The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 01, 1849, Image 2

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p i b c aaoi
Jtrlii rmuuHu Duit Gasans u published
Duty, Tn* Weekly, and Weekly.—The IHUy U Seven
Dollars pet armam; the Tri-Weekly u Ftvo Dollars pre
autism; ;'&e Weekly iiTwo Dollars per annum, itrioif
iL/'Atirxartsazs are earne«Jy requested lo band in
•bur favors before if. fgta u early In the day si
practicable. Advertisements not Inserted for a specii
fled time will Invariably be charged until ordered oa
&dT£ic>«acultaDdsab»eripuuisb> the North Amer
cut utd United StalesDaxeoe, Philadelphia, receive
ad forwarded from this office.
job canal, cmocuttcrirn.
HENRY M. FULLER, of Uukrao Cooaty.
WILL LAM UASLETT, of Boiler County!
ROBT. C VTALKEK, or Eixabetb Borough
JOHN Hni.M, of Sharptbanhi
CALEB LEE, of Pntsfcnign.j
WAL ESPY, af Uwer St Clilr.
CARTEH CURTIS, of Pmsbjrgh.
tILO. 8 MAYS,'Of Upper Sl Clair
JOHN MORRISON, of Allegheny
JAB MITCHELL, of Peebles.
\TM. M. ARTHURS, of Pittsburgh
• aontroK.
JOHN DYERS of Findlay.
Jfor LMkl flutters tea next paf*.
Be* a»xt pa|» for TiUcraphU Hawi.
Are Von Assessed!
Let every Whig voter ace to ibis al once. Ex
amine the liil put op in your election district, and
If year name tn not there, have yourself aaeased
immediately—for if you are not amsesaed Ik leaal
Un-day* before the e'.tyiion, or have not paid a
or County Ux-wuhin two years past, yoo
vril! icae your vote.
fly Bigrgfgtmo* or Aimataroxic atoWhihTki
mx-.Tbe Boroughs and Townships south of the Mot
Donyahela will be supplied with tickets at the office i
the Commercial Journal
'Bornurhs and Townships north af the Allegheny
river, and Allegheny City, will be supplied at the office
of the Dally American
'The city of Pittsburgh at lb* office of the Daily (is
roue; and the Boroughs and Townships between the
Monotigahela and Allegheny rivers will be supplied
by the candidates.
By order of the Committee. epcM
WAiHirtarntt N'rva—We learn from Wash- j
iogtoo correspondence, that the rumor which has |
been started, lo the etfect that there has been • I
sharp correspondence between Mr. Compton, the 1
British charge, and Mr. Clayton, upon the subject I
of the Mosquito territory, is incorrect. There has
been no correspondence with Mr. Compton on the
subject, but there has been a very decided stand
taken by our government upon the interference of I
England in .the affaire of the Moxjoito country.
Mr. Poussin has left Washington for New York,
where he will await the orders ofrhts Government
It is said be has disclaimed all purpose of insett
ing our government, and would have called upon
Gen< Taylor and paid his respects, before leaving
the city, hai it been consistent with diplomatic eti
Gsn. Taylor professes to entertain none bat kind
feelings towards M. Poussin, and he ts indignant
at the newspaper calnmay in regard to his alleged
delation of Madame Pouasin from the ctvilitiesof
the While House:
ll ia indeed eingalar that one holding the high
position of M. Pouwin should not better under
stand the nnture of language, and the courtesies
ot diplomatic intercourse. He most be wholly an
ailed for the post he held, il his words so mocb
belted bu intentions.
Hr. Fuller-QassUon of Veracity.
Both of the Locofoco papers ol this city, the Pott
and the Mercury, of Saturday, contain attacks
upon Mr. Puller, iar a remark he uttered in his
speech in Allegheny, on Thursday evening, to the
effect, that Foreign Iren was to be used on the
ew road, to avoid the inclined plane, near Phils*
delphia. The Poet* remarks are in its usual
blackguard style, and we should deem them on
wpFlhy of notice, were it not that a telegraph de
har becD obtained front Harrisburgb, to the
toUowiog purpart ' —
‘-Hae&isbithu, Sept. 2a, 1549.
“Dear Sir—There ts not odc word of truth,
shadow of truth in the assert’oo, nor was the
single ctrcucnstaQce to j cut iff or paltiate the fal
hood. J. MILLER. 1
We have not seen Mr. Fuiler since the attacks
upon hi* veracity, he baviog left town early on
■Saturday morning, and do not know what evi-
dence be may be in possession of to substantiate
his statement, but we do know that the above
despatch from J. Miller, goes entirely beyond the
truth, when it says that there was not a tingle
circafuiinoce U> justify the statement. Without
knowing, we say, what evidence Mr. Faber may
have, wo assert that there was enough known
publicly, aud which we have not seen contra*
dieted, to justify Mr. Fuller in his remark. The
following s'.atocueut, copied into this paper on the
13th ot September, anil which has been pubkabed
throughout tiie Uuioa, and which we have never
seen contradicted until now, will folly bear out
Mr. Fuller.
“The Norristown Herald publishes a notice, is
sued to their workmen by Reeves, Buck Ac Co., of
the Pbmtnivule Works, who bsd ir.ade proposals
to tfie Canal Bjard for supplying the rails for the
new road, offering tbeiu at alow rate—“lower
than was ever before offered by American in ana*
facttmirs”—aud were, in coasequeuce, so confi
dent of geUiug the contract that they ooufied the
workmen aud made preparations fqr resuming
operation* on the 2‘hh. Their notice was of two
days earlier due, and was to the Inflowing effect:
“Wa expeored lo have aiarted the Puddling Por
nacei la the Rail Mill, on next Monday morning,
Wo are informed by this day’s mail that the party
that we expected would take the rails made from
the iron that we intended to have puddled next
week, have pursbored English rails at a less price
than we can make them-
“We have nothing, nod sb ill not be able to
atari the Mill again until we have orders, which
sve hope wJ I uol be long.
“We regret that we cannot find work for the
men in our employ, bat the fault la not oars: it is
owing to the Tariff of ISltj."
Toe “Party” referred to was the Coital Board.
The price, the Herald says, at which Messrs. K-,
B. fie Co. offered to furnish their rails was $6l per
ton; ‘•and it is admitted," adds that joaraal, “that
there ia a difference of 20 per cent in tavor of the
American over the English rails; but because the
laUo.- cootd he had in our market at $lO, oar Canal
Hoard give them the preference."
This statement, we say, has been going the
rounds of ibe papers,.and we have never seen it
contradicted. If it baa bden, we overlooked it—J
What authority the Norristown Hrrold had for |
•tying that the Canal Hoard was the party nego
tiating- with Reeves, Bock, 6c Co., we cannot say, j
bat we presume the editors will be able to sub
stantiate their statement. We think it extremely
possible that the Herald tells no more than the
truth , but it may be possible that the Cana*
Board boa reconsidered its determinations, owing
• to the excitement occasioned by the announemeot
of iu determination to use foreign Iron.
That auch an nncontrmdieted statement did jus
tify Mr. Fuller in his remark, even admitting he
be had no other authority of which we know noth'
>Qg, every lair man will admit, and shows the ex
aggeration, of Mr. J. Miller, when he asserts there
“was not a single eitvumstanet to justify or pah ale
the falsehood.”
PrsUltsnt Kplieopal Convention.
The diocesan convention of the Protestant Epita
copal Church in New York commenced its annua
•usioo at 10 o’clock on Wednesday morning, in
SC John’s Chapel. The attendance of members
wta quite to the average at the commencement of
the session, and the attendance of ladies in the
galleries was larger than usual.
Morning prayers were very beauufully and im
pressively read hy the Rev. Mr. Price, assisted by
Rev. W. Halsey, ofSiug Sing, who lead the les
sons for the day.
The anie-oommonion service was read by the
Bev. Dr. McYickai, and the epistle for the day by
the Rev. Dr. &eabury.
The annual sermon before the convention was
preached by the Kev’d Ur. Robinson, formerly
miasm nary to Greece. The discourse was found
ed upon Lake 12 c- part of 48 v. Unto wKomso
«er ertult u (ft*#* of Are* shall la -musk reyttiW."
tLAVAGta or Chozxa* *t ajid xui Mac»ir*o.
p P «y»nyef, at Detroit from Mackinac, oc iba
82i init, report til mow dealba as bavin* oecut
iedon the Wind within twenty-four hours previous
to tbfii/dep* rtarf • The Detroit Commercial Boh
letia ata*C* that the bodiesof twenty-ono Indians
were found the day bsforei.on the beach, aboataix
adleafrom Mackina?. The Indiana o*cre on their
vetam home from the payment, and had no doubt'
todelguJ too freely «h excesses of all which
broajhiontbe cholera. Its informant says, that
Ibrep death* oecnrred while the steamer Albany
the wharf etMaeklnae. The reporta
fioatiute vere truly iSeptonUa
Hie editor of the Despatch end a correspondent
of that paper, raise an issue with us, for denomina*
ting out tVkrt in this county —•Aniimatonu and
Wktg. m Over the title of the ticket we have so con
trel The party in this county is known as “Antima
soaie and Whig”—the County Coovenliona, and the
P/wmßinwn of Correspondence all bear that name.
It will bs time enough for ns to change the name
of the ticket when the party which notmn ates it,
through their Conventions shall so decide- Such
a change we aisoredly shall not advise. Although
we deeply regret that the principles and teachings
of Anlimaaonry have not had greater influence in
preventing the growth and spread of the great evil
of Secret oath-bo and societies, yet we rejoice to
know that there is a large measure of the old leav
eo—of the “blesad spirit,"—still left in this region
and it aball be our effort to foster, not destroy il—
While the name lasts there is still an influence
greatly exerted fo* good. Men thus have their
memories refreshed concerning the glorious influ*
ences and virtues of 4ntimaeonry In former days.
Antimssoary made Pennsylvania a Whig Slate,
end if it did not do all it aimed at nod desired, in
ibo&bmg secret societies, it robbed them of the
chief part of their mystery and glory, and render*
ed modern secret associations but exceeding faint
samples of thoss former limes, when no voice
was raised against them. There is s deep.bbbest,
and extremely religions influence abroad against
them in almost all the churches, and however
much the friends of such institutions may sneer at
Antimaaonry and the Anlimssonic feeling, yet we
do not despair of an entire overthrow of the evil
before many years. Secret societies have become
so numerous, and founded on so many pretexts.
that they will Anally fell of their own weight
. They have never recovered, and we do not be*
I lieve ever will recover from the ponderous blows
the “blessed spirit-"
•Free Labor—Free Soli— Fre* Spsaeb,
and Frss Han 11
The following resolution, wbi”h to cogently and
briefly comprehends the principles and objects aud
influences of the great Whig party of the I'mon,
was lately passed at a Whig meeting in Plans*
burg, New York. It will And an answering chord
in every Whig bosom •
“Resolved, That our confidence in iho principles
of the Whig party ta unshaken and undtminmheti,
and that the permanent success of that party, both
,a this State nod the Nation, involves the true to*
I teretts of the American people: that the great
I question of free labor, free speech, Iree soil, and
free men, when placed in the custody and care of
the Whig party, have always been maintained
I “permanent and secure:” and although a fragment
of the ooce powerful but now ‘dissolved democratic
I party," have declared in favor of the free men and
I free laborers of America, as something entirely
I new to them, yet post experience has proved that
1 the Whig party atone will preserve inviolate their
I rights, encourage their interests, and maintain
| their honor. It ia nothing new to Whigs to be
I found battling for the rights of free laborersimd
I free men. We cannot but rejoice as Whigs,.that
I a portion of the late democratic party has yielded
I to some of our most cherished principles : long
may they maintain the bonorof co-operating with
the great Whig party ia prosecuting such princi
ples to their final aod triumphant success. Nev
ertheless, civil and religious liberty, freemen and ■
freemen’s rights, will find their only safe repose in
the custody of, and can only secure an ultimate
I triumph by the continued, persevering sndxeaL
| oui action of the Whig party."
Let every Whig recollect when he goes to the
polls, that he is not merely voting for this or that
candidate—which is a matter of minor importance
—but that he is giving power, expression, and
force to Whig principles, and sustaining his own
j chenshed party, in which “civil aod religions lib
| Q rty, freemen and freemen's rights, find their only
safe repose."
A Feet worthy of Settee.
Whether the people realize it or not, it is fact
worthy of particular notice, says the Erie Gazette
that the Pablic Works yielded no revenue to lb«
State previous to Jauxs M. Powra's election a:
Canal Commissioner. The receipts were inv
biy less than the expenditures, and the result was
■ yearly segmentation Of the Slate Debt The
people naturally became alarmed—so much so.
that, without distinction of party, they naked the
Legislatore to authorize the aale of the public
works.—This demand was responded to by the
passage of a bill submitting the question to a vote
|of the people, and they decided in fovor of a salt
jby some 16,000 majority. Before, however, iht
preliminaries for their disposal conld be consummi
•ted, Mr. Power came into office, and the very
first year of his term showed an excess of W 00,009
revenue over and above ail expenses. All
parties were startled—Whigs, tbemelves, rould
ree believe it —but it was nevertheless so
ever sioce that period, the annuaT revenue has
been between §lOO,OOO and $500,000, and ail
desire for the sale of the pablic improvement* has
passed away. What does tho fact teach 1 It
teaches the importance of sapplyiog Mr. Power’*
piece with an intelligent, honest, reliable man—
o?e who. like Mr. P n will frown upon every spe
cies of plunder and manage the public works in
I a spirit of economy ood faithfulness. —Henry M
[ Faller is such a man* His abilities are ondupa.
(e d—his integrity is above suspicion—and his de-
votion to thepnblic ioleree’s no one who knows
him can doubt. His election is demanded by con
siderations of tne highest importance —the Stsle
imperatively nerds him, and should be lx*
defeated, we aboil look lo the future with forebr -
dings of reckless plunder and tarnished credit.
Wbigi of Erie coanty. let it nol be brought lo your
ehargelhat you by culpable supinenesa and neg-
ligeace, contributed to such a result.
Michjoaji Politics. —The loeofoco Stale Cor ■
vention bad on exceedingly warm time of It- The
uopolar sentiment leaned strongly toward Robert
McClelland for Governor; but General Cass’*
rads were bitterly opposed to him. ’They pre-
ferred any other man. and. through six informal
ballots, shuffled every card lathe pack, tu defeat
him. But they were foiled. McClelland, on the
sixth informal ballot, received 69 votes, Farnr-
orth 49, and Barry 7. Finding themselves thus
:hrowa, they demsnded s forma! vino e ot* vote,
which was conceded . And then came iheif tri
umph. Farnsworth was dropped, and McQei
loud, who had just received a handsome majority,
was beaten by Barry * The vote stood, Barry 66
JdcClelladd 59 ’ It Is to be seen how Mac’s friends
will brook this juggling.
A Reoaßxabi.* Exrtnmos.—On Tuesday last,
(be 25th inst., the Barque Eureka , sailed from
Cleveland, Ohio, for San Francisco in California,
with s large list of passengers. Her course lies
through Like Erie, the Welland Canal, Labe On
lario, end the River St. Lawrence, to the Atlantic.
Thesailingofthe Eureka,the second merchant ves
i *el fro® the Lakes to the Ocean is on era in ma
j rine affairs, and a striking evidence of their won
| dedal progress ia the lost thirty years. The barque
is owned by Mr. W. A. Adair, commanded by
Capt. Wo. Monroe, with Mr. Freeman as first
mate. Ed. Beardsley of Cleveland and Sank St
Marie goes out as Steward, and Capt. L. D. Bor-
I aeQ as supercargo.
Cnot-xxa cr Bi
that the Cholera has appeared in this flourishing
town, and that several of its citizens hive fallen
victims to it- Great alarm prevails, but we hope
that this fearful scourge will abate its ravages and
disappear at the appearance of the cold weather.
Sccistart or Okeoos.—Gen. E. Hamilton, ol
Portsmouth, Ohio, has been appointed Secretary of
Oregon, and accepted the place. This is s good
appointment—better than for General Hamilton—
and it will give satisfaction. Tbs services ore
poorly compensated, the salary being $l5OO, while
that at Minnesota is $2/130, we believe. The Tri
bune says the General will go out in a government
vessel free of expense.
Mu: u«a or Ohio Itox Mastxxs —We see a
notice in the Portsmouth to the Iron Ma»
ten of Scioto, Lawrence, Jackson, dec. to meet,
at Hanging Rock, onhhe 16th of October, to appoint
Delegates lo the Convention, at Pittsburgh, in
November. The TanffoflB46,hasoperated very
injuriously on the Iron Interest of this country.
So much so, that the Briush Iron Masters are re
joicing in their prosperity, occasioned by the de
pression of the American Iron Interest, and the
consequent Export of British Iron to this country.
Can that be prohibition, which thus sacrifices one
of the greatest branches of trade in this country—
to a party, or a theory ? Let all Americans reject
such counterfeit patriotism, as that which adopted
the Tariff of IBtd!—Ct» Atlas
Fork Chukch*— We learn from a letter from a
friend that Rev. E. H. Nevin of Mi. Vernon, Ohio;
baa seceded from the Old S. Presbyterian church,
on account of its connect too with slavery, and he
will unite wdh the Free Presbytery of Mahoning,
at the meeting of that body which convena this
week at Martinsbarg, 0. We also learn that Mr.
N. will remain at Ml Vernon, and preach to a
portioaofhia people, who will also connect them
■elves with the Free rreabytenan Church.
A large portion ol the Presbyterian congregation
of West Alexander, Washington oa, under the
charge of Rr. M’Ooakoy, have alto acceded, and
farmed •Bewbmaaatum.aod will unite withnbe
Free church. Many of them reeide in Virginia:
—Afivew lenewy.
' pßon NEW YORK.
Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gaietie.
Nrw York, Sept. 25th, 1549.
The equinoctial storm, which has been eo se
verely felt at the South, seems to have passed us j
by ibis year in silent contempt; for. up to this wnt* 1
mg, malgre the prognostics of the almanac mak*
ere, old Boreas has spoken lo ut only in whispers.
However, the el J lellow may be along yet, to give
his usual compliments to Messieurs the liberty
poles, the awning posts, and the shipping id the
harbor, all of which be likes to see dance the Oa
covtenne, with practical illustrations of the attrac
tive power of the centre of gravity. Uis report-
ed, “ on good authority,” as the two penny a li
ners would say, that Jack Frost has made his ap
pearance in the upper part of the town, but the
There is a great poioer just now. among the
teratt here. Windost'a, the great rendezvous of
Sunday editors, actor* on half pay, parsons on pa* . (
role, and L city items " m genera', Is in a stale of j
uasuppresaed effervescence, and a.l an
Englishman, named Powell, has dared to write a
book on America' An alliance, off- »ive and
defensive, has been *wom to over ninnv a gullon
of Otard, and-war to the knife" i« the acknowl
edged war cry of every cur that wields a pen, at
the rale of ten shillings a column. Hut let me
This Mr. Powell—Thomas Powell—i* a tolera
bly good uatured, whole souled fellow in bis
way. A writer of unquestionable power, In a
work just issued from the pres* ol the Appleton*,
entitled, “The Living Writer* and Author* of
England and America,” lie has spoken some prrt
iy plain truths, a* to American authorship, which
are not ovor palatable to the people who hive at
Wmdust'ju A torrent of grow personal abuse ha*
been let loo«e upon him through the aolomna ol
the Surds? ‘ Conner,'' Sunday “Mercury,” the
“Mirror," and other penny whistles of that cali
bre. Now, in a certain chapter on Charles
Dickens, id the work alluded to, the render
should know, Mr. P,.well incidentally marked a
strong similarity between that distinguished Eng- I
U*h novelist, and the young American writer— I
Cornelius Matthew* by name. Matthews, an
Auiefcau, ia not well liked by the herd in qm f
ttan: that i* to »ay, they are uot enamored of him.
Most of these fellows uro foreigner*, impudent y
assuming to themselves the prerogative of exclud
ing all ntlive ability from the marxet, aud, by
“hook or by crook,” have succeeded in acquiring
a limited monopoly at the theatre*, a portion of the
pres*, and certain circles ol a “ certain aocieiy.—
Henco the caterwaul ia the Suodny press;
hence a eotnbinaion to prejudice the public against
Powell and his book, and hence the excitement
in the subterraneous cavities at Windusl *. But of
[hia and some other curious revelation®, iu this
connexion, more anon.
‘•The street" was agitated agaia yesterday—
fact thrown into chill* and tew. just when the
-fancies" were about getting over the temble shock
the‘diplomatic diffi-utty" with Mr. Potmain had
given them. There was a report that Mr. Clay
ton had had a “boat." with Mr. Cramptoo, the En
glish Minuter, at Washington, in reference to h»
Black Majesty ot the Mosquito shore. Stocks
went down below xero ; the batls looked sombre
while the beam were for a while m high giee. The
“lame ducks" talked about war—war with F raDce,
with England, with every body. To-day, howev
er. there is a “better feeling" apparent, and thread
and needle sheet, ts again restored to a stale of
temporary tranquillity. Latest account* from the
North river tndieMe that the water* there have
not yet begun to ignite ' ’
The trials of the rowdies, who figured in the
riota at the A*tor Opera House, on the evening of
the 10th of May laat, are fas* drawing to a con
cision There seems to be little or no doubt of
Judxon’s (“Ned BanUine." you know.) coo action;
the rest are all hard cases, yet l much question
1 whether the extreme penalty of the law will be
dealt them Cooo*el are summing up, to day.and
i there is every probability of a verdict to morrow
There Is' a good deal of excitement yet, among
the crowd that throng the court, and the lobbies
leading thereto.
The Opera House, itself, (dotted ever aioce the
terrible night which gave occasion fi>r these pro*
eeedingi in a court ofjosticel reopened ito doors
Inst evening,—-bat not for the singing of Opera,
lialian or French—only to admit of the appearance
of Min Davenport, who comes hen* again, to con
firm her English reputation. The play was Romeo
and Joliet, hat perhaps the least said, about the
young lady’a acting the better. The bouse was
comfortably filled (with “dead beads.") No white
kids were perceptible.
M*uns —Tuesday, r u —Ashes—Sales of pots
at 87, and pearls at 16 50. The receipts are in
Coal—Liverpool Urrel is steady »l $• * mos. at
which 300 tons have been disposed of. 200 tons
Cumberland berc sold at $5 971, and delivered nt
Baltimore 84 ‘25. cash.
Cotton, very firm. The sales within the three
days amoont la 9900 bale*, at, far upland and
Florida, 929je, and 910101 c lor Mobile, New
Orleans, and Tcxa* qualities; middling to good do.
lOtfrllc. Prices are thus nearly as
high as at any time this rearoo.
Flour and Meal—The ash* of Saturday were
6000 bbls, Monday 5000. nod y-sterdny Ol'-A in
ceding 4000 for Liverpool. We quo c uniD»j>-ctr.l
$3054; tour. $3 75054 23, inspected fine. $37.,
{3st 12j; musty ordinary State. St 5M051 62i;
common Stale and Michigan, $t 62|6141 To.
straight Stale and good Wrstem, $4 P7l rfs*'*_ w
Michigan »nd favorite 'old: Western. 12|.
Soulberr Ohio and pore Geoea«*e, $5 25055 TH.
fancy Ohio,S3 4 3J053>71, Itncv Genesee So 431
73; extra Gr.u, S 3 30u»$3 97j. soil extra
Genesee, S 3 50056 23—a reduci.on on most de
scriptions of about l*lc. Southern—The sale*
are perhaps 1300 hbls. at s'> 31 i for old Alexandra
and Baltimore. S 3 62j lor new do. end Peterehurt
city mills, $3 37* fiw new Brandywiue. and $5 •'<>
for Georgetown. Rye Flour is without change,
and closes dn'l, with sa'esofGOO 8305306,.
Corn Meal —300 bbls. Jersey bro-ighl 53 23.
Iron—The market it rather inactive.and Scotch
P.< has been aold at somewhat reduced rales.
We note sale • of abort 930 ton* Carabroe. O'en
garaock, and G-.n-herre Pg at 5210522
from ahip; Minx' Eoglah B»r*. StO, 6 mos; and
ICO ion* Swede-. 576. 6 and b tnos.
Lead—Pig ha* Wn dull «ince onr last, and
lower rales air now offered; od ton* Belg nn »"M
on term* we <NI ml h-am. and 20 do. Dutch, for
immediate delivery, SI 31 j cash.
Provisions—Ohio Pork h«« continued in fair re
quest. but Mrss is seam a Ui> lower: Prime
i.ut r.haaae; the safe* are 3 *OJ l»hl» at $10,1210
10,lSf for Mess, ami sV‘ 2 i for Prime. Mess B-e
-is aleady at Sl2 500513, with sales of 300 bbU:
Prime continues scarce and nominal; Prime Mm*
may be quoted SI 6.505817 with tr*oaaot.ons
Ohio I>«rd is in moderate demand, chiefly tor ex
port, without change in prices; ibe sales reach
1200 bbls at 6‘ cents for fair; 61 (or good, and 6j
lor prime; kegs in 'ots brought 7j renia. Cai
Meals are very ooiet. and we have only to nole
small sales at 4}06( cents for F.ckled Shouidem
and Haras. Butler and Cheese are steady at our
I notations.
Rico—la inactive, and prices invor -»*Ter«^the
: sales are 230 tea chiefly for export, nt
S7l cash.
Sail —Liverpool -is dull, and some parcels re-,
mam unsold; the aales include IDO •»*•!,•« fine
Ashton’s supposed at 81,35.4 mos; and 321 r.) do on
terms which we did not learn.
Saltpetre —Further sales of 300 bogs East tudia
Crude have been made on private terms.
' Seed*—Clover and Timothy are in but very lit
tle request, and the market is dull. 1000 bushels
Calcutta Linseed broogbl 51,70 cash.
Nsw York Cattle Maeext, Sept 24.—At
market 2000 Beeves {lOOO Southern, the remain
der from this Slate and the Eos*,) 60 Cows and
Calves, and 5000 Sheep and Lambs. Beevea—
The namber on sale since our last exceeded that
offered any previous week for a long while past
The poorest qualities are a little affected by these
large supplies; but on the belter grades, the aver
age on the whole remains much as last week-
Sales at from 5| to be—the market do«.ng rather
dull, with, say 200 left over. Cows and Calves—
Sale* at from 520.00 io 532,500510 00. AH «n'-'
The demand during the week bad been Lr.rk.—
Sheep and Lamb*—The supplies coulinae to come
in liberally, and purchasers show a disposition to
operate to a corresponding client. Sale* ai irom
$155(332,7510 53,30 for Sheep, and $l.OO to 82,-
25053,50 for Lamb-. Left over 600.
-We regret to learn
Washington Collage-
The annual commencement at thi* institution
was held in the College Hstl, oo Wednesday, \ia
27th uIL The graduating ciaw numbered >. young
gentleman, from distant part* of our Ua-on. The.
speakers on the occasion acquitted tbcwaelves
honorably, and were listened lo by an unasuolly
large and attentive audience.
The Annua! Meeting of the Alumni of 1547,
was held at the Temperance House, a very largo
number was in attendance, and efer in- nuul
congratulations, a Committee was appointed <o
draft resolutions expressive of the feeLufcv of the
class, which reported as follows.:
Rs*olve,l t That we hail with pleasure the return
ot the day which Is the aoniveraory ol our exit
from College duty, and which brings u* again t .
renew our friendships, and revive oarrecoHeei.una
ol days “lang ayne."
Resolved. That although it is not our pleo*»re io
greet all our classmate* at this our fiamdy tu. - <
yet to those who arc absent, we would teud r “ lf
best wishes, and kindest affection and rein-in
Resolved, That we ogam return to tfflf veurru- !
bio and esteemed President, together with our |
learned sod gentlemanly Faculty, our sincere and
heartfelt thanl*. for the kindness and courtesy
manifested toward ns during our College life, amk
for the assiduity and extreme care wtth which they
have guarded and u>um«l the honor and rep
utation of oor ••Alma Mater."
Resolved, That we regard with pride and exul
tation the increasing usefulness—lU widely spread
sad well deserved fame of “Old Washington,’ «ud
would recommend tysr *» eminonlly fitted by her
superior advantage* to givo to youth that educa
tion and polish which serve* to dignify and adorn,
ns well «• qualify them for usefulness and emt*
Rtsolxxdy Thai we will exert ourselves to Id* 1
crease the numbers. ex.cnd the inducace, sod sus- \
I«iq Ibe effort* of W&sbiogtoa College in the cause '
of edacaticu. \
Raolvtd, That under favorable circumstances, j
we are m Uv u r of the system of “annexation,",
and therefore congratulate °ur worthy brother,'
| who although be baa not resigned bis co!k n .ate 1
! degree of A B —ariielor, ha* assumed a more
. sponsible, that of a warneif ««*»•
Retoltrd, That we meet by the permmmon of
Providence on this da'- one year henee, to renew
our fidelity to our “Alma Mater," and our friend
ship tor each other.
Rttolvtd, That our proceedings be published,
and that a copy be scot to each absent member ol
the class.
SEPTTMBES 25,1b49.
Mr. White —In looking over your paper, 1 have
seen several articles giving a History of Smoky or
Kill Buck Islam!; aad in one of them I saw it atnted
that any attempt to appropriate that island, or nth- i
er the place that once was such, to private pur*
poses would be resisted to the utmost —one run*
too iLr which aeemed to be, the dread that prop
erty would suffer from a contraction of the stream.
This idea seems to me to be visionary—and l beg
leave to make a remark or two in relation to \
it- Those who have lived but a moderately long
life on the barks of this stream, cannot but have
observed & marked change in its character. Not
only has Smoky Island disappeared, hut nearly nil
that space occupied by Daquesno Way-snd which
is destined to be the moat benut.ful sliet-l of the
smoky city—formed a portion of the original bank
—and indeed 1 have been informed by those who
saw it in the Olden Times, that ul least two hun
dred feet oi tne whole north Ime of the e.iy has
disappeared. And what ha* became of tae be..u*
lU'ul wooded island* which lay above the c l> '
Herr's and Wainwrigbt's islands—where are they*
rooded to the water's edge—-with a deep rippling
urrent between them* Why, a great ;>orlion ><!
them has g ven place to an tins’gbiy waste ol peb
bles; with tne water spread out to such au extent
as to scarcely admit ibe passage of an Ind'ati eftuor;
and ju»t no it i* with Smoky M*u . that cr»l was
—its corn tic!,I —truit trees —house and garden—
all have disappeared, and in their place a contuse 1
waste presents iiaeif, ovrr which, in ll ml liiu t.
the waters spread. u» the olrstruction and ti'liDg
up of the na'ural channel. I th:ok that thos- who
will look back with mo, w.ll agree tha. t;ic Alle-
gheny does not present at this time more timn
half the depth of water that it once did in it* eban
nel—and that this is entirely owing to the wanting
of its bank*, aud me consequent filling up of it*
bed. 1 think, therefore, that the apprenen-ioo ol
injury Irom me contraction ot me stream •*
groundless, and believe Inal, instead of being inju
rious, it w.Ki'rf be the best policy ttat could !«.•
adopted by the, to wry ron,.»<W«y outran
tl-because, in doing so a deep heavy current would
set along meir emire front, drepemug me bed tu
as to make all patU accessible to t*o«U*and barge*.
And in relation to the reclaiming ot the space
once occupied by Smoky Island, a work ot modrr
rate height, continued Irom that which stand* in
decay opposite Stewart's Island, would in a »hc.rt
lime efleet that object, by the eddying currents
that would sweep round and fill up the space be
hind with »nnd and loam.
1 do not suppose there n« a doubt but that the
title ofthat space is either in the -State, or city of
Allegheny, and if but a fewtbounand dollars were
expended in the reclaiming it, it might be made
a beautiful business portion ot the rity of A lie.
gbeny: being at the immediate head of the Omo
river, it would po«r« advantage* -»ver any o'.oer
locality for tne transaction of bunre**.
1 would then recommend to the au'horu.i:* o(
Allegheny to set about rrcla.ming it. Lav it out
into lots —throw it open to private ou'rrpnte and
it will not be long unlit your roller* will be lined
—your credit restored, and a be-iCihil portion ol
your beauliHil city spring up. on that whi.-u >* now
a useless w*»te This* would be a much more
popular, as well as orchtab'e speculation, tnun n.r
sale of your common ground—s' least On* >* ibe
opinion of DUyi EaNFI.
September 29,1949
Amongst the heroes ol border warfare,
Lewi* Weuel holds no inferior station. In
ured to hardships while yet in boyhood, ami
UmUiar with all the varieties ol lorect ad
venture, Irom that of bunting the beaver am
the bear, to that ol the wily Indian, he t-
came ore of the-, mom celebrated marksmen
ot the day. His form wan erect, and ot that
height bent adapted to activity—being very
muscular, and possessed ot great boduy
rtrength. From comuant exercise, ho-could
without fatigue bear prolonged and violent
exertion, especially that oi running and
walking : arid he had, by practice, acquired i
the art o* loading hia ntle when running afj
fall speed through the forest, and wheeling j
on the instant, fie coaid discharge it with on
erring aim, at the distance ot eighty <>r one |
hundred yards, into a mark not target than 1
a dollar. This art be has been known to
practice more than once upon his savage
foes with talal success.
A marksman of superior skill was in those
days estimated by the other borderers much
in the samo way that a knight templar, or a
knight of the cross, who excelled in the tour
: nement or the charge, was valued by his co
temporaries in the days of .•bivalry. Chal*
lenges of skill often took place; and marks
i men, who livod at the durance of fifty miles
or more from each other, frequently met by
j appointment, to try the accuracy of then
| aim. on bets of considerable amount. VVet
j tel’s tame had spread far and wide, an the
i most expert and unerring shot of the day.
| It chanced that a young man, a few vears
i younger than himself, who lived on I/unK
j aid's Creek, a tributary of the Mononguhela
i river, which waters one of the earliest set
i dements of that region, heard *t hi* fame.
I and as he also was an expert woodsman.
• and a first rate shot, the best in his settle
. ment, be became very desirous of an oppor
t tunity for a trial of still. So great was ht«
i desire, that he cme day shouldered his rille,
j and whistling his faithful dog to his side,
I started for the neighborhood of Wetzel, who,
at that time, lived on Wheeling Creek
i When about half way on his journey, a fine
| buck sprang up just before him. He leveled
his t;’:ii with his usual precision, tut ihe
. deer, thouu*i badly wounded, did not fall
: dead m his tracks. His faithful dog soon
seized him. and brought him to the ground,
but while in the act of doing this, another
dog sprang from the forest upon the same
deer, and his master making hi* appen-unce
at the same lime from behind a tree, with a
loud voice claimed the property, becanse he
had been wouuded by his shot, and seized
by hi* dog. it so happened that they both
fired at once at this dear—a thing which
may very easily happen where two active
men are hunting upon toe samo ground, al
though one may fire at the distance ot fifty
yards, and the other one at one hundrea.
The dogs felt the samo spirit of rivalry, and
? ! uitting the deer, which was already dead,
ell to worrying and tearing each other. In
| separating me i<ngc, the strange hunter hap
-1 pened to strike that of the young man. The
! old adage. ••Strike my dog. strike me,’-’
arose in full force, and without further cere
mony, except a few hearty curse*, he fed
upon the hnnter and burled him to pie
ground. This was no roooer done than he
: found himself turned, nod under his stronger
and more powerful antagonist Discovering
be was no match at this play, the young
man appealed to the trial by rifles, saying It
was too much like dogs for men and banters
to fight in ‘his way. The strangor assented
to the trial, but told hie antagonistthsl be
fore he pul it fairly to the test, he had better
witness what he was able to do with the
rifle, saying he wa* as ranch hia superior,
be thought, with that weapon, at be was in
bodily strength. He bade him place, a mark
the size of a shilling on the side of a huge
poplar that stood beside llipm, from which
he would start with his rifle unloaded, and
pinning a hundred yards at full speedy ho
would load it as no ran, and wheeling,
would disob&rge it instantly into the centre
of the mark. The feat wm no sooner pro
posed than performed ; the bail entered the
: centre of the eliminative target. Astonished
dt his activity and skill, his antagonist in
j gtantly inquired his name? "Lewis Wet
zel, at your .service,” answered the stranger.
’ The youus huinpr aeizpd him by the hand,
■ with all the ardor of youthfQr&dinurauon,
j and at once acknowledged his own inferior
i ity. So charmed was he witn Wetzel's
I frankness, skill and fioe perron *1 appear
i once, that he insisted upon his returning
with him <0 the settlement on Dankard's
1 Creek, that ha might extubif his talents to
his own fumily, and to the hardy baejk
woodsmen, hi* neighbors.
' Nothing loth to such an exhibition, and
pleased with the energy of his new ac*
i quaintance, Wetzel consented to accompany
' him—shortening thp way with their mutual
tales of hunting excursions, and hazardous
; contests with the common enemies of their
goontty. Amon£ jther things, '“ettr! ®U-
hi* manner , distinguishing the foot
st’ps of a white -an from those of an Indi
an, although ed with moccasins, and
intermixed with me tracks of savages. He
bad acquired this tact from closely examin-
Fur the Pittsburgh Gazette.
| ing the manner of placing the feet: the ln
! dian stepping with his feet in parallel line*,
! and first bringing the toe to the ground;
; while the white man almost invariably pla*
, ces his feet at an angle with the line of
i march. An opportunity they little expected
, soon gave room to put his skill to the trial.
On reaching the young man's home, which
• ' the}’ did that day, they found the dwelling
* a smoking rain, and all the family l)’* 1 '!?
| murdered and scalped, except a young wo
man who had been brought up in the lam-
I ily, and to whom the young man was ax
i dently attached. She had been taken'away
! alive, as was ascertained by examining the
| trail of the savages. Wetzel soon discovered
that the party consisted of three Indians and
a renegade white man, a fact not uncommon
in those early days, when for crime, or the
love of revenge, the white outlaw fled to the
savages, and was adopted, on trial, into their
tribe. ,
As it was past the middle of the day, ana
the nearest assistance still at some consider
able distance, and as there were only four to
I contend with, they decided on instant pur
suit. As the deed had very recently been
done, they hoped to overtake them in their
camp that night, and perhaps before they
could cross the Ohio river, to which the In
dians always retreated after a successful m-
I cu;-ion: considering themselves in a man
ner safe when they had crossed to its right
bank, at that time occupied wboLly by the
Indian tribes. . ,
Ardent and unwearied was the pursuit t>y
the youthful huntsmen: the one excited to
recover hi* lost mistress, the othei to assist
his new friend, aud to take revenge for the
slaughter of his countrymen —slaughter and
revenge being the daily business ot the bor
derer at this portentous period * V> etxel
followed tfte trail with the unerring sagacity
ol the bloodhound; and just at dusk traced
the tugitives 10 a noted war path, nearly op
co*ite the mouth of the Cap'ina Creek,
emptying into the Ohio, which, much 10
tre.r disappointment, they found the Indians
had erome 1. by forming a raft of logs and
brush, their uMial manner when at a dis
tance from their villages. By examining
carefullv the appearance of the opposite
•diore, they soon discovered the tire of an
Indian camp in a hollow way a tew rods
from the river Lest the noise ot construct
ing a ratt should alarm the Indians, and give
notice of the pursuit, the two hardy adven
turers determined to swim the stream a lew
; rods below. This they easily accomplished,
' being both of them excellent swimmers ; fas
-1 tening their clothes and ammunition in a
bundle on the tops of their heads, with their
rifles reeling on their left hip, they reached
i the opposite shore in safety. After carefully
: examining their arms, and putting every ar
ticle ol attack or defence in its proper place,
they crawled very cautiously to a position
which gave them a fair view ot' their ene
mies, who, thinking themselves safe from
pursuit, were carelessly reposing around the
fire, thoughtless of the late that awaited
them. They instantly disbovered the young
woman, apparently unhurt, but making
much moaning anti lamentation, while the
white man was trying to pacify and console
her with the promise of kind usage, and an
adoption into the tribe. The young .man,
hardly able to restrain his rage, was for
firing and rushing instantly upon them.
Signed by the officer*.
For dir I’uttkurgh Ga:rUr
on Sui'lii ‘iW, ai Spear* RoatßT
fnuncrft mu or' Jamra Morrow, of Allegheny
C 1,. uni I ym-« and » inumha
•J irrnl ihui i>arl»>*raliip. on.for ihe firm of P A RtCER
a UlimUK mid Wi! rarry on the Sh-e ).o»rn»-»* in
u.M'« iirarifhrv nl thr old’acnnd of John Patk-r. cor
ner of Federal »i and Souia Oummon, city of Alleghe
riHVO Ui'IJ.AR' 4 REWARD - A botufl* of Clothe*
1 Slid l*n Mow iUla. »ui>po»cd -,o he icfl in Wood
a.recl. or ib-rai»l*nuL Any one hiving vor line in
Ihntroi-n.i-M. »l'! eonfri so rllteor laeor on the
owner. »v leaving ibem with Mr ISAAC HARRIS,
oetl dlt
THK ■H'lirnl.rr. Agent lor ibe lloaie of JOHN
KF.MA 4 00, »ucc«*»or» 10 Robb. Wmehrener
A Ct> . TaIIOR*. j(« Onwru-f *r«**r. I'luumt'
• urth ‘hai he h«» arrived m lhi» eur, wbcfe be will
rmiiti a t ry Minn utne (remlrnten wishing Uieir
tneaiure. tuarn, will piea«e drop a line to
JOHN KEN Nr DV. \gen’-.
OCtl da:* Si Charlea Hntei. Wood «>
•Between 1782 and 1794.
ARE NOW RKt’ElV|N<; * :sr*r suit rompletr a*-
«r>' , .ni«'i.i HARDWARE. fTTI.KHY. SAD
|t|,KU V aiu! I'AUl’fcN rKRS* TOOIJ*. direct from
iiir-nma--;• i» K.ii't-pr »uil Amcnrj and ar,
H OI • 'itr and W-IU-ll ptft'ftl.a,:) rcQUr*
t K*«i. a- 'V •'-• , e,ift-lrnl Ihry wili find, after i
in*:, , i ,m !•>-,: ojr prn <-• wil: compar
vituti t. * ii , - l.ojrc m Pb.,a Jrlptiia or Nes
nr. OCtl
*ll.i;s -A •p.n.dij ol
- f#' ru--ni* * , *efv dr«c»t>*
.. .. ...| no'lM.>lnfli»lil.-.'ylri lowlutll
V>e * * 1 A* I.XANUKH A I>AS ,?$ Market «t,
ix-: l S \Y ruruer oi iiie l)nmnm!
U'-.' l ill. I - 111', t AIN KS— Jti«l opined a 10l
h Sh < ■•' ‘I pi«»> t* l-mr. -I a Mtpcror tjU«u:
I l.x- - A lu i »«jo*imrn' .ear let. yel.ow and
cci*pit t>y ocil \I.E\ANOKKiI)A^
SPOaR AM> Moi.A^KS—4o hbd. prime N O (4i
fit, |umh> M<*.**•<•«. (►*»»* m *t<ve and-fer
.y'r ’.y nr ll jAS DAI.KKI.I., \\ aier »t
BVOKKD lIKIIWINI. -!!«> i-x* .mnk-d H«rrmg. i
»u»rc and Inf *a.r 10 i-to.c cooUf niuent
CynUKs*;— 9'd t.*« now lai«Ju>g; for **!» l-Jf
J or't_ IMUII Im‘KKV A i n. From , t
(1 hkASK I.AKD-For *.*;c l-v
L'Ol'SD-Oti Ti.u/Mlt y u«. A IIRACKI.KT.-Ihe
T ownei r"i* In *r nin ealitnj; at W l,KA»NAII!) 8,
S-: \Vi)KI •! * .* poAiiift lor IQII adverii.emcni
n- I d't«
Via YaagblogtKDf
w The .p.riudid in-*' mil fcul miming
• | . L S. Ma.l *ip»ai packet.
|J l iae»rt l .>m...|ay. PXcrj.Kdl between FITTSIJURGH
•ml IVl.'l 1 .M£\\TON, on opentitg of aavi'alton on
y txrKhn><ii« , "y iwm Leave. Wei ,'ifron from the
o;*p-r Wn«:< Burn. uoimui; nV o duck Re
:eiuihs. iou»r» l*i t»l.artfh iron \Vliomi above
ll.e \»«>:ioi.-**K-;a »rul<r. ryerr periling aH o'clock
tP'OUS ret r i yc! by Agent, ntt board ibe Wuarf
The l ajinrr ha« b<eit built r.jpre.. y for tb«
\ oujln »«->»» iiv nr«-r. and iu*s ptiMir may rely no hei
remaining p-i man-'Uly m the imde paid to ali way frcirhi ami p:
:n cr,. api - Jfl:w3tT
Ur ASTKD-Urn: or two LAPS at the Dry Uoodi
iiu-in**. Apply at No (Vi MartPt *l. ipv&_
t'LAXSF.F.O till.—s(! bbl. liaised Oil, in prime
ord»r. j u»i rec *1 ami lor .ale bv
•pti# R KSF.I4.KRS. 57 Wood *t
ri’HRKK PIaMIS TO lIIKK—Hy the year or tnon'h
1 JOHN il MH.I/OR. i| Wood .(
ORANGE PKEl*—ttt lb* jint rcc'd and for .a ( e by
• pr.O corner l»i and Wood *t»
RIU'HAKB ROOT—dUOlha ju.i rcc’d and foraamby
(vf’U RE—‘JO Lb.i Yellow, ju«t rcc'd and for .ale by
) .pitri n a fahnkstock a co_
F'LUL'K srUMII Il—iruw n>« French. ( u*t received
ajiil fo> «,i!e by *p« X A FaHNF.hTUCK ACO
HI. CIIKO.M POTASH—fWI lb. ja.l ree d ami fa
Window glass—
Ml boxea 7x9 OUm; I <O9 baxei KilOUla-e;
3d da UxPJ do add do Mild do
<(l do ltixtl do | Id do 10x14 do
Of Smith A-llerron’i raanafocutre, which we wi
wnirani equal in quality to any mode in Urn city—fu
*«lo nl ibc loae.t inatkei rate* by
.pi-i Water at
I'l/OUH —40 bbla Family Floor, made from whii
1 wiinnb for aile by
LM'OKCHI.NUS —cd cask* best quality, lor sale by
..puii RIIF.Y, MATTUK>VS » on
Pl*» Miri'Al-—las ion* cold h!n«t, rha/cnai. for *alr
p y .prfl RHRY. MATTHKXVS A ro
I SATriN'u—9*3 bale* No* I and 2 Baiting, for «nle
1j by *pi«' RMKY. MAITHKXVrI ACO
FLAX SF.LD-O M»ls m More and for *a'e I y
,piau ISAIAII OIClfhY A CO, Front tt
I AMD— lu bids nnd kee* nf good quality, for faintly
j u.e. *pi!iJ U#Al AII If'CKKY ACO
St ti kR-15 hbdr of good qaalitv, in More. for aaie
nil ha* received » variety of Myles of goons,
suitable (oi above purpose, inch as Prcurli and V* So
ny Flannel-., blue, rUvrr;, icurlel. plain ai.d mixed
ii 10,.. bi*. co;»:rf Mou-e (um.M
Pft.ncb Monitors, Ac., to which be inv.lea the mien,
in,,, oi the ladie*. Al»o, .. „
BLACK SILKS, lor Sacks and Mantillas; nik Silk
Lore* and Fringe* for Tnoramiv Alan,
CHANUF.AMLL SiLKS, of ditfereut »hade*,.uiu
hi-for niaiiulia* and dres*e», and a large as.ortiueiil
of VKLVKF TRIMMINGS, of new mid handwoie
*iylL-» Qj~ Wholesale Room* up stair*. »pc.N
Go.ihn Nl.'Tri—li)u bush on band and for **le bv
.HUM Vick i m’candlrss_
Ft Lax VaKN WANTED —The lug beat in
,'S ,u ' ki “ ' b Vick * m-candlkss_
41 '.PIPF—On Kami and for «ale b*
, P L!. **OAHMUa»
i,KMtLS-at u. "•IKj.&VSt.'!?.-
'~ 4 lU ' ““ w’jcK A MTANtM.KSS
IM.IJI'K— Cn f'ueh’r extra family, for »nle by
1 «,.m s K Vti.N KO.VNHORST ACO
Glass —mu bn axto; iao do i»sr* 100 do loxu;
for aale by a F VON BQNNUO&ST A CO
C'tOACH VARNISH—In bbl*. half do. and 10 gallon
J teg*, of superior quality, warranted; wilt be sold
very eh* *p. «pt2D );>AIAH DtCKKV A CO
/"t RuUN D bu*b in store; for salety
BLACK TEA—W w efcesti of good quality, tor sale
FLOUR —33 bbli prime, in store and tor tale bv
(IRKAM CIiKESE—ICO bxs tor »ale by
j 'r?’* _ „ STUAItT A SILL
WMNIMIW GLASS—In store and tor sale by
splits STI CRT A SILL. H« Wood «t
BACON —9o hhds Cincinnati Shoulders, ju»t rcc'd
and to_r_s»le by sptfei SELLERS A NICOLS
•xotox w smith. jimd o. mm.
GEORGE W. SMITH A Co., Brewer*. Malsters
and Hop Dealer*. Pitt »t, Pittsburgh. «prtn
Dissolution of partnership—Kymata*:
agreement the partnership heretofore cxi«ting be 1
tween George \V. Smith A Co. is hereby dissolved by
the retiring of the undersigned from the firm. I beg
leave re*pecttoUy to recommend Jamei D. Venter, my
successor, m connexion with Geo. W. Smith, who are
tolly competent to meet the wishes of nor patron*.
LARD— 7 kegs rec'd thi* day, and tor tale b,
PEARL AMI— J ca*kt in store and tor tale by
tprjs TaSSF.Y A BEST
TANNERS' OIL— U) bbli rec'd and tor tale by
BUTTER— 10 libit and » kegs packed Butter, iu store
ami tor tale by {aptaeS] TaSSBU A BEST
WINDOW GLASS— 73H boie*. a*t'd sire*. In «tore
and lor tale by |*pt2-jj TASSKY i_BEST
CHEESE —12S tix* prime Weiiern Reserve Cbeeae,
in store and tor tale by
Penmanship and Book Keeping.
THE subscriber will open an Evening School on
Monday evening, the Ist October neat, at 7 o’cl’k.
erd roniinur every evening throngbnut the winter, in
the Fourth Ward School noose, for the purpose of
giving lesson* in either or both of the above branches,
a* the pupil may desire. Those wishing to acquire an
easy, graceful business style of the one, or a practical
knowledge of the oilier, at about one fourth The usual
cost, will avail themselves of this opportunity
__sn-tMrfrh A G. REINHART.
Hagnotlc or Galvanic Uaehlma for Solo
THE tulxcriher bas recently received a number of
thrs*. invaluable instrument*, which be contain*
pistes keeping constantly on hand tor sale, aciompa
nted by direccilou* tot their proper application in all
case* of disease, as well a* tor Galvaniring metals in
the neate«t manner. - Past experience in the treatment
nf diseases bas led bim lo believe that there are lew
oases, ifai*y. whirb may not be advantageously treat
ed by a proper app'icauoit of Uie galvanic fluid. The
rpo‘t satisfactory vesumomil* will b« giveu of cares
having been effected of different diseases, some of
which were deemed incurable in the oidmsry mediral
practice, aril on persons well known among urn, to
■ whom references may be given.
. Parsons afflicted with >*h'on>e Diseases of any kind,
are especially invited to call and examine these testi
monials for themselves.
MEDICINES too. prepared by the most successful
practitioner* in the Fast, and administered by them
in ecnnce.uon with or separate from the operation,
will constantly be kept on hand, with directions tor use
Single operations on the most moderate terms.
)ffiee No. W HL Clair si., near the Old Allegheny
Bridge. spCSridly ” A WKSTERVKLT.
CRKAM'CrtEhUE— 34 bxs J Post’s* Cream
Cheese, very fine, just rec'd and for sale by
TOUACCii —do bis Poindexter'S pound lump, wi 11
be sold tow to close a consignment This would
be a good substitute lord twist.
*!>»•/? ISAIAH DICKEY A CO, Front it
WANTED— low bu»h FUx Peed, for which «fc<
' hi*hr*t toartrt pnce will b*paid m ca»h l>y
«pr2T SELLERS k NIC*'L» No 14 Liberty it
B ACTIN'—14 hbdi S*de»; 10 do Shoulder*; c«
vaoed Him*, for *»le by
RICE— \l> tc* fresh Rice, just rcr d and for rale by
o||.S_«<m )(■!> whit** waiter Whale Oil;
an “ common do do do
3U) •’ Bleached Sperm do
10 btil* Lard (Hi, No 1. 10 do do do No 4:
Fortale by spt*7 SELLERS A NICUI.S
SALERATL’S— SO bi» and 10 bbU for sale by
CIHEESK/— TOO bi* prim* Weatern Reserve Cheese,
/ just receired and for sale by
I?)END —A Note of hand, drawn Feb. 7, led-, for
SatU.lK). payable to tbe order of Holmes Craw
ford, and sieved by llrady A Hall, Jos Prilb, John
M'tieeh en. D. OaJis, Jas. S Rose The owner can
hare the note by paying lh« rxpense of advertising at
this oAce. lynW-'dlt
and winter, will be remised all through tbe sea
son direct from the manufacturers, and will be told
f«r case as cheap a* ran be bought in the Eastern ci
ties, at st»t2d W M CLINTDCK’S, 73 Fourth st
ThOCKlNUS—Received this day, 0-4 and 14-1 new
J> style Woolen Becking*. very cheap Also, 14 4
and Ivl-4 woolen Crumb Cloths. Also. 9-4 woolen
Stair Bocking. ipt'K W M*CLINTOCK
STUART* SILI-Grocers. and Produce and Con.
mi««ion Merebanta. No il« Wood *U Pittsburgh.
TValrr* m Gi or erica, Floor. When*. Rye, Oat*. Corn,
llarey. Pork. llaeon. Bober. Lard, Cbre«e; Clover,
Timothy and Has Seed*: Iron. Nail*. Ula««, 4r, Ac.
Ac. P*rtieular ittenuou paid to the ante of Writenv
Myen A Hunter, Bobt. Dal
tell A Co . Mbillt A Roe. Hampton, Smith A Co
Jcmra 'lay, King A Moorhead, Pittsburgh Ferine
A M'MilUn, Massillon. Jo* S. Mnrr.ton F-*q . Si
y>uim _ _ _ *ptsflly
RyCF.IVI U'fuYs DAN'ViW M'Cdninck*. 75
Founhsi. a lot of new stylt French fcjnoot.ed
’i-uio and Table (fover*.
Al*o. Printed CLoth and linen and worated Tabl
..Vrr. _ M'S#
RECEIVED THIS DAV at W. M’Climock’*, 75
Fourth at, scarlet, crimson, and maroon plain
Pluah _«PC»
RECEIVED THIS DAY. at XV. M’Cliatock**, 75
Fourth m, a new lot of Frenrb aryle Window
Stiadr«. the most beautiful *iyle of Shade* yet affeied
in ih*. market Alan. 91. •>, 40, and 45 lech plain Buff
Linen n>r window shade*
Alto 0-4 crimson and white and bine and wbite Da*
naik, for window curtain*. *ntg6
RlUiS— Rec’d direct from the importer* and manu
farturer*. a large *tock of ail kind* of Rug*: sew
ityle and raeap. *pr<3 W M’CLINTCMIK
HAI.L AND STAIR CARPErs—Urge »tock Jo.
fee'll of all kinds and very cheap lor cash, at
BRASS srA!U RODS—Urge stock of all site*,
received, ot common and secret fardenings Bi
Stair Rod*, at sptl» W XrCUNTOCK'S
CIRF.AM OU-'FISE—44 bi* extra, rec’d and for rale
/ hy *,,tal XVICK A M'CANDLKSS
PO TaSH Pi erkt prime Potash, Iht* dav tee’d and
for tale bv .ptgt XVIL'K A kPCANDI-KSS
(IHBWK-N bg» W R Cheese, for *ale hy
GI.ASS-X-U) bxe FilO Glass, S 4 do 7x9 do; ItKI dc
ll'xl j do, for rale by
AT THt »10S OF TU« B-0 »gg UtV*,
©3 Market *t-, Utween 3d and 4lb, Pituborgh.
WM. L. RUSSELL, No. fti Market street, between
Third and Foarth, sign of the big golden Bee
Hive, ha* jn»i commenced receiving and opening the
large«i, cheapeit and Boat cplendid stock of Fall and
Winter Dry Good* over offered by one bonus in Pitts
burgh. All «f these foreign goods have been parchei
ro of the importer* p*r the last *teamer* from Europe,
and for ri'hness of style and beauty of design are tm
sarpasied lo this or any other tnarket-
Tbe domesue and staple department will also be
found complete, and cheaper than at any other bouse
inihi»city. The eobeerlber woald here reepectfuily
call the attention of his numetone cucioraerr, and all
wishing to hay new and cheap goods, to the price*
which will no doubt astonish them, being determined
to sell cheaper than the cheapest.
Good dark Calico, only 3ceoi* per yard;
Best qeality dark Ca'tco, fast colors, d to 10;
4-4 British purple Print i, fast colors, 8 lo 10;
Heavy lied I icking, from k to 10 cents per yd;
Bleached Muslins, good quality, 5 to 0} per yd;
Beit quality Bleached Muslins, 9 to 10 per yd;
Heavy yard wide Unbleached Muslins, 5 to
Good red Flannel, from 15 to S 3 cents per yd;
Good yellow Rannel, 15 to 85 cts per yd;
Good black Alpacea from 15 to 25 per yd;
French Ginghams irora 10 to |5 cts per yd;
lush Linen* at prices frorq 'A to 1,25 per yd;
Battaett and Kcqtncky Jeans from Idl to 50 cts;
Cloaking* and Ln*ey» from 19} to 31 eu;
Heavy Domestic Uiusham* 10 to 19} etr;
Crash aid Diaper*. aH prices and qualities;
A splendid assortment of ell the newest styles.
Thibet Cashmeres in high colors, rich goods;
Lupin French Thibet Merinos, the finest imported;
Rich Camrhon Bilks, In all colon snd qua’itiea;
Sleek A'mures, lw»t guslltjr. plaid and stripe;
Black Ciro* de Rhine, all widths and qualities;
Lupin's fin- black Bombazines, beaoiWl foods;
do best French Merinos, blaek and colored;
do do do do in high ool*.n;
do fine French de Laines, all woqi, high colors;
Rich fig'd Cgsbmeres, beautitol gtfods very cheap
Uoitrd Hwtsa Muslins, tor eveiung dresses;
Hrocbe Thibet Scarfs, late importation;
lies! igunlity French Rid Gloves, all co'nrs;
Mourning Cashmere* and de Laines, all prices;
ladies embroidered Neck Ties, splm-lpi goods,
LaiUes finest qualitr French liuen Usikfs;
Belling gibbous. ■ full assortment;
Worked Capes. Collars and Cud’s, in great variety
Blue* arid colored Crapes, all qualities;
Brocade Imstres, in all colors and goaltlies;
Mohsir Camelion figures, rich goods;
French Cloakings, superb goods, high colus
Also, black Brussel Lace, all widths and [Met;
Black Kill Fnn' et. wide and heavy, best qaalitv.
Together with a large stock of white Gp&df, Bvyiss
Jaconci and Mall Moslinq, be*id«s a wnr latge and
superb stock yf Fail Brunei Ribbons, of the latest ira
pnrtaiion and most fashionable styles. Many of ths
above nave ;uit arrived pef the last steamer®
from Europe, and are worthy the qti-Qbon «f u»e la
A tplendid assortment of Shawl*:—
Super extra *iie French Long Shawl*. best imp’d
Soper extra lire Lonf Hrochn, Gneit quality,
Superb quality Long Plaid Shawl*, rich coforv
Rest quality square plaid fine wool Shavlij
Rich ttod heavy extra b**eh silk Shawls;
Rt<*h caiu'iou arik Shawls;
Super blhsk and white, all wool, long Shawls;
?oper extra «i*e Lone and Sq’re Mourning Shawls
arm printed Cashmere Shawls, In great vanery;
- - Terken '• oil price* A Qul’a;
Mode embed Thibet * s he»\Yj sIU futSe’
Iliac k “ “ “ V, •> ■** '
mack and tn>de colored heavy cloth Shawls;
W qitp cmbSl Thibet Shawl*, beanUfol good*;
Highland piHl long and uj’re Shmwla, aery cheap;
Mourning Shawls and great variety
Alto, a ;ol of plaid Blanket Shawls, from W
cu to J
Together with ■ fuH imply ofGlaTet, Mhte and Ho
»iery. wiUt ill anie** asualiy kepi in * Whelraaie
and Detail Dry Goods lloute—oil a / which will I*
ut price* to defy couipeiuiaa.
f£7* Remember the more, No. 03 Market meet be
tween Thin) and Fourth, aim of the Bis Bn-lLra,
where bargain* can at all time* be had.
•ptJfc&a Wil.l.lam ], pitHodJ^
A. A. MASON & CO.,
UrOfLD re.peeuaily eall the attention of city and !
v * country Merchants to their choice stock ol
PALL AND WINTER GOODS, which for extent ard
trar.ety has probably neser been «ilJ*lfod in the weat*
ern eoantry Possessing the samo facilities and ad
*nruages enjoys* bv Ka*te t ,i House*, »*T nav'itg on®
of'he partner, constantly in the East among the man
ufacturers. Importers anc Auction Hnoses, they are
prepared in ofler the same advantage* in style and
price., that can bo obtained of the largest Eastern
| Houses.
Receiving large consignment* of DOMESTICS from
the manufacturers of New England, they are enabled
to offer these goods at less rates than they can be pro
cured of the Ka*t,vn Jobbers.
I be fact that their establishment offers equal, if no*
greater Mdvantages In every description of gooda, than
can be had hi*; clearly demonstrated to
thcr numerous Patrons. They feel confident if Mer
chants contemplating purchasing F-ast, will examine
their Block, (bey will be convinced that they can buy
the tame quality of goods at such prices a* will save
the cost of transportation, and the necessary expenses
and lime of an Eastern tnp The/ mention a part of
their s'oek which will away* be found fresh and com
Merrimack, Hamibon. roeh-co. and .Manchester Com
panies: also from tbe Prim Works of Dunoell, P. Allen,
Sprague- Richmond A Carr, Chaprcs, American,
Adams, Ac
40 cates GINGHAMS and CHINTZES, of the best
130 cases BLEACHED MUSLINS, of all the well
known and approved makes, for sale by the package
at Agents'prices.
300 bales BROWN MUSLINS, of all widths, quali
tie« and prices.
By John D. Dsyli, Auctioneer.
Pimtiv* Salt of Dry Gooai.
On Monday morning, Oct. Ist, at 10 o'clock, at
tbe Commercial Sales Rooms, corner of Wood and
Piflh streets, will be sold, without reserve, for cash
currency, to rlore a consignment
An extensive assortment of seasonable foreign and
domestic Dry Goods, embracing noarly all the variety
usually kept in an extensive retail dry goodk store.
At S o’etoek.
Groceries, Queen*ware, Furniture. Ae.
Young Hv.on and Imperial tea. Virginia manufac
tured tobacco, writing and wrapping paper, transpa
rent and veniaan window blinds, mantel clocksjumps,
looking glasses, feather beds and bedding, muttrasses,
carjettnr. Ac. _ . ,
A large and general assortment of new and second
hand household furniture, among which is ono splen-
il mahnganv wardrobe.
Also. 936 lb. No 3 cotton yarns.
bxs brad», asvincd sixes.
At 7 o’clock,
Two trunkr and l chest clothing',for ladies and gen
emeus wear, etaf'seing a good assortment of f*"h
juable cloth*, made to order, bools and shoe*, hat*,
aps. hoe cutlery, gold and silver wkiebc*, shot guns,
isuvls, Ae. *P«9B
S«w Styla Ctrpclii
WM’CLINTOCR, 75 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, i*
• now receiving his new Fall slock of Carp®!*,
among which are somn of the latest and best stylo*
now in the country. Tbo«e wishing to furnish houses
or steam boats are respectfully invited to eall and see
tbe new sty Le* and low prtees, the subscriber is now
offering in hu line.
Heeetved Uni day, direct from the Importers and
(■oo yds new style Tapenry Brussels Carpels;
9WW •• “3 ply Imperial do
ltOQn u -< u cuperfine Ingrain do
Stno .. u « fl fte u d 0
50U0 “ '• “ common u do
All of which will be sold low for cash, at low as
an be purchased m any of tbe Eastern cities.
•p>96 W M'CLINTOCK, 79 Fourth. «t
,17 HITE WOOLEN’ foi
r V weaving, for sale at the Blanket warehouse.
«pu3 419 Second st_
TABLE SALT— sro bp steam refioed Roek Sail—a
nrw article in thu market, of aupenor qaality.
Now landing—for »ale by
'« ISAIAH DICKEY fc CO, Front rt
Kh—W> bea enide in arrive: for *ale by
BACON SlDE*—lO.Oao lb* to tioie and for Mbs by
•ptV5 ROBT DALZKLL k CO, Liberty ti
CIHKE*E' W. bi* landing and for tale by
S SALTS—3 tone in atom and for tale low to eloae
. _bjr tpt33 HOST DALZKLL A CO
RIO COFFEE—3OO bga in ttore and for tale by
/HOARS — 4
Vy 13 eatet Not. 1. a A 3 Crux A Sons Principe Cigara
10 M Myer* Uegalia do
9 M !«• Etmaraida Regalia do
11 M Eagle do
In (lore and for tale by
lOOfl DBAND'V—■3s f - ctkt'‘ J IWo n Brandy, join
IOUU tec'd aud for *aie by boule or demijohn,
OILS— SSMJ gall* crude Whale Oil;
)UX) ** bleached Win** Whale Oil;
tOUO rail* bleached and unbt’d winter Sperm Oil;
4* bbl* Laid Oil.
VS basket* "Neice" Salad Oil;
IS do Bordeaux black boule Balad Oil;
Id store and for sale by
CIOFKKE —HT ban rood Rio Coffee, now landing
j and for ra. phy _ ipf23 _ 0 H GRANT
SATiNKTTS— Block, Mae. Lavender, bine
Oxford miird. end blect ribbed, tn fret! vinery,
just rec’d end tor sale by
LIN9KYS— Plftiit end plain, a fine assortment, }ott
rprtf MURPHY. JYILSO* fc _/*L
ALPACAS— Plain and figored, in great ntriety,
ju*i rac'd and for aale by
Beware of an lmpoitar.
PIANO POU TE TUNING —A pervm representing
a« ray Brother, or Co 4«n, or trnte way
connected with tne in buiineaa, bai been calling on
many of 00 r citizen* to bavo their Piano* toned. |
have no brother or any other relaliTe engaged in that
occupation. JOHN H. MELi.OR. ht Wood at,
apuis Agent for Chiekerrng'ar-Pianoa
Refinery. lor «Ue by
IN£KKI) OIL—O l'bl» pare Linteetl Oil, for uie
ipctt 193 Liberty »t
W GLASS—iKO tin u*'d diet, rec’d usd Tor ule
BACON— 3U hb<L Csn. cured Sbooiden usd Side*
Uacoo, rec'd usd tor ule y
("ILOVES —8 bM» jut tfc'd tntHor tale by
*pt2i earner W and Wood *tt
SALTPETRE— 50 In refined, ju«l ree'd and for talc
BRITISH LUSTRE—S eatea ja«i ree'd and Tor sa:e
OLIVE OIL —16 b»*ket* ftroh, ton rte’dand for tale
by_ trta _ BA FAHNESTOCK kCO
IIUUOIUCK BALL—I 4 civi u&allniek. Jn*t ree'd
j and foe **'e by B A FAHNESTOCK A CO
t rac'd and for rale by
SHOES—JusI received at
>ot, 11 eases, comprising—
| 4 eaaci Ladies Over Shota
l “ “ FandoU;
WHITING —SO Übt* jurt
rpttifi B
GWEEasTIO over'
the India Robber Depo
i cues men*' Over Shoe*; |
1 a u Sandols;
, 1 u Miaae* Over Shoe*,
Theae Over Shoe* are the fineat lot ever aem to this
market for aale. We invite the shoe dealer* to exam
ine the aamplea. 1l pnee and quality nit them,' we
can farciah any quantity. J k. 11 PHILLIPS)
{ pfi3 No 5 Wood ft
TYOA.RDING.— A Gentleman and Lad? can be
XJ accommodated with Rood* and Bearding to a
private house on Second street. Inquire at THISOF*
PICE. *ptl9:d6l*
Athaonam Saloon and Battling ElUb*
THK PROPRIETOR i» now prepared to wire
op meal* at all hours, to connection with Boarding
by the day or week. T. M'FALI.,
spcM Proprietor.
S'\ ROC FRIES, 4e.-100 bgs prime Rio Codee;
\JT 100 bta “ Laguayra da
10 ,r plrt Go*. Java do
IS half chest* extra Cbulan Tea;
10 do do Ning Von* Tea; 3do do Oolong do
15 do do Yonn* Hyson do;
10 do do loipenal and Gunpowder Tea;
SO catty tix» “ u . "
SO bbls Loaf Sugar, ass’d; 10 do crashed A powM
5 do clarified: 10 hhds N Orleans;
22 bbls N O Molasses; 3 do Golden Syren;
22 do Large No 3 Macker-1; 15 hf do do So 8 do
IS qr do No '1 do; 3 bbls No 1 Salmon;
SO hi* Obilieothe Soap; V do No t Roein;
S do Castile; 100 IVa Hyde's Palm;
100 lbs candid while; 10 bxs Sperm Candles;
QQ bx* Steasine Cand'et; 18 do Star do
SO do extra pun Starch;
Sn do extra S’s and H's Tobaceo;
S do pound lump Tobacco; V 0 kgs Nails, ass*d
3000 lbs Colton Yam. ass’d; 1000 do do Balling;
500 do do Wieklng;
Together with a general assortment of Bpices, Nuts,
Frail, Pickles and Preserves; on tne moat favorable
term*, wholesale end retail, by . J D WILLIAMS
•pv.)< corner Wood and Fifth tu
i i aCKEREL—U bbls No 8 Mackerel on'band, tor
LVi sale low to eloae oat consignment.
HERRING— 3U bbls b Stare ibd for sale .by
.pii| AHJiSTRONO A .
Feathers— ion ibs Feathers, oq haqi and far rale
low to dose out a constgnme&V
/~IRAP CIDER—I bbls Crab Cider, on hand and for
F'tbun— 100 bbls just rac’d and for sale br
DRIED APPbbS— A few both on hand and for sal'
B~ ROuMs-13 do* Brot
>ou, rac'd and fb( sale by
CYhKaM CHEESE—9SS tuu Oreun Cbe**a, l»n2£oj
) from canil boil G*n Ueid isa for tele by
»pl3' JAMES lUUZKLU 3* Wucr it
•fiOTAiiH — tO nki Potub. liumpjf fronTYitUbu/j
X mil Cleveland Line. sod fat by
*ptii James dalzell
FOUR— 4D bbt* fresh ground Flour, lost rac’d and
for rale by BL’RURJDGK, WILSON * CO,
»ptg> Water H
which are some verT ft ne Mgc- Josi tvc’a
bj ip ,ao rAnxbdv >»*wvf.b
ANU PICTURES of all kind* irai&cd
r »»«'.^kesnksy wtb,
tea la *«» 9*
t p,ts 4 s DfLWGHTH ft CO
T?LQP B—"flSVbta""Pugh's «tt» PamliyFlnor, land-
P iua (fttjn kre! boat Jack Ogte, and for tat* by
■* JAMES PAtZELU 81 Water «t
CHEESE—» bx*» of superior quality, now laadtaii
for ..I. by 13A1AI? DICIUSV 4 00,
tpt!7 _ Front«
gLAC. TBS-g fa w «■» Obtebft
F- ANNFLS^—BrowUj barred and red iVaeatic
Flannels, rac’d on wyi*lgn»entj foe j™
aptU dKO •& Wood at
COFFEE —1W hgs IUo CbtTee, juai i ee r d *mF for rale
h V rptll C If GRANT
MACK.fc.RKL —lu> bbi» large No 4, m*w~ landing
from canal: for aala by
ipU3 l&AlAil DICKEY ft OCX, Freni ai
<0 ewe* aod baits of TICKINGS, of mt Tort, lit*,
tlton, Amoskeog and Otik Companies
X bale* Red, White and Yellow FLANNELS, a
complete assortment for cat* low by the bale or piece,
rec«*«l direr i iron manufacturers.
facroer* of 8. Slater A Son. Hill A Carpenwr.-Fw
num. Hams, Ac., of every grade.
CASSTNKT3, JEANS and eaeee of
all the various manufacture*. /.
of the Hamilton and Manchester Work#;' alto, full as
sortment of Foreign manufacture.
a> ears* eolored MUSLINS, for *al# by the «**• at
and Colored CANTON FLAN
NELS, of all the usual make*; al»o Cloak Lmuiri.
More man «0 esse*. Also, 300 piece# Freneh Mann®,
Lvoneso and Paramatta Cloth#.
SILKS and SHAWLS—SUOp* of b*aek aadfonaf
Silk*; nearly 2000 Shawls, long and square, of aa
kind*. Al»o. Vi#ete». Cloak Scarf*, Ae.
A full a**onrnent of \yhite and Linen Goods. Ala*,
jloiierv and Gloves, Efhlirmderle*, Lace* and Trim*
mine*, Mocmtng Atucle*,aJl qualities,sites and make
of Blanket*
RIBBON? —50 bnxes of rich Bonnet aad Cap Rta* •"
bona; also, Volvet, Stilt*, Satm*. *e., with everyeth
er description of Miiunery articles, Tailor*’ Trim*
mine*. An. Ac
Ail of which, together with a general assortaant of
Good* of the newest and most fashionable style*, wil
: be offered at an extremely low advsoaa.
New Goods constantly rrc-ived. v
* All Merchants are cordially solicited to call •
I (pti9 A A jjaSON A CO.
Ku>««.r • O. ». P.rt.r
Atmt*»io>s—Drew Circle and Parqtt-tte SO et|.
Second Tier ‘B 11
Last nieht of the engagement of the ITALIAN BAL
By request of many ladies and gentlemen, the Grand
Ballet o? Giselle mil be repeated. r
Moaoar. Ocr. I—The performance will eomasne*
rtth a new piece eailed our
OB, Tut BtTCiSHOT CaVilxt.
Pimon Mr Rabin»;sa.
Adrien Mi#* Cruis*.
To be followed by a Grand Ballet entitled
Duke Albert Signor N#tL
'Hilariou Mona SehmidL
Giselle «- Signor* Cioeea.
Mynha •«. Mad’Ue Tb*ra»*.
To conclude with' LA TARANTELLE, by Madlli
Theresa and Mods Schmidt.
Monday—Benefit of signora Cioeca, and last appear*
ance of the Italian Ballet Company.
ia. The UJk. Mail steamer MICHIGAN
. ttT .1 H No. ’A will leave the landing opposite
Mnnongahela Hpcie, every Son
morning at D o'clock, for il#av*r
Returning. 4#ill arrive at S o'clodkyl*. M.
Fare to Beaver and back, Twgsty-Sve Cent*.
The steamer BEAVER will loav*
, A the wharf, opposite the Mononouga
ffifcftßMl belt House, every Sunday morning
■■flEESßlßat 9 o'clock, for Beaver. Returning,
will leave Beaver at l o’clock, P. M-, and axriva at
4 o’clock. Pare, Twenty-five Cent*. myftt
LIST AND RAO CARPETS—Good* and handsome
articles for winter will be sold cheap for cash at
_ spm W M’CHNTOCK’3,73 Fourth st
SHINGLES— 40 M Shinglesf-on consignment end for
spCM 173 and 174 Liberty st
• N O Sugar; 300 bbl* N 0 Molasses, in store and
for sale by spC>4 _ MILLER A RICKETSON
RIO COFFEE— IfiObg* Rio Coffee; 30 b|i Java da;
in store abd for sale by _
CHEESE —40 bxt Cream Cheese; 60 bxs eommaa
de, in store aud far sale by
Sugar House Molasses, in store and for #a!a by
i ICE—IO tes Rice, just ree d tnd far sal* by
Tit* Chari I er* Coal Compsay,
BOOKS will bo Open for subscription to tha stoek «f
“The Cbanier* Coal Company,” on and. after
Monday, the 114th day of September iaiL, at thaofita
of Z. Wrßamingfon. Peon st, Pittsburgh.
apdhdt/ Z. W. REMINGTON-
SILKS! SILKS’.! SILKS!!!—The richest, largest and
ebespest assoraftent ever offered by any one boa**
in tbo Western country. A A MJISON A CO,
tptio CO Harkat at
(111 EES B— 230 bx» lust ree’d and for sain at tha But
j ter and Cheese Depot, by
this day opening it AA MASON A CO.’S Om
Pries Store, 60 Market st. ,»pUO
than £O.OOO yard* of the above named goods bava
been received daring the past week, st the enty ehcap
one puce store. sptiu IA MASON A CO
CIOFFEE— 333 bag* prime Green Rio. for salaby* -
Tf.A— liW hfchesu YH, Imperiahand G P Tea; IB
dodo PowcbongTea; 89 caddy bxa Y H,G Pand
Imperial Tea, of recent Importation; for sal* by
IJtlsH—l IX bolt large No J Mackerel-, 30 do Glbbad
' lletnnp 90 bva smoked do. for tale by
EIiNfTSL'K.TaiIBET rev of a vary
superior quality of the above acarae and deait*»
ble article, joai reCd ai Dry Gooda Hoose of
ITUNc? - * GOt CUNu gratf vitriol
. ty of stylo, and. of all the various qualities, raeei
ved and offered low at-Dry Gooda Honn *f
rptlß W R MURPHV, cor 4th and Market ata
SQUARE WINTER. variety of
styles and pr-ccs—a large assortment now open at
itora of apflfi W R MURPHY
LadTit’OyiUr Saloon.
FI NEC AN ft CHASE, of tho “AjtaaiCia. n have fil
led up their from Parlor, on the eeeond floor, in a
taperb manner, and have it eel apart exclusively tor *
LADIES’ OYSTER SALOON. The fomltura la Dew
tad costly, and nothing hta been or will be left uadtttm
that may tend to the comfort and convenience ofthsir-
Lady patron* Q7* Smrthfidd street, opposite ihe-
Monongafacia House. apUtdlw
DRIED PEACHES—I9O bath prime Ohio Peaches*
received and fbrstle by ,
BUTTER— OObblsNo 1 paeked Butter, to arrive,
for sale by apiM, BAOALEY ft SMITH
TANNERS’ OIL—00 bills Tanner*’ Brown Oil, jaat
rce’d sad for tale by. rgi BaGALEY ft SMITH
COFPEB— 900 bg* prime Rio Coffee, now landing—
for sale by «pt2a BAG ALEV ft SMITH
BICK— SOlcs fresh Bice, in store and for sale by
CHEESK— 3CO bi» prime Wuurn Reurre Cheeet,
loti ree'd'aod'tor Mle t*y
FiOUR-30 bbU rape nor Floor, jon received »«?
for tale by
tccM a few pieces of abore scarce etude. «p 23
I AUKK FLANNELS—Of mffcfent qn«lni»q. ftiSi
r Saiony do, to be found at Dry Goods Doom of
received a loiof white, brawn, and barred Do
mestic Flannels, to which be indies the attention of
boyera, either by the piece or yard. apdd
>E HLANRETS—To bo fonnd at iw
wee of sptiß ■W R MlTP.^ifY
CREAM CHBKSbr-fiU bit Cream Ohf-.<~»
rate article; }uti rte’d and for sate h-
FIX)GR— 71 bbU extra Family Fraiar, >n atom and
•foryaJo by »pt2j SU XV HARPAIiOK
pROWN SHEETINGS—U bales for tale.
D *J>«3 , MHIILLB ft ROE
BLANKETS— 30 pail of larfe use'heavy Ulan
nta, of America* redd and for aal*
b_r J»pt3 GfeO, COCHRAN, fl> Wood at
NAILS AND SPIKES—SOO Imi assorted, tor saJa
by spilA f. 8 WATERMAN
UUAH UUIISK UtiLAtUI < 2M>f bbirior itit by
WHITE BEANS—IS bbfs to close eanaifnaWK.—.
„ spots M’aiLLSk_ioß_
PIS IRON—SO tons Foundry Pi* Iron.
JUST ARRIVED— A fplendtd lot of Diamond Spark a
and for sals by W W WILSON.
57 Market st
CREAM CHKKSE—tiQQ kujut reo’d at tt« Butler
and Cheese Depot, a ad- lot tale b j
OALERATVS—-8 hbli tor «eie by “
I*LLO\V-9 bbfr~ fe?ute by
■ »i»aa J n r*
WOOL— 7 bp for Okie by
Ipc» a P VON C( j
BUVfKR— 9-bl>!a p»eked. for *ale » t ~ '
-tr_ arvon bon^SKhS
T>ROOX&-430 dozen.iVMrier Broom* far ul. v
cltmmy ud Utttr u*le of the mo«k, »wu£l£. a
ut kieutai-breath.. It cleanwa *u4^huf,“
£4*s.vsjs £-
i» U Um/o™
J**«g»««Toilxed BUnkeu;
1 - d . Bearer Clm>;
3 4 bloa “ BUnkot o»ung; * '•*'
it .5.6kT»JW«ta; > ea *« Jd *<
• Tbairdrab lUufcet Cmu'iw
. n dh^ , s““ *i« poowta, «M«
BtaSST’lliy* *H*® bo * l tiubon aES bow* '
terSfSf:i A -k fa,Mk M, -« manufaeiwert 1 9**~~
®*P**'-* k aitenuoo *f elotWfflM*"*
«nw*ipti»eaio the eotui ns*. H. LG&.
va^rrr—— 100 Liberty »i optKHif j~„
oo baad and tor'aaie iiy . p
a lee _
Wg&wt nrtoe h» eaafpatj ?o'r"alTf rmSor*?™*’ l
«mai blb*
.. LtlfcJ bai removed fau nfflee to U>e **
> No-'im Lilicny «l > T at
ARMY AmT^A-. o** 0 **
hand and for »»>e_by *prtt " utj»
PXO IRON-BO loni Pi* Iren, on h*ad ter