THE PITTbBUHGH GAZETTE PUBLISHED BY WHITE A CO - PtTfIBDBOUi THURSDAY MORNING, OCT. 4, 1549. IJTTn Pittxscmh D&iLl tiazcrrx 1* published Duty, Tn-Weekly, cad Weekly.—Tfce Daily is Beren Dollar* per annum; the Tri-Weekly is Five Dollars rre ■bbmib; the Weekly is Two Dollars per oth™, snicilf KAum. / • jFTAtrUTiMn ere earnestly requested to hand in Jeu- -fiivor» before Sr.a, ana as early la the day at practicable. , Adrsniscmrat* not inserted for a specu fled tine wifi invariably be charged until ordered on PHILADELPHIA XOB.TH ABKBIOhS. Advertise} neats and subscriptions to the North Amer ChS end Halted States Gazette, Philadelphia, receive ni forwarded from this office. AIVIUIOIIC 19D S WHIQ TICKET. HE3CRY M. FULLEH, of Lexeme Cooney. WILLIAM HASLETT, of Butler County. ROBT. C. WALKER, of fsizmbctb Borough. JOHN MILLER, ot Sharptburyh. LEH, of Pittsburgh. WH.|SFY, of Lower 8l Clair. naiPHte CURTIS, of Piosbergfa. O£D. & HAYS, of Upper 8t Clair. TKXASURS, JOHN.SOBSISON, of Allegheny. ; r* cosnnastosxa, IA&|inCHELL, of Peebles. WftL M. ARTHURS, of Pittsburgh. AraiTOß, JOHN BYERS of Findlay. TIOKETBt TICKETStt fp* Duraisuttoa or Aittiiiaaoxic ato Wms Tics- BSvr*The Boroughs and Township* south of the Mon noajtehela will be supplied with ticket* at the offiee of the Commercial Journal. BOTOBghs and Townships north of the Allegheny river, and Allegheny City, will be supplied at the office of (he Dally American. Tbs city of Pittsburgh at the office of the Daily Gv setts; aha the Boroughs aod Townships between the Monosgahela and Allegheny riven will be supplied by the candidates. By order of the Committee. spell For Local matters s«s next pegs. next peg* f° r Tslsgreptile 5«Wi. Th* Merchants’ Exchange. —We have been told, for some weeks back, that the Merchants Exchange was to flourish in full vigor, when basinets revived. Lest our business men should be to much engaged oow ns to forget it altogether We give this gentle hint. Now is the time to pat this important institution into-vigorous opera tion, onl**a it is designed to lei it die a natural death. Gholxea.—We copy, to day, a truly splendid article, fiow the London Times, giving a masterly historical account of the origin and progresses of that terrible pestilence which has ravaged a large part of this country this year, and which has giv en us oceolar demonstrations of its fearful power in oar neighboring town ol Birmingham. The rap id increase of Cholera in London, and various «*hfr parts of England, during tho few weeks pre vious to the 14ib of September, the date of the la»t steam or, has created intense alarm,and Is the chief topic of commenr in the press. It is one of the sfttgyfoFiflcu of this extraordinary disease, that it ihonld have hovered about England over a year, wi&ont'prodnciog very serious e{Torts, visiting in the moiptfffia the western continent, even to the 'eastern slope of the flacky Mountains, before it developed its malignity to London. The ex-Miaister of the French Republic is now in New York, awaiting tho instructions of his Government. It is said be extremely regrets the sptmndtwyf mting which has arises between him self and the Government of tbe United Slate* The New York Conner says, that in the matter whirl gavo rise to the rupture, Mr. Poussin d*lm« m fcrvtfcimply followed the instructions ot Ms Govern mem; while he frankly acknowledge* that his entire want of familiarity with diplomatic and a lack of proper attention to the lan guage and tone of his cones; have occa sioned the errors into which be has, so ssueh to tts chagrin aod mortification, ontbrinnutely been betrayed. He disclaims, however, in the most and emphatic manner, all thought of of f-ring insult or intentional disrespect to the Gov ernment of foe United States, or to any member o( its Executive. He expresses, also, foe fullest confidence tb»i foe sentiments of foe French Gov ernment, and especially of foe French people, to wards the United States are of foe most friendly character; and deemfrit impossible ibat any seri ous or protracted rupture should lake pla<-e be tween foe two coontrie*.' Ths Embargo Is off. We take' pleasure in announcing to the whole world, and especially to those having business re lation! with Pittsburgh, and to ol! travellers, emi grants, and shippers, that the long embargo upon onr river navigation has been raised, and that we BOW have from six to seven feet water in the sufficient for all practicable purpose*, Ud that basmess in this city is again in full tide of successful operation. A large number of fine'boats ate busy taking in freight—oar unrivalled wharf has again put on its holiday appearance, and every thing seems tn vigorous, cheerful motion. We invite country merchants, produce dealer*, dealers in PiUsbargb manufacture*, and jobber* of aQ kinds, to embrace this opportunity to visit u» nod lay in their supplies, and bring their produts for ■ole. They will find Pittsburgh well supplied With every thing they need, at extremely low ‘Votes. VvThd rise, *o far, it principally from the Allegheny, awd we may look for a brisk business from tbai quarter The usual fall stock of pig metal one hinber will dohbtiesa embrace this opportunity of iV’reaching thfs market, aod our dealers wuhthsi > ''t*lioti-Wid have their bonds foil for a while.— s .We wish our manufacturers and merchants a pres, peroatfefl business. •‘.••--."'.".WHIGS OP PITTS BURGH AID AL* LSGHSBt. • v • An you ready, for the coolest next Tuesday *— • ■*- If you ore, allia well. If not, ia it not high time -o - »tke preparations! Are your Vigilant Commi*. 1 ' tees Appointed in every Ward? Have yon made efficient ampgements toihnve out your full vote * • Wo suggest these question* to put you in remem brance. We do not think you need further argu ments to invito you to yoar duty. We have faith in the Whigs of the two cities. We believe they intend to poll their whole vote for the telusle ttdei, and we only wish to stir up their minds to a ns collection of the near approach of the day. The Cass o t Btsbop Onderdonk The Protestant Episcopal Convention, for the pjwyi of New York, adjourned rin< die, on Thursday evening last During the evening ses sion, the case of Bishop Onderdonk was under diactttrton, various propositions being before the house. The first vote was taken on a resolution of Dr. White ho use, asking Bishop Onderdonk to resign. Hedging, in that event, to pay him S2OOO per an num for his support. The resolution was lost by the following vote:— Ayes. Nora. Clergy 30 Clergy P 8 T-afty 44 Laity 70 It was then agreed that the following resolution, offered by Dr- Higtoee, should be acted on without debate, to wic— *• Whtrwe. The House of Bishops and the House rfClerical and Lay Delegates In the General Con oflB47, passed a canon in the words fol- Whenever the penalty of suspension •hail be inflicted on a bishop, priest, or deacon m this Church, the sentence shall specify on what tertak or at what time the penalty shall **“*s sad whereas the diocese end diocesan of New York have-been lor a time under disabilities which it Wat tif design of the canon to prevent in future. Therefore, Besolved, The standing committee be requeued to present, at an early day, an address to the House of Bishops, praying that venerable body to adopt tach measure* as may render the wise pro visions of the said canon of 1547 available to the relief of our diocese, so that the objects may be accomplished of the unanimous prayer of the Convention addressed to the General Convention of 184 X The vote was then taken by ayea and nays. Ayes. Noes. Qagy 91 Clergy 36 Laity.... 69 i*ity 46 A& effort was then made by the minority to en ter a protest on the journals, which was refused by a majority of 87, whereupon the Convention _ _ • Sou or Pcbuo In onr ndvertisinff col tfo* who urish to emigrate to the Stale of IgjMßtzrl, or procure lands in that region, will find thm Urge ales of choice lands are to take place v.- 4 . i. .«*. .ImWi> .ftwiaOflftl&.aQd WICQ PRINCIPLES \ PRO3I SEW YORK. | From the London Times. Oar enemies sometime* aneeringiy ask for our j Correspondence tf ihe IMtsburrh Gaxettr. XH E CHOLERA, principles. Knowing themselves to be wdly de- \ New York, SepL 29. j - Toward foe end of the last century fin 1731 J a .ficient in any grounds of ucLca, except such as t The Astor Place R>ot trial has bet n ended, af- body of o 000 treops, staiioned at Gacjam. a coast address themselves to their love of office, ibeir I t*r two weeks' V-or. in ike conviction of all ! town, *>3s miles northeast ot Madras, were and ... ... . . . ! ~.w„ . i . ... rtenly aUackcd with a new disease, of such in thirst of power, and their attachment to tbe rpoil*. _ *ho were indi-.-c, and much in foe surprise cred ' ble mallKnay lhal men m perfect beohh they would fain create the impression that the jof people perrra v Tnr utmost effort was made ' j n »pped down dead by dozen*. Exclusively of great and noble Whig party of the country ; to evade a convict on bn? without tbotish ■ those then smitun with instantaneous death, more ■■ They know 100 well, howev-| l mo,t be .dm.lleH that .be real-s-.. .re Ire.- l’^ n °J d re»!^ J w,il.m' , »J'hoef. er, that Whig principles not only exist, but that li/a«, compared t» the enormity ot me crime. Ttic s - cxt dsy lhe ,lumper „ull raged with unabated they are a mighty Weapon of offence and defence, ' infamous Jtidson. kjnwu .•>» ‘Ned Runtime," has iury. and on tne third day more than halt the army which is fast destroying the crumbling fabric of \ been *cnten.-ed to or,- yesr‘< ..nnn*rnimcnt. and a had ether pen-bed or were in the hospital. Nell . ,7, . ' ,i . , . , year (in I7b'2)ike troops under bir John Bnrgoyne Loeofocotsm. The folfowmg resoluUons, passed dne ot two hundred and h-v d ular-. and the oth- MaJraJl #ulffred from a thoogh ie s» u foe last Whig State Convention m New. York, ers will be lei off wub small penan«ic. are about foe best exhibition of Whigfe.riDc.ples The F.p,s.-uoai C-mvcnhon has «l,ourued. after e.l 1 .000 men of whom some died in the first boar, . i . , , . , r L i> hers expired ntter a day or two in bomble con we have lately seen, and we point to ihem with a rM her excited -ession. which, however, ha* v ,iL-r. the part ward, and swept off no les* than 20,000 of the preud, Bad which will .thud ibe tel of the .r- „f manT . , ,t„ ;rr h m ,e-,nria.od a, nfh- -""“Pl-n « the eefctamted .hr,he. At abet r ’ - 1 the same time many ol the inhabitants or India, — vereat criticism: Op, but this enti never he. B.nee hi* trial, CIVI | a , We n a< military, were seized with Ibis SLAVERY A3TD yrez soil. he opinion agamst mm has hern softened, bnl crul distemper, which the Moslems called "mtrf BtKlrtJ, ThU ths Federal Coiutitution nml, U.U with rri.ul.:..n upon Ih. MlempT lo . .(whim." ur ban .1 Jealb. Thu term "wmi^cW formed and adopted expressly to secure the b!e— 1 wu» corrupted, by persons more conversant with sings of Liberty to the people of the l imed restore one tipot whom the taint ol suspicion Freoch lrun Pef , ian , mto moH dt fAt «. The Stale* and their posterity, and that do power resit An attempt wn* made to exclude as lay symptoms of nwrt ■ *™ i*" l ®* l right, and is in duty bound to abohvn Savory \ | oV er to ‘hose of our spasmodic cholera, wherever it exists in the Territories of the L’oion ilm. rfiul-cuLiocnirr was ai ver o ori( , in ofchclera cannot be distinctly traced and plamly prohibit itt establishment in any por- j the next c-oavt-uiion. The lav members iocs with wan car | ier P p OC { }- 71,0 Braliminioal records, Mon of those Territories at any time hereafter. j «ti tsi>on ih.* atteumt lo disfranchise them, j indeed, vaguely nonce a somewhat similar disease Raelvtd, That recognising the restriction ot j a We ask the member* of the Free Soil party if br<-n ' IC M ,! 1,0111 " tue * °‘ Uie 0 rie vanced m proof of the antiquity of cholera; and the above ,eolation, do act cover Ttv ««•> •»* ■*>» nelt h.v. „.ppo,ed that ,1 lb,. p»ul«»M , i .• eti P ri7v n ~ti- Siat.- Grivt-roment which so s'rnoc- : which. ,n the Him of hang Hezekmh, overtook the B»»"d fo, which they are rtrnpghap. bad ,1 -■ '»"« ® • J J" """T" " A ,. vr „ n Ia „, sh ,.„ ho.dred whether it is not the dictate of highest poiit.’-al • ' - pre-.eii ki i - aim toururvre taousand men. But. wbetherthese wisdom to unite their force* with the only great I Wb\*% can elect Ui-ir whole fcket. au«l nothin* no ,. lral ~!n g m- were ready spasmodic cholera _ .. , .71 to- i hut the most culpable carelessness will surrender cannot now bo determined. No definite truce-ol party m the country that con, or «r.H, carry them existence mu be found before ihe outbreak of oul ? I " .. me wicel ri» rW. aod this dislemper, we know, There .a .1 vnod d-a! ot activity at our Navv ; \nrd. Tne .-oop ■>. war \ n-'ennes (o t-e com- ■ \ ’ innn-ied bv ('ir.t » ainuit ready Mr the • lu-la» however, the «ort dr rW burst forth l*act,i•• ..inlortna. Th.s Lexington 10 B«tsg«l wiu exiraordmary malignity, sod was sleau.-n also fii\« out, !>ui Her drMinanon lo hav « changed its dureeler. No looger is unknown The smiooner T.iuey is to go upon focalized m the tropics, it was observed to irsvel s «nrnuh'- exued.imn under cnniUMit-1 <>i Lieut, rapidly westward; and men began lo forebode. wV-n 10 run ,h«-n Htr grent c-rcie. by the coast from Us rale and course, that it would soon invade A tics I-, irst ihe new : n~>rv <>'• ci-i 1-- t-n. rr.e, I tsc cotiliDecil i-l Europe. Tho circunisianccs oL o' 1 -cut *Mnurv >*i' ino Hv-if»l:-gic-ii deiii-n.ivont. tiusdisavrou- cuttireak—the origin ol the mortaliiy \"l' i* moil' the Hnihun K ver ll;M«i in . under we are now sailoring—deserve Bi les' ihe H.-wcr ni s c.v-i on fou-l nml wn ; «r. , icntivc cotisidcrsiion. The overflow of the nver The rod-.'ure'm'coM.e .V>w.. u, ihe' rear ol tie 1 swelled lo a greater height than usual Irvine House and u-re now tn .-our« w con* iho annuat inundaUon ol the marshy plains ad siruetmn a s'-notr ron»mn;ni' Ux- mouvr. ■.l up' jnornt. Ci;n-» and villages apjMiafed lilrn houses I-e-ranc.- nice a ps*-nger r-nr, wruch i« U- Ihj >a the m.csl e.i fam ie- -n the Stai- G>v Kish tin- hv ih«* hern-ot AngOst, that the first w*ure oe ! pr-in/lv'inir", red’.l.- w.u n-t curred at Tne mortality spread rapidly o' iu-u«-. Tne noti-'-enu-rs sm-*vg me j-opuiniictn, infecting chiefly the miser-1 I mean to run a ucket h.r ibe A«v*mnly but it will “hie Panshs. wao earn, bv excessive toil under a | I -»• «1T *l®«t W • -U. aD< * , iI- n rv tfiP-l v Ik.. .-vir.ptolvJ h-. In, of .« ~l'K-i.J Ml 6hh,- igrai.n i-'. B-Stcn' lo n*e tne l’—'i n-mimcHi c*t quarters Ume town, in a f*w weeks 10.000 Vo expense hss bi-rn rinmi «nd w>- auvr |,«w'! *ouu, a sixth id the jwpuiation, had perished i*nr~e .-a-i Tne rtp-Uv •>' Mr OTte-ny The c v.i r ’urtc were cjivsed, husme.v was sti*- will give hm'ine a grrni ma«s of Mi-tness, and ’ pended, amh he wealthier inhabitants fled In crowds we .iter il it due* rot kp the odion* nionopos ' lO lh c <“'-'niry Whubin a month the disease lv oi Smith. .Morse & Co .’a late ihcr mer- ui Calcutta, about 100 miles to the »o«th |Uii wrsi, brougnt. as some *av, by fugitives from Je»« ’'The rush of bu-ue«s enci.ouc- iiiuibaied. and i -»-rr; ougmating spontaneously.a»others suppose, there are none t.i empia .. ol ihe bard t.m.-s. from the same murem both places. Here, also, Ad Lind- < I drv g.v'd- err firm, and many ce- . “ rommftleu fewtul rnvaqei, destroying daily two • Tipl-on* higher m.-I at tDe ....ei.T.c of' ine --a. hundred jx-r-ins. Ifi migratory character soon wr-ihfl- wiho.:; . xeepi'Dg nnv ' heo.wnu P.-mbty apparent, within a few weeks it pay well, ur.d spent :n toe most r .ulidcnt . «»nd devastated every lown and village within an manner oftbe soundness oflbeir . usft.tners. Tor area of several thousand square mile*, from Sylhel •Si U Painrr" ol J{ »w.-n Ac McName upon the m the east, to Curtock in the west, and from the sue of old Kxpr*--- Office, aiready begin* t«» devcl- uto'rih* « "«• Gatges upward to ns confluence oi>e its l** nro|xir!::in«. It of while mm- w' l ' 'he Jnmnna. b'e .n Elizatw.ilnn -.lyic ard a perle-: st-ecm.m this central diUrictthe pesulence traveled , f 'that i-ia1.,.,.1c urJ,T -j, ,tcnil,.-iu.r. Tte tlnv '-V t! "” pr,0er,..l dj»l,s «JUth Hold Moot, ■» , K ,n emOdi. »«J tn,'. t-rt ol "'d® >ho Corod.oilol oo„l, lo Mndrns nd-ther, Hro, wli ,oon bo fid.odl ill the ni,,trlcg»nt “■»■*», H® cnaal ol tho B,y ol . Iv!( . Beugul to Arracan and the Malay peninsula; a ’ in our Banks and Sul-Treusary there are now third, westward, along the valley of the Ganges to tweive millions iLlinr* m specie —an amount Buii'lri.-und. wnere the grnnd army, consisting ot tb»l gives a money njurtet do iendt-es i oppres- 10000 nghtinc men and W) 000 camp followers, was ■lively eavy' < *.i -h.>r. lime. Mur per -ent. •» toe as-fDiWed under Hie Marquis ol Hustings. ra *.< and S'X aad seven P>r ordinary commer- . The *o»!h.we«u*rn stream took twelve months ■ ai’uoto. R.i. rotds ore now borruwer-.imd to reach Madras, ia an uionlti* more H had croa work. h*ve Irevn lanvuuibtng. will aed tor no-th eastern coast ol Ceyloa which island be vxm e/vm-leicd it rapidly overran; end th*nce it was conveyed by i»o ’Cbii.ige.'thcre is s good dea' of nrtivuy— me T-/wz Ingate to the where it ap 'Ashes wl-nt S 7 l?J Tt Pm- an.i VI .*.of.r Pe.-.r!- peared in No»vmber. 1819. - **+ Colton doe- no: i- -ve br.-L v. u> consequcti- eof Tfie seitti-enalern stream traveled mo« «S>w!y. , h - —| .... . Ti ... h.-mi-iri-- i.t d •••■■ Ii tovk twelve months to reach Arrncan.ootUwelve i i IB a - nir "flrilJW* nr tvn 1 mWi! tO ancrtni mwnf inervwi W«i*yy rs good, aniline cui-v -a-s ' ‘'‘ , , D »„ln. At the Unn-h srtUcmeot of Penang (an third- ihe rec e .p-- H t ,f *' ”r\ ml mv ‘ rtlaad on ix.tcoa-U it destroyed three-fourth, of - g'.».‘d bu-im to ij -e - * , |fc . toe p.-oui»t»m». Thence it made its way through be p aced ats ? .IM. . Java, and the Spree Lslands in Timor.- i Lari, .swso.ed at bra? I '“ J . ; i:» exireme Niutb-eastern limit, spreading at Ihe quirt. i't ci ae i . . . Vi _ same iun>* north ward to the Phuhppme Islands coniunie-ppr-cj-r.juliv ru am' • mu7k ,., where H ue.-mated the larbamn tribes, who rose Pore ’"° TP, a 'J *i ' - ovr ft 4 7,1 ,„ r ngainst lb* Chinese and Europeans, accused them ’.V " repf* • 1 ‘ il -* “ ' * of innri-'.aßr! bulebere i ihousands At Pontianah, a rt.ltr 1. ir,n r« Utl,. Pml ntCH-iP' Wit,—-J . u . p - s ,j. Vil , Txim-^oD-Itch setilenicnt on the we-tern must Ot r-urneo. a, lur-Jis- e.,.,. ‘', , A n carried r,li the whole garrison except one man i pii-.* -le.ifii ct- .ir q • , t ritifi runn a< northward, (in 1 b'Jo| it reached Can -.-•i,.i ov- : if ’ ~r .-Vrnu ili.lej ton. ravaged Pekin in and after devartaling . 1.-ia»*e< i* at,>-u«. riiki. ••••'■■ 1 • * Chinn 'or several year*, passed the Great Wall in i':l lS 'o -e-i •»"«*»••» !»"•« M -»«- 1 c ha. Il is not irup. iberefore. though the Rsaertiun noted, ieini .T* tiu-ui-re are «i. ■ i., common, and ha* been mnde-ihe basis ot a me- Tit Ccntrnl ttiltruttrt —Tlio Or.cM.- ! or, -I f.oolw tb.l .„» Jcce«» unlv travel* *-c»iward. * ‘ The wesiern stream trttverriogabout4o*nk« of ihe Bcmde. U furned ihe camp mtu ‘ Tne rreetiatiurg routv'’ v;.., tne cost of an Hospital. Nne thousand men, about a tenth ol huitd-oc iwo w -«»-»-n !-• -lie- «ver ihe whom wrfe English or Sepoy soldier*, ibe real Cou'-uiaugS nrer—ir.wl-- u-r.--h ue fate ot inc cam j, f.>,lower*, jrenahed m a week. The senU iitie acquß ill.-; at Krec;, 'i. ••■■■er' A leghenyaod • np( was O f P „ J a i his post—hi* sOcceeanr oincr br H v'e.'lcl an m-c: ■ wotl |,i siircnmb before Ihe two hours den! If,’ :i-c. ,ir 't t-'-rf - ' ’ - .ncendiary. or Hie wa , [.erformed. Many fed down tn eonvul high d-sj-is w i i-.ti > *> • •'!’ »fotig l, re river, ~u n« while carrying their comrade* lo ihe ho»pi ' would in an Hour u' -ti / -'e- r-.v —and thus bre»k : ta |, Tne ncghtioring ravine* were filled with (he ihe cnniiectHi-i whu n.! '.v n d i-.k- niontos >o r-- dx*H. for wu«—• burial time and hnnd* were |,„ r—u> tic* Trent -.1 v.l i r'• of 1 1 e Slock waoliog Fur aides around, the fielJs and htgt hulJers, and •" I'h isde c' l 3 r ; ;>—*- l.r.d ta would y 4 were strewn wiih the bodies of those who nave 1-1 t.e r». grew tomtii. u>.d toe expvnrncc i-f aaij V imlv -might -afety m fl'ght. And when nt every rai'na i r.un:ei>i\ - mit -udi '.ndges are a j pnjr to lie* D-immander in Chief determined to «-o.i* I ..ini ..r.i ii ii.-,.! Hi'- * 'h'* couip.ii.y. IJ|I)VP , n w- u r*Tix uf a healthier position, the line «>l Ti„; route ..-!.»pT-i bv n.e .vm.reu w.u u i (.rc-Hcnleil the appearance of a batlie field (hi- nnnece-,-irv ■' nniiovanee tn tr.c v.jr wn r till toe army reached n high position at rr> ,j— n * nfii.;. |..i- ‘ ‘ • t • rv'dently appear- j.; PI , h :,o m.le* off. on the steep dry bank* of the dial ibe coacit-i >:i '• - t 'v f! ‘ llIJ d B wrd ..t that me di.-easa among them began lo : D rector- w.»* no} jumpcii at o »•' V nor I heir J«- , ü baide. i ii.ion nn prudently or unwise'v made—and it.o-i sVittmi month*, that is, by August ISIS I conclusively—to it they had at heart toe inu-rrM- • :n( , w,..- P ii streniu of the epidemic, in pursuing I .uni pecuniary profit* of fire S’.»ckhnfocr- Tin* | ..I a.g toe Ganges and its tributary, the 1 hut pne ol 'he manv ad •> am g-‘* o: trie Dee a— ; ~j r - ictied Delhi, *preadmg sl-o to Saha ' t.nrg route ' Again—ln .* t •<>«,.i .-r pra.-:.c*i ui Ii y ; K .'.an. towns situated jnst within i tne "Grcensburg route" po—-—e» gre.u advnntagc 1 It „. wv-icrn ; inn of Ihe basin drained by those over it-nvd- me-K 1 ur-v He route- -1 Tn.- ground : r vv-'. Hav ng ravaged these and many interve nuu ti itr-re l-'V' rahle f-r a p fsa i,- ( i t,y (he mountain range which bound* the -pti-.d. ton! if wdl our h, M >mbay. where also it had appeared in rrsdev and s-iynt ctirvouir-, and to.* m— •. I'-.iin: A•• ; lb|i; und whence six months later It dc :i wll require io mnku u, tost u wiil i- i -1- p, Tnvand'iim. and to the cowls of Cape /f-r t'«7n/«i/iy of tilrjnt • msirucimn »l m., k . when j Briefly, within lb months from Ha first outbreak completed, wiii c-i-t scnrcely haif ol the sum it the epidemic hud overrun the whole lodian [reniot will require to keep the Bin r-v-lre route to equal ; , Q ; B *„<} hail proceeded, in its course toward Eu repa.r. j ro|os, to the h -irming the western bocodary of Another advantage g.vned m ibr ad- pT i"u ferekei* rto;,. enemy which had lakea possession of the op of the Baltimorean*. Tn - trade, immnese n* it p nß ,ie plaint. Thetr fancied immunity was soon, ts, is a source ol c>..?ido rul r.»nd. L i-i year, i"r ui-' .... ,pi.. r- Onutoro learned, to their consternation, there were mrr |J.()00,000 poiied- ~f dour ,j c Cholera was at Oudeypore, the metropolis (iroduec taken to B.ihimnre v n f.*iiiiib--r.s«-r cm! n in t a-■> over in. i.jc westward o; il.ndustan seem lor a while to have of iniprivemrn - .-adii'g -p'ead rapidly from Bus-orah, at Pnii-,1 i-iptii*. the mouth rtf toe Tigris, tip t-. it,e great basin of Thi* his nlresdy groz-n longer toau «**■• ;mended t „« t nv ,-r aud i'* cot fl . i E.iphratea In one In my n-xthe *ut-j®< - l will be • ' sod an • month u" < J rmched Bagdad, torn invested by the expo-urv Ire mad** ol too unfair sU - relntivr p c r«,an!>. d< ln.yed tbousauds, as well of the to n cor-necnon wiDt Baltimore b. •; ••< .uca ri bc-'caer* • 1 iresicged. ' road ir>m Grron-: urg to flum'rerla . will Ire Dur.t.g • • *-V or uf this year (IS2I) iU vio i cfoariy-howii mat such -t conoei-t. i - « u ••:!> p-ni-.- ■■ - f, e subsided. Noxf Summer, i iiriprmTreablc, and the idea ol it v •' *- u-.wev-» i rc-uuted its march toward Eu mventiod uf tne enemies of tbe n*b..rtn "• >ui ••nr the Tigris to Aleppo, and itoiie-i '' Ei.pi-. , * to Exerjum, in Armenia. It was rag.t.a -'i » town when the Persian army I :wh<) too' .ui’c'ion among them) advanced,! iretwe-ii ' " ""i i"'! lO.tkiO strong.lo fight an eqnal I l-xly of r-rrt * ’-ti<-araped nn high table-land m I the vi.-i.niy Tne Tork* were not only beaten, but itrey i-n-,vnc infected during battle; and, indeed Dir vu_ion as well as the vanished fell matloQ ; bv ihousands beneath the stroke* of aa invisible : . enemy, mure t-mide than any human foe*. Be- The uirfnacied false rumors constanL.J an » lWtfcn .qiioi) and 4 »20 of the Pera.aoa perished; m*p«cung by the Www aw s»i« n or , whole Hoops deserted, panic smitten ; the rear of igmate tlno-t exclusively with the , j (|je ll( ftIATC h was strewn with dead bodies • tor State. Tbe*e -rumor*, k w bd j < by the l int they reached Kbooc, scarcely any -advarfHpf. - have for year* been a cur*r to , gr|U y te m&iuod for the Prince of Perala, their lea tbe StilJ The tniUtary foroc on that frontier is , ( | er< 1o A« for the logttive Turka, they ; yjftpjredgcd tn bo gtroiqrer, or soon will be, thaa j 4 i ou bly routed, • Bakoa, on the weatern shore up there by ice l“te Aduuniatratton; and . } lhe fr, Bp { an> ‘ ; d| Dg ih o Infectioa along the s2iiFaalTV lt» allowed to be well protected. Op- j roaolicy, and ««• reiterate oor conviction thßt a >anlF of on imports, wisely discriminating in lavor nf home n dustry, by tbc imposition of lower or no dultr* on raw material* necessarily Imported, acd h'ghrr duties on ttio*.e ware*, fabrics and other whiob compete depressinglv with the product* of oor own artizms and laborers, furnishes adrqitnle ‘revenue to the Government in the manner lea*! hurtbensome to the people, iocidectaliv increasing employment, stimulating invention, sustaming en* lerpnae, while preventing or limiting vinous fluc mttions and revulsions in every departp>enl of national industry. Resolved, That whatever may he ihp rale* ol impost or range of discrimination adopted, the n perience of our own and other nations bs* de monstrated the measoreless supenonty of sper.fic o ad valorem dunes, alike in respect to equanty of exaction at all the ports of ihe Union, nnd <•< different importer* at each, security against fraud, and steadiness of the protection (whether intended or inevitable) thereby afforded to the industry and business of the country, and we trust the »ppr>w<*a ing session ol Congress will not close without wit nessing a reUrn 'o the honest and equal mode ol issestment hv specific duties. Resolved, That the inju*ti< and impolicy of collecting imposts by a system like ihtrt now r force, which imposes higher duties worn h vii prices abroad have abated the pressure *:! loreign competition upon our producing interests, and low er duties when, by the depression of foreign prices onr producers are subjected M the ux>st ruitiou* rivalry, needs ODly to be fairiy exhibited aud lu’ly understood to expose it to the earnest repreben «»oo of all who desire the steady employment and adequate reward of our own labor. What is there in the above declai alion of policy, in relation to protection, by revenue duties, to which every Pennvylvaoian cannot subscribe* It is jnst such a policy as Pennsylvania needs to raise her to the highest point of manufacturing, agricultural, and commercial prosperity. Those who oppotr such principles run their beads n gainst a rock. t-A«na reforms. Resolved, T\stkX while we maintain the p-licy and justice of a discriminating tariff 1 wiih a view to the protection of labor; we do Dot consider tfi vitality or the virtue of protection exhausted there by, bat gladly welcome aod will cordially support all legislative measures calculated to lighten the burthens and increase the recompense of labor whether by a reasonable limitation of the hour* of dally toil, a better security of honest industry a gaiosl fraud and robbery through ah extension and perfection of onr lien laws, or by «ey otter *%-* calculated to establish justice nnd equalized ad vantages in the relations and coalings of men. This ia sound doctrine. The Whig p'* T '•'»* ever been in favor of a prurient progress in ih amelioration of the various evil* which have come down to us a* the relics ; of a less enlightened sge. While opposing rai-h, crude, uncertain and doubtful innovations, the party ha* ever been watchful fo.- the opportunity to in’.rodoeo safe and salutary reforms, taking care that while relief i* exteoded on oae hand, injustice is not inflicted on the other, and that in attempting too much the evil ahall not overbalance the good. THE PUDLIC LAUD*. Resolved, That we have re»i'ted. re«i«\ the project of Graduation or progressive reduction of the price of the Public Land*, because its mtnr.-i tendency roust ever prompt to idltnc*. improvi dence and neglect on the part of the bolder*, « no will seldom pay ten shilling* per acre when bv holding off fer a term of yeaisthe/may obtain the same lands for two shilJiag* ; and ihi* reduction, however guarded in its term*, will encv;tat»lv lem; t to and facilitate the monopoly of va-ttract* by cap italism and speculator* to be withheld from >-vr notil quadrupled in value by the labor of Borrour,.-:- mg settlers, and finally sold at an enormous ad vance to the improver and cultivator. Resolved, That id resisting the graduafion ««-heinr we have cot, as hut been fal»clv charged, Iwn impelled by hostility to the New Stale*, muon i-»« to the Poor of our own : but solely by the cr>t>« erattoDS a!«ove stated; and we shad gladly and heartily concur in any measure calculated to se cure to every poor man a place to live on the Put 11-Domain, though unable to pay for it at ad. po>- vi led the net be m» guarded a* not to enure to tne boarfil of fhe monopolist and speculator. liithev? resolution-, the cautions, far-seeing p _ - licy of Wh g principles isoleorly mantfesteJ. The avarice of the -peculators is tnwarted. while th*- claims of the poor landless man are duly cons d ered. rEACE— rROORE**—VIRTUE. Resolved, That in the election of '/■ A THAN 'AH TAYLOK n« Pre«ident, aod MILLARI ) I'IHU MOR E n* V-gre«*ion. and conquest —in favor of systematically dovpkip>-.- their own restorces, instead ol striving ia ah*ort> tiioae of oeighbortag nation*; id lavor ot lh«* p >li-y which protects aod cherishes, ra'her Uiku tha! which i* essentially negative and uistin-livelv Destructive; and-we rejotce that tbc indication* thus far given are such as assure them that Ihrv were not deceived, and will not be d.sappotnied. A PLXDGX FOtt ntXEDOM, JUmcx, AUD lirMA-SITY Resolved, That we rejoice that the Win** of New York, so long without a voice to the 3-nnt* of the Union, will for the next six ve»r» 1* heard in that illastrioua body, through WILLIAM H. SEWARD, whose name, identified with our mo-t arduous struggles, and our most glorious triumphs is a pledge to oor brethren throughout the Union, that whenever freedom, justice, and humanity, shall need nn advocate in that body, New \ork will not be silent. We ask you, Whig brethren, are you nut proud ot your principles and of vour noble associates’— Without doubt you ore, and on the Second Tues day of October yon will give such n vote for your principles, your measures, and your men. a* wn* encourage your New York brethren lo put forth sufficient exertions to overthrow the unnatural and disreputable coalition arrayed against them. YocomaosEHY Slaoi Water Navigation. —The annual election of tbe Directors of the Yougbio gheny Slackwater Navigation Company wa* held on the second msl., when tbe whole of tne old Board wa* re-elected, as follow* • A. Plamer, Pr&iJenx . Jambs Hamilton, Tnns mw, C. B. Markle, Wnj. Lirtmer, Jr., Mo»ca Robins, sod Wo, Douglass. This work is rapidly approach,ng to completion and it is expected that boats will run to West Newton in a few week*. Cuba akd Get.—ln a letter from the Captain General of Cubs to a gentleman in ir.e city of New Orleans, allusion u> thus ronde '(says the New Orleans Bee) to tbe Proclamation ufthe Preaident. “The Proclamation and action of the Presideni oflbe United States Is no more than i expected from the brave soldier who to successfully led hi* troop* to victory through on enemy’s ennatry, and who Tin every advantage, gained an additional glo ry bjr his generosity and mercy.” Colokxd School—A notice for a meeting to take into consideration the propriety of establi*h lag a Seotral Free School, for the colored youth of the city, will be found in another coldmo- We trust tbe people will heartily concur in the object, as one of josuce and benevolence. The Poor, Thq annual meeting of the Ladies’ Association Of Allegheny, for the Hr lief of the Poor, win be held CUfc Tharsday evening, {the 4th t*»*M » l 7 o’clock, in the. jtev. Dr. Rodgers’ Chsrch, Sooth Common, Ailegbeny- Th» pubUa ire earnestly invited to attend. The Rev : wTi aflffTirw thqlaiwjtlqg^..and no codec- j A wntcr .n t> A V#t« Fids T*xa».—The fast uu.u - • A4;. - lishcdat flonsfoo ;Tcx i*) l»V L Abbott*. - • -* a number ol article* o*i 1,,c tl,r >l, * ,order» of the Black Sea, reaching Odessa and the mouth of the Danube soon after its outbreak in Moscow. Tne pestilence now made its way across the continent by several parallel streams. Along the valley of tbe Danube it spread to Vienna, which it readied in August, lb3l Along ike shore* of the Baltic, it crept from Petersburg by wav of Riga and Stettin, to Berlin, where also it appeared :a !*>3t. An intermediate stream reach ed Warsaw and Cracow in the same year, and ravaged many towns of Poland. Tbe Polish army are said to have takeu the disease dunng a battle with tbe RassiaQs. as the Turks had previously become infected during a conflict with the Persi ans From these principal streams the infection was diffused along the roada and r.vers throughout*. Hungary, and Germany, till, among other plsct?*, u reached Hamburg in tbe Antnmn of l Sit. Reverting lor a moment to tbe East, we find Egypt attacked m the same year, (1931,) tho dis ease having been brought to Cano by tbe pilgnros reiarning from Mecca, which had itself been in* fecled by worshippers arriving from the tainted ports of Perris and ledia. At Mecca 20 000 of the pilgrims penshed in four days; and at Carlo tbe mortality was so terrible that even the physicians perished, and the hospitals were filled with shriek tag wretches dying without aid. Constantinople had already, two months been entered by a {residential siream branching southward from, that which we have already traced along tbe shores ■ >l tbe Black Sea and up the valley ofthe Danube. In its westward .progress through Europe to tbe point at which we te'l it, (Hamburg.) the pest dis seminated its virus to these and many other ' ur -‘ nnnnu^ It was early in October, Ib3l, that Hamburg was attacked Od lhe 20tboftbe same month the disease broke oat at SuoderUml on oar Eastern roast, brought thither, it is supposed, by on infec ted vessel from. Hamburg. At that time, strangely enough. France was still uninfected, as »l»o were the Spanish and Italian Peninsula*. Almost simnlianeoully with its ap pearance at Sunderland, the disease broke ont in' ]y>ndon among the Mopping in the Thames, thrnich n~t one of tie inierveomg towns bad sa vet laken the mle-'imo. Four month* afterward (in Febru nry. ! n't-?.) Edmburgh was attacked, and a few weeks later ihe disease appeared in Dublin. It spread grndcallv throughout Great HnUhq and Ire lan i. and ont 30 000 persona Calais and Paris were affected nearly wmnlta nroo*'y in March, 1532; not therefore, n» might have Keen expected, by propagation of the disease from Germany along the Rhine, bat obviously by a reverted stream from England.- From lbe»r center* the epidemic spread through France, aflme limes from town,to town, sometimes apparently by leap*, tn distant and isolated points. The mortal ity io this country was much greater than in Britain, Pans alone lasing npwartl of souls. Three months later (June. 1532) the pestilence appeared at Quebec- In the same month it broke out at New York,and, spreading rapidly, ravaged nearly the whole American continent. While ihe western stream of virus was thus rapidly completing the cinmit of the globe, a re flex current travelling more slowly from England in n vouili easterly direction, attacked Lisbon and Madrid in 1533, spread daring 1831 through out the peninsula, infecting the British garrison at Gibraltar, penetrated in ] 83f> to Piedmont, Genoa, and Florence, (which the Alps, it would seem had previously protected,} recahed Naples in 153 d, and Rome to 1837. At Naples, a rigorous quarantine proved utter ly ineffectual. The city was surrounded with military corihnu, the smitten were pitilessly torn from their beds, aod isolated in a distant hospital; the physicians traversed the streets, covered from head to font In black sacks of waxen canvass, with glasses inserted to see through. These ter rific measures spread such a panic among tire in habitant* that 30.000 fled in a few days; the popu lace, declaring the food to be poisoned, began In rise; the King found it necessary for their pacifica*. lion to walk through the most infected streets, to partake of the suspected broad, and to suspend the obnoxious quarantine regulations. Marseilles and Tcnlon, which had escaped, strangely enough, when France waa first overrun, were attacked by the retrograde current in 1535; and from those ports the disorder was carried to Algiers, which it ravaged in 1830, and whence it spread along the northern coast of Africa. In the same year (1837} Malta waa attacked most severe ly, losing in 12 weeks 3,781 persons out of a pop. ulation of 103,311. Here .the disease seems to have become evanescent. From this rapid outline, it will be seen that the Cholera of 1517, in its course to England, bad three periods of active progress, separated by two paus* es. Two tears it took to overrua India; two to pass through Persia to the Caspian Sea; and two to spread through Central Europe to Great Bri tain. Luring two years, it paused in its career on ’he western boundary of Hindostan; during »ix it smoldered on the eastern verge of Europe. The two t-outbern peninsulas of Europe, isolated in a great measure by the Alps and the Pyra nee*, enjoyed a farther special respite; nor was it till twenty years after ita outbreak m Bengal, (bat Ibis terrible plaguo had fetched the compass of the habitable globe. In Its westward progress, -the disease was observed to have added to its former terrors a new aod most destructive fea ture—the cncsecoUve fever, of which thousands perched oiler surviving (be stage of collapse. A fer lingering in each country attacked for two or (brre year* after the date of it* arrival, the Cholera sobrided in Europe. In India, however, it became endemic, raging yearly for a period of several months,'and yearly exciting the liveliest apprehensions, lest it should bum tls bounds and again overshadow the whole earth. Nothing, however, waa done to prevent a second invasion, or to meet it, if it sbooid recur. The track of Chulera bad been abundantly proved to be that of Typhus, both diseases attacking especially person* debilitated by over work, insufficient diet, damp, crowded lodging and close, mephitic nir. Every where the rqualid abodes of (he poor and tbeir miserable lotnates had been tbo chief seals and subjects of the di«ease- - Yet the tilth of London was left to ferment tn tla 300 000 cesspool*; the lout tidal ditches of Bermondsey, Shoreditch, and Lambeth, still loaded wi’b tbeir stench the stagnant air; and every year 40,000 more corpses wese added to the sodden rosas of putrescence on which our metropolis stands. And what is true of London i» true also of Moscow and Petersburg, of Berlin, Vienna, and Paris; of L’sbon, Madrid, and Rome. Every where apathy and indolenco followed on the subsidence of panto. Of that apathy and that indolence Europe is at this moment suffering the consequences. The pestilence now ragiog has pursued with hut little deviations, tbo track of its predecessor, travelling, however, more rapidly and committing fiercer rav gaes than belofe. Many cities— at, for instance, Petersburg!) and Berlin were attacked at the same teneon, and even in the same month, in lb!7, as in 1830. The same streets —nay, the very same bouses—that suffered mjst severely before, are suffering most severely now; and towns which, like Birmingham, escaped in 1830, are again enjoying a similar immunity. Improvement* tn Dentistry. DR. 0. O. STF-ARNSj.ttte of Botton, U prepared to manufacture and Kt Buxa TKXTH la vtola szut part* of set*, upon Suction or Atmotpherie Suction Plaiev— TooruAcaxccsm n nn Hcnms t .obere tbs nerve is exposed. Office snd residence out door to the Miy er'l office, Fourth crecvPltUbargh. Ram 0. IfFtddtD, F. HTEaten. bU ’Hie ‘-Union.” on Saturday, professing itself "happy " to see this slalement contradicted, baa made a new statement of ita owo, desiring to koow if it may play “ Paul Pry ” on the occa sion, and “salt further information withonl intni Certainiy— and welcome; no inlrurion at all. Ita new story runs as follows: u We henr that a correspondence relative to Mosquito has taken place between the Secretary of Btate and Lird Palmerston, the British Minister for foreign Affairs. Gossip says it might have been more creditable to the American diploma* list. We would therefore respectfully ask tbe Na tional InteJl'gencer if this story of a correspondence with Lard Palmerston is a sheer invention?” We give the ‘•Union” tbe beoefit of til the in formation we have of this new version. This new story, besides being “sheer invention,” is sheer nonsense. Secretaries of State never correspond directly, unless indeed in such an event as tbe temporary disqualification of their Diplomatic A genta, as in- a late case that tbe “Union” is aware of, under which Mr. Crampton does not, and we daresay never will, find himself— Nat. Intel Kossuth. —Tbe Prague Journal ofthe sth met.* confirms the report, previously received, that at the beginning ol this mosth, Kossuth, Dembinskii and Messaros, were at Widdin, under the guar dianship of the Pasha. They had placed them selves utder the protection of the British Govern ment, and the English Consol had consequently made a formal demand for, and had received them They ore now safe from danger. Correspondence. We comply with pleasure in the request of Co!. Childs to place ihe following correspondence in our cofutuu! -Nit Intel. Four MeHcxsy, (Md) Sept. 22.1919. ‘ln lb*- National Intelligencer ol lo day 1 jsve read with unionmhmi ni nud indignation Hie following per.-igrapli in a eoiumuincalion from the French M J\,u»-in, to the Secretary of State, Mr. Ciiiyu-n ‘•lt»c. legation of France c-oanot and will not make lUrlf ibe echo of the reports, mure or less well founded, wnich have been current with re gard to Cot. Childs’ conduct in this affair; nor will it pres* certain (acU imputed against him, which it would be perhaps easier to prove than he could prove the charge* bought by him*l£'’ So long as Mr. Poasun confined himself to comments on mv evidence befori the Board cf Commissioners, l felt quite indiffertfoi to hisopin ions of my testimony; it is on record* and wbcQ published will vindicate tbe court that decided upon tbe case of Pert, the General who approve ed its proceedings, and ibe final action of the Gov ernment. I deny indignantly tne insinuations contained in the quauuon, and defy M. Poussin to establish the remotest point in the dishonorable insinuation that he has made. I l eel that it is my right to ask, at tbe hands of tho proper authoriiy, that Mr. Poaswn be request ed lo make specific and tangible charges; and, wbatevertbey may be, that opportunity be given me to thow their falsity. I hare tbe honor to be, sir, onr meat obedient servant. THOMAS CHILDS, Brevet Brig. Gen. U. S. Army. Hon. Geo. W. Crawford, Secretary of Wsr. Washington. W*r Depart mett, ) Washington. September 24, !St9. J Sir—ln reply to yours of the22d instant, touen ing the remarks of Mr. Poussin, while he was ae credMedio ihe Government of the United States, *»* Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraor* dinnry of ihe Republic, of France, in relation to the elnrni of M. Port, and your connection there v 'lb, I have to state that I cannot comply with yo ir request, that “Mr. Poussin be called onto make his charges specific and tangible against Tbe official relations between this Government and M. PtutAin have been severed Moreover, it is presumed that, whatever he may have done ts the French Minister, ought not to be assumed in his individual character. Nor, io respect to the case of M. Port, is thought that you should Teel disquieted, especially When you reflect (bat the award of UwrfH'i, o ' Commission, raised onlira BLuaattljL,*j proved by the Commanding General, and atlirroe and reaffirmed by every Department of the v * I clieerfully add that nothin* has reached the Department which reded* on your character ns an officer and a man. l am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, GEO. W. CRAWFORD, Secretary of War- Brevet Brig. Gen. Catu>«, V. S. Army,'Fort McHenry, Maryland. tt'oßju. As this 1* the season of the year when v-nrtnt are most formidable among ehildrcn,lbe propn e'ors of M’Lane'i Vermifuge beg leave to call upor parei lx, soliciting thru alteadoa to it* virtue* f-.r tbr expelling of these annoying ami ofien fatal enemies o otuldreii. Their invention is by a physician of grea • > penence m Virginia, and after using it for severs yeor»jn his own practice, and finding ns success », universal, lie has been iunured at last lo otTer u lo tbi public as a cheap bat certain and excellent medicine Call and purchase at the Drug store of mymdAwT. J. KIDD A. CO. t*aa«:rx Lxaoa sco*a.—Prepared by J. W, Kelly William street, N. Y., and for sale by A. Jaynes, No. To Fourth strceL This will be fouud a delightful arti cle of beverage in families, and particularly tor uck Uaxxx's Haostx.—An unproved Chocolate prepan lion, be'ng a combination ofrtocoa nut; innocent, u v -.omting and palatable, highly recommended partu ulnrly for invalids. I’repared by XV Baker. Dorche: trr, Mas*., and for sale by A. JAYNES. at the l‘eki Tea Store, No. 70 Fourth u. mchH JOB PRIWTISG. DILL HEADS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, Manifest*, liiih lotting, Contract*, Lorn Bianlt bills, LaaxLs, camncarx*, csecxs, policies, Ac. Ac- Printed at the shortest nouce. at low prices, at,'th< d«rO Uazarra Orvna. Tmetf mm. Fire and 29trlm Insurance.—Tire Par 81-BGII N» eIOATtOH ASD FIU iSSCRASC* Ca>lf*.TT chartered lest J—continue! to injure, upon every d. tcrtpiion ot property, at ilu fetreti rate. Ornca, No. 21 Market meet. SAMUEL GORSILY, PtcjX ta>'2;dfiin Elomkst Fisbit. 9ec*y Ai OnkUnd, on Taetdav, OeL 2d, Mr* Jj.y« wn>! oi* Thomas J. Campbell, aged 35 year*. The friend* of the family ore respectfully invited to aiiend ibe funeral, from the residence of her hatband, on Thursdny (I'll* day) at 2 o’clock. P. M. I iAttRF.D FLANNELS—3 c"*et Barred Flannel*, 1 j just rcc'd and for vale by the piece, by ocU H LEE, liberty at, opposite sth ti 1)1, ACK LEA D CRUCIBLES—Dixon*. best, to hold ll from It) to 100 lbs, for »aJe by oeU J SO BOON MAKER * CO BUCKETS -40 doz just rec’d and for tale by i ct 4 STUART A SILL AITINCi—SO bait* for isle by 1 octl STUART ft SI LI. CHEESE— ll» hx* in store and for tale by txU »TUAKT_ft{*lLI C Button YARNS—AKoncd, for t-ale u’v j ocU STUARt' A SII.L, lid Wood * CHEESE— 400 bxt prime. In »ore and for .tale by ocU ROUT DALZELL A CO, Liberty it FLOUR —10 bbli prime, for family use, in store *uV „eu i SCUOONMaKEB ft CO Dissolution o t Partnership, rp ||E partnership heretofore existing between Bei jarnui smith ft George A Johnson, under the fir] oi drarth ft Johnson, is th’S day dissolved hy toutu; consent. RENJ. SMITH, ‘ ocmdai GEO. A. JOHNSON. Colored School. The School Directors of the tAverul Wards of the oity of Pittsburgh, are requested to meet l-t general Convention, at the Public School Boose In the Fourth Ward, this evening, Oct. 4, ml 7 o'clock, for the par potc of taking into consideration the expediency of providing a Csxtual Pnwic School, for the colored population of ihlv city. A general attendance of Di rectors is earnestly requested. A G. REINUAftT, Prean 4th W«rd School. JNO. FORD, “ 7th *• “ L. R. LIVINGSTON “ 6ih “ “ oott RIO&- U tea pnae Rice, for sale by - • oed • _C H GBW. FLOUR-60 bbla Pugh’s extru Family Fleur, landtag from Lake Erie and Michigan Line, and tor »ai» by oed JAMES DALgELL CHEESES— 35 bxs Cheese, lonrtlog from Lake Erie and Michigan Line, and for aale OT oed JAMES DALZFU-L Frog BBJCK—IBX* Fire Driok, and for sale by oed JAMES DALZELL WHOLESALE DRY GOODS A. A. MASON & CO., NO. 00 MARKET STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA., TTTon.D r-ie» of TICKING?, of -a* Yctk, Ham- . V* rountry Vtercn’aw* to iluar choice no:k of . ilion, AraorLea-i and Ous Companies. FALL AND WJNTF.R GOODS, which for rreo nH . rr. K-. ww and Yellow Ft ANNULS, a vnr.etv ha. prn'mUy never eqonilrd in ihe " en ß .l)l r ;r for « a le towbjr the bate or plree em country l*n«.-The «atnc lartlure* n i-i »rLOTHSI u CA«SIMKRK?, oflbeman*. prepared to nflr-r H-e .nroe advattiaccs in «ty l >* »nd num. Harm.*. .of every grade. price*, tiiai con )< obtained of tbe largest Eastern , C ASSIN r.TS. .K* NS and TWEEDS.—M cases of Hoo*c« - ail ibe vnriou- manufactures Receiving tor** v>n.:giur.*nt* o' DO.MESTH'? «'rom .23 cares MUSLIN DK LAtNS and CASHMERES, ihe mannfneiorer* of New Fn-tand, they are enabled < of ihe lUinlton and Meneheitrr Works; also, IhM as to offer three jood >atlc f role's than they can be pn>- sormu-m of Fore rn manntsetnre. cured of the Kn«n-rn J,il.ix-r* -.Hi care* colored MUSLIN?, for sale hy tho eato at Tho faei thui ibeir estahlUhmeni nflers equal. ifa«t ; Agents' price*. „„ jrreater adurtiturc. m everv itesrripuon of yooc*. than : Hruu-ii, itteseheu anu Colored CANTON FLAN* can lie had Ka*i’. has !>• eii rlenrty demoasirmed io NKI.F, of ail the ti«ual maker, alio Cloak Linings, their norserou* t’.iiron*. Thev fee. confident if Mer- : ALFACLAA* srul OOBPRGS" chants eoui* tupU'i’ c purcha*ing Fast, will examine j More ihsn vu e» AGo. 3t») pieces French Merino, iheir slock, ihevyw.l. 1»- convinced that they can buy > Lyor.ese and Paramaiia Ctoihs. ihe same ijualiiy i f good* m »neh prices si will save | PIL.KS and fIIAWLS-atK» pa. of black sad faney the eo*i of -.ran-ponation, and ibe necessary expenses j nearly Shswls, lone and rqcmc, of all end tune of an b-t»tern trip. The / rnei tion a part of [ kinds. Al»o, Vi«eie Sj f'oak Sear'*, Ae. their stock which will sways Iks found frerh end com- A full assortment of White and Uueu GooJa. Also, nleie:— j Hoaiory and Glove*, Embroideries, LA res ahd Trim ' MOCASE? CALICOES AND PRINTS, from the . mines, Mburnint; Anieles, alt qoalhies, tires and make Menimaek, Haiai'ion. Cocheeo. and Manchester Coin- I of.Blankeis. , „ , _ Panic*- also from .he Print Works of Dunrell, P. Allen, RIBBON? —M Imie. of nch Btfunet sad Cap Rib- Pprague, Richmond ft Carr, Chapctis, American, f boqr, also. Velvet. Silka, SaUns. *c., wuh everT'oth- Adam* Ac 1 er description of Millinery articles. Tailors* Trisa care* BLEACHED MUSLINS, of all the well ; Good* ofthe newe*t and moat fashionable styles, will known and approved makes, for sale by the package be offered at nn extremely law advance, at Agenls’ price*. , New Goods con«ant»y received. 300 ooles BROWN MUSLINS, of all widths, quail- All Merchants are cordially solicited tocaJL tie* and pricey. spll? A. A MABONACO. AMUSEMENTS. j AUCTION SALES. THEATRE. C. B. Porter Manager-- Aoaiwiov—Dre** Circle snd Parquette Second Tier First ni?ht of the engareraent of lhat popular Aetreia, MllS. FARREN. TUVIMUT. Oct. 4 Will Ik- prr»envr Waller Fir Thomas Clifford Fathom. Mr. Boy*. ■ Mr. Robinson . -Mr*. Farrrn . -Mi** Crcise. uciea To conclude with ou r NATION \L DEFENCES — ok, Tm Bocishot Cavaut. M»ior Snapdragon f lo * Adrien ’777.77.7.7.’.’. 7.7... 7 -Miss Cruise Fnday—Mr* Fsrten will appear. SEW GOODS AT DIOBY’B WDHifIV ««u <1 hereby inform lit* frier..'* and . cwiflmrr*. mid the public m Kmtni- Rial he ba«ju«l received bis fad supply of lad good*, cheap and good a* u»ual. _ . , _ . 00 piece* black and coiored French, English and American Urnsdcioih*. of every qualify. lUO niece* lilac* m.d lancy Cutimerca. 3'X) pattern* Ve-»nm*. many of which can only be had at tbi* establishment 50 pox merino, lambswool and cotton Slurt* and, Drawer*. ... ~ ... A full and handsome lot of CraTßts, *ll* Hsfidker-. chief*, Sd»pei» ri er». filoves, Ac. A large lot of fin* und common while Shirt*. Al»o on hand, too drab, blue and blackfell and blan ki i Urrt Coat*, from 83 50 to SISLOb. 44X1 drop*, frock, box a d sack Co at a. fromW to S». A large *u>ck oi line and common Pauu, from 81 to Vests. of various materials, from 75 et< to S' 3 . A fine assortment of lad*-» a-.d gentlemens’ Clonks, always on hand. IV jj. Custom work will rrcetve particular mien- Lon. Handsome garinem* amt good til* wttrrnntrd. Anv oer»oti iti wul of clothing can be be itried to their mute satisfaction, at 'V DICHVB cheap Ca»h Clothing Store- ISO Liberty it oet.T.ckhn ‘ LOST, ON Thursday crentpg. while landing from the Mk Paletots; “ Mik Maniiiln* These article* are ot tb« l"»--vt sod jna‘l Ib*hi*nfthle vtylcs. t* 4 s*auo do wv TarKos arcssre: Spun Ft-k. nod Silk and Wool Hosiery; dent* and indie* silk Vest* and Drawers; Chl’dreiis’ Mferiuo Ve-ts; A large s»»or;in-nt of black snd fancy Ftlks, Bam Tore for ladies dreaso* Brcchn. Thinei a.,d Woolen Long Shawls Uanteslcv hbeenngs. Table Ltoen* and Napkins Aim, ln«b Linens, imported by himself direct octtfcdlm __ tiflK.HCll BROADCLOTHS—W. K. .Murpfty inbitei 1 »be particular attention of buyers, (cither li; wholesale or mailj to his stock of French Uroau do'hs, just received. Also, wool dye French Cans mere*, plain nnd tanry. ' ' and bonnet cAVi’>-Aii'~a«»ori meta oi above goods hist rec'd, and offered whole sale and lotail at Dry Goods House of oclS IV R MURPHY TA BLE~Dl AP'ERS - aarl~TabiTofothat vtrylow nnce* f.r quality, an assortment rec’d at Dry Goods House *f _ oed_ W R MURPHY^ FISH -40 bbls Large No. 3 Mae>ercl; aibbisgibPed HetTinc; 60 bexes sealed Herring; ju*i rrc'd and for .ale by [oc’V) RHEV. MaITHF.VVS ft CO TANNERS' Oil.-10 t l.l» m»t ren«t w'i *>d ft ,ilo by ROBISON, LITTLE ft CO ocrt No i*Ji I.'!«*ny_‘t f" a'RD -Ho kegt No l Lanl.J“«l ree'd. in »tore and Lv for tale by S k W-HARBAUGH. occj S 3 Wojer and 104 From its ROalN jOAl'—loo bitNo 1 KoMtTS'inp, in »im and (or tale by [oci-J J> ft. W HABBAI’GH C _ IORH~UROOM3-—5O do* in -tore end lor mlr’hy , JOHN WATT ' CO, ocij cor Liberty and Wood tu CHKE"L— 74 bn prime W RChMW. jo»t rrc T d and for tale L> loot'd] JtMN WATT A CO MACKEREL - 1I«I Large Na‘A in atom a.-.d for ■ale by locfj) _JOH^WATr_fcC(l_ prime, in siW and for »o’e by oew joHN.WATTftCO ,>~i LASS—dTS bit att'd, in store "lid for >ale by 1 JOHNWATT A.CO OILS— "W gait whim winter Whale Oil; •A*) *• ceuimon do do do 300 Bleached Si»erm Jo 1U bids Lard Oil, No I; 10 do do do No 2; For tale by ipti? SELLERS ANICUI.S SALF.RATUB W I'it and 10 bbl* (of sa’n by »pi*7 _ J B CANFIELD CTHKESK— Hxi bit prime Wntte’m Reserve Cheese, J jo*t received and for sale by spia? J n CANFIELD C' _ HKAl r XVu DESIRaBLE CARVkTS forUtc" (all and winter, will be received all through the *»a ton direct from the manufaemrert, and will bo told for cath at cheap a* can he 1 ought in the Entiom-ci ne*, at *pt« W MTLINTOCK’S, 35 Fourth tt rtHERSK-ls4'bi* W n CbeewVfor s*lo hr' j gpiaa WICKAJII'^ANIJLESS /** -*«i t»x» exiuGia.t, e 4 uuluilo; JSb’do \T luxli do, fur vale by t IP ttl WICK k M'CAVDLESS Gflt ASS sTaI K ftoUj* Targe noeT’oTalt .itetjust t received, of common anil secret fndeninrs Brass Stair Rod*, at - apitfl _W_M’OLINTOCK'3 CREAM CIfF.K.SE—It bis extra, rec’ l and for »* by tpUH W ICK ft_M ■<;AN DLHSS PO I'ASH—I2 ctkt prime Poto»b, this fay rec'J and (or -ale bv «o>tft WJOK A M’CANULESB RtCKivEu THIS DaV, iTW. M*Cfminek’»y?3 Foarih *t. a lot of new ityls Froueh Embosred Piano and Table Covert. Also, Pr.ntee Cioth and linen and wonted Table Covert _ _ spriq IIECEIVKD HUS DAY, at W. M’CUjuookCTa l\ Fourth tt, scarlet, crimson, end maroon plain Plush. sptSU /“1 ROUND NUTB—■IO6 both on baiitTand fnr sale by \ J tpiao WICK A MH:aNDLESS R" Ef'KIVKD THIS DAY. at Vf. 76 Fourth tt, a new lot of .French tiyle Window Shades, the moat beautiful style of Shades yet • flere-l in this market Alto, 311,JfcS, 40, and 44 inch plain Buff Linen for window shade*; Alto, 6-1 erimtou and white ond-biue and white Da mask, for window curiums. tPtiO STUART & SILL, Grocer*, and J*roduec tnd Com mlstion .Merchants, NV II- Wood tt PiitrMirjtb. Dealers in Oro-ortr*, Flo:ir, When', Rye. Oai». t’oru Harley, Pork. Uncoil. Ruler. Lird, Cheese. Clove, Timothy aini Flax Seeds; {ton. Nails, lila*»- fte. Ac. Ac. Panieulur attention paid to the sale of Western Prodsee. Rxmancas—Messrs. Myers ft Hunier, Koht. DaL tell ft Co., WGills k Roc. Hampton, Smith A Co, Joine* May, Kin* ft Mooriiead, Pittsburgh. 'Fenhei ft M'MilUu, Massillon. Jot S*. llomioo, Esq. St. Louit. »p:2o:iy TAYLOR 4 BBSSRT, PROPRIRroKS OETIIE PITTSBURGH ALRALI WORKS, ar * now prepared to Hifuitb a article of mmli A*h and iluriaHo AriJ. I*er*ou* w|»Ji 4 mr to Duffii**- either i>( 'he above articles, nri:»r uuired raif o« ISAAC WALKHL No. U FuiA-.t. an I ex-tnuii; tbe nrlic l-« before purcbss'iir elavwl.f re. .N. 11.—The jt.iil* A»h mamifocuired at inis e*iabl{ men' it greatly iupertor to any other brought to llilt market . >PUI C. Si* HAKE, 31. ' * HOMIKOPATIiIO PHYSICIAN ANDSUROkIpN. in tics —('ii S'niihhnJ.) between 3d and L'.i uffiee hours—From 12 hj. l <>3 ♦. M.—from fl to a p M. Retiocsra—Mi. Uauder't, corner Stnithfveld iud amt Third *tA. __ sptSxKJro ; rim.* a. cat in. late nf N. Lisbon. O w.a acm-sao'. CQAIQ * &KISSKII, GENERAL AUKINCY. Commission and Forward ing Merehains, No. *JC Market it, Pittabargh, Fa. (£7“Prompt attention given to the purchase and gale of all kinds of Produce. Rxrxa to—John Wait ft Co-, Murphy, Wilson ft,To. Pimhurrh, P>u; Uvnn ft Hill, Mnblon Mcditt. WcllrHUojO.; John 11. (lrovra & Co., / r f N.lXmmm of tho month, gooa ud teeth trrrxd Ilonieeopwhiofcliy. -■ ■». >■•■•; , «pnnd-t™. D&TBISG^ ElfiUT BATHS FOB ONE DOU.&&, nratircl Hath for fifteen eenia. Untlea-DepanmeniJjpenfroniS toll o'aloet, A nod 9 toS o'clock, P.IL AUtenona Saloon and Batkin* &tabUAmen: ft 13 T. H'PALL, ftopncios, By John D. Davli, Anetloaur, ValnahU Bool* by eitalogu*, On Saturday evening, Ocl. Mb, at 7 o'clock, at the commercial *a'e« room*, comer of Wood and fifth su. Among them will be ibnnd, (Soode'a Divine Role of Fuiih and Prmii**. 8 volaj lllutrated Natural History, 2 voir, 1.H*:1.-tiers and Jou’naJ of Ssraoe) Curwm; Universal IJiofrarihicaf3)ictiorvttry. 200 portrait*: Mi ner** Huiory of-Wypmiitg: Ilalsted’s life o f Richard Ml; Kiri)}* and Spence’* Natural Hiilory Of luicek Parnell's Arptied Oheminry: Armsbroug’s Hilary off the Wsr of IMv, 2 vo!k Tredgobft Element* of Car pentry, Ac. Ac. Full particular* in ratal oxoe*. octO JOHN D DAVIS, Aaef I atg* tali by talalague. Oi Reel and Skein Cottorts, Needier, «ilk, coat and Ration*, Shoe l-aces. Ac do* C.ia'a'-Spool Collon, oiOyd*. 3is» *• Muffingion’s Reel Thread, vfm •* lVtvis' Spool Colton, 102 “ colored *‘* JOO “ lII* colored Thread; 'l*4l *• while “ 140 M llemtnsnf» A~W A Rs Needles; if 7 pro. *ogether with a great variety of of silks and fancy good*, Ac. At V o'clock. Groceries, Queensware, Furniture, Ac. One larg£ cooking stove Wiih utensil* suitable for a hotel nr steamboat, 10 bxs fine quality Va manufactu red tobacco. i A largo and general assortment of new *u4f*eond band household furniture, feather bed* and bedding, maitraatcv ca.*petius, looking glouea, mantel docks, lamps, window blinds. x~- At 7 o’clock, Fashionable ready made clothing, bools tfid shoes, bats, ceps, umbrellas, Guo cutlery, doable and tingle barrel shot-guns, pistols, gold and tilver waiehe*, vto ilno, flute*, aceordeons. variety goods. Ac, oetl LOGAN, WILSON & CO., HO. 199 WOOD STREET, ARF. NOW RECEIVING a large and complete as junmeut of HARDWARE. CUTLERY, SAD DLERY, and CARPENTERSiTOOLSiv dixeet! from the manufacturer* iu Europe and America,and are now fully prepared to oiler, good* at rack priees as eannot fait to please, and would particularly request ihe attention oPSlerehanU who are in the habit of go .ing East, a* we feel confident they wit! find, aftei a thorough examination, that our Prices will compare favorably with any boose io Philadelphia or New York. oetl CO-PARTNERSHIP. JOHN' PAIUCBR and JOHN W. BJDDLBbtvo en- I'TriJ into partnership. under Uie firm ofPASKRB A IUODI.K. umt will carry on the BhOe and lor yde bjr octl JAB.DftLgHLL, 34 Water at OftiOKKD HERRING—IOQ bin smoked Herrlof, in O ho’o and for rate low to close consignment, octl V __ JAMES DALZELL CHEESE— Wbi« now landing; for cale by pen ISAtA H DICKEY A CO, Front it Gt KBASE LARD—For rale by r octl _ ISAIAH DICKEY SCO I'dUND-oSTburaday A i owner can have. itUy calling »UW. LEONARD’S, el Wood at. and paying for this advertisement. OKA MiE PKEL—iIA Iba just rce’d and for Va*e by B A FAHNES'IOOK * CO, *ptO> corner Isrnnd Wood sti RHUBARB ROUT—tax) Iba fast rea'daad foraaleby ■pt£> U A FAHNESTOCKS CO OCHRE —SO bb!» Yellow, just rer’d and for tale by •Pts» U A FAHNESTOCK k CO FLOUR sulphur—l3oo lbs French, jnat received _-and lor sale by ap*A> B A FAHNESTOCK A CO KI.CHROM. IMJTASH—wo iba jtm'reeM and for «V hv -pW H A FAIINKSTOCK ACO Window glas.s— " Hi bore* 7x9 Gl«m, ] 32 do 9x12 do Ad do 10x11 do I Of Hmlth A Herron'* man warrant >-0001 in quality to a *ai« at ibe lowest market rat ] 460 boxet flxlOGlait; •JW do IffctS do | 19 do lOxlfl do mfactore, whieh we will any made to tail city—for lea hr , MATTHEWS*CO, Wuef » Flour— m wheal, for »*Jc by «rr» trnily Flour, to&de from while :V, MATTHEWS k CO OCOUCHING J—>rt cmk* hetl quality, tofialeby '■PUP RKLT. MATTHmYS to CO PIU METAL—I2S ions cold bliuu charcoal, tor «*lo „ J'J .phS RIIEY. MATTHgWStoCO BATTING— bale* No* t and 9 BaU'w, tor *ale by *ptafl RftßY, MATTHEWS*.CO PLAX SEED—9 bbl* in Ai *lore; tot ial « by ISAIAH DICKKY to CO (IRKAM CllfifSE—4M bxa fotaalo by - ’ j «pi3i R STUART to SILL \ j- IN DOW GLAESPIn Fiore nod for tale by \V SlLL,ltBWd>d »t Bao.jN— an hhJ« Cincinnati Shoulder*, jottrec'd and tor *aic by »pß< SELLERS to NICOLS /~AKUtIGK W. SMITH to CO., Brewer*, Mtltler* and Hon-JVaiem Pin *L PiiUlioub. r* nnd-tor .nto by • [*pKS} TASSBtI to BEST Wi iDOVT (.LASS—“SO bojc*, *M'd *iic«, innate avl t»- w.U by __[»ptB3]. .TAS3RV to BEST “ /~il!i:A-. a r.-i«. hx* prime Wcuem RewtrsTh^cM, VJ m Jtnrc a-.d lor *»!*• by ' . J>, - a BROWN to CULBERTSON 29ague tie or Qalvuile Oachlati for lal* THE snlueribcr has recen'y recefjK'lf MMen! Uietvtarataahle piste* keeping couatamly ou baud vtlrfanln all nied by direcfnon* for .heir p«k*» »«2SSS!i, to •euuoMiuaie. a, well «»•« iuejieate!.ird. iieit the C*a AUeffteßy Oihco >»>. « !*LU«ir«i " WINTTPHVI.U.P. ~ Ur,dire. .parAn ,ii_ " - M. [ —J-t*®*' ’