=== BY MAGNETIC' TELEGRAM" ELEPOILTED ds, TELEGahprlieD FOR THE PITTSBURGH DAILY GARET/It Wesnrscrros, Sept. 24. The French Minister win remain. in Wallin* ton. The Intelligeneer en. the Nlinieter going to New York, to await the orders of hie goei! ernment ADJOURNMENT OF .THE GRAND LODG4, 13•1:113101.14 Sept. 21. The Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows adrurne# woe die, on Saturday. Their next meeting will ltk held in Cincinnati, ort the Bth of September, IS:h. RIOT AT YELLOWTILLE—EIGHT PER. SONS KILLED. Sr. Lofts, Sept. A serious not recently occurred at Yellowv*i Arlcarmal,growing out of an attempt spate paittilli the Sheriff to arrest . 4 number of murderers. l 4, Eight persons were hided. At the last accounts a large party had °meet:44 with the determination of retesting the authariti i a.: WRECK lIOAT SUNK. • LAt:ll, Sept. 244 Capt. flennett's Leek boat sunk to the kotrill, erne toot oo the Missouri River, opposite KOy sas s last week. ITV' Ten nag or. rim Rieman is not tome refiiki sive than • balk putrid breath, or dar. itellow disci* , ed teeth. ' f o r eons have these it m their own laul•-: ,„ they can, o two shillings, buy an article dint *HI ~,.., make their breath pore and sweet as Uss Syne', 4143 ; ' Ababia. ik, .1 "ti It cures diseases of the 00,11, spongy or nicera e 4 ~ and for the Teeth It it unethralled, remenuff ibe 1 .rt . fasurdng the ;teeth to the gores. and clean the ial white as the mote .l at frnin *At" li 1 90th, reader, are the propertie• of Jones's Amer Tooth Paste, and, without pressing It ourselves, tibia} what also at OILS mothretheebthle and scientific Mul lin., Mr. E. Field, of New York, rays i ,1 .1 have both used and anaMed this beautiful andfook. palpable article, ;Janes' Amber Tooth Pane.)ns ran reeommend it as paasessing all the qualities cni ed for ix. Raider, we can soy no More to COOVlttet, only that [llion try this once you will be well pleithe It is Soldp In bestotifol English China Pith, ails emus. bylhe Agent, Whd. JACKSON, b 9 Lthei- XY =eel, Pthraingisasig&dtmxTrk • Wawa-As this in the mason of the you sktten worms are monlkinaidable among ektildren,the prafitt adenti OFSPLane'a Vennifuge Mg leave to all Open meth, scdthiting their atthntion to its virtnes fog the expelthig of these annaprig and often fatal enemida of children Their invention Is by a phyncian of gran sug vie d rac in Virginia, and inter unng it fa: seSer goers In his Ir. practice, and Ending OS SUCCOS 1.0 ; .23troaraal, be Whiten induced at last to offer it iti a - patio as a cheap but canna and excelleot meditloe. ,:. Call dad at the Drug sum 4 of . i m om, J. A ' k- Pi i Nettie* to .Contractoraw... i4 . P ROPOSALvein be received at Johnsumors.Pim e brie county. Pcnnia, from the In to the I%lt of theteher next, for the Graduation end Mrs my .14 t a portion of the Western Hannon of the PENNSYKRA NIA RAILROAD east of Section No. at. cried/id to ' Blainnille. a dennoce of 01 mite.-embracing SiChn- sidemble amount of heavy Sort Excavation aid KM. hiIIkOOSILL id s I L NAM and Profiles of the work may be teen ee Mee arthiu the tone move specified. Far further niformation, apply to EDW. MILER, Igial =et' Of tho We ;tern Ilviston, soesniisP; 0. ..,1' , I.VGAR THOMSON, Chief E7t61400. Engineer Department, P. 11. it Co., Harnsburg, August 23th, 1010. I Mi spthal.T CIA:SSIA--.1 t/ Couto, for sTi y 'ii .4' 1 V 9 *pail L S WATER*2 I Qt -4 7W i -10 0 bra Roam timp; 5 do - . 71. mond dotllklos 43 ha. supcnor Shoeing Soap; for sale byls aptlo I, 5 WATERSSAN CorroN YARNS AND HAITING-9_o3lbsCreton Yarn, mmrted; lin balm ho i and 2 BattilliS far de by spells L 5 WATERS/AN T.Nliu' G4 nIIiCKETS-4din Tublo23de Siete.: 4 do Keeler.; for sum by _ aptlo - L 9 WATERMAN "TORCH-160bian7perior FaMy StareltiforWle by L. 5 HATE . . , 'N 34.°61"LomgeedFZVir*o; aablebt6yNsprioML?r{NVEßV ggg C LOVER SEED- . .. 50 blab prime Clover trei . i for sale by mine I, S WATER.4.I N . GLASS --Ito his Oil.. Smith & Herron% britriti; 30 W do '2 - . O do 719 A 14 0; 0412, 10214.10215, 10512,122 th and 12,1 . : for sale by . 4010______ 1.9 WATER N aisiiioarr you. SALE.-A Dm Meek lorry, easy gait, warranted sound; ffer dot tow. Inquire al 5 II PATTERStIVS spCO Livery 4akle. , iii r DH. 'W. IT. DiaiLlff, ;Late of New }mks) 4 . Omcs-Smithbent street, between Seventh and Strawberry alley. N. 11-Dimon. of the mouth, guns and teeth treated tEtranceoPmtucally. sralffsithn _ COPFEE-21 7 bra plinth oho and Java Fitie, to store and to arrive; for sale by I, 9 WATF.RSIA-N. 19;10 at Water and 43 riot it .01tdi'nreld ‘thdies V ki ibl, t. T Imperial and True. for 'e y _51 . 1 4L . I, S WATEV_AN rawrEß AN - H - ATSrICE--t• it; Prp',42lllo In. Grossed do; S bg. Alspiee; 10 bit tlrouith ,na ft sale by Epile L 5 WATESSIAN ___-----._------------ _-_-___ Oatbto bladder, sot .01 Y Lc WATEIWAN DDEB.—.I ea_ lira""4"117 TURPENTINE - 2 bbla Tame/nun, fuel/reed and bat sale by spell SELLERS te :WOOLS COFFEE -1Z bp Rio Coffee, bast retnividg innd far oda by apild SELLERS &MGM... 9 tea freih beat Rion, in stare nt/tilar gale Rby op/Id SELLERS tr. 1it .. .1,99LS BACON-60,0 W Hama, Sides and Sboaldehl. ja prim article, for sale by rptill SELLERS le SIRULS rponecco—aa ba 5, end 7 posted. of bAlibrads, j, for sae by sots SELLERS de t9l OLS VACC b et .' @ l ate ' ?,710 . 0 T leth t si o u r bi'i l obacco 10 do Hanover s's , do 10 case. Brown , Tob.. fat ood for ale by ..9515 BROWN OCO LEIW2LIN STARCH -200 x. Oak Se Wood'. Parfßairea; 10 ^ Saab'. Starch, faritig o l end for tele by 59512 BROWN Ls CCLBgII _ N XjtiCEßllgEs - NO - 2 - Michael; 1 500 N . dcs . fat received and for sale by I .p 515 BROWN b. CULBU SON OLASSFE---100 bblvo II stolases; do N dc. to store and for sae by BROWN CULBERTSON sold - rtOFFEE-100ibp B.C.:fee. in store it for u spii2 BROWN A. C1i1.13t4 TiON Pm METAL—ISO to. HariFiug Roe)6ietiti, f • sale by 13URBRIDG WlLitfs IL CO, spilS '`Wsier TAVA COFTEB-13 bgs vcry superior Bove U mem," for owe by spin C GRANT BLACK TEA s , toe ext a fine Oolon i g a t x sa s le T b s• LARD OIL-10 bbls for sole low to oldie', *ll4 MOILL#I2r. ROE rIOTTON YARN, Ac —SOOO Ito Coo a % - artat 10 kf boles Datiag; •O) do Coma Tome, lar bole by irpd4 IkIVILLA. ROOl NO. POGAD—YSTEdi - N 0 :Jogai, ptbie o 00114 ‘1 , 611,11.5.A. ROE . IaO.A.NKR - 11 0 - 3 ._ 0 pair of Rorke are ii . o.llry Div ..IL/1 kat, of American menufftetttre' rectitalui for pal by opo GEE. itOCGRA.N, 7% ! , IVood at __.-- AIA.ILS AND SFIKES-505 kegs assailed. ior rale 1.1 by . p 55 I. 5 WelT.RMe.'s Th.. Pew:mylvanta Comp • y Fes lerescAlccs ay Lless A5t.1,4a. , m3.44%1g nano. THE lint Lae Insurance Cocriaor thd States. Irthorporated Merck , 10,171 . 2--chartr perpetual. Capital Harnll39o,Lo n o—n th pea undnr signed no tidetee whit canons for insurance, on winch poinies Wilt be %we ed. according to th eir proposals a, Which writ b e nude known to appbcants at ha °Mee, rel Wood areal rptl _ (MAI QOI.IIIHAS. S'tEmcoMgrs. , 7 phsa N ti:d spa' "t:INE 01.10 PEACH and Frenco for prescretag Peaches and other Stuns, foe sole the gallon or erre:detrain. at the Wulk kmre o f o p , sobscrilwr. JACOB WEAVSR, Jr, split corner Market And Front VW 3 idACKY.B.KT---100 lbw pin talent and for sale tir quit TAAIrld brp . PONSOR_ CUBIeSE-160 bra prwoo 1...“1 On, leery spr7 S} W WVIBAEGII QbPISBIS cakajust ree-d side rPO eJ SCIIOONALASER CO WO.I.SI.ACKERF2,-20 qr. bids. to eirrinei fer tale by___ spild ISA I A kI DICIMN re CD Calmed, Chlarritortn, .L: rio Ether, 1.10. iodide Vern, Piper*, lodide Po. tame, Tannin, St/yet:due, Optarn. Pearl Fthabard, past mid and for COO by J 5C11001.31114.n.. CO, 1 Woad rlao V -----j---"-'-"- ' . ' .'" " 1.63111113--Chauded K. ql h u tr , , ,::: ‘ ,.' Y Moe avd black mixed, orange . pc" , , loved 'tarn of all os •.plo reed .1 lqt ,allv ~y . . spt7 F II EATON 0. Ca 6l t Fono o L - --- - MOLASSI9O bbl, NU hlotaales 100 hi' bbla 40. srutus & ROE ii - zwa;..a, bbiaicio tee 4 moo , er 0,0 .1' ,ke, ~ MIL_ Cl/.19L/ k SKINNER/ hilt TNVILLF.D BAOS-A fear dozen 6 store and for ..as by ApLl4 CB.ALOnililh/Yika OATIS-Ou tcob or", in atom and fir, rale by 4414 CWAIOaccOKINNER _ —.-1 - OHEFZE-1 , 0 tog, La received 1/00 , h 0n... and 1../ Cheese /spot, ...4 •I U er •ale by *ot , /OANFLELII,AI2 Front lo at ~..12..1.k.8a11t:*--teir * toi . e3ie bi , - - la pll4 1 itdANFIELR, SWICILES-:20,00.) . Pine Shingles, 14010 arid and for 1 tale by scal. All.llStliONe k.CROZF.R. r• B p tt l i Cth--" " 4 I ' Zrrhi c VA tth ftl'i fr ' JO " . . . v , C ° , RN ph ""M''-- S M' Ic '' ; ' OV I T/Z, ' , 4 iiit r ol l, Vl. CO 137 l Cll/1/TV .-,:sho TV ...4-1.13 - dn. 16i . j,4t u.ekcta;- YU do Tuba, for roc by apll3 V I' VON 11(2,,V1V 1 ItST b. CO 1)1PI/S-1 0 bat tor /a/e by - v -.- aptl3. v I' VoN BONAIORST k CO Iptk2Fg/t -I c bastor ..,ir Loy 7:1 - ..1,22113. V r VON ISONtgIiORST k. CO Trj,-CO C. r4c..it •Minore!' Focchhhn,c, past rro'd and tor ../e by rpt!3 . hi_C II oll.Ar FAYEI TU. ULAN 1.:1-7i . S. --J.t ret4".l iron, tie F.t. , , a . ut m.ivera - , Fernity ihankroi, no aa-Le .d ''''''''' "'"'.J.1;°;:747:1t46-Tf... p, I NO /11 r.t . 03/01 Y. up 44;,1., - 0...,;W.b r ix sti yojr WOOl. —Di yOteri,lll3-ILy. tub •:. ki od .rid common Wool, for urbiriy Dor bighestpllt ' Y Inn Do P. , ~ u l i, F ... !' 'TTK 4,DaNDF , Li co, go. re. No Ilr trceop s.. l2 . Pitrobur._ --- - . --- 0 ,,,k_ .2.r0 ur • pr., Mrdtog OLD. D.., by . El CANFIEI D 14.8.AT111,D0.-trot,,Antude FeaV rY Just reed and for star ~7.,a pp.l. _ ___#_:C ItGRANIT -13•Aco-N .....,—. ~,.. c.vro*d B.®, ' nrbay,yrst Inodurg from t oorlitiplysty., . , 1 PP., S tr. , NY trARDAUCD. iGMTINOO: 11CDING 15 . 1 : TICI4O3!::—A. A My gook Co,'No M/ Market et. Dial Or Coro Me tar' jp.s allor..ent, St prices name*, , Can at the oat, . mnis go", pare.•• 4 Si-' Ii 1 , li ) COMMERCIAL RECORD. ' 019. I ALMANAC SEPTEMLIER. . _ 9 Saturday , 2{ Sturday . 513 }loads) 25 Tarsday . se Viednesday 97 Thursday, Fnday, PITTSBURGH BOARD OP TRADE COUREFFTEF. FOR SEPTEMBER I•II3 DAIS CS. W. W. WALIA.CII- X. 1. WWI., - _ _ Ornor Prrilstracill Tuesday Morning, Sept/ . MC. 0,1849. g Tun Wesel= s. 13cluansa—Aftat a slight brush of the equinoctial storm, the weather hvgagatobeerome cal. clear anti pleanant; notwithatauding which, hu m:mos as yet continues very dull, and nothing has tra.- pired showing nay variation in quotations. FLOUR—FMceipta are hardly worth no fi e i ns . Hev eral email lot• arriged yesterday, amounting iu all to over 230 bbl. but being consigned to dealers here, we beard of none being sold on the wharf. We note fut. tber 'ironed sale. from store at st,poat,os, and a. h.gh RSVr. LW for cbgice brands. RYE FLOUR—May be quoted from more in amaL at 330 V Ltd, mods I , ght Sappho. ASIIES—We hear of no further eisan,e to the Ash es market. Pola Ash continues firm at 3k for best brands. Other asLes are quiet, with mall aales only at previous quotation, say, (or Saleratus Pearl Ash 60, and Potash at Se GROCERIES—The market in every respect to on hanged, but prices co:satin:Me Erna. In N 0. Sugar son if no lassie rale*, bin may Connector qualm -6id614 far fair on prone in bhda, and 6,ie in bbl.. small lots have recently &mord. but supplies are toderate,unth sales ea laity quoted rare•, say, for If. and for ordinary to lair attlo , lC N O. Molasses at 172”4...e, and of Rice V lb. S; at 50.53 e n b. BACON—Hama have become grate scarce. and firm er Niece are (ally enatasned, any, for plum llama YYta 9e; for prima bagged and augur eared, 100lOie we educe a partial decline m Shoulders and SHIeo, With eater of 8 casks Shonlderaet Li, end rerk Sakes at 510 ID. LARD—We ototttt nottung doing In Lard to any barge amount; Of to 7* are about fate quatauo3a BUTTER—The !reason hue out yet arrived for Roll, and we ham no sales to report OILS-I,imeed Is mama, and it held at One Sales of Lard at 560dDc for :Ma 2 and and of Tanners' 00 at 5C:01.9 8 bbl. CHEESH—Thh receipts for the paw few days have been ample, and supplies are fall. sales of W. H et SiOdae, soda Cream at 70:ie DRIED FRUIT—The market is rattier dull, mds toderaw mica of Peaches at 1111.31013., and of Ap • ato Y bu. • •lamrtcal Btranatta.—ln our of Wynn,. and Ilatmook, publtsbednotme pap, mamal proof mark, more left uneorre ed, which made complete nonmose of LIP: wools These boots were built far the .. .loothorn.” not thi itBarannati" cot . on trade—the Wynnton for the Coons tr, Florida, and the Haactoct for the So Georgia. Spirit of She Domestic Blorkets. Bonus, Sept. 2d. Iry Cotton—Priees hese tended downward r n re week, with *hen decline towards the la n. Tb • , • sales have about 800 bales at, to some cases. a fraeuon below un quotations. The steamer • news, now hourly expected, will tuber establtsh • decline or ren der the market firm. Flab—There bare been miles of large Codfish et 00 37j, which is an improvement: Sob yds Quero Bann et 02..101; wdl 1111,73; Hake 1.24 haddock 111:3 V qtl. Mackerel are a lane lower the past week to con,- quenee of considerable .meal.—Nn I. close of .9.- 03{09.73: 01 S.S.Mlit T. 53, 75 . Irorlre arr..," artin nib No. :re mann a day or two, a which sales Yttl; tobond. Flour—There has not been any great at:tarty in the ten dr market the past week, and maces are somata hat Receipts toe the week about 10,000 bbls hales ‘e. ena trade at 33,69 far Genesee. fancy 156 extra lin 25 06.59. Michigan 33.00, Otno bat hoop 3636+43 Gel. St. Lome .50011,.. for common and extra. taih; South • eon (Ran 33,03 to P. 5 614. wnh but little demand. Re. celpln from Albany yesterday 2102 bbni Draw—There has not been any great chat , .° to Corn daring the week. The sale, bane been rnallerately large, at about 630 for yellow. 02 to 600 for low and Mgt, mixed, and 005610 for 'attire 'the market clo/e• dud, with alight tendency downward for white—tile betng the mashie price-yellovr 67c. and mixed 6:tail:le. North River Oats me .000°C. and sates of go. Mire been made as Matt om die; Delaware for 313 e tor goo In 3103130 for ordinary Corn Meal sells at 33,2503.77, Rye le n— o—No thence. flcoteb gm for ....els 11223 , 21 Lead—Sides gig at etc The market snot well necked. Allotneres—With but rattle dome the market is firm, evoretelly for sour qualities; Tnnidad sweet Is held at imies Cuba sweet at rdal22le. Ctenfuegos Niu.eo vitdo iGet itfai hit& Cuba sour aim Si J•go sour Ile. and awe at Ve: Yormarn 22c Otis—Linseed has advanced w.tb an arbor demand t at em ,s now Itelts at 75e, and holder. now rewe t ell under Sin. dales Wt^mr Sperm. u,leached. 51.X.131A benched 111,2701... k refined Whale 5.5. a Gtte. The market for Sperm closes with • downward to deny. Promions—ilusinen for the week be. been mod , - rate at about the peters o , law tweet. Prime Pork, SD • dODIO; 2Do Olds mesa to re oat of the market at 1111... , 0 p bbl; clear 1511,5011.1.1; areatern mess Beef sells at ell 011. Hams Dank V ft, sales at Lard in [MIa at le, to kegs 7W . ..id V V- • Itted—Ls dual and downward. Stdes at 4041 e Purgar—The market to dull hot firm The hustoess of the week has om been large, but good pore, Mane beau obtained. Pease ea.ut yellow set. 7fe; ordi nary flim Cuba Muscovado al :160 bap Braml wtute ta about 7e Two cargoes ennsn.t• two of MIA at IMO ogs, have armed wttbttt a week or two. but are yet to heat band.. Salt—No change to the market--(Traveller Cattle—The supply at the scales on Monday was •er large. T. offering , re.hed 1.45 U head. al w.eh were old.= were left over nawald, and SW were do Yen to illailwitelphia. Pines rnnjted fiven 1M83.1.11 ov the hoof, equal saan neh and averaging Bros s. !in. wn. .r supply. We quote fro. Pna.anarma, Sept. 20, 1 19 The offectogs nua week compmed 1.5 w head of Beef ante, of wineh 200 were driven to New 1..0rk. In we and Calves, GM Nogg, and POW' 2.0.1531.teep and Lambs Prteea—Beef Clut:e bare been ut moderate demand, al 53,730/7 "ream There were btu very few left over. Cows sell alowiy at SI: to SW for (min. SI: to SA for Springers; and $7 to 314 ea•h for Dry t ,- nr , and Lambs range (toot 81,Z to 83.71, accordtne to quality. ---•— - • 1:112=121 New S./011.13. Sept 17, 1e44. Ode—Pin elranee to the market. Holders remain 6 at the recent advance, and buyer. parrhaae wily I the supply ef tnunednate ''Cl.- A ea le or 3.11 Yperin LIS, and tOO bbl. N W. Cele , . %Shale at 4 cash. Wbutebooe—A sale of lOal Lis South iba at 3. 0. at which price holders of Oath descripuoa• are firm. —[ship Lam. Ott. •. Dove —The following is a statement of the amoun ed t or Sperm arid ,Vt.nle 0.1 and Whaletmne no port into the United Staten, for the week motto.; Sep; 17.1,19: Ws p. bbls vrh lbs bo 1e 55 b ,1 . WA, Z., At New Bedford, Si hovineeLowe 4 1,570 55,71-0 246.337 2..317.0611 From Jen. I In date, &K' 9 Lean —The New leek Couner and Enquirer says —Foreign Pig Lead Ls plenty, and some WU nuns have been add n E-10, 5 mos.. nod MX} to 8.113 'thernarket ital.' and die tendency d,rowards. the' imports of Lead since April have heen between Maid and Sat tons. and about as much more will be here during year. This will gi•e us in gement, equal to stoat or 250.000 J pigs Monsoon Lead 'the rereipis of Lead at New irricans doling the year ending let were about 0x(001 pits short of las. year Several of English have tondo large contracts wit h Me ct and .4pani.oh miners, and the cost of the l,ad will he between which a much Lowe , Man the Missouri Lead. ''-r rn:r r /t '' ir7ce ‘ o ' r ' d .' , in ' ye:t r e N rdery.. l l l :erst r n7, r r! r n ' lialena, report havlng pem.ed the steamer Revenue cu ter punk in three feet water on the lower Ransil• Tr ideet sru caused by stnkinglhe rock. ;stole at tempting to sseell4 the e wpt , 4 on Mutatlt Aning. Cho or. entirely tight, having re.shipp, or 'fright di lighter, previous to attempting the p. vage rise was an old heal. of but lineand hablv not insured. At the time the gun Ac , ou• ed, she was II du •ctl) across the stream, and t, aruer was tasking IL clean • sweep through der hu leaving but 11010 hope of her ever .eing ratsed Louis Repob - TllO2O, I. Houma.— our • }latd we End to be a first rate antele to all rearm, tts color Is a twattufttl black—flows free from the pet We MITI" used Artpad's, bat prefer years on to ow otents, apart from 011[ Imlng a furl Ign and trw Esther Plttsburgh manufactured sntele, , Newps, respectfo STEVENSON a REEII For lob, itogythet swab Ribbon, Hod azid4el4. Copy Inks) by S. A Fshoestoon a Co, Polyborgb, P. Nebo's., Allegheny ony, and by the nonangtoul Thomas K. Inbben, Druggol nrol Cbuxon. corner Liberty sod sauthfield *troy., linsburgb, Pa. spdt.otor Fare unFd Maxine In•oarmace--Trts P runt N•etaumon .an nag lunnau.ncu Cum,. bartered 151.3—nonuntte. to tnuttre, upon eyeny d • enption of property, at Itta laka•al rata. OmR No. 21 Magnet meet. SAMUCL GOILNILV, Fresh. Ruent= Rana', Beep It:tun:dam _ _ JOB BILL BEALIS, CA-RDS, CIRCULA 88, Maniest', Ells Lading, Contran.., Late litandd nann nun, tannts, carancatEL