The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 06, 1849, Image 3

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reported a telegraphed
Further Putlcnlftri by tla« Cintda.
Nrw Yoax,/Oct. 5.
The latest letters from Naples, of the 13th alt-,
•ay that difference* prevailed at the .ooferenee at
Portici, which may he tcc difficulty between the
French and the Papal Gov«um<;r>ts.
The Montaguard member* of ibe Assembly, re
quest the people of France to dcs»*t from attend
ing Ihe banquets, ie!ebrata»g the fittcenin attm-
Tersary ot the Old iiepabltc.
The Magyar* shot three officers al Peierwar, who contemplated surrendering the lortrera
to the Imperialist* I
It is reported that ll to In.* reworded
for his service* in Uie lair war. wim nn ic»|*ertal
domain. [
Jellochicb and Haynau arc him lo get a stale
A Germao reformer, in a r irn-»i>i>t>etitire dated
Drare, September i+th, gi»dS lurifirr drtails of the
insurgent fugitives. ‘
On the 20th ol August, the first transport of
•boat 20 refugees, arrived at Keclufiit, escorted by
Tarkiah cavalry. They were furnished witn lodg
ing, and allowed to walk about the i\ty, without
any guard. Among them wer«f, Me**
rosa, and the two Pcreseila.
BtLTIUo&E, ( ).'.t
The following persons have bee-t elected to
First District— Richar<! Bowie, Whig.
Scamd District —Will T. Hamilton, Lieui , gmn.
Third District- W. Hammond.
Fourth District —Robert McLean, Democrat.
Fifth Duma—Alexander Evans.
Sixth District —J. R. Ken, Whig,
la the Legislators the Whigs will have a majori
ty, i«ariog the U. S. Senator.
The river ba* risen Jour inches Mnre morning.
The weather continues cloudy.
Floor- The market remains unchanged, with
light receipts.
Whiskey—Quotation* nrr made at Jl4<♦ r». r rah,
eonmidenble oaie» bitee l-eeu made at to
Sogar—The market i* less buoyant.
Provujon—There were no sales of iro|Hir:ancr*.
Linseed Oil —Tne market rates at and hold
ers are Umtd.
rtapon.lrnl o' ibe Rh<xi>* l«l md A'lvt-r.i-fr «a; * ill
rnlir. *'P e ur-ictnl trom l'U r*«olo Mein. 1*
m iUi liai !» r iron, for om y jA-viA*! |*rr m.n- Mu« i' 'l
R’l'rooJ ettr urtril ll rrlnid «.:li
Rail. *mJ «!; nT<-«»nr. Sjmrn, ihr rom »n i-; ■
Flour—'The ro*rkri it prr !■!>! in favor of th' | t n »
mjon BEj*or. r
Nt* Yußs. Urt.
Crain—Wheat holder* hnv.i put op th<- miir**:. but
buyer* do not meet them j«alr» of (rood primp otiio
Rod *1 103 c. Corn—The •team--:'* new* fca* eauard
an advance of lie per hu
Frcrmone—The m« lor Por» i* fmti. Hint price*
have an upward tendency l.aro—:-■;<* «i 6Jp for
Cotton—The * trnmer’» rrw« ha* fiver •im-ctu and
I nt to the market—Hohirr, are u k-nj liuclu-i price-
S^tnee—Ntpolton'i Letter to S*)-,
From the following amcle, from tne Mi/nwntr,
it Will seen tbnt Loin* Napoleon * letter to Ney
came Dear cnoaiag disrupptjon m the French Mit -
isiry. De Falloux, the Minister who loot the
President's letter in such dudgeon. is n Jesuit and
ft Legitimist* —
All the jouin ii* have had Iherr »nv on the origin
of Ibe famoaa note to the Patrv of Sept- 'J ; but
none he* sketched it* true or-gin. nor exposed the
assertions i<> which u tins given rise.
The femous note communicated is the work o!
Ferdinand Barret, uvidcolly inspired by hi* Broth
er Odillon Barmt. Ferdinand Banot. wno com
bines the fanctiuna of Representative of the People
with that of Ireoentl Secretary cl the President,
is the private counselns. the .'aclo'uin i I l jS/yaer.
He has ftsspfncd the’t.oti, politic* 1 nciinm**
trativo of' Ww c f hiv''* Ti e
Mocqoafei**. the Penognv* nre displaced by Fc:»
dmand Barrbt, in the end of centralization, ofnni-
Ferdinand\Barroi, at the instance o( bn brother,
Odilion, occasioned the publication of the idler nt
August 18 to M. Ney. As iicu n* it ua.« made,
be wished to bold the Ministry to it, wno mw
no objections therein. Dc Toequevilie, the Minis
ter cT Foreign Affairs, merely said. * 4 l woulrt
rather the leuer sboulJ tuH have been published."
Bat the Military reckoned .without, Du Fa.Joux
The Minister of Public instruction repared to
tElysa immediately after bur arrival on Sunday
evening. He had waited for the Presided 10 re
turn from Sens. Fallout insisted on an immedi
ate explanation. Louis Napoleon retired into h<*
cabinet with the Minister o: Pnbtji- lastrud.uu,
vno commenced nearly m the folk>wing term*.
“Mr. President. I jnve in my re-ignation. 1
connot remain an Mioimer in the pre-eare of the
letter and of the note communicated to the jour*
oai La Patne. This nous du>;ori« ihducts.m tak
ing for granted my consent to the Icl'er and to us
As to the letter, it wan no! submitted for advice.
Vou have only communicated to me a copy after
the departure of Colonel N'ey- 1 gave vou mv
opinion which was outran approval. 1 <ou d nut
approve iL I was not consumed. Tne not
makes me play a part which comports netiher
with my dignity nor my honor.
The President replied tn«t he dul m>t a'->-ept
the resignation of the Mim«’er. b-,tn far political
reasons and for reasons personally Haltering to d<‘
Do Fallonx instated, on having h»s rcMcnniion,
oo account of the dlscreiLt which the Cabinet
would suffer by a retraction, ami ibe disavowal of
the policy hitherto pursued in the hllair-s ol Hume,
by the letter of Louis Nnpnleon.
Two Ministers, de Toequevilie among them, it
is said, who were present at the conference, sus
tained the President iu his refusal to accept the
resigoation, as a change m ihe Ministry would be
htxsrdons under the existing oiroimv-uncea.
M. Dufaure, who had roicred in the meutimc, u
ts said, pronounced DOopin on.
De Failoux spoke again, attd repeated his deter
mination to retire.
M. Louts Napoleon, in concert with the mem
ber! of the Cabinet present, offered lo contradict
the note communicated by Bsrrm.
M. Failoux then dictsieJ the term' of ttie con
tradiction, and *dftre»*ed it to the official Mom
tear, which ha i published the note on Mondnv.
It has been staled that de Falioux would retain
his port-folio Ull th-* resumption ol the session, that
'mesa time, nothing jpould be changed n the pol
icy cf the Government on the affairs of Rome.and
that do opinion be pruuounced on the
position of the Ministry until alter the explain*-
tiooA, which woulA't)f course be pre*ented to the
This is the exact truth regard to the note
usd what transpired at TElytte on Sunday even
The conference was protracted till 11 o'clock
at night, and the President d;d net get hisdir
uer, which had been waiting for him since his m
rival ftttn Seas, until midnight. n
The XTaitm of yesterday chargee Mr. Ewing
with more “hatchery" in tue removal on that day
of Messrs. Vydder and Flood, of Illinom. ai d
Parker of Miasoun, from clerkship' m »hs Land
Office. After convicting the Union i>o frequently
of unmitigated falsehood in it* assertions and de
nials, it is scarccfyncccasary to cxro'e the deerp
tiou sought to m the above statement.
It isJiol true that (he clerks named by the Union
were 'jiemoved yesterday. Th»-ir removal took
tpface on the first of Angus'. last. Owing to the
fiet that the pestilence was prevailing at the time
at (ha West, where those gentlemen resided, the
cemmtaaiocer consented to give them temporary
employment until the Ist dav ot October, ut which
time thetr coQQcctoo with the General L.ui'l Of
’-lice was to cease and wuh wbu-h arrangement, a*
wc nodertixnd, tbev expressed them«elve« fully
-Ml) shed. Previocsi however. io ihe expirtn-m
•of the period of their lemjoritrv rimdoyincu', the
Dtuon made avialrot are mil upon Mr. Ewing for
employing lemporary clerks, insisting it was n
vroiatioa of law so. to do. And now that their
own rulo hs» been ad-iptcct, and these three among
others hav - *«*«*n dropped by lh<* Commis-uoncr of
tho Land s 'ft* the Union utter* the falsehood
that they haw c-en removed Irorn office. Ii they
have not Iwu .•natmiae.i mitre temporary employ
ment of the department, they have no one to
Mame far it i*ut the tb:„ ~f ; . l= [Wmand Democ*
racy, who. -a ihstr «e»per»u<.r. o u>re injury
upoo their p-dtiK-al Jut udn their toes Rt
Nrw Jr.K'XT Kaji-suao—Commodore Stork
ton has i*»o-d *n appeal U> Ihe people ol New
Jersey in relation fa the juot companies of tbe
CaiDden an.l Amluv Railroad and the l)*!s»war*-
t qd Raritac Canal tympany, m which tw state*
be me Who:.- <>i r>,* tortune amount
inlftoWOnMOO. H lhi-« •'.unp.mi*., under the
contract w-:« the «i N«* Jvr»ey. « u d com
plain# of l' ! " Ul llldl,t 'v H'c State to repud,«
Tbisqur.-nan ,OI 'F * 'dree of interest
ID Ibo put,!,.'.
“‘L, c u t i ,". ,i'“-
Nortba _ N - CU . Jersey i-lianercd the
T ? C.«»l (caDir., «d 4
SrjT 1 *l,. H ».* (l*. «.»».«.. wo„l.l D.V
with them ■ juttre .s; ~; J SJ'W.OUO worth of
'SuIS and ‘ronstl ,)[1 nu l™~****‘ ■«>!
v T?; “ H-ne wt» , ild-go« 11,1, y lo me couqiany
freight, tbr • , mu d« through it to comp-te
that no ro«- shoUl .f . W , t uuirc- of lSr». 183«,
K b h- r ,Affirmed tne The iraosu do
and IS3i » - statc nmouot lo about sBo,*
ties now p .id to
000 a year -Jattr. C«».
T - (lbeooK—are gnlttied a
Qom** er Ouao f . K , oluely>
learuing ,ba ‘ Govoroor of Oregon, in the
P St who telmcd ibo appoint-
HlvOßii. !
PiTTgßraon board op trade
DALZEJ.L. W V w,UJtI !t J Ton EX
arret Pti-rmi-Buti «*7rrrK. )
Saturday M.rrmuj;, October* I>U*
The weather yc-lerday was quite unsettled Rivif;j
itroot indication* of runner rain*.
I he market ihrouirbou'. present* a ron'iderable de
cree of activity. and with lew ficepuo..., we notice
no change, m quotations-
FLOL'R—A few small lots were oilered at the river,
but buyers were seaige. *n J careless mtakir C hold.
In acunpaimn of resists from below, the mneltri >i
extremely dn.r. and are to unsettled that wr
omit quotation*.
PROVISION! I —"*e quote Biron Meadr at. fur
Shoulders Me Sides s{j, plain Hams prime
b»tc«-] Hams
tjROCFKI KS—There is a fair demand m tl,e mar
ks''- with sales at folly quoted rates. s-iy. for Rio Coffee
N O Sugar. tie; N O Mo.airc-,tTiS&le for
nest bols l 'tner article* lutehangrtl
COITUS YARNS—We notice no Anther change
in prices. anJ continue our quotations a* fo'mwv
eotmi t*b>
No 5, cl« per lb •••174 jN„ 13 ew per lb *t
- •• do •• H •• .... i#
" do •• |5 - . ~>d
• V - - ••••IM; - lb .-U
•• V\ • • - .1.1 I I a - . . •»!
'•l'. • • ItU 1 •• IP •• ,'jl
"1-i • - •-do I •• ail is
No son. CIS per It, . . v» INo -<h>. ru per b 71
" «0»‘. " -i I •• >Hm • ,i.‘
" 7M>. .* j v |.„^
f'ur[>et Chain. • • -‘JO j I'andlrwiek rj
foeertrt t „ r „. , Has Pi.'.-.a r
Twine, ■■•.ti| Untune No! i JI. |*« <i
The above nr- Ihr ej.lno.i«ticJ pri.--s with .. *► < t i>d
for cn*h for a -mu. over t?."*!
CoRHAt.K- I ..r llic >. un I--';;.,, li-a.l
Mam., a i<»(«• 'i\ cull.
WhiU* IVp •. l.y cm
Tarred 1b...... by co.l
Pa.-kunr N'»rii, tuts.
Mmn'ia P ibw
•I.i i-oi' .|jr to
llnirp. *1 .35 V do/
p con. -I***- ' to
rLoiuii i.isks
Mum. a. «l M-inp. *?V ♦» .i«:
Kynn,/- J l'i>fda<e I* sohl regu ar'x a: lv|<- t* to
t'nu p'l» of Jnfor.nn .... Ihe ..I
t.'hurm >ub-or.pti».n to ll.e Rjurusd mm >ie u t.ei
P.- or \v?« lirfuatrcj
Ma.oniy afsnisi-
The D-rector* «is'r, that iher have oma.-trd '“•-bin in.
.it the t'..uii:y. *i d expect fcltm.issi Thr\ sit'n .|isn
Railroad tindcrtJken in ihn section ol the ••..onirv \
Ku Knta-W e learn Torn he N,*tn, e Tru-
Whig lbat *i. aue«npt l» to i«- made lo un niv- ’h* n.t
cijsiiun.! Kik itiver. in Tenneawe li - d-- irn-d i.
Southern Tennes»«e aid Southern A lahnm :i a: l *•: n:
tmi. uya wi a the Vtiaf icstou Runroad, a mrnrji
t'aarlesum. and me more Ncrlirru l'U;e« ol in- A i-
I.e seal...aid. m .i *» than one bail Ihr t,n.e n< v» r-
Msv*s:txi» itn Srrm Failbo*n W- «r- <*a
It\. from M- »"csi-^ U wtio is n'x/.n Kurnn*' ‘ ri-..*,
lh»i lie h*s stice.— rtrd in buviutf * ism h'm nr iiei,v
r»il—enoug . lo i-om the road m-tt. N.-wats to \(a. •
Betel The wcit' tof the iron l« Hr. u»-. tn in •m . . /
1.0 tb* In the ysid :u«'ton*, or r-.rv one mu’ m
purriia*e. ha« r.r'ndy Brrivri! at New S»rk ■So
without driav "-(Otn Alla*
Spirit of the Domestic Market*.
Flour. SiTSar.A'.. .lor t Meal. *1 T| P M/.*- lir;i
sft», lims. thta-TJ. Sugar. Cuba, 7-- in bnlcj. r.i -1 Bat
111 hhd*. CiOT.-r, 1-t*. Ki«
Nrw Yobb i>ct',!—r 1
Flour. S!.:sn\-'J. Rvr Flour 5Sal 1•; 4- Wheat t li- ‘
-..r |.riin. rnru b-.sttt (»al*. -I- • M bx-.tlr Ha-.**. i>
M'». Purs rs i i.'l. Prime do .1 < o M.-i'. <t...->
der, tut, II .Pj i— .e -n ‘ -a .
Wnt-sei. *». l.-l v ..■
r»U, Crud- Tuioe.itmr. Ssf 7j
l-.our SS |-:liSdf.. Rye Four «:;.<«!. Corn Mem. Rb j
Wneat. 11-.'illtMor prui.e R>r.6i>, Forn. iM. t)at« •
9Uu7U, Whl«kej,
'• •• ..0. .-I H.»:v
ti.-, i,. tf (t • . . «
I' 1 ■r • .! «I.'
ItriVKiJ--*. in I‘. mini, tuir) ijUßjmr*.
AJohmr Cnm-I on fi*Urr-». rid)
> i-riuh iltna*ini'*. -tifiaro pooda. hign rotor*;
Alm>. I.isrk itruv>d l>«rr, aii width* Knd pnccv.
H« :.'i»iiibk 1 lrii>i>-r j U’arS "itt I'rm en, wide »o<l Dcnvy, t>oi>l QQoUIJ.
Kour *5 I-'i.n'iij W’nVWh'al luVilli' l'«v ri'a T«rethrr *» larjjeatoc* of wbiio flood*, gwiu
; »u;'rrn wort o( F«U Bonnet Ribbon*. at tiie lateit im-
■*. j iiotuukmi and n.o»t tualnonablc *ty!«a. Many of Bit
Chau-mto* i< V ■ <*\>i V? , ftMVP ,u ‘ l * TnT ' d P* rlhc ticamem
1 • ; Korun*. ami are worthy ihe intention of ibe Ja-
Oou it. SJalll Riee,J}aZfJ- .. : ama
S. I-oi c. S pi •-
ToLarro. r«-.':r. «•-.*■ *f..VI V 1l*» !!»n.[* -iVt 4»1--'
l.c.d. 4* flour -M.r.'-ai.. When, ioa-f -Si x ■
U.f.ltSik'. li-r.ev. -flintier .-mi T. •
clr-ar s|. Timoo.y »--ce ?.».:*■, Wu.Krj. vuw Brocrt:
g'J.ttat! 73
\iw Ogc.s*_xv S~p' Vi Supc* i- »c* »n ! whit". ah »o«i, imt£ Shawl*.
Sugar uni no rhan-c, Hour «4 Wi-.i l .*< , >upr r x;r t <••<•' I mu» *rt«l S<) rc .Mourning HmWr
(’urn, «lit t~<* M— Fork. *0 -“all-, Urunc »- i<> »»<•<■>. l'»rM pruned l ii.t.iarr- Shawn. m *fr»! v*n«t:>.
Shonldcr., i; l.nrd, if. Coffee. Havana 7f: K.u TrrXm a.i price* * yuaT.
• * m Mor.r etu-r ■! 'Hubei Ocavy »il* tringe.
ImproTcmtnu In Dcnldtrj. tf:.< »
tm .. .. -tkaks*.lto.u.„,
Huxi r.frT’l ir <. ' ' ‘ . HigTiiait.Jp J long and w/n- S!.h» !». vrr* cßeap;
v 'V, !‘ iK ,"l.r.r vo'* .1 1 Mourning si-uw... and H»rl«..n BTHBJ rarirt)
I JW J“ (>|re»itl*ir-'- no il r >l.. • AI *o. au- r.-<<( ol pluid Ulaok - l Siawi*. from 75
- |r® .rj^SWSrsSW®
Worm* —A» il.i* i» the *rn*4>n of the '^. a r when, an) Rru.i l»n (rood' lliiur-i. ; of waich wttl be
rorrat a/r »«<•• iorrTudablc among chiidrrn the prop'- I »t pf'oe* compel.lron
ev.r»of \l’l,iirr • Vermifuge !—g v-tve to mil u|»on 1 \Tj~ lt** me More. .No. t!‘i Market meet. te-
Mfd -.«. «i>e l i;ag their attention to it* virtur. r.r n.- :«'« Itnrc) and Fourth. -gu 01 me Ufa Um-Jl.te,
ripr: n- of I!,r*r annoying tun! ot>n fain* of *wti barg-it... cm. ut all umc« be hid
onildrp., Tr.ri • inventionm l.v » pdrsr.nn 01 erct | • piAeJ .in WtU.IA.M I. RTSSFU
pjpericn-PKi Vi-gni.a, on.t «M.iuns « »r ««m| ; , . KI.I.HR' UVKRXII.AJ* WAS MV DOCTOR -
V-... 1,, M™." .„d -= I S ’ Bcriu. 1M . S-|„ ». 1.-H.
Bh. **• >«*•"•* •> .... ..oa„ ......I.r •- , „_bm. *.r. 1 1... u-» 4 Jut. I ...
.. n km ™na... ..... ... L...-.
..a11.,., I,.p :u ,.tfcta, 1,.-„„„.l .9.... m)«d
"f"* 1 1 kloDi '" m.onip»..
Trrv nnwp mv apppUlP talird and my ♦frpiigtfi wb*
fti'.irrl'i pro-ir nud, urt'Ji *n»rrr pn.n umjr*vlpnutl
<.Bou.d*'r«. I Jold l»y mcxhrni roeu that my -h*pa»p
m! nuir. ot ,W 1.-uca L.vcr I'u *. nr.n tome «vrup<. | w.|. k,i4 wo» gi>o*t ">r l.ut oftt-r
«... 1 w«» grtung worta. t £ii»li)' confludcl to ptarp u nib' i n- corr of tt pb)*i(’i»n for bcltrr or
i.'it, fitf’ijnrupiy, jo*l n! Ilu» !.inp i wa* loij
l.) tu<- Hr-. 1 Nilotic*, of tf)i< piarp. iti.M a frtrnd bad
■rot him it hoi of S«:ier»' Inver I’tin irom )’iu»l>argh,
win.-it i,a.l 1.-urOur.l htui I'cn much I forihta-iih
.ml mi a l.o* of your Lircr l*ti:<. .and l.y the time I
w«* tioi'p uauji; ifir.m,! t»«*. *au»licJ that >: wsa |u*i
,h- lurdtrui' :nri •iiticd my cft*c 1 *er.t for moru,
«:id nioi to or mx Uiiii, im! touiid mv*elf alranM
p..t<rpiy currd l/ul InMafca ioit t caught a »everp
roni. wnu-h t-rmighi track tho dt'PBHS. andluaihoit
titnr i w». ><• -ad a»fvcr I Bgaui had rraojr*c to
tour Ui-cr }*i it. and took them mrj night for
»n utceXf, an-! occaaionatly i me*, and I ran now uv,
that 1 cii'i now »»y.thßt I wl tiitir if any «yra|>totn«
ot 11,p i;ijrr iVni|ilair.t, and my grripral hcoith i* a>
gocxl now nr <t tia« been for thr la*t 10yrar«.
Mv n--ig>it>'.r« tult ui' wliO wi« toy doctor I tell
iht-rn Ui «• m- Ijvrr PtIU vein my doctor, and try
~i»:«>tiig oi ffcviijc I’rovi-lcnec -iic mean* ol curing
irir i run «'o:iUdcii: Ihtil when U>c pa'.rlni herotne »u
-■iiiunted wiiir 'lie value ol you/ i.iv>-r I'Ul*. the de
»• m.iii j h:, r ( . r- roitiincmlod the full*, cau lr»Lify to
U,ei' vi'U' mm wrli aj to the facts at>ovc .tatrd.
Kcpcrtfvoy yuura, GkoaokMuxu.
liuxiim I.exn.t ?«•«»*. rf|>*4fr.t ly J. V. K*.
Wtl.min N V.. ami for *«.« !■;. A Jnyi<f, N.
r.AJfK* •> lUiivu —An inif-rc.-red Clioro.aK- prrpafH-
Urtii. Cm-«a niH. •)
Tru Suite. 7il Fimrtn •’ m.-nll
Ilil.l, lIKADJ*. CARDS. I,Ml*
M.imf-Mi, h'-’l* Jjfiing, Coniraets, }j\ir J,
in *i, u.. label*. rvin;r:ra rtr. i •.
niLtctca, A.- .
Pr.i.ti-d s! im.rtr.i tuilc*-. *: :*>•* I'rf-.. *i :..o
< ■,»«rr» o>f.v*.
I>Ure nod Marine l'tt
* Navi-atjo* aM' F'ks ImtKATc: i'u*'am
ctturirmi InTT.'—crniuttan to mtarc. upo:i every •!•••
►cnpuoii of property. »t IV ioic'tl raits
Oi/ic*. N'> .Marx**. *trr<-l
SA.MI KL OOKM! V. (•'-•••
Mnhliiiburg ColUglaic Institute
-I>K/r|‘o-ALS lor (lie errc-iinn *.| m*- !»m .t
ihfl a.iov institute, tvii; urn-. ;n- .Ho
of October T&e plartn .i«iJ M>e£ii *ti'i , '» )*i.i <••• rea
oy Py the i£«t(i Sept. KoT luniierpirncil ah. aj.p y n
ci.ijcr i.t Uir lui.oß'iiit; per»ou*, tAcinoer* oi tor
K J John Arm«iron«. Jr Jolci Kuiraa
J.ilm Kutii *. C M. Walihour, Wm. J»n
TO ART A SILL. (Horen*. aw! I’ - i --m
o liii.noii Merchant.. No .it* Wuotl «t l*.tt«fmr.rti
Dealer. rfl 'M«eene» Flour. Wiiea . lit. . ()«f.' -n't,
HaCey, Fork. liacon. Butler. Lard, L'li-e-e, r;o.c ,
Tiuiomy And Flrx Seed*, Iron. Noil*. Hu.-*. *r Ac ,
Ac. {’Articular attention paid to lit-: ««ic of Wcßurnt
Kejbuxnoc*—.Mrniri My-n A iiui.ier, Hod i)u’-
ir.i A C.) , fcjtnilß A Rue Hampton, Smith A i'*i.
Jutti-a May, Kn* A Moorhead. l’m»oarnii Ini ’-'
A Muatilloii. Jon S. Mormon. K-tt . >t.
Lo*ll». _ »P*il>
Pcni’RiKtiHLs ok i hk I’trrsucm.n
WORK". i>‘ • tin - * prepar'd n. lurmli u mip-ti -r
arli.'l-* ot' *.«'J-) •'.«!* *i:<l .Mona ic Arnt. {’t»oii«
u.- 1., piin-u c:.J«-r c' ’&r al.ovr arnetr*, urr rr.
.juircil in.-.,: ISAAC W.U.KJOt. No. 1 ; K.fttt «t
am) txaininr tH«• unirlr, Pc orr pjfchrn'n* e »r»lirr-
N U 1 lie A»h manufactured al u.o r.iH’.U.h
-m-.r. n gieatly rupetior w any oilier l.rduKkt to thi«
market. •
C. BX. DAKS, Jl. D.
Homeopathic i’h\sician andsi hokiin
< iriick (>» SuuiJiiir .J •l. l"‘i»nn -1 tti.
l.ffirr hoar* —Krotti 12 >i >o t i .V'N>m U 1*
M Rtoirwr*—.Mr llaodrf •, cut nr t Sißitiilir.d ai.i
ami Tlitrd *t* »i>-.-dn<n
iOilS A. t'KAId. ialr of N. L*»f*o" O W a »tl'«M.B.
GKNKRAI. AOK.VY. I oiDtiiiaMriii ami rorwarj.
mg .Merciiunl*. No IB Markrl -t . t*ili*::urE | i, l’ >
‘ {U*{‘rmaj'i atieniion pjvcu to me pur* aa-< ami »*i*
01 ail kiinln «*f I’roducr
Kno to—Joan Wait ft IV,. Morj*f.y '•Vi'.or ft <’r.
i*u:-,orc*. 1*;... ft H..<.
w. «1 . JoW-H HfOWi: A . l-r.JC. ••
Cu . l’Sul**J-; (>n - :i, U W S.H-.jt.i-- Uh.'ifrrs*
Nurc. New 1.,-:,on. <>, lr Mti.m,-r. 11-- 0 l) r.-Si ■.
UtiPtnimli, J I' hr;>r. Yotuigttoarn, iJ . W L. :vi •
„ ttrriis-!».r liilieiU ttrepf, o-iwrrn ~pT'-- • ....... (.HKi-lN ANl'itr.M'K l>\*«
j Hpni<POfiaUj)Pttl!y * Hit: i* .t-'.rn . r» V. p rnsrn I. Ml- r-ip«ll-i'
| PAUL, FASHIONS ' r V-rw»-TI «*,Ol h^
JSt of n.\ r- !.*v u .rr.n-V.’.r * n»i j.v ,x f nA n^i
p4oriU.Jl)-I,|l,;i„il p ,.i, <> r .i j 1 Ito SO rannl-l'r*. "f by
[a FAU PABUION FOR II aTB. TO ' "Mr r-'-« * r ' »W* Tea. from
**' u r » Au* Joiti.} Ihe !%'! «l vie o( (/'•i'- in- " • k n*l l mjM'f , **i < , i»tsi .16 r‘»* li» #1 p r , j ( ,
1 . UATUISU. .„f ouTtV**. and MV tii-m •-•••r- par-haaiu*
Uvnis KuK i>.S K OnU.AK. ..I a...e . • •.!».«* ' J " v *■>• *'» .irret
W-titoSn'tW,.!- M j>l ara.if*..-"*"' •» '" J --S 111 * f *“•"•«'« >“ ,h '*
AihMWourn Saloon and Jlashm,: K*-.|..i*hme..- "■««'•••« o- I*h . e •s' '' w(°Mr"
l»» r M-VA1.1.. P.«pnn», • Wentem V.» ? u..t- w.ll,Mnd U.« AMrrrK WK».
••• | notia»ft*J at . uioiiwrwtt* * deniable midiaiu, a* ll cif-
FOR RENT—A Room oa second story, No art Wood ; ,«f»etT in the place* specified above. Tenai
it octa j noderaw. »uflM3m«
A KK.KI V bli.
Lnois McLrtUe. licunoti, Brownsville.
R Wijihtman.; . Eiixahrth.
Peytonn, Hendrickson. McKreaporL
Pbtlip Doddrnlstr, Brown?y i!ie.
Cn!eli Cofx*. Mii rdi<-.k Beaver.
Heaver. Clark Heaver.
James NeJ«on. M./ore,
Atlantic, Park!nMin Hr.>wn«v;ilr.
Lake Erie. Cordon. Beaver.
Beaver Clark. Weißvihf.
Camden, Hendrickson ,\1 Kcesport.
Louu McLane Benneti. Brownsville
R Wigfctmnn. ■, Klua'-citi.
Peytona. Hendrickson. M Kee*|«>rt
Caleb Cope, Murdock, WelSvMi-
James Nelxm. Mnorr. Wm eimg
Like Erie, Gordon. Heaver.
Beaver, Clafk, Wrllsvillr
Camden. Hemim-gson, M'Kerspirl
IVni. Cnlbntin. Sunfi'h
Hamburg, CnldwrH, Si
Nominee, Smith, Sl Louis.
Lamartine. Duncan, St Looi«
Flora, Jenkins. New Orleans.
Mount Vernon, K.iuntz. Si. Louis.
There were 5 let! 0 inches in channel lasi even
ing at dusk, and rising slowly.
Brow 11* vole Pd. krtv a! » A M and A p. M
Beaver Pd. k. h A M and l P M
Wel.sVi.le Packets, Ju A M.
Nasnv.lir—May Flower
Cin.-innnii New England
Si Lhß»—M:. Vernon.
" i Vrw;n l lotion
J J fmtenden.
l>. l/fci hA: co a, (iiickci unt. if P M.
.it 1 iim i mm. f'ackri, 7J o’clock, r M.
nr.A\ kk i" •. .
S U II 111!.!!.
•ri (mat o«'Tr>nnJ—£l bl» cheese.
I.i.u [»*••» r n«h. I ilo god ft, J4(t
"i' k 1 MX'nndiei*. f 4 dndo, J
.1.. I'nr.ot! A *j7 !>!• cheese.
I .in 'urmwr-. J 1 I uuplrri il his cheese, llualey t
Mii.'.h -111.]..!. J IJ ' 'sfitiri.i. [ .it <io do, K Ualusll A
i%. w dip .1 U.nA M i - ai>.ii-««, v*t> do do, English 4
lU--H-U llimc lout. (>e.) \\ Smiiii. 4tt t-xs cheese,
-lov. d. wnhlixiures. J K Perry
|Vr d'.-an.-r .-Ui/si J casks wire, K rowuwnd,
af 1. \ > rhee-e ! nox >• :t r|H*i. I bedstead, 10l furniture, O
M 11 *i lo*. Hi •i* rli' J H ttruiheld; 47 bogi Itarfey,
I - , p . ».r Brie Mr < wc-i bockeu. Hall 4 Speer 8
h;. J F IVrrv I- 1.t.1s flour. 4\V Hsrbaujh.
IVr ■-*•»«.— y.i ,k„ wool MtiratT, .’JOHn bu bran.
Hill i\\ .NS 1 * II.I.K—IW Atlantic —l.i hags iUxaend,
-* r »l ,rr ** !’»** • ,K, "‘ springs. 7 oags rags, | bblrggs,
Vjljj! Ill» tJ bl Is dour
nuiiDaVmpitT quods,
-\IV\I I. RBSSKI.I.. No S 3 Market street,
’t Pur.! n-"t tourin. -irnni the tug golden Iter
lu* ii«; c-.i.tirn'-iirr 1 receiving and opening thr
riirape.t and irnni splendid stock o( Kali and
W ,n:.-r Dr\ i > ever otßred Py t nc house in I'itls
■ iMKIi S■ I I l.ii-sc-.inri-iiM rmi'li Uuvr l.een purehas
C<‘ ..I the imponets l>-r ibe past si. nmers from turope.
nr.<l ‘nr rtci,« nf >iylr and Peauiv ol design are up.
Mirjms-ed in ih>* or *nv ruiier market
'ouud complete :.ud chenpef this:. ttJ any other hou«e
'"tb;*eitT Jbe sulise won..! herrrespeciluo)'
vs hieb wi 11 an iltoi'.t .isionuh ilicrn. t-eti g determined
l.ornl d.srV ‘ nil i> only J rents per yard.
U-svy Ib-d . ; e*,„ e . rrom a t» In rein, per yd.
HI. a he,l r0.v.1 gna iiy . 5 to tlj per vd
t!e.! Itts*i»«-».*••*. -,0 111 per cl
Heavy y ard wide l i u . ■ ~
tjood y- w K ,unit.. | j t.j -.i cts per yil.
t .ood Mac k .» .;><i-r a ir.itn IS to 2‘. per y d
H-nv; 80-re.l.- (J-. Vhams In 'o
fta-l. o-.d I/taper.
i. a U: »>’ l»Kh-"*s (.(K >[»
T.n'-M i a»nin>*r*» in ti.»h *'OU>r*. nrii good*,
lail'.-i Ir• fi'?i rii*■•*-( !t»r tni-«l importr-d.
l«i«• k. A'lwsri. >"*' '.usiry, pi»id ami unpe;
Hiiirk (iniii!i‘ K&;n« a . a. I wiOUlt and r}Q airlift* * tnw i nrV UmTi-xtine*. bcnmiuil yood«;
I. •; Fr-nrn Mrrmo*. biaek and cnrornj.
iio <l.* in Ingft pnlt>r%;
very rl.<-ap
!»ir importation.
A •t'lfii-iiil a *or I of Sl»i w «. -
>ii?rr -mi ->r- Kreu.-h laoic Snswi*. !ir«t imp 4
(»*:»• . ■CJIIr p-SI«l htie' oonl SbiivrlV
K,rs ami l-r >V > cl If I -Of nines m I S6uwl«;
T<» r iK 1 rtu-tc —The Original, only true attd srnc
l.irt-r I'm* oro prepared ti> II K. Se.ler*. and
p .s it* in _• sampl’d in black wax upon Uir Ini of
'lu ll Jrox.Mid his «*uatur>: on the Outahle Wrap[-er
1 other* oro e-oitruetfeit*, or baae imitation*.
,n.a: K. K SULLUR-S Fmpneior. a? 'Voo-l »i
t/RK ToiTSviJltAi *.
enow* ov ormrsil. wtupnra.
IS o"i'r i> aifuni n't noMlbl" *ecufity lo the ptibhe,
wc r ,i, io iiiem«clTc«, apai'Hi fritud and impo
iroiu the proprietor* have made
t r,iMr-e ip n.e e_x tenor wrapper or I able of their Vrr
laifuge.’ 'Hie new !a'»e!, wliiea I* a Mrel rngravinc of
the nio»t dr«ipn and workmanship, ha* been
• iroioecil m a verr trrent and i< from ibe
: nun oi an j, ri:*' oftuc Cr»i taJenL The design i* new.
a-..' the ejceniion tlatarntr. Several figure. and a
poruifi »f w>«t prominent, bat Pie word -‘VaaKi
jir.meii m white letter* on a red and finely en
craved ground. «nou'd be particularly exnmniei'-
\Viirii hrldu'in the light the letter*, shading of ihe
:u ,,| ~ ir j - hue however mmuie, throughout the
„. 'hi* pnrt <>t the fiiuravinn ntalch as exactly
,i 1,,, :»i;.re<«io<i had oecn mode apou one side on*
It- .1 "•imi.-li :l IV ■rciunHv printed on Irtth *iJe« of the
pup-r J iuv *Qonid in all ca»r* be observed. A la
hr: j’m.ii ilo/en i* ai*o pni'litl in red upon both
•nle> .mil *&ouid i*e examined In liio fame manner.
prepafrviK.n ha* now «tood the te*t of many
yearitm. k - i- rorihilenily reeonttnrnded a* a *alo
and eirectuai in~>li<-in- (or expetlin* worm* from the
rtem < lie uue.xanipud vucce'S ihai ha* attended
o.i in every < »*e whi-re the natinnt wo*
rra.;y uninuea v»iU: worm* ccmuiiy reiniera it wor-
■[ „, n .„ r ■,„! HM.I-- .1 ii 10 aACeriaJn the
rr«uil <>’ ■'* j-’- in ■U'-Ii <•*-<•« i*-* cainr »ilbin bl«
«in, ■!', i • v«iiou uri < U'-iriTufiebly found
I. f! pro-ij.f ihe in.>*l ««.n:nrv - :|*n. nol unfK"jo>-n1
“’i-.a . Afv .!„«'>• frwrted u.
Rdvamn,:. rni«'*-t m-U
-'' ' rt.lf-r-M Of UIC rflMh
, i. -.-. I ‘ /
k a r.\HNK.-roc-K. t’
Mncn.NO of the School Diuctor* —Tnere
not having; been a quorum of mtmbera present at
the meeting on Thursday night, the proceedings
were of coarse informal. Suit as the discussion
which took place, will tend to show the absent
members what is expected from them a! the next
general meeting, and as the establishment of a cen
t ral colored school, is s matter of great importance
to the community at large, we publish an account
ot the remarks made by the directors who were
present, as well at by Mr. George W. Layng. who
acted on this occasion aa attorney for the colored
citizens of Pittsburgh.
Tne meeting having been called to older, Mr.
Layng staled that he bad been employed by tbe
colored |»eople to obtain the best possible informa,
it.ii) a, to the means they should adopt in order to
get their children educated at the public expense-
They paid taxes as well as the whites, but their
children were denied admission to the public
schools They did not wish to have their child"
ren admitted into the same rooms with the while
children —the wiser portion of the colored com*
munity thought that it was best for both parties that
they should remain separate —still it was but fair,
atui in accordance with tbe requisition of strict
justice that they should have some suitable place
provided lor the education of their children. He
tiad written to the Secretary of the Commonwealth,
and it was evident that in the opinion of that gen
gentleman, they could not legally be excluded from
the public schools. (Mr. Layng here read a letter
Irani Townsend Haines, Secretary of the Com*
monwratih, which we published in yesterday s
Gazeue?) The gentleman then proceeded to read,
and comment upon the school laws ot Pennsyl
vania. showing that is was incumbeot on all school
directors to educate the children of every inhab
itant of wards. He regretted that out of the
titty lour school directors of the c.ty of
but fourteen were present to night, but hoped that
they would all attend at the next-general meeting.
He wished them calmly to consider this subject,
and be was certain that they would see the jus
tice of what tbe coloied people claimed.
Mr. Eaton of the First Ward moved that a com
mittee should be appointed to draft reaoJutions to
be laid before the next general meeting After
remarks by Messrs. Hell, Yeager, Marks, aod Ea
ton. ibis motion was amended as follows:
Rttolvtd. That a committee of two school direc
tors irorn each ward be appointed, to draft a plan
fur carrying into execution the objects proposed—
said committee to meet on Thursday night week,
and to report in a general meeting which shall be
held on tbe ensuing Saturday.
This amendment was accepted and adopted.
The Kev. Samuel Williams, of the Sixth Ward,
slated that the school director* m his ward bad
not been idle. since they had appropriated fifty
dollars per quarter for the education of the color
ed children, some thirty or thirty five of whom
lived in the Sixth Ward. It w«a true that lately
they had suspended this payment, but the reason
of ibis was that (bey thought the health of the
children would be impaired by remaining in the
damp n-hool room which was the only one at pres
ent open tor them and neither he nor hu colleagues
wouid t>« instrumental in ruining. their health
They wou.d prefer, il it were absolutely neces
*firy losria room, m their own school house
a,>art for their accommodation. He, in company
with the other directors, had vtailcd Mr. Teropie
tonV jihe colored teacher's] school as frequently
a* the white school .[and bad been highly gratified
by :he[intclliaepce and rapid progress of the school*
an<. He l*clieved that the teacher was compe
tent to discharge his duties as a teacher, but he
thought mat be had too many Li manage, and
could uot atieoti to them properly. He would
therefore be :n favor of establishing a central
school, solely lor tne accommodation of oolored
cn.idrcn nod »i providing suitable teachers fur
them, fie was sorry that there was not a fuller
meeting, and hoped that tbetr next would be bet
ter atieuded.
Andrew McMsstcr . from tbe Third Ward said,
Lot lie wd< n > great Hand at making a speech, but ii.. wmid linedv relate tbe wishes o: ihe school
d recio.-s of the Third regarded this mat
ter. They would support any measure which was
calculated to promote tbe educatmoal interests of
tbe colored children. He believed that this was
the unanioioas desire of the members of hi*
board. With regard to (be alternative proposed
by the gentleman from the Sixth Ward, of taking
the colored children into a room tu the white
school house, it met his private approbation, but
couid-not be earned into effect in his ward
Mr. Thomas Hamilton, of (be Sixth Ward, did
aot deem it necessary to say much on the subject.
His Ward had done iU daty, since n had paid $2OO
a year Lr tbe education of tbe colored children, lor
the last seven or eight year*. The colored teach
er gave tavorabte reports of tbe progress of his
pupils, but it was evident that he had not a soffi-
cunt aaimiQt of funds on hand lo carry hii educa
tional designs into execution
Mr.'John R IMI. i»f the P>rM Ward, did not
think that they bad done a" that they should have
done. He would, for bin part, enter into any
»chrme that promised lo be beneficial lo the cdu»
cst'on of the colored children, bat he thought that
me school should bo under tbe enure control oi
the School Directors. who. at present, were mere
ly patrons a* it were, oi the African School, and
exercised no controlling power over it whatever.
He would bearu'y cooperate, however, in any
plm calculated to promote better result* than the
present system
Mr. Eaton, of the same Word, had attended
mertinc* held some years ago, on this subject,ami
would be in lavor of providing a suitable school
for tbe colored children, since justice and humani
ty cal’ed on him, and on all others to do so.
Mr. L. R. L.vtngslon, of the Sixth Ward, said
that two years ago. a good deal of feeling had
been manifested on this subject, and the School
Director* had shown an mcimation lo provide a
centra! school for tbe colored children. They bad
applied lo the trustees of the African Church for
a lot. but from some reason the project fell through.
He thought that a central school for colored chil
dren should be eat abhshed and supported by allttbe
The Third Ward should not pay more than an*
other because more colored persons lived tboref
It was well known that the (ax collected from tbe
colored people was not sufficient lo educate their
children, and ne thought (bat a un form (ax should
be levied throughout the city.
Mr. A. <». Reinhart, of the Fourth Ward, de
clared that ms ward had but little interest in the
mailer since there were but five colored children
m it. They had rent all who applied lo them lo
school, and paid a higher rate (or their education
than for the white rhildreo. Notwithstanding the
small numtier of children, be felt confident that he
only expie.Mcd the feelings of all (be member* of
his board, when he said that they would enter In
to auy scheme to promote the educational inter
ests of the coloied children. He had attended
several of the colored teacher's {Mr. TempleloD's)
examinations, and bad been happily disappointed,
vieoe they would have done credit to any while
school in the city.
Mr. John Harper, of the Sixth Ward, made some
remarks as to the necessity of nation in this mat
ter His ward was willing to pay more than in
itgg, hut ail tbe wards should ccme forward nod
con. ibute. Only a lew hundred dollars a year
won! 1 he required to support tbo school afler the
*clk.ul home was erected, and the tax in ra se
this sum would be but the fraction of a mill on the
After remarks by Messrs. Layng, Marks, and
Yeager, the meeting was addressed by two color'
ed men who made very nest, business like speech
es, urging their claims lo a central school on the
directors. Mr Bown also spoke.
On muuon, the meeting adjourned to meet aga n
on next Saturday night.
St'PKKMK f’-otutr. Oot. 5.
I -ini>- sif Joyce—llstrmt (Jourt—Argued by
liciiti'.p for appellant and H. W Williams (or np-
McDrtnnld vs Scaif—District Court— by
Dnrrirh fnr Plaintiff m error, and H. W. Williams
it>r li-f-ndnnt in error
A '**l under v«. Herr's F.x'r*—District Court—Ar
gued t*y W.wnl* and Ixtonii* for Pill, m error, and
H. W W-Uism* f«>r lift. in error.
V »i.i »w.i Hfsl Estate—We call the attention
n( our renders to the sale of real estate advertised
10 another column. The lon wtH be sold at auc
tion on Saturday, the 13th of Oct. This property
offers rare inducements to capitalists
Whuh »r th* Tried Ward.—The Antima
sons and Whigs of the Third Ward will hold a meet*
infoi Mo Master’s Ho'el. Liberty street, on Sat
urday evening, rt’.b, at 7 o'clock, to appoiotCom
uitteealo act u the coming election.
Tbe first Annual Report of tbe Alle
gheny Ladle's Association for the re
lief of the Poor.
Thu Society was commenced on the i-i.rii U
, last November, but not organized until the tenth
When a President, Vice president, Secretary.
Trcaaurer, and 16 Managers were elected, and a
constitution tnd by-laws presented and adopted.
At tbe next meeting, n committee was appointed
to procure « map of ibe city, aod divide it iuto 16
wards, and assign a manage!; to each. This was
done as equally as possible, and permission given
to each manager lo get an assistant if she found
her ward too large. For some time there was a
difficulty in getting any one to attend to two or
three of the distant districts, but we finally suc
ceeded in having every one zealously cared lor, ex
cept Wster Lane and l>e!ow tbe Western Common,
no one In the district to whom we applied would
accept it, aod it was too far for any one residing
in town. Two poor families in this district, how
ever. Were heard of aod assisted.
November 30, the first monthly committees
weie appointed; one io purchase ooal.ooe to make
arrangements lor the purchasing of groceries, one
to purchase dry goods, and one to cut out work. —
At this m reting it was also resol we have
50 copies of our constitution printed w pamphlet
form, and 50 hand bills printed with tbe bounda
ries of tbe districts, aod the managers name assign
ed lo each district. These lobe distributed among
the managers, so that when a poor person applies
(hey will know to whose ward she belongs, aod
direct her accordingly. In this way ail confusion
has been avoided. tin the sth of April we ad
journed till the fall, as there s-emed but very tew
families requiring assistance, and our funds were
expended. Having to make s collection among
ourselves to defray tbe bids for the last two or
three weeks From the third of November, not
one week passed without a meeting, and general- .
ly quite a large one.
After tbe meeting was opened with prayer and
the minutes read, each manager in turn gave an
account of all the destitute cases known and visited
in her ward, and what sOc supplied them with: in
this way, the cases being mnde known to all, im
postors could be detected, and we avoided assisting
them a second time. Whilst the reports are
being given in. the other managers are mnktng up
tbe garments prepared tor them by the cutting out
Tbe number of families assisted by our society
are £4; some of thereon five or six different occa
sion*, and tbe greater part more than once. A
mong those as»i*'rd, there were some who we re
gretted lo know their poor condition arose, in a
great measure.from their oad management; hot. aa
they were widows with children, we could not let
them want
la money we gave out $l7 7fi; m Hour. $l4 37.
Several piece- ol calico and muslin made np forty
articlesot old clothes which were donated; thirty
five loads olYnil, ‘2s flannel garments, and 1 f> pair
of shoes.
In November we purchased 500 bushels of coal,
and in February 520. all of which was disposed of
before oar last meeting.
As donations we have received 2fi pounds of
cotton, 50 pieces of clothes. } of a pound of thread,
5 yards of cashmere, one piece aod a half of calico,
id<l one piece of flannel.
Our operations to many may appear very small,
but we have done what we could, and not one
deserving applicant has applied r» vaiu, for when
nur funds seemed almost exhausted, we gave all
that was asked lor. believing in a chrsiiau com
munity there would tu- many ready to make up
any deficiency, if they knew their charily was well
At a society, we have suffered a great loss, and
can truly sympathise with the friends who -o kind
ly offered u* a place to inert in they and we are
now without a home, but we trust one will s.>on
be provided.
Providentially our box of clothing was not burnt,
so we have a small beginning for this winter's oper
ations; sal we rbeertul’v renew our labor, in the
hope of a*->«!tng many who are sad and suffering
Of s!l -fan's ’( becomes u» now to render a 'hack
offenig t> our God, for He ha* feartuDv visited
the ear . . but we are all spared, and shall wn Dot
be zealous in doing >!.* will, who has said, inas
much ns ye have done it uotu one of >he least of
there mv brethren, ye have done it nnto me.
MRS F. IL BRI’NOT. Secretary.
Received from tbe 23d of N jveenber 154b,10 ihe
4th of Ocu>l>er, iDtV
51 6*l .»
Paid io orders r f the BjarJ,.. $167 35
s4l* 20 have been expended tyr 1020 bushels of
coal. $1 25 for haulmg coal to Those-who could
not pay i..r L
MA in ii. KING. Treasurer
i:rnnt» run isti*
Mrs. Mspr Wade V’»uU,,i
Mr* l>r Trevor IV* /V.,,/<•»/
Mrs. F R. Hrunot. NVrrrrur>
Miss Mary G. K ng 73-inurer.
Mrs. [treading Mia. Pa'tarsoa
' i 01. R-ibinaon •• R 3 Hays
' George - Sandoi
Moorehead Palmer
- John Irwin •• Gormlv
*• Alex. McClurg MiasTassey
‘ R Robinson Anderson
" G Adams “ Algeo.
R»iov»;_— Mr Isaac Harris, for ibo greateJ
accommodation oi ibe cit:«*a o( Piiialiurgti and
Allccheny hss removed his Intelligence and <tiD
ersl Agetcy-Ufti e to St. f-lair street, near tbe
Br dge.
Via Toaghloghtny Hirer.
B ‘ lB PA^MKIt,
I) packet iSu.idais rleepled'l Net Wren PITPI-tIt'RC.H
A.HI \V|->r SK'V r«l\. P-I ope-.lns of naviyaimn oil
N oaghi.tJhenr n»rr Leaves \\'r»i No. on Irom (hr
upp-r Mart JJos;. every raortutic al t> o'e,nc k Re
mrniii*. .raves JhlL-l-ureh Irom Wharf Hoal shove
Ihe \f<inort*al)e'a llndgr, every evening at 4 o'clock
MHIDS reeeive.l l.y Agents on hoard the Wharf
Rv" The Parmer has he-n limit rxprvss'v (or the
Youirhl river, sr.ii the pamir m«) rely on her
serigers 7 tpCS*:w:nr
T 5»« Chtrtleri Coal Company,
: 1 NCI >RI*tiRATKI) )
HOOK?* wit; 1-e open lor sutisvnpiun to the slock
'The t'hartiers i'-ib l Company. ' on amt sil-r
Monday, ihe 3-Uh day oi :-<-ptem»i«r utai . at ihe office
oi Z W ft-tmnginn, Prim *t. Pittsburgh
• piai.di Z W RKMINI.TuN
t 1 A BBC Til NOT na; cotnni-nrtiirin Arrive «
/. aaaoritreui «l Wouini Coinlnn* »••*!
Hoods, Ha*(nt. lk-flin. buckskin anil wiW'ii lilnvrs,
Thibet. p.oih. mou« il" inm and manaci Snuw:*, ou«'i-
Hdkis. »i'« »r.d iuiun Cravnu m il >cnr . i ( iiiij>« and
I*nrr«, bleached hiid polorn] Tubby Velvets,
latent Thread*. r»ewni» Hok, lluiwiu*, l,uui Suapen
*oid Jewelry. gold mid »nver Waicbc*, Ounb*. por*
pt ami table I'uiierT, and many oilier *OO !» which
eounirv and city Marrhanu nr- respectfully mvilid
to eiamt'.e tptlQ
O H.HTauU *lmit ume HII.MoF KXCHaNIsK, pay*
O .n I'Hinnnau. m.d Si Lout*. |-ur-
N HtM.MKQ A f»O\S.
** I*ollfY VOll BXLE—A »mml fllark
I’oucv. <*a»y fail, tumid; for iale
rwA i«» lixju>r« u; H II I'ATrfcRSnN S
i >P!l« fj»nrv _
Tht PenntylTanU Company
For N*bi-*n«« <>i l.ivu **u c.’rawtis* a,nvt iti >*
TIIK hr»l Lite Imnrnncc Company ill llic t‘ Sluiet
Inrnrpormiod Mnrrti Hi, ivw —cum i< r perpetual.
I'apitui <UJW,no»i—nil paid m.
Hnvinn nuthoriFnil lb* und*rmi*n«-d lo rrreive appli
cation" for insurance, op which poiir.iev wil )>•• i»»ur.d,
according to iheir pr<>|M>«aU and ran-". which will he
made known lo applicant! ai on nfFi.-e, JV« Jll Wood
•".reel. »pU OKU COCHRAN
Market »ml F'-rry «u eel*. *en--dl^'tn
WK hare in*t received n larire iitnl rompleie Mock
o( 01.0 -KH, Variety mm Fancy liood* »uiu
hle lor the mil trade, to w. j clt. with every dewnpiion
of l.nokiil( <jlu»»i-» moiiulaiMUfeil al our own »ti*»m
power »hop in linn on v t».k the attention or Wt»i
ern Mcrchnnla mid ulln-r deule'i.
■piW corner Wood and Fourth »u
IT T ANTl'.n—liwi liu»h Flax jfced. lor winc'd llio
V r * highest mnrkei price will he paid in ooih by
•prh SK.I.I.KRH * NJO‘*l>. No 13 Liberty u
rI'HRKK riANoS To the' t car or u.on'n
1 »puffl JOHN H MKI.LOK. fit Wood n
Kbi rrioas 4»u S»ix Dukases. —JONES'S Ital
isb Chrmim'l >o<«{> cau«c« a iroe pertpirvliou. and at
lh- sttmr linn- motidco. softens, ami whitens the skin,
giving it the texture ami beauty of an infant's.
jlrrmvT. Kiisrx ini' £<»■*, ate soon not only
hraird. nut rur" I by its u»r, a* at least seveii^
and find it unfailing —a. also lit
I'tari.t*. Iluircttw, IfnerxLa. or any other skin IUI
enrr 'Hie reader is ns.urrd that mis n no usole-s
puffed noitinm, a* one inal mil prove. 1 could enu
merate at least SO person* cured of
uoxi first-. Ho«« Laos Sob* 11kabj>.—Buy u,
and use it. and the reader i. again assured 1 would
not rruelly sell it for the nl-ove unless I knew it to he
All | «t*te Tlio*e who are hablr to
CiurcD. Casesss oa CitArao Pi.can. will find this a
eure Any one nitlicied with anv of the ahovc. or sim
ilar disease*, will find this all and even more (adiuifa
lile in it* properties) Oran I state.
But. re.nder. tne store* are flooded with imitations,
and t>c sure you ask lor JuNKj*S Italian Chemical
Soap Sold by WM JACKSON, nU Liberty atrcei,
Pittsburgh. sogft.-dAwT
KAIX uoot> citixiw* are uonorah'y assured tnm
lowing are the actual qualities t>i a -Is tmnte «>i
Junta's Coral Hair Urstorativc. If they douM mi
word, tbry eannm these highly re»preuihlc riuini*
who have tried it;—
Mr (leo Ih-rkrt. 41 Elm st, New York.
.Mr*. Matilda Reeve*. Mvrtle av, Brooklyn.
Mr Win. Tompsnis. ih| King *l, New Wk
Mr Th«*. Jaetson. Mnniours Island,near Pili«hurph
II K. Cullen, lain bart-er steamboat S. America
And more itu.n a hundred other* Male. tfiO“*h lhl * : oeH
mu.t suffice that it »Hi lorn- me tltir U> grow on the (
(Tend nr laee. .top it lading nd, nrengtben the root.. : |* OK LADIES AND MISSES SACKS.—W B. M«-
rrmnvina spurt and daudrutf (rom the root*, inakm# t Jp rur has recr.iaed a variety of style* of good*,
luihi. reJ. or gray hair »»*uuse n fine dark look, and j lU |tat)le for above purpose, melt a* French and daio
keep\n|: dry. bnr»u or wiry hair moist, soft, clean and „y flannel*, blue, cherry, scarlet, plain and mixed
beautiful. n vary, very long iirhr ; color*, high colored Mouse de L&laes, Cashmeres,
Koid hy the Agent, w\t JACKSON, e® Liberty tt, i p r euch Mennoes, Ac., to which he invites iho alien*
Pittsburgh f*nee it?!, 50 emit*, aa>l one dollar uon of the ladies. Also,
»u(i:ll4wT_ .... BLACK SiLKS> lor Sacks and Mantillas; Blk Silk
WOOL —The highest pnee m run ;paid lor clean Laces aniTFringes for Trimmings. Also,
wh.brd Wool, hy' H LHB, CHANGEABLE SILKS, pfUfferonl shades, ratla
aual i liberty at Me tor Htaaulla* and dresses, and a large assortment
isICE^-lUlet'freab Kice,ju»ire<-M and for sale L>y of VELVET TRIMMINGS, of new and handsomo
AV spitf SELLERS A NICOLB sqrletr £7“ Wholesale Booms up stairs. sptB»
so. lae wood street*
ARE NOW RECEIVING a Urge and complete a »•
•onmem of HARDWARE. CUTLERY. SAt'-
DLBRY, and CARPENTERS’TOOLS, direct from
the manufaciarer* in Earope and America, and are
now fully prepared to offer good* a> *uch price* a*
cannot fad to plea**, and would particularly
the attention of Merchant* who are in ilio halm ot go
ing E*»t, ai we feel confident ibcy wi.l find, afirr •
thorough examination. Uia! our pnce* will compare
favorably with any houae in Philadelphia or New
York. oetl
T f 111 S' PARKER and JOHN W- RjDDLK have en
»/ i-red mu) partnerehlp. under (he firm of PARKER
k RU'DLK. and will carry on the Shoe bu«me«« m
ul. t'«'ifnnebe*. a! the old ttand ol John Parker, ror
tier o- federal «• and South Common, etty of Alleghe
oetl dlm JOHN W. RIDDLE
RICH DRESS SILKS—a npiendid a»»ortraen! of
neh fancy Dre*« Silk*, embracing everv <!e»cnp
u«m of the lale*l and nioM fashionable style*, to which
we rennecifully invite the attennon of ibe lodic*
ALEXANDER A DA\. T 5 Market *t,
oed N W corner of the Diamond
HIGH COL D DK I.AINKS-Jn«t opened, a lot of
high coi’ii plain Dc Lame*, ol a nupenor Quality
I’LaNS'KLS— A full aMortment scarlet, yellow and
r wime Flannel*, of all qualities and price*. |u»t re
ceived hy ! octl ALEXANDER* DAV
gar; 100 oI.U Molaaae*. (Pm. bM*.) in More and for
»ule hy on I JAS DALZF.LL,94 Water »t
SMOKED HERRING—I9O bzi imoked Herring, in
• lore and for tale low to clo»e eonMgnment
/NHKKSB—92 bx» now landing; for »ale hy
l_/ on I 1 ISAIAH DICKEY A Ce,_From_»i
Grease iUrl>—tor »aie i.v
F* OUND—l >n Thursday la*t, A BRACELET -The
owner call hnv- ul.y calling at W LEONARD’S,
f'J Wood •!, aitd paying for lbi« advertisement,
ocil d:«*
O'" RANGE I*EEL--I-J5 ,h«,u»t ree d and for »*e by
*pi29 corner l«i ami Wood »i«
RHUBARB RtM»T—2OO 11m jum reed and for tale hy
•pcfj b a Fahnestock a co
/'\CHRK —20 hbi* Yellow, ju»l rec'it and for «air hy
«pc29 h a Fahnestock a oo
J.H.OUR SULPHUR —1300 lb* French. ju*i received
1 and for tale hy *p2U II A FAHNESTOCK A CO
BI CHRO.M POTASH—*OO i!>» ju.l ree d and for
•ale hy »pcS* H A FAHNESTOCK ACO
Window glass—
raiboxr. ?Z9 Gl***, I 4*19 hole* -IlOGIa**;
32 do 9X12 do 'Aid do luxl2 do
lit do Kill! do | 19 do BUM do
<K Smith A Herron'* manufacture, which we will
warrant eijual in quality to any made in him city—for
• ale *1 tbr lowed market rale* by
V* Water «t
iU.OI'R -4H btiU Family Flour, iuad« from whitr
SCORCHING*— casks ('put quality. lor »*lp by
__.piw KHKV. MATTHKWntCn
PIG MKT A I, l£i too*. cold blast, charcoal, for *ale
JJATTING -tff£ baies No* 1 anti S Batting, for talc
I> by .pit* RHKY. MA tTHEWS A CO
t'LAX SEED —B bid* ui utorr am) lor sa'e ty
•l>iau ISAIAH DICKEY A CO. Froot *t
1A Rf>—l u biiH and keg*. of good gualny, for family
j u»e spttb l*AlAll D'CKF.Y A it)
CO Al* II V a RNI4H —ln bbis. ha:f do. and 10 gallon
kegs, of superior quality. warranted, will be »oid
very c’. up *pcfii ISAIAH DICKEY A Co
GKOI'ND SITS—IOOO l.u.n .11 *u>r*. lor sale 1.
. In Ui chests of good quu.tly. lor sale
btn prime, m store and for vale ny
J.M.Ol’n— El
IKSE-160 bs* lor tale by
•P Cl-!
» spitf-i
jLASS—Ia «u>rp and for t'ale by
_J£fL L RT A SILL, Hi Wood at
bhds LV.eumsU Snoulden. just rre'd
ip by .pecs SELLERS A NICOI^J
aaoaoa w at
George M
and Hop .
r I , A>NKRV .
1 *l'>
SMITH A co. Brewers. .Maulers
i-aier*. Pitt si. Pittsburgh. spttt!*
rec d tbn day. aud lor sate by
—k cam in store anu for sale by
bbl* ree’d and for sale ny
bbl* and kegs packed Buttrr. in *Uire
by .»pisr; TasseßAßl-ST
L LASS—Tit) boxes. as* d »ires. in *t ve
a.e uy ;*pt!f*> TASSEA A BEE I*
■J bis prime Western Reverie Cheese,
ULKN hi NO L E "l AK.N—suitable lot
tor sale si the lliankct warrnffuse.
i'A’i KTI E MANI. f'G CO.
'jVWtI.G nAI
ait i*kik
Ojp -A.
p Al’uN dID
o salts—;
O. «r
/ 1 1 c«- » Nfl
Ilk seror.d *'
I -~v?n >.*. si-a.u'r-fined Rork Suit—a
in mu market, of superior quality
nt.salc by
I—,>U ugsrrudati arrive, for sale "y
hi - . For *ale by ‘
'.-. 1(1,000 ibs tn stoic and lor sale b>
ROUT DaLZKLL 4 CU. l.merty .1
bis landing ami for sale Uy
tons hi store and (or sate InW u> close
IK—3OO m store and for *alr by
oh 1. 2 4 3 t'rui 4 Sons Cigar*
• 'Uegaiit ' ilo
stharalda Regalia do
ISOO n ,?, A .
«.*. -Whj Brand).,u.t
•i ami for »alr \,y t.oule or detn.johu.
f«lii '•nulc Whai« (hi, “
Mrachrd Winter Whale (hr.
ilrarhr.i ami unhi'il wuiler Sperm (hi;
jird ih'.
|H© I.
I- 1.'.1. |,
Nrjr»" Salad (hi,
in Hnrdeaol Mac* tank* Salad ()i
COKKKK-- UC bag* (food Rio (Coffee, now landing
and lor .a e by .pi3s <’ H GRANT
-tiUck. Blur, Lavender, blue cold,
O t>i»orl murd. and b'acg nl»,;ed. in great vaneiy, rrr d and lor »alr by
Ml - HPH Y, WILSON * Oil
LI .\?• fr,\ Iboin and plain. a fine a*»«ntueui. ju»i
) .pu6 MLRKin . WILSOS 4 *'U ami figured, m great variety
*tf-» ML !?PHY, WILSON 4 O*
B«wart of aa lmpoatar.
1)1 ANU KOHVK TUNING - A per.on representing
ntmteli a« my Brother, nr I'limn, or tome way
many ol uur runein lo bare tiirir Pianos tuned I
bare im i.u.inrr or any <>:h«r engird m Uiat
CH-rupaiion JIHI> M MKU.OK. rl W ood at.
• i'Uf.j Aijent lor I'lackiTine'* I'lanoc
SlliAK HOLSK MOI.A.*ShS—(U t.I>U Si Juki
K'bui'ry lor *ulc t>y
LISSKKIiuIL —* pure Liucred (hi, lor «a]c
_ Ijbeny *t
\\? 1.1. A.-- i'*t t.** bm'U mr«. fee'll ami lor »aie
yy . i.v *poi lUKiuruH
l)Ai'iA ,ai Mul« »'m cured Shoulder* ami Sule»
lincoit. icc’d uml for «ule ■ )
•pias 8 4 W HAKOAl'lill
(tI.OVKS- ' hbl* just rer cl Had lor sale by
./ U A FAHNKSrncK A Co.
cornet 111 am) Worn) «l»
ami Fork* pUinl im '.rrman Silver.' a fine
article. All wntrhea warranted in keep good time or
tnr money r- tuned. Jewelry repaired.'and Watcheg
cleaned and repaired in lUc belt manner, at maeO le*«
•.Bun ibr u-ua! (ince. OKO c. ALI.KN.
0 Iniponer of Watebeg and Jewelry, wholesale arid
1.l VK ()|[,-'i l>n«kei» freali. jolt rteHl and for anle mint:. 51 Wall eirrct, ;up *iaira,( NK W YORK
by »pc!6 U A FAHNESTOCK A; Cl> | iirtiS-.dttni*
kgs refined, just feed ami lur sa’e
>o , ( .u> li a KAHNKyru' K a. cti
BRITISH L. sTRK—S run ju«t rec’d and for me
LIQI’uKICK HALL—IS ea«e» small stick, just rcc'd
and 'or ...In l.y U A FAHNESTOCK A C<)
yJ 1 HlTlNli—4o bbl* ju«t rro'd and for file by
/ r l)M Ki.AsTIO OVER SHOES—Just received at
V JT the India Rubber Depot. 11 roses, comprising—
-4 ruei mens' Over Shoes, I 4 ease* Ladle* Over Shoe*
1 •• “ Sandole, l •• “ Sandois;
| I " Misses Over Shoes,
These Over Shoes are the finest lot ever *eut to this
mar Vi-i tor tile We invite tbe shoe dealer* to exam-
ine ’in samples. It price and c|ualiiy ssu them, we
cm furnish any quantity J X II PHILLIPS,
No 5 Wood »t
HALL AND STAIR CAitPKTS-L<r<e stock just
rac'd of all kind* and very cheap lor cash, at
(Exclusively tor Passengers.)
r*A||K public are informed that on and alter Saturday
Uie Ist ot September, the passenger* ny this laf.e
wtli be carried over the Central Rail Road fro*
t stow it to Harrtsburgb. and from thence to Philadel
phia hy the Hsrmhurgu and Columbia Kail Hoad*
Hy tut* new nrrangement passenger* will go through
in uiti u*T lsv« Tins than heretofore.
Thu Pucker* of this Line are new and ofuebest
eiuss. This mute for saloty, speed and column, u the
mo*' preferable now n. use to the KaMcrn cities.
Hail Rond* are all passed m day lt«b‘- r ’ mr - "
ds>* F re. Tun Dollar* For informattnn apply to
\V SLH'CM, Mononvahcla House
,„ i| or D to LEECH X CO. Canal »««*>
H» r iu«ivciy lor Passenger*.
-^sunsuimA —The Jloats ol this Line wtil leave
Kidlq-s-iSa- ml.;—-
111 I.nta -P Hurley, rhurs«.u) IJ . l *'a
kentuc* v If fruhy. Frida). sth
Irfiutsians J P Thompson. Saturday, 6th.
t j tMO tTrsig. Sunday, “th.
Indiana —l* Turkey. Monday, fh
Kcntui ltv —Cnpl H Tnihy, Tuesday. 9th
1 laJla _j p Thompson. Wednesday, 10th
Olio—fapi A Craig. Thursday, ilth
Imi tana —l' Hurkey Friday.liAh
Wentucsy i'apt H I ruby. Saturday. Pth.
l^Boiam- J r Thompson. Sunday, Hto.
Ohio—Capt A Craig, Monday, 16th.
For (»««.»** «PP’) u> W SUTCU,
Monongahela tiouie,
or D LEKCII h Co, Canal Buin
THIS fnstitn-. um)-r the rare of Rev. J M GOS*-
HORN AND LADY, will re-open oa Monday. the
17tb ofSeptemirer. >n ibe *ame roomv No £3 Liberty
street. llaviui. limited the number of their pup;ls the
Principal* hope io merit a routtndarion of that liberal
patronage they have ncberio enjoyed i’arentsmay
feel assured that every advantage wnll be afforded
their daughter*. if placed under their charge, lor ob
taining a thorough English, Classical, and Ornamental
education aurtStdlf
THF. ALTUNIN SESSION *of this Institution will
commence on the first Monday in September.—
Room* on Federal street,in **Colonade door
from the bridge.
R a rra o» Trino.v rt« mioii or rrvs Motem*.
~f , Liitu,i ro Bkaaiun or a*, .uu,.■ n».
r.ntti*h [Vpartmeiu. including Reading, Orthogrti
ph> and Defining. Writing. English Grammer, Rheto
ric, Ixigic, English Composition and Criticism. Geo
rrapfty, Huiory, Anthmetic and the higher brunches
of Mathematics. Natural Philosophy. Chemistry. As
tronomy. Botany. Physiology. Geology, intellectual
and Moral Science, and aii other branenea requisite to
a thorough English Education . . OO
Classical Department, including the Latin and Greek
Languages, each }««)
*. rench « 00
j£ man 00
The services of competent teacher* are veured for
such as desire instruction in French and German, and
also in Drawing, Painting and Music.
It is desirable that pupils enirr at'the commence
ment of a session, ye: they are received at an y ome ,
and are charged at the above rates from tbe time of
entrance No deduction* are made for absence* ci
cept in cases of protracted time**
further information may be obtained, and applica
tion* made by calling upon the Principal, at his rooms
on Federal street, or at bis lodgings in "Irwtn’s Row."
Liberty street. Pittsburgh, between s<l anu <th streets,
or bv addressing, throogn the Pittsburgh Post CMfiee
the Principal. _ N. W. METCALF. ’
7. I«4C. dtf
• ner of Fourth and Ferry street*, will be open
ed this morntng. Monday. August 30. I —4O augihJ
FKNNKTRKCT, between Wayne and Hand, bn*
resumed hi* professional duties, giving instruc
tions on the Piano Guitar, and tu Vocal Music
aug Mdtf
Plttabmrca Steam Marble Works.
NO. H 44 LIBERTY, oppo*ile Smahfield streeL —
Marble Mantles. Monument*. Totnb*,Table Top*,
Ac . a large vanety of the most beautiful ktnd, mode
of the fine*t qnajii f uf foreign and domestic marble,
aiway* on hand or made to order, b'y the aid of ma
chinery. on the shortesi notice and at tbe lowest pnee*.
N. B —The Country Trade furnished with all kinds
of Marble at the lowest rates All order* promptly at
tended to at 344 Liberty, opposite Smithfield at
tny»i dCm w W WALLACE
IRIX'S Patent Stone or French Hurt !»MUT MA
J CHINK Ihe he*i article of the kind in u«e; they
run !i|{ht,’clean fact, do the work well, and will la*i a
lile time About SUi of (hem are m tue, in the bent
m»il» in the country, am) we oove the *trong*«t te«ti
mony of prr*onn a. their unpenortty over
alt other Sail Machine* For further particular*, ad
dre»* the *ob*«ri*>er at 244 Liberty il Piitiburjtt.
my-HMWc ww Wallace
and other rail I *, alwny» on hand, or made to order
on eery abort ootiee. and at the lowe«t price*. All or
der, promptly ••.tended to at 244 Liberty itrect. ndar
the Cana! _ _W_W WALLACE
PI. AS TRR PaHIS— Por land, and other purpn.e*,
alwayi on hand at 244 Liberty «i
T "y : » \V W WAI.UCE
HYTJRA C1 ,1 (’ liKSlKVT—Alfray* on hand, at dl
•> my:j» \V \V U ALLAHK
GRJNl)?<Tt>\Esi-AIl um* mil gm*, alwarii on
hand at 244 Librriy »tmet
_ ray:»i
_____ ww Wallace
TEAS! TKAsiPl'fijrsu;
il_T i« -*iUi pleaaure mat the *ul»cnbert
rimiy Dial they Have complete? »rfin«-
m<*nt« wnh Mpwh J C Jemkin* A. Co .
ol Philadelphia. 10 receive iheif laperior
And will hereafter be kept coonUnlly on
baud They are nearly and aeeurety put
up in metallic paek« of j. 4 and l lb each.
wiUi tiie.r printed card—showing the kind
of Tea. of the concern and
depot m riii>adel|>i«a. Nrun an inviiaunn u> return tbe
Too. U not liked
* « T * I L men
p ; (Sonpowder ?3 1.00 1,->5 1.50
m ) Imperial -••-60 75 i.uo yjjs | Vj
2 1 H y»nn 60 <K* 75 \JM IfA
»• Y Hv«or 50 OaJ 75 |,{i) | t as l>*
Ui > Black 5O
Bui “' 1 Fine imieitri Fine -73 l.uu l.liu IJO
We will warrant all ibe TKAii we «cii to lie equal
to. il' not irrXKi'iH <o any »oid in Uii* ciiy, and •boui.l
toey u»l pr»ve nerrptablr in ibe ia»te. ibey can be re
lumr<l. and ihc raouey will be refunded. u a it only
with tool uudrrdiitdiu* *c tell.
We ««k a fair tr'n-. ihai the public may l*o able 10
adye beivrren our Tea* *nd iho.e bsreio/ore told by
other companies in ibn city
All lover* nf "eh, dc-it-ow* ano qood flavored TKAS,
ihould (in ■» a rail
For .ale by JOS S M YOI/NO A CO.,
N W eomeMlh and Ferrv -ireei.. und
K. YOI'.NC fc ro .
mylifcdrtttii* S W corner :Jd ami Rot* nreeiu
JOHN H MELLoR. No -1 Wood «ireet ttaa ju«l
received n neve «tork of Piano Forte* from Ute (ol
low-ing reieorated ininnfae;urer«:
Uric Rosewood 7 te-i carved 111 the *ty le Of IsOuia X .V
One do 7 do dn do Jo
One do 7 un mnnd corners. pla.u carving.
One do 7 do plain round i-omrii.
One do Ho enspsnily carved.
One do tlj do plain round eornera.
One do &i do do do
One do d do earved furniture
One do <1 do plain round corner
(me d.i ti .10 elo do
One do 6 do nlaut *qutLro.
Ali the afmvc arc from the celebrated manufactory
oi'Cbiekrnng Bo.ion. and are warranted 111 ail cases,
and tne |.urrb*»e money retunded. u found defreiive
Seven Row-worn) a net * irom Bacon 4 Raven N Y
One .lo H d» do H Worcester, N. V
Two d ■ t»f do do Bacon A Raven, N Y
Oil' do 0 do do Gales 4 Co, N. i
*1: ihe sbnve Punn Forte* warranted in cverv re
•p'ri. made rxprr»«ly lo order. and are »uch a«
ran l>e relied ua for Jufati ity. even in loach, and of
•nprnoi tone JOHN H MKLI.nR.
r*<wc Agent lor «aie of Chlekrnng'* Piano Forte*,
•pi? lor Western Pennsylvania
gfegga 1549.
Btaver aad Krie Bxpran Packet Line.
R. G. PARKS. Heaver. Proprietor
fJMIK new and eirgam Pa*»rnger Packet*.
X NIAGARA, Capt H H Jeffries;
LAKE ERIE. “ M Truby,
(JUKEN CITY, •• J Mcilally:
Ponninc a daily Line between Heaver and Erie, have
commeiireil miming, and will continue during the tea
son to make their regular trip*, leaving Heaver after
Hie arrival oI the ronmmj '*oni from Pittsburgh. (1 o'-
clock. r. x i and arrive at Erie m lime for passenger*
to lake the morning boat* to Uuffalo or up the Lake.
■fickrt* through to Ene and ail Lake port*, con be
had by application lo JUHN A CAI’CUKY, Ajjt.
corner of Water and Smilh6cld *u
aplU-tB under the 'll I'harle. Itniel
fOO TMK subaertber, who ha* Imscii in bu»inr«*
in iae .amc building for the last thirteen year*,
fl* 3ft** veiling all description. of Fine (iold and Stl-
C&UaSvrr Watche*. Jewelry, and Sliver Ware, a:
reian. at ihe vrrv lowest pn*-e«.
Gold uml Surer Kng'i«h Paienl f.rvcr Watche*.
Gold and Si'vrr De.t hd Lsver and [.opine Watche*.
Ooid and Silver lloritwitai and verge Wa'che*.
Gold and Silver iniiepeiidcm Second Watche* for
timing hor*e*.
Gold (jonnl. fob and vest Cham* Gold Spectacle*.
Gold and Sliver Pencil*. Irold Pen*.
Indies' Gold and Stone Bracelets.
Gold Ixx-krt*. (iold and Stiver Thimble*.
Diamond Ring* and Pin*
I.adte*' and Gentlemen.
Sterling Silver Spoon*. Cup*. Fort*. Ac
Gold Watches a* low a* JBI to $'J5 each.
W.itchc. and Jewelry exchanged
few door* below Wood ttreet, to
DE. BROWN, fiavnig been
profession, and been lor Home Uni
hi** attention to ibe treatment of
those private and delicate com|
plaint* for which hi* opportunity
and experience peculiarly quatir*
;ii of ;h<..c r complabna,(domig which
Ume he has had more praruve and tin* cared mom pa»
llent* than can ever fall to the lot of any private prac
titioner amply rjuanhe* him to offor assurances of
*pecdy. permanent, and *oU» lac lory cure to all aillicled
wtili uclicatr dn>er*e»i and all diseases arming theraj
Dr Krown woah'nilonn ihoae aiHirted with pnvata
divcuac* which cure become chronic by ume or agi
granted by tae oae of any of the common nostrum? ol
the days that their eomplaiuu can lx iiiJicaily anil thor
ough.) cured, he having given hi* careful atu-irtiou to
the irru-Uneni ol »uch cave*, and succeeded in hundred*
ot .ii».Niicr» m curing parson* of mQammauon of thu
uer* iii ir»e bladder, an-l kindred di»ea».-» whicli often
rr.u.i irnin u.ore case* where other* have consigned
ttts-u u> hopclns* despair. Ue pariiculariy inrttc* *ueb
a* iiavr i-eer long aud unsuccessful!) treated byoUien
vo consult turn, when every satisfaction will he given
them, and tin *r ease* irentrd in a careful, thorough and
line; igrtu manner, jiointcd out by a long experience
n.mly, and .h rnsugnt.on, which it i» impossible Cor tho*
ensured >ll ri*i prn.-ticc of luedicino. to give an
Hernia cr Rupture.—Dr. Drown »J*o invite* per, I
»o-i« oiflieted wnn Hernia lo call, a* he baa paid pnruc 1
ttWr uUcnUon to till* disease.
CANCERS al«o e.ufeil. *
Skin diseases, also PC a, Pal*?, etc., speedily eared
Charge* vci7 low. ~ni,^
N. U —Patient* onP® «x living at a, ty
•taxing their ducue &£wmuig, giving ail the *ytfipj
tom*, cun obtain medicine* with direction* for use. by
addressing T. BROWN, M. I)., post paid, and encloa.
mg a foe.
Oibee No. u, Diamond alley, opposite ta« averty
Rintiv kTtsi*.—Dr. Brown 1 * newly discovered reme
dy for H 'numsmm ■* a *peedy and certain remedy loi
that painful trouble. It never fat l *.
Offiee and Private .Consulting Room*. Na. W Dia
mond «llry, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Doctor la always
FT No sure ns puv <«*!•
gko. w. snrm * co.,
LNFORiI their fnend* aqd the public Ihotthey have
BO longer any connection with their lain esuibiisii
merit In Penn street, known a* the Pittsburgh Brew-re
bavins removed their entire business t.) tins POIN
BRKWBRY in PiT street mvifc.i rr,
THE rabkenber ha* on hand and tor sale, a* Agea
of L. Johnston A of Philadelphia, the follow
ti pair of Case*;
4ft foonU Panoy Letter, different tizea,
3ft) Newspaper Catr,
ftOU lb*. Leads, rut to order;
10 Composing Sucks;
100 keg* ProatN New* Ink:
1 Bras* Galley, Column Rule*, Bros* Rale* 6t all
description*, Ac. A. JAYNES,
, „ Pekin Tea Store, 70F«mA *t
, N. flrHjrffen reodvod fin saw Typo. oalfeUbwS;
■ Itiasfir In.’.ffT,
n-iicd and eompWly fumuhed STORK on
aI i b H!!l! to L ®nr Good*.
AJiO- Js rerml room mllabie for aJSeea or Am'.,.*
room* *
AJ~«O—A public Parlor, admirably eaiccln
tcd for a Ladiei' Refr»*hraent and le* Cream Saloon.
Prom iw «e, dopant finish. and central location. t*<-
in? in tbe immediate ueij-bborbood of the taabiotiabie
J»y (rood* ■torrs and adjoining Ptjilo Hall, tiu» room
would afford a permanent stand every way deairaMe:
and in ibe hand* of a person qualified u> conduct ihe
above I.nonets in Eastern style. would supply avast
tnorb felt by •rnn?*'* vkuir? Pittsburgh and ladiea
mj.Jin? m ihe vicinity Of tbe my To sorb an oeeo
pam a vanJd secure a laree. genteel and profitable
custom. The spajioas and wnl fitted basement of
tbe building will bo rented, .with 3 ibe Saloon, with
which it Is eoaveniemly connected. For term a, Which
are moderate, apply to
Enflnti for 8a1(,
cylinder*, 4 feet Stroke; 3 Boiler*, 90(bet long, 3
inche* in diameter, ail in good onler. will bo told at a.
bargain, if application be made toon. They have only
been in usAtklrout !:< month*. For panieiuara, Inquire
of jysfrrdtf fL HaYS, Gaieac office
MFOR REST —The laannon hou*e now
occupied by Mr* Atwood, situated at Oakland,
with ru acre* of i gerund attached. The
i*apaciou« and convenient, and the ground well im
proved Apply in HARDY, JONES A 00.
■ uadi Water *t
JkA FOR SALE—A Brick iloune, (but one year
and Lot. ou Robinson afreet. Allegheny,
near old Bridge. Price low and ienn* eaay
Inquire of jy24 S SOHOYER, 110 Second <n
RENT.—The three (lory Brick Dwelling*
Houce. on Ijherty. between Hay and Murbory
strreu. now oerupied by \V. Graham, Jr Poascactou
given immediately Knquire of Wiu Graham, or at
the Bookstore of
corner Market and Third street*.
itefc ./voa'gAiJß;
JbjL A THREE atoned Dwelling Hon*c, being the
second hnuac from p cutv glr( . ec |n Bn y3
Row. °n Hay •treeL Immediate possession will be
f , -wL* U, ' U,R p #f I> . AV,U RITC '»E, Attorney at
*sa? ii ' ir
won REST, :
comer of Liberty and Hand *u
fI’HL onderujned offer* for *ale in count
i. Pa . IeOO aerea of well timbere l LANCV with /.
excellent Saw MHI nearly new, and two new P«m
Hmtac., one 41 feet front by 47 back; the o£T t
front 1 y 31 UrL new frame CS
by loriy feet. The rail! and land arc omitted /«,?,
TIM UFfToftb A l£?t hr “V ,VOr ' X F™* 1 ~cal o( PINE
i?ih U t‘ R t tb ‘ also a vast quantity
°t !J| • V*, ? e * k'® lo ** Aim. ono acre ou the bank
of tie Allegheny near •» cove, moat admirably adapt
cd for rafting, where lumber can be rafted on the me
in wuiter and t-eperfectly aa, e from ai I freshens.—
Prtre Itl.tCO. or 4b an acre. Tenat eaay Will take
* well Cleared .-mall (arts, witii p Dr >d house and nr
eharu upon it. nt part payment, if Walton it •unable,
and the balance in lumber, or m. may be agreed ©c.
Ihia i* aii excellent opportunity lor lumbering; and
the probability' ,• great that in two or three yuaja tbia
property will double ,t. value, m couvrouence of iu
proximity to the New \ork and Erie Railroad. Tim
ber «utfieient to wear out teveroi (aw miiia— and sev
eral mill sitoa on the itreoja which run* nearly through
'v" S r .! Ure ,a ° About fifteen oert* m grea*.
.ho nil tonic i-i hauling lumber from mill to river.
Trout isd game in abundance. For further particu
lar*. p B TEMPLETON,
mvrt:ij# wuj* _ liaaeite oAe.-. Pituburgh
mm.- i Two Lot* for Buie. "
fTMIt »üb*cr,her* will «ei! al private .ale, tt.oae tw.
A valuable Lot* oi Ground, situated on Tomato at.,
in the Third Ward 0 1 Allegheny City, having a
Morn of tfb feci, runung back IDUteot in depth to aVO
Wt a!! ey. upou which I* built a none wall, 25 by 100
fccu wUiea t-ootuma •tone enough to boild cellars for
two comfortable -iwelling Uou*ea, and tn front there
ate inter shodo tree*, oi n year* growth, and the aide
, *J"‘ vpd »•"*> bnek, ali of wtueh will be sold at
BWi Pit;».-»urgb and Allegheny, or Conuty Scrip.
,wn. (ms taken in payment.
J A H PHi LLI PS. N * 5 Wood *L,
or to t\ M. Bt.NSo.N, immediately oppotua said iota
F’t »R i*Al.K—Five lot* eligibly situated ill the 4our
ivitua town of Birmingham The lots are situ*-
ted «u Denman nrret, numbered in F Uauamao'h plan
.5, TV, -0, M mid ~ - J—txil No 75 fronting 3U fcetou Ma
ry Aan unset. 70 feet .Jeep the other lour kafeet froHt
each, by e(J feel deep. ,
1. ro;*—tireatr-r part of purchase money may re' 1
aia... lors.x year*, teemed by mortgage. For panicl
ulara. inquire cf SSCHOYKK,
tnvir ' 110 aecoud at
Tainablc Coal liaud for'lala,
ABtiL T four mile* above Lock No. 2, at the mouth
o: ibnc Ruu. Mnnongahela Rcvrr. The Coal t»
of tao very beat ijuuUiy. ami eaay of aece**. Any
uumbrr oi acre*, irotn twenty-five tu a hundred, might
bo ov.ainssd IVr-rtit- drs.rou.s of purchnsintt, can
eal. on WALKER tIKKD. on to- pretnieea. or W’m.
Reed, uppofi.c the Post oCitfc. who will give anym-
Irmcat'on concrrmiig m- j»roo«riv To- above wi.i
nr «.id at a great i.argau.. -• myAhddcn
r lVi LET—A good brick Dwriltug House, aituate on
A K.tiii.aou ntrcct, AHcgnejiY. Enquire of
i -uK >A(.K >'HK* P FUR SCRIP—A lot o:
i 'iiiiaii- mi t%,. rr -L 05 feet/rom High atreei;
•„*<> fi-ei ironi .... \t ri.*i-r. . V..-11 foci to a live feel alley
-sjuiin en.— to n-w r„ur’ hou.e Price f®s«. Tcrma,
S-tj". - ■ «t> in hand. Da.niter p; on-, -wo, three mid four
yr»r. 'mm the fir>t or Apr*' '-k;
I.ou ,u «'.u r- rta, • . for .-nsii payment. I't
quire ,11 rs.yi*. s i|i »VKR. 1 it) second at
•466 Acres Coau.aad for sioia,
Sift Aft. I c". the Moaoftgahclc river,about Iflmi'ca
rem 1 •• reh .1-itf3 nufe.s above third Lock, m
tie of .Mesan. Lycit 4 Shorb,
an« Mr. John Herron'* purchase. Thiii hue body .»f
l-o«: wtll oe soid n; * !«*! «ow price of Sniper acre—on*
third ,:t Us;i(l. !> u, a tire n five equal annual payments,
wiihriut interest. Title mdi4put.ibie. location very
(00,1— »« *urpo««et! Fer funhrr particulars
enquire of S. -aifco ha-* a dnui of said prv
pert; Re/t.Jcncc-*1 (t, bciow Ferry, Mr. Adams'Row .
N ■: There 1* another .earn c.: com oa this traoi,
abou; fio feet atMivo the lower, of uxeellenrquality.
n---fi:dtf SR
V«Jn»ble Datldlng Lota for Bai«.
(j’H.. »ui>«erii>et* are aulhonkeil -•> offer a: unvote
X --t'e mid up-M highly favorirte term*, a number
OI vr.*> Hutiding ••ompriant- 0 large
;>on<i>D 01 l.»v« nuintM-red 07. t»- i<i mm 711 , n
WiMMj.-t.oernl I'ltnol heCif. of
t-il at to.- •ouin tj.twMii,)' rornrr .« Prim and Wayne
• ireeu. trouune ".'tn teri on ih<-'unnff, ami esiemling
ami oeiitg a part of the Reaj oi th.^| al r James''
S Str.-rusoi., K-' t . i|e--.-i»e)^
mny with whirl. .; is proposed to sell, may be seen nt
Hie othce of the u:id.:r*igtied, on Fourth, between Mar
ket and berry «u. WILLIAMS 4 KLTIN
1 t.) LOIN* Oil Ucuver street, in ti,r iuy n
JJi Aweebcny. above tae opperi ommon*. on which
g er-virti a imine building, twn stone* lugti. surtohl*
:»r ivvii siiimli*. Ibe i««t* aro ei.e»» twenty
lee; in Iruui by mr huiidrei) leet ocep. anu .• '««•£
l. n s.rc". forty led wide. The buuUun-s on tho p, tJ
m. win pay a very frtuuLoiuo uuenwt on die mves'j
mc’ii. ami ihe property will be -md cheap ror cash.
Ap)*i> lo H Sprout. Cierk : * odiec; U. S. or to
Scotch Itottoh) Laud for SaU.
r rKN ACRyyoF LAND. *ltuuteii ,j Pc-ble. m n n -
X -rup. on ihe Mnnonen.wia. three mile* from f'ltte
.'Utsi —in ,rn« lo sun purchnsres. Fur mriher partic
ular* apply to Henry tVixnl,. Jo »-. or to
A W A!»H INg pc i.N,
*Ul. above Jyioithfie;u .(
jal U A ItEHUi SL FOR SALK.-Lhc .uoT-nhcr
XtSg lor - tie mnid-rusn brick Warchnu.*
o.i Wood «ireci, occupied '.y R. Tanner A fo
»;i : . .. WM, Jr.
FOR SAI.E A Lot oi Urouiid •ituaie QjSPri a
si reel, between Hay and Mo/bury .trrrU. aA»n:?|
ihe h-»u-v and :ot now iu-rupietl by Rieaurd Eiwurcs,
ftsvn.j; M n oi>; o. i» feet, ami in depth tJo ieei. wui ' e on aviirnbic. term*. I‘nje uuext-epi,«,>, uue. Kn
<]u;rr ol i; IV iAHl.Mli.4ib »t. near W<h>.:.
ADKSIR AiILE Huiidma fxil in Allegheny city, fa
vorably i jeaicd. in *-/e about halt an acfA, and
am lx «m.l or, necommodnimg lerra*. Inquire of
b'l'*’. J D WILLIAMS. H 0 wood *1
j«* [«|tl KENT—A room in the second stofyTNo
" ,MH| **ivet , aj j }
Property tn Allightny City ror VaUV
I'HE tubsenbeM ofler for sale a number of eboie*
Lot*, •ituaie k. ;’io Second Word,(rooting on th*
G-tmtnoti ground, on enar in'ntu. Inquire of
W O H Ro HINSON, Any at Law, St Clair tt
or of J AS on OtCßremiaas
No. 7t* Wood atreet, Plttabarsh.
HI ItEK AND LALFMaN'. Importer* ainfdealer*
hi Foreign mid Domestic HARDWARE, in
*:i it. varieties, are bow prepared to sell a* low and
on it* rrasononiß wnn* a* can tie purchased elsewhere
Wr solicit our friends, and ihe i.abnc generally, to
rail and eioiwnie our stock, which con«isu in nan of
.acli as lAwis, Latches. Hinge* and Screw a, together
wita every aruele usually kept in Hardware iJtorea.
We invite me atteniion ol Carpenter* and Mechanic
gcnernll) to our acortment of Tool*, which nave been
seiectrd wiiii great enre, and which we are determin
ed to *ell so ns u> give satisfaction. tptfcdiwT
'PHV nr..lfr*igned have erected work* la the city at
X New \ ork, lor the purpose of Galvunmng all arti
r,«. of Iron, whim n i» desirable to PROTECT FROM
RI.ST. s.ieha* Tclrimiph Wire, Holts, Spikes, Noils,
\v,rr lor Fences, Slid tt..y, r article wKich may l>c
r.-qu:reu lor Hoop, lor t-a*k»,asu subsutute lor bale
Rope, ror Clothes Line*. Lxgnmtiiff Rod*, and a hen of
other application*, a wiH bn •omul cheap and durable
rtirv would purucuLariy can auenuon lo the GaivartG
ted Wire for icnce*; it r- ( uirc» no painu and will not
ruM Also to Spur** and Hods, the preservauon of
wlncii is 01 »o much uuporuuice, that it wxi! commena
iLse.ll lo the uoure «»f a.I lliosc interested. a
GKt» D MoRLSVOUD A CO., Patentees
O-iOO-dAwiT f 14 ami )g Uoaver *t. York
<JilvVniacd" r l'lia
npHbubtcnbar* Ixg u>k*aHthe attention of Hatidera.
X Arctuieci* and owners of Hutldiaga, m the marrv
advantages which these plate* possess over all othlr
metallic substance?, hitherto used for roofing A* >,
Umyt'os.c*. at once the UghUnus of iron, wtihoal it.
liability to rust, having now been tcsled for several
> aar * pa«w«*»r,both in this country and inEu
rar« Tbcy .r- Ic;, l„M» u, w „„ lou oonl , tc .
u»l, from .uddon ctam;. of Hr, auaMpbcre, ibaa con.
mon Un plate., iron, one, or nay other metaf now u.d
tor roofinp, art.l eo.,.e,oenUy form a muc h beuer mr!t
tire flnt ro 4 ml°‘." n 'riße' ™;e r '” I,re ' ,l rep “*' ”“■*'V.T.'iJ »;'foV3t 10 “ ■ 3O W -«-
| _ 14 and ift Heaver street. New York.
ehher ...pormhoo „r o,^,™"
*T ‘ . _ ocCO-dAwtyT
A ■ red t ,n l Vre tLU BTONKs \ BJanufaeto
/1 Zi.i\ of hot few
«sl ibock* mud solid eyes—« Isree- BMon
“‘‘*l’ lhe b«»«of the kmd, always oi>
hand atgtAtly reduced prices.
IPHfI AUSCv-Prench Burr Sllll Stone* of
IJBXTl|aiy own manufacture, made of anew
quality of Block*. Thew
l* um «re mad.- under my own aapenh-
and u great care it taken to oak-t (ho
joint* cW and to v.i uhe blocks ia each .tone
of aunWo^a , e l ape , , they sro wairaatcd to be of the
very, best quality, superior to those- imported fan
Fraice; and ai»o ssperior in the rye,t
S^V n r t fe aan, ?- a f tl u price* lower tban
tfvet wlbrt heea offeredm
> . Laurel }ItU /Mill Stones, all ntc*.
Boltins Cloth*, ail number* of the beit qnalUy War.
£23*, SdS Sir* “ “
IWlCimg, of all kta*, Mill Fom'rtlertSS.
Ail order* p/mnpUyatitndcd to at 244 and maYjwL *