medkai, . I j aiUB’IPOKTABLJBOitLOT, ~cf ci,B r t. . |Tj~i i — iMflMfittflL JtfrF&gZ&Zi , TO PHILADELPHIA. BALTIMORE* NEW VORK I . leave T> VMS ESS on m* C*n«l Using now reanraed. the I fTMIF. packer BEAVER. P«pj • C- t ', r *j aV #n ,i i> Proprietor* oi the above Line reapectfully inform , l Bearer regularly on Mou«Un. £ y,,. J!ti ;„ own me public ;hat inei ate prepared 10 receive and for ! Friday evening* 81 o P •*'' • “ , j ivtm - lwU | lC *. ward Freig&l wtra drapaleb. and al lowral rate*. next morning ai ■> o'e.oek- re uii i l *' vi H . j Tncy would nl*o cull ihe aitenuon of ihippen Eavr ; Uiwn Tue»day, TWmUV «n« Ul . „ or ,ward lo iftr f»n tnui Uir B,,e n"i>' returning leuve New Cattle. MoiuSai runeemeni. *l ( oiumom n. bare .uih (reigb lor oat ! r. risassu,. >... i %..”•» — «•«*>-* •*** ' ,ug -tfftUon. for pa*»ecg*fv and -hippcM »*»«* for receiving or advancing may rely.,-, -..ore ponctualiiy and grealrr NocUarge made £ b r srsisavs:.i » £?&zxs?sa. i« r .sfr^ 1 as* ! 1 •‘•jk** A. D-acoUa, ‘ Youn*«own. | phia, tr»..c»a A Tboma,. -.; ;W R. W. Curninsbaro.‘-Ncw CiwUr. i PESNsVLVANIA CaBAL*._B. U.U *»»i Tbe elegant fteamer. ALLEGHENY CLIPPER, will | __ „ t - WBB (ear# Beaver, daily ai tA.M, »"d Pmu.urgh at .H . \ fTT* Z?*»™**% lo4a. .M-, rannnig in connecuon with the al>ov boat*. julS j [agßcUc or Galvanic TIIK rulncriber ku rfte I'y received « number of ihe»* uttaluable inJiinmntu, which he coniem plain keepbi* eoafttarn iv o» hund (of ac'nmpa Med hy direccllona for heir proner appirc»uon ir. nil e»*e* of diseaar. as w- It a* for (.alTunine* metals in th- neatest manner. lan erpmenc- iti 'be treatment of di*ea»et h*a led bin to believe .Hal there are tew cm»e«, if any, which n: l>- noi t.e ad v»nta*eoj»lY treat ed by a proper appiealuon of Urn raJ*® l "* “ u, “- T “ e tsoit aatisfactonr teitunoniai* will i>e eiv-u of curtt harmf been effected of different diae».*e», ion* of which were deemed incurable m the ordinary medical practice: and on pcnoni well known amort* ua, u> whom reference* may be ffivtjn. Pemon- afflicted with Thron e Di*e««f of any kind, are etpectaily-incited to call ami cinrmtie theae lean moniala for uiemrelcc!. MKDICINES. too. prepared by ihe moat successful practitioner* in the K»«'. ami administered by them i-1 connection wnrh or separate from the r.perniinu. wilt constantly be kept on Hand, w th direction* for use Single opemuona on the most moderate terms. Office No. M pt. Clair si., near the Od Atle*b-ny Brid*®. «pt2S:cly A. WKSTF.RVKLr. I ' nT 0. .CE MANUFACTORY Dr. S. P. TOWNSEND’S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA, The most Wonderful Medicine of the Age, 1,500,000 BOTTLES MANUFACTURED YEARLY. Till* Medicine la pnt op In 4nMt Botllua, «nd bai cared more than 100,000 Cases of Ohronio Disease, within the last Ten Years.—None la Oenalne W anltu signed by3.P. TOWHBKBD. EXPOSE. BY RFUHNO THE FOLLOWING AFFIDAVIT —lb* poblic will learn the origin, or rather where the recipe for making the stuff they call Old Dr. Jac»>b Townsend's Sarsaparilla. came fn>m—and will be ahie io judge which U the genuine and original, and ol the bonestr cf the men who are employed in selling it as the original Dr. Townseml’* Sampanlia. Dr. A r. rown-eud *u the original proprietor and inventor of Ur Townsend’* Sareajwnua, and hi* medicine ha* Kned • reputation that no other remedy eeer gained. manufactured o*er one million of bottle* tori year, and l* mnnulxcturing at pre»ent 5,000 bottlesper (toy. We a*e more 6* to pari lia and Yellow Dock la our establishment each day, than all the other SarsifWrilto Manufacturers m the world. Principal Office, W* Folio a-*L - _ . ___ HF.ATI THE AFFIDAVIT. Cfte Cewnfe «/ JfW-Frrk, *«. William Armstrong, of the said City, being duly twora, doth depone tad «ey that he n e practical Druggist and Chemist That *erm* time la the totter pert of May, or flirt of Jane, 1648, e men by the name 5f Jacob Town*end. who at that time wee a book end pamphlet peddler, celled upon deponent, at the home hf Mr Thompson. No. 43 HodsKWtieet. where depo nent boarded, and requested depoostal to write him a recipe by which to. make a Syrup of Bums partita. Deponent further says. that he became acquainted with aeid Townaeud at the office of Theodore Fatter. !■*, Book Publisher, with whom said Townsend dnuL That *aid Townsend had had frequenl coarim. tion* with deponent respecting the manufacture of an article of Sarsaparilla to be sold under the name of Dr. Jacob Townsend. That said Tcnrmnd stated he was an old man, and poor, and was not lit for hard labor—sad wished to make some money, in order to lire easy in Ms oil da**, and that, if Sarsaparilla under the name of Town send sold so well, and to much money was made by it, be could tec no reason why be might not make somethin* out of it ten, (hi* name being Townsend.) if be could got a capable person to prepare a recipe, and manufacture it tor him. Deponent in one of the conversations asked mid Townsend if be wu related to Dr S. P Townsend, to which he replied, that be knew Dr. 6. P. Townsend would be down on him after he should commence. But that he did not care tor him. as he bod formed a co-partnership with man who conld furnish the requisite amount of capital—and was well prepared to defend himself aguinrt any attack that might be made on Mm. Depour.ut further sayk that pursuant to the request of «»«-< Jacob Townsend, hq wrote a recipe lor the manufacture <•( s ft* rup of SiiTOParula, and gnvo it h> him. SyuJ Townsend observed he * anted to make a specimen to exhibit in lus partners tor their approval. •“ he wished to firslily lt»em m every thing, as they furrushed ill the .•apiUi—said Tosvusctui also told deponent that the bottle* tlicv were to u»« wem to be of the sumo uce aud shape a* Dr. S. P. Town sead't. ar.d deponent at- tpe request of said JucoS Towoveu... w ent to the uffire of Dr 8 T-Towuseod, ml procured one of his labels. And dr;>oner.t further says, that be hn* been inform ed and vciily twheves tbc Syrup of Sarsaparilla, sehl as bid Jacob Townsend's, is made after the recipe fur nished by deponent, to Jacob Townsend, a* aforesaid. Uid further deponent saith not WILLIAM ARMSTRONG. Sworn to before me, this :14th day of May, 1649. C. S. WOODHULL, Mayor of the City of New York PROOF!! PROOF!!! Hem is proof conclusive that Dr -> r. Townsend’s ftaraapanlto is the original. The following is from rotas of the most respectable papers in this Hut*. FUOM THE Albany Evcolnc Joamal. Dr. Townflond’a Sarsaparilla. There probably never ha* been «. popular a remedy. „ patent medicine. as Dr. Townsends*. tanapanll*. which wa. «»n K mullv 4 .ul c-mune. to be manufae. tore.! in tbw citv. .1 ftnl hr the Doctor himself, illrr«tpl< for .evemi «<*ur« and to the present time, br ( Urn a Townsend. the prevent propnetura since the ua» loaned tbe Doctor ha* res.dcd in New York, where be ke«-ji it More, and attend* to the botineis that accumulate, at that point. The menu, factory i* in th:s cite. and 11 conducted by the Junior jartner, Mr. t lapj—■ : here 1111 the medicine i* manufac of our citizen. h»re any idea of th* amount of thi* medicine that i. mnnufactnred and anlJ Ue».dr* the sale* u. thi* country, it is .hipped lu Uie i an*d«« iVe.t India lilainU, South America, tod even to his rone in considerable quantities At tha manufactory thev'emplov a .team enpme, hodden a large number rum women and gtrU in the preparation of the meduitie. milking boxe*. printing. kc, and Mm out. itadr lor shipment. over 400 dozen per day, or nearly Mifto'l«ittl*i*. Thi. »« an enormou. quantity Thu crc-vt uvle tho medicine ha. acquired, ha* in duced a uamborof menu, get nj> imitation*, and there „ 1. at the present time, other medicine* lor isle. that ere railed - L)r TmrMruli Pir&apanlla." One in i>«r ticul.- started a .hurt time ago in New Ynrit i. callew .., ~j Jacob Townsend’. Sarsaparilla. and ap parent)'" with B view. by diut of adTcrtiiing, and the n*u*l rvmedic* resorted to in *t:ch efforts, to apprrqin. ate the n«m» of Dr S T* Townsend'. great remedy, and thus train all the advantage. resulting (mm tt.e of the name which he t»i.acquired for It. br veare'nf patient and expensive labor. Dr 8. P. fowturnd, K.rmcrl) of this city. a. i. well known here i* the inventor an.i nrnfinal proprietor of the medicine Itu.nn a. - Dr Town.end’. SBrvaj*rilla, and we think those pereoo. who are attempting towll their article a* the genuine, tiiould bo expoaod. nir-M THK New York Dally Trttrane. fof- VTr pubiiihed an adrerti«ement inadvertently terms time ilnc-a lhai did injustice to Dr. 6T P. Town, tend, who n the original proprietor of the preparation of Sarsaparilla known as Dr. Townsend'*. Other parties hare within the post fewmonths engaged or connected themaelres with a man by the name or Townsend who put up a medicine and call, it by the - nma name Thi. medicine w*. advertised in T*e 7V.'Aunr a. the origiruL he. Thi. advertisement also contained matter derogatory U> the character of Dr. S P Townsend and that of hit medicine. We regret it appeared, and in justice to the Dr. make thi. e* plans Unn. VROJ! THE New York Dally »«»»• P». TueAfp'i extraordinary advertisement, which occupies in entire page of the Svs, will not escape notice. Dr S P Townsend, who n the otijpnal pro prietor or-years, over >lo,o*o, andJ>« actaowledges that It is the cheapest advertising h* has bad done This medicine is exported to the Canadas. West in dies South America and Europe, in considerable quanUtica, and is coming into general use in those countries, as well as hero. Druggisti tod others that tell Sarsaparilla (or the geouuiu and original Dr Townsend's Sarsaparilla, that j* not signed by S. 1* Townsend, commits • (nod, tud swindles the customers. Men that would be gulitT of such an act, would commit any other fraud Land no Druggist of common intelligence but know* that onn is the only genuine. Old Jacob fownstnd. Some people who are not well informed, and have not read the pepers, and not seen our advertisements, Ua*e been led to suppose, that because these men ad veitise their stuff os -Old Jacob Townsends," that U mli *L of course, be the original. -M Is less than one rear since they commenced to make their medicine. Uura has been In the market -over tan year*. TUI* Old Jacob Townsend. They are endcaroneg to palm off on Uio poblle a* an old Physician, kc.Ho a not a regulor educated Phi ticiaa, and never Bttooptod to manufacture a mod .ciL untll these men hired him for the use of his ‘ ‘ ' They ay they do not wiah the people to be the better to deceive the public, they at Se same time aLrt that their*, i* ih. bid Dr. Tow««ad■«. oneinal • and endeavor to make the people believe ffib. stuff they mWectura. U the fit W-U Sarsaparilla, that haa performed so t y eu«* for the past ten years, wbich “** **“ *? • rej-utatton whSh no other medicine ever which is a base, villainous, unprindpled falsehood. We have commenced suit! against these .. damages. Wawtah it tobe understood, thaUhe oid msn uno relation to Dr. Townsend whatever. In their ed vertlsementa and circulars, they publish a nomb«;r ol gross Ulaebaodi respecting Dr. Townsend, which we will not mtteo. Pabe Reports, Our opponents hove published in the papers, that Dr. S- P. Townsend was dead. This they send to th«i* agents about the country, who report that we hS*U given up business, he. kc. The pubbe should be 00 their guard, and not be deceived by these unprinci pled mem /Tories e/ Rreurctl. —Alter the first <*f September. 18*9, Dr. 8. P. Townsend’s Now York Office will be in the South Baptirt Church, No- 6J Nassau street which is now undergoing a thorough change, and will be fitted tor the better accommodatioa of the pro. prietna and the nubile Take pert ini or Nehcs.’—No Sarsaparilla is the genuine and original Dr. Townsend’s Sarsaparilla, ui> fen lignoi by 8. P. T i wnsend. Aotxrs-—Bedding k Co, No. 0 State-street, and Mn- E- Kidder, No. 100 Court-street Boston: Samuel rtAAwr )r n towuD) Henry Pratt, Salem-, James B. OreeS Worcester: Allison k (Mult, Concord; J. ' Belch k B for Akron and Cleveland, arminc at emeu o' ihe»e plmre» before nifbt One ol the packets leave W arren daily at&P.M., and arrive at Reaver in time to take the moraine boat for Putst'urßb. C E t* LKFFiNGWFLL A Co, Warren, j p TO 61 B TAYLOR. do S JOHN A CAUGHT , Atent. B pjg corner Water anil SmilhbeUJ »t» 1849. DNION LINE, OS TUB PENS’A ANl> OHIO CANALS. Ca* wtukd A Cn*x*taus, Cleveland.1 * i p rc ,[> r ’»- B- (>. I’itD, Br-vrr. I.i ' Lane will be ptepa ed on (hr opeomx 01 ■ • I euim>. totran»port freight mid l »»»e«ser* it ITTrSBIRGH and 01.KV KI.ANB, H "! I”” 1 ' 1 0,1 me Cannl and Lake*. Th. (uciliuc. of IU Ijii. m 1" ijuaitty and capacity or Boat*. experience o« ctipwin*. sod efeeieucy of Agent*. One Boat leave. Pnt-burgh ««d Cleveland daily, run iuu in counrcuon-wiUi in* .teainer. 45 LAKE ERIE AND MICHIGAN. Between Pittsburgh and Uonve.r. and a .me of firm **** Steamers, Prop«llei> and Ve*-el» on Uic Lake* Afißim—U U Park*, Beaver. I u Je.*e Baldwin. \ ouu**towr., Olno. M B Taylor. Warr.-u. Cyrus PmitU., KuTenlla. Whrelrr 4 Go, Akron. Crawford 4 Chamberlin. C and, O Sear* & Griffith. Buffalo. N JOHN A.OALGHKY. Aeent. Office, cor Water and Smithtieid »l». l*m*t>uigb. mchJMy BBAVEU packets. Steamer MICHIGAN No «—«'»pt. Gtlmv; LAKE ERIE, • Gordon TIIE above regular and well known R-nvrr I i.-W -el*, have commenced mok:tif tiirir dai.v trip* 11 and from Beaver, and will continue so run K-tw..m Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly during we w:i>on. -• follows: — . Michigan No. 2 leave* Pittsburgh dai.r a: v o '•ir;., A. M., aud Beaver at 3 o'clock. P. M Lake L '«■ leave* Beaver daily m S o'clock. A. M-. and Pittsburgh a: 3 o'clock. P M. Tbe*e steamer* will run in connection with R G Park*’ Kxpres* Parker Lice, for Erie; Taylor A Lelfiuigwell'm Warren Bucket*. Imiou Lire of Freight Boat* inr Cleveland. Clarke A Co 1 * INuabarph and Cleveland Line Fra.giit Boat*. R G Park* daily New Castle Packet*. CLARKE- PA RKS 4 Co Beaver. Agent*. JOHN A. CAI GMM - Agent. PnuhorgL. mcb3l .. cor Water and Smitbfie'd *t» AVI) CISP LINE, ON THE PENNSYLVANIA AND OHIO CANAI/-- THE Proprietor* of thi* old r«tM.i.*in-d and popu if daily line. eouaWting of SIXTEEN L r*t c.u»* * m, >. ! Boala, owned t>y them*elvr» ar.d rutK'ira i’i eont- • •4on with the steam bom* 1.1.A.1.H AM' COPE, are enabled to offer unequalled ruc-.t.'- ■■ the tran*pon.«UoH of freight and iu>*uiti' r ‘ o' . opening of Canal navigation, to u . point* <»• ...r I n wlvanta and Ohio and N '■» a* mid ur > •«» ■ ’ E. M ITTt'H 4 t «>. t -vr.a .d BIDWELL4 BRnrUF.R. - Agent*. Hoiiser. » J. C. Bl DWELL.. Ace-.t, UIJIYKII AND KRIK PACKET LINE. THuorau to TH» tu.** is roarr Horn v t nt; I’ri*Px.issTl.vaxu, Capt. ■** ane *’ TKiuotu.rH, “ Po.ioct, U«« La.*, “ p iU Vwj! “ s*ycr .C. MDWtLL, ” “■ "' k ‘ ’> C uVjT vilß a'nC^KRIE. ,Ü BI OW EU i BROTHER, | '“- 1 Forwardius Merebants, :\ “ {r \ vr , ryrf% evenm*. n»«wd**iny mw me am- RKWKK. r.\ . v .| u , i„r Miclii*:»j> from Pm/burrh Apmufir tk, K*fa.r*» tj~. A*- ».!. '.uTwimair" burgh and Kri* btnr cm trie, <*’■ •] • 1 ' lUr a |i r , ~r m Ni»<*r* Fan*. will 6“„**£« . -t; J..' w„;“... Harutoam. D iri» A Suuni.. BuSmo. Jar.. »■ > San4a»K)'. JM A Af !“V' (, ';‘ : V\v,'‘ an ,.' V| Newberry. Sheboygan. ML.urrA: '' ‘ an ' ' net Knap. Murfey A Dutton Krtcnc Jm-.., >■ hm/. Chicago; A Wbee.ler A Co. > ew A «r« -N pittstrargb and BlalrowlUo Packet Line 1y49 - -re reap*rtfully :nf«.rn..d .uni 1 >. MARSHALL A V'l nave h-. -.l out new a- i .j.icaoid Prirhri Boat, to run Ouruir trie' rweeu Bla.r.vtlle ami IVial.orßb— the m*«l. '*» * pd by three bor*e», and every effort made •HfHiale pa/tenpert. .........c rT ,., T Dw*me«a..-Uont. wrl. leave. I i.l**>urph , V.'- Monday, Tuesday, Tbnrwlay ai.d Fndoy. » * r ‘ r.sL From BlairrviHe even' _ Monde), fhuraday and Saturda*. at 7 o'rloct. a X.. " n “ • • nt Pittaburrb the »ame day A two uoiie line* .n ludtaaawrJ meetlbo boat at Salt.borph, both on ,y »ard ami downward inp-putUup pa.-nper- .nrourc, roiti that place .u one day. «i lr- Frricht lor the al-ov- Line Wul i>e tec i • ‘ ~oa»c of the Hfltim-n’* Ui*'- JnoJ arrrn A• '• ~ar «ulh..r.«rd All frcipnt received xbo are ou R j M marshall a co f-eoi co«r. j\n I'aRHK.N A Agent*. Can..' B«‘IU Liberty rl. Pitioborph A UaeX leave. hK.mci le f.w irr.ral oi'.!'e • oai—rciur..• to .'•« .„j ...Af, 7” ..'* Line inrourn .-.v PITTSBtaoU PUK I AUI.KJIUA IS49.^S * M " UtU YORK. BOSTON, kc. , , k Tn.piaaa BiaaiD-a. Patlade.pnm. TAAf/K h. O'Ctwx I *. I'uuhurglt 'PHIS o.d co Una bein« ««w »• * e , 0 and trotn the aliove poru,on nlicra. term . t> iu, Uie regularity, despatch and aatety o hetr mode of uaii.portauon *o obvtoun. »neu i“ “ ”” *rp‘ ,e *- I yßupalEToa*, thoroughly prepared ,o forward Prodace and Merchan due to ami from tbe Lantern clue* earrv ms We tru*l that our lons experience / ~^r., 0., r*« .b»n • aa low a» the loweel rhargrd by other r-»Ponatb. *Wc have opened an o&ce in NVIS3 Mnrnet ■Uiwi. -tweJnilhand slh au, I’bluuia. for the convenianc ' Merchant* will he received and for raided, F-a.l and We.t. any clurtr ’TSS^“«w“» «•■« mvn.AM No I*3 and S7O Market atfeet. Fln ada. JAMKS WILSON, Apr’”' No 11CJ Nonh Howard *irrei, Ha.umore WILLIAM T\M>N. At. ui. No H) Weal street. New » ort 1840. 1 Tr*ns|*ort»llon Line. /IA * UAll. KUAI». TO rHtLAPKL-Rn* AND KAUTtaoKX. TIUK Canal* and (Uit Road. Ocina now open, i 1 m rood order, »e are prepared to forward tind» of merchandise and produr- |*i,ilaiieipm« BaiUHTOir, with promrtn<*»» and dr«, and 01 <°°* um< u *°T •>"' '^■ MeAjn , l . TY t c „ . Canal Dasin. Penn u. Piu*l»ur*tu Aaswra-CHARLKs 1 RAYNOR. KbilaJeiph.a ROSK MORKH'I* * Co. Baltimore. 1849. J||Jjg; from httsbubii to rhujaorlhu* a UAI, I T , JSRSSS! e *«■»* ™- arl “* %?'<» »up«nor rlafl*. wuh en urfmmtoß to.,* o—mc Riem b«»r« “*■«*"* P— “fp(Uc^aly C ninodollar* ihroayk-) One oftho bo«*of \hlsUnetWU leave the leading (oppowie U. 8. Hotel, BqT y»r of Penn greet end Cenol! every al«bt itaiM o’ ,wfc tows ty deye. Far inionnerion, eopiy »l the f>f»— Ha&pefeheJe Roue,or to D LKbCH kC« C4n*lß*Hn TRANSPORTATION. EXPRESS FAST PACKET LINK, raoa o Puttlmreh ID Phtiadelphta etui Balttmon. [Ere. lively for P*««Mter*.| . tI THE Dsi'lic are reapectfu'ly informed that ihuLioe running on Monday, U* Match. The hoais ot thi« l-tne are of a aapenor data, with enlarged eaimia, which will give greater comfort to PB Ahoniwi:l aiway* be in port, and traveler* are re m>rttc«l to rail and examine them before engaging pa»- Li l.y oil.yr T»ey will 1..., lhtl.o4i.jj, op poitte the l". s. Hotel, corner Penn rtrcet and Canal. ...... |.,ehi «t 9 o'clock n VaRB— MNK DOLLARS THROUGH. Ttwu~— 3j Day i. For information, apply at the office, Monongahela lion nr, of to D LEECH A Co, Canal Hawn. jj, fne proprietor* of the above Line are now t.nildm* an additional line of Packet*, to run a* above on or about June l*t. in connection with the Pennayl vmnn Raii Road from Lewmowti to Philadelphia. At ■ il.tti lime a packet Will leave every morning and even nn: Time through, day*. _ rochlO rkliasck PORTABLE BOAT LISE. Kof in*- irui‘ponnuon of Metebamlue. BKT'VKKN PJIII.ADK.I.PHI A AND PITrsUI'RUH. GiKiDS earned on \bi« Une ur noi tramhipped lirtwrrn E*iU»t'urgh ami Philadelphia, being ear ned i¥i lour *OOllOll Portable Boam o»cr land and wa* ler—to »Uipper» ot mrrcbanditt returning careful Handling. mi. >* of importance No charge made tot receiving or «lni>pmit. or for advancing charge*. Ail gr-mi* forwarded wuK di*paieh. and on a» reatonable " y “> olh " '“"JOHN M'FADKN i Co. Canal Batin. Penn «- Pititl-urgh JAS M UAVllt A Co, marl 2*7 Martel k M Commerce it. Phila. JOHN McFaPksTa Co, Forwarding and Commia ; «ion Merrlianlt. Canal Batin, Penn at, l Ituborgh. JAM I*** M DAVIS A Co, Floor Factor* and Coratiu*- Mon M'-rrlxmi*. Ma«kci and M Commerce ureei, 1 l ir^Advance* made bj either of ihe above or. Floor, \S 00l and other raerchandlie conalyned for 1849. ami ■ii intrrmmliaic glaces Till? Line will conunne 10 cany mil " my Ooo4* witn tiie it u*uai de*paicl», and mi fair raw* of ft A»l'm-': A .VAMIXTV 1 Co. r.lub»r,h. D II Wake field. Jolim*ujwr JoUn Miller. Holhday*l>ur*li. JorUon. s*o»ili “'bl... *'hi-. Samil. MulUolian ft E»J. Jno Orai i ' o. U:air*ville. aKED, PARKS * Co*i. PACKET L.ISB* 1848. jfijjL IJKAVKR aNIuXKVFXAND LINE.VU UARRt-N Cma Capi tord. t>CKAN.C«pi. Walter*. / \SF fit the aiiore Packet* leave Ue»»fr e,er T «T ()'.Sunday, eiccputdj and f^’T® u, T ._., w >> e rf uiev connect wltb the Mat- • xVrrin and Cleveland. arriving al each ol U.e.r pUer, net.,.- ~.:ii Piu*t'ur*h OUTKJ* a I.KKKINti'VaI, W «rr«n, ) p ropnt > n MIUTAILUK. » IKi \M». HALTIM<‘KK, AND THK ‘ I'l'rihs „|v' |.„„frrw or ui.» l.iuf bo*r put on 1 .r'- i.r. ol *•' de .. a. Water Mrert, PltUburgh ROBINSON A IitIKHM. ~.,j p-J South Charlcn »u Biuuuture " _ UARNDF.N * CD* p , tiinc ,r »nd BemittAne* OAo*. HaNUDKN A CO continue to bring pertoui CSS. |fon ' ( „ lV „, ir , of Km; land. Ir*iand Scotland or a.c«. upon the um•*’ T7T"» l,e robLM-o t.i ihr rwirdhng »ca»np« mat mleai the nen . . .... ii*r rtinrar ot Uiem the moment they re r;,:“u,sra.— ,«m viir-i iiiriu wnnoui any detcubun t.y the ar« nlnp*.— ‘ v inn* icun---ly. »• Jrf T ~1:c of our P“»«n -! , and not art «« -a- the nor la.t aeaxm. - ollir-r*.— wao • t:,er performed not all, or wn V,i i'- .u.i«-a Uir .f r ui lor nny turn from ±1 ic Inna. *•' ,l * K»>illN!*ON. Kcroj--«« t;ul (ienrral Ajjont, KAtILB KOCaiDliY UK umlrf * l ' r ' L ; u ' •i'« in Arthur* * Nichnl- »on. ws ...*vr o ...I.K. Ki/nitol »*»u.t.ur*h !fc?frVV| Sl»K\ .1..1 Uf.:4.-vv in lull OjiCfmlio'n and ,r p*r. UK.r puii'-ru* rely lor _ihc markr'. -- ii.Miu-i w-ich »»r Cooking Move*. '-oa: and « m.a * -W.III * ..-•'•liJ »if-Ufhl <:<.•>! Move. wtuen l» >•> ciUe* the common fannd lov Aimi a cneap coulCookm* r*lovc, Well a.lap .4’miM'H**- ’»»•"» ,u “ •*»<>'*'“">' o( ro ‘*‘- mn ami inausr* Urate* We would par iruloriy i» , h - cm,on ..1 prfM.n* building 10 call u.l our t.'-ior.' pu'«-nn*iti|f. omi eiamiue 0 apletidid nn-.e ol enamin*- t.r.Un», fiul»beu*e* n Nu. l-.l Ul-rrty *l. oppoa.le Wood at «u|f ~-dii ’ k J'AV.NK. ALLEOnKNY VKHITIAS DLIMD," aM> AUiNK-rWA KRi'UA. BROWN. p”P nanow.^ «!«• i— r PAI'I.K IIANUISOB, ton ‘""'"'wiTpirrc. of Parlor and Kreaco; niiUR) •* Hull w»d C..:omu, ui’uiki D.nlfig'-rooOT, chamber and o*c« I wo. 0 pEuonlorlp tic UUnoon •i'«''"P" »< a «r*v . _ , ,• - - TjXTKACT "I- a)KKKK-Au ‘ * -r; /“xußißMi RUBHBR. ObOD*-J..i v * ' : r, p i“'"'K ” s&iwrs L ’Trunk. fi a,,,J ,5i I5» ll0n * eaen > M r “, ‘V‘ r "V \ i 1 Jo- >lu«k A.« Sloi«» Uoi-.i I •>•• 0.1. J !jLt iril . .i,f'do Tho •to-" rood, lor ..R tonii. O.ihonil UmiIUJPS UlfS-il • A«i«u iRTKD >*Pl‘'P.S—Pul op for Ininnv u.e, U» ' Mu.iurd. Altp Ciunomon, 9 10,P *’ , new Spice, and Warranted P“' e for “!* *1 , -rival* Mustard Factory. corner o( * f ]{ HKI.L *“Vvll*-W'roMbt Irou '‘ T "‘ l *J"Z“'c2ZZm A a»ic<*»illa worK», warranted, Will be cou > m ..p r i«J “ "‘‘S.IAhaN. » w«s_«_ , .M,'n Kbib. HKARTII. “““'“'"7''.-'.S" m M -"ns.&:.NV" Mr W W WsiUre bavin* u»ed a Hearlb el 00,1,,V »nrt manularmrr lot the paaldgnlOCn mo IDS. pronounce .. » U |.ennr to the bea/th* HOW IB r ««»* IMNK f-Ot.NAC BRaNDIF*—tT7 ball P>P«» *“*'"“* 1 THiiapr*. oi our own importation per Commerce from Hororaux. ju«t rec'U ana'or .ale by , rj .-,.j JV 4 MILI.KR A. RICkFTTSON / tUU> CHAIN?—Ja*i received, a beautiful assort meui oi iaiiie. anil gentlemen*’ Gold Ooard Chain., from SH» U> WO epeh. eastern price* AUo. Weeding Klimt of «1 carat gold, gold Pencils, Finger Bines. tar Rm*s, Ureoat Pina, Bracelet., Gold Pena. SKa ,' v ; w ' V ' L « ,N ' • j„3 _ comet 4th and Market »t» RIBBOXS—JaiI ree'erted at Zebnloa Kin- V aey’v 67 Market atreet, f 30 p* colored Velvet Ribbon, escorted color* 30 - black “ “ _ q ». Glam; lOpiwtda Plata, to. Aac£ MEDICAL QELLERS' FAMILY MEDICINES—“They are O M«licmei of the day." (juui'i Srsnos, Ohio, May 4.1349. R. E. Sellera : I think it ngbt lor me benefit of oiher* la tiale wme faeu in relanon lo your excellent Fwnc ly Medicine*. I have used yoor Vermifuge largely in my own fam ily. one vial frequent 1 / iiMwrnnr for e*pe..inif T pe uuautitis* l*ay 1 to **"l worm* irom two clu»n* i have alio uxd your Liver l’m» and t-ouirh ryrup • my family and they Have m every instance pn-duer Uie eject de-ired ». I am engaged in merchandising. I am ab'r .o finie that I have vet u> Hear ef the first failure where your medicines have been used in my aei-uon <>f the countrv In eoneluiioti. I may aiate ihm they are i»* medicine* or Uie day. and are rto.bnrd in have a vrr> c >i>i,iivr tninulamy Your*. re»pertfo'‘-. W H I'lviru Prepared and .old by R. K. SELLERS. .No 51 Wood nreei. uni »o>U t>y Druggists generally in Uie iwo el ite* and vicinity. tnv3l Cy REiT CL RE OF LIVER CoMFLaINT. by ue J original, only true, and genuine Liver Fill Sboct Cim, Ohio e-uuty, Va 1 March tifiih. 1-49. 1 Mr. R. F- Seller*: Dear Sir—l Uimk n a duiy I *>v»« lo fou and to Uie public eiuera ly. lo .tote dial l Have been alflicted with the Liver Complaint lor a lout ume. and *o badly lhal au at>ee.« formed and broke, which left me in a very low .tale. Having bPard of your celebrated Liver Pills being for rale by A H Sharp, in West Liberty, and recommended lo me by ny physician. Dt E. Smith, I conrluoed lo civ- them a fair trial. I purchased onr liox. and found them to be just wnal they are recommended, niKBrJsrLI VKR IMLL EVER USED; and after inking four l-»xe* 1 find the di*ea.c ba» entirely left tne, arid I am now perfectly well. Re.peeUully yourv Wni Liberty. March tM. IH9 I certify that lam personally acquainted with Mr Coleuxan, and can bear testimony to tHr iruih of U> r above certificate. * IAR ' Tne genuine Uver Flfls are prepared am .o.d by R E SELLERS, No 57 Wood street. and by druggist* in ibe two nlie* , TO THE FI’UUC.-The original, only true and gen uine Liver Pill, are prepared by R KSeftest. and bave hi. nun. .uunrul i” hi*.! «>«» 'hr M of ... box, .nd «x .ixn.ur. I", .nis'd. wr.|.p.r-." “TplV'l" ’” a “ rfc, “' °* W. P n.»r Dtl. cAJUUIWATIVK DALSAa |t RUM the Rev ASA SHIN M a wel known and por r ular Clergyman of the Protestant Mribodi'tChurel The usderaigned having been aflliried duringth- p»» winter with a disease otflie stomach, sometime* V'<* ductng great pain in the stomach fot tenor twr.veflour. witboQt tnlertniasion, and after- b aving T * remedies wife little effect, wai fu.wW *** “ 0 of Dr D Jayne’s Carminative Bamum. TU».b»*ivc P“_ perience. therefore, he can confident. .• , D Jayne*. Carminauve l»al.arn. • ; V^ M i NN p MWh.n; «,j For ul. .n « 'J.' I' I ',*' |’in .- 1 Ti Fourth street. ■ ear i>kL ** »n. t .. Store of H I"MIMWHrrt t Alice NKW MUSK'— Roll OH Sliver Moon, Nelly w»* >« Lady, ii n-w and popular Kihioptan melody by Si <• Fr*yi Hie loved one* a - homo; Speak i.riuiy, n . .;mi; i.y I Mnutre *. Rowihyßnni l .ie tidy. ii * »unv ny Hie Umpire Miuatrel*. " h’ l Mu«i .1 F*jry'« I ncKm lie. Ben Boil; LoutAiana Bello; No. rr>r , •„ , t.nme Mill!-, Ilf dOcUl Uil UlUl** Wt I. Wink in'-i lir I'iirlnr, • Krpertcirr de* jrunea Tldiil*- ten ' ii He Unui-ie* ironi all tbe colrluaied and popu* !>r I »pefi t «. . ,inipo*eil ny Frrd. Bey er ill !W I umber» ITe u!.ov.' wT.h n large ooll'cllort of Wall/rd, Mtreur. IV. 1 ku •. song •. Ar Ac refd and -or anle b> «pil JOHN H MKLI.oR.-l Wood at FRnK AN niovs SKRIKS OF Flossies Ftr»* I aiin L»:in Fro** fompn.iiioti. r * ('Mnm-eit'iirir t on the Oalnr War Tit- a: '•! '■ of V.iv t .eeio • r-nirri Urutinna. _ alt i« Ti..- Work, rt Hunter 1.r.t1.r-. * i,e.»0..« i.reek l*ro«e Comporiuoi Oraminir nt u>e (.trek !.a.mua*c Tile Ai»iha*|. nl Zenopnon. 111.-Ode Senerlui'. de Amtolia. Fnrndoiti, ie — For *n < .• I'.ie'- *l lire Hook »lore of JOHNSTON A STim.KTON, .pil enriier Third and Market «i» Ny \V 111 n r|,> tl.-HT) ol llie National lloiontueill A .MOD'-IV *. oin lilt. SIN hy F tlockran. Kat} Hi.ion i>: i emi'inu* hi* lortunea and raoforiotie*. j.i< lri- |.ii- » i-i < enemy, by WtD. M TUacke ia\ nii • -V, in Fur Rr'rti ij• 11111 o- in- Vdir of shadow*. « ulc of pa»- • 11111 111 l.lilli.i I) 1. NeT-ll Sou'hwonli j„. . , . JoiINM'UN i STwCKTI'N, mi . »i ier M'irk-1 ami Third «i» \ lIN l II Hi-. Ilf IKo.N—l'o IT puMi-hed i>X •li'-r ;i i Tti., M ar. jlnrture ol Iron, in all ii* br-in , n-.* imin e ,!r/tfin( n iron ore and coal to tiie inn tiiu; ii> ri. ii n* .n>o coke, the building and managing i .1 .i*,! mncniiie*. Ar Ac . including an iii tu. Mi : -ir I ..'{Hirrr Cumpieie in one volume, M)U •■age*. «. :li n..ration.. eugraved on wood. ITice. Jo i . -ut.-rrit.eri Sui>«cnpoort« ree-ivpd l>v Hug IT. J AS L> lA)CK WIKHI, eo ti*n *ireiirry. Literature and Reltgton. by Kev. | Ko'eM lui iliu... 4th rdition The iftalory of the ■ hureh o 1 nii'M'd. by U *ht*p Short. Kf*kme'» tlo> |.r . s*>'. Horder ,Wnrlare ol New York The Mo win un re ii, r U.nie L**t Daja of Kliaba, by Kru iui 1 i;-■ i i'c.iiae- [.cMuru*. or the IMuimi'i Progrea irrm i>r a.i; l.i d. puo.uhrd ny Au» S. S Union (rile \N .ter* i,; Vepeuuon. I übllahed by AJO S ! mu hor.ote bv- F.LLKrrr A F.NOUSH. i aacJ i Tv Wood" at f\f fMti Al. WQBKSJIST kKCWVKJk-Fcrrira *IM Mate-. I Me. , J vol r i.'jiu- t- • 'ledir*; Ihcnonary ! Juri.prudence A t-*' ..1.:..-. . I‘nieiiee oi Medi.-Ilie i \ a,-: - A nn'miu.-m Al.aa f I \ M*-e • A— Alla. For .»|e |. T ■' *u«4l JA> U LOI'KWIX.D. UJ W.hM bl n > ll.K.'k kM.PIMI-ll.iuiM • ; i rd "r oHi .Nr * \nra and inr »a'e t<)' i un John ii mkllor. m Wood PIAIfOB. • • ’ A M’l.KNl'lß aawrrtmeni t -ill v and Ro.ewnrtd Ftano*. JIKt &• fflTPfl'-l 1 " 1 Pie*.- m*irumc, it* are made . ) 1.. II V I 11 die .a-.c«t pattern and Heat material t' H *«T«a Co . Ap- • -Nitn '~i' ; X,1,1X ' 1 F ULI .mVI IU Wood street. IM Si J, _Ti,r.*c who are in want ol a { «.a mmuroitl •avinc tuy i'*e 1 '!'“ k .w*witli a «everr r.,uth. ; ru.vint'i-rlu're *. they ran not be nce.inl t-y any ally grew worvr. a»W»^^|“ h , recourse ... . (J> y. and !« «nd In wer Umft any brouan. rtsaiated all the f«‘ nr ' -.jutted a.- the .ympuHf *■* | IM-i A.'0.u.l receive.*!, two piano* of Ham increaaink un'd ra«e [ trird •en.— ‘ : ; , ufv; i, m, a a.-'iire. warranted to .upenor to any Puimonan '_ 0Il * u ' n^ Vi °" o mpialnunrreni.ed r.p i ;,„ ,-i.unirr ocl*J _X'. B to have no effect. up h ..or* .- ; *Nk\V IS«TttVHK»T. | T u*l intnu* »* ' ( „ H , leeinuniC'd-J - , , H y ~en appotnlnl Sole Agent for ay recovery A 1 \ j,d »« wxdt tbe mo»* nil- ( I .|, r *aj.- .n < aHHAKIS IAII’MO V fUJ MKLOUK rn, f wlK ,,u, i ». ,„..j „,j u. r-ii-i...i.» -'ii'-* pyre.oL* ‘“* J,, w expccioraie free I), and-, , % , u „. a , x u, r ,• i.nru.M,.. lar u»ual rompo cough, , waaenure.y we.: ; w- - ; t . u . „ luf „ct.,*«* M* *»r* MA ' urn* Ihad * U ever "I ‘ ,e i». * :.,e genera! «« nnJ .Ir.m 00-W a* hearty a « . , n f o miHie'./' r 'i‘ ft ‘ un < u ' r , . ~-:ed tue •• •-• nn. i.• i<* 4; would he happy I" 5' mBV the’-CiSl.: ' 1 CtLAC. that Ollier »uC r >-nr the trdU. rfkr u.-rn a-., n. which l ant *o « r *“‘ ivter Rn-h, tiroe.e*. W*. al*.., .tatemenu » felet ) ;he ....... ...... ... „ Cheatar. whom r . ~ lu ~ , BeapWttiiy youri. t^r . n . "-**>£•4 ...' v:;, J '; u*:- 1 .sr- BV hotnblc teeumony year* *i .er I w ~- ■ LUn V’ Tin in the breaM and bead, a Trt ? *«•’* ' i '’ n | . Cough, P** n Ul 7 1 4. ~, mucu* rro« Ulf ' UP k*- fK ' r , i ble diaCharge ol oflen wealheti i, U we»er *..<’ll a; ■ , eiaJlv upon ehang • ’ co ndiuon, but «»• V'--> . 6r.1l fcStro rapidly going tdM.rmi.amp. aooo convinced uiaU ;„ d aI length w». *c«f« *- lion. 1 grevr d*uv ’h above o wn..per «t i y able to wa.k a ' ,o “^.w u c., of my long* Uurme in :*k-K n dicod againat paten* Q f emp eric., but u d boui.. '“‘S * it ir ■ xmp-J lo r"“ k U.. 1 n.J .ir-r.ay T r n.u ;-r. r.~rr:;:';. | had to u*e twelve o „ oeM , o ,i. a much'ini' feotlv re*t«fed 1 . m iule tne M.ui.ii- '•« •*" - the above moi di»lrt»«ng ‘•° U K U ' r«- B * tab lial'ii. 'oo» Irom the .ung«. ami ln^ ro ,4‘!,i'r., r ‘“re AVcX u'lTui Imw. rot ll.e i-u -,' fr ;i ,V, rterliy .aUrfied with the pertnuu.m. >nl “..1 n<- iL. i f~i i» rf ""i -"j oteaaurr Uublin county, rt L HR sHWAYNK’S* „ COBPOCItD SYRUP OP WILD CfIBRDY. r TB * n “ Broncbiu*. Lit ly , ttwi ttll «' “« T^?“ uid Long*. U>e n»»«i« fertaßl »nd «p<-d» *l»; "5 Cmied Stole* *» d ►•» r ®p°* frnurkitilr rn i.nivov •- »hal foniain wune rriiim»» iBTOMMf , KOI |* root o- UK fn,reo. aSßSrwsgsxxtt^ ’sssz&tg&xsz'vzrz lifj to ’’ rr SurO le‘umon . pn>f • * ■<■ U««B»e)»e» no u»J«> • e«> • influrlice UiM.ut-'' lord*. »t»l ' ‘" render* it * u‘ ,, “ whole frame ■•> remedy IoT • B< ' * ,U,, ‘kk„MV.M»V.R -When torn. »eu«r «''"'m *omn»»niy l*«»f * e * um ®^ lM ‘ lJ wn , f «.-irv v >« p.nicttler f-*-' ™nil There nerer »» »>* >»•■» ‘ c^/n2 ai 22n2 bmod. power Thf r' '■ n,rr ’‘ ‘ ' ' , vrr „tTr f . di» n-r O 1.7 %>'::.rr7n‘"u p :;.- parnuon* «*» n€ undrr vovrr ol >mn«- d--'-i' - -jrcum»UDCe». n> of,,rr mi.inii- in<- By a >M* uouir Of ihr *r.,u»m: .* rrnuiur from U;e la “*• ■£[ 1 {t , llt , llC . Wl tn u.- o n*elOJ*rd *'*■ “ lhprron , ,U Ur >wa> nc • lifcene** ol iUi* |T ' ccunl v ui<* (inruuii l ,r ssr,nr tii'rll'- .“X.!.d w•> W " J Cl "">- -o7 «•> '■• • »m. ••ficuuoul no- uiwa». tmHr in Ujc »■»•»*• “f"7, • ,d 7 m l¥mc,”«’ott ~r»n 1 *•** “ d cl“ei»r I Wood, and Oth mi-1 "• ,M,J ' l *' ?u.*V„h»r « » *" "• * eTRONU RVUItM-K I)r JaYNK’» »* A 1-e.torant u .ur'«-«" oLW . 7“'p u ‘ i ± r L I'emiumptwa, Btoirtiiti*, »»*»« »ume pefeooe -So cMftoeoeed the TfV,’ tbe.T (tm:' « «eo yeen **« »UH pr«f«r ■*>• «T T olh«r prep.r.l.oo. U.e, hafunxl i«jpoisted .» r««.»n*« ltl ‘ " VIl'.T p , p “■> , , h , h.-k* bellowed b) 't.e prupr • ud'hftf* ~,u fue 4 to tile «»e '*l JoTUt*’ Kjr«**»T. y iue«u*l ID irre.lln* i.ulmooirj diee.iei •*** f .li c n FwttrU. 41 dec*WAwif nr \v. P. Prtolum Pl«»t«r. DR. \V I’. IN LAND, of llie Medical College M I'nil adrlpbut. now offer* to lb« public n>» Imiian \ <-k ru*t.le Premium Planter, Uxe ijuuimr* <•« nil. i lon* and trtrd eipcnence, ha. been *iiii.i»<-i<>nir ••• tthFubed To ail women who may <* »iinn |- i »i'" ProUp.u. t'terta or Fallen Womb, he r roitim.->d. hi. ■part .p»« °< i>»'" p ."i," care and re*t—diacardtu* *D the cnumlc iti.irimicn ami expett.ive bandage* *o long in iwx. I In* h.- icei. con.eicnUout in vtnuna. inoamtieb a* tie ha. not tuned In one caae out of liree finy-torr* p» Ue /or Rheumatism and Weak Drea.t or Back, at umlrO with piun. there i« nothing to ciccl un« i'la.tei in affording rein-tor effecting o cure For tale by L Wilcox. corner of Diamond and Market *l Brauu H Heller. •• Liberty and St Clair »U Dr J Sargent “ Federal »l and Diamoi a, Alle cbm)' city Jocquea A. Co, u Denman and Diamond "irui-i t T-J SKI.LKRX Drnjgl.l, .No 4? Wood ..rrc. |v # jjolc Agcul tor the tale of Dr. Town.enu *o- n nine H*r*aparfita, hoi/u»i received SUO doien ot ilui Great Spring and SumEer Medicine. Pnrchaaera eboaid recollect that R E Seileri .» »o.r agent tor Pittsburgh, and DM Curry lor AJiegtifiii etIT. *7 -• G — OLDAND SILVER PATENT UEVt;R WATCH Kd— Duplel WautW made by the crlebramo Coooerol London. M J T-Obia* of Liverpool, and a large a*aortmeut ol detached gold and »t!ver Lever* made by the bent Geneva manu/aclnrer* W «nectocle« of nil kind*; Commanion Ware in *ct». Gold Pen*; Jewelry n large variety; Silver Spoony F CJ I Wilch rep... .« ftieonusd^n mT tS cornet M*ib«t «ad 4tb *u MACAULAY’S KNGLAND—Harper'* fine ediuon SgffiST -Jl ’ EXCHANGE BROKERS; I. HOLHEB * BOVS, Bankers, Exchange Brokers, NOTES. DRAFTS, a'ccLPt'aNCRS. GOLD, SILVER AND BANK NOT FA COLLECTIONS.—Drain. Note* and Atieeptincea payable in any pan of me L' aiun, collected * n IJ,r "t* s * l '* EXCHANGE on New York. Philadelphia am Bal timore. *'.*o. C.rii-innan, Louisville, Sami and Nr* i >r *«••«. <-on*tantly for *ate HANK .MJI'M-Note* on ail aolvcnl baj.<-i" the I'liiird P'.Hir* .liarouiitr.l a: the lowest rutr* AI a .ml* „( Kornti. a..,l Amrric an Gold and Silver Com bought No Si Market street, between M and 4th. Pt.M.ureh !■* _ FOREIGN EICUANOE. I )U.l> on Kiielnini. Ire and, and Scotland bought l_> any amount at the Current Rate* of Exchange. A'-o. Ufaii* j.avtthir in any part of the Old (.outline*, from L 1 to iUJUJ. ul the ralP of *S to the A Meriiii*, ■without deduction or ducount. by JIISHUA ROBIN SON. European aim General Agent, o4ee sth *j one door went of wood octl"!! atl.K!l ixanxs.l ItbWtED eab* KRARER * RAHMi _ , , BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, dealer* it) Forrun and Dotneetic Hill* of Kxcbane*. t-er urienlr* IVj>o#jtr. Hank Note* and Coin, comerof Jd and Wood *trcec*. directlv oppo«iie St. (.hartea Ho tel _ mnpisdly TtrESfEiis pusus— W ““to- Indiana. Kentucky, Mi**oun. Bank Note*; pnrehiuied at the loweet rate*, by N. HOLMES A SONS. wpll 15 Market *treet. BILLS OF EXCIIANOB—Sight Cbecl* on V w \ ork. Philadelphia, and Baltimore. Constantly for sale by N HOLME' 1 A SONS, sept! 15 Market at. ttUUhS. ISIC, &o. UlA* I K .1 ,T**tK«l»

* mno nr i*rßan t.«*|.r«n mu- tiuartovrt4 !>>• placing rrr>*l«*rm* I* *' ...a Tiirnneiy it >,! iTin* u wtvin.i ihr rrurli to O • IH11: n fWttr'-l ltiu»iral liwtrtiwrtil, .1 iu«.i r .< gam piece ot turiu .nil,. 11 K1.K.l KK. At J W \\o«».lwel;. GKKAi M'M.'AI. \.)Vkl.r\ ~Tbo .«l.«vr.i-er !u»- u-. t-.r.\,-u ’font Kurope. a»J lor »aie. :uff n.» pur’icu.ttlly a :u>o .•'«.u4'a<-U w>U o«-cut>3 >U« no mo rr t.H.ii, U..U! - .rc.U. ..J.- f The .ui..ctil)rf tin* ‘0 ujiiJ a ir-t.m*»iu*i. o< lit »ui>erionty from the cr'tfiVr*- . l.r_, • m Ui» owu hajnl wTV«iU(£.Wf»ii:ti .-j H. KLKHKK. MJ W Wtxxlweii'* U K U RU K AUatOU. MERCHANT TAILOR, .to. 46 Jlurkrt strrtl. 1.4 n« t »f ana carefully »p -ui« cl* uii-l 'li< U" ,N ; .. 1... W US M«-eiv«- ftlkl flf r.i i. **..<> .!>■>,Mil'-h mi'l >ll mr l.rmr.i, >uim a i'l manner A« lie I' •nai n<- W ; ; !.c nltlr lo do w«.rk n. rlirn|' »• «..> r.iai-u.hiiieut !»«>«• cuuuUj . tapi-d. ,_,,,,v|.u i,v i>r•• «ei. on the 'action prm.Mpio, wun a imsou ; : u . rr ,-tr icnluu mof the noiiiru. gum—featuring the 0.-.t.uui ni ibe face. N b - 1 e.-m'•XUfccletl with 'ilUe nr no pain, m «•»>&.! Fmil. permanently *«v«-d by plugging. pm ili»* loom onhc. which it much belter ihun cu rm ; u u tiioulil b»‘ di.uc iu bee inntiic*, ui -v-„ m-u.iily, op#l:l >' MOIST F.AM.K TRin t.i-lnr fleanlig win n 1.. Jin ,rr »Mfr li rapidly taken out a.I -pot the hr.uutifu I and ilurahli n vptl MJtil lor aule, who.e JOHN U MOHt.AN. DruggisL : iLiKi Jr|irOc!m >!• I > * .•< ,n> Jml it mill rrjui, iiy L#lgbt': L.l«blli Llfflktltl u- V r.ilr.l I, U fM..u; Uu*M can now lie >t. i.Aniji <>ore. No Ml Third «ircri T.IIK STIR OF THE WEST . Vh.MTIA.N UI.IMJ.MAMJFAirruU'i VyKo»i «i. urn chr up Boston roil or tplu Blind Truiapa renry And I'aper Curiam* <>l an Mir didercui »itc» ana pailern*, on aand «ml i«*r tale low (breath l)id Venn übii Blind* painted o»er and repaired, or taken in pan payment lor now K M W Ki)TKKVU.T, I'ropr V 11--All vm. done with ihe lie«i material and workiuan>nip, and wtjrtuned lo pleate me inctfl la** id.mi* augio-dly . i-Kl |{l.|! VAMTACTIUKS Tl.e under .iK'iro. Ax ! • 1 "*r i!>e uniiiuiuriureri, U*» on hand i* • '.n.1*1.1.) receiving n tub .upjily ollUcufUCJ I'm-'..i r-; *i ui.a Ufimiy. whion be otfert i 3. muiiume lun r» |-ncr« COCtIKAN, i ;» ui A K l l-.H I’AS'I K- i gro»» buttle* India Rab _! t.« l rvi«im to water tor «or 3 niontba, and ,i | . ri.-.'i pterrniau ve tfom the ioaiber c racking. K. t M amt mi -air at the India Kut.bcr Depot, No 5 U 0 .,.|.1, ict-si JAM Pllll.l.ll’t* AMKIUCABi TH.LKUUAPH COMPANY BAiTmoax, i-.mscasu a .id wuuusa, \\ KK.N LINK. Office at the KtchADge, Baltimore, RKIH CKU Ka I'F-*' Ttie cbargra nave Peru redi rril on ui. Mr ssugr* 10 or from Baltimore, pm ot \\ M«-«-nr.g and a corresponding redurtio ni.uie on #>| le-ntrujihio despatches torwanled from Ha umore \\ c*l m Pittsburgh. Pa. KaTß* riic o Purge (or a telegraph despatch'd! from Baltimore, i'tUaoonm and V\ heeling, la 44 ten ior ihr Ur-l irn words, ami 3 ccula tor vuch addition No r (targe it made for tire address Ami ugi Cntil the completion of the South Western Imie rnegropU from Memphis, Teum, io New Or.cans, d< [•aleuc» ran i>c lorwardcd to MeiUphis by Qua roulc, a oaiietl (or New Orleans irl t r | faMI L 1 b> H—Chemical Liquid tor waanu.g X emilie*. carpels, »ilka, palm and line rurmturn— • •,emg hail me laoor ami dispensing ciiurriy wim the anuiioini The finest Wiiiou earpeu, after having •>tcii m ax eleVeu year*, hate been perfectly resinr -ij. wiuiout Uie slightest injury to the fabric, and with out removing irutn the (loot It will not injure me eioim Directions accompanying each bottle Price ■H cent*. For sale by J BCIiUuNMAKKK A Co, toiti’ 44 Wood (t < | 'Kr.-ti A lAAht w yusi' urnCtA, coo X lAiiiHig Air alphabetical tut of Pott Othces ihroogb out the Uuited States, distances from Wosnutgtoa, IX C ; ai«te and territorial capital* respectively, also ex hibiting the Pott Offices in each State, a* well as eouo ? with an appendix of the II oiled States and British arifla. last rec'd by JOUNMTON 4. STOCKTON, nyll oemcr M and Kszkat m - a K !! j! ! t i“«S 35C.J1 S« g:S.S a C “ £- = O "3 Z 2~jj*”s S’" 35Z■ <§ - <1 p_ .m S u -F w -i'lH B .i|lii^*.!l«!li4ill sit *|Hflll 1 P 11^*3 S = gP^MillilliJsH;fsi!yllHfl”r ?- I! Ilifil 2 sipthMsfiaattemmßihi !?-.l!;iii}j®iii!Siii!i«ll | =Jl 3tf ilils ! % ! # M i kfl s ml ustei®ig] m o| it sis tiiilHUnlsSlEf Hill lsu U iffi S 2 - -•=-s*&S*Bt 2J *S2 “fcag *‘S' 2 -5 0* 2* ca 5 £ ffi | • r ® s«jseatj^-sasiMj§2ss% !iui Tl 4 M K l , b 2 1> rf jS§a.3?-gas^^fli sB 5’A fcrf “• 2 a£ A r “* s a »?S.£slssi^risls-31 £ ?‘ssisl2 =5 < g r '< “ S > s s ‘-sll-s'ssVs"e-ir*-#-^ 3 "s-i ™?1 H" z a c j.jj, -5 •= ss m si i£ s*/ Js< a I *l=j:|;Sl =|-s-s-iit Ssfe£i“= I“S-®- 2 !* "5 it- 3 |Bi=l^ls« a s'|S!'S^ 3 'S®;-!f-fi a ! O fZ 5 » v*•?®s ** J is ‘•iS'”i s, 2-- = f -t"S i -3 a ~Z - tj tl.~a i: ai «B s *?* = 'o*?l !r SeS :2 -^- s -S : 2‘ 5 .3» u t IkP; - * S? C £ S < =il s!s:?|2iij la eg « E l ?Sc -•" Ss I" s t 2"?-: a r c. - k 3 ;3>* *’32 u = t fsla»f’ = r ■ * Q £ i «« . |«Stsl:lg!i c feH s^iSs!ss 1 S ; 2 °f 5l ®;lf I i Ssl 5s i* 11 l\“+ “ 3 ' H - ■ D. MORr.AN. D.V. CI’RRY. Al.„>.nT Ciff; A._PMTO»ON : ffij medical. mrative power*. These. whha ««• ot «• lS ßHfi&iATlEiM—ll «mo«l "ini o * l ffe h„ e form, .ml ra»T l" *0 “■ - - ' ra “‘ ,f ‘ r> .;™»“ u rs« co, ”“ 7 ' jjis^svs?iss^s-j.srfe,.or r> r %™ airs^s^srawa «£>%* —■ - “T*- *" J ”*- km Mlped with ,lke *®cce». —,__ii, SINGLE INSTANCE HCaLD HEAD-We have cared case* *« “ l O TO , wrucU. when taken accordiiw to direction*, and b*. 4*6 agl every thin* known, m well “5 *pent fore the lungs liad become fatally di»rfaiuxad, ll baa r»5 “p’r -■«» * P ~ Effect A PERFECT CURE T 'Snß-I. .. ... .< - bp.. ton,. in to “'r. i j%£>7zz£zl.&, "VEks-tw---. TP TPT.T «- » -.o- ! •»” ' menu It xtvu tail* in giving ">»'* »'■»»« r “ c w u, b« bad. whose voucher* arc at bomur-OW Mlfh] , Vrr Around the box are direction* I 1 p aor*.—many of who® it baa Ge«H«»i. SNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE. ' U.toPi.«p o n kLV FIFTV CKHTB , izxu sssr-w (WA«. «4gws *" «** yact - +*■ * e ', , n .v,, Chest ’ jver the we«L who are prepared (o jv»« foil mfonna ruGb FEET—Laver Complaint. pa>“ the Che*t _i. t i» c Wit T SALTER, Proprietor, and Mr. failing otf of the nair. orlhcoOier Qccompa- I Broadway. Ciiicuinatl.Ohlo_ me* cold feel. (Thu thuunent u thr «r u r remcoy.) , ~ Tu \VN>KN D-S tARrtAPARILLA-SOO ■Uxr.xs:ZT"*‘ u T^y^ w " resws ->• : > fSn-ts:s.» m-Tbu«««.»»> - ,u F «„*. orTiral" when u-fl-mcA. In to rr jnon lo ltllll J,,rival led laidlly Halve, niuisrs aiGicn pais KimcTOß. name of JAMES rrtf* TiMllN V o( a re»pertal>le Phy«tc»aa.—Read m r^rlX l my Agent* ,« all the pnnc 4 .ol and 1 Mow,,*, nddrea-ed to my Agent, Mr. F. Mer wwnamihe Untlrd s,aW!, j AMKa MrALUSTKR. r) wea.hrr, Cmct.-nan. ie o( duly eoni(»el» me lo give my tribute •> hLT!!. *, North Third ruTi, Fbn- i o ‘l>aiir)'* Fain Extractor lteu*nppg‘edioquack |T7* Pnncipal L>Aer, No £: North itu erv undan w».;uiu. ha*i,,* for their object »im»icr adeTphia- „ ~..t T R pm nnl F _■_i,m rrali«iii* tnurii good from the "King of P Pwa’ctia-RraEn J Reiter, corner of Ki.lrr. -i am Mueed to tender yon thj. eertifi- Au*.vn * I irr*BCK many oi'tbeue traToitng on out M eatern *»• HAto-APAR.^^ J2,%SS^?^ u to^TwK. ; »"K.,"£SK t act tapot upio qoartboulea. U,* '* [u ‘ „ j^ {y „) o. mtiary appliouces to allay the *e»cre pain ple*»antcr, and warranted «.apenor t J _ .'aTJnduu H. 1 waa to try your Magical Paul . rure* diaea*o widioot vopuung, purgiug. «<-»«>»'•'* \ Vlll „ h avvng edected, almost «» if by ma debilitating the patient. „^„, m ,ed neiiona have n« an utt.nrdiaie reliclT and alao, to all appearancea Loo* oct roaUnaTtoaa-Unpnncipled person, J£’ , nd l>cf fc c , cure, 1, am induced for the bene- | copied oor label*, and put “P l ” r , l^,1 , IC . uo( oUier , who may be afflicted with pain.caaaed by shaped bottle. See that ewh bottle ha* the written »* ' o| mrtamm ; uoUt « wnie to you, deefanug nature ol S. F. Townsend- ia ’ t mv option, founded on actual experience R. E. SWaLERS. ' V S^ 0 77 «h ol e.a,e Tour M»g,l*l Fain Extractor is the most valuable du- Tlnrd and Fourth, is Lr. i row^’^! d J h ° , CJUUIie lo veri <* the pre«:ut age Cor the immediate extraction I and retail ag ent f° f Pittsburgh, of whom g m tMKiiiy panu It is an almost immediate and a per ‘"o'vTurn h ‘« been appointed the sole agent for met cure for Hum. and scalds, and all external in- | Allegheny city, of whom the genome article can i.e „ u , uunlMU;e , formed by their runs 1 had. .... nD mu «n „i my nusbamiN hotel in Chi* pine*- 1 have supposed, DISINFECTING SOLCTION I>F t HLORtDK bO- , Uo wiug tnem these tew lines. It taay possibly , La —ll decompose* ihe virtu or peccant pnnet- ’ i.cneht both lo them and youreelt. , of ail coningioj* eiseases. It removes the danter. Kuraacnt Gum*. nu< effluvia ot sick rooms, hr. Uy U* cleansing eii»r- rn'rrta.n itie hope thnt Mrs. Glime wtll pardon the , tv U relieves ulcers, and intercepts ah eommntucahlo I [ to hef lctlef , M wc a 0 „ ltl e seore of I,.ease* whether in man or ammau. Ae. Just ree a aumBIUIy 0 f ,i, being the surest mode of bringing 11, imi sale by l«H H K >*Kl.l> R** S 1 «->••< Ijq u , e no ucc ot ner jnend*.—H. Dalui.j , Fektn Cuttd. | Extract of a latter, dated Causo.TT. Ky Nov US, 194 S Mr. 11. Dailey: “l have, tried youi Faut Kxtraotor in a case nt felon, m my own faintly, u relieved : ul ,d cured tu a very short timd. ’ In hasta, your* re speetlully. JaaM. Vouno. ' |rv- itu'nif and Scalds. Pile*. Sore Nipple*, Broken B-rufi Eruptions, Jtores. Cuts, Wound*, and all in- ; Hoinmation yield, readily to the wonderful properties ot uu* .i.inva.’ied family salve. Hut. in the same pro- | portion that you will receive beuehl trom the genuine, yuu will ue injured by the deleterious effcci* of the | coullfrrl'eil *«Jvev. , C AI’TION B** sure and apply orug to the inventor, j H UiLLtt, 415 Broadway, New York, or to hu au-! thonged agent. JOHN P MOBOAN. | i General Depot. Pnuburgh. Henry F. dchwarfcfcjlagheny, Agent, J Baker, I Wncoiing. Vn . James W Johnston,- Jlavsvtlle, Ky., F Mrrrvwentber, Oiuctnnau. 0 , General Depot- ! v 11 —ln the severest Burns and Besld* tt extract* the pam in u few minutes—iv nrver fails ' _ juH __ 1 a | ORGAN* VVORAfKTIXEB" , '*, „ \1 Fmaacaoit. June 14,1^48 Mr John I> Morgan— Dear Sin 1 gavooue teaspoon ful ot your Worm holler to one of my children, and in I :l,r short time of one half hour it passed twenty large worm. I fvei »>ifc m recommending your Vermifuge a. the bet medicine that can be used for expelling , WOMU . J**b» Mo*uaJ». near Nobleslowu. Frrpnrrd ainl »o.d by the proprietor, JOHN D. MoR- , GAN Dnigsut. one door beiow Dutmooil alloy, Wood I street. _ _ F>1 4 _ | UIUBERT’B CHkMICAG WtUTlail FLUID. | lIIBHEUTB SI FKKH»K RED INK. H1BBKRI"S MACHINE COPY INK I ALL Ute«e .infer from ordinary Ink, a* they are all eoemteal solutions containing no viscid matter; flow lre.-iy mnn any kind of peu—the color deep, tirieht and durable. If there have been better article* madA I have nnliier seen nor heard of them. Sam ple I Kittle, cun be obuin~d grauv by the merchants generally, from B. A Fahnestock A Co, Henry P. hctiwsrtz. Aildcheny, or of the manufacturer, THUS. K HIHRKKT. Druggist and Chemist, corner of'Ltber y and MwihfielJ streeU, Fuuburgh, Pa. N B—Any iioitie not giving complete satisfaction, •an t’u returned und the price will be refunded. julS*:d6m DRU.B, Ac. Ac —Pure Ked Bark, Chloric Fhher, lodid" Pninth BiryVhmne, Chloride Gold, Liver Suiphur. Wane Freeipitatc, Cyanurct Potaah, just re ceived and for sole by jut! R E SELLERF DR CUrt! DKL’Grt"— Chmou me, Chloroform, Fai. Bark Frrcip. lodide Iron, Nitrate Silver, Oil Copaiba, James Powder, Curie Acid, Chloride rtoda. Chloric Ether. Extract Khatany, Extract (^uaaua. Just rec'd aud for sale by RH BELI/EErt. jull 57 Wood »t ll A. FAUhsrroci.y ~ A. B. Uolx, N. \ t3lj 11. L. hsuimtock, >PitubergE G. W )'*uBkitoc,j . - WholsiaU Drag Rtora In tb* City «* New York. r l , Hli ua*ieT>igned are extenaiveiy engaxea m • 1 \V hoivtule Drag busineM *l No. 4P Jo- ” • the city of New York, and are prepared to * IF 7 Dru*/t*u and ctantry Werehanu with Df'lJf*'*’ Jti*. Fora'gu and American I e Mum cry, »l*o-er, d-tmi J* Hander's ChemicaT*. (o '*** o™ a(oitaUoa) aarf all ether artlele*«» M pur . tea*, of a toperio a* lo» a* they ean t>e pur shawd in ihia or any eastern ® lt T:. wlwrr v lC i£ u r NowVort F»bt« ** ** * u KHniua* ...» lur '.ra'liUiß ;irrcll<'n« in Icnrti • nppiy jo»t rwri- _ i ‘ AtUfiSiltJl SAMWfI, AlfD BATHING ESTABLISHMENT. Ti McKALI.. Ueg* to inform Uie inhabitant* of IM:- , t.urrh and vicmitT. that he ba« rifwjW the W.ov« pnublistimont. where every attention wi»l pout to the comfort oflhMf who may :**or him *iU a call. Liberty street, between Seventh and W ood. lee Cream* and all other delicacies of the season, jalttidly . - riiiiF u.uieraurned hart Una day »«ocnw>l uoder 1 ibr name of Thompson Hanna A Son. for the pur i*»«e oi maau/aritti im; parer, ai the Clinton taper Still, wh-re they will l»e pleased to receive 'he patron age of ih-- public, cad the former customer. ol me «c -mor partner. - . , . They wi'l at all timel keep on hand a general as sortment oi '.wiling. wrapping, iti and »',il |ii|'n>, Iwvntei board*. blank book*, etr etc., wtm u in*-, i" cxchanee for clean i.nen and cotton ra«s- . Pruner» and -Boo* Publishers can be supplied ».U every description of pnnung P»per■ at »nort nom e. amt at reduced price.. THOMPSON HANNA April i.-w-my**-*!*" KDMUNJI *• HA^ BIIArVIPI'U ORNaMK.NFj* Pok I'AKi.imn - Jaxk.o Ucbwoou *» Wood .reel ha. ;u.i . received lomr beautifully ornamented (JHAIC lAPRONt*. o' * variety of pailcrn. and color*. ai*o. cot Tj.’-uc Paper for ornamenting Jookutfi gia.v., picture irnroea, or tamp* _ J“'-0 »' T the ngn of the Plane and Saw. > wood »treel '\ a complete assortment of Cincinnati t oopert Vonl,, for CYu.A n„ cocoa AMJ UKI/\IA-Un»-I * ) Brotna, No I Chocolate and Cocoa, olao, ScauiU • wc.i» «piced CLoco>aie, iu»l rac'd and for *a)r at the l*r.Atn Tra Store, «» Fourth •> my£J WHITE SUOARS —Lnvermf’* loaf, cruthcd ami pulverized i*u«ar*.|tt*t recM and lor *ai<; cy me ,i>. or at retail.*t the I'ekin Ten Store, 7U Fourth «t. mv'W , PAT c NT DASHER CHURN eori > ruofcuKb r* 5 or VO jti.WTS* ran* ' ' SRW MII.I. , II- attention of the pubhc u iimied to lht« yrrr | valuable Churn, which baa the advantage of all n i em in combining the old and new invention* to- * r The utility oflhi* tiiTemion i* apparent. a»hy a *im‘ pie prnrrM the air i» forced beneath the da.h, ami dto* away with the nece«*ity of purcu&aing anew Chum. a» It can be applied to any rburn m u*c. and for one dollar can have alt the improvement* of the age combined with thoae of gathering the Butter m invited to cal) and judge for them •elve* before purchasing rlaewhere, at Bt, comer of Market and Fifth stree'*. or at 03 Diamond alley, be tween Wood and Market Py* ! ‘ u .... m y£j SAMI.. KKOhyh.V ciiit.M pattern* lor nun >mu V J UAVIU THE undersigned bsving been appointed Agent of the DtUWiU MctcaL-Hafett I.wsaSC* Cob paVT, hi the place of John Finney. Jr , re»tg»—eral terms, at their otfica No 3T Water street. P A MADEIRA. myi- .. A ? eilL T f UJ*« ll»ls*K' l«*w teet 4 in. 3 ply India Ituboer rl Hose—jo»t received for the Borough of Manchcs -rr, which will be held in store for a few day*. The Boron Belting Company express a strong desire for liie &re department* of the cine* of Pittsburgh and Al legheny to eall and examine and make a trial of tbetn. The company u willing to pot them to any teat they think nroner to conclude upon mytii J A H PHILLIPS. 5 wood « Books for the subscription of stock lii the Citizens' Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, will t>e opened in the Rooms of the Board of Trade, on the first Monday of November next, al lOp'clock, a. b. \Vm. 1 Jiriroer. Jr. Robert Wood*, Wm. B. M’Clurc, Joseph Plummer, S. M. KW. Joaiah King, John Sheriff. Alex. RoseDorg, and H- D. King, »pl9:dtsovl Commissioners. gold IvkiilUluu. ' H PARRY ha* invented a machine for washing , (inid, for which be ha* made application for a CaienL They are now offered for sale at the ware ou»e of Parry. Scott A Co , No. 103 Wood street, Pittsburgh. Adventurer* to California are invited to eall and ex amine these labor-saving machines. They are simple in their construction, easily transported on the back of mule* or horses, weighing eighty pounds each, and cun be pul in operation in half an pour. They can he filled witb provisions. It is the opinion of those who have sreifthe trial of one of theso machines ot smallest sue. that two men wiU waan the miner u from I4*i bushel* of sand or earth in a day, without Uie lo»s a particle of the mineral. They can be increased in «u* and worked by water or male power, if expedient The operators work without going Into the water or being exposed to wet, and consequently without en dangering their healln. They will require but a small stream or water, and can be used the whole and can bo puiiruo operation where there U not nffii* ctent water to wash w the usual way. . . Pnce of smallest size *35. Orders from abroaa, se cern panilff by Cllh. will be promptly filled. ttPARRY, at Parry .Sconce® s*! 5 *! febB-dtf No ICQ; Wpod rt^PitaburgL Mr. &AML. a I!ASSfi3rft* , 7 a » in *E eitm thfl eo-pinnonhip ofOolem«n, Hutatt* Co., to the rcawlsisf pwtaon, h»* du» mm iko Ftbnin tf» 1 (’ A L SALTER’S DM j»t aI/H.hative. i UK. M • \ u « |lo«e of i Care per* W« h»vebe'.u-MWfwed h> ■ A Iterative, which I formed onber lMf . remedy of the I 1 kind. -Ml.; lia* *’ VVIIITK Stt H.LI.VUS, attended wm> M ‘ »<"• j' enfolnuoii of v»no« bone*.da- i wen u on * eth47e t,„ n -d;,char*«d"T>m ' ruiß ’"»• ’ u * e from both her anna, ■ ihc ,r " ,,w ''l'miVand from boib :e*»,n»d from ibe left , wmi* 11 ..a irorn he r:*«t kn«, bc«ide» painful her p/.ron, which have baffled . .if fi.<- ni*>*tenunenJ phyttoaniof ihr o( thfl-uroe aer *afable Aboqt ihree month* ncn. ei<-' ...jurwJ u> try Dr. Jayne’a Alterative, ' liSfch "a- ' n toppy ■*«»»?« *«• u.i pani a«a *weiliag», end canting the •'1 at ihe mine time her general health h’ C « r compl'-iciy restored, *o that the now weigh* j more than »ne did before the commenced the ate of im» truly vtlaable prepntion.—{*at K« fwi j Foi funner information, inquire of Mr* Ro*c,No.l*& *aie in Pittsburgh, at the PEKIN TEA WORE, ri fourth »i near Wood- _ _ Jy* _ . rORGAN'S WORM KILLER it ihe beat Vermifuge lyL that any man can give or u*e «n bit family WajuUsuto* Tt»., Wettmoreland co. Pa.. Mr John D Morgan:-Tbi* i* to certify that I have bceo aelung year Vermifuge for tome ume, *ay about one year—and in that time I bare never knows Hto to fail m bringing worm* away, when the symptom* indicated their preaenee. ! had occasion to give it to two grown op member* of my family; 1 gave each of them one dote, and one of them passed SOU and the oth er over 23d worm*, it u the bc*t Vermifuge that any man can u*e in hl» family. J. W. Youao. prepared and told by JNO. D. MORGAN, Drmnt, ana door below Piamoitd alley, on Wood «a- yah ANNisBJP OlL—Cumer*« lUuVw, Kloabeta, Clear ing stonea. Re- constantly on hand and lor aaU by uf* WH YOUNG fc COTiti Liberty k end mottYatbiooabTe Basternpaiurna and color*. Alao THE CHEaP ROLL or BOtffON BLIND, OS h*ad or made loorder of ellauea.a&d at all prtoaa. Country Merctumu and other* are mVited to eal] and examine the above for ihemKNei.aenil willbeaold wholesale or retail, and a liberal deduction made ta wholesale parch aaert. I »pidty | HoUeetatF A WB3TBRVELT "ITTE hereby notify oar friends and correspondent* ff st homo and abroad, that we will not, CTroa sjTC aznmsTAKCKs, recenre freight tom say Cost for which J. Newton Jones is a&eaL tpU_. RHODES k. ALCORN. INDIA RUBBER recrirtn*, agrosi bottles of Robber Paste, s superior article, highly Important to persons that wudi to keep their feet ary It prevents the leather from cracking, and will tike s * polish over it. For sale si the India Robber Depot, No 4 Wood street. jaard J A H PHILLIPS ODLDi OOLDir GOLDI 1! OOLDUII THE subscriber, wholesale manufacturer of JEW* KLRY, invites wholesale dealers and pedlars trt> f _ ding South and West—also, country store keepers to ~ ealf and examine his sloes of Jewelry, which will bo sold at the lowest pnees for cash or approved accept I mnees. Constantly on hand snd manufacturing, s largOMSpsortmeni suitable for coontr^rade. VcomeT of Fourth and Branch sis, up stairs, aplOtdiim Philadelphia Paper Banging*. HAVINfi purchased at three of the largest Fact*. ries in the East, (New York, Philadelphia SQn Uhlumore.) a large assortment of the newrftt sad most improved style* of PAVER HANGINGS) BORDERS, Ac., and made arrangements by which I will be eno* bled,to procure all new Patterns, simultaneous with their appearance in the market, i would in* vtte the attention of (hose deameg to have their bosses papered with tse latest styles of paper, to coil aad examine my stock, before purchasing elsewhere. 1 have now on the way from the East, pieces of Gold, itaUn Glased, and common Paper Hangings, which I can sell at prices ranging fiom Ikfrcts to S 3 piece. Dcbu 8 l< HILL, 87 wood si ' Bacon Smoking. HAVING just completed the rcboilihagofoor smoke houses, w* are now prepared to receive meat, end smoke it in the most merchantable mthner. The houses are hued with ail the modem Improve, meats, and are capable of containing 3UQ,000 lbs. each. KIER A JONES, Canal Basin, near Seventh st__ P~niNTiN7; PAPER—Having"the exeJostve agency for the sale of the Mill Grove Printing Paper, (S. II A 0 P- Markle. Proprietors,) we will be constantly supplied with all the ditfereai sixes of superior quality, which wo offer at the lowest regular Prices. REYNOLDS A BHEE, eoruer Penn andjrwin sts_ DUftCKBNE WORKS. COLEMXN, UAILMAN A CO. conunae to manu facture Small Iron, Spring and Am. Bhstor Steel, Plough. Fork and Hoe Steel. Rivets, Spikes amlWra’t Iron Nats, all sues, together with Coach and EUpiia Springs, hlf Pat, Taper and common Axles. Having reduced the price of Wrought Iron Nuts, engine builders and others using the arucJe, will find » u» ibeir interest to give this new branch of Pittsburgh manufactures their attention. trimmings and maieable iron on liberal term*. Warehouse on Water and Fourth sis. febSO-lf SAM'L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, IICDIMOt B U ILDIMq B, ST. CLAIR STREET, PITTSBURGH, ■l. »jtn axrtjasxn rom NKW YORK AND’pIULADELPHIA, And is - how receiving a tine assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIiIKiiKS AND VBSTINQB, OF THE BESTIALITY AND LATEST STYLES, Which he is prepared to make to ordo IN THE BEST MANNER And in the latest Fashions tnnrlU ' lUad (laaft«ri for Boou and Sboss, Corner of Fourth and Southfield streets, PrmsoKßU, Pa. •Flf» TROTH A SCOTT tann? commenced mfflii Ai\i||| ihe general Boot and Shoo buiiae»MUl F and retail, would respectful!) W m»,, 8 me attention of their friends and the pablij gen erally. to thetr splendid new nock, consisting *f men*, women*’, boy*', mines' And childrens wear of every variety. wutnbie for the season, aud at prices to soil ihe times. A splendid arucle of home made work, •neb a* gentlemen's fine Bool*, ladies, misses sad childrens hue work. Please call and examine for yourselves. TROTH A SCOTT, corner 4th and Southfield its N. B.—Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bags, Ac. Ac-, al ways 011 band and low for oash Country mcicimsu would find it to iheir interest (A rtve us a call when visiting the nity. m hl4 LBtiAS, WILSOR * 00., iM PORTERS and Wholesale Dealers in Foreign wtd Domestic Hardware, CoJery, Saddlery, Ac., i ITO, Wood street, Pittsburgh, are now fully prepare- with a recently imported stock of Hardware, Cutlery, sad dlery, Carpenters' to offer very great in ducements to Western Merchants, as in sddiuon the many advantages had by our predecessor*, Me*- u*. Logan A Kennedy, we have greatly Increased our facilities, and purchase all our goods from «*l bauds ou Use very best turns. . , . . Toe Juuior members of the firm devote (heir whole attenuou to sale*, and feeling confident °f **** isfaction, respectfully solicit a eall from «U visit this market. tataZJ BRICK FOR BALB. mjIK undersigned offers for sale • improved moeUrre, tor tlr.l and agrees to give purchaser* * wring s . lie, .trorior, .ml will reuj cr irrtU rmbtoeleu mrarunr lion. I belt!, .übieeted ITMI ' tossing a handsome »moo»u •«* srlrh | U»*y * f,onl a C X‘- toall who i ‘ P Tri“ , bltms . toriheir buUdiirp, bandsoae front bnek, or superior hart and wishifig u can ablam mem. and solid paving 1 ISAAC GREGG] Bmtungkamj Jbp° \ a i uOL—Tbe high®** P««e™ «*»* paid for aU u>« VV different grades oi clean washed wool, by ” rnr.ll H LhR, Liberty st, opposite sth Cii U'aRTN KRs*HlP—l hove this day associated ) with me m 'he wholesale Grocery, Produce and l onumssion Uusiue**, Mr John Wilson, underthe firm WAIT A CO. JOHN WATT. pniiuurgh. Apnl W, 1*«- *, ULPH of Idiunine. Oudc of Tin, Prusie. Acid, Cn- N rate o 1 Iron, Hi Carbonate of Potash, Nttraie of si ver Calomel, Zodiac of Lead, Chloride of Soda aad Ohlon'e Ether, on ha/,d and lor sale by Ir j J KIDD A CC|. A CARD. " GBA7KKUL for tbe rery liberal encouragement I ujvtf received lor »o many year*, I bavo deter* mi«ed In enlarge my l«u»me»« eoMidrmbly Having rug a rnim••lent Foreman, 1 will Ue enabled to j,,. r.rdr i* promptly, and do the work tn our u»eal mj xml *i mi. price*, and aak tbe attention of met* ci.a.ii* sun nuieni u> my large mock ot L PHOESTR* K 1 utKiUS ai d lied*. MatUaiue* j.i,d IkdOlng, Car* lain Muiermi*. U.muli and Moreciit, Cornice*, Frtn* ge». Uoidvimg*, Ta»*AU, j»plu a,iu Roller U mds and every article utuaily kept in an r.utblubmcnt of the kind, order* retpecuaily toiiciicd and promptly at* tendril to. v N. It.—Carpel* made and poi down. •> " t ww iwnßiA GAZETTE, DAILt, IKJ-WKKKL.V A WKEJfLT 4i i\t •;»*«« ad up a* q*m. RA'I'KH OS* AUVISKTIBI HO. One i r.urrUoo of Inline*, or ........ JO 60 Two insertion* wilhontalKnUon* O Tfr Three '• •< ’ .^*^loo One Week " *. „ 1 60 Two Weeks •• •* Three " " •* 300 OseJvlonth, *• ...«•*•' ®0 Two « -•* Jll 600 Three “ •• •••« 6® O’ Uoneer advertiaeipenta io ame P r °P OT ' lc ,' # r ; . One ■quire,6 moathr/wttbool alteration.*** }** * «« •• )f >• u •< M .. 16 00 j Keebadditioiuil waareforG tonotha, **••;• 3 <*> [ " ” •* U “ .*•••• *0 oo One inonlhe, renewable at pleaanre, 16 00 i Bach additional square for IS months******** 10 00 Two aeoares.C mooth«,re’wableat pleaaure, SO 00 Cech additional K^nare, 6 moptha, 800 VUUI OB 7Bt*ir«>KLt IB PilU tiflUt One square. 3 insertions, ...xv «••••!! 60 " “ each additional insertion, SJ kcmiu canna. Five line* or leu, o»» year, (.00 " “ ' tit month*, ** u ** one year, daily & weekly, }0 00 «. *• « tix moothe “ u GO ismtinnati n vmii uni. for IS Usee, or lest, One insertion. *••<10 sft « " Two, “ «« .« «. Three, « > 0 • J “ Three MBthe, Q