The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 14, 1849, Image 4

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    .:~`~ ;.-frt.
rißM•packat BEAVE.44/ Capt. Startiol, will leave
,rovalarty ehrtAlauday. - nosday and
Prultry evenings at 6 P. AT* and Vcompstosro
66fl mowing at 8 rieloolOwreutruurg, leaves 1 Gangs.
'town Tuesday, Tharatrati,And Saturday Pvettiogs at 4
P. 31,1. tee. Beneernin Pme for the oporrang boor,
ALLEJ3III724Y CLIPErig, anima; at PAtsbargh at
12 dalink.
Ilee packet IIAiIIiAMJAY, CapL lMswlag, bill
Linne Beaver Turs..lay, nt n anday cod Pater:SW e'en-
Am co
inP.lll., .Gross save New.Ceatle, Monday,
I,VOgocadorstsl Friday tiiheumps at 6 P. N. also coo. •
osittittg mornui/rUnf for Pittsburgh.
Mawr peeress ore .4', up in complete order, bay
ing ate accommedmionik)for passenger , and &SPX.
Bray retype more praMtnatol rod ;realer dralw‘u ,
Briattraahrtsre been ObpaneO CO those routes.
F ..n.,EITCII2* Co.. Propsetor*.
. . A lira, •Berwer.
A. D,A' r Oh., • " 0.K1110•111.
R. irdJar nimrSiorsuNew Castle.
The elegaat steams, St LS33IIFAIV CLIPPER. will
lean Beaver, daily N. and Plashorgh at 3
M. rantung is commoirOd. wall the Mune bums. rat 3
Is 9.
• Warren and ClOVit. k
altid P/SlPlLficel Liao.
Canal Psekei—SWALLOW.
- 9ONB of the above Pdirgets leave Denver every day
arrive next morning al
when lacy eo6llCet Alth the Marl Otages for
Akron and Cleveland, timing at each of these planes
beforerighl. Ono of 1114.parkets lease Warren daily
at 6 P. AL, .d eerier At Reny,. in Ittrlrt to take the
• morning _boat for Pio...Mit/h.
C E 8 LEFFINGM.ILL A. Co; Warren, )
.03col2iir Water and SanCifield cis
firtaffM 9 .
• ON pin. PE..ND 01460 CANALS.
Qum - Amp & Casatilaat-ta, Ckv&and ,
Beaver, Pa. P.lo'.
alAni..i P ti A' s :PI he pritia cd on we opening of navi
11:14.1tiTit`JrloWL Cti 4 l) P io "
the Canal tmd L:kea. po in t
The facilities oldie Lille ary novas - passed on number,
quality and eapasity of eaptalna,
,and efficiency of Aentilii
Orr& Boot lener. l'iwOfitt. and Cleveland darly.ran
ning so conneenon seitli.iht, reamers
LAKE MIL - AND MlCllTrialq.
Eersvcsn Pitiabargh Wearer, line of first class
Hamann,., Propellers Vevaeln on the Lakes.
_ _
Aszarni—li li Park lyiesaer. Pa.
Jesse Ba,darin, l'ourtgatown, Ohio.
M D Tnykti , Warre,
Crawford Chamberlin, Ci 'and, 0
Sears is Clininh, Banda, r.
Office, nor Water Smnll.llald Pittabartk.
Steamer HICHIGRN No. o.—Capt.Gilaon.
LAKE EWE, " Gordon.
TUE above regalia Mid known Beaver Park
eta, bare cominciail mak aig Moir doily trips to
and from Veneer, nest:Mt/I continue to run between
Piitsburgii sad Cleaver'lege:arty donor the ienron,
:thehigno No 2 luny& Pinsburub Coil.: at ti o'clock,
A. M, or
Deaver ai 2 o'clock, P. m. Lake Erie
leave. Beaver daily atfeo'c'soek A. :tt , and Pm:burgh
at 3 o'clock. l' M.
'Ekes° ?warners wiki run in connectlon . with
R G Parks' Erpreol:ericket Line, for Eric;
Taylor Leffunraelibi Warren Paelremi
Union Linea( Freig4ll.o (or Cleve:and;
Clarke tc Co's Pitmlinigh and Cleveland L:ne Froigkt
Rl3 Parts daily i" C.antle Pockeia.
CLARKE, RARK3 Co.& Dearer...igen..
JOHN A. CUPLIIIET, Agent. Pituuurr,a,
nich3l. 'ear Water and Smathaeld it,
.ifaL 1549.
Propructors orthia old ,tabiodied wyl popular
daily hoc, eonstrqs at first c:aas Canal
roam owned by therOolves andmunuut in, canner:
ttou with the steam Vol. ItEAVI:EI AND
CIJP, am enabled kO , offer unequalled faeCincs for
We int:lir:porta:don or rfek7nt and pursencer,no the
openins of Canal °arum, rdl point, en the Penn
sylvania and Ohio . 44. York eamals ned the Lakes.
1 , 1. FITCH tr. Co:Cleveland.
trienu, Heaver.
mar/ Water Fire., Pinsburgh.
Pazo rt•-gh
Forwatiling Illerchants,
Agents for the Pittsbuigh a,.dCl red leate,Pietel,
burgh awl Ertel Line vie Erie, and for steam ,
bouts Hearer and ettle6 Cepa.
Houma purchased tfo large mad substanual wh..e
Boat itmt bath (or dp Monongahela Packets. base
1...t0 the addluon of a;‘Ta710000, tn. most sample me , :
comma/at:ons for ragmvutg torurardulg, and;
pledge then t uttno-t It tabu, promptness nod despatebi
to eon ~sumenui th4it corr, and rely on ineirfnendi
for mart-dly 0. S BRo
15 49
Old ga ablashed Lane.
PURR Proprietor of Bu ena. known Luc Canat
J. 80at... mow ptPeaed imasragt Pad...agent
and F.eight to all potrol on the tste Fatetslon, New! ,
York Castals mad tb.,P.iltes upon the favorable
terms ind with dell
Tins Line ruos In els uemion .
BEAVER and CA 1.47 0.1 E- a. en
and Beaver. C hi botLrel Woe of uoa.. 2.
iapa the Lakes, a.rd ihe Troy to. At .c tl.g o
Boat Line on the Ne4' NOB . . en..
C. b4.4111.1.:D. Propneter, Erie, Pa.
Bidwell ft Bsoikkr. Anems liesser.
T ;ensiles. team at J tleutor.ea's Pw•eneed
Meg, Mennorattehuliehoun Fewbareb
CONSIGN tialus. Ooaron; J Huldi-:
Sherpsbrirs, Smith pt . rowrong, do; J B Psurrancri
Nest Greenell . WK. A our. &. Co do; Wm Hews
Ilvtrtovm; Wits &Sanaa Budd _; _
arnes, (k.. 0
Co; Sanduaky; AOleirostrong, Detroit; lOrklaud dG
Newberry, SheboyeakSPCture A Wthhems,Milantot
hie; Knap, Morey ßaeme; John II ginmei
Chicago; A Wheeler.UCo. New Fort. apt d
Plttabsergh azni'llni
18ravi49ne Packet Lino
1 . 4W
1 1 1 11 E public kfr riapeetfully Informed th at J. 51"
51AR511.11..1. lee C .
U. have hued out new d
op rodid Parket Maid ip ran during the season, bet
tweet Blatrssßle ante Pimaarges.--dm boats to be tows
ed by three homes, dedl <eery cleat made m lineotal
modem piteLgagers ;
Day.tmekaa.—oodialestit leave Pwaborgli ererp
Motulai,Tncalay,Therably and Friday, at 1 o'clocai
P. a. Fronslllairsval every Mounty Wednesdays
Thursday and Saturddik. at 7 o'clock..., .1, end ants!
at Pittsburgh the rairdday. A two wage Hoek floret
Indiana will meet thibleom at Sone:urea both on ofsi
ward and aownwarkidip—pmemg pwacagers throne
from Oat place in and
Freight for the abtty Line will he recesced at tilt"
how. of the Boaantits Live, by Jna Yemen Se Call
who are ow oathonatiti Agents. All lendtal lccel•edl
free of cotarmattowtni J 7.1 MLR:MALL t Co, 'd
410 Patti:El A Co. Agents, liams..l.therty at, PittsburghA
link leaves Blailivihe lot Youngstown en the
nmval ofth. Irom-stpar. to boat in iitorms.g. ERIE
tram Pinstnirch to liggiugstown SIM-receired atadad
of Boatmen. Low Mr Jiagh anfadam
rItALVAA,OI.III Astral . 1.1/111
49 *.Mra
Fig the Tratt-Taitichmt of frretgAs co ow! from
Tim Ihe B Alletecl. Pberidelphia I
Tsaidst O'Cognos Pinahargh.
rp nit= old estabtist4l.l. being now ape nt
j. ton, th e proprical.4 prepared sena tbm- usual
extensive artangemelNl to forward merchandise, pro.
duce., tee to and (rote* .0000 pan*. un iioarol term*,
with the regularity,iketpasels and .facty peculiar elt
their mode of trat4qtation so obvious, when Waft.
shipmeut on the wayi,tavdided.
All ceurtguto.ts IS3I-Und far this line received, chag.
o f
path, mid forwarded' in any required directions free
of charge err eoromii4en, eidv.eing or storage.
No itiltiCst.direettrar trtthmet)y, in steamboats. -
All commnicatord4roruptly attended to on applied/-
Bon to toe followan,g4oo . rita
THOS. I,lolll3lilittlkeN Market st,Pluladelphia
TAAFTRA tPCONSOR, Canal Elwin, Pittsburgh.
O'CONNOR le Coliarth et, Baltimore. meh24
Jens Basourds,
Tiros Brssmas,
_11.c.., • Jscas Macs.
Condnetted on stidEASniihsask.2 h illt,l'i'LeiPi..
T H p E tt rr n s ' t L ise r .: l ' o,kh am ow ;et I - els d ;St d id: •
thoronighly prepansd forward P roduce and klerehart
front the Atsterm
We Intst dint expenenee In the comb'
business. sod sestuideticauoti to the interests of cute •
masers trill secure id so a eontinunnec and tautest
of the
one to
es - doted Illnahstn's Limb.l
Our arrsogentenut,?iddill enable us to curs , Freiglit
vrldt the utmost desis4h. and our przers shall slorais
10 to leer as the knee* cuidged oilier respossalds
Lines i' I . I
We have opened ilinloXise in No lea Racket siziel,
••. . .
Mee In nu
01 %Pigpen. ...-
between 9th L,i ` Stlx " lf:Katatta, for de coo
Produce and Ideragnetse w il l be received and fol ,
warded, Phut and least, without or e for AP.
warding, advancingSygnim itutrage vitamin/or%
Balls of Lading /ups:toned, end every direr-hal
pro r . attented t
A u. efa l Zr WIT Wit.
Canal eor LE kph. Wayne sn, Pittsbunh.
No tOtad VA Market nree% Philter%
No LlEUNbrth Howard street, Unman
TYSON, Agent,
Wcsistoriert New Fork
..,.....„,...I.sportatlon Line.
rirmagarecru , AND ...OUR
THE Canals and PP(4I Roads helm: nowrice, and
in good order,littia prepared forwerd all
kinds of cierebandar:dand to Pluladelphla mat
Itallinorc, with pro4hters and despainh, and no
° Yet.t i !tZItIe.ANULTY & Co,
elthal Basin. Penn at. Vittaborgh.
Atzsro—CHAALITIA RAYNOR, Philadelphia.
nar27 /UWE myown.i. b. Co, BuJumore. ,
Friiisaayfissarta do Rail . florid Ei;•
presOntiat Placket Vlore,
ILls.cleggen for Passenger.)
TUE pobluatire rOppetfelly informed that this Lido
will contain.,
.'itthrung on We OIL mat, ;tad cid
ine throughout int•Ftemum.
The been am neKhind of a sagertur eta., with
per greater comfort. The
sara are tha,_ latest Eit:' hon.
A boat aa alert be to port, anti travetten axe rt
quested eall sod e them beton engaging pea.
awn eleewherth tei
(Fare trod nine dollars through t O.v ofthc h oo ,,ng
this Line will lease;* Landing Onto., p s
NMI' of Peen streshoidad Coast, every nteht at sane
elm% TIM 34 dotal Far intortnatton, apply ut lit
alas, Mourongatielo; ocaa, or to D LEI-CIIA Cu ,
'SWOT Cult( Basin'
, .
111111v:tim iilti iftil V ORR
gnaws rOnTA.STaIIi. BOA 4/ LINE,
i shol
For RE T
I l iD PITI more
. ‘ ‘ . .
- LOUSINESS= the Casual being now resumed, the
II Proprietors of the above Line respectfu ll y inform
the public that thee ate prepared to reteive and for
ward Freight with despatch. and at loweat rotes
They would also call doe auesillon of shopper" Each
Ward to the fact that the Beata employed by them in
tiamportation, are owned by . lbem and commanded by
liperreneed eapmam.
Brdppers of ?leas in Bat sill find u advantageous
la chop by thin Lane., as the suotscnosts have made ar-
Magemon. at Columbia to Lave shell (moat, for Bal.
dame banded direedz from Imam to ears, thcret , y fa
,t.,....S a cachou«, Lao 'og
, etelght to Philadelphia goes clear through in 0.6 e
No charge made for receiv mg chipping or advancing
iharres. KIER I Jt rr ES. Proprtetare.
Canal Harm, Seventh stereo.
AGENTS—John A. Shaw, Cioconn.i, to , ino hic.
calion, g b tr. Co. Baltimore; Jae Steel I Co., Poilaaul.
Oki Francis A,Theimas, Colombo. me lillt
Pittsburgh to Phdaddithia and Baltimore.
I Miele:nyely for Passengers
ITHE ilrublio are respectfully informed dam this Lino
wlll commencAranzing on Monday, Iflth March.
The boto of this Line are of a superior clam, with
ularged.caturts, which wall give greater comfort to
A boat will always be in port, and tinvelers arc re
nested to mill sold examine them before engaging pas.
Itstae by oiler emotes. They will leave the lauding, op.
)tostte the (1. S. Hotel, corner Penn street and Canal.
every night at fr O'clock.
Tina —3i Mays.
For Information,' pply at the office, Monongahela
Hence , sir to D. LEECH Jr. Co. Canal Hose
I N. H,...The propnetors of the above lane ore HOW
3suililing an addmonal Lino of Packets, to run .... shove
on or about June Dm m connection with the Pennsy I ,
Nonni HMI Road from LewlNlOWllWPliiiinlelphis At
!that CMe a packet will lease every morning and even
ng. Time din:nigh, 21 days e,ebtG
M.8.1./Lit.Nffiiti kowr Anx.xTho Av LIRE,
1849, 40.411 a.
For the trainiportauon of Jienmenitiac,
IeIOODS carried on this Line totnot transhipped
'Ay between Ilusburits and l'n,,odelphia. being ear
ned in Mar section Portable Boats over land and we
lter'--Se shippers of merchandur 1. nor eareful
, handling, this is of importance No 1..1.1 . , made I.
reeerving or shipping. or for ad ranci,, , ii:./..,.. Ali
I, goods forwarded arlill dispatch, and 011 ' al. reasonanta
ems as by anyiother Line.
Canal Hawn, Perm st. Pittsburgh
JAS hi DAVIS & Co,
Alarket a 64 Cornenerte rhll.
JOHN 111cFADEN &Co Forwarding Rod C.oranutt
sion Merchants, Canal Batem, Penn et, Pittsburgh
JARIDS 61 DAVIS & Co, Flame Factors tentiComnas
mon gerchants, - 227 Mart. end 34 Commerce otreet,
Phitedelplats_ ma rl
OcVidemees merle by either of the abort. oc Florr,
W - 00l and other merchandise consigned to them fur
t a 1849. `
For I.laiterttle,Johnstown, l
llysourgn, atul
interme<hte places
. . . ,
- - .
THIS. Lanir e will COMM es . to carry ell IV ay Dona,
ahh the tonal despatch, and at nor rates a:
Aokriviv—C. A. kPANDLTY h Co, Pittabrirgb.
D B Wakefield, Jolinstoorn.
Jahn Miller, Ilallidayabarg h.
Rrircarreas—Jaraes Jordon, Smith eaueliur, Dr F
Shoenberger. It Moore, John Parker, 8 F Von Bow,
horst re Co, Wm Lamar .4. Co, Ism kl`Devu Bro.,
Ptrisborr o, 4 Jahn Ivory, Sundt, Mutilation rt Ray. t.o
Una tr, carlir7
alaMii 18.
Canal Puke—SWALLOW, Capt. Ford.
" 4 OCEAN. ttapt %% antra.
QNE of theabove Packets leave Ekaver every that:,
ISemdays excepted) and IlfrlVe nen norninK at
um., where they connect Prtd l the blaa Stage. for
Akron and Cleveland, anima at each of there plat, a
oefore night °near the racket. leave Warren dotty,
ex 5 P. AL, and ernve at Beaver in ume a take the
enlacing steamboat for Patabunsh.
COTESa LEFFLIGWELL, W erren. t p rop ,
id it TAYLOR,
MUMMA TO T. LAST 1, M., UM en.
vitas! Pack et—Pkanartskata r Capt. /carte,
TinatoaArn, Pollock;
La Ema, ••
Parroms, " Brow,
The above new outd &plead.) Pasvencer Pee ts have
commenced running between 11F—A VCR AND CR II _
and w•• 11 run regularly donna We veason--otte boat
!carting Erie every monung at o'clock. end ow leis
nor Deaver every evening, .tutedonely after the arn-
Val ut the steamboat Michigan from Pukvbargh
'PL. boats ate new and comfortably famished. and
aCan through trt forty hours Passeagers to any
ton the Laken to to Niagara Falls. Iva; find ttos
e the most comfortable and eipullUalas. Trite.
throuvh 41 all ports on the Lake cm be procured my
apprrtng to the propnetors.
REED. PARES & Co, Beaver
lonni A. CAUCiltkll, ria,areu
coy. Water and Stutrhteld poL
TS.:—Jas C Rarrison, Buffalo. N V.
C M Reed, Erie, Pa.
C C Wick, Greenville, Pa;
IllTarlsma and King, Big Bend, Pa,
Rays & Plumb, 13hartrtborga, Pa,
W C Alnlan,Sbuton,
D C Mathews. Pulaski, Pa;
- 11 W Cunningham. New CaF•b. )))
IL W. C. 0T0W1C..4.
E&STFAN crrirL
THE Propnemn , atlas Lane bu , ,poton N errPco Y,
and ate rep•red to forard pa,ckwo. 8,1 *ll de•
ocr,ptiwts .I.y, of the Lowent w
1. (' lit :AV ELL, Age..
oeull TJ SouLti ch,nrlcs sL, Ilwumure.
PWllll4lllger and Remittance OCCIc•.
Ha.N &DEN tr. CO. to buoy persons
, from any pan of England, Ireland. Scotland of
Wales, upon the most liberty urine. with toot
meal yrunemehry and attention to the wan. and eon,.
fon of emongran. Weio not chow our passdngc-..
be robbed by the sonedhng scamps :If U 1 the tea
porta as we take charge of them the nomcnt lacy re.
pm, themselves, and too to Metr 1.011 being, and de
spateh them ands*ot any demimun by the brit Ahl,•11
We say thin fearlessly, as we Eery one of our pas.etv..
FeL5 ... 1022)0w that thry were dent.ned to hour. by n•
whilst thousands of omen were den...!
r;tM7untal they could be sent m some oil trail,
eh a p rake, which too freqaently PfoToa LOCI f roams
mired to perform one cootrae. honorahl), cost
what n may, and not set as was the case /am sce.or,
with emee oYeewhe OIaIGI perform,: not a.l. Of
when It suited then emventenee.
. .
Drafts drawn at Pruartargh for any warn Dem LI re
/IWO, payable at my of the prorrbernl Banks to
..s.lanel,Seellaad and Nato..
F.aropean and tie •.erat Arent,
_fsbl . l_ FM? Ann. bale* lV
ALL - sonic:sy s 1. r.)
t. A. BHtneN Weald•t
- udorm the tr .
tdIC, Mal ae
seeps on :mod . : and on le
west side or the Diamond,
Igh.nY Venn n ytc Olson
merit of inti Bands, alto l c
name a•notters al made tour
der so the beet stile, auirrstand
nriat th tthir in the :tad Stat.,
Bliuds can he re mar .d lA4 h
cot the ad of a scieur dro,r.
Having pnrcheArd h e h
Molts Kai wood of the c•bilit •
tahlohmerit of ft antra,. as
Umd, 1 am prepared to Cornish
. their old custers we at
Bus nt large with even)
m gtththatr 'the
AL .,„„ eney No b Wood street, Puogh
in n Nw receivieg, Otr en
from the manufacturer N e w lark, Pklludel
phis and Baltimore, a large and well sleeted assort
men[ of all the late. and most improved style. of sa
on, glazed and common PAIILR HANGIN4S, con
mimic Of—
pmeues of ity l lo s rxt , F:reacu.
11;000 " chamber and eft,'
Paper—which 1 eronld partterdnrly Invite the attention
of those having homes la paper, to call and ea.:cane,
at the ,Paper Warehouse of tl. C HILL,
67 mood
/V anaILITILNOT ha• commenced to racer., •
tr. rlarge assortment of Fancy VARIETY GOODS,
nonsistang iu part of artiLeisM, Rthbona L. No
odle Lace
V. 7.; illflt, e Pof g eee t rlZlLTlr i cZ t rave.,
gingham and Pongee
flandkmetnefa corded hams,
Sewing Bilk, Threads, Banana, Combo, Jewelry, Co,
lory,J i m. l. le ni.4 Co . no r 2:d . cr
n os o zhania are my
%II Leer, comer of Inamond 'm alley. "*.ckelsc3l;l'4
LIXT6L4.CT OF COFFEE—As &Glebe wtuch is ra..
.124 pidly coming inlo use as a wholesome, nounahing
and delictous beverage, being Wore pleasant and pu.
arable than common We& and for cheaper, ea a mall
=la c' ofg ' o ' aec7. &an'nuft'i:tan'redT,l) go
JOHN S. MILLER, Mitzi/ugh, Pa.
Bold so wholesale by 1.1 A FANNY:S KTOC &
Corner of First and Wood and Siatlyund Wood sweet,.
Pittsburgh ap2l
CrAialiFoßNlA RUG /31 7 A GODSJu recei rd,
28 Camp Illankets, Si officer coon, 10 pre Punts)
18 paws nen lined !throng booth Isthmus bags, 3
venter Tanks, 6 and lY g Glans cacti; 50 canteen&l
galbon each; I dos Bucksk, Money bens; do obbil
cambric do do. The above good. tor solo at ilia Coll
larva Gobbling Estabhstonent. No 5 Wood Si.
seek% ok H
A SSVRTED SPICESPut up for family use. tan
eons, enclosed in • sliding lid box. contalning
Mustard, A berme,
Cinnamon, Ginger,
Cloves, Pepper,
Warranted pore. For sale to the new Spice and
:dewed Factory, corner of Ferry & Lawny sob
snylg JlbliN 111111.1.
A NVES—WrOllght Iron Anvils, Iron, the Temper-
i n_ aneeviila work, isdowned, will be constantly
on Land and supplied re order, by
iittrlCP OUP, COCHRAN. on Wood .1
ONE EURINACE HEARTH. manufactured no
elven.t article of Bolt.. Fire Wick Cloy. in
store and fur sale by KIER d. JONES
Sir. W. W. Wallace having used a Hearth of .111,
quality and manufacture far the past mgoteen Inoian•,
pronounces it superior to the beartia new to general
mll6 - 1111461./iffx 7 =l7
vmtages, of 11. own Impornmon per Counter,.
Irogi:Bonlemri.ln. Me g a aad sa , n by
- .)114 DULLER A Rl l- ;IO.7CSON
old I.oON
Chains, from 010 to ISO each, enetr.rn prtees.
Weading Rings ol'W carat gold. gold Poop?,, Fl
Rings, Ear Rings, broli. Mai 11raentelta, 110141 nA.
Watches, &e. • W W WILetoN
/s 5
earner 4nA Mark., 414
"VTELVET RlBBoritit—Jutitroceared at 0ct a v0,,, %
3 ecy's, 67 Market RIC,
30 pit Colored Velvet Fltlttata, slummed color,
90 " black "
B " embratdory , Gimp; 10 p. wide
I AUL,. irt evzct
1 Mining an alphaLetteal bet e(Po.lllLEreathtongl.
Opt the United State, doaatce• item Wa.loootot t ,
C., mate and territon•J capital. tespeouvrly,6.o
Wulno b the Post Mee. In emel/ State, as weil euen
with appendu the Cooed States ant ItnuaG
Tarifa. Jan rse'd by JUIINSTON 8. STOCFrON,
wl6 somer al and 'Man at.
1,3 a:adieu/les of the day..
Gateau'. Sraport Ohict ntt 2 . 7 4 /SO.
FL E. Sellers I think it right forthe benefit or ethers
to pc. scam facts to relation to lon orcellect raw
ty Modicums.
I have mad your Vensdfage largely in my own fam
ily. one vial fmgnently answering for egos-W larg
quantities (say Ito Fall mono. from two chil og
dren. e I
hays also used your Liver Pills and ti.sragh Pyrup in
my family, mid they have in <eery instanco produced
the etrect dmirtd.
As I aM engaged in merchandising. Yam able to
state that thane yet to hear of the first failure where
Your Medieines have been used in my section of the
country. In colic/moon, I may state that they am IA;
medicines of die dur, and art disarmed tD have a very'
exmlisive popularity. Yours, romectfull—,
W IL Puma,
Prepared and and by R. E. SELLERS. No 57 Wood
street. and sold by Druggrats generally in the ton
Les sad vicinity. mval
1.7 original, only Coo, and genuine Liver hit.
Sauter Erna, tlhlo county, Va. t
March With,
Mr. IL E. Sellers, Lb - arSir—l think d • duty, owe
in you and le the public gtnera IT, to state that I have
been atfteted nun the Liver Compliant or a long
tone. and On badly that au abets, formed and broke.
which let menn very low atate.. heard c!!
Tour celebrated Laver Pills being for pale by , n
t ur. b l... " S Y Mll2: l
ee d
,gym tee by
et fair trial. I purchased one lox, anti fou?d them to
be just tonal they ate recommended, Tiff, IIF.ST LI-
VER 1.11. J. k.:R USED: and after taking four boxes
I hod the Moen. nes entirely left trie,. and I am now
well KcspecC¢lly )outs
Neat Liberty. Macrh
I certify that I ern personally actmaintcd with Mr
Colesuan, and can beer testimony to the
truth of the
above ceruficate. A R SHARP
• • • • •
The annum,' Liver Ms arc prepared and mold 14
R E nI..LLERS, No 57 Wood sun., and by &naps.
,‘ the two eines.
• . . • .• • .
TO THE I lIBIJC.—The original, only tree and gen.
mat L..rer Pills are prepared R F.Rellera, and have
hiein:mac sLair,ped in black. vri. upon the lid of .v.ll
box. and C., .ignaitire on the °walee wrapper—ail
oWen are • nunierfens, or base irnitatiol.s.
41.11i0 R SEI,LER 4 . Preprieinr
gpIIOM the Rev ABA BHINN, a well known and pep
-Vu tar Clercsmut of the Protutantklethedm Church
The undamped hamng tinned:Listed during the past
winter with a disease attic stomach, sonirruntes pro.
during great pain in t h e stomachfor tenor twstve hours
withoetintertnission.and after haring tried v trio.
remedies with lade effect, was famished with h
of Dr D JayuchiCarminanue Balsam. This housed ae•
cording to the directions, and Maud invariably that this
medicine ceased the pain to abate in three or four ut.n.
Mos, and in fifteen or twenty mjantescvery topsail
sensation rens entirely quieted. The medicine wit. it!.
ter...anis ased whetie re r indications altos approach of
pair wrteparcetted, and tl.e pen was thereby prevent.
ed. Ile continued ma
se the medictne every
and sometimes ilia :miming, and in a few week.
health we. so far remora, that thp sufferer was rent-v
ed from alarge amount of oppremnse Nan Fm'
perience, therefore, hr can confidently ruminate tr It
loyee's Caomnauve Datum. a• s wilutrry medic ,
for diseases ofthe stomach end trowels. A SION ND
AI km bony coy.
Fut sale In Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA
Poerth stricc•• near Wood, act also at theltrug
etm eof If P SCHWL.IITZ. Peitterai street A Dere...,
DR . swAyNos
1.12 4SULLY IO{I .
Conn:nipUrn. Coachs, Aathroa Bronchitis , . Liv
er Complaint. ?Tilting Blood, Difficulty off Brea:li
lac, Pion ni the Sid, and Breast- Palpitation of
the Heart. Influenla Croup. Broker! Con
stitution. Sorc Throat. Nerved , lie kW,
ty, and ell tusesses of the Throat.
Breast and Lungs; the mailer
factual and speedy curl
cam known for any of
theabove diseas.
Coulporaud Syrup of Wltti Cberryt
This medie,ne is no longer among those of dou , tfal
aolit7, II has passed away from the thousand, hoof
launched upon the tide ololperiment, u, tan .
higher in reputation, and is becoming More extensive
ly used Man any other preparation of medicine ever
predated for tio culture( +offering mom
It has been amodueml very generally through the
Uf11114,1 States anti Europe. and there are few tn.,. of
importance hot what contain some remarkable evi
dence or effects For proot,of the for
statements, and of the value and efficacy of th-s
nue, the proprietor Wilt Um, a few of the mm. y thou
sand testimonials vi Web have been presented le [OM by
men of the hoof respectabllity --men have higher
Tway of moral respatisihility and moue., than to err ,
tify to Men, because it anti do another a favor. mid
themseives no injustice Such teannony prov.• eon .
chaster! y that its surprising excellenee•ts ulabilatied
by Ira ininnsie menu, and the umi0n1.004.21 , 1e oh.,
If of public opinion The instantaneous relief it uf.
forda and we soothing influence dative,: through the
whole frame bylts use, renders • most agreeabte
mined y for the afflicted.
"When men, scone from con
setentaDes Impulses,
voluntartly bear testmnany to the truth of uttng. or
pstruent•r fact. such tesurnney. Paula contrary to thou
worldly onereats and purposes. coerces conmruatt
Its truth and commends *tett . m a { , [<lo.i manne
utuversul credence - -Ay Hogan's Moral Mastm.
Snu. Altoritin Ccas ow Pl 3-1•03.1
There never Was a remedy that has been as .oaten
in desperate ease+ of Consumption, as Dr Serape,.
Ca:wound Syrup of NVttd Chewy. It atrength#ns
I)ItteII1, and appears to Peal the aloe, en the tunes.
ereatina nese and rtch blood; Cover posaessed by other ...items
CUavrau .Ap IYttb. IRK
Swayne—Dest Sr I ',e11,. be Ise ve year Con,
Pound True; Wod Cheer) hm. teen the mean. ot
min my .ae I covet,. dm. •r rr cold. which fiat
ally ere. wore, a:tended yenta e a ' .e. ere covet, bat
tesisted all the rerneatca arhieh I had recourse.. .1111
increasing the
rave exalt/Ilea alI the symptoms of
Pulmonary 4,1111M111p110/1 Every Mut( I teed seemed
to have no effect, and my complmot mereaard ao rapid
ly that fnendr m even u my.elt. gate up all bor., of
my recovery At ails tame I cox. reemumended to te)
your invaluable inceltrine I ells ma wan the moat hap
py revolts. The firm boute Lad toe elect to 'wren ..he
rough. enviame me In espeernram tenet!: and hy
ume I had and MI Imulea.l won ourtril Well, cod am
cow ra heavViti man as
arty, ver arab an my Life, mid
would be happy to tee ttifurromvontespeetane my
MIG cm, 'utterer , may den", the oemoht int
arhichcf. ao grmerci Fur the truth of tee stns
tutMemrnt. I terer you to Peter Rosh, Ureter, Weal
.I'ccocr of whom purchased toe
Soars, 4•113 310.0 L
Wo.lnful Cure of a ilLfdiddful MMtacter.
Dr. Swayne— Dear :stir. I feel detn of gra/gads doe
• yoa—and turf to OM rato‘sd gsnure&Y. to oder
my horobls tsstlasony in furor of pule CompOund toy.
rap of W. Veerre stoma threw yen. tun. I wet
nelenCy enacted wait coil end uttlammaton of the
Loom wawa was u«ompenied ',slat a dtstreutas
coen. ptuu to Mc breast end heed. • very comeadere
dtscburge or °feaster mum. from the letup, repe.
Mildly upon change if wean., however alight. /41
first I fed co atarm about my condaton. bat was pretty
c ,,4 Mat I was rapidly going into eilnsump
,,ou. gore dsoly weaker, end at length •••04 Wilco
!a.m. to walk whout, or speak stew a whisper, mteh
was the wesknes. of t my lungs. IllortrA that
tame I had toed surto. prepare. and presemptiona,
IL h u t round rehef—grosring all Me Sate worse. Jost
here I w.advued and
p i
by a dear (nand to
Wtlaungton to make trial of your Syrup of Wild Cher.
17. 1 rallat eaute. that presnoasly I had been pm,
mewl egmost patent methetnee and I am mull ',gamut
those rosumg out of the
t h e of tummies, but Under
! smash. your elate. to die inotc.sum Mad oft:toque o r
I medicine,
pure filith in too srrytne of tr,
Mende, I farther. purchased of Dr 5h0w,.....e o(your
egents, few bottle, and commenced Its use, Xly
ease ono at that tame of PO or months' standing, e
; sequtently it was deeply seam , I found, ho,
ronstdereble rebel* (root the use of Me first fo howe v er,
:pewee. Dot hem, pub. speaker, I frequently at.
tempted to preach villa my touresuntsg strength, end
thereby ruptured those ves•els N ot had already Deg.'
to heal; to thus way. doo^tleas, toy core wu greatly
retarded. In coast-queue; of ttebnt thus Imprudently '
I bad to use treater or fifteen botties before wee per
fi e unt
the above indlscretton The tsy rap allayed Me fever
Isl. bah's, wok many the I.tre.. , ng coag6, put e stop
to Me thscharge of matter from Me ,utias, end gore
:hem and the enure system good manta I nave defer.
ofentis tots cerubeste anal now, for Me p.p..;
at Leine perfeetly saosord wur. permanericy ov er,
erode, a'od now that I feel parfecuy well I oder 16
RSV. 1 P. Jotwea.
Dublut county', N C
hayaolont Catanon—Rbad.'
There IA I , mt one genuine preparation of Wild Cherry,
and that is Dr Sworress„ the brat ever offered to 1110
molt< ' winch, has been sold largely throughout the
United States and some parts of Europe, and all pre.
pennons r atted by We name of Wdd Cherry have
been put out since this, under voter of some decepuve
circumstances. in order to give currency to their soles.
By a little 0.,1•11011, pentai need mistake the
genuine from the talso. Each bottln of the genuine is
enveloped with a beautiful steel egraving. unth the
likeness of William Penn taerrott; also. Dr tswayne . s
rignature: and es further security, the portrait of Dr.
Swap. will be added hereafter, ao as to diatinah
his preparation from sal other.. :Vow, it it was eel for
the great curative properties and known virtues of Dr.
Swaync's Gorapound syrup of Wd4 Cherry, per....
Id not be endeavoring to FIVG ourrcocy 10 tt,err
`fienuous nostrums^ by is the hums of Wild
Cherry. Remember , always been in mind the nom.
of Dr. 9vrayne, and or lot deceived.
Principal °Mee, cornet rif Eighth and Bane steer,.
For sale wholesale and retail by OGDEN SNOW.
DEN, roe Id and Wood eta II A FAHN EsrocK tr.
Co, err Ist and Wood, and dth and Vt ood stn; Whl
n 10115,52 hlarket at; S JONES, Intl Liberty at; JAS
JOSE-4, cur Iliad and Penn obi; JOHN MITCH
ELL, Allegheny city, and by all respectable deniers in
medicine. oett3
DEJTOLLA NT is aopernr to all other neusedin for
nughs, Consusoptun, Bronchitis, Aninna,.d ash. Butane-
Iss7 getellen4f, a that the ram Beano. who eolaunnocad
no of it to the,' fun.. Ica ago lull prefer it la all
Aber reuredi.oftbe Irma, and ark.* ant base been sedan.
to try moth. preparato. they have %Imo. .nvariatly be.
inspinantsd rocemog tha bauent rah,. was ...ably
soncipated from tha hugh bestow. by tha propr,elors,
Ind hs. return. tEc sun of .1,014' Earacyona NT,
a remedy But has aner fulled to relnae than and ortneb
proboably tte.r had tt.qual arreating pulanouary dunasna.
rraptna poly by Dr D. Jaya. Etolealeipla, and mold.
i At. wt! ALES. JAIN.B
71 Fourth.
D. W. P. lotlamad'• Pr...alum PI
R. W. P. INLAND, of the .11edica. College hI Blul.
adelphm, now offers to the pout.: his India.n Veg.
cable Premium Plaster, the ona,ittes ni which after,
long and tried experunee. has been ann.fortorilp es.
tablished. To all women who may be antmeled with
I:terta or Fallen Womb. be reeominends his
pincer. guaranteeing . •ttre and •irealy CUM 11l the
short .Dan's of from kvo ine. week.. if applied with
ear. nod re.i—dtseard , og all the °unties.. iii•trumeins
and eapenxive bandages so loni, i low. This he feels
coriscienuous to stating, ch i
nsinasmu he in. hot (ailed
ill ono east Silt of three huridred and hill-three
Ai. , for Rhoomausin and Weak Breast or Bark, at.
tended writ pan., Wert La nothing to excel MIA Plaster
in affording rondo, effecting a cure Fn.. b y
L earner of Diamond nod k/arkei st
Braun &
, ti t Liberty and Si. Dial, all
Dr J Bamot Federal at and Diamond, Allc
Oen en
Jacques ,
&1!o, a
Denman and Diamond thrennig.
la E.. SELLERS, progglur, No 57 Wood siren,
Sole Agent for the rule of Dr. Townsend'. Gen
uine Sarruponllu, Ju. received WU doten of Lt.
Great Spring nod SiutnEer bledlcint.
Purchaser% rhould recollect that R E Sellers it sole
wed for Pittsburgh, and DM Curry lot Allegheny
Ur --Dwpiez %Vetches, made by the celebrated
Celoper et Londo. AL 1 Tobias of Liverpool, and •
laree imsoruneit ~ f detached gold and silver Leven,
in. by we be.r • ~ neve menufacusrers.
ispeene,es snads, ristionumen Wtre in sett,
Cold Pens, jeweiry m !nig, var,ty; Etilver Spoons,
Forte, de •
(Er Watch rcpatrtng executed in the best menu.",
lV Vi" WILSON. ,
my lu corner Market and 411, at.
- - . • - -
1 deAUL, 't • I NC.I.AN D— Harper Bna edwurlVl,
, vim& ortnuis it..- ;5 per volvans
For sale by JthiNtlTON & bTIK,ICrUti
optutt blatkot .0 ad sla
y are ok, PAESI! 1110BIREEIR .000Dg•
ALELANDER & DAY, 73 Market&tree; northwest
cornet old. Diamond, •re Smear opening choiee
Mock of fresh SUMMER GUMS. A lace portion of
Meselmoda have recently been purchased at a great
sAcrifie. from the Auction Salea,py the Fiat, and from
the imponer• and manufacturer. We kayo demad
upon offering dim .took of good, at prices an red aced
eu to meet the apprObatton of Llama who di, business
4 on the cheap crush princiole-
The Department a very extensive, embracing
the different kinds of dress and mantilla Silk. :Sono
de Cane, an Carnelian tiro de Ithom,
The Shawl Department roihnseen • splendid assort
ment of India Crapes Ehawia from the lowest price• to
the hne.t ernrant., 44nthr entered. re
nadine. Be rage, Nlottair..Neti and oniendid !cured
EWA 'lFS—Black sus, beret," and Granedine sEearf.
lIERAtiE and other thin DREEdi GI)011:5--Elcuatit
mid no scam. 01 Berages. Tisanes. and nine,
use ure.• 4,..4.1.4, wordy of the ens nuon of me W,DE. , LA WNts"—l d. n deonniant. no,
add... trona Me I , :a.tern ouenot 4 are 1,11.0 la rgr,
e'egatd sile• et telakalkd,:y low pities
Imponed and Demesne Gingham..
Prin. 0041 Chnimea, Brown and E leached MY,:litot.
ebt , ..T le 1111,. Fili , 111•111
superb, /nation and French Moths and
Ratudets and -leak, Paalkalook Strip, and 4:4 0 4
All of which is offered at noel. 0 red% ^non of prices
that perehwer• Cannot fail to ha pleas of
jy4 AI4E:X.A:a DF.R k DAY
Chrap Dry Good!.
WHO WANTSMu•quiI. Br,. for • , 111
Heavy Brown Nln.ltn. (or
; Bleached
(mod quality. do.
Noun do Lau.,
Alpu cu
Silk and Wool Rem,. 1-i
I 24
Ilonnot Ribbons
Good quality Kid Gloves"
Cautions I-1
Broad Cloth, o Ai
A. A. Cl/'oIC A. C. hove Goad. ut priors Kamm 6
a ol,l hoy aykel •t, n .0111, ut the. only eltrov o, prole •Loro,
. .
. :Ir.. 01 the public ainvited to
I valu,, e Churn. which 1,1.1 h. adsuGtatt
h,. reml.nunu the oil 0101 neur inventi on. gvolor.ur-
The utihty tht• tavontau a.oaren, as Ly a out!
ple lITOOeIsI the mar force. Isencash 1111 Jnoh. and
alnox sway anal thr necemoty of purer... mg • hes+
Churn. a. 1: ran he applied to any rhuns In use. and
for nue dui,. can have all the tutprocement. of :he
method now those Of gathermg the Bolter to
the lotus! way
The publwc on w v 'led to call end Pwite for them.
selves before purehas,:og elsewhere. at N l, corner of
Market and Fif,b street., or at MI Dimon:wl alley, tie.
tween fh owl and Market ' , tents. Powburelt.
. .
rrniE ethderatemeti hoeing `tee ELK, ontted Agent of
j the Del.Aw•lte rYeat. NaTterT 1601LANCe 0-
111 the place of John Ftoney, It. recur - nod. re
•pectfuhy ,oform,he puhlte and the frtenes and cur
tomer. thr Compooy, that he I. prepared to take
Marine. !ward anti Ft re nettson !the rat term, at the.
°thee, Ni, 37 Water .tree,P A. NLADIJkA,
myl u Ate',
/1024:!!-11,011 tem Vlit. ply inthn hut.,
lioee—loot meet Yee (or the W.rongt of !Ilene pee -
ter which seal he hold in •tore for n few days The
Home. Belittle Compaz, repot-era atrotth deft, for
the fire department. of Pittaltureh and Al
lerneny to nail and e.rateuno and make a Wei td Onto
The company I. willtug to put t tom lo nut,. toot toe).
dont proper to ronolude oFoth
tn,lo J d II 1..111LL1 Pt , . 5 wood
00IC, oFTeroCk
thr Colter, InAltranT, ro mr y,
w‘ll opn.Ted 111 ROW. 01. e .1341,L1 of Trade. oil
.r br•t a November”c.r., 10,clork A. M.
mot. Jr Italwri
.•.• • • .
%lilt It. Nl'Clure, Joseph Plutucurr,
NI Met. Josiah,
John Abrnff. Alex. Roseburg,
and 11. I , I.,irg,
itt...ll•Ervl: , Com.t..lonr,
GOLD wesinois.
I PARRY ha. invented • marhioe for wnsiong
[. Gold. for which W has made opolowtiou for u
flay ow now offered tor soil. so UM r •
house of Parry. Semi & Co. No %Yowl r wool.
Ad rat wart, to Califon. arr knyortl to owl and el.
tonne thew labor-gavot, to nranter Thr Noe worpte
111 the, ronwrortsott, rawly nanny/at - lett raa the hack 01
mule. or horses. wrighttod rnglay ;tout.. erten. and
rain he pat so advrtation In ball no hour They rata be
51. ed with pro It le thr opt tton of tatter who
hare arrn the trod to one oath.... natrehote• o: woo. rat
war. that two no, veto warn tn. r from 1.5.
bordsrl• katol or 15=0 in a dny. wolawatawe
purtarle of am mineral Th.-. ran be "area-ea so taw.
and worked by armor or totalr powra. rata:tent.
Toe open work ...boat oust ihr water or
helot, ea towed to wrk and etawrournt w.thout rat
dark:tonna torte henttlat They will onatsire but • onntl
wrrant to nano,. and run he turd the and ran Or pat tot° otkerwoott Ahern thole t• not rarb
ctent vex., to wa.h at the untaxt way
lire of Yrtuulew bl/a Su hder. uwal abroad. ar
conpaniva by rash lw prompuy Lord
ARK 1 . el fairy. lwcal !a Cw's,
laolAw.11( Pio IQI Wood .1. F‘wAlw rah..
linsproila 'guns' Node A•b.
aulawriarry aro now rreelt Loa ilea Fall awall
of tar al.oyo amok.. to,. lb.
Medalllon and Lydia. 1111V111$ l'aLn4elpleia
and Ilallinawy. a/l Iwo wore tar wtyphen Baldwin nod
ray are taerelato.
la rove.. r ra Thry v
wr sad .pins wawa;wapnora. so. Now ll.l•aot
110,11 II hlITC111_1.111.1:
mr•rr, b rapidly Isle. Cut a.k now.
and %nano. ropoolooe. the tor.uto., an, t/u/J1 , ..
wart .11. k• ••Ni and tor •alr. TOIZ.:. /0111 D MURI.A N ,
tell Drina.,
M R ea s t ' ; ‘ ,l ' l l he
H „, 11 2 tH . :1;•:1 , A ,
. b
Co Ihr rrtnummv rallueva. ,lu, red
I , nin hrm I rl,u•v 11..1.49
pFrtiqst MANI FMI t RE, •
The ander.
aigned, Agent for them anulhiarera, lava nt, hand
and roh•mta rer-et, Lus tu.l auprov n( the urur,y.
In ri,..-IJurut, and ta-nnty ....h.. he osiers tut
We at rners RAN,
feh,h, vrt au no 4
hiDIA 111.1EIL. PASTE—I Krt.,. tundra India Ruh.
her Yu*, ah c Arc limn arluele for rendrrinv boo,
and and, wrath, roof, and .0!! • my., nt
cloth I opp.trauon o( tho. pnxta I. “iffittern
make Orrumpc ,101•1 Vrater tor Vor 3 months, and
• rem-, pre van.° te fro= the 1.-aqter r tins
Pler'd and the -ale Ihv WJtu Huhtfr Ur t. N. I
Wood ct, 31-6:a J A II PHILLIPS
Corner Front and Vine erreera, Crne:e.e, a
a 7.23
dad to at lowest market pnre.
f — )E of r
, Arp..t
h C o E ctle V . ' 4. 73 Fourth streot—
Itleh embossed Piano covers Phan Turkey rod Cbtotx
do do Table do rtglh do do do
.IVoPrted do do do do Ilordenne.
Blue Damask; Carpet 14nd o 0•,
Lirern maroon
ALSO--C.rops Gotham Transparent Phodeo;
Per sptureNtear• do do
Torkuh do do do
Chinese do do do
Deopery Chu.. do do Vara. do do
Lotudsoope do do do
T Gon.hira do do
Cord and Tassels, Ito nod Slot, Rack Po:ho.,
Rodeo Endo
The obove Good. ore. of the richest end !lowest
style', to which we invite the sheouon of o ur fr iend.
sod r odtorner, Ind those wodung m ftmosh or t0h0111..5..
(bCo:Laatt't'am ro ots
The -
A T the &renal tosounA of . the Corporator., kohl on
Athe to t troL, the follow ing
ppersona were unit. ,
mousy re clotted h . l. , a4mgoktl i e lo at , s v a l ! ... nfj e e . Al , l m.
101110 8188
/011 N 11. 8110EhllEfIGEIL
I. Ftlimo, Jr, Secretary and Treunret.
The annual statement presenkd the aSairs of the
Company to very ptneptarons condition. Theo elms
an the city as No. al Vir t el. re 42
PA Ride anti,. btaanottd, where Veltman
Blinds of all the different WS. and rator•
the kept on hand or tondo to order ate
e tate.* wad moist approved Fratertt fat,
tona,arthe attorteat nonce and on the no.
AlllO, Me r heap Dorton roll or split Blind Transpn..
'anti .101 Paper Curtains of all the dltletemt as,* and
patterns, no band and fin sale low for cult. Uld Vent
ttan 1111nals patnted over and pp red. or taken In puts
payment tornew R 111 WEITTI:RVELT, Pro . pr.
N. /1-48 woa. done wstli dm hest mrtal /ea
toortamnstup, sand Foci-wand to please themom Ng
tulloas. engin-ally
A 110 glumly city, Aug. 10, IRS&
1141...4•11M, p:173.1/1.411 AND
. vviltieu.a.
11.1.5TL111.4 LINK.
I°Mee llaehaena 11.(ItInsore.
E.lll.Clil. RA I - It• horn
red Niesaoi,e• to 0, from Ilu!t.inore
burds or V. aec,,org. and a cOn - r-Tond.lia rehielam
made 011 WI u - legraphsc deapatcheniorwuraeJ iront dal
umore Wa.. cdPittAburgh,
RAT. —The ..hurge (or a nelearnph devutr4
(row U.hrmute, Pittsburgh and (S berit,, erta.
(or the fir ten wool., and 3 cents for each cohl/tatna,
(L 1 No charge .• made for the uthlre. and nigna.
U til the completion of the etoutb W , rtern
Tel graphfrom !%lemplon, Tenn No t wean.. dee
patebte•l Irr forwarduf Alemplai• by 1136 route. and
mailed N.* t Weans let
•EI. • vtow /dam Bailin of Nlontrrny,
llnrro (Wolf,
" " " Hoene
• " " Garde Franc...
Tlr 1.60ve ts lor psf.ntlng lorxe pabfin
now • J antrrr',l due.
tram II•rl, aril for al
It/ I' eNI ILlEZl—fll•cnocul Loynd lor oftt•los.rf
•loth., carpels, W
e i 2, p. 1111.11 hoe fornaure—
,••:l laoof ann 1 rmo enure. 1•1:11 the
uou ca
tmouni. The Lol IVlnou s
•Ilar hayloft
barn 11l vie eleven years, ha. , l.onn eco.c.y
tot, wohoot stiglitest sojoly the rahro., ow/ unlh•
au r1h 11.01.,114 fron ilto floor It not ouorr for
Ihmetton• fiaeompanyol r, bottle 1 . ,0,
IA ton. Vol solo lo I 2CHUONAI AKEU & Co.
ogyn 24 1•0041 01
B. 'tomtits a !milt,
• e Brokeri,
. _
- -
COLLECTIONS.—DreIIe..Notea and Acceptances
payable in any part of the Union, colleeted on the meet
favorable tarots.
EXCHANGE an New You, Palled!'pale and Bal
tiore; oleo, Cincinnati, Loozwille, Sant Lou. cold
Ne m w (Glean.. ennsuertGy for aale.
SANK NOTE.—Nora on afl solvent hmk in the
Uniled mates disconnted at the lowest rates. All kinds
of Foretvn and Ainencan Gold awl Silver Corn Louglit
nod .old
nT., No 55 Market street, between Ud and 4th
Potshot,b. Pa. oers3
oa Enytatia. Ireland, and Senuattd t.ottyht
1.) arty amount at the Ontrent Rlllrf of F. tr 11414,.
Ititais payable so any pan ;!i the lIt!
(root El to 11000, nt the rtle of
mthout tleOttetton or dun: moot. by A...Y:11A attist.\ -
SON. Earopeno moo General Ascot, of.ce Sta s: one
door west of Woos! octlnt
I cuWAID .111
to Foretell nod
)bot tle Hit:. of Elehtlt.yr, Cmr.
tine.... of Oepostte, Gamic Notrs anti Com, earner oh
7.1 am! Woal street., directly orponty it. Chariest
0 - 0.0rk4.11
Hank Notrm
parettnned la tile lowest rarer, by ,
nerd, 33 Nlarke, nr, r
I)ILLS OP EXOHANOIf...-Srght Check• on
hew York,
Philadelphia. and
Comma's]) for .ale by N. BOLUS'S k SONS,
nepl3 33 Market.
ISUU.k6. USIU, &G.
Etv MUSIC—Roy on Hither Moon; Nally Wa3 n
Lady. n nem and popular Foldopinn melody by `
C Fon., Lind to me loved one. at home; .peat
anny, n. snug L 5 himpire Minas rely: Row thy Boat
Li chi tra cent try Ilaa Frnydre Mtnalreia, What Nluel
a Fairy'. Ormion be; He Roil, Lou.soo Itelle;No,
ne . er ran thy Horne M nc, He doeq. a., rae I,
to in,. de Farlmj -Repertoire del rem,. l'idn.a
-t. Irma fanthme...Prom an the ' alebruted and popu
lar Opera,. :oroponed by Ford. It yrr—in.RO number.
017 anre 250 pm narnbei
übaive, with logo eollacouu "f
Marcher, l'olta•, Song, tko Hr r.e'd and Inn male by
apO JOHN H MELLOR.eI Wood in
1 - I alio Leprous Lone Prom Compoattion.
Crraar's Comm...oriel. on Um Gallo \Var.
'I be ..Eveid of Vag& Cteero's Select tYrotions
Sellurtr. J u.. moue 'Coo, and the Conapirsey of Cat
.boo. The {Vora. 01 Horace.
ti ma Greek Leranun Greek Pence Compoanton.
Grammar r (the Creek Language.
The Anaboal. of Zeugma°.
Cleric dr Seam:tate, dr Amtotta, Paradora, Ar
For aid< at reduced priers at the hook atom of
rpel corner Third and Mortet at.
f:ti) tiOol.l.llYriom or IL., Nanorial Conxinnm;
11 A. aernbly from May. tell' by F Coekran..Ka.i.
/Lam -y or Fendenann. bin fortenta and =anomie.,
h.. frt. , und g.aarent enemy. by Wm M. Thecte.
rnl. au .or of ••\'•tuty Fur' .
RririMuon,or, toe Vole of Shadows. n ia:e or pon
tiff, tt7 Ertone D C Southworth
Jur , •e'd by JOHNffTON &STOCKTON.
corner Starker and Th.rd .ta
A.h FA CI X t /1-* 1101:V.—To be putaiwid
al_ C RE
noddy, The bi anelaeloo of Iron, In al In brew
CIP . from ow digvng ot tron me and roal to the ma
k.. r Of charcoal and rote; the Ito/Winn and mane.,
otLion furnace. by charcoal anthrarde and rake,
not blast abd taw uthelnee, .te B.e . thetudow an
ob ay on the manufartire of steel by Frearbe Over.
tor n, Aiming Elnineer Complete tanew volume, :AI
yen with illustrations, engraved on wood ('nee.
RU 1.• wbserthery Solwertpttons rreetved by
aut.* .14113 W
D LOCKOOD, nil Word at
ilbe LILISHE —lle History ot the Puritans
tifn t: Flan I and the Pilyrun Father., complete: 10
Vol. Loyola and Jesuatnato in its Radtmeata, I.y
I. toe Tay., The Genlus 01 Seottand. or Sketelaw
Soo tinh Seenory. laterature and Rehr/ton. by Rev.
Robert Turet*ll: 4th eiltoon Ttlea lhatory of the
CI. torn of FatFiand. by ii shop Sboni Goa.
pel. Sonnets Roeder Warfare of Now Volk The
SI. mnosas of the Bible Lost Dayeof Mahe. by End
ra ether rottrige Lectures. or the l'itnnol, Prbeiew
Pi Explained, pont:shed by Ain. S. S. Onion
'lle Wonders of Vegotauzio, inb.oned by Ain S
Unto. For sale by ELLIOTT & ENGLISH,
. . ,
ootgATl 710 Wood ••
ifl 4 ll . stal. itaEIATII. 7 II,•;4
1 . 4lame to !tle trs.„ V voi•
rmti•ort , Slettoott Nenonam
4•or's Dlnlmal J craxprudcw....
' fa, ,or oo Poooto Amon'. Physic.
t . 4 Myra.. or Protettea: MeJtrie, 4 volt.
rloopt-r's Nle./tcm Dmmtary.
4.,,t0tt0n, Pramirm of Slethrtine
Smolt Not: tilartmes Anatomy, Ai.tot
• . .
Mat•C • Ana:antra% Atraa. Far yet by
JA U 1.01 - I , t'A*ooo. 0.7 NVond at
T ~l'FA+ a Y, xwK. FFp;PY Blank. for
• .teart,torr,g,
r•Jon Ora <ore" A 'tear supply rust I-atti
re.% 'rustr Nova Fork and for axle by
rao JOHla 11 MELIA:111, bl Wood a%
ire FA' iltirTag Wit tar..alblElt READING.—
Pos—Frarell a, a prone Foes, or, tha Phyarcar
and Alerapbyareal louvers, by Kdaar A. roy. LYN%
haudsomer%pouted, 12rno cloth, 71 eta.
o aball Irt aarattly aurposed thot work does nor
eaaal‘ • pro and 1,11•41.1014 &mon, Oro roarnry
dordo e ova., oil o•rt Orr dorple)rog la It
0.. • roar...nine paver and garrop 01 wooer% wtoolr
enamor , pagyebry tae to exert. Ore 'spools! %yonder' or'
e•on ar%
rararesa reader Frair,..
',arbor , 2 and to Remain, %Kroh at, aerroran% art roan
In the Charduesur Carubarta or kronor., and the l'e
y.cor. or %lord Worshipper., and MAI IN. ..,no the
amino,. and an. of Ora Armco% Au, many by Aunrn
Ilan., lyrard, Esq.. It. C L. or a vol., vans mar,
or trio wont tosoark able works of the apt •_The
rime, Fot
ha:otoandor, r lancion of the Itoir Furnaces of
Ron k land count, N Y.. by K Oaken ttnalth. with 11-
ontra.on• of Itorloti <dl.too e..uti, 74 C.
Fenntrtinre Poorer 'Thy Spy: a ttr at and bone,
odattou. hi the author, with new tin-tact..
Ar •0 irNkoAretl 9 thr 1 . 1104 .4. •
Works of IV a...marten toottod and Orr
larKedot to< woo, to elegant oluodoetuao voititurs;
bot..e. • pen.- I in orlY IN.. and on .ape for parer.
For na cr JAM E, D Ado - V.Vot ID (tot many
with Montt. \1 dry PIASIAIII. nod
late lohn Rile T. N 1 I 03 Wood ty :03
Sir I. hat tetornrd from thr FAtto ro enten
X• F: l \'itrlCA—lromg—The Crayon Nlnvol.a,,L
counrowtot The Prattle. Ahbouriord. Newntead
A.Ol , Ottortete to ono aeloote --- oteguaUF pit d.
ttuvron—Tl. Mona-stones of the Len ant Pont vo.
A volouie of more titan ord:nary .ntortnti.. re 1•1114 o
Stl.• Ofrunot. and often aureola; edvon
• • • The hehl occurred by the voluAo • mllO.l
ontirely nOw.--Phnilitarlretal Adv•tuvor
A 000101 C.011,A01.11,. Rival, 0ft,0.1.1r
winch mount. aOt .41, of reckfortf. Spatrult hi.
euratons, or the vivid onatorn rentim•e•stoes of Kothen.
Literacy World
cwr—,—(Scw ed.°oe of early work. )---The Spy,
trained. he with neer Inuovlorunn 004 antra.
ple, to I int CI Itnrm with 12 - vsnx • .0111.
Thr spi and Allf..Alloolt 01.1, the tan Ant .la.
eon book. which were univernolttk howlotheett to
•ontatn a porrorrn•ore •01.1111, a prima.. We
well ren.ornber theelAll4.lllAM 001.1 the, wore and Ow proud expectatn. whien
awakened among Me hberal tatnded io abroad and
patriot. v. to • it'll/tn. was won oti • trot by
li. •...1• of I.oid-trith Additea, oral Cool.or wan
, •::•.atod to ceery onontry of contr.. whore
ono inter-rut wii toil tit Metro Itterator• —Lon vary
\World For to A le by J LOCK WOOL,
gCI Wn gi at
V . l.:* Lit Na A.+—Ur. co - vcotry • ,s eel nn F:ggtgteggsgo,
Chagera. gta Iftgary,tlaaaca, gg. gl treat.
1.13 , 1n.L0pq o! Ft, hr,ion. by 3 D. Moro I. A M
Ilourne's t otectoun oz A. Steam
Cismober, Crelope,ra of rnaltaa Limn rare, 2 vols.
ocuk‘o, boo v.,,nn. meci plow,
C1J.111.,, M , ,,,inny of Useful oral KI.MIIIIII,
Knowlodgr mo
. •
Agtvlet In Young ales, TS• .
ADJ., gat.
- ynang Women,
E'snaenta of Mettoroulgy. J Wort testi,. M. A.
Prwyerb r. ;be People. l y K S Magoon.
Thiver.ty Sermon., try Dr. Waylawl.
PrOnch , linl.enn Leetore, for 1-4.-7.— , The Store.
of Holy Fery , L
tures for antolchug the oirautal hie of
No FrahltloCanfo, Llluatrate,
Received this day by It /101 , 1CINs,
ap:l4 Apollo !holdings, 4th et
1 . 1.'/ILIeATIO:4S4-.-Eirsoy the e - Union
lintel and statri by Mount W Noel , N. A.
I Vol lihno.-81.23. An enure edition of Ibis arork
tans soid in one day. on ILE publication in London!
Leaves froin-Alargsret Soutit's Journal, in the POO.
v,.• :11.iiachusetts Bay-16,4k I vol. litino 15e.
Hoyt's Poem% —keteheii of Life and Landscape. by
Ron Ralph Royt—nesv ed. eniatged—seith illustra
tions. star
A Caw,.Wain of the Steam Eng.., illustrative of the
ortnottlm pentetples upon whuh n. operation depend.,
nod the prsettool detatlx of art structure, In its applies
u.. to, nulls, Meant navigation, and railways;
noh Tarin. suggestion. of noproVement: by /BOW,.
C I vol. 12mo. 76e.
Chrevor . vi Lecturer on the Pilutes Proven—pew
ed. I.orn, Prize reduced to IRA
The (Aloes, a Fundy Planar, Part I. ISc.
Fr.kli We lac, illustrated. Parts IV and V. Flea
'reettos' Ilmorirs; by Prof. Tyler-12m°. For solo
1,, steb2,l R HOPKINS, 4th st.
Sole Agency in, Nsuans 6 Clark's Pliiiioi.
"J r RFICEI VFW and opentoc, •
neer lot of elegant Ptanos, front the
celebrated factory of Nunns K Clark,
V. camensma 414 and 7 octaves.
evals important Impfovemenia. nosh nt torch:mum and
exterior. poltsused by na others.
- •
I—A fine solection of taltelsering's rusnosytroro
a to 7 octavos. It. Kl.AltEit, Solo Agora,
at J. W. WoodwrlPs, ./s3 'Mod Ist
N. It. The above will be sold at manufacturrsa poi)
ors. ssoLout am addition freight or expenses-I
nrlo Journal and Chrerslele onny.
.. •
... .
A SPLENDID asltortrdent h .
ffltell ponyand Itosewoal Piano., lost I.
Irhrd. These instrurnents ore made of
the latest pattern and hest material
and will be sold low for cash by
P III.UAIE, 112 Wood street.,
211 door above Iclfth.
N R._Those who am In wmit of • good instrument.
are respectfully invited to elabitno
ex 'cetera pup
00:1•1114 eiccewbere.o.
cannot be excelled by any
m the nuntry, and will be sold lowor than any brought
from the Ea.°. s ure, plat reest end, two pianos of any
bomb manufact 1111111,1Iled to 613 supercor to any
e rm. sold ill ibis crourary. cern F. It
li IdUI — IPTIiTIIIIII ENT. t, riot has been appmored K o l e Agent for
the sale of CARIIAR rel IhIPRoVED Ao.i.oDE
ONS, as manufactured and sod Perfected by Alcesrs.
Marsh & White, of Cincinnati. lee oseel eoctiposs
and extent being bat four octave& Messrs. Al. & Cl.,
accordance with the general 0111 1 / 1 e mid demand,
have extended the scales( these instrument. toll and
oven .5 octave., thus ng it PfILOLICIIiIIC to perform
upon them any monk written for We i ~,,, 0 r ,.,,.
Tlic exterior, nlwi, has been much kropmved by pl ai . mg
Ihr. body or the inairument open aeast iron frame
benottfulty brocised mid ornamented, renderiox it al
onee a /Dust !Meant and cutrecnely cleanable oracle!.
The price 111 pot so low as to bring it online the re .,d,
cir rvery one to obtain • perfect musical tiodrurnent, I
and, at the toast time, a moist's/exult piece of ram-
we fora companurra Md.. 11. Kl.Etikal,
At Jr W WoodwolPs
huJust fetolVed froosEurope, and for sole, au
irely new Inset:lMO of Puma Forte, called die CAII-
I NFT PIANO FURTH, which pease...mug mare power
soil IMCC/110.3 than the square Pont°, oceoptea butane
fount) as much room, and Is a much mom showy and
handwrite piece of turfman, 'lt . particularly dello,-
lue where the seeing of spoon is an object, tieing ex
ceedlagly nem mod compact, and occupying ma moor •
room Man .1 small aide table. The oolncnber has ne
bond a wstnnonool of no ouperforn)) (nem the eelehrw.
nil pl/1111.1,MOPChefic., 111 Los own himd sornin!, , ,wlneh
may La Attsperted. 11. KLEBPJL, -
0cr.17 At/ W Wood weir.
tr,Coi.Nrlitz Tier • ani r IS. 1,
, 1 44 8 s aLC., constantly on hand and lilt ' sale
, WM YOUNG i CO, MI-Awry .‘
l',Ztillialr..irCg'l.t.4o trZa ' ~., ,
m. , 277 2 %; 4 1:1;"1A•Z . 1 7 0' 1 14 6 gi-rTl'il nrga 2 VAii ll ! S Z t l : 7 J '
NE 0.2it , 4 k.t . .tEZZAVVig. t.,, ,1 2 . 4 ? 1.141,12.4=1. Fe .: - FEir;itit.E9 . :7 ''''':: ..':
; T:
= PO ett,!244.:4!iiilli!ial3glls::ll9 i. 1 :4'-!•2lllenil:jr4.3l t : ..... i . 'l "
ai 15 4 Z-1111cf; : il ` ' 'Spa--ifit:Atill:i ge s I/ : - Paßiligitilsiill.; tf- ii2;gi
g er D
. q 14 4 i.•Bli ,3 Z=Vela ,4 . -4 ~; el,-.ll.;:g7:Mitglz. i 2 : 7 . 2 2 74
—l--• -• -• --i - - - a e i - g a s';,:2, t .....=1:Z4 a' wr..54 .t....g.e-g--- ,:,-.E.56 o.z, --
..". 9.
...,6„,a - .=. - ..... " 4.
.213 r. . v , .. I' g —.3 "-g, - AI., t•- - ; 2.1' 2 t.t 1:7, , = ' K .r 1;
1 '2•l•Eiyl.-iEl24'6r:e-lit.4-*Prilel 1p ' r., t : :- 1 4 . 2 gg 7 g 7 - 1 :-E I t
t. L.:4ES rig..!i ii:!!s:a VI ;tit IYA tt EC: II .-.7;r-l-g-t4;:i3V. - - r Tti-^ r il ":::`= g 7 !
=-1 0 . .' ' l 4-4 -. ,- 0 il a "- 7 2R1;.:' I ilVittei .1-2: 3,,
0 , 4,-..: 3 . = =.1.... g -3:1 ,,, %-:§rrita ,:.
Z E 0aUX',1"113•32,4.65i37:;47,2'.'1.,
;1 q... #,4 C l • 2 re, t'f.als `4.7:' g:;:4 3 g. N <3. -
az til 2 ..i ech - g Ev , .. g •0,..i vs-_ , 3,,.? . ..,,..,
,tCO g p, aq $ i1y0gif44 , .. • . O:
Lna i ie 1.`, 14 :- lirlls;t!I 11 t- - i
C. 2 w I v, 9, tz- stiittl.,.....s — gii.'4git ~.., 4 is. i " 2
ce 0. citi im Z g ci'l, - ido' z iA ig z5'2,1,1 412 of
d m tl,
Ea. c i 0 i v A : `: ll:ll44algili!rtiM rl I ,iS t .,4".
CO t Ei 4is k rai _1144. 17 sies.. A k g. liti 3 I,' .
~ 2 iia Ei. o.lm is'oizii--' : i,43 DA rs
lOm• I- 2. s e, :.4 "iz !I 3 PAIIR 2
...v 2 i g niii° 7 - 1 '-:-iia.:2 t s " it
gec FL , t 4 A 1 : t 2 : , :nilzt t ll A r,ils t iliSi z - g n Ii ,: :I:
-. % >,:,1.. :....L.,t , i,-,...•?,i;:t1..#,,,,a.5..?...tat:::t , g3 10 ai
:14.2.*.i"470,;37,7,:.7 . *!'p'3,--fg
o>i o gi"..= a. 6 ... z ?......:11E•t21 -........E;; r.Q
z w i--• ----- -0 - - .I' 2 0 - - ;•iiiitig5; 3 . 2 3.9.9. - .2 , 't:iiti:# 7 . 11
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CI9 4 z, If -?: t • ,- ii . 1: = .0 c .k . r.. - : .' i;• '. ;.P.a'f3 . ll l . P 4 "b:i Z IS - 3 2 2 1 111 1, .: . 5. , ;:e . “4"7&,„,...„.' -'- ..:. ' e :.4
0 • ....1,1:=2,..5.:;.4.9 - ,a•Vz ir,,; - , r" . .,'.. 7 - .. z '1
.., o a -- lii , f. ' 1 ! , 02,3'riti5i?....i.W....a ..., 0 •"..'"M 0 3.5 . ai . .3.4,7p4` ft.
.t. < W. 6 1fi, 2 .-.03i..i:; 0 11.:.;?..iif. .:::.;.I;..E . Eiliill 7.?: =,41 , 5 4 g, isit_t_.;,:4o-4.;„& 51 .14-i:fi:S If c o . c,?
0 f4 .4 7..",;147.23,a-fe,..!.,,... i - ';'::7 ,. 1 2 a ::-, 4 1 . 0E 74 ..g.'i11 , .1.5 - '.4**4`,...:-. -=. ;..
gICC cl il ° LIZ% r.;..g 7 4., : :=-,. ' - 1 F; 51i ! : .1;1 - -7 - . Z. tiiie.i.v."' -7. ri , - 0, - .3ti 2 sii- 4-r i.i -4
'"--''"211...f-t*lC4ir- -A , -.
CO r-5p„.:,...r.„.E,,nr.: - 2-z,z,:z._. : ;..
.. . z 4 = ' "'
ritii::l:-.,_tiLEi-14-qtll..'Y_ ; - ...1.. b ....,.....= in -7, 1~ : ::t5..,1, r ... -•
- QC J
irag•e:4;;;!7,l , ..s. ai:.:;z:-....:;11 .."
7i4i..?.. -- it' .l 2 , ''' ,,
ID . AGIGNTRa—WaI JACKSON, JOtiN D MORGAN, Pateboriel. D M CURRY., alleginy City, A. PAITIMSON; tfirmlngbinti ' .
&RC!), RY, or othcr Min hss power to
tang ail EXTERNAL
'MORS, Si. IN 11l
)UNLYS discharge
putrid Wooers, sad
heals thou.
Ightly termed
L • LALINIi, (Cr
era is scarcely a Ma
ssa external or in.rnal,
ant a will rtat bencAn
hags" used itfor des law
of the chesi l involving
before heaven and Man, ems to ono ease has it
failed to benefit when the patents.. within the reach
armorial means.
I have had phydeirms learned in Bee profosslon.
have unnimers of the gospel, lodge. of the broth, al
dermen, lanyers, gentlemen of the bighmt eraditude,
and tpulnindes of the poor use thin every variety of
way, and there has been bat one voice—one outvote.
voice seYing— u kr/SL.I3STER, YOUR olivrmsrrr
FOIECTIATISId—iI removes Lhenest Immediately
the inflammation and swelling, when iiie pan ceases.
(Read the Mealtime, vemad the boo./
11 e AD-ACIIE—The salve has misled persona of the
hese-who of twelve years standing, and who hail It
'<Clear every week so that wimikeig took place. RSA
are oetpeJ with lite emcees,.
SCALD ILF:AD—We have oared eases that emtnaitg
dahuilevery thing know, as well as the Mao of fif
teen o twenty dostor. One man told to he had spent
Brta on his children wakepa any bout., when a few
*OISE of Ointment eared tta.
TRITER—Them do leg batter for thre care of
13URNS-11 Leone of the best thugs in the world for
PlLES—Thousands am yearly cored by this Oint
ment le savra fails In Oyu. relief for the Pelee.
lEr Around the Imo are dirronons for ovueg
t oe, Oioun...fir s,,efule, bow Complaint, Erysipa ,
Tcnn, Callelaem See. Hard, tact Era, Quirtry,
Soo Threat, Bronchi., Hanna Aff Liao.. Poise. Da
m. of ea Spam, Haut se. rn
, asteee, Aar amt. Foe As..
BYttO, COflY. ail Do f of th e Skin, Ear Lip., No-
Pk , Swelhng of tr• Limbs, Sore,Rlosesealsm,
Pilo, told Fee Coop, Swelled or 8e01.1% Bream
whir .I.gse in Mn Paw tee
COLD FEET—Lever Complaint, pea a in the Cheat
and gide, falling °fret - the hair, or the other eceonma.
ales cold C... ITile Ointment O the Imo remislyy
es • sun. ripe of Ow., to have cold fret.
CORATS—Ocernemom ow of the Oenunent will al
wes;e keep raves (eon greseng. people need never
be !needed with than a they use u frequently.
Then Oiguncat is good fo re ny part of Um body
or limb. when InC.rewl. to some cars it Moo. be
&Weed often.
CAL'TION—No Ointment 1,111 he regdna urtlen the
name of 1,1.14 CS McALLISTER tee worm, with n Fen
on every Impel.
For lisle by my Agents. all the principal elect Slid
loony In the United States
•• • • -
rtoM Proprietor of me aim,. medicine •
Er Principal Mice, No er Norm Third etc., Phil
- - „
norm t~ Yrerszczuat—Lhad, h. Rea ct, canter of
a.l St Co.: w, and L W,Ls,t, Jr, earner o:
Mattet a and the Lhasnatai, slao a th azd
Sensateld our; H
Casael, corner of Walnutand Paha
au, Soo wild; aad sold az the hookah's. to Stualdield
Pa. ad door Inns Plcond at; la Allegheny rtly by H
Schwartz and leaf - gem; by 1 li Smith. broutzt, Uir
mtughant; D Negley, kin Lamm, H Roordand, Me
hecopnrh 1 Alosaxacr L lion, lhoohniguhcia Clty: N
R Bowman k. Ca, and 1 T Roac., #rhwhz , ne.k.kihn
Ilartfey, Beaver, Pa; are wholezado, agents. .;
fetea,lacaHY '
JA 1 An. 21121'en.ftnvti. —
We have been informed by Mrs. lose of a cofre pm
formed onher by Dse Jaime's Alterative, winch
proves its superionty over every other remedy of the
kind. She tow been &Mimed for he ,law slateen yea.
with NECROSES or Win Pk: wooded
with ulcerations and enhibatrou of , vartom bones, de'
ringorb ieh nine many metes hare torn dlseharged from
the wontal bone el the wigwam, frbm bath her arms,
wnsta and hands, and f ro m both fern, and from the left
femoral bone, and from the right twee, besides vestal
ulcers on other pwts of tier prison, Wbiah have balled
the skill of a number of the nine ruhnent physicians of
our ml,-during most of the !lose her out/cringe hare
imeu elms:Ming usd deplorable About three months
since she vets indened to try Dr bayne's Alterative,
which has bad no astamm,,,tinty twiny elect seem her,
oy remising alt pain and swelboti, sad causing the
in to -heal. while at the same Wain Wegener.: health
has become croup letely re moted,so Mat s&. tow weighs
t 5 hs more than the did bebre
alief ommenned the ate
of th is truly •slitable prepanon. -{ I Er... Pon.
For artier tworchabon, in o Mrs. Rote, No. 1W
Filbert st, Philadelphia.
P. , win. Plti.Worith, u the rEiox TEA ta - rutev,
T 2 Pouch St. war Wohl. h
tact received of Dr. Tu..... tti Sarsaparilla. the
moat eV/Win:Unary mettetne in e world: Thu Ex
act is put up In quart bottles. It i six dames cheaper
, leasanter. and warranted auperaa to az sold. It
cum &scam tartlltent vomiting, paging, atekening or
debilitating the patient.
Loot one roo l.marroa—Uuttritletplt . -d persons have
copied out labels, auti put up Medicine in the tune
shaped bottle. See teat ouch hottid has the written mig
ranui< of S. D. Townactol. _ _
. • • .
it E. STIL.I.ERS,Mew.; G 7 Wood lamer., between
Thad and b'enrib is Dr. Tewn,end, ouly wbole.nos
renu: ldont for l'huburgh, or whom the geom.w
aruce oral be had.
D. M. Curry ha.II been epposse4 the win 'Kent for
Allegkeey eery, of whom the gesththe articlecan be
vy ORGAN'S WORM KILLER 1 - ih < hen Vrn.11, 5
0 , 1 tkvo Au} saw can Rive or uve In ht. twthiy.
- .
W.'ssn:Notem Tp., Weitrnorelend co. Ye..
Mr Job D :Morgan . —This ato erm , y that I base
',log your `ortinitage for s+ror time. say at.ut
our year—and on that lime 11..4 never known it to
(ml . honosoaa worn. away, ',hen the symptoms
indteated their presence. I had stops o gore it to
two grown up members of my Wally; I gave each of
thorn one d,r. and one of them posed :MO and the oth
er over 0.5 a morn.. It is the best tgernufago that any
man elmo use to h. .
(amity O. W. You.
rrepared atm sold by J NO.. D. MORGAN, Druggist,
one door below , Diamond •Iley, oa Wood,st. ,so
7 VIEU:), to. ite.—Pure Renark. Cbioric Ether,
J_J lodtde Potash, Strychnice, Chlonde Gala, Liver
Satoh). What Precipitate, C)anbret Potash. fast re
eeived and tor sale by 1a) fl E SELLER,
Cbtooletne, Ctildraforni,
E. Hark Preeip. lodate Irce,
Nitrate Silver, Oillopititra,
James Powder, Cit e Acid,
Chlonde Soda, Chi rir Ether, -...,_
Ealrael Rheumy, Extract Quavoil.
/net ree'd and for ale by H E SELLERS,
full 57 Wood •1
11. A. V.l:lama, A, t. N. y 114
U. L Fonrcrram,}Piumborgh. •
0. W. Fusant
Wholesale Deur Store ha the Olty of
New 'trash.
milE tuidenigari re extensiirelynecd io the
Wholesale - Dna homilies. at NoTIII7u1)1
sty of New Tork,and an}prepared to sapply
Waimea =1 *stonyrc
Mah= wtth
ChM, Dye-insills, Flury tame. Perfumery,
!dander Wisanar at Menden! Mammals, of their own
norottaliedil eel all ether anklet in there lirm of boo
ties., af a sups*, tqaality as Irk* as they can be pat
ritual in this or my eastern airy.
Now Vara. Febla La A. FAIIwINTIVE a r•
A w n ' k u r A i t r a t o t t b s 7 si n i 1;1
0 - 1 N
110 L IT
el s r It l el
an the Soolhern and Eastern ems".
We do , thet Dr. Lours NTicarr, of Tort, Pa,
look under his care and tormitgemoal, on or 10.10111 the
first of Octotinr lust, s young Wan !sham, ouder
severe enact of ••.A•nwe thealora." Thal we etturp
ined the uld penent, end found hire to be the rot
loused state, of that ditcese, with frequent and copious
nee nutter discharge.. That we pronounced cue
of genuine Cholera, and declared moreovithal we
behoved the said patient woo beyond the in
of ed
leaf aid. In fact art thought the patient ouhl ow,
nod so declared at the Uuie.
We further cerufr that the stud Louts Wieltey put
ett hot awn mode or treatment, and adnuntetered to.
Cholera Remedy, and erected core or the patient-
We aunt to lour days thereafter the and yonug man
was at work, and perfectly well
John C. DOSS., nt, 74
T. D. Dhcaerr, M. D.
I certify that I vunted a °nee of modified Cholera uos
der the care of Dr. Louts Wtekey, end that I believe
hot met/Irmo relieved bun.
Stn. of Maryland, Wiudungton County, band:
I certify that I am wen acquainted with the gentle
men mho have signed the widen eel - Mee:ea ef Dr.
Louis %Vickey, mitt they are mem of respematillity.
In testimony whereof I hereunto onbserthe my
a name, and affix Inc anal of my edict, litif m o n.
teenth day of Novemheir, eighteen hundred and
thiny-three. 0. 11. NVILLUILS, Clerk
Wulungtrm County Coon. MaryLuld_
I witnessed the admlninration of Dr. Louis Wick
prepare:ion for Cholera, In th e ca e of on appren
us, t o the plosWring business In tots town (Magma.
town.) f W was a wen marked ea. of Astute Cho.
ten, with rice water evernationa, cold clammy skin,
cold to.nyee, email tremale. pulaca,—.lCOnaideredlua
WIWIoa truly eeltleal and alaelning. I saw him pre
awns to Dr. Wiekey, and wai present at Inn adosino
trate of Ote &aldose of medicine and saw him re
peatemdly donor the attendance of mine,
Wiekey; Its re.
covered so wi to he able to attend to and wore at his
•trad• in a few days. lam he heck no othes but
the mediae adze/rased by Dr. Mickey.
Mena. W. Da., A
The only nine and..tenni. Da. Wraps Clinic
and Mini.. Medicine isprep_mod and wild whole
sale and small, by JOAN Ilk AIOftGAN, Drugat
tali.. one doorbelow Diamond &hey, %Void tt
DugPaTurnifiSlitfUTlM 1.0/11DM Ohs
U iii demo... the Awns or peacoat ;mac.
pie of all centavo. dlositmeit. It remove. the damsel
ouii aflame of nick maw By clamming enei•
gy reheats Clean, and Inlcreept• all communicable
dtseasea, whet., in in. or animal., Ae _ Jost recd
sad An . 11 by OM m. S salzas, n W. 64 et
sAvi , sivs
LUNGS. , —The unprecedented 'success 'uch hut
needed the use a we
u dl the 10.w.+ arthe Imp al
lump, ha. Indnied' die prapne4orapm to ...II ...I
lion to Ibis
rho ehangable weather which mruk s mn all and
*lnter mouth., is Iti amp , a Marl SOIITCO Of
These. if neglected, see but the pschursernof thal fell
The question, then, how skill we elp:the destroyer m
the bed? how shall we get Mew of our coughs and
Mist is of vital importance to the pebble.
he foetid to the Chummy PIIIMGCL In poet of this
willhesc Pow moo ewe pubilaMsitles senifietnek of
Mae. of our best 2110•0 eiti=l.ll, , oo /MVO egFeti
cooed its curative powers. These, with Onus of Ms
1.11.117 from oil pans or the coesitry,—Gom
Ministers of the Goepol, se, MEM* *nil copious eel
tem from the
we hare embodied m pamphlet form, nail may be bai
smut of emy i t i ii r s l z i namsgijo=entints7,
have beta used in thin ell CC
ihmaghout the tinned Stu es awl Canada, sod we aka
(cage any mut to point eel 5
winch, when taken according to diseetlonannd bo
m the Sing. had been= fatally disgazustAl, ha
aver Guled
Wby, then, need the allieted hesitate! hy mon ‘s
the nal...Table gouge up bran , pwalndbid•
tat. the=ntsee of +Matta ply
ote4 end petfedietatartertaty C-crtd.a.. 0 , per..
eons equllyilniatewat Wtabn a meamine DT
ts to bet had, *abaft yentas a r e at borang—oar =lee
"'"VrgriTDAgst THE on Evr- •
In order tam Mu invaluablc medicine may be planed
within the resell of, Me poet as well Ike atab, wshavi
pat the Pd.. lg
prizarrwry ClTartliq '
teat bag the VlAl4lcatt Cough afedternes. it ta
fan sale byear arm foamy &Yell Wall and village
over the efnab who tee pre pared _ to five fen Inform.-
Son relative to it. T. BALM% Brapnetar t
Broadway, Quoin n ohm
DB. S - T - OWFin•LnifY II,B7II . ALLILJ A A,MaI
dolts of Dr. Tow/mead'. Genuine aarasparala,
mat rec'd and for mile crySELLEI4B,
07 Wood at. only Awl for Butaborgb.
Jan Lty Dld CURRY, Agent for Ailegbenv coy
Famt• for the Public.
In unrivalled (amity Salk,
IaION V of • reapeelablg Paysieinn..,-Ecad
1 we followinr, addrenzed Lo my Agent, M. F. Aft/T
-n. tremher, Woe umnil
1 . Sir A stn. , of duty compels me to give my Whore
to Dailey , Pain Extract. Item; appotoul toquack
ery and all nostrums lopong for their ot4cet moister
mouses—ton real.sing mael3 good (rum dm 9Cut of
Pain Ktllers"—l am induced to tender you this cert e
cate I have used It 14 my family. id my practice, cud
nth all ten happy and arottektrfol effects that could
be :Imagined. 11. J. (boon; 01.11.
Dr.B4uts . inc senior maw.' of Mottle S Levi,
Inflamatertrny lam . navir.4. - '.• • -
The fallowing tcsuotoutal comes from • source 44
minor in many admen traveling on oar Western WI.
tors. Alf. tilime, the well itud Amorally koomm pro
pnefor of the Pmkersborg Howl, Is husband to the
Jody *boss Utica Lunen i • - ,a
Paaidueouar., Ve , April IOU.
To Henry Dailey, Chemist- dc.—Sin flaying fer
merty Limn Log stored miff •lolant indarnmatory
Rheompunso. winch opeourodvse gnody sealed WI Us,
defy 01l ordinary apphauces to ado tne sevem •poin
nnending it. I was untamed to try our Alogioal Paia
Extractor; and it hosing cdected, ext.••• Why nul
gic, an Immediate. relict, and also, o all appearance*
on enure and parker mire. I am Induced for the tame- '
Ai of ottani mho may be ofilicted ovith•pain, caused by
any kind of inflommouon, to mite to you, declaring
mat in my
on, founded on retool experienco
your MBA tool Pais Extractor is the mot
namable doe
coverl alb," proem oga for the iroutodiam crtracuon
of boddy pan. It aau almoot frommlitte and et, per
fee tease far Monts and' !maim, and all extermil in.
llamas malty usquamtenees formed by their visits
et my husbendts hotel ts thls plasm, I ham supposed
by your Mowing them them four bum, it my possibly
be of benefit both to them turd yourself.
Etssatan Ohne.
Lberdertnin the hope that Mn. wall parties the
petblnuly I glee to Sr Inner. se well en the &cote of
6h may as *ens Being the gotta as of bringing
to the nonce of her friend..-11.
Felon Cured.
Entrant ai4 61..1
KT Non .91,1.1.
Mull_ Dailey: "I have tried yaw than Extracror in
• ease a( felon. hinny oleo family, which n relieved
and eased in a very ellen time? , In haste, your, re
spectfully, ' Tr. YOETIO.
In— Burnam! Scalds. Pilch. Sore Nipplcseillrolten
Breast, Eruption., Seine, Cuts, •Wounds, arid an in.
ditnimation, yields ruddy to the wecderfdlgtroperties
al this unrivalled faintly atone. ilftl, to the saver pro
portion that yea will receive benc4tfroni the (entice ,
yes will be injured by the -doluestiona egbets of the
cone:erten salvos. • •
CAUTION—Be .are norlapplT oat, 'to We umeh . ,
Ii Dra.r.str, 415p r ohtlway, ihchr Y . ?rit or to h. -
thorized agents • • SOF:1!t 0-11/ORGAN,
, -
General Nei.; Platsburrh.
Henry P. Soberer., Allegbessy, 'deem; J. Rater,
Wheehttg. V..{ Jams Johnston, Itlaysville;•Ky.;
P. Merrywrather, CtocAnnu. 0.. General Depot.
N. ll—ln the sever!. Darns anti I , eabls a extract.
the Lam In a levr . ntiAttais—s . t never NA.. Dill
MOIDSA '8 WORM kl i pAt i .
a, gin.
Mr John D. Morgan—Dear Sir tato/Peale teaspotte
fall of year %Vona IDller one ormy,ohildreu s aul in
he short nese atlas half hour it passed latrentY tarts
worms. I feel sok rcertnor,solang your Verrobbae
ut the best manta° that cut be too 4 for eat . ..ellen
bases Illtntaaa. near Nobleslosaa
Prrorred and 'odd by she propnetor.JOllN D. MOR
GAN, Druggoa, one door belovr Dlamond alley,Mooß
nittelarrys vutznioXL
Hum:wars StiPKIMOR RED hNR.
AI thew eider from erdlemry Ink, es they are all
fhemical sedation* °manuring no iscjd matter,
reely from any kind of pen—the color deep,
[night and durable. little. bare beembener puck,a
mad, I have neither seen nay beard of Mem. Sam
ple bralledf can, he obtaMed graft, the reemba A y a
genere! , y, from 11. A Pahnertoekt Co Henry P.
lacbarmo, Aberrheey, or of the manufacturer, THOS.
IC. HIBBORT. Drugatat and Cberewt, corner of Libor
y and Saulffielearrects,Aaaborgh, Pa.
N. 13.—Any boyle not g1np11g,ft1iapki..4.431.1.32,
Can be refereed affda.fie price yr 4 he yrjundg.t,
1T1111341031 .s fLaut
M McFAIA..., begs to snforente, mhatateatarg p t u,.
I. tough memty, that .he haa opened dm
above tablishment, where every Romaine :mil be
pled to mecomfort of Mow who may him ar t&
a calL beny Strcea between Serena, and Wood:
lee Cream, and al; Other aelioodoo of wow,
0.1.111M031 PAPAGat
rPHR andanagoed hive thi. day tad antler
J. the name of Thompson IlitUaa & San, for the par
r.. of maaofactaling.pavet, at the Chavvt Paper
Alill, wham they will he plealpl reeeive the! patron.
•ry o<the Puhittt, sat' Sly former customer. of tht so
They wall nt all time. keep on hand a general a
moment of writing, wrnpping, ten and w-11 peper , s
bonnet boards, iritmk bcmlo, etc. etc., Widen they.ll
exchange rot clean linen and COllOll raga.
Pinter, and Book Paliefer. can be supplied with
every deem - Ml.on of priuung piper atnhort notice. and
at reduced price.. - Ttlinit`SON HANNA.
April 1 , 4 2-r-rcirn:ddrn EnAl I/N A liA
giarrIPTICTSI6I4\fiTOM POH PA num. , -
1,) /tom D. Loccaroon, 111 Wood atedt;',lm. Just
reetived tome bcaunfully oramumea °MATE
APRONS, of • variety of pattern. and retort, Oro,
cut Tinge Paper for ornetnerting
_locking Alegre.,
picture frunca. or lamp., ittel
'Tate sign of the Plane and Saw, 7tllTa7cd Erect
• ...piste amornsent of Cincinnati Cooper.
Tool., for sale by mild MEIER A LAUFMAN
MidAttAr23 - 1118TORY OF ENGLAND—DM-
Iee. edition, contemner ell the matter, verteallni
et lineman, of Vol.. I and d of the Loudon edttion,
bolluthed with a, gestalt of the uttnor—g Vol. to one.
Price, complete, nor. A large snooty elate anoint re-1
cited and for tole by JOHN /I MELLOH,
nachlS sl wood at
• •
C t j a, " t•l 'r ai Cho. a re P ea Ba . ? llsa, A
tweet opirad ehoecanati, jut( SeedS tad for sale Se
all dm
Pekin Tea Store, 'PrFoaral • ••• arm •
VW81%;514 7 - -- Gooi s eruatkril aim
V • patverired gager, rut seed Karl fur sale by the
Warn at 16 , 111 I, at Oa -Yearn Teal Salm. Foluils.l
GRATIOtti for the very liberal eCcournientent i
have received for so Many yeara r t hake deter.
e paed to enlarge niLbxdnen inr , ter , ll:ll.
Wt l od to
Lltli:ll ' o a r: '' renolpttr, sod trii ' the vilo fi rk in our aural
style and at fati pricer, and ask i ho nocn?no of mer
chants and awne• to soy lure skink of tiptiotsal--
ftr 600D8 and Bed, Planta.. and lkddiag, Cur
we materials, Damn ek• mit Momenta, Coro/Pea, Flit.
pea, Pordedoka, Takuela, *ln hod R.W . ando, awl
every Itelt oO9lllir /Lel. LO eatalt • ot of Alto
kind Orders retpeouutly solicited and peer at:
bunted to.
N.M.-Carpet. nude and pin down. ,
rnahli NOUTer,l•
k liCI.INTCreli, !Oaf= Foknh
day another lot of thert au imocno French
Tranapvent shades, which in beauty arid
nostrm, torus any nib)/ ever brought to thia mot
I before—made on _,,ely ~ ..vrea la thisody
the roostappnavod Easternplara—
and most rash - roast Eutet patient it and valor. Si.
nualotoorder.of all mos, and a), allerloa.
Coantr7 Merchants and other. aro wined to 00.11.04
ea.:nine that above for theme:lives, a• all *Rho veld
wholosalo.ot rotatl.and • liberal dodactioa inad•
witolevale parehason,
Notice to Ono Pi:stilly.
'4A77di6crehy notify ititu (nemla and correspondents
f ot home and abroad, thq ma ta11. 0 4 entn
oftr entzuoterancits, receive frtighfCtont any Boat for
Ificielt J. Neenen bete e
ltit - 91?s;
j o b i m tv v a co., RobbilWinei
CITESTNEY St e' ree !vv. I r l ' i l l * ii2e 4 phi, '
bo p
Halo tO harm fri ' ends the
ERSIIIOE, with, a large assortment of New 01
GOODSiColll,pricing Cossimaires, Nievilogoi
of every ascription—all of warb
of Marmon
i lte t3..b.. —4O b.n, carefully 'elected in Parla i
ipv Statigersivlalling Phllitalphitt, one respeadoli
afivitcd to pelf and' CZOlliblC, thraacztensive stook.
riEhriiiiillifEJCVASTE—JiaPveeiving, grow
,bp¢lo of !abbe} slikipricr article, hlghl7
Important to persons Oen wish la hap their feet dry
II maggots the lambed from Praia* ad - will tate •
palish CIT. it. 'For ulp st the lad,' Robber Depot,
No 5 Wood street mar 3 , # if PHILLIPS
'iPllEsabseriber, wholesale muniffnetorer of JEW
dlln ELRY, Holt. wholesals &olds and pedlars Ha
g South and Wats—also, runny store keepere to
call end examine his Hoek of. Jewelry, which will be
• sold at the lowest plans for tall CV approved accep
tances. Constandy on bloc and Icisoutatoriogi a
iardb ISSLVT l .ll3.llsaitable for city or country trade.
earner of Fourth ad Broc KG. a
a A ts.up st ale,.aptind.a Philadvlobta
IIa i kVILNO - biased et three ohne la at a nd
flee ie t he' Rd, (New Vora, Iladludelphi• and
Bann:mired • lege nesoarnent of Mt neweat and most
trnPMaedll7lca of PAPER FIiaNCiINDS, BORDERS,
and made arraogemcute, eituott I will be en..
bled to procure all acre . Matterch vinaultaneous with
thor appearance in the Eacent mirko, I wood m
ane we attention of Mose elenirtnd en hare that houses
papered with Me tamp skittle of paper, to call and
examine my stock, before purcbacing elsewhere.
Limy, now on the way mom the Emit, MAU pieces
of Gold, Coda Bladed, and common Paper kiammtga,
schicLl one sell al prince rangtriz Bon lad cm to Y 7 f
tochis'gt, BILL, n 7 wood at
APING just coapleteddx rabsuiding of out remake
&L houses, smarc nom proparrsi to receive meat.
and smoke it ituthe nanstentireLustuatite manner.
,'Fbo house, are lined midi all the modem, improve
-111.2.1, mid are capable of cmnaining :Mutat lbs. eau.
UFA 4JONES, Cw.d Bari.
•41 • nest Seventh Vlß i rlifkiPiKPEß—ldasingthi - eezaltistve ageil
far the tale ofthd Grose. Printing Paper,
B. ib-c P. Battle, Proprietera4 we will be constantly
..applied with all the dirremm deer of wpcnor
which we carer at dielowessmegnlar price.
• gBI iSOI-Diert PlIgM
_rebel corner Peon and Irwin wa
110117qUESNE . WOILns.
nOLEMAN, ilgett'icontinste to num
Lisfactunrtiltriall twin, Spring tarot Am. Blister duct,
PlougM, Rift and Ilise Sleet, Birth, tikes dud Vigo%
Iron Natsiatl slam together trithaCosob and Ettptlit
Spring., Id( Pm, colmnan
Baring reduced t te ordiWroughf Iron ligut
engine builders and o ers using the aruele, mill had
to Mew iptcrest to gird this nempranch of Pitmburgh
manntrseldrcil their arteiddert.
Uoae4 I:fowling-a Dad onolonblO ken on 'thorn:. torn lC'eretutme on %Voter and Fourth,.
4n4 13 now reel/takes; asagrune,t of
CLOTHS, cassialgiES:OD VE3711161,
Mach he is prepared In make to ord.,'
And In the lattset:Feshiona
4ead latsartaadTidt Bade* and Sham.
Comer of Fedttl. and 1.31/114/Ifielli
. .
rrntanton, p..
titho n g ° e! ' e n rat Sisoo.t pA
wholesale and retail wogal reepecifelly .
in v. the nUeuttrak of their Mends and the pa.. gut.
erelly, to their splendid new etelek, coneisting of wen%
arcane.', boye% and chi - tare. wear of ewr) ,
tint), mailable for 100 season, 11/1 at Nide. to sell
rho 111S11. A apieildid artitle'hf home made work,
Auk se . saVeklen's fine Boom, ladies, agues end
eldliltene fine work. Please call end examiner for
yoarselves. TItUPII k deltrf,
corner Oh aed dmithAeld .0 , True., Carpet tlegs, kn. tee O
we?. on Ideal and low for cate •
Cauliwysterchante .0410 Gad it to their I..terest
irtsatait call when etwaitalhe eal. in • 014
atOGAfil, ItyliettSN & CO,
1&IP014/tilL1 pod Wholeame Dealers In Itemign aml
Degmeagre Illedarare, Cutlery, :tat:Mary, &c., 149,
Woed Czech Pittsburgh, ere nem fatly unposed want
. a recently noportetratoak of Ilardware, Cutlers, Oast-
TwYacurpetttera' Toole, om, to MU/ very great tn
ucentents Weeten Merchants, su In addmou to
the many aduutuaties had by our prealecemorst
Log tm & Kennedy, ‘ve have. greatly Increased our
yanhase all our goods tram hem hauds
on the very beet arms.
. Toe junior ntendscrs of .the fir& devote Muir whole
otheunott to sales, And feeling mutate , t or fining eal.
respeettoily schen Mal from all who may
• lWia totasket. lona=
, I . l n taje , r7 t glo4 , odasz . faLste , a b yrg c rsor ap re e . M ,
impsaved machine, .L.tcit be /44, mamma a patent
and agrees to gtre..(throtthears C vt, , thde Ptamothe that
they are auonger, atha
t wyokin trust and woo weath
er andlMEnim asoisurre rAntetreicen thou any tak
e, ur th kth u a th ess t ; treater y and -open. teeter.,
md ranch more duratde m every .poet. bn,
, brings tdrewd to a pkossare of several toes, and pos.
serses.,)-a uaudthwo sthooth .adore rind even edge.,
e Tt )
ejkaev aa
greatest b e s s a t d s r f o a n c t u b o r n i c t k o .
all who
bore parcltsthed. A kilt C. bv.en at toy works, cad
speedster/ alkirc GlLlette aloe.
Thoth hating svpddied themselves for there Dodd=
sad wishiug kandusate front tmelt, or superior
and solid (Arles WIC'S, Cita obtain them.
rijnodorossu, Awe 1.1.1.i4is GRE6G4
w 0 401 , 721. ;,
gr ittl....l f ,;lk!.o C.. pa.
VIIIgi La.: " l l .Jl72:irj
retiPAßTniKirrilltP—i — heeirc 7- 1, ,
V with we to wholteadr
C. 13261.1011 1.0•41it.5, Mr. roied IV,dion, e firm
WAIT tie tro. J01R4,1 WATIe
° r ef s
ote hood hod for ilaic by
.11,3 J. KIDD it. CO.
PIML1:511Ell S
it- W EEK LY
eara. us.= B."Unteri 3d n, ow Me Pass OA.
One iesertion of IY line., or ...... $0 50
Two i treaters. With ontalterationA,..” ...... 0 16
Three •• " " ICO
On Week
rwo Weeks " " » ...... 60
Three "
J 00
One Month,6
4 CO
Three ..... jo
I 117 Longer advertisements In k .
lOno Kii&cciei =Mhz, oithout dterntomoe•
• " " 12 " e
Ea! h ad,tionaal agnate forfi months, .•••• bOO
10 00
Oae aiduths,reaewable at gam" ,
I " " 12 "
ICachechritionalaqiinae,:ror . ii ou m..... 10 00
I Two squares, 6 menthe, re'ssablestpla." , 3° 00
Eaeb t&itiortal up:tare 6 months, t.... ..... 8 CO
1011 . teel.eraaxxx ni Deal • salsas.
Oae mimic 3 .. .. ......
." • " each additional httertlo2
Roux= carps.
rive tines or len, ort. year, 600
rr monti...4.r 5 55
'" " one year,4114.& week l 7, 10 ' 50
" " " six mantis 00
iarriormannriv t wimulA -1 • 231 "
tot IS lines, ar
Too, '' 076
Tires, w. 1 03
" rinse see .»...r 6 •