The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 04, 1849, Image 1

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ARMSTRONG & CKOZKR, CommtuJon Marnaim
tad Ttealcn id Pnxioce, No. '£t Market «Treei
PuuhorgL dec*
a »rßL'»uT!Uj>. umi uutfea.
BUSHpiKi.n t LEADED, Vholexule dral«n id
Dry Uootia, tiroccrte*, Boot*. Shoe*, ntubntgh
mwatactured articles, Ac., No. CSU Liberty xtieei,
l*JH»borjU- _ jyfl
TtcDaki fi max, mkukoi unu.
IkKAlil- It KLITER. Wholesale and jleuul Drug
-13 guif» > •nter ol Liberty and gt Clair ttreeu, l*uu
nus, k. a. uinm.
BROWj ( t CULBERTSON, Wholesale Grocers,
ud (.lunuMia Merchuiu, No- 144, Liberty sL,
Pmanmbb Pa. dcdliy.
BATj < AiiNl->TOCA k Co., Wholesale ud Re*
• Druggists. corner Wood and fith »t*. jyt
13-uIiLK) k SMITH, U bolenaie Grocers, la and
JJ gl Wood ttrcct Pittsburgh
Joua L cuaio. w. a. atisaca.
| IKAIU k SMNNER, Forwarding and Commission
Merchants No. afl Market si, spis
Cl A. McANULTY k Co., Forwarding and Corn
ea mission Merchants, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh Pn.
. _ me hi
Daqnitb* Vital and Iron
(10 LEM AN,' IIAiLMAN k Co, taanofscinrari af
J Coach ud Elipuc Rpriugs, Hammered Ailrs,
Spring and Plough Steel, Iron, Ac. Warehouse on
Water ud From »**ceu, Pittsburgh.
Also, dealers in( Coach Trimmings and Malleable
Castings, ' octli
ur*. a uousii, isMKS i. ss-h.-is-it
iLNUUSH k HENNETr, {late English, osuiui
i Co.) Wholesale Grocers. Commission and r i
Wording Merchants, and dealrrs in Produce and Pi:
burgh Mojinlactorra, No. J 7 \\ ood at., l-tWfrn id a
3d streets. on)
4 \ EUKUI COtillllAN, uvaiiuikfiAii eod Forwarding
\JT No. fli Wood •irret. Piu*t>ur<ii. myi?
aims lkaquic k-actoEy.
*> TTAliilli'lON BTKWAHT.mauuliicrarcr ul Heary
i* Shirtinga,Cluck*, Ac, RcU-ee* ttrrei, eny 0 i
Allegheny. __ _ _oovl6-dl>-«
ULKK, (sacrcscoT lo Morphy ft LecJ Wool IHb
• er and Communion Merchant, for the sate
American Woolen*, Liberty, oppomr Sit »u tcl>l?
wu. iiKaUi, BaiuiuotV!
A- t- BCCLAOX, iOWAiS IIKAUI, J ~, , .
». C. fe’CABKUfI, JOIM A. WAUIKX, ( ‘ kl ‘ aaa -
SEALD & BUCKNOR, Tobacco Comuusion Mi
chaau.,4l North Water st, & 16 Norib Whart
»- : nov‘JO-1
a. a. uaasi
'll AJLDY, JONES & Co., (lacccuon to Atwood,
JLL Joue* & Co.) ComiDiuioo and Forwarding Mer
e baa la, dealers in I’uubturb Jlualiicuired Uood*.
Fuutreijh, Pa. mctl 27
UAiaii zncui/. aot»r nuari, ji,
ISAiA.II DICJLKY & Co., Wholesale UroccTs, Com-
Mercfcanu, and dealer* in Produce, No*.M
Water, anti 107 Front sirens, Piintmrgh. no re
JOBRa witronß lotuu DUAVuaro.
1 8. OK'F 11 A. Co, Wholesale Grocers, Pto
tr • once and Cootauuion Merchants, and Agent*
(or the Hazard Powder Co. of N. Y„ No. Si Wood at,
PHttborglt. * SD td M
JiUIM U. IuWNSLNUi Unapst ud Apothecary
No. 4ft Market il, three door* Above Thiro K. l*ut*J
bargh, will have constantly on hand & weU tolcctcd a*,
■onment of the beat and freshest Medicine*, which he
will aeU on the most reasonable term*. Fhy nemos
lending order*, will be promptly Uicodcd to, and sup
plied with article* they may rely upon a* geuutiic.
{pT Physicians Prescriptions will be accurately and
neatly prepared from the best mate net!*, al any baar ot
M day or night.
Also tor i&ie, a larj* aioct of freah and food Perfu.
®VL joia
JB. CANFIiiLJJ, (late of Vtfartea, Ohio,} Commit
• * urn and Forwarding Merchant, aud wholesale
dealer in Western Keservc Cheese, Uuucr, Pot and
Fean Ash, and Wealem Produce general!)', \Vaier
ireel, between flautiifieidand Wood, Pittsburgh. a? 3
JOHN Watt. '
WATT. (mcooMor 10 h«ul A Gdibort,*
y tVlwtetolo (icoc£f kud Comnuiiion Mcfctiub
dealer la Praises and Pittsburgh Al&nmaciures, cor
ner of Liberty aad_iland streets, Pittsburgh Pa. i&i
JAMKS 8 McGUIKE, (laic of the &na of Algeo and
McCuireJ Merchant Tailor, St Charles Suiting*,
Hurt sirscu near Wood,
JAMBS A. HUTCHISON, A Co<—Successor*] 10
uwu Hutchison A Co., Commission McfchuAis,
and Agents of liie 81. Louis Steam Sugar Retmcj-y
NA O water and Set front streets, Pittsburgh
JOHN D. MORGAN, Wholesale Druggist, imil ucoi
er in Dye fckatfs, Paints, Oil*, Vuoukt, Ac., No. IK)
Wood street, one door South of Diamond Alley, Pitu-
JAMW KERB,Jr., A Co-, (successor u> Joseph O
_pavu,) Shtp_Chxndlcr*, 3d Water street. ck JI
JOilN H. ALELLOtt, Wholesale mil Acaicr
in Unite and Musical Instrument*, School Beals,
tTaper, Slates, Steel feu*, lentils, Primers' Con)*, and
JUlliouarv feueroUy,No. ol Wood su, PittsbuifiU
_|p* iUg» bought or taken tu iradc. w;pli
JSCHI)UNMHiI>S & Co, Wholesale Uiuriiin,
• No. *4 WooiTjureu Piiisi.urgli.
JOHN il. DAVIS, Auctioneer, cornersin and W&c
strcels, Pittsburgh. o<u .
TOUNSTqTMr's'IXrCKTUN ‘ DookxiUer*, Prune
Paper Manufacturers, No. 44 Market se, Put
3*“‘^£j^ u US&,iy vvnmesaie qractrs, imamCloti'
• Dealers in Produce, Kouad
usnrefe Buddings, uoaung ou Liberty, W ood sud cth
1 »ttgett > fm«bnxgfa,i , a. atya
Meichant, and denier iu Produce and Ptiubureb
Manufactures. No. «4 Water n, Pittsburgh. janie
JACOD WEAVER, j*., Wholesale and Retail Dea
ler in Foreign W toe* anti mqaors, and old Monoa
Ohela Kye Whiskeys, corner Fust and Martet si*.
KLEB k JONES, Forwarding and Commission ,Mer
.Xhanu, Dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh manu
factured Urucics, Canal Basin, near 7th *l udl
.p£hh Aiu. pPmßuuuiT, pa. "
KNNED\, CHILDS k C(J n Manufacturers of vsry
JDI superior 4-4 attesting*, Carpet Chain, Coiton
J mum and Dotting. jaju-iy
~ Vcsuvlu'iron Work*. - --
LEWIS, DALZELL & Go., manufacturers uf ail si
sea Dar/Skeel, Hotter irvu and Nail* of me dc.i
quality. V\ archuuse, Of water and lutt Irom st.
f SW Al EKJUAN, Wholesale Grocer, Forwnrd-
J-J« lug and Commission Merchant, Dealer iu hii»-
burgh Manufactures and Produce, No*. 31 Water M .
and id Froul iL ,**
tuomas xxanuiT joiLi m uwr
T COKING l/BASa Manufactures*, and Wholes a<c
JU dealer* in lorcigu and dotuettic Variety Good*.
Western merchants, Pedlars and others are innted
to call and examine the prices and ijuahiy 01 our sloe (,
as with onr present increased lacibiies in manufactur
ing and purchasing, we ihinii we can oiler us great
Inducements to buyers as any other bouse west ol Uie
Mountains. ;»s-ly •
iru. ■nlLkiO J Eiiada. c. w. xinrrsux, Pittsburgh.
MILLKK AKJCKKTSUN, W holes ale Grocers, aud
importers o(' Brandies, Wine* and Sugars, Nos
1?» and i/l, corner of Ltbeny and Irwin meets, i*ius
burgh, Pa Iron, Noils, Couoa Yarns, 4c. hr. con
stantly on baud. augl4
ionn k'uiu. rsn- u- a <*uj_ wsxraa c *u«. i
McGIDLS 4 RU£, Wholesale Urocers and Comioxs
sujii Merchanu, No. 11*4 Liberty »u, Pittsburgh.
MURPtiY, W ILSON 4 CO., (laic Jones, Murphy 4
Co.) Wholesale Dealers ui Dry Goods, No 4-*
Wood sliest, Pittsburgh. novts
MATTHEW WIDSON, PortrailanoMiniaiu/rl'iun
ter. Booms, eorner of Post Odice Alley and
Fourth street, cutrance ou 4lh near Market.
_ decO-dtl.
Base ions, jour t. vn»«.
MANUFACTL U-LK3 uf spnng end blister steel,
plough steel, steel plough wings, coach and ehp
te springs, hammered uon axles, and dealers m mal
cable castings, hre engine lamps, and coach tnnitmugi
generally, corner of RLm and Front sis., Pittsburgh,
N HOLMES 4 SUN, No. 53 WnruT.u,’ second
4 door from comer of Fourth, dealers in Foreign
and Domestic Utils or Exchange, Ceruiicutcsof Depos
it, Dank Notes aud Specie. •
4 yy Collections mad ou all the pmtcipal cities
throughout the United States. dccl?
Tbit m the oldest luturauce Company in me United
rtlaim, having been chartered ui l?tH. Iu charier it
perpetuui, and from lt» high Handing, long expcryenee,
ample meant, ami avoiding all ritktof au extra buj
ardout character, it may l>e rontiderrd at offering am
pie «r< unty to the public. \V. I’ JUNKh
At Utr Counting Room of Atwood, Jonet A Co , Wa
ter ate! Front «ireet« Pittsburgh nmjj
r'lVilK BC’UJiCRiUKR bat been appointed Agent pro
X l«m. of (he Lnturance Company of Norm Aiuem a.
and will ia*ut Polioict and attend to the oilier butiae**
olUic Agency, at llie wurchoute of Atwood, Jonet A
Co. apld W.M I’ JUNKS, water m
• third door above Smiihiteld, couth ude. ’ | FUUWAKDWG & CUMMhS.SIUiN.
Conveyancing of ail Kinds done wiili the greatest
ears tod legal accuracy.
TfiUwto KcaJ'fcaiaifl examined, 4c. ocWB-ly
/’\PFIC£ > Fourth street, neeMJraul, in the room
U lately occupied by Alderman Milter, immudnue
ly opposite Air. Hake well’s. lie may be iounJ at mgbi
it no. 71, Sc Charles HotaL juU.diim
. U.TitfelMirU| 1L !>.,
/ \TTBALMIC BUfUiEU.N, will attend to the Ireat
\J meal of ISseosesof the Eye.
Or. R. ha* been engaged is this branch of the medi
cal profession tor sixteen years, and has conducted an
establishment for the treatment of diseases 01 the eye
along lor scvarml years.
Omcs and rendeuce, comer of garni oaky st and
Strawberry alley, Allegheny city. sctl3
fC&I PBKia TEA STORE.—No. 73 Fourth
gKffl near Wood—All quantities of lireen anil
HHHiB Black Teas, done op ui quarter, half, and
packages, ranging from ju cts. per pound
jyi A-JAtNEB, Agu tot Pektn Tea Co.
c aItUT.
RBfJBISON k CO. having associated THOMAS
• EirrLE, dr., with them ni L>u»taUt. the Whole
sale urocery, Traduce and Commusisu business ■* ill
be coutioscd as usual unuer the firm ©( Kot-lxon. Lit
lie k Co.
P°£ l , t ! f^ N i 1^ 1 X I r K r *. CO., No. 192 Liberty »Urel,
&Mt fttubnrcht Wholesale Grocer*, Produce sod
MSSfcr"“" u '
■....niMt u ,^,
*' KHwfti 1 ’ Moowj, Whali»aie"orecej,'‘Riicufyinir
.11 tSr* ln e l"*** Monti(J
*** u ‘ c * uc Wuiei
11 .irwi On band a very
i Mfk!S?!? sN tf? Bnor 0,1 Mooonraiwta Wlu.kr7,
»iJuwwl4 low (pr B «lsjy
- ~ ■nj*fß.c*i ——
"twrSSSytt Allegheny &rerTr**MfiJ.
'• iSSuS-VS^,
Q portion *n<l Donuuitc l>ry Goods No. »v Wood ,l
pttuoorfa- _ febirtf
iarril, bsoausv * u», 'Vkoi.“U
Prodac* dealers, N“- 23 Market street, between jjw
ud mb. North wdo. Philadelphia. Mrt
2T~ *W HASBA Lufl ' VVooi Merchants. lv s i cr .
/Yi I 1 iJbs & NICOIA P-rodac* and General Com-
S l’ Litony «n Piiubargh.
Rpeyw, Linseed end U£JlS , i -
oVt* VON k Co., Wholesale Uro-
N Fnrwaidin* and Comquaaloa Merchants,
S?l*£hl Western Pro
late, hifc removed to their hew stand)
No. 3i comer of Front ft and Chancery Lane.
oo»f >
TPASSin A BEST, Wholesale Grocer* and Comnu»-
l «ma Merchants, and dealers in Produee No 35
Aood Pittsburgh p..>,
T"«™ A 9COT£ Wholcalc and Retail ...
A Uoou, Shoes, trunks, Carpet Bag*. Ac.. S. W
comer oMth andjlmithfletd sis, Pittsburgh, Pa. ja.l
TT W.iek,) Wholesale Grocer*, Forwarding and
Coitmu*Mou Merchant, dealer, in Iron, Nails, Class,
Pittsburgh Maimfactam generally.
Wood and
XAT WALLACE, Mill stooe and Mill Furmsti
eatabluhment, No. *l4 Liberty sc, near the
Mnnl marts
W W Watches, Jewelry, Sliver Ware,
■ and Military Goods, rorner of Slarkcland 4th
streets. Pittsburgh, Pa. N. U.-Watebe. and Clock*
earerolly repaired. dee!
BOWKN—Commissioa and Forward inf
Tl Merchant. No. 90 Front *t_ between Wood and
Market nr ecu. <r.u\;A
Wit. M UKPII y , Wholesale and Retail dealerin
« Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, nurth east
corner of Market and Fourth si* ausM
jwo. a. ■’COME.
W r M. TOfTNU A Co.—Dealers In leather bide*. Ac
I T 143 liberty n. ,ans-ly
wk. M'prrcitanji. ton. x'cnatiuij*-
\XT A R. M’CLTCHEON, Wholesale Grocers, dca-
TT . )ers in Prodnce, Iron. Nail*. Class, and Pitts,
borpti .Mannfactares generally, l&l Liberty n, Pius
bur«h. deed
\V r W WILSON. Dealer in Watches, Jewelry
T? » Silver Ware, Military Goods, Ac- No 57 Mar
Shoe Findings. Ac., No. 113 Librriy street, have
ju*t irceivrul their SPRING STOCK ol poods, rum
pn-iug a large assortment of ancle* in their line, to
which the attenliou of purchaser* is invited
I fuT. ._ft 8T K A M BOAT AUK NT 8
4ESSoj?PftM tivricx novs M. Amts A Co,
BUBUBSsBBH ocCll No. 4'J Water street.
Cifim ftUO.OUtI.
i. Fihkst, Jr., Sec-y. | R Mujjw, Jr.,
Will insure against all kinds of risks,
losses will be liberally ac;amrd and promptly
A home in* illation—manaped by Directors who are
wvdi known in tho community, and who are determin
ed by promptness and hbcrnliiy to maintain tbs char
acter which they have assumed. as offering the best
protection to those who desire to be Insured
Di*erroa*—R. Miller. Jr., Coo. Black, J \y Butler
N. Holmes, Jr., Wm. U Holmes, 0. Ihmsen, Oeo. W
Jackson, M'e M. Lyon, Jo*. Lippineott, Tho*. K
Litcb, James .M'Aoiey, Alex. Niouck, Tho*. Scott.
OtTicm, No. 39 Water street, (warehouse of Spane
A Co., up stairs,) Pittsburph. iu4Mly
RANCE COMPANY —Office, Nonh Room oi the
Uchanpe, TTurd street, Philadelphia.
na« liwcaaact—Buildiups, Merehandise and other
property in tow* and cacuraT, lusured apamst loss or
oaraape by fire at ihe lowest rate of premium.
.'Urnsb Issraxitck.—They also insure Vessels Car
goes and f irmpfata, foreign or coastwise, under open or
special policies, as the assured may desire
15L*20> TtuAsroßaTiox —They also Insure increhan
tU*e transported by Wagons Railroad Car*; Canal
Boau and Steam Boats on rivers and lakes, on the
most liberal terms.
i ' , °**P h **. Seal, Edmond A. Soudrr,
John C Davis Robert Barton. John R Penrose, Same
e! Edwards, Oeo U Letper, Edward Darlington. Isaac
R Daru. William Polwell, John Newlin, Dr B M Hus
»£L,s‘ ÜB w CH " U ’ Paulding,' H Jones
Brooks Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig, Ge*-ge Semll
Spencer Mellvain, Kelly/J G Johilson, Wu
Tbom “. John Sellers Wm. Eyre, Jr
Wm.Bugaley.Jno.T Logan. K
KICHsBD 8. N rwBOLn, Secretary
ID“ Office of the Company. No 4a Water strrri.
Pittsburgh. ln!s:dtf MADEIRA. Agent. S
HE INSURANCE CO. ol North Amenea will •
mnke permanent and*liintied Insurance nn pro
perty in ibb cuv and vicinity, and . n shirmenU l.i
Canal. Rivers !•**«, and by Sea The |.r oi , rMlt ,
this Company are well invested, and famish an avail
able fund (or the ample indemnity of ail persons who
desire to be proieeied by insorsuee
j °NKB, Agent, 44 Water « t
The FianUin Fire Insurance Co. of PfulaJeipAut.
DIKI-XTORB.~dJharies N. Kancker. Thomas llari,
Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grant Jacob R. Smub
Geo. W Richards, Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolpbo F*
Uone. David 8. Brown, Morns Patterson
CasaiAs N. Us.ftcx.xa, PresutniL
Charles G. Uancker. Secretary.
Couu.iue to make insurance, pcrpeiual or Immrd
on evei y desenpuon of property in town or country'
rates as low as are consistent with security.
../“iTT"*"? l,,,r, » rr<Tr ~ rrf n.tmrums.-<aiuri
ed, adord ample protection to tbe assured
The tsseu oi tie company, on January Ist. 100 „
an aet of Assembly, were as
Heal Estate W.TVI tc|
remporarr Loans vtiooi k»
* M>C “* &l*a S 3
Cash, 4tc. :i7
O ... Sl3a,4W 71
Since their tncorporauon, a period of IP j ears, they
hare paid upwards of one million four hundred thous
and dollars, losses by fire, thereby aflordmg
or tbe advantages of insurance, as well a, ihr sbuiiy
and deposition to meet with prompuies* oJi liabilities
marl-lly Office N K eor- er Wood an<f:ut ...
1> A. MADEIRA, Agent at Pittsburgh lor the Ilfcia-
JL • ware Mutual Safety Insurance Company of phi*;,
sdclpbic Fire Risks upon buildings and merchandise
oi every description, and Marine Risks upon holls or
cargoes of vessels, taken upon the mo«t fasorohic
I£7"Otiee in the Warehouse of W R. Holme* A Uro
No S 7 Water, near Market street, Pittsburgh
N. 11 —The success of this Company since the estob
bshmcm of the Agency in this city, with the prompt
ness snu liberality with which every claim upon Urm
lor loss has been adjusted, fully warrant the agent in
inviting the confidence uid patronage of tin frieiido and
die Community at large to the Delaware M 6. Insu
rance Company, while il has the additional advantages
as an m-utotton among the most flourishing m PuUadeb
ptun—u* having an ample paid-m capital, which by the
operation of its charter is constantly increasing as
yielding to each person insured hi# due share ot the
profits of the company, without involving him in an)
responsibility whatever, and therefore as possessing
the Mutual principle divested of every obnoxious fea
ture, in Us most attractive form m>v4
fpilE Insurance Company ol.Nortti America. Uiruugb
X its duly authorized AgenL the subscriber, oilers io
wake permanent and limned insurnnee on property, m
Uus cuy and iu vicinity, and on shipments try the Ca
oal and Rivers.
Arthur is Coffin,
Som'l W. Jones,
F-dward Smith
John A Drown,
Charles Taylor,
Ambrose While,
Jacob M.Tliotuar,
John R. Neff.
Richard D Wood,
Win. Wn.h,
Frame* Ho.krn*,
S. Austin AlliUine,
Isjiby 0- Hiitiurn, Sec'y. _ * j*.
John While,
Timcnu* P. Cope,
Samuel F. Smith,
Samuel brooks.
And dealers in Wlme Lead, Wimlo w Glass, Ac ,
Kto Second street, Pittsburgh , pa.
Will knead prompt!; to the sale of articles entrusted
to their cere.
Rare* to—Barmley A Smith, K Tanner A Co , S A
W. llarbaugb, Kay A Co , Murphy, » Hson « Co,
Pittsburgh Maiuiah, Graham A Co., and the tacr
(hants generally, New Lisbou, O D. AO. M'Donald
A Co., Leo. Weils, WclLvule, O. Joseph Watson, U.
J. Bigger A Co., Fenner A M’.nilleii, Massillon, (t
Uctuieit, MarUnACo., Wearer, Taylor A Co , John
11. Brown A Co. Philadelphia. A. O. Richardson A
Uro , Groff, Holmes ACo , Cinetnnatf, t». John K
Howard, Loßisrille, Ky. John Smith, New Orleans
Handy A Harman, Cleveland, O. A. J. Endley, Mans
field, O. Clars, Park* A Co.. Heaver, Pa. augAdif
Commluloß and Forwarding Usrebatit.
so. aj wood st., mmctuiu,
CON-l INUI'i to transact a general Commission busi
ness, especially in ihe purchase and sale of Ameri
can Manufacture* and Produce, and in receiving nod
forwarding Good* consigned to his care. AaAgrui lur
the itiinulaclurcs, he will be eoruuiuly supplied wnh
the principal articles of Pittsburgh Manufucinre si tne
cst wholesale prices. Orders and eimsigiunenu
rvspeeualiy solicited. s ~
k. tkatmaa. s. i rrmus oao. a. sobiss.-v
No. lid Boeond street,
. mddßidOm - HT. LOl'it*, MO.
ww. a. acAirs. jsmes srsi.vsoit
FtXST sr.. urrwKKfl Woob Maury, Pirrasnaun
CMJNTINUE to manufacture all kinds «>i copper,
smith Work.
Steam Boat* bnill to order.
Special attention given to steam boat work.
Have on hands a hue assortment of Copper and Urns*
Settles,Tin Ware, Ac. Ac. Steamboat Cooking stoves,
Portable Forges, various sizes—a very convenient ar
ticle for steamboats, California emigrants, or rail road
Wo would respectfully invite steam boat men and
others to call and see our articles and pncci before
purchasing elsewhere ,y|?
T’enn liachiui tthop.
HWIGJITMa.N— Mantfaetursr o/aIJ kinds of cot
• ton and woollen macEnery, Allegheny eiry, Pa
The above works being now a luL and sucvetiN-m
-eration. I am prepased to cxeitte «itr» with dispatch
for all Kinds of machinery in ay :iu, tuft a* willows
pickers, spreaders, card*, gracing*,
drawing frames, speeders, this**.!*, looms, woolen
cards, duubie or stogie,for merchant or eoantry work,
mules, jacks, Ac.; slide and hand lathes and tools in »,-n-
AU kinds of shafting made 10 order, or plaits ffj »-•
eo lor gearing factories or mills at reueouaMe charge
a o k f, T '»-Kenacdy, Child# A Co., blaek.u.rlc, |icj|
* King, Pennock A Jas A Gray.
I NaVE iniaday associated wtUi uie , n u»e wi.oie
*aie I Grocery. Produce and Commission business
my biother Joseph, under tne firm of J » DILWORTH
January t, IMS. "•
Young having u>u
.V, WlU > him, John R. M'Cooe, the lea
r herra/lcr be conducted under the
““T Wm - »o*ag ACo WILLIAM YUUNO,
Jtn * JNO. R. fcTCUNE.
fOOfi iXB TtirRSTOS. PBrtfU! KTOR*
MTHI.i »,j„ r ln „ w „ nl
l>ri»c .me of Uie miui rnmniodio.i. the r „ r 0 f
l.a.itmore, ha* rrremly un.lrr t , nf . „„ m «
wvo alteration, and improvement. An ent/re
wing ha* liTfn addr-d, oonuiini nst numerr.ii, amt B ,rr
clrrptnr apartment*. and eitri.nv- (milling romn*"
•n.c depunmmt ha, a'.o been eompfetriy
their (»uc«t*. and whieh they cnn£dr.n'v a .wn «Vi
ehrJlcttKe compar.on wnh any Hotel m the
Thrir table will alwny, I* .npplicd wut, even ,ul.-
«*mal and Injury which the market afford.
up in a «uper,nr .tyle; while in the way of U-,,',.,. *.c
they will not be ,urpa,«ed
JS £'£lT '>'« «. -nr. th»t
will he telt undone on their part ami on the part of u eir
a*.t«, lo render tl.i. Hotel worthy the coi.i.nJ
patronage of the,r fr.emU and the nul.l.e gene ral ’
foSwinTrVtol 0 ' ,>oaPd h3VP * l ' n { ' rrn Tedueed ui
U<W Ordinary, »l.7sperday
Genilrtneit’i -* 1 5(1
1 , , “r nie l ll *^ B * p w *C»>n of the Houto will al- I
wayt be found at the Car and Steamboat l.andmn I
Tf ebirS COnVCV bft * w ' 10 ar,J fn ° the Hotel, free
rnayitf |
Mcor-fW or mu a* n vt clii. rtrr.’aru-.i. p*.
Thr having ~«u n W ihr mmiarc
mvm of Uu. long .-»u,!,|„hcU am] popular llotrl.
respectfully annnuru'r* 10 Trnvr'lcr. am i ,i,_
Kttbl.c tU*, h e will hi* at nil tunra P rop ar( .J
lo arrommodate then tn all *W,ral.|r „
rrgulatnl Hotel. The House i» ,*.«• it.oronrhlv
rrpatrrd throughout. and pew Furmiur.- vld-d and,,.,
pain, will t,c si.nfrd to BHikr U.c Klchangc oiic m u.c
beat Hoirh m the country
“ ,ulcr *^ *o!.cu» a coniinDfuicr
or thr Tj-r) literal patronage ike Hou*e ha* heretofore
rc.ceivod. THOMAS* OWSTHiN,
•52" t„i™ c *7“ *? D •**"* * T * , ' ,tTS - Fmw«un.
* ul,,cnb « r t r r , P e ‘- ~' »i ly ®nnnmiro« that
-**■» hp h *‘ n,, » oprnrd hi. new Aliil PXCrllMil Motel
lor the accommodation of traveler*, loonier*
and the nubile ireneretly The hou«r runt , ur „iture
are entirely new, and uo pama or rxper.M. have Nr«
anarrd to render U one of the mM tn.d
pleasant lloiel. m the city
The subscriber is determined to deserve, end there
fore solicits, a share of publie naimn..-
nrlH-dly _ JACUO HOtT.ll, l*ro r netor
*T., i* ktwkui romH i.iii itnu *z*
OPPOSITE liie Bunk of thr United Hint/-*, puil*.
de *pb'»- M POPE MITCHK.LL.
MB!lf l*ro r nrt..t
A TTORNEh unit I’oanM-llot tt Law. nnd iVmiui-
IX. timer for the Stale in Peun.t Ivaim,. Si l.oui*
'!>> (Ist ■ of Piliithurgh )
Rtrxsiscxs.—Pm.nnrgli Hon.W Forward. Mtmn
ton A Miller, M'Candie.. A-hPClure. John F Purre
f »«rH« 4_*emple. MVord h King ausllitl)
MUUUO. j p trnrBJMtTT.
Attorneys ami nir.ssM.i.oßs at law.
Fourth .irect. between Stn.tiifctld and liTiuit
hU.iiurgb, Pa Juli
lows a. Lain*. w* c ra.xxi.
Attorneys at law.roimn.irt-n.n»t <;r*m
A TTORNF.Y AT LAW -(h£ C r on Fourth -t . t.e.
Tx. In Southfield au«l Giant si, Pittsburgh.
Butler, Pa
WILL also attend to collections an ! all oihrr
nc«» entrusted to him in Duller and A matron*
counties. Fa Refer to
JAR- Floyd, Ijbcny si
W W. WaiLre. do I
James Marshal! .lo f ptusbuifh
dly Kay A (*o . Wood »t j janT
J>l SWKITZER. Attorney at Liu.otfirr U *i
« opposite St. Charles lloiel. Pittsbutg h. win itl-o
attend promptly to Collections, m Washington. lay.-tie
and Green counties, Fa
refer to
Rtsrk.ioct, Bell A Co., )
I'herch A Carothers, 'Pittsburgh
D T Morgan, J ..etlldir
Ij 1 J HENRY, Attorney and ttouius-ilor id l-'»-i'
j t PinrlrinaU Otuo. Collcclums nt Smjllu-f’i Olinv,
and in Indiana, and in Kentucky, promptly n.,.l care
fully attended to. Conunisiiitrirr fnr tne Siai«' o' IVnu
•ylTaina, tor taking Imposition*. arknowu-demenu,
Ac. Ac.
Rjrvaa m-Hon. Wm. Beil A Son, Cnro». Oiqrch A
Carotin m, Wm lUy«. K-»j. Wiilnck A Dun ail
rj*r- n'COED A CoV
1 hi'Cord A Ring, ©Sgl
•'••Moaabls Uxun,
TkAßnrin Wood W F, M *"*4^
P A JITI£*ILa» attention nsi,|
Cups from our estAbbshmrnt of the a Dir mstkkiaui and
wuaEXAXSHir, of tne utu, srrt.Ka. and ut the i.iwbt
Country Merchants, parehasmg by whole.*!<•. are
respectfully invited to sail and examine our s.iwg, as
we cun say with confidence that a. regard. sutt
and rkicx, it will not suffer in a comparison win, any '
house n Philadelphia. icMT
/">g CAl.ilOliN'lA HA— Itl dor wat, r proof
I. SB California Ha:*, ju-i received and lor «»ie by
K*hV7 rorner i‘!i and V, <.,,,1 ,1.
M'COKDAIo Will inuoduee on Smur- 'M
day. March hi. Hie spring stjlr of J|.\ t'S
I’bo.e in waul of a neat and superior h.n. are
t i rail .u corner of hth and Wood street*'
O ha. now open a supply 01 spring Bonnet K,t.U..i»,
of new and handsome «i) lev
Also, new stye fig’d Neit», ln»le ! Edg
ings; L.aen Edging., Victoria do. piiud Mu..m* ;n:d
J aroiirt*. embroidered Swiss Muslin*. Ac. 1 . e* a
large a««unmeitl ofjtprtng Goods genera.iy a- north
en»i corner IHi and Market street-'
Who.esaie Koouis up »iair» upd
Dlaaolutlon of Partnership.
THK eopartiicrship of llA.NNrSkni.
lormerly Hannen. Muller A Co. in it,.- Window
a d Colored Lias* busine*., S« ibis dir df-oivol !.y
the w.iudiawal of Mr Frederick Muil.-r
under ae firm of lIENRY U »aNnV.n'a i"i *W »re-
Imhim- No 111?'‘econd si. where we will have ci.n-uiii
•upplif * <»; lupenor Window Glass.
mi;gh robkrt.-un.
Pittsburgh. Aug. 3VUIIKN R Y l il-* r l .A ll
H K utidrr«i*rW li«»c tin* day «*»o4->at-d « • t. ii.'-m
1 ill JACOH I. S< , U\VAKTZ.»j..i m. i' (
U. A. CU
r pilK ]>artiwr»Mp lirrrioCo-c nuimr nn<l'r the lirnj
Jl o' A- A. C UKADI.K'I , l» Ci»««lvrd by uir u-i -;u*r
<>i .Mr i Uraillry Tbr Uo»(l.c»« will It ruriml nn by
A Bradley, who will •niir ibe t.u«me~» <>l ilu- Ui«
HKMOV’AI. —A- lII* Dirt hu mnovril hi* Konmlrr
WafrliOU»e Irorn .No. 119 jW-rond »irrei, in N<. ID
Wo«wt «utrct. between Fif*t ami Srrorirt ■invu. ( > ihr
w«r«rhon*e lately occupied by (> A. Herr), vcir be
will keep rormaitlly on hand n Rrm-ral ai.mrl.nrnt of
Ca*tinj» Ijraica, btove*. Cooking Stove*. Ar. j> | j
riMIT. partnership berru>fore existing hewem *nm
i url II |Ju*lifield anil NVilliuOl 11 llai*, iradm*
under the brra of Ht.SHKI 111.0 A HAVS.Ii... i:.i« day
>e n dit*olvrd by William U Hay* nrliing In- entire
m!err«i in the firm lo ». 11. ituatibeld. Al nri-»anl«
due ilie Orm will be rolle<-icd *>y S U Ilu«h£i« <J, and
nh dr>it* rloe by tbe Inte (inn vo be ptud by ilir .n, ne
W. 11. HA VS
Pittsburgh, Jane Si.
COPARTNERSHIP —S II Bti*Hrtri.r> having ib>.
dfty associated will) tnmsetl llissi Lkx»Kk. 10.-mrriv
ot Hertford, Pa , ami rrremly 01 thr Niimmi; Hmr!,
Pittsburgh, will continue the busmens under ih.- firm
01 JU'SHFIKLDA LKADhK, at the nhUtain!. No «o
Liberty street. P 11. UI'MII IKI.D.
Pitisburuh, June SB. I'HP H LF.ADF.iI
Having retired from tlir former bosuns*. I tekr
pleasure in recommending my successor* in tnr pa
tronage of my customer* and Uio public trncrai y
uiff \V a lIAV.-t
T'll K co-partnership hereiolorr eluting between U>e
eab»enl>or*. in the tiarao of Corwuiblc, Burke 1
Co. i« tlu* day dissolved l>y mutual oonfcenv. ,'lrMii
Horkr k It.irnrv will settle the bustnesa of U>- i .in
corn. for which purpose they are authorised l«> u«c the
uiuur of the concern NATHANIEL CONsTAItI.K,
The undersigned harp this day associated Uiciiisr'ves
In Uie i.umr ol ULUKK A HA JINKS. l-r !br. |>ur|M.'r
n< manufacturing Fife Proof Sales. V still lfc»>r*. Ac
*r , at ibo (land nl the Intp brill of <h>n»l:«bir, llurke
Ironotte nl thr customer* n/th.H house and llirir iiirml •
. j.u.MiM* m Khr.
in retiring from the finn of Constable, llarVu 4 i.o ,
I With •nirrre plrn.uie rrrs.mftirnd Mr-r* Hnrkr A
Jiamrs ui the confidence ol my friend* and tlir ,-uUne
fpjlK partnership ol AU KPHVA LKK I-th.« day
J. dissolved by mutual consent. Thr bo our* •oi ihe
late Jims will Im* srttlrd H I-ra. J K llL'Hl’lh ,
Pittsburgh. Jau 3U, l-dy H LKK
NOTICE—The undersigned will pontinur the 'Vonl
l>u»i..r|i. and attend to the rule ot Woolen »>•*><!». a I
thr old Hand. H IJ.K
In retiring from ibr hrin of Morphy A l*rr. I take pleasure in recommending Mr II I-ee io the
confidence of my friend* und the punne
Pittsburgh, Jan ibh l■Ml) J R. MURPHY
I'HK subscribers have this day associated thrm-
K.lrca together mr thr pu;po«- of transacting a
wholesale and retail Dry Hoods and (.Murry business,
at No ILU IdtMT'y, opposite Seventh strcei. under thr
.t)lr ami firm m BUSHFIKLD A HA\S
Pittsburgh, Jauuury 1. l>iu
N. IS—Ourold customer < and die public arr invited
to give us a CuJ J**
huvreiitrrrd into pnriimrship, under Btc hnn of
SCAIFK A ATKINSON and will carry on the Tin,
Copper, run! Sheet Iron Ware manufactory
Ai-n. Klacksmithing m all ju l.rtuichca, at ibr old
stand ot Win it Sratfe, First ,i re «i, near Wiusi
Particular atteirlion givet, xo sicainboat work
WOOL— a ski Wool; I du Feather*, lindiag from
L K A M Line, ami for sale l,y *
ftiiriaßu Uquonce Root, ju« ree d and for «a£ by
XJ KW HOOKH—Theological lectures m' the llcv
1 * David Boguc, D U., edited by the H-v Joseph
Sainttrl C. F. Frey, D I), Vd ed
Sccticji where the Tempter ha« triumph'd, by the
aoihor of the “Jail Chaplain ”
Morning* among the -’esmts nt Home, bent* notes
of conversation held with certain Jesuit' on 'hr <uh
;rrt of Religion in the city of Koine, by the Rev. M.
Hobart Leytnoar, M A.
Ve.uge* of the Natural History of Creation.
Fart tld of Reitdenni*. hy •‘Thuckerny ”
*l**l7 comer Third and Market »t»
NEW lUMIK.—A Treatise on Hand Ratlmr. poto
pn»iT)(t three original »y*irm* ot applying ihn
trammel or string in drawing the face moulds of geo
metrical. clliptie a ( and spiral Hind Rails, nl*<*.
n ngutal system of apply in* the. tips of the mould to the
cd*e of th« plank, an original theory of resting piants.
nue.nilrd with mi introductory course oi gc.tinrirv. ra
tios and proportions, exemplified by lull mid pomplete
deinoinini'Kin., so.] illustrated ny twenty plates. Bv
L K Reynolds, Arrbiicrl. No 31 Ctunp «* N Orleans.
Jusl rer'd by JOKNSTt’N A STOi'KTON,
*P'" eomer Thud and Market sts
Fersonnl narrutive of a tour throueb a part o(
the U S. and Canada, with notices ot the hisiorv nrul
tusuiulion of Methodism in America; by James Dixon.
D D.. with a ponrun o'" the author.
Tbe Harmonist, a collection of .Sacred Musir. patent
Methodist Almnnar for l'>so—pne' 0 rents—-for sab
wholesale bdl trial! by R. HOPKINS,
*pt" Apollo Bolldiugs, Fourth »l
ikO'oKs* IMtOKS-'-thc Novitiate.or a yemramon*
J I the Jesuits, a personal Narrative, i.y a. Sietcmit*.
'lTic Works of C-narles Lamb, with In* Lie uiiJ Ixrt
tef«, I.y T. N. Tallburd
Lobara s Mariam (iuyon and Fene on.
Tbe History of r>c (■'irondi.ts, hv l.nmnr.ine
The Ufc of Henry 4th. Kir* of France and Morci
Codon's lour years in (>reai Hritam
Hofc's Anecdotes o! Sir Waller Srntt
l ji*laml and the Lnjtlisb, by F. L Hulwcr
Feypi and Amina Fctna, by Sirpben*
(ircecc. Turkay. Ae •• *•
Dr. Dorlun s ObscrvaUuus m the Fj».t
in Kuropc
The Works of Cornelius Mathew*.
Lrttrt* i>i Mothers, by .Mr* I,- 11. Sisoornry
l-cito-sto Duuehlers, •<
letters, '.•onyrrsttiians and Rreolleetioir- by ? T
Co end(fe
IJfe of Paul Jones, by Mnckrnxie
-Mias Ulichrns' Dnnieslir Reecpt |t<K)k
Also, o large supply or Am S “ I t.inn Ibmk'
ALKLT Lfl RK hr —Auienvaii Faruir-rN Knry
elopedin, “vo
Ijndlry’s Vegetable Kingdom, “vn
Dav) ■ Dkoroiirars on Asnculture. Ae, lt*mo
e>e bln den—Th r Flam. evo.
Ijrhig's AgnruJtura- Chemnstry. Ithno
-Miner’s Amenean Bee Itoot. 'V mo.
Allen's American Farm Boo*. V^mo
Allen’s Domestic AmmsJs. Lhno
Webster A Park s Demesne Kcnuomy, th.ei «vo.
For sale by J AML? I) UnkUtkip,
_ ) I - 0.1 Woor! »•
Brlttah Pertodtc*! Litsrsmu,
1. The Ixiedon
d. Th" I'-dinburgh Hrvirw. I
T Tbe Westuunsirr Review. ><4uartrrly
4 The North Unush Review. )
S. Blackwood’s batniburgti Alauaxine - Monllily
nie above Fenoticals are reprmird in New York,
immediately on their arrival by me Bruts < steamers,
in a beautiful eb-ar type, on fine whjl- paper, and are
faitnfal copies of tbe osijpaals— Blackwood's Ma*a*m<
being an exart fac-«tmile of the FMinhurgh ediuou.
Tbe prices of itw rapriut* are less man our Lhml of
thee or the foreign copies, and while they are esjuaDy
well executed ift-y adbrd at! that advantage io the A
uterten. over the Fjtclish reader
Tna*—(Payment io he made in advance )
For any one of the four tteviews, <y is) prr an
Fur ail) two do . s <*>
For«..) three do - T ta»
For a'l (oui of the Reviews, “ on
For IPaekwuorf’s Magacme. . ]iu
For Blackwood a'-d the lour Reviews. 10 oil
The ibov promptly suppri'ed by
Jamks d lax kw(hh).
itooksrller and Importer of Foreign Hooka
A'l Wood st.
ir’AHiaek wood’s M»<anne_ for July, has just been
received and uikv !«• had as above.
Blsam Brick Work* far Sal*.
ritHK sohscnbef'mfer. lor sale, the STEAM BRICK
1 VVtrKK.’s. al>ovr I ,avr rreeesdle. i-vint.nsiug u
“lean. F.-igims, ’J lloilrr*. t> Moald Maciuue ca'.al.le (.f
maoutnrtu'ing -.OJ.IXSi Freed font ofd’ry clar
a« laken fnnn tt»r l>auk i per day. with three acres of
land o*i the Allegheny river, on wmeti are 4 kilns and
• nove », ipad-s. kr , every ihiog reuuisite io ,-ora
inenre opera i <ns nt an hoars notice peer including
me pat.-nt runt to use said macbmc. PTlgsi—o-rm. nt
psvui••.<> mane easy U -tbortl the land. Knr
pnr ieujar., addi. »• lIKMO MF.KRrrr
auit.’. -du .\o I|,« Moi-ongahela Hoose.
Sfldcrn and Aoiiqne Pnrnitorc,
/ Mkgfy “fiZTZ+ttof&rJ---
~*tr W W'ortiDCut of Furni.arr,
TMTira Hotels nod private dw*l’ «®r—No»
lliips. ronsunily on bond and made i*> onlrr
Tbr prrvjm «tnck on hand cannot be,! t.r
any nu.mfor.ory m the western poamry Perron,
wishing u> pnrcbaae would do we|| Ja y „e me a call
the to' mT P f ‘ rt, • ‘ball plcaim. Pan ol
Tetr a Tele, Buffet Futncie:
l««,. \IV n„r,; taTi.wu,
•’ll'! Talues, X VNiumnodcr
rrr.i-n Hedstcads; Piano Stuois, I
i(J *..ia. wnui Plush and llair-closb I
>' MaiM.fiany K.Kiinir tlha.r. I
Hi dot Parlor do j
' ni - Fancy j u .
er.rute TaMea; ]
r'i |i«,r Divtui*, 4 pair pier Tsbje,
I i lonrtdr i..,, Drcsuuj Bureaus:
sn srr^ ,nn i r -‘ n*x.k C nr>.
'f p.a‘'r i'.uo,’.m:„"‘ h
a “ P“»r foncy Work Stand..
,|J furnished mi the .honest nnt.rr
D1.p1,r.,m nil,,, for Hpir... W.t.r.
A HUSK to rrrtify th*, Juaveam
dSL rr\ lu’inMUMt. Ro„ fn
„ lr A *'' nu lor ,h ' ««'" nf Jrm.mtrS
latent Uaaprahifin Futrr, for then!
y UeiofPm.bur*h and Alleaheiit
" na Y tor Wmltw, M (,ib«,„, WBroadway
« Oct. 10. |spi.
U r Uvr been aainc one o( the alurre article, a. the
oflirr of Ihr Novelty U orkl for three motuhs »u trial
ami leei perfectly s.tufied thul it u a useful invention'
ar il w.- take pleasure in rncomiueiidms* Uie-in u> a u*e'
iu< artr.'ie m all who love pure water Order, will be
Uiankli.liy received and promptly eieeuied
n ‘'" u LI VINdSTi IN. IKKiOKN A r«
a«T*ralbi« Fllurlna Cook.
Which render* turbid water pur* by
removing ail auhaiancea not Kimble tn
j. water. TTie erou.n water in N. Fork.
’a3* I,llou 8 h elear aj “ f P“« 10 the eye, yet
if*** when u an hourlhrougb tint
r filtering rock, .how* a larpe depom
impure (oli.taJieea. worms, Ac Tlu*
ii the case more or lea* with all hyaraut water.
The Reveratblr Filtcrer ii neat and durable, and it
not attended with Uio uironvvuioiici* incident to othet
Filterer*, a* it t.rleonaed without being detached form
the water pipe, by merely taming the key or handi.
from o<e .foe to the other. By this ettay prncesi. thr
course of water ia changed, and all accumniaLioiii (t
impure lubtianee, are driven off almost matantlT
without unscrewing the Filler. It alao possesses iL«
nil vantage of being a step rock, and as such in niajij
raws will be very convenient and economical.
licau be attached where there is any pressure lngl
or low to a cask, tank, ibl>, Ac. with ease. Tn be use
of the .ole Agent, W. W WILSON,
eet 17 comer of Fourth and Market »is
A FFLTON. Bell and Brass Founder hits re-
Rl built and commenerd business nl hi. old si .ml,
*’ ,,rrt he win be pleased to »ee hi. old eusuxn-
Ohurcli.StnaJutiOul.and Beils of every sue. from ]<i
In Ill.utV) (wiunds. east from pullrrit* of the itu»l npprov-
Mineral Walnr Pumps, t'ounlers, Hailing, Ac l.i<p.
tlirr with every vnr.irty of Brass Cnaltngs, u r.-<|uirnl,
turned and fit..shed in the neatest imunicr
A F is the sole proprietor of ILrmit's Aim-ArrEt
frm-iioii tn raachlnrry. The Holes aLd •lomposi’l.o!,
ran l*r had of him at all limes j itin I v
flonongahtia Livery Ntabl*.
i^rtr> ,hr l » r e*7 stable oil Firs. u.rough
||7\ »° Second si, between Woo,l and SmnhliHil
***“*sts.,in the rear of die Monongnhela Moose,
w ih U>| enurely new stock of llorse.s un'd ('.arrian-s of
tb- best quality and lttlm.l siyl.s. Horses kept at Hvo-
Use best niaiinrf JjVdty
A N-KMINKNT and experienced Physician from tn»
* A Fist, ol Un year* standing, oilers to trout ill rvr>
ol a Dulicatg Nature with promptness and scciecy
Jli* success m {luffulo and other large cine* ha»
been proverbial. Hot charge are moderate, uml hu
cure. iiennatiPiiL Old eases of Olcet, Mlricmre, Hero
fula. Fluor Albus, Rheutnausm, ARue.Sypmn., nr ant
chronic or inveterate eases 'Olicilrd .
A cure warranted, or cliaign reiumlcil
Orncr,, St. Flair street. S doors Irotn the [ltidge
Teeth Ktlmeted. Advice to the pool grans.
N It—|>r. A solicits llte worst cases of any discaia
In Pittshargh to call. apt-tidty
Improvement In Planee.
fM THK subscriber I. just receiving HI,
Clurk. N \ . winch lot • I
• I » I I ■ ecuncr ol niertof beauty i.r finish
and sujseiioriiy or tone amt touch, surpass any dung
ever brougru to this eity Mr t'lork. of the above
hrin, long arid most favorably known as ihe toriucr
foreman in ui e relebraiml Piann establishment m
ilroailwoi.d, Kuidon. hu« iceeiill) inipr.ived ui.d jier
‘erle.l the p Ull „, Nunns A t’lark. N tom. n
lc:i| which, unquestionably, rnlipes ihent to ,l>e repn
I tunos to tie got in Dus country The lot unw o(vn
mg. come* is,||i ihe additional rermninendation o m
ntiproveiiicni m (b r , lt | n , n d fmi»b. winch makes
thrill «t cnee the most elegant and tasty thing ever
brought out. These iiMirmuchlt, logeUier wim the
stock on hind, form the most exienatve. varied xml dr
sirutib-assortment ever offered here; all of which will
be sold at m-tnufaeiurers puces, and on accommoda
ting terms. || KLKUKIt,
■IJ.W WoodwellN,«l Third’»t
N. U —The subtcnlrer will be found at Ihe ware
house from JI to Pd a. M , and 4 to iP. M
i u V .. 11. K„ sole Agent for Nunns fc Clark
W'K have une PL’AIPB, made ou aiTimproved
plan, sa as not to freere in the coldesl weather.
Persons wanung nob arueW, are invited to rail and
*ee them at BCAIFB k ATKINSON'S,
Ol® Ut| botwega Wood .Market tu
Cbocolmte. Cocoa, *e«
W. Baker’s American ana French Chocolate, Frepai
•» . nuci s Autcucsil asiu ricm s U ww.w—| . .. ,
ed Cocoa, Cocoa Paste, Broraa, Cocoa Shell*. Ac.
TO mrrehanu and consumers, who would purebaaa
the best products of Cocoa, free from odultetniion,
more nutritions than tea or coffee, and in Quality unsur
passed, the subscriber recommends the above article*,
manufactured hy himself, and stumped with his oame.
His Broma and Cocoa Facte, as delicate, palatable,
and salutary drinks for invalids, convalescent*, and
others, are pronounced by the most eminent physician*
superior lo any other preparation*. His mamifociurea
are always oil sale, m any qu&JiUty. by the moil re
spectable grocers tn tbe eastern cities, and by then
agent*. Ituwcs.tiray A co.. of lto«ion: James Nt Douce
A ed, Hanford. Conn: Hussey A Murray, New York;
(Jratu A JMone. Philadelphia; Tuomas V Hrundtjje, Bai- .
iimore. and Kellogg A llenneti. Cincinnati. Ohio
Walter BAKER, Dorchester Ma*a.
_For sale by _aug.ll BAf.ALKY A SMITH, AgU
Wrongbt and Cast Iron Ralllns.
TMIV. •ulisrnbers beg leave to inlorm [he putnie that
X they have obtained fniro tbe Fast all the late and
fashionable designs |nr Iron Ratling, both for bousrt
ami eemeirncs Persons wishing to procure hand
some puiiertis will please call and examine, and judge
for thrmsolves. Kinimg will be furiubhed at the abort
r*t noiiee. mid in the best manner, at the corner of
t’ru.j it ml RrlK-rra streets, Afleebeny city.
auiftSi-dif A. La.MONT A KNOX.
\V. A J. OLEINS, Book Binders.
W). are still engaged in the «l«ove business, corner
of Wood and Th.rd sirrcM, Pittsburgh, where
we arr prepared to do any work tu our line with dea-
Sateh. We uttend to our work personally, and smis
ictiiiii will be given ,;n regrird lo its neatness and du-
BUuk Rooks ruled tn any paiUrr'n and bound sub
stantially Hooks in numbers or old book* bound eare
fu.lj or repaired Nninr» pul on books ill gUt IcUera.
Thusc lhat have work in our line are invilrd to call.
Frn rs low taytAhtf
uurc sto'-k to C H Oiuirr, wtlh
a view to closing our old business, we hereby so
licit for him the parronage c/ aI ■ our Inends and cu*-
ininert Ru W..IMINDF.XTKR,
PiiUbargh, Aug kii,
C 1 II 4JRANT, Wholesttle Grocer, Coramiaaion and
>, Forwarding Merrhaut, No. 41 Watersi aulk
BcaJea, Cooking St«T«a, Qratoa, Ac.
roruer l-tbcny and Wood street*, manufacture
and wff-r lor sale Piatiorm, Floor and Counter Scales,
of the moil improved quality; Cooking Stoves, for woo 3
■ml cnm. Egg Stove, oi various si««, parlor and
common Grates, Hollow Ware, Ac Ae They also
manufm-turr the Kitchen Range, which ha* given such
general suiisfuclioti lo those iaviug it in use, to all al
wu.eli wry would rr s|m-,.i tul I y iiivtlr tbe altcntiou of’
the c.i.xms and the public generally. ocliT-dlf
KLUUrr A KNIi I.l*ll.
TO W oorf .1
MANTFA4TTRKD TußAGfti—The sub.enber
v.-ouU ral! the nttniti<-n o| the rny trade and
urn.i rr ,i>ihc following brands Tobacco*,
in *i..rt and lo, vvnuh being consigumcuU dt
rret fri-in manui.uru;rcr*. Ur is enabled lo wli at eait-
1 | bis R W .Crenshtua g*;
Tu j James' MaiUsou 6s,
"•! I Umnrlmr As,
U I Mtrabeaa As,
H I " Putnam &• and It.
16 t “ Roberts A Sisson Ai,
• nl •• t Jscar Burl As
W | " Jouns A Lewis Is.
•1 I “ W’urwtrk. supr |r,
4e | “ lUarj a Jtuacs As. Is and s*.
Pitt tftchlat Work* aad Foaxatlry.'
rtvT**i sun. fa.
JOHN WRIGHT A « 0., arc orepared to build Cotton
and Woolen Machinery of evert description. »acn
s» Card!ug Marhitiea, spinning Frnme#, speeders
Drawing Frarnr*. Ratlway 11-ads. Warpers.Spooler*,
Drvesiug Frames. Looms, tlsrOGnuder*. Ae. Wrought
Iron Shafting nmied; oil sues of Cast Iron. Pullici and
Hangers of the latest p.-ttu-nis, slide and baud Lathe*,
and tooi« of all kinds Canting* of every description
■urulsbnd on i.iori nouce. Patterns made to order for
Mol Gearing, iron lU.;uia,Ac Btcaxn Pipe for heal-
Par tones. Oa-t Iron Wunlniv Saab and fancy Gas
uny. generally. Order* left at Oui Warehjuji- t ,f J
Pniiner A Co, Liberty street, will have prompt au«n
lion •
Hrfer to Blackstock, BeH A Co„ J K .Moorcbead A
o .1. H \% arner. Joan Irwin A Bona, P.ttsburgh , (j.
4J H Warner, Sieul-ruviiie „ n | f
MA WIUTK* Cf). would re*ptfc{/ul)y inform
, Ur public that lucy bnve erected a aaup nn
I.“| «-L . between Federal ar d Sa-nJusky streets They
sre now making and are prepared lo receive order* lor
every description of rrjjrctcs. Coaches, Chariot's Ua
foueftev Buggies. Pim-mus. tr , Ac., tvhieh from their
tmig cxperienee m the ma.iuiurtureoflUi- above work
an.l the (acllttre. they tuvr. the) feel eonlnieol the, arc
Bnnblev! lo do woe* „« U,r mun re ttM , QU t,| r terms with
Lb«~e wauling arlirics m lbe,r (me
r.j-IoR particular attention lo thr »eWunn of mat,-
imi! having none Gill .-ntnpclrnl workmen. i; )r Y
Have c«t I..•.nation in warranting ihcir work We
Ui'-ierorf atk tbr aUrnlu.n of the public U> :ht. n.nUrr.
N H lli'pamiir rtonr m the be it manner, kiul on tbr
(D..M rva*o:ail.i.- ic rjxin. jaSUnf
'I'O iVirrilN AM) WOOLEN M A\Uf Ai.TL
X RKlLS.—May.ii,' made !fraiiftrmi-iH$ mf a run
limit m PACTum KIMU.NO, vr w)t j
*to«r pure. Calf and !*becp Rolrr gkm*, Unc
toJVkcn Rends, ShuttlnL, Hraig Ttrme Trcadlp*-
10lolVit; t*at«Lt l>r e*• e M Iru"ti'eT'\v7«Ve7. 7 Itru^h
* Ar Ae UKiA.V. w)uk»N A a I
* IAMV.n iirvet, l*ii'«i»ureh.
f)'MU W I N I-.*—Odley, WetiWr A K»rre*ier, 1-04
* » Uf *' ru n nnd ’Uy Gould, Campbell A (;<>'• «,ij
i / li“'m Uf " * l ' v "- '‘ urr l ' 4 " ■’ par I
i umr i ort. Marti* ,y .tnin, Pur* Juiee, Ihrchle, d.iti- j
Mp and M.iKle l.rrfve. TUa*r are all eelnt„ a . •
led fur and can bo had wuolo- |
jri JaCUH WKAVE&, Jr. j
1,.. pianos:
I 40. ux..-,,-,. lot »,i.r 4 Urge and splendid
w’nh' matu.aaii) gf»ltd Ac-
I *•..!,*, . ' ,uI —? riUl ‘ ,g ’ celebrated
.♦AI-iHAiurnwcM The sl.ovr .n.irumem. „ r w.r
, i u '“ au Ibf coun
“*'>4 '''•‘•r ihii' aiijr ixwrtfht from lie
’-•* l • **l-l Alt. No tl* wood *t.
2d ‘l‘X‘f above itb
Nll —»..ty N;np w,l. ini taken it par fur a few of
ruyS p. a
lUrdw»r«-Ch*«p. r (b«t H Kworl
I <»<*A.V *' A CO . Importer* uod \Vt,o.e«ale
rJu ’*7'* afl A-«*ii«*ry and Saddlery, No
p t.,.1 «. ~ 4,... id Of Hardware, imported
. '’7'" n '/! flr,J * Kufu f e ' »"d which they
correspondingly low MrrcbtuiU
i.«. nav in «!<• bul.ii «/ |to„. e Fast, *r P pa rllru .
.. y rt«|tic.icd i.> .-nil ami look through our »toek, as
* M.'t iu " f oa pc iice«
( ) A w/'t l Y™l' n \ r, r ,e i Wi l -“ r '
V*' r ; ~P. in,r r A few d01e.,. PU,|,ul P |ph,a
>l1 " • ' fl,la lhP "»'“"»f»rr*.r T Of H M Crawford u>
met. the attention of boot maker* ■« invited. Just
racciv.xl ami tor .am by W VOVN U k. Co,
r *' » - I4J iilmrtv «t
I.JATKNT NH.AR I.AftD LAMPS—An extensivi
X a«onmci.t Cornelius kt-o , manu-
-openor wall o ,r> in u«e; adapted to
| hurrhe.. steamboat. furion,d wr p ub fi r >mJ
| i»» - bail* and lr» a), other a o » where a cheap, safe
■ml ..rilJiaiit light i. desirable *
Shade., \\,ek..Ch.cume., Can. Trimmers, Ac. AUs?
4.a. Chandelier*. from one to lour lights.
. . <W4 W 7 V 'VIbMIN. 4ft market • "
f\AIUY *it the lIALTIMoRK, PHILADI'i pim»
V“ K VJ-v*“'-- NCVANB “ ,^'<>N»TO^
' ouiift M K.N in wholesale and retail stores, and othei
tc.fKctaMc butincM. to art a« Book-Secperv Haica
men. 1 orten, tV»«i r ,., Farmeri/Coach
mm. Agent. Hook and Map Arch., Collcclora,
V. oT ! bradche. ot business. Ac. We have
ittiie. u largn jrumhrr of good Mtuaumi. on hand
"•..,,1, ~ay from **, t„ ri ,« w , , ftouln I . ho><l
AA.ito. .iiualiona ot any kind would dq well to civ*
u. A «;i". a* w have ageu.s each of the a -ore e.-
.‘. U imM ~h T lll rn ** ,,e l u * t» plac every applicant in
I uiisi. e •'illation at the shortest notice. U> have a
*c'iu.i.rit.incc in all the alwjve nmned cutes
;i«.n Ui «t. wito .ns. lavirt u* with *rr»*»:: “ U * foc
TA\ l.t»K A TAVMA.N. N>. 4a x-coud st.,
v II ~ „ . hetwrci, South and Ony
n..n « “ Pr * fln ‘ In » ! >y P»n ol the LV Stuiea,
‘.iiini: to oiitaui n situation m llaltiraorc, or n.
dmmlr,i :,U Ll V i V,“'‘’ S ,T‘" hnvp 'vatu, imme.
dmy ly m . mk-d In I.) „ lu.e, u.o.i-pauit
A* ..) -1. dome they w : i; curtail both trouble mid «i.
'r'lilr' nr"aVi r> “icur i.y coming
• (1 . Ilf, ami seeking employ mem lor thein«e!vrs
A.ldre*., TA\ Lull A TAV MAN,
No 4a Seu.Kid street,
iß>„».di! HoJumorc, Md
.. . . u S*LiICK FOn CHAMPS. -
\\ I. lIAVK a HIM i.\l I N Al. 'VaUMKKS made from
the mo, ( approved Kngli.h pattern, htriuslicd
nuri | rrp " a,lnr, ’ Jr ' J by f'loroa* ilukcwed, K*q., Mn d a
Apparatus tor the application ot wnrtn or hot Wu
cr n the Irowr.s, HI casrt Ol cramps in t’Uoleitt A*
sliouid't.c without »?!f JkUnieJ'* 6 " a,l “ Ck ‘’ n “
, * .. SC A IKK 4. ATKINSON,
,u 7 f - "’*' «t- t.eiween Wood anil Market
p.TTsnci.oii t- na A Lie ~ isi tituts
lUK rv..-oii.| •• lOii r>| *kis liistilulinn. under llie
1 car. ~i Mr. u „d M r». (~»uoas, for tl.c pmsci.t
a- n.t. ini,.- j ear. wilt nice on the first ol Fcl.rus
f) iicji, n, the .mi.,- i.uildmgs. No. H Ijlierty .street.
Arrungeiriniis im*,- h CP „ , ntt iie by which they will
he nole in l.iMiisli young Indies (neilltiem enunl i« any
l, 1 lwr ‘d'l.nmng a thorough, CU»si
p.u, .tnd uriiamemn, education A lull course ofl’in.
''opineal and Lhcmn-id Immure- will he dmivered
il.-ri'.* in- \» ini,- r . illustrated hy apparntUA The de.
• «• Vocum,,,! Instrumental Mus.e. M.-tc fn
’ r ,M^en c K “"!' f l T' u "''' w i " >rttC " '■*
in u<>- iiioiiii aml niUi.ccluoi Hit ovcmeul nl their po- |
p*.* i n I um ipu.s uo|<n to merit 4 conUnuulion of the
m. patrumur.- they have nr.icMo cn/oyed. For
enn». i. r , irfla nr or apply io the FrmcipaU
I®r. MoLans tsi Tsttneiiet.
HIS ts io renny that l purchnjed one viol of Dr
U’.'Lanc < Worm Specihc, some two monihs svo
•nd jrevc to a .or, m imr VP#M „ itli
eaajaxma.uil. and nlihougb the amouni may appear
_*rga, r«t I hn*« no doubt hul tliere was upward* of
r»o isowin w., a « p,„^ a lrum him, me«.urf,, r
Tom um guarter of an ,„rh to two mehea lon.'.
Rons « <>e«k. (.urn,l ru. Teim . IVe yt, IB 4<
Blrmlnßliaw U»«ar Pitoburch,j Pa*
Vrarthuun. Ao. m, WW tlrtU, rUUbwgk
W supt/ W hotmale snd coumn-’nieTk
fhnnts are rrspeetfully mvitrd to ralUnd rj
amino as «. are determined to sell
obeaper than hasever tieloro beer, offered to tbu pub-
JO" t'flirri sciii i.y uiR.I, SCeouipained by the ea.n or
If -r.l t- «n*,.de.! u. „.y|q
r |M» THK I..UMK*—Just received, a a.-omuen .
X nt gold and stiv. r Jiirei.-l. third ami ilrsu,
Ppiii.kies and Uuiiioo, tor rinbroideriiig and mher or
nainei.tai work. Aim. gold mid diver Tassels, Fnnge,
Je a Ciry nt the luted fashions, ut r rent variety
Wan be* ol superior quality aud heaaltfub patterna
and h.r aole ol kaatmi prices. W W
au rr cofner Market aod Fourth its
MKNi— from ft A. M. to ll P. M Siugle
Math 41 cent*, or ft fori dollar. Ladies department
open from ll to ll A. M. and from 2 to 3 P. M
The Relrcihment Saloon* are anequalted in stvU
auendauce. Uecherche lee Creaau!
•»»“ •• T. M'PALL, Proprietor,
[ M . r> ,
R*stts for •orrounding eountie* of We.tern Pa. aad
. *nth the matromem, mar be porebased ano
j aiso irdeul for the cure or diaeaaea. arm
, , **“ U bt «« **nou» rhami.
he oaed diwwea. and tha bnUßu.
rvtirt? TU4,
lit MunnSVi
!w«ji. luni i u rAdTunirh.JiS!;
... It u> U,o i, aoulinu;m°»
| -1,0.1 „o,ovm c L> Cli/onu. Io „„ot o/ cl
' io a, .oconu. ,
! pi
wariT Yoor*, reapiy. JR. mVI|NTOCK
I NDU RUOUKR CLOTHiNG-ju.« reee.ved .orthe
: <i fwVn,. |Kj,UM ' • v*®P4«a .s«r„ne°, of
■ ftiOi lot f- “ PntC \ rnn *‘ n f «w« KSU to
i "" „ -J * H PHILLIPS
„, IIU k Per C&llfbrtU*.
eelebmed Haiard Rifle Powder, in kega, ball
1 kegn, quarter* aud can*, for sale by 1
fel.i:i JSJ)IL\VORTHA(i, i7wood at
Dry Goode Jobber*
STRKCT—W’qaId anil Ali'attenUoa I
ij po™ iwTiN?iHM f * e * u * k ot
lu „il », Y L4»UoS,}u*t receiving from the ltn-'
porters aud Ma.iulaeturera, and wtuch Uiey will sell
* very low rates tor caai£pr approved credit.
the l Yh° W complete, and well worth
the attention ofbuyera, a. we are determined to sell
at *uch extremely low prices a* cannot fail to moke it
m^aUr* 1 ! ataaeemen <r» merchaju* to make a bill with
T 'HK aubaenber ha* removed bta UTiolcaale Groc
, ry .^ re }° lie corner of Hancock »uret and Al.
glieny \N harf; lien door to the Perry Houae.
ipeh-ridtf JOILN F PKBBY
fflunnfaetorer of Mineral Water'lpnaratni,
man or th* ooldkh xiaui aas rountLn.
•'•o. SID North Second »t., nbovo *y jj |
AN experience of more than rwelre yean in iha
manufacturing ofMineral Water Apparatus. and
= Prrparauon of Mineral Water in BoXand fW
laiuj. on an exicnwse scale, with a •ctenuJSc and prae*
tical knowledge of of both liranchca of busine**, io«c
hot with treotit improvement* in the conduction cl
ihr Apparatus and the preparing of the Water, which
lie ha* succeeded in adopting since hi* vUit to I‘arii
nuJ alter year* of close study and piaetieaJ applica
ioiu a* applied u> the aru 10 Mechanic* and Chero la
ir}, enaules the subscriber to come before (he public
wuh emirr confidence, and offer them the be*t and
P 1 e u: A P p ar*tn«, for the manufacture of Min
eral \V wer in Houle* and Fountain*, that oan t>c fur
nished in ibe United Htaiet.
-oercu ta
na» met with, and :hc present exten.tve and daily in
creasing amount of his buune.. in both the above dc
fur ""!r 0,0 m , on cotm "< - ‘ r >* proof Of u*
I . a Pf rtor,, y of Apparatus over those of all
olhera, auu of the pumy and salubrity of the Water
prepared Uierefrom, * * icr
.l ertomwho ordcT the Appaiatui from a distance,
may bo a«ured that (heir infraction. .boll be faiihfnU
* ltri *° • iaekrd u ‘o carry .afcly
cither by land or water io any part of the U. Slate* >
l o tro. disappointment. ni. recommended to those
who intend supplying themselves the approaching * *.
uHorward their order, ala. early, duy a?£7
vernont. ’ ’
A PP™*. <J«Mr«Ior», P» rep ,
fountains, Ornamental Urn. and l*ede.ia]| for Stands,
and Bar. of Hotels for drawing Hyd?.m
n * *»d Tying
“ " to the above buane.s,
r;K U>r ,nd for “ Je 011 ** ,owe *«
, itl. ACT ,Bb * c nbor takes this method
01 informing hi. friend. and the public in genefsl thTi
he bat the Isrge.t .took 0/ iho following l,ami»d uni
ele.« ofbi. town manufacture in thit riiy—Kadd!*. Har
171e.^| nk V?K d |' Vhlp *‘ “ lto, ' w bioh he will warrant
U. be made ot the be.t material and by Ute beat merh
mu..m Allegheny county. Being determined 10 cell
u. rauiialjuuum something lower than ba. hem
tofnre .old by any sinfllar establishment , n u.e ouy.
be would invire peraofi. m need of the above n.nol
article, to h* warehouse. No. «4 Lib* rty street, oppo
*ne Seventh. Algo, bands Dado to order for maehlne
fy ©cC*My <j KKltlfV
Jv The steam boat A. MASt>N_2(fl»
'>Jw***xaF »o« run* from the I'oint, <°°< sSfeor
of Liberty street. n, tb.ifs
leaving .1 9 o'clock A M , and
1,1 the beginning of each hoar until 1> I*, fl Vi»«rn
may rely on hndinglhe boat at the hour. **be leaves
the titrden, the last up inp, at 10 o’clock.
Tuc season 1. fast advancing, and thor® wishing to
VUI k '* de *'B bl fhl retreat, now is the n4* to ipcnd a
lew hnura, nat in ibe tmoke and ilum 01 .fce eiiy, but In
perfumed with Uj e ;Xr*K»anee of
All kind, of refreshments, eirepi into tooting drinks,
sre kept on ihe premia?., (irrenhou* B I’lauw, and
Bouquets of choice dowers lor .ale pomwl on Son
“#y , lystt j A MijSMKAIN
V UQM.hange of landing made on b>w wa
r~ . b'brwardins and Co®*ai»»ion Mer*
chant, ho* removed to No. 0? Front !«-tareen Wood
am] Hnnih&eld ureeta. ** apv “
VITIIKRKAS, John P of Pitta
.buf^b Tailor, by bn , ' d f* d » ••eenng
date the aSth day of July, A D ’ recorded m
the Bec rdce. Office 0} Allegheny «n deed
pag» 4K, assigneti oe
tors. rtux«-K 14 hereby given to all a/ noai indebted
J? W.M9. t® make payment to the *h3~
"s«in.t II to far * el
,D "t* Vina bank.
■Ho, 8! Woud Street,
WOULD eaJI the aticnlion of the public to the
preaent »tock of Paper Hanging*, which for v
nety, beauty of finuh, durability and cheapness, is u
*urra*«ed by any e*tabllshmrnt in the Union.
Uciudea a largo and full assortment of paper of their
own manufacture, they are now receiving a direct im
portation of French and Engliab style* of Paper Hang
tug*, purchased by Air. Levi Howard, one of the firm,
now in Kurope, consisting of
Parisian manufacture, 10,000 piaeea.
London do 3,000 do
Of their own manufacture they have 100.CO0 piec.
Wall Paper, and ItMJOO piece*satut glased Windr
Blinds, Ac.
Messrs. James Howard A Co. have spared neithi
egpense nor labor In their endeavors to rival the ea«
•rn wall paper establishment*, both in qaality of miu
ufactnre and variety of pattern; and they are wo rran
ed in assuring the public (hat they have succeeded..
The whole assortment, foreign and home manafat
lure, will be offered on terms us low as those of ca*i
cm manufacturers and Importer*. meh27.dtf
ket slreei
-4 dox very higk back Shell Tuek Combs;
J “ medium “ u “
k “ low “ u
94 ’• plain high u u u
14 “ narrow tleaded lop “ “
60 “ fancy lop Buffalo “
1 10 “ plain “
JK) gross com Horn; 30 dox shell side, assorted *i
xe*i J' rBM cora l* or- Side; 3 dox shell dressing do,
19 dot Buffalo do do; 4 do Imitatioajio do,* 30 do best
English Horn; fl do S S H fine Ivory, extra »tie; Ifi do
H S do do, lij boxes; 19 gross 3 fine do do; 1 do comb
Cleaner*. ,pid
way»a»ui eausn. joshus uasuo. wu. a. Hxart
(Successors to Hussey, H#nna A Co.)
X>ia Porelp and Domestic Exchange, Certificate*
of Depostte, (lank Notes, and Specie—Fourth street,
nearly opposite the Bank of Pittsburgh. Current mo
ney received on depo«ue—Sight Check* for sale, and
collection* made on nearly all the principal points in
the United Stale*.
ijifticsl premium paid for Foreign and American
Advances made oo consign menu q f produce, ship
ped Kou on liberal terms. apd
Patett Stsmaan JureagT Ist, 1*49.
Patent erosMlscer extension Table*, Sofas, Burtam,
Boat Cases, Writing Desit.
I'QB 74-OLEB for surpassing every other ut
venjion qflhc kind now extant. They can be ex
tended Irom ten to twenty-five feet, aqd when cloned
the leaves are ail contained inside; they arr made to
ail site* and shapes, and are admirably adapted for
Steamboats, Hotels, sad large private families, form
ing when closed a complete centre table.
AND BUREAUA— I These article* are inval
oable,.. particularly to those who with to econo
mise rodm, and convert a sleeping apartment into a
parlor or sitting room, as they can be opened and shat
at convenience, and when shot, the bedding is enclos
ed- A great saving in room and rent. All the bed
stead* whan closed iqrtp a beaqdfpl piece qf fumilure
tor rparior or sitting room.
BOOK CAJ4ES—A neat and useful article fbr parlor
or drawing room.
M RJTING DESKS—For law offices, counting rooms,
and other uffieet; when opened a most convenient Ued
«tead, when closed a perfect Desk and Library alone
■s visible.
All articles need no recommendation: the
beaotv of the whole is, they are warranted not to get
out of repair. It will be far yoar microti* to call and
examine tt;e articles, al the manufacturer’s store. No
f-J Third street, Pittsburgh, la addition to lie above
sdvantaire*, they are proof against bag*
' OOAD<|
Patau Graduated Galoasue PmTtrs <tnJ Paten*
insulated Poles far Medical and other pnrposta,
THIS k the only instramem of the kind that has crar
been presented tn this eoantry or Earepo for med
ical purposes, and it the only one ever known lo man.
by which the galvanic fluid ean be conveyed to the hu
man eye, the ear, tbe brain, or to any pan of the body
either cgtrrnalir or Internally, In a definite gentl*
stream. Without shock* gr pi&—wiln perfect safety—
and often with the happiest effects.
This important apparatus is now highly approved of
by manv of the most eminent physician* of (hi* coun
try and Europe, to whom the aOieted and other* whom
may concern ean be referred. Reference trill also
be g.veo ta many highly respectable citizens, wfi o have
been cared by mean* of thiemovt valuable spparatas
ot some of the most tnreteme nervous disorder* which
could not be removed by anv other known means
Among various other*, It bat been proved w be ad
mirably adapted for the core of the follow lug -'tt-isf,
vii nervous headache sud other disease* ol the brain
li is with Hu* apparatus alone that the
uouvej the nugitruc Xtud with ease and 4a/etv,l£ the
eye. to restore stgbt., or cure amauroses; to u>
restore bearing; to the tongue and other organs to re
store tpcoeb; and lo tbe various part* or the Cody lot
Ore cure of ebrozue rheumatism, asiftfea, nenrolgio, or
uc doloureux, para'ysis, or palsy, rou S eho.ea
Vito * dance, epilepsy, weakness {too t spist,,*, mine
Jiseare. peculiar lo lemaks, cimtractionof u. 7 j m b.
lockjaw, cm. ete
P EMALVINu In the Pittsburgh Post Office from the
of Sept. u> the Ist of Oct, IH9. Perrons
* “g for them will please say they are sdverii.ed
Ladis'i List.
Ander.n'nu Aphellef Mary Anderson I.ydi
Au tj„ j,- ** rnel Anderson Sarah AAodrewsHesti
* * Albion Ann
Barber Saro? n“' riJ S “ ,an Baldwin FJiza
Hascom Garoluw, iL Henrietta \Baset Marv
Beer Nwrv “ K Beckwitu totly
teVn" h ° IFMr*^e 1 FMr *^e , l Surah
stiL”: r, r pgblb Done’], B|.„ n»,„,
R . »>"•'*» C«b- Dri-coll ,uT, t
Dover* Mary A Dnitovon Mary Margaret 1
M,„, Evan, Ann
Kaston Sarah F.llis Nancy R
Fvfwv 1 " E°** n SBrah J Fnrol Ann M
s£{* r V; ,lnc 1 y Ponniaio Ellen Fulleitou Gris.yl
Finley Carolin* Foord S A '
Foreytb Jane Frew Hi,a A
ru l s re ?r lhSßr * hM C^l!ow *y i-ucy Glass Elizabeth
Glenn Margaret Gillespie Ann M Goion Unit*
UfW Manr ° o,hne E ‘^ a[h
, Hartwell Calvin Harden Sarah
M“blda Hartley Busan and Head Mary K
Hewey Margaret Klix.beth Hugh Hewey tliraret
{!ofi er 'h Georgiatrea Hobson ElizMFlh
Hollenb.ugb J,v Honey Mr* (} F HooverSarohAnn
Rebecca Hughes Elixabeth
HoroelMauld* Hursbman Mr. U
Irwin Martha Wei Emeline lamer Mary C
'i^ k,y V , r Mary Jer.ktn* Mary Jane Johnston Mary E
Jotas Marg naWJones Elisabeth John* Murrain
Juries Cothartne “
King Susannah Kelly Sarah Kennedy Mary
M rne ‘ Jpaambesgk Layton Mary An
LawreoceMary be. Elizabeth LefeverMaryA
.. n L-Jonbam Hsaah A Law* Margaret
Labrec Mrs Ball Lyon. Henrietta Liiteh.Msruia
Lindsey Nancy
U ?S mer J *. n . c HArrigt
SllmS"" ST'* J! u 1 H '* a * Y *iladas*en
Mitchell Rote Miller Hannah Miller Hally
Mor»e EJtza ’ Morgan S A Morgan Mary
Morgan Marta Montgomery FJix’thMole* Sophia
Morns Mary S Morton Mis* E More Miry AnuD
Mullen Elirateih
McCann Sarah McCleary Martha SleClotkey Mrshl
M*Ctoy Marg lA McCabe James MfcConnaek Kilen
MeCtaren SmrahMcCsffrey Klica M Mefiarr Elixabeth
M KeandMrsJnoMeKoe Ann McKmrkt Barah
McLain Susan SMeLean Harah McLean CotbV
McManus CaiheMcNeel Mr* A C McManus Bmlger
McShedtLn Marg'i
O'Reilly Mrs
Pardee Mr* H Peden Margaret Pearce Sarahjkne
PraJc Hannah B * Powell Cath’e
Reed Mary Reed bribe! Reed u,-,-,
R^ afy j £ l,b,thE ««Jdick EJreXth
R'lffiar Louisa
S Robb K! '#* Ross Margery
-Ruuell Lmny Ra».ell Helen M Ryan 3la^ y
Shuulcswo tb Sa-Shidnek Mary Sharp Anna Man.
r *“ Suam* Frances Smith Mary J
Speer. Mary Speers Sarah Somerril'e Jane
Swasthout Aan Steel Jane
Statenheld Mrs Swaithout Anna Stewart Ellen W
I-ouis Stewart Caih'c
Tanner Emily N Tiiomp.on M C Trimble Sarah
rbom*. Jane Tracy Caihjriue Tprner »it S J
VEST'* vi‘f Mmt J
Thotnp.on M J I’rough Dorothy Tyfi-r Am.
Yaaamee Masy Yorpe Su.ette
Wallace Mioerra While litrritt Wtlaoa Bokara.
W.nle Mo Wo White Erne ft, s»£££§£,*«
Wamoek Aaneaa Wltce!er Hteti Wible L E **
Ward Louna Wheeler FDrfh Wii.uanh If A
" »pl Ellen Wheeler Mr* W RWnahi Mao- n II
w«* K ~'b D «r,l„„ Hafn.l B lv!S.' Si?,? 11 11
Ww etarah Wilton KlUn Wrwht Lontai
Vork AnaE Young Hcnneitn
Lady on Ihe Vdi Ureel road
Gentlamaa’a ».»§«,
Alid The* 4l| e n* M .
ibruo. W. A,|„ Wo n An,., "“ F w
iSiofwr" i!!™ S"?"' M AnhiAll.,,
ii??''"* aw 1 -
•\ k, " U “* Alo.lry Aaron
Alien John Armstrong k Dar
lukel-rEn T S^ k^, 9 * moel Brown John W
T" B crTyh . ,, ‘ A Bradley Franois
Berry John .' Frnncu
B.ldwui Thoma, Berry Matthew Bray June*
Bai ey Wm HlooJ C Bramble Davtd O
h iT y {V*' Jmme» Brady John
H 4^ r ii Vta t on- Hor%uo Brencble.y George
Barry Patrick Billing* Warren Briahin Wm 5
flayutoa \\ tn Blood OF Bright beorge
H| s '"L rDO . UmbrnSoi.l
ii» rt A Blackmion Jatperßrook* John
Baiien And'w B Black Koben Bryout Wm P
Barker Myers Black Wm Bucbannau Hobt
Barclay F J Black Matlhew C .
nS r wm*i Blair John M Buehanau W ra
Rd w J Hov e Chat M Bupp Jacob
Be \\ » Boyle Geo B y i„ Tb-w
[£ Burgoyne Jonh. H
b! BoydJ««ph Bower John
HotgJohn Burchfield Leri
*nea»> Tho* Boice Jamea S BuUer Win F
5* -‘J. Bo«ier Jamea Bufler Richard
v? h * tolce 8 Bot'er Andrew
Beektey John Uiwermaater Joo Bußer Edward
Bernard Rev D'vdlloout Thoa Uurley Robt
Be»» fcUrauci Brown J a Bureau R
EHiH-Mv" 1 ’ g»«wu. Wm Burke E*tward
w' S ro ' rn 3? w Bur** Michael
Beall Win J Brown Dr David Burke E J
Brown Tho*
Calhoun Robi Cboller Loudon Oowen Anaci B
? 3 \» Cbesnut AII Cowen Amo. W
clitajlm* Chiße.Robt Coulter Alcjt D
t-allen Janie* Cbaae 8 P Unity Geo
Sm 1 r?®*?"** , * uko Creighlen Milch
i D . L ltm * Tao. J e'nawell Jaa
Carlisle John Cole Baml Crowley Miehl
Carnaghan Ales Colven Ju* Cranney Jonathan
Camajhau U H Coale* Clia* Crook aA J
Carbu Baml Colcasei Danl Crombie B B
Caveuagh Chaa Collina Jaa Corry Peior
Cartwright I. T Coate* laaac B Cunningham Tho.
b. CwtaAtel Conn,nSb.m J„i„
Carl Wm Coopdt Jrovilla Cuuningham Jesy
Cau Nel«on CoopertVm Cullen John
Cany John Dowdy Ain Currier II
Caiuptx-li k Ren. Corbut ’riio* Curry Joa C
f , r Ki r. „ Corlritt John Cullen Tho.
Caldwell Rob; Cornwell Jno M Culbertson Andw
Coreataa John Cam* Nichols*
Darr Henry Dennidy John Dorn*Jar
David* Alrxr Denniton Hugh Donnghy Jo*
DiviUmn John Devine Tbo* DooghcrtT Geo-R
Dauidwxi Hiyihe Dewui Thus Drummond Jas
David*on T B D-iwiller Alegr Uugnu Ttu><
Darr.hJo* Dixon Ja« M Duffy Dan I
DalreP John Dillon Edmond Duncan Tims N
Daniel F Dixon John Dunn Hieod
Dtw.on Ja» D.xon Hugh Duma John
Day J I. DyerJa. Duius* Miehl
Davie* Haul Dickson Wm Durkiu Mic.l
Davie* Hugh [k>ugla<* J W Davie* Jon'n
Davie* Jo. Doran Wm
Earan John Kherraan Geo R Eug'iah Patk
Ketnanl John aiding* Mr Kngland Wm
Kdgenonctl Kduioodaon J M hUmi* Owen
Edgar W M Y'Atr Wm H ' Ewing Tbo* t.
Klltou V 0 Evan* John P J
E ufulJ ,v . F>ber Gapi Foater Robt
Furmaii Wm A fi*h Henry N Fog Riehd
f'arrell Miehl Flak Wm Forker Paik
Ferry Barney Finnegan T U l oldnoe Andy
Feilon Haul Fink RSt Fowl rStmon
Fenn S H Fleminf Wm Forsyth Ruht
Ferguaou Uenj F auigen F C Fonuue H F
Fenu*on Mr boot Fliun Robt Fontona A A Co
maker Forre.t Joht Free! Jamea
F.ucerald John Forbes Geo Fred Miehl
Mfe Ju. >1 Forman Ccj France John
KUl liu? lJ C ° rne * Fncl John
Callaghot Hugh Given John Gtejr The*
l.alibgher Owen Gerard Jo* Grove* Baml
Gage Hiram J (Jibaon John and Groas Geo
GeboChaa James Griu* John»G
Gaxxam K D G.llesp.e Wm H Grufiu (ieo
Garret John tlielmF M Graham Tho*
G.rr.rt J V Glasgow Kdw J Onbsi.Kir.Aon H
Gangwer Aaron Gorman Htury Graham John or
Gargnn Christ r t.>mlnyFoik Maria
Ooehrm* A Gormlcy Miehl Graham Wm
Gibson Franeu Grant Wm W Gorr Wm
Oi ben llerk l.rcen Geo H Guihne J W ,
G.lsonWra Greer Matthew ’
Hamilton David Hay* John Hodge A C
n'J" T Hay* Sami Hoffman B*ml
Hiby W m Hay* Jutiu* Hoffman Geo t.
aggertv Bareey llmna Frank Hot land Troi
llama* Aaron K Ilrffron Jo* Boon Henrv
u’ , !r n /r J "“n lljpkin*Nathan
lamer Jacob F Henry Rota Horn Henry
Hammond Juo edop Chn.t'r Hawker Henry
Hamili Roger eory Abm U Hornbrook Jaeob
iraneoek Jbn Henderson Andw Howard Johnson
!!* no « V w ."". ♦♦■'•fn* John Hort-aeb John M
!!**' 4Co *•'“ A V Howard Wm N
Han Francis mil Richard
Harper Gootlioe Higglaa Tho* Huruer Sami
IJartrdl Join* Hirman M.cbi Hoy Owen
Harry Lawreoeo Hiltery Henry Huder Albert
Ham ton Tho* Hucheoct ,N I, Hubbard. Wm
Harna John lime* Miehl Hunter Fleming k
lltrtmajr John Hoag David Co
Harrington Wm Holms* J«» iludaoo WiaD
Hiugh Bnbt ' Hobo* Bame* k Hunter N D'
Hassoa Thoa Co Hutchiwn Wn
ilawc* L P ilughea Jaa
Dig ham J D 1 tea Sami
Jamea John 8 Jordan GeoJofeutott Phil 0
Jacob* Riehd foUyDickiMoa . Johnson Tbt* '
VOL. XVII. NO. 49.
w Mo,T “ l'"* 1 ” ■>•»« •'»"* Rosl
' v ? Junbln 1.. - J„„, Er.l
Jobn«.n \V H J 0,., JSIMI
Juneton Francis Jotmton t{ Jours J P
jjjSg?* k Janet JcAn, thin-
JeniUogs Peter Johnao-t Add rlef -
Jcakmt StephT Johnston Jo* p Jon ethß'
K '■
Kanfman Aaron Keenan John Kelly Win 1
&ft£b p „„
Kenned ,"«!? ** Jas W King John M»M
Kb“rt.. 4 " MMfd O
K«irn» John Kramer Wm H
fssnjr-isRr 1
f*f on «n Brice uLnu M
. iSS.Jp’" £S C «»
}**»d*«ry Andrr Ijuyd Alfred G
Lionel Darn UwryJohn ~V
llurh W ! >m * TV Uwr>- Geo \V
Ler'e Predk V ‘° n * ~‘o*rv , .‘ 0 * rv
Lee gam! }- OQ # LovryJ-Sbeaexer
L«gaa JUnbcn Lowry I.
Maber^l.uen.# Axiliur Moore Join Ri-
Manain* Wa p K errwle Alban rhor
Mahornfv j“h„ H**«»«|hniidtMrMoOre CapiTboa
sss/r 1 £s»S3r
ji~i?i£Sjr Sir?*,s I™* 1 ™*
inSS ItZl 0 iis;“S,! v k " -
Maohall IVc MUner W* k Wm
Maofmll Captain Tbo™ re 0
sssi.'SL. as gj>
SKf/-- ssr
Melvin Jamb* » " \\ molland Joieph
Meelitu Andrew i» Rnle-n Mordoeh Wm
aieeum Andrew MorrayMaub-vrAVMuUen Hash
Mtimiy Patrick •
B 4 j£ SS"Vjta
ssswa. pKte
a:: T
w.y.. L Rotlt APDcnaoil Pk G Artfeii'niM'
\rc Mk e J j V J M’P i>n * u M’Keo a.Uen
WcZ&JVL jrilotwldAYm M-Kmß
m Cariy John M : lm>r r Tho* M'Ouaid n
S i 5? r "V* »» • mannl. Oanl M M.bS, C »m
U’eSrnl ,hl brni?” A i le ? M'nloco cT" 117
.M'G S ‘‘ " 4
fijSSJlln SJWMlhonr Nicolti lolm ;
®ir?r €ta *"isff*! 4 w
SKs. nJU :i:?rz ,T^
Obi. ntrfner Ob. ltebj 11 g„ {J, id
g.£«??wi gn^Li sssr
(yilneoJak A Co Orendorf PJI Dr
Orme Hannah
F kwE
II Pb.„. pEo RP**r
Pb^^Ubb^r. pii“i°j/, , *r
p to REKK*
oSileii V g°is kp^ite '’ l l“ nl ‘b A G
WotienJaa Qnllbtt Pailr Quail Alert
\t J ,r*„ , Rteharda Lewii Boland John
Ray AMulholland Rjrhinoud Philip Robison Rev A S
u*'/i™ I Riplry Albert flocvn Mkcb'imai
Rav'juivn Mf s*'V J ° hn Jaaa "
n»r- •• I {l <=h«ra.o,, H Robert* Ja«£
Rrrc. Tbo. II Rul ? ieay John !To*>in»ofi N I-’
b*“3 8 «- J i. S ,p ; ey B r lv,t » u » Homlolr Wm
nVtT «. ,n “ s,cha,t5 ,cha,t F Robanwn J».
Reamer «m Ho., g P Ma j Robium Stml'
Kd iv* r* a Roudeloch Gert Rob.wn OUrer A
nHliV'w . 5 0 ”! Saiai KobironGeo
K2J! V "w P" 1 * 11- J#l » Rorer* Pilfcr
V n'Vr ler . J . ohn John
Rod.le-1 Michl Rogers Tboa
r s®". Wm Rorer-Kj
J&iM 0 ,8 J gwtajr Hoo W Roberson Jas
_ RobisonsA
ISi- n “"' r J “ i *“ Hr-rpta-
Samlet *o» John Smith Jacob Speed J J
Sander. James E Smtta H C Sp« r j BHW «
. ander* B.nmcl pmuti (Tenrge Speer Johm
Sample Jerem’bMSmith (ieoG B Soencer Jnl.« n
“"'xrJoXj S„„I,SOP STbSL.”
“ys, S n, ' Ui «.i" » x>..» j."
. anden S\\ Smith Sotcraoii Sternrtt J«| -D
uaaruier.Mr Sm-th Jo-hu* StatUerDaoJ
Scott Sdilomon Smith Jhn A S S »e.lma» F\V
>cr,trsornu«| c Sirii'h Ltwrejtca Sterling Je*,
'•coley \Vin Smith Simon Jj Stewart Jn.
Sugley And’w Smith I'avid Stew-irt id*
Seeiy Jnnmhan Smith Dr F • St^railJalni
SeauorWm Smith Henry SfoWsrtSaml
Shaw Samuel B Smith Charier Stewart Wm
Sh™, J S h °K. i Siopbei'ion s G
Sh!™nS,l w 5"" P S’s. A ‘“ »“»lu«»n John
aw? k_L r. V S 11 Mr IXepboi-wn J E
Jncllenberrer DanStmmemna Jacob SUrrtH Geo W
£Sr:^r°? M ' Vm S'uchfleldWmD
aSS-n ,ra ”° :l Stor.e Washington
Shorten Wot-. Smallin* John Sath-rlantf II
5S®f r , Geo W Sullivan J„ry
«Li ~ i ,n,C * S'”‘ nd Jftfnem A Switzer J m
Skinner Pat Snodgta*.SonioetSmtoo tl II -
uw e r. 4 J< i hn • s,,l * f Nicho'io. Schwaru; John
Skelton James cruder Jo.eph Snu HeSry
A S Svnth J-thn Swum Abta
Skinner George Sproat J.,hn S Smith GcoAV
T 1
Talbott Chav Thorp Ezekiel Todd Jan M
Taylor Geo A Tempicton Geo Totter Jama.
laomiMou John Tborrnl. Km*DuelTo3ilin«o<i J P
THotnpaon N D Tench Wmowl Turrer RA Co
ThompaotvAlet Tench Wm Tucker Be.* K
Thomp-on Jm Thornburg Win BT«nier Stephen
Thompson Sam) Tiirell Jo in Ta-k-rJohu
Thompson vym Tidl.all Oerm. il Tnehir Jo* B
Thomproo GnffiibTom W«.hineioa
Thompron N B Tom Terence
Vau Schnrk ?Ck Co Vonuieu T- Virk 9a/nl
. 'V
Wjhon Rulm Wiloj iVm Wr »<, u Robt '
Wal' Waugh U'ra W,i, M Haitfl D
Uall Arthur .Uniffn U dwsaJoKa
Walter. Cat Wehb Rnl.t WilwmJL
Wale. J£»J BrookeWelcb Ja* WbithFC
S“J!V "V" 1 'W.U. J.c.b W.iLOtoW
"*H \v«t Aarou W WiemerC W
W#ikop Marie W-*»t John WIU p^gu,-
WaUbJohn Wearer Ch'a* Winder j o i,„
Walker W m White*'.! •. tt
Wallace Tho* Wijte W M M. 1
Watlace Geo White Rol.t \v tiJr a »QnTIiD«
Wallace Robt Jr Whiteman Wn Witr-| ; ' «' Jt>Vn
Wallace Hearr While. Waller R VVill , .
WuHcr J«taK- WtahSaal II lVoo-li!W
w:s' s
Wilaou Ale* William* Robt M
VoootP«o, Vo»», Ch.,W
' aid, Gilmore & A oung V C Vounr Joa •
‘ ° Yatei Jas 61 D '
U Land Office '
_ Captain nf iH j Ringgold
Captain 8 U 1,» 4C Newton
Mr 8 8
Sou* of Temperance
Uayard.tnw.i Diri.ion S of T
n .. „ BAMUKI. RUSF.mrRG P M
Posr-Orvir*. t, jKj n l - 31
Dr, Kost’i Celebrated Remedies.
Chrome disease*. -woe a student of ih.i ‘,.1.. tu P l °*
man. Doctor Physic, and i. u r fa J u^ , n '^' n 7 t >
ty of Pennsylvania, and fir Uifny y rat ,
Sf.V^S'K.T ° f
Ttf ™ -pirafen^‘,s;^^“r^rma
Ihoae dreadful and fatal rpaUcHea.CTobt-rcmar cl>n S
.nmptrou, Cancer.. Scrofula, flbeamaw
Fever and Ante, Fever* of Ji kind., Chrmuc
ndVed d eve^r ol>,,^ ,C
? fo °> { d “r aje ,a,ll 'iie. undo, Hr aw
of bm remedies, to which hnmamtv i* hrir—uoi bv the
«»e of one compound only, for that 1. G-ri^LT^il 0
with Physiological Law, Li l.y foe' use of hS P reml°
S-'drjJlf. 1 * 1 “ r ’*?’ iha ‘L (Who farm'
IX KouX Tonic Aluoluw, pul,. „„„
Vortably acknowledged to be wiprnor to ai: other aa
a purgative or Itrer pill, inasmuch a* they leave toe
bowel* perfectly tree Irom eo.uiv-ne»», a« *',o hi.
Oolden PHI. U admiited by-tha faculty to r,e. u
liar propertte* adapted to fcinaie-dmssevbut be.,,*
•ati.fied that a bare irtal i. MUReinrit lo c«(uh!i»L WU at
ha. been .aid in the mind* of die *ko«l .kopiseni ■
c The afflicted arc invited to cull iipn.- ifie naenuVod
procure Igntlt.J one of the Doctor 1 * paci|.lil*G, *mnr
a detailed account of each remedy and it. application*
pjr «ale by Qie following axentt, u well uvr’ tno«
tbroufboat the eonntry:
J Scboounvahcr A Co, ii Wood «tr»siL-Paubor»h-
J \1 ToWn.end. draggi*!, li Market .[ u ***’
Lei A Beckham. - near the F o Alle*hiljy e i,-.
Jo. Rarkley, IHrliiurtun. Reaver eoontT. Pa *' Cl
Jno Kilion, Fjiiioo Valley, “ « -i, ,
T Adnm*, Deaver, “ « M
' iiovttt-dly
Mount kaui.f. trii-uli, forpo^.i^rV^T.
Ro^for"*" r«£» si,
foand II involaolji, fcr ,
ami warei—in .liort, u rentarli4 ,f >.? .u F
TxJo“lSl“i, ?“ nl »*°£t£*X ■
fir»t broogbt from Italy by the Venetian Ml f3r*'' n>
>■>«« .x, morp.]„ r j./.i;
- • 8 -V 67 Wood *t
Premlaa Strtwbern Planck
Hovey . Seedlnija, OTeenU per bundrod—all thriftr
pluta wamunad. Onkraftom a dl.urao. jUretMiv
Uls Allegheny Cify^ai4fth«'*■•> • •
bam a* (he hrerTiroa; * - •
JAAIE9 APlfl^iy,