. • • . !.4' . ! t•!,,• ! ! 1 4 7 . •==, ...._ . tiiler . •-,!) • ii ft --- •••!----"-- - -' - ' 1 " ---- i-rb ! -- - - - ---!-1!-- - - 1---1- • ri,- -- !' _IL ....... ......... ..„.. .. ...•... ~ .......,. ,„ ..... • ~ I i 4 g - " 9 !.. - ', • , - .., • , , c • . If. 4 • • . . .. • - .• . - '.- •-•.\.,,...--,,,4 ;• • .., .., . r , -i . , • _... • - • • ..• :::„.....1 .. , •.,- 4 , - . . . . . , '; • S ,I , , ,- . . . . ~i, W.C . , , ,P . .,,Ik ~ , , !.17', IA ' 4 ' • • . . ~, • . • . . , . .., - .. . i S . 'r - . - . , .., , , . t . -. ~ . ' . • ~' '. - • ir ' 1 .DART GA • ~. ~:. . .. __. . • • T - •E ......._.....,.. „. .......,• . ~....,. • .••. .., . • • •„. ~..... ••••••"" -.4 4. .... - • --, , 1;,•.1j-•- ‘• :- •'. '-:• A• • - ••• 1 -__..... 1 ..;- -.P5. . -- , . ~.„ ; ---, • -,,- , irC:; : • Z, 714. . •:. i . _, • , -7 ....... EST:A - I'n -.loDll'*6. M, SS eq DS. r , J . 9; -.1 . 41,19#5t, Dees Greet. julGof k 07141.Ate-rteoni. and likalere la Psednee, NOW ; Marta acreet r_ttub• Lisinauct• LTA.. B1)811FIELD k LEADED . , e dealer. in Dry Goods, tinworks, Deoll.l ritubargt , aaanaemral alleles, ice., Ao. i I,lol4,iberty stave., fru 1.1112.111 • •?••••••••te 11.12121. •aos&u:. & &Exam, who&44oa lutasi 1).&- e tt ax,. enact of Ltbeny and es t.1 .5.ra1a Enemy ' Payl4 AlasTTOlth Fox. burgh Jo* L 1 A TIOW •_..-_4_ 1101/V. DROWII t CULDERT9O7I. !,Petrale. 61. men, WI and •marlacou Slerchan tfrOd& Laberty Itstsbourb. Pa dor3ll7. 'AiIItbZTOCIL & C0..0 Skrelilesale lall.Droggists, corner Wood&mliki sot 171 111.aralsEi & Walk. WlealgeAltrii roger. le and 0 DO wood loon riusb.tOL• • • It ULT'7 A co., Paillinling and Cons %Jo adman Manama. Canal idi4Sr.iPidaborgb Po. Spring, es sacird Duque :ma- Az" - q - CIOLEMAISI, r HALLMAN & 44i:oitinafaeurrera of Coub . and. Eliptic SP.ingjiy,. , :k4fmared Asks, dealers leg-Coach IrimgaViand Malleable Curia. . stern . . .. . . lIIAILDLE ODES ON LIDEXT. ,*r. OPPOSITE TLIF.IIEAD OP WOOD " ADIE.6II. 3IIILDEIEI WI - ' 08, fIONTINUES, to momfactul. ;01menia, D ario ] ' la Vanlu, Tootkm, Hood Stone - .4.1 hoes., C. r° " ri.T TV.' ar tbDIiIIM ler.rekeela 'marble, at o re.gokt on 4 fairsoloo ~ , t , ' .., N. IL—Nrowiap for mora=4l344lts, ter- fornlolt- ed, of ~o.LoOon Ile aolifltt flare of public redrenete. ' . ' ' • .i, "WC , s, - mins Err la 3. ouxerr. E li *TAY E Z N I Ici, .7 * (Dd ' ' . ul4 "hr.' . ."."i 2,1,,, cb.. 6 .0.d doo e lomalll , FiOdoce . "‘ a ri...- WO Barmlogbitits, Nu. 37 WdtolAbotireen Id and Warners. - ' men W / *EUStieCUCHKATI, ' 9,T'llbseaant, No. 21; oodstrltta ,AiSttabalb. myl 'DORM L81A411./RI,,,SILITORYT - Tor AIIILION STEWART, mOgrotitamt .of Ikon , XI. Shillings, Clue., RIIMIg.j. wort, chy o( Ahotthe3Y- nogl.s.lly. LEE, Maceemer to Mtarphyl,k4ms,, Wool 1MM ,201, et and Commisolott Mordho.4 tog tho sta. of 'Maio ' an Woolens, Liberty, onfli '10141.11b OL fobt w*. muses 8a1ug00r5. ,... 10;; ; , 3.1111..1.31., - 41 la . lIIVAXIIION, moo L. to • ...."••••- I] .. EALD DUCKNOR, Tobite4t44toetnisalon ' duals, 41 North Wooer st,losl4atthWlLarves, norlO-4( _l''' y FII. eloan . AILDY, JONES' & Co., (Staexisart 0.r.00d, JUL Joao• Co 4 Ott:asuman aria,r.l.l.- cturts, dealsra Pitubargh 11.06Loyared 'oods, =IV :max man Ata(lar mart, a, DICIEY & Co., Whb.lo,l.* Grace's, Co,- I. 'suasonand dnaleiEWroll.o, N 05.58 6.1 IV rant deSCLUI, PitiAliatih. hove . 4 . jWEI GI. TOtYrisM4D, EnstyMnltid Apothecary ; No. 43 Market tn.,' three dean dicta 'MM.. enty base, win hive commun . , outti4 *Well selected .1 -.ennead GI tae best and deadest Mem% watch ha wt t 1 ;44 .en tat meet ressanalj 'Minna raTeMit..t •••,337, Ortlcl . l, will be poompoygoirOood to, ooa. sup roN Vvliili RIIICIo they may rely , r, as gannin. {.Yu - Phystenass Premnpuons kt, accurately sad • Li. y pzepated Innst tat . bat sti444einti, at any hear al darer omitt. 1 ,,, nd also fat ALLId, slaty stock op fitipj Lod rood Pert)* lat 3 I L. 4:61 , 111.E14/1, Clue of , OWN Lotona: • anm and /Yemen:don 1144 . . 4 .4.Wbcdanr• ..4 , er in Western Reserve ettjein tud, . Pet and Maxi Ash. and Wmt Ptod 641 , 4.en.ur , ‘ 41 . 4 * ',gel, between Smiatfteld and . 41'itubomt, op 2 1 pliti WATT, loorcroool 0 - ,:pito' u a Gebbstm) 4 . at Wholesale Groner and lion ldarthard, ecaler m Prodies and Patsbarnh- . afiteutres, ear =of 14berty and Hand Emmet lidnusb Pa. ja., 1 4111:S 13 dteGUIRE, date or 144. and OP Itletialrej nlcrebant Tsiletri3d - luau Budding', Thud strec near W • • Pinstnir,t 1i JA. lIIIICHLION, • ,t , . ' -asuman le II terrialiatelesext A C 0.., .Crion Me manta and Avow • a Ore Bt. Lam 8 igerfar itealleri. N 0.43 water and I/2 front ruccta, ettalatote. •t Jail D. mthstier, w 0... limstup..., — Z.Mlllititl j U er m Dye dais, Mae, 0411 . ea, bre-, N 0.23 Wood greet, oturdoor &oath al**.ternat'Allet, Vice. !luta. . . 4.4 'etnntorio oeeith U. krlho_rn . V7A WaWkereet. oe3l OkerirßlF 2l— ;Ont Wkointliin 'pad TW - ditilii u io Mamie nad t Instrozrait?, &Leta Paper, Slates, Mot Pro., lielks t ';eynteast-Cartli, and eindennady generally, No. 81 iroookatki Pktabliret. itr Itne_bought or taken italteid•nepl.s_ 13CHOON3IAJLER do 7 'tl•lfk4rdigtote, Offl o Not. of Wood Meek • ..• a um '. Dari 3 ao od robq ,____" arms, Flush h 4 4 • 44 1: , . :' '4'4. wad .....;• Iparliarti a erockuvri 4 ,1,„ j en ,..,.. i ,,,,,,,,, ,. ajz . m r per , ldetouraadero;lklidadAdi iv. rim... .4... A. ;ice .101!) ppm ... •-•.•-. .i.,... „ LZ.0.4..111.Df*1p. FI7OVD, Wholesale 'o6,47"reT - C;riterk la Meernante, and IlleatertArnee, Itannd Chunk traddinks, fronwee on • Nib* and ath amnia, krtabesetraa. I ; nut. 4 11 - 7 , 71.1.11.ZEL1' Whole.p ; terireer;Ccmkdadon Mm an asul. dealer in :Oahe and I!tetnergit Manstraeram. No. al Water alkkittlbargk.' junto .0(T11 - Wealft•R, Wkeiraatidakal anube•• k, Int in ramie. W. and Liii*iitg; and nal dlonon phela Wye Mukluk tamer griit 414 Market an pi?, lEB a. JONES, nuranti4 dCommuuan M eLmb r Den Thu in Producci*SdEnulrargh nun anni arunles r eunal Daafn r , , W r7th at d. 21 Piga • L, PITT S • 11116.1. Pit. ICINNEUV,CIULDS a CO4 Xinufhererers of very supenot 44 Sheeting., i 5141.0 Vb.in) Vine and ' . .Ifj! Jaltmly — iTsn vs Ito*, arks. Larl.l tt.Co taitbulaetateis ar all ses Bar, Shea, Hailer MOM NeLi. of tea beat Quality. Wareham, 64 aratemed ttis fret mi. 'kg . hIS WA ' AN, Whol.. G•, d- Jog ..11 Comadzsion kleteipas, Denies io Pius ott hlutafacusres sad ProdpliA Nos. 31 Water sod 63rFttat I ,E; r 27 131.12114/ 11.11,Clart, IL .I , r'i JOIM K. NAV i vararasay & b&wirEn, Vino GLASS blutrtfattniTers, and Wholesale dealers In foreign and &gamic Variary Goads. Vino= oterchants,, Pedlar pail tubas are instinct to call ands:An/We din prices oil quality of our data, so with oar present increased drf.illuu to noutufactor -14 •114 purchasing, we thiri*e enn odor. great lialucesaenla la boyars air.). 1.0..111.0450 Wes. 01 the blonatains. . , 'M U. ip - Pid . C. aqpransent, '"----- Pit - b ' arg Y 111 'kg l la RIGKETSON,3rioi....k Groner', sod ag, portersofEharnes, wail. and Segars,Nos. 70 and 174, corner of Linerryal . ' Irv= meets, Pius. trishaw . Iron', Nails, 'COtltla,‘ arasoftn. ah. eon anti yr sin hand. ';'', lural4 SONIX/CDU4 .u.s. D. Dvs444l ir•tasa a taus htirld..s ROX, WhalcsOnthecers and Commis. Idercha¢te, !to. - 194Mlberty Piaanurgt, AA' UltrilY, W/LSON a CO l ate Jones, Ilatphy 0...1 All. CO Wholesale Dealer. :. Dry Goods, No. 4s, 1 Wood su.t, kitten:mt. 4, norld Vat fiitiiMilltroiiiiirtciuclEtairtirifirit:i J.V.I. ter. Roono, earner digest OM. Alley .a! Fourth street, .tnnec.ltli Azar Merlon. 4.044 . rilTaltraoiritita. - Thifitritif — irlfiTilikiiibi AND AILF. FACTORY. l 'Ac ""h JONIAS a. iiiil '. GU ''''' 7. qM 7i lAr - A.Nupscrtnas• b L tf o r and taster stecii 'AL Pfinnlfi ...4.... 1 1' r.ntin, mean end efie..l as opnngs, hammered iron .d dealers ,a real., undo wimp, fire engine lentred ulna mmenugo re .genesaily, comer of Rots sztfi, tout sta., Pitonurg4 - .... re. . OLfiLFS & BON, Markot a., memi door di trim canter Of Fantl.h, doaleni in Foreign Ond Unlinstio I.lilis of tolisonyti Condos!. of Depolid, ii,l3ant Now and Specie. • ,I=r,Collectiono mad onitzli .sdr, • Lim,priatipal calm i V.ghrnif Unitad thaitaril IitUALWASTER, Amiat&ax—Ofina, Fon.rinri4 ~ third doer abom, Smiihnbili, moth Mae. , .'•.Cinn7ryanting of all kinds viidi 1111 treat.* tin act' ittai =mammy. '! • • Vides it , &est Estate •• • lod, aca.7,6ly - - c , • alt. ali101.1 , 9E;No000a.. ' Obiti:t. ro i . , , i llt i tUril, 4. ott ,, G=. it 1 i 11o . Lzoi • ti orpoaito Z. BalojelPs. Thi., botitoni a nlg •. . k tta 71, S. Charles Hotel. 3 . 1 • jot/taloa 1 IL Vat - ofii - riori; E. Lt... il i rriamic sLILLIEDINoiriII attood to Um troa• 1J =mot Dillow, ore. Vv. Ur.. 1- has Loco amid in*" branch of the mai '. _ ea profusion to. Waxen yeoiltiiand boo coodoeud Id, .." • clitabGshatent for the trautnetiket &m. 0.. of Uto or o. gal. tor .seam-tam. :i i . , o,ccs And Tooideneo, eamti of tazdosky 01 .4 ......:8,,,,,r6,n,.itey,Aih n h..,..0 7 . ..12 1 ____, firtElE TEA 670 . RE —Na 7 . 2 Foetal 624ntar of Green and Black' Teal, dune ap; igacrter, half, kaki ,iins pound packages, ranging ! fr are SO eta. 'per pounki PAIL A. /AI N 12.4, •.(pr Pekin • ea Go.' .., . . cs 2 . R.IIOIIISON h. CO. , haw 1 anoctated TllO3lll w - 141T1.11., hr., watt to brunets, the Who: - war lithWelY, -Produce and OrWorrimen bum.. wl 1 he eetwiwol as Goal turer 111111 tiro of ItooLon, LA- U* Jr Co. _ • Cl it li i ' 7 1.1011111012,LITTLL Jr e. , No{ 11)2 ',hero - street, , Alb PlttlittUrftl, IVttoleaslG - Orocers, .Proence .4 4.Weartowia4 gareltutts,,u4,,sleaters In rmsburth bluiriGetwt , _1,2 . ' ' in lOU. 1013110]. 1.1. Lrnia. 11.1.16. it, linsmol. • ItOMMT lel0011.14 . •Whole *inner , Itecturrg Diehller, dealer i n Orwares.nloh P . 1.. - Mt% And 1 1 l kinds of ForOth, and Doirlr stk. Wine. and Ligton, Tio. 1.1 Leberra i ttel. On lane • eery lore .mot or uperier .12 , oweepOcla whwkey, whack will be mid low for i splXlir Z 1 ra,Ztfl.a. - Zr. r .TVieiaie - tir.K i.., COnttei.ioll ime Per wattling: Merchant., dcilen risd.. *ad 111wIntrgh 4.1 4 1 nut a c u a r o, Irberry a. ritliblthrb, - Pa. 541 1 fart._ Wit A. CONNINGIIO, Wholesale Grocer ' Dealer jaProdhetLyd t llo,li.4% Mhhatactaree, 50..3.44 Lebehr W. 11. , ' ' • Tl 11417=.13 . 11M , .0, inichuts, rm %b.pr Ltea, vcr Trade, del.]. vy,ll andsclutr and Calonda at - . I Tao highestßiauu,~in caakdiattdam Cof uno Caner a(Pana sad .'l4 .t& )..V socarri., 2 . x .. a. wurrt §:comic. ccoccs.k, pcnlers, In rorrielAnd Parectielyt butt , • t. YOwGoo , • k 17u l it i4 "UALEA.,., dhi.WrdchahtG—rOcdr. lnJ sad Wk. North slit"; P an luladolphao.l tr — JE - W.llThrtlataiTtrod74idoricritth. D t oe fn Flour andTrodateithdroy, sod -eat rom...,_'!F Casalaglaa llahrhahK No. 'Water 91, u. harsh. CARDS, V tast.L.WVirreannton. • mina mencer., Warta ou. IQULLEft & NICOA Fond and General Com. la tais-sion..Aletcharrn. No 17 Liberty 113_, Plasburgh. Sperm. Linleell and l&trl this 6 — F. -1- VON - 60 - ItiNkilIRST, h. CO - .; Mittelesele Gro . nen., s'orarunling and Commission Meretothis Dealers lo yiustrargh Manufactures and Western Pro! duce. hare frthored to oboe nes. srarehmthe,(ild stand) No. 35, corder of Front at_ and Chancery Lane. I.slAtiliill & DENT, Wiiole - aaltirocent intildithorata sioa Merchant., and and dealer , on Produce. No. 35 trod rt. litiaiorgh. eonN it r 4aOloilir - . -- - —. S . eo n . lytilii ; rlt a. SCOTT, Wholesale and Retail dindrsin 1 &iota. iShoes,Tithka, Carlo. Hags, se., S. W. ortier sit 40h and brortheeld sts, Plattsburgh, Pa. ia3 tosth - liT'o - a - ri6 - i. -- DAVID We1....i. lintriek A VINIANDLFMVS, (successors iiit L. &J. D yy wiay,) Wholesale Gioceni, Formaniong and C. , 0111600/4 Merchant, dealers no Iron, Nails, Gloat, 0.01105 Tarts, told Pittsburgh 2damsfueourea generally, 1.0 , 900 tit Wood and Was -tree(~ Pittsburgh. lir 1 7 471iVALLACE, MCII stone and ?dill Fonotai ,,,,,Li_• W1510.1 21 tha.....,140. 255 Liberty It., near the - ilif - WAFILStiN, Wate - Ites,.l - i - oiciry, - KilZ3.T•Tre, V , . ood Military Goods, corner of Market and 4th streets, Pithargh, Pe. N. 8.-Wathims and Clcwk a l* carefu paired. dee4 FEF 510WWW7--C co oniuthion and Foreraniling ili r Klelhant, No.1 ) 0 Front at. between Wood and 1c..... t,.. fetoth lar )t....MiIT.II'IIW, hilit a Retaiidearier in 1 1 V • F.i.ega mud Durricaue Dry Goods, north east 'corner of Moho and Fourth au. tongt.l - i - nc - iiitici -- , —-- .. - -- . teas a aecome ,A,lirtd. thuNG &Co.—Draltrt in leadmr bidea, An. i KY 143 Liberty at. &u:nly ~.. . _ urn- NrCeTql.rtil. 1.51 . ..1.1,.01711... ;I,lkr 4. H. ill'CllTCllslolti. M - hotranie Grocers, ilea :; Co Produce, Item, Nuts, Gloria, and lima. burgh . Matractures generally, I.M Ltherty st. Pros. )burgh. dr , rl. jar — Av , WILSGN, Dealer Ira Watedinc Jeteelry Ty Stiller Wane, Wintry Good., .5.c., No. Shoe Nat ra . nov7 Natai:Vouisca a.. co, !TNEALEiIS IN }TIDES AND L GAMER, 11l nt0r...0, J r / Shea Finding& &a. No. 143 Liberty street. have jolt rash-ivied the SPRING STOCKor scrods ; .•001- prising k. large assormsern of articles an thert line, to e, 'which thia,e alleubron of purchasers is lernted. maa im a tan ..- ~_ Piefiquir.zw & co., -.1 a TEAM BOAT AG ENTs Onncs ADAIR N. Au.. & Co, Attal No. 42 Wmaer Arr., INSURANCE. tsars , 111AULIIIICII COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL $lOO,OOO. .J. '7.4..-, s=.l I K. MILL. Jr , Prost AVID Immo against RR \ Inds of nits, i PIKE AND MAKIN& . ALL , Irriars seal Ye .I.lberall r arlinued .00 prompt r A C lo ' alte . , intuits - don—manna eat by Di ,tors who Me Nrtill tiIIMM M the eantennun), and who an dr‘ terann ul by plootputess and ',bent ay to llMMtun Ilttt t ha: octet Irtsiollhay hare asuronsA, as *derma tho hest I pnstaattbn to thous who dour, . be Insured , theadrois—R. Miller, Jr.. Ileo liten , L, J 0. Pnt, er. NI liolthed, Jr., WM.II Holmes t_ lhasaon. ueo IN I Jackao4, Wm. 11. Lyon, Jaa. InpiILIWOU, 1 arm K Utah, /Imes Ill'Atslay, Alex. Nteeok, 1601 ....C.,lt thrat., No. 32 Water sweet, (warebanae of spay A C 0..., de siattra4Pdtabargh. ot.t ,11) , 1— -...... - _— ----.... rE, "AWARE MUTUAL sAFRri IN.U -' RAN .cIAtIPANI --(Jame, North I toom or the Ar. .1' ''. ..a a . tlil=p, VI P :r " CLI.,4I [Kt and other proper/I Ini mAra. and mom; .o.omms ~.c,0 0. 0 . 0 ., o r ,Liashf fire at the lowest tar of pre a ISacastrett —They also MItIM I Vt... -1, rer. grits . P.:eights, foreipt or roan, tar e under open or simeNljmlicles, a. We assured may dratre lA -1411...MD •DIMIIATILIN —They sta. nt.so re e 3re Lan dhe trans tted by Wagons, Rath - cad car,, Canal . Etat ,i r want Boats, on nye" and tales , ou the IDIRKGTOR.S—Joseph H.:te Edmond A bonder, Idlnt °Pens, Robert Dorton, John K Pcnrose, staan, ebEdwardi fieei 0 Lever, Er . want Harnett° Is,. Rtaabl, nue Folwell.J.d. Newhn. D. RCI iim..- t 4,.. . Hand, Theo,phataa rattld,ng It Jona, IN Unary Slow, Haab Cr.,, Un : , matt, Spenco . Mclim Charles 6 0liy. 3 6 J orge am 0... ll ,t Him Ihivir 9 Tlmmas, John Sellers, Wm I ) re. Jr HIRKI.; 1.1R9i Al PIITSIIOII44I—D f Morgan. 'WM. 14.3 . y, hm. T. Loran 1 I WILLIAM MARTIN, Pre &latent. Bacir aloe S. Nmwt.m.x.,l..emmary. ra;v4 -" itd e t7 -- F . A N a,2 \v ar. ,- ,..,.. - ., -, Flel H.) AND MAKI N R. IN SUILA SCE. I riIIfEIIMSURANCE CO. ot North America yap] .I. l inity ad permanent and limited Insurer, re on pro ' perry 1 this city end vic, and . n abi even. hy Canal, trent Lake., •nd by Pew The or o,ert.es et this Company ate well invested, and rano, h en e... 0. able Gann for the ample indemnity of ell pc. rem. who desire en Lie proteothd by inaneauct. mytil , WbL le JONES, Agent, 14 to a., at Ili ilgig - NITT. 1 Zia Fta4l..lin Farr .I.nourornoc Co. of Pl‘C'ouidpbra. - rium:ro l / 1 .4..-I,7harles N. Panel - cr. Thu teas limn, JJ Tiflis Wegner, Samuel Grant, Jacer R. Shute, titm. W Richards, Aloniemw D. Lewis. A dolytho E. Done, gravid 0. grown, Alpena Partersoit Cluatan N. Datecals. *president i ClutrigirG. ithneker, Secretary. continse to maim, insaranco, pethesea{ or lisps..., at rairstha On every desc low as ription tree onsone rt nt of propey with sere in w, or t r c o on y, on miry. To Csioputy have reserred a Large cor menu Enna. Which ith there Capital and PITO.. il safely um.. ago lempleprotection 10 the mon red. ed ilie Meets of the company, en Jar tarp let, 1849, as pablist+l agreeably to on act of A merribly, were as fegolvei rim . blottgißel • .41.1147,411. 41 Deal Mule • • • 1e1.754 rt. - eZnnre Intr. tnauot .5 ALA= 11:1 Clash, ge,ai,2,31 37 Si s Tai,fed 71 Rene th eir ineorporatinn, • periorl of lb Tema, they Lave p A upwards of one million hen bemired theme. and do era losses by (try thereby willording evidence of the thertagef a insurance, as well as the Minify and sli. 'vier, to meet with pm:mane. mil liabilthea. I . J. GAUDIN F.RI.OI , FIN, Agent, ntotherty . Ogee N .E. come r Wmid and 3d W t sk - L - Kw - mlvirtitit - ALT.Agiifi, - i - mesevi... - . P• t ~M b lenital th=ll ", 3l2 Pl . '" ce ' gepan foe y th o;Ftki.l:l: adelph a Fire•giske upon tninditirm and merchandise of evc deneription and ALM] enlaisks op= hulls or eargoch Of vessel; lakes utter: the most favornthe terms.l pl - lirlimein thoWard...4 of W. 11. Halstead Bro s N 0.57 Water, near ?Sachet t erect,Einshurgh. N.14-Tim mete. of thl, Company alum the mud,. lisluneM of the Agency in this thy, with the prom.- nem end libirMity nth w Welt every chine upon them for lot has been admen 4, folly warrens the !stone in (mills the couriderice ead parte:max of bis friends awl the e unity et lathe to hr Delaware 31. S. Insu rance Company, while n tun the additional ELOVO.OOLOOs 4 . am .i minnieni saran one most Sounthing In Phibutel. phi a- having an • enplopaid.in capital, which by the Opnri a of it. eir,rter Ls constantly inerea.tag. an peldll to each rye non insured 1114. due shares of the profits f the mannerly, witlinut involsena thin In aoy 0 006th stility whatever, aml therefnre as ponwswete the hl hot Fran etple diverted of every otnovous kW. Imre, Mel in 1u most euramme (ono. •p 0004 Liii.E .Xittri' meitinz sa'suitelicz. - pea,' f Norte ansenca, woo& T tti ev. v rp no= A.ge:t l the reareenber, otlors t make katnenertt and limited Inturenite oil property, .t this city motel ha nettoty, .d on thipMenta by Lite CS - nal aml Rivera 11132311 . . . Arthsl 0 CO,ffin Charlet, Taylor, Saran W. Jones, Arnhem. W 1,,, Edward Smith • Jacob AL "l'hotaa _ ... Joke A. brown, John R. Neff, Jolut Winte, Richard D. Wood, Monies I'. Cope, Wm. Welsh, Barnett F. Small, Frames Iluakens, HOWtholihooka, £l...kusun Midas., ARTHUR G. COFFIN, Pleat • 132•12, D. BoWeoo, Seel, The is the oldest ittnartlneo Company m the United States having been chartered in 1794. Its charter is perpetni, and from it. high standing, long exponents:, ample means; and avoiding all nuke of an extra has. mdout character, it may be conmdered as °goring am pin seemity to the pubis... W. P. JONES. At the Counting Room of Arwood, Jones & Cr,., Wa ter and From ammo Patshumb. tuoya_ IFiRriI.7E93CIII47I - 1111Isia been appointed Agent pro man. of the Insarattee Company of North Arm,. a, and 1411 issue Puhmes raid attend to the otter kismet. of the !Agthey, at the ormehoure or Arwomj, Jen, & Co. ', npl2 W5l. I'. JONI7S, tenter St FO WARDING & COAIMISSION,. C COIL I. C. C.L11.41.a. COPrg &BITE Y POOLE , FORNARDIAO b CAJAL/415610N 11 klialllAN TS, Alio neater, bead, \Thula ay Ghia., d c., Socond mac., Plvobarkl , Will knend prompay to the oath of article. ant+ ailed ■ go— h, tna " l4%.. Tanner a Co. S. A.. W. Alatbsagh, gay A. Co, Murphy, 'oh Soon , o. ai ll (•room CO.i Cod lbel cha generally Near Lisbon, 0. D. A. 0. Co..IO“ eoeu. We Wellovale, loscph .W ao , on, D. Wiluv Ai Co, caner All.hUllen Muslin/10, is— licadoul Athrtlaht Co., Weaver, To ' ylor Co., John D.lltown Co, Philodelphia. A. U. IL i. llto giyaff, llohuts I Co., Cinnamon, O. John F Hoonol, Louisville, X. John Muth, Near Ma n..Orlea lia.dy ilaitoan, Clevelluid, U. A. J. Wadley, nc. UN, U. Clark, Parks I Co.. Beaver,•Po. auxo3lll F==Cll . . . . .. , PACKNIt OP PORK &NO BEEP, Cpmniicatan Merchant and Forwarder, j NO. 4 CANAL. ST., CINCINN AT', 01110. 117. PurlMoho' munition pool to Mt parchalimq of of aril article or Produce in dais mart, Al. be the forwarding of Gemiia generally. Ref. , 0 Mosaic John Swearly Martin. di...two° i s vinciessmi, 0. R. C. Peritherm, L'l. Lippineeil & Co. Kier & /one., IPittaburgh, P. LF:nefish ayee_n .. ..ti,. _.__ a nrr . d,,,, tat °ROE. cocuunpr: -- -- C01112,11.15101l and I , * rw • rdl nig 81L.,„,...... I nn. 26 4 1 uel, Mt , morserai-n, Ct rn ea N Y r lillirirt;t:Va 7 Z : e ."l :::: l"' ...j!. " 7 ' eau lanufaetures and Produce. arid in ree . ti ' m A il '"- 1 forerhirding ticeid• enn.4gneol is 61* cert. A. , 4 4,..z_ ihe repetition, he will he conwand., ~,,,,,,,,„ .i , the rhicipal ardrics . Pniobergh Maimiiirtnre at tim ~,,,, . "bole o.ln enc.,. Ordem erel eUtidtanin,lau ara„Oenifoifeill tOl/CIICaI. , - 07 '''''L Inro"lltik AN , i44;qlA Pr:l C0.,"• -- - Foltvitautriti 4 COMMISSION MIMI:RANTS, , No 144 Second •re•l. , Imeheoldrri. r .. Li illia, Mo. - Ws. a WAX,. !CY.;if C. 0 ..... BOA IFIL & ATI:L . .I3SCM F,a,,,,, Fffzem ,.., V , oin. .7 ,4 1114.:T, PI maer . io,a, 1 OtTZND Sti m EKItAT li ! ,1711.. ' ll- ' o 4" l . L ' te . Vt., built to order. coal aueddon given to .0111 beat wort Navel:M halide a tam amoroneniefOoppet and Bram g e ßle, Tin Ware, he. he., aitimaidninttiime .11( Saiive, peimbic Forget, rule. etses-e very coil...ease. sr ,,, lor ,u stenodboals, California emigre., or raft $9241 CO Oa. . e oeottie re .n mine Mb. boa I . °lib in Cal! and ani a u articled end pnee ' a r l ' iel '' or: lista/Lag elsewhere. 1/17 PITTSBURGH. MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 10. .109. MOTELS FOUNTAIN lIOTFEL: - - LIT /IT STREET BALTIMORE anon •ND T 1.011.11,11, riInI,IIITONA Tl(ldertablt.hinent long and widely known as hem; one of the MO. COLIIIII0d10O• :n the Otto of traitunote, haa recent!). undemorte very ern,. Inge alterstion. end improvement. An emote new wing hat been added, containing Dnuteron. nod ntry ideepms:apartment.i. nral froa tog raratt• The tivltea' departmenttwen ..ompletely raorgenited and fated op to a mo ,, t unmet. and 'wan, atylar*ln fact the what., arrangement of the How, ruts I.peel(Zemodeled, with a oringic rye on the pert of the prokrootors, krwarda the comfort and plea•ore of their Gyps., and wrieis they confidently ii..aen chattel*, comparison with any Hotel In the Unin. Thefgtable will alvvoy• he supplied with evert rub e.. .di And luxury erklid the market rervrd up ma toperint style; while in the way of Wines, Ac they wq.l not be aurpassed. eatirlumon the proprietors beg to say, that nothing will he .naone on their part, anti nn On , pan of weir afilstants, to render not. llotel worthy the ronttnund pato:wage of thatr friends sod arc panne generally. 71he meet ref board have also hero reduced to the followittr rains: ,Lti;!t!t, Ordlnary, . - Gentlemen's '• 1. no N..1.6 , -The Baggage Wagon of tie Ilonse mII ni nny* Ifaand at the Car and Stattatunst Lanthess. winch {. I convey baggage to and from the Hotel. free of chaste. tna,ll I• 4 OM , * or NUM h.ith R. Mall STIL, errnmatto4 rt.btariber hallo; assumed the mono, et - Mont thil/ long estahloaked and popular lime:. ajspeell'ully stonounees in Travellers awl the Yulkluti.,4.uerally, that he be on 101 time. rope , rd to occothmodum them in nll 111111g4 destrable to a well re7alnl6l Hotel 11.1 c noose Is Doer I , tin[IIIIIIMuIW.Y repairek.l throughout, and new Furniture added. ukul no pang will Ito kg - taxed to mute dac Rgehgnge ant of Like very llotell to the country.. The utolt-ragned respectfully Incite • connnuance of the ry hbontl patrol - Lime the 11,..e hrttlolol , 3 ref elVell. patrol -A.S OWSMN. febiNW Progr.rtor MM. ; 07 7111,771( - amn 01.4.11 ernernu 71171,41011.14. ,TIIR matmenber respeetfully announce. that by ha. raw opened his new anal excellent Hotel fur the accommodauon of traveler, boarder, and tlt,( Itl/he generally. The house and furniture etc entirely ne. - . and no pains expet.e have been spvcd to render it one of the m en comfbnable and plenuanl Hotels in the eitl. The rab.ent,er in determined to &sent. and there fort solfut.. a Aare of public patronnee. octla-dly JACOLI /1013611. Vr . oprletor. CIItITED STATES HOTEL. entArtt - Av it ee./OVMM SOD mrro res. f11 . P.0 . ,31T11 l o in Bank of the Vnited State, l'btla- Vg delphs. HOE MITCIII-1.1., mural' Vropnetor LAW OFFICES. WM. TIMBLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Doan, Pa WTrA, !kis* anend to conrcuons and an onn, hits, tn. entraned ta tam La Bader and Armstrong Pa. Bel. , lo 'a J& R Fmad. I.abraty at IV IV Wallace. do James MarannO do Piwnvrrh d!, Kai A. mod at on, Ja 'S NV KIT/. tt Aornry at I.nar, oda., :14 •t r , Napo., M. Charlet. llotri. Votatottaa. W. 111“, attend promptly to Collett...la. in Waalungtor. I •rrue and Grrrn roa3Rea. lICIECIEM ItintActcek, Ball h. C.., Church S.. Cambers, lentabargtt. T Morgan, . . EJ. BF-NM, Amor..., and Caunce.lne At Las, eillelllll.. 011141 'utlert dant rt Southern unto. and 111 larhan. and In Kentucky. prouttpt:)' and eare• a.,) attended w Commaatotter far th• State Pent, are ania, fru. mama De 1,01,11,111 St* /lOW sr Xt. Hma.4,1.--11011 Wm R.. 11 A Mn, Curt.. CmarM. & Carat6cm. , Vm. h Dam. m 5 HATS, CAPS AND BONNETS. • SI . COLCD 6 CO, IStlee,...ton, to M'Cord A Fang) a o L'•shlonabl• C0R1417 of Wo ad and Ft*l. S, sets. MI A R+101:1-1 R atteol.nu paid to oar Stela,' Trade lierWaturs ran rely upon grttrng :bra Mew and Cap. (ma our estahrt-hment or the 56P - P PIA riaLs.a.l:lua saoscssts,air. o! the vrt Las, and a, ht... Co t - Merchant., ruerhaune by whole:a , . sr , rcapeelfsoly tostu.,l to sail artd egarsturn our lon,s, ar vresaltsav van ennfuleekee that a, I,,,Ard• ,at.try and e.g.'s- it mil not seer in • comp:m.on *tit, soy house he rhUhdnlphts. tet,l7 I,II'ORN'A (MATS-C ont sr-str , A run! (eghternta 11.1,. Jost ruvrive.l nod •ule hI MV. , 111 , A co tehr morn, hth %ha 1•ILIN G VAS lIIONS YOIL 1545.4 ~II'CORD I, Ca v.; lostrudore ou dai, html. Id. the It ring at) le of 11.11, Thor. rx, Want of !seat usi superior h., •re ,avt le to eallt roma r o• hth nod Wood •Irr,ts mar - J /3"NNE.I' i11111, ,, , , Mk .-W ti llurphy heti now opt-. P supp 4 ofsesto, M:hhons, of nest` n,l handsome aie.. Alati,i , ev, ' unit.,fis'd!axle I.nera end Edg. UPIPA Victor,. do, plaid Mirs,,• suit crstisnouhmeal Swiss ''then., Le.; hr.,. • large assortment of ,rprtoe Gouda general:), s. north tut Chimer AO and Mutat streets. Whniessla Emma op ,tors. COPARTNERSHIPS. Coparaserablp. JA L. rnn Otfuo laufonens as norcifoore, offOor Or Gnu of B. A. FAHNII.;ST"Cfi 1 CO Mit It I el , llF:vartnerahlp hereudere reutuag ands the firm of aC. MLA DI d.aul ea by the “reraPoe M Weak.. The ill1.11•CAO 1,11 Ur earned on fly A. I.l 7 Ulley, who lull: .elite the Lamar., of the tale REAVeV Al.— A. Ilaauhav has removed L. Found, Wnrekooae tram No :If Fecund m 'No. 10 Won.f street.i.euoreer. and Second wee.. u the wanberane latray neenpsed by fi , where he will lee a ronethnely band • reneln Of CeatUuy.. Geese., .t 4 tove, reoalime Stove, r 11 tn 11r;parotziop bermolom ousttog betarroo uri Iltob.fir and Wtlitain Hay, nrad.X ukder the firm of 111.,S11.1•11 - :LD S 11A1 - S. has dn. day t by NV Itham B. llay• eolling nis entire intertei oi the. firm to ~ U. I.lto.Yfield. All acconoo. due 1.1.5 urnt oral ta. rolio,ed B. 11u.nlie.d. and all.dOts ,Ine py liko late IL,m to be raid by for vont. H. B. 1.11.,111.1E.LI), Pithborgit, .111110 22.1,49. %V. B. 11A1',.. CO-I'ATNER...4 , III . —N. H. Drionlol.o hr, , ring arts durrinelatcd with lornyelf ll.et LYA Ir.. Wrte, ly of Iledfarrl. Ila.. arta recently of the 'Natrona , liotel, Yhttrartrr I, conuou , Lur.neart troller toe fool of 1311NDFIELD &LEADEN. et the old liana.' Nu eav Lawny rect. F. II HUNIIFI4II.D. rataborgh, Juno lti42. 11. LI.:APKI: }Wring. relsrod (torn the former honor... I take pleasure in teennuasendug my auceesmors to the ra- Uostaga of My costumers and the putthe general y. Alf IV It HAN'S Dliathslastiossa. TO en-partnershp Iseretothreexoning between the sisinssoribers, no the name of Constable, batiste A. Co.. sea Sta. day &waived by mutual convent S's* DoriSi is Bathee an w,ll Plle the boatneas of the ear:- escalates wlsleh patroo, they are bothorter.l to nee the nassad7of the conceal. N ATiIA NIEL CONsTAIILE, EDMUND In. II P. THOMAS BARN-. Tira Lade...aped hate thus day arsoe "lied the:mater, tn thatutrne of 111:11K BAJO. ter Th• pe rp of alerinatetorsna Fire Proof Safes, Vaall lbort. & e e. he, at the stand of the luta hrot Constable. no rke he Gth, where they wal be pleased to receive the pa tronage of the cote... et that house and the.? (mend. EDMUND THOSIAS BAIL:SM. Env of Conadahle, Uortc &moo , rinr , erc plen.tre reeoromead ISlcears Ilorke confidence nl toy friend+ Sind the puhlte. Ft, 'V. 1 , 42. IN Aril ANIEL, LONS , TABI.h:. DISSOLVTION• rorter.lop of M 111.11 Y Ni. day ta,utvol ronnent Die intaine ,,, of d,e 1,,, 1,6tr0 u Ille a,,, , jed If. Leo. J. IL 1111)111 . 11Y , P 140,1.010, J.. 3.. II If011 , 71.:-.Tbe iv-A-v.4(llrd vlll ronlanne Ole Wool L. Woe, and u.,..10 ate .le of Woolen Uondr, at the .tons. II r.rtirgtry from the hem of Murphy h. Lee, I take • otenroar In reekotnimolo.h. Mr. II I I to the t out hiletree of my fraeoda awl the pal dte• Pi :titre t rh, Ja“.3o, VAS. R. hiun PUY. '' )-fattliie be bane—do, any 'cWed th Ti' etas log r eth:7 for pulpo..e of liett. , ertin7a ivitogiv.tale twd retail Dry Goode and Grocery magmata, as Liberty, opposite Saventh .tram amp, the rtyldit.4 bttp of litdettlFlELD a. ILA 1 y. Pit rbh, Januory is la ji,F.l —Mu . old costomern nod the public. are Ineitod tobSar us natl. _ B. tif-iikIFE: and Capt JAMES AnaNiiON 0tet...1 tom portnerstop, under the him of VCAII- mod will enrry Go the Tat, Copp , . •, h od at. 'rat !sou %Vase I moo ufattor y hlta Itloelts mithota t.braa at the old amour. , tr Wm. hi ',alio, riist Mr, near NVood rr wur ohms , giver. to etentithont work ihA V F. an. tat' oottortoted rvlW n.o to the whole. t.rkeery. erodove nod Comte...won toy htte.hees tiara' ter Joseph, under the firm of $ D 11ION 11.,,Vt .111T11. ;11l ii k OA; J 4 .1,1411 .ry 1.19 • ,TltTraGfigillP—, est onab hovt, thta 1,141,1.1,1 hni, John It Ma o ther ha one.. will hereof,' be rumba... 4 under the urt.r.nr iv,, Vourrg En I, WILLI?, ht luiJ JNO. It SI, fzt 11 N N ETT O. BROTHER, GI YEEN.,WA FE MAN UPACTURFUS, gir arthaglasan.t.aaar Pittaborgls 0 Is. Wea;tiar mar, Na. 137, W.Nr.i 1.04 d, PiLl•lmirg).. g, - WILL e onotently a e‘l, on 11..r.t1 a r a.4 aa , ort ( S. , .r.,own branuot , ture. an“ i opertoroual , t). h.fr" . '" ." v ''''''' , ',"'• I hant• ere re.pctiay u. , ,, , 1 to cal i nod ea anAine fo• I, Inselv.,. •• v... are Orternalneo to red 'eherqw 1 Ineb toarLever before been orfered to :he poi. In- or dery sent 1,1 ini.i,accorn pop ir4 1, the hash cr •- r „,, „ ht• o n; p.ll , h oredrd r•kt tVn„., I don lain 1101i1 W d. We, and For sale I,v JAME: 4 It ‘1.7.Ft•1• ,vloll.l.,l.l.N—Alanaxturer All kinds of cot. atas ono woolied tuadttoTtry. Allegheny' ,ty, work. cllig WY' la (a and sutersalt op. T, a. prepared tit etteehts otttea wtth ,ha,hotth tat rt,IT marldnery ptckh-rh Tadao'', oprrederrn, Inotr,•, wothiro tail), do ahle or wag,. Tor merchant or Tvantry work. eittecto rirs•JT, sidle and hand idthrs and Wools in eral. AI l hatht• nl rhofttne made In order, or platse tov• etaor ee arrive or at reahordaar chatter arvan Tn—Kenoody, Cdtddh t. Co., Litachhtork , tAA, Ponmeet A CA, Jas. A 6ray. BOOK TRADE. iVr EW YCIILICATIONS.—A. Compendium of Ylrele. stastiral History. by Dr. enntostorial youn.tor and ordinary proressor of Th. &cgy to C•o -nn.uhrd, from Or Getman by S Dovidotto, I. It 3 rola +vo. liottory of the United Soo,. of Morro, by Rich rdthl 11reth. 3 vols. Oct t.tithey't Common Plano Hook edited by los Don tv. tvaner It. D 11..tory of Itlar,e. A ntothette of Pritter, by J. Abooth wolt engrave ngs. ((ivory of lobo, Croyar, by Jaeob Abbott, cog's. Poems by Drury Wadsworth Longfellow Cot:Woos Works of Hannah MOOT, I VIM 600. sheep, roux. Clint:lmes `term., 1 , 1110 to too,. Clergy of America- by Jos. Reicher. D. D. Cotenian's ItomorieslOcograplty of the Bible I..cut Lynch's Exrdit.oti to (hr Mod Soo and Ri ver lonian. Largo ovo. with nomeroms maps and att.. grnvings Macaolay's IlistOry I:nal:aid A new .apply Harper, fine 2 vol.. eel edttlon, in sheep extra, and in eambete Neauder's lissoary of the Churc h. I,fr an the West, by Rut tun, 1 , .9 On hand and for sale by R. HOPEINS, auu9Apodo Buildings, Fourth at kr}:w WORK Bi - AYl'll6i( OF MODERN rial:;1 1 IN TEAS —The : 4 ,, en Lamp* of Arehitecture, by John Rust,. wtth numerous illustrations. drawn and et, ned t,, Me author ono vol. 12rno Just rublohed, and for aalc ny JAMES. 1) LOCKW OOD, .0 ra Wood sl BOOKu —aouthey's Common Place Book, wined by Its. .on-rn•law, Job. Rossi Harter), D D. Ak,ott'. Ilotury us ;Lions Cesar, '.nth cograv tags. Just revolved at JOHNSTON & STOCKTON', cot !duitet and nod at AIiItICULTURE, Sc. —Ameamen Famaiz•sE•Caei eloped:, blro Lutdlern Vegetable Kingdom. I.lble)'. ',moors. en Aencolture, hr, Item M2I=M=SM ==MEl!f=:= Miners Ararne. Ha; Book, 1.1.mn. APc,t's Amerman Farta Uuak, Itna. Domeatte Animals, 14m; Webater 6 Parthe Dorneaue EaronamY. shirr 33 0. For rale by /AMPS D 1512 OK Woods r;Ifo Tr M on l ii ' L lV‘ on l'h to resat'',y of Or; by Cow.; Hooper's Medieal Donate...Vs slorlen Cooper , . Surgical deb Cbeiwe' 3 r ,- tem ot Surgery; llibliOnbrdni do; Abernethy, Wbrhs, 2 rots: Duparegasett the Meru, HoPo on the nom , / ZrovHobart. doorman. Wilson on Diana... of Me Skin; Peretra's Malaria Medwa and Therapeonew Chapman on Ibrupilvo FOVIS,S; do on din Thor oleo and Alidomuml Viscera: WoaSha Proud., ed liledietne, Dangleson, do dot Fa/aerie's do do. Aiwa a Imre, end fresh supply of Moss 1.. 3. Union !looks, on hand and Inr .ale by • F.L.l.Drrr 02 Wood rt RFd4ARKADLE WORK OF THE al/F--Lataabohl Ntarros.—Nineveh and as Re main. with on account of II aroil in the Chaldean Chrnauins of Kurdwtan. and Yesidt. or Dead Wur rhippt r., nod inquif7 Into the mann,. and arl.B of tro. totnrio Awynane. 1.1 Ana.. Ikon' D l-, in two volumes. will numerous ilinstrauons. -Than: o, • remerkabLe oral delightful tornhinatrou thr wora !..-fere of valuable d,scovery tr.rulln tere.,4n% pers.onnJ narrnuon, such as we renxest.lxr rn no eiru.lar work of trAvei or th.cosery. • • Mr Lay. ard is not ourpn.s.od tbe 0 , 1 irr,..lem II the woo .ler• of Lae luur) he an. L., te,,, .cry ouch sospas.., e. luem -We mm there lw• _•oen Ito auch picture In any modern bo o , or l'ark ia not aaaaa root, adventuru liorthaidt to not more trath , 4l. Eotheo not more ray or pie moque, than me hero of the boot Imfure as • Louaon E.l.a.mmer . . -4,0. or Lens remerkable week* a the ace Lenden 'run, leet fere reed end for sal< iry ,111 JA \ll ' Kh 1. lol'lON:ool).G.7y,:neet Inminn .tarer!y Krvicw, 2. Th- FAthhu li rrh 3 Th• 44uh.ne., Review, / 4 l'..e Norta ltwoh Re-vlrr, litocklvocal • ilel , quorgh kloortrive—klonchly at.ve Yereadiral• are reproned ike. York, quolatchatr,y on thr a arrival by lye ileav• •vamrr, tee. type. , ere 'oho, PaPec. •rc . tvairful r pure. altar , arlootair-11,aek wood • Mgazioe te eing au saet rac-•imoir tar litho oil rgo eLiriou. Tke priee. the evpronia ace eiaa ta•a one thqul of rho. of toionq;r: eerie.,am , . iola Ile, are equally rer it rad-rated. y adord taat ams,e to tier A. teener,: ever the Flnalialt reader ElM===l EiMENI eo or the Iye. / or Iltntt woo,. 11,1/ 'lt . tgo ror woo., t.I .ttt• telt", WIC noose proutm, .1 ARE, I) 1A /CA ‘Vi RID Rtv.lt.actßet at, 11,01,1 01 It - „rest , , Itottli• lyZ t‘oot!st. wev.l NI., A i lUI;ELLANEO[ JANES W. WOODWN:LL. 3odern and Antique Furniture, VlTT•nuitzo TIIIhn lats... splendid oitoi eitlrr nit • pry 0. easel raelissiade arster. The present •tneit oa Land cairn°, be easeralsil try any mt....stars in ten tarsi.. scalar, 'Perseus wisiera run... wort. Sarni] he ptini me a ran i as I itin detertnii, purr attn.; Ina.. Part of the stash Tett a Tetr a Uodai I.:Marta; XIV Chairs, lioeeu F.haaheth !Ina, Ten roast, Ernii Tables, tenet XV Cornmod-, Freueaooaany Re. ails, Pin.lei Ya ..rte. Nerd. cud Ilatr.dlott wart Yr 3lahopeny Roehuip ildadra, 401 or Parlor do 30 - Fancy do ealitra Taal, 10 pnir Itvapt, 4 pair pier Tet,a. CPint/die irT Ilairaor: NVardrot.a. Serretaria• matt hook casts; top. Wooh Staiola, 4 pair L:polar, tl pair fan, It'ork Sta nd.. A vary Inrar a...0r - Imam of roloinori clamps and other air dornernut rilllllloll ste...rn Bt." tam..., on the ohortret notice, sod on zhe moat rem...whit, ter., dral.l Diaphragm VI ..... for Updraft, Wager. THIS o tertity that I have ritY po i nted IJVI o ~lon, Roggen & Co. Sole A-ro. for them. of /comas'. f I cm:. Ikepraligm Farr, for the mg fits of Pit.hurg6 and Allegheny. 1011 N CI IttON, Agent, .-iief . r, for Walter hl Glbson, 1140 Broadway N. YI •. "et. I 9,184. i. We have been amine cue or the above erodes at the off, 01 the Novelty %Vert* for three month., en trfali and vet perfeetly ...fled that it iv • useful Invlllol, !Da we cute toe..are in ail mending them teat be ft ant.rir in all who love pure water. t/rdero will be thankfully re:etved and promptly exerted. ,ram LIVINI:S'IVIN. RoBIiEN IL r.. Revenlble Filtering tack, A FOR PURIFY IN(/ WATER, 0 2fe r irr rat ' o ' vo b n r c i ll er oUh f ri ‘ tV;i i e d e not :disTa b l y n although clear end Pore to the rye, re: wi.o I t payee* ma hoar through title filtering eock, Imam a n d apse acsit Impure hstmca, s, An. Thu ta the case more or loss with all hydrant water. The Revereablelllterer le neat and durable, and IS not tended with the ineonvenienne incident to other F.lterere,r. it . elesmeed without being detached from the wan r pipe, by merely turmag the key or handl, from one stdo to the other. 13y this may proem., th e coigne of water I. ehraged, and all acemanlatione fo Impure suhatanees are driven off Liman instantly, without miscroassing the Filter. t oI lso posseeeea the advantage °riming • atop rock, anas .ach in many C.c. Will he very convement and econostiml. It can be atuieued where there . any preset. high or low ton cask, tank, tub, !cc. with ease. To be had of th c r udeo Arab,' W, W. WILVON, cm-note( Pnerth and Market xis - -- lIIELL AND BRASS FOONDDR. aA FULTON, Bell nod limpan FOultdrr, hco re built and cominetieed boofneos et 111....1 ~,,, wlirr... hr will be pleased lose 1113 old rooted.- ere end friends. Clio reli. Steamboat, and Bello of e very sire. from 19 to Ittlarn ponied...coat from porn roe of the moot 'taproo t' mote!-. and warrmted to be al lilt hert nlstorlo Is. Mweral Welr.f Itraps,Coontere. Ragbag, &0., nor ther wlth every varmry of Hell. 1'a.1311.11, II rnqUlrra, turned nod fi ni , bed fit t h e orate. , manner. A F to the Arno 0r10n... of (loon'. Abr-kerat- Tll7l NI 1.41- 2.1 jug', y ,e , chraied for the noluctorat of Ins to to mug:furry Tim Bose. and ..oiripewion cab he hod al hint al all tones. jata/ I y . .. ~ Nionongsh••• I.l7ery !iteille• ;:i4c..„. 111/BERT 11. FA•rrka. , ()N has opened the large stable on Firm ...rune.. through to Beeand st, between Wood and blintleld obi ,in the rear of the N r k.”...11,11he la II ntiqC, 11•11 I, on erotrely new sleek of Iron , . and 1:11,1132sr i of Me beet qualoy and latest vtylea How& kept ut live ry In Iltrl,csl illnone I /YWIY r r - - r 4,:tV—, ° eel, • Itj. DTA • :];..,1.0,10.3111154-er--:Otirt.7 A N LININEe'NT sod exprrientad 1015.oueri from the .71 Keel., of 20 years stuodudg, Aker. to trent all oases b., been proverbiul. Edu ce.c aro =dorm., und Lid curer pet - marmot. Old ce al - Ole., Stricture, (tem. Fluor Albus. Rbenontraro.Aou,e'dldob , or 00 . 0 chronic or osueternic cusc• Follow - et A cure werrented, or cliarge rolusided. ly new, St. Ch or vtroct, 2 door. from the Ite.dge Teed) Km-acted- Advice to Ulu poor y... N It— Ilr A. soLtelts die wor.t eau,. of icy AL•eao• lo omit apit.dly Improvement In Vixens. THE nl.4enor tie pin meet , ow an reiMiaosortineut ot gum we tae tory of Nun, rt Clark. P. lr when Jur rI, ne,unce or evertor, he autv of finish and wuperurrity ot tone and prch. rpaw au, dune co., 'brought to lets city. Mr Clark. el thn •kove Gm, lung cod e 1..1 Carrbrahto known e• the former ' 'ocuma celebrated Plano estaollshatent oi Itroralwod. rondo", ho• recently imprcced mill er. ,cted the l'htnos of Nunn , re t lark. ;0 Y. 1111 •1. tent wive, unquestionably. eritnle• than log, mon. L 0 .1 , 11 0( tonne r' next a. wet n• e the lano. to he. got in lbw roontry ,ot now open mg. coin, veldt the add.o 000 al reerunmendanon ar,an aalrroelnr,il in the •ty le and nowt.. lanich makes them e t once the ttru.l elegant moil tv,ty thour ever hooch oat Thc , orxtranwats, together 0. tth the mor k on hand, form the nowt erpnnar •r. vaned and de. d,, a...or:meat erilr offered her, all of which wall Le sold at manurarturer• priers, and on err...y.004a. 1,1n•all ll Kl,FalEll. lV 40'ra:4E1r:sell's, sr it —The autwerllew volt be found al U,. Ware. house Iron 11 to 11A 01 and 4 to jot II K (goat for Nnon• At Clark UUE. have some P 1.01 1 . 2 4, made on an onororrel V V plan, so as not to ['nese on the coldest weather. Panetta wiantnte each articles. are invited 10 call and tee there at SCAIFE L ATKINSON'S, sayni 1•1, bowmen Wt./ Marini sta MISCELLANEOUS Chocolate , Cocos, £m W Baker'a American and French Chocolate, Prtpar ed Coen. Crowe Paste, Broma Coca. Sheila, de. /1 , 0 merchants and consumen, who would purchase 1 the hest probes. of Cocoa, flea from adulteration, more nmmus Wan on or coffee, and in totality wan, assed, u tne subscriber recommends the above articles, manufactured by thud!, and .moo d wick his name. Ilm Brenta and Cocos Paste, es Mate, palatable, nod itehtlety drinks for invalids, cormaleacents, and other., ere prononoced by the Meet eminent phystetans coroner to coy other pregarations. 114 mnantaowes are nlways on sale or antsuantity, by tbe most re weeMble grocers in theem cities, and by their .gems, Ilawes,Gray &co., of Boston; more. M Hanes & co, Hartford, Conn; Hussar A Murray, New York; Gram & Stone, Phllndelphim Pumas Y Brandige,Bal- Oman; and Kellogg It Ilenoco,Clminnao, Ohio. WAD FEB. HAMA, Dorchester Mast. For We bf augll BAGALEY & SMITH ; Age. Wrought an Cast Iron Ratting. ITCH.; subseribers bel l ) eave to Inform the public that I they knee ohmic from the Foot all the late and fashionable demos for Iron Hailing, both for homes coo eunetelleo Forams wishoor to procure hand b. patterns mill please roll and examine, and lodge for themselves. Bntlivg will ha (unshed al the Illeff, est LIOUce, and In the best runner, at the corner of Craig and Rebecca rimer,, Allegheny city. aught-dtf A. LAMONT A KNOT. Manufactured Tobacco A Q IMP Gentry Y. floyartry anperlor meet 3 pc . 345 Si do 211 A Butler's Ib 12 hr do Price & Harwood% " " 3 " 21 do do do " " " Si do do Pearl k. Harwood " 14 do .1 Robizawn 37 hr do do Si do do Wm Damson " 31 do T Wnght . 4 37 do G Andemon 9 do GT Dade+ , 5 do It 9 do antelrif " " lb " tun landing from orearner and packets, and for We by HEALD, HUCKNOR 44 Co, 41 north water at and Id north wharves, 7021 Philadelphia MA:i s. I , I4CTI... p .II.I? „ ToLL.4I :: y hI3 mpa 75 toMf Las WeLam Old supertor eweelbe lumps 36 .• Laorroneo LotOcr 5r " Gentry Pe revale, c 2.k 20 " Durood (de la turn) " I. McLeod Ps 1111A1-1,. BUCKNOR 41 N water st and 16N wharves, Philadelplus. WE are sail etige“ied in the above busincsa, corner V o 4 Wood and rlntd bursa, entaburgb, when ss... are pr-pared to do cry mirk in our Imo soillt det porch 4V- attend our ran, p.nsonally, arid sans faruon log: heg, given to regard to as noon:mad and du rability. flank hooka rated In any pattern and bound sob- Manually. Docks on numbers or old booka bound care. folly or repsumd. NAM. pin on books ut alit letters. Timer. that hate work m oar Imo are invited to ealL Priors low wyA.tf NOTICE. HA VINO eolal oar 000 re 51.0ek b C 011..1, with owns to etouag oar old bounces, we hereby so. ;.t..: for Wm tkn, powwow, of al; our fnendo and rut tom, ra RO W. POINDEXTER, TIIE POINDEXTF.IiL Pitutberga. Aug 4th, Itttl (1 H OILANT. wholesale Gower, Commtsatin and Forv , ardwg Nlerehant No. 41 Water st. ..IV . . . ' • Scales, Cookinfixto;r 412, ;•, Orit4;.c. - )4AIISILL LL, W ACF: Ca, Round Church, corner I.ll,erny and ‘V odd meets, manufacture end offer for tale Plattbrm, Flan, and flaunter i4ales, of Mc mot. Improved pawn., C okrn3 Stovee,for wood and coal, Eag naves al vaned. v,se•, 1' for and eornmen Grates, llo'ioor Warn, de km. 'They alto inaltufacture tte ltleorn Range, . g has green aura tatodaedou tdov , hay.dg It alee, to all of vihi,h they uauLd rervetfully invite the attention of rte roared. and the generally 0ct.17-dtf MA: 0 1.1.1 , i:r1::1. ,r E . D .. T ,0 0 . 13 . ..,=Tb e : , sabot: nmr and arn.t.rali), to the folloonng brands Tobacco., in oar. awl us orris., ortuch bring car:mamma.. di rt., (toin manufacturers. he Is onal.led to sell ai east cc. Vrscs* lat I R W Crennhaur 7t. Jame.. Mattison Sa, I Lanturttne 31aliraneuu 11 I Putnam Stt ual 14, I " Rat,rt. a ftistautt fa. (Neat Rare Stt. 9 I Johns ...Lew. I.; 3 1 War-tau:lt. ttupt It. 4, I u Fleury A lamas Y. anti tta. tra L a WATKRALaN 111 I In 4 .0 Pitt ibseb.lia• Wark• a.nct V.nndr7 Tl,l,\V RIG irr £ tmre pr•parerl to bulld Con.. a;kd woolen Martztarry of .or drbenpt.....uch .14 Cardifig MerNme, tytniuug Fra.na, sp•ctl , tt actd•rav Head, %Varrer.,,poolrr, .; ..n...• Card (moiler, ecc IVroochi Iron Snar..ng tarnea; aalloes ol Ow Iron, Pwaitco and Ilang,ro arr. law.: puts:la s /tilde md-nand Latncs, and tol. of all lonia Casttny of even deatnpt.ton f.1n.•1....1 011.1,8,1 non, Pattern. little to order far .xe Iron Hailtn, &t_ :Imam Ptpe for b..at t,,, rl,•alf`-. 01.1 Iron Window Hanandfancy Ca.- Ordert left at tiro IVare,nuon of .1 Varoact 2 Co.. Lawny street, lkotoe proovt %von. & Coy J. IL Alnorrhead Wasnes. Jan Irwin Az Sons, Ponsbargh ; C. C. Jr. J. tt. Wu nrr, M.oebenyttle. - NEW COACH PACTOETt •13,01i1M, - 11 g A WHITE tc would respectfu ll y tritium 1.)1,, the penile that they hams erected ...shop on Lacm.t,betereen Federal acd lialetbulty streets. They .re now etaatitg and are prepared to recerre order. Inc every dreenptionof •ehieles. Gauche.. Charter, Ba r..renetona, he, ac., 'ocher h from their long exi.ertencein the manufacture of We .Love worth, sail the farthoes they have, they' feel confident they are eatenleil to An work on themo.l ream:mat/1r terms vett]) those wanting then line. Phy lite particuler atiestuon to the ...lemon of male. .rid having none tour competent wurOrnett, they hove no hrettation m warranties their troth. the therefore eat the attention of the pablic to the. motter N. II Repot rtes dune ea the best manner. mid nit the moat remeountile i•rena. mit.ttf _ _ rro COTTON AND ‘V001.1112 MAYLIFACTU• .1 it ElL.—likormg made artsuar resets tor • COll. 'l.{ {{WV,' of FM:1110 Y FINDINGS, well .ell at tour prices C•lf nod Sheep Ruler sir Ids, Lace to. her, Pickers, Reeds, Shuttles. Hemp Twine l'readles• ho G 101 l 11,11 Punches, Yl'renciten, Strlppom Cards. tom It in, Patent Dresser Brushes, Weavers' !Hush s Ar. &e. LOGAN, W I LSON A COS., ley{ DAI Wro street. Pittsburgh. Dual . WlNFH—Ottley, Webber A Forrester. LOA; Pam nob urol dry, Gould. Campbell Go'. old dry IS3I. Oshostu4l4:ll; Pore 1040 i Pore Jmea par. ocular Port, thorn in Sons, Pure Joie., t Occult., dou ble and sleighs GrApett. These trues sre all ee,ebra rd for their medteal oroperuee, 0114 ran be hod svhole rale or retsina We Wine Store of /12 JACOB WEAVER, Jr. =co MBE subiorMer ewers for .ale a large and spleuthd j_ assortment M rosewood sod mehommy grand hu mus Pianos, grub and without Colombo's celebrated &oh= Atusehment. The above matron:mom ere war mutest to be equal to Roy manufamured la this coun try, sod will be sold lower thus soy brought from Use F. BLUME, No 112 wood st, . MI door .rove sth door above Sat itt Sent will be taken at ►at for . few of he sl,ovelrmal. my 9 P. B. • llirdawkrevia•Chiiiireg LOGAN, WILSON k CO., importers and Wholewd* Dealers in liardware, Cutlery end Saddlery, No ten Wand streak above Fifth, have now to *tore a vory cheap and wadi %elected stock of Hardware, imported since the dechne of priCe• In Enrope,.and winch they aro determined eorreopendingly low. rile, hoots who have been to the habit of going D., are portico laity rogue...l to call and look tlironah nor stock, ar wo confidently believe they will pave their expetios• octl rIALF AICIIVS-3D dos ,11111.111 S FreAch Calf Ski., %,/ very low amok. A few do.. PhlladelpOw . Pram miumfaeuiry of H Crawford, to which the attention of Loot mike. 10 lOVlled. Juai received .11 talc ley W yousu Cu, oc:7 IQ litieny _ _ 1111 - 5(11 . ..AR - LARD iL - Mi r t3-1n eaten..,.L. anronment or Carnelian I, Ca's celebrated manu facture, sad nupermt In all en in a..; adameal to cauren, steamboats, factor" a.durellams, public, mud rrivate and to all other u • where • champ, .ate and Inruant Imbt 1. denirable Alw~UtrnnJoka~ hall Lant,ras,Candclabr..olnbes, Cblinuien, Von, Tvomora, kn. Alan. 1,1•• Chandellenc, from nan to (our Ilatta. deer W W WILSON, 40 market at .123213121 I AGA' at the IitALTIIORK, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, BOS lON AND NEW ORLEANS IiENERAL AGENCY AND COMAIISSION OFFICE Young MEN in wholesale and rebut store.. and other respectable be•tness, to net as Book-keepora, Stoles awn. fusers, llabheepers, Walters, Ferment, Coach men, Cu Abbots., Rook and Map Agents, Collectors, overseen ut all branches et huaioe.a, Ko. We have at all lames a large rottn . aer of good altuattons on band, which pay from Mu In I/2,000 pet annum. Those in want of stinatico* of any kind would do well to give e nail, as we have meet,n in each of the move m -110.. which will citable us to pinee everyspplicant ma suitable Z111.1.11/011 11 1110 .1108001 nonce. We have large almontronsce in all the above named citle., which we trust will enable oc to give enure aaustsc• lion to who may laver asanth a call. TAYLOR & TAYMAN, No. in Second at., between South mid Gay. N. It —Persons living it any part of the 11. 5.., and wishing to obtain a sitnallen in Baltimore., or et. liter of the above eines, will have their wants ensue dime, y attended to by addressing us • line; (post-pa/at as I.y to dome they will carted both trouble and et. Knee, which th ey °Mariam too old 10001 bye oming Le th e city, mil arcking rnsploy mem for themselves Address, TA% lAA &TA YMAN, N 0.59 Secoild Ra/dmore. Mil_ aitint.F . rol. W A . 13 ,, f)(411 d ri made from narnished and recommended by Thom. Bakewell, and • lutill,rr n 1 rrtancot phyvietansi bung Moth conveni ent apparent. for the application of 1•11i121 Or hot sm. tor to the !Insane!, ni ease at crimps in Clink's. A. every grorvrin u mance% to sudden snacks. no faintly 0300,1 ho without el le.: one. . . . NOA IFE & ATKINSON, First st hettemn , Vood and Almrkpt PI T'l'N OO Ran PHIMALJO INNTITUTI4 I ttll, fro l : , tllll.Oll of this Inetnotlen,ander the care el Mr. end MM. Gtantetret, for the present academie year, Vrlii Collll9Cilell on the lest of helm,. ry MU, the tame bolldings., No. WLiberly street. Arrangement* have been mode by white they 11 he aisle to 'attach young Indies facilates equal to any in the W. 14% for obtaining a thorough Englith, Oust , and Ornamental education. A fall cont... of Polo Imophteal and Clmmtend Lettere. oral be delivered dorm e the 'trotter, Illuelnued by apparatus. The de partments of Vocal and instrumental Mane, Modern .40.*greot Mamma and Punting, will each be male, the ctare oh* competent l`rofeesor. fly clove attention to the morel an/ intellectual tosprovement of their pu pils. the Punctual* hope to merit a continuation of he Morel patronage they hove hitherto enjoyed. For terms, see rimular or apply to the Principals tistlthetr IM!!!CE=IEE1!=! lo . . . . d' Tins la car - W . ) . that I purchase one mat of Dr. 1141.163.6 , ,,, Worm Sper dm, Mme two monmo sca and taro to a son of none, Immo *even yea, old, two vaspocas fall, and althoigh the affluent may ...poem hula, yet I have no doubt but th em "rya operant& of fa. 11 . 0.241. vsfoxam passed from hust 6l MMOmaoW Eta= ma wafter of fat Inca to two inches . 0 W tiOLLI Y. Rota' peak, Cum] eds. Tens-, Deo V, 1147. AA MISCELIMEOUS. CAIIJPIATSg OIL GLOT/Itkike • - - LIIMMIVED THIS DAY, Carpi:Mgma Cloth, of ta• bum aod most approitd pardmaOssoil at aricarrholltilt parchasors,.and cheap .tra cart Do. choral ha arty of the chits, ectopridno this %I loirlagPirsia ties, hCtre Pyol Velvet Pilo Carpet= 'AthohasterCarporN any dm hall room. ar Vol Tapestry do Winks. Strappo! Brosrals do Tspertty only carpets; Until nip 3 pl y' do prowls d., do Sparfine do do Choorti!o Roar; Extra rap Ingrain do :dud do Raper-hoe do do Draasoi do Moo du do Chernile Door mom, Coalman do do Tailed do do 4- 4 , 3-4 M iTupestrl &Wahl do do Damask do Sheep skin do do 44, 3-4 & 1 or Pd 1164 EirmlPlod Piano coven nen. do 6-4 do Table do 4.4,34 & 1 plain do do 0.4 wool do do Conon Ingram do 64 worsted Ind Boon do do do Vensunn do Brass Stair Rods 6-4 cotton Druggeh 16.4m00l crumb cloths 134 woolen do Moir Litton 6-4 do do 6-4 table do ElaalLsh Table on olothq lhaper do Gorman do do do do Crash 84 Floor Oil elottog soon-Drim Napkin; 74 do do do Crimson Pro* -4 do do do Purple do 5-4 do de do ,s4damast do 4-4 4o do do T Calvet Binding', Shen* 011 Cloth., of nowTransp . iit IVindorw Flutes T04 . 75 t, , ,, ,, , ,, tatvne, eta to fit • 00r svri., Sumlx of Carpel., Oil Clo c tiesTrintenings , to 'stitch we Inoue the attention doll who wish to fu h their houses or steamboat. to we will be cute to o hr goods ms low as they eoot be pner.hosed in the tx.t, and of th e richest and later nylon. Coltnod ex amine our stock before purchasing , elsewhere. Wore ban., No 73 Fourth sx metal 111.31'CLLNT10E... _ PAPER HANGINGS 1111G81911.11. JAS. 110tir A RD No. 82 Wood Street, HIJLD cull the attention of the public to their W present stock of raper Hangings, which for va riety, beauty of finish, disability and cheapness, is un sus-used by any establishment to the Unica. Besides a large-and full auortmeni of paper of own manufacture, they are now treeirin .. c a direct im. portanon of french and English styles of Paper Hang ings, purchased by Mr. Levi Howard, one of the fain, now in Europe, cowering of Parisian manufactare, 111,000 pieces. Louden do 3,000 do Of their own manufacture they have 110,000 pieces %Vali Paper, and 11,1V0 pieces satin glazed Window Blinds, rec. Memel.. Janney Howard & Co. have .pared neither Aspens , nor labor in their endeavors.to rival the east ern wan paper estabitsanmuts, both in quality of man untattire and variety of pattern; and they are warrant od in assuring the public that they have =interned- The whale &agent:with foreign and bonne nianalae tare, wilt be offered on ten.. law as those of east ern manufactarera and Importers. inetcH:dtf NE k 7 , Coll:33—Al ZEBULOS nN EY Mar ve dor very bigh back Shell Tuck Combs; 3 medium 4 " " Irm " 11 n.arot k tadedtop 50 " fancy top Oar.° v le plata v VD grass eon, H al 44a1 2aCI I stdo, utorted ri- TVL .U' t Iftlro " d ' o n' d ' o7 r : o di do ‘ , l 7o "' b d e:i Eghvb Horn, dn fine I very, extra vise, 1.• 0 S 4 do do, on boxes, 1 . / vrosx !‘ fine do do; do comb Cleaners. vole .U==l=l (Sereagaorn m Haa.ey. :firma k Co.)) R ANKER`., EXCHANGE ItiIuKER.S., au.] deaden In ForeiJen and Domes. Eachaate. CernSeat., o! Deana., Hank Note.. and Porto—Foartt. ntreet, nearly oppotote the Dank of P11:1,M11, Carrera moo ney reretved on depoatte--tuta Ctrcao for ante. and eollnenons made on ndar'y all dn. prtn.pal I l 0 in the Crated Matra The t,shest premium oud for Forootn end..knecnean Gold Advent...a road.. on con,gnmenia of Trounce. mop ped KAI, on liberal tnrta, GREAT IN 'JEN rioN . :—vni.Un Etr.f.; I:47N;VER IErWM2Z=I Patera CA3I,-/SINT erten:sem Table. Soft-, Barra., Brat. Cue, Wert., Dee,:.. LEVER c.: THE TA FLU,. surp,m•e rep •It, venom, •ee k.rld extetet Ette, eon r • teed,' ter nt t. • .te I reet.c..Gue tux! out, wt.," c...eml We leave* are 1:011,1,1C4111.914, WC) err all sae.. and ebnpee. 4.14 art aduura.bly odut•ted fur Su.ombuau• amt largo private famine.. (rem -I,(TPA''Z.iq:ll;lTl.l7,ArtteUTltt''eue"jaruth.rter are multi. amble. !mom ulatl• WOW. who uteh to cones peelerooru. um! eonern sleeping . 57 nent into • or ailing room. au th , p rau Lte e mud wad ehut at eon ventenee. and ea lieu shut. the b ding la encirm etl. A great sae ttt• to roost and met. All the bed. verut• when rle-ted form • treaauful pleee farnsture ter a porter 01..01, room. • . 111,, , 14 CASKS —.l atat aa.3 aaefai artirlr for park.. or 1/I:.l; , —Por sas• t, lin,. •onats, &ad oilar office, van., °palled a it con mewl when closed a rcrfect Deck and Labrary o.lune . . All Mete •rt..c,• coed n Tr,0111ELIC110.1011: the beauty lOW who: , ‘t, Cart' .re trarrunted not to ctt out a; n:”. I. for your inter,. to cal' and exannor b r a rne n; Inn manutnrnuret't store, No. 63 Thttlltutre , t. l',.ttboret. In additton to Mc edit antnArr. they ate proof oKattn.t buirm. toeolo Atrti %V OC) MY ELL. Patent rrradeletrd Gal.:nut Battery Onoi ra., for .glfgaical o wi other ;Amp.. the ooly Instrument of the kind that his ever I been presinned in this country or Eteppe for med ical maps... and is the only one o'er known to mod, by which the rely - ante flood can be ecurvela to the hu man eye, the ear, Um brain, or c l a y parte( the body, either estaroally or iummulty• definite rends strewn, without shticks or pain—with perfect Mlety and often with the hepptest This unt.rtast app... is novo highly approved of by many of tic must eminent phyaminn• of this coun try and limo., whom ilac agbeted and Others whom it may COM,' viLII reforrnd. Referent, will al. be gives t o ninny highlyre...tat...use., woo have been our. by mean. uf thlitat.t valasUla apparatus of mt. of the most inveterate nervous disorders which retold not . removed by any othss bonnet means. Smous var.us others, tt has been proved to be ad isurabty adapmd for t h e <es< of the fallow.; diseases, vat nervous head:teem .4 °Met iliseases of the brain. ft at .ith tins ammo.. aloe. Rat the operator con convey the meow .° Mod with eat sod safety to the eye, to restore sight„ or care unsurosas; to the ear to restore Eleanor, to the tongue and other organs, to lei store speech, and to the canons plans of the body, tot the cure of chronic rhemuntorto, asthma, neutaigta„ or ue dolounsur, paralysis, orpalsy, gout, chorea or St Vitu's dance, epilepsy, ',mato.* from sprains. some diseases peculiar to :emotes, cootractionnl to Mobs, lockjaw, cis. eta. Rights for sorroandisig eminties of Western Pa, sod privilege., with the instrument, may beparenttacd;.d also tested fortte care of doses.. Nll nuttromions 1.11 be peen for the moons chemi cals to he used far wallow diseases 4.3 d the best man ner for operating for the cure of those dosages will al so be fully explained to the purchaser, and a pamphlet put tato his hands expressly for these par's..., rest fully prepared by the pmentee- Engle:mot oetl3-dly 8 WILLIAMS, Vt. et, Yntsbnrah Tll hi TIIB suenuon of the public is respectfully esllcd the follovriug coruhentest 91s. S. asstss—Moving tested todnUty of Gold weighed by your ATHIGOttaI, I hoof the retch pro your Instransent correct; and rceomnsenll the coo of II to those vim{ to Cesufonlls. es the beat method for ob. tuning the real value of Gold. Reap Joan., J. B. DUNLEYI , Geld Beater. Pittsburgh, Much 9,149. • 1"n -roasted. earth 7, 1549. ha.uw—Deut Sir Having exaro ow d tho “A mo m/oat. • to tnuiactured et your room., I do uot heetotto to cononel , d w the use of thou getalenwo lobo are about ',May tag to California in march ar Gold. - It Imes is close upproxintatlon to the !recitie pmvi 0 meLsis, 004 eenautly citatflo Ine •11•estturat us art:crown omen los placer usyteleltng Gold inarlll I outs, t•lp . Y. J. R AI`CLINTOCK. Itoo e'er, v.•. 1 lor tha Callinsrua Expedlttoo, a ~ •olp, , ,, n aour..ornt ol WWI F744atte Clothing, al prtc,, tas,,* from 1/.5-111 to fa i r Frub ro u t ' D of 'po"t,''NP: iul ha F ""' " ` deetXl 1,1 PHILLIPS ,roo. more ot A•l11 celebratod HounGl , Poaona, uo-o' ron•tantly by Lon, Thallzera rod co •0 peat perionto., lotrther With a large usornast or rosewood and roaboaany, of my own otanufact. Ile above Leatrumentw are warranted to be vette eery respect, and will be mold low for cash. P BLI-rdE, deal!. No Ito tt, on.l '.10411.00100,.l etb Par California: Cllr: eel teed Ilastirel k.O Yowdr, in keKR, nal! Ott t\~~tltTll .Sd.. It Inbi3 s - • DaY GOODR.. , SHACKLETT h WHITE. . Dry Goode Jobb•ra, 0.99 viv UUD STREET—WouId Ow attention of A r ireblms to their Jury." Doole.uo RonnYn DRY GtH , Des 1u.,:t0.. Ala I porters and alanufautorera, 1.1,1 wt.,' ni tad at very low ratc•lor coat% or .pptorr'l prcd.t. Dur stock D now tali tool complco• A 0.1 worth De &Mutton of Do fur t, a. we are deterun ,, d to roll at'auch ~tretnely how ric,s woe fall to make it katorna aulsoomen• ru.e a i.nl wzth no. SPADE`:, , ,I.I.IOYELS ei.e.—Yl dor. ri..te. and ,hr vela, 01.10 Nhasur , Fork., 0i1.., Y. do Socket .10. n flu. ,147 • • k • lirlowa, t.l -010 01 ma,..tn • . nooll DR: DOIT AL. TIIE removed his Who,r.nie ry PLore 1,1 the eariv.r lIIMeOrk ou,et Al.e gherty Wharf, cut flow mill* retry u. t . mciel%dtf JOHN r I'ERRY. wiLLsessstirosd, Illanufactanr of ftlmeral Wain A pparatas, uw or ,as 4191.P..611.3 um IMVPITAIId, No. 213 North Secrs,"l •t., •be,a A N eepenence oft ore than tthethe years In the manufacturing of !Others! %Neter Altoona...rad the preparation of Nltherortee. to routra and Finit ude* on en catmint, seal with s. thin/tile and prra. brad knowledge , ( of both burances, toge ther with recent maprovoneuth the, con:trace. of the Apparatus and the prorating of the Water ' which he has succeeded adepumg sine, bit visit to Pam, and after Taint of elven stray and pi neural apples norm as applied to the arts in Mechanics mad Chemis try, enables the sobscnber to come before the public mob entire comidence, and offer trans the best and mos, for the manufartere of Min eral Water in nettles and Foramina. that cm be fur nished in the United tubes. Ile also dames aurathU that the enlarged suraees he bra met with, end the present exthosthe and daily II:t -ete...rag amount of his bootless m both the above do per.... tertoshe• the most convincing proofof his voting in the *eponymy of Apparatus over those of ill others. and or the poetry and salutolty of the Water prepared trare from. Persons who order the Append. from a distance. m ay be snored that their tostmenott shell be frabfal iy compiled with, and to yanked as to c0...7 safely ratter by land or water to any part ante C. Matra. To avoid dieappeortunent, it Is recommended to those who intend supplying themselves the appwatchlng sea son. to forward thrat orders at as early a days.eon ' genie= Mineral Water Appanatna, flienertnoro, Patera and Foontataa, Ornamentol lima and Pedestals for Oland. Counters anal lion of notela, for draletna Ifydrant Water, together wIW Carting ad Tying it Reline, and everything aypitnaining to the above basuleaz, earisleittly on bead, ad for aain on the town. tonna aplEhtlendlen DRY GOOD& kc- T HRDDC® hts howl eabowhiteritao colored gassy wi 757 deir he roar r:ltunoie7ol . .;ods, at rePeedid ooo , , m n Lovrew,(l4lwriloe gonoN Balaarnem, blunMeX. Ids, ear __ athbow, Bultunt, Med& land Flop W. , likowowe Woo; ?arons wikutim !RAT abOla, an) , ogle do" 5. o( Dry tioods, will do well to eoll northeta comer of th and Matket'str. /910 WHITE GOODS FOR DELDSSES-,VV. IL gamey • • h. • tarp areortettordet above Goa; received, null u' hid white Mlle, poet WO Per yd up to very dee; plan Swim do; turrod Swiss doi ear broldered der, sada baaredYeekecate: lisilbeddre ogle striped do; and germs' alvortelor• of Mite Goode, such as plain and figured blettt5 o Edr: , " Tikete — jii tVrop"rVth • —A- Jr, lb. le Cots Dry %wade kit tublishment will bare-opened on Friday, July dab. Ad of their week keying been marked dew., atoll be offered al vhe greabat bargains. Purchasers may de pend opera ...snug goads at LOWER. IIATCe tb. ever before. BRUSSFJ...S CARPETS—The lames t usornuent o Brussels Carpels over 91Fered In this city, for sale at the New Carpet Warehonso of W. brOlintoek, No 75 Fourth w, comprising the latest wed debut styles, and at once. lower than ever offered. *lv the snorkel. Al! who area! Unmade Carpets., should call before purchasing elsewhere. jaln W nrcuriTocr. A RTIFICIAL FLOWERS—Materials for Arnfiraal Floaters, Pinion... papa; aported do, Car l:WIC paper for coloring, Pink Sanders, bett•ea of eae ry torso, bod kat v 01: 43= cad obrted at Tn • .14 trkt-oardtst EIIII3RbIDERY—t Doted patterns tor ottomans, Pines Stools, Table Covers, Traveling Flags, with • great variety of small patterns. Also, Worsteds of all colors and shad's, by the pound, cornea, or stem for sale apl4 Cll EATON it Co, fr 4 Fourth at Q ECOND SUPPLY—W R Murphy, st aortic= Car -0 ner of 4th and Market greeds, has now open hi. arose sapply of.prntg and saanner Goods, and has • law assortment of Dream 600ds Of nearest styles, sad maple Goods of every Shad, all of which Will be sold low. WC, 98W 1/00111, 1849. ENNEDY SAWYER, corner Woodard Foarth etrees, are now receiving direct ham first hands, large mock of Fanny and Variety Goods, including (necks of every variety, gold and dim Watches, Jewelry, French Pants, Combs, Hooke and Eyu. Moven and Hosiery, Suspenders, Goo Cann, and .11 other ankles in their iillo-011 of which haVing beep purchased personally of the manufuturen cut, du ring tbe last witer, expressly fur the Sprirg . - LU be odd wholesale at a small advance ;on cost. Constantly on band, all denmiptions if Looking Glue en, of oar own ectanufaentring, at canem prlee.. Mho NEIV FANCY AND VAJUET IiOODA—At ZED ULON lONSEYI3, 07 Rocket street 100 pro floe Mita Vases, and; 175 sets prim and cot 'steel coat Dmmor 40 fine velvet Carpet Barg ai do do gears travelogs 100 gram fancy silk Buttons, for dresser, hir do: NW Brushes, itso'd; 100 gro him blk Vest Rommu,ansid; 250 do do gilt and plated, do; D dos rosewood ilatr Masker; 4 do Wastutigres I do Darken do, 3 gm Fish Lthes, Fish Rooks, Lime rick. kr JEWELRY, ise.—.so gold Igor Wateheg 50 do de tailed lever Winches; RI do Lepine do; 10 fine dia mond Finger Bins; 1 dos fine gold lies( and Fob Cbams; Y do do Gard.; Breast Pins, Flag. Rums, Ear 0011 S., Se. °LOTUS, de.-200 dos Ladies Cotton Gloves, taTdi 7rn do do Lade Thread, ktrey top, 0.0.• ' 10 do gen& elk Gloves; II do do kid der, 50do Indica kid, tined; 10 do Yttli Lt ElY 07 G o ZD3-75 pig. Monica Pins; WO ba Cotton Cads; 75 p. Paper Malin; 000,110 ribbed Torcasio - % Caps; Morro dress Whalebone dm UM dos Ivory Combs; Dressing Combs, Flak Coma, /a. /re. Fll. EATON A. cu. are now errs Men . dprimy . meek of Trimmings, cassis in part of Man nits, and Dre” Pongee, Gtmps, bile and cord titlk Lanes. black Flounce Use, Battens, Ends, drum. Tmounnes, gents„ladies mut elsildreas plain and fan cy Hosiery.. hirts for men and boy. Combe,l•ory Mad oNet Fam, TOrn. Spool Conan, Needles, Tapes, Bob bins, Puts, dm. k.o which they offer for sale, both wholesale and retail, at Our Trimming SWIM MI Fourth oto. !tower= Wood rod Market. apl4 PHCSII FIPHING GOODS. Ihneklett & White, DGOOLS. JOBBERS, SS woad Grew uk the ...sermonof M•rehente b *elr rock ed'AMERI - AND FORF:ItiN DRY GOODS, sow reeeiTing d.rect trna, ANL hand,. • . •• • • •- • . Rocerring regular Popish. of Bret goods during the season. and de•oung a large dive of their anenttun to liantorn Auction safes, they eon confidently to huscre hay will find it to their interest to examine met. sto,t. . Just recessed, lasghArrroieca of new style Dress Faney• Pain* Cassarceres, Cloths, Summer Goods, Laces, Mote Geode, bids I.4nena, TvAlan' Trim=lnge alai brown and bleached Shecturgit of vari ous Wands. ward Sotto, to Dosoorrootype Arc ..... Juer received, • xsuall invoice or VOIIIiMAEN t.II.IICKWORKING INSTRUMENTS twee owerneuen. There Titsvamente poageaa greet advantag, over all other, ever made, CO,CIIIIg a 2-3 alas Plate, reducing the time of Jutting ont.haft. and prodneow • sharper, clearer and teaser doherd pic ture. They, therefore, deserve the attention of all Ar e. engaged or intending to engage in the begin... Price for the Ttlre Bt:3. A general aseortment of Vero!Render , * justly cc le braled Instruments, of all gists, as wail as fravlerreo. type Materials, at the lowest rates. Ma. PETER emrrit, etn.riamai,.otan, w got 10. thorised agent for the sale of the above Instruments. A tot of Flores can be obtained by addressing, past. pad, W. k. F. LANGENMEIM., Exchange, Philadelplua, forporters of Daguerreotype Material, and General Agend, (or the sale of Vengtlatader's Optical readkeodani TORN FORSVTlC4;fchantTailor, hos removed JOIN to No. 31 Market street, one door from elocand, Foe ode • • • Tht.l.lel for pat favors, be reSPeotrellY , m , te , M e connnuanee of the patronage of his former cameo:Lem, and naParise the patronage of as many new ones as are or the nett ,tripe. Order. La We Tailor.; line executed in We most faahn.naMe manner. and with dispatch. atm. a Mahomabic aalortmedd of ready made CIO Ming of all londa. Cheap for cub, of coarse. Gendeinens Famishing Goods in all thew satisfies always r. hand, nett as Shirts, Bosoms, Collar. Cra vat., Stacks, !Scarf, ilostory, Suspenders, Porker Ildkia, Glove., Drawers, Umbrellas, ha. An, An. • am-D:dmn GCLTSAMLEIZI • • - SADDLF, HA 'TRUNK AND WIIIP MAN UFACTuRY.—The sobwriber takes this method of Informing hie blends and the pahlie in general that I, hes the Itirswitt mock of the following named arti cles orb. own manufacture sit this eity--Daddles. Har ness, 'Pranks and Whip., all of which he will warrant to be made of the best material and by the best meek. emelt In Allegheny eminty. Being determined to .ell his manufactures something lower than has been here. before sold by .my, Biretta, establishment In the city, he would invite peso ns in need of the *bore named articles to his 'rename, No. Nit Liberti area.; anew site seventh. Also, bands made to onlet for machine ry. 0.354 i J. KEROY. FOR OILIGMNWOOD DAIkUaL The steam boat A. MA.S.ONO t now raw; from the Po tat foot of Liberty street. to the Gar -leaving at 9 o•CleitkA. M., and ut the beginning of each hour mull 9 P. M. Visite. inay rely on finding the boat at the honk S.ht leave. the Gaylen, the last up tip, at 10 o'clock. The , season I. bun advuicing, and Gov/ wishing to visit thu delightful retreat., now is the fate to spend few hour, not in the smoke and dust of the city, but In pure larnotpbere, p m erfunud with the fragcaneo of dowers . All ((olden( refreshment', except intoxicating rinnk re kept on the premises. Greenhouse Mom an n ouquets of choice dowers for sale. Cloud ou Stu Joe YOU JAMES MIKAIPI. (0 -Change of funding made on account of low .. V &L. OEO EL BILL TE MUER° ER S. a AGENT, Forwarding and Communion Mer chant, h. removed to No. ei Front, between Wood and SanithGeld strecha Si:LLgßblW:liallkUUß IN liEbaßlilA. CoLmuos, Jen. Bth, Mr. R. R. Scher.:—Your Vermifogn has sold well, and has horn high y spoken of by all who bare used From the success attending tee administration of poor Vermifutie ut evsgl7 cute I have heard of, I essi confident ea sell more during the earning season than I did last. I will be slag] to receive another sup ply of lor 5 gross. Yours, respeetfully, Magnet from lettes.j FL CARTER. Prepared and sold by IL R. SELLERS, 67 Wood et, and sold by druggists generally, in Pittsburgh and Al leghny f It. KAT.N'S 111.JAYNK- , This cproGra, that hornethately after boring attended my brother, who died of consuorption in March. Into, I wan taken stet 41th the Consomption or I.lror Compinint. and wan reduced no lasi' with the disease. Nat for foot yearn I wu enable to attend to busines either itt home or abroad, being for the moil time roamed to my bed. Donna the above pen al atone. I had expend.' for medical attendance regular Physicians and mediemes, to the amountef Selt., without receiving toy benefit therefrom. In July. I commenced taking Dr. Jayne's Medi , eines, and have taken them mom or le. sor e ..nee, awl believe Mai it was by persevering in the". o ne, that I man now truly say that I base eompletely recd-. m e health. 1 ! bliee that Jayne's Ran... Pills Kapcnorant an the he fatuity natitietnen note in I read. en Springfield, Otsego county, N. Y e nad a, an a atrita , c and machine chap that plane, d not Interemed In any manner to Wu We °Film 400ve and make this COISKIEWM loran, ben efit a those art:tinted. ELLIAti EATON. : • Spnaghelti, N V. Sept 14 jo4 .‘ 'IMPORTANT TO TILE APPLIOTRID. Dr. Rou'e Celebrated Remedies. AR JAMBS. HOSE, the dtwoverer and sole pro pnetos of thew ELKaI wpm!. and beneficial ',test cle., and also the inventor of the celebrated imam. meta for nflating the Lunge, in effecting a tore of Chronic d i seases. we. a student of that eminent physi cian, Dori. Physic, and to •yrailuote of the Univers,- ty of Pennsylvania, and for Witty years stow has twee engaged to the investwontort of disease, lad We sop/. cation ot remedies thereto. Through We use of his mental tube, In contwetion won ids Propbytoette Syrup ondother of tau remedies, he has gained im unpuralelled eminence. to curing loose dreadful and fatal Maladies, Tubercular Con gu Cancers, Settabla, Ttlicuatomou, Asth ma, Pore a n dd Ague, Fevers of all kinds, Chrome Frystpet• las. and •Il those obstinate lll...peculiar to females. Indeed every form of disease vanishes under We aro of Ids remedtes,tn whoch bonienity to heir--not by the W of one cortipoutal only lot that is wcompanble wah Physiologlical Law, h o t b the one of has rem, We, adapted to and bed tot' each pectaior form of disease. Dr Rose.. Tonic Alterative Pills, when need are in vertably acknowledged M be saperior to all other, as • purgative or hoer ptll tnasmueb as they leave tho I..owels perfectly free from coativenotai as aloe toe Golden Pills is admitted by the faculty to peeestspeco- L ' Ver,1,17.1. 4 .1°, ' ‘,1.7i. k r.t. d,.. ...a.:4 . :b what has bete zest to the amens of the moat skeptical. The annotai are meted to rail open the agent, and proctor (grade of of the Doctors perephlcta, vying a detailed account °reach remedy nod Ita application. For sole by the Soikreneg Kent, ste well ashy Mate Greenlee throughout the country: Pehoonotater dgM Wood MOO, Patubnegh; 41 Townsend, e, 44 Market st s tea A Beech." 0 near the P.O. Allegheny elm Jo. Jo. Barkley , Beaver emmty, P.. Ad Mott, kronen Vane?, T ams, Deaver, to • tecelkdly. igAge. GarAr seitima.,untlaguy l / 4 11gligcum. re.s.,;.r. is pu tip Isk Quirt Beam; µ e mu.... ciusrperrplrmara: superior Wu, 501d. 4, hears. d dirstraessjilsorkontirlog, dek, .41 or M EWL:cut ' , . The great hesnly — inad . daperbray, or thialliarmaparilk ath. mad :.Wmebt,ertelleilleadleiltee disease, Et leriyorates thy body. it Le one deb* very been „ manta Asti GIDDIER. =Acme ever known: It not Oily thrrllSorthi'whiile rya.. ~ad Derembans the pantoa tat It itioilea Mae( pare Lod Ma bed: a poser polaessetbratheehtet. ll .4W . dd- Atel thg. lies dm pull secret. dr Ite..Y.,eddoldl . setnntne. It has performed withla the '4O tarOlerara. more Um one hundred bonged earn of mere ewe et disease; ed. 1ea50.000 were none:Wend Lftarabla, ha:sand the bees et enane than 15,000.1.11dren the th ree put aossone. lioo,pooDebility Wed want Of WerrigasAKAirgy. Dr. 'Noumea Summar-ills ter trends. the whole system permanently. To tkonsarbe heat hut th eir... cal. anew, by the .Recta or andlaht or Indlacrodon remainedln or Da ascent. indulgence °C U. pusioaut by Orland preetration ehe saloon. gamed, Lainide, ward of *albino. Canting woo aatiora, premed.* decay sal deans, Imatealge toward that fatal disease, Cammeptlea, be b• ;theta!). restored by this pleasant remedy. This Deraparitla I. the eve 81.rly irrvzsinawriar6 COILMAL MI it Mem..n met.; eye..e . y th..mmealarnatme me! is.M Coancospilask Coia. Cimino =I Eltraigthot. C. g I nebilitkns'esii b. =nod. Oasompriers, gr oespati.:' atani, Coml.+, 44ra, Syyby .f Serra, 6. au Cks.tlErwtic "bbiethrlbibicati Preis tvebbaraisek, Ado is du 544 tr.„ Aare bois esii MO be cowl, • Da. Temenceo-1 nrilr benne ,yee. W tom the wan; through Providence, al l = lg. I hen for severe/ yews bed /rind Cough. It be s ente wenn audignorew As test I mined Inge nannies of Lang bad ught sown minis gonal7 debillned end relined, and did nu expect to Ilw l / 4 .lhave only used Tour Banapardle g short thorn nut lbererliss • worelerfel asap Dan . lrma& le me. .1,4‘,1144. .sit at ern en city 1 nine Do Wood. Indeed , enethas 1411 the iambi that I me da.nl4llhr dem matt. WNL RTlSSE.t:6sliatherina.. • " • . Tta. fa ont, mia, of more dun dud I.Uimd imam a Rheumaiism to Dr-Taarmana,Elassaperilla bug:mai Tim mod erre. and sbnieta mmm an rnad7 exWlmM by its ezlasemdlet•ry rtrtein James Csualduaeursid, mt. of antßanla in de 1m• tuns /Layton, Blanieuses Labnid. is dm goall.m. Yea ale dm relieving lanaa Inaeimaffa Maude MYR 14. Dr. Tatrasmul—Dear 1 have aufferadtarribly for Mao yaars Rturamatium I comddithible maser, email... id =nig.. 1 had dm Inman Ra a and say were tairlY swollen 1 bate used four bodlia of yoar Elassapaillib and limy bars dam ma muss ibaa am thonsaad doilan north of gnat I am so much bersee.edlidneßl annisattroly tared Yea Yea are at libmty to-sae this fee Ltd bandit of Ina adlimed. Yours, respectftgly ibLei-CUIdaLLNOIL With: Pit. be. Towasend, not haring foetid WO liateaparilta in eases of-rid, of theme timer remotheseadad it sad wm earpriend to receive the follomng Doan anlWeLilgeat thd respectable P .rmar in Watch:War tapesfew 13, IBC. Dr. Taatemad—Dram.ffir I ham *Wk. gtri, meet. years of am , who has tem ethereal there allseted with rim; era tried almost eturything Ler we could find th her as knit without mecca t Lath although ,thethusteethe ;ion in sea eircalara for cum like hen} try thought. she was in very delimits heal th , We wouldllth boo mime ..A• your Sanaparilla.thd very glad we dld, for it of a removed her I.natel, but the lianhad lo return of the Flo, om dnu plemane end serprkse., She as fast bectitthug rugged sod heithhy,the which'. feel grasful. riMimotha Y'". JO /SWUM. Jr. irensale Dr. Townsend's/Imamate I. • othereign and speedy cure for Incipient Conmespdon, Darthetethe, Prolapses tin tr. 'or Palling of the Womb. Cosureuen, Pdas, Leucerrhme, or *Wen oustructed or ddgeoll Maestro mins Ithentlethee of Mime or loTelenthry dimherge thereof. and for Uk• macre! prostration of the Ay. tem—sso matter whether the math of Inherent came or theses, produced by Irregularity, awe or Recedes,- Natio, can be mom earprising time Its invigorating frets on the human name. Perthoo all wmltiams and suede, from tatting it a ones become rebut end foil of mem, nod, us tentieme It immediately counter.. the attach+ of the female fem., which ts the pert mom of Ilarreemss. It eta ohs be extorted of es. lo of 5 ,, iiclwair, • nature, to eolith entre-me. at autos performed, but we eau sumo the allikm.d. that hundreds of cases have been reparted to 05. Thousands of cows whom families ham been without ebildrt. after miug e Co. bottles of this hirelneble Matilda, hone bone blessed with Can, healthy offspring. Drat Gleirfirrirte Mid Children. It • the engem eathieed effectual undid. Implant, log the intern alai teliewhin the muTerisma Attendant open elithl-turth eves diem:mord. samagtlnnes both the me their and the child, presents pun nod diem.. Immo.. arid enrich. the fwd; Woe who hue used it, dunk it is and It re highly useful bath before sod .her C 00110.11301, 111 it prevents &eve, Mteedant up. .fhild.birati—in Cost/ethos, Pile, Cramp., B.elbog of the Fmt, Dmpoudency, Heartburn. Vomiting, Pun In the Baeliand Loins, Pelee thane. Hemorrhage, and in regale. bog the remotions and equalimm the circulation, it his no equal. The gsoso bethty of this, medicine la it b al. ways safe, and the Mat delicate nee It most et...- fully. very faqir mins vim thy other medicine, some • little Cuter Oil. or MLI is useful liscrthe In the emu air, and light food sills this media., riff always secure &ears and cosy coolthemmt Beauty amid Health. Coometica Chalk. and • variety of prepared*. gem rally me, when applied to We face, testy soon spoil It of its Monty. They close the puma °Me thiu.thil cheek the emulation; which, when 000000 Is not thwarted by disease or powder, or the Skio holatned the alkali. used in meth lwatitillor Its own production In the " den face Dinar, • as well.* in th e garden of rich sod elicate/7 tinted ...legated ficererie A br0.0.55 sad healthy circulation of the duals, m the conoithe of the pore risk blood. to the entremities , is duo which ramie the countenance In the most exquisite beauty. It is thin which Imparts the iudractihable slither end dasher of loreliness tam all admire, bat thee can demrthe This beauty is We. offspring of 001ere--4101 of powlsr or soap. Hamm Is trot 11 free end Maltby circulative there is tin beauty. If the lady Ith s Cal r driven insow , If she puma, and um cosmetic.cosmetic. d the blood is thick cold mid 1(0- pure, she re net beautiful If .he ho brown or year, sod then la pore end Wire bleed, It gives • rich bloom te the cheek, nod • lutlthiney to them ay. that Is few meetin This 10 why the mothera, nod eaperldly the Spanish ladle*. are mi much admired. Lad'. in the north. is Ito inks hot littl• exercise or tre congaed la close mom; or have spoiled odorcomplthlon by the •ppiteatith of deletanom mieturoA If Wey watt to . *pin elasticity of step buoyeat •phits, sparkling eyes end bmthlhal rem plosion, they .0411L1 use Dr. Towthend'e Sersepordla Thousands who hare used it. em mom ththmtithed. rem delighted. Ethos of every matiort dosed or race dads. Q'''J Thou that imitate Dr. Toarnuod'a t aionaparifta have ri ably called their stuff .gnat /toady for rose as, yr.' 4t., nod have copied um bind and oiretdera r Wei 'elum to the complamm of ennontaeord tor word--otheo men who put up outhouse. hue. shun die etaal success of Dr. Tuernseatle Beruperillain complanne litchi rot to female, recosomeutted than, althottch p revionely they did out A auroher of diem Illaturva, Pa h, dce.. ar ihjun nus to remtha, 111 they aggravato &saw, and underroot• the caundhattoo. Thu cart.le....coorlittitely prom 4.1 this tlarlapet. rilla Issas prrfact control ovcr tho !met & , stbrato dusaisos of the Blood Three perm...cared inane home IJ vs Pr Tairaicori—Dear Str I haws thit plelaurs o I. for= t.. 0 dist three of my children hare bcwo cured of the Scrofula by the ow of your eccollect median. .ern nflictill very wiverely with bad Bores ; bays only four bectiow; it talk them away, for which I feel myself ander trout ohliriou. V"T ISAAC Wi y alAlN,lo3 Wooster at Dongg lea them D. fievenl thousand children died in thin city last moon. who could have been .owed by naism/Dr,Towneend's Ser. saparillt. and there are thousands of children who are .0 semioo from bad wino and humore—othem are peer and weakly—who, unless make efferel mein max awl • omen; If th 4 doame die, which m highly probtdi!e. D. Tovonaend'ir. Sansparilla will rectify h.. II is peculiarly ailttpted to elliktren of. slender curtains, thin, and when diluted silb Willer, It is • .Iclinlatut bevemve, ood ehildren love it dearly. It will prevent and can the Dierrheen, Dyeentary end Cholera Mortal, We trust there ta no father or mother who is an peno. or Inhuman as to deprive thatr childtve for rnoilite, ,C this invaluable remedy, tOtich will certainly realer. %cm to health. •• • •• • •••• . • Tam ad It slim. daily riecelatrig orders dens 81irsieieor nre different raw of the Union. Thar is to Certify that an, the smiersipinil,Pliviiriems of Mc City of Albany, haidttin mamma...eared pi ascribed Dr. Tonnarihni Sarsaparilla. and believe m be OP, al the romit valuable praparatiorislo lb. mark et. 11. r. PULINII. M. D. J.' WILSON. N. D. £. R. 1111.1PGR. M. D. 811m7, April 1,1E47. P. £ ELMENDUItr. DI. D !Gt.t. rhe G.t .itsi.pterat4r. Dr. ai r. Tomemirsiifr Near York attic,. "Wie in the South 11-tours Chive b. No. IN Nearest atrea, eMc4 ia error • th.n. , ,,h rhatier, ahlitirill be fitted for the A. tier 1,(01111130.13MOU of Me proprie,era and the pubis, Tatr. ,artscalar Nour..4.—No Sarsal nllau the rem.- .a and nrin ci i Dr Tonriemil's Sarritperdl.. S ins Yomeserid. nnairesa—lleddiog it C0...N0. 8 State rir , irt, and airy. COArt areal, Boaton Nanorl gilder, Jr. Pratt...mot J• A 1., 1,0, ftro,,ntirr Horb, reeeralle M. °anima the dinitial Sista, %Veit Leda, and tbm Ca, Far Nola tiy R qELLF.P-'4, Rote Agent for Pit barittit 11 31 CURRY, Alleglianyv N. PATTER:go Barnatairtian. itatrl4:4l Jaynes. Iftspeetorast. . Satan, Columbiana eel , Apr. Pa DR. D. JA Y NY.eb Dun Sem-t-efeel hound to yea and the alnico:A public, to eiroil myself of this op "rtnnity ofcivinapublteity to dm ellmordinary elfeela of your Rapeetorant onmyselLt Having been millered for Icon with a severe cough, tecue lever and its concomitant diseases, end sinned only doomed lineer out a shon but anaerobic. existence.. omit the fall of DAM, whea t benne more sivetety attacked, and barinicresorted to all my former rememes t and the pn seriptione terve of the most ream...tie physicians in the iteighborhood.without densing any benent, or We co.olalion of aurviving but a few days or weeks at farthest—when the lan gloom et hope was adotatt to vanish,l bad reeommendmi. to roc your Expectorant— mid blessed by that Being who dots BD Mutes lit the am of tke means—sod contrary to the It:pemmican of my plummets; sod friendri t ! was ip a few days raised from ray bed, and WILL enabled by tbs. o a haute, to Wend Waxy hu.sinertaanJ go:7: r e better health Man I had (on ten yeses Vernon amPee , l'anr Teatin,lnty, ,Js.s. W. tarn, Far sale WY Pntsbuirglit, at: LlityPkin Tea Store, 71 Fourth erect CI HOUND Nti7B-40 tlift! WWI& geAsinams
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