.. TfiANSPimtAnus ■ LLNES. - Yoangitowu and > • w Cutis Outtl. Packets. rp!IR pocket BEAVER. Capt Stanley, willteave 1 llMTct on Monday. Weaneiday pd rnday CTcum{i el ti p. M_, and arrive >t Yooontown next mommy at * o'clock—returmnsr. leave* Vacof** Tacuiej, Thursday and Saturday cTemaf-i at 4 r. W_ and reach Heaver m Uun- lor iho mortmnr boat, ALLEGHENY CUPPEK, arn.iri* at Pnubnreh u 12_o’cloek. Th* packet HAftKAU AV. Capt. Downinr, will ***** Beaver Tuesday. Thursday and •Saturday even \“ff* ** ® F- M-, returning, leave Srw Cattle, Monday, Wednesday and Pnday evening* at 0 P M. tuio con neetiog with the morning boat for Pitubargb- Theaopae.ets a/e filled up in complete order, hnv tng one 4C">mniodaitont for passenger*. and shipper* may rely on more punciuainy and boater despatch Ihaa baa ire been olitamed on there route*. I'. >l. PITCH A Co_ Proprietor* J t . Indwell. Agent, Pittsburgh Hi-lwOl & Bro., “ Bearer. A. D Jacobs “ Young*iown. R. W Cupninehnm. u New Cattle. The elegant tteomer, ALLEGHENY CUPPF.K. wil leave Beaver, daily at » A M„ nud Pittsburgh at TIP M-. running ia connection with the above boat*. full SI Cleveland PatungVhSSa* ket—SWALLOW —OCEA.V ore Packet* leave Beaver every day ;eepird) and arrive next morning at icy connect with the Mail Stages for lainl, arriving at each of these place* le of the packet* leave Warren catly arrive at Beaver in time to laic the Pittsburgh. FINGWICLL A Co, Warren, / M B TAYLOR. do \ 1 ro JOHN A CAUGHF.Y, Agent. aptS corner Water and Sinutifieid n* 1849. .iStotesM UNION UNET^ OM TUB PEN3PA ASD OUIO CARATS. Caawyotp At Cnaararaua, Cleveland.O. ) n R- (i. Pxbxs. Beaver. Pa. { T ™V r * fpiUS Line will lie prepa r'd on Uie opening of navi fr*,Sh* * ,l ‘ l I’-wnierv from IMTTSIH. ROlf and CLEVELAND to airy ihh.« „ n the Canal nrid Lake*. Tbe facilities of thn line are unsurpassed r. noimu-r quality and capacity of Boat*, experience oi eaptr.il,*' and efficisney-ot Agent*. Ooe Boaticarca Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, run ning in connection with the steamer* LA KK F.RI BAND AHC IU( .AN. Between Pittiburrh and Braver. m,d a isne of first class Steamers Propeller* and Ves-cls on the Lake*. Aacrr% —H U Park*, Beaver, Pa. Je*»c Baldwin. Youngatown, Ohio. M I! Tnylor. VvaiTca, •' Cynu Prenti**. Ravenna, Wheeler A Co, Akron, Crawford A Chamberlin, G and. (I Scar* A Griffith. Buffalo, N JOHN A.OAUGHKV,Agr..t, Office, cor W tier and Smithhcld su, Pittsburgh. mcbalUy QKAVEU PACKETS. Steamer MICHIGAN No. a—Cant. Gilson. “ LAKE ERIE, " (lonian. fpilE above regular and well known Beaver Park- X ots, have commented making their tla.;y trip* to and from Beater, and will continue to run Ivtarcn Puubarsh and Beaver-rcgularly during the reason, as follows— Michigan No. 2 leaves Pittsburgh duly u 9 o’rfoe*, A. fiL, aud Reaver nl 2 o’clock, P. M. Lake Kne leave* Bcuvcr daily aitfro’clock, a. M-ond Pitun-un-b at 3 o’clock, P. &L There sicunter* will ran in cnuneriien with R U Park*' Expre.** packet Lmc, for Kne, Taylor A Lefflmgtvell’s Warren Packets; Union-Lino of Freight Boat* for Cleveland; Clarke A Co’* Piuaborgt* and Cleveland Line Fre-ebt Boat*. R 0 Parks duly New Castle Packets. CLAKKK, PARKS A Co, Heaver, Agent*. JOHN Ai CAlllillKl. Agent, Pittsburgh, mch3l _ cor Water ami Smithfield »i* 1549. PlT’fSlitlEGfl AND CLKmSu 3 LINE, ON THE PENNSYLVANIA AND OHIO CANA LB. FIMIE Proprietor* of this old established and popular A, daily lu.e,consistingof SIXTEEN firit•*la»sC;utal Mu, owned by themselves and rutnnnr i» cnm-c-- tl».n with the Beam boat* BKAVKK AND i'.U.EH COPE, tire enabled to offer urti'qunJnii facilities for tbe Inuoporutuon of freight and pa«srntre/», on tlic opening of Canal naugatioa to al! potnt* on the Pm* • jrlvama and Ohio and N. York csnttlv tutd the I jtn. E. M FITCH A Co. t'ir-seluid IJU)WEU,It BHOTHKR, Agent*, Beaver J.C. mnWEI.U Agent, mart Watei »treet, Ptm-burgh > C. UDWKLL, Pttul.urgb. B I DWELL & BROTHER, hirwardias JlertAanls, UMAVI-K. t'A.. Apejlt-r Jirr th& PllXiburgh.alutClsvfbziul Lint, Put.*- burgh and Krw rx.i XVie, and f*r- tt-am boair Braver and Caleb Ccpep Having pnrrha.ed th* l.irgr *nd *ah»taii!iai W:is r( Boat ;o*l built for the Motiougaheia I’Hi-kel*, L . .-e with toe of a Wuref)iHi.*r, the no>i n •- cotnmodatinn* fur receiving and forwarding, nud pledge their iumo*t oUenuon. pramptneM nnd dr«ptii ti to con*igcne:it* to their care, and rely op th-tr k,. n-u lor ■ tnul ir.nrt-illv B * BK'i PITTSBCUGU AN DTTIkIK. LIN in. ,1849. Old I j'-lMi-hod Lin- ON TIIK EKII IX.TKNr.CON i?*\ At.. TlfE Proprictnr of this wrli k'.owu Luc of i\.-i! Boat*, is now prepared in una-«p«m Pw.ni.v and Freight to all <*n lb- Im- Kit-.-, c”. * York Canals niul i.u . ,v»--s. u i.- m --t »•*».»- . ~ lerms antfVnm *l«-*p.t i-i<. This Line rutis hl r«»»tne ,, "»" wnn in- .u« .n:. u. BRAVER and t’Ai.KH «‘or?, ihs.-c. P .t-n. .i. and Beaver. C M lie«-*i'« Ln- <-.i -irntu ooa'« ;.-i.i . - sets on the U.c Troy and Mulligan |.»ve Boat Line on the New - i ork eaaal C. ,M. REED. Propnnor, Erie, P* Bidwel! A Brother, Agents, Henver W T Mother. Agrni at J Meskimrn’* P.-ts-myr Office, Mocongubelu lion-.-. pitt-diarei. CONPIGNIJSS—W t: Mulai), Sbnrmi; JF.kS HM-. Sbarpshurg; Smith A lanvinnr, do: J y Ptummer. Weal Greenville; Wick. Achrr k tin. do; Wm lle-irv, llarutowa; Davis A Suuon. Buffalo; flam-v. (iibb* Co; Sanduakyl Jas A Arnutrong, IVtrott; Kirhian.l A Newberry* Cheboygan; M t'Um- A Wil-lam*. Mii«nu. kic; Kttop, Murley A Buf.on, Rjrinr: John If Kinne. Chicago; A Wheeler A *V> New York *p:J Plttihurgb and Illalrivllle Packet Lies fI>HK public »re respectfully informed that J. M Jl MARSHALL A CO. have hired oot new ui.d splendid Packet Boats to ran during the season, t— tween Bioimvilie and Pittsburgh—the boat* to I>e tow ed by three horses, and every effort made tn accom modate passengers. DaraXTiruK.—Boats will leave Pittsburgh ev-rj jpMonday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, at 'J J&o. Farren A Co. who are oar authorised Agents. All freight rcceivco free ot commission*. J M MARSHALL A Co, JNO FARHEN A Co. Agw-m, Canal Hssut, »t, Piusliurgti A Hack leaves Blnirsvtiie j«k Yoangstoivn on tin arrival of the noat —returns, to bout m mc-riin-g. Furr from Pittsburgh to Youngstpwn Bd—received a: ofl.cr of Boatmen's Line thrnuirh. nt'Wtrtfim PITTBUD ttOii PORTAtthK jUAI hi > k. Fiiri A* I'ramvortGUon of J- to anti from prnsßUWiH. p)m.ADKL»*niA. Baltimore, n. > F ORK. BOSTON, Ac. 1 TotjjSA* Uouimi. Pailadelphia. T» iriii it O’Coxscia, Pittsburgh. ffXJIIB old established Line betug now ut fall opera- J_ Uoa,lhe proprietor, are-prepared wiw their a«uu. extensive OTTanreme ms to forward merchandise. |>ro duce, frd- to ana front the above port*.on liberal term*. With theTegulonsy, despatch and safety [K-euliar ic their mode of trnnsponanon ao obvious, when iron shipment on the way is avoided. All consignments by and tor tbi* line received, char get paid, and forwarded is any required directions frer afeurgeforeonuniniouiadvaneirigor storage. No IntererVdirecUT onudirecily, u steaenhoau . AD emuanmeatioaspromptly attended to on applies don to the following agents: THOS. BORBIDuESTd Market at, Philadelphia. TAAFFRfc O’CONNOR, Canal ilaiin, I^usbnrgb. O’CONNOR* Co, North #U Baltimore. mch2-l rsoraisroos, Joas Bmciux, Tuo*. ntsoHA*, Wu. BCWRam, Jacob Due*. Conducted on strict Sabbath-keeping principles. rIK Proprietors of this old established Line Lot* pat then stock in tne most complete order, and arc thoroughly prepared to forward Produce and Mere hart- diM to'ftad from -the Kaatem emu We trust that our loug experience in the carrying buaiiteot, and reaioti* atienutro u» the interest* of cu>- ' toners, will secure tn us a continuance and increase of the patronage hitherto extended to Bingham's Line. Our arrangement* wul enable u* to carry Freight with the utmost despatch, and our price* shall altvay » he as low as the lowest cliargrd by other rtsboastble hues, We hare opened an office in No IH3 Mattel sirwt betweeuith and Sth *l*, Pbtlada, lor the convcitiance of shippers. Produce and Merchandise will !*c received and for* warded, East and Wmt without any charge for for warding, advancing freight, storage or commission. Bill* of Lading forwarded, and every direction promptly attended to. Address, or apply to WM. BINLIIAM, Canal Baiun. C«; tfiSiuvtVaßla Canai A Rail Road £z presa.Faal Packet Line, _ Sfei*»lS49, from prrrsßuoii to phidadclphu a. hal r,w niioßS. (Exclusively for Passengers.) rrHE ro faljc » f * respectfully uiformed that thi* Lute I will eonucouce running an tho lhth nisi, and con* llbtte throughout the Season. The boats are new. and of a superior class, with en lancedeabuts, wkieb will give greater comfort. The can are the latest construction. A boot will always he tn port, and travelers arc re.- queued to cell and examine them before engaging paa- Oijeoflhe boaisof l hi* Line will leave the landing (opposite U; 8. Hotel, eoracr of Peuu street and CAnai. every night at nine o’ clock Time 3* days. Fot Information. appi/ntthe O*£,aSJItaIkItaKHCT»DLEEOII * CO, Bdtl? Cesulfuia TRANSPORTATION. •> KISB’I PORTABUC BOAT LOB, For the uj _ ” TO PHILADELPHIA. BALTIMORE A NEW YORK BVSINKSS on the Canal being now resumed, the Proprietor* of the above line respectfully inform the public that they are prepared to receive and for ward Freight with despatch, and at lowest rate*. They would also call the attention of shippers East ward to the fact that the Beats employed by them in transportation, are owned by them and commanded by experienced caffuina. Shipper* of Meal in Balk will find it advantageous to chip by thi* Line, a* the subscriber* have made ar rangement* at Colombia to have sucb freight for Bal timore banded directly from boat* to car*, thereby sa ving w arcbonse handling. Freight to Philadelphia goes clear through in the boat*. No charge made tor receiving shipping or advancing charge*. KIKR A JUNES, Proprietor*, Canal Basin, Seventh street. AGENTS—John A Shaw. Cincinnati, Jno Me- Calioocfa A Co. Baltimore; Ja* Steel A Co- PniladeL pbia; Francis A Thomas, Columbia. meh3l PENNSYLVANIA CANALJfc tt. HOADB aa^isffl.^jaa. EXPRESS FAST PACKET UNF _ »Bo* PMltlmrgh to Philadelphia and Baltimore. T I Exclusively tor Passengers .) HE public are reapeeifu'ly informed that thi* Line will commence running on Monday, ipth March, luc boats oi this lane are of a superior class, with enlarged cabins, wliirh will give greater comfort to passenger*. A boat will always be in port, and traveler* are re quested to call and examine them before engaging pas sage by other route* They will trove the landing, op posite tbe 11. S. Hotel, corner Penn street and Canal every night at V o'clock b ARK—NINK DO LIARS THROUGH. I\«are—3) Dayt, For information, apply at the office, Monongahela House, of to J) LKECH A Co, Canal Basin N Be-flie proprietors of tbe above Line are now building an additional lane of Packet*, to run a* above On or about June Ist, m connrruon with ihe Pennsyl vania ttsit Road from Lewtstown n> Philadelphia. At that ume ■ packet will leave every mornmg and even ing Time through, day*. mchlO REUAStE PORTADLK BOAT LINE, 1849, For the transportation of .Mrrenundirr. itFTWF.FJV l'lllLAbhXi’ll!A AND PITrSBURGH. (MM)IKt carrieii on tlus IJne aTe not transhipped .T nrtwern Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, being car ried m lour section Portable Boats over land and wa ter-—to shippers of merchandize requiring curefol handling, this Is of importance. No charge made for receiving or shippins. or for advancing charges Ail goods forwarded with dispatch, and on s« reasonable terms as by auy other Liue. JOHN M FADKN A On, Canal Uasui, Penn si. Pittsburgh JAB M DA ns A Co. marl 277 Market A M Commerce it, Phiia. JOHN MeFADKN A Co. Forwarding and Commis sion Merchants, Canal Basin, Penn si, ruuburgb JAMES M DAVIS A Co, Rout Factors and Commis sion Merchants, tL." Market and M Commerce strreU Phiiadelpbia. marl lC7"Aavances made by either of the shove on Flour, Wikil and other merchandize consigned to them tor r*!**- mnrld 1849. OKUCUAMV WAY PRKIUUT LINK. For llluirrvillc. Johnstown. HolUdaysburgb, and all interuiedialc places T HUB Line will conuuue to carry alt Way (>«h»N with tueir utual despatch, and at fair rates of freight. Aa*vre—G A. M’ANULTY A Co, Pittsburgh D It Wakefield. Johnstown John Miller. HolUdaysburgb. Rxvk&xsces—James Jordon. Smith A Sinclair. !>r F Bhoenberger. R Moore. John Parker, S F Von Itoun liorst A Co, Wm Lehmer 5; Co. Jno M’Devut A Ibo*, PiUsburgh, John Ivory, Bumll, Muihollsn A Ray, Jnn Uraff A Co, Blairsvilie, mcl.xr REED, PARKS tL Co’a. PACKET LINE. REAVER AND CLEVEIAND LINE, vt* WaUHEN Canal Paekel—MW'ALLOW, Copt. Ford. “ “ OCEAN, Capt. Watters. ONE of the above Packet* leave Bcsvrr every dsv, (Sanilny* excepted) and arrive next morning at Warren, wnere they connect with tho Mail Btages for Akron and Cleveland, aTTivmg at each of these Uetorc night. One of the Paciteu leave Warren dully, at i P. M„ and arrive at Beaver in unc to lake the 310. itinc steamboat for Rttsburgh. COTES A LF.FFINGWFXL, Warren. 1 „ MU TAYLOR, “ |P«Pnws. BEAVER AND ERIE PACKFTT LINE TITBOCUa TO THI L*l« !«l WITT UOC U Packet—Petotlvsju*, Capu Jednes; “ “ TcLauxarn, " Poliock, *• “ Lull Ekix, - Troby: “ “ Prni'jn, - Brown, “ “ F*hCU!o.a. - Bayrr The above new and splendnl Passenger Parkei» have commenced running between BEAVER ANDjF.RIE and wdl tan regularly during ihe season—otic boat leafing F.i ic every morning at ' o'clock, sud one li st lar Beaver every evening, immediately after the arri val ol ihe steamboat Michigan from Pittsbareli T>.w boat* are near and comfortably furmshed. and win ) a,. 0.. in verpoot. whilst thousands of others were detained months, until they could he «*nt in some old rrafl. 01 ■ ch 3 p rate, wtyich 100 frequently proved their eodms. We intend to perform our contracts houorahiy. n»i what it may. and not act as was the case lasi with ether officers, —who either performed not nil. or when n suited ilicir convenience. Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for any sum from XI to XIOUU, payable at any of the provincial Ranks m Ire land England, Scotland and Wales. JOSHUA ROBINSON. European anil Uene-rui Agent, fa’.i FSRhAtreeuors door luUw W~.i. allkgiiesy~vesitian blind, AMD CABINET \VA/KHIX),M. B fuliy inform the* mat (,r mem of Veinuan Hands; uUo IV A j tools, and wood of the cabinet e». V flfcsgSjSSSiiUj tablishmentof Kurnsoy A .M’Clci ■ KswowawwjU] land, I am prepared to furnish the public at large, with every thing m their line Agency, No i wood «reet, l*iiui>urgh. Sjelti J. A. BROWN. Paper hangings—imim* receiving, direc frtyn the manafaetarers in New York, rblUdri* paia and Baltimore, a large and well selected assort ment of all (he latest and most improved style* of sa tin, glazed and common PAPER HANG I NOS, con si a tin; of— -1 pieeet of Parlor and Fresco; 10,01X1 “ Hall and Comma; 10,000 ** Dining-room, chamber and office Peper—which I would particularly invite the attention of those having houses to paper, la call and examine, 01 the Paper Warehouse of 3- C HILL, apa tf» wood «t tl ARDUTHNOT has commenced to receive a /■ large assortment of Fancy VaJUKTY GOODS, consisting in part of Artificials, Ribbon*, Lace*. Ho* fiery, Glove*. Crape, Lei**«, Camhrict, Nettings, Lace Veils, Shawl*, Pongee Handkerchiefs, gent* Cravat*, gingham cotton Handkefchief*,»corde<] Skirt*, Sewing Btlk, Threads, Bnuon*, Comb*, Jewelry, Cut lery, Ac. Ac. Country and city me reliant* are res pectfully invited to call and examine hi* dock, No ei Wcod meet, corner of Diamond alley. rach^O EXTRACT OP COPFKB—An article which ■* ra pidly eoxmng into ue a* a wholesome, nountinng aud delicious,beverage, being more uleasant anti pal atable than common Coffee, and far cheaper, a* a small paper costing ouly leu cents, will go a* far as lour pounds of Coffee. Manufactured by JOHN 8. MILLER, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sold a< wholesale by U A FAHNESTOCK A Co, corner of First and Wood and Sixth and Wood street*. Pittsburgh ap-21 CALIFORNIA BlfllilEU GOODS —Ju«t received, / 3b Camp Ulankcu, -JO officer coat*; IS prs I'ants 1b pair* Belt lined Aiming Bools UMaihmo* Bags 3 water Tanka, 6 nod IS gallons each; 60 canteens t gallon each; 1 doz Duckskia Money Delis 1 do oiled cambric do do. The above good* lor *al<- at ibe Call forma Ouifiung Katabbsiimeni. No i Wo>«l *l. mcfcH J A II PlllU-in ASSORTKD up for family u«, >u un • an*, enclosed to a (tiding ltd box, containing Milliard, Alspice, Cinnamon, (huger, Cloves, Pepper, Warranted pure. For talc at Use new Spire anti Mustaed Factory, corner of Ferry & Liberty si* myl# JOHN B HKl.l, lron Anvils, frtmi the Temper anreville works, warranted, will be constantly on Itajtd and supplied to order, by m'yjg (JKOCOCHRAN. *J» Wood «t ONh t UKN ACK HKAK I’H, manufactured irura a •upenor article of Boli. at fire Brick Clay in ■tore and for rule Uy KIKR A JONKS Mr. \V. W. Wallace having u»ed a iirarih of came, quality and manufacture for ibe pant eigiuecn mo.iLm, pronounce* 11 »openor u> the hearth* uow m general °*« mylG FINK COGNAC IfHANlyjfcl?*—*27 half pi|iet rnnuui vintage*, of onr own immmrUion per Commerce from Bordeaux. ju*t rcc’ii and lor talc by Jf>4 MILLKK A kiCKKINON i t OL.L) CHAINr*—Jn»l received, a (•eautiful avion- VjT merit of ladic* and genUemeru' (>old t>onrd Chain*, from 910 to *5O rach, ea»irrn price* ai«o Wedding Ring* of £! earn! gold, gold iVnciU, Fmgrr King*, Ear King*, Ureaat I'm*, Bncrleu, (io'd IVu*. Watcbea, Ax. W W WILMON jos corner 4Ui and Market ii« TTELVBT BlBW)NS—Jonreceived ai Zct/alon Kin Y aey’s, <77 Market ureet. 30 pa colored Velvet Hibbon, aaaorted color*; 30 •* black “ u “ 8 u embroidery Gimp; 10pi wide Plain, fte deed t ItREMA VNE/B TkULi: OP FUST OFFICES, eon X' taining an alphabeucalllilof Po*(Olfice*Uiroogh mu the United Sude*i dintancea ftnm Washington, D. C.; elate and territorial capital* reipcetivdly; al«o ri bunting the Pmi Office* is each State, a* well at rout* if, wua an appendix of Uie United Slaw* and Uniiih Taiilla. Jut rec’d by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, ■ft* eotwNud sutetKj I aEDICAL, it it « „ Üb *J | **'* f»hm. May I*t9. U K. Hollers : 1 think it right tor the benefit of other* ly f “ U m nsl * tioa to Tour excellent khtmi .J f y<>at largely m my ova fan*. frequently arusrenng tor exi>eliiitr i nrc quamiuas (>ay I toaixii worm* from twocbihlist l LV/ “?? T«ur Liver Pill, and u>a ( h Syrup .t> my umlly and they have in every instance produced the etleci de«ir-d. A* l *m engaged io merchandising. ( am able to Kate that I have yet to hear et the first failure where your medicine* have been used in my sectiou of the euuntrr In ronclusion. I may state that they are tor medicines ol u»e day, and are destined to have a very eiter.itvc popuianty. Yours, rcapcctfupr, _ W H. Pbrcsu. Prepared and sold Iry R. E SELLERS, \ 0 37 Wood atreou sud sold b> Druggists generally in the two ci ties and vicinity. mv3l C't REaT CURE OP LIVER COMPLAINT, by be T original, only true, and genuine Liver Pill. Auotr Cum, Ohio ceunty, V*. J March 'Jbih, toitt. { Mr R E Sellers: tfc-ar Sir—l u.mk n a duty I owe to yon and to the public r-nera ly. to stale Uiat I have been atli cted »Uh the L.vci Complaint tor a long time, uud so badly that an abcess lormed and broke, wbicb leu me in n very low stale. Haviug beard of your celebrated Ever Pills being tor sale by A R Bli«rp, K Fourth street, near Wood, and *l*o f'A-l'rug S» Cousnraptiatt. t’ouKh*. t’cdd.i, Asthma, Uronehui*. Liv er t'-oinpuuiU. Pinilint Isl<****l. Difficulty of Urrnlli inr, Fain m the J»dicino r«tr prv-ducad lor for ir'.iefof suffering man. It baa been strndueed very aetierauy through i.'e United plates amt Europe, nnd there ur- --w lowus importance but what remain some r-uiiiikiioic oir deuce of us Rood effects, for proo, m the •otegofug statements, and of the value and rfltco.-y ..f th.» «W.- eine. the proprietor will insert a lew ot for mm-T thou sand testimonials which have been prvsrnicJ to hi at no men of the first respectability— men who tm ve nrpirr now* of moral rcponsimiuy and is»ur,-.. m.n to . e, tify to facts, because it will do another a ruor. themselves no injustice Purh testimony proves i uo cluatvely.thst “» sorpristny excellener i. e»i*t..i.f»-.i hy lU intruisie merits, and the unquestionable auitiori ty of pul..if opinion Tin- instantaneous renei n ai fords and toe soothmp infiucnce diffused through foe whole trade by iu use, tenders it a most agreeable ”“ | r ■“‘'blmf.miiur. “When men, acting from conscientious unpn'-e* voluntarily bear testimony in the truih or a rain*, or particular fart, such tc.uroouy. heme contrary to meir worldly Ituerrsl* sod purpose*. coerce* roovictio-i nt lUtnati.sml commends Itself hi a »I>erta. manner Us universal credence —< ,>-e l-i?- * READ THE HOME U.liriHi .t TES a*n i a s.FTifas t’rsi of |*vu»oaaai t iinrarnm -• There neve: w». t remedy that #« «u.. m desperate r.«-. of 80-sumption. a* I>r 1»w»t...-. thmjpoiiiid styTup or \\ ild i berry , It ►•m.c he,,, tii systcra. and appear* to ben. toe nicer* m. foe lung*, creatine new and rich blood, power pom-e.ccd by ,m other medic me. Citxsymi Co . Apn. aits. 1-1- pound yiyrap or Wild lUinr* tia« [ n r"‘-s savtiie iny lit- l eaugnt a »evcfr coi . *■ . *rsi j ally Crew worse, auendrd with a -evere e uer., ..b. resisted all the reitirdie* *»nirn i na i r cov SvUreastu* until »' case exhibited a., the .jiirp.o.n. .. Pulmonary loo.umption I tnesl we«e., m have no effect, and my complaint increased s«T»rd- Ir Uutl friends a« well ss in»*«Ji. fare .j, a., hofw. <-r ’ recover! AI Uns time I wa. rrrouilnrndru :rt your invaluable medie.iw I *•* me mr-t haj. py results. The tint botue had the rffee. Uwn the eouyh. eausii.e me to eiyertornte Jrcetj, and by the tne I had us-i six bott r.,1 cu-irs.y we.: am. sra H-.v. os t. rixty a a»n s> I ever v*u* t.. u.y .i.e. n.,d w .-mt t.e i.nppy «• R>ve ur.y Infonaf.onxesner Cn< r.ty 1-e. Ih.i <.tn* r sufierer* m.y .‘.ef.* - tie t-c nehl lar wh eh Ino so crtiefol I." the tru'*i o. tbe move sutvuient. I refer yoo » felei Rb»: . I.iwtf. West '"hester Pi. ot whom 1 purchased U.« cwd.-.».s ties'pAttlly .'•iuUi*. Wonderful Curt 0/ a Makodut tilmutr. Dr Swayne-Dear S.r: 1 ,/rel dae • -au— and a doty to lie alfltcw-d gre.erai.y, 10 cdtr kt humble trail many in (a»or yoar Compound Sy ren ol Wild Cherry Somr iLr<*e yj»f .jncr I »u Lttn-e winch «J< accompanied with a di.itr.«,ng •onih Pin m U« urca*t and brad. a very considera ble ... offea.iv.* mure? iron the lang*. cpv< eiaihr upon ehruige ol wcrtlher. however *i,glH. At inl .- t a PO n»r.u abou' tuy rondiuon. hot w»* prmy toon convinced that i waa rapid* mjoeon.emp uon. I drew daiiv weaker, and at length waa a«arre |v efle to wait about, or »peak above a whuper, »u. h waa iheexeaed.nic weaknr*. of my !«.»«» During u..e Bme I had mod van**.* preparawm. and pre.enpu«,.», but found no relief—growing ail the tune w»f' Ja.t hero I we* aJv.rod and per*«aded uy a .‘ear me ml in Wilming**" 10 ma*' ma * 1,1 Ti "* r * y ! "‘blUier-■ rt. 1 meat eonle«» that nrrvicu-iy I ha.i been pr-ju dload against patent nieJirnir*, and I am «Uti agait.*i itioac coming oot of tbe hand* of eroperic* .et under iiandinff vour cia.ms to me (.rofesewti and practice of medicine, and having tmp.int 'aim »» tne »aymg of my friends, I forthwith p.ircli«*.:d Jr Shaw, one of your agetiU. a few bottle*, and coremeneed It* oar .ly di»- ea»e «at at that lime ol 3* or if-* month* Handing. eon aroueully Itwat deep:)* .cun.: I ound, however, considerable reef from .be ..f me hnit tour or tee bottle* Bov tie me a »•••-* » f’oqaenUy at templed to preach wn- n,v .i-erci.* Mrenetn and thereby raptured -w,. ady^oecan Slirted!" h'roT.M.u-,.'- •• «*“« Mtipeodc.if | had to aae twelve or hdem >*:&>" • w “* »* fecliy reatorrd. I luve m« i,ue»uo«:. m muebsmai number of in,tile* would nave made me »ou.nf. ..,1 the above inrtieerrooii T»r S) rup allav* d the *■- tab baMt. took away the d.*tr-*.me o.igh. put a . •.« too disr.harge of matter Irani Uie lutif. and them and .hr m.Ure .ytem C<*"i brallh I have .le,e red offering Uti* eertthtaf unto now. lor the purp... 01 betne perfi-elly .»U*Ued Will, the perroftlieiK', ot U„ •ure and r n«w tfta; I feel perWUy well l offer it wi.j, pieuare. K * v J r Ptibirn county. .N C Ivrpurtani I’autton — R&iri' R^ul' There 1. hot one genuine prepumuoti ... A ..d Chnrry. and that I* Ur f*w*T«'a, Ibfl Ur-t ev .-ilerrd to the public, wtue*. ha» l>een fold latifHy the United Hutc« and ...me part. of l a...l ail pre paraXious carted h) U»n name ot '»•!«! • berry have been put out .nice tfua, under mw: 01 -ome deceptive circum»mocc«. id order to Kite rurreo. ’heir aai By a liulc oft*er»ation, no peraon tie.*: n- unite the genuine from the lal*«- Kara l.o'ue of U- *:enuiuc 1, enveloped with a beauuful.»teel cugrii-mr. with too itkeneai of William I’ernt taernon, a I an, " •«’r,M , ii tignalnre: and a* further »ecunty, the po, m of Dr. Swafne will l>c added hcrealier ao u U> auDOfuiab hi* preparation from ail oilier*. Now, if it waa not tor the great curuhve pmpertiea and known virtue* ol Dr. Svraync'i t.ompound Syrup of Wud Cherry, pera.ni. would not he endeavoring to give currency to Uioir “ficutiou* iioctrum*" by »i*-a)ing the name of Wihl Cherry. Remember, alwa) * bear m m.nd the name ol Dr. Swuyne, and !,e not deceived. Principal Uifice, corner *f hagblh and Race *leeei«, PUiiadelphiA. For tale wboletaie and reuil by OODF.X A SNOW DEN, cor Jd and Wood «t»; D A KAIINKSTOUK A Co, eor I*l and W«n*d, and <*lll and W«**»d »u; W'M nIIIRN.U Market «t, S JONES, 1*«» Lm-Tiy *l, JAS A JONES, eor Hand and Ptnn *l*; J"H.N MlfCli- KLL, Allegheny city, and by all rrmpertaMe dealer* 1.1 medicine t* -1 A3TROMJ KVIDE.M K that Dr ml‘\l ..a PSUTUIIANT I* *upe».or u» *ll Other rrauw« tor Jougtu, ConsuinpUoß, IlrouchiUi, Aithosaj aod ulher Pulnae lary efleeUoa*,, 1 that the mat pe r*oui trno cuncci ced tbe ue of it is their franb** t*o y«*r* ego mil prefer it to *ll >lbci remedies of th* kind; and where ah) hat* been induced to try other preparal'Om they bare ileant nirariehiy bera aeirr, u t r«m*dy that ha* never felled to rei.rve them, and which prwhably never had it* canal id errtitmf pulmoaarT dl*ema-t. Fr«par*d ouiy by Dr D Jeytt* I'biladeipl.ia, and tuldoa ig«Mf by ALEX, j A'. rca«onalom Baltimore, I’m*- J.-l 1 r-orre.pondnn reduction u.n* f , , “ C forwarded from liat. ii’Di"t- v, ... | m.liurph, l*a. WOMj ‘ ** 3 eenta tot each addiuouaJ No rh»r K e ■» made f or tlplrt . Weatont Une of - w,X. r B V, M Te . nn -- “> New (Irleaua, de~ KF. r'KI.i.KIIX 1-.aerr-.i, .No 07 W- . ~,, T I T . ra ‘‘‘"•j'-rwarded toMediphu by Ui. route, and . itoie Agent tor ti.c .ale of Dr. Towu i. j '_ *’ i.u nine Snr«apnfiita, ba. jti.t rernred IjUU d0...'.. >.| iai» i ■ 'U>l.AI‘»-. I'Al’Kß— 'treat t*pnn* and Sum Ker Medicine. 11-e ’ *'''• “ Vl l, < tbe Battle of Monterey- | decCdAmf 'i t- •-'.ui Dr. W. P. Inlud'i Premium floater. DK. AV. V INLAND, of the I adelpbia, now offer* In Ilia puU;,r V< I • ,'rg. et&ble Premium Planter, Uir nuaiiue. 1.1 * ailo lonx and tried eipcneurc, ban been .riW e*. taliTuhed. To a.'l womeu who may be a,:-.flea with prolapsus Plena or Fallen Womb, in- r - nonri« his plaster. guaranteeing a *urr and »}-■*•-;, .re tit the abort space of froiu two to Utre wee»«. , lied with enrr aiid rent —discarding all ibr roe-.tie- • ttrutnriiu and ri{»en*ivc bandage* »o lout in i’-.is be fa-t* conscientious in stauna. tnaamueb > iw . . not fared in one caae out of three buudreu •. hay-three |i a . uenu. Al*o for Rhe«Jniati*in and Wrak Hi ,i«i nf llia.v (ended with pern, (here it nalimig lo « i . i :in. I*ji*; r r in affording relief or effecting a care 1 i.y L WUeoi. earner of Diamond and Uraou A Reiter, " Liberty and SL l r J Sargent “ Ftdrrd stand !• *m... . Alle gheny eitv Jacques A Co. “ Denman and Dtaan-'i.l Ki.'i. -g -ham i l*urrha»or* »bou)«l recollect that K K 8.-1 1 " u „ Ccrro Gordo; agrm ior Pituborgb, and 1> M Carry tut A • •aj 1 “ u Barn* Ylstm: city _ J ” “ Fou do Paris, G" M.fiASmsiLvKtt pat>jo : i.kVL.uw„„ 1 i SjSfeiJl l !;- Cooper or . oiidon. .M J Totna. ol Mivoipmd. uml The >.! VKk JA, ..”111 made by Uir be»t (•rucva loauulactareo- 'hr 'vur*imn*d n/ «,, MU . 1 Spectacle* ol nil kuidi, Communion Ware m >ri. r»'o K\M i I I H pT* —y, " li~ OoIdIVTO I win. vsir l^“ J 10 / w " hl «« Porka, 4c 11 * , 1 ,n * , i pum and hue (onuture— tP~ Watch repairing exeemed m the U-.t |C entJr ° | T »Ui WWWii Miiv . «»lton carpeu, after having mrl® corner Market ■..«?*.| N , T" I n *«, have been perfectly re»to£ " F l- - - corner Mnrket and*. v.dt.mi the ... --ai lojnry lr> the fabric, laid wili- MACAULAY’S ENGLAND-Marper. fcnerdiK,,,, rH‘.| fC "ihf«.n " ’ Jto floor - 11 wUJ 001 injure the W '-msss , - i If? conttr AUiketamiaicit * 1 M wood it j MISCELLANEOUS; PHEBH SDXH B R GOODS* I AT REDUCED PRICES. ! A a* Y ‘7 s Markel »‘teet, northwest e "?'■ f rf „^. P .™ m 1 ,re "owoptmiagactoiee .lock of (rrsh St MMER UOODS. A uijejoruon of I Uww sood. have recently been purchased « I m*t , sacnfice. from the AueUoo Sales at the F*st, and from the importers and manufacturers. We have deeided upon offering th.s stock of good* at Priec to red-eeti as to meet me apprtib ition of U«o do butisess on the eneop cash pnactj.lu. The Siik Departmeitt i. very extensive, embracin' We different kind, of dress and maruUU Btlko, Satin de Lhenet, and Cvraeiiah (Iro ffc Rhine* ' The Shawl Drpancpeni embraces a splendid assort men. of ndia Crape Shawls, < nm lhe i^rmx , t 0 the finest .|u»UUe* elecanuy embroidered. Also, firr- Shawts Moh " r ' N «* splendid fibred SUI fen “ nd o«rtedine Scarfs. BKHAOE and other thm DRESS GOODS— Elegant and novel -tvtc. of Berape. SUk Tusu,-*. and other the * , **ntion of the ladies. LA W NS!!—in the Lawn department, our « n ‘b™e ,l ?,i ,o t n ‘"t K V ern “ octi °n* u« quite laryr, i»i»™s ~nc" ' chV. , ;^ , s l srnn',“;ir u an n t>eneh Catsimeres, ' v »«*pcs and Drilling*. *l,™, I h ' * g ' nia i neh a of price. that pureh:t»ers cannot fail to be pleased. —i r . 4 . ALEXANDER R DAY Cheap Dry Goods. W»0 WANTS ilu»quiu> Ban for Ba| cents Heavy Brown Mutrina for 41 •< Extra •• •, .. -■ ~ { Bleached '• •• $ Superior •• t* m - Farasoletts •* ga “ Calicoes 3 ~ (iocd quality, do “ R i .. Mout de Ltunet •• u (iuighains •> u Alpaccai I(i , .. Extra do. - .jj .. StUr and Wool Be rages •• i-j Cotton A *• u ■> |* k u Bonnet Ribbor s •• nj *• ‘" SAMI. KROEBKN. aMIK undersigned having been appointed Agent of the l>Ki-*w*ax Mittal Sarm Inscaaae* PSST. in the I'Urc nl John Fiuuer. Jr. p*. “perrhili* informs the public and the friends aud cuq. “! ‘wniwov, ihsthe is prepared to take nir? n,,, V. ” f ’ irp r, * lt ‘ on bl>eral irrtns, at their U ,U:r F A MADEIRA, HOSK- HOSE -liaxi teet-j m. a pi s i„r put inui operation where there ,» not suflF cr>n water 10 wash in foe usoal way 1 r.ce of smallest use S 3& Orders from abroad, ac c-ouipauiod by cash, wdt he promptly fitlml 11. TARRY, at Parry, Bcon A Co'*, ! _ . .. No JW Wood tr, Pittsburgh. „ ifnsprau i go B( > loda isb. r f IIF. subscribers are now receiving their Kail stock fi of the above article, force vessels, vix. the Janiauu ar.iU.ydia. having arrived at Philadelphia amt lUtlumorr, am] two more, foe Stephen Baldwin sod »iit>nij expeeu-tl. they are, therefore, prepared to fere,** orders They wtl) rvr’rive during the win ter si.d spring rrgu.sr supplies rim New Orleans. JL" li.i W_A_ Miln-CI LKILTBJ-D'. MOl NT EAGLE TRIPOLI—For’ elranlng win dow, and lamp glasses, silver plate, brass, Urv ts.irna. and oiber ware Jt rapidly lake* out all spots and *taiti., anH reprudsers the Wsutiful and datable ‘w.trv of new ware Just received and tor sate.Who)*- sate siol telaii, by JOHN D MQRGJLS, Druggist MR r*AMI. H HARTMAN having said his totes cst Iti the eo partnership of Coleman, Hallman k < i-, •« tiir M ias.iijiig partnrrs has this day retired irom :ne bfm. February >9, leth-if Pi 1 I Mil RlilJ MANUFACTURES* The under *ign»-»l. Aerm mr the manufacturers, has on band ami is constantly receiving 1 full supply of the article* made in Pittsburgh anil sicmity. wßioh he offers for • air ai luauufacturv r« jir.cvs UKO COCHRAN. _ lrb&> _ 56 weod st INDIA Rt'ilßKA PAST E— l gross bottle* loilia Rub ber Paste, an excellent article for rendering boots and shoes perfectly water proof, and sort as a piece of r olti. line application of this pasla is tul&Cirul to make the® im(.rrru>a« io wutar for -J or J month*. and a perfect preventative from the leather cracking. Rec‘d and for sale at the India Rubber llepot. No A u, *>d*t. icbtCl JAH PHILLIPS [OKOIIOE ARBOR, MERCHANT TAILOR, So. It Darke! itreet, U A VINO purchased an extensive and carefully se lected stvs k oi'jtpnn# and Hummer Hoods, me suoscr.l.er respectfully inform* bu friends and the public, that he is now preparing to receive arul exe cute Uinr urd-irs with dispatch- and iti the neatest, most substantial. and fashionable manner As he is determined tn do haatnes* on the caah system. be Hal ters bimsrii ihai be will twi able to do work as cheap as it can t>v dour at any establishment in the country Ht* sior* ,• varied, renaming of Uaasanerea. Brood i iuUis, Ve»ung*. Ac., which hit friends are respectful ly Invited io examine for themselves. wr-Midif UEOBGE ARMOR. mc*S-A Os W/BIDDLE, DcatUt- REMOVED to a new three story bnek nt> Bmithlseld sire el, ooc door bc.ow 11 rf any of (he disagreeable at •■niiaiin in lights iuiw in rotarnoti u*e; also, a beauti u> b»Mi»imcm ■»( lamps of the latest patterns for burn ng thr «nmr jyfldtlrao V J DAVID Ptanoa with Pell Covartd Hammer*. Inin subscriber feel* himself railed upon u> notice ua udveriisemrnt respecting an improvement m ri.i- iuH the hammers of Pianos, which professes u> aiitn>n.,ee • heli r-evsred ENaimi” ax a new Invention, nano Kurtai with tell covered hammer* have hern •old ty tnr, Iroin diffvreat manufacturer* for five years past ami those who may consider it an tmprovetneni, nan tin supplied with piaito* with rcLT covkbqi k*aa* mcr» at any inur. ami the <•ON M*CANDLKBfi, Manafer*. JOHN 11. shoknuebueh, JAMES R. BPKKK, l Fiasar, Jr. Secretary and Treasurer. The annua! statement presented the affairs of the Company >n a very proaperou* condition Their office 111 the eity is No fr Water itreet. , ( |« TUB BTAA OP TUB WEIT v A VtIMTUN BLINDMANUFA.-TORY lh,lmon ‘ J ' where Vermuuj iUln ‘** 0< 1,11 u,e different »txe* *ud color* y* *«!’» on hand or made to order arte « the lateii and most approved Ba»i*rti faiti. ’ ion*,at the «kone*l notice and on the mo* EXCHANGE BROIW Bankora, EiehWf* Uroktn, .. AMD DKAUX3 IS NOTES, DRAFTS; ACCEPTANCES, GOLD, MC.VER AND BANE NOTES. COLLECTIONS-DraAs, Notes and Acceptance* payable in any part of the Union, collected ert the meat favorable terms. EXCHANGE on New York, Philadelphia i ~j jinJ timora alto, Ctoeimtati, Lofittville, Stmt L'**u» fta d New Orleana, eonttanily fonale. BANKNOTES.—Notea on ail solvent bank. In the United State* discounted at tbs lowest rule* Ah kindt of Foreign and American Gold and Stiver Coin bought and »old Office No. 55 Market street, between 3d and 4th Fltubnrgh, Pa- ncisi ‘VOIUCIGB KXCDARGK. " TjILI.B on Engtartd, Inland, and Scotland bought X> anj atnonnt at the Current Rato oi Exchange. Al»o, Draft* parable in any pan of Ute OliLCountncj, from At to £lOOO, at the rate of Wto tb<*£ Sterling, wUhont deduction or discount, by JOSHUA RUULV SON, European and General Agent, office stb *! out door west of wood. netlS.t aixxif tnaMaa.} ~ [inwaan aaua KRAwen *, aAHM, TJANEERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, deaJrra Jj in Foreign and DomeaQc,Bills of Exchange, Cer uocaieii of liepoiite, Bank Note* and Coin, corner of 3d and Wood streets, directly opposite St. Charles Ho -I*- maytkrillv jprnos= Ohio. Indiana, Kentncky, Musourt, Bank Notes, purchased at the lowest rates, by N. HOLMES A SONS, "epW 05 Market street. Bills op kxchangk— sight check. otr New York. Philadelphia, and „ Baltimore, Constantly fof sale by N. HOLMES k SONB. ■cpM 35 Market it iJUUKS. " LIBIC, &c. NKt\ MUSIC—RoII on Silver Moon, Nelly wn « Lady, a new and popular Ethiopian melody by S C Poster; Be kind to toe loved one* at homo: Speak Gently, tt» rang by Empire MinMre’a, Row ihy lioat Ujhtly. a* Bun* by the Krapira Minstrel*, What Must a Fairy’* Dream lie; Ben Bolt; Belie, N„. ne’er ranthy Home b« Mine; ifo ooeib alt thing* we'l; ’* inio de Parlor; “Repertoire do* jeuuca i’ldn)*- te* ii.llc fantiuirs from all the celebrated and pnpa is_r Operas, composed by Fenl. Boyer—-in Sfl) cumber* oi7 page* each; price UZc per uumber. The above, with n forge collection of Waltze., Marcbca, J’oikai, Song*. Ac. 4e_ reo’d and ior tale by •pt 3 JOHN J{ MKLLOIL -I Wood at Prop anthon's series of classics -p.r» l Ctrtar * I’rnnineiHxnei on the Gallic \\ ur. ’Hie .tli.cid of Virg.l. Cicero’* Scion (Irutioti* S\ll u *r* Jurnrvluiio War. and the Cossmrai-v oi Cat* •line. The W ork* oi Horace. hirst Greek l-eston* Greek Pro«e Competition Grammar n f the Greek Language. The Anaba«i* of-Zenophon. Cicero de Senoeiutc, dc Amioiia, Paradox*, Ac For tale .n reduced price* ai tin* book tiore of JOHNSTON k STOCKTON, fP*3. ___ corner TinriJ and Murkri *t« NK" BOOKS— iTniory of li:e National Con.iifueni A**rmbfy from May. l-»- by F Cockran. F.wi. Hitloiy of Pendeimi*. bit fortune, and mi.foriui'c. hi. fnrna. and g.es.o.i rnrroy. l.y■ Wm M That*.* ray, aulhoi 01-Vauin Fair " Retribution. or, the'Va.e of Shadow*. , t a cof pa.- ■loo. by Emrau D. K. Ncvett Sotiihworth. Ju*i rae d by JOHNSTON A STOCKTON _ corner Margci and Third *t» MA N L'KAl'l I Hb, OF IKON—To be |.«t>fofo7d shortly, The Manafactare of Iron, in al! r<■ bran chr*. from the digging of iron ore and ,-oal to tbe mn king of charcoal and coke; the building and managing of blast furnace* by rharceol, anihraciie ui,d rokr hot blast and blast machine*. Ac Ac . including aii eaaay on the manafactora of steel by Frederic Over man, Mining Engineer Compinc ui our yr> um*. iui page* with illustration*, engraved on wood Prier Mi ■ •übtenber* Sobtcripuou* feerived l*r _aag « JAS D LOCKWOnI). ii 3 rt «rd *t al -—The Hrnory of thr Pantan* M m IJig.ant and the Phrrim Paiher*, domnletr m . . t. , rvi **p* Jrauiuam lit it. ilmWnu. - T U ** r Ttylor The Genius of Peotlan.i/nr Sketehr. N ; w, , rr T; literature and Re/aion, by Hcv. Tumbuli, tih eduinri. The lli.iorv or the Church of Poland, by Buhop Sborr' Kr*kin<-’« R„v pel Sonnet. Border Warfare pf New Yurit The Slounuiu* of the Bible. La.i Dai. of Kli*h*. .y KrU macber Pottage Lecture*, or the Piignm l * Progress Iraeucolly Explained, punlubcu by Ain. S. H Lruon Tbc ts onocr* of Vrgenuion. yubluhed by Ata S S Lmoo kor talc by ELLIUTT A KNtii-IMI S* crJ l _ rvW.mu'.i EDIOAU \VORK> J UsT REPEI V f.D-I’ err. ktateria Me-nca, u vol* DBiigUrun't ModtcaJ Dtcuotiary. Tajlor'* Mcdieid Jarmprudeucr Taylor on Poi.on. Arnon’. Physic, f-yciupmliu of Practical Wcdmiuc, 4 rol. Hooper’s Medical Ihctlonary Wlrotwm’a Prariice of Medicine Smitli aud Horner *Anaiomic.a; Alla* Mas.e » Anatomical Atia* For «,; r | Y JAUDDICKWOoD.iaW.nt.t “•T* to. * Una wort, with ino author’* d»rcc:;nn» m ■#«.*, cr, printed on the cover*. A new repair > u ,i ree ved from New York, ami for .ale t, y PP y Ju *‘ r ' c *“ J“l3 JOHN H MKLLOR hi w~*.i .. KfMMKR Rf ' hatrdtoflnely printed, 13m.. e l( * h , 7a r , € ’ '*“* ’ '? U,f * ur Pn»«l if th.. work doc. not w *!} “ P fn, «un'l acotalion airmnr iv P lucrarv n„d tcieduffe cto«e. ail over the l.’n.on d.topUymg..,, doea a rroora,,, p.», r aort gra.,. of thought wmc rannoi fail * „ rl « 11lP ’ , aJ ““‘.dTri o even the room earaleta raader •—Ktnrc** NiucveU and iu Ksmaina- wna an ac i f 5Tr“ tx.rs’i’ tzz Ou* illßHtrauofi* “ iimnor n£S* ftxSSSj'rSiT't l * -n -•n.. !Uuu* c . L«» n ol Ih, Rockland roomy, N N . l.y K Oakca Snmii w.u. lustra ion* of I>arle>, gd cd iJmo cfoih, Jlri, J. Femumore Cooper ‘Tho Spy,’ a «cw nud ~ fu! edilipß. rrvitrd l.y the author. «*nJ „_ w ~f f| , Ac .in he fnilowed toy the Pilot, in Uw «amr In ‘ The Wort* of Washington liviiff j r larged I y the author m U elegani duolecimo roioin.-. • twautifoliy pruned in new t,,**. au.l on .unenot f m»do expretajy for Utc purpose 1 F.»r sac by JAMEs D IAICKWOOD. (for meryl year, eomiccmd w.fo Mc.ra. W„* y * IWm. ?n2 laic John TV to-y. N kJ (U Wood .t . u( j ] Mr l. Un» ju*l relumed from th* PU.tcrn cUic* NEW lUKlKS—lrring The Cray..., M.w-l,anv-k comprising The Prairie, AbbouroM . AW>ey Lompiete u. one volume-elcgaaslt pm;ir*l. Lurxon—TUe Monattcrrea of the Iterant. pUt -vo, illutt/atrd A rolutae of more than ordinary inlere»t, rcl«b-g a *cne* of mo«t cunoar and nfteu amaaipg a ivemura • • Tbe held occupied hr the volume a aiiro*: entirely new —< omntrrrial Adveniaer A boo* of genilrmanry literal, scholarly ictcran, which remind* u. not a Imle of Ifockiord’. m ani-u y t ■ cartion*. or the vivid eastern remimtcrnee* - f hfolfccu ». , Literary Wono Cooper—l.Ncw eduion of eir‘y work*/ The Spy revised. Ac . wita q P w iniroduciiim and um r* Cnm pl«e iu l *ol. Utiforu wua Irving • work* tl Si Tbe Spy ,„d the Sketch-Book were the l r.i Awm can book* which were universally aekno «rlndeed to eootain a performance a* well** * proinivv Wc well remember thu entho.iawn with which they w- fr received, and tbe proud expectation* #bui -hey awakened among the liberal miflded abrr.ad and uie patnoiic fit b- me Irving «» *ouu cilow cd a m-*; ' y the aide of GolOtmiUi arid Addtwm. anil Cooper win. translated in ergry couiury of the coiiimciit wli.-rr any interest wi* frit in a foreign literature -Literary World. For sale by J D LUC'aWOOIi. . , )oM . .. _ i.'lWV.|.i NEW HUiiKs—Dr. Coventry • Wort on Kpmrrun- Uholcra, it* llisiory. Causes. I'athology aud irrnt meni IMulotopbv of Religion, by J D Mnre'l. A. M Bourne’* Oatcrhi.iu of the Sienm Ffogme Chamber « i:yriope*lia nt Fjign.n Ldtrratorc. t vol* octavo, hue edition, Orel ptatra Chamber*' Miscellany of Useful nnd Kotenaining knowlcdgo—lo v.-I*, tg mo L'uairaird. Advice lo \ oung Men. ty T S Arthur, pit “ “ Young Women, Element, of Meteorology, l.y J. Brocklohy, M A.. eiirraving*. Proveri.* for the People, by K. S. Magooo. Umvcruiy Sermnii*, by Dr Wuylaad. French'* llultemi Leemra* for (h4IV-7.—‘The Cmru of Holy Scripturea for unfolding lac sptnuial n/r ol men?’ I vol. “vo No 4 Franklin's Lite, itlotUateu, Received Uiii day by' RHOI’KINB, ApolJo 4\ii « Nrrvv I’UIH.ICATIONS— Fast on the the Tit,or of Charon ami State: by Uaprm W Noel, W a I vol Umo.-»M.a3: i An entire edition of ihr» woit wiw «old In one day, on it* publication in London* Leave, from Margaret Smith * Journal, Ul t {, c rince ol .Maavachu.eit* Hay—| vol. U>nio 7! < llayi’a I‘oema. —Skeiehe* of Life and Lnmbrape. uy R»ev. Ralph Hoyt—new cd. enlarge!^with illohu a tion*. Itinn. Sl.Ul. A Catechiaxtv of the Bteam Fjifine,llla»trnu*r of the icleimfn: principle* upon whieb it« ppcreinui depend*, anil the practical detail* of It* •trortsre, in it* applica tion to mine*, mill*, »ieiuu navigation, and railway*, with var>nu**uggeation« of improvement: by J llourne C. tv l vol. lUutO 76c. Cbcevei's Lectures on the Pilgrim's Progress new ed, I'ime, Price reduced lo 81,no. The Caxtona, ■ Family Ptetore. Pert J. Life, illustrated. Parw JV aud V. e>cji Tnc-uui'Histones; by Prof. Tyler—lSmi For sale ituldll B m»PKINS,4i!i au Bole Agency for Muntaa A Clarlt’a Pt*noa. JUBT RKCKJVKD and opening, a fIpSSiT 101 o( rlr ** m from the celebrated factory of Nunn. & Clark, ■ • ■ ■ l*N V. comprising ft, uMOnment > &n >’ and How-wood Piano*. just ft. tailed. Those Ineiruinanu are made „, ■ • ~ * I ■tiie latest |ianorn and ben material * and will be »oid low for cash by F. BLUMK.IW Wood street, W ti Tv, u tM above Firth. N U - Those who are id want of a good uistnimenL are respectfully invited to examine these before Dur cbasing elsewhere, as Uief cannot be excelled by nnv jn ,hejocniry, will be mid lower th„ Oriußh, fiom the Last. A l*o just received, two pianosof Ham burgh manufacture, warranted to be superior lo nnv ever sold in chi* rotmiry oeti3 F U 1 BTK'WTlTfTautfgjfir — fT’UE subscriber has been appoinied Moi- < 1 11. ..I, of CARHAKI”!* IMPHOVKI> Mfu,ni UNS, as inanufanarrd and and perfected bv Messrs March A White, of Cincinnati. 'i* B usual corona** and extern being but four octavo*. Meaars M i \V in accordance with the general aon re nr id'demand have extended the scale of these taatjamci .is to -It and ~rl Sheave, ihu. .0.1,. S „ preiUO.l,l, „„r on ; lytou them any music wnuen fortao I iai ,o or t »r**n The exterior, also, has been muck t«*piov« J by pacing *• l '“ , r “ Ul ' ““T" 1 * cmAfruiwiSm? bnuulUl, InmS N om.«. re, de,,,,, u»T once a most clogs.it and extremely dcsirnble article TTie prices* pot « low as la bring it within the reach of every one to obrnut u perfect mu.ieal instrument, and, at the same time, a mast elegant piece of form luxe for a comparative mile. 11. KI.KBKR. . , AIJ W W oodweil'a Great musical novelty-ts© .ib^nber has just received from Europe, and for sale nn entirely new mvruuonol Piano Foru*. valid tiwstil I.NCT i-IA.NO HJRTE, which ».» •—imw. mmi f-ihn«, occnolc. „„ fo.ru, u much TOO, .ml u • much mom .how. .„d hmmjmrnc piece.of mnuiurc. |, „ puniculm-|r dLi “ hie whom lie of f..* —■*» -s A « =3*2 V £T |f“tff" 1 H ijflli lli^llf-S?! ,-i = .-slff s^ s !« * I-; ii^-i 2SQlj^h sj * E S' , s MS^Cai«JfJSSI MiM 5 ! t»r D g e -,g»«3».5~2J; s§ E-’*.§'® B “ _ Js3- a s3^.*'*_£^i*.2:2c-2~i , j-« £-£-; kj ■3 ,fc § !;SV s S?l«a&-i;t3£^B:!^ S =|il5- c il|2e % > ,fc . B pS SlfJ 5 ?•* §*sf S §! | |5 2 “* £ .-lij-f t-’S-s^lssissf--si;“isi-5552 ==!■£-“” E R E- 5#S“-£.3«' c > : s-sll'- 3 _l S P..» l- Ojß*-*r3li?4*se'SS 1! 02fl«. j; -3* -J > O _! t ft. J.gB>.= , s 2 £ t-o£2s«>Eslst£s Si "2 p H S” 1 •« r* ■ 3 gs—l ££ * 3 u« -,a g ‘■•■a-a «a |* ~6* .a OS *3 i h < L 4 2S 5 « i---^rfFj|' !g »l i: -= =3? M = " s <5 2 g I*# £ - |if s|»i i?I % = j}l mg fig « z i|' 1 'f a ii&V ;!; s»;sslsl3i M- 2 i 1S = < ]Jlifa I H 11*4 o.g llis fiifif-rlrlsMuiliii s| fap H> t- Sets e |l!|lllssws’sais;ir:^ Cbs' uzg life ;iJII 1 S!lSs*.-lj:«8j«!| 5?!! Ssi tJ = § -#lil!tis!ilF;Hif*si!; -111 S S «E23»i ?.£S-»-* £7-5 *. to *.7 m< 9 aj"css's' it 5 !- .tijj' ; B JO £ 3s 2 cgl'3s? c -s-Spa *1 1 i:- 2 »'s J ggj* Si? Z*C z st“;« 85« ”1 § •*S & >.2< c 1 5«o v { ]£} "3 • £■"“ c* 5541 •■ ’J y *e ®* * i = h «o<|jU ntlnlmmiiiiiiV' -s §"|Hfl!3|“l-f!Lit?:-n y>f««| 3 3-2 5 - e ? • c-s eS I " —b !- .! f “• e S S S I il'K®} K-g ?; ei* Hi j; j * * lJ r s !!, 'X 1 ; V S: !-1. c; - '- 1 : , £ ~ .'. «. v *-°' - c f sra- -»“-J:>. v-= r? CC rtf .2 . f . |.i k £ ; -- r£~ sts S £•= 5- 2 ly ?! s £ 3 : *3 £ k 11? « s ? 2 Jt , rj ';y--•• • • * O --a “-S »z % , S-*5 * li2 52g - „ i-t 4 r ; t*3 Jt: « . =S « ‘ ; .;r. p, ;•- » U WM JACKSON. JOHM D. MORGAN. Puv»hargh;_ D M. CTJRHY, AlUfheny Oily; A. PATTKRSON. FlirrnVnch-m MEDICAL. M’ALLISTER'S OINTMENT CONTAINING N O MERC or other M in eSSf&J 1* '• nahtly termed A L L - HEaIJNU, Jot that it will not benefit. , 1 have n»ed it for the tail tizt ron yrur« for ul! diseases of the chest, involving the t'.unoKi danger and responsibility, and I declare befote heaven and mart, that not m our cue bu it failed to benefit wben the patient was within the reoeh of mortal mean*. 1 have hail physician* Uantrd in ibe profession. I have m. nuter* of the gospel, judge.* of Uie brueh. al dermen. lawyer*, gentlemen of the highest erudition, and multitudes or the poor u*« It in every variety ol army, and there baa l»eec but one *oice—one universal Yoire **yiiif—“fil'ALLlifTEß, YOUR OINTMENT IS GOOD"’ RHEUMATISM—Ii rcracrrci almost immediately the inflammation and swelling, wben the pain ccu*e*. (Read the direction* around the box.) MI-.AD-ACIIE—The *alve baa cured perron* »f the hea l »ehc of twelve year* (landing, and who bad it reraiarevery week «i> that vomiting took place. EAR ACHETOOTH-ACHF., and AGUE IN THE FACE, nra gained with like tucceaa. RCILD HEAD-Wc hare cured ca«* that actuklly thing known, cl well a* the ability of (if act n twenty doctors. One man told a* be had spent •Mimin h>» children witbou any benefit, when a few boro* of Ointment cored them TETTER—There 1* nothing better for the cure of Teste ■ 111 .INS —it t* one of the beat thing* in tbe world for Bern*. j»[Ll :S—Thousands are yearly cured by thia Oint ment H wuvta fail* in gtvmg relief lor ibe Rile*. .round ibe l-ox arc direction* for using it'At ItsUr'i Oi ntmxnt Jo* Strofvla. Lire* Complaint, Erf tip*- lai, Tittrr Chilblain. Staid Htad, So*t Eyct. Quinty. Sort Throat, B'ontJtuat, Ntrvout kffaarnt. Baim. Iht • Htad aclu, gain*, IWimp, Ear ackt, Burnt. C'fiu, all Diuout « when inflamed. In mdc comic it thoaid be applied I’llru. CAITH i.N—No Ointment will be genuine unices ibe nimr of JA.MK-S McaLUSTEK is wntten with a pru on rvrrv nt.cl P'.i sue t.y m> Agent* in all the principal car * and towns iu the I'micd Stater JAMES MeAUJSTKR. Sole Proprietor of the ul-ove meilinur • principal Dice. No *• North Third Mrrei, Hill asieiphta PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. Aax.vr* in Pnv»*ru«u—Braun A Reiter, corner of Ijberry and Si Clair *l*; and L Wilcox. Jr, corner of Marltri *i and the Diamond. *i»o corner of tth a.d smimfirid »•», J 11 I’arsci. eprncr ol 5V alum »nd Prim rt*. itli w «rd, au*l sold *1 the OookelO'e MI SanlUbrid •t. Od dorr (u«n Second *t. tn Alic?hety eily by lIP itebwaru and J Sargrnl, by J l> Smith, Druggist. ii.r ■mnghan;. D Nogicj, Hast H Rowland. )lr* Kcr*porl. J Aicxaniier A Son. Mononsabelu Cay, N Uaxeley. Heaver. Pa, are wholesale agent*. * ° leb27-deodly _ BE. XAk'NE'B ADlbttATJV'tL' We hsve been informed by Mrs. Rc«e of s cure prr~ foijncdoo h«r by l)r» Jayne's AUaratlvr, w'. rb C roves its superiority over every othrr remedy oi >be ind t*lie lias been alh.cted (or the ia«t sixteen years with NECROSES or WHITE sWKhI,IM.S, ancmled wuh slcerattons and enfnliatioa oi varans* bone*, da ting which time many pieces have been dtschaiged ifnm the iteotal bone ot the cranium, from bout bet aims, wrists oad hand* and from both legs, and from the .eft fe.r.ora. bone and (rom the ngnt knee, painful ulcers on otner par.* of her pe.ruon, which have batfted tne skit) ul a number of the most etmneui phys.cians of our ci(< —dur.ng most of the time her suiTcring* have oeert cirruißUng and deplorable About three uomhs .-since she wn induced to try Dr. Jayne's Alterative, v ‘Bich bus had an astonishingly happy ellect upon her, by removing all pain and sweil-ngs, and causing the D.i -e'» to Leal, while at the same time her general twalm hoi become completely restored, so that she now weighs ii { ->* m»re than she did before she commenced the use of L -i« truly vslual.lr prepatmn. —(Smt Eve. Post. J't » mrtl'er mw'ioation. inejuire of Mrs Kose.No.l2b Fill < n »t, Philadelphia. F- *aie in Pittsburgh, si the PEKIN TEA STORE, 75 Fo »nh »t. n-»f Wood. ;>i •j-nu. TOWNSEND'S SARSA PAIULLA —M do ten _| s P- * l received of Dr. Townmend’* Hamapartlla, the m. »*t o xtruordinary medicine ia the world! Thu Ki- I, a ei i> nut up m quart bottle*. It t« m time* cheaper, p] c BMnter, and warranted superior to any told. It cut e* disease without vomiting, purging, sickening or det ’Jiurmg the onUent. L, us uct rus ItstTATni.t*-—Cnpnneipled persons have eopt >d our label*, and pal up medicine in the tame tbap sd bottle, See that each bouie hoi the written «ig citui e ot 8. T. Townsend. R. i. SKIXEfkS, Druggist, 57 Wood itreet, between Third arid Fearth. it Dr. Townsend** only who!. »ro?i Tp- VVettmureland eo. Pa. Mr John L) Monro.'; — PUi* i* to certify that l have been telhug your Verm ‘luge for toiae tune, uy about one year—and in that ti.ue l hare never known it in to fail m bringing worm* away, wheu thr symptom* Indicated tlicir pretence. .’ bad occasion to give it to two grown up member* of ui y family; 1 gave each of tlirm one du»e. and one of ibe.D potted SUt) and the oth eroacr -iHi worm* (i m the t C«l Vermifuge that any man can uta id hl< family. J. \\ . Yot’.tu Prepared anu aold by JNO. D. MORGAN, Druggist, • one door below Diamond alley, on Wood »l_ jn.t A^Ac"—PurTlfed~iVarkr ChToric - kiher 1 lodide Potoati, Strychnine, Chlonde Gold, LiVr.r “•aiphur. White Precipitate, Cyatinret Potash. )■« re a-tpved and for tale by jail R K MRlf-Vll r\RiiGj*’ drugs::— I / Chinoiciiic. Chloroform, Kn. Hark Precip. iodide Iron, Nitrate Stiver, Oil Copaiba, Jamet Powder, Citric Acid, Chloride Soda, Chlorir Ether, t. Extract Rhatanr, Extract <^u*»«ia Jatl rcc’d aad for talc by K H SELLERS. __ jull _ . 57 w ‘*>d *« BTjl. Faiinorocx, l AIIT N. Y. city B. L. Faßimrocß, VPiUsbo rgh. G. W. FanßßroCjj AVtuUttla Drag Btoie In Un Clir of Sew Twk. rnS undersigned ,ara extensively engaged in the W botemale Drag btulneas U No. 49 John itreet, m hie euy of New *ork.and are prepared u> tupply l/Ttii 'gjia aad country Merehuatu wuu Drug*. Paints, OUu, DyMtofla, Foreign end American Perfumery, kitm of, A carer k Jdauder’e Chemical*, lof then own tapet mlm) a xJ all other tnislo* in iheir line of bun* bos. i d a reperto ujnality u lew n they ftU be pur* thaan I in Udt or any eastern eity, Ncn • York, Feblfl Q. A. FAiIVKkTOCK A P Dr. Wlckeyr'e Galebrattd ’’ CHOLERA A All DIARROIEA UEIHCIAES. THE public are requested to read the following cor tdS caie« Tin* mediouie it extensively utedm all the Southern and Eastern cities. We «lo eertiiy. that Dr. Louts Wicury. of York, Pa. took ■ aider hi* cure and management, on or about the' first r I CKimber lu*t, ■ young man laboring o..dei a •evefi i aitai'k of “Aiwuc Cholera ’* fhut we exam liieu li ir *1.1.1 patient, and found him n b«- in ib o rol . lupK-d ataAT. of Hint dtscatc, with frequent iumJ copiout rice w tier Ui*chargea That weproiiounoed it a cate of gem mr Choleru, and declared moreover that w e l»«ln-vr d the *aid piiueni was beyond the hope ot med Icul aid in fact we thought the patient would die and to d eclared ut thn time. ’ Wr lurther ceruiy that the *aid Uui* Wickoy p ai tueu hit own mode of treatment, and adnum»iej C d iu« Cholera Remedy, and effected a cure of the patioa We think in four day# thereaAer the tatd young C wat at work, and perfectly well. Johj* C. Doksxt, AI. D T. B. Dccictt, M. D. I comfy ihat I vitiied a ca»e of modified Cholera un «ler ih* -arr or Dr laiui* Wickey, and that | believe hit mr.licirm rcueved him. Stale of Maryland. Washington County, to wit • 1 errufy that I am well acquainted with Uie irentle men who have signed the withiu certificate* of Dr l.oui* " irkey, and thev are men of rctpcc nbifav in testimony whereof 1 heVennto subrenU my l *. name, an.! affix me seal of my office, this four teriith day of hundred and thirty-three. O. 11. WfLUAMS, Clerk W ashmgton Connty Court, Alary land. Iwi me*ted the administration of Dr Loui* Wick ey ‘. prcpaja iou for Cholera, in iho ease of an .onren* tier io the plasuruig Immmess In tbts town (Hager** ncc » n a tr WC ' mwke ‘ l CaSe of ArflSe Cho- Ic.it. with rice water evacuations, cold clammy *km cold to.igur, small tremulous pulses.—l cotuidered l.i. SV.”w T'"'* a f d al ' rmin R- IMW him pre t v “ ) , ' " f D ' 'h ’ms present at the ulonno trauon r»r the hrst dose of medteme, and saw him re peatedly uuring the attendance of Dr. Wickey; be re covered MI as to be aide to atteml to and wore at bis trade m n few daya lam sure betook none other but the medicine adnumsed by Dr. Wiokey _ _ . __ , Rjciukd W. bins. MD. The only true ana genuine Da. Wicxbt* Cholera and Utarrlima Medicine is prepared and »o!d whole .sic and retnt], by JOHN D. MORGAN, Druggtd juhsttsn one door pclow Itjamood alicy »»»> rt Disinfecting solution of cliCoaibr; so "A- — Itsleeompoaes the virus or peccant pnnej. pie of all contagious diseases. It removes the dangerj eus effiavta of sick rooms. Ac. By tu cleansing enei. gy it relieve* ulcere, amt Intercepts all communicable diseases, whether ut mau or ai&malt, Ac. Just rcc’d •adtoiul.tr, OU a B B Wwd n MEDICAL SALTER’S 3INSENQ PANACEA} rl THOSE BUFFERING WITH DISEASED LUNGS-The unprecedented aocce** wbieb baa ttended the ore of tbe GINSENG PANACEA n all the variou* forma wbieb imiauon of the lung* aa* lame*, baa induced the proprietor again to call atten tion to tin* WONDERFUL PREPARATION. Hie ebangable weather which mark* our fail and * niter month*,» aiwaya a fruitful aonree of COU)S AND COUGHS. rhea*, if neglected, are but the prccurwn of that tell lc*troyer, * CO9UMPTION. The quertlon, then, bow ab&ll we nip the deatroyerm. tbe bad’ bow «hall we get clear of *ar and old*? u of vital importance to tbe public. THE GREAT AND ONLY ROtEDY will b« found in the Ginteng Panacea. In proof of lUi or*, bare from time to time puMi*t»ed-Uie certificate* of joxrn* oC our beat known have experi* enced it* curuuve power*. Tbeae, with a max* ol lea urnouy from ail part* of the country.—from MEDICAL MEX OF THE FIRST frrANWNG, Mimrter* of Uie Gdtpel, together with copFoa* tto| ice* from the JOURNALS OF THE DAY. we bare embodied in pamphlet Com. ana mar b* had trail* of any of our agenti throughotft the country. HUNDREDS OF DOTTLES bare been Bred in this city. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout tbe United State* and Canada, and tre cha tenge any man.4o point out a SINGLE INSTANCE n which, when taken according to directions, and be fore die lang* had become fatally disorganized, jt bag rrer faded to EFFECT A PERFECT CURE. Why, then, nerd the aiflicted bexitate? (V by rmsort ta Ibe nureratile nostrum*, gotten up by un* own Individ* aai* • ler the *»*umed name of some ee lonitcd pby* *lei*n. and puffed into notoriety l>y eemfiester n-p«r* aon* equally unknown* Whilst a medicine of UNPARALLELED EFFICACY is to be had. whom vouchers are at home,—oar neigh; bora, —nuuii of whom it has SNATCHED FROM THE GBAVF. Ip order that this invaluable medicine may be placed within the reach of the poor a* well the rich, w# have pat the price at ONLY FIFTY OE9TS, ja*t one half the urual coat of cough medicines, it is lor *ale by nor agenu in nearly every town and Village over ute we*!, who are pnjtaml to rive full niforma uon relative to il T SALTER, Proprietor, Broadway, Cincinnati. Ohio Dn ». v Townsend’s sarsapakilLa-sdo doirn 01 Dr Town»end’» Genuine Sarsaparilla, jurt r. c .1 and for rale by R K SFJ.LKRS. i? Wood *l. only Agent for Pittsburgh. By I) M CURRY. Agent for Allegheny city Kaeu for the Public, In rcljt,uu to luat ucnvalled family Salve, DiLLEfS SiSICJL PAIN EITRJCTOE. r I'ESTlMON\ of u respectable PhyrtPiau.—Head X Uie following. nddre»*ed to my Agent. Mr F. Mer ry weather, Coiciauau: C:Naxn*Tl, Fell. 12. 1-119. X t* ir ’ A *en*e of duty compel* tno to give my tribute \ • to Dailey’s Pain Kxirortar. Being opposed to quin- ■ ery »»d «■< no*trurnm having for their object wniner motive*—Out realising much good from the ‘•King of Pam Kilrr*’’—l am induced to tender you this certifi cate 1 have u*ed it in my family. 111 my practice, anti with all the happy and wonderful effect* that could po.m.iy be imagined. 11. J. UaooiK, M. IJ. Dr Bridie is the senior partner of Brndic A Levi, Droggi*!* lujlammatorp RJuumatixm. The following testimonial comes from a toorre fal iniliur ii» many of thobc traveling on oar Western «m -pnetor of the Parkersburg Hotel. If husband tn*7he { Udy whoso letter 1 «"n"i: Paixxmbvxq, Vs , Apni 13.1»i9. To Henry Dailey. Chemist. Ac.—Sir: Having for* mrriy bent long afflicted with violent intlammaiory KJirumuu>.ic. which appeared *o firmlv seated as to defy ail oki, nary appliances to allay the severe pain aiiending it, I was mdurnd to try your Magical Pain Extractor ami u having etlecied, almost as i( by ma gic. an immediate rebel, and also, to all appearances on entire and oerfecl rare, i am induced for the bene fit ol other* who may be afflicted with paiu, caused by any kind of inflammation, lo write to you, declaring that m my opinion, founded on actual experience your Magical Pom Extractor is the most valuable dis covery of the present age for the immediate extraction of bodily pain. It man aitndst immediate and a per fect cure for Borns and trealds, and all external lu ll ammai-ou. Having many acquaintances formed bvtheir visits ai my husband's hotel in this place. 1 have supposed by your showing them these lew lines, it may |«»«ib>y be of benefit both u> tbiwn and yourse.lc. KAiXAanii llunr, (I entertain tho hope that .Mrs. Glimc will pardon the pul.lo-tiy 1 give w, her letter, as well on the score of humanity as of it* bring the surest inode of bringing » lo the nonce ol her friend*.—H. Dalasi.j Felon Cured. Extract of a letter, dated Bautoxr. Ky Nov », l-’H • Mr H Dallry- “I have ined youi Pain Extractor in a case of felon, in my own family, which it rritevrd ami cured in a very short umc." In haste, yours te speclluliy. Jaa M. Yoetw. l U~ Bums nnd Scalds. Piles, Sore Nipples, Broken Breast, Kruption*. Sores, Cuts, Wounds, and ail in* flamuwuou. yields readily to ike wonderful prnpribes of this unrivalled Caau}y salve. But v m the same pro poriion that you will receive benefit (mm itre genuine, you will be injured by the deleterious etieos of’ the counircfett salves. i CAL riON-lir sure and apply only to ihe inventor, IL Dallkt, 4li Broadway, New York, tit to In, au- I thonged age ms JOHN D MORGAN, i General Depm, I‘msburgh. ' Henry P Scbwant, Allegheny, Agent J. Baker. I Wheeling, V», James W Johnston. Maywlilc, Ky.. : K. Merry weather. Cincumsti. O , General Depot. N U —ln ihe severest Bums and Scald* it extracts ihr pjin in a few minutes—u nrver fails' mil ■ji.f OKG.LN'S WORM KILLER ~ ■" * iJA PlTTsstßeH, Junj 12, ISsd- Mr John D Mornn— Dear Sir! gave one lea«pooa full of your Worm Killer to due of tup akiidreit, and iu Htc short umc ol one half hour ji passed twenty lab-jo worms I feel sate in recommending your Vermifuge a« the best medicine that con be used firr expeiluig worms. James Mibmas, near Noutesivwu I‘rrpared u>d told l>yjheproprietor, JOHN I). MOR GAN. lirugKiHL one door l>clow Diamond idiey. Wood •trreL UIDUKUT'S CUraiGAl WMTiau UUWKRTH SUPERIOR RED INK. hiiiuert* machine copy ink. All these diifer from ordinary Ink, as ikry are „u chemical volution* containing n<> vi-cui maiier Qo« freely trom any kuid of pen—Use color deco 1 bright, and durable. If there have been bcuer article* mode, I have neither *een not heard of t.icm. Sam ple bottles can bo obtained gnus, by the merchant* generally, from 11. A. Kohnertodc (t Co., Henry P. Sell want, Allegheny, ot of the manufacturer, Titos' K. UiUIiKRT, Drnggi»t urn! Chemist, corner of Ulrvr y and Southfield street*, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. B.—Auy bottle not gmug complete laukfacugn. •an be returned and the price will be refunded jul9:d&m Mks'Msi 8iLoo«, ~ - AHD BATUIIfO ICSTAIILUMEITT. T' -MeFALL, begs to inform the inhabitant*of iw . burgh and vtcin.nr, that be has opened the «t>ove establishment, whore every anem.on will be P*!d to the comfort of those who may laror 1 him with a caJL Liberty »ueoL between Seventh and Wood. Ice bream, aud ail other dalicacie* of the season. julc’.Qly CUSTOM PAPKU fflltL, THE undersigned have this day assoeitted under the name ot Thompson Haiuui A Sou, lur the uur nose of manufacturing paper, at the CliVton Paper Mill, where they will b« pleaaed to receive ibo patron age of the public, aud the former easterner' of the se nior parturr. Tl—y will nt all time* keep on hand s ifi/n! a»- •onnmri or wruin,*. wrapping, tea and w j; «• Imiinei bounw, blank hooks, etc. etc., wbira the) whi exchange lor clean linen and rouon rag*. Printers a»J Book Publisher, can be .a -plied with every description of printing psper at «tiort swnee. and at reduced juices, ‘THOMPSON IIA.N.NA April 1, ’49—mytadCm EDMUNDS- U AN' Beautiful ornament-* hiki'iku)m - JaJSCs D. Lociwoon, dd Wood steel, h*> ju*i received some beautifully ornamented li K A T E APRONS, of a variety of patterns nod colors; also, cut Tissue Paper for ornamenting Joohiug glasses, picture frames, or lamps _ J“*3 TtEe lig'n ol the Plane siid Haw. 7.- 'Yo.-d street a complete assortmeui of Cincinnati Cnnpars Tools, for sale by nryia JIL’JIKK ALA Li- MAN PLAY'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND—JItn iVX ler's i-diuon, eontaiiuog all the matter, verhaum et literatim, uf Vol*. I anUScfthe (ytndon edition, em bellished with a portrait of the author—!j Vols. -ii, one Price complete, ioe A large ‘apply of the above re cm£d ..2 for sole by -><>»«*< 1> MEI.LOR, tnrbtfrt _ _ . *• CIHOOOLiTK, O'CUA Aftil UHO.MA—Uaier\ , Broma, So l Cbo.-olaJ<* anti Cocoa, ol»o, SchraiU •wcct inircl Ctitxoiuic. ja»t recHl and for rate at Uir t*rkin Tea Store, > Fourth si rare* WHITK Sl.'('-'R s- * lx,vef,, ‘*'* ">«i, cruunc'd'in’s pufyeriied J*uj(arA, ;u»t ree d and for talc by Uir bbl or nl rciail.a* the I‘rkin To* Store, 7t) Fourth »c wyW A Oahu. GRATKFUL for lie veiy literal encouragement i have received for »« many years, I have dct«r mined La enlarge tny business aontideraMy. Uavlita engaged * competent F'orwßan, I will enabled Jo fill ail order* promptly. and do lie work-in our U4U *i style and at lair price*, ondask tbe auenliou of mer chauls anil ciuscn* u> my large Hock of UIMiOLtt l-p RV HOODS and lied*. M-mrsascs and IL-dJlne Car lain Material*, Damask* ami Moreen*, Cornice*.'ph * ge*. Bordering*, Ta*.eJs, Split and Holler ilJnda >.!!i erery article woolly aa nnabltthmen. at Tt,. kind. Order* respecuallf solicited and pmtnpilv ». tended to. T **• N. B—-.Carpet* made and put down. . yw Woni.R \/PCLINTOCK, No. ft Fourth at, bu recei.-t;*- M. d«r another lot of Uuue’han Transparent Shades, which to petal-or neatness nm>u» any thing ever broeght to ihiT^S! **• ... - ago . HISCELfANEOUS. BLINDS. 1 HE greatest and best variety everafTered in this city *■ L>c.ore—made oath* aw si approved Eusternplaii*— ¥li Ea*te»n pattern* and color*. Ain THK UIKaF ROLL, or BUS TON BLIND, oa bud or Bid* lonrder of allsue*,and ai all price*. Oouniry Mcxcbanu and others arc mailed to call tod exa.ijuie the rJxitc for themselvcr .as all will be cold whoieeale or retail, and a liberal deduction mad* l* wholesale purchasers aoldly . ar«tlc* to the Public. W ft. Hereby notify our fnend. and correspondents fj at home axal atiruiul’ibai wc wiil not, osuibb receive freight from any Boat for which 4. Jonei is agent . _*P« RHODES A ALCORN. JOHN KELLY A CO., (puccetfCTs to Robb. Win*- wdESTNUT Street, above Third. Philadelphia, beg rf ave 10 mforia tier ftier.da and patrons thai they rs*i.£?£o eJ Vi* SPRING AND SUMMER fa/^iUP*" 8 ’ w,l “ * ltu ? e axiottinem of New Styl* GOODS; comprising Cloths, Oaasijaere*. Vesting*, io. of every description— ail of which are of their own lm poruiion. having been carefully selected in Part*. London, ha . ICv Strungers visiting Philadelphia, are respeetfalj iy invited to call and examine their extensive stock. lUC>U2Q:dGm INfilA RL DBEK»PaSTK—Ju*t receiving, ‘I cross bottles of Rubber Paste, a superior article, highly important to person* that wish u> keep their feci dry It prevents the leather from eraetu.T*. and will lake • polish over u. For sale at ton India Rubber Depot, Norwood street. roar 3 JA 11 PHILLIPS A • ESTERVELT aoLbii ooLum uolduii Hh satiacnber, wholesale manufacturer of JB'V» KLK \, /nvite* wholesale drniera and pedlar* tra ding South and West—also, country tlore keeper* to caJl and examine lu» sloe* of Jewelry, which wul bu sold at the lowest pnoca for cash or approved acce[> taace*. Constitmly on hand and manufxoianng, a '**£• assortment suitable for city or country trade. n o a. Baker, corner of Fourth and Branch m. ®p naira, tpMhdfiia Phiiad*iphi» Paper Hangings, ' TTA VINO purchased at three ol the largest Faeto i_L ne. in Ute East, (New York, Philadelphia awl Uairlroore,) a large assortment of the newest and most unproved styles of PAP.KR HANGINGS, BORDERS, Ac., and made arrangements by which l will tx ena l>lcd to procure all new Patterns, rtmaitancous with their appearance in the Eus.ent market, 1 would in vile the attention of those desiring to have their houses papered with the latest styles of paper, to call and examine my stock, l>efore purchasing elsewhere. i have now on the way irotn the tut. “U,U(>O pieces of itoid. Srtliu Glased, and common paper Hangings, which 1 can tell at puces ranging ftom 1-Jf eta u> 83 V piece. _ inch 1 5 _ »0 HLLL.F7 wood st llaoon Sracklng, HA VINU just completed tho rebuildingofour smoke bouses, we ore now prepared lo receive meat, and smoke u in the moai merenan table manner. Hie house* are fitted with all the modem improve* menu, and are capable of eonnunmg hOUjXJU lbs. each. KIEK A Jo.NEst, Canal Basin, near Seventh st F>lUNTl.\'ti PAI’KK-jllarinjr ih- exclusive agency JL W Hie sale of ihe Mill Grove Pruiuug Paper, to. REYNOLDS At :.: scu-on, and at prices iu suit u>« tune*, a spicmnd article of homo made work, “* hne Hoots, ladies, uusaes anti childrens hue work rien.-c cull and cxamiiM for yourselvcA. TROTH A 800 IT, ' comer -Un and Sntitlifield sU N. 11.—Traveling Truuks, Carpel Bags, Ac. Ae., al* wty* on hand and low for cash Country merchants would hnd it to Uicir interest to give ua a call when v.s.tmg the euy m-bH ..... WILSON A CU^ ■ h* * OKTMis mio Wholesale Dealer* in Foreign and Itotneaiic Hardware. Gallery, saddlery, ACn llUr,' UoodttrctiG I’tlutiurgb, ore now fully prepared with a recently imported stock of Hardware, Cutlery, Bad* dlery, Cnrpemer*' Tools gfe, to offer rery great in ducements to Western Merchants ** ,n addition to the imaiy cutvamage. hid by nor predecessors Mes srs. Login A Kenurdy, we hare greatly increased our facilities, and pttreksse ail our good* from first hands on the very beat term*. Tuc junior member* «f the firm devote thetr whole attention to sale., and' foci jpg confident of giving »ai isfuction, re»prcuuUjr solteil.-a call from all woo muy riyitthis market. me his J muck'V&H BALK. rPHE undersigned uffen for sale a superior article X o( Unck lor building, made hyptus Steam Pres* improved machine, ibr winch he bas'obuined a patent’ and agrees to'give purchasers a written guarantee thaf thry are stronger, and-will resist frost and wet weath -er mid munbo less moisture or daropne** than any oth er brick, possessing greater tmdy and superior feature and much more durable in ever)- respect, each bnck being subjected to a pressure of Severn! ton*, and p. resting a handsome sioooUi surface and even edges, they make a front equal to the best from brick. 6 I hey nave given toe greatest satisfaction lo all who hat e parr based. A ktln cun he seen at oiy works and specimen nl the Gaulle otfico. ’ Tliow bsvm/supplied iliem.clvea iortheir buildings, snu wishing handsome uom br.ek, nr soporior h«3 and *otW pavtng hn -k, can ni.imi, i ..-ni. (3&EGGI Btrm.mrUn,. Jm. • id. |o| s . \v s^ssas. lur uJi me (•» . .i ••• ir>. ivu. lc»n’r V i - ' ■'** > vv iiV * r?)' lr ;oh ‘‘ u -i.mi,-ru>f fiua - J:U, - N SVATf 80.1 Hu* iiihirui J , rinea *J, C 4 rt>ofir.:.i ~i Cuionc U..-r, on i,a..U t’a/J'iiy 1 \ci t, Oil- > ■"- 1 bjobUu, 4 °0 n “ It « to 00 , ? «qnwe,6 months,renewable at pjeuw** M 00 Each additional square for 12 lO 00 I wo noowei.G month*, rewnblealpleaw™. 30 00 Men additional square, 6 months, ,»•••*•*•«. .8 00 ****** O* TtI>WISKtT tW D*l»* tAflUb One iquare.3 insertions, —...51 40 *' each additional insertion,•»••*••• St imun ca»d». -i fit* lines or leu, on* jear, »«••••»••••••• 600 .. f} " " ' sit months, 4 00 j* ” " " one year, daily & weekly, 10 0Q- f ,* " " " six months “ “ 00 taniTinnim iv vnni rmi. $ For It tines, or lets, One insertion, ••«•*••.£() 90 k ” 11 ** Two, “ ••••••>; 070 “ " " Three, “ »‘-M Is !! “ 2 Tkm Of |