The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 04, 1849, Image 2

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    T4E PirintlßGH GAZETTE.
7 17131. , 511-10itri MOM & CO
P vr , 4133340
TUESDfiIr 141002 , 743,1 SEPT. 4, iso.
4dazr-- pabLisbed
Doi y, to Seven
Matra per Dollars par
se.qataithe bon, strictip
zrfavon be' d totheft band in
in .)
Practicable. fora speeis
lied time tor ordered oat
Advertiser North Amer
tan and Col eu, receive
and Corinardi
WILLIAM M 1 LETTI of Sutler County
gpt ROUT. C. Vi r k IL, of EliaAneth Bayonet.
r.ii LEE, rtar
..b.r, .
W. ESPY, o
,r StClAir
CARTER ClairrlA of Pnlobargi
fAono . non,
OED. B. HA4E ntl
ropet : Chu,
ru /S.
/WIN MO niNE, of Allegheny
cfb e ADAYmo . Ann,
JAB. MITCHELfiof PeciLle.
iVII. M. ARTHUR% of f ftty.burgh.
JOHN BYERS if;lGnAlny.
par Local ItteqyAers 46. next page.
Sac post pageTAY Tilegrapt,le N 1...
Borst a Mtarretialsr
Strata of the Halperin rail way compmies aria e
Ursine passengers Hoes If a pressener say. be
wishes an instatanieilleket, he has only to pay t
trifle in addition tofthe regular fare.' The premi
am is about six caps on five thousand dollars. I
he is killed on the his wife, or legal re
resentatives get t $5,000. If he is fortunat
enough to save bid Ilk, he Imes the premium. th
some of the rail rot..fis In this country we fear the
• rates of premihm Waxed be higher.
Some of the Am6imans in London are taped
ring their morilfictitinn and resentment on accrue
of the publication if:Jefferson Mei.' letter in toys
of Missitsippi rephidiatiob. It seems to he tl
strimAncess opinihiS. of the writer's eounuyme
abroad and at tros4;that a More disgraceful docu
ment was never 'hutted.
A most revolting case of clerical delinquency hat
nonerred in the Hiiglish church. A into. Brooks,
residing at Ente l itas proaemoted the Rev. Mr
Rook. for seduczkher daughter. It appears that
the Reverend Muted his privileges as a
pastor, nod eniurt the girl whir performing with
her the services otßigion. But the details his
crime are too die#acieful kir narration. Having
tired of !dirty Be4 - s, he discarded her and sought
another victim. 1..;
A bottle has 1c toopicked up at Queensborough
on the coast of KOtt, enclosing n piece of paper•
and securely re id ed, purporting to have been
thrown over by petsergers on board the unfortu
nate steamer President, lost eight years ago. But
• there seems toEntan impression that the paper is
forged, and that r t e bottle was placed where it
was found by mintle one who wished to remove
all suspense korai he minds of the friends of the
A French wit §clarea that when the telegraph
is out of order, tha people of the French Provinces
do not know whither they are governed- by e
Preside= or a %In or an Emperor.
Three thouramko d
per, n. were presented the
Queen at the grit# Levee in Dublin castle, on the
7th enemas!.
It is proposed iii erect o column in Dublin to
commemorate tlfr event of the Queen's visit. la
connection wn4hicti it may be stated that en ,
Irish orator, at thli•grent Hungarian meeting in
New Yorkiast 114tday,trished that they had taken
the coffins:in wistiihwere honied the thousand Insh
victims of palace and famine, with which
to make a botifiefor Victoria's welcome- One
petpcsition exhilkthe extreme of laudation, the
other thepitteradill of hatred.
Candle. me it4r manufactured otit of a sub.
stance extranredgmm peat, called by the trim
peasantry ktrylibUtter. But nevertheless, the
late mighty discilertica of the value of peat, that
if tree would oth Amain Ireland to be far the
richest country alt the face of the earth, area great
humbug and so kkrowledged to be.
Though we elk hardly hope Met Gerribaldo
• can ultimatelyipe tit dna , he. ef the French
sad At:arises, et it is consoling ko hod that he
gives them a elk deal of trouble, and now end
then s very 111,A thrashing. It crertt that about
the 28th 0f.1014r the Ist of Ailplat, the General
quietly marched
,!tia small farce into the midst of
. the Duchy of Titscatiy, and having seared the
grand dike an4s friends half out of their wit,
kit upon an Atuerhin corps that was seeking to
out of his retrelf i l rind pot it hors dot C 017121 6 ,. This
affair otearred Hear Montemhi, on the heights
which separate %)tactuty from the Roman States.
Aker this the,g2neial coolly coetioned the much
of hie army tovraidaßicoini, whilst the Austrians
were engemed ihburying their dead.
The French mlisister of Finances says that tircom.
ply with the lateirequiring a full list of all krona
employed, and Who receive money from the Porte,
would add haia; million of franc. to the exp4nees,
and he advised repeal of the law.
The expetooktaf the French govemmentl next
year will be 101,020,000 franca The delibit of
meass will notihn less than 320,000,000 franca—
So that while the present government in charging
the provisteuelOvernmeat of the revolution with
foolish extravngdrice, it admits that, ih the second
year of its owd exigence will be kind by ft the
greeted deficinOer known. The total defi it ar
rerained and iitioarited for the three years ilium
Januar/ 1818 IC' January 16.51, will be 7.7i),000,
000 frhAcm or ,6i)ot 100000,000 dollars.
A company !rah' English capitalists have offered
to bay of the Fttnela government the uncompleted
railway to Lyhda They propose to pay 240 ant
linos of francs* it !cote of the works for 99 years.
The state haealremly expended 162 millions on
the work. del they will grabiat the ready mon
ey, as NepolA did at the 215,000,000 kr Lou
isianan. E r
From Dublii4tHiatioria would go to Ginn+.
The Oolertiettktit the Gape of Cloodllope ere still
contameceou4sind declare that they will nut sals
a= to the lan u pg of convicts in their settleihente.
The inhali orate conquered Poet sublcoun
try are not to is dented the blessed consolations of
religion, for tfilivast diocese of Csicutin is ,to be
divided, and xpbopice of Agra to to be elected,
stretching evcOhe Ponjaub.
The attme+as renew or come of the British
rail way wait may has judged of from thd mode
of mune ti o hbr the bridge over the Tamer
fn Cornwall. ' l;..e.reereittly described the Ilritan.
cm tabular bqge over Menai straits in ,‘r.ralesi
ihich some !Ohioans will corn 23,000000 Ihe
bridge at . ;*:Liar, the La:lodation, of imbich
am to be sunk Meaty feet below the surfaceoflow
water, and snub be carried 100 ket above high
water much, P.'alting a total height of over 200
but. The et of this work is estimated o f about
Greet effot4 have been made to get tde port
Of the arrivaNted departure of the West !Indies
and Beath AnVeiiinan teem ships, charged from
Soathamptong Liverpool, but it has been decided
to keep it at RiAnhampton.
A large melibling of Italian residents in London
was held on *3d of August. The plan. edings
were not verirorderiy, and once or twice the po
bee was en-qd in to prevent these eseitable
aoutherners Outi breaking one aaother's heads
After the exCeilmon of a portion, the remainder
passed the folltitviog very emphatic reeclutios
'nett/nisi-din , highly condemning as ty rah. I
Warn eau-evangelical. and impidna the
ociadues of 11 - 4; Pins. 13 , Manes all the; Italian
patriots to fofidai the true religion of Jesus'! Christ,
as fidlowerVey their meesions, throwing aside
eZtpe Church, which is couspiona *gems, th e
It of qteopie.^—h wee of thanha to the
ehainban elf the proceeding.
Oa the 18 of May last, the brat of 11 . . B. /.1.
brig Alen, t it regular
ec =gegen:mut - wi th slave
vessel, calk '.itiFehra, on the coast of trim — 1
The Feltices4nts discovered standing alimg the
head, weatbitc almost a clam. Tfoe brlgf s boots
WOO 1:01114I414 Int is 13 cut her out. rt. soon
*matey go: e ar etiongb, the Felucca fired a`pon
them. sad I:o;par= idled was the isaumud
• in , couposad `;-,•:, Tun own +d eight hrearegirsar.v.during the fain
• 4ver 4_ 6 94. ;
• lie flan** end.ergestabler ebanetett of do!
urn 6inth;inlibcgaiin.misoosaiiiilkm pith dta
@iris ,
C • fact tblittlid**sts of (6 tairsderiSbeglit sort.
-k-741isTy***.14ealiq e 1
•iF 024 1. 4 . , 1. - -0 :4
cause of Hungary,considers it probable that on the
Bosnianfrantler the troops of the allies will soon be
so hard pressed as to be compelled to retreat in o
the Turkish tenritory, or to surrender to thejtunga
rfan commanders. In that CM. It is, believed that
Turkey will use Game to maintain her neutrality,
and will oblige the Imperialists to return into Hut,'
guy, or to lay down their arms. Tao Times doe.
not conceal its chagrin at the ill success of the
combined tomes of despotism in this crusade
egalost a brave people, straggling for their very
. - -
The London Daily News, a liberal paper, de
dies the report, now so current, that Mr. Cianon
Duffy hu been denied stamps for the nee• series
of the Nation, which he proposes to issue.
There are thirty thousand lunatics in England
and Wales, of whom 25,000 mere confined in
establishments provided for the purpose, and
5,000 were patients in private an/tuns. It is
said that the abuses practiced in these private en
tabliahments are very great, and beuevolent per
-1301 have get on foot an agitation for the enact
meat of a law for their better regulation.
One gentleman, of whom the Cheirrnau end
that be
.ilut gore] by stealth, and blushed to find n rune."
contributed lire hundred dollars at the last great
menung is London in behalf or Hunganan Lad,
An Australian paper states the following
bleb shows that settlement to be almost n• fine
market for marriageable mammoduten as Ca'ifor•
"Out o(50 orphan strlierhe were sent •" Muse
ton Bay, from the latent eantgratton chip, 49 are al
ready marnedi the fiftieth, epee bring asked "why
the remained single?" void, that although she had
received en excellent offer, she could not get mar
ried, because there was not a broleornatti Irlt lost
her, but she wee anxiously waiting hr the rest
draft of immigrants, when that Mite dateulty
would be over. This is a fact."
A pair of ferrate twins were barn at Erneghan.
In Flanders, in the month of May last, who arc
united as completely as the Siamese twins arc—
They were two months old when last heard from;
and seemed likely to live. The physicians ha 6
pronounced that they weld not survive an operatii
firm Car dividiag the ligature that connected theni.
If they attain mature age, the ..Ficinish Twine.
may become as well known to the world as their
Asiatic prototypes.
An rumination of the quarterly return of ii,r;b4
and deaths in England. fur the quarter preiredii . g
June 30th,1049, presents some interesting rcsillte
It appears that in ordinary seasons, London has
an excess of 15,227 deaths above the average
number which would happen among the coreall.
lion of the city, were the rate of mortality thri
tame as In the cavalry districts of England. But
it is forty per need- higher; a very great dal - en-nee
in the chances of I.le. Regular tenni regiettation
of \myths and deaths existed in England in I h 32 ;.
but such tables as exist bow that the en:Arra welt
not then nearly so fatal as it has been thu ler
The daily 'average number of deaths for tEensy
weeks, while the fatality was the grea iced, ma. hat
about thirty a day, while for the ten days pree,,e
d'ng the 3d of August was considerably over;.
hundred a day. The two years, mom the midilkiif
1816 to the middle of 1846, were contidered years
of epidemic to England. The induenes:wa4:tin
1817, far worse than the cholera has been. in
1519. The births during the lest quarter exceed
ed the deaths by 51,1397, an increase of populsdio,
equal to 200,200 a year, which urtmaly is a Jo
er alarming addition to the already teeming Rep
utation of England.
A Scent:tem \Varney or Hasse Cuss.—Tke'
Richmond Republican remarks with much tram
that the explicit and emphatic declaration of fria
ry Clay, in a letter to a thstmenished Whg of
New York, "that he deemed it the duty of every i
Whig to pre a cordial and earnest support to the
administration of General Taylor nod that I
ferenees of opinion as to candidates for at,
should lead any oae to forget ur neglect this -
gallon," evert way worthy the reputation of flans
ry Clay, for magnanimity and devotion to Whe '
principles. Indeed, any different sentiment wernld
scarcely be expected to emanate from one st , bo
has been so long known as -the Whig of all W ktltsh
towards this faithful Whig administration. Wets
the great Rantnelnan • cold hearted and diaboinest
man, cloaking profound selfiahneas:Lbenenth: t tte
garb of patriotism, and seeking Ell/ own guessers
rather than that alike Whig cause, we alsonlitbot
xpect from him any anab illuntration oft ¢ e er
Gus nature and devotion to the coupe of the country
We coampend this advice of the chivalrons“ahery
of the West" to the Whigs of the whole land.
Let them rally round Old Zach as the champion
, ftheir enure. Sure we are that a:: who pten
Harty cherish the counsel and lore the name of
Henry Clay. will mutate hie ye rot tnif4et,
while every original friend of the admintrtritfhou
will emulalc this example, and prove upon every
suitable occasion that toe ancient division oflay
lor and Cloymen are blotted out forever, odd hat
the only rivalry between them is as to which all
do most to secure the permanent aseendeedv of
the Whig entice.
Wheeling Bridge Case
Tim dazision of Judge Grier, In the Wbe4liog
.Bridge case, on Wednesday last, is generally-ad
mined to be against the bridge, end that rt. eol
halm to be rebind limber or come down entirely.
The !oncoming extructs will clearly show ttihr . ;:—
"Balm STAT. CIeCT7I7 COMIZ — Jedg e GrMr—
State of Permsylvenin vs. The Wheeling Undue—
Justice Grier deliVered en opinion this morning on
motion for an Injunction in this case He held
Ist. That the Wheeling Bridge is not sucl an
sena authorized by its charter.
2d. That the Company are bound strictly by
their charter, and cannot subject navigators b,
trouble, reponse, or delay. It is no exam.; that
the encroachment upon nasigntion is a emali en
croachment, or a little nuisance, nor is rh> ad
ditional cost and expense of property in constguct
ing the hedge any excuse.
3d. That us the State of Virginia has not aitibor•
lard this bridge, she S not a necessary party to this
4th. That the present application is net toojate.
because there was no reason 1. , antirtpate th the
drtendants would violate their charter.
tea. Toot the right of the State of Prnnsylynai►
lo tinxced for un toluncbon against a rm..* In
her clutrns, svithout her own territory,, n
new question; but if she could nob on that srdund.
yet. by reason of the injury to her own ppblie
works, it is probable she may proceed in, the
6tb. That the question heiug new, and evolving
jurisdiction, an injactioo will not now be grabtrd.
b - the injury apprehended to cot imminent
and irreparable before the sitting of the Supreme
Court; the Company and its individual members
are liable for nil damage that may be done, end
they will gain no advantage by delay, for if a de
cree pee against them, they will have to take the
bridge down at their own expense. The chase
will have precedence on the bat, and on the tint
Monday of December. the complainant will thtive
opportunitynn of moving the Conn for an injunction
onb l and Reamer.
• • • . . .. -
It will be seen. therefore, than the °blest of the
State of Pennsylvania hes been gained to ebb pre.
MCllliol2 this snit, nod Mr. Stanton has estath,h
ed for himself in this city, as he hos elsewhere, a
character as one of the ablest members of ebb bar
in the State.
The Philadelphia Ledger has the follcrwitig re
..'The Injunction has been refund, lice ggound
beleg that there was no necessity at precut for
such a summary Men/.311, there being doubfupon
the Judge. mind as to the jurisdiction of the Court,
and there being no prospect of present dam*e.
this opinion the Judge reviewed the (sets of
the case. It seemed to be conceded thatihe height
of the structure, as determined upon, will cot:lnter
fere with the navigation of the neer in ctithmcra
PlAges of rho tide, but it is thought that in totes of
Ilan!, steam boats cannot miss without rittiktog
their chimneys. It was principally to preveitt thce .
inconvenience that the lejaclion was askci for.
The Belmont Budge Company had been chattered
to erect a bridge so as "not to interfere waif-nevi
rmon." The Judge expressed an opinion Ant by
creating it as was proposed the company had yin
; laced its charter, It being evident that th(i
Would out be easily navigated by steam bonts3 time
of flood if the bridge was suspended at the nude
agreed Loin by the company. That the pteam '
boat. mold strike their pipes was no reason that .
they should be pat to the rYpetne and inconten,
race °lamb coesiaurer one that would creetly
lessen then speed. • e.
The decision is therefore against the titate of
Pennsylvania Gtr the present, but on lae•iteho/e
the State has gained the ease. The reitsal to
grant the injunction which forms the base?of the
present meting only affects that motion• but upon
the merits of the case the opinion of the .10litre is
clear and decided that the Bridge Compote have
no right to obstruct the navigation, and. Mat the
proposed bridge will obstruct navigation in time
of ileeda. If ilia supremo Court are of the same
opinion the Company null have to take detain the
budge sad area one higher. To do this drill rout
thirty tbmand dollars. to etlottga , the PrilO° °l o f
which cam the company resorted to the experi
ment at p 1.414 the bridge at the present blight."
rcrro pecp
, COWIn or is the Into .! toll
in Indiana the le were eillerito vote upon the
,littelttOp Of • ovation to revise the Suit" Con
stitution. Ttel following report of the vrtrishowe
lhai there tea minority is favor of it. : ,
For. voodoo.. • ........,.74.10k
' Cormeation..: ...... 49,463
. _
..lthnOrily do c01tr1ttni0n....24,839;; a
...z. _ r - . ... 2,.-. .f; , •
orregpondence of Om Pittsburgh GUS=
Lim Yost; Actg. 30,1949
Tar summer closes with as fervid a beat as won
ez ;isrieneed in June during the famous "hot week,'
but it does not impede business at all. For a
wonder there is not • word of complaint heard in
any department of trade; but in its place there is
universal congratulation at tho healthinees of bust
neat, the prompt payments, and the large sales.
Rhode Island has done well a bee Congress
tonal election and returns a genuine northern Free
Soil and protection Whig, in place also old Hank
er Lomafoico. This is a euhstantial victory. and
I one that should secure to the Whigs of that famous
little State the prattle of all we Whigs. In this
State. political paries just now have little adhesion,
bat the rplimmary relays's is being vigoronalv
prosecuted. and in November we shall send you
the new, lr complete triumph over the defame
byes, wh. nrelnow wrangling about the spoils:,
Anothee Hungarian meeting is to be held heel
under the p 31 1 .001,.., of the young men, who say
they were elbowed off at the last re-anion. They
ore chiefly of the genus loafer, and mean to con
tent themselves with sending a banner. when it is
notorious that their services in the held would not
only benefit the patriot Hungarians, but their at,
senor matertally help New York.
A proposition to now before the American I.l3sti.
true, to introduce from Bolivia o number of Alpacca
sheep, so that we can, in time, he able to sae ladies
dressed la febrow made altogether at home. The
cost of the sheep landed at the north, where the
climate is fa vocable for their increase, will be about
seventy five dollars each. .We tee largely of Al-
paean wool, and an effort is certainly worth making.
When the famous Merino sheep were introduced,
they were not thought dear at one hundred dollars
each; ,nil lie was a rich nod lueiry man who could
claim to be the owner of an undivided hag a fifth
even of the aneestom of what are now sold at $3
each, and not cheap at that.
In railroad eircles it is stated that the New Eng
land and, are inclined to abandon the present rule
of fare, Reap cents a mile) and substitute the old
rate of three cents. This policy will nor succeed,
from the fact that, with prudently built roads, well
managed et the low fare, on eight per Dent divi
dend is morally certain. The Eastern roads have
run riot to their depots, and hove built edifices
better suited for State Houses than fur railroad
purposes. At any rate, as much facility for-boc
cie ould have been secured for half the money.
Railroad travellers are inclined to have the low
lams continue, believing that le full dividends
will won come round again.
In ticrincial affair. there is nothing new to antler
Money continues abundant at very law rates of
iwermit, with more lenders than borrowers. The
banks do not throw out any passible paper, and
still are not largely extended. Some few their are
who would like to get up an alarm. let the money
market should get stringent, test their ottiite are
in vain. Money is had upon indillerent security,
and facts falsify all predictions.
On lchimgethere min pod deal of act:env—ashes
have rue up $6 371 for Pearls. and 36 50 for Pots.
Cotton is firm, with a load demand, and fair up
land con be quoted bonier; good Flour to to de
mand. while sour hat to son or . reduction. Pure
Gensiwe and Western 65 62 0 S 5 75, good Ohio,
55 75.015 S'll, which is now held to better eon
tomato at home and abroad than New York, which
aduliercd once the inspection lams were relax
ed. Wheat is in moderate demand, at rather
center pnces. western '75 crams. :blixed
Cora to better. asp 551 0 60 for Western. In Pork
t here liter been considerable aales at S. 75 d SS
S 7, and $lO 50 0 Si° 75 for prime MCA, Lard
tiro at 6107 cents. flutter is rattler dearer; Ohio.
Visit etc. Whiskey 260261. Sows are a abode
dearer and to demand. Wattle 01 is op to 4.6 ens.
end heti at the last at 50 ere Hops are op to
034 cta. each. Iron to to good ref:past—salmi of
Elogltab bor. at 5360539 25, am month. and Scotch
pig at $2Ol for Gottcherne east. Ten, c ins nor
to advance; the last nate went off with great stunt
at 203 etc. nor on blacks. composing the balk of
the Gelato-roe. C.
The Cr. ESPEDITIO,9.—We learn by tele
graph. revs the Washington Republic, that Lieu
tenant Totten, of the United States steamer Water
Witch. hits entitled the elloers and men collected
at Round Island, near ?wagonla, 10 disperse
immediately, or that all their unwise, would he
cot od. Every outlet wee watched. so that any
hostile movement wes imposalble.
The Boston Herald of Wednesday says—
• We ore informed that the United States sloop
of wile Germantown in ordered to intercept and
arch all American vessels which may have
o board men and arms intended for the reported
invasion of the Island of Con., Subsequently she
le to crime on that coast, until some other seilael
he ordered to relieve her. This movement vs in
connection with the anticipated uiling:of several
unreels from New Turk, which sre known to the
Government as haring been engrogid by this Cuban
The Nem York Journal of Cammerce•,of Thurs
day, makes wise disetosures respecting certain
military orgao.zations is that etc. which go to:con
firm the statements which have appeared to nth
er Journals, that a movement wa a on foot for tl •
taSioll of some foreign territory. Its diseldsure
are as "allow,
Crust :vs —l. ism 10,011. 141 t. Cr
some t me pest teepee - at:oils of an e Semi sive else,
steer have been seeress in tam city ir snips I
secret military es peditian. 'rite leaders -re, evi
dently. sheets d , mtelllgect, but desperate men, se v.
eral of whom held commissions in the late Ameri
canarmy in Mexico. quite a number of Span
lards era in clone intimacy with them. Several
large meetings in furtherance of the movement
have been held in this city, including one which
took piece Isie evening, at L ayette Hall, in
Broadway. The room W. crowded to execs,
principally with reckless looking characters.—
They are called up A to enrol their names, wall
the expectation that the ship will sad an Saturday
next, without fad.
.They "must expee' to oderZi
all the fatigues of an invading army," and are as
sured “there will be hard fighting." A very
large number of persons are said to have volun
teered. It is understood that they are each pro
mised 51000 a year and outfit Abundance of arms
are said to 1w ex board the vewel, but if any one
chooses to bung clothing or mlimillene, 'bele Caine
will be advanced. They are repeatedly told they
...hove got to do military duty. and most calculate
to run the risk of being shot" Another meeting
will be held to night. and sull another, and the
! lost to morrow evening. Nothing definite, how
! ever, will be made known until they get under
way, when all disaSected persons will be allowed
! an opportunity to land. l'nose who are inoompe
! tent_ by reason of youth ar itifirmity, for hard ler-
I. vice, are advised not go. The expedition W I
e x pected to sail last Saturday, but the tate arrival
of their vessel from abroad prevented it. The reg
! ular monthly payments. however, are to date from
that day.'
Stamps Pryor:win ry roe a Latent Sang.—A
young gentleman, named Sensors., was lately ar
rested in Brooklyn, Now lark, for throwing down
a young lady, in the street, and making off with
her shoe. The young man, bearing a gooJ cherar
ter for sobriety nod attention to Wiliness, and a
rmed man withal. the curious were puzzled as
to the motive which could have led to the act. It
seems, however, from a letter from Lis tattier, the
Bair. J. N.. Sprague, n clergyman of cirservedly
high character and reputation, published in the
Brooklyn Star, that a most singular mono-tumid
powesses the young man. His father slaws, that
from early boyhood his son had evinced a strange
propensity for getting pozsarsion of the shoes of the
female patt of the family. Thu propensity was not
steady, but periodmaL As early as at thirteen or
fourteen year, of age it was developed, the fact
being notorious, not to ths family only but to the
domestics, some of whom, being now married and
Felled in Brooklyn, are referred to by name and
address. Wben the son was shoat that age the
shoes of !dm Sprague and her daughters began
to disappear, especially new ones; sometimes one
shoo, sometimes the pair; when foetid, (sad they
were discovered in the son's pocket, in his trunk,
hit. bed, his roam, and slyly concealed in canons
other places,/ they were generally Wet, thorough
ly poked w Water, or if dry had the shrivelled up
pearance of having been thus soaked, snd they
%civic made unfit to wear. The fatter charged this
upon the non, threatened and reasoned wan him,
but in vain. Sometimes the habit would .'cep fur
months. and he would be joked °taw his iniprovo
men', then it w- aid return, and no means, severe
or kind, Which than ferret could devwe would cheek
a; and the only remedy was ,F.lance, wbscli WWI
occasionally mingled a7lh linen remarks an, rilad
when Charles in married, then me can keep
oar ,hoe,"—shoatng the notoriety of mm pr•
Ttr Rasa Ranusay.—The Missouri Bunk has
poblished an statement, by which it appears
that the total SUM abstracted from its vaults was
5120 321 62. Tam was all in gold min. which'sas
contained in ainteen bop; the whale enclosed in
box., ily this statement it seems that the bank
has SI ,ri11.733 coin to its Vault w meet a ctnwla
nr 51.'241,4a°. The surplus profits of the hank
on June 30th of this year. were 5240.659 90. The
moat. since are 311.4,79,.11,naukt0tt a total al vea,.
I: 9ha It has not been supposed that the loss of
5120,000 ought to affect Vie bank's credit Nor,
scoop:hug to this statement, will its dividends or
the value of as stock saner from than late aunt..
was.] mmurvence."—nit. Lout! &VP.
Motrraiat. —Venous eaUses are operating as
gaunt the prosperity of Ntontreel, not the least of
which is the system cf transit for goods free of
ditty between Montreal and New York. This, to
rretinvidoriable rpm, mates New York, instead
of Montreal, the kenenrt for Ppper Canada.
A gentleman recently ftym iakirmr oa
that flat tea th an eve hundred house., chief'', in
the aohurte, were standing: vacant, and tiltt the in•
coma from rents throughout the coy hi it been di.
ntualshed ne-ithird on as average
Many of air Inhering people, being unable rn rimd
employ meat there. were emigrating to the roiled
stew—Journal of Cosswarnx.
Surrender of Rey; alias Gar's.
Quinn Wow—The Secretary of Nat' e having,.
by the Paratemses order, hastromed our Ccmsal at
Havana to demand the person of form Garcia, ali
as Rep, on the ground that he was bound to main
tain the inviolability of the person ofevery man
entitled to the protection of the Arllelittll COUSti•
lotion and Laws, we learn that oar Conseil accord
ingly made the demand, and that Gareta has been
delivered op to hint and sent to New Orleans, in
obedlence to the Secretary', instructions. The
District Attorney has placed Garcia in the custody
of the Marshal, to order to secure his testimony.
Garcia says he was forcibly abducted.
The .ore painted by the President, in vindi
cating promptly the honor of the country, in this
transaction, while he was also engaged in main
taining the faith of treaties, by nmpresaing the ille
gal expedition against Cuba, is a striking illustra
tion of the administration of the Government on
We Whig principles. We defy any man to prd
duce an example from our annals of a more suc•
manful edam to maintain the honor of the nation
than Is exhibited in the diplomacy of the Adminis
tration in the case of Garcia. The Cuban expe
dition will, we have little doubt, be mppressed.
Nor. had.
Csrreepondence oldie St. Louts Republican
LIDIIPIMMICS., Aug. 21, :549.
Messrs. Editors—Memoirs. Jones, Harley, and
two other gentlemen, are in to day from Santa Fe.
They left the Moro eettleoteot on the 4th instant.
making the trip in sixteen days. When they left
Santa Fe and Taos every thing ws; progressing
in the usual style, and, except for the arrival of
troops, emigrant parties, and traders, there was
•sot much to attract attention. The majority of
the emigrant. who arrived from the States by the
way of Fort Gibson, hnd left, determined to male
their way across to California no speedily as po.
eible, either through by Cooke's mote or by the
copper none, At Taos, no further disturbance
had oecured with the lantana both puttee, the
Eutaws and the Americans, feeling desirous to re
main at peace. Two mini. of Californians, by
way of expenment, visited the mines in the neigh.
borhood, which formerly were reported to be of
great value, bot returned dispirited. having not
.been able to gather soy great amount of the shin
ing dust, or making any discoveries that would
warrant their continumce in the mountains; it is
thought their guides knew nothing of the country.
SANTA Fa, July 15.
We are very quiet here is the Territory at pre
sent, with the exception of the Indian difficulties
which, I assure you, are of a very alarming and
anions nature. The red man appears to be matt
tag a lost desperate etEirt to retain a foothold on
his ancient pos.essions We are vow in open
hostility with four powerful tribes of Indians. Oa
the North with the &news, on the East with the
Comanches, an the South with the Apaches, and
on the West with the Navajos. There appears to
be a union of action and combination of purpose
between these tribes of Indians, which is, without
doubt, the result of negotionons carried on his the
last nix months by a portion of the Mexican popu
lation of this Territory. la acquiring this Terri•
tory. our Government has obtained with it endless
difficulties with these Indians. The moot Import
sot military post in the country, at this thine,ls that
of New Mexico. To secure the services and ex
perience of au able commander of this military de
partment, the respectable and intelligent portion
of the citizens of lanta Fe have forwarded to the
Secretary of War • petal., asking that Lieut. Col.
Beall may be appointed to the command.
Col. Beall left here Yesterday for Taos, on an
expedtuott against the Eutaw.. Mat, Gs, I
five days ago, to Uhl the Nevins, and Mai. St
has gone against the Apaches and Cantata
the whole wee of either command scarawly
geed. one hundred strong.
moot. has heed forced, by earcumstauces, to an
out four companies of retardment—three of the
composed of Mexicans asd one of Americans.
What 4so troops of the lute we have to N•
Mexico, are oat enough to carry co the war elie.
malty against any one of these wawa of Ind
Several companies of infantry will arrive hero
from Fort Leavenworth the last of this week, but
they will be of no service to the country, except
to consume the bountiful supply of subawletreo
atorea, which the Government tins forwarded to
this pinee
Notboog bat mounted troops will In for this
country. Infantry w.ll be a dead and unclean ex
pense on the country; and, in winding them here,
the Government in guilty of a capon: military blun
der, and hove displayed great ignorance. and bare
evinced a want of ordinary fereaught. Ten mount
ed men can do inorevervice in this country than
whole company of infantry. Ido not write to the
disparagement t.f that branch of the service. bat ;
mean to say they are an moth out of place a.
sow mill on the ocean. We tome nothing to I
from the Mexico.; there am no effies or I,refi
bone to be stormed. The enemy we hove
wormed wile can only be reached with the soh
and the Pile. Two regiments of mounted nit
men would, in one year, bring all Mere India.
a permanent pence, whilst tea rugiments of 'de
try would not accomplish it in twenty veers.
Two or three hundred Shawnee and Debtors
• -
lodic,. would be of Invaluable service, Mewl:toted
among our troop; to its as twin dad =outs.—
These Indians should be put down at once, or our
troops should be withdreern—the country abet,
derma, or given back to Mexico.
Hundreds or emigrants have passed through this
place, on their way to Ccilifornia. Our sty is filled
with them; hundreds are daily arriving and depart.
tug, and nearly all destitute of the necessary means
to take them safely through. Of the thoossnds who
ltdve left the frontter Sautes or C 41.mrtit.i. not more
,ban thrt...fjurito , will ever reach their deatinatam.
It is a melancholy ateht to see men 'cap madly over
a precipice; hu: it is awful to ace taem rush, by
thousaods, Into an almost •ntermia able desert, to
perch by .101 V but certain degrees, from starvation,
fatigue, and thirst. So infatuated are they that no
retosning will ^4ov lace them—uo facts will restrain
them. The great road that Mr. Benton 'petite of
as now being made by the footsteps or men, wo
men, .d children. will he marked out and maca
damised by the bones of the victim, of a nation's
insanity. Bat enough alibis.
The business of this place is dull—dull. There
- - _
are of the old stocks on band a supply for two years
to come. The introducers of new goods are bound
to kwei for the lam three months, most nrueles of
dry goods have been. sod still are, offered et St.
Louis cow. The accounts from Chihuahua, which
has heretofore been the outlet for the surplus
stocks of this lerrnory, are discouraging in the ex
We have before alluded to the discovery of a
mine of sine, at Mine Hilt, New Jersey. A com
pany, called the Susses Zinc Company, has been
organized for working the mine, and specimens of
the ore have been offered far Inspection at the of.
fine of the association In Net York. The Journal
o f COMO. ree says-
..The . ore is uncommonly rich, containing about
SO per emu- of rod oxide of rine and (rankhnite. to
nearly equal prop-oho/is. Tne tine is very pare,
and strikingly superior to the Imported snide, be.
tog free from sulphur, arsenic, and other tarpon.
ties. Reduced to oxide—it is a fine white paint.
The iron is remarkably for its finances and tena
city. The ore is supposed to be inexhaustible,
and et men of wealth are subscribing to the stook,
the operations of the company appear likely to be
carried on with efficiency and success"
Fain Tones BAT, (Fusnm,c)—The Coarleston
Conner of Wednesday cordnins the following in.
arresting Telegraphic despatch
New Unease, Aug. 26.
• .The steamship Aantfoysa has arrived here in
forty hours from Tempe Bey, She bnngs advice,
that on the 20th instant the commandant at that
p /rt received a white flag, understood to be from
Bali Boieltg, the Seminole Chief, exprersiog a
desire for twat., and proposing to bold a council
at the next foil moon. bis now generally belap
ed that the'difficulties will woo be over, and Mat
the parties in the late outrage will be surrendered.
Toe United Soles troops, three hundred in num
tier, would await at Fort Brooke the result of the
Tex rummest - hi Heatam —President Ternoll,
we learn, at the Into of present writing, (Wednes
day noon,) is in an improving condition, though
Gilt m feeble as to tied it necessary to keep hie
hod. His disease is of the chorister of Bilious in
fant sea, end, tecording to his own testimony, thin
in the Bost terms attack he has bad within the
long spate of fury years. It is not probable that
he will have sufficiently recovered to leave before
next week nod will then, we presume, ptir red
to Buffalo, gni oratory to attending the State Fair.
Hie porpoise to visit Boston on the fah of next
month in. ot mouse. detested. Whether he will
do so siiiyeogovint in the Fair in not known.
The Presolont was returivel from tile Reed
House to the residence of Dr. W. M. Wood, on
Eighth street, on Tuesday morning, where he will
remain unit; his tramplers recovery. Knowing the
general la x.ety to eve the President, we take it
upon ourselves to proietsa to ratify the public, in
some way, w bon ho is able to receive company.—
He no doubt will b- glad to meet all who may call
upon him.—Erie Garotte of Thursday. '
Mr. Cu: has received much banclit frolla the
air at Newport, and mach injury mom the the:m
ean& who crowd 'upon him there. It reenta that
nothing con keep the rwojle a» ay, or cheek the
eager drone to see the man wboowilbunt idler or
patronage, with t 304 ol l tho power or station which
g, vtro popnlaruY to cr•tnmoo men, to mill unable to
escape the evidences ofremtect and affecuon which
otter men court —Prow. Jeer.
RATULIt TILTINO—"Joined to Ac, fela."—Tha
disadvantage downing a ocriptund name in hap
pily illustrated by the following good story, which
is served •p by COL Green of the Euston Post.
Ephraim ?do x halo, sumo years ago the able edi
tor of the People's Preis, a Middlebury, Vt , a jour
nal bilielf merged ,ato the northern Galaxy, having
grown weary Or SICRIC bleuedueoe, et an :early age
got malted. The Sunday following the inapt/ale,
which had made a considerable stir in the neigh•
borbood where the bridegroom resided, the happy
pair mien le,: the Cocgregattooal Church, and were
walking up the broad aisle, under a sharp ire from
a hundred comae eyes when the p 111120,1 01:10000.
inn Isis text, 1M:1911114i to a loud tout of voice,
..g r hrsiin is mined to hi. idols—let him alone
To be moi,•led out is so public, and susceremonius
a rita,eir .9 i'nfter is had been la=ly doubled,
was awful y vexation. to poor Egli While it
utterly .intliktiated the devotions of 64 the young
mon and maiden., wh". , •• risibility pew no.. , •
lean as the perms in.., •,n repeating the • •
Witte the end of his ilt.o.,tuati."
The Providence Journal, of Wednesday, cons
tabu nouns from all the towns in the Wenern
Cuagrestional district of thot State, with the ex
ception of Jeroestawn and Nur Stoneham. The
is the sullslt as compared with the April
Showman, (W.)
Thurston, (U).
N. F. Dixon, W.).
B. B. Thurston, (a)
Wbg majority,
At the Apil triol the two tomes to be heard from
rare 55 rotes for Shearnsu (W.) sod 371 . Thor "
moo. They cell', therefore, probably tscrease the
preuot tenjority of Mr. Dixon.
We congratulate the Whip of Rhode Island
upon their victory. Its result, should the Swim,
which hove yet to elect Representatives do their
duty, may be the election of a Whig Speedier to
the next House of Repreventatives.
A Bony Esurstan—A. Hw days ago three pee
wee left Peon for this city in company, on board
a steam boat. Soon after invtl, one of the com•
pony tool; sick of the cholera, an shortly afterward
the two others were also seised with the dio..tee
One of the party died on board of the boat end
was buried on the shore. The other two were
brought to this city, but in the last stages of the
disease. One of them was taken by his fnunds,
and whether he has recovered we have not been
able to learn; neither have we learned his name.
The other was a Mr. Conklin, a merchant of Peorw,
and as we learn. a highly respectable and worthy
man. He was taken very suddenly ill on the boat,
and soon afterwards made his will and delivered
s package of in iney over to the officer* of the
hoot The package was not examined at the time,
bat Mr. Conklin had seven! times stated that he
had upwards of 03,000 in money with him. When
he was to be removed from the boat, the peck was
opened and only 080 Stood in it.
The keys of his valise could not be found, but
it was dually opened, and no money was found is
it. His clothing were searched, but no traces of
the missing amount could be gathered, and by this
time Mr. Conklin was too far gone to give any
information. All came to the conclusion that it
had been stolen. Mr. C. was conveyed to the
hole' for invalids, in the morning. and died that
evening, and was buried the neat day. Before
Mr. C. left home be telegraphed to his correspond
ents bore that he was leaving with over $3 000.
News of the loss wan sent to hls family. end by
return, an answer was received that he had a part
of his funds sewed in his under flannel shut. Upon
exhuming the body, and divesting it, of the chill,
which hod not been taken off on aniount of the
rigidity of the limbs after death. the recewinine
pennon, $2,020 was found carefully sewed up in
it. The result is gratifying to the friends of the
deceased and his family.—St. Lou Reparation ,
A.g. Qd
Naar Isourrar.—Rev. Mr. Milton, of
Newburyport, was an Englishmen by birth,
and was educated for the ministry by the
famous Countess of Huntingdon, who testi
fied her regard for her scholar by sending
him in after years a golden cap, which is
now in the possession of a daughter of Mr.
Milton. At his death, a few years since, it
was found that Mr. Milton had two hundred
sermons: on hand which he had not
W. A. M. Dstlst.,
°moaned rondo:too on Poulin M.,
„. .• . tut Pouborgh Bank. Ott"
.114 hour, from I/ o'clock to W A ht. d
from 20, look to 2P. M. neoli-1;
_ -
Improvements in Den y.
DR G. D.t37lllll(eht, late or Boston prepared A•
manufacture and set llama Taara In w h ole and pun.
of seta, upon Suction or Atcoospherie Suction Plate ,
Toot - I.nm exam in ma attar on,where the tree
sapwood. race dr
at,ence next door to the May
or`a odic, Fourth stre Putabarat.
Rasta no—J. B. Mtleadtion. F. 11. Eaton. ale
Plea and Dioxin* Ilnalaranas.—Tue Pm.
=MTH NAvlsAnCel APT Fist lenunce CourAes
cllarlared IKU—r-Onlioar. towute, upon every d.
senpuoti el protun9• Si US Lomas rata.
Orr.; !So. el Market Street.
Hoe tur Puterr, Seey. m).5:d6412
Manyista, Bill Lading, Contract+, Late ßl.nb,
tuft vu., LAM., eawrts"wartetr
eoutesz, &.Ate.,
Pnoted at the shortest notice. at low once, et the
det.l t.A.LaTra 0771mM= rum..
room. Luagon See...a—Prepared by I. W. Kelly
IV intern maul, N and for tale by A Jayne, No
74 Fourth stroot The arlll be found a dehabtful arO
ela of beverage in bowl., and paroculaety tor sick
• •
Elaux`s Baost....—Art Improved Chocolate pTepara-
Unn. bClOg a eon:l6olnm. of Cocoa out: innocent, to.
•lgoratutg and pahruble, highly recommended pan.-
slarly for tairands. Preplan! by W. !dale, Doreltesz
ler, Mass., and for mule by A. JAYNES, at the Pella
Tea Store, No. 70 Forath at reebl4
At Frankfort SprEpp, Bearer roantp, Pa Mau.
loth, of Inflammation of the Bram, IPlowann Sarre,
Red I year and IP daps , only ohdd of Edon!. snd
Lusk Morgan, of Cleelallall, 0.
Cinetnnao Uaa. and St. Loofa Rep. Oran copy.
So Chnmereial Rear,Ltbany Croat, near the Canal
JOHS WILKINEL Marble Caner , has oa hand a
large emonsoant of Alarble Almnels for tale
OFFER-914 ske prime Rio Coflee. reed •lid for
**ln b 4.4 C U GRANT
EA-10 hf Om. Posehoug Teo, part teed Ly
.t 4 C GRANT
For sale .ow Ito strive; by
Velvets, and WOPe Bum, kept (or ilLe varies. ot
den. Auto, Re 1.... made up complete
PEARL cake (Adam , aupertur read Aahl
ord Say per Union Line and for •ale by
f.pt4 1 a. It FLOYD
LOU R—loo bbl. extra Family Flow, lust reed and
12 (or sale by 604 hA \V HARK AI/611
B UTT WV —.I.' k". Rester, rar'd
WGLASS—VW box. wefd fuses W (Aso.. roe'd
• and for male by rpr4 S& W HARBAi.G.
QOM& AS 11—l7 esks Sevin A.h, reed and for ..In try
opt 4 Er & IV He RBAUlill
W at W I CIii.ESE -50 bill reed and
IfARBAUGIIor sale by
D .
RIED PK AC —4O bush in store and Mr rale by
spit S 6 W HA.K.RAUtai
ILIT6RT GSM/6 --Caps, Plumes. P•sords,
04, k.paulaturs, L. Buttons, Flags, and ail the
inmmin. necessary to equip aolonteer companies
my—caanteer eampames equipped as complete and
cheap done in .6266, Si me Snore Cor
r and Poselh W WILSbN
P —The Uut 16115Ortee Be. and Tenor Drum, of
Germantown mate, for sale std warrant./ by
split W. W W
AEISIINISTELASJION.—[aIma of Adrointstro
n• non Lave bets panted to the undersigned upon
too Estate of NATI:I6I 4 IIEL HOLMES, We of the airy
of Siniourgh, deceased All persona having Maim.
or demands against the estate of t h e decedent, are to
cu.:ll,l tt present them, authenticated, and ell
parson. blowing themselves indebted TO stud estate
are •eyeired to pay the same immediately to either of
tbe4dennned. THOS. HOLMES, /
-waif N. HOLMES, Jr
Splendid Large Engraving,
ouneeribers no now pabilabgag an alctx•nt E t
vlpiratitOp.c]fmitto tilt,FhTol,int.,7ltEovr
John earteinW: af d
ter the celebrated pinnu o ug of y
Marshall Claxton. lbe Engraving is of a large on
ittpinte for framing, and will be printed onthe beet
quaint , Leavy pinta paper, in • Toy superior
mr. rae of
li mores.. presauting all dm beauties of •
Got ells proof, and anti be ftinushed at the following low pricer.
c-p,,50 y copies, .
copses, . jj3
cv emirs for Thrity Dollars! So that =gibers of
ingregutmas and atbers t by uniting together a
a and
f or
ng <Luba son obtain this most impressive picture at
My one Dollar and a Half a copy!!
ourioundiug the bed of the dying patriarch are nine
men figures, rdpresentlng 'he followmg prawns, ref
many of wheal accurate, pennon are given, Dam
bans of great rarity.)
Rev. PAard Dickinson; Rev. Joseph Bradford; Mrs.
Charles Wesley; Wm Sarah Wesley; Rev. Thomas
Rankin, Mrs. EmberJMin Roger', Miss Rilehii, Mier
ward• Mrs. Mottimet Roe. James Rogers; Master
James Rogers, a Mold seven years of are, the only
person row living who was 0 en present; Rev. James
Dreighboo Rev a lexandra blather; Robert C. Brock.
mbar); Rev. John Ilrondtrent Rev. Them. Broad
bent; Rev. George Whitefiold; k... Jonathan Edinnn
,,,,n; Jo in Horton, Loy., one of the Rosemor's of Mr.
Wesley's with pr. Joint Whoettead, Mr. Wesley , .
Physician and Illogmpgen A M.:Meal Assiso,Ar b r .
1,,g - Agents, for the soli of this fine work of an, are
wanted in every part of the Matted States.
4 R. All orders should specify Sartain's Engraving
For farther nanicalars, address
GLADDINU a HIGGINS, rabllehers,
Methodist Book Store, No 40 North Fourth nreei,
UT The ergraviag owl bri ploced
ler, mod gent by MMJ kyitherg fit al ry tpdral
c o
prl :4 irriTtrri
THE undersegned will .rll al private sale. a Farm of
w Dho 3d ACIIES OF LAND. In noinuson town
ahip. Allegheny county, Pa, 7 mile. from Pittsburgh,
on which a comfortable Dwelling Haase: ..111
~ clewed, goon soil; a An, spring of water near
Mc house: Slone Coal under the whole farm, easily got
ant litia place ts the moat desirable small tin., of
aad that has been offered for mile. Enquire of DAN
IEL I IOUGIIEY, Pit.burgti, or of WM. F. LOGAN,
best Ole rreuuses or of the undersignee„ at Wire.-
imrt. sp..4w4ter WILY aussEL
I.o;;Cepi ing charge
• --
CAME to the premiaus <lithe undermgood,
• rending to Plum township. Allegheny soon
il it qr. •boot le miles salt of Pittsburgh, 0
rill ult., • strawberry roan HONER, f o b,
mu, om but spring. AMA( 15 hands high; ha• w him
to the fve and ~tte nod ;eg.telthblack inane orni t a n
Ebe,oatter to rekniestrs !abort°, laniard, prove pro
pene, pay charges smi ts Ire him Obey. othe rann ,
will in divined of according to law
1.,41•20T JAME 9 M. COLA:1411.
Kg elven to all persons It:Webbed to Igo &mho of Doe.
for JOHN H. 4.14-Ahifi. lam of Moon township, Alle
gheny county, Mambas - d, to make touswilme payment;
mid all pets , . having claims against mud RIM. to
present them pmperly caw:au:awl for oettk.ent
11414414 BrOORMICK, Eteentor.
Moon tovastap, Sept 4, tb42.--WIPT
English sad Ollnsafaal gehaaL—
nano School an laddff
Room, 4 damn abase dm R. Ds llodgeds.Clarett,
n l / 4 liVnallta . Row, Sandusky sussi, Reghr
POR RENT—A comfortable brick Dveb. 131138ENENTR
IN Log !loam mi Market rt, near Rill it Pon
salon gcren nneetiely. Enquire of - - -
rortdfit LTF.R SRI ANT, IM) Licerty rt _ _
The Pennsylvania Company
Foe le.eraln-s ON Urn ASO Gss,erlSO A nn - rtyr.
THE first Life Insurance Conapans in the U. Stales
Incorporated March lA, IStd—ehat ter perpetual.
Capital 43OP000—nll paid in.
Haring authonsed the tmderstpned to meet ee. apple
cavorts for invariance. on orbiett poltetea val. lin .s•iled,
according to their proposalt and ewe.whrca wt!l hr
made known to applicants at his °thee. No All W<Od
Street spa 6EO COCHRAN
1 Lana Le. 0.0111 , Latin Prose Composoion.
Ca.sar's Commentaries on the Gal e War.
The .F.neld of Virg& Cicero'. Sleet Oration.
Sailors'. Jugerthine War, and the ConsmrarT of Cm
aline 'The Work.% of Ilorate.
Firm Greek Lessons Greek Prose Compostum ,
Grammar of the Greek Language.
The Anntmeis of Zemmbon.
Cicero de Senectute. de Amt... reredos:, Sc
For .ale at reduced pncr. m the hook store of
.pl.l Third and Markets_
S HINGLE:! --A I. of tita . fl i , F. k . roz la . l r ti co l i rte of
spl3 riot .t. between Wood and Market
1 N STORE—I Boxes. Ink d ".1 N D.that , New Car
l. hale, I'm. care of / N Ewer. I.ohorgb,* ree'd per
spo F: Fro. at
ACKF:REL.-201 , 1.1% large No 3, fot asie by
it/ 913 SI , VON 133) itoßKr a. co
GLASS -42W Lir exl2, 20 do 10212, 100 do 10214, 20
do Ise, fur • 412 1,0
srotll VON oNNRORST &
SASH -0000 Ikgho nasorted, for 4.41 e by
rot . ) u F VON LION Nlll/11ST &CO
II b Ir
v ee ,
aptJ T A. co
RTIST) CANVASS. 011 vtletcber, for We by
ispt3 1 KIDD k CU
ARTISVA COLORS, fresh, for solo by
&ULM HAIR I'INCELS A (max lor, ror as by
4p13 J KIDD & CO
BRISTOL BOA et Di, lingiJoh—For sale by
.10a JKIDD Zt. CO
A SALE OF LOTS will rake place in Lockport, .
town ently laid oat on the farm of the soh
scriber. a rec Minaton county, Pe., close to Lock No.
4, on the Monongahela river
Poemenufacturtng. tomerintle and mech•mical par.
poses, dm situation or admirably adapted—front it•
healthy, henutnal and romantic site. It is ten /11i e•
by water (coin this to arty town on the same side
of the river. and nearly the same distance to the near
est town in the Nor Thereon, on which the
town o. la.,d out. is about :3-2tl yard• w de. and a teen,-
fat level. above high water mark. It ts intended that
a good MO School en Academy shell he co etutee.
wim the tJIII,II-1 houses ands on the pre .which
wlll su I as a school hotter and place of wand:to until
a tune ru.ta..le building ran lie erre et
Coil of an excellent nue ray. I tine stone, Free
and Said. which we presume will snit for maufactri
' ring glass, Rh., nd.• to st ,ii the rune of the town. Add
to this, the :co, I. n to the great water power at
Lora No, 0. wltt^h e pr,sume will soon be employ
ed by the enter - prism< N•vtganon Co in orivong ma
chinery for montane:arum purposes.
Ta any nuhvnlual or compony r 01.0
orks. Foundry. Canon or Woollen Fartorv, ia•vr
11111 ar Boat Vard, ssn. wtil lake p ensure in offertns
curry 'mincemeat %slew n the bounds at remon.
Should a new county he formed, the emannorioner,
may end yrobably art;: select this as acentral toca•
non for • county v In lam case see would sladly
tender e suit., aye tor he pahhe buildings.
Sate co eonamence on THURSDAY. the 13th day of
and eontinue from day to day
Terns ve..l be areomenorlet . ,ne..l made known on
day of rale by J A MKS )11 LLS, Proprietor .
.pi dirvAwltT
Po. copy and charge Garet,
I)R.OPINALS will be received zt Johnstown. Carr,
1, 'to county, Peon's. front the 1. to the 12th of
October next, tor the Graduation and NI.. try of that
portion of the AVestern Dt•citrin of the PE:iNSYLVA
NIA RAILROAD tool of election No al, opposite to
Blairsville. a data •ee of la , miles —emaracirtg a cen
sidemble amount or heavy Rock Kreavatoo and Err
Plan. and Profile., cif the work may he wen M the
wee within the time elms, apeeified.
Par ierther mformannn. :mole to POW MILLER.
Eni Frinineer o( the We tern Drrizion, Imam! P 0
Cambria county. P.,
J EINJ A R THOMSON, Clue( Engineer,
Engineer Deparment, P R R. Co,
flarn.tauf 2 Atm.+ 2Cith, Inn/ I - 1.03 dnerlonT
IfACUN-13.5.1 rini
oo Sileo; gum Jo ghoul
den; 1,1,11 Jolt s,lum recd d for sole y
opt. 2, R DAL , ELI. Jr CO
DLANKETS—d. patr of 'arse NZ, heavy fn.-
km.. at Amencan martufactnro, teed and for ..le
by rpt'l GEO, COCHRAN, iM Wand NI
ArALUABLE STA N RJ) W()llK.S.—Sparkid Ltfo
V aud Writing. of Wa.hingyon. it vols. r.k boo
Spark'. Life and NVrlttogs of Frankl n, lb vol., roy
al boo. Encyclapenba American, 14 vols. ISvo Cam
probenatve CommannarT, vol., royWaltc••
booed Soule. S.xplortng Starteditton, G vol., royalcoo
Strickland'. (docen• Eatgland.llool Itatio Picto
rial Hlstory of 1. ...Sand, 4 vols.royal Bon. Shaka
pew e Illacrated, 3 sal...royal .ve. ?or .ale by
For many years connected vrlth Memel, Wylie .4.
Putnam, Neve York. nptl
_ ..
XTEW MUSIC—RoII on Parer Mono: Nally we, •
11 Lady, • now and popular blhopian melody by S
C Potmn Be kind m the loved noes at borne; Speak
Gently, a. meg by Empare Minstrels; Row thy Boat
Lhebtly. as cone by Abe Fermin, Allastrelit 'What Mao
a Fatty , * be; Am Both L 0111.4•011 Dell No,
ne'cr can thy HOllle ha !dam He docth all Guns. ore I;
Walt Into de Parley • Nepenelre dot tet t .. Plant,
ms.* HAW fantasies from an the celebrated and popu
lar °Perms,
by Feed 11yer--in 20 cumber•
of 7 pate r each; pnee Obeyer comber .
The above, anth • lardy collection of Waltzes.
Numb., Polka , . Song, &e Ae, reed and be sale by
I WI3 JOHN II MELLOR, 11l Wood at
i “To Improve the soli and the Mind..
HE CULTIVATOR- Devoted to the nacres. of
nto Fanner, tbe Gardener and the Ewen Grower,
!tweeted art to attract - cat engravings of Houses,Banm,
Farm Implements. Demesne Annuals, Pios, Erato,
Ac tic Pubitehed the let of every month.
Tonr.s 81 port car, seven copies SA fifteen comes
larger number al Me same Mt, All the
nest Vols. (l e i fursisLod J DIAJCKWOt D.
spo fl.kto firs and Publisher, 51 good .t
N 11 :,,T2°.
Cl Book in Zoolog designed to adlord to pupils to
on common schools and acsdittrues a
AntoMd Kingdom: by Prof: B. Jaeger. Cholera, Ito
00000, prevention aml core. by Chas. Rietonribion, M.
Plouthey'e Common Pmce Book: panto in paper
and rill tot 111 blillOYY U by R. noldreth,
Fog vol. 111 History of l Amocan /3lble Snetety, by
2ntoktand. Lyrll's record v iol to the C. S., 2 vol.,
Co r y
and muslin. LINVILiS. Trigonometry, and Logo •
retina. tables. go, I to!. large Pro. Lantanlne's
tory of 134notidisw 1101/1,
History of the
Cotionaent Aeumbly of Franca, from Moy, 1243, by
F Corkron, paper and routine
kno,ll lot of cood excellent .2t eel Pen., to which the,
intention of wholesale purchasers is ibvi:ed.
For sole toyHOPUNS,
soCI Apollo Bonding. Fourth st
C 11 OR &NT,
41 \ V•terst
I REAM Ma:F.:W.—DO be* tote reed et the Batter
ki end Cheeee Depot, No Ile rusts; between RIAU.
Held and Wood, Lod for tale by
PIANO . FOR SALE—tin excellent seeond-bend
PIANO. in eood order snd Man . , almost no good
as new, for sale low for ceet 11. KLEBER,
TE.N.F.TIAN RED— .0 bbl. just'd nod (or sale
by auß3l R reo E
AROMATIC NEGAR—I doz (g i r l tgailort.}...Rs
AILBL£ DUST-10 We for An e by
1 , 1 ang3l It It SELLF.R
Ld RD (11L-42/ bble No I Lard 011 , io store and .or
sale lry FLNULISLI
SALERATI:B-5010 lb. prime Puler... for sale
low to elo. by .31 ENGLISfi k i3MNETT
IrINEU.S R-1.5 bbls pore Cider Vinegar, for sale by
SC-1:13 CORCHED SALTI Y 1 do Pearls,. to arrive
and tgr sale by Poll k BENNETT
1./VB—l blue Hops for me
aug3l ENGL , SH & BENNETT_
TANNERS . bbto for , sale low.
ACKEREL—I3 bbl. No 3 Mac* - rei, to arrive and
171 for tale I y anR I_ENG,I4kIf4 BENNETT
LASii—tal/ bat WO anit rye il and
1.3 for sale by 'al ENGLISH d. BENNETT
E1E...4 , ••1210 bias N O Malasseit, in more And
tor h anal EING4LiSii •
Eta' 800 ei2;rocle,t,,NP.
th.,.,y of rendettuis, Ins fortunes and a:lntranet:tea,
his irientis and c sweat enemy, by Wee M. Tboeke.
ar, author of Vanity F.,.
ha...siglet , : or, the Vale a sb•do..., • tale or pas
aton. by Emma D Nevelt Spad:aortal
lust reed by JOHNSTON t STOCKTON,
ang3U [Cad., Market and Turd sts
porinerohip heretofore onstio, holv t e, tt.e
undo reigned, andor the style of 4,..N0X h. DUN•
C. t. two day dtaao!yed lc/ Mutual' conocat, T J.
Duncan coulltotto; thebadohoa
In retiring from the above bovines., after% partner.
sLip of iita. yearr. I tale p!eaaur In recommending
Mr T Venom to nip Monde and the reinnotgra of
the lam nun J. A KNOX.
Pitutiorgli. Aug. "At 1819
• •
f ANUFAPITRE OF Un't—To be pobitabed
I.llolliy, The hirinaracture or Iron, in all !te bran
ch„. me aiming GI Iron on and tout to the rot
ante et charcoal and coke; the baildtna and menacing
01 t.lnst furnace, try then al. tuattrrarite end coke;
hot bloat and blast machmeh he to.. Including
ene) en the manufacture of steel: by Ftedene Over
man, Wrung 1-J none,. Complete In one volume, am
t in v nr, wut., engraved g;i arced. Pine,
sJ t put,aertherr dobacrtpdona nectved by
mraan JO pocKwoon, \yard at
ii•apartateraffip Notice.
CI A Ml' El. 11. I A RTMAN and F t. DRUNOT hay.
,„, purchased an lularett In the Sheffield
I•on awl Steel Work a, t tato Lancer, Nieholson & ( 0.,)
V.. manufacture 01 Steel, Boiler and Sheet Iron,
leprmr, Anvil., Vice, &e he., will Le hmoulcr con
utretell mthe name of
" • - •
tol 1 my interest in the grail of Sing
r. Nish°lrott A. Co, tqlletCold Iron and Stec!, Works.
to 'lsmael 11 Ilaruunn, I take great plaostara in recant
mention; to oty (mods ht. of Slnper, Hamann &
Co stifilf.hd I w A S. NICHOLSON.
ACK F.REL—IMO 1,1• Is No 3 b1ackara1,(610. 0 ,,,,.
I Just reed and far sale by
spit 30101 AVATz co
EXPI:LESs PAciStitt Lur*T - '
Fun P111L.AD'.;.14,141A
Laclustvely far Passanfen.
—The nom. of Una Lula !sum
as folloara. D o'clock at utgla
Ithrbtay,Savdr,,t, g er m,.
0111.-4 CrA,h3 l StlndaY, Ad,
Tbampson, Monday, Pel
Kantackr—H Trolly, Tuesday, it,,
(ndiana--P Harkey, Wednesday, sut.
Cana—CAP , A CTA4S, Thursday, fah
Lonts , ana — J Thompaan, Fnaay, 7111.
Kentucky—OW H Tralry, Saturday, "tit
lndtana--P Surto), tbutday,Dth
Lugs--Copt A Craig, 111, - .PAy,
Loonsterta—J rootopient, Tom de
b), 11th.
known. y—Capt H IPfttby, Wednesday, Mb—P [today, Thursday, 13tb
lliaa—A Craig. Fratay,l4tb
Lontrtana—J 1' Thotapson, Elaturd;spr re .
for passage apply to
Monongahela Haw&
•PR or D LRFAH AC.. Canal Bashi
C— - -
HEtd 4 l-:—ROO e, . Western Reserve Cbmse, lent
lad and or es'e by
R DALZELL t CO, L 0. 0 17 gt
Second Night of
Trnosy. Stn.:elm Win be presented b
Pe: Murphy. yeah mance.
I: 4 2l=ltitEr=il
Guy Goorhock
M. Robinlon
WO.' Doors open k past 7 o'clook--Glatatio will am
at 'clock
A Datraciorr—Drox. Circle and Parquetta 50 ota.
Second Tor • .. ...... . • Ars
_2roaconent for
QELLING OFF AT COST—Living algal to decline
I , Motors.. I tell off my Mock al coat. note
undone DRY" GOODS or GROCERIM Go. AM., will
and It to their advantage to eall before the lit day of
(Mother.. I am determined to .ell et very love pneets
for t:ASU.
FUR RENT-11, commodtons double Store
Room mho 1 occupy, together with a eornfortoble
dwelli g house. The stand m one commanding ad
antages to a hasiness man as good no any to the eiry•
I will sell my rum, stock, c , misting of Dry Goods,
Ureeenes, Shoes, he.. well selected far the location,
at the lowest pomoble pones, to tiny petson depose d
to enter into a contrortable business, and give posses]
Mon at my time. SAMUEL GROVE,
Federal street, Allegheny, abase the North Com
mon. sptlsdlm
A man by the name of HURL CLAPP has engaged,
with a young man of the name of S. P.Townsend, and
uses his name to put op a Sarsaparilla, which they
call Dr. Tow end's Sarsaparilla. denominating a
GENUINE OO nel, etc. Thts Townsend no doe
end never wan. but an. formerly a worker on rail
roads, canals, and the like. Yet he assumes the tale
of Dr. tor the purpose of gaming credit for what he Is
n ot.
He to .ndtne out cords headed "Tricks of
Quacks." to which he say*, I have told the ase of my
name fur a week. I will give 8. P.Townsand Riot
if he will produce one single solitary proof .of ...
This Is to caution the publie not to be deceived, and
purchase none but the GENllixv. ORIGINAL OLD
Dr. liteob 'Townsend's Sar.parilta, having on It the
Old Dr.. likene., his !amity coat of arms, and Means.
nature across the coat of arum.
Pnuctpal Office, 102 Nassau at, New Took pry.
Old Dr. Townsend is now about 70 years of ago, and
h. long been k town es the AUTHOR and DISCO
SARSAPARILLA.. Being poor. he wee compelled
to Unni us m.ufacture, by which means It has been
kept oat of market. end the attics circumscribed to
those only who had proved its worth and known Its
value. This 011000 Ann UrreirALLSO Pliteirrarth Is
manufactured on the largest scale, and is called for
throughout the length and breadth of the liod.
Utilize young S. P. Towiteend's, it Improves with
age, rind ne•er changes, but for the better, because it
it prepared on scienufic principles by is scientific mart.
The highest knowledge of Chemktry, and the latest
disroseries of the Art, have all been broiled iota re
gnisition in the manufactory or the Old Dr.'s Swaps.
rill. The Sarsapirille root, It Is well known to ma
i Main:leo conotinsmedicinal properties, and some pro
perue. winch seeinert or ureless; and others, which,
if retained in preparing it for owe, Prod.<4 ferment
don and acid, which Is hilarious to the system. Some
of the prop-rties of Sarsaperilla are so volatile that
they entirely evaporate and are lost In the peeper.-
non, if they are not preserved by a rica.teic process,
known only to those eipeelenteel in its manufacture.
Moreover these volatile principle. Which fly off in va
por. or . an eshelittion, under he., are the very es
sential medical properu. of the root, which gives to
it ell Its value. The
.o prepared; that all the Inert properties of the Ear
mparilla root are first removed, every thing capable
of becoming. acid or of fermentation, is extracted and
re t orted; Wen every particle et medical viree is secu
red in • pure end cnncentrated forte; cad thus it Is
rendered incapable of losing any of be valuable and
hosting reopordes. Prepared in Is way, it I. UMW
the most powerful agent in the
Henee the 'Va., *why we hear commendations on
every mde in its favor be men, women smi thlldren.
We find it doled warders in the , m ef Consumption,
Dyspepsia. and Liver Complaint and In Rheumatism,
Seraph. and Pile*, Caßlvertets. all C111113.011S EMS:.
Bans, Pimp - let, !Bache*, and el affections mined Item
• • ____
It possesses a marvellous ermanii In all complaints
amnia from Indirstion. from Acidity of the Stoma . h;
from unequal erren'ation• deterministic= of blood loam
head, prilpitation of the heart, cold feet arid mild bands,
cold slung and hot flashes over the body. It ban not
had In. equal in coughs and golds; and promotes ear/
erpeetoration, and gentle perspindon relaxing strie•
lure of the lungs, theta; and every oilier put
But in nothing is its ebeellennlintore mshitbstly seen
and acknowledged than in an litnds and stages of
. .
it work. wonders ill eves of dune Obits or whiter,
Failing of the Womb, Obstreeted, Suppremed, or Pains
fat Menses., trreguienry of the memontal perteds. and
the bee; sod is effectual in eutiog nU Adm. of the
ney Incenses. By rem/Tag itnttaatm
EN ateiregalks
=" 1 11 - tr. e e
and thus prevent. or relieve. a gram variety or OteCe
dlscues, Spioal Irritation, Yearalgis: Vdas
Dote., Saroing.EptlepdesBl.4.oenyeldone,,kosto
not thin, then, rue Memo. 000 Pas
of NUM
Rat can any of there Mimeo he sold of S. P. Townsend's laterior article! This young meats u not
became of the Grand Fart, 'hat the one is incapable
of Detenoration and NEVER SPOILS, whild tha oda -
or DOM; it sada, ferments, and Moire thrs
comeining 0 into fragment Be sours acid al.
Phtnilan cod &omelet ethetgoodel Mama tor.
rthie compound be poisonous to M esystem.. What
pa acid inn a *poem already diseased with Mai
What rands Dyspepsia but add! Do we notakt kroner,.
that when feed soars In Our 140011<b,S, chat otteekieß
pooduce.• —flattener:, heartburn, palpitation albs
been. neer complaint, died/dos. sitollO and
comation of the blond? What is Serofola but un
humor in the body? Whet per/daces all the banana
which bit on Eruption. of the Skin, Beak/ Need,
Salt Rheum,Erywipcies,White Swellings. EeveaSozes,
nod ail uiceratioe. Internal and eMensall It !is dabs
leg under heaven/tot an acid eribmance, which ottott,'
and thus spoil. all the Snide of die body, moaner ban
Whet causes Rheumatism bat a emu add tba*whieh
j ISSISIOSISS itself between the joints end elsoneketa, It.
t tinning end indenting the reader and &Reuter Magee
upon which it nets? So of aerreas diumen, of impu
rity of the blood, of deranged eirettlatioos, sod neatly
all the alienate which Millet human memo,.
Now, is it not horrible to make and sell, Indio/Mites
ly wane to use this
.4 yet hikwoold fain ha. it utriersiowl that Old Jo.
'Fownietuns tionume Orbp ml Sarsapatillar W
Iran.m of his inferior preparatbauS
Hearen fort. that we dread deal in an article
which estrald bear the mom distant resmoblante to R.
P. Townsend'. article .d which should brine down
upon the Old Dr..oh a mountain 1.4 of ectsgplaiala
and eriminanona from agents who bare mid, and par.
abusers who hare ased B. P. Townsend's FerreanUns
Wa an. It understood, because it la the absolute
troth, that S. P. Townsendli article and Ott Dr/ b..
Townsend's Sarsaparilla aro Itesmewerit real, and
Infinitely dissimilar, that they ',swanlike aftrypar•
tie alai. haring am one single Mingle common,
Is to Wrest (nods tpoll lb. unentonme, lb poor
balm into wounded humanity, to kindle beneath:
d.panring to minors bosom, health - and biota Vt.
got into the crushed and broken curio haat. i•
and POUND the oapartuaty and means taiwing his
within the reach, sad to the knowiedp of all who
need it, that they may leant barlknor, by lord SY
p, , rtecne, Its sararscsnor PERM lb 041) -
For ,ale by J. ETD lt Ca. Wbeletrdo Mint for
Wolin PotowYle.tal J. SMITH, Eibiti..l2; Dr.
J &OK/EAST. Alitlibenyt Dr, 3:bAssul,, filth
mud, O. WOA RDNER, itrAtd, Pstg.:et
Ea==t MMM
S UN DRIES - 1 12
L tis . - Ist
do do 8 H do
lOU basb dna Peadtca ra , 400 , 1
nuorao .10101 WATT ar. CO, IAbOOJ at
251 BV , 44Eat sr. INIDG STOOL (or axle
110 elecosid at
tunRITE FISH-10 bbl. Virhhe.Flah; IO hf dcido;—
, jast reeei•bd and far W. by
!'OFFTY,-.' LID bra Carce t new landing and fin aje
1. 1184-0 hC alemuY N mad Blink Tay UN; read.
fraotterwArock sad fot ra •
.00 I • . •
E. CHEESE-49 batesWllllangeg....
ham F. and 111 L199,994E*
11 , 1°? K 01,;,`.. - .l° s - d•
JAB Dia..% ELL _
elk* Potafh, In nor j er A a t tafor , Io by
r )400
ClitF-SE—IS lin Cream Cheese, received
; end for we by
i•. 4 °
LISIE-0 bbl. LounviMo Liari, leo sclo tow toeless
r *adv. - lord, b,
Wide, el_
bl EN PO - 4D teed bad Tor sal by
tobrb) WICK kIbaCybNOLE . S
011 • wrini "4,WI.IIa."ZgLEEIS
n0 a. u . 0.0 NO I S—lou tr i o. torZ e I: 4 S ANDLEz ,
DO A COY -4)seo it; -- 8.7.3 - .
M 7...... 'AC°, do do Sider,
.nk KAM do do Elloaldm, for •010 ki
CHEEIOK-40 Imo W R Chooko for "a° b Y
BALLPP° CoeL reed and for ,de b~
THE third de. of preferred erediteee of the late
firm of ACCLURG WARS & CO.. nee b e r e t e
tified ded alo new prepered d
• dividend of per eta. on seeon. of interest
non ,saving clams for innate., will resent the..
Int , °Mee No. Serood it. en stairs, betweeo the
boors of and le A. . end 2 and 5 P.*.
Age j = Ans :N6'
‘ ,„, 1 d d ieripuon, mm in a utperloi ammo n, try
cornet FoaM .1111
bb.L-"si,,,,,,:i . g n ;i sm a u t m ,a s irw... o,. tipt yd •
ckEi-Iss-IG7 be., just teeedred at th.
Butter sod areese Depot, No tt9 Front street, and
for .ate by aogIS) dß CANFIELD
: TOO romay non Icacra r inatv
Q.A.FIIII:4E VOA W.AAVNG-1 0 st• far wale bz
LA ewer, 8 DILWORTII 00,
ruMM,CU-6 waxes B. Cared Natsnal Vol y ob
I b .'. by butzlsl ltl U51A90.1131#4 Co
the Second snalment of se Dollars poi - nhen o, or
beton, the 93th SePiddthen•
The Stockholders residing in Perthtley
lo .aid tnionintent lo the President ofthe
or their odlee ni Third streat;•Pittsbergb. kly exam oi
W Ihnetenn 1. . BROOD
Salem, O e An. a, ISIS ereradase7.l
.rivallell lIERON FAVIVI".
To whlrti sag added,
.Min Heron .
Lmla Arne.
Ws. may.
!dn. Lima
To moolode with
By Joha D. Mivirta,
Largo Stott of Dry rood s ,
Co Tt..aay lvortioo,o92ro, Ws. at 10 10alook
the Coataterc .olaloa. moo...corm Wood ~,
Fifth meets, will be . 4 ", w ith." m 4 rtl, for cash
eat aley—
A Ism • ssottlaeot of alaßbt an d , f oo oo [i 0.41,
ammo , ' wh , Lora soperfoto cloths, essalousseararcods,
v• o.a. atonal,. blattlats..eastas
I.l<ncbed and blown ofoslina, Vekiast, Cheats, on,
hams, prints, 44tio! , .. 1 1 400 1a. at
laces, hosiery, &ova& SIMMIC suk, spool eottoa,u.
At t o'olock.
. •
Groceries, Qineesswans, INtrnitsrp., Ag.
w e . Hy. sa suo imperial tea, V. osanafaetuel
tobacco, counter meet and weights. paten mows%
axes, hatchets, shawl. writing turd Wee pspy
window blinds, mantel clocks, looting :71,m — ess:
peting, (Maher beds. beddMg, Ad •
A lan'. and gnaws] assortment of an d
band bousebeli furniture. Ae.
quanuty of ashionabm muly stale clothing, bass
and m*
A, says, a ho mulery. goid and Wee:
sesmhos, shot guns, pistols, tuntitallus, assiety goods,
leather trunks, saddles, an. 444
Third mug Property at deo:tins.
On Friday afternoon. Sept. 7th, at 4 o'clock, on the
pronnses, aril! be cold, those tiro vary valuable Build
ing Lou, mown on the *oath aide or Mini ef t netsb
die Post Office, having • front of 44 feet end
8 Inches, and <winding back gi feet.
Terms: 51140 eaah, "adduct to be divided and para
ble on Ist January, t 9 and Mt. iviat Interest
spt4 JOHN It DAVIS, Sant
U. S. lbspitai
On Thursday aflemoom Sept dsh, al 2 eolock s al the
Commercial Salta Booms, .1 Wood and 6th ats, mI/1
he sold without reserve far each, par funds, 53 blare
tem, eel sheets, 43 pillow oets, do slips, 4 mul packs,
7 pa. Carmen spt4 JOUN D Aram
Steam Brick Wert Cor Bale.
11E auhscriber openfor sale, the STEAM BRICK
WoRKS, above Lawrenceville, conaprlaiag •
Stearn Engine, Meilen, a Mould Machine, eapablis of
manufarturutg SuAs• PIC•Uti Wicks (out of dry sly,
a. taken (two the bank,) per den with Abe. acne a
land on the Altegherty nner, on. which are • harts and
sheds, mettle, and cLay abed, wheelbarrows, trucks,
'hovels, ',pad., fre., every thing requidta m cap ,
menet ups fattens at in hontenotice. nice, including
be patent right to ate geld staehinr, SLlM—term of
Ipsyment made easy. Without the 'land SUM An
part u i r egn address HENRY Aaiun%
N. 119 Mettongettela douse.
BACON -31 tea ,Taylor & Cob S C Elam,
plinin do, do Shooldars., to SIAM thd font!* by
Itlf ., o . te r s2rilue Ilice. jr:l2Zrikluare
ACKEREL-60 bbt. l ine o 2 iliikami,l2
at and fin br
..11120 id ItIES A mrrcinsoN & Co
OZ. tv Oiclraii'd nd fa lade b
1 00 •
angi4 e AMC& CO y
VELEM DRUOS—Chlomform, Nforid braphts,
db Ethe; ibm reel and for sale by
•J.111113D/c CO
anaemia, foe Glue
600 received and for male by
10Fira-166 bass pnme lat ads by
ausa 1D aIIiLIAMS. 110 Wood a
BLACK TEASi6 - bil/Zaitaa, rasa ebbloa
to N'ing 'Yam
6 Ckanaa
Fox sale bl ,
SUNDRIES -10 bp Dram! Paged I ease Nslamp
I bbl Cloyed I bbl Olopp,
I do Saltpetre; 9 do Mont.-,
9eases Geo. Citron; I
~,,,N ratefroni;
I do damsell* I n 5/ nothge•
5 do Cantle Sosp; I aro {Walt RI/ Illeapi
I do Candid do 9 do Aboedd do
F. sale by atar2t3 ID WILLIAMS
CREEIM-23 bait Cretuld 19 do gaglinb Miry; foe
cola by aug23 I D WILLIAMS
("MEESE—GI bss W H Care., laltoraiodidL . 9 5.1-
% / Ting and for sale by
ang23 BAGALET & SMITH la A 29 Wood SI
0. 1 SALEILLTUB-15/ mks and SO bin maim
Salersau... for sale by
MeimpAcruitem Tnaecco—
you bit boo Henry fr. James' alms));
140 do W H armors o'. and E')4
100 do 8 8 Myers ) .upz tl oo hand: liir ulo
COMMON 5E0•11.5-31:000 Conmod Bap" *
rood ante* for rile by
YA.L3I OIL -3 mks mamba. Palm OIL in state and
' 17161 A 174 Liberty gt
OlLlVitareaaa fm
1.4 gale by agur49 MILLER& RIOVETBON
ItaaN7la-20 est 2. eatranu7raid
k_g lay gale by aogp MILLER R HICICETSON
ECONOMY gdonsolly Mar, La
store and for sale by
Briu.a& ntdersos
iki - AcciraiNTAlONEasubizit.V:466iitlialin
1.11 Manearoon 2D do do Vernwelll, Jost read and
for sale by !Luria MILLER it EIICILETBON
OEGMIS.-30,0:0 =parlor Hagan* &W.* A 01,40
01 Havana do, vations brands, JIM reed and la gale
MANILLA HEMP-16 betel Alma •p, •
1..V.L bp .429 tl GRANT
Lamb; The Came, part XVI Jonathan la Ard
or, :The GrearGarld—a "Shan^ rem. pan Ill; For
thetas, paireorfularr Albo- The Inanneetiaa Be,
taiplatthre‘ Bereohnlen of lit Dies Boreal.,
No. BD Chrhoopher tordet:Carrras, Thre day pub.
naked: 1p per yeno—f3etiehigle No.
Jost Eibliebed—Edhlbarhh Reek. for Jetp.
Load= Quarter) for July.
Weilbelhetet Ibr July. evp,29
rWASE-4ost received, seven! new paserne
aison% c flattened English lerlitanla Tea Sens.
pattema Joe very bo odic!, and closely rum.
bla tke red aver. •-`
COSIDUISION WARS—L eanletee assorunwo of
faskisde. Goblets. Plisse, and Daytime Dgly of
Drittaola wars,
_for sala..•
GOLD PEN S - ,!Hatt opened Ode dayi swede* dons
very floe "W. W. WlLson. Gold l'enkaadasperiselo,
any outer enanotactuns. For sale Ire -
angled Corner Marked and Pouf% els
§721 1 1, W b, dears •aternnt 6 =2
TI.49EYD-2 cares blue andgar Llnfrap,
11 0 41 11 1 / 7 1gMr wfur . E. tV1. 9122
OTDAM BOAT DRILLD-DraTes. sm. - balmy b
--2.7 Drilling, suitable fat gleam beet Liking; on Irafa
and Dr
b an. 29 strAciaarrr &Anima
ULZADDING—tdO daa black. ind white Wedkin,
Vlr kink& by auk 29 AILkCIELETT/cUMITS
VArl. PRINTS—FIys C111:4 new nykt dye Pruuk
17 opened md Ibr nit by
anst23 . SRA CICLETT Wllltik
p7At..... CAt9ltilt l tt7S ma dart. hoary Valley
C1u#1216.4. for Vaal nion,pist reed and .6”ned,
~.,__....110 SHACKLE/1' t WHITE
WakiIETAL-4CI/ ions tlanifax Ilak — lfiiir
.j. rails by MIRBRIDOk, WILSON &
nail ner re
molonaost of lbartmenabalye
MITE eopartnenhip of =NWT HAMM thole
ioranetly Hunan, Haller k. Co. In the.Windew
a d Colored Gloom boatne, la MIA day dismayed by
the withdrawal able. l•berfel Moller.
'laptroal nen wilt be anntbraemi
t brr ittoMeJohirmel,
under tits firm of HENRY /WINCH &CO, WM-
Memo Na 1.08 Oceanid at, arbero we will bare! '
supplies of superior Window Glam. .
HUGH RC 1011 . 80:4
Pittsfe as o, Aug. Cr, NO. HENRYTALSTE&Ht.
inafgar - - •
I Rokiirel Ptsa.n.o , : , 4_,"
012TITIts. G a wls atIOD, _
rmoneuctinttaaihgoft=4atiLe . FY.
e . Ist ottEleoudaber lite piodar.. l . 7 ...
be serial ava the Alexaml RAU 284 Lew.istown so Harttsbasah, and ego Ow. to : Philtdol-
Etth,RYthallsnisbasoßlippri. 0/ Road.—
ay thls near ortanderooot o *HI, doßoondl
assn tux =a soca ado inotori• .. , .
The Packets, of Rao LAMM" 10 001 KO. boo!
elme. Mao sows frsesstollf lOW ild . odmeallt lame
most Prithreabie =mat as to as Au-ere dal..
Roll Roads oso 41Wo_od_to - d.y neg.-M=4 U.
days. Rs nada Rol" ,o , a . so.
, 344
oi D LEE. RS , -
... .
LBA.3V--61ia"A414 SSSSSSa
11" ntr a7 4Th
IVkirßO a,.
Wpftntrbilliiiiblurir, tin.
419:111PUNgtinli i co,
broCVCEPENTIIAI-4:576.11 to 4 si r
1, Ws br .... ' "atk:HoliN AKER a. eel'
De • F
„cm it;.„
LWEN HISKFS - 7410 . • : r atm,
j acret am, aa4b, ara 10:61iL3b. the GM no yam
priea t , A dIASIVI CO,
R CIS Ii brand. r — 2i n tliwa by
BAciALEY ita.tdrilt, 18 and ito .11re;
%Tv 3 SlACKERTlL—lainiadilibia.Q..,,,,,.
dam to prune ardor, jbe nab by.. ./
aura IYAGALMaynlyny
SIL MOLASSES-230 tblyikbaLatfiri
. by - , xhirurum SMITH -
0 Havana Regan, for Baia 14
TOAP 8110Altd-.336 bblb,-aburted,sto4/ fibt
we by aural qi&OLLTI^t&R.O
,yOI7NO A. Co, 143 LitdtVry et, invite atter,
Tan wander l v g e and worldly selected mock
oN. York d gator, Sole Leinther, Morocco,
French. Cali 8 Ike, tad. h they have jun received
far the 'fall ttade. aerie
TANNERB-4131 Salted Patna Kip Ykina, fart. l received and for care he
avr24 WM YOUNG It CO
ANFJl33 , oll.—Claniera Hakes, Fediva,
.48tonee, mums= ly on hand •ed tar aV
nasal WM VOIJ jR C 0,14 1 Litmmg
LI PTS. TIMPKiTINS-30 bbli mei . ..I:A ..V'''.
by ani,23 BRAUN
r%EILOOTB-13 liar.. qb,„,,0 ; o r sate bY
y !LED—argil No 1
ivic Ta, &kebsYcANDlz.°V•
CIDER--abbla Kauktf Cum
Ws by asrg23 WICK JO
al *in) Mackerel, Int ree)II.IgirnAgsKIICIII
zoglii •
Cider AI do do do bOned.i nor
WIC +e P9099191.g.
IiEFE--111 tam Clamsakiiiit irllnAN"AbgaS
IDICRAIIII..I3 eel. reo4l and ter,..hs by
Wlay.77war.ta... ---
, togil3 . WICK &M'CANI
tVrIIITE bc:AN --di .. .. —. .
v V atwel
- awn
QOAP—IM las Cine 0.14 7 1'
ourri3 WIC &ADLER:
Caeeu CHE, , si - -0) beam itha nsa'd and air WO
as dm Bauer and Claw Davis, by
au= J Cilarigl.7l
"iJ d n'i4lll73.n
41 woo for oda
EAR.LAiets-4 bbis ma 13 T a rr unt h
blf ' osgll3
i FWD it CO
Ile Woad so
O goorxr