LINES YOulzgatoesa And areas Castle Osemll TRANSPORTATION Vaelketa. ,• IDE packet BRAVER, Capt. Stanley, will 14 . 0 Bearer 114111•211. Monday, Wed Wednesday :illtd day evenings at 6 P. 011 M., and arrive at VotiegOtall neat morning at e o'clock—returning, Dart. S l oottielt WWII Timmlay, Thursday and Saturday eveningsilt.4 P P 4-., and mach Beaver in time for the morning liOdt. ALLEGIIESY CLIPPER, arrivlng of Pluebarill it 12 detach. St . The packet 11AILEAWAY, Capt. Downing. *ill leave Beats, Tutsday,, Thursday and Satarday clam ! Inas at 6 P. H., returning, lea c New Cantk, Modlday, Wednesday and Friday eve gs at 6P H. •11 , 0 . {‘KI- Secung with the momlng bo for Pterborgh. -t , I Tame pat t els are Stud . to camplete order, Illitr. Ing M... ornal00•1101. fo paasengers, and stuatra may rely or Tare punema Iv and greater deaß4lol thank. heore- been onunn don these roars. fli F. Al. PI CHI A Co., Propneumag l J. C. Indwell, Agent, Ptusborgke , Indwell a. Em e " Beaver, 4. ' A. D Jaw., " Younto6. R. W. Car ninghant,"New C u nt. The elegant steamer, AttECIIEN 1' CL I PPE R . otriII leave Beaver, daily at 8 A %L. and Pnisnargh a*, P. 6/., Planing in connection with the a b ove Want. :vale Il l .., , 1849. Warren and Clervelluad Paa•esager 14.• Canal Patkos—SWALLOW. 11: —OCEAN. of the above Packets leave BellTer Cli[l*itty Mondays excepted, and arrive next momiljg Parnsn, when they conricet with Wm Mail Sta.L , .for Akron and Cleveland, ernstne at sash of these plates before tught. One or the packets leave Warren b P. M., end arrive at Itcaver to time to ta3tt the morning boat for PIIIOII//gb. CE S LEPTINOWELL & Co, Warren, 0.., M 13 TAYLOR,do JOHN , A CACGITEV, 14,13 corner Water and firrifielllt the MEM 1849. • UNION LINE, OA THE PENN'A AND OHIO CANALS. C 14,70. A C 1111111.11.1, Cleveland,U . t R. G. Pima ßeaver. Pa r Ht.s . Line will be prepn:rd ou tnc opening ofi Peel to transport freight •r.,1 Pesos-aces from nTgl3l2 RUH add - CLEVELAND. to any Ono on the Canal and Lakes. The faeiLuct of the Line are ansurpassed m riegther, qualityand capactty of Bon., expreuce of and effitteney of Agents. One Bost leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, run ning in connection with the steamers LAKE. ERIE AND MICHIGAN, ' gletween Ploshure„b and Deaver. and n line of filltivs Menem, Propellers and Wow:. on AIM Laken_ ' Asmans-R 0 Parks, Beaver, Pa. Jesse Baldwin, Youngstown, Ohl& MB Toylor, Warren, Cyrus Prenum, Ravenna, • Wheeler A Co, Akron. Crawford Chemin:BM, 0 !toms & Griffith, Buffalo. Ps • ; JOHN A. CAUCHEY, Aigent, Office cor Water and Smolfficid sm, Pnisbdigh. nichildy v Bummer MICHIGAN No. o—Capt. Oilsmu • " LAKE ERIF, Gordo TIE above moiler and Weil known Beavffr Pack ets, have commenced making their dailgiUlips to end from Beaver and 0011-conunue to sin intivecen Pinabargh and Be aver regularly during We Oaken, as &Holm— Michigan N 0.2 leaves Pittsburgh daily at didelock, A. M., and Beaver at (Scions, P. M. Mike Esc leaves Beaver daily inn o'closk, A. Ale tad IffihnrCh at 3 o'clock, P. M. These steamers will ran in With It 0 Park.' F.xpreereacket Lute,connection for Ecie:'i Taylor & Warren Packets: .4 , Union Line of Freight Banta for CleyclioniCi Clarke & Co's Pitinburgh and Clevelond Roth Fraught Beate. R O Parks daily New Cnstle Packet. CLARKE, PARKS I Co, Beaver, Agents. JOHN A. CAUGHEY, Agent. Pinstdirgh, meh3l or Water andStrothrichl ae i • 1849. r • iN alt. al=2. PITI'SBITEGII AND CLIO ELAM LINE, ON THE PENNSYLVANIA AND OHIO gi&NALS. THE Proprievore of this old established sad! gpopular daily line, containing of SIXTEEN firm ethi a Canal t Boats, owned by themselves and running lb mule.. non with the meant boats BEAVER AND CALEB COPE, are enabled to nth,' unequaled fikholltes for transportanon of freight mud prissenecissi on the operung of Canal navigation. to all points °dike Penn ey lanais and Ohio and N. York eanale ited V Lake. E M. FITCH A Co, CISIeLsu BIDWELL A Agents, Ildaver d. . J. c.nwe.i.L, AgeSti mark Water street, i'dWurgh. • Pittsburgh. BIDWELL & BROTHER.Forwarding Serehonts, BEAVER. PA. .11 slsonts for the Pittsburgh aneiCierebuni Lint, Pitts. burgh and Erse Liu erid Erie, tunithr steam boats Beaver anti 0/.8 Cope. Ji Ilaelug purchased the large and sobstatit.'lil Whnrt Boat) ut built for the Monongahela Palau bare with the addluon of a•Waretionse, the moe•A ample an. 1 commodations for reeeieing and forenteling, nnd pledge then utmost auenuou, promptness iinitLeaTite to ocendoments to their care, and rely on th nds for onarl.dly BRO frie PITTSBURG/I AND MLLE .• NW= 1849. .:44a Old Establothed Line. ON THE ERIE EXTENSION CALig.L HE Proprietor of this welt tuna'. LIE of Canal T Boats, s now prepared to transportigasseniert and Freight to all poinm on the I rte Rut thou able York Canals and the Lakes, upon the moil !favorable thrum and with derpotelt. Thin Lute runs in cot:merlon sir the OW= hoots BEAVER and CALEB CI)I'L Inareeek; Pin-ban:a and Beaver, C M Reed's Doe e. steam bOth ni l yr, ads on the Lutes, and the Troy and Mithigan Luke Boot Llne on the New York canal ; C. 31. REED, Propnethir Fries Pa 13bthre1l k Brother Althea, Ithevert; W T Blather, g el, at It Mesictmettiktaswnget Mee, Mortthrethela House. thusburan CONBIONEK—W C 111•Iart, Sharon; 1 (West Smith Downtrig, do; .1 ill Pluonner. West Green Wick, Actor h. Co doti3Vm Fleury, Co; Dare tr, bonen, Bthbak. Co; Sutduskyt Jas A Arrourons, be Kirkl lus and h. Newberry, Sheboygan; ililture Wilti4ffs Mir Knap, Blurfey Outwit, R. 1.; alf Ramie, Chicago; A Wheeler k Co, New York. s a pi Pittsburgh wad Blairsville PAC et Lille mama 1849. • .• rAIHE panto are r • espectfully inforothd ti p •• ot J. 31. MARSHALL CO. hove fitte4oist new and ay endid PacieLEotta so during tb*lica•kon, t,e c•reen Blairsville and Piusbargb—the britith to be tow ed by three horses, and every effort Ina 9 ito accom modate pthsengent , • thuskuthrote—Bonts will leave Pttit iirgh every Monday, Tuesday,'Thursday and Prulat bs Prom Ellairsvrtle every Monday s ;; Wednesday, Thursday and baturdav, at 7 o'clock s. itt and arrive as Pittsburgh the ram day. A two helot Hut from Indium wild meat the boat at haltsberght both on up. laud and downward trip —putrtog passettlerst th rough Boor that place in one day. Preight for the above. Line will be rettived at the house cif the Boatmen'. Woe, by Ino,t'll.Tren tz Co.. who as our authorised Agenm. fright received tree of commissions. J M MARSHALL & Co. JNO FARR EN & CO,IA gent.. _Canal Dula ' Liberty 5g Pitmhorgh A Hack leaves Elairsinllefor Youghtthen an the arrival of the boat—return to boat in rat/thing. FRie from Pittsburgh to Ythmrstrown Si—regiatted at office (Boatmen'. Lino throodt. soinlem IFPVPBlllll.liiiiiil Othit'r7Shiekri a115021849.MW rr BuigiV7=7.l.;•HrrAg., 13MalORE, N. YORK, BOSTON, Sc. Tacna. 801.11305. Ptatikkipta & O'C.oanon Pittsbu & rgh. 'PM old thtabtished Lane being novild (nil opera ' I, don, the proprietors are prepared With their untal extensrve arraements to forward nVandize, pro. doer, to to from the above ports, on Iberia terms, with th e reguhrtity, despatch and o f peculiar their mode of transportation so obviqa, when tran shipment on the way m avotded. , All colmignments by and for tins lineltheetved, char (ea paid, and forwarded in any rulturedidireettona free of charge for commisalon. advonctog off; storage. No interest, directly or indirectly, in hrumtmats. All commouicationspromptly urtendid to on appUca tion to the following agents: THE. ricgunuoEM, Market at Pitithielphia. TAAPFE k O'CONNOR, Canal Bashi Putsburgh. O'CONNOR la Co, North ot, Daithriht. t00h24 1849. abidal BING/LA.ll6s TRANSPO Jai= Bursar, Truit.,Enrouars, W. ltmenass, /010 Dom Conducted on swim S a bbrah-keenrig principles. HE Proprietors of dee old ostabliebed Lime her Iput their mock in the 0104, eomplutivorder, and no ,,eh.d W . ozar o t Produce and him-than We tram that our long etitetienctOth carqing businets, and t eatime u sennon to Mediterests Mem mw& will seenre to a continua:tee and increase af rho patronage Whorl° eitended igiloghain'e Luse. Oar arrangernente will enable tit hi carry Freight with the unmet despatch, and our prce shall always , le as low as dolmen charged by titllr responsible Linea We haveepersed .n office in No led Market eon, between-Os end dth an, Philada, for !Apse convenience of shipper . ?rode. and Merchandise will be &d elved end for warded, East and Nat, without angichame for for warding, advancing freight, storage or cominiesion. B M Ws of Lading forwarded, anißMeery direction promptly artended to. - Addre aerply Camel or Bum, cot Liberty & Wayne eto, }Moberg& BliNtill& 113 & DOCK, No Mend TN glarkeinteet, Petted. ;AMES WILIVPNL°F .. ; No NS North tferward idreet, canierer• WILLIAM TV.-FON, Agent, Ne In West elret, New York abilaa 1849. litEaZ2l .'- illirabaxtu. Trazuporiellian Line. WA PENNSYLVANIA CANAL R : RAIL ROADS, TO TIOrLaSOILTIOI nettelone. Canals end Rail Roads be now open, and to gaoeo od d order, we me prepared to forward all de merchandise and produce tgillitladelphia and Baltimore, with mompmese and deigituti, and on its geed wads as any other Line. C A bIeANULTY & Co, • Canal Sul. retriOn., Pittsburgh. Aestars—CHARLES RAYNOR, ,rgilade/plna. autl7 ROBE MORRILL & coMostmore. Read - ki . - presitYast Packets nu, 1aga2:1849. . EWA PiTrorpm TO PUIDAWLPHIA & • MORE .-: (Reclusively forPasselgera) nal& are reepect(ally Informed that this Line wineksonance running on Mallet inet, and can- Sole throtelsa the Seamen The Wats are nor, and of a sapl4r elan, with en large& clibtemortrlch will give gre comfort The oar. take/24110M consunction A Ableaterill alwaya be in pas, travelers wore queered to eall and elan:tiros them Were engaging pod sag....elstrwhar. oultattedeUrtrathrongh.) the teats's( slairsowels leave the landing U. B. Iletel, NOW e=tlstreet and Canalreverl night at nine o , 'Ardaya For infortell -, Alt,_apply at the 01114 w, Illbswido la or to p fir c. PFALT • Canal Basis TRANSPORTATION. KIEfl POILTABLE BOAT LINK, Ma526:1!"141 For the Trausporni....n 0. Va , g n I A• ' l. I T. Eyes It nett for the benafit others TO PHILADELPHIA, BALT INIORE A: NEW Vo R ale -noir foe. n relation yoo „, goo si oo s p ea ,. Mi .D LISINESS on the Cans: trAtanrd Nroprieous of the shove L. four the publm Mat Mel rarpnre, •••••1 ward Freight onto despateh It arornAl ,r• • Then would oleo call VW Rua n , • I•nw. law( ward to the fart teal the ,• en.P •ed `"am 1 e 1. l: transportation. are owned -ore re..eded I.y elfeet A. I em engaged ill merchandising, I ant able to experienced eaptams. Slnppers of Meal to EWA f.,,d advamageou• I state that aet to hear of the first failure where , soo „ 05 ,,„, aav e m ade ur. sour on• have he-ts used tti wench of the m r.c % . o J sow n.. s.. y& s T oso . i ss .,re,oh• R ao country 1., Imy state that they are A. mom handed direetly from bouts • thereby at. I o, the day and or e clammed to buys rt very vine warehouse handbag lex tenav• popunan.) Yr, respectfut•„ Freight to Philadelphia goes cane tbroarn :he . WH. Prmer.M. boat. Isrepa ~, and acid by R SELLERS. No 57 Wood No charge made for reemetng or advancing meet. h., n, Drur - rwto generally in the two m ei:lames. KIER HINES Proprietor , . t.c• and ',rm.,. my3l AoEsTs__ joh” ,s„ ( by he Cahouet & Co. Bohm:ore; las Stec, o Fn. aut.- SUM. Celt.. inn° county, V. phial Francis A Tnomar. , ..o,olutna. March Calk, PER—gerLVA NIA AL Y. Rs, tos s Mr It E. Sel'ers Dear Sss—l think zt Stint I owe F/0411 1819. .4*)_,Q, !,',..Y.727,d-'7, 1f".7T1r4 ,10‘1 st,resr tormed and Itrose. EXPRE...S FAST i•Acto . 7rl.t N 1,117, m a very tow state. Havtrig heard of 'wax your are, I,:ver Pt,ls being for sale In A R ic p hil „ e i dphw , osoo ,„„ to We,t Liberty. end rcmmended to me by lES Ptwbgeg eicouvely Int ear.,endr, In:: •ir• .ab. Dr sma. taco oncluded to gm them them T HE Pubhc I.l' tnr :nn.' lt r e 'u y " e ' r ' e a " re d ,. hy.1.11.1 . ..111* ER USED and after mama four boxes The bow .(Q' '` .. ‘ h I 1.,' the tltscasr . has en . , y left me, end lam now enlarged cabins, welch w:11 (Iv , greater edneort to poss,.„,we,,. 'oars, pomengers. 1)11 COLEMAN. A boat will always be in per,. travc , ers are re. West LibertT. March MIMI , . Olmste d to nail and eAlonme I, 'e 1 " lure engag ,, C Pa — I I eerniy that lam personaly acquainted ante Mr .4. 1 4 ether mates. e.o . etnat . sou can hear nes:A:luny to the truth of the petite Me U. S. Hotel. currier *Urn: and Ca. hi. ia„ve • Alt SHARI' every night at o'clock. 'rne genuine Liver Istlls ore prepared and sold by FARE.--NINE DOLLAR, TIIIHR:611 , It 1 •'. St..I.I.ERS, No 57 tVoal street, and by druggists Trerie-21 Da, . L.. • tw•t• For a'• Mmiongl•he. ll 'lt , THE r'1"111.1t; —'The ongtnul, only tree and gen- House, at al D 1 • 1, ”" A- Co 't^ , 8.. • 1 Llano . !Aver sre prepared by a:Seiler*. and have N. Ite—The proprietors at ~Vo ure :nyecamped .t. black. War upon the lid oreimh building an additional Idne n. Fa. se, L. ~,•, t an d -,enato re on the onwide wrapper—all on or about June Ist, to connert, ,,. the „,,,era „,,,,,, t er,mts, or base imitation.. lonia Rail Road from ~, ~ 1 "an It E SELLER... Fropnetor th '" P .6"' I " ne "" "'" " Litt. J N CARAINATIVE BALSAMi tog. Tittle through. 21 daY• I,s ROM ,ne Rev ASA SHINN, a well known and pop FLEILLANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE, Mar C,ermreart or Me YrotestantMethodist Church r 11l Ti undertignel na•itte been afflic led during the past u- 1. „ wrater won doom. of the stomach, sometimes pro ; daring great Dam in the stomach for tenor twelve hours • thodj mernossion, and after having tried earn[. I atwda , Wan vie effect. was furnished with a bottle o. :Sr D t:anninative Ltalmtn. This he used at ,te dilemmas, and found tor artably that lb. medwthe caused tie p.m to O,A, oust three or four non. and in (Am, or twenty m mutes every [meaty en•Arcly quieted. The medicine ehwftw used wheriC•e I•Lndirat.ons of the appro of path t peter •e d. end the pain was thereby prevent. Ile eont.nued to use the medicine uteri <vming awl• n the morning, and in • few areeka ne.ilth era., tar run t of that the sufferer war relies 4: ,arrn amount of Oppremme Po 1 h• Pros. ner.ence. theefor... he can confidently recomme 0 .Isyne's Carminative tla,un.ase. salutary nactlic tor d.seases co( stomach and trowels. A SHIN ND Allegheny city. it For sate in r.lut•nrgh at the PEKIN TEA STOR 72 Four.,r street .sect Wood. and also •t the Drug Sto, II I' it Wa NT Feder.. 'mem, ARCS •ows VALUAIiag. bISCOVILLIVI CONSL%II.I'TIVE:,:, BE UN YOUR GUARD. HH .3wAyls}:' , . , COMPOUND SIRUP OF IVILD (R art IFYILOT real Cot:anum:p...on. Cone tw. Asthma, Bronchia La, cr ,Iname Blood. Difficulty or Breath ' tir, rao• the 7,,te aad Breast. RalmtAtion of Me Heart. ',alum.. Croup. Broken Con ...out:on. Sore Throat, Nervous DeWit t), at.d Ihseases of the Throat, Brea , and Lungs, the most et fee .usi. and speedy cum ever known for any of Mc above d,sea , e D yr. sw a n rNr . s' Componlad Syralia of Wild Cberryl This medley. , Is ..onge , among those Or doubtful aoy. It ha , pa,..e.1 away from the thousands daily launched soot , the tide or experiment, and new stands Metier in term-mon, and is beconung more extenstre ly oarc the,, other of of medteine ever I to •te ot suffering man. It her hren stroduced very generally through the fated Sm , c I,tl Europe . . and there are few towns of imporm,ce but w hat n0,a3.111 some remarkable evt• ice, of ,•• good dor m " For proof of Wm foregonig mmin ' ea.! on the va,ne and efficacy of tki•• reed , Co.r prepr,etor t.: nlserl R few of the many thou and ternMnamw mesh have been presented to tom by risen ot the first respectabiaty—men who have Maher views m mom, rew0n,..1..1,t) 1,41 'urn,. than to cer• ofy to tact.. beenu, it ss. , l do anotner a faor, and themselve• ...ostler ',re testimony proms e b on , i elcusive,,, mat .1. snrprising exceitence Is e rte i,trtii•.c m erit, and the unquesuonable author , soy r.• The LlWnwanwatir relief $1 al-• ,d,t.duLdmtharfroureerrearlee rowed) '"' When mm.. acang Irma conscientious np ulsea volume, ....11, t est.dinn , to the truth of a thin. or pa roe e.r et. t emony. being contrary to their wwnla nod purposes- cor Fees convienon of olae Hogan's ora al l M amma Li mi.. cEnTI FICA TF24. gr een/ A ‘ortia• CA TR •or Pi-Lamas ar There ,s us a reied, that has been as successful to des..erm, r a-. • u . k onsurnonon , as Dr r‘Wls) ne, m m n. W.tif Cherry, It strengthens the ysiem. and npfwarr Itex , the ulcer, on No lung, .1 vet, tdood: rower ye...eased , ereoung new l at h Da.ri For We truto , oorovton nl ~, ,r ehooat at:rm.:Es PHIL-OW.I.PM AND ri r; nom= r ame I osl ao , r or • 1,3" betcret, Pr..brt. Rod I.toontir fled In (our preloto r • ter . •re ,• bantlitnK, tho. of ,mr,,s,rtrtner ` m. 1e recetv.g or ah:pplog or tor roods forwmrdol wrt IN u. a , ot on a 4 n. ona terms 31.. toy ml. othor JoIIN AIIFN 1 Co Canal I.laon.s.l . rna J M 1/n I , a marl ; M:am Cnolm-re• . I'4 Jolly SeFALI—N i07F0rn ,, 1n...7 no. , ~,,• on Marcnorns. Canal /AMES 111 DA VIS & r.,,L,r Vere , an.l Come,- non Morel...Lats.:U . 7 Nierk. , : eel , eL• n. mern prAdvaneee made tci r:tner Pr of and other merct, ....tee , . al to 1: . . n. for aale. ninrll lIIICILIGLIAN TS' WAY a. U lIT LNG. Jolunqown. !lo:.,day.turrxit, netermed.axe F , ,ee• Mins Line IrLII conun.ue to curry P. WO,. Goode j. with rhea usual detpatrli ca.,l at ta.r rvlcs uf Lu (mien. Aalerni..-C. A. M'ANULTY D Wakrll,.d. 3 oti.c.c wl. John W.:Jen urgli RztsmucsCts—.-Innio• Jordon. air Dr I Shoe bong. R Moore. Jot. Vor. 11 bon{ CO. Win Lens, t'n. )1' Pittsburgh; Jol.n Ivory. Count. NitlaAo.ll..• A. 101, Uteri &Co, Blairsvt:l n•ch..l7 REED, PAILKB & Co's. PACKET LINE 18 .4 S HEAVER AND CLEVELAND LIN E. vt., W A 1:kt1-.7 , CVO Parket—z,l'Al.l.4,W Carl Fold. UCLA N. Copt. NS tiller. f 1 IS the above Parketa.ruve ravo: rVerT klny, ISalldeLy• exceptcd, .110 arr., r.rit Warren, where Ow./ tao Stat. Akron and Clland. arrm.le a‘ p.a.e• nefure tught- Da nte of um rno•..t. ,etorr arr,./• at S .d a at 11. .n Lave to mo.tung steamboat for Pot.ou:dt2 COTES A LE:FFINGW ELL Warr-n di B TAYLOR, s Proprlt'rs BEAVER AND ERII. PA , 'KF7F LINE. T 1111.0.11 TO MEI-A[ll 4 roan ton X, •mnal Packet—Pan...ll,4.v-, y ao, " Po het, Loan " " Fe:no.s. .• Tbn above new and no.enans Pa.-ttter I•n, nay comionneed running between lIYA VER .‘N D 1 P., and Yv ll run revularl, comae toe leaving Ene every r or t, tool Inv Heaver every annonoato:y ner arr. ut the Womb°. Nita loenJ, v 'll.. Loa tt am,ev. meal c0ntr....a... , ~ rd. .an through In tarty hour. PaAliettfer• ;n l m the LaarY, nr to N.azara. o Ili it:of la, route. the moat cointoriat , ,11tO C2pCdlllo l . 6 . 'Po :et etronvh to an port t ou the Lode can ue prooured typonng to the prapne ß lors. EM PARK+A Co. Heaver. JOHN A. CAL I,HEN . Act Poothu eor NVatera,, , , rtitothfic...l C Harrison. Duda., N G Id Reelt. Erre, to.. . C C tireenvtlie. P.' Ii Fariand un , .l }Lug. 80, • lend. P., 1I ea 1 . 1111,3. tql.arplararftl..r.. w c Matatt.Sharon. Pa, C Mayhew, Pwast , Pa, Rto Cuutongaan , \ew Cashe. Pa D I _ _ 1311.11.1LF. & COS FAST igae2 FOR CC3llaikt.L. , Nl.l. I,l.l:J.uiU, AND Tti l. TiiEProprielorn of th to 1.1, n. sad ate rroure , to to:. u, ....,. .cliptions el.y. the lon.r.t at J. t. grra. NV atnt strret,.nts4. Rt)I:IN , C,N t 111..1-.40r net3l 9i titu.n eta-rit,n, Ilnaintort ll= Paisaaragpair and Rens Ittane• once. lIANRDE.N aCO CO.. to qttt.q 0, , 0t0 rah= any pun a Engla:ttl. Ir•land or War,. upon the tne.-t town, Irrtua. usual punctuality and cteolion to Lie wants ands lon of emangrants W, do not a n o our phasc:.:cr• io ha robbed f.y.the •can.p.. c mar,. of thrm montol.l Use y re port themselves, and see to tut, we:, Cetnr.. atta patch them without any detention l.yloo first ror,.• We say at. learlenaly. us we def., nue of our gen to show taut tney were damned hours by u• Ir. Lieerpool, whilst Mousands of ..turn w.7re tit months, lazuli they could be scot NM, Old or, u eh; nite. which too I - trout:illy proved thetr We utund to perform our contrurts • what it may, ainl not act ar. tar c-000 ..tta with ether hate,a.—votto et:hrr pttt(ornt.,l yet a.:. o. When it Soloed then' cott , thtettee. Drafts drawn w Pittsburgh for any suin , frorn 21 to llaltUrNalito,'Zoot7vanltl*a(„t'Nt!ranlC;"'"' te m .". JOSHUA ROBINSON. and (..enerui Agent. Fifth street. nua oe ALLB A NOBB NY BIN V W EN A T .F .IIA .AMN BLIND D CA KV :11 -...-__ fully odur , O tete OWor. Wt. tic `.:1,7..--==-':-.: teepee tot holed at le . •eate I me .he ~,- -r ,,, mew eeede eel it r leen.oo.A. Aee 1:„7:12,-.=_.......... alteity car a re sm• r.e meree• le , r , mem of oen,han 8., •:. a •n 0 , • In.,4lllll,,‘iLuor, . „,,, , 0 0 , ...--....-...:::. de, en 'be e c .e, • . ea ...rr 1.i.!t.1 1.:.=..=== , ... eyuft. It. a., : ..... I alteel ',me. ~,-...--=---..., . IIe• 11., A., •,, tr . 'clamed r s e/ • - hl.-r-=-=- e, a • out toe le.•, en li.lod j.Cdd•od cue tool, ,old . of 1.2 , 4,0 k oz . o• Latootolor. Of ri am-ay A NI C.r • .....7,=--11 land. I Rol pro, rood lo I urn..;' —7l the, old customer.. mam . us the yahoo at I.rgr, meth every utt..n me., ~,,, Agency, No 0 Wood (tree[ , Piimborgb mouth 1 A BROWN PAPER HANGIN(..S-1 am rio . a reFeiv:.. .r ee [roma. rOmiutactureen en Near le me, l I LIMmee phut and Baltimore, a large and we'd rriectr , l.-ort• naent of all Me latest and ino•t 1111.ogred ..4 Ira 0: ••• do, glazed and common PAPER HANUINGS. eon. among of- ID,OOO pieces of P.101 . .. 1 Brea.; MOM " Hall , 10,000 " Ihntog-room.and(Newton Chotrtfirt and Mine ,Paper-which I world parneularly tarn , U....Pt . ..b., of done having houses to paper. to cm , and exa.F,,le , al the Paper Ware boa. of n C /111.1.. itO 2 Cn.AleKarailNLl nhao.llsl7lo7"A7:l'l'N'lrrll eo l ngi 7me f e A t ramals tin 0., 1... ev . eH1:o -na n pan o sery, Cloves, Crape, 1.....00, Cambric., Nemo, Lace Veils, Shawl., Pone. Ilandkerrincl., gent. Cr gingham and cotton Ilandkerchtets, t orded Slam, Sewing Silk, 'threads, !lotion, Combs, Jewelry. Cut. ' lcry, Au. dee. Country and city nrerehal. are re, pectfully Invited to call and exrun. be Oa emelt., No r 1 Wool Creel. Corner of Diamond al, y met,/ • IDXTRACT OF COFFF.E. - An arta. vellum 1. ra• Li ;Wily comma trim u. a. • whme•onu.. ~..rmiunc and deticto. beveragu bring rep p.....n0t and ..- amble IVan common (Mae, and I's r .•Oropor. No u AM.. paper costing . only ten rents wit go a. tar en lour pounds cr(Coace. hlannietuured LI JOHN S MILIA:N, I . ..bunch, Pa. Sold at wholesale by II A rAiINI: ,, roCK a Lo, corner of Flro and Wootl and Stith lad Wm. .trees, Pittsburghapdt C.-MI-lA:4IA RC8131 . 31. 011011,--.lmt reeve, mi, 30 Camp Blanket., :V offiecr row.. I, In. Fool., In Pun nett hoed Aiming limn.. (2 1.1ono• Bee., .1 Pu n Tanks, 0 and Id g Alm. each. 01 eauter,,.. 1 molt, 1 doz Burka/rd. Moue) IMP, I do ro rd cambricbr do do. The *tame eood. tor 1... , . the oale foram 0014.5 Eambli.moot., No 5 Ve nod ... foch24 1 .4 Il PHILLIPS -A- SSORTF:D SPICES - Put up fur mind) 0.0. m 1... cans, enclosed in a Mull. . box. cocoa.. ?dastard, A Note. Comoro., Ginger. • Cloves, B"1 , 1" ,, Warranted pure. For tai at the new Speer and &Inwood rum'''. corner of Ferry & Ltuerty .i. m 7113. • JOHN II BELL AN vfCS- - -Wrooght Iron Anvil, limn Ito•Treop•0 we anceville moral, urranterl, eolet he. emte•taat.r on band and suppled to order. by my., I.E. d . 4 o:IIR AN . .r. Wood_ol INE ruitNney. UKbK ru, manuiarto red Irma kJ superior ansele of Fir, 11,1,1 C.., In more,snd tot •nlo by KIER P. 1, W WeJlato bay, 11, , used et Hearth or .nmr. gelidity 31131 i Manulaetere for the past mgete.en mu on :Mount . . o superior to the he•rtlis now La general asO mold FINE EOGNAC hall ptpes rititagea. of our own moor:anon per Coml r e ' re , from Bardea., lest re'd and or sa,.. bp le! RICKET:zON iLT)CiiAIPIP — Just rrec‘vrd, a 100043.10! as.ort. mono of ladies nod gesniootrn.' Gold uoar, Chomm, from 810 to SW r•O6, eastern pnrea Alen Weddtt , IRIe gh , of . 5111 " carat , rold, gold Peue;l,.. F{Dgr Qltta " " \% . 11 .'" tc"" corner 4lb .nd Market ti• -1172,VET RlBBONS—J.treer.ed vep4,e7 MVket arc., SOm colored Velvet Ribbon, tassortetl colors, at , Streit " embroidery Gimp; lops vide ße Rea' :sea nett.t. Lte ProeT to- c con taleteller , alphabetwal hot of Post Ofbre.throaelt• out the Muted Swap distenees f l ew War teepee, D. C . Mee Earl territorial capitals respectively; also cs hail/the Pon Ofhees le each .strate, as well as coan alt ItOpenati of the. Petted Stetreeed Jest oted . W.JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, SOU teEtter Ze sad Usrhet MEDICAL . _. • -- ----- , F'.l}. ,. , - , IFA.NI t, :l. , 1" . NI ” E.DICINFEhey are tar FREIHI 0 MX 7L R GOOD I r i,d :. ‘ R , AT REDUCED PRICIZA trun• ma Stamm. Ohio. May ZS, 1849. LEXAN DER a. DAY, 73 Maeltat 'trent. northwest • • • . . _ . . . •ed your VermiNee lanrell" in my 'requentl) answer - e for expelling large oannue • ane .n worm, trout thildrau. I •uk.o your Liver Stile and l,ough Syrup In • ..1 they nave in every rnslanue prodneed .le•trett . . . A pnl :nth. Itain. qatertmte—Dcar trtrr I ~ ity heneve ,our avow \ OA cttr Tr% oar teen Me 1000.1 a GI adv In, tiv ht trey coal. ortnrh Kraal, ao crew wort., a-tenant 'mut rev re cou,l, taa, rertmetl al me ante arrneh 1 haJ recourse to. sull IT.r lust uo, on, case r ihttotcu ail the •yroproms of E.,MOlll\ ty t'ennortotton !tarry thine I tned ...eared to have on effect. and my rompirant thi n e rapid- It. mat tn. we•l 0. nit sa.s. gave op elt hopes of al, recovery At Its nine 1 VV. recommended to try your lova:L.l, medletram I an. ra, nth the-most hap py result.. The Bert nettle had the erre. to loosen the nugh, enunnrr, me to elpectorato Ireely; end by am brnA 1 hod ured atz bonne, I wart entirety wel..d ram oma n e tt • man m ever was In my Info, and non , :pay to give any information.respochng roy tits: ett• sufferers y denve tha Lancia for . : Mn f •r, frateful. For ute truth of the above , - j ou Prvn aced, Grocer, Wes; u I whom I pun tied the 010dICILL. acapreinlly yours. J Moiaan. f I Cnro of a nut Mierader. Dv ,see.y . r.e - Deur Sir. I fe cudebt of gratstnd• doe a du:y to the nftb generally, to O E,, tar ham , r .c.tArtony in favor of year Compould Sy rup of \ :1. Some three years unee I war! utiy at.seauu out end ontlasothatmo of the vtoio w• ac d: companwd no a dtatrerning pe,u n stmtrt and bead. a eery eoamden e die, laden niur mocu• front the lungs, enya, man) upon change wtather. however slight. At first I U.- a arm nboot my condloon, but was pretty , soon co,r c•ut that I was rapully going alto eonaump. bon. I c7ew ,14.:r weaker. and at length was scare, nbie uo sr% 4 ut.rcat, or speak above a cur, wan exceed. wealtnenn mY Danrig dos Sull tout wed v,,nou, preparaonna and presenpnons, but fountl -groVipli all the tone worac. Jo. here I wa‘ adv,sed sod persuadml by a dear friend {0 mute mei of your Syrup of Mind Cher. I at previously I had been pre,.. Mead agaol. paw.; medicines , and I am still against cor., out 01 the hands of empertea bat under. •m0d0t,.., your e,aoas to WC plaiC.loC and praence of and onv,og implten froth in the saying of my frten., I fortowtth purchased of Dr Shaw, one of your agents. a few 1,011.104, 0.1411 commenced. ose. My die. ea-se wa• at thil time of 'Nor months' atandlng,.n. reouent:y O lean (reply seated. I foand, however, :e dosage re:,•4 from the one of the first four Or hoe boq, betug md.< sneaker, fr uength and equently at.. .ick;e'rPer,,a. rTprt'u'r'cud"ll,:sletheemle.Lthr`.4l:‘,2 , hen:: to 1•+ , way. doutotess, my elate was greatly retarded. In ron.equence of acute thus Imprudently, I n had to usetwelve or Eileen bottles before I wan per eoy restonu! I Lave no quennon, a much emaller ournuer ole. would have made me sound, but for Ole M.Vc inklieCretmn rue rUp allayed the fever bubo., took away the dunrcramg cough, par a atop o the thert,..trge 01 molter from the lung, and gave uy‘d •yntern good Iteajth. I brae defer bottledrme th,• Ccrlific4lo LIMA/ Cu, for the page.. 'Ure.areurt';er"t'Us7l"l'e'e"'ll p w erTec ‘ j7 t's7e=fe'rYtts.w' me 7:e.t , re Rev I. P Joan.t. I Dubbh county, C important Caunon—limer Read! There ts one er nut. preparatton of Wdd Cherry, and that is In Sw•rair`s, the firm ever offered to the puhne. which has been mold largely throughont the United Sante• and some parts of Europe, and atl pee paratrons ealed by the name of Wild Cherry bs•it been put out •Ince this. under cover of some deceptive elrcurnstanees, in order tn gme currency to OW sales. fly little 0.LPTY•l1011, no person nred unmake the gennine troth the false. Each bottle of lee genulne Is roveloPed send a henutitul steel engravmg, with the likeness of %Vanua krenn thereon. also, Dr. Swayne's yyd further securtty, the portrait of Dr. ve S tt n, ite he added herealter, so tia disttnpiskt nut preparaon from all others. Nos, II 11 won not lOr Um gm, CUT•li , re properties and boom d TIT tl/01 of Dr. ,0U)11,11 compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, pertheir mits would not be entice tremor to glee commie) to -heutiou• nostrums" by stewing the name of Wild Cherry. .midßemeer. al was bear in nund the mune tvwuy mi be . y de, Vled. Principal race, corner •fEtablit nod Race sweets, Chilartelproa. For sire Whole.. l r and retail by OGDEN & SSOW• DEN. cor 24 and Wood am; 13 A FAIINFISTOCK Go, tar ISt end Wood, end Gth and Wood Ids, WM I'llolo. At Nterket st, S /ON CS. I'll Liberty st 4 AS A if /SKS. ear Hand and Penn sui, JOHN MITCH ELL, Allegheny city, and by all respectable dealer. to medicine. octl3 . . . _ • A. • ughe,i,monlyam, Bronchitis, Asthma, and other Palom ar, elreetions,. s that the same veaotas a/ the am of ti In Matt Irmo , . ten years ego mll prefer 0 to all rear ter/arias of the ktoa; and torlitfo an, have Ireentedoned to try other prep.ratorm Me, ham Moment air...Maly Ono Loappoioad in rem , rag the benefit rea•onably Int.txpated hum the, hLgh by the propraturs, ad bora roamed to the um of J.tras' Earenroaart, as a remedy Mat is. ovrer Load to reline them. and ranch probably var., .t. 01 ~,,, ti n(, dam.. r. easy hl lit D. Jay.. Phnadophsa, and mid cor ena, by ALEX. /Al ar Jaelltblemtf 72 Fourthat r. W. P. Inland's Premium PlaistOr. Tlit. W. I' !NU? , Pi D. of Me ledreal College Of POO- L/ mlelphia. nom Wiens to na public hi. loth.. Veg etable Pearlman Fluter. the tontine. of which. after long and triad expertence, bas been OULlS,aoloflly et to and To all women mho may he taloned Willi PrOlopttus ten, Of Fallen Womb. he recommends his o , r -erne., a sore and armed y cure to the ort • aim red. Irmo 10101 0 Oire Mocks, If applied With ca „ ja „, rra i--merardor all the roman,. mstroments 1/11li cipototivo 1101101100%w long Thl• he r feel. ttior. main Lich as he bas nut ailed in one Coot out of theta hundred and fifty•threo pa- ne , ?,1. for Rhr Imam.. and Weak Breac or Bark, at endril pad, there noddog to eke. dle• Plaster ariortnna rd. or ederuna a curt. For male lry L tVdcok. corncr Ihoraond and Market st Braun 6, - Lit,rly and St Gina st, Ur J ~,artnt Yrderal n and Dtamond, All. rben ac yuc y • AtCo,"Denman onnd Diamond Rine It.Drogalst. No la .tree, ?qr. Agvta for :ha •nte 'of Dr. Towto.rod'ol.ati utne Sarsaparala. 111* lust received aril uo.te.4 or this lircat nratrat and SumEer Aledletne. Purr ha.ors .hou Id reco E llers la e agent for r.a..burga, aral llect I) akal Carry for Alleghenmoly GiI.6.ZSD SILVER PATEIVP LEVER WATCH. WaieheA, made by the relebiaind Cooper of London. M Tobin. of Liverpool, •nd • large assommeut of ,teinehed gold end Levers, made 1.5. the he•ti i.eneva manufacturers. Spectacles of nil kind, Communion Ware in eels; Gold Pena: Jewelry in large variety; Sorer sp oo n, Fork .. ET Watch repairing eaecoted in the bestmanner. W W WILSON, corner Market and 4th eta MACAU LA rz! ENGLAND—lliapet's Sue edition, • 'ow, with portraits; clot-76 eantsper wk. For try JOHNSTON a STOCKTON, mast MOW Sid SS SO 0138. -; A-.7,zw.wce•t.,-;;... -- ,...;; - .., - ,. 7 . --- ;41, - , - ,:;60„.., stock of fresh SUNISIItt. -ZDS. A tar. portion of the. good. have recently been at a great sacrifice, from the Auction Sales at the Fast, and from theimpellers and manufacturer.. We have derided upon offering tbm stock of goods at prices se red iced to meet the approb Anon of Lie.e who do b LIPID,. on the cheap each principle The Silk Department neery ea ire embracing the different kinds of deer. and marmite Silk.. Satin de Chenes. and Catnehan fire de Shine. The Shawl Department embraces a splendid assort ment of India Crepe Shawls. from the lowest price. to the finest outline., elegantly embroidered. Also. Ore nuttne. 80ra... Mohair, Nett and splendid floored Silk Shawls. SCARFS--Black silk, here,. and Onmedine Scarfs BERAIIiK and other tam DItESS 1300173—Eleirmit an d nwe t ovles of Iter ogee, Silk Tie... and thee ta n, oy e ss itoodswortby of the altention of Mc ladies. LAWNS LAW NS - -iti the Lawn department, eon additions from the Eastern minions are quite large, embracing elegem styles at remarkably tow prices. Imported and Dammam 6inchnins. Prints and Chintges Brown mad Bleached Muslin, Chet... Ticking., ' , lnane, Superior English and French Moths and Cassinicrffi, I fieumets and leans, Pantaloon Stripes and Drilling, All of arbich is offered at such areduction of pnoes that purchasers =moat fail to be plowed. ;y4 ALEXANDER A DAY Cheap Dry Goode. WHO WANTS Mangano Baru for tU2{ coma. Heavy Wawa Mugu. for I Bleached b " Superior Yam..lens ealiege. Good quality. do. M " Moo. de Lamas lqi Gingko,. 10 lOf Faun do. ' • Bilk and W.I Berypea .. th , .. Cotton & '. " •• Iti .• Bonnet Ribbons Goode...ably ii4dGlavea - 371 . Casennels 1-4 •• Limed Cloths .. 61,25 A. A. MASON & 00. have Goods at erten. named above. Ca:l POOO at the only cheap one price store. SO Market aireet. 15-2-5 Ifl7 n DOCK4B PATENT DASHER CHURN or rux - rato Ii 5 or 10 nxr-rra nog I II i mention of the public is invited to this very valuable Churn, whiCh has the advautsge of all out en in combining too old and new inventions to gether. The utlllr7 of this invention is apparent,. by • line pie process the at is forced beneath the dash, end does away with the neceasity of purchasing • new Churn, rts a can he applied to any thorn in use and for one dollar can have all theunprovernems of the age combined nth those of gathering the Bd.: . in the usual way. The public are invited to nail and indite for thein• arive• before purchasing simothere at 84, corner of Market end Fifth strceis, or at 63 Diamond alley, be tween Wood and Market streeta, Pittsburgh. mr..9 RA MI. KIbOIUEN. T ithe ener - staied having been apoind Agnt of Da d t....w• n as alt-reat. SA WV, p 111.1 te lANal e Coo. rater. in the plate of Joon Finney, Jr, resigned, rc. spertful'y informs‘he pahlx and the !trends and e us tomer, of the Company, that he is prepared to Mite Mena, Inland and Fire mks on Bharat terms, at their office, No. 37 Water street. P A. 'MADEIRA, m7 , ' Age. , . . . O 073Lii 347 11—liam met Vin J pit India Kanner H Hnaeyust reeenved for the Bormigh of Manehes. ler, whits will be held In store for • few days The Boston Belting Company express a strong theatre for the hat department. of the ertes of Pittsburgh and callAl lieteht7Lipo in e ::I t ta n s m .. in p e . anj . rota em t e . a.ntrtyal,m,of they Mink proper to eonelle upon myth J & It PHILLIPS. 5 wood 20 Pith THE lU Ikrifftl PITON in the Correo•• Insurance Comp.), of htmliurati, will Ix opened in the Room, of the Board of Trade, on the fa. Nlooday of November neat, at lOo'cloca, a.. a. Wm Contort, Jr. Robert Wood, Wm. H M'Clure, Joseph Plummer, R. Itt Kier, .1051•11 KAng, John SherY. Alex. Roseburg, and H. D. King, _ap . l . sltisovt Cierammaionen °bib WA itigitti. 'Er PARR N has tovenuttl • meet.. for washing Cl. Gold. for which he has made application tor a patent. YT are now °Remit for tole at the ware hof Parry, Scott in (b., lot Wood street, In Advent tianurgh. urer. to Caltforma are melted to eatl and el em. thox labor-sumng machine. They are .00pte 110011 construction, easily transporit.d ou the Lock 01 Milk, or horse., Noma - lung rtgbiy pounds earn. and can be pat in operatn in ball an hour They can 14 ed vett". itroa +mon. io It Is the opinion of Ilboits. who have •C<Sl the trtai o( one of Mew mar not.c• of mnalte•l use. that two roen want the mum, si tkorn ton bushels of sand or ear th in it day. antboat the toss a( a parucle of the mineral. They eon tnertweed woe and worked by water or mule poorer. (1 expedient. The op eraton work without going Imo the water or being C.l posed to and contsequenzlty withom en dangering their heal t h. They will reontre but • salad stream 1 water. and can used the 'anon. esenstatt. and .11 be put into operation we Mery IS not surat• (tiet water to wash to Me mo•I way Priec of smallest she KM Order. frool abroad, ac companied by cash, will be promptly filled IL PARRY, at Parry,Secit in Co's, 1 4.dtf No lot Wood .l. Pntabulgh. ead)ratt ta r t Bone Sod• Ash. TLIF. stamen.. are now vessel., their Pet Mock of the above . e mcee. three vessel., ma. the Juntata, Medalhoti and L.:idta, haring arnved at Phtladelphi• and Raittmore, 01141 No more, t‘tephen Llaldertn and Lena. shortly exported, they are, therefore, prepared to orders They .111 receive donna the ann , ter and sonar regale supplies ma New Orleans notel3 W & hl MITCItE F. LTRE OUNT EAGLE TRIM..I—For rtiantag /11. paves, &Over plate, bras s,, Iln. monist, sold other wore It rapidly takes out all . polo and stuns, and ,pn.luraa the beanufal and durable lustre of new ware. Just mceived and for sale, whotc rale and rcuatl,, by JOANMORGAN. Droggtst. No xi IL IL HARTMAN hanng sold Ms eat m the ro.partnershrp of eaten.. Hathuan & . to me reromunteg partners. kat this dal' renred Irons tn. firm. February 115. MANUFACTIRIS The ander. caned. Agent for the manalarturera has on .0 and is constantly reemcng a full snooty often articles road., to Pinahorgh and rlmmty. ha titreys (or sale at manufacturer. perces. GEO 00CIIRAN. (WA. aE ..0.3 st NIJIA }WHIM/I gross bottles loam R.; 1 her Pace, an cave/lent .Rule for rendering boom and shoe. perfeetlr water proof, and sort . a piece of Cloth One application of mt. p.m sullunent to mat. the el I mpervmus I•lfter for 11 or 3 months. and perfect prerredstrve from the leather (-recants. Reed and for sale at the India Robber Depot. No 5 Wood s 4 frb2l I 8 II PHILLII.S LOWELL FLETCHER. IllerVTACTrl. Or ALCOHOL AND POLK APIDITI Corner Front end Vim slnets, Corinnad, O. iTCKI Vol)A J. boa., No. 75 Fourth itreet— Ruth embossed Plano corers Plain Turkey red Chi do do Table do Fig'd do do do Worsted do do do do Bordenne, Bloc Dornuk; Carpet thndinev; Green moreen ALSO °Mille+. Transparent Shade Scripture Views do do Turkish do do do f:hinea• do do do Drapery Chine. do do bloonliaht V.v. do do Landscope do do do T Ckohles do do Cord and Tauels, Rolers and Slam, Rack Pulbee Baler Ends. The above Goods a.e of the richest and newes styles, to which wedvite. th e e attention of our Mend , and customers., enthose shing to furnish or re pleniah steam boats and houses. mar? W. I..FCLUTIVICK - Th. o. A T the annual otee3ng of r, the Corporator., held on 1 . 1 the Dit mat, m a st g M.. HO were unant '''.4 ''''4U 1 1 1 =814.1741 . 4rte1ng JOHN BISSELL, JLSSE CA ROTIIMISh NATIIANIF.L. lIIILMES, W I LSON MOAN DLESS, M.lstlferta JOAN II SII0IIMIEROF:11, JAMES FL SYKEII., J. Finn, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer. The .nasal statement presented the stun of the Company tit a very prosperon• condition. Them office in the est y to No 37 Water street_ THE STAB. Ob. Tfilit WEST *V ENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTORY East side of the Diamond, where Ventuan Dhotis of all the different sites end color. am kept on hand or made to order site the imam and most approved Fitment Mot. 1n1M,14 the shortest notice and on the moo reasonable teiin• Also, the cheap Boston roll or split Blind Tranapa and Paper Cantons of all the afferent MIES and patrerns, on hand and for sale low for cash. old Vero. nen Blindipalnted over and repaired, or taken in part dotr. v . ° .!LZElXV•tELTlP'rtal'Pan' d workmanstop, and warranted to please the moo Ina. toboac engin-di y All. city, Aug. 10, 1848. Alt EILICAiII TVSALGIELtiqI -'- doiNPANY .1-20601 1 .11, 11,611011.11.1 /L. W 11.1.... tt'R't'PEß.\ LINE. Offlam at the Esohanege, Baltimore. REDUCED RATES.—The charge. hav e b een re d, cad on all !Bemuse. to of from Balusm burgh or Whneligig, and a corre.pondms made on all mlngraphic despatches forwarded =ore West of Pittsburgh, P. Harms—The charge tor • televapi despatch from Baltimore, Ptushoug and NI , heeling, to 42 for the firm ten words, and 2 neat. for each aedtt word. fix No charge is made for the addreas and logos- Until the completion of the Boa. Western Line of Telegraph from illempho, Tenni, no New Orleans, de. patches can be forwarded to hlerhpliu by thy route, nod mailed ,or New Orleans. oel I ANDSC: APE PAPER— Ia., a view of the Battle of M Ce on.rey; rro Gordo; " Baena Vista; o Feta de Pans, • Chase de Lyon: Garda Fro-- Garde Fraithasx; " Col C Auergne; The above is suitable lot Moms large publte rooms A. reed direct from Perla, sad for role at .he werstiousd of attg $C HILL E A itt f Lir; g4kiiinseaiii - quid for rubies 1 clothe, earpets, alike, punt and he. turroththe— aiming half the labor and dispensing entirely with the erashooard. The finest Wilton carpets, after hA.,pg been in tow eleven jean, have been perfectly restor ed, without the abtrhitA MATT to the fabric, and veal,. oat tenths.' Iran the Door Itwill not ;meth the cloth. Directions tterompaayll4 each bottle. Debut math For aal, Li TaUMNDIAI= lk Co, , 11111.0c4 sa EXCHANGE BROKER: X • noLmzs a Boas. - I _.= Bank•rs, Itztlyange Broke r• . -. 1 `;. A., MLA. GAT IN NOTES.DRA FT?, ACCErTA :S CE,'. GO I, D. SI I. V I:1Z ! = . , - • AND BANK N0T1,,, — ~,, , ..-.• a 7 ~, COLLECTIONn —Draft.. Not, rind Areepton , ••• t .1 ''''' " . .'t .. b payable to tatty part or the Caton. collected olk in , , m... ' " W m , ..'' i favorable it.rtna EXCHANtab: on New Vora. Ptttlattr,on , a, t 11.1- a ,— I. :. ...; ~7 . - Una... alao, Ctoctbnab Lott:•vt... , batnt Loa.. a , ,t ,' mai Ce -: r:. New tatlettp.. ron-tontry int •nre BANK —No,a op ~, . ~ !tr. ha , i• • 11. 1 riCC > cg United States 01.0eanled at the ,nwt,,ales A. \ .0. 1 ..... . al ,7 .. .,f of F ed and Aloe:leap God gad St:ver Co. botta, 1 mg= —, t;at e.,. and *old. (Mee No 55 Market street. between 7.4 la., 11,t CND o < L 4 Pittaburgh. Pa ---__ . . FOREIGN EXCIIANCAG. , 0 7, B ga ita_ti on England. Irr nod andand ,, t....a . bo• , t : ... w 0 T amount/it 1, Current Hair. t• Et.... 1. ,, Alto. Drafts payable tat attY e, P.. til lllt 0 . 4 '-''' s ' „..* , 11C.) from LI to 11100, at t:te r o: S.: . .t - •:,' 5 , • • ; W ... NW ll!amt deduct.. ot thaattutv, t.t J 00 0 1 11 .7 1 ,1,11., cr. : SON, Europman all Genera! Aeon, of.ce :10 •, t• .4. doom wean of wood. ... .- , l Um ID •Lb5.a1...3111.11.1 KJ:IA:IIMR a FLAII3I, CD 8°,,NJ.L . Rr,r,,":",. 1 :L},.. - x,,,c,'. 4 ,'.N,`,:' - : ',T. T.KrE„R.,...,'''.-:.': ._ e 0 , '5 uficaes of bepottoe. 1,. • ',otos ato: t.,,,... I -3d and Wood atrerts.dtreeby Dppor , .. , I . her • CZ' ,i 0-4 Itr, El , t = a' I . ' 0 P , 11.34 t, • WYBTCllti FUNDS— Obi°, Icittuna, Kentucky, Tlt•tnun. Kant; Nate.: Purchased at tha lowelt rues. I.y N u. 13 ILL, OF E /CHANGIE—^..m ihorete oh New York, Philadelphia and Halumore, • Constantly for sale by N. 1101 MSS Ss SONS. sepl3 115 Almost, ItUohB..‘ NEW NlL'o,lC—Roll on Si;ear le on: Napy Lady, a new al,tl popular t•da,ap... Lightly. a. 1114.1 . h e the Krapire -Maims'', WI, a M.,: •• Fairy, Dream he. la. k.,.l Luaistaan. 11e..•. ne'et can thy haat. lir M ae, Il• a lit ,:". we I. Walk into de Parlor. - K•arwarlrr dr. awl , . P.M , ' e. '' It de fautam•• 'van all the en ntat honh. 1.. Operas, rotnpo.rd Tent 1: -zn t Loathe I • G. 7 pag•• ear In prze• . .ra. per r umher The above. wan a Int, -ctn. o. Wn Marches, Polka, So sr AO A . r•-• d .d an , ht Pill.. II al PHOF A NTII.IN'S SERIFS.. or A•EasSit'S Ir., Laud Lamatr, Latta Pr o.• Caws,. l'anataarar,* ay ',kr \ r 'Tar .4, cad of Va. C gterro • Sr a•-• t i• Sanwa. Jokarlidar War. and :be r•.- o , to, aloe. Thr Work. et !terser. kind Greek 1n5.... *greet l'atar Coiner.• taa• *grammar of the I•reel. Laiiguag•. The Anal... Zrrlnplian Cicero de Start:We. de AMIOUI- Paradox a. &r For saie at reduced prwr• a" hook re ••• 101170:Tr r to corn, Twat ai r • •, NEW HOOKK—nisiors il•.• :row. rl L .rosb j A•sernb:y from May. I-I, ...Ora.. Honor y or I.e.Ldrorn.• .orto stb: tut • •r: his frrendsond reLosat 0r0.m,, Wn. •r, ourbor of Fs, ft...L-166,mm or, oLL. Voir of ~.Lo.rors. . , ir n 1 y nn. by Noma O E Nrver. ,soutbswor.s Jum eer d JOHNSfir's :sib t,CI aryl eon., 5..1 rord .t. OM.:Kni' I L Kr. •LO ro anortl), The Morrotacrure of Iron. La chest from roe diorng ,ro. king of charcoal and rake: i er:Wino nod manse blastfororroc• by en•re - or en•hro. hot bloat and roast Inorbo,s, ALL er•oy on them snulacour.. of srssi. I, FT ....I n. ‘I.IIrIVE.IKUIf, Consp,s,o L. , VII oar. Lo.rtb..lllstlOLLOns. •11,4 • •.I oft W.,.! •obstraren r.noserlpoon• rrroosoLl out 10 JAS 1.)1,0‘ . 10,1,11Kr. a.; \ , ,d I Cr, ILI o lb,: Ls) Lo Knoorn and Ihr 11:1.r,... Fornor.. I or, Lon{ ohs nod bail .LL ILLorourols bra.. Tayo,r lieoLus or 7+. ~, 1 of ,seerrsry I.a.roture On , It. Knoo. or. • it Itcroort Tulnlro;, 401 edllloll Tne Noon, of Cbuserr Enci•nal. try .nnp Sim!, b.r.• L. pel ,sorroLoa. tlorder Warta, at Noss %Lox 'I Mount or. tr , Lbe I.Aot o. I KoLL, : I. macro, !rrcto,. or ro.• Not-Ilea, Ft •l Amr KolL The Wooden. ol Vrget.r.son ...;rostor Am Loon For so, 1 , . KULP rrr 1 LI - 0 11. auoLlt NIT -1111ZAL. rXt tithe JI F 1,. i•cte Duo;lron • Mettler, Dtroonner Tartor. Veen., Jur..pre.loor• Tycioprrien ot /trae.,e , r, Fried t vet• Hooper, •Irteer. Deno ere leett•es , • Praetor of 11,1, Snore untrilorner • Anew,. r At a. J., I , I trek , Tlnt 0, 4,1 D t BOKF. -I(V.PINI.—It set • tor , eert hle war, won :he aultrrr, rarctran• rr• pont,' en tt, A re r 1•• • r. rod Orono Near 'in, a,,d for rale I, 'Ol J•J•INH Nir.LLUR. • I Flt Koko FTR ot:`,lND'it NI Porr---Eureks. • rtnrre Yoe,. e , . ter rtnr Irod M war, No ellph Fetcat A. t handoornety proterr, Irmo itte,,, Fe •• orret, Iregreat, •urnro.orl Ow ern, ,Ine erearl a profound reercor a,anne 6r. Irr artcdtthe eta•rr• nn ever tee I then. d.q.t., tg a‘ro.. rr , rrr , evrr: meno, •errr:err rorr, r -1•1•-• •- NtneeL and .re vette re re .orrot a no the CLAlllrty•, • tarlx , rtrl• rr.• utirr. or ‘ Der,l Worral . ..„ , Atoms:lone trT ,I,r era. remort•tee woe, tne Toner..l,oudon ,Ft • • The thratnander. . Toolnabf toe ram, Knelltana roe., hrl Dr T. rra4, AIWA rob. rri Dere, ten ItAno err b. 7,•:. J Frathrno,Pio hp, fn l ed g . , to 1.• 1, , , , h0tra or I, I•oor so nth •ator gr Q e.authot. c',(ll 't helputi(ui prtro,l ro nth , 1,, /LAI t.r mode r rrrrro, ,or ntr For or, r `,, JAM IV )IPD /1 , ,- 'negro canner...l yr n NI•oor• hr.,' .2 la. John fl \ 1 . ht Woo., r, Mr I, bar,.t rrns•ord horn tho PArCorn rr VEll' FlOOKS—lrvinc—The 'lra Mho-, compriorog Tor I'rnlrtr. AdAWI Comp.rte !, one remlttl, p Curzon—The Monaucrtes IA the l..r•ru, hlootrated . . A volume of more Man ordmory mterr,. z rmv 01 rno•I • • Tll, Erritt ov.uptcd h- Me V 0111U1 • . urely nrm —('o Ad."„— rmons. or the mv Menem ro rcrommer • • • • Coopnr•—iNen edition n 1 ear l Y ni , r‘• •- reamed, he with new inundocn.on• pley In I vn: Ul Alarm an,t• wo.k• lye Spy and the Stetrh•lloon were the by, Ad, can boots whyti were unvennuallY neklinmedfel conYun • performance n• nrdii prtynyc well rememlyr the eiahu..nrin with winch rererecel, •2A•lme proud elneetntionn vent,. wakened among Ine iiiiera: minded eiroyd al h one Irvin, avian .0051 ells esl n• , [l . Uze r ude of (yndsmd• aryianal GiA.,l trannlmed in every count, od the ~..• an) oary.l venv le. in loreten World For •ale J U t LOCI.I%tnIUr .314 VI,. 1515. in,- Co vt .ttr, s ebolnra.l4 Ilynory,idnuac•, Patan.uga Olen, Pluln.phl of Rr . elon. by Jll More M Bourne, t ol Ql5 0,11/11 ChambeCa t. openly. oi r•tu re, v octavo, frneerloion, ceel Clrmber. Mllscr.l.ol,lat ecru, and Iddmr.ol Knowledge—lll IA mu I.lunrntrd Ad.,re Anang Alen., by 'l' Arno, 7 1 'L Element. en MetenroloCy. by J. Brork:c•t , Al `li hro,f,: for Its.. People, by E 1 Nlarrwrn 1 01001.1ty }lemon.. by Ilr Wayland French'. ilulman Lecture, tot I t4O-: —.T. IJI. or linty ocrt,nurca for obit:dreg mon ' I vol. s 'No Fran/In C. Lan, ii.ustratm. Reemved Una day by R /101•RIN 4 . ar24 Apollo 0411 , 1ii,c.. 4111 VEW PUBLICATIONS—Erie:Iy anOw I .100aron and State by Ilapto“ Nor.. N I vol 1400. sl.2ll.Anentlrr edionn Ito• WKS snot ill our day .n pobaratom to Lonon' Leave• truce Maronret Solon • Joul,a • 1.1 vrtmo of Alasearltuarto , Ira) —16,-9. 1 vol 1210 n Hoyt) , Poem. --onotehen 01 Idle •nt: 14.1• , re Rev Reit. cd mbar/red—with oat.. 12roo 51,01 A Covent.. of the Ste, w hic hr , tlluetrunve o aeleattfir prutmoles upol, e- ore; anon det .ad me prorucal drtail. of an.rurturr, . ,• 110, •Ic,rn mtvq•liOn. ml trot varlommtuggratton. of 1111p1,...,:nrn:. J 11. C. E. 1 •rol lOmo 15e Cheerer. Lecture. toll P117T1111 4. 0 Pratte, ed. 12tno, Pro, reduced to $l.llll I!a.tona, a Famtly haturr. Part I Inc. Franklin'• Lae, oluatrated Farts IV and V mrhls:dl y the new Carpet • rantun , Histories; by Pro( Tyter—lthno. For by me 1114 R 1101 1 1,1N13.4th Sole Agency for Nunn* re. Clork's Plot 011,1 JUST lIELEI VED and opel,. near lot of elegant Pinoa, Ina celebrated factory of Num, A t' N. Y.,ompta.mboa 11,11{ an mechd 7 oct with myosins Improvemeob in tume ...en., pooreeed by no whet,. A I.:+o—A Ni. selection of Chicken/10 Pawn,. Doi °alarm, 11. K1,h11.11-:11. I'ule AK., at I. W lVeroda,l , . 431 our: N. 11. The above will be aold 00 maurrloutun , ecil, without any adrhuon for freq. or eepenver marlU JOUrrlai and ehretnele ropy - - - PIANOS. ofp " A ,-, I.:`, DI li avaor. tee. alloy and Korea/nal Nunes. ut• tatted. Theac matrumenta are na, the latera pattern and heat mat , .0 wal be rapid love for ca. be F IILL:)11 , - 112 Wood not Val door mho., i N II —Tboae who arr In avant or a goal ) 11011f1 are rcapeetrul:y matted la elanunc me. , ~.... chastna et.vb.:re, as they canoot be rac, 0t.,: . in the the Red mill he .old tower than Illly I. from the Carat. AWut us t rect.: vett, two platin• a burgh menu Nom, ,parranted Co be .tmettnr ever Potd ta dna country nettdl ----- — gltd IC fiffiViiiini k .....Iv. THE subscriber ha• tmen nprointed •-•ot.• Arent 10f the wile of CA.RIIARrts IMP HOVEL oNS, as 111•11l114C,ed and and parieced 1,, M. • Morel & White. of Camila:an. the and e xtent being but nor many., Messrs. 111 aCeOrdall, with the V 11,1.1 nester intd hove extended the at,le of mese taciturn., • Is UM/ oven 5 tvta.rcx, ulun mak taken' It printicable to pc itorin upon there say name written forth., i Inn° ot into. The everior, also, has been touch ,o, y the body of the Instrument upon a cust aria frame beautifully bronzed and ornamented. rand. ling it at °nee • 1120. magma and extremely destrni,,,, araem The pram is put vo now sc to bring withal the reset, of every one to obtain a perfect musical i•,trnt.,a, and, at the same lane, a in.. elegant p,ce M ot u ! urs, thee for a comparative vale. H. ki.L.ELIKR- At thoodwe., I GHEAT MCSICIa. NOVELTV—Ths has last received Nora Europe, and int %vie, an entirely new in venuon of Fame For u.led ate 1:11, LNET PIANO FORTE, which posses..., nude pow, r than the pare I'lano,oceopien but nom hearth am much roam, and is a much more showy and handsome rtes 'of furniture. It is parueolarly desira ble where the saving of space is an object, being ex ceedtngly nese and compact., and occupytne nn mare room than • small aide tablet. The subscriber boo in hand a testimonial of as saitonerity from the celebra ted pianist, hlosehelies, lac own hand svemne,wloett may be inspected. H. KI.EIINII. men - ‘3l . l.—aarrgar IfailVell, /c•lscl, . • ." int Sweet, &a., constan_Ay an lininiaud for tole by i enel Ipyl TOIWO & CO, IP Liberty at • -• 1`."11.15 ".: I's -R 1 1! 71. Pi ill 4 , 3 - 11 7 " 4.;. • il*:11: .z ;siif T. ° C ,; _ ly~n/9 1 q 1, 1 11 5•4: ! =ialiir 6 fi11.31.5.03,..v,-.1E:11.p.1..,, g 1,111i1;trIr7s01::!1!i: .74 * -E ri / ril-ii .; ; 1 3.%°-il "•;" cy C 2 l • t ° 2 :10 - z --25E7 g 1 4 ?t ,7 1 3 . 2 rEc;, , ' 4t >. .• I.lllt, 1-7- AG D NrORG A Pi, P rgh Dlf. CrRRY C .l ' PA"M", - • - ,• , ": ,-, : - 4.• - i.i.1,t1. ..-ft• i•!";•7- . ,_1:,.1:_ :: - ;-2'.. .:',1•;;• . ' .l- ' . ! , : ,, tit':;! - --:--i.1.:.i,..,• : .i.7. : : ... : ! . ; . ' ...- : 11 '-'i . j..'• -' - ':;.-:1-:-.-•::.:".i.-ii7i.' 4n — :'.7.•, ; ,.;1; . .1 . 4? , i ,. 1 , E :=t-c,-.:ii•-:11.1".!:J1:,..1!.'i'.17:.;:1...'a U i i _ - -- - M'ALLISTER'S OINTMENT ..,,,,"..:it.i,—,_ CONTAINING' N 0 • v, .. -•fv,, NII:ItCU R\", , or other Mtn • " ',.e .. • ra' -¢r ha. power to -. ."`. 94 i. ,,, ''''',' =-' ' .. I• VXTYRNAL • ' I ,f' .et lIIES. vCROFI , I , OL O •,:k-2 ... \ ';.„..,..'" I!il'!‘'K:.lllNttNtiil t ,l, _ Ii„I'• . -2,z,ARO WotINGS. to Masher, ••••,,,-..-7- '', ,-.. 4 tar, purr, movers, rcol ) .'" *..'-•• .. , :o• ' '"" l ' i b 7r.... h riTh ' :l ' ; termed A l. I. - FIE.tI..ING, lor ` kr , , ...- • trier- ~ woreely ri,.. r „ - ' ,. .4.• ~.w . raw external or internal. ",........ -, • • ''....: th it wr.' DOI benefit. r . .ia'r, ;'..a ...i.u. I have tired it for the .a•t COSUMPTION. ',lt •... • ,ra... ,r a 414414 of 'Ale Cho., involaro, Me quesuon, then, bow Mall we nip the destroyer ID - n; 1 . ioaireor oral nod I declare the l hem .0511 we gat clear of h e ta,oatts and ~„,.. ~...„.., ~..4 ~,,,,,, ,1,,,, no 0 , rt ., ce ,,, h oe 0 tide' to of] importance to they üblic. y a .l e , ~, i.-.., f. , or. :he p .,,,,,,aria w ah ttt the reach THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY eh!) be found at the Gulseng Panacea In poet of WS I tt... a. boil porn , On, laar.c.l in the profettstan I ,we have from tune to ulna pubhohed the certificates of have n. , -,, , t•-• • tt , t.. en•yel. ;wires of the horreh. ai. I loser. , of our beet known Murano, who have etpari- J, so, iv..., r- , ot.c.iva or toe Irrair rt oredruon enced its curative powers. These, with • mu, of tea 15.a...1.., •ttt I Dr tAe poor are a 0 every ynnely of umosay front all parts of the counary,--Crom w e y, en d tt .,,, ~,, ~,, s , o n e nue ontveroal MEDICAL MEN OF TILE FIRST STANDING. 0,. , ..e.., s t ,-.NrALLISTF.FL YOUR OINTMIINT al truotere of the Gospel, he., together with copious no, Ht GO tees from the It illA vEl'll,hl-It removes rlmotA tweed/swig JOURNALS OF THE DAY, ' ,•..-• ~..; arab.. tom aird el. , Iltr.g, wuen the paw cemta. we have cordadied to pamphlet form. arid may be had '11•5..1 ••••• ~ ,t •hoth, hroand the 1..0g i Trans of any of our agents throughout the country , . 1 AD./it:HP-The has eared persons of the HUN DREW OF WITLF*/ area.. ie r.: torwre yearn stuoline, and who had 0 have been owl to this sill AC• • t t.-ry week ,t, ill vonnunroos pOtee. EAR- THOUSANDS AND MIS OF THOUSANDS AC IS I .T..rit ACIIF. and AGA F. IN lIIE FACF., throughout the United States and Canada, and we as Los so ~..,i ~,,, ~,,e.... ones any man to point out a OCA I.D II lIA tr- 0.- on,. cor , ll rues the of SINGLE INSTANCE cat.eq.-v.O) L.lne ;nowt,. 64 Well rw the h r of Si.. a which, when Okra ISLCOOLIy to direetloakand bo.. • ton 0 t,..., .r, rho One man told as he had spent fore stir longs had become fata l y, It hroor ll 4 i.e t. • emir:ran arrthou ony„t.m.cht , when a Lew over failed to wore , a 00 WO'. cure : th• co EFFEXT A PERFECT CURE. rt-rrvit—r. , • , .. ~othLty; better for the cure of j Why. then need the sAltemd heattalef Why resort fa! no, ' Or un.enthle nomrurns, gotten up bylaw: oorahldlvid.., T o ItNO.-fi to n.te of me aow.thangs ui the word for al:. u ter the assumed name of some ea .I,llnd pry tae piro. stets., and puffed into notoriety by ear:Mestere e, NW. , riI.F.S-Ttousaaris nr•• yearly curod by this Guat. , sons equally unknown! , Whilst • medicine of I rn-ra. It OCTSO 'a •t . r,...• . rr.•.ef tor Ihr Pies UNPARALI.F.LED EFFICACY uy- %,.e.l •rre boa are e.r.-toro• lot LOOPS Af A:- oto be had, whose vouchers are at homa-oar wig* ••sso , • 044-O.DI /Os ‘r-orolra. Lon Cornyforol. E.y.,pe. ' tom -tunny of w e 0 has .a .va 11..w0 Staid M. , . Sarr fives. garney. . SY: ATE Fn FROM THE GR AVE. s r , r,,,,,i...F. , .ae5i0i5. Nswia.... Ayfasaona, Poor, 114- i In order tiolt alOl tneelimble medietne may be plaeed .e.,, , /A• ,tits, HrOtti arks, tuts Leaf...a, Eo, witlun the roach of the poor es weal tbe net, W• have fir.", ( . 04 or/ Loawaer of t..• Skin. Sore Lip, pies. ' pot the pneo at rt. , 4. - Stre-oor , trie Ito. ro. t,-o. li.luumasun, ONLY FIFTY CYSTS, I ~, . .. fel , err C• et,, .1 ,, ,, ,, l to Drc:". li•ws,, Tenth lust o hall the voutti ost of cough recallable*. It ra • -las, r a •he 1,... ke .4•• 1 ror ,o n e )y cur usenw in t o early every town and snipe .•• •I ,r t i 2:r - I ...ror ..o[n, •.et. noun to Me Chest O7S, 141 woos, 41:10 see prepared lo r ive full informe r,. d, lull . g ntl r•11,-, , '" to, o•her areompo- von rejoins OS Il T SALTI.R. Proprietor, Broadway. CI n. Ohio 1 It S P. I . toIVNINFINLeS r•ARSAPARTLEA-itil ,•,,,,,t .A... e ....,,,,t t.. ot 101 o, thnent wltt a. LY down of Dr Townsend , Genuine Sarsaparilla, Y . • • rl. I.rtor wow arra' ni Pcos , ttced hever ,tat reed 03.1 for •Ce it It E sELLEtts, fir Wood ah ouly Agent for Pittsbargli ~r•- I ..r • lhotrhoot i• ar,o tor any parr oi tie body 0 :9 By D M CURRY, Agent for Alleibeny city_ - •o , we orilara , t la IMOD vls•o ti slirrEit br - Feels for the Public. - - - ln re' ewe to teat unrivalled family Salve, lir tos,,, WO e,, sour. t. pen DALLEI'A IdGICil. PEN EITILACTOB. ... ,,u,,,;„,,,,,,,,,., , ri,F. , ...,::1 , i , 1 0 ,N , N , , of . respectable Physician-Read .... . addressed to my Agent. Mr. F. Mer ry xeutcot. C.ttentnu, •N N.l tr , rnelf , 01$ - n wr• / F'+: sic.{ H. CIIMISJATI, ;eh. 11, 1549. So , Proorietor th lite sod,. A •ense of duty compel. me to give my tribute "Car s. No Norm Tutrd street. r,t;• b oth ., , 1 .,„ t ,„ otor ton; quack. em and s., hi•trurns savoy( for their object ter add poi. P:11 , 1, 25 CI-INi' , 11..11 toot, ve•--hut ..cog much good from the "hlng of ti sr." IN . 1.. Reiter torn, or Pao, , am tenured to tender yoo this cer.6. ~,,,, •o 4 ` .ot •', t't •itt , Jr, 'atliter ai ate. 1 see used aan my limit, in my evacuee, .d d ..e Incelioht coo. a 1: the happy sod wendtirful effects that could i o-mc •., ...v. corner of Sts!tiut and Ph.. '.[rood. /I J. Duoma, M. D. „ Ist it , Itro.lte the senior partner of Brea. it Levi, • , It. ,r. Seeioid -z. A •chett) cttr by II I' ` 2 ,..0.rtz s 1 S,t et lli stroili. Druggist. lit r- Inflammatory Rhenusatiors. It 'het .1' la• 1 Tt l d• " 1 . it 0.1.11 •.' 11 • ' 4 '[,'” The in Mating tesurnomal comes from • sourer weal ' See spert . crm -1 . 1 ''^"• 51 °"" 1 ' 1 Ca'''' . to many of theme traveling on oar western um it tiovrins , N it, T Dr . ' w ' r " vtl., tors fir Gitirw, the well and favorably known pro -1.1,z 'et Bract.. It, are 5e10...rv0.,,t,EC10.Z. olietor of the Pakersburg Hotel, is husband m the lady witow letter b l amex: t lit. .1 A• 5, 5, n.... 1 rt., i• r. ax...merest, Va April 13,1419. ' have been .nforzned Nits roro e rare per- To Henry Dailey. Chemist. de,—Sir Hitylik,g for. formed on ker Dr. Jerrie's ttttt tve, mer.v neen long appeared violent ingn,nengym , ~,©, •aperier.ti . o•r r et ,l rcinedY of t`tc abramshant, which appeare so firmly seated VA LEI rthd , ru ! tor ice :ast a. limo en. defy all erl.nary appliances to allay the severe pain ist , rl' 0 11' 11 n. ati-edvit a...t01d... I wa. induced to try your Magical Pain e h h, •soof • -view , l-tties do shztracmc and it having effected, shileat as If by ma war wh,en • ..b.ive deco d.sch.rge . munedmte relief, and Id, to all appearance, .redlid woo I. to.- er cm. (loin ' , Mn tic r ' at et.. an roan. sod perfect cure. lam induced for the bane s - • ohl arc both leg., and rem the tr. at cone. who may be rdßicted with pain , used by • ; ova: eh,. suit me r rbt ilini any tool of mfiartnuloon, to write yoa, declaring i. r i n, t par. , OI -7 .11 , 00 battled that to my opinion, founded on actual experience rs tz. he et your Magical Pain Extractor is the most valuable di.- r. , her •utter,nss bane cover, tbe present age for the immediate extraction ere, i,c and dep.. ,I•.e A —no :ere. an,ths of hod., palm It is an almost immediate and a per , tce dr•• n' J. , -'• Adrra.•ve. tear cure for Darns and and all extern le win.' ci• on hr., • „Ji , de. t upon in , daummooti „ co. 1.,31 .-00 . .:(12 Me many acqumnt.ces formed by heirt visits Ilk IC 1: the tone net general d:• on my It umand's hotel in this place, have supposed •userit m that sac Clove 0..,1:11 y .bowleg I4ena Mese few hoer, It may possibly tn. , . •hc d etore rommenced the use lie of hese at both to them and paunch. Eux.harnt Obrars. lat !tout , e • dt...c , ,u rc 'this Ririe No 13e [I ente mato the hope that Mrs. Glime anti pardon the I publicity I give to her letter. as well on the won, of uenautty as of Its being the forest mode of bringing it vi ponce of her friends.—ll. DO.u_irr.) Felon Cored Extract of a letter, dated Ersmoriv. My Nov. Z, 1444 Mr II Dailey - "I have triad your Pam Extrutor in a raw of felon. in my own faintly, Which it relieved sod cured ln •• very short tone. ln haste, yours re- I J M. Yowls. o- Verna and Scolds, Piles, Sore N ip ples, Ilroken Erupuons, :tore, Ca., Wound. all all lin booms:tom pests marbly to the wonderful proper. , et thir anti v ailed handy anise. Dot, in the same pno. pontor, Mat you will receive benefit from the genuine, yoh wid i.e mimed by the deleterious edema of the counter:rot salves. 1 crtoN sore and apply smite to the Inventor, II DAV.., 115 Broadway, New York, or to his au. Ll:tented gem... JOHN D idOROAN, General Dept:, Pittaborch. Henry P Schwartz, Allegheny, Agent; J. Etakerr„ tY hee..dg, V•; J•mes IV Johnston, .toy Re, Ky.; ro weather, Cinctnnau. 0., General Depot. N li —ln the severest Barns and Scalds it •xtrae. 'the pato ~t a few annutea—lt never faits t tuti 1 1 i011.5T1iLL , jo. 1,49 Mr John D Morgan—Dear Si, I gave one teaspoon lull s ee n ar Wort° Killer to one o( m)' children, and In wo woe ot one half hour it posted twenty larg• worms fee: safe in recommending your Vertutfug• al the best med... that can be treed for eXpelling Jos. Nloaosx, near Noblestown. Prepared and sold by the propnetor. JOHN D MOR- I JAN. Drugg.t, nor door below Dtamoud alley . , Wood street. old 1 .1....tet at the I'F.%IN Tl.& t RE. tt.eet., Its sc h rt , atrutLnary nvtahrtur trt thr wortal . F's. t act 1 pet up sh quart hott,e. It tt t o eltrarrh t.attatttet, attal warrantesl ettperth: to atite wool It a err• vrahout votr.eant. stekt.olg elti.lLll, patte•h I L. 4 'outlet , rzon —lnprtacqtled person. hue< , optqa our leheter atone th.ay,ttt.ottle. or, that r e ach hut:, has the ta - nitre 'te tt. F.. ' t.rltte. r hetterren I. •.: .1 t..orte. lo Tner,trtad'e only t - Loh:att •., 1 ;or l• ....buten. or wean, tbc tent..ha • L•rtn erprmnttd the wle a,nt In, getaizae Attie, ean Ire apt MIS ..1.4 VIP tribn: KILTER • tbe pept Vreorbuge .11 tr., .. , y mpr rap or, or tr.,. t.i..1 on Tr . etlnaprrland on. 1.1 N.: J.Ru. ert 1 . 1116 l• 10 • crtoy lbw lln b.-re •rr V.....truer tor Fume 111, •or üboat obn g len - 11 ,141 14 1 11 tbro bum ntr, ~..ver know., 1110 1.1 .....r.• ,ng pub,. u thc e,upturo• ourotrd pry orb ,- !nil tx-Prurr. err, it L.. 1 1. 1, gltll‘ l l up urnoturre o: 0ar.1:,. eav , curl. or Inrp. on I • opy of 11.eut paueral P... 1 ton orb. rr oyyr it 141, V. 1 . 1111,1ge. tbnt our p.p.. epo orrs t (Amps J Vrrprenn aro •onl y 11Mtu,rj, 1 ) Rub , - i';o4nilnine", Co.urply L .ve r ; rhu, b.,. l'rertpuoty, ppurct Por•rb. ~o 1 re enr. ./ nun P.r ..111C by ruP E I Itprl PrrYlp. Nor. Stlver. I en., ['aortic, Ruth, Ilx.rnet RbansOy. rtrbr nod for oar: by lull Cohtrofortrr, U p! lhrle, Coihr In Chine :Leith Ch tom. Ether. Extract gurrr•le R E SELLERS. Ell=l Lt. A. Fill:a:s7of , U. FOINICIMCP4raIIbtIIgh. G. W. HAtonator, Wholesale Drag !Dor* In the City of Neer York.. • • • the firllgnndemaned• are evenalaaly engaged in o I V. yolc•alo ItruF business at No. 40 Jot a .11001, In the eny . of Nem ',orig. and an prepared In lorp.F au and enalitz7 tlarchatos wan Drue•• Ponta n;l:Fley,crills, and A.ur•enn Pa•nffn , r) . • tia••er if andera Chenucaoh lof Incir own iol OVArtiOr.l 11.1: Otter artelea In their lute 01 bust. netts. of a onpano 4.;• - aulny al loaf as they can he par ased It• thus r any enatern Oft 7. NI•••a•Vort. ichin 11 A. FAL1 4 •1:. 44 11 - IC/C•C Dr. Winker.. Celebrated cunnA AND DIARKIRE I MEDICINES. frilEpw..s.,,,re re tnrolnd to read the Sol/owing enr. i s hnnts nt. medtcnte erleastve.) . it al Ole t.ountertt and F.a.rern 1:11e0 %Vt. rt two Los 10 Or York. Pa snot Luster I, . nate and InAtt agerpe.ll., on or altetts , iIC hr. os It tuner :00. 50 youos l 0 Ong u..tlet toryssre 5zt...../. of ••.tasattc Cliotern " 'I In we tde ..t.l nes ~,, and sound htnt Inn e tot the cot- Irrnand r sst se. os snltt vent, ir•-•iuent and ••04•••• rivr , elt.ehargen Than we prininuherd 111. rase ,enatts, Ch..,ru. and declared Inoreovcr •Inol use lorcred ntal patortst watt de) ostd the love or moll teal not In 5011 :yr thouglll pane. ...old me, and •n th....ared We tau., 44 - ,. t rthnr ,nri, 1 n 1 n,eSnad Lonin Wie Ley , put ••••-.1 hp. , oi niftinni.tered t'noitsrn Remedy. and eirrLed n C.c. of the pa oat. in four ita)• in, r•-urtr tite stud young an. at pork, and perfect:, 444.11. /out C D.)11.17. M. b. 'P. 11. Duct Al. D. I eg.rt.iv that I gott.gtcd a g. mac of moaltficol l'lto!era un cr tt ggarg• ltg I.flata %Va. ,y, and that I helm, I. mg dune rg.ig,ted lam. tat• Watogingtott t'amrity. ant I crrt..y that I !: amtoatntegi v.,. the rent!, t ,„ „y„, n tg rent %ILI., eortglieates of Dr. eve, and htry gtrr mg, otre.oFme uhigity. truttrnatty whe rc,tl dctcunto nobacrtLe my t. a cam , at!, the 'ea. of my odic,. thy, four 4.^ ran day 01 Novg.tyther. mghtrea huudregl end Iturty-three. 11 11. W1L.L.1A34, Clerk Waallgr.awn Loungy Court. Nlaryland. I witnessed the adinnuoirtiiion of Dr Louis ;• repo ra . ine for Choler., in the case of an appren -411 bomocls to this town Mager , - low „ 4 it, we• well marked ca. at APOSbe 1%,...titu rice water CY3b114.0113., cold claninhy skin, omit io mod treinnion. collude red hi. iruly rind alarming. I now mm pre v.oe • to Dr. Wictey, and war present ai the edam , . 1,1:10 1 1 “( Or fir, do. of medicine, and KAN' tom re• penied'y norms the lOLOlLdetile, of Dr. Wiclic.r re• cover.: obis to a.tend to and 'am. at 4.• .adc iew dope. urn aura he took none other but IIObOVILIC SOMlllolbd by Dr NVictry. ItteitssoDorm M D The only tear and genuine De. Wieser a Glivlera and Dlarthrea Medicine prepared and a0...1 mid retail, b y JOHN 1). MORGAN, Detect se ,a 6 eMu nun door loc:ow Diamond all, ISINFECTIND SOLUTION 01 , D DA .—lt decomposes iho vim, or per rant prune.. pie of all contemn. discuses. It remove. the dangeri nos edlovia of sick rooms, ke. Icy c Mantilla earl y rtheves ulcers, and intercepts all communicable diseases, whether mmen or aininaLs ,Le. Just tared . and Cr sale by told RUBS , r nehm m Wood 4 MEDICAL sALTEB. , B kNACEAI. INSENG o THOSE SUFFERING WITH DISEASED , II.I*NGS.--The unprecedented metes* which heel trended the use of the GINSENG PANACEA ell the venous forms whsell Irruanon of Ole lunp ID, lus induced the proprietor again to call g otten to this WONDERFUL PREPARATION. The ehangul.le weather which marks our fall and month, always a (nodal source of COLDS AND COUGHS. rbegn, neglected, axe hot the precursoni of that fall lestroyer, 111111361 IT'S CHEMICAL Wit/Tilt...A . . FLUID. HIBBERTS Slll'EStrUli RED INK. 1111111ERTS MACHINE COPY INK. I i kl,L ,t t ,e n m es , e , iff . er i f . ro o rci n. o ,, rd on li , t w ar n y in lek, the' are all . does Irrei) :torn any kind of rofn n l. ' it ' st ru' eo ' lo m r bright and durable. If there have been boner aruclea made, I hare neither teen nor heard of them. Sara , pie homes enn be obtained retie, by the merchants generally. item B. A. Nahnestoek K Co, Henry P. Saharan, Allegheny, or of the anamtfacterer, THOS. K 111 if Brugatit and Chemist, corner of Liber p and Smithfield streets, riturburigh, Pe. N B._-Any bottle not gyring complete satisfaction, inn be returned end the prier swill be refunded. I )11 lenlfsti ATHENJELIM SALOON, AND BATHING ESTABLISHMENT. tha t t he hTraa b ope M o . c f d Pi tbe ai.ove cAtablidoneut. where e•cry attention will be pool In comfort of theee who may Ig or blot with , atrect, between Seventh and Waal Ice 01,11,111 and an otter delinaeie• of the sea.. mle:Cly . . T HE undersigned hare thts day sociated under I the of Thompson H as anna & Son, for the por poor offnanufaettif ing paper, at the Clinton Paper tl.ll, where they will be pleased to receive the patron .' of the puhltc, and the former mummers of the ..- ' Jor partner. 'in lt at all times keep on hand a general as set nm.r t ..1 writing, wnipping, tea and papers. bot..irt Po rein, blank books, Ste. etc., which they will exchange tor clean linen end cotton rags. Printers and hook Publishers can be supplied with every description of printing paper at short notice, and ai reduced pricer. - TIIOhIPSON HANNA April lti—inytkdam EDMUNDS. HAN , Oit . - ;‘, Cl o A o h o l . klZ I :2. , ; t g c 1 e 5 .„ ..g0 ... n0 . ;;- , received so m ono me beanufully ornamented A PRA ,N S. a( a variety of patmnis and color.; also. rut Tissue Paper for ornamenting . .looking glasses, onture frames, or lamps. T the .go of the Plane and "leriVicrd street a complete assortment of Cincinnati Coopers Toon for sea by my.; IlellEß tr. LAUFSLAN MI, A f - AI.ILAY'S HISTORIC OF ENGLAND—Dub. I lee'. edition, contenting all the matter, verbatim et Itteratan. of Vols. I and g of the London million, eat with a portrait of the embor-9 Yds. one. Into. complete. :We A large stiPpli of the above ro. ceived end for sale by JOHN II MELLOR, naha4 al wood at C AND 11RONIA Bak' e 1..)-11'iro's:m" f. ' N 1 0 .1. 1 c ' h . o ' c ' otatta and Coen.. Sehmit: sweet spiced Choeotatr. tUal teed and tot sale at the l'ettot Tea Store.._.. Fourth At. Wad W " p r o r ly E er St s::. ' l ' O ß4— ara, L l ' a:t " re ' l :. d ' and ' f:r r' :lttyte ttlti or o rev stl, at the Prk in Tea Store, Ott Fourth at tort, G HATEFUL. for the very liberal encouragement have received for so many yeam, I have to ennirce rvy busmen considerably. Having , aeu u mt Foreman, o r enabled to ,j' a 3 o m e n, promptly, and do the orork 000 usual I , ~,d at fy, prices, and ask Me attention of met onents and antenna to my large atoek UP/101.8TE , RN IiOOIYS and Beds, Manta.. and Bearding, Cur. told hlatenals, Damasks and Mortises, Cornices, rri ges, Clordenugs,Toseels„ Spin and sonar /Had, arod every aniele usually kept in an eatabliahment at the kind. Orders respentfany soliened end Promptly it. tended to. - • • • - N. B.—Carpets made sad pm dm.. WU. NOMA SiraCIPSTOCE, Ye. 73Faurth hut received du* day anaber lot of those ban Imam Preach Transparent Shades, vainch in point of bunt, and neanneas SIMMS any thing swot, brought to this mu heft sql3 MISCELLANEOUS mid mom fairlicinab lc Hamm p r itairos.Ala THE CHEAT ROLL, or BOSTON BLIND, on hand or made to order of and at all picas. Country hlcrehEltut and others vet oyhad In call and wthe above for tharowlyea,aa all will hatch& holesale or mail, and a libaral dedaction mad* la wholesale parchasen. _anldlT _ Notice to the Pn,blio WE hereby notify our (needs eel correrpondente al home ILIA abroad, that we well ow. own. arr cacewerrarneke, motive &cepa from say Root for which aolji Newton Jones ." " kV:I6DES tc ALCORN. TORN KELLY & CO., (successors to Robb, Wino if bream & Co., lam Iderchaut Tailors,) Nes lbs CHESTNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia, beg lea. to Inform their Mende .d patrons that they have ro.ived the latest SPRING AND SUMMER FASHIONS,with • Hr. assortment of New Style GOODS; comprising Cloths, Cassimeres,Vatinge, &a. deem). description—all of which or nether own hanng been oarefully mbsetedm Puts, Iga. • Slntagera vlalting Philadelphia, am respeetfitli ly invited to .11.0 examine them extensive onna. meta:WWl TND PASTRLJorn receiving, V rose J. bottles of Robber Paste, a superior article, hied, Important to persons tent vent, to keep their fOOl. chg . It prevents the leather from cracking, onod will take • poWh over IL 'For sale et the India Rahber DeP°l, No 5 Wood street. marl . J Je. IS PHILLIPS CIVILM GOLD!! 13/OLD:2I GOLD.," T ding South and Wes mmee t—also, country store will to call and examine bu t stoei of Jewelry, which will his wild at the lowest prices for cash or approved limn. meet. Constantly on hand and manufaenanng, a largo assortment suitable for city or country trade. Fs. (.; A. liA 11l corn., of Fourth and Branca sts, up stairs, aplthdom Phslosletntila Paper tiareglage. 1114AVING purcharted at three or are largest Vasty .^ As kvot, rNew York, Philadelphia and Balricoore,) a large assortment of the newest toll moll improFed styles of PAPER BATTU' SIGS, BORDERS, An., and made a rrangements by white I will be ena bled to pr.:lnure ell Pattern., smuslumeous with area appearance in t he Eacern market, I woold In re the attention of those deatrulg to have then home* papered 'rah the latest styles oT paper, to call and I eLatarta my nook, before flurellkeing elsewhere. have mar on ,the mop from the East, MASA pieces of Gold, Saud Bilaseß, and common Paper Bnnlingn, which T can sell at peters rempag from WE el. to SIP mete. tochlS S-C HILL F 7 wood al 111IrAVING mst completed the rebtoldtms arm smoke jj. homes, tee are now prepared to receive meat and smoke st Ole mom merchantable manner. . The houses are fined wort all the modern Onprovo menu, mud are capable of containing: , 7 0 ‘0 0 0 Iha. cunt KIER JUNM, Canal Hamm I==ti2 iIIsTITPAPKR- 1 1fiktfe I. for the safe of the Min (hove Printlog Paper, (S. B. & C P. Morale, Prognetora )~ we wilt be conetantly suppded with ell Me thgerem aloes of snootier quality. which we offer as the lowes i t u mtr i tyr. sHEE, feb24 comer Penn me Irwin Ma — D12114.17E881Z WORKS. I ISOI AN, lIAILMAN & CO. continue mane fmture Smell Iron, Spring and Am. Blister Stech I!'th.nirs,olt sad - 41 6 4, E4 .11V,PA"..:,1 ° Qr. Springe, Pat, Tepee and common Axles. flam mt. e reduced the prier of Wrought Iron rents, engioe buildere and others using Me creole, ll and It to their interest to glee thin new brooch of P toobeegh manufactures their attention. Costa vimminir and makable iron on liberal tem. Warebowie on sarr and Forirth sta. felrAld SAM'L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, rzp➢nzoz DUILDIA, IT. CLAIR STYLI/NT, PITTEIOUROIL u.. Jon lITTILT. not NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, And is esesseeseering • fine nessonsensel CLOTDS, DASDIDEDES AND VESTDI(IB, OF TIIE BEST QUALITY AND LATEST STYLES, Welsh he I. prepate' d n leaks a ords 4 IN TLIB BEST MANNER And in the Intel. Fashions moms Read 414:aihara tat hoot and lalsosa, tamer of Fonth and Smithfield &teems, Frrnamton, liathe ta ga r eL 6 l . S IZot ar k ; Pt7oe c'n t.uTtne nc rs,lll whole.e and retail, would respectfully 0 tee attention of their friends lad the publi gen erally, to their splendid new stock, consisting of men., Lori, misses and children• wear of every ant.le for the season, mid at price. to suit the 1103.1. A splendid •rucie of ttome toad, work., mien as genemete. fine Soma, ladies, causes and coildren! bo o work. Please cell and examine for yourselves. Titlatt & ecurr, corner ani arid Smithfield sts N. IL—Traveltag Trunks, Carpet Bag., tsc. , al ways on hand and low for cash Country merch.ts would find it to their lamest to a call when vs.ang the city in tile x.ocseux, WILSON a UM, TALPORTLAS and Wholesale Deulery in Foreign cad I. Domestic llardssa., Cutlery, Saddlery, he., 1519, WOod street, Pusbargh, are now fully prepared with a recently imported mock of Hardware, Cutlery, Sad dlery, CurPetners' Tools, inc., to otter very great in ducements to Western Msrehants, as In arldmon the many advantages had oar predecessom, mu Logan Kennedy, we have greatly mere.. oar [anilines, and punks. all oar goods from first hands I an the very but termer. I Tn., jintior members of the firm deute their whoks amenuen to sales, and feeling confide. Miming sat , wfactunt, respectfully sOhelt a call from oil woo may visit this marker. meht/ rpnr. oaderniard offers for salea perior article j of bock for tuuldusg, made oy hie su Steam Frees, Improved machme, (or arnica be has obtathed a patent and agrees to give purchasers a smiled guarantee that they are stronger, and will resist frost s o ds wet weath er slid imbibe less moisture or dampness than arty orb. or brisk, possessing (,recur body and superior thaw* sod moth more durithle oi every respect, each brie* being subjected to *pressure of several tons, and a handsome smooth surface and even edges, thrT make a front name to the best front brick. 1 hey have gm. the greatest satisfaction to all who hare pirrebased. A tun can be seen at my works, ant specimen at the flasette office. Those haying supplied themselves for th eir buildings,. and is handsome front brick, or superior has and solid paying bnek, coo *boon them. IMILAC GREGG; Binninghwit, lane 12, INV!. if • Wool.— ' res highest price 11{ Nod to ob the diderent gragle• of glean sr./tell wool, by [aril II LEI-;, !Ahem/ at, oepoote 6th COPARTNIQLeiIIe—I have time dayaset.;;; oZ with me m ate vrizolcsale Grocery, erodkiee Comisussiori business, Ms -.10/1/4 Wattom,tlnderthe firm of JOHN WAIT& CO. JOHN WATT . Pittsburgh, Apnl 30, 1949._ ,fooo,o, of ?moo A. Clo Sr SrorTrnas'onre.'"Z'Z=Vl"l'a,'L:l;o'..n.%ll='nr!!; Chlone Ether, on Ocal and tor sale by /Y 4 J. KIDD tc CO. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, puBLISIIED LretlLY, TRI-W }WALT a wE E , K4 Ai iltd Gem". Evudins, 3d rt., Rea , Or Paw , Wes. H. A.,T k 8 OP AD VEitTISIBIG. boo knu rtion of 12 Ilse., or less ..... ...... 30 50 Two insertions withoutalterstiona 0 73 Three " 100 One Week " 0 . , ".......... 160 Two Weeks ~ . ........ I 00 Three " One Month,' .. ..... 100 T 6 00 ~ Throe '.Three •• a Longer advertisements in One square,' inontha without alteraumar.• ' ID 00 Vann additional square for 6 Months, C I ) I?. ...... One mime i 6 morithe ' • • renewable at rolinumr l 4.„ ls Each additionalaquare for 12 monOw.. 10 00 un op Two aquares,6 months, re'watilont ple . ssare , Each additional aquare:6 months, ...•• ........ 111.1111 01 1 . 11-.I3ILLT IX natal 20 One aquare.3 inseniona, ......... St n each additional insertion,...• •••• nomarim• trite II!es or lsa, :ti o z -zi . a th,, r, , .. .............. ............ • " one year, daily & °V•aq, 10 Rt. 0 0 ms. months " anwszwurnanarre rar VUXO PAI S* * For 12 lieu, or lets, One im5erti0ni...........110 1112 Two, " 21: Three v... 1 0. 'nine It I. :sees?' 00 0, tie 'v „ .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers