The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 06, 1849, Image 4

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BltgntQeerOmlTtnle nkeh'.mi tor lkl(
TUB aubicnbcr baa rera-tiy reeeteed a number of
ih»*« tngalnnhlc inm.ttmtnu. which bo coniem
piatra keeping eonataatly unhand fur ae»ompa
oiedby direceiionafot'heir proper application in all
eater oT.diteaae, a* well aa /or Oal* ■nln> , lC « eul * "*
thr ne»le«l (Banner. Pan ciprnence i* the treatment
o 7 diaeaaei baa led him io be’ieve th*l/| there are r
ctxt, i/ar.jr, which may not be adr.a nrcowlj uwu
cd by a proper app ication of the ra'*fin:c field he
moat taPafaclO'T 'e«timnvi»la will H Rl»cn
baring been effected of dilfcn-ni *°® .
which were deemed incurable jnihe oj din»rr medical
practice; n*»d on perron* well »now| among pa, to
whom reference* may he given j
Peraoneafllietcd with Onone Di«e* «»of any kind,
are eapeda'lT IneitH lo call and axa tunc tbeae tcau
moniala for tnemaeiee*.
MPUICtNES, too. prepared by the noat aueeeksfol
practitioner* in the l #*». and adtnlnieiernd by them
fi connection with or reporate from the operation,
will ronauntly he kept on hand, wth direction* for me
B, UK )e operation* on the moat moderate term*.
Offiee No. 42 St Clair »L, near the Cf d* Allegheny
Bridge. apcadly A. WESTKRVEL T.
Th« mast Wonderful Medicine of the tee,
1,600,000 BOTTLES
Tbli Medicine ts pot op In 4aut Botliei,
and Ims cared more then
100,000 Cases of Chronio Disease,
wU&jit the lest Ten Years.—Rone Is Ocnatne
unices signed by 9. P. TOWN RENAL
—tbs public will leant the origin, or rather where the
rsclpe for making tbe atoll they cell Old Dr. Jacob
Townsend's Sarsaparilla, camo from—aad will be tbls
to Judg* which b tbs genuine sod original, sad ol lbs
honesty of the men woo are employed m soiling it as
tbe original Df Towareod’* Sarsaparilla. Dr. A P.
TownssDd was tbe original proprietor sod Investor of
Dr. Townsend** Sarsaparilla. and bit medicine has
gained s re potation that do other remedy eeer gained,
lie maun factored over, one million of bottles kit year,
ind.i* ainofacturiug qt present SJK)O bottles per day.
We on more Sarsaparilla and Yellow Pock la oar
«t»bli.hmapt each day, than all lbs other Sarsaparilla
Manufacturers in tbs world. Principal Office, US
RRATt the affidavit.
Citf and Cmlt af ITewFerk, »*.
Wiflism Armstrong, of the said CRy, batng duly
■worn, doth dspon and say that he la a practical
Dre grist and Chemist That some time la tselatter
peri of May, or first of Jane, 1848, a man by thsfenme
of Jacob Townsend, who at that time was a book and
pamphlet peddler, called npon deponent, at tbe boose
of Mr. Thompson, No. 43 Hndsca-rtreet, where depo
nent boarded, end requested deponent to write him a
recipe by which to make e By rap of Beraperilla-
Deponent farther says, that he became acquainted
with Townsend at the office of Theodore Footer.
r*q , Kook Pablisher, with wham said Townsend
dealt That Townsend had had frequent conversa
tions with deponent respecting the manofbctnre of an
erticlsofSarsapariUatabeeold under the came of Dr.
Jacob Townsend.
That said Tdwnsend stated he was an old man. ami
poor, and was not fit far hard labar—end wished tn
matrj. tom* money, tn order td live easy In his old
days, and that. If Sarsaparilla under the mrnaof Town
send sold so well, aim so much money was made by
It he coaid see no reason why be might not make
someth! ng oat of it too, (his name being Townsend.)
If he eomd get a capable person to prepare a recipe.
and maanfsetnre it for hi®. Deponent in one of the
conversations asked said Tbwnscnd if be was related
to-Dri A P. Townsend, to which he replied, that be
knew Dr. AT. Townsend would be down on him after
he should commence. Bat tint be did not care fbr
him, as ha had fanned-* copartnership with men who
could famish tho requisite amount of capital—and was
well prepared to defend against any attack
that mignt be taedeon him.
Deponent further says, that parsoant to tbe request
of tsid Jacob Townsend, be wrote a recipe (or th*
manufacture of a Byrap of Sersapanlls, ana gave it to
him Sait Tnwnaebc observed that be wanted to
make a specimen toj.eahfl)ti to his periners far their
epproraL a* be wished to gratify tbtm in evwy thing,
as they furnished all tbe capital—said Townsend also
told deponent that tbe bottles they were to on were
tn be of the same size and shape as Dr. A P. Town
send'c, and deponent, at request nf said Jacob
Townsend, went to the office of Dr. A P. Townsend,
■ oft procured one of his labels.
deponent further says, that bo has been inform.
eA and verily believes tbe Syrup of Sarsaparilla, said
as Old Jacob Townsend**, is made after tbe recipe for
niahed by deponent, to Jacob Townsend, as aforesaid.
And farther deponent saith not
Sworn to before me, this 241 b day of May. IMA -1
Mayor of tbe City of New York.
Here 1* proof conclusive that Dr. S. P. Townsend's
Sarsaparilla is tbe onginuL Tbe following is from
mn*rr» of most respectable papers in this State
Albany Evening Journal.
Dr. Townsend*! Sarsaparilla.
There probably never ha* been »o popular a remedy,
or patent medicine, a* Dr Towmcndi 1 * SareaparUU,
which vai originally, and coutinuei to be manufac
tured tn thU city, at Amt by the Doctor himself and
afterward* for several rear* and to the present time,
br Clapp k. Townsend. the present proprietor*. Blnce
the partnership eras formed, tho Doctor ha* resided in
Xew York, where be keep* a Uore. and attend* to the
htwines* that accumulate* at that point The mano
factory Is in tbii elty. and l* conducted by the junior
partner, Mr. Cla pp—dier* all tha medicine is manufac-
Fevr of our citixen* have any Idea of the amount of
thi* medicine that U manufactured and sold. Resides
the sale* in Ibis country, it i* shipped to the Canadas,
West India Islands, Sooth America, and eren to Eu
rope, in considerable quantities. At the manufactory
they employ * Steam engine, beside* a Urge number
of men. women and girt*, in the preparation Of the
medicine, malting boxes, printing, he, and turn oot,
ready lor shipment, orcr 400 doten per Jay. or nearly
6000 bottle*.; This is an enormous quantity
Tha great «*»» the medicine has acquired, ha« in
duced anumber of men to get up imitations, and there
{• tt the present time, other medicines for sale, that
are called “ Dr. Townsend’* Sareaparilla.” One in par
ticular started a thort time ago In New York, is called ,
» Old Doctor Jpcob Town* end's Sarsaparilla," and ap
parently with a view., by dint of advertising. and the
usual remedies resorted tn in such effort*, to appropri
ate the nemo of Dr. a P Townsend’s great remedy,
and thus gain all the advantages resulting from the
ponnlarity of the name which he hat acquired for it.
ny year* of patient and expensive labor*. Dr H. P
Tow nr end, formerly of thi* city, a* i* well known
here, i* the inventor and original proprietor of the
medreino latown as "Dr. Townsend"* Sarsaparilla.”
• and we think thoee person* who are attempting to sell
their article a* the genuine, should be exposed.
Sew Torh Dally Tribune*
* fjr?- We published an advertisement inadvertantly
torn* time' since that did injustice to Dr. 9- P. Town
send, who is tha Original proprietor of the preparation
of Samparillr known as Dr. Townsend’*. Other
parties have within C*» pl*t lew month* engaged or
connected themselvea with a man by the name of
Townsend whojrat tip amedlcine and call* It by tha
nme name Tats medicine was advertised In Tkt
■ yvi&KW a> the original he. This advertisement also
esotahtefi matter darogatorr to the character of Dr.
9. P. Townsend tod that of nl* medicine. W« regrot
it appeared, and is jtuttee to the Dt. mike this ex
Sew York Dally Son,
Dm Tovmts'i extraordinary advertise meet, which
oceupie* an entire page oi the Sc*. will oot escape
hotiee. Dc k r Towncend. who U the anginal pro
prietor of Dr. Tow&sead'a,bai»apariUa, and whose of
fice la next drer to ours, wbare Ice hna been for aeyer
ol yeah, is ijijvtsg an immense business. He receives
no less than four hundred doxen of Sarsaparilla per
dsy, and evea’thuwsannous quantity doe* not supply
the desßtot No-mediwao aver gained so great a
popularity es hi* preparation of the Sarsaparilla. His
edition of Almanac* for 1340 coat 12LOOO, and be
ha* paid the New York Sea for advertising, in the
last four years,'over 910,0 m, and he acknowledge*
that It is the cheapest advertising he ha* had dona
Thia medicine ia exported to fhe West In
dies, Sooth America and Europe, in considarabl*
quantities, and is coming into general us* in those
eoohlriek as well aa hare.
• Draggbta *nd other* that sell SampaziUa for tha.-.
genuine ■ and original Dr Townsend’s SartapariHv*
«h».t ii signed oy 8- P. Townsend, commits * frond,
sni iwlndles the customers. Men that would be
guilty of «ocb an aet, arould commit any other frond
BO Druggist of common intelligence but knows
fiiftoorois the only genuine.
. Old Jacob Townxnd.
B<Zine people who are not well Informed, and have
-riot read the paperif and not seen our advertisements,
* £ve been led to suppose, that because these men ad-
TertUe th*tr stuff - as " Old Jacob Townsends," that it
mafcof course, be the original- It is less than one
' year «)"-» they commenced to make their medicine.
Oan baa been in the market over ten years.
TMi Old. Jacob,Toamnend.
TbeT are endeavoring to palm off on tha public a*
an’ oM'PhyiJciafl, he. He Is hot a regular educated
Physician, and attempted tomanufactaro a meo-
Ida* until these men hired him for the use of his
nyr- They »y they'do not wish themeople to be
lleve that their sarsaparilla is oan, or the same—but
. the better to decelro the public, they at the tame time
assert that their** 1* the Old Dr. Townsend’*, and the
otigu*l i nod endps?or to make the people believe
thfc thei staff they aaaofoctnre, 1* the Dr.Townseud**
Sarsaparilla, thit'ha* performed so many wonderful
caret for the past tea year*, and which has gained a
reputation which no other medicine ever e aJ°7 c-d j
which !* a base, viflainou*, unprincipled falsehood.
W* have commenced suits against these men tor
* damages. W#i*i»hUtobetindantood.thattheoiamjn
iarm relation to Dr. Townsend whatever. In their ad>
vertisemfpu and circulars, they publish • numpet of
grea* falsehoods respecting Dr. Townsend, which, we
will not notfon. „ „ I •
. False Reports.
Oar opponent* have published in the paper*, that
Dr. 8. P, Townsend was scad. Thia they ae&J to thtlr
agents,ahqal.the country, who report that «s have
given sip foulness *<■ fco. The public should] be on
tbairfturi and oot be deceived by these aapnnci
pled man.
s Naffer #/ Removal.—After the Are* of September,'
1949, Dr. 4 ft Townsend’s. New York Office will be
iff the South Baptist Church, No. 63 Namu'stroet
which It now nndsrgolcg a thorough change, and
wQI be fitted for the better accommodation Of the prts
■ptktaa and the public.
•Tfcke perrfcular Hotict. —No 6am purl Ha It the
.• gaaoioa and original Dr. Townsend** SamporiDo, on
bu signed by 6- P. Townsend. ./•
'•'L . JUtrre^—Redding It Co, No,-e 6tate-«treet, and
Mra. £.KfaUer, .No. 100 CoorUtreet, Uoaton s Samuel
Eldder. Jr, inwall j Henry Pratt, Salem; Jamoa ft
Omi,-tForeesterj Allison ft Gault; Concord] J
Balch fcSon, PreviMuce pauaby Dnggista and Mer
wri_.-.rehaota generally throughout the United States, West
- . htdfct aodthe Canadas
‘ ~ For aale-br R- K. SELLERS, Sole Agent for Pitta
borgh, aM. CURRY, Allegheny; A. PATTERSON:
Youßfstown aad hew Castle Oenel
Packets. f
TOE p.ctß BEATER. Capu 9,«»*7. -ill 1,...
Re.-ref rr;ul»rly on Aloud.,- Wrdncwl.y ...0
Fnday c.ooiM. «>0 *■ «■. “”‘ 1
nil uoimotb » o'clock—rctucuuic.-Icc.c,
•Da’ll Tuesday* Thursday and evenings ol 4
’ P M and reach Beaver in time for the morning boat.
ALLEGHENY CLIPPER, arriving at Pittsburgh at 1
l *TTjo l °i>ucket HARKAWAY, CapL Downing. will
leave Reaver Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday even
ings at® l’> Me returning, leave New Castle, Monday,
Wednesday and Friday evening* at« P Al. aiso e„n
ureiuig with the morning boat for Pittsbargb.
Th-ssepae -e.« are fitted up ia complete order, bav*
u» hue ac com in n >i*tioa* for pawngerv aad shipper*
may rely oi -niro punctuality aid greater despatch
than ba*iiei >?<> been obtained oti ibeae rout*-*.
F. A«. FITCH ft Co_ Proprietor*.
J. C. Btdwell, Agent. Pittsburgh.
Didweil A Bro., * Beaver.
A b jacoba, “ Youngstown.
R- VV. Car ningham.' f New Castle.
Tbs elegant eteaiper, ALLEGHENY CLIPPER, will
leave Beaver, daily at 8 A. M.. and Pittsburgh at J P.
ML running in connoction with tbe above boats. ;uld
Warren mud Cleveland PasienfetLine.
Canal Packet—SWALLOW.
w •* —OCEAN.
QNBof the above Packets leave Beaver every day
(Sundays excepted) aad arrive next morning at
.vatreo, when they coufeet with tbe Mail Stage* for
Akron and Cleveland, arriving at each of these places
before night. One of the packets leave Warren daily
at 6 P. M 7, and arrive at Beaver in ume to lake the
morning boat for Piusbargb.
C E 8 LEFFINGWELL A Co, Warren, 1 p-
M B TAYLOR, do J r
■pl3 corner Water arid Smithocld «ts
Ca*wroaz> A CuaMsaaua, Cleveland, O. i
R_ G. Paaas, Beaver, Pa. S
ItHlh Line will be prep* ed on the opening of navt
eaiioa, to traruport ireighl and Passenger* mint
PITTSBURGH and CLEVELAND, to any point on
tbe Canal and Lakea.
The faciUties of tbe tine are uanurpassed in nomber,
quality and capacity of Boat*, experience of captain*,
and efficiency of Agents.
One Boat leave* Pitubarghand Cleveland daily, run
ning in connection with ta« steamer*
Between Pituborgb and Beaver, and aline offiretcla**
Steamers, Propeller* and Vc»*el* on the Lakes.
A«ett*—R (i Park*, Beaver, Pa.
Jesse Baldwin, Yoangttown, Ohio.
M B Taylor, Warren, '*
Cyru* Prenti**, Ravenna,
« \Vheeler A Co, Akron.
W Crawford A Cbambertin, C 'and,(J
Bears A Griffith, BuHalo,N
Offioe, cor Water and Smithfielit ata, Pinsbargb.
dEaveu packets.
Steamer MICHIGAN No. 3—CapL GtUon.
- LAKE ERIE, M Gordon.
TIFE above regular and well known Beaver Pack
ets, have commenced making their daily mp« 'o
and from Beaver, and will continue to run between
Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly daring the season, os
Michigan No. 3 leave* Pittsburgh daily at 9 o'clock,
A. M„ -and Beaver at 3 o’clock, P. hL Lake Erie
leave* ttgnver daily ate o’clock, A. M n aad Pittsburgh
al 3 o'clock, I*. M-
These steamer* will nut in connection with
R G Parks’ Express packet Line, for Ene;
Taylor A LelfiingweU’a Warren Packets;
Union Line of Freight Boats for Cleveland;
Clarke A Co’» Pittsburgh and Cleveland Line Freight
R u Parki daily New Castle Packet*.
CLARKE, PARKS a Co, Beaver, Agenu.
JOHN A CAUGHKY, Agent. Pittsburgh,
mch3l - cor Water and Southfield sts
THE Proprietor* ofthi* old cstabUsbed and
daily line, eooalsting of SIXTEEN first class Cans
Boat*, owned by themselves and running tn eounre
tton with the steam boat* BEAVER AND CALEI
COPE a r* enabled to offer unequalled facilities U"
tbe transportation of fretght and passengers, on
opening of Canal navigauon, to all points on the Penn
trlrama and Ohio and N-York canal* and the Lakes
E. M. FITCH A Co. Cleveland
Ageut*. Beaver.
J. C. BIDWELL, Ageut,
m ort Water street. Pitubargh.
i. u iuiwiui,
' Pittsburgh. Beaver.
Forwarding DtrcliaiUs,
AgtnU fur tk» Pitti&UTgktmdCirrdan<l L««, Pttt.*
burgh and Ena laxa via Ena, and fur ruam
boats Beaver and Caleb Capa.
Having porehased the large and substantial When
Boat last built for the Mottongahela PocXeu, have
with the addition of a Warehouse, the most ample ar
eotnmodauona for receiving and. forwarding, acC
nldtic* their atmosl atteniioa, promptness and deapatvn
w eonaignmeni. to their care, and rely on their fnend.
'm k mal. martt-dly R k BRO
OW EaUbliahed Line. . , ;
THE Proprietor 01 thia well Known unif of Can*.! ■
Bom a, is now prepared to transport P»*»* n ß e,, j
ind p-eicbt to tul point* on the ► r»e Y.xten«ion, Now
York Cana!' and the l.nkem. upon the m ,*t laviirsWe
rrin* and v.nh .Wpairh. . ,
Till* I >n* run* in connection wiib ibc »icitn tniat*
BEAVKtt and CALEB COPE, between
mud Beaver, C M ReedN Line of .train boat* undvr*
«et»on the Uke.,and the Troy and Michigan Lake
Uoat Line on the New York eannl.
C. M. REED, Proprietor, Erie, Pa.
Bidwell Jt Brother, Affenu, Beaver.
W T Mather, Agent at J'Memktinen * I aawnper
Office, Mononrahela House. PiU»bor*h
CuNSIGNEfes—W C Malan, Sharon, J EftSHnl ,
?harp*bnrp Smith A Downmc, do. J 1| v Ph, ®“''
iV«n Greenville; Wick, Acbre & Co. do, t\m Henn .
M»/titown. l)uvt» & Sutton, Buffalo; Baraev. Oibba A
jo; Saminmky. Ja. A Armstrong, Detroit, Kirkland A
Sheboygan, M'Clure A W ililunt, Milwau-
Kic- Knap, Murfey A Dalton, Rucine; John U Kurne,
'tiieago; A Wheeler A Co. New York. »pJ
Pittsburgh a»4 BUlrrvtUa Pnelset Line
1849 -
MK. DUU-IC arc reapeetfully informed that 1 M
MARSHALL t CO. bare MW out new six!
/iendld Packet Boat* to ran during the bo
;re«n Blai»*Tllle and Pttunorgb—the boats to be low
ed by three horse*, and every effort made to accom
"dpakWO^-^®l* will lease eveiy
'.imidiy, TucwlarThnraday and Friday, at * ®
, From UlairasiUe every Monday, Wednesday
rnur«day amt t*alorda», at 7 o’eloet. * *"
»i Puubargh the same day. A two hor»e lUck fror*
I udiana wifl meet the boat at Salubargh. both on up
«ard and downwafimp—putting pa»»enger* throng*
rum that place in onedfy. , ~,
Freight for ihe above tape will be received at the
ion** of the Boatmen'* Lfae, by no - t- *f TTn 4 L ®7
vtio are our authorised Agent*. Ait freight received
T’ “oi i M MARSHALL A Co.
c 01 conn JNQ FaBBKN fc Co, Agent*.
Can*i Ua»tu, Liberty at, Pittsburgh
A Haek leave* Blairrvihe for Yoang*w*ni on
-rival of the boat—return* lo boat m morning. Y* re
>ir. PiUiburrh lo YoungMown 8»-ree*ived at off ,ce
: * nntf-dCm
~i Line .
1849.8 S ws&-
Pur the 'iraji-rvartatum af tnigMuTandJ rvn
I .irr ! .in.-H< j H,^ru4Ug^nA l »ALTia. ,ee,n.
Tuusxb Uraemia, Philadelphia.
Turn t OCoio-oa, Piuabo rfh.
THIS old estabiuued Line being uow in full opera
uon, tiie proprietor* me prepared witn i ae.r a.ual
arrangement* to forward merche ndiae, pro
to SJrrtm lit nbove pom. on lib er.l imo.
-ab'ihe.ros»l«nir. ‘l'<P*“ h pomlior lo
hor mode'of transportation *o obYioiu, wtieu tran-
■«*&' * im U ?^*s e "" 1 ? d, Cb ( “'
/o-. naid ami forwarded i« any required direct/ ooi free
r C.4 e for commbaion, advancing® «u»ra ge.
' directly or indirectly, tfl Meam 1 .oat*
A?! communication* promptly attended to on appUca
3tTIK»*BORBIEfc^*7b M" ket ,l > PhUadetphia.
TSJ2Sto a oJcONNOR, Canal Ba«a, PUU»urg£
& Co,-Worth *t, Baltimore. met*.
r&opatcros*, _
Jasa BtaaHxa, Thm. vthoiuj*,
\V« Busbul J*co» Doc*.
Conducted on striet BabbMb->jeer*n*
rpHB Proprietors of tbt* eld usubtwned Line w» j
I putlbe'rstoek m the most complete order.ands
moroughly prepared to farwaril produce and Juerehan
<h>e to and from the Eastern c lues.
We trust that cwr lon* erj-enence In the carry"*
hwiocM, and xeaJoas aitenut.n to the interests ofeua
loßiera, will secure » u» a eonnnuane*
of the patroiiaga hitherto extended to B 'n*hjun *
lier arTangemaats yill enable o» to carry rc, *“
*uh the utmost despatch, and oar price* «ba!l mi«ay»
w as low a* the lowest ehargitd by ot her rc»Poa«bte
Wehave opened an office is No IS i Harxei •tract,
><-t ween 4th aadfith *u, Phllaila, for the convenience
’S’rtSncrand Mer*han(b*e will be received and tor
warded, East and West, without a ny charge, for lor
warding, advancing freight, storag e or commission.
Bill* of Lading forwarded, a ad every direcuori
promptly attendee to.
Address, or apply to • 1 VM. BINGHAM,
Canal Batin, eor Liberty & Wat -rre sts, Pittsburgh*
No IQ&dsa Vi irket street, pbHada.
Me uaNorth Mow ardwtrecl. Ba<tiinor«
WILLIA , Ajgent,
meh2l No 10 W gHcpet. New York^
sfcasa is4fi
Jttirchant*' Trauportotlon Lttie.
to ratußELrutA aars aaixaun*.
It IfE Canal* and Rail Rood* being new open, and
In good order, we are. prep*r*d to &rwtrd all
Kind* of merchandise and fTodoct to and
Baltimore, with promptnes • and despatch, and otu
rood terms as any other Line.
C A McAJrtJLTY k Co,
Canal Basin, Penn it. Pit üburgh.
CHARLES RAYNOR, Pbiladel phia.
nu*7 ROSE MORRILL A Co, Baiiim. ins.
Canal * Rail R pad Ex*
pratS.Vast X*adaat Lina,
CEielaxiTely for Paaaecgc ,-s.)
THEpnbUeart reapeeifttUy info/sie 1 tb at this Line
will eomneacc running on the IB' h in it, and eon
iinaa throughout the Sensor j.
The boats an new, and c.fa superb ,» els ju, with en
larged cabin*, which will tjve great* r eot u/orl. The
e»r> ueibeletest eenstro coon.
A beat will always be Li port, an< ir»ve lets are re
quested toeall and QXami no them be/ ore en gaging pas
(Pare •nlftdaedol’mn through.) i 4ae of the boats of
this Unh wtUlesTe the landing (op posits U. S- Hutel,
e oner of Penn street and CaneL erci j nigbu at nine o'
eloek Time 3|day*. For inform*, men, iippty atthe
o£ee, Hnaoag*hela Hoax, or to O ' LEEC U A Co
VWU7 .......... ;r- c.;; Canal Basin
For the Freight to
BUSINESS on tlteCanaJ being now resumed, tbe
Proprietor* of the above Line respectfully inform
the public vbal they are prepared to reeeive and for
ward Freight will, despaten. and at lowest rs'tt
Ti>ey would also e*tl tbe attention Of shipper* East
ward tn the fact that the Beat* employed by them tn
uan»porauon, are owned by them and commanded by
i expetienced captain*
Shipper* of Meal in Bulk will find U advantageous
to ship by tin* Line, as the snbeenber* nave made ar
rangements nt Coiumma to have *uch freigb'. for Bal
timore handed directly from boats to care, thereby sa
wing »aretou*e handling.
Freight to Philadelphia goes elear through tn the
No charge made for receiving shipping or advancing
charges. KIKR A JONES, Proprietors,
Canal Basin, Seventh street.
AGENTS—John A Shaw. Cincinnati. 04 Jno Me-
Colioagh A Co. Baltimore; Jas Steel A Co n Putladel
phia; Francis A Thomas, Colombia. mehftl
PtOibargh to Philadelphia and Ba&tmon.
(Exenwively for Passongore-I
THE public are respectfu'ly informed that tbu Luw
will commence running on Monday, 19th March.
The boats of this Line are of a *upenor elaat with
enlarged cabin*, which will give greater comfort to
P *A*bo*twi)l always be tn port, and traveler* ure re
qnetted to call and examine them before engaging pas
sage by other ronte*. Tney will leave tbe landing, op
posite the U. A Hotel, corner Penn street and Canal,
every night at 9 o'clock
JYm^—3| Dope.
For information, apply at the office, Monoogahela
Hoose, C* to D. LEECH A Co, Canal Basin.
jq proprietors of the above Line are now
building an additional Lino of Packet*, to run as above
on or about Jone t*L in connection with the Pennsyl
vania Rail Road from Lewitiowu to Philadelphia. At
that ume a packet will leave every morning and even
ing Time through, 91 day*. meblO _
For me transportation of Aiyecnunaiie,
GOODS earned on this Line are not transhipped
between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, being ear
ned in four section Portable Boai« over land and wa
ter.—to shippers of merchandize requiring careful
bundling, this Is of importance. No charge made lor
receiving or shipping, or for advancing charge. AH
good* forwarded with dispatch, and on a* reasonable
“•” “ blr L “,O|IN MTADKN » Co,
Canal B**ui, Penn »t. Pittsburgh
marl tn Market A 54 Commerce *•- Phila.
JOHN MeFADEN A Co, Forwarding and Commis
sion Merchanu, Canal Basin, Penn *l. Pittsburgh
JAMES M DAVIS A Co. Flour Factor* and Commis
sion Merchants, tM7 Market and M Commerce street,
Philadelphia. , w ra “[«L„
HT" Advances made by either of tbe above on *4®» r t
XVool and other merchandize consigned to them far
SSschant?» way fmiubt MaK.
For BlairsviHe, Johnstown. UoUtdaysbuigh, and
oil iniemrdial* place*
THIS Line Will conunno to cam- all Way Good*
with their usual despatch, and ml fair rates of
"am™-C. A. M’ANULTY a Co. Pimb.Tfl,-
D B Wakefield, Johnstown
John Miller. Hollidaysburgh.
RXTXUX3CX* —James Jordon, Smith AS in <■ 1 oxr, Dr r
Shoenberger, R Moore. John Parker, SF Von Bona-
Sorst A<& Lehmcr A Co, Juo A Brojh
Pnuburgh. John Ivory, Snmlt, Mulbotlan A Kay, Jno
Graff A Co, Blaireville. ®cMf7
U « OCEAN, Capt. W atters
OHE of the above Packcu leave Beaver every day,
(Sunday* excepted) and arnvo
xren, Where they counect with the Mail Siages far
Akron and Cleveland, arrmng at each ®f>he*e placc»
Seiore mghL One of the Packet, leave V, areen
al 5 P. M., and arrive at Beaver in ume to take the
mn nine steamboat for Pittsburgh
COTES A U-IFFLNG WELL, W arren, 1 j^opnt't*.
mutaylob, '
miocon TO TVI la*l IS FO»TT HOC **.
s,anal Packet-Pci.Wt.vasu. Caft.
- - Tiuuuni, * ollocK,
*< “ UiiKu*. “ Truby;
.. - Pkttwsia, - Brown}
- “ Fixation. “ ?»yer . __
TK' .bo.« ««i .pl=nJ>J PV”M" '."Sif prSe
mmiwnc.,l ronning Uiwecn BEAVER AND .ERIE
„,d „'ll nu rb,p.l.rlr duf.n, Ih.
Enc every »«rmn* ° clo ? k,m 2 d ®,h .tr.
Heaver every evening. immediately after the am-
Ta , ui the nemntioai Mtchignn from Pittfburgh.
f. v boat* are new and comfortably furnished, and
_ „ ,„ n through in tony boor*. Paaaeufera
po-ntoo me uAr»,or to Niagara Falla, will fitid this
ronie the moat comtonable and erp«®uoua. Ttckeu
to all pom on the Lake ean be procured by
to the PARKS k Co, Beaver.
JOHN A. CAL'UUEV, A*v fttubaijh,
cor. Water and Striihficlo at*,
pa—J&a C lUrnwn, Buffalo, N \
C M Reed, Erie, Pa.
c C Wick, Greenville, Pa}
M'Farland and Krug, »‘g Bend, Pa}
Uay« k Plumb, Sharp«borgh, Pa,
W C MaJait, Sharon. Pat
, D C JklaUtewa, Puiaaki, Pa;
; R W New Caatle. Pa jy
: g-pHKB 4 CO>» y>BT KXP***»B
rpHB I‘ropn-wn oftui* Line have pal on New Moek.
I and are prepared u> lorward package* nl •*' Je *
“"I""" UJ, »> .hcl.~l'.e^
Waler urert, ntuourrh.
ocl3 , « Sotnii C&ariea *U Baltimore.
uarnden * CO<
PuHßgtr and tumlttnno*
__HaSK.DE?* * CO. eoauuue lo linn* prr»ont
auy pan of Eug:*J.*l, DScotland ot
upon the ido.i .iberai iftm., with lb«-u
otu»l punctuality and aHeolioti to Use »wu and corn
tor, t/rmtmznuiu Wc do not ».»ow our piaMitgen to
f»e robbed by the owicdhng »ca«t|>* that utfeat the ►<-«- |
norta. a> we talc charge of them the moment liter rr
for.Vm.clvc.. -d .« i» Umir '' u b ""*;
We »ay tiu* fearle.aly. »» «*■ Jrl > ‘ ,, ‘ e 01 our paawtr
ger» to altow that they were Jeuuncd *- four. by i» u.
Lvc.p-,1. b T.,!
mourn., unu ibry -'"-.'l " -" l ■“ ,h n efffin!
cl, }p cic. * b .= b >■» , irmrilfco.,
\v> intend to periomi •>«» c. .tr.«t.«i
what n may. and 1,01 “ c; a * ,l "‘ **■**' '**' c ,, •
, ZSZtx i» r ofterr*.—w»*o etu.c rf.umrd not an, or
I.jZeoi I*»J- bb "-‘ 1 K..UINSON,
European and l.enrrai A*cnl,
/*i.» ii«» Wiv*d
>0 11" MCHOI-**" Arthur. * S.chol-
T*|lK uiiucf«ienc.!. •orrr..-' Arthur. * .Ntcbtw
• on. beR love m ..i'»rni -.Ur rcuni. 01 PilUlrßfjh
at,J public gri*rr»ll>. 1»*“ ue, lt»vr rebuilt the fc-V
ULhH'l'NnßVmu iff inw ... Hl-tl
ba*e p*rt of ibeir rod) .«i u.r
~.,onS.l »"ich ... COOH..J M«v. “ d "
Sieved wllb ft •ploJl'l alf-Ufbl SK.vr. wbirii l»
tf»w aupertedmß »•» other ntie* tb» common ri.un.
It*ve Al«j. » cneftp t° >l Move- W '*l
ed for •tn»ll iftimlie*. wiin ft full *»»o«mr*m oiiotu
„„„ and mantel Offtleft We w uU id pur iruUny m
nt£ the attention ol per«un» buildup 10 rail at our
earelioiiftt before purcba«tn|f, u»d fiftwwe • »p.riidi<l
mjc!« of en»mm*'ied Urate*. bnuoed m bi.r.ijle
.niirely new ut th»« market.
Warehotue, No. l-l Liberty »t. oppo»n- W ood M
AM) auinct wa r.ii <o.»i
■ oliy inform the jtu'-'.r, that be
Having purebawd i h e iiock,
loot*, ftiid wood of me cabinet e»-
_ .i.~» ~,ih every thing m tbeu line.
A S N ° ‘‘““"“'a. brown
issssa “Sits
Un. gILSd .nd common PAPhH HA.NOISO*. ««•
, “ M ?^p l eer.ofP.rlor.ndFre^o,
IUOOO •• Hall Mil Ui.uorn,
iojjuO “ Dimo*-room, chamber ind office
.1 lb. r.l*> *.n bn... "I * V.'ij •>
apii . • - r
EXTRACT uF vuFt-'KJv-A.. i
ss? r, srst,-*v^ 1
pound! oteoflw^ () jf™ 9 *MlU.E?t Pm.l.urph. R--
uiSS ?»£ mi>” 'v«“^7*u
l«pair*n _ |A j| onf each, 6*l canw>».-*,l
"uui.,u« "V/imm-ure
mcbtM i- ■——
" Mustard.
Cinnamon, £inge ,
Clavr», p of ifcJc w J*P"’ e * nd
Warranted P OTe Jl/-/ p ern , A Ui'dy “»
Muataed Factory, comer or r rry j OJJN „|.xl
■» ««■ ■“Pi"“ d • "W...
mvtS 11 r “
U sopenpr article of Bo KIKR A JUNK
•‘VIr Tv W wTltaee o.ed a Hearth of -
pronounces a superior to n,i|fl
BRANUIKS-® A*if pip; l
V ™i2”» —= mponuto*** Cußunurc.
from BonlumU.I»“ m c:d JfILLERA RBfKETSON
—rrt.Ti iMiAlt Ju*i recefvel, a l«uutlful assort;
Ir li ' w«' »■»* ttome ' u, ld °?f
y mo «^ m «ni,n A5O eaco, eastern price*. ADo.
fgfner 4th and Market at.
TrELV ET in» l received at ZeouiotTKin-
V mtH. S 7 Market street,
’ colored Velect Ribbon, escorted colors.
* “ etSnildmT <Mmp; l#p* wide Plain. A*.
SCT.f'ww FAMILY MEDICINES—“They ere t*«
Medicine* of the day % I
Quhu'i i*r*nos, Ohio, M*y ?S, 184®.
B. E. Seller*: I think it right for the benefit of othen
to tiate tome facta in relation to your excellent Fami
ly Medicines.
1 hare u*cd yoor Vermifuge largely to my own fam
ily, one rial frrqaently answenn* for eipelbny »ge
uuanuti** i»ay lu> *«) worm* from two chudi e i 1
bar* also used yoar Lirer Pill* and though Syrup .n
my family, end they bare in erery tnataace produced
the effect desired. .
A* I am engaged in meechaQduinr, 1 am able to
state that I hare yet to hear ef the firat failure where
your medictuei hare been uaed tn my section of the
country. In conclusion. I mar Mate that they are U»
medietne* of the day, and are destined to bare a very
extensive popularity. Yourt, respectfully,
W H. Pittmtu.
Prepared and sold by R. E. BEiiLLRS, No 5. NV ood
i*»tre«l, and mold by Druggists generally m the two el
ite* anil vicinity. mv3l
\JT original, only true, and genuine Lirer Pill.
Shout Cans. Ohio eounty, Va. I
March 20th, IS4U. J
R. E. Seller*: Dear Sir— l think it * duly I owe
u> you and 10 the public genera ly, 10 stale that I ba*e
beeu afflicted wilt iho Lifer Complaint tor a long
ume and »o badly that an abcess formed and broke,
which left me in a eery low mie. Haring heard of
roar celebraied Liver Fid* being for «ale by A B
Sharp in Weil liberty, and recommended 10 me by
my physician, Dr. E. Bmuh, ! eqneladed 10 nve them
a fair tneL I purehawd one box, and foond them w
be jasi what they are recommended, THfc BEST LI
VER FILL EVER USED; and after taking four boxe*
1 find the disease baa euuroly left me, and l am now
pcrtkctly mil. Rcipeel/ulty COLKMAN
Weit Liberty, March 2ft, 15?49
I certify that 1 am personally acquainted with Mr
Coleman, and can bear tenmooy to the truth of the
above certificate. * “ k„
Too aenume Liver Pin* are prepared and sold by
R G r*y i I .KHS, No 57 Wood alreel, and by drugym*
in the wo cute*. , , .
TO THE PUBLIC.—The original. only tree and fen
nine Liver Pill* are prepared by RE Seller*, and have
hi* name romped in black wax upon the Ud of earh
box. and hi* iignatare on the ouulde wrapper—all
other* are counterfeit*, or ba*e umtauon*.
aplo jl E SELLER*, Propnetor_
OROM the Rev ASA SHINN, a well known andp«F
F ular ClerTvroanofihePTOteatantMethodiJtCburelt
The onderngned having been afflicted during the par
winter with a diaeaae ofthe atomaeh, nmetime* pro
ducing great pain in the atomach for tenor twelve hour*
without imenni**ion, and alter havmg tried
remedie* with litUe effect, wa* farnuhed with a botll*
ofDr D Jayne'* Carminative Balaam- Tlui to«ed re
cording to the direction*, and found invariably lhaiihii
medicine cau*ed the pain to abate m three orfourn
ute*, and in fifteen or twenty minuteteverv utieaM
.enaaibn wu entirely quieted- The medmine wa» a/
terwartl»o*ed whcnevefindication* of the approach®
pain were perceived, and the paw wii thereby preveut
rd He conunned to use the medicine every _ c “
sss; ,■>
Cnrnnnnu.n V VsmNS£
Fbi .nl. in PilUliar,h BI l |* o P j [iJ^herJrß*
, 72 Fourth atreet, near Wood, and «lao at theurag
Suire of Hi» be * l ™l ttreet. Allef
cons awnSSro vr o card.
v. Cold*. Aathm*, Bronchi tlf, Li**
t* and ail Dl»e**e* «rf Throkl,
'breast “ d Lan?»; the mo*tef
fhctsal and «peedy car*
ever known for any ot
iho abo*e di»cM
ea, if
n R JWiYNß'*'
./JlJrarrwp of WUdOh«rry*
O°mpo»»“ uaons lho»e ofdoubtftU
Thif medicine the thonaond* dtu 7
BUity. ~ l u d e OI experiment- and now stands
laoocbcd upon ine becoming more exwnaim-
U*taf wrepw*®?-*™ “LViStiSbW medicine o*er
thtoagh the
is •z£zsr~-
Importance b ?JJId rffeeu. For proof of the foregoing
donee of , ‘“.ffSfUie *a?ne and efficacy o{ ‘hr* moll-
« - "■'
™" £>f£: -r; „'r:.
them*el*e» no i,yn *i'.t-l“, C ellerice i» e»t*t»lwhrU
Blo»i*e'y • l * > * l ‘“uT and tne onqoe»*lr oolUon
hy it* Intrtnaic m The in*iauiai>eou» relief it al
ly of public opinion 7^ fluen „ dlffawd through the
■‘'"‘ b,e
remedy for the ,ffIK ££ MKMD KR-'
■ from eonwlenuou* ,/npuLe*.
• “When men, truth of a Hung, or
*olun»nly ( M*i’ rt„Ln T . being contrary to Ibeir
partienlar face _„„*»«*. coerce* eon*icn«i. of
trorldiv * • manner to
t» mb, e»d Moral Max.m*.
JU-.AUTHI'. » tlonscnmom—
9nti Aston*** .w that !»■» been «• »uec«*»lul
There ne*er WM * ??c2£mpuoii; u Ur #«yw •
tn deaperate e«« d cberrT It *trrnmhrn* the
Command *y«P o.NNUd Cherry, #|ew cft loni^
!™“* IS "■* r o ”' 1,1 “
ether idicute. ...
Crar«* Co.. Apw Jitt. It*«.
„ lv . r Pir: 1 verity beUeT* yoor Lota-
Dr S» iT f ““7 l ~V,,\£ em K*i been U»- mean,
pound 6/r*p®l * _ki « o>rere cotd, wtucb gradn
w*>n* my U(v l c ‘ U^ d wl ,h a aevere cough. ib»j
w»>eb < to* re~.~U., .U«
.11 M k,i>,ito .11 Ito •ynjpt»n>» °
U.creaam* until »T* t > er y thing I tnrfl ««a^
pulmonary _- c o mpl2nl increased «o rapid-
ID aa*e no effeev. and my <o®P -p bope . ot
<T lhal Inend. « , wU recommended » uy
QV recovery A‘ ““ f g lt j , 0 with Ibe B»*« bap
your invaluable effeei u> lowa ihe
py revolt* rt»c hr** , TOe cu)raU freely, and by the
court, cao.ine nw «g? «u entirely well, and am
, ame l bad «mA t „ r «a. ... my Ills.
' ao w a* beert7 1 ® my
would tie uoppy i® &* y derve for
e«*e, U*at other *■»««[ , uuUl q{
•to* 1 u> “feur R*to. 0"“*. v '
I iiaiemenL 1 reier y tehMO d the taedieine.
Cheater, life of "ham p JaMaa Muaua*.
| RevpSWaHT yotirt.
. r I Curt of a frlethcdul HinuUT
Cu« c/ t MA of fttumdr due
Dr Swavne- Dear:» • generally, to oder
» yoa— «®d a duty to of yo ar Compound Sy
ny humble leaumeny years since l »««
nip of Wild and uifUmmatmu of the
•tolenilT * l " k with a dutrvaung
u „„, .u<* h«d. • «rr P""id«»
cough, pain in the &*« „ from uie long*, eep*-
ble di»cl>arge of °^ n ** however slight. At
stall? upon c 7 n *.£L, m y condition, but was pretty
first 1 leltro alarm r Lpidly going into eonunmp
; ioon convinced that * *^ d >( , cntl h wma scarer
uoti. I at speak abore awlosper. sueh
S ly able to walk » bo “^J^ o fniy lungs. Dann| this
j was the **“«'| , *‘* "urpreparauon. and pre.enpttnr..,
| ome I had tned «anou» pnrp umc wor »e. j B «
i but found r.o retieJ—* .Ruaded by * dear fnend in
' tmr, I ■ J ’'r d .; , : d .T„i rou. By rap .f WR4 Che
| WilßUnffton u» gvaly l bad been preju
! droud p * ' VuShmid* b»i andcr-
I those coming out ol me u rofem , lOT and praeuce ol
.mnd.n, )-» ,„B, » fhu ..ym« of •!
medicine- and ha’rtng 1 . ghasr, one of > our
~,-„d..t;o-t»~'»P“'^ b “IS.o t ed.u..c Mrd..-
agent*, a f rW t*oiuea. nonths' standing, eon
| SLomuofUmfom. , ,„„d, Mot.
»e»ioen.Jy t» wn " ,f r VL' lJie u *r of the first tour o? fi»e
eousidermhle relief f lle tpe akeT, l frequently at
boUles. Hut t>«» R P ii»cteasing rtreitglh, and
tempted to P ,e yorLu that has already begun
; Thereby ruptured tb My ctjrc ireatly
; u> heal; in this WB T< [6 aeung thus'mpruden'
! retarded, sn tiouie* before J
j l had to use tw*«« *' “„ 0 ,«*.», on. a mueh snal<
freUT rc *^f tll ., wou td baee made the sound, bu
nusiMT of bottles -The Svrur allayed the for.
•he at>o*e tndtscretio • itre aslug eougu, put a a
.hbohlf-orod „ d
U, the d.sehafge wm ,o,*l health Ihavedefa
■lieffl and lU '. r^ r J 6eUr unnl now, for the purpos
rrd offurmg Un wrth the permanency ol U e
»( being per cc, ;> . f perfectly well l otfcr n with
-ur©, and now that 1 1«< \r= £ bv j y JoUiJI
pleasure. M n
Dublin county, >
i mnnrtdiU Caution — Read.’ Road!
Thom .. ,ro'S
r r-M'm ira&ssz
Uited states «n ‘ P of Wl iJ Cherry hare
patalious C“ r ' 0 7 . coecr of M me doeepUtre
•>ecu put ,>ul M fd4 . r to give currency to their sales,
-ireuitistaoces. I>1( n » prrAon need miatake the
!’.v » i -e «'*• |Millie ol the genuine is
j online from l f 4at ,ft,| steel eugrariug, with the
sure loped * ll j ~p nn iherron, also, Dr ‘‘wayne s
Ukciie- d'" «»n'T. dm ponrm, «f Hr
Si' P '' P "*»'ro? ‘lmSS.'ol Rr.
dm fdtl enr-i of Wl | d cherry, perron.
Swavue * ’ w _,, 0 currency u> their
aroufd not • . stealing the name of Wild
rbcuuous n»*i owavs bear in mind the name
B*«“' "
lUce. corner af Kighth and Uaoe steeeU,
Pbiladelohia A yoOEN A SNOW
■k «
f. I Alle,heey e.iy, mrd hy Ol ro.peeuhl. de.ler. m
, 9-troNU £VIDRN»iR mat Dr JA Y N EX
A I'tTOßA.vr is to ail oUm
•ioeh. I'oosuaiPtioa, A*thma.snd other ful»o
-.r^.flibcUaM,isiMit tb« *ao« permoswhoenmyeneod 0»«
liTof Uln their frmili«» tea rears sgo sUII ■» “Ml
ither remedwe of lb* ku-d; sal whsr« any haes baau
l>re-«r*t|in> they haes ainwtl meartahly be*a
to7pem.lim d-’beroi. -hmh ~ rroroe-h;,
ai. m, K|.l, ryrsjm bestoweil by the proprietor*,
u«of Jars*.’ iUracToasirr, a*
iraoedy lhal has a**«r tailwlto r*ne». them, and whieb
Lohabl* Meet had it* aaual la arreUmg pulmoaary dis«m*
T r«d only by Urb J.yu. PhilXlphoL.aod^ldoe
'Stdh.« ... * ydfd'anh..
n . w. p. Inlaad'i Prsmlna Plaster.
Dr W I*. INLAND, of the Medical College bf Phil
adelphia. now offera to ths public his Indian Veg
etable I'retnism Plaster, the qualities of which, after
long and tried egpenence, has been aausfactonlT es
tablished To all women who may be alQicted with
Prolapsus Uteria or Fallen Womb, he recommend# bis
olasier, guaranteeing a aure and ipredy cure in the
ehort space of from tsro to thee seoeks, if applied with
care and rc*i—discarding all the counties* nutrumenu
and expensive bandages so long m uae. Thu bo feels
eonsetenuous in staling, inasmuch as he has noi failed
in one ease out of three hundred and fifty-three pa-
U *AUo lor Rheumatism and Weak Breast or Back, at
tended with pain, there is nothing lo excel this Plaster
in affording relief or effecting a cure For sale by
L Wilcox, corner of Diamond and Market it
Brsnu A Reiter, " Liberty and St- Clair sts
Dr j Sargent u Federal st and Diamond, AJIe-
Jarquc* A “ Denman and Diamond Uirming
RE.VKLLKRRi No 67 Wood sireci
gg>ie Agent for the sale of Dr. Townsend'sUcn
uuie*Bar*nparilia, ha* j»st received *W doreo of this
Oreat Spnnff B «' 1 Rn®Eer Medicine.
Purcha»cr* »ho«ld recollect that R E Sellers u sole
agent for Piuabujgh, and D M Cnrry for Allegheny
ciry .
G"Ulu and si lv e r pa tent lever w atc li-
F**--Duplex Watches, made by the celebrated
(*M>oiier of IhOiidwt. JH J. Tobias of Uyorpool, and a
large asaortmeiu of detached gold and silver levers,
■nude by ibe best lieneva mannfacutrers.
Knee taoles ofaUkimlq Communion Ware in sets;
Gold I‘ens; Jewelry i--urge variot>i Silver Spoon*,
Watch repnini*g ekccuted in the best manner.
r US r w W WILSON,
urvis corner Market and 4th »t«
MACAULAY’S ENGLAND—Harper's &ne edition,
ff!J_ MOK Ms’Hl ••
S. BOLmi * sows*
Binkirii Eieb>B|« Btokiri,
COLLECTIONS.—Draft*, Note* and Acceptance*
payable in any pan of the Union, collected mi •!:*• most
favorable lerma.
EXCHANGE on New York, Philadelphia
limore; also, Cincinnati, Loui*ville, Saint I.
Hew Orleana, conslantly for »ale.
BANK NOTES —Note* on all *olvcni bank , m the
United Male* discounted at th« loweat Alt kind*
of Foreign and American Gold and Silver Coin bought
and *oltf _ ~ .
OfEee No. S 3 Market street, between 3d and 4th.
Pitubonrb. Pa octSU
BILLS on England, Ireland, and Seoiiand bought
any amoonl at tbe Current Rate* of Exchange.
Al*o, Draft* pavable In any part of the Old Countnr*,
from XI to XITOO, mi the rate of S 3 10 the X Sterling,
without deduction or dxacounl, by JOSHUA ROBIN-
S-ON, European and General Agent, office slh *t one
door we«t of wood. octlMJ
allkk KXAJUk.I Ixowaxu haim
in Foreign and Domestic Bill* of F-xchange, Cer
tificates of Depoeile, Bank Note* and Com. corner «f
3d and Wood streeta, directly oppoaite St- Charte* Ho
tel. roaytWdly
W ° bio i
Bank Note*;
narchaaed at the lowest ratca, by
Kpl3 33 Market itxceL
BILL! OF BXCUANOK—Sight Check* on
New York,
Philadelphia, and
Constantly for sale by N. HOLMES A SONS.
tepl3 35 Market it.
uuukk. ' usn;, &c.
NEW MUSIC—BoII on Silver Moon; Nelly »«• a
Lady, a new and popular Ethiopian melody by S
C Foiter; lie kind lo Urn loved one* *l home. Spenk
Gently, a.-utigby Kthpire Minme'a Row thy Boat
lightly, a* aung by the Empire MnifUela, Whai Mu*t
a Fairy’* Dream be, Ben Uott: Loumam Belle; No,
ne'er can thy Home be Mine: He doeth all thing* we 1;
Walk into do Parlor, •• Repertoire de* jeone* Ptdni*-
let" li.tle fantasies from all the celebrated and pope
lar Opera*, composed by Ferd. U-yrr—in iki number*
of 7 page* each; pnee 23c per number
Tbe above, with a large collection of Walue*,
Marche*, Polka*, Bong*, Ac Ao. reo'd and 'or »«le by
spt3 JOHN ii MKLLOR.M Wood *t
Latin Lessons Latin Pro*e t'ompo*Hion.
Cmiar’t ilommeir’.arlr* on the Gallic War
The .Eneid of Virg.l. Cicero'* Select Ornlion*
S*Hu»i'i Jagnnhine War. and the Conspiracy of Cal
•aline. The Work* oi Horace.
Hml Greek (.r.MiniK Greek Prone Cotnpoiition
Grammar of tbe Greek Language.
The Anabasu of Zeuophon.
Cicero de Seneelutr, de Amioua. Paradoxn, Ac—
Fbr tale at reduced price* *i the book «tore of
»pi 3 corner Third and Market *u _
NEW BOOKS—History of the National ConMHueni
A**eml<ly from May, Ist*. by F Cockran. Fan
History of Pendunni*. at* loitune* and mlifonnne*
hi* friend* andg>eate*t enemy, by Wia. M. Thacko
ray. auinor of ••Vanity Fair."
Retribution, or, tbe Vale of Shadow*, a tale of pa*
• ion, by Emma D. f- Neveti Southwonh
Juti rec d by JotINS TUN A STOCKTON,
am to v comer Myk-t nqd Th<rd tt*
II aNUKaCTI HE OF IRON—Tobh published
JjX shortly. The Manitacture of Iron, ill all it* bran-
ches, from Ue digging of iron ore and coal to the ma
king of charcoal and coke; the building and managing
of ula*i furnaces by eharcial, anthracite and coke,
hoi blast and blast machine*, Ac Ae . including an
easay oo the manufacture of aie-T by Freddie Over-
man, Milling Engineer Complete ui one volume, 30U
pages, with illustration*, engraved on wood. Price.
SO t-» tuhsertbon. Subaertpnon* received by
aug3o JAS D l/OCK WiK>D, Al Wocni *t
JtlBT PURI'ISHE* —The History of the Pumiti
in Englam and tbe Pilgrim Pather*, complete
l voL Loyola and Jesuitism in it* Rudiments, '■ y
Isaac Taylor. The Genius of Scotland, or Sketches
of SCO li»h Scenery, Literature and Religion, by Rev.
Robert Turnbull, 4th edition. Tbe History of the
Cbmreh of England, by H shop Short; Krskine's Go*,
pel Sonnets Border Warfare ot New York The
Mount lus of tne Bible La»l Day* of Elisha, by Kru-
maebrr Cottage Lecture*, or the Piignin’s Progtrs*
pracuraily Explained, published by Am. S- »• Union.
The Wonder* of Vegetauon. published by Am S S.
Union. For sale by ELLIOTT A ENGLISH,
augiO TV Wood »t
klatet it Menica. t vol*
Uuneliton * Medical Dictionary
Tailor** Medical Jurupiudeare.
Taylor on Poi*«n* Atnott’* Pny*ie*.
Oyclopirdui of Practical Medicine, l *ol».
Hooper’* Medical DicUonary.
KllioMon » Practice of Medicine
Anatomical Alla*
asyai JA» U LOCKWooD,® Wood »l
DUFF'S BOOK-KEEPING— Blank. lof tcmclimr I
i)u« wort, with ibr author'* direetiona to learn
er* pruitrd on the rover* A now *upply juat recei
ved from Now York. an«J for »»*« by
juia John H el Wood »t
, A SPLENDID uwnmeßi \
gtnj aod RrwewooU Piano*, jn*l fit
,»bfd. The*e m*tn«nenta are made ♦«
II V | 11 the laietl pattern and be»l material
and will be told Low for euh by
F BLL’MK, 1U Wood itreet,
lid door above Firth
N. B.—Tbote wbo are m warn of a *ood mamnnrnt.
are reipect/ully invited to examine U.ear before pur
cliaain* oUewfaare.aa tboy cannot be excelled l.y any
in the eoamry, and will be »o.d lower than any broucht
irotn the K»*t Ataojoat received, two piano. 01 Ham
burgh tnanalacturu. warranted to be tupenur to any
ever .old in Un« country oeuCl F_D
ri'UF vubtenber ha» been appcuwed !*olo Agent for
j. to aalc ofCAKHARr* IMfMUVKU MhLtiDlv
ii.S'l.w ruanufactu'ed and mud pwrtocird try Me»»r*
Morrb * White, of Cincinnati. the o.uai eoaipo»»
and extent being l»ut four oet.voa, M*a»r« M 4" ,
IK acrordaner with the general daaire und demand.
l,»»e extruded like Male Ol Wear 111 HI umenU W) if ami
even 4 iM-uvrt, mu. makt-ig >1 praaocahie to perwrra
upon them any tnuaic written lor too • into or Urgau
•j be exterior, aj«», Bu been mura Laploved by placing
li>« i.odt ol the muniment upon a c a»t irou irnme
beautifully broiued ami ornamented, rendering it at
ouce a mo»t elegant and extrr-mci) dcxrawe arucie
Tbe prire i. pul «o low a. 10 bring >l wiUnn U»e much
ol ever) one la uiilain ■ perfect tnuaical iiittramenU
luje lor a comparative mile II KL.I.UKR,
jtlJ W \V6odwr U'a
GREAT MliMi'.aL NOVELTY—The .üb.cnber
haa jutt received lioo Europn, 10l .are. an
entirely new ui.rnuoii ot I'taito Forte, railed Ute 'All-
INF:! FiA.NO Kuliri, Whieu r.onaoeiiiig more
and aweetnra. than Uie njuarc riant*. occupic. Uul one
fourth ui much room, and i. a much more «howy i.-d
liaiulaome ptece.ol rurunure. li i» particularly
Ine where the vavtug ol .pace t» an object, being ri
eredtngly ifat and compact, and occupying no tt.o’e
roots than » .mail »tde iabie The rul>»cnl>cr bo* id
ham] a ol tt* .opcriorii) trout the celebra
ted piani.t, Moachcilca. in hi. own na ml wnuns.w im b
toav be to peeled. •!• KLfclHelß,
octT At J W Wondwen .
Ho. 46 market ilrrcl,
HAVIN(J nurcboeed an rxt.-n*ivr and careful.y «c
lected *i©ck o‘!*pnnf and Summer flood*. the
iiub*cf.ber respectfully inform* hi* triend, and me
public lhai be i» now prepaniij; to receive an<i "-ic
rote their order* with dlapateh. and m the unite*..
nw>*> *ub»tanuat and fashionable manner A* be .*
tef» himteif that be will he aide to do work a* Cbr a|*
a* It cut l>e done at any e«taUli»Umrni in Hie country
Ml* *l»e i i* varied. con«i»:.ii({ o! t’aMimere*. Uru*il
elotb*. Vetting*- *e . which In* friend* are re*peetiu.-
Iv invited to lor ihemtclve*
mr*4:dtf U«»R«E ARMOR.
7n, (- O. W. BIDDLE, Donllal—
JkSSSD REMOVED u> a new three »tory brick
on Smilhbeld ttreet, one door below
ILT a,,tit *Uect Teeth intend from one
to an entire *ct, on the mcoon principle. with a beau
ufnl repreaentmuon of the naturai gum—restoring ihi
original *h*pe of ihe face
S. U-—Teeth extracted with little or no pain.
Decayed Teetn permanently saved by
entin* the tooth nrhe. which i* much better than e
jig it, tnougb it should be done m five muirtet,
ven iu«iantly. apVlly
dowttnd lamp glasae*. *tlver plate, bra**, Ur
la..uia, and other ware. It rapidly late* out all »pot
and (lain*, and reproduce* the beautiful and durahl
laatre of nrw ware. Juat received and for utie, wtion
tale and retail, by JOHN D MORIiA.N,
_ja*l l>ruggi«t.
Llgbl 1 Light! I Light It »
THE justly rclehratra burning Hold can now be had
at tlie Eastern I.amp Store-, No od Third street,
between Wood and Mamet.
For a portable tutatn light it bn* the preference in all
of the eastern cities, being pciteclly *»lc and cheap
void of smote, grease or any of the disagreeable nt
eodaiu* to light* now in oommott u*o: ai*o, a brazil
ul na*ortment of lamp* of the latr»t pattern* for burn
ng tho fame jyil-dftmo V J DAVIlh^
East aide of the Diamond, where Veimiaii
Blind* of all the different size* and color*
are kept on hand or made to order afte
the latest and moat approved Eastern faab*
” ion*, at the tboncat notice and on the mo*
reasonable term*.
Also, the cheap Boaton roil or iplit Blind Tranipa*
rency e** 1 * Paper Certain* of all the different *ize« and
patlarna, on band and for tale low fbreaih. Old Vem
uan Blind* painted over and repaired, or taken in part
payment for now K M WESTKRVEIjT, PrrPpf
fi. |J—All vou done with the beat material and
work man ship, and warranted to please Uie mo»t las-
Idiou* augltMlly
Allegheny my, Aug. 10, ItHS.
•ignrd, A Rent lor the tuanui&rtureri, bu* on bund
mid comiß .illy receiving * lull inpply of the article*
m,dr iu i*tr.>bur|;h mud vicinity, wbieb he offer* for
me *t manufacturer* pncri. <itXi COCHRAN.
febdD t# wood it
INDIA Eli UUfciK FAtfrE—l RroM botiie«lniiim Rub
ber I’ai'.r, in excellent mrucle for rendering boot*
■nd oboe* perfectly witcr proof, mnd *oft u n piece ot
ciolb One application of thti put* U mflicieru 10
make them isnpcrv iob* to water for X or 3 month*, and
a perfect prereniattvo from the leather cracking.
Rec'd art for *alc at the India Rubber Depot, No 5
Wood it, febtU JjkJl PHILLJP«_
baltimuu, riTiuoui ans wuzxubo.
Ofl«« at tbt Eiehtnft, D&lttmoro.
RKDUCKJ) RATES. —The charges have been redo
ced on ail Messages to or from Baltimore, Pitts
burgh or Wheeling, and a corresponding reduction
made on ail telegraphic dcapatchca forwarded from flat*
timore Weal of Pittsburgh, Pa.
turn.—The charge for a telegraph despatch to or
from Baltimore, Pitvourgh and wheeling, 11 45 rnnti
for the 11 rat ten words, and 3 cents for each additional
[qt 'No charge is made for the address and signa
ture. /
of the South Wr
*”*Unul ihe completion of the Shut* .Veaiern Line of
Telernpb from Memphis to New Uriemn*, Jp«-
paioSe* can be forwarded in Mc&phU bjr dui route, *)i<l
mailed tor New OH n ana i»l I
TO F A M IL l K S—Chemical Liquid for washing
clolhea, earpeia, alike, punt end fine furniture—
••ring helflbe Imbor end dispeoalng entirely with ihe
wash Soar d- The fittest Wilton cerpeu, after having
b«n in dm eleven yeers, have been perfectly restor
ed, without wo tUgbirtt injury to tbe fabric, end with
out removing iron the Soot. It will not injure the
ninth. Direction* uceompanylogeneh bottle. Price
ti eenta. For aale by J BCUOONMAKKB a Co,
*J4 wcxvl >1
; . , h'miA j .V to’s lAkti-t OK POST O»• Vi Cto, toil
1 uintng an alphabetical list of Poll Offices througb
oat the Untied State*; distances from Washington, D.
ttife nod territorial capitals respectively. also ex
hlbiung the Poet Office* In each Bute, as well as coun
tv. with an'appeadix of the United State* and British
TioUb. Jest ree* by JOHNSTON 4 STOCKTON,
■yil ecrur 3d and mUmi
iiri|^Je»|j°i-!j--S S 2 %%% « = = =|st|-I S Ski 3 3
£ l s!42«3f*isS|!ill 3 |* 4; mj*s
= . lisf;^i^ji?i s .*!|iiHi!?;ii!iii t ftiHtihi&uui ?i uni\
to s 2 ‘Jill li-s ® |lil'ii|;i.| s-?! is si |5 is| 1 « «1 ii? rii
Mi tC 3 S-Sir B.*-* s 3 ?** 2*ll jj*s a*■ij • 1:3 •-. £*2 5 S-3 2® ■ 5
“ - -?B •»?!v ,^;5 3 ?c 2 5.2 OT sc*Sl*3*Sss -ss-SS 3
3g j § i£ Sail e u -'• jn<3 >. « §~|'-3j3-a 11 2®3a£ ““ | i~ j I t
rr <g fr-za»^-cJsll^irl- 2 • J
Z— _ e g O S'«’ 3 £.3-M s s , - 53 *~ rf .I'iet* Is s 5 *
ptf B, g* | OS 3E| t '*£*3Sf3*’s|_ £;= J|sjfS.2 31 t 5 5
-*is in= mmmMi # § jii
ff C a g•< « “ gj; £j« §-o-= S ■ 5*2.3 g 5.53 g ‘f «£<
Jj* a ® isil- -••.r* , ?*i ; = •• s|H
°*| islii W'JiiWfiSKl:”!:! |f|l
►■" t- „ = s 5 P s!.‘=ss'j-U';s|»i:sss-i = _-3 = s
J h - u *=- i|s.B s* 3; c .5
r? 0. 5 - o e ... rS sS
CC < R Qb, = - • |iS = ir|»t j;'isj: |5 5 i”i-j 7 £ W t|
O£-f H :1 533 ; =-|ll '=i<- ll Sl| *C= : * S " rr >" si| i;|•;.? ;f ?" “=j t ‘-p *f
= _= 'S. = **='2;^*---
C/J < ? a?s; = ; - E-3 = = e_E£ == = e£2= - 3 B u £ - * ~‘£3 3 3 35=-p? - * I. S S
O 3 *„•* t a: = * E s>lr-J *jE * S ;=7“ E -3 t 2„ ~ =-35->.*2 2 ee:£.2 ?. t® a g
@ a |l!!*lUHil s i!i4i?!ssi-sU4j!i!i -j -K|*:«sr<?T4*ili<:t&->A?V3o 15
5 * ili4H|llilllPliill-SltllllllU L § il
°c<!s7 A |^£
gPjUg *nuiier», an<l VKHKTIA* BLINDS.
4tKj5S £xs£7&ii U * || n n*hily termed 1 before—roide on iK<- mmi approved Eastern plan^-
SfigKg, 1)0 ?25»3|r aLL-HEaLINO. 10f «'i-i rrm; f.iii.,onaMc Ea«t<nQ pattern, and color*. Alao
rSSgi IIJT SHfe* u,en; ,» .eercely a dts- THE CiII.aP HULL. or BOSTON BLIND, on band
cue external or internal. nr ende to order of *ll «;xe», and aialt pnea*.
that it will not benefit. COSUMPTION ''ounir' 'Lrr.JiaiH* and other. art invited lo callaad
1 have used it f«r the la*t ju _ (, OW ',h«UI we nip the destroyer in examine the *unve for ibctnrelve*.as alt will be *old
uXteenVorlforandiMMW of. Ur *“*£. be bid* hew shall we get clear o(«r oough. *rvd wholesale or -c.e.l.and a liberal deduction nx«da »
nj.l danger and 1 ild,’,* of vt,nl to me noU.e trw c.alc poreba.ert. P^TKRVFLf
■'.■kshs— I—* - w 5-rf J \ r. c ,rrr™s
bare ministers o< the goapal, l° d ? e *?£.,„. cn ,diiion meed n« cumutc power* These. with n rat» ot ve nittaerAicw, receive freight from any Boat for
smJ naifcT»dWßra^sinsij»
way. and there ha» been bat one *oi^-° OIIiJTaiE?rr \tmi«ten of the Oospcl, Ac., together with p NuiA RUBBER PASTE—-Jun receiving, a jtosi
voice saying—“M > AA.LIBTtu n ,cca from the v I tattler of Rubber I’uM superior article, highly
IS GOOD!" almost tnunediaiely RNALS OF TI ■ j important 10 per*ou. tlia. wish to keep their feet <l*7
RHEUMATISM—It unm J hav- etabod.ed .a pamphlet form, ana nay Mo» ‘ trntl 110 gather from cracking, and will take a
the .ntlammauon and swelling, when the pain of any of oar agents Utnaghnut the country. P,, OVljr . L For ,ale ai the India Rubber Depot,
(Road the aroundf persons of the HUNDREDS Oh mnTLLS 5 \\w street. mart Jk H PHILLIPS
JUIOtoS 't7JT «u4i«. v' 4 ,- 1 * 0 £*' “* thouVjSbs ANd'W-NS i>F THOUSANDS _ SOLDI OOLDII GOLDIK GOLD HU
y-2fesstfis i-* " ' T'lsutes;saa:sssiMPi
Iff,® on hii chddrou witiioa any benefit, when a few *ve RfTKrr A PERFECT large lusoruuem smtablc for city or country trade.
M f« of Ointment eared them. , Whr then, tteed the aiflicied hesitate! Wby rssortta . „ '
TETTER-There ts nothing beUer for the care of " no „ r#iat , E otu* u u j, uy an own individ* corner of. ourth and Branch "^ap^ain^
Tetter . .. -«,M for ; sals 0 ler the aMumed name of «oti.e co ■ 1-r Mod phy- apidid-.a rßUMOtpiwa __
UfRNS-lv tt one of the best thin*, in the war. : „ f ,an. and jmfled into notoriety by certificate* c. par-1 - Papor Ilang-lagg.
Barna .►, .w,.ni ß i 1 ions equally onknown’ Wbil«l • medicine Of i TJA VlNti parchased at ihrce of ihe largMtFaClO-
P!Lia»-Thoß»*itda art yearly cored by ih » Omi , CnPaRaULW.ED EFFICACY H ries in the K«*i, (New York, Philadelphia and
ajer.i. U R*V*S fails tn giving re.bef Fit , d vouchers arc at Come.—oat Might I Hal .mhee.) • large assortment of the newest
rfr Around the box are direction, for Ming ■ » At u( wtfbjn „ UE , | improved siylra of PAPER HA.NO BORDERS
lirtsrt (Hmmtntfer Scto/ula. Lmt Lompiayu* I SNATCHED FROM rHKtrRiVX. ' Ac . and nj-tde orraugemeiit. by which I wfll be ena-
Uu Tturr, OuiWa-S. Scahl HtaJ . j onlrr o.a, Ou. may be placed . |lk<l 10 pr<)oure all new Pauern*. simaUaneooa wtU
Som Throat. Amcw A art. 1 within the react, of the poor as well the rwh, w. h.r. , lljelr lu t Us. e , n market, .1 «wild th
«u of thi Srau. W*«d oe*«, arxAmo. Deof"« 1 f " , once at ' vile the aiienuon 01 those desiring to have Uteif hottaea
l*#a*** if P 05I*T FIFTY CESTB, 1 papered with the iaie-t styles of paper,’to eaU nad
■u* fitetUbng if t*< **»«. RAoima***"- b ( ( , of COU6 |, tnrUicme*. Hi* . Pljm iuc my stuck, before purchasing elsewhere,
ft.' k LU F* CrV.f. awsß- or Druuu T~* M „ IU i„ „„r.y e, c ,y tow,, end vi.lage , ft J w o; , u, r w . x the East, WflOp^
acAs Jfvi m liu Foc«. 4'*- ,v. m.p»i over thn wrst. wUo are prepared 10 give fu.l utlonna- ; a ( ,; o ld. Suun blamed, and common Paper
Complaint, pain m the Chest 0T « ™ ;0 u / WALTER. Proprietor, wuich I can sell oi price, ranging f.otu IfileU to ®3
and titide fSung elf ®f the ban, or the other aceotapa- .on relu.. Headway. tWtn..*!i. Oh*. „ UM . , UC MS ri 5 Hlt.U 67 wood st
nie. cold'feet- (Tt»i» Ointment i» the irue remedy.) saR.SaI'.iHIUa-?« i Uscoit Smoking,
w a .are «g" of dt.ea« to have cold e«L ~ .I) a ‘, ol lM Towi.t-nd . l.maine t*ar» a purUla. ;vv A YLNCi ;u»t rompletrd the rebuilding ofoar amoke
CORNS —Occasional o«* of the Oiiitmeot (llf , u , r K y. M-XLKK>. H ht , o . e 4, wc are now prepared to receive meat
way, keep com. from growing . ' 1? \v««i .1 on! / Ageui for Pittsburgb. ailo FnH , kP , t u,c mod mercL.uimt.le manner,
ue troubled With them ,f they u»e It ireqo® > l! V 1, M Cl. KKY. A«-t.t mr Aii-*heny my , arP fiurd wuh all the modern improve-
DH“iEn M«1«L pain wmew. ! ,^ n N«
„ un sofJAMVSM«Abu» r. !{••> I’l M(>N V 01-a r-*pc« ta-.lfc l'i.) .1. r ..I—Read 1/ >1,:) Urove printing Paper, (SS.
° a ill'll my Agents in all the principal ct.e* and J[ sfte lol.owmv. fklr-rd >•> my AccnuMr.F. Met- J{ &c ~ Propneiorm,) we will be .constantly
For .ale hr my Age weather. Cine, nuau . , . . . ' .ui.p.i.-d w.ih all U>e dilfrtenc Uie* of superior quality,
- 4 - ~r£ , ~ ’ t s *• - »”•&%s&!£!?****,
ET oa-N. » «.,* —. r«. rJi | dw „7;S^
Withal, »w, and 1. Wilcox, dr. <:or;,crr o eate u *-‘' Viu/cflrct. Pl£u«h. Fork and Hoe Steel. Rivets, Spike, and Wro’l
.t and the Diamond. al«.cornero(du,u w.iu ai.. u }Uon,*. Jl. U. , Iron Nuts, uigeiher with touk and Enpuc
.y.c.-M .1. 111 Ca.sel. eoruct of '» amui o.u rcmi p.,««i.iy -e iniagiiisti f . . «orui2- h.t l*uU Taper and comioou Axle*,
r™ ah w.S’.nd .old at the u. *™'**"f l» »'•** ** “*« ** n " rt bf 'j Ha*.U r-due.-d u.« price of Wrought IrtaNnU.
Ilwdoor fr*m Second si. ut Abegheiiy c.l) by •» Drugging I engine builder, anil others using the article, will fin®
J Sargent, by it. ‘v!’ . , hit™****** * source fa» \h »« tunr mwrr-t to give this new branch o^Ptluburgh
noneham 1) Negtry, East Liberty', H R o "' l *' •• ». Pie 10..->•»*:.r ii-uiiiomal c * 1 manufactures their attention.
w osnarti J A.exander A 600, Monougahela Lit), • miliar u> utu.iy 01 iu«*w iravi ung o . ' t.oai u iruamuiß* and duucahlc iron on liberal lerma.
Dleaxanter, and *Corr*nied superior to any w».d l. deft ail' l( , j' pur Mngical Pam ] rPiLDIHI,
cures disease wttßood vomiting, porglh#, sicKenntg a.,J .1 Mvmj riln ird. .:«,»»t «* 'I l-l »»• ■ f CI*AIH STBJIKT, PITTSBOBGH*
-SSWJS &,d h ; ve &XZZ ! has ««.« «-
Viotxl —r.ol, bp.w,rn «, A„i ,• ««..»* - »«.. o(
B „d retail agent for Pittsburgh, of whom the genun.c coy™, . ai(jj(>w 3iH i R p..,. ; ’ ..
article can be had - r t for fe.-i cure for Bum* and >cald*. and all external ui I ~j- pj|K l!i>T QUALITY AND LATfcST STYLES,
It M Currv ha. been appointed the sole agent ■«> >p ' >
Allegheny nty, of wnom the genuti.e article can be , wnc „ f.trmcd hr their v,,.<s 'Y,,u-u he 1* prepared to make to orde
had ,1 „,v t-us:.a„d ; . no,el mthis place. 1 have »upj»srd 1
DWLSFKCnNH SULl'TlltN OF t-H LORIDE 60- ’ Uf U irm tht sc i*w mic. it may jK»*ihly 1
DA.—lt decomposes ihe virus or pec-ar.t P^ „c tl ebt ooih to m«n and your»cit
~p of a.t , .-eases. It remove, the danger . iuu bum. m , rlu
!.o, effluvia >,i sick room., *c. By ns clemming one • rnuf :a ir t in- hope that Mr». L!>me wtu ( ,anion the ] a o tta rtera for Boot* »»d Shoe*,
,y twelievcsutccrs. and ...icteepts ail commu.i cable h , IVfM Ur truer, ai w-i, 01. nc Kttfe «« Me , <>(^[ 01 y ourVi4 aj . u sm ,uthe,d street*,
-..wase*, whether in man ®f “i 1 , 1 ?, J, A . .. nuibauitv as oi n- b-nni im * u I rr r, l ,no,lff 01 !*aa, Pa.
... U l« by l«U H !■• LI 11 tt 4ne IW t t ce ol ucr irtcnUs —II. .»* I TROTH*. <t;oTThrfvinc coimneivcedwifTU
Felon Cutitu i Yttl'i , nr t n. rTi : Horn and Mice basiuest,AVH|
Extract of a letter, dai«-d fit .vine sale and retail, wou-d rc*pect/all> F|k
Rr.t.aorrr. Ky Nor J 3, im: iI1V( , t,-, c ,i;i.-.iit«'„ ci iltcir fnmds and the publi} geo*
>l, H. Dailey -I have tried ynui 1 nut Exiraciof tn rf-i new stock,consistingalmeiiS,
a ca*c of trloiv. in tttv own familywinch it retiewd i,..y, , ims-c*' end childrens wear 0/ every
and cumd in a very snort uine.' 1 In nasic, Tours re- Viliiel41 iunn.,.■•':•>< me season, anC oi price* to *a«
speciiuliv, * J a». M. \ otsn (|i( , :i inV- a• j. rmhrf article of homo made work.
(—y- Hunt* and «icit;d». Ptic* rtorc Nippir*. Ilrokrn . uc ), llf rent-'-nten * line .Boots, ladies, misses and
Breast, Eruptions. >orr*. Cut*. »'onnd*. und a : in- Ij,rllP 1 j, rI1P [j llc work. l‘ieoii« call and examine for
llaminaiion. ytrtd* rcad ly 10 the wnmlcrful properu.-* : . cl>ps TROTH A SCOTT,
of tins unrivinl.-d Bui. m 'he -ame pro- corner -lut and Smilhfictd sis
portion ihal you w>'l ri-ecive betietll 'r«nu the griiunte. j N jj _ ~f u T rUi ,a». Curpcl Buga, be. Ac., al*
you wit: I- injured by the delelcrtou* rtlrc's ol the W :i , * u.. 1. si,d nna .tiw for eaah
eounterieti taivr* < ',. u . f , un-u-nani. would hud it to their interest to
C A LTItJN - lie sure sod apply only to the inventor, ; vc vm iiuj ihe city. mhH
H Dalikf. <IA Uroadway.New kttfti. or w hisan-, LOCi.VN, WLLSON A OOs»
thorued agenu. ~ iVtvn r, u *t. I MKHUhttS auu Wuolcsale Dealers Ui Foreign ttjl
t»cne * ' , 1 Domestic Uurdware, Cuucry. Saddlery, *C n l*w»
Henry p Ai-egiieio . A * l . | v' Wo,.d sueevFitt.nurgh, are now fully prepared with
Wheeling. \» , James" Joan. mi. . • •• • -?> 1 eceml) unporud iu*ck of Hardware, Cotlery, 6ad-
F N^r;r^»r^K r u r&t
ihe pain m» mw mmole, it u« e _ ... . ine raun) ndvlittages had by our ptcdecessora, Me.*
MOKLaNs VS ORM KILLER ..... *l* Logan X Kennedy, wc have great;) increased our
PiTTsmcaon. June r- t*W ' fuc.nucs, and purcaose all our goods irom first hands
Mr John 1> Morgan—Dear Sir: l gave one u-aspoot. Uw Very besl
lull of ) our Worm Killer lo one o! ray children, and in , T llc JU „i ar member* of Use firm devote Ibeir-whole
the saint note o- l.v.f hour n p»»-ed tw-my large aMp)niyll M „ ait coitfiddul of giving sai
worms. 1 lem-ale 111 rvromincnding your vermiiuae ,*,sci,on. re.peouuliy .ohcu a eajl irotn aJtwno may, l * , “rJ“«,,«ifc 01I «L _ ° cMI
Janas M.n»«**s. near . o»‘*t- I BRICK FOR BAl*Si*
J's’diL,:;;;.xo—-x'i? xtrsrtiSs,^ lStv
* lfrcL --- ,- - VL-,rr-r',-»ii' improved luiichtnu, tor which lie has obtained a paten!
IIIOUKRT’S CHEMICAL \%KiriaU U „u utree* 10 give pucehascr. ■ wnueti guaranicc that
FLUID. rt ey £ «ruuvcr,aud wtorwosi trust and wet weath-
UIUBERTS SUPERIOR REU INh. mo.iture or dampnea than any oth-
HJBUKKTSMACHINKCon INK. cr pO.scs.mß greater body and .upenortexture
» LL Ihe.e lUrfer irom ordinary Ink. a* they arc ad - mprc rt uraide tn cverj respect, each Unck
A chemical Jo.ti-umng no vi.c matter, , rt u.eeied to a pressure of »<voraJ tons, and pos
aow frcel) imm any M„.t »( p*-.. lc color deep, "month .urfkcc and even edgea,
bnght ami durvl-te. H lu/r,- if »<en 00 c a 1, * make u irout «i«al » the ue.l iroot brick,
made. I hire nnthrr *ccu nor heard oMnnn S.un- j g,»rntue greatc.t saustucuoa tr»*Jl whfl
pie hoti-r* e-in im obtum., gmit,. by thr .•.u-rrltam. , » a kilo con b« .ecu at my work*, and
,rneral-y. from HA Eahne-iock X . Henry I*. ”“".e iiaxctte olficc.
*cnwonx. Adcriieny. nr o' the injiiuiai-turer. THt'P E... ha,,,,* suiijibed thimselvcs lor their bmldtngs.
K mtHiERT. Drugs,st and Currant, comer ol lobcr- Wlfillll< i.aj.u.ouic front hnck, or superior haul
v and Sinitlifiei-i streets, I tusburEh. I a. ~,|.d na'vuui brick, can obtain Uieiri.
’.N. U.—Any bottle not givtitß complete satmacUon, a “* l p ISAAC OREGO|
:*u be returned and the price will l«e refunded. Birwniniiutn, June 1- Ist'- U’
julU:d rt tn .*.... .. '.. *l^-Tne highest pn«e itt ca»u pud for all the
DRUIS. Ac. Ac.—Pure Red Bark, Chiorh: Ether, yy diiitrcnt grade* w clean washed wool, by
lotude P«ta«h. Strycani*:, Chloride fana, Liver Tf H LEE. uoerty, st, oppo.tte Sth
Balpbur. White Precipitate, ryaiturvi I'ntaen, jm*x re ,i «i'.\ K I'N i.lii'HlP— l have tifis u*y associated
ce.ved and tor sale by >u'J it h s>ELLEr > I with rae in the wholesale Urocery, Produce and
D|lU<«>! DitLtfS’.— til»mm*a»ioii duniicst. Mr mini Wilson, under the firm
Chinor inn. Chloroform. «l JOtl N W A t’T A t.U. JOHN WATT.
Ext. Bark Precip. lodide Iron. P,usburgh. April d l *. t t»4B.
Nitrate Stiver. f>n Copaiba, L'I.PH of yui.u- e Oxnb- of Tin. Pru»iC Acid, Cil*
James l nwder, t unc Aeio. w |h Cafjonute of P'.ta*h, Nitraie hf
Chloi ide . mill Mtlonc Ktlier, •*, v,. t L*.onto. 7.0 .lav ol Lend, CU-n ide Oi Soda aftd
Extract Rhatany, hxtraci qui.rix. on ~a-,d and sal,. :•%
Juit rac'd and for sale by K H SELLERS. ‘ ‘ ’ j KIDD A CO.’
jull 17 Wood »« “
II A. FiHrorot't,) A. H. UciL, N- 1 Ctsy > n - L
It. U h suitksnwt, VPituburgh. ( r
(j. W l Ait.vawtaJ v> *
Whol.salt wug Stow In th. City of
New York.
r|'lH- unoersif(led srn extensively engv«?J . - u "
X " holesuic Drnt bumness al No. 4P Jol ■. iiicct, "
the city of New ktrk, and arc prepsre.l i.» »upp y oW i..'V
Dmsmts and eoantry yierchatti. with Drug*, Pautu, n '
his, Dys-stnflk, Frrvgn and American Pe fumcry.
Man or, A a*-*t i. Wander's Cbcmicals. lof ihcir own « ri '- '
BIT or.ultes) athf all other irfie'es in their line o< iiust- r -
toss,ol a snpvTio ■» ln » •« -bev can bepur
thasol In ibis or any rsstern e n
NOW York I- I |fl 'I » ' *'• ■ wr ‘
iTlltJiiSlß SlLuu.i,
McKAI.L. two “> lulortn the inhabitant*»r I iM»-
. bur*ti and vtcmttT. that be hn» opened the
awjvt e»tablt«hment. where every attention
paid to the comfort of inn*e who m«T a/or Mm ».tu
Scail Liberty -reel. and \N oo^
Ue Cream* and all olaer delieacie* of the «•»«">.
rriiii.* ami. rt.ened bare ihi* day ««*oct»te<l unde*
I the name orfhorapann Hanna 4l s*on. fur tbe-pur- ;
i>o»e of imaiufaciaiin* parer. ai the Uimmi l*aprr >
Mill, wbnr they will t>e plenaed to receive the putrou-
hjc o' the public, and the former ca»iMiter» °l L * c ;
'“The‘ r at all lime. beep on band a prncral a- 1
MirUnem of writmif. wrapping !
bonnet board*, blank book*, etc etc., wbleh they wi.<
ejrhamre Mr rlcaii liuen and cotton rai;*.
Printer* and Hook Publisher* aan be *applled with
, ' n "" , v«iT«ifUs5 r, .?SJrN-r
ApnM, MS—ruytftd*'" KHM UNDSH * N
D Uicawoon. «3 Wood arect. ha» jtt*t
received midu beautifully ornamented OrtATh
APRONS. of a variety of pattern* and color*, al«.
cut Ti»*ue Paper for Rla**e*.
pietore frame*, or lamp* _ Jt* 2l
» T the *iptn of itie Plane and Saw. 7b Wood meet
A a complete B»*ortment of Ciueuiuan Cooper*
Tool*, tor «*ie bv inyl l * H I'llKH ALA 1.1- MA N
/^Tio:‘<»LaTF, Ct>COA AMI UKUMA-naaer >
1j llroma. No 1 Chocolate ami Cocoa; al*o. Si-hmiu
•weet .niced Choeo'ate. ju*t rac’d and tor *ale at the
Prktn Tra Store. 7« Fourth. *t mvtM
W’ Jim? SUGARS— Loverm*’* leaf. cni«hr.l and
polvomed Sußnr*. ju»t reed aud for tat*- liy Me
.. nor ai Uie Pekin Tea Store, 7U Founn »t.
acri , f <t s a* raoevan) is S or It) MtSCTB» ram
II Mt-ntion of the public is invited to this very
I Tslusliie Churn, wtuch has the advantage ol all'
o i ers m combining the old anil new mvriuioiis to
gether , .
The utility of this invention is apparent, as by a mm
p.r proces* ibe air is forced benraih tbe dash, and
d. •• sway wnh tbe necessity of purchasing anew
Ctiurn. as H can be applied to any churn in use, and
for one dollar can have all the improvement* of the
age eombmod with those of gathering the Bolter in
the usual way. . , _
The public-sre invited to call and judge for ibem
•elves hefore'purfbasing elsewhere, at B 7» corner of
Market and Fifth nrrria, or at 63 Diamond alley, be
tween Wood and Market streets, Pittsburgh.
my» _ SAMI.. KROFgKN.
r nj|K undersigned having been appointed Agent of
1 the Daijswsaa MtrreaL Sarrrr lmc*Aitcs Co«-
rsirr, in the place »f John Finney. Jr., re
in rct/iiUy informs the public and the friends ami cus
tomers of the Oomcwinv, that he is prrpared to lake
M (fine, Inland and Kite risk* on literal terms, ai their
office No. 37 Water street. P A. MADEIRA.
myl*_ _ - Agenu
IYUSt: hC»K!— HWU reel W in. 3 ply India Rubber
rl kom jnst received for the Borough of Mancbes
ter which will be held In store for a few daya. The
Boston Belting Companr express a strong* for
the fire department* oi the cttics of I msburgh and Al
le.l.env to call and examine and make atrial of them.
The company Is willing lo put them to any test they
think nraner to conclude upon.
rorio J A II PHILLIPS. 4 wood st
Books Frtß tue subscription oF stock
m ih« Citisens’insurance Comoany of Pittsburgh,
will be opened in the Rooms of the Board ofTrade, on
the ftTst Monday of November next, at 10 o’clock, a. a.
Wra I.anmer, Jt. Robert woods,
Wm B. M’Clare, Joseph Plummet,
». M Kier. Joeiah King,
John Sheriff, Alex. Ruaelmrg,
and H. D. King,
•plthdtaovl Compuationer*.
H PARRY baa invented a machine for washing
(Jold. for which he hat made application for r
dr lent. They are now offered for sale at the ware
house of parry, ScoU A Co., No. 103 Wood street,
Pittsburgh; . „ . ,
Adventurer* to California are ipmed to call and ei
ainme the. r l»t»or-*aving machine*. They are *iwple
in their eo istruetion, easily transported on the hark of
mule* or horaea, weighing eighty pound* each, and
ran he pa in operation iu half an boat. They can he
fil.ed with provisions. It ia the opinion of tho*e who
have aeen the trial of one of these machine* ol *mollc*t
»i*e, that two men will waan the mineral from 150
t.nahrl* o aaird or earth in a day, without the loaa of a
particle o the mineral. They oan be increased m ute
*nd worled by water or mule power, If expedient
The ope rat ora work without join* Into the water or
brine efpoaed to wet, and consequently without en
dangering their health. They will require but a amaU
stream at water, and can bo used the whole oeaaon,
and can be-put into operation where there la not ion*
eieut water to wash in the usugl way.
Price of smallest site 533. Orders from abroad, ac
companied by cash, will be promptly filled.
IL PARRY, kt Parry. Seott R C©V
febfl-dlf No iO3 Wood at, Pittsburgh.
MB. SAMI*. IL HARTMAN hating told hb farter*
eat a tie of Coleman, Hallman A
Co. to tbe remaining panaenrhaa this day retired
tram the fins. Fabraarjr Ifi, 19»4f
• h P M rrRRY. rrny: A PATTr.n*MS, IW-nghani.
"MEI) I r A L
1 [j;N<,S —The unprecedented were** wh»«“
lirnue '""(iINtfENG FANACKA
■i all the vnn»u> mnn* which irritation of ihe lon** *■’
lomei, ha* induced the propnctor ug>un to call a,tea.
The weather which mark* our fail
•rimer month*, i* ulway* a franfu! *o.ircc of
colds and covun*. ~
fhcae, tf neeleeted, are l>ui ihe preform* of u»*f mu
le»irc*Tf r.
DK. JAY.NFS Ai/r* -'V 1 : ■■' ■ ■ ' “ifTggg
V)r!'j e ay»« , »' Aheraiivsi which PJTI * tJ U ft. <3 H (jAZETTE»
nro»p» r» .i ter • ••! f over e**-' ■>•: - . rcneJ, of u>c l L 0...^■ > •*.!• .• i .l.\ 1 Ul-W r.i- ri , iVN LEdiL*
kiri.l ■**i- -i •i" • iQicted for :• > a-n iH’ , n year* : inu >< ■-•n 3.1 n., *»«•■ u< rciS Q#**-
pjj.rK' <m-> ..f WHITE MY U.IMtS, nlb-mled ; li ATt.S O >' mUV« l< T I alfiOf*
wiia uii-Vjjrr.. cJ enibbatioi. i>; bincvdn- One .>) jcm i,o;i Ifiim-,.. nr |<-*s
riDf'Tturii ii'ii- manv pieeeshstr! -ci .(.•charged from, *J' WU w.ttw.,u .lien. •>•«:* ■*•'o2
ibe .ronwi nh-.-oi .•rnmu.n. ;romi>mh tirr
“ , iau .:i and ft'>m :>•>!!. • **,mid from the left A \o ISO
fp i ora muir uml " in ryii: V-ire i>-»ide« painfal j JQ
ulcci * bii Oitir whichhave W-.ffled IwoNSo.i. • ."*3OO
Ibr «*ib of » "Hi"! •»' 'lVmi‘l p.'HHCIU* of 1 hre« ...••♦* aQQ
onr ci. ->-jr "4 «>-“• ’'< U*<- 1 snlfenug* have OiteMi-ath. ...S*' 4 " *
i>c-M i-irru *. n? in.. .-|.inr*t>le AbOOl three Month* i._ o '• ,IL
•mce »tie w>< .uduml u> ir> Dr. Jayne's. Alterative. .... ~ ~ »*•••* ' ® W
wlurli hs» and an »•'»« 'timg-y nappy piTcolbjwu aer t ; 1
i,y f.-movin* *u! pa n ana*, and ; rjn»i.i* the . ‘Ej L«ng.;r Ad*«rlite;n#tt* n «»<• PvJ 10 00
uicen to ti'-al- at the .jhh her genera: bmiia One squire. <> month*. wtSml lit*** o ** 15 ©0
Ha* fircomeroiupt-nelv rc*u«rd.»« ih»i ihe now wrijj,' '• •< IS b “ *** JOO
>i 11.. more than .Ire i«l Irefat. .Irereomreonood He ore tach »odlUoi,a.l minait lot 0 ID DO
Oi Uu» iruly vaiuaiiic prepmion.—{>a« Kve. „ ~ \ ...
For further mforia«i*tui, ii.t-aire c( Mr*, flow;, ,Xo. i-jji . _ *vi«*tpl«** ttre ’
FilhciiM, I’bileilclph)*. J One «t{oare,f> inorli.*,reoewaWe*‘r „ JO 00
For t*!e m Pm*tmrßh, *t me PKKiN TEA STOII E,
Ti Fourth «t Win Wood. jy/,
MOBGAIS 8 WORM KILLER t* the bp»t Vermiftiße
that *ny m*n can «ive or n« in hu family.
WmusMiTos Tp., WerUnorelamJ eo. Pa.
Ml. John D Morrran: -This i« to certify that 1 have
bean selnug yoxtt VrrmlfOße for some ume, say about
one year—and tn that time 1 have never Jkaawa ii io
to fail in bri'ißtnn worm* away, when the symptoms :
indieaied their pretense. I had oocasion to give it to
two grown up members of my family; 1 Rtve each of
them one doie, mad otw of them paaaed’JOO and the oth
er over ISO worma. It is ibe best Vermifuge that any
man can uw in bis family. J. W. Yooso.
Prepared and sold by JNO. D. MORGAN, Druggist,
one door below Diamond alley, on Wood «l - j«&
lANhhlU 1 OlL—OttlTier’* Kmves, Flesheis, i.feur
ing Stones, be-constantly on hand and lor sals
by aag»t Wa( YOUNG 4 CO, 143 Liberty at
H' "
And ia i it c nun F a'tbioai
7n y
:ur f<j iiiAii} war-. I itnTi* <Mrt
■ '-a-..'■•-ii e«ii»’a.-in-.7 Havmg
• d;'il <lo ihe »v<k in «>«< u*u#l
v*. nnU o»k ioc n 1.--. ;un oi‘ aii/-
'«•; -rge >.«r* I JMUILSTE*
* ami .il vi;. j... « ’..(iiicu, Fit*”
>l'.u >;>u .. a m<i». and
. eftb«
i<rumpby at*
" “ 1- " *■ ...... »0 00
uach add.Uona, tor U ,JJJitplettOW,» 00
Two aq.isM a h month*, «*' wlb j*** • 3 00
Each aildili'>oa?»ouar< t «» ««*•}“s» rin ji,
TUEIT C& TBI-W ,«lt >• «
On« •quanj..*' , ’?*rrtiu«* > J 1
-« •• «ch addition*!!*** 1 ? 1 ~“
nuttatO. 6 00
KiTe line# or lc.«, o»« J***' •*••*•**• 6 00
;: :: :.
u >< “ aix month* -
AUTBBTnsvsrr* ** ****** f^VyaM
for 11 line., or !«**, On*
.. •* ” " Two, *•••»•• .g
« .« « Thf,
mum * 9
•r-i in. nura^oropuVl
'VII SOlll.R