MIIMMIMI YonniTsiowo and Brow Coati* Clatki Padkets. rfluE packet BEAVER, Capt. Stanley, *Mance Beaver regularly on Alocday. WadneNlSg khd Friday evenings at 6 P. M, acid atm. o Yokjkicaen next morning at rick:tat—returning, leavetrA, Langs. town Tuesday, Thundag And il / 4 '.'d•T e ' 9 9 , 4 4 at 4 P, M, and reach Beaver In time for Not toorsirkt haat, ALLEGHENY CLIPPER, et - riving et PittitkANgh at olelock. The packet HARKAWAY. Cept Dowiling ' will !cove Beam Temday, Theredny and Saute.* keen trigs at 0 P. M, Nutmeg, Naye ,New Castle,Ajgaday, ednewisy and Fnday evennip m 0 P. Al :4IAO con necting with the motatng boat for Plusburgh.a.,i These pac :ma are fitted np in complete en4hav ing hoe 4,,oszmo<inuohs for pu•engers. mot peal , ne ptnNtaality and greener Stleypatch Nut how ,et,r6 been obtained on these E. M. PITCH A Co_ Propaciagit J. C. Bidwell. Agent, PittstNttk. Bidwell A Bro., Eleayckt A. D J•eatl9, Yourtetbown jg W. Caentrigham.9New The elegant summer, ALLIMIENY CLIPPER, will Nave Beaver, daily at 9 A. Mn and Plueburgliork a P. M_ runntog in connection :nth the above boatt@l, ANA maim 1849. Visigisres wad Cleve/watt Pa. ggag.' „ ; pan. Canal Packet--SWALLOW. . v . —OCEAN. )' A ( 2rre NB of the above Packets Wave Deaver enkti day (Sundays excepted) and arrive root morftirig at n. when they connect with the t'Alail Starts (or Akrpn and Cleveland. arriving at eiwikt of theekplaces befdre night. One of the packets leave Warring :111.1Y at d P.N., and arrive• at Beaver nl time to tole the morning boaster Piusburgb. d' ' CE 5 LEFFINGI,Iq.:LL a, Co )War e r N B TAYLOR" I do ' ''' .r . JOHN A CAU9IEY, Apure, _ ap,L3 conies Water wad BrUlthrttfi_klut iffsiESl 1849. fja UNION LINE, Ili ON THE PEN °A AND 01110 CA466 CRAW.. /V. Ce•wsest , v, lleveland,O. ( .6„,,... , . 5 . IL O. Palms, Beaver, Pa- :' , ...e . '' , frills Lnic me be prepa-rd on the opening ilt;Fivi- A gusto, to transpon freight and PassengerKfrona PITTSBURGH and CLEVELAND, to any pkint on the Canal end Lakes. r.. - 1 , :, The facilities of the Line are Inestirpassed tntpuber. quality and capacity of Boats, experience of e9s4lns, and efficiency of gents. ' f One Boot leaves Pittsburgh and Cleveland defile n.; in connection with the Fte.DeTS ' ',lr . LAKE ERIE AND MICHIGAN, K, Between Pittsburgh and Beaver, and a line of fiii elan Ilthameni, Propellers and Vessels on the Lakes: qr. Aislerro—R IS Parks, Beavei. Pa t,'"i'l Jesse Baldwin, Youngstown, Ullue.l.U.i, Id B Taylor, Warren, ° ril; Wheeler a n ' CT , ,121 -" „ n, r"' : Crawford A Chamb:rbe, Clevelansi AK Pears A Griffith Buffalo, N. V. , li, JOIIN A. CAUGHEV. Wit, Office, car Wiser and Snuthfield sts. Pittsba oielk2l:ly *5 BEAVER PACKETS. Ili Steamer litICHIGIAN No . ..Capt. Gilso,W.e., 0 LAKE ERIE, Gordon 1,...,-'' THF. shove regular and well Inorre . llctisiSick eta, have commenced making their daily RIO go anW (tarn Beaver, and will continue to run hOMett Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly during the wilor. as flithows,— Dicing. No 2 leaves Pittsburgh daily at 9 024,4. A. AL, and Beaver at I o'clock, P. N. Lalskitne leaves Beaver duly at e Ocionk, A. AL, and PittNeligh at 3 o'clock, P. Id. , „,.`"j;" Them steamers will run in counectinn why,.: BTi Park.' Express Packet Line, for Erie. I.:ill Taylor A. Leffiingwell's Warren Packets, I:if, Union Line of Freight Boats Mr Cleveland; Clarke &Co's Pittsburgh and Cleveland Lute PilFght Boats. ;'-. R G Parks daily New Casale Packets. ' CLARKS, PARKS & Co, Beaver, Af t " JOIN A. CAUCHEY,Agent. ?Inaba ' 4 - meta .. l ... nor Water and Sninlifie Alqi a.,..7.....-AL . . .. , .;-.LF: • 1849. ail l i al• PITTSBUROD AND CLEVELAND' , [: , LINE, ~-.: 1 ',1,1 ON THE PENNSYLVANIA AM/01110CAR. o t THE Proprietors of this old esteblisbed and daily line, entwining of SIXTEEN first claw Boats, owned by themselves end winning in ectasc. nen with the swim boat, BEAVER A-ND CR1,4.01 COPE, are enabled tooffer unequalled facilididver the transportation of freight and p.sengers, oli4Ehe opening of Canal navigauort, to ell points On the Pekin sylvsnua and Ohio and N. York etuirds and the Like. E. AL Fl'rCil & co, ck•cioSt. inDwELL.r. BROTHER, 4.9 , Agents, lkwittl J. C. utriwELL. Agent, pl, wrd Water Creel, rit.blaa* pi.,d,„W' D. llea4. ; Ai nf, BIDWELL gfif. BROTHERHI Forwardlaf, Merchants, ''.l BEAVER, PA.... (or 1.144 PittatmergAamiClerriand Gm., Is -42... ~.f.*".' - - ---.--- - - - - • ii".: t7;. - ..,, ......., cotar;i;;bii - & - ;;;, .d burgh and Erre Liu ma Hr., ma for Okis arm sun through in forty hours.. Puseugem to any dour Bauer and Card Ceps. t rl . : ' palm on We Lakee, or M Nmgara Flla, sor sll find wss Having purchased the large and substantial itiTitirf route Um most comfortable a me nd expeditious. Tickets Boat Just built for the Monongahela Putteni4..e , throuit to all ports ort dm Lake can be procured by .nth Wm addition oda Wuehoust, the most amptrY., - ,a, . ' avpurrig to the propnotoie Mr1.121.0411601:11 for reeeiving and forsitardinge:Ohd ' REED, PARES is Co, Beaus. pledge their utmost attention, promptness and deigth , JOHN A. CAIJOHEV, Agt. Pittsbergh, to c0n.... to their ease, and rely on sheaf - s cot. Water and Smstlifield ow, for a trial. maradly a A antL .. .i (g:—Jae C liarrision, Buralo, k Y. PITTSBURGH AND butra. LILIVE C M Bud, Ekie, Pa. fVF:rltst VirKistirg L Elend y• a, Ea= 1849. al . -; Hay. & PlumW, Sharpsburgh, ra; W C Malan, ether., .Pa; D C Meese., Pulukt, Pod a W Caansagham, Nov Castle, Pa. syl • . 0 Old Enahlished Line di TIIE ERIE EXTENSION CANAL. 1 - ,=l THE Proprietor of than well known Line of 41,el Bans.. now prepared to transport Passers uld Pielght in all points on the l 'lc Er:icemen, tor York Canals and the Lakes, upon the meet thee eVe thrum and with despatch. 7 ,. .irt Thu Line runs in connection ..viln Weneam dOikis BEAVER and CALEB COPE between PinslAidgb and Beaver, C 14. Reed's Line or steam boats anektev adz on the Lakesand the Troy and Alrethy.% ixale Batt Llne On the ' New York cartel •tf";, , C. M. REED. Propnetor, Erie, dia: Bidwell in Brother. Agents, Beaver. kll \V 7' Mother, Agent at J Meakimen's PasittiOr Office, Momingairela House. Prttobsira b. LA CONSIGN h.k..—W C Mslwa Starve; J E &SHOJI, Shrivpsbury Smith & vionne,.Plornlgt, Wen Greenville; Wtel, A cts & CO, do; Wm He&C,k, liartstaa; Ds,. & Soma Ithdolo; Barney, frititt& Co; Surditele7; in. A Armstrong. Betro th Ktrkiag -AL 1 Newberry, Sheboygan; Monsirc A Wthlarne,Mileilith tie; Knap, ?Torrey dr. Dutton, Racine, John di Riot:4, Cdticago; A Wheeler in Co. New York. 'P'!:''.4l Pittsburgh and Blairsville Parkin Lit,. / Elam 1849. ; ; ;_fitaik TURK panne are rexpectfully informed that i2W. MARSHALL & CO. hare fined out new qc&B splendid Packet Boats to run Ourtne the scason,,rkiri tween that ravllle mod Pnvinurgh--Ure boats to be pett ed by there homes, and e•rry elan made to aceolir. modem passengere. Ert DIPLIMILTM—Bonts will leave Pittsburgh wee,'" Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, at 7 o'clitirle, r. From Blairsville every Monday, Wednesdifiy, Thursday and Saturday, et o'clock v., and vf.lpt Kt Pittsburgh th e same day A two • horse Hack fif-M Indiana will meet the boat at Sahel:wet, both oohfge. want and downward p g .. engee .r.q : 44l4 from that place in one day Freight for the above Line will be received alifge house of the Boatmen's Lino, by Jua'Farren K Pub; who are our authonsed Agents. All freMlat webs - 0. - d free or MIMMBIO.. J M hIARBILALL & /NO ?AFIRE'S lc Co, Agenta,lq, Canal Basio, /ahem Piturburifej A Hoek leaves Blatnottne for Yoangstown on NU arrnral of the hoat-rreturns to boat in morning. Gom Pittsburgh to Youngstown 82—received at °llia of Boatmen'. Line thivueb ant:ham MO& 'FLOW REMIIB 49 . lOW Att yi r c I ZMITDV.7; YORK, BOSTON, &a 4 , 11 Thomas BArmotra l Phdlade , PM. Tuna O'Constfa Pittsburgh_ Told estabusbed boo being now in full j non, the propnetom are prepared with their ustrit dxtensive erratum.. to forward merchandise, yi#..! oor, &e to end from the above ports, on liberal tetithk, vrith the rem:o2llly. despatch and safety peculiar:lv their mode of vausportatont so &mous, when Rift shipment on the way or avoided. Al! consignments by ai d f or this five recerved, gee oil, and fororarded in any required dr_recuon• fiett of charge for commissiorb, advanexng or storage. kr No 'ammo, dtrectly or indlreeily, in steamboats. Prti All comenumcanous promptly attended to on applolls:: to,the following agents, THOS. BORIIIIKik. Vs Market et, Philadelphia TAAFFE & O'CONNOR, Canal Bsin, PittabarghPq O'CONNOR & Co, North Ft, Baltimore. mehttli aim= 1849.A5131 MERGELA.I3:IB , TILABIBPO 0 Paoraberoas, Trios. Bmonsw, Jac°. Dods. Conducted on stool Sabbadokeepmg principlesit sTHE Propnetors of thw old eatabh.shed lane hd. a. pm thou stock mthe most complete order, and roughly prepared to forward Produce and Merchaul /me to end trom the Eastern <lnce. - _ Ws trust Mat our long expenencie in the carryftig Plaine and redoes attention to we tutertn• of chit Will secure to us a coral...ore mid incest* of the patresage hitherto emended to Bingham.. Ltdei Our arrangements will enable us to tarry Freigild with the utmost despatch, and our pnees EMI& Mwa l g& es be as low the lowest charged by other respoesi Lulea. .1 We haws opened &a peke in No IS3 Market mme&A between Ith and bin Philada, for the convisommte af stoppers. ill Produce and Merchandise will he received and BNB warded, East and Wes, without any ehisi T s foe al e "tr2s,;;L a a7,l7'f r oTZ.Z.7,74 ol ,.::4"'::::ji promptly attended to. Address, or apply to W3I BINGHAM, 1 Canal Bum, COT Liberty & W•yne sw, Pittsbui4l RING lIANS & DOCK ) r No 161 and :17. Martel mreet, Jiklitspi WILSON, /Wm. ',ill. No I..V'Nortit Howard itreet„ . Beltistiorel:l t WILLIAM TYSON, Agent, metal No lb %Vest street. New Fork lie • 1849 eitt=ll, Blerchante , TranspOrtatten Line. ljl VIA Pk - AINSYLItAN/A CANAL & RAIL ROALT . .i . I ro rittrAtiatritra /130 1•11:02013. rrote Cazuds and Rail Roads being now open,.. 41,in good order, wo are prepared to forward ilk. kinds of enerchandne end produce to Philadelphia OA Baltimore, with promptnea• mid despatch, and en LP goal tonna mien) other Line. C A IIIeANI;LTY & Co., Canal Basin. Peso st,Plusluarglibil!; Aomers—tillAßLES RAYNOR, Philadelphia niTT7 ROSSI morunia, & co, Lialumors. Ptrattsylvattia CanalQ. Bail lait4: preseyast Packet Line, FROM Prrrsisuan TITO PIIIDADFLPHL4 k kibri MM: (Eichnilvely for p...w n ,,,, n ) rimiE public arkrequerfully Informed dm cLU LC 3, will commence naming kith lost, and coix:i unto throughout me ficamon. The Loam own new, and of a superior clam, with ea , lamed .blen,waleh will Mae grosser comfort Tbi cars are thelsrusi renrcruenon. horde/11l Meetly. bete yen, end traveler. are Mt.: guerted to rail and examine them before engaging nv.elaearbere. only ntaedallars threugkE one of the boats if thg rine mill leave Hie landing iopycialla H. 8. Ham tenter ofTemi street and Canal, every night at Mae oleak Time 31 days. For infortuetion, apply at thi OiTme,MourngsheM House, or to 1) LEECH Co pada? Caul Dana :' . 7 - :! - '.'_'..' . ....q TRAN z ' ORTATION lILIZELM POItEABLE BOAT LIIIIIC, - re the Tmsponalson o Mishit to PHILADELEEU6 BALTIMOREk. NEW YORK theiCanal .being now reamed. the J 9 PrOptiertora nithienbcrenLian reapeetfully . inform eta Pabite , eberase prepared to rreckia and (or. 0, .+4 E ,, ittft with derpaleb..d at lowest rat,Tbey ney avoold Man all the auention of *MN." Irani to the 4[l tbatthe Beata employed by th em in Intosy,r , itutm, are a eeel by them 3.1 commanded by expenenced.eaptami. VPAr. of bleu In Balt will find it advantheenus to ship by this Line, a. the gubsenben uave made at mAgementa at Colombia to have •11011 freight for Bak tictiore homtled directly from bout. it ear, thereby aa. Wltg .aretiolus haetbing. Freight in Ptilladdiphia give. e,ear through 111 11K boats. No Oharge made fat neeiving ablppsng or advancing charge.. ZIER s 1..YL4, Proprietors, Canal Raton, Seventh street_ ACIENTS--Solut At Shaw, Cincinnati, 04 live Me. Cullongrb k Co. Baludtore; Sum! tc Co., Ptaladel. Ala; PFILOCII A Thoth... Columbia. meb.3l AR.I! . A3l& CANAL 4/. tt. FLOADII, ! 849 - F.Y..PFMIS PAST PACKET LiNE, Put.shorrgl to Phila.:l4am and noksmora ernatvely for Passengers.) HE public am mahectfu'ly informed that this Una T commence running on alonday. March The bows of dna tape me of • superior elms, ram enlarged cabins, orkide will grin greater comfort to gamengera. A boht will always hr in port, and iravelera are te nni:Wed to call and examine Mem before engaw, ng p op as- sage by other routes. frbey will leave the landme, posite the U. 8. Hotel, 'corner Penn street and Canal, every night at 9 o'clock. FARE—NINE . ?XiLLA RS THROUGH. 751.-31 Days. For infiatmation, amply at the °Moe, Mamngabela Holm-, at to LEECH*. Co, Canal Bann. X. Ilew-The proprieuirs of the above Lane are mar inuiding an additional Line of Packets, to runes above on or about June lat. connection wan the Peinwyl. vania Rail Road from Lewistown to Philadelphia At that time iota. iinineave every morning and even ing. Time throga, 2P days menl6 Malk/Cat, 15'49.A414, Fo„ Aa , tospaptauori o sAcInA, FIRTIVRE*YIIa4.I4,LPHIA AND PITTSBURGH GOODS earring on Gus Line are not trisashipped between Putsbarp and Philadelphia, being ear ned In four section PoGabte Bow over land and Up. ter --to sh i pper. 4 nierchandme requiring careful htmdliaig, bus Is of triennium No charge made tor receletna or shipping, r for advancing charge, An rend. forwarded with wpwrh, and on 8.. reyOnaLle I term A. by any other Lane. JOHN MTADEN 1, co, c..aal Ream, Penn at, Pawburgh JAS M DAVIS. A Co. bier] A 7 Market A. 54 Commerce at. Philo- JOHN Mc PALEN Rye, Forwarding and CON= a won Merchants, Canal Mum, Penn •t, Pittsburgh J AM FS 51 DAVIS St Co, Flour Factors and Commis sion hlerebknia S.'l7 :Bakke{ and 54 Commerce sweet, P t - ta hm irces e ei th er of the above c m : Floor, sale. Wool anPother m me rchandise consigned to Mena for . marl 3 149 _ ea= RILICELCHALSITS , WAY srfLEIGIIT For Blair•ville, Jobs Town, Dollidaysburgh, and all imertnediate places riIHIS Line will conuhut to earti all Way tiooile 1 with th eir dckpatch, an at fart rues of freight. Ai:laws—C. A. NrANIILTV & Co, Pittsburgh_ D El Wakereld, Johnstown John 51illerf Hollidaysburgh. Rxraimuccir—J met Jonlon. Smi th Sinclair, Dr F Shoentierger, R Moore. John Parker S F Von Itiinu• horst a Co. Win Lehnidr A Co, J. sl'Devin a Bro., Pittsburgh; John IvoryStimit, Alullsollun I Ray, Joe Graff a Co Blairsville. undid; SEED. PASICB E. Eds. PACKET LINE. igeatMi 1 . 848 - n iat, BEAVER AND CLEVELAND LLNE. via WARREN Canal Packet—.SWALLOW, Capt. Ford. `l " OCEAN, Capt. Walters. (Via i r c of th y e . a . b . o e v . e p fZe i ta „ leave Jet t 'War J ren, where they connect with. the Man Stages (or Akron and Cleveland, arriving al each of thew places ociure night. One ef thei Packets Imre Warten at 5 P. AL, and amve w i t Beaver in tune to take the g•umunbeat for rut. h. COTES k LIOTINOWF, r Wisfren i al B TAYLOR, YloN BEAVER AND PACKET LINE Taxmen To TZW 1..•111 us sum inn CIL Packet—Plailimmarmi., Capt. Jerfnek " Pollock; " " Lack Ears, " Trilby; Pzrzpart., - Brown; Fancioss, " Sayer. The above new and splerulad Passenger Packets have commenced relining hetWeen BEAVER AND 'ERIE anW w7lrun regularlyt r ring the wasen-011c boat leering Ens every monu o'clock, and one lar Beaver every eveynniediatedy after the arri val old. steamboat sln from PitW.urgh. FOR CUMBERLAND, 11.1ALTIMORE,' AND THE EASTERN CITIES. TPropnetors of tho 4 Lou have put on New Stock. .1 awl our at packages of ail de. scoptlon• daily, at the loisest rater. C. BIDWELL, A gent, Water street, Pt barge ROBINSON 6 BOEHM. oct3l II South Charles st, Baltimore. 12ftEMIEN - - Passenger sad jtannlttanue Gana. jarkjIANILDErI . continu e to bring per ..om any part of England, lrerand. ecotland or Wales, upon the Inost liberal tam, won then areal Putictuahly and anentnin to the groom and com fort of en:outgrew, We do not allow oar passengers to be robbed by the small scamps that infest the ilea porls, 9.1111,15 take dame f alma the erunrieut they re poteenuelces, and see to Metz well being. and de spatch there without any detenunn by the first ehips.— We say Mrs fearleuly, aa we defy one of our passen gers to show that they detained 48 hours by on on let'rtiniril, t he thousedds of °then were detained months, mtil they could de sera in some old craft, a eh 2 p rate, to too fremyently proved their corbus. We wend to perform olur comma. honorably, nom whet n may, and 1.01. actin. row the ease lut seas., with ether officera,—who kather performed not an, or VI,. it {tined Metz 00/wet:nonce. . . . Diana drawn at r.ublargh for any ma from Al to r ieitozyable sc at ro mottle ceinetal Bones Ire ' Nil Ur . ROBINSON, EaroSean door and General Awn, 4bt NM atreshona Cele. neoh varairriss BLIND, AND CARUSO' %WA eh:RUCH& J. N. BROWN would respect . fullyjinfocm the paliltc, that he trent, on hand at hie stuld on the Presdoide of the Diamond. Atte menucsY, a complete Moose: mentiof Veniumi almds; Liao mead Shutters me made to or• der ill the hest etyle, warranted con at to any in the Staten Hit Blinds can Ile rentived Hacitig oeo.ued the t, tools,iand wood atilt' eatitnet '' ... • • taboabetent R Im.y hl'Clel. lan,!l ant prepared to (tarnish - • then' , old °nommen., as well ao the pablie at large, with entry dun Nett hoe. Alen ,ey alifood streht, Pittsburgh. meleal J. A. BROWN PAPER HANGINGS—Bom nom - e Ing direr _l_ from the mumfaenseie lo New oort, Cbt:adol• phi. acd Baltimore, • largd and well telectedunion meet of all the latest and molt unproved styles of ae an, elated and common CAPER HANGINGS, Con isting of 10,GlO pieces of Parlor Ind Frew.; 10,0110 Hall and Column; . 111000 Dialog-room, ehuaber oral ark , Paper—ortuct I would pardeularly Invite thr &swot° of those haviaK ham* to ptper, to call and eZ.411111.1 at the Paper Warehouse o X C. HILL, aP7 37 wood o 11A RIJUTHNOT has rounnenceil. to recelve V. large aiisortment of Fancy VARIETY GOODS, consistang in part of Artlfleiale, Ribbons, Laces, Hai siery, Gloves, Crape, Leonid, Calotbnes, Netting s, Lace Veils. Shawls., Pongee Handketehlefs, gents Cravats, gingham and cotton liandkereldefs, corded Skirts, Sewing Silk, Threada i glattOns, Comb., Jewelry, Cut. lacy, ee. 00. Country arid city merchants are re, pectfully Invited to call and . eramino his stock, No 04 Wood street, comer of Dimond alley. mobnO - vx.ra.scr OF copra—As pidly comtug into vac at a wholewme, nourishing and deliciou• beve betas more pleasant and pal atable than mammon Code, rage and far cheaper, as a small paper costing oal y ten cords, toll Fo u far a. (oar poduda of Collet,. Manufactured by • .1012 N-S MILLER, Pinsbargh, P. Sold a{ wholesale by B A FAHNESTOCK A Co, corner of Tiro and %Veal add Sigel and Wood streets, Piusblitalt arra C,SFOILNIA keIIBPR G O DR—Jost received, 21 Camp Blanket. 20 o)eer cog.; 12 pro Pant.; 15 mon nett lined Mining Soots; 12 Isamu Bala; d water Tmtka, aad la a vilona each; 50 canteens, I gallon rook; I dov. Backsira Money Selig, I do oiled cambric do do. The above goal. for sale at the Cult. forma Milting Folabllshmeht. No 5 Wood at. such2.l 1 A 11 PHILLIPS AssORTED SPICES—Put up for faintly use. in tan C. 0.1114, enclosed to a swill, lid Imo. coon:name bluster:4 A Janice, Cinnamon, • Wager, Cloves, PePpoa Warranted pure. For rile at the new Space and lalustand Factory, corner of Ferry to Liberty sta. JOHN LLHELL Blip AN VlLS—Wvought 111112 Alllllll, from the Temper, one/voila works, unwanted; will he constantly on baud and sapplled to order, by mytm GEO COCHRAN. 2 , 1 Wood at • • • tNE FURNACE kIEARTM, manufactured Itoo2 J superior article of Bolivar Fite Brick Clay, in noro and for sale by BIER k. JONES Mr. MAW. Wallace. having lased a Brack of same, quality and manufacture for Das pass solgoteen moons, ' pronounces It saparior to Melvearms now in general vise ' MILNE COGNAC BRANDIES- -1711,17sYpes various X vintage., of our own importauon per Commerce 'hem Bovaraux, Jam mall •.1111 for We by MIMILLEBY R/CW.6280:6 ITOLOCBAiNi—Iust received, beastlftl anon -Iks meet of ladies and Ir roletnena, Gold Guard :chains, from Ito to $lO rag eastern prices. Also, 'Wedding Rms. of mum di gold Amelia, Muer Meg*, tier Rings, Breast Pun, BrattlClP, Gold Pena, kt. ' W W WILSON, less momently god Markin on VELVE7 RlBBONS—iliyiticcaiveclai--th,,, sey's, 67 Market sweet, No ps colored Velvet Ribbon, mottled colon, JO • Matt dens, embroidery Gimp; Wps wide Plaliv,ia IKESte 1 NE's TABLE OF posr 0 01FICE3, ebn hutting ut alphabet:lead Inner Post Offices throogb, !ost the Muted Suds.; distances Sun !C..4 Slid lgrrllorial espied* Itxpeouvein also e *Nang the Post Offices In esekikste, as wen us eon. enth ut appendix of ass United States tad Minsk Just teed by JOHNSTON k STOCKTON, style mane nd 5Gd mulct ES 'i 1 i ~~:z..._ MEDICAL C E 4.1 J EW , .E , ..1 1 3L1..) ,... M . 1.1 DI I.: ..'s Ks_ fu,, ~.. ,„ FH. 6:. 811 is U 111 . 37 8: It . (:, 00LI 8 , 1 FL F'- Seller " . "'" I th'int '''' tini ‘ rhl ' fo U r ' tre ' t. M en a cc A t ofit7ttreo; A L c llTLA ,,,, N o ll f t ‘ li ,.. 'Alufr,i).DA.l.?...„:7.l,,:tmria7k:s.i.:. tp;,e,eut-r:;0.rt,),,,,w,e,5; th •mte worth mem . reiaktott to Tool eleellent Famt• , stout 01 fro's Si MAIER 1:000n A ,arce pettllOit oi ly Medwities 1 lb., ecois hare reccio.y unto ased et a pp, I have used your Vernabge /areely in my own fern• suenfier. from,the Anna n Salo :a r m- liar esti Irtm tif• One rot , ffr'inesti aBswerthe tor es - Pt - tithe large the onomthrs and runatr ' lUtortra. II e have decided camotnes Om) I . 01 ( 11worm• from two children I up.. 0 .f..,,,,, the stoes of se „o, u 0r ,,.., , ou t ~, have •isr, 0,4 your !ve . ,' Pain 0101 i.ough Syrup in • r.. to nwet the &norm, ntivn 0, ..,Dir t . wur do ray (amity. and they haveZoi -very i r hstance I . .. Peed oh .hc rhea' , moth Prthetroe . the effect desiod 1 ~,.. sob Denurneent t• cry, e ter. A.l am engaged in Inifrchand trine. I am ol,le pi p o . d.r..„ ~,„,,,, of dc,„ „ „,,,,.., s,:a„, state tits. I nay yet to Pete 0 the firgt r..are wool. 'c,i t . w. 22.1 C2lnelin h bende your medic., have beetB used Ai my seriton of the n, stiuwi Dap:twee:lt erohnseet. a•, tend , awn." mediccountry In concluson 1 iney caw that they arc iur ment or Indla Cot, Shan, (Polk 22 t west pure. tit medicines of the day, mut ire destined to hare • re, in- h .e•• ,u .i.,•. rtes.:, • • • '• •." • s popularity lour, re•peettu, •-, ilea., Beruru, Mot our Nei: sn., •r .ui.l figured Si.k IV II Pthvair ',lrv,. , PT'Phd'nd nad 2.2141 ny D o IV SELLERS. No r.) lt geld • si AR Es —lt aus ...k. . • t,— ~ . .1 t.ria,edthe Swart. wrest, end up. ny prase,. scutraily in the two dl. HERAI.I aid now- in, IMF,: tittlloS_E, eg y a t sad VICIIO4. 01,11 and nov2l anue• nt Hera,. Olik Tt••ues •tiv t . other f_itEAT CI. RE OF LIVER COMPLAINT. by ne „is, we,. 1,0,1.. wort 2 of tar tentlutt of 'ht. Indira t...T ortirmal, only Vac, and genuine Liver l'ili LAI, Ns • 1.2 t WNtl- - --1,. the f ir : Wit dpnltta••lll our 2•11 o. Cltcss, Ohio envoi', Va ; subliomi• from In- 1.....•rn ne,tionv •n• yarn large, Haan so,. ,in. I erohme.ne eiernw •“ ..• a, r. - muraat, y e tow prices Ale IL I: Sellers: Dear,..tair—/ mink it • duty I owe ; I:enured a',., Inunruite torighato• to you and nthe public roc. ,y, to Ware thm I in.', Pea riud 1,1..tte• Prow. and !Penult,' hlti•:in•. been afdleted with the Liver Complaint Int 2 lone Chit., • ',Si., V.A.., • time. and so but: y that an ultras, formed uhd tante Sup-riur, I ..e.i.h ant Frei., li ':nth. and Cass. rrrrr . w hteh le' ) me . • rorr low mule. Hanna heard or . Rain ..p.. und Jean,. Pap. nor, stripes and Dr.ninirs. your celebrated Lire,. PE./ gig ,r tune by Alt ; All tn ."^. Ol . t• ° dere' , l'' •ul , a reduettois °I pr ee• Ship, in Weat Liberty, and recommended vn me by , that our- no..ers cannot (21 10 0e Et te,, e d me physic/. Dr, E. Stank 1 enaultined 10 of Inern 1 . 1 . " , A 1.1....N.A‘DER 0 111 V •it trial. I paten 000.0 ohe Loa, and found the. 0, , ' - be just what they •re reweimnieuded. T/1): IIEsT 1,1- . Cheap Dry. Goos 1•. VER PILL EVER USED; ', i d nose t n k,,,,,, , to y„ IAT HO WANT , Mosquito Bars for OCI cents I find the Marrow has enuimy len me and I JUT nn v.e .' ' Heavy Drop, Mum.. for II perfbelly well. Respecritily yours.' tt: 1) II COLEMAN. I i Blew hed •• . Winn Liberty, Marcel re !.sip , so,rinr hi I certtfy that I •m personelty acpdanoed with Mr 1 I•ar,tom.-tot - Colain., anu can hear zooming to ow truth of the , Calicoe• above ecruficate A R SHARP L.mid de I, . The genuine Weer Pills: are prepared 1.2 cad by 1 `upon de Lathe. tot R E SELLERS, No 57 Wood sweet, and by drugglsts i longtime* •• Ina In the Mee cities. A , prieens . lii .. . Tr) THE PUBLIC —The original. only trueend gen. , Est's de • aloe Liver Ptlls are orepatcd 01 R Ensile n. and have 1 Si k and Woo, !Lerner, nu name stamped iu black w. upon the lid of own I t wpm A. - •• . 12t • hog, sod /its signittare o i l , the outwit, wrapi,r—u,. t Ronne. IlLtit,or• at others are counterfeits, orbit. manatioryi. Goal qualityliiil trio,/ es •• r 1 &pit R,F, SELLERa. Proprtetor I'asonem bk.JAY/IIirSOAILIGINATINEHALS&fit ; Broad iPoth, " SI 21 1 VROM the Rev 49A SHINY, a well known end pop i ~ t . .. , - , ..', t i.:.' d t 'N .. . .t . 1 , 17 1•00•16 el prt2e 2 us t nied r TheClerrnten attic renteatent Method, Crime). ,l,',,`;`,__„-t t ,' :T).. at• the oat , maven Otto pm, store. The understgeol hevsnalfeen inted daring the paw , ' t "r• '" " • tym winter with • disease of Iliti ethunach. somcOmr I pro- ' 31 I' 11. 13 0 C it ' St dnothi rm. , P.. th t ''''....t o '''''''‘e't or t we '"e t thuff PAT - INJ T DASHER CHURN. without tntermiasion, gnu Oter havtng inctd v. , to. tic, ~,. )4 NS tworeero ta sor 111 sow,. sa ws remedies with little eases, war furnished wall n hoitte -.) w 111121.2 of Dr Dieppe's Canninalive Balsam. TM, he 'aired an I , i. nou n p ou o f m e p o pi,, ,„ ,„„ iled , ~,,,, ~ cording In the diMMIOne, and found .nvariab ly that th.s I valuable 1P... which /pis •he adetillluge of aft medico,: cau.rdthe pain to abate in three Or foal at a n en ,I ..oinbintne the Old and new invenuntis to. area, and . fide. or twenty allatitelt every taw ,•, s r ,r,„ sensation west entirely quieled. The meilic.ne was al n, „,, „..,„ ~,,,,,,,,„ ~ ~, ~.. ~, a ~ terwerdsueed whenever Indications of the itf tt.O2Ctt J' h t e ,troet , .. Ind Atir t• torrnl li , eemli the dash. and P eireem Per'ceivcdiariati.P.. 'fr.o thereby prevent I doe. away with the iireesuptv of pure/maim n new ed He cononued tO use the medicine every r ',ions i tu t „rp. u , .„ ~., , „ u , ~.., ~, ~,„ , .. r , ~, .„. ~,,d so d 2,10....,.... t o rh. morning. and . 2 Ich• Weed, I lor to ttnoti• entl 01,0 2 Itte .tlittrfrventehl. Of the health W.. far restnreil, that the sufferer *h . . rel • • 1 ,. ,•,,,,ro .0 a.,, .lore 0; f1 ,, w ,. ,,, „. k , ,,,., ,n ad from • large amount of Oppressive pa: n I rw•l • i , u „ u „, „,, pentane, therefore, he e. 'Confident ! y culent.. d P T.,.. pat.,. ore .o•tied . call anti , mice for them. D /tuner Carnuneure Balton, as a .":Dints tn-. 1 ., .• , ....lye. i.e.°, pit rum., pe elsewhere. 01 R 7, eon., of for dew-aims orate inomech kid bowels A hill \'t P ; NlJikel nod SP fts ••rei• or al rvl Ihathonil ail,. be. Aluegheny r. " Vii : tw,:rn Wood and Matte, •trect•. Pip•burati For sale in Pitlaburgh aa, t ate PEKIN TEA. YT.tH I ~,,,, SA II I. KRlrEs 72 Fourth street, near Woad, and .Iva 2, t 'Ltrur I EN Store OH P SCHWARTZ. Feder, 'tree, Atha • • i VALLIABLETiOICOVIC.O.YI • CONSUMPTIVES, BR ON YOUR 0 CARD. DR. SW.A I : NE'S COMPOUND SYRUP VP WILD CIIEROY. TLI neat. enamor rim CousurapPon, Co l m., Cold.; Asthma Bronchitis, 1.,' cr Complunt. Symons lilOpil, thithetpty of II reutti• nig,Peot th the thde Urea.. Pelpit.ition or the Heart, Inducts., :Croup. broken COIi ...CM. Sore Throat, N arson, Debit, ty, and ell Discs/ea or the Throe, 13rmon and Lunge, the he ef fectual and speedy core ever knot for .. Y 01 the ebeive'diseet- DR. SWAN Nlh'S Oontspesand Syrup Of 'W Cher r y 1 This riledletne Is no longer among thane co• !nem, utility. It has pressed away from the theummis launched upon We udc nt eypertruent and now ntann. higher on reputation, end a nre.Mlllia Mute , 21.. , Vr• ly used than nay other preparehon of m-Me,ne roe • produced for th relief of entering mnn' It has been introduced very erne:, y theme', United States and Europe, mixt .here h nw importance but what sontiam di maim den= of Its grad elects d' th , 'n'eg• stalconenm, and of the value - And :1. • ni.• • eine, the proprietor wilt insa , rt a few of the ma, sand to which hem heenpre P .itli men of the first respectability—sure who nnve view. of moral responsibility and ;ostler tam.. -• r nty uo fact, because it atimher a Ins. , d themselves no injustice. Seen teatienoti, mos, ~,, elueive' v. that its surprising kg amen., is wn. by MB intrinsic menu, and the i100L1..101111,, author. ot panic opinion. Their ntantaneoun fools, and the woothing influence dims sad through we whole frame by ref).ters tt a moat ear,' a 1.., remedy for the ofthated R E .When men. &rung from connetenumm onpulsen toluntanly hear testurrony to the truth a • or pea - fleeter fact, such testimony. limn, enure,- io mem worldly interests and pa rpowan. coerres eon, truth, and commends • 'pest, inir.irr universal credence "--011omin's Nora. nlaasion READ THE HOME h.:ERTIFICATF-n, ST/13. ANOTlllill Can or P 1 .1,10. There never was a remedy ant has . irrio3 ain . nosee.nin to desperate cams of Conwariardma. an On swn. Compound Syrup of Wild ClLarry, It ntrensteei, system., and appear. to nen.i . toe tueer• on the It. creaung new and rich Mood: Imwer no`ne•ned h t ..•. other medicine. •. . Cumrsfa :,:oh Let, Dr. Swayne—Dear Sir I Verily be.leve • om. pound Syrup of Wild Cherry has 4ess me . saving my Isle. I caught •severe cold. whensets ally grew worse, attended rePsh • severe retuned all the remedies 'which I had recourse rn mere asing until my title exhitited all the •N mptom. or Pulmonary Consumption lev;en Ming I tried to hit no effect. and my (.004)111.111I 111.Cfen•rd •‘t isp.si ly that e fnends u welt as myself, gave up Sfs my recovery. At this time rwas recommended to Lr, Tour invaluable medicine . 1.4. id so wt. the mays hats. py results. The first house bad Or effect to kv,sen . cough, inc me to expoeirnie tree, y, ami coI had used au home-0 enure.wed. Li.si arn 60w Rs hearty 11. ILI I aver WI.. Sr my ale, and would he happy to !ism any Idformauomempeef.eg ease, Mat other anfferen airi4i sleeve Me t.e.ef, which lam so grateful. Foe the tram of the v Love rtatement, I refer you to Prier Rest, rimer, t‘ es. Chester,of whom I pureEtimed the medicine EttspWally yours. Jahn M.1141.A. Tranalarful Cure of a idahalset Aftra.l.e. Dr. Swayne--Dear liter • debt of granted., ...me you—and • duty to the diadem,: generally, to et!, say bumble testimony in favor of your Compoucd Py. rap of Wild Cherry. Some three Years s•nee I wo• ' violently Billeted with cool and roftaturasitimi of Me Lungs,which was aecorripsimetl roil, • dictreu...g cough, pain in the breast and bead, a very c ori „,d„ s ble discharge of offensive maces from the lunge. • orallyupon change of weather. however ~lolt. Al first 1 felt to alarm abont sayestriabtion, hat ww pretty man convineed that) was raplAly going tide ronran,p. hon. I grew daily weaker. idol at :eng-to wee .carer -17 able us 'roll about- or speak there a wboiper was the exceeding weakness army lungs lime I had tried various premOttons and bet found no felief--tiOgellag 0.1/ the um < were here I was advised and persuaded by dear inn. in Wilinuaglo.ll to snake trial of Ono layrup of Wdd Ceer• ; ry. I moot coofess Mat previ.Vuely I bad been pic,u• I diced against patent Inedminey. and I aro still agfurat those corning oat of the hands pf etnperica. but under standing your claims to the pfnfession and practice of mec ue, nod having nstplicit furtb in tee saying of my friends., I forthwith pureliesed.Of Dr Shaw. nee of your r e gent" a few pool. and commenced lie toe My dis lit that lime of ?dor moutbs• wand,nr, cob sentiently it was deeply wided I found. however, coo neatly relief from the ag of the first Mar or nee bottles. But being a public speaker fr.-loch:4 at. tempted in preset with my inefenaing altenori e , thereby ruptured those sesselaihat hod Creed) ..c eo „ g 4.41 to heal; in this way. doubtle4 . cure we, greatly '1%34,7e4 .. " . . retarded. In eon...pence of lAMB imprudently I • • e • , I had to use twelve no fifteen biomes homer I ars, per I „ ti c. ' freely restored. I have no ...arum., • mart. weer, ! •r -nmber of bottles would bare taw, me sound. imt ".. ry* .. 42 , ' the above indiscretion The Sirup allayed tac r ; - • •-•"--- '-• • •Oregf" . .4,-V' tal, bab, took away the distrieeeina rougn. put a ~op the discharge of matter !rote the !tal.g. and give •• „ e— .; red''morendrithic'thls'e'e'ru"fiCraTe good j il ' o ' ve ' . ter ' C"'" P. , whargh for A•c 0n..; Pare Sea. of being perfectly satisfied wan the perm.ricer tie 0000 01 R e 'tmed whokey, will be prommly atm,. entre, and now that I feel perfebtly we.. I title[ it " pen, melt 10.cily eleasare. . Rev J Joiros.l I Vvt. r DTITIiTI.aVi - at Me • ' • Dublirr noonty, N C '"N" Rich eintwww-.1 Plano rover. Plain Tura, red Clonts Important Couturn--.:R•rod! Read.' do do Tall,o do Fig•d do to do There is but one genuine preptitation of Wild Cherry. , do do On. ;do IMrder'„a. sod that ot 8ei,1,13 . , Ural ever offered to the I W • ltle Dama•k, Carpet Ihiclone, pantie, which has been sold largely throughout toe "'”" United States and some forts Eope. and all pi,. AL,n4.l—lam (nun,. Tiener•rent Sm•dr•, parations maned by the name hf (Pll4 Cherry have j I i Jo On been pot out since tale; order 01,101 wrote Jet:entire i•lt Ito cirumetanees, an order to eivenurreney their wire. Ry e s bizie olmervanoti, oo I‘ll 4 mistake toe •1`• envelop front the islet. Each bottle or Elie genunie ' 11 enveloped soOth a beautiful stel emoactog. o likeness of till Peer therWsti, aim, Dr Sore,. signature: aid la further µ,41/1 - 27, 1.111,0 in Swayee will be added hereafter, so ae to Outman:it,. Ur his preparation from all carats. ; Novr, a was riot or me gr e at coronae pomeroc• end know.. cry[,virte. no Sway Ile • ...unveil:al r of'tt'ltd per•on would tw endeavoring to gist currency to " fielltlol.ll 1100.0140 " liy •icalnik the niunc cif Cherry. Remember. always beer In nom" :,ame at Dr. ![way be, aod he not deeewed Principal lame, corner of Eighth and Stare •, Philadelplua. For sale wholesale and retool by OGDEN A SNotV. IN.LN, ear Id and Wood ste, If A Fall:, E , TOCh Co, cor soldWowl. mid fah. ru.d Wood so ttr )1 1110110,41 Market eh 41t iNE.t., Inn Libertl W. AS A JUNES, Der /laud and Pcon,sta. 11111 N MIII2II ELL, Allegheny city, and try'arisespeciatoe Jealer. o medicine ASTRONG EVIDENCE tut Dr JAYS I X I'E+ TORANT a ouper.or to Int other ren...d... :Ameba, Colmar:option, Brontholo, Asthma. and nth, Y., wo. van efeettoroa, to that the earn. persons who ennametred the ens of tt to thew (rani.e. ten )een aeo .11 pwler lo el. rarer wnsedrasof the brod. and whets any have be., .ad wed to try other preparshour they have al Mu. at•arwo , been Luppotared to roes:vial the benegt. whreh erns catenated (toroth. high pse .. hemmed by the r.r.q., Ind have returned to the use of a..••• Exritc - non•xv. as premedy that has never failed to isheve thew cud wh.eh robably oaver had In canal to arresting pulmvaary Crewe Prepared only by Dr D Jaya. Ibttsdelphos, and solo au ALEX InI NYJ duet:ld/tart( yY ion rib et W• P. halal:We Pr - etrnlnsn Plater. w. P. Di LAND. of tgr ow hl aelelpiva, now oiler e r illrhac it,. I n.ita Ve t . Prerntam Plaster. the quail., lit ortneh. Ott, long and tried experience, hos hien e.- tahltahed. To all women who rosy lie v0,./1 Prolspents Vans or Fallen Womb, tic r..cortsror..de Outer, saaranteenl • e.are and ap , edy rtre Lbe short space of from t w o tether week, IP applled o ten care and real—dureard.ros ell the counties. 1...10n5...1s and expensive hands,. cg tn nee. or, „ „ f1. „,,,„,i,„,„ i n ..ung, Inasmuch a. he tins tint fatted In one ease out of three hundred and fifty-three pa. nerds. Al. for Rheum... and Weal Brent or Bark. nt. tended wt. pain, there la notiong to excel nu. Pitl l ll., In affording relief or affeeung • cure. For sale I.y L WUooi, earner of Diamond and NI ark, .1 Bra. k. Heiler," Liberty and yt Clatr su ... _ . Dr J Baur. " Federal acand &almond, &Ile. 'belly ear Jacques &ON . Demean add ' , mended thrtam.g rum ; wo SELLERS. Drunittht. db b 7 wood • Bola Agent for the sal2 of Tovroscial, 6CII. 00vi Banapanlia, tart received Bin dOccu or Lll4 Great gyring and SurcEer nl ctn.*. Purchancrs thould recollect that R E Sellers is so: , agent for Pittsburgh, and D St Crary for Alleghet,y ury apa CIOLD AND SILVER PATENT LEVl•iit WI- G ES.—Dople: W•tehaY, made by the celebrated Casper of London, SI Tonne of LI verpool, and a large usertment o( detached co , d 'and ni.cr Lcvv", made by tne beet Eene•• noulafailurcra Spectacle. of all kinds. Comm;mon Ware In Gold Pena; Jewelry in large variety, Stitt, Spoo, Porta, i.e. • • ,137 Watch reputing egecuted Fh (he bmt manner W SVILSON. corner Market unl so, Mecauums ENGLA.Nli—Hirpors. fine ethane, B a., with para.*. cloth-74 coots per rolumoo. For BIN by JOLiNSTON a ISTUdBTON, •I 7 corner parks; 'Lad 3d ad I MISC,ELLANEOITS, CARD. TH„'"; FA SI In the pince tif Joan rint,. re:waned. re „lnry manta, the mualtr and the (rtend• ttad roe :lt:se” to Ittr Cott:pant:, tha: In prepare:a to take Nl.irtne. Intott.tl Fl:r n•t• ttt: litirrat ten. at their utile, No 37 Water •trert I' A MADEIRA. Aget_ II ae— rrtln ter w . he held ni Atnre tor a few thiya The Itoz.nt• len•na Company efipreka swam, dense. for itte fire departmento of Use eatra of Pomttergh anal I •epritene cu.: amt examtne Axil make Kula: of Mem The contint: •.• 0.1. a to put them to ank teal , the think fine. conclude upon ow to J AI I PHILLIPS. S wood It y )••• rES Pirß THE SI'itSCRIPTION OP 1 7 rocK Cturen, Itnturattre Company ol Pittataireh, w•o.eved Rm•tn• or Inn Board olTrarle, ..ne hlnntrt” o• Noveinner next. At Incialonk, N A.R. Wm Lawn,. Jr RO, Woods, tt m It Ntrture, Joanne Plummer, NI At,, Jetualr Kinn. . I.•en Air•.Rorchurg. and II LI Kull Ptelleri•Nout twrnetitaalortera GOLD WASIIKILS. PARRS IL • ...vented • tnnetnue waahnte 11. mr wt. eh he had• etude p ...anon tor a 5. e • rhey are now offered ior nt the war -1••• ..• Purr, Print Ca ,Nu In) 51 non ttreet : I • utels .ttirert , Cwitur,4 are tn . :Heti In end and ed .., or , ror ea4lng tneetone. are won, •nit•truebon eatoty rat•potted dtt the 1.4,4 el totrwt• etgnty youdtl• /I. and env ttut :tt ttnwennott in ttl art }tour The) etin •-tt w r. prnyrrirm. irr the ornnton of thow who httee wen the Ina or pm. tourn.ne.ot smut .•t ..z.. .not tWo men wit wnan Ow mod r I from iSit boa, •dt 4tt ft , earth a wltheaut the tow of t 4 I' e the Thr) car. be 0te,......ed s.tr end vorked new, ttr mu, pow,. The or...reort work ',thou. gm, into Mr ...at do , or Sett., .ep0...1 I andenv...m.lo v w :how rt. 1,1,7 htta e won.. tn. nvrtanot. yelp,. Me, w not enfl• i'r...tote Ord.,. from abroad, le nntltattled br ra44 wid et prompt. yh. ed II 1 . .412121 Pttery. 'wort ta Cot, Ittt Wm, et I • dtaburTh Mospratt tSo ' Sods Ash. Me.m nnving atrdt.d nt Philndriphia eml pen mot,t 4 irtaten Itattlwin and .e. a clpeow.t Met •r.. Ulf prepnerat ree- tvtder• Mr Into r •t•nne t•a Orient:. M . 1 ITO I Ir:: rR f:?.: \ I , T . R . 1 , P . 111 . t F . ' o p t Ll ra , ta r t . n . g .. w . t r n m 00, Warr It raper, t tie• Coal ati spot. and wprodue.• I...tuttful and durable u•' -et new ...sr. atm, twee nod tor •ate. whole .n • ntnt tt) Jt.IIN U MORGAN. l'f.nrtet - NOTICE. tx m i n n n te; 7.. f • :nog purnawa h. I. It) mitred Fet•ra•ry It. 154,4 PrI.RI 111,11 MANI FACTIFIES The ander. ••ennol. Aar:, tor Ise Ilintcatmarent. Sn on And and • , nol 3uprn, of the •I•Le•ee 1 . •,/hareh and •••• wrnen ode" for / 1 141.‘111,:tur,3 utelar,Cllk '• wood .t 1 IA N 1111114 YA,TE- amaa homes A loam Rua: Igoran excelleid Ana-, Sc, es boa• ••••d•hor. p-rweCy era!, ;woo( and met al a pie, el e It.. apnoranon 01 o••• pana 3altetent to I, w , er :or dor month, and . ••••• , e: Arcerotan, 1.111 ,or rraraci, It-e'd mad •or *ale al the lim.l i‘untn, Depot No 3 V, 0,1 /a II l'1111.1.11.! LOWELL FLXTCHER, ALCOHOL AND PURE X PIRITS. t*:.rne, From and Vtne ..meta, C,nrinuan, - - ' a 1,1 44- a COISEAV ,:.I gg 1-91 Rth," •iIJ Rack I'u End. I , re uttove irorntr •re ttr rietre•t rind no-wear arere, io wore!, ore in•rte the notation or our Irterni• triroornera. None grinning to furor. or re prero, •lealn Iron. tworf•liov•e• noir", —• • • The Allegheny Cemetery. • T the ernpal tneettntt or the Corporatttre, peed on flthe en: it the followlng N't.v.n. "et , ."ant• tiateutuy te ettteted Menage. to the easu:he yeah TIIIIMAtY HOWE, Presktent. /MIN BISSELL. LS IL ATII aAI N /hNhIEC MAP, IN 'hh IRH IOKSBEFGh Al wayen it, I A NIES it gl'hIER., I F 1,1•. Y. J r_ eteeretery and' .. arer The mr , •tate, otetement pretest the Ohne nt ipe t•thertstir e very prttepetnua enhdtuott. Tll,l, other •rt rtit .• W‘l, . . Tllli. STAR OF TOIL WIC.MT Alf.-ti ENITIAN 111.INDMANUFA,r0R1' Fast Ride' of O.: Doamond, arM-re V,lntJan litdods of all We tligrretni • and rotor. are lar,et on hand or made to ordrr arla Mr tate, and onorl opproved Earirm ,tlla roar,. hri abortort tone s and on the 'no* rtaaonable taro. ABei, the cheap Borton roll or 'min Blind Tlanop, rent.) and raper Corwin. or ad the different and patterns, on hand and lor sale mge for rash rml Veld. Iran Bllndo painted over and repaired, or taken in part payment lor new U M EaTERvELT , p r „,, N. LI —All 1•03. m done Vrllh the I.e. 'at and ude workmanehip, and warranted to plearre the mon, in. Allegheny cite. Aug 10. 1.1. •uglt,gty THLECOLLAPILe CODIPAIi Y. Irrts• R.N 44ll K'rTE LIN OlTlee at the /exchange, Baltimore. R E DI ATF.B.—The charge.. has et..., god on CI, Message+ to or from Balton., fail. I. orr , or w , tt heeima. and a eorrermel,, .due 11,11. uotole of rap , ,n.rhes fur ward..‘llllllll ltal tounre Wr, 0: I'dtgburgla 1 . .. RAlitt.-111c charge Mr a telegram.. dr...paten th or from Baltimore. Putehurgn and Wueeling. ta 45 cents tor the fir. teu wovda, and 3 velar tur each addrtronat -ord. iEr No charge Is made for We addrmat and ugna tort. Until the completion of the South iVestern Line of Telegraph from Memphis, Teno ,to New weal, des. patches can be forwarded to Alealpha by Una mule, end use , led tor New Orleans LANiniCAPF. set, • view of the /tattle or Mante,v)% . • • ' term Loon, Buena Vilna. Pans; - Cho. de Lyon; tyarde Franzen, Cu: C Auvergne, The above /0 .cable tor papering large public room. Just read direct from Puts, nod le at Me erarrhousd of art s t: tor sa 11 Ll. L iT: S.—l:hero...al Liquid for wagers, I clothe, carpets...llk, 00101 060 1010 furniture eavlng heath, labor and Wllb Ibe urtuhboard. The him, carinne, after having been to use e,oven y ear., lisive been rfectly restor ed, without the slighicat aunty in the! but and with. out removing Imin the Boor. It will 601 /6111621 the elOth. Direauan• accotopanynag each bottle ?nee 143 emu. For .ale by 1 SCHOONMAJCIOI co, =ye IN wood at EXCHANIE BROKER• S. IIOLR ICS At SOILS, iCie hang e Etrokcr•, AND DVIALEAS • • .:l'.. A CCP PTA N,T:S. SI I.V A NI, BA\1: \i , TE :To\ s —Draft, ,tet Nl.l- Nrw %ark Pi ' . h h and •rt )14t1L, ?Mal tt-rn.l.• FOIIEJON EXCHANGE. I_,IiLIS k an .ngland. trettl. and :nt.t2ht ..n a: att,t o Al.o. Lhall• intvahl e to a;iv oar of thr •;t1 from 1.1 :o ct, PI, Inc 1 St.rone. ,ettltnul deJuruon or ttLaLt,lll. Ity Rt,lllS, SON. Europ.n. anu firtera: • 5. Ane door we's:of wool: xxiL, • KRAMER & RAHN, lei M.r/kflat B AN K ERS AND F.XI • IIANI.I , 1:10 IL N•Lle• LLA .L •Ul Wcksi “r•cs . s••• , .•..ite t• LAI • 16. tr. W ESTERN IoCRDS NILL.LL.LLL , L. 113 .A pureheLLed AL me. nare, n, 111.i.NIES , aria B ILLS OF MICUANGE--,,, Nrw lurks V,l . c , Co . n .. a p t r3 ntl y for ea, 11, t 4 Inv rr N BOUK6. ; 11! 11111 !I•:ecr 4, 71 11ur: r t • n: vol .• oqrl ,Ara 1.. • linc,” V Ivaor To, The Ireeth., 0' V•rcnotl. S'orrterrerr ,or• , our I.4,rawro anti v Hot rev Torok: • Hrr orlr :coo 11,•trory or r F.,. u.ul •riop ,gro-r lror ort lartart tr, ef the 1.0.' Do•• or r:t4111 •., Irr3- mot•hor 1.0 1.1-r-tuor or ra• P.1gr..0 • i'logrrv. our • • • 1(1 Ihrin ll,. .l.\lotlton, r. ior Volmottm h.LwPum,. • Ilmoper'm \lotto.- or, • Pr. ~. :toe ot •mtni,/, 0.1 Hort:mt.. At , :oost. , m Manne m Ancont.cn: A . lam t. nue, m I: lAn . h,A \ \ tont ton:t vod front Nov+ Aar- no. P, 1.11 II N! 1.1 tR. .1 NEW Iltntkm / \I \II:It I:I.ADINt• Pow--E•trmlln Promm P1,...cm, nod Nlclupn,mo..t. I orv-ro.. A loan:1st:owl, ,:roor.l. , • .• We mho, I, enrott'l d :ut. work dom. not r-ntt motin,to . auto: m ote , tome:tri ai.al xricdtit, .tnd 41, over i:o. am aloe. n roamool., powor nod Kramot..ourl.: Istooh r 2111101 uto tur pyre ..tt In moo, of emelt the nio•T arc Omm ,der he rNos:oh um! t-• Hrn,. onttlt • $ Nn n to Clot anma.o.t'lsr,•: •t• hor•tm'mt:. nod :Ito 1 n 1. Worm La,art. 1., It I . :• lor uom clu-3rattoo.- ilor I.: tTry he mon. rmmartni , o mrorl• Om algo Er:. {1 /ForLrarryl roomy. \ 1 ray, •orr.: Vl:th , 1. ra•rra ryros I\yr,er.,:, I,:rt• r J Foorrooto, ....• orl I.r tor.• rondy clerr•• y kyr Fro •tr ry J.\111..i,t ,11 au, ton: y lure Form N 1 I :.l l coryr yr •ur.l rroort:Yrr, The rry..r, .1 • • •••orrl NY•o•Yr...til At•roy y..nurp.ote rit row vro•orrt•• • • Yryn•ri, pryolorl. r•trytorr—lNe 11orturt,rey or ~ I. ,114 -u, Ly•Lralt-.1 11, rtreutnett I, the than - .. ',moat ntr h rctnind• an n , tt n • npttahntt Ea• RIM tran•ta.rd in •ver ul4 U. litneol I FrAr a anJ o.ns for •...e J.,11.\ QTI prN •11,‘,..11/.••• u lax cur T:. k% lor Co, • ”r• tr. "•- • =MIZE b.Purl., thr 51,147, I, ,Jeuirwr• nrj I(r Ts - • 1 1. ACO4II. of Sf.ptur.• i C. 1 1 131 11111 Lae urtrao Rae., ni..•• ;fa , oral Leaver Rota SI flea It., :N.,. 3 33. .1 1 , 3 01 NI aaaar hoe.. ~3333 Ile 1 / . 3 4 •n. Hoy Poem. —Mr...teal, to 1.. t. at, 1...0ff, Rea Ralph 11,1—neor et. en...reed—art. 11011/ 1 1.130 1 1 1.1. C•leettt.m of the letrant Roy-- t seleota, r.thrta.e. apt.° wat.th 8. oteratfoo and the praetteat dem. or hr tor. tt• 1 1014 11:1140.3 •111,1, •Ir nrn nnY3(..314 11.131 r 111 1 31•111 V 31.0113 ugy, elem. se Imp...lrate-. by 1 IL tal. C i 12ato et, I l'r ea rt clue., 10 Si 1. It iva•ra.Ns, Apo •, M==l to. metal It io.I . Y.INS of Solo Agency for Nunu• A CI•r1061.1•no , .. • 11. !V tlt tr,r , trt- Tr orottout rot, tortlrrton for Iretot otarlo J.totrtat and "rot, A DID 000.• tsnod. The.. $11.,111,1[111• Aro 0,01. ialAc pao , ro 31,1 - RIO.. mold low to, ca.o Ill.t ME. lilt \Arno., olr,ot, ot,or ut/ovc EINE . . no. Last vi rne....1. two limn. 0,1. ...war., a r....0r nay ...Inn 1. kw lAsTitu m Pc.. T. 41,111144.4..-r emoani, It /1. 4 ‘ R I man...... 1 anti NI.. lillr ot unn anti gx.r. but four 0.n.0. M. •a 16, cr0..... v.. tan gener•. 4.4.44 re nncl nave *nu.. Lar...f....umgau. to 4. ann F T. Gist . A.rm tHil urinK od, l- ILIH for e compel., e H k t.I. It. J Gr HI I;1;,1 . .. RH{ rl.' vim Hole powt, Morro n• morn rrtrin. arrd nmen more uho ey add handsome pm mrers'ure 1: it pas liC1.11(1, deurra• bre where rue overne •pro•• on neing eeedarryir nett nod r. ao ',rept mg no Ino room • - , ortreet hat ra hand 0 V . . 11111111 1, 01 I, OW. oron lire e.eurart red h. , 11/...Nit.fc.i.: ir • or to• OW.I Eno, onung.arrch H nee., 111' 11 mulort '• fL,II 111 r 111.NRI 11d./di- I,tr,t llnte 111 or Nom., r • ks in, no inn - rotator. and brbillnll• vs. ri•tron. for the Piano dorre, a• perto ~, or alr romerri• or tar l drool Starr. by Hem Nltiorio lb , 1n by Henn Herr., /um recemed rted Mr .ale by niclll.l /1/IIN 11 511.:1.ltUB, 1 I wood At Vocal Exerclaca A NIOSULFE,.,,Itrs, wilt! cc arrompan ll intent lor the Plan-forre, adaprrol to ine 4, 11 I• or prota 0111, or class., or vocal mum., ' , terror rroor hada, Frnnen nod Unman compote,. hy , Loweti Almon,. i Inrpe page• ol rrroely poured inane, r own orrou Ha, Le erciar• progrenovr, •rreneerl l'ore 75 orb. r 111.1 riVrIA, .1.1111 Itte above,dirt , trout the publotht by JOHN 11. AI ractortl -I •rnel ea 4a' lull s •r 11 re.k ' 17•14rt mon by lull /AMY., r).,1.z.:1.t.. Ware/ Illnk,N CRAPE ANL. CNA I, riot 11..• lj rut has reccrvan • suir,r6 or whsle atsd coiltbred I.rane• and Crape 141e—aroorre Me latter eorm l mot Othet deerrable colors, Arot, pint, and blur n•lrr r f1i0,1,1. /01 lilt A.N e,v ult Peach A , bottled m 1-45 b, I. I-1; Peach Brandy, made num toe r p. mrd lel the dry Iry it Ind Apple Brandy trt lane Old American Brandy, pipes A lees IS Cherry Brandy, bottled In lean Blackberry Brasaly 4y We race sr beide .441 JACOB %TEA VKIL, Jr. - ;•:t - :•: , •-•- - ' - .•••24:1E.* - -- •=•-•-•-• ...cow 6.... •.....,..,..„, . g2.' 3 7'..::. --•'-' , :.. , :r`i : E7`..4• 32 Z a t.; :7 .3 • ...' . r ,.E VL: , i - : 5 ;f - - :i , _ 11 1:7 1 s eE•t:: .- :.tD114 - . = . 2 =. S • az g - . ..v..,i-Tv - ,i4Y. z .te ft:: Y: LC .5 A - . Z'll't.. Z i ,114 11g . .3 . 0 . '' - 7 - . ,-g,-5 --- 4 - ----ilitssq":4 •,:, 1.--Itteeez-z-4 17 -ael ii. 4 -, = . cz gip} -t•ST , g-3- 1 .111-'2.; , :,;'zgt 2; •.S:laV.ti'efi!, Ito ': 6 C ° til .l LE "'!2isri -j -f 6B- 1i a z . , 1 04. - z.-q -1.-....,431:..k s . il 7 .2llaisltlVE:ll: - .', y , a=e, ;. 2 3 mg n t..IQ - trz=-Fl-,.-Ltra.7.1:4.!..1 '; - i'' l2 '-':-. ch . • el -, 21% 2 V g .1 1.1 : - .ll ' lli, 5.. p. t. ,:.' = 4". 1 - ''' -•,"41-30' 1 1 . 'E. ... 1:4 :3 S t': -. i..7.n 4 kl 't E. .• 41 1 1 '4 ^ E 5••= 2 ;31E7. 2, 7. 2 ` 'Zi -.:g..2 - ; t; 4'l .-1 lii l 4:'i':"P 4 .` -7- 'ff . .4 --I gt;! ,- 1' -. E . ..- 4 ,; - 4 1 .74 1.1 '1 1 3:.1-!14li fiz, Iltl,' 1 ag > i l E. itca..z t..ai.E. if.1,27 1 '4 f..-.• 7 71S •• -• 0! % 4 t: . ~4;,q,4 , ,,, - ;:r i . t il 0:, g 7 s .i .g 7 .L.• 0 ra . ::: • ::- 2 „: - . - ,..:s-IVE•••..:Et. f.!: ', 2.1 g ..1C -i ‘i'.l ETs S-- t 3 r i. : -•-3 1 114 . 2 :• 4 5 411 711= - 7, '2% - .4 3 f , •C :-. . .,2 • :?, - 411" .: E2 5: .17, ,Z • 6' V s ..,' P CZ 0 t', '': ' T . :. • -- ,:;I•111;1!. - n . 1 1 1:7.2 . :1 2 '.V..t . It 41'1 Z 6 g 4 - .3'.Whgii 6 E' rl , J - .. ‘1 e 0.- g. , ;..1;1-1.,9a ~ is t - . t,.-2 as 2 P t d i. .0 - :i € ' l 4'-iu g pa;f:ii t yir 1. 3 E C „, 1 ''' 4 g. n .''eo n .: 2 : 11- iiiii 4 rtsIsi ' 1 hi' ' 7, V) d ... ~ . .... A. 7 .4•.. c. Ce ' .i . 44 rfi ° 4 ?1 , " 1 2.3 t54 : 1 = - 4 6 ive§.E 2 • oli cc. T 4 -,-,' 4 , ''' :•.' w t•Et V 2, =g4lV: -°."- r 2 i'g. •-° - I 2- FM : . I- ).r g . 1; •-,... . 24 . i.V .3 2-44 ltru. - :!-' , ..-5311 - 1: - . 1 ; c., ,i Vl' - ... - '-.Z: 7;,,-3. 5 .:•5 -- . 1,s iiii.F.st.,iel.; .7 " i 4 .4 4) 1: 117 --' ..g =s -• lax ii .r . E. 'A- c.oT, '' -s g='`' ... E3 , i = '2..e.ty. a '6 1 .! ~...1"-..I.1°!;r,?2c ?-fp ~.....4 CC T t 2 1i? - 141 1 : ~4.f.°:31 it ,_ •-c p ''. c • r g>" gME'!::. i - slise.'l!:: T.O IP, 5.. '. fi .z I'l i'i Tll-27F.f.siit--;: - 2 2 - 1 ::iji . it. ;ii . s-gEf:E -, 7) i 4. 2 .1 i 7 ; 1- ?iiii•4:- 9 :i-il l ig.. r ii W 2 P.' il. - - ,:;. 7: . .iilri: E i' - i_ : ' , -'!!:::-;li 1 ,. . - 7 P ::: lil . g!..";iP:i tr i..-133:41it 4 •!:• ' -. at: _J ' - A . ' - ' - ': -" 4.:.1 - ,. .'...Z., ' - z...:.2 .-,7 : - T.:E , t.. 1•..: ...,- u ~.-, - 4-.E. , _-.,t - E• - 7,- .- - " , c.. •p . L ., < .i .7 . .,: ° =•4, = rglf. '''',. • 7- 7E"" - ! -- 3 ..7.• . - ..ii5 " 4: 1 1.a .2.1.,;.J,.:. , .,...: 1, 0 ..,. Ei I •" , `. * : l •' 7 .illz - •,`":.g. ~....,-,.,,•:-.-7 ..ireeti-F:UTIS' ''-''''-':.-.--. * ...7 0 qi -.2: •:: ,..'. q . ! .g . " : •." ."37:7--.'- z- - -=' , '-' Z. '. . -- -!.f... -- .: - , -. ' , *Zfl 4'.-i:-1.---'•.Z.z.r....7.---7;1; ,E-:,..:_ - --,.:„ 51 , -_ 2.7 ., - 2: , :-•-,:` = 2!:-=`:-.2tg .7.- •. , 74 4 0 .„5.-7,44 . :5.,;,f7.. - ....E...:,,,;--.7. - •! -- --••:.•,. fi: -7. t;•!--;,.e•-tt..:i.,7•••:.:1-z•-t'.: ''' ' 4 1 p 3 .1.4 . .... ,, .° • • -, ...- -- -FE - - --...,3 ..,1: -._ ,L , :,:Elt.slir-1 •;,;-.7. - ,... .:. - - . 0 i CZ.d , ,, , i , ...7 .- if:,::::i . , ,, ..:i.: - . -...•-•-: t:j l '. 7 ./ ;, sii': - . - .it_:1:::: . - -- -• -._ ta . -. . MEM - - - • HT A OENTS,—WM JACKSON, JOHN D MORGAN. P•':.lwri4: D M. CURRY. Allegheny City: A. PATTERSON, Biniiingl MEDICAL. MEDICAL. . . . . miscELLANEous. _ M'ALLISTEWS OINTMENT MAL TE8. 0 5 A-_ A INC, ND 'INSENG PANACEA! sYY .T . t1.L.:2 1 , :lE RCU „ R l .l 2 ;° ; o h s .",',. " t s " 1 , 0 T HOSE .- SUFFF.REIG WITH DISEASED . .. -, 7' ;-. 2..7f1. 1".• :` ; ;.. ' --- ji r .l ' ~,1, /../... ...._. f.,,... 11 EXTERNAL E xT E R,N t y .4 L1 , . , , , 1.1 e M1.:......-Jh o ; , u h n . precedented stleceu which has ...'.W..:..../....i.!,.... #M. \ iNg,', 3 " . ;, C1 ,,T 1 ., ~,,,," GINSENG . PANACEA 0 , - . . - - ...!....- , LIp -v.v.: , „., - '. • Pli OUNDS to discharge ...... ho. a.t... 4 a.. MR.. , 05......di ....• , --,-*' 477l__ ~...=.::-..,,,, ..,. , EASES. POISONOUS a all the venous forms whirl. Initation of the lungs as- ..--.,-...-- , ~,...,‘,._......., r. k ,-- - A their putrid mailers, and hott bt tbts ........-............, , 0` . .. , ...."- 11 - • .•... ww, 1i c 0..h,... WONDERFUL PREPARATION. . i t .. ne m:, ~,,,,,e e The ehangable weather hick mots out hal and _ virawrzem ELLIIIIDS. THUgreatestand best Variety 0 varogfered in thirleity ~„.,,,,... 1., ALL . lillailiNti. for winter months,. always a fruitful source of i ' tt , there Is scarcely a di. COLDS AND COUGHS. beforewm ads on We . mot approved Eastern plow -1,......,..b. J . ... A N ~, ease external or atwrnal, rho, If neglected, are but the precursors Of Met fall .I.lls i tr.ctlyenable Er...ppm... a .m.... A l. ' ,',..,:•.", f e rttv , ',, '';' - ''' that c will not benefit. &More, MOP ROLL, or BOSL'ON BLIND, on hand ...".t.• • . ...'..r.• - . - I bete used It for the last COSUbiPTION. or Made to order of all Cap, abed at all prices. mete. yea. for all djauswa of die chest, insole.. rho yeesuon, awn, bow shall we nip the destroyer m ..t t i rplerelio v iltadothen are malted to call arid the *moo dang er ead reaponobility, and I declare 'he bud' how shall we gel clear or ?.., rough. .4 ..,,,,,,,z e - Or nino rn , f or themselves d ao all w i ll he sold before heaven and man, that net In one cue has It ebb , ' .of Yu. l'ePoratcw. to the pp bins.. tar ,and a liberal ed.:teflon made It 1 fatted to benefit when die patient was wohba the reach THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDI wholesale purchasers. ol' mortal mem. , w il l be found al the Ginseng Panacea_ In proof of Ills - flitd. ll 7 _ A WESTER YE! ,'v I have hod phytimans Warudo Me profession I on have from tune to none published the certEftcates of have minim. of the gospel, Judges of the bench , al. lotus of our beat known horns , who have erperl. wg hereh N v a o *t o k ;..„. ( l . I. l .'_ o . l . •ttii . c e .s , „ .pon ... dere..., lawyers genders.. of the highest erudition, raced as rat route powers. T h ese. wlth a emus of tat ~,, 4 ,,,,d, „,,, ,, ,,,7 , ...rir . , ,,, .... ,,nil .. ...:,.... and multitudes of the poor use It 10 every tersely of airway from .11 par. of the must from ul eramaasualeu, receive fremht from anylhaatfor way, and there has been but one Vl:lieu-One univererti NIEDICA.I. ]I IF-N OF THE FIRST STANDING. ~i,k.,. J. 1,,,,......,,,,.. .ost e sayitr-- - bI'AIJ.ISTER, YOU a oirrrhieprr Mowers of the Gospel, &a. together with coptou not ep t, .w iluolic . z, Ai.,....N. Ices frau, the - ... - - -- RHEUMATISM-It removes almost unmechately :01;RNALS OF TILE DAY, • K CiM.D. - — h ., J OHN KELLY & Con totecesson to Rob' Wto 0 ,..„ o f ~,y a our ueots thre.ehrot 11,0 cluetttrY• cimmtrr strooh, ob-ovo Ma We T ''' ' ''' j nilo.oipt.. N o,' L 4; tho rlllarumslatort and awelling, when the pain ceases. We brow embodied la pamphlet form, ace mel be --b,„,... A co, ..._ ~,, _,.. _ al._ st IRA,. the directions around the bor./ I. FAD-ACHE-The salve hat cored persona of Me HUNDREDS OF utrill.FM leave r'eceTvc.od"'ththe'l l ' ale 6 l ' n oo S 6 Pß ' lN W Ll P4 A Uo N ' TlS ' t o Al l .llt.R ot hr....he of twelve years standing, and who had C have been used In Wu citi. mew a I every week so Mu vomiting temat sce. EAR- TIP /USA N Dl 7 AND TENS OF THOUSANDS ACII4I', TUOT/LACHP., and MILE IN E PACE, throughout L.-. trine! States nod Caisda, and we. eta tgiLi os, o. comprising 71.. ... te h •, lobs, Custrures, Yestrau, Ae l•iiin •••• , ..—n of New Sty la um are taw eed with late success. u any mss an man La point out a SCALD HEAD.--We have eared cues Mat actdally SINULF. LNSTANCE Dream) , dcreliplloll--.111 of which arc of altar tas., ish. portation, having been carefully sc'erwd dafiarjevery dung known, es well 11.. the abilay of fif e n w hie!. when latrit c.c.:tutu:LT lo direr:sons, and be. IL A .. a u . ' - th Pa r t s wan o tvensity doctors. One man bald us he had spent forty!• longs bad become Wall; dirorganurd, it hat tz).. ;a,. p i. ' },,,,,,,,,,,,. 11... a on hts chatirsn ...Moe any benefit, when a few weer faled to are ly Invited MOO! and exambM their citenar ' re " g4t. ‘"' Sores of Omuta," cured them. EFFECT A PERFECT CURE. otelalSident TRITER--There is nothing better for the sure of Why, then, need the afflicted hesitater .I, by retort to -, - --- -- •- - - - . .. Tenet ~,,, .„,. 0 . , ,, ~..„0 , ,,,...,, , ,,,,., ~,, , an, ~,„,.. ~,,,,,,,, TrIDIA RUBBER PAJErit-Thist - rceeiscm, 2 "too BC ILNS-I. is one of me best dump u. the world for sale 0 ler me assumed name of ...me ma ...toed ply. I -.. ''''W. a Rub ,,, P.... , . toPetter • c.a . , htebt I Una. ~,, _,,,.. 4 , 1 „,., ~...,,,t , , ~,,. ce ,,,, c .,, ~ ,„ 0 . , Important to persons that wash to keep tit-, feet dry VI LES- Thousands we yearly eared by that Outi- :c. ' n ' s, '" Oq.s.' . !:.1. , ,..0wn• Wlals ' t sx' ' medicine of " ! 1 ‘ Y leooolo the "the' /ram sine tong, A" will 'el. • 111011 It 000ra Milo in priong noel for Me Piles ''\PA It A I.I.ELF:D F:FFICACU I polish over It For ode et the Indio Itu , ./. , .. 1171., lEr Arnaud me box sir direction* for aslng lg AI- is to be hen...... .0.-. vv., :we. arc el 1. , ..nr,-~ear sash.' No ? W."' rimer. mar' J& II l'tilt•t•ti '''' low's rhnue.nrine Sreolula. Lien Cam-pram; Esau. bora- ci...,,, ..f ...mu I. ...., , 001.01 004011 0040111 COLUIM la, Tatar, Cluiluca Evade Mood, Bars Era, gooey, ~..t won) f nom TIII.:L.II.OvE. , rjallf.: ouloacribur, vut.olcruk ractoaducturer of JEW. Soo. neut. assns./mar. Navas. Affattoss, Pains. Du. In onirr 13,., to ~,,, 0.00.0 med.. , suf be placed I .1- ELR Y,.nrce• wholesale deafen °Ad Pallor. au paw ot Ow 0p.... Head ark, essatow, D.A.... F A , ~,,.., w oo. the ............o trac I.oor au weli :be rtrh, ws bat.! now Snoa. and West-also, catotry mow .tecrets to Rao dr. earns .Or Dowses of ske Skin. Sere Lop.. Pm. pet me Metre , _ , end and e2uanina bug stOCI Of Javuerh', wrl.Ul‘ ... 1 La phs, .1./ . Se-41.g f OW Lambs , Awn, RArownows, . +old al Or lowest prince for cash or approved accep. r,a... Dud Soot Croup Swatted w Reeks. Deems, Tonat Lanclua Constantly un Woo and manufactunne, a , - ' large araOrtiOont Bailable for city Or ~ try wade r, . .......- . ONLY ITIFTY CENTS, Intone hail die ottirti cost of cosign medicines. it to torn:,, by our aet .... m near y tromp town and ea,e over the wr.t. wtio um pre; real ° give (all since nor. ic.ative to It ' , I a,.I:rER, Proprietor, It „ 1 . . , . rinelnnau. (r ho. UR. s P. r)NvN,Er. tr.,. SARSAPARII.LA-Irtal dozen of Dr Towummil • Cenuthe Sarsapenlla, lust read 141%! tor •a.e ~ H E SELLERS, Sr \1 ~,ni st only Agent :or Pateburgh. nri By li M CI, R. It 1 -Agent for Allegheny my - il V OROP A Title ESTABLISHMENT, ell.l.l.lesta IGO, ease. co s. 1k Ii EDNVA It I/ A t•K FR, tar,. ti ., n. thee ,. o r ~ ,Lf tur...ne 1... :hunt. to b... e nd. and die public .. for the ext. , ,,,. p. tro , ..me be has received, end of in torno, tr., et that (1 rm. (stela erected • • large and to iocart c.., Ititi Jots. atr eaturpo of ii,• WATER AA Rt. F-..TA BLISIIM F-Vr. hts old itwatioti.•l it it.llat•oorso Pa., on the gnu neer, .- eve .b.: •.eaurboai ...Wig at heaver, where bete ready. to rec.-rye pstg..... boar der..de end nen them on Ily. Bacon Smoking. PItIC E 2.5 CF-NTS PER ER) X. dropothre pri. er pis. Itt Con to los long expert- I rrAYLNG just completed the teliundingof our smote l`witilicsulf-DiWou . Rene,. turner . mice. end the great succors witath has heretofore el- kJ_ bom we are now prepared to receive meal, I ..,..r • . and ,P, t ' •.f , ... mid l. Witco.. Jr. corner ea midi, tie treatment or pencil:. constutted to nis ewe, l and smokes in the curet mere theme anner. NI . tsci a nod he Lhammid, sine corner of 40 end h.. ha• ...re hie .thit ~,,, mi Meanies taunted try an ex- The Louss are fitted w all the modern iv:prove. = thu nn e rd e t s , / it Cass, , corner of Wants and Peon .3.. ye Intact .r erten, rt,isessly for the purpose, con-, meats, and are capable f r o nining :101,1JUR lbs. each ... ard. and acrid at toe bookstore in Nrisittifiel.l .mti, eornsnoarous and airy forma runt fated up with ' KIER &JUNIad, Canal Basin, e t at .oar nom Second al, at AoeithemY cit , bY II P every ireceseary apperates for waking, and eldnunns. i ar ,tear Seventh st eonweris aid j e,,,,,,, by Jt. Snot& liregton, Bir- berms the treatment to the utmost nencht and comfort ....-,--kiwN-,,,,,,az1ii--,7.-_„,.,..=,_„. mime... Lt NetieY• Eam tabertY• II Reams. , Me - of tite mem Phi...p.mirgh i• a mon denghtful anst 1-- „,„ o „. „ mill an p v . ~,,;;i ; p ;;A.1,1 . hee•porr. J A team,der rk. Son, klonnaganem City: N Icnlti,y yu.-cc, r nay ot scree. by steamboats, sand sir- t. .. , ~ .. .. B. o. c r mursic Prolirt6Mts,/ ens will he constantly li Reesman a Co, and / r Rogers. Bra .<. John mrds mie ne+ w ""' s. .e w•tm. Dr de 's' ' est. ''' . eurin.e.l with all th. dukrent noes of superior qoanw, bera.c. Item, I's, ere wholes., agents. those Mots. , n•• ,, w°o one P l. ''' . lbe.d ` e ' ve • d"" wtursh are oder al the lowest replaced... a...a.m.:1 y der to. Care. % .., t e n s er) trunnion elied be paid to their, Eu.:INOLat to, SILEE, IV A TER C CAE EST SD Lla II dI le rs T. condo, an d se alt sr .. .rine . °, Mc . 'sb.mtm , heacfin _ reths. corner Penu and Irwfts sts Pill LIPSISL'IMS, PA to be deriver,. he points unto confidence to the hair- - DO6I,,CESNE I.VOFLILIS. ntly cured at has retell- : I "'..r" re. ' , si''" : ' "tio '4" • l 2l d e 'e l s o ' rry l 7l.- th i ' r ' , ' . l i . r o r irte ' n ' t " ! Il s e ' ' ' '. . ' ‘ ', 4 l 7: r uc ' e ' .e .e a ves , „o , move o.. effects ; CTLF , f e tN u l . • = , 'V pr‘ . , , , O . " , c , 7:: , r ni t r T:: ,: ~...,.„,, enamelling curdle. effects of rend Wel' , ~ , ' "" br ' d t ''''',„,"' u t ;:".. r ,,, i es ‘,1 ,1 1 : ),':,:: s 7, ~,,,=,.,.. , ' ', e d u ., ' Plough, Fort and llos ' Steel. Ri.tets. Spiker end Viral abil acute dioeese., woe. enPloSed •;the tor ''''" ~`"' • ' ' Iron S iam all sues, mother wan Coach and Monte from uth danger. ' • me nod 0 , e cee , rated Priests... have remnved it dm e ' w^. ` n "' , "" r '' '` .'" e ' n ' Pnr" =4 Sprites, life Pet, Toper tthd common &glee 1 e lan tine Ideb , mud dweerung public every tnrident to rinioges oi the wea cc, creates tumoral NV fl tug reduced the ~........see of Wrought Iron Nun. . n " Perm. ' "1'0'1" wits e'Eeith''. en d "L'i'. "" ' ,. r.. rm. u‘ tr. sone. t and hoarding ie.-thimble...oath. boddeth and other. tstog the smelt., mill fita ~...., : e ver. Collude ring the an re. 1,......7.` r0ui. , „ u „, =:= ,....„,„„. =, the ...„,,,,,,=,== or , it to then Inter.. 16 give this new brunch or Pittsburgh rd reined,. neachipi re cseti to me treatment of ciao a 1 manufactures their attention. ..iii a n Is. teemniunts, too. watch are the reanno ev• satire.% the proprietor at Parlumburch. , Coach trinnumga end mrdeable iron on hberal term. c r rt ' e . r.i a mist Ite • natural wen to are the success mireaS - , Warehouw on Wathr end Fourth ail febolll . of n monied by which ma many unfortunate sufferers Hi_.. s A LTErtA I I vE. or.. be treed from their paths and tnfirmine• Wettest. been r.ifurrnmi by Mrs. Row of settle per- ; Tr e sr ...ember haste, precused niece...l'olly the t 0,,,,, 0c ” n, h, lir. Jaynes Attorauv., t.h,.tt SAM'L. GFIAY, etetood tor ergot yew. at his liSdrolmatic estabilea- orovr. rts ouper.m.ty aver every other remedy of We : i„,.. wir y a.. neen onndery enlarged and im t. Sac , n l ii been art!, ted !e . Mote. years r i IiEjtoHANT TAILOR, proved i. t. parte and in eeery repect. is now w ai t . NCltirSl,i or ti. MI TI, s tool .LS, althnded g reeds In tweet,. •og seMoitmOitinte pulse...Ws wt., May tir.•lt sheerstlott• and enfet,,,,,,,, o f oge. ce hen es , d u of cD•SION BulLSlnolt, rheeee to risme themee.ves under Ms ClL,•.kill and nag TII,Peh trine many mecca have been discharged front I e me thtdel sone . t'tc c r, t...• m. .th bet 41 ... , 1 ST . CLAUS STREET, PITTSIII7IIIOIII, ' Thi r it ' ; ' ouro. hued upon the led beak of th e Ohio, wr.et. and tiand• she •roin both legs, rrnd Rem the loft • o me the Month of the Hit Beaver. is well armoire re.rorat bore, and iron site r.ght Sum, beside. patent!' ' ILLS MT ISTCSIRKD prow for to refreshing and midabrotwer.°• P u ern , It " tk " ale,. on ether p o rt. of ''' poiso n tare Sw ' We ' d INF. W YORK AND ashnuJ quietnese and Manning namrel scenery. tom- the sk In 0! a other of the mast eminent physicians n 1 baiter every remota- to render the somorn of the in' nue e.. .-slur ng most a tn. tam her sufferings have , And I. now recemmg a fine a...enamel of •./id wettable, and contobutano not • hole to re-cs. - teen e s ters at.ng end deplore-hie_ about , three mon th s , toflis, cassimEßEB IND yEsTINGs, smooth imputed health end phyathal ittrenoth. *me th e vete r.duerd bo try Dr-Ltyne s Althrattse, U The satablistttusit. the first maned iii the Ulm. wuch tea. had SD astonmEngly happy effect upon her, State-, mint.n every thing, tath for pleasure a n d by iernev.r.t all pant and twerrngs and canting the. OF T/lE LIE.NI' I ..IDdLITY AND LATEZT SYTYLES, mion. meths/ens! to lissom • speedy and happy ter. nice. to heal, while at Die tame time bar general health : Winch be m prepared to make Mardis' atomuois of hte ailments of the Pment. um t.come ern., let) re.tercd, so that she now weighs ; Person. , annum m eyed themselves a the advania- 1.5 it.: tureac thou Cis dal bonito arc commenced the we tee here orler ,l, mit please lordress the sobsermer Of Ili. frill, • sinutta pwittaitio.--Vist Eve IN TIIE ut.... NIA NNER Poet ; 1,, e r. torn P o d wrung as near as ensemble the . For writ-s I.orlnaz,r. •,rquire at Mrs Rose, No LYN, And Ir. IlaeI•Ie•l Fe s h, on s. +wlf Oilitelr eoamthrom, in order to decide ... ed. . Levine,Ft. clal...lelpett. I that'll ~ . n . the i r Muses turd earatulity by the IlydroPothie • For oar, n P.tt,,,urgb, et the PEKIN TEA eTt/RE., i - ....d q.., , , ,. to. 80. . , treament. and arso what visa, be neccwary for taunt to . 1 . 2 Fourth at Ste. %, nO4l 3 " ts ad bboirs, Corner of Fourth and Derlittifiehl Streets, I. te r along, for their espemal and persona} um. D ,i TO IV N*E:l 0 'r , sit lean PARII.LA.--So dozen. Prt-theta. Pa. Mil, Alt D ACR .. EIL ILI D Propretor . mat received or Dr. Townsend • Sarsaparilla, the ' k i t TROTII & SCOTT Erving commenced/I P - thP . ..rit .--....."°`" ',' I'a ramt extraofdl/aary medicine in Ute vronit This Er- , ' the general Boot and !Moe businerls, il Roe eases-Bevil. Kiiithelly, Armstrong; Y. D. I • b sea H ' n , Bearer. Armstrong; Y. neet is P. oP to 4 46 . n res. w ...Twee o•Pet, wholemle and retail, would respectfully ant Ersi en. H..' Tb"mas ","'"',", ". .' plewanter. and warrantee superior to any sold h , invim toe anent.. of their friends a. the publii gen. hurt. r. d„, pr o , , E 1... t . m.uargh t en • ,-. s. Pwithout vomiting, purging, eickening or 1 entity, to their spiendld ,iew .tock,mni i it • . rigs(Meer, Prism.. E., Ohio. Rev r. 11. Sated, New Albany; chuu , u=uu, um ruuums ' wutnenst boys . , ISC•lost and CialdronaraCor 01 ev Fr eSI A. -n. Prue . "". N ,,,,,,,L T 1.- ' ' ''..l" .n .,,' E '1,... - Lout om roe Intrano. -Ullpfilletple4 mesons haw I variety, imitable for the slum, LIM at prim.. to "7 New I cis In s'a " r nt e ' . . • ...P ..... i. .:". .-• . - ' c " copied op, ..MI. , end poi up niedleine ill th e Moe the u t re e . A mt en d i d an te , o f h o , '3' at made work, toiti + I 1., that Lurgh, A Unlwell, F,..1 ., do. niapcd bout, Nee that ouch bottle hat the ...rum sig. l such ea gesdleineria tine Roots, ladies, mime* and reetra, I nature of 8. P. Tote irocutL ' chlldreini fire wort. Please ea/: anu examie for _ R K. SELLERS. In ugomi. V blood street, Between yottrthlvea TROT]] & Co ' STT, rh.rd and Pear& it Dr. row im.....,1`. only wholeeme , corner 4th and Senrilihrid sts .0 rett“ , ....., re , 1. ... ,- .. 01 ~.... the ilettome I N. /I -Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bags, Jet. le , al. erten. can be had. I ...T. ou hand .0 low for cash D N. Curry ha.. been appouned the eole agent for I Country merchants would hod it to them interest to Allegheny city, of whom the Rename tinsel° can be I erreos is call when visions the aty. or 011 had apt •" . z - WILSON ,____. LOOAN, & Ms, dA. F'anamerroct,} A. It Dom., la t ~y IMPORTERS and Wholtatte Dealers us Fenno and 11. L. Feltuorroca, Pittsburg& I. Domestic tfardware, Cutlery, Sada/cry, &c., itaSti Li. W. Fenster., , I Yomlatriter. Pittsburgh, are now fully prepared on. W holesale Drag Store In th• City at , is recently imported stock of Dard ware, Cutlery Sart , New Yor. dlery, Carat o'er.. 'Yrwle. Ste , to offer very great m g \ lIE under. one.] are extensively EITZLE , II tat the 4 :vs.., sae to ~ .sict. Sicirlinie, as In neattion s r 1 A bolesele Droo businees et No 19 Jo• it 'treat, lu Inc Ms, sassitiugcst It, Ity our predeces.ors, &Imp lbe alp of Neer lor Ir, and are prepared to supply sm. lag. re Kennedy, we hung greatly tneremsd our primer.. end cavalry Merchant. with Drugs, Pronto,. famline• end mirchaet all our goods from first hands I. Inc-studs, Fere CI and Amoncan I . ernunery, on the war, to,/ tortuS. Dutt ~,,,, 4, 1tu , 1r 4 t , l.l.thlnt Ch.tru.i.Nt lur at.i , owo Tile jettioe locloburs (frog. c on deco do* whole Mr 0,11110111 Dec' lel other artieth in their Ithe of hum- Toe to Wes, and feenng confident crowing sat m.. el a et.perto ...Taality ts. low •J Clth e. be pure off•cuon, respectfully solicit a call from an wtho may inaw/ in this or any eastern city. emit IDIS market melt/ Yew York.. Fsble Ha. FA Ira ENTOCK k r anaticPD - Difia.z.s. D,. Wlekey's Celebrated CHOLERA IND DIARRHEA MEDICINES. t I Proved liner offers dr We at/Avert. am., for building, made by t b ne w B n ter Pres., MI tit E public are requested to read th e following err- , "I''''ed give, for ' etnejb be b n s pa 7t, " , " ' I uneaten The m edging is extensively immi in ; '''' 're ' . ' i'''' PL'' ''' ' ' 's 'r'ue rthLthnthe " ' they are etronger, and will renal trust and wet Weillgt &It the Southern and East-rn a u ra CS and imbibe. lem moisture or damped. than any Mho IVe do eerily' that (Jr. Loris 1 Victor. of York, Ps, r ' Off greater body 04311 utlywriortc. tiell took ander M. Care and inanagerne.d on or abounhe I es„do br „, 0 ,.. ' „ , ,, P° „,,.., - .,..-_,.r.. ~. ........ pe e a c h t...,,,.. first of Orton, lust. a young man labonng under • l "--- -",,,,,,...`.• more •••••... °' ",r , ',ls to ns , - d '==.---- severe attack or •.Airiatic Cholera." Tact exam. I ,„..„. ---1 .,. --. " -- ",.... tc : m . " '. P 1 05 , "'" ,,,, °- le 'r e i sth- ie.... -. thee the mid tomer, and found him la he in the col- 1 -- ,,,,* '',. - " L ' s ~,,- ----o i ~, s -th best fon t brick. ' lapsed nate, of that dtsease. with frequent and comma - 7.,,,„, i.:,-.,'---- the greaten! the e* f I rice water discharge.. Tbm we pronouneed It • ease 1 h.,,,-."...,..7;.....,. pore A - k, a r . -r :L ' Tke " see " ll " . t my u°° warty toat ' so * : , or genuine Cbulens, and doctored moreover tom we ' : mien at the Garotte Miller. bettered be said patent was beyond the hope of reed r 'Pe •r e , n=e b.,, n , rioppluid themselves for their bulldinga, real aid lii tact we thought the patient would die, I. ==d 7 .,.. - =,,,, Emideome front Mick, or mperior bard and so doctored at the tne. d paving brink, can obtain them. NVe further certify that the saul Loom 'Mickey par ""th ISAAC IiREI-Kg 'u il tas own mode. of treatment, and admini a ' ! Cholera Remedy, Pilld effect.] a mire of deeprseitlet't,. B" 7.,.. n r__ '!thri V4 -42 ' 1 ,, r:, ill e ''''- ' 4'-' ' ln "--- i ." - 7. U. . --- 7 --- ---a th s an .... We :hark fu (our days thereetkr the eald p.n.. nun , lil 74„,,,,,ii r .,,,,. -j 7 . ,,, 5 c i= . w.rqf ' yr:P(o, - 14 - --* , was at work. and perfectly well. Jolts C. Douro, N. It ' n"2l °' L!'" v Lfi l l i . ''::)-.-- 1• • H. Dr ...Ti M. R I C °P ri A L T e N it 'a th ' is U ar n h . r7lll th e Zi finery, *PYrot7.l"ee' • f 7 1 I certify that I vaned a meet( modified Che;e r a on.: COOMIMOU Dimness, A.t. boles Winton, under the atm der the rare of It., Louis Wickey, and that y beh ove ofJulIN tv.nrr a. co Jun. , . ‘vA'rr his medieloe relieved him. Prnseurgh. April Jas, lore. Susie of Nino 'and, Weeldnimon County, to wit ' ..., ULPII or gur..l..e litille ot I'ln, Prate ACM, lie I cern fy that Imu welt eennettited with th.. rent,. ..) i . e .. o • Iro n . 111 n n , of P.M.& Nitior e ID . 111(11 who Myr e•tned the inures certtliee•e• 01' Dr , vet, e.e..ti. Zs, in, a bred. Culotta, or Sada and Louts itt...y, .. they e rn rnen r:dr.,-two roy Cydaric Feuer, on an .4 and nor sele ty lo teetrmon) whereof I rierstrath ea c o b tny iy I / KIDD & CD cc name and edit the seal of my oilier. th is lin, i ...,..- teen. day of Pinvember. eighth... Modred and • - thirty-three. It ll tt „A... 015. rb - rt - Washroom Lawny shmeteldavylar, A,. in A.. Face. 4-. , FEET—Lever Compinint. Pain In the Caen n:1 ttlde, fulltnß nif of the hair, or the th her arentn, tea cold feet Moe thnteoent Is the nae remedy it M===Ml lORNA—Oveasronal ant of the Ointment anll al ven., keep rornr from grow mg People need never he lroutded with them [(they use it frequently. The Otwlrnent is ,oed for any pm: of the body or liorhr amen inflamed. In merle caws it rhould apmied often. CAI:NI IN—No O will ill he genuine union the naive et JASII.I.S Lr writ.en with a pen un e•ery my Ages,. $n 1.111, prinetpal vtlet aad ole IThatea JAMES Me A LUSTER, Voce rrnpnelor of tot- noove . - 4:1C111, Mr- Srmcipa deice. No ',Norm •Jscet, 11 %. I% 2 :1: E. 621 . 1 n•IA 1.0."NIITtOIS uP CONSINIrrioN— -1./..g, pa.ar, hackolg cough, geurral wealro a ,, e I' • P. vp.r.41 ,, aper,le, Irregular bow I totloe ..verece cac ahoularr Wade. belond • • .. • Inv.:J..lmA Prat wits os Cosisextrtha --Coughing ight and day. gabby runaelett, general debility. great • tortrua. of breath on going lip stairs. a...reading a h. 11, or sr eating but a little fast, pulse elan,. sil i o so I ow • hundreal, for weeks together; drenching cold •• rats toward,. morning. ' t toorrhal Consumption tomes on like 4 common eate rrn or cold, but about the period when that Ma e sae &gnat y a expected to aultattle, Some el the ayinp tom• are aggravated The cough Is more troubl, som e . especially when lying down. Trterre is no fixed pain in the chest, but dthe'rult breathing, which is worst lying down. The appearence of the expel, termite 1, winch is capons, changed from a th ick pruner mor,•, to a thinner substance. It to very un pleasant to the patient, &admits An VoPle.at. , amen won, ho, mod is of an uniform appearance, amt. probably • mature of pas and totacoa, •• On auxinglit , with water part sinks and part swlrris. This disease orey rear to any , habit or at I.ly age, and to cheese ic resed by ti e peculiarity of the cough. The 111,a:tin of Ltverwon effects We care of this to althoua time., by expectoration, soothe and heal* the adeeted lungs It never fruls Wherever this merit. r lnr Itrta beeli u sed, we hear of its success. Per tin,- teen war. LI has been before th e public. and has been thoroughly tested for ail complunta of the Longs, and as. mood ,toe;(. ape or w men( to toy thong to age, K. ought glee h,indreds of testimonials from physi email. the press, d esir e and those who have 'hien eu• red Out all we desire 1. to mill the ancotion of the at 'Sleeted, and for their naa good they will try it. Look ouL tur counterfeits' Always obw , rve the si. nat.,. - teen. Taylor, Id D.,' on the engraved label, aria vrepared at the I,Vholeaale Depot, DI Beekman Street, New York. hold to Putaburch by J D Morgan P 3 Wood art I Townsend. IS Market se, H Smyser. cor Market and 3d as, Henderson 3 / 4 . Co, 3 lAberly at Pnce roloced o 111,3! per bottle. tool MOltliA N'S WORM KILLER Is tae hest Verralfugt %h.. any ma. con eive or use In his family Minr./n3cToN Tp , I Vestmoreland ru Pa Mr Jelin D llorgan• -Tina is to certify mat I bevy lwet scum, your Vermifoge tor some time. toy %bow of, year-and in that nine I bare nem known ti lc to mil in bringing worms away, when the symptom. indurated then . presence bed occasion to pre it to two grown op meenbers or my family. I F ave each cd them one dose. Old one of Mein pasted 21a1 and the oth er over 2. woirn• It la the ben Ventiouge that any man can use. in his rat 1 Prrimr.ht aim ..rid iNit D 31ORG.1N. Druggist. on R e door below Dtamond alley. 011 Wood at jets h. au le -Pore Red Rana Cha,. N, M D Potash, Strychnine. Chionde Lien! huipbur. White Precipitate, C)anuret Potash. psrt re (wheal and for lain by ,u 1 E SELLER )III,,.Ith:..D„R,U, Chloroform, Fat. hark lodule Iron. Nitrate Silver, UI Copatha Jones Posed, Citne Wind, i 'blonde Soda, Chlono lob e, Extract Ralston), Extract Quassa Jun recA and for eels by JI E SELL i ERS, lull GY Wood st DISISERCTINII enn.ITION CRLORADMI: Da dynotnnonell the Yin. or precool miner pie of all eontarions diseuet. removes the danger. nus effluvia of .tek rooms, ke By its cleansing . enc. , gy it re hexes ulcers, and intercepts all commonacable disease., artiothpr in man or animals, Ju t t m e m and for rale by jull SELLERS. 37 Wood tit - _ . T the sign of the Plana and 9ase i 79 Wood street a complete assortmerit of Onetanati Coopers Tools, for sale by 'style HUBER A. LA UPAIAN MACAVLAYI3IIIBTORYOF EN-GLAND—BM- Ior's edition. conounin all the verbatim et literaum. of Vol. I and Y ofldie Londeon Alum ; ne banished with a portrait of the author—al Vole. o. Price, complete. 50c A large supply et she %bore re ceived and for sale by JOHN 11 MELLOR, mid fll woody -•ad rt COCOA l3 siti t diaii ellroma L , A N T o I Chocolate a.' Coto.; also, Scheahlt erect spiced Chocolate. mat roc/ and for tale at the l'elun Ter 800, 7. Fourth rt my 42 W HITE gIATATIO - - aortae. polvertred Sograis,ma nno`d and fora p 7 rho Ohl or a m t mail, or TIM lam 79 Fountryk sn I witnessed the adtrulthiration or Dr Louie ft Id, ey's nrepeneme for Cholera. in the ease of an appren thee to the plastering bv•lnes• in this warn (Hagers town.) Hos ores a well marked ease of Asiatic:Alto. lent, MOM rice water evacuations. cold clanimy'skla, cold loagur, small tmendlout pulaes.-4 considered ha situation truly ton y, and alarming its aw kilo pro mos to Dr. Wakey, and was pr'esent a the adrends tranon of the first cow: or medirme, and sew him re peatod/y during the attendance of Dr. Wlckery; he re covered so 0 to be able to anend to end wore at ha trade 1/1 • few day. lam sure be teal 11011.3 other but the medic:the ndusitused by Dr. Wtehey. RIC 11•111/ W. Davos, AI l) and The only true end getunne Da. Wmalte's Clivlera I Diarrhoea Med:tune as forepart,/ and sold whole sale and retail. by JOHN D. MORUAN, Batit iuditlitm one door below Diamond &hey idw as - it EAILD. es_RATEFEL (or the very tsseral eneotaseament I A... - have received for so mans yeara, I have dimes mated to enlarge my hexane. eousulmabiy. Hawing engaged a competent Foreman, I will be enabled le An all orders promptly, and do the work in ma usual style and at fat. price*, end ask the attention of mew chants and onset. to say large stork of lIPHOLSTE, Rl' GOODS and Beds,. Alatuoses mod Bedding, Car tel.) atalefl/Al, Dasnaaks •ndlloreeo, Camino; Fn. gee, Bordering; Tassels, Split end Roller B Led. and every article usually kept ut an ealanliabinnial of the hand. Orders respecifullY solicited and promptly at tended to. N.... B.—Carpels made and pat down. . 6. 'w . VAAL NORLR L - A ,5:-L ui.Noi Lard, for sale. - ' OA — APOILLS & ROE DILI T ID APPLES-300 b ulimicti----01volAtbr E.G. A. BAKER, corner of Fourth and Branch we, up weirs, •pleuldm Philadelphia Paper Ilangtsagas T_TA VINO parchawd at three of the largest Facto. i.ttv• to the Ka., New York, Philadelphia and lialumore,) • large assortment of the newest and most improved sty In of PAPER HANGIrkIiS, BORDERS, Re., and made atrangemento by winch I will be anat. bled in procure all new Patterns. simaltaneous with their appearanue m th e Ealt.eru market, I annul rite the Intention of those desiring to have their houses papered with the lawn styles of paper, to call and chanune my stock, before purchasing elsewhere. have now on the way trom the East, ZIA= pieces of Gold, Satin Blared, and common •Paper Hanging., which I eon sell at pes mann born eta to $2 pwer. el rm h IS C HILL. Ef7 wood at f'ITTBB URG H GAZETTE, re, ,‘ WEESL 4 .4 44.4... 8.a4.0, toss Offile... RATES OP ADVERT/SISIG. uneoesertion of noes, or lese,. ......... 50 r Two incertrone withootalteratione 0 70 !lure Ono Week •... ...... I 00 ...... Two Week. I 60 Three . 5 One Month, ..... .... 4 Two 00 " U 0 Three •• ce Longer edshrthemenu to some p.... wra roportirn One agorae, 6 months, wi th out ulseratlan,. .. 14i ul each idditiocasl square for 6 te 1.5 onthe tai One square. 6 montlmosanwabl e al pleasure. 15 98 o o OU each add itioualsquare for 12 mon the.. •.• . 10 88' 'Poro G maths, ressable at plesuore, So In Knob adrhtmohl • quash, 6 mouths, •••••• BW. whia62 o I . III.IIISSILLT It DAILY ...... One square. 3 losertions, " " - each ltdrlitiOntliesertioc," • • •••• 37 cons.. rive lines as y f, 00 " •• - - - • ' rt:o - riVa 5 OJ one year, daily & weekly, .1A 0 : six months w " 0 APllllrrisaarzwrs iltyrzi caw /Aril. Pot 11 Ulm., or less, One insertion .•••••••r 3 . ' 0 lt " Thns 00 " Titts• uaths, S.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers