh a large stock of whim Goods, »wt*s Jaconet land Mull Muslins, besides a verr large and superb » jock of Fall Bonnet Ribbons, of the lutc-t nn portatioa oad moii*fa*hionable siyles. Many 1 of ih< alxiva ebod* have jast arrived per the lari steamer from Europe, and arc worthy the niieuUonof the la diet. [ ■■"Ja.H i....i*7aV9 '* [Journal. j ' SHAWLS! yIIAWLS!! . A tplindld a«*ofunem of Shawl*:—■ I Suptr rxira sire French Long Shawl*. tc«l imp a , SmrJef extra »ixe Lon# U/nche, fint*t t|utnir. Superb quality l»ong Fluid Shawl*. rich color*; quality square plaid fine wool Sbaww; Un it ami hfcavy eilia me lilac* silk shawl*, Kick camiion changeable silk Shawl*; Soper black and'wbite, all wool, long Shawl*; Soper extra *ire l^otic^and Sq’reMouniingShawl* Faria printed Caabmere Sbawia, in great variety; “ “ Te-rkerl *• all price. fcnuoU Mo4*,cmbr‘d Thibet ' 1 - khavy ailk fnoge; Black H “ “ “ . * , 1 Black and wide colored beaky cloth sbawia; • White etnb’tl Thibet Shawl*, beautiful good#; Highland pPd long.and rq’le Shawl*, very cheap; Mourning Shawl* and Beari«,ifl great variety; A!to, a large lot of plaid Blanket. Shawl** from 75 :i« in &7,t0. ■ Together with a fqU supply of Move*, MiUtjHW Ho*, •mry, with all article* tuually kepi in a \» holeiile and Retail Dry Good. House—*ll of which will be *t once* io defy competition. *; (jj* itctaemlicr tho *ture. No. 62 Market rtroet- be iwren Third and Fourth, *igu of the Bio UM-ILvb, whera bargain* cbu at all tune* ho bail. apt&nUm WILLIAM L. RUSStLU "V/iViSVTIfI MANUFACTURING CO„ MANUPACTL'RK and will keep on band Family anil Fleam Boat Blankets, Domestic Flannel*, Mur, brown and drab Blanket CoAting, tiatiueW and Woolcti Yarn, whieh they will tell at Eastern prices. Waxehaii«:"No ltv£ceond kl, j'ltreburgh, Fa Factonf, New Haven, Fayette co. I'«- gpit.l ; W'IUTING— si> bbl* jtt»» rce'J and (*t sale by Tjfli B A FAHNESTOCK A CO LOCAL MATTERS. troETKo' tof ttat' yfyrsgnecg oaiet o&zsrrz l*ww Street. —A strong corps of workmen are cow very bnsily engaged in grading Irwin street. This will be of great advantage to property holders in that vicinity. * Hurari.r.’* IIAUBTSATIOSS OF S EARS VRARE —We are informed that Mr. Maeomber, one of the pro* prietora, presented a full copy of the above mag* n’Geenl work to the Young Men's Mercantile Library and Mechanics’ Institute, at their meeting on Tuesday night. When it is remembered that the cost of (be work to snttecrihera is one hundred dollars, the extreme liberality of the donationuaay be appreciated. Sal* of Lotb.—We call the attention of ouf readers to the sale ot lots ip West Newton, We know of few country towns which afford. as good, an opportunity for the investment of capital as this, buu’c it is improving with uncxatnpled’rspid' jty. Its position is greatly in its favor, sltuntcdas it is at (be bead of slackwnter navigation on the : -Youghiogheny, and on a tine rood leading to Soto, erset and Cumberland. - Ftuirr—ExciTEUCir.—Wc never saw so ex- iting a scene an look place on the canal boats rtiich filled our docks ou the evening of the late An unusaal number of arrivals bad taken place, and the boat-* were lying so closely together, that any one could have walked from the acquediicl to the snd ol any of the docks on their decks. — Two colored nu n commenced an argument, which quickly termiaated in blowsrood, as if by magic, the decks were covered with spectators, at least tifteen hundred ol whom were on the fonts in a few moments after the fight began. The boats were literally covered with human beings, and the noise and confusion which ensued, beggars de scription. The colored men, having belabored each other most heartily for some time, grew tired of so uuprulitable an amusement, and the crowd quietly dispersed. Sad Case..— -We saw an old roan brought to the Mayor's Office in a furniture wagon, the other il ny, whose sad case excited a good deal of sympathy from the bystanders. The poor fellow is over ninety years of age, and bad just urrived in Pitts* borgb, haying teatied all the way from Browns ville, when ho was attacked by the palsy, and his strength —wouderlii! for a mau of his age—com pletely prostrated. He has no friends here, ntld probably none in the United States, "-as he is a .Frenchman, who emigrated early in his life to this country, ami never married. He has outlived tho friends of his youth, i*nd his old age, destitute as it is of friendly sympathy and assistance, presents a dreary prospect indeed. He Was sent to the Rev. Mr. Passavani’a Infirmary, where his want?’will be well attended to. Won Hons* —Why hove we not n work hou*e ? Luy vagrant?, too idle to work, fill our county, prison, and are contented to live ou bread a>>d wa ter, merely to enoy the negative pleasure uf domg notning. Two of this class, a man and bis woe, were sent to jail by the Mayor yesterday. They had just arrived in town, and instead ofseekiug work, bought a bottle of whiekey and got drunk. When they coir :peat the orteat* itnner. Such $ arn their hvehh: M ettiso or Colored Stuool. Directors from ear for the purpose oi seated to the p-ne next, w»» e.ilied ton of (hf» Third \\ The;genticmen j Colon and Bell, ill Manteca; fourth, Ml !se«nrt. Htrpcr ] McKeie sod Simpi Thd fi: !t!l HD Jrlrffutea. Ojti'uc lu (he lai , .. :ocsj of hi'tir a! vvliiih th<‘ teeonc acijjuriK'U (eleven o'clock) jad Die ioDfe'ib ( the jdetutc which ensued on (be adoption of ilie solutions, w* cannot 'do moro to niq&i then f>uh *h them ns sdojited. .■ We> wilt trive the iterate in foil m to toortow’ Gazelle, together with the * memorial' which out co'orcd citizens prevented in the School Lhrertose, on the subject of a Cetitrul School, anil a» we veil unable to supply the demand for nirj rupies when we published our account ot the former meeting of the director*, owing to the .interest oui tixena mmuienieJ .u tin* oiat-er, wV w>*■ [pile arrangements to print a larger . d-tme-tnan u»tu*L WoEtE**, Under the Schoo, L--.W pasanl ul Ui<- laal session r( the Legislature. it imujaua duly of the School Director* to provide NEb£ft*tTor tion fur every inhabitant m their be tween the uses cl u»r au.l and Whereas, the rb’4rcil ferent wards of lhfi ci’v tiive'nolfcjSsß admitted into ihe Pnbl.c Srlipuln. <>r rnj-.ycd- tSa b!e»3t»z» of free education lo'.tb .* eV'*nt ibe law c..i. template* -shall be to all rii* youth «l ;!ie Commouwehlia, without to color or con dition: j Apd Wherea«, 'Hke School Director* of th.« nty. undated by a deeirb to promote the ir.trrrri* of donation, with wfsieh the safety »cd propeiuy if the coiiiinuDity arc inseparably Wended, have net in convention,via tube the fOibjint of schools or the colored chilflma loto consideration, there ore be it; Resolved, That' tiiis Convention deems it advi sable to e*Ltb!i?b,R-i soon an practicable, a sepe-rair sohrol for the colored inhabitants of the my, which shall ho under the gtiidauce nod conlrr*) o! a On tral Board, io cf one Director from each tourd ot this Qit)\ Resolve.!, That ffej School Tax hereafter collect ed from tho lnhabitant* cf the City shall be paid by the Treasures of the diflerenl wards to : the Treasurer if the Central Board, to aid id carrying on the M-.0001.nml that the necessary Mini to provide n euitqiileNbuildicg, and carry on the sch«'oL shall lie lijted ny the Central B;-h Ward ; and thta contribution shall be. pro rau\ to the as sensed value of thß taxable property returned in the several Ward* Jitsolml. That tne Central Board shall have full 'power to choose owd Treasurer, and adopt such bv'laxt as may be deemed ■advisable to carryout theobjecunf theirorganix-i -uan; and thnl tbeyf. shall make Quarterly jll-pnri* of the cx a£d condition of the scbodl under (heir charge, and fiy ihe same before the several Bairds. £ to Resolved, Thai £t Committee of ooc from each Ward lie apncinrjSh whose duly it shall be to me- morjaiiee the C tyjCouncils Mr permix-don to erect upon the lot by the city S. W. of the lower wmjir basin, n S>;i C-uii. •l ? Ami, McMasters, ) Oct. H.lbiy. g Supreme Court. | Octouca 11, 1 toll# Slokely v*.j Lk&Catnp for use—Westmoreland Conniy—AreWdmy Potter fur PIC in error, nutl Cowan for Dfb in- error.. Laugldin vs. Squids—Westmoreland County — Argund by Burrelf for PUT. in errof, and Cowan I and Foster tyr Dill in error. Bolton v*. ishirt#—-Somerset county—Argticd by Gaither nnd iHatmiton d-> scription of prop'irty, at tht lou>t*i rout Omcz, No. El Market •irset. BAMUBLGOUMLV, Pie.'i Roexzt Fntixr, Sec’y. mytodeu c . BILL HEADS, CARD.-.. CIX.IXLaK M"nSp3li y IttEa 'Za-iiuf, C».‘U* MU BIT, Dentist. Comer ofPourth end Decatur, between Market nnd Ferrv six-eis. aepd-dlyin eft I’OXT FOH HALE-—A small Black Poncv.Vasv gait, warranted sound; for sale nfVk low. ln\uirc at R II PATTERSON’S tal fai fi iptltl \ LlveryStable. 11RANTED— 10U0 bush Flax Feed, for which the > » V highest market price wilt be paid in cash by *pri7 SELLERS A NICOI.S. No 15 Liberty st W DIGUY would hereby inform- his friends and • eusiomers, and the public in ermeral, that he hasjust received'hit full supply of fail goods, cheap and good as usual. GO pieces black and colored French, English nud American Broadcloths, of every quality. Ilk) pieces black and fancy Costumcres. 300 puttisrns Vesting*,, many -ol which can only be had at this establishment. OOdoz merino, latobswool and cotton Blurts and Drawers. A full and handsome lot of Cravats, silk Handker chiefs, Surrenders, Gloves, Ac. A large lot of fine and common while Blurts. Also on hand. 400 drab, blue and black felt and bleu k't Over Coats, from StIAU to *12,1X1 4110 dress, frock, box and sack Coats, from S 3 to SUO. A large stock of line and common Pants, from 81 to 810 prr pair. 7011 Ve*i». of various materials, from 75 ct* io 5d A. Cue assortment of ladus and gentlemens’ Cloaks, 'always on hand. , N.U.—Custom work witl receive particular alien lion. Handsome garments and good ni* warranted: Any perron iu want of rlothiug can be be suited to their entire satisfaction, at W DIGBY’S cheap Cash Clothing Store. IVd Liberty «t oi-Ukcbhh ,T 'T KKLEKs—Iu dor just rcc'd and lor tale oy IV oeH BTUAHTABU.L MVaLLISTEIPSs OINTMENT—* gross for sale by oeH J SCHOONMAKEK A C(J SA LERA IT'S—5 tons, in ensks anil boxes, fur sale by H'.IBT DALZELL A Co SOLE LEA I lIKR —l’d UUi lb* bcmlock tanned Vpau i*n Sole Leather, lor sale by oeil ROirr DALZELL A CO SUNDRIES— tro mats Ca>*ia; a bbl* Cloves; Ido Nuitnr,;*, ti do Macr. tor sale by oe»4 J sCHOONMAKER A CO WHITING- 50 bbU for *»le by ortt J SCUOON.MAKER A CO Rlt'K— iu tc» prnae Rice, for sale by oefi __C II GRANT 1.M.0UK —5U bbl« Pugh** extra Family Flour,landing 1 from Lake Fji>! and Michigan ldne, and tor sale by orLl JAMES DALZELL^ CIHEKSI'— tt tus Cheese, landing from Lake Erie j and Michigan lane, and fur sale by octJ JAMES DALZELL to unt of jail, they will probably i, and be paniihni iu the miido Itnracters should be (umpclleH to IMRE BRICK—IS«X) Fire Brick, in store and for *ale JT by octt JAMES DALZELL WANTED, A GIRL U> do limine work. A permanent situation end good wages witl be given. Inquire at thu Olttl'C. octUtdtf School Diavcron* Ckttral .f-Tht meeting of two School i b wa/J, held yesterday eVeiniif, ii drafting resolutions to Ik; pre eral meeting on Monday evening tt» order by Mr. Tnomas Harail* \VaiJ. J >LaCIv LEAD CRUCIBLES—Dtxon’* best, to hold 'Xy I‘nutt.JO to 100 lbs, for tale by e«-i4 ' j s'Jhoovmaker aco j Jl'CriKTS —in dot ja*t rec’d and for sa ? c by Jj-ct* _ _ s STUART A 91LL BATTING— 51)bale* lor sale by ocM . . STUART A SILL •resent were. Is! word, Mcatri. ird, Meters. Hamilton and Me* enar* Smith and Rriahan, sixth, ind Livipgslou; ninth, Muftr*. CNIIKEsK IW bxs h>-4r *ule. bv I ‘ STUART A SILL, lb, -evi-aih, nml wnriL leh, with every description oi LnoVnit? i-lai-se# manufactured at our own steam pocr« r -rop iu ihi* city, we a*k the attention of Wcu ein Merclfuit* and other dealer*. KENNEDY A. SAWYER, tprJi' corner Wood and Fourth »U NEW AaRANGEMENY~ EXPRESS F4ST PACKET LINE, adsaadiiaau |KiHuM.*ely lor Ft**»enirrf*,) VIA 7 Hi: kail, road, TO PHILADELPHIA AND tIAITIMO&E. I . jin’ l.'- oir miortned thai oa auJ alter Salutday, J iUe !•? or ilie pa'sentieo- Jiy thim Line arnrd over the t'eii'rul Kail Hoad from t«ew> ;.i Harri*;l>, arid Hum llx-ric*' to Ph'.iadel* 'T t'i" Hum •luir* n aad I‘oluralita Rail Kntdi.— ,i* ivvr irrnngrtneni putftenirrr* will to Ikronifb r lki» tjvk umii lierrmlure l- :i' rw»*H nf thl' l.iuc are new mud oft.Seboml • a.. Tain route for •aluty. (peed and roiuforl t* the nio-i [iri (Vrnbie now in ute to the Kjinern cities. lUil Komi. ar« all pass'd in day liu*e. 0.-l i.rDto I.KKCII A CO. Canal B«»m» UtPatSs PACIU£T LIK£, - KOI* IHIIIJVOKLPHIA AM) BALTI.MORK, ' _ . Kxclurtvriy for I'aivn^rr* M ~Th c Boat* o( ihi* tune will leare follows, at a o’clock nt metir lndiann—l* liuraey,Thursday, Oil 4(b Kcti iu:Sy—l| Tru’jy, Friday, itli Indi um -1‘ Hurkcv, FnJay, ISth. KcnnieUj— Cam H I roby, Saturday, r>ib. Ijoui-iiiim—J P Thnmpron, Sunday. |4tb. Oht > -Cnpt A Crtu», Monday, tiih. For p u »«r,e apply to WSUTCH, Manongahela Itouac, oct4 or D LKKCII A Co. Canal Banin 11. A. KAIINKSTOCK’S VRItiIIFUGB. i ll»'IS«or LifKBHiL IVKAfPSIL IN nn'rr in ulTord all puoible ■ecunty 'io (he public, n> well s« in llidiiuelvr-, n>raiii9t traiM and impo- Riiuul it)»' i-ouatcrfcilliig, ihe proprietor, have made u pSmjivc if the exterior wrapper nr lihlr of ibetr Ver tnifjgr. Ihe new label, which l* a • teel of the mo-1 exi|uwite de-igit and worfcwa/i-lup, lin« l>rcn niiroUueed. ut u Tcry i»reat i» irom ilic brain clou artist of the (irsi talent Thwarsign is new, and the execution elaborate, Several tigurev and a pnrirait are limit promiorui, but the word “Vis«jh- < >coe," printed in wime letter* on a red and finely en rrrßvr.l irrouiid, vitould be particularly exoininod.— When held up to the light tfie tellers, -hadinE of the letter- tun! every line, huwcvrr minute,thronghoutliie wliuli; ot. this part of ihe rngnivmg match si exactly n- H ibc tnipreoion tisd been made upon one ride on ly,toCt!i'initb it i« vciually printed on huh mdr* of thu ■unfrl Tbi* idiuulij in oil cum be ob>erved. A la )>ei npon each dorra l« also printed in red upon both fide*, ntid -bnulii be exaoitned in the *aute manner. I'ai* preparalion bs* now »toad the te*t of many years trial, and i« coubdenily recommended as a sate nnd ejfcruial m-dleine for cxpellinrf worm* from the -Vktcni. I lie unexampled iuuee«s Hint baa attended r* ndininixuaiiou in every c**n where ibeyiauant was really mtlieied with worm* cerLnnly renders it wor thy tiie uUmlion of I'byticianr The pru:m<’inr bus made it n pnmt io ascertain the result id its urn in such ca-ei .a* eainc within bi* kii(i-dK<' and observation—und he Invariebly found ii l•. produce ibc idum soiulnry eflerls—not nufrcquciil ly alter iimrly «ll the ordinary preparation* recoin mended for woiin* hml been previously resorted to without any permanent advantage. This fact is at toted by the i.i’rtifievte* and utaieraeniij of huudreds i*f respoetuble pcr tbs mod delicate infant. Tiie only genuine Is prepared by »pv.«7_ BA FAHNKSrOCK. Pittsburgh SI ~li Au 'D WAUK BT'UIt Si FMSN OFTHK PLANK AND SA\V, ivo, 7N Wood street. Pittsburgh* HttliKK AND LAUFMAN, iniporh*cs ainrdenlen in 1-orciKii and Domecuc IIAItU.'W.AIIK, in all it * v»ri,-tna, ute now prepared to sell as low and on us rciuonnhh* terms as can bit; purchuscd elsewhere. U r *otie>t our frieud*, and the public generally, to ■ nl| imlri-iiiinr our stuck, which conxiits in pari of •HN'IVK-s I-nd FtHIKS, FOL’KKTand PEN KNIVES, yiJISSOK-, tiHEAIW, KAZOH3, House TrilUniingS, such a* l.» cln, Latches, Hingca and Screws, tdsethrr with evt r>‘ nrucle usually kept in Hardware Stores. Wo mvite Uic nttentmn of Carpenters and Mechanics gcncrully to our a-'.sortmrnt of Tools, which have born selected with event care, and which wc are determin ed to sell [iAh* to Rive sutiafactiuii. apthdAwT WtIBT PROOF IRON. rttHK u;ider*ißned have erected wofka lu the city of 1 New Vork, (orthe purpose of Ualviuiitiiig nil arti et.-* of iron, winch it is desirable to PROTECT FROM llivr. such as Telegraph Wire, Holts, Spikes, Nails, \\ it,- for Fenrev and any other article which may be required. Fifr Hoops for Casks, iu a substitute for bale Bnptii for Ciolbes Idues. I.lgbtiung Rods, and a host of otucr uppltratinus, it will be found cheap and durable. They would particularly c|U attention to the tialvani red Wire for truces; it require* no paint, and will not fu-t. A I*o to Spikes and Bolts, the preservation of w >-‘ h i* of so macb imponsnce, that it will commeiu itrelf in ibc notice nf all tnoae mtercsted. TO BAIjTIMUHB AND PHILADELPHIA. THE SHORTEST ROUTE #T-TWENTY-SIX MILES Via Y.ougblogbCßy lUvsr. >. The splendid new and fail runtuug i JL' i. IN U. S. Mail steam packet. i\ FARUEU. ■BbBhIuUA B. Fthx. Ma‘t»r,will ran ast doi ly p*ckei(Sunmp»oiu Weilnr»J*y, lUtti. Oiu-i—Onpt. A Cfaip. Thursday, ! ill) CL’ItF. FOR WORMS. (itt). U. MOBEWOOD to CO., Patentee*, cetfliwlA wl vT 14 nnd 1® Reaver Vork. NSW HOOTS MimUNEOIW. LOGAN, WILSON & CO., ~ 80. 198. WOOD STREET, ARE NOW K*7CEIV7NG 4 j ar j e and complete at* •ortraent of HARDWARE, CUTLERY.. SAD DLERY,' and CARPENTERS’ TOOLS, direct from the raaatusetarers in Europe anU America, and are •now folly prepared to offer goods at inch price* sc cannot faifto ptease, a.ns would ptnieuJarlT request the nitenuoa of Mrrchanis who are in the habit of go ing East, oa we feel confident thc-y will R( ) | tboroueh examination. that our price* will compare favorably wiih any house in Philadelphia or New York. - octl PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN GOODS. UErAaraEST or tin I vrsaroi. Omen lams* Arrant*. SEreaxiM ttu. Nu. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at Ho Of tice of the ('otnmirm* worsted gartering. ’ 200pc>uods Chinese Vermillion. 20 dozen silk handkerchiefs, bark 5: Bandai 150 grus* fancy and clay pipes. Hardwire. 1,790 pounds brass kettle*. 1,090 tin kettles. 76 neat'! of japanned kellies, 9 in a neat. 276 dezen botcher knives. * 2S 00Q gun dints. 25'pruss squaw awls. 7,000 £»b hooks. 25 dozen fish lines. 25,000 needles,’assorted. - 100 dozen combs, assorted. . 10 dozen tcissora, assorted. lO gia** gua worms. 13 dtzen axes, to weigh from 41 to 51 pounds. 50 dozen half axes, to weigh 3i pounds. 24 dezea hntepets, to weigh I| pounds. Agricultural Implement*; frc. 730 axes, to weigh from 4) to 5* pounds. 400 half axes, to weigh 3} pounds. 200 hatchets, to weigh 14 pounds. 25 broad axes.*’ • 290 drawing kuives, 12 inches in length. - TOO nugcre,in equal proportions of I|, 1, I, and 4 inch. 150 pairs-hames. 75Q pairs trace chains. 300 pounds brass kettles. 1,500 weeding hoes.• 175 hand saws. 40 crosscut eawaj 7 feet in length. 40 crosMUt Baws,-6 feet in length, i 11)0 Duud-eaw files.; 100 crosscut saw files. 40 hut edsaiee, to weigh 25 pooods each. 600 V/hitlamore cards. No 10. - . - 700 quarters socket chisels. 90 planes, fore and jack. Narth*re*t Gun*, <)so Noithwept gun*, two-thirds of which must measure 30 inches id leogth ol barret, sod one third 42 inches, to be delivered in the city of New York or Philadelphia, as may be re quired. ; Sample* of ad the sl! it may (to | ropeno remark tnat those ofhardware, sgri cultural implements. anil i.unhwt»i(im», i lre enlirely urw, audol belter quality than the article* heretofore furnished nnder fonnereoiitracts The proposals may bed..idcd into ibur parts, vi/- lit. llliitkels, ' t!d. Dry Goods. lid. Hardware, u> rncludc agricultural implements, ic. ■lth. Northwest guns. The lowest coiopcieutire-poii-jl.le bidder will receive the wno'e or.any part of the contract according to Uir uTiovesralr.'ihe LfepantneuUoerving louself ihe-riglit to determine whether the bidder is coni|ietem amt re sponsible. nr not. batl be made, and with the term* of the contrart tt-elf, which shsli contain a claase that if the articles are not furnished wiihiu the time prescribed, or if ihey are of insufficient quality in the opinion of Ibe agent *>ore«md, and ti within five day* after no tice of such insufficiency tbo party shall not furmitt others m lien thereof of the required quality, the Unt ied Slate* shall br autlioru d to purchase them of odtors, und to charge any increase of price they may be compelled tirna> thetefir, to the cnulractor, who shall pay tlic said uiff-rencc to the United Mates. lion!* will be required, in the amount of the bids, with two g-> *d sureties, the sufficiency of whom to be certified hv a United Pistes Judge or District Attor ney, for the faithful performance of the contract* Payment will be.'tnade after the contract is ccmpletcd uud the delivery of the good* as aforesaid t * an ng-td of ihn Department, upon n iluplic»te invoice certified by him. Communicatiop* to be marked “l'roposa't for In dian goodr.’’ The bids wi.l be submitted with the following bead ing, und uone will be received that aro not made in the form tuid term* here prescribed: **l lor we) propose totornl'h for the service of the Indian DepaiunC-1 thofoUojring goods, at the prices affixed to them respectively, viz; (Hefe insert the Jist of goods.) Deliverable m the city ol New York (ur ?t Louis) oh or before the—d»y of next; and in case of the acceptance of hia proposals, the quantity being pre scribed .by the Department, I (or we) will execute a contract according to tin* agreement, ntid give sutis factory security to the Department within ten days after the acceptance of this bid; and tit ease ot failure to entrr into inch contract, and give‘such security, I (or we) will pay to the United States the deference bc tweeu the »um* bidden by me (or n«.) and the sain which toe United States may be obliged U pay for the tamo artie'es. ’ Kach and every bid om«t a'«o be accompaiurd with a gusrnuty in the following lurm, u> be signed by one ur mote responsible persons, whose sufficiency must be certified by some one who i» U.iown to the Depart ment, either personally or hy his official position. ‘i7orwe> hereby guaranty that , the above bidderrwill comply with the terms of the advertise ment fot -pruposal* fur Indinn good*.' doled «9th Sep irtnber, ls4‘», if die emilruel should be awarded to him and eitli-r into bond for the execution of the same within the time prescribed.'’ fL. *.) |l i.) ORLANDO UROWN, Commissioner of Indian Affair* octs.3tawil*iNov W“ or two LADS *ithe Dry boimr'i Apply ui No. CJMarketit. fpU9 F"“LaXsked' cill.-ao bbU prim orJT, jayJ rcc'd mid (or »a|« by •P«» H H SELLERS, 57 Wood aj LOWELL FLETCHER, , H4t4crxcnnm or ALCOIIBL AND PORB SPI BITS, Corner From and Vine streets, Cincimmi, o. ORDERS from Hiil-burgU for Alcohol. Pur* Bpiriis Riw or Rectified Wfcikey, will be promptly at* leaded to «t lowcit market price. aehlfcdly MISCELLANEOUS, PITTSBURGH FEMALE IBSTITCTR. THIS (nsutatc.'andcr die eare of Rev. J. 31. GOS- ItORN AND LADY, will reopen on Monday, lie I7tb ol September, iu the same rooms, No AS Liberty street. Having (united the camber of their napils, die Principal* hope to merit a continnstion of that liberal patronage they baTe bi’herto enjoyed.. Pareoutniy feel-assured that every advantage will be* afforded their daughters, if nlnecd under their charge, for ob taining a thorough English, Classical, and Ornamental education. augiS.-dtf YOUNG LADIES SEMINARY, iLixamXT. THE AUTUMN SESSION of this Institution will commence on the first Monday in September.— Room* vn Federal street,in “CcTonade Row,” 2d door from the bridge., . 1 Rate* ozTrvno?* fki seskox or mx Motthb. Enqli.n Department, including Reading, Orthegra pny arm Defining, 'Vriling, English Gramnter, Rucio ne, Loeie. English fotnposition - and Criticism. Geo *J*P h r. History, Arithmetic and thduzher branches or Mathematics, Narnrat Philosophy, Chemistry. As* \i’ v ’ Physiology, Geology, Imellectual ana Moral Science, and all other branches requisite lo “""“zb English Edueatioa - • * S2D G 0 r , " ,ea Department, including the Latin and Greek LMgaates, . . , h . . §fl ,« iZ e " eb StOiPO German. Rjfi oq corapel ‘ ;,,t teacher'll are secured for aim ; n u **t fß . c, '.on m French and tJerimui, aud u u £***9 •** Music. |t is des-rablo thatp np -i, enler tl comntence aPdm«reih^^n,>I e . l *. tboCr?sr. • ner of Fourth and Ferry streets, wit) be open ed tins August2o,l949. nugJO PROF. iIKXRY HOHDOCK, ‘ PF-NN STBEtrr, between Wayne and Hand, has resumed his professional duties, giving in*truc* Uons on the Plasm, Gaitar, and In Vocal Music. Plttsbvgh Steam Marble Work*. NO, S»4« LIBBRTY, oppositr SnmhGclJ street.— Marble Mantles, Mono menu,Tombs/Table Tops, fee., n largo Tarf'iy of the most beautiful kind, msde of the finest qrality of foreign and domestic marble, always on band nr made to order, by the aid of ma chinery, uo tfe* shortest notice and at the lowest price*. N- B.— The Country Trade famished with ajf kinds of Marble at the lowest rates. All orderspromplly pt tended to at 9H Liberty, opposite Snutbfield »l inyftedan_ W XV WALLACE fatJT MACHINICS. ' LULL’S Auatu Slone or French Burr SMUTMA CIJINB Ci* beet article of the kind in use: they run light,'«l«*a fiat, do the work-well, ami will last a life urae. AbMISDOof them are in'ase. in the beat mills in the taintry, and we aavt the strongest testi> mony of conpatant persons os!their superiority over all other Sent Huaiites, For farther particulars, nd dress the rabsariber at 244 Liberty *u Pitubureh. my:iO:*J«_ ~ WW WALLACE , S' TEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS—For grist,'iaw and other mils, always on bond; or made to order on very short aouec. and at the lowest prices. All or der* promptly attended to at 244 Libert*; start, .near the Canal. ‘ tnySO W >y PLASTER PARIS—For land, ando; >E? . irpotcA always on hand at 214 Liberty st. iV r _myi» YVYVYVAIIaCE TTVDRaCLTc CKSTEfJT—AIways on hand, at till XI Liberty »t. ray.lo W W WALLACE GRINDSTONES— All sizes and grit*, always on band at 214 Liberty street. mfftb _ ' W W WALLACE TEAS! TISABU TEXfitM ' llTis with pleasure tbnilhe subscribers inform the citizens of Pittsburgh and vi cinity that they have completed arrange- 1 tornts with Messrs. J. 0. Jenkins & Co of Philadelphia, to receive their superior PACKED TEAS, And will hereafter be kept constantly on hand. They are nestly-aud securely pul up in metallic packs of s,‘l and 1 lb. each, with their printed card;—allowing the kind of Tea. pnee, name of ibe concern and depot in rmtadelphia, with an returti the Ten, if not liked. « f Gunpowder*---.--631 75 1.00 l,£i i,SU 2 Imperial ••• 00 ' 75 1,00 1,35 150 g 1 Hyson 20 C3| 75 1,00 1,25 ol Y. Hyson 50 75 1,00 1,35 1,50 „• > Block tf7* 50 . “ t * c **‘ J Fine andeitra Rue- -74 1,00 1,35 1,50 We will warrant all the TEAS we sell to be equal to, if not SFFtuoB to any sold in this city, and should they not prove acceptable to the they can be re turned, and the money will be refunded, as it U only with that understanding we sell. We ask a fair Hint, that the publie may be able to edge betwe’en our Teas and those heretofore sold by other companies in this city. All lovcrsofrieh, deliciousandgood flavored TEAS, should eive’us a call. For sale by JOS. S. M. VOUNG 43C0., N W comer 4lh aiid Ferry •trect*. nnd E. YOUNG JyCf*., mylPtdCmii tMV eontcr 3d ami Bo* * meets ' ' NE\V STOCK OF PIANOS; tenciveri a new stock of Piano Forte* from the fol lowing cclrl.rsted mtnufnriuter*:— • One UosrwootTT net. carved in the style of Louts X«V •One do 7 do do v do One do ,7 do round corners, plain carving. Oub 'do 7 do plain round corners. Irne do do elegantly carved. One do Cr\ do plain round corners. One do 6J do do do One do d do carved furniture. One do C do plain round comer. One do 0 do ,do do - i One do 0 do nlain rquarcr. All the above are from the celebrated mumifncinry of flickering, Bo* ton, and are warranted m all cues, nnd the purchase money refunded, if found defective in anyptinieulnr; the prices are the same as. charged at the manufactory, ami are as low as those of inferi or quality from otirr intkers. "• —*i.- also aecoren— f Seven Ro»i?wnod rn>et's from Hacon fc ftavertiN. Y Ono - do <5 do do 11. WoTceMer, N. Y. Two d > rtf do do Bacon A Haven. N. Y Une do . G do do (isles A Co, N. Y. *ll tbe nbovr Piano Forte* warranted In every re *pert, bem- made erp:e*«ly to order, and are such a* can barrited on f»r/durnbi ity; even in touch, and oi superior tm THE su&venbcr, who has been in liu*inc<* VTy*. 'in the saute building for the Inst thirteen year*, (i-s Vb n celling all descriptions of Fhio Gold and Si!- Wutehcs, Jewelry, aud Silver Ware, at retail, at the very lowest pfjees. Gold and Stiver English Patent Lever Watches. Gold and Silver Dct'hd Lever and Lcpine Watehe*. Go'd and Silver Horizontal aud verge Watches. Gold and Silver Independent Second Watches fur timing homes. Gold Guard, fob and vesijChaim. Gold Sjicctaclev ,Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold Pens. Ladies’ Gold and Stone Bracelet*. Gold Lockets. Gold unff Silver Tbitnblea. Diamond Ring* and Pin*. Ladies’ ond Gentlemeiis’lßreailpins. Sterling Silver Spoon*, Cups, Forks, iic. Gold Watches a* low ns £1 to Sii each. Watch*.* and Jewelry exchanged. Spoons and Fork* plated on Gmn&n Silver.* a l>ne article. A!! watches warranted to keep pood time or ;the motiey returned. Jewelry repaired, and \Vu*elie*> cleaned and repaired tn the best manner, at much leu than'the usual oners. GKO. C. ALLKN, Importer of Watches atjd Jewelry, wholesale .and retail, 31 Wall strocl, tup stairs,) NEW YORK. iu'JS:d4mt* __ PKUI9 TEAgTOHK. THE subscriber has I'ckia Tea Store, Tti Fourth street,' a very large nnd well- »c- Icrietl stock of pare tiHEKN AND BLACK. TEAS, from New York, all of which bn* been received in this country since the first of February Last, ol all ihe different grades grown m the Cetrnmi Empire. Our stock being among thei largest in the Weu, we are prepared to wholesale, on Iwttrr terra i than any oihet hoasc in Ihe city. We iudto retail grocers to call und examine our stuck and prieC«. They can have n pack ed in i, and Ito packages, ito tin canni«tcr-<, or by half chases, to ouiltlicir convenience. Our retail prices vary for oolong, Black Teas froip Wets, to $1,60 peril-.; King Young Souchong, Wets. 00:130 S», and English Breakfast W, Young Hyson, liunpowderiand Imperial, Irora tin nis. to per lb. Fannlies are requested 10 send ami act samples ol 01 onr Tea*J and try them before purchasing. mylVidAwS A. JAYNES. 70 Fourth street ' MBDijCAU A - BUlU»iCAiToKpj'ci^ No- a 5» DIAMOND ALLEY, • few doors below Wood street, to market. DK, BROWS) havin' been regularly edtreuiert to the me.l.ra profession, and been for * the lot of any private prae* litinncr) amply qualifies: him Jo offer assurances ol speedy, permanent, and satisfactory c.nre to ail atlbctod with delicate diseases; and all diseases arising there? from. \ Dr. Bi would inform Ut‘ Jrown woulil mi'inu with private I disease* which hiTA becpme chronic by tune or ajrJ gravatcd by the dm of any of the common nostrums cl I the day, that Ihclr complaint* cun be radically and tbor> 1 ought)' cured; he having given his carefal ulemion to the treatment of such case*, and .succeeded in hundreds of instance* In earing persons,of influntualiou of (hi neck of the bladder, and kindred disease* which often result from lho;e cases Where others hare consisneo : them to hopeless dc*paii.|'Hc particularly mvr.i s,ucb I as have been loaMtod uiuur.coafuliy treated by others in consult him, when ei/cry niifWeuoi; will l-c giver, them, and their cases tmUcd m a cueful.tboroufiu and intelligent manner, pointed out by a lone experience study, and invciOgauouJwak'h if is impossible for thn engined in general practice of medicine to give an one clast of disease. 10*UentiaorlUptare|—Or. prown also invites per* sons adlicted with tiernm to cad, as be btu paid partio' alar attention to this disease. CANCKJLS also cured. Skin (Unease*; alio Pi! s, Palsy, cte., ipecJiiy ears* Charges very low. pj 4 "B.—Patients of eith sex living at a distance, by slating their disease in writing, giving ait Uio syrapl toms, eaa obtain medicines with direction* lor use, by addressing T. UROWN, W. U.vJ«»t pmd, aadeneins. 64,’Diamond alley, opposits the Asrerly 'Bouse. BtunrmaTiSM.—Dr. frown’s »e**J direovercd rente dy forßheumatism i» a rpeedy and ceiuuu remedy lot that painfal traablr. it never iml*. Offiee and Private Consulting itoomp, No, fa Du aoadaUey, Pittsburgh, !*■- Tne Doctor u always -ai home. ' ■ O^Nossrsnopsy HOUSES,/UITB.I FARMS. fc c - PoaakafT; : “ ' Jpnt And M*seaaloß given itnrrediately.— A srSK tejß finished and completely.famished STOKE oh Market si, being a good stand Ar Pry Goods. A* S'J- Several rooms suitable tz* offices or Artis:I’ room*. ALSO— A (ante public Parlor, admirably ealcola* ' ted (or a Ladies’ Refreshment ajtd Ice Creapi Saloon. From In «ize. decant finish, lad central location, be inf in the immediate oeirbbofhood of the tashiooable dry Rood* utorer. aod aujowialt Philo HtU, tkte room - woald afford a permanent stand even* waydcairanle; - and in the husdaef a person qualified to condtjet ila above buntnc** ju Eastern style. would-sopi'ly ranch felt by alrabgera visiting Pittsburgh aw ladtta residing in the vicinity of iho city.. To snchanocco pant it weald secs re a large, rer.tcel and profitable'' custoa. The spaeion*-and well lighted basement 01 - the boildtsg will be rented with ,ibo Saloon, wilh r «hichhis coavcnienily connected. For ierou,wh«k are niodemte. apply to i ' v ~K»(irlnei for Sale. V' ONE PATR SECOND HAND ENGINES IQlceh cyiiiulen, 4 reel woke; ‘.'Boiler*, 20 £e«t ldi.g, 3 mctie-i iu diameter, afrin good brdrrJ Will bet' told it • bargain, if application be mail* fcoiu", They have only i been In usealoui H? wonili.v For particulars,inquire or _ R. HAVS..Gaieticoffice MFOXI RKNT—The uaakioiPßou-e now occupied by Mr* Atwood. situated at Oaklaad, with Vti acre"; of ground attached. The ,M *u** .ttMpacioui and ‘e'oiiTeiiient. and the rrounrt well im proved. Apply to HARDY, JONES A 00, ao;;-U 1 Water it MFOil SALK—A Brick Douse,.(bol one yea* built) usd 1.01, mi Robin«.>n street, Allegheny, near olil Bridge. Prie« low and icrras easy.— Inquire of jyJA S SCHOVKR, 110 Second *t FOR" RKNT.-ThV three story |Bm-k Dwelling House, on Liberty, between llfy and Martrary Mneii, now occupied by W, Graham, Jr. I’MMitloo given immediately. Enquire of WmJ Urnh&m, or at the Bookstore of -I >' f- JOUN3TON A STOCKTON, jyv7-dtf 0 corner Market and Third streets. M _ S'otrsitbr i- v A THREE storied Dwelling House, being tho strand house from Penn street, in Soyaer’a Row, ou Hay itroeL Immediate poSsetwion will bo given. Enquire of DAVID RITCHIE, AUortioy at Lnw—offic« rm Fourth street, between Cherry alley and Gram street |— iulftdtf , FOB BEST, j ' M FOUR new two ttorjrUneK Dwelling House*, Bad well finished and In complete drier, ou Center ■ißHeAveime, 7th Ward. Por session riven July i*l. Rent low. Esquire of JOIIVtVA IT A CO, jc® tfomeroflrtbeny arvl Hand Kl .. T Two Lot* Cor sat*. HE subscribers wtll *ell at pnvsijsalo, lho»o two valuable Loti of Ground, limatca on Tomato »t, In the Third Word of [Allegheny CiiyT each having a front of tiO feet, running back 100 full in depth to u2O feel alley, upon whiett iibuilta itqnd wuK, ftbylUO feet, which contains stone euougb-tobuild cellars for: two comfortable dwui ling houses, 4n4 in- front there are three shade trees, of a years growth, and the side walk is paved with br ck, all of which will be sold at ■ SMO- Pittsburgh aai Allegheny./dr County Bctljv wiil be taken in payment. 1 t J A II PHILLIPS No 6 Wood ah, ; or to WM. HENSON, immediately opposite said Ibis. aya* . ...• ;.j_. . FOR SALK—Five i>u eligibly situ Steel In the flour* tshing town of Blmingbam. The lot* are sita'a ted on Denman street, numbered io'P'Beutmah's'pUn 73, 7b, W, M and Hi—Hot No 75 fronting a) feet on ALs ry Am street, 70 feet deep, the other four SO feel front each, by et) feet deep. ’ ; Term*—Greater pan of purchase (money may roV main for til yean, secured by mortgage; rorpartis} ularn, inquiry of aIsCHOYEB, iuyic HO eecoaa «t Valuable cfoal Lasdfbr 8al«, ABOUT four miles above Lock K 4.2, at the mouth nf l'ine Run, Moitotigaheia River. Hie Coal la of ilio best quality, and easy nf access,. Any number or acres, from twenty-live to a bundled, migh I be obtained. Persons desirous of purchasing,' can call on WALKKU HELD, on the premises, or Wm ll>;od. opposnu iUc Post oiUce, who will give any In formation conrernmg tbq property. The above wi V be sold at a great barqaiij. mythfcdftm ItO LET—A guod brick Dwelling on Robinson street, Allegheny. Enquire of tiiTl® •_ _ BCHOYBR li'Oß 3A LE OHEAP Vo a sic HI P—a let of r situate on Webster street ‘JJ/eet from High street; : ‘JO feet front ou Webster, by so feet to a Gvd loot alley • —quite close to new court houie. Prico 8020. Terms,i 8350 cash iu band; balance in one, two, three and four fears from the first of April lasi. \ ■ County aud City Scrip talccif for eash payment Idr quiru of ray IS ‘ S 3010 VEIL HO second st . ROB Aeres Coal Li SrrUATrJJ on the Algaongnj from -t t.rgh ami 3 null! the imracdiuie neighborhood o and Mr. John Herron’s purch Cool will be sold'at the low pi third in hand, balance iu five without inieresL Title indi«; ifa lor Sals, :la river, aboaUCmile* * above third-Lock, In Messrs. Lyon & Short), ie. Th(a fine body or - e ©fS33 per acre—om quaTanaaal paytsenu, ilabf&, Loealiou very good—cannot Kc unniass encituic of S. BALSLEY, perty. Ke»idcoce*i*t,b-eli N. It. There is another n about oal on this tract!' crilem quality. ' • . 8. D. ‘ j for iafC T i ooUcr at private - (arms, a number onpri*ing a . large be, G9and 70, in ' r Pittsburgh, aitaa-. • >1 Penn ana Wayne , ter, and extending’, e Allegheny river, .' df thn late James Lou, in eonfor- I, »ny be seen at th, between Mar lMS A KUHN. *. the other of t;ic un'i'Tfiguo'.l, on Koi TWD HOUriKji AXD VtHi ei&bfi • TWO I.ol>> im' li-uv.W urJoty in the city a Allegheny. nboveil:» npnerCriGiraocs, on which ; i* ortf'-tsJ u fra tin: building. two. rtories high, snuobla for two smalt tenement*. The|lou(arB curb twenty feet i,'i front by nue Hundred fe*M rtf ep, unu : *>»ri to a iVi) n-m wide. Tits bui dim's on the pre-, UI1H" wilt pay- u very oamiiomu i.itc rout on thcinveiij ment, amt the property wilt bo t> >UL . heap lor enlt.. r Api-ly to- tl. .“proa!, Clerk’s at! :ce;y. ti,or to. . :ioyi» ) KAV tiSi ~- .; Scotch IlotibVLb id for rtitte* fIMIN ACRKh> OF LAND, siuiateil in Peeblestown- A ship, on Uic- twb mile* front Pitts- • burgh—in Inu in uti! purchase.' *. [For further panic- to Hoiut Wood*.lid sLprtn 1 • A- WhSiiINQTON, . uovii-ihf 4v i, nlfo vc Smithf-elan- MtVAREiioOSF. FOR: ALji.—Yso subscriber oilers ior sole tcr-thxce ttori Ijrick oo Wood street, occanit d by R-Tahner A Co. ap!7 VVfLWTLSON, Jr. ' Y’" ALU.VBLK '.IKAL KSTA'i K ON PENN STREET FuU SaLK. —A Lm of tSrouiid silaate orrpenn itreru between liny ami Marl urjrl streets.' ndloining. the hoJ*e mid lot now oreopici by (Richard Edwards, hovin; a front of ‘Ai feet, ami in depth 130 feet, win bp told on favorable term-*. Title unexceptionable.. Ea* ‘ quite of > C. O. LOO.MJS, 4in *ffTier •> ; . -.. • A DKSIRABLF UnikUng Lot in Allegheny city, fcr* ' voraMy ideated, in size about halt an acre, ud will He sold on accommodating terntk. Inquire of - , lV*Wi J D WILLIAMS, lib wood «t Sja FOR RUNT—A room in iho second •lory, No JgS-tdW.-id -trrcu [ la & Property Is AUsghsnv City for Sail* I'HK subscriber* otter for safe a) uambcroi" chote# 1,-ow, (ttuaio in the Second Ward,frsntingan thy Commuu ground, on easy terms. lilquizeot . W. O'lt. ROUI.NSsIN, Atty atd.%w,St Olait II - or of JASKOUlN'SON.onikeuremisa*., iiyl7:d*.wtfT ‘ » . o>-'LAOJfcWAKV; CAUfIUNKD At.AlNMl!* ' SINO COMMON PRKPARKD CHALK. They tire not aware bow frightfully injurious it «• i» the (kml bow roarer, ri»ueh. haw . li.-.v. yellow, ami unhealthy [the skin ap pear* atWuring prepared chalk! lie* sides it to injurious, • outalniug a large quantity of i-eddf We hive prepared i beautiful vegetable article, which we cull JUNKS'SPANISH LILY WHITR- Ii is perfectly innocent, being pacified of ell delerri* oas qualities; and it impart' to the ekm a natural, heal* thy, nlutimfr. rlesr, living whits; at the saae lime tieun* u» a co-mriic on the skin, mating it soft mid jmooih. Sold by the A cent. WJI. JACKSUN, 63 Lib erty *t, Piimbursli PnrmjCS pent*. . ane7.dAwT {r?* Kacrrioss aso rr.w DihCasio—JU.tbs'.i tiaj* mu Chcmieul rump enure* a free perrpuatioru and at the mync tune molifie*, softens, am! whitens tne akin* giving it the texture and beauty of a:i's. Secuvr, Salt Riiccm ano Sobxs, ure Boon not only healed, but cure t by its use, as at lra*t'*flvep Physi cians in N»w York know, trbo use It in such cases, mul Cud ii linfuilingj-ft* ai»o in l'nrpr.vs, iSwitctias, Pnscgus. or any other skin dis ease. ’Hie reader 14 nttured thatihts is no nseieas putlrd ito'Aium. as one trial will prove I could entt mefate at irpst <1 person* cured of . -o 1 Sosa Hka*', Soei: btoaaio Sosa JJsaed .i—lhry U, uii'l u«r it, and tlic tender is again ft**urcd I would mu cruelly ■etl it for the above unless I knew it lb ba alii' state Tim«e who are liable to f , CitArsß, Crackko. or Oiumi Furtit, will find lids a cure. Any one utflicW with any of the *UWo.or sim ilar diseuscii, will Cud tbit oil and even maru (admira ble in its properties) than latnlc. ( Out. reader, me ►to-,** arc Hooded with imituiious, mid be •ure'you n*K for JG.NBS'S, Italian. Chemical Soup. Sold by WM. JACKSON, tl» Libehr street, Pittsburgh. augfl.JAyT IC/* Tim sum* <>p » vtLt Harm.* i« 1101 mure repot* five thsn n bad. putrid breath, nr dark; yellowdifeai -01) lf persons have these-it it their own fault— they can, for two shilling*, buy an articln that will maie thiir'brcMUipure undYweet as (As Spity JH/o Atati*. It ciiresdl teasei of the llutin, spungy or nlwrawi, and filr the Tenth it i< an.‘quailed, removing UwjanaS/' fastening the teeth m Hie gun*, and clean iheu as wbuej a* the */w»e •/&* /roxtn X«n\ 1 • Sudb, reader, are the prolienies of ‘Jones's AntlUtf paste, mid, without prkiiing it puncltea, hear whaCbiicof our mort respedtable apd sclentlfte Don u»t«, tr. K. F>e:d, ot New Yprk, saya: “11 arc bntlj ukcJ um) onajaed Uus beautiful and In. palps hie arttcier (Jones’ Tooth Pusth,) and' can r .’commeud it as all the qualiUesclttOi* edfoit." Render, v*e cansay no more to convince, only dial i( you try this onvi you will be'Well pleased. Jt tpuinpin brauufui I tighri Chiaa.PkU, fortts' cent! • by Ike Agent, \V\vt. JaOK*ON, tt» l«bcr |v »i net, Pittsburgh. wuelt-JfcwT jj_, - Au. oo*J» CtrlZKA* aic UoMvtaoiY aasußdiual ill- f >llowi ‘C utc the ,'eiuul tiaaljiies or a3l-battle tf Jo-if-'s llair BcrUi&uve. if ihny doubt otir word, ''my cannot these liujuly. respectable cliizent who have tried it—. ‘ .. Mr t»to. iiecAcij.ii Kim at, New York. 1 , Me?. Munlda Hucvr*, Mvri't ae, Uroaklyn.’ .; - Me. Win. Tjai|ikmk, wa lijnj yor». Mr. Tiio<. Jxekaon, MuaiaUu loan'd,aear Pittsburgh 11. Iv Culied,l»it barber .team boat S. Americ*. ,_ And itiotc than a hundret others slate, though thi» runM »uScc, thrit il -Jtill for head or face, slop it removing scurf afiduandr !<['><<, red, or pray hair tt« krcpiott dry, liarsu or wiry beautiful, a very,Ve!ry Inn) Sold by the A§cnt! Pitulmreh. Price 37{, 50 1 aatttdJtsvT / ;o tao Siarr u yroW oa tho r off, strengtlirti lie tooi*» • (jff itom ibs root*, matin* him* ft. fine dark look, aaa hair recast, soft,' clean iu lime. '' ' • JA.CKSO.V, » liberty - unt*, anJ one dollar. I.KOUOfiIU. Pill OKS i - UI^AKM Ult^jke^aijd Icniianrr, and a*, great' ioini* rio*<*,'.nnl to/ ha ; o/a uniform ’hty - Very br»l ua:UU)I, .rufcr. . Pru id; n'.il also i ip-JUOf ia«de in tins, and ever 6 non- ncen offered id Laurel Hill Mill C^toueii, : Ll &TUX^ i ice, composed of but few l cat of the kind, iiiwpjft-QA : price*. » - . - : rentli Hu»i MiU Stone*' «£ a mi!fociure,-atdfl of anew a ■ quiiil/'oi iitloeki... TbtM fi ut under d>jrown nperiiK. an: mako tie s i me block* in ejca «tooe . ia wmr.inted to' be oftie r. or ta those- imported (root r m tie ure-l nut of thou I apices lower ike* June o tine market. . ill ' j *V. r '■ ■ . ■rr, of the tiejt quality, wu r> to Uic pdrci«er7 oad .U U->liin?Ciullis, al: uumo ranted to ijirn '-atiMaetfi greidy r.’dimil price* [ .Mill Spiudbj, Mill form Scold. Corn iihd Cli Mill OOsriri jt of al] kind 4, eral. 1 * . .1 All orders pnmipl’y attV etty n'.rcct, ttrortfic Oat;4 nry -Tiiulfwa - “ ) ni, Screw* and ricVi, Pitt, i Unmler*; (in:; aodSaw , ind Mill Tarnishing in yea* 'f tided to at 2U aod MflLib* k > Pmjbttrrt.' ' WALLACR iff (i&O. W. ( INFORM laeir.friend uo larger ruiy cono meat tn Ivrn atrcc*, kiiv> having icibucfit Uu'ir B&EW£RV,tu Vii* nr ujtl thepubliatbMuejiiv* oi* «7>tb lirtit' »&t# establish u a« tiie Hrcire'» urs to*ine»*W Utei'OlNf t nyiw,-n