BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. REPORTED * TELEGRAPHED 50U the PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE ARRIVAL FROM SANTA. FE—ROBBERIES BY THE INDIANS—BURNING, .OF BENT’S FORT-MURDER OF THE WHITES. Sr. Louts, Sept 29. Ja*. Brown, Government Freight Ageot,arrtved from Santa Fe last Qtght, twenty day* oat. The trade m dry goods wm -dull; bot there was contid rable demand for groceries. Two Americans had been killed by the Apaches, at Los Vegaa, on the sth September. The Indians stole 20 government horse* at the same time. Two hundred miles this side of Sant* Fe, forty Arapahoe* attacked Brown, tnd/robbed him of ev ery thing, bat next day gave Week *ome of the male*, and left him. The California emigrants gave him provisions. i Col Alexander was in command at Santa Fe. Col Washington had gone agijinst the Indians, and Bee I was at Taos. Major. Sirin Inui « nliimial -ilb lie lnduM, and wu wounded In ibe leg. Bern’. Fort wan lately burned hr the Cheyenne lo dines. in the absence of Wn. Bent. Several men In charge of tin Fort wore supposed lo be murder ed. Brown met several California trains; also, Col. Maoroe, with 250 dragoons and infantry for Santa Fc. it Watonl Creek. The trains were getting on ■wt'.-. Mi-: grass was plenty, bat the Indians were every* 1 ’ icr.-- 'Otlilo. T w .„ i OU ,-h political excitement st Sanu Fe V 'fonventtoo to form a State Govern ment- NEW"YORK RIOTERS. Nkw Yoax, Sept. 29. The Opera House Rioters were convicted last evening, when the tolfo&ing persons received their aeni-ioces . E. Z Jadsas.a&M.Ned Bantiine, wns sen tenced ia 18 months in the Penitentiary, and fin ed s&!>. Andrews, wax sentenced to 3 months in the Penitentiary. B. Greca was sonteaccd to one month in «. tjie Peoitenliary. Thomas Bennett, (George Douglass, James O’- Neil, were each sentenced to thirty days in the ’"•ty Prison. CINCINNATI MARKET. CIHCIKtIATt, Sept. 29. The weather—lt is now rainy. The river con tinues slowly to recede. Floor—New {baa advanced lo gt 23 per bbl.— Old to $1 50. Whiskey—Advanced to 20c per gal. Groceries and Provisions —The market is un changed, both as regards prices or demand. NEW YORK MARKET. N rw Yoax, Sept. 29. nop* KcroxT. Flour —The transactions to-day have been mo derate, without any material change*w prices , al* though dolt. Grain—There is a good deal doing in wheat, for good, and prices are advancing. Provisions —There is nothing doingm provisions worthy of notice. The market is steady, bni without any sales of consequence. Lard is quiet with regular ssles at 61(364 per lb. Iron —The market a flail and prices are un changed. Lead —Prices have delised< Whiskey—Prices are firm at 2Sc per gallon. New Yoax, Sept. 29. Flour—There is a good home and eastern de mand, without any material change in prices.— We note sales at $4 95, $5 CHM?SS 12 per bbl, foi oommoa and straight brands. Gram—The stock heavy, and limited sales were readily made at one to two cents per bu, as advance. Provision* and Groceries are unchanged, both os regards price* and demand. Whiskey—Sales in a fair extent at 27023 cents per gal, for Prison and Ohio. CoUoo— Prices have advanc'd fitUy half a cent mince the receipt of the America's news, tn the bet ter descriptions. EINDERS* UOA.KDS— -114 Hinders' Straw Board*, IM rn. 2trd; 63 “ 22x23; *- 115 “ l£txl«; ltW “ *- “ 30 ** 4 firT*. Esco bundle weighing SO tbe. Just received and foi sale by spill 0 II GRANT CODFISH —IU.WW lb» “tirouil bkitc," lo arnerj Cat •ale by ipU3 ISAIAH UICKKY A_GO A iT7*bbU So 3 !wgr Maclcerrtjn »ior* J.VJ. and tor tale by »pi* Sk. W HAlUiAlHill '•* _ iCk> —io*ic» tn »u»w and for »me by fiV »pis J S-DILU ORTH ACO TOtti'H.’sTlNti-i.M'bU Turpentine, ju*i rec’d ami foe »Hlcby »pll3 SELLERS A NiOOLS CIOFFEE— 12S bg» Rio Coffee, jW receiving and for / tale by k»H3 _ SKLLKU9 A NICUI.M _ KICK —1£»:» fresh beu Rice, U> siore nrd tor »»le by >pUU PKLLKRS A NICHLB EACoN— sojnuu H*m«,MUe» and snoaiuera- a prime aruelo, for »nle hy i|itU SGLUCHd t NICoLS TUa— at hf cheat* k Mmitre! T Powcbonjß ju*l rce'd uid lor ulu by »pu3 C ii GRANT TAaVETTE BLANKETS—J ii i ree«*l-ed front tVe J v‘««orv, aJo of tupenor Family Blanket*, (o: tarn price*, at ihe warehouse of the FA* KITK MaNUFG CO., Na lit! Second it, up luur*. i - -l WltOl*.—Wonted. IUMUO Iti*. urn wuh • mama Wool, for which me bighenpnce . •„, iim- FA VKTTK MAMJFHi CO, ut&ee, No 113 Second it, Ptitatmrgh 7 ■J- j£fcSK hi* ;u*t landing and (or sale by H j *o,ii J B CANFIKLD V 'EATiIt-R^—Soupooiid* Feather*. jtiit rer’d *n«l X for »»m t»y igtll C H GRANT B'~ACON.WANiS —lo c»k« c«4ira**ed Hama, t good article. juM landing from *tmr Euphratca, for *aie ipUl SAW HABBALGH Taxings: •iiCKiNGs::'TicKiNGS::i—a am*- ,„I, A t_n, No GO Market «t_ nave in iiore the lar tt««or ir.ent, at price* unrivalled. Call at the only V .lore »P«® .. Y searici ind blue, while, blacc, ame amt blaek mixed, orange, grey sad slate co lorrd Yarn of alt s«-»,ju»t re«M and for *aie by ki)t 7 F n KaTON A CO, fli Fourth «t '» VinFTuLH PEACJi and kronen Brandy, uncoloreil, X* for prerorvi.ig Pexehe* and other Fruit*. for tale ;„ r bS,‘„Kf“ " ““■"“"JACOB WKA'vKrJr Vptia _ corner Market and FrontjU^ WOOC— The" highest market price in ca»h paid lor > ’ST'IIVrOAUGH *' »’.* CO_ 'l'miAiXO-'*'! Kobmson S'. Tobacco to do Hanover s'a ,*J» ■ u«uri tlro*R < Tab.. j»it reed and ~le b,- M„U BRrnVS A CIXBERTAOr^ OTARCU ? b.i JM2s7‘~!i. , lS S .1. by ‘".pUS ”«» CW ->“h , A* ACKEttEL—3i. bN* «• » “ ‘ lo r, ° 3 “uWrtVN 1 cVoEBTSON TLf bbiTs H •“ d " S ° 'Y.RutvNRCc-^EgTSON COFFEE— too by. Bin CoflVo. in .In™ f’--'jty __by ipua BROWN A CULBbRT.. _ JAVA GOFFEBMi t.ya very•upe ri o r Id G overo mem,” for rale by *ptl4 C H GRANT LARD OlL—lo bbls lor sale low to elo»e. aptU M*G ILLS * ROE CTuTTuN VaKN, Yarn; lsu / bale* Halting; ao do Couon Twino; for aate bT «pU4 NO. BUUAH —a6 butu •{> u euam, pi»*~e rptil M'GlLutjk ROE C' UPPER—h«» prime Hio and Java Coffee, in •tore audio arrive, tor aale by I. 8 WATERMAN, •ptlO 31 Water and CJ Front at T&YI.ORA BBIHRT) Proprietors opthf. Pittsburgh alkali WORJCS, are now prepared to fnmiab a auperior article of tvsda Aah and Muriatic And. Persons wuh] tug to purchase either ot 'he above articles, are ic qoirrd to catl on ISAAC WALKER, l3 Fifth and examine the article* before purchas'd? escwhere. N H-—The Koda Arh manataeuired at ihi« esiabltvh n»-n-. ii gtcstly superior to any other brought to thii market. __ ■pert K"’ t.lCUlT—A~fie*h supply of “Darning Fluid,” J»* for thi new Lamp*, fait tee'd hy . SCAIFK A ATKINSON, lit at, between Wood and .Market at* C.X 'Vc nave made arrangement* to be constantly aapHtfd. »pti7 FAMILV FLOUR-50 bw« Extra Family Flour, made of old wheal, ;ost ree’d and for tale hy >ptl~ ARMSTRONG A CROZEK fjIOSAC' “* -W bx» 5 * aad ? pound, of hesfbranda, 1 for *ale by «niia SELLERS A NICOLS ptiuCloth Cowered Pianos, , fit , * THE othicnhef h«« JMt completed “•‘i ®‘ PIANOS, eorapoaed of ft, anti *, «<***« of* every variety of 11x1 f * man 1 * eelehratrd .Eoluw Attoehxuou from the erte br.icd f*f'7 ,“ r 1 N '» Tort. Tlicy uil pfttvtded "•'l l * 1M above important improve ah .utter Fiano maker* in tlu* country co»rr tone 1 with lecher Thl». aa they all admit, »r u) Vmdiv the i*«th«r crowing hard and harth, and uuti “ B ,i«r ■C'' *>« bcen UMd ‘ while, a men . haiib and wiry tone. NuuaiACluk ki've W?t9ie ihr I**t covered the hammer* wt iZf'lt tU*- * n "*"'>' invenuoa prodoca* a “/ . . kn d vo'umuioa* ion*, which *nlt m>. moatmelob . 0 i growing lmr*h and hard, ■« Drove* by S^^ nJy Thu may »aJcly be pro reatacr n > , , t improvement in Piano# t« m. " wW,e * d ! r f of the- Piano* u nogmilevMiy ’r"" ,0 • in i, c tli*hrJ. the ncti*t fim*ii gildrU an*, r • «,w>>iTLent of Ho*ia» and inb l i.»|.lc. ;■«„ W ,„| W ikcaucl... Ol otneriia .i *. r j eo ihcr, by calling and trying the voperittruy off c,t w,c KLKBKR . ' the inatrument.* Ageni for Nunn* A Oark. At J. W. WpmlweJPa m n -n.- will be *o!*l it tDauufjtctarfr* »»«r '“»* ***» dleibeuve. " (JOMMPCIAL RECORD | ALBAJIAO; OCTOBER. | I Sun | Son | nsec, j set*, 's 54 5-45" 5 53 5 44 5 30 5 41 5 5? 5 41 5 56 5 39 5 59 6 37 0 0 5 30 99 Saturday, 30 Saaday, 1 Monday, 3 Tuesday, 3 Wednesday, 4 Tboreday, & Friday. PITTSBURGH BOARD OP TRADE COMMITTEE FOR SEtTEMBEH JAMES DALZZLZ. w. W. WaLLaC*. *. TOTTXS. Owtca PnT*su*oH Gararra, > Monday Morning. Oei. 1. 1*49 t Saturday, if passible, was ibe dubest day of a dull week, sad there wu nothing stirring throughout the market, excepting in the way of resolar limited or re tail sales to ths regular city trade. FLOUR— We nonce, if any thing, an increased dull ness ict the market, and prices daring the past few days have become Iras Srm. Sales were confined to small lots *■ t4,tU04.7d from first bands, and >4.3? from store. Receipts are tuli quite limited WHISKEY—Sates of 60 bbls Rectified at SfIDXTe, which shows an advance. We can report no sales of Haw, to any large extent—-Use F* gallon is a fair quo- GRAIN-The sappiie* of ail k.n-l* are light, and re ceipts, which are moderate, are mostly confined to wa gon* We have sales amounting to 130 bn Wheat u 6?»(Xlc F bu; or Rye and Barley sales are moderate at &i*e IVr the former, and ASDCOc for the latter. Sale* of Oats from store at 3l6tWe. and from wagon at 30c. Sales of Mail uSi V bu. PROVISIONS—Nothing aomg under tbia head, ex cepting in Baeon, which continues in fair request at for mer quotations—say, for plain Hams e*39c, and for choice sugar cured at lOSlOic. Sales of Shoulder* m small lou by 'lie Übd atSJc. and of Sides at r &. GROCERIES—We notice a genera! firmarti 10 the 'market. but *ale» have been limited at the following rale*—N. O. Sugar in hhd* 63ty}, and in bbls at t>}£) 6Jc P P. N. O. .Mola«*et 11 eellir.c at a range of 2C* to 371023 a gall, according to quality of bbl*, talc* of iu> gor boate Molaaaes at 35040 c. Rio Coffee continue* eery firm, with tale* of prime at e|o9c, and of a fair article ars|c P lb. CHEESE—SaIes of 33 bx* prime W. R. at 6|c P fit; for an inferior article OOGic may be quoted. 'CRACKERS—A regular btuinea* is doing at ike fol lowing quoted rale*: Water Cracker*, per bbl Bolter do " “ ••• Dyipcptic do Pilot Uread. “ ‘ Sugar Cracker*, per !b- -^ r - Soda do “ *3,75 4JO 3,75 3-23 Spirit of the Domtitle market*. Baltimore, Sept. «6,184 V. Fiout—We ride wiles yesterday of 300 bbl« Hnw«'J street Four at S 3, ai d 01 400 hhis choice brands si 53,- IY}. To day there wen* no iransticuons of any mo meat, Holder* were asking £5,125, at which is*e hay* en were not diiposrd ui operate. Ci.y Mills Hour it very scarce, owing to ibe low ter in the mi!l streams We note »alci *f3ouo bbls to day in severel patrelf, at >5,121. Grain—Sales of Wheal L'-day ai 93 103 c for rood to prime rede, a ehoice lot occasionally bringing toie Hales of white at llOdtuee; and ol familt white at 1060144 c. A lot of prime Pennsylvania red was tO'd at 106 c Sales «f yellow Corn at 60001 c, of while ai SCOSoe; and of Va. mixed ai 53056 c. Oats are selling at 26031 c. A sale of Penna. Rye at &Se. Provision*—We note sale* of SOU libit Mess Pork at S10A0; and ISO bbli New York Prime do. at fftt.2s. Sales of 250 bbl* No. 1 U-ef at >11,73. Also 10 hhds Shoulders at ftp. Some sales are making at S|e; SOU Haas st OJ0IOc; aod Sides at ftyc. Small sales of Lard in keg* at 7}c. Whiskey—Price* have advanced. Sales to-day of hhds at 37027 tc, and of bbli at tfrte. A NoaLx Star.—The government steamer Susque hanna, now building at the Navy Yard. Philadelphia, will be tine of the fine*! veasets of her elasa that has ever constructed. She will be ready for launch ins early in tbe spring. The Susquehanna is thirty feet longer than the great shin of 'he line Pennsylvania, bat of much less breadth of beam, and her toanate is bat 2.5 U). Her model is considered as perfect- She will ca-ry hut eight guns of heavy calibre—one of them, which will be placed op on her bow. wilt throw hollow shot weighing 2GB pounds! Her machinery will cost nearly 63UU 000— tne fi’dr boilers alone S3o.(ooeach! and the whole Tri ce!, when completed, anout $000,(100. Her crew will eonsiit of about 300. Medical Society. —A regalar meeting of the Medical Society of Allegheny county. Pa., will be held to Union Hall, corner of Fifth and Smitbfield st*-, on Tuesday, Ocl 3d,1349, at 11 o’clock, A. M. JOHN J. IRWIN, 1 A. M-POLLOCK, i****' Fire sad marine Insuraacs,—Tin Pm*- arson N*vioa no.v ajtd Pus lastaxsc* Coatrxin— chartered loJJ—continues to insure, upon every de scription ol property, at-tU lotetu ram. Orvu-a, No. 21 Market street SAMUEL GORMLY. Pres»L RonxaT PiitbcT, Bee’y. myfiidflm JOB PRINTING. BILL HEADS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, Manifesto, Bills Ladings Contracts, Lao Blanks, n.mi mus, n »««, CKkTITtCATBB, CBKCXB, policies, Ac. Ae- Printed at the shortest nonce, at low prices, stflhe GiXJrrri Omca.Tutto rrasar. ImprovsmcnU in Dsutlstry. DR. G. O. STEARNS, Uu of Boston, t* prepared u manufacture and set Uu>ct Tcbtjj in whole sai paru of sets, upon Hacboo or,Atmospheric RjieUou Plate*.— Totmucuxcraxs u nvz nnruraa, where tha nerve ii •Xpoted. Office and residence next door to the May or’s office. Fourth stree', PitUl urgh. Ranni rn—J. It. M’Fadden. P. H. Fa ton. jal9 C. M. DARK, M. D., HOMiEOP ATHIC PHYSICIAN AND BURGRON tirnci—On Smith&eld n., beiwcco 3d and 4th. Office hour*—From Id M. to 3 ►. M.—from « to u, P M RestDK.tex—Mr. Dander’*, corner Smiihfieid and and Third *w. »ptß:dOm FAJLL FASHIONS. 4g. WEST, 170 Liberty *feel, oppoatte the head of Wood, wilt introduce th«« 'all »iyi» of HATS on tbi* day. th« SSllh tn«t- which, for beauty o finiin. cannot be yurpaatrd. {uogyPdlm SB FALL FASHION FOR HATS. B ;ft McCORD A Co. will introduce thia {Saturday, An? 531 h,) the /all «yle of Genticreen 7 * iliua, corner «i Fifth and Wood «treet»- _ aug*fi O TEEL—A gettcrai axiortment of Ca*t, Shear. Her o mnn, EngtUh OtiMC/. A. B. and Spring Steel, for sale by_ • »ptl3 It 3 WATERMAN ABBCTHNOT baa eomaienceo io receive • /• large unvortmeni of Wooten Comforu and Hood*; Hitstin, Berlin, buckckin aod woolen Gloves: Thibet, clotn, tnou* de lain and blanket Shawls; cash mere, wontril aod woolen Hove; Pongee and linen Hdkf*., silk nod aatio Cravat* and Scarfs; Gimps and Fringes; Irish linen. Table Covers, Crapes, Rib ben*, Lace*, bleached hnd colored Muslin*, Tabby Velvet*, Patent Thread*, Sewing Silk, Buttons, Gem Suspeo- Jera, l*inv Percussion Caps, Almanacs, common aud gold Jewelry, gold and silver Watches, Combs, pock et and table Cutlery, and other goods which couotry and city Merchants are <*«pncuully invited to examine ££il? TO ARKIVhI In a few days, a splendid addidoual assortment of line Waic&et, Jewelry, and other goods in Ut>* lino of business—the subscriber being now io the EauaelacUag hi* fall assortment of goods. W W WILSON, sptlft eorner Market and 4th sts . ~PENh—Just received. anJ coustautlv on \J hands, a large and excellent aarortment of Gold Pens of the most approved makers, and for sale at the lowest prices by sptlU W W WILSON PA PER~II a'NGINGT—7S.OW pteicea of Lbe'lateit fall styles of SatiL, Glazed and Common Paper Hangings, now reeemng from New York, Philadel phia and Baltimore. The uadnrsignod having carrfnlly selected the new est patterns from six of the largest manufacturing es tablishment* in the Rosteyn ernes, is now prepared to ■ell tboae having bouts* to paper country merchant* and others, at price* ranging from 10 cents ece* of piaiL Green and Rainbowed Window Paper, comprising many new and select patients, on hand and receiving; for tala by sptlO 8. C. HILL, 87 Wood tt THE subscribers are now receiving, and offer lor sale at low prises, as follows, vis: eOO pkg* Y If, Imperial, G P and. Rtack Teas; 130 Lis Fs, >’/*, 16’* pound, faf pound lump ft and 16's Roll Tobacco; !&0 bg* Bio and Java Coffee, 60 hhda O 'Btt(ur; IMO bbls N O Molasses, Ifl bbta Tanner* Oil; P do winter tir'd Lamp Oil; 300 mats Cassia; 40 bgs Pepper arul Pimento; 3 cska Kp*om Salts; 10 bhfa Whiting; 4 do Chalk; 20 bx« Chocolate; V£ bxs White Pipes; 6000 lbs Saleraios, 3 bales Clove*; 1 bbl Nutmegs; 90 bbls Loaf, crushed, and pow’d Sugar, 3 cska Madder; 3 eeroon* indigo; 834100 lbs’d No* Coyon Varn, 203 bx* Herring; 2U> kgs DtUf, ass’d sizes; 400 bu Ground Nuts; 16 hale* Almonds; do English Walnuts, 30 do Filberts; 30 dp Ur**!* Nnts; 23 easss viitle Book Candy; fdo Linooriee Dali; > Jo Bordeaux Prune*. 3 do Sarilindt; 26 do p Sanoe; l£ do Tomato Catssp; 2D4XU Principe •Stgars, vaiioas brands; S/XXI Havana *)<» |64kkt Bogalta do Common and Half Spanish Segarv; fine eut Chew ing Tobacco; Rappee, Maeaboy and Scotch Bnuff; Ground Spices of ail kinds; Sweet Spiced Choco late, 20 bxs Shell Alipoitd* 5 eases Castile Soap; 9U*ro*s Mason’s Blacking; 36 bales Candlewiek; jpo bbl* MacfcereP.ilbO bis Window Glass; With a general asxpfuneut of Piusbnrjro QanuftP* .□rrf“ru‘l~. ! ENGLISH * B^ISBTT. tptl7J 37 Wood *l, oppotiic 8t Chariea Hotel WINDOW GL'ASB—JW Wie* Mjoricd mrt, for txiebj ■««__ yoiLki * roe yTMURNS—I no* >•''***• f •tsm ih«rn«. jouree’rf taj)' ( J for Ml® t>y BP VON BONNHOHSTAOu, aptia “ F"»” “ riUkbHTJS-3 bCiit putvemed Ginger, s*o bxa da* Cre aTkh ?i/r L"'co‘* THE aobaeriber h*» M receded a, ihe-PUIa alt of which baa been received in lbi» ail ihc diflcrcnl fradca ™»a in c “3*|Sffi ™ "■•" “T "be. "rn “' 0 «b, half ehe.ta, 10 «U their p°n*oßjeace Our retail price# »ary for Oolong, Blaet icmi^md Gunpowder and taperwli fru.n 35 et*. to Familiea are requested to send and f«l *««P of our Tea*, and try them before purctmaiag. myl*dAw3_ _ * JAVXEBL7Ufa»ftli>tTB«l_ TO PBIBTBaa. TJIPa asbeenber baa on band and ;or «*“l“ of L. Joiuiaiou *. Oh of i’hiiatielplun, the follow I . •ii pair »< Coses; 45 fount* F.uoy Uetiea, (L£w:3l Fix** Newspaper Cut#; too Hit Leads, coi lo otdcr; 10 Composing Stick*; l!» keg* Prow's News Ink; . 1 l(n>i Gulley, Co taxon Buliii Brae* Rale* of ill de*enpuo»,i’, f/r A. JAYNES, Fckta Tm Store, 70 Fourth it _N. B—Orders wceLedforoew Type tpH»dA.wrt iT. _ 080. wrsMiTn *. CO., uFORM their friend* awl ini pablte tontUmf hn*i o« longer any connection with their lats enablx/A aeni Ui Pnui tueei, known ** the Pittsburgh urewer ibVjf antira biaxucn* to the POIN VEISWBKY.uiPir mvm, B/Jtkd n PORT OF PITTSBURGH. AKRRJVED. Louis MeLane, Bennett, Browoavtllo. R W ightroeo, , Eliaeheth. Peytona, Hendrickson, McKeesport. Philip Doddridge, Brownsville. DEPARTED. Lottie McLene, Bennett, Brownsville. R Wightman, , Elisabeth. Peytona, Hendrickson. M’Keesport. Philip Doddridge, , Brownaville. Euphrates, , Cm. Th» Rim. —There were 1 foot 4 inches in channel, last evening at dock, by metal mark. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY. Loais McLane, Brownaville, 6 P. M. roa rmuADKLreu. D. Leech & co’t, packet line. 9PM. R, $. BatLT A Co’s Canal Packet, 7{ o’clock, r. m. IMPORTS BY RIVER. BEAVER—Per keel boat Cleveland—l 39 bxs cheese, J U Canfield; 90 do do. M H Brown; 90 dn do. Clark A Thaw; 57 dn dn,G M Hartoru 3 bis mdse, D T Morgsu; lot pig metal, J w Duncan; 30 d"Z buckets. Robinton. Little A Co; 25 do do, Milter A Ricketson; 1 bbl sand, J Hsuuen; 5 pe* bacon. Smith A Sinclair. 7 bdls paper R M Riddle; lot furniture, G M Harton; 67 bxs cu«e*e Carton A McKntgbu 33 do do, J B Canfield; 52 do do! R Dalzeil A Co; 145 bags barley. G W Smith A Co; 35 bxs cheese. J S Bonnett; 20 do do. King A Moorhead, 20 do do, K Haze lion; 20 do do. J D Williams; 1 erste ragk English A Bonnet:; 10 sk* do, Reynolds A Shee; l box. mdse, J A Caugbey. Per keel |pat Reveille No 9—163 boxes che*s«. J B Canfield; 1 of bb>. I box eggs. J S Dilwotth A Co, 7 *k* wool, Taaffe A O’Connor; 6Ms furniture. P Rsmegar; «| bxs cheese, J C Bidwell; 736 do dn. same; 45 do do, Wick A M’Candtrss; 25stoves, with fixtures, J F Perry. WHEELING—Per keel boat James No 3—lo boxes mdse, 1 bale banket*. 1 do shovels. J Linsey: S 3 reams paper, P C Hill; b hf gross bonnet boards, tame; 40 reams paper, D N White A Co. 60 bbl* wbiikey, J H Bennett; 5 t>b!t alcohol, II A Fahueitock A Co; 2 reel* telegraph wire. J D Reid; 30 casks bacon. Sellers A Nicolt; 67 sk* feathers, Clark A Thaw Young Ladles' Literary Institute, Wylie su, near the corner of Washington, Pittsburgh. MRS P DAVIS AND DAUGHTER, late Princi pal* of tbe Female Seminary, Louisville. Ky Tbe Adorno Session of this limitation commenced on Monday, Ibe 3d instant. Rev. D Elliott, D. D. Rev. Wo. Preston, “ D. H. Riddle, D. D. “ Nathaniel West. ** 8. M. Sparks. Gen. J. K. Moorhead. “ W. D- Howard. Mr. Richard Edward*. SELLERS’ UVER PILLS WAS MY DOCTOR.— Hern.xx. Pa., Sept 23, lr*4». Mr R. F.. Sellers—Deai 8 r I feel it is a duty l owe to the public, at well s* ,to the creoil pf your Laver Pills, to state the good effects.produced by their use in my own case During the month of June, 1645, I took very unwell, nr appetite failed, and my strength was enurrly prostrated, wnb severe pain to my tide and shoulder*. 1 was told by medical m»fi that my disease was a severe attack of river complaint. I took seve ral boxes of M’Lane 1 * Liver Fills, and some syrups, wblch I was told was good for that d,*ea*e, but alter all 1 was getting worse. 1 finally concluded to plaee myself under the care of a physician for better or worse; but, fortunately, just at this lime, I was told by the Rev. I. Niblock, of this plaee, that a friend bad sent him a box of Sellers’ Liver Pills from Pittsburgh, wbteb bad beorfitied him very much. I forthwith sect for a box of your Laver Pill*, and by the ume I was done using them. I was satisfied that it was lust the medicine that suited my ease. I sent for more, and took five or six boxes, and fonnd mrself almost entirely cured; but in March last I caught a tevete cold, which brought back the disease, and in a ibon time I wa* a* bad a* ever I again bad recourse u> your Liver Pills, end took them every other night for in weeks, and'occasionally since, and I can now iay, that 1 ean now say, that 1 tec! liulc tf any symptoms of the Liver Complaint, and my general health is as good now a* it has been for the last 10 years. My neighbors ask me who was my doctor. I tell them that Hellers’ laser Pill* was my doctor, and by the blessing of Divine Providence tbe means of earing me. I am confident that when the pablic become sc quuinied with the value of your Liver Pills, the de mand for them will uteresse. Many of my neighbors, to whom I have recommended the pills, can testify to their value, ax well as to the facts shove stated. Respectfully yours, Gxoaot Mttxia. To Titi Pnuc.—'The OtiginAl, only true and genu nine Liver Pill* arc prepared by R. E Sellers, and have bis name stamped m black wax upon the lid of each Box, and his signature on the outside wrapper p~r~ All others are counterfeits, or base imitations. »ptg7 R. K. SELLERS. Proprietor. 37 Wood st B. A. FAHNESTOCK** VERMIFUGE, ens mi or KXTunaL vurru IN order to afford all possible security to the publie, as well a* to themselves, against fraud and impo sition from counterfeiting, the proprietors have made a change in the exterior wrapper or table of their Ver mifuge. The new label, wtueh is a steel engraving of the most exquisite deaigu and workmanship, has been introduced at a very great expense, and is from the brain of an artist of the first talent The design is new, and the execution elaborate. Several figures and a portrait arc moat prominent, but the word “Vmo re ex.” printed in while letters on a red and finely en graved ground, should be particularly examined.— \yben held up to the light loe letters, shading of the letters and every line, however nuuute, throughout the . whole of this part of tbe rngraritw match as exactly as if the impression bad been matfe upon one tide on ly, although it it actually printed on btlb aides of the paper Tbu should in alt cases be ob>erved A la bel upon each dosea is also primed in red upon both sides, and sbotld be examined in tbe same manner. This preparsuoa bat now stood the test of many year* trtal, and is confidently recommended as a sale and effectual medicine for expelling worm* from the system. Tbe unexampled success that has attended its administration in every case where the patient was really afflicted with worm* certainly renders it wor thy the stlontion of physicians. The proprietor bat made it a point to ascertain tbe result of it* use in such eases as came within lit* knowledge and observation—and be Invehebly found it to produce the most salutary effects —not unfrequent ly after nearly all tbe ordinary preparation* reqam mended far worms bad been previously resorted ‘to without sc7 permanent advantage. This fact is at tested by the ccm&oues and statements of b jndredt of respectable persons In different pari* of the coun try, aod should induce families always to keep a rial of ibr preparstwn in their possession. It is mild m its operation, and raay be administered with perfect safe ly to ib* most delicate infant. Tbe only genome is prepsred by »ptx7 B A FAHNESTOCK. Pittsburgh t' l.Ol'B—hi bbl* just landing and for tale by sptll J S DILWQRTH A CO JUST RECEIVED—Front the PhPlipsvtile Oil Cloih Factory, an assortment of Poor Furniture, Conch Curtain, ami Wagon Cover Gknvnno Ajnrtrrnzs. rpHE dm Lite Insurance Company m the U- Slate*. I Incorporated March 10,1S13—chatter perpetual. Capital 8500,000—a1l paid in. Having authorised the undersigned lo receive appli cation* lor iosarance, on which policies will be taaoed. according to their proposal* and rate*, which wilt Se made known to at hi* office, No. 30 Wood ■treat. igU QEO- COCHRAN. _ Sottca go CoatraptQr*. PROPOSALS will be received at Johnstown, Cam bna countT, Peon's, from the Ist to the 13th of October next, for the Graduation and Mr* nry of iba portion of the Wastern Divicion of the PENNSYLVA NIA RAILROAD east of Seeuon No. 01, oppoane to Blairtvillr. a distance of tS miles—embracing a con siderable amount of heavy Rock Excavation and Em bankment Plan* end Profile* of the work may bo teen at the Office within Uic ume above specified. For turtbor information, apply to EDVV. MILLER, Esq.. Engineer of the We >tern Division, Summit P. O. Cambria county. P*. J EDGAR THOMSON, Chief Engineer. Engineer Department, P. R. R. Co., I Harrisburg, Angus' gflth, 1949 t «pt3A*wtmT MERCHANTS 5V ► iTTsBUM.GU «no an desirous of extending their b&smes* in the counties of Fayette, Oreene, Somerset, and also in Western Virginia, will find the FAY KITE WHIG, publuhed at 'Juionlown, a desirable mediam, a* it cir culates largely in the places specified above. Terms moderate. auglflaUm* SIGUT and short tint* RILLS OF EXCHANGE, pay able in Cincinnati, Loej-ville and St Louis, pur chased on the most favorable terms. •ptS N. HOLMRR A SONS. OILS— 30 bbl* Linseed Oil, just receiving; 10 do and 10 bfbbls No 1 Lard Oil; odo Not do dn 5 csks bleached winter Whale Oil; 3 do Tanner’s do 150 gals winter Sperm Oil; in 'tore and for tala by _ipUt SELLERS A NICOLS PB. W. H. DARE, u-ISKW-o Omcp—SmVtHlTTta - street, between Saventh and Strawberry allay!' N. B— Diseases of the mouth, gums and teeth treated Ilummopatbiraily. sjitlfl-tCJin ifT *VOII »iCEIK-A smalt Black 7lr»>Poncy,Xsy gait, warraated sound; for tale low Inquire a; R II PATTERSON'S .pIIP t.ivrr SOokCHk-il »ALli»—«u c«a», » prune tru .e, wI sa&iy * P UO J 0 CANFIELD NEW OQQPBh v|T F. have fti*i received a large and complete atock W of CLOCKS, Variety ana Fancy Good*, tolla ble for the fall trade, to wbteh, with every description of Looking Glasses manufactured ai our own steam power chop is this city, we ask the auenuon of West ern Merchant* and other dealer*. era hi— KBJ..NEIJY » SAWYER, comer Wood and Foorth ata PIG AiKt AiA— 1M ion* Hanging Koe« Metal, 1. r Vale by BURUaiDG^WILSONACO, ■mu _ ■' O AFffkY' FUSE—M OWI feet Etna Safety »af", for S f-«r F ruby, MArniEwsAcu, _ \A / KOt : 0 IIT 9PiKE»—'AiO kg> improved Wrought VV . p jT"' M RHEv’MArni'iw?* fi n__ % „ GRANT 1> UTTER—3O kg* Bauer, in shipping order, for sale p by •pt 33 M GILLS A ROB TYEAVEtt AND MARIETTA BUCKETS— 10fl 1 dox J.l in store, foj *olc by sptS), MTiILLS A ROE 1? RLNCIi Ci,oTlii‘—W. 11. Morphy has r opened io-day • frasb lot of *he above googj, from two dollars per yard up u> superfine quaiitihs. and of approved manufacture, u> wpich be parueulgrly in vites in* aitenuun of buyer*. Also, black and faney Cstsimere*. Satin Vasunga, muslin, monno and eoliou Undembin*. Hosiery and Gloves, Pocket Hdkfs and black Italian and faney Cravats, at low cash prices Merchants mil find u u> their advantage to examine the stock in Wholesale Room, up stairs, before buy ing their good*. _ »P U 7 _ OnpFBE— 150 bgs prime,To store and for ealo by >p uT J e WLwoirru a co k £, tinned sises, br sale by apUT _ EARL ASH—? bbl* from Adaxuv manufactory, re ceived thit day and br talc by Pin METAL—7S ton* Alleghany Pig Metal, for sale if ip-17 JA RFLOVP- LOCAL MATTERS. axroa rxp pox the rrrnacsoß daily eazern Brxscuta to bs dkutxxxd at tuv Aaxxcßi.TO* iai. Fail —We apdenuod that ibe Hon. 3adge Lovrie will address the members of tbe Agricul tural Society, in the ~Market Huuar, Allegheny City, on Tuesday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. Tbe Hon. Walter Forward will address them os Wednesday afternoon, at the tame hour. All stock designed tor exhibition, must be on the ground by 10 o’clock A. M. Mcrruo of THX Ai.ixnanr CoUNTT Aoilt ccltxtlal AasociATtoii.—Porauaot to public no* lice, tbe Board of Managers ol tße Allegheny Coun ty Agricultural Association met io the Grand Jary Room of the Old Lourt Hoose, on Saturday morn ing. The meeting waa organized by calling John Murdoch, Jr., to the Chair, and appointing John Boyle Secretary. Tbe members present were, Joho Garrard, E. Cooper, John Scott, Joha Boyle, John Murdoch, Jr., and P. A. Way. Tbe mtautes of the previous meeting were read aod adopted. On motion, Messrs. Garrard and Cooper were appointed a Committee to wait on D- N. White editor of the Goxcue. and on tbe editor of the Pittsburgh Post, to request them to send report ers to report the proceedings of the AgricuinirsJ Fair to b« held in the Market House ol Alle gheny, to morrow and on the next day. Tba Committee on Finance reported nineteen dollars as tbe receipts of the day. On motion, a discretionary power of awarding premiums to tbe amount of fifty dollars was vest ed in the Judges. Tbefollowtng gentlemen, gave [notice of their exhibit the articles annexed to tbeir names, at the coming fair. Tbe report up to the time of adjournment, wu by no means full,as there will probably be a very large number of competitors for the various prises offered. Wtn. Peter*, —Ooe stud hone. We. McCully,— do Cal. J. E McCabe — do James Shaw,—One cow,—One yearling culf, and a sample ofwheat. Robert Johnston, —Two horses,—One cowand calf bull. James Matthews, —One span of horses, —One three year old colt. Townsend Sc Carr—One Carriage—One Ba» rouehe—One large road wagon—One vane waged —Ooe light two horw wagoo-7<)oe wheelbarrow —One pair limber wheels—Op« Boggy. David Boyd—One two year old heifer —Five pounds of Buuer. John Boyd—One yearling noiler. Robert Hall—One two horao plough. Thomas Barker—One bull—Ooe bull calf—One three, year old heller —Two two year old heifer*— Three yearlings. Wm. Wylie—Two two year old heifer* —Three Merino Rama, and five ewes. G. Goehnog—One mare and colt. John Murdoch jr.—One peck pears. Hail Sc Speer—Two two horse ploughs—One one hone plough—Two two hone iron ploughs. John Wood*—One bull and calf. Jeasee Garrard—One two year old bob—One ooe year do—One three year old heifer sad calf— T wo Leicester ram* —Five do. Lambs and rams— Five do. ewea—Five do. lamba— Five down rams —Ftve do. lamb rams—Five do. ewea—Five do. lamba—One two horse ploogh—Ooe acre potatoes —One do. turmpa —One half do. bceU—One haL do. pumpkins—Ooe basket butter. W. Neely—One farm wagon. Philip Kincaid—Ooe lot ploughs. James MuKelvy—One two year old beder. Hugh Boyd—One cow and ealf James Roea—One bnli—Two cow* —Three, three .year old heifer*—One yearling heifer—One bull calf—One mare and colt—Ooe three year old filly—Ooe half acre beets. J. F. Garrard—One cow and calf—Three rama —Four ewea—One two horse plough—Ooe com plough—Ooe pair barrows—Ooe Imsket bullet— One basket pear*—One acre potatoes—One half acre sugar beets. Before the meeting adjourned, Messra- Cooper and Boyle reported that they had seen the editoia of tbe Gasette and Post, who would each have a reporter >u attendance. We fervently hope that this, the first Agricultu ral Fair ever held lu Allegheny county, may terd to the improvement of agriculture in this county aod that tbe competition for the premium* offered will be lively and spirited. Tbe Allegheny county Agricultural Society will, we think, be of greet advantage to tbe farming interests of the eouuty. Boat Usoc.—The Monoogagels hrdge, ibe wharf, and the stcamboata were covered with per sons eager to see the regatta which look place ao Saturday afternoon. The row boats Fashion, and Col. Block ran, and the Black waa badly beaten. We regretted to see ao much belling go 00, and hope that there may never be another race in Pitta burgh, if those who go 10 *ae them canodt refrain from this abominable practice. Acodcvt.—Mr. S. L. Cuibbert, Clerk at the Despatch office, had his leg broken, and waa oth« erwise much injured on Saturday. He had gone to tke river to tee the boat race, and waa aettiog on a a pile of grindstones, when one of them fell upon l}ia leg cruahmg it and breaking it m several plica*. meteorological Tabla. Fma tk* 28« r to tha 29x/i ef tha asontA HuauT or th* THPmogrrxE. Date. Sun rise. 9*aL3rv9rM. Daily mean Sept 28 66 70 76 71 71 •* 23 54 65 69 38 61 “ 84 50 62 7t 65 «2 u 25 50 65 74 70 65 “26 W 65 70 64 66 - 27 44 60 6S 65 59 “ 2S &0 64 78 66 65 Tbs Plttibargh sad Wheeling Brldgsi Memorials lo lb« President of the United States are widely circulated tn Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Ohio, praying bis direction to the Attorney General, “10 institute proceedings in the Supreme Uourt of the United Stales to abate the bridges aod dams across the Allegheny and Mooongabela aa botaaoces, and m contravention of the Ordi nance of 1767, by wbteh these rive»a were declar ed lo be pubfio highway*, on which no tax, duty or impost should ever be levied.” The memorial ists state: “That they are interested ip the navigation of the Ohio, Allegheny and Monoogabela nrers. and their lawful busmea* is interrupted by tbebridye*, dams and other obstruction* which from time to time, baye been placed across the channels of these riven, until those impediments have so accumulated aa to have become in>afTerable nuia» ances. That two acqueducta and three bridges have been erected across the Allegheny, supported by nameroos pier*, so constructed that boats and rafis cannot be navigated among them without danger to life and property; aod these bridges aod scque« ducts are so low that strmboal* cannot pus under them in soy stage of the rtver; while at high floods Ibe water reaches the wool-work of these struc ture*, which completely abuts od every desersp tiotj of navigation, even by descending rmfi* snd keels. Tnat the‘navigation of the Monoagabela is al-o obstructed by a bridge at Pittsbnrgh, so low that even mediam sized steam boats caonot pass un der it, as well as by numerous darns above, where tolls, taxes, aud imports are exacted, in vio lation of the Ordinance of 1767. The memorialists do not desire lo Interfere tpith any prooer work pf uppto we, p eol beneficial to the ct'ixeni of Pennsylvania, ant) only a*|i that ihp obstructions may bo so far removed, that common steam boats may navigate the Allegheny and Mo noogahela by lowering their chimneys, and tb*t they may not be compelled to tranship their freight, Ac<*. That the citizens of Ohio, Pennsylvania and VtrJ ginta have nearly completed a bridge arrow the Ohio at Wheeling, ofl.olo feel span, wttbool pier or other obstruction in the channel, 934 foot aoove low water, ao Ibst alt boats may have a dear head way of 57 feet under the bridge, on the highest floods. The plan of this bridge protects the navi* gallon ol the riyef, ned permits the largest class <>f steamboats to pas* uhdek It at all times, without expense, delay, or any inconvenience except low ering their chimneys in the tuoal way when the river is very high. That it Is jest as practicable fiir the people of Pittsburgh to place (heir bridges at the height oi P3| feet, on single arches, so as to leave the chan oc| deqr of obstructions, a* tt it for the citizen* of wheeling to do to, amftkerefofp tho 1 ? ask that tbP proceedings may be instituted. The memorialists play baek very well on the Pittsburghers, and seem lo be more interested m that than for the tree navigation of the river—the great questi6n at issoe.—C»». Go*. PaniVK Luton Sc**a.—Prepared l>r J. W. Roily William street, N Y., and for *ale bjr A- Jayne*, No. TO Fourth street. Thu will Se found a delightful arti cle of beverage in families, and particularly lor aiek room*. Baxß* Bso*a.—An improved Chocolate prepara tion, bring a cotabintuoa of Cocoa nqt; uiuoeeni. to vtgoraiirtg and palatable, Uglify reeoicmeuded panic ularly for invalids. Prepaid by w Baker, Dorebe>. tar, Mui, and for sate by A JAYNES, ai toe Pekin Tea Store, No. 70 Foorth »t, inefaU Vtaw off Pl(tibßr|h< Fgixsae ash AcQC*WT*xre: or hmiwur Yon are lofd by one K. Whitefiet.l i:>m I n*»e r0i. , ~-it .im of yoar palrotyr**— tnai I am • fu > i *p Ir-om m-roi ployaenL and frnm the Wal m*».nra- wh'rti ha becil compelled to Urreim a*uin*l me. He says )not In getting your subscription* tor a new o- jourcuj. ( was hi* agent, then*h !i- knew not where J wau. rfaat I am no artist; that he ha* punl me as a canvass er fof mjf servier*, and that f am now dishonestly asm* hi* ntttrripUon book for niigrn purpose*. I Ilk yon to see bow a plain tale will pm him down and Isee epon hi* own lim'i* the *(raa jacket wtuch he has so cunningf) and itopuden iy prepared tor mine- Tbe day before K. Whitcfield left New York for Pittsburgh, 1 happened in at a establish ment in the former city, and »aw a Vi-w of Pittsburgh in the process of printing. It w*» without the name of any artist, but purported to be publtsjed »r Hudson A Smith. Dealing* with E Whitcfield, which ji i* not the place here to discuss, led me to suspect Uiat it most be some design of hit io injure me Hudson A Hoiih. on inquiry, confirmed my suspicions. They had no interest id the picture, nud had nevrr seen It, hut at his request, bad given WhuefieM permission to use their Imprint. It was clear to me that he had bor rowed that imprint for the sake of tne .Smith in tu and that, by leaving off bis own name, he designed to im pose on you his batty and imperfect picture for the one 1 was getting up. I immediately sent to the edi tors of Putshorgh a iionce-which you have probub.y read. Ihe next morning I started for Philadelphia, and found as a fellow traveler in the ears, K. White, field. I also »aw and eonvcr>rri wiih him at a hotel in Philadelphia Why he not take that opportuni ty of prosecuting those long threateneo legal measures against me, or new ones for iny more recent and flu grant violation* of hi* rlgiits, he himself best knows, as he best knows why he pretends io you that he has not seen me nr.d I svotd him. The pretence is utterly false, for almo.i any one m New York can tell him that inf office t« at LU Nassau it. in ihai cny.and that I an U> be found there On hi* arnval at Puti burgh he met ray notice, tnd II must hove foiled in* design. Hm he was there with a large quantity of ;-'inied view., and could not afford to lo*o them and the expense of his journey. Then It was that he conceived the seneme of backcrung my character as a renegade and an imposter, in order to sell his piciure in advance of mine and m spite of my subscription. Writ knowing your sense of justice, snd also the nature of mv engagement* which detain me here, he cunninrly promlne* that be wi 1 wait a week or ten days, uli I ran rims oil and face hint be fore a legal mnuniu 1 have no orcauon to do it—l have your *ub«crpiion* wbicn 1 intend falth'ullyto fulfil on my part, and 1 have no doubt vou will Co tba lime on yours. I< is f«r him. if bis story ho true—as ii surely is not—to sue tne lor ihm si-ttscairiiua son* And here I am, ready for him I have rot the slight est wish, unless it be for yoar sake, to prevaut him from finding purchasers for his pictures. All I ask is, that it may be at hand when mine arrives, in be com pared with it by you r best rnun and eonnoia-eur*. Though made temporarily a sufferer. I have no in clination to revenge by aiiueipamig. My work and character will take rare of themselves hi good ume. But to 'dtsaboae you. to whom I am indebted for so much courtesy aod Kindness. 1 append a document In defence of my character as an artui. and shall ever remain, Your obliged and ob i servant, G WaKKEN smith. N*w Tost, Sept 19th, 1!*49. Rostov. ?ept |-th,1946. I, thr undersigned, hereby declare I am the only mr lisi G. Warren HmiUi employed on his View of Pitts burgh. He assisted me in taking the sketches, and toe whole thtug was made under .tils directions Con cerning a psrugtsph which appeared in the Pittsburgh pap-r*. to the effect that (•. *V Mn:lh had nc* knowl edge of drawing, I consider a wilfui falsehood. sptla.djt It F SMITH, Jr. Rsply t-o G. W. Smith’* Dofance. Mr Gee. W Saiilh no doubt Bnili n very const;. ent to shift :he enqu.ry (tom Ins character to mine; and the means he rmploys for the purpose are perfect ly chxreeteristi* of the man. His address contsin* precisely as many misstatements as it contains asser tions. and concludes with the certificate of hit cousin, g| f Hmith.Jr. in reference to tm skill a* an artist and my character as ■ man. (will briefly nou-n his mttnuatreru aga-nsi me:— Ist Tita .uni or Hvnsoit A Smith —Tbit is a bouse IQ Futton st N. Y . with wuora I have long had tnisi ne*» irantscnun*. ami who have always had my views for sale. The object he supposes 1 had ui using tbetr name it worthy oulv ol himself, and 100 ridiculous for any sane person to bciirvc Yd Wilt KID I SOt aSOXST Ht* IN PHILACIU'BU’— For the ve'f simple reason that I could not do so until ] had proenred a warrant, alter obtaining one, be wat not to be found, although I searched every pro bable place until lb u'cloek, P M If he doebu, let him adifre.* Mr Gn»com. lawyer. Wulnoi, near for those who know no betur. lit Ass no (.'Tier. Tue place be names is the establishment of Pooler A Web*. Phre nologists, and Use truth limp y is that nc is arqeaimrd with one of ;betr clerks, who alt >w* him to have Id lers dim-ted there 4Us. To lest the troth of what he says wth regard to the tun* that I thought of making my accusations against him, I refer to Mr. Willard Leonard, 62 Wood street. Pittsburgh. 5 A* to his business, I, ol course, know nothing about tu but n seems tu me ihat ihe most important buiineaa. a man can have is lo~*u*taia hi* rharaciei; aod that he can* do uni) by coming io Pit sburgb, not by firing pop guns from New Writ. But even were ail the»e tb ngs true, how do they affect the charges 1 bring ou»> i»l him’ These are— -1 He was agent tu the spring of ' r-1 -, aulas such procured subscribers for tu« in a Viaw n( Pitts burgh. bn* ween paid .ung mire tor so doing. Y He unlawfully reiaiu* my sulrecripli look J. He irlurncd her- in June last. uukuuWu to tne,- and ind-icnd my sabsctibef* through luisrepreseaia. uon. to Mga their ii-imr* in s new lx>ok, thrreby Iran* femiig them reiu in- to hunseii. and keeping them in ignorance of Ihls .mporUint fart 4. He dares not come i-> Pittsburgh whi'e 1 am here! Here are specthe charges, and Dnw are they me'' By recr.Qiua'Jons which arr ulse. and by pleadings which wou d iliagrace a p-llifogg-r Jt wer- perhaps pardonable to inter tout »o etpuent an ttut'f migm have procured les« doubtiul lysnnioay than that u< hi* cousin. It F. Suiiili, Jr. .formerly a pup/ of mine,; whose cerufii-atc,-if.|»peJ of ,ii ngd Engii-b. punmrts merely that Geo. W .Smith possess es a Luatritdgi of drawing ] again assert ilisl he cannot make the siuiplect skrteb in the world him test this matter if oe d.-rv l exceedir.gly rtgrti ifta’ I h»t' c mpelleH 10 annoy the public with ihr*r mirer*. and trait that they will partlo-t what B*« appeared to be a matter of oecetaity. Sy new drawing u now cotnplru-d, and all who feel ■ drairr lo en'-naraj-e me, wi.l shortly have aa opportunity «o 10 da E WHITKFIELD. Mononcahrl* Mou**. S-pi. irt. IMP oeil MISCELLANEOUS. REFUTATION IN r>*| I) to v* Fell.” o. yrsien'ay, where an a.irrupt i« made to r*i*l>'iih l)-«- iiipmoriiy of leather to ini, »-y a Iriter i»f a Fiano-making firm at) l ed “Ba-on A Raven ” ef New York, ih« aubseriber would <*V reron to ihe • trick# of llm trad*'' tn order 10 ret a alotur, »oo)i has, *• yet, not beeu the ease wiui Mrtm Nunn* A Clark Tue uourcessfui »n-raiu nl any Fianrr-maker 10 the application of felt eioih onlvrwt* 10 prove hi* mrxpertenee and want of (kill. The ouiaoril) of worW-renowned man-ifaelu rer«. such F.rarHen. I’lcyel, of Pan*, and llroad wootl, I'oliard A t'ollard. etc., of I«o'.don. will, -ar.n an inieltierni public, more that) suffice tn »«t a»nle the enviou* obrcetion* of any ol<*eure Piano-maker, rul,. er in th>* country or in Ku>»pv With regard ;o "■urn* ‘ >bry exist but in the brain of the wnier of the above metuoned letter A moil iropona-U part of a Piano t* the -‘damper.'' without which it perfect ly aseie*>, now. ihi* "damper" bejng mademvana bly. and >ll all cases, by all Piano maker*, o’ cloth, it would follow U>»l all Piano* are worthless, inasmuch a* cloth h much more -ul'iect to the above evil than feu, aud i« used moreover in the meeuaimm of rvery Piano. FUpanencc. however, prove* the contrary, and hence tue objection fail* to the ground. -Tore being the fraud ch*r«cteri«ue of a Piano,'' the sub scriber la willing to let the matter rest there, and abide by it* decision, which »il! be, with all who will furor him with a call and examine, greatly in favor of felt doth In a few day ■ Menri Nonna A Clark may (peak for themseive*. and the opposition they have met with from a certain quarter accounted for 11. KLKUKR, iptj 7 Sole Afent for Nunn* A Clark p.»j_By mistake the wrong name should hove been A Dunharu. m-tcad of f)u bot* A Stodart The most expensive Piano in thi* cily. one valued at Bhoo, is covered wnb Felt, and made by Chiekennc, Ba«'on It 1, in the possession of John M Kaq LKATIIER yarini FKLT, AN advcrusentein head-d "Felt Lea tber,' in the Mercurv of I3ih instant, prpfe*»ea to (inliL'bien ttu* community, and ihe •uhtorjber in particoJar. on the suhjcci of "new mvenuon-”’ tn Pi anos. The (o -lowing letter, from one of l e oldrti nod most-ne'cnsful Piano-forte manufacturing e tablish menu lu New York nty. may be of some mlertyt 10 those who wish to k.j»w bow matters stand ai the *ubjeot of - Felt veraus Leather “ N*w Youx. 9epL 10 1:49 Mr. J. H Mellor—Dear Kir Your favor of the 7th, enclosing Mr Klrber s puff in relation u> "Felt Hath covered Pianos," i« at hand It it amo«ln# lo u*. who are acquainted with the -nncka of the trade," that he ihou d suppo-e tl-e imclligcnt public at Plltsburßb were lo be caught by such mule traps. IheFel for cover ing hammer* ■* no "new iuveution. n 11 hat been in uie for ten or fifteen years by many manufacturer* m Eu rope rod America; it t» cheaper than leather, less dif ficult to work, and we have ,ned hard to saUsfy our selves with it, it would save expeu*c and trouble-; bat, after r<\p"aied trials, we have abandoned H ; we 6nd it impoas'ble 10 produce with it the quality of tony which leather give*, it dues uni wear as well, I* liable 10 be cut by die strings, and etteu by the moth*, a se rious obieuLon Tone t* th« grand eharieieristin of* Piano-lorte, and whether the interior i* nl "Dutch gold” or Japsn 1* a matter of ts*t* merely; should yoar friend-prefer the gold, we should readily make the change as it wnull Involve neither trouble or ex jeiue. Your ol»'t servant-. HACIIN A RAVF.N. A* 10 “other goo-1 Piano makers, such as Clicker ■ng, Boston and DuSiu- A Htodaru N Y . Ino-ueh firm at Dubois A Sto 'an e x.sis .nice ahonl t, and ihe pureliaae money refunded. if lound defective in any particular. Hie pure* are the same •• charged at the manufactory and are a« low aa those of niferi or quality from other maker*. Seven Rotoryood 8 oef» front Bacon A Raven. N V One do 6 do do H AVurcrater, N Y Two d*> f‘l do do Bacon & Raven, >J. Y One do 6 do do Ualo« ft. N. V Ai> the above Ptmno porte.a warranted in every re aped, being made eipre«a!y m order, and are toeh aa can be relied on for durability? even in touch, and of aupertor tooe. JOHN H MKt.I.OR, Sort Agsui for ante of Chlekenng’i Piano Pone*, apt? for "Weatent Peon*jtvnoi* MISCELLANEOUS. PITTtfBCOOB PBXALR INSTITUTE r l' H .i s L n *. uu,,or.e*. Gold (,g*rfl. fob and T»*t Chains. Gold Spectacles. . Gold Silver Pencil*. Gold Pena Ladies iroiii and Slone Bracelet*. Gold lockets. U atid Stiver Thimblea Dtstpond Rings and Pin. Ladies' and Gentlemens’ Breastpins. Sterling Stiver Spoons, Cups, Forks, Ac. Gold Watches a. low as 2D to 825 each. \V*wbe» and Jewelry exchanged. S|>oou> and Fork, plated on German Stiver,* • fine article. Ail watches warranted lo keep good ume or the money retumeiL Jewelry repaired, aud Watches cleaned and repaired in the best manner, at mneh less than tbe u,aal tmeea. GEO. C. ALLEN, Importer of VVatcbes and Jewelry, wholesale and rataj, 5t Wall sueet, (up stoinO .NEW .YORK. tuiJd4mi* EZPRBBI'PAS&iCT LI«K, FOR PHILADELPHIA AND DALTI3TORE, . Exclusively for Passengers. The Hoau of this Line willleave foitowa at 9 o’clock at BifhU indinita - P l.urtey, Saturday, Sept Ist Ohio—A Craig, Sunday, jd Louisiana— IP Thooipwon. Monday, Id. Kentucky—ll Tnwy, Tuesday, 4th i inot.i a—t* Iturkey, Wrdnerday. sth Obp>—Capt A Craig. Tburwtay, dtb I Loqi.iana—J P Thompson, Pndav, Tih. | Koti jcky—Capt H Truby. Saturday, sU. j Indi.uu - p Burkey, Sunday. Bth Oh»>—Capt A Craig, Monday, loth. I Louisiana—J P Thompson. Tuesday, UUi. I Keimicky— Capt II rruby, Wednesday, l*lh. Indiana—P Burkey. Thursday, 13th. Onto—A Craig. Friday, 14th I Utii>i»ii»-J P Thompson, Saturday, Isih. For pn*Mgr apply to W SUTCH, i Monongaheta House, ip’l or D LEECH A Co. Canal lb«a BARGAIN!. SELLING OFF AT COST.—Being about to decline . busmrsa, t will tell o(T ray stock at eo»t. Those witbint DRV GOODS or GROCERIES. Ac. Ac.. w>i| find it to thoir advantage to call before the Ist nay o( October. ■* 1 am determined to tell at very low prices for CASH FOR RBIIT—The corautodtons double Store Room wbicii I occupy, together with a ermfonabte ilwcllu f boose. The stand it one commanding ad vantages ui a i>u«tne*s man as food as anrin the city J will sell my enure stork, c» nsisung of Dry Goods, Groeer.cs, Sbor>, Ac., well selected for the location, at tbs lowest possible prices, to any person disposed to entoi into a comfortable business, and live posses •ion at any tune. SAMUEL, GROVE, * Federal street, Allegheny, above the North Com* mon. spiftdltt NEW arran-i the kind. always on ALH'i—Ficijt-h Burr kii.s Stones ol my own manufacture, made ef a new and superior qunutv of Block.. These Bun* are made and-r my own »upci>n tendance, and as great «•»,,. i« taken to mak • the joints close, and to fta*e an the block* :n o*>ea ‘J o }** of a uniform temper, they are warranted to be of the very best quality, superior to those imported from France; and al*o superior to the r re-1 mas* of those made in this couciry, and at p-tces lower thau have ever before, been offender! thu market. Laurel Hill M'U StOWi *li sues. Unhing Cloths, all mffuberis, of the best quality, war ranted to give satisfaction in the purchaser, and at greatly trdoetd prtee.i , _ . Mill Spindles, J&ll Iron*, Screw* and Pick*, Plat form Scales. Oni And Cob Onndert; Unit and Saw Mill Casting* of all kinds, and Mill Furnishing in gen- AU orders promptly atteuded to at 2H and IMA Lib “• ‘’‘w b .“ii h 'TAu. t cE. BAULK FOUNDRY- roun tnciK'Lso.s o. fatho. rsiuE undersigned, luceosor* to Arthur* A Nicbol- I beg leave to inform the cilises* of Pittsburgh and public generally, that they have rebuilt the EA i.Lh FUL’NDRV and are now in full operation, and liare pen of their paitein* reedy far the market:— Amongst wbielt are Cooking Stoves, Co*l attf Wood Stoves, wiib a splendid uMi*i", Co«i Stove, whieb is now supercedin' tp, »%her emtts me ebmmoh round Stov. *>, • rteap roal Cooking*} love,-well adap iuU for sirtall fara.lie*. with a full asaortment of com mon mu! mantel Grates We would particularly In vite the avenuon of persons building \a (ad, at our warehouse before purchasin', artf examine a splendid article of enamtuellcd fsOllcs, Qhlhhed 10 fide enurely ncr,- ji • ’**■ Warehouse,' LAgmet, opposite Wood si v |Rffc:dti NICUoL&ONA PAYNE. HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, ko FOR REST, MAnd possession given Immediately.—A well finished and completely furnished STGRF. on Market «, being a g*»od stand for Dry Goods. ALSO—Several rooms satiable for offie c* or A nit s' A large public Parlor, admirably caleula led for a I-mlies’ Refreshment and Ice Cream Saloon. From It. size, elegant fini.h, and eerttraliocaiion. h“- tng in the immediaie neighborhood of tbe tnshtonable dry good, .tores, and adjoining Philo Hall, this room would afford a permanent stand every way deatrnble. and in tbe hands of a person qualified to conduct the above business in Eastern style, would supply a want much felt by strangers visiting Pittsburgh and Isdtea residing tn the vicinity of the city. To such an occu pant it would secure a large, genteel and profitnb.e custom. The spa.-ious and well lighted basement o( the building will be rented with the Haloon. wt h which nt« conveniently connected. For ter»s,whieh arc moderate, apply to spun y E. D GAZZAM._ Engines for Sala< ONE PAIR SECOND HAND ENGINES 10 inch cylinder*. 4 feci stroke; 2 Boilers, 20 feet lot.g. 3 inches in diameter, *ll m «oo>i order, will be sold at a hargati, if application be mode soon. They have only been in use about 1? month* For particulars, inquire 01 jy27:dtf (L HA’l S, Gazrtte office JM YOtt RENT-Tba niutsion hoa-c now Hili OCCapleeny. between Hay and Marti Dry streets, now occupied by W (.ribsiu. Jr. i’msesstou given Immediately, Enquire of Wm. Graham, or at the Bookstore of JOHNSTON A STOCKTON, cornet Market and Third sirert*. M FOR BAIL If; A THRFE stoned Dwelling House, being li.e second house from Penn street, in Bi>yaer's Row, on Hay street Immediate possession wi'l be riven. Enquire of DAVID RITCHIE, Attorney at Law—^office on Fourth street, between Cherry nllcy and Grant strvet. ml9:d,f FOR RifiST, ' ~ MFOUR now two story OncK Dwelling Houses, well finished and in,complete order, on Center Avenue, 7th Ward. Possession given Ja! / i*L Reut low. Enqeire of JOHN WAFT A CO, ju6 corner of Liberty and Hand *u TO FAIIMMRB AND LDflßKßilliN. THE nndi-rtigneJ offers for sale iu county Pa-. IcGO acres of well umbered LAND, wttlt an excellent Saw Mill nearly new; and two hew Frame Houses, one 41 fact front by 47 back; the other 32 feet front by 24 bask. Also, good new frame Bam. thttty by forty feet. The mill and land arc situated four miles from the Allegheny nver. A great deal of TINE TIMBER of the best quality, and also a vast cu anti tv of the very best hemlock. Also, one acre on the bonk of ike Allegheny, near « cove, most admtrubly ndopl ed for rafting, where lumber can be rafted on tb< tee in winter, and be perfectly safe from al 1 freshet*.— Price TV.UOO, or 85 an acre. Terms easy. Will lake a well cleared sma l ! farm, with good hoasr and or chard upon ti, as part payment, tf^location is suitable, and the balance tit lumber, or os may be agreed or. This is an excellent opportunity for lumbering; and lbs probability is great that tn two or Three years this properly will double its value, in consequence of its proximity to the New York aud Kne Railroad. Tim ber sufficient to wear out several saw mills—and sev eral null sites on the stream which runs nearly threagh the centre of the land. About fifteen acres in gras*. No hilt to rise in hauling lumber froot mil; to nver. Trout end gome in ahouuauce. For fqrther particu lars, address, (post-paid,) V. B TEMPLKTuN, mvy4:dAwtfB Gazette office. Pittsburgh Two Lota for sste, THE snlrsenl>cr* will selt at private sale, those tws valuable Lou of Ground, situated on Tomato -u. In the Third Ward of Allegheny City, each haring a from of 20 feet, running hack 100 feet in depth to a 21) fett alley, upon which is built a stone well, 23 by 100 feel, which contains stone enough to build cellars for two comfortable dwelling hou-e*. and tn from there are three shade trees, of s years growth, and the side walk u paved with brick, all of which will be solo at 8900. Pituburgh and Allegheny, or County Scrip, wtil be taken in payment J A 11 PHILLIPS, Na 5. Wood *c, or to WM. BENSON, immediately opposite stud lots. my 29 FOR SALE—Five lots eligibly situated in i&e flour ishing town of Birmingham. The lou are situa ted on Denman street numbered in F Bonsman’s plan 73, 79, SU, hi and SJ—Lot No 75 fronting 2U fuel on Ma ry Aan street. 70 feet deep; the other foar 20 feci front, each, by eo feet deep . Term*—Greater part of nurrbase moi-ey may re Knin for sax years, secured by mortgage. For panic ajar*, inquire of B»CIfUVER, tnylo iu* second *t Valuable CoaX Lend for Sake, ABOUT foar mile* above Lock No. 2, at the mouth of Pine Rao, Monongaheta River. Tbe Coal is of the very best quality, and easy of access. Any number of seres, from twenty-fire to a hundred, might be obtained. Persons desirous of purchasing, c&o call an WALKER REED, on the premises, or Wm Reed, opposite the Post office, who will give any in 'onnatiou concerning the property. The above wm ti' sold at a great bargain. myfltdbm TO LI7P—A good brick Dwelling Hou«*. situate on J. Robixsau street, Allegheny. Enquire of ui»H» 30U/MON SCHUYER L'URMALE C'HEAp VbR SCRiP—A tot o? grouud F situate on Webster street, 23 feet from High street; 20 feel front on Webster, by fcO feet to a five icet all.-y —qtuie close to new courthouse. Price 9H3U. Terms, 83A) cash in bond; balance in une, two, three, and foot years trots tha first of Apnl lash County and City Scrip taken fur cash payment. In quire of _myld 3 B«.’HU YKR. i i n seco-iil «t ABA Acres boat h*nd lor Bala, SITU A roil on the Monongaheta n jot, about 1 4 miles from ntiaturgb ami 3 nulc* above third l.ock, in the immediate neighborhood of Messrs. Lyon A Bomb, and Mr. John Herron's purchase. This fine body of Coal will be sold at the low price of 833 per acre one third in band, balance in five equal annual payment?, without interest. Tide mdupautble. Locution very good—cannot be surpassed. For further particular* enquire of A BaLsi.kV whoshos a draft of said pro perty. Residence 2d st, below Ferry, Mr. Adams' few. N. B. There t* another seam of coal on utis irifct, about 00 feet above tba lower, of excellent qasJity. )y*:dtf_ _ S. B. V&aaßFs Oalidiag Lota fog ooi«< THE subecribers are authorized to offer at private sole, and upon highly favorable- terms, a number of very valuable Building Loin, comprising a large portion ef the Lyts numbered S 7, Co, CD and 76, to \V ood*' Gcueroi Plan of the City of Puatrargh, situa ted al the south eaitwardly corner of Penn and Wayne streets, fronting 940 feet on the former, and extending along the laner about eui feet to the Allegheny river, and being’a part of the Real Estate oi the late James S. Stevenson, Esq , deceased. A plan or subdivision of the above Lou, ranlor mity with which it is proposed to «<." may be seen at the office of the undersigned, on Fourth, between Mar ket and Ferry sis. WIUJ.AMS * KL'HN. my 3 TWO HODSifiS AND LOTS Foil SA.L.K AA TWO i>>rs on Beaver street, m the city o JUS. Allegheny, above the upper Commons, on a hick is erected a frame building, two stones high, for two small lenemcut*. The lots are ej.-b twenty feel in front by one huudred feel deer, ant. . . ‘••rk to a street forty feet wide. The buildings on the pre mises wilt pay a very handsome interest on ihe InvesiJ ment, and the property will be sold cheap lor cash. Apply to H. Sproul, Clerk’s odice4 U. S. or to nov» _____ KAY ACo SootoE Uottoca Laa4 for Sait. TEN ACRES OF LAND,wiu?Uslia Peebles town ship, on ihe three miles from Puis burgh—iu lots to iuui purchaser*. For farther panic olars apply to Henry Wood*. Jd su or to A WASIILNGTON, novVa-dtf itli, above HiqithhelJ si ank WARKIioDSE FOR BALK.— I*bc sub»cribo KB offer* for sale the three stonr brick Warehouse ou Wood street, occupied by R. Tanner A Co. apl? WM. WILSON. Jr. VALUABLE REAL F4J f'ATEON PENN HTKEi.*! FOR HALE —A Lot of Ground situate on Feim street, between liny and Mnrbury streets, adioming the house and lot now occupied by fLcbard having a from of '& feet, and in dep’.h lid feet, wti: be told on favorable terms. Title unexceptionable. En quire of C. Ol LUOMI3, 4ih st, near Wood. octfMif Por Sal*. A DESIRABLE Building Lot tn Allegheny city, fa vorably located, in size about half an acre, and will be sold oo accommodating terms, l-quire of febfi _ J D WILLIAMS, ill) wood *t jaa K'*H RENT—A room in liic second story, No jSL' take the morning boat* in Uutfaio or up the Lakc. Ttekcu through to Kne and ail Lake imria- can be had by application 10 JOHN A CAt'LHKY. Ae>, roroot of Water and Sratthheld tta ot«KI»IU.K KhiCK, >■ niter the Si iltarlca Howl SCSI PBOOF IHOsV ” r T*HK underlined have erected work* in the etty of J. New York. iof the purpose of Galvanising *;i aru eic* of Iron, wtuci. n t» desirable to I’RUTECT KitoM RUST, « •» Tolcvruph Wire, Boitt, Spike*. Nails, Wire lor Fence*, nntf any other article which nay Pc required. K« Hoop* for Cask as a substitute for bale Kojx, lor i-UHtir* Unes. Ligbuiuiv Rods and u him ■;{ other apfilicauuut, it will be found cheap and dornUie. fhey would particularly call attention to ic>- i.n'vain trd Wire tt>i tuner*; it require*, ii* ps;;,t. and will not rust AUo to Spike* and botu, u< - of which i* of *o Diarii iniporunrc. that u *til comment! itself to the notice of oil those interested. OBn. B MORKWOtiD K Co’, Patentee* oeLKMAwtvT 14 *n,l tit llcavr .1. N York. qiAOCKN WILL remain upm lor Virnter* until the Ut Janua ry, Iciu letter* and other Refreshments suit ed to Uto season will t>e ke.,.L The Oremiboiise «on lauiing a large collection of rare nud choic* Plants, will he open to virUori lloqqcu tiiaily put up *i shun nouce throughout the. .eason. An Omnibus leaves me Allegbey: *..d of me Sl» Clair Sirret Bridge, everv half hour durng the day, running to the Garden; and the ferry boat, Captain Wulkrr, run. fmtn the Point, landing a short ilisunoe shove ike liar : den. Parue* wuhiug to ipeud llyj ever U ,ir l ' will he accommodated with a return ffr>nit,y. a i it* o'clock, ; P. M. Kept on Tecqpc\nn?c pfmaples, ami closed on »°nday. , _ aptU __ J. M'KAIN. Rooting.— Qfclvantaud Tin Plata*. THHasbscnbera begin eall the attention of Builder*, Architect* and owuers of building*, to the many advantage* which these plain possess over ali oun metallic substances Hitherto used tot roofirtj. Ac., as they posses* at once the llghtnea* n' iw»i. vyhhout it* liability to rust, navi.-tg now tested for several year* in thi* pan,’*d‘.^, H b,,di In this country and iu Me rope. TV-j uro tfcss (sable to expansion and Chirac tiou from 'fuddcn change of the aimosphcru, com mon tin plates, iron, nnc, or any ulV* uyjm ru w u.ed for roofing, and emtsequcii'.ty foan * much, better and lighter roof; fhr teas Qiqußni ttpUb whilst the first e«ai is but i uifc «oi^. A f«JI itij’plv of all UX9S from l«w»" *’• coa * (Unity on P-.trd and for uie by OUO B. MORBWDOR fc M aiH 10 Beaver street. New V ark. The patent nghller J r* aitir.e hiving been »eeured to, me United Amies, all p.aroe* iMitJiginf thenfoa either by importation or otherwise, wi lib e p tusepu- WL i?C^%AAvri7T MEDICAL. COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA, Tie moil WonJerfal Medicine of the Ip, 1,500,000 BOTTLEB MANUFACTURED YEARLY. This Dadlctna la pmt op tn Rssrt wwvim and has cored more >*»» 100,000 Cases of Cbroxdo Pfsi»M» ) vrtUila Use iasX Ten Venn.—Nona Is Garatac anlees dgned by 8. P, TUWSdKSD, EXPOSE. BY READING THE FOLLOWING AFFIDAVIT —tno Public will leant the origin, or rather when ths recipe for making the stuff they call Old Dr. Jraob Townsend's Sarsaparilla, came from—and wilt be abU lo Jndge which is the genuine tnd original, tad c i the honesty of the men who are employed in selling U pa the original Dr. Townsend’s Sarsaparilla Dr. 8. P Townsend was the ortgisal proprietor and inventor oi Rr. Tosmsend’s Sarsaparilla, and hi* mcdiniiw has rained a repatation that no other remedy erar gained, lie msrrufhetnrvd over one million of bottldl but year, sod is mannfhc taring at pros cut 5,000 bottles per dey. We use more Strsaperilla and Yellow Dock In oar establishment each day, than all the other Sarsapanlk Manufacturer* in the world. Principal Office. 134 FultoMt. BEAD THE AFFIDAVIT. ODy rad Cewtf* eF EtwYtk, a*. >* ill ism Armstrong, of the sild City, being duly swore, doth depose and tay n»*« be is a practical Druggist and CbemlsL- That some tune tat the of “J7’ ” *«* «f June, 1943, a man by the same of Jacob Townsend, who ai that time vm a book and pamnhLt peddler, called upon deponent, at the house °* “f’ Tompson, No. 43 Hodsowtrvct, where depo nent boarded, and requested de-onant to write hhe a recipe br which to make s Syrup of Sarsaparilla, Deponent farther says, that ha became oeqaafittS with said Townsend al the offleu of Theodwe Foster Uo, Book Pubiuher, with whom s£x!w23 dealt Thai said Townsend had had freqnent eonveraa- Bona with deponent respecting the mannfficloie of ■* article ot Sarsaparilla to be soU onder the *.*■«. rf tw Jacob Townsend. That said ’ Townsend stated he was awold man. and poor, and was not fit far hard labor— end wished to make toms monev, fa order to live easy Is his old days, and that, if HartanariDs under the name of Town send told to well, ano *» mneh money was *—** fcv ft, he could see no reason why he might not i»»v» something out of it too, (hi* name being TownsaadJ if he could get a capable person to prepare a reeipo, and manufacture It for him. Deponent is one of £e conversations caked said Townsend if he was related to Dr. & T Townsend, to which he replied, that he knew Dr. A p, Townsend Would be down u& him after he should commence. But that he did not care far him, u he had farmed a co-partnership with men who could famish the requisite amount ot ‘'tpital—oM was weU prepared to defend himself sgamst any attack that might fra msde’on him. Deponent further uys, that pursuant to the raquaet of said Jec&b Townsend, he wtotn a recipe far the manufacture of a Syrup of Sarsaparilla, and gsvdft to him. Said Townsena observed ihat he wanted to make e speeimen to -exhibit to his partners far their approval as bo wished to gratify them tn ersry thing, as they famished all the capital—said -Townsend also told deponent that tbe bottles they were to ussFWeye to be oi the some me and shape as Dr. A P. Town, send’*, and deponent, st Uie requt .’ ■' said Jacob Townsend, went to the office of Dr b 1' Tuwueod, and procured one of his labels. And deponent further says, that he has been inform ed. and verily believes the Syrup of Sarsaparilla, seld as 014 Jacob Townsend’s, Is made after tbe recipe fas dished by deponent, to Jacob Townsend, as aforesaid And further deponent faith not. WILLIAM ARMSTRONG Sworn to before me, this 24th day of May, IMS. C. 8. WOODHULL Mayor of the City of New York PROOF!! PROOF!!! Here is proof conclusive that Dr. A P. Townsendl fiantpanlla is the original The follow is iiom some of the inost respectable papers tn uju State FROM THE Albany Evening Jasnsl. Dr. Townsand’B Sarsaparilla. There probable never has been to popular* remedy, or patent medicine, as Dr. TownsetuK* Senupsriliii, which was originally, and be canofsc lured in this city, st first by the Doctor himseft and. afterwards far several yean and to the present ttana, by Clapp A Townsend, tha present proprietors. Stsrq.' the partnership was farmed, the Doctor has resided in N*w York, where he keep* s store, and attends to the basinets that accumulates st that point. The maau factory is in this city, and is conducted by tba joe .ir partner, Mr. Clapp—here ail tha medicine is manufac tured. Few of our citizens bsve any ides of the amount cl thisTnedicine that is manufactured and sold. Besides the sales in this country, it is shipped *o ttan Canadas. West India Islands, South America, and even lo Lu rope, in considerable quantities. At the manufactory they employ a steam engine, besides a large number of men. women and giru, in tha preparation of tha medicine, making boxes, printing, , and turn out, ready far shipment, over 4tX> dozen per day. or nearly MOO bottles. This is an eaormods quantity. Tbe great sole the medicine has acquired, has in duced s munberof men U) get up imitations, and there is at the jircseut Ume. other medicines far sole, that are cslletf- Dr. Townsend’s Sarveparilw.” Ono in par ticular started a short time ago la New York, is called “ Old Doctor Jacob Townsend's Kareapanlifl.” aud ap |arentiy with * view. M dirt of advertising, *j»; i-« nsuai remedies reported to in such effoit.,. to appropri ate the name of'Dr.'R I’ Townsend’s great remedy, sod thus gsiit all the advantages resulting Iroru tb* popularity of the nsme which he hea.scquired for It, by years of patient and expensive labors. Dr A r Townsend, formerly of this city, as u well kuov o here, is the inventor snd original proprietor of tbs medicine V:i»"»n jt* "Dr ToivnseoJ't Sarsaparilla," slid we think tbossfpersous who are attempting to tell their article as the genome, should be exffosed FROM THE Sew York Dolly Tribime. - (Xj- W* published an advertisement i&sdvcrtehtly some time since that did injustice to Dr. A P. Town send, who is the original proprietor of the preparation of ftaranparilta known ss br. TowoscndV Other parties have within the past few months engaged or ronnecu-d themselves with;* man by tho eff Towutcnd whoput op a medicine tod <-*n« it by ths same name This medicine wts advertised in 71« TnAuas ss the original, kc. This advertisement aisß cortsi&ed matter derogatory tn the character of Dr S. I' Townsend vnd that of nis medicine. We regret it appeared, and in Justice to tha Dr. make tba ta pianatlon. FROM THE New York Daily Stan. Da. Tuvjoiti’i extraordinary advertisement,which occupies an cotire page of the Sen. wilt not escape notice. Dr. s* P. Tiiwntend. who is the original pro prietor of Dr Townsend's harsmpirilla, and whose of dec is neat door tu he ha* been for sever *1 year*, is amteg an immense basinets. He receives no Icm than four hundred dozen of Sarsaparilla par day, and even this enormous quanlit£.doe* not supply Iho demand. No medicius ever gained so great a IKipnlanty as his preparation of the Sarsaparilla. Hu edition of Almanacs for 1&19 cost $24,000, and he has paid the New York Sou for advertising, m th 4 last four yean, over $lO,OOO, and he acknowledge* that it is the cheapest advertising he has had dune This medicine u exported to the Canadas, Wvti Irv diea Booth America and ksropa, in considerable quantities, and is coming into general use in tkote countries, as well as here. Swindlers. Druggists and other* that fall Sarsaparilla for the genuine sod original Dr. Townsend's Bamparßla, that la not signed oy B. Y. Townu-mb commits a trend, and swindles the customer*. Men that would be guilty of such an act, would commit any other fraud —and no Druggist of common intelligence bat know* that oun is the only genuine. Old Jacob Townsend. Some people who are not well informed, and hsva out read the papers, and not seen our advertisements, have been led to (oppose, that because these men *d virtiio their stuff as * Obi Jacob Townsends,'’ that it must, of court*?, be the original, it is less than one year since they commenced to make their medicine. Oun hat been in the market orer ten year*. Tbls Old Jacob Townsend. They an endeavoring to palm off on the public es an old Physician, fce. He u not a regular educated Physician, and never attempted to manufacture a med icine, until then men hired him for the use of his name. They say they do not wish the people to be. Here that their Beraaparilla is otirv or the ume hut the Letter to dccetvti the public, they at the tame time assert that their 1 * is the Old Dr. Townceud'i, and the. original; and endeavor to maka the people believe that the stuff they manufacture, it the Dr. Townsindt Sarsaparilla. that ha* performed so maor wonderful cures for the past tea yean, and which Las gained a reputation which, no other medicine ever enjoyed which is a base, villainous, unprincipled falsehood IVe have commenced suit* against the** men for damage*. We wish It to be understood, that the old man is no relation to Dr. Townsend whatever. In (bear ad.. vtrtisemenu and circulars, thee publish a number of gins* lalsehood* respecting Dr.*Townseu>l. wuieh w# will not notice. Palse Report*. Our opponents have pubiishc in the papers, that Dr. A P. Townsend was dead. Tins they send to their agents about the country, who report that w* have given up business, he. ks. The public should be on their guard, and not be deceived by these onttnaci pled men. ifatfc* of firweeaJ.—Alter the first of September, 194ft,4Jr. o. P. Townsend's New York Office will bn io the South Baptist fhurch. No. M Nassaustrae!. which is now undergoing a thorough cbcr<“, and will be fitted for the better accommodation of '‘iu pro pnetort and the public. Tat. 4 particular ,Votirv—No Sartapanll* it the genuine and original Dr. Townsend 1 * 5.,. lararilla. na less signed by A Y. Townsend AetwT*.—adding k Co, No. 9 Stateatreet. end Mr»- K. Kidder, No. 100 Court-ctreet, baton , B«maat Kidder, Jr, Lowell ; Hcorr Prett, Salem ; James B. Green. Worcester ; Allison k GsuJt, Concord; J belch k Boa, Providence j end bv nul M*r rhenu generally throughout the United state*. West Wi»* and the Canid a* Kut -air t.) n f. >r.i,I.KRS, Sole Agent for FMt»- burxh: I) M CT RKV, A.ieifbMiy, A PATFEBSON. BiruwncUam , reptH-dyl ID* V'bkptiov* »\;j <**•■» Lm-cusia- u»NJW*irfi*n ia» Chemical i >«u*c« a fr-e f.e«»p.!*non. end el lb« «tuno nm«* moliCir *. motlenr, and wn'ir.::« the stin, Rivme Ii t»- 5« w a„,| hiau:t oi a-t infant's. S»:.t Rnrr* *xi- ?••««. -■* hr«lr«I. hot nip- 1 t.y itn u«... »< at nan* ir. Neo Von know i\t,n u 1 .. >.»<■ •'or. ao«oolp it Ir.Mm-vi.ii Kcrt. -i; ail ID.-U Cl'**. and &u 4 t< uiifbi.'iij;—a!*<. !n lUit> iikh. I'tisaua, '.r tri j*io >!»*• pui|i-»l n.i'Uunt. on»- irm: will I r Si'.ux ftr-j-iin.- Hu/ it, -u , »r, ■COUtd ail I .an. Ko»c Wlu. .H' I 1.. Cu 1.1 ’>. uu Cuarui Ti • vi. “r«. I an*! ru*e ,\ .tUliviol witii »i». •“ ■>' •»!*> '«.«»* liar 111'- 111 |U ‘Oar I Rul r.nulcr .io-. *<* ».?U rutadeOa, a-.dJx mfr you =.<.\KS S JKsmiCU Soap. sold i.j- v.’M jj*t K*n> a r.iUuv ttruh PuMbarjn. • a^dfcwT ID” all ..OMV HIWWS. •!'!) M*ar**tl U?tt lly tnllow-ini; a.-- i 5- ~uatrjg« «< n sa. ban’ .• Jolts'* C<>«*i U-r K iwt»L*t. If tUev douV JT word. iJi«-y • tm~ ■•-!. 'i l s »i*i. who h 5»« tried '• Ml. (tm. iWk»-i, U F.iu »». New York Mr» Mai..d* av, Bmu yn Mr Win, -it King *t, New \ ,» f ». Mr T«o» >-i<:«wa, W»m;oi»TS Imia'ui, near. Prne'jt ,- U r. fit e.utale l*arb*-.r ueambo*' i Aoirnco. An.« ilo'v than a 'iwitdred -t u g Sh ihi* mL.i . U l6rr l U.Mll«lll,or- Hit , u %nr * <*, hrai. or lorn. «!o|. : <•«. Xil- TOIL, rvurovixa -uri aim a*:,droll ia- rt.trts, w..«rt« g ii S ai, red. «>r (tray a»*r n-iamo a ftua dart IcokTaod k-epuir ill), harsh or vrtry Mir motu, salt, data ■"<* txaauf..-? v'srj.veiy sotd by tlx Ac-o. \vv JACKSON, «y idlejyy n. Ptttihurffh . IVuie J7V, soceoi*. awl one doit.. ' antt:H. I>. UUNT, «i Dcc»li»». ter«e»a wpS-iljTj: ilcrket«ftdF*nr>Ci«tt». s