BY MAGNETIC TELEGBAfH sss===* I 'j "’•{* : • PITTSBURGH BOARD OF TRAD® StKIECMPngP COMMITTEE FOR OCTOBEi_- toa THE PITTSBURGH {DAILY GAZETTE , 6 , .„„W S7£Soj pbhhiylvasia electiobs. TalmabacT]l 8 “ OCTOBER. 1 1 C-tfatnrday, J J| II I 5 V Tneaday. ‘ i 2 10 Wedneatiay, « ? I $ M # 9 | 5 25 BEDFORD COUNTY. Bio»cao,Oct 10. la tUa eouoty (Bedford) tbwmUp* heard fitaa, tad the Whig gala »* 71 over Tay lor'* mqJ • The whole Whig ticket Selected. i CAMBRIA COUNTY, i : ' ilprnrakp, OeL 10. WUg, member of She lut L '«‘ ,l “ to ' e ' la defined by 160 Yotee. i i ERIE Cor.NTY. ! i! Eeie.Oet.lo. 'Fallar'emrjoriiy ie tbe b lT2i m the- loernsbip of Green* tar in in penUme, It prereau rad nwyes P»“P‘»> tatter tad asperity of Um aim. It refreshes and wauena liaakißtteadeiiafitsoftand* smooth, clajamy rad bitter taito oftlie mouth, unparti* l * a < T»«« aad pleasant breath. - It cleanses _ lb f .' teetbfudlukrdeas the'-guas- For all-tie T ?£,«V poses, it U used with auetin such proportion boferadmost agreeable. By InbaliMJtra* tt ontie temples, u trill remora nViir£*££s iMtantly to a bum or bruise, it wUlcrentnaiiy P as& B . , ss2^^«s& .gStTHKiT ..-K-irp-a. s «ndto by.. i«Ptfcil TAB3EB*Bfcgi_ IVINDOW GLABS-7CO t**** •ff tor ttlo by l«pcteaj TASt»h\ *■ UtJT Bt«»t Cb*ce receipts pf flenr are extremely light, ml sale* front first bauds are barely worth noticing; ■re may, however, quota st *12504,31 on the wharf, snd s4,lS2?4,lS'from wagon. From store, .ale. are :onfined to limited lota to the regular city' trade at 84,- iOS4 I Sdfl4 I ttl. GRAIN—We notice no change in the market. Sales are light, and may be quoted a. follow.:—Wheal *lO 85, Rye SU, Barley &SOGO, and UaU at 200£7e V bo No Com U offered. BACON—Oar former quotation* are folly sustained, with sales ol Shoulder* at and of Side* at &tc P Ej. The market ts nearly bare of Bams. LARD—We notice the receipt of several considers le low during the past few days, designed tor a*tern shipment. Wc quote at C|®7J«, in bbls and kegv - WHISKEYJ-Ttais article n bceirmingioarrivetnore freely; bul as yet we have po change lo make in price*, galea of Rectified at 8C027c P gall. GROCERIES—The market U firm in erery re»pect, and price* are looking up. In the way of general «ale* we'may quota a* follow*: Rio Coffee BJc, N. O. Sugar ifthkd* atfl*®**i Sugar 6010 c; N.O. Molasses, be*t bbU, 23029 c; Sagarboaae do. 35040 c. Fl3U—The market i* without change, but linn at tha following rate*:—Salmon 819, No. \ Mackerel 813,50, No. 2 8W» No,9at at P bbl. By trie President off trie Patted States. IN pursaanco of law, 1, ZACHARY TAYLOR, President of the United SUies of Atoerica, do hereby declare and make known, b° held at the undermentioned Land Office* in the Slate of MISSOURI, at tho period* hereinafter designated. “Trie Land Office ti JACKSON, commencing o •Monday, the te»cnlhday of January next, for ihe di D, and paru of townahipt, vu t Aerth */lA« fcu* Kn«, ondjMt of cfte fiflh prineipai m Township twenty-two, {except sections seven, se venteen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-tune, thi* tr, thirty-one, end thirty-two,) of range foar. Vownshiptwenty-two.or range five. Fractional township sixteen, and township twenty- sixteen and serenteea, -and township twenty-two, of range seven. Fractional townships sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, and- twenty-one. townships twenty-two and twenty three; and section* three to ten inclusive, sixteen to twenty-ore Inclusive, .nd twenty-nine to uurty-two inclusive, in township twenty-six, of range Township mneteepdexcepifracuonal secuons Uuny one, thirty-two. thirty-three, thiny-four, thmj-five, and thirty-fix,) fractional township twent>, and. frac tional township twenty-one, {except sections one, twelve, thirteen, twenty-three, tweuty-foar. twenty five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, thirty-four, thirty-five, and ihlny-six.) of range nine. The northwest fracuoa of section six, in township nineteen, and fractional township twenty, of range A'ortA cf ihitkt bast lint, and vat ef Oit JiJA principal mtridian. Townships twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-eight, and twfe: ty-nine, of range eighi. Townships twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, and twenty-eight, of range nine. Townships lwcaty-»ce, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, and twenty-*ix, of range len. It the* Laid Office at SPRINGFIELD, commencing on Monday, the fourteenth day of January next,T3r the disposal 01 the public lands within lb© undermentioned townships and fractional township*, vii: Norik «/At baulhu, and tent <(f lAs fifA principal me ridian. Fractional township twenty-wife, and townships rireniY-five and twenty-six, ol range eleven. Fractional township twenty-one, of ranges twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, and twenty-one. ; Fractional township twenty-one, and township tweu • ty-four, of range twenty-two. 1 in . 1 township twenty-one, and townships twenty-three and tweuty-four.of range twenty-three. Fractional township twenty-one, and townships twenty-three and twenty-four. «-f reuse twenty-four Frneiionaltownstilp twenty-one, of ranges twenty at CLINTON, commencing on Monday, the twenty-fint day of January next, for the disposal of the publie lands withid the following nam ed township*, to wih ' K o T&7 law for the ua af Bw*i military. °ther P ol ?®***' wlll ** * xc “ ded m “liStriwof the«io*« mentioned land. wjll be eommet.eed?nthe da?! appointed. and rowed m the. order in which they are nsveiti*ed, with all convent* entdeapateb, cntil the whole aball have ■ ndiha rales tbu» closed.' but no «ale shall be kept private entry of S offlaruU will be admitted until after the up» under'my hand at the city of Washington, ibis fifteenth day of September, Anno Donum one thousand I 1 B Ihe General Land USee NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS. F«SrSwoneniluSdtothe rightof pro empucm u> ■nv o7tEo laud. within the townaMp* and pam of mlwhiM above enumerated, u requited lo eatabbsh !?r«mo 10 ihe .aiiafaetion cf the Rrgitier and Recei ofTe proUr Land Office, and make payment there for u Son a/praclieahle after acting thta notice, and day appointed for the commencement of the public ttJe oftic Itnda uact clatmrd, »“ k Bifn-EKFIELD, Commiuioner of the,General Land Office. oc t3:dlawl3tW : TOTISSEB9. TINNERS will find a complete aiwtment of Bra*» KetS. Japanned and Braaa Candleatiek*, Pue nvets and Tong*, Snaflcri, Skimmer, and La- Pick Fork*/ and all other kind* of good* nso- bv Uicm/and for ralcaJ ejireme low pnee*. ■^®P tbyU,e ’ LOGAN, WILSON A CO Ulb% »U HtgJj r^IiMTFrEMIU7& BLANIfisTS-I hare ja»l L rtceired a few fine Prenuam Blanket*, of a verr *aperior qoality. P«reha«n are inrited to C*U “ S ° 109 Mortc. .U JOUN aHFA^ -‘?*LLXSD'wT>TEta PABHIOSB. /-.WTtL WHITE, No. 57 Market itreet, >s now GnS'enfng till Falf and Winter Fashion*, con*m-_ 1 aLtk TeWet Paletou; ** French Merino Cloak*; u rloth and «ilk Paletot*? ■ . a Silk Mantilla*. The*e article* o| the Uteat and mo«t faahianaWe *^le*. aU Preach Embroider*.; « miin de Chine, for ladve* drewe* fSfctndsS mud Wool lloeicrj; i G?™«d'idie».ilfcVe,U.iidDr»wcr.; rrfSLkand fancy, Satin Woo'en Long Bh> 7N'nkini Sheeting*, Table Linen* and Napkin* uooo.,»[»n«db, himieir direct t>giB:dlP ' - i'UHOT bna commenced to receive a Patent Thread*, *■*****€ ’almanac*. eoincnon and sns&se ' ? i'kStfiN WOuCEß'iiCroir3~n.o eubeenber A“SXSi»rf *«<.>'™»■>» “*""f,c ?CM!! ,r l’ u Beaver Cloth; J U . U •> Blanket Coating; . j « black Tweed#; I case goldmUcdTweedJ, I ball drmb Blanket Coating; ...I 8 caaea fanily Bed Blanket!, til ponod#, ribbon and bound: 1 eaae ateam boat nbbon and boundwhite Suikeu. All for tale at the man uf«tur? rt P« e **“" ] term* easy. The ereecial attention of ct^ h ,l A P * lore me n r inVitedto «HOKS-JU5t reeciw. .. the India Robber Depot, U caaea.compnwn*--' J e~.w0.-O.eMU~* I } e-e. I u Sandola, J,, jlia*ca Ofer Shoe*, le finett lot ever aeut to thu to the ahoe dealera to ex»m* and quality «aii them, we J fcll PHILLIPS. No S Wood »t Tbew Orer Shoe* are lh« mvkeiforaate. WeißTiV las the nmplei. . II pnce tm fomuh any qaanttty. «pcu ■ to J.r, THE Yobicribcr. ■“ “7, ° s °' »alo at low price*,. •» £ l p 7*’, lif'-v Teas SEifV' - *™p*J ;•■ “■< , n W u,inw,Jto' \>sll be*.Rio and Ja*a Coffee, /whdhfo «u«**f -* OO bbU N U ilola, «*- ?r« *'r»..nfn« Oil: £ do winter »u d Lamp Oil, 10 bbl# Tn j “ 40 pepper and Pimento; ®>”*“S^’ S Su?Wl.h P Sw„i,i«, < I.CM J 25 bzs White Pipe*; 1 “il/hl. ILt •** P”™ “*“■ 'wSitJSlfiNoVSn'v.n., soabt. Herrm,; £O.OOO l w a mite*; 400 bo Orooml Nut*, “XKtfM.l 3»*SS E«^; i D.II, £ S“ ’ noo Principo ««ga*#, vatioaa brand#; a ooO Havana ao v in* Tobacco; Rappc*, Mocatoy aed Scotch Snuff, tironnd Spice# of all kind*; Sweet Spiced Cbogo- Uie; 20 bx# Shell Almonds; 5 ease* CaiuJp Soap, v «0 no#* Mason’# Blacking; 35 bale# Candlewtck, too bbla Mackerel; 110 bn Window Cliuw With a cencral assortment of Pittsburgh manaiac : ,¥i»pd arttcle*. ENOLIBH 4t hEiNNETT, l tß^ p n73 37 Wcwl #t, oppcutlc St'Charln* Hniel l ltn baga good Rio Coffee, now landing •«* :C 11 MBANT SaTINETTS— Blkck, Bloc, Lavender, bine gold, oxford mixed, and black ribbed, :1a great variety, i*“ "S 3 *° ll foI **** b murphy, Wilson tco ■r'tvsßYS—Plain «niJ plain, a fiae uwnntat, ju»t L br »pns MURPHY, WILSON *CQ bn w'd KM, nc'A pdf % fjK» ofc W. HARBAVGU PORT OF PITTSBDKU • ' ' AWUUVEU. 'Louis MeLaae,•‘Bennett, Brownsville. E Wigbtman, ■ I ~i Elizabeth. Peylona, Hendrickson, McKeesport. Philip Doddridge, Brownsville. Caleb Cope, Murdock, Beaver. Bearer, Clark, Wellsville. James Nelson, Moore, Wheeling. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. , Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver. ' Camden, Hendrickson, M’Keesport. Ringgold, Cope, Cincinnati. | Lydia Collins, Hunter, St.Lonis. Thomas ScoU, —, Beaver. I DEPARTED. Louis McLane, Bennett, Brownsville. ’ R Wightmao, —. Elizabeth. Peytona, Hendrickson. M’Keesport Caleb Cope, Murdock, Wetlsville. ♦ Junes Nelson; Moore, Wheeling. Lake Erie, Gordon, Beaver. Beaver, Claik, Weflsville Camden, Hendrickson, M’Keesport. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville. . Thomas Scott, ——Wellaville. Philip Doddridge, , Brownsville. New England, No 2, Daan,Cin. . Paris, Smith, St. Louis. Robert Falton, , Si. Louis. Farmer, Funk, Louisville. Hail Columbia, Green, Cia. LudloWv— Zanesville. Peru, Calhoun, Sunfish. There were 7 feet 0 inches in channel last even ip at dusk, and lulling. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. Brownsville Packets, at 8 A. M. and 6 P. M. Beaver Packets, 8 A. M. nad 4 P. M. Wellsvilie Packets, 10 A. M. Cincinnati—Bri llianL l^oiiisville—Ringgold. « Lydia Collins. Su Louis—Pennsylvania. Nashville—Fort Pitt. foz rßinaUKLrßia. D. Leech & co’s, packet line. 9 PM TOR rzzxroaT. R, S. tlin.T ft, Co’s Canal Packet, o’clock, *• Tut BiiiLLUNTr-Tliis iplendid PiiuborgU and Cin innau Packet make* her appearance at the pteke uiding, properly rigged and trimmed, to tako her fin rip fer the aeawn. She leave! aUQo’clockthumorn ng- Capt. Grace has spared no pains In making hi* no* >le steamer, both witbiu and without, tafrly lolcompori with its name, and by the brush of a aaillfui painter, ibis has been done lo a nicety The Brilliantl» one of the largest and swiftest running boats’upon the-western waters, and her accomodauapa are equalled by faw, and excelled by none. IMPORTS BY &IVKU. CINCINNATI—Per Skipper—s 4 ska wool, Wm Bar ken Id ck* lead pipe, J W Bailer & Bro; 10 hbds ba eou. Seller* A Nicol*; 23 bbl» whiskey, Miller A Rick- eU per Ringgold—so bbl* whiskey, Mi'ler A RickeiKm; 1 X c*ka Laeoo. Seller* A Nicola; Si.ska wool. M in Bar- I kcr; 4 bxa soap, 2 do mdse, 0 hud* lobsgco, D L*ech A I Co; 2 bxs 4 M« screw*, W P Fahnestock; 1 irunk, Bag-1 aleV A Smith; 2 bra mdae. Haber k Hautman; l» boxes j mdtr, Whitmore k WoltT; 4 do do, Clark A Thaw. I hd 1 tobacco, H CJraff A Co; fib** mdae, J Woodwell; 15 hda I tobacco, W II Johnston; 3 do do, J A Boe. I Per Fort Piu—O aks wool, J A llutchiton; 7 lib la to- I bacco, Wallingford A Co; 4 bags feather*, O A Berry; 1 14 aka feather*, 2 bx» mdse. 4 bbla whiskey, 1 brmdse, I Wallingford A Co; lif bbl sundries, Whitmore A Wolß. j 114 aka wool, Wm Barker; 2 pkga, 1 balenidse, J Kidd I 4 Co; 5 bbla lard oil, Seller* A Ntcols; l bx mdse. « ui | Bingham; 32 bale* wool. D T Morgan; 10 bbl* alcohol. I Taaffe A O'Connor, 3 bxs mdse, L Sank J 2 dot wash I board*, A B Springsteen; 1 box mdae, M Allen A Co; 2 I bbla alcohol, Braun A Reiter, 5 bxs mate, J R Paul, 1 I box glassware. Ac, J R Holmes. 1 ' Per Lydia C.>llin«—67 bxa whetstones, 1 caak. I box, I 1 bbl muse. D Leech A Co; 1 bbl, 10 keg* tobacco. Foetid. Rhcy A Co; 2 cka mdse, Cooper A Bavely; 11)0 bbla pecan*. /"Rhodes; 5u bga almond*, English A Ben nett, 5U3 keg* lard, Bingham; X hfad* bacon, seller* * Nieola; Si bbls whiskey, R Bell; 33 do do, P c Martin, 3H do do, J M Devin A Co; SO do do, R Moore; ol dodo, J Parker 32 do do, Tho* J Dudchn; 3 cksj l box ®d*c., Burtmdae. Wi aon A Co; l box mdse; Ref R Uopstus- BEAVER-Per Michigan No, ff-37 sack* barlej. ; Ureran £ Cuibfnson; 14 hi* leather, ,1 W>»c**P£ 110 aundrie*. Richard Bard, 16 bbl* cranbenfet, JB Lan [ field; 2 bx* cheese- Chureb A Caroibera; (IS bbl* whi* 1 key, * bag* flaxseed, 2 obi* do, M Groove; 03 bn pota toes, owner atoard; 16 whiskey bbla, P C Marun; 1 pa * per package, Hampton A Smith; 1 bale mdt-e, W ilaon 4 Per cannl boat A. King—3o bit chcc« r Bagaley A Smith; U d o do, R UalzrU A Co; 4d do do, J A CaugUr -43 do do, m&ree; 139 c*o do, J B Canacld, 5 keg» Or- DLecchAC.> Per Laic Kne—U btU papcr r R M R»• ausnr oassed. Thai It* advantage* for beitnyrmg a liberal Lid accomplished education are appreciated by the pablie, is fully demonstrated by tu P«t •"* pteseui prosperity. m\-gMaw«tnT-(»»H P» l FATBVTB MAHUPACTCIiISG CO.» MANUFACrURK and will keep on handl Family and Pieara Boat Blanket*, Domestic Flannel blue, brown and ilrab Blanket Coamirl Satinet. « Woolen Yam. winch they will tell at Ra*tern price Warehouse No -113 Second .t, F.tuburgh, Pa Factory, NewJlaven, tayette eo. Pa. »pun ~The Ohartlere Coal Company. ! {INCORPORATED.] TYOOKS will be open tor aiib.rripiion' 10 the .lock H ‘•Tfce'Ctiartiers Coal Company,” on and att Womt*?, the Vtih of Sepicmlier 'nt, u lilt o®. ! «S W°gKMIN..TON Z. TAYLOR SEW QOODSi MKW GOODS good; *T TIIR *IBS OF TOR 810 BM UIVK, 09 Market »U, between Sd and 4 th, Pittulurgh. ■nrxi i busSEIXT No. Market atreel, between W*rk,l „d FSSh, .Ip. Of log sou™ 800 Hive, baa ju*t commenced recetTing and the large*!, cheapest and mott .plendid .lock ot Fall and Winter Dry Good* ever offered by one hou»e m Pitts burgh. A?l ofthetc foreigu good* bare ed of tbe imnortrr» r* r the lu.t .learner* from Europe, Sd far nehMM o(lxy\e mid beauty of de.tgu are un aorpaxed in thi* or any cibgr market. , . TTie domestic and .taple department will al*o I e found complete, and cheaper than « any e intbiicityr The mbacrlbcr would here renpecifai.y “.lllbe attention of hi. numa.w. eMiomera, wdmft wishing to buy new and cheap good., to the price* wbiehwSl no uouty aatonDh them, being determined to aell cheaper than the cheapest. Good dark Calico, only Scent* per yard, Beit quality dark, fut eoon, Bto 1 j i i Bniiih purple Print •, fail color*. - to i«» _ Meary BedTkking, from »to lO cent* per yd; 15 . Sed Moiling good UuMtty. fi to Cipe yd. Bert quality Bleached Muslins,B to .10 per yd. UearT yard wide Unbleached Mo.liu*, s** i> fr-h « » *I »»» P" ■ Good yellow Flannel, 1j “*■?“ %• Good blaek AJpacca from »*t° French Gingham* trom W*®, l f®f , .£LVviP Iriih Linen* at puce* from &’ clr gatineil and Kentucky Jen» » a * c ‘°' * cu ’ ' CSaakins* and Lm.ey* frooi W* lleary Dotneitic Gingham* ,1« to Ujejk “••asa@as - A .ntendid of all tire oewo.l .lylo*- Black Atmure*, be*t quality ?S?a°rVbl«kK" 9 ,ina*. beantU good.; L X\orFSos«o r ,U.o V „ l 00,0,00. da do do do a i| wool, big^color*; «& & s®s ■ssisssss? " ,e “’ Beil quality French Kid all ptice«;S Mourning fasMnere* « fp | co did goods,. s ““ mt, ‘ : w li^?o°rCoUal |."uS , 'S?in great »ahol, Brocade Cißilre*, mat col?P “#!“ *f • Mohair C.fnejfoa sooJa, high color*; French Cloaking*, *»P wl Jnb* and price*; At*o, black Bru**el La » . be*t quality. . JH*ekHilk k of w“te y Bwi» TogPtitcr w“j» * wffdinilbMide* a very la»R« ttnJ fecoott and ilC'l Nuaiia*, of the aie.t im* Man, of th. portatlondtidjno*t tukloMhi jaat steamer* Koee good* lave ju attention of the la* from Europe, -and arc wow die*. SHAWLS SHAWLS" A upleodid ” f h S fl”»'sh.»H. 1.e.l -mp d sipcr ext.. .(« Frp»ck LojS Bml Sopcttxlf. ux« Lo"^» id sh „„|., rlcß color.; tfupcrb yonliry Lo X , wo ol Sbxwl.i ne.t iluuOt/ S MM« .‘lb S"*" l '' Rlcl. i»dibe..y OHO ■ “ h »„l K Rjch cnirfio" .. _ M , lung Shawls Super black and "W • , Maurnmg Snawls Super extra «*« in great »*neiy; Pari* priMed Ca»hinere S p n£ C s t qual • “ J£*}V “ «lk fringe; Mode emiir*d Thibet „ « ** ,“ ! Black ! “ hear? cloth Shawl*; Ulack and wide colorc _ * b aau tifo! good*; HighTandplM long v^y'*^ A«r|e S .o-' S “'‘” * ; “t. run tween Third, *n i " is kW ROUTE TO BlLTiaoBB WB fWW««™ S - E 9 THE SHORTEST ROUTbwTW 'i.“ VO >«w«n KpWiri" -. LOCAL MATTERS. >etzd toe twe titubcmh fliiirn l)r. Barium annoonees that be mnll-1 ed at the Exchange Hole!, oh TWjgay and Fri day of this week, from 10 A* M—rela tive to the use of the Body iimee, and adolU .laboring under weakness of pulmo nary, digestive—female, and » pinal-jveakne»*e». • —■— ShS luprtn* CourU-jv; Ocrofik 10,1819, Jester va Jefferson township—Buffet Court— Judgment affirmed—Opinion by Burnside. Heath va. Armstrong —Jefferson Judg ment reversed—Opinion by justiceiSurnsidc. McMahon vs. Sloan—Butler affirmed—Opinion by Justice Beli.*£j Estate of Brown—Butler cqun’jj&-Pecree re versed—Opinion by Justice Bell. l'k! New Alexandria v*.'Salem towDpp, Westmore land county—Judgment of Non Pi&*« Estate of Gilmore vs. Hunt—Wf co. —Appeal quashed. ' llay’a Adm’rs vs. Connelly’s Ex'i£<~Soraersel 00. —Jodgoseut of Non Pros. ftsj Commonwealth ex reL vs. Ftfy»jHon el aL— | Westmoreland co.—Argued by lor Pltl- in error, and - Cowan for DfL in error.£.3 - Jordan va. Hurs£-We»lmorelaj?«r county—Ar gued by Ktihu and Foster lor Ppfr in error, and Cowan for Dft. in error. yfi Snyder va. tlenderaon—Westmqi*tlend co.—Ar* gned by Cowan for Pllf. in error,£6tid Kahn and Foster for Dfu in error. V : \ Haxelbaker va. Kier’fl Ex’ra-r^ , <;fctmore!and co -Argued by Kahn for PUT. in efsr, and Cowai n*l Porter, for Dft. in error. | ;•! Later from the Plain*—gaming of I Bant'i Fart ConfirWad. Correspondence of the St. Louiijipepublican. , InDKFEtDOCE, jjfipt. 27, 1640. 1 have a little more information! from the Plains, perhaps ol a later dale than yon aw yet in receipt of. To day, Messrs. Paladay aadj Riley, who ac companied ono of the GoverAept- trains, under charge of Capt. Keitr., as far ns the Little Arkan sas, arrived, by way of Bent’s Fort{ Mr. Paladay bad been in the employ of Wm. Beni, at the hOrt. On the 16ih of August, he was seal over in the direction of Kit Carson’s settlement on the Moro. la reluming, he fell in company with the train of Capt. Keils. While they were encamped at the Hole in the Rock, they heard distinctly a lood re port, resembling that ol cannon. They journey ed on-crossed the Arkansas river on the 22d Au gust, and came up to the. aite of the Fort, and aaw ibat the rubbish of the bnildings was all that was loft. It had been burnt down by the Indiana, and was still smoking nod burning on the 2ttb r when they left it. They ijow were ablo to account for the report as the magasine belonging to Bent had been fired. The gnna and traps were 'con sumed, and it is supposed all the goods, books, j ice. of Beat's concern had shared the aame fate. The’pack saddle* and riding apparatus were not destroyed, as they were still in the bastions.— What had become of Mr. Bent or any one, con lected with the concern,they could tot tell—there -no trace of them or their whereabouts., As '•matt came on down the Arkansas, they our ini'JiuiKui w“v wu - - -i mw the trail of the cattle from the Fort. On the 17th of the month, Mr. Bent relieved Mr. Fisher and the latter went overtowards Tans. Mr Fisher says, that in some of his conversa tions with Red WoH, Chief of the Chayennes.thi UUUI wuu IW.» -•- I chief told him ho was very anxious for Mr. V it** pathck to return, as he promised ; that be and the I old men of the tribe wanted to live with him; that j the young men were desirous of fighting with the I whites. He also said to those at the Fort to keep the gates closed against many of the Arrapahoes, I as they would do them injury. • The Indians also I I said to those aboot the Fort, frequently of late, that they intended to go over to toe settlement of thirty whiles, south west of the Arkansas, in the direction ofTaos,and lake all their corn,of-which they had an abundance. If they raised anv ob~ I jection, they would then take their cattle; and u I they still objected, they would make way with the tnen. , - The company, as they came in, met nearly of Chayennes, to whom they told their numerical I strength, and asked them if they wanted to fight them ormoL They replied no. They then tricd l to gtt some information respecting the bunuog ofl the Fort, but all they could learn was, that the Entaws had done the deed. I Whaus done by the Government for the pro-1 I tection of the many trains \hot have left here this I summer and fall, amHhe many emigrating panic# to California, as well as-those returning, you can best Jell; hut that something ought to be done, and I efficiently 100, for the continuance and permanent I cy of this great trade, and the safety of the lives I and property of the many who will venture eve | ry oue who has any discrimination, u.nat see. I Vonrs, Jcc., in baste. TITCTE The New U. S. St*a»se Ohio,— T&w noWej verael, which tailed from .New York on Tbor*- d*T. the 20lh olt, arrived at New Orleana oa the afternoon of Sunday the 30tb. Eocoudtenog a| beaw gale after leaving Sandy Hook, her com mander deemed ft prudent lo toko a wide effing: he therefore ran well out, that adding tomelhing to hia lime in reaching Charleston and Savannah. After leaving Havana fce rtm waa made in qaick tune to New Orleann. The Ohio u expected at New York on her re- I lorn fit the close of tbit week, and will tail I «gyin from that port on Tuesday, the 10th in* MSOt. A large number of passenger* are already ca» gagtd for ibis trip, and among them a number of distinguished person, including Honorable John Slidell and family of Loatsi&da; Honorable Balie Peyton, United Sutes Minister to Chiti, and daogb ter; Major Wagg&man, .United States Army, Ricbanl Taylor, Eaq.,son of the President ol the U. States. ' . . It is expected that tbo President, accompanied by the Honorable Mr. Preston, Secretary ot the Navy, will arrive in New York in season to at- I tend the depufltireofthia leviathan steamer. I The cabin passengers trp this steamer, for New Orleans, have accommodations superior to any before offered. Passenger* for Chagres will leave I the Ohio, take the spleridid steamer Falcon at I Havana, and arrive at Cliagres before any other I Conveyance cart! reach thejia from New York.—*iV. I }* Cool. Adv. t From ike Pendleton (S.t} Messenger, Bep' We had quite a stir in oar village on Friday lasi, when the Southern lipail waa delivered. An is usual on that day, a number of gentlemen from the country were .ia attendance, wailing for tbetr letter* ana paper*. [Col. William Sloan was among the firM to reeelvd hi*, and upon examin ation ho forfnd a printed{idocument po*t marked Boston, mailed as a letter; chflged with ten cents postage, signed, Jumum, apd addressed to the Hon. John C. Calhoun, of a moat malicious, offensive, mid insulting character ho the Southern people. This document was read by Colonel Sloan,'aloud, and it produced much excitement among the per- | sons assembled. A call [was made upon the post master to know if there were any othert la the office, to whiyh he replied that there were thirty eight in nil.; The exefaitive committee or the , committee of vigilance aid safety immediately ua- I temilled to.take action iih the matter, and, aa the exciicincnl was very great, they concluded that it would bo better to hold jibe course toibe purfued under consideration uniil the next morning. It was proposed by a gentleman present, (bat they would take charge of the person of the postmaster until the committee. obtained possession of the nopers, bnt this waa declined, ns lhe';committee wished to avoid violence * The nekt morainglhe,committee assembled at the office, and made a demand for the'letters; the post master refused to, give them op, unless to those to whom they weire addressed, on the pay* meat of the postage, aiod urged his duties as an officer of the General-io Newspaper Ciils; 5001b*. Lend*, cot; to order, : 10 Composing Suckti l M BrC» P OaJloy!c^anm t kule», BraM Rule* of all de.enpootu.Ac. inT „ g^Sr. N- —QrdenreeeiTedforncwType. aulOdfcwa ‘""’TSsEVfcßb.T' T A '™ E “' P"-f ° M ’ l * TA*sml bWt f ‘"SSFAmBTOOIi to i - it t; - - ireWOOOtM AT DTGBY’S I Wp|(iin‘«oa'il Ueiri*y «»u'crm hi« friend* ai‘ lul '' ln l f UJ “ ” » ss r “'“'“ahEs S3ts&2 k /"IHFFSK—3S bx* Chec»e, landing front Lake LriC O “ d f ° r ® DALZELL _ jujus brick-™ WANTED, riTlßLtoaoboiixi"?'*- A A amnwalvyasi. '"''“S-V’ dihce. -, 1 IiLACk LEAD CRUCIBLES—Dtxoi[> test, u> bold B£7 10 » 100 ,b ’’ S&goNMAKER A CO_ N ”' g A SILL g'rast-tw.'.Mto«.» MU U /NOTTON Y ARDS’ —A»*orted, for sale by \J oct 4 STUARI'A SILL, lla Wood at Aiivwk 100 bx* prime, in store ond for rale by ( JorU ROBT DALZELLjA CO, L.berty«_ E-LOUR-M bbl. pnma. ior '‘"'ST i“,S? L. £UM FHELLAC-A A CO QUM OOPAL-S A CO _ G~~ ROCEIUKS, he,— l4o hhijs N O Sugar, 313 bbl* N O Molasses; 135 bbl* Lo3f Sugar; I 341 bars Rio Ccrfee; j , _ _ I r> half cheat* Y H, ’Imperial and (. P Tea; 30 do I'owchotijf ,„ , k ‘I 0 } j 4 0 caddy boxe* YH, Lapl * n “ OP do I 112 bin tbs, 5 - * and ?’« Flag Tobacco, 300 mat* Cassia: 3ti bag*.Pepper, 5 lig» Al«pice; I bbl Nutmeg*; 2 do Glove*; 112 bu!* laitrge No r» Mackerel; 3i do Gihbed Herring; 50 bx* sealed Herring; lt» do Tanner*’ Oil; 3 c*k* Orabro Madder; 1 With a general assortment of Groceries and Pitts I burgh manufacture*, which we oiler for *ale at tin lowest market «t»- RI|EV HArr|lE w» A CO, ocH **Wai^rit NEW OOODiii WE have ]u«t received a large and complete nock of CLOCKS, Variety and Fancy Good*, suita ble lor the fall trade, to w; ich, with every description of Lookim* Glasses manufactured at our own steam power saop in thi* city, we a»l the attention of West ern Merchants and other dealer*. KENNEDY A SAWYER, f pl3, corner Wood and Fourth its __ Tk ICE—IO tci’lVceb Rj'cc, juit tec'd an’d Tor taJeby 1V *pt37 _ SETTERS A • JUST RECEIVED—From tbc PbifiipsviUe Oil Cloth Factory,-an assortment of Floor Furniture, Coach I Curtain, and Wagon Covet oil Cloth, which we. offer to whoiesilo purchasers at Ea*orn price*. The stock I coniuu of the tallowing articles: FLOOR OILCLOTH. I 3700 yard* 6yd wide heavy Sheet Goods; I UM) - M “ mediafc do 1 iOttJ u 0-1 do j yOO “ 44 “ 11 do 1500 “ 44 “ “ do I 0W) “ 3-4 *• 11 .de FURNITURE GOO “ 4 4 Counter Cloth*; :ti)o “* M Green do, for window bliuds; 450 '• 4-4 do do, “ and pattern; 13U doicn asmrted rizes Table Covers, splendid quality. COACH CURTAINS. 450 y 4-4 Pnlii-bed Surface; 5.0 yd* Wagon Cover*. Constantly tuanufocluring ami receiving, and for «aie. at Ihc thl Cloth and India Rubber Depot, No 5 Wood It »pui jahph/llifs NEW ARRANGEMENT. STEED INCHEASKD EXPRESS FAST PACKET LIKE, IKJteluwvely for Pa*6cnge.t»,| - VI i» THU «iR«AT CENTRA L RAILROAD, TO PHILADELPHIA AKD BALTIMORE. fIAHK public arc informed that on and alter Saturday I the Ist of September, the pa,*eniger* by thu Line will be earned over the Central Rail Hoad from Lew istosm to'Harrobureh. and from thence to Philadel phia by thr Ham.burcb and Columbia Rail Road*.— By this new arrangement paA'engcr* will go thifougli in uni cat Ltu tivxthan heretofore. The Packet, of this Line are new and of the be,t cloaa Tin* route for safoty. speed andjgomfon, is the most preferable now m u*e to the Eastern ciliea. Rail Hoads axe all passed in day light.'Time, 3 days F tc, Tea Dollur*. For informs ion apply to W SD OTI, Moiioagahclu House: or I) to LEECH A Ci).Canal Basin kxphTkss - pack.kt>i.ik k, TOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, Exclusively for Pussongers. Tp» gBiMMW*!— I The Uoau of this Line will lea* J23E2£a2H>* followd. at H o’ciook at nif tit: Indiana—P Buraey,Thursday. Oct .416 Kentucky—H Truby, Friday. fith. IvOoi-mna—J P Tnomp*on, Saturday, fiih. Ohio—A Craig, Sundae, ?th. i Indiana— P Burkcy. Monday, t» h Kentucky—Cant U Truly, Tuesday. Oth. Louisiana—J P Thompson. Wednesday, 10th Ohio—Capt. A Craig. Ttaonday. 11th Indiana—P Rurkor, Friday. 12th. Kentucky—Capt II rroby, Saturday, +tth Ixieulann— l P Thompson, Bandiiy. Utu Ohio—Capt A Craig, Monday, ISib For passage apply to IV SUTCH, •. Mouougahela House, * OClk of D LEECH A On. Canal Basie CURE FOR WORMS. B. A. FAIISKSTOCK'B VKKfIUFCGE, N order to afford hit possible security to the public, at welt as to themselves, agaihft fr:iud and impo- dlion from counterfeiting, tho proprietor* have made a change in the exterior wrapper or Ihble of their Ver mifuge- The new label, whiru is.n Heel engraving ol the most exquisite design ami workmanship, ha* been introduced at a very great expense, and i* from the brain of an artist of Uie'first talent The design is new, and the execution elaborate. Reveral figure* and a portrait are most prominent, but the word “Vawu yco*," printed,, tn white letter* on a red and finely em graved ground, should be particularly examined.— When .held u? to the light the letters, shading of the letter* and every line, b.iwevrr minute, throughout the rbole ofihis part of the engraving natch os exactly s tl the impression had been made upon one side nu- ly, although it is actually pruned on bnh side* of the Cap'r. This should iu all cases be obsnved. Ala* rl upon each dozen is alto printed in red upon both tides, and should be examined in th* «unc manner. This preparation has now stood the lest of many year* trial, and i« confidently recnrameiu , d as u safe and effectual medicine foreipclling worms front lbs system. 'I he unexampled sucres* thujpiins attended ita administration in every case where the patient woe really afflicted with worm*, certainly Hinders it wor thy toe attention of rhyMetoni. The proprietor hat made it a point to ascertain the result of tit ur certift-nite* ahd •laicment* of tundredi re*poctal»le rwr«m» in different parti of ihd conn and aboulu induce families always to keep * via tbc preparnlion in-thrir po»'c»«ion. )pf ration.’ and *tay l>« ndminioiered with perfect »afe y m ihn mom delicate infant. The only genuine t" prepared by « P uf? U A FAIINKsroCK, Pmsbnrßh I7OR La ur?W“AND iMTSSES BACK3.—W.'RVMoi “ niT has received a variety of^goodi tuitaMe for above purpose, such os French ami Saxo ny Flannel*. blue, cherry, scarlet, plain and mixed rotors; high eolorrd Mouse de Laines, Cashmeres, French Merinoea, Ac- lo trbii'h be Invite* the atten- Hon o( the ladle* >, ' BLACK SILKS, lor Sack* and ManiilUi; Blk Silk Lace* und Fringe* for Trimiutiitra. AUo, CHANGEABLE SILKS, of different ahadea. anlta- b'.'e iVif muiitiila« and drrMC*, uml L& largo UMrai of VOAT'.T TRIMMINGS, of iyw and knudac Itylei, WLoie*tile Rcwtnn o[> *lair». »pUN " Tib PlM«». llUKnuLVcnber* beg to call the attention of Uuilder*, Afch ; i-«;U and owner? of Buildings. to the msuiy advantage* which the«- plates po*«»» over all other metallic substances hitherto n«ed for roofing, It c, at they pos*£:»nl once the lightness of iron, without it* liob’liiy to ni'li having now heen tested for several vear* m Ui:» particular, both in thtt country and in Bu* rntic They «te Icm liable to expansion ntid comrac* twin from ‘•ud.len change ofthe atmosphere, than com* niun un plains, iron, line, nrany other melai now used for roohnfi, ami cminrqucntly fom a much better and f-hier n>oi, rniuiriiig far le«* frequent repairs, whilst Lhe first co:i is but a trifle more. A lull supply, of all from 10 to 30 W. 0., con* nantly on Inuitl ami for Side by "" y (ifcO.B.MORKWOOD&. CO, 14 and 10 (louver street, New York. The natciii rielit for this article having been secured for tne (Jmwd'SlaUts, all parties inlrmjjing thereon either by importation or otherwise, will be pruiccc t I octW-d.twfvT M'sTW HA2ID W A KK a T 6 sx k altiN OF THE FLANK AND SAW, Wo. 7b Wood itnet, Plttibargtu HUBER AND LAUFMAN, Importers and dealers In Foreign mill Doiucsuc IIARDWAIIIu, in nil it* varieties, arc now prepared to sell as low and on as reasonable terra* as can be purchased elsewhere. We solicit oor friends, and the public generally, to call and examine our stock, which consists in part of KMVKS and FORKS, POOREI* and FEN KNIVES, SCISSORS, SHEARS, RAZORS, House Trimmings, I such as 1 Latches, Hinges ami Screws, together I with terry arucle usually kept in Hardware Slures. I We invite thcJUientioa of Carpenters And Mechanic. generally to our u'sonmcni of Tools, which have been I elected with great cans, and which we are determin led to sell re as to give satisfaction. aptfcd&wT RCBT IROSi THE undersigned have erected works in the city of New York, tor the purpose of Galvanizing .all arti eles of Iron, wtiuli it is desirable to PROTECT FROM RUST, such a* Telegraph Wire, Dolls, Spikes, Nails, Wire for Fenee9.,ana any other aruele which may be required- For Hoops for Casks, as a substitute for bale I Rope; for Clothes Line*. Lightning Rods, and a host of I othor applications, it will be (bond cheap and durable. They would particularly call attention, to ihe Galyani- I wire for fences; it requires no paint, and will not I rntL Also to Spikes and Boll*, the preservation of I which is of so mach importance, that it will comnlenu 1 itself to the nuuce of all those interested. GEO. B,' MOREWOOD A CO., Patentees, j ocCgMA.WIvT 14 and 1C Beaver »uN. >n't. v-viLS—fcOO galf'whiie winter Whale OiU . 200 oEmiaon do do WOOD STREET, ARB NOW RECBIVINO a Urge mod complete at* •oruocnt of HARDWARE, CUTLERY/SAD DLERY, and CARPENTERS’ TOOLS,-direct from tlte manufacturer* in Europe and America, and arc now fully prepared U> offer good* at such price* a« cannot fail to please, and would particularly request tlic utiention of Merchant* who are in tha Uabu of K t>- in* East, as we feel confident they wtll find, after a Iborouch examination, that our prices wilt compare favorably with any houae in Philadelphia or New York. . :_55“._ PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN GOODS. ’ DwaaniEsr or the Istkxiur, Orrtcs lamas A mix*. StrWMsaa *9, SEALED PROPOSAL will be received at the Of fice ofthe Otnmmtoncr of Indian Atfam at 'V "*h ingtnn City, until tO o’clock on Thursday. the l»tday o. Novrater Ml, ft. f.m.liiiw > h . in the iiuantiiic* annexed, or thereabouts, for th SiK indi>M«. Ki ■» lh " '“V 01 N '“ York, vtx: 2 ioo pairs 3 point white Mackinac blankets, to measure 60 by 72 inches, anti weigh eight 1,900 pairs 2} point while Mackinac blankets, to measure 54 by 66 inches, and weigh six 1,175 pairs 2 point white Mackinac blankets to . measure 42 by 56 inches, and weigh five and u quarter pounds. .... fSO-poirs 1 { point white Mackinac blankets, to measure 36 by 50 inches, and weigh four and a quarter pounds. 900 pairs l point white Mackinac blankets, to . measure 32 by 46 inches, and wftgh three and a quarter pounds. 400 pairs 3 point scarlet Mackinac WankeU, Jo , measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh eight pounds. 300 pairs 2*-point scarlet Mackinac blankets, to measure 54 by 66 inches, and weigh six pounds. 100 pairi 31 point greeo Mnefcinac blanl measure 66 by' 84 inches, and weigh ten pounds , i.l 300 pair* 3 point green Mackinac blankets, to | measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh eight pounds. 260 pairs 21 point green Mackinac blankets, to measure 61 by 66 inches, and weigh six . pound*. 100 pairs 3| point gentinella blue Mackinac blankets, to measure 66 by 94 inches, and weigh ten ponnds. 400 pairs 3 point gentinella bine Mackinac blan kets,to measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh eight pounds. 300 naira 21 point gentinella blao Mackinac blankets, to measure 54 by 66 inches, aud weigh six ponnds. Dm Goods. 1,000 yards scarlet strouds. 800 yards bine strouds. 1,800 yards fancy list doth, blue. 750 yards fancy list cloth, scarlet. 350 yards fancy list cloth, green. 1,000 yards gray list cloth, bine. 3,000 yards saved list cloth, bine. 1,600 yards saved list cloth, scarlet. 800 yards saved list cloth, green. 225 pounds worsted yarn, 3 fob'. 100 dozen cotton flag handkerchiefs. 2ao dozen cotton Madras banduerchieCt. 175 dozen black silk handkerchiefs. 90 dozen 8-4 cotton shawls SO dozen 6-4 cotton shawls 65 dozen 4-4 cotton ahawU 40 dozen 84 woollen shawls. 23 000 yards domestio calico. % 5,000 yards English and Pren ill calico. 0 000 yards Merrimack calico 3 500 yards blue drilling. 8 000 yards Georgia stripes. 4,000 yards blue denims. 1,600 yards eottonade. 7,000 yards domestic shirting, bleached. 15,000 yards domestic shirting, unbleached. 15,000 yards domestic sheeting, unbleached. 8,000 yards checks, stripe*, and plaids. 400 dozen woollen socks. 7,000 yards plaid linsey. 1.500 yards flannels, assorted. ],600 flannel shirts. 700 calico shirts. 430 pounds linen thread. 550 pound* cotton thread. 400. dozen spool cotton. Nos 1 to 30. 80 pouhdsaewingsilk. . 700 pieces riband, assorted. 4,300 yprds bed ticking. 1,000 yardj Kentucky jeans. 500 yards aatlinets. 150 grofs worsted gartering. 200 pounds Chinese vrrmiljion. 20 dozen silk handkerchiofs, bgrk dc Bandana. 150 gross fancy and clay pipes. ° IlafJurart. tjn, 1,7&0 pounds brass kettles. 1,090 tin kettles. 76 nests of japanned kettles, 8 in a nest 276 dt zen baicber knives. 23000 gtm flints. 2& gross squaw awls. 7,ooo'tish hock*. 25 doZea fish hoes. 25.000 needle-, assorted. IPO dozcucogib*, assorted. • 10 dozen scissors, assorted. 10 gre** gun worms. 12 dozen axes, to weigt} from 41 to 51 pounds. 50 dozen half axes, to weigh 31-pounds. . 21 dozen hatchets, to weigh 11 pounds. Agricultural Implements, se. -* *3O axe*, to weigh from 41 to 5J pound*. 400 bnlf axe*, to weigh 31 pounds. 200 hatchets,to weigh 11 pouuda. 25 broad axes. 2 case. «« u> c acceptance of hi* proposals, tbe qusuiUiy being pre scribed by the Department, I (or we) will execute a contract according to this agreement, and give salts factory security to the Department within ten dayi after the acceptancoof this bid: and.uieaseof failure to enter Into such contract, and give .ueh security, 1 £r iel will pay to tbe 13ailed Stele. the difference!*, iwjn lie sums bidden by me Mr tin,) end the .tun »u“b tbe United Btnie. mny be oblljed t, P n, fbr tbe "Ketumd every bid mn.ln eobe ecaompatded with n Surenty in the foltowin* form, to be Meed by one Ir tn"m M.pon.tWe pereone, wlo.« enlhctennr ntu.l k« bv tome one who is known to the Depart meat dlher peMonaily or o(Iicl41 P®»‘ tK,R \ lor we) hereby guaranty thot ——, the above t.. .1 7 f _i|{ comply with the terms of the advertise mJnt fir^p l roposau y lor Indian good*,’ dated o|thJ*t>* . w 141* if the contract should be awarded to £2“ n’d enter tntn bond for the eneeaUon of the name I wttbin the unto prenettbed." frj] ORLANDO BROWN, Commissioner of Indian Affairs. octftfitqwilstNov . TrANTER—One or two LAPS it the Dry. Goodi yY buiinetv Apply at No. 67 Market tv »pt 29 «'LAJ&EjED OlL—£o bbls Flaxseed Oil, in pr H a ri)rr.iu»i rec'd and for sate by A , pt » RE SELLERS, 57 Wood LOVELL FLETCHER,' tUSTTACrVUS Of ALCOUOL AND PUaE SPI BITS Corner Front and Tine street*. Cincinnati, O. ORDERS from Pittsburgh Cor Alcohol, Pare Spir Raw or Rectified WhUkey, will be promptly tended to at lowest market price.. mehlfcdly PITTSBURGH FEKJLLE IHBTITUTU. THIS institute. wider the c*re of-Her. J. RLCOS HORN AND LADYVwIII re-open on Monday, the i“Ui ol September, in-lhe muho room*. No ha lawny street. ' Hiving limited tin numbrr of their pupil*, U» PHncinalsbopeioreeritacontinuationof that liberal patronage they hare bi-aerto enjoyed. Parent, may Eel amired that every sdvantage wll be afforded .hi »7i ni iehterj. if placed wider tb**»r charge, for ob educauon. aas-a>. YOUNG LADISB SENWABTi Tna*iEKrr. . • ... The AUTUMN SESSION of ihts.laiuuiuari *wili commence on the first Monday in Septcmber.- Roomj on Federal street, m “Colonade Row, 2d door from me bridge. Rates or Tcttios rat ibboj or rnr« Mostbs. Kugiuh Department, including Reading. Orthogra phy and Defininr, Wridnj, English Grammer, Roeto nc- la>cic, English Composition and Cnticism, grapliy, History, Arithmetic and the higher branches of Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, As tronomy, Botany, Geology, Intellectual and Morhl Scieiiee, and all outer branches requisite to • thorough English Education - 820 00 Cla««ieal Department, Including the Latin and Greek Lan(russes,each - . - - 8 6 00 The senriee. of cam pc lent (vac tiers are secured for such n. <‘r.ire instruction in Freuch and German, and also in Drawing, Painting and Music. It is desirable dial pupil, enter at the commence ment of a session, yet they are received at any time, and are charred at the above rate* from the time of entrance. No deductions aro made for absences, ei ccpt in cose* of protracted illness. Further information may be obtained, and applica tion. made by calling Upon the Principal, at his room, on Federal street, or at his lodgings in ‘‘lrwin’* Row," Liberty street, Pittsburgh, between 3d anu 4th streets; or by addressing, through the Pittsburgh Post Office, the Principal. N. W. nIETCALF. Allegheny, Aug. 7,1840. _ - —’ BELKCT sukuuL, cor • ncr of Fourth and Ferry streets, will be open ed this morning, Monday, August 20,1649. . »ng*> PBOr. HENRt BUHBOOK, PFJ4N STREET, between Wayne and .Hand, has resumed hi* professional duties, giving instruc tions on the Piano, Guitar, and in Vocal Mane. augHtdrf _^_____ === Pittsburgh Steam Marble Works. NO. »44 LIBERTY, opposite Pmilhfield street— Marble Mamies, Monuments,Tomba,Table Tops, be., a large variety of the most beautiful kind, miM ofthe fenestoaslitf ef foreign and domestic mart}ie r always on bant’or made to order, by the aid of ma chinery, on the shortest notice and at the lowest prices. N. B.— I Hie Cmntry Trade furnished with alt kinds of Marble alike lowest rates- All orderspromptly at tended to a»*M Liberty, oppositeSmilhCeld st nvSKibl * W »\ .VALLAbh -• BMUT^MfACmKiCa. lULI/dPuent Btono or French Burr SMUTMA j CHINE tie best articlg pf the kind in use; they ran tight/cltta fast, do the yrork well, and will last a Ufn ume. Akmt STO or them are in, use, in the best mills in the Mtatry* and we nave the strongest testi mony of cokja'eatpersons as their superiority over all other StttlAaiWs. For farther particulars, *d dre*. the rabecriber at 244 Liberty Piiubnrgh. mviMhdla WWWALLACb OTKAM" ENGINES AND BOILERS—For grist,saw O and other Dills, always on hand, or made to order on very short notice, anu at the lowest prices. AU or ders promptly attended to at 244 Liberty street, near the Canal. my3o \V W WALLACE PLASTER PARIS—For land, and other purposes', aiwuyt on hand at 244 Liberty it. nyag w W WALLACE Iwaya on hand,’ at Sl4 W W WALLACE G' RINDBTONEB—AIt me* and jriu, always bn band at 214 Liberty street. . _ rnyiW WW WALLACE TEAS! TJSASII TKABIII IIT is with pleasure that the subscriber* inform the citizens of Pittsburgh and vi* cinity that ttioy hate completed arrange* menu with Messrs. J. 0. Jenkinsi&Co, of Philadelphia, to receive their superior PACKED TEAS, And will hereafter be kept constantly on hand. They are neatly and seeurelf-pul up in metallic pack* of}, 1 and lib. each, .with their pnotrd card—showing the kind of Ten. price, name of the concern and aepot m rnnadelphia, with an invitation to re tarn the Tea, if trot liked. IBTAIL raicas: d I Gunpowder-•• —**•62} 7# 1,00 1,25 1,50 I Imperial —M ~ ’5 »,00 IJIS 1,3> ■lltvson--- *•«> 62} 75 I,TO 1,25 SlY y Hyson *5O «l 75 1,00 1,25 1,30 » Black 37} 5*7 Slscu. > pj ne and extra Fine- -75 I JM 1,25 1,50 We will warrant aU the TEAS we sell to be equal to if not scrasioa to any sold in this city, and should t-ftiiy not prove acceptalile to the taste, they ro ratned, and tie money will be refunded, a* it U only with that understanding we sell. -■ We ask * fair trial, urai the public may be able to edge, between out Teas and those heretofore sold by ** AU Urrersofnch. delicious and good flavored TEAS, 1 JOS. S. M. YOUNO 1 CO., ' N W comer 4th and Ferry street*. and E. YOUNG & CO., 8 comer :td and Ross streets r»KW STOCK. OB' PIANOS. JOHN H. HELLO B, No. 61 Wood «uicL Wi« received a new Mack of Pmao Forte* from the foi lowin* celebrated maattfaciurerj:— _ . . t—™ One Ro.«-ucd ~ the style ofLooi* a»V One do 7 do do do Ono do 7 do round comer*, plain earring. One da 7 do plain ioand eorners. - unc ua t one Jo' fil do elegantly carved. •One Jo . One do 0 do do Gales 4 Co, N. \ ■ A tl the above Piano Forte* warranted In every ro meet, being made expressly to otder x and am such as can be iclied oa for durability: even in touch, and of superior tooe. JOHN H. MELI.OR, Sole Agent for sale oC Chlcltermg's Piano Fortes, , pl y j for Western Pennsylvania. is 49. B (tT «r aadiErlt Express Packet Lina* R.G. PARKS, Beaver, Proprietor.} THE new and elegant Paaaenger P*ek«u, I » NIAGARA, Capt H II Jeffnea; PENNSYLVANIA, a Jll Hoffman; | ' 4j6H!§!t.. •• fBSU. , Fontting a daily Line between Beaver anffLne, have] commenced running, and will continue during the sea ton to make thrir rerular trips, leaving Beaver after the arrival of the morning boat frqm Pittsburgh, (1 o ♦ clock, p. *) ami arrive at Erie in lime for paiaergera to lake the morning bo&ta to Buffalo or op the Lake. I Ticket* through u> Erie and all Lake porta, can be I Mdb, .ppbc.uon^OllN^CAUUmA^*^^ ov GEORGE KECK, „iaan under the Si Charles Howl WATCHKSTjSWfcXHTY, ASI) SU.VICU WARE. __ THE tub»criber, who hat been in butiner j ] €gh± in the tame building for the law thirteen year*, fiu'Jb it telling ail description* of Fine Gold and Su-1 ttiiljtver Watches, Jewelry, and Silver Ware, al rclnnN* the very lowest price*. Gold and Silver English Patent Lever W Mehea. Gold and Silver Del'hd Lever and Lepine Watehe*. (. Gold and Silver Horixontal and verge Watehe*. Gold and Silver Independent Second Watcbet for j limine horse*. „ ~ I Gold Goard. fob and vent Chain*. GoUJ Spectacle*. | Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold Pen*, r. | Ladle*' Cold and Stone Bracelet*. Gold Locket*. Gold and Silver Thimble*. Diamond Ring* and Pin*. Ladies’ and Gentlemen*’ Brearipin*. ‘ Sterling Silver Spoon*, Cup*, Fork*, Ac. Gold Watehe* a* low a* sW to 535 each. Watehe* and Jewelry exchanged. . . i| Sboou* and Fork* plated on German Silver,, a fine article. All watehe* warranted to keep good uoe or the money returned. Jewelry repaired, and VY atche* cleaned and repaired in the be*t manner, at mueh le»» than the usual prices. . GEO. C. ALLEN, . Iranorter of Watche* and Jewelry, wholesale and retSl/51 Wall .treet, (up .tain,) NEiS3iißgW In general practice, now confine* 1 tvSfiBPEwiSU hig attention to the treatment of ] SEaaBHFNr those private and' delicate com) ] Btflgaag' X pLainu for which his opportauiue ‘and experience pecaUfirly qudiP] u ycurraisiduottliiy devoted,| toatuayA treatment of tbo*o complainiaddurmg which tune he has had more practice and has cared mote pa; tienta thaacan ever tail u> the lot of any private prac; utionerl amply qualifies him to offer Bjsuranccs oi and satisfactory care to ailafHicted . and ail diseases arising iherij fr °Dr Brown would mtonn liiosa &tfiicted with diseases which ltava become chronic by lime or art rravated by the nn of any of U»e common nostrums Cl the day that their compUinuean belradicallyandlhoi» on irlily eared; he having given his careful attention to the treatment of such cases, cuul succeeded in hundreds of instances in eurtHg-Jvtrsou* of lnflamnuilioa of tU neck of the bladder, and kindred diseases which ottee result from those cases where others have consigned them u> hopeless despair. He particularly invite* suet u have been long end uusucceaafuily treated by ouiefi to consult him, when every s&usfaetioa will be eivoc thcuuand their cases treated in a careful, thorough und iatolUßCut manner, pointed oat by a long experience study, and inveitigauon, which nt» impossible for thos engaged in general practice of jnsdtcm? to give an oneclass of disease. .. „ . '■ • . rri“Henuaor Rupture.—Ur. Brown alMVUtvus per { wiasafflic ted with lUnda to call, as he baJpatd panto alar attention to thia disease. CANCERS also cured. I Bkin diseaaestalsoPi! *, Palsy, ete., speedily tars* erth sex living at aldj«uaes,by etathtg their'disease in y»miaf t gi viri € toucan obtain medicines with direeuonJ Sdrc«Sg T. BROWN, M. D., postpaid' and to ■ 05, Diamond alley,oppoeltsp* " Dr.'Bro'«m'» newly i >sgssss!s?tt | bl D"N«*«*»W .:**■ FoffßfiStT" ' And posaesaloa given unmcditteiTjwAwclij ,'fcsß finished faraUbed.aToßE.9Av * ■L * Msrket «t, being & pood stand-for Dry OOOdi. AI.SO-Several roema-saltableforofieeacr ArtUm* AlaigVpablic Parlor, admirably caleala* ted for a Ladies’ Refreshment and lee Cream Saloon. Prom in size, elenai finish, and central location, be. in* in (be immediate neighborhood of the fashionable, diy Rood a store*, and adjoining Philo Haiti this toon : would afford a permanent stand every way desirable; ; anil in the hands of m person qualified to eoodoet the •> above business In Eastern style, woald supply a want : much felt by strangest:vUitinß Pittsburgh and ladies residing in tha vicinity of the city. To *nchan ocoo- . pan; it woe Id secure a large, .genteel and profitable .• custom. The spacious and well lighted basement of. the building will be rented with tbo Saloon,wuh _ which it Is eoaveoicntly connected. For tanas,which . are moderate, apply to I spun • K. D. GAZZAM._. Raglats for Sals< ONE PAIR SECOND HAND ENGINES 10 iseh cylinders, 4 feel stroke; £ Boilersi <0 feet long, 3. inches in diameter, all in good cnl*r T 'wiU be told at a bargain,if application bemade sooa. They have only been in ase abourlfl months. For particular*, Inquire of jy*?:dtf R. HAYS, Gazette office M~ FOR BJBKT—' The mansion boa:* now occupied by Ur*. Atwood, situated nt Oakland, with SO acre# of grrhnd attached. The Mom isspaciout and convenient, and the ground weU un proved. Apply to UARD\, JONES fc 00, augSl Water it l£jr FOB SALE—A'Briek House, (bit one year •T-ljf built,) and Lot, on Bobin.'on atrcet, Allegheny, ■““•near old Bridge. Price low and terms easy.— Inquire of- jy3l 8 BCHOYER, HO Second «t_ FOR RENT.—The three story Brick Dwelling llonse, on Liberty, between llay and Marbnry streets, now beenpied by W. Graham. Jr. - Possession Siven immediately. Enquire ofAVta. Graham, or. nt )5 Uookitore of J . . JODNSTON A STOCKTON, eoroer Markctand Thirl streets. 5S FORHAiifc. • j£3l A THREE storied ©welling House, bran* she "second house ftbm Penn sired, la. Snyderi* Row, on Hay street Immediate possession will b* riven. Enquire of DAVID RITCHIE, Attorney at Lnw—office on Fourth street, between Cherry alley, undGrantstreeh jul9:dtf f .»oarest; “ : r a FOUR new two Kory fine k Dwelling Houses, j, well fobbed and In complete order, on Center:! Avcnuß,'7iSTVard. Possession given July i»L ' ' >w. Ebqaita of ' JOHN WATT A CO, jufl corner o( Liberty and Hand st» Two Liota for Sale, THE subscribers will eell at private aate, tiosc tw* vnluable Lots of Ground, situated on Tomato st, in die 'Third Ward of Allegheny City, each having a front of 30 feet, running back 100 feet in depth to a3O feet alley, upon (which i» built a none wall, S 3 by 100 feet, which contains atone enough to build 'Cellars fits two comfortable dwelling houses, and in front-there are three shade trees, of a yean growth, and the side, wa'k U paved vrith brick, all of which will be told at $OOO. Pittsburgh And Allegheny, or Coanty Scrip, wiil he taken in payment J A H PHILLIPS, Nos Wood »t,t or to WM. BENSON, inrnyrdiately opposite .said lots. . mysb' . . FOR SALE—Fite lota eligibly sitaoied in the floor* ishint; town of Birmingham. Tbs lots are situa ted on Dountau sueet numbered In F Baasmaa’s plan 74,79, H), dl aud Si—Lot No 74 fronting W feeionala ry Ann street 7u feet deep; the other four 80 feet froat each, by sO feet deep. Tt rms—Greater part of purchase money may rej main for six years, seeuredhy' mortgage. Far panic] alon,inquire of ' bSCHOYm, ntylo lIP second st • “ViluablTCoaniSllSFHlir^’ ABOUT four miles abova Lock No. 8, at the mouth of Pine lion, Monungahcla River. Tito Coal la of the very best quality, and easy of aceasat Any number of acres, from twenty*fivo to a hundred, might be obtained. Persons desirous of purchasing, can call ou WALKER REED, on th« premises, or:WB. Reyd, opposite the Post office, who wiu five any. in* iormation concerning the property. The above will be sold at a great bargain. • mytDmoui ritO LET—A good brick Dwelling House, situate on 1- Rob U..„ . m^All^.;j .. o tg s ln i . [ f oYEg TTORSaLE CHEAP FOR SCRIP—a lot of ground I*' situateou Webster street, 85 feet from HifhKlsetJ 30 feet frout on Webstar, by B 0 feet to. a five feel alley —quite closo to new court house. Pries $B4O. Terms, SGSU.cosh in hand; bdllnee in one, two, three apd font years Irom tho first of April last. ‘ ' County and City Scrip taken for cash payment, in* quireof mylt> SSCHOVKB. tiO second st "'" aot AcrssCoaiijand \comer of Penn end \V ayna streets, fronting 310 feet on the former, .and extending aloug thy latter about 6CO fedt to the ALegusay rtvor, -and part of the Ueal Esuacof the lats-Jumo* S. Stevenson, Etn., deceased .. . .. A plan or suudivisiott of mo above.Loto, in eontot mity with which it is proposed to sell,-may be teen at the other of the uader»tgncd, on Foudut, between MAf.: Itct afid Ferry st*. WILLIAMS A KUHN., ,m>'3 • - nd r - TiVO'HOfcJSiSS ASBTorU FOU HiiiK TWO LUTS on Leaver «w«t, ip Ibe City 0_ g'a; Allegheny, above uic upper Commons, on muck isciecicd * frame building, iwo tumci high. • Dilute for two. a,mill tenements. The touare«_-h twenty, feci »■« front by one huiidrcdieet deep, mu •* .. Uch lo a *treci'forty feet wide. The buildings onlho p»*. ml»ca will nay a very handsome interest on ue tayeatj neat, aud Uib. property will be sold cheap for ceu. Applyioli.aproul.CUrVaoScejC.S.orto noviO. - .)■ KAYfcCO_ Scoto b&oUMItW4 far —-- niEN ACRES OP EANftliUtledia rcoblcaliTTO* I itup, on tile MonougalioUtt Circa nslea from Pltu* burßh—in louta anlf paxehaaer*. For farther pn?ae- Sti, above Smiihficld m. "tv WAREHOUSE FORSALH—The subscribe!' fSftj offent-for stile the three storr briet Warehoura -?V**un Wood street, occupied by R-Tanner & Co. ~.17 • WAL WILSON, Jt. TTAI-UAULK REAL ESTATEO.N/ENN tiTKEtT V FOR BALE.—A Lot of Ground situate on Pcun euect. between Hay and Marbury streets, adjoining the house -Indict now occupied by Richard Ldwardt, haring a front of 25 feet, and in depth 150. feet, will b* T£sAßii cAITfiONED against u- SWG COMMON PREPARED CHAUC They are not aware bow frightm:ly injurious it » to the akin', how coarse, low rough, how all* low,ycl!ow, and nnbeallhy ibe ikm ap pear* after asing prepared chalk! JJe» - i I aides it ia injurious, . oulatntng a : 1 . large quantity of Lead! We have prepared a beautiful vegetable article, which cart JONES’ SPANISH UIY WHITE. U i* perfectly innocent, being punted of all deleeri* ou* qnaliuesi and it impart* tothe akin a natural, heal thy, alabaster, eiear, living while; at the aanje Umo acunc a* a eostneUc on the akin, making K soft and ■tnoolh. Sold by the Agent, WH. JACKSON, & Üb»- erty at, Pittsburgh. Pnce 25 cent*. aoc7-«t»wl ''fry*Kiiopnoss asd axis Dukases.— Jorylia-a ttat- soap causes a free perspiration, and at the name lime moltfiea softens, and whuen* the akin, civina it the texture and beauty of an infant a. Sccavt, Bali Raxc* aao Soaxs, are soon not only healed, but cared by it* use, u* at ioa*t seven Physi cians in New York know, who use'll in auch ease*, and find it unfailing—a» also in , Pixplea, Uu'taixs, Frxcxueb, or any other akin dis ectoe The reader is assured that ibis ts no'uselcsa puffed nostrum, as one trial will prove. Icoaidenu menun at least peraona cured of Sous llrsp, Soaa Lsaaara Soma Bums.—Buy It and use it, and the leader ia again assured l would not cruelly sell it for ihe above uolcaa I knew it to be all I state. Tftos© who are liable to Chaves, Cxacxxd, oe Chapki> Fiona, will find this a cure. Any one afflicted with' any oHho abovo. or sim itar diseases, wiU find this all and even more (Admira ble in its properties) than I stale. Bnt, reader, the stores are flooded with imitations, and be sure yon ask for JONES’S Italian, Chemical Soap. Sold by WH. JACKSON, 5» Liberty street, Pittsburgh. acgrt-d&wT {L*“ To* aus* of a vils ttBfTiLX is not mom repul sive than a bad, putrid breath, or dar*, yellow diseas ed teeth, If persons baye lbc*o it ULhetrowa laalt ihey can, for two shilling*, buy an anielo that will make iheir-breath pare and-swee; asiAs Sfteg JUr « cures di teases of the Gum*, spongy ori ulcerated, and for the Teeth it is unequalled, removing the tartar,, fastening the teeth in ih« gums, and clean them am white ns the tnow *f tb*fnzm Honk* 4uch reader, are the piopcrues of Jones’a Amber Tooth £a*te. » Iml > without pausing it ourselves, hear what one ol our mo»i respectable and scientific Dan ti.ii Mr. H.Field,ol Nejv York, says: L *• “t have opth used and analizea thi»bertunful and im- Daloable article, (Jones’ Amber Tooth Paste,) and can recommend it aspossesiing alfthe qualities claim ed for it" Reader, we ean say no more to convince, only thatif you try this once you will be wellpleased. it is out un in beautifa! English China Pits, for 28 ceau. Sold by the Agent, WM. JACKSON, ?9 Liber ty street.-Pittsburgh- angfnd&wT _ i rj~ ah, oooi> ctrtxau we nooota&ijr auurca tut thatollowtii* are ilic actual qualille* ofaUs bottle of jo-ira'i Coral Hair Restorative. If they doubt our ■wonl, thr> cannot these highly respectable citfcens who nave tried it:— ‘ „ . , . Mr. Goo. Beeket, 41 Elm at. New York. I • Mr* Matilda Beeves, av, Brooklyn. Mr. Win. Tompkins. W King *t, New York. Mr Tho* Jackson, Montour* Islaod, near Pittsburgh H li.Culleu,latebaibtrstcamboatS.&menea. . And more than a hundred other* «ute,-thOttjh this 1 aosi iufiiec. Out n will force the hair to grow to tea bead or faee, slop it falling off, strengthen the TOOta, I removing -scurf and daudralTfrom the roots, making lichti red. or gray hair assume -a fins dark look, ana 1 keeping dry, harsh or wiry hair moist, soft, eletu and I iHsauouil, arery, very long umo. ' • .„ I Sold by the Agent, >VII. JACKSON, SO Liberty tt, 1 Pauhurch. Price 37*. SO coat*, and oce dollar, j ailfcdAwT - PBICK»UI£OUUI£D. m IiURB MILL STONES. nraafacta* M rt j ia Franco, composed of butfeW /■ jjtoelo and solid eyesr-« JWgC aatcrt- ML, me*i, tbr besrof the kind) always on h.onJ at greatly reduced prices. - tSJPsHB ALSO —French Bair' Mil! Stones of lmTil my own msnuUetaie. made of tntWi' Block*. These JDB3& Burra are raaoe under my own Bopafin. and u area: can: is taken to mak; the iolnucio»o.andtoha-e anth«bloeksia 'eseti atofto . of a uniform leraper, they are war ranted to be of the eerr best uoality, superior to those imported from Fra reel awl also superior to the gre«t mass of those made iu this country, and at prices lower than hare ever htfere been odsrcd la tbit market. _ v Hill Mill Stones, all uses. - Cloths, all numbers; of ike best quality, war* ranted to giro satiaUettoato tae purchaser, and ai \ eieatly redeced price* 0 Mill Spindles, Mill Irani, Screws and Pick*. Flat* form Scales. Corn and Cob Grinder*? Grist and Saw •bVim. Mill Casting* of all kinds, and Mill Fo making iageo mrtv All order* promptly attended,t» aiSUaadttfLib* eny street, near ute Canal, Pittsburgh, - myXJam* W.W.WjqhACg rdy an " OfcU. W. UUTU * CO», ' INFORM then fTieadaasdtbepabUeihauheyfear* no tourer any connection wtih their late establish : ai taeni In Pena street, known as the Piasbwjh Brewer-' baring removed their entire bassess to itePOltsT fOKßvyESYttn fie dtttt, j%