ESTABLISHED IN €1786. BUSINESS _CARDS. A TTOHNEYstutti Cob..lior at Law, nod Como.- Mu. G cons of Pittsburgh., tor she busto Persusylvakost, Loam, nus ) Hasaaaeras —Putsburgh: Hon. W. Forward, Itasopt ton Ss Altos, NS'S:audios. A brelure, Jobu K Parke, Mute]. d rseinolo, Ktag. asigl4.lly rMII lIMAJO t STERBXTT, lIIT, ATTORNENN AND COUNNEL,WItS Al' LAW, Fenn!, Mann, between StOinfteld and Grant, sburgb, Pa. ALS jai. IL LAU. LARGE 411 FRIAINDT C ''''''' i iTTCAINLYS AT LAIN, Fiona street, near GrAn plant* . - Hale : HUNG A CHOZER, enmiasses !u m ,. ,/sod Is:niers to Produce, tso. .22 Market suet l'instArni.. _ deers A A LL,IIVIALD. Hitl. 1.11.A0.1. •• • • • - - B1.!1411FIELD t. LEADER, Dry booos,tirocones, Root, Shoes, nootourgh toanooketurod artioiu, Ice, No. IND LtheTry Meet, YOtsbutoh )1+ — iItI:DICLItIII4I.X, .W 64. stress. [)BAUD , b. REITER., Wholesale and Retail Drug 1.) gnu. tOrIICS of Llharl and St. Clan streets, Pa L./ 6,1, 0:1671.4 ~ ROWN. fj MA% . i TS CULBLIITSGII, Wltoie veht P Grocers, _Ur slot ..omniestor. Ucrelotts, Igo. 14S, Liberty st_, V . .1. I'AIiNtIaTUCK 2r. Co.. Wholesale azd on Drum.. .mar Wood and nth sta ill & SMITH, Wholes We Grocers, la laud ) \l trod sucet Pittsburgh. • 1 A. ',MCI. IV. Z. lIIIMTKIL / •1/ •• Forwardang and Commis+. . .r.e: ,sots No. gd Market id, Pittabargh.d spa I A. NIcANULTY & Co., Forwarding and Com ittsiicit Merchants, Canal Basta, Pittsburgh Pa maul Meilm CaSIL. SprLtit= 8t../ and Iro • ~01.1.:MAN, • MAILMAN & Co, mannfactursrs • uuuca and tlptic dprings, lianuarral Axles awl Piongh ade. Want.* o. 1, rr aml Front 'Ma., rlarAntrgh. PI AROLL KURIL, ON 1.11/ Tl' r,Urriliat THE HEAL OF WOOD, PIIII3I3URGIL ILDBIUND WILKINS, 101allNEE8 to manufacture Monuments, Burial Vautts, Tomb., Watt ttlouca,lllnntel hoe., Con , and Pier Topa of re/reign and domestic marble, at regular and nor poet. N. Ll Drawings for mortumenu, vaulu, he. famish ed, of any dcacrrpuou. De .:titans sum of public p•lrol.l.M. augt,dlf EnMiLLSII & LENNETI, (lane 4. Co .l Wkoleude lamer+, Commumin and 'or wardwg altrchants, and dealer. in Yu:wince and Pinta baran btumfartarm, No a %cod at., between ad and Mumma aulluk.CUClLkLith, Communion andloarinardint &lerenam, No :no Wood suren Pittsburgh aryl] 'tunic L/G.S.GIUM VAGTOUT. L 7 AIIIL7 U 1 S I EWART, mounfamarar of Borg rl Sturuus•, Cheek, kg., Bobocea sumo, coy of oilegOcuy. noolf.11y• uLEE, to Murphy la Lectl Wool Leal .1-le et sae Cow:amen Merchant, for the sale a , Amerman Woolen*, Lamm. oppeatte Sib at febl7 Innwan "wee tPb a. e 111CA.V1110,1, :ow e ',Awn:o, 1 n kIALD & 111:4:KNOR, Tobacco Conataladon Me, 11 "wets, 41 lien& Walcr st, & 10 Non" Wherve", Mule ¢0.3441 •. W. P. azzooa I_l MIDI', JONES le Co., (onceezaors to Atwood, Jonto a Co.lCorazalaaloo and Foranading Alco• hant., ocatora. w Pataborgh Marattartured (prods, P!toloarga, P. oncltt7 1011377 Mean, ix, r&MAN DICKEY & Co., Wholesale Croce., COM- A l =sm. Merchants, and doMere o Proiloce, and FIMil woe., Pnialt, 130.0 Oh /I O. 1 / 1 144 . 01/411 DLIMEIRSH. 1 0. DlLWultril & Co, Wholesale Grocers, Pro t/ . duce and Cosamismen Merchants, and Agents tor the 'lmmo Poynter Co. of N. Y., No. 9 Wood et, thosburgL sp. UltPl M. TOWNPEND, Druggist and Altottn.m7 No. 43 Market at-, Wee door. above TUN st Pint' barge, orlll here con:warmly on hand • well selected as; oottment of we beet and treenem Medientea,mtdch bar saill sell on We mom Physiebuis semling orders, wilt be promptly needed rta and sap plred woo too le, they may rely open as genainc fry- Physician. Prescript.. will be accurately and nevuy prepared from We best...Jo, Many hear of . day or Also (or aw - e, a lam stock of freak and good Peels. Add J ,AISPIE.LI), (late of Wynn, Oh o,) Commit; In eemrn 5 1r "'" itu .'4 . 7/% 1 1 '..1 .0/ Pesci dab, and Western Produce generally, Wale, 10001, between( SnatUdield and Wood, Plusbargh. sp3 • JOHN WATT, (successor to edema licooan,./ Wholesale Wooer wed 071311.11510 U blesenara, dealer sn Produce and Potabsugh hlanefuntares, cor ner of Ltherty and Ilend streets, Pi.burgh Yn. jell:N . 1 AMEN tl bleed' Wilk',(late of them of Alpo . and Islethare,) Merolla. 'realer, 41. Matins Ihaldtom, Anted weal, oda, Wood, Piltsber AXESA. airrcilmort, Loins limonison Co„ Commission lderonants, sod dawn or Om St Louis Steam Saga, Ilarmory. NA ta water and Pa trout moms, Pinsbargh. VAIN D. Mtrittr.o.rt, WOoterale Drogirral, and dew- II or 1.170 &oar, Poona, OUR, Vornwhos, No. V 3 Wood Wort, One aiNT Booth of MAMMA •1107, PIMI. borgo. • -•-- - JAMES KERS, Jr., & Co., (=manor to JosCpa O. I Da Stop Chandlers, 30 Water sense. 0e.31 01114 11. MELLO& Wholesale an Retail dealer U M.= aud,ll.lcal lostroments, Behool Coosa, roper, blow., 31001 Peas, grata, Pruners' are., sod Otattonory generally, No. at Wood el., rittsburatt. tontskt or taken t. trade. sepl3 SCHIAINMAIitaI Q. Co., Wholesale llrogvats, . Nn. si Woo.l meet, I . ..horst, I WIN DAV Ili, ALLCIJUSICCI, coruer &It an ,l soveco Pittobargit. coca uussTuN sToctcruN, itookacilms, Praisers t) 11,4 Paper blauufacmmrs, No. 44 blarktt ee Jo; 1. !rut U. aICIL. FLOYD. I A. M. FLOYD, Wholesale Grocers. Commission - rcounis, and Dealer* m Produce, Round ,rch 11.111.110, fronting on Liberty, Wood wad oth ritieuer,h. e. owe J 1,1174411, Wholmmix tiroecr, Celan:waren Li Me, aurl dealer In Produce mad Proauurgb ... ;arra N 0.24 Water et., fturbarkti. ranla It %V JIC, Warilesaioeird terrullreti. . • rorergn Wrnea and Liquors, and old Manor, aukeys, corner Pint and Market ats. 1 ForwardingandCoteniananNer [\ e. ,so Doulors in Yreduce.dPittabwrgh mans- Canal Sawn, nesgab at ddl r halt DI CULL e PITTSDIJIttikI, PA.. CHI h superior 4-4 Shea- hugs, Carpet tloln, Coltou owl Basing. /. 2" Y__ Vont:avian iron Work.. Et% IS, DALZEI.L h. Co., nenoufaeueresa of all or we roe, Scoot Ben!. Won and Nuts of tha best archouse,S4 water Lod 1L Inn AL ;Rata ti WATEM.MLAN,WhoIcsaIe Unmet, Yoneard e.g and Commteeton Dlerehant i Dealer la Pitt•- •uren Al•nutattures .a e Produce, Noe. 31 Water ilnd I, Front i 2 7 runner.LWIDEDI,.III- /DUN IL user kLIZ.IIINSI4I3II s SAW YEW, tdauwarturera, aod Wholesale .1.4 dealers in !brew, arid domestic Variety (Saves. Western merchants, Pedlars and others are waited to call and examine the prlecaanal quality of our week, as with our present increased raeihues lu elattattortur sr.; and, we thank we eon otter as great anuoteurente to buyers ILS any other house west of the Mountains. ... WU muss, an:sactresn . Ifi,Pinstargh. ILLEkt HICKSTSUre, notes/an OISOCCIM, ood ju imporaere of Lisandteo 'kl/ /nes and Segos., Nos. 7s and /74, corner of Liberty net Irwin sue1.11`,..8 \ dor naBl . ltlNCl PritiplONS FOIL In eV. 4 k ..1.. nn lirtrr h 7. •I) to r.a.! , corner Ltn .nara uor•orrr IttnittC4, it - 44" 0 nna Low open I Bonnet It c.w.0.., ad new a.nlbanatencor Also. pew •ty.e fir ;Neu.. Lance Lace. OP, FA, taXS. V.t n:et• Inr.t • n0..1 acuna,. enanro,^d • n• I ..1 arge en of , ^:• I...arnla enneralr. at nor, clot corr., 4tH Niurket etre,. Wno oale Ron, , Huts raPARtNERSHIPS Copwrtnership T i I "!: • t NI- 1 r e t 1/1111 HEN:.•VAI. —A 111,;,..0n na• rev,v,d I. . I{:rry. ( I••• 1 • I 1)11A,04.VT10%. ;: " 11 ' uldett tee Itrin °CBI , 11nE1.1) ILAN'S ]:%4 c 1... n oI• nttand s.y 1% tt in 11. II.y• e lung . ern etre , : .tt tee farm te 4-:11 Ilu,lint“. AI. tretnott• dun I:tn tint. ... 1 .1 Ire rettinted ny •II lion:4 nenl ui. de, t• clue Ity tu • n enel nv • •111,1 C. W 11. 111,1 3 I=ll OLP., Brs:rsuu.P. n tb , . du v•••l%iL iiloll[s 10/ ..(Ikd . and Nauul . u... ro,:zun,lue u. r ;1.1. Gru, 01 BI , r1F:1:1.D.,- vp• ts, .••• L•ber.y .tre.t a B II 1 I • Vit,...bUrgb. JUner....loV II I.E.\ 113 :L., r•on, tom., I ..• len+un nnsenrlsairt, or, the uotsr., 0( my , u.toinera7.ll Dl•stO tattoo. GG T H •C '' ::l„% ' , " :. ' „l h tt h ll337 ‘ ;f r Co.. tht mueuh! ronment hlrht . Bork- h. Ehrot, the •• .1 tee the for wa., parph, th author,,, :he name ot the car..ccrn_ SAfHANIF:I.CONS7A.BLF, 111.12.11'ND lit lIKF.. 'II.U,MAr , I tAI IN :4. The ttrtsll,l have 11 - 0 ,ay the man , . oi LII HIE .k , ll ARNE, for the tturFnee crtuti,..teturtne Fire Prlk, , Sa:rt. Are. 11, / 101141 01 Hatt t.I Hurl, tt.iere 'l,ev 1 , 11 4,,et: Tree" , th• trnbege 01101, 'lO .1 0' stevi 'hew otle. kit 4E1,41.. Tltt 11,:‘,1_4 In ml.r,nn. from Ilm fit 'fln•l‘ n"''` • I mini•lnm.rr Sfro,nninemnl Mime+ tr. nor co , .!,Jrnrmrjr• rn ml • a , n hre n. m.ln .';',Ll( DISSI A.CTION. Tlll:::7ru:er,alpoi,titl'H t 4, „v Inter Grual:!j:e.lled Ir. Et H: It I'll V. 1. COM=EMI!MIM M3MU In r , r7rmg from thr Hint lurrhy I,r, I ~ kr, ~icar.ore tercosiitle Mr /I Ler r011f..1,1 , e a. env irtr , l , tirolt.ll , , 11AP:11'. T !LE a••,..ta•rd whw: , L,rtnrr for ;the of II ut•ae , ., a ”.• J tr./11/r, ~ t; • ~ rort i,J•111/tx stylo firm ni .- t , 111.1 — .1.1) Jacurry OA • 4,01717, p • cu—PA.RV:s ACIIS 111 1.. \I /I rerl.l", J 1:41, Ai to , L SCAIFE , 11r, Ip.: ty , ,Lee: Iroil L.; II N://1/ :1. 1,L., p• stai'd Von P"lrt'eular '414 •N •tc..41.1rt .. I VI, et I w Fel• t•.• ' o ::;11. •.; ~“• • m a .1 1,1 I•twary I. i -10 C O4.A ItTnls it )4 P- \.. , 1.n • • hrrn to Wm luo tS' 11.1., , E N ETT b. 6 ao - ri. ER, fflm,laEAuuts I FACl'l' , , f - lt ..• W.rei,./.1, No, 137, .'...Viood Wel!, Pll: Abu, h. 14 . ..-0 • .i."l. at re. ce..' 0 II ro:I nt.d =Ole for Nrc rroa to ~I i.aper than has,v, be,o et? thc put.- 1S J',._';4:; jAF %T. 44 Hrr.. V. ll : ll lMAN— , tis.,.• Lurß , e1L0.,.. pre p • .. a • , rrl me+. I au,.11 refil k.d• o , ! ma,h,not r. 7 ,rk oprc rasa, .;` , " , •1 6, .07 J.% nl-.' %i• 00 , / , • • r411.1.,1 erai Mir laew ort, r. o en 'or gear., .a/ 0 'IC mill. ni R A.4u•sl• .• 11,1 01.. P. 11114, l ' e. lo o l . %%4:0 ~. BOOK TRADE. E,rANDA.m. n. vo, r.yul .vo. k,: I n I enY I r .1 s, 1.; 1-.•1/ /r.00ry,1.7 Nur' la., resurnni• • •110•,.••••1, watl•mile. ki,nryl , lB•• of :lie .\n, J; .:vdoln t' , ..• It .11..rry i'h,rru. a•.d cur,. I ha. 14,clinr•t•on. NI 1 -.IP/3 , , • CUI:111‘011 hook. part puper ,1. v.. 1. 10 it. ram . ury r .by R. /1.1.1r-Ih. .•. 11,1. 1.7 a.... 1,••••• •" :o the ••L I °mu,. Trozol,on.c , ry, A l .'. •,. 1,11.,111,1::,• Iii • • / V' • c.‘,Est,r,.. M121=•1 f7.11 ,, N0N: 4 , A r n I;11, di,. I N I:" ol II KILL p- an I 11, 11,:.'c. I, 1 T er. A 1 - .I:L.C. ;nr and Poor I loAdny• Abroad, v Sirs K.-L un hi vr..: 1..v1:-rs. 1., • I' 11"..1 R kNV;AK., F et A (.It 1;1, tar —Aruer.can Farrnefer Ertc y• dry • 1,. ,•,!.• K'rl[.oll3. vc• frxv, t Irtrcrdrarc ort Acrictl:lurr. He, l'rrto t,/rzdt,— Citerrilittry. I,mr, Aryorr,c.r. I •••• !Ivr. I, um • Anlrr.c.l Krta :2tnn ll.nrrur I.nitr. 4. Llttrx• I rbrter Park , porrtertir Eronomr. 44 ‘4,. For rate , t , l• I.'OlE, I) 1.111•KWo/ r ' 4l„ P' E ' r47s "' L1 % • 1 • Cd 0 . .. rb:vhi Cows, 11,oprr•• 11...y,••••on • ,Io .1 • 5111,1,411 du 4 - 11t.'01•• • r./ Suryrrr 1,1•••.-r'• on. Arrrne.y". Work,. •rt .tt• n - I Irru• 11, , e ,t rtivet•Ner • Ai..., L•••••/..r. ,rtle . r i'lwraprutr, r. tr4l rrtot,rr •1•• ..• tltr •I Al•drtmu.l Praclsrc . DdlkVd4.oll • do in. I I , Air.n .nrne nn , l n.el ire Wl , ltc .h VI . • •111.1 'to oloo'ry 111 1 .01. r.. 1•21.: of r ikor, Irrt 111.11,rn, ustr ..I.l•otriort, cm...Nor:aro. or i r ar ortrOt •cover. nird Ir 1 , 1,1•.nr, -0r..., rrtartrulner • .1 trprvr'rri. lo Coe wori. 1.:1 surpa” repent lb, I,lerr tcl• brrA •rric pry.ktorr I an) coot tol,roWnoun. i:Ark bar, t• too mare itultout. Lc ' bni tn. tc tat, or ow.urr t t.r. :boob, lu, :Lc itoot Itetorr tt: —l4 rotor 4.zorc Allow to itr. 4,norkubte work , of 11, tge London fAnsr• Jo, rrrt-turcl nocl tor •talr by 11111: 14 1.14. - likl, 4:444 6,1 r - British Periodical Literature. I The Icon bot I.4.trer Ilr•ww The 14 ..nasnontrt . 4 Non I In . Howl:woo., Prlt....“rvit Mee - truce - Monthly Ti... ulAtur Pronto-In nr. n-pro led In :New 1 ork. tome-Job, I, Jo 'two. 31,1,11 ow •traccerr.. /., • A. r u ott LOr who-rope 44,L1 an, utthi.a. cop.. ot tb.. otn..—lburk wood • Mag./Joe twin,: • rt. I tat - • tit ror Itr Vottoborrh rc 4 :ll•tt :hur to tor town, c. 0..... clod onitteurr equatil4 . rzr ca:Tct r. 4 A.. 4:cal ta•lvuotara tt. 1/, A For kr,. Ir ot coot lirvlc.m. t r An Fe 4 to 'II, I/ L4A.1.W01111 ISCELLANEoI 7 S 1)01) N.' ELI., Modern !i!. , 1 Vorniturr, t. , '''r -- .3 7 „ ",`.., .„!:,;: . ........,.., ...: ~ i.- --",:;:::,'-...',.;r::,.. TNltkija d nr‘de ordrr. _ vs-.. 9 tr. ciren •i. .3 I wsu .:.•crsmtm, o primastw, rm Part of t'se R.:11•••• el.a.a, I Lou,. XV UmnltoOtier, a, •n l:.vr , nova:, Diaphragm Vliter. for lirtirwat Water. 110/frn • 42 ; 32M•. : ' •:/: ‘ T/.4,,r ' : l,:n t' Ahrglier,. Id 1-4 it 141. Fitte•lPp, Cock, F.111'1 . 1 , 11 , 1; Nr; /1(.I • 6.13, r 'ft• r emit, in ti u 'Cork. •• • ~•-‘-.7fn.tnod,l- . •••••ur a:.•1 pure no Ow ry, ••e• s.n 1.••••• inrc,.th ••'• li•t•rmg dtporul Fe Thu err, ~ , , t qurahl••• tnd le ,ronv 1.11 - lOC ill l 0 chcJ frau Tht• Revrr.,.!•• the eoun.r vra,r c• ner.4..41:d nrrumis...r... fc s!rtrlreo Lir, LI, el, of. ft'Lrom . 1 10.01111411 0,C7/.1,1: r. I. rlv• v.:macs.: the g yoYk. • • It , a., •Artmr ur in • cm-3. A •. IEMM! I - v . y 9 :,. .;~+ r . i. to 111,0 ..t front pattern. GI 11, T 1 1 ,1 4 4,1.1, wh.r+tited to, Ili 0, tt: r Knltint, tr.t. to, Ihrtr tt'.. tty •r,. vr rt-toatl nn, n the nettle-, tnt.1,44 A r ~,,.„ MEM ,Sonocar,FtEela Livery bl.Mble. .41 Ilt iHEHT II l'A'rl' , .l(SllN he. opcned , _.... r .,,..,„,,.., 0.7.• on Ho•. et, ruritritt( through 777 5.,71•77:, 7....v0r, Wood hall r,n7lngold •1L 5 .....—. . 777 777• re, 7.7 , •I. 7777,77•7 r,.. How, nl r , „, ~,, ~..• mg , ~, ;p4117 I.IIIN I .NT grttl tt . ttttt tt t 2.1 , 1 IMllll= MEE i auprail ein•sai. in Platios iffrp r il .11.. ,f' :- R „rt.,.... : L : , •J . 1::%. ~..dit: =ME 's 11 'l.• t u ... . II i MEE 1 Ars , IS . 4 mtb.ll, •lale .1 KIDD & CD 500 MISCELLANEOUS Chocolate, Cocoa, dto. W, Bak re. Amer.,. and French Chocolate. Polon, erl Cocoa. Cocoa Pace. Aroma. Cocoa Shell, be . 11141 merchants and onn,umers, who would purchase 1. the nest products cm Cocoa. free from adul.ration, : more llllt/lIIOJ% than Ica or Coal,. and In quality uncut ' pawed, the sobscnber recommends the above arueles, mmawnetneed by ramself nod stamped with tor name Hes Orninn and Cocon w delicate, palatablr. and samonry drniks for insulin, convalescents, and ocher, nrr pronounced by the Mott [lll.iell, physicians suptoor ar any other preparatione Ilts manufactures are zv won nit sale. any quannty. Icy the mow re opeetalve critters In we eadtera one, and by Well Wynn, flaw, (dray h en. of Homo. hone. 11 Biome lc no. Hanlon!. Conti, Ilursey h lturru). N-w ork, Goon .1. Stone. Ihnindelphta, 'Noma.. V gra(.dinre. lial. I "..r , nod Kel , ora h flennett t•,netnnan. It BAKER, Dorencoer Mars. FOr sale by an, A LEV h SMITH. Arts Wrought and last Iron Railing. •utsrr,hers beg learn to tntoon !he publlc than ne - . - have obtained tuna me KRel 2tll W. WI , and fashontan.e de. , .),• 'or I/011 Ratnng. both for houses enc,o.e• Persons ve,,niog to procure hand putter., li ,it um. rah ./11. an. acid du e. for the twr,e• win be furnished at the short. no nee. and in the be a t manner at the corner of Craig will Rebecca girCelS,eity I amr.P.l-41t1 1,31 . 1/NT k KNOX ➢laaufactufcd Tobacco 48 N . X S rionto Ko,,ttr's •upertor everol 5 Ip. do .1.1 A Doter • 14 hi do I'm t• n Ilnrvoood . e " 21 no do do 4 do do t'earl k. Harwood 1 dn ilot.neon 57 hi& do Ida do %Wm pus. , .o • ao T nnto'n • Oof Ander.on do I. T Dodo • • do II Nlenon's do }born Jett toodlnn from steamer end punkas, and for .ale CKNOR It Co, 41 north nen.. r Kt and in north what - vex, jo4l Phdadelpht• m hf 0011 0 s 73 half 1.”,r 4nd ouperlor ewe, r. 1.401,00 Uninor " lry nONL ob ° to Popo,. 01e in Eore) " " Sl..Lecut I.nwroner Lam, " 5.4 fie ping Joel Ininbon troll .o..lner ; and for .ale by 111-IAI.D, 111'1:KNOLL & co, 41 N wei r •I and 16 N achntvra, t J. ()LENIN. Bout [tinders. .'e',manic., cornet aa. nod Jinn Tla aatierna 'grr v rt.xr. dlto 1, our *lda Jr.. o - h. r • r • per,atou,v and .11l1.• fr 1 4 •41 0• . C•t 14 M frgard at• mullion, and do. „,, riatonati 1,..111i. gook. et:n.4 to artv pattern and :round otO •.:11111tot Boot r, nut:tite. or old loolor tountt rnre• o,t, or rettalted ane. pt. on took. nt e..t letter.. Thoo. glut note work ot our :toe areaurned to Pall Errteett low mytita NOTICIro TT A riNli •old our en.tre murk to C H Gum", with jj . • %ten , ollr °id huancp. we hereby an nett rot attat tot pntrottage "tat Wendt and ens tonter• Ktt ti Yt tINDEXTER, THE. PIAN HESTER. Pittsburth. Aug igt. tilt. / 1 H t.ItANT. Wholela, Coulmuvon and l'or wartlu.g Nlcrrh.4 No. 41 Waur cl. aulg Soviet, Cooking Stoves, Ovate., tto. Altnlln WAI.LACE &V., Hound Church, 171. corner .l y) and hi ond greets, eunnula.nure •nal oar, lol lik. Platform. floor and Counter Schlep, of We moct Improvd gunlny. Coolimg !novel, for wocni awl coal, Flgg ?togas of rarloo4 mcr. Parlor and common Grate, Hollow IVare, de Sr. Tory al.° manufacture Me Kitchen ltang., whlch ha. oven such genera: .alt•tactwo to Wow on rmg ti 050, to all of vit h they would r-tretfully the attottnon of the ca.arn• and We public generally. octl7..dtf N FACTI:11{:1) TotiAl3`o-7116 sunsratorr 1 1 11 A rrso l oro cad Ur.. strewn. of She nay kraal. and rlrs.rrs gerteorry, to Inv lorloortnz brands Tobaccos, rar stsl tar •rarvi whirlr ben, consrgnsrents dr. rrrt 'roar roarrold,orrrs. he a enntried der. at cast. rrn prwr• 1W 1 C SV errnahan S. 11 I • Jame. Nlst.ll..os 1 •• - Cllzral.s'au IN 1 Posttant I. 1 .• 1 thscsr II 1•• Is. Warsnck. sups 1., .1•-• 4,11C4 I. aml I. V IVA r 101 .1I•1 Pitt • aclain• Work. and Fanndry. NT,. LOW joIIN Witiffirr 3. Co orr prrnamd mhu•ld Cono n./ 3:nl Won, n vann3,, 3v. the a,ens {•raln• • al -3, •••• 33n.r. ro '''l , 33,3 g .;1 otz••• o• Va. mon. Pall., ••fl liaaa , n, 01 Ihe 1010.1 ;0001,, 1.11, rt4l 1.30 r. o , all t o• r 11.n•npunn 3,:.,ned 011 •nort nonce. raticann made La 11110, NI, 011 A. r'llo.ll/ I 'Tr for n• at- Ca. Iron Window nason and n‘ y C 33. nt i 3411, 11.r.r io lork.c.elt, Rea A. Co.. / K Moorrhcad K c,, Wn•acr Jotc. Irvin & Son., P rulrurpr. U. ‘' K I. II Wanwr. mnl9 W COACH FACTO/IY, 16116 NT lk A W HITE le . *lt tto. mtrtvetfully Ittfornt •rtztttte that titer •ve erected • •hop twit. t•••ett Fetterai nt t•tatttltt•ty %it re, ft., art !tow mill", antt are prettarrt: iu',eel,. onlet• tut rot.•••• • 1t.t.,1e• Lna..,o . • a c • t my:tic . ;ruin „ 3;1; t '3:1 4 , '`... , ?3;‘ ,. LI • . 41 Ow It•rd.t. e.. litotot rw-tr Tztotoloot nr. 5 to 1.5 two Itaolt, tVrynctte, r,rottont s:two 10 to 1J in, tto . .tot Lo.•••to tirtt.ttes t t•-• Al• I. 1• •(..1 N. l% I.,uN 3334• J 4 • 3 1..1 3 Vit..l..lre r g ‘ , ...4.1 , at al rc•arr. 1,14, 1 1, , and & Ca'r old d!7, • 1-31 rare 1.4 a r j,„ r " ta c•ar Port. II rm. & :maw, Yu, Julea, Iltrete, Etou • r • . Ttelit •rc all Ce/claa- Le I tat ; on. ria :arrruar. caa La . aaj aruo.e. r., AV plc r of GNI= ralwr nCer. Jot .6.lie a large and aplendigl armart,nr•o ror,voorl and mahaaaay grand Ac tr I•lanu, 1,1, and vri.bou% et,emasi'v releliralrd iaki Al:Sr11111,1‘ The above Ln.trugarnls err wrw• :ey.,pl to any rtrrlouructurcd rtt lutecw, iry. arro A tha - any bro2ght (roce the F.a,‘ Nu int wood .t. door abora ath N It ev,il Le taken at par fee • ks of HI . 1..4 Vt . a..oranent . mY2 tiardware—Ch•aper Ulna Evert Lt 1\ 11,trAl& .Irniaortor• and Wholr.!. 1 1 e...0rs in Hardware. Culicry and Sat*Eery. No Wood •Irrel, any,. Fifth, have now in wort a ver7 , vcll'arlerred cook 411 Hardware...probed tne dry... of pro,. If% EUrtfrO, and 4:hien they are dorcrinotod tow.. rorrespoodrogly bw. Merainnta who Oa., turn Ole habil ut lEaror, Sr.- partly, larty /all and look orrouro our stout.. wy 0r.r..6.1c00ty loolleve thry Ann *oar \lora ex orlort Aet4 doz revalue Front, Cali !MI,. II TorF hoc brolly. A fcar down; Pi.ltroolotoa Sif ft., WOO the Inuoulbotory II :11 Craworra. fhlflyL nocotorn of \rout water.. ot•ncd Just rocroco.l a. 1.1 ow nate. lip 11, OUNIi A Co, :clr 111 Wow,. DEv ATr s4,l.Art LARD LAM — An 3.4,ttnirott Cartlollllll 1 vektirAte..l menu , Actoo• Loot auportor to all n •r• tow. adapted to rr •tc•inboals. Inc,rt is ...rolling', pultoo and pr. v.., nud to oil coo, r • wourc a cheap, safe nosd • rll.l ant tight Is do•troote Al.o,l:tr.mlole., Iloli Lam, roG.Cendelobrat,Olobrio, GIGIrs, o.lta. n ,•., Can. Tnmmer•, to. Al., Go. , 'hw'nleher., from nn• 10 four I,4hts. \1 (V WILetiNI. 4G market •t E7XOIII [A MIA' At :hr. HAI:I'I%I,4W, PHILADELPHIA., IJ NEW Illy WIN .I\U N Olt CC IN, I! gIeENC t . AN!) Co WM:SI:110N of PICT.; it: Whole...etc and rettill store, nllll vitt eeepvelol... Innittle“ln net 11. lloot•kvenets, l'orters. Iter•lt •. ;ere, , Vetters. Parmewt. Cottett• no, ear Airco.. I .tett Met, Agent., Collectors, roe ~,, et t•rseete • to .oe, We litesr st ton. s tnre• o noee of good vltoations kens. sr bleb P SI Iron, ,te• S t .lt per swoon. 1 lotsc tit wanl 1,1 Woo: tet•• tVatt, kind vvott:tl welt to gist. ail. v :twee 3:n11.31 111 rack of the a ose wietrlt c00t..., us to plat, every appliestit LI, •111..,..4 4111,1“,•11 ;Ite sttorteto now,. Wr neve s tar, ur ;unlit:once en the a boy., nut:l,d, wtosit tve trust wilt Aeliate us to gtve enure •ottstat wt.; may favor u• with a eel!. TA t:Lttlig. TA) AIAN, tterood at, letween South and ~y et, g ert ot trot . ,o,tott ot Hottentot, en ve. N rannt t.t . .1 have ihrir wax,. a e, IJn.i pull) airy ar,.l ~ srie.l nt!. trouble ann ‘vtuc:, ,y ntlre.,se Incur y rt..; .k .• ulpitly Inel, (Or 1i1C111.,, , , 'r.lll Ant At Tx 11.1 N. StJ:ircemol ol llalnmomr\ld d I, 'LIAR V MR: • ":' 'IA mud. from the 1,, tippt,,,, k.hx, r• idad Tl.ortm. , a“.l • tit ,•ot.t. ot . or loot vv . tor .tort•.•k c trr r 141 tlatp:eri A ,roro ntmeltr, /I 0 Inottly. s.Chl h ATKIN.ON Lr,n ott. Nl•rk FAIDIALIC 1" C".:75.0.1"::1'r ' L. '3 l/ 1 1:2•171 " .: '' ''''''''''''''''''''''' F,1,111- c , /1/1111 , 1,2^ it, fire. el Fe,. ry t.t Ni.. L.toert, •weet. Ai..., to- t.• have 'wen made 1.7 whwit. they 1.111 r.riu•n )0 , ,11.g In 1c 1..,y I.L Zitr olitt re eilue A otsot. t 0..., el •.,.i l'iletntri.l etare• will be d•Overe n d u roic tOe wiowri I.luatreited 1.7 apporolua. 1 ill Slodr d a the .t it umpewill 111 elute alleotion to.. tont, 1111••11t-Mul I.3l,l,lTurnea r toe In 31I( - I: foltIlilun11(1,1 vI L the - a,p.vmunl 4iey hove thtlierte 0)7/.1. For tc war or apply to I=EtT!! troo um; I par ._d one in' of Dr. Worm Sr,:6c, intottbs tofo so, s• mow scorn foots u.d. two caapooteo t .usulastz the amount awy appear ar,o, ,s. I Le's tto ...or KW. toe, was uowasas of woraos pot tool Dow Ilaa t gneasunur rom of lA., In tat 0w... long W .DAY. =MN= KiSCELLANEO CARPX TS, OIL cr..corapi ECRIVFD TIT r , DAN . , Ceripetkrtind , tlil Motile Lb of and moat quprovekiAtterns, d suit purolatsnrs, mad cheap la can 1.< .0 Ph , - hased in au y nl the Fatetern older; eatdptialog the lowing vane two:— Extra Roy. Velvet Pito Carpetg Alarm...ter Carpets; any gift hall rooms or vcsi Tapes Tapestry do heal.. try Royal 13rorsell do Tapestry "dolt carrots; Extra sup J ply do Glros.Ls Ao do thaperfine do do Chemile hugs; Latta sup Ingram do Thftod do aoperfinc do do Weasel. de Fine do do Chemhe Door old.; Commoo do do Toiled do do t-4, 'Tapestry Adeleld ,to do Damao* do Sheep skit do do Peed Ve- 1:14 Ecob'svl Pasta, env ers nettan de dal do Tel., do R I plain do do 6-4 wool ' Jo Cotton Ingrain do Bat worsted and !men do do an Venettan do BraseStair Rods P-4 ecknon Droggeti 12-4 woolen dO =IMM:Et3IM Flzr An ..o Yurp'e Ito 5-4 ilo Jl rm.° ilo 4-4 do do do Cirpe: !hollow; Sheri lid itewTruiwrot Window glower putirro, rut m ro the tore r we aro conewntle rece.seg our Spring Strut of 1.74rp0u. oil Cloto arid tn rimming, whiet wr invite the nuctition of who oriel, to for niiih their bowie, or itentmlinuta :b. we will be alai" in F:., g 00d... lOW eau be uurchweed la /be Ea, awl Cl the nr soil tl• le, Coll aud ci amoie out mock her purrbeor e,ewhere I Tarr house, No 75 Fourill •t. mnutel NIVI.INTOCK • .1 .4. IA • 5 PAPER HANGINGS E=CI I.IOVVAkD No. SI ‘ioud Sirtet, Airocho r the ottrauon tar to pre oent •tor k of I . lpar Hangar,. who h for on• nr'y Ora aty Of lid l,iLiy a. rarnia.c.... io soron..r.l LIN io^ • 'I • • ...ors... 1.., t amt. Resit, t 4 .ittec tt.tratruttru o' ;Jtpt-7 , • , .iltetr yon,t• I • ....11 F.',11.11.ty1e.• r , , .tte•, tty Ntr is.i I:trostr.l. on, of um firm, now tn ,tlllf. of um'mfitrturr, lo.nno pig Of Ihelr ow uutts , lurr thcr 11%,100,1..ptere. WlOl end p.tte. *AIIII g.zoil mine.. dr. Nlevvr. Jam.* Ilnvnrd & Co Lave nosorrol lonother eirovonon nor moon r .r. ov• or o notnernr. royal ihn nor:. err on: notner rroal .1,1L41110, tooth :to tiovolit: of mono afar rood ron., on .110 tory err oturren rol :'. s tirv•rurno ono o ntzot •or Lavo Tlorttoto. v•roortotor..: Lore,. and hon.. on *Lave lure. bo. torrnool no. :eons.. ot• oovr o• not rtm•o ern r.. .n onotortery notoolot ono NKTOC:rio.i"oIL o. Mos kelr 4 dor. vrry logo boot ena Turk Cam, 21 tt plvon Ingh tt II tt rrnont Intnoleol ono " EMMEEII P 0 qu.. •nnn Imv •.Ir. 1 doi •Inq, dren2m2 du, Ildo2 Hugon, do do, I do I onn‘ono do on: 30 Jo Ire Engll4ll lion, Ido S o line ivory. extra ouzo. I, du 21 2 1 On du, in b 00.... g moo 21 Su" du du, I do comb Cleaners.spin • WaSKlaliol 1.11.X.C1a (.11.1.6( • PALIIKR, UrINNA .1. CO., to t:n DANNER:A EXCHANOF:111101(":1IS, end demi,* Ii F.terto anal ItonacoUe Fa.A.Apc. of Deponoc, Ikt:11 \,... and Siwew—Fctirth nrmtly oppwate Mc Bata .1 Curtent Loo ney trrove:l on dr/10,v -"wt.: Co• , 1, •ule and oi:tt , linA. mark on ;wetly tnr pf•ent, Ue cbc Unltc.l Nate* nor I.vrennurn p 1.1.1 for Furr.+ri and Antenean Gt.l Od•nntos mole on cooongotnennt of Produce, alop. pcol L.,. 011 0 ,1111 le apt RF;AT I \ rt(o.;. Al.r/iI:I.E. ER P•lnn, ncrank ILYI•IIT lA. r,rot fale7l.oll Tshir, firtreata, Bad Caw. Wow ing II CIF WRiPI (.11T 11,1 N Tllla TABLES zat earpat , e3nß eve, etSer .• vent,. cm toe tind rem . ..stain r.y ran , e et teadeJ In tett to twraly•ave Crt. d seurti ertosed II •ea vett are a, rottt, tt mootitt. 1., are mat, to •tze• atel atlmtranty adapt... 4 for gla-anyesat..llete.•, naci •rre lan e. me ..-tetcl a ..aytele eeatrat . . .11.1/ 11, .1I etturle, err plvt.l t 111.• rnotn. torn n-rlrin, arn.rrrnent into pn.or nr rnnitt.a zhnv nn opr.r.l and tlrn I=l \VHI'TI\~. Ili F... u.. i..ln .~f1... , ni•.n hrsaiy tar ot , lar art. tail al mt,' I . mail tat lot ,re.SI ata rtaaut.e thr tat/toles. at thr rut...aarturr .4 natal %try-, Martatroh 1.1 taltl..r., t. ad .trhaaJrr. °try arr prno( cox., ratattri J \IF, \ 01/DIVE] CO A 13% - - • Patent Gem,lu,med G nine, nst eatery and Pam 1 n.rulated Poie,frr iliedmehl arm/ ath, rare a. T"'s Is onay Insumment of the kind Mat btm ever twer preee.-thettl la Mr. coma:7 or f.m ore km meth teal ahh m the co .y otte tyre [Lovett to man, vehtco , gni tunic e a:. rontreyet4 to Me ha rm.. e, r, the riar. the :pm,. r.t. h. shy part of het , tetly. Ither really or to, ,e in a .Mhe,,te tr.l alien wch 1••• import Alt r rs Ar r • tn. r r • neruout heart, .1 With 111, ~parunt• • o. cuovey mug, ..• dual Alllk CAP, Xi, sou. rt•tore [mum,: uo• toht, 06.., atod u• th• • tr.,. porn Nu erica ot rarer tsic roe, ' , • • etolouretti, pointstu. or ego, cu... V it., mo, eporuty, ur.••••ttr.* tom, duteaues peeultat ICM," ~,,, loeuttra etc etc Itlghts fut autrapotthg couture , . to ....Er ttod pn.11,,,, milt the Itt•outo-nt.o, 4, T, 111. J • tellett tor th• 1,41 C J, Nall Inntrurtlogt...P, 10i k a r for opera., for .1, ri.t, tho— u f) . b) g by )our rr..u.etrar. I 11...1 the ro.ult proeg your .11.4t1.1.: ....rre: L. u., of to C.o.< got.. to Ca.noringr. es tran tm.1uct.,..1 tor ct. lartang tnr roar var., 01 trod.l,,,th 11 llextrr. Ylitsburgh, March P. 1.40, Toren'. 1 , 14 Y. M. aint.--Deur r.Lata.nrd muter. - tnikoutctorc , t tk: your n..0u0. I ,n vot In ronttl,nd si Ene ,IZ , rnt. yew a c about re.mtiv,t.g 40 3 :4. n girt. 3,.. tooicrogl.• . r vt...rvel aßcer.un vvet. hi. ytc,,l, Colt! ntail2 Y. all, Jll SI. NTorx Ill . 0111.:11 C 1.1.1111.• tnr the F.lln.t.c Cwt.. , r., (rota .4...t0 1111. Z. lor or kat. for the laam flubt,r Ur,.ot, •t dec . :o -- • _ LA - 1'131,01.1V F.o ar. oloro orietrytted I'Llnu, aped oo 01:00 y Uy LoO.Thatoon, and w r Krtoti portortner, t0,,0r with • 13,, 100o0ro. rnnowood sod 01.0 a wny, Moly ow.l Tito owye otatruno,O. are worrauvol to he rerte. 111 er , ry al Ili tor sold low 110 rule •111.U.AR, SiArwtu ll3 Wood 1. Id ono. 0.0. 30, krpt,null 1 , 11.11,1 t I'll A. SHACKLETT A, WHITE, Dry Good• Jobla•rs, 09 7. 4 T10:1.71 , -Woohl tire 41.-nt.oo Nlewrelrallim in 10ea •to.'k oi Dantr,tio p u d Forer, DU a /01 , S. Dirt ri-ceoring front 11, Im porters owl Nluraimr.tur,r+, aira Pell I, at very low rut,. tor voir, or ripprorr'd Our Mock t• now rut: and roroplew, arkl well worth uttrorrorrufl•uNrra, a. sre •rr drtrrnoord I .e.le nt nor, ritremely low OW', rla/1061 IVO to arra,. it artliircrereeo r Lrlity. I V 111...1,,....4..h.1:31,..1111 PA DES. N 11" VI .1 - sh, L du M. 0.,. I or:, .All do re.", ,no do S., 'l., Ai t-, VIII Itr . lla. .r onurita(nenurr REMOVAL. b,. T "E' 7 6"" ic ~,r„„ ,:"u. „ • 122M215===112 Jour, F ri.H.lll" WILLIAM Manufacturer of ?diurral Ippuratut •11.1. TlitAnt; •ut•l No 213 North Yr eun d •I xlove r.... ‘.1,11 I.Ylli n. A N ripertence or =wroth:, manufarturror ett Miver.t.l W.ttrr untl tor rewparuttott nt Mar re, V...t:rr, Ccd klovrrilge at O. 1 ,01. 1.. A.on. • • , f tow.hcse tog, her wthh erht improt.,l, tht.trheLo..el the upper httw mod the pwhert.ta t• 1 the Water, whir he be. .wr, red,. In adopth•clllo, /11.1 •1.11 10 Fart, and .nr, ' ran of etas.. •tudy p•ar anal appl•ac• hot. an applied to tat art.. In NW: ttAnt, and try. nt•hbic• the withw•teer to COM! Lowe the pablt, with cola , ronfhl,...e. en•l moth the tw. cid mont complete Apparaw•...w thy Tinny/he - 181, or !Tn. erg! . ntw Hottio• and rouhut.r.a, that N. be (u1t..... t..... ue ljeth.l met,. : tol,00•rs both the alio., de n mrov , . torkooo , ~,,, oonvotelog po.o( hos •utwooroy 0. Apparatus over those ormi do, portly Ott ssOuhnly or the Water sott..trel t.. to•r .11 ....lot Ito. AP.... Oulu a ttatonce, tatty :hor toot . ..gloat soall Le :I. toot to pattYrol a. to .rye ••roly o . oto r by loud or or NV lAA 411, pall I: tate.. o ;too , e.t.a .114 ICCOlLlnlended In theme •tott Fonortvca too typal:ohm. tea ". ~ to tot ors,. 1.4.- 4 . • tot t at a• earl) a day a• [Oll A mon., newton. Pam, •orl 4 Jr !two,. tor, .4. ,r .. II .or graur...e SA•trr. llr anti r•rr) , AP.; Ar.p..rnuto; Above ronrturoly . mod (or .44 03 ori thr. towera larmr i for C.k, 0rg.140..1.412 DRY GOODS, &c • CONTINUATION OP THE GREAT SALE AT A. 416;. NILSON ar. 00 , 0 ONEIPRIOE STORE, • 441 still grater Redurrd Prices. AA. MI A. CO., deem,. of rodocing and ate sing out their Stock preparatory to receiving tone NOW Pall flood., Intil oder greater inducements than evdr. Their recent large - purchases at the New York Seles..suitle at angh - immense sacrifices from easawilt dl be closed not the same Immo. w. Ana.gst toe atticles recently opened, they mention , osier fast colored Law. at 7 et. It " " " and Mashes, El and ge A large stock Silk., Shawls and Thrills, very low. " tg; et M de Luoes, idle " lot Beteg,. at one hall pace " Gingham, ti 124 e " " Etrarro octane are, y cheep " Boone., half once " Hester y, Glove. Luse, 7 ease. }tamarack Calicoes it ee S 10 et throvrars at tie 7/ and Irstet rrrown and blenched Mahlon, Mena. Mob Linens., id, Liven (Rocha,.,tic Ronne, Ribbon I and dim; Gloves it 4c WO In Immense surety of qtltrs G-or d .. el of Moe. will prove a saving to numb of arm 23 ra • Mt per rent. The store will tr«lourd one for marking down end prepaltrig the stuck frsr tpo, si c. ;y2 A A MASON A. CO UNITED STATES WIIOLEXILE CLUTSING WagEIIOUSE: LEWIS& lIANFOIAD, Nos. tut. tot. 2,1 and 294 Pxsat Smarr. ilretween Fulton st. and Burling Sltp,t NEW YORK, Have on hand to. largest assortment of CLOTUIN 0 IN TILE UNITED STATES, • Dkrret,ro satYAlO.Ol3. to tqe artiele of SWATS mod DRAWILILEI, we keep to retiree, varmty. Also the most enemy,' manufacturer. of la-1 wool otoola, eloth. nv Unto 122Mittn Oil Clothing and Coveted than In the world. PLAIN AND FAMIIONABLE CLOTHING, Of dl lcoar. Cut.lugu l t of stock tutu by inml. Orden promptly LEWIS A HANFoRD, ,irot Not 2.02 2,1.216. woe LS p e . r , sus N T REDCCED PRICK4-1V R. Murphy Imo 032 It hart, u leer white end colored omits, which he 14,11 clot,,ut at low proses. TERN' 1.01 , i K. MUZreir mrtn tue toitore mg Summer lic.da Sr reduced prteen, VIZ Ores. idaghsala Kurngen, 11. sue, Glynn dtnea., Sumas, Sholada, ,arfs, Bonnet ILthbons, Ihlwles, Meng' and (lova Sun.., Were. e. Per-nns 7CIInu.G any shove, or any other de4erlp of ry ttood.. will cn welt to call at otorthetut Bret 4:11 and %I arket sta. Y oeeetred, ouch a. plot,, velum Mall., trout Ittic per yd p to *cry font, pltun do; barred ttltet , s do, rm. ltroidered do, mann harmed Jac koriets; 11.011 flut.bed do; semi alrrptd do. and a general utuaortment of What aueb a. pint,, and havred Net.; Lorna. hhigt algs. —AI northeuat list err 4th and Market gra. - lVltoleocle Rooms up e,. 2022 D RUSSIa-S RPETS---rue largest . ..mutat o JUIN Hroasels Carpet, ever off.trea to dot ei.y, .or ,1 : 0 New Carpet ll'arehouatt et IV. AVC..nmet, No - . •.. , . • Fourth .t. eompnatile the and nelnesi and at pt;ea. loner thanever offered tho market. All ho wont Itrunesla l'arpeut, should eul before nurehastng emenbere. fu In W M'CLINTOCK MBR ,, IDERY—Wormed payer,. for • Ottonlanx, Piano Stoola Table Cover., Travelling nary mak a erent varlet atis. of small pattoros. Also, Worrtedo of WI enters end ndots bv the pound. ounee, or 'keen lot Solo b./ apli hll EATON & Co, GA Fourth al HIT COODB, 1849. u ENNFDY k SAWYER,corner Wuod and Fourth e-t, are now receiving , direct from ant hands. ±erge mock of Fancy and Varn et) . rioOds, incateUng r.ock n' eve vanety, gold and •ilver Watches, lewe'ry. F:ench Prinu, limbs, Hooks and F:yes, and Iloemry, Stumenden, Iron Cap.. and all cu.. aflo,ce in lltacr ins—all of winch ivent; neon no ,ch need person:4,ly of them anufacturers east, da mn, the isut tanner. ecorevaly Mr Me Spent,' trade, Wt.] ardco.eacate n .cndall advance on co, Cou , tonuy on hand, all dcocrmuoaa of Lookstur taus ,of our own manufacto n nn eastern prices volv4 VEW 1 7 A(7`s" ANL) VA RI ETV' 00011 s—At ZFII I,LON KINSEI",+. 67 Martc: .treet . . . 101 pa fine Chtor Valet, a..,1; 'eta tons: and rut ve!vot tont Button.: An hoe velvet Carr, itare, ,et An do gen:, travoltn6, ion 4roes fanoy salt lloUnms, boo d, .e.: In d,o INall gro film i;e4. VeAt litntooe. up 11, .r.rU do doalt and placed, tNi roroarood llranhee: do 11'nohi• etoo an: I Ito ::e.rbet do, 3 g p re FlfhlAe, Flea /leo: s, Lime- te —5O rola ley,' Watehe+; $ do rrl -d ,ver Wahtftec IU au 1,, , nd dn. 10 Ezm d'. rtnc, no,, I doz 4.: '414 ro, lima. Fins. F.•str Rap H .. I . A Jn ' C.] 00, .0 U(,u tuJi