The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 04, 1849, Image 3

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BY 1 1 URN
eLgaiiAPult7 o
H DAILY GA4 rir.
PO I.33VISVSLIS Zieit 3,
A deatnlctive fins 'is can in this en about
MI o'clock this inona esiattimirg Davia is TILT- 1-ge,
Ree Cs
s rpenteie stti, the Mechanic.' finnan 'Ai
Hoagie,A 'm 6: p itOore. Livery Sebte, and wi
Bloodgood's Bhop a lrriage Rims. Goes esti
mated at $1,060 i-S
Th e .re is sap to be .tbo work of co in
cendiary. !fi,
L6TY , 1 1 01 4
II Pod-ler-rem, Sept. 3.
The barque Tlo 4 4s.pallett arrived here this
from y.lo , .'oAbriagin intellertnee that
the forces of MonegePid Pars had fooghi bat
tle, over Felipe, a b 4 ended le the capture of
Pees, ard the dispero of hie follower..
5,11 . Sr. Louts, Sept. 3.
There were Wee Ittots mire yesterday and a
number dries. fi g ti . .* me 011".
Gay Tuner, of t ; :tomes Fire Company wse
killed on Saturday
~... : Last, by being rho over
while racing with a
The weather la coOnd btirinew dull.
-- ii . ,:,
, Sr. Loom, Beim 1.
Aecounm from thePliini represent the Cholera:
at raging among the
. 4ions, in the North West. i
to a &arra! extent. t.:Ate present intimations ere, L
that it will prove a - er senorge than the smell) v
pox in 1637. South! the Arkansas it had dir
appeared. it,l
The - Indians otithEfflistoort river, fuel greattyi
h i.
incensed against t ':;llites, for introdudimr the;
disease among the ' d many murders base s
ben the result of amity. The man Howardi
*barna shot hi L , , own, is mill in a, eriticat
.gincatiCa. PnlEtlin tOment acquits HAMM 4
hichoggiiin ar2! ,11 :, of the assault.
I '
Clic , ll=44ll CINCINNATI. i
o.i . ' dcionasYt, Sip'. 3. Ito
Theßsattl of HenfPreporfs G4:4 deaths, iroi
May Ist to Augu.,4 3IA, of which 4,111 Were fro
Choleric This mor 441 - br is estimated et equal td
cam in every Aileen ittihe population et that time!
Dr. Harrison,Prcefior tithe Uhio Medical COq
lege, died of Cholei 'f,yesterday morning, haring
been taken with 07. disease the previous afterl
11:0511. t.:.!l'.r
V 1 Sr. Lome, Sept 3. 1
A letter has bc4iireceived to this city 11 . 014
Round Inlnad, midOy from New arlearm and
Mote* dated Aug 12th, which says that 1 000
men of the Secret gipeditien had arrived there;
and would sail on loPid the ate am boat Tammy, od
the 20th alt., for anr4iand 100 miles direct( Irani
Vera Cram 1:J
The writer of the o l!Vtter is a member of the e. 4
;maiden, and think43set Sierra Madre is the tatif
mile place ofele4galion. lie expecte that 2:l*,
000 men will rend" tsr" one at a 'mint near Verli
ems, from the dint era ports of the I.7aitd
Pait.soomrous, Sept. 3.
Flour—We not'( ' no change on the marked.
The demand for exiaakt is limited, but priers hues
not varimi. Sales ammo brands. fresh pound,
at $5 12i• •
Rye Fionr--Snltallit 63 25 per bbl. Bales
cora meal at the 14 1 0 bads ,
Grain—Sales of(4 larneat, at lOt:a106e, and
sobite at 110a1.154A0 bu. Corn to ma modera e
demand, at 6408.5f1ikr be. of 56 ibs.
Whiskey--5a1e146 2 5e on bbls. and 27 in bhdel
, ! .
l Ng. You, Sept. 3.
Ttptre were 15 .14itha from cholera, daring 4
preceding 48 hourC.3, I
.Nem Yenta, Sept. 3.,
Flour—WeverzWra doll, and in hunted demand.
Com—Semphes tIcH; light, but no elangein prieds.
Cotton is Arm, !On advance of 1.
landakey COniIIEIMS Arm, and - ifsa is asked.
tap Line. strews maw
We learn fronObe Wheeling Gazette, rh4a
package of bank rMiki, amounting to 53,000, whr..l
had been exartudektb the care of G. Me-
Cream, of Ptakar*afgh, by the Bank of that pinie,
to be delivered to,* Metchants end Mechanics'
Bank of Wheelinatitas discovered to be naisi+g
from the steamer Mite. on Sunday morning, tiro
miles below the Ntl*eling 'abut mardh woo
made tyrt'filshost Me boat, but the rdo
may was not forte
The trunk of Eild'Creary had hem unlocked
in his state room ff,. the package taken from the
spot where he ha4laced it with another Ackage
of $2500 which left In the trunk. The scges
went MI on the M. Bank of Wheeling. •
Horatio J. Pent,* New Hampshire, kombeen .
ampolated SeenetW b
ot the Legation of eu.
States at
117 . A geatient4if rittlanugh, wan Mid fallen Into
an open stellar after *Great 11re," sprained bm'Alt•
Mso a tweedy tha was unable to retrain from dry
ing out with the p A friend who bed been chug
1.1. A. rahneatatek Rabefament and been mired
of Etteumatism,Shins
was what remained in th e bade.
1W although Ins greatly swollen, he Iva
earapletely ream heAlth in
twelve bouts it'd
fee.] from pain. Th.fa is bdt one of a great numbtir of
c.c. which Imes , Sitteneunder the observation of, Me
pet:VAL - Wm PrepOd and sold by
eaotin lat and WolAt also, corner Cat and Wood au
ill II
Dlt WM:WM aliffice Liven lt one of the tar•tt Com
Woo, las well as thitgbost formidable died., to o
to Att,mrictin pity? ens. It hat in no •NM t•
.urger. the close :intention from the Comity ih el
quarters pith. suii, however, thousand, ail
malty perish, talft•Jhoutands more am made to/ fe
battlemonte_,,h,p • this [home. The proprietoes •
ihrlesnes Liver MD feel confident that lacy ape t
the afflicted a tethibly which tam has meted, and h.
peter (sited of salbeesa when a fate trial bee both g .
Ten it Call and lhlialtaso a box at the Drug Stnre •
-motra-3) btqnzum famdy, for saieflty
MAGIC WA4Go. — W•nah uonnodeors ore In
tea to 40 see a naufstyle of Watch. Not
endued, and very. armful nod souvement
. 4 55 ls comer Siattet and Fourth sta.
-0111.0 W Csari: SIUSLINS. KID:TINOS, Pe
As - , W. RI ad D. :uses the stwomon of b.
ko Ipelre U. ed.. igetive an•Ortlneel of We wiloss
Got ale, VI. ,ii: •
pObar use 1.0.tql and Sharing*: do Dull!. fdr do
Lieu Table Dipt . 6 Linen Diaper Tann Clothini Cot
ten do,. bleached - ti ardileacbed; coined do, Wool
ed Tab le Cove .Xlmper for Tweeting; Cruh her do
two.; D.icy . bedspead*. tun
pop:asonDi*P"Vist6 - ddo al h 'a
al Ow CY pile s a
myst s • . ' and ,slii met .I.d. ikerh
iirlg:.. .6-65 0 time sut mold al shitto
ki .4 Ch. \ etf-, and ''` -I °.,b{; C.6NFIDD
abg2.l _4_
T Ast•- -- 'l6t, 14 rat 1./. by
2.4 u 72 1 it-L._ l n CONTI gl-Li
1;640L16.-56—itioglfs exiitillo7-0-11tri, so
.I.'leied acoltfri h r
I/CRO ~,,_ E,IVILSON & CO, Waft st
- F - 6761ag Y Fiat:a-50 Wits Put; s pun
.E/ 15) do Olehatelai not Weld and for sa o by
, t
m4ll ,r,_ ARSISTIIONG t tifinrlEß
evu.szac - iiiifsrvE , P.,r — '""'
ur Oft 011.111..fiX1,0, I " .
Oil lummift . I ,
Oil Winweireen; 1 `• •
Cod Lives 011.1p1Pparivi • for sale by
aogl4 J 9361.sOnifd.S.K.DI 6 CO, 74 Woilid rt
7711601Ylaalla 6C7601C AI. OrYll7 Di .
• Ilk, No. 66, W D A 1..... - 7i
few aDOIS below Woood 0 , ,
... r- Multi I.
7111 - D 611.1716717, bumf both
N.. . regolhrly educated to the niedleit
woreesant, and bus for amok time
0 s• - . unseen practice, now ebribna
. do
b 4 bum.. us the treatolent of
• - , Jose ursine and &heed rem,
A.plaireg for sailiel his oppot#nities
, •7 - and experlercee preultmly Spotlit ,
•••• -,
.him.` 'll years asemloouly devoted
.... 6 7 treatiyout of thou compluddadtbirnal;bien
unb he boa haseilmwe practice nod has corral pas
Cents Jam eon Oer fan to the wt of an 7 Prt.4 Me
Mum) amyl; quilfwe lam to odor min us of
sPbecl,==.and autsfutory eons o all dicta
with es, and all demases mointigl there)
Dr. Brown Witld Inform Mote tinned with •ortvies
diseases whielteaue bane chrome liv tin or air
by thotam of arly of the common n of
„ r
=tam ttir ecuuttmoui can be rod.eally d Woo
oughly eared; - having wren les careful ane non to
the trearment geoeh eases, and succeeded In h droll
of ittrannes Ll:veering pervEnot of icrillamtnew of the
pnely of the bladder, and kindred disease. urlubb often
!Omit from thr ease. where lotion bare eundurued '
DMZ to Impel . : lideepair. lie parties/ul7 mvdea sub
, hove be. Oho and =successfully treated by *Won
s „ wonolt 614 whop every maisfastina will de, green
i - g po s ad tbetteascs teemed Ina serafol,thordugh and
u s solhgv6t millener, palmed out by a tong espetlenr a
= sty, and MEM*, Kan, ni, impomibld for rho e
.„.„..el . O
117.16ertda6Y lisipoW6—Dr.Bsurn Mac (ny'lteo pert
.I.l.s•Tollietedlpilh Derma to call, m Le om paid porno'
n dast oozed/A tb this di.aso.
ce rcsa:ais , ...t.i.
of. disoh.....looPr es 7.41, eh., apeodlly cued
un o e. vert_a....-
N. 6.--Ddepats of sub ley living at a (12..tenee, by
owing their:./b....-s, b w.+ 3 a . a, Filch% all the pup) ... L owly obtain !Immune. 'Fab abreeboho ich ra e., by
na ,,,,,..u rs TOROWN, IL D., poet put
d,vied i a n n .,
14,ryee ss ° 67, ,,. Diamond alley, opponts We reedy
8... '- ...-71r i rrown's tww.y . alaeouted wow.
y o r Re s Kat a useedy and certain tem , dy tn
a/Mogi:KJ telsable. It .. erver faun
podlDiviste totisnittio/ Rooms, resi. Cy Dm.
....„,„.4!u n popth, 7a. The Doctor is Novaya pi
. Er /40449. i Isik pj
Omer_ Plrrsernoti 6,am - rt.
• Tuesdo, 3loronm. September 4. 1-49
We have no.htng new to nonce .n Me market A
~141 wetness prevails throughput, and quti.(lol.
• no ramerial Change from our in,t report. The
the? has become worm and dry ammo, and the re.
ins hove had Per: little erred upon the river.
arhieh Is still quite low, and nearly at a •rand.
FI.OI:IT—A few =load lo“ of dour were lowle.l on
the wharf yrntardr7,.Paruon of which Soo, tolo out
in dray loud lou at 84,P7 9 bbY, large quantlues. how-
ever, would tall below that figure. From share we rna
quota dour steady at 1fi4,75414,504 , hid Should the no•
proved feeling cc the east eatue shipments in that dr.
recline from the already light supplies of thrs market,
ere will can oes. here a decided improvement to fueling,
if not an advance it the market.
aft.A.lN—Crworg to the lightnete of coppice. netluna
of moment hes trauspirod in the grain market um, nor
laat report Modesty pales of Corn hate been effect
ed at 371 e, and of On at tBa3Pc it bo. 01 other
rains price. are nominal, and we can report no tai.•.
.GROCERIES—Tte mark - et is qaml, and Trines
Inoue quite firm ot the following rates:—N Strew GD
:Ote for a liar article; N. 0 llal . tiOrg:Sr. Rio
Cone may be fairly [platen , or rood q.a;s
- Rice is scarce, and iu good dimmed m Sic, y the
MACKEREL—We aonee forth, 1113, 01 No
Mackerel, at 85,750 WA; of new No. 2 at SO Bud
810. and of old at ICAO bbl.
Norma and sold regularly at 5A.51241:1.:5Y W.,
ILS—We note sales of Lard Cl In t l Ct. and GI
72.; 4" . gall. Castor to: is Inehl at Cl.t;:i f
gall. and Tanner's Oil 51 1. ,
WIIISKEV—SeveraI lots bars recni:y arnrrd ;.y
rarer, but our last quoted puce* ear firmly maintalnr
say foe Rounded ribs, and for flaw 2523.21 k. 4' gab
CHLWE—Satea of good W. M. at 64 - 2L2. an.l Cresol
at 6.1061 2P lb.
BACON—We note sales of plum hntos nt itt
prime bugged and sugar eared at Plc ut ' , tales at C. v.
undo! Shoulders et t‘e
DRIED FUtrT—Tbo market is am., and ,ml muu. ,
doing in tbs . sray ogorles, sebe• ran yI e ty quo-
d ard Apples al s-v tat.
Tux m R. Three —We brave ar
ca 4) ro, ed
ireenendoes rim Is Red RI see, and ~,e, v.
ed yeAierday, 6,1114 us some 8..: rue iane bai. ne...
IL The town of Ale...mina watt
under water on the Ilth, and nea6, every P ,, tntnnon
between Shreveport and Grnad Ecotel• either de.troy•
ed or seriondy trqured o , ne Ike romp Jet V. , All
Little River. The deenlanon term'. la roan,
eases al! the earn and eolton n- d .11714-
fence. gto houses and elate. i,,wept 61Way toy
Hood To many the rum will rl
:rrote rn Ole So7er-
el endives in ea . us have bee.: !ot he Mesaner
Republte, of the 11th. stays
"The Good people of Front street were all a.ta on
Thursday aft•rnoon. at the uneoromon .Ight n 1 , 111,
house coming . down stream It s ;mown to •me
gin ware house of Col. 1k Rnasy. ertoet, caved in et
Grand Ecorc on the day prevtou• pretty road ire.,
of the npidtty of the current can he tome,: troto I,t^
arriveded of hist house. It left Its homestead ohm.,
, orr
lock on Wedneslay, and arrived ben anew thr- u •
o'clock on, the dtstance by water t.etne
- This ettlamity come upon us ,taddeti, - wich
whole valley watt bloorteng weta cotton toccsaco•, and
the planter expected Flail to mate tolerable crops a-.
spite the lateners of die season, and the mcessan: re.e•
But we have row to record a new cwamh, . and tho.
I, al. all those crops scattered over the wheme ron•
try off from river. arc being t mold tv decrt, .
wi th ry worm The destruction 01 the entt-c ewe
be r
w very iccontoderabte excepoons. mar P. 0.0
garded no complete. Three wttt tel he rhs
enough to wed the poputattem aset sin,
the latter are now suffering drmadtully to eras
their old feeding ground. are under water Toodd to
Mew ills, If any were needed. ti t• errs: r :tint
unless we have (move, run• to wash rff the se.tsmei..
left by thereceding watery. a to•loria gene..
led. Into: to the public healtb—ond thus our tun
will run over. laden,' The wood. ornti. h rots tow , .
are now filled with cattle. dere, arror• r. r
keep them (rantaarring Tiny t• a •ad picture e
only regret Mat It Is all true
Ttreltzrat Tune.. —The Nllnereete Reedde• r • .
Ilth Wt., that eoltees the Red iLaer Trader. u. ••••
“The Red River Traders who h.rr Leona n.
fortnight. are prepanng to depart to , their :thrth,r ,
rotors As we write. • groom of them Or-fore our stoat are surrounding some half doren of their ire ni
laden wi a atone, hollow ware. dry chmda nn.l an-•r
tea. purchased af our St. Paul trudawne, we .e
r driving their wooly htunes•ed ore,. is, t•.• h•“
dragging bane mad. of the tram. commoditiea preenr , d
below and lu.o landed by the Senator nod
flue e~
Mary. Thecaravan wilt sct out 1. , tun 4, .urr.
their 'earns, 51 inx or wren earroireal•nior• err,.
savage wilicemera 'rbere. amid the see trost..d
and cheerless plates of snow. th•re hardy ter.
willrenewMe capture of the the eJk. the inn , .
and the lynx. until wont wrote menet stein On their
'Gurney hither. where • sort rooted 011 i ow. ...err
for all their toil. Sardralas people' More
country that nurtures norm Os bosom nn many .s t a t e re
varieties of etntdren—for he • remern•r n-rt, a , •rte rio.
portirm of these stalwart northenen are nut co.•
rens, hemp andun .tie hooters of Minnesota. atallowunder
the prometsne wings of the Aseertenn eagle Vet ere
ace the tertibtters and eastoesa of the tehuhttento of
greatest extremes on earth more than
tures and hal.. of these people when compared arrine
those who dwell trt the old scttlementa ot the l mod
•- -•-- •
Cm. a. Boma amore ot of Otl and Hone oatc
ed into the totted States donna the woe. • Foona •
•27111 0.1 ttoce the Ist of J•noary :s.. ht. it,
as fallow*
Sperm. Lb. Vl:mit UJ. Ltur.e
2. 1,5 i.
Spirit of the Domeette !Market
Lomsvtu.g. August 1,0
There has been a marked dullness in the mar Set th.e
week, In the way of sales. The detheolue•
li and high iretatsts, have checked transact...,
Th on, e
dour market Is sustained orals fair receLpts and
light sales. The mac Ir re/ousts of flour reanatae. red
from new wheal. and we game sales from •tore• ,s 1
heft lam at Kr, retell sales e11.Y5
Wils.ela finite scarce, and we goo. •n!el the
mllls Leigt--5..
Sales or Coro limn stores et xso ack•
flroeeries are firm. and we yore late. of 1.2.5 bat.
Rio toffee at Sale, of lei bird, New Orl aos sugar
In lOU al file. and a few alto at s,
meet with • light demand at SU P 5 for rn-es
pork. Sales *agar eared hates Irma stores et titre,
pork hone and bagged ham. from ewers,
sales of clear • idea at 5105 m .lea of shoe der. et
11.5 e ed... of beton from era.on at Sie shnu dc,
51051 e for clear aides, and 61 . 071, for hag •
Whiskey sold at the wharf yesterday al 15ie To•
on the market to day. Sales recoiled adennteet .
from etores--iionrnal.
Naar 0...raN5... Aug 20.7.1 9
onanitiothing transinrcd Trocrday
Sugar-941c. confined to rem •niall lota at Lo
fur—a lot of 200 bhdai changed hands on We. !wade}
ou private terms.
Molaaftes--Selcs confined to mall ransacnon• all6l
for common. land 2 . . c for reboiied.
Tolasoco—Snles 11 1111. damaced. 1 at lir an.l 7 el
at: 34 . 11hda, 3 admitted ...
7i, 2:Mi..ln at 51, and lo
Factdry Lags a3l, 15 Kids Admttiod. 1 at 6{ ...lit.:
6.4.: and Y oho 3. 17 Adnelo.oii at 51 19 Refo,ad ...; ono
Flonr-s. l alre 211 CO bbls. Including 159 MI 'sour. at 51.
374: Ila/0 Ilhoo:s (understood
M. for al.tpineno at 9-i.
4'1=053 st.d MA at 9.4,503 I.oui• nt 24 531, 75
!dsseourt at 71.75. and 150 ottoter Illnioia et
on Wed
not before reported. :cc nnd
Lonis u 84 50
Wheat—Sale of 500 bash (mar at SI 05 —an ...tide
moo. It being the only 101 on Bale
Corri—t 4 ale.. 0(!3W lack. including 130 inferior at
31c; 2131 7900. WO, 0 and 431. at 41. and 109 or.,ur
white at 42.
Oals—ealca of 450 t; Fad, ;no: n. 1,11; 30.0 I on,. at
31e, arid 704 at 35e—an improvement j
BALemmas. Augurs 31
Cattle—The offerings al It e wales on Monday reach
ed GOO bead, of which WU were wild taeye/ eurcurra.
amllX/ wens dneen to Philadelphia •
Prides ranged from eD/010 01110 oar the bow, equa.
ro 84016.1.aa , net, and averaging el,ei I grow
Hoga—Wc quote at 83.-1.11,
Puit.aoartxtrts.. August 'A, 1-19
msa tkeve, wale. at S 5 to 541,54 , Q toe U. 4:.0 ilr , •
.ato New York .antlSo ucsold Col.. and 1..n1v , •.
les ht S 7 to 414 for do y. Stt to STS for aprngera. si
lo SSD for (res.& erarl. GOO How*. sale. et SS to e 6 3o
Qt. ClUa, Sheep and Lomb., 0.1,. vet
.l, at 7Se to s 0 for Shcop. SI .00 to 50.25 for L.arnho.
according to quality
McCORD A Co. trill introduce o. dap
,z.ettirday, Au.t lath,' Ilse tail *We of tiont.thooii •
Ha., corner Of Fifth and \Vaal meth at fL
Ft. WEST. Ittil..T.erly wet, oppo...te the bend
of Wood, will tnottouce me tail. so .e of HATS.
on this day, ths :Wm "mt whwb, lot I.cluly ul
finis, e.Ten, tee farraword. 1,/¢ - 1/ dial
-- I')EI•LRL .A.,ll—leut. ie..
1 mg2.l
POT /.911-10 etta for t ate by
I_ll7V iiii.,..
B ^ Vi..d 101 - $2lO by " P'''' o'ol ' 4 '""
coirel TASSEY N 111 , ..‘T
ititt.:l7.`:t .r TTT.ahr
.0 T T.Y.T..F.Y b. 111..... T
MAtKEIVAL-100 bk.k No T law M,,,,,,, to ,_
IiVO nod lot vale by
og , o ISAIAH DICKF.V A eTt Yr," et
EY ,
igo — ' - " --- 'ot w.e.:--NfEu.u.h,. oh., la rum a, iT,t4 p;
Lo rre
si ALF-1001ga. No 1 blait, WO sk. Way ao,« : nn
celyell and for sale by
1=0.3 NII.I.ER tr. iticwr.7,,,,
W B_ MURPHY in.c. the a neat
abeam to the lame supply of near ft,„,
opened in s wholesale Rooms, on ail tear lm y, ruor;•;..
corner 4th and market ,treed, Pittsburga.
This beteg ht. 'meow' supply for this Sprll,,
many kmds of goods at reduced pro, s, non „, ,
ogles not to he (nand elsewhere mea-dh r
e .l
v Er
a WELRY — a Gold a , id1Le ,.. 7 ,,, % , %: , 1: , :• . a t v.
termil,nlverngiano., m o ad: ' n ' t siandard 00/11 and :ear:
ranted; tliirtary Goods; a totalsortmetit man t aPa ,"
Lard Lamps, 11.• in univea use, and nI."
bell 6.nd cheapest light. Table Cutlery, Too %tare
Communion Wnoe, Epee:ad:, Gold Pens, !Er
.6.13 corner hiarket and fourth Ili ,
_ ___•__ _ _ . _ ..
BLACK ALPAC.,t,,te —\V II Nl..trph) mates the
teutton of buyer. to /I/I .llrm 'tor autormt 01
above at Good*. from loamst prh.e.l to Lace—piam en
4.1 gulped nod eattn hesrcd, u;..,, f,,rey do in greit
tariety of style., at north cam comer Fourth 0001 Nor
Itot stsanal,
JAMEN D LOCKWOOD. fkwuat.ra AND J01t...,
mg. G 3 Woad •trert. vow tn • 1.-• ttur.. tur N
lark, Hostrals. ur anc u d tbe Ttstic e , ll
Le It•upy to Tr, at, •lo, r n
may oe eomu,ml mm
hAI• run for r.alr by
toni, McLane, Bennett, Brown,vll:.
R W.gbintati.
Peytona, -, .McKeesport•
Lose, Me. Lao, Bennett_ Brownyvi!' •.
P.. Wiebttnan. Elizzbetn.
Peyton:, - Mlieesport.
Cr.nuetty Reno, C.,.
Tut Rimin.—Timm mere 10 inches in rbn
channel. by metal mark, lays evening LI dunk,
Lowe Mr Lane, RroweivilVe. P. M
U. Leech SC co's, packet lin,- 9 P NI
CPWINNATI—Per ILL 1.0..-101/ raaka Wih
Hingham, SO Mt: whimkrv. J Pal r
Phr Caledrnin-13 hh . t C Mom,. :7.0 do
do, R Moore: IS A. wool. 2 1.1.. mdze, nregg,ll%.olS,
Co: •1 do do. Church .1. ChroMo.:h.
kne! bont Grand Turk-1 :Is ea.:
.I.ton dc Shot,. I do II f.e Iho s md:
19:nrdtram. 5- tk ..0 not II t•rnd & Co: IS cats
.0.1.2 t:• 2..:., attatga...lCus.
It; 111 pups, II • 1% hi:, & I ream dt,:n It lid .5. woo: : Thaw 13 SW, town.. 0121;a9ro,-
Cr..tnr. I -an t 04.1. RI. I.ard.On , 01.1 ringer. J
hold hp d. 01 ,tt woo.. II 1, , n00n & C0..11 I.I.1; flour. J
Di:worth 0 Co. 19 do do, 2: 01..Clu , kan A Co
I ohd. bt k 11 01:r I .e.,en
1 , , Arllr
oor.J , IcKittol,. 1, dn .10. 11 llroft hCo. 1 tin oltroor
1 tin Itnno.. I.rooll lOot to low. ts."ok
I- bx • r -Id. I J
COI. 1011, J
Ism mts, I 1.1. 1 1 I.ale C dertrus
Sour Mmoso. It .0 do du W llot'ss.rlosor,
11l do do. J , orr te l
omsksid Cr.o. 1.I• theeso
1 S Cantor.. I .s 1 o S.I teburro. 1•31 s. • rime.. W sok
A. Sic Coodie so MI aook pump.. II Darttor to“, du do.
Os' ltool,, I ,' , • e rlerm 8.1.
p, 101 Imm 1115... mt. Noss Puorm, 11 lro pomp.,
J •x• tharerd.. , roenilmrs
tou. 1115 oopper oso TM Howe. 1 MS 1.111,s dMs
Cosh g. liolonsoso S Co, I 01/1 mnlosms. I do V else,.
Mummy S Smith, .1 rolls pnour, It NI Riddle, 11 do do,
L Loom", 15 bm cheese. Iteoeltos., do Is, e
Vou Bentsen,: 10 do do. Wm Ityor; I eat brutes, glas,
finks well, Coors A. :19 bxr elmose 01,11,,, A 'Moe,.
sem do d Kod oth llontes ds do. J.A Csassb
ell. I'd iron pump. A AloGross. I lot feleo.T, Dlr Adsste...
2 chess, Br. std. I adds po uM; rests do. / S It
40 lsss same; I lot 'mecum 11 A (Irsor
and pub,. aettent..y that they have rebut,: ' LA
riL.}. FOUNDRY ea.l arc anw m opt:wrap, an
hove Pnrer Ineir raven,. Int me ma r•e
Amaner, whit, are Con,. n Ilan. att., • a
Move, with a rpland.dnir,th. Coni Slave w re - h
now aperert,ne Dm, rev. tn. common roc, ..11•0 np 'a an Steve, wr •aan
led fur amen Inn ae elva. wen a ta.. uaacr,atee . .0 rem
men and 'nail, f.rit,ea We won rne/enolnr ,
vec the aneauon ot hulaltng to
warenenae parraa.ana ra mantic rn '
:true. at enammeeral Lalahen tr law
1 I,qaz.ce rec •At to,
111 rr. -A A A 7An C., N.
parti to,••
; at y rA•-•p r niof,
J ..; • Ell A,.
' "
" •
Na , c Nr cm.
,retruc•• Na . .
cal W ti•
HAWD? t•QAIIA ove rten.n.l to :Mora :he
euvtooter• Doi the pol•or Istr,e. ttvat the. ott•
an nand n very r_il.-001,.1,01, of %I: tII,AN at
Alt otter wood moo., t Z.,. tot, Me,
oiloutnr ttortmou tom pr:oftt. r.,
3,f..11.410 of • riltch Votmo, from to 3, a por
1 , 0,10 • I.l.tatit• aml l'imte fol ttockomm
SU 10.1 Wm, Vet,. m fro, 1:171
per ',on
S.:. o ,
ffcrni en ve,•
. ft lin., v
vr••,,, 'near,
,n 4:
\nr::~o •
A Frnt,•. mF.ry n( le NV
1 ar,
p.:11 I , L Bu tire:
N pver. ,
rr i..,
Hurt, err mane r my ov.r,
I n
vrrls: .• mak lUe
mluC . Ok.e al, to Lin r . the LOorlt• •tove
, hey , vearrarord
vrry :v ~
Ln 0nr.,,-,1
r . „,,, 11,n case
ever no,rl -.
1..m0r e
ILa L 2 '..0 . • a•
~ • 1,1. war o
v- . to tee phow
grers.Ly .„
." .1 , Iroq , •nr l ,
fora ' ' Cot, a— , •
t7A-Ar.'“lnl`'l.l..A. and Nit.,
order-4,11, nttru , Led . Vll
Attae , ren.—A titan, awned Jaime. Scutt.. wan
arty .•
re,30.1,L, W WWII I.L,‘ ye.:drd,y arrentLil anti dommuttil to /ad, nbarged
• Fr/Leas for the Public. Pitt I,reaLtite • into Leeward's Cigar Store, no Mar
lo to oral annveiled
.t PAIN EkTEICTOR. ""' "d "" rddY
41,6-1 not! trver or, hundred do lora ni ramify
~,,,,,—,,r,1 co . , Agent. F v Lovett the TOO, Atia,lol.lhetel
tea , ~ ,tAL.Lvo 'mut one MIMIC of the gruilmg
Im .
Sa - A o, o - narytnt tn Vve
,„, „, root •; ca; Low Li,,,abetl. Woe!. one whole
en and ray., tor LLILLeet • -
ow .L r r „tuni,leted Groot •Ireet w • v. be :Joe of On neat
toonve•—to, tuts, ;roe,: rmi 1, •
Pato - •
av, InCkire.l it) len,er nu ,F , eat .n town. •
eme I tt Ili: ..• pra. t.• •at
11114 eflert• Fierulth ' s OR,trioN.—The Lalayet.e andirildy
poaaddr tt hl M M1)01114 Nedra crowded to anti - ,- don on Saturday
Mr Brodie th• yarn., co &
DruggiatA 110', by the firemen •nd eager to Innen
091712, (NV rai,g1.11,,..n. to the If darer , . In tlel,..L • rd by IL Ihdti '0 11.51„
The (0 Ina,. ,ca 11113,,, ..nntr•
,ruvr ott• r.r.lerk) ve , Crl• Isl
art+mr V' • We were ry altll . ll gleaacil both IV !It the
rady whose tan., rhamertess 01 I, •01)1e. and the graceful runt.ner
wn.iir. V. , 0, delleereti. Lind think thnt the litr-Men
To /b-rl7 !L. own!, a
ther r been woh ~,,,, . wei. pr , .. by the many wbolabiarime
Rio unon,wit a
der n turn :11P,.nrrn tte firm s .t•
~•,, ..voggente•to• tt et.r, awl. The .11,00.w:sag a w
thy y..ii• I , • amectud 1,1. , ery the halls n
ot teen exathe
ndr Exthaetor. aii t 'inv.., edy,.•... , a• is,
houae, will, tat view ot doth.g a way WOa the
gw. ars re. , r( rad to /ii.rrarun
tta e t etre as .1 eerhh, ets, lem ..ret'ett rr I •tro,t , eg about the doors, wliteit preerr.t die
tt of othere'vom may be wter won Yittr••..: ' ;
aey kind of inIIMMAMII/011. ',Or t ott nr he.. RISTIO.I every company in to 0.,. a Yeti
Mat in my 1, rw, ohm. , getaet rgyertetwe Jet ,.
your Nlagirat I.straerer reo•I geht..... rt.
cvet., a ....C• , 111 to, tor the • ' I
h mlalresa alerneil to please every One, but
of .• '`" "" d ,wr la,: nay nothing twat, rear, mnot u, wt'
feet corn for Burn. and 7, L . /an . '
damn:even w have an oppoltun ay or eta mining it lucre
voIK eareinlly. niece, on motion, w itannimons , Y
ro my 10t..., n. ,Ricr . I
~Vtig ta th.w. !ew bb.• resolved thai be pealed ra pr. tphkrt
be at benefit heat to tet.m to tt o••••
et.. •gt. xnlll Wan. We walked thro'
e a t
. Ile, granter lairtvin uI the Sixth and Seventh Wards
humanny og or r• wt, rg tat ...e., n.,,enie and tboceli we h . .d tittderhe•-•.1 that a
to the hotthe r Inger', II Iro.K.
FgLon Cored, great .11,1,rr w rtes. , lortltio.g• were living ereelt
Extract of .curt, anew re t ,,ty !er egyreded our ahlterpalg,...
• •
Mr IL Dar as -I etrr trottl petr r et.. I 11“.•
a came (rho, MI ow ewe P... wI• P. n
rt! cureit m a vcr, wont ham la tte•t•
•., thr remit.? two n et whieb F.ll average one huh
aertlatt y.
ICJ' Burn. tied
tan, • , .r•r• t. " eat l t w t at y Ler ty,num The build-
Breut, Ef1.1.011, ..a• .1, .
lI:MM.:R. re :,.y mr OR • 1112.1.11 all, wan very lex , elveptom.., -I:dwel
t:it au. uttriYalle , "". Icu boa., nod whin onto plc VIIII a. d movh
portion that 1 no wt.; tegrote how to ,11
to• tr t ere.l :a• 'J. • r . t... the appearance nt abr. wry.
-w , aplor ao'Y •". t ;/11,Dts , , —.L'yptivii Rowley, an CC/I, and cncr
ilionthd MIIIII, k 10 . 1.4 .tre unemanioner, by the .•ay
have had fora 4/[1:( me, has ram Inc gt I ding
lien, I' ~ .hwa i•/ ert.e.ii AV.P Ort•.
, Vrwelote, ea , lame. NI, Lona-ton. h , , Wrvw.
Slrrrt .yea.her • ...rote,. 11,
N —Li w aerr., iturna nod eea '''Si''.''
esth it lbw no/noes—lt r rent
.2.,6 end /-5- STRSPI r,•
Vuirm sl 1111.1 SW•V S B
u:41,...1 llli ~g es....‘"'"'u l
V I. 0 T II ' I
IN THE UN l'rEl l
• D•rrza TO LA. ...rra
terp. oth,. vaorty
Alta, tit. rut,. attan.ave manui.tarrr• 1•t
Oil Ilothine and Covutil his
ID we world.
Of all kind..
CAtalogne , tlf stock am by in": ~ r tler• promptl y
4 lied LIANF ,, µ U.
No•IJAHIn n, • h• N
a.1p . ..14.. dry ,411 d I• 1 011
r sale by .00 , .011N1 AK Ul)
l',=, B ALT'' -- "'";','zztl4l,AxEß A Co
:raras_v.e Cocas—The Supreme Cam% after a
'hart reas:on, adjourned yesterday until this morn-
Ing a+ the usual hour. Justices Bell and Rodgers
were pre. r t
CIII3I.SFIA IN titestotoutat.—Froin ell accounts
the dreadful epidemic appe.n 1 0 he r agtag as . fear.
fhllv ea ever in the fated borough of Blrminetham.
We have been requested by a respectable cni
gen of Birmingham. to state that the above para
grim!, sehloh•ppcared in the Morning Post of Mon•
day, is incorrect. lie thinks that erroneous gram
me:As, similar to the above, are doing that town a
great deal of berm, anti that she has suffered
enough without thorn sufferiegs being exaggerated.
The cholera st.:l exdsta In Birmingham, but the
cases are neither so numerous nor fatal as former
MCIICIIANTS Excl.:tom—The meeting edam Mer
chants Exchange, at the B 'art) of Trade Rooms,
yestertley morning, was attended bye large num
ber of oar most respectable merchants. We hope
is see a full attendance at the same Oa, IJ day
t 11 o'clock.
BOT 11..1.1,7 RA T 1 SMS or SFUISPPIL.C.
Mr. D. 0. Macomber 15 now stopping at the Mo
nongahela House, and we spent a very pleasant
hour in too room on Saturday afternoon, in raisin
.uitig the Ame neon e dawn of tioydell's Illustra
tions of Soak I.,icia.c
Most clout. 0102.ns are dentate. aware of the
manna:frit of this work, costing, as it bas, some
a r indlio .s Ctdadar., and yet, despite the
turn, receipts, receipts, itivolying tts projector, John Boy
dell. in bankruptcy. Still he succeeded to carry
.ng h e mulertakalig through, and a seri re one
hundred hominfut engraguagy, takeNfrom paint•
mg. by lilt 100 , 1 celebrated artists, attest that sue-
Cons which, !booth building him n reputation that
wig live for ages, beggared him, and brought him.
broken hearted. to the grave.
ft} n stagular .trove of good fortune, the ortatnel
ropy, pintrs. one hoer red in number. and u red te
tee nearly four Inout.and truondr, rattle into the
ine•ecrtnten of lit tddo int, of New Yore, an en
thus:arta. admirer of the dne an..
That gentlemath thonett offered an enormous
aunt Lir them by Earopmaisi resolved to keep them
tats country, at least tot he had rib:tatted an
American edition Irma the plates, which were vei
ry mil •ti anion when or iihtained them so miff au
,derdi thdt they werd almost perfectte smooth.—
Ahoy p irio it earth amateur, and artists, dtuteed
Prsvbilly v r lir.irg even restored to their
to. ui ••••• t`h, Lint einaloyina eulfo l
-a:, enigma. raper,. LiJi-tor Spann
er ra et a
1.-J It rein ,' tighten Oita. plates
In Ihe.r or.a.n f1.11:y and line pub: email them is
iv: ourril.eri,
NI - 1.01,1.N
In- Eng L•ti eu,.trev:ngs. and of Ine moor
/..r T•r &
n•••nnenrn of :kr on r nclOhondr..4l
111=1 ch, n. rrn —Two
person., John Jour. And %Val I:erre., were hrol
iir flve •.u deled: m hvr •I•, , Lars, whim
ue• %.q rr.6 m pet :Or U.% turach Of 1! , .. p•racr,
We am . • e Ca: May-, :: - .lpucr,l heavy
tat., tot:
I ...0 1:r v. ww. ught at the m! ot aten:tnt, a
t Ile we, h-Lgalty Int-attest...l, and. Ith mons u CI /IA NI 1111111
v0r661,1'. neck, he a: tempted to drtve
i.e. t .h.. I ntLe lotwa, and ran borne. an d a ,,ann e a w•
bet. lot
' 0 ' 5514 II vhaa.. m P t C .L;• L TV
ro:ol Obrielnes and Ina.
hat own, la 'lto mode thin a prt.,tner. He wax w on ,...tttet hhdrett
oomtottled to ntorwer fir the offence. John Fhatertatn, Al I/ Prof of the Praehee of Red-
Irieltard I. Doward. . Prof of SOW')
/ewe I' 10115100, Al. D. Prof ot Geanra; and Spa
,al Ana. onay
rtamont II D. 'vol of Magnus Altd.h.
Theraprouna and alelteat Jorojtondenen
}raw,. Carer NI It . Prot of Ph, stot:ogra a/0 Gro•
rout l'alttotoal
Fratlerwit Alnrt irL 1! D Pro , ttl l'hetnottry and
Aorwan hl. D. Ihtmotteratot of Anntomr
l'too: I netuo• 111146 nonto,ntota a lott , tm tool
4.66,6 Pln•I L. a tann ;ion, ow month or .;
at 11.1 11hdotod, rrn
et•• 0,1,11. ,11. Poowoo.Nltcroono.
ote•1 P. 11,14116 Ihoatoto.w Tho nnoran
6.11616 6..4 rt.:lU,, ara curues: , y nros.r4
••, *,
tnt Marro, nt.on P I UP
'll6l t Ihtoec tow I wilt , 410
r.,••• ,tittle• not atlnrtholto hoot
wan woh tn panne Yrnrtirel l'ttr rte•to.
.rr .4° IPl'
!tor enmpourta
tou.o hour: at otoutord al 'rem 5150 m ft.Ltat
pe." "I S., M
, Jour Dr., or the For ulr
Ntri...ll Allegheny, Srptccnbcr
There wan 04,0 y oce. common ran, orankranenn
brewht bet., tee Mayor to day, and be want-ens-
mated for treat 'cur hour..
The nntznbul Carrot term ly 3a.1 hee• Jntlutpog
rcr 3
a one ,•lialLoacrhalelian org,e4 n :"atur.
vr ben: rurq d.
01tne quor ea; true evaporate beforr ~ u nclaV
7.lrnic r. and :,ev prr.-1.41 a 11....r.` , 1;. sptacla
TM. Lunt.,
erneu lacy ver,
rtnd a,trer otrattutir.l I)Jr.. Jr
Magi, Inn I:l3,ani :n Jan now, d.i cat !wake
ham appear n
M eeeee Logbeal Table.
Y•om Aug v, 26 to the end of the 171011,1:
LII, Sunr ix. CI Na. 3r u 9 pa:pally int..
Aug. 6, MI 93 77 ;3
34, tiS 7 , 93 nO
- 31 it 71 71 73 74
Tne tiotto . tty rum tatttoth Iril on the knit of
iuguttt amounted ttt 2-10 of an Inch.
lii, in an n 'Jou —An old oar., mantled Heany.
wn. toacked lard a...1.k, in the Sevenit Ward, hy
, a fereetooa day. who•h threw roll <lowa and tore
ahooat the r call loam one of his log.. The
r h w in. we ',here. doing well. The dog
n Ap, 13.1 , 1 D
- Cr 11.1,141
:,me pia., we counted e d , T deett teat three
•arty bn.4 I. olre.F. honing Craw , ord vire.
I. r Coc,!l..—The S,I. el Council wai ral
togrthrr last :4414. Lot a .14orum Was 1,1 LA ,
1: • I. 4E3 4. — A ,011 , 1.1..1.. ,
ye,,Jay brkyte dm Mayor ngnin,t James
G(1.11111, ho nn meme.el 01 having con
stanlly drunt scan pr.,Uti on etWeen lout and fiv
relis, •nd of dome whine to support los family
Ile was committed. to tad for twenty days.
I.nw Wxtxu.—A
,xentlerlnn whn went down
Heaver inn wre assured us that he met nix
.;ague 01 10 P.:ll...burg b. et the Narrows.—
.trooixer ry rd.! ace ol she iowner. , of the rivet.
Ciiiit.atts es lb s so--- We have lice° as
sured by a gentle teen wlio yesterday visited every
house in lliznies ham where there win a chutes
patient, that there were only two deaths yesterday,
and uo new ruses.
.~y.a.:.1~~ , v._.._.~.
great a cuerm ulti
.arnt,:; wa ch 1, about
We heard of . dealbs m Piteborsh.
Fancriort.—Junes Thompson, I:.q and Cot
Wilson McCandless, male ye . m..J.Y un.mmooslY
reelected Directors of the Gas Works, ta serve
for three years from the date of their election.—
They each received ten hundred and eighty faur
Upon —A man who inu driving a two horse
wagon loaded with coal• out tho Fourth street
rood, yesterday afternoon, inentionsly approached
too near ton edge of the steep bent beyond the
Canal bridge, when the eagth gavo way and the
...fon and horse. were precipitated down the de
clivity. which has from fifteen to twenty feet of a
perpendicular descent. The horses were not much
injured, but the wagon was broken to piece&
Couleur Scobn —An Campbell. who was tried
at the last term of the Court of Sessions
for being a common scold, was token before the
Mayo, ymterdny, charged with drunkenness and
disorderly c perfect. She was NUM Mined to jail
for live days,
Rooms— Davis Block," Emir sal st .31 door Italow H
P Rshwarti Drutrat
J F aratheste of Mr ollsar,
l will ~yen ,fllooi .ads cat Monday. Sta.),
InZtruetion aroll , Oven tlor hatia and lirrrk
lansnge m. I. Munches as, art a tartml
puppl's cage of :Orem...met ,
l'estos—RO pro • egoism of fire Montha
Tnr number of pupos is lonttad, and a rms. mi. ran
fans mtrrmry: with ths warbrr at los losimogs
•Irwires Row," lAbett Pm, u.llll
srattam "—lto v Pa.savan , . Prof Thimm•
soft sua,M,Ras
171 h of :kertterstber,ln the tarot rooms, No Y.: Laren) .
eet flaying the ttuintoor or their mil, the
I,iteshals hope to herd • rout...shun of that ~Lerttl.
patronage they have inn hern cam) ed Pomo.. lusty
fr el osaurod that every advantage will be afforded
their daughters. tf" placed ender toe, Charge. too oh"
OUtilll, a thorough thigh., Classico , . and Ornamental
olo,stton aughhiStf
Hinging Academy.
4lt 111 UIIA NI wit open his Singing AenileroV,
V 1 eil iseto elastic, al Union Hell. over Mr
Raise aline too,. corn, of rend Smithfield rt•
'The Justentie C;r••• tOmmenre• Salurd ay next.
3et rack. I' It Adult cla.r on Mond, evening, the
3 , 3 ol Septemltee "I terliKt
?era, One dollar unit filly rel.. per•cholar or 17•0
dollars tar led v and arntlenroatt. edutt C 11.11%. pay..
t the sapa nun •tra hail OM term.
sugr n t S I. Pr.llrlnal
'rill': Al. FU SESSION of than 1n...n00n vtll
t net
on the her. Mood.) . In neptemher
'Wooly net Federal ,u.. de Roo.' 2.1d00r
ion.. ..rgtge
RAG. or Pra.or ern errwor or ro, Nion - rns.
End,.'. De0...t01e., .11e•nd..... Heading. Orrin...-
n/1y P , 10.h
Lotle. .'onaporition ant ertnewn Geo.
graphy. and the higher lannenes
.4Na:hem... , Natural
Inntotur. Geology. Inteheetunl
wet M0.,l and all a 11,,, hrrnehys req..... no
. . .
• thorrmah hillucatom • • • Sao tso
Clemns - al Department. ass,, the Lo.n and insect
Las:at, each • - • • . I 6 on
French. 810 on
Berman. 614 Do
Th. - •nr<orssoesem trachet• are accuse:l lus
a• Ce•., in.truenost oh I'moch and Gernsan aso .
•••1 I/saw - ma. rmonne and Must.
It .• .levratOn that pup•l• enter It the 1,1116/C 1 1,•
metmoot of a yrs feeepred
eft•reml at Ine mor• `rum Mc tors, of
cotr•.... dmloc tttttt •a n 11181 i. lot esto•-otes, ex•
trot in t•••••• ot oromm • ted
Further•lllossomron mn• •a 6
. Ho
t. ra, or m • oaf., ot - Imam
swoosh ',le Ihstanwen D0•t166..,
t... 1'r:,: Ip11 N. W. IMICALF
Fawn n Fray rttect, sob, be 4],ts
•11 ..t• Mr 31•1. .
con: LAND rtg.r,
,t 1,•• 14.0• ,
ID V • on Mout,' ~O,Ortn ff, ftto) f our, gen.
t.ei.aeo 3 , 115 1 Y 0pp.1 , 1311 1 1, r. trighoough,.
sod riprolowa•ly ticfl tor the 4.fuLle• gaud le palm
meuts of ;fru,. :it<
tm. LAe l'totctpal 'mut morrtv a stuund erhotar.
Itot amt tutt•l vorvvttatal tostrortor
tatt.t apttavoot to a, tote ougrot and to 1tta•,...1
a nd. from to ttamtutr a llottors and ottyea ottuttard
t., m Tn., Coodgo lo.butt, from toe Tetturno.
t „.. vd.l born mmot of 6:• mu. mototut Fe••
d rTn1114,0,. and, fts.aa, from Om a•mdartmo
,t 1 tsomm. 41 toe totot.rte, v mad , t•v . ht.
or po• For v.idtuanat 4.r matron a• to I, Swctallar
motor, sod adv v tdv. Itnt.dv..utt.
tviltro. at,. I'monnootam. van to. prnvored
iron, ritLlNt - If t Al.. at Me Itt•titutr, nr in Fed...Li
10 Catena* , knot
'rv . rt•dt. vt,tdm
entwori anti Lute.lertu., aJ•a.t.en, ar
(141C:11.:, 1.1,34 rd ettgl..lll
.) I,lwrea pad 11,al
I TK.ernal &OK,. pv,ne rear
eenha oa the KIWI, hililhar, and to Voc•1 law
.104 41U
A. MEN letereuiron. el A. AI to II P 2lnitle
hate2seere.e 2 . or eat I d0:122. Lathes department
open from 9 to II A %I mad ineem 2 to 2 l•
The Reteer,ueetet eeeaeceon• ear tereocitemileete In olyle
ottrod were Kn.:herr. Ice Cream.'
22212 T. APPALL. Protetertn.
I ) lII. IeVANTY.I/-202,221./ Ileet,Wool N oozed, en.
en:m.loh , 2,...,1 cash pre, renal 11l
au 12 D k lIARBAUGH
.•- - .
Wlf ER F.A S. Jana l' Ilnresrell, a( the city oi Pots.
burp, Sterenent Tenor, Ay Ins deed. heartna
date the 2.. nit otav July, A D.. In, and recanted to
the Rec. afar • OSP, al Allegheny country. in deed
Look Vol lak. page 49n. aseignati and transfer,. In m•
all las estat rest and per eanal. tram fur las credi
tors :C. I . l e. r s J• .roby clven to al! Istrson• attletoted
ra:d p•utic ,geke p3)tnent tne male rst.dned. and
Ma, heva, 1,1. 4 egnamt to present them for sel
I. einem ISENJ AMIN OK. Ant,
:mgt. Vats burgh
1, - Pran toe, June R. loin
T K Iltneirsr Itrnr n..r I ,er•
eluyour F.nel and Red Ink Jur liras. tevo,
)esr... and hnd Meet , ne 1.e.1 In ver put apen two I
,tunk ean gel alone 'sallow any Imporled article
to the Ink don berreher. Your.. remeetruily
FOT •elr Ly ¢ A Farm .meta I . .a.nurgh. II
I. tit lynArti A neenette eity, any! It) the nontlntsetatnt
torn.. h. ry
Itt. Ilyueettt end t nevit•t. enrytAt nt
I.lltertv and etyurt nne lytteld street. , Vynaltertn•
'Light I Light II Light I I I
p lat I . , O nr l r it . t IL:II47Lh . c
e tr bod ,,.
tworio Wood and Moth,
c „.. t tdo notate I,oa it ho. tho Nc'erenre to all
ato ottdorn oat,. Itotta, to-aorta vale and choup
votd • ...nal,. [ma,. or ouy dt•arur•ble ot•
Cott t •ta Itglas novo at conanon late, .1, a hood,
atotoamont {l , llama ol tgar potion. In horn
;,1•Irdoo V 1. lIAVIU
A A. NI o.ld. CU ador t-tr tootr ara• - t
adt• rzatern who:- tiat - r • •. e I, 1 tow du, •
rta r o, ronapna, r.o'l •I u• • •••ata latnnatiton.
hr t. , ?,atootadr. antto •.• coo•oodtdr, Velour de
1,10130111. roil de litoor t
Clie•op tint- rado oat.. Al our..
111131115.11.T.S Cal
ALL. there from o,l.nary Ink, u. then ar r all
elptitral rolnunns catata/nu 110 matter
flow iron ; 1
tram any kind a itrn—;La rotor der,,,
bright and .Inrab e, have horn:m:ler atfleirs
mule , I hove ttrattcr aren nor heard of Iltrm m
~,• can Le otnrd pant, by the untrrha Pa nt
~nrody. (row IL Ana, ruhLrAtork t Co, Ilrnry P
Anthony,,, or o' 'le inanufneturer. 'llllll
K tlKKirr. Itruu,,,,rt and Chem, 00 ,„ Lthor
y Raul sanuntwil entaldirgh, Pe
N 9.—Any , ottr.m rrli,Lsr ~otno.rdt eadsidedon
tke rrturned and Ow pacest - d1 he refunded.
Julfr Amp
ere I.emons. of nemndme Cher,busines• In Me
eonlernet. end Men In
Ni eater!. V*rgoo eml the FAN rrrt.: W 1:16,
1ut1,111 0 .1 a( . ;01001. 1 / 1 1. • klmoix , oto med.., es 0 clt
n•mr , larger, in Mr p.m. apeedsml EMI..< Term.
oonirrntr nueldnilm•
Tenaeart-o anufnaturon, Company, at Lelm
non, Tenn m employ a ion ra,- 0,(1 ,, t1
nt card Room, non. , Wv•VOI. and a good CAllOi,
and Wool DO , . AN , / M
J III" k PRO. 2d
,r to ANDREW' ALLISON. Ag , ,nl,
Lebanon, 're•no
7,1,... , 7, torn, of Mart. ao.l Ft...lm ,
t,ltth Thr oulAke..rr <pa C011.1111:1) on hal
wholesn and rets“l. rt ,..ty low for ce.h.
eAll Tub I Barrel Chum*.
it.. 'iv..Staff Chariot,l
Ilorae Hackett. ll.lf Flosita a, &a.
Alt loiter kook of Ware to Ilk I: Et mod. to order
A D , a r t „ 14 1 ..: I
tw F:X VILA 11.04: IL. ha: I, S. tratro rya ..tinat to
t.r beat ltrando 11, market. F. 11,1111 ., are rklue.t.
tat to alve it a 11,41
onaaatittto• voroor Fat', tt •oal ata.Fat
ltril* FURL —Th.. Ili.", or Ituritrirr•
L s andthe Yiltrrint Father, eornpi,e
1 >Ol Loyola and .lettirriotrn irA Rudiment, by
braze ?altar. The I,itior of ebrlott mitt or Sir ereltet
borbttrto .6ertiery. Ltit.ralrire hem, by R.
Robert Tar:than; .Ith editors The Himont of the
C,tirit it or Ertgland.
l,y by II oi Short 'l End... a io• •
:r11.1% 1 " h /.
toucher. Cotiara ',cum.*. Of toe Ibl/trial's •
rtrriAtirertily Etyrtertiedt yistrivrirni A. S. 9 Unto n.
Wrapotaes a Verret...rt. r ithlotiteri to , Ant S. 6
sion Pot We byßeuuon.
ELLIOTr & Fa 1115,5,423 Wood n
MISCELLANEOUS Pl.llada. r. atraarra,N. Pt taborg
ILLER k RICKVTSI.. Wboleaale Grocer., and
AL=por ter. of Firamln, %Vine, and ...gar*, doe
In and IN. ,orner of !Arany and Irwin strerl, Pitts-
Ktrah. Pa Iron. Nal:, Cotton Varna, El, te.t. con
inanity on hand noalt
riot.. - . tg...,.ui
A Tri,RNEY end . oun.rtnt Lao, 11,1 01.11110
Xi goner tor lito - Slutoi l'entt•ylestuu, St Lout.
Or, tat Ptttobullth
iincvsv.—P4.l4., h. H.,. AV l'nryy,v.l, Munn
Inn & MOW, Wrandle*. inn.: Y r nrir
Virg $l,ll y
itinglnem for Pale.
k_f eyinitter. 4 idel •droke Rm .20 1e...
ich,. dinnete.. a' in good 10. mid
bargain. ii.ipplm..nd inade 00ati They linen °v . ,.
bern aiiout I- n:dntli• For .nquire
of i) int A. II SN 0111 , •
044 T EAGLE TRIPOLI n end,
111...OVerrd for CiOnlit. Rotten 2.tione,
Rouge, a.r.
Faun:lea hove founda Mr their RI..
and coarser ware,- i I Moo. remarked I the
-Amen.. Amerman.. to tele upon IL ••of all Me
nitwit.. which Mien been yenned to poloth UM.
end Mena., none run equal that aublimuce kora. by
the acme of Tnpolt—tois la a aupertor arti•le to that
Ito brought from Itufy by the Venetian, and teed 1 , 1
them in their palmy date fit gin. malting. to glre it
bet peeulmr eui noir 11 adinirril by other...-
It abould hr in every family and roan work . I .P.
For nee by A E RELI.FAI2‘,
auglu ra Wood in
irALL Goon CTITZENO are lionorelfly assured that
thoril . lqwing are the actual quota'," of a to. hall;.
Josue. ri Coral Hair Re•iora,,e It doul, our
word, they cannot tha, renpecta , le num.,
who have treed it,—
Mr Geo. Becket, 11 Elmo at. New York
, -
Mra Matilda Reeve, Mvrt . e irr, Brooklyn.
Mr. Wm. Tompkina.9l King at. New York
Mr 'rho. inckants, .M.intotin Wand, :tear ri , t-l.urgh
II Y. Cullen, late bather eteonit,cat Amara ,
And loom than a hundrod other. .my
4.. though thin
moat suffice. that it will force the hair to greyw nn the
head nr it falling off. ittrengthrn the root,
removing urf and dandr u ff from th, root, making
light. red. or gray hair rioanior rt fine dark look, aril
keeping dry, har.h or 'dry hair tooi , , noft. rie.n and
beautiful u very, very long limo
Hold by the Arent. Writ. JACKAON rJ Lawny
Pittsburgh. Prior 37i, SO rent, and ono dollar
UT Trio al-tats 4IT • TILT Iterra.s is not Morn reps:-
Si - Ire thou a bad, putrid breath. Of 119 f tr, yellow diseas
ed teeth. If person. have these it I. their own fault —
they Millings. buy an article that ll
11311. the, breath pure and sweet as the Spiry di"
It sures di teases or the Gum., spunry or ulcerated.
and for the Teeth It it unequalled, removing the tartar.
fastening the teeth in the gurus nod cieuti then , rte
white a. the snow of th.froeses North
Such, reader, are the properties of Jones'. Amber
Tooth rust... and wimoui prat•ing It our.elves, hour
what one of our most respectable and setertufie Den
tist, Mr. I.: Fund of New Turk, says:
"I have both used and analized this beautiful mid im
palpable article, pones' Amber Tooth Y mato.) and
can recommend it as possessing all the o.lst...claim
ed for it " Reader. we r. say no more In convlnee.
only that If you try thict once you will be well pleased .
It t. put up to beautiful English Flues ta. for 23
cents Sold by the Agent. WM. ACKSJN. I.Mer
ty street. riruburgb. auefm.l&wT
They are not aware how Inghtfo ly mottoes it ps
to the akin' how roare rhow rough, Low
low, yclww and unhealthy the nkin up
peers after using prepared chall Be•
la to inturtoas, euntaant
y... quantity of ad
We Pave prepseett • heaatifol vegets , .,te.,
whteh we call JONES' SPANISH LILY Will an TE
It to Irfectly Lana-gut being panfled of deleters
o• gag Itn, And It imparto Ito Markin a natural, heat:
Mr. alatter, error, Item• whtte. •t the same um.
0,101 0. rosmenc on the •ttn, making it soft and
•snoott Sold by toe Agent, WNI JACKSON, .11 L.A.
r ot. •
Putsborch. Prtre v 5 cent. sug7.divrT
Earrnow MID Satg Reason. —JON ES'S hal
ts. Chet:areal nosy causes a fee perainranon. and ai
Mc same woe tooltes. sollees, and vetntent
goina 0 thew.rture and heauty of an Infant
1.4 0001. SALT R.1•1:10 •00 Some*. are •000 only
Lemed, hut ran, by it tpt . 0.01 •1 lewn sayer. Phr on
mans r. New limo, who oar tt such caws,
and rtridtl antaronti—ao a on in
. . .
Itirtrrittna. Fent nr one other .tin dut.
net., Th• render an.outed Innt 'tun In nn tru,ese
pait' lins l / 1 ,121 w• not!' prove I .P. 4 eau
nottrnse at tenet peotute
r.onn cur d or
none 111,. none notro ',Utz Bonito —Buy It.
a.• IL
had .nr islet 14 ',air, onottred I monk,
not rruou, ror !or attnve u••;eot I toes it to on
ull I ILI, rho. who orr'ltArxr.o. o•
•• A, oar au.tc1...1 . Of Ihe •Mr... er e
chaer.. 1ar..1 : en foOffo oifO go.
C• lho I :2 , 1c, , 1AAr I
~,,, fledilur. . ore. Imratiot.4,
••. • .
•nd be sure you ••.•• for JONIt , S Raman Chem ell
Soap ,•old 1.1, NV NI JACK,, , ON. 6 0 Lawny •t,et,
E....t•m0, nue
Tt No. 16 Market street.
pub t h at
aelluiti tjerres hi. roil. and
nohhe tat A.l.he I now pi...parole to mem` , 'M 'se .
CM , mew eee "ee wmt do'Ve•rh- end 'n me eee' , . T 'IL PPS BOOK•KEEPINti—Distoks for leaehing
mien etth•t•e,et• Suit tedetoh ,. .• mem , ' e. 4 e . ' i 1 Mi. work , with toe author's dtrections to teach.
deter... in d" , e•thee , •rt Me ea.. ••• 'me , .• tia'• ••••• print,d ~,, the rotten A tlerr supply Jolt meet.
." " '''. l he . '' e abm '" a. 'eett• , ''''et.h red from New Vora. and for .ale by
/.1.1 JOHN li 11 /.:14.0FL, SI Wood st
I. • ' ' e"et: • ... ...t.• sa. t . ., ...tie,.. 11r,0. , . _ .
chub.. Ve.t.ny. A,- •
w . .. • t•tend , are respeetiut• ATIIENSL3I SllOOl,
ly wowed in examine to- t,rt......••-
myll di' ~,,m,I. A,it in ! AND BATHING ESTABLISHMENT.
„ tt - ri , Nit FA1,1.. begs to intorm the intiatatasit. of Phu
-1.4'1•° r"• S-4 ' ' 1 •'` ^l e ' '`'` neeet ' ' et. tee i . Barth and meintry, mat he Mu opened the
kJ ...Id }',...• ....,:.. Cl ~--, , oar , . ~. e , 01.. d toot, ettial , tt.hment. where root y attention will be
lot ma- I.y It itl,S MIN .1 tfrocs: Pi tttt. , pot., re ma amnion °Obese who may furor hint with
mig4 ~,,,,,, Tht•d and Sta•ret •t• a ~..,', 1,,t,.. tty •treet. between seventh end Wood.
O. w. mom. Y. D ..,j.,_ ! lea 1:-ta . r. and all other dehmietes of the treason.
• ....'”' ttv. , ,( I, FA/ t.s a now tame ouiry lone , . , "'" •—•Y
kri s ._
.., ow Somme., street, em door below i CLINTON PAPILN MILL.
.. Stun stream. Teeth "owned from one THE undemtgised Moro this day tmsemottteol under
lo an enilro mi. na the t ammo ono :tole. with -1 rte .• ,I, Inc nein , of Iliontpson Hanna & lion, for the par
&al frearntsuon of , Me nottatal gum—restonng the ! poet of m...r....t.4 Pane , at the Clinton Paper
ongt shape a the .aae I 51,11, where they wall be pleased to metre the patron-
N .—Teeth ertra•-ted with late or uo polo oge of me public, and Me (Omer enstomers of the tea
De yell Teett, permanently 'eyed by plomptia pre- Lott pa.Ttotr.
wenn t thew om 1,,, ~, hi, 0. much better Men en- . They antt at ell tunes keep on hand a gerwral as
m', I . thotmli ft o rat.: Sc dm, . t fi... gni ~ V,. ra • rottmeld at writing. wrapping, tee and ...tell papers.
!V, tutan.te lolltly !rennet hoard.. Wank hooks, etc. etc., which they will
Nit"ttrellt a ‘NI) /: ~ I, HI
II ' has no; 0.n.t.,,a e.,bange tor mean ...pi and cotton Mis.
Printer• t d Book Pub li sher. can be sapplied with
every deo., ni,tion al prattlnr, p•par at shun notate. and
itm and • t.atteva I,md ~.d a...
at reduced rm.... THOMPhtON HANNA
April I. Ja—olv•MtdOtn EDMUND S. HAN a
A selgnee's Notice.
Vir " L R I .V-7Z% - 7tP:e ' Tt ‘ ; t a s rl'Vas " :Xs A .tr ' adt ' n .
under it, It rm of A... to tt. Johnson hare made to Me
hoe nom al nootetitnent of all shear Estaie (or the
h e -b. of s:i :het, cremators. as Mall within two mouths
trom the d a ta thereof execute and deliver to alto s nail
Smolt A .1..hh.0n a full and aluclats reletue of all
Notre a. bar: by elseil that the autpunent and re.
Mao. IS [IOW al the
of the moserther, on leoanb
otreet, to the may at Pltia , totah. tor itußeettoa and •a 4.
mans,. ~.. Oa att whom it In, concern
i i I,itlato WM McGANDLESS Asottmee
13F.A1 Aril. 111INAMI . .N rt• et tat r A nT.ult.e.—
J snit. D 1.e.-swoon. di Wend ililurt, has last
ved soma b•-1.,11a11y ornamanted (IRATE
APRONS. of a •anery of pattern• utttl cOlorV, also,
CUL Tl..ue Paper l 'or °roommate;
_looktrig ginger:it,
mcture frame.. n- lame , ' Pal
orn, inn and 11 ti ret
rargrr , ar 1 lir In elabnrdr rirg nnd r
ranit-ra, Al .o. ;DM rod •IlverTa4rck, Fringe
• • •
Jewelry DI the i•tcw ia•n•on• .I,w( r•trlely
Weir., of sup-tux ga,ty 1ae•4.1, p.•r
•flal 1, tale Eastern poemWlLm rn
mug; rarnrr Marrsen and Fourth rtrt
1, , 0R Coughs. t - old. Asthma toil Gonsomption' Ti. I
r GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY forthe cure of the
above diseases, is the ID:NOARIAN BALSAM OF
LIFE, discovered by the celebrated 11r. Buchan, of
Loudon. EtelsnaL and Introduced into the Vented States
under the immediate superintendence of the inventor.
The extraordinary oneness of this medmine. tr. th.
core of Pulmonary diseases, warrant. the -linen,.
Agent in sanctum, tor trenuncot the worst posailde r
ses that can be found in the community—ones that sect
trite! in vain from any of the common remedies of the
day. and have been oven up by the most distinguished
ph) locums us conErmed and incurable. The 11 unauLl
an UniS2/12 has cured. will tire. the most desperais
of eases. It is no quack nostrum. nut standard Eng.
ush tnedlcine, of kuove., end esitandslied efficacy.
Every family in the totted Stater should be supplied
with Iluchan's Hungarian Balsam of Life, not only to
uounterset the consumptive umtl^nele. of the cltmato,
bun to used as a preventive medicine to :di eases of
cold. coughs. sooting of blood,. pun Me side and
cheat. irrimbon and
, seirenesa of the lung. buochtua
-difficulty of breaung, aecue fever, night awn., ernaci
anon and general debiltty, arthma, in whooping
cough and croup
Sold to large bottles et 111 per bottle, with full dines.
non tor the restoration of health.
Pamphlets, containing s mass of English and Ameny
no certificates, and othcr cvldenee, sbowing the an.
equalled merits of this great Eiglisth Remedy. may be
Obtaliw4 of the Agents erituiMits , t .
' For sale I.y 13 AI , AIINESTtit'K & fa.,rner of
si and Wood arm Wool end nth s,• mon urti
f) RI/P(ISM.... ARE IN villa) FOR 'FIIF.tiRADE•
Afi. , N A II NI A CfON RV of the part of lin:. rood
not of featly under entarnat heave. Cumbarl tad .d
tb THRtoft , V•ttey rvar—a ditannce o naoot 1.:
Mi.. The number of weettotto now to be t
:tt wool be
oft.; Ao. of ...en :11 ore. i K i•utaberlantl and
toe mcatin gate Savaca aver—l" at te• and
the ...Ind. on ill,Coolk and force Fnrt• ervet•.—
Toe oaufk wat triteru , ly It , . modem,. unhough there
are • ntanher al Of C wofth the catentton at eon
artetalot ocanot ailed la tfrovy
tspeetftcnoon- x.,a pia". be rrody at Comber
and. on ni d to.n the. :7th of Augu•t current. The
Inononals, nddrenstd to thn undeoogned. end hn
ectvcd nt Cuunnerin %In.) land. up to ,n , cordny the
I Sth •1 Soon - toperFunher information
ntny to had at the t'..mon ny's (11 , ee in Cumberland.
r u ., t• r•qtarrd fram ,cane unknown
4 ndgrn.snnd. 15) ends nl .hr ntd
trot lIENJ II LA'S i(511h:.
.04 did —11a:I Arr.; C qr.( Logrneer.
IVEW (irlr)Df , NEW r.ill()larr , —A A. Alroon
No. 60 Martel r•rer, have mei rercived
Crash. Ir.npers. Naair re!, Cr, .1 Irril.nrok. blue and
orange Prmtr., Mr-rrtmar•t. Cor arca and (nary do.
1 , 11,1511111 r 4.4 Lew,. I.rurn Holland, long.
ham.. 11011 51u,:1es. 1. rlot•ar andrrr:ro . rl do
plot.:Jaronet•.l.lll , ll 0, A r oe
THE undervp , d hove orectnd work• In the elly of
I ' , eras' York. for (ho otirponr ANI trts..
of Iron, wilte l. Jrumbic to NO /TS r icom
OT, such co Telf,,,,e, Wire. Kol , ts. 4 pts CA.
tor Frnre.. and nov othcr aro., wh.
rewored For 'loop. (or tlssks, ena soo-tootr 4n too
Itopc, for Cloth., I,tot too.; Ito. 1., 0, I rm.:
ot applicatton., nwol I. • •ound -101 l NI
Tlo, 001110 purticuat,:y clad alle.mon to N
'VI,, for leores; it -out rc• [ow, noo o • .•,
10.0 in Spike. /1114 Bois, ntror ry 4 , •
•3•11 is est mach impi - irilanc, the , sit. e4inirei
1,4 in the ciotice interessid.
neklo-41A sr PIT 14 anil It Lien,' 4 N I .
THE rat,acrit, , r ~,, :., !ter, to ~,,,,,,-• ~
Elin the rralu• trati , l ; r , ••, ra ,,,, tr.,
tett,. at the very low , ri pri •
Ovid and at, v, t l'av •.r t - ; . , ' ' h ^ '• ' ettn ' in. , - on or other. -
ilithi and Sllaer 1a... , ~.,-,. Sr.rnatt N 5 atet.aa ~,r
Imam hors,.
Cold Gard, fu , an.' t-t •., ~.1, r Go.: Si,etar-••
bold and Sliver l'a,r• . - 'ra•.: 't-rt•
Gods' hold ' , tr., 11, ar r. if I/trGoad ',wire, 1,0 ,, 1 ,11 rhlmbles
~.,,,,,. ~,,,,, r,.. , ^,e , l,' Ilrertatimas.
%, aid., tr , , s' '• ' " , .' tartt
',Too:, . ,•• ~ ~....ra o, Lerman Stlve, afl ,e
„ tk ,, ware:Later/ to Itery :rood tlale
h• at r ..,... • 1,4 , 1,17 repaired, and Watches
~...,e, tn n.< Inert manner. at mueb let.
than ay. at. , rat , ti Ell C ALLEN,
i .,,,,,.,,,, ar tt rllOl, and Jewelry. wbo , en ,
~ .., WI. , we,. lop 00.0,1 NEW 1011 K.
wat, dim..
ri' 114. I~+ an .-.
, l dot so a, A,
1 u 1 L. loe~.;uu , Ca., ari'AA.ldpAa.~ fl,c (nllaw
..t3 put
4, lowo• Far') difertni
Newvoper Cut.,
I 3.0 , lba rut to orJer,
k,• Proui'• 5..... tali
I lira , . Gotuum lion. laule• 01.1
derenpu•op• A. JAYNE- , ,
I , ,kin Tea Sloro. F. , "th "
reccivod for Pry , T7ps, saIRMWIS
- Pt itabstegfit Steams 1114.rtdo Works.
NU. 944 LI BEIFFV, opposite tsecattd street.—
Marble Mantles, Alottelbent•.Tmobs,Trible Tops.
fsv- • tore onnety of the most beat:maul kind, made
of the finest quality of foreign and domestic marble,
always on hand or [mole to order, by the gid of ma
chinery, on the shortest notice and at the lowest mires.
N. B.—Tbe Country Trade furmstted with
of Marble at the lowest rates. All orders promptly at
tended to at n 44 Liberty, opposite gonahfield st
miNfidGra W W WAI,LACF.
It I,LS Patent Stone or French Garr SMUT MA
t'IIINF,-shr hest antele of Me kind lu otet they
run light, etran fast. do the wort well, and wtil last a
:de tune. About sral of hem are in um, in the best
in the country, and we care the strongest le.-
rnntly or tOnlpeletil perlons ns their superioney over
~•I other Senn Machines.
Fee further particulars, ad
d re.• .alsnerlber at 244 Liberty at. Pittsburgh.
nr,,dani W W WALLACE
• -
, .
E h .hit, I NI-..44 AND BOILS ,
raqs, Owe) , on band, or made to order
on ry vuort no:tee, and at the lowest prom All O
romptiy iyadtended to at 244 Liberty street, near
Lh. Canal. Eny3o W W WALLACE
I)I rFR l NRIS--ftor land, and other purposes,
ultvt.., • at, hand ILI 214 Liberty at
GTNT O X - All
''"T. on
and.,l.lly `Meet.
I ris with olea.ore that the aubsertbers
inform the mice. of Pi taburgh and vi
fanny that they have completed arrange
teen. with Mesa" J C. Jenkins &
01 Philadelphia, to receive Mete mperiof
And will hereafter be kept constantly on
hand. They are neatly and aemately got
up in metallic packs of and I lb. each,
uh their printed eerd—r bowing the kind
of Tre, pnee. name nf the to and
depot in Philadelphia with an 1114118110.1 meant the
Tea. if not liked.
Gunpowdci ••.• . • • .age 75 I,OU 1,23 1.50
5i I Imperial
t o 1.00 I.M 1.,&/
II ynon Blf 73 1,101 ,
o Y. 11y•on . OVf 73 1,41 1,7.5 1,5 D
rnrk 37f 50
ine and extra Fine. .71 1,00 1,03 1.91
We Will warrant all the TEAS we to to be Neal
to , if not sea-rates to s o y told in thll city, and should
Met not prove acceptable to the taste, they can be re
turned. and the money will be refunded, as it le only
with that unarratandum we .11.
We nab a (air trial. that the public may be able to
edge between our Teas and those heretofore sold by
other commune. in this eny.
All looms ai net, tellesons and good flavored TEAS,
plano/d me no a call.
For milt by JOS. S. 31. YOUNG A CO..
N W cornet Ith and Ferry streets. and
ray itaddmia S W corner 3d mid Roes streets
131421.1... EL.D W• H. DAILY,
art. (Late of New York.)
Or - mot—Smithfield etre., bet.... Seventh and
Strawberry alley.
N. II —ll,seaws of the mouth. gums and teeth treated
Homeropratucally. ittMd3ra
At nil greater Reduced Prier-,
A A. M. A. CO, decimate of reducing tmd clotting
Newont dim Stock preparatory to receiving their
New Pall Good, will offer greater indneemenw than
ever Their recent large purehattes at the New York
Sales, made at such Ininten.e aaerifices from et:causal
ell be dared out the same ruffian. rates. Amanglt
the article. recently opened. they mention:
e RV, fast "atoned Lawn, at 7 me
`• and Machos, p and 9e
A •arge Rock Silks, Shawl. and %Ileitis, very low.
`• " 25 et Al de Leine., 124.
•• lot Berg,. at one half once
" 23
in Gngbadv at 124 c
" " Embroidenne. very recap
" Baanets. half prier
" Btniei y, Gloves. Lace., Trimmings. &a
eases Hammack Calicoes, at 'e
5• 124 ct 4.4 e
2a - and hales brown and bleached Moshe, chiral,.
Inch Linen. at tem Linen Gingham. ll*
Bonnet and ton; Gloves et 4o
Won an momenta vartety of other Goods, all of
'stitch tent prove a tonne to purchasers of rem 3 to
50 per cont. The store will be clewed one day for
marttng down and preparing the stock for the cote.
rat ' re7t, r 7 e n ' e v ry 'd l; th elTT. ,i r n al
leettnl stock of pare GREEN AND lOLACK TEAS,
from Near York, all of which ha. heen received m this
country Amer the fan of February lam. const.ung of
ail the thderent grade. mown In the Celettlal Fnipb•e.
(tor stock hetns among the lamest to the Weft, we are
to wholesale, on better term, than ca ll e
00.0 in the city We mai. retsol grooms" to and
...rainier out stock and prices. They can have upsck
" to 4, 4. nod IS package, 5 th un canmaters, or by
half sec.., torun dim conventuttee.
tine retail pm,. vary for Oblong,' Blatt Tees from
21 et, to of 29 per Ilia Ning Young Souchangc ql Ma,
Congo 50. and Slnchalt Breakfast 50, Yonne . Ilyson.
Itan'Powder and Imperial, from 25 nu. to 12143 per lb.
Pattaltes e relocated to send and get samples of
au r Tee,•
and try them before purchasing.
III) 19:41081i A. JAYNE 23. 70 Fourth duvet
,rtme, of Ent,•
ar c aai 1849. atagali
Bearer natal time Packet Lbws.
R BARKS, Braver. Proprietor.
IMF: new and elegant Ras-cages Packets,
NlAti t RA. Cato II H /mines;
PENNBYINANIA, • 111 Heilman.=
LAKE ERIE, a M Truhy;
Forming a daily Line Vence. Beaver .d Ene, haat
commenced running, and end cantina° daring the Lea
make their regular trips, leaving Beaver 'eller
the arrival of the morning beat frees Pittehurgh, II &-
emet, r. n and arrive at Erie la time to par.negers
to take tee morning boats la Dudido Or up the Lake.
throu:h to Erie and all take pens, can he
had 19r appilcanon to JORN A CAW:MEV. Agt,
moroccof Water and thstithfield ifs
under the fa Charms Head
' Ualizi
tistscrs , Trlmmings,Chesp for Cash.
pH F. it now opening. at lit Water street,
[ New Yoe, romp:eta ennortisteut 01 HATTERS'
ini , eettil by himself from the monufse•
forin France and (icon:Ling, nwhieg mill be 'old low
for cash Plow. Cal and examine befits purctionlng
e:•ow , tere. irg7.411.41
Now Yonx. Jul). 1410.
tVe Pave Telrel,e. for or Limps
11 of von.. µLC. and ktnas, of a new cstructs. ,
that I. gone simple anti complete—some ornamental.
Also. tlin tkrurle to barn 111 them call.Ld ••11nraing
Hoot. or Li:Menai toil byrare 1,111.1:1r4 winch
recommend it to Lit,attention oLispiton bast men. hotel
cepot, anal Immo , keepers. foronra
aidbrtittaney. norpawes any Lt.., ported, now In
Pe rwont who pleaseraLl on us wall bc shown
Ow pee oitaritici of OWL compou.ol.
A con... suimiy tlte Fluid And Latur kept by.
nfl iietwitet. Wnoll and Market
No. 7B Wood...eel. Plitstotirgh•
1.711Eil AND LAUFNIAN. Importer. and dealers
Li In Forrign end Dornestsr HARDWARE, in
all Ib varieurA. are no.v prepared to sell as low and
on es res.snat , :c term. as van he
noilett our fr,%nds, and public to
call and examine n.:r which connote. in pan el
KNIV I.> and FORKSn. P0:71.: suld PEN KNIVES,
SeISSORS. sll EA RS. RAZORS. House Trmanngs,
toe:. so ncks. ifinges and Scrvas, together
"nth every utually kept to Hardware Stores.
W ..111011 of Carpenter. and Nleehantes
areesll, to our royortment of Tools, vvhsch have been
.elected wah gfrat rare, and avhAch we an deter - Mt'''.
• I In .el: .0 NS tO glVe sellfution. aptdLarT
floonsaff.—Gialvealsad Tin Masao.
1 " ,n r. ,;%‘ - e • ; '". V . ll7o n f th lUlM " ^-, "'" to 'f rre l4 :74
remelt tine.c plot . posse oco Othe
•uinno-Incen , u , ned Mr roofing. .te" .
rdin-1 , 0 an once the
Ilahtnes. tron, without ire
to Tutu, havtur now Men tested for ',oral
n.(10 particular. both mu do. country and on 1.133-
,npe. 1 he/ RI, to. Liable to expon.toni and eontrnr
,tc, from .dden, charge of the annoaphere, than eon,
mnit nun plate.. iron, tune. o 7 any other tnetal now used
for r,uv50... and roniwquenuy form • much better and
izttnn.. roniun nag tur leas frequent repair. whalst
... .nst n•n de more.
A re, from 15 lo 30 W. G., eon-
,r,itt axet.u.,
,• mr. d Alolora
r :t.i .3. Joh., \\ ..r7. N. York haul Loaf o,)
1.,11 , 051 - 11LE
No 63 %Vow" sraz.n,
! .. ...
1 riirosly opposite the St. kli4artes Hotel.,
, fr.,- I.:lei , ii, Frraeli, and Renee.und
i, 3ln g ., ,• i mid NI ix-plpt.r. imposed to orde,r, Prue.
ni , o i .i. ~.. umitirts,nril on opplie.on to Mr. L.
Co iltirii.-• rii... mrlit
Corne , t oflootatit
. _
WAN IT.l,—imo
. icytoode.4.
".er r. 4"
k Nl - 'ft, N 111 ,CA...TVII-71.5'11 . :n —tile Amen
:l en., C. ter. a tro.atJac upon Architce:
mtt , l tl. Framing, [Mon, n
-44,1 I• WWI the mast napartant
1•11, - “ , al ttontetry• 110, }laded;
. .
' 1N..F°,..R14,thr.„T.",..t.'Vh° F. & ? It ji"""
~..I.t i.. rr....11 ect, Rom. n. 6.3 141/11bIllilk B M , '
lweint rcErna . t4 Lisa/ coin basinento ael - Poll4'
BILLIVERY,in Pir usts4 nittd ' 11
... .
ja11.02. RENT—The mansion holm now
Oreopiod by Dm 'Atwood; clamed at Oakland,
crab to *ere. of ground attached. The hoes.
aspecioonami convenient. and the armed. well bun
proved. Apply in HARDT, SON & 00,
8%31 Water st
tikiiiti.alfart —One of is. malt store, la
the bighting, corner of Third and Marker street.
Ali., the elegant room In the ni .sunT of the
building—the lager being well adapted for •
wholesaleh vanety store, or wound omit fin an lee Crest.
Sateen. N. D. GAZZA3I.
,r-o—t.-e.Tr-A—b-liieffingli iiiiiiiiinTa
Situated on Tbird street, opposite the Post Odtee,
oontalning a room. with a good cellar. The
above would be a good stand for • beardlor, house .
Possestiou given au the first of October. Rent WM.
Ingaire on the premise. Mag 29
For Sale.
ondenigned offers far sale. bat man , rest
dence on Coal Hill, with the twenty ecru
ground attached thereto.
The House to in good order, and the ground comma&
erably unmoved, including a large garden and fine
He will also sell, if desired, the whole or any pont=
of hia household Pumas., Books, Pieter., &a.
Na et Market ascot
1W.1417 -
2: HAT beautiful, well known and healthy . residence,
(lately occupied by Mrs. E. J. Stewart, dectdj ao
top of the bill wen of Steubenville, 0., cad edloia
ing the Steubenville and Cambridge toad. The lot
contains about eight acres, pan =ceders, and under
good fence. The Unproven:Mita We • two *tors Snell
Dwelling House and Kitchen, brick wash bonne, sad
chicken - house, a good frame stab)e, to. There is a
varietynf fruit trees and ahrubbery, but a falldeserip
non of this well knave property is deemed
.1 - 1. It is mined the most beauttfiii risen recta in
the vicinity of Steubenville, and is pertsp• one of the
most healthy,--combimng the many advantages of
town and country, with fool of the Incense:deuces of
rube, The title is unexceptionable. Petseedon can
le given on the first of November. For further par
eliply Omagh the Pest Office, addren the
aubscriber. Jefferson county. 0.. Or is his
residenee on the bank of the Ohioopposite New Cute/
berlaod, Va. JANIFS R. Si. STEWART,
/3/97-weurS Ex's of Alex. Suneasteectd.
• .
A Lot of Ground having a front of 49 feet on
Fulton street, by toe feet deep to an alley, an
which is *reined two good two nogg brick Dwedusil
Houses. The above property is well improved and
piresontly ensued, and will be mold very reasonably.
/either elmonhereryert of 1 . t42f e L pplbmistien be mado
eagle:de •
A I FOB . Driek one year
bathr/oleil Lee, on Robinson street, g.lleg/levy,
sr old Bridge. Price low end terms eosY.—
!neuter' of jggl 8 SCHOVER, 110 Second
_ _
FOUR new Iwo snarl Mick Dwelling ii*LISCOs
well finished and in magneto order, on Centro
Avenue, or %tonerlie road, 7th Ward. Poo
sew on given immediatety. Item low. Enanire of
:.‘.IIIN %VAT!' k
„ . .
FOR 19.h..Lift.
VERY desirable residence m the bo-411
rough of blanchestereadiciaing John Dow
ning, Fag. The loth a eorner one, fifty feet front by
one handled end ninety feet doey—wnh • two .n 7
Brick House, tweray-fie
et front, .wntwes parlors.
donne MOM, and kitchen nu Grst door A evasive
home, arable and grapery, and thelot fell of choice
fruit trees, all In good order. gm
ol the table...
ber, Lumber Mereham, Alleghere city.
Jelind&ertrr JNO. PATTERSON.
Fl - ,1011 RENT.—The throe sari Brick Dwelling
Home, on Liberty. between fay and Marbury
streets, now occupied by W. Graham, Jr. Posseesion
prep irarondimoly. Empaire of Wm. Graham, or at
Ma Bookman, of
JoazisToN fr., sTocirrasl,
(yUr.elef corner Market and TWA einem
RiA law store on :rot et, between Weald 4dt
ns, well finished n d handtriniely fitted op for
oode, being a good timid rot that business.
Office, 3rd et, over Philo Hall—C2hee hour. from 9 to
12 • st. 1712
A THREE stoned Dwelling Holm, being the
seciatid house from Penn street, In SaydePs
Row, on Hay street. Immediate possession orlll be
given. Enquire of DAVID RITCHIE, Attorney at
LllW—Offiell on Foo,eb street, between Chaffy alley
And On= street. lalflabf
FOUR new live awry Bnek Dwelling Hon.%
finished and In complete order, on Coates
Avenue. 71.1 i Warty Posserwion given July let
Rent low. Enquire of JOIN WA CT A CO,
corner of Liberty and Head am
TO YAIiIgERS AND - I;MElLBikii2l3iikTtl•
IE undersigned offers for tele in Mllfean county,
Pa., MCI acres of well timbered LAND, with at,
excellent Saw /IEIII nearly new - , and two new Frame
Homes, one 41 feat front by 17 back; the other 22 feet.
front by 21 back. Also, good new Boom Svc., thirty
by fang:feet The mill and land are situated Epee
miles from the Allegheny river. A neat deal of PINE
TIMBER of the best quality, and also a vast ill:meaty
of the very best hemlock.. Also, one Relent the bank
of Me Allegheny, near is rove, most admirably adapt
ed for rafting, where lumber eta be rafted on the tee
In winter, and be perfectly safe from all &Celle.—
Prier 24,000, or 15 on acre. Terms mop. Will take
a well cleared small fanct with good Immo and or
chard upon it, an pan payment, if location h. suitable,
Tnd the balance to lumber, or es may be agreed or..
his nt an excellent opportunity for lambently, and
the probability is great that in two or Once years this
property will double its value, in consequence of Its
proximity to the New York and Erie B.rostit.
bar •alteient in wear out several saw mills-and sev
ere null ales on the stream which mina nearly through
the centre of the land. About fifteen acres in gram.
No hill to visa to battling lamber from mill to river.
Treat and game in abuitnee. For farther particu
lars, adinose,ipos.pald) P. B.FF.MPLETON,
meet.tkwr Baum Odle, Plusburglx
14 am: 1 , 1 &4 •• rtreet, Near York
4, • • been secured
inging than.;
Se proacen
.u. ~..•
roporty I Allsgbuty laity for Val*.
TUY. robsenbers *kr for mica n amber of chows
Lou, .121110 M the Second Wan; (rondos on Use
Common 6~0 d, onewy terms l =
a Cala. st
or of JA9 thevra
tayma-.17 _
THE mbseribers vffl sell at prorate oak, Mosel two
rentable Lors of illsocold, aituaterl on Tomah, M.,
in the Third Ward of Allegheny City, eneh haring
front of TO feet, running back 100 feet in depth to
fee t alky, upon which Is built • atom malt, ^3 by 100
feet, which contains Wane Omagh to build cellars for
ewe romfortable dwelling biomes t and in front there
ore three shade trees, ofb years growth, and the side
work is posed with One., all of which will be sold at
MOO. Pittsburgh and Allegheny, or County bony,
1,11 Le taken in payment_
J d. If FIIILLIFS, N+6 Wood
or to Wkl. BENSON, immediately oppomte mad lets.
FOR SALE—FIee lots eligiblyTsJoaunt i/1 the
tsning town of Birmingham. The lots are
' 1 Denman Street, nurallored in F Bmamml. plan
, 93, 81 and 93—Lot No 75 fronting IV hasten Ma
in .soar, :0 feet deep; the other lees Mi feet front
by 00 feet deep.
mr..-Greaser part of parchtom money may re
for six
years, seemed by neorMaga
HOVEII For part. ,
elyld 110 secOnd
for eels.
ABOUT fan miles above Lock N 0.9, at the mouth
of Pine Ron, Monougthela giver. The Coal is
of the eery ben quality, and ensy of wee. Any
rigmlbei of P ers on s 'wenty-five to a hundred, might
be obtraried. desirous of parchasing, can
cell an WALKER REED, on the preonws, or We,.
Itoci, opposite the Post office, who will give any In
formation concerning the property. The aOOOOO w it!
be sold at a at Lorrain. owe:Warn
raw Let—A goal brick DYrellinU7 nun. on
Itolnnson matt, Allegheny. ' nne of
1001 f. SOLOWY _
Ltult SALE Um, Foil :SUMP—A tot el grouna
r ammo ou Webster went, OS feet from Utah street;
to feet front ua Weiramr, by OIL feet to a tore feet alley
tote does to new coon boom. nitro FOOLSTerm,
cash In hand; balance in one, two, three and four
revs trout the fir. of April last.
County and City !Scrip taken for each payment In.
aim of • mile SCHOVKR. 11U ...end rt
. .
Ix6oAisTres Coed liana lug SW*,
ITUA pillow the filenton„-ahoni river, alien 16 miles
from seorgh and 3 miles above third tat, ,n'
the immedia nghrhooil Mescra. tsyen es Ithorb,
and Mr. Jona te
H ei erron bo 's purchase. Ms fine body of
Coal will be sold at the Iwo price of BAI per acre—one
third In hand, balance in file equal annital payment.,
without interest Title indwpatable. Location very
good—caw. ha surpassed. For further puticalars
enquire of S. BAL9LET, who has a drab of Aid pro
perty. Residence &I W., bales , Ferry, Mr. Adams , Geer .
N. IA There ts another scam of coal on tins tract,
abein CA feet above the lower, of excellent quality. •
jydritilif B. U.
Lout de - War - sae,
sairwribers are unnamed to tiler at private
ix.ellijbly.fatarable tents,
lay llamber
o ,o l orl y .on or the Lots titlicret and 7t
rut 's
Woods , General Plan of the City of Pittsburgh, num. '
ted at the south eastorardlyCOVlVf of Pen and Wayne
Jamey morning MO teal on the (armor a n d
d extendung
along die Inner about 660 Wet to the Allegheny evalli,
tad Wing a part of the Real Estalsof the lass James
3. Stevenson, Shut., deceased.
A plan or subdivision of the above Lots, be cunt:d
ewy with winch n is proposed toslump be seen at
the of stone of the understgroul, 011P011 batsman Mar.
tot and Perry eta WU.. 9 re )(CON.
my 3
AA. TWO Lars eta Beaver street, let the city o
2AL Afirgheriy, above the upper Commons, on which
toot tea a frame bonding, two stories high, numb!.
for two - tssnall wirmenn. The lota are each twenty
feet in Gout by one hundred feet deep, std run her
to a street forty feet wide. The haildlngs no the peei
ernes will pay a very handsome interest on the invest,
went, and the property will he sold cheap for oath.
Apply in 11. Sproul, Clerk's outcry U. 9. arm
mown KAY 6 Co
• -
seosen Uottom
IrFAI XCRES uY LAM), animated he Peebles nva
-1 slap, on the Monet:natter., three mans tram Pam.
burgh—ta lam to rut purchasers. Far Nether puttee
nicer apply to henryUti sle or to
novV•ellf Ith, above Smithfield st
-A, WA R1:1101;AN: FOR SALIc mo.ubeenber
°trete to sale tee three mare bran Warehmtna
Wood, street, accepted
„ tuft ii Tzmte , r , :t .h :t . a.
VALt: .111 L-F.
Kitt .11.. E A ot r•
of Groom! situate on it
street, hemeen Day and >lathery streets, 4.l.emind
metiontre and lot now recopied I.y Richard Edward,
tteetng • ...sre( 25 Ire:, one in depth r3O feet t aqll rma
sold on fa •or alr lc tem. Title nue icepttonabte. Eo -
,114.1 y 41 C. L.. Lt.n.)!il IS, tilt at, rear Woad.
0,21-rltf _- -
-- b
Vor 6..1.
k DE:ZIFLAJIGE lltiildtag 1/n in Alltalteey cal, fa •
ni...tr0t...1y i. 14,103,11.1 RIZe 5.110. hall( All soon, and
A ~I be 1.14 Of, .recuraerodatine, terms. Impure of
telrGJ It '.VILLIAaIta, Liu wood so
'kJFoil ItENT—A room in the some story, No.
iin Wend uraet bc.6
' ' - br be t - t
II •.. In eangt ' ard l'a el .'
WU‘etl7e.Tl'..l. t'S ' - P D LEl O"'
•13,13 Liberty in
A — l uitc•loo.l WOR - M - 1:10.7.517. -- --
Prrysauradl. Jane 12 , 1649 -
Itr Jahn D Mary to-- Dear Sim I gave; one tear poon
I ~, of p. „., 'Vona Kt lie! to and of my etaldren, and to
they hort tone oi one Dolt boor it passed twenty large
w sts. 1 feet safe in ratommenchng yam. Vermiform
the ...t toed..., that can be Used for expellttatt
worms. 1 ..u. M 0.., near Nob , esto•na•
Prepared and told by ear pesrpriear, JO/IN D. MOR
GAN, Drograti, one door bOore Diamond alley, Wood
streob Jtalft _
finconPo ONE INTLIAIt, .r • .. 41.
El ath for
oodles Department opal, Irocia 5 to 11 M
and !Ito 5 o'cloos, P. M.
Athanteoco saloon oad Bathing Eatablisbans,
191 s T. SPVALL.
AILE new reeeeriet eery ierioe mach of Creel
&Oral*, of Meett patriot. and topettation,ortdd
they arid .11 to the undo at each totem as emote 61
goe Cutife rohitheden.
Coy had Cotrotry htentacie are tovitori,tli , 4l
ermine Our ooek &awe rtnehat4