E Pllttgitbili-METTt AVIITTF , k PiTTSBIYUOM - MONDAY MOILNING, SEPT. LY..1519'f.4; Tem P1T112131•33 DarT 011 , 31 . 111 13 Welshed ly, Tn-Weekly, and Wert -W. -4U Daily la - e".iat Ilan ix, Kew= therri-Weetly to Rye Dollar. fee Imre the NV eirkly Is Taro Dollars per annum, strio adroarr. , LIMULIIONIO AND WHIG TICKET • HENRY sf. Flitt£R, of Lissa.: County . t .an, ' i b.. WILLIAM xAsLErr, cuutier cou,gy! , 'HORT. C. WALL R, of E abedg Borough. ,3, JOHN MILLER , of Stut , 'w • gh3 CALEB LEE, of Patelot ri WM. ESPNiof Lower 'St. 'r. 411.1.1 TY, BARTER cLfltTl„of.r .. .rstr,-` .:,-;- reornowere r, t' - : - Eo. s lIA It, of UPpoi 0. C*!.." - ":t . 1: muse.* ~;•-• JOHN MOREIWIN, a Afl , lfbeili,. '.' 3, JAE. mrrcHmt, of Pooh cs. A . • ein,, • z WM. M. fiETITEN.S, or anre rithwrgh. •e ) • . =mon, . /OLIN BYERS of Findley. .3, '➢or Local Ilikter. Sea uer.s pegs. le• next pagi tba• TelogrAptkle Se** Let every Itrtig voter are to thus at elec. Ex amine the Larne* up in your eleetton ,il•trietianJ if your name la not there, have your,' atelised Immediately—for if you ore not assevaro rt6en! an days befaro the elmtion, or have not pal& a Stan, or Convoy tax within two years pasOrpu will lose your vote. "A Ctriere I. informed that in all rams responaMaity,th responsible name must, ' la company a communication. We cannot 41 public meeting At the request of an anonymous correspondent. losportgat—Oaean !Moamar.. 1.; We are informed that it is contemplated tit build two ocean steamer ih this city, for a conipa4 Now York. •The contracts for building them not being as yeCoomplotel, wo do not know who will be the successful bidder. Noither do we ns yet know of their destinehon. We kayo been aware for soma weeks that snob a thing woe in contem plation, and We rejoin," to kern that the Matter now almost tononnta to &certainly. w o steamers for She Orem= River /We in process of 'erection hero, and are spot:elk:Of as be tog of beautiful and superior models. The budding of °teen steamers is a nelfv, but most important branch of business in thaVened States. Many will doubtless be built adintally, Involving no outlay every year of several Millions of dollars. It is thought, by same good padAii, that. Pittsburgh offers greater facilities for the eir,ecttog of ocean steamers , than my place in the tailed States, as every necessary material can be inraish ed on the spot, or is the neighborhood;:lf the present experiment proves the superiority el Pitts burgh, for the Wildfirg of sorb vessels, as wp have no doubt ii will, ocean steamers lilting out , . at our wharves, wilt become almost if not quite ai com mon, as three .immense 'Weasels we build-Sir tee lower Misstssippl. The hulls of the above noticed steamersiatil be built of wood. In a word, the Tann - of 1516 is the beat the country co,' bad ; end it Is therefore the patreme of ponneal fay and madaera to attempt to effect if 3 repeaL"—Poe. Such is the language of the argon of tho Loco face .puny, in the Birmingham of Ametica."— Here in Brig manufacturing district, with the evi dences of the value of a protective pOlicy all around os, the Tariff of 'ld, which is werlnng so gran ruin. is pronounced by the Lxotono party es the best tee 'err had, and that it is : political madness and folly to attempt to repeal. It in useless to argue with men who art testily ed on a course of eaten, no: became thy really believe it best for tap country, but to obey the be. heats of party. I Vi. nee, however, present farts to the people, mid lease them to draw theitiltern con- etas:orig. Tuba article of • froo—Painnsylva ma's great :tool. ,By a tab's, publishe4 in the North Aourruine, we learn chat there a falling in the amounts ;snitch passed eastwar6 through the Cuesapeake and liiiiaware,C.ll, fbf . .the year elditig Sem-1, lath ktautst the previgiw year, of wrought sad rail r ad lino, of 0,4214 1 :07 lha., and of pig iron, 440, and no miprease of Blooms of The Prwsh AlarfirTU, for the purpose hj render. mg the gilded dear meanest capacity, has taken the tronh4 or reducing the dint;nihkted pro duct to Man, by mulch we find that ti 3 aberdate decrease in werught and rail road trO, is 3,759 tons, and that in pig tr0n,10,539 tons;#hiir , the gain in blooms is only hies: or, mrthig all the kinds together, the nett tlec:ense to 14,49 tons.— Now . , to escertnin the pecuniary valedh of these losses, we shoold refer to the prices of iaoo before the death tarilr began to weigh them 11;tria. Tak ing the well known price of $.1 . 11 50, ni.'which the tiudrola.Railread Company bad .;utiicted with Mr. Cooper, of Trenton, for rail road mac, the value of-the above 3159 tr.os of wrotight and rail road irrie, , arps $253,73'.! 50. The Aces of pig iron in 1616 were from s3'2. iota,. Takings mean price of 135, the value of the abovenientioned 10,539 tows of pig metal was $369,86: The val. no of the two kinds together amodMed to the gross sum of $22,597 50. Deductin# from this the bleMii‘ratcd at the same price uldie wrought and mil wad iron, vir. 5t5,457 :50, vile hove, •11 the nett lona, the sum of $601.140; aliwhlch, be it obearired, is only the lora on that lint of the Iron trade - which comes through the , c , heliapealge and Delaware Canal. And belt farther observed. that all this less GI% upon Penneylgania; every poond, , we believe of the metal whale:tubes us from Havre de Grace coming from .ennaylvania furnaces and [urges. Such continues the North American is another evidence of the pernlaions indumice4f the buff I of 180 in th% Petinaylvunia iron ititoea. How many hardy Pennsylvania workmen l ideprived of ' their employment—how many once liappy fami• lies broken up, and driven perhaps, titi : ticek food,— from di rewarded agrinniter 4l Weal— are mpresented is that diminished *duct of 14, 000 toaicf iron, And yet it la to Mr* woritmen, and their associates of the coal-piteito ray uoth• Mg of 010 farmers, their purveyorajor,whom they made "a market—that the free trrl politicians come to leak for vow—the men wkdVihreerf - upon them, by the grossest Inutile and dei. , : - ,eptions, the very tariff of 1846 by which they ar e now robbed and ruined. Flu dean:a—Some of the finch' fir pea we •trer ahw,•weet and Macho., the be itafies extreme ly large sad well filled, were laid oniour table the other day, by oar old friend, Mr. W. Martin, of M•nobeator. Tula Ewa. of Outn—All parti6Y, io all parts of Oltio,aaps the Cinsinnan Gatette, ninon the alert I bringing out candidates, and prepdYing for this coming election. There seems to ,(re a general , disposition to go into the content iii Bement. In general.the leaders among the Locatgtos are striv ing to pledge their party to set et napght the ap portionment law; but to this violeo proceeding. many among the rank and file are diongly oppos ed. Dia.:ileitis - Ilion and anarchy dish do the peo ple no good, though political gsuiblela without soh stance cc stake in the land may be,,lteriefitted by agitation and turmoil. The Whign;`,,dn the contra ry, we. to general, bringing out goehl tneo---nober. discreet men—diapased by the use Of:all the means in their:power, to support the penot4and quiet of the Slake, law and order. And ef kry man who h e , any #dus worth preserving itiz character or property—every one who hen ant4iting to lone— shooldlend a hand to prevent the iflosoph of 511• archrand misrule. Mutts = TO R 0115.741 15 StaleCp, the authori ty of letting from the Mediterranentillat on the 3d nit., the frigate Conaliuttion cart itkhor at Gaeta and the pew Charge from the Unitiid Statea went asho ' re. Ste erieraard, he woo tisenteli to the Popiand the g‘nrc of Naples: • - . . The Ninth 13rsavi rocitto Jar AO ust, 1549, ha. beetiteCeleed by Marx, 4th 4treeri• Its contents PhilOsophy of Befigitinwilt and his iG161."11-0m .33 Social- L.,-110111jr4fi9p at" khdthordcel Scotland— The British Shave Trull Pidiey—i7be &maim, spd Easura Europe—FM of the *ilich Empue— The British Itailway Severn, &Orr.- M,Berkshire, blau.,last week a iinindict of 3'7000 wan tendered ngainet the Bezhanittatitilroad Cow. p an g and in teem of D. B. thunpbeit' end ante, bar Wailes swanned by them while ciiiintinir thorn& Warsa sw Aramcevt•-The cog= once vemFOREIGN NEWS water vv., In Allegheny vu pat in motion , HT THE ED@OPA. on Saturday, and water pumped into the rmer... von, . The engines worked admirably, and the GERMANY. maw mill, in ail probability, be' admitted into the I wt, }3 3, 4 th o b.., attzti n e . nt of the Prussian Government, id hence the Chamber, ri appears pipea to day. A great number of the citizens hay. t that the senses of Federation proposed by Pres already bad pipes laid, and hydrants prepared no Nan, Saxony and Hanover, his been adhered to enter ' and ratified by seven other States. Ten others , have adhered, but have not yet ratified, including abundant supply of the spore element." Ramburgb and Bremen. Seven others have an- Tun NORTH Bamsce—lva Enewros Lyn rrs l aounced their intention to adhere, and seven oths. 0r... including declared.cludVing‘ortembtarg and Frankfort, have Fauctos.--Tbelolkiwieg resolution wan adopted 01ve at a convention ofthe Whigs of Wyoming., held Later vcctiunts from Hamburgh report that v,7 l , v , i h d o e u d t , had ratified the proposed COREHHHIOU last week in Tunkhanuock. It shows that the the five Parishes into which the Buritenchaft Is I true position of the Auditor Crenersl on the North .ii Broach question la perfectly well understood in The 25 ". . " ; of was celebrated throughout that region. Germany, in honor of the centental anniversary of the birth of Goethe. Rao/m.4 That the course of Auditor General' The pru . PIIRVIRMCZ, in his recent disgraceful suet') to to . been all s e s d iun troops quartered at Hambargh had defeat an appropriation to the North Branch Ga v at, A serous akirnalsh bad taken place at Aushurts, has merited and mast receive the condemnstisn between the Danes and the Sehleswetgera, which of every friend of Northern tnterest, and we cheer- was pat a stop to by Prustuan soldiers. The Dan. rally submit to •the petopla of Wyoming county 'ph and Sehleswig-Holstein prlaonent have at lenam whether the present Wh ig Administration has not_ been exchanged, end the blockade of the port• of ageeoahiy to the profe.g..a of ito fnende. Enst.rn Holstein were to have been raised on the itself the real and earnest supporter of the corn not. tion of the Canal. "By their fruits ye shall kzuw them." , Dorton the meess of the Lesoslative Assembly, The same Converpon adopted also the following , all petite. seemed to have agreed upon c...tion iv.olat... ' ,of political atnle. and speettlatton npon the ['Mare , prospects cf France ~ moaned Jost now to the . , . &solved, 'Elam the thanks of the people of ihia Irumor of a rhative in the Ministry, which it 0 pm, county are especially due to our present Whirr asserted ins no foundation except in th e State Treasurer, GIPEON J. BALL, as sveli on to con oi tie dtsaoivaua of the Governor JOHNSTON, fee their exertion to se. pttoent Administration. cure au appropriation In the North Branch Canal; ‘ The Bra Kepublienn party are hold,. their And we will ever bold them in grntrte rein:mini, ~,melba at Genova, nod a is asserted that Ledru ca noe foe the performance, a so short a time. of an it.ai iii h, p ea s a id through ;:ermany on his road to act ofjoatteg to the North, which former Adman- i i ti i hem a their oeitherate,ohtt istratioua, Per years, bad failed entirely to scram- ' T he h.e.he,e Minister to P arte, to a formal note, plish. hasa.sctranee to the French Government -- -oh.— that the Emperor has not thought of ierritainel ag• PHIL.SOILPIII• NOllllllaTioes. — The Philadelphia ; g,.,,,;,"„„rnt. but that he will retire hot armies Whigs are active ly a t eior t s : me k i ng their nominas I . -am as the Hungarians have laid down their lions both for city nod county. The following nom- ! arn , r .l n % ph„tta,nuntottond to Pans on Wednesday , matt.* have been made: from St Cloud. to receive the .Marchiones oak,. For Mayor—Charles Gilpin. glum" his cousin the daughter of the Grand Docheas For Assernbly—Gaf—Ttiotrmes C. Steel, Charles , of Peden, who,with her husband, h. COMO to pans O'Neil Geo. H. Hart, Jesse IL Burden, Craig Bids a few days to Pans. die. r. report has been current that the President For Legirtature--Couray—Serve — Junoir e'er- Costa Napoleon, was about to marry the daughter tee, Jr. ' of the King of Sweiten, and the Parts National Assembly—Wm. Harper, Jr., Nichol. Thorn. , say it is not marabout foundation, NI. de Persia- Townsend Staub, Enoch Taylor Geo. P Heaney, ny. a personal Irisnd of Louts, is to repair to Geo. Bell., Davtd A. Beard, Adam Martin. St ockholm , to settle the necessary prelimtna• •is The Dito of Boston. Informat.n Will received I a Pane on Wedoese The debt of the city of flagon, exclusive of the day that the {loss one and the A unman+ nad twitch. water loan. is 51:47,517 56. ed towards Switzerland. wrth the view of closely watching the ntovements of the revolunonary The total debt Intoned on account of wer up va aaacra , ati at Geneva, which Loden to May I, ISO, was 53,797,32.9 cis, of 7toe at h El,- Roll. n, n nod Bonhet are suspected of tatting a very 709,000 is permanent, and 59.079,323 Ys is tempo- ....41101)0Us part. dtplomaev. the idea e ram Only alto 5200,000 of the pertnaoent ath l ,l ° L b ;: a n a t a r aa ' 7 ',; l , 7 ::.° J f ter loan is payable before 1556; between that and for the tactaw „ ah , agEhropach pence—of which 1880 31,200,000 re payable, and the remainder pre vious to 1871. Oa the 1g of May, there was about 81.300,000 of the 53,000,000 of Water Senp authorized by the Le zielatnre unissued. The whole debt of Boston, on the let of May, 1919, therefore was— Water Debt• Other " As ad offset to this debt, the city owns five mil lions of feet of land in various parts of the city; the City wharf, which rents for $lO,OOO per mnurn outd len, when Um wholc,togerher wltti ten heck MOMS, myelin to the city; also Stone sod Urrnah wharf; 49 acres of fiats at South Boston. Faneuti Hull gasket, which rents (or 530 000; stores mdcr Fanetul Ilan, which rent for 16,500; old 'State noose, which renu for $6,500; a ravel farm at Dedham, cooMlning 55 acres; Deer Island, 131 acres upland, 55 of flats; Rannword Island, 11 acres sod Great listwster, 16 bares, betides public build' lags without number. Lerner, of the 17th lilt coutain elaborate de amiptions of that brilliant meet.. of Gen. Lamps aletara by ton Majesty the Czar. The Atah.assa dor of ire Frarch Republic was brought to Wars raw to the t'zar's stole carnage. A detachment of general officers rode to meet him, and escort him to the coy. It created so aatonishment that the Czar should show more poii me tenera to the Atnbassador of a Republic than he had done in the case of the Emperor of Austria. ITALY. The ;titian tat:zeta of the 24th aunce. the important fact i.f the aamtelatton of Venice, no watch ! took pi], on the 22d. Toe term, agreed upon Faott nozazia.--The lacksoogilie Republican were uncoedroonni. not Lauded strictly upon the of the 6th instant commas a letter from one of tie brociamation oi Field Marshall Radetsgy, issued c U m slont on the 14th. The siege though, dormg nil rs voluntee at "Camp Moseley." dated the 25th unuance, formidable to the Venitans, yam dus ultimo, which, after elating that toe Writer had just estrous to the Lea/eget - a The Austrian officer. returned from a fife days' scout, says: d.d note out that meta loss, from cholera and fryer, nod the least biros oC Indians, nor do I believe ...°°°" to 'CI Ofd '"'''• there have . ticen many to this section of country TUSCANY. since the last Indian war." The camp at the soh The ',ger of Tort, of the 2tth nit quotes a ;etter horn Florence o f the '<lnn. stating the , the °Weenie:Quo mentioned us about nut mules west rd „,, an ;,,,,„, arn a. nt bad p_ohd." me ebh - • of Fort Mellon. on of the funeral r morns ...cos incuni, 01 la The Republic. also has a loner dated at PM, rheile• Altar' in F orrri e,lion Leahurn sod ha on the 30th follows il e ,ARDINIA `The express arrlVed from Tamps last night A mierioi g to an mots from Torto, of the 2 . .2r1 bringing us but news of I .l'x'' , " dis tnis on rie ream p•ace and not Tungirs in there with hie hand SeaSealnd '", m• . . e h„e,, an d s n,„ its Or law grit tnc be. man r.. , Edmiika lost hove shown no war Ito. tend. (r the roileincit INC Olid pseud with like dtslomution so Dr The emend we err tut difficult, formed, faun& to tee every ollon to get them io KOMI. remove without war, and if he cannot we no M i• v-ht ha. ilec,d .11 taken the min. have Two Deemer* were tiall; ex..er w i lco '" r"' r r Y 1b...M0 - sere of ten T 5 ("2 me , • •ii re r " harler been rr hut we are el, °On, opin on ta e nn ru I k cult , ca would end mu ao,itier Inan by hoilling them uut of ibe E:era TAGS V. I. tbrath l rgn..l V Ion! • f cemonam in 1 , 111,1 to he le. Hessian" nest rout, rug the mogriatinnotm conqueror of inc Eternal City To ths Edam. of lA. Postnergh Ga_-e•te rep,rd Mai n the veteran Fladehdry I. to Altegbany City and b•r. W•..• Worn. cm. .honlv n wet'to Gaeta. The The onward course of thin young giant of e• iy 'err tic commie dim noilied tau whetter r polo at r , f ry mow,. aim- "um hhelY M be impededd'd "Mm " to mrs sana h .stiitty ts fainter hearts might appear' insormountnhie for dr tar French diploma... and I'm. \ maiters are spite the proatraUon of her scrip, and the dm.- -cry me nom being arranged Tee Pope po•rave• Imo of the Genrt forbidding what sirs thought tc IT telee , a lo redod.lie him.his soldiers all who i ha •in borne arm, strains. be honest and }Mittel ceps, taken to redeem tier I On thr rimer hand the French have recognized buses. She hat anth • steady step on greased to nll w oo were wi cite in remain la the army Out completion with her gigantic works for affording to ten a. trades of the Fractures, there is only ir c Every thing continues in au her population, end to future geterhtma. plentt e ursetned•r th, is sat& ante prospect of fel supply of the pure beverage which nature has unrovo ,„„ so bountifully provided. ENGLAND . We have called this undertaking gw,anuc and The morta urine week exhibit. n continued Justly to, on occoent of the very extensive scale I i w oc.. , Te , as t e 2.7 o 6 l ;n r d ieli n. m r,n, Ltiledd,eattia.t7;nlir which i s upon which they are predicated. The proAdon of all nn th, to•al amts Inv of the pre of these works were citizens of enlarged and lib I ceding week, nod an increase of 17 in the deaths end views, and wisely extended tne,r vision to the by cholera In le venire , 1, for the lest week,.t of 672 deaths certain future erestoess of this delightful my , and fr o m roo„, s.o. fr o m 0h..., lilac o have established these works upon no penurious or decree., of Int in the total mortality , and I rie from pigmy esumate. the deaths loom coolers, compered with the Tile execution of the work has been invents Piero.. we'' , In Loa:on, ealisie injections were introduced tended by Mr. IL Hoare, favorably known in these. into the ryatern of the parrot by the veins of the mile. in the liar of his profession. Whilst the er arm in the last arose of a collapse The patient upend and important portion of such uorkca, th a t immernately rallied, and was completely restored of the repass and Pumps have been under the m a da y or direction of odc we„nnug and acienUre, coo- o e o s n et i o n g y ' th e s s !K e rd e ' d ", ty ' s r i ° e ' t C' sey nnc ' r ' w" taken tractors, Moran. Knapp de Totten The Queen continue. io Scotland. This mornicg, Saturday, 15th Sept, at an early A vessel from one of the Irish parts his brought boor, many of our ettizens repaired to the Water to Liverpool nven , .n emit , . of peat . a potion WO'S*, to witness the first movements of the man of her cargo MVO and powerful &trims and Pumps to their At Liverpool the advance to freight Ball coo- Herculean task of dnving the lynerdit waters of the limies, though the immediate eficet has been to Allegheny to the summit of Troy lid. lessen maten•lly the shipments ef .11, coal and pig iron. Passenger. continne extremely scarce, The steam being raised and the valves turned, i and vessels are filled with difficulty everyportion df the complimied machinery moo- I ed In harmony, and in unison with the dee ga oi Commercial Belatilkary. them balldersorkuld the agitated waters ascending i Another arrival from India, from whence the ad the heights of Troy, were non revelling in their steel ennttalle o r the stone favorablo chatadcru by new hat tellnf rl MPY home °n mr " mdrm top . the previous mail, has induced increased aeuvlty This objectoo lung sod anxious 13 desired by in the Manchester markets, welch ware previonaly our citizens, having been a tuned, and the means rather dull, and every department of b sines• con. tel health and cleantine. secured, we could not netted with the Indian trade has been favorably af• feel otherwise flitan grateful to thane, who, by their • (toted. In the Eaglude man efactunme &sleds skill and service., have contributed to this mato. generally there mahatma a growing activity and tying result, ptomtoeat amongst whom are those more runnels/1. The Intelligence from Calcutta is &sting, ills Me, in a subordinate station, have titl to the 11th, and from Bombay to the 251 h of lo calized themselves so as not to be overlooked by 1 ly, From the latter the report. speak of • good those who have witnessed &a difficulties and pro- , business going f irward, both In imported and es mins of this Work ported goods Money also was easy, and freights Wa do toll wish to be invidious, but may be I steady, This is also the general feature of the Cal permitted, in this connection, to point out two etas advises , worthy y nen t workmen In the co , p i n y o rm enmss The news by the Cambna had a hardening elk Knapp & Yellen, namely, Mn.Wrn H. Young and feet upon the Liverpool Cotton market, and prices John Hamilton, to whose worth, science and .1.11, during the early part of the week were o shads we understand, the contractors, with their usual I higher , The markets aubsequently became rather prudenceoudgamnt and sagaciM, committed the Dune end pnom receded teem lls 1 per lb. At oinstructiou and potting up of the engines and ' the market on Friday, for reasons before stated, gigne pa,.sd winch have this day h ome such p rou d this 100 nearly or quite moovered, and the bro and ample testimony to their gentles and h.dis tree's quotauooa are the name as by the Niagara— work, affording us the renewed assurance, that I The Havre market at last 'later was calm but pn when the present race of the propnehers of our ce were firm. legion of machine shops shall have retired from I ` The weather .nunues exceedingly fine, both in the toffs of active life, we have, in such men es ' Englaed and Ireland, and home.' operations on the ?deur.. Young and Hamllton, the talent, the in. C eement are proceeding In the most satminetory &Wry, and the enterprise, to maintain the high manner. Conacquently the mar Let for brondstuffs fame the hat been awarded to Pittsburgh m.hi. conuonei to recede, sad Ike trahraction•ta all the nary. principal markets are only of n rend charm er Advlces from the North of Europe me tent We shall t. plessed doom, person conversant r the ere but (Torn every other section they bk ore fo r t h e highest dee r-c. The mark& 100 Arnerimn eared Proem.ns has been dull du ring the week, and the fulling pierce are far from article on the subject, which would lae well re. red and prove highly istemstuttt . it, all the en , remunerative There is a good bust.. doing in gem of Acasortury the Iron market at improving prices. 1 Money up abundant, but there continues a grow- DIVIstOn 07 "Fantle BearliMm."—The Wash. ing demand for It, and norm except first elan* bills (.11 now be di. ousted at 21 per cent. I rider the ington Republic say. `there are upwarda of hay Induence of e °trawled large money sales, the En thousand °facers in the United Staten beaide. Inc Shah Funds have remained heavy during the week venom Jobbers and xontractora, who have been sod r g have slightly receded. The from U.'" tin office member Me l ' °°°lnr.° , 11.3111 P er7los:7o r t ‘ he v harctra market has been Par/. Ma * nithe most important and usually limited, In the Share Market there o is remelt to DM day in the hands cd ton Lo,aiticos. There have been less than tattrU appointment, of g'''',7,7j,ed,'lln7 d lower P rice. er e. eeee e re° Whom by General Taylor, one hell of which have seete _._:,_" o P . 7" . ," . Monday at nod hay' at which they dosed on been made to supply vaCancies oemainoned by a ; " " Fr, fi,r money sod IleLlll.llll dC.LhII, restfoationa, nod expired Lonuntramona by Tte P.Prmrlrm of irmmMecra officeion m en° At iti P ra A n ht ' rc " o e n '' cla ” r " v " fid ' v b :. Acoontlng in lilts, all Mic tire and fury we have tom The same may be said relative to Hamburg, had about pronnption violation r, Antwerp, Vienna, dm pledres, Sts, is simply because, Wow the Wlitg. 21 bad been kept out of office for twenty }cars, Gen From Me Ipitigh Army Despatch Antrim T a ylor bas presumed to place o ne tenth Pun oft lararrarri Gleam, enßue.ha ST A, , T o h n e ,, re m t: d e• , :rv g,, Te . sr o tl o to ß be .. l . 7 ,h i e hai n A „ mitr7l "- h — a. the offices cif the country in Whig hoods--to gr we them • tithe' of that, heir of whlch:neleags to them. And of this tenth, one half the appointments, the' in toe Adriatic attan, I. only fr. , Repubitt *bows{ hove heea mad e t° eoPPIY v.l taut from &mark the capital of Albania, nodwith pumms, credisioned by deaths, retgontiona. dr. in a day's sad of the loman Isles. It is wad that Figgipenutenda yet in office to one Whig' dot, I our Alnusier to Constantinople, Str Stradford Cana could theyfiffee a greater outcry if the whole army I nine ban protested against this .urrender, and has of fifty lhOdiand had been decapitated and th e e ' E n i d niated Mat d will to constdered by Ones entirely wipplied by Whigs , Gen Taylor's Englend as a MIL 0 ATM liberality and moderation seem entirely lost upon Fora constderatile period, Russia has desired to our politest opponents. Bat, doubtless, ballads mud:dish herself in the Mediterranean. and 10 50- his reward ip Ma owe approving co•seience, and our. ft port In that sea, from which .he ls at present will not permit himself to be provoked into the by reason rd hm geograpbu al position, yr/tinily Whdeade proscription of democratic administras .claded Her teem, by mating treaties, are not elonktryall fhe abuse and outcry of an envenomed I pntoltted to enter me Med terran.n through ociWidglifla'kkt44***lfilelmilMATh • the Dardioellos. Bow long thong ;maws will France Is to be a pro neat member. The President had experienced two attacks of cholera in a turd form, but at the last accounts was in perfect health. The third and I. mules of the Peace Congress took'placs on /11021 th. The members have all been received rob great courtesy andeven distinction by the French Government. All the public monu ments in 1.110 capital have been thrown open to them. Tae moat Jwuldrutsbed English and Amer lean propagandists have he en cheered to their hears' content. and the whole Mime has passed off agreeably and pleasantly. A Penn paper states that Garabaidt hod reached Dalmatia. 57,'57;1_9 on 1513513 'n .5,3. - 3 SI ., 56 be respected by RIM* we are unable to sox- Jecture j but we doubt not that she will treat them es so Much waste paper whenever a fitting opportunity arrive. In the meantime, the Dupr e:iris deemus of establishing a RnatAan port m the Adrtalle. From the London Times, August ENGLISH VIEWS OF CALIFORNIA. We are tree to conk,+ that our most eareful re searches have not, as yet, sufficed to enlighten us adequately reepectmg the actual condition of that mysterious region to which the adventtironv swarms of two worlds hove now for trendy a twelvemonth been dreughted. Our advert:mar, columns still announce! Inn imminent departure. o f scores of vessels for San Francisco, and the tide nets in the name direction, we believe, from boll the harbors on the thee of the abbe. Yet. when we endeavor to ascertain, realize. no spe edy, the natronality,government, constitution. pro ducts, climate, population, or nrirspects, of this at tractlve province, we still hod ourselves al. wholly to seek as belre the first discovery null, mines -he reader shall see, ho why' - is. hoe The reader shall ace, however, what we have col lected by dint of washing, sifting, and storing, amce our last nonce of the subject. A great roan once said that it wee no wonder if 01ford and Cambridge were such learned places, °onside...lg how mush knowledge was yearly rat-. ried thither, nod how little was ever brought away. We are almost ineehned mapply the same role to the settlement on the Sacrimenin, If Cale fornia is not the richest country upon the earth, it noon ought to be. for all the available cap.]. whether in goods or cash, of the Indian, Pacific. and Atlanbc sea-boards, appears to Le dispatched I. San Frnctaco. Even Hoag Kong had been drawn within the sphere of attraction, and our Chinese lutelligenee this week reported that Its warehousrs had hven swept ol all goods auttable to the digging, and that all the native craft in the harbor seemed making ready for the same port.— Dit the other band, the gold arriving from the mines won eemparauvely small in quantity, and the balance .w ar redly against the •plaiiers • The loss upon atopinints. and the efflux of was seusably felt butt on the Pacific and Adam, easela and the arrival of large gonsignmenta of bullion was anxiously expected in America to quicken the approaching fail trade. All this appears the more extraordinary whet It Is Considered that the positive productiveness o the mines is really cembllshed upon irresistabl. evidence. There Is one point, and one only, to which all account* from San Francisco coincide and that is the inexhaustible oupply of gold con tamed in the earth. By a ante cure, however, it collatmg the evidence, we may perhaps arrive o • conclusiou which will reconcile these two tact without •ay supposition improbable in itself. 1 Perm. that the rvert and raviAes do undiobtedly contain supplies of gold which may by comparison bedescrihed as almost inexauatible, for the premeds metal has never before, we believe, been fated in such abundance or in such purity en near the sur face of the earth. But, no looking closer into the state oflhingn, it appears teat the labor required for its production though of a more practical kin./ than that hitherto in mines on a larger scale, is yet sit try. mg, croons, and uncertain as to make a good oe' WI - against the average returns. In other words, day's work I 0 California will not ordinarily pr. duce more than a (ate day's wager; while, as to the general exports of gold, there to not only htue prospect of their dietarbieg the accepted value of this metal to the market, but there at even every probability that for some time to come they veal not repay the capital which has been Insetted in groom( them. The more respectable of the Amer man Journal• are now •nocipating a entumercial revalaion, though they still predict erosible enough that after the fever speculation, ha. passed away, California will become a rich and popinoos State. The depownos of American see-captains upon the various wonders of the deep are weially deemed each an equivocal .00hs of information that we hardly like to retail incidents derived mainly from such testimony. According, hower. er, to thew narratives, the whole North Pacific is swarming wita ships and cargoes (mot every is land in the ocean, and the harbor of Sae Frew.- co, spactous es it in can hardly contain the arrivals Cow-loonier. are daily refureil. Captaing of yes sets obtain .filti a month, mates LAO, and union .E. 30. Cier .on snore get .000 per wown alfd their board. Notting is said about lodine', a re serve which is perhaps but proden., consider.ng the notorious acaatmess of aieepiog houses In the new settlement. There is, however, an hotel Whirl, is under let for 19000 a year. a ponion of which very modem.. rent a made up by ly letting off a small apartment for • tap at 1200 a rlloolo. One gambling room lets for 13,500 a year, two smaller ones for £1,200 each. There is even a r leech tufo la the place, the avenge re, ceipts whreb, eight and day, have been accurate, ly calculated at one dollar perminute It is only from an incidental remark that we in fer that the tastes of Anglo Saxon Emigrants have been cnnsalted by the egabliwment al n brewery. A drnyman we are told. is in the receipt of -C1 :030 a year salary. Ow readers will remember one mow l n it the ennimerc.al firm which sated £lOll a year io ink hr lon•Ing out the dots in their and •.roonets to twit i and perhaps some /4 them will hazard a calculacon of that the Tru man's and BUZIOOI of San Franc.co most be di.. log when the aerator. of a drayconn are ro eati nutted Certainty ouch a scale of tran /avian. very magnificent. yet a good deal of the produce • of Califon:lu must need., at this rate, be relbeon• owned CANE An announcement. by nomean, likely to es cape otwervetton, appeared acme weeky Nom to the effect that the Un tett Slate. 03vernrnent had forbidden free soces. to the mines Suck a era. .so was an probable in tacit that the only won. der was that It could hone tern 'eked, es 4 aYed We have not been able, however.. autnenucate the report, and the latest ate-aunts represent the richest region in the world a. .011 the COrllmlo3 land of adventurem The actual itrortertY 01 the land t. it well be temembered, vested to the Unte led Sta., but the proctor, la net a member ol Inc Union. nor t. it .applied with •nv conn•ashle gnn. ernrnent. either by ordin•nces trout Waiatongton, or tr..olooOns of It. own inhabitant.. It mandato fact. on precisely the - Imam Gitat.ng as those desert wed. la the west of the Atnenean Upton. which have not yet Yuen Into States by peopling or GIIII2- Vloon. The condieting reports conversing the Annelle. lions of Generale Smith or Riley.. are b. he ex. Mained, we believe, in this wayMnervl Fender F Smith is I lecornanderdn-Chiel of the division of the Vatted State. army occupying Oregon and California. Brigadier Riley command. the detach mein stationed in the latter territory, and is con sequently under the military orders of General Smith, although, n. concern. the few require. miets of me province, he corresponds directly with Wimhington The only law recognised is Lynch Law, which m, however, admintytered inrough the medium of a jury, and, it is said, not inadequately. A large number of Mexican de marred to this Anglo Saxon institution, but their consent wan priremoonly demanded, and in de fault thereof. they would, it was announced, "be shot down to a men" Amidst all thew edifying repreimniatione, there are one or two facts clearly established. The markets in California are swamped with guide. and the mines with men, and our Trin:dantic motemporarma repent in words of moat serious warning ihet though success in this 'peculation is by no mean* certain to create competence, fail ure will inevitably entail utter ruin. The dig mags are no places for the honest and well mean ing emigrant. The labor and hardolups are sure, the gain problematicali and the probable result of the whole discovery bids fair to be confined to a supply oriole, obtained with such toil, and In suck distant regions, that the net value of the produce will be reduced to an ordinary lavish Los.roto.—Spesking of landlords reminds its of no areasina incident which transpired a few days since. A shabby genteel individual, with a philottophic look, sauntered iato an °dice in Naar lan street, with the owner of which be wan ac quainted. On entering he was greeted with— . Ah. Sam' How arc goo! Glad to see you." _ . "Bed," said Sem, .baking his head ruefully, "Every body does badly in the present sane ot • ciety. Now a day, the rich grow ocher and lb. poor poorer. The employer preys upon the p • ducer, sod times will not get better until society i reorganised." .Well but, Sank, don't you think it would lee bet ter for you to go to work! You now live on th. working classes an much no anybody else, and yo do nothing for me world." • 1,1," mud Sam, do more for the world tbs. if I worked. !f I worked I would =stain the pre. ant false state of society; but I do not work; I d. not sustain it. "What., In the name of common sense, do yo do then?" 'I uphold the naturM of man to real. Mao has a natural right to take and eat when hungry hot he hu no right to support a false state of soot. iv. I do more than most men to break down sore ty as it u. I never work; I never pay rent; I hayn' done ao for nineteen months; I have cheated landlord all the rne." With this frank avowal Sam left the place wad out observing that one of the clerks had abstracted a line nib headerehief from his pocket. Ten min utes sflorwards he rushed to again, and begged to know if any of them had taken the mooing arti cle. "I psid n dollar foe it, and' would sot lose It on env ...count," said he. "'Ling a landlord is one thins, but talong n Galls:men handerchicf out of bit po.-ket it not right no how." :tam finally got his handlterrhlcf. 1..11 he h., warm here careful where he broached the doctrine of men's astural night to steal—N. F. Sew. Pirrsaustari, June la; IMO litr. Teen.. If Ilisatert —Dear Xour Writing Fluid we 11/14i to be a first rat e •nicle lir all respects ita Color ie a treutiful black— dose. free fmm the pen We bane used Arnold's, but prefer your. on its own 'sent, apart from one being a foreign and the other a Pittsburgh mwalfeetured Yeuri, mspeetfully. STF.VENSON lc REKD Far side (together with HibberVa Red and Machine Copy Inks 1 by fl A Parinestoel k Co. Pittsburgh; II P Porisrant, A Iteabenv ray, and by die manufacturer, Thomas K. flibberi, Druggist lead Cbennatcorner of Liberty and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. spiltddw JOH PELINTIAo RILL II F.ADS, CARDS, CIRCULAR N Mangy•, Bilis Laing, (;antra`<•, L lfbn[•, ust..ol, rcrs, I.OLICE4 k , Prnteil •1 Inc thonem noun , . In tow pree., at In. dIV GLtn, ( Inlet Tnao man. Fire and Marina In•caralkee.—Tri, Fttn suetl NsytoArms AID Fiats rcd 112—enutinves to insure, upon every des. sers t ossus of property, at Usr leutat 11”1“. rt II Market reel. SAMUEL, OfIRMLY, Prep's. Rosser rt.-- ',tett, w. az. wr,..L. az.zattat, _nd residence on Fourth sr opposite the Pittsburgh Bank. °Bre hours Prom o'clock in la A soot Elm l o'clock p, P. 11, mopiflya NOTION" EARLY NEWT WEEK I •llAln and ngh. agslna White6el.l n WARREN SMITH. Philudelphm, Sept.l4, 1849,1 . 7111.taint,Y1 wort F- - REN - CII BLACK CLOTHS—\i Murphy ho. r opened to-day • fruh lot of the above good, from am dollars per yard np m superfine qualltirr, and of approved manufacture. to which he parorularly m atte. the atteutton 0 , buyers Also,• black. and fancy assimeres, gatin Vuttogs. muslin, memo and eotto.t llostery sod Gioves, Pocket Wars and blurs Italian aptl fine Cra•ats. at le.. rub pr.res Merchants wt find It to their ad•asilage examlne the stock In Wholesale Room , up swan.. before , og • no their goods sptl. 1 Ene—wo half cunt, Young Ilylon. (ionromier. Mark and lloperml, •00 ',claw. do do tn, and cot .ate 19 1,07 S DI . _ j 4:. i t . :.F.-15ti PG% prime, rx)iire.,:.!....wri PCU dtnr , NA . l , lfa r T-400 k Gs z‘eorwil ly i fo: by' D WORTII h. Co manufacior). r!. 9,117 & D f; 111 i171A1.-75 lon. Allegh•ny Pia Nl , in! for /nle 1 by •P 17 11k R V1..0V1 7 10 . 1.7 W 11(11 , 1r—ot (mo oupply of I .llarnlnK F4l 11., 7 II for the nrwr .am ll ve.. ,nat reed k. by . r , A11 , 1.1 ATI:IN:4,N • let It. between Wood and Math', T r We have made arrangement+ to Le eon.motly aappard VAMILY FLOUR—. hbk Fatra r1.1131 1 y Flour, matte ri old wheat, Joel reed aod for rule br CROZFR Li Lot' R-- . 15 Ll.t.Puhs extra Family F/,ur..nutl. r in, from tee' lo4lat Jack late, for Nbtl I 1/01 DALZV.I.I.. 24 \V -r IX R 11 REIS f: V V . for 57 bz. NV It Chre.t. lasadtaC mut ~117 A M DA I.Y. I. IL la., or auvrmr quahly now landmg 1 , 3MA11 DICKEY it Ct, Fro., 4mLec: for • ,, e DICI:F.I 14 CA B LAVER 11 - AR R cw'rlis—nart.l,la,iggro land gilVcr Drab L Cloth., Inn opgr.int and to. gale by SIiACKI.Err Vidgd - agoortivent of what., yellow. r red end greau, Waal .‘,.1 Flannel, ja, rectetrad hl •pll7 SNACK LETT 111 Tr. lAS 4 I3IRRY,I—Five rates new style F's we Caste metes. aide .topes and then. ;est opened by •pll 7 StmeKtxri • A. %VIII rE ) , EN luedlalivoelSPruandDeaw ers. epenT ' y ":,", 7 all At`K.l.1 7 .T 1 trill Cid FA N , Y HUN TW—lo metes new style dark lane,. Pfl. 4 l,llSt opened by ArniLvrr A WHITE C.*tkincrea. ....abort.. queco to 4C b, •Nei othcr oistott good.. jolt opcttit, and for spo. , t. 7 •pll7 ptLACALETr & 3111 T my ISOOKS--Theoloq.c.l Lemur,. ni tan II D.. 1.1 Hogue, I) D. edited Ly me Nvv Jowph Samuel C' F. Fre, U tl. Ydell OMMM=I hioefunnh among the ipso. at Mime. haunt huo v ron•erveilon held ninth rertnin Jellllll. Olt the ink eel fle , t,ion in the ell) . of Home, by the liay. lotuin M. A. Veatine• of the ate r•I 110.0.01' 01Crention. Yam 2d of 11.ondenio.. :.y ••rhartoray Ji)I , INSTON o'll3C KTON. .017 eor , er Third ond . r IAIIR sults, ;wry are now rvrctvlog, and olfw for I -ate at tow rte.., Its lollnwn. vts -sst pkvs A lcutotttatt St P and Mack Tv.• 1200.• AL, , f• 16'• pound. 1.6 pound lutop and 16 s • Puna:co. bat R.o tool /sae Cods, 50 lihds 11 eager; WU M.,• N I/ )101a..... I. We Th., 00; ado wooer str'd I.6mn nit Innt• iNt•wo. In he. Pcpprs owl Ponettto, 3 coke Ep•otn nada; lu Isltta 3%3,016. 4 do Calla, till'avvo ate. Italtitc Rye., 6010 Itt• i bates Ctoccs. 1 331 st ono•vs. 50 Lb, Lost. rramhed. •rol pow sl Sugar. V yaks NlAtlder; :1 corpora Indt6n. nOOO awd Nos 'onon Yarn. Von bus llcrrn, VOits Nat., ant'd size, 400 nu Ground NY., IA bats , Almond.. :In do Elign•la Wainots, X/ r.,:.erts. ati 40 Ina TO NO', 23 caws ash to Rock Curdy, A do Listunr.ve 13a.;. do Konica.. Pstattra 3 do nordow*, 85 do ncotwt ,nann, IA do Tomato Catsup; 00.11,0 Prow., otruast. •Iti tons brund•, cto. , Ilawatta 5,0 Rev•lta Common and is.:r Spatoth nngsrs; Vic rut cn-str nt. noon-co. Itapper. avaltor anti neon. Ntiod. Grotto not,. of ... 1n.,. dwect !Nos,' Clotro• t•tv It, Shril _a ;swots , . 5 vas, Casn't Snap, teli (sow Id wet's Marttnp 3.5 tones Candlewick; INt id...astc., 110 Ots Window Was, %A ;to avetterat assncrternt 06 llttt•ourgtt • p.a., tored enact st• ItNttl.l l ll 111...NNA:fT Wrcal tt ottposttv 21 Conte• LEATIIKE Y•rort• FELT. N aererusolornt Leaded ••Fe . l Clo.h nerno• lon nher • In the Mereurs of 13, In•tont. prnfet... •t rn ~gay e n t no.• eononnonoy, no n ,' n•ne prole.:. o ,onert ol • neon iniventtatt," to tN onto.. Ttn , 'nom one to nt n•de•• ottO luta. , rue o rru lortu 1111.,C1ur.a , g rttrut• 'sw lot g. r11)ul Ktrou lere, to :bout w:to t. 12 [nue , hour uta...teri utt m. ol rte. Lra,en: • • t•d-pt Pt-LP Mr J II Nlrtlat —Ddar Pit 1.,11 ta i thd pKitottors pa I. r• •upott ta Ft d rddth tsr., •• 41 tot •d It is addl.., tu •te ainpwit neJni , nn me men oOn .tine d inWiligeni 'wain Warn IPA tinn ins• ia - new innnnann. hantarli iwr Int tan lw hfinell rin , by many Inan.Liartntria rai• rope • It.l Anair lin.pee icon ....h.. In work an have aind 11,11 ,1 c arat tr •atna) , au, Iwo anti W. as LI Wank! •liir eipenw salni rriaaieit d hod itiniron.tvie to ...lb II the nt Wan wi.inA Irma. r KIN r• Java nal vev u WeiJ is linLie 1.• e..., 1, wig, nnat ...leo by at*, taattla. • ndtk• Pvt.°. futt• It the ,LAW a Ltd:tract. raw.. t• 1 Yean . ..v. att.. Atts•Lber tha LW.nrldr , 4,1 to a Ar 4,1 , 1 ran tyr LI L110i1:a , It tat y.. thr •110..11/ the edit... s•d Idtwol, IMILdt(110t.1•10 or et ann.+ You, tilth servattla, ILACON h ILA VV.:, A• - ether rrtn I Mann tin tarn, itnett a• 1:•tet• r • .14...11/1. avil !W.,. Stolid!, . Ole •or. nit d ~odorte[l..•lltdc is•usg I , It an Itte-vr co•lii Ineldittoed., th-ir "tam, 1. not ve il 7 hr. 14.1.1trurl hallo ao6d ts, MM===tl=lll • new nen the hansom:. ~, Bred ...scan) with ie., Met. and i• 'emoted to al wind n law maple ni eplrossisil sneiresnerim how msole at sm. erleiinord esi satilAdonesit llits Grand Plows min die pneoemion of George Utile:, Cesi . of rt.. et T JOIIN II MELLOR. edit, ti,xl for Chseisertners Inane. Mr We., nPa N X Imre sixt of PlllllO4 ro, hand NOM lb. roebrar, famorors of ebtokortog. treeork Irr'ree. New York, •ory Mg from two lo r. a h:.,,r,d Owlets I N reply to -Leather v. Felt." yetiewley, where an ant:rand i• made to einatiltins e superinruy at leader, to kit, by a letter id. Pia matins [P . m sly/- aid allarolt &It nit," sl Now tort, ihe tuhiscriber would ea) that,sowes much ilte said firm may hare found it nary to refol I, ',lse 'WWII+ &toe ir ails In poles to get • alum. such has, as yet. not been tor ease OW& Nlessre Non, & Class ion•uvres•ful ettempt oh any Planistasker 3n tte applwalinn reit Hall only sues to prove ht• Inexperience •nd wart ol fail , Tile author:ly at world-renowned mann, to • rens. such as Fasard. Item. Pieye . l'itna. and Broad wood, Collard & Collard. I' Ir., .01 1.0.1d011, Wlll will, •n inlellixent manse. more than audit , b.set aside the ,•iotm olnecnotte of any noscure mnr• er in this country et /II F.u , opr. With resent to .streres,. they crwt Lot in the Lm o( Mc writer oi the above mentioned Cur .1 mart important p•rt of • Piano $• the "darnper: wail°. which it n perfect ly useless, now, tots -damper - being made IIITIA(// LIT, and in all crises, by all Plano tankers, o• coo L, it would follow that a I that arc worthle•s. toss/ouch as cloth - is mach wore subiect to the shove esti than felt, and le used. moreover in themcehaitt- ot every Piano. Y:apermnee , however, proves themontrary. arid hence the nate:coon fells to the ground. being the prrandehartmtertinte of • rienn,'' the 141 - SCIIIr I. willing to let the matter rem time, and Made by its decision, which sill be, with e:I who well Moor him with • call sod examine, greatly in laver of felt cloth In a leer days N . Nouns tr. Clark may speak 6.1 t themselves, sod the oppostOon they have met with from • certain quarter accounted for. If. KLELIFIR. •ptIT Sole A tent for Nunn. !h. Clark P S calatakc he wrottot oome , vou o•ed, It hoold hose been Stodord & Dunham. itt.tend of Ito• .1t d Stodart The most expenarve hone. ill tit. thy,ono wed at Vnu, I. covered with Foil, any ode by ChteCoriaa. Llaoon. It to the pooPeaston Shoentwrger. Put. der si agil a Tim splendid light draught steamer LPII.Or No 2. Duval. master, will leave far above d all tntermedaats port.. oo dos day, the !ulh ton, at JO o'clock, A. hi. , . . For , m.lrtrr or tourodo .poly on hoard, or to ortrrl7 LIWILF:ELEFI, Agent. AR— L UAF 1 1 !'?' for 1131=1,1 Sg W Cyr .t st W HITE FISH—In nrhol7 ,4 lT;/ Al f , 714,5,0 by IRON -23S tons Inm, assorted, for sale by sptl3 L E 8 WATRNIAN, spila 31 Water nod SI Front at cep assorted. for sale L 9 WATittIIMAN' NA. 4 1 , L9 AND SF .p l , K . k:9-LOO k Proposals for Iron QEALED PROPOSALS, add dto the "Pres'. S dent or rho Vlllantlnkh US. Company:l endorned “Propovaisfor Wrought Iron o will be ore.ved at the oth •0 ol We Work., rung Monday, Ole knrl3 unrt 2 o'clock, P for furnulung the following q..t.rq ties and sire. of th e beat quality of /moat. Iron ; 2: 10.1 it of it by 6 inches Angle Iron, 20 lb., per font. Round 11 plat. fi. D inch. long.! ft. 61n uncle, lluck 0 bar. al, rt. Inn. in. anvil!, I inch think. ..beets It. in rung,/ ft I wide, 4 Ilia per ft. ,01.1.orreredIal cut In pont,. :Oil V , mat one cud. 6 feet I ineh Jong, L pound. per foot. peen& mivecti•neen• no i mud liar To be p tid for in caelt, six months after delivery.— ' !intact@ win stole the difference in peter be ntr Junorta nod Vuddled Lon Tilt ~a ia I: I" , VT. , ' P I. EL—A ge3.cmi nasonanent or ens, B , l,ear, G.• S un, Kng,inh 080er, A. und 81,rmg 8.., , .Ale I.Y .885 I, S 15A r ERMAN R.—do Obis ,us laudlnG and for ante by spil3 J JJ ulLwoicrit D IC ii—'2" tr • in store and for gale by IX 4013 J D DIIAN OFITH h CO 1:1114.AR 11011:311N101,A861.114-4:1-147.• tor a. 4.1. CY 4013 DILW OICCH CO . . _ 1)11; 04:Th1.-1 5 0 to 114,0ng Holt Meal. for LL sale by I.IL'RUIIII./111,1V11 ,40 ( 4 &C. Wtorr JAVA COFFEF.-15 bp 'eery 47pe - ribi -411 d (; , .. erTi. 4a1.4 by 4014 C114:11 ANT BLACK TEA—K lb. extra Ave Oolo g % , 174.. n a . ! ,T 4 I) male LARD OIL-10 bbla An dale low i 0 Clore Fold 111471LL9 be ROB lIA VAN A .NEGARS--a,ooolinvana bedard, van• ant bran.* nt more and for dale by Fpti4 AVGILLS A ROE , . f lOTTON YARN. 4, —5O. lb. Cot.. faro. lb, kj bale. liatung; da Collon Tyne; fo• anle y .ptl4 1111. ILLS & 110 c; O. V.UGA R—ta bhde N poss., N. O. tptl4 & ROE ITl"W.:mc . 3l,Pfn'tms°l2.llfig:re:reg.r..l7(oll; by spa GE O. COCHRAN, IMI Wood od I=3 F-MAININII in the Pittsburgh Peet Mee from the lA, Ist of Sept to the l$U of I. , ept., 1E49 Perrone mike( bar them well please cap ty ue adveruee& Ladle'/, ;41st.. Adorn. Ann Anai,le D C Anthony Chae:tte Alien Rua. M An=lop J Uhl. A. Asby A. Alward Ander...NA:l , y AA.6l.y An. Ittu:ey %I.rilta F. Rer vt.k Mary A Itiroyen Charlotte R.lthrtn , wtn'e Itit.,<lt 1 F Brown J • • Bamford Mena Btermn .ettreh lienßee la .1 11,cree Mary HOOln Bur,. Beebe Bluer Mery A Boyd Mrs Devei Bariet Hemet A Beat y Mary Brynel EVen Boma Mrs Deed Bret Ju! etta A Born. El•rabeth Bennet! %Inert erlon Mr. Benton C'er, Byrne Meld N =ll2=a=%:===l . . . utrol Mary Coßm. Saner Craig Clerk Mary CO., 6, A Cr.,t Mr. T.. Ott.lg., Colter Mary B Crorn• Mary Cnnone Cox Cathartne Canntugham Da , rytn-le Mary Daval Mary 'H TAgnurn Al Dawn:l4 Lydia K Derby Martha Dtv-r Hannah Das. Sarah Devsnity Ann Doan Ann I.ver. Mary A F.mrry Mari Events ll Carohoe FArecl fl A ['ensnare Sarah Fleiniaa Mary P F. Mary Ferguson Sarah JFii•_rrrold Stable F. Mrs Pile Mebane& Flirpairiek E Franklin Jan• riath Martha Follard Bare h Ftedenckt Mr. ( ,00 Rhoeoo Goent Susauna Grogoo Eliza tole, Gordon Luvoita ant Mn Harr liorOars 111, Graham Mena ?dr, H ~rahonl Polly A Frances Hai:mesa Ell TIM Clara Hagerty lictmettalirtmearY Euph'otliaope Margaret [kali Sarah tfennushan Nanrylformgh Elias Ilarrl, !lamer Healy glary Hogan Catb•rrne liavma,r Sarah Hering E rzabeth Haab Mrs arida., Jana Ilutehtnion M.rg Ilan,' Mary Illnk:e llatg Holton Cash, Hay Jarr Hal/ ga M A Hays Orrabeth 11 on Mary Hoover Ilnnirt lael.ou Jan• P Jennson Agnes Jana* Jrnkl. Elisabeth Jeblnns Alai Harr Mr. Kelly Ju.ly Kemp rrrrr el Hetebru, tore C Krlly Nancy Kerr Susan Kraft.. Ss.wa het,y e,r+h Kenn. Ann Larimrr Milre• Lineh Martha Lernh Mr. r..t %I t,ly MI r, I' I.y uch Maryy. .1101111 , Lethe Mary A 1,9. Slay. a% .%lorgt Long Rebecca Little I: C Lowy Pdonit• Maeda Nan , y Memel, : , aphda Moorhead Fix a Malay r pso•Mn reelowMorra Mrs Mae.. . SC.,:Meredeth Mary Mrdadomere Mari Malthrd t; ullon Mel y Mar. Ll' ?dollon Ma . ry Nlarun NJ re 1 M'Adams M•ry A 4-r.voy Al'l.Aughlin Am NI Can, 111,1 , 1 v M kr.. Fanny Nl'Claake, Mark: NI Latin Mary Mltain I , Jlen y,•‘ Mi. un Jan, M'Nortou NIAV,I..arn. Mar; I Orannel U Orsrnston Jima Oliter Mn U W Iniciem Mr. Mier Lucy Pon. Ana 2,-Etnirg:oe R‘y M:• Rmt Hielt Rom. Mary !then .• Rrardon Cat Koch Dim, Reel I m.t. - r• Robert. Js., Rom, 11,1 h Rem! Alm . ) RolAnson Ann M Romr o Mery J Revd Nancy Room mon J ane Al Ramona An,,. Rmde Nl•ry Catherkno ?heft Martt Smith nissbeth Srudtl , Mary VV Shafer Suaati SYlve.t" , Hannah Shmer Barnet SIIMIIII Fanny cleve Alrade Shane /Iv, M Smyth Mary J Mary \V ynatrr Suaanrin .173 , th Mary Stewart Lucy B Shaun. South Ana, Thomp.rm Mil.). J Thompawt Jane. Tlmmas Mary 'rh - omp•on Wm 5 Tbonmv. I•ab'a To;any Sant Tun. , Ann l•mlegr.ft Mary Ann Vandyke Ellen W•lart ll.r M ells Mary Jule Warmer Mary Wrote Elmal.rth Wnol M.ryA Wa.acher ElizMOV,lran Eh,. w.ist Mr• H A Mary It Wolf Ju!in Yeager Mary Yee, Nlatoda Agnew Al•x Adams A I) AppMfm.to A..,ton 1-Almtt 4lAMlerty ‘VM 2.111.0t1 11..1 Amtlev Maw 2 Apple , ) rooms .1.,m• Jam, Arm , 1 F .1 Andm.mm A m•ammm K Ambler C Aamstzong Tim!. Mae , Franc. Arthur', Juscpb At,ew Jame. Alrlantler James Ashe Wm dams R.,,ern a Fr•/.fkil Adam, Wm Am0.11,,,,mt • Beeler 1 F:si , terflelnarro , i A Brown John W lestiler J.usas Wlle•nter Beery Brown Wm 11 Busse Jomr. Iscooora it m Brown Fin. , 8.,, True,,.. fleoney James T P 70.11 rem , Banoord Jed. Wirier Booty Brown (ice Rev Bake, Tboma. T Ries E Brown Joseph 11.,,ivrtit Janus iißoots David Proven WM Bask John 111. WM Brown W It Bate.. A. U.skely Ito, Bradley James A T Betel, Wm Brewster Rich Barnes Thomas lA.hop Joseph Body James Hate. Rote, loskely Win Bradley W U Barnes I C Blythe D Brice W S Bathos WI, Jill. W m Brats Flos s l lis.,k-r Wrn Mulford Senicon Bridge Henry Barve., 1. WI Bisbee,' A Brno , . IV= Bairn. %Vet, Johnfunn , o Janson Brennen J. Hanlon. lite.haellPock David Brew Rohl T ns,e. Char,. Beaho C S Brockenrdee 1111 Rirloes Joseph )bell nos Jr llndford Air Fas IV Downs , Filw.ishf Bogy Marlin Batter t.earge Room. Reonan Brophy Dennis Bet Joseph third I Broder Dull rx-zh.„ Brewster John IV 'ook • Wrn Iteti Win tiny ti Thong. Brook. JtV 801 l James UnPings Rotor, BFlrohsi Henry 11400 - ii 'high though gr Ana Borns Joseph Rev ID•seh It ft liot•e Whoa S Myron John Boeenine Chas lbw aster Jnoltyrna Daniel Bern,• Jamas 11. Berm Borneo Huh 3 H.., Iv. Bo y,lWm Burnoldra 1111 Dai,,el Boyle Dim I Dorn's , . Geori ,, liesroAndrew Borden Fennel. Backe Wm I Brno. lame. Bode.: Benoit. S Burton Jame. 1.: Be'ow. loon AI 3 1117. 0 .. 0 3:1 ' 1 ! 1 g u y l r i ne " TL ' u l los ' Hesd ny Hoorn Brown /olio W Berke Paul Brown lien Itro'sflyrne Joseph Burke Luke b. Ca Brown rho. Borland ln 11 y,IIV -1. Burke Wit, Coffr Terrance Cantwell Dash Conners John Call Aloe Can',gm!! Rlt Coot R C Cortaro latter 0 Wear:wholl Robert Conley ;tam, 'alone James Roy ronne.l James Cadwuleder D Cam pbellD F.lliotteoek D Curhev C P Crontear Phdhp Cowell W Canhom Thor, Chambers James Calvert Joseph Carlisle dßippordChooe W Cart:ltchy James Clonal. Moe noel Chinn Joseph Cox Janie. Carothers Thom P Clark Edward T Cox R F Corm.hal Jamey Cielland John Cox J C gent, John WClark John Probe. Wm Care Nelson C Clark Norman P Craig NV Cameron Henn. Coffee Park Crawford Robert Cary Moon Cochran John Crate Isaac F. Cool:Monet Jacob Cochran D Crawford John t,atnoron Alex Cochran MatthewCrippen Thos Cannost Chas Conlin Wm Crosby Samuel Colophon John NIC( John Rev Croneh Joseph R Campbell V.' (V CO oonsto Moses Crowly John Compnelt Jo. Coope Nortek Colbert RII Campbell John Connelly Martin Cobbage John Judson Corbett Theo Corry James ConntaahamSteorCuruss Wm Daniel /Jan n soles 0 Naoan Bernard J Dona; ley by Jos Dayton e! Detiter Alois Doo \Vm Darragh Nal Dickson Richard Dennan David Dalaell Sam! Mallon Michael Duff U./ Dania John 5t Deka. Jas fi Duane W Day. Ina 1/leaven Th. C Dobarry V.. 6 Davit Hugh " Dobson Jos Dunlap Wm Dav 6 stlaa Doherty Jas Dunlarry Jas A Da,* Wm Jr Doyle Th. Dundee Boaton Danntoo Wood- Cohn J. Dunn Geo burn, &mbera Donnelly John Dumas John Den, Clark, and Doormen/ los Duncan John Jr others Doran IN m Dodlop S S Damper yJ. Donnelly Palk Donna Jaa DeadyJAW,. Dwight. Tho. Donn John 2 ohn Dollar,. PRO( Duncan John 5 Donn,. T Doyle Jas Dutton Edward Decker J W Meer John Moll Thos Evans lito Eb•rman Henry Ellis Abm T Evans Reese Ertunory Roht tl Mon Sohn E Evster C S Dimon Snail EWIDIf Wm Evans W 1.1,115; :141:12;e. ivani Evan Farrel Wm Fir Dune) Fowler Smith Fenruson Thos Finley Chu 111 Forsythe LF. Vensmck Semi Fitch Snail Powwir Saml Ferns Edward Fiume. Tit 9 Folganab 9, W Fltsgthidin John 2 Flannigan F C 2 French W .1 FitznatstcilDennts Flo John French David ns s .os mo nsowen Fly o n d n 'Moe French C r ii FU Ed 2 Ford John FT Jr Friel James Pincher Jam. For Itichnni Pr... Duncan Fidler Wm Forsyth Wm Francis David Findley Wm Force Danl Pindaric. 1 AI Fisk I W For James Findilkin J. 1 Fishal Jacob Foster David , Gallagher Neal Gißegone Thda Grant Henry iialbutzer Jack Glenn Wm Gray The* riliney Nliehaal Gray Robert Gan Hiram J Glen Geo 0 Gray Thomas Gallagher Owen lossop . Iliath Gray John GGall a gherFrancwri G len John ( Gala?. A Getty Andrew Gorhorn Nieholastirsham Jam. Molar F oou'd Samuel Graham Robert Getty Wm Golden Win Graham Lslay. lialtagherdiehaslGormley Charles Graham Harvey Gardiner kCo Good Hobert Graham Orallont utrilinur Isaac D Gregory Abner WOnliin Wm Gardiner lienr. Greer:tan P OrtilEnha Gillaspio Sain'l Green A.. Grogan Thomas Gilbert (Prelimh Grazier Henry Gribbin Win riilleapie Wm Gregory Charles Gumbert Ilenry Liabwin is Gnning Mary HGnaune Jo. W Hamilton B lt 1 Hamlin James Hrggins Edged Ilann non Ite v Wafflers Jcweph Hihfile James ll•nunnonFatnekHine John Iladarty John Haughe FelwasdHiggina Wns Baum John W Hawkins y II 11 Hodelen Wns Hours J T Haswell Hen W Hato. Ilnlmes Rob, M.•. Jamas Hatch W Holmes James Hokin Hansa Isaac Hoddell Joseph CoM John Hoy (leo 11 II ; /101.ppla John A Hanlon Hugh Bay. I Ilonnuer /I•rnal Samuel Hebert Firms Iloyd Ro u l ee d Flapper James Berson StaphenWHom Dr Wm 8 Hanlon Win Herman James limner Insoph W Hammond IVm 11 Ile:010mm Andar Hopkins John F Homy Hansard Herrtng Henry DILIOurPrd J o h n Hann. Owen Hermon h.,. lloorapg Heavy Wm I'm , / Men HOttoll John Honnsh enry Herten Copt llnglion Richard Hannon Ales Hower John Hollar Mr Wm Barley Al D Ilenderms ROM B.lbormone Salad Borneo. huues llntrhinson John Mart Ann Newborn nos E liOnstin Joh.. Harlon John Hlghtsar Mallhewlld nphreys Harper S I) HUI A C Hug tat Rev Jag TheJG lintohlson Roy M I'm. Wm !ma /tomb JrigrahhhoJOSl"jh heir. /are f Hats J.mr ' Janus Avian, /nelson T C Jell. David la.gais Omar Jameson Jan Jahasom W H Dam Jana► Jame. John a Jahaiwai TOR JODI _Or:110 Jamison no• Johnson Wm Jane* En• W Jaren. Harrison Johnson Hen B lone. lack Jacobs 3nall Jones John Dant Jones Mn Jenrang• F.drirrl /ones Won 3 J.. 1.. Johair Dahl /ones Chu Jetts 1•3121 • K. T,, $: rely abehl Khm Jcbo Kmler James Kennett) . John Kyle James sPor Ksom an J Kellar Joan H Klayman Chas P Kehoe Mmh Kerr T Ii King. ft Ken , Cbm 2 Kerr Mtehl Ktngslay M 0 Keefer Geo Kell). Mtebl Kimmt Riehd gymnp gait, Kerr Imnl T Kirin John Kever OP. Kelly Franco Kinglet , . Kearn• John Kerr Dant Ulric John Kennedy Jts 2 Kelly Wm Kennedy Hand Km Moen Klai Jos og king Haml M Keehn Hemmed Kerr Peter Kiog Joseph Kearns Vag Kelly /sines Knowles RIM! Keegan Tho 4 Kerr %Vat King I Kelly Edunt Keons C II Lally J. 9 Lemon John Long Joseph W Lamb Lawrence Lommh John Jr Lowry Aben Loran John Lewis Job I.OI•StGIGET Rohn Lane ersencer C lee Chmatopher Lowry John Laurh Mos W Lowla Taos Lynch Harney Law , . Miem'l Jam,' Lyon Arthur Al Lawson /Gear 9 Liner Garrison Lowman Geo Lawrence Al E Lindsey Th. Lyon J. 0 Lawmen Jacob Lister Jnhn Lo wry h. 9 Vi 1.41 Mickel Little Wm Jae beeper Hammon G Lit le Jame, Lowe,. Phillip Jr Leonard Slleh'l Lemon W m Loonn kknl Len:3lllov lance I.tneolnJ B Lloyd Reese Lewis A W Lmie Thomas Lloyd Bond Lee James Love James glahen Richard Matthews Shad- Morton Relit Mallon Roily meh Z Moors S Momning Rioh'd Mellinger Martin Moore Wes hlshaimin John Mehangan Jas Mormon Thos Mallen Thos Meredith W M Martina Jo. Ma r ban Prier Mercy 91(9 Moms , Erly Malley Park Mallon Wm Mormon S R hlahliy Won Mortsllth Jot Morrow Jos Meharg John Moleny Thus Moore Rat W glaumy Jas Momin Wto Morrow Jo. R M oron n Riehd Mtm hell Jos- Murdock DI. M Jos Mitc hell John Muldoon Bernard Martin Poet Mitchell Jacob Mullen Pon Moron John Miller John I. Blowy , . Jos Martin Bodirey Monona Jas H Mum Henry Martin Peter Moleney Palls Mumlay Part Moron W J Mono Jos 2 Mullen AOC hlauhears Wm Mosley W E Martha Monism C Morton K Mullen V Mowry &Co MOT/OM/arab Murdock Thus Mershon Waiter Monroe Allan Murphy Wm a, Joseph !dome Albert H Murray John Mason 9aml Morton Jas Morphs' Mr & Mn Manes Win Morris Beal W Murphy .WD Jas Monis John Murray &Mar Mason Saml Morgan Wm Murray John Merin J B Murphy Edw'd • - IWAttinch 6 Winne John D Mcßae Samuel tirdevy Dennis 11PCIere Deadly Mc Kenn P J bEllarney 100 Id`Daniel Hear! McKeever That hPßride Wai MiCtintook Jona. Ma 11.7 Patna MindamsGeo A Dort McKee John APUnde YAW M'Cormich J. McKay Daniel hl•Bride no. H Al Coy Chas MaKininnariadles M'Calloch Jos WC.) , Win iilcKeintaßarnard NPOelloch John Chl`Corunch Michl ale Kay [Oben m , DcAhr Thcid ht• Coy Damn McKenna Wm P %Malty J. M'Creedy Wm McGarnahato 111- hl'Eahe John M'Cumminskey p niel Mietti Robt I. MeGonnigle Sand WCaughey lea M'Curair Jesse A McOnillen Jamas Welaren John M`Cime J.. MeGleary Giffin WClorn JamesMoCiesaan Cant A Win.. %Wont Nl'Donalit DaVid_ McGuire Patrick M'EanMess Jo. PhrDonnell flea McCain= John !Mall Janie , IWDonaall Moo hleflinley Patrick M'Clenen John NEDair Thom McLennan Win M`Ciintock Roht liVlAnath David Illetentille+ Alex M'Closky Amt.] hrreete7 /as !dot/aaOho /oho -Til•C•rty Homy M`Poddo Ju McLaughlin Pi M'Clare K I MAeover Max Jaa DPllenna John Neel Gott John Moholit 1f Nicholson Jam Newman Morton Nichols I:to NV Nicholson IL II Nolan 1 R Norton Copt AlsaNightart Ow IN Nelson Sane D Nonton Jotin Norte J Nesbit James N ontng klantl Noonts Yon Nelson Rom N oholson J. M o•Connon blerunOrlonstead D H Oliver J B On NVIIIllon Oxley Mr (Mewl Jorntl Oehorne H O'Connor Thole Oeborne Lannon O'Neal Fake e Beetle) , B &alley John O'Donnell /•4 (n Gnome Oxford WM O'Connor John Orr David Part Reuon Penral Thu Potter Land. C Palmer Bear II Pierson John D Pdrtet 0 Wash P•tron John Punt Clnatlitm Priest Goo B Padden Jahn Ptckengill Wm Prothers John Patterson hlattertrPhilirps Sand Prior B P.tdr•oo d En, He Thor.Jedetilah Pinkerton Andy Pugh 'nos Rev Patterson Ll 3 Poland James Prich J rd John Peters John Polled John Price amey Parkins Cohere Porter Francis B Prunes Pak Pendlnton BJ. Powell George Prichard John Pendergast Jae POUS Purnak R oy Tb.. Reed Rev Js. Roll. Mr &Co Ransom Judah W Reed George Rook Pred`k RooOO Limit Reed Rohs Rogerson ta E Raymond Duo Reed Charles Roman Patrick Rank. J. Rnodesl.ob Rontley Geo W Ray Joseph Rh de. John L. Rolland John J Bandit Ilea Rhodes Ron DoN Rogers John II Ramsey Robs Riddle John Robinson Isaac Ramsey 1 Richey Andrew Rogers Thomas . Rea M Rirely RobinsOn Mal Real. Jos Richards Thos Robt.on N Reeves Roy Win Richardson moo Robertson Meat Rector David Rickards Chris Robbins John Reamer Predk Ricketts L Robinaoo 8 N Reynold. A.,. II Reiner' Pun. Roberson 0 H Raid Edisto 1 Rittonhanwe Cll Robin. n James Reid Rota Ring Riley Joseph Hall Reed John Rigby Joseph Roblows D & H Ro. Joseph Ryan James Rom. Phi lip Rosh John Sawyer Th. Simpson Gen 8 tiNarreU las R darner John U Sank Joseph Stanley Joe &nit Al. S South Wm It Brnart Chas Semi Joho h Smith Joseph , H Buren Henry H Scott Atlarns Smith Patk Jlu thurrenson Thos P Semi tleorse Jr South Wm g Steward John Scott John BmitE Pbilip Slam:tuna Jas Scales Wash Yon South hlr Druggistgrewart & 8111 Sep. Wm Smith lON Stakes Isaac GI Seam. Mr Smith George Ertoddsrd tlr Slums 2 W Snider Joseph Stone Geo W Sham Wm hi Snider Leonard SOW Hobo She rrnve Jo Snider John Struchfleld WOD Shires Franco. Seemlier E I Ssreenty Rodger shred. Sidney Snider. 0. Sallivah Path Sbendan And , ' South Win Paned& J tiluntick hitehl Spence Co.. fivreiede Andho Singer John H ner Wrn A @weed, Joros Strome R Spays Sand Portion R B Slocum Thor Spealer John Balll.o John 81.0 I Sterling Hamm Blms David Smolt John Stepelford Sum. B F Stoat:mos U Stautne PN C Slur Chia= Tam. Mich] Totter John Todd CO P Taylor John Teague Pelt Todd AC Taylor Wm II Thomas Geo Toner F:neus 'Fay lor Joseph Thomson Jae Tobrn Moon Tose Maulers' Thompson Job Tomphine Rand Thorn. Reese Thorp Rodenek Trelanen Rd Thornpeon &laze Thompson John- Trusuck Hem C Thompson nee F 'Toms. du /3 Tortrespt A N Thompson Jos 'Leman &Abut Turley John M Tease Philip Talker Waller Turner Faos Thompson Joseplatbby Johu Tonle Jesse & Woe Toner Adam Tetley John Trowdlo .• Umble UnalL C ♦enborm Mate'wV. Vleck Raw ValusambObe Vance Wm Wm Vuderrtift Job Wan Callum White 111111 Wilson Geo Walls Presley N Whaling Michael Wilkson M Walsh Thoi WighunanS & Co Wilkins Jae Wallace Wm While B Warts John • WataonJohu—or Irilliams Rihn Wilsey John Robert Willisms Wm M Wilmot Geo D Wass John St Williams &I attin Wilteson Wm Watson A M Williams Thin Wiekenson Mr Ward J. TDr Williams Cain II Wilkinson A Ward Moms William SaMl Woodhull T W Watson Matt St Wilson ER Woodall Jos Wells John K Wilson). It Woods Chu R West Jos—or L Wilson Jos T Wood John Wearer Adam Wilson John C Wand John R Wetentan And Wilson Ander Wynne John Weimer ONV Wilson James Wright Wro ' Wombs,' Job. Wilson J F Wright MUM. Walpplelienny Wilasti Henry Wnght Gan B Wilson Then Wright Jolla Voting James Yoorread Arcked Young Wm M battiest. Pittsburgh Iron Works! W C l St Clair Lodge No 381 Thu Pnagioal of Mill Saw Factory Agent of Franklin Glom Works Tann C.) Lodge No 141 Twos City Lodge No 182 . unit of TIMpOTILnCe Pittsburgh Division No 42 Lend Merchant SAMUEL ROSEBURG, P. 11 Prrfilloltall, Sept t3th, 1140. IFAANDS , SIDiaIi: THEATRE =3llll ADIIITION—Dreas Circle and Parquetto SO v ela Second Tier Toca August —Doan open It 7—curtain will rise at 1 past 7, przeisels. LAST NIGHT of THE HERON FAMILY.—BENE. FIT OF LFITLE AGNES. Szpronure tr—Will be presented first .e tedos ear, ASMODEUS; on rns Ur:Larissa.% Susie Armeeelas Mies Heron. To be followed with the PLEASANT NEIGHBOR. . Christopher Snip• • • • ........ • • Art.. nein. Miss Kaoline Nancy Stop Mit. Hems Alto which a CONCERT, by the Heron Email. The whole to conelade vrith the IRISH LION. Tom Moore Tim Heron. Tickets to be had of Lula Agnes, al the Bt. Charles itoteL pi A .1 1 . - 1 :77 , -63Frx 34.1 TILT ILL temutt open for .Wren twill the In Jana y , tt,st. 0 son and other SAfrodtmeAts gait ed to the season will he sent Toe time uoutse, core uuting • largo eolleetwo of tare and chnlce Plants, be .pen to Ashen. Coquets neatly pot up at slur, use. throughout the seuon. An thrushes leaves the Allegheny eod of the St Clair Sitreet Bridge, every half hour during the day, running to the Until - en; ud the ferry boat, C•Pmin Wsllrcub . 00 from the Point, luding • shon distueo above th e Gar. den. Parties wishing to spend the evening, ewiil be accommodated with a return Omnibus at 10 o'clock, Sandy, P M. Kept on Temperance principles, and elou'd on spa: I. AMAIN. V. ATTORNEY AT LAW -0ff,,,... Founk , .1., be. mi.. Firnithteld and Grant at, Phtsburea. aritlthilly 011 -4-all bG r ainn - d72, put recannum - In do and idi taf tails No I Lard OIL ado Not do de • 5 rat blenched winter Whale Oil; I do Tannarl do Lie gals Pinter Sparta Oil; it nom and for 'pall SELLERS I NICOLE BlkratbS -114 Baleen , Straw Beards, MS ea Welt -•- too • • • 33" arc; Ea 6 basun...slims albs- Jan tseeived end fa lab by °Rumors By Jabs D. • awls. Ascii and Feral , Dry On 'londey morningn. Sept ltlb. ne 10 o'clock, at the t'ommeretal g g i gg kos, corner of Woad .ad Filth streets. well be mid-- An sortment ol semonable staple and fader Lire as emong winch are superfine cloths, ...mime., anion., mans, tweeds, anise, red and blanket., cooties., elmikingra. dress silk., Mack serge, tabby velem, ml' 4 " Ff .., !Ng buns, detains merinos, rangy fig'd Moors, bl siosa , !melee, bleached and brown =WU,a, cheeks, tickbigs, damask linen table cloth, hosiery, gletvcs. tn. Al 2 o'clock, Ofsiecriee, Queenswent Famtuns, fac- At T o'rlock, Variety goods reedy made clothing, boots and shoes, hats, cam, fine cutlery. Sold and sheer mntnb es, t bent bogie, *odes, secordeona, Oates, made books, dm. spite . Chaim Leaden Boob, tar., curiae, and oefualfe. On Saturday and Monday evolongs, sent. gel and filth, at the Oatruneretal Sale. Roomy, earner Wood and Fifth ate. mill be arid, by catalogue,a large and choice endlectiort of rare. vultudde and r ;mow bßtgliah books, compriving amber. on archltecutre, ancient.- deal. oroament, fine arta. bistnry, botany, horocnbare and agrieultare, medicine, biography, •nyaga and tra vel, ilia drama, theology, arts and science, toe ,miqoe, vale, poetry, ie. Ala, a variety of pictorial and II- Isuated enthelbsbed with fine rotated rages • •nogs and illamination. Catalogues are now ready for delivery. Gentlemen unable to Monad he sale may have their orders Men ded to by the subscriber. spa.) JOHN D Anal MODERN LANGUAGES el i. F. SANDERS,4from Germany.) respectfully an novae°, that ha continues to Impart instruh- Oasts in. the FiIe:NCH, GERMAN AND SPANISH Lai , ,Parti• Smug perfectly familiar with the Foolish limistatra, and phtmtMed to refer to gentlemen fully atria to form correct lodgment about his competency, he hopes to merit a share of public patronsee. hots:mhona given in etetainariea as welt as in pri vate fandites, at the most teaaonable terms. Those who with to avail themselves of his sense., eithet as teacher, imerimeter or translator, are rhonev ted to leave their name. at the book More of Mr. J. H. )dellor. wood at. spill• • FINE'LfI PEACH and French Broody, uncolored, 13 for preserving Peaches and other Pmts, for rote by the gallon or vi:dem ' i° at the Wire Store of tes sabecliter. JAe,-.01) {PRA YEA, Jr , spat corner hlattet awl Front sts O. 3 MACKERFL-400 this jest N arsivel, role by spilt TAAFE k 0 , 90 JTVE aft WriB+B TO avoid do ninny mconvenierees attending thous. alba cutouts,' Skein, Me above artier hu been mach, and for a long time wanted. It hes always been a matter of astonishment, that whilst the coma on ash. ale of Cotton, was eonveniently spooled for general use—Silk so mach more valuable, should have been unshed lo Skeins, from which so mach trouble, vei• alien and lass has amen. The did:deity has at last been overcools, the ?Olio Is offered good article, kandacteuly put up In • eare• cement form for &ahead. UHL The only oblectlon is arc on stalest th is article is the apparent small quantity each spool. Tlits molly explained. Etch 4.31 Is warranted to catttath 01, yda of Silk; whir the ordinary Skein, at the same price, has but an uncertain quantity onside tram IS to le yards. The Spool Silk is ready for use at the Mu af pur chase, and it only needs in tdal, to caesium the moat skeptical of its supenority looms. Independent of the neat and convenient norm in which It Is furnhhed, haa peat advantages our dos skate. as It does awaywith the tedium of ndlng, the vexation of tangling, and tha loss of time In ;dewing it for use. For We by the cue, by • W. IL IfORSTAIANN & SONS, 61. North 3d at, Philadelphia. HORSTMANN,SONS & 13RUCHLR, spaccriter No. a Maiden Lime, New Yarn C. D. DANZ, U. D., HOMGEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. urtnea—On Smithfield H., bemoan 3d and lth. Offaen hoora—From 12 M. to 3 P. Id.--Dant d to 9, P. M. Raamons—Mr. Bander% comer Smithfield add and Talrd on. ttal3:d6o, Plano* with Pelt Conrad Ilatemers. THE wbseriber feels himself rolled anon to nodes an advenisentent nenpectlng WiPm'reombl In revering the franamers of Pianos, which professes to arinemnee .FISt everted Pitmen' , es a new inVerido. Piano FortaWith felt covered hammers have been sold by tee, from different sumufanturets for fiveyeans past, and those who may consider it an Improvement, can ha t p with Pianos with VW, mono men a ny time, and the coaparative mono of Felt and Loather tested, by calling at the wareroontsot the sabscriber JOHN H. MELLO/Lin Wood .1, Polo Agent for Chickening.* Kamm far 'Annan • .111 PALL GOODS LDi MURPHY is now receiving Ms Int Pall supply of Forma and Domestic GOODS, and ady' opened an assortment of new and Masai* ful miles dark fah PRINTS, warranted fast colors: and neat new style Pall Maim de Loins% Aimee*, and Mohair Timms; Damask Bed and striped do Pannenos and Lyon." Cloths; Of the most desirable colons arul a MI supply of bleached and unbleached Malt Linens, Man chester Gingham', he., at northeast corm, Pourds Market sts. Buyer* me invited to call and sea. TICAOIIEftS WANTED Cr IX T EEN MALE TEACFIERS wanted for the 0 School. of Lower St. Clair township. Applica mon may he made In tirridne er•otherwim to any a ndenigned, until Moaday, Oct la, .10 cloct, A l i M., ertwo the Bond of Dtroomm will proceed to ex amino the appleants at the frame SeltorC Mersa in T"W' r.II7I.IXXiS O TIWIr L'r R. IIAMEBTON KELLY, ' Temperanearrille A- AMBLER, 54 Smithfield M, aptSallra MEW BOOK—A Treatise on Hind t Sus, nom. prlsting three original rf1401911 ofimplying the trammel or stria' In drassing moral of geo metrical, elliptical and sphafr Huta Rails; abto, o riginal 'system of applyit the tips of the mould tut the edge of the : plank, an edema' theory of Nuaing.puium, wended with an introductory course of geometry, ra tios and proportions. exemplified by tall and consplatit demonstrations, and illustrated by twenty plates. Ily L. E Reynolds, Architect, No. Al Camp st. N. Orleans. Just reel,' be JOHNSTON 8. s - rocicroN. - spiS corner Thud and Market as rv,...,41.--60 mats Cassia, for sale Thy spud LB WATERMAN bas Rosin Soap; 6do A mono do; d • $O Ors superior Shaving Soap; for sale by sptlo L S WATERMAN CMN YARNS AND DATTLNCY—WfaItio Cotton ~ loaned; 140 bets No I and 9 Rani* Da sale by 48410 L 8 WATERMAN rfIOW,C•rnIUCKEII3=S .- acTi Tub.; 73 do Racket& 1 4 do Keeler; for sale4fy spit° L 8 WATERMAN STARCH -30 b. mperior BMIO7 Starala. for way ITV& 0, 5 WATERMAN, IL T OLASSE2 3—+7 , :iibla N - 014101ame.5 do amilr In Imam, de; for aala by rptlO L S WATERMAN CLOVEFLBEED-2110 bash prima CiO Vl, 5..1; lot sale by .ptIO L 9 WATERMAN (I G LAS,4—ice bos'axlo. Smith & Herron's &ma& , 33 do larl9 " 00 de 7.0 Also, eV& 1azt4,10M3,103114 1 1 . 1141 , i 6 vr fl at hiN ttior dale by aptlo PCinf if 9011 SALIE.—A email Stack Posey, easy gait, eserrailie4 wane; for cafe law. Inquire al R H PATTERSON'S e 10 Live &able. - olatti DH. W. H. DAUER, a. WC , (LetaDENTIST, of New 1011.) Orems—Smithfiel street,' between S. and Strassbeerr alley. , N. 6—Diseases albs awash, gums and Weill mated HaremormSesity. spallsl.7am C bp pinto Ilto a kj atom and to arrive; Cui sale by t. B WATERMAN, WlO 31 Water and Oa From at Pomktz, Imperial am! Bluk Term for sale by opti o L 9 %;PATERMIN PEPPER AND ALEWICE—IS bg. Pepper, Do bra Groped Poi 6 by Alepteei 1a bte (kneed do: br .Ale by apllo L S WATERMAN IT — A.DDER-2 ' spun LT ARO 01L-4110 bbls No 11 ard 011, in note abi for bale by ENGLISH lc BENNerr, t • • .17 Weed MAR • B.D BT lu bbl • . abic3l RV-1. RR TA-40 Richest. YLabillar 7 F, put arrive& tor skia by orb 18A1All DIC KEY aCO SALTS-3D bbl. In store and for aalloky_ .pmS ISAIAH =EMI k. CO C H . IN7 S IX E r al " C b feess i" repo " t, a an t rr Wirl°,3•l,teNmbZ: 117001,8! TOOLS!' —Huber Leaman, No 78 Wood j at, have pot received a splendid *sock of Carpen ters' end Joiners' T.ls, for sale ko*. Nto • ILEACKF.R.EI.—MO bbl. No 3 Beaton idankarel, 13t11.. large,ln nom and far rale by KIER t JONER, aptB Canal Munn, neat 7tl. RATA EII.OOMS-58 tons o bortworberib Ia amore and for bale by •p'B INKS b. JONES -trasT=LlT'fb.r Pn'" or HIVE t JONES 13:5=3 - 0 - 011 On-30 bb 'pita Mit oRICK—PRICE RS.DUCED.— The subscribers 1111, prepared to MI ordets for '0 over's Bolivar Fire Brick, (warranted moil to any In marte,) by the hetet toad, at sixteen d01t,,, per thousand. spO KIER & JONES -- _ .. ..__ 'DIXON 51DE5.43,000114 - priote, In smote halm, DI for sale by WS DIES & /ONES br ENV BOOK. DR. DIYONII3 TOUR TIIROUOII AMERICA.— Penemal'TßOTS of • tonr through a pars of the U. re and Canada, )with owlets of •the his and Methadon of Methodism lo America: by Junes Dixon, D. U. with a portrait of the author Tho Hirmoniat, a canoed.= of Sacred Music, potent and roatid note, Mello-NH AbalGato for Hso—prier G cents—ra, w. rbalciale and mull by 11. HOPKINS, NMI Apollo Bolldlnv., Pan rib et • • IN/IM - 2-160 bos s prollo ph,•ete, out ired nod for Irby .pa a •.\\V DRDID PEACIIE3OO 00W 12;i4 Paellas pima etives, in acre olio for Ws by Rd S W ii.teasuon FLOUR—BO OE4 Jul reed nn 1 far We, by .DisCRAM tr. SKINNER 11AYANUFACTUZED TOBACCO—.%I say, n i tcn U. al. cases 'Barrow4, , Vine Chewing Tobacco; 2rl ht. km* 'IV H Onuat'e T. hrop tobacco; 10 do 'Hart's' Ira ... 91 . do 'LarylaoW IN . . 14 do la9porW fro naldroora Pl e uir jecoknof and for talc by apt] i phyry __ 10E-i Cir." in lion an. for ..le by e•- J B DILV ATIII &CO SCIACIUNIZifi-10 esks Scerchifigs, apt? C 1106 AM '• TOBACCO -41 nal._ Pecnberion , • superior 64 1 . - Auto, retaining and Cor usle by .Prr C B GRANT . . WOOL—The highest market price b37Arbd OM &Term grades of Wool by • .11t 7 _ BAN 11&111YAGN _ LA" Orle— 3 bbls Not LAM OIL le store red for Ohio by spa & W HARBANON ANTEtt—IPMO her& Barley; WOO do Corea Cr do nye, a, .hkhtho berbeet market M... be paid by spa B& W HARBAVOIL I:=:=1 "53 . 12243; " 60 Y~sIDGLOVI H. Paton &Go b* 'Wised • fresh wipply of Bed Gloves et all tete% 4 . 1212. r ultumn Yid winter. 'Also, Silk, Cashmere had Ber l= Gloves, with fur wrists. For We at 61 Fossil st. spa Ito " Tura; To AWALL V&SIIION VOW MULTI. BIeCORD dr. Co. will mood,. thi• etf tatartay, Au; MN) tea fll oyla of Goodell Ha% oomwr uf IVY sad Wood snots. WI" bro bladder, wrle __ L %VATERUAN MM= MEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers