BY RAGNETKTELEGRAPII. • 4 . 3 r - • . FOR T • a: a : H DAILY GAZETTE dkannTAl, op -' WA2IIIIISOTOP. 411i' Nam Yoac. Sept. 4. Via Steamer W ' Oa arrived at 12 o'clock 116 t tiled, brining days later inteßgence Rom :-Emcipe, ird, U , ,_ Thirty this:wind Rif ~.. solider Lußz. are said et ., to have Ewell comp! ' yhtited by an inferior three ruder Bern, and the salvors hunted into Wail. li f 1 ;4 A bulletin f ro m allittnaki, dated,Olocdpis, „ lialy 290, speaks of t ii:#zet greet victory ho hes obtained over the R iwiat after basilic anagked them by serprilso on !he lif ht 01 the 234. The Rasaians di 'lake a stand. Many of the officers fled in the'', ahirts, others were cut donut or taken pets, 41 Two regimens of Hessian Cuiramers, were nearly annihilated, TO Russians rallied, and fought desperately in itiorning, but a brilliant esvalry attack decided 4:, contest. The Ruiadans left 160 dead on the fieldi and eighteen esonona beeid4ooo prisoners 11 tfS O 3IA. This SAlowicg Romilitia intelligence is given. What then must haveClieen the reality, if they confess this muetc— kii On'the 23d of July, 11b rides were attacked in the pen of Lmh, by tißPdagyars, and forced to fatten They were riqfolsed with four piece, of artillery, but again kfturd to retire, after three ip i , Mom of. fighting, inwiffieh they kw, in killed aid wrosinded,4 officert tag 60 privates. , ' ThellnPrars esssedii rough the pose. Viefutals cow ~, ed by only akw new gashoUand when the p 4 .0 left, Freiburg had been ;cietspiett by the Hemnes. ~, - Legate from Yienni"soalrm the oocupalion of tail. byth a Hungaria t iffil Somelittasars bad ap piaredirven within a,* leaves of Vienna. l'hatAturtnana werit}6astlly colleming an army tr 425, 0 00 men at Pettfikrg, to amuse rha offer five. . hill 'in Zeitos'-,,0f the 15th, that • greslan Zeiton/,',... ~ says that pe seas who arrived lel:Vienna that evening, atßm OS a sanguine engiOment had taken place a, Gielivrardica. ThioAungarians had Mac non .l. a body of tsl3 000 men, including the! Marsh= Klansen4. The affair. of Coligtrn urn in the mime at the last dates. The ReefferMHis •aiit-e threatening Pressburg. Sunday interveni% ince the trailing of the Calejr dimia,we have notteiii new to notice in the mapi kers 21 NEW YOiK MARKET. mC64:i ILI New You., Sept. 4. Flour--The markteds dolt. Lower grades are beams:ad in favorY?tuyera Gmln—Corn is filpt, with no change in juices. Provision are &Osaka of prime porkltt 58 75 end of mess at $lO Wgper Nit Whiskey In firm(lSlhestrtEl cents. avklo Isfrotirr. New Foes, Sept. 4. Flems—The magi is doll, and prices are Sn favor pf the bnyeraPles of common to good, and straight brands Vern and Genes., st 55 87 per Ws., the t, 62 for the former. Grain—The, deeitind kir Wheat is pod, but transactions are 114; the enquiry is chiefly h. pant samples. S of Genesee white at pre bushel. Com ia4l.sclred for, for shipment. Sales of Weatern mine `xl 59 cerita, and of Southern white and mixed 'AI cents per bushel. Froviewnis—Thfifj is nothing doing in provisoes worthy of notice, 44 the market is steady. Laid s stagnant, at 6104 es per lb. cell*. nt MARKETS New l'ona, Sept. 4: The offerings wnrit heavy, with sales of good fe tich:4 vowel sittfi 50657 50 net. Piarancuuts, Sept. Sales of beeveilli 55 mewl, and allege asp 025 25. VI • 3 AGILIOILTVEULL !MAXIMS. 1 l p „Af. i =emir iiiipmesiest Posner -ea diem -la7-i T ..,1 bished Writer. From the Petro OM= Report for 18411 la Manure la AT basis of agriculnual prosper ity and sciecuta Ni 2d. Crops are always in diced proportion lathe manure which tbf•Vitermer own gd..Of all Mallitqes (easily obtained) there is game aovalriable*d important as stable manure; It agrees best wiitilill kinds of sails and pleats end modes of eultine. llh. Even if Mier mom emagetic imunrei be employed, this cannot wholly be dispensed with, and they Would be Cited rather to augment in.- lieu or replace tt-I,li sth. Those me nthes are not in sufficient quan tity or so naive I as to =parsed° the use of stable =mom— ii, as • general thing, oiliti. non scold be Ira ,II le without the aid of his tatter. Wm . •• , i &h. It is not del area which gives i the moat profit, buttliski which la the beat tilled at d especially the beif,manmed. "7. A email Gm:dwell cultivated and well mania d will give serrated clear profit than a large bye, Where the samel.,labor and the cone quaritity of MUM= are cilliryed on a greater extent re smitten. 6th. With a 4eicat quantity of manure.' the swat arid and uaromising sod may be made Oro &neve and yieldi abundant crops. 9th. In the W O W degree as the product dept amon the area,i i tt on the culture hod quanti ty of manure, the greater quantity of ola aura depend Mt Pu the greaten number of i an imals but onthpyfresten amount of fodder nom wined- 10th. Aulmairairoduce nothing themsel)p they. only laalligletyo the fodder they come:mei Into suantutri partlit lit asemilat•W for Mari sus renliMe, • • rt becomes eXarerllarit Or (tan ! um. Tie m , nourishment the Mans redeive • th e u m. . .1 - 7 the manure they return. I • il2th. A.leitel l - ' makes less mann/15,6in a Ott one—a wedged one gives twice as moat as a poorly fed imeti . jab, When er much and good fodder itgpro duffed, there i 4 703 produced m9ch good praline; and whetteverfkae is a wifileient quantity of manure, .tdtereall be rich and 'bandana bar :, win Nth. Since, n, the rumen of agricultnis de pends On old Witter* on the trkuitity of mbnore produeed,=l again depehdi on the qcgrotity o f 6..,,gd m . ed, it follow that the grpatast quantity of gaper • consumed or'pe monist want of the illtdm income the mint solid;prea- PRICY. 1.11 " • Llth. Genetidfr. She awn if egitcrito." man agement d mat .I,be i jUdged of by the amilunt af cultivated hddir on -which it is 'based, dad iin progress in tgeilroduntion of (adder oho td to regarded alaci,fail the proven Warming. We frtaa theiXurnat crAgricakunt 4'sat+Atue., , These maxstni ore very applicable to obieoun tries but maskl rah so Co those parttoniof our 001113211 whet+ e virgin soil isconildered Weedy too rich and la ' hatistade, but they will bei &Deli able to thamiiii_the conise of • few years: Each one of them #o.lbe taken as • mit, and tom ihil sedan ott.nitang article, which I leave to the Choke of thawirrito are better prepared Win . Tour mda, N. T. 5PE.242, Hi soninorn coulees.. • Hanssus, Al 4 Jane 1619. i i W. tairright, W. D. Desal _ - ' ;'IS Omcs and tostdenio on ' h.. ~.""' • ;t potato the Plusborgh Batt* OM '. I a 4a rom_ 9 o•rlnek to /9,1(0 , itno • .... a .., e ev.k .5 P.M- 1110.4 4 T ~ ImiptiOramouta to Daaatlstryi. Mo. o. %MARKS, lab of Damon, taprerered faardlithurstizat Moot Tartu to whom ind paru le% e. qp , Lion or Atmoaphotioltaedon Mmes.— Tanzania Mr torn. aoscrm,orlarradtdoervo is =tOwed residente next door to Lke May en, F meet, ratablirek. ' i gal= Tb - M. Padden, F. n. titan. 1 Ule , . Vero 62114i...tut, Inguranoe.—Tits Pim* oumon Liagillitizia Aso Fins Issirsemin Cliniyiai -41=1=54 t oon to Maitre, awn lerf de. eat9tioa o!firt*en7, at At beard rata. I OM; Mili.ta Market swam _ ,1 , ; ,) SAMUEL GOBSILYiProote ROM SSIO9u. Seer. my9-Aom reemetatittims Ettesa—Prepared by J. kV. Say "NONSits sinkers N.Y., and for sale by A 3 digit'. 70 Feast iddetiL Th. *Ol he found a dellital aril of bore to families, and pitlential ; tot seek lapse. V," Baxileee . ~ .—An Intpreved Clocolsisk pref.. i ws..beimfllllssmbiation of Come huh Inn m, tn. `roadmr 14m . straattle, highly recomineyniicil yank li W t ir Pmetaud by W. Maori bombes. _n ug, for ink b7 A. JAYNES, etho Prim eeet ~,x , r 6. 6. 70 Founb at inrttia -------_ Ar - L PLIMON POB UA 'I. 111 gibORD A Co. will introduce thhi deyaßle , . ;;;; Atte 4511.1 the fell atria of 6112nel:den* r*F; a i t ,' .of FM ...s wc.4 rrnu. i ...cts , ~ i ; FALL PAARIQUIL f • ~ .. -...- ,17n Lituo , Y ...AC mite the heed ji;:y . • ....ill introduce the fall eryl of RATS, O the Mt leer; which, bui beauty of tad , annt lo b".9""d- ledtra dlm ____, . ---- w ortictoll l .l, iT WII,OI..roSALL, ' n_,V,GSPHS 111Vit. tho saeoutot of roar ~n to d!! srp supply of tear Good. t o m oponerdlottro, *. O . 2d tort, moths., ....., market Mee% POisborgir, 724. • Ids %Trona soppiy fqr this rpriag,ho has outtry Itt of goodat mince pries. sad sum 113 1 0 essi Iss *mod sphere , , 0... ,„...- filAV—Gold ad, Biker Waiebea slaty, of ske fittest qaallfies . best pat. t.paats;masie"of standard e In and war iry a fall asiont Patent Sow ~o w uni n w versal axe s a ad tivina ita Tiblar Vase, Speafitaleh.G"W Pen n , Re. _ . WWti N, Pug laps 8d Lai• by and, COMMERCIAL RECORD. PITTSIMME6II HOARD IPIP TRADE COMMITTEE FOR SEPTEMBER. DAL.=l..t. Nr n. 2. nom µg VIEW OP TUE P IT TIBLIRGEI II ARKEIT, rot TIM Wm flats scruarm 4, 049. I ..4 the week just - closed, no inlet -Last change. lave taken place m the general market Every thing hi. b e en quiet, and quadroon. bane been marked by rid material change since our lass weekly review. iDaring the greater part of the week, the river has cfnatinued very low, and business in that quarter ex. utkraely dell; bat daring the past few dela things here presented a mom encouraging appearance. We have hkd abundant rains in Ws vicinity, and alms the head inters of oar rivet., and there has been a avllleitent e for many of our mail and middle glass biyata, Which w&lllyestenitty being hauled up from the lOwer Wharf, for the reception of freights. Quite • lively ttp. Otranto wax presented along the wharf yesterday, .fad we think the fell trade may now be regarded as Saving fairly commenced; and by the ending of anath et week. we hope to witness a renewed activity in re eky branch of business I The receipts of flow and grain LT error have roc yet been limited—the applies in, market continue Very light, and our former quotations are well maiataiked ASHES—The near approach of the fall season boo Caused • better feeling in the ashes mat bet, hot, as yet. We find no material change in quotation.. Far good hrands of Sods Ash we continue our qootations at lit 631 c by the cask; Satan.. lik; Perris ffii3sl; Eslitth 41041 e, and Scorching. at 33310 P ib. ALE—We notice no change In pricer, and a regular business only is doing by the brewers, .t firl,soo9,ivi bid. according to quality . j BACCIV—Savenl consenroble lota bare arrived by nvor Minot/ the put few duo, but bang mostly de r signed for shipment cut, but lode acceeston has been ,roaderto the mppllea of the market, and sale. arc reg. , ularty effected al folly quoted rams Sales have been confuted to limited parcels at the 'renown. , rates,— Plain barns, .409 e, prune bagged mid sugar cured hams, 104 e ite B. Sal. of Shoulders at Gc, of Sides ' tSist B. BRAN AND SHORTS--Reeelpts continue IMM, and supplies are homed, wtth sales of Bran at 100 lie, of Shorts at MfOrMV huhel. BCCEETS ANDTUBS—We contince our fnwo starer at INAS dozen for Bucket, .d 5e.5089 V dor. for Tats, according to sue. BRlMS—Bales of pure rectum at 79e, and of mined at 1322650 ♦ b . BROOMS—Sapplos continue headed. and prices bight say, for good merchantable M 5152M.50, nod for best quality 112P9/3,73 ♦ dos. ' CREME—The receipu of cheese have been quste fall during the week, .d notwithstanding the full ship ments east, we nodes n fair supply in the market, with regular sales of common W. Ran bkilti/e• and at Cream at tliCße CRACKERS—A turd= business Is domg at the ft miring quoted retest Water Cracker., per bbl Butter do v Dyspeptic do " Pdot Bread " do Pa lb COTTON—We bey of none offering to the mark: With supplies in the market at present, prices could be obtained far above the old figures. COTTON YARNS—A farther advance has taken place In Cotton Yarns, and we now quote a. follow,: • .171 No. 13 els per lb --do " 16 • 1.6 i 16 196 “ IV rarcv IEOEI Mil No. 500, eta per lb al Na.EDO, eta per lb do " GCO, 91 '• Carper Chain, .... • —2O Candlewick, Coverlet Yarn .... •• • .20 Bag Filling, 17 2B I Batting, No I. 2. 3-11.10, The above an the eatabludied prices, nab 5 fr eI. of r cash, for all mat over 850. CORDAGE—The Following la a list of Nines for thi venous mules under the head lilandlarope, by entil, di eat, White Rope, by cod, do eat, Tarred Pepe, by evil, do eta, Panting Yarn, bee, i11a,01,6kk1,00340:0 P dnz_ 0 151.02P0a3,r5 O dos. V =it ; •• •toe Main. St • • • • Hemp, Enge p do. Ryanixed Cordage Is sold regothrly at Ink f COTTON SEPITINGS-Pinsburgh manntsetured brawn &gallop are *old regalarly at the maimfemorY tun for common, or Nonwook, and lithe A No. ',rod very lam. CANDLVS..-Ydeea earenue quite firm, with sales of Etat candles elillatilgto; of mould tallow et ill, and of Common dipped at De r D. COPPI2I , -Salea of Cliff Miut Copper to cake and is gets at 19090, of Shatrthlng at 29e, and of old copper at 100190 DRIED FRUIT-Tee season ta doll for tined (sits. and no sale to any large extent has come to or know. , edge. We qmot Peaches al SIX, and Apples w 503 530 P be -000 Stlert,..... . to. tt. 00002. DRUGS-The following is a hat of prices of some of . : . 11•11E, c e de, ;reed, mese.", m A rt hur. A. Nrch ti the mow prominent articles under this bead 1 I .on, beg !eh .e to inform the mama of ritottur Ili and pub,c genrmlfy. that they have rebuilt the F A- Aloea lb. •••• • • • •150134 Unancone. fp . b. •.. 412 tti.b. FOUNDRY end are now to full operat,on. •mi Alum, ff -Ri 1 4 ComPbmi " -.15 „,1 4. „ %have part a :6 , r pattern. ready for the in het Chloride f s '''' Amongst winch aro Cookout £tovel, Coal and Wood Arrow BMW,. 44014 Cochineal, I.Dgl IX aveft. with •pfendld afr-right Cr.! Stove, which ' • •19, 01 . 1 , u • • ' • 4 3 ,„, now superceitng other cat . the common ro and Lit/Large. •• • 9 Stove. Alm, erne. coal Cook, rye '3100., wet; .041- M."" th .br.,Th.l ' 6l2l " .." tor small Mathes with a full atutortment of com- Castor 011,bh1.81.1001,bd Sal Soda " • 4349. e Quinine, oa• dike, " " 11 .i 13 awe Ito ettentton of peewit. batlihne to call et our FLOUR-Tim market during the week has been ,warenonfe 1-efore purehootott. and examine a •plentlad ...b. by Oo maurtai ehaage , .d sales entirely con : . article of enarrarelled Grates. finished in Lae wy le ennrely new in Goa market fined to the regular home demand. The sales ham, Ivo. been confined to hosted lots from wore at 94.7n04 .P anal- dn, NIrIIOI..SaN e PAYNE stud 81,67 p bbl, which is a slight improvement (root , F s g Da Idquortee Root, ;ma reed and ton .010 try am t week's quotations. No Rte. Wawa:tent have VI auetr J Kailt transpired from,first hand.. the °dentine hiring extrem,, Ax7IIITE 60u-A. A Name A Co - GO Mar. ly.light Small lots have Men sold from wagon et St. k m street . vile the partittol. attanuon of par -1064,68 bbl. chum. thwr extern/me a...mune. of White Goods, ;Os. J Leone, So t. 6 and Moil Nimbus, Sewed, Striped RYE FLOUR-With limited wappltes in the market' and Corded; Bishop and Vtcforta Lawn. Ac . we may quote norrunally at 15:1,37 p bbl. Very (title 01 Call early at only cheap one price wore, on hi .r -• het strew augt, off FRUIT-Of Ratans the supphes are entirely exhatiall ed, and We eau report no sales. Of Smyrna Fig., the: market u bare. Sales of Almond..altalee, of Za n e Currants at 80910; of Englwlt Walnuts and Pilbertal at 9n, of Pecans aithelfrilb; of Groundnuts at 0.2075 c: p ho; and of Lemons at 67XX9 p box. FISH-We notice fair supp les m the market, with regular sales as follows Salmon, 910440 Mackerel No, gat 81,7566 for bbl., and $3,23 for bf bbls. New No. 2 Mackerel are sold et WOOD, and old at 67,60 Pi. bbl. No No. I tu the market. Sole. of Herring ai 115,5005, 75 . FEATHERS--eedcs have been limited at 3:133te lb. FREIGHTS—We neuee a inaction in the Imes ef freight to Cincinnati, eince the rise, the charges nooi beteg Me Per lue, with a downward tendency. 04 the canal from tine point cam, the following are MO rates for some et the principal ariltics: Bauer, Eamon, Lard mtd Tallow Tobacco Leaf, Ohio, IP MO. do " ifyi, Feathers Wool, Pars mad reluies Hemp, Seeds of an him* Whiakey,per bbl Flont, poo bid •• 100 e 816 a .7 • •41:se ate GLASS-The market is without any perceptibie change. For the vaklo. sir.. 131ridorr Glass, city irtlndaß by 13,14,00; 10 by 12 &Usk 12 by 19 VP; Pak em de 10 by It to 10 by 21 610,6001112 ge boo. For the venous gees of country broods. the &Ilowidig an the established pri.s: . 0 by ..... ••••-•• 4005 11 by Id tO by 13 •-•- 3,03 11 by 17 lY by II ----.......3,75 12 by 10 -• to by IS • ...... • • -400 IV by 17 • le by 17 30 ear Gums-We give the following range for some of the principal articles of Flint Glass reennfactrued and sold in Ws eat. Plain Tumblers per do: 30e093.00 Wulff do 15721 1,75 PCtied do ' s 1,025. 3.95 do do tom 71 Goblets. Luo Cbetropeignes. 3,72 a COO Wine 131 asses, (// // boa bpi) Lcutonades, 73s 6,Wt Jelly stand., each Decanters, pe r dot , 1,09013.0. Pitcher9_ " 1.12 20/ do heavy P,0000& Per Pair. kflislo, do honey cot flout, ca. 75a v. 50 Motu. , cans. Ws 61u do !Irina:de tops. per pair 75a Op Flower vases Par .4.oes 1.110 , do do km, P. O Ps , 0,00.10 no • Jelly Gleseee, per dd. t,9da 7.100. Pressed sweet-mat dishes, per dot I,2satorei . do do bowl., per pad eau GA/ &Men Imola and pins, per dos I,ooa Artalrens=o =or roasnrcea. Specie Jars, lackered covets, IF dot 1,25.10,00 , &how Jars, pet dos ii,utiotston Fisted Colognes, " rarensres, gro.d hopper, p dos 1,O3412401: Show Bottles. each 75a o.cra; GROCERIES We nolleo a g.ersi firmness e ery thing wider this bead, hot sales have been confined .to limbed tran.etions. Rio Coffee boa odes:mediand may now be quoted at 22081 for fair to • primwarti etc Eagan me in fair request at OPGfe for N. 07000 0010 e for Leaf Melees. Is steady at 2000's ikr 71 G.. and 39044, as in quality, for & R. Bice .earn, and in geed demand at 6105fe P 5, in tieTeet. No change in other artless node, this bead. GRAIN-We have noshing new to nobn under this bead. Receipts bane been very light, and tales limit ed, In Wheat, Rye =a Barley, eery links istioing, Lod quotations we entirely nominal, say, for *heal, SUOMI Rye 4511:7 Watley 5.70 bu. Bales of CAW at 0030 e, and of Corn ett 3710 V bu. from fins hands. Gun; fown - Ea—vv. genie FFG al 35,2M3.50 and Rock Powder ft 141.2301/3/21 P keg. HOPS-S.llns of F.... nna tI 110103e.i The markei is dull • ID `11.2P,300 IIAY-841. of good Tkozothy from was. ai P .1110 N ANDZIAILS-8. 1 0• of bar Ir. at Ilki of I BLen ad WOO 11 , Bales of No. 11340011104 . 0 41 ,10 4,4. 3 1 1 Pidd• 120160-13a/es of Spariza 1112111ACI of Manilla 4110119.10 fa. • Ll:lllpßß—The yard* are generally well supplied with eyery Ming ocder this head. Salmi of seasoned boardetrorn yard nL for common 811, and for Cie.( 14Z IP /4 re... LEO—Owing to the loos stage of water in the river. we hate had no ?see'''. of I..ead from mewe,t, and with jight supplies tn the market wer ote sale% at fully mtoteerates, say for Pia 41.ati. and for Dar Se , P LEaliEß—Sales of New York role leadstr at 1.9 019e4ad of Baltimore sole at 21011 b tb. and very firm LEAP PlPE—Nine. ranee for Mrs varioas Imes from 7 to ISt per foot, an advance. lilifittDEll—fMtea of Cmtiro at 129111 e P it MATT—Moderate sales of Bade" Malt from store at 100 e IP:qat MARINE INSURANCE—Rates of Insurance on argoei of ate.. and keel bouts: Fro%) Pittsbaradt to Whenline, Va., 40 j to and front Cincinnati, O. •}0 ( t o . ...... ••,ali • to B.onettle. • I " '• to Independence, d Olt " Galena, ,• 2. to idernplns, Ten..• •• • • • -10 - .} - to N. Clvlcam, From N. Orleans to Putsborgh, gti OS lonia Ctrg i ea w bwo n d . F . Int hoot, Thei . ehipmenta o( mer:handixe coon:Ilse mat:, and the atve are the prevatitnt, rates on ',Cod steam boats h,tt'ejd nt lOU I' et to Cinetnnati. Goodie stopned on keel boat.. be towed by steam. are ebarg':lll at 1431 V' et to Cincinnati falltMEGS—Sold regniarly at 131.120.5141 c per Ih MP?. —The @stool) . of Linseed ts eery Ilea, wide linutell sale• only at 75e Sales of No 1 Lard a 1,583 apd of No 3 at 5.5 c p gallon. Pld NIETAL—NotIng nr intreett has Manapi red , n the le.Dn market since our lust Sale* o: a small lot of Carnet Iron at ENO. 0 moo CAPTOR selling at 1 , 1.5001.5:1P gal. ROSlN—Regular sales nt bld RidUS—Reguler sales of good deem entied from fast heigli at 310 fs 11/. SOAP—Sales of common Rosin I. 444,44 c. of varies ted ?It 102 , 104 e P lb, note valex of moil.erasn quanUnea at 6l +4lr re. Tigt PaNTINF,—Sales at 46,91% P Sall. Vitir.C3 AR—Sales of good cider at Ogigic iv 03. VOLNISU—SaIts of Copal et 81,40082 y gall, by wiiITE LEAD—Dry Is selling atGic Y Ds, end pure Oal et sl,62ic i tag, 6 moa Owmg tv tha high pna• of tng lead In the weft, and the advance in whoa Vttquarter.are may anticipate av irapro•ement 11.3[6 No material champ has u yet takau place, but pt,i).• are very firm. WOOL—Priem comma's ateadaly to advance. and thez: t rallowing may nave 6e given u the pratent rtr.hog figura. Fcr Common 1: Full Blood Prime ........ WIIISK.EY—The market conttnues 0007 gam, moth ulps of Recutled at 240. and of Haw, whmh a exeeeu tutty scarce, at 2.sfMc A Li..64111Ci1. September 4,194 P. GEI:VES-110 offotings at the yard on blonCar steponte.l to about 4 head. the larger portion of yeti •ch leek of ordinary quality 9.11 es to a fin extent were effestted of a range of 4 to Se net.. o,4l£l.P—The °donor% were into, with roles at • rouge of St to 11.7.5, la in quality PORT OF ARRRIV ED. Louis MuLane, Bennett, Brownsville. R Wurhunno. -. Etasnet6. Peyton., -. McKeesport. Treace., Wilkins, Cincinnati. Elite. Bowers, Ctn. DEPARTED. Lolll. hiclAne, Benner. Brownerille R. Wightman, El,z3betb. Peytons, WlCcesport, Caledonm, Calho., TEE Its - mt.—There were 33 inches in the elpannel, by metal mark, lent evening et dunk, end at a grand. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY Lours MeLaue. Brownsville, 6 1". M 1." Fairmount. St. Lows. Geneva, Ciaeinnan. IL bezel:l6: eo., packet hue, so k TOR narrows. 11, 5. MA. & Co's Canal Packet Te o't ock. Fon CiNCUMaI —The splendid tight draught swan , 'vGeneva, Capt. Wiliam., will leave the wharf two: .ania the foot cf Sit tket civet, this dal. olcring a Oro aoportanity to an grish in moat or sbip to 11111 dl (cotton. Tim Geoeva. to point of safety. and of excel knee of ancommodanora, rand. d-tirrced.7 high. . Fop r Loon—We ere pleased to....pounce lbat fie eel:unt liKht draught steamer Fatratoort. Cat t pos‘aveiy leave for f... 4 Louis, tbts *ice adveru•entent. MBM=M Premium fitgaerberry Plants, AT GREENWOOD GA RDEN.—lhost , Prue, the premium room, SIMI per hundred. %%c.w . o. and Ilovey'a 2,ediloge. 50 emit. per hundred —all Mrifty pleats woran:ed Orders from thmtice. earefol.y put up and fro - warded. Alf, a low eo , lccoon m ffreenhome Plat a. Fashalph and Taylor'. Sced:lna Reapherry, Ac An ONINICIUS leave,. the Allegheny Coy cod afthe St. Clair Street Brolge, fur the Gorden, every her hoot during the day The .team boot will commence Oa regular my. sfooon al the river aural JANIPS. , Li! K AIN. M • , CLINTOCR. No.lsFourth at, has received thin day anoi ter lot of ihowe hen %acme French Transparent Sid dca, thing which In point o• beauty and nay ever brrndrld to this vial. keh autal Icon A. CLIO. 120 c o( N Lidlkon. (1 v.. "Islam. CRAIG & SKINNER, GF.NERAL MANGY, COlLOnission and Forward. trig Merchn: t..SI All arketar I . :tubers& Pa O - Prompt ntuinuon given to the purchase and inao of all Itinds of Pridnee. Roca vo—JoL'i Watt & Co., Murphy. Wilson &Co. Pituinurgh, Pe.. Lawson & Bill. Mahlon M•run, John 11. Brown & Co., Gragi Elliott k Co.. Philadelphia. B. Mr Snodgrans & Co.. Wove er.. Nacos New LIM, Fr. Skinner. lion. C. D. Coffin, Cincinnati; J. P. Haller, Youngman, O. W. L. Stan den. Cleveland, 0. Finale among which may is found a Feneral a...torment or rapciary. Brussel, extra, and • up , r 3 ply Carpet. supo•finc. 114 and common Ingram Carpets We recommend all symlnna m yurchaan Carnet., to call on W. ItI'CLINTOCK, 75 Fourth at. augg, MAROC &SI% MT AWES & GRAHAM are pleased to inform the. EL easterners and the palate,. large at Me , have on hand a very egmnsive sloe* of MAHOGANY, and all other wood usually kept by the trade, watch they offer at the fallowing unusual to prices, TIT: 372,12.0 11 of thotc.6 Veneers, from of all th ic to 31 et& per 11. 160.260 Boards and Plank kness, welt seasoned. 20.164 '• Shaded Wood Veneers, from! to 21 els per foot. 3.500 ft of the mall roper, to:Wed MmLegong met erred in this marl. 111,000 fa Rosewood Veneers, from 2 to 8 et* 25,011/ ft What Italy, of a , l thickness 2Ve feel coafilem from our long experience, the ad. vantrures we hese in or:porting •od rowing, that we shall always he enabled to keep on hand stock of the wort superior qualny and finely figered wood, lot the very lowew market pi-torso sus e‘lthe taste of the most fusodiris, that may be pleased to favor us with then oettortaee All orders premphy filled and Gore tatty packed HA WEN sr. GRA It A Id 176 & 17 , 1 Centre at. two doors North or Canal st. auy:dims_ N. W Yong PRICES REDUCED. BURR MILL 2 , 10 , 11 , .6 naanufan u red Fromm, composed of but few A}Locks and *WM eyes—, large r swat - meet, the Lest of the stn.!, always on " :21.;4.!- 7 F s r i e l r y te r b ed ru o rr t ' N ' ffl os 6 tone • of flr 1 1 my own manutacture, made et era and superior quustv Woe, These Bans arr made under ley own sopenn P.M:Saone, aol as Stat core 11 , 1...11 en ,u rose tho loin close, and to ha s e a the Idoese in s.ico sr6 of a onifonn temper, they are to be e, I 6• er2 best quat.ty, *upon... to those maported F and also slperlor In use re t mus oft d. made in this country, and at rums lower how ha, , ever baron , been erered In Mit market. Laurel Hill Mill tstottea, all macs. it.hing Cloths, all numbers; at the twat quality, war rrented to entigNetton to the pureteerr, tool at rten' redec..d price* Mill ', Anil:idles. Mill Iron., Screws and Pick,, Plat , form Neale*. Corn and Cob Orinders; Grit! end haw 61111 Commies of all kinds, and 11111 Furnishing in gen. gt,l 3 • 4,7.5 • 4, 1.17 i ..6,90 7110 All antm promptly nttend.d to nt 211 Le ny sue, nem the CLAaI, Pittalwrgh. my , aim W, W. WALLACE TUBS AND 'DINE AND CEDAR 'A E No. E 7, cornet or Mart 1, 66 ,,h. Thetobiortbor to wholevit c and retail, Tory be Waal:, Tow, Rath Tube, ?lonaA othl:ruelhin'dt.; of Wire toner 6 *opt 15ALDWINIIIILD — FiNTTE:1 FAMILY FLUE tt.- 1.) The subscriber will to conmantly on hand the above EXTRA FLOU, wbach ego., to 6h, 66 , hicAde in the market FantOtc• err regal*. 1,034: OM! fth at and l ?!1 aKrtjelLaTeav izAkr,;:eu..trr.No 14 i; 200 • Dury do; ost 7B C :g a KILLER & tuctersori LOCAL MATTERS. Acrtnazo TOR TUN FITfIUOtOU I.IIX cuzerm Lamm". Roos—We Nee that these necessary protectors from the elmirm Out are daily increas ing in our midst. Passing by the Perry Use, yesterday, We discovered seven of these Otter ing Nods directed to the nk,eo, effectually shield ing that exposed hir•dmg from all future dam ages on that mare and adding much to tir ap pearance. On tenuity, we learned that they were put up by Messrs. Decker Sc itehinsort, who, we understand, mil remota in the city, having been enable to leave from the press of business- We regret to gen that the Court House, tae most ex posed building m the too cities, a still without protection. fl it rho be struck with lightning, the injury would doubtless be rent, if not inter.• punble, nod the Commissioners would scarcely he able to excuse themselves to the people co the plea of expense. The people never cons pixie of what is absolutely neccastuy to protect inch SUTILIDIS Cover, Sept. 4. I 649.—The Court met Guq morning, present, Judges Rogers, Coulter, and Beet, and proceeded with the argument hat from the county of Allegheny. McCullough et al vs. Gilmore--Error to Disitot Court, argued on part of plaintiff in error by Mr. Austin, and on part of defendant in error by Mr. Washington. McDonald vs. Scaife et at—Error to District Court. Argued on part of plaintiff in error. by Mr. Darragh; and on part of defendant m error, by Mesers. Williams and Shinn. Fatal - , oa I.clet.usa," Is a new hovel by Mary Brunton, author of Self Control. Sold by Mane, dth street. Mama ' s 07rIcs, Allegheny, September 4th.— Three persons made their appearance at the morn lug watch retrace to day. One was scoured of drunkenness, and was committed to jail Jar twenty four hours. The next was charged with the same offence, but rts, when sentenced to pay the usual fine, be made use or protane language, ho was seat to Fla for two days, no W. the case with the next customer, who was accused of the same offence. Vanitoncr.—Rebecen Young was committed to jail for ten day. by the Mayor of Allegheny on Monday afternoon, charged with vagrancy. Ba.a=a ur arr Chm,loica—Aa o!d farmer was brought before the Mayor of Allegheny yes terday morning, charged with interrupting th. clerk of the markets while is the perforMance o his daty. He wan toed five dollars. A resolution passed at a meeting of the Young `den's Literary Insulate. liuolovi, That, whereas, a notice has appeared in the Gazette. salting that the young men had (mined, or were about to form. • • •-• atiot as directed by the Rev. A. West, of this city. e ,ieem It bat Justice to ourselves to state pub hely that the reverend gentleman had noth ing whatever to do arab the organisation of said arsomatron, to any manner; that the pea. feat or greeted entirely among the young men who DOW C napes° a. On notion, Remleed, That this be published is two of our city dailies Pittsburgh, Sep, 31. 1919. The notice which appeared in the Gazette, and s rhich is albuied to above, was brought to this oh a ce by a member of the Institute referred to, or at least by :doe one purporting to be such. %s;- t& ir did it state last the young awe had formed an la.clabon as darnnd by the Rec. Nathaniel We a. Tao word used was prepared. It was to tem 4 as an Item of total news a! the request o Ell=== eoctety • the ex panic ni e n ad vent.nmen Th e ey,,,yeiretee Fee Eerne ut Atlegbeey c ty, we en! trit. - ed, ',•a• beeu my:Tattered by the t evot z eato 1,, o•d Ana tey it L.:wars {u4 e to te et,setteast axe made btti t^ati rod e Palatuh 001 the e•ty p lug :,, ir.e Cal.. he C. pa p .14 .1 Itemeelvel, 100 lbw, ,eme tee.a. uttetteted a neat to lA< ettg.”o eshtritun fire r.p ce hea not boen suriundered orburgh. Seotctstber The Mayor's icons was sttenued tc.wlay by a more tatnerous assernhtsge thaa usual, tberr. nein. posoners resent. Mr. cnc Mm x and Mrs. Mats, we ra bronghl from a ce.lar whore they lived, ta V:rgto alley. on a charge of dro °ken ass, and dtrardefly conduct The rond.a of the filthy hole .n h'eh they resole, beggars de, sonyttoo. One career ma seed as a stabta, sod the a each proceeding (rum Lie manure eprend around oa nil side., :a horrid. The cells of the] ill where they were font, (Mrs. W. f.r ten day, her bore bend for 'sweaty, and Mrs. "dins for th.rly.) mutt-, bee parailiee con - par...on Two pa flow. ap;-ea•ed who :lad been arrested on a char - aof larceny, on Wan , the stekru [oat Elote„ but we refer to this case ore ei iroge n j NOTICE another plc ^a.Lore r"", The remaining priloners had been brought , rt oa various charges, chiefly. dr:inhalant" , and dis- ' ttie Uec scei • inr,..4: 4 Ait, g. b,n - i y i !i n need orderly condo et. They were all, with one en- t : eeption. committed to jail for various peris (Mtn ..os fI F: t,rony oven to al: persona tr.dethted L., • u e. •T. u,ot to th. sailessignesl, c 0.,/ twenty-four host rs to thirty days. mome r,,tnag cmtm• •gammt 1.. to present them for set , I:KNJ AMIN GLYDE,Assignee. AMIAULT 'MIL Ann RAI T —Eugene Percy was seal i . Pinsourgh. I t rcritillAtort junc 6 leiti yeeterday cornmo:ed to jail by the Mayor, chart+, T K es oath of Moe. Burley, with boating bin wife, Ile „•iii e your Mir.❑ F.utd and Red Ink ft it ewe/ ivrii committed la )1111. - ; ye.',.. fadNem the hest I ever put pin Liao wP ran tr.t a:ong vronout any imported art.els to tae ink torn hnreufter, pours, ror sale oy It A Fithersinek k Co.. Pittsburgh. Ft P. `Schwa.. Alieghe ov city; au d by the manufacturer Tha. ens if Ittith^rt Drtre est and Chemist, earner of Lib", • .1d ectuillacld Strectit, Pittsburgh, Pa. smog LsanocarsCOnna74.—Ferdrnoad Wootrlch ;rea yeaterdny cornmated to Jail for five d•ye, charged on 0... h of Freactit, Smith, with drunkenness and 4h:orderly con du DIPCILARG. —I ;:orie Feighly and That. paawen gene on t ha strai ner Elile,who were arrest ed yes . erday on sus - Frahm °Charing been concern ed in the heisy rohbe ry noticed in Ttamiday's paper, by which some th ayes became possessed n(5.1.(100 in Merchants' and Mechanics' Bank of Wheeling notes. No evtdenoe appearing against theta, eufficient to warrant their oommament, they were discharged. Fitts..—A fire broke out, yesterday evening, at about eight o'clock, in the cellar of the bending in the Diamond, occupied as a grocery store by ?dr. W. H. Perry. The, engines were promptly on the grated, and but little dartiage wIIA done to any thing hut the goods, which mere much alitatut by the water. EIIOCEING A CCIDIVM—NI CM.01,1 Escort — A. workmen to the employ of James Howard Co, mooed Thomas Humphrie e, wee yesterday engaged In p ravelling the root of Mr. fCrecaid'it mew three story brick house, situ rued in the Sixth Ward, sod while heeding a bucket full of gravel to the need the rope broke, precipitating the poor fellow to the ground. Ha head tell is a pot foll of hot tar, which luckily was not warm enough to weld him se rmusly. Several of his ribs were broken, end be ions otherwiee novercly though not dangerous Iy 'opted. CUOLY(I..• n. /31311.111010.111.—We heard of 00 deaths from the Cholera in Birmiagtrus, yesterday. This fearful discos° seems to have of most entirely dmappstared. Armenia Sucernno Arrant—The ex eitement i {le Palmyra tragedy has hardly passed, - svt•c•rl compelled m neL., ca. thdi de , udder we:leaven! Itt,1118( mrcomatence, oI y. Ti•ei partica dreedly on,erned e • a•• two grtilnea. Cent Howard eel i, ',•••, Lan.owtri elormcr qui en ao o- on. el wo tanner lure,,Jt re • he.. eale:l , 4 101 'legate . 6 Drug grow. ender toe Nl..n • roe • • o th- corner o.OIIVG and Seabed a: e. wh t a atele, Who 6UO..equerahr proved Who toe arm Lnardnl , n• vanen ev and won aPer Putereo .Le Furniture hem , 44/ Mr. Han, o no: on, e de' .ooOda ,r el. Ibreard widowe e d • he r and rao ret! . 01e..0 pou they 10 inenmeneed WElj ' ,Ot engased, e pound '45 the door, and came op behind li ward, draw a rage nista! and di.onaeged et cool eon at Lan.— roe ball entered shoot mid way, .in one aide of rpinal column. a Short dialer au below roe the blade. Mr L • mrdtate ty retreated to the centre of ttse street laughing The etretonwancve Ltd Sir. Hart to s‘ippom the it it as uniy all act done to frinitten thorn. Howe e s exc w laimed noon after that ho was shot. and then are. , a pitted himself, btu did not ore it. M.s lomndown immodiateitt ran from the aloe , Sr'"'"' roots took possession of La nsdowa, amp wee ; that he was tiptoe to escape. He informed then, that he only ma, fearing that Howard would shoot in his torn at him. HO stated that he nad in his pasennion letters that had pained hetwren How. and and Ls lade. nod reyttented officer W. J. %I/d -how:mon, who arrested him, to read them. Hew. and was conveyed to hlf,Oom, opposite the Mons roo House, on Olive sure, and two physician. ware called in. Al his request, a lawyer was sent for, when ha made lus will. He has doomed notoriety by his previous actar be being the parson who shot Mr. Freeman, at Indepeadanae, last spring. A taw weeks previous his wile killed his mistress, it Cincinnati, for which she was acquitted. Laosdown was formerly from Mississippi: Ht is now in jail. to wait ids .erounination, at 3 o'clock this afternoon, • are W. Law Commissioner Wet_ CUULASS. FARE MANUFACTORY rket and Voth inreete. wooe conwoody on hand Law for canto IChurns, Plant Char,,., Holt Boehae, &a. t M. hoe made to aide SAMUEL ICRORSVN MIiEMM English and Classical School. 110111R0FF......, M ORCHARL E.LIOTT opens hosilay • .4eleet Koh.l for goo•IS Reofloososh Room, s ,toors ens, the Ith-v. Ds Bahfirers' Choreh. Gregg M'esso•lrss' Rao, strosh • Ilege ny Cup. snaJt F.CHOOL. Rooms- - Odell' liloot." fedrrrd rt., 11 door bolo , . H r. UTua '''r y.te Collet \ 'VII f',,TO7, Monday, r.dc; Umber If. Inn.trucuon will be poen In the Latin imd Greek l•arusern. •nd nu h bra..ches as are alerted to the pup.. CM, Of ILJ•aticement. wa—fto per eenoon of flee month. Tee num rof pupils is bunted. end applicants an have an Inter,ca. with Me teacher at his lodgings in 'gram's hoer," Locrty at. Pittsburgh. Herenencsa--Re•. W A. Passartmt, Prof. Thomp. SOP aug,01:44.*.* PITTSBORGII FEMALE INSTITIIVE 'PHIS In.utt.le. under the care of Rev. J. M. GOS ji. tit it;s: AND LADY, arta re-open on Monday, the 17th of September, In the tome rooms, No Gel I.iberry ',net Haying !mood the outn , er of their pantie, the 11 , •ipals hope to merit a contmuntlon of that lammi po.rto noo they PaVo• t.l hestn enmy ell Parents may they the , every advantage mill beafforded f . ptsced under toots charge, for eh• tooting a thorough lingwoh, Clasatcal, and ornamental _ nutrYetdtf Singing Academy. . 1.1 INtillANti ..?incirg Madera'', /11.21 R unq of two rinse p ", at tirtion Het:. eve, Mr Dates' shoe store. roller or rift Smrhfield sta. '/ he Ju yen, Cll eototnenelrs on Saturday next. •t 3 o'r`ook, P M Adult lass on Monday evening tbe 7sl of Seplenlber. at 71 deirkek. Term - , One dollar mad first' cents per scholar, or two dollars for I Illy and ge. - 11-tnan, adult els,s, payable at the ax.ptrabort of half the term.auq27,4 S L M. Prinei..el r. 1241.1. L HE P.ITTUNIN SION of this commence the first Monday in September 00010, on Pcderal street, m "Colonade Rood door from lir.dg. Harm ...Erman rut maths en's Moir lith D.. Encepartment, including Reading. Orthogra phy and Defining, Writing, English Grammer, Rueto rth. Logic, 'Enghsh Compositiou end Crtuethm, Geo geophy. History, Amt.°. and the higher branches of Mmlicrosocs. Natural Philoionhy, Chemnitry, As tronomy, klamay, Ith)siology, Urology, Intel:cereal and Moral :Science ' and all other branch. requisite to a therooeh English Education • - SC) 00 Classical Department, including the La. and Greek Langnges, each • - • g Ou French, StO 00 Gem., 816 On Too services of competent teachers are armored for ouch as desire ...traction in French and German, and also in Drawn/a, Painung and illogic. It is des (aide that pupils enter erge commence ment of a ...won, yet they ate receiv at ally lime, and are eharpd at th e above rates from the tooe of entiance, No deductions are matte for absences, ex ceot ta cows of protracted Further information may be ohtotned, and •ppitca lions made by calhog upon the Yratetpal. at his rooms on Federal street, or at his lotlatng. in - Irsem's Row.' Liberty street. Pittsburgh, be ad au Ith streets, nr addrething, through the Pittaburr • Post ()Mee the Principal' W.,IIETCALF. di( All;;Iy./Lar; 7. w 2, L t L J . O 4II, u7h I9 : . n LICC,T, SC 11 , g0 b L e , ,,, r , ed 11:u rvorn a snr, Moiway, AU,:lus:L.,l%o ug g e e PORTOEtA INSTITUTE, IMSC=:M=E X IL COPELAND respect/silly announces that tle j,41, dunes of tins establishment will be resumed ID. V.) on Monday. September Id. and that young Ken- Ceram, have now oppostonny of Nclng th0r0.10 ,1 5 and expertuoszly qualified or Inc dotes and require ments al iketive life 'that dm Prnimpal not merely a sound &choler. but also • mthmoua and mast nuccessful Instructor, - most le apparent to any intelligent and unbm.ed I mind, from the number 01 Honors and prizes obtained by Ann in TnnLty College, Dublin; from the 'resume meta reversed from sevez of its [awl emi l nent Fe lows .4 Professors, and. finally, from the ...faction repressed by parentsat the preficzeitcy made by ills rare For additional information as to the peculiar featums and advantages of this Institution, see Pros pectus, which, with Tammuntal•. eon he ;insetted from the rFLINCIPAL, at the Institute, or In I cderal street, opposite to Colonnade s. N. II kw boarders be tecetved, whose health convort and intellectual advancoment will be carefully attended to aufrlS..dtf W. WILLS, Sec'y. STARLING ME C D U IAL COLLEGE, COLL' %lOS. Mllok • • THE Anneal roar. of LCcOlrrilll COMI6CIIO , nn the Sr.t F:DSF.PD 0 , 11; 1 , 40. and conUnue sixteen sreek• FACVLTY Ileney 111. -1101... kt D. Prof of o . dstetnes aud Du car,. of Wurn,n and Children. Jowl HatterfuLd, 31 D., Prof urine Practice of Died. tone R .w p ~ tehard•L. d llaar 3 d , i etal A ffl 0110$ ,l effo yof K Smith, D Prot of dlatotra Mrdien, T... 1,0000 , • ona Junepeader•ee I F u .,.1, ..aver V. D., Prof. of Plustoitery and Gen. i ern r,e4erick Mrrttct, M D., Prof of , laeudatey and P... 0• NOl , Ol. 13• y, M D . D.190010 , •10? 01 AMl6lortly h , de oe•sus daily enost•inung • 000fsr, afflll tn. .11,1 (.1111, the ado th of Clc•o• I uo mni-sethe the On Wodneed•ty,. a • the foVoafteg I .test.: inor Pur r•-rs. I ,u,olu. P o oons,%l,croero• rs.eal anneecay, toe Physical Nagnosia Thia coarse I and south.. era rmet] . " odytted to I anti thccavel'eCt Of Ili .do srs. PEVA 1.4003 , 1 f• •• • —.SAS 00 Msulaaitoori •••43 00 Ut Inenecun; Ticket- - 3OC , au. ult dotg , oflcl •ro Irfo' before tlo:".elas, -ardArea are afforded to thou tau. ,ault to pure.. Pracucal Analam. two Insane of ti,ustudon are oxeye; among these are two tape ' Nor compound,npen 0,-1 lieerl clay tu °Owned at from 111.50 m 6200 ML M. PNIIT., narca ,, derto. P. door. Dnaa nf the Faculty. snova erver, ea im PROF. RERUN Rollllooli. pr.N3 s rFIKET, W•, ne am-cl Hand, h aa roeumeal ln. preradional datma, pan; laslruc ty, n • Co . plant., Gana, and Ls] Vocal Maus A TIIE.II,EOII OATFLUN G ...TABILIVI. ja. I uo r tt 51 to II M Nrlete NaW ,re nu,, or t ior dollnr P deportiro ar open from Amli A and tram mSP M. The ll.,,titmn• .•?..00nt. are unequallt-d in lot le o, a u iirrotrche Ice rreamt• au la 1 ',Pe A 1.1 .: rroop•tor • 4:;1;1, 1,0 pnee bn p.!d by nS. I 11ARIJA121•H Light I I Light I II rrißE,„fli, e./dorated burning fluid [WI !tow be had at the Ea CA". LampSW.. No. NS Third arca , . between Wctoe 'Ad/Salo. Fora pomk bi a ilea a L. the preferertra in all or the ea ern 61.'ti bal./ par t aalit and cheap vo l t o f , or &yr a the duatclavable end.. la tights now Nthttssom use; alro, a beaot aaJorottonE h uao .„e latest patterns for burn. ' V. J DA VI a A A. :11 L f e .. well C 11010 61..11 et ks at Fl.strri, Our stnct cezupwes r , rh Tor , ocur O e n. 7 . ,oe o r de o n l , ^,. he A, Cheep One Price No 60 Msrlet "Cs' 111138E11T . 11 Cii¢Mio AL INIOTINO NLITILD. lIIRR};RT' H NU. I it ntlAn'lll NU. (WY INK. AL.. doter from OrdliVir}. Ink. es then; are e chemnral •onouenn ronteming 110 V 1 1 ,1.1 maher, floe: freely rrom any kind of pen—the color deep, bright and durable. If mere here been homier ornneles mode. I have /neither per heard a them. Sam. pie hot.. me be °Manned enntle, Ir the merehnnis generally, from B. A. Pahneeteek A. Co, Henri P . Penwernt. Allegheny, or of the Inntinufeeturer. THOS. K 111r.4 iiitr.wr. Inruzeina ran Chem., earner of [Aber. y a Srmtlifield street.. sharlin. N I.l—Any bottle not pving complete‘cuon• :In be returned and the price venni he refunded. , OLEO , ott t; etc 6 Slab UAL U(+U'lOid. No. 65, DIA:3OND e few door, he;ove Wood street, to market. DR. 151.1.0W12, having bt eS reratarly n' to the rned,e• profession.. .1 I c..s for some ll= streiter , : tee, noes eenftnea I. attentive tn the treatraent of 0- 00 e ro,ati • 0 delicate nor I pl dn. ;or tr.; en his opitortunie e scc.ce pecultatiy quel • him. II , .• utiaiduoutly dove , to study b. treatment of t.soti eta itteoimiditrut time he has had more precnce i.,01 has cured matt dents than ear ever full to m. le. of and arty.. pia unborn empty qualifinb him to elle , steam. , speedy. perntsoent, and saLsiactury curc d'art.,, . 4 alto lobes. abicußrq. and 0.11 r 1,000,01 ! • trOM • :1%,: • I y: » .! t` r 3 tt.e Jal,ml. l t:•mt e.ent:t'nten• mnt iirtL•eet; • • n itt ougoly rurcd Lte 1101nn (tyro het t Croft: anent to Or treatment of tam , : t...t•te , atm • Cf. , illl,l Of hi nonce* to come p••••••on. of .ott.amm•t cm ,tf b!ttenter tonrm! nincaare wince one. r hea from pm., can s °lert: hay,. cano. OMS t „ , s un mtpe.c - •lot;tem He pamomarr, wear, • ttc b eraneon .ong mid unet.creasennly tt7 het, n,u him, woe: rrem kut•oint•ntnt n•t; tilt, mutes treate , l u. net•era.,•.: nem • 0 ,4 ..; pmtee Am: rm. tem c r.•n•tt,gmn a tttm. .t ta .tnyttn.n.t. c on, •,n trtrnMt. ne : . th Int sue cut. to Wm .11..,ae. CANCLit 'Soren. %Iclet 'hoe, gee, ego VT 1, Yete, ate., speet:e4 Owed Charte. ver) luw N •nte ut et.e 1,zt,,, e 44stenes, g twee. rung, gone, e2l the eretril vote threetees .or age, by T . iltr , V:\ I. D., pee:paid. end Oaator 11'47, oppeette. , 1,15117 How.. Itaroaarma.-.1). dmenverm: imam 4 ' mr spectly xnel oortam remedy lur t at .ostol tronhte It newer tr. awl F . 11 k Ate CnnKumn, Room.. No 6 Dia altoy, PitMlm....g.a. Pk. D. DJctor a l- ay. al 401111NTS off • irri . ..osuoti iik••••aest.v. of .[tending thrit La tho ooitn • of FitamSe , Omens., stomersMsSad also la Wlemais, will find the FAI ETTE WHIG, publishes I m 'fele Mown. a desirable ned medium, as nrt it cis colows rola ist the places spem J: — TdaCanturaanalrota. rim Tana two Id• Iltliviturtng Company, to Ulm ., Told a, wish I n =pia" 11l lira rote °mover of a Laid Roo nn; •bod %Weaves, imd a good Cotes and Wool Dye , e. Aooll , do J IV BITTIe it & BRO, SA .I, * Pinsbozgh' at to ,S.NDELLIW &LUSO:4, kgoot,_ n La :12Ordle, Lebanon. Tan "TirRA q Thief, 0:::Tbbll I'l2 u a tor oo m d. %./ asg2l \ gun. &co ern. aluAtta. Plttho c. w mca. Phsbnrah• ILffILLER k ILICKETSON, Wholesale Grocers. and intoortero or %mottle. Wines and Soltnla, 171 and 174,corner of latterry and Irwin meets, Pitts mratt, Pa Iron, Naibt. Cotton Yarns, dm. ko. eon stnntly on band. angl4 Jolf N R•NELIN, A TTORNEY and Cneeltor et Lavr and Cororn, aionet (or the smr, ou a Penney (Tant t a, en. Lola, 510. (late or Pittahnrgh.) Rgron-notc—Pntrhurett: Fnearartt Hutto ton & (tiller, Nt'Clandleas a Itl'Clore. John E. Parte. . te ns ( a. Semple, IPCnrd 1 tine •nnitnalY Engines for Sale. YC E Ttin P d A en, a I S le L c e t ° 4: N ro l ke l-I ADO k:VC,INE O In irnA inches in diameter. all in rood order, will he sold at bargain, if Replication be mode soon. They have only been In use shoot le months For pommels 14 inquire of nofint.f R. HA) S., Gump: offo, 40t:iT EAGLE TRIPOLI, for Polishing, e newly 11'1 discovered goblin.. for Croons. Rotten Mane, Rouge &c. Familteo have found It invaluable foa l ea silo, ene entillc d coarser wares.—in short. ai remed by the Amon nn.' in an uncle upon it, "of all the mbstancea which hove been implied to polish Ohms and Meta . g, none eon equal Mat substance known by the name of Tripoli—Una is ti supenor artirle list first brought from Italy by the Venetians, and wiediby them in their palmy thus or giera making, to gi'e it bat peculiar polish so much admired by other nsuong. It shou'd be In every family and every work shop. For gale by R E PF.LLF.FL? , auraft S. Wood or the , EILOA--„ t 4- -"g..n•,7,....rqtZitlr".Va . T.Tot a tlet h : t r Joa Cotal Hair ne•tatative. If they doubt ottr word. they cannot these highly respectable citizens wbo hare tried at— Me Geo. Becket Eltn st. New York, Mrs Matilda Reeves. Merl. nu, Brooklyn. Mr. Wm. Tompkin. 92 King st, New York. Mr. 'nos Jackson, Monionrs'isiand. neer Pamburgh II F. %Alen. late barber steamboat S. America. And more than a hundred others at though this must sorter, that tt will force the hair to grow on the head or fare- stop It falling alt, strengthen ter tram. removm am e sear: and dandraff from the roots, making light. red, or gray hair &ne a fine dark leak, and keeping dry, hersh or wiry heir moist, soft. eke. and beautiful. a very, Teri long time. Sold by the Agent. WM. JACKSON, on Liberty st, Pittsburgh. Price 372, 50 cents, and one dollar. audalteseT ID' Toe imam or A mut Itarrua ts not more repol- I sive than a bad, pdtrid breath. or Muir, yellow diseas ed teeth. If persons have Meet it is their own fault— they can, for two shillings, buy on article that will mate their breath pore and Vereet as the Spier Air s Arabia. It cares di erases of the Goma, spongy or uteerated, and for the Teeth It is unequalled, removing the tartar, resuming the teeth in the gums. and clean them as whoe as the nom el du frozen Serra Seek reader. are Me properrues of domes Amber Tooth Paste, and,,ithout pressing it ourselves, hear what one of nue st rexpectable and scientific Den ums. Mr. E. Field, at New York. says: "I have both need and analiseddhis beautiful and im. palpable article, lioneor Amber Tooth P..sted and ran recommend it as possessine &lithe qa•litiesslmm ed for it." Render. we can say no more to convince, only , that If you try mla once you will be well pleued. It is pot up in beautiful English China Pi to, for 25 eent.. Sold by the Agent, W3l. JACKSON, mi Idber ty street, Pittsburgh augGalb-arT ET LADIES ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST T. SING COMMON PREPARED CIIALK. Tito ore not aware how frightfu ty minnow , it is the skin! how coarse, how rough, how low. yellow, and atatealthy the skin ap pearsrs afar doing prepared chalk: de,lt is tepsnoue, containing a large hammy - of Lead ' IVe have prepared beauti(ul vegetable oracle, wince we call JONES - SPANISR lily WRITE It is perfectly innocent, being purified of all d[lften qumlines: noel tt imparts to the skirt a eniurnt. heal th y. &tanner. clear, living white; at the now woe aetins as a cosmetic on the akin, emitter, it 'nil and othooth. Sold by the Agent s WM. JACKSON. e. n art) st, Patsburgh. Price V. 5 ang7.d.kveT P.crtbass Aso Sam Dna/soh—JONES'S Cy al Soap causes a free pereptratton. and at t h e same time mo hr,.., softens. and whiten,. the skin, vying it the testate and beauty of anlnfant's Seven, Salk Rogow AND Seam are soon not only M 1 sta at tent newt Physi cians an New b'ortr snow, who ate it in ouch cons, and find It unfailing—at also in Puns., R 1,01000.. Faxelkos, or any other shin doe rave The reader Is neared that this is none puffed on se one trthl prove I could ono Citrate at least S 3 persons eared of Sou Finn. son Loos is Pols BrAar..—Bay and an it, and the reader ts wrath named I would not cruelly sett it for th e above unless I knew It to Le all I oath. Those who are hal:data exam:, Cos.., Coos. FLEW, Will 1100 a ease. Any one •tille O te a d with any of the above. or emi tter disease.. will find tlas all and even more tadinnta• hie in as propernesl than I enter Ono reader. the Wires are hooded +nth Imitations, and be thre you no for JONES'S Nihon Cheat en! Soap. Sold bi Whf. JACKSON. th Lib rty stre et, Pittsburgh nog. dieseT ALLFXHIEINY CITY , , oz la, peat. 141,SCELLANEOUS OZOIELGE •sissou., MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 16 Earket street, AVM() ptirchaaed ar. catanst se and careVi7 1.1. trete./ stookof .Spnna and Rummer Goods. to anhaenber reipcciPany Lnforms to. friends and the pahlip that be is ones perpar,r, r , ectve and era. cute lila. ord•ta and dispatch. and to P.< neateet. moat aabstnntlat. and l'asatonahle mar.ner as ta dolt to di ,usteess on t.e. caLh s, stem, he dot ter. tan :hat he artit be tole to do wort as cheep aa a can be do,e 1,19 ea...,ll,rtieut :0 :he coeFdr). It's vat is varied. , ons4unna of iassilnerea cloths, Vest..., be.. whlch hi. °tends are reapectini- IT invited to as ..1.11118 5,1 r the nuctvr, aty2Cdtf 1:4•11110F. ARMOR- GOIAS YENS—.I R FPc`e rho , ' thaloold Poutted Gold Pen., with a d ootae• toses.,o.tbre'd Lod for talc by JOHNSII.*: avoicruN, noro.r Tbaro lootAieetet.ebe. ,: , -4 , -,=4- 2;i07,....D 9 taiDs uneLart' D s e t o ' r y " hoc. i i .41 4 " e r".., on husithheld street, one doer below l CLINTON PAPektl. 0:1la.1.. Sixth Week Tooth itoerted from one THE andersuned have this day associatod under to an cones act on the 1 action principle , with a nets. u ,„, aaa , nr .,..„,...... k. s„„, Inc the par llfhl "PralTnlk-u". of the .... 6 gam - r . . ^.1 1 th. I pop. sot manufacturing pacer, u Ma Clinton Paper angina/tabus.. of the fare - IMa where they will ha pleased to receive 'he patron '''. II ,-Teeth extracted with little ar no prun I ago of the public, and the former mama:ken of the see Dezaped Teeth perrosotently saved by plugging, Fing, Or ,. or parr vent,. the tooth *rho, which is much better than en- r .,, n,, wiat a„ tutors keep on hand a general no. coop It. though II alinlid be dons in firs tantrum ~, or ~,,a„, of wrmag, wrapping, ~ a nod wail papa ,„ u1•11....iT ..1 ir bonne. ,o .teas, le aril book, etc etc , which they will AvA 1 '2l AND /1.. , k. 1.111 -Toe Fu . ..Cra,er e arra.nan or clean linen and cotton rags hag now on hand • boa P at ent suoment of hes , Kne Prime...rot hoo Pubbakier• e. be sapphed with halt and bum,. t.ool and Pulver a• Lever Watch- ' nvery dcse rip. lat prastmg tepee at short notice and es, as as low once, u are odered in the Ea-tern Cities, ei, mimed art-, THOMPSON HANNA all In good ord. , nod warranted , Annl 1.'45-rnya Om EDMUNDS. HAN'. W W WILSON ' - A•slicrsuslis Illettne. alla.m. mit and M. 0.... 1 AITHEREAS. Dermsoun South andaHorms A.John rpo THE. CALIItig-/ust received, a toll nasormtnnt Val son Meech.. or tan ea) of Pittaburgh• trading I. of geld and silver Thread, Cool and.tenor also I inner the arm of ht2l , llllk JohnPon bare made to the opar glee and Bunion for nnabrmdering nd other or. , .alimeriber a i aumument of all their Ec.ate for the nal:imam! work. Also, gold and surer TuSels, Flannel latch of al Mew Creditor, as shall within two month. and Lane ham the date thernof deliver to the said Jewelry of t he IT." ra•hlutke i'l Ireat •kkirly. 1 Smith t. 1 I.nso 2 a full anti aboeline release of ail Watches of supnrior quality and beautiful patterns, their re-preen' , InLn. led drusseds and for safe at Eastern prices W W WILSON, I \ otire is hereby e yea that the atsigrunent and T. wag) corner Market and Fourth at. , kart . now at me intro of the sunacnner, on Fourth - -_— __ i sum in the no, of !':tuba rah lor inspckuou and ug. Great larligllstt Itegaterty. OR CO oa o~~~h. Cold,. Aeahma and Co ovmf.lion: lira f above is the fIUNG ARIAIi 1/AL.S.A.NI OF LIFE, diaccontred ler die cclehrccied Co. Declinn. of London. Pmeland, and inoodoced into the 17n,ted es • under We tmmediate superintendence of the Macular • The extruonlinary wets.. of this medmme in On moo of Pulmonary Mouses, warrants We Ale:acne • Agent In sober:log for I nreatment the worst possible ea see that can be found the communny--easea Wm seri relief in vain from any of the common rcinedice nf the day. and have been ;oven vp I.y tun moo dnunenianed physima. as confirmed and inentuble. The 11ungutc no Balsam has eared. nod owl cum, We moat despetsta of eaacs. It 1. on quack nectrum. Oil a standard &lc. hsh medicine. of (room and cstabluthc , l o Moue), Every faintly to the United tomes should be supplied yeah Iduchaubt Ifungatua Ilahhatn of Idle, not only , to i nertmlinnet the eonsumpum tendo n of the climate, ' mabat to be used . o of medicine art cater of d Hops, span. of blood. pat o in the side and °herb Irmanoe and .roneas of the I.Ans - a. Onschine difficulty of brenting. hccuc fever. mght unseats, cmcci. anon mad general debility, tuotherta, inlitterma.,schnomos cough and croup Fuld in large bottles, rat gl per bottle, with full thoot tions for We restoranon ni health Vamphlets, containing meat of Eng./ shnstd Amen. , can cart)ficateg , and outer cvntenc, showing the am ! equaned merits of tun great Enalmit Remedy, may :0 bummed of the Agrutta. crstnitonply. For talc y 11 A FAIOMITOCK & Ca., earner of st end Wiwni and Wood and fib so toritirtvm, Extension of the Dalin:moss and Ohio I Roil Road. PROPOSALS ARE INVITKII Ptrß TIOR CRAW:. ATM:4 AND id ARON ft of the part sit thu road not already under contract lwroreen Cumherladd anthe d Tyeart , a Valley r,rer—a distance of about Ita mole. 'rne nher of fordo. now to be Octlnt land ne ot out 5, of wbtrb occur between f`amberiontl urA ,routh of the Savage river—d 'n IM ate DI the cla cree les, ks. and We e r nder on RALOOon an Fork. •p,, wor k will generally he moderate, although Mere kr ,_ ...mbar of sections worth Me attention of con tractor. ocean ~red to heavy ,oha. plan. will no wady at Cumber lan, on 101 d aftrt the u7th of Atunat curtain. The proporals, ruldressed to the underugned. vent ba re ceived at Cumberland, Maryland, up to Saturday the lAth Septmemer inclusive. Further mformauon may had at the cducpany's 0tt,, , 1 Cumberland. ' Full tear moniala will Iw required from thow unknown to W.: undersigned . lip ord DEN tha Ett tests, nos ltdtdßall Sad /. if. LAT/it:DIE, One( Engines/ •-- • - NEW GOODS! NEW Goons .: —A. A. Moot /a Co., No. 60 Market mad, have hat 'contact Grad, 114470011 , , Nankaeoa eol'd Drilltags, hiss tad °owe 1 . 0100, Mematael, Coobeec, and (0007 do; Furtutr.• In; 41 bro Lawn., Linen Ifolllnda, (ADO brw Dull Mosliu• do bar', and strip'd uo glain , Jaestats , Lino HUD, So. de Basil) _ MUST PROOV IRON. f• I I porters/cr. , ' have emery. %yr.. Iv Ott city ol Nev.. York. for Inc peiryo.c 0111,1vaomng •I: grot., which it it de•ira . .ir to VF.AI"I . I.,CT rt , r cat Telegmpt. :Vac. S. nod coy otrtr %rue, dir9 .cziad,o For Corot s..•l•ll,,rLdr.e ,—, tnr Idoe. idet.idinu • ^o, 1111, wo.t. oitr,att.r ) tetl ',Vac Tor i-tsces tt . ct.ttre , t rust. Aiso Api'd•• .11.1 is of so mat, oalmrits,er t mart, tweir to the • fiß ttatlve c.t ,•, LVATCtI J .x 1411) JULY/T. TUE < de (root .u,..4•ver tv %V .a-he an.IS 'set De hi Ler.tor Waterers •.t, •124 :41V<[ vorg Sheatrot.] mod lodettendest Ores's! Washes her linil, Par 4 S. .....1 anat. , (..t....0t sa.: Chasm. riotS Apedhae.ta. .all and Slier Go.d attd Llt•setets. Loekota. ond SO.ver Thirnhte. Ct.trnothl dins• st - . 1 thns. 4e.. and twroWhon.' Breastpins. hOr flttli Silver Spoon., Cat., Ports. he. Goof N% ate low ownSo to Watch, 1..1 JClVellrf exchanged. Spoon. and Forks platen on Carman Sayer. acme moo.. A,l watches wart - antral to keep good ulna or jle worr, returaetl. Jewelry repaired, and Vratette• h , oned and rrpalted i• 1 the best Mall/10f, 1/1 moth Ito, 164 e .4e u. 0.1 post , OHO. C. ALLEN, Inc. , ' of %Vetches and Jewelry, whotesale and truth Wall street, (up 500000,1 NEW VORE. Itr2.1:01¢11. TO PIMENTO R.S. TIIE subsentsw bss al Ann.! ',lf 'or sole, RA Agon of 4 Johnston 8. Co , Use follow ' leg : , 23 peke( Cases; 43 fends Panay L44er, &Crewel laws: 3cu Newspaper Ca 22 frA.lbs. Leads, cat 113 older; 10 pp°Was Be al ANI beg Co s ProuVe Near Ina; t I thaw tlalley, Cebu. Bales, Bran liales of ati deseriptlans, to. I...JAYNE% I Pekin Tea Store, 73 Pontiac N. 80w!0:3272 CliCeised-rolpirtnl. 1441034713 MISCELLAgWITS. A: JUN tiieini•Rim,bto vh.ks. j. u. si44 Li dEfiTY. opposite Sloth hfield Marble Mentes. Monoxents.Tord ;7.4114 Tops, tr do., a large variety of the mon tosostifnl Mod, made of the burst quality of known and dam Warble, always on !mod or made to order, by Itre aid of rasa •eb weary, on the shortest notice and at tboloseest prices. N. 11.—The Country Trade furnished with all kind. of Marble at the lowest rate. All rd oers promptly al. :tended I 0 at 2.14 Liberty, opposite Sinilhaeld el W Al • snor BIACHISIDS. CLL'S Patent Stone or French Carr SMUT MA CIIINE—thn besa article of the kind in use; theY .n llght, clean fast, do the work welt, and wil l Wt a I I cram About Son of thorn are in are, in the best all k The eanntre, and sea name the attsiogest tests' nisny of rocnontent persons .as superianty over a! .Far smut Manholes. Far Nether pletina Lam ad dress thn subscriber at 144 Liberty at. ISttsbarisit • my ta•doia CV W WALLACE . platoon: IS - an - 71 '. ! - I tl OTro i-W 21.1a, always o IEz AHD n hood, 8-on t° an very short neame. and at the lovrestpriees. All don promptly attended to at at Piberty WALLACEtreet, near the Canekl. my:10 W W W • - fillp LASTER PA RIS—Por la .. and other puma.% okra son hand at 244 ' any at mi 3 2 W WALLACE. 'fffistlALLlC e€D.ll.lsf—A:w.y. on CE LihenT my:ns W W WALLACE RINDSTONES---All steal and gnu, always On hand at 244 ',shorty street stur2o W WALLACE TEAsOrsism? IT is with [Actuate that the subscriber*, t inform the atoms of •flueburgh and et- g; malty that they have completed arrange- 1 " rdents with Deane. J O. Jenkins 3. C 6... el Philadelphia. to receive their supendr PACKED TEAS, And will hereafter he kept constantly on I hand. They are neatly and meanly pot up in metallic packs 01'54 and 1 lb. each ,1 wt with their panted card—vnowtng the kind of Tea, pore, name of the concern and depot in Philadolphts, truth an invitattoe to return the Tea, if no, liked. strait. r Melts: rnntntsk•tle, e n * 73 1,00 1,25 lAO Imperial ....... -• • .50 •75 1.00 1:23 1,50 yson W C.lf 75 1,00 1.161 Y. Hysen ........ -50 624 73 1, 0 0 1,G14 1 1 Mark 37* 50 Bucm Fine tuel artm Fine. •70 1100 1,95 1,50 1 We mull wermnt all the TEAS we sell to be equal to, If not aninuors to any sold in rile city, and shored thcy no t p r ove e utble to the name, theyre turned. and the 010007 will be refunded, as it Ls only Wethat understanding we sell. We tisk a role Inni. that the public may be able to edge between our Teas sod those heretorom sold by other eorripmties lb. , cloy. All lovern or rich,delimous and good Elevated TEAS, thee'd lave us a call. For sale by JOS. S. SF. YOUNG & CO, N W earner 4th and 5 1 :_e u rrjAre;ts di) and E. S W corner id and Rosa streets ...VDU W. U. . DASD, DENTIST, (Late of Now York.) Omen--Smohbeld street, between Seventh and Sue wherry alley. N. It —tr.estses of the mood, 5 (570 554 R. ,51765(63 Horroropathically. lnfrallto CONTINUATION OF THE GREAT SALE Al L.A. MASON 4, Coss ONE PRICE STORE • Al stall greaten. Redetrsd Prue, A ANI CO. dearous of reduritus and closing ut their Stock preparatory to =caring then Nee 101 l Goods, will offer greater Inducamerda than eve r Their reront large patriot...a st the New York 'rules, made at such imutrane rieribecs from cost,wlll all betlored out the same ruinous rates. A.monsst the arena recently opened, they mendon: 6 eaten fast colored Lora, at 7 els " and Marlins, EI and Ort A, large amok Silks, Shawls and Vistas, very low. 95 et 31 do Wee. 191 a lot Settle. , at one half Fee li • 75 rt ntshaeas at 12 • " Embroiderzett. very c cap " Bonnet., half prone • llnstsiy, Gloves, Lade*, T,imming4kat 7 rose* klemomek Cratere*, or 6 a litet Calicoes at fife " and halts Grown and bleached Muslin, rhea;. • lash Linens m tect Linen Gingba4lll4 Bonnet Ribbon EI and 10c; Gloves at tle With an immolate variety bf other Goods, all of which will prove a samng to purchasers of from 45 to 30 per cent Tao Gore will be closed one day for marking down and preparing the A A stock foe N the CO sal. MASO & ~~'~y P SKIN TE 9 , 11 E anbwrther has pat received at des Pekin Tee g. Store, M Foarth core; b very IsaTo and well se lected stork of pare GREHN AND I.II.ACIE TEAS, from New York, all of which Inc he received in this reentry neve the Gnu of February last, contenting of ail the diderent grades grown 10 the Celestial Emmen. our stock cost among the largest in the Wed, we are nrenated to wholesale, on honer mons than any other house in the city We Myna remit grocers to call and examine our steel and pnees. They can have it peek e4 emd 5 packaxca, 55 nn ertatstem.. by half cheat, to suit their convenience. Oar retest pricer vary for Oolong, Blank TM] from 50 et. te St S. per ib Sing blotters Sonehong, gi eta Sti. and bluefish Breakfast 50, "Immo Hywn Oanpomder and Imperial, from 35 cm. to 81A per lb Famine* are requested to send and get samples of Wear Tear, win try them helm,. prchasing. cr.l :.'bolt A. J AYNM 70 Funniti amen: DUFFS FIJOII-KEEPING—BIooks for rearhing 14 welt, with tOr author's arced°. to Math erit prm: on 111, corer. A atm . ...apply pr. recei ve:ll'm= New York... , (ores,. by Jr.ll`. II SIELWIL pt wore ATHELELM SALOON, AND BATHING ESTABLISHMENT. 1 . SicVdt.l., ems - % to tutor= tnhatmaats of Pit, trOlyji CO o . t)), Mal ht. ham Openeli the eataoli.ihmect. where every amen,. will be pod to the comfon of Worn who may favor him with a edd Libertratreet. between Seventh and Wood. Ica Lrr au an. Jule ,i, nano , with an It m V enorwrn. tr y ; ..n Wll MoCANDLI'S.S. Arno Knee rereivel rome `fmknifully ornamented GRATE Al'filrfor. a vane..y at rotteraa and colors; al.°, Paper for ornomr—ung . _looking tto.r.sos, ptctare o- Inmpr 18.4.9 pi • Bearer and Hirt< Exproaa Packet Lake. A U. PARKS, Beater, Pratinetor. rr p, s l oa s w . Ite , leg ont PENN?YLSANIA, " /I Holotat Cxot LL i.= L.APE CRIE. 11114ubr QUEEN CITY, " J'Metlally For ts daily Line between Beavcr Ers, hato comawneest rantutte, nod will itotintu, chubs Uta sea iou so make their res.. trips, learin Beane, after toe twital of tbe monung born fnca 13 vtpck,*". j end arnve In time for pawner. to tithe the toomto; boots to Wren at the Lake. throotth trie mud all Lake CID be dad by.„.appbcabou to JOHN A CAVOIIIIY. Att, comer of WateraAd Proilhbeld ata ectl3loBl3B PECK, order *et Pt illatlaa Hotel Hatters' Trimming. Cheap farOash. . • dvcr.:lcr le ttrier opting at In Water mato, 1 :N. , : Yore, a complete saeortmeut ot ILA TTEII9' Th1,1.111'1,1,, Inet•ted by himaelf from the mautfac• incr. to France and (lemma, 'glitch will be sold low for oath i'1611.6C call and examine before patch... Lug L•ie Witt rt. py27 KW Year. Jaly. Init. NTLISS rte have received • let of Lamp. I of •artou• vases end brads. of a new construction. , hat Is none ornolo and complete—some ornnmectol. M.o. Mu amok. to barn to that -ktornsod plod. or F,thertal OLL'' It hal rare euaques sulacts recommend It to the anernmin or steam boatmen, hotel keepers, and house keepers, (or Meantutnac, economy, d surpasses any thtng tablepora now to use. Persons wbo please to (tali on Its we shown the pecullordwa cr this new compound. A constant supply t,f the Fluid and Lamp. kept by SCAIFE ATIi.I4SON, Fast St. be Wood and Mart, st 11 - IG NV El AItD W A K& T It "1: 0.8& SIG; iiVitre. FL/J.:EATND iikV7, No. tS INowel a, Plitsbargb... Ur CHER AND LACFMAN, Importers and drakes L.A. in Forcign anti Dome.ue I.I.III.DWAILE, atl to arieue , , are now prepared to .11 as low wid on aerealonahte term. as can be putchatedellewhera aolicit oar (bends, and the public gonerelr9, to con and asamine oue !tech, which connate In part of KNIVES and Fogics. PocKgr and PEN KNIV ES, CISSUKS. SHEARS, RAZORS, Hon. Trimming, such cs • latches, Hinges and Screws, together with ever, article usually tent In Hardware armee. e mace the ace:atoll - of Carpenters and Mechanics se,criel , to our assortment of Tools, estneh have been wre vrat cars, and winch weare detennii. , SO 14 10 ‘ll lll entbramici actdd ti-Norlue.—tietivrtnitted Tin Plates. , I t F to ,CI the ,pennon of lioliCe • re.•”.,-tr• •of •lui,lings tho mai ••• ••• 't ro . . os , r all If -• • 0.,.1 fornnfintl, c 1" :tr.,. .1 • er . tron. withoui ty ~..• • te•tr.l for ocver yew-. kn 00. V.1,•0.00,/ ',OW 01 t4ll O eooatry mid in V rope, Dlr . , :trr cas 0.140011000 and contr. I on !MID ....W. ,. 'O. the aonospliore. tono• • , n•:y Omerllooo.l LION 0 ,x;.6t.4 ~ r7v, % much ,V•llt} • nbo , , I , ,,,gent repalfS, • 7 , rom Ire to IL) W la., co B, .1,1•nul) S. CO. t• tics York „‘ of ,• .11110:• 111,11, 4.5e0 secure , /.1 ....a,. .1 par.- 4uirtrigtooAer ottwrveiAn, .311 Or prosee• ocs.T.lttvflrr nor n Imo: lot - - ter ',en, rOl al d .4, 4 I r ware s - - J &MIER D. LOGIEW 0 )0, ;For men, years ea...noted De ma %Wary & P o tnem, and o.:e Joh- Wey, N Vert and Landon.) C. 007.111. 161,17. 07 ENULInG, FRI.:NCH a:iv OhRDAN BOOKS. No. al Woen mum& I:.:terty eppoNtm the Cheat. 1.10te1,1 PIT DYBURG H. Eneich, French, and German ReViOVIM and etirte : urA Noe/ware , Imported to order, prim STCL,'I et, b, nmenained on appticadon to Mr. L. DIL. D. DONT. Deno& General -mall and Gee.= between • a4Seilyin ... .. _ ~ et and F•trrY•tt. -4 . _ ~., , 4 • \V' •lL citi- --- r(XIIC k• 091. ' 4 FAii'NESI Avot.o. ranter First and , 711:11..—Pbe Amen , ti.Otrigr erh, Van lioa. P=i!We e i s 7 Grametry. .By fLe.. 31 ", eft . . o OVer etunvine, rdr "IV of LOCAVTuoII triWood tt ---i.1—.7%711.411411p1ir. CO, waiamt tlmit fitmlind the Ptak t gibib& m . L longer Si? Mated= with ttrple. meet 1n Penn meet, known re..morut thdr tat* Watts to ingTourq; USES, LOTS. FARM& bra IoOR 13.811T.-111w , Wistitiott boa. um taoccupied by Mn. A 11•00.11, oh:Ma at Otik with to teed of ground taukahed. , Til• loots various told ostatthe trelaol- won Aolo provo& Apply to HARM JONES & 00, volt. Mil 7 - • • a tun - sums Won blglaing,..rnor 'Rtnd sad Makin atm. Also the elegant roam' in the 24 22.2 Of the nine holtdigt-4he latter beteg 4,211 a4httbi 4,1 ...Ines Tarter sta.,. vrockho adt On.Ct.* Saloon. - E. rt. GAZZA3I.. _ . •we Vag Home, • Man y Maim:tee canted raeet, opixsjinba...„._ . • • OSZN . comaaan,g9 na)Ma, !Mt , • •••• • ••••••-• ••• above 'eosin be a good note do a tairaiair atom Pomeetion re on gi the pro:demlira ven en the of amber. Rem PA hequi Per /ale. fitHE undere*ett often, far eala ht, prawn tad. 1. dense au Coat Hill, with the 'meaty SWIM of gored attached thereto. _ The Mom is in good, and the erably improve, useleding a Large gard Mend en and Lie mead. He will also sell. If desire, the whole or anypartles of his household Furniture, W•llte, Piastres, the. / BANISH?,FINNIVI, No In Minim street Desirable Property THAT boautifal, well teem and be thyttosidenee, Oatety oconMe by film S. Stes.m, dee'4,) e top of the hill west of Steubenville, 0., end MIAs. ing the Steubenville end Cambridge road.: The lot comet. about eight acres. part meadow, oe ender good fence. The .protremente see a two story BHA Dwelling House and Deed, belch wird* hones, end c bee - house, a good frame Melo, de. Three variety of fron ire. and shrubbery, but atoll desert?.. • tine of this well known meetly is deemed lllMente. Sin , . It is some of the most beautiful revel Meta in the vicinity of Steubenville, end l• weeps one et the ewe neantly,—gomblrung the many &daemon of town and country, with few of the lementedrees either. Tbe title it eecaptio.ble. PossesSiOa e 1133 , be peru on the first of November.. liov,farther pm , dgoitm.aPpty th rough the 'Post Odieer, addressee sebberibes, pillorretue, Jefferson county. O.: trim his residence ea the but sit th e 011,1o,oppeeite Naw Cam. bedand, I.7.tormS JAhIES ft.!L • BI:EAVAItT, gal of Ales Au:wart. • etr. IN THE THE SIXTH *ARO FOR SALE— ), Lot of (irconsd hoeing from of 42 foci an Fallon sum, by lop fret devil to on alley, on which is emoted two good two story brie% Owe d Houses. The Ova" property is well improved plowntly Abased, r nod will be sold y iel(tier altogether o part of it,) Mienapplio be moft woo to HENRY B. MAGILL, on the preselson. • angle:de ATbuFOR BALE—A Mink Ronan, (bat... yaw th;) and Lot, on Robinson watt, Allegheny, new old Budge. Nee low and wan — easy.— inquire ' -, SCHOYER, 111) domed a FOIL WIN% ' ' _ a POURnow rwo stOry lideakDaretltualirmees. well finished and lu complete order, oa Centro AVM., or factoring, mad, low Ward. Pos sewer, given Immedinl• my. Rent low. tb.qulrs of JOHN WATT & CO iro • comer Liberty oun %lend mr FOR SALE, A VERY' desirable rebidonoe ui the br,32 roue. of Alnaeliesor,..lioWlng Jotu Dour. ning, Veg. Vie Lot is a earner one, Aft? fast Hord by one bandred and ainory reset deep—tout , RM. story HAP k House, twenty-five teat front, .rtit two ninon, dining roam, and knehen on first door A tarsier holm, stable and granary, and the lot fall of Onto. frail woes, all to good order. Rantoul or the sobartd. ben, Lumber Merehani, Allegbery city. latiOd.teritT JNO. PATTERPON. Fr- }OH RENT.—The three morn Brick Daroning House, onLiberty. between My and Natality meal giooo s 00 0 occupied by W. Graham ' ''. Parnassian iooGagalns of Wm. Graham, in at 8001021000 0( ioimarox & errocirroN, comet Market and Thirlstrests. FOIL BENT it Ars ewe 7 Pliak i nt, bern 3:1124 ph M-IAO. being • gu ' od stand ( thatl ,7 .lw " ow. " E D WLZZAM, Ofßeo, Ipf crime/Ulf. 0.11-00S00 Isom from 0 m 12 a • t 2 - 0.. r a A THREE stoned Dwelling Hooseh being the coand house from Peon street, to anyderls Row, on Hay street Immediate possession will do given. Engem of DAVID Among at Lot - once of st . reet, between Cherry alloy mad Groat sweet. Cherry voichssT, point new two Wiry [lnca Dwelling Booms, &well shed W ord . lo complete order, au Center venue, 7th Ward. Peosetudon given July la Rem tow. Entine of JOHN WAIT &.CO, Joe corner ofLiberty and lisni At TO PA.l3.lllElls[4.sol.l: lll lBlettlitHlSl. THkundorsiguedlo) acre. oofeabr Zohbart7.: excellent Saw aunty neer; and two new Frame (oars, one al km Front by 47 brie the other =fret from by 24 back. Also, good new Immo Bans Harry by forty feet The mill and land are situated (oar B IM from the Aileen* ricer. A par deal of PINE TIMBER of the kart tioaanY,.smi also • ...t i ro of the very best handock. Alao, one 44 44 bil i n r i of the near.core, metadourably oda= std for Wrung, where loonier can be rafted on the .11 winter. nod hr perfectly safe from MI fieoltesa.— Price 40,0),0r 53 an acre. Terms easy. Will take a weLl cleared small farm, with rood Mass and or chard upon it, a. hart payment, If atleata sahahle. and kr balance In lumber or as 047 be wend on rsit an eieellefh apphitruity for limbering, end Inc probability is ymat that In two or three years thin P pligrry ''' l2 'Utltelmuilooren In '''''flnto"ae of lt inaleitut 'Mil oat Wend savaeilla— trod mor alor null sate on the enema winch rum marlythrough We centre of the lead About Shown acres in pax. No bib to rim in hauling loather hour null to ricer. Toot and seer in &bandanas. For (unbar panteu• lore, laldrass, (post-pahl,) P.TRSIPLETtitk carthitalf":4 Ciasette oRe,. PittslbatTk.. ALUS= City Mr tiWo. I Cal, sitnasTal rgaeond 44=174 ea ea C.'"' W ' .grlalgal ,l 7 Lir Sr ! latis or of .16S RODlNtsurr, theAriboo myl7,[l2coofT • • J.', for Salo. MHE sabsembers 'trill sell at dm.ate sale,tarmet Mrs j. valuable Lots of Ground, ned on TOOWA m Me Thud Ward of allegbettY My, mmlt baste, • front of2olbet, ronniag hack 103 feet in •20 ter t alley, upon mbieb fs boat a stone wall, 35 by 100 feet, which contains stone enough to build cellars for tam comfortable dwelling hoases, and (tont them are three shade trees, of el years growth, , sad Maude walk is pared orith brick, all of welch trill be mad at 1000. Patsbargh end Allegheny, or Comm. Sem, iil Ink taken is payment h N PHILLIPS, N , it. Wood at, or to WM. BENSON, immediately opposite said myta 'DOR 0/3: - E - 7 -7. e to. eligibly atrailated tba flows imting mum of Ramingham. The tots ere sits. ted on Dauman stre‘l. numbered ill P neastain's p_tert 75, 70, Kb el and eg..a.Lot No 75 fronting ISt Melon Na ry den street. TO fact deep; the other four 03 Ceetfrasi each. by SD feat deep. T,,yo.s—Gmgmy part of purchase motley . 011744 myfor six yearsomenred by chase moue of 7 la_ „ 110 secoh M — k Valuable Cool Lona • for of four ales strove Lock No. 2, as mouth of Pica gun, Monongahela River. The the Call IV °libel very best quality, and easy of arca. Any number of acres, tram twenty-Gte to a hundred, nasal bn obtained. Persons &alma , of purchasing, ran call on WALKED REED, au the ponanosoo Wao• Reed. opposes the Post Ole, lobo .all give any in. loratatrou concerotek the properly. The above vs be sold at a great harptia ytLatfke TO LET—A. good brick Dwelling . _ Holm, esteem on !takes - on street, Atlesheay Dsesire mria NION r , olloYrit' • - OH SALE CHKA.I. 14.111..ICHIP—A of of groo • situate oo Wetirter street, a 3 feet from Mitcham.; 20 feet from os %Wolter, by EV foot to a bee feet alley %--quite close to net court house. Price tosa. Terms, tot cosh la hoods bellhop in one, two, three and Gm, years mon the Ent of Apftl lost (loamy nod Coy Sony taken for cash payment. bl ower of mph 9 SCIIO TR ft,llo second sr 5168 Ar...s Coal issued tor eat., • SITVLii the Atorkoarahelariset,aberaltem ll as from tnakorghsod macs ebbs° third ho the immediato notglifortrood of Mama Lyon At 9borb, nod Mn. John llerrod's petrol:ma. Vets fine body of Cool will be sold at the lostpriee of VI per seee—en• third in aimed, balance is Ice equal annual payments, oat interest Title indisputable. Location say goo4--esnnot be inispaased. rbr fardiet pertiellarr enquire of 9, BAWLS' S% orlielnis a dean of *aid rev pony Residence Id tt, beim. Pony, Ate. Adams , Rm. N 6 There n sturdier seam of coal on dila Met, shoot nOfeet !Meer the lowan, of excellent QaaLn. " jrze!dif It finable litanding Loge lee antes TOE subscribers an: withanzed to Wier' at printe sale, and upon highly favorable teaks> r nicht/et of very va liable Bulldog Lets, centrolut loge wood.' of ne lb nl L tta n on: Tity"o'r ell, n: ted at the scathe asovardly corner Or Pon4111:4=8 atrets, (mating Sill feel ao di, former, _and ea along the Inner about Geo feet to the APegbany ever, and being a pan of the Real Haute of thW,letz James S. Stevenson, Feq.,..leceood. • A plan or subdivision of. the elniseLatS,' hirtentOo• tufty wills Which his proposed to salt, saarbe saga at the offlee att.) onderal,,,ed, on Fourth between Ides. ket and Ferry so. nnutehls a KUHN. my 3 TWO EIOUSES AND LOTS lOWA SALE TWOLOTS on Heaver tortes, In the City_ o CRAllegheny, above Cy; opperCommons,On which crated a. fame betiding, two Bonita highi Womble for two smolt tertemenue • The tots are each tweet, feet too ooh tkpruireA feet deep, and tan Doi to a street forty feet wide. The buildings on the qtrei mites will pay a very handsome LIIILII.IIII the trnreitk, mew, and the property will be sold cheap 101. cub. • Apply to IL Sproul, Clerk's ofhewll-15. sp to • nna K9 tr. Co ov _ neaten attain an • •T.' a e. Tar E s s en p A , Coot ?!..".Af,'.itlrd l m"Ll:i.' - etrlt Ag h—al Into to tail pflOCllltOri. Per re er panic. 'lan Apply to Henri lA'Acd•A a.m . to A WASHINIiTUN. abAap Azgathaeld W AREIII - 11 , 3E. 'FORAUL...The sabsenber oSors rot Os., Ito nave trot, beau Warehouse • ou Wood .I(rci. Aceepte./ 147 'Norm& Co. , A , 31 IJAA/N , Jr. ' dral VT P.I.UABLE UN PENtiIiSIILKIVrt ii 3 OR ALE —Ai. Lot of Om.. *house onPead .4s...between day and Miutiori addlining louse and lot noio °tenpin! by Richard &Nom* ba ddoinig • front ottl.S foe, ond in dada Lai feet, odd on favorable tnrniu. Tide uneseeptionidila Ed. 01 CO. LOOMI:4, st. idea Wood. nnCldl Lear Sale. A DESIIIIARLF, liallttozg I,nt alleendorsatioss. vorauly I &wed, in ow. a.m., Wait 11Me t agi4 • ti , ee %old 10, 1 01 1* Of , 1) VV11.1.1 SLR, OM wd eed jps„. FOR RENT—A roc. in the second sarjW. Nave Wr.rml or , .• Priv , 11 washed NVodl, 7).1 LL ' iryterwas. Jana rs, 15a , Mr. /atm D Morgan—Dear 51,1 gave one tasspowa ro al Saar Wormic.Killer tp one or b‘idr.-nt 4 th ye .sort woe *rot. half hoar it paned Lorfrity largo worms. 1 teal sato in resommsodmg your Versitifogo as the Item Mediae that ram be olds forezpolDutg Irormi. Arms Sfogoss, Anal Notlkuoni.- Prepared mad solidity uto oroOIotor,IIOIIND.UOIL , CAN. Druggist, one door below Dimond sittry:Wrod =mt. Jois ATII.I O. VIGHT BATHS Vo ONE DOLLAR, or evoint ..C.A Ile* for Clor-n0... Ladles Deportment oyes tram 9 oil o'eloelt,*: area sto o'clock, P. M. 2 7. , Caen.= 61.1oret andrauking-Rstabl3 , rele slisinmarargs. vows; FLY aporm-41.7131301,1itt AILS asw a rgeirlat. sart o g oo su= ikst - will IN as i.,. yids at sach.Fises as aims: Gall l 'E:=4l..ll 4' s are lasiteil .3a aan atat itjf:ll4lT 3qr gOeiMetatßaCtiiing tlirlierl4 : , • 111 0.: - . .r ., ' . ~. ' 1 - ';',J , .' 1..74A1