The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 11, 1849, Image 3

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Sr. Lams, 541, 10.
There mesa eiz cum of highway roNtial and
rra mardws In this viciady, dewing yeatiOay and
lm night.
ST. Lome, Seta. 10.
The ease of Chtlde.-ebnnred with ercbeislement
In the Bank of hilueurt, hes been postftoned to
the 13th of October next.
There sre:6B witnesses Co, the State 'i'ittinamon.
'ed in tins ease.
. Niw Utz, If*.t.. 10.
The deem ship Gat Wawa arrived cm Sal
cagey night, how the est ladles, bringing llloo,
090 worth of Califon:Li Goa dNo rime tamper-
WIWI (mm the West Lilies. !'•!
The &kat of Pae is eraftroted by thlli arrival.
Cowman, SepL 10.
Mau Is doll to day and prices a ehadri lower.
We quota Wneat at 00911000 per ha.
Whiskey-Sates to day at 90; 620c:• . .ets. per
gallon. . It.
Provisions—There is noining doing p'? day In
any description.
Coffee is in good demand at Si andif.fg ets.
per Lb.
Suter—Then is a better feeling in theinaricnt, -
with more disposition to buy. but vrithot4eharigo.
We note sales of 225 blots Ness 06eatyat 60.
Trio filyer,,Thei.vrater la falling at Itdtplaca.
PEaLsoacriu., Sept,
Flour—Modena Flour is leas active. c On:Exul
t), and medium grades are rather lovrer.
Grain is without change.
- Whiskey hill allghtly declined. 3alet of Ohio
aI 27 1 0 Pielear •
. .
- ..
Kim YORK, Rtpt. 10.
~,, Filar—Tie . nisi:rises us dull, with Bala. of corn.
ma state at $5,9.5X.N.3" 11, of straight - iiraads al
15,2365,337, and of Nem Western at 541;543.62
1 ....44.
- . Rye Flour—sales at 53 per bbl. ll',
Corn Meal—Modems sales at $3,25;.,:d
Gra Qom to in moderate regnest,Akltit gales
of Worn at 40ei6.2; Round Yellow isiiielling al
Progisiong--Sales of Maas Pork at SP:" and
of Prime do /41,75 per bbL
Whiskey-310e* et 212271 per goIL
The Harrisburg paper. publish the 8114 Wing let
ter 11001 GOT. Johnston to tio 13oan4f Canal
Commissioners in reference to the baler* in the
Treasury applicable to the North Branc*Canal—
It will be observed with pleasure that, iri s he opin
ion of Gov. Johnston, the finances of th4tate are
in such a coedition that this important intrk can
be pfoseenied daring the coming year ,With addi.
thlaulenergy. We also learn that it to afis:anted
that after the payment of the interest acliiruing on
the State debt on the 18th of February elext, there
will be a balance of upwards of 5150,088 in the
Prirszcarrn, Aug. 1 18i9.
To Jentes M.-Power, Morris Longstrettn and Is-
reel Painter,,Canal Commissioners
Geauratzs ,—Having received their:pay. per
mail, from the Sono Treuurer and Oudot Gene
ral. two several statements of the prearit condi
tion of the treasury, from both of which j( will sp.
pear that, alter the payment of hare= dim au the
public debt; and' the limildmion end payment of
other claims for which appropriation. pave been
made by the Legislana. and retaining ereasona
hie balance in the treasury, there = a mekof $150,-
000 - which may be wifely applied to thin ample..
ton of the North Brach CanaL Ido therefore,
hereby entity you, In accordance with:the am of
Assembly, in such mane made, of the above fact,
that yon may proceed, as directed by la* to place
under contract to much of the said wok as the
said tom may authorize.
It is also proper to state, that the clemtg for debts
die along the line of the internal imprifuments,
incurred, prior to the let of December, A;;', D. 1848,
for which large appropriations were made at the
but easions of the Leguilature, having, fifien liqui
dated and paid, the exintortfmary demands ripen
the treasury arßleaser, which, together ifrith mon
ey doe the State, in the bands of agejits, agar
tkeplazd cram, who now illegally bold '33e same,
end vhfch.ulth energetic, raceme, may ISter collect
ed. wall leave, during ther seeceediorYear; a am
of not less than from six. =might hitudreckthousand
dears to be expended towards the cop i ttion of
that work, and the payment of the • debt,
ehould the next General Assembly so determine to
appropriate the said excess.
• I have the honor to remain, truly at^
Vtat. F. Jofarea.
Mr&lmam. of PiuL ant, woo hadlAallen into
wow& cellar after the .Great-Fire,. apralted =-
Ole 1111.01i7 that he WI. enable to reflialfsll:lll2
with the-pain. A friend who had been acing
B. A. FahnealocE t Co'a Rehr-Indent oral Fete eared
er ilheautudsm, welder ghat remained IrrAte
and although Ma drab eraswady mode*, ,ire re.
completely restored to health in tarelveaours and
freed from pain. This is but one of a area web. of
eerie. ' , dial have come under die obvervaOon of the
ortOriptors. Prupamd and aced of:t
corner ast and Wood; also; corner edr arekpood sts
Ss •
_Waltadd—As MU U Me-ontoort or tot "Tdar when
Oa am moat formidable Baton ebildreadlte prws
elm of APLattehr Verratiage beg leave tattenll noon
Mr", aolietidg their anan . ltr oi r e t ' for the i
=l. leetrinv Zu g by • physic:l, atal g
of gre at
=pentanes an Vinetola, and after ur: it for ..oral
years la hit oven Immune, and' firaffag as gne. ett
arimozol, he btu been induced ot tag to tiger it to du
Who Is cheap bat certain and ezeelleaansedichte.
Call sod , w; ,z.. bano =Ma Drag atom of.
J. Mat & CO.
WILALE OIL—I rak4:,learbed "mt. 'Whole OIL
reeelvetl'alad for oda by
9t9 JOON DN140.1111
IrErrl ; N RED-10 bbto tor rale by
JOHN DDlo.llthiN
DOSE PRIX— AO Hos, • mperfor •rtiele. [Ogle by
EPlsoit SALTS -11Hils Or we try
133110 E Brost-1 tak reed ..d fro by
IBOTTLE CORKS - 2 bales for cll. by
M m ACKEREL—SO tads No O, Bono& kl.rlSl
ud... a do do Lk do
Jost landing sod Cos sale b y
Aro DILWORTH & CO, W Ordtod st
mERS 01L—W bbl,fo
I r rloal voil i ii
tweica t&rts N 0, for lola by =p.
WEIR NOUSE MOLASSES—a tak k r ~,,I. by
spa 1 s nivivosni k, co
0 UGAR-49 hltds of plod quaiiry for ”loily
0 spoll ISAIAH DICNEV & COt r r ou st
HOP3-I4b.lnr Nd,in Mare end for Wihp
.. ISAIAN DlcgiW co
DEER HAIR— 4Os for sale by r.
eona/sornean and for male by
1.7,...5ina• ISAIAH DICESA' &Co
13 . 068 HEADR.- - 0 bbl. In owe and fee Wit by
1.-; ARD—No I leaf. In bbl. nd tors. for family nee.
. for lido by and - ISAIAH DICKS"? kCO
McCORD & Co. aril introduce thlii! day
1 - 1 . 113 . 4 aY. An; 231b. 1 the fall ' rtylo of Gentlemen a
'agari.Cerner of nth and Wood Irmo- 4, angld
~ -
& WEST, lift Liberty street, oppos* the im.d
or Weed, will Introdoee the WI eryla , -of HAT&
oo this day, the EMI last, which, ihtt-IleuttrtY of
1 44.4,eiotrtet be se seed. . (a149411¢1
rtIINDRIES-400 Ins Window Clear .-,
t , ....) . LSO !Ale N 0 htelaesee;(l,
' •o /
dried Poa d cher B
in l
mor d • o
odd for otila by
- bblab JOHN WATT & co. /Attni
2 1 - t s t i!'Vt}"A"si,
110 !krona id
ICHITH Pi 4 . 11-Lirtibie - Wibiltailia - do — disT-
Pclt Tete, led cud fax tele by
01rrHs— CoPee, cow lendir ad orda
, 7__ mii
elms. Yif.M tilscrlea,inat reed
ttewl'etle and for •tle. br
Vv L t2.1 . 1"'N.;t7
is W . R . Cbeestlevidlog
ja o JA WILTETI,II°:uer a.
_-,..- _- , -- r
f i r! ACILEILVAr-coliblo lar f y bbr 3 rosokrrol, lan&
r -Lt mot b 7 canal lOW fut Odle try • "I
purASO-23 I' .:1. lin a 1 a
.o, mars o o o r r A a4
D 1XA, 2 4 ,1, y
totzum CUE aP..-vil'a. (.' isms caa.4,aaci7id
• i wait na y
warn a 1 tv 11..1 11.0Avati
t a mbr-oronato
l. Low .
a,,fix lA*, lot rota livoLO 001111
14 INagrWita by
oils iNorprr a
plieks7lTilinne4 ~,,,,,„ 4 , , ,,,,,,, L ,,,
. Pik 4 , ii 4 Xrnr, , ,,
M .1.. F b 16,6--Cogoiro i „t,,,,,r1, 4 k i.i. - -
Vr - ' ij FS- 7 10ti 1.1 1 Cl a 1., 11 ""
(Pter ''. Wiarkt•fi*tx,6o
- hacilir:4 4 : o Th.r N. 4. * l 4 fMN fig ko 404,
807 § 4OO . --
iti4l-24,07,A, -".-
Tal Tironarras btablearoomgCbi 0. h r ,,,„
0., 7.0.040 to .n. 4,1,4 4, 4 0,„.... ~,,,,..
4 wf 4 Ira ~,boxy Wary : 14 ff: , , ,, r X=
A AM Albortfi.t.n ati re.„,3 ert, , , , 64,0
pato ANDREW APi 4.i':?., rig ,T , , „
„,„,„.,,,--pnir . 417 , :t r v , - ,
;••`fr=rtlV"=r l. : l )44-sA•fyk4,
• .' ~I,Arfrproirrotol / 4 . deltib{ 4 . ~...4154, 4 #."640,
rote 1 pm*, so org *lett V0W.04 4,7440.b0rb0
iii , isnuTunieloiiii) OP Ttiatuic
. O. V. VaLLACII. IS. J. 1017-..
Orme Prerssraon Ganarre,
Tneadag blaming, September 11.19411.
Then la no masked change in the market from our
last qamanterta. '
FLOUR—no re 'itiipts continuo extommly light, ow-
It g to the continued low stage of water, and 4upplire
are falling of Falitain limited lots may be Moly ono•
tad from Gut hand. at 54,11, and from store at $4,51a
4,67 Y bbl. Sales Woio confuted entirely to the rogidar
home domand.
GRAIN—The grain . market is quiet. and very Mlle
doing in the way of Jules. United lairs of Corn from
first bands at 37040 e; ander Oats at 2139]e. p bushel.
Other gra'va aro quiet, and bathing doing.
OROCERIES—Tbe market, is rather inactive, but
priests of every think continue firm. N. 0; Sugar is in
fair requital at Sleek and Loaf Sarum a range of
to lOC p 6. Of it.lo eadfse wit note furthei sales at ft
Min ; Bales of Rice it Ste.
BACON--Suppliei are comperatively ligbh and sale•
hove been meditate as fully cleated nom Plum hams
flidlec, Prime Wined et lOC, end mitt canvaned su
gar cared hung at tOfratie ♦ 41.
LARD—we notice but • light itoplry after Lard—
mall sale, of keg tee now and then effected a, eilawc
for commune to No. L
PISIf mine fair aopplies In the market, with
'lmolm salaam the follosshre ftetarear—Salmon, Sln.N5
No 1 lklackerel (near) $lO, No. I (old) at 917,50. Sales
of No. 3 at $4191113,33 Vs bbl.
Cade, Caavaaaaa-7L•
merchaadise paaathg ram
Canal and Rail Mud, da,
folloarang is We amount of
mtd West ma Penn,lsm%
ng Inn month of August,
camas CUM
Floor, bbl., 1,2011
Bacon, 124, 1 6M.100i
Tobacco, 290200
Cheese " 194200
Lard, " 210,909
drVoo) o 48,90
- F421140, " ROMA
Leather, " 1,000
IL Skins," RV=
Fors, “ 23,04/0
IVldikoy, Ohl., ' 4.10
Ornewnec, a.. mew
Merchandise, me, 2,000
C....1M ' . 13,000
8 . 4 . 0 ...4 " 490200
Bad, " 69,500
Ar r t aroduois, " 1 , 122: :,
Cool, Cash, 7,440,
F.ll C.PPo4, EM 113,402
Dry Goode, ma, 2,a61,1i10
'Hardware. 79.1,K111
Itgotereserate 150,V11
Coffee, 1.06! Awe
ltrocenes, • et I,elen
Fah. :19;,0005
Hata. Shoes,- :174,000
Tin Plate, 60,00
Funthare, .94,11 , 0
Masa -151,0 U
Pig Metal, " 1,010,41 0
Blooms, •• 7:9,00
Tobacco, c 113,000
Marble, 117,40
" ItUfitsl
Sundries, " 314,55
Salt, bbl.. 4051
Slate, Is, 00,05105
Mar mmi
Rosin, tbs, IY,OOO
A.111V., sc,
Steel, ^ 21.4060
Clearances daring saga
Amour. a • • •
Paine* of Flour and Gratis.
Thy following Malament will alone Ow prwea of flour
sad Grain, at the asfesal places mernioned, u oar latest
Flour. Witeat. Corn. Om/
415,50 8125 61 15/
5.23 1,10 tit 32
5,75 1.12 57 34
5,13 1.12 m :2
5,421 1.121 55 61
1,511 1,05 47 30
5,00 1,10 50 31
4,87 104 .50 03
4.30 00 15 05
5,25 05 4u 61
5,5 a 25 as 6)
4,55 .5 45 4 4
467 12) 40 30
- 4,50 lA/ 55 22
475 1.25 53 3.4
402 45 41 31
N. Pork.
St. Lentis•••
61bany •••
New Orleans
From the Rail/more Comnierma/ Journal.
We have, for a einterdemble time pan, hair oar et e
upon Mese promitietn staples of Europe and America.
and have not failed in watch their procree. in the mar
kets of those counties; and we are mach =stollen if
they do not yet readh • higher point; =hough their ,d•
'ranee in price has been imponant within the last
three morns Poseibly the abundance ninon,. may
have Mainly in it ha. in pan) to the =-
pro. men and failures may follow such apeculative
moiremeats, but we; hardly drink so. The following are
Me latest =ma by the Caledonia:
Lovros Aug. 17.4-Coree--All forewn very retiree.
erookl ash readily; for 300 bags S. llrmingo
paid this acteroodir in Me near e.0.m..' pans a
good deal of aerivitlr imul higher prices paid.
ISIS. Imports Ist mu. 1,49
Grew Britain
Other par In Earoite •440,700,010
MS. Stocka tat mat into
Great Britain ..... -!•••••14,13u0,ou0 3niScimiu
Other pant in Ecrobe•ls9 t 9lb,ooo 117,aratinu
Total • • • - • , •199,600,0UD 101.100,000
Sugar—Withale demand from the trade, about
34 , 00bhds and 17, hags realised at anewly mitt In
foreign, Wes of caws brown Bahia 13t Maims 04,
6,1= boxes whim aim.a, afloat, ai o,le 511 fur 13‘ Pe
tersburg; and 1,900 boors brown, stun boating, at
lid for • Moo pert The Continental *domes have born
gemrally devoid of IntellM, but more activity at Hun,
bro ie anticipated, whore their sapplies are landed.
Lnatoot, dug. 17—Coffeq—An active aspen de ,
maad for foreign, eishecially tot qaalities at and below
40s fearn salts WO bags CP.. Ries 33e 6d037. ad:
1,700 Rio, chiefly iinwashed,.97o3do 160 Laiyanyra 422 e
ER 10 Mocha t:5. flews, being Mbar higher rates
• ...... —•
Pannere end bawd.. pen ow mach disappointed In
recard to the yield 4if Whim in hi. State generally .
The belies winch Were inda/ged of a large and abun
dant crop, were lintrealitul by the lowliest, and as the
Wheat mites to he still another disappoint•
mem nuance The *am of this donbie /Limpet nnnent
Was, thu walla lila straw /naiad wen, the head... a
general thing tre , taitat well
board.dlluili a larger proporitom
having a few k el board. the tap, while the re
=Leder of the he war , found to be sentient berries,
and for On additlonil reason tbat Mew Id more en
less Sanaa. WO Ire unable annoy boar far dos stole
of thug e xtend;bt are, . o reneitni
though the .rlmg and t,n„nl.p
a yu r: 4. a - r7lizoy”
pod ~ tthtiL v,.on
"i'"ad4...'4Da=al a
Seem BUT Roane. Phillip* renamed yews,.
daywarning from twomatilamtd bring. Intelligence of
• robbery whien ogewrord on retard the reamer Zech
ary Taylororbile ;moored at Lamm - die, on nearnight. The Mom morn of one 01 the pmseneem war opened, and hi s umkkfareed open, from which wa. to
ken 111,21X1 in gold gain, two pair of gold tweetaelea
and two diamond. i The robber had not been arrested
when Me. Phillips kik Lottionille.—f Cm. Cont.
;i;t7".;:ce - iE;;1;":". --
BA=leo.. Sept. a. 1819
The dem..nd continues very bri9 (sr all Maryland or
gooddaemon and Middling to the boxer noelittes, and
fall prices an paid (or them a. won las aarupled, the
competition being sitimated The Baleabla proponton
of the inventions dm:unite probably about one third,
and far Mesa, prige/ range from 11`473 to Sao° (or mood
commoo,lll to 65.50 tor cuddling, en to SU for fine, (ad
loaner coandesJ .4 Ito to/la for tipper country. The
supply of Ohio is Mail, bat the Polo. desceptione are
proporilonsibly no. ;endreadily mane as soon as
placed eat ande, al 03 to 616 4 1 laB Doc and ocuistoimby
something more is Plaid forlfizT ankle. The Impen
ded. for the week lammtnt o PPS hhda Maryland, 105
Ohio, 4 Virginia, add Pen total, 1190 Wide Ex
ported within Me acme thrialo'fateign ports, 1,003 beide
--tanking the tatal entount tiof Maryland and Ohm ex
tern. Owe Jan. Id to Ma Met.
CMittle 11/sitimaaa.
limarsona, Septenaher 7, ISM
Cares —The oderipirs m We Males on Monday reached
IMO head of Beeves, or vrideb TO were mid to mty
bombers. UP lart aror amold, and 150 were driven to
Philadelphia. ,•
Priem =gad frdni 52,45 to 0,00 on the hoof, equal
to 1 , \ , .0 , 15 net, .0,1 averaginiplir,B9 gram.
Liaga.—we Santa Prom St,2B m , s&—;em.
011 if ark... t.
rir ar them., Sepc 3,1819.
Nutet quiet since OUT Ism; We bee. Only lo report
• o•le of ob . = f a) 0 6 of $1,13, calk su which holders
are firm.
Whale—A steadyiroodden g :l; 3,440 bbLa Once
adr ltaton 431047 e, aa to quain , tank:Win; SW brown
ai ate, SOO do at 4.96, 2,45 D at 43c, 41X1 at 40c, 641
handsome at 47e, calla.
linined; sake .mall ;w
-eals of N. W. Coast at Ns, and rolas at be, cub.
Candice—Sperm in rood demand,. and farther ad
vanced; dale.= bdres at 31s t 6, a...h.-10 h. Snip.
Om aro Dosa—le Imports Into . the United State.
dories the week e g The 30 lsset.,easl close the Ist of
January Ic, kt•Te Enteo as follows:
Prasioaily ..... ST.. •4
4 W 20 e 2 . '
.Sll,. a 22 t0 4,49201 s. Bone.
Tble week • .
2,00 SAW lIAO
Total this yea. •• •21,624 0
. 217,900 9.217310
A . :ALE OF LOTS will take place In boatman, •
town receruly laid oat arc the farce of the ma
sonin Thothinston county, Pa., Close Close to Loci No.
4, ea th r, e
Monomials river.
For taanufactovirit =crumble and mechanieal par.
pow., the eitartuok is mierirabiy adap ted—from its
healthy, brautifol earl romantic sue. It is ten mi.ea
by water from this Ote to any town on the same aide
of the river, and nety r te mum distance to the near.
eel town rash. rea l, river bottom, on which the
town is laid oat, is Oboes= yards wide, and a based
(el level, .bore high water mark. It or Intended that
a rood High Sehookor Aculerrry , shall beemexlment
with the town—a honor amnds no the prembae• which
will real RA a rieboM bonze and place of Worship anal
a more sellable betiding can be erected.
Coal of an excellent quality, Lime mane, Free •mer,
aid Sand. which wit preemie ill wth for amtufacto
nnurlavh.bootte4 Prat la the y rear of the lone. Add
to the town it close to discreet water power at
Look iy a . 4, which Mc preemie will mon be employ
ed by the mterprialm Navigation Co. In miring ma.
ettinery for manafilaturiug pampa..
To my Individual ...patty withioy to •••rt Glass
Work., Foundry, tmlon or Woollen Factory, Saw
mulßoor y„,3, , will take plemare In °tiering
every ladireementrun the Denude of reason.
Shedd a .air rya be firiried, drte conunmatonen
may add probably Mill select tease. • central loca•
non for .co
ld SEAL laMat ease we would gladly
tender Willahlo alle tor Mel:matte Milldams.
Sale to commence an THURSDAY, the I.yrq day or
SEPTEMBER, axek moralism NO. da made
Terms will be StdOldlifiOdatidd. andlmmure on
---- .
NotJa t. Ootattaatora.
DROPOSALS ml I 6g:renewal:tat Johnstown,. c.,,,_
A - brio comely, P no's, from the tat to the Ittfla or
Clerabar affm, for Gradoallop and AG...nary of that
mrtloo of the Weigh m Divieionaf the PENNSYLVA
NIA RAILROAD Mut of Section No. 04, opposite f ‘ ,
Offilfavule, g ggstglg 0( GI fader —efabractuff a Con
siderable arOOdal hitayy Eioeh grearauen atm Em
Plana ountProfikit of the votr may be aeon of fho
Mee within the tire* above appelfied.
For farther mforriation, applY to EDW. MILLER,
EN, Eapheeer of the Moe. Dielmon, Salmon P. a
Cambria tidartE...
Engineer Depa t, TH P. IL R.. c ot N
a ,
~ Chief Engineer.
Ilarraabar Ammet2etb,llB4o i mad/minr
T • lin 510ekhoklers a( the Obio lend Pennsylvania
Mall Road • Company ere hereby nodfied to p
I neeend laetrile:tenter Flee Dollen per 'hail, on on
Were the 45th September.
the moakhoidato melting In i'ertnrylesent, will pay
Me /WA Inatelmeol to the Pme dent of the Company,
et Melt ate. in Thlyd street, Numerate. By ~,,,i,. pt
, e 4 tereeteru J. .1 DROWN, Ma m m a ,.
, 11:4.10, Oa II el IA 1910. attaeStatSepal
MAC110.741-- - Mill,l, — NiTb!gieii.lei; (Olouiis.,
loilehttleeht Doe reed antllfor solo by
4 141 ' I /DUN WAIT LCD
ellitrATASTAt—s bbl.„qt_ A n. 11
, 61 saga ; .1 11,4LruNMAXil it CO
Louti,McLane, Bennett, Brownsville
R Wightmm, Elizabeth.
Peroha, Hendrickson, McKeesport.
Star, Strodes, Wellsville.
Geordie, Hendrickson. Beaver.
Euptridu . ea, Calhoun, Crornannti.
Louls3XeLane, Bennett, Brownsville
WPffitman, Ehaabelh-
PnYoli'a, WReesport.
Curran, Hendnelrson, Beata,
CindOla n Poe, Cureinnan.
Star, Arrerder, Beaver.
Tus IL's:cu.—There ;ere 19Tnehes to the
Channel, 14r metal mark, last evening at dusk,
Viiiifl-FISDA Y.
Leeef. , McLane, Elsomnaville, 6 P. M.
1). I...eech k co's, packet Imo. D P M.
R, BAP:, & Canal roe ket,7l
Plunce4.lnaoN 3,1•11- —Prepared by J. V. Erlly
W N and for sale by A. Jmyne., No.
70 Fourth oerrel Le found a aelightful uru
de of beveLage to famlici, and particularly for wok
ReunCY. anaa.
V—An Improved rep.
Imo. bong , 4 ecmhtnanou of Cocoa Choer nut, da.
vigoraowd Chd paiotaide. highly recommended panic
olarly for tovalala. Prep... 4 W Rotor. Ilorehe..
.r, Musa., and for au. by A. JAYNES, at the P e a.,
Toa Store, No. 70 Fourth et orbit
Mazoifiests,..Beas Lading, Condrada, Inc Bluntly,
avre.3ind...., tame, esanriedrue. euncoa,
roums, fee. Se.,
rr , well at ihe sho;;;C;tot:ce. at ioar pncrs, at the Or ncr. T.Lnu aratm,
W. ill. - Wrright. - 61. D., Dentist,
Ourtcs and rrnolcnce on Fourth kt
opposite the Pot•t.oreh Bank OM<
how. Bola 2 o'clock in 1..! ANI no d
(cora 2 o clock tn 4 PSI konl4-1Y
Fire and Marine leasurapaco—Ttra
■atWa Nat:ono - ion AND Ras Bisuakoca Courkto—
charterad tftl--conunoc• to Lustre, upon ever) Or.
acttpuon olloroucety, et 0. Zonockt nun
Osankr, Nu 21 Market street
Yu. .Itoaoo. Beaver Co.. Sept. 4. 1 , 10
Having tr , arned that the late letdow of your lament
ed townsman, Chas L Vol; deceased, is believed by
many to hive died or my house, and ander my
rare and teuument, and that out town had b 4,11 •
ed by lhe Mnlcra. I desire to contradict bosh rumor.
shunfounded in fact. The sold lady was nelthe4 ;it
e time of her decease nor dosing her dines, here au
inmate of ,lay ewahltshinent..r under Hydropatme
treatment; :And the proverbial health of our town
leaves netillne to declre We neither 'cud" nor
`have" herd any Asiatic Cholera
spt:iritse F-IIW AHD A:IK 411 hi D.
Pr tuns nem CIIURNEI.
No. corner of Market and Fhhh .trees, Pitt:-
burgh. TO! eubeertber krt., conetantly on hand
wholeaaleihd retail, eery low for cut,
Wash WS,, llarrol Churn.,
Rath Tubj, *tad Churns,
Horee Iliatkete, Ralf Roane., de.
All other:kande of Were In hie lute made to order
.1) The .ulr.crl For wal keep estostandy on hand the
shove EXTRA FLOUR, which he warrant& equal to
the beet br4114. tu the [owlet. Fat:tunes are rectums
ed grce trtal. II C KELL .
oure:d.2l,' corner Fabh et and !Market •iley
A man trt the name of RDPI. CLAPP has engaged
trait • young man of the name of S Toorneetul, and
uomo hi. name t., Pm op nSoroapartllo. solatch they
call Dr. T7lwltsend'a Sarsavartila. denominating tt
GENDINIT,, , OrtettmI, ete Tht• Tononamta to no dor
tor and neelr kit 'X f 0 emery a worker on ra,:-
road., rrma;jo, and the hie Yet be t 1,1.1111101 the tato.
of DT. for ttie purpo•e r f gaming credit tor wh•l he I.
nor. Ile to rend], out card. headed . Tooks of
Quaeka," hi mhte h bazars, I have .old the use of my
name for St a serek. I volt/ gine S. P. Townsend Sioli
if he will
l ifroduee one alnee solitary proof 01 Mts.—
'Chia Is . .aotion the pold;c atnt to C. deceived. and
purchase none Lot the GENUINE ORIGINAI. OLD
Dr. Jacob Townsend's Saraapan'la, having on ts the
Old Dr li r :encl., famtly coat of atm., and his sig.
nature &cress the coat or arms.
Pnnmp flee. lO2N.
New 1i0rk.C7.7
Old Dr. 15ernerati tt now •!.out Til yea n of age. and
has long Lam k nowt. s• the AI:THOR and DISCO
VEREK of the tr}:Nt. INI: CtRIGIN Al. 'TONS' NSEND
frARSAPAAILI.A." Being poor. be ompelled
o 11Mll Its kaanutatoor, bv lelt means it hue bet,
kept out of market. and ;he mod to
thou only rho bad proved 0* worth and known Its
value- Tkas Gast.) asp Vane. ALLEP Pv rranart ie.
mann:nen:id on Me largest scale. and eat:ed for
throughout. e iength and bteadto et tke
I , ,kung D. P. Tovensetta's., 0 improves wlth
age, and neam changes, but for o,e ben,. her Anse it
La preparedju uteouGe pr.nmples try a smenufic man
The highest knowledge of theumetry, and the Isteo
diacovenes , Of the Ar.. have all been brought inns rte.
quittitieft ta4he mannfacture the Old Dr Sarsapa
rill,- The 4.Tra3p•rtl rpm. it Is well kiloton to med
ical Taco. ecutanw ntedirmul propertut, and some pro
portion aslkkils are teen or useless; and others. which,
Ifratained 'as prepanog 0 for use. produce fermenta
tion and acid, which to Injurious to Me system. Some
of the propirttes of Sarskparilla are so
tealsails that
they entsre fir tr evaporate and are low to prepare
non, if the ore not or...creed by a octentthe Nora,.
known on t`to Mose experienced In its nwmufeetere
Moreover t 'ere spindle principles torlucts off in 0 , 0
par. or us 4 el tialetture. tinde• r beat, are the very ec
verelear rnretrat properteev of the root, whsch give • to
It all to vaPc. The
- . . .
la so preparl,d. the, atl the inert pro r oerurs of the rear •
astfratilla rah t sre first romored, every Using copal°,
of beenroteft kr id or of fermentation. extracted and
'erected; tlyn every 1...1.e1e of medresi trlxfire veeo
red or a pro, 13,4 roneentratcd
and Moo
rendered to2aosule of Moine any of n• valuable aed
head', pro erfies Prepared la .1, Foy, ri u mane
she nro.t poZverfal agent m 0,1
. . .
. .
11,....., ,h ,•..on "r ere huo commendation., on
ever, side t it. Inver be men, wemen *lid children.
We find n on, wonders In me cure of Consumption,
Dyepenant. nd I.,er Oarnplunt, and in Itheumatism.
I‘ercifale ar riles, Castoe, st.llCmOmeous F:evt..
tumor, Pimples. Illo,he.s and nll affectonc sciung from
It posimairis marveltoos efficacy in all eel:nelsons
•ono; fro, Indigestion, from Aridity of the Stoma ill
from unequal circulation. dmerminnumi of blood to the
brad. palpiNtion °tithe heart. cold Met and cold hands,
cold eblilgi rd hot a ashe• over the hody It ho. 'tut
had its coop rn cough• and er.lde, and promme• em•T
eepeetcrattem. mid gentle perspiration, relaatim strie•
to of the Fp ado. throw. rind every other pmt
Bet in noS, tug Isreerrellen more manitestly seen
and acknolgiedged than in all kinds and stages of
Is works AronJers rn eases of door Otitis or whites.
Fading of the Womb, Olddruci ed, ettopressed. or l'am
fal Itlensers,llrregolanty of the triens.rua/ period. aml
the Into, ami Is effectual in runny. all forms of the Kid.
ney Discs* By removing abs.ruenons, sod [twain-
Bog the gedoral system, it gives tone sod strength to
atm wbole. tdadv. and cures all forms of
. ,
and thus pei , ven. or relieves • creel variety of other
&reams, U Siena! Irrtosteon. :georalela, Vltu•
Dance, Svineemne, Epilept. Fits, Convulsions, Sr I.
not this, tL rna Strotetest von Pate.Earusaerrt.l Naar,
But can any of thew thing. be and of S. P. Town
send's title-dor article' 'fins yonng man's liquid is not
to he COMPARED TvTilt THE tiLD Dais,
became of atm Ortind Foot. 'hat the one o tocavable
of Demrtoriatlon and NEVER SPOILS, while ate otb.
et DOE.S; 11 onus. ferments. and blow, the bottle.
containingit Into fragments; the sour, acid Imuid
anardantaging other goods'. Moat nautili. her
shin comptfar-d be poisonous to Me system. What .
What t r; ' ' > fl y_ { ... ie7pta m ti uLt diseased
not t. know, ath !
that when trod worn in our s ' romaelia, what mischiefs
It preduceata-flatidenee. heartburn, palpitation of the
troset, liver olaplaini, dlasrkorn,doentery, cholla. and
blood? Whoa is Scrofula but an acid
humor in the body? What produce. all the bump.
which brtnh on Eruptiona of the Skin, Scald Head,
Salt ftheunr-Erystpelas,Mite Swellings. Fever-Sorer,
and all alce:fations Internal and estarnaP St is onto
ing nyder hirgaan but an acid anima:tee, whieb wars.
and Ono apOl• all the folds of the body, '.oars or Ins..
What canal. Rheamatiarn hot a roar rod fluid, which
inatncares itaalf between the joints and el -arbor, ir
ritating and.O.Suming the work. and delicate tissues
upon whtele a ll acts! do of nervous diseases, of Impu
ritynf the blivid, of demi:iced circulations. and nearly
all the ailments which afflict hoinan nature.
NOW, . It'not hornblc w make and .11, And Infoote
ly worse to one Oti.
- - -
told 7et he Would fun have it understood last Old to
cob rownsend's Genuine Ong nal Sarsaparilla, as MI
Imitation of dis Inferior preparspoull
!leaven redbid that no should deal In an article
which would boar the most distant resemblance to N.
P. Townserni's article and which should bnng down
upon Gm Old Ur. such a mountain load of complaints
and erlminagions from agents who have sold, and per.
chasers wbd have used S. P. Townsend'. Fermehtlng
We with understood, imeaum It is the absolute
truth, that H. I'. Townsend's article sod Old Dr. Jarol,
Toesttend's.liarsaparilla are healer wldn apart. sod
infinitely Ms:owlet; that they are unlike In e•try par •
healer, basing not one single thlng l n emmnon
It is to Wrest frauds apnn the unrortunstr, to poor
balm into wounded humanity, to kindle hope en the
des/pasting 1/0/1//en, to restore health and blown and fl
oor into thedkrushed and broken and in banish infirtni•
ty—that JACIlii TOW riItSF.ND has litnitillT
and FOUNtt the opportunity end mean. to bring his
Deane rRATni)
within the term% rind m the knowledge of all who
need /l,lll6{ibey may learn and know, by 101101 es •
patiee, luonts %weans. t r//Wallt rt/
Fortstile 14 J. KIDD dr. CO . Wholesale Agent fio
Western Peanitylvtmokd J. 8311711, Birmingham, Lir .
J. SARI/HAAT, Allegheny; Dr. I CASSb.LL, Poth
ward, it tyFib, ARUN ER. 4th Irani. Pittsburgh. seal
Chase Ttlagrlisn Ramsay.
OA Cana, Colds, Asthma and Consumption! The
GREAT AND UN LY REMEDY It, me cure of the
above deimeWs, it the if i'NEADIAN 11ALHAAI tir
!Jill, disc Noted by the celebrated Dr fluent., of
London, raga d. and Introdueed Inn) the, United States
a. d er the intistedlate supcnntendettee of the inventor.
The estreGydinary Seeress of to medic., In th.
care of Pulturinwy diseases, warrants
Agent In solleiting for treatment die worst possible co
ws that cab ho found in the community—eases that seek
relief in Cakrifium any of the common remedies of Ma
day, sad East been riven up by the most tilstingvished
phyaimaies astonfinned and Incurable The Hungari
an Balsam has cared, and willthe most desperate
of eases. It is a quack nostrum, bat a standard Eng
lish nmulittinh_ of known and established efficacy.
Beret 7 family in the limited Stat. should be supplied
with Bachan's Ileag - acian balsam of Wei oat only to
tionutmact the consumptive tendencies of the °amine,
but to be nod Se a preceptive medicine In ail eases nf
bolds. =MOS, spitting of blood, Peso to the "Le and
Shen, writalann and wetness of the loop, brochilis,
/Acuity offbmuitittr, hectic fey., night !mut., emaci
ation sunigraeraldabilig ,a st h ma tab t auhaoshpbalng
BOW I. WT. 1 . 0 012., U n per bottle, with ball ditch
tlbtm for the radon of health
paripideta i enntaining• ma s s of English and Amerb•
cap puchilleatos, and oilier evidence showing the an
,phylur merits of this great Engliati Remedy, may be
obtatned of tha amebae.' e.
For age by 11 A FAME-11'0dr „h horn " of
d and Wood and Wood and 6th n h . C O I 09d&w8
,YOUNO k (Xi u mn ., tuyi.
nakrkkk , k , rl hulk •Act , tedtrt sOieetod. pact
N York and kolumoto yob Leath., SI oinOco
French CaltSkloo, ak, vrtuob We, tan
tot the WI trade. knell
Leaving Pittsburgh, a short time ago, to Pay a
visit to Cumberland, Maryland, we went up the
Monongahela to Brownsville, on the fine steamer
Louts McLean, Capt. Bennet, a boat which has
every thing to rewnomed it to Pittsborgbera, ex
cept its name, and we would certainly be in favor
of having that altered, since we. inhabitants of the
"Smoky City" ShOUhl not do so much honor to to
determined an enemy of our interest. se lino.,
We left Brownsville in one °idle National Stage
Company's conches, and after a pleasant ride over
the moua!nate, armed at Smithfield, a Illunehmg
little town mutated on that fine stream the Yough
tagheny, and took dinner, (which by the way woe
mach better than is generally provided at such
places) at the Youghiogheny House. Arriving in
Cumberland at half peat eleven o'clock, we took
lodirmga at the United L,tates Hotel.
Cumberland ia quite a business place, contain
ing about ten thousand Inhabitant., and is rapidly
improving. It carries on an immense trade with
Baltimore in coal, supplying that city with the
greater part of what Is burned there. The des
wind, however, exceeds the supply, since the
Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road cannot carry as
mach as could be sold with profit, both to the peo
ple of Cumberland and 13alumore.
The Chesapeake and Ohio Canal is fast hasten •
ing to completion, and when it is finished, a new
avenue will be opened to the coal trade. Business
in this town is, al present, as indeed is the ease all
over the country, rather dull, and. not only the
merchants, hut all classes are complaining of hard
times. The country in the neighborhood of Cum.
berland is very mountainous, the magnificsint peaks
of the Alleghenies—some rugged and majestic in
their rocky nakedness, others covered with foliage
to the very summit, rising all around, and nothing
can be more delightful, i n pleasant emminer's
day, or in the autumn when the fqrsts have tinged
the leaven, with as bright rolo•s of yellow and
geld as the iminmer's sun did the fruits now pas.
sing away, thanm take a tido over their tops in
ope of the mountain stages. It is no what si
gular to stop about mid way up the ascent, towards
the beginning of the month of September, sod gun
upon the forests which lie stretched above and be•
lox you. Down in the valleys, the leaves wear
tnetr summer hue of dark green. An you begin
to ascend, the eye beholds the leaves beginning to
change, and their faint tints of red and yellow,
ahow that the early frosts—the precursors of win
ter, have begun to do their work—at the summit,
the bnightness of the autumnal colon, denotes that
autumn has there fairly net in.
The pleasant little town of Frostburg/. is shoo•
ted eleven miles from Cumberland, between that
place and Pittsburgh, and the road ascends at the
rate at one hundred feet to the mile until you ar
rive at this place. The inhabitants are very heal
thy, and there have been no cases of the cholera
here thin year. The name of the town seems to
he well deserved, since there have already been
some very severe frosts.
The National Stage Company does an itlatrigarre
houness, having upward of twelve hundred head
of horses and one hundred and thirty coaches at
their Carious stations, nod we woold advise any
of our friends who wish to suit Baltimore to se.
itel taus roUle , since the charges ere moderate
and the aecommodahons gootl. The National
Band at this season et the year la dotted with long
- droves of horses, cattle, and bogs, going caw,
which are pat on the one. at Cumberland, and Iwo
taken to Baltimore. There are also an immense
number of large sin horse wagons pasting to and
fro upon the road, carrying dry good., dce
We learned rem Mr. Ateheson, the gentkman
ly proprietor of the Nattonal Stage Company. that
he intends parting a line of stages oo the Faughio•
gbeny route Sus minter, and two or three more
in the .pang. From every thing that we can
learn, this is going to be a very popular route, and
w,ll do a great deal of business. We also learned
mom Mr the •'es toil [meet Stage Compa
ny,' that be was going to pat • one or more lives of
stages on the same root: At soon as the stark
water la rornplelett.
There is One hag that we can any for the Na
m:mud Stage Compan). lin One of whose coaches
we returned to Browneahle) and that ii that their
managers ate as otdigtog as thew coach." me
comfortable—them drivers as accrmamodattny and
their horses as gosigna on any route is the United
States. in ad 'llion to whlch the National [Wad is
always kept In One order.
Sr recite Cot. r, Sept 10, 1,49.
Taylor's Adnatrustrator Consular:armslth ins
trier Court; Judgment affirmed. Option by Joss
flee Itogess.
Murray vs. Menne. Como., Plea., Judg
meat affirmed. Opmfou br Joatfec Roger..
McCullough en. Gflufore. Ifutnet Court; Judg
pent affirmed. ttpin:•fa by Justice Cooker.
Estate of RoSeri McClannn. Orphan'. row,
I.mrre affirmed. Opinion by Coulter.
Morton. Adnitandrator, vs Marron. Unbent, Jorlgineti affirmed. Opinion by illSt/C0
Premly vs. Ross. Common Plena. Todgmoni
reversed. Opinion by Justice Bell.
Ennio of Mary Robb. Orphan's Coors, Doman
affirmed. Opinion by Justice Deli.
K loaner vs. Solsool Directors of McKeesport.
D.ritr.ol Coin, araued by Alden for plaintiff in er
ror and by Woods for defendant in error.
Ityan !Lynn. Lbatnet Court; ergoed by Mc-
Clure for platta.lf in error, sod Loomis for defend.
ant to error.
Franey vs. Miller. District Court; argued by
Darragh Err plairattr is error and Kohn Int defend.
not in error.
Marshall vs. Marshall. District Coon; argued by
Woods for plaintiff In error and McCandless for
de (cadent in error.
Attains, devisees, va. Young. Ilatrict Coon; ar
gued by u. P. Hamilton for plaintiff In error, Mc.
Candler., and Loomis for defend.t to error.
Syzauxil Gums —A young colored man, nam•
ed Augustus Turner, was committed to tail by
the Mayor of Allegheny cm Sonday, charged with
stealing grapey from Dr. Preatley's yard. This
well is so much on the Increase, that we art glad
to sec the Mayor using all his eittlarta to
cheek it.
The value of the halt which these petty thieves
take, is not so much to be considered, as the dam•
age they do to the trees, and the abusive language
they make use of to the females, who generally
are the only persons about the houses, since the
rascals select the time when the men are absent
attending to their business.
lhatiantrety Conoucr —George Mebow was
yesterday coma:nund to jail by the Mayor, charged
on oath of James Burke, with behaving In a ditore
daily manner in his house, breaking thu furni
ture, dr.e.
MAYOI. 0171.4 ALLEDIMIY, September lath.—
roar gem., were brought before the Mayor to
day, charged with droulteoneas. Three were
diacibarged, and ore committed to Jail foe two
M.svou'e antics. Pittsburgh, September oth..—
Five persons appeared at the morning watch re
turns to day, aocused—four of drunkenness and
disorderly conduct, and one of vagrancy. The va
grant was committed:2o jail for thirty slays—one
of the other persons was discharged—one to
o detrained for twenty four hours—one for five
dnyt, and the otbor was fined five dollars and
fifty eight cents for disorderly con duct, which be
paid and was discharged.'s Toms.—The Mayor'. °Mao was
crowded all day yesterday by Perm,ns who wear
anxious to examine the tools which we derarihee
in yesterday's Gazette, and which the burglim.
who entered the Exchange Office of Messrs H.l,
and Eargelint on Sunday, left behind to their flight.
Among those who went there were several rather
equivocal leaking fellows, whom it required no
great stretch of the anaginatern to set dome xis
members of the light fingered fraternity coming To
behold the evidences of Ingenuity of come of their
fellow thieves. The ingenious ',gee who cuotriv
ed the machine, if ho could take out a patent and
sell his invention to his brother thieves, could no
doubt make a fortune.
PAIIADC—Tho Duquesne Grays, Captain Herron,
paraded yesterday til full force, to imlebrate the
tenth of September, the maniversary of Perry's
victory on the Lakin.
They presented a very martial and ao'dier like
appearance, as Indeed PM to have bees expected.
moat of the member, of this company, as at pre
riot • thgantsed, having accompanied tbeir gal
lant Captain through the campaign in Mexico.
hi aecussrra' Elcuatrou —This les.outioala oav
the full tide of successful operation, end no daily
meetrogs, between the hours a eleven and one
o'clock, are attended by large numbers of our
moat CMeatlVa merchants. The arriVaill at the
principal hotels—the principal sales which have
t aken place In the commercial world, throughout
the day—the arrivals and departures ofateam boats
and the imports are all carefully noted down by
their superintendent. Mr. Samuel Fahnertock.—
We .'ocerely hope that this institution may sue.
reed, since it will do a great. deal of good to the
busmen of Pittsburgh.
The Elizabeth Township and Borough Agricultural
Society Will bold its fair at Elisabeth on Tuesday,
the 23d of October next. The Agricultural Sonia'
ty of this and the adjoining Counties, and the chi•
sous generally, ore Invited to attend. A speech
on the science of Agriculture will be delivered on
the occasion
SZLLIRO Lltjt;Oß OR Tux SMl.Tll.—Francis
Borden was brought before the Mayor yesterday,
charged with selling liquor on the Sabbath. He
was discharged on paying the costs, after being
warned that the punishment would be very severe
fur the next offence.
Rooms—name Block. - Federal al., 34 door Dolour H.
Y. Sehwartx. Druggist.
Ft 1. F GRIGGS. a graduate of Yale College,
IYI will open this School for lads ou Monday, Sep
tember 3d
Instruction will he given in the Loon and Greek
lane uageh and ?twit branch. as are adapted to the
pupil'sstage of advmeement.
Tithes—OW per wwion of live months.
The number et pupils w hunted, end applicants eon
here m interttew with the teacher at hi. lodgings an
Row ,n !Ahem at. Pittsburgh.
3Co—Relr. NV. A. Pusavaet, Prof. Thosor ,
we. augginlgle
rpiiis Institute. under the care of Rev. J. M. GOEt.
HORN AND LADY. will 'woven On fdonday, the
17ih of September, iu the wine rooms, No Ed Liberty
sheet Having hmited the huteher of their pupils, the
Principals hope to ment a eontiouutlon of that liberal
pairohare they have !woo entoyed. Pawn , . may
feel muted that every advantage will be afforded
their daughmes. if placed ender their change for ob•
taming a thorough Eagh.b, Classiewl, and Otliatnental
education auggikdtf
rpm , . AUTUMN SFASION of this Institution will
on the first Monday In September.—
Room on Feder's' street, in ••Colonade Flaw," 5.1 door
from the bridge.
Karoo, ?carom ram stenos or alga Morrrna.
Enslish Department. Ineladme Reading, orthogra
phy and Defining, Wriong, English Grammer, Rdeto
nc, logic. &lake, Compoirtnon and Criticism, Geo
graphy. Iluntay, Arithmetic and the higher branches
of Mathernours. Natural Philmophy. Chemtstry.
tronorny, Botany. Physiology, Geology. Intellectual
and Moral Science, and all other branches requisite to
a thorough khgtilsh Editeation • - IPM OD
• Classical Department, including the Lana and Greek
Lanttaea, each - • - • /11
French, 00
510 OD
Getman, Ott OD
The services of competent teacher. are secured (or
lurch ter desire turtructron In French and German, and
also m Drawing, Fmeottg end Mane.
Itdesirable that pupils enter at the commence
ment of a rerstort, yet they are received at any tune,
and are charged at the above rates from the tim e of
entrance. No deduenons ere made for absences, so
ca, is Case, of protracted illness.
Further Information may be obtained, and applies
trona made be c•lling upon the Princtpal, at his rooms
On Federal street, or Cl hla lodgings 'lrwin's Roar,"
Liberty strvel, Pittsburgh, between :Id anu 4th streets;
or by addressing, through the Pinxburgh Post Mee,
the Principal. N. W. METCALF.
Allegheny, Aug. 7, INS. dtf
m ne o r r. T . : F A e u rz . . r . s. wall be . open,,
Roams. ST krZWIt. FlDaua •no SCNOCUT fn.
Nl' re.pec tfolly anno nee. that the
.': iAtr, . .
(0, V 1 on Monday, September 34, and that younggen
tlemen have now an opportunity of being thoroughly
and expeditiously qualified for the duties and require.
meets of active life
Thot Au Prtheipal . 'thot merely a wand ...bola,
hut also a Judicious end moot successful instructor,^
mast be apparent to any Intelligent and unbiassed
mind. frogn the number of Honorsand prize, obtained
by not in Trut) College. Dublin; from the Mistime.
mats received torn several of 11. Inost eminent Fel.
lowa and Professors; and, finally, from the sattsfartion
eonthased by parents at ho proficiency made by ht.
pupils For additional information as to the peculiar
features and advantages of this Instination, the Pros.
peen., which, with Teatunonials can be procured
from A. 1 - ItINCIPAL, s 0 the Instant*, or in Federal
.treat, opposite to Colonnade Row.
la 13.—A I . c. boarders sib be received, whose
health, comfort and Llitentellaal advance...rot will to
carefully attended to auallbiltf
y.between Wsync and Hmnl. Ea.
f rs•arned to. professain•l duties, giving mere,
dons on th. Maoa tiuttar, and Post ?lame
atiol Cdtf
- Maia
(Exclusive:4 for Pueengera,/
crlIE public ate inlet/and that on and after Ratetrday
the 1m of September, the ba.aengera by thus Line
will ho tamed over We Contra/ Roll Road front Lear.
/*town to liarrlahorgh, and from thence to Ptuladed
plata by the Ilarnaberah and Columbia Rail Road.
LIT Ibis new arrang p
ement amengera otll go ugh
In oats ear urn ?Ina than heretofore thro
The Packet. of thia Lane arc end orate beet
clam. Thee Krote for aafe,y, speed and comfort ts the
.6.01 preihrehhl now HP nee to the Fasten, ewes.
Rlli Roads are .0 paced in day heht. Titoe. Pj
dab • F. ie. Ten Dollars. For informagen apply to
Alono,ahela Hoo•e
aro-9 or D to I.k:F:CfI & CO. Canal Bum
Bios= Brick Work. for kale.
THE sob•entorr offer. tor •.(c. the STEAM BRICK
WORKS, above I...rrc.r.oe,llle,comprmog a
Steam F.npm,* Butler.. 6 M..ld Marla., capable of
manolactutios N1,111'.......(1 Beek. (out of dry clay,
as taken tr.. the bank, per day. ' , nth three area. of
laud on the A lieghetty
(l ou which arc 4 Itio• .ad
sheds. machine and clay •1,., wheeilx.rroy, truck.,
shovels, spades, le, err ry thtngregui.tte com
mence operation. at an boor. «inure Price, including
the patent Ilea to um uld marbote. 157,1A10--tertna of
payment made eaoy Without the land, LAMM For
particulars, addre.• HENRY NIERRITT.
angl7-fit No 11, Moinemrahr,la Roam.
it - 15 — W ARE 61.
,Ire. 7$ Weed t. Plttabour
HMIER AND I.AUFkI AN, Iroponers end - dealers
in Forcien mid Domestic 111/RDIIVAILLI,
all its varieties. are now prepared to sell w low and
on as reason aide trans e. be purchased elseeihere
We soloist our friends, and the pablia gewrelty,
call mad onamdso oar sock, hieh eonssta IqPan of
SCISSORS. 1311F—kflor, RAZORS, Nowa Trimming.,
well as I-ocks i Liwebes, Hine. and &rows, tilt )
with every artier. asually kept in Ilantswire Stores.
We write the attention or Carpenter* and Mechanics
generally to one awortaient of Tools, which hate..
selected with great care, and Which we are duo - m. 4
ed to sell m u m owe eirdisfact/On. aplld&wT
TIIP undersigned have greeted worts 1p the hill of
New York, far the owlet., of Galvenleang 811 MU
ales of iron, which it is desirable le PROTECT PROM
RUST, mob m Telegraph Wire, bolts, Spikes, Nails,
Wm for Pence% and any oilier article which may ha
required. Per Hoops for Casks, as a submtute for bale
Rope; for Clothes Lines, Llghtimug
ch ßode, sod a host of
other eppffeattens, .141 be rem) eep and durable.
They would particularly pall emotion to the rialmam
zed Wire far fences; It regal,. no pslra, and will not
run. Also to Plot. and Hotta, the preservation oh
which a of re mach Inarelrlaneey that it snit commute
itself to the nnucti a all those interested.
GEth. H. ARM MOOD & CO., Patentees,
ectinAhvrlcT If and in Beaver .t. NI Vnrs
j 2111.1010) 4 3111.1.010 AX OFMIC TI
- . 4 No. 115, DIAMOND ALERT, a
few doors below Wood street, to
BILOWiIs having hem
regularly educated to the medic.
▪ •', , , • profession, and been for some Wt.
to ascend practice, bow eotlfitel
hlo alPollOo to lb. lTelltmenl at
Mows prmate end delicate , 80/1111
S . , i—• • • . plaints for which his opportuutues
i!.71 and OXperionee peculiarly qualify
hint 11 years assidoomly devoted
to ▪
Mo. y. treatment of Mose complatuts,(durtug which
time be has had mare practise add has oared more pa.
torus than can ever fall to the lot of any private pram
wiener) amply qualiftea him to oder SIBBOBIBIBB• of
seedy, pormannn, and satisfactory ouro till afflicted
vrith delicate diseases, and all dmeascs mislay them]
Dr. Brown wmdti Inform those aftlicted with enema
diem es which have, become chronic by nme or ag
graveled by the alas Of. any of the roomier noatrume cd
the rho', that theft eamplainta eon be radleadly •ed thor.
oaghly turocit he Wang given his munfel wood.= le
the treatment of finch caw*, and mcceeded in hundred/
of ins/anode in caring Meow of I automaton of the
neck of the Madder, and kindred dleasseawhie I often
revolt from those comes where other. have eon dgned
teem to hopeleva despair. Be partictdarty Lantomuck
as have bore long glad unruneasalhlly dented by ether'
to eousalt hiss, when tom awl/faction will be oxen
them, and their caws vested in a carets!, there:Mak and
intelligent manner, penned am by • long experience
study. and investigation, which it la immusible tt o.
engaged In general pnusuce of medicine to girt!. an
one class clue...
BD—Hernia or Bapture.—Dr. Brown also Medea per.
two. afflicted with Hernia to nail, al he has paidparne
alas attends , to thhe disease.
CANCERS also cared.
. •
char Skin ges very low,
Clioanisi also Pile, Paley, am.,wally met
pi s B.—Paden. of elth sex Reins at a distance, by
staling their disease in victims. giving all the itymA
viima, can obtain medicine With dilemmas far au, by
addreatiag T. BROWN, m. D. pan paid, and cacaos.
ins • fen
NaOmoa ay, Diamond allay, appetite Oa evarly
ite.enterna.—Dr. DIVIROA nevty discovered reme-
Fly foe Keramatene tea speedy end certain remedy tor
Wet ...oak. It never fella.
Office and Pvvrate Recast, No. 63 Ma-
Dead elle.y, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Donor is always el
rcr No eon no Pan
JIIEIVILLRY, AR - ara Linen.
~t2ITHE auhrentrer, who has bean In hasinees
the saute handing for the last thirteen Fenn,
la atliiiir all dereoptione of Vine Gold and dd.
vcr NV•tche., Jertnllry, and Silvei Ware, al
mail. Si We v. , ' ~ ., , t pncs.
. .•
I ioirt :Loa r , Ovvr Erag,inik rxtent Lever Watriml.
1.0,1 and Silver 1.1mt6 Lever and Levine Watibes.
and Slyer Hormontal and verge Waiebes.
Go'd mad Silver Independent Second Watches for
wru n g horse..
, 41 Guard. (oh and nw Chains. Gold Speculates.
Gold and Saver Proods. Gold Yens.
Lodges' Gold and Stone llnteeleta
Gold Lockets. of
Sheer Thimbles.
tharnond Wage and Pin,
and Gentletnene Ilreampin.
&edam . Sthtn , Spoon,C.a., Forks, her.
Gold Niraleitel as lota na Lo each.
Watches and Jewelry exchanged.
Spoovs a nd Forks plated on German Silver, a rine
erotic. All 'reaches warranlottte keep `Sid time or
the looney renamed. Jewelry repaired, and Watches
k, Loe d and repaired la the hem manner. at mach lea than the.uattairsea CFA. C. ALLF.N,
47 ` 11 stre"`eiro' nod
ep stat j rZ;ll l .iV Walt" end
tied and r rece TANNEß,-,Ou liketa4 Pelee Kip Stets, Jett
ler sale be
engt4 WA' YOUNG 00
cylinder*, 4 feet "moire 2 Holten, so feet 1014.3
inches in diameter, all in good order, will be sold at ■
bargain, if application Le made won. They have ont y
been in nee about II month.. For particulars, tannic te
of Wintdif R. HAYS, Garene offire
hif OUNT EAGLE TRIPOLI. for Polishing, • newt y
Lel discovered auhautate for Crocus, Ronan Sinn.
Range. An.
Families have found it invaluable for their Rim
and roamer wares—in short, or remarked by tin
"Scientific AttaliClll.. on enact. upon it. "of all it a
substances which hove Lean applied to poltob
and ?deist, mina en* envoi Mat wbstonee known ty
the name of Tripoli—dim iR superior to Oast
first brought from holy by the Venetian, and used.. by
them in bent palmy day. et glues making to gi re it
that peeoliar palish en much adnured by other" one
lido:mid Le in every family and every work chop.
57 Wood rat
Far .ale 11
the il iolowing are ° the ' aTar e tta b el n ates "'' o r re ' 37.rott ; h er o
loath'. Conti Mari Rerierarive. If they doubt ear
wont they etrithat thew lushly renthetaltle citizens
who have tried te—
Mr. G.. Bectm, 41 Elm at, Now York.
Mm. Matilda Roca., Marne Ita, BrooklT.
Mr. Wm. Tompki., KY. m, New York.
Mr. Thos. Jackson, Moamar, Island. near Pinabariph
11. E. Cullen, late barber steamboat s.tAMeriert.
. .
And more than a hundred others agate, though this
roost suffice, that tt will forge . tha heir ID grow on the
head or face. stop it falling of. strengthen the roots,
removing scurf and dandmil from the roots, making
light, red or gray bout assume a OW dark look, and
keeping dry, harsh or wiry hair mettat, con, otos n and
beautiful. a very, very long me.
Pold 67 the Agent, WM. JACKSON, 09 Isherry st,
Piusburgh. Price 371, 6u cents, and one dollar.
QT Tax arms ar • vas Rsevas Is not more repul
sive dim a bad, putrid breath, or dark, vellow diseas
ed teeth. lineman, bare these it is tbetr own fault—
they can, for two shillings, bay an article that will
mate Ilea breath pure and tercet at thr Spicy Air o
It cares diseases of the Dams, springy or ulcerated,
and for the Teeth it is unequalled, removing the tartar,
fastening the teeth in the gums, and clean them as
white as the snow
Suck,. reader, are lha Properties of Jones's Amber
Tooth resin, and, without praising it ourselves. hear
what one of our most respectable and mtentific Den
tists, Mr. K Field, of Near York. says
"I have both used and analacil T oth hut and ire,
PfdPrlble nrllcle, (Jones' Amber o Pule.) and
coo recommend it as possesiong all the qualitimicluim.
ad for it." Reader. we can nay no more to consume,
only Rat if you
dila one. you will be sell
s, leed.
It is put op in beautiful Fuglati ChM. P..t for 25
cents- Sold by th e Agent, Whl. JACKSON, 19 Liber
ty street, Pittabough. , augGalrrarT
They are not aware how frightfully inpinons it is
to the akin! how coarse, how rough, how sal
low, yellow, and unhealthy the skin ap
pears alter using prepared chalk! Re
sides n / injtilioo2, containing a
large quantity of Lead:
We have prepared • • beautiful vegetable article,
It Is perfectly innocent, being purified of all deleteri
ous qualluesi. and It Imparts to the skin a natural, heal
thy, alabaster, clear, living whim; at the same time
actingal • cosmetic. on the skin, malting a soft and
smooth. Sold by the Agent, WTI. JACKSON, P 9 Lib
erty at, Pittsburgh. Price cenw. attg7slAseT
EG — Emeermas awe SSsa Ital
ian Chemical Soap nausea a free perspiration. and at
the same tune mantic; softens, and whitens the clan,
givAik tb o e;Le T nara or it e
Soaa anr:loanotn',
healed, but cured by its Rnma
use, as al least seven cases,
oat. in New Park Snow, who use it m such cases,
and find it aufailing--sis also in
Insancs, Itt.orrytea, Fassa,a or any other skin dia.
ease The reader surd that teas no ;reales.
puffed nostrum, as one tr ial will prove I mould enu
merate at /east ero persons cured of
SOZZ ituD, So. Lou. oar Sour Orraah.—Buy it.
Yid use U. and the reader .a sawn smed would
rust email,. sell it for the above unless lea
knew it to he
all t state. Those who aral Imble to
Cnarros,Cs.smssin, oa Cuss. Fussn, pill fuel this",
cure. Any one adheted vM soy of the Assn, or efm.
flu diseases, will find this all end event.. (admira
ble in its properties) then I state. . .
B. muter, the starve are flooded with isonniions.
end be sure you ask for JONES`II .Cbsmund
Sold by Md. JACKSON, 6? Liberty street.
Plttsbnrfitt. negn dirreT .
-6a, SI TirtstriMiarliwr Bram
F.Nl'—ofMn from AA. toll,rnale
Worms. or a for I dons.. fmdfm &penmen,
alma from 9 to II A. N. and from Surd P: 11.
. .
The Itefreshatentlama are naatraalled to style.
attendance. Recherehe Ice Creurett
WOOL — WiSTED—MOWIIWWiTor‘irinted, for
which the bigher cash plea will' be pasd I,y
noql7 &%V . LI.AI3IIAUGLI.-
THEREAR, John P. Hopewell, or the city of Pats.
burgh, Merchant Tutor, by 'his deed, .licanng
dam the '3W day n(July, A. U.. 1613, and recorded in
the Flom rder's OiLee a Allegheny country, in deed
book VoL kV, page 490. assigned and transferrod to mg
all his estate, real and personal, in trust for Ms credi
tors: NOTICE is hereby green to all persons indebted
to gals, estate to mike payment to the onalernoned. and
those having cJaim•agues! a. to present them (or set
dement. BENJAMIN GI.YDE, Assignee.
aura Pittsburgh.
XlClinlinN Iv. a PA . =
I , IIE. undersigned. recce...not to Arthur. • Nichol
n,iro be 'cove to inform the citizen. of rinsbmth
and blie scliewill, that titer hove rebuilt Ow 0.0..
(OLE Flit:NOW( and are ” Opclion. and
hart part of their pattenni ready l i ra
t•ir mark et.—
&Moog.t watch are Cooking Stover. Coal and Wood
Amens, with a splendid a...tight Coal 01"er, which l•
naaraupcnedtng no other eines th, common round
Stove. Al, • cheap cool Cooking Stove. well ado,
led for mall nusolles. with a full assortment of rom.
Viand mantel limtea We woual par icolary II
la thy latennon of persona building to tell at our
orarenotrie before poicasuung. and examine a rplendid
article of enameselled Gram.. fintohed in fine at, ',—
entirely new ibis market,
IVarehentim Liberty 0, opp.ile Wood
our., NICiIOL....ONA PA Y
WHITE O.C—A A. Mason & Co.. No CO Mar
kel atr riXite the portico. attention of par.
chimer. tot extensive assortment of White Good..
].cone ' SIM" and Mull Muslin*, Barred. Striped
and Corded; Bishop and Vietort• Lawns, Se .Ye
Call early in the only cheap one once store, nti Mar.
Sri umet aue.,
BURK MILL STONF-tit, mannfae u-
A red to Fraire. romponed of but few
Week. and solid eye.-~ tor s o
•tatat, best of rile kind, altve,s .
" Att=r i tg7 d rar ' r 4 qt7;;lnnee a(
WU I toy own inanuierture. mad , . on a new
e mid superior yonniy el Mocks. Thew
"' Darts art made antler my own superin•
ter...lance, and as areal eare
to matt tl
mum &ow, and to ha •0 a I the Worse een atone
era unifoma temper, they atP an tral m a
te or We
Ire, best qa•lity, superior to those unported Irons
1. - valee, and also superior to rre - mitas of show
made in lle coulary, and al pi lees lower !:ran been
ever before been offered in We market.
Laurel /till Mill Stone, all Div,.
Bolting Cloths, all nornhent, of the best qoahty, war a rye aut.:stamina to the purchaser, and at
greatly reduced phees
Mill Spindles, Mill Irons, Screw, and Picks, Plat
form Scales. Corn and Col, Gmlders, unto and saw
Mill Caannis of all kinds, and hbli Farmstunsr to gen
All orders promptly attended to at 144 and SICI
oily street. near the Canal, l'lttsbure,.
_tay3inniant W. VV. WALLACK
Facts toe alio Public.
In relation to that nartvalled heady Salve,
MESTIMONT of a rupertable Phystei..—Rood
1 the followmg, aildreased to my Agent, hlr. P. Moo.
rrireather, Cincinnati
CIIIM:11•2I, ;eh. it!, ISIS.
Hirt A tenon of duty compel. no to give of tribute
Dalley's Pain Extrwtee Bein opposed to: nnek
ery end all nastroms having for t m/object niste
mottves--butraliming much good frOH the 4fing of
Pam Kllleret—l am Ludlumd to witilet yea Atcertifi
cote. I have need It In my family, in my pro A, and
with all the happy and wonderful ellsem that mull
possibly be imagined. H. J. Boon; M. D .
Dr. Brodie is the witior putner of Brodie 6 Levi,
hylermishafory Rheumatism
The following umfimonial comes from source fa:
milt. In may of those traveling on oar 'Nemeth wa
ters kb. Mime, the well and favorably known pro
r'tor of the a kenburg Hotel, is busband to me
whose liner I annex :
Paxennueben. Va Apr1i130.443.
To Henry Dailey. Chemist. ke—Sin Having for
been long afflicted with violent Inflammatory
Rheernensm, which npreared se
mated as to
defy all ordinary appliances to allay the revere pain
attending tti I was induced to try your Magical Pain
!Subtheme and It having effected, almoet as If by ma.
Ile, an Immediate relief, and d en. to all appearance
an entire and perfect rum, I am induced for the bene
fit Drinkers who may he afflicted with pain, caused by
soy kind of Inffammation, to wejto you, declaring
that in thy opinion, founded on actual cops 'else
your klexteal Pule Letrector Is the most valuable die
cover) of the preseut age for the immedinte extraction
of bodily paln. It Is - an almost immediate and a per
fect cum for Bores and ticialds, and all external in
Hatung many acquaintances formed by their
at my husband's hotel in this place, I have .apposed
by your showing mem them few hum, It may pamibly.
be of bandit bath to them and yoursoli:
th.r.errn Gram
entertain the hope that Mr.. Ghent tent pardon the
publicity I give to her letter... wed on thescore of
bomanity NA of Ito Irving the moat mode of bringing it
to the notice of net friends—li.
Felon Cored.
Eztmet of • letter, dated
Ny. Nev. 97,
Mr. IL Dailey: "I ha.o tried youi
.Paiu Sztractor in
• .se °ridden, In my own family, which relieved
and cured Ina very &on time." horse, yours re
spectfully, Young.
IC/ llama and Heald., Piles, Pore Nipplea, lltoken
Breast. Eruptions, Sores, Cam, Wounds, and all m
damesation, yields muddy to the wonderful properties
of this unrivalled family dulve. Bat, in the same pro
portion thatyou will receive besiefit nom be genus.,
you will he !Wined by the deleteno. effects of the
counterfeit .abres. • • • •
(VilliTlON—Lte awe and apply only to the inventor,
11. Daman, 415 Broadway, New York, or to tag oak
thoriao4 agents. /01IND MORGAN.
General Depot, Pitwborah.
Henry P. &Alma, Allegheny, Agent; J. Dakar,
Wheeling, Vaa JaineuNV Johnston, 'Hayashi, Ky.;
F Merryweather, Clnetnnati, 0., thawing Dapot.
N. B-1n the severest Born and Beatles It esthete
that pain in • raw choose—it at yay rail. lull
Arehiteets and owners of Ban anbrgtogallthe
Idtngs, to the many
advantagee which these thous posses. ore, all other
metaßle subitantea hitherto used for morale, km, as
they pone. at noon the llghutess of iron, sailboat BS
lability to rust, having now been tested for several
yews to thin pinwale; both In doe tansy and in Pk.
rope. They are loss liable to expchlonaad eontraw
[lon from sodden change of the turalwahere,than coma
won tin plates, iron, nine, or any other metal new used
for toeing and coratintavntly farm a much better and
tighter rooh wiairing far less frequent repairs whist
the Brat GM is ton a wee Mare.
A full supply, of all sizes, Anna 111 . to 30 0.,
Uaraly on boo d and (or sale by
OEO B. kt.OB.B%I7CK)D te CO.,
14 and N Beaver struel, New Vert.
The patent right for tins article having been ...Bert
for the Baited 3 .. 4 . , Lll Pnrttea (=ging thereen
either by IsapOrtaOoll or othermae, proaceo.,
w oettavlk.v.t•T
~CLINTOC6. No. 75
Foann .c l iz atTe
31 day ano th er lot of thine houto French
Shades uhliolt to point of beauty-nod
neames• sumus sing thing over brought to Wit Min
aux cau a lotto:2lNi
imam 48E1a:inn,
GENERAL,AUtANCY, ComaLaskin and Forward
ax NO.2.llWattl et, Iltisborgh. Pa.
V.T.rompltlentbp giTtai to Me puchue ana
of km"
Baru ao—John Wan & Co., Murphy, Wilson & Co.
Picabargth Pa; Lemon & Maid. blattin,
Wa11r1i . ?4.40 H. 8 town Ein f g, Each
Co, &ILIA; B. W. Sitottgraa.§ & Lo., Grog( &
Nace, New I.lgbon, 04 Fr. Skies..., lion. c. D.
o, , eiettatc 1. P. Kell.r, Young 1101•0, 04 W. L Shin-
Clavalsad, O. 14204
Platsbethßll Stew= Marrblis awkis
" 4 1 - 14 ERTY.W9imaite Smithfield street
Marble Mantle', hfortemeataTombsTable Tom
ke - a Imre, variety of the most Wantiful tied, made
of the finest quality of thrown and domestic marble,
elways on hued or made ID alder. by ery, aid of ma
eanery, on the shorten node." and at the knew prices.
N. 13.—Tbe Country Trade (unwired with all kinds
of Marble at the All orders promptly a,
tended to at liberty, opposite Smithfield st
nty3Oultko W W WALLACR
k1.(214. I:4 01
.14ULL'S Patent Nome or iNeneh Dort SMUT MA
ClDNE.—thn best oracle of the kind in tow; they
ran light: hat. fast, do the work well, and wall last
life tame. About 50 of them are in use, in the hew
mill. an the country, and we flee the strongest testi.
mon, of rompeteto remota, as their truperionry over
all other Smut hisetunet. Foe further panieularsod
drew the subscriber at 244 Liberty eh Pittsburgh.
tray..2ladaba W W WALLACE
and other mills, always on hood, 1:13'121.i0 to order
nu very short notice, and at the !coma price. All or
ders promptly attended to at 244 Liberty street, near
the prom p tly
pLASTERTAHha—Far laud, and other purposes,
always an hand at ail Liberty et.
" .tt *l , l
_la Liberty st. W WALLACE.
GRINDSTONES -All me. end gala, always ea
band at W 4 Liberty streeL
'97 . ? ° _ W W WALLACE
- 1. - E - A - srrasels TADASHI
IT is with pleasure that the sabsenbera
Werra the cid:ans.( Pittsburgh rimisti
einity timt they hires complet arrange
:s,. stems with Meson. J. C. Jenkins St Co,
of Pbiladelphia, to receive their superior
And willherusiter be kept ciptsta.utly Oa :
hand. They are neatty and securely put
M m memllte packed* I, I amillb. each.
with their printed eard--showing the kinA
Ten, price, name af the concern and
depot Ln • i ked. with an at
to return the
Tea, trnot
11.61,11. 'RIC":
PolgiTid.°`•••••• - •1? 11 If.) 1:2 112
Hylton SQ en 75 1,00 1,.
Y. Dyson ...... • ••-•50 Ciag 75 1,10 143 1,50
~, , c , ,.. / Mack •••• • ~ 371 ait
5 Flue and antra Fine. .70 1,00 1,23 1,50
We will wammt all the TEAS we sell to be edited
to, not suratutot to any told in this city, and should
um , not prove acteptable to
bee taste. they can be re
turned, and the money will refunded, as it Is only
with thatunderatandiug are sell,
We ash a
teal, that the public...ay be able to
edge between out Teas and those bennothre sold by
•tber companies in this any.
All lovers &rich, delicious and good flavored TEAS,
should ear na a call.
For stole by /OS. S. M. YOUNG & CO.
N W comer oth avd ,. F l ;crciAreetn And
i o
& 12..
mill/Alton. S W comer lld and Ross stream
A. A. MASON & 0019
di gill grvaer Rammer Price.
76A. ld d. CO., desirous of reducingand closing
s out their Punk preparatory to receiving their
. tw Fall Goods, will raw greater inducements than
Rver. Their recent large purchases at the. New York
ates, made at such immense sacrifices from cost,will
all be erased oat the same ruinous rates Amongst
the articles recently opeeed, they mention:
rases fast tolorild Lawns, as 7 co
to " a " a and blaslins, e and Be
A line stock Silts Shawls and Visitts, very Lew.
et de Leine., ltic
lot Beresres to one hall puce
" et Glottis:as at Itte.
tt Embroidenes, very cheap
" Bounete, half pnwt
u u Gloves, Laces, Trinutidega,ka
7 caws Merrimack Calicoes, at to
" Ittj ct Calicoes at the
Rt a and bales brown and bleached idaslin, Ahaap.
Irish Linerw at lee;Linen Ginghattas
Bonnet Ribbon and reer Gloves loves
of mho, Good,, .11 of
With an ionneure 7. l M__ _ _
whrcb will prove
ZO "y" Iaill tia ' : 11:11:147:;
P" pooperioa the took , rot the silt.
Ifl m"" down
Pre"'" A
MILE subscriber has inn received at the reiCin Tea
duce, TO Numb nrcet, a very lung andmeell se
from York all of 'Muck hes he semined to this
country alma the first of February id.ll. consrmnic of
all the elillertut grades gloms tooter ihrleardethEorpsra
Ger ilernk hetog the linigestrothe Wea r ,. are
prepared to wholes:oson Moog lb m my osier
berme io the dry. We uniurrettiliscrocers to call and
ermine oar stock and prime They earthen it peek.
m and t 6 paekaisca,d Ib Osgood:listen, or by
Mir chests, to setts their convemener_
Our retell p vary for Oolong, Black Teas Prom
50 Clag. to 61,50 pevlb; Ging Young Souchong. >o clee
Congo O and English Breakfast Sel, Young Hymn,
Gunpowder riot Impend, from ZS em. to 61,Z per lb.
F•milics are requested to send and get num!es of
of our Tea., and try them before purchasing.
otylculetveS A. JAYlit TOR:mot street
rf , aIcFALL , be lo info= the inhabitardsof Pine
]. burgh and mem.), that he, has opened the
above establishment. where evert attended will be
pant to the comfort of thosewho may rarer him with
a cell. Liberty street, between Seventh .d Wood.
In Cremes and all other delicacies of the sem.
o y
T .
m; undersi,rd haVe dna day associated wader
the name of Thomason Hanna tr. Son, for dm put
no, of teat., farturing paper, at the Mauna hi.
Mill, where they Wig t;epgeasedlo reeetve he paron
age of Ne-puhlae., and the foram customers of We so
ntor partner.
Tney will at all times keep ea hand a general as
sonsactit of writing, retrapping. ten and wall papery,
bonnet boar-0a blank books, etc. eta. winch they will
exchange:for clean been and cotton raga.
Pruners and Book Pub Ushers can bo sopplied with
every description of priatlng_paper ni Or:rine:lee. and
Raced .f:ll.a7r.
illlO3 D. Lortawooo, 62 Wood erect, has past
received to beautifully ornamented OItA TP
ANIONS, of a variety of patterns Andcola? alio,
eat Tim., Paper for ornanseutinc.looking
picture frame, or lamps.tat
inatai 1849. MEM
Beaver anti Stile Express Packet. Masa.
It G. PARES, Beaver. Prop....
THE new and elegant Passenger Pockets.
NIAGARA, Cum Fi Et Jeffries;
LAKE ERIE. " hl Toothy;
Forming a daily Lute between [leaver and Min, have
commenced rutiningoind mill continue during the sea
son to make their reenter trips, leaving Beaver she,
the smut of the morning Coat from Putshurgh, (I &-
clock, r. a t and amve at Erie • in time Sr passengers
ie take the morning hens to Buffalo or op the Lako.
Tickets through to Erie and all Lake ports, eon he
had hy application to JOHN A CALMET. Ant,
cameral Water and Saddiffeld sts
iint2:l6 ander the 54 Charles Hotel
No. 46 Starlet street,
AVING purehawd an extensive and carefully se
lected stock of Spnng and Summer Goode, the
sunacneer respectfu ll y inform,. kus fnends and the
pu Win. that he Is now preparing to receive end exe
cute their yrdtes with dispatch. and to the neatest
mat setretwatal, and fashioneble nimnner. A. be Is
detewnined to do basin,. an the cash eystem, he flat
ter. hunecit that he well he abet Ia do wart as etteap
es it ran be dory at ray estahlialantent in the etionley.
Ins stock to easiest corwistingef Casalmercs,Browl
loths Vestines, b.c.,ewhich dia (fiends am respectful
ly ranted to examine for thetatieleres:
ntrelidtf OECIEGE AMMO&
GOLD YENS—lif. S. FINN Pus nthiasiondrolstbd
Hold Pena, with and arithobt easabjbaim'daml
&art noroar Veld WI Marta u.
REZIOVEDW a &vegan sibitliTielt
A an Smithfield streccAna :door b#l6.,
Sant street. Teeth =mud *daft one
to an retire act, on the suction
vlresentanon of the natand pao—restonos the
'7.. 0 1.2.'r«71,74.',, b e5c 6 '.d . witil little or no pain.
Decayed Teeth pervitaneudy saved by plggang,prer
witting the tootn ache, which Is much better than cu.
row, it, though st should be done in Eve minetes, o ar
even Maundy. argaily
gy hos now on baud • line assortment of beet Etta-
Ugh and Geneva Gold and Silver Pasant Leeer Watch
es, at at tow prices as are Witted In e Eastern cities;
all in good order and warranted. di
_l7ll • corner 4th and Market 41/1
110 Tifirt..7! /gild—Jun reeuved, a full utonineor
avid and silver Thread, Cord and Braid: also.
Bocuialee and Bullion, for embroidering and other or,
=mend work. Also, goldirid alver Tamale, Friese,
and Lace.
Jewelry of Me latest faskious, to great variety.
Watches orsoperior quality and beauothl pootems,
and for mle at Eastern prite• W W WILIiON,
aug7 corner Market and Foonh sat
Ftit.eralon. of the n.ettenors ant 4.141.4. t
p.m nand.
AVON AND AI ABONRY of the part all. road
not already under contract between Cumberbsui and
the Trion'. Palley peer— n distance of about not
1 . 00 number of sections now to be let will be
about A* of wbich an occur between Cumberland and
the mouth of the .11111.0 fi rer—lain Ihi glades, and
the ,amender en Rac coon and Thee Perim creel . ..—
The work will generally be Modems!, although there
am • number at .eOOOOl worth the • attention of toot
tractor. aCcustomed to heavy Jobe. •
Cpecificatio. and plans will be ready id Cumber
land, opt and oiler the,Glit of Anglia; marmot The
p proposals., eddy:and Slav andentigned, will be re
ceived at Cennierland, hiaryta2rip to Saturday the of September incluaiva =they information
may be bad at the Compaorn ee in Camberlond.
Full tesuntontals will biol.:introits:Pm Mote anknown
to the undenigeed. By order of th(Prowdent and Di
r.onrs. BENJ. 11. LATROBE,
3;ailtdul—Balt Am) -C4isf
Lisixt Ltigemt z -
lIE jetetly celebrated townlng Sold can now be had
.4 the Unworn Lamp Stone, No. bd Tbitd street,
between %Vocal and Manta. ,
Fora portable house lfeht Uinta the preference in all
of the eastern cities, beteg perfeStly safe taint. cheap
sold of mote, grove or toy of the .disagreetalts at
eudants &Iglus new in common age;
asioruncut of lamps of the laten patterns for barns
Of the sime.
113nlemo V. .J DAVID.
mentarrs SUPEHIORRED INtC .. •
ntuestrrs hInCIIINEXOPY
A Lt. Mere infer from annul Ick ackliey am Cli
chemical &Modena tolitticirhr
now I reely from • any' kind 'orpcis—theecolor deep,
bright and durable. anther, have beeralmahaanunes
mute, I boor coach wen not .heard-01 - 4
pin botlim chh he ohMined; - "grana; ihtimiiMinneca
lie.tany, from .11.41,
Ikebw.i.uolletboiql g the, maculkehtfthoPtio9.;
K. HIIIMAT, Previa and Clemia;eoirearet:Uber•
arid Maidchehlanalls,rinstiurgh, -
N. I.l.—Any_bable
e nd betbaeb,e,!
7. be reioroalUM . Uni prim will be d.
. i rCrPRINTICiis. •
1. .-• tltib}eribei buinainold and for sale •
ne Wave
E i
eLL4niutstOin 4 04,14 rbikuSalpttLa; An
iaj.2s pair of Cut%
45 (boats Fancy Unit, dirdient sizes;
911 Newspaper Cabs,
FM lb.. Leads, eel to orders
10 Composing Suety •
'Wasps Prout's Nerve Ink;
1 Brass Oalley, Colman Rotas, Mass Rale, of ail
&Hendee., &e. IL JAYIVVS,
Pekin Tea Ettore, 70 Portria. .
N. D.—Onters received kenos. Type. nalidd&erl
cis& NtiERS , 01L—Corn's Kwnae, eteLkOhj %ALM.
1 6t6 Sane., &e., constantly OP band at:t4 edesaala
engps, Wal - YoUNG & CO. 143 Liberty sr
LITT& TIMPENTINg— 3u - gis - recii and for sale
Z 5 by earn . BRAUN & BICITEM
U ".:I:byu 'V o l"; qgclai dry bt of
. .
FOR RENT—Tha sansion hoar* soy
0,:..0.k4 ny /4rs ..scumO4.aitalidod at Oakland.with an acres or grann4 Washed. Tiro , Vllll.
' rapacious and couirtaisia, and die ground well la
prove. Apply to /LARDY, JONES b. OP
4.sat W.. , ,‘
THE ntslenatrne4Eder, kw .+ l O. Ins present nut
donee Cosi . with the twenty arsee err
(round emceed thereto. •
The Honor i; leaiood coder, .tthe pound conald
d haproved, including a leap garden and doe
• .
Ne will also mll.ll' dassred, the whole or any panics
of his household Furniture, Books, Pietorsok &a.
avis234( No 21 Market sweat
A Lot ar Ground having • Corot of 41 hot ea
Fulton sumo, by Ila) that deep In an allaysn
bloh is erected two good two story brick Dere'
Houma The above property is well Improved sad
pleasantly snowed. and ertll be told very reasonably,
(either altogether or pan of S,) if appllevion be soda
soon to HENRYII MAGILL, on the preenbtes. •
FOR SeLE—A Beek Ham, thot otto Peat
boitt,teed Lot, on Robinson. street, Allsehany,
old Bridge. Pens low and terms easy
Inquire of 179.1 9 SCHOVER, 110 Second ol
inFOUR rrew ma atoll Wm DwolMeg How;
well &dotted and in complete order, cm Centre
Arms, orAli,ermille rood, M.Wartl. Pacc
mama given immedimmy. Rent low. Ewell of
.10/IN WATT 00,
_MIL) • comer [harm one Hone We
A VERY dmirebloresideem m bo- 1 9
h of Moneberter, adioth.fog John D.
ohm, rm. The Ltd is a comer one, lea feet Rom by
one hundred and Meety feet deep—en a rere mory
Briek Boom, twenty-fire tent Croat, WA Mrloto,
drains mom, end booboo ou.firdt flow- A carvidgo
home, gothic god igoipery. and the lot foil of ebotee
Irmo arms, lel mimed order.: Emotre of the named.
bet, Lumber bieretont, Allesherl CHI
MlS:dkletlT • , .01(4'PAITERSON.
FOR RENTTIto . thrO - o al l Drink Dwelling
noose, on Liberty, betook, ay and Ildarkol
treets, now oneapind by AV. Coakm, Ir.: Forsook.
given tomediately. &Nairn Of WO. Onto; or at
the Ikons - taro of Q
corner Marta and Tbor4 Meats.
ft, IM !JAILS'
A THRF:E mend Ihrellbag Hemso,belAi
bowie from P 611.11 16.rett, Reyearl
Roe, on Hay meet. Icamedbus posseaeloa sill be
given. Enclave of DAVID RITCHIE, Anomaly at
Lave—el:Bee on Forb street, between Cheery alley
and Grant area • lattslit
01,.. FOUR new two Ivory Brie klDonallag Rowe.. ,
WON finished and In complete order mien:mar
Somme, PM Ward. Possession aririni J o: , int:
ent ow. Engrain of JOHN WAIT & CO, ,
Je . corner of Liberty and Hand an
TO BRANDERS AND mtanicazikaer.
THE undervilthed offers Mr sale In WK.. emery
Fa, 800 acres of well timbers./ LAND, with an
HoeelleruSaw Mill nearly noWt• , and two new Frame
user, one n feet front by 47 back; the other 34 het
front by at Lack. Also, good now frame Bans. thirty
by forty feet. The mill and land are. Limited foar
miles from the Allegh.y sive:. A greEldeal of Pin
TIMBER of the Lest rurality, and also • vast searstity
of the retry best hemlock. Also, one amen the bank
of the Allegheny, near • cove, most admirably adapt
ed for failing, 'Mere hrother Call be rafted on the ice
In winter, and be perfectly safe from all Buckets.—
Price $8,003, or 147 en tem. Terms easy. Will take
a well cleared mall farm, with good boase mid on
• up. It, no part payment, If location Is callable,
and the balance m limber or am may be agreed or—
This is nn excellent oppotkaniry for lumbering; and
the probability Is From that in two or three years this
property will doable Its 'nine, In eons...a of its
• imity to the New York and Fsie Fl
ber safficient no wear at seatedseatedsaw l aud
• mill sites on the stream wtdeh runs r.trly throagh
the centre of the land. About Meet acres In grass.
No hill to rise in hauling Mather from mill to river.
Trout sad game it abundance. For fareme
addreas, Ipost-paid,) P. B. TEMPLETON,
raraLLtortiN Oaten elite, Pluaborth.
-Property Is Alloghwar clay
rE admen/ion odor Co mr ~r *timber of choice
in., ail:taro in tart &cam! War (rowing on a..
milon ground, on easy term.. Ingtha at
W. O'H.ROBINSON, Any at Wm, et Clair at
or of JAB ROELlNerpia, ow thatiterairis
mnyda~trz' • • ' 777'
10.4. 11 E selmeritars sea 4l•■•• m
prmareljo, thaw two
valuable La 111.0( aronnA witianitteiaTirettaro et,
In the Third Went of Allegin t illyte.ityr eedfitraving •
hair/ of .00 feeh lamming back 103rder.tittlepth to • 20
(O,IAI/.7, upon which i. Mull . sten* wall,' !Shy 100
feet which cootainsaunne enoruit labia:l cellars for
two einnfortable dwelling bemire,end in front them
are throe elude tram oral year* growth, and Me side
walk Myraved with bruit 1l of wOleh will be sold at
SM. Pittsbargh and Allegheny, or County Scrip,
will be Wren to payment
or to W3L BENSON, immediately opposite Sold lots.
FOR ElL3l.,Fivb lois — effigy altuisad in die door
teisn °Miming Ida.• This Lou are was
tr.d on Denman street, numbered in F Bansman's phut
73, 79, Idlynt and P9-.-lot No 73 fronting 22 Foot oil Ila
n, Ann grant, 70 foot deep; the whet lons IN feet firms
eh, by ho feet deep.
Trrine—Assatcr part of porch.° rung_ clay re
main for size ears, weaned by mostrk i Altutie.
ears, miniof
no taeob at
Val mita"; Oti - 47Lamad /or Vole
POUF Poor miles above, Lock No. Y., as the month
it of Fine Ron, Monpugabeln River. Tho Coal is
° tlfa th mLlt n ac " Prot I glietV. , nee 7 to C 'S f li o tvidscl, Engirt
.nitned. Persono dentroul parebulng, can
call on WALKER REED, Oil prOrriln* or Wm
Reed, oppostie the Port h e sise any
oin:Laden concerning the Rroparty. The whose se,
be sold ata great burrito: airrintain
rile/ LEt- - -t;od brick Pyre Ling Hatne,.sauyato
Rob's.. niter, Allzgheoy. Ewa. or
am o. MA J. , R rE. a 1:1 4
Mfret front cm Wetder, by en feet to a fiee Zet elley
—quite close to neat court house. Price Ma Terms,
cash in hand; tat.. nue, tom, Ouzo and fear
years foam the first of April in.
County sod City Scrip taken for roan pupae.. In.
epLire or , mytil S 0 seeond .t
10$ Acres Coal Lamet sat mu%
Q ITT/Aral. the Monongahela ilver,atstet mite.
kJ from Pitithamh sad 3 mil. amore third Lott, fa
the immediate neighbor.. of Aleuts. Lyon & Short,
and Mr. John Herron.. p uretusa This Lae body of
Coal will be mild at the low price of 133 per acre—ens
third to hand, bahuthe in five equal annual payments,
without merest. Tide indisputable. Location very
good--ennnot be sorpmecol. Per (nether pardeniars
enquire of S. UALSLEY, lobo has a draft of mad ries.
petty. Residence id µbelow Perry,file.Admiellass.
N. B. Thereat another won of cud on this vast,
about 03 feet at the lower, MatteUmit qmdlry
.Iylfisild S.
llilmable nut/ding Lou for dal.
sithaeribers are anthems. loony at private
thin, end upon highly favorable tare., • number
iTvery iralstabla Ithildine Lou, comprising a largo
POTtioll of ths Leda moth.. CI, (1 mad ith in
Woods , General Pi. of the City of
so Pdisbotitt‘vmots
tedat the math eat . m.
..417c, of Per. and a)ate
streets, fronting 040 beet on the former, and spending
.al=l.anper Obo
art e, OW fee
Reel t h, the
um Allegheny
Iva Inver;
S. Stevens., Eel, deceased.
A plan or sutslivision of the above Lets, 10 =UP
mity oink which it is proposed to tell, h assi be men at
the office of the andersigned, on Pos between Um
bel mid Petry am Wu, yA
TWO 11011 SSA AND Lars Vtlsl. stela
PTWO LOTS an Heaver .111104 ion WI city •
Allegheny, above the sipper Commons,. which
etted alb.* bathling, two moles high, suitable
at Poo mall tenements. The lots are ei.el twenty
Oct in front by one hundred feet deep, min P.: hank
too street Ibity beet sold. The bUlialllp 011 the ifrej
reuses will pay • very ...Same interest on the invessj
meet, and the property mil be sold onsh.
Apply to JOSpronl, Clerk% office; U.S. orto
• nova KAY sat
idootossgismaorst ast • tog
.ItVMMLES OF LAND, ai metal in •Peeblesttira-,
ilp,mt the Monongottela, three miles from Pitt.
burgh—Ml.. to snit. urshasers. For fprth. Pante
dant apply to Henry Woods-J/1 st, or to
novel-dif aboreSlilltfield et
oars for , sae the dare morn beck %Vachon.
on Wood !Irani, onetipied by U Tanner & Co.
11117 WM. WILSON, /C."
V FOR SALS—A Lot of lisonnd dictate, on Nal
..set, bestrew Say and Mnslittry West% adioininy
dte bows and lot note occupied by Itientrad Warns*
having a front of it feet, and in dept) 130 (cot, vrill be
.old on favorable twins. Tide 6110.[Ceptiosabla Es
quire of C. O. LOOMIS, lib otnnur Wood
A . .
A DESIRABLE Thu!ding tat be AReqhany euy,
verobly beated, to girt...boat half en urn, end
crlll be WA on eeconamodenagLena Inquire of
lobe D WILLIAM: WI mond ial
.1016 NOR RENT—A room la ltoll- 4.11.11 awry •
j••••• Woad mraet.
== -
Nes. 'L9, 254. 231 and Yin Pam STSR__R (bewai l
- Fulton st. and •B arlin g Flipj - NEWYOEISI, -
Hem ou /mad tint lar g es t asultuitintof ,
- CLOTEllbitk . •
41.01,21[010 LLL16111133.
Ia tee article of SHIATS and DRAWBARS. Ird
trailers variety.
Also the moat cum:olive maaafartansts of
011 Clothing and Covand ilata
In the vporld.
Calalooms of .tock .era by m+l Ordars pnimptly
61lad. Lk:WM tc HANFORD,
iidel Nos. m 4.31456, and lls9 Peen .1.. N. V.
WOL--Vbe glom: pone bar calm ;Nue tor wean
webbed Word, by II [dab
.413 Merty sr
Prruanueon. June le, Ibte
John D. ?dorgeo—Dear Sin I gave one woolen.
lnll of-your Worm !Ghee lo o. amp
_children, end to
thn elkolltlme of ono hal( hourli pasael toreutTlealb,
Mat We 19 I•erodmendubeyotre Youngdgei.
the bs:i; taedleine Thu ono be mad for
CWOII.. Juana MOlaikal, near Noblestoolb
. Prepeied and sold by ibe propnelorb JOHN a MGR.
:GAN, Drugutib coo San belosr-Disuarund olley,•Wood•
Jebel _
R' 0 " ."1 0 0
badiei I;epartmeut opeu from 9 Ca it o'cloet, A. AL,
91 6 o'clock, P.. AL
1 Alb9nienot Saloon 9.9.1 949.919(
WPALPromiiia. r.
•911112.DLE1.211Tir WIIATI4iO
• 99 WOOD efflf -
AUF,Obr a rVing ve:y ;toot. of D0.V.1
19‘.y .a Lb tgUelt;ticrs
i pyle P . as etanot fall
t m sive entire! ottisfasiltiit:
toCity awl Country bleirchat99ars invited 9. MD 991
utline ow sioe9 bettors prrobiaol
" N • reams
azo. W. 1 / 1 111'irdis*CO 3 ..
VW task Weeds wattle penile thattheykitre
no loam any eanneethro an th thou law escsidal:
Iln Penn mem, kimvrn iththe pitiebarga ,
larder removed their entire - booboo:ate the roue ,
BREWESthr.II vtemt airtat.. re
-11,01:42 (i9OILIF — ItTartUtrIAC—L- A..h14.04
.11 Co., So SO 87nrkot street, aavo•J•st reethrad, Aar ra, Alkeeno, corit-Dathote,.. UN "and
orange 5: mama,. C6Ol *X1,4.611 Casey der,
Furruturr, dee 44 bro Lamm, Linea Athos* tithe,
Yam, Mon altiaibm, swigs do, t.e4 /amt.:o4M • • do
Oda !nanny &IN te. 4e,