The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 21, 1849, Image 3

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. -
Sr. Loon., Sept. ,t
The Osage Indians are eomnatung depredalltins
On the frontier. They broke open and robbe4 the
store of Masan June. and Woddel, m Bath e4tily,
on the la instant.
6 detachment tram Fort Seou grim rent :tre4 to
1 "W the robbers, hot returned wttbont Rucco4/..;
ST Lori., Sept.
The totem:tenurer the past week emouorpil o
88, out', one of which was reported
of the whole number of destht 3 4 2 were unditi
age of five year&
The Washington Republic of this merning
tams full oßleml explansmon of the dithcoll im-
Voreen our Government and the French Iw )4e,
The fact. are premitely the same kg those alkidy
formsbed you.
The Republto ses no Telma to fear a' rtAlitre
with France.
Nom Yong., Sept..
The market. getieraUy are inactive, and Cufth
mat may pereeptibhl change In figure. Yestirday
the weather waa dtthgreeable, Arturb, added
howl by the Cambria being over due, canned a
temporary auspenthon of buranegs.,
POETIIYII, Sept. i 5.4.
h is curtained that the Democrats have Ema
jorny in both branches utile Legislators.
The equinoctial storm has set in, in good 4ta_
era, all along the seaboard. Telegraphic deopa:ithes,
from 6%lElp:on, state that a severe gale ware
veiling atere yesterday. Along the coast of 1)Sle•
wars, equally severe weather prevails. IV:4 teas
we shall hear of disasters along the coast.
New Yonc, Sept*.
Flaw—The market is drogues, sod prolittius
rates in hardly sustained. The weather hal
vented business away consequence.
Grain—Wheat—There is a large qu.t4t of
Wheat is market. but holders are not pr+sintr;
being anxious to sell, they would accept entiier
Com—The demand has fallen oft, .d siices
have recede.
Prormions--Tbe market for Pork is uncha!iged,
either as regvds prices or demand. Baeon,Wma
and Shoulders have been rather dull to-day.
Begar bas been le eem.d; (or Molanek
market is firm.
Whaskey—Salea t. a rat, extent at 2f.ignitia per
The steamer Cambria is expected to arrii! to
N. °limas, Sept
Coffee—A brig arrived from Rio J.Eilo ay,
bringing a cargo of .3,000 bags new Cotree, iritiob
is bold or fle o. per lb.
Whiskey—le on the advance, and held tt 2.30
25 c. per gallon.
The market centrally in very firm. ?I.
Pianos with Welt C eeeee d Liamitittutt..
THE ardiacriber feels himself called upon to;aotme
en advertisement tweeting an improvenieM I.
covering the hammers of Ykabos, which profetka to
announce ^Felt cos, red Planes" ar • neer It:gainy.
Fiat. Fortes vetch mil covered hammer, h•Vgi been
sold by me, from that real menoreetorers for bedlam . .
;mat, and tbw who may consider It an impro4Ment,
can be emptied mob Pianos veld, Vas, corsaniViroa
mere at any tone, lied the et cope move meraseglocit
and LeataerLested, by e•bing en the are. nu! me
anbsenher JOH:g H. NIIILLOR. et Wood , et,
*ole Agent for Chietering's Pianos for WiNern
Pennayismem sin!
TET R. MURPHY to now rreeiving 211, fityt Fall
eappfy aff gn and Dom .:sue 00063; land
styl eady
ea nart n raV I
r enl P„l ' N74'''''
of n<w and &nuo
and neat wnrr"'"' fart
new style Fat,.
- .
Alp - aeons and Mohmr Lustre.,
Damask fid'd end .taped do ..
Putnam. a nd L,yonese Clotas:
Of the most dessro , .ld cedar.; and la full sujiply of
bleached mad unbleached Muolms. 1n..11 Lincnk, Man.
cbeater Gingham*. &a.. at northeavt comer FoAttle and
Market sm. Boyers ad• owned t ,, ea.r. and act •
NE". rtooK. — A Treau. on Hand limlintioro
prtstna three °nutria' 11.1.1,6111 of apply, the
trammel.. string to entwine az< faze moulds g gen
reevieel, ellipocal and sprat Hood Rana, 11.10, ar
odgiaal system of applying the up. cif the monll to the
edge of the plank, an ottumal theory of resung
attended with an introdumory emir. of genettelefr, ta
noa end proportions. exemplified by lull and edidplete
demonstranons, and illastrated by twenty pletdal By
L. E. Reynolds, Architect, No. 3l Camp st. N. °titan.
Just reed be JOHNSTON & STOtiIiTON,
.pty corner Third and fdadr.lets
ASSIA-50 mats Came, for sale by 1 7 .
gala • S w/o - met:ls
t o r
. A tr tlfq dos
optlo I. W AIRI4rAN
COTTON YARN:4 AN I/ linrnm.,--5 , 60. , lorkr-Uo.ion
Cu, 4,6..1ed . R. bale 4 N.. i end 2 Rallibr for
sale by solo L C WATERMAN
TUBS AND RICKETS—ANdoeTobs;7S do 1240 km..
4 do lievicrs, 'or sue by
STARCH -30 bas supcnor Furry ..t.a.relusile by
'pub L. .1 , WATb:KMAN
MMASSES --50 bbl. N 0 'Alo!uses, 5 - drum.
house do; for sale by.,pllo L ....., WATERMAN
CLOVER SEELI--(..*0 bush prime (lover y d ol for
sale by spllo I. C WATF.RMAN
Smith 1 Herron • otalld,
LA d--1m his elm,
:a 10‘12
aU do 10 ..
Also, 90(1, 10110. Math, 10016. 12110 and 12ilb; (or
sale by rptlo L o WATCHMAN
PONY FOR SALE—A matt Black
iii . 2
Poney. easy gut, w • rrannm sound; Or sale
low. Inquire to R II PATTERSON'S
spill; Lwery oable.
DLL. W. R. Ditir-E,
13111tir iirce (Latene:rtrk.)
Oarten-13moitheld street. between haven( and
Strawberry alley.
N. IL-D month, orcas. of the mou, gums and tectilteated
Ilistareopaihmally. 5r010.4221
COPPES--17 be. porno RIO and Jaye C4 *. iee, to
store and to arrive; fur sale by
spin 31 Water and fla 51550 t at
TAS -I. 5 half cheat. and . es , otsea 11I) aft, (ion
Powder. Isupertal and 11:nert r: as. Mr ...i - b)
sprl 0 I, S WATERMAN
"DEPPER AND ALS , ICE: -IS I.go PropiTO be.
1 Ground du, 5 be. Alsomc, 1U bar Groat, do; for
.Jr by span I. 6 W ATI:OMAN
ADDER---d elksOn:16:o 51adder, tor salerMy
u. ,. ICR-l0 to. to store and Mr aa eby I.
51.7• • f,' .1
SPAN 11l 11011SES.-A .pan o(( yooa
Akares„ , black match Horses. sound and Oircecily
rerole ?cram • %imam.; a onerqm tr or
• Clifrilk, !loom can obtam Mem H 4 a re..
sonable pane. Apply no i
MURPENTIN E- 2 , bbie To/lumen, lost T o o and
..I, for sale by eptl2 SELLERS tr. fil •LS
_ ._
(IOFFER-1251.Ri0 Cosier, lost reeeirin ,pd for
\.l solo by rpill! Sk:LLERS & NIPOLS
- DICE-15t. fresh bent !bees 111 PlOtO and for sale
BACON-RWY) Ilarn...Sl4r. and Shoulder.. 4 prime
rnele, for sale by spll SELLERS & NIROLS
TonAcr,o-00 Os, Ts mad 7 pound. or besilasiiiii
rui. solo Os 4 .pits! N &
r LIACCO- 111 bis W II Gi'
rans Tui
20 do Russo-II tr. Robinson s'• T.Sibasi
10 dn lloonvnr
In earns Brown . % Tub . ln.t errand
for .ale by optln BROWN & CULLIERVON
j uoa.r: ee y ld and
bonnie by optl2 BROWN tc CU LeKirrsoN
jot 11CREREL-35-b-Glo tin 2 . Mackerel; 60 'dd No 3
In do. pot rcocond and fur coin by
IUI OLASICE—IOO ,bobs y If rnolasses, lurti6o NT)
;kg co stony and for sale by
71t.. .
(rts VFr4— s i pTi 2 ". g I C lViefs
nd (or o sts of superior quouryijust t .
liosaglesge-oalvasalsed Tim Piakat.
TTEtubscribers beg to call die attention of tinildera
Architect. , and owners of Badding, to Me many
advantages wt.< h ninth plates powss over 11 other
theysubstances hitherto nand for ronringjitt as
theLpossess at once the Lthhiness of iron, willent its
tor.. having now been tested thetseveral
yean in this particular, both in this country add in ga
mma They ore leas liable to erpansion and panne
you i:mm sudden change of the antiothhere. than com
mon th, plates, iron, sine, or any other metal IMZNY rued
for roefirss. and consequently form a mach teener end
tighter root,requiring far less frequent repsits Whilst
the firm cow es hat a trifle rearm
A hall supply : et all sires, from IG to 30 NV. b, eon
mainly on hand sod for sale by
dEft A. 510IMWOOP tr. CO.,
lend If Beaver Wee., ticael'Ork.
The patent right for this artthie having bethilithared
for the United
parnes lafringthellitreon
either by importation or w th erense, will be ferosten
toth oesemd/Isial TT
DROPOSALS will be received at Johnemin, CATO
bust roam., Penn., iron the In to the!! lilt of
October neat, ter the Gradusuon and Me. nrirod ;he
portson of the Weuern Dirnion of the PENNSVIV A
VIA RAILROAD el. of ...nen. :;11. 01, opoemte to
;I:am ea of L.; .le.--emitraeldir* col.-
sldemble =moot of heavy Hock Excavation IWO Em
Plans roil Profiles of the work may the aritt•Yo the lime above specific.;
For lord., miOrtilation. apply to ElitV MILLER,
ragideer of the We item D,rimou, bmorefil P.O
-Cambria county Paw
3. EDGAR TIP ikirtt Chief Elem.,
Engineer D,partmeol, P. R. R. Co,(
Hurtsbars. Miriam _sth, 1.19 $ 0pt.3.110.1mT
/U. are des:roes of extenthrg
me i e basoeiCin
. I D ' ubltst '" :ll V :t 'imo sE
nso•re, • detable laccltoraelst err curate. Lams', iv the places specified a , orel:lltrsos
— iwly. 1 A.LMAISAC
15 Smtureany, .
Senday, ...... ...... • .
17 Monday,
15 Tuesday
21 Fn.lay,
: . :, , , , , 1 : ?
' 41 6 6
5 4-1 j 6 4
S 44 i 6 6
::: I 6 +
whoa 15.2.1-Sill. W. W. ♦CaLLaCI. N. 2. rams
ante. Pmsarttou GAzart - ra.
Frsday klantatg, kteknomtar tn. 1.19.
There to not yet any aiuyity roantfoated toour mar.
eel, nor tan time to look lot any change, aunt we are
favored "nth a rise to th e river. The operations of the
market at preaeol are of bat Vilel tmportaueq
beteg, as yet, cam fined to the narrow hams of the reg-
olar city trade
FLOCII—In Misleading artte!e of the Market, noth
ing of interest has transpired, receipts, as well as sales,
arc bard to find. The only sales we hear of are in
small lots from Mere, at • range of 114,67054,hh1.5imib
an advatteing tendency
BACON—The demand for bacon continues leave.
Fist we iwitsec no change to prices. Cr,0.1 plain ham.
go freely at 4211/c. pnme bagged at 10c. and brit su•
car cured canimmed at 10+011c' fl. Hylea of Sheol
d to at 0104, and or bide. at litattlie.
ca.uN—Rseeir. ate very innited Mott are in de
mand of We from firm bands at aIM3Pc from more (If
Corn the market Whi-at may In fairly gamed
ttlitillt.e. !Utley At 341:360, •nd Rye at WC, W
GROCERIES—Wenonce no change to an, arnrle
od.r this head. Sagar tonunues Scaly at Pg ale a
, dtag to quality. Salem of Ron rodeo a: a range of
, ic for ordinary to beat, and of N 0 MM../ at
• itZ.,.•
l • REESE—flile. Of Ur; boze. W F ui Wu at Ltd
Gk V lb
GLASS—The foitovetng an the reLng rate,' for the
venous el.* Window Ulna ctty brands e by 10, 1 , 1
10 by t 94,11. 12 by 1m $7, Potent by 11 to Id by
21 1111040051.5 M boa.
For the venous FISt• of country brand., the funcrxtug
re thr established pores.
sby 10 $3:/.5 lllby 10 t 4.7
Üby 12 3.00 II by 17 . • .. .. 4.7
oby 14 3,71 13 by 10 ~,, ... 4.7
0 by IS ..... - .•.4.501 12 by 17 1,7
10 by lb 440 I/ by 18 ..... .... S.I.
i 0 by 17
CFLACIOERS—A regular [mune,. ts doing at the lei
wing quoted rate•:
Water Crackers, per Obi
Bonet do "
Drspe.pue do '•
?dot Bread,
Sugar Cracker., per lb
Ruda do - 7
SOAP--Baler of Cincinnati and city manufactured
Roam of 4}B4fc
CANDLES—mac regalar rams are for Star 21a2 . 2,.
for Mould Tallow laic, and frn Common tapped tic
P m.
Commerel►l ►ad Money Matters.
New You, September 15. It-Itt
The Stock market vela dell to day, the pncea of
Fannie• had a downward tendency boYernmenta
wake In modem. demand .
In Foolgbt• there ts no change of .m e. Some
Cotton ma. engaged to Liverpool at 75'crno. Inn ha
Wlmeat. It I,t rat Ibis Floor. GO. and heavy freiehi Ira
6401/(ss. 1,000 bb!. 6d To Ulasgow. 2do bbl.
Larde.Tar, and SOD bine., Cheass.Va 0.1. To 111)111bUrg.
40 Pouch... Hor, Y coots y gallon. A Non. .111 P to
load Lumber of truebec fur London. swam taken up at
Sla lb load of SO cubic. (Oct. and n Nor.. b•ig to weld
at Cbarieston far North of Europe, •t 3.5. for hi, ,o.d
0-111 of • eent for Cotton. There is rather morn noun
ity in California frei,ghts.
Fscbaniger are quiet but stead). Sterling LI ... g
at 01 fir good bills, althOugh leaamg drawers .04 91,1
la Ir no.
Thera was no new feature .11 the street to-day moor
you e. thy of 00.
The 'remota at the Soh-Treasury to-may were 1". l.
5 4 0, pazd.ll6s.l*LEKl; balanre. 17
The amount el:calved for dui.* durtng the week err .
The folkoanng table tad! above the value of th- dr,
emit imported at Mu port for the week endlng e•« . •
day, and :he amount detoured at and I:rid:Wrap, it .ru
Ma g. Watelmase.
Total• • • - • • • •81,[02.444 53,542 54 , k1.7,4
The sahsertpuon boOka of the Broadway Fleet re•
them open for the present. for the poryoee of fil,,eg
;he stock setb•erlption to ezonnLrm. In no se•ae &Mu al,
and the bank dem, mekeellent Goethe..
Spirit of the Domestic, Markets.
Nrtv Ostastas. Sept li. 1.40
Cotton-0ala• on Saturday confined to a few mall
lots. not amours:toe in a I to 100 bate•—pnees sit tr
:incur and Motaise•—Siiles of sena I ion. 4354.
for fair sugar, and VS ittic for reoisiled inolassen
Tobacci—Soles of le bfids damaged at
Flour—Sales 100 nblt Iliinens at S 4 all. Itai a son,
brand. at 05.0.. lull SI. Loins at 14.5.104 and tot Le
weigh,. unbranded, of s.4.7s—densand 14104.1r1,1, Ou
liolders I.luig tail price.
Col" —Silica of 1100 sack. white and yel:ow ,toe. 201
and Alit at 400, and :93 , 1 mixed at 414
Onts—Pale. of 1.150 sae ks poor Obi° at 17e
Itran—fialea 040 .set. tiIOU and 1001 a; 'Or—an ou.
side price
Pork—Soles 175 1,019 mesa at SP.lo—meas retaifing a
89 00. and Prinx at 644 1 274410,5 . —,14,14
Bncon--.Salts of 1011 emits aides at 01
and shoulders...ailing at 6.4
Lard—Notlido transpired, Sept 17, 1,19
Canal Reccip!s—Floctr 2,740 LM., arto.dr•y :r.T3 do.
wool 7.374 lba, 1.01101 45.200, lard 5.073, cheese 26.370,
coal 10.757 ba, wheat 6,975. corn 5.4n4
Nl•rketa—ln wheat and door nothlor dome aokl
nl to
corn we oy hear of !Idea 01 1010 bu at 47c. and 7 , 0
do at 40e
100 bush team oats .emu 43e 222 Gla y] al g 1.03
d 2,100 bs codfish al 24c
No valiant or corn offering from testy.—Nereid
RA.L.Vtwonc. Sept I-. Lel,
Cottle—The .apply et the scales to des war very
area. The nifetoK• reached 1.1.30 head. or orno.h troo
ete void.= were left over unwed, and :Are were dr,
en to Ptpladelphol
, A M ft Sn Cu MU, to re -t. 11.••
. ,ost r , e , :yen ,gunlenec mock o( NF:W 1 1 ‘1.1
Prices ranneTirom .223.19 e on the in,ef. equal to I eiln11)- Otry invite LI, •nrnuon or their
tl-q l ll net,an4 nyeryelhe 32,0 J ztnal Irn-/l• •Int—aesurtne then" ••ery art
LI.S6 Costr.thsstnh —The Chteaze Demo-rat stet
that lilts preiert has at last been nsant•ed that 1,.h
M Reed of Fete. se•nt. and Mr n
Balla'. Secretory It to nut that the compact rt•e
the Combination cpnre control of all the .I,mm emit 0
the Lake, that each boat is •poratsed. and aerie to , h
amount of her value sealed to the ester, the MS.,'
n t". P , .‘'. , .0r her *on whatever route 'hey pee tit
The amount of capital thu• combined Is neta , en thee
and four ini%Ons of dollar!.
. -
The Idle entral Ra'i:road Line is mad, a
elem.nn to the above ruler. but u m the Combinatm
The assoctenon as • 1, 0, but 4 . , r•u
mom reotron why the Lake interests phouid thu. r
Dine and fix fates of freight and passe,. Man Wet dr
goodsraerehmo• should do th • same thing in reg•rd
the poce of merchandise --(Cle•elond I leraid
Reetriren Arc To ens MARV Klattataan —A tel
egraphic dispatch. d.ted Savannah. New em. was re•
eeived here uh ttaterday. ma boo, rd 1.
Beebe dt Co -owners of the Vary Inman,
Inv that that theartier had burst her bailee t 4 wbieh oil
the mules end horses. nod It grew pont., of the wsr•
nom shipped on her, were lost The Misty Klne•land
lett dna eon fur Tampa Bay. about three week. agn
freighted as above. and with twenty men heard
Coo wrents of that firm Mint that It I. pronabie
beast grounded hear her destination, Tampa Bay. whe
the mules, horse.. and • trrtion of the wagon. we
thrown, overheard. They •Ity that they can hardly t
liter she has burst any et her hollers. et they were . 1
new and bee engineers are able and steady men
0 Bulletin.
(flan..—AlSLaamt lbe l.te Actscultura' Port
Ashtabula ea.. the 'Schutt ea), rn•mmeth
from the dairy ...lame+ , ne. Eaq .o. Marv.. v.i h
tag I pounds, attracted very sea.ral non, - IV
It twaiht for the Ashtabula amturnoth I. about !fiat
pound. heavier that the largoat eshanted at ,tyr•-u.e
—(Cleve. lie r.
Wantaa - Ma Onto—The fcrryman -Four hide
has been cheated oat of his just
dues ufls le. tut
ri•er !team, become an low 11.1 peroo.ts ccu'd erns.
without 'calling over the boat '• is matt with a sack
slang Repasts Ws hack, and a jug of ustusket in Ws
bands, oral aeon urad , ng the Mao at this bar, on Sat
urday tueratng. as the Nlaysin , le packet was passing
down.—[Cut Atlas.
10 Tux lima or • et. Ramat is not more rep
sire than a had, patild breath, or dart, yellow disc.
ed teeth. I(pereoo have these it it their own loot
they can, for two shilling., boy an article that w
make their breath pore and street aa 1•41 iSpter
It rows dl WRNS of the 0004, .punn , or n'tersied.
and for the Teeth 0 is vnequalled, removing the tartar,
futemng the teeth in dm gums. and clean them as
white u the snow of Ow frown Nora
ach, made r, •re the properties of Jones's Amber
Tooth cute, and, without pianntic it ourselves, hoar
what one of our most respectable and sciculthe ben.
usts. kir. E. Vold, of : , lew York. .ay •
`1 have both used and snalised thin beatiti , ul an: im
palpable lime, Amber Teem P .ste l and
can recommemd it u possowmg all the quo r lath
" Reader. We eon 4y no more to rou•nirc,
only that if )0u try think once you will tic welea.rd.
It is pat op nt bcaullful Enghsh China Pit,, for
rents. Sold by the Agent, XV,II g
ty street, Putsburgh. avao:dh.wT
Wortsta—As thia II the actual or the year when
rnorros are marl formal/able among ealdren.the propri
otod of hl'hane's Vertrufuge beg leave to call upon
arer,. soliciutur their attention to as airmen f..r the
expelling of theve th e attention
and of en fatal c•.emiera of
children. Theo mvehuon is by a pay wins, of great
arperienee to Vagmaa, 1.1 after using it for aerveral
year, or Ins own prracbce, and findrog . rucce.a to
urn renal. he hag treed induced at lam to offer it to Ore
public wo a cheap trot tervon and exceacrit ;nett...
Call and purchase at th e Drug more of
mttafr-vr. .1 KIDD lc CO
Ste•lL—Prepared by J W. Reify
l~llltam Wreet. N.Y., and for Bain by A Jayne. c;
70 Fourth street. This will he found • d.ucutiui nru.
rle of beverage in toadies, and panic aiarly or act
BaggaS 1311.01[A.—An improved Chorolate preparn
uoa, being a combinatiou of Cocos nut. 1111101,111. n
vtgontling and palaaattle, highly reeornmahord parlor
ularly for invalidn. Prepared by IV
ter, Wass, and for side by A. JAYNES, at the Pekin
Tea Store, No. 70 Fourth et. niehlt
117 - A gentlem. Of Plll.tihrgh. who had fallen into
an open cellar after the 'Ore. Flaw," spt anted ht. n.
ele so stwer.y that he teas enable to refratn from et,
0l .
oat with the pale. A (need who bad been nttng
Ft. A Fahnestoek Co . . Ilithefacteat and twen mural
of Roeunsansm, gave Irma what 'emceed in the bottle,
and allawthlt Ids Itmb was greatly •vrollen, be s
completely restored to health in twelve boors and
treed from pam. This Is hot Oaf of a great norther of
the which have roam coder the observallon of the
proprtetet. Prepared and .o'd by
canner la•nd Woody atho, corner tith and Wood .0
Improvements In DantOvary.
DR. G. U. STF.A.II.IIS, late of Boston. is prepared to
toimufaciture and set Mom Torre n whole and parts
of sets, upon Suction or Atmospheric Suction Plate,—
TOOlinkeita arson to ewe worm, where the nerve I.
eoposad "Zee and remdenee next door to the May•
or'. ogee, Fourth west, Ptusbargh.
Ram ao-t-J. 8 AoFarldan.P.H. Eaton. Jal9
Lou, >t: Lane, Benneit, Broionsvie.
R W ghonsn. Edizahei b.
PCVIOO3, Hendrickson, McKeesport.
Prokit Deddrinse, Eros:myrtle.
Lowe McLane, Bennett. Broarnaville,
R Wlghtroan. Enzabeth.
Peron, liendncklon..M . Keesport.
Philip lloddnJge,
Tax 11,16,—There were two feet water in the
hiutnel. bast evening at cloak, by metal mark,
ind rising. The rice is row the Allegheny
Lows McLane, Brownsw!tr, 6 P. M
St. Lower—Minnesota.
!OR r 1111413. 1 .111.41.
U. Leech& elia, packet hoe. 9 1' M.
roe Intlr.,
a. co', Kenai Pack, 7 o'c . .nerk. r v.
Yea ST I otts.—The ttpletubd new ugh:draught pew
st uggr steamer Cttpt Rea who pawn,.
!y :rave VI I..POVV, 010 day at u. A. M rh,• rplendnl
parked is bran tiger, and starts out ou her 4 rat trig A
h, t gopgoituit itt thug °feted to all who may be gotng
hot dirre.ion
l'Ur , 9.1,71 , trY
Erchang.. Borer:.. No. 90 Sia,*, 3C.11,./. at
Peunsylv an . .a• Indiana.
i'.u.n.urw. • —Par Sta. LIU L Lintocir. I
I:tchange liun. • •• •• •!, d'inc:. 4 c rip • ..
hart •Par , V irginia.
.Ik*.o,,,lueeipb, • • •Par:F..trhorK* In. a V.. 1
•rant Liao . Va• -- • ••
tr.* of lacrumnto-rO •Poiilit. ota:;ey,— .6
Chester Coon) • ••palll, Vrrgit,.*. •••--
Lk. •BM kI.R M Bk
•7a,, Alorenlr.r-r• • • /
" Nonour/Irt!aml••Psll 3 .• kV• *
Undre • par,•
40),,n0wn nay* —pat do l'on..l*: , uu• .•
I. Tenn ......
.00 of renneore• • • • 5
Far. !de rehq, "
, Urnon Ilk
21Jason., 1.
State Uk of Altssour.— 1
North Cnrollna.
Bk. ot Cape Fc‘r • • 2
March • Ilk., New. , , , :;
State Bank • •• . ........ 2
South Carolina.
-10. of Chasleatort• • • •
I.2ocalnal - e.a: .....
tit of Geortre tow!, ---
101,01 Ilambutg• •• • • •
Merchants Bo • - 2
• 1 lelanters &Ni •- ce. Ifk • V
Ilk. of 501311Lat0..n 2
r 0 .,., „, . .
wy.m nx ••• • • • - • • I , laltemore Bk.* ••••• • • pp
Pork Ilk.elalunt /t• R R 10
West Branch 110. 1 , 'omberland Bk.oi A:ie•
Sot-, •-•— I to•ny 1
1113 23 Bt or. Bk. of Mary
Se• -1 . 10•1, County 10 Farmers•.
Al , Orny. 0213 0 Fred,tes ••• • •
0010. rredel tea Bk
State Bs *no IltsoeSe• I lagarnown
NI.,„[1:1 . ..••••.„.•••• • • • • ILneral ilk
71,t• at.< n . ifP• -•„ •- • . 1.11 ....... • 1
: eatttopon lit •
, Sl.of lh asuutnoter • , • •
Ne.a .... ” hi le higan.
Clne.r.. Banks .Ilk. of 61. Clatt• • ••--
Catawba do. 'llk. of ILver Rairen---
C.rcles•lte. •--• • , • C o r
. •hican In. CU..
• • 5
Zacer.v.„e •-- • r Ilk 5
rut.n.n •—•----• " Wisconsin Terra'',
Wno,ter • -• 74,:dar•liltre Oo.slttvel
--• Canadaa.
•landuAk •. • 70 VII , olventßanks. Note 5
Ileauga •• • • I gaak of England Notes
C.levelanl 1 Uol
oleoo. Spaci• Valve,
3 20
11•Ttom Ducaz• 2 15 0 00 0
w„ u - r ,- 1 Eagle , old- •• • 11 00
C , rankho Irk Colontbas " Eagle, nen •• • • • 11 00
.I.cothe - Doubloon/. Fps-rash 10 00
1,1•• Erle• • • •••• • • " Do. Yam°, —•l5 50
ll•k r•
r 11 • pal
/ k • • —3tl
11:. psi
Getsrsburo , 13 .•-•-• • i
Ch.traber..erg • • •—• • "
Susquemnr. • 3
41.1. c
Er t.
Ferm.' m: Drover
-- • •------.10 01:rtens Dim
50 Ten Tha.lers • •• • • 7 F,C.
r 4 Inc Cant,n•—A' Ter. “oll.lers . 3
Loos.l'ors• 4 50
Ilk of K-^;e-1 - : I Now York • ••• •—• prn
L'u ,rkt.e •• • • Plvladelphta • • . pro,
Norbrrn DI Krrtu'ky • " H•vtlmorr .—•.• • pr:t
New York—t linnts, per Inter,or 11" ks
w ,
leny etre,. oppnede tt,•l,•ed
of Wood. 4,11 Introduce the tell .it 4 of lIAT,
on me de, tee 111th tee:, which. tot 1443vy
Elm.. cannel lre.urp ew d lame, dITh
InNUFACTURE and let.' keep on hand Faloth
s3sl. and ',teas Boat litanket, Lturneauc Flann,
blue, brueru • alrau kt.euart Canna,. Sanaa. atio
Woo:en Yarn. which Utcy vt, ...ta a EA•I'll
Wnrchonaa NY. 112 Stetted at. Patsbuten.
Factory, NcYv linyna. Fayette co Pa. M 111
neCollls Co seal .inroaucc int
, n . a u uct y k y, nus I,e :ad et 0 .
Hem, corner u$ Fate mei Wood sm., nitr,
- Brow, barren! end rr.l lerecont
Fhaencla. roc d na-atenntents lar scic ..y
sotll GrA) a:„.1111AN. 111 )V..,4 at
COS[C, r4C:dattd ß ez:4 . ,
fly aptll C
,i u
, b i bls br iarge No 3, now landing
m. 113 nra
IA ALA II DI GICF.Y k. co , Fro., 5 ,
C " s D ate l- ; ' , "-1". . " p71 ' 3 '. -6' I7A ' I b A ' II O L;ICIF!TY ` Ct c , "`
Clo u r `' . '' ‘ ' . ` Tl th" :T7 :s Virßt, - . • 1;:;t(T . V. , 7 , 7 .)
VI Fro. tt
,7t 1: ), 7 ual: p N t . eke ,
a , ga , st gn•rket prnee Li. cash paal tar
ole be 40161 et , ortt Yet.] tow rflct. —PO iOVI
to tittle coot,: nn
(21tillT•ud tque DILLS OF F—XCIIAN4E. pa,
C).n •innat, Lo.o.vti.c ond Lotus pu,
che,en nnitc ta•orahlr .r.o•
-goo, lot of [Auto, ,ttlk Urnln,
G In. woo t.dae. glool co:ored, for sate at EAlt
nom., ~ t or• Faun,. INt
. .
UGAR—'44 hodn "Sugar. needy pntne ,at
0 rterve, a A for Rale b.,
apt: WATEn M
Ri'AM uzi .erd end for ssie - by
ti Wii:K a M'Cif DI.SRS.I3
ft_ k i:iSE--173 Li. W R 01e05... for sole
C.1•141/3 A3ll. -et cet• Kt-v'• Sala 36.
.• NI Steck P. Son, Soda 14h,
So lode ••
For..', oat .to ;trove) by t - II fille
.pit 41 Waters
j.. 1, PAH.. 1 4 31 , 44:K5.t It
and S
0 Vets-cut •.td Whir S•on. lap> for One v•rintls or:
d-r• Atop Ete•a3l. made up complete
•pll W ts" WILSON
est• t .N detat , Noperior Pearl Atm
T ereivrd d• prr (.01ou Id and for alit, tty
/ tell FLIII
tool. extra Fiout.tu•l reed mod
r Int me isy 'NI S k W HASH:411:11
DuTTEIL—A tees Butte, reed and inr u <
I) apt> M rt. Nc HARR/0:40f
WSoia• esurd ,
• a •nr tale 1, •914 3. W }I AILLIAI GI(
S ANTI-1: eaUr Soda As
rptlt p...7:J u nzeil , fLr Wet y
I 2/ KU PI- :CHI'S —to bosh In •tore and /or rale by
1 , am , • y . W HARBAUOII
W A:i m W.....2 1 7 , ?Zr , r ,, ,; ,,e 31 . :01 . 1 ,. .;z e C c 0 0 r/ r l ; !Er n
r 1L .1.1 by opt. Sh V. HA 2UAUI,)I
Tr ID (DM' F H Fawn & Co. bore rocemot
mb .apply ui KW (hover 01,01 colors, stotoblr
, or autrono II wooer Also, e.;k.Coslnore nod Her
on (dorms, with fur lon.. For sole at 03 Fourth
T011..0.0 0-11 I la. Penaberlon's superior .1 • To
hnecOO r ceLvlog Rnd for ..le by
1) leg— II 1,• bc,R, for avar ny
errs RFIRY 11ATI'H 1 W0
1,...a1 , 0 i 1 , , y y.
1 A F.
'l l .lll-23 NOlll. Caro:,na, by
RH CT, Al ArniEWS k. 11,1
01.. A ES--111 OW, prime Mo, , JU .0
do, for •ale
141, w 0..• No l ~,l I. I 11010
.ale .pis .1 0 DILWORTH Rl7l/
11IT1111 1 ARN—IO,OOO lb. In More anti for 1.,10 Ly
.yII 1 & j&l.wowni &
, ,
t .., , SVI'LES—V.L.w.h in ',sod roositurs, for xa e
11OFFET.-1111.1 t,, I.V oprnor irtirl, expriled
l_i d.,:y ip, ~.1 1 5 1 , 11-WiniTfl & CO
ID Its IR)O . -IMO tuns .on Mercer Mrs.'. for .1 , by
It vv., I S ittl,WttitTll SCO
11111eflof W. 011,1,101 lirecit att.! Ell't Tea,
• ,ve sy• on Yalta kt.d to, .ale ny
& rn
. pwra Fouudr) Mc.
✓ WICK M NlM.};as
COFFI:F-,14 &Its pirm. Kw Locke lee a pool lot
•f 77.1 17 II GRANT
q,“A Povreholig Teat. jutt rrcht t,y
• •,.11 l • 1111-017
K f4" )IrAN "Y I...I.:AS
pw;.. ."-i:ea; R on .11.1 end fnr
.sly Ly
oon,v, for ..le by ,
Rll ,11.1 . h_cli
1 V
)411. —ll port, icor snlo by
I. NIATA MAW woos on , en'l•
ti soon, urol !or t., .p••• hit li 10 1
VT lo in onus , : to
nor.; ; ono for sale I , !
Kll- It h MINKS
u..pron h. Onto. 13
non 11111:,. mArritEsysA
14 want a:
rt. 7 , e
n , .;uod ,
aml /Omer. Tx...
for rat, low spro
Ep ocK Ult.—so v,ry pure. tp .lore mod for sa,
I 1 by ovt: KIF:R tr.JONES
D The sobeertbers are prrpored to 611 or for
Gleeees Bonvisr ,e,rrasted eqesl to any
roorsrt,i by the Lost 1.1:e-rt per
thouaand. .PO KIKII a JONES
GOLD PP:Ng-17:i.: Puent thamundirOintia
o u pl P.m., with and reithoot eneeesJoeSr 7 o'deod
.144 corner Third and Martel nu
Payne R.stiestari Marri-vo.—Tbe meetant
itirnna efPitWeteth, tailed yesterday even :ag,
the Board of Trade FLOtI2II, far the parpose ut se
lecting delegates to attend the Railroad Conven
tion at St. Louis, was edled m ordet by app.."'
tog Neva/a B. Gang, Ghtirman.
On mutton of Mr. Caro hers, the following gen
iemen were appointed Olegates to the Conven
tion, to be held at St. Lotto. with power to till
all vacancies, and to add to `heir numbers .
W. J. Totten, N. B Crate, :tome Dottie, Geo.
Ogden, J. K. ;Moorhead. S. V. Roberts, Copts.
Charles Naylor, T. J. Blaine, G. E. Warner. L.
Wilmarth, James Woods, u/n. M. Lyou,
M. Semple, Wm. Phillips, W Bon McCandless,
8.. H. Kerr.
The lion. Charles Naylor then offered the raw.
lution, which we give below, and made a speech
abounding m valuable statistical deals, which, we
are sorry, that owin t to the laienest of the hour at
wmch the meeting adjourned, prevenu us from
He dwelt upon the importance of the proposed
ILailroad to the prosperity of the United Sleep, and
of the world in general, and declared that Pais
nn gh, at the present lime, we. the mon nnponan ,
point in the L'atte..l States, anal one ofrige nose
pan.arn to the world' He commented upon the
with which the Untied States, which
had, in a few months, conquered a great natter,
received and given homes and employment to
hundreds of thousands of foreigners, and fed the
nal( of Europe, could construct the proposed Rail
road, and concludeti with proposing the followtng
resoluuon, which teas unanimously adopted .
Resolved, That it In one of the first duties of the
public authorities of the establish military
oots. from the Weatern COOfilaCS of our Eastern
States to the Ps.. Ocean, in Califon., that these
posts should be estabtished in ell proper places, not
far dulant from each other, and that cordised and
productive settlement. should be encouraged
round them, by extending ample protection to the
" . .Herron of stores. So that, by these means. a
sate, practical, but temporary road, with facilities
of travel, should be ...timely formed toe our
misers, across our own territories, fo. the At
lattic to rho Pamfie shores—thus forming the first
oensolidafing band between the Eastern and Weat•
ern extreinittes of oar country.
On motion the meeting adjourned.
County of Allegheny, Plaintiff in error, vs.
James A. Gibson, Defecilent in error, in the Su
preme Court for rhe Wes tern District of Penn
This was an action instituted by James A. Gib
n, Eng., Deffendant in error, Plaintiff below, be
fore Andrew Barclay, EN ,an Alderman in and
for the city of Allegheny, against the Plaintiff in
error, to recover the value of mermen rendered by
nim m a road viewer and purveyor, an appeal front
whose Judgment was taken to the Court of Com,
mon Pleas, and from the Judgment rendered by
that Court in favor of the Plaintiff, a writ of error
wan taken by the Defendant below, to the Supreme
The ease was argued Ly Todd a. Smith Ezqs,
For Plainner ni error, .d by FL Woods, Er' q, for
DeWndant In error.
The only question in dispute was, whether a per.
.13 appointed by the Court of Quarter Summons, a
viewer of public roads, in Allegheny County, un
der the act of 24th April, 1545, See. 1, mho os eam
mined as Surrey/3r by dui Court, is entitled to re•
ester from the County of Allegheny more then
one dollar a day, that being the sum allowed by
the general rout law to viewers of roads.
Toe cases of Alklheny County and Watt. t o
Barr 462) and Conamoisconcra and Hell 17 W 290)
establish the principle, that where services se
camary to the discharge of the public business, and
for which no rate tit compensation is used by poi.-
rive taw, are rendered by a citizen upon the call
of competent authority, the community which has
cui iyed the benefit of the service, in liv Wa to pay
. ,
to much as it u reasonnbly *worth, through .0 pule , L s .
tic agents. But thit rule does not obtain c here Re d"
amount of rxmapetutatioe Is lined by Statute, and Fit BR MII,I. ' , Dr,. S w aufsr t.
tile mode of its payment pointed out. In .Itch A red In Fraser, comrnetent 01 nu, ieu
thork• nog swot eyes—a .stx• .....
rase, if the employee be a pubitc offieer. the act • • , thr twat of the toot row
.13:11213111V called the Ice INA po n .! ve y jonth.Sts.
under a penalty. the Alowenee otauy compress.' 11, 1 ;jr, - .1
imp, other or greater than that tined by lane. but I
toe private individual is equally wah n the per- nin t - :,,, '"n g 'm
new of the ru'e 'lrwin vs the Cam. of Northam- j moat. cla " .° ' to bone It" the blocks
berland, S. and 11. Za1.1.1 In pursuing the euqinty Vet "m C ' et r" V.:: ,"... .42., ' , , :; Vii . rse '' tnti " :o t e d. toTt.
presented by th. ease. eau theerfore make ee }runeand obw nneertor tar •1, ...,•
difference in the result, whether the platextl " e ' t!)rit ' z ' lo ' re h'" ';.:TeT r x;:tr "'"
tow, be regarded as a public !Inchon.). during l (till M,,tH
the pencid of his employment, or as a simple j w'r
et•JV d hove. ' t ` l. "
The act of June 1838, pros,des general mete. M M.l' Se ' re n a d. ..,:.,:. " , l l ir t o :::l ' .;: ', ..l 7 r . . '" l j r l :T k l%,l l : 2 :?
od of elewing and laying out roads and lioghwaya hi"'"
within the I cmmoswealth, by means of nen..., A "Id"' r' AA . '"
tube appointed by the Court ut sl • Ile r 'MOS •
[Ls fl9Va tee duectis that surd viewer, shalt each he PEIZIN TEA STDRA.
enutlerl to receive arum the County Treasurer. one I ." :,;‘, lt ""''' .
•tollar br oach dry necessari y expended in the
phi tterv•ee. No revision made for thee tn..
ploy Went of Surveyors other than that of Me net, %....a " lm; ,l, e
whith enact. that a Surveyor shall be pro- 7:r
oiled and paid by the pers... applying for the au... , to 1. t I L" r .
• es, i n ' r e t ,
view. Ceder that Statute It in certain the Minty er,:.71 .71`,`
seem be ca.led upon to pay menthols ice odd tee o t n '
diens allow ot SI fpr edit v ewrr Then
, none the veto ar.. f
Apt. lb , E , whica Kt - ten:es that
iirreyke, the number of road and bridge elect : I ..;""r:.::';:1‘1:1
Appointed by the Court of ligariee Se .m. In the ° wet " JAI ' N, 71.;7t.4 4 ,11.
:ountiesof 13Jtler, /LIMO coy, Luxor., Lyeont, TO PRIIIITERS•
.g end Cl , oton.tthall be I hre<, owe .1 who.,
Survewr ti deemed, nereatotry, egel ITht.
followed by note &mato.. to the manner of
Vlcirtag and reporting. but nothing iv MIA On the
foill.,fot of cow pro•fttion. Nom, n i, dear the.<
we Statutes are as pan manna, to be construed
tormber iorminst a symmn and explanatory of
rACti othrr, fly the latter, the number of mower.
of roads end bridges In tee conatter named, ts al
lered. but they ore lend subject to the mend pro.
clout. of the older aN, eoeept where thew are
supplied by the Younger. ❑ Linos, that there :a
no change ctrected in the coropensetton or view
ers. and the prortaon, that one of them shell toe a
Scaveyor, it necessary, maker no difference se far
as the meaty Is concerned. if hi. be entitled iii
a dd i tional pay, it nu. be drawn from the pockets
of the petitioners for the road, in pursuance of itie
Provision of the act at le3e. By law, the public
cre bound to pay a certain sum; they can.. be
alled upon to pay more.
It is scarcely necessary to say that no practice
of the County Commissioners which may. hereto
fore, have obtained on this subject, can work an
increase of the common obligation. It may he,
that additional legislation is required on this sub.
sect, but if there be a detect, tt ot not our province
to supply It.
Judgement reversed
Warn IN A LLYCIIXNT.—The engines at the
new water works, :in Allegheny, workindminahly,
and the fr•elVoll, although not Cull, contains a con
cikrable quantity of water, which will be let into
tho pipes on Saturday.
\VAstu.un.a Form ENOINIL—The Waahnicton
engine Is now. we andel . ..rand, In pcmserarlon of the
old organization, which lays claim to her owner
ehip. There will he a law suit ahnut the matter.
Therlass.—We ore sorry to tied the• a great
deal of distress mists amongst us particularly
that class of our citizens which depend upon hie
steam-haute for their support The low Maze ofti e
water hes thrown hundreds out of imployment
woo are now almost deetitele. The :Guardian.
of the Poor inform us that they have never bc. •
tore had so many npplications far relief, end we
have from the street comousatonen, that many
persons call upon them every day, welting work
which they cannot give them.
Fins —There was an alarm of are yorterday
morning, news:coed, we believe by Gracey'. black
smith shop taking fire, but it was extinguished be.
tore the arrival of the engines.
MALICIOI7. M income—Three young lads were
arrested yesterday mormeg, and taken before the
Mayor of Allegheny, charged with tearing boards
from the house of a colored man named Jolson.
who Itves in !Sunk Lane, and otherwise annoying
the inmate,. They were bound over to appear
at the next term of the Court Of Quarter See-
A tito.rm.—A German. named John Kissel, was
yesterday arrested and taken before Aldermen
Buckmaster, charged, on oath of his wile, nalth
commuting adultery. He woo held to bad in the
sum of three hundred doll Ara. A few weeks
age, he was hound over by the same Magistrate
one chargva bigamy.
ADYYT - 1100 ro firat..—Sharp Was Token OW of
jail yesterday, and gave bail In the .um 01 live
hundred dollars for has appearance at the next.
term of the Criminal Court. A man named David
Fatal weralua bail.
SILLICJIMI3I,II RJUDI2.6—We Clirdrot to night,
comment upon the eloquent manner :n which
Mr Flemme mil true fr,ar of irr.le -1060 e 0•0
Ice, au. evening, and we ;Idyls, oil our :menus to
go anti see. him
A USX.. Stout Pounn.—The Al:egheny
night pollen natl., wn untte•stand hr d.ebande4
on the twenty second or rh. roontlt
M 1 . 01,.11 Ora ra, Pdteboren. tttertemix,
Only one man wee brought before the Moor tutu
mornlng charged with vagrancy. He was cow-
d to jail for five days.
MILT( it s 611 i Au.wattrty, s-pt. 20 —Two
men wen• hrought forwanl at the mrentng watch
returns to day, one accused of drnnkenness,
and the tither of drunkenness and profane
tee. The first wit. tined SI the second 51,60,
which they paid anti were discharged.
-- -- -,--- .N.
- t/ . •;',64 : iff&" - - , - t- i t,:- 1 4
jc0v.0,,,.., ,\ 111
' IC lZ o!‘ r
d : - t ..
~4 , ,,0 4, F 0rz:, n n, ,
(kce•cc, — , r
woodtrd mc c c arvL ur"'
110eµ4 -- . l ei n me., r, 1.0 mI N
c 0 110
J. dO
One el., 7 Jo round eOrner*. p.e..n eat vtnt
One en 7 .1n plain round Corner,
An the .boor am from tr.e re.Almao.l maoufae•ory
aCI !to•tor aod aro or-sowed m rase,
and Me lormila•A moors r , a .1... i. I . found lee',.
to any prrtmoNtr. Mr mom. or, samd eharsed
at ,he maJtu.mory, sr. a• :ovr as woad of I:tri
ur q.a , •ly Iron dims ossarr•
• LNIJ aarrms,—
down Rosewood ort s from liscno N Y
One dodo do II Worse-ter.
Taro d do lkson N
Orm do 6 do Jo h N V.
AU 11, übo•A Plano F..rtr,
arrulor.l rveRY ae.
4.,. t[ to rut., ani A, ',ICU as
cup L. r... Led on I, ./11,1111 , ev,, iour4 au, Al
Felt—Cl at It ' ..1 Pianos.
THE wroa emir, ha • rum nip
h. •tra;l o r ?lAN. ta. emnsowd no d,
CI and 7 nor•sses of ,Ve., v ttto,y of
and ttn e. .di ttittl v., About Odd
man's eslslorerml :Ea on, ',arena's', from ths rate.
harmed lamer,' ~, LIMA &, Sr.' 1 no: They
ass all promded wrth the ttlrr vs important Improve
latent arl nth., Plano maker. ta Mom 011,, tamer
the hansom., I which motto- me ormd and proJachr the
torne,) win, reamer Ti.. am they •Il adorn, rasa,
haolty. t, Mather ',roam t', hard and harsh, and olou•
collaring Hier the 1 . 1..0 ham Moms aacd a mho's. s mow
Masser-eats,. tomato 11:1 , 1 N - 11, tolle Hum. & Clark
Imam ...qtr., Me lam Ins nION•lil covered the loanomer•
salthfetheint• 11111 rootoosly o sw onventimoo pr Janina a
mnmt mslortioss and volunotnon• tone. arh'ea •MI Im
prove,' Mr ame, tows., 0,1 . 0 , 4 , 11,' hotratt and hard, am
leather neve mmaroly dm a Thom may smear he pre
nounrood tam great,. amproveamill NU Pl4llO. it tn•
vented The ohteroor or iseme ?Immo.. ammilestotoy
glided and emlorlorstmoal onottetlotr the m reboot finish
Isonstnaltle Kttt-tote on nottortment tat goAton and
other Plano, Ito put.. r eZ. coorr.nce thernmelve• of
the maseroontr or: tea to it,liltr, by C. , '111., •Ild Ist log
Hm oodmmomorm H. 1i1.1.:8,R,
Su:t .4,11 for C ark.
Ail NI W,nottsvell.
N 11.—TLe above h• .0141 .1 martefaeturcrs
prten, and the motley retuned Luzil tn the .e.a•t
eefret,r, $1,17
THE It:tea - reaped. •uree .. .. to Artltur• k nitettol.
ron. Leg leave to L 1 1 ,07111 th , o.rett• l'o,turn
and publoe veneralli that they nave .e
1.1 A: PtUtteDlll . and are n .ot to ta,!l ep o r a t t on, and
have pare tt , the., pattern. ready tor the market:—
rattov•L V. - ten are Cook., rott Ron Wood
tatover. ' , th a bp ennui atr•tleto Eck Stove tt
neve ton,. ettlet 111, et:lnman ,t 1.16.1
Slat.... Alen n cheap eon. Cook., Ploy, ate:: snap. led tor onto.. :11141,11 •,.11 n 1 n•tortment , ire
and rnaotel Gmleo won,: vett ,t.ttartt
elle 1,. ent.,l ot letne to ea., at our
‘4 « I .
Av I'I.INTOCK :4 rt.h o rrtotv NI hat
Ftt '-000k of C 14 4, 1 , 1110. 1.11..'1.1
he..oro'r or. r. mot kb- •rei.oo.
fivmoott 1 .1, m•t 1 4 .1 tom. 'o Kum,
V 74, Tufted
1 - 4pettl tio 0111141101 40 40
Ilmwo I. do [- 4 tmop slut Mmt.
1- ow% •up 1 o , do ICWoCIe do
,Ll,f t: Ir 40 114 T 11,4 40
purr fine I m r d Ado m.l 4:o
o. ‘“ Fmo '-4 ft. 5-4. 1.1 toot 1-4
v -tetw nt 4 " common a., d
1 o t ooo
itootto Dome
1. ,
4-4. and, Too Vrot ..o rash.
1t 1, 't st do tio Lotto Sr CO, •r.
4-1, t. t ono do do , Pol / i• oi. tso
•• •4.1 1,4 ear. do •do kwur Rods (lotdollhe
1....a...a., we ste now ate to tte 1 lower In.n
over moorn orteted 01. ray We lomm a. woaeons
to lurntott I loowt•act,' ',not Boat, to eml ond
ole our •torlt tottote imothoo, elooorMr.-
Coro, Were-Mow, No 05 F4trirth .1
w wci.iNmeK.
ita of ramw Otesolowola of Paransr•blp.
.4... a. Llwr. doirtem rpm: coofirmeratop 01 HENRY /lANN *. I'rou 4.
'4-' porn t1om; mnr.-40- Hannon. 0 0'6.1nnlb- Wrmlow
540 1 Irado. rut to order: .l
It,orrtil...,• f. • toonnowt. t, Ittitt day dowooted nl
10; 01,11". We •owni o Froolonol
too tooo`Yrno, Nov, Mt. Ti,. 'w•m--o4 00111 rOllll/11.-4 130 tro'otormwd.
1 ,11 •• 1,.:101, Column la'oloW l,ll4 . °' ,
"'' omit-411w firm ol lIENF4I . HANN:Es:4 At Were
A 06.60, A , mow.- No ,t-ontl at wt.,o we will bare nottatatt:
`pp ti'mponor Window 4 flaw,
N —.ohm romerved for new To,' '111111,144.11 ) , SIN lIANNF.N.
Premlnta Strawberry Plants, HENRY IIANYKN
, t.ll
A T ti RF.F.:•• W. 11) ti RDEN . Vrior, Me
. Powlm r_. l tde 57. 'MI 1114NR ROBERT,,N.
I" L' m. 4 rE
llovey'• lweJltoom 54100n1m per hundred-1m Or 1 , UARGAINS.
warrmood IWO,. Worn a dwtfiooe e•-
. . . .
put up .11...1 torwardeJ A'•o. • lan, emlcenu..
I ireeplottor F,l.uph end no lora Seeding
Ilta•pt.erry Atr
An lINIAIBLA I n. Aflogheny N !LW of the
•lt Con, Stye., Ilrydge. I•or Inn (mple.. ever) ha, hour
du rtne the d.a• tier •tetun boa; urtlt tonttnetp, .t• ten.% ft• *von •• ttp. rat,
Inunonr• ~ orr“.ory tnon , vntontort roroontnet.
34 00 , 0Pi..n , end
onnep .tooe tn , Kt 1.. e Ol.ntor; 'note. onr•
nor 111;kol mid I ourth NV SV
.owl Toon( Drums. of
Germantown tor 6... r and wortannol
\ V W
rrih of Snown,r in tin. •eine Toon., No 5: lotwnv
alma& Ilavl4 matted th. tow., of &lor pOptlik. tao
l'oor&p•o• no .1. a annaoaattoo of &an aoarot
pa.roaa, they Lo a& &o&r.o ro,u, l'arr &any
fro& a•surod tloo ovary "r•-' afforded
tarsr augh&ors, &fp' tz^a•& ~. amo.
moong a rough Enf.,,tll, oad •roamoatal
OUNU L;c1)11 eal. SEMINnat,
auut7.4o' No 11^Mo.•ontrybela Dromy
11111,At - rumx •L • 1., , ,,mt•0n will Norma, To
comancur Mc hot N100. t. .. LI, 10110 AND I . I.,NNYTLVANIY RA 11, ROAD ('II
Ron. on Fruiera. mmet. - Con t.,4.1,. Ro Ad door I • • II ntorkholdem of :he tthie and l'euemymarata
from , he ocd, 1 I Katt nowt Co:nollay am hereby' nouned to pay
, P NIT-03 raft .•••• o• or. I.lo..erna .1m Second limmtcwo: of Five Dollars nor or
Departmem. ,2'.. L.: • d :Mut, ma- „ ~„
ph) •stot WT; o odt 1•100 ' 0,1 • "' Tnt SlOCltlrOider. rcs,tng rn Pron•Y'vvna,urttl pay
rm. Tot , : 1 .0 et.• • omtm Mt mut 111,Olthent In 11,0 pieralen: of the Colepaoy.
"WO D .. . 0). r'M d " 1 ' 2.1 - 1" , attge m Third street. ?amt.:ago. fly older 01
Mathrm .Lit 5. Notor.. .ottooltv branmtry. As• I 1.1 BRMORS, Tma•orer
moo. l'omcv •1 0, 01 M.• IM e t .^ool . ,l ^e •). Ant 21. 1-'lO. auctUnltScp2.l
nod Nloral wctew.c, r .1 other oranchev r: yeimte :o
a th . l - 01.3 E•moW, 1.2u...tic, • • • s'-a , lu NEW ARRA VGEMEN
cift•we.l Deparunent, int:aiding the Lou,, mod (freak spEgn INCRKANFD.
Lvnquaer., each • - - • d EXPRESS PAST PACKET LIRE.
Prem . :A, fin EMI
Damon. 810 w•
r • try, of ennitmtent teacher. um weured
oelt a• t mare tomtructlon la I rettch told, aid
a. so In Dm ynne.
m des rat... that pup" • voter •t t commence..
reml of IL ...anon, yet they ••• red ' . any ttme,
and cm r har,. or the nt•ove rate, from the nem of
entrance. No deductions me made for absence., es
eeot laenacts ni protracted tilne.•
Funher tt.romim may be oldnosed and appacA•
noo• made by railing upon ton Pr 016 at Ms zoo.
oti Fedetai atm, or at ha. lodyi4g• to ''lrwoca Row."
I.lber, •trect. l'itt•tturyh, Lott . ml %nu 4th street,
or . .I.y taddreasuig, through the 1 . 11011 , 1r1i1 1 . 011 Othec,
the Vrtagnow N W. 111:TeALT.
Alh . gheny. Aug.:. 1' , 41). do
11. E , Ei l C 1 , 2
bOiar' Fu end ,
cd l / 1 1• ,0n0,,, a. Yoguat 1...42 sugA
RoMnson tti . arrwaen F.Pae.L.•‘h 1 4 •NOLaCY MC.
A 1.1.1 . 11.11111 N (ITV
M P, lu r t ' l ' e r • E c i aj A l N ll U . r " .l7O7l. " l,le " r Y nt 'n l:77,c " r l e b surne ' d
ID 1 . I no Nlotylay Yealvel'mr and ttant young gem
letinell INOW ppOrlllllllr of hen, tbotn,h,
and capeMnonal y qualtLell :or the dune. mod Fecre
ttl[lll, dam., t.fe
1.4 t the N. tua: .•mend , n •oord
but alwa totlivama., and , . urt . t . mia.
mum he oppumut to any mt.-not,
ul, pion iaorn . .er el Mono', and pt •tt
1• 1
I 'ol .'h10,01),,00 0 ...'..' .... cc pc... 4r
frattorr• and u4Vx111,, , •• th.• low.t000t: ter Pro.-
pvctur, wotch. wttia 1,,,ina0n . •14. run I.r prticur-41
Itom the riuswit.m. Ihr kW... - . edery.
oppomte m eva'amtunt Row
N I1•- . A les boarder% WI. lu •110. " -
hcatth. comfort and tom.tectuat advat...mor tat I),ltc
earefolly attended In anal- 11l
Das% Kritt:rr ly.torema Wayne and 11011,1.
0,4=0.1 Ito done.. civine tor 4,
mans en the Pmito,01.11)(11, and in Vocal Malno
1 :.; 4 1 :" . r:e - atarblereitic
,11 sr',Ar an . t “. .r r h. V lln c Tane . l.To=q d bl.
kr 1 rranriy thr !owl nettaufal Ion& MaJr
r•F quality toret,ll nud domc.or trnrbie.
.. • •
on Nn.4 or max,. to "Her, ly the lud o price f m .,
lA^ Anortem unuce the
N. El —The Couutry True. rL.s t ott• o Nalthtower: •
'I lm.l ,
ut the .oarcai rates All order" p romptly al.
tended to 214 Liberty. opponute Smtatfteld it
mv:ardllm W
Sat 13T tilAcHIN.s.
T FulcraStone or Fr2m.h Rotr SMUT MA'
I iwslK--the ba,t nruci• of Me km4l to th,y
ron !,ht.'elenn fort. do the work :yet 2.1 urt.l lo.t •
Ao.out .4 , of them are tato, to I , te
• .et couttr.r. and Ire rt••.• stra•pec teats,
11301. V or competent por.on• as tea, „„
ell ,r Smut For Wallin. onntculars, ad•
dro” the •tOgrilth-r .1 244 Elbert rt. Pttt.bur2h.
my W IV Wn
CI FT , r% 1 ;14 ,, 1 , (4 , 111 , .4 , 11-14— , Per a , mar, ;: ra
on very short Douce, aral at the Myrna ormee Al o
der" promptly attend... to at D 44 Iritmety abort near
:hr Cann' my Al W W WAIA,AtIt:
PA RIS—For l a nd,
always on hand at 171 Irtleerty el.
ThCitifCAT:t.lo - 01•INTKST—Alarn, • on hand, at sfl
1..0x-rty •t m).11 W W
RE•illtnro‘F-4- atze. and croa. ata-ay. an
k 7 band at 214 Lt.nerw
IT ns with nlen.urn that the subsenbera
"norm the ettszeno kntiLlstirab as J v •
t . emit). that they have completed strew ' see
-1,1,nret5i1e,,T,142.,1:7„.r.r.::,,C Jenkins & Co.
PACtivr, ...Tenor
AnAwilt here:ail, tn. I.ept rangiantly 011
nand lltsi are tiaut and .eetrety pat
sI up sti ttf nod I runt,
'tn., with their pouted <lnt—showing lie kn'
of Tea port, name of tt, cone
m pnitatlrlphin, with an mettatutn to return 11w
Ten. If not liked
• f
Gunpowde rs
I. r
• •-62 e 75 I,r* 1,25 1,50
bonen/11 • 511 75 1,110 1.25 1 5h
11 ytato •• • • .......511 0/1 1,0 1.t5
x IS. ilyson • • • -51) 1 151 1 : 25 1 . 50
/ Mack ..... • •• • •77f 50
Fate and extra I , llc t7t) IXX) 1.25 1.50
55'e wit] tvar:ant all the "I LAS we WI to be equal
to if not sextant, to any sold In Wu city. and thouid
they not prove acceptable to the tentiet, they.eutt he rt.-
turned. and the money will be refunded, as 0 is only
wxls that underatnnontg we .11
' ,Vt. ant a fatr tool. that ate pab!te may be able to
adre between .r Tnan and Mote heretofore sold by
other compante• tn Mtn ray.
All lovers of nch, delletous and trod flavored TEAS.
obould turn 07 a tall.
For sale by .10S S. M. YOUNG fe CO.
N W comer 4tO and Ferry AIM.. and
K Vol NO &
myl9 demt• NIV corner and Ross hire:,
No. 46 Market street,
'HAVING purehased an extenstve and carefully se
lected stock of Sprang and Summer Goods. the
subscriber respectfully informs has friends and the
panne. , hat he as note prepumg receive and exe
cute their ord-rs with dispateh, and an the neatest.
most substantial, and fashionable manner As he•na
drier - 19111,1 ID do business nn the cub q.t.., he flu
ters himself that he will be able to do work as cheap
am it can be done at any establishment an the country.
Ills stock is varied, consisting of Ca.. a.m.. Broad-
Vestings, tac_ vrimii ha friends are respectful
ly invited to exam:oe for themselves
mr.M.ltf OKORriF. ARMOR.
REMOVED toe now three %tom Omit
4",.. a on SMillifield Mrnet, one door below
kith stroet. Teeth tmeried from one
to on enure •,t. on the ...tam ponotple, until a beau.
hful repre,entatton of the mutual gum—reMorom the
nnpnal shape of the fru,.
o.—Teeth extracted with Mlle. or no pun
Decoyed Tech permanently 'saved by plumn,, pre.
the tooth nen, yrdteh ts much better than ru.
rtni IL thong% it should be done to five nunotes, or
even instnntir wsl:ls
Light 1 Lighttl Light!!t
e , %le m brted hontng fltd : , m , t , n i t . l h o , :r d be., had +t the ~
between Wald end IldnrEetl Store,
Fora portable house light It has the preference in all
of We e astern clues. beteg perfectly sare and cheap
void of smoke, greases or any of We disagreeable
eadanto w lights now rit common use. also, a bear/D
-ui assortment of lamps of Um latest patterns for horn•
ng We 11111[ fy.dliano V J. DAVID
EITHF: sobsenher, who
th hu,been in business
in the ossne building for e Past thi rte en year,
n. selltng all deaerthuons of Fine 6old and Sit.
ver Waichen, Jewelry, and tidver Ware, at
re.. et Ur eery loweat primes.
i.,oid and Sill, English eaten,. Lever Watehea.
"oat and Enver bet hd teeeer and Lernie Wateket.
1...! .4 Sliver fionsontal and veme Waiehss.
Gold and tinerr Indopcndeut Seeoud Watches for
tithing horses.
60. d ~surd. fat, and vest envy.. acid Ent:Medea.
n,,1 end
Sitar 1 . ...a5. Gold Yetis.
Lenin.' dio,d sod Soma Draceinu
Gold Locket*. Gold rind Saver Thmildes.
IVate hes as low as in to V 25 each.
Wort, and Jewelry excbaneed
t.pootte at,d Forks platen 011.;i1.12 Nivea,' a One
arttr,,, ath.,,hett warranted to keep good toot or
tar suo rotareed. Jewelry repaired. sod Watches
cleaner, hod repaired LI tee best naanner, less
teal e prices. ALLEN,
Itnt.oher lt:t.,chca and Jewelry. wholesale and
felllt/. 41 WO: a.rcet top statrt,t N 21% I 'ttitlk.
FOR Pi-IP...x[IEI.MA AND ItAl.flAltoßl 7 ,
0#74:1C -14 e 1194.. ILI. 1.1 i,r ve.ll
aat.o ua a a' 9 o`el..•it ',
Ina,laus itur,ey. Scig
.4.40 a —1 4' room pmn. Mom Jar
14r, Truhr, Toe«ls, 41.
Weth4,4lay YA
l , mo—Capt A Cr..., 'num., Gth
1.44414mina—/ l' 'Thompson. Fnd•r. 7UI
KeqturitT—Caps II Truby. Somr4l4.y. sm
Im,mm • I' Hurkr4.,
tl:.. 'am A Cr 4.4, Mom. Itnh
1.4m•m0n.—.1 Tottp.44 Tum+4.4. IM
Armor.. —Cam It ruby. Wedoem,. I ha.
Hurkev. Timmeay. IbM
“.•••—A t . mm. Irtd•y, Inth
1.50••..1n I . 1 hompion. 241,4E14). ;MI
F4r puma., apply to $1."1 4 4' 11.
mnnonva..4 Ha
44 1 or D LVECII a (In.
ELLINIi 11 , 1 , AT 1:0 , T-11,-4,or nbnut derhne
CI N00n..., I tanll pall °X Mc stock at rott Thor.
t. no Dal t,IXIIgt of Sc kr , .vi I
lend o n their liana:age to rail Unless the lot aural
s I mu de, r 'Mite( to sell at ecry love poet,
I in. cAoll
FOR RENT—TIe• commodtau•• double StorC
Boom wt., I occupy, locett, r orttn ennoOrtulor
dere.oi g (nu, 'IS, can , t our commarolote
~ , st, o :, : ta. r r • , t o lotorc , •• man goml n••nay to me tt,
• • ,In• entireolock. co-nat./41n, Or Or)
i. . ar/ened for the Inc
rocerie. ation,
Iroarst poschle port, to any oar.. thovo•ctl
• t cot, ;nu, comfortable borom... and aver polars
stltY r SAW ha. 1. NtIVK
Federal .1,0, Allegheny, above the Nona Coo,
on. JOst
Steam-Brick Works for Sale.
be.r„ool,le,,,,l4::,,s;:t.tnect(e,eurom l' t •
latetnt Koalas. 0 Kmiec.. tt Mould (turbo e c
, rop.,le
ntanoluelucule Loma, 1`,..e t 1 llocks ,aut 0111 ) ) rat
n• lalt e lm qte trtittl. t t per dtt out!, three Acres o od
lend on ,bc Amor., oter. th Aloe,: are till. and
*heti. macho, and / lay Rued, wneoll, treaty, truck.,
• .bove 0, velars.•ft . every tlor,g rrynote to too,
men,. oparatton• nt aft limos moire Pore. Including
right to to.c ood machole, 57 000—terrn• or
I pnyo,to male ca•y Without the laud, Fr
Leulat.. oldie•, lIENRY mr.itairr.
Beaver •rad /drie Expresa Paro/aatlns.
PENNS trYANIA, II 1t. ' ,1/ZI.Z.
KF. ERIL. Al Trail,
CIT;, " Mcltati):
Forou,ag a :ease la r terten Beaver and hire, have
I Exeltm,„ „ ly for Psweengerro „ moterwm, rundlltr, ar,l Nell: canton.: during the ...-
VI A Till GREAT CF: AL RAIL ROAD. r-° iwav,
TO PIIII.ADELPIIIA AND BALTIIII - 06.E. 1 7,, „„.r from ,:,:,„,„r„,
. Ii
are adorn/el Ma. on and atter rmtmday at towg
} , r ,„ u ,„„,„ Car r„:„;,... 11
the lot or September, the passengers by this Lint t.s k„ t o t .,
fileo i t . t r ot.
..the Lore::
wid be carried over the Central Rad Road frmo Lev, • I Tlctela t,raus, Inte *ad all Lake pttrw ean
had by apniamm'a to JOHN A C„11.7 I.IIEI, At',
L•town to Ilarnshurgh, and from thence to Proladet..
nias hy the Ilarnshurgh and Columbus Road.
corner of Wan, and Mar h! aY
Ily dna new arrangement pamongers wilt turowelt ar (Irk/ROE KWh:,
no, etc la than heretofore
I h best non. , the rlt elmtries
The Paolret• thw are ILL" La 1.111,....4 AILTAT.Sir
RI. Vb.l N., 17111,1X1kIN PR IiF'ARY.O UHALK.
most preterabm now Y aga
te 11'.< 1:1.1,r11 me*
Rad Roads Are all pe.sed In day light. Thne, 21
• Th i e . l• maw fmghtfially udnrions It la
drt„ F re, Ten Dollars For unarm* am spray : . p
roars", haw tough, ELDIV
w Nlonua.rahr:a lipase 10, yd!oar, and Unhealthy the akin ap
atm..l or Dto LEECHt& CI Canal Burn.near. &nee 'mug prepared about6l/LIV lIAILOW ARE STOLLZ.,
pale, it 1. 'woman., dental:nog •
Mr.< uununty of Lead'.
HIGN OF !'LANE AND SAW, haVo prrpared I beautiful getable article,
No. 7 Wood Pittabiargb. a all JONES SPANI:/.I.ILILN WHITE.
Ly twit AND 1,AUF11.1 , 1, Importers dltd dealer.' taring
in Forman and Doraeme I 1 IiDW AlLld,an run and „„
all ns ari a vurteure 110 , + , prepared t e e ll a. low anal I thy , a.altss,er, etear, by uriate; at the it ola Wu.
on na tea.n...
oat ran be purchased elsewhere. „ su . to , otto
oro ,
when our Fronds, and rm outs b) Aamit. JACKION, Lll.
v., nod oar tee coarlal. in part of : urty at, P. , tebur;.4. Priee cents, auraltr.seT
Is' F.= sad FORKA. PUCK LT end PEN KNIVI-ti,
SHEAR:a, RAZORS, House Tramming, 11.1.75 T PILOO/P MO N.
"'h' "'"'‘ " ' 4 "Lh' amterstgr.ed have oreeted worts to the city of
ha the paryose of (AzdvsninngalleLtu
,..,....,” !tL no urt . acc It is delltrAldClOPßOrECTFaym
which have been graph Wire, Botts, Vaite.. Naga,
77.7" 'I""
• !fate Frruarrt, a ' rt any other ratinle aridth may be
retie r,l lit :limps fur Q.t., as a selmtitote for bale
\ " • Koe.:., tot Llghtuni4 Hod., boat of
, ALL. h
pum iaston snd ? „ te c ,/ , l .. w i t y ß
t h ol e I . : , tn , d ,,,,, e.h n au to p
td dv+abla
'(1 rue .11,,,,bants. No. 211 Market et, nttnbargh. Pe fences; it Mgt:Urea so the
and will not
Yrompt tatrUlion glYett to the purchare and sale I mat. Alan in tlattns and Bons, the
al tans , a Produce whtrh ,s a, se mar h mmortance. that enter:nerd
Rama so—John l%'att &Co Ilarpny, Wllmn t ,,, nl,:tan..< , ngnresied.
II .an Mt. Mahlon Menu, t,E.
; lir. oler, It., John 11. moon 4Ca rLge, Elliott tr. ~,:to-dtr tot vr t . us t i id Beaver N. Fork.
l'lto•delphur. 11. W r•notherasa A Co., fi rm. l„ . r „„ra,, Lk:AI.:II%R AND Briow,l actr ut
J. P Kell iv
ar, Youugstovre, 04 W. I. Stan- JO ." wc “ b"'"" ' f A m' : A 680 C' P %l. l co '
der, ClieVelsad, O. .pup
Immtdknroly —A soli
r, =.l , fe: v a7s c le . n .p ctztt r
..lia ntarlret at. hetet: • caed stand for Dry liocta.
U—ta , veal room. fore . Deese, Artists'
Darter, adratrattle es , entss
led for t Lathe.' Deir-o.ineet nad len Crean/ e'atoot.
PlOl3l. ,rcsa nn ssh. end central. tee:ann. Itbs
tag ;n the Immedove utsettlorbood of the ta•bateable
dry ',sods wore, ntal adtotrane Philo flat, this room
weald .fiord a permanent stare) every way desirable;
and m rhe hand. of person qualified t enduct the
abave he: tares in FAL•tern ape. would ettpply a want
nto e• t•it 67 wraneeet haling Pateburgb aid ladles
reodlne the vocinity o
f f the etty. To soeh oeu•
P... 1 eecure a ame. seethe! and profitable
the Th e spa:taus and well liehted baeratent of
the bedding win be rented watt the Saloon. end,
which ais conveniently connected. Dor thrms,wittee
are thederste, apply to
tl eyLinden, 4 feet aurae: 2 Boiler, CI feet 10.4.3
tnehe. :a theueeter. a:, La cove order, n ttt no told
ILLlvaa, it ap;LtLe3tmn Le, ade 1 , 0011. They have only
been ,out 6100144. For pariLeolva, ingutre
of R. RAN'S, Gazelle office
• . _
- FOR AUNT—The onavlna hoo.• now
wio ne.r.oLLLv.l slr• L., ,toted at Oakland.
u. Or , aLts.ted. I•no.e
L.L.pLeeon LL hoLl the rroor4 I
pr. , ve4 A opt LIARDY.JONI,S It 00
LL , Lt
fUTIE oriA-r, • ,tfers
wati, ••, - ht. p•earn
ref resi
t 0-of , oq aw of
grvtin,l ntlarilf to
~ ~'' ''
Ile tall; utro %et% It deetept.lttep.
pt tee, t no
of In.ltattaeltottl Furniture 11 . e.
atur2,tt N., 21 Market stre,
••AFttil rt "cure. Ne- t r
Itettt., and lee. on Ho:pleat, etre, NeH. e New .
near old Wt.., ,tret el term.
Inquire of Iv2l n.
FUR RENT direr rtJrt . Ltrtrk
House, o:t between Ito, - pod M.titturi
etreeta. pow neettptett tortr-thmtn. Jr Poo
n trottted.eti -rtintutec of Wet. limbo.. or at
r , tP gooat. , ore 0,
, orntr M rle.t and gar,.
At` -- FOR BALK,
A mor,rd heenr the
—. set:pod bra... from Venn stmoL,
Row, on Hay -uvrt Immethote po.ers.uon will be
R iven Knywre DAVID arremE, A r aorney nt
Law—nlftec on rourth street, between Chem. n:ley
FOR ago'
FOU a new 1-4.0 iiory Brick Itainsco,
eI ii , ll•Card 01111,4 omp ott: order, iin
AVCI/I.IC. 1411 Ward. liooseootort given 144
Rent 10") EllgtillC of JOHN Witt IT &
corner of Latierty mod !landau
rpm.: onaeroigued afrr. toroair a Mri+county
J.. Po.. 1-Ist torrri• of Itetbsre 'S LA 0, with on
Saw 11,11 T, c.c.... one two near Frame
Itoooro. site 4 1 te , (100:by 47 bock; the other in !set
front by A.PU. gond new 6 . 11.111, liar, Wins
by form Irei fito nnii and tacit on. situate?, loot
attire from me A sie..en, rt ors creattieal of PINE
Tim LIE,: of ;Ito iitioiny. and slot, a PM{ guanoty
of tn.. one acre on !be honk
of Mc .;e4C11..11,..i adnura:tly adapt
ed tor ',Mits. tonere .uraitet con tic rated on the tce
to wints froto in:Mist...—
Pm, IL Isot or 53 an sere T,rms caoy. %Val rate
weit rirtrod otaa -am. trim good Loess and or
chard upon .0 ao part cayrnett, if loesttron to ISt table,
Tmid the boistieo to iamb, or 00 may br agreed or.
hu to an risr•!,.• oppnrinii.ty for iunattertnEi ana
the probatii it- to c - tat tliat tn two or throe leo,. dos
porton). tio vitiate. to consequence of its
proximity to Ncor Vnri. and Este Railroad. Tim
ber ontlirtrott to wear out tcsoost sow millo—tutd too
seal stit!l :we. on];L otresini ovation rumo nearly through
the rev:a_ of uic land Hunt 05. ea :t in grass.
No hi:, to hattlitor Leath, from limit erra
to riots
Trost and Comet,t siottaa.lee. For furtbrr pitrucn•
nddreoo. ,poot.prt.lJ,) P N Trim PLI,TON,
Garet, office.. Pittsburgh
Two Lots for Salo.
er 11 F. orth.ell at private gale, wove tore
1. of I.lduthl.otuated on Tomato et.,
to the Trd•Wurd th
Aletthuy Ow, 0109 havlng a
front of JU fret. no.noig buck 100 feet in depth Ma 20
felt :1,9. upon o tl .4 bath a. atone watt, 2.5 l'„n
feet, vetor dootru.
enough to bothtl e , .lare for
two comfortable doetnng bou.ea, and front there
are three abode tree., of , year. orourth, and dot rode
watt ts paved with truce. all of witch w,tl be .nld ni
rt.ltursh ~,oehlni. or County , cop,
will be taken in pnyno•rd
ik 11 PHILLIPK, 9 Wood st.,
or to WNI. ICENSUN, otn.o'hMoiy flop., stud leo,
at:eated in the Hour
r tahing oi Ittrou,,,bae. The let, are WU',
ted 02 DODTZI/11 jv I Ilavarean'a plan
75,'9, aea, ci and n..- - I.ot So :3 ftllilling tel feet at Ma
ry Ago atrae,.. 7t, teen Jeer, the =her lour . 2:1 feet from
eech, by all feet deep.
Tt mu—Greater part of perchroto money may re
main for ate yeara canoed by nortg2tro Por pante
olars. mg tore of aCe . iiit .1 r.K,
torso Inn teoond at
Valuable Co.l Land for Sale.
ROM lour Rule. Lova No. 0, ul tre month
og Pow Ran, Niollllll,llltill. River. 'llte :'oal 0,17 6,11 ‘,111.1,L11, Cll-17 Oi 1:11Ler, A. 117
nuol,t of nem., from tweely-five lo bone cugh
La 00.1004. Prraoo. detirou,”n. mar
ena on %V ALF: F.R REED, 0/1 prean..••:
lirtd. Pont amber. vfLkoor', urn.
lononuon COlie property &no, 1.7 •
1.111 at a I.,arr,on. ru,
PO LET—A roonl brick iri;r:licn4l/00./1
1 llobiason novv, .11,mneny. o.
W00,11 4 .4 , 51 , ,N 'l'llol ER
. . •
r, r-.
auto on r
I ia n n u. a d
_ _ .
Ado tor sal•; —
1.2 ITV. Jr-I.n Lle ?Lofton:o,4ln, r, aionat 16 . 1en.cs
0 .romand anosc ;,,re ;e
tt, unniedotte 4twthood :tor
snd Mr. Joun perch., Thtil boo Imly of
Co.; delowprlce of t.. 1, rw• arrr—n,
third In :taw]. ' , elan... tco cc apn.,l pxy.cnts,
v•tutout T:tie tndl9..aoir lawation ver)
ot licrpcuoseat. l'or further
01 ELS L.SLEY, ha: dr.:t pro
, r id in, 1.0.0 w rry, r. tan et Row
' itnother semn of coal on
lower, o: quality
V•luab!, littildlog Lots for Mei..
••••••• . • ...00nrc, to oicr uL,LII
e .. t et • 't •t. ••tt 'tete term, P Ltara:•cr
..7 ft, ftLLLI
Ca , of I'itt.L.ur.9, time
-0 ...ILL ',IL lA , . Lo•Lner, c.a. I cs,L.LlLtir.
LA, tor Arle,,••
..1 Heal 1....L..te of la, lAtt: /Lime,
ti ir intniti , Pll •
c.,...; in-ix - rai Mar
• •
TWO VIOL'Sg, AND L0k.; T....n.
nr rhe lots are twaant)
to at ...react .aara• raaa, s ao. taualalana, Ic:ame ~ aaaasa ua the , a a av,
011 ear, t.,rcat v.;
hal. 1 - a Cal
34: OIC.II !St...Utz L fl 1 for ss!.
10 .:1 ,riurr parrs.
nh‘ro app.) lo lichr, c, :to
tth. abase
.O.IE i•V1C61671.:k--1.:,- ;.,;<1
Ans, the three Marc brick tS amheu,
ou .;
oncu pied 'by ft. ['boners Ca.
al , I: Wi Jr
ir.StATEUN el , .vNbrltLt.l
Fult Lot of Ground sada, at rem,
duce, o and 3larborl-olrettP, ildlointog
rto-uour, ,ot now occupied by Rieflat.ll:4l , r-did.,
• loot! and in depthloel.¢lll Le
Lavorivoc o uneierp:.47l.2Lio.
qua., of k. I.OIMILS,EIt st, tECar Wood.
)1 1)).2SIRA fIL R ltaflmnr Lot In Anccatny clty,
Vvralr . , tit .Ln eer,
.arro.ou,lftung term. li4: 1 i4: urn- of
[r , toi J t 110 'wood
1.1 , 1{ RKNT—oI room al thollerics;.l.tuzy.
1,11,1 Wood m•a3
Property SAC ..reiri for Da.. a
if 1. odor fur •alc
ro mitol,er of eltetee
.I.famtmr. on WA
Comm:m g,.41. rms Ing at ar
lrli ROM Atty at Lem, st
,11. r. , L the 7:emtece
niqltrro yr,c L.e.L .•,r •rtr,
V V s..l.artl LEI',
4u, I At
r DoL.l..kit, or a tingle
.1.6 r. beloart.w..o. r.pol uo v J to II .block. A M
snd / I' At
Alht DirUM ,AlOl3ll '. r, Emlbltsl.3n.r..
GC.Z.O. 11 1.11 a CO..
TNF l• 'III,,•
yy oa li~ I'r •th^ir 41,
.f n., 'Areal!, , er.
hovv.e+s tt tno Pt , IN
The most Wonderful Medicine of the Age,
1,600,000 BOTTLES
.11.A.V0FACTIaliD VT.ABLY- .
This Nledkaaa In pot up m cinart MUNK
and has eared snare than
100,000 Cases of ahraolo Mum%
within Ow Last Ten Yeses—Rona to Oenn
unlem Ogned,by S. P. TOWNSEND.
—the Tablln mill learn Um wig*or ruttier where the
recipe for making the stud they cud Old-Dr. Jonah
Townsesere Sanapatille i came from—and will to able
to Judge Stich I. the genuine end iniginet end of the
honest t of the men rho am employed le salad It ea
the original Dr. Mermen. Barmpagida Dr.
Tovmend wee the original prophletoread breotor of
Dr. Toonsera'n BarsapanlLu - and BD med.. has
Rained • reputed. that no other remedy ever vaned
He menufectured over one milllon of bottles hot yeah
and b emoofeolurdta et . .prmaet 4000 baths per dap.
We me more Elenspenue Nod Yellow Doak m oar
miattlishment each der. than ell the camp Bantepuide
M.ufacturen It the world. Frinc. Otßoa dal
city end Cm., yff Neo-tbeik
Armstromg, of the add Qty. being defy
mom doth dep.* and say thaf he at • preened
Smut/a end Cbennst That some %taw to the Uttar
fart of May. or dolt of lung 1811. a am by the same
of Jacob Tonne.* who at that than en. a hook and
pamphlet peddler, balled hpoat deponad.tat the house
of Mr. Thcoopem, No. tdlitollnkekti4 when dept.
boot boarded end .equated deponent to wale him •
rumps 07 whiela to make • Syrup of BarsaparMa
Depment further o.y. that he became enqoatnted
1.011 eald Toonund at the Wane of Theodore Foster,
Kea, Book Publisher, w i th. whom odd Townernal
dealt. That cant Townsend had had frequent rear
bons with deponat leapectlne the malne of an
wales 13anutpuilia to be sofd nod. the name of Dr.
Jacob Tow auset.L.
Thal mid Townsend Mated he wan an dolma, arid
poor. and was nat 9t f6r hard labor -.and wished to
make some money, In order to live easy In hie aLI
days, and that. if Sarsaparilla undarthartumfof Tows
.end sold ep and mono., numay was made by
it he could aore no reason why ha tedght or 4 make
wtmething trots. it too (bit name bainff Tamar.*
if he could get acapable per to prepare • ..em
and manufacture If for dim Deponent ha ;me of this
eonversatlans asked old Townsead If Jos w. nialad
to Dr. S. Pt. Townsend, to artddi ha rcpbalatt he
knew Dr. S. P. Towsrauld De dawn al Mbar
ha should commence. kat that ha did not ears kw
him as he had formed • do-parhaerablp with mm who
coold fernish the restdatte =want of capitad--and was
weD prepared to Weed himself agalart any attack
that might be made on him.
Deponent farther says. Out perm= to the repeat
of taut Janob Townsend. be wrtea • recipe per the
toenalactutv of • Syrup of Sarsaparilla. and gars It to
hen Sala Townsend observed that he wanted to
make • specimen to +exhibit to till partnere for their
tpproval es be wrahed to grotty them to every thin&
o they famished ail the rnepital—sard Toile:send rasa
told deponent that Gm bottles Grey were to ere wm
to be of the same lire and shape ae Dr. S. E. Townt
sendl, and deponeed. at the revert of old Jacob
Townerad, went to the aline of Dr &
and procured one of his labels.
And deponent further says, t h at be by beau inform.
ed. lad verily believer the Syrup ofFenapartlla, add
to Old Jacob Towneead'a, la made after the recipe far
tithed by deponent. to Jamb Tolerant:Woo 'Surma
Aod further deponent with tot
Swam to before me, this lath day of Starlea
!Myer of tai City of New York.
Nate b pralfc/Eocluate that DE & P. Thrum:ll
Hamper:l4 la the origiEO. The folls , erlDF from
some of Iloisoott respectable papers this SW&
Albany Evening Journia.
Dr. Townsexurs Strupreina.
Them probably newer ham been eopopalar • named,.
or patent medicine, De. Town:maga Essimieughi
which wee originall as
y, and condoms b be atanalwo
tared in ibis city, at filet by )be Doctor hiratil, and
alter-wards for amoral year. and to the present time,
by Clapp k Townr.d. thej.... , proprybn. 81 , .e
the partnership visa formeq the Doctor hes remided
New York, where he keepr • store, mil gttends to the
Mistimes that mmarmlatca et that pabit Tb. lams.
fazuny ti in this city, and to contlected by the Jonlor
?miner, Mr. Clapp—here all the modithse la mantilla.
Few 'of our citheth bare .7 idea of the amount of
dna medicine that I. manufactured and old. Besides
the sales in this Country, it is shipped to the Canadaa.
Wert India Islands. South Americo, and even to Ear.
rope, in conaidesable quantities. At the manufactory
they employ • steam env. , •e, beside,. large number
of men, women and girl; in the pimp..on of the
medicine. making tmeek printing, Ind; and turn out.
ready for dup.., over 400 do:m, per day, or nearly
•00c bottle.. This is ..enormorts quastity.
The great ode the medicine has .qulted, has to.
diced a number of men to get up Imitatlone, end there
is et tlepr . e e, sent time, ea med... for de,ththati
ailed .
Dr. Townsend',^ One In pan
17eular started •short time m B ='ork. .D.l
Old Doctor Jacob Townsend', SantaParilbk" and ap
normal, with • view, b dint of advertising, and the
usual remedies resorted in effort; to appropri
ate the name of Dr. 8. P. Townsend', great remedy,
mid rhos gain all the sdr.tagea remlting from the
popularity of the name winch he has acquired for lb
by years of !anent and expensive labors. Dr. 8. P.
Townsend, formerly of Ws city, as la well kekeena
here, 8 the inventor and original proprietor of the
medicine known es - Dr Towasendia Sarraparilik"
and we think time persons who are etts.pting tosell
their article ea th e genulne, ahOrild be exposed.
New York Daily Trtbono.
Ct - We published no advertisement neolverisatly
some Ume glace that did injustice to Dr. S. P. gown
send, mho le the original proprietor of ths prepared=
of Sarsaparilla known a. Dr. Towneend's. Other
parte. have will= the past few months engaged or
connected themselves with a man by the name of
Townie= who put op • medicine aad calla It by the
tame me. This medicine =a advertised la no
pri.Wl44 as the original. fcr- This advertisement Wm
contained matter deo:gamy to the character of Dr.
A. P. Townsend mad that of hie meant= We regret
it appeared, and la justice to the Dr. make this ao
Sew York Daily
Ds. Towns...Ws extreorlinary ediertimememtoshich
Deca d es mi entire page of the Sow,Nrillnet esttepe
notice. D. S. P. Tow:nand, who Inqui orlstual pro ,
pnctor of Dr. Townsetail ItarSeptlx% .. tod wholent
Doe nest door to ounipwheve he h p peen smear
al ear , driving en Immense businant. He reader
o less than four hundred *doi
en Elazsaparilla per
da, and even this ammo. quantity &es not supply
toe demand_ No medicine ever trained so intatat
woe tardy as his prep.:4looof Banituatrillp. HI.
odihon of his
fee 184$ wet. 18:1,000, and he
has paid the New Yost• Box ibr adreatlain& its the
Imt four years, over 'DOW; andlin Steknowledgns
it,. is the cheapest advent sterltchas had dons
This medicine is exported to the Canada, Wore
axes, South America and Edo*, to'considerable
quantities, and is coming into ganend nu in those
countries as well as hare.
Druggists and others that sell Sartaparilla for the
genuine and original Dr. Sarsaparilla.
that ts not riga. by a P. Townsend...mita • fraud,
.4 swindles the customer*. Id.n that would he
godly of such an wt would ctenadt any other fraud
—awl no D rarest of common latallipane but ran.
that outs la rite only genuina.
Some people who are not well Informed, and bars
uot real the papers, sad not seem Ems misertisements,
ha. n heee led to suppose, that because these men ed.
erase ihelr stud aa -Ohl Jacob Townseada" that •s
roust, of mama, be the otigituL It It less than ma
year tame they commenced to make their medicate.
Ours has been In the make over tam yeam.
They are endeavoring to palm of on the pebble a
aad Phyame k kr— Ile mt • ardor educated
Physicten and terser attempted tOnialentactere a med
icine, until these atm hired him fan the ea of hie
name. They no they do not with the people to be
lie. Wat their Barnartlla h ours, Or the none—but
the better to deceive the public, they at the tame time
insert Wm their'. Is the Old Dr. Townsend% and the
original and endeavor to make Om people believe
that the stuff they manufacture, is the Dr. 7. olrosn.lll
harsapanila. that ham performed ao mooy ondeefal
cave tar the past ten yea., and vehicle h a.gained
reputakm which no oiler medicine ear enloyed—
sr bah a
villanotm, unprincipled feleeod.
we bare commenced mite apnea these men for
lemagne We le LW ltto be niniarttood, that the old man
is no relation to Dr. Towneendmhatever. In that, ad
verlisemetats and anculasa, they publiab a number a
grow talsehood. nopecting Dr. Townsend, which we
seal not mace.
Our opponents have pu i =ta the papers, thet
Dr 8. P. Townseral was dead. This they sand to Utak
agents about the country, who report that we have
given up buYeeas, Im. by. The public should be en
their guard, and not be deceived by they unprinrl
pled yen.
Notice of Remora—Alter the BAN of Baptarober.
IBLu, Dr. B. P. Tonnuandl Naar York Oglori Lii
in tba Muth Baptist Chiral, No. tl2 Nallsaattreat,
which is rum undergoing • than:nigh change, and
1.11 b. Bunt for Die batter acenintnariatim of [hag..
pnrwa and the public.
partenam. Nariea.—No Barsaparilla Du
genuir. and original Dr. Toornsena Barsaparalla, Ira
leu .hood by B. P. Tuounerd.
AllENTl. — Redding k Co, No, B,Ktatewireeli . ad Mri E.. Kidder. No. ICO Cotudidtatiet, Boston • Banana
Kidder, Jr, Lowell; Henry Pratt PAD= J
; ames R.
Greco Worcester; Allimn k. Gehlt , Concord ; J.
Balch k So. Novidenca ; and by Dra and Mer
&ante genanill) throughout the L" Mates, West
Indies and the Camdm
by BSC Agent for Pinw
Laren; CURRY, Alleghan7; A:PATTERSON.
Birmingham. ;lentil:tet
tml3 /000416-41)011,,,s
mtax Chemuckl senap ame* a free persatm...- and
e c maw., and whiten. the MIN
goring it the texture and beauty eta. Want'.
Seven, Sum Rots coo Roam, am scson. not only
healed, but eared by he me, ea at least eeven Phew
eines in New York know, mho am it In each ewes
and fund it aufzulitne—ea she is
Pnunms, Mormon, Fatxxxxx or any other .011' die
't'he reader is assume that this ts no metew
paled nostrum, as one trial will provea's I could enu
merate at Scut nil Immune cured of
N 02.11 lire, S.. Lea, con Sou Iteem.—Bay
and use Itd the reader la gala aimed I would
not cruelly cell It for the above anima t knew It to be
all 1 state. Those who are
eta Ceuria Fuss, wilt find W. a
ewe. Any one atlieeNtitlh suretae eta., or W
llas &wawa, will la Weal and even mon (admtra
bin s. its
Man 1 gavot "
But, reader, the *Mee are loaded with imitatio.l4
and besail, yen auk for JONES'S !Winn Chemteal
Son.. Bold by WM. JACKSON, Litwin sum;
Pautergh. liagilndfma
loartmy are the actual qualities of 3abottle of
Jomrsb Cord Ilair Ramrod". If lig doubt oar
mord, they tannin Mesa big*
mho have tried In—
Mr. Goo. Beek., 111 F n acliaw WA.
Mr.. hiallid*Roci'veaddvsea
Mr. Wm. Tompkins, 11l IClns nr , New York.
Mr. Tlamt. Jackson, Alwoonalsland, near !Inatome,
U. E- Cullen, Wain:bet lacanshost B. +snide.
And more than a otkels:Stato, though Oa.
mast mace, Mat It fared tn*nais ac, glow *sibs.
h„,44 oe Gra y ato p it 61Wtg olt strangliest the ktstrUts
removing kultst and dandruff frank aka ,oUloe
light, tad:, or gray hals &maw* Ono du* look,' yd
k..JrArr, bum s or laity bairpao**, non, *an and
bold by tad t, WM. JAPS:Bon, .0 • Marcy In,
TWA= so 3 44ilkekals; . **1 *no doll= ,
, -„ e tint• miff=
- Ce p Cm. opt/Mk
• - Dr 4131 1 ., MIMS
~41!itq*%aO5:' "6411i1