ESTABLISHED IN 1786. BUSINESS CABDS. a RAJSTUO.V, k CftOZEO, CommiMlon Merchant. A »Ml .{Jcaicn m Prodace, No. iUrkci «reei Fmabuzli. ... TiUSHFIELD it LEIADEB, dealer* in JB Dry l£££ GrocX*, Boou. Shoe*, Fuuburfh ncanafacinred *mete»J Ac, No. Liberty «reci, Pimbaryh. . . •■ •• *" ‘UuS'lJrilg- rcuo *• nvwn. Bitnwii - 1 * tiroccr*, ISft **ui»Ou«b. r.M. _? c, ‘ J- A K A Co.. \Vhoie*ale *nrt Re , Ujj ]}ruggt*ta, cor**er_>V ««h1 and »Hh *l*- Jjl lllUALt.i'li'sMlTtl, sv Uoie»ttit Orocer», in *r.d f» gi Wood «*h. iOHM X. CSiia. W. kOISSII C IRAIG A. HttfNNEIL Forwmfdinc ami Commuiion / MerehanU No. 2d Market «t, Fmaburgb. «ptA CA. MeANL’LTY A Co., Forwarding and Com . minion Merchant*, Canal Usaui, Pittsburgh Fa me ni AUt. Steel ud Iron Cnr.FM ATtf, • HAITjSa.N A Co, manafacrarsrs «( ■Viri EiipUe Springs, Hammered Ai feM7 w*. Btii.ii, Balnmero. a. i. nttno*, ipwsej) nsxLD, l Phi ,^ t. cn’csioion, roan a. wsknxx, > I~| E/I.U fc tUJCHNOiL, Tobaccn Commission Mer it caaat»,4l North Water at, Al 6 North Wharves, phila. novSb-U HARDY, JONES A Co., (successors to Atwood, Jones A Co.) Comcusgon and Forwarding Mei c bants, dealers. in Pittsburgh Manufactured Good*. Pittsburgh, Fa. \ _ xach27_ iiitsa niejarr, aum dicui, tbalaM DICKEY A Co., Wholesale Grocers, Com- I mission Merchants, and dealers io Produce, N0*.66 Water, and 107 Front streets, Pittsburgh. nove jcaxra duwocib. JB. DILWORTU A Co, Wholesale Grocer*, Pro « dnee and Commission Merchants, and Agents lor the Uasard Powder Co. of N. Y-, No 117 Wood si, Pittsburgh. «p» JOHN M'. TOWN SEND, Druggist asd Apothecary No. 46 Market sl, three doors above Third sc Pitt*; tmrgh, will have constantly on hand a well selected •enmentof the best and ueshesl Medicines, which be will sell ou the most reasonable term*. Physicians ■.. Tiding orders, will be promptly attended to, and sap* phed with aruelesthdynmy-TuJyupon a* genome. if y* physicians Prescription* will be accurately arid neaUypre pared from the oest nnntnals, at any haar o< Bs day or night. AJso for sale, a lugs stock o 1 fresh and good Perm, tesry- > aU T p, tIWIPtULnL, (laie^oTAVartcp, OltlQ.l Ccmmis ft| ■ stun and forwarding Merchant, and whelesala dealer In Western Reserve cheese, llhtier, Pet and PearfAsb,and Western Prodsee generally, Water treat, between gmithheld and Wood, Pittsburgh. ap3 JX>HN WATTI (taceessor to fcwuit A Gebban,) Wholesale Grocer and Commission Merchant! dealer ut Prodcee and Pittsburgh Mauuiaeiares, cor ner cf Liberty and llano streets, Pittsburgh Pa. jaati Jam fa fl Mi-nmflK, (late of the &3n of Aigco and , McGuire,) Merchant Taitar, St Charles Building >, Third st/ect, near Wood, Pi tube nth. JAMES A. HUTCHISON, A Co.—Successors io Lewie Hutchison A Co., Conuaistton Merchants, and Agents of the Bt Louis Steam Sugar Refinery, fie. 44 water amiS3 (rant streets, Piusburgn. tf.jaal * * JOHN JU. WboicMucJ>ruxgi»t,uiddeal er m Uyo Studs, Paiau, Oils, Varnishes, &*., No.W Wood street, one door Sooth of Diiucond Alley, Puu borjh. . TAMES KKRH- Jr., £, Co iiueecssor to Josepu u. 1 Data,)tilAaOhand)crs > *ao Water street. ocJl •*N 1L HELLOS •*' JOHN NiELLOR, Wholesale and Retail dealer hi Uauc and Uasiexl Instruments, School Koou. Kajter, Slate*, Steel hen*, Until», hunter* 1 Card*, and Stationary generally,No. el Wood sL, hnuimrgh KiMf» bought or taJteu lu trade _ J6CHUONAIARER A Co., \\ boistaie Druggist*, • No. 21 Wood *treei. htuatmtgii ; tIHN 1L DA Vlb, Akcnoneer, comer iit nul Wood meet*, PitUbatgh. oetc YOMNBTON fc STOCKTON. Uookselienh hnmer» || and Paper Manufacturers, No. 4-i Market il, I‘iiu. traxgh. joaxVutxD. y Hjcaimn Emm. Jfc R. FLOYD, WboleulV Grocer*. CommiMioq • AforcaanU, ud Dealer* m Produce, itoand CkateA ifoildlngs, fronting ou Liberty, Wood and bib struct*, PiUabargh, Pa. ___ mys J~ DALZKLL, W’holesoJe orocer, Ccma.iK*ioa Metehant, and deader in Produce and Pittsburgh Mmnianiirri No. tel Water sl, Pittsburgh. janiii YACOB \vKAvEI, JL, Wholesale J ler in Foreign Wine* and Liquor*, and old Monon gakeia Rye Whiskeys, corner Finland Market »u. -_jy* „ . a JONES, Forwarding and Commission .tier* IV chant*, Dealer* in Produce and Pittsburgh mum foemred article*, Canal Basin, near 7th sh (£i PKaFttUil, PlI TbSilttUßi PA. T T ENNEDY, CHILDS t CO n Manufacturer* of very IV -superior 4-4 Sheetings, Carpet Chain, Omum Torino and Patting. y_ _ Vesuvius Iron Work*. LEWIS, DALZELL A Co., monuiaeiarers of ai! (>• If * HV I ) Sheet, Boiler Iron and Natl* of the west quality. Warehouse, M water and ICA front *L Loleaate Grocer, Forward- Icrcbaat. Dealer in Pm** oduce, No*. 31 Water »i. Jiff T B WATERMAN; J_j, ing and CommisM burgh Manufacture* a^ and Ql Frout wn«a «M»tm la JOU.I K. ■AWT KEMiEDT * SAWfKB, T OOKIMi GLASS Manufacturer*, and Wholesale 1 * dealer* in foreign and dome*lie Variety Good*. Western merchant*. Pedlar* and other* are invited to c«» and examine the prices and quality 01 our slack, ■« with our pmesl increased facilities ui maaufaciur- a T nH puicbasing, we think we can Oder as gteal to buyer* as any other houso weglol the Mountain*. I*^l)' 1 c. w. BicatraoS, Pittsburgh. MILLER A RICtETSON, Wj»oie*aieGrocer», and importer* of lirandie*, Wuw* and Segar*, .So*. ITU and l? 4, eorner ot Liberty and Irwui meets, Pitis. burgh. Pa Iron, Nan*, Cotton Yarn*, Ac. Ac. con stonily on hand. _ __ mgtt ioua irutu. raa. u. u otnn. wanrsm c. aoa MCGILLS A RUL, V. hoicsaic Orocer* ana Comnu*. uon Merchant*, No. IW Liberty »u, Pittsburgh. OBPttV, WILSON Murphy A Co.) Wholesale Dealer* ui Dry Goods, No. 4fc Wood stresi, Puuburgh. aor& • MATTHEW WILSON, Portrait and AlnuaiorePan*- ter. Rooms, eorner of Post Olhce Aiiey and Foonh'nrect, eotrance.on 4lh near MorkeL iteeft'dffL _ „ _ . . PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS AND SPRING and axi.f. pactocy. hi ir tntre 10118 ». qD!S4. JOSKS * CIGIGO, Manufacturers of *prmg and blister »ieei, plough eoef, uoei pioogfi wings, coach and eiip tc spring*, hammered iron axles, and dealer* m nmi eahie eastings, Ere engine lamps, and coach trimming* puieraiiy, comer of Rots and Front tun, Pittsburgh, XT HOLMES A SON, No. Ad Market sL, second j\ , door from corner of Fourth, dealer* in Foreign •and Dome *iie milt ofExehangc, CerQhcaie* of Depos it Danh Notes and Specie. fTf Collection* mad on all the principal cities throughout the Lulled Stntca deci7 asTRU, Amjxn. XL Cbißßiktion and Forwarding Merchant*, deuiefs * in Ploduee and Putsbanrh Manufactures, Liberty at jwashurga. Pa. . teb-21 £ u a ttTwou*, a u uiu. ; l>EYNOLi*ti *. SHEE, Forwarding and C«nnii*at«ii X« Mirrhtnu, for tbs Allegheny Hirer Trade, deal sn in Groceries, Produce, Pitiaiiurgh Manufacture# and Cblg ride of • TW highest price*, in cub, paid at ail time* for coan »»**. Cornerof Penn ajnilrwin «u ja*'* l t Otfl. A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale Grocer Dealer la Produce and Pittsburgh Monufacttfres, No. 144 Liberty st. Jrl*_ • k. C. (lUCUJBT, TUOfr. X. WIUII- I QiIACrvLETT * WHITE, Wholesale Dcaier* In ! p Foreign and Domestic Dry Good*. No- W " ood *l -1 Pusatrrgh. I'eblTu &M*T>l7KsAil£y~fcCJri"WLwl»“Mi"f Grocer- and 1 O Produce dealers, N 0.23 Market street, bctw« - u JUi i ud fftb, North tide, Philadelphia. nov- I H it W.'ttAiUSAUGH, Wool Merchants, Dealer' ‘ D. tn Ftooread Produce generally, and Forwardnut end Coot minion Merchant*, No. $) " ater si., Put*, f bargb. ■. .. « .- - r mt.Hj PtmeiMM J*»H2» IMCHUIk, ■ABYkAnb. ' £tELLERS& NICOLS, Produce and General Com- X niutoß Merchant*, No P Liberty »l, Pittsburgh. Bplni, Laoseed and Lard Ofl*._ __ ____ _ £■*'*■ p VON'UOSNHOKSTT, * C #l Wholesale Uro- Q. eerv Forwarding and Commissioni Merchants. Deuen in PRaburgb Manufacture*and WcaiernPro ioce, have removed tt> their no** warcbousedold Hand) jjfaa* eococr of Tronl a. and Chancery Lane. V; |MV? CARDS T’ASSIiY'A REST, Wholruale Erncer- and*- | *ioi Merrbant*. ortd denier* in Produce No ;i$ Vwid »t.. Pittsburgh pa£J f A SCOTT, Whoje*n'e and Retai, dea cr* in X Boots. Bboe*. Trunka. Carpet P-ag*. Ar., 8 \V. corner el 4Ui and Smithficid its. Pittsburgh. Pa. j*.j VyiCE 4 M'CANDeKSS. |«uc<-r>*ort to l, JtJ.D ▼V Wick,) Wholesale *itocrr«, Fnrwarduig and Corrnnisfcion .Merchant*. dealer* in Iron, Noil*. Glass. Cenion Yarn*. and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, eoroe» nf Wood and W».-i Pi:i«b«irra "\i r w. W ALJ.ACE. Mill atone and Siill FutUnh- YY a ~:1 t No. *44 Lti*erty near the earn. /' rntti I LpON, k\ ou:lir», jr am) JMiwr \Vn*v. Yr ■ and Military Good*, corner oi Market and 4th » Pittsburgh, Ta N o.—Waiche* an* carefully repaired. VI ' IjJT anil Jnrwardtcf: f» Men ham, No. tw From »L between Wood and V. rii- .trrrU iet-Vd W ft NVWII*. Whob-.a.e ami Hrtail .|'>.rr ,i, ?T • Foreign a;rd bomnctic Dry Iroods. norh e,»*| ..i Market and Fn.-rti, w» vox *o. a *tmi \\. M AOl Nb 4 Co.—Dealers ;e 1-ather hidr» 4r TT Ha Ul*eny at .an* IV wn a'ci-Tt-Hao*, aoai x’rr-i'huv- Ur A R. M'CUTCHFON. Wholesale l*r,K-i r. de«- • Irr* tn Produce Iron. N«ri*. Gi*«*. an.l Pit* burgh M&j.utactures gertrfAily. \Ut Lii-rt) »t. Put* burgh. .1. eV W'V ttILPOV Dear., W,;. be*. J. we.ry , Oliver War-. Stintat) <„>nrt» 4r.Su iT Mar WM. YOUNG A CO. DF.AI.FRS IN HUH* AM) LEATHER. Van,cm. Shoe Finding*. Ar .No II I I it" i: > • rer. uarr Jtjel received then J*PRINH BTUt H n; cix>U». coin prising i» large u*»orlniriit .*i at'iclr* i" their ..i:c. lo wi.ich the attention of purchaser* x un ted tncbli " PETTICRKW A CO-, . ft a 8T K A M BOAT Ai. I NT 5 Ornn sacra M AixnA > WSURAM’E. \t K B TIKS "I S8I;U A ME CDH PA S I OF PITTSBURGH CAPITAL SiUO.OUU. J. Flix*t. Jr~ See'7 I R M :xaa, i r . I’rr. Will ia*ur»' OArainat all kind* oi ri»k*, FIRKAMIMARJNF. A I L lo«»e» will l>e lilreral'y tnt.'uefd n:,d promptly paid. A borne miutuuor —manaced by Dtreelo:* who a*e well known in lie coinmo.'Uiy, am] wbn nre determin ed try prompineai and hiieraJity lo mumtiun ih> ebur acter which they have asjumed. a* oderii’g tltc l«:si proutciton to those who deeirc lo be Insured DliKTow—R. Miller, Jr.. » J, Lnca, James M'Aoley, Alex Nimiek THo». Scott Ornut .No. 32 Water street. •,warehouse ol Spanp 4 Co„up stairs,)Pittsburgh iuA.cUj - UfSCOASCE. luiK Delaware; mltlal s.\Frr\ in^l- RANCECOiTPANY —Office. NorJt Room or ice Exchange, 'HurJ ttreet. Philadelphia Fia* Ijvxra.vcm.—Uuildmg*, Merchandise ai.d other propeny iu rows and courmiT. insure-] against io*s or damage by fire at the lowest rate oi premium. .Mabir Isscaarrea—They also inner,- Vrvm!*. Par goes and Freights, foreign or under n;.«-m>r special policies, as the assured mat desire. lstXtmTiujnpoßTAiTtis.—They al»o insure mere ban dl*e transported i»y Wagons, Railroad t'ar*. Cnnal . Boats and stelm Boats, o:i rivers and laker, on the most liberal terms. UICF.CTORS—Joseph H. sni, Edmund A louder, John C Davis, Robert Burt or., John R Penrose satnu • ! Edwards. (»eo 0 Loiper. Edward Darlr vio-i !t FIIU£ AMO ALAii-lN BIKSUUA.VCE. THE INSLIIANCE CO. ol North Ainer.ea w,U make permanent and li.niled Insurani-e on pn>- prrty in this city and vicinity, aud . n sin; ut-nu t>v Canal. Rivers, Lake*, and bj s*ea The pro.-ertie* or this Cotanuny are well mvested. and fanush i-; avail, otile fund fhr the ample indemnity of ail persons wt,o desire to be proiecied by tnsoranee my la WM V JONKS, Agent, 44 Wr*- *i INDEMNITY Tht Fran Min Ftrt Jiuuraaa Co. of PhtlatWphu*. T slßKCTOßa.—Charles N Uaoeter, Ttunun* Mar. \_) Tobius W Cranu Jacoh R Oee. W Richard., flluSeeai D Dwn. Adotpho h_ Bone, David 8. UrowurM.irr,. pallet.un CnAKLt.i .N Rases iO>, I’ Charles («. [lancker. Berretary Coaumie to make insurance, pcrpciu*. or nu.ue.l ob every deaenpuon uf proper.) m town or country. Hi rales as low as are eon.MMent with aectimy To Company hove reserved a larae eontinaent rurnl which wnn their Capital and Prrrciums. solely merit ed, afford ample protection to the assured. The assets ol the company, on January Ist. IMS. as Sisbiishcd agreeably to an, act of Assembly, wore as »[lotvs, vii; Mortgages ft,047.«e 4! Real Estate W.7'i4 -t Tempororr Loans bti,i©i Sloe it* stJd3 ‘iu Cash, >--ev have paid upward* of out million lour huiidr’-o thou*- and dollitr*, losses t»y fire, thereby affording <-. i Jc.c cf the advantage* ot m»ot;u»ec,_ a* well a* li.r n>•: : . and disposition to meet wuh promptness all livhni'ics J. GARDINER COFFIN. Agent. marl-dly Otfice N Ecor-er Wood ami id «i» nUTVALIBCitrLIAKCL CO PA. MADEIRA, Agent at Pittsburgh for *hr Dr.*. • ware Mntnal Safety Insarancc Company oi I* adetpbia. Fire Risks upon building* and ttiercbiuioiir o. every description, and Marine Risk* upon hull* r>r cargoes of vessels, taken upon the most favorable trrma. (h- Qjfic«i in ihe Warehouse of W. D. Holme* A Dro , No 37 Water, near Market *ttcct, Pituborgh. N. o.—The success of un* Company uure the ertat- Uklunent of the Agency hi uu* city, with die prompt ness and l.beraJity with which every rliun upon them for loss ha* been adjusted, fuii; warrant the ac-nt in inviting the confidence and patronage of hi* friend* and the community at large to the Delaware M. D. tn»a raucc Company, while it has the additional advantage as an institution among the most ttnun-iitiig in Pliilad**i phi a—a* having an ample piud-in capita., wuirh o> t*ie operation of it* charter is constantly increasing, a* yielding to each person insured h.» due ».iar- oi Die profit* of the company, wiuiout involving him n. any responsibility whatever, and tb-Tcfore a* pos«r*-nng tins Msnil principle divested of i-very o(.i>oiiou< Ira tore, and iu it* most attractive inrm I FIUK AMD MARINE INSCRAKCI: rj'ilfc Insurance Company of North Aiti'Tii-n . ;ur .ugi. J_ tl» duty authorised Agent, the *ub»inuei. nil make permanent and limited ln»arnnc*i on j>i»p» ft) this city sad us vicinity, anS on shipment* u> tae <>*- naJ and River*. nsi unu iv>,c. DIRECTORS Arthur G Coffin, Chart**.* Tuy.n Aml>ro*e Waite, Jacob M rt.bii.av John K -Nell, Richard L>. Wood, \V m Wr,4 lisiimrier i* perpetual, ami from Ushish slundini!, mng r ij-enence, ample mean*, and avoiding an ri-»«nf an ntra luii ardcru* character, n may be coiuiUem; a* r.tfeniu urn pie *rcanty to the public W I*. JtiN^. At the Counting Room of Atwood. Joi.e* A i.o . A s ter amJ Front streets Pittsburgh. on>yi rftilE »UiiSCRiBEH lm« been appointed Agon |-ro X lem. ofQie Insurance Company ol Noah Aiucm a. and will issue Policies aad attriid to uie oibrr ba»inc»» oflhc Agency, at Uc wurebouie ol AlwooU, Joi.*-- A Co. aplS W M »' J« m..- field, o. ctar*, Park* ACo . Ueavcr, Pa. augb ui' GEORGE COCHRAN. Commission and Forwarding Morcham. CtONTINUF>t iB muisact a general Comunsmrin ‘.use / i,,.,. c»peciai]y in tee purchuse and sale oi Ant-n -run M-inuiuriures and Produce, and iu recvivnu' m«J l(,rw:*rd;:ig <>ood* eooßigned to hi* cure A* Arrm x>r u,r Mxi.ulurture*. Be Will t>r COllsUinliV -uppin-d .* ill. the prim .pid aruclr* ol PHt,«t.UTgh MnuuU' lure niihr lowest wholesale pncea and consigiiiin riL, art: rnsp-cDutly so-ieiled. '\ :U7 )*» a. tutsaS t. * rirrasN ego. ■ ioms*-iN YEATSIAN, PITTMAN *. CO., & WfflMlMlHA SKHtUASTS, No. Ida Second .i r c t . meh-'Tiddm* kT.*. Mo w m b sCAtva jam i SCAIFE A ATKISsu.N, FIEST *7 n inwut-i '•'now I';i r»«i v-n CIUiVTIN-t'Eto manuiaeiare all m-i. ot ii.IMKK , TIN AND SHEET \s Aiu. a:-*>, 8.... i antiiltWork. u,.m uoau built to order. special aucniion 51**1. 10 wot*. Ha»e on band* a line «»w>rtior..t c.i aim Krae Kellie*, Tin Mewai-m. -.»> itt * u Portable torso*, variou* “ le * - " ' f ; '»■* luic for ntcawboai*. California niu.ran.. rerpeetfuUy nitrite ■train oiher-ioeu.iandece our aw. ).r nurrb»»n« el«ewh«re. &mu» tlMklM S^P* HWICJIITMAN— Manifactuter 01 -il kind. - ton and woollen sxdcmnery. Aln-ctier,) r » Pi The above work* bemff “ ,,w “* * ul ‘..?? cralion.l am prepared to eiti*.e 0.. for a!! iimli qf macinnery in *.7 • picker*. *preailer». card*. P r "’f -Z" . mufevjuek*. Ac-.alWe and '.mid .able. '\ oral Alt kind* of « halting mucle 10 order, or P-“” h. i.-o- kt»*. Fennoel *'-«-■»#• A t.fHT- . rtIAV fc'uu* day a.* wiu. me lit the whole- I ..1- c f «..rv Pn»duee and tU.itirni'ainn bunnic**; January 1. IM9 1 to—l* AIITS KBBHIP-» k«wii t. Una \» day a»*«iciaiea with min. Joi.n B. \ Coue. the.eiv- Ilter )‘U».nc** will br realtor be eondneted under UlO ‘■ss Y ”“" e 1 Co - wi^-cS 0 ' PITTSBURGH,' SATURDAY MINING. OCTOBER 6, 1549. HOTELS FOrSTAIS HOTEL. LIGHT S T il K K T lIALUMriRE Eg THIS e*uibli«htn«n; 10.,e and wM-iv know- a. pH brine one of the most eomitimliou* m V.rr rilv o' £■£*> ilailimore. has recently undergone vrry rxien ore aiteralKui* and jinproyeniem* An entirey™ Sleepinr npit nine in » and extrrt«’V tmtlime rnoiti« The Ladle." d»parun»r.l h»« il-n been jeomplete.y r-oreamt* - and i. jrd up m amo • unique and !.«•» jii’ lu ..\*e !«i fnet the whole arrai'KOinei.t oi tht* llnt,.r nu* rrwodeled. with a single rye on the j, H n of the proprietors, toward.* the comfor* and p!ea»ure ~| tbetr (luerU. and whi.-h they eonfioent'y a.*en wib ohaJlrnge rompiir son with unv Hoiei in the Uni' u flirtr table will always be supplied with every «ul>- stsrnsl sad luxury which the market afford* .ervmt up tn a superior style, while m -,hr way m Wine.. A,- . they wiii not t-e *nrp»Lsse^ lit eonelusior ne proprietors beg to »«v. that notbinr Will l« left undo- • ~c\ their part ind on the p„n o' tlx m patronage of their friends »i,J me put»ie genera, ly TTie prices fni board have a.*o l.ri n reduced to the follow.,t* rairo Lad.rr' i i-dinary, (irnUrmrn'i •• 51.75 per day N. B.—The Baggage Wagon of the House will si. way. he fiHirxl at ir.e Car and Steamboat Landings, which wi.i e.u.vey baggage lo and from the Note. ;tee of charge _ may-.hf EXCHANGE HOTEL, «iBii’ of rrn> rut* rrn, rirrsßCnnh -I’ub.ic general > that :,r -a ... >.<• m tuiic. prepur--.' lo nerniurtirxlate th.m ;n n. 1 things dr.train- n. n Wi-n Tef’ilKted Hntrl The llntjae is now [•ctlig lliornugb y r-|,l throughout and new p'urmtore added, ami no pan.s W. : ’if spared to trnike the Fjrhange Oite of the ve-y be- Hotel* in the eountn underajplire] re.peetfti!'y solte*'- « eontimtance 'r,—.vnl -4 fHt )M AJM) WSTt’v^"° re b I'Sidt' I‘ropr evor 'LAMARTINE HOUSE, COB*KB ny FOfKTII A*b OBaNV >TStn>. HTTSBtien THK *uhsrrtlrer re»|*eruull\ amiounees tlial t«>r the *erommor it Li«, and (loiunu- Mmei lor the State of Pennsylvania, St la>u> t|n -Ini • ol Pittsburgh i Rksss vacs* —Pittsburgh- Ho* W Forward. Hamp tor. \ Miller. M'Csndless A M'Olore. John K Park.- i s.-' s A «emple. M'tlord k King ougll dlt t ii. a* id !> j.rsTkaaini BAIRD & BTKRRETT, A TTfiRNKYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW Fourth street. Itftween S ull i u fi r !d *ud tlranl *Ut»bt»rtl:. l*a JUtA Jin,* * W* t fLi.V’ LARGE fc FHIESD, l TTOItNtN > AT LAW. Fotmn atrrri, nnnr < Irani. A J AMES F. EBliK, k AT LAW t nltee on Fourth »t . b-. *l. tw-en Smithftetd and l.ian; it. IVlsbcrgL *;>:)< tilt \\\l TIMRLIN. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ihuia*. Pa ■\TriLs. ai>o atutitd to collections and * 1 other „ust- Y\ • e-• entrusted lo him ,n Butler a.-. I Arjnsi-n. g cout-tw-e. Pa Rcter tn JAR Floyd. Libe-y *t ; W W Wlilac Ca dn 1 ,’tmei Marsfnii do fpiuaburgh. dly K»> A Co. Wood st J “ T 1, Va F.ITZKR. Aaurney at Law. office .~s - , r,pp, ».,r Charlrs Hi»el. PltHdrurth. wi a.»«• ait- l*Jl.:»t,urr l> T Vorrsi. S "H * * t' J HK>RY. Attorney *uJ Ooum r. i..r <• . w /. fHi'o Ootlerlioti* 1:1 1 *ii n .ind .i. 11.J;aim. an«l t» Kr:uu<-k> pramj>U', »m.i .if '.r:> ati'r.ldl to Conißii»*:onrr fof tbr Suite oi >*' iu ivriiML tor lakmn l>*po*moti*, at-knon <-leu '*>t». 1. tr A .P>a-»« Hoi: Win Brit A !*©n Our,- * r*. "’it 11 ty*. Fr< f , Wil'ivl A hats, caps ash bonnets. _ atURD A. CO.. jM| tji*,rre««or» to Al'Cord A lunf) Pfatm WQ r»ihlontblc Iltlltri, •?" ** (Vmrr of fl f md and Fxfih St*’- t-v PAfi') Si I t All *neiu>aa paid to oaf JUtail i radr t/rnu.-tnen ran fr!j upon friUfyt fVrli Hi;, and >'ap* lri>.n our raiEbliehotrat ol the ian wateeij i • -»wJ •« ■ x*«ur. oi tne t-arsrt and u thr u.*w crt CnctUn Wert-franu, pinebuiunx uj wbo.ewtii- arc reaper cal > invited to eat! and namin' oar Suw*. ** we ran »- v wtlh confidence ikat a* re*i*rd.- »UTt and rutrt. will not .toilet m a eotnpariw>n »ti »>.J <'.s 1.11- * I K NI A 11A1 S* — 1 tf or* "»trr fiw.i £1 -, r reran 6:.. and W <« • ••• pwSPIUSO FASllIOa* FOll IMB. .--j| Jteszz'iLvsxrzzzsK'A Tho«r in •rin. of a neat and »uperu*r are • ■ .rJ U> raJi a . I'omef i>! iUI and Wood »trvcU. "i .ra Spß|\r, nnNMT RIBBONS. Ac ~W R na.< open 4 auppiy oi •prim; Bortnci K■••■-..i-. of new a ->.| handojtne «i)lc* AtHC". new My'** hp'jl Nett*. 1-slel.are* an«i F#'r« my«: L.I ■> 'n 1 Alrtr>r«. Vieiona do p.m.t Mu*.;if and Jaeonet* embroidered Swia* Muslim. kr » larcr ai- nmw:l ot s*prm|.Hrtner*n.p of IIhNNt.N V*'* i mrtnrtlv Hm.iten. Muller 4 I o tn< U a d CoiOi -il <.!«*»• i.U.iliera. I* thl*d-.y U.-0.-d t*> il,.- w•» : mi Mr Fre'im » M.n r Tt e m;. .1 . wih lie roi tii’ued b) I.e under*.i •il U"de- Ihr n rnj oi MKNHY Ha VNKN A« O ts -n-. hnu*e No I le* !*ee«iinl *: Where wr w ill have eeiMln..! • upplie* o 1 ujper.or W "‘‘“ V.H°" .«ANNKN mansi.n HI <• H R»»IJKHTeo.tfc I*m.i.ur«;i. Aue tr. T* H»~nkv l M-» < F.a l> Copartnership. r | Ml K Ut drr*if rir.l lutr thud-.)’ «.«Oc.»led w,m them 1 i.. l-uniie.. JACAIB l. H'llW A R TZ. an J *•.. ion Umir ;he uuauieaa a* urrrtotnr.: under the firm o( a, A FAHNKSTOCK A Ol July *, lr*l». J>' l3 r f'HF. partner.' Ip hrreioio.c exirUiß under the lirm 1 o A. AC HRA Ul.fcV, I* diaaoierd b) the de.T.uM. of M;. t - Bradley The buMt.e** wm be ciirtted <•.. r-> A., who wil! xtHc tlm bu»Jile*i of the .ate F.F.MOYAI. —A. BtuDUCT ha» removed hi. Fouti.lrv Warehouse troro No. HI Scud »tr*rt. lo N- 19 \\ mxi a.reet. between Fif*t and Second .tree:.. " the v/iri hou.e lule.iy occupied !■) t» A. Ferry, wlm - he 'will keep rnnaUuiiij on hand a Renera! a*aonu»eit in .'.u.Unci t»raie« Siovea. Cckutc Siove*. Ac jt 1 I DISSOLUTION. '•f'lfr p irtierthip heretofore cJi»u»K betw.u-n Sam- I net n itu.hfield mid William U Hay». imdmc und. r th- firm of HI.SHFIKLU t HAYK. ha» U... day •e I di—olvrd t-J william u. Haj • wlUn* 111. entire I.rei C«< in the timi lo S ». Uu.bhetd, Al account, due ihr hmi wi:l eollr'-ied t.y S Jt. IJaahfieM. and ah dc’i’* doe i-y the lout firm 10 t>« paid l.y the UHFI.JI. fcljurffh, June al, lt LKA DKR Havinif retired from the 'ormer bo«me»«, ! ia*r plcn.iite in recommcudui* toy »uc- r»*oi» to u.' pa- of in i cu.U.mer» and the put.hc reneral > ’ IV it 11A Nr* DlMolntlon. T'HF. cii-partnerahtp hci-nofore exirunß the m tr»*r» Burk-ft Han.e. will nettle me huiinr** of the .‘on .-erit lor winch purpo.e they are nulhori*ed to me the muU of the concern. N A f HAMhX OoN*T ABI.K, K.DM LNU Ul HKK TMOiIAS BARNKS T’ e u' Jriorml pave ihl* day n.aociatcd Itictlia.’ive» ... n ',,„e I.VUU'HKK A HAKMW. lor the pu«,.o*c r.i lII* (uUeturi'H Frfc Froof !*af< *- Vuuit V r Ar' ai the .land oi the late hroi ol Couauhic. but Ve ,V O tv ncre they will he pleased lo rCC tve the pm inn u tee ul the cue turner* of Uial tmujw nut) their trie ml*, uoi a?e.iiu.ecu* Klf'l l. N U JILRK F- TlioMAb Bf.HNbS In retirmr from the f.rn. oi Burke A . I vtlh .liter re plea-ore rrcomirorttd Mceata. Xurte A II in#, confidence ol my fneiul* ui.d the public t'rh tt I'lti NATHANIKi. CONSTAUI.E DIBSOLVTXOa. 'l'flF. I’itrtiicrnhip ol Mb'RFH Y A LEE “ ‘•“J 1 iLir.itl»ro l.y utuTuai roiucnt. The ba»liir** of Ihc rflr fir-u wn t.e •.-viie.l il. Lee. J. R- Ml Rl’llY. Fl Ul.urßll. Jail .'W. l-u ” LKE. NuriCK-The u-uJe.r«KUed will cr.ntimie Hie Woo u l .-'..rr.unJ **““ ° * “'‘"ii'” i.k ■ In rciiriii* from me firm of Murphy.A. 1#", I tukt tree.: pcnu'c m reroturueiuliiii; Air H 1-ce l° cotihilence of rot friend, and thr pn'-lic. i*-it.'..irsh. J».; -»a l-*VJ J K MFKFHY. r pllf. <»l..rr.Mli"ia«c tha. .la', u.«or .tit-d t,:-ui wi, “ Y "' 1 "* eln " l "j"’ at No fHi Ijhcriy, nppoMte Srwn:H‘'.f'-t. ' : ‘ie •t> n ;n„i ISI Sill'll :.1> A HA t h F.ti.t.ufßU, January 1. l.vlu. N I! —Our ....I eil.lotl.ef, U... 1 the 'll' u./iled m K't • u* II ca.i. ; a -’ CO-P AUTNK.UK HIP. WM. H S«JAlFe!a.,d t apl JA.MhJ* ATKINMtN er.lefr.l into purt'.ership, underlie ti rr* of SCAIFkIJc ATKINSON. id *fl cm-) nu the Tin. Copper,and m,eel Iron Warn inuiiu far tor y Vh o nit. ej« m nli,M< m a,I u« Il i'.lie lie*, at the old it am oi \\ 114 B 5,. 4 .,V, .urn, i.etu VV.m.l I’u lUcuinr aiirnuttii fjivcu tr. »utaiai»o4l work llTiKlUa-kaVim,, | -I-. I'-ai tera, ..uidmc liwn W 1.1.kM Umiiil UTtvir.iy Ja \IKS MAI.ZI u. 1 i-ujuorico Hoot, iu»t ree d oed for *ule .-j | uugjrr j kidu a. co _ BOOK TRAHE. VKW Thcoiojica! Irciurr. «. inr Rev Land Uofue. I) l), edited by tiir Rrv Joseph Smi.uri r y Frey, D l). 2.1 cd. M-riier w here the Tempirr ba« triumphed t>y 4" author of the "Jutl Chaplain ’’ Mormnra nmnnr the 'f»mu at Rornr. b»ih:' not*** Ol r<*iv«r*Alion he'd with ftrum J-. U il. ,m 'brmb j**.i oi u u/kmi in Oi*- nty of Uomr. by ib.- It*-v. M Ir l . Lrjmour, M. A. V,..|,fr« of o>** Natural llmory of Creation I*4*l v\l o! RcudctiTii*. by --TharkemyC' JOHNSTON A fTCJCKToN, •pit" oorptr Third %nd\t»rl*-t .1* \KV\ H> K ill -laTp-eW oil )UmT RJpui.' . s-L.»- L « priKinic Hirer ornruia! -> »r-m-« ofßpp'y.hi* 'hr traimnri or •imij; in diimrii; in* fur*. mouldin'’ s;eo nirirt*.*a'. rllipursl and apirnl H.n,l Rni'.: nU*>. *. n riffinni ry»t.-m of appiyinr the up* *.'ifi- niocl.'. '*• the rdK» Ol tfife plank. in od/uiol llir<|.y nl li , *l.i:r attended with Ell lulrodurlon c*«u*r ul ir.'"iil' l" m l.n« pfciporUciini. rI rtttpllfird ny -.... itu.l'r’*- drtnoiiil.-n'ioM«, mid u.uMralrd |.v ti* UT pih l-'* 1.. F. Brvno'.U. Arrhitrri. No 'll Camp N Orlrnn" J*i«t rrr d bv JOHNSTON A UTOc'KT'IV • I,l' ennirr Taud and Murk-i »m SKW DOOIt. Jyi |i| \i i\> Tot R THROt’OH A'ITKIfA - !n»i| l |uuoi’"i Mrlm-bun'in Amrncj.' by Juitir* lmo» I< ll -T,,|, n portrs.i » :h. auOio* Thr HHrnii»ni»i, a rollrruoii of Masif pairni End roun.l nn'r* ■ Mrihodi*! \ 'ma’inr for t w sTi 0 rrnu - «.r ,ulr wbor.Hlr and mail by R. HofKINS -p r Apoiln Hurdi-tf* y. .1 hOOH>- I hr Nov* :he a p* T»ona' Nurralivr. by A S runriitr Thr W'oi » * 1)1 i'liEr .r. U»ll>. Willi In* Li l *- onU Ir I • l-r- by I’ N I it!:<>u: I.iunarii- ■' Tlir l.ifr o/lir.irv «lh. Kmc of Krnnrr nod Moro.-« roiidi.r lour ) e»r- m Orrnl Uruam Ho«« * Anre.lolm oi Mr \\ a ir* m ..- Kll.t K-■.«!i*h. by K I. lij:wr* Kirvpi a*id Arabia I‘rlna. bv M*-plirr.«. '»* Uuriiia * Obrrrs Hllclll a liir 1U..1 ; w \\ ort« of f*or:iebu« Mnlhrsa. t.r. •- Mouiern. l.v .M** t. il Sigourney Lrllo--lo Dauchlrr*. LrUrr*. ■ oi)s - . raaucm« and RrroliiTiion*. bv •» T <*.» -rnl*r 1 .i!r of I'au Jorrra, i.r Markrnne M ** liiu-1,-I'l Lomr.i.r lirrcijil Hook A **'. a ar;;r ol Am p *» t ’.mu Hook* For »alr bv Kl.l.iori' 4 F.Vil.t' H. ~,<1!) 71. Wcm.l *, Ai.KR'l l.ri'KH, A<- Amrn* an l-'amaf'* Knry rlopnlia, 'ro l.i-.d r-. ♦ Vriceiabir Kjnjslom.-vi. Ihirs . Ui«.-our«r» *>«■ t'tnio >rl,lri.!n--Tt|r j'buil -v.s. M.ner'i Am.'r.can It*-- |took. 't mo A !r-r. Domrniir A*'im»;* ILboo ' J h \VrbKrr A Purl » Durnr«t:r y, ihirx «vo. 3 K .|.«,rby JAMJ> 1) Lib KWOOI). " Si-; c U KM ,| DrlikEb Periodic*! LlOraian. 1 Tnr tendon Rrvicw 1 •* l’h“ Kdioburcti Rrvirw. I .. . . .1 T».e Wr»-4iiiii«irf Rrvirw. Xlo^r'y t The Norn Briin.i K-m., i i n.lflwm'-s O.inliurph Maiariu-— Monthly f*!.r nonvr t‘en(V.ii*-al* nrr frprintril in \.-w \nrk. nnnir.i on thru «rmsl I s :br . •1.-an.-*-. laivlilul r iipir.j of ilia onemal • IlN.'k wood Macu it nr bruin an riarl fac-«:un'.r in' thr Llmhareh r<'ilinn. Th*i pr:rr« of Uie rrprintn arr a. .ban on* Hi rd n. •bo-e o: tar foreign rogues, and tlirv arr .-qua ■ • For any one oi the loar ilrvtrw*, - 8J ui pi ran To. Hip two do • .» «■ FIU HO) -.brer do 7 tfi For a’l ioer of tbr Rrs-i»w». F..,- Klli'tmoil'l Mmi'lir . 3 «*• Tor Ularkwoiid a-d thr u. u m-ct« They *:• ...» f 1, i •" 1 •-I'n/'-i] *1 ibr «-k. ft... - A<- A,-. »i>iru -rein m*r MISCELLANEOUS* Mieam llrlrk Woikl for Selr. i*.r lui>:k ir«*r.U). wrHli u.-y . ll.Mii MTSKI’IT N*. Il- Ml. rmf.;,*.. iL.uea- .IAIIKk W. WOOD WELL Sodrro aml A nii q o c horuilore, •■Ct. r'i:ai'S*Tk*jfT,^ForT*t, run Tz.e pre»cnl "itwl on hand ea.. iot r-e rii-r.-dej >y u-.v roa'.tiiheiory m tne w-.ten. cou-.iry F. iw Wi.hii.R lo parr It me would do well to ,it- me a ra.i. m | nn. deU-riiuuctl my pnee* «ha.l pie.ft Fart of HndM i-j.i.jrii-. d. I run I'., r. r«. i* v» m I* g.n «'id roM • *• Ko^iinr* ioi • •» V* • .... ■IU r- :;r- Tat.,.-.. Tele -4 Tec. I «... • ,\|V Chair*. Vl' lfcvtu* 4 f-air Ti - \\ artlrul.-*. - ju-rrrla nu.l Itrw.k r.i»r>-. •jo nutrtxc i«‘p \\ u-ii I Outnua- v « \\ <.(* <:»: ,:«j I" Strum lloui* (uri>:«h-d o-i tnr And on tlir most TCRi>nu*ir'.l-'l| ijj Uc» ol «ml Al!ryli* in 5? JOHN (illfcutV Af*n!. for \V»jvr ,\1 fdlooi., U 9 N. V. D«M 10. 1-4" of Ui<- Nnr.ll>' \V.»rk* lor Hi j-.rriiv'tl i trull .1 . n; il '.vr take- [iV»«un* in rrrnninii* fu> article to »1! wh<> iov>‘ purr wuii-' l ’nlcr* w. thankfully rrcnv<* po«»c«-v idvaniaee of being a atop cm », r.iid a« «u"-h •. rn •u»e« wiil Ivr very convenient and ecorr mica, 11 ran Unattached where tiinre i* any ‘' Kl or low in a ea»k, lank, ml*, A.c wuh <•&»<• T» '' l '* of the ««ie ArriO, W. W \VII„-.. • ri..i \!t,/L ju.tll 'it ' 9tonons»liel* H*ery Stable. r*\ ItuHKKr II l’.\rrKKM»N ba* «,tn ■in • y h-w .><>••« .1 ;!ll ; , |Ua ii'y imr»i «i , in. Horn-* k«ft-• • ( " A N l-JuiM'.NT I'hV;'''* 1 ; ;V llir nti'i-ch* .« llufla.o arm oilier ittf ' ■ ( ' * ..ecu nrovefluaJ Ills cli-irjr' “ rc wo ‘'* ,n •Ufc« perinai>' - nU 01. l rnw. nf y" °* [„,„. tWi AIMS ' ' mSSIn »’ciSSw«?»iw |bn» u» B> *» •j>«*m Kxuecu*!. AJvurr i<> Uie !••’ r , ~ „. u t ,N H —l>r A soliril* Uic worn f* M ’’ j tM ' ,n I’ltuaurxh eai* improvement In F*l l'.»no» lo i.r -m in lln*rnuiiin The H>l * ‘' r ”, iu '»«• »>>' e Bi,j ’ln'ui! *i «ui Tti«*»ncr». uu« l"f«i“. #IJ w v\’no«lweir« “UThirJn N.B-TUc loi-rnl-r w.!M.c ti’uxiri at l»»* war.*. bnune trom II u. IV A M *«■» <«-* ? JJ A jul H K «■> Ac-m r»r %««««• A ’I yy*K In*- »•.«.' KVMI**. mad- ‘>u i-tmiSw'•«'»•n'-i-- -•' •ee tlieoi al MAIFKA AtKINf'N **. i»i, between Wood Merkel ill MISi'KUjANEOUS Chocolate, Cocoa, dfcc. W Baker 1 . Aim-r.cnu at.d K rent'd CWcolaie. I*T**p» nl iVo«. i'ih'ii.l Pa»tr. [)rntna. CurAA Shed*. &< HVi inerehitn:* and cnitoiroer*. purelmw 1 Ut«- tM"*! j>r<»ii Paste, a» tlrhcair. panuahlcj o'li'-r* i*rr j-r-i-.-innrc d tin- mo»! eminent phy»iciau» «uperor to n:u nth-r preparation*. Hu mannfaelore* *r?al\»-a)« on «alc. in tiny ■inaimij’. tiy the niort re *|. retail.e kiwi i- ui :i>? euMrrn cillei, and t-Y then ai'enl*. Il»w-».(tr:iy A m . «•' ilo«lon. Jamr* M Hunre Aro Htirti'nrd Conn, Now York; tyrant A ?*ioii.\ I'lniuUcipbiiL; Tnouia* V Urundnye, Hal* umnre, and Kriioc< X Iteiinrit.Cinciunati. Ohm. H AJ.TK.R IiARKR, [Joi-Hicier Man For»«!o t.v nttir't! HAOALKY A SMITH. Aru Wrought and Cast Iron Halllor* TMIK .uli«.-nlier« l.r S >*»e in iiitomt the politic that Kiev inn - oMuuieit ironi Uir K*.l ail llir tale tuid laviunn,i...r dr.i;n. .or Iron Rajiinj. Ihiil lor home. •.Hue pniti-rn* wiP |iii- u *e mil and examine. and judßf Kir l,irm> Kir iur vvil Ur lurm»t>e*l lU lUe MlOPt ••-t ::oi,ee. and in U.r Of-1 m.innrt. a: the corner 01' t* a ni Rrl.e.T.i -tr.-ru, A >?lirn>- Pity. nur-S'-d'f A I.AMONT A KNOX \V. A, J. (JLfc.NN. Book Binder*. Tt'K «*<- -t.:. -MS H e-rl II! I(.r al*..vf luj*irw»», corner Y> o- IVmx] :lU'\ n. t<] ..rrrbi. I*11i»oarp; ll, wh-rc i! 111 on .«.iy xvurk 111 our linr wilh tJc»- -i:itnl ;»* iu nraiin , »» and du- niir.t itn> j»mirrii mid bound »ut>- ■ rrr|>air--.i N imm jiul on nook* in cHt Irttrru. 1 itm liuvr wml m our line are mvitoO locail i C H I7n«rr. with i; ..O' >' ; : wr urrrl'F M»- • i ii-r ih<* pfruunet «»t a:i <»ur fri'-ncW ami co»- tnrr- UO \\ I*l ll N DKXTKK, Till. ruiNUKXTER. r.v- tirvn Aur 4U. '.<•* Cl H <•l< A NT. W!.oii*«k >'ii rnprr, ComltlKtlon Altll Ii" .cnnlMis M'Tfiiniit. No 41 \V»iei «. *ufi Bcal»i, Cooking Slo»n (irttu, Ac. VJ AKMiAI.I- 'VAi.l.Ai'i. A •(!, JCiuiul Church, irl. oiiMi-r 1 riy sjid U'lmij t.l luiuiuinriure 'uriou» i’nrlor and iiiion «.r»ic». Honour \V;irr. Ac Ac Tl»cy ai»o m''i*• mrc me kiichrn Holier. » men Ua> jrivcu • uult wnuiil uiv:lc Uic uuenuon oi i i-i/c! • .uni lii- I'ul-ac «r.trial.v. ocU7*4lf MaM K.u'l'l.h: ;> Tou.u:* t*—Tnc nuimrnUrr wouin.'ii- 01 Uic my inuir ajid den it- t' >•> n»c lolliiwiri* Uraioli Tobacco*, in nioec hltd id .irr.M . urineJi Urintf rnr>»iifainriil» di r. . !i»n . tui.euu urcr I. !;c l» cllltticii U» «C.l #1 CUV 1 a. i r.x- K W i rnom. 4- > i • >iar-|t*f-d in l.und CVmon r\ nl <*V' - r' «Wrnpti*n. *urh -'•uni Fritinr« Sp»r«J'-r» lt' Witrywri •M><*olpr». I»«>rr.*. t'jtii l.’i-i.lrr. Ar Wrought u:- «•! In.r. »*u ir« line ir-t j.■ item*. «.ul<- ami nat.ti Ul!»r». n«t*h *.*ul fancy ('*». ■r* >1 y t *r C IK \l*» iip« |i<-;*■ r to l-lix-i. iirii 4 <’ »«.rktu<-ii. tbey ..«• - v*..ri We '2 ..-«\>i ic\ -\l u.'w:.t..s kai’h - ~.,i , o, l ,\> l KlM'lV.-v w wij: .r.-i jbi-,,- I* k< r* Hrni|- Twitir fri-uilie*' j»» •« I’ llfv—.-- Km-hr*, Weaver.' ll»u«h -, A- A . I.* u. A V \\ lI.SuN A I'll. -:vJ IA • •• .irp«. «h. Puli I' V. INK' —f, i.-Jt’. r-iimn.-: i.Ou'il I'Biup!-:! .V I-®', old .it. I-.- 1 1* ~ a . *.- ;« l-ut- I“4i> 1 , ,.-r Jnu-c par ~-u «f l‘iir. Ili'i.i A .’••m-. I’o”- Ju.rr. inrenie dou- J A l 'OH WEAVER. Jr try-- nntl •f>liM>i|id PirosuKtm, March 7.U45. i KAiina—DearSir: Having examined the ‘‘Ajeo* mrtcr " manufarturod at your room*, I do not b*«n*tr ui 'xiuinend it to ttie om of thoue gentlemen wqo are auokii removing to California in neareh (if Gold li THtNG-Jn.i foritie A i «tiu»rin» hxpedition. a complete amoortrornl of Out:i |.;a.-.ic I'loUiKig, at price* ranging from to 0 1 1 _»> lor *uil <>! iiouL pant* and UaL For .aic at llie No j Wood *t. d-r-ti J 4 H PHILLIPS For CallfornllL TIIK celebrated Hazard Riflr Powdrr, hi kega, ball Xrg», quarter* and can*, for *ale by , r> >i:i J * UII.WORTH 4 C«. iffwood «t (Jw!)' bur \7.i! T Ttr'w 00004. a an-nc.r, o. H M Craw uj, to I SHACKLETT it, WHITE •v ,\.o b in-- «:ir..:n.u ui i.voi mi i .vio-o Ju*t - Dr y U_o od a Jobbin, HI.I MK No Uv wood rori r ' %\ ]< ll* ru, l rr.,„jn,.„.c*i. s' t: >• v'■ , - ... hur..|w ».«l wturh .VV .ll w Me f I'fmd.« <1... R Ij.-:. .tr j.afi,C«l* •o, 4< t, o.i: -»'l V. A i"o, o >\ IK)D »TH KKT— Would call the aam non 14.1 l.i-rv «i | iii .MrfctiaiiW lo tfieir large »lcx'< 01 Domestic f)\ P \ r •*«»!. 'Ki. \ li» 1..\ “il T' -An rj !-•!•»ve ! ! “ ul Foreign DK\ (iOODS, jn«t receiving from the lin- J ' ( ~rii'-'iii* v in« <'eir'ir*.r.n.lHa»«rn. Ulo-e*, •'ini'l'- i (hmn.'v 't:i* r»iimu<'i». fcf A:*". n .. ft,,,,, imr in inur -iflit*. REfIOVAL. ,1* *•» \\ U AO cu&rKet * 'J'IU-' »u!>»cnlwr ha» removed hi* \Vl>oic»ale Groce- WAiITKIi : •A ry Wore tn th* corner ot Hancock ntreet and Alle l,A|. , « V WH.rU.;,; l-lIII.AI>KI.|-,iIA. ;<»...>■ 'V,,.j;.,..,.d00,u. u>«»rry•!««?«■ ]J M-.H \t,lt K ■ ifMu.N aMj.NKW uRi.KiX" . >“' l A..Uif _ JOHN t i. AI-l'Al-i A \ U L’t i 'I V, | IV U5-TIGK ii, | L4l Ar/u.- !,.•<-» M*[- t'-o.icniirt. Ml . At \\*tiavo „ n ~,, from *■<" 1,1 Si. I "*' per m-iium. 'llio-c it, r- hi a.. \lir uani<*d die «ra* or ths muli u«li im rocxr&m. ,N o il 1 3 North Second * t., ■bo v o Vine ] PHILADELPHIA. AS experience of more than twelve yean in the manufacturing of Mineral Water Arparaim. uui ! !u> preparation of.Slincra. Water in Belt in and Foar.- 1 lair*. op. an exten«f*e scale. with a teienlific and prac j Ural knowledge »t'of t>oih branche* of buomraa, u*ge- I (tier with rereut iraprovrinmu m the construction ol I the Apparatus and the preparing of ihe Water, which ■ini-- he bn* -urfeeded in adopting since hi* visit to Pane, ..., ,vti - . .ii 1 r.iid after year* of ciov study and piactical applies i a > l.uK A iA\.M.\V.No .j!'x-rond *t., ! lions a* applied to the arts in Mechanics and Chemi*- •••i>vc*ii Sou’ll anititay. I iry. enable* ihe subscriber to come bolero the public - . i pan »i iiir 1 , Slate*, | min entire confidence, and oiled them the be-l tuid • in*' or <-i- • ut.rei roirplcle Apparatus, for tbo manufacture of Mi..- i>i ui<- « 'i •. wi.i nave in*-ir wt»i. imnir- , rful U tint in Houle* and Fountains, that can be fur mil I. .!•••; ill :• > .id-• --1 . : n • * po-.-paid) lll'bcd ill ' lie V nllrd Stale*. ~ ..... t . v , ' , ii i 'i'iim.e mu') ex- 111- al m> llatier' rumsolf that Ibe. enlarged success be wm, , uii-i o' vi-c \ uirur i.y coming j has inn with, and 'ho proem extensive and daily iu ,i >LC • ni:>.ii) mr.r. lot thrui'clve* j creasing uioounl ol bi* business in both the above dr- TA V l.i 'll \ T.\ V AN. ! purtrncni*. rurni'hes ihe tno*i convincing proof of his No 10 Sen mil .irrei, c aim u> .hr *u(«-riomy of Apparatus over those or ail iii. *.!.i'd * * Baimanrv. Md { other*, and of the partly ami salubrity of the Water i»irt iitl' u**»ri rimiPß. : prepared iberefrora. , • , ~ ~ ~, • iv.inuiu„.i,i„- ’ Fcrsoiu wb<» o'der ihe Apparata* front a distance. I . ‘ ’ , ' ' ' v . . - ; may be a*sur-d mat their instruction* shall be laithful -1 ‘ 'VJ ‘»I , 1 . »■'’.....i"—i «.*. ■uij ~ nu* «» ''.rry ..M) i, ill i.ti.i.n- i.. .!• > ‘ *''n -rni ciiheg by isn-l of waur in any pun of the U. States. -in ••. iii • "ii -.i ‘ 1 To avoid i!is.i|.poiiiunmi. it i* recommended lo those • ii' * r ' fu.'i'ln'* Vi ' ' rlm 1 r " rt ,J l’l l, V'"K 'hrin»elve» ihe approaching '• U 1 lorward itieir order* *ta* early* day a* cou • %r». (• •* *“ fJ‘ ' ’ 'j venient. til.* n ~e .min *j. \TKIN- ! ON ! •'■"'•ru. Water Apparatus, Generators, Tump* and , . ' ' Fountain*. Ornament* I L'm* and I’cdesul* for *tnnd*. J * rv " T J i. I Couniet* and Hum ol ltciel*, for drawing Hydrsm PX T I"h U I-IKj f i Fi'-MALIC INSlirtl'lt j vVater. together with forking and Tying Machines. i'lli *•. ii'.a on <■ ini' Insiituiioti. under ihe 1 Rt ,j everything *ppertainii.g u> the above bu*tne*». . ’• -r Mr. H'.il '.ir*. li<>*ni>«.i. ’nr the nre'eiit i ~o n, iU l, t|)- o ,j (land, and lor sale on the lowest icrin» i.-ad i. i v- nr u ..1 ('..nun''are on the Ur*l nl r c hrii* . | or or>2>:drinlflni r> ~ Al n, the **n." .•.." No ii Uksflj * lre '“ ( " QRKAT WEgTERS ' V'l'Trni* ."v .Ti 1 4 Veil -Ve!'lv .« 7, V cADDLK, HARNESS,TRUNK ANI) Willi* MAN •i ' sV. ,or *' it i"'nii- u'l'i'nt'iu »ti V‘i irli*li 't" i.-ai i rFAtrfi.RV -rhe subscriber lake* this mrihod *a! '• .I iirnsriiei'i'ii* -due 'i.'.i ful .oursc rifV’*'- 1 •of'rrming hi* ftiend* and the public in gotierul thai .'.I. .a I ,i i',. lur-* wi.i i,n de‘i»rr*«l 1 l * ir ' ar ß r * l ‘t«»ck of the fullowuig named *r - .»- !' * • w'i i-f* ."Vi a-.i.Jtmu* Ii •• Ins own mnnuiueture in thi* rity —.Saddl"*. Hur -in” hi 5... i 'mV iiV.' '!**.(• Mi..i'*" "'**• Whips, all of which he wilt warrant 'i'' ' "i, ‘. * V \ M| pt ' |, r J' j, . to It made ofkhe he«i mule rial and by the tie*t iticch -7-- .•• . ' ~ii i- • |•r..•7-i,y^ l ’ I*l close atii"itio!i 1,1 Ailcgiiciiy county. Being drtrrmim .l to «e: u i V ■ i i i iiv Vi 'in ol tiicir 7 1 bi* iinmal'ociure# «omeihiug lower thou ha* been here .•• * if I’r'i'm * paii' ..i|T i. ui'-tit a>tiiilmurtl.oii u‘‘ ilie , «“Tn “ej of“Se a^VeTiameJ .... .a i , nK . ii.» n.uiero eitjoycd. hor #tu ,. lr , u , warehouse. No. tl-f-i Liberty si reel, oppo i l i 11 r site Seventh. Al*o, bands mode to order for machine “ ' ry. oct-TU-ty KK.KUV | lU> .1 to r ,• r*.ify I purthnaed one Vial of Ur. FORO&KRXWOOO OAUDIuNS. 1 M 'Lime's Worm St.-dhc, .one two rnonib* tigo : The .team boat A MASON •no gvvc lo v son nl W ..r.e s,-vnn ye.„» « w . two now run* from ihe Point, fooi^j lull and niibowth Hie amount uuy app.-ur 1 MSeeflMffrß of Lilwriy street, to the tiar- Mto, ru i .... douU mil iln-re n. upwntdaof j ■aaffiaOHden-lcuving *t B o Clock, A. M.. m.u iv > tit %)■-.**» wohvn |in«~i! Irntn him. mea«uring I at the brgiiiiung ol each hour until tl r. M. Vimers mm L-n i of *u in-ti to two mehe* lone. . may rny ou finding ihe. I.oui at ihe hour. She leaves I. W HOLLIDAY. t lUc Harden, ihe U*t up inp. al HI o'clock, hoci- . • T-e*. Carol. r«. Imi'i. Her ft. jm7 ~!«< The sen-on i- f.i*i ailvmemg. and those wishing lo I visi! thu dencbiful reireai. now i« ihe time lo spead a QENNiETT BROTHER. I frw hours, not m me «iuoke and Oust oi the City, but in -{■ :1 . i.- Wa \ i i\M Fa».*l‘U ' j » pure atmosphere, pcrlurned with the frognuice of HlrmloKhau. .near IMtuburgb.l Pa. t uf r.-frehmeu. eirep, m.oi, eating drink*, VVixr-tWir, X,. \M, IVcwi/ Btrctt, j Orcenhou-e Plant*. Z 2 «vrgf'. t\ 11. kcr j on h*nd » goo.; iseort , Uounuci* of choice flower* tor *ale. Closed on Sun- Sfi/i"' ' " Ware, ol ..or own imtnuiacinre, and I ,| ay . , T Vb JAM^M'IiAIN «-p'i nrniai ti 'A h- ies-..e and country Mer . oi landing made oa account of low wa ■" Chants *r- I 'pccUuor 1i.'1.-dlo cali.iud cl j er . amme lot w.oio*r.i*e*. .is .r- are dcttynioied u* «ell i ’ EfcilOVAL -heape- Urt. o ered to the ■ D. MILTKSDEROKU ,v >e -I. :..'f w i 100. u. .• enoejV' niyiti ,• i'orwirdtng and Comrojaaion Mcr 1m , i', il- i .... - . i ehrtnt, ha» removed to No. ¥7 Front, between Wood • . i "V V*' r *r ,TO ; * V ' nod Smlthfield street*, an< mV. m':.roiiw,n«' £*£>,', in- ! * NOtfiCß. i.w *ur*. A-« goid ond-nver la»*e « l-nu.-- I \\7 HF.RF.AS. John P Hopewell, of the city of Ptttf*- ini i...c* YY burghvMerchant Tailor, by his deed, bearing , i . f r-ai vnrinv i data Utc lUih day of July. A. lr4fl, and recorded In and i-eumifi, paiurn*. ' ;,, e Rcc. idpr's Ulliee o( Allegheny country, in deed \V v\ WtlVuN, ' book Vot. Hi, page 490. assigued and transferred to me rornei NUrsri and huunu si. !"I b" esiaU*. rral and personal, m treat tor hi* credi . - . , ' lor*- NOTILK i« hereby given to oliperaon* indebted * THKN.t’.CM UATHISO' k-TABLISU- > u. snnl estate to make puy mein to Ihe undersigned, and M r.N l— i ii,.-,; i>oni it A. M »o 11 P M Mneie . iho*e having claim* agouisl it. to present them for set itu'h <>r r. i.>r I .lolluf Indies dcpannicut j uetncut UKN L\MLN OLtDE, Assignee, .'IX3,. iroui u to ii a, M nod Hum 1 mi V. M ; auglt Pinsbargb. fke Ur.lteshtueu . >n.oo. , is ore uneijuulieU m style r X F.AD—eh pigs l-oau, rec’d amffor saie by Biiendauce. Rechercnr ice L'reams : Jj RHBY, BtATTHEWS A CC^ augU T. M’FALL, Proprietor. \ lp tio gy Water «t of •nprtlar 'inn'll'- sn.Jl.r.rur M K.««n. pnrf MISCELLANEOUS. PAPER HANGINGS. MESSRS. JAB. HOWARD * CO., Ho. M Wood Street, WOULD coll itae attention of the public to their present slock of Paper Hangings. which for -ra ndy. Iwauty of finish, durability and cheapness, is un surpassed hr any establisbmcni in ihe Union. Beside# a large and fu!! assortment of paper of their own manufaetoie, they are now receiving a direct tm portation of French arid English styles of Paper Hang ing*. purchased by Mr. Howard, one of the otto. now tu Kufopc. consisting of Parisian manufacture, 10,«X> piece*. London do 5.000 do Of their own manufacture they have 100.000 pieces Wall Paper, and Uyxxi pieees satin glared Window Blinds, Ae. , . Messrs. James Howard A Co. have spared neither expense nor labor in their endeavors to rival die east ern wall paper establishment*, both in quality of man ufacture and variety of pattern; and they are warrant ed in assering the public that they have succeeded The whole assortment, foreign and home nytnufae ture, will be offered on terms as low as those of oast ern manufacturer! and importer*. mehfl7riU XTEW COMBS—At ZEBULON KINSEY’S, «? Mar- Xl ket sireet -4 dox very high back Shell Tuck Combs; 3 •* medium “ “ u u a ~ low “ “ •J| “ plain high “ “ “ 14 u narrow bended top “ “ 50 “ fancy top Buffalo u ID *• plain “ 80 groat com. Horn; 30 dox shell side, assorted *l - 30 gross com bora Side, 3 dox shell dressing do; 13 uox Buffalo do do; 4 do irattnt'ou do do; 50 do best -English Horn, fl do ft S 8 fine Ivory, extra rize. 15 do B H do do, in boxes; la groti 8 fine do do; l do comb Cleaners. *pl° PALMER, HASH A A CO., (Successors to Hussey, Hanna A Co.} BANKER*. EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealers iu Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates of Deposits, Bank Notes, and Specie—Fourth street, nearly opposite the Hank of Pittsburgh. Current mo ney received on deposits—Bight Checks for sale, and collecuous made on nearly aO the pnneipai pouiii in the United State*. The highest premium paid for Foreign and American Gold Advances made on consignments of Produce., ship ped Kau* oo liberal term*. apfl _ GREAT INVENTION I —VALUABLE DISCOVERY PxTXIVT RKCBKD JxKtOhT Ist. 1t)49. Patera cw+ieoer nzteneum Table*, So/a j,*, Book Com*. Writing De*Ju. LEVER OF WROUGHT IRON risHR TABLES far surpassing every other in i vennon ofthe kind now extant. They can be ex tended Irom ten ui twenty-fire feet, and when closed the leaves are all contained inside; they are made to all sues aud shupes, and are admirably adapted, for Steaml>oals, Hotel*, and large private families, form ing when cIOm-J a complete centre table. t*9PA* AND BUREAUS—These articles are inval uable. particularly to those who wish to econo mise room, and eonvert a sleeping apartment into a parlor or s'tnng room, as they can be opened and shut at convenience, and when shut, the betiding is enclos ed A great saving m room and rent. AH the bed steads when closed form a beautiful piece of furniture for • parlor or sitting room. BOOK CASE*—A neat and useful article for parlor or drawing room. WRITING DESKS—For law offices, counting rooms, and other offices; when opened a most convenient bed stead. when closed a perfect Desk and Library alone is visible. All these articles need no recommendation: the WBUty of the whole is, they are warranted not to get out of repair It will he for your interests to call ami examine Ihe articles, at the manufacturer's store, No K 1 Third street, Pittsburgh In addition la the above advantages, they are proof aguimi bogs mchlfi JAM EB W WOOD WELL COAD’S Patna Graduated Galoame Battery and Paten ItunJated Pole* for Medical and ether purpose*. I'HIB is the only instrument of the kind that bo* ever been presented in this country or Europe lor med teal purposes, and is the only one ever known la mic, by wtucb the galvanic fluid can be conveyed to the hu man eye. the ear, the brain, or to any pan of the body, either externally or internally, in a definite rent!# stream, without shocks or pain—with perfect safety— ami often with the happiest effects. This important apparatus is now highly approved of by many of the most eminent physician* of Uuseouo ir> ami Europe, to whom the afflicted and others whom .1 may concern can l*e referred. Reference will also t>r given t» many highly respectable citizens, who have been cured by means of thtsmost valuable apparatus ui ►run*- of the most inveterate nervous disorder* which could not t*e removed by any other known means Anions various others. It has been proved to t>c ad tananly adapted for the cure of the following diseases, vu: nervous headache and other diseases or the brain It i, with this apparatus alone that the operator ean convey the magnetic fluid with ease and safety to the cy<-. u> restore sight., or cure amaurosas; to ihe ear to restore Peering; to toe longue uod other organs, to re, .tore speeen, aud to the various puna of the body, tot ttir cure of chrome rheumatism, asthma, neuralgia, oi ur iloioureux. paralysis, or puisy, gout, enoica or 8t Vi:u « iianea, cpiiepsy, weitxness from sprain* some dts-nsf-s peculiar u> femah s. contraction of '.a: mil-*. 'or surrounding counties of Western Fa, tod prtvtiegr*. wun the instrument, may bq purchased, and aisu tesieti lor the cure of diseases. Fut! instruction* wilt be given lor the various ebrmi lais to im> u«ed for various diseases, and the best man ner for operating for ine cure of thosa diseases will al so b r fully explained to the purchaser, and a pampbirt pul into ou hands expressly for these purposes, care ful: y prepared by the patentee. Enquire of octi l-Jly 8 WILLIAMS, Vine si, Pittsburgh THE aREOMETEB' T'HE atteounu of the public is respectfully called to the following certificates: Mb 8. Eaxtxs—Having tested & qcantuy of Gold weighed by yout Areometer, I tad tea result proves your instrument correct, aunl recommend the ase of it to t:io*e to California. u the beat method for ob taining the real value of Gold. Reap. Tours, J. B DL’NLKVV, Geld Bexur. Puishargh, March V, HH9 WIULUn HEIBS, SauofactDrtr of Bineral ualcr Apparatus, GOODS, &£. DRY GOODB. ICSPBIi wi 1.908 S. CO., No. 4r Wood St., Pitts3C*3H, ARE now receiving their usual supplies of Goods or in. Fa; season, which they will be happy to exnitm to -.heir old customers, and a* many new ones as may fee; mettned to present themselves. Alwtys taking great pain* to lay in soeh goods as are adapted to ihe wonts of the Western trade, which long experience enable* them to do, they cun say with much confidence. 8 .,d without entering into a detail nf their » ©cl. thai the Western retail merchant will find with hern si; that hi* customers require. Those who have formed the unprofitable habit of repairing io the Kaoteni ciae*-for their stocks of Dry Goods, would do well-go fall. a« s candid comparison of pri ce* would in manv eases result in the conviction that the expense nf going further may be obviated by buy tnf *pU3 GREAT ARRIVAL, if SEW MODS FOE TEE FILL TRADE. A A. MASON k CO., No. no Market stre-i, have • just received an immense stock of NEW FA LI, GOOD. I *, to which they invite the auenuon of their friends and the public—assuring them that every arti cle will be sold at their usual low prices—so iow as to defy competition. spin SEW GOODS. WM'CLINTOCK t* now constantly receiving bis » Fall Stock of CARPETING, OILCLOTHS. Ac. smonf which may be found the following varieties; Axiuimuer Caipets; Bup Chemils Rags; Velvet do do Tufted do Tapestry do Common do do Brussels do Sheep skin Mats; Extra sup 3 ply do Chenille do Sopcfflue do do Tufted do Buper&ne Jngr. do Adelald do Fine do do b-4, 7-4, 6-4, 6-t, 4-4 ai d 3-4 Common do do Oil Cloths; Listing do Table Linen: Rag do lluekebuek Diaper, 4-4,1, and | Tap. Ven. do Linen t'rdsh; 4-4. 34 A 5-4 Tw’ld do do Damask Unen Sir. Coven 4-4, * A 3-4 wool dodo Pal Oil Cloth do do 4-4. IA a-4 com do do Stair Rods, Binding. Ac 6«mb which wr arc now able io sell lower than ever buioru offered in this city. We umio all wishing to farcah House* aud Bl*am Boats, to call and exatn iaaaux stock before porehasing elsewhere. Carpat Warehouse, No. 75 Fourth tt. ark W. H'CLINTOCK VEW FALL OOODfiV WR MURPHY u now receiving his first Fall . supply of Foreign aud Domestic GOODS, and has already opened on assortment of new and beauti ful styles dark fall PRINTS, warranted fast colors; and neat new style Pall Muslin de Lome*; Alparcas aud Mohair La*tres; Damask fig’d and §tnpc*l do ' Parmetto* and Lyonesc Cloths; Of the most desirable colors; and a full supply of blear bed and unbleached Muslins, Irish Linens, Man chester Gingham*, Ac , at northeast comer Fourth and Market su. Buyers are mviied I" call snd sec. spta tjtRENJH MERINOS—4Jf ail the desirable colo-s. tuch as Maroon. Oantoi, cherry, scarlet, different shades o 'green dr*b, and black. Also, J'aRMETTOS ol all the above colors, in eve ry variety of quu'ity; and LYO.NESE CLOTHS, als.) of all the desirable colors, now open at Dry Good*' House of sptl4 W R MURPHY Mourning ooods-w. r. Murphy h»* nopr open an extensive assortment of Black Goods, including Borobaxmet, French Mennoes, Pannettos, Mouse Jr Lames, Moutuiug Alparcas, aud Other Mourotog Goods. sptl4 MILITAR'' OOODB.—Caps, Plamea,Swords.Sash es. Buttons. Ftags, and all the tnmmiKgs necessary to equp volunteer companies. {£7* Volunteer companies equipped os complete and cheap a* done in the East, at toe Military Store, ear lier Market and Fourth sts. \V W WILSON I*. B The Uni eo Bute* Bass and Tenor Drums, of Germantown make, for sale and warranted by SDACKLETT a white, DAY GOODS JOBBERS. tw wood street, ARK now receiving a very large stock of (xcsS (i*vod», of recent purchase and importation.which they wtU sell to the trade al such tyylec* as caonot fiu) to give runre sausfaction, Cny sit-l Country Merchants are Invited to call an 4 examine uur stork before purchasing eisew*-* . my- SEW GOO 0&, 1849. KENNEDY A SAWYER, corner Wood and Fourth street, are now receiving direct from first hands, a targe stock of Fancy and Variety Goods, me-uding CWk- of every variety, gold anil silver Watches, Jewelry. French Prints, Cdolis, Hooks and Eves. Gloves and Hosiery, Buspenders, Gun Caps, and oil other aruriei in thei r lu.e—aii of which having "een purchased personally of the manufacturers east, du ring the Inst winter. expre**ly for the Bpring trade. wi,l tie sold wholesale at a small advance on cost, t'onstantly on band, all deaenpuoas of I-ooktng Glaas >•«. of oor own qmoufactunng, at eastern pnees mhil \ T KW FANCY AND VARIETY GOOD;*— At ZEB i> UUIN KINSEY'S. 67 Market street UK) pr« fine (?lmia Vase*. a«*'d, 175 *el* twist and tut velvet coat Holtons; 40 fine velvet Carpet Bags; flu dn do gen: t iravelmg, IDO gross fancy suk Uu lions, fot dresses; 10 dixhsil Brushes, uss'd; 100 gro fine bll Vest Uuttnu*. a*«'d; ISO do do gill and plated, do. •45 ld lever Wuehcs; SO do de tached lever Waieoet; 10 do Lepine do: 10 fine dia mond Finger Rings, 1 doi fine fold Vest and Fob Chains; t do do Guards; Breast Pin*, Finder Rinse, Ear Ring* ,Ve. Gl**>VK>, 4c SOO doi Ladies Couon Gloves, ats*d; 3t!ododo Lisle Thread, far.ey top, 4c., 10 do cents' Mile Gloves, It! do do kia do; dOdo ladies kid, aturd, 10 do do fancy top silk. VaRICTY GOOD3-7S pig* American Pin*; 300 bit Colton Cords; “5 ps Paper Muslin; 500,OlX) n lined Percussion Caps, 'JOOgrodress Whalebone do; lUOdoz Ivory t'ombi. Dressing Combs. Back Combs, 4.r. 4c. si>a ti H KA TON A CO. arc now opening tnetr Spnog . -tork of Trunmiugs, consisting in part of Man tiua and I'rc* Fringe*. Gimp*. litscr and col'd Silk Lnices, i.iacit Fiounee i,acc, Buttons, Unds, Bonnet Tnmuiiuys. gent*. ladies and eaudren* plain and fan cy Hosiery. Shirts for men and bov s. Combs. Ivory and odier Fun*. N ant. Spool Cotton, Needles. Tapes Bob bins. Pins. 4c 4c , wfnrh they otfer fbr sale, IkjUi .wholesale aud retail, ai thir Trimming Store, ffil Foorth street, l.etwror. Wood aud Market. 'apl4 FIIKBU 8P It fS G G 6 O'DTil. Sbaeklett & White, DRY GOODS JOBBERS, l» Wood street,; ask the attention of Merchants to their stock of AMERI CAN AND FOREIGN DRYGOODS, now receiving direct from fkr-t bands. - unrri iiuiu ui-i uuiui. Receiving regular supplies of first goods daring the season, anu devoting a targe share of their attention to Eastern Aoetion sales, they ean confidently assure buyer* they will hud it to their interest to examine th**!' «tock Just received, largo invoices of new style Drew Goods, Fancy Prints. Cassiracres. Cloths, Summer Goods, Laces, Wane Goods, Irish Linens, Tailors' Trimmings and brown and bleached Sheetings of vari ous brands. mart! » A Mamin 4 Ct) rlor»e Bucket*, Half Buthe *, Ac. All other kind* of Ware in hu line made to order augll SAMUEL KROtSEN. \ f OUNTKAGI.E TRIPOLI. for>oli*hmg, a newly iVL ducovered *ub«UtQte for Crocus, Rotten Stone, Rouge, Sc. I'aKulie* bare found it invaluable for their ulfer and counter ware*—in »hort. at remarked by the '•Scirmthc American.” in an article noon It, “of all Ihe •Übilance* which have been applieO to poliah Olaa* ami Meta,*. none emu equal that fubiunca known by the name of Tripoli—tbi> i» a superior artizlc to that hrkt brought from Italy by the Veuetiana, and tued by them m'their palmy day* of gin** making. to give u that r-Toliar polish m> much admired by outer nation*. It >houid I.C m every family and every work *hop. For *.xle by R E SELLERS,* aaglO • ft? Wood ft Premium Strawberry Plaate, AT H RKKM WOOL' HARDEN.—Butat'f Prize, Ihe premium plant. #l.OO per hundred. Victoria and Hovry\ seedling*.-W rent* per hundred—all thrifty plant* warranted Order* from a dt*tance carefully : put up and forwarded. Alto, a large collection of : Orceunouao Plant*. Faatolph end Taylor'* Seedling ! Ac „ , , . An OMNIBUS lenve* the Allegheny Cl 7 end ofthe I St Clair Street Bridge, for ihe Garden, every half lioul | during the day. The »teaia boat will commence its regular trip* a* »oon a* tne river n*e». | augv r ‘ JAMES_.NrKAIN._ \(R KI.IJAH BATOVS CERTIFICATE TO DR l]U. JAYNF-—Tto eerufies. that immediately after having attended my brother, who died of consumption in Man-ii. 1.-H- 1 wt< taken sick with the Consumption or I.U rr Complaint, ami wa» reduced so low with the ilnr-u *<». ihat lor four yean 1 was unable to attend to my bu»iue«*. mwr at borne or abroad, being (of the tno>( tune coubiied to my bed. Dunag the above peri* od »f time, ] nad ci|H-uded for medical attendance o rt'Kuiur i’ii) sieiMii* and medicines, to the amount of, without recrmiif any benesl thcrefrooi. In Ju'j, l-45. i commenced taking Dr. Jayne’s hSedi mV*, and them more or leas ever si&ee, 4 u my health, fbcLewe mat Jayne’s Sanative pills I .in.i Expectorant are the beat family medicines-now in I in Springfield. Otsego county, N. Y-,jaad cany on a furnace and machine shop in that puree, mud am not interested in aay manner in the sale of the ,tn>vo .nrdicmcs. and mate this certificate tor the ben cfii of incise adlictrd. ELIJAH EATON* H,*r"*eiu-id N V.Scptlfi ja4 151 PORT AST TO THUS ARFLIOTEt). Ur. hose’s Celebrated Utmedlw. DR JAI'OO S. ROWE, the diacoverer and sole pro prietor of these most oopolar and beneficial med icines, and also the inventor of the celebrated instru ment lor inflating the Lungs*,ia effecting a euro of Chrouir- diseases, was a student of that eminent physi cian, boru.r l’by>ic ..and is a graduate of the Urn vers • ly of Pennsylvania, and for thirty yean since has been engaged in the investigation of disease, and the appli cation ni remedies thereto. Through the use of hu inflating lube, In connection with ins Prophylactic Syrup and other of his remedies, he has gamed an unparoleUhd eminence in curing tho-e dreadful and fatal maladies. Tubercular Con- • umpunn, Lancers, Scrofula. Rheumatism, Asthma, Krv-r end Ague, Fever* of all kinds, Chrome Erysipe las, and all those obstinate diseases peeuliaslo female*. Indeed every form of disease vanishes.under the use of tus remedies, to which humanity I* heir—not by the use of one compound oijlr, for that is irxpmpuubk with Physiological Law, but by the use of his reme dies, adapted to and prescribed for each peculiar form of disease. Dr. Rose 1 * Tome Alterative Pills, when used are in variably acknowledged to be superior to sli other, as a purgative or livrr pill. Inasmuch as they leave the bowels perfectly free nrotd eotuivvnesi; as also hi* Golden Pills is admitted by the faculty to possess pecu liar properties adapted U> female disc axes, bul being satisfied that a bare trial U sufficient to establish what has been said in the minds of tne most skeptical The afflicted are invited to eaJi spot: the agent, and procure (gratis) oue of the Doctor’s pojnphleu, giving a detailed account of each remedy and tu application. Kor sale by the fol'owuig agents, as well as by most Draavut* throughout the eoiuitrv: j Ku«on...l‘, * Co, -M •!*«, PlOto.rjh, J M Townsend, druggist, Market X Lea A ib-ckbam. “ •»«« the P. O. Allegheny city; j n( Hartley. Darlington, Weaver county. Pa. Jno KUioti. Knnon Valley, u T Adam*,Weaver, “ M uovlb-dly VOL. XYII. NO. 51. MEDICAL, CAUTION EXTRA A min by the name of BUBL CLAfE bu engaged with ■ young min of the Mine of 8 P. Townsend, and use* bis name to pat Bp t Sarsaparilla, which they eill .Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, denominating a. GENUINE, Original, etc. ‘Thu Townsend i* bo Jm< tor end never vu, bat was formerly i firorker OB f«B -roads, canal*, tod the tike, let be mnnin thl tiDo of Dr. for the purpose of gaining credit for what he la not lie is lending out cards headed “Trick* of Q hacks,” In which he says. I hive sold the uae-ar my nime for •? i week. I will give 9. P. Townsend RSDO if he wilt produce one single solitary proof of this.— This is to ciation the public not to be deceived, and purchase none bdt the GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD I>r. Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla, baTtng- on U the Old Dr.’s likeness, hu family coal of arm*, and Irik rig* nilere across ibe cost of anna JACOB TOWNSEND. Priaeipil Office, las Nissan si, New York City. OLD DOCTOR JACOB TOWKSESO, TIfE ORIGINAL IDISCOVKRER or rax WV umoim TOWNSEND BAQJS&PdRILLL . < Old Dr. Townsend is now afoul 70 yean of an. and has long been known is the AUTHOR and DISCO VER EK of the GENUINE ORIGINAL ''TOWNSEND -SARSAPARILLA.” Being poor, he was compelled lo unit its manufacture, by which meins it his been kepi oat of market, and the sales eireamteribed to uiose only who bad proved iu worth and known iti ▼ aloe. This Giajro aro UsntQCaUJBJ Raaramanwi i* manufactured on the largest scale, and is eolied ft it througbouube length and breadth of the laud. Unit so young it P. Townsend's. « improves with sge, and neyei changes, but for the belter, because it is prepared on scientific principle* by a scientific man. The highest knowledge of Chemistry, and tho latest discoveries of the Art, have all been brought into re quisition in the manufacture ot the Old Dr.'s Sonina rtlla. The Sereapanlla root, tits well known wSd-. ical men, contains medicinal properties, andsomn pro*, pertics which are inert or useless; end others, which, u retained id preparing it for use, produce ferment** tton and acid, which U injurious to the system. SMS of the properties ol Sersapsrilla are to velelila4hat they enurely evaporate end are lost in the prepara tion, if ihev are not preserved by a leientiflc proce-, known only to those experienced in Its manufacture Moreover these volatile principles which flfofflh W por. or as an exhalation, under heat, ore the very es sential medical properties of tho root, which gives tie it ail its value. The GENUINE OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA is so prepared; that all the inert properties of it i Sax sap anils root are first removed, every thing . enable of becoming acid or of fermentation, it extrci led »M rejected; then every particle of medical virtu-- is Matt red in a pare and concentrated form; end tins It'll rendered incapable of ioaing any of Its valuable an > healing properties. Prepared in this way,it is made the most powerful agent in the ‘ CURE OP INNUMERABLE DISEASES. Hence the reason why we bear commendations Ca every side in it* lavorbv men, women and children. We find it doing wonders m the cure of Consumption, Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaial»| Juid ia Rheumatism, Scrofula-ond Piles, CosdvenrSa,"ail Cutaneous Erup tion*, Pimples, Blotches, and all affections arising from IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD. It possesses a marvellous efficacy in all complaints arising from Indigestion, from Acidity of the Htnms-h; from aaeqnal circtriatioa, determination of blood to the bead, palpitation of the heart, cold ieelaodcold,haiuU cold chills and hot flashes over the body, ft has not had its equal in eoughs and colds; and pro mates easy expeoio-anoa, and gentle perspiration, relaxing strie inre of the laags, throat, aitd every other part. Bat iu nothing is iu excellence more maoitestly sees and acknowledged than in ail kinds and stages of . FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Ii works wonders iu eases of floor albas or whites, Foiling of the Womb, Obstructed, Suppressed,or Pain ful Menses, Irreguiarity.of the menstrua] periods, tnfl the Use; and is effectual iu during all forms of the Kid ney Di*e-sea By removing obstructions, and regula ting the general gives tone ami strength to the whale bodv, and cures aliform* of .NERVOUS DISEASES AND DEBILITY, and thus prevents or relieves a great variety or other diseases, as Spinal Irritation. Neuralgia, SL Vans Dance, Swooning, Epileptic Fits, Convul-ion*,' tte Is not this, then, to* Mamets* rtnj Pas-Rtstsxxrvr Nsxof But can any ofihsse things be said ot S. P. Town send's interior ancle! This young man's liquid is not to be COM PARED WITH THE OLD DR'S, because of the Grand Fact, 'hat the one is incaoable of Deterioration an*-NEVER SPOILS, while the oth er DOES; it sours, ferments, and blosvs the bottle* containing ;l into fragments; the sour, acid luruid ex ploding and damaging other goods! Most not this hor rible compound be poisonous to the system! Whai! pat acid into a system already disea-ed with acid! What cause* Dyspcpilabut acid! Do we not oil know, that when food sours-in oar stomachs, whst mischiefs a produces! —flatulence, heartburn, palpitation of the heart, liver complaint, diarrhma, dysentery, ebolic and corruption of the blood! What is Scrofula hat an acid humor in the bod)? What produces oil the bamort whtch-bring on Eruptions of the Skin. Scald Head, Sell Rheum, Erysipelas,White Swelling*. Fever-Sore*, and all uleerations internal and external? It isnoui m( under heaven but in acid substance, which soars, and thus spoil* ail the fluids mf the bodv. more or last. . Waal cau-es Rheumatism but a sour acid fluid, which insinuate* itself between the joints and elsewhere, ir ritating and inflaming the tender and delicate tissues apou whrch it sets! j*o of nervous diseases, of Impu rity of the blood, of deranged circulations, and nearly all the ailments which aiHici homao nature. . Now, is it not-horriblejo make and sell, and Idfioue ly worse to use this sOLRING, FERMENTING, ACID “COMPOUND” OF 8. P. TOWNSEND! id yet he would fain have it understood that Old Ja >b Townsend'* Genuine Ong.nal BarsupuriUa, is an dilation of his inferior preparation!! Ileav«n forbid that we should depl In as article which would bear the non distant resemblance to 8. V Townsend's article! and which ihould brtng down upon the Old Dr. tucO a monniain load of complaints and criminations from agents who hare sold, and Mi - chaser* who hare seed s. P. Townsend's Penufcntmg Componnd ! ■ we wish it understood, because it is the absolute muh, that $. P. Tosmsend's article and Old Dr. Sueob Townsend's Sarsaparilla are beaven-wide a p m n.~> n ** infinitely dissimilar, that they arc unlike in every par* ucuiar. having. not one single thing i n common. It it to arrest frauds upon ibe uniorumaie, to pour bmlm into wounded humanity, 10 kindle hope in the despairing bosom, to restore health and bloom and vi- Cur into the crushed and broken and to banish inftrnu ly—that old DR. JACOB TOWNSEND has SOUGHT and POUND the opportunity and means to bring tils Oasso UNIVERSAL CONCENTRATED REMEDY, within the reach, and to the knowledge of all who need iu that they may learn and knew, by joyful ex perience, its raiaacmuiKar rowan to nmi.: FNjt sale by J KIDD A CO- Wholesale Agent for Western Pennsylvania; J. SMITH, Birmingham; Dr. J SARGEaNT, Allegheny; Dr. J. CASSELL, Plnh ward, O. W. GARDNER. *nh ward, Pittsburgh ip& Jayhu^KxpectdnßL Solus, Columbiana e*., O- Apr. 94, ISO. DR D. JAYNES: Dana Sim—l feel bound to yon and the altUeied public, to avail tnyulfofthla op portunity of giving publicity to the extraordinary e&et* of your Expectorant on myself. Having been afflicted for several yean with a severe cough, beetle lever and its concomitant diseases, and seemed only doomed to linger out a short bm miserable until lbs tall of 1639, when, being more severely attacked, and having resorted to all my former remedies, ami ihopre scnptions of two of the most respectable physicians a* the neighborhood without deriving any benefit, or the consolation of surviving but a few days or weel> a farthest—when the last gleam of hope was about to vanish, I bad recommended to me-your Expectorant— and blessed by that Ueuig who does all tilings'in the use of the mrans—asd contrary to the MXpeetaiiom of my physicians and (hernia. J was in a few days raised from my bed, bqU was enabled by the ate of a bottle, to attend to my business, enjoying since better health Qua I had for ten years previous. . ..n Respectfully yours, Ac., Jos. W. JvtrtLX. ... For sole in Pittsburgh, ai the Tea" ''Lore. I%‘ Fourth street. " mai99 1 • Great Kagllih Rsmtdy< ..j’ ' ?OR Courtis, Colds, Asthma and CoosampOonl The - , ,‘v ■>, i? GREAT and ONLY REMEDY rorWdote of the above diseases, is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM- OF LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Di. Buchan, ot London, England, and introduced into'the United StltfiS under the immediate superintendence of the - ■ ~ L* The extraordinary success of this medicine, in,thV cure of Pulmonary diseases, warrants the AmerfcAa - r*i Agent in uoiicitingfbr treatment the wont pogslbia ch »c.s that COD ha fonnd tn tfaecrrmTTmnity—,ffk‘. ■%* '■ y relief in vain from any oftheeommen remedies of lha v. day, and have been ftreasp by the most distinguished physicians aa confirmed and incurable. The flungurl- >v an Balsam has eared, and Will ears, the most desperaTa' - of eases his no qaack nostrum, bat a can dam Eog* VT lish medicine, of known and established effleteyi •?; Every famuydu the United States should be ’supplied ’ "~~'X Buchan's "Hungarian Balsam of Life, not otuy to counteract the consumptive tendencies of the climate*- but to he used as a preventive medieine ia nil cases, of. ; colds, eonghs, spitting of blood, pain In the nils and . chest, irritation and soreness of the lungs, broeheds, diificulty of breaong, heeiic fever, nigh; sweats, emacL >- aiion and general debility, asthma, iafluenxa, whooping eougb ana croup. Sold ui large bottles, ai tl per bottle, with, full diXpO* dons for the restoration of health. , Pamphlets, containing a mass of English and Ameri can certificates, and other evidence, showing the ns* eqaalled menu of this great English Remedy, may be obtained of the Agents, gratuitously. * For sale by U A FAHNESTOCK A Co., corner o " si ami Wood and Wood and fltb sts. JnSdAwS a If /* Ttta sum or a visa Rirma is not more repel slve than • bad, putrid btealh, or dorr, yellow diseas ed teeth. If persons have these it is their own faglt— they can, for two shUliogs. buy an oracle that will - make thiiir breath pare and sweet as tbs Bjiqfbfiro '-vt Arabia. -v* ‘ Hearts di vases of the Owns, spungy or ulcerated,* -V.f and fat theTecth it u unequalled, retaovmg the Knar, ’ fastening the teeth in Urn gums, and elaau them as •white as the tnma gfths /min North. . Such, reader, are the properties of Joaesfe.‘Amber r^'-; Tootn Paste, and, without praising u ourselves, it**!- -.v? whatoneol our tadsl respectable and scientific Itetl lists, Mr. E. Field, of New York, fay*: . < v >\- "i have both used and analised this beautiful and im- - - palpable article, (Jones' Amber Tooth' Viste,? and can recommend it as possessing aJlthoqosiUieaclsita ed for il” Reader, we eun say no more to convince, - % enly that if you try this once you will be well pleaded- . i 1 II is put-ftp in beautiful English. Ghtna PM*- JorSfi \ cents. Bold by the Agent, Wfl. JACKSON, W Caber- J ty street, Priuburgh. adgfrdAwT i Iff- LAIIiES~ARK CAUTIONED AbAWBCU . ] BIND COMMON PREPARED CHAJ>IC M They are net aware how fngbtru-ly rtuunoarif ia .r to tfie akiol how toavse, bow rough, hair ,salr * j low, yellow, and unhealthy the skin cp- 3 pears aAortuing prepared chalk!- Be- - j tides it iainiufious, contanung a .} large quantity of Lead 1 . i We have prepared i beautifuf vegetable article, 1 whieb we coil JUNES’ SPANISH,LILY Winre. . -J It is perfectly innocent, being purified of aUdcleeri- -'3 out qualities; and it imparts to the skura natural, heal* i ihv alabaster, oear, living wtuic, at lha same.time lj act/nx a* e cosmetic on ihe skin,.maklDgit sofr and. ! smooth. BoM by tba Arem, WM.JACK6ON, 9 lib- ] *ny *v Pittsburgh. Price cems. aag7alAwT 7 /J ELLEKS’ YERlfiPliOKlffi - j S • Cowwts,iaaiSUulB». -'I Mr. tt. F- Seller*:—Your 1 Vermi/aire has aou welL -v' snd has been high y spoken of .by all who hdvk used .-.■ j it. iVom the saccess attending tha administrallan of- j your Vermifuge ia every ease i have heard ofi,l .am. confident I can sell moredarblg the'Comwrwasoa. than I did last. 1 will be glad lb rpeeiro «WtMlrsap-; ; ply of