FNIT , nMMIIMITI IMPORTED.&VELECiIIapriaD frOa THE PrrAffIUZGH DAILY GAZETTE BURNING .y THE GERISLINToWN. Cmcomen;Sepl 28. A Ovate ifeerettfh from Emmett*, stye that the Germentooin,toeded ar , ihillar, from this port, wee desevyml by fire moor Shaamexeown, 111. laswiae retraTur.] Czacarri, Sept. 'Z. The team, getwaniowa was barael Sen di), OM ShalnitetOWELt seance -Mee pee senors wean all Rata, beithe baggage sad cargo wu a totalling. THE WINNEBAGO INDIA S. Sr Leo* Sept. 25. • The Vittittehago baize, &merited .d with the lane daft:ladle= by dewy, ham, for their old hewing grounds. , • Oept. gage. from Forsieelling, bed'a form and intercepted them. Ile met the ledbuns at Mee Lake, and drove them beet. Farther difficulties are apprehended. SABBATH CONVENTION_ Sr. lotrall, Sept. 25. TbdSabbath Counention met last nlgbt in the Second Pzesbiletitm dlaarch. There were 500 delegates psesent. They eggs:died by appointing Hon. Edward Estes President CINCINNATI menKET. Crecueur, &pt. '45. Fketr--Sales 500 bble s et 5t,25 per bbl, Re new flee. • Whiskey—Seleent 19P3194. • P". 7 isklehrSalre 20Q Perk le $7;75 per bbl. NEW YORK MARKET• eoco =Karr. New Yout, Sept. 2.5. Flour—Weatera,Canal is I. fair demand; hob den We inn, without however any perceptible advance la prices. Chnin-Whiat has. come in mom freely, and the masts is more actimbut pikes are enabling. ed. A good- deal Is doing in'Corn, and holders sin more ink but no masted change in prices. Giemitlei—The market exhibits no marked change In any thick. Coffee—The stock in first banes [night. N. O. Sugar has been to active de mand, and former price! are folly maintained. Colioldera aro armei irt:coosequestoo of the steady improvement in the Southern nrukm, and an advance of is demanded. Cams -ht.ogrr.—..Beeves—the offerings to day were2ooo head of Nowhere, and Nem York &ate. and East. woo head mem disposed of at 113,20n0 pa. 100. The market closed with room 200 beadleft over. New You, Sept. 25. Mar—There has been demand for the Eastern porter Rene" 10 ,,, steady at 51,9 KM per bbL for erinstnatauf gond and straight brand., and s3,t2io $3,25 Or Western and Genesee. (into—Then lum been a slight improvement in wheat, owing prinelpilly toil, decrease In re ceipts, Ben are principal, confined to small lots to city customers. The supply of con is light, end beldam are endeavoring to get up the mock et; sew of mixed at sfias9o per bu. Prividona—Very. little Is doing Ls the market Selma Mess Pork at 610,06 and of prime w 69,- 94 per bhl. - Of western cored bacon hams, there is • fait supply fir the market. Orneezies—We have no duruma to report. paid--Siiihns of 13pimish Lend u 114.374 pm 1 0 0 tbs. . Wldskey--Balei of Ohio at 27e. Cottor—There was a good demand this mom. jot but the firmness of !Alders, woo geoerally claimed ea advance, had a tendency to check op entions. NEW YORK MONEY MARKET. Env You., Sept. Z. Moto vu noThinir done in' Foreign 4change II any consequence. The ilium:do= for the ileajnet pally, DOl. 'et NUM :commenced. The stock market is.depressed. Fri-mo. Elsa or a nue Banns is not mom retrai nee than • bad, putrid breath, on dark, yellow &sea. ed teeth. If persons lan then It A that own fant— they can, for two dance, boy an article that Will make their breath pans and sweet u W Spiry dir • Ardis. • It Urn &mum ache Game, spongy or ulcerated, and thr the Teeth It in smeenned, notonag the tartar, lessening the with to the gums, and nem them ea when n the Pilots of thefrosas North • Saab, reader, ere the ;mammies or tomer Amber Tooth Pinkand, without pralelog n oursebrei, bear whitener of our mod respectable nod scientific Ani line, Yt. H Vietd,egNew York. ono .1 have both netratid sensed this bean:dial arid ardele, (Weal Amber Tomb Palma and CAM sacommend it as potteneing gent:Una eland ed feer the Reader. we can my no 011,111 to ortonnee, only that it you try this one you will be well pleased. Itas pump se beastlftil English Odes Puts. no IS mesio,,Bold by tho Anus, Wm. /SUSAN, eii Mer cy elniet, Pinetnagh. aunaliterT 7CYSENCIT MACK CLOTII9.—W. R. Morphy ha, ' opened to-day afresh Int or the above roods, from two dollen per yard np to superfine qualities, and of appioeed auxuaraetare, ter - which he paroeularty In. iUentiop °Meyer. ALI% black and fancy Ceasimerea, Bann Vesting.. =Wig merino and cotton Undershirts, Iloties7 and Glove., Pocket Hdlrfs and mode paling - and (danyilra• es, as le.• eaeh prices. Madman will find fro:letter advantageto enemas she melt in Wholesile R 0.4 op Wain, !sefore aptly buy , _ COFFEE -LA bill F it., In !re and for sale by i1ag.17 . .-r..".. -. . ... 'I. . ..1 8 I.L.WORTII ts. CO N.llll.4ookgsaaporsei - aise , krr We by d S DILWORTH & CO DHABI., A.+l/-7 tibia from Adama' manufactory, re- JC aloud this day - and for Ws by pm . . I,rc it FLOYD - :- 10 LLETAJ..-75 Allegheny Pig Neal, for sal. P 0 , 17 J k R FLOOD IkTEW LIGHT—A A . .) , Th.d , " ri far th° uew L amps, jaa r eo'd tcenfirgso7, .I,&,tareen Wood end Murk sts [Er We kavrou t ale =nevem nu fa be eteuesatly sePPLIed. row PLOISR—M Extra Family pude of old whikatijitit reed and for sale by rptl7 • , AILYSTRONG CROZER MlikEE—e s bbis .I*les Maar. Land .l.7.4S/t CMS keel boatJesk Ogle. ad for sal* bl. gar 'JAMES DALE_ ELLIN Watern CUED3E=47.tots Itettemi, landing and TV 4. for cde "'sr" , JAMES DALZELL ruizesE—tf3 bza, of [[patio quality, rum lanitisqo C all* by Id&L&H DICKEY & upd7. • • • . luau st LtUclil:M..s do: ao7i , andst . ; focal* • SVI7 DICXEY &CO DCthig..9—Dark md fo,lipbt,r oda by fivolood silver Drab apalT.C7rUtbaitaat lowan' - SHACELEI7 & 91,141 TE, 99 Wood at iill.ANNElLH.—A.follsosortoseat of white, yellow, rod and Wear platio.sod milled Ronne* Out rootlirod . ssl7 .11HACYLLIT Y. WHITS fILSKAMOZ-41 1 0 1 Wes noir style Plumy' CaAI. IQ ogres; side suipct Ind ahem just opened by . spll7 " .121HACKLErT it WHITE AND DRAWERS-4.w whits and e l olored is.mbe wool libirt•su 23 d MAW eckopening by. .017 SHACCLETT & 11411 vs VANCY PRINTS—IO es.a. war aryls dark (Away .I. — Prtrits,jastopemut by EIHACICLETr a: WHITE D8&99 0001)8-1). Lainqs, Cashmere.,, Alpaca.. Al • Coburg., Queen.. -COo.bhasad other worsicel Mil,4lotOpqrllll.lldfor salehy - olitrr 811AMLEITt WinTR rs I an eg h 7 4 4 , APirr . - . • saAcluxtrawurrE itHiVrtairtibus itcar reahrb.g, nod oflar for iOO.ll4pW ' rack To• 1.10 ;, V ; i k ! Imo itid, Of an d lamp Ss and 161 Stoll Tobteem 250 Op Ma and Jam, Coder; '6ol,lsh 0 Soto; it Obis N Molsocro. ICON& Weser. Oil; O do wham aul Limp Oil; *Kali 'Conic 40 bp Pepper and -Slmanto; . Scar Nosh Bala: 10 OW Whitimo da . COMO: 60bn ascot:dam; its Whim PIPm., 16101 be Wsrmari bides Cime, bbl. Nannoim NS lAssf, Combed, sod pow d Bosom . festialaddr;.3-cmoonn Nal% PON Re nu% Nos Zenon IN= 190 tors Ilerrlom 2C O kit NOWyncird cur, 100 Int Ground Mug 16 Was Alsnondsc NI do Eoglich Walnuts, NI do Filbastr, Moo Braall Noon Ammo wim.ttck. Coady; 6do T.Apsorice WI; do &ana Trisica,3 do Sardlosr, Si& Topper Scum 1.5 do M.S. CatroP; Agog Phicip. !Rpm, tailoas Omta; SAM Hamm gammon AWL INV Spcsish.Sepnn the cm Chew . ToboCeM Neppon, Mucha, andSoolob 5.14 , Groat Spmes-of all kind.; Sweet Spiced CO.hoc "tom 20 Dm enett Almonds; 6 ens. Cuttle Socm pou Mures 101szkirm 61 balm Candloorick; 100.0blo Nacterol; lAN bon Wtodo. Glum "INlthltpronal assortment of Simbarch mpeno tared ilniektl l . MULISH tr. NMNETT, 0pt17.1 '57 Word In, oppisim St Mules Hotel' The Pststiseilvardis Company. Vefileubasts os LxvesarroOlLlTM C(I first Life Immo= Camps= be the Roues =rammed limed to,lBl.—chaiter perpeteaL WpOi--Idt said Itt; seeiNs enthamed dte asdersisned to receive ma& askuy ror inenzsner, = we politico will be issued, i x _adipir to their preprealt ead rake, whkh will be ku r m, to applicants at ids =See, N 0.03 Waal idreet. _____ OE6 COCHRAN. it - :T . • - ma' ALA will he received at Johnatows, Cam P Tjd n ooatcy, Perinte, from the tat teethe Ith of .6.4 for ainGradoation and IlasimiT of tha od o „ of the Western Division of tbe PIiNNISTLVA jowwwAD east o( Somata N. ti 4 opticatite to Marseille, a dicta-co of ye naies—embraelog a em5.14...b1e . 14 ...ble rartoont of heavy Rock Dammam and Eli. baakme nt - Mao and rrafiles arise 'arose may he wets at the Office whale the time above .Decided. F' . 1k .,, ' ' 6l Vie f t ITis ' iteln lY Di l vi 212,1=111 1 Th_ tat K e W s?' *l' lie eattill'Ave. . -1. All THOMSON, Chief Phylum. ' fligi'c'Til.n.,-.yDr"""VfItRIEN,94 ( widialkait .y - ZIEI I.ollrf VOIL =all Mad salt, m-mated gonad; far ads loguiro al S:W PATiaasoVB . pt s . I•prr Witt,le. (i. 7 # l 7k, wo. OT . Owirmatathfosid sute, l bemen SaTeiult ' xad /nit punajosl i trh tressed COMMERCIAL RECORD. IRV... 'EEI. . AIACICAI ti-6 * Et.PTEXU . - timirdr -13 ---- ''' ----------- a banthgri 1 Maads b C . Ttutedfit ---- CS Fridayi I -- - --, Mi3El 711 - 1 6 65 619 60 641 6, PITT mum BOABP eir " .131 , 111driTEE FOR :. , //fer== B . lAxl3 1..4411= vrosatx 14 1. •. • 11 Femur oP Tos PIT 1111 - 179.01WEARIEUT. MON:11 VW Mato Irmo= 27,1 1812. dasethetereek of comparative dullness has prevail ed ta thatend marirp,and OTtn thing minks eellh. ear any 'tad atiage fleet our Iva rewire mi.., We hatdihad several days of nom) *ether, bar wo have ivd m Palos , as Yet, lUedeln tO *ye any et. feet upeullhe river, am! business in then ester has beaddull kirring b. The receipts of Fireadstuffs and Pre. woos friSM the lower markets have beers eatroutely andAirrre has been steleady-falLing at In .upptlea The retiPiPb of Dry Goods from the Fag have been fell, and frikmerelants are busily engaged in arrang ing tbeirAtirge and rill selected assoncromts for the sceoncarefation of their Call eostorners. In view or s to fset,atilantry merchants need have no besuadon to eioolog dite Market so en early period, as they will be certain tepid here every thing ready to Meer orders, at. pace =Ode) low. ASITE*4Is the season advances, we notice a bet. ter demand in the Ashes market, but no heavy trans actions Ciainir . enrue to one knowledge daring the week. In We ...4.#r general antes we use the following 4,, tarions—fearlash Go, Salerams GI, Soda ash 01031, Potash 3.103 D: IP D. The market is fairly milltrylied with all kinds. A.LIG-4'i notice no change in the musket,-40,500 860 am the luting fumes. . . 11ACCINvlifams have barman stares, mai are to Mildr flefiand m a range of Se to 10i, 'Mr MM.. prime b. 40 and sogar tared. Wo notice a destine in SbealAvni . and Bides, daring 'the pastmeek, wut sales In nf 5m to bbd. at, far shotalifers 51e, and for Wm QJb p lb. Ilestripta tare been light, and sup. plies aroltrt more that rttfstient to the demand. BBANOtte roseipts of Irma meant to3IO boatels from Atit winch bas caused a slight falling off m pricer,silt o, males at 11/311, from more. BUCNM AND TUBS—The market 1. well sup plied %Mls' good article, and "lea am regular tram 'ton 4,is for Bristow, and 18,5000 Prior for Tuba, assordini to also. BBOOgß—Suppbes somparatimly taht, and are nodes a !laird demand al folly quited nwea, my for • good wertiantable article 12,50, sad for boo quality 051,2i03074. dor. mat of pdYtr white at Marie de bm. BUTTP,Efv—We notice no receipts of mansertmara very WWj offered in the market, and prices are alto. gather **al. BRICIt t -SaLes of Are Brien. hem Were at 5138 WM de Oh Prom the yevdt, paving brinks aro veld at SSA* and common et 114,5005 is loco. CHEE4R—Large paaullttes of Cheese sae being brought (nitro= the Western Reserve, end nomnett standine?,lte Intl shipments Eltit, ere notice abundant mimetic. Oa good amide In the market,—with sides of emossittniVi!. R. at OItildle„ and el Cream Cheese at 7® ccrrrO suservios—Th. _ _ ~..t, S SHEETlNGS—Thwisastafereture or amen Meetingtlit Mos market hu become • matter of grow hagetpineta and western dealers are muted thr an ardelk of Use serf beat y17•11 HAI IA Chmens office wou ali:llT—The CMMOO bon e now pp~occepled by Mn_ Atwood...aced et Oakland, widt achav or mend attached. The leuree supiwion. and convenient. and the d t.ru Un proved. Apply 10 HARDY, JON hA & anir3l WILE Isalentigned offers tor sal, h. presets. resi dence o Coal 11111, with the tereuty acres of ground attached thereto. The Hw.e in us good order, and the groturd consid erably improved, to lading a large garden and fine orchard. He will also sad. if doused, the whole Loony portion of his household Furniture, Booles, Yietums. he. 6011ERT FINNEY, No Yt Stark. ante FOR Seirrifiiik - House. lbw one year .9; bath,) and Los,. Robinson street. Allegheny, oast old Bridget. Price Mgr .d terms eany.— signify or iy2 l tl SCHOYER, lib Aeon. st MIOR ftVolr - --The three awry linct Dwcihng ou Liberty, between thy and Timber, sweets, now occupied Ls, W, (teatime, Jr. rossmion given immedimety. Enquire of Wm. Graham, or at the Etookatote of JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, canter Market aed.Thlrl sneers Dallt VALK, 41 TIIREE stori. Dwelling Holuet, being the second house from P. street, :el Snyder'. How, on Hay amt. I.nedintelon arid be given, Empire of DAVID RITCrr A.mey at Law—orgoe . FOUStil street, between Cherry alley .d Grant i.e. Joldaltf - von lIENTs #I..FOUR oat two story Ends Dwelling Houses, szell finished and Incompleworder, on Cornet 'caws, hh Ward. Possession given Dili let. En low. Engaise of /011 N WA fT & CO, jabcorner of liberty and Hand ma TO PAUJILICTIS ANTS 417 HE andenigned offers ror eale Mllf-sa county .1, PA, Itflp acres of well timbered LAND, with an excellent Saw Mill nearly now-, and two new Frame Houses, one 41 feet front by 47 hack; the other?! feet front by CI back. Alex, card now Risme para. thirty by forty feet. The anti and land are satiated (out miles from Rte Allegheny river. A great deal of PINE TIMBER of the beat quality, and also a vastquantity of th e very best hemlock. Also, one acre an the bunk of the Allegheny, near a cove, most egluttrably adapt ed for rafting, when, lumber eatt be rafted on the or in winter. and be I...reedy safe from all freshers.— Brice 1f9,000, or RS an acre. Teams easy. Will take a well cleared farm., wtdt gaud house and or chard upon It, no part payment, tfloesdon Is =ARUM, and the Wanee to lumber, or as may be agreed on. This is art excellent opportunity for 'umbering; and OW probability is gnat that la two or three year thts property .11 doable its value, In tronsequence of Its pott)arruty to the New York and Erie Railroad. Mea lier sufficient to wear oat several saw mills—and sec- tnd mill sit n on the are= winch runs snarly . through. he centre of the land. !shoat ;Aeon .ere, In gram No hilt to rise la hunituf lumber from mill 1.0 river. Trout and game in abundance. For farther pun.- addrcsUlpethithblr) P. B.TRASPIXTON, anivinthunni Galena office. Pataborah MOE subsenbers will sell at pnvate sale, those tut i• s - Unable Lou of Grouch unwed on Tutuila gt, la the Th,rd Ward of Allegbeny City,b haying • front of WO feet, rutting back Ile feel i n depth to 229 feet alley, upon which is built a stone wall, shi by_l9.; feet, which contains Ilene enough ttl build Vellgas for two iumfortable dwelling bemsfis, aud. In front there are th ree shade toot. In Ynnrs ouch, andthe aidewant Is rr , at art brink, all of which will be .15 at 0:54. Pittsburgh and JUltgbeuy, or Oaon{y stop, will be taken lopityMent. Jic R PRILLIDIA, No 0 Wood at., or to WM. DEN*,I74, ituaethately oppente said lots. VO r riil..l 7 lwe situated in the dear ✓ tithing town of 131 aso. The lots are snub led on Denman street, nom red in 17 Busman% pike 75, 79, 80, 81 and 82—Lot No 75 fronting al futon-Ma ry Ann meet, 70 feat deep; the other lux Al feet front tub., by to feet deep. Irma—Greater part of purchase money may le cunt for sin yearn, secured by mostgage. For panic tilers, l n ulu of OCUONLR, '1 110 second I . alletsatigiOntal Istnia 12•14 --- ADO f four m il e* above Lock No. 1, at the mouth of Pine Ran, Monongahela River. The Coal Is oldie very best quality, and easy of none.. Any number of sexes, from twenty-five to a hundred, might be obtained. Persons duty.no of purchasing, wee call on WALYER KERR, on lho r. mlont, or Wm Reed, appoute the Post oillce, woo anti glee any In lonnatidm uneckung the prOperty. The above he Pal at a 'creel lougino. eiyib 16m • LRI-A good bock towelling House. rtlarkler oa • Robinson street, A/dunces. Enquire of motif BOLOMON SCAIOYRE Littlt. SALK CHEAP FOR Seal lot of ground ✓ mutate on Webster street, nti feet from Hub street; 20 feet front on Webster, by SR feet so a ken feet alley —quite close to new coon bouts. Price MA menus, tabu cub in hand; halanun In one, two, three nod font yearn Hem the krst of Apnl last. County out Lily Baru taken for cub payment. In- Oln multi B BCHOYDR, 110 second at *Oa Acres Coal arena* acne dale, SITLIA Pg.*. the Monengabon river, aboat lOmies from Prasliurgh and 3 mina obese third Lock, In the Wurtedlabt nelghbolitood arMtgars. Lyon it Shoth, and Mx John Utmost pastlms. fi ne. body of Coal Will b. old al the low pries of *Myer acts—ox• third In hand, banned la Ste erptal smanalpaymenm, whimat interest ma. indiaptunble. Loud!oo very good—cannot be surpassed. Foe farther particulars insire of S. BALSLEY, who Mu • draft or sold pro perty. Hnadencelhl at, below Ferry, Mr. Adams' Now. N. IL Then o another seam of coal on tids Diet, aboat 60 feet anise the lower, of excellent quality. S. H. — lTaluablethaiding note for Sala. pHs sobranbers are authorised nadir at privnue• side, and upon highly favorable terms, a number ot very veinal. Ilitilding Lem, comprising large portion of the Lois numbered 07, On, p and Woods' Getter* Pl. of no Wtrof Pittsburgh, quo ted at the sottn easitrordly toms: of Peoo and Wayne streets, troutiog Mu tun on the forma and and extending along the latter about 601 feet to die Allegheny river, and bung a part of no Real Emote of she late James B. A Stevenson doceased. plan ors u bdivisioni of the above Lots, in eon.- telly WWI of it proposed to eell, may be seen at the aka of the underugued, on Fourth. between M.. tot and Ferry al a W LLLIAMS my 3 tWO UOUSlell £NI/ LOWS 10011 eitkuit. AA, TWO LOTS en Seaver street• in the env JUL Allegheny, above the upper Cominions, on antel forerected • frame budding, two moues lehei, sad.. two small tenements. The lots are emit. meaty feet to trout by one hundred feet deep, ant to • street forty feet wide. The buil:rows on the prej mmes will pay every handsome Interest on the invest; until, end the property well be Wild ebony foe cash. I Apply to H. Sproul, Clerk's ode., U.S. sr lo noun KAT & Co losston trattoria Load far Sala. TEN ACR OP LANA...ea ia Peebles town ship, oa the Monongahela, throe mil. from Pitts bargh—to lots to smt purchasers. For farther ramie Ware apply to Henry Woods, 3d at, or to M!3;EMM StWARCIRICSE FCC SAE.-11re thsta.ntser efen far We the three *tort brick Wareheare an Wood street, e.eattlel hy R. 'Cannel It Co. apIT Whl. WILSON, Jr. ViLLIJAOLE F.ST.YELL`e FOR RALE.—A Lot of Oround ululate on Paco auset„berarecti Ray and Alarbory strnels, adioluing deo booze and lot Imo occupied by Richanl Memel; boviug • from of 7 feet, att.! to depth IG.O feet, urlll sold ou favorable .11111. Title courceptiontibla Ey, enure ocrl.de f C. U. LOOM/S, &Lame Wood. ' oc War anis. A DIZIDADLEBaIItIing Lot .11 Allegheny etty, fa, werably beatea, In elle about hal(an aere, .6 anti be gold secommudwung term.. bootee of MLA D WILLIAMS, I u weed uo MIFOR K.ENT—A room In 18.1 seeowi .w.), N MISS Wood iovai Property Ls Athosßemy Way for mega. IE aatmenbon after for me a number of enema Low, mutate in We Second Ward, fronting oo the mite grow..., on cosy Item.. Inquire of W.o'll. ROBINSON, Aug at Law, 61 Our at et of JAB noutrisoN, on theorem... mathdiewnrt• lkirool,--71e tughe.i; puce io caan veau washed Wool, by L.F-L, I..l.ertv al 4.,10 M2E • • BATHS FOIL ONE DOLLAR, oc 91 321 c E bathfor Mo. mac Lad/es Department coca fro o 9 to 11 o'cLock, 43, 31., and 2 to 3 o'clock, P. 3L :tahet;sruzaSalo ' ona;l Elattau,s FAtablishment. T M'FA I.L. Proprie,or. OZO. W. SMITH 6 CO., I'NFOIeI their (nand, and the publza thuthey have uo Imiger with their We ego-kit/A pof fu Pan stteet,tnownt as the PlusbuTet bing =map! th en basin.. rears basi.. to the POIN ,aII , NV - 111 Pie ere., ilakital 1849. Ea= B and Idris Express Peartet Lan. 11-Li. PARKS, Beaver, Propnetar. %lite pew and elegant Pemenger Packets, NIAQARM Cant LI R /Mine • PENYSVL ASIA, " H kfoffm4 LASS SEE, " Tmhy; QUEEN CITY, " hiclialf): Forming • daily Line between Beaver and Erie, hare commenced running, and will continue during the rano son to male their muter trim lenytni Seater .deer the maul al the tnomtur boat from Putetiargh, IL e'- elan, a I. I and arriu et Erie In ume for paasengers to take the morning boats to Buffalo or op cm Lake. Enema through to Erie and ell Lake ports, un be tad by epplicauon to .1011 ti A CAUSHEY, Ast i comma Writer and Smithfield sts on OPERAS KECK, not ice under the at Cicalae ;Intel urr LAVIOS nab CAUTIONED AgrAlhoT u- . BIND COMMON PIIEDARED CHALK. = They are not mere how frightfully iagavisaw It to to the din! how coarse, how rough, haw a al low, yellow, and unhealthy the slun ap pears agar using prepared chalk! It to balarletw, contiOntng a large quantity of Lead! We haveprepared a beautiful vegetable ankle, Which we call-JONES' SPANISH LILY WHITE. It la perfectly Innoccul, balms paaided of all deleteri ous qaalltwar and lab:agoras to the slim a uatwal, heal thyelabaster, claw, living white; at the mine tiala lulthylkas a catainstic on the skin, making It *oft land mew Bold by the Agent, WAL JACKNON, Pla Lib erty at, Ambush. Pnea ID cants. ang7:dansT -- - -RE D1.,- SARSAPARILLA, The moot Wonderfol iledleine of Ito) Ago, 1,500,000 BOTTLES This Matte Ina Is pas QA to Quart Batas% mad has eared mere Ulan 100,000 Oasis of (Thread° tarp^ wlthte the it Ten Team—Pone h Glebalne balm dense by S. P. TOWlleehehe. EXPOSE. BY =AMINO THE FOLLOWING AFIiTDAYTY ~ - the retie will learn the might, or rather where the - mane kr • tesktml the Wulf they mil Old Dr. Jecob Betstperille. s a me fnettz-wed walse stde to Jag* which Is the gent= end osigical ended the of the man who am employed InWag It ea the •Dr. Townsend's Beresperfllo Dr. &J.:• • Townsend wee DM anginal :strand tmnottor of Dr. Yownsendl end Els stuidhate hes • wend • mate:Don lhatmother moody my gam,He marmite:tired over we toalkosof blte Mot year. sod ts mandectosing it OM bWAttltpir W. sw more and Yellow Welt Le mu . Fo setabhdonent eseh y, than sit the other Buswarlll Manaleotemes In the world. Plincipsl Ofilne. ltonet. READ THE AFFIDAVIT. Mr .4 County IflimnYirra. at. AnostioneN Moi mud T . % iL tobi tt = ." . 1 4 Ce=ist." 4. TITI th" eome h ticie In Win pert of ,or lint of Jena, 1848, • man bp the name of Jacob who at that time wee 0 beck end perophist peddler, called noon &porno; Mille house of Mr. Thompson No. 49 Hadionatree% when. brio mon Warded. and niquested dr ;mat to wilts him • re 1 7 .7 which no make • amp depinimitia. De fonder nee. that hob edlam monainted w mid Townsend et the GM. of Theodore Com; be., Nook Publisher, wilt 'slum odd Towneand tnit Thet odd Townsend hot hid frequent maser. Wm with deponect reepecling the manutectose of ma aittlide of dateapailla to he mid ander the acme of Dr. -• That sad Townsend stated he wto an ad man, sod poor, and Ins rat It Ow haat labor.-en e i h.l to make some money, to order to Lire way to his old days, and OA If gareaparilla ander the name of Taws. . st sg add m sad so Irma money VMS Enda by he could en no rowan why tomight na make Is r o t nen i on of it too i. ade nam: . being Toretedj and . marasfaitun ret It rr b blar Deponent to awe r olt coneeratkeo whoa old Townsend it he ens Mahal to Dr. & P. Towtorod, to which he replied, that In knew Dr. ff. P. Tolman wand n down on him atter he dna sommern. Bot that he did at can go him, as he had knead • ooperatentdp with nun no nold tnrolah rennin amount of eardtab—end was well mann to Wend Inn& againstany Wink • that might be ma on bier Deponent further nye that pen to to. request of mod Neob Tormand, be wrote a teethe Or the reanubetara of eByrup of bersopasills. anigase It to Nee bald Towboats! observed that ha .noted to make • specimen to exhibit to hie parloen foe their approval, es he withad to grragy them in every thieg, Ise they fothishol all the and ,..,t14 Townsend also told dewnant that the bedtime they wen to um ware to be of the same Mae and shape as Dr. S. Y. Town. send% and doyf ont , loquest of end Jacob Townsend. wen th of of Dr. Sr. To end pro ow of hie Isbath And dap:nand further mops that ha has been Items ed„ and eerily believes the bythp of Barsepseilla. sad es Old /with Towtharars, V end* eller tha thaPe tithed by deponent, to Jr.*, Townsend, as aforesaLL And farther deponent pith eat _ WILLIAM ARMSTRONG. Sworn to Wore ma, Oda 7311 day of May, /8.19. C. 8. WOODHULL. Mayor of Me City of New York. PROOF!! PROOF!!! Hen V iirtiaircate lasita that Dr. & P. Totratrinaira thErsaparilla la the original. The tallovritat a frout moo artha mot nespactalide papers in Ws enter MOM THE Alharrg Evening Journal. Dr. Tenanumisi's Sarsaparilla. There pr=ter has been so popular a as Dr. Tolman:des Bera. =lts otigluity, and' nen to be ea tared In Ude city, at ant by the Mor himself, and afterwards for several years end to the pruent gnu. by Clapp k Tcrlenerad, Wainscot proprietors. Sloes the putnenhip was formed, the Doctor ha. resided to Neer York, where be keeps a tor, and situate lathe businese that automobiles et' that point. The mono- Detory Is in this city, sad is onedeeted by the junior partner, Mr . Clapw—hare all the medial. Is roaraffasi. mud. 4.4 Few of bur citizens eve my idea of the mount of the medicine that la mannEactured and sold. Beside the sales in tie country, it is shipped to the Carve, Wet India Islands, Bestir., Armee, and even ta Yu. rope, to comb/arable quantitim At the mancectory they employ a cream engine, belles a largo number of mau imenen and ere, in the preparation of the making taxes, printing, an, and turn oat, ready for shipment, over SOD dozen per day, or near ly 0003 boUle. This it m mormona quantity. The past Ma the medicine ea mgnired;haz In duced a umnberof men to get rip these/oral, and there le et the present time. other medicine for sale, that an called" Dr. Trierneendh SarsapurUla.n One in par tied. started &Mort time ago be New York, Is elled Old Doctor /mob Treece/1i SarraparfiLt" and ap. wisely with a vier. by DAY of advertising and the eel remedies tended to to itich effort, to appropri atei the =ad of Dr. B. P. Trternsend's great remedy, sad the gala all theadvmtages resulting from the popularity of the =ere which he has seeded for IC hi yen of peeked emensive labor. Dr. EL P. Townsend, formerly of thWeity, rie I. well Immo hem le Use evertor cod eirketnal relator at Do eadielne known oTowns. 's p and ere think Moos persons who an attelai i g their article ss the genuine, should be e FROM THE New York Doily Tribune. or Vie published en adveinisement inadvertently some time since that did injustk.e to Dr. & F. Town. ousi. who iv theoriginal proprietor of the prepar of Sareaparilla known as Dr. Towma. Other parties ha.e within the put few month. engaged or muse.. thameives with • man by the by of Tom:semi who put op • medicine end call it by ths same name. Mb medicine wev advertised La Tim TrOires as the original. to This advettim.nt We contained matt. derogatory to the character of Dr. & P. Townsend and that of bit medleine.regret it appeared, and in Justice to Om Dr. me. rt.. planation FROM THE Hew York Dully San. Teintamso% eatmosidinary advertisemenkwldrk occupies an entire page of the BcR wW not cS.P• notice. Dr. S. P. Townsend, who is the original pm. pnetor of Dr. Townsend's 8.4a:ill; and whale or We so next door to nun, where he has bwn km sever el yaws, la driving an immense hns/neas. He receives no km than four hundred dos. of Samaparilla per day. and even this enormous qmintity downed supply the demand. No medicine ever 'pined so • popularity as his prepwatlon of the Sane His edition o f •liwes, for 1849 coal =OOO, and W has paid the New York tine 53r adverUsing in the last four years over 510900, mid be acknowledges that it Is the cheapest advert:W:lg he has had done This medialne is exported to the Canada; West im dies, Sonth America end Europe lu considerable qoarattlec and Is coming Into geneml we in th ose countries, as well as hem. Sl•toditms. Druggists and otters that sell anntnianlll• for the gasoline end original De. Tot:mend% Sarsamins i ton not signed by EL P. Ttreaseat mimes • treat end sartalls• tlan onsicanari. ht./a that Iseult be guilty of such an ast wouldn't/it miy,other toad —end no Druggist of mire= Intalligence hot knows tint on. Is the only gentian. Old Jacob Townsend. acme people who .tat Lotormed, and hams not read the papers, and on sets, oar olvanimmanta, have been led to suppose, that because these men ad v eats. thee, stall' as Old Jacob Tconmends,o that It mast of come, be the ortginat.a Is leas than mks year Ones they comsornsud to amto their mottrins. Ours has bll.l In the market over tan yearn This Old Jacob Towlasand, They WV endeavoring to palm off on the publlz anold Phyalcian, fa Le le not a regain edneited Physician. and thver attempted to manufentragnmed..• leMe, nntil these men hired him for the use of hi. name. They say they do not trkh the people to bo lter. that their nersaparilla Is 0000, or the tame—but the bettor to dothive therpubliz, they at the same time comet that their's b the Old Dr. Tcrernserd . ., and thi original ; and endeavor to male the people beliers that the - stud they manufacture, is the Dr...fowthendie senatietilla. that has performed so many wonderfel cures for the put tan yew; and which Wm gained reputation which other medicine ever enjoyed widen a W., vi/lainena tutiotheipled fethehOW- We have othortenzed suits maths* those men for donne. We le Isti it to be thdantood, thatake aid nth ism odation to Dr. Townsend whatever. In theirs& vertisemthta and eithulars. thelthb," • namberef 1110. lalse mi hocda respecting Dr. Townsend. which W oot rk. Fates Report& Unr oppwroute hare published to the paper% that Dr. &P. Townsend watt deed. m they send to their agents about the eocustry, who snort that we bue go up boldness, Ste. he. The trablio therald beam their guard, end not be dealved by eau turpthad, pled mars Notice of isesewsk —Alter N. Brat of GeVlttebta: Ma. Di. 4 P. TonsuendLs New Yost OClen in the Booth Baptist Chard, No 82 Nassessatreat, 'Ada 1.• am undergoing a thorough change, .ad will be fitted for the better wearettiodstiou of the pro. Fianna and the public. Take pernaola. Notice.—No BersaperlLL. Ls the pont.....d.rigb.l Dr. Townsion.Pe HempenHa, un- Ens Wooed by 8. dl ogP. Torrosand. Anzays.—rned k Co, No. B Statostrest, and Mrs. E. Kidder, Ho. 100 Courbatonat,Becton; Samuel Kidder, Jr, Lowell Heery Pratt, Halm • Jut. B. (Irmo Worcester ; •Allicon It Oacil. Balm; I. Balch ► Ban, Providence • end t 7 De ed and Mee aunt. generally througtiont the. tinged Stain, West todias and the Caned. For sale istu.LERS, Bole Agent for Puts burgh; 13. N. CURRY, Aliegtieny; t r ATTEISSON. Hiratinghaut. nentl7blyl 115- - klonstesa a.ao 8... Criseesea—JONtigtilusi iaa• Cheadeal Boap cruise. a fore peraturanotic and at the same tune inoltfies, softens, and whoa. the skin, gining tt the testate and beauty of an Infant , . Scowl, gem R.ll - 11 •1110 SOl3l, WO 11000 1110 l only heeled, but eared by ita 0.• at least seven ChM clans in New york knoworhe use nto each oodles, ; and Lind It entailing .41. S also in • roman, Maroon, hrscians, or wry other skin dlr. ease. The reader to assured that this ta en melees purred nostrum, as one trial swill prove. I could can 'S:la zeuo .—Boy and are and the reader is Wain eiottiTd n erectly sell it for the above unless Snow itto be Itter u tate. Those who are liable to b e li m e i re . .: n r:f 7 :tr b l ,.. ll;f:this Cw 7 " .l7 " ..: , r '° . l . '" ..7 2 ore e2k (7 o destrn.L "l3 Bat, reader, the .tves Boated snih lutoadanio, 10 8.4, 4 be al , w u n t fo r r A J e r so ES N 'S oo ltal unt %o wny Cr ri v .. . Pittsburgh._ nor AUS. .002. CRIZICII are honorably allured that the follovnee are the actual gaalltlttanf a 3a. hone of /O M'S Coral Ilan Restorative. If they eaten oar word, the, nom. , thaab WS* reapeelablo • einsena wo : Beaes, ri Manbit, e.ft.ElTatillYa• Eng - lili.Thas.ateherae, gist ree I.a k. , / bun water ALl:meet.: ,• ' Ared melt- lostudre:•••: 4l 4l4ire.:llmo • • •11 4 =0, 11 •=jto •00: •••• • • Mt 101 . 11 1 1* - liITY SOAP Uss ;"!" .4 4 ; • 4.7 •• A . 1 7 1, 4.4 7 14.. *4. Id r a t IteleaCkfeo. • ' 'Nii-WaintlooerstAp,&‘ •. - •. 1- ;'• • 41,1/"--