TRANSPORTATION LINES. V onlinffstow ;ntl New CaaU• 011,1.4.1 dattl ; ESE packet GRAYER, Capt.-Staid y, <WI lea , . ''. '' Emmet o regalurly Monday, '.tV ditesday and ' •'P day ceentesta at 6 P 11., and antra, Youtptomm ' - neat attuning alb o ' clock — retuning .k yes 'I nudge town Tuesday, Thunder and Saturday cerettiogs wi gs -4 P. M., and rout Beaver to nal:, for.doe inomine. War. ALLEGHENY CLIPPEr., arriving' •nt IPittanitglt al 11 o'clock. ': , Th. packet HARRAWA I', Captl Livening, trill (nave Deaver Tunsday, Thursday and,E l nspial eyett. , . /Dm* OP. ht., Tct api In g, Wave N..e,castlc,3londay, Wadadat. and Friday evenust. atfhP.l3l. also con necting with the monunc Izam for Pittsburgh. nt.410 p.c.,. aro bunt up u costplew order, hav ing lino ademnateCtmons for rmma, and shippers ,may tab. od more punetualny and gr eater s despatch , than haa re been °waltzed on d* routes. k . 3.. PITCH I. CO; Proprietor*. 1. C Indwell, "pod, Pluaborgh. Ilidsvell.&.llm., S,. }leaver. el. 0 Hunt', Pr Yonagmmon. R. W. Curnmaham..`"Neur Castle. The elegant stemma, ALLPGIIPNY CLIPPER, will leatle Bearer, daily at e A 31. andlPinsnorgh inn P. M., ranmingen conannuon with the !Rime boats. 3013 a aiJ 1549. ' Woirvont tamdfCilavelarmit p netafgar Line. • • Canal PneCet—SWALLOW. a , l 04 , F,Arf. Ofißottl-theraco,kiaeketa leave tearer every dvy fEthildiyi — • pietitiami arrive Mem enerates tit Warren, wheAt ey emu...with attA:t Otaem or Alain and Cleveland, arritinoteAdittA oo .... One of the yaelam toile Warren daily alt P.M.., and arrive at C. a vet d mar to take the morninz boat for Pit..l , C - E-8 LEFFINWA CIA.* CoriV 7 1•ro. N$ TA FLOM do 1 TORN A Chtifilll i re,'. non_ _earner Water iiii4Leathfiellvil aiEgMl 1849.' - - UNION LIN , ON TUE PENN'A AND 01010 CA 1.11.8. Craw-koah Culahotalgo t ellmstithodttl. , BG. nu* Itenvet I. • 711118gla lone vitt he ittepa rd to tta , ,opentlig lit• T i-1011, to waneport height s4T tnasenger. TI^,BCIi6II and CIA:VELA:OP, to an) Iloilo ou the Canal nod Lag,. ne facilities of tbe lirm are ~...tino.srd w touol/er geogily and, oapaelly of 800.. 01 eapoun•, and efteleney of Ace to, One 0001 leave. Voixbargb sod ..I'velogokl." • 1411- dog in eo noeetion +rob ta , .Ivmendie LANE ERIE AND Allegll:Afi, Between Piitaborgh and Ikaver, nitilu line or hr 1: Bremner. Prznirelleni suserVerrell n it die Lai,. Avea R Par... Beset r. P. Jasaullalduidn, Your , ffthrwit. • M B Taylor, Warren, • • Prentiss, Raecii,ta ler & Co, Akiunp , Crawford a Cruuntreridid o Bears & Griffith, UM/4N _N JOHN A. Giil/GlltiV, A Whoa, eta Water and Szeutdiridirta, PiltsbaiaL. AtablEly BffeitiVE It PeiChr.VMS, Steamer MICHIGAN No 2 CNA. (liken. LAKE ERIE, R, Gordon. r r i Xer a. : and (mm Beare ar r, and will cumin?... ran lartween PtUabargb and Beaver reel:Awry direinf thr reason.. ftilintrae— • • lehigen No. 9 leases Poishowth;dallY al 0 esioet, A. N., end /Waver at 2 o'cinelt, , , P. N lako leaves Beaver doily me tielo,i2 01, K.11•1:41,vrg6 at 9 delimit, P. M. These steamers will run In ealihtietien wish Et G Parke' Repress each - et Liwy for Erie; Taylor& laeutrereirs NYarreONParketia Inman Line Frewnt Boats gOr Pim...stand; MMMEOMI ==l==l:MM CLARKE, PARKS .X Agentn. JOHN A. CAL , OHEV. A3i , 111.. Pittsburgh. raehaleor And z*mithfie.d n; _ _ JS lA.:': PITTSBURGH AND CIIVELAND • LINE, ON TILE PFNNSYL V ANI A Al4OOlllO t',.:YALR. BE Propnetors of thot old eshaished and power I daily lloth consumer or nIXTEF\u ntc4tes Canal /loan, owned by threaurlve• nral,ltannmg eonnec tlon with the .team bons 11.2dAliER AND l'ALBli COPE, no enabled to offer 11mq:tolled faelltuee for the transportanon of (Ingot and qtarratterr, en the analog of Canal nartganon, to ortinints on the Polo n:Brame aml Übto and N Yorlt olinl• and the lake.. K 31 rrrc tv. no, Cleveland. MOW ELL BFJEIttor 'LEK %%Agents, Bearer. J.l'. 131 OWV.S e Agent. ma! Pittaniet a. arnanna,p , tr c. maw‘u, rinsbanOt. BIDWELL et. BOTHER. Forwarding Ileralianta, 11E. , t VER. 1.44 Agnota for the .Piasburgh etarteivlrlami Lt.% Pau. burgh and Erin Lies no Etie, mod jar ,Imam boats Bruner mod COl6 liavleg porehanel the hug.. an 2. stshstannal Wharf Bon net bath for the Moluong4leln Paeans, 'one with addlonn of. WareLonerd.,Lthe most ample ar • oadantodationa far reenving and forwarnn. end pledge thetr *newel attention, pronOtnesa and desyaten to eonstsnotente to their one. tmdSely on their feter.d. for a tent. man-dl, B. a RICO --- FlT'SSalmon p AAO 1:/111C. 1.15 k. igarM Old 'Entahlished ON THE ERIE EXTENPRON CANAL Prognoter of thin well Ettore Vne of Canal TBeata anow ntepared to itensaort Pasteneers and Elefiflor to ell pelle•atet_tha.firr w ,ty_ Extension, No terms and with deig •.. BEAVER and CA; r.: and Reamer C Milo., • •et • aels on the l ' .akes, r frorlindlaceßeat Line on the New Pork e C. fd. ItEF.O. Bidwell A. Brother, Agtounkleaver. WT Mather, Agent rit roe:reels Passenger Ofilee,.filornitgitada nuns. Pt awn. CONSIG:iIsES—W C Mel., woo,' I & lief.. allawslyorg; Smith A Lio,r,w,grea; B Phsuitner. West Greenville; Wick.A eere ken. do; Win Mewl. IbarlatOWn; Davis& Salton, 13.410; Hornet, (Oohs .1 Co; Stutdoat)); Jae A Artnw - ouiliDetrott; Kirkland S . Newberry, uhetetiggiu; AI Clare-lcWan - mew Minos • Knap, linsfey.k.Dutton, 106ne, John II ' Chicago; a Witeeler A Co. NeVilliork. op.l Plizabssrigla and 11.1alossrilfle, Packet Lillo pl a ts v i 1549; - ' • pshuo ore rempectiallyAnformed Ihnt I. It. tr. CO. beet' fitted oat oew and sit maid Placket Boot. to ran ddlid4 the sea.... be tween Blairsville and knoshargich-ille boats to be tow. cd by Woo horses, and every efferl made to neeo.b. modiste passengers. • , DmPurthoxs.—Doan ledse Pittsburgh every HI andel,. Tuesday, Taarrdoy anti Friday, at 7 o'dock, I F.aln Blairmentis every Mummy, ante Thunday ad Swords , al Ledliten,o. ht.. nod • Pitlnbargli the Plano day. Ayaro gorse noel (row Indiana will meet the boat et Selieburgh. both on op ward mid downward tcp—PottliiiPow&ngen ttadditi , from lb et plate in one day. . Freight for the above I.tuo or II he received at the home of - um ttontmen , cLtne, pijt, Juo.Forren A Co.. ' who are our mohorited Acct.:: All treight roomed fore of curinroNtiona. J bIifSARBHALL A. Co. JNO FARIySQ A. Co, Amt., Be. :u, Beu, Lthe .rt y at, Pen...burgh A Hoek leave. Blairayillo'fogD en the towel or the bout—rotor. to tittato otomioc. Fore from Pittsburgh_ to Youlty.stowo.s4—roctived at office of Boatmen's Wne throve& sobutoco triVtißUt[Ukl PUwrb. icon 2141;;5T Lin hi :War thg Ts anarportaszon of g to and J rows PTITPDPECtiII, ttiIILADIS'LPMIA SIALTIAWRE,N. YUR4Ix 10~1~:& . ruin dE. 0 GPM, Putiliurgh THIS old eetab:fished Line bogy* wln (oil open• t tine, the *mgr Mrtenalsa arrangement. forKard merchenMe, pro- dace, [011.114 froill the aboodPilf Ls, on liberal term, with the regularity, despatch stud vskty peculiar to Mao mode of transporiation so Obvious, when tran• atil patent on the way is avoided,' All Consignments by and Nr Oa line recetved, dam repaid, and forwarded any /*owed dilemmas free of clans far mammon, advasteleg nor e . No Interest, directly Or Ind.rttly, in steamboats All conlnnatieationspomptly intended to on applica tion to WI &Cowin: spats ~ TOS. ORDIDOLI7B Markot st Philodelploa TAAPPE &O'CONNOR, Cauhl Limo, Pimourgli OIX/NNOR A Co, NOW+ L , ThaTO. reulat MaiM4lB49k l „Mi t '11151311ADIS • WItANI3POrt: A a go 7SWlrgiriggb, JonNllooll.l.o, t Taos . Jamie Lkoci, o Damietta on net SibladliiKceping principles. ToILE Propialdn's of this old' ettabilshed Line have put their Mock the moot *Dolma order, and are roughlX grapand to forward Prod me and alorehan dme to and Am the Eastern MM. We troll Mat our long experience In the can - Ong looniness, and zealous anemic:Sin the Menus of cm mien, will rennet to us a couilhastme and increase of the palconage Wilma extended to Bingham'. Una. One arrangements MI snaffle us to mirry Freight Ml a tha ammo despatch, and do prices shall always be as low in the lowest chmetrby ether re „po K .,bi,„ Lines. We have opened an office in tio 183 Market aurae, betwoon.4th and sth any 01113441, for the romeniance of 'town Prod.. , and Merchandise Will be teemed and for. warded, East nod West, with my charge for for warding, advancing freight. storage or ersommon Mlle of Lading forwarded; mid every illfeCtlOD Proinely Microdot to • WI BINGHAM, Ammo, or MOOT o n ey, K id jaM, me Mum , 5, Wityne my Manure.. RINIDIAMS to DOCK, No 183 and 270 genet street, Philadu JA.M.P.I WILSON, gA ent, No 137 North Bollard street, New 1LL1531 PI oiliN, Agent, noth2l to Wesi street, ear Non lag= 1844 llKOMltunlaso Tramanliatfloas VIA PENNSYLVANIA CA(IALS DAIL ItOADS, TO ruluvigunna •trir mixotour.. 'TM Conde and Hail Koadgi Min; now open, and l'AzdToirder= "rVdr-proPt'art'odl'ohni/aTlewlp:trad and Baltinum, Mb pompom. unfl despatch, and on so gaud umns az my other LmOJ .I. C geANULTY 5. Co , Canal Pen., se, Pimburgh, AMm—CIRAILLES ILVYNOR. Moladelpam itil37 aItSF.MORCILIA - Co.,,llaturnur e "Af: presayast Patkot Line. 18 4% FR AI FITTSBUOII TIMORNsO POIMADELPHIA HAL T (Sialamely for pmeng,,,,, THE pukka are rospertfulli'infoneed ) *MOM Ung' will re romang en Mc (9th two, end eon. man throughout me Comon.." TA* beets an now, and of K /ammo, nines, with cm lugool caboo, ...bleb glo p neater comfort. The antra Cu /Mot conarcendll. • badlwlll &brim , Is. la pee, end traveler. are re. lusted to gall awl examine 1,11. w before cogs, mg pas sage elsowtom flAtUramiljtirto dollars taregei ) tW One of Me boats of Lho, leave 1 , 00 landmf toms.. Heal, soma *Pram Inset nod every oleo at vine o' 41Lisk Tone II days Tor Informatfon, apply at the d o es, Monongahela 51' to H LEECH IL Co LLelll7 SCanal &LW. TRANSPORTATION. guava tc . !, Ainar...uovx rr. man - l atelat ' - - Fortherransportation ot rglnm TO PRILADELVEILA, UAL/WORE& NEW YORK IattIEPIIMI on the Canal tieing vete rimmed the XI Pre L print!, of the abOng Line respeet e folly &from the public that thee ere prepared to terrier and (or 'ward Freight with despatelilhild at lowest rums. "limy woeld taco eall the attention of nbiaperi FAA ward to the tam Out the Bono employed by Mem tronsportation, are owned by Morn and commanded by experienced captain. Shippers of bleat to Ralkwill find h adenottigeons to ship by this W.,. the intbsenbers more made or unto:news al CoW Mbla to ha se such (retell.. Mr Rol- Limns handed directly from bonbon ears, thereby so w areholioNs baralling. Freight to Ftiandelptua .goes clear through in the boat. No charge:made for reeeer shipping or ndennelng dodges. KIER & di • tk, CerW Moon, di...enema !nisei AGENTPE—Jobn A. Shaw. Cincinnati U, Joe Ale- Calionsb &Pelham, Jos Fiandel. Ph* Francis A Thomas, Columbia. ineb3l C Ll 9 AI. & IL. MIA ES, alkAElllB49.llWia EXPRESS PAS*. PACKET LINE lhasborr ,f(4l w Pkih,dolphia and lialtsmore. (F2etaNtelp far Pametintr.4 rriiE public lac mspectileiy Informed that tins Lane JL witl cumfmencc outrun,: on Alawlay. Marc The Opals of this !Ape are of F. mipenor emu, a tilt cutarged cabin., which will Five gkremcr comfort m P.mbeagern. A.Loski mill always be fa pen. and tracer. are re. Queried to call wed elantlnc them betore eng act rei Ref uge by oilierTeeliatttthe Lembo, op posite Um U. S. Hotel, cora. Penn etrekt end st allll ry nighl at 9 o'cleck. 4 PARE—PINE IXII.IAItS Day.e. For Infammuno, gollpty Mollocgt,Lielo House, Olt 0 D LEECH*. Co, Call', C. 1.01,1 N. 13..-11. e propratart ot thr above 1.4444 , are nom building on tuldnusnal 1.4 n• of Packeto,toms. .4414.4.4 on or about Joon lA, a cetiwt with Nn Penes wenn• and goad Iron. Los.4.4town to thatu rael pn will Ire, carry morning nod r vru nle. Tune throne., of dar• rold EIALIASCE POILTABL BOAT LINE, i a). For :be trauspartut.on ot verran4.4l,... Iitt7FWEEN 1 . 1111. A DF.L.PIII AN I) 1'111:111U Rl4ll BOOS corned' on this Line. err rot .44.44.010prd led tretwenn ond Plulade!pro.4. sand ear ned to four reetton eorteldr acre 1.2:14. nod 4A ter —m shippers a Dierct.:4414142.4. rrytnrtne curer. 13,44411444 e, am la of .roPorte, No charge , or receiving Or whipping, or ft)) 4)..).111,) Alt rood. forwarded will dup.)), and on a. ren-4444..4.e term. at by all y other Lure JUAN 31 . FADEN Cu. Canal Dawn, Perna an, P10.4.440rge JAS M UA VI, A CA. Marl v 7 M.A..: dr (.1 •t. Yl,ti• JOHN Mx PADEN A. cu. Forwuroing And Comm sion Alerelman.,Tettal 8.111, Peal .t, httst.argh )AMPS I DA VIIR Co.l-lonr Farrar. end Comm,. oh. Merchants, ri; Market and 94 Callat.ter .re, Philadelphia. marl fla - Advauees made b *ober 01 the above on Wool and other werchandite coo-ogned to them for we 00.0111 atklEa 184 q,„ ILILIWIIAPriIat WAY o airdowr LIN la. For Blaltsalla, Johnalosat Hollidaysburg, sun all itneratabate place. Ta HIS Linn will connate to carry .11 W•y Gaols with th eir usual despatch, and far rates , ° Aosarne--F.- A. kFANULTY h Co, Patsburgh. D Wakefield, Johnston' John Killer, Dolltdayshurgli. EavanasnsA—Jarnes Jordon. Stlllat a St nelnu. 111 Shoenherger, Moore, John Parker, j Von ltio.t, horst Co, Wm Leaner b. ,Job Sl'Der Bros, Parsbarshi John Ivory, Sarni', kluthollan Wares Co, Otatrsalle. ItECILD, P&888 & Co's. PACLLICT WHY. 141 BEAVER AND CLEVEI:AN W Mf II Canal Packet—SWALLOW, Cart. Ferd. •• OCEAN, Capt. V alters. 9NE of the above P.keta leave Bear, every daT, (Sande), excepted) and arrtre next morthng at arron, where they connect sytth the Suter , . ...r Akron and Cleveland, artivme at each of theme placer+ nature night Ooeof the rackets Icerve W arren at 2 P. AL, and aryrve at Braver to nine to take the am. wog ard.. for rittrbargh. CLrfk aw s LEVFINtiWELL. Warren , at 11 TA11.021, Propra'ra BEAVER AND ERIE PACKET LINE. TldeoGell To TOO'Lace 1T loon not ita. Packet—Plantsm.vsma, Capt Jenne. " TSLassurtt, "loc.; Was En , Trot/; Permute, " littß " FaLell.l., " Sayer The above new and splendid Passenger Parker. ha-e commenced sunning between BEAVER AND E. and tell ran regularly &nag the seeottn—one tx•h: lee sing Erte every morning at o'clock, cod one It, v .O: Bearer every cvernag, itnipedistely aftertar sr • Val utast steamboat Muting. from PI ttPl.l refi t from baste ere hew sole cotalorutO, Inc& 1,, ern. •etu through In fatty hoer. Pe•srogert. to •.y paint oo We Lulea, or tu Ntattare Fails, toll hest ho. Mote the SOD comfortable and expeditious. 15, , tt Stratton 4) all ports on the Lake ran be rot - turd uy Ityptytne ID the propnetra. TED, PARKS a. Co, {leaver JOHN Agn Putanaran TED, Water and sm..thfiaa 'ls C Harmon, Buffalo. N V. C M Reed, ES., P. C C %thee, (ireer.vnle, .Pte r M'Farland and King, But Rend, Pa, Hays fr. Plumb, Sttarresburgk, C Malan,Shatom, C Mathew. ?Wesel, PIN B W Carnungham.-Ness Castle. Ps IV UUILKE S. COMB VAST 13 XJPIRESIII ;;;;. ot.l i ; BLAND,. tilt., AND F. EA,TZIIN LI tit-, r ;;; ) , ; 0 ..,,,00 1,1 in., 14., :.•‘•• ; ..r. 7'•• . et the intr.,. • RI .:iINVON gOEI(3‘ ort.Tl 9..!SUJUI Pas..ajar and liana llamas 0115... jaikilan ill/F,N CO ean.nue ard.s Dom any port or Engl.-pt. t...eotladm Wales, open the am.' ;Meru lelnis. W.:l. .. asualputietattlaty and attenuoa the w o nt. end km of essuatgrards We do odt a; ice , our pasmenrer• be tubbed by We ovnadadna ...amp. that In:est - part-1,as we take charge of Mem to mnt they putt Utetaselves, md sit ia ems, welt be ome ing, and dr. Wesay them without auT detention by the brat sum. - We say this fearleesly, as we holy one of oar Peer ,- i re.. .how that they were dela... 4.1 hoar" h) Liverpool. 'shoat thaumuols or Owen were demo., mouths, ttuul they could be sent m root. o;d emit. eh; p rate. witch too freourotty pros , ed woe, cog... We intend to perform our contract. henorsta) oe, itovy, and not a. was we :d•t With ether alihrerr.—who enact perforated tun when st suited Thor conse.menee. Drafts drawn sa nunburgb for aby cant I,oro /.1 I.IOOU, payable at any of thrpreemcm Dank. 1,- latsti,Dtglatsd,Scotlanthaad Wale!. 1.14,311L1A PLUDINSt.N. FAstopean and General Ake.. e a Fifth meets one Mr". twtow W--od ALLfi.GLI UN IT ANL CAISINET WA • tall) A info H rto ß''Tr it ' l7u o l,rt l e d , " l4 .r 7l. keeps on hand who, the weal avesa or the Diamond. Alk• alien) ety. entopicin 11.111 of VeuiLan Winds; al.. V. ortian elbutier• Ur made .. at! in the I.catwarrant. We Usitcra tuale• L a out Lac aid of " cr.'s: " -T. 'Haing poretiaae; II d at 64,, toots, and wood.erft,}.. cabinet tn , tablitinneni of Itains.ay & land, I am pr4ared n lam. . ..........—... Weir old condolers, sr well We while to largo.. with every thing in rhea lint. A; r) No a Wood street, Plusourgb. OHM J. A. BROWN 1101APtRifilMILI.Ift —l l Ind inn"; recersorg, dr, ov from them nnaraerarers I" New York, Minden phla and Dalrierdre,a large and well celeelted esson. meet elan the lan* and mon improved styles of r tio, eased and eratemon PAPER HA.NGINGS, eon ' n&s Of -10,030 pieces of Parlor and Paso; 10PI0 Hall and Column; 10,030 Dinirryprona, chamber and oft"... Paper—vehleh I wand paincolarly invite tbr rinentrin" of Mena having hooves to paper, to call and trarnina at the Paper Warehouse of 3.C. HILL, ark wood n ARBUTHNOT has comm used to rceel se J• L a r g e usdrusenNstrkney VARITY GCABLO, Downing w pars of, A.dlTlal•, albbons, Laces, Ho slog. Ohress, Cope; Laws, Cusobrict, Notting., Laeo Veils, Shawls, Pongee lisuidgerchiefs, gents essysts, viewed and eodon Jhodherchiefs. corded 80, searing Bilk s Thrtsds. Cdßddl Jewelry, merehan Cm -I?:"?..ifulltintiod(r:Nan'lliscado"y'no Aork,o7lrdi wood area; unsung of Dintnond Oleg. dinh2o 7C Sl ' OF, nw COFFti sou,,C--,, and delicious being re pleasant and an psi. amble Man common CnTemand (er cheaper, a sinall paper costing only. ten scum, wa , go " m , "ur pounds of Calm. Menifactared by JOHN g. MILLEK, Pimbureb, P'a. Sold . at wholes/J._ by IMINEYTUCK k. Co,. con:web( Flea and Waal and Sixth and Woud sarems„ Finetieugh ap24 0712F0 . 1114TA SUCH . F1e11,1001325--Jon eeTied .34 Camp Blankets =loggercoats; 12 pm Pump Is pains neit lined Mining Boom; Isthmus flop; 3 water Menke, d and 12 gellons each; 50 canteens, ' galkin math; 1 dm Buckskin Money Units; I do oiled esimblio do do. The above goods for sole at the Cali fornia Ontfiling Esteldishmeid. No 5 Wend mohs4 J es II PUILLIPS ASSORTFATiPICE.Y—Pni op for family non, m 11/1 elms, enclosed in • sliding lid box. communing Aispico, Grumman, sliinger, Pepper, Warranted pore. , For role at the new Spire and Moaned Factory, conger of Ferry n Leery ew gVII4-1111mingat Iron davits, from titeenu trra A tn pe; eosins works, warranted; will Ws m,aotly, no band and supplied to order by tiPltri , tlCHß AN. tin IVood at ON g YURIVALis. niamoneturca nom superior aniele of Bah. &I }lra thick Cl. , more and for sate by KlEft a JONES Mr. W. W. Waste having algid a Henna 01 IMMO; 041111/1/7 apd manola ian rot tho posi eAgoteon triot.lia pmminera amo* to the hearths Itow In genera}'. , mica : . riE COGNAC DILA NII/11',—Y7 jape. • .1041.. viniaps, odour own importation per ComniereYs . re...Bolden., Jest reed and •or use by MILLEII a ItICKMON TfOC/TalAilitir—Jaal ieccired7i i;raocral ki arms or dadle.and gentkaleue Gold Guank Ch. Sta, 810 to SW race, macro armee. laq4 Werldss Mop ore:earl:et gold, gold Penola. Fairer:, Wool Ear pre .1 Pau, Brareiro, Cold p,.„ 4 Slruche., at, wIV WILSON, I lay corm., and ala v...v.,}LillßONS—Jastrceeivedm ZeDOlO4 Km.o jar., G 7 bltaket slava, .16 p. “40rod Velvet R/blOOl, mono/ color.; .:ii 30 ° black " 0 b •• 6 " embroidery Gbdipi 10 p. vide nun, Yro.. 40,5 3. • _ gait : kid ft Vo 1 . !. , r1" ICES, non:. tinning an alpbabeneni lutt cf lust Offices tbrougt. dot the Untied Malec Jotanr.-+ from Wa.lonalon, . C 4 Mae wad tantiottal cointal• resrocits.lyi e..t4' albitlng the Post O. id oda, ki4ata,. vrall as calif, goran appendia of die Unitod Hiatus anal BMW Joss duel by JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, tgla owner 3d and ;mikado MEDICAL ELLF.R.T FAMILY MEDICIN /hop are do, Modlemes of dm Otanari!lranov Ohio MKT 1640. 11- Seller, I Ibtne it richt for the'betieit of ashen to item wine fiefs In relation to pony exos..llem Fun'. ly [Aare treed your Vert:doge lanedyfit my OITII taus ily i .one vial froqueetly unsure:me for expelling large quAlilities play 1 iolaail corm. from two children. 1 haat oleo lured your Liver Pill. and 0..0,1 Syrup in alf'?3 , leUly. and they hare. in every lastruce pro:Sleet] thdlitfeet deiored. his 1 ant enraged in marchandleires, I am able to .tam that I have yet to hear of the first (allure Where Yoh/ medientee have been used In lay I.tenan of ICs j cOPINIT. In conelmton. I may Mate that they are lh. j raciftemes of Um day, and are eeeened to base • vet extqnsme popularity. Years, respectful:7 W Piepared and .Nil by R. E SELLERS. to 37 Wood str//ht, and sold by Draggleta generally In the twoct ta):end •tolinty. rov3l CUIIE OF ttiiNTCLAINT, by he fij oriytnal, only trae, and genuine Liver Pill rt Uygur Gums, Ohio county, V. a March Mita. 141, S Mr FL F. Sellers: dear taint it a dory lowa toTou and to the publte rnera ly, rata that I have beep atEmmtl with the Liver Complaint lot a lung Whit. and se Madly that an abets+ formed and broke, which last mein a very low stole. Hiving beard of raltr celebrated Lim, Tills bring (or talc by A it d*p, at West Liberty. and recommended to me by I rtiVytnynclan, Dr. E Smith, I concluded in give theta a Mar tend. I putehesed one box, .4 found then, bd/nist want they •re reeommeraled, TIIF: UEST LI VPNt Pll.l. EVER RUED, and after name four and Ilan &ware has tuttrely lett me, and 1 am now petltctly well. Rerpeetfally your. D II COLFINIAN. tree Liberty, March 111, INC feerufy OW I nm par/mushy at, alth Mr rotentan, and I. a,, bear teetonony the truth of me abdse certificate A SHARI' Toe venitine l,le r vol. are prepared utitl so, to, !CAI/ a1..1.1.ER5, No 57 Spinal erect, and by druv...., td..She twn tnties )11 TICE IT /11.IC —The nntmul. only ;rue and gen :ar ee are prepared nv I.:Setters at.,l hle/.nainea >rl4l lA,: orLI upon Om 1..1 earl 4 IktN, u 4 too •g ,at ou Inc outuulu wrui.pok I ~ndnta are town., ~,,, at h E oss, mama tn.., It Propreatt BA-LSA:n 1 . . , R.L/A1 tar Rev ASA SHINN, a well known and pop ular Glerkvman of the Protestant Method,: Clime!. The anderaired heart's bean 011icted den - lost/wonut mi?ter with a diee. of the inottrach.lunnentoel , pro dpetng great pain in the •temer hied Int or twelve hou "mthoat intertnimtlon, and eller burin[ tried armor tovedier wtth ARM. rift:teat." , tarnisheda or Or IP Jr.yne , Curaninatire Ratemm. Tbm hr. oacd cdfdine m the directiona, and Maud trivrtrialtly:Ks onlicine canoed rtr pain to abase In three or four lota ate. and in fifteen or twenty uttnuesevem num"! sell/pinion wan entirely quieted The m medielne war al. terWardamed whenever mdiradonsof the approach al ppinerete perceived, and the pair, was thereby prevent. reU lir continued to use the medicine every evening er..9 eoMettmee to the v.rnies, and te • taw week. health was en far retemed, that the sufretel was relmv udYrom a large %mortal of odor...aim/ pain. Frau es eq./fleece, therefore, he can confidently reconimet.4 1/ t.),laynehtCarrotnative Unlearn, as aml y Mid:tease. ofthectomacb and All boweelsg hen', . A SHIN NU In For sale to Pittsburgh at the PEKIN na v.r , 111 7,1 Fourth urea, near Woad. arts ac Mine of 11 P FICI/W &UTZ {,ot•rul rouur. Visa cri3N.s u.uP TIVES, ON YOU'RE:CARD. DM. SWAVNITS COMPIIIIND SIBUN UP WILD CIIKIIRY. • M 197 FOR gilusumption,C:nachs, Colds. Asthma. Bronehdis, oarpnunt, Blood, latliculty of Bread, s tug, Pion in the side and Bream, Palptuttuit ul the Heart. Itulnenan. Croup, Broken Con snrction. Fiore Trams, Piervotoipohrl , • tS, and .I I/dosses of the 'feral, Breast and Longs; the most di- Menial rind speedy cure c war known Mr any of dm ribose discs,- 1.11 010. SWAYrir. • lloospovarad layeerp of Wild Cherry! alas nimbi-Mc i s no longer oolong those at duiilitfh' It has passed sissy from the thousands doll) idonehed opoo utte of expertment, and now itand. blither in reputana and is becoming more esteitaive used th an nny other preparation ta medic ins 0,0 moduced for na • relief of saltenng mast .;10 las been do...tared very generally throat, h the Md State• and I.:dorsi, and there are rem W.', of itpottante too what contain mine ICM•i•atillt cri. dinteia of toi grood effect , For insiot et We roterooor efitternents , awl of the solar aid releisci of this nieu.• tria d the proprietor arid mud a lea, 01 S t mat r Mole triad turatunniad winch Lao. been presented to tom by 'Men of Mc first respectahUity—meu mho have higher mood reepuneibtlity and ionise, than to r !ay to teem beeause .newer a favor. iv. LI 4..0.1 no ',nuance. 0 1 000 tmannony prover mio• elueiv s, Mat us surrnsing exesnenee is troves Sly 103 intrmrte the oaquestionable author,. Is tit public gammon. The lual•laallropf 001101 it al ltrds,•nal We soothing diffused thruagli Irnme by its use, renders it a most auresai .fisraeily for the .ducted . ELF-%1 I , .MuErc ,• "Mien men, acting from conscientious traptide, ieluntartly lie. testimony to the truth 01 • Ming. or .xproc.loo for, mien testimony., being contrary 1.0 11.11 j‘dblly Lomo.o. pod courses' eensieoon la truth. and commends itself in • sperlal Mann< lu ---4) . llopmes Moral Maxima. I • READ THE HOME CERTIFICATES tonal. oaostrez Coos OF 1 . 1 , -. 0 . 1111 T Cossetresma.— . .."Fliere never otos • remedy that Ims been as ms eosin a; desperate rams of t'ontnospuon, as Dr Soso, e's lig:otrirounit Syrup or 'Sim Cherry. It •Ifenclio-n• system. and appears to he, me awe rs oi, Moot. ”Reol.k. .0,4 rich blood, pourer :4 by tuither tueducine -716 Carton co . Aprll Zola. Dr. wapnr—De, st, I verily 1./ . l.eve our Cola. ebund ',lnv of od Chu, ha. Leon the enc•, Clortog toy We. I caught • srvcre co:1, ,trudu. illy growattondeO vlth • tocvcre cough, boo taustetl temeultes vetoeh I hod recount , to. 6,111 .lilt rearing onul rear catutnted •II bac symptoms of Pnicsorntary Conompuor.. F. very utot, moo 'IP have ofeet.. and soy turepttbut tocru•aard racoo ,P. that mend. a• We, as to, Kay rup ail hop , . o , ty recovery At this woe I was rte amearnaleal to try iour Invaluable ebb:home: I ,I,d" so nth the ono., ho py rosolls. The fatt Louie had tkre e Ireet to loosen ihe Dough. r on.ung roc to expectorate and 1.7 the PAne I h.t! lamalluc.l was enursly abd oat •y • a. I cve: ot toy •nd br py t. 1,1111 4. "2.1 In:orolattoptcoect..^4 •, .abt may the burst: (or ,a • . I Itn a/t0t...a1. Fut ‘, e' dui •1.41VE trl,l' to Pep -, Cy, o . "'now I puzeht... , plllte. klcsplltgully yours, JOLLA. auk.A. ' k I . ; 14'cu.4rf 1 , 1 euro of d itter„‘i. Masco. DrSway-e- Dear tot - I feel a de , l ofrrvr. - ada ilcs ,Is you-sod • dtll7 00 O.< MlLieted II). to oti, r 4 my mosible tertiennny di ia•ut of your Conip , nod ~ ..1 i 'rop of Wild Cheri,. Son, three revs ain, I era C.r.otennv att.werol with es, and ii,ounde.s..eo of tc., .I.iangs. which a rt• accompamed 0.110 a e 0.0..,,„, :::hi:PaT:•e'n7:l'r."-a:1e011:1uchz::;1”1"NirlinT, j.p."'.. ,ally tipod. Chllng, 01 wemtvr. beiweerar 05,e, /1..-, • brit I telt on nami about my comb... Lel lam pm', .rsoon ronmocesi that I was ramillY gam: sum ean•oinp ~:uein. I grew Mar; weaker, and nt lenwth was onart 11T able to watt about, or spe.alt above a w4uspar...4 I ;a•lts the exceeding ...calm.. of my Omit. Dartrig• this ~,,,,. 1 had !fle a var‘nsis preparations and preserpnons, loat mend on 'chef- emeriti, all the time averse 1..0 bare I ara savor.' and persuaded by a dear remit, o i yi.,trouron tn meant:rm. of roar SVrtip or Che 7. I tau, came.. i,oit prevismsti I had I.crzt pcem• al,erod &gam. patent medicines, and I am id.. 11 yea,„, those entron• out of Me hands of emperma. bur tOider Apnodin• yout r.o an' in the profr ooo n and priteriee of I-medirine. and having ono,. laity in Me same am,. friends, I forthwith pumnavod of Dr Stun, one of year en., a few eiti.lrt, and emeducnced as use 1 , 17 Me. tea was at Mat ton of or •Z months' Kanthrig. eon.. I:arouently a was deply seated I formd, however, ' consaderatoe relief (r oot Mc use of Liu: Liai four or tire Denies. tot hieing a pahoe soeaker. I frequenny al . tempt tu preach ortth MY Ittcrca. - o. ...KM, and Ithereby raptured those vessels that had already Oeglko lo heal; In I n way dcnstolesa, my cure was 0100111 I etarded. I ee.equenee of welt. thus traprudently, 1 I had to MPS twelve or fifteen houTcs Lefore I Ir. per , feetly restored. I rave no question, a Much *Mailer number of bodes would have made me amusd, hot for ,be &hose The 9yrtip ollayed the fryer • .ti habit, took •way the distressing rough, put • amp . oo the discharge of matter from the lungs, and gave fir ed m atia the mum system gorrl health. 1 Imea ,r,, or , r otfertng ads cerubcate until now, lot Me purpeao df b—s ir fertly ....bed with the permanency ol the cum, an now that I (eel perfectly wail 100 I with ntenzure. 14.00 1 oli o . I .. Ihiblin coantl, N. C. Dispersant Caution — Boa' Demi! : There a bet one genuine preparation 00 Wild Chgrri , .aad mat is Dr. Sarsvaes, the fast ever ode red to the usblie, winch has been sold largely throughout the 'United State. and some parts of lArope; and itu pre. 'pennons called by the name of Wild Chem hey. :hems pm out some thitt, wader rover of some deceptive lotretunstances, to order to give currency mantis sales. • little obeervation, no person need mistake he :genuine from the false, Each bottle of the genuine le .envelopeil veldt a neonatal steel engraving, with the tikeness of Nilham Penn Merton, ohm, Dr. Swayttets ogrisouret nod as bother &agent', the portrait of Dr. Sympe will be added hereafter, so as to dirtingatsh .bis preprtation from all others. Now, 11 It was not for the Feat emanate propertied and known virtues of Dr. .Sway Wl' • tompound Syrup of Wild Cherry, person. : would not be endeavoring to givecurrency to then boasbec nostrums' by stealing the name of Wild Cherry. Remember, always bear in mind the. name of Dr. Swayne, end be not deceived. Principal OlEce, eortter of Eighth and Ewes streets, For ule wholesale and retail by OGDEN &SNOW DEN, nor Al sod Wood al s, II A FAUN : Li:STOOK A I C VEIN o tl o d '" ?.lltr ' l ‘ r r ers d t d dtb d Wood its; O V. 4 • A JUNKS, ear Iland and Porn stts JOHN macii• ELL., Allegheny erty, and by MI respectable dealers 111 medicine. eteti3 STRONU EVIDENCE that Dr JA Y NE'l PECTOIIANT is edam, to all Mbar teatime for _toegtv,Cotssumptme, Bronchitis, Anthem,md other Pulmo nary akeeems, that the mean pan.. who momeneed the eatt of n to their Matta tea men age. dal prefer It to all other noodles of the toad; sad Maas my Mee Item teemed to try other pre yoratto. e they has alma tormiatly twee &weeded tit reeetrieg the bourth adeh was remmakly untespated (roadie !ugh groom tatowed by the proprietor.. al ham maimed to the am of Jerome Ideraatoos a. • remedy that has manor Gulag to ream theta. and eakleb ,prabahly and had it...yusl in arresting pulcatery Caeca Prepared catty by Dr D. Jay.. Philadelphia, aid widow • dineirlatrtf ALES. JA 1 NMI Founh at Dr. W. 1 0 .liarraitt73' IL W. P. INLAND, of tho lnetheal College Id I'hil- D now odors to the paha Ma Indian Veg. cubic Pemnam Planter, the qualtuee of which, after lotra and tried eapenance, has been settitifectorny ea tablisbed. To allwomen who may bo allhotod with Prologs. Cherie or Fallen Womb, be recommends hla pleated, tree of ro ' sn ' t g tv ;1:e e ned reecho,. s peedy applied 'to with re reet—aseadtag all the .untles t th•trattaeute and aromas bandagm no long no are. Thu he 'held cementations In staling, Lnalmuch as he hes not felted in one cute oat of three handled and filly-three pa- Alm for Rheuntattem and Weak Decant or Back, at tended with pain, Mere la nOthing to excel th is Planter la Wardle( relief or offeadng a care. For sole by I. Wilcox corner of DiaMond and Market in Drum 6 Relief, " Laverty and Be Clair stn Dr J Buegent o Federal st and Diamond, Alla. gtteny city /moats & Co, Denman and Dtanond Dinning- MIMEOS SELLERS, Dastalloft No °7 W°°° nrecy J.IO. dole Agent for the tale of Dr..Toorneend'efien vine Santapanlia, hoc last moiled Dal dos. of Oat Great dyeing and ttgotEer hictilecne. l'ercluaters thenld recollect that it E Sellers le tole agcnt for Pittsburgh, and D hl Corry for Alleghtay coy_ PiTPNf Litvidimixrctl• ES.—flupley Wetchee, made by tha celebrated Cooper a I..emsou. Al J. 'ruble. of Liverpool, and a Largo, a..enmom of oemebed gold and taror Levers, matte by the tool I ietteva msmnfecturers. Spectacles or sn Imids; Common,onlVirre In sets; Gold Pans; Jew,r)l7 to large variety, .?li•Cr Spoons, Forks, he. jQ Watch repairing recanted in the brat ammo. W WILSON, myln corner Market and 4th ste M A 6 C . AULAI"3 LlSGLAND—liaryer's fine adman, Pot sate ry ."' p nitrifitT i al 7 : 74•1:Wrijiir comer &ultra wd q ay MISCELLAN EDITS. Fa.gsn suPsaxuaGooDi, AT REDUCED PRICES. ALEXANDER A DAY. 73 Market street, nArtbareat comer cr(the DILCISOIId, are now operung eboice stock co( (matt SUMMI:IIC.I.)I/11S. A large port.. of these good. Nab." meently been purrha.ed at a c real aacr.ftee, from, the Auctton Sates at the Fast. 4,11 from the importer. and manufacturers. Ve have decided opencaerang this. stock or rood. a: p red red a. to cheap Umapprobaxon of tl.ove wto du husk.... on the m cheat, <sea Prine , Ple The risk Ilepartnnmt is e.r r ertemive, embracing the dat rent tlnda of dress and ..nulls Suits, Sam dot. hcnek. and Carnelian rim de Rhine.. Ths SiLawL Department Embry,. n splendid p.ssort.. Inept of India Crape z r q:.a..• Is, irons the lowest pnees in the fine , ‘ e , eeePt:Y AN N. (; rt. nadnia, //crape., ttobaur. Nett and splendid figured Silk Shawl, SC A RFS—Brark tretage and Granndinr Srartrt BEILAGE and other wra J.)1(1::‘,5 GOODtir--Krag. ,, r and navrl ervrrc o( fkra,r, arrd row r torn . rod, nrdrilty or the rrnrritron 11, lad,. LA WV , LAWNS :—ln I arwn depnricoent nor addirentir nn rst the l'Arrirrrn auctron. 1., i.rg.• rd,rant cylrs al rernrnrtr4l)• Irriporrcd APrri Dom., tionLararr .r. Prlll, rrod Clrintre and Ll:ear herd Mos,. Cher Cr, Suprnotl..ll 4,1 Fr anch 7.c. 1 / 1 , lad Cla,mere Rana..eis sa•l l'antalono n.,a r, lat All of ,vl , lrll ntfer,l n. •ar a a raalacana pr. , that• raannt fai!tn jy4 NLIF.R Ill\ Che up Dry Goode. W I " C"' Yam, - ltoatl .414,11! r .In 'ilont dr Latin , - Clll,lllOOl And Wool 11,rag 1:."11., • AC.or • C.,h . A A IN h ive “4.1.• •I proco• npmerl ahuVr Call not, al thr ti•i!y chrhp or, prire 1.1111,ia ITEECECIE PAT' NT DASHER CHURN Ise „ N to, ottoott in 5 or 10 MOLT. , nom tot,. T, • All.llOll n( the pablie torttrol to goo tr•rty swot.. t barn. othiath loot too advant tor nl olt o I Cr. .11 comotnlng the old and now Loyola/co lto atilitT or the taventron IA apparent, a. l.y a ionl' pre provear Lae air 11 fumed beneath the dn•h. and doer crarny wtth thenecernly purehos.n• • stew Chu., . .1 ran hr. apparal lo any muff In use. and fur ona do:lur can have n, the Improvement. of air me comb.. arab Lhasa gathertng the Bauer 01 ate urual way 'Fbn publtr arc matted to call and sad, for then , aclvett hr(orc purcbsainc r!rerrhere at M 7, earner of Starart nor Ftfth ',rola, or at . Ihnnaond alley, be reenn Weal and Mat kr t *true., Fatal/arch. undersigned haeing Inn,' appointed Agent of the Dkl-,1V4111( Insvasna-z Coes. ran,to the place or John Finney. h., resigned. re• y Itlforing the public and the friends end ens. tomer, or ihe, that he. is prepared to take alarm, ini•ed and Fere nat. on liberal terms, at their ollre. r Water street. P A MADF.IH-A, in yin Axe., ter. Wilk, 'nil Inc held In store for • few day.. The Kelltng Company e gyro.. • strung deers for the bre deparintr no, of the eines of Pittsburgh and Al legheny to call nod exeunt - . and make • tnal them. The essenpany W willing to pro them to any test they Pont proper to eonelude upon & tl P1111.1.1r, 4 . 5 wood at )( NJA, 0,01 Tiff, if l; llYrßll' r l 'lJ\ilf ;"tt'Uf:k 61. 'olirn, ImturnAee Compnay of Pituboreb. will i.e / Ibe ROOMS of Ms Board M Trade, on 11.b.,01, of November stoat, Ido'r , ock, a le. 1t,,,, 'Ammer Jr. Robert Wood, ut IC Nl . Clure dl Fir. o tnd rrl+dlroal Jo.r.pA Pluviemr, King, A;cl. II D. Klng. Comost,ioner• . . GOLD AV • SWILIUL Il r. (o patrac Thoy 111.,0 roar narreal fo? *air 11: toe, n warn hew, o: Palry boot: Jr. , No. to: suer:, n.hortt: Mee,. rept In Cal:forum a rr tny;te.l enil n... 1 ic ;hese itthele•••Ctlllt tnur pry Etre •.rnit to t eoltetruettarn. ra-tly trunirpGrletl oil the !melt or home, sttettrhtutr pound. Lle•tr rut or ourreirron trao lhout eun .ett wlth provltioria II la We opuiron of Wow who twee sera file alto of own of throe ruacbttre• tniuta-1. sow, that too taro mem. verwer the m f Ivor 1.1 Lambe:. Cunt or earth lu • day. witho irrt ut 1/, ot • porta., of ate trattetal They ran tre ...creamed IIC and worked b, tormaa or male poorer. If ettrie , ien , The o;n:tatott wart without prong loaf Omo water or Lea, rbmposett o watt arid conwegoeirtle witnoul r • ritinac,no their hearth. Ttery will regrow but a wriu ttretitn wale, rirtil two tor irweri the state U. I•att enA 1.14 Le put 11100 operatton whew Stowe. not !Ye! . ems, water 10 14,../111 . 1 the .ant Mrly l'rtre 810 t:1 Oydery 2toll, abrosY, ac ton4bbniall rub. be pyrnabby H. PA RR . Par, ,-on s Co's. Ao 1.3 Pitt•t•aratt. Dittaprate t So ne S.• JiTe nnve reretetrtg then Fed irtnec o ..v. ete. ee••et., rtx , ittels...imet awl ~totte. bay •t Phlindr‘pllta and ILL . ...tato, • "11... met, ale SEeplttert Brail•rte .m 1 Lett, th.t., e.tpeesed, ther nre. mere., pryit•re4 to reeeLtse atolcse y yeti! reeetee donattng ertn• ter it.J .prat., reet,er eapptteseta New (Jrleatta rtenrl.l NIITCUELTREE *,for yr EAGLE TRIPou —For 4ranlng wur, 1 . ,0 P C•u•• , ., rlvcr, tn., Hm taut., .ado IPOt raututly takte out .11 spots Ord d Lruau - ol uud 41urshur list's of nay W. Just recetUed USA for sule, wlitue 111Lit and annul.. , t, )(JUN 1, .1100.1. JAN, "rut. , ts, M R SAVL FI VI RTP tovolng gold Gar scarf. 7 .ch a oacr• ,or .7 . t.. CA, ARA hl Ills r I • nor,. huh,. Rut 1•3• e. • a et, oent , - 1414 c t.. 0, • el , •44‘,.... ;4, .•••••• pro*. .• , 3 • mat c moo.; 34.•• to en , ,• 3 maim,. •••. • i.• 44 , 4.4 pre,4 3 ••••vo mom tba• 1•4411••••• •••••••••K 11 , .•, 4,2 ••• ho 1,1. k I 4 Wow/ lo•poi.. No 134 .331 .1. At 111'1111.1.1i h ALCOHOL AND PURE SPIDITX Cum, Front an, Viue etre., Cnar.,..“l, t: ~-• --;:j de — d to at 1000001 market posse .. "F' inchl ' .rdly 11F.CEIVI.D flits BAY, ea the new Carpet V...rn hoot, N 0.13 Fourth •treet— [belt embossed Plano esver• Main Turkey rrd Munn do do • Table do Fled do do do yoryt.erd do do do do Bordering Carnet 'incline% Noe Damoak; (imam coo7een ALSO—Camps Tionwarrni ',ter Vievr• do do To ritual do do do Chine.. do do do 111 - orrery Chinn. do do Moonhen Vteas ao do Landocapo do do do T lmrlorr do do Cord and Tvsels, Role. and Nita*, Rack Pallier, Rotor Keds. The abo•e Goods are of the richest and newt,' ttylea, to which we In,ae the attention of our Irtendm and cosh:mom, ar.d those enalong to formal% or re ni pleah nouns hoots and hou.e , mare w hrCLINTOCE The Alloy:belay Cemetery. Ma annual moottnicon the Hoyinerators, Geld on lbe kffleening ?ono. orris man. mealy mounted M T a i sil= s ta r re i lgr i tir 4 y ,... ma nt JOHN nissELL, JZSIECARUTHERS, NATHANIEL Inn mixt WILSON lIIICANI.LEi JOHN 11. SHOFTOJERO JAME'. IL RESER, J. Fume, Jr., Sommary and Tremilier. TM annual stateteent preowned the am. at Mr Company an a very pompom. nondlnon. noir ottle. in Me oily or No. Water etreeL 1011 TULL STALL OP TILE W CST 40. VENITIAN BLIND hIANUFACTORY Eamt atdeof Me Diamond, where Venni. Rhode °tall the different mem and coin. are kept on hand or made to order .le the West and moo approved Ihutern hub. tons,at the aberrant antler Ind on the too. reasonable tort Us. Mao, tbc cheap Bonen roll or gait Wind Teener-- renny and Paper Corwin oral. the different dmn and patterns on fiend and for role low far caoh. Old Yelli n. Blinds punted over and repaired, or token in pan payment All kir new hl WIEnTFAVELT, N. B w 0,.. done with the icon mnteriol and worgmanahip, and warranted to please the inest nr urbane. auglo..dly Allegheny coy, Avg. 10, WE. AMERICAN TELEGRAPH CoIIIPAN Y. rITIVIC.OII AMP INFLOW.. 00:lea at (It. Nara...amp,ltimara. DEDUCED linTI L .r , —llc elmrges hove been peda l-I, cod on Mos.:goo LO or from ILMunore. barfly or Wheeling, nod a corteipondwg redurtom m o d e o n deopaiehro for voarth..d from Ilto. amore wool uf la. R.vrml.—•rite m.xxo tor ot telegrneh despatch is OF from Nallimora, Pittolturttlt and ‘Viteettog, a 45 cent. for the first ten weeds, .d 3 cents for each uldttions , word. [l:5 , No charge it made for the WArca ond ußno • Until the complet,on of the South Western Like of Telegraph from Memphis, Tenn., to New, t1(11,01I, patellas can be forwarded In Mellmitis by lb. rule, and merle.l ten Nue. LNIPACAt'h l'A PER eel, •VICN of the 11,11 e of Monterey, Loco.. ..... 10, " &onto, 1, Frt. dein " Chandra Lyn, " Unroe 1 ret.enu; Cul 1: Anerrgnei Thennove gounlan .r paper., lac, m."' , rOot[l]. .111•1 4 , reet from Paris and Tor owe at war , then.el nntl n , 1111,1, , n At I l• 1 L. ne—Chenneal Lleilnd for weetnnx elothen, carpel, 1,111 r., punt end hoe lonntnee— saving Lle , f • law. and &spanning entirely will. the w.hnaard. The finest Wliton carpets.. once Inlet, been us one e even jean, have been rerteerly motor wan", t o r thghtest unary to the fabric, anti with out tivinoviat trnnt the floor JIM inters Ile Ilirentne.• pulytng etch bottle. Price giS Ceuta For *me 1., geIIOONMAVA & Co, aye 11411110 d Si EXCII,ME B. 13011 -- 6NO Oanker•, Exchange Broker., NOTE, DRAFII , , A ,i ' C ' A 'A rTANF , ..S . , GOLD, sn .v ER - - AND HANK NOTES. Note. and Aceerene,.. parable in any part et the enion, collected on ti.a :taw ,thrabic ienna EXCH..1.141,E on Now Yore, Philadelp , , h.. in Itmom l ' 1, Cctnnan. ttai,, ,s ane tmean, constantly for tare. LIA M , " 10 TE-' .4 —Notes on all mi.,. na:,t• in the Unnod..liscounted at the lowest rotes A,, k of rototon and Amertean Gold and Sdver i.oue.t and ro,J. Offwe So. :4 Market .I,ot, between Ptaburgh. Pa. FOREIGN EX C - BILLS nn England, Irelaae. any amount at the rum i..• Alan, DWI, payable in ar:y pan r • .'":". !rota /1 to L MOO, at the tato rt( Sat / ttreritna, wtthont ttedurtan, o r by JU: 4 111.: A INtr.rl's SON. l'Arnpean dnu I:corral A :Y.', " 5 " sth ''' ntte door wtel ',yowl. ortl, NUMffM!INMI H • • • - ANKi....k, KIC 1 1A7.1:1 • . n For' and Doom.. of Fa chap,. CC•r olletio.. of Itepootr, Clank Noz••• utol 1.70ta. ram, or .4. au., CC 6.1 atm.,. direcay ooposno St. t tort,' Ito •, ar,dlc . W YI T I MIMI parchtord Pt th, 01W., rce, t.y N. 1101.11.1V.$ & .11 I lit L. 4 ,0 , 11:1 , CIIIA NU le--&,nt Im i'l. •'aJelphrs and Con.stanti, fur oak" by N 11114 , 11 F.'S .k SONS. r,pl3 hleirket wt • 15 . 001t6. ' Li511;,.&:4; T sT 1411 F. —The Ilt•tory ni the l'ortt•n• Cl to Eng.... and the Piturtto Vetoer.. comotete 1 oh , Lot, • uttn Je•oto•to ot 1.4 H. 1111.• ‘• ;Vie Tot tor The Getout or Setstle..t. •1: •1... ht , o ttnt enery. Itet.einth he Hee. Itan ert Tt.treltult, nano.. The T 111,11 1,14,1:111.1. I.y II •hop :than I,r•lttt—b• Int re Sown, Corder V. aerate tit New Tore be Mourn itt• ot'llte Bade Log D•• •of Fiche, by Ku, tnlenn, Conan, I...eetttrett. or the, Ptlyntll. Pe to rth• 111 watortt, pot.l..hed ft,. Ant et. e The \\0. , 0.1.01 Veneto.. nobtothed Go Ate A. S. 1.0000 ion rote I, FLU err h EN1:1.1S11, atm, I t... 1 EDW., I. 110,F I.IV k ilk , elettn kle..ten. I rot. Dianginott,Moden•l Ihelaonar• Tee., Mectieel Jort•prutletten. Taylor on Ponont• A.Tnott'• Phystett I •cbpmO,a 01 PitleliG•i Diedteloo, 4 vets • . Ilooprr• Mle eda! Diebohary. Elot•on's Pruti.ce of medicine =UM . . our. JAS I. oo KWtoM,'CllVsossi I)l.s , r . k ,, , : or ttl , H ,.. llscs tn lC , l;:EPlP , 4 , :is- 0„. IIS , Antos , Itosts trot a learto era ['rostra on ihr rovssos. A new wupply sum Tesoro vsol Irmo how York. and 10! hy tts I'l JOIIN 11 . MELIAJR, 111 {Wood so MEW Molise , el `it SUMMER. -- P. - Gurek t, a NO. Poe. ob thu Yhrocel and Nletaphyeical by /Wray A P., , basideontety pron., rlow. Gland. 9d cut •We elm], 1.4 penny nolo.. 11 thia wort do. not elteti a proloantl z<el•auotz plueng the literary and aciodtsbc all over the Ucoon, die(baying am it doe. a re.ooina rower and erns', or thought which ca.°, 1.1 b arena the .pectal wonder' a co. the moat corelcee readerf—ntpresa. Ntacerh and at , wtth no acrimot 01 a otsa to the Chaidae. 17betaba. n( Kunn.Wr, nod tho 1r .., Of Ih r , Worntipper, and mo loom: ybon the anr. a. arta cilia Ant.. A, non., hy A the cilia I.aytird ,n 2 1/01, with nue., ota• thin et tbe most remarkable vectek • of the are ' —The Tsmo, 11et0009.1 Feb Y. The ,enlaetamidor. Impon of lho Iron Furnaces n( R.611/111411 . 0{1.,. N by I: Oak,. vinoll walk .1. /01111111 Durk, 'AI ...I lex.. cloth. ;k ma Fr`ln 999, 'Tho Spy,' no •.v and oatel. ml 0.n.0., • to, to, try We author. with floor venter. de .to In. milowed hy the I,lm, Me )1e Work •of Waaluogton ro•t-od mel on 'ergotshy author. an Li elegaet dwadeetroo pr.nlml in novo and on roper,ot paeor. made exproaaie (or the poem.< FM e Is, /AMY, D LOCKMX , D, (lot tnony r-ars ronoerted yoeth Mr". Wiloy 1 Putnam. anal late John Wsio). \ 1 0.1 Wood .t ,013 Mr I. ba...,ust rrtunted from ate Firs. Ninß The eAti]r„....l7,,nlt,Titt;. ttt.t, QutuPt... 4. mt. vt.ittutt---eleGanttl prtat.l. ettraon—Ttut Manaateitc. 13( tita Levnt. ttvo; A volume ol mute thin orthAsm interre, veisla g • cut..•t ettnou• mAt.I onto •Aatmug • • Tfie held oe•tt;,, , A Gs' •otume IA •ii,••/ .uthrt.t . , •ew —Coccantrt:al Ativetither A kooi ol ,000rtono, loocno, atbooo.t •l. o ELK, 1,101.44 a. nolo totio of Iloolrlord's SoonoLO l• rtiA.oto .ac Alvto. eastern rorpoosenneer o' gotAost rnary World C,olvtr—tt edttrot of retryrt. rr....rd,ar . ut,r% ustrodarettot. mud note.- C. ut• plot. to I vol ttnrm wtto Irrt, •*Fork t. Trot ' , dr and {tie Ssetrb•litoolt were ,e Orr. Am •411 L....1L • ••! err rtr univrrratty trEt.A. , ,ddr,lt • cont., t•rttetrnant r rei: rut a prov,..• We MMMiliii utten•erned 4 te tbe toter, .mended obrowl and batnotte trt rttot ro. Irrtor yr...tub etbot l n. • • rot rtr lb. ride 1.411 Addl., and leroper era. trooelaterl to every country or (be tennocett •ny Ly 1 ,10.1 ‘••• fr . 11.1 • 1.1,14. Itterotore —Literary Wortd For fatte 1D Uw .414 en W..- 0 at 144 KW tl4,4l6,—romploto Worts el .1.41. r, NI Mason. I , It In J rola Hard. 4,A • I',.y age ti,tl4r, by lirmitel Sortie, 14 aria, N 1 utt: 41 W W t:amlHne H. Herr et I ,tie aeu line,- me autbor at Lino upon I+r.•, .pal 1,1,0 0,21 I . rnceph. ?demur. piny loath. tr, A Da i..1.1110V. tp,:ratrO o. I .n part retonand •o, J. •11, , TreS A chi), at , k,ml 4,4a1 MISMEMI MMEIMiliMnilllllllll b. Men by T Ar•bui. pit - •• Met...won. Gr J •by Al A ilrbv I=l IMO= •vt'l 110.1.1001-A, 111.. E I.t Pt tll 11i A TOON , - 1.... at m.fM 1.10. t Alan Ithu,t, affil 1 .1 ilapoo 1 0 , Noel, ti A I rut 1,10....—t11.111. AL enure. etitilun of 00. A.LOI =lol2=l • Lravr• tlogn Marp•ren srvAss Journu:, .11 • •It,ce of %Isamu-114w. .1=1,,,41 I ssrl. Ituo rar Hoy, • 1,-m. 0/ Laic and 1.-Indt, ape. Iloyt—lsew 01 xun Imo • 11 . A Valet - Went or the Strum EnCtne. h ft h" andpetnetptew upon nperlitton bee od, and the pettettrul detstis ttl tie $11 . 01,1 Ye, It, vtll Iv Iton tat tenct•e, n. ent navtekttott, ta.t 2 A .I.,anth vanoas. •OC,SIIOI. Ituprovemer, VOI Mist/ 11e EMfal The Cazto. a, a Fanny I,:urr Part I 14 Fru - Alio, tar, iiluntated Para IV auk V Fan. Tweltalk . litter.., hr Prof Tr,— 121¢0 For •3112. by toe rsti It lit WICIPO, au, .t Solo &gooey for Amon & Clark°. Pletoos. iffpl i JusT li EUF.IVt:II and °rctum. new lot of eorvant Plano*, ft.. N. r...l...hrated factory of Nunn. h etort, N v., couipcming 461 and 1 0.-tarea. with Important unprovemetos. both 111 MO< hantsui and r.tellOr. pomw.sed by tao wile.. floe nalection of Chieltering's Piano., tram C. to 7 octsivr. 11. 1:I.V.11111<. !Wk. Avot, at V. %Vooctwell,,6J Third et N H thr •Innye grin be .am m menuntatan.r• ion] vet. ann.,. any laddmon frAnaln or eapenar•.) mat In Journal and l•Yroinclo rap! A SPLENDID assortment gany and Flosessocod Nano, Jost fte tsited. Thew mstruntents aro made., use latest pattern and t-KI material and .s.ll be-sold lox fur raah by I' 111..C:11F., 111 Watt' street, ai 11001 . abor., I,lllh - . NI. II —Thaw, who are an want of • good instnrment, r...r•-rttully to vino:one thews belore par. al.earbere.a. thry rannot be asc•Ileol by any tbr ,ountry, and artil Iv gold Lower than aay brought trosn th• Fl. Al.opat rerct veal, two ;nano., an linsn butab manufacture. warranted to aupenor to any it. thts eountry. wiT.l K B. 141 P. aub.enber has been spreanted rtole Agent for .ale of e'AttilAß ts 1114141t0r Ell Al teNe. a. and Mul IVIMMMI by hlessr, fitllfth Whew, of eincennou. lie usual compass and extent being but four octave, Mesa. hl A W., ordance with dm general 444110 and _demand, e tie..stended the scale of thc.e metro:neat. rued oven 5 octave, rhos metres II praaticable to perf orm upon them any music wrneen torero 1 . 0.110 or liege,. The exterior, also. has been much proems the body of the instrument male a east won frame I.euoulully bronzed and ornamented, rendering it at once omit crescent and estronely desirable article 'rho pore I. pot . low am to bong it within the teeth of every one to obtain . pocket MUSIC/1/ littroment, and, at the oozier note, noot elegant picee of farm. MSC MI .cosna...torte. ISI.EIfI-31, At .1 Woodwell's ML NovELTY— The lj he. rest received Ire en Europe. and for %MC. are entirely new invOlition of l'iano Font, coned tier UAL, cum PIANO FORTE, winchposseastreg mote power Suld than the square Piano, °canine. hat our moon aa much roam, and is er couch Moro showy and bandsorne p1000:01 fora..., II ia particularly destr, tile where the saving of space I. an object, being ex. eerdenaly neat and compact, and occupyin rio ro room than 001011 side table. The subscn g ber ha in band • testimonial of 11. Rope Monty from the celebra ted menial, hlosettelles, In hI. own Irmed woung,whlch may be eropLeted. 11. ICLELIIJI, mot, At .1 W Wooderell'a EW fellitalef Last /lose ill of Hamm, with an Introduction and Without vs rlS4lll3lls .or the Plano Furl, pCHUSIIMU in all ht. rls the Lotted States by Henn iISTI '.binary l'ores, by Moon Hers; 1. nee 011 r, 11,1 Polk, hire reeer bed and for sale by telo .1011 N II AIELLy;_el wood -- - • I(9UrFmrTr' A NI, St ,I.FRAIIOS, with an arcompontruent for the 1 ?lalofotte, adapted to Na wally of private poptla or rlaaacs in vocal UAW, 6cloonnd frton Itatnn French and I.eranan coroporera, by Lowell Alaea 711 tow pagro of 01./.010 pollard rnuato, con.ining olclor• prvg resni , ftly arranged rn co 73 earn, lOU recnived, a lopply of tbn kinlVe dsrret from the yol~luhrrn, I) JOHN T„'....',.',"`;;7l"'"';Vl."k'r: - At1,":.4 . 11,',"` 11Eiuw,,,,,_•-•,hol loin IS; iletnbr., No Ou rd, 111 an,: 1111 to r slam lot In close conolan th,..l by :ell J AMl , L 4 Water oL • UCkt.A.Ch ANC CILA CY. It Alia loit hos reeolved Ft supply of win, and ealorod . apt, 111111 Crape Loo—ateroug the Inner grooo and other ,I,••nottlo color, A 1.0, 0 hue, prod, and blot unt nth Monts jolt . • ,dt.ltl It nA:s E.o—A on aly7oll oLI 1 , 0011 / 1:rollay. bodied In 101.3 1, r r 1-•17 Patna Brandy, mode from the IJpe and /id Allll, Innodr laLlt old Astern-an Brandy, Ia plpos A low dur Cherry Brandy, bottled 001E39 Inankbarry Brandy by the ea. CT bourn. JACOB wEevsa, Jr. _ d F4 ; "l:!l- 11±-7:lliklllitt!.inil-P"' t 71, i:g3 :2 : -3zta l i t i t l k 7e - 13tris ‘!". A . c v ti u 114Xltz-;l,!ibllit; 41711ltigiit W tcSolp` 1! : . rliveg! - Ateii.l4l:`9llN,s;A tr-lit 41 !:.. tFc3 9 q 9 ; E A OggC ''.1..r.Z.--.i1.---.FC.rl2i.-11';'.5Zi21-Sra'l°?,t EL' ::::, 3- gLg:.=4:•o -4 •21 ' 2 4 .11; ••• 2 5- I 4. 11:1!!:454:9.314 ,‘" 113 -8 !"; .pir; • ' (j o q - •- • . 6 /4 . _ ;€1.15 - d,. ilifli 3 l ;ffENtliiir ti w rTi , c 1 f . , Ea l -1g Iti. 1 1 :t 7, ,''''i dO2 40 z ELti . j t i zp,„,. 11 , 11 . 1 1 LIL. < o cr ,Eg 5 ' . 1 . i z gi..41.1:42 tEriE.5 ~; l e . co .t §, 2 4 i - 3 - itc°Pile9: l ; l4 -I.3;Erii: i 3 A --: ...`"' ,g3.!..,!.1 1 E-i f ,:-, e .:17,.:1:::.-1-A4, c 3 .i E I! :,25. r;:. :JiLi,.....4firiiii! , ;sPA - ;;. , A sf, l l, - 0 ..- g c, '--.....3 .4-4r.. 1 •g.. , ,:,.. '3.1. t It- ~. 2. , “--- , l'-..,-...;-„,°•;zs ~ - 2, -. 4, CIE <ra 41 . 6 ,.; g•• "•,"E.1.g.E... - if:!A.;..7t.112:1 -5 . - 1 1 :03 g" ,) '4 Al 9, F Et,:-:1.;::::71 - i,; - - - .:=•= 1 :iir, 0 -,4E •:.;.•=i';i.B.-•4...:•9'..4'Z...1"..i.--111;E,E1 2. *: e 7) - 3 1,.°''' ii OP. -,L.--ve4..r--114.4---71..i.6 ,-8 E - ... - - ia-I.=:..i.q:,;Et:-;:r,;; , l".l l '.3i'Af :,... ui.l u. i.'..-zi.lE - LAE.::':.I - e..`B.iizi.:"..: ! it't . =-, .... :It.SILS"-E...g2;:''t - Cg : j M i-...i;:..- - 2 . 1i. , ..;7.13i1. -- .i'g t;" .a, , i E '-' C- ) wl:..1:-==,11:10...1 b-17.7“2:7P" .8. V> <,9 •!,r2:.. 1'31':2":4•_:42-3;:ii: --' ''. !:1?.?t,.!-I''l'`'e.:ir":'l....i ' ' Z L I 1: - ; ° a 4 ci-Z.4. E 1 ;:i.-;: 1 E117: ;i ';';VP?•'is - r-' ':,.....qt'517:0" .7. <g,i1,..;:-i-: -- ,.ti:i - --d;irfi , ;; , i ---r f.---: 7 ,..:2:11l .g.e.Sea Igg ..'., - - -.l' f : '.' t . F l ;; ° IX .4 12 Egi;•,`, , ,...,,,,;: - - -" 1 - - ;" 'l l : 4 '':' -':' ''...-,-, e; , ; :p-, .7..F;ey;.EAti!. - : t'a,c , tl A.±. ,z,..7,.::;__.-i.z.,..!::--4- ..-L.—,.. -..-<- c! -- ;"4.3Y8'.35-;' - 3.', - : -- .;.“ F- :- "! 1.... -.: 'LI @1:2.i.11 - ;;.4. , ..1Z:.;:1', , i 1 i , -; a f• q -J fr , AGENTID-WM JAChAON JOHN D MORGAN Panaalegh D M faIRRY Allegheny Car A.lh PATTERSON, neanghem ,YIELAneII MEDICAL. MIALLISTER'S OINTMENT CONTAINING N 0 U.,..f. - t r ,"7,,,1 ~..,, MERCURY, or other Min A ~...!..:...._,.,, ~,._.. cent. —ell has power to 1 . . , ..., , r ' canto EXTERNAL \ ....,.:' sia: yemr SORES. SCROFULOUS ... ~ i". C....,..". 'p..," HUMORS, SKIN MS . ..,..., 4 • . ..oft. EASE S. POISONOUS ~...,....:,' i .-.., WOUNDS. to diwbarge ft>...t ev k 4.....„7„...1 their putrid mitten, and , V.,liff , 4 . ..,,,,,,. then heidshern. . --,-,, ,f It Is nghtly termed : 7 ' . 5( - (;:ftf . .. 2 " . ALL L. HLALING, for L . . 1;:' , .., j .., „ - there le scarcely a die. '." , ... - . 0 . , , , • ~,,,,,, 1-7, ..., ea. external or internal, ..,; .f . . Of .0. .. f.l M. that It will b. benefit. I have used la for the heft mitten yenta for all dismiss of the eh..., levelythft the lI.CTI danger and ruponelbility, and I declare Imlbre Leuven and men, that net In one raw has it railed to benefit when the patient was within the teach almond means. I hare hod phytietanc laamml in the profession. I Law mutate. oldie gospel, fudge% of Me bonen, al dermen, lawyers, gentlemen of the *beat erudition. and multitudes or the poor use ft In every •anety ot way, and there boa Leen hot one voice—one twivermil vot, saving—L . M'ALLISTER, YOUR OINTMENT IS Or Oren aliefUMATl'Mil—lt removes almost inuftediamly OW rid and earelltug, when the pain ceases. (Read the threetions amend the WI.) It I of salve has oared (masons of the hese-ache of twelve year. mending, red who had it mg p . ,c o d every week so that vontiftng tool place. EAR. AC H F. TOOTH-ACHE, and AGUE IN TIIE FACE, aro a n woe line armee.. SsIALD HEAD—We have oared eases that ammilly daPagl every thing known, as well al the otalny of G(- Wren 0 twenty doctors. One cum told as he bud spent Fell on ha children wtthon any benefit, when • few infra of ointment cored them. TETTER—There is notlinj better for the cure of Team nutris—ti is one tithe best things in the world for Came PlLES—Thoussnds are yearly eared by Ilia Oint meet. It never fails to giving relief for the. Pile.. (a - Around the hex are directions for using WA. listeo I/manna/kr Sem/1414,1-4<w Complain; Erma'« lar, Tam, Cadldam, Sorld Rua, Sore Era Wien', Sort Throat, Bmise.“444, Notes. Affett4sna, Penns. 1.444- 44411. el a. Spans, /fond wk. asthma. Deshass Rae art., dorm, Corns, all Manses of rho Sion. Sore Lop, Pma. pia, 4-e. Swelling of 414 a Lembo, SOTO, Rftwonatims, 1 . 11., cold Pat. emus, Stm.,4l ve Drokan Bnufr, Tooth aria, Ague in Ow Far 44, 4. 4, coLD FEET—Lever Complaint. polo le the Chem and Sole foiling of of We halt, or the older accompa nies eald ' fret. (This Chntatent is the true remedy.) It is a sure sign of daeme to have cold feet. CORNS—Occasional one of the Ointment will al. w a ys amp earns from grow tie People need never Ihe troubled with them II they ow it frminently Oa , This Ointment is gond for any part of the body of limbs when inflamed. In some came it should 1., applied often. -Al IttiN—No Ointment will i.e genuine unlem the name of I A MM.! , AIeALLISTER a written sena a pen on cry•V /au, Par se •y my Agent• In ail the principal rams and I weraste We Vaned Strom. JAMES bIeALLISTER. S , Ae I'mpnruse a the above cardn,tr,. CT Ponc4.l Ultre, North Masi st,,, okde.r.. to revels, pentanes bonnie[., and knit them. Ili- PH It'S: 25 CY-tirtk PER I.IOX. dropothierinciple, In additiOn to his ham capon solders tst Pt nnetwon—ltrson a. Raster , comer of ewe, and the great neeees Widedi has heretofore at !Awn,. and Sr rrwr ste; mid L W 0..., Jr. rook.' of tended ble treMment epode.* committed ts Inseam hhinet st end ter thamond, also earner of Sot and ,„„ ~,,,,, r ,,,,,,,, the n yi mor „, ~,,,,,“ ~,..", by bb . y., Sauthheld Ans. llf Cassel, corner of Wale. and Pe. gen.,e boildiug eremad expressly for Me porpeae,cons am 6th ward: and sold .me trooketore in thowneld tmmy eomotio4ioos and airy rooribi a ll titled up with .r, dd door ie.,. Second or, In aneabenl ein lili it P e very manor apparatus 'for ba , tad ddminis- tieber•.. end i Sorge.. by )t I •,''‘°i'r,...Dnik%°'°. it tering the treatment us the utmost bene I and comfort anualnan. D NeCler. Cu. Llberni If BowtatiO, Hc - or the inuent.. Plllllipeborgh is a moat delightful and asesper, / !tie:tender aSoo, klutkonrahete COT. N Walthy village, eny of access; by meamboota, and aP 0 110.13.10 t Cr'', and 17 Royer, Brownsville; JolJobeford. fine and w holesome water. ; Br. Acker aMUMB Bark ley. Beaver, Pa; are wholesale agenn. Mow afflicted pan.. who may plicetterasonda un felt:l, dew/1Y -- vir A Tral: cifta EST A/IL uutztraer, comfort; and as an assurance ofneauhamidialltermSra rittur,fuettu, PA. to be denwed, he points with confide-nee to the hoa r] , IIF: maid strider whieb 11 1,, rthy has made (Weds who have been perrtmeutly edsld 'lt Ids oast.. i woes its totroducunt. 1,,. i country—the On, ludo.. The Water Care 'cavern° niatiOns effects haat and astontabiny, CLLl3llire rtfecto of cad water in behind, se I. too oßsorthe.ema with thene itilltr . have I 01.1,411 and eam C1,e11.,... 141...0 ...nuked a/ter ne beau tromea. the old system. It ittruaTal . the as- medwd or IT -celebrated I' ~,,, oti,luea removed front ease, Mri;onatta Ma syalem. protects from the dangen ' i ,... ~,,,, D i 0 ., , nte u tge rn an d d,wermog pail. every . meld°. to elevates of the weather, ereates a natural , t sib .a iii E.., es to its enc.. y, sod gained it 0111- and .cove appetite. and =pane 'Agar le the digestive t,..: rsvnr Conrideraw the russaustaruary reerßi• powers. 'Yammer treatment .dboading reasonable. o•rne,t , es harelofora used in Ma Ural:neat ot clam., For Mabee particulars inquire at the tatahlildOttent,ot r t h a....m. t compla.,... Loa. which are incresalng en- arida.* the propnetor at PhlllipabarglL v i e N ;rani It our he a wound awl. to imc dm success . etur-tcd ~. t Istrinod , arkell au many m 00... tudemi• .1 he treed Irons owl, t.aint and initruuwes. I , Tie icti.erther Lining practised sarerewinlly ibis Mengel tflt els. t ears nt A. 4 Ilydroortilele. esmtiltdt i tabu-n -11 o lamb h.. been couwderalny enlarged and isis ploved in ell in part, aud in every respect. in Ilual. .-40; in re,. , and sr zommodam paManta aria. may CLOUr< to place ibeilislei,e, ander lot care, .kill and '' l .. l7,l;.Jurg, wowed ammo the left hank of the Cnto. , opposite the mouth of the Mg Beaver. Is well known 1 foe Ts , reireshma and salubrica. attanaphare, tin de. aabatal amebic.* and charnitng natural eon , 1 ben tie every reamstn to render the woourn of the to ••tl asireab,v, and rerawbuting not a lode to re-cs. 1 mbl..t. mtp•tred bra. and ;answer etrcuatts. The establishment, Me first started in the Untied :rutin. contains event Mom, both for pleasant •nel emsdon, ralculated to speedy and happy tar mtantion of them one,. of the Pootto 1 Ira rrons w..htim in avail themael yes date unto.- w plc.. Adele:. the sabeetner I f, et ie o t o m l ;, e t a po ' s7.l:rod, ' l l' elkstitur to scat as powittle no nature el their an in order to decide and et, rwe In Maq hums. and eurahtlity by the Hydroponic 1 demotes., sod also what will be necessary for Mee . Ole stone, . their especial and personal nee. DWARD Ack ER, ht. H. Proprietor. ' Pantrisburg, Beaver comity, pi. It err manna--Fl ' e'd. fidlikelly, Armstrong, r. B. , t• ate. rdy tia Hon Thonms Henry, Beaver, Pa.; lir Ono tcr, co. Prof. bh. Blom, Plinnorgh ; Pa., i. C Pr i kior. Fa, Ohim Rev. tk 11. Sneed, New Albany, nes. 6I A te. Ptotreton, N. J.; 7 L Stott. bOil. , Ncw Tort. He Ph it inter. PhOnsburg; Ww. H. I , l'. 1:4111111.1 Ka4 Pdt,ingh, A. Itulwell, tisq , do. , 111,11.1 ENE ?e MPTOMS or CONSUMPTION.— Cl (fairs raise, backlog cough, general vreakor , s, rest,. Weep, variable smieum, irreg•l at bowels, pains heist-ea the should, blades behind Issactsaca Prone. a Cartavarrnm.—Cougbaw night and da), flabby muscles, general debility, great shorter.a or breath on going up stair., iWeending • hill, or welting but a little fast, pulse always above our hundred, for week. together; drenching cold oweats tovnsnts morning. Catarrhal Consumption comes on like a common ea mrrh or cold, but about the period when that di.. ease usually is erpected to subside, some of the symp toms are aggravated. The cough Is mow Would, snow. vcipecially when lying down. There la no diced pain to the elect, but difficult Menthing, which Is worst on lying down. The appearence of theexpec toranon, which it copious, is changed from • truck yellow mucus, to a thinner substance. It is very un pleasant to the patient, and emits an unpleasant sown when burned. Ills of an uniform appeisranc=l t s an probably a mixture of pas d mucus, as on with water part oink* acid part swims Thi s disease may _emir to any habit or at any Ma, and la charge tensed by the peculiarity of the coug h. The Balsam of Liverwort effects the cure alibis In mdiou• disease b expeetormion, smiths and heals the affected lungs. It newer faits. Wherever this mein. eine has bean used, we hear of it. success. For nor n years it has been before Ma public, and had been tf rooghly tined for complaints of the Longs, and h s proved hshlf impeder in merit to any thing We might give hundreds of testimonials from phyni. maim, the plass, clergy, and those who have Won mi red. hot all ere desire is to can the attention of the stf. Meted, and for their own good they will try it. Leak oat for connterfeits! Always observe the sig. miner, "Cleo. Taylor, M D," on the engraved label ; an, prepared at the Wholesale Depot, 73 Beekman street, New York. Said In PuMbargh by I D Morgan 03 Wood on J Townsend, 43 Market at; 11 Stays.) mar Market wid as; !lenders:in & Co, I Liberty at Price reduced o gl,6p per bottle. marl MORGANS WORM KILLRIIM the heat Veroulfuse that any man Can give or me in hie family, \Vaginal:mos Tp., Westmoreland so. Pa. Mr John D. Almon: —Tma LB to eerily that I boot beau minim your Vermiform for some time. my 111.( 0. yew—am! m that tima I have never known it to to tali bonging wormsaway, when the symptom. Indicated thew prawns., I had occasion to give it to two grown op members of my family; I gave each of them one dose, nod one of Mein passed 010 sod the oth er over LID worms. It Is the beat Vermlfuge that any nom eau use in his family. 1. W. Torino. Prepemd and sold by JNO. D. RIORDAN, Draggtst, 000 door below Diamond alley, Co Wood st. Ind 1"o SIAS, etc. Ac.--Para Rlttork, Chlorio fthrTr, 1..1 lodide Potash, Stryahnine, Ctdarine Gold, Liver Sulphur, %Chan Precipitate, Cyanortt Potash, nut re roved and Par onto by Ottn If E sELLF.E.,, DRUGS! DRUIPP!— Chinortine, Chloroform, Kat. Bare Preen,. lodide Iron, Nitrate Silver. Oil Copaiba, _, Juror* Powder, Citric Acid, Chloride Soda, Chlork Ether, Extract Rheumy; Extract gazed} Jura reed and for ale by It E, SELLERS, lull 67. Waal at .DiniNrwril'ill COLL rioN or CHLORIDE 80.. DA.—lt decomposes the virus or peceaal primal. pie °roil contagtous diseases. It removes the dangers hes effluvia of stet resew, de. Ely its eloanaing,einer• Lnky it relieves ulcers, sod iouneeput all cootmarneable masc., whether In moo or animels, Az , hot lent' d for rale by full R E SELLERS. 67 Wood at --- T the lice of the Plane and Saw, Dil Wood .teen complete Osottetetit Of Cincinnati Coopers pole, for sale by aorta LICHER th LeurwAN INtaciiinasritstiiiiv — opii. ler's edition, dotassining all the. mutter, verbalism et liierutim, et' Vold. 1 llld Sof the London edition, em bellished with a portrait of the author-9.17 Is. In one. Pace, complete, Nic. A logo atrypi i .,4.,,,,„,,, priced and for sale by ' yoi ~,,,,,,n t, noileE tit weed so I IifuooL CITCCIA AlDirrbßOMA—Tlater's V.l Emma, Not emeolase and Gemini also, &Maim .wect spiced Choeetete lust maid - and for sale at the Praia Tea Sum , V Fo urth at. , tinyiN Vif HITE duo ARS—Leuertug's kW, C 111.11 .1 VT pulverized Eltiars l ot mold and for Bala by the DOI or al mail, at tha.Patim tea WM; TO Foartk at. Ural MEDICAL, •. 8 A L TIMIS GINSENG PANACEA! ro THOSE SUFFERING WITH DISEASED 1 -LUNGE—The unprecedented success which has =ruled the use of the GINSENG PANACEA d all the various forms which Inimical =the lungs =- anes, has massed the propnetor again to call attrA• uou m this WONDERFUL PREPARAIION. The ehangable weather winch. marks OUT hal and rester months, It always a fratthel /11012rO. of COLDS AND COI3OIIS. fhere, If neglected, art but the precursors of that fall Jestroyer, cdaumrnceir. .. • . The question, then, how shall wont? the destroyer IA the bad? bow shall we gin elaar o ear waggits and aide le of vim! importance td Mel pedle. TILE GREAT AND ONLY REEDY will be fouad 111 the Ginsong ?nano= le Pfddlof thle ere have flout ume to time poblieLed the cartifiestee of low. of our best known chixeus, who havfi caper iloded coredve powers. Them s oder a Was a f ninon) , Gan pp rte of the co MEDICAL OF 11ILIANDING/ Ministers at the Gospel, de., together With copioas eel mes from the JOURNALS OF TILE DAY, we have embodied in pamphlet Ism,. mid may he had (Tali. toly H of 001 . am= t6=i =MUT. UNDREDS OF have been used In this else. THOUSANDS AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throarhout the tinned States end (..nadtt, and swf rla in tYNILY " IIVSTANCIE whieh, when ben according to direedees, sad he. fore the lung-s had bemoan family disorgituud i /1 dui seer failed EFFECT A PERFECT cpme. Why, Men need the Witted hamitate 1b by cepa to the unwrairle nOstrallan, gat. up Dynesears d p _pals o lee the assumed nom. of cease as elirsited Ileum, and patted into ! mry by outificates 5, par sons etiaelly unknown Whilst a medicine of UNPAR t LED EFFICACY is to be had, whose trenchers are AOtna,olly toors,—taany of whom nixes SNATCHED FROM TILE GRAVE. In order that this invaluable medicine may be planed within the reach of Me poor ae Ilm ^e4 we Mae pat the price at ONLY FIFTY 035.MTM, • min one half the usual con of cough medicines. n ter sale by oar agent. in nearly every town and wilese ever the west, who are prepared to Man fall informa -1 don relative te it. T.'TPSALR,Propnetor, Broadway. Cincinnati. /Alio , RS P. TOWNSF/ND'S SARSAPARIL.Les—a* j J laoun o( Dr. Tow.scrol'• s, just rec d nod for sale by ar, smax.ets, 57 Wood st. only Agent for Piusbeigh. • pie By DU CURRY. Agent Fee Ailechetty coy II IDILOP ATIIIO &STA FL ISILMILIT; rundursaawan. anavElt 0., TA. 11\ K. EDWARD ACKER, lakes Mu mons of re )urning his &moire. his fnends and the public tor the mg patromme be use reestved, and of in forming them dim he hes lately erected :bleep and —ell con.trUrtcd buildtmg, fur the exclusive purposes of WATER CURE LiTAIILISILMENT, n hoc old location, et Phillip/burgh, Pe., on she Ohio nve ,r sotto-. me mean:than( Inndutg at Beaver, when, heti ready Mt. JAY ri ALTEMAIIVE. We bare beer, informed by !Ira Roan at trove per. {muted on her by Dr. Jayne* AlterrartWas wkeoh trove. is sopetiorit- over every other remedy of Mr find Sue bar Lei:a ifticted for t h e last miteen yeah wog et WHITE wee ide-ii.m.eadi mJ enfoliation of various boons do teirimildett many pieces bare Loco droclouised from r u ne'roma! boar m 'erabobat, from both bymm.,re.... nor! hand,, oral from both Imp r andfrom rho left Mir bret sud !rote rigbi knee, besides rajah' oi: on other ports of laasymmon. orhien have batted a: n 'comber of the mom emment physiciaosof our art.—donor( norm of the pine her Sminnttl^ late men exerumonti and deplorable. About Myriam:Mem store tee ens iildoced to try Dr. !Dyne's Alterative armee ha. bad an ustou.ramary happy effect Wale, by ,e.merentir all pain and swelling+, and eansio,g, Carl olce.. be al, ...le so the 1210 E tit. nor ge nernlMMOn bus bccoota cornplrtely restated, so OM she now Reign, a lb. morn than the did before she earnmeneeil the tee in thee nary valuable porno:M.—Mu., soh . fed farther Iniormirmon, Inquire of Ma Rost, No. It: Filbert sr, Phlladelpara. For sale in Ploshorth, at rho PERIN TEA R 7946, 11 Fourth it war Wer.J. }is sAß..urnitna,A—aod... D Jest received of Dr. Thanisend's Srmetparilla, the rum extreordinary medicine/xi the arerld: Es .act le put up in quart bottles. h u six titua cheaper, pievsantcr, and maccaued emperor to any sold.: h ouros disease without votarml, purging, sickening, or detalitanng the patient. Lona OR VW hatracioto.—Unpritielpled moon, have earatd OW labels, and ea c h la thesehu shaped bottlx Sce dial each bode hu Maumee lig nature of S. P. Townsend. K. SEI,Ld6S, Dreccia,Sli Wood meet, t h ie r t4u Pl Th* ard and or ts Dr. Toarnarod's only so Se and rush agent for Pituborgh, of when- tho. gen cc %rule can be hed. M M. Owl. WA aorteploteaS dowle eSse‘ Alleghow tab of rhos ;to stow. madeCALI se4 U A. Fasesstow, 13. Meta N. t t.. 01 Lt . L. Ftrusraw,} A- Pintborga . O. Fuse Wholesale Drug Stet* la the Olt, S.l hew Ye/eh. • ' . . YFIR anderslgned as a eltensively engaged is Me Wholesale Ilinighistslaas at No. le Ada *Met, is e city of Nn hark, and are prepared to supply UntsOtta tins MmHg Merchants ante Waifs,- Pam* hie, Myssotik.le, et•SEI and Antencut Peden:Mit, den .er, itemmit l's Manders Chamieals, (of their own coottatioal ass , all other vtichni to their line of baXi mos, at •' supstiotqauldg ea - 1 0 theY een be Yu?' , bared in thin or any wham aim • Yew Vert. Palle H. e. If lIIPMZEITTNIX & I , ' '1"1111111V7illitti a 1 CIIIILIDLL 1111 • S., rpm: public are requ m esiesito read the Wowing ee • talcums. This edicine ts extensively sad i all the Smokesa mull:ash= cities -.......w.,-,... , i We do eertify,tiost Di. Isoms Nytextv. of York, f , tank under his Ode and menagoknedt„On Or about this first of Minims lasi, a pining Man LLboting 1u.40r e severe lonia of viksiatire Meier." Usti We stltom ! into the mid patient, and Mond alto it ha In the weer ini lapsed mate, of Mat diocese, whir iropLitil and COplrla net wider disellarges. That are pronounced n• C I of gourd. Cholera, and declared moreover , that st. I beiroved the said patient was beyond the hap!, of Mod teal aid. In fact we thought tlie 'patient w ould dle and , 1 dno declared at the time: • ..• . . ! We Lumber certify that the otaid Lona Seletcy pus t stl6ll hilk OWD mode of treatment, and administered Ina Cholera Remedy, andenoned a earn of the took..L, We dunk la four days - thereafter the and young man . usu a, wort, and perfectly orelL /aka Q. Dunn, 0.1. • T.D.Docithr, ALA '1 I certify Out 1 vieited a ever efmadiflettCholers en der We care of Dv Loch Wiektty, and this tbrilave his medicine relieved 6fm, .„ .„. Sun of Maryland, WuhlegtonConnty, to wit: I certify that 1 eat Ind aequninted one, the `entle• men who hare signed the within rertiguates of Di. Louis Wlehey, and NO ere teen orresgen - abitity. In tesumong whereof 1 kenning snliserne my L • mate, and •dtz the teal hr nn otaa, tti. r..." toenth day of Novembeg, eighteen hunOrenjurl thirty-Wan 0. 11. WlLLlgihin Cleat Worthington County Court, Denim!: I altnerand the admintr — lntlien of Eh. E .°ol. With. er preparation for Cholera, In the mire orate appren tice LO the plastering batten. fn Mil LOTTO DIOVTIP- Iite eras smell tratrkedease of Adana Cho. lent, With ACAS tooter evactniens, cold clammy ADS, !Old ...a Mouldered Ma sintanon truly critical e nd. rdercirmA chw boo pre loo. to Dr. Wletey, and was premat Y the adreteno Innon of the drsi Moo of medieine,and err hint re. Pentedly during the attendance of Dr. TVICIETT. ha se covered no as to let able toatteed to and Mara at his trade in a few day. lOM TIM be tout nom other but the ateMeme duuntsed by Dr. Winker. , Ithrintan'W. DAMN 31. D, 'The only tree and geoulne Da. WrcrtnPa Mama and Marken Medicineo prep_ated and ntld cr o c . n d by JOHN U. MORGAN, DmAnist Minna one dm!! below Diamond 4.119,... %nal at oak)). RATtinil , Mr the very liberal encentragestient Ur have received for st, many ykata, I have detep ouned to enlarge my business constderably.'llavics engaged a °competent Forman, twill ilps enabled to all oiden promptly, mad rlnifte wort in .oat' octal etyle and at fn pnoml,and ask the Intentioa d(( none. Manta and cumens to my large stock Of OPHO ItY GOODS and Gods, alanrames and Malang, Car.. onto Alatcriale, Damasks and Namens,CorolCc ,s Prim' get, !knitting', Tassels, Split and Ratter lidstda,' end every article usually kept an an catatillehibent ortba kind. Orders respectfully yodelled and promptly tended I. N. 13.—Carpes made and pot damn. 1.711. NTIOLN L A Jily. G t. 6. N" 16 "' "hi% tuts :11011 DlLlift APPLES-MO tali 'wan at,, MISCELLANEOUS. mp o7—ns4o -7 / a Tris;illire;CdEp and MOM faconable Euless, patterns zundeolors. Alas THE ChE A P BOLL, or BWIDN BLIND, on Bawl ormado to order or sixes, and at 111191141111. Cootary Merchants and others arc melted Co call and t2ltlilirte. the above for thennehras,as all will be weld wholesale or retell, and Ilherakledaztkon mad* te wholesale purchasers. auldly A -wINITERVELII e. Setioikto Pablfet' Whereby notify Alit friends and ennortpoadeitta at brunt, sad abroad, that tan will not, anon ran crsovrazaoctoy reeelTo Cintittit from any Boat foe which J. NOWIOD 4011C111sment., apll RHODIM ft ALCORN. J _ VAUD. JOHN KELLYO, i& Cm rs eeesso to Robb, Wine breaer & late IderehaatTallonea N. So ,CHRSTNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia, bog Icons to Worth their Meads andpatroos Ott= have 'received she West 'SPRING AND 1313 FASHIONS, with ranortwhot of New Style GOODS; eon:prides Clo Caardraeree,Veallag, &a. of even. deseriprbra—all o which are l o e T d lowri ilc= . lkameg boo earefolly ab in ?M EEr Straugervvishlug irhiladelphiu, ire reipoottuli 17 turited to nail and emrsoloo then enotruclToutook. melandfau N 616 BitllUEU I•Alahl—Jrua roesivq, 7 gran harass of IW., Putty superior arti htgll7 moonset to persons that wish to keep dials „eel dry. It prevents-the leather from orarAirl, sod vral tuts s palish over It. For sole at the ludas Rubber Depot , No 5 Wood .treat mars J k, U PHILLIPI4 Gel 31.131 OOMPH CKPL fi101.411111 91 111 entseriber,vroolerale manufacturer of JEW. 4. MR'r e motes wholesale dealeorand pedlars In dica Boma and West—also, awry • aleda call - and examine Ids Groot of Jews:lM Lath will be sold to the lowest priees for coati or approved merit. tanees. Konsounly en bond and nOUdifiretaring, • large 41.4021.1901210 suitable tar city or reentry trade. _ K G. rt. H• 1 1,0 earner of Fourikond Branch als,i l w a radhl a apleAdat r Pi - per Ilausings. ye. to me end Ilab intore..l a large assortment lNeon of the newest and Mil Ss. and of PAPESIt ILINGINII9,BOILDERS, Ss., and made arrangernenst by which will be ena bled to procure aS new Patterns, eimattanemis with their appearance in the Ene.ern market, I would in vite the attention of 111046 desiring to have Stair boasts papered with Ma West styles of paper, meal' and examine ray stock, lettere porch:moo; elsowhoft. I hove' w on dic way front the asst, hO,OW pies. of Gold an peon Glared common Pipet Hangings, I which can sell prices hanging boon fPj et. es9 mehl3. Si 0 HILL. P 7 wood st ~~~~ lIA VINO Jess completedthe rebuilding ol'imrsamike ?, •we are now prepared to receive 131.1 , and smoke it m Me most merebantable =tam. - Tiiebonses are flood isitit all Me modem improve mas, and are capable of containing 303,0 0 0 lb. each. KIF.RAJOiti Canal Redo, ' a 4 • rya tutu Seventh nllli-81NtIllirP:4.PEE:--tileiellisliiiiketTei L Ws We extent the Mill Grove Printing Pam, ts. B. g. ill P. Markle., Prentice:oml Inn wilt be consul:lily =ewith 1811 the different eines of superint ginning, ns °Ca' la the lowan regular prices. REYNOLDS le SHEA fete{ . estner.Petua tad Irwin fas I . - - DILMEINIINgt WIT08.101;—"-- PcI:LES AN, HAILILAN & CO. coming,' as snatua kende Small Iron, Spring sad Am. Blister Steel, gh, Port and Hoe Steel, Ei feu, Spikes and Wier% Iron au, all shies, weedier with Gruch and Platte Spriumr, blf Pm, Tapermad coinmen,Adken Having reduced tea pride of Wrested, trorrNuts, engine builders =idolisers using the will bud it to she& interest to give this new trn=?Pittsbungii unsiturserntres their uteariou. , . . • • couch trimming+ and muleiblo iron onitherg o lgT• Warehouse on Water and Fourth sta. ' SA NI'L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, Si 011• 1 ,103 BUILDIN,S, ST. CLAW. StILV.E.T. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, And is now receiving a floe assov.mest of CLOTHS, CASSIBBRES AND THSTINGS, OF TUE NWT QUALITT AND LATEST STYLES, whir.... is pispared to mks IN THEBESTALINNEJL . • And in the lateet Falibione marlo Ilestkquarterk for Soots and Shoos. Lanier of Fourth sad IdatithEeld onsets, r • I t errnitaart,4k. tfiti 6,0 T110111 & SC al OTT u hrzzast i f th. rac ., edstril rbLattaleude and errand respeerfallyM, bolo ate mention of their Moots anallarsolningsts. eptendtd new stock. cons/guar crews, • "moms W', bays', misses' sod ciliates west of every ,V (or the MM.% 0.1.1 lilfees •to the dimes. ik sploodtd article of home made work, etch cc g ate fits 1.10011, hotly, otiose and etuldrens fate work.. Meuse call and ezirrane for yotarkelves THOM &SCOTT, somas ids suarbalthftelksts N. 11.—TroveLing Trunks, Carpet hogs, &a &e., al- way• ou haod .111 lin forassh • •. •Comtry tovielminta would fold it to Weir totem& to "too v. • call when trovtin the oit . • m-114 OU.. DIPORTEILS and Wionesnielleslem Motto =el .L Donmstle linnisrate thidery, dauldlory„Ae.., SSW, Wood Most, Pittsbodsit: sus nos, fully prepared totth : • meanly Imparted stock or Illitrdsmerwestlary,dad- Carpeattors , Toots, lad, to oder letir.H, t dues:sun. to Western Morebants, es sddiues e. the aunty autstmtsges had by oar on:deem:ton, Mt s. sae. Ints•Lt Yonrody, hem ssoatlytnOtsosta . tor &cantos, sod purchase WI oar goods hod int ds on the yew best terms. Teo bmiot members of the dna downs :heir whole eedos, std fooliognonfident aiming un tamehen, respeoNdly solicit call 4.1 al who may visit this market. me "MICK Mr. SALIE. TRH underelgned acre ,r ash, antiteirlOr whisk of brick tot building, Made by nil. B w.s. Prem, bnproved machine; far . ..turn he ha, obtained a pumas tool agrees/a giveparebescouttentten reavarneo that ;be/ era. rong en and will resin frost sod Wet arbath et and Imbibe feu moi.tam or dampness than any sik er brick, possessing greater body and teperies teatime and much emu darable , to every rupect, each brick p a l e , oh,jegtui tow immure of several inna,aind latatuqr a[outdo:Mee temath theme and even edge, they make n.froni canal to the best thubrick. They here Ores the greaten Wiest:don to W veto have perehued. A kiln can he men at toy works, and specimen at the Those having upplied themselves tor thrir bundle sad vebWng hand.= (roan brick, et anpenot boSI ood eond paving brick, can ebtninakent. ISA.,tO 03E044 frinningham, Jane la, 1.649. WOOL—The highest pinta in coo paid tor all ma &dere. troWet.of clean araalisSl fool, by myet H LYK , Liberty at, opposite Elb Calt A tt ß me tte: U ortalelale r Zroo th e n. ry, d lrodune " Conaaranon Has lea aa, Mr. John Wit tat, undo, She Sun ofJOHN WATTL JOHN WATT. Piusbarcb, April 3I tele. SULT. if or Ozwe of Thar, rata O. Irv,y Lb Carbonate al eatub, Hluale of sorveaioesel, Zadian of Lean, Chloride of Bodo and Calone lintar, ea 61.04 lad 100 sale by 1,4 J. ®DD b. CO. • PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, • YU tILLntILIV DC I I.7,I7II..WEENLY a WEEKLY Ai (Seriatim Bitedings, ad u amrsts.PnoWln. • 1LA.111.8 OP .4DP1P.113.P11111110. Una insertion at Mints, or leas " SO 60 rno I alert:lank wittamtaitorationa,... 0 71 ••• 'nice. , ... ..... vs 1 00 " " ........... I /4 • l Pa ere e Week -.*- T:': ::::::: 1 00 6° , Ono Mouth, ~ two •••••. 4 or. , " " —•• _ .._.... Throe... ... ~.. b W 7 bp " ..•••••••••• kli7rrigor advertisements in mice prop:mkt quare month., without alteration,... !P....." itu u » .. 115,,,......., leach additions:l.9=re lasi. mosttur'..l...' P ." additional tt 12 tt ' 1000 ..........4 LS 00 One square ,6 monSre.rennwable at f1i...... s.„ „ t t 12 el ii ee 61...... -,- ' . '''( - 10 - 00 , each additionahquarefor IS moment ...... - 10 so, o topares,6 months, news:blest pinntrv. B co eh additional matattne,6 in0attui,:......... KIM= 111, TRI-111 , 10 /OW . oesqoare.-Sinsortions, . , ii,4: ,,, .... 37 . ,", . e*t.i ildaitio[la 1 . 1 dteiritta4 o ...... , • ..• t ' a =lnn c0.1:11/i, , . ..: -",-.. -. 6 06 Eta Oleo or lets, 0 . ... yatt,' :;•,•.:,•%:,:"1”.... b 00' ! r " - :I. o " n z e m y e ° u " th t;al I; . 17 n 1 P 177. 10 2 ' six mont h. " ' '''- - : ' .." . 431111itIMMInll ro, 12 Hasa, or lair Ono hoeartiot..6.ii.A.i.go lig Toro, 0 la, ! 4. 0 Throe, 0 0, Threa.o o #4 lo 4 40 . 4 .• C Ow .. . •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers