The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 12, 1849, Image 3

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NIA-ssActiosErrs zmarloN:
Ntcw Y 02148,44-
Th° gthseti° , f°' Cottimums. In the hunt, dm! :
tract of idassachusetts, ?miffed in no cb0a...0.
New Teat, Sept. 11. ; t 4
The mama from nineteen teems et Maine,
dime the sue( ma or the Democratle Governon..
and a Whig gam or tsvo in the Legielet.,.
'Ea'. Joys", &pr. 11.
The Halifax express btu juit been umouatteak
arra toe Europa's nava from Europa, but I ark
ac: be abbe to
my , Tru
day 1,,
.I—Safes of 4W nooks St. Louis Whoa,
2010 per gall.
s • 3 1.1,11, 144040 per lb. (3 caked.
• ,et —Sales 31 G}e,
of 53 ttli . l3 pima at ,74 c per lb.
IM3 11,13.011%
Nrw Yeas, Sept. 11.
.vrba blamer? —lleevaaat malice, to day.—
'ilece were 1700 head of SouthernZESO head of N.
York Stabs and E. The antes were $6 t 068,56..
The market clamed with perhaps one hundred bead
left over.
•= i ft .
Flour—Toe mazket Is doll and pleas are fit 6-
Tot of the buyer. •
Grain—Corn is in, acti►e request with sales 01
of Western anzattat6ll, maim at round yellow at
63. Oat yellow 626.
Provston•--There is 00 movement visiVe is
any article.
correasueence of :he N. Y. Cam. Adv.
A Day swab' the Canterbury 811•Jraria
Carrantrax, Merrimac Co., N. 11.?
Sept. 1. 18
This town, u about Dar miles North l9.
of Con
cord, and =dant a population of about 1700.
The art settlement was made in 1727.
My purpose, however, is 1101 with the town any
father than as the sat of the community called
Shakers, to which I pald a visit on Thuriday bud.
I had heard a much about this sect that I woo
curious to see the myself sod so, being in Gilman.
too, which is within 7 or 8 mile, of their village, I
Lamed one of a party of four to pass • day with
the Shaken The drive from Gilmanton brings to
view some of the moot romantic scenery in New
England, sod, were not your columns preoccupied,
would be worthy of • particular description.
On approachitig the Shaker village, which hes
to the Northeast part of Canterbury, it woo re
marked that the farms alorlg the road exhibited
more then ordinary amass. There was an ap
pearance of thrift which surprined tia This was
attributed to the influence of the Shaker., who
were styled the very "pattern" of 11.1111014. O.
venation the village, our Grist inquiry;was for the
"Church family,". which appear, to be the highest
order of Shatterism, add having ascertained that it
Iva at the farther end of the village, we proceed
ed thither.
The community is divided into three females or
degrees. First, the novitiate order, iota which are
lint admitted all who evince a desire to connect
themselves with the Shakers. The novitiates am
required to live op to certain rule. of the meiety,
bat they can manage their own temporal affairs,
and even live with their families. The society en.
erclatil CIO control over their persons or property,
but when they desire to make a "donation" of their
property to the aociety they are at liberty to do so.
The second eLva , often oohed the junior etas,
comprises persons who, not having the charge of
families, gone together In the community order,
manacling to devote their service. to the interest
of the flintily, reaming sopport in health, ackness
and old age. On the withdrawal of a member he
t. resume his property , accoclog to the con
The seiner chits, or Church family, is composed
of gush as covenant to denote thermelves and see
vices, with all they peerless, to the society.
At preeent the community numbers aearly 330
members—the Church family about 150, and the
h., other familica trout CM to 70 each. The build
mga are situated on either side of the mad,
each ktamily" occupying a separate mop Our
Ent snot was to the trustees' ofoce, when we
were received by a lady wham station correspond
ed with that of elder. The Spirforal Maim of the
'octety are directed by four elders, two mahm and
two females, and the temporal Crain by trustees
wan ere tavessederitirette• fined' ell she real estate.
We were invited to examine the trading.s and
oda, nod one of - the ladles accompanied us--
IE 'cry thing appears to be on an extensive scale;
there are a steam engMS, to aid m the washing of
• midi where the fire wood le sawed; a
..ratll, : turaiL, mill, saw mill, and mills for the
,canufacture ut linen, cotton, andra;n
.;1. I.ellev,, there are eight MI eituated
„,.;;E7:, < ream. We found some o the Shaken
u'• soap making, and they had filled
ue yen : vs- cants, each contalrung 100 gallons of
. The dairy was a wonder; one hundred
-re _cc...." were exhibited as intended far family
1,, we yaree and gardens the granite walks were
.e oven toll dust. Tome watt a meets about
c very tam? which Ives almcet painful—not a stone
Greet--the les.ea all in perfect order—l
,etl ,ato for some kind of rubblab. The
-!teed. were thrifty, and no old trees encumbered
• .o. i Leger before saw a tarns cxhibiting such
t.t. t h state of eulhvatton.
- -
oat. of the rooms we found about twenty gala,
; .a 1 p loorteeo yaws. They were nem:pied
ucedle work, with the exception of one who
t. ea weaving lace. They were examined in arith
metic, gmarrapbY. mid grammar, and manifested •
poemeworthy proficiency. At the request of their
teacher they repented some dogged, detailing their
names, ogee, 'be towns of their birth, and the etre
numeral:lcm under which they cam* in charge of
the Shakers. The following will eery. as • Epees.
“If being geed will make a Shaker,
one, say, Anna Dakar.”
These children did not appear happy. Not for
• moment d:d any rine of teem smde. They all
appeared sad and mmeworo. B 3 wu the ease of
yeah moat of the old and young. Ishouid
•ay that they sre tinder very great restminL to
the community, the females mmaldersbly outnum
ber the males. In Sommer, the female children
in the three families unite io one wheal. The
teacher, a remarkably comely ynang lady of about
five and twenty, and very eotha•ianfe in her call•
fog. Warmed us that the children in her charge
were more proficient than the average of the et
tendults of our New England common schools;
thirty levee were attending the school thu elm
mon. The boys are schooled in Winter, end em
ployed abort the firm in Werner; we saw sever
al groups of them, apparentiy happy and cheer-
having expressed a desire to attend a a Shaker
mee" ente r ede were direct•d to the Liriser family.
We the chapel at 8 o'clock, and here we
found atom thirty kmales, and a somewhat less
number of males. They were arranged in mare
—three reprint° rows of each sex—and liming
each other. They all knelt and named some min-
Ines in silent prayer, and then commenced chant
sag a mournful wet of air, keeping time with their
hands and feet. By degrees the music assumed
• livelier strain. and the shaken commenced •
movement mood the room, at don marching, in
creasing in speed according to the rapidity of the
nntntie, and ending in a regular "shave down." Oa
of the moo powerful singers stationed themselves
to the middle of the mom, and "did' the music
with a power which SOMe of yon} opera slayer.
might have envied. The Shelter dance it unhke
nay Ming else, nod is dificult to describe. The
males had divested themselves of their coats, and
united in the exercise with great gusto. The
singing and dancing ceased, and alter a few min
utes passed in silence, the spirit moved some of
the brethren to • apee:ch, or morn properly an ex
hortation. What was mid was well said, and nct
unlike the exhonations in our Methodist mort
ion in ...Ons of strung religious excitement.—
One of the speakers had been a Methodist Oce
ans... • very populsipmacher In his day. Dis
appointment of time kind had driven him from
the ...ark" The services were concluded at
half past nine o'clock
The Shaken cultivate about 100 acres, as we
we re Informed, and they also ogre mem& large
fen . s which they lease to the u wortere people."—
They are deemed sera shrewd, and as one of their
ne i g hbors hatd,“dreadtis I chipper fellows at a Ind.- ,
T heir garden seed., wooden wart and clothes find
ready sale at a puce about - 20 per cenh higher than
the of the , Attriiden, though It mutt be ac
article,ledged that they manufacture none but sore.
• The inhabitants of the &amending town. enter
taio prejudices amnia the Shaker. W.
visited the cemetery. which contained about Ito
„ r evers, each mbrked with • marble dab, recording
the name and nyc of the d.oeu.d These ware
all the deaths which had occurred m the comma
nay mace its ertabliatiment, about half a century
ne of the elders Was quite commueleative awl
.rt u s ut,o th e secret of tide oi
appearsbesides the elders
thd trtotres,lherc to hth. , ta tonood • Mitnetry,h7
',p5." are darpenseti. The miniatry is
:.;,used et four pet.... Iwo of , holt ses• The
some scOnoto x p resides over the Canterbery cum.tunny a,, the ,oenatscity at Eadeld, New
two months with each so-
e.ery o vrtlv , v. Thu ministry Mteoghotst the
Owirl are satscrdlnate to the ministry a t
Leteson, N. Y., which appears to be the
ren, power. A Shaker Cal he removed
eon, one ~,c.oany to another, at the will of the
~ots7. The sytdem of cent - cub:at ill not =dike
p,teueed to the Romeo Catholic Chitred—
N1.0.y met, which I gathered must be reserved for
;ether catunsuntestioa.J .-A. L.
Ply. and Idarin• insarapae—Tom PM.
Drum SArlcArlosi AND n. /Inraancs CantArt—
zd 1 , 12—c0/moues lo £OlOlO, upOn 00017 do-
.ereption cf property, at as Anent natl.
Or,,es,, No. 21 Market meet.
Roma Fur.; 54.07. •
wan DALZELL. W. W. qua-um
- _ _
yinis wrxt azona Urrrmit 11. 154.9
The weather, dories the greaser part of the week.
ha. teen cool and dry. and ear nom have main be •
came quite low. Couvequedtly every thins •• been
dull, and weld no narked change in the ramie]
quotahone of the market. The rain. which fell tn the
early part of the week, had, very contrary to oar cr
peciation., no effect upon the rime and the water has
gradually receded, until the depth in the channel to
very nearly approaching the low water mark,
itghs ee ry
Monism n that quarter has been •ery
end moat comm. l ea until we have another nee,
Which is now mom anxious!y looked to es the only
means of a general revival in trade. A. the fall sea
ago has already set in, we may venture the prediction,
that alter so long a "pelt of My weather and low ma
tee, are will not have to wait long for an abundant rise
the river, when Oaf betaineal MVO will again be art so work, and Made generally Will mowne all its wont
-ed wit tay and bustle.
The receipts of Breadetuffh and Proviaims have been
veiy tight; auppLthe ale barely luffieient to the demand.
...Sind ;As.. in every teepee t, Continue very firm at last
ASHED—In Soda Ash, a fair Mamma has been dote
in the way of general sales, orktle other desert ion's.
*eve remained quie4 thong! mice. Mae been farm at
gar Jut goofedrases. Smite 20ton. of bids A birth
been disposed of at 3}R 3 ie for best brand. and M
or ordinary. We Conde. our quotations of Salami!.
list 51; of Pearls d{osl; of Potent 411.941 c, and of Score h •
:$1). at Wale P lb.
Jett—The demand feeling). fair, end regular thlm
;fitave been effected at lbi,coaa,so for common an Pei,
:enalts Included
DACON—The receitda of Mean, to be sold in this
onaraet, h ave been moderate; the present supplies are
lbadequme to the demand, and Plitte have computed
4pry firm. The sales of the weak hare muounted
itikaoMBo We at the following Ramses. Plato home ce
4090; Shoulders, Goolc, and Sides at o+Cieec Oo lb
;kites of 30 tierces of prime bagged hams at loc. and of
i4hides sugar cared canvassed hams at Intone. 7be
Pigiu of common country eared bacon continue very
Wtht, and sales have been limited at j. to Se boom the
above figures. The shipments of Bacon east mu ca.
i:leltdeste: Avg.., amount to I ,DSM,IOO ms .
?...11R.A.N AND SHORTS—We note sales of Brau Irian
lime at 11012 e, of Shorts at 211421 e p bushel. Re.
ekipts continue light, and anyplace are limited
, E3ucicers AND TUBS--Wa coattis. our quotenons
sag= p demo for Bucket., and 59.0029 ya d rat
r five yearn
- 4/ROOMS—With light .applies in market, %en nom
iiiihdarsta Wes at rally mimed rates. aag. (or a good
igiegelmenabla article at 1123702,311, and (or best quail
-012,5V3P1 dna.
note relent. /immure sales from star
Open nagging from e 24 b 730 p nu, for nem.m,
.iCitlZESE—Receipts from the Western Reserve bare
*II fair, and etamideraide quantities are passing
of 4 eastern market. Tee Mipments by Canal daring
itirgasa were M 2 ibs. We rote macs of common
bit t '. R. e digadge, and of Cream at tliele Al ale
dame Cheese we.. quoted in the Philadelphia
idlket at a range of s(m line ; at litalutuore,7aelt/le•
In Cincinnati, for W FL, tiic je D.
C:ITPON SHELIINGS--gest qualitylbroren Sheet
iaitisi Pittsburgh manufacture, are sold at f . and ordi
oat) or Nonntook ci :au p yard, at 'which figures U.
dCieitrui is domi c iled prices very firta
,LOTION YARNS—We nonce- no father chance
ireirlees, and mountue oar climatical as
No. 4, etar, lb '''''''''''
.e, ' e I Ao. 13 .1. Pcr lb
No. 1..00, et. per lb
. 10u0,
Bag Rllin g . ............
N 01.2. 3—l I , Le. 9
plisbed price. , with 3. et. off
Nth:SCG, eta pm lb • •
... ,
4.lrte ..... e
Cadionit Chaim
ecritarlet Yarn. 20
Tlaltaa, ... • • ......... 20
'Oat ahoy, are the establ
forAaalt, for an tams oval
C44llhiGE.—For tha yam articles ander Mug head,
thMni la • regular mead), demand at the follounng
ilderolla rope, by cod,
.4Phite Rope, by cod,
: . •2 : do
::rarred Pope, by coil..
do ur.•
',..rbelelog Teen, boo,.
do 4112131.4
Nzo .20 IMAM
1V,03135,0D34,03 r doe.
Hem Y coil,• • • •Lbe -
si,edososom,ss p oo
r coil, • • •10e " Cr 4
Erne p. doe
isad Cordage is oula regularly at IlYie
C4C61:1773—A regular bum/a." la doing at We fol
It**. quoted tare.:
miter LYocteta pet bbl
Hitler e wry
Mere d . o 3,73
rte Crackers, per lb
CAtt '. DLES--We "Imam our quoirawns of Sta
canti,l99 at 210.tcre; of mould tutor at lul, and o
Cotr99tOodtpped at 9c $0 rt.
, •
CARPER—SaIes of CU( Mine Copper in ease and to.
got.s*l9.l2k; of Shenthlng"Se, and of old copper
at In3filie p ed
DRIED FRUlT—Peaches are m better demand; and
we Mate sale. of 40 Obis at 01,774 IF be, Will pay for
barrillii. Sales of Apples al 50355 c.
D04708--The following ts a het of price. of mete 0 1
the 73100 Remittent oracles mader shim head
Aleej. be 1501411 B ri mstone. •lb•. • 40
340 41 Camphor 4.
, ref, 350
A da, b.- • ..leo Chloride lime -• •- • 74 0
ArroZ7.74 0
.- -•- • 10014 Coehineal, '"
Aquefirtris, .•• • • 10011 I Copper., 0 . • • 1.0
Lithatipt. .• • .5400; Liquorice roar ••7 0 9
Madoo, Gmbro,lbsl9ol24 . 1 ball "• • 203 W.
CaV,bb1e,11115001,55 Rd Soda "• • • 4044
ord os. • •4107504,00 Glue, common ". • • 11013
PL.24/41.—Tha receipts afloat daring the week have
boo.. my worth mecum, and salsa, ocher from fret
handirpr from rims have been very limned, and con.
flnedi9nly to the regular trade demand. From store
we itiiibe a alight improvement from oor last works
quota/lona, with sale. in deny load lots at 04,91591.7 1 70
1,90 #.7711. From first hands we may quote at 11.750
4.90 40 , 064 The Mimosa. east during Ausritst wet.,
bgtu, fiktionsuink only to 1,01 bbls.
ITS FLOUR —Wseon anus violet:on.
store 04 03,3703,50 $0 bbl. Suppl ies are 141.0 torn
Pl274—We notice fan suppnes to the marl... with
sales 04 idahnon at OW • Obi; of new No. 9 3lackerel
at 111449titd of old No at $7,04 sale. of No 3at 05,-
7506. red of Herring at 305005,75 • bbl; the market
elolineorin at those foram..
FEsillik3l2l—The mot ket cannon. quiet, with mod.
crate Itlica at 22034 e • tb.
FR246EITS.Owing to the coat:need low Gage o
the :iar heights to Ctn.-anon eenhium high, 75c pet
110 belig the lowest rate. Fur wane of the principal
artlel4.oll shipment rest, the followins,aris the charges
Meta, Bacon, Lard and Tallow 1.5 c
Terbakee Leaf, Ghlo, 200
Fv9lOlllM Kr,"
{Yeah . • • • ........ .e7be
and Paiute. "
0.0401 0 1' . all kinds, .021cG5c
Wh{skey,per 100 50c
Meru} per bbl c
GLA*, The following am the ruling rates for the
various sites Window Glass, city breed. 8 by 10, 04;
10 by 10144,50; 12 by 18117; Patent de l 0 by 14 to 16 by
91 mo* - osls • boa.
For 4bmitnts aims of country brands, the following
as theiiilablithed prices:
8 by iii• ........... 90,0 11 by 111•••• ...... 04,75
10 by 1/9 ............. 3,00 11 by 17 4,75
10 by II 3,75 19 by 10 -.•— .....
10 by 10 4.50 IS by 17 ...• ....... 1,75
10 by 10 4,50 19 by 18 ....... 5.00
10 by 10 ••• • •t- --.4,50 24 by 30 •-.. ..... 7.70
GROCORIES—The market, during Me week, has
omit,* very firm, but without any marked change
in ossooodor t s, may, for prima N. G. Rigor 64c, and for
far 6e; Rio Coffee eta range of 8 to ".le, accord-
Mg to qahlity. Sales of N. 0.310/ use. at 27102. e, and
engarhehn a 1 37040 c $0 Ara , / Rise is in fair request
540 JD:times. Sees of Loaf Bogor at 8010 c.
GRALIThe grain market %sutural change. and
qeomno49 are mostly nominal. Receipt. have been
very liol4 and sales limited at, for Wheal 85300 e, Rye
50e, Baoo3l - 5221/55e, Corn .73010 e, and Gaol at 24031,
farm firS93ands.
GUN 40WDER—Wa dam. FPO at 135 4301450;
•d R Powder at 11:1,23083 7 20 p keg.
aorta 110 f Sale. of Eastern rta at 11012/c. Tar
HAY =bales of good 71tatothy from wagon at gamdp
Ifa r toit.,
, .
IRON AND NAILS—Sales of bat Iron at 380; of
Sheet a41461< 1 ID. data, of Nut. at 61.:Da:ma:4
for 10.1 hi* Oarr.
INDIIIO.-.Sake of Spanish at $lOlll,lll of Metttli.
!monk* st,
LUMintla.--The yard. BM generally Wel supplird
arida oven` Using under thin heed. Ualea of acaanned
boarda (*yard at, for common 811, and for clear
y ➢(;(vet.
LEAD-owing to tn. low Itageof water in the river
. toty4inl no rennin. or Lead from Cho we t. and
. .
''es llykkjepplies is the muter, we vote axles a: lolly
quoted nitie, say for Pig eod for Uvse O lb
LEJLIffEf I.—Bales of New York role leather al 19
ouilfrst Eakin:tore We v 9.11222 c P 6, and very
LE ADJPPE—Pricee range for tha infanta suns from
7 to 14c *too; an advance.
S lADDEZ—lanltta of timbre at 12.1)12ic
lllA LT4Modarata attics of litscle7 AIM, from sutra AI
la% IP bb
MARISt INI ITRANCE—Races of Insurance on
nr4temn rad keel bolus:
From PittObttrait to ITheelang, •• • • •/• 41 I
to and from Cincinnati, 0. • tat *
Lotn”tile, Xy, • latl I
to St_ Loot, Mo.. • • •ratll
to Ltlonottle, do • • • . I *O - 1
m Independence, • • .1
7, to Galena, ,• • • • lial I
tat Memphis. Ten ,• • • • • taf
a 0 to N. Orleans, 1 011
fto. ItOrlaans b
I. Pirtatatrgh, .. • • ,• •,1 01{
07,6, ......... •• —•••—• ••• • • tiOle
The stop/noon. of merehandtee continue small. and
the .here are tae prevailme, rote.on good .team boa.
charged ta tali P i et to Ctneinnan Geode Own:tett..
keel boats, to La towed Ly Steam, era charged at tali
CI 10 Catemnate.
NUTMEGS—Said regularly at 31.12.331.L0M per b
OlLs--The supply of !.ante,: tt very light, so..
limned. oles anima:7s,3 , G Sole. m No I Lard at Usl
60e. and of No I :se
PIG NlETAL—Duttng the pest weak we have the
following wale. ISt tont Buell that, at SA g month,
102 tons Mill Creek of ag e , math. 100 t Sloppenvllle
at IM M, It mot. Theta rac e leave Let a mu,: sap:, t, ,
Allegheny Melo, on sale w the tr. tram
CA TOR selltng at 51..1031.55 P cal
ROSlN—Regular sole* at first 1?1 , 1.1
RAGS.—Regulor sales of good clean oozed :tom Seat
hands at
801 0-841:es arca/man., ;Lava at/t al or ret, flog a
al lU6inte r b.
TAIL .—We note oldu tualrrate quantlia.
• barr:%
TI: II PEISITINE—Srdee ar 45.34. c, t. ea"
VINEGAR—t4I,... of m.o.i mder a 9it9ie N r
VARNISH—Sn:c of :'opal a g!.:30092 A" gall, by
WHITE LEAD— 'elm:. a, 6k Y 1 . and pure
oil at 51.62 k it ker,nmon.
WOOL—.Price•conone •qead,!y to advaner, a^d
the following may now g n pre.,.l ruling
For Com 'l blooJ mon
i do
kV: Blood
Pronc. • . • ...... •• • • 7 , 1,
WHISKEY—The 'swam tonunnea vrry qu,s, wily
gales Ilecnfied a: Zia-. and of Raw, whmh /It ex cm,
ingly scarce. at 236
Pone's . ..hues —A Pittsburgh huckster won tab
: en before the Mayor of Allegheny, yeeterday,
.......___....... ....
Cattle Market.
' , 'nnrllnd wit" 1 0,4141i:0g. lie hail atlempted to , Se..eher 10 . 144 g I boy up all the good peacues in the Allegheny
The ...h. " *" '''"d " . '"‘"' ''' d "° ' h.. " f". I mrket, wnh' the intention of re-setting them
, 0
Th ` "'" 4. °' Ik ''''''''' ''''' 1 Pittelmsgh at an advanc prier. but his Loavcry
fair, and prier. •ra,,ged from St to gr. gr lIMI air no:
Sheep were .old at Imre. ranging nrcorimg to no
I Wet detected, and he w an as tined toe dollattL
Iron St to 1..1.73 each
I -
Taos VAULT, Aug. V.. 5 rhe Rriush Leon
market /144 been rather firmer this week. and afar
trade has been done a. .err full prices. terotch pts•
are hold for rather higher prices, but not :curb business
has bran done. No 1,164 to 4Us Gd Garthaheria 475, and
mixed 451 0.1 A fair business has been dopey] Welsh
Lars st IL to Rails ire quiet at .C.S.
Li - sterner lane Nsei:ter, Au,s, irS" —We hoer re
enr an entire inarket //I Metals of a'l kinds, pyreron
e xcepted. which ts quite n dreg, price. urn eradtrally
ey, an. ASG likely to md-. nirther. Us 0 , 1 to
4ls ri MIXON. sod Pint ah e ad ben: nre present
prin.,. I. r. Amer., by Europe
hei, inr manut•ciored ha, give., the mark - et
pnuli anc p, the prosper. ere ta laver of FL moderate ad
PORT OF Pirrssuiwp
Louis McLane, Ben nett,, Brownsville.
lVightniaa. Eizatieth.
Peyton., Hendrickson, McKeesport
Star, Smirks, Welle vitt,
Camden, Hendrick...on. Bcaver.
Colamb, in, Lie v•rinv.
Leattim McLa ne, LP 'Se A
nnett. Broarnaville
IL Wlghtznan, -- Elizabeth.
Peyton, --. krfice.Ntrt
Camden, liendtmdmon. Re•ver.
Companion,—, Ctn.
TEM R.l vlrJ. — Therr. Vers. 20 Inches m
channel, by metal mark, lard evening at dual-,
and falling.
Loma McLane. lirrywomv:lle, 5 P M
D. Leech .l - pecker hue. v p NI.
FI 11•11.• &Co' .. . c ;%.l7aTPark r ...n. cc:ock,
.Ptnttnnetnu, Denver . I • a - Pent I. tan
Having learned Ow the late widow of your ismer t
ed townsmen. L deeeetted. ta Iwo rim, oi
many to have died nt ey hone, and under toe
earn nod treatment, and that out lowa hail been omit
eel by •Ite Cholem, I drat, to hentratitet 1 , 0:1 retno-a
the unfounded to Mr: he tat,: :at erne •teither
the thew ef f•ir ttraeea, nor donne her tlincee he, .th
Ohetate of my e•tabh•htnent. nor athlor Ilyetopath
reatmcoh eht3 the ftryeethint Wants of . .or town
leaves oot mg to denim We neither ',air nor
Maw^ here mty Aniatte Choler..
_ F.DWARD A 71:1r:R. tI. D
T VHS A•l3 entEtlllS.
PDINE AND Ch:l).1 WARE \gg c!Tryit y
N 0.87. r ore., of Markel and Fifth ..reel..te.•
whalevale and
burgh. The su r
L... err. !o bee•ther kev, ev . ee... on v.v.
W w aeb Tub.. Ita or g.i s,l Ceurn,
'lath Tub*. • ! Stall Mum,
Nor.. Hoak.... Half g 6 e
All orb.' hind. of Ware to Ea. bum moth. to °Me r
Ise fb
12c "
De '•
A man by ihr name of HCUI. i'l.4 PP ho" engaged
with a young in. of the nom.. of S. P To•todend, sto
oars Obi nnuic to put up Sarsaciagillo. winch eY
roll Dr Town•end's Saloum - 01a. denosoinating
Origioal. etc. Tito Townsend i• co orb
sod ors, but was formerly • worker oo rad,
roads, cane., sod the .ike et be ostaurnes (e
of ID , kir 'ft purpose or gm niiie credit for whet "ter
nor He di sending out earth beaded bTnes•
Quacks," in whit, be says, I have mid trie use of of
m for S. L. v., et or.:: give S. PTr be
Ike willproducedor •lc • .011130 Or Oct of It.,
s caution tee publ, nor drorived, sod
purchase nor, L • the P.,'INE
Dr Jacob Thwrisecia S iidscari
Old Dr'. erica, hot nor, ...oar of arm, and
nature .11.• the coat s arr.•
, %cop ToWNSEN
Principal t nhce. lad .. al, New York
JAOCLODB TDoocw3TsEomau.
or Tll I: .3,1`114
-- • •
Old Dr. Tgannettd e • now Ql,Olll 711 y .„.,
ha• lona lan k ,own a• tne A vrifutt and Onn'tn
SARSAPARILLA." Dente poor. he watt ernopet.ed
kma. monufaceure, by whiell means tt ba• Men
ept out of market. and the an, nreuttarretand to
those only who bad proved 'a worth and known ta
veto. Thu rianno •SO I:5 Ravraton a a
rnanataeltard on We larreat veal. and a embed inr
throokhout the length and nreadtle of ❑ r
Rattan younc P. P. Totenveted n improves we
. 4 ,, and nee... chance, but for thee ben, teveane n
a pvenarnd on ovienufin prlnciptea by • •eltlitlfiC man
The highs: enowtedge ar , henatry, end the
diwthverte• ot . dot An, Lave nl. been brouabt into re
q UlOll4OO to th e thannfieto re of th e Ohl Dr, Santana •
rill. The Parsapantha root,. well known to nod
eal men ,
rootatns neeZiettnt: properne, and unne pro
rrt.. wheel/ nre Jaen . who.
Er retained Cr nre, rota 1. tor ow, pe.efar -.e
n rtar
nt, an: dl, letneit unratone to toe it) new ltollt,
roUl or hanahardla ore a rot/I,e en
they enurelv evapora. ant are :tat in Mt. rtrepe,-
LOll. el they are Ito: preeened by • locient.ex
known only to t
bo•e erpencocru di la mandthre /re
Moreover there. ett , aul , pnnenele• wthen ur v
por. or a• tut enhalatton, and, he, are the wen e
It all en veld, l a.
Woken., orate root, wheel/ var• to
OLD DR 11, U1iN1.711461
01i 7 , i- EN It, SA RSA PA RILLA
to .0 prepared. ,the • :pc its-n proper., Cl the -inr
from root arr. tont removed, every thive r moat, e
0/ing oo or of iermentauon, extra , :rod
rejted; then ever, t.ete of. ...lie, ol I -e a
red in a pure and
torn:, and thus in
healingd incapable of lontou any of an valuer, m a nse
properues. Prepared ut way, n a
the mn mrverful agent in the
Hence hr muop whir wn hear eranmend mono on
every side id to favor by men. women and
We find it rhang wonders the cure of Co nournprorn.
Dyspegrata, and I.4Ver Compialos, and tn F./Leon:won,
Scrofula and Hes. Cosuvertem nil Can react Erup.
nom, Pimple.. Blotch, and all a freettort• nri•lng front
It• a marvellous efficacy in ell remota..
•rising Iron, Indigent., kern Amon) , nf the thorns
h h,
from unequat cave/mien, deterromation of bleod to te
head, pahrauttent of the heart. cold lees and cold hand.,
cold eh la mid hot da.besover the henry It hot not
had Ito equal in cough. and cad, owl promoter en.,
and actate perapirotlon, relict wg .tor.
ture of the Linar. three:. and ever other part
Dot in nothing to Or eicellenZe more tnanionolv nem,
and acknowledged man in al itata• sod stage. of
It work, wonder% the eases of duor Maio or whom..
Puling of the Worth. Obstructed. SanPrnwed• F.! ,
lot hletates, loegalmsty of the ussownial period.. ona
the hie; and Is effectual to earth,' all form. of the Kid•
ney Damao,. Br ronvuss tabs ruction., and relrrl.•
Ong the general oyam It
Mne rtrencta
the whole hod, and cu r rea all forma of
and that preVenle Or Tellers, a sreril y of other
diseases, en Oposal Irritation. Neuralgia. lit
I .
Dance, SAMOr.IO,, Epilepac Gonvol•teria. bel.
net tho. then. rna Matoccre you Pan.Encrevere, Neer •
Dot can OrlY Of there things he cad C P. Town,
aand, interior article' That ' , Mug man', quid m not
because of the Grand Fact, 'hat Mr one Is inenelble
of Deterioratron and NEVER SPOll.u., white the nth
er DOES, it sotrs. ferment,, and blow. the lor , e.
cootattang into feagmenta, the *our. eon! ',ad ex•
ploding and detonator other geode Most uof thin hot.
rtlrht compound be potwatous In the 1, elem. What'
pat meld a sy ideal already dOetteed with acid'
‘Vhat causes Dyspepsia but arid! Do we not all anew,
that when ti od nour. In our onniaehs. what roirrwrfr
Il prodyee.'—datolenee. benramr !minnow", Cl
heart, liver complaint, martin,. t, re titer,. choir, and
corruption of the blood' Whet i• Nerohton i o r •,, ',rod
the body• What ponder,. nit me torur•
which bring
Eruption• 0/ the sant, son,l Oral.
Salt Illonm , Eryaweins,Whoe Swelling, Pryer sorr•,
and all ulcerations Internal .12.1 erternat• it I, roar!.
nag wider hear , . ..nd u,
theyeer. win onir
and (ban apoll a all the Hold. of hod, ..e..te nr l•
What causes /Doom - tan.. taut a sour acid fl .
out/neater itself between u , et. nod el Lewin. ,
ntaung and torlanniag tun It-dr, awl Ilr
upoo INWISch It ec.s' Ws el herrn•••/ d5.c...,
HO of the blood, of dernotr-il et rvulatme,
all the ailments which ailhet n,,ntan nature
Now, olt oat horrWle to mat and toll, hod
T17VV 01111 ;f, IXF-NT I NCI. ACID 'Cool ptt , ,,ND•
UPS I"rowN,,END '
and yet or would fain have Jt sin trot...! itr.l ladle
o Turolvend • (rename 0 nr tot Warhparallr, ts a
im/Wlion of him inferior preparation.'
Maven /crud that we , /mold deal in rc, Arne.,
whtch would hear the rtio•t d.rtn..t rear:tan:wir to S.
P Townsend's ante!, .Ind avhiel l 0,00,1 lo•Ils e
upon the Old Dr each et mown ^sod n!' Cullylkrn
criminatton. front age who hove sold.• a n d
Cochasers woo hare used P nt.
Tow-nee.: l'ertne!,toe
We ',fah it underatood, because st Ir the a;,•rnato
truth, that S. P. Towneentra tract, end 0,1 Dr Jure'.
TeWeeend's Sarsaparilla ore treaven.wtde apart, sort
Infinitely dlasientlar; that May are unlike In every ?ar•
Ocular, having, not one Meg.. thing , u common
It lam arrest tread. upon the onWrorna mto pr
balsa into wet/laded huanity. to it o , the Irepe
gw tutu to metre eealth and har
crostred sad broken and tn b•ei•m. no,
ti nstirin
ty—that eh! DR / ACOR TOW INEND Stil,t,llT
and FOUND the oolaarto.lY ,tame
Gaattc UNIVERSAL CONCEN flirt rxottE,ll,ll‘
within the reach, sod t Ore annwiedge.!,
need st„ that they .rr toyft I ex
patience, NO Triserleamorler 1 4, 111, K. in anat.
Per mi. try .1. KIDD a CD, Who:er de Ace,
Weatern l'enasylven.a; ,'MIT/I. floonin,h,, Ur,
I SAROFAN't Dr , SF-ELL, ruth
vatted. W GARDN w ant , I.. ."trah tptJ
GladinEl AR aCEIOOLs
View at Plttabearigh. . au-arramrd
Hoorna— , Davie Block," Federal al, lid door below IL
1 A. large number of th e Inhabitants of rigOorgh wll , f i . ,...,,,. , i, „
remerniger :hat they subsenbed for a view of the, city lir R.I. F CR/GCS. a graduate of Vsile floTege.
to the ~,,j,, or i ,..., ~,,, y 00, ,„,,, ~, h 0 , r,„..d 0,, , INJ wilt open this ire
for Inds on Monday, Sep
, lam, WI.
. e. • I• •• . 0 Nr , . , a , .”.. '' ... d " NV o.ll 'l !nein:ellen will be given in the Latin and Cork
WU, /10 artist whatever houself, even .4. rhe sl.glalist ; Janson, and such branches as are afar ted orr the
degree, di., I under,t and. regiment Minted an Buell —; 9" .1. ' , ' „ .. ..„. " 7,7 r ,„, • 1 ° , • 47 0 7 0 ..,' aye
, 000 ,, „
100 dredge, Le snowed was maJa Ly me. and i el,- , ,
p.oyeel Ma es I Wttll.l any utter )0., m
et. r a ~., ! lb. admliet °Omni. l• awned. and IMPltgaa. eon
,„,„ r0r.r.,,,arc,„„0,.., as a a aaaa .,,,,.
..,,,,. t „,,,,, haw an tmerriew wnh the teacher at has lodgings .
the out I e has ,smlac tad tor m • 110.4 1 eta
, 01 u , - Irwtn's flew, 'lAoefle , st. Y, tub verf uwandacror, entracte, t, ut ps re• I II arrManew--Rev. ‘\ A Farsavanr. Prof. TA , trip•
! l
Ong . Ladoetal matiers le r. I ....• '''— atigt•trd2w•
to nor lid in resort. or rum- r thrrun. to re,,,,, 'e- , pITTSBUITOR NEZIALE INSTITUTE
.‘, ...-... ~ ompel a (a , settle.... hts ld'alr. , fII llllil Institute under tiw area et Ben I. M. GOS.
so wner to o . , "J e ep,., de su ldenly lest mr Pails ur.• ,
.1 . Or ItN AND LADY, arm rewlgen on blond.yl.
and 1,, ante to 11011 C ‘ 1 ...e '" ,•• •r' 6 . i Intl of Sep
it, the same roams, No el Ltherty
w ow'
.n,], :r mu h la./ ' , gr.. l mat I ~ .e, Haw, !maned Umatilla,' Of the, pupils, the
eat thon 1,- was '0pe....... . Pti.-low ph. rmlett , r.g ' I• ~.ra s hope to merit a monument. a lit.' Ilhetal
el? V Id` a ~,-. • .r!..e rpt., .. .0 , e 1 . ,. • 'al/ of (I pa' to. ~..... thry haw Is beim caw, ed Parents may
zes• .., 6 new on o who, he r,i sort, meg , . et' an • We, s.i,trwt :nu every ...e - wade will be afforded
. ; ), ax -7 ,0 , :.v m , , , ,, :arr
, a5 , ..a .,, and5 , a , :r.:. , Ni , d ,,, re ,,, s , g , a i i.w , o , :: thirr tr•ogniers /f (Pend uo . ,!sr the, e barge, ho all er i r, .
, „,,,, d
b..„ .... 5 ,, , g ut
war l b,
...,,,......I.lg,„,a,,,dmronylt 14 . ...ne115k, 1....11.1011C, andblOxizotal
She !
I , rgrise. •,,,I has i-id/wee, I understand, ri,
drag or au at sr awa1 51 .6 . 0.111....a...th0ugh he has TOIINITLA.UIINAIt ' Tr
I been paid lung tonce 10f her et. rvict, . Reding Nero r . • ..,,T" ... .'n
T 11 , 1F: 0n A ,.. L . 17 ,,b. :1., ,, h . 1.....1 . 1? _ of
. 1 1 , ..InstrlogOrl 11,111
NOII , , C/11,0$ Or ro.hurgb I gave It for -nu to say I
on ~.,,,o , . b h .,lndnr la h'egtemher
Whether ,brae unworrhi id.d dishonorable dame. Boom s
~, ,
~e " a ' • " eY b• . , -tllonede Bow," dd door I
L'hail ...geed. I ULII rte -e. prepared In substantmir at. l from Y r.. 1.1..
..1 1, t r : 4 , ,, :t re ne . L , a 1. ,, ,, , , P i t , J1 , •J .., :ii ,, , 1i . 1 , 1 „, ei , h r / . .. „ : „ O a n r ,cor to he .. r e, . 1
.ris.'.r:ro::-.'„'"„,,r,,.r...7•=,..,...; 1ferr,:d7.,,,'.1°,'",,,h.1„..
andcritand. now In Phllad'a• I wd, re n.,,, he , L.s,- , C., and
. Int. ft ns .I,d,esh Grammer, 1L , ...
r , rm. Lodi, /digiish I 0n0..., and Crthrtarn, Aito
- h e h .. ..W. rUne '. air, sr., ..'. . th " ''''' "'" I erlrby. Ilretor,. Allll.oelle art l the h e branced
fain i 'lle , . Y 't.hd at I.) . b.• .r hi.... ''''' Of Mathernattes, N lturtil I nge.
(i re) jhenostry. A
. ' Y . d •I'Y •' Ih" M Y lm"[Ylle•a blouse, where I ..a ' I imams). Lly,atry, l'h,sorpoge. (i I Ky Intellectual
be "PP/ to '.. and Inf. , . I.' , 0.1.... “`" 1° '''' l nrot Morel Setehre, and all other h7atlhe . s r site to
rasp-re/able person who may lee: sufficiently 1/IWrelll- / a tharaaa , ~,„.„,.a ~ , a , a . . . "..4 0 pa
en In rsli
. Classical Department. tncluding the Lawn and Greek
My Plow . t.ow resdr tir °ea, ry
Er WHITEIFIE:I.D. 1 l''.g.••°, each • - - - • S 6 CO
German, - . • • - - co th,
The renter, of competent teachers •re secured for
Am, i ts dealer Instruction tit French and German, and
a 1.., I Iran ow, Pair:Lung and Mow.
It ra den mole that minds enter ea the commence
ment of • arswom yet they are received at any time,
add are charged et the above rates from the tae of
e. trace . No deducuon• are made for aLsences, es •
cam us eases of gmtracted tithe.
Further information may he obtained. and applica
tions matte lay ceiling agoll the Prnimpal, at his rooms
ot, Feeders! street. or at M. lotIong• in "Irartn`a Row,'
Lawn) street, Pittsburgh, between 11 um Ith streets:
or hy addressing, through the Pittsburgh Post Office,
the Prow/pat. N. W. METCALF.
Alleancny, Aug 7. I,ln. dif
. tier WIL LIAMS'
Fourt dl , Ferry streets. will be open
cd dos nastihd, Mo h
nday It will
tyruot al, I•ollinovo
Pats , urgn.
Siouan. CattaLry.—Lta lard Saturday alter-,
hooa, we wuneased a speetacie who-is we would
have tt.ooght could hat have taken plate in a
community ao re6oed to that In the neighbor.
hood of Plitsburgh and Allegheny, is reputed
to be.
A crowd of mare than oar haadred men and
boys were engaged In driving a heifer to the
shambleslterl,S4 the North Contemn. .a Age
"'belay, and when the n Were a vitiare or two Irom
Federal Street, me au,taa: or ran into a large
shallow hole 'shwa had been dug air the founds-
Uon of a hone. It staid there pat wetly, witanat
doing any harm. but it, inhuman persecutors set
a large 1,1!
.11th,r1 ; dame at the poor
creature's head, Swanned noon its Lase, and done
there. With deep bellowing. of pam, 't endeav
ored to shake the cl.ig oil, and at last, with /If nor
ml. all turn and Ineedtog, it she ceeded la the at
lempL The bystanders then seemed to bold •
csaaultat.on an in what was beet to be done.—
They surrounded the shallow side. of the pa, •nd
as .0013 n. 11, wretched ~es 1 , 7 114 . 0:404 an to turn to any poet% evidently intend.
ag to escape tad ani t, attack. all near n rushed
away as it a 'leninean] etarail had lieen near.
They then art sue:tier lereceon• dug upon it, and
the patent ceenlner,without ever attempting to re.
lust, waded auto the deg had eaugot rt eireoiy by
the none, Wynn it endeavored to shake it off, Lnl
ILI Vain, ttottlthe dua. by -at tt.ett the d ntlberrt3
gave •vny. va':ac: nice Who iacAt. toe icaJ
:a Una yellow exploit ,aeu attempted m threw a
=ore, after the limthun of a las t, over 11. bead
Out they ,ed in ram. unttl one, more skilful than
the re., g lately over the creator. ' . horns
Teen tne wbrle crowd , azd lays seised
hud of the ;vim, and otte of uneothmoa bravery,
caught the b niers tad. Which be hewed until the
zees., of 13....0 cou -eft ,he ;mnel to rush tersrud
When nil wnci Jwe rope divppei.l it, nail ••ited
Car sairly and 'or ru or." The leaner• in ibis. in-
• • •
human elmu I•uo .et .not Lrr dog upon 1 4
Which cullbr.! Ly to c mUe and thrr, unit'
the great pun it endured and
the unauat out!' -
cleat strenfL., to anal, n rtul th.s t rue
as pro:waged I, In, covraraive 01 :Se pm
• poi ru•aor. il x. .rne crem.ure ',Met/ they were
.:ea.or•og .0 vaptlito.rtre.,:c co rr , ..ttatice, but
lacy ,c 1 ear dux•d,..o.d U t.. ,rn and bz.vd.r.E
a We, pa. eo •s,w.. vu twelsg :Lek
We , serl e.,r.lcip tnuxwr, a• ;dud up.,
In., :list Inc tk,ba'
tpure ROT wtt . say passcm Sway, end Ins: no u 5,,,.
meal could I, to revere thou. mu. ant
raged publicr v.v. and corruptedlnd snoreds
or Us younp,l7.,rtion , intaa: L y
Mavna'a OrrFitm, P:lcaburgh, Zceptcentoer I I th.—
Four as
end two W Were brought before
the Mayor to. day. eharged omen
drunkronesa and
do,mem.y no Lima :he noillee mod the
himnand of km c m them, were committed In jail
for tday,orty daTre other•, not worm; been en
no.y 11.4: r wc, , rtly SCLZ is b.. 1
Ita;lo.v.its ; AL0.....t, 110 me ua
kuseen eve. ,Inc water net Iv ,e( into It,
pyre n Alieg :coy : was L. noviu give
due not:ro of the I cue ge. arh,ch be riper,
611.4.1..1 • —We tar all<ntolo
of. or /cadet I 1.• :111 ad ver,eintnt of Pro, , aur
Keaaedy, wln> trul lz,ve aarr.,. Z. 2
read..r• i'uortli Ward Sub.] Iluuo, Itt.
egerung. if, tg g gent:caw° of rent talent, and
We Lope that I.e ;nay han• ni go:d a LOUIC an he
634 on Montt y
SEVI ES- —T! a Street Comanesidner :• help- bu.y
ennedruenng• new eewer•
where doe bee err
/duch needed.
Lancer man named .:marl Hume*, a
torneyrnba a. tee was yeaterdsy &mewed, abut.
ed by Mr. Keevo, at roach greet, cab a
I tot hatter. tram tom, value,, it bat. timuts
asd .clt thetaat-,es I> Mr. deoler In old
'lon, brass atolyobro,
LAI 0. — 1 se ... , ,tusa ass now etgased
trt clown wall in ;dont t , f (lc (7•1 r
tit PSC or, ()Tani SIM.. w n6 the desittla nf
tto I. aherrrions uittso mt as may adapt it to the n-vr
Wegner vs, 11.,1; er I Lr eirlet Court. Argued by
Mr. li.detne aad Mr. eileier In ;Amnia an error
Mr. Forme,l.l- and Mr. M , Candles, for delen.lam
at emu.
Ancetil.,— 'L. in en named Jesse .10 nea ma. yea
Wiley taaed the Mayor, rharged wtut e
witting an neenua upon Mrs. Jones, hie former
wile, who bad been divorced fro. hint. Notwith
standing this enterer he persists in going atelut
the bon., am! quarre:liug With her, and hence
the pretest suit.
Ft, --Ti —
elm—The rum!f me how, oe Pena erect,
occupied by int. non. li. Ilenburn, caught nre
yeaterday afternoon. The Eng.nea were toatelly
on the pound, and the dune, Were aulidited he r, re
much damage hail been den,
•1101...a1ar. ft n wein as ft..use of the. lb,.
M(.116 Ilausiston, sn A llngnent , was entered by
!bin,. on Mooney bight; bnt the sninninn having
bn , s6ttsn nbstov.d, they tied wstnout o'Annung any
PA101,3.1 I AMON ?-rirtarrd JW.
N7rY.s. •tr , N 1 . and I•Jr ale A /apt,. No.
mw rrtn 'tree: TM. inuoci eru-
Mgr end part,. ul.I y for luck
Itaxert's butt,. —A n Imptturcttl Clown prop...n
un. haw.; u nlttnatboa of ft,,roulntitm Its
rtgnrallat and I..l2la:tie, t htiThly rn^nin,nnairdertt.
olaety for tovalvla Prepared Ity Hat., Dttrtthae
, file aid tut aa:r hy A JAYNES, a tha Pekin
loa St.-tr.t. Yourto at one hl4
NI-COILD 1 Co. gill oaroduto Lto• doydaii.
totem idmy. Au( S3th,, oaf,a of broLotroli s
11,d, cur.., o( I' h and Wood• u ;
WIWI'. 1,, !Alert, •itee l eponone the heed
to, Wood a,. toonn.loore the la,t et. e tll T',
111 4 ono n. do now .11, onn . who,. on i.cauly of
Et nn, eroolont lon •11.4.,/ltn
To Mao etlfact rarer..
w ' J ' a i tt " t " u " ?on ' tr " : u re ' L ' r 'n rra n t l o; :/ c v l ra ' 7;
Ir ani
Room a Inns %Veneer. and good Cotton
111,1 WOO/ i);•1. App., 4,
1 W 131'11,elt A lIRO 2nl , Psitaloorgla,
orn ANDREW AI.I.IoUX. Amu,
•tort 4 3l,lre
1, bn. 1 • 're" ,
eonoo,.e• t.t. ierene.
moot atoor too
Weeter., hoot lac F. A 1 I:TTIe. 1 1
r,, , itetoe.l rot ',Mull:neer!. • L l, l/.11,1 1 1 medium arllosr ,•
euonlen norgele Itor tooare• rpreifiel ' le
ronoleonte n I
1 , , ALCM IN N .1.1.4 EXTRA FAMILY E1,1 , E1/
I ) Tha r neon erp colnteoony 011 /La otoe
non', EXTRA Fl.l/I , R - en.el, he narrow, en la' on •
yeet 1., note ill th e market Famo,,v, nre r -.tonne
eel to en, it Irlal II
r e , .1 an.' Start, e.
NOL 1 4:101 to Carat rereeon - ae
Plll llaeL~ 1,11 ` , e rotereftelo.
j I,roa ronote. Reno A -no, Ire Int to, tn. 1,11 or
. 1110, / 11,, 1 • • •• noe llrett,ntrooo /4/1d I•. c o re in on rt
home ado, WI rlerro Ihnt con of ilto V A
NIA RAIL/10AI -colon of Seo .on No I. e,ooloe,
11,a,rno,lor, O." yr of notle• -erninae:ns ao.r, •
ntlera.,ln I\ll/0141 of heavy Rots Mee rat.on ono, Ern-
ant mem
Flame and Pyr 11:e. 0111, .vort may be .en, nt tbc
lit , unto more apocified
For further n,. crataunn. appl, w /..I,W. IIII.LEIi.
Esq Flngmacr, thc LVa •terzt !hymn, summit y 11
Cambria Vt. ra ,
3 E IX/Alt TIIt/USON. Chief I:nsme r
flur,iacer Da, intue..l, R
/Ism. r. AI4I. _St, I-It 1 r
01110 AND P !SN HAIL. Ittm 11 c ,
rilllF:Stossi head,. •11•11 • 4 •
. 1
as 11 1.1 ,‘,/
E.ennd Lt,me..lSf Ar
V. .ore We 12 er
Tne Swell! ellder• re•Ww
ILO said 10•1111 Imratt th;4 • ;,.... 1e.P 04,n1,,
a. the:sr neriert Tbtrd $
tie t•ieeemn J. J Treu.urr
Salem, U, 1 V; 1919. surVl4.l3eNti
Hos:aeon Ir., Balawart Faonae •gh 81.711.1/11 yr..
V.I on hlnitday, iveptemher ad, and that 5 Mine ge'
tlemen have now opportunity-0( hem• thoroughly
r•perlotrourly qualified for the doh. and require.
mesas / acirre
111.1 the IN .! II - not merely • round
hu. also a 'worm. .d Mort vo ~,, ,ful
MU, Le apparent to any Intelligent and unhiaraed
mind. frnro the nurolver of Honor, and roar, Oleelned
..y hest In Tn.,- Coheve. Ihrt.h.: from the Tewrimo.
ninr. reee ed Nom v moat rithnent Fel
low. shit Prelev.or.. an rine trent retie ' . ea.fuerion
crprerreil by oar,. at ow profierenev made /5y Fir
.711. Fro aildttional :trintahroton rot to the Decal/.
kat.. •stil ad v•hrarreht or this Inst.... we pros.
pert.. whieh, with Teshonontalr ran be procured
from the rRINCIPAI., rat the Inshlute, or In federal
alrevh oPtaarote Colonnorle Row
N —A way hoarder. .1 be received, whom
health. coria.l and Intellectual advancement ertll he
careful!) attended to artgl:Olf
D KNN STRF.ET Iwlvreen Warne and Hand. 1.
I nest.. Inv rules/1.01 duller, girt. vont.-
hos* oa the Piano. Guitar, end :a Vocal :Hoare
1 ‘ t A117447::72"41Z7L",7117.
~.. are., which may 1.. round he !inlaying r•netrets
norantrter Capeta, pap Log,
lert do do Tphad do
Tapeetry Common dow. do
Ilrt weria %neap .tin Ma
xtra •op p.y (to Crenai le to
Sone-Friar do de tunrd do
Serrfine It., Td.ood re
Flno do do t-, 4-4 and lot
Common do do 0.1 C
the ..1.4 'Table L.....
Rae litarkebtrei Map,.
44. 4. and I Ten Vrt- do .Loarri t "rb:
1-4. tt- I Tre'td do Jo Ihroark Idorn Str Cover.
4-4. I ILL 9-4 woo. do do Per Oil C.oin do d•
4-4. 1. 1 h ram do do ',Caw Reds Holding. Sr
Goode whleth err arr now oh.* to set.l lower than
ever Leto,. odered Itna.-y tort. a.l
to ...oh thou., and St••ny hart, to reit and
r rare
.re our twr-rt toqorn purce••l rig •...r war re
Carpet Warabou4e. Four. at
Dt.aolatlost of Partner•hip.
ronar.rratop ol HANN Ks CO. 1
j ilaeoutn. 3 , u. k, A Co in .• 41'(cloor
n d Cotorrd ioratners. :to. (lay dwrolved by ;
..1....1•4 A..., r rrdetirt Mott,
continued ov Orr orderateord
Wor A. (Iwo of 4:143i II ANN e'-'4 kCo W•ir- !
nonce !no IV. neron-1 rwrorrr yr./ will hat
e constant
*anyone of etzperter Window I:tate
.100 X 11.VihrN
'WWI 11011EFIr,,,N
1 . .:1 , ,0rgh. Aug 27 . 49 /(ENRY I
) , '(.LING OFF AT CCI,T —Run• 0..
I:1 ••I1 ,nr r *n,
..r, DRY . Goof. nr 1:1100FNIEN
,f 1 It to their e•leitota‘e . to.. the le, , ay
4.1 0 ,/. 114. i ran detentotstett to S.C.O al very law N.A.
FOIL ILIENT,-TOn canymmatop• double Store
ratan vf anguay, todath•r whit . moonlabl•
daottd••g oamt yone coo:manacling atO
.•otage• to • 11. • matt •• opal as any in Ma city
v.., t rai • tooh, gt natal, air
lattgenea Moat, A,. wed otintand far glue latimuort,
nt the to • rat ;rotattti• poet,. to it, yam, dttxposed
tu enter tato • guMfortable buy art., and giro pot.e
sio.. It any t•m 0111iVE,
rydetl orrat, Altrittany, mato v• the North Corp. '
PrenattnT - ra - wbeiry Plastla,
A T(.111.1..i.hV001/ ti A !ADEN —Mt. I tinge, A.
ft pa - motto P/41111. 61.00 pot hundred V irtort• art.l
Hoy,: . eq,t• hand/tot—at: thrifty
paha oar/snarl Irdern form • 2t•tann• g•rgfal y
tot! up tind raraiatded At•n. • toy nf
.ttir mon* I` ant. Favolph anti ray'rty • ii•edhtt•
lia•plarr he
An tiNt,..lLlt:a levee. Oa A ••a t goy Coy .uA of
S • ://1 }. 1.0 11 . 1 . !or W. Ir•oren every he.r hour
nolo, rho day rho steam hoarwill .101.20./Ife
re-slur tore as .00.1 a/ 100 river or.*
sr Exu INCREnsrp
'Of ••venunrs
VI A TIIR I , RF.A r I• ENTR •I. RAIL fir lh 0,
• nethile are informer, tut on ....1•1101 Saturday
t the I toad Sentemher, ihe nun-ours by Una Low
rarrird our therertlral Ball Road from Low
Ilarrtsburen, hod from thence in Pluladel.
! phi. by the Bur wbureb awl l'olunct• Rini Roads
Ily il,to near Arra,rrrnent psseenyers cv Iti go thr..e.
F 1 htes Tl3sll than here•ohore
The Pocket. of Lbw Low ate nue •nal o(this best
r p.m roue for safety. sherd and roughen. the
h.ovt urverabve now 11, hee to the Rutern eaten
Kul buds 2111 c/1 plowed .11 Jay hen. Tune. 2,1
v V. re. Ten Dollars For ~form ,on app. ylO
NV l'T`lf.pnnela Howse
son, or D I.Eh CH it. CO, Canal 14,11
attaam 13,110/a Wet'. for mnla. -
'l'll , vnber nacre ler sale, the sn:Am BRICK
above Lawrenceville. compnolog
, teart E”gtne. Iloderht !dual) hlsehine, rouble of
ma !ors, tonne WI.OOO Pressed Muck. (cut oldey
m • -eaten frau the unit., per day. n anth three he of
.unl van 'he Allegheny river, winch are nth,. and
shed.. machine and clay .bed., wheelhcerovu,
shown, •psoles. be. every done tennis., to root ,
owner ainutdonto ot an burs novo, Phee,lneltbne
the patent nit. La a., ire•hlne. 07.10,—rend. of
payment made ea.y Without he wet 111.5..0110 Fee
particulars, addrs.. lIENR 31ERRITT.
how. Colt( No Ile Alohonschabs Haase.
■£W II Alb DW Agg
No. TB Wood Platoborgdh.,
Err. F 0 clan rOJ lnagua alf a tze , rs .
all tt. •arlette., •re now prepared to .ell aa low and
on as terra. m ran be purehmeadelmarbera.
We when 001 (mod.. and the public, anonymit la
call and examine oar mar it, when c 00.,.,. in pan of
KNIVES mal FORK ~ POClirr and P e KfIIVFLS,
54:1 5 .1/115. SHEARS. 11010315, Home Tainintmag,
h I moll o,lJatehem, Hinges nod 'Screws., toamther
wan every true!, utaal, hot it, Ilardarate Stoma
We Tonto Me Attention and Nicehant,"
gaiters:lvto our ...mamma., a( Tools, which have been
selamml °nth groat care. awl winch ore ont determin
ed to and
Au, 00 to tom sat:amt.., apar.d.tvrT
e'l[‘llß underataund have erected wont. In Me ony of
New York. lar am purport, of lialvontatag all ant
a of Iron, whirl it
p 0 timiralda M YlltrTalCT FROM
meh a. Telegraph Wire. Hotta, em be., Wrro tor F.memt, and any dram oriole whmlt ay '
required. For 'loop. fin l'a•1•. autmlitote (or hale
Ropy, or Optima Lama. Moat', and • haat of
other applmatton., .w. 1 in J.,.1 cheap and timoble.
svould Ja , protar', ea 'I to the I.4lvutt,
vd Wtro (or feller.; no 001111. and will not
root Alm to tbo arr.-ram/no or
which la of man., .•,,e that it .511 cOMI/10e114
itself to the non., J...
OEO 11. 0110(5..l. ttriD A ell, Patentee:,
wl IT I I coal in ....r at. 5 Von.
ZIODICAL i 61.711.01,JA1:06'1;1014
few doaers;
BILOW2, having b..
regulerly educated in the med.•
• PI o-., and boon for some ent.
In general practice, now routines
tViOse''prlnreucTe. 'it'n:Pedere're'ne'orril
plain. for which h. opponent..
end cipertene e peculiarly quali.
`• r 1.1 year. uideo,:y devotee
study te. of those conndetuts,(dunes uebic6
time hr has had morc practice and ha. cored wore pri•
lien. Won can e•cr felt to the lot or any pri•atr
utenterl empty go.. n him to od'er
inier. of
speedy. permanent, and matsafactory aura to all inole/
with debcate diwuseig. end all theetreee anaing thenn
Dr. Ilrown would inferm those afflicted with pnvata
diseases Watch hone become chronic by erne or asr
erayeted by th e nee of any of the common nocrums el
the day, that th.r ...tams ran be Led thor
oughly It, hays, given his careful ...non to
the tre sato nt, mod...word aundre.
of Instances lii run, f..ote. tsinamniation nf the
neck of ton I.,addrr. and a/annul whsch onto
!• ,, v those ~.e• where odic. have consign. 41
or. to• dstrair. Ile penicularly b
b." lone and 0hne...4011y treated by other&
romt, hoe. u. every sanstacuon wall be given
them, and d1r.... treated tn catetto, thorn.. and
nel.orc.ll Le. r panned out by it lone experience
mody: eel in...gaup, which .1. nopet.tblc foe thee
gett•ra: pracuce medirine to roe ao
unr nixes of disease Venerate or Rupture —Dr Bream Coto leyrea pen.
Henna to call, ati •
he has I.:u pante
attention to able
CANCER , ' oleo eared
Sim diseaaes; also TsdaY, ate., speedily eared
race very lour
N. U.—Permute or ett.b se n living at a dieunee,
elating their diseaae in vent., giving ail Ile sr..Pl
tent I, can obtain medicines 'ranllbello. for use, 1.,
addressing T BROWN, Id 0., peat paid, and encl..
" ITIC ' e • No C 3. Mad:wild alley, opprentalltil avcrl
Ructlunsiv --Dr Brovrn'46.k:ore:red
uy Car Ithnunaati.m II • rp,e4v and enrl,4 remedy 101
patnful Irriuttletartar
I)lfic.l alla Prorate el Ro t , N. 45 D m .
Llley, 1 1, nDorlor niaray ••1
.441 IV.,
Znifines for Sale.
cylinder.. 4 (eel otrote; Y Dotter, 20 feet lOt.f. 3
inv.... a...elev. all In (nod order, wilt be soldbrrain. if app' catom be mad< .firm. Th.) hat. co.!).
been :II use Stbnig I. month• Fa, roin.eulora. moot re
of al , O.' R. HAIS,•; ~,,
MOIST EAGLE TRIPOLI. for Pol./sing. • reacy
ankFONIN for Crocus, Rotten moor,
Rouge. rte.
Fartuhr% have found it invanostoe for their
andwares—in shun, so monarted
lenu fir Annsnenn,'' in an a ru..te upon
ml MI the
suhazances winch hove been nppned pollsh tolno,
and Meta,. none can mi.. m a: mhsianco known by
the name of Inpo'l —ILI. n supoonr aro-, to dint
En tr 0,1,111 from Imly by Me V•L1C,....1 .1 oxp.l
Incm th/nr pa:my sin,. or mays ma Inn, to give ii
Ilaut peculiar palisn no nolch nthntrvd by min, nanons.
It shou:d 11l carry family and c. 0.., work , hop
For .al-by fi E
_ 57 Wood at
Lir ~ .,••0111..11,1.101• ere Lotiorab. rd Ws(
the tollooma arr Me •em nansocs r , .1.
Joaica's Comi Kstsra:,, th •y don. our
wood, they canna: these hignly respeemble rota,.
who have Med II:
Mr. Geo. lieci•E, iI Elm at, New York.
Mrs Matilda Reeves, hlertte es. Brooklyn.
Mr. Wm. Pompton,. CH King st, New York.
Mr. Thue Jackson, Sloitioum is abed, fixer Pittsburgh
H. E Cullen, lam barter steamboat S. Amertre
And more than a hundred other* state, though Mi.
And suffice. that it will game Mr hair to grow on the
head nr face, atop it felling off. strengthen the roots,
removing scurf and dandruff front the roots , matting
lied,,red. or gray hair assume a fine dark look. and
ping dry ' harsh or wiry hair moist, seal_ Mesa
o err) long num
R SSold bMe Agent, JACKSON. eft I. belly at,
aut , AlAw'r
Pißalutr y
et Prme TO rents, and one dollar
CD , Tea sutra ore mut Rif-nll. hot mor repul
sive than a bed. puirul breath u
. or dam, yellow e
ed teeth. II persol have n these is Mrtr own they ran, for t tt
wo shilling, bur go armele that toil.
mate their breath pure and *stem t, he Spey
It cures di wastes of the Gams. money or Weer - Med,
an t d for the Teeth n is removmq the tartar.
ening the teeth iti the gums end clean them aa
velum aa the maw a/ Maim:en blank
Rich, reader, are the properties of Jones's Amber
Tooth Paste, and, without praising it ourselves, hear
what one of our roost respectable and sm.:unite Den
ton. Mr. E Mind, of New York. my. :
have both used and analued this beautiful and ten-
P.aPable article, (Jones' Anther Tooth Peale,) and
can recommend it es pewees., ail Mr qualities e lava
ad for it e n d
ic es we can say :Ili mote to
only that if you try this nnre you will wet pleased.
It put op in beaunful English China P. ta, far t 4
rents. Reld by the Agent, WM. JACKSitS. ttait labor
ty greet, Pittsburgh.
C , .11.7105t: - L) - AGAIN :4T L
They are n... eY. are hose. rotehtfu ly s o ws. ols
to Me .2n.. e can., how rough. ho • it
tow. yel•ce and unkeeltlm the skin s ep.
iienri etre- awn, prepared chalk! Re
sides tit,uricus, containing A
3 . Annum, of Lead
We ham red a benunful regemlite stt.dle,
which we call p itlNEn' LILI Wllll-I
It to perfectly ItmnceaL being purtfied of nil &hymn.
Om .33141.344 e, and rot imparm iu the skin • linters], hea
thy.alabaster. etoar, living winter: Me same time
mons m coanetir en tho Mtn, molting it ton and
smooth Sold by the Anent, IV)). JACKSON, e 9 Idb
crty at, fhttsbur:li. Price irents ettiitdAwT
Escinees tea
Sim Dimmer -JONES'S Ital
ian Chemical temp cameo it free
and al
the ssnm tone reotifies. softens, and . the MIN
giving it the minion and beauty of Infant's.
&rem, 901.0 Rama mit, Yuma, are mon ot only
healed, but cured by its use ea at lea s t s ev
enPs.eta In New Vont tem, ovsA 3 i suh 041. 4 00,
and find unfailteg-as •ls to
Pam., litnicers, Parribra. or an other in dis
ease The reader is amurcil that thi y s
is no useless
puled noun., m one tria will prove I could enu
merate at least Wpersons cared of
SO. Hoc!, 4 .4 .0•11 Loos sin Sea: Ituay.-Itay :I
and me it, and the tender to main mewed wool./
not creel!, sell it for the Move unless I knew tt m be •
all I state Those who ore limbic to
eller.. CAA. RAD. o• Cumin Fungi, wit: and this
core Any one affltemd mink any of the oboye. or
els) diseases. will end ibis all and emn more (lithiu 434. m
bit In Is poopentesi than I stem.
Hut. reader. the mores •re flooded with niumnons
andbe sure yott nst for ITESE.I4.S Chccuica I
soap `oddby 10'II JACKSON. libeny street
min diterT
THEQd, "
r—Up, from C A NI to II P. Al Stmt..
Bath 23 ,nts, or e or I dollar Ladim Jena/12mq t
open from kin II A SI and from to 5 P II
The Refre•hineet !Intones eequelled In r ply
attendance fieverrehe lee Cream.'
acielS 7' WEA LI- Proprietor
1161, wANTED-%0.00u fits Wool
/Y which the Inithest cash puce vnll Or pad try
W HEREAS, John I. Hopewel . of the city of Pvt..
tenth. Mercoant Teller Im Ina deect. bearing
date the day o• July. A 11, let!. and recanted to
the Hee , rderhi ;Mee Al:entice y country. in deed i
book Vol m. pare 49, assiortind to in me
nil his mtam refit mad reran,. in nom ed his eredi
mr No Tli'E Lcieby given to •11 persons indebted
to s ad estate in mote,yment to the undremiried and I
those timimelainti cans, to presmit lhein tor set
neon,. GLY DE, A ...enc.,
Ihttsharch j
T IIE . .....
fd , 111.11 •141
har• plrt •hr
• , kovr. A, a rtirkk uoui oikuve wok ILA,
00l kir avail bunko., vcrii esrirtoroni riok-
Milk sod ionntul cirkir• SV• woo. kr: ur.v io•
vile Or. oueonon k,rentoo lout:Gina. to raii at our
surniktioure ek, p 11, 1,.., and riernior spiondid
suc,o eukorialo•kri Ltulkboil in hat at:iik—•
enitruly nirvu ito•
Waretouror. N• 1 , 1 I, .ort, o Woott rt
•olrT, Jrr , t.'110:,,N A Phi NE..
GOuDo—A. A NIA go" A Co No Go /dor
t no the parhou'ar tt;ohno of par
chosen thea extonaver •rrorymoot Itood•
eta Joroorh Sor. and hluh Mor.o, Ilarrod. otoped
•nd Corded. Barbop Vtrtoros Law.,
Ca:l er!, at the oh') chrhp "or pm , . too, Oti
kr. err...i
HR MII,I. In'll,lr,
rnd rd rup”nt.l or
Park. nnel on:We, n• - n .iryn •
TA' m•
11 114,
..ijwroor 01 1100
olakor ro, ,
)0.• x.• to
of utolorm temp,-
r.•r Lasvrn -Jen,iii
1-guar , il
•11 , .
•, •••• ral, icy
Al mute,
. .
Hal. nag Ciottt, a,. nuenta,... at Ow bat, quatay war
raraed b rye .aaLtacuan to We FLochaarr, and a
greatly roJar• donor.,
Nllll ~ p 4 wiles. Mill Itntts,Screw, and I`,:s. fill.form t , calas.Cor, tool Coo I.ttr:gra. Ltttst antl t•str
Mill Coatings w all koala, awl ALIA Fan - titan,
nrdm. prompt.y ott,/.1,1 tn /.• 211 stn.! 214 lab
eny strenC. rear tr, l'a. - bunrn
rny3tMam %, 11 WA
POLC,II for thelPubllo.
In relation U. mat untsvallcd Salve,
. .
DALIErg dAtilL.ll, PAIN EITRAcTor,.
Vel rerptrt•ide -12. ad
1 :Le follawmg, atidlenred m 1.14 A.m.. Kr F !der, 01.4111,4
1 . 17/cM,II, .'et. 12.1.11
Sir. A acne< o(outy emare:• me to etre my telhote
to Dailey% Pate }lel/velar Itema poee quaellere and all tlmartml• Isevo.g (or Cher oleert •Intter
usouvra—hut rval..tog mar h Rood (rem the . K-ve of
mauerd be tender ea the. yenta.
(MM. I have aged /I In my fam.i) "lone preet/e, andvetul all .e happy and wonderful effect.. that roal.l
pea/ably be =name,' 11 J Baum. N: I/
W. I. the aemorparther c,( IlroMe R lxvh
by, a m maw, Mow
The frollowmr te•:1Ir10.1.1, eome• Irmo ...owe, fx,
mthm to many of
then trx action on our tVentern wa
ter. Ntr Lilitoc, well owl mvorahly Xitawn No.
Nieto. of Me Parter.burx lintel, 1.1 I.utintod to tne
lady whom letter I annex
Pattlamerra“, V. , pni 11 Inia
To Henry Holley. Cimmist he Having Mr
marl, been too, :ollteted win. violent intlmornelore
Rh.matum Wbwh •Pl.cored so !trash .o.llrn a. to
defy all ordinary a aphaaces ahoy Me Leaner rum
attending it. I was in.luend to try your Plaeleal Pam
Extractor, and a itnvine etleetel olonwt a. it fy an•
gm. an Immediate relc.f. .1.0, app.-a:once.
an court. and eerier, core. st , n tadueed tor the nen,
fit anthem who may be atforted tent/ pate. cauaed
any told of Inflammation, o -arno tn denlarmr
that in my opistom. toon.led ectuni expertrocr
your Magical Extractor 1. the most en aable
cover; of the tue.rot age for ,he tmlnediene extraction
of bodily pain. It•
tan •itoom itomedt•te and a per
fort cure for Bums and ,ea , d., and oJtexternai
Hering many Regan. ~ nee. torment by their yian.
at my hualmod, hotel r r thi•rtanc 1 Imre parr...,
hy your .bowang mem throe lawlsar, it int) ims.m.r
Lc of benefit Imut to Went and yeomen.
[I untermin lAe hope that Mrs. G limain rru paroon thu
publlcny I at, to hot letter. uwell on lhe out.,
humanity as of it. taint the sorest mmte of I, ro , cuut it
to the matte, of liar (rounds.— If. D•1.11[11
Felon Ctitld.
Eztnct of a letter, dated
Ilmhantnr. Ky Nov 2,,
Mr It Dailey -1 have tried)oul ran Estaaor .n
come of felon, in cry own lanu!p, myth
end cured in very chart time" hate, ania ra
spectrally, Jae ht. '..)eno.
tEr Borne and neald•. liore Ntp,nex, Inoken
Bann, liruptionx. sore, Cat, WGIIII.IO. and jr.•
[l.a:union, yield• readd) to the wonderful propane,
or an. uortvelied hank. dd.
the ;ante pn.-
portion that you will rereive hatelit Iron the naws.,
you will be :aural lip the deleterion• effect, of
counterfeit salve,
CAUTION —Llo , gyre and apply only to the la yawn r,
H DALLev, 415 Broadway, New Nor, rmr 111 1,I• a u
Lhortzed ugenu. JOHN I/ A,
lieneral Input. Pintovr4h
Henr7 Selman, A Itroeny. Agrnt, J.
I t. ter.
Wheel Vu; Junes W M, ,
F Mem weather Cln , lieurrgi
Pi H—ln the •cvArrAt Hurna .d 54,11.14 11 eer.t.
the pun In a law tui non. —lt ,u I
RooCing.--Ginlynnined Tin Plat em.
THE mtbacmlicto beg to tbe encomia
Architect...lca/omit of Ititilame,
aal•aologe. tablea icc. plotr..t
metalllc eatttonee. tlithlrlo uvil for /00.1... . s..
they point.. al once the ,roo, iis
liatAlity ru4, !born,. row tOOO.
yea to Lb,* part. noth m in. e011:11(A no , l
ram rs
They arc lass Ins Me to r sinsnsosn s.vl cortvar•
Uott front sudden change nithe Ittmospnr, rr. [bun con •
Won un pixte, iron. 11/1, or nos 01fisr nsrtni now usnd
(or roofing, am! ronsequrotty film n repass,ri
thrfi ( cs roof; scowl-tog (nr ?nal, rquent om j l.,
the first cost is but a trine morn
A (oil aupply, of ell size, freer 16 le 30 W. (3., coo.
slant!) on hand and for sole by
GEO. 11. ]I 000 it CO,
14 and Id Hearer %teal. Mew York
The patent matt. fur Una article tome, hero tenured
for the SIMI!t, allties tatfnn ging
022 0 0? by t.p. , 141k01l ,or otha par rartae, will be prow. e n
ted. nocal,tr.wav C
4 CLINTI 75 Fouts az,
IYI oai a to. t: of there hart home i'reiteo
whtlh in point o'beauty 1 , 14
•iti• ttona e ear broolht to this Mal •
/0.3 • • a...a, I.• U. w 6 sat:sato.
IiVER %I. Alt r.,'l, tlonntilasion and Frowarit•
yftictl,ll `sin LI Market
c.) - 1, , P given to the purrho.o 01,1
of .11...i...h., Pr
Klatt tii tt. Co., Murphy. N
, 4. rfun 2 MO, al . 1 110.,
WHlsfttle, Jo, 11. Brawn a Co., tit,t, t
CI . J. C IV. tiatflaftmt. ft
No'N 14 , ./011 E r
...ctawort 3. I'. grat , f, VotllljatOttn, 0., IV. ,tutt.
..n, Cloycland, O.
— Pittsburgh It.. Marble %Phila., -
1100.M441 LIisERTY, opposite Smithfield sheet
LI 3 Wide Maisie" fiLinumentaromhaTable Tops,
tie.. a 'large variety of the moss beamibil kind, made
of the finest quality of (Crel„ell and domestic Marble,
alwayDas b sod or made to order, by t h e aid of ma
etnnery, , on the shortest nodes and at the lower( prices.
N. IL -The Country Trade famished sash all kinds
of Marble at the lastest rates, All orderaPromptly
Landed u. st ditLiberty, opposite Soinitheld at
my 3 blges•
.211177 aracrinErEs.
I.l.L's ['meet Atone or French Derr 3IUT MA
1J I.e.a article oi the kind in nee; they
run Itcht,trle. fiat. do the work wcl',. . d
me taw Al.out 5.0 of there are l nte, In the ban
mill. m th , eou , :try. and we nave the strongest leen•
inn,y of compete: a ',ran.. as the.r etiperiority over
a water S.:tot Merhinea. Far further pule - an, wi
.lre.. the ....I.xnber at 2 , 4 'Abort.: it. Plltebetih•
(0 . 'TEAM ENCiINV, AND BOILERS—For grist,oew
C . , and other cll., alway• on hand • or mode toeer
re, very short ,t.ce sway.
the itFwest oricea. All o t- ,
pro,tnly .I:ended In 0:04: Late fr, street,
aS the Can, i..tu W WALLACE
DI.AS (Llt PARIS—F'o land,nd other peg...,
alwcys on nand at eit Liberty st.
111:D-1(11.1-,rli ClP..NT—Ar.y.iy,t.”.
hit ••
L4Lerty at. /..•
RINDS:TON-EiCZA,;alid grata, alwaya
k:11 hand at 241 L:bert y re,
TBARt TEA - 811 TECA-gill—
rT ix with pleasure that he salmerdiers
the citizen. of Pidaticirgb and
d minty Mat they have completedarrant..
047). merits with Nledsrs. J. C Jenkine Co.,
' of Philadelphia, to receive their nmenor
And mil hereafter be kept conflated). on
They are neary and securely pat
mg up in metlie peeks of J. and I lb. etch,
11. - dd • with their printed card--showing the kind
_ of Tea. once, name of the concern and
•/ei. of 'lskadi :phi, with an tan nation to return the
rest, if not laud.
G unpowd er 62* 75 1,00 I,Z 1,50
11 7aon 50 75 I,no I.= 1,50
01 75 1,10 1,25
.3 .1 I'. Hyann ..... •• • .50 051 70 1,10 I,= 1,50
50 -
Fate and extra Fine. •7•5 :171
lAD I,= 1,50
%We war7nnt all the TEAS we sell to be equal
to, nc I avranteot to any sold in due city. and ahunhl
they not prove acceptable to the taco, they c. be re
turned, and Ute money wOl be refunded, a. is only
wire th a, under.,,,d,,sx we nett.
W. a alt a fad mal. that the public may be oLla to
du b. ter ten oar Teu and thou heremfore sold by
.her co monniea in this ,ty.
MI In , crs of nch. 4cUcious and good flavored TEAS,
should g ive us I call.
For ss.'s by JOS. S. M. YOUNG lc CO,
N NV corner .4th and Feru da and
8 w rerun' ad and Ross stress.
pHs has Jest received at the Pettit Tea
Atom Jo Fourth .true!, • cry large and well se
lected sloaa of pure a/RAN AND BLACK
trent New ork. ut of winch b. IKV't received In this
coutdry sins, Mr first of February 1.1 1 eonstsung of
all the different grades grown m the Celestsal &awe.
(Air stock bet anion! the tallest to the Wed., we an
pre ou pared tow holesale. on honer terms than any other
hse to the r. qty Wm invite Frocers to call and
rannitne our s thed prtees. They can have :I pack.
ed a a and I ckages, slb ttn - ter., or by
half chests. to •utt Uttar onnyesuenett
tin, rout! pnr Is vary for 0o;ong, Blatt Tests from
gi,su per H..; Piing Yonne Souehong, b tug
Congo Su, and EngloM Breakfast 6n, Young nye.,
Gunpowder and I mpenal, from 3S ms. to BIAS per lb.
remoies are re.rourted In scud and get samples o/
of our Tees. and try them before purcluumg.
mr1911, 1 / 4 .141, A JAYNES. 70 Fourth .veer
11...,lbc:.;%„Ll;....1;crc111,nrorT.InahinhhabltAnts Pi.-
a.nic wLevo ever; .4,:n„Tnwed„, tha
paid la the comfori of those who inay 'avor [nal with
it. Liberty mix., tocitweess eleventh and Wood.
Ice Creams and all other delicacies of the seame:i.
r M ILL, pm-. .drnug.ned have this day mated mole
the name of Thompson Han. te Son, for the par
pose of manufacturing paper, at Me Chat. Pape,
Nl,ll, where tory veal he pleased to receive the pato..
atm of the public and the former customers of the sm
or ammer.
They wail at ail nines keep on hand • general ex.
ratwent of arming, Wrapping, tea and wall papers
, boars. boanJ blan boo.,ere., which they will
exbange, for e,
eleaa l k
atten and cotton rags.
Pruner. mid Book Publiabers eon be supplied with
every description p• per at short aonee, and
as reduced Doe.. VIOMPSON IiAANA•
Apnl 1,19--mi - Zalden EDMUND K. HAN ,
Di:M.774'UL OttNAllkA Ptlif ynttasurraa.—
Jams D. Laces:moo, el Wood meet, h. Met
rreetved snort beautifully ornamented GRAT h:
APRONS, of • varlety of patterns and colors: al.,
rut Ties. Paper for cruse:tenons ,tooting glasees,
picture freer., or lanai..
No. 46 Markel street,
e, the
so..< reap-euully informs ac
frichda and the
phlcte. that he now preparing to receive and roe
cdte Iheir rillr4 with dmpaseh, and in the oemess,
rna,t subteall. and I.lnounble manner. A. b^
dc terizi '`lima do ..u•.n.•• tar ea•b ..yatem. he Sai
ler. hethiebe ..I Le rode to do Wort a• hr.p
a.i at an, estel.husete et the
.• • •ric d. hou•i•it he of Caeri Me lee
• be . he itteed• ore r eve mut
a tor iiirdatelres.
• PENS.— V. F. Patent Diamond Poill.ll
(J . S;eld Vent. sena and sauna. cues. jom rte'd and
Ire saw hy JOil , elbri tr. STOCKTON.
.3;71 :ostler Thud and Martel 4.•
G. W. lILDDLI4 D.atlae.—
iimuuvmDm n•se Urea suer bract
.1184 - e....".,
SutLfte,sl reet. ens
attaut meet T eeth towered from one
tn an enure am, en the ruetson pnneiple, with • bean-
WM reams:won:tau of the natural grom—resvonam the
enema, shape of the fa-v.
ii.—Teeth eztruted wlth little or no pain.
' , guyed fem.! permanency saved by plaiagtna, pre
retain, the tut,. he. to mach better limn e
ruir Inoue et annuls! be done I n hen mutates, or
e•ea Instantly
- IV Is s r : :‘ Za D nd j a E r‘l‘l.leLls,s62. Crlt'llCof.te'V't"lL'7;
II•L ..oLd ..d Sti Patent Lever Watch
..., nt as psi,* a 4 are efleeed Wu Eastern anima
•., em, °far! an 4 warranted.
I norner 41h and hi ark, n•
hs TIII' I, DIMS —Jun nor
a lull asuman,
01 co .1 Tnmad. Cord and Braid; ao.o
spaoa n and Rts..n, for ruabroaknlisT and oshnr
a; .1 or
hJ/rh— l. st al v./or . ,oht doDa /stet, Frine
• lk , - , tlatons, ,n great rarsety.
oc• nod Leautoku patter.,
at Eastern pro,. W WILSON.
corner Mnrket and Fourth au
1 . :Z[1,1.10U of the lialchno. and oano
Mali Road.
ATION AND I/ A,.. , 0N RV of the port of U. road
not already under rontract bette«st Cumberland and
the T 3 goo Velta nver--4..
wok dtatanee or about DO
tomes Tbe number are. new in be let be
about 5-, of woiels to
PI oecur hetween eumbertand and
tne mouth 0111,e S ... riverlA in the glair, and
the rentfonOe , ft...coon and 'Flue., Forke creek a.—
'I wot set:, geoccaoy tie niourrum, although there
ore a rOlLs.,, wortla ;Lennon Of OP
pa,ur• see tun mted to ttettey job,
spee.t,,lnns and plans sail be ready at Cabot,r
-u) no and otter the b 7,1. of Augue current The
oyo add . . sed to the undersigned, will be re
celved at Comner,and, Maryland, up to Saturday the
15lb or Septernuor melthave. Further information
flop he had ti the tbonpany's Office at Cumberland.
tcs,roomal, will he requoed Dom those unloosen,
to the under - mgt., lir order of the Preatdent and Du
rect tea DENJ. II LATDOSE.
small dud—D.':: Ant] Coe( Angineer.
Lights ligiat I Llartkt II I
ri , HE J .., I, celebrated horning Boni can note be had
at bre I...tocrn Lamp store, No, he Thud ...eel.,
between Wood nod Ma•ato
I,a 1,...1.11.. 1. ,e UV.: it has the preference In ail
et me ...tern cu., Leine perfectly safe and the
vout ot plonk, praseor any of the disagmeable at.
ml•ns !tents now in common ore: al, a beauti•
Ul st• , ustment of lamps of thc ;sheet patterns for barn, V. J DA YID.
A LL the« , Jac, front ordinary Ink, an Hwy are all
• Itentn..; .o , onons eontaining no vizettl matter;
floor Orr', trom kind of pen—the color deep,
lanuta nod m any
. inert , have been neater arneler
made, I ha, veaher .reen nor he rd of them. Salo
om hottle• r..n o al tatn-.1 gran, try the merchant,
11. A. rol,ooltorrk Oro , He a P.
Wrloror r. SleAbeny, or of the manufacturer, rtIOS.
I. RI. r:1: T. It, „ Iggir.l and Chem.:, corner of Labor.
and SorittrOAlJ 4treeta. P.ltshurgh, Pa
N D —Any bottle not‘tvteg complete sa . ..fa.nron,
:to returced and theprice anti be refundr.d.
all dem
T •al.nernhn r r?las P tr a n !I N n7l E an t rl ' ln I n
j of Jutinnton & Co., of
di pa...n(1.7:1a.,
IS :own. Faner Letter, dlfferent us.,
Wu Newst,per Ca.s,
30, :In, Leeds, eet to order;
i In Co.nposmg Sucks;
1 Ind kers Prom's New. Ink;
1 I lira.. i:alley, Column Raves, 8r... Ru;es of an
Pekoe Tea Sto re, 70 Fanelli
N II —tinier. reee,ved Mr tie ve Tyne. antrid&,. n ...
inii TIIE sunsenner, who has been in hostile..
s . In tae same bedtime for Itty lan thirteen year,
1 ,. tv.,,l,,!mabl.„l.ll.e.,e,rzirTn,e
matt, . tae very lowest pneea. ,
,1.1 1. 7 ,, , ye r Einelion Patent Lever watches.
t . : .1 'NG er Detbd Lever and Lennie Waiehes.
, 0..1 and ',see Hommel and verge %Vane....
G.,. I a... 1 Wirer Independent Second Watencs for
~,, horses.
Gold G dart. (...I. nod vest Chains. Gold Spectacles.
1,4 and Sliver Pencils, Gold Pen, , Goat and Stone Graceless.
Gml I.oeketa. Gold and Silver Ilumblea
I . ..nand Irina. uld Pin..
I 4.... and Gentlemen,' Breastpin..
morn, Sliver Spoon., C 01... Forks..te.
Gold %Vale., a. low as 31.1 to Sy each.
Watelme %AM Jewelry eiettanaed •
and Pork. ;oaten on German &Ive), a fine
All watch., warm tted lo keep yon)
tune or
fine relurned Jewelry re cod Wa.chc,
cleaned and repatred in die In. inner, a , IlltlC It le.
taa .1 the a.usi prire, riga C. ALLEN,
Iwo- e a( Wate'ars. nod 'Jewelry, wholessale and
rmall. 5t Wall street. lop alma.,) NEW ,'URA.
Exclusively for Passengers.s..,
11=11+ —The Do.. of Una Lute will leave
follows, al9 o'clock at night:
In.ttana—P horsey, Saturday. Seal 111
11Itio—A Cra.g, Sunday, 9.d
Loutsmna—J P Thhmpson, :Monday, 21.
Troby, Tuesday, 4th lndnona—P Harkey,,
thuo--Capt. A Cram, Thursday, oth
P Thompson. Friday, 711.
Rsotocky—Copt H Truly, Saturday, Etk.
Indiana—P Manley, Sunday. 9th.
Oluo—Caps A Cratg, Mondar, loth.
Lemma/m-4 P Thompson, Poesday, 110.
geniusky—Capi II I ruby. Wedosseay,
lturksy, Th.aday,
Orno—A Cratz. Friday, 14th
140•110.2—.1 I' Thompson, Saturday, lath./
For passage apply to W SITTCH,
Monongahela Haase,
gni nr D I.V.F.Ott k.C.n. Canal H..
'VA siN ER, 1 s ;tors., Firths's, •oc.r..
ing mon , . enno.nni I v no tt.d and tor sule
L. uu,rt W7l Co. 143 Ltoerty rt
Pro T 1: RPF.VTINE-30 Lbls ree t dan3 tor sole
pe..Rir.sbrlEEN.4N-1341aIlkluthUliajtutlil for
POR RRNP—The 6.13.11013 howa any
oneopled by ',mood, signaled at &Wand,
with 80 nom of !mend attached. The
utparione and convenient, and thoareend aril Im
proved. &pot/ to NARDI', /ONES &
atot3l Wee. o
THE understened alien to gala, tos pm.= rest.
denee .o Coal Hill, with the meaty ius•
ground attached thereto
.. • • • •
The House m in rood order, and the ground mint•
erably improved, tneluding a large garden and Ono
ore hard.
If will also sell. if desired. the whole erne) portion
of hip househoid Furniture, Da ii ks. PietUITG. k.e.
its3AL - etwzi
S. Lot of Ground baying a front of ta feet as
Fulton skeet, by lOU feet deep to an obey, ma
• vrbleb It erected two good two moo brick I:het:hag
Houser. The above protterty Is well improved and
pleusatly emoted and will be rofd very osuottably,
(either eltoeetber or part of it,) application be made
ktioilto HENRY H. MAGILL, on km premises.
AL.FoR . PALE—A Brick Musa, (bat one yeas
0010,) and Lot, on 110bInson sweet, Alleglway,
ear Price low and sums easy,—
inquins of Iy2l s SCHOVER, 110 Second sf
~ - 2 1!)'_19!9mid. 2 4 4
t 'l.
FOUR now 'c " anoe,. Darelliar Howe;
11 finielied and in °wanton" order „on Centro
tvenue, or Aliterweitbe road, 7th Want Per
won., riven isunedlote.r. Rent low. Borer of
1710 mOTIM Liberty awl Hand ate
ri dn.
A VEfty de!irable rejt*, , lce ul the be.=
ugh or Nauebe . ter, e
no. Fess. The Lei is a earner one, fifty feet heat by
hendred and utoety feet deep— sloth two story
Hoek House, twenty-five tect from, with two narks;
.dining room, and kitchen on first floor A canlage
lien!ines stable sod eralierl, *ad the lot fall of choice
Ono trees, all to good order, Enquire of the &ahead
ber, Lumber Herdsmen., Alleghery CitT.
JulfiedksetfT / Yo. PATrFatscnr.
FOR HE-NT.—The three story Brick Doralttii
House, on Liberty, hrivreeo Hay and Marbury
s treets, now occupied by W. Graham, Jr. Passaulon
nitAy. Enquire of Wm. Graham, or id
tbo Miokstore
corner Market od Third streets
1:11 . A TIIRVE stoned Dwelling Goose, &Ant the
second house from Penn street In Stnyder's
Roar, on liar street Immediate poswwirion will be
given. Wlton, of DAVID RITCIIIE, Attorney at
Law—ottlee on Fourth street, between Cherry alley
and Grant street
iron: alinivr,
is.FOUR new two story fines Dweihug
ell firrisheirsand In eosnpleto owlet, on Cent.
Avenue, (IL Ward. pose.ssivgavendolg iLL
Rent leer. Enquire of JURY WA rr k Co,
Came, of Liberty and Haat it.
THE undersigned offers ror sale in .11`Kents county
Pa.. lKitt acre. 0(.1 , 01 timbcroi LAND, with 4u
excellent Saw Mill nearly new, and two new Fran
Ileums, one 41 fact front by IT book, the other 37 feet
front by 21 back. Also, good new frame Sam. .111
by forty feet. The unll and land are masted four
miles from the Allegheny nor, A great deal of PINE
TIMBER of the best qualtry, nod also a vast quantity
of the very best hemlock. Also, one acre on the hank
of the Allegheny, near • eo,e, most adourably adapt.
cd for rafting, where lumber can he rafted on the ice
In whiter. and Ito perfectly wife from all freshets.—
Price 159,000, or SS an acre. 'Forms easy. Will take
• well cleared small farm, with good hoose and or
chard upon it, as part payment, if locatton is mitabla,
•nd the balms., In lumber, or as may be agreed oc.
This it art excellent opporttunty for lumbering; end
tho probobi(ey I. great that In two or three years this
property will double no value, in emstequence of ita
Proximity to the New York anti Eno Railroad. Tim-
, . .
r .26c1elit to wear out several saw pulls—mad sev
eral Mill sites on the stream which mos nearly through
We centre of the lead. About fiftrea acres in grass.
No hill to rise is haulm; lumber from mill to river
Trout nod game In abundance. For further partiea
"dtwe Ilmst.pludo P. 11. TGalelhiTLlN,
mirMul wriS Gazette otEoc, riusbargit.
Prirjaarty lL Khoghonf City for Salo.
LHE rubseriberr oaer for sale n number or chinos
Lot., simile to th a Second Wsvd., fronting on tho
ion g+ d, on easy terms. Inontre of
W. Mi. ROBINSON, Aar oil LiN• ; It Clair sa
or of ROBINSON.Sn Moore:lmes
THE Manzilsms wlll .11 at tartrate sale, tame two
r Lots oi Onimd, lammed each mato rt.,
ht the Thad P7nrd of Ades - May City, eharms •
Sant of:0 feet. lantrdng.b.k lUD feet in depth to •VD
feet alley, upon which Is bath • moots wall, 21 by 100
feet, whab contains stone enough to hmld cellars far
taro comfortable dwelling houses, and te, -front there
are three Shade trees, of n years growth, mid the lid.
walk isjiaved with brick', all of which will be sold at
$9OO. rtraburck and Allegheny, or Cowry Scrim
wlil b• taken in payment.
k. II PHILLIPS., Na ft Wood
or to WSI BENSON, Immediately opposite said lats.
FF O6SALF,--enve iota eligibly it — Muni! in the goat-_ taint town of Blrminchana. The lots •re 'nota
ted on Ikonog street, nand/crest is F Bettsm.'s pt.
75,79, tO. ht and led—lnk No :3 fronting feet tan Ma
ry Ann street 70 feel deep, tee other fens feet front
`ern, by o 0 feet dewy
Trims—Greater part of marelmao money may re
tan • for vt years. 4,4 red by atortanan For part.
Lars- tags,. of SC4OI - ..R,
nlyls ILO second to
Veinal". Coal Land - tor
DOC rtau, above Luck No. 2, at can mouth
A. of tote ,Memo..;ahem River. The Coal is
of quailty, and eawy oi •, coos. Aar
nan. s..r-4. from twenfy.Gra to a enired, an
be 4,13.15,.. .lesiron.. of ..purch.,Ain can
Call on WALKER ItELI.I, ea breintse, or Wm
I Reed. °PP... , Ore Pon whew, who sal ewe any in
formation concerning the property. 7 . ..1 ab - we sr.
be ...Id at a mat barcaln.
r—b good brick Dwelling lions.situate oa
Rohlason AllegbenY. Eundito of
myliS SOLO M (IN en:llOl'FM
V - 011 CALei CREAPI - Tntsettle—Alorot paned
snuate on Webiner street. lb feet :ram ilighbtreet;
feet front .3 IN - enter, by tl3 feet bo n he. feet alley
--quite close to new coon has,.. Pnce nti3o. Terms,
61.. Pe-quite
in bawd, balance in one, two, three and four
years Rom the first of April but.
County and City Scrip taken for cash payment. In
ga:reof mild S SCHOI - Fll- i 10 Meond si
Rob Aare. Coal Lean tow Sale,
SITUA Pane. the Monongahela river,about Id =Sas
from tee argh and 3 =lea able, third Look, In
the inentedlue naKhbortioal of Masan. Lyon a. Shore.
and Mr. John Ilarnm's purchase. 'Ms fine body of
Coal will be said at the low price of 633 per acre--orm
third ln hand, balce n five equal mutual payents,
without interest. Title { Indisputable. Location m very
good—cues{ hesurpasaml. For farther partleulars
a, quire of S. 1.1.1.L51.E1 - , who has &draft of said pro
perty. Residence thl V, below Fott r y,filfr.Adamartleiv,
N. It. There is another see. of coal on this watt,
about 60feet above We lower, of ezeellent quality.
irokotr • S.
Val.:tilde Building Lots Per DIY e•
sabunbers are aothoramt traoSbr no private
sale, mid upon tut Illy favernbie terms a number
at arty a...We Sunda. Lots, ecarynalng a narte
p,ton of the numbered tri, 6u, SD and ra, .
WoodeGenerel Plea of the City or Patsharaln situ..
red at the tout!, evilwardlyeorner of Fonnand Wayne
streeot, fronting rent nu the former, and mend C o g
son- the latter antr-tt 600 feet to Vie Ancattney neer,
and benng et part of the Real E.e of the late James
S. Stevansan, Eui. , deceased.
A plan or suedietston of the phone LP., la rank...-
mity with which It ta proposed to sell, may ne men at
the odic., tithe undersigned, on Fourth. between Mar.
kat and Ferry no. WILLIAMS tuty3
TWO FIOUSkki Atli Llll4l 1 , 1.14
eak t „ . TM:O Lors on !Jeerer atter, tae ealy
Alltaheny, above the upper Commons, on which
rfreed a frame budding, two .or high,
oc two small tenements. Tee :out are Cal tsrenty
tern mfront by one hundred "eat deep, aim t• .1 el.
to a meetforty feet ande. bethink,. an the pm,
mi.s twill p
~ a nary naudsonta interest on the beret
tuent, and the pt .tterty cheap for mutt.
Apply to H. Spiral, Clerk's oillte; U.S. or la
11.2) KA fr. Co
Era icoma Lasairtrar gale.
AORF7 of LAND, Mumma m Peebles lowa-
Monougalml. Mr. miles from 1 - i...-
burgh—in to mu purchaser. For further parer
ultra apply to nears uml.3/1 aL or to
noa3 , 4ltf 4641.11070 eaithseld al
ttb7c — ni,i
*leg for Si],.. e oc t , iLet pw a i u ,s_ ri_b i. eil .„.soa N n V . a .", r , e . tr
j ?a: .
Y FLIEL SALE —A Lst n.l" Wound ..1.0 on Po.
atorei, botween Huy no.l Marbory et nthoinini
tne boo.. tr-rol lot now Occupted by Mohan.'re.,
herring • front of 2.5 :not, and doptb ISO ion, ina
told on favorable otrova. Tale, unci^optlonal.lo. En
tporo of C. 11. LAJOAILS, .ith anon
DR. 4 .1RA111.1',11...1din; Lot to Allolneny (Ity, fa •
fj, verably I,caled,
a in slze about bait an arr, and
wul be sold au acconsodau, term.. laipnre al
oebd Is Wq..1.1A‘114, 116 no 1.1 .11
Pilt NEN I*—A room h, tne .cuad slot), NiT
Nazi W0..1 ornm. unel
Ca., No. GO !darker 4ft,et, haue lust received
Groin, 'havers, Nankeen.. corn Drill,nga, Mon and
ornage Prints, Mernmecu, I...`aermeo, and faney des
Purmture do; 4-4 b,o 1..1w0, Linen !101l tads, .Ins.
hams Mall Moaner, P.m.. do, bar'u sod strip'd ao
plitio'lna-mna. &e. ka, auutn
gioohed tY:sal, by, II P"" t ' t e : ' , *.'n
u[l] leherey
1 i , ,10R(1.33P - 3 WORM
berm sea tone
la. rein
Mr. John D Margan.—Dear core one teaspoon
full of your Worm itiller to one oh my ebinlmn, .04 to
the 'port limo of no• boor it p..ed twenty lama
orm*. I feel safe in recommending your Vern:afore
nr ben triAtelne the' can be used for expelhng
worm.. .11.16. Mot ,sg. near Noblostowa
Prepared and sold by t r proprietor, JOHN D. MOR
GAN, Druggist, one door below Diamond al:ey, 33'004
- -
BATHS FUR uN6 DOLLAR, or a sine*
!lath for Colton cents. 7.
'Attic. Department op., trtikl D to ll' o'cloci, A. 11,
and 2 to 3 o'clock, I' NI
A.tbetr.uszt ramie; F.:o.ablistuaer,
1719 r MT:\ U., erloprtnts,
A ILE now roc, viraz a very large *teak or rmo.
,Joal, of r,ent porehale and timpartattoa,rturs
they wvl sell to Ito trade at saelt {Mc. u taMn.rt tel
is glee route .r.:41act....
Coy and Coatnry Mzecha,st• ate in, I ,oza and
eaavine oar gor uckne. putahasma n •—• .
Da. D. HUNT,
, Z .
w.... ., Der... Comer orFoar*
' ..C.:
-- • , ria-dlyin_
03:0. W. of ITI/ 6 Co„
INFORM Wet, frtend• awl the public that they tune
no Long, con, with tact, goal/Mar
meet In Penn •testr•. now:. •s the PtltshargitEll t eroratt•
havum rcrortv,t ..r er 'aro Isamnma to the POINT
1849 . Ea=
Deaver and Nato Ragman Packet Line.
R. U. PARKS, Deaver, Proprietor.
TIDE mire, and elegant Peuenc t'
er Picket',
Ntatr•Rd., Cent it D Jearle.4
PENNthYLYANI.t, " JII ilotiman;
quk:EN CITY, hi Trany;
" J
Forming • daily Line between Denver end Hilly: Prie, have
commenced running, and WILL cOettnlip . da e
tan to make Me...menhir trios, leaving Bring theaver after
the arrival of me minimum boat from Pinahargh, (tot
clock, r. e ) Lod arrive at Ene In time tat pasaa
to rtiraTt take the teaming Luau to OT up the Lake.
Ileketa through to Erie end all Lake Aorta, an be
bad by application to JOllig A.CALIUHEY, Att,
corner or Water and igaothL.l4
ender tbrn Pt Mail. EC
'I TANZ , IEII4.—.Su Malt
I num Stins, b ut
reetiVed •11 , *(01. Sale by
wary W/11 YOUNG h CO 1
Nd 21 Market street