The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 06, 1849, Image 2

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P4ITBB.on.aTIi , SO
Prrrjlnnon Dailv Gocrm u pabttahed
Tn-Weekly, ana Weekly.—The LKily <• Seven
Doller* per annum;tfiSTri-Weektyl* Frre ltoiler*
uutaa;the Weekly is Two DoUoreper annum, srrtafi
' areeaßtesOv requested to band in
Ltelt (nan before 5 r. it, ana u early in theday at
netisable. Advertisements not inserted for a (peels
ftedtime Will invariably be charged until ordered o«
Advertisement* and subscnptinns to the North Araer
can'and United State* Gazette, Philadelphia, receive
ad forwarded from this office.
HENHY tt. PULLER of Luzerne Codmy.
WiI«MAM HABLETT, of Bailer County,
ROBT. C. WAIiEKM, ot Elizabeth Borough.
JOHN MILLER, tl Sharpibcrgb.
CALEB LEE, of Pztubarg h-
WM. ESPY, of liwcr St Clair
CASTOR uUitnk of Pitubnrgh.
GEO. & HAYS, of Upper St. Clair.
JOHN MOBBISON, of Allegheny.
JAS. MITCHELL, of Preblec
WM. of Pittsburgh.
*. aroiroK,
JOHN BYEES of Findlay.
’ (IT Drrraiacnt’*: civ Aternurovie *?rn Wjjto Tici-
Kfe—The Borough md Township* south of the Mod
■ongahela will be supplied wuh tickets at the office of
llm Commercial Journal.
Boroaghs and Town«bip« north of the Allegheny
liwi, and Allegheny City, will b« rupplied at the office
of the Dally American.
The citT ofpittsbargb at the offiee of ihe Daily Ga
zette; ana the litrough* and Township* t«-iween the
Monoogahela uitd Allegheny rivers will be supplied
by the candidates.
By order of the Committee. ■prJl
For Local Blatter* see next peg*.
Baa mast page for Telegraphic alow*.
Loeofoeo Bits representation a.
Wo may always look lar Mine glaring misrep
resentations, by unscrupulous partrzins, of (be Le-
CoSxo party, just beloru the oleclion, ami when
there la no Opportunity to correct tbern before they
have wrought the cnv-hief intended. The Pti.
ofyealetday, commences wuh a butch of misstate
menu, and we may probably l«ok lor more >n the
few days inlcrvcumg lictcro the election.
The Post make* two »j*cific charges against
the County Cocnroir'icner?. One is in the (allow-
ing words
“Messrs David Irwin. John Caldwcii, James
Marshall, fhoma* D.ckson, K. E. MrG.iwnn. and
James Chambers, were appointed lost year as
viewers to nsstm* the amouor of damages done to
the property holders in the new \X*r«U, by reason
of the opening of the streets. For ttioir services
they were entitled, according to law, to Si, on per
day. But although they were ot.iy employed lor
a few days in discharging the duties n*«icned them
wp find that the WHIG OOMMtSSIUNERji m
Allegheny County paid them the enormous sum oi
The capitals in the above are the Post’s. To
prove the above statement, the Post present* the
following,from the Commissioner's docket:
No. 901. DiVid Irwin SI G 6 s(i
No. 902. John Caldwell 162 o(J
No. 1111. Jhoics Marshall 17S 00
No. 1125. Thorans Dicksoi. l“b 00
No. 1132. IL E. McGowan 231 00
No. 1139. James Chambers 15t On
Total amount paid
Oa inquiry, wo find the state of the case to b<
Tile above named gentlemen were appointed to
discharge the dut’cs of Viewer*, by the Judges of
ihe Coart of Common Pkaj, Messra. Patton, Jonts.
tad Kerr, all Locafoco*. • they bad finished
th© wort assigned them, they reported back to toe
•Court, and presented t > the wjuh tribunal their
bills, duly authentiaated for settlement. The Cirri
of the Court direct* i these MU to he jaid.
Th© Commissioners had no discretionary p->wer in
the premue*,^—the Court appointed Uie Viewers,
audited the bill*, and the law makes n the duty cl
the Coramissionerv in etich cases, to pay them
If there is any fraud, any wrong d'*ne. any “pa/»
pa&u and inteztunal violation of the law," a* the
Post asserts, the Locofoco Jadgta of the Court, sad
nrt the Commissionerh, are to blame.
We will go as fur as the editor cf the Port, or
sny ether man to terret out fraud- and erlrava
. guee, and to bring tiu iun. toe- ndigi.
pOQirhment. Our t arc toch riioiign. am
<OQScience, to lead every, ci.txen to hold a sirict
watch over the parse Mrfngs of the county, brn
bafiwe we charge fraud m, resj»eMable citizens, wc
want to be sore of the fact. In his attempts to
ciimtool© the County Couimcns,oners, the editor t f
fie Post has really attacked his |>olii:ea! friends
the Judges of the court, and the gentlemen whose
services were rendered a» V.ewers. The Po>t's
oharge ia, that six respectable gentlemen, who lire
among us, and are wHf known to all our ciuzear,
have, for h u fen> ilaye n work, for which tie? were
©Hilled by Jaw to $1 jer day, charged the ccuntv
fora number‘of day*, ranemg irom l r»| to 17.7, thnt
' there has been a “palpable and intentional eva
sion of (be law," and that the Court has connived
at this, by passing the bills, if the facia are, a- the
Post says, lei us know iL If the Court hn* con
nived with these gentlemen to swindle the county
let the people hear of n. For our part w«; ebai!
not believe it, untib.we harp better evidence mm:
the Fost’s assertion
Tha first charge, then cf the Post against the
County Commissioner, falls to the ground. and cnl?
htU.tbe Post’? political friends, the Judge?, and
the six respectable gentlemen, who are neither
officeholders, cor candidate* for cilice, and wh
or© abundantly able to defend themselves nga.u>t
the attacks of the Pusi.
-The Port’s second charge against the County
Comtufssioners is. that they paid the ll n. Wai
ts* FoXwaXD a fee of $300,00 for Professional
service?. This is about the meanest attempt to
injure the Camniisvioner* any one could' have
•• conceivod- oC The Locofocos must be hard mn
’ter charges against the Commissioners, when they
resort to such contemptible littleness. We u.igi>>
dismiss this matter with the single statement, tha:
if Mr- Forward Charged a fee of $5OO, the pre
sumption is that he earned it. He has the reputa
tion among ns of an lamest nun, and there is not
a respectable cibcea in the county who will charge
him with injustice and avarice. With all bis great
v abilities as a lawyer, and although he lives m n
most economical manner, he is comparatively a
poor man. But in what way are the Commission
©ra to blame 1 Mr. Forward claimed the tee, and
• could doubtless have recovered it in a Court of
Justice, and as he demanded it, ta«.-y were
bound to pay it.
Id order to make ifco matter took as bad ai pot.
Bible tor the Commissioners, Use Past asserts Ih&t
MrJForward and A. W. I-oomi*. Esq. wcre t . n .
gaged on opposite sides, that each party only on -
OUgled the Court twenty minutes, ami that Mr.
Loomis charged hj clients ies* man fifty dollars
While Mr. Forward charged Uc county SbOO, for
the same services. Tin* is s grass misrepresen
tation of the case.
The caso id dispute was m relation to damages
lor opening streets m the new ward.. There
were one hundred and thirty claimant*. Some
of these employed Mr. Loomis, some Mr. Wood*,
same Mr. Palmer, somo Mr. Wills, some Mr. Gil
more, and aome probably others. The rouuty
employed Mr. Forwnrd to fight their battle. He
contested the case before ihe Court ot Common
Pleas and before Supreme Court, nod beside all
this, by bis exertion* he procured a modith-atton
of the'law by the legislature, by which the coun
ty was saved a large amount. Tt is the opinion
of tome who understand this matter, that hi ui<
the county,aJtogeiaer,m inis cam, mine 5100,-
000. After all there professional service., and
when the ease was brought to a successful issue,
the Post blames the Commissioners, because they
would not descend to hwgte with such a man as
Mr. Forward about his tee.
Th© editor says be does uut blame Mr. Forward.
He says;
“Mr. Forward bad a fa! goose to pluck, and be
mad© the (©ethers fly With a vengeance 1 We do
BOt blame Mr. Forward tor claiming tne mormons
tee of Five Hcxdoxd Dit-Laas, but wc censure :
.. Ibecoaavmm&te blockheads jhat gave it to auu.”
- We can generally judge of a man's moral mom
\jj his sentiments, expressed ia an unguarded mo
iseoti Th© ©lifter of the Port, in the above ex
met, iayahif own soul bare. ' He chows that he
ftflokfl flrighltogct all he cm honestly or dislton-
Hiastandard of yj&w is measured lqr the
©mono* he can gef, and nor by the value of the
services rendered. Aahoaestman makes out a
bill s'grb ggfak canscienco tells him is a fair and
hoses* price' ter th© service rendered. He will
gske-ito sun,'and will aonsent to no less without
Jeeßfif thiu heJuis beea deprived of his just doe.
Bat the Post's doctriu e tt, lhsl if you can End a
“hi goose to plackthen “ make the feathers
fly 1 Charge an * enormous tee 4here ts bo
blame is that, although it may be a great injustice
to the lax payers of the eounty. Never mind —
the goose is fat, pluck away —it i* tol H*ht
—we don't blame you for that. We would
advise the County Commissioners to setUfintzs
the Post’s bills hereafler with great care, as they
may be sure, after sueh an exhibition of the edi
tor’s morals in pecuniary matters, that the exhor
bitaace of his charges wife only be measured by
the amount he may fancy he can succeed in fish
mg out of the Treasury.
Paoausccous Sitting.— Yesterday we noticed
that the Ohio Annoal Conference, of the M. £.
Church had under consideration the question of
“promiscuous sitting* 1 in churches. Since theD we
have reoeived the decision of the question. The
Committee, to whom the matter was relerred, re
ported that tha question of males and females sit*
tiag in the same Beats, was not a local question,
but one cf a general connrxionol character, and
m its consideration the Conference was desired to
view it as such and ita important bearing upon the
interests of the whole chnreb. The , following
resolutions appended, to the report, were adopted.
Resolved, Ist, That it is of the highest impor
tance and essential to the pumy and integrity of
the church, that 10 this as all other cases, the rules
of the discipline be strictly and fully observed.
2od, That the Preachers of the Ohio Confer
ence are expected and required to use ah their
personal and pastoral influence in oil oar churches
of the rule “Let the men and women sit apart."
The report was ordered to be pnoted iu the
Western Christian Advocate.
We think iho Conference corns to an erroneous
conclusion, and that the people will_firmly and
gradually introduce the desired reforms.
Prsr Ornc* Csa.'tqs—Sanford C. Hill, Esq..
has been Jsppointed Postmaster of East Liverpool*
Ohio. This is an excellent appointment, and
gives general satisfaction, and the Department
will find Mr. HUH a most excellent officer.
Notwithstanding the pittiful lamentations of the
Locofoco papers, we hope our excellent Postmas
ter General will continue to make such admirable
changes. Three fourths of the Postmasters of the
country are low Locofocos, and we hopo at least
lliehaifof them wilt bo substituted by good Whigs
UniTU* States Finances.— The Treasurer’s
statement shows Iho amount at his credit, by re
tires to the 21th ult, to be $6a92,179 91. Of this
amount there was at Washington $'>2,274 73; Bos
ton $656,123 01; New York $3,518,427 s>o; Phila
delphia $1,277,'283 23; Baltimore Sl2O 680 15; Cin
cinnati $36,685 08; late deposito<y, Cmnnonti
$3,269 37; Mint at Philadelphia $841,160, Branch
mint, Chorlot’e, N. $32,000; Branch mini.
Dihlmrga, Georcia, $26,550; Branch mint, New
O n-aus, $lOO,OOO Tne amount of treasury notes
• utrtandiug, October Im, was $3.190 339 31.
A curious slave case has occurred in St. Louis
'he particulars of which, as we learn them frou
the Reveille, are as follow; ;—Mr. I lector Moore
•it that plane, owned a negro boy, who had been in
the possession of his wife from 1536 to 15J7. He
was stolen in the latter year, taken to the South
and sold. Two years alierwards, in 1549, Mrs.
Moore, while returning to Sj. Louis from a visit to
New Orleans, recognizing her slave on n wharf
boat at Memphis, took him back home with her.
Shortly afterwords, the persons who bad bought
tiitn in 1847 from his kidnappers, followed him to
S:. Liuis and laid claim to him. They issued a
wr.t of replevin, recovered possession of the slave,
aoJ bad Mr. Moore imprisoned on a charge of ab
d iction. He, however, is likely to right himself
oa (be trial, although his good name has doubtless
mitered somewhat from the first reports.
Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazelle.
New Yoax, (Jo:
Some of the ‘Supposed" ieadiug pre**c.i amus
ed ineir readers this morning by asserting r>-un<iiy
that we are on Uc eve of War with France, up
on subjects growing oat of tne late controversy.—
Tbo warlike rumor, however, failed of all effect,
and that great political barometer, national slocks
shows confidence to be We may get
into a war, Inn no one uere entertains the ulea se •
nousiy, or, in fact, at a!L The late de?olopemcoi*
•n relation to M. Guillaume Tell Poussin, have rer
uewed confidence in the patriotism and ability of
Gen. Taylor, and the general inclination is to let
thenewsof war'eomc from Washington, rather,
than Wall street. A war is of all things to be drp
'icatrd, bu; ifiA a stale ol ih aga upoa wjic.i il e
halted iriat?-. r; America can n>w , i*k wnbeut
t-dr. A w..r with France womJ be tougni upon
me Ocean, and the otd- courage wtuch has over
come the victor* ot ‘ the N.Jc,'’ of-Trafalgar, " and
a thousand other stirring bailie* on the deep,
would soon demonstrate to the frantic glory hunl
og Freuchman th*i the repubiteuns of the western
herder of the Atlantic have the heart of those who
nave maintained the meteor flag of England,
hacked by the strong arm of n young nation. The
United States, war or no war. will aik uuthuig
that is not right, submit to nothing that is wrong.
3om« disclosures have been made in relalion
10 what is known as the International An Union,
that cannot be too widely known The house
Who manage the business ia nothing bat a branch
of a Paris h»aae, and be who pays his five dollars,
w>U gel a tolerable engraving, bot runs no risk o
setting a painting like the scries by Cole, auch aa
#a *» drawn last year from the American Ari
I moo. a gbod lot of green subscribers are
foaod,-Messrs. Gorfi!, Vibtrl Jc Co. will make
money, and caj ile nur liberal people with the idea
that they are patronizing art To those who are
ndecd willing to lend a helping hand to our own
artists, it may tie mi.! that ihe Art Union presents
mure attraction* than ever it is now one of the
most threnged retorts of fashion and of strangers,
an cvideoce that it has attained a linn hold upon
tr.e good opinion of the country.
C«»tle Garden now teems with th# rarest pro
ductions oi American craftsmen and agricultural*
:.-K Slid on Wednesday will open iu doors to the
nubne. A private examination shows a marked
improvement m all me mechanic arts, and 11 is a
fa-lulu u« taste that will not be pleased here.*—
The iue»eane ol samples of American manufac
tured goods is the greatest change noticed, and it
needs ao prophet to foresee mat onr looms will soon
ch'the wholly our own people.
Quite an effort in uow making to procure a par
don kfr tfie notorious "Ned Benllme, or Jud»on,"
who was sentenced to the state prison fir a year
One thousand names have been obtained, but the
attempt must fail In hi* charge to (be jury. Judge
huly was most strenuous against him, nod in pa>*-
ng sentence, regretted that a year of seclusion
wss all he could impose, in which opinion he has
a host to agree with him. The wife of Juds-ia,
while be was receiving h.s sentence in one part of
the City Hail, was receiving n divorce from Judge
I'ishoeffer m the opposite wing.
A new •‘Democratic" penny paper, called the
Republic, has made its apfterirancr bore, to per
form the dirtv work of the next election, which
the Evening Post is 100 prood 10 do. The cons
cern is supported-by subscription, and is. in short,
4 regular lying handbill, such aa the ‘•fierce De
mocracies have loved to use in all tbeir contests.
The minor does not-gain ground that Col. Forney
i* lo edit a drat doss democratic paper, to be own
ed by Edwin Forrest. In the first place, Mr. For
rest ia too good a basinea* man to put his money
•nto auch a sieve as a Locofoco paper is ai .all
tunes. Public opinion is also against Mr. Forrest,
uxl all Col. Forney’s talents cannot sustain him at
such odds as these.
I a the way of amusements, we have a surfeit,
and of the best character At Niblo's, the Ravels,
at the Broadway, Hudson, a very clever Irish
man, and who.‘-of course," ia supposed lo re
mind one o(the ‘'lamented Power," at Burton’s, all
son# of mirth moving soonest at the Astor Place,
Mi*s Davenport, in a senes’ of “Ellen Tree's" L
vorife purls. We hnv« also a Panorama to Cali
fornia, with a real I .mine of fold —in me back
ground; a choice collection of Power’* Statuary,
galleries of paintings, and enough of curiosities,
aside from the Coiuese Museum, to give a strani
gcr one month of pleasure as great aa Paris can
On 'Change, the activity )$ hardly so great, from
the faclthatone steamer goes to morrow, and an
other ii doe. Ashe, are d-ill. Pits
Pearls SO 00. Floor is m small request, and uri.
ces tend downward. Wheat is firm. For most
kinds of Provisions, there ia a moderate demand
and holder! are willing to sell. Quotations as be
fore. Whiskey 2S cents. _
Tit* Botlex Dtvoac*—The recent decree di
vorcing Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Butler, by the com
ix lent Court of Philadelphia, needs some expla
nation to make it ondentood. The decree divorces
with foil power to marry again, and the reason
given (or this summary—and to many, unexpected
decree-“is that no one appeared in opposition to
this petition, which was from Mrs. Batter. A cor
respondent inform! us, that it was previously ar
ranged between the counsel of the late husband
and wife, that there should be no opposition, and
that the consideration was the settlement of
S3O 000 on Mrs. Butler, by her (ate husband, tbe
interest of which alone she may expend annually,
and at her death,(he principal goes lo the two
children, to whom alone Mrs. Butler has power lo
bequeath it ll was also arranged by the counsel
that the children of the parties should reside lor
two months ia each year with Mrs. Butler. We
understand, also, that Mrs. Bdller has twenty
thousand dollars of her own, which are the (rails
of her "readings,” besides the "sixty thousand dob
Inrs which she so liberally scried on her aged
father.—iV. Y.Ssjna*.
For Uu Pittsburgh Casetu.
Appeal to th© Whlgi of fllUghsay
Do you really appreciate your pure and eleva
ted political principle*? Do you firmly believe
that where they generally prevail, prosperity and
happtoe** usually teiiow in their train 1 Do you
wish to see your friends, yonr neighbors, and your
feilow citizens, ail actively employed, and gene
rously compeoeated for their labor ? Dj you de
sire to witness the growth and progress of the
great interests of Agriculture, Manufactures, sod
Commerce’ If you do, vote, at the approaching
election, for the regular nominee* of our party
Scratching of obnoxious names, or splitting of tick
ets, is wholly inadmiaaable. Each and every Whig
Candidate must be regarded as justly entitled to
the undivided support of bis party. These candi
dates, however, are not supposed to be wiser or bet-
ter than scores, or hundreds, or thousands, of oth
er Whigs; but they have been regalariy nomina
ted by delegates elected by ourselves to perform
that ideuicaj duty, and consistency requires us to
ratify the proceedings of our Representatives
Our nominees, moreover, are moral, respectable
and competent men, far superior, iu every respect,
of the Locofoco party.
The minds of our Whig brethren should be
deeply impressed with the importance of having
a first rate man, of party, ia the Board of Ca-
nal Commissioners. Before we were represented
tn that body, the receipts from the State Works
hardly covered the expenses incurred for their re,
pairs. Since the election of Mr. Power, however
the Board have annually paid a very large amount
r T rv, nnr - U oot “»ifac?an mean
troYcrtable proof of Locofoco improvidence and in
capacity Could a stronger argument be present.
T, °l • üb J ec ‘ ’ H you desire to see
the State Works managed with strict regard to
economy, and made thoroughly productive, pro
mote, by alt honorable means, the election of our
candidate for Canal Commissioner, Mr. Fuller,
,B u M !i d *? h® a mifl of rteriing principles, and
undoubted talents.
We would direct the attention of our Whig
inends to the consummate ability with which our
Stale affairs are now conducted, by his Excellency
William K Johnston, than whom, perhaps, Feno
sylTinia never had a boiler Governor. Reflect,
Whig friends, for a moment upon the interest of
our Stale debt being punctually paid ia eotn, upon
ihe liquidation of heavy claims against the Com
monwealth, caused by any Locofoco extravagance;
and upon ihe large amount appropriated to the
creation of a Sinking Fund,—by' the operation of
which, it i» hoped, Pennsylvania will, ere long, be
redeemed aud dminthralied.
In your integrity and virtue, fellow Whigs, we
repose unbounded confidence. All eyes, be it
known, arc now fixed upon you. Your duty to
your couotry i* next m importance to your duty
to God, and u you prove faithless in the fulfilment
of the lorraer, there is reason to fear you may be
come indifferent to the discharge of ite latter
Thnt you will acquit yourselves, however, like
Christian* and Patriots, no well founded doubt can
be entertained. Remember that our candidate*
might be defeated, by (be apathy, or absence from
the prtlb, ol one ol our vole's. Let not so mortity
mg a result be j ully attributed to culpable indiffer
ence. Be every man of you. therefore, on the
cteriion ground m tne early part of the day, the
whole of which you should resolve to devoie to
your own aud your country’s wellare. Should any
of our friends be detained ai home by slight indis
position, let a committee be charged with the duty
■>r bringing them to the polls in carnages, and in
structed to use their influence with those ol our
party who may uot be thoroughly impressed with
the importance of the position they occupy
For the Pittsburgh Gazette.
Ma. Editor— Have you read the letter of that
ancient and renowned Federal Democrat, James
Buchanan, to the Pittsburgh Locolbcos? ‘Tn
worthy of attention, as just at this time (notwith
standing there are some which would tain black
ball Buchanan) he is the bright particular star ol
all the Federal Locofoco Democrats.
He starts right off with a curious historical feet,
(which refers back to Jefferson, when every school
boy knows that Buchanan was a Federalist and
an opposer of Jefferson, and Madison, and Mon
roe)'-that the Whig party slowly and reluctantly
yielded their nequiesence to all these Jeraocratio
measures that have m,w become the settled policy
oi the country." That’s assertion enough, but do l
proof, although one would deem from hta ample
historical njaleriul, and from the quiet shades of
Wheat Land, he might adduce one admitted fact.
But he has some words for the dowotrodden
people of Europe, which are all correct sad proper,
but not one word as to the great questions which
agitate our canvass, as to whether protection is
needed for our coal and iron, and whether he
think* California and New Mexico should be free
or slave. You don't catch old birds with springs.
Van Boren put his foot into it in the Texas Lrtter,
Css* in the Nicholson letter, and McCandless
witu Clarion Letier, Poik with his Santa Anna
Letter, urui I mignt multiply lodenoitely—but
enough. Here ;* a new non committal alter (he
most approved method ot that ancteut iniriguer
M. Van Bnreo, wnich throws into the shade all
Van's later productions, and which evideacee that
Buck though in the sere and yellow leaf, still wants
ir *ops of friends. Only imagine the chagrin of
casting vote Dallas, as the Pennsylvanian comes
into his hands in the morning, with Buck’s corres
pondence. does be say about my vote on
the Tariff of '42, tnat measure we bath swore by—
not a solitary syllable—not one word for bis o d
iron friends; but I am thankful he don’t speak
about that business, although common courtesy
required some notice of our change of opinion ou
toat subject. I trust hi* reception is the Iron City
will be as warmly enthusiastic as mine. How
glad the manufacturer* Were In see me. 4Vcll
iws; rather flat, but Us past, and I should refrain
from bitterness '’
“But what says he of slavery’ l have him
neutral, for tbe south are unanimous for me—at
lea*t they were before ! <-»m that cursed vole.
Alas, tbe ingratitude of met.: I fear me, that like
my predecessor, John Tyler. I uni in the shades of
reliraoy. with nought bui ihe comforting reflection
mail have always voted for the interests ol my
‘•Woat, never a word on the Wilmot Proviso'
Non cnnmiltal on} every .thing ’ Methinks the
sage of Kinderhook ban an npt *riioUr"
‘ I’ll read no more, u *enrs my eyeballs —for
Buekan's issue have I n.eil my mind and cast my
vole. Hence hated Pennsylvanian ’ hence unreal
mockery, hence ' Koruey .always was a Inend of
Poor Dallas! no wonder you should hope that
your esteemed friend Buck should be gratified, a*
von were, with a turn out o( trie working men ot
the roiiiug mills, glass bouses, and cotton mills, lo
see on what meat this Cfemr feed*, who labored
hard to reduce their wages to tea cent* a day.
i foals of fire on hi* head ' Why. there's plenty of
eonl and iroD both, and from our abundance ought
we not to pour out a liltle for Pennsylvania’s
favorite son’ Come out laboring men, do honor
to ynqr worthy Senator and Secretary ol State—
eive him a cordial greeting. In rememursnee of his
services in your benalf —don't grudge him a heart*
-hake oi vour hand, for hit design wa- io elevate
the Jaborcr to the height of European l-'xir
A serious fire occurred at Vicksburg .< ■. the \| ,j
uIL, which destroyed 20 buildings. Aiiftra is a
list orthe sufferers
! ft A G-melta, crockery, china and variety store,
furniture. William M Moore, lamiiy grocery;
Sxmoel Luni wooden, tenement, and large lot of
lumber; B B Harwood, MsgMrnte’* office; R Bl
uett. law office; B L George, magistrate's office,
Jstnes trwin. family grocery; A Hart, coffee house;
Samuel Garvin, dwelling, 3 C Field, family groce
ry, Mr McLean boarding house; Thomas Shep
pard, carnage shop, house formture, Mri. McGe
hee, milliner shop, M Kittell, tailor nhop; Mr
Steele. confectionary, , cabinet shop, S B
Hedrick, paint shop, Mr Miaz*;, conf-ctirioery and
fruit store, Henry Lee. barber shop, H J Hrbn--i
clothing store, Lom* Pcvnnt, coffee bon*c, M- ■ f.-
nella'n coffee house (large building formerly known
as the Southern Hotel); M Nagmon. saddler, T
Hannegao, laitor, Mt*a Plnahe Bryant, dwelling; A
Gamble, marble store.
A *wisoi.t avd ex rrosuw. I‘hc following, from
the Pbiladelpma Ledger, of Weducsdny, reveal* a
phase in city life, wn:ch may be acted over again,
aod sbonld be a wurning to those who are unfor*
tuoateeaough to want employment .
“For Home weeks back, a firm, styled Tayton.
Brown ft Co., hailing from one ol the otfi ea «t Ob
Walnut street, have been advertising Inrgrlv the
public papers, offering great inducement* per
son* out ut employment. They professed t<> ‘i.ive
the mvM eligible situations for clerks and
within their knowledge, and promised lo furnish
■ utelligence of them to applicants at reasonable
rotes. Indeed, they professed to have peculiar
advantages, having a special agent who undo it
his business to make application io the principal
buameas men in the city, and asceru u
io want of assistant*- T ran spare l' ns these in
ducements must have been, tl belli, s matter of
notoriety that no merchant need be aj hour with
out a clerk or salesman, so many applicants are
ihere for such situations, yet “Payton. Brown 4s
f’/o succeeded in attracting many, wh.» paid them
f>, 10, and as high as 920 to be guarantied situs,
lion*, with salaries varying from $3OO in SI..MW u
year. Their general course of business wrm» to
have been, lo fix the first Of October ts the day on
winch the seeker was to be inducted into his new
siiuaiioo, and each one was requested to <••<11 at
mat lime, when tbe whereabouts of bis place
should be famished him. Yesterday being the ap
pointed time, groups of men began to gather about
the office of Paytoa, Brown 4c co., at an early hour
ia the morning. By nine or ten o'clock tbe crowd
had become uease; it filled np the entry and crow
ded Ujfl pavement; loud knocks were marie at tbe
door of the office, bnl with no response. 41 length
it became evident that Payton, Brown 4e Co. were
tunat, and the duped crowd slowly dispersed, de
ploring their luck, and in no enviable stale of mind
in regard to the deed verm. It is calculated that at
least a hundred persons sailed at the office yes
terday, io obtain the location of their situations,
and the rogues reaped so exceedingly prolific har- I
Tot the Pituburgb llaxeue. I old Zaefc and hi* Cnbinet will daily frow stronger 1
la the “Pott" of thia morning are two attack* on the it> the confidence tad affection of the people.
Conaty Commissioners, containing the bom vile and I me i agenUemao here from Porto Rico, a few
ntter falsehoods, and, as lam personally referred io in 1 a atoce, who came on to complain to cur gov*
this matter. I have thoogbt it but insure u> myself. a»1 ero ®? n ‘ th * l lbe Spanish authorities in lhat ialand
am about retiring from the office, to take wore oouee ““ e : 5* ®«yy«r. past, been*tnforc
af . . .. _ . , an old «>y*l decree which require* all foreign-
Dan nf icj« itua * ey c °". fv en * reading there to take an oath of allegiance to
part of l&UMnotlMa, as the Post ha. it| «t!h*m Ar-, her Catholic Ma W . Many hundreds of onr
thurs. with •om« one hundred and rturty other*, cm- i IZcni have thu* been compelled either to exp&rr -
tens of the sixth, seventh, eight, and ninth wards, pc- ate iDr-mselve*, or to suiter heavy losses of prop--
Uttooed the Court foi the appointing of viewer* to »*• iy by fleeing those islands. Complaints had, 11
•ess on ihe eouuty damage* which they alleged they i »*'d. been made under former adnuntstratin -
bid sustautei by the Opening of streeu and alleys ‘ without rrcre-s—he Was promptly informed, how
through their propeny. • ever - b T tb * Secretary of Plate, that soon alter hi*
The Court accordingly appo.nted R. K McOowsn ’ c f®' D * IDtO O, Ec«. his atlenuon had been called to
David Irwin. John Caldwell. James Marshall, and 1 hereafter oor people would
Thom., Diction, u, . . W , of U>. cc » - " v !fo ""1 od "“ d " re ”' . , , »
. . , ' , i observed in yesterdays Luton a denial, m toto
d “'*«~- -h. IO now it,, I cb.ijoJ .~m„ tbu p.per in
“ d «. ib, dom.,e». AIW 6lio, Her rrpom. bill „„ i„, t„„. Tim „ quo , ed by mo.
before they bad been acted on Coon, me Com- was -no matter whm face it might ns*uai*\ they
misaioners and their attorneys, M e*»r* Forward and ft he editors of the Union) were determined’to oi>-
Todd, together with many other citizens of the county. po«e >t, (ihe administration of General Taylor) u i
petitioned the leg islaiare, and had the lis >o altered the biller end ’ Thia, the Union say*. *■ is utterly
that t„e county was only liab'e for one four.h th? dam- not a word of it ever appeared in the ed:lo»
ages, and making it the duty of the viewrr» ta ai»es» r - ,li ««*“ <*>»»»«< the Union." Now if the editors
the balance on the property tenefmed by the opening 'Tw'wLd Cb# ? e “* * ,th 8 fWn f ,e '? quo ’®
. their exact words, terfidtiin ws hfttmtmt T srlrnae .
of said streets. The Coart reappointed the same per- , h . . <- ' 01 f '****’»»«, l aeanowi
. . . , the . oro, but 1. they pretend to assert that in their
sons to view and asses, the damage, and l.emh.i dr- cJlloria | column*. of 3d 0| AnßUlkt , they did
nved from the opening of said streets, and they report- no , declare ihal - whatever face the future might
ed during the spring of IMS. In those «i>ori* 1-ui wear, we mean Io oppose ihe administration ol
number) the viewers suite that they were duly sworn 1 General Taylor and lus eabu! to the bitter end.”
according to law. and, in eacn report, return the nun- • ih*u 1 can only say that either they or the whole
ber of days they served tn viewing and ns*e»siag the ! wor * d beside* are completely blind,
damages or advantage* in that particular case, the - ire. ga thar such difference there should be.
whole being under oath. I would ask .he of ' ‘ W ‘ Xt ,w " dleJ “'" ‘“I dec “
the Post how the Comimisioners could avoid (he pav
ing of the viewers lot the number of day» they return
ed. The road law provides that each viewer shall be
entitled to one dollar per day, to be paid out ol the
County Treasury, upon the production of a certificate
from the Clerk of the Court of Quarter dial
such service had been performed by him Now what
course was left for the Corcniisstoi,ers to pursue tui
lo payi the newer*’ They had no |io»»il>;e mean* ot
aaccrtainrng the number ot day< *|»en: by Diem, ri
cepi l>y iheir own return ami the certificate ot the
Clerk of the Court—they could hare iio Uivr.-uonarr
power in Uie matter.
But why did not ibe Poat give the whole fact* 1.1 ihe
cate, a* be pledged bimaelt be would .Mr Diokaou
claimed pay lor Its day*. the number be returned in me
report*. The Clerk of the Court rertifiea n—the law
direct* lhal the Coiumiaaionert tballt>ny n Mr Harper
knew ttrnae fact*, and pledged hunaeli tr> puMi.h ibe
whole laeia, yet did not do it. but mated wn»l he knew
lo be falae— lha. the lee bill* cl the viewer* were i,,.i
made out according to law. «tatin* the number > f du\ *
•pent by them. Mr Harper wa* «newn ihe t'eriihcuie
of tbe « lerk of the Court, aiaiing ih-: r untier m . nv.
each viewer had aervrd A* to Mr lioniCy'* profit
ing against ih- of tbe viewer*, n ,» r matter
entirely new to me One thing- 1 know, hr wai mil
“overruled,” n« Hated In the Poat for be had nothing
tu do with u. a* ii« ha* no vote m our hosrd
In reference to Mr Forward’* par. I will eoiiio-i m)
•ell with saying—Pint: It i« i ot true that the only ner
vier he rendered wn* h -p-ech <d twenty minuir* in
the Supreme Court He *o engaged by the Commi*
uoner* to oopoae ihe confirming ot the rrp»na ol ib«
viewer*. He at*i*ied lo procurr the c range in 'he law. Uie change. hr made and defended »uecr**iully a
mono*! telling aaide tne whole of the view* mn<te i.r
fore ihe chance in the law From tbe deciMon ol
Judge Pailuo. the oppoalle panic* look an appeal. ami
he (Mr Forward) argued the queation in ihe Su*»eine
Court, where the judgmenl ol ibe Court bemw w<« «■
firmed —thu* *avi g the Couaiy from ih* prym-ui <
at Iran a quarter ol • million of dolur* iaecoiri It.
noi true thai Mr Icromi* wa« ih* only per*nn w.l t.j
the oppoaite party, .Me«»r*. Imtng. Melon, W.ei.'a,
WilU.TJilmore, Imomi* and othrr», were irrd i.j ihe
d.tferent applicant* or damage.
Mr Harper drag* into the it»*ne 01 falsehood# the
fart oj my being a brother of Mr Forward * *r*n <n
are made acquairned wuh toe lact ihat I dm ui!t giv
my eon*eni to the payment of Mr Forward * i-i'l
did I *ign tne warimi for it* payment I - juMiee 10
She other Cotursutioi er» i wouid any. Ibr bn. wj, no i
paid without consulting uiauy of our iro<i j.riumneu
attorney*, who all agreed m aaying the bn.' n..t
10.1 much. I w.ll alao atnte ibrt Mr Forward rcr-ived
from the my. by the aa.uianre of many Ib-nm-ratie
member* ol Council, ihrec nine* tbe amount In: did
Irnai the coonly for conducting amj gaming a *u'i m
which there wrfa not one third ihe amount m aiakr.
In I'ooeluaion, I would limber alale that hud u not
Keen for the exertion* of ihe Comiuia-mncY* and ihrir
iiuorney*. Mr**n> Forward and Todd, ihe rouniy
wou.d have had n. pay the neat intte turn <»> uvn i,, t
dred and filly or three hui.urcd ihi>a*a<nl do.'nr* for
tne opening o( a lew »trent* m .he \« r». u «-
l ' 1 )' JOSEPH T M \Kh-*
r I' , IIK H.»nrrt ». y-hool Dlrrrior* n.' lb- ?»b Ward.
1 wid m—t lor in- purpo.c m rxsrainmg th- npp.i
r»M« n.r m- mu- d-parimeninl' ib« taut Ward School,
.. . SaiuriU\ . ;!•- KJ:h dsy nr Oct i:tat . at 1 i.Vlovl. I*.
: M . a; ib- Public School lliiu*- maud Ward AH
.u-i'Vsuon* ti. !- made to inu K.-rd, President. or W.
. iVjrinev. Secrenry, (ircvioa* lo »«id meeting.
Hi orJ-rof tor Hoard.
oc'ti.mwttr* * W S. ruCRTNK.'.S-c-'v
From ihe Uuto Repository - ■
Ohio and Penneylvault Ball Rood. • N 11Rl f' r " nr
At the letting of this Road, on Friday In.t, ih- i-’ bbU and kgs Gjldrn Syrup. IW bn rno Clirrie,
sections were assigned to the followim; named err 'i b ?' Caee*c. :? b*. white Jl-m-j,
n ' > rto .Mar-it'o.ii and VemucriJi,
sons. We learn their bids were oa vciy loir *•' «k» 1m- bury .*a't, &> bush i>an.
lertna lor the company. The number ot bids |>rr- i •n!ii r piVVi"*^Vvrr7VTf- I Ki-<j d ims' > °° lonK Te *'
eeoted were numerous } »n 'l It Runn<;
«) Michel i,l 91 S.m’l Wi.Uod. J - t~
81 John Maloney 96 P. H BUfce, Cameo. h M>l« No h Mvirrl. 2t> | and $ bb.s No 2 do;
62 Caleb Sweex-y 96 T. AiUnu it co ! i 'I” d- i »«imai' fo» «ui-bv
S 3 Wiliisrd.Cay 4c ,- 0 ;>7 Same , 'T'- 1 „ J 11 Wl '•‘• lA <•":^t>wind_W-Ml_.t«
W Same h* MotWth Jr Kan,on ; 1/ i.ol. K—Jo -i.'. .up-nvr Flo--. ;H .j rec'd’.rwt'iJr
SO Jaa Gormiey Jc cj >.»9 yame i 1 *'•'* ,v «>oi<i AKM-* ntoNti v CKOZKK
56 Petrie 6c Smith 100 Russell Jc Gttna / ml- Fry.--. 1 - . Kio Cotf-e. on band* and mar
-57 Wizard, (Jay At oo 101 Saam V_V ri-?«, l»r««.-ny A CUUtKKTSrON.
Sa Felix Dutfia Jc co I*2 T. Sontt Jc oo ae <! 1,3 Liberty »i
69 Same 123 J H Patton it rn ' r l’.» l t.\f< t. s * ..-«rted and mm— brand., o.
90 Same 121 Weave* & Moore A Maiiui*»-tu’»»l I'nbscco, 5 «t. W’* and Ilb lump.
91 Andrew Rmlley 125 So men fc Nelson IOM uaod '*"‘ l •*'* *7 A CtIUJKUTSi.y
92 Smm’l Wintrudc 126 Howard & Hdl m. ' M ~ '' l t< ' •* Su a •‘• d No J Mwicr-., ao a„ >„ .
93_ Same X* llernux. o.i band and lor by
The Depot, we are pleated to learn, lias Keen nc lrt A CI'LbKKTSUN'
determined by the Director* to be located at Can-| \lTl.\lr iw c,l. In* nil) and HuiiWin
ton. i T V ‘low on band and lor »a>c by
Now r» the Road baa been commenced in this ! A Cl LBKRI^ON
county, and la In able band*, which jroamnties its r |VA?'-twi pk*« Yoon* Ilvuan. and
early completion—lt becomes the hundred* who 1 { S' » T-a». i n b»nJ and tor »tl« uy
have not already subveebed to the stock oi ihi
imponant work, to do so i ninediaic y. every
man come up to the work of making up u>e amonut
pledged by the citizens of Stark county —wr,<cn
is yet deficient. Coote up. iboc. one and a!i and
make it np. It is your interest as wel. ns d ity
to do iL
After the above warm type, wo received the
fjllowmg from the Chief Engineer, which v« pub
lish with pleasure-
. _A£ri.BKRTS<JN. «
Mwum 0-. 1 ISM '(MU KMC*. ”■
Editur ofttu Ohlv liepntuory. P«OTKCTiq» FIB* *„ D
J)x*»StJt: Ttunkmg it probable (hot >oii wM . ''Y of - ii.\KlVoK ti,'.< in v*™’
wish to give some editorial notice of u»c iri'.iiit'. I wi i wSw S laroiiroaarur i*’t9...i'
send you a h«t of tae contracts ailoled by th-r ; ‘ r - mumv <' Slock, aud Surplus Food,
Board ofthe Director of the Oh'o nod IVnn*vl* 3l»t>00,000.
- s "‘ir;:, zrx-isxxzxinzsS'
aav toe 29ih of September. Uouw*. Hoti.rtimJ t-uruiture. Store*. rtiort« of Oood«.
The work it let at fair price*, somewhat below Wurmoutf mid ••omrnu, M-lia «ml Mnuutnotoncii
the Engineer's estimate; and if the cili*en» of Ac . ir • a< * "* l BAMAOK UY FIRE
Stark and Wayne coonties, wbo’have BObsertiied „ ' , ' "l 1 4 , a^-.m-i
to the Slock of the Railroad, to grade nod bridge : £££„,'£* ve?"“. i"**™* 1 *™*' «**•» “P«» <*«
it own territory, will pay tip their Ti.r proir, non insurance Company bavin*. mine
instalments a* the proper progress of [he work ■" *') rar«, p*j i »*»r or ixuxam at their
will reqmrr, tt will go on well, and otherwise nol i * e, " r * ! * JP -" , ' lr ‘ throughout tor l nurd tb»ir. and the
u,..„.u r .h,.d,p..d. „ PJ „ .h o m»i™, :r
llw, .tool, w undent.nd u. | „„„ „„
The work tel embraces twenty-two mile* ol .oimii-iu >,• Amr, <•» The sunr* e d rurmci from m
light work m Stark county, extending from the ' 0,1 l;, c *at>jrri .>Mn*or*nc*- Comp-itics. takr.«
Ml. Union road, by Louisville and Caiuoo lo Ma«- ; tu ’ '' w ' 1 I ,a V Hook, nUu.u* hrictty rhr
lion. ‘ '"rleVLue! r.l w ti,e°Jnrr"-t
Five reclioas ol heavy work Were aU> icl... ivi»u. ~• f -T-!
Wayne comity, extending from the Sugar creek ;4m >u» in?.>,.i a,« i .n„n i„r .r,- r , f ., m-erruoul
summit los |>oint near Wooster. nt>d n 0... ► . «i„: u i*«ry•uc<-e»» w.m wmeh im)
The eontrnclors arc at work upon Ihe |.r<* m •u-u'H'vd ror ( >. rat‘.>n« of in--, dr
j ß r' , r/"’i' p v'T T,'? r;
July, and the location through I-olmntnaiia n,un- dm. » <r ■ c-mion ..mine l itir.r n«k» m „ ca ,.
ly IS progressing rapidly Rcapcellully your*, :> ever) r*i„i.- Ur l men. and hive never failed m
SuLOMON W. ROBEBrS : l '" : ' H-n liim.mrinhir .<■■>(« Which they i,sve m.urra
( hiel Unginerr. Ai. ,o«'r. npou |mlnie« issued liy ihr umlcr-
Th«- B-. Mil e.eclej l»ea. Uwigtit JarV'r ul ’.'n*. ‘ l? , r<l ' * l,t hr prompiiy adjusird and pud at ihr (i«n
-‘ • r»I A ern< > fitiirr mcaird al'"'iiicinnau, O A larse
•dton, a director, in the place Wellman. I’ori.m, ..f ul. of the Con-pa„y. all
resigned I' r,v-d ai ihe Wcsiern ageucir«.i i, dr-
, p.i-Urd wilh lir lirn-tnl Acnii of the Company at
Ihe sectiou* Irom *X) to 1 01 inclusive, nre in th:a * im.-oiiiM. ,<■ r -hr p«) mrnt yi \Vr»tern ntul i*<>uilierii
rounly. .nd Ihr oth.r. .. W, f « Wr i "T«« r.,d2ivi!,d TaZIL.,
learn a few more nectious would have t«een let r ” u, ‘ | v orti. d:tm
but for the want ol the release ofibe right m ' OItKAT UAUaAINB,
wov V AU Arrt: KKAt ' >'d*TAm ar auction
’ _ _ » Hi" 'V *rr,|..-r will olfrt at pu-.lie
* 'irrrtpcruJ «•«>•« oMbr Am r. „„ c.r,. \\| xltM «f l.«Nd ~Tn
WasUI.IOTON, Oct 'i 1 *>| 0 ' ALifKllPiiy count) ndiot '•lll* tlie
’ pr»P'T!\ of V> -i-n-n l ,***• k>. !'«.] .„n WinO. ru „ H , Bf
The rumor put lbr*b by aeverd letter writer* i*w rlrmn.h, t•. ..-..mji, Mv.rUeairr lute the
that there b«ve been criminations and rccmnmn- 1 P' M " J “ ! "‘ winch ha« t>m .uinti
tioa* between the Secretary of Slate anH Mr. t'nv- *" !<,d l, ' :o mr (inrUciirr*.
alio, the Chilian Mincer, in consequence or «oine 1 i., U ,!,*«'..• "" " Al ' Ac ruiuaiinn* >■
information harm* been obtained by Mr Cuvhiu/, So i • ; m ( . PfC (, P ,
through hit falner-iii law, from a cleric iu Hie l>e- i
partment, and >t the dert had been diutntaaed 1 • .*•
on that acrouii' iu*ed »otne eicitetnot lur a day : 1 ' 1,1
or two on the enuc, and much inquiry ar ti. • '* l
who the dfbuquwt officer could be There tin* : r t - tj
been, as 1 ain well informed, no dismissal for any r j
such cause, nor have toy angry criminations and '' • " *i
recriminations oceurcd between ihe funrtioiißne- 'j 1 ,
earned. Mr. Cavsllo may have obtained informs- ' u .. -
tmn iq the manner *|»ecificd through some of ii,r* : ; •
jl l m oral e clerks dismissed from the Dcpartineui -n « j\
kuoq after the fourth of Mareh but if *g a has cans- |;J W 1
ed any angry leelmgs whnicver between Mr Cav. .. J” “
alio and Mr. Clayton. ,
Though the Union and its afflicted sub-organs > it* - ; k,
are using the mo»t d'bgent asd untiring efioru to 1 “ - * t'J
mahe Uie people believe that Mr. C.nyum. for’ si •'» “ *•
want of tn'-i ol diploma<'V has brought iI.M-nrJ be- *■*.J 1 " 1 cc * n ■
tween and him 'he whole ‘ corps dip omaiique.* m.d i ; , . ...... \ „ «o t*r ti.*>Vdr«Tf>V>e-'«iV^*u't
iam danger .•( mvolviiiit in iu a war with atthr nj- m.-- < '-.,0 rive-. u ».l the’ lt-.vrr
lion# ol the world, 1 may say with perfect safety T,,| i. n ■» m a i >rn«niii, and iiirmu about ,tu
that no Secretary has ever been more entirely re*- Ir " ,ulr * dove from hr old Ailerhrny limlgr Some
reetful and imurteoua >n all hi« intercourse with hJ-r 'nl' Iffl'r n ">>!?,*s" u, ‘ ,Un *
Foreign M n.-ter*, and the future w ill *how b.- t>->.nin-l u . rvr, .H.tnc of gW. j£,Ve waio^
yond all peradventurr that be hasuiwayi ;>ut our « dome ' u-'u-. »» m ihr . me*, urfd Biber«, d*-
Govennehl in the, right, and wtilie rxereuwiiQv' * r,1,1 ‘ ’«ie"i country »-nt*. aeee«*ililr a’l all
the "tuavtlrr in moJo, n haa preserved the "futitirr < 'i.frley.f r», .Salary mm, Ar Ac will find
... ...” We bnVe m Ibe Imlhexei.ij.lified,n il,e ' ***** " PP " rU "'' > ' “ P>~"" ebmc. Ir
matter of the French Minister, who though he bus Hum »f ii>r im. (•»>, hr .ern at tha o |r
been dismissed l»r having rcpealedly insulted our R ,| l Jlc 5m i I'ui-b rg'.i, acd adjoining the premises
tiovernment, yet baa never received one nr J*hmuci Dan*, who will »how the property i<»
aylable from the Seereurv which wan in the least 1 |,f r° **.
. . , . , . . m me ichbi raaus nr >*li—One fourth itrcash, and the balanc.
degree undigmOed or divrespecifuL 1 llir , c , , iun .i a,,.,,,,,! lu.iamirnm, wuh inirresi
The story which places the Secretary and Mr. red h> b<»n. , » and tnort-agr. Sale positive—mtemd.*!
Cra.mpton, the British Charge d’Atlairen, m angry »riidtw JOHNSTON R l»AVis
controversy on the subject of the claim of Ena- .
land fo Ibe Cowl, la equally idle a, d «.. , W "““ ? d *
as utterly uofuiii.dcd in fact. Thai shallow and I wim^uic^noVlt'cur l.uM-io." n T*'
fltmsey claim will, however, m duo season . >„. Address -s. \V.,- Box Iwo"
doubtless bo fully discussed; and 1 venture to orr- 1 * ,O “ <><bre *
diot thaf when it comes in be debhied by the two 1 TO TI X N ItKS.
governments. will be convinced that she T'INNKRS wul find « complete ai«onmem of il rn «a
is in the Wronc and will quietly yi e |«] | 0 Oof 1 Krit>* Jaiumjcd sud Urum CauJie«uck>. Fire
mand tor an equal right of way to all nations across >!,nveU »"d Tong.. Bnuders. Hkiuimcra and f.«.
the territory which has been freely otlcred l»v F, ” fc *' «nd ail other kinds of good* u.u-
Mr. ond d.< «-Jtotn m.y ,bu.r the ..ciJIOMV DL V«KK ro-l .m „„ r
Admtnßtratioo if H can atrord loom any consols- ±j vm« im u*»al Fall mappiy of khtouoar Hlanketi
ttoa for their losb of public pap—they may lilubt<e« : whi-i, will i,e mid ai a .mall advance on manufaem’
like whipped babies over the fate of ejeted spoils- rer* pne«*. <>cta:dlw JOHN 9HKa.
men —they may continue ff it atlll suits their views j*)— 1 *'* ■* ULA NKFrs— l iiave~7u*t
of pnthotism, to stile with foreigners who presume i * ro.-eived a few fine Fremivm Blanket*, 0 f
tn leemre u. U|wn u.e djgn.iy of oar natioii.l ! “
rine—they may chuckle fa advance over adran. : oeis;dtw JOHN shf.a
Uger »hiel. lh«y J««Ir« m«y be t ,i n «d In n dmlo- | DU.olatlo* »f ci-P.rtn.r,Klp“
malic debate bet*.--'. Jdr foYemment and En,- p ,„„ cr „„ p pmuto , b .
land upon n qoesu- " which involves the greoi 1 •u'-»er,*. under the *«>ie of Brown .k Culhert
interests of our »»'•> erco and navigation, in the *<•«. w*« dis^,» e a on iho I*l mat. Ur maiaai enasenu
hoiie Uial such thin - will help Ibem to raram M. B. BROWN,
power and plaev-- »t is all ‘•vanity and fex- Oct. 5, l-m> A. Cl/LUKKTSON.
atiou of apini" T V may howl and bark.onr
asd all, -Trny, Blan- u, and Sweetheart"—but uu*
moon wiU sh>ne on heedless of their yelping, and
Aitray is Parkkrjbcrr —The Parkendmrg
IrAieUe notice* that cn week before last, an aiTrty
occurred belwrjn some of the Grand Jurors of
llwt county, uqiJw J. Jackson, Est], Prosecuting
Attorney. It was occttaioncd by the Jury making
two presentments against Attorney Jackson for
assault and battery, and hts charging them, in hia
defence, with not doing their duty.
C.y“ DisbaHs or tub I.ivca— When the celebrat'd
Dr. Ku<h declared ihai drunkenness wa» a disease, he
enur nuted a truth which the experience and observa
tion nl inedi-ul men i> every day confirming Tlieun
hapfc, a hi! 100 many apparent!)-msaue excesaet of
those who mdu'.-e in ilic use of spirituous liquors, is
thu« nrcoiiiced for The irue cause of their conduct,
wHirn i* tak-n i.>r infaluatioti, is very frequently mmul
in « diseased state el ihe liver No organ in ihe liu
tuae *y stem. whr it defaulted. produces a more frightful
r i:a -Vii • Oi ili«e.««e, \ |„J u. m-lead of applying rr
urra-i Tur-e-siurUM oi the diseases enumerated tin
eased over i>ie-l>r (Juan's great wort )
] Inlge-I.oii <l.l i-ai:-- of the Menses f.'-.sliveneas, ami
1 ge.irra: t leeulartt) tii the action or the t.owels are ills
; e»«e« •.riatoai.i'-.- m ihe sain- prolific cause, us is also
j ih*u !rea<le,| scourge Dtsrirsu Tlio»e who are af-
i<-f ih«* j.j i* Dr M''. Liv^r
•nr- ni iirpHtta. nr hirer Complaint
I £* ’ ’l'’ l, « J Kil)l» A ('U ,No ttt» comer o: K»onli
! and Wood >: . rm.l.urylt [,>cti-d4wlwS
A In* l.tii- rrv .I'nrr in Dumb inwnalup. on tt e lih
m«t N; i H""«nr Knu. m the M«i year of lu« igp
.0 ' Th' - .Icc' «»ril w ;• *>t>rn in I.aur»«i«-r county, I’a . but
noi . Kin'- in ”i- \V->i in u» rsr!y hutury, tin»in< occupied
n "! I-'uii'-ril llu« mornuiif at 10 o'clock, and prococd to
Taaehera Waa|ti]<
Sl't.AHs-. I.
1..». lud rulvrrued **u<*u
•i,j j u;><>«c. k<-[n coiutauily on band and iqt
<»i-2 A Ct'I.UKKTSON'
\Mt _ i.'A.NDLKWICK-10-J !,a.e* on
The •uliicrib'-r will •■onimae the Wholesale Oroec
iy and Conuuuaion Uuameas. at heretofore, at the old
•tasd, 145 Liberty »t. octi A CULUBSTOON
DxraxncK'T or th* ijrmai.
Owe* Iswa* Arrun SErrmn ». t*t9 ,
SEALED PROPOSALS will be receded *t <he Of
fice of the Cotnrai*«»oner oflmliui Affair* at Wub-
until 10 o’clock on Thursday, the lot day
ot November next, for funilthini; the followm* rood) i
m the qnaiiuue* annexed, or thereabout*, lor i|ir u»e [
or >h- and Wlm-M. i. .bd ai.y Of New | o, „ . T .ml '4O caw. .ad haW!%'«'“ V.rt, B«.,
• ' , i " M.nV.a.. m Urn. cMiaa amt at dM, JU»at>W 08. •CoW*«k
HUnlat. FA 1.1. and WINTER HOODS. which for cTtent ard , jg bolf , White and \eJlo» H-ANNELS, a
2.100 pair* 3 point white Mackinac blankets, to T:,r -eiv lie. pr--<.»•.>y , IC vrf l*cen equalled in the West- : *»wir.ment for sale lo w &T lb« bale at piece,
measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh eight ; ern r,, “ntry. I'ooemun;; n>e -aoe faetiiue* and «0- ! receuc< i direct from manufacturers.
Hound*. r, 1; 0y.„ .. Ks.wr,. iU>n.c.. by ham« one > nROADCLOTHS anil CA*SIMERE9, of tfce Aao»>
1 ‘JOO pairs 2* point while Markmar blanfceta, to j ofar^u^’^^'^ane'AurtJol^H^^thry' 1 ' '•rretr. of 8. Slater * S^^ UU * Cmr P eM “t Fhr
jet 5,b! ' 66 ' nch ”’“ J ”** - swats t i
1 J7S |MI!» pojot Whitt Mackinac blanket*. in
measure 42 by 56 inches, and weigh five
and a qaarler pound*
930 pairs I 4 point while Mackinac blanket*, to
measure 36 by 50 inches, and weigh lour
ami a quarter pounds
-900 1 point white Mackmao blankets. to
measure 32 by 46 inches, and weigh three
and a quarter pounds.
400 pairs 3 point scarlet Mackinac blankets, to
measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh eight
300 pairs 2( point scarlet Mackinac blankets, to
measure 54 by 66 inches, and weigh six
LOO pairs 34 point green Mackinac blankets, to
measure 66 by Si inches, and weigh ten
300 pairs 3 point green Mackinac blankets, to
measure 60 by T 2 inches, and weigh eight
250 pairs 24 point green Mackinac blankets, to
measure 54 by 66 inches, and weigh six
100 pairs 3j point gentindla blue Mackinac
blanket?, to measure 66 by 54 inches, sad
weigh ten pounds.
400 pairs 3 point genttoellablue Mackinac blan
kets, to measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh
eight pounds.
300 pairs V 4 point Mackinac
blanket*, to measure 54 tjy’CO inches, and
weigh six pound*.
Dry (tooJt.
1.000 yards scarlet slrouda.
WO yards blue slto'id*.
1 ,SOO yard* fancy b«i cloth, blue.
750 yards lnn.-y list doth, scarlet.
350 y.ifil* fancy list cloth, green.
1,000 yicil-iMy h-' doth, blue
3 000 >mi* «n.c.l I>l cloth, blue.
1,600 v.vd'ruveil h»i cioih, scarlet.
bOO ' s?d« *Hv«-d list cloth, grren,
‘2-5 pH mis u-(.|«ir<l yarn. 3 fabl.
100 .1- zc,i ciirun ifag huudfcerciiirf*.
tt-'U >1../.<•« ca.loii Madra* iinmisercliiefa
H • d .s-n black n.k tiandk-r-hiefa.
90 dozeu-b-4 cotton siiAwfa.
dojen ri-t rolton ‘li'wi*.
65 dozen I 4 cotion shawl*.
40 dozen 3-4 wo dlen shawls.
2b (H)0 yard* domestic calico.
5,000 yards Kugli*h aod French calico.
4 0 000 yard* Merrimack calic*.
3 500 ynrds l»ue drilling.
5 000 yards Georgia stripes
4,000 yard* blue denims.
1.600 yards commode.
7.000 yards domestic shining, bleached.
15,000 yards domestic shirting, utihlescbeH.
15.000 yards domestic, sheeting, unbleached.
b.OOO yard* checks, stripes, aod plaids.
400 dozen woo’len socks
7,000 yards plaid lin»ey.
I .'dMl yards fianne's, assorted.
1,600 dznnel shirts.
700 calico shirts.
4 10 pound* linen thread.
55u (Miuodn cotton thread.
400 dozen spool cotton. No* l to 30
50 p-iunds sewing silk.
700 pieces riband, assorted.
4.300 yards bed licking.
1,000 yard* Kentucky jeans.
500 ya»da aatltset*.
150 gross worsted gartering.
200 pound* Chinese Vermillion.
2d dozen silk handkerchiefs, bark fir Bandana.
150 gross fancy and clay pij>es.
1.7*0 pound* brass kettles.
1 090 tin kellies.
76 nests ofjapanned kettles, 3 iu a nest.
276 dozen butcher knives.
23 000 guo o<nls.
25 g»o*s squaw awls.
7 000 fish hooks.
25 dozen fish lines.
25 000 needles v assoricd.
100 dozen combs, assorted.
10 dozen scissors, assorted.
10 gross gun worms.
1 2 dezeu axes, to weigh from 44 to 5} pound!
50 dozen half axes, to weigh 34 pouuda
24 dozen hatchets, lo weigh 14 pound.*.
Agricultural ImpUmftiU , tfc.
730 axes, to weigh from 44 to 54 pounds.
400 half axes, to weigh 34 pounds.
200 hatchets, to weigh 1J pounds.
'25 broad axes.
2i# drawing koives. 12 inches to length
700 equal proportions of 11, 1, and
4 lach.
1 50 pairs harries.
750 pairs trace chains.
300 pouods brass kettle*.
1,500 weeding hoe*.
175 hand saws.
40 cross-cut saws, 7 feet in length.
40 croiwcut saws, 6 feet in length.
100 nand-saw files.
100 cross-cut saw file*.
40 log chains, to weigh ‘25 pound.' each.
tIOO Whi'lemore card*. No 10
700 quarter* socket cbuwls.
90 planes, fore and ju,tk.
Northirrjt Guns.
6&0 Northwest sons, two-thirds of which must
measure 36 inches iq length 01 barrel, ami
OOfMbird 42 iotbes. lo be delivered in ihe city
of New York or Philadelphia, as may bo re
Sample* of all the above article* are dep-i »tied in the
other of the Uommissioner of Indian Aifnra; and it
m»y lie prnperto remark that ihora of hard ware. ngn
culimal implement*. and northwest mint are entirely
ue'» and ol letter quality than the article i heretofore
furnished under fonnrr contracts.
I*he proporals fijay be divided into four parts vi/
1.l Blankets. y
•J‘l Dry Goods
:,J - Hardware, to include agneultura! impi-mcnu*.
4rh North west (funs
The lowest comprint! responsible bidderwill receive
the whole or any part oi the contract acr ordi-ig to the
shove scale, the Department reserving tin uell the right
to detrntune whether the bidder it competent and re
spocsihle. or not.
The whole amount in money to be applied to ih»
purchase • eoo>i« will be aoom s9U,otj|i. hut the De
partment reserves toe light lo increase nr diminish Hie
quantity of any of the articles mused, o- subsutute oth
er* n lieu thereof, or to require, at similar prices, » u -ti
ns tnsy he wanted lor pre-ent* or other purposes, m
ihc adm ma.ration of the affairs of the Department ...
Good* of American manufacture, all other things txmg
"I*"' 1 - wi’i lx preferred; but aa all the sample, ot
b.riosci* s n< | rlothi are of foreign mannftteiure. it will
>x neet-ssnr) when a domestic- anictr ts bid lor. Hist a
t.i triple rf it mhou.d accompany the bid, 10 enable the
Ueprtrtrarnl to decide whether it is of equal quality
wnn the samples to b* exhibited
The party propping to supply the artirles will make
an in voire of nil lha items embraced in ihc above lid,
snd affix ihc puces, m collars and cents, at which he
or they will furnish them, deliverable in York,
iot n the contractor prefers it, shout one-half of 'li
quxnnty ma, l»c delivered in St ixruia. Missouri, liee
ot rxjxnse i i ihe Government.) on or before the ISth
day ot May next, assuming the quaintly of each am
eie as .pei ifi*,( m this advertisement, and exM-nding
the cost, making sn aceregnie ot the whole invoice
islrliHUig the hid The f.nods will be insprct-d in
Nrw York, la-id in St I-oim, if any portion of them
should be delivered there.) by an agent of the t'uiie.j
who will he a-pointed by the Department lor
ir»- purp»>se, and to ascrrtatn the coniomnty or tin
• rules pur based wnh the samples cxhnnW, when
the ponirart *hi\.l be made, aod with the term* or tne
enotrart ilseli. which sbaUcontain s etau*e thst if the
ariiece* are not iiimisied within the time,
nr if tney an- nf insufficient quality in thr op; non nr
the agent n'ofrsaid. and if Within five days aArr no
t.rc m rurh msuriieirnoy ihe party shall not fum.sii
oilier* in lien thereof ot the reuuired quality, the I 'm
w.i •‘tales shall lx nuthoriz d to purchase ihem nf
oih»rs. urtd in charge any increase of price they may
be etnnpel.ed in pai therefor, in ihe contractor, who
•hail pay the said dif.-ren.-e in the United Mates
Hoods will bo required. 111 the amount of ihr Imls.
with two go -d sureties. the sulficienry of whom to t»e
certihr-il b- :« United Stales Judge or District At;«r
■>e>. for the faithful performance of the eoniracta
i’nyraeni will he made alter the couiract is completed
and the delivery of the goods as aforesaid i„ an nv--m
;.i ih • Department, upon u duplicit- invoic- certified
I'.mimunicolion* to be marked ‘‘Proposal for In
dim goods "
The bids >vi I lx submitted with ihe following head
ing. and none will l>e received that are not made in
•hr iorm ami letuis here prescribed:
-I ;or we) propose to furni«b for ihe service of the
Indian Ds-pa;tnie’ l ihe following goods, at the print*
affix-d to them respectively, viz;
(Here insert the of roods.)
Deliverah'e in ihe city of New York (or s*t Loursl ou
nr before ihe day of next, nnd in ease of ihe
acrrptaix c nf his proposals, the quantity tiring p-n.
scnlicd by the DepailmenU I (nr we) will execute a
enntrant according tn this agreement, and give «a;i«
tnrtory ..-eunty in die Deportment wittun lendnv*
afiet the arc-qnanre «»i mi« bid. and m case ol fm-ure
In etitrr Inin «j-h CoMmct, and g;re such *ecuhiv,|
(or wrl will pay to the United Stains the diff-rence be.
tween tlx sums hidden ny me (or us,) and foe sum
Which tne United State* may be obliged to pay ior foe
same srtieles '
Ijich and every hid must also he accompani-d with
a guaranty in the fo. 'Owing form, to lx signed by one
nr more responsible persons, whoso sufficiency must
lx certified by some one who is known to foe Depart
m-m. either personally or by his po.mnn.
•'I ( or wej hereby guaranty font ■ me above
Iniller. will comply with the term* of the advertise
mem for -proposals for Indian good*.' dated »Uh rrap
iiniber, 1-41, if foe contract should be awarded to
him, and enter into hood for the execution of tbo same
within foe ume presented.'* (l. s )
ft s.J
Ommunoner of ludian Affairs.
oc(s liawflsiNov
tir DKiHV would hereby taform his fnends »nJ
Yy t eusiomers, and the public in general, that he
has jail received his foil supply of fall goods, cheap
ami good as usual
til pieces black and colored French, English and
American Broadelofos. of every quality.
lOi pieces black and foney Cassimere*.
Jtai patterns Vestings, many ol which can only be
had at this establishment.
si) do* merino, lamhswool and eotlon Shiru and
A foil and handsome lot of Cravats, silk Handker
chiefs, Suspenders, Gloves, Ac.
A large lot of fine ami common ♦bite Shiru.
Also on hand, 4M> drab, blue and black fell and blan
ket Over Goals, from 83.50 to BIILUO.
4no dress, frock, box and sack Coaxa, from f 3 to *3O.
A targe stock of fine and common Pams, Tram *1 to
slo per pair.
TOO Vests, ofvanoai materials, from 75 eta to *?.
A fine assortment of l&dtrs and gentlemen*’ Cloaks,
aiwuv* on hand.
N b —Custom work will receive particular atten
tion Handsome garments and good fits warranted.
Any person in want of clothing can be be suited to
Uieir enure satisfaction, at W. DIOUY'ft
ebeap Cash Clothing Store. 13* Liberty st
r| BANNERS’ OIL— IU bb)« Just rac'd sod for sal* by
A. A. MASON & CO..
i*nment* of DOMESTJf
tin* manufacture!« of New Kixlami. they are enabled
to otTer there good* at to* rate* than they can be pro
cured of the Jobber*
The far: that thru e»:«hii»hment ofler* equal if not
crew ter odvnntnce* in c»ery deicripuon of good*. than
ran l>e Lad East. hn»h*en clear'y demooatrated to
their iiumerou* Patron*. They feel confident If Mer
chant* pnrcha«inK F*«t. will examine
thru Knelt. they will be convinced that they can boy
the name uualny of food* oi'meh price* anil lave
tje eo*t of iran*i»>ruuon. and the nece*»ary espen*e*
anil tune of an Kactern tnp. Tber mention a part of
their clock wtuch will awari be found freah and com
Mcrntnark, Harm lion, Cocheeo. and Manehetter Cotn-
P«iuc»; alto from .he Print Work* of Dnntiell, !*• Allen, |
Sprmgur. Richmond A Carr, Cbapena, American, i
Adam*. Ae |
40 ea«e* GINGHAMS and CHINTZES, of the beat 1
130 ca*e* BLEACHED MUSLINS, of all the well 1
known and approved make*, for *aJe by the package
ni Agent*' pnrr*
bale* BROWN MUSLINS, of all wtdihe, quali
ties and pnre*
manager C. S. Porter
AUMiMiot— Dress Circle and Parqoetle -50 cU.
Second Tier .... .33 -
Tlurd Night of the popular American Aetrcs.
SiTCBOit. On 6 —Will be preiented a thrilling
Drama, called
• Mrs. Fsrren
• •Mr. Webb
I.urrrtia llorgm
Ti> cmtelide with the
Madeiame Mfa. Farren.
• • - Mr. Karren.
. M r. Robinson
By John D. Oavte« Anctlonaar.
I*irg* S<tls of llmuehold Furniture.
On Monday afternoon, Oct. I'm, ath’ooloek, at the
Commercial Sule-: Room*, comer of Wood and Fifth
Alt ellensive inomncnl of handsome well kepi
household Furniture, nearly new. having been in u»«
only a ihort lime, l.y n minify decliaing housekeeping,
amour which are Gur Mark walnut hair cloth spnng
srui Ciiuir* and Sof* to match, pier table*, gilt and
umhogany frame looking glasses, dining »»»d break foal
la'lrs, bureaus, lx><]«tradi, Windsor cualrs, window
MiniN, I'arior amt chamber carpels, Ac. Ac
Also. cooking su>yc, mid ■ variety of kitchen uten
sib. glassware, etimi, queentware, Ac Ac
, Peremptory Sait of Dry OautU.
On Monday, Oet. eih, at 10 o'clock, al
the Commercial Seles Room*, comer of Wood tad
Fifth streets, will be sold, without reserve .
An eiten«ive a«*or'ment of seasonable staple and
fancy foreign and domestic Dry Goods, which may be
dimmed previous 10 the sale.
Al 3 o'clock.
Groceries. Qucensware, Furniture, Ac.
3 Li < assoned glassware, 2! half bxa Va manufsc-
A large and general assortment of new and second
band household furniture, feather bed* and bedding,
tnuurasse*. carpeting, looking glasses, mautrl clocks,
lamps, window Minds. eookir.g stores, Franklin and
oliiii pattern stoves, kitchen utensils, Ac
Variety goods, ready made clothing, boot* and
shoes hats, caps. l< other trunk*, carpet hag*, umbrel
la*, fine table «»d {rocket cutlery, gold and ailrer
WHtCUes. shot gun-. Ac. oct3
Family BaroucJu at Auction.
On Saturont morning, (»ci, filh. nt It o’clock, in
from of the Comnirrcmi Sales Rooms, will be sold,
one handsome well finished Barouche, with leather
top a:.U iron aglet, ia good order.
»<;ts DAVIS, Auct
Volt obit Booij by catalogue
On Saturday evening, Oct. filh, at 7 o'clock, at the
commercial sales rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth au
Among them will lx tound. Goode’s Divine Rule of
Faith and Practice. 2 vols; Illustrated Na»ral History,
d v«l«; l,i>. le-ltrr. am! Journal of Samuel'CurwCn;
Universal Utptrapbicai D.cuoitary, 300 portraits; Mi
ner’. Hiatorv m Wyoming, Daisied'* Life of Richard
HI. Kirby uml Spence’s Natural History of lnse*ut
Parnell's Applied Chemistry; Armstrong'* Hisory of
the Wnr of Ir*t2, *J vols; Tredgold’t Elements of Car
pentry. Ac. Ae. F till parucwttk in catalogues. \
j*-ui JOTN D Davis. Aoet
Mantilla velvetr-m , o iored and
inacii Mik Mann.ia Velvets, of very tapen
or quality, just rer'd and lor sale al No. log Wood ft.
\1 Ot’RNINO BHAWLB-W blk Thibet Long
I»JL ior moorntag. also, 2d Mourning do do;
just ooemd and for tale, oetAlw JOHN SHEA.
DOMESTIC FLANNELS— SO pieces barred,
brown, wnite mil l>lue Flanucls. (Arthurs’A Brea
tn.uiu ai tu.-r) wint h *xe offered al very low prices
octAdiw JOHN SHEA.
NO 7 U WoOD street,
(cr sratKs.)
W’HKREwtli be found for sale an assortment of
»» vslnsbie religious Hook* sndTtscu comprised
■ti a «enc» of arisui.FoL'K HUNDRED differaut pub
lication*. (i.i wmeb catalogue* can be had on applica
tion.) embracing many standard works in Theology,
Biography. *p. Ac , selected and published by foe
Fre«bylensn jßoarJ of Fublicauon in i’biksdelphia:
and well adapted tor Sabbath School, CougregauonaL
Mmixiers' oi.d Frtvaio Librarie*.
Uerson* wtatucg lo purchase such books, ara invl
tod lo call and examine foe assortment
Toe Dcpoutory o ffo e Fennsylvania Bible Society
i* kepi a: for** rooms. oclidiwOmS
The Fagotto Mammftectnrlnff Coxwpanr.
L'INDI.NG their Wsrehouso on Second street inaiw*
JL quute lor retailing ihcir Goods, and wishing to
rive. a.I a C i a-cr. they will open on Mniket street, No
sti, a Bale* Room ior font purpose, oo Monday, the
lith ;n*t. wlxrr may be found « large and elegant as
•oriineiu at Family and Steamboat UlankeU, whieb
Un-y warrant ol; wool, and manufactured from the
very be«t material, and for a tower pnec than inch
good have ever be-n otfnred in this ctiy. oefoddw
ULOLR —bblsjust rec'd and far sale by
-A_ocis CttAlG A BKINNEK, 3a Market it
SI GAK-A few bhdt for sale by
or, ' i First, near Wood st
81’. Ft. Rl’KNTlNK—ao i.bls ju«t rac'd and for sale
by oeifl R Wood st
OILS, y i-.k- winter Whale Oil. bleached,
I '* Sperm ** just rec’d and for
’""’by ocfo RK SKI.LF.RS
TAK TAKir Ai'lD—loo lb* ju*l ree'd and for sale
1 >•) oms RK BELL ERA
INDD.ti —4*hi ll.v juvt rec'd and for ra'e by
Dnt'll .M.IUUKII-s r»ki ju*i rae'd and for sale
"y <-< t.i _ R K SKU.KRS
MAUUKK-0 csk* on roiiMgim.eui and for sale by
‘wd» A M CANOLFjtS
Al..' i'lt’L 50 i-g* lur sale ii"y
_ U l k:K 4 M'CANDLESS
(1 H fc> SK --0 i-x* extra cream, for salo by
WR. CHKKiK-aoti h«* prime W R Cheera: for
t 1 Round rt-.l’i'LK—Hi I.l* prime, for sale by
| jAURHf* FI.ANNV'L*t 'J c*se» Barred Flannels,
4 > ;u,i rre'd and lor -ale by ihe piece, by
•'«II I.KK, Liberty st, opposite sfo st
t'-RI CIIILKS -Dixon’s Ixst. lo bold
HII'K'KIS I" dor ;u-i rec’d and for sale by
BA ITINii - Jii i.nles tur sale by
“'• ,l _ STUART A SILL
J ‘IILKBL- IHI i. x * in -lore and for sale by
/ HlffON \ A ll N.h--Aa-orlcd. for sale by ~
V-/ oet4 STUARI' *• SILL, US Wood st
/ tIIKKSK 4iW i,x« iu store and for sale'by
xit Rdlir DAI//KLI.A CO. Liberty st 7
Ll L< *1 K--.. 0 prime, t„ r i«m,|v ura7 Hi store and
•* “u *ni. 1,/ SrUAKTASILL,
t,rl4 MB Wood st
/ ' I.M SUKl.l.Ai' —5 c-ase* for sale by
\JT oeil _ J HCHtKiNfiIAKF.R Aco
Cn-L-M - 'OI’AL - J cases lor sale by
* 14 J aCO
/ 1 HOf*KKH>. Al- —l4ti lihdt N (J Sugar
125 bl "‘ *-rW.
hall fhrsW Y H. ImpenaJ and G I’ Tea;
M fln I'owrhong do
Utu cuddy botes VH, Impl and G P do
11 J i»t« in«. 5 « and s‘» Plug Tobacio,
tuai* >'h**i«. ai liags Pepper; ’
.•> i./. \ -h e, I lib- Nutmegs, Vdo ('loves
'•> ‘ Mackerel,
• H-r'.i'H, jo bn#caleii Herr. hr.
:a’ Im, eak« Ombre .MaiMrr,
,i. . a- a- r». a-a.-roixni of Groceries anil I’ms
iiurg.i iiiaimi.n-iu e*, which we oiler for sale at me
iowo»i market rate*
Rhkv, Matthews a 00,
o ‘ ,i * ______ 44 Water si ,
KKKLKRS-IO dor ;u.t rre d and for sale by
°''' 4 >TUaIUASU.L
\J 'Ai.LIfTLR'S nINTMLN I *r„.* for »a>« ;y
f- T -l *«"' .1 BC’lli ‘ON M A K KK A.I'O
II s- .•) 1..,,., ~
• KCllir i;.\l.Zt.u!, it CO
S' ’• • L '' l • I .12 000 ;t>* HI- rtl ..■« ltu lined Spa n.
1 '' ' • > !■>. or »«Ie bT
"■'< ROOT HAI.ZKI.I. k C.’O
St i.i' mad Ca»aia, i.bc« C.ort*, IJo
i;- u J.) Mace. lor «» - ' t
y\ '•<" f J 'ii'IHHAMAKER *CO
Ki K- 1-j i . Iti -i iLe by '
»• " C H-fiRANT
FM.Ofll —M>.« I*iic (•'» **jira Family Floor, landing
trvm l.wk*- l-.tir mri .*mrrKgm, and for pale
t-v nil) JAMES DALZEU.
CHEE'i-.-- ui» CUenao, lanJing from Lake Erie
at»t Michigan, and lor *afe by
octl _ JAMW DALZF.U.
FIRK UKICK—I3«) Fire Hnck, In «u>re and for »oie
by ’ oei3 JAMB* DALZELI.
ON Tlioradar evening, while landing from the Mo
nongafceia atearaboat Loola M 1 La tie, a Woe Cloth
OVER COAT, trimmed wuh velvet. The finder will
be (nimbly reranfded by leaving ihe aatne wtlh the
proprietor* of the MonongaKela Uoqh. ocotdii
A GIRL to do hou*e work. A permanent attnatlqn.
and good wage* mil oe given. Inquire at thia
ottiee. oetfcdtT
WlpnJOVV* PAPER—SO® "pieeea of plain~Grwt
and Rainfiowed Window Paper, compndqg
many new and (elect puirma, on hand and receiving.
InraalMiy tpUP *. 0. HILL. 87 Wood at
[.'LOUR —si bbtvjan landing and for aaie by
r vpUi J a DILWORTH fc CO
efihJ HwiUoVud'liiwehMKr Work*; *Uo,Atll a*,
•ortment of Foreign manafaeture. .
50 cue*.Colaml MUSLINS, for **l« &T 0» cm* u
NELS, of *ll the o*a*l m*ke«; *l»o cl " B J^d n I VJR- fl _
More than 80 c**e«. Al*o. 300 piece* 1-tench Merino,
Lytmew and Paramatta Cloth*. ,
SILKS and SHAWLS—*» p*. of b aek and »ne?
Silk*; nearly 5000 Shawl*. lon* «n«l eqoare, Cl *u
kind*. Al*o, Vi*ete*, Cloak Scarf*. Ae. .. „
A foil *»*oruneui of White *nd Linen Good*. AIM*
Hosiery ABd Glove*, Etnhroiderie*, I**ce* end
, nun, M earning Article*, *ll qnaiiue*, *tie» *nd n»»*0
lof Blanket*. . _ _ D ;.
1 RIBBONS—SOr boxes of rieh Bonnet a«d Cap Kio
! bon*; al*o, Velvet, Silk*, Satin*. Ae., with, ® T ® l L£“*
jer description of Millinery article*. Tailor* mi**
'mint*, Ac. Ac. . ,
All of which, together with a jenercl uroraßCnloj
1 Good* of the newe*t and mo*t fublonable *tylea» "’M
be offered ai an extremely low advance.
New Goods constantly received.
AH Merchant* are cordially soli cited to call.
Tins Well known line of splendid p**»enger Stea*-
en i» now etnapew<d of the *wdle»i, hot
finiibed and furnished, and noil powerful host* oa lot
water* of fhe Wear. Every accommodation and cctn.
fon that money eon procare, ha* beeuproyideu for pat*
(eager*. The Unc-ha* been in operation for nve yean
—h»* earned a million of people without the lenit tnju*
ry to their persona. Ilia boat* will be at the foot ol
Wood street the day preview to starting, for the recep
tion of freight and the entry of pa«*engerm on the regie*
ter. In all cun the passage money must be paid in
n.e ISAAC NEWTON, Captain fleotohill, wll
leave Pittsburgh every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock;
Wheeling every Suaday evening at IV r. «.
May»,Jfti?. A
BONDAf packet.
The MONONO A HKLA. Capt. 9-raira, wllJ leaVß Pitt*-
borgh every Monday morning at 10 o'clock! Wheeling
every Monday evening ai 10 r. u.
The lIIICKRNIA No. 3, Copt. J. Kunsnbm, wtU
leave Pmtburgh every Tue*day morning at 10 o'aloekl
Wheeling *(Vvry Tuesday evening at tP f. ■.
Sk pXSKet.
T)i« NEW ENGLAND No. 3, Capt S. D« s, wtU
leave Pittsburgh every Wednesday morttA |Kt W
o'clock: Wheeling every Wednesday evening a 10 P a
The BRILLIANT, Copl. Onac*. will Uav# PIW
burgh every Thursday morning at Wo eloek; Wheeling
every Thursday evenmc at 10 r. *.
The CLIPPER No. 8, Capt. Pu» Duvoi, will laave
Pittsburgh every Friday monring at lOo’cloek! Whoa
mi every Friday evening «t 10 v.
The MK-SENGEfi. No. 2, Capt. 1. C. Woo&wain,
will leave Pittsburgh evoir Friday morning oi 10 o'-
clock, Wheeling every Friday at 10 r. *. •
_ _ The tplendid new packet (trainer
. fT & FARMER,
hsferfellttft AB. Funk, master, will leave for the
and all Intermediate pons oa
Saturday. 6th nut, at 4 «*clock, P. M.
. The splendid fast running packet
fP*=**Jh gteamer NEW ENGLAND No. 0,
Capt. Dean, wtl! leave as above, this
morning at 10 o'clock.
For freight orposssge, apply board._ octd
. . The fo»t running packet steamer
, (r*7~ MESSENGER No. 2, Captain J. C.
JtlSrt&Cß Woodward, will leave as above, on
MfijCSibSaurday, at 10 o'clock, A. M. C
For freight or passage, apply on baa'd ndl
-The iplendid packed ISAAC NEW*
I fa TON. Capt. Hemphill, will leave as
JmSB3S®__ bova on Sunday, at 10 o’eloek, A M
bHEIMi For freight or passage, apply ou
board. oeta
The splendid (teamer
Gallagher, master, will leave for the
aflHßßHlfeehove and all intermediate port* ea
Saturday, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
For freight or postage, apply on b‘>anl. oet4
k The tplendid steamer
Fisher, matter, will leave ioy above
BdflSßHPand ali intermediate Jxm* this day
at 4 o'clock, PTM.
Foe freight or passage apply on board or to
k The fine passenger tteamer
. tJrrrlA Wyoming,
kfcwaWWgtt Tbos. Rodgers, master, will leave for
above and all intermediate pan*
this day at 10 o'clock, A M.
For freight or pat*age, apply on board. oeiS
yMoa k The hoe ateamer
Moore, master,-'wi(l leave for above
all Intermediate porta »hi« day at
10 o'eloek, A. SI. "
Fur frrlthi or jaaaaj
apply on tfewd. oclA
iMiD> tv The splendid fait runnier steamer
[fr Ltrnmff » DEWITT CLINTON,
JJgjfflfil. D. Devennv, muter, wilt leave for
above and all intermediate porta
ihu day, ax,l o eloek, P. M.
For freight or paaiage, apply on board. octa
/f*%•***- tv *plendid tieuner
'Jft SSmrtF , NOMINEE,
fWjpmS Jo«- Smith. tnt»iwr. will hs«TO for Uie
ind all intermediate pon» this
d*jr, it 4 o’clock, P. M.
Y or freight or pa»«ayc, appi'
for st. Louis*. ~—
tv The ipiendid steamer
Hutchinson- master,will leave for the
and intermediate pom this d*y r
bi 4 o’clock, P M.
-f£ r . f r e 'B. h ! of p*»»«ge apply on bomrd
/Mar K. The fast running passenger steamer
I ftfr i.rmTirir .. SCHUYLKILL,
Marshall. matter, will leave for the
"™araau«.„ mikimodl.u port. mi.
For fretrct ©r.pasaage, apply on board or to
/ HO R.. No. 5? Market street, ia now
opening hu Fall and Wimer consul-
Laics' riik velvet Paletots;
; {french Merino Cloak*;
eloth and iiU Paletots;
i,i.," . Mantilla*. These article* ftre ol the
. "£ moM f «'»*nable styles.
Also, French Embroideries;
6 4 Satin do Chine, for ladies dreaaea*
Span Silk, uid Silk u,J Wool
Oem* and ladies silk Vesi* and Drawer*-
Childrens' Merino Vests; *
■“> f *“T SUh, SM.
jiroelit, TtiSot mi Woolen Lon, Shkwb.
Bnrnn.ln. Shnolln,., Tnbln ml N.pkin.,
i*S\ ““'"i bj kiniinlf direct.
the particular attention of buyer*, {either by
weoletaJe or reiail.l lo hit liocl of Ffwneh Bm*a~
rlo.liß, just receded. Also, wool dye French CiM
mere*, ptam and fancy. octi
ASHS iONNKT —An uwn-
A. mem of above (oodj jo»t rec’d, and offered whole
«ie and retail at Dry Goods House of
DIAPERS, and I'abiiTclotbs, ai vary low
L prices for cnallty: an assortment ree*d si jw
Ooods House of oe« W B MURPHY
yISH—6O bbU l«erje No. 3 Mackerel; SObUaffibtal
1. iternng; 60 boxes scaled Hemni; jail rec’d ■«».<
for »ate by [ oc tVl RHKV, MAITHEWB *CO
RICE —iS ic* prune Rice. ja*t ree'd atx) tor isle bv
octu ruey, Matthews tea
atcwa, landing
CXHEESE— iW lii« pnme V
/ for ulc by
LINSEED OlL—<l bbl* UotoodOiL Jott
octa No 1W Lihqnr •(
f ARD 30 kegi •’ ~
i» NVlLarO, juit reo'dTlnKornSd
s* wuAabAUGU
p Weteraad 1M Pn, m
Rosin soai>-ioo b« No i Romo SoiinEiS™.
_ «idfef—iahy (octaj 3fc\V HIIRBAUGH
CiOBH BfIOOMA—3O doz in itorc and fhr~ili. w_
’ JOHN WaTT aco 7
“**’ ’ cor aod Wood sta
L lor **t« by
CHlliyfc-Ti bi» prime WB Cb««M, / u .t «
i" or vU« by loccq _JOIiN *(»
Mackkih:i,-m«p bbi. Ijijre XoV.
I.WU “joils
i bt>!» prim®, in Mot® nnd for jiiin iT7 —
bi. » M 'd, m «lurn and lor «fTRV
jo»n watt Am
white winter Whale mi
aw ** common Jo Jo do
3«) •* Blctcbej Sperm do
10 bbla Lard Oil, No 1; 10 da Jo Jo No »
For ..le by «pii? SELLERS ft Nicofii
S A 1 UB, ” a ' bxa foreuTbY
«*w , - 1 B can Held
hXi i»*. prune \\ eateru n e . Br _„ ZT~_~
\j JUM rrccvrd onj for talo by Ke * e "« Ckeeacv
ci'k fiK
IJRAiS s I’a.k kODri-y/ A ji
15 common and feeref r-Sf* 1 )
pREAM CHKESE-I* bx. .iiSTS^TTr^-
u !. r >p««
porASH—u crt. pTSiTSSiriiS^^,
r for win b 7 ra u» wi<:ici“iKflS*2.i“
ptumviib' fni» lU vr.r
rriated Ctotil “* Unen wi womabToble
— »Pt»
R“j£,‘,«K, T,,L i DA v. u wtsoesr..
n, rarlei, cnnuon, U J parcoa |&in
-TBSTOHrMI'I'g-lou b««b» kuiwJ
WICK * M’CAITOIS?. 1 ' 7
TiiOBIVBDTIItttaV, Bt \V. JH’CiwtoeKTra
ittff&.iMi*' - «WSSS
«3tf£l^2s£ , “ “ dbl —■*