The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 05, 1849, Image 2

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    TdE rdiyiftlfitin tritZtlrE
kV,_ . l,_f • fllTEq . 00 1
PTT- vixen. I
_11117"TtOm .Pretitnanuan 6ars.a Oazarra prlit.are
war, Tra-WeelJt a and_Weekly.—The Daily ti Seven
Ik'n".lPof edinalathatTpi•Weekly IA FITT Dothan per
wn* therWma.),..4 Irraro Dollar. Ixr annamm a tstrafsfy
.be-Anyntruidfan tle eldnemly remazted and In
rwor. 1,46,ere a qt., and nett ed e India day m
011antar nis oat for speed
Acd will hf.iably be charged roil °Hated oat
PIIILADIII.a — T'U ' i -. l L •iii ia
Adveralsemeidi mad son.<raptdam. m the Non Amor N
era and United:States Gammas. P eeeive
aad forma thisiotfice
los toUtami — toaanmon.
HENRI( ilk' at Lizurru Cow.]
WIL4A4II,IIASLETT, of Boiler Cooing.
ROUT C. t z . LEZER, of Elizabe th gornaki
. JOHN R, 01 Stiamsbargh
Lao( Pittsburgh
WIL lll.S4'w Lome, It Vlatr
(leer= Limns, dr Pittsburgh
ULM. S. iEIit.TS, at Upper or CliOr •
JOHN mollißrenist, or Allegheny
JAI hilT l ELL,of Problem.
• t i •
WH. M . datTLITTR.S, of ?madman
JOHN of Findlay.
hr LOCOOONIMMaro Sea next yogi.
Bee untOSS for Telegraphic thieve.
TbitlGeneral Election.
Len then /.11.0 weeks now remain beAire the
General Ele4oin llember. Although ots pos
sessing ell thStatportabre of the election last year,
In the magoli Of the daces to be idled, yet It
tool atiMmeogioetent to prompt every roirti Whip
and true pattrtoN to do his duty.
h Is very Odeat, from the movement, among
our opponerg that a desperate &Tont to ho
made this Cal i rettie!ve the fallen fortimof the
Loraine° in 41or the sake especially o ember
caning and d ,
iadouraging the National d Stale
Administra*S, sod the the moral influence it
will exert al paha.° and mare important kwnteota
They see thitf, tuniesethey can restore tt; moral
Influence w$ lab the confidence derived from sac
con gives, they most. consent hereafter io write
down Perna4ilvania den Whig State.
A majoritt of the voters at this Statri ore no
doubt Whigk,Put a large number of theda belong
to that class piriCh can be brought to the Polls only
on some urgStal and great occasion. Hinee, we
always locrOme our majorities when wd can ob
tain a full vdip. "A full vote is a Whig Victory."
If we werli:Properly arganimd, and cold a'-
ways depend,pon our entire. strength,:another
Losokieo Ciiial.Commissioner or Govern& would
never be eli4tcd in Pennsylvania.
But the c4Siting eletition is important, in several
respects. Tyrd next Legislature will havii the op
Oortionment'o the Senators and Represetnatives,
among the Itigiveral counties, :for the dent tea
seam to peOSso. The lest appnrtiono,ot was
manifestly usijast, sod was contrived tai prevent
the Whigs j.riom ever having a majority in the
Legislamre,Fii dd was in a groat degree Success
ful. Are m 4 Willing to submit to such ',injustice
for ten yea.*naoref
But there ill no danger of Allegheny Cod:. ty, says
a lazy Whiki! Thero ought tribe nonal but our
enemies sailijtey expect to elect at least one Fix
presentativ4:jaitd some other °dicer' 'ihe very
(act that sudili b. hope could be coteeived land en
tertained, ediiiWi how sleepless and enerkettc cur
°pp:mania and how much they expe[t from a
want or zesliktvd the apathy existing in ode rant,
and which I l*lnaost always rtaneornitant!nf !sine
majoritieh. to
• But it is ittiphltant to the Wtam , party, ea.] to the
State, that tient our Canal Commomotter, tins
fall. To do i i nt, we want oar tell vote pot. and
with a full I* it can be done. Let cent" Whoa,
then, prepartlipt 11010 u, and let the yenta', word
and townshiltomntttees prepare fora aitort, but
bnlliant cam ain.
The foriollitter we give to day, from 'the Nev,
York Contsdisfr•ial Advertiser, is more thmi anti
turrily interetirg. It is so refreshing, aver being
sonoyed by% si bungling and onsatisfaciory tele
graphic repritfal received, to read sucb a clear,
vigorous, a*lj frdelligeut accoont of the weeks
neva from tifreipe.
The newo*n Hungary will worm n t ei,otir
tre every of indepeodenco am 4 raNanpl
Ifterty; that lgth Rome will cense a thrill tJ la
dignation to t through every mooly Isuron2. Three
Cardinals twiiiiyested with supreme power, who
hate alreadrlhOlisheil every semblance of liberty,
and have re4biablished that horrible engine of
seelesiasticah t lievenge nod despotism, the Jaya:.
ration, and M has already received its victims.
This is the C&Ptemment of 'law and order which
is sighed Mel lair those synipathfrera with Papal
despotism, ey in America, and whici boo to
supporters i¢ litabvrgh'
It is refretlhis to ere the manly and hearty
Iv:J*4ll6y Hungary, •
manifested In Ragland,
and the mit6tlng acorn which is exprriased to
wards perfid*a France, fur her outrageons tree•
went of Repttldiean Rome. There Lea true hearted
klloarthip salt 6 ratios ti liberty, • hatred of op
pression, anOlo; hosest sense of right and justice
In Old Enaltiiii,isvhicti adorns her charal4t,:r, and
covers meal 4efecao.
A Tuareglar roe Peer.—The tacit. support
' given by thOituburgh Post, to the dastardly
French cf Republican Rome, by;its com
plete silettocrliiitog the momentous coat*, which attracted all qyks, agitated all hearts, and stirred
the peas of iitt, Who dared to think and !peak for
themselves, 144 aroused some of the ola Demo.
crane spuit.44cofiocuisco, and caused it to utter
• rebuke wiiioqtrlll make the editor of that paper
vd4aweilat the meeting in tie Third
Ward, CoLllhalton presiding, and is as ffilloarr
.Raol t we will not vote for any candi
date dir ang.Viblin office, who has aided in any
manner to othithrour the Republic of Rome, or
who gives ritti pirnpathy to the atrocious Ituarina
-11230 the PrktoU of Rome sad destroyers ot the
rigku and likrat, of Osi. ildisot peopL. -
Sometcgiv;at in the Pont, in fitoor of Col.
sA UnitedMeCaodles States Senator, la place
Of Mr. Sturstqtrf i '..: whose time is out in led. The
Pittsburgh I.4ciiiicos seem determined this if they
do not havetitiiir share of the offices, it atoll not
be tor want aniolllng their men into notnick Thera
, a Col. Blaciiititho it is said stands a good phones
to get the urifol! dation for Governor, and tow we
have the atii*ful:of the Clarion Letter, en the can
didate Inc Sitilier.
It is a curipmifact that nearly all the pniminent
Locoficor, O' are pushed forward by the Post
clique, for ofliee, are renegade Whig, Almost
every Post him the name of James B. Sawyer
annimused 4home important °nice, ablattigh the
fact °Chia potficalapostacy has hardly readhed the
Mt:remind dflolll county. Ham long is ',it since
Samuel W.l lok was the most bider of Whigs, the
most uproar:4 sad the most vociferous; on the
stomp liotthe Locatentched it then' We mils
e f.
when we ca some seam to mind, not to very
ton go. Ct4goodboomored friend Col. McCarld
left is anotho4 the °same sort" Who 40es not
rem:deed th4olonefa maiden, political Whig
speeches. sill,
The syrnAlby of the editor of the Post Mr rene
gade Whigs k b surprised some, hot the ahtor of
the MarcoryPicho comes from a good Democratic
stock, has 4ted the mystery, by asserting that
Rover Ma r gadit Whig filmset If out neigh
bor of tee bilkitury is correct, the Whig party has
now of nine gratalation that it escaped the in
&Mien long . I:lsCieb anoinalop member, and
.we wish the ~o, i xif-scos peat joy of their brilliant
convect. Dalicieraey must, indeed, I. hard run,
In theft daYtf::“ the party's dotage, to sect for
leaders only Wings' renegade Whip.
A Mr. J. who,by some overnight, or
from the mid0:01 good natured kindneisti of his
acqualataxiteured an appointment to n Clerk
ship in the P' n Bureau of the Department of
the Weiner, a removed Oulu it after • trial
often days, iifkipubiltabed a ptamphlet, intended
tic his own Oditation, but which from its style
r im tutodatitrhidide evidence that Mr. Ewing act
ed wisely in *onstog with his services The
pamphlet in ;; . 0••1 •Unt days in cruse,"
. .
It is statedal new of the Alabama papers that
Year Demcso Wad to the Legishoure of that
State are Tir z ,, - , atee. and they will voten the
ekattiosi for States Senate's for gerttlemen
Who vat ••• ;.• I the Administration. It this In
fdiinStk*'l4ool,lWeVe to be eortelS, ..1361Fus
to In the Senate by !Taylor
Naumann Caparoa—The interest of Willis.
H. Whitney and John C. Dunn, to the Morning
Chronicle, has been sold to James P. Barr, late of
the Pen Offiee. &tr. Dunn continues n one of the
editors or the paper, ruld*lr. Whitney is to pre•'
aide over the Local Department. The proprietors
promise to give the paper a new dress ins few
days, and to make a general improvement. We
wish Mr. Bin every scenes in bin new avocation.
which be will find not the most pleasing and pro
mising, but which nevertheless possesses an in
describable charm for those who are thoroughly
imbued with its spirit.
FI. Fang.—We are indebted. to Mr. John
Murdock, Jr.. of Pee Mew townslup, for some ex
ceed/41v fine specimens of pears sad peaches.
A nursery• which produces such fruit, must he •
valuable resource to our farmer's to replenish their
The following article is suggestive of the inquiry
whether it is posilble for persons strictly educated
in the principles of passive esdesiasucal obedience.
and owing spiritual allegiance to a foreign power
which is opposed to mental and civil freedom,
can make good and safe citizens of tree govern
ment, founded on the intelligence, enlarge view?,
and patriotism of the peop'e.
Paoscur•na .—Mr. fricGee. the editor of the
Nation—a paper essentially Irish, puhltshed it:
this city—lays that because he has strenuonaly
advocated mental freedom and the necesalty of
five educacon for lin countrymen, both hers and
in Ireland, his paper and honself, and often h.
oublimibers by name, have been denounced by the
Ronush priests, from the altar, to canons M00r...
ani give* the name and residence m one peen
who refused the rim of confession to a subscriber
of the paper, whense name also is given. We nos
prebend that the , e neattemen are ;tumultng a
tidal courses, tithe facts arc as they am represent.
ctl to be.—Nne Teri Co stmeTtuaL
Oterespandeace of tae Pittattargh Gazette
N. Yalta, Sept. I
Autumn a upon as in reality, as well m by the
calendar, and woolen clothing all the rage. The
gay colon of au turrin appear in the costume of
lathes, and the city has all its old loot ol smart
ness about it. Still the Cholera lingers, and We
have sixteen cases to report to-day. What is
left, however, to sporadic, and the natural tenden
cy of the weather is to make a total clearance of
the diecue. •
Cuban annexation, or subjugation has come to
be quite an important affair, and various meetings
have been held for the pu pose of raising merino,
and devising ways and means for the conquest of
Cab. Last night n meeting was held, but the
attendance was miserably small, and made up of
what is known as the Yhoys. who were told that
the expedition would not sail to-day, as the ship
owner had receded from his bargain. Seven dol.
lama a month, and 61,000 bona. was again freely
offered, bat the invaders were scams. A private
letter from klavana says the Captain General as
ranch alarmed, but he may have produced a wax
by abducting Rev. All America. tit Cuba con
sider the case as one of violent abduction, and
that the New Orleans lawyers will get us much
out of Rey. It is fortunate Or Cuba that England
tuut not one cause for complaint. for the Island
would soon be transferred a to Chinos,
It is understood that the Secretary of the Tree.
wary has been buying up the government ions
wan his surplus funds.' It was predicted early in
the year, through your C 011219 05, that his estimates
would not be remitted by three rni/hons of dollars,
and the official figures show such to hare been the
deficiency, and that his estimates of eznenses
were about three millions tw small, mating the
year's blunder on miltions. Not satisfied with
blundering to btu receipts and expenses, he a•t
ed for a loan so large that his succesoor to now
obsoletely burns for 1121 what Mr. Walker sold
for 1016101 e, a system of finance that does not
exactly square with good mercauttle usage the
world over.
The days of iaperdtittoti, at charms and amulet&
has not grate loft na, as gathered tram the
follow/rug advortu,cment, eopted from toe Tr!bane
of this date
For sale, two etoldreo's Cants, or Veils —No house
was ever koowa to be injured by nee with one
therein. or a shiplost at sea. with one on board
Pena S9O"
It is rather Idle to talk of the general darusion
of knowledge to the face of an announcement b ee
the, which tells es that the safety of bunsan life
can be secured by the mesas of a part of two chil
dren, who have data the debt of nature. Tho,
'preveali•es' art .carte, DID three can be no doubt
that New York contains superstmon enough to
insure a porehasqr.
lightning hardly bent the reads thin time, for we
had the stesteer'• mad from Liverpool at no ear
ly hoar, and bcfilre the wires could tell to put
part, which to .risfeetory, not only la a political,
but a commercial paint of view. The Hon er..
sustain themselves, and we shall have a rend:dike
of eober minded, chinking men, err bag m Europe.
stimulate, by itheir example, other nations to
cotton, and I.DDRIDID the Die.*, of freedom.
The farce of a trial of the Astor Plare note..
to take place at an early day, but the recall csu be
told now. The • excitement has passed, no one
urea about the affair, and no jury will be found
that will agree upon any serious verdict.
In money matters there is no attraction. Money
is in demand, bat tile supply is ample, and the
rare Or interest cheap. Stocka, too, are wanted,
but holders will not sell al present rates, and are
oonfident that the silvanae of the season will cause
u good rue m pnces.
A good business has been dhne in Cotton since
the steamer, at an advance of Ifile on specula-,
Good rarer is wanted, but low grade. are'
heavy. The deemed is for the city and eastern
trade, with scarce an inquiry tar shipment. Is
Wheat no change!. Corn bas been run up llrdie,
under the steamer's news, with large sale.. In
Provitaans, the If nothing to notice In prices or
demand. Iron 'party, and a contract Jut closed
of rails, to land 4 New Orleans, for 631 110 a too
Whiskey hu rup up to 2761272 c. Tobacco is
higher. Leither! and Hides continue in request
at full rates. WPM talus firm, though no 411 can
be noticed. Manufacturers buy slowly, and do
not seem inelinedlto yield to the apeculatora
Maarten:ova Ommucv as Two Necutom..—CM
Wednesday tifletatimo, the 15th hustant, at the time
of lush water, an exceedingly clever and Jaime-w
-ane Mule no of the Rev. Mr. Woodward, about
'eight years old, accidently fell from the bridge over
one of the creeks iof the village of Bluffton Two
negroes. Andrew pelonghag to Mr. Wigg, and Joe
belonging t0.4.1en.; Hamilton, happetung to be in the
hastenedito his resene- Both unbesuat•
ingiy leaped into the water, and Andrew f etunate.
ly re...bed the child at the moment he had ceased
to struggle, and won waking to the bottom. tie
swam wtth the child to a raft of boards that was
flowing now by. 4pon which, sided by Joe, be
succeeded in placing him in aeconty. This timely
assistance, tendered not without some personal
danger to the metiers, and in the course of which
was displayed far mere preseee of mind by Andrew
than 'legroom usudlly exhibit, has been the means,
through Providence, or preserving the hope of a
family, and of saringtgo the village one of th e most
promising and entrighog children it =tains.
Such action ahpold never be permitted to pass
ooreoorded, that: they may stand forward on
warning to the hulatics of North; for while the
slave states of the Union continue to produce ne
groes, willing, this finely, to venture their lives in
behalf of the. I tem, they posseas an argument,
pro-slavery, stroll er than any that can be urged
against it; and an element of safety which, in times
hereafer, may be fiestined to dispel some of the
pseudo philanthrophical hopes and visions of 11r
ney, Barrett, Btibdoe, and brother. G.
This is atom the roost voices specimen of per
verted reasoning are ever saw or heard of. In plain
Eglish it sap, °the Negroes are such excellent fel
lows, are capable , i of such heroism, snob Christian
benevolence, ands se times perform such noble
deeds, that it wohld be a thousand phies not to
enslave them; theY exhibit mnage, humanity, dis
regsrd of self, to almost admirable degree; there.
fore it is the very t erfectiou of duty on the part of
the white men deal with them as though they
were soul-less brutes, In the same class with mutes,
oxen, and other Oadropedal servants of the human
It really doss senam to to that such a generous
deed so Andrew and Joe performed might elicit
some other comment than a deduction from it that
it is the grandest 1 slog to the world to keep an
d:co and Joe is i•udage.—N. Y. Voir..
Colonel Benton , urned from his tour in the
Platte country an. the upper part of the State, to
Boonville on W ',sadly lout. We learn that, al
though his clerk. physically are very great, en
ds:nag much afigue to travelling from point to
point and addrempog the people, yet hi. heahh
was never better. 1 Re seems to stengthen with
the exert:he ' and s spirits nee with the opposi
tion which he en nters. He seems determined
to carry the .11 r extremitma, and whtlet his op
ponent. may ma a desperate fight, they may
yet have LO rumen er lit discretion. It is a contest
of life and death tween the parries If the Cots
onel succeeds, biai . imponents am for ever political
ly dead; If he fa ; hts fall anti be final, in his
Senatorial swathe --Sx LOSSJ Rep
aramisarrum or BMIO M. Losaircusaves.—lt
letter from Washi n gton, to the New York Tribune.
"A Cabinet Genoa wu held Wu evening, and
it is quits probable that the accredited Minis
ter trom the ilrerrisuc or BUIMAIT will be reneiv.
ed, its independence rerxwnized, and treaties, rec.
enterer! into. The President and his Cabinet have
closely watched the pigpen of the waggle with
a view to this object, an won ea it could be accom
*tidied aznistently with the principle essential to
ear prißay.
he evident, however, that we =oat go SO far
beyond this as too- rninme our inuicertuse with
Austria or Rau* (as recommended by the meet
ing at ameinnatid or interfere in the morel:tows
of ampoan nations. ALIODSLII.
Corresiiiiidv.i.e of the V COMlZleftiii Advertiser.
Loausos, Aug. 16, 1649.
Hui gory is now almost tie only topic, and al
though we are still without definite intelligence an
to the actual position and fate of the main tithea
of the respeeuv e amt., every thing tends to en
courage the belief that to far as the present cam•
uaign is concerned, the Midi° of the Austrians and
Russians is nearly sealed. Front Rome there is
and can be nothing but the claimant details of the
unconditional restoration of the priestly govern
ment. and the vigilance of the Fri-nth artillerymen
to keep it sale From France the accounts speak
only of new taxes and of universal prosecutions
against al! who breath a word m favor of republi
eanumn. At borne the doll season ha. ACI in with
more man ordinary intensity, and the only food for
the papers is the progres, of the queen through
'reined end 'Scotland
The news by the last packet, at the sortie of the
Catnorn garrison and their expniston of the Anstri
es • from Raab, tar born having been es torgerWed.
turns out to be of more weight then was at first sup
posed. A more vigor°us teat was perhaps never re
corded in soy previous war, and the damage it hes
indicted on the on penal., both morally end Oyes
wally. becomes more and more apparent every day
Had the attar taken place or theinterior of the
country, it could have been hushed tip or misrep
resealed by the Vienne authorittex ler we gel no
news direct from !tunnel-v, and those who utter
en unfavorable syllable in Austrta are forthwith
rbol, but occurnog en n-Ole capital,coneehlment
Mr. impossible. It appears that ell the artillery of
isle Auworin dtviston which was enconnted was
either spiked or earned oir to 40, 0 0 0
cart of copper money, 50 000 uniforms, 1000t0 cwt
of dour. five vessels ladened with corn, 17 net of
gunpowder, and to sheet all the reserved niatertel
of the chore tortes fell into the hands lathe Hun
le addition to the clothing seized at
hi nut,, It is cattlemen also that a - Rumen convoy
was intercepted with 30,000 sane at regimentals
Tee account of between two and three thouseed
head of cattle and an onmense amount of .15
baying been canted ott is likewtse confirmed,
while the number it Rosman end Austnens slam
end captured W known to have been extremely
large. Meanwhile It Is now certain that the Hun
gerima are in cannoned posse-mon or Raab, while
it is rumored in some quarters that they have ab
solutely reoccupied Petah. The mails from both
places are long overdue at Vienna, and it to there
tore certmo that the cumnonniencon has been cut
oil ruder these eircussiatences nothing ran he
tweed of the actual state of atiaire, but at course the
A ustnans arc in coesternetion and there are strong
reports of a pitched battle in the south, In who,
the Harman general Pas:tit/witch has been totally
defeated. Ills last bulletin received al Vienua
won nor made punkt.
Among the various rumors which tail currenn
cy in this confunion, the following ore the chief
oars which Lave appeared during the week Au.
Itch, the Hungarian lender, in said to have effect
ed a junction with Ktaydra, by whom the sally of
ecittorn was effected, and in the way the occu•
/ten on of FLanb has been reudered practicable.—
Hayman. the demotion! author of the threaten•
mg proclamations at ream, has engaged the Hun
garians under Nlessoroa and Dcaibinski. in their
entrenchments near Szcsedin, and, according to
the official bulimia, put them to a "wild tight," this
flight being doubtless nothing mare than part of a
pre-swanned plan. Ten thonsand Hungarians are
still in Moldavia. but they are not beaded by Rem
as waa
originally said The latter general. ar•
cording to an official despatch, published at Vien
na, wt. attacked on the HA of July be the Ros
man general Leder, and vas defeated with • loss
01 101/0 men. falo prisoners. and seven held p.ecea,
wnarrowly ew-apwg. of course. by • right.'
ith the remainder of hts army. In thi. ;team the
Russian loss 'aqui:Kell at kilted and vounded,
bat as the Rurstan eneral.Skanaton, Issacknowl.
.dged to have fakers, it it In/0641b, that the ha.-
an, or disarter would, the wort could he as
certained, be Mita t as usual on the nide int tlin
Impertatteta. regard to George,. the
eaants are that, pursued by Genera: Grabbe, he
bob up a .1301( p 1,441402 with hue 10.000 men at a
ptetre ceded (tom,. un Lae lett bank at the cave
and after harassing n a opponeuta With three
day, Noting, crippled them sr:Cleat, to enable
nun to otAttaren to Pokay. The !lug,
torten Government are at Grosstwardee, Where
50000 of their troops are ecuteentrated. From
Debrecein, there us not a wont of latelliernee
It wd: be at-en that thin comuleto absence or a'
plative miariastion suegews the stterigest auspi.
mo as to the late at the Impenal troopslnstead
al su ns
rrounding the liongertans. a. thee intended,
:hey are now themselves partly surrounded, sad
I . any very complete d-otster shod befall them
ta thq interior. n would be doubtful If they could
You] being utterly imt if. With Pest h and It salt
between them sod Vwuna, a retreat would be a.
oat l•oneleas Tams oaty chance m cites:sag
a roneentration of their .partor numbers sad
lute. a rapid and demstve blow. To tint all
t nett Cll.ll, aftDOW oterioudy dlllitled, at Whit,
ever cunt, and consequentle the art Ws: eek.,
ran test
1.1 to decide ,he question atthe.
.I.,,crs, or 113111.
Mettnavh•ie it appear, that at Agrun, the capt
or Croatia, the Cann • I of the Can have 'liege./
the Imperial eohatitution promulgated by the Em
peror an the ttb of Mamh laid—ao that ahhought
the Croatians have Ihtliert been fighting again*
the Huoganana, It is evident taco are ripe for a
hellion vn Melr own account, and on premsady me
Same grounds as those for vehtell !ho Hungarian.
have been contending, namely, the nght at their
coheir: to in enrent and indepiindent loidito•
tioi •
Vi ttm pngt.on of le..acti oh am , . h , . d lent
nothing to homer, e,-cpt that ,he a: li •
”-Y :s 7900 Tile rAvege. obm..,
the Russians 11,43 are aseem ned to bat< beeu
In some quarters a a aeseeed that the P.mperar
of HlOll4 to already angleoe to withdraw from his
detastrous alliance, but as he is a natonous leoutc
as fu as self esteem and firenneu are concerned.
such a tern:to:moon seems berate probable Suit
there are circumstance, that show the exioence
of agitation and uncertainty between the two pow.
era. Immediately aver the rout of the garrison or
Raab nod the oeuvre earths stores dep.:tett there,
Prince Schwaszenberg, the Aniatun Prime
ter and the member of the Cabinet moot bitterly op
poud to concesNion, departed In haste for War
saw, to meet tie Cur. Whether tics way to en
treat bon to continue hie aid tame..., to be seen.
I have mina to day received partive information
that a lou to Boum 0'625,000,000 was recently
arranged at Hamburg, but that the Emperor refus
ed to ratify it, as ha roaatdered the price offered
( 9 3i) too low. Bat in fact the price was n very
good one, and a. much as could bare been safely
at ven.—The possibility therefore suggeols dull that
the Emperor may really have cUnged his mind
regarding the war, in a sudden fit of pique or ard
fulness. or from a sear of danger to his power,
store It was entered into against the advice of his
council.) and that ha may therefore i.e able to do
wobont the money. The parties to the negottatton
are understood to be Sleights of Pcieraburgh, Hope
of Atnatardam, and Bartogs.
Pabbe meetings in favor of the Hungarian. can.
time to be held io all parts of Englaud. The
stridence, are large, enthusiastic, and unanimous,
end it is instructive to observe that the name of
France cannot he mentioned without the eonaciotta
near of her treachery to Rome tostently drawing
forth a groan of snore, which for rtncenty was
perhap. never equalled to politt.l history. In•
deed even those most accuatorned to guarded
languagescarcely wet thtcnowlvell to speak
of her. "She can
stands," said a clergyman at
au iu
dueoltalounty mee'ing held yesterday, "before
the world to an unblushing hat"
At Rome the installation of the three Cardinals
in uncontrolled power as the mrpresentmives of
the Pope, was immediately followed by an abuinve
from them, against "anarchy" and the
- shameful acts performed by demagogues without
reputation.or character," but to which a rpm:AL-a
non of the shameful acts in question was wholly
omitted. The clergy, it is said, are new openly
threatening revenge for all their past rnortffiration,
and the three cardinal, are gi ving every indication
that they shall not be disappointed. All laws pro
mulgated during the ex.mtenoc of the republic have
been cancelled. and the frightful system which
previously prevailed has been motored in all its
force. Every offimal appointed by the republic
has been discharged, nod the paper money I..tied
during that time has been disavowed to the silent
of 35 per cent. All these proceeding, have been
taken without the formation or any Ministry, and
such was the feeling with which they were res
ceived that the French, in order to keep down
the people.were compelled to place artillery in
the streets, and to have the gannet., ready with
I.ghted matches. Another step, alto, which bat
for the efficient measures of the soldiers of the
Preneh Republic, would hare canned the "Corp
atones of Rome to rim and mutiny," has been the
rc.rodablialusaent of the !ovulation. A Dr. Achill,
an eminent Italian theologian, a man who has
never meddled with petit., a, but who het Leen for
5 years an avowed Protestadt. was one of its firm
victims. He was arrested on the night of the 30th
of July. by three men in plain clothes, sad is now
in One of the secret cells of the Holy t dive. This
case, which has only Jost transpurd, protnises
excite an extroordinary feeling autong ail the re.
ligtimo bodies in England. lidubtlem is hen ;en.
budmot dimovers that it cannot be veiled in see,
miry, Me Ministers of Louis Napolman will akteuipt
to remedy the "mistake." But how many are
doomed to follow -Dr. Achill', of whose tate no
mention will ever afterward be made'
Gen. Oudinot has left Home for Gaeta, whence
he livid return to Parts to he idolised for bowleg
maintained the -honor of France" It is alleged
that he will be elevated to the rank of naambal.
The accounts regarding Garribaldt are that, with
los wife and about thirty followers, be has made
good his landing near I come. A monk, who had
acted or his chaplain, and who had exercised a
powerful influenie in favor at the Republic, fell
unto the bands of the Austrians, and has of course
been shot. Hundred. of the baud have been cap
tared and will, it may be presumed, share the same
remorseless fate.
The Venttians aro said to have obtained abund
ant sttpplies from a flotilla which triumphantly
reached the city, after repelling so attack by the
Aostaan fleet The Austrian land forces, It Is said,
hare agent failed in all their efforts to capture the
place by assault, sad their ranks have been swept
by &realm
In the Journal dr.; Leduc it was mentioned, a
few day. back, that the Rothchild, had already
laud to Austria the 015,000000 line imposed upon
Sardinfa. The story, however Is wholly destitute
of troth. Sardinia has cot yet raised a loan, and
bonds and other mews she will endeavor to avoid
tit is wasidered probablethat by an lime of treasury
be oeceasity of doing so. Owing to tho atrocities
of Hayneo agatost the Jews at Pestb, the Roths
child', moreover, are in no mood to assist the Im
p:sights by say unusual aurtious.
Wa.ll our notions of bagialative aigllay, we have
looked with ItO little Interest at oae or the latest
exhibitions in the French Assembly. Pierre Bon
aparte at a recent sitting turned round end struck
a member, an old man named Gander, a violent
blow in the f.ce, in consequence of his exclaiming
•that is wee," during the reading of a paper in
which reproaches against the Premdento( the re
public were followed by the question "Has he not
his 600.000 francs a year to spend'' Gastier t be
ing a republican, istocieeno chance of redress from
the chamber, and indeed the remarks which were
immediately made by the president of the A...ern
* showed the grossest partiality for M Pierre
Bonaparte, who belongs to the majority of 'order.'
The case is to tome on before the Police Coort to
day, but with the uoivenal horror against repub
l cans it may be feared that poor M. ( - Mater will
meet with little NSW,
A property or IDCOTE lax of one per tent, Wt.+
IS calculated to produce SI 2000,00 h per maim,
proposed to be levied by the French Government.
Thu and a few months coot:nuance of the mitre,
Pal prwiecutions will bring about new even, la
due season.
An announcement has been made in the Moi
re/1r of an exclurave authonration having been
granted to a Mr. Brett to estahlinh a telegraphic
communteation across the channel. from Boulogne
and Calm. to Dover. The prt allege to to continue
for 10 years limn Sept. 1550. Precool* to going
this nuthortzatton the French Government di. ,
patched an agent to England to examine as to the
most perfect approval. to Opernhop tar telegraphic
purpose. The telegraph patented by Mr. Brett
in the one invented by Mr. House, which pi row
understood to he in operation between New York
and Philadelphia.
The visit ot the Qneen to Ireland wan character
iced by nothtrg but Joyous demonstrations, and in
taking her departure she announced that the Prince
of Wales was to receive the title of Earl of Dub
lin. She is now in Scotland. and has named
through Glavgow and Perth, where her progress
has also been welcomed with universal my. She
has not, however. on the present occasion, been
lavored with the fine weather which, m mantle:-
ion with her excurviong had hitherto been almost
The heat aggregate meeting oldie Parliamentary
and Finnoetal Reform Aillo(natiOU was held a low
nights back, at Drury Lane mends, which was
filled to suffocation. Oh this 0001110 U a chiliad,
tins was manifested on the pan of the Chartistatiod
the inure moderate reformers to cooperate, and the
points agreed upon as those to which the Moire
agitation is lobe directed were, I, Household suf
frage. 2, Vote by ballot. 3, Tneatital parliaments
h, Equal electoral distneta. 3, The abohmin of the
property qual,fication at present required for mem
bers of Parliament. Donag the meeting some allu-
MCA were made to Hungary, which were caught
at wall indescribable enittustaam.
The returns of the Register General, regarding
the.beelth of the metropolis daring the past week.
allow lint a very slight diminuation of the care.-
si•e mortality which had previously prevailed.—
The deaths were 1909, those of the (center week
having been 1991 Theaverage mortality of the
season only 1009. The deaths !Mal cholera
dense the week were 533, being a reduction of
103 front the oreeedteg week.
A meeting fur the purpose of die-nes:nu the na
ture and treatment of cholera was held last even.
Use, by one of the large medical societies of Lon.
don. The speakera were all practlnotiers of re
pate and experience, bat they all differed as to the
beat thean• to be used. Dr. Rees was "free to
confese' that be had seen a greet deal of cholera
and bad tried severer plans, but be did not believe
any one possessed any advantage over We other.
A Dr. Hughes toward the elo.e of the meeting,
aftermoue of the reetlemen had given the results
of their personal experience, said "he knew very
little of subject-matter of drisenuion when be
entered the form, and now he knew Ira.. Ali the
renticinen who mad spoken appeared tO hold dif
ferent opinions'
Ainote other information recently .reniaird .n
consequence of the prevalence of malady has been
a rep, of nnirefulla authenticated cholera ca•ea
treated by the medical officers et the Ed:nburah
fiornw oath.- Lh•pensary. The nusnher of cases
was 930 and their prop 'coon of deaths was 04 iy
1 to 1, salt I, the Cal,. trvated der,/ ite same
time under the ordinary metlf.fd we, S'76, tilt of
which Inc p,portfon ofdeetha was IJ
It h. been acid in one ruffle Dublin Nye,' that
three ateamer. are now buitftine -pool to
riv 4, - ,......;etway. on the Went coo , Irei.fed
and II tabs Their averete ianeer, a•ier
ted nut earred era day.
I tonn+r tee past meet there hes been
bk. moron, Or .o,:ty In the m,. e trao•n
11 ma 01 London, but the rate co ew
owmes rcnts.os
Withint thy sl.gatest wteratont Consols. w
at the Isu date were 93, he•e elated to day a; ir„
The harvest 11 , 1 promotes well IC 111 part- ac I
wtth the eseepturn of one er mut..led
the potato crop this yea two
her very w
sound- There has not been much Jong ,0 Ara,
MOCia. The Pentn,. nolo++, lots attn.-se.:
3 good deed of In nod favoraLly ittoneht
T. recent letters ikt terns+
the New York - COrtcSpoptknt
at Ihe Tones on and tot other po.ol• 130 , ,
served In increase the rapidly glowing chsoost'..‘
to pay attentom to ell Artlenc•rl•lts.rt.
Aas fell Colliery lLapleelen--Bevenly
ttn the tat Aherriam. nrar Menhir
Tydetti. broth Wama. a dreulial exptonum offtzr
damp, 401 tlner3 end dmatte.rtnno year, tmeur
mtl nt Mr. Wtiltom Illoaanaht colliery The
almek me• tilt I r tr 01•-• rrtqc d. S otn ttflt.r the t•
burrytng to ..006, w•res ttt •--trot,
toositsnri, t: mr nova rehilo c the s h
r wpm niter blacitened ant combos-J.
we. brought In vain, *min fit Myna-wed corpse.
were !sought from she pit; and then. it ravingbr
fatal to dmiecod to the pit. the brave mho
mho aid, in nab a pritmewortby manner, res
cued tbo tam that esesped. gave over, toonsti
was believed that there were a great many om
cm down, riving or dead. One aundred and live
men and boys were in the pit at the tone of the
explosion, vary few of whom bare bean brought
out alive. Seven horses also were lolled. it o
oanadently asserted Mat the cause of ibis roast
awful catastrophe was the negligence ni one ot
the colliers in going to a dangerous beading with
oat a safety lamp. It in nearer three years age
store 2S Littman hoes were destroyed by an c plO..
lion of the name nature, and near the lame ptl.
Currespon...e a the (Union Att.
Fa. .soar, Amos( 6, ISIS.
The German Central Power hash., the last few
weeks had • very quiet exultance. The Archduke
Jou. has been enjoying himself at the waters ci
Gageni, mad the Imperial Ministers here have done
nothing apparently but eat Monet, watt one ono
ther, and walk ar rids out. All real limuisess for
Germany has been done by the King of Prussia
Rut•lt beefily to be rumored that movements are
about to take place is the regions of the Central
Power, by which the latter will attempt to regain
its lost position. Ihe Archduke is on the point of
returning rind coatemplates, n to aatd, calling no
Imperial Diet_ But how many &mes will lake
pan us elecong this—whether the King of Prentsia
will submit to it, or openly oppose it with his bay
aorta—or what will be the result, no certainly be
yond the reach ofall mortal conjecture. Bevan.
and A alone are both wading bodies of troops to
wards the neighborhood of Frankton, tiud there is
• movement among the Prenatal:is towards the
Opole point, all which indientes that something
is ;a the wind. It is said that Wurtamburg, Ita•
vans, and Austna have agreed to oppose uni
tedly all limner encroachulents of PAIinCIL to Gm
The qnostion of German unity that cemplauales
every day That another revolution only Ws:',
solve it fu:ly, Is now as clear as day. But when
or how this will arise a extremely uncerten
Much in the aoillerment °Merman affair, no doubt
depends on the hoer of the prestos lituagartan
war At all events, that the elements are WM'
log for a long and bloody war on German soil..
the most probable of all supposition.
t./turricahrrtgs or tax Tea - sustax ELscrion.—
Mr. K. Henna, one of the defeated orodidales in
Shelby county. Tonnereee, nestled au addrers n
lave days after the clot:Lou—a sort of posthumous
defence, in reply to the eleettoneerlcg attach. of
hie ettecestJul opponent. The following la a pee
rage in winch he "ndicates htmrelf agametthe re
prmoh of harry worn too many shine while at
"Now, gentlemen, I understand that the g-ntle•
man speaks or me pervonally and not pontreally—
he says that he and myself were college Mates to
gether, and goes buck Imo particulars. He safe,
as I understand, that ashen at college I. never
changed toy shot, but as one became unclean, in.
stood of taking it oil, I placed a clean one ever it;
and also Will e.s recollection furnishes tuna with
the following lads, viz. That ,when 1 returned
name from enCege upon one occasion. my mother
ordered me to it usattt myself, when to her astonish.
meat, I lotted at one shucking, thirteen shirts, one
upon another. The calumny I deny. sad challenge
the gentleman to the proof. Hie statement a Wart
in lust andin inference, because, fellow eltinetis, I
DOW in my palhoest days cherished such Ems.-
coatie Satan. tt• (hoes. that I will here inform the
gentleman trial 1 seVer at any one time had on
more limn seven slut.—and I adopted on
eisonornieril sway ors ring mythine mmy youth.
ful days, to save the expense of washing walls
sons mlf Iron, Itt.s.te at 4:allege, sod also, I wlll say
to the gentleman whir Will my tionorabw coinpetts
tor, that at the tone of which he speaks, I know of
my own ecruain knowledge, that he himself was
quite scarce it shins. and I adopted the plan to
preserve my own shuts from the use of other
`So you see, fellow Ohmsa, to what low and
conning devices then political gentlemen stoop for
political effect and lie party purpose. Now I Into'
that I have succeeded in nailing this foul calumny
to the counter, end that Its author will meet with
a just rebuke at your bands, for uttering such a tare
faced alludes, without even the aemblance of truth
"Fends. citizens, jut take the matter home to
yonr.elvea—did any of you ever hove on at any
one time, as many at thute t u skim! The idea is
preporiterotor—Crr I do not think (btu nay natural
born Citi:en al thla country ever had IN many as
thirteen shirts to his mane. The gentleman hu
done rue s groat injury ill supposing such an at,-
Jon air — vnarc.
.11lantf.4, hdi3 Lattr Blanks,
taaata. ,yrrnnearsd,CelTlS,
to, Re
Printed at in... M,. ••••“00, U ,
LOW prie“,
dal 042rr. nun max
A lame from Pivots, dated at Bathe, Aag.1416,
• - Mr. Hanoegan, our Minister here, has Just left
for Paris. The ezcelaent martian of legatioe. Mr.
Pay, who has been herein the capacity for twelve
year, is still in Berlin. A newspaper paragraph
is going the rounds, saying that an American di
plomatist hos arrived at Vienna charged with an
offer or mediation on the Banguian onestion.—
Another says that Mr. Bagby, oar late Minister to
Russia, was to Brumel, on the 4th inst. Hosts of
aura., to American legation. are travelling over
Europe. One can scarcely open a paper without
alighting on an announcement of somebody making
the grand tour as attache to some of our legations.
These appointments are made either at Washings
ton or abroad, and as there is no salary. are granted
with about the facility of passports. If all the er
r serer, were , •ollected, formed into a corps and Mal
down to Hungary to help the Magyars, they would
I c or wain real service.
The tollowing proclamation by Kossuth we trans.
Isle tor the Tnbune. It is dated July 14. and ac
rordingly gives Information as to recent events,
tmingla it throw, no
light on those preys:rigs to the
htale of Wangen. It is addressed to the Hungari.
sue generally--
•Son will rejoice with me at learning that the
w awe
country on each aide the Thetas to free tiom
ii' presence of the enemy, and is in our hands.
Within a tow day. a new corps bat reinforced our
troops, who, patiently retreating, held the Russians
in check near Szolnok, and the whole body threw
itnelf BCIVAS the aver; thin movement, combined
with a levy in man of the brave issnies and Da
nia/11d., who established a camp at KIIIInat while
o regular corps established another at Baradpuo
putt ] , compelled the Russian army which had ad
vanced to Debretsin to repass the river and re
tire to Miskolc:. This river, by the help u( God,
will aver ha held permanently, except by the
Magyars. The country between the Danube and
the Teens is protected try a strongly posted Magyar
corps, tin the other side of the Danube the coun
try n defended by the powerful (cryogen(' Comoro,
with an army or 50,000 men. In the Banka and
the Banat we have a third army which marches
vigorously forward. In all the Banat there u not
single enemy, Temesvar is vigorously besieged,
Arad has been provided withevery thing necersary
to guarantee the line of the Maros la Transyla
to an invading Russian corps Ins been driven
hack into the flokowica. The other Rumen army,
adviineicg by Cromdadt, will Ond Bem before it.
From Fem.. to Penmen,. the frontier is oars. Our
troops on the Marc. and in the Fortress of Mohan
guard the frontier of Gallica and the national
treasures in that direction.
On %It, WO. 1.1..111111.4mm', Highland county, 0
the Rev Dr Steel..Lkun Esq . of Pitts
burg, 1 . 0, io 3.1..” ELL. IV PAW.
Vk"AIIITUD, to co 07e or two first rote
Moulders, or habits, and well
• dtisitted with heavy work, to whom constant eta-
Ida, snd fair wages will be green. Enquire THIS
~ /1, 1 4 - 14.10 W • •Kr 2•11.•
( IRAII. &SKINNER, Forward.. end Cantruission
Menthe... No aft hlerket st. Pm baexb. soca
W ANTED—A person of good address. an.l whO
I ts thoroughly acqu to
ted tn this etty, to take
charge of the subscription to a new and magnificent
too, le To a gentlemen posse... the necessary goal
theettans, the compensation will be probably from bre
e[Omen dollars per dot Apply tcomodtately to toe
tl.tor of the G•setto spts
hc. mon, saint, no) be bond the follow3ng anetie,
Aznii,ster Carpets, Sap Chenille Rags,
•:vo Jo do Tolled do
l'apcory do i':.omision do do
Ileotavia 'abeep •Itin
Faun •up 3 p y do ;Chenille do
,apot oe do 'Tufted do
`.1. 1 11a ,. loer do .Adelaid do
do 1.1-4. 7-4, 4-4. 54, 4-4 and .1.4
Cartimoa do do Oil Clotho,
do Table Lmen.
Rot ut
do Hocke:et Diaper,
. 1 and I Tap Vro do Lando Crash,
I 13.11 :..1 - Freid Jo do Domaak ',pan age , over
11. 4.4 carol do do , Pot 011 Cloth do do
I 1.1 1 .1-1 rt.. do do Staff Mod.. Elinvot
I•Yir.l* ereirt3 lae are oose ab , e In levet, thee
• vet ',eine. oti,e4 in thla elly We mate artstung
liouse• and Strom fleet, to call and ex am
wir •tew, eloor et...where.
Caro, arehou.. Yo 7.5 PoorW at
Nlt u. r „ t t, ll .r lV n rt ne t C , CO —lt ...entre°
Cbtc Telmer,
A A. a i. v. Il II ttmtnt . .. 5, lump robeerv.
s' C. R.i„eauh Plug, reeemng
, and for •n,
'' * 4 'l / 1 1.NV071771
pr r l t y 1 Alt!. -10
i d s :o , , y an.l B 1 Tea.
ultrzqi Dill,.l.—Efor Calomel, Chloroform. ChM,.
12 no Valor. Lwl Jodi.le Penn, Pleorine. lodide Po.
A..* Tann., on w
, 0., o ptom.Poorl i Rhattrd, just
• d • std 1 ,111.OJNMAKER t CO,
si 1 YI l%'ond st
s -J Gingy, YU La. I.•.
• 741:)14V. A7CF:It
1 , 11, I : tit dua of ouyerior go•ory loot re.
" " L—t
011.-1 est •Aife by
/ 1-I n l l SCUOONNIAK 8. Co
"'"l' ro~ - 1 and
sp.A.ra P HANNA. tt.ratu/
I Itt EAU CHEESE-21u nag mst reed et tbe nutter
mad ttt r.r D•pot No It Foot er, 004 for sale
Iret ',I and frF sate
Al-aPICE- lA bzs on band and for sale by
`Pt , WIt . K dr. N'CANUI.b r.
13It: IKON—IA:Im. on baud and for pale by
FVUUNDELY METAL—SmaII lot good Foulaary Mo.
tat. ler sale by sptS WICK It M'CANDLYZS
oplendul suanter
Wa11... muter, mill I<ea p roe the
above and all Intermed.ate port•
Ror frright or ou.age apply ou bard.
Thfraplendvl steamer
Ebben. master. will leave for above
ad ad intermediate ports this day,
Cur frc,ht or progsage apply on boy,'
No osnmrrnal Raw.Ltheriy Orval, neat the Canal
WIL.Kro. Marble Coon, N. on hand a
larr,r asaortrnrat }plarble hlanlel• tor tale
All on.). of Monumental wort executed. splisdis
CI WrEP.--211 a. prime Cafee. rd and for
apt 4 Cee GRANT
I , E.A-10 In - chest.. Powebong Tea, mst reed by
`llll,\Aril)—al <lts Aorta's !knit Ash:
i•• t. Son, Soda tab;
Fror •ble Ito arrive) by C H IiIIANT.
spit 11 - - - Wa•er ot
L. , TARS TAS:3I.ILS. VRINGE.... LACE', and :411.k
O Veivr L.. ftud White Saim. lrp. fur the rano. oz..
d.." A'i.u. Ileg.A" muAe
.y cum lele
esks [Adams , super,. Pearl Ash)
Lr r, el VO4 • hill day per Untors Li., and for sale by
ft —lOO Lids rams Family Floor, jual raa'd and
r for ,L , e by apt 4 k W 11AltUAUCIII
13 1.1.1. EH-mi tap. Butler, reed and far sklo to)
W .t.LAsB—‘llo bolo. aso'd alley W Ulnas, reed
Rod for robs by PIO4 dt W HARYIAUtiII
ODA Awl —u csks tkod• Ash, me'd mud for tam.), , by
lJ •_pil W IIARBAUG/1
CREAM CHEESE-30 Las reed moti for male by
I ' RIRD FE. CIIEB-40 bush i r a T , t r ret t ut i l t ful i e u by
I LIT AR V GOODS --Caps, Plum., tsworda Sash
es, F.. pees, Lace, I.lolWns, Flap, and the
inianones neeeaitary to equip volunteer comp:trues
1U- Volunteer companies equipped se complete and
eliernp dune In the Mast. at no, Military SIO, eor.
3.c r .latter and Founts am W W WISIIOI
S Utie en Nun. and Tenor Drums, of
Germanlown ma., for sale and warranted by
spit W. W. W
Splendid Large Engraving
ou3serll.ol.• are nos pohllshing .n elan*. Fdl
grevstng of the DEATH OF THE REV JOON
encraved to the highest style of 9,1. by
lA,Sort. F,Oll , after the celebrated punting of
Nlurattall Chalon .... ts of n large Kir<
oustuh: iOr framing. nod esti! be printed on the best
oart , .iy at hrevy plate paper, tit a very superior ntau
,rr rar b smprraston presentlng all the beantle • of a
brat ,la.. proof, and sill be furniabed at the lallo,ng
unstsdal,, io-of proves.
• 32 Sol I 1 e4nra , Rid DU
• •
roptds fur Thirty Dollars No that members of
o.; reit .0111 and others, by uniting together and for.
mine t b•, rail obtsin thus most impressive picture in
o, one Debit, and a lint(• copy"
t/ mounding the bed of the dying patriarch are one
teen figure,/ representing the iollowieg persons, tot
teeny of whom arcurnte portrait. are given, from ong
gtest ranty.;
Ree.APeard Dickinson; Rev Joseph ltradford; Mrs
CharleggWesler. Mae Sarah Wean.); Rev. The...,
lien atr Mr: Lather Ann Roger., Miss Ritchie, eller
wnrds Mn. Mortimer, Rev. .1111111, Roger., Mater
James Rogers, a child seven years of age,
person now living who lA. then present.; Rae. Jame.
freighters; Rot A lexande r Mather, Robe rt c .
millers.; Rev. John Broadbenti lire. Thome, gl reig g.
bent, Rev. George tVlotefiold; Res. Jonathan Edmon•
W.on. John Horton, Earl , one of the Enna:tor , * of Mr.
ale)', will; pr. John Whitehead, Mr. %Vaster,
Physician mud limgrapLeg A letcheal At:4+lmm to Dr
. .
IV' Agents, for the male e( this G. work of an, we
wanted in every part of the Vetted Sauey.
N.B. all ord.. should @pacify Siateleaßuireviog
For funher particular., add..
tiL&DDING & HIGGINS, Publuthen,
klidbodiat Book Stove, N.. 40 North Fourth saved,
uj— Tbe engraving can be pieced on • patent rol
ler, and 0.1111 by mad mama Mmry, n • VIII trilling
expettar 1p14,00d3i
wr i n"llll:l on N u T . — tkn A eienfortgble brick timile
mon given inmectigier; 'I P
tpt3:ll6l LTF:R DRVAN E' T, 1E0 .1 1.1t
^Y .1
The Peals*,lvan's. Complus,
Fon lasecarme oa L./Mato Gitarmen A earrrots
Fl , llEsrst WM Insurance Company te the U. Sseres.
Cap. opa .o— W a ro l th i d e i , n Sl2—ehm er Neptue.
Hanna authorised the undersigned to wee... ape!.
emit= for insuronce. on which policien he issued,
aceteding to tbetr premeds and rates, which untl be
made known to applicants ahis oaice, No uin Wood
street. spit UFA, COOll ft AN
A Laii. Lessons Loon Prose Composition.
Cmseres Commentaries on the Gallic War.
The _Clued of Yirgd. Cicero'. Select °Tailor!,
SaJlosSs Jogarthine Wee and the Conspiracy or Cat-
Moe. The Work• of Nonce.
Finn Greek Lessons. Greek Prot,. Corapo•Moit.
Grammar of the Greek Language.
the Ambits. of Zenophon.
Cicero de recnectute, de Amon', Pnrsdos., hr
('or mile an reduced priers at the hook .tore of
spt3 eorgner Third and Nlarlet st,
SHINGLES—A lot of Stungles for sale Enquire of
rpt3 Firsts o. belvreeo Wood and Markt t
IN STORE-2 Bolet mkd . .1 N Dzraitt, Nrar 0.-
ltde, Pa. rare off N Ea..., Pitt.burgb," reed per
.p.. 87 Front si
I' 11 . 1;7i; visii—v,; b F bl , 7 4, ll N bf o b i lg i o iv ly o7. l 7 bi
M --
ACKT.REL.— . 4 War large No 3, for sale . by
S '173" u; 7 1 1
& CO
lIIEESE—JO bxs largo Clean., for . oolo by
1..., .Del S p VON BONN HORST &00
ARTIST'S CANVASS, cot stretcher., for sale by
.0 3 J KIDD It CO
ARTISTS COLORS. fresh, for solo by
A -
Ta •
SABLE HAIR PINCELS —A fresh lot, for .ale by
opta 1 KIDD & CO
rtisrot. HORS DS, F.,,gb,y—For.ale by
A SALE OF I.OTS will take place in Lockport, a
/I. town cently lent out ou the farm or th e sub
scriber, ru Wa re
thinguin county, P.., cleat to Lock No.
4. on the Monongahela river
For manufacturing. mercantile cod meehnnical pur
poses. the ..Woo is sdadrably adapted—from as
healthy, beautiful and romantic site. It is ten mite.
by water from Oils site to any town on rbe same soda
of tbc river. and nearly the same distance to the near
town In the rear. The river bottom, on which the
towt, is la.clout, Is nhoot thi yerdo w de, and a Mnn
fel level, Shove high writer mart. It se intended a that
• good High Sehonl or Academy than be co-existent
with the town—. bon. , A ands on the premises which
wt . ! Ina as e school house and place of worship until
to3ro notable building can be erected.
Coal of an excellent qua try. Lime Stone, Free clone,
and Send. which we meson), will nth for manufactu•
nog elms, %Mundt iasi ill ale rear of themwn. Add
to this, the town is e.use. peat water power Cl
Lock 04. which we presume will soon be employ
ed by the enterprising Navigation Cc, onvnig ma
clirnery to mane fortunes , purposes
'ro ant indi violent orcompanv wishing to vier, Glam.
Works. Foundry. Cotton or *Donets Factory, Sew
Mill or Boat Yon!. we will take rneasure in °Hering
every ,inineeme.ii wtthin the bounds of reason.
Shohld a new row.) be termed, th e commissioce.
may cod probably will sew. tilts its a central loon.
non T • cool•ly aesa In that ease we would gladly
tender • suitable site for the public buildings .
Sale to nornmence on THUSAIDA Y. the Ith day of
SEPTTAP.IF.R, and conunue from Jay to day
Term. .01 be accommodating. end made known on
day of s:e by JAMES MILLS, Proprietor.
Notice to Contractors
w;'.l be recmeed at Johnstown, Caro.
I county. Peon'a, from the tai m• 14th of
October next. , or the firadvadon and Id••nry or Ma.l
pornon a( the We•tern Ihr:foorrof the PENNSYLVA
NIA RAILROAD coot of Section No. al, opposite 10
Blrunvtl;c, • 4.sta. cr of 51 milev--embracang • con
siderable amount of heavy Rock Eic•vanon and
Pi• and ProEee +nit may ee neon et the
Ace the time a.. 0, epectlied
Fo• toned:. mfonomloo. eml7 b EDIV
, Vegineer %% new Dortaton, Summit P O.
l'amt , la county. Pe.
THOMSON. Ck Engtne,r.
Eng:neer Deparmr,t, P R R. Co .1
Itarmoborg m . A:rusi 1.3 11.11
sp , .ltra t
n 's d for sale byart.3 DAL]. ELI. .4 CO
1) [el• o''of:ro.:"'lcrenviro:te.
Fr .pr GEO. (IIICHRAN. IVood at
I "A LAY AMA'. trrAs DA RI) WOUlCS.— Spark.' I,Vo
1 and sl'ottyg. of W‘obloron. 12 yob, royal ovo
Lde and Woung, Fraokl aloyola, toy
.l •yo Lot yelopathe Americans, 14 Yoh, Bto Com
prob.-nova Commentary 11 yo;, ro)n` ago WdAeo'
1 toed Statro Plaploruog 1d.r.p0d0100,11,0,a, roya
8111 Svc,
Stork boort bloom,* al Idoglond.l2 vol., LOno. Ileuo
.a 1 {loory of opaud, 4 vol royel irro.
Illo•tratod. 3 CO.. Fn r solo by
J AS 11 LOGEWOOD 6.3 Wood 41.
For mooy roars connyceed arob %loom Wylin &
Sew York.
xr ER' -on Silver Moon; Nelly lasi a
Lady, new , sad popular Ethiopian melody by 8
C Foster. He k,nd to the 101,41 ours st home; ~ ,p eak
i.ealy. as sung by Ernpare Nltuorelv, Items th y Boat
•s sung by the Erni.. 51tosTrelv; Wbat Mast
s Fs: r I'• LYreoin be, lien C o z; Loopitans Belle, No.
e'erto) home L.< Mine. /le uoeth all 'longs we I;
NV .14 Min do Yana Elleperttora des Nunes Pidn/z-
. .
,• "r. fanra.,..l rroro ail the eulebrateri wad papa-
Ar opera, voaposed by Peril B-yer—ru 9u rombers
o pager each; pare 2-" re per nuart‘er.
large coneouon Wrdoes.
Marehea. rte. /to.. reed and, or sale by
lota JOLIN II .11E.LIA111, It Wood at
"To Isoprene the wil sod the Mind."
-Tee cztesmrs •Sh emAsitreurest. Porn MIIK CULTIVATOR-Devoted to the Interests of
lb- Farmer. the Gardener and the Fruit Grow,
I.ltato,l sot% n eren•rmis et...wrings of llouscsartes,
Farm Implements, Domenic Annuals, Motu, Fruits,
dc de I I the ot of •sery menth•
Terms PI per rear seven comes SfS, fifteen copies
Elo—any larvo bomber at the rune rate. All the
owe. lems .111 turieibed J 11 LOCKWOI .
ITO Bookseller sod Publisher. 0
1 Wood ti
XTEW 11././K-le—eßcadlog and Ur story, by Prof kian-
etevelle. Classic Feeneh Reader. by De Floe..
tie. Hook in Zoology, delbepted to afford to pupil. to
commou scheaels and academies • kowsrledge of the
Amulet Kingdom by Pro , . U. Jaeger. Cholera,
roue, prevatatuto nod core, by Ch. Richardson, XL
1/ Scruittey's town Phwe Ltlre. pan tl In paper
and col, Ist to cam!, History U. t. .I.y R. Warta.
veL HJ, llistory of Amour,. Illtele Society, by
lettetekland leyciPs weeded roil' to the lj &, 9 eels,
peeper end mush t Loomis' Trigentometry, and Logs.
r•unmieldea. he, 1 so! large ovo. Lemma:to'. lhae
to of Girondist., 3 vols. cambric. History of the
Coinnitoent Assembly of France. from May, 1249, by
J F Centre,peeper and cambric
Also, a lot of Olt., excellent duel Pens ; to winch the
tutetetnue of wholesale purchaser. to tamed,
For sale by ROPRINS,
sea /tool , * Ruddier. Fourth at
IftliA CliEl..&E-110 has test reed at the hatter
and Cheese Depot, No 112 First at, between Smith
held and Wowl, nod for sale by
T3l *NO FOR votl.F. —An excellent tecood-hand
I PIANO, in good oNer and repair, almost as seed
now, for sale lew for rash R. KLEFMR,
aul.ll at (V Third st
TENF:TIAN RED-40 I ble Just reed and for auk
V by umfl! @V SELLERS_
A ROIIATIC VINEGAR-4 doa for iukle by
/I. .101 @ E.BELLERS,
N,f A R.. 114; Jr _
lE, DUST-40 Irbil for serby .
_ R _
I AR D Volt No I Lard Oil. to ewe and for
sale by ENGLISH it. BENNETT,
ALERATLIS—S2 0 lb. prime Salomon, for rule
E 7 too' io ohne by 0031 ENO t.: so tr, BENNETT
:• INFO AR-1.5 Mile pure Cider Vior fer sale by
bCORCITED SA LTlni lido Pearls,. arrive
ol •nd for son. by 0031 ENGLISH it RENNETT
livPra--i bale Hops for .o.
TANNERS. 011.- 10 bbl. for saie low.
dovnl I.:M.:LI:i a BENNETT_
NIACE EHEL-73 Obis No 3 Alm kern', . arnvo and
1.0 rate by 5t4,31 ENGLISH & BENNETT
Cl La s tb-30 bi. 3310 and IovldGlarajosi. o .ii.i
3 - lor sulo by oog3l ENGLISH it BENNETT
1 1(1 ~° , `"ar
x TEW ROOKA—Hrstory of the Niturinal Oonstilumu
.111 Assembly Irons May, 100, by F. Coekran, Esq.
Hirtory of VonOrnotr. his fortunes and misfortunes,
bur friends and Kraal. enemy, by Wm. M. Thatke
ray, author of "Vanity F. 1.11."
Hernbahora or, the Vale of Shadow., a We of p.o
loon, by Emana D. E. Nevelt Smoiworth.
JOHNS MN tr. 14 rucicrox.
corner Market and Tlcra 5211
J usl r d b,
ma JO
pin: partnership heretofore °lmams- between the
J. undersigned, under the style of KNOX & DUN
CAN, ato day dt”olved by mutual consent, T. I.
Dun,. continuing the business.
In retiring from the move bumuuss, after a penner.
of sir ssar, I tale ploaanro (11 reamiumunding
air T J Dane. in my friends and the customer, a
we lair firm. 41• KNOX.
Pittsburgh, Aug. SA 141 P, spilidat
M A . :;i o l.. , l; yr A e,
lo d , u ,g b Itt , e n d ,
eh's. (rota the digging oi iron , The Alan eteern
ore and coal to rho ma
king of.charcoO iv,d coke, the building and minartng
of blesi faroaces cbare - ai. anthracite and coke;
hat blest and blast machines, A.O Av . Including an
essay en them anufee•ure of steel: by Frodenc Over
man, Mining Elgincer Complete in one column, LW
pages. nob illustrations, engraved on vric64l.Fne
80 • • un.nbers Subscriptions ;es:waved by
Keg 30 JAS It LOCK Wtllol3, evi lVoril .1
Copitrtnerahlp NoUee
Ina each purchasednateresl In Iha /that:mid
I -au and Steel iVorka, iota Sugar, Nichalann dr Co.o
lac nodufactare al Steei, Boller and fiacet Irou.dale•,
:Iprnuaa, An.ll, 'ACC, he 1.e., dl be hereafter con
-0061,1 tri tall llama ai
,• 4 R n yin h fold fny Interest In the fine of Smg•
rt. Niehnltion to Co., Sheffield Iron and /Heel Works,
to simnel H. i 114101., I lake ffreet fileosore In recent
mending to my friends the Lino of thrum Ilanm aq et
ongiXitidlw A. S. NICHOLSON.
b m n , ls d t t l d Za r c . tre.l4ol‘ 2 ,... ter
ig - XPItITYa4
Exclusively tor Pasosengore
—The Boau of Ibis Lino will Inoue
as follows, at 9 o'clock al night
Indiana—l . Pulley, Sato:day, &shy
lthao—A Craia, Sunday , *d.
Louisiana-1 I. Thompson, Isirsuday,: s t
gs,.nreekg—H Trolsy, Tuesday, CO.
lorlauto—P Berkey, Wednesday, Plh.
ob,o—coist. A Craig, 'Monday, Oils.
Laulri.A—J P Thonmmu, Friday, 719.
Kentucky—Copt H Troby, ame r di,
lodaina—P Burke], florley, 919.
°Soo—Copt A - Craig, Monday, lOUs.
I.oweinnu—.l P Thompson,Tuesday, 1119.
Knotocky--Capt Roby, Wednesday, Igth
Indiana—P Both_nyThorMay, 13th.
1.1910—A Orklg,PitUtg, IXIA.
Lossolons—J P Thompson, Satusilay, DOA
For pasmge apply to W
Monongahela Houma,
•pti_ Or D Luc,' & Caaal Dula
Arlill:tE-200 boa Weatera Mama Clue.; land,.
ing sod tot no, by
angel 6 DALTELL It 80, Libooll it
p.cum IN kzi
aetmnoa—LOOseCateL SOO ORISSIIIES SO eta
Second Mc, _. ._..Z "
Apartment An maple of color t 1 " •
(kl - Doers opco I put 7 o'clock—Ottawa `ill nu
ate o'clock.
W.NY:11,17, Sri-rm. Sib—TO commence with
Faddy O'Ralfarty.. • Miss Heron.
sWith roars wad donee.)
Nina• • • ....... • • .11.1sa Fssmy.
The Countess . • .... -• • ..... •.• Mn, • Remo.
Aster winds. s bliscellannoos Concert, by the Hems
To be followed by the
HobLn g s with sang. • •-• • • . .Miss Heron
. mule Avseo
To conclude with
Chanute Mr. Robinson.
• •Ors Donovan.
SELLING OFF AT COST.—Beim about m decline
biome., I will Bell off my stock at eon. Thom
swishing DRY 1:00DS or GROCERIFS. de. de, will
find It to then. advantage to toll before the tat day of
Oetober. a. I am determined to tell at very low pnees
lot CASH.
FOR RENT-71e eommedtotis double SLIM
Room which I 0000py, together with • comfortable
Jwellir g house, lb. stand is one comadiedlng
tetea to a booboos man as good as any ttm eiry.
I will sell my entire stock, cv misting of Dry (Rods,
Groceries, tluvs, rte, wen selected far the location,
at the lowest possible prices, to any person clutprGeo
to outer Into • comfortable burins.. nod give p o s ses
aion at tiny time. SAMUEL GROVE,
Federal Greet, Allegheny, above the North Com
mon. syttrdtta
- .
A man by t h e name of HURL CLAPP has engaged
with • young man of the llama GIB. P. Townsend, and
cse s hi. name to put op a Barsaptailla, which they
all Dr. Townsend'. Sanaparilla, denominating It
GENUINE. Ongtnal, etc. This Townsend II no doc
tor and never was, but wa. formerly a market ort
roods, emelt, and the like. Yet he .111101“ the tide
of Dr. for the purpme of gatning am& for what ha I.
not. Ile is sendtog out cards beaded "'Fmk. of
Qvimks," in which he mys, I have . old the om of my
name for s week. I will give 8. P. Townsend stoO
Cho will produce one single solitary proof of COA—
TIis is to caution the public not to be deceived, and
purhase none but the OgNUDYE ORIGINAL OLD
Dr. Jacob Townsend , ' Samaparills, having can the
Old Dr.'s likeness, hi. Dually coat of arms,and hi. sig.
nature Ile 1.13. the coat of mom
Pristopal Office, ID ND.. Ft,NevrYorkGt7:
Or Tail . . GYMNg
Old Dr. Townsend is now about yd can of inn, and
hos long been k flown es the AUTHOR and DISCO.
SARSAPARILLA." Being poor. he was noMpelled
to num its marinfacture, by which means It his been
kept out of trinket, and the wiles cireammtibod to
those only who had proved Its worth end kurrwri lu
value. This Ouse AIM Pansitamen it
mmufaetured on the larva scale, and is culled for
throughout the length and breadpa erne Mad.
Unfise young S. P. Townsend's, it Improves with
age, and never change., but for the better, because it
is prepared on aelerafre plinciples by aciadillc mart
The highest knowledge of Chemistry, and the latest
discoveries of the An, have all been brought hum re.
quishion In the manufactere of the OlrLDr.ra Banana.
etll. The Sarsaparilla root, it la wall known to mod.
to t men, contain medicinal properties, and some pm.
pertin which are Men or aselen; and others, whteh,
if retained in preparing h for no, produce fermeats.
non and acid, which Is injurious to the when. Room
of the properties of Sarsaparilla are .0 volatile tbat
they entirely evaporate and' are lost in the prepare
non, If they are not preserved by a PC/[lllllO process,
known noty to thou experienced In its emaufeetura.
Moreover these volatile principles which dy offin
diedhalation, under beat, an 11115 very es.
genus! meproperues of the mot, which pima to
nil Taint. The
. .
it to prepared: that all the then propeniee of
eapardth root are first removed, every thing ca p able
of tete:mug actd or of fermentation la extracted and
rejected; then every panicle of medical virtue I. thew
red in a pure and eancentrated form; zed time It le
rendered tncepable of losing any of im valaahle and
hexane properties. ilrrpared in Ills tray, it is made
are nu. twaverfal agent In the
_ -
Hence the reason why we heat commendations on
every aide In its fawn by men, lemma and ebildten
We Gad It doing arfinders in the mem of Consamption,
Dyopepais, and flyer Complaint, and la Rtimunatterty
Berneyla and Piles, CowWeems, all entaneona Brags.
none, Pimples, 13towhee, and all affections strong from
It poithessea a mmerellou <Me.) in all complaints
arming from Yuclirseon, from Acithty of the Stomalq,
from unequal eirenlattort, determination of blood to the
head, pa/pennon of the heart. cold feet andmid teed;
hadehilth and hot flashes over the bury. It haw not
had es egos/ in comets and colds and protium easy
expecte:aeon, and gentle puirpirknon, relating seta
me a the kings. throat, and every Mire, Part.
Eat in nothing is ha mulleese more manifestly aeon
and acknowledged than to a/I Mods and rages of
It works wonders in eases of Coos *lbis or whim,
dem Womb ObatmetedrßandessedtorPal
fol Muses, Irregalasity of the comistrual penods. and
the ithe, mod &affected is collated forms of the Rid
soy Discos ses. By removing disanctiom and regal.
nog the generl system, it gives woe suenkth
Ike whole bod a y, and cures font. of
sod thus pre t.
ven, or relieves • use,. maim of o th er
dueues, Nonsi Irritation, &sieuralgia, St. Sows
Dance, Swamies, Epileptic Fes, Consolidate s tio , Is
not Oils. then, 'Me Stemma troy Pen-lismonsen Name
Dot can soy of these thirip be said of E. P..Tourn
send.. anterior deed Tins young mm's lase QM
to a4o.sre/aro W4TaTIIE OLD D
bee& the Gtiosilratt, ' hat the ooh is istearable
of midland ItIEVUR SPOILS, !While the oth
er DO • it soon, fermata, la bloom Um bottles
cordate; it Imo &avocets; the sour. said liquid ex.
phallus arid deuterium. other goods: Moot am this hor
rible compoond be poisonous to the spume? Mae
pot acid ono a system dread: alsemmi MA!
What mimes Dyspepsia but acid! rki ere install know,.
that Men nod sours in oar stamechs, what mischiefs
produces•—datulence, bearlbuth,pdpitation of tbe
hum, liver empiniot, diirthitea, dmientery, chalk and
corruption of th e blood? What is Semites but an did
humor el the Indy! What - products all the hamar.
which bring on Ernitiona of the Skin, &aid SIM,
Salt ItheimErytipelas,Whith Swelling., Feemsams,
nod an ulcerations Internal and animal! It is pea
tag under beams but an acid inbetsmne, which Sods,
and thus spoils all the golds of the body more or leo.
What causes Rheumatism but a soar acid duldoshlett
indulges itself between the Jokes and elsewhere, 'lr
ritating and inflaming the tender and delicate emus
upon which it mu` Na of nervous diseases, of Lop.
ty of the blood, of deranged circulations, sad neatly
all the aliments which afflict human natant.
Mow, is it not aomit,le to make sod sell, and Woke
ly worth to SW this
. .
and yet he would fain have it understood that Old J.
rrob.Townsende Garttllne Orig nal Sarnparille, le an
Imitation of be. inferior preparation!
Heaven forbid Mat we should deal la an article
wbleb would bear the moat distant resemblance ID B.
P. Towesend's artielel and which should bring down
upon the Old Dr. aeon a meanie load - of complaints
and elirainatiatta Rota agettm who have sold, and par.
chasers who have aped S. P. Tewnsend's Per/nen:lag
We Isiah it understood, betilits the dale
truth, thalli. P. Townsend% article and Old Jacob
TovrimeruPs Sarsaparilla me heaveniwide WU, lei lnAnitely dissimilar; thunher are unijke Inerery par
ticular, having not one Anat.! Urlegn tanate, ttlitXl,
It I. ID Wiest fraudsfrauds nein the nn twinA tia .
bahm into wounded hanimelty, to Mate hope in the
dame/zing bosom, to reeler. health and bloom=
gin lam die crushed and breken lorrkla banish
o anaoM l ll y r
SAL ipperei c &ir& E Z r a r iT e m to n E E.E g isle
wittdn rea — ert„ and 10 the knowledge of all who
need is, Mal they may learn and knew, by *AI et
perlenee, rcaneemtromr rowra lo SW. -
For sale by J. 11101) & CO. Whale:rale Agent for
Weinern Penwrylvania; J. SMITH, Diregnigt:,
Alfa a;
ward, G. W. GA BONER. 90‘ ward, Phu:berth. 90
SUNDRIES -400 bra Window Glees;
bbla N
90 do II do
iOn burn dried Paschen to stare and for Sale by
JOHN WATT & CO, Libertyst
WRITE 11-14 bate Mite Fiala ie.iiTi —..—r ,ft•r•
TT pat received arid (o tale by
lakall DICKEY & CO
fIOPFEF:—Inn lv. Co,an no. landlog J;4,lter saki
t, by .o s talo IPAIAH 131/ &CO
TE4-40 hf chow. f H nod stack 752 k, Jan wwr4
from New York .a d for ale by
aof3o .
ISAUkkiDiern fk.
Wvß_ CHEESE—.O) Lazes ai Meese, `
. froze L. F. and al Lam, and far plea
!AS DALZELL, %%Valet et
--- --
A if, ACKEREL-50 bbls large No ablibtearl, lind
ina by canal and far se*. by •
aug3o 7118DAILIELL
pOTASH-33 eats ?walla: ilk ooze ar-d few sal e by
aupp /All DAUS=
IREASI CHEESE-49 b. Gm= nicaph received
and for sale br
itIIITE-.CIWI Lowry/Ha Mae, ler male bar tri Wont
roareignment. by
auger E, WILSON CO.&
Water 4
11:1 1 1 1 MENTOZ-4tibarec3ia far We by
J. aura) WICE. &
TAN& Co BB ELCarreeived and for rate by
• .
.not. NU NU /I—ICD l'or sale by _
auen WICLC kyccABDLESS__
.06 •
brat XVEt Cbreroe fat odaby
1 )ARLEV--4Ebmat. for sale y
_ WICK" d. b1eC14201.1:85
TDE WWI ch n of preferred creditors of the We
APCLUEO, WADE CO., ere hereby ina.
nd Wet thn Assignees aro now prepared to distribnie
a d i viden d of WI Per Cool. ""=i
of Inlniot—
Tbn.e !loving claims An IntereWWW Present Wm at
wy odic. No. 115 Sewed et, n
and Wring between the
how, of tool 15 A.M.. end it SP. AL.
ogen.dfe Agent for ttur Assignees
WKIifAErAIRING.—Ftne Watch reprunoy, — oi
every description, Wee in • offrostiorMamoy, by
W W Vrl.l l enN,
corner Foorll and Martel we
()IL -4 bbl. Lieseed i inst rood and 107 Mao by
J CANFIELD. 111 Front al,
eagM between Eintlthfleld and Wood.
tillEA 1.1 CIIEFME—Ib7ThWier.:JO. rototved at Ire
V Butt. , eed Chen.* Depot. N. Ito Front strew, end
tor .ale by (autrilt] J B CANFIELD
SALTE-10 bbls - TIT, sale by
.2,u0 1.'017
trig Aggi Ito*
'S ' • : —lollr WI11;
i LI 6 , PW
sale by [saga • I;! .v, / 1. •
ritllLnkholdere of tho 011:4 irdie
Potag l
itio.Botmad inttzho=•• pea-shatear4
before the Zia Seplaber.
Tt.. Stockholders reW.asylnadliO i
the sod iamb:tem to the ' •PrnWnt at *a
to their oaks to ?hied oar, Piettbargli. lity=7l ,
Ur Dittoed. BROOLVreizagrer.
Salem, V, utak saliPittlqtt
By Job= D. Davis, Aug:8.0..4m.
Zama Sega" M fhp
On Thuroar worn*. Sept'br. 66, n tti o'clock, .1
On Commercial Sales „Rooms, eamt, 01 Wood
nth stnnft, will be uad, reserve, fill CIA
A lame .•aorment.a staple ilad , finlet , Dry. GA.*
some 1. ly.h • rh superfine cloths, cosslsicies.Sareeds,
satipoitx A blanko , amao blentLed and formula:mains, ticking, chadu. Mg
hams, super prim, e.elaliss, Wks,
laces, hosiery, gloves, solidus Elk, spool eat., / 4.
Al V o'clock,
Gowsliesjseenswere. Pl:rotors,
k o m„i u.s,, Vs. amok eased
lobate°, contact sen'es sod weights, meta balsam..
sees, hatchets. shovels. writing •ndww.P=r
ear, window mould cloaks, looking
peting, feather hody bedding. to. .
A large and general assortment of new and wooed
hood houebold forninve.
At 71 o'clock,
A qtsanitty et ashionablo lestilymade eh:tibias, Dropgold an sllva
witherin.aklr.:ll4.43p *.f s ftth.s. trt9i.tlroo.l;.
I „. o l l, .. , r,,l va a2r4ra y at b ,, te m 4"" ..ob i z. the. P"F"l ftepL t. l::: ,,,,T . 6A4" ll4.o . 4: ° i".l " '
Jag au, Hammon the bomb tble neml
mr..h. , the Past ONts, habfbs how 0r44 Ott MI
b Ibbbbb, and extending 1,0.9 90 Oct.
Tenets: 91100 bash, reedtto to bo divided obi Ma.
Me on In January, and MI, bah 101010101.
spa JOHN D. DAVIS, Awn
S. &vital &roma Audio*.
OnThumlap altarnonn, Sept 6lb, neelock, at the
Connamial Salts ROOM; GOT Wood 110,13,1 k a., will
he mid without mem for nub, par Nada, 53 blaa
keta,b9akeau,47pfbr dela, Mao slim 4 rai meta,
7 pau ruiner. apt' JOHN DDAVJS, Awn
Steam Wick Works tom Ralik
rlztaiber ea r ni els?rle. ‘l.
g a
Slam Engine, Boilers, 0 Model Heehina, bapahle of
marusfamonaglitHOU Pressed Hsieh lout Otdry
landtaken from the bankd per day; with three acres or
on the Allegheny rim, on which are 4 kilns end
'shads, machine and obey sheds, orhealbssemes, maks,
ellovela epedes, An., every thing requisite to com
mence operas:6m Map boon notice. Price, Including
,be caesarians tome said machine, 57,000—tertos of
payment made easy. Masan the land VAO3O. Foe
pardonless, address HENRY Bituorrr
_ty_427-dtr No Ha flonongeholithnie.
101ACON—.12 les ;Tay Ces 0 'Una* 8 bids
plain do, eu do eboolders ba mime cad & fat side by
GAO iv* Nicxas
ItT ,T E—lo a te u s ;liar ilice.r NE-8742uNleiks
.1t CE'— .4 wan Rice
/Vd WAWA :ge t ; Co
It/ ACKEEEL—do bids largo No 3 Mukorol, in store
sold for rob by
1000 • CrolOo n 37 Nst recd arylcrriWolif
noon J KIDD lb CO
'PUSH DRUGS—Chlamforoz; Wood Napbta, MA.
lie Ether, lord need and for ado byJ sub a co
600 raeel.% ante°,„ maaohemma ~
ae J amoD & CO
il - OFFEE—IOO bap prima • for sae by
%- 1 anino D WIL AMA MO Wood
BLACK 11£i8-3 "
aut. // ato;
/ 0 Non litany,
" " " Delwin
Far tale by
.07 J D WILLIAMS, MO Woad a
UNDRIE9-10 byßruit Sagas; t we Mimes.
bbl Obverts; I bbl olorer;
do Saltpetre; 9 do Alrd.;
eases Genoa Citron; I ea. Mucarinfil
do Vermael;le: I demo S law;
do Carob Soap; asse Hyde'. ralm Soap;
do Candle do 9do /amoral ,; do
rsale art . ID WIGWAMS
(11112ESE,-22 Cresin; 10 m y r.
,rr d i.i l,dfor
1j maid by aar29
C11E2241-0.2 b. WIC - Clsaa
at,ia good cad., reeal
ring and for sea by
• .29 • HILOALEV & 921T121 19 ATO Wood a
I\TO. I SALTSATUS-20 tali and 03 las premhua
&donate, far tabs by
YID hit bd. Henri t :name 6lumpq
140 do Wti Grant's Vs and S'o•
do B B blyeriVoupt 1% on hlndt fond.
OT adeffli BADALEY 38111TH
nOMSION SHIL!, • 9 00,000 Common - Aims, •
rood article, to rare by •
- DrALM olL—a este superior Palm 011 to Ohs oad
E for sale by DULLER& RICKETSON,
anew 172 and 171 Lenny .t
TARDVIrrtI bilt7WlLdr — d - Oicbciterre
JL/ we by nos 29 MILLER & Bi cZE.4Box
ricroMsw - . Carraat In owe and
1./ for sale by aug29 MILT Fa & RICEETEON
MICONOMY CIDER-01 bbl. Economy Cider, is
awn and for sale by
AIL landearon& 20 do do Yana will, Una ree`d ant
for sale by an,y79 HILLER & RICERTDON
Q EGA es—m3,63o Bedaub, teo
}lava= da, 'alio. brands., Jut yet aad uls
DIGS-0 tea fresh Met, jaat reed and far Ws by
analtY 0 11.GRAIIIT
BLActwOoD AUGUST.--Chmiarm-Clms.
1... b; The Canoes, parr XV,. Jahailhart hi Afri
ca; The Oren "Shori , ! Yam; parr Mg For
the hut ma of "Oar Ahmai The Inanrreettion fa Bo
doni Loreantoo , * Revolution 0f.131C4 Die; Bercelee,
No. Chrhoophor .ender Conan. 'Uhl day pat.
Sate& l 7 Per Tera-23 eta angle No. •
Jan Publithed—Edieberer &Mew 61 .
Landon Quarterlp for I.
Wen:Whoa Ibr
rilWAßE—Just re -calved, amoral nevr„
l:axon's celebrated Eclalrb rifbraaje*. Beftr.
ea patterns are very beamtUbl,,,atol elajoiy ta m .
Ole the real elver..,
• COMMUNION WARP...A corne a aaacAgm t o (
Tardnuds, Goblet.. Marry and wuuni ii,,.1. . (
HAMA' awe, for roIe. GOLD PEN S-don opened Vats d.r.,*dosest
wort= IV. IV; Mum. o•3d fen", dor to
any otber"mairafacuara rat itrao by ,
center Marlon •114FFOthIli au
W=ittt Zg V h, two I rarlraltVd
Y Ll ditin., :zb p l:4l&tagy Llaid bz :lreys,
.BrIACICLETT k. Off- woad sz
UriaSnitia r DllTLLS-4 - r@Tiaarz, bea ty bro.
Drill/Nr,solsable (or oio nak boat dedklng, oialkand
and ar .ale by aosl9 SHACELETrk. WHITE
'ADDIIIO=IIIO' +lax Ittait Lad willtat Wadding,
try smarm:err& Man
1 7 17 eau mw y)tn dark. it
• inect&rre &
.44 opatird
T11,1111C1ra11ridi......3.-7Res dart !wan **nap
rlsalairreS, for Fall sataklut real atitapeael,'
by , • aur29 ••• SFULCILIXT/ LUTE
Eno azsret—aco roan ilia ine &Tat
by litlftlill4l:ls4, MLS92•I a CO;
•ar4 •
Shasollfl4 on af,Postaberatap t ,
~TllE.copat yr seishlf. cf..HENRY HARN744 &co.
violated Glace ammo.
y Moller ft Ceo, to 1 , 0
AA b0ui,.1.! thg SSm
the withdrawal of I. osh. Yredenalriffotleof_ allest by
The ballot= will booemilmiedzUs hti4reitroed,
®der the fina of HENRY HAN AVO,Wer.
house NA 103 Beebtbi ey whoOtAtro wlAWrdeoastaet
applies or 4Porhy lYadaS. Cla4 •
'Amy etimmr,'''
".1J,410: HENRY , miniart
13Po '
El IP WAS I PAST-P. 40 T . : LIM~ e .
Passangery,) •
rpablle atelafonssed that on sod after Sanieday.
e . WS orlikelesaber, the, pans:new arable Lhw
be eanied over We Rimed Rod Road from Law
'Mown la klarrishiregh and ham theace so Phlladal-
P.bill he th e Ilarriabargb. sad Colaratia failida—
uhtlds aewsurmigement yassortgess.miß go ewes gle
ID 01111 - uT LOSS TIM than iserewfwe.
The Peaketa or this Liaa. aro
amendAM Wm
elam. Thu rome Tor satety;weed mate n, e
=ln preferable now In we to Om rwitern Mites. is th
Rooe.o tie all mood. La day light.' Maio' , Si
g a p, Del For laWrrealion apply to
W SUTCH, Uosumwdrela Bowie.
astg2ll D LERCH & CO. Canal Molt -
TIOACike porn llama Hams. MM, ao gar.;
10:0 do Shouldars, aow ready ft, isle by
wow wA R ht`CllTOUEolo4,l2lLobanyeit
Wien Valww, tor
a • Pe Wood id
wle by ^ angee SCHOONKARERA CO
DRY APPLE 9-19 • f sa.a47 — let
T INFTN RORP9-490 dirsUng77l 11 7 1Ffalisa.
.1,4 to Warm each, aro for tale at Ortooly obairt ono
once store of A MASON . it CO,
091 — RiriOAP—IOD bze Prewar t GereNcf.aMa
m bread, receiving and for See by.
DAGALEY a. surrao3 WI Wood et
3 . ACKEREL-11+0' bide
bon, In prime order, foreale by
eugge nnoeuve eldrhe
S. fat 1114
1 .7
6Fi Tif 6l * --- q4,
0 alma
TOAP Eltrosas—aoo ULU, ancialetch'e% foe
Li = 1 .4 . sarJl RAGA &Mill
YOUNG k. co, 1 4.114bertje c . l , f,.. o very lame cod cuchdirselected area;
'r. Voik and Heide:me Bois Leather Aferectm
oe cC.(sklcs, at"at" which Uney IL ace has mcereed
the Adl wade.
waNi .- -------------.__
30 N
Coy .ale by ,
_aa4.24 6tmo. co.
vaTir u sta i t . 1.12_ , L.
i d .44 tor. maw
4.3 Liberty4t,..
TIMPEVIINS-43, Mai reorit aid for: war
br mita Eue.uN b. memo'
IHERODTB-141 DL Havana CheroOce, fee Will
' WICK wcANnuss,
c_nL23 wicx a krctita..
OIDEEL-6 Ott Sweet Casa t do do tolxa"
C ado atirtl NICK a AreafiVaaM •
Aft9E A tt iVoL i rtiod a Tst'osa..,,,br.
osVo &
tool WICK
IpnA 80-15 asks ree'd andir wall' •
atTaiQOA Sy iis-B
W.i.h.r. , Ansa wi sous ono' bg
ramod CHIME—so bominifftettiail 04,44
• m
ad aturtl the Dauer and Cha cheese Den ticim.,
7 1 , Jost rod anhrz4orritip
LASEO-4 b • le red 13 kers laeod tad for slur
sera TASIIST r ow