The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 11, 1849, Image 2

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o reor Prryearrean Den., (ieserive reelielled
TreWeekly, and weedy..-the Writ Seven
emossaper annwa; the Tri-Weskly4e Five Dollen pre
antooeleosetho Weekly le Two Donatality usnule, aridly
gurrauscTisico - irTion:E.T.
WI Wt.. constistiliTZHlL
WILLIAM HASLETT, of Toiler County.
HOVE C. WALKEN, of Eliroii‘o Bofoolfh.
JOHN ROLLER, of Starpsbuie.o_
CALIOILEE, oflPAusbargh.
WIC ESPY, of Lower ta.f. Geis
CARTEL cVErns, of Piwb.r6
rx). a. HAUB, of Upper St. Oitir
MOR Pi, Of Alletthietl
.44181141 TC ef Peebles:'
WM, M.
.A TIMMS, of PittattOth.
OEco,ofoircyes," Ashtabula tiniinty, Ohio, has
been cleaned to 'LinetioloilletiAlvin C. Wick
has been appointed Pontenastat A
lent eelection.
'State el Affairs 1a,,..77110ate
The uoitea tes;itoooy of al , M:i3r advices from
Room, ea melt throligh the preemie of
. FritDee, or the : Tory lnossei trkttigiaird„ ea from
mono liberal wine., - showielhat. the liberal
:Pepe„ P,105. , ,1X I Dow beriiibiii4;'by . the help or
Care*, bayonet., to e.tablish a*eipetie power ea
.- 411:*iieltiraxit ever pirseessed 41 exerted by hie
of predeceraers.
If he ever were really eincemln pro:essiom
'firtbeial 'PrinciPles, which won:::ao much au the
hearts of the friends of fleedom,,Vto tremens as well
C 3 Catholics, his e teelings and xrews have wholly
changed, for his present course has dnvon fmns
his defence hp, tory suppliers lit Eagtand, and is
fast destroying the confidence cilia french Mites.
Instead of to Horne, as d by a wader.
• ate and paternal.government, enAavoring to win
beck the karts of his allenatnly.peot le, be has
committed the supreme power id)hree Cardinal*,
and, it is said, talks or vinnog Nap:es. Aecooe, and
Bologna, before he reetacts th -Eternal City,"
and even when he draws near,' in, vicinity, it Ls
probable be will fix hus resuleofifi rt Alinmo, and
leave the Quirinal In the hands Of h et Government
Commissioners. • •
The Loudon Times, the torylpredileetlons Of
• which. are well known, and W:hich cannot be
charged with any leaning town /di Republicanism,
expresaes the opinion that the Poke entertains no
Intention of compromise in thoili political differ
ences which drove him into teMporwy exile, hot
that his authority has been rum? Med with the de
liberate remotion of carrying out' to their lull ex
tent those traditional principles : tit adrotoistrat,on
which have hitherto no aquivoeelly characterized
the SPthei of the Church.
-The Times is of opinion that this resolution isof
no recent formation, and ezprease . s the belief tha t
the determination now !Mown are the part of lip
Holiness to maintain in the, (alp integrity all the
thews of en essentially COMO Administration
was, of earlier growth than Ike revolutionary
schemes of the tete conspiratori;:
Antler, as we are ine11.,4! : to believe, (says
the Zmeor as tooeh on his oars mere motion as
the instances of others, Pape Pita has already to
placed the moat odious machlnety of the old Pa
pal Government setth every citiorustance of au
raptness sad injury. As if Air the porpoise of
bringing two extremes into soggasove contrast, be
has supercested. hitmaini's Tritshvirate by one of
his own norninesoc, had ben appratly left these
Couuttrisioner. of Sovereignty • the unfettered
awns of discretionary power.!' . They have pro.
ceeded accordingly to the coricriimot of every or
dinsuare which could inrush the , gentry, nagravete
the middle class. infuriate the populace, and alien- ;
ate the provincial municapalitie*, Pope Pots h. ;
been the first to simply by his ousli conduct a proof
that the Roman people were really usanimous, and
that with toned reams, to dedtetug n change of
Government. It has hitherto 14en planarbly ar
gued that the acts of the Demodirnse inuna•trate
were eat the seta of the people . 41 - Rome, hot the
mearares adopted by the restorrayontiff ore welt
eitlenhited to assure G.e si,eld .1110 h e ar
attiod*liite in their oroo.sitoo asker ~,e oi•
ed to Me aame retributive teneitYs, I \ as,
not chosen to throw her,elr'oil
good sense, the affection, or theW(ICM, ,ty of cur
one elan at his sulipus. Ile Ass trete blouses
Gloats= hit Iciogdom; has sarfisonoil tits capital
with .foreign bayonet., and hafi:eommosioned
a Trinmvinste, whore very narnifi-' r arestinitolical of
misgovernment nod tyranoy, to Alispase of the tiv
erties and fortune. of his peaplei,While he disports
himself to the pleosores of a oeftratolatory tour "
The relectat.'whielt the Foie manifests to re
tain in Rome, and the severe ntiatures he shows
himself disposed to ass, give eviiirnace that lie does
sot believe the statement. of hi uvo official boll-,
tins from Gaeta, that the insorretttion was .ntlned
to a handful of atreagers, and 41 the people of
Rome mere loyal. If this were the rare, now the'
these strangers are destroyed ari diapersed, why
does he gnat hasten to throw himself sarong ,his
dear people, and by a paternal government mete
amends the their past sullen.; C . '. The utter falsity
of tattle statements, that the peolile were oat par
ties Mt the Republic, is now too iirident to deceive
the most devoted of the Popeitatiterents. The
people are so bitter against the oovereign Pontiff,
and his government of priests,Vhat be dare not
show binaselfamong them, until he has a sofficient
number of Austrian and Spanisgbayoneta to over
awe them, and protect his asomSl person from the'
attittlin of his own conquered sihjects. lie is, in
that, afraid to trust to the protectliun of the French.'
farces, fu, a. the paper shove gaged, “the
remarks, to such a pitch homing three commis
eitmen carried their tne.ures ofliesentful reaction,
that a froth outbreak of kemular violence was daily ,
anticipated i and, although no inch imormeoon
could be socceedul wriest the altueent garrison of :
the citiy yet it was by no meet certain how far
the co.operetton of the garr , sion (Sight he counted
on, now that the merits cf the ed4e had been plac
ed clearly before them.
This is dear, hum letters kin Rome, of the
intent Moos. Thecorreapeadeni Of the Times, of
August 7, stays:
4 I now-Ilmit that Cif nefsvoratle auticipstions
are more than verified, and that the distance be.
tweenthe Supreme Pontiff sad Ijia subjects is ev
ery day increased. In feet, I oink nay that mat
ters en aniving at such a state; het the Govern.
weld of France will have to reConsider its whole
policy, and to deterenne sehetho it has interven
ed by force of arms in Central ItsJy to restore the
despotic, role of the Chomh, or to secure for the
Roman people an much good Overnment of is
consistent with the rights of an4edepeadent soy.
• • • LA, kmxray.
o The dist acts of the Government
shin, touching the pocket. of theireeple, anj inu
ring a certain lass to all classes; hive rendered the
cardinals still more unpopular thin they were; and
/es quit. satufiegi that cuOgirogill sew nog
ssegc-deof by French soldiers. a 14ittld en E. safe
for me hour. That unpopularityleill be 'scree..
ed a hundred fold for all that my emanate front
t3aem, when it is see that rushing in the shape e
a herervolorr mincer can h exercise from du Pepe.
I observe a marked difference the bearing of
the inhabitants of Rome toward ', , the French °G
oers and soldiers, and when it ickenerally known
that the Government and the General in Chief
have come between them and the vengeance of
the Cardinale,
their good intelligence may even
extend to fr atomisatloa. Up teohis period, the
French soldiers are looked open's the soldiers of,
the Pope, but let the troth be onAS made known,
and the onion may be carried eake too far.
"We are here perfectly trancttill, under the Jo-
Anne° of 30,000 French bayomets,hut men, though
they speak not above their breathigAnd their teeth
and vow vengeance."
Now that Austria has aubtludi Hungary, she
may spare a §SW thousand bayouifts for the use of
His Holiness, by means of which; and the assis
.Ire will receive from Nap*: and Spain, be
may betide to keep down his peattle; bat his peer
eat power, by such means. will oily the more cer
tainly apckspeedily work the entire overthrow of
the tampial power of tho 13M14 of Roma, sad
the salrecasion of that swam of iMlicry which hat
Madge out of Italy far malty .gamin.
Same of the papers, remarks 4Alesandria
cr , pu bli a bi ng YJ Pt" Pit to be extiacta
of knows from France, giving thOppinion that ate
French Gontrament will not receive Mr. Hives
o Kinietotto that canary, in ea#vottates of disk
andrferaion with hint when he we Minister dare
log. Gen. Jackson's edniirdeindihh. We do not
believer :av,., tt— oottvet airtlOty or Anima-
Ike fur tb-- repotte,ciAdniona The
-r" 'mim b e meat would nc4,.1C . ,: is prosswod_
r . bS wietitolly. it is 00We
. . s The KAU .1114settass.
fler oktittits haVe rejoiced matt eallavogs•t.
I T °Orr the late aleetioae, end - have pretended to
End in thel testate evidences of the unpopolluilY
of the Whig Administratiort. Oo • careful elate
-10"-irms leAreVeT, there (a nothing in the results
of the alPitiOnkto-diecouraget the Whig pane, or
loahoy . t a least dlssatis4ction with the Ad'i°-
titration. In Tennessee and Kentucky the ee
l/312a are )ens favorable to the Whigs it,° u ' d,
bat lids Was aolely owing to the Slavery tinesti on.
1 which wai violently agitated during the contest. 1
The Whig' were denoenced no anti-Slavery,
1 and the gem stand made by the party against the
enernachreeme of Slavery afforded a prod ban.
dle for preaslavery sealots to non with erect.—
, When atfe hurricane orpro-slavery fury blow.
I over, thee, Soup will again he !media the right
place. I . El l ßhode Lased and Vermont, the Whip
have puled brilliant victories over disreputable
alitions, mid have glued eritence that the Whig
spirit is tatquencled by Ito great eucceesea of last
year. ' .
The Nolkw York Tribune ginbhshes a table, to
stkow• there has been an actual Incl.. of
Whig , a, Instead ofany toss. This it show., as
tot:loam.: '
1 'Ttierejuive lately been held elections for Mem.
ben or C agrese in seven or eight States, bat in
•inany oldie chateaus there wet no party ware,',
while from others we have a. yet but imperfect
returns. )3nt each as we have are &trig presented
, in the tolleeeing table:—
to Slaws.
of the Post
I '4l, Taylor' • ♦ov. Wing Com a 49
Rhode 151000,2.1 9991.99 2 324
Alabanokp 9919999 d 999 21 924.......22
N Carolina, ti do. do. 30 irs ,9 010
Indiana, complete 69, O 7 70,301
Totni of these
To hove undertaken to include the uncontested
district. Would have only obscured and COnlllt&Cd
the uhtbit: the above is accurate and lurid. T bete
has actually been an mous. of Whig votes in the
untested districts, at the recent election, to iv-in-s
-pared with the vote cut Icr Oen Tavior—a result.
we are confident, utterly without prccedrni in 14e
bout year ninny previous Administration.'
There is noshing, indeed, in the aspect cf the
late elections, to discourage the Whig party. It is
now accomplishing Os high mission, and it will
revive the warm eonfidenceiot a grateful people.
Let every member stand Gem, and lesolve to dis
charge his owe individual duty, and there ran lie
do fears of th. r es ult, either in this, or any other
The jdurnals from this Mate publish a contr..
mutual, addressed to GOV.' Moseley, co the ItCh
Angost,bypenja min F. Whinier .d L. A. Thorny
son, coma9azioners, appointed by hint to pecceed
to Washington and conks with the President, con
cerning the meaattres deemed necessary tar the
protection of the citizens of Fhorldn front Ludt.
depredation.. The conaissioners state the result
of a conteyrence bed by them with the Seer.—
tary of War to have been the tollowleg &dus
tmen :
hat To nee and rely alorie on the United mates
teguhu troop• Car the protection of one frontlet.
2d. To decline the admires re the Florida rot
grocers even for temporary protection in the in
ternal dull may wear before a wafEcteot force of
regulars aka be placed at the proper points to 31 . -
Lard it
3d. To order the 7th regiment of Infantry, no
at Jefferain barrack. and eight other occupant
of regulate, entedy artinFry, to Florid•, for tht
4th. tu order Brevet Major General TWI4 gs,
upon duty there, to assume the command In I er
stb. toconfine the operations of the arms to
line of porta. take selected by the comos4nd og
officer, in brder to rebus& the loolinas within the
Imam ommipted by Gen. Worth, and taco to prevent
the whims from Intruding on the neutoal ground
around thime
6th. Td effect the removal of the lodine. ar.ln
oat blnodlated, apt) to entertain far that pornsese a
propositioit arta& boa been submitted. by one or
more priirate individuals, for tromvong the la
diads by !contract, allossiog a liberal co , etc
Ii case all *peons methods for removs
fail, then to Q. the strong arm of fares, and to as
mlmptish tt at •II hazard.
Mr. Cnitaktrd also stated that a good steams
had been detailed for aesmea on oar coast.
' The wiSslom of the cnorse purseed by the Prep
ident to u . ttioubted, and will commend melt' to
the good i r ense of the whole people. A good deal
of complAint has been beard in Florida, because
t he President would not accept of the *cremes of
a large force of militia, toe the suppression of an
Indian inroad, which seems to be musfined to a
very few individuals. The whole number of atm
.:ors 'n the .1. , e only moon. ro •omc 150. The
Istce the run...ludo u e niuverntneut
/. und.rutedly .uffitteat, nod !or the 'O-6. rsl.•ela
ire fur , 13! Nodose designed
game TOUK.
Corrospottiletteri of the Pittsburgh Gazette
The teat hope for gallant, devoted Hungary is
dad. titled has fallen before no accumulation of
davpotio force that co Dalton in Europe, England
elope, and the only because protected by her In
sular psaition, could have long tesivted. I do not
think yeti published my Mat commas." hen on
Hungarian affairs, iftyou had, you wiatid have
perceived that three weeks ago, in the midst of
goon reported V.Clol . lea and mace.= of our no
ble, atm/Wing brotheri, I pointed out that wo were
hoping against hope. Surrounded ate I have been
fir tome months, with evidence of lacts and plat a
bozo many different sources, I could not resist the
force of teatimouy thattoid ma all was and, from the
moment of the appearance of the Russian horde.
so the crews of the Carpathians. I perceived, ir o.
in the M301410f that fatal fight at We tacit, that the
demon discord had entered the Councils of Han
gory Insane dissentious preceded between
eseorgey and Dembinski, the Inner refused to co
operate with Georg 4. bet both acting reporal.)r
have beeci separately crushed. Rut it is hardly
worth while to dyer on the immediate cause of
this fearful catastrophe, since it bed been so lorg
inevitable, no motet what might be the means by
which at xias to be hbaught about.
Engiand and France, as the leading powent of
Wertern Europe, however, May yet stay the pm
, gnat of the northern bear toward the heart of her
eisibutists. Let them, or even one of them, say
to Russia, • Retire, you are beyond your proper
limits, and the gumshoe is now taken out of your
Jurirdictlon,"—and to Austria," Let things return
to the now goo ailot roluer: cease your outnt
aeon. assanlts upon the rights of Hungary, as an
indeperuithat member of the empire, her Lenient
constitution, and her progressive liberal move
ments for ,he elevation of her people; and let her
agree to that as a compromise of her claim to be
come an independent democratic republic." And
with this demand ahbuld go another, moat impera
tive, that the axe and the halter should claim 000 e
of the victories which are usually offered up as
an expiation of every unsuccessful attempt to
mint tyranny. In haste.
C....treipoutleetco'ai the Plueboritt
Niw Vora, Sept. 6.
The fated Hungary is the only topic of oonver
&anon that the steamer by brought, that the peo
ple consider worthy of note, rod this is in the
months of all, causing universal regret. The
hordes of Eastern Europe, or rather Western Asia,
(or Russia, it Ariatic, have overrun the Hangar.
nen., and, their nationality I. no more. Russia,
far her nsWard, will receive a large accewion of
territory, corer which her laws will be can. to the at
ricuy obstrUction 0, human freedom. Mallow of
people are thus thdowo back years in civilization
and all that matron Ilfo desirable. Nor shall we
AMU hew In that region another struggle for Lb.
Henry Clay passed through town, on Tuesday,
for the Ninth. Ile arrived In the Empire State,
and went at once an hoard a morning boat for
•Mbena.aild stoplied sn rows at Lindenwold, to
I stet Mr. Van Hero, who, with all bin Gnats as •
politician, Is, In privide life, blameless, and worthy
to be the Mat alba pliant Statesman of Kenitra ky
The day lifter Mr. Clay'. d epanure, the elegant
putter WO, which bears his name, was destroy
ed by final becoming.tbe pubis° conversation, eli
citing camixerbons between her fortune and that
of her godfatheru dliTereat in their character o
the pointed of those Who uttered them in the af.
tern= o the same day, T. P. lima the young
and talented Sculptor of Kentucky, kft gi Europe
to commence the atainette of Henry Clay for the
ladle. ofVmitita the mother of States.
The Vide Snip of rooks by Cooley dc Kee.,
Madam chimed, shd the footing of the bill. stood.
• little mime that` one quarter of • million of dal-
Iwo= 'mooed which f at the low price of book.,
represents, indeed, biota tor the taiWan. Messrs.
Banns ',the heading house, commence their
rate en day week, When the quarter. of •
million mil he waited to three quartets.
eimazd 111Lit.boira toolicao tor Me Low Lihriuy,
at4,:froen the geoenaTpOr!,the*tiitoquono to
.41°41 that we shall hien illammihicreorabie la the'
!hied sates. It to lb be email uporani Fay.
ette.'cPittee, near the!.lopeneHoitai,, enuallsWidred
an4lwenty feet kingc-by Wily five wide r end six
ty okO:ven feet high. The material is to be brown
cmitone, t h e same as Trinity. Quirch-and the
0 {4:1 House, and it will be one of the finest edla
fleet in the country. The style is similar to the
Bufal Palaces of Florence_ graceful and imp
air* and costing $75,000, to be completed in two
The entire appropriation Gar the Library is 5100,-
000; of which one half is to be funded, thus ma
Icing it perpetnaL Already 20,000 volumes have
been collected by Dr. Cogswell, and are open In
;Isla. at hie residence. to Bond aueet. The Li.
braty to to be on the second door, 100 by 80 fact,
reaft,had from the front by 30 platform marble steps,
the;lbrary affording room for 100000 volumes.—
Sad, Is a sketch of whet will be a noble moral
e-tett to the name of its founder, and a mine of
wes3th to our citizens in all future time.
14 the face of the assertion that a large remit
tanisa of coin would be made by the steamer of
yesfierday, a mall amount only was sent, and
whit is more favorable, the rate of alerting bills
clod dull at 1091, ft rate that does not pay for
ehiytment. The Money Market commutes easy,
and. no class of borrowers find the treat trouble
to hegotiattng all they weal. Some “loall
are-looked upon with a little doubt, bet there ere
exceptions, and the predictions of a tight mar.
ket are vmunetl to those who have stocks to de•
Ou 'Chang.. there is a good deal of activity
Ashen have gone up to 3.6 73 for Pot. and $0 371
for' Pearls. Cotton is hell very firmly. The
tuacket ott the other side has pine up rather too
fAAf, and buyers here do not like to billow, it to
rapidly, fearing a reaction. Floor continues dull,
w vt a tendency downwani; in facts decline of
61 - 4.12
or. has been accepted on Into grade.. Com
m 4 to good Ohio $5 6.44415 75, Wary Ohio V,-
95556; all closing dull. Wheat, too. is lower, sod
the large supplies tend toe lower range. Foie
and good Genes. 12.10125, closing dull. Corn is
needy, but coarse grains are cheaper Pork Is
nib dull, and Mess may ho plkced at 510 440
50. Reef M dull. Cut meats are cheaper.—
Ss Ws of Hams at fio, and 4 le for Shoulders. %V hie
Lett 271e4280i. before. A god trade in Iron at
3331040 for bars, and $2l/022, 6 months, foe
Seen. Pig. Bunch Raisins have changed hands
at $2 75 a boa. Prime Tallow is wanted et
of Teas are wanted at full prices, with
smell st.k. Sugars are ;e higher. with large
seas. Coffee sells at lull price. Tobacco eon..
unhea in active demand at good pet i.en, but the
stdek 15 near 1000 hods greater than on the Ist of
A is4ust. r.
President Taylor•• Arrlvl In N Y
(!resident Taylor was Induced, by the receptive
of dolportant dispatches (mot the Seat of Governs
me,nt, to omit hi. intended visits to killiTtllo and
RGebeider, and proceed directly; to New York on
h 4 way to Washington. He scuorsitogly left Lew
isM'n on Wednesday afternoon in the steamer Bay
likllte for trawego, and arrined at Albany yesters
di)! morning.
Here he was received by Gov. Fish, Don. F.
Hdimptirey, the Mayor of the city, the State oth.
eels in Albany, Hon. John L. Selmaloran. Member
niVengress elect, and other disungumhed elithens.
Ha was taken immediately to the manse. of Gov.
Fab who tendered him the hotipitentint of the cm
minim', sad grimed no attention or kindness which
sq• [emended by tha Impaired state of the PM.
dot's health and the fatigue which be had been
obliged to encounter on the journey. After enjoy. interval of rest, and dining with • select
patty at Gov. Fish's consisting of bin suite. Col
Bras;Hon. Bathe Peyton of La, Minister toChili;
Leteher of Ky.,' Dr. IL C. Wood of the Ar.
raj, and Dr. W. M. Wood of the Navy, the attend.
iw plays:ening of the Frendent ; Col. Boll° of
1 / a istiingtoti, Mr. Weed of the Albany Ereamg
Jolirrnal, and the gentleman named above, the Ma.
titkuished guest was introduced to the cameos
rime the balcony of the house, and addressed there
iota hnef speech. expressing his happiness at lee
toe face. of his friends in Albany, and hies re
grm that his feeble health would cot permit him to
tahy them all by the hand.
He was then escorted to the steamboat Isaac
Nehrton, which was to convey him to New loth,
biefour light Infantry comperes, who turned out
oa r Ann notice, and made nn appearance to the
highest degree creddshie to them dmeipline and
seal. The President made another short address
to ,the multitude of who gathered round the
pep to witness hie departure, and to speed the no
bid veteran on has way by their shouts of eympa
thjh and admiration.
The most ample acoomorlattons were provided
toilhe President on board the superb steamer.
Ha tams placed to the rhasnlficent hot:Willem room,
and every person in the hint vied with each other.
, nadattotstertng to hi. comfort and emote. Mr.
Ribbed, steward of the Ism: Newton, put he
belt talents into regret:lon fer the rare occasion
and the supper tattle displayed • preformd of luau
nos and delicacies, arranged wtib the artistic taste
crib which the pass/milers on the Isaac. Newton
hey sufficiently familiar, hut which now teemed
tweet with the fresh eathuilaien which the pre.
tiecte of Gen. Taylor ha. inspired throughout his
triumphant tour.
On Wining at New York, al an early hour this
sofirning he was met at the landing by his Honor
Mayor Wirridtioll, Aldermen Sterterent and Frank.
lid II . 0. Draper. Jr Ere Wm. Mr. Maxwell,
"Co a lector tit tl.o Part, rat Mr. Charles S own of
the Ari r 11,1/... A po , ice (bete wmi stationed no
Lhh grvut.d, a , the du-v./Inn of t , e Marv, under
Citmato wWtv,na of the Third Weird, sod excel
lei:Menke was preserved to the crowd of spectators,
Who soon anemhled to greet the arrival of the
President with their Kenny cheers of wekvime.
N Y.c., Sept 6, t Q.
He woe !hen cordially invited by Mr. Stetson to
partake of the hosoitalitern of the Astor House.
where every srrnr.zeinent bad peen made for his
reception, and where hi. pre.gbee would be re
graded as a distinguished honor. The President
re.phed that be had been so much deprived of deep,
and wan so groatly fatigued by traveling. that he
weld prefer to remain in the steam boat for the
shun period he was to stay in the city.
As the number of eager and impatient citizens
ahniut the wharf increased, it became evident that
titi could enjoy no quiet or retirement in that stint
otto, nod be %Ca. at length induced to accept the
mutation of Mr. Draper, to accompany hint to hi.
rt.:Mance, No. ID, Warren street, where he would
be , .lru exposed to the outpouring. of the public
Alinsiasm, than be would - be either in the boat
or at the Astor House.
After arriving. nt Mr. Draper's house, the Presi
dent made his appearance at the window, in enm•
pliancy with the general srishound said a lew
words to the people. His remarks was received
with vonkiroult applause.
'After pariabrus of a breekbst In company with
th,n-' gentlemen who attended him to Mr. Draper'.,
hew. called upon by Mr. Brady, Peatntatter of
New York, Mr. Hall, District Attorney, Allerman
Roily and others, with whom he engaged m eon.
variation for a short time ; and at ho if past eight
o'dloek took his lease for the care of the Phtladel
phta Railroad.
A salute ci thirteen kon• was fired at the ferry,
mader the direction of Commissary-ticoaral Stem
ma. He then crossed the ferry, with the cheers
aid shoots of the people. who could scarcely be
restrained from rushing into the boat and giving
the object of their enthusiasm a parting demotion.
• .
The President has given every arsuranne to his
friends that he will return to New York in ihe
Felt and complete his Intended tour a. oriainally
The verdict of his district, in returning Mr. Mc-
Gscourr to the House of Representative., by a
majority of nearly two thousand voicarturniohes •
nalpable proof of the propriety of hil nonkination by
Provident Tartan as governor of Mineiout. He
drii id t a% h ire ever iv rd
bef ore
ore va t by
several h am.
.n P is district. Unexceptionable in chancier, of
and; talents, and liberal experience, he was reject
ed tin the Senate by • strict party vote, on the
arched of some exception taken to his coarse in
Crligress on the Mexican war. On that .object,
we's:appose, he reamed to think for himself, and
daild to express his thought., without the fear of
bri4g denounced by the ExecitUve organ
"antral traitor." This was the pharse, we behove,
by phich the poltroon. end cravens of Locoboccsam
+Ugh:wised a man who differed from the late Pre.
n,d rat on the Mexican war. Mr. Senator Fears
nacre within as ace of deuouncing General TAT Lot
hicatelfaa a "moral traitor" on this score, because
he Amid not find some one prepared to take the
!fool and state affirmatively that General Taylor
apOnved of the Mexican war.
Whatever may have been Mr. McGaughey'.
vie** on this or any other subjeet,n is clear enough
!bat they were the opinion. of the people who
elected hint, and who have reelected him by a
ousi.prity so unprecedented.—Repoblic
Are have reason to believe that the information
eonieged in the following paragraphs of a Wash
iog4io letter to the New York Tribunis, is aobstan•
tient cousin.—Ner. Int.
•Joseph BaShiner, Eel, our Consul for mmiy
yenta at Singapore, left here several days ago, with
a renewed commission for that port, to sail to the
steatner from Boston, laid Wednesday. He takes
ont:lnstroctiona additional to close appertaining
to his consular duties.
ullinue years ago, Commander Percival had a
difahulty with the authorities In Cochin-China, and
wan inbhged to use force, to the destruction able
sod. property, in one of the ports of that nation.—
The Emperor was somewhat indisnant, and tom
remained unfriendly ever since. He carries on a
conitiderable trade with Singspore—has misers!
ineemen running regularly tothat port, sends the
young men of the cation there to be educated for
his army, and for different pursuits of national
portance, which make It desirable that he atiould
be on amicable COMB with one representative there,
who hut been for some years his consignee for
merchandise, the. The Emperor, feeling aortal -
ed by the above circomatances, has withheld his
confidence from onr Consul, under the impresario
Marlin apology ought to be made by this Govern
-Mr. Bidtinier goes out with powers to proceed
to Hoe. the ea hal of that country, and make the
aamdaao wra64 , or with explanation as is consis
tent with our dignity, and be amisfactory. He
wilt' proceed to Torun * the prinrip.l seaport of
CochM.China, and, having accomplished bin mil-
Mon; will return to his Consulate. We have fam
ed no treaties with the Emperor, but our rotor.
room will probably be greatly extended am®g
triCsie Eastern camas wlWia ti fsw rase
Ed ward McGaughey.
lieltEl6B-11/11W11...1Erlf TI3M Humana .s Hi= He laid down tyro conditions—first that he'
Our cosidin entanges, of Friday, the Wen re. I should as render to to e gown, non, and riot to
Austrians; as his lire Piny • hid derlazen.
tunued,donot etralsin the details of the NhtPues the ou g y t h eir, mi., then gu t T alwold stn.
wl • the ir taT4 T u let "' Tharanallln g itaM ' render to the AusTrinor, it would defend him to
" relation to the Fall Hnngttry. we tuhe fiuut the last drop a its liaturd ; and secondly, lt mow
lhe New York Courier : , plete amnesty as regards his troops. With re
spect to himself, be did not &Wand or Wfpolate
deal fat any wursuny,dechtring that he gave himself up
regard Hungary we,
__find • go od as a holocaust ( or the rest, and would submit
al oltollin•ww — Faattamalf• fear, the .1"`“ eh
to all the severity of the law. The de
ment, the accounts already published of the , e „, deh
lal•I defeat at the ilaalf•n•• cause. Th e Condon fro- 131 . '21'g ' - th =of t G 7 e7. At " sk m a t tch is , d a s t .
Times of the 234 commences a leading editorial q
with the following summery of results: Grosewardlea
The samenCallier half liß brought the furt her Meta `••• he aa eere ' t thee the 131" th Hungary important intelligence, that General Hat non he.
has received a death-blow. A great portion of the
beaten Hein in • second battle. Of Be.' .•
army of Gemara' Georgey—so we learn from des. 2r„,,, were ied deed on nud ••••
conditionally at Arad to Marshal Pntriewitch.—
• •^
patch to General Havana—has surrendered an-
Womarfer taken prisoners ;IS canto. •• .••••••
„,,, e , e Bent the hands of the Austrian. Be sod
oi the end . The " g th at this
ccesaive is ba
sunen t thebqln—
de of i theot - hs h aa ado_ l l. thke L __ s r : o o t „ ei g t h o t t ' o e t e tt e o
er Hungarian corps is bat a question of day• and of Dattcoo"tottr this batle ,
detail. We had never anticipated any other si re oificial, bat fr
i have unfortunate)). omitted to
result to the struggle (rota the moment it became
clear that the Powers of Western Europe declined note the date._
to take any share in the contest, and that the Czar The extracts given shov e,
leave no room to
cd Rums was exerting his utmost strength to doubt the accent, of the intelligenw already gte.
bring beck Hungary to the dominion of the Cabi-
en. It is needless, therefore to give ( sober de.
net at Vienna. Short of a Muncie, it wax hurls- p
able that the wild levies of the Hungarian. aboold tails retheL
continue: to resist the organized manes arrayed
name them.
The receipt of such intelligence es the defeat of
the Hangman insurrectlon is nut surprising in it
self, but yet there are some mrcumaisnues of time
connected with it which furnish is. with ensue lit•
tle matter for astoniehmenL It was but the other
day the news reached us of the daring and etic
cessuil sally of the damson of Komurn, and of
the implore of Hash end of a vast quantity of ml.
timer store. The Hungarian !I ussars were said
to be dashing through the suburbs of Pressburg,
and Vienna itself—the (model of the Empire was
titre:annul with attack Gun. Geolgey, Who has
now ioirrentered with hie tinny to the Iluswens.
hod Joel minted at L sue. from the toils with
Marstist Paslizewitch bad compassed hum
Huron Jetis:hieit was but in evil case in the sou
thern t , sLicts, and General Haynau, near Serge
rt mamma ins position which certamly pen
t:noted no defy •peedy rod to the contest. New
ail is chanted. Gen Georgey end his army are
prisoners to the FLossiaios—Raali 10. recaptured—
the Hungarian army in Tranusy lemma has, ton is
stated, been spun tlaested at Nluhlbsch nod
Iteuttemartv. General Heynan is in possemor
of Tecuesttrar, and Marshall Paskiewitch of Gross
With regard to the position of General Den
im:sat. we are somewhat et •loss for certain in
telligence TatiPoiish Gerie-Fil was nod to be hit ftrees ou the left bank uf the Maros,
between And and ttregedln, but there is hale
doubt that ,it the tint.. we ',lilt, hi. levies inistit
have been defined by it., Austrian and Russian
erinws—if, indeed. they nave nut anti:lpsted de
feat by - an unntadnuntal serreeslcr.
anterend•r of Georgey.
The Times it the . .13d has one follswtna inform
anon concerning the war in Hungary, which give.
toll isnonnation and condrmation concerning the
unrierieui events . —
Our Vienna paper. and letter. are of the 1711,1
tenant. They confirm the news of the surrender
of rreorgry and his army. The following preen
masks was posted in Vtenna on the 17th:—
“11115 NACELLEICT Solon anyone 113 Ott. stunt - ,
THE 1211P.0.
“His Excelleery General Haynau informs His
Majesty the Emperor that the rebel chief ("empty.
with a large part of his army of 30,000 to 40 000
men. surrendered ou the 13th inst., uneonditionidly,
at Vilagos.
.Vtenna. August 17. 1819.”
Car correspondent Informs ns that M. Komuth
has establiatted his government at Orontes. From
the new. which reached as it soupcon 'bat only
port, though indeed a large paa,of Gen. Georgey's
army ..endered, nor la there any mason to be.
Iteve that the other Hunger,an Corp. will immedi
ately subsoilbe to the terms, or rather to the no
terns which Geueral Germany hen made inn him
wir and his followers. Nevertheless, to all appear- !
seeos the surrender of so large a part of the Hon
game forces must eventually prove to be a death
blow to the Huoganan rm.. Already does the
want of Greenery's eon. make resell Unit, for we
harp intellignace--and we have no reason to di.
credit it—that Rash i• again in the hands of the
Imperialist. It i• al. Mated that the Hungarian
army in Transylvania wan, on tho let levant, de
isted at Matilbach and Reussmarkt.
Our German palms, ten, confirm the late news '
of the occupation of Grosswardein by Path mattock
and of Tem..r, by Havasu. Gem. Havant'.
despatch antes that the Hungarian army which
besieged Teen.var. was defeated n . ee • battle of
many hours, nod utterly rooted. Gen. Schack'.
corps took 300 prisoners; the pen of the Hungarian
army made a mimed and metaled retreat, sad
the liangartans destroyed the gun [apiary which
they hew established near Teineavat. The Im
perialist troops were .0 much exhausted to follow
op their netory. They found Monty and louse.
o(Temneer in a deplorable state- Thal fortreas
was under the command of the General 'Laketon.,
who w. resolved to hold oat to the last befote he
aurrendered to the Haagen.. 2.400 of his men
had died of typhus during the Merge; 3 000 were
killed by the Hugest-au projectiles, and 2,000 en
moaned to the bestow,
The Russians and are now adv.eing
against Arad. There is but scanty truellig,mee of
the poolttos of the linnrarian anon. Elenbroaby'•
troops an =Betting on the left bank dice Matosh,
midway between Arad and Szegedlo. to threaten
Hamann's opersti -es stain And; bet they, in
thew torn, arc grin v.Arsly threatened by the corps
of the Generals Ramberg and gehtek.
Feom la • Time, of drag. 201.. Fond &tom,
true Berlin cOrreoruallente is id the 11it.
The intelligen. tram Hungary eontusuedta ex.
cite thegreatest interest in all circlet Prom the
term of letters from noes it would appear that
the surrender won not ao midden .a reboialtoa
the part of tbe Hungarian commetader as generally
topposed. tad Aces prenitme rug mat gam,
but they aeon Lep! psi:ear atoms Kossuth bad
made over his powers to Geoegey, who need them:
to put an end to * confitot of which be had fm
same time despaired. Prom the report of Prince
Paslriewateh untie F.mporor of Raman theme is no
doubt the other Hungarian amps will soon .arty
der. Even in Vienna, so vague has hens the in
telligence from the seat of war, the event was
mote unexpected.
Our Vienna papers and letters ate of Abe 19th I
inst. They taform a. of the remade, of the '
Cortina of Arad to the Impenaliats this impon
tam event took place on the 16th Mat
Oar comnspondent gives as an account of the I
event. which preceded Georgers surrender. Re
herring to an earlier report whisk appemed is The
Anse: of the 14th that. and in which he fin options
eon togus whole Vienna peas) Informed . of
Georgey having ovoid the The'o with his army
—oar cormapandeni palmed. to say that alter
Georgey's crossing the Theis', on the 31et ult.,
both the Aentrian and the RuisataGenetals were
at a los where to find WM:—
'tOn the first Lust," math" ins our cdrrppondeo t.
"Gen. Gnibbe received orders ifiS fialow the plan of
upend/oda originally laid dbwn 6r him, which onta
to pacify the Western Hungarian mantles. Toe
RUN. Marshal dates that after he hod rooted
Nagy Senior before Delineate he determined to
wait In that ally until Gicergey, 'who had retired
from the neighborhood_of Tekey,' should come
down to the flown Previously to a detailed se
count of the battle with Nagy Sardnr, which Is gte.
en, the Marshal remarks that, on his armee! at
17jvaros, he could gain no tidings of the enemy, as
he &mod the mionbiteuits of the country ao attached
to Georgey that he mould get eo spies. 'Before the
, haute,' says Prince Paahlearank I could not learn
whether four squadrons, 10,000 men, or Gamey
with his whole army, was at DM:ire:in.—The M
oult of the battle is known; Nagy Studer was rout.
ed and nitrated a sevens lon. The Marshal state.
that, what with killed, wounded, and the prisoners
who wore made. Nagy Sullen most, en the follow
ing day, have Mond himself "miens" 2000 or 3000
men. The Ist dinakm of the Hungarians fought at
Dehresin. It wk, directed to occupy our attention
in order to give Georgey an oppononity of escap
ing. It la said that dunngthe battle Georgeyrna.
ad to the left of Debreein, and that in the coulee of
the night he was 35 wenta beyond that city. He
Is on his way to Grommet& la, where he intends
c oneennallog all his
"Aker passing the Marshal at Dehresin, Geer
gay moved to Grosswardein, macre be expected to
And provisions, of which be ants In the greatest
need, bet u all the supplies bad been removed to
Atsd by Bosarth's orders, ha hurried on from
Grownwardien to Vilegoa On mantling Met place
on the 12th, he doubUeas learned what had taken
place at Temeshwar on the 9th, and that Schlieli
was already berme Arad. Gen. Rediger wan chit°
upon his heel., with his division and the thb Cav
alry Regiment, winch had been sent him by way
of reinkircemeat."
From the Vienna and German papers. It appears
that the Arlan.lan capital ts In a Mate of great ex
citement at the almost unexpected run of good
ketone which hat fallen to the sham of the Impe
rial arms, and that a variety of rumen ere abroad
as usual. It mu evert said that Comoro bad aut.
rendered, bat our norreapoodent protests that this
is wholly unfounded, though it appear. that Gear
grey sea inierueriaru to Ktvia, advirang kiss r. 3
mai. an early surrender. Nottung Is known of the
whereabouts 01 M. Kossuth and of Gen. but
it thought they are will at Grebe.% or perhaps in
Prom a proclamation of Oen. Beni, dated from
scrma.bure, of the 25th oh- it hareem that the reg.
nlar campaign In Transylvania to sot but ended.—
Bem stales that at the battle of Bt. Cieorgay, "the
behaviour of the lumps did not answer to tel era
pectadoLs," and that he sou "extremely disap
pointed with the conduct of the foot." And la an
other part of the proslamstiou It la stated that the
confused shooting during the battle drowned toe
word of command, and that shouting on seryire
should hatumbrth be visited with capital mulish
main; besides that detachments which left the
geld of battle should be subject to deeimatior.
There are also aceounts of Gan. linwore.
tory at Ransamark, which concurred previous to hi.
being debited by Hem at Hermaniatadt.
Where the today, inhabitants of the Batah are
tolled shelter, on their retain to their province,
Heaven knows. We are Inbreed that many of
the towns which ara marked nu the map have
muted to exist. Theresiopol,Zombor and Baja,
are now mere names; and yet Thereaiopol had
before the tovanieo of Baron lathe:Mich, no loos
than 50 000 intuth.tants ' while Zocebor and Baja
hod 19000 and 1 2 . 0 0Dinhablainla. •
The Goflowing, to the male Inwood, fa from the
London Chroolcle of the 29d:
Pans. Tuesday eVen(eF.
A colt er haW jolt amvesthere, Who Wings the
irroAt cod important it.ara that the Husgatiao
Ovule le at A a ae ,l he Onera toolficial, .4414
eoneetneee h,toad .:O.lbL Gomm has aueleal ,
ears.' to . fah, and Is self a prio
caes la Me but. He did laCe seneeder ai /sem
Pitt was tall and thin, with a gloomy,
sneering expresaiou. Hie language was
cold, his intonation monotonous, nis gestures
passionless; yet the lucidness and fluency
of his ideas, and his logihal reasoning, illu
minated by sudden flashes of eloquence,
made his abilities something extraordinary.
I saw Pitt pretty often, as he walked across
St. lames' Park, from his house, on his way
to the king. George 111., on his side, had
perhaps just arrived from Windsor ; after
drinking beer from pewter-pots with the
farmers of the neighborhood; be crossed the
ugly courtyard of his ugly palace in a dark
carnage, followed by a feu' horse-guards.
This was the master of the kings of Europe,
as five or six merchants are the masters of
Pitt, in a black coat and brass-hilted
sword, with his hat under his arm, went up
stairs. two or three steps at a time; on his
way he only saw a few idle emigres, and
glancing disdainfully at ns, passed on with
a pale face and head thrown back.
This great financier maintained no order
in his own house; he had no regalar hours
for his meala nor his sleep. Plunged in
debt, he paid nothing, and could not make
up his mind to add up a bill. A valet man
aged his household aflairs.
without pleasure, without passion, eager for
power alone, he despised honors, end weehl
be nothing bat William Pitt. 'Lord Liver
pool took me to dine at his country-house in
the month of Juno, ItS22; and on his way
pointed out to me the small house
where died in poverty the son of Lord Chat
ham, the statesman who brought all Europe
into his pay, and distributed with his own
hands all the millions of the earth.—Atemoirr
Improvements In Deallistry.
DR O. 0. STEARNS, late of Rowan, m prepared to
ananufaeture and oat IlLnes Term in whole and parts
of seta. upon Suction or Almoapheno Suction Flntea—
T.vmtaenttroto to VIVI YtnvTaa, where the teree i.
expowd. OR,, and rowdence next door to the Mop
or Mho, Fourth stem, Pt:whore - h.
Rzrza , o—J. H. %Wadden. F. Id. Raton. 1410
11:7- In t' e Ppnng stf . 1 , 4., Isent to Pittsburgh a
plane man named Geo. W Smith. as my agent. Yeah
a sketch of die city drawn by myself, and be obtained
for me about 300 subscribers. Pince that woe I have
employed him at minify tones, but owing 10 his brum
e.' operations not being satisfactory, I was compelled
In dtstnia him enbre/y I have recently le•rned.
teart surmise, that he hiss either kad my anginal
et Pittsburgh . opted, or obtatned mum person
tis draw another, (for he draw at all honselfo
and will endeavor to palm at upon the ether ns of Pitts
burgh this surrephuous view. Now. what makes the
rascality of Ibis transaction so harefaeed, is that be
has retained pososssion army submnpuon book oirhich
he will net my* up. and boa in some way or other him
ed over these muses:Mrs to himself.
•. . • •
11y .ter la ready far delytete, and I trust that the
rou. en,
anal rubserthere at least arill liatronise me, and
roesaanbly 101 l the designs of the hue• wen
ttoned andtvidual W ITEFIEL D
Sep Ilth, 161 V dlt
F. SANDERS-IWe= Germany.) mapectfally
NJ. nom... that becontinue. to Inman An.trac
Beingperfectlyr (smber wtth the English language,
and permitted to refer to gentlemen fully sible to form
correct judgment .Stmt his competency, he hope. to
mem a share of public patronage
lownsenons given in Senunanee as welt as in ph.
vote families. at the moat reuonable mint,
Those who shah trp avail iberuelven of his scene,
meter a• teacher idierpeeter or translator. am IC,lpt.
WI to Ice, Weir hams.. at the book Wore of to.. J H.
Mellor. Wood et. sptil•dier
A rlllata, Pmtvatara L ialod Daguarmumetyplatad
WM. A. WISON O , No. *North Liberty street. Bal.
If mom, wholenales and mai! dealer in Window
Glue, Yuma Oils, Varnrshes, !trashes, Tarpentine,
Bronze, /kr Arun.' Material., and au and cow
rie. arsonmert ci Doguerreasty-pe stock. of Cases
Flat, a Chemicals, Ae. A. •I the vcry bvaat pneel.
I,M.ANNELS —Shir barred and red lantenele
Flanrftlt, reed taweo-ewlesiew. tor mar by
sett I GEO COCHRAN. n, Wood st
I /FVISE-121 lop Rio Coffecduat reed and for sale
VAYEITE 11.1.ANICkszt received from We
F Fume, • lot or anper.o. Fandly Rianketa, for
mile at Eastern prtees. at The warehouse of dm
spill No 112 Second ct, up maim, Pntsbaralt
IASI! FOR WOOL —Wanted, MO WO lba lab wash
ad and eollialnli W.I. tee which the highest price
will be pend he the FA VETTE hIAN CPO
mt °Stec, No Second-as, Fruhunth
. 11 A CON-15,00:1 lb. Shoulders and Ride. for rale to
split Liberty rd
-. •
VOA RS-50,WD Common 1-hgars en cones,ooze nt—
far vale by spit I G Ci.. 011 R AN, on Wood at
111F-EW..-2,0 be. tut landing and for gale by
raFrATFIERS-lw pounds Feathers. jut reed and
for min try , .ptl I C
DACCIN echo eawnweerl Slams, • good
ti u lxle, Aug landing Imre rum &spars., for sale
_ -
I) IN DERb' 110 %EDS—
.' J 1 114 Madera' Stray Boards. 31 ea 2.2x1,,
(S. " • 111 -
" ..
Each bundle mr...;tung SO 11.• Jam receive.. And far
sale opt. 11 11 tilf A •ST
iIidIiJUSTRECEIVF na D—Fro the psettle Ott Cloth
Factory. an assortment of Fleror Furniture. come
Curtain. and Wean., cover Ott Sloth, whteh oder
to wholesale purclimera at F.a.uorn prtees. T.h e stork
consists of the tollourtrur
FL lOtt ult. CLOTH
Vol.. it yd vide Itegtyy - 136;x1 Goohi;
4 4 Counter Clotho;
:tun . 3.4 Green do. for window blinds,
• ow 4.4 do d o , - md patlettli
Inn dozen owned slog 'rhino Coven, aplendid
rft '' y ' ir;Polohed Sarfaze: 34zi id* Wagon Cower.
Contontly in•nafentannh and receiving, and for
wile al We Oil Cloth and India antibor Dcpol, No 3
Wood at. 1c II 1411411'n
Tilt undersigned offers fur sale
to like.
FARM, a Smite tonsittp,Waslungton
ounty, situated on the rmnrettstO wn
and rillabargb road, distant from Me f or m eadios,
and from the latter atm. OD mkt, and coo male flout
the village of Candor. The Fano mwta4of4oo memo
sea serer of which are cleared, and the balance In
good limber. Ina word, the Fnno for handsomeness
of situation, fernlay of soil, convenience of roads,
churches, schools and milLs, and being will ma telv d
and fenced; having abundance of Meadow Lannoind
Limestone and Stonecoal, Is probably unsurpassed by
ny to the county. Should purchasers prefer tt, the
funs can be easily divided into two fanosr"....rm one
consisting. MO aeons, and the other of OS acres. with
bons., wood and meadow, salted to each, For fur
ther pan milers, application May be made lo Dr. Joh o
11. Dorman,. of the village of Hickory, mad he or Jahn
chambers, Mangan the Onta, willthOw the menthes;
Ma proprietor living widths amain, of Hormory,
treat srah arm wiarmag
The uracraignedalso oars for aale, • genii PA RM,
0(04 acres, On the Steubenville mad, one:mile dada.
from Hirmory. sod half a milo distant Nom Prospect
Presbyterisn Church; about da tunes of the above are
cleared, and the balance is in wood. The land is good,
and In good coudnion; well fenced and wateren.—
There is on Orchard end Tenant House, with spring
no d s pring house, convenient on the farm. The own
er living on the adjacent farm will show the premises,
and nest with any wishing to purchase.
• mit:Vara ALEX. DONNAS.
N. 11.—If the above farms be sold, WU or 600 cheep
will also be offered for sale,
k - :WAN OF ItIORSI —A: span of young
black match llorma wand and perfectly
ot. anon. * wanting a hoe pair of
Carriage !toms, can Wawa them at • rea
emi ink pride. Apply to
_ . i Itll JACOB - WEAVER. Jr
_ .
ACSTIZAIN—Caine to tba premises of
te7h 4 e . ryio n oty ' , " n l eir db r 'g a . l " „ ' r . :l l lr o n o . t.
anh eli., a dark hay MARE% with mall
while spot on the reechoed; bits while partly aroatid
the right hind fool—wariPhsad to he over IJ yeas. old-
Th, 0.11, regueshid to come forward, prove pas
petty. pay eh•rgeo and take her array, Whets/se she
will be dispeerit of according in law.
Th. vpiendid immener
80ne,111111.1.1, will leave ft thie
Mat, al 4 'clock, P. M. for
the above and an intermediate parts
ID- 'rho barge Ele nettle. No. V, will leave the foal of
NV pod at-at 10 A.M.
c LaI p, B . I , L . ICSJ 81 .5 1....K8 e lZ o T a te m r , l i e b h eat, la rges t and
111 We Wen urn country. A A
MA an
.ptiO CO Atatteit ot
CAB es AND M. DE LAME:m-4w, e ....
USA 3ow d.y oprnms. at A. A. MASON t CWS One
star, 41.-MsSret M. mslo
Wan S&IXO putts of We above named pods have
been mu:rived during the pm woe& at We only cheap
ems rico Mere. &ale d A MASON & CO
(I D~ ~ k~.
Manager C. I. Porier
Aromono‘—Drew Circle and Pasqnone- • • • •MroPo.
SOomitd .
Apartment for people or error yy o
Ot Doors open i past 7 o'clock —Crma In
wn o'r leek.
TUITOLT, I,e premated
1 ,, ,x a Ponter 1.,01c Agnes.
Cox • Haire, tfiss /lama
hu r• H,,necr . Hama
To 000vved watt a MiscallanecOs Coucen, by the
Hymn Family.
To which mill be added,
11111 LAST LI2IS•
(OCatlnghan • Misa Herron.
Julia ..... •Miss Fanny.
Mr, Montague Km. Herron
To <each:We with
Gregory Thoublowell • • Mr. Porte,
Maud., • • •• • • ..... Mt. Leicester.
r CES-23 ...One Lee, ne every desirable pal
ls tern, price. rupee kens I to 50 els not reed.
*OllO A A MASON dr. CO
eon k cc, No GO M•rket .t. heves le Ware the ler
ed.aeasorancul. et places unravelled. kill el the esely
slate. spllo
( i
`tOrroN FLANNKLS,coI'd and whae—A large
...diluent jest received by
pa , . A A IdASON &CO
A MASON .k CO. GO Myket rt will open this
. morning a few pieces rich and choice Parlelllll Chime—the like eannot be found elsewhere.
111 ; : i .: i tC , :12 , .t:
n N o b w I.I ,, VIVIV , t2 . I/141 . . 7 .1 , N . 5-0 ,, f 7 rte . 4lll;
lei. spite A A MAW/Nit CO
I G.Al)—±s pig. Lead, reed and for b.. by
Ppillt lr9 NViner et
11/VFEI , .—TE bet prime Rod /eye Coffee, ta
V) •tore and to arrive; for tale by
• -•- -
31 %Vat', and 01 Front
1 — - - -
k:A...--it 5 bllf Om. and eaAdica 1 Ityson, Gm Powder, Imperial and hack Tens, for walo by
sot o LS wiaszotroi
Ground ue. 5 bp Alain.; 10 boo tiroand do; for
!ale by_ L 14 WATERMAN
11 ,f ADDRH-1 Gdde~, for rile hr
t IASAI A Cam, for sale by
/ sot •0 WATF.FLIIAN
SOAP—VaI Mont. 3do Alamo.] do; 2do
bx • %Immo, Sh•ring mr sale by
- - --
t tfrfON YARNS AND BAI4ING-540011.C0R0
Van, mtaurtcal; 100 bulc• No I and 1 Batting' fo
T4'13, 4 AN I , BUCKETS —.5 do: Tabs; 73 do Buckets;
4 do !iodic's. 4,4 4.4.4 I.y
4.44 goperiorFanoiS A l , trtUor .ojo
v by
MOLASSE9-5. bbl. ,1 0 Nfo'ovses. S do .oro
nonel l / 4 5 for xate pptlO L ffWATERALLN
OLOVER SEED—MO kik prune Clove, Seed: P.
'de by Too I. s WATEriMAN
1 LAS. , -133 his UM. South 4 Berroo's brand;
lar 31 do 10319 -
:,0 dm 710 ••
Also. U.:12, 10,14.10.13, lOile, 12,10 and MIR; fo
safe b 1 rptlO L 13 IVATERMAN
1' • •
tn• •
1 W A 111
RREN STII takes this ett.od of inform
tng ure subscrit.ers to hill Pew of Pittsburgh.
and the citizens generatly, that he is exectihng the
went si ith all powetble despatch. and erpects to bare
n lea v e delniery some aloe is Ile t/lso
begsv I. Inform all concerned, th that a View of
Pittsburgh' ls about to maim it. appearance, publiab
ed by "Hudson & Santa." 0. WAN.zt grrru tit In no
wes connected teak the pablicauon 04 tkt. picture,
and those who subscribed to hi. work, wit' readily see
It tint the one which they engaged to take.
New . York , 14, -ph lab io.ltnd3i
Market befog a good stand for Dry Good..
ALSO—fiereral rooms suitable far Manes or Ammo.,
ALSO-4 large public Parlor.admirably ealcula.
led kir • Lulled. liermitonont and lee Cream Saloon.
From Its sire, elegant heist, and central loesiboo. be
ing to the immediate neighborhood of the lashionialdo
dry goods mores, and adjoining Philo Nall, this room
would afford a permsment nand way dentrable:
and in the hands of a person q every ualified to c
IlOovo busimess in Ensteru style, would *apply a wins
Cinch felt by ...gore visiting Pittsburgh and ladies
residing In the vicinity of the city. To such on once
pant it would we a large genteel and profitable
comma n
The spa_otis and well lighted basement of
the building vv.!! be rented with the tinlootiovi
which 11 ts conveniently connected For terms,erhich
are moderato, apply to
Pam sad Mercury plea. copy.
ruE snot.l secoon far lett. mad ..miteertmence,
fi "nth leterithreunty. Leen:thee, . the lest Monday
ii Ocuttherocat.
Tye daily Lee area thereafier mill betemporarily
e h in the commodious built/Me .atly fined up
or the purpose. on Liberty street. one deer north of
Joan C S. Mosso,. 111.11-4nsmuses and PIILVIIG
of !Iletheule; Med. Jurisprudence and Menial Dwane,.
°sou,. C. ht. Ronsars. h D anal trts
e•ana of Women and Children
Redeem. N. Nutter, A N N. D —Cbeenwtry.
A nentrars Ronan, hi
, A. N. N. D.—Anatoeny sad
Ph j.. lte rWatogr, A. N. N. D.—eargery.
A. B. Praetor, A. N. N. D.—Therapeutics, Mob Ned
lea, and Hygiene.
The dudes of the Deenstantrater will be porter:nod by
Die Professor at Anatomy.
The Facaby have at their command the most ample
enemas, qty.... modelsatc, roe a comae as thorough
fad Maplee as as delivered in the belt regulaNd
%Moll.. to the country. The Obstetrical model. are
he largest and best eve, imported, and were procured
n Pans. at groat east
The !cameo wart, an solo es possibtc. to GU the
vacant chairs via gentleman thoroughly tplahGed
Mem reeponeble duties thereof.
They pledge themselves to unwearied devotion to
the interests of all who may he disposed to put them
selves under their teidon.
Tie.. 215 onetti_ niplono Dernonstrator 311
ittontoulation Si. Ptodonts •rtiring in the city ore
mom. to .11 on Man member of tie Funnily. or.
,tae advice with .2.1 to the solee.uonot boar
ding hen., ka-
For fit2hee locomotioa whams the Dean of the F.-
0v REtiINALDIr 53111331%
No MI 11 - eot Fayette 1, one door West or' Inbarty
at, Bornmor, rptllkd2orrat—lllalt. Pot
rr • v oud the many mem...lied ces altectding - the oust
of the customary Skein, the above ankle has been
mach, and for • Fong tlmo wattled. It hass/aray•been
a manor oPaavuoshosent, that oddly t tha coma. arti
cle of Colton, woe ronvernently spooled for general
use—s.l4 DO tench more •slumble., should ha. been
supplied to Shams, from *loch m. mach trouble, Don
ation and loss has arisen.
The di iculty ba I at last been overcome, the Pabli.
la offered g goat .rude. handacituniy pin up lase. .
'lndent lbrm for detnevilic are.
. .
croly &need. arced against this arnele is the
sppatent small quantity on each spool. Ties is eaally
copilot:al. Face spool Is "rammed to content 20 Td.
of Saki while we ordinary Rem,in the ant vtee.
hdis but an ancertatn quantity nazylner front LP to IS
The Spool Salk is ready for use at the time of par
chaos, and at only heeds a trial. to convince tie moan
intricate( as superiority Co iissinay. !Wei:wallow of
the neat and convenient logo In which It Is thenishech
at hu treat advantages over the skein. as it does away
with the tedtern al wirsling, the vexation of tangibly,
and the lent of Woe to preparing it get 11110.
AN sale by the rose, by
6t North 7d sy Pbiladet b,..
vptllledler Na. S liaiden Lane, New Tort
IitPONY FOR SALE.-A mall Slack
Pone,, rail, Overruled woM• far We
low. !again, al a 11 PATTERSON'S
tptla LOPerr Stable.
011141111 1 M Da.
141.11. DA KE
(Law *trim York.)
Orrce—Snaithfield stntet, between Seventh. and
Strawberry alley.
N. 11.—Dlaeue• of the mouth, puns and teeth treated
Hetorrottathteally. eptlfrolara
Merin—On Smithfield sr , hemmed DI and Mb.
(Alice revue—From 12 Id. to 2 P. M.—from 0 to 0, D.
M. Sestesses—Mr. Baader% comer Smithfield and
and Third am rpirtslOsi
Plano* arith Pala Ilaarmanails
?VIM subserhar feels himself ashen sgan t o notice
.1. au advertmemem respeoung Jtn Improvement lo
earerutg the hammers of Phnom, winch professes to
announce .Prlt matted Plans. , as a nes iteebbtible.
Piero Forte, swab felt Covered hammers have been
sold by me, horn differmst semnfaelnrers for five years
Past, and theme oho may eo.lder h heorosement,
eon be suppliedteibb leilb Pahl' Caviar* haw
mem al any uric, and the es sop rouse meths of Fen
. and h.. Lelter taste t o ,
n by ti c i elli=e n, vr a are vi toorns ow
a tt the
Sole ” 7sent for Chlckenng's Pianos tar Western
Pennsylvania. Nu`
"Vrr R. MURPHY is now reeleannp hi. drat Fall
. supply of Porearra and Doinealte ROODS and
has 'lady opened an atsortment Or new and
fa styl a dark tali PRINTS, warranted fast colors;
and [lent new style Fall
Mahn de tolner
Alpaca. and Mohair Luise.;
Pawaak 80 and striped do
Partuenos and Lyonese
Of the most dasicable colon; and a full supply of
bleached nod unbleached Irish Linens, Man
chester Gingham., a., at nonherat eoetwr Fourth and
Musket s. Buyers are Invited In call ea aim
R. ALEX. R.TroINEDY, formerly Prof of idom.
11l don In the Royal Berfeer College Iholood,) mod
me , in the W. R. College, 0, t0.p0af011y.0.,,,,,,,.
Wet b. him rearmed Irse
Ills s and Phalispeeman and mimellenteous Mom ,
tldnute (postponed (un illnes9.6ll be glean in tie
hootth yard School Building, Pena almet.on Monday
yenta , the 10th W.lOOl, 018 o'clock. ThOlinest Sal
most e ective pamagre mill be Retooled. Tlalreol
maw. • rtieulags may be known at the olke of Oda
Buy'. hookah:me. • •llkidlit
IN. ERN LIALR TEACHERS wanted s tn i the
sch of Lova St. Cher tovmship. • Appu e ._
eon ma he made in milieu a. ethenrina to any of
the and Mined, enrol Ideeaay, on lu. at le okloc
A. M., - him the Hoard at Women vell!proeredte ez•
me t e „ the app'iNtit• at the frame - Senora Henze le
Temper...vine SalarrelE perm:ash.
POllll. J. MMITIi. Lower RI. Cleje.
R. IIeIIERTON KELLY, TeMperasteserlne
- A. AMBLER, al Smithfield et. veep,.
Li F.W lIOOK.—A Treatise on ROM . 1 1 / 1 110 NOV.
J. data g. throe origmal western* 'of . 40 ggig ILa
..mot or siring In drawing the taws iatittldwor gen
weuieal, etupueal and spiral- Rand aim, an
&gave epplying the Uto lips eftheitentid the
rto ofien plank, erWall *tory of ?valor point..
attended with .n inwatitintorg_ goatee ef geometry, re_
Ora proportions,. ezetqlMed by foil and =Vete
demorturationo, and illitagultd 'by swearp,i,g s a. DT
Itornoldr, A rehiteet...No. 41 Coup et; N. Chien&
Jest reesl by JOHNSTON IgBTOClitTig.
tate . ' toner Third and Market ata
APDOTT.-iirbelt no I'l - ant Oil, tn now sa
„ ,•
ENuuen a smsgrr,
V Weed a
ea--a6rinea.Yyiucfl 4la.t tsc . & for
•lje :
SA L' 4,-DDI Jlh Moil mid dr b* .
rpt9 is - AyApipicsY.,l co
Cff EFSE-17:1 task.. rhe'd at the Wlgtern &punt
/tunas and Cishano
TOOLV-17gber d Linfolon,lic To Mimi
r. bsve '..t received volendid suaeli,of
ter,' ucl opt.
MACKEREL-10 Rile No 7 Revlon Mitekerer e
LIL Lugo, la Corr 'pad for sele by
• • &
Jor at 714 rt
TIINIATA BLOOM:9-60 tom on conbitinemenb
tfi mote and foe •oft by rpt9 BOA R lONFS
OLAttSEs—ltobbi. N n hleasm.s, tfi pnm.e or.
al. dot r In .tons and for sale by
DOCK OIL-40 bbla, very pure,lttAlore and for ode'
The notoserlbera ate prepared tli in order. rot
8°11."' Fire thi.k , %Warranted equal to kap
thou ond.•l Ile the boat load, et aldropm dollars per
'aptS KIER
BACON RIDE--so.,Cau lba smote Pout.,
for sale by dips 'MIK!! 24,40 N
The splendid abranials
Win !rave fe N y
10t above and ad la
tenasellaks ports ads d,ty. at 4 o'clock
Po r freight or paasase, apply on based. neje
I_, Personal narrative of a to. throne, a pan of
the U. S. and Canada, wilh node. of Mt him. :and
inatiintion of Mcibodiam in Stimina: by /mn DM.,
D D.orldi • ponralt of the audio,
The liarmordn, a collection of Sacred Masi., P.m ,
and round notes.
Methodist Almenec for IMO—price 6 ecota—for sale
wholesale and mall by R. iIOPKINS,
.17 Apollo BePampa Fourth to
WeitiitTls7hte - bewared Plans..
"THE auttierlber has pist
to completed
his Mock of PIANO% compo ore s
and 7 octaves of alloy: variety' of
style and prier. with and without Colo
man's celebrated 2Eoliao Attachment, foam th e col.
broad factory of Nithne, a Omsk, New Toth They
are all providrd with the above impotent improve
ment. All other Fiatiminakem ilia coopry [peer
the hammers (which Mike the aunts and produeeNte
tonal with leather. This, tia they all admit, wean
badly , the leather inc bard and - harsh and nun
eaothe, after the Piano Ito been coil while, most
thearecabie, harsh end wiry tone. Nouns A Clark
have within the Inetfew essmols covered the hammer.
will fen dal, an entirely new Wren:Lida predating a
most m en sod voluminous tone, whmh atilt na
p eves by spr, instead 01 growing handl and herd, en,
necraseply does. Thin may ettly to pro
nounced the gicateel improvement Timms yet in
vented The ...par of t' ere Pianos iamagnificenUy
gilded end embellished, altogether the Yiehest
trouginettle. Keeping . . assortment of Doman and
other Piano. the public can convince themeelres of
the othernoity of felt to lesther, by Culling and trying .
the Inetruments. IL KLI , M6II,
Sole Agent for Norris C'arli,
At .1. 1777 Woodwelps
N It —The above will be sold at at...fact:meth
price., and the money seemed it found In uo lean
defective. • , . epo .
losable. celebrated sawn:damson:—
One Rosewood 7 °O. carved in the style °Mauls Xtlf.
One do 7 do do do
One do 7 do round comers. Plsdrt
One do 7 do plaincoand corms.
Ono do 6{ do do do •
Om do 6 do ennred (=hum
one do ddo nhuoimi'm
One do 6 do
One do '6 do plain masses '
MI the above are (ram tbo , celebrated, manteaelOry
of Chkekezin Boman, and no. warranted In all cases,
and Me porch g,
/me money refondeet, If Mond ,defecrivo
in any particular, the prires are menale as charr ed
o: the manotamory. and am al low udbosendrin
or quality from oilier maker.
Seven Rosewood 6 oiet;s hoe. ibwon t Raven. N. Y.
One do 6 do do H. Woreestet i N. V.
Two d, dd ia do Baton & Raven ,N. Y.
One do 6 do do Miles &Co, N. Y.
sit the above Piano Fortes warranted to even re
spixt, being &Ado cepreaalv to order, wet am seek Is
on be Pitied on for dorabi by; even In tone& and WV
wpetior JOIIN H. 611f.L1.0R.
hole Agent for sale of Cbtekuting's Piano rotten.
ITC for Western PanasTivania.
CHEERE—ISO bun prim Cheese, loot we'd and for
de by nn SI, lIARVISUGH
DRIED PEACIIFS--300 Innh Dried Peai , bet, prima
Wynn, in awe um fint ule•by
spa N NV IliatarnUGll.
SCO . RSHINGS-10 esks Searckings„eollyiLn.p'
his "earbinnai's super..s 's
bat., ttCeillEtir and far Ws by
spit 13 GIIANT
WOOL—Tbe highest soutet price in cash paid for
We different mays a( Wool by •
syn 7 3 &lb bIYiRBA.ITGA
LA . t: V y lL-3 bbl. got
• • IV. lu sulre ..r1 for
AN7RR-50M bath ttarlay; WOO do 'Rona 4400
do Rye, for Praloh the highest mutat penes to
Intl be paid by, spa R W LL&RRAUGIII'
17ID GLOVES—P. H. Fates i„Co. bayst•esived •
frelh simply of iliblGle,s .3(.11 colon,
iu• .mdm and nurser. Alm attd Der.
lm Glom, *itlt for wrist, Par tea Pcius.6 at.
• .s 7
YNS—Clouded scarlet and Wee, white, Meet,
blue elte black mired, orange, pay avd alida co
lored Y. of Jed ia-red ea for We by ,-•
P ft EVIISN & CO;Gl,Pootth at
TMIMELLAS—A - vmall lot of Ladies Silethebred
t) is both Went and colereCl, Gar see al BIMINI
'Manning (lore, fourth sa. ele7 •
QUOAlt—ted !dub N °Saga+, strictly prime, lust
received end for sale a)
spa LSIVATEHMAN, Water et
VEATBER 4 3—rSOO 101 prime Featherson arrive to
Jr morrow, and for tide by
liptr _ ammuton '
( TU.- , b 15141 p 34anCtistextu
OAR—I 6 bhda. N. a Sagazoo more and fir Oa .
• T vtls:t •r• • A. GORDON. "
M a hl CHEESE-93 Os teed-and far via bY
W . 11 4, 713E5K-113 brB.W Zbiese, fo mile by
WICK it - 111•CAli CLEM
tipta 6 DEARLS— ca ise. vi
IGS (or a
sate by
FRENCII sa.o:DY—A Opavior irdtle ipadi
1: 61161 plirpo.l4 pat rreilitud for Rio er-
Vt 6 JOHN DMORGAN. Int 4., in
Pon? viir.VE—Worszatapora mr medielOcit Por
poem ilea receive? and for *ale by - •
WHITING—N bbis for sale
SP. TURPENtINE-12 i 07.1
tillitCiiiliDDHitriLit ...extra, for 67
D.T. WOODS-30 bblv justveri'd 4vod for.% by
OILEAT A. 111111741.; •
AA A. MASON A CO, No. GO Market street, bare
. Nst received utnnetense meek of NEW PALL'
OttOOS, to which they Lamm S. attelllibil or their.
Mande and the publie--amitttna them thit eveo act.
etc mm sold lbeit. um.? low pslemt— se low ad
to defy pestillea eitta
Sloliftlzal short liens BILLEOPEXCHAROE, pelt:"
able la Cincinnati, Louisville and St. Loa* pars:
chased en the most faverattat terms.
_gat N . HOLMEA A ems.
QIGEIT CHECKS on New 1 7- o - rk, Philadelphia o
1.3 Haldeman for Ws N. HOLMES & SONS
QOM. ASIF-41 ton,llutprno Soniq illkddiAtorla
& Slum fat sole try
tea 24 Water
SCORCHINGS—bO exits bac qualiry t S
abat tk)
1107' AIM—It aka first myt.o, fa tate by '" •
atiEjr, alAncevis &al
OFFEE-453 bap prima Steen Rio. far ado by
910.4—100 hf OKA. V hairdo! and U r TOO; ,I 8
do do Coorchons To*: 138 caddy brAY 11,0 Pazot
Imperial Tolk, of rocontooporlatidavforsoklelyi
FIBII-114 bbis urge No I Ntacktrelf 73 do - 011itud
'wring ; a 0 bisuckoke4 do, &TIC° bt
• r)BACCO—sii br5 1 6,61;11.1 ofbettOis,
•J by WO . : llNEY . • Mlfd9R'firtyBL CO_
ICE-40 tea (mitt bait. foi ule by
A 1.131-10 bbli far sals bj_
• bbl. North Carotin foe a
iurOLAIrgE2I-214 'Dbl. 'time N O Molanag $3 de
nsgar laolne 63 fin gale bv
Rimy. hinTritErla Ka,
MU" IiPCIANTitCH lonow donAdabily reet Worlds
V, • Fall Stook of CABFET/NO,, OIL r Tll.*
ao. among which maybe found tbe following yo odor.
vein ,* f.t.uldltnea . CAL .
.. pout • It?
nu. Cboore . Etga; ,..
Tapestry do Combos do 'do • [
Iltstaela do Sheepskin biota- •
Extra sap: ply dal Cbtoolle - . do
. 13 .5.42: •do do Totted • ..• do • [. •
Rope bop. do adelatd do
Roe . do .. tH, 74, 64,54, 44 rod
Common do do CiLChaloc
Listing do 'MU tiont;
Herr do Itootoboot Damen [
44 , Land f Tap. Von. de Lt.. cruh;
4-4,a + l a 6.4 Tcrqd do da Marsala Lama Re. Covert
[ ,4 a 11.4 orooi do do ai
.C. l tall! do do
4 1 . 1totta k a:itiotr
0 0 . 0 Na n , aloe: An Ala roil. We brelloall oriatdoa'
to fesolab Mama sad Seam bents, ro erellormt
roe ono wee* before parctoming eltearheta..
Lyme, Wardbouo, bkr. TS Poona at. •
tp. One. Rook ilataioTor
- -
Disselation ad Yarn:mime - 0.
..PiAnmhip of RiCHRWH&NNii44
1 forma Hansen, Huller & Co. t s de Witsisst
s Colored l
Mass Imams, is Oils day • dissolved by
W. trandralral of MA. kledeFiek Nutter. • o- ,
The boOrcar will be maiimed
nadir the arm or HENRY 11/00011 CKL ',WATe;
home No. ice Second vb. , . vin hue bdtifurt
tapplies of aptrior Virladow
JOHN HANNEN , ' , "' •
Oilisburs& tios. ND. iFWmGII
A lox Atif ViNues.6-4 dos for soie.hy
.111 4431 . ILESEI.LERS
fffElll-140 biota N 0 Moleuesi_ in ipd
or Ws by suet ENGLISH li-BENNETT
By John 0. Davis, /Lactic:wpm.
fraartorster's &is of Deemed D.
Oa Thursday ...nine Sept ratb, at to o'clock, at
thaeontoteretel Sales comer or Wend aml
ralb menu, milli. sold, without M.'',
• met
of whom it may e onden,— . se • e pa ge, of esaorad
lay Goods. whichre Money b. tot m ilia
cant, weeny which nee wpm plats, de Min., atm
dal, Amiens, silts, ./4 'nova
shirting and sheeting, anontitiass•?tin, „.,k4 whlro
haergertowlsoitels,hleakeis. ltostevy,glme.,
Ise, spool nottott,topereatoeloths,mknetts.mresd s ,h e.
et $1
Grecesieis MEAT, he.
7... t Limn and ihmnisl • tea. .V. eramMetared
canine; seelesand widgets, paten! be i . ‘ „,..
'axes, Machete. shovels, .wvhiag and wrap es pins
window blinds, mantel eligeks, Came., ••,:
Merge stul general aisocheien. or , monad
band hansehold Witham, nithegant ranienbe, he.
At 'hikloelt,..
A ginning of fashionahlO Medi reads einthing, ben s
shoen hats, caps, flue entleryygn'a mit sits,
watches. amtirmenr.-pluols, musical sown:menu, tars
eellonants beaks, limn
47 Ores Zags. BregAnah ReSbarr, de. at anctuas
Viredneaday morning, 1414 ion 011 o'clock, m
ibe ComniercialElalcs Rooms, cornet ar Wood add Slir
DO, will be sold by nandoin, ea a credo of 60 days
oh soma offer 1:1400-47. CAJCS Sacra, lirnnan..Banben ,
to. comptisfing acids wipes calf, kiminrain seal and
thick Wets; Youths caltand kip dot ma and boys fin
ed andlwrind ar.d thick brogacw; pews Mild. osit
and sailer bootees women* morocco boars, line kid,
'morocco and bronzed Omer mans 11.0 wnmraopatw
and row MIL • split /ORA ppnvis, And
mrlber hawing token oat LettereS adamant.
tion Ms Emote of PAUL MILLER, le of the city
Alieghany. &gamed, heraby 'ilea' dee to all pee
wits hawing Maize. against maid mime, to ?repent
them, ditty itinhernoatell, for minima= arm all per
mos Indebted are required to maks ionnedlate pay
ment to the mbgeriber. in the city of Allegheny.
aptfkidat 4 ANN MARL haLLER, Adam.
lumou - a-33 SS!. SW m3ll alleTeT. ,
MtNUFATLIB.,I4 . TOEtaCCremet n lb.
btu 'l;:'ll "' Gran . Vo' V rne s
lump itd,doecr,
lu do `Hut's' W.
21 I do 'l4•llolt'S'
do . .fupp.o , ar Ildlivire Cl:r TOG, Wing
and for vole . opt& ciIoR4NT
ice:-10 tut in stgra /Rod for imbs by:
11 . ., • spLl • :.T $ DILWORTH* CO
- -
lIATTING—SM bales !!o I aid I, 'stsre and for
f) sale by - eptS - J S DILWORTH IC CO
noyror Idßll-10,030 lb to Mom nna Tor OT
nit 3 1 &DILWOLITIl& CO
D T; A . ITL4-01100 bu,inegiAt.;:ve:,;dAra,korcials
CIOPFLK-109 Wigs, a superior snick. eßpeeind
kj daily by .4.9 J 9 DILWORTH R. CO
o4o,:sr—too sat Merrer Metal for sale by
r a tl;A.,==ttli oLO b teess awl 111 , a Teas
I 8 m y 'worm .t co
p3ll DtUZir.
was, Tannin, Strycluata,Oplnat,Tetilthabard, Jan
Too , d aid. at lia/a by. .1 SOHOMMAKIIR &
*l'oiT S. •• Is bravo •a ti Ages{ YU bzr
15011,p; tads *teemTalutrAtin re' 'd "al for
010 by sp 1 5 • 4 SCIItIONDLOIEtt a. CO
CO . D a !i e l,V i la d a Cilloz of superior qutaity, joss re
at for solo by •
qts on Lod and :or aslaby
lAina PIERS' 011
• 49 :11 1 A b ItION . VAliErt & CO
600 611411
meeltd et iol En tu . a i r r""'a
vd:d3t 4MIP. HAI
wad - Cheese Depot, No 11. Froat a, and for we
rmul t 3 CANFIELD
IM b 1
PI CE-35 bn on kW/4 and for ntgiy
tl .pa Melt ibbI'CLJWLESS
TIITG — IIRON-I.W. ion on lia7a and foinla by
I * 5 -• 'melt aWotan:ll,ns
iNivirtiarmErea,-8..111.1 said ProaDdry
te, for itestiy opt.l WICK. & ACCANDLMS
. (101 , FEet nerand fir
Nj =ln by C 11(38ANT
T .KA-10 IV thaw rarebong tea, jag viireld3RbiNT
rce' d WlCK iliT/41DLES9
Q!ODA 10311—e eTk. liar'.oda A.t; '
tts 31.Pteele k Ste'. Yen A•l4
For tale lour to arrive) by C II GRANT,
.pil 11 Water et
S T AIL E rail I,lll,l'"k"Pip 'fi!LAtflg!Tan" o Ii
4 .. Al., analias lade complete.'
EARL ABB-8J c.b (Ad ¢perim pearl A.h)
teed*ed.b i. day per Uelorl LI nqd Wr nle by
a;.:t t rbla ex .p laramaFr=enta
p;l7±7ElO Aap BMW, Nedlfa Aalt — iVy —
, 11.141.74— , 40 Ilex*
sad for .als
urd Wes W Wass ree
inW SAIIII/.0401
S 11
ODA JS-17cata Soda Alb reed ourtibr aala by
REAM CTIKESE-50 . hue teat end for We by
• 404 - - - IF& HARBAUGH
lyikinore ands ,
_spit •
IMASFAEIFFOODS.--CaPs,Plurnes"ords, Saab
win" Lace,.lBnuons, Flanu, tend ell the
tiinuninne necessary to equip volunteer ertrepenues.
. [Cr Veinal:amount:mute equipped aseompleut and
ohenp donn In the Elm, stun Alilimry atom por
ter Mortar and Fourth . W 111, WILSON
-.- W5 —The MOW Stares Deis and TentreDnints, of
• Oennhemolen mete, fop este led orarrented by
!pa • W.
covethinabfiniliii - Dana.
Ilease On Menet st, elent Fuel el. Fox-
Won riven inuniedintely: Requite of
retard. WALTER BRYANT, 183 Liberty et
• ache easosusgavantst Compam,r,
• Veit Moseages Mtn= ma Gasman Asonneme
7, Seal,lXO alt
Ufa Immanent Comma, in Wall Sumo.
letesopermed Mol
paid rel, to,
lo: ter prepertad.
• •
eathonsed he so•deloigned to radio anti
cadaii forbustrance •ent ',bah policies crUlhe awed,
scanting to Oar pezposals• and nitre, alga, cell be
Waco tam to.ainaconto at his cram No.he Wood
simet. • , sDtt • GEO COCHRAN.
•Latis botana— L6lll{ Prom Coropeeitioa
on the Oat& Wm. te
The o &Irked. • Cimeo's anima:kraals
Ingarthine War, ond the Conspitacy Cat
alina TM Weft of
• • Fitaneeletesteha• Meek Paolo Cosopoittion.
-Gnatotiralthaelreek Ungava
The detahhilo of
Cams ddesSeetorfute, Pagalac.—
Pot Woes roamed prtoois of dte boole Store
comet Thht and Makin ao
efbbittgles for oi -- a7 - , Ennire of
at, btsrafteall7ood abd ft
IN IMAM -It Bores, tild 4 l'MDandati,.Nerir Cap.
lble, emittaJNEwer__Plimbontb," reed For
8 tigichange. , 1‘ , GEO LIMILIVILIERGIM
W .l" "eParlag l 'OTlSVL CO
11,fi atakEi/EL-40 obi. Mrs No 3, for Wilily
ILT de Tat for ”trftly
' • 'Sr" , OIIIIMNII6A9T &CO
17 ;Moi, i toVaisi
riagEst.-37 *co
.pt 3 N NHO
AKTIST'S COLORS.ftelb - torutel ~icmn '"
S llil4 medic POW
A e!rl..rkiiiiir
crime S
dcw, 2,110i4d MG 6 -
131 z.
reotate An isle bir •
111Qt t ANIBriv...30 pair of : logo -ems Roomy Blom
so,Siloor ktomm-Nollions •
11 Lady, a new sad Ormolu EthieplewewleV
C roman .40 Lbw lend 9 " e AF WNW
(WWI aa rug by.. EanainVltllasrtela Row thy
LIAO), a. saw by the bistplb. Mb:suet% Wait/Rom
&Mere Drew be; Ben .1,; .teubtorto Belle; No,
oe'ee eau thy Home WEIL* He floosh all Way=
Wilk into do Pollan nepermins . dee lesaal -
tee , lldloiketiwies from all the el:abated so pope .
tor Operas, etooydeed by Ford. Tky t e . s—la ituabara
. .:Ar.t,::%":ri'<d;. f Waters,
kyikbrF rack.,. As. in- reed and Or eal. by
• • - 116110Atte
OHLUNCI OTT AT . C I O:SY , Octet to &ohne
Zing DV 44;( 11 314 itOgar t a .
6 5It i bo: 1 1: .°‘ 4:ktir g°_ 7 1 : 4 H. 1 .< 11 Vvety dme t . .1, 3 ,.4 ,1"
Ros RENtawrise eeenrieduals deltbie there
Esteem which 1 iveeepy, tesether - with gt eaulfetabl e
Asesiat g Imam. Tat mead is am etaihetialhigke.
venisavvarehadettatitiattiekgotalae any In the eity_
I ',lkeda . * mkt hunk, et ties.safeof PR Deeds.,
ot e e et te e , nets, he, *ell Wetted Car the loeseloa
entet Pavia male Ode... tatter person vimptied
Waiter into einekelehre heatless. sad eive_peetes t
slaver lay th ee. SAMUEL GROTE,
veksteleurvet, emeltittey, abets the North Caat
G likiaki h titlLElM—eo les jut reetr et thirtlarer v a c wrd,fut,er 4 , ; „„ ,u4int behreen Sate.
pnom Ottakt—A:jetatileta see e ,
ernes, far sele ln M a irr d e c :sh. nPgi t t i,.. ‘ha44 lpmp. Th r
sea= t'. eV/ iTYNTocidevill's
.NTINYHTIL---01111.1i=tki hitVltirti-Tveiteen
1. 1 17
„...ettita RS SEMBILIk
Premium NtiinibeiC.Cri PW
A TGINENWOODIMINP24.--Beletie Pus, the
4?- we iV a tu i ,==it a rgeim i lti c , o4 , 2 , 4
plena Warreittsta Orden Croin 'a ifistatstis en Nn =
vett ad amanita: Also, a isms ettibeitek. of
Flute. Putolph
Oartiglaaael /meth." f•;,..
at. Pair Street Bridle, aet the GI tad of*.
daring the day. The slam Nife k X " 2 r, 1141 .
won at the river rises. —"*"'"
MUNN =kik
' a
A 1 s 1111=111;9;
• as baolli t in 9 ettoe9,llllo4lk4'
Indianii-P. Mut.% Santft.7, B,,et. '' C
crke.-44.091gy sandal; 14 '' ' - ~,__
.. •Leuthum..,J P Tinnapsen,
~0 - ilitidg, ,
- , Memaelry“4l Tram T=4
..Iruliarts-P Plater, SP ,t. .
-GPI. A Cruz, Tharmay, Fit. -,
... 4-,l3l4lsa x .. A . ETl=4 ,o6 a;Pzialci,79a.
1 •
...josoar...Carn LI TnitlyetanzaltnOtt, , '
' ''''''. ..,9411an5.-E8.191t 19 .. 1 .7, 91 4. ' ' .."- ". '• .' '
- Oblo—Cipt AL gaZio &t..4lth Mb:.
4.5._.„.',. , ,'„,
.I.o464"3l:Pattasepsoa, rwisft xnur...„;
--'''''Cl"A`r-eCk_Mtd":), nth. "Ilk.
Oino-A Cealt,Frulay, Itilk.
loalalawr-.1 P Thompson, &Madly, Ink
POP P;~. WIT AO - ar................... W 1107'eg, smak
q at D Lana & 4)-augui