The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, September 03, 1849, Image 1

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I . tl
) 10"t
islkOus4E) iN 1786,
• • Betio scr imam TTe
ATrowkwyp dev , COUNeELLORS A r L A Y,
Younti • trea. k Acme. SacAtiela
Pittsburgh.. PA. • 'cis
% •1 norm ATA2CA • - wx c. rmacan.
A trOlitir'S fAI,AW,FeFrIA suer., new Grim
• , IL .a d y,.alrrn roilatc, N 0..; Market wool
1 q" 4 1. 1 1!••
. dee9
• IL 181.1`114.11 f :1: =XII 1.21101.14.
1 DAJSEIFIELL , it .I.ELDE.B., W holaad. daelcno in
juk D m ,6 4 .4.031,054rua, "Soon, Shoos, ristsbath
....,,,,,,d .patai k.c., No. za , iabakty alao4
hunaigh. . 1,2.1 L .,.
-iim _ he)
mu E t bllttlk . ll GIOIA. 11JCZLIK.
.13 Km.. h. it Kr 171214 ...10tot made ad Rota WU
par„..rat oilgtorty ad dl Our ouveu, P. 0.-
nsf . , ,p_ . f . • 0ta714
COLN bent. ,' X. N. IMAM
' ' mum; 4. ClastilWrSON, Whole s ale Citorris,
jor atul Catifulisai slifereloutts, Pi0..)4.5, Liberq at,
. daily.
' Pluabursil.'Pa• •-.,..
;• 'll ' A I'AILNE,TiIW Co, 'Milli:solo sad Ka
.:, .I.l4.laartsnut ..s... Wood odd SU sts.4ll,
.}le. sham, Wbolesole Wooer*, lb sad
PO Woo/laziest
. PAlstborge.
• (I A ItiakqUild•lt .2. Co, Forsronbrig and Guar
s.,kis Anse= Merchetts, Coma Boats, Pataborgh Pa
'., , •
~._ le!Il4.l.
..prituptsson• Sprag i gg,Aulo s licatai and la•
flthrliglAN iITAI N a Co. manuf aurora Od
LA C or o. arid Ell liprings, lioratutr 4 orsi Ask*,
la r Zatr 4 f',ll'.- 4itz. t . ' ' l ",-- ,
. • Alb, drulors int 114lich ' Triotr i dap C and /Likable
, • ~- ' ' lEDEUIND WILKI
to 'AdortUro POll sia, DotiSl
- i'o °, pargssia, Hod 5um2.20 , 12.21 h.q.., C 0.4
t.24itplaftPigrißl and domestls oo,bk, st'
- - .ArsolTio faMotutuiCalsOraults,ate.fulatall
' ed, id •P/.der .' Ila'auliclts a abate of public
'.:".L"i'''' L . ' ,' i'• i aligi,dl( i
w re , mt i l z ith „ r „_... salats . , tor.unirri
AN/To(lato &Isaiah, Ilallogh r
..- ..El-'4. Co.,Wiolatobt3lrocers, Cossurusdon soil Po -'
•.. ~...b.*Alorellossu, slaid,dealers in' Produce and Ph -
AurglaAlsaufsetorrs,,Ntal 37,W00d st.,Larvraen 2d
• Den
....brton and Foranan
... ' .6:7ldAtelatuu r N i a.*ooal at t. Pittsburgh. sayl
-noitfic isIiSAIIMI6IC • PCIPITs ,
ThaiIILIONSTRWALT, atossrastures of u.arr
':U• Sidedng2,.thieliq ;.22, Rohcreo sins, say of
' ' Aixibar - ,
AXE. Otheeessotth Athrlthy thLee,) Dezir
• /Li., mood Commisthork Merenam, for 'the min of
Amenixua Woo term, LdSty, oPr.otho _
o-4.-onrecorth, othettAto Ethoso, tplahfi,
• thr.:2Peaarogos, lorth;o. lo•thore,.
TT ARM - , JONM+ 136 thaeccrarra ru A rs
Jque.4.l:l9l3etrauselon end Forwarding
chants, dnalers m re.Uaturge Manufactured (Aarra•l
• • i o
Antall mem_ t I amour :mum,
If ta.l„ Wholcorie (Argun, Com- t
mirrica IrlcrekartiaAtiild. dcalcur itieduccoNoa,:gi
Cad 107T1Ont *Utica., Firratrrgh. cora
. A .13)Writigaik, .11rapzumm Apothecary'
2 . 40,41.a1arket rt. dash dom. rears Tatar al. Piny
. Yule,
/Aro consourity ors liacAn well selected an.
latrunstal of th e. Ireacuarkethror Mechem., 'tarot he
• . will cell on. tbOuson trill.ablet ammo thyalcuon
attain weary, In& lar promptly ammled m , and sap.
pied Witk.....101-hy Our rely roam as feu eine.
, Papachana PrerytiPucto mil tar accurately nod
nearly prepured , [roar Ore. Pert mama.* at any Immo!
Piro lbp apt" J larO Alock 0(.4 - 4.4 and-good Perin;
very .
- 1013
' •
• '••
dealer In Worktia Reserra Chease, rimer, Pot ' and
Pearl Aort, dad 'Wesseol, Produce 'generally, 'Warr,
tree4.bcrucca. B,..uhariata Worali etharourru
OH! WATT, Ira Emuf & ffebb&f.,l
Wboksta. '6 roe. -Aalad Commisakat algehant.
dealer - in Pfoth.&4 ll lll . 2l4l.3 . o.lllasnuawarsas, car,
iles, ftiu!btargtt Pa. gm%
Jemrs a AteGlaliZfijefe ofWriftrpaOillieiT.
Vd l . l ...) 2 i l Ochla la&f, S C ~rxi Btahlkugs,
re "Vut4z - gm,
WY, Lamas Mu:4w. 11,04 , CaarialtraM=Erums,
sad Aeons , of. Ile , SL.rriotneS.R. Sugar nersiery.
10.43 water...di:l (it at.eta,Pilaagh.
• •tl. DILWORTH tr 4 Wholendd Ormms, •
due and 'Com4Eddri Iterchard„'sza dgeout
r thallatard.rowler by. or N: Y, No. '.17 :Wood st,
'110111(1).'ItiOILLUN, gimedeal
,er ul-.1 &Mrs, PrurtlN Oda, Vahurbesi„rr,„liss3
Wood auxeions door Stilvot . Ilialaortd•Allebyrus.
• -
JA2W,482,3.t. - - •
Isusurnhouo eau, I,
Choudior4.ll Water streeC
1 11/
Ar.k. ... ww. leaule sad Rath deo/or
•rikr„sum.,sumr ea.Wirgit. 8 0, c . bt4d.P9Ai
.utindry s etwi n N.
_g%r...57 bought or u4B4istirode: -7' ' ' Faett — 13
CiailUdEElt .7 400.,ZU0.114
o. , ZUO.114 Wood etzelaYftailygh:
9/Ei A DAV/8, dateixtiept. comer sad 4P0044
licreetli }lttsbusmts'..
Boatsaliers, Yriameti
kity , 1,.f? - , PM,
• -• !t
Om Flom
.. It.vmsamolho
• 1"& E. FLOXJ . ), 1% ho
. 0 . cmatanamo
Bleninhn,, nod n u7M(scl 0044
Uharoliboildiott, /anon', 3”ni 0 14
audelayEMEJannh. IV; ; Mid
aat, and de
Lt Frodacc and F
Nomstomoms.. IVMMrot. timsk.r*
,ar 1.. Foreign Winos ofitLionats.
gabela Aro Whalen, co qFF Fustoad std,xtot DLL
. _JY2 •
& - J ONES, Fotun tbmmiaugaMec
'tllahtt•DtaleYa iatrbduco , auiltitistiugq Wu.
hewed artulcs, Caual tidiW , uead 71a at,
— 7Frt DULL,
INNEDY, CIIII,DS lltaaufasußeqa hinny
aapenor 44 SqUedliqiq Carpet' Clu,, o A .Cutto •
Vow lad Baiting. jlt, IY.
• Venroleal Urdu ,W Dram. : f
DALY-ALL & imairafactureca of end
,zel Botitij.ka sail Na of dle lest
quality, Witredlotole,s4 arlMr
burgh T !T R =I t
tub= Film
,1.14.41 iI=3ZOT,.. :rt., 31.111.1 IL sawn
ta iN
r , EriCagnixoy is ILIVTIE/L, • •
....: i bolarieta...e.m . b.ugi mmis.rurd .14rMlemle
dierdlai'ill Coviirgn' od d: imedate Vmdett timda
Vestem merehmbr, red dud tubes; lro invmd
to cilll Mut effinme the prriMi mu qndlity ofoucadock,
ad VirVoirr plaudit Meteajlid &Mims La madilfadtur-
WM vitamin& we I.MA me camdlechAV gem
• einents,to M yen m ri.44., Dater 1.110 yreseothe
Idol:Maim — L:L .
' 401.11.11 . 611 J. ay. u. MAL, wutzel d 4 , a.
iliteßiLLS L ROE, Moro tiroetonad ectookio:
• —Au 0100 ldtreausW, No. Liberty f 4 Psfsborytt
teritYllV WILSON a. rO„ltateJonto,nsphy
co,) Wholesale. Dry /:Dads, N 0,4.5
• ' scree; rittabute,
• ItATerrilEw'ivirsoN,"4l.4iiirigiardiravii.
LEW Is. .11,4Xlins , cosier ofPost (Moo and
• ' FoUrth
G.d otreer.vonrante on (LS - boa. litaxteL.
isaall M.S. • - omOo.
JONES 4,11411G0, .o
yj yloostuee t i, • 71. L7ty* a t ig• aormoro., ''d rl
opnap, hoosaesol iron , • yle . o, 0nid5Ze,0 ... 24
• Ido and` lip.
bido <memo, fire ez gram 104 , mad eased
genotallyfOorziet So. 4.11d./^rpat sts., 11 " 17.11W,
r. kjet
j li oo ". rf to. h, tit
t it tot . rat fit ec"4
altrlme d zu r : cults 4 . ( E.::.l42ls4,‘...tuicatesof De r 7e.
nod m ad emot.
1,117 Collecoooo .0 1 ,4 . 11 rte Psss+Poi .4Soo
UnillPelma the thaltGli,
-Is!StlerilAsES, V . ooqh it;
Sun] door above Souialleld, south. solo.
.4.blogreyaoetng of o Itlodt done soma the greaten
St wail itgat necurtey.
0 I•loweeziolai r
/1114$ ed, &a. 6,01.3)
.. Du. ozo6ual l • .
-tIFTICE, Youth anent,/ akar Griet, lrt: th e ,4,,,
1 7 oeaapfed by Aigagnfan titCler, 'lnneshate
.•id °Mann , far. /kalfeelPnt rile way harmful at night
—_ lars.
_ kl, en. __ __ . Charles Enna .i.
U. T. iiob.6i, 21. D.
0 0ILIII: i stsul . tvg i ty.,1.,...4.“. the vent.
lair, 8.-lur bran engaged Pi a. branch' Of 44 ewer.
.:, 0.1 pspfesafon for waren yalia, and havennttaeren an
.su m, for the tn..' Cal of discs.. Or the aye
kum, Or aovarai ,ycass. til
- lUitlc; find renduoce, •flOgreer of .111.1
:,Pairk.u .. *.filt7, itil!FiyA,V,__ . .111
triilN TEA . nplf.X.--No:.7*Fonnh
i a; near W00d— , 63... , utias arGieere old
. Illiner Teis; dol.:0 '. in gainer,' hill„ tauf
oumjpoultd, packaged, rangi immai us. 'Del pooad
. 113 . 0:-. :17.1 4.6,;JA.Vriw
11013/SON k CO. b..tie issmitted Tiio3l '
• LITTER, sr4intlt Uleififo Intsulcasithe Wbolo
d,c9r9eify t e:tigimisAion battfteps.'swill
4 0 1 , Feutimkidun.uLL uutlecilstrumkt Bobiskrt, , Ll4,
1110bOBISON,LITil,EA C 44 102 Litiatty,itiet;
at e Mbkrit, PZPLudt .and
tantr... o r o eVellanti, nadisfbalers io •inusbursk
aats3omos, .. ortila xosutis3l7
i)centrtiooar; wi.iiiiiaa Grocer:a.ctarbig
.L Muller, tlealerin Prodj Cii rAtobufgh Sitiaufat:-
-tont rad aff kindsof r oriAttC and Romeo lin Maki
and logoors, No.ll Libenfloinot. Ou 4oid,•' 'of) ,
line Stott of, oupoFior ol.CltbacingalsoLa *lost4 . ,
oiluell will be Weldor ferr tA , .pLfkly i
F6 -01113-7 5.14312..2r:1,Agi - ViriGiOialllo - .
COU.OIOO VW Pomo:if:4g Mozohalo,deal bk.
rpcbto +l4, J'ittabarok frffitiodstectuoo, Lthortyjot_ .
ifk ,
ta." A. t/INSIM.:II43Ii Who Settle - firq --
, ilti4er 01 Produce and Piittburfli Mum* ..n."K 's
Mt_-_. .•
4 ! 4 •• FEA v's , , .V. Tyir
.. 5
2 Bilr.b.:"rilifle**big,*"l6b '
,„„ if pmduc., Tra nrrg r Tr . ti . ,
r...- pe , .!vrTt . , ? i;;...1, * ' Ziti'iii,;:ol.4
..,.....m , Corte /•eta at _ .U . tin.µ..
.. 'J ,e .Evmi a r . ttL w 4.:"..
at. k . vma!shiAldZi
''' .4l.D.F.i.Dt,cqo..lo vo t
a: _SS I 4 ,II
• . 8 „,,T.,.... , t , r0t i . c ,„ ;; ,,,,,
~,,d , „„,deaerih i ll . :-qt(11 licittieel,betarti t t,a,
: ~,,,d. 60. North title, M lade .
t - 7SOV. - ib UAttili.---- betile6:
• ,„ vprll'et.ltetilf I, ...I Funrarlit
• ' a asii - „ - , 4„........ ..,,,.,„,1
. W.). • . §,.,, . .. ..,, .
i.. , ~~~,
" Ke`!i
x+ ll
: .
. 2
I I t
O. -
- ...
-----.• • --,—,, _.....
.• 6
i ..
... ^ • .
, .., . I , ,
..., 7
e. , 1 .., •
. . ....-., .., ' • 0.. ,-;•.,
• ,• b
• - a ; •• -
r aaLtracc rn-nnraGll. toner morn., ran •
V.. ELLER! , & NICULS, Produce and Genera/
nmerron Merrhafr. No 17 Labtrzy EL, Pittatmrgh.
"Kr&t. Lannerd and Lard Oil&
& i'v h otai t c/F,,.
" n , Vortverding And Covaruntsion MercAstUv,
Dation la einveurgb Mantlionture. and Westettf:rro
tot, novo vetooved to their now vvotobottve.lonlO.ind)
rio, nonter of Front st and Chnovery
ity , s , :n *-- ylirwer.;lnd ara67.-
Si. /drat..., anal dealers In PnAtice. S'o
Wood vv„, Pptvlntrztv it h.
yr Manygcoll atdl T ,. Y tl .
en. 111.
ijm,,h 8.g.,: :.i V.onavr at'Laza 2.tlald e rissbargk, PS pp a
rocere, Forlrordsve dud
Corotission Merchants, denier. ln Iron, Nola ®am,
and Pittsburgh Pillottfaccares groOdll i
moon( Wood and Wes, orces. Pittsburgh. •
VET AV. WALLACE, Mill atom and hbitiForr - sti . -
.la tag catablishantaG No. 244 Liberty at. ,
iattN the
can i! ,
_ . •
Up W. W1.1.N, WatebesT,loolr,tiiirorWare:,
VT •
tl sod Mihaly Goods, corner of Market aril 4th
Pa.i N. EL—W etches end Weirdo
caterillly replored.
MIIT — FTOI43 - ortosslon
ylnd KO ; root et. between Wasik-ad
U it..4.lfiti:!ti=alich;rttedtutn.riai.l
corder of Alarket and Fourth 111.
, 111". TOMO.
1/1111. YOUNG & Co.— Dcalers In 1010110, h m i,Te rrfa- riehr.
143 Liberty ea ,00.10.1
tor,e tiros. sour. acericetv.
e IL IirCITTCRAMN, Wholesale Grocers:lo
VI . ler 'n Produce, Iron Ned., Glass. and Vic
burgh .BlArld l astoos generall y, /Yr Liberty et. r 4.-
• -
w WILSON, Cosier ui Mateo, ..rewiscry
j i li e_ sAttur yam. My Goode, fee., No SL : 114o
—urni.-ttitrsa-;4- -
Shoo Findings, Ac., NO. 143 Liberty street. have
Jolt received Wes SPRING STOCK of good., 2012•
prising alone outmost of =Olio in them hut, ta
0111104 thz allentirm of parch... is dotted .
meats •
• Orne: &envy M. A
oal3l 41. Water •trc..
000,000. •
IL Jr., Piest.
%VW insure against 01l 111141 of ~.t a,
• AND ma
A LL Ittsiee,,yri4dre,hberally iiiiiLted mu! Noway
Ifolotigeumtion-erarraged by Edrocsors who-A're
wdl knonakiiilKOlßinuounny, and who are de-ten:Ain
! led by pressKilKKAK=Rticritlity to hutment the ober
the o
Ihnustras.s.R. Jr, (leo. 1 W Boner,
trellnes, Jr., Wm. 11 Minna C. Bunsen, neo..W,
Jackaon , Wei hl. Lyon, Jas. Llppiticon, Thee.. K.
Luce, Jaws hPAuley, Alen. Thos.'
Den., N 0.19 Water street, (warehouse of Amoy
Codo °P.strA) Pit:taboret,
19 la
. •
ILA.NCE COMPANY North Room ante
laYehaogo, Third Wen, Philadelphia.
Porn heniannen—fleilding.. Merr_hondise and other
propeny ewes and conning, insured spin, .oster
damage by fire en the lowest rate of premium e
Mason lisscanten—Tbey also insure Vno• ila Bar
gees and Preigum, foreign or C Ol /IWi•G,unde r • opeq = l,
special policies, as the issued may desire.
Wane TwAseosirseion—They oho insure; itincKen
dins unnsported by Wogons, Railroad Ca, Paths(
Boats and Steam Boats, on lavers and lakes, on She
most term.
. . .
. . ..
DIRECTORS—Joseph H.Neel, Filinund ..t Poirdet:
John C Davis, Robert Eamon, Joha II Pinto ise, sarrhi
tEgarards, Geo G Leiper, Edward Darlington. !mar
' R Leona William Follett', John Neselm, Do R M 144-
ton, James C Hood, Theaphilos PanShrig, 1.1 Joars
i Brooks, Geary Sloan, Hugh Craig, George aerill,
'Spencer Metivala, Charles Kelly. J G Johnson, Wly
! VlEtrli Dr R N Tzr=togi , l7,..l: I ,-, - 4 ”
T. Morraa,
W..- 1, 4 41 4 Y, bo. T. Log
MARTIN, P. mideogr,
RIC.. Et:New - solo, Seermary.
i Itintabu, aMe Company. No. 42 War er soMfi,
IPirtistmo pitatilif P. A. MADEIRA, A gam.:
~ .i.„
11 14'INSURANCE mNardi Am ermo 01l
mage`proattinent and CO_ limited Insurance on pin
' Itilliis ofty had amitaty, and rn "dements 4.
. ..d.,n.ivt.61,..10.., ... by Sea. Thr Inoperueslil
i• Cimmiany Moore! !boasted , and haromb MI avoil.
la pawl fortha ample. Jrulatanstg of oh parrot,. m lob
desire to he tomemed bp insariMe.
I mylb Wht..P. JONES, Agent
. •
.Prank 'Ars. 2.o.rurcnce Co. of Poltaadelph
Tobias : N. B o o, ser, Thouvea Hurl,
• %Vaguer, &usual Orem, Juror H 2411, n
it.k.a, • Mordecai II Lau , * Adolphe El
• nu, David B.[Blown,..Motris Pamersent.
. [
Musics a Esseke r, c.. N. Discuss; President-
aw ßeeretary.
.Continse triesske insurance, perpeusl or smeci,
011 • very deseripuonod property in ream or roll etsy,
. Mel aloe sus eunaassest with yeessny.
To Compass. heraluserred m Imes eosilinurst
/Eh with their Capital mad Pummels, safely lave*
6dTrli om
sfte 't't .so 6"'d
rat ' sx7ry . d. Is 1 , 40
[ ipeullisllr agreeably- to ' Vs 'l ain of .lese=sl7, 4 ave..; al
tow?, rm
j. . Rua! Masao
Tamporasy Lem -
Cwh an
[ INuets •
II Jutel,frin: 71 •:
inathe ' their bletwoonstien, a period of 19 plow, t/
ve paid upwards of one taltion foot hand red tho sr
it dollars, lorre. by fire, Worthy affording ret derOn
if it. a4rantagesef inimaney• as well . lite übi; it!!
d disponi:Ley to weetheith prompt.. all :Istria .4.
wander ;Office N Et corner Wood .134 :34 • .. 13
"to eIo'PLADEIRA, Agent at oiuo bor g b foi Inc forth
' 1 i wort Elotall erfety Jaren re Compotty of P bair ,
wW.p. bin: Fire Risk. operaingiln ‘ 'whiuf thercho nthen.
of !Wry iieseriptitnn'Auld Marine We '4'n f ' h 'lll'
=, of reagens mkt:: stion th e ythrt ar r J:
-117 - • Mc s in the Warehouse of W. B. tieleries A. Bre%
N. 31. We wir, net: Marker sleet; Pittsburgh
IN. 73-jlterreetwo of MI. Company since the a ult.
liithmem oethe. Agettey in thri city, with the pro mpo
new and li wrathy with WOJeti every shilm upon heti)
Orr kw bar been natforied, my warrant the ago nit eu. ,
*Wag. tan eonfldeefee arripatronage art.'s friend: 44
tbrs wanasurity:Wlorp to the Delaware Et O. two.'
Maws Cesapany : while:it her the odditionot Wean :ay . ;
. 4 . 6l ..thdaft Onriog the man frowtritiog io Pr t' eden
phi A—as harlot an oarpfepoid-in capital, which ey tho
oyeerottha of Its eitriter w refte l .l.4 M0re......n. a ,
Troldlng re etch penton unroted hilt dew Thaw c f 11
peon:a of the eeteprlfy;withent bun r n ii. 4
rerattbitty. vetaaw.eti . wid, therefore Po. re ..n";
th Anstant prittetydre divested; dl eve ty ohnortn co. :eh!.
uitd, and lil i“ mew. auT tir tr i r t y . orm. root :.
i . • flirtlirandltr. •liiiirCifi n -NCI?; ..
ffll4 hrstirwheltompluty a Neu in Amonce mu to
turdni). WO oi:ed eon.; the ralwerilute: nee ts to
• male pertaramtit l snd hlnited
alo ne ea peuptri::, to
:hie eh,: and Ito ikinlty, and po shiptoesur Ey he Ca.
and Moat '
Ak d et Cf-Coerh, llll l,
111 l ite. •
; tyM...lobes, , Ambroars I ne,
FA Rola , ifthuir fin Theo.,
.lella A. Mown, John R. Nein
I tal. " - `''''.47,e,_ !Lichard AWood..
•"'" "
'l4enzle Grocer, Flirkank;
Dope, : Wtoli 7 e.T.ll,
'Ve/ R'D'ona. Fe 11.4 Ilookono,
8 eitirkikt„ , Ausiin
larrllUD aiFFIN. 1 - ••• '
nOOlig D. Smut '‘
•bo Insurasee Dtitopioiy in We linnet
to••• h •••5 .sit thauered ,1:94. Its charter
pe~yem.l, and fn ALI Sigh, loud o perm nn.
.=g l Mit.4ll . lrLidin b t of
s'l4ecurht to. publL. W. P.
111 Mei Ooo . .shg Moom of Atwood, Jo.. If- . War.
uncurl Flol;tuteets DisslinuiS
Rirr.a.eirLTl - ES
um. of Clio Dorosours Coitpsny of Nor .b
. 4 ,1,1• 11 ,Usoo sod amend to ake
01 /ages .oy, v.reDnua of Ai1..., e S:
0•1111WIMma et-• •
!. OPE & naz O c
Foßwmummu COMMISSIUNr hattlCJl vo
41:tuldetti In While Lead, Wutati Olemv, ar ,
: Id &mond Mem, Patel:mn , Pa_
WM attend promptly to Me .ale o *melee warn teed:-
to their Cele.
Rpm*th—Eaaley & Smith, R. Tanner & Co ,
W.loArbaugh, Ray & Co, Meopby, Wrietal A Co
Pittputgla liromal, Graham a Co., and the in
' . "P" 6...T0nT. New Lotbon, 0. D.
tko. Weds, Welimltle, 0. /oomph 'Mallon, U.
Del Ikger• Co, Fennel & AP.lllllen, Mae
Dman, hfanio. & Co„ Weaver, Talor*. Joh
11. M a Co., Ptulatio . lpent . A. ti. thardion
K Ay. h`,,T.Tar3::
1144,..11anam,Cland, 0. A:. Er Stiery:Al:ll:,
404, u. Clark, Par A Co, Beaver, Pa. atprtl:dii
JOHN A. SHAH', , •
Commission Dlerchans and Forwarder,
ED - Psduentarmammon paid to the pa teklmlog of
- 0/Isill'nedtle of Produce m dn. market. Alro In me
Mr/ranting of Cloods . generally. it,..,, to
`•„,. _Net.. ktick.bunisey dr. Co,)
an. & thee k weft Cmcim An, O.
... S. 0, Duggan; Esq.
Lippineott isOa 1
War &Jones, glitsbursti , ht.
Es glade & Bennett, anrentim
1 Otto -RUN 1300-1 171L7F.N.7. -
Co Infos AAA Forwardbag Ham 1... a,
. • • ' ao. Og Peet ST., Slinarate it,
ft NTINUES lo transact a general Conan SO.. ~ ~,
If SS o.peMallt in Me parentmo and salnvf 4 nl, n.
ti•Sl UOtclares auttl Produce, and in rsenaving and
f Wing Stood. gawk - nod WI his care.
A. Agent ter •
the gsletiketusca, he will be comma Aar .4 , pplieg with
Me gnampal articles of Prttsbarge !Ames& . the
Myatt wholesale ?men Orders and cnatugtomnta
sesiesgally,llyntlel4,.. 197
a” IS.V.I.LIL ti. S. err sus. .16 C. s 05....... i
FO4IVIRDIfiti II t01211183i011 lIIERCIIINTii,
! Nei I 5 Second atroet,
Ileektiffalgms ST. /...OUTS, !no
• ' - '---eatnn -- J - .. ,- . -----
nicoalz Doom.
r Immo= Wool, Also Kim; •rrrsaoaan.
.011.119:11314=7 all
titian DOltli bat to eider. •
I lir v et o a=l: am to steo
017ttr erk
per ,64
rk.a.Ware,• , —/ o bos. v 4g , ookinz i tur
)41er;forts, Cabforda or od
AR` Ladd ievectfally lowa Wan boat erren and
oaken to call and moo our snide% and Nicer btfol•
Purina slowartia. ,rl7
• T •
~~~..~._ `F"
if. ~
a i (Satre:wars to :41 . Cord & Sang)
ra.hlortable n•ttee..,a
Corner •of Wood total Fsith,
)AIItICTLAR attention paid to oar Roma Trade.
litotlesnen c ely upon getting their 11,. and
Capa from oar establishment orate orrsr sureatsrs oil
somussmintr, of the nom= arts., and at lbc rower
Itritirtry Merchants, perch ins wholr,, art
respeatlally invited to tell trod emulator our Sao k; a.
We tan ay with confodmma that as rogards 0,011
lutd ran a
w l a will notaarr in a comapanoon won 007
Loom. to 1 lultittelphio.
den v.tec rpm'
Caltforalts fray Mot rorelred and for sn't
eta: corner bah goal Wopd so.
Fit SPai3lsliesnitsisFOß I $41. ----
NrC0111) a, co. walllotscciocc on swo
Dsty the ctr nag s.)ln of 11111'n
Those inro, 00 , c6 , or ka , one otc , ta
to call oroer o: 5,11 am! tVota: 11.11,,
110hrh:F.T ice —IV rohi
0 has m Iv open a supply of crane kkainot
of new am , handsome style..
Also, on 1/ ca pe tis'd Noon; IJ.le Lace. one, Kin.
into; I,oamt Wichita: Vlctorta do; platal Most, • toa
Jaconets.crobrandcrcd Nwo. Mocha.. Se; ~,c•
large assortosnonnf son., (•
:• ,nrrui , y, at vorth
cast corner ath null Market strecta_
Wholcontle loom. up masc.. aro
II 047 43 4
54 ""•-•
,00 r.•••
• 51,2'''
1914 a-
of M. t itrwhh,•. The. bucrau.s hr cartl.24 Oil by
A. Bradley, odoo sottio the boaixeos of coo Lut
RM. 0 VSL —A. nitADi. It., removed b. FoondrY
IVazehou from No. 1:2 Sccond strew, to N... ID
NVnal en. ef. botween Fir.. and Se..crool at/..V.A. the
soarehou.... Imely oectqa.d 1.7 A. !terry, wl.ric be
Will Foci, onsuntly I,nno a genrral .nortnioni of
s.astior orcmt. :ktlVel. A e
T " u } e ' l
under Ow ttrm IiC:S.IIf 6el~
IFIELD A HAN'S. bus ter. day
,114..:ved by VS ilsam H. Ha c,titz entlft
Isreat it' the lino to S. 11. lA. Id. At:
Sue the Istn will be rollerte4: by R. RuSibe.d, an 4
all debt. doe by the tale Um to he paid by
S. H. LIVSIIIII-:1.13,
riltals: 1 b. Jane 22. 1519 W. 13. HAYS
CO.r 13vannaan havire
dayuaJed w Inmael 111, , 1LT L....M.1,1110011y
wf tkac.r al.o4 , , Pa.. and mready of Inc Nanonn I I
00 111 „ 00 1, 000 h e Ina.iaes. and, sa , . lino
of DVS lELD LEADKIC. at the 01.1 Nand. No tau
Liberty D. 111:1111H F:LI).
rillslut 114.1.0 21. I'll 9 iI. LEADER
flamg reared from rb. torme• loueuars, I int,-
plma.m.r" rxanamecd.m.^. •
uc:c.sols. t
r. 4 o
lt pa
onagt u: my maa.amers uad pubhe Feu
fl W. 11 1/.%)
Dimuol otion.
irllgen payment:up berrtniort raising between the
J. nab., .i.ers, in On name of Consoble..
.141. day dmeolvmd by of
rememn. ]{man.
Ilarke k I +mei, will wale thr besinem Of An, con
ern, for v hmh prurpam they am nythormrd In am the
IMMO o: • rOncoffl N AT/lAN 161. Ti' .N STAIibF
1 , 3. , N1UND ILKE.,
TtioneS BARNM.
Tat and raft und have tau. duy asaoeratcd Urrios.clvea
in the nan a or DUB KE az DARNER, for the parpote
/manual •toring r,, Prom *afro, Vauli Door, at.
ofic uu .mad or: ire luta firm of Cnurarzbir.
ka Co., ail. re Waywill Le nienied to reetbet
;mosso o ine oaWmera urriaat hoax and flu+ 1,41.)..,
E 211) ND BI:RKE
Tuoslns BAILIN
I,la/ r I..comro end .:51e50..r.5. Bu
Vaines Ma cu
011ridelICC Of my rn..zar and Vir 121.11,1 r.
Feb. 17, 40. C
fcbl3. ,11
1111.; p. rtne.htp of AII.H.IIY & Iglu. •Inv
41.1.11 •••1 ,y mutual content. The Lexiv.t...
We 6.m I ' I,e mttk.d H. ha. J. H. AIV ELPI 11 .
estlabur lb. Jan. 30,154 D. H.
NUTICI .—Tbn ugAlerngbe.l w,ll connove W. %Wool
/Justness tmciat to the solo of Woolen of
WP old Atli 'l4.' 1.1:r.
In relir nR nom du Ana of Mbrpny fr. 1.2, J La/ae
creed plea .ure au r -Jscuttnending Mr. li.Lea ~ Hat
confidence of toy crinnda and Oro Innate.
Cl.Plllalmr i.e.n. LINID. J. H. HUHI'II
ryliir: an axenbaxiiiinre Una day arnirtanal Wrnr
oflyPer tokredakr Iyr 'the pntrole of tra.nnLaniag •
arholeaalr miff 1'7,00 Dry 1:004 , 4 and urorerr no
at No dtat -/berlf, oppo.ito land/ r toe
a tyla and I rine( 4UPIUI LLt lIAN'S.
Pidabar :In January 1. /elm
ur 11 Cystnallat, e n We Wale art an /dad
In ;Fin a calL Jtd;
- - -• .
AL B. SCAIFE rout f'd JAhll, ATKINuON
hay :einexed into parr rainp, under the urn. of
SA part
•L ATKINSON. and entry on I , re
Coppar,nt .1 Sheet Iron War.. 111, nneunirry.
. • • lil ...tAnatuog as nil a. I...anrhe, at a, old
Anal oIS 10 If. tisane. t, ',tor Wood
I lIA Oto. day Jowortntrol won ow In tion w'nole
j aat, lovowwy, Prod., and Cog not w•ono lootoows,
to, L.:other Joacph, too.; thr firm of J. V Dif,W MUNI
k. Ca. J :1. lllLtV'UitTfl.
Januar) I. 1,19.
I 10aPAIP— Nti at liming • rine this
N.,/ day an.iwilateid with blni.
Jahn H.. lid 'Cane, ihr
bewattiw will hereafter I.r conducted the
r1(11/ of We., CO. W
f mai JMU . it N..:
Straaragllseta. incase PI et starfgh,j Pa.
Warthov,e, No. 137, Wood sired, I'itimiorg4.
ill?W n.L. outu nay It re pna ik•IMII • Fast a • •ort•
meat ot %Vara, of so, oase t aan a t a pw,. „...,
~,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,. W tpr i • , •1, and coon•," her ,
chants are reepeetfall, ,n•tled to coil and ex.
amino for themeetses, 13 VI, are dews-atoned to sell
cheaper than has cent before been °feted to the pet,-
ICJ' Urder; scot bymall, ate ompanted by the eaol/ or r . efereroo:•./11 1., or - ninn: tw analtded tn. To, to
(kit.---.1.k. Wool, Ido Pent - hers, lunb j non
' ” L 1;1 M [doe, and toy rule by -
tae 'Mg - Mc. DAL 2 VIA.
, Pelii - Itri.eliime Shoji; ' -
)Ef Will llTMAN—Manofacturer orallklsold nr cm
.: . too ,00l woollen machinery. Allegheny tot.. Pa
,rbe Wve works beJog to;. to full and tvere••63l oo
eratunt, I am prelo&d Weinman order. with Jtipotett
1 for all kook of maekinery in my hoe, .oteh na oil Moe*,
picker,. apreadero, rant., pi nding nuclaineo.rarson••,
11a g{ Ironton, apeeders, throlotlo, loom, wooon
.k or lough, for merrhout or eoontry worn,
• oles,pwlL .. lee.; ande anJ /lend lons and tool. in e..e. •
- rat. All k inds of ahnitmg made to OM. ,or oMode giv
ohahle elAnier..
1 ' " V " ""n' t . tn ''' netl7, l r h o i . l ' ll o . l. or. a o ' ,l;toell oar t, n<, l
.F.I:. Co, Kind, Pennock AVo la• A Ural
rnos: ATV Tlionises rnarnw.ll.e.,
111 IS establishment Meg and oriee's k itarfn ao
brit, oar of thr meet cominahous dtho city of
Bellmore, has 'wends , andrigenl v,ry cltet;-
SIVe Itlternun. and myrerement• enitre norm
wing hes horn added, contacting nionerres and airy
sleeping oast - Mein. r”esmirte hattlx3S room..
l'aedepartmesi ho. alio Iniett completely
reorganized and huctrup • mos,unque and benuns
rot style In fuel the n iirrangentent of the Home
has been remodeled. with vonnle eye di, the part of
the . proprietor, mtrard• the tenant: and pleasure of
thscr Guests, and whit- h they eentidetaly assert will
challenge tomplaison moth any lintel in the ()unit.
Their table will alwayg be supplied with eveiii web
wanial and lertiry which the market agorint, served
op in a merrier style; Mille in the way of Wilms., Ire,
they will not be stiipaased
nelusion the prepneters beg to lay, thin nothmg
will/ ha left and on their part, and on tlle pan artheir
usistants, to render fill. Hotel venni y the conMued
patronnac ntlheir friends out the mild°. arm to: t)
The pnera for board have also been redneed to the
follecong times
Ladies' Ordinary, 61,75 per day.
Gentlemen's " I,Ati
N. B.—The Gaggage Wavle of the House will al
ways be Geed at the Car and Steamboat landings,
ohrch aril! convey baggage to and from the Bole'. free
- inn) Int
COMICS 01 £1.30 .00 ST CIJOR n.,ITTHTTO...
a. The rabccriber havin, ...turned the manage
men, of thia long coahltshed and papa lar Hotel.
reapectfully utunnneco to Traveller, nod the
-Public gruel - ally. that he will be at all time. prepared
to accommodate them in all adopt desirable In a well
regulated lintel. The House it new being thiwouthly
repaired throughout. and new Furniture added. and no
pain. wOl he *pared to make the Exchange ouc the.very bßil Moult in the country.
Th toeraegned reapectully no.tels
of the very liberal pattonaer the Homo a ew n e n eafore
red. THOMAS ONTSTON,ekemadtr
LAittakriTiflittc itottii;
.M. 3.11 or romern ,assr rrurrrs. rtrernerau.
ja ls
THE aabeeribor respectfully annuoce• that
e h. now opened Ew new and o lime]
for the neeormodation of traveler., boarder.,
arid the pulplie generally The honey and furniture
are entirely new, and no Dllls or expenv, have been
spared to render it one o f the most comfortable and
plehtenot llotels in the con.
Tt, nubst.riber le determined to dear:ye, and
n '
° °°"" ° r !rA b g)}3
em 170Rfli.
CITVINTTS 111 - nr[lOV.P 411, .1,711
OPPOSITE b. Rant or
the Un' Ph.sla
detphin. M. POPE MITCHELL,
ttlarYtt Propnrtor.
Burin, Pa
WILL also attend to evllentlorts and oil rub, r heti
not eutrooted m him in Boger SSW Armstrong
MUM. Pa. Refer to
J. A. IL Floyd. I...lherry H.
W. W ;Yalimen, do
Bunts almrstrA?Uterus-0$
417 Kay ACo, Wood Ft. ;an?
atuont promptly ta. eolleenons NVanemzion. Fayette
mod Gremo remount, Pa.
Blarkatoek, Hell A Co .
Cloth A Carothers. I.Pmtbargh
D T. aforgam, •
nttk'7Nnl — !:? .4 (
l i Indiana,
matt it Ventuct).prOinpnly sml rmr,
folly anendol tu. Commisslomer for ake St,or el Penn.
sylvan:. for taking Depo.tiott•, ockumsrhstement,
Rresan no--lion. W. Iloil A Son, Curt* Clamo
eltrOthers. Wm. Bays,
Copartac rah Ip.
/, F: have y tlena
tni , 1— .41 .11WA11TZ.5.,4 . ruu
hereto:ore. endm thv Lrm u.
July '1 jyl3
IVEHi FULUCAT/ONS.—A Compendium of Feel.-
111 manurial Iltsiory, by Dr. Chewier. consestortal
younseior anti ordinary protes.or et Theology in Go-
Lumen. Ith ed , f.otothe lthruntai by Davidson, L.
p 3 vols. ,v o. .11tothrt.
I.lstory of tbe United Stomas of At:maims, by Bleb.
3 vols. oct Slostin.
iCou.lacy's Ccnonton Fiore Doak. edited by his son
in-law, J. 'W. 'Huth, B. D.
ll , Hory a* Mane Antoinette of France, by .I. S. V
Abbott. with engrst
lbsiney of Julies Censor, by /web Abbott. cog's.
Poem, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
C..mptate Work. of Hannah N/110TC, Vol. con.
rimer,' xi,
Cltalmees Sernmns, 1.71. th to tell.
' Clergy of Americo, I.y As Belcher, D D.
Cmettidn's Iltsthrient ithography of the Hilde
Icent Lynch's Expedition to the Dead Kee nod Ftl
, verJonhth. Large deo. ninth onmerous maps end co
Mactittlay's Ili.tory of Fneland. A new supply
Harper'. firth V vole. out., oct. edit/on, in sheep extra,
sad nettothile
M.:older, History of the Church.
(/month. West, by 6 F Mato, Esq. On baud
and for sale by R. lit/PRIM*
augnApollo Buildings, Fourth nI
/I TERg , —The ;toren Lanth• of Architecture, by
John Ruskin, with numerous ilia lawman, diesels and
etched by thoonthor one vol. throe Just published.
and for sale by JAMES D LOCKV*OOD.
Cg 3 Wood st
N ' EW Dob - K - S. l :SeTattiey's Common ?Igoe 1.1.1 t,
edited it) Ins scucth-leur,loha Hood Herten, D.l).
AJthott's History of Jahns Cesar, with engravings.
Jost. received at
jr2s cor Markel and 'nun! za.
AGRICULTTHE, —Arocnrun Furinni• enc. ,
„ clopetha, nro
Lcudicy'w Vegnable Kingdom, Tvo.
Drny'. Discount.. on Auriculiurc. 19700
liellinden—The Plant. Pro.
- • ..• . •.
Lights, Arneultoral Chomirtry, 12mo.
Miner's Aggyricau Bre Hark, re' am.
Allen, AtWean Farm Hook. Ilhoo
Allen'. Dormant' Animals,
tt'elouar A. Park's DOrtke..llo Economy, thick too.
For sale by JANIES D LOOZW(X/D,
/Tit 113 Wald It
y o(
Ittio,sis, by Cowan; Hooper's Medical In t utionergi
Ihniglesuit's dusk. Cooper'. Surgical do; Helios' Sys
tem pi Surgery, Gibson'. do do, A hemp:ldly'. Work*,
Yob, Ltuparequs ott literuai Ilope on tba !lean:
....rusetshier's Anatomy; Wilaon on Disenms of the
nkin, ('moon's 3lnMna Medico and Tberapeurtrat
Chapman on Ittaptive Fevers; do on the Mosinee and
Abdornmal Viscera: Wood's Practice of Medicine;
Dung leson's do do; Iguarlsoki do do.
ond feeM reline' of Ulan*. A. S Union
Books. on band and for sate tog
1 It F.1.L1017 A I...NDLISII. bit Wood at
Nintami.—Nineveh and its Re
mains; with an moonlit of a visit to die Chalde.
Christians 60 Koplin.. and Temidis, or Deed %Vor.
shippers and an inanity Into the manners and arts of
the ancient Assyrians by Austen Henry Layard, Lag.
D C. L.; in two volumes, with numerous illustrations
"There is a remarkable md delightful eembination
in the wort before 04, 07 saleable discovery and in
teresting persomil narration, stig/i as we remember in
no straitly wort of navel or dleroyery. • • Mr. Lug.
and is not irarpsovved 4, the o'd travelers. In the won.
alrt, or the nary he has to tell, he very much wpm..
es them all.
.IVe repent that there toss be.en on .00h *hue in
any or travel, Park is not baser or
more adventurous, Lkultbarnt not more truthful.
Enthesi not may or picturenque, than the hero of
the book ht•fort us —l,endon Fanntiner.
.11he or he most remark able work. of the see --
1,n.100 ?hoof. , Jo•t rermved and Mr sale by
yyll JANIE., II LAWIEWI , OI I ...IWood st
Pt;elpiial are.
1 The London Quarterly Revtew r• )
_,'l-h F3ltntrurgl. Review,
The. Westminster Review, Vuarurly
4. The North lirviah Review, )
Illantorood , Edinhorrli Ataxia—Monthly.
The above Periodicals are repnnted m New York.
itronentaiely on these arrival by the 8..% stammers,
too beentaul t leetr type. on line white paper. end etre
tmottful room* of the orienutly—Dimek wood'. Afrwresine
Leta; r uct fea- amt s of the 14tInharelo mimeo.
The peteesi of the repro. me lees than our Well of
tbo, of the roseica come.. aid whole they are equally
well executed. they afford all a", mtvanth. to the A
mer over the n English reader.
Tk. oo l — (Fyment to he tootle an &den.,
Fur any pod of W e foot Ite•tewit, Sit to per an
For au. two do - SDO
For ail) three do - lOn
For 061 butt el tie Review.. -
For IVark wands - 3ln
k 3,0.1 ant the Poor Review, 10 tot
The u xc rompt: y supplted I.)
13,1343-eller and Inman, of Foret.
41 11'oodst.
8,7 - 111arksocul, Mug:lrate, for July, 444 Azt been
to eftr~l and rut • bud a^ ei,ovr
se.ancs W. WOODWILLL,
oderu and Antique Mer4itare,
err. Prrr•lrrsau.
. ,
. . ,
and .e l " , d e , 17 M . tof I. t . .liar 1. r . ..f^. , ,,. ,ownde for Steaml,oao , . .k,, ,!.
!fete k Endprlvxte dwei.
tiv ott o n end mute to 0n1.,.
ha prroooni emek on band cam a he execlod by
Soy mouvisetory in the western eonntry. Imbue
onsaing to mamba. 'reale: do well to give me • ea,
es lam dellmained my poem WWI ideate_ Part of
the mock ',mama In—
Tomo a T , oe, Poiret Malele.
houis XIV Cirainr; Queen Vlizabeth chairs;
Tha royt, Prth TOO.,
Toilet Tables; Lan. XV 01,1341110 d,
French, Mahogany Dodatead,o Piano ' , snob,
541 ogr.t. erith Pln.h wad Hass -cloth cons; • : , lahratany Bola Chains,
40 do', Pnrlot do
• Pam) , do
2, reams Table;
• coin 2sYanai 4 past owe Tablea,
10 otatbse lop Droto,lla Burra aas
PL'ardrot,ya, Socretarie., and Boot cases;
21 2.,rhle cop Wools 2tands;
4 rm."' 0.111411.1.
po.r Work Staada.;
A very large saac.riamot of common thus and other
sanutor- 10.0 ildVlol,4l. le IRS/MOIL
gy . t.. ..11A Dom tlirolshee on the aborteet come.
simian tbs. ntrull ...risible to decli
.- • • . , -
Diaphragm "User, (Cr ILlydraoll Water.
--. TIITZ is . certify aim I have api
pointed Lirthesten, lion. fr Co.
4... .. *...ile Air.ta tor the sale of Jet:nines
Parent laapqa Filter, We we elf
' - 4 , bus of firaii nod Alt ,
, w. /011. GIESSON, Agolw
1 : -. .t . :".".: for Walter il canon, 3.79 Broadway,
Pi. V.
Oat. ith ISM
We hove beet] aßing OM of ilwairovo anieles at th•
oleo a ,i, Vorelty Works for three months on Mal,
and Rol p. rieetly satisfied that it to a rueful invention,
and we take pismire be recoommulior them.. 0 one,
fist article lo all who lune pure ,watcr. Orders will be
thankfully rrdeired and prom/ itlymenaced.
nolo I.IVD:orITON. 71.000 Fill A Co
. I.l.r•orrlble VlllerluxCoolk. - -
7 .. 1
Which. 'r ;
n ' ll t s r :illatan i e d es not le . of:h7e t li
11. 1
• i ag
'vitro a pm.. m hem through, slit
'. blroririg cock, show. • hole through
impure substances, worms, lea. Th•
is A. ea .s.t more or leas with fUlhydrault M.,
The He scrub.Vilteter is neat and durable, arid la
not =tended, with the ineonvardmice incident to oiler
11terer, :32. it w clezwool vest sat being dowelled rmw
0.0 wow; pipe., by malady turnin4 tan ker or beadle
from one side w the other. By Miaow pima., Ow
Mursossf water Is &wired, and all oontarwiadoko lie
adowe ooacaoects ade driven of SMorit instantly,
without unser:m.lg Me Filter dt el. aDo
advamare of being natar , dokr ...4 k 2 each el many
caws will be very consonicataad ccononsical.
Ito. te. takkelsort where Wet. /a any pmmOrr Idyl
or low In a conk, tank, tab, he. with sus. To be hat
a , .
rof Fourth . and Market a
A P111.:11 , :i. Bell and flaw Founder
15r” It i berms/nid commenceberms/at hi, nid stand
win,. he will be pJrased to see tail old enainin
,- and fnenda.
Chore), ..rhrambout, .4 Bell• of every viro, from 10
to 10,11111 younilm, cort fmm patter., of the moat opyrnv
etlmodelt n..a roormotle4 M be orthe best moterkals.
!Irturra , Water Fallipa,Counters, Rolling, rte., toge
ther with every eurletty of lin. Castings, a reqUireal,
W undihnehel , in the heoteut manner.
A. F. fa the lade reptietor of 8.4.110rey prii•Arrao
nog tilet•t., to Pre ly celebrated far the reclaims, of
friction in machinery. The Balc• and Vonipouttion
con to- bad'of Min ut all times. Y—
. Al on - onalatilirt LTrre - ry Siabie.
IiQBERT 11. I'AFF , IRSON isrra opened
the lage ruble on Flrrl rt, ruutting through
api , to Sedond at, between Wood and Srotthfield
.tl., in the mar of the ittouougabela (louse,
end, an enurely new gab of trooma and Carnage, of
We butane:Ant' oAd !uteri LI) to. horror kept at live
ryits the hi. Mantle/. iYMT
4 D 11
T' AtNYS'dN''''
t... c 4 1 •ti ‘ : r v 1 , i - 41
‘•,:,_ - -N- --- - ~:-.8 • 14-4.7",- z - , ,
~r .FAII7P:t•iti-17.4 • - •
Ol'IJ Oil 'III . IIIVI S ,- r ,-•-•+- ,- -- - f . . 10 e "-•- ~,..:1
• '• • I 1 II ti 1A N.
4N fSIINFNT and anpinlenFPAPPlrilinini from the
FAA, and ydars manning, acorn In Mixt al/ cwt.
6.f0 Dcncnic Nardre wuh pronapnacds dnd PeniddY•
' Old sunc..oh in Fluffdlo and Perte dinm hAa
provernfill. HL the*. nn moderate, ..1 hie
pusdrpennanprtl.. Old ended of Olen; Stricture, Sere.
lino, VIA& A ltda, Ethanrnatiarn Ardei,Syptall, of an,
thrOrtie or in 'mien. care!solicited. •
A core apreamed, Or ehtzpd rdfanded.
op,ner, Dish rtreet,U doors from the 17ndge.
Tdein E troctot ddylPdto the poor grand.
. .
. .
N. If.--11 , A. 0011c101 the worst cum. of any ammo.
iaritlebireestscop.. . split:thy
Improvement. In Piano. -
itimixs TILL: subset.. isJust remit me an
assorts - neat of /Lams from the factory
of Mums A. Clark, N. T., which for
emnon of emetic's. beauty of fintsh
atd anticriority of loon and touch, mepass nny Omni
a vor Moonlit to Ibis city. Mr Clark. of the above
firm, long end most favorably known as aw former
.for on thecoioton ua
sited Plana estltalanent. of
Jisotediwood. London, lon meanlyJUlVravoa and per
/newt the Mauer of Nouns le. Clark. N. T.. to on no.
a euterincts, u tqueallonably, <mules them tote my..
IsiNsin of biotie the very hest a. well as ice cheap.
Piton,. to io . gut in 00. country. The lot now open
ing, emus. will, ilio additional recommendation oi an
onprovenumt tu the style and Lawn, which males
theta al onse the wort elegant nut tasty thing tree
brought out Throe instruments, together with Inct
stuck ou Inind, form the mom et tonere. variedwid cle
bnable assortment rum otrerrd hare) all of wiflnh will
e sold et manufacture. pricer. 00d On accommda.
tine Moms. I/ KLF33I , IL,
at J. W. Wcodernlrs, NI nowt at
N. 13.—The sulmeriber will be fund al dm sewn.
Acute from 11 to Ig A. U, mid 4 to 5 P.M.
jail 11. K., tole Agent for Nouns A Clark
Wt '6liare ratuo - PIIIFFS., made an 10 naprovoo
pl a n, o a s not to the coldest moult.r.
Personnels/nom, such enacts,aro Instead to Gotland
aul wawa to oCALFE A - ATNINSONIt,
0w1.5 1.1, bcswooo Wood Until sts
''''.,4'' ^i,'--;'. '-'.
, v '!•!'''..:?-5i.,,...;4,.--.,,i,?:'
•.-,..- ~ •
Chocolate s Ouneoll. *dor
W. Baker's Amen.. arid Feench Chaco Me Pretlerr .
ed Cocoa, Cocos Fauns Lemma, Coe. She kn.
TO merchants and consumers, Who would purchase
the best products of Cocoa, free from indreliertinon,
more nutritious then tea or coffee , tuntitiqualitY
passed, the sutweritrer recommends the above articles,
inanufacureed by tumself. and stamped with hrs name.
His aroma and Cocoa Paste, as delicate, palatable,
end salutary drinks for invalids. conveleseente. and
others, are pronounced by the most eminent physicians
mistime to any other preparation. Hu :tumuli. tare.
arevsay• side, or any onantity, by th e most re
spectable grocers eastern emu., and by then
r;o " . rt .' o G C r. o ill: . 11 n o
( L . i r r j ay ;Lt sense
Grant X. Stone, r hiludelphie; Thomas V irrarnbge, /lab
amore: and Kellogg tc Bennett, Cinelnnan,
WALTER BAKER, Dorchesrer hies.
For sale by .01 BAGALEY & ShilTlLAgts
W roughs and Cast Iran liaLltna,
sultscrther. beg leave to infirm the nubile but
.11. they have oluained from the Near all the late and
&shionstile design. for Iron Ranting, both Mr houses
ant eemeteries Pe rums wishing to pr.... land
patterns will please call End examine, and Judge
for themselves Rallies will be fordished at the than
e* nouns, and in the best annumt, at the earner of
Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny coy
aug . 29-dtf A. LAhIONI tr. KNOX
lianagketured Tobacco.
A 4041 BXS Gentry 9. Royster's superior sweat 5 Ips,
s - r... 7 25 do NI A Butler's
10 lir do Price & Ilarwood's " " 5 0
21 do do do
25 do do Pearl & Harwood • 5.5:
14 do J Babuyan •' les "
57 bf do do
23 do do Win Dawson
33 do T Wright's
37 do G Anderson
9 da L T Darlo's
5 do R &ideate. " " 8
9 do Rateld " lb "
Just landing from steamer and packets, and for sale
41 north water st and Id north wharves,
(e2l Philadelphia
EUTOAtCII-7D ba htE *Joits
it Sou's aupenor sweet lb lamps.
75 half bas Webater Old 111.5`.10, •111/rlts• imps
21 " Lawrener rainier Os
YS " Gentry to Ronorar " 3.k5, "
" Dupont (de la Erma/ " Sit "
u " McLeod • es "
45 I s awmuce Lander "ss& G. plug
Jaw landing from steamer, and far sale try
41 N water at and 16 ?I wharves,
nry2l Phliadelplua:
W. a J. GLENN, Book Blisdireva
lark are soli warmed in the above busininis, earner
9, of Wood and Third streak., Pittsburgh, whew
or arc prepared to do wry work in our line with des.
paters, We Knead to our work personally, Rod sous.
factron will be peen in regard to its 'ilestriess and da
Blank Books ruled to any panern and baual sub
stantially Book. in numbers or old bookatorind nre
fully or repaired_ s
tarp ou book. la gin letters.
Those that have work oar lino are intited to call.
Prices low, sayinif
ue VING sold our enurs stock to C. R. Dunn, tette
JUIL • new to eloUng our old badness. we hereby ea
ben for him thoparronage of all our fnends and cos
tae:dee. RO. %T. POINDEXTER,
l'aubtagh, Aug, 411; 1048.
(1 11 URANT. Wholesale Chmeer, Conarrnaston .rLd
Porwydtng Merchant, No. 41 Water all moll
-- -
Scales, Cooking 810 w.., Grates, &e.
OMO/ Liberty and Wood WOMB, manualantre
and otter for tale Plauorca. Floor and Counter Seale,
of the snout unproved quality; Cooktng &oyes, for wood
and con 4 Egg Moves of wanton also., Parlor and
conarmou Orates, Hollow Ware, to- kr.. Tony al.
amoolitoutre Me Kitchen Range. winch bas pre:. mach
general sansfactlon to-lame banag In as, to .11 or
whaoh Hwy would respectfully to the attenutm nl
We cis
ad the public. gooendly. oct27-dtf
would cab the at of the cry trade uttl
dealers generally., to Om following brands Tobaero.,
.tote and to arrtse. whim, bemgeouslgnments
reel from inartometurcrs, Sc a enabled to sell LH e•st
ent preem
V. I L,. Y W Cranahaw 5g
:5 I U James Madman I.
NI I Lam...tine 51;
I/ I" Aliralman s*,
•M " ratnara 54 and 1..
15 I " Roberts* Sown 5,
N I " 04r. Burl la.
" Jaen. It Lewis 1.,
I "
J Wanmck supr
to I " Ilenry amas 5, Is and "a
. _
. • .
JOIIN WRIGHT & Co., are prepared to bauld Canon
and Woolen Maclunery of n'ren doaeription, mea
. carding Machina. Spinning Frame, Sp.edem
Dram.' Frame, lindaray Heads Warper, Spooner,
Dragon, Prunes, Lamm eartl Grinder, do rought
Iromanfting tornml; all wars °Mast Iron. Falb,. and
Hanger. of th e latest pattern, that mad had Loth....
arab:ads oral kind.. Camila, of every deaenption
furnished on abort nonce. Patterns pole to order for
Mill Grading, hot. Railing. de Steam Pipe (or 1.2,
kW F4..22.2, Cast Iron Window Saab and mite,- Ca.-
ungs generaddy. Chders len at tba Worrimuse ol d.
Palmer & 00., Libeny street, will have prompt anon
Baer to Blackstoek, son k. Co., J. K. Moorehead k
Co. Hi. E. Warner. John Irwin k Sons, Phut,. ro, U.
C. it J. H. Warner. Steubenville. _ pant,
•• • -
ikx A. tvinvE aft-, would respectfully inform
111, the pdhlle that they have, erected a mum on
Larock,lmtweea Federal at.d Stamina y streeta. They
ede now malung and are prepared to receive orders for
every desenpison of verur,ea Coach., Cburtora, Lta
roaches. Hamra, Ncl., &c, At—, which from their
toms expersence to remoufacture of 1.63 above work.
and Um fertinlet they ha ye. they (rem/it/cm they are
enabled to do work on the most Pft/.13/111bk. torn. Intl
wattung arories in Weir hoe.
Paysog partmaias att.:mon to the
se/estlion at moth
and hostas none but competent workmen, they
bare fie o—notion in warranting their work We
therenurs ask the attenuon or the public. to this matter.
N 11 Rupturing done in the but mumuer, and oe the
moo reasonable terms. iscar.
_ .
I Kits. —Ha r. fr made *evangel - ews to a con
stant suppl, of FACTORY PINDINws, • wth wit
at low pates Colt and Sheep Hoke Nuns, lace
thee, Reiter, Heed; Shuttle*, Hemp Twine Treadle,.
N 0.5 to lb hlatt Punches, Wrenches, Stripping Cords.
I,t to IS in, Putout Dresser Brushes, Weavers' Mush
* he. Ac I.tM;AN. WILSON& CO,
my I lug Mreet 'street, Pittshomh.
PORT WINK. —Oatey, Webber a FOrrester.
Pure nut, and dry. Gould. Campbell & t ouf
dry 11:13. llabouru'sllo4, Pure 1:40. Pure Juice par.
ureTer Poo, Harms &Sons, Pure Joie, threttle drotas
hie and *logic Grape*. 'Ouse wines are all selebre
ied lot thy:, meths. oroperues, and cameo had whole
sale or rettul at the Wino Iles. o n
. • •
soltheriner offers fin role a large end splendid
I. emanate. of rosewood and mating.) . greed Ac.
uon Mnas, sith end withoot Coleman'. eelebrawd
:gotten Attachment. The above in.truments ere war
ts:aced to he teas] to any nuthothetured in this reen
try, and win be sold lower the , any bruagLt from the
Coal F. BLU2IF, Noll 2 wood st,
2cl door shove rob
H—City Sertp wilt be taken at par far • few of
be above enactment mph F. H.
lllarlviarev—CrEiliiiii — timsCE wen
.L° AN, WILSON le CO, Import.. and W.W.I.
hardware, in wrdwure, Cutlery and Hasidim -Tv No
L. Wood meet, above rifth, hole now in store • very
ebony and well selected stock of Hardware, imported
since the decline of pficcs in Earn.. sod which they
are determined to sell correspondingly how. Merriam,
with have imen in the habit ago* East, ore puttee
con tequevied In call and look tktough our stock,.
we fidently believe tbey_will save Omit tape..
fcALT 3ki.Ss--36 doe gotta, French : i
eery elltele. A fear doze. Philaderis
m., from 4411 nsumfaatory of II Crawfor .to
which the aucnuon f boot makers is invited. Just
received and fair sale by W YiJUNO & Co,
feel 142 lawny at
enentntelll 01 Cornelius & On& celebrated manu•
facture, and ...nor to all o •th in as, adapted In
churches, r‘ete6 4%/iwelliegv, pub fie and
prtirate hells, and to In other a as wh.e a cheap, safe
and brilliant light L. desirable
Also,Hireaditlert, Hall LanttrucCundelabra...Glober,
etrinde., Wicks, Chinon., Cent Telleinteet
Gea Chandeliers, from one to funs lights.
Jerk W NV WILSON'. If market .1
V oting hl EN in wholesale end =toil snores, aril easel business, in act as Ltoot-keepers, hales
mesa, Posers, Llar-keepi-rs. Waiters, Fanners, Coach
men, Car Apnea, Root. and Slap Agents Collectors
Overseers al all brunches ni buitinesa„ LS. We have
ai all Ittima a lame number o( good clla one *filmed,
which pay Gore :WO to IMMO per Nina.,, Thane in
want of alleluias of wily kind would do will to give
a call,. we ha ogee.. an each p( the aL et
lics.„.sele.ce will u. to place every applicaniose t
a stainable Ottoman at Use Wariest notice. We hare a
large acquaintance w all We alarm noised meal,
which we Mat will enable an to give entire satiahle•
eon to all who may favor as with a cell.
TAYLOR h. TAYM AN, No. EN Sectind at.,
Fowls d bay.
N. ll—Fenno living in any pa betweenrt of she 'an
U. Settee,
anal wishing to obtain attention in Baltimore, or es.
alter of We above anion, will have their waists brume
deadly emended to by addresses! to a line, ' goy-peal
as by as doing they wall ennui( both troolbln nod
ortonb they b theyotherwise would incur by coming
ity, end seeking employment for
Address, TAIr LOR A TAv MAN,
No.GU Second street,
Baltimore, bid
n.hiciszr FORcaemPs. _
V V the mewluperroved Engltsh pattern, furmahed
and recommended - by Thom. Batmen, Pan., and a
number of eminent phyalelans;
EC being o. most consent.
one apparatus for the septic.. of want or hot wa
ter to the &motels, in ease or cramps Cholera. As
evel7 Noon le mance! Co sudden mocks, no family
showd be without at least one.
ju7 Rot at. between Wood and Mark.
MEE - Sato. &salon of this 'tumuli., under the
I earn of Mo. and Mr, liesnone, for thepresent
academic year, will commence on the lint of h.,na
ry tkerl, ln mow buildings,La... street,
A rrangement• itave been made by which, their tall!
be able tO furraeh young
facatties NSW Le .07
In the West, for °Naming a thorough
cal, and Ornamental education. A full course of Phi
ItsopMeal and Chemical Lectures will be delivered
during the wiener, Illustrated by apparttus. The dr
parent,. of Voce] and Instrumental Mende, Modern
Language", Drawing and Panning, erilleach be under
the care of n competent Prtifeuor. Ey close attenuon
the moral and intellectual lomninrentew of Molt pt..
c. POtteirmla hope to mem • cowman. of the
patronage they have hitherto eativOcd- Fil
1a too cf... or apply lo the Poucipede
be. Iltiotiiise h. 'reterci
THIS ta chuff that purchased one Vild a Dr.
MoLade. Worm dpeelde, same two °Moths ago
mst lava to a son of none. some Berea years old, tato
=steam fall, and although the mammal on, appear
Mtge, /emust no doubt but Mere nes uperar of
from dim,
00111 au gamer. of an ' i n ch to tw o Mattes_ ken.
ase's Crook, Chtrot no. Tenn., Dee 11, 1847. 0.911
114F-CRlVERVlRkritttaiiitinieni t tl_ ands
ditW 4 :40444 , 6 4 .01. 6 44 4 444./4456.... putontS, and.
pos. to auttwarsbasent and clawp ton ."
, ebased 'osg, lit ade
040410nftRatEtunkrdeinst. 5m.:4160d. rot-
Aliastnistercenptlel , Itta at , 1 ' 45, t0... 40 64
Tapestry . do Vbs..
Sap Royal Ilittaidttit do ' Topsail car den;
tiSitiiTs ' etts, •
Extra nap glplyi, do Ilignwola do do
Supernal, • do C'dendin 64.4 K
Extra cop Inpain 'do Tußeil do
Superfine do do kintsecht do
• tlntimeiti . '"go a- qtr
44, 2-4 .
i Tsp . * Adolsid dotto do
Datao Stry n
4-4,34 &•4 IsisPd Vs- d •
104 a 'Fda Ai b'sed Pi.utanners
nett. dz. 0-4 'Ad 7tibla do
4-4,3-4 & I plain do do 6-4 wool do do
Cotton Ingram do 64 worsted intL liana do do
Jo Veneuan do Brain Glair Buds
0 -1 cotton Dragger: 16-4 ',polymath cloth.'
124 woolen do Slats Lunn .
64 do do 0-4 tabld du ' •
14ttglidtTable Ltd cloths; Diaper do
German do ldo do do Ct.&
6-4 Mot Oil sloths; Elnow-Rcoy Napkins;
1-1 do do do Crimea ?loath
6.4 do do Jo Par& do
5-4 do do do Um., do
4-4 do do do Carpet' Binding:
Saest Oil Clothe, of ne*Tranernt IVldlow Shade"
Tapestry pattern; eat to it
To ths above we ant .40311/11117 resolving oar Soong
emrPeoi. otlClohiutaiul Steamboat Tnmto inn
which we melte the attention of all woo a-ph to fu r- nod, tbelr house, or stmenhoato at we will he able to
odor goods as low as they can be pun:Sawa at LW
- East, and oirhe nchest. and Igo*•t /tyke. Coll end eg-
Airtime our wank berate purciututs eestvliers Wars
hot., Nol3 Fount et. weltZ - AV. lil'e4lNTtali.
No. 811 Wood &trod,
WOULD eall the attention of the public i the:
preeent stock of Paper flanglags, which for •n
beam.; of finish, durability and ebrapnens. I. an
stammer! by any establieinnent in the Union.
Be role. • large aad full ansonment of paper of their
ova mmufactore, th ey are now reecavang a direct tiro
portunon of Pronely and English Mien of Paper Ilan/c
-log, purchased by . Mr. Len Howard, one of the firm,
nom In eferope, comm.:La of
Parisian numufacturc,
London do
Of them nem manufacture they have 100,000 pies.
Wall P
&a. uked . , and 12,00 U pieces satin ginned W1.13111.1W
Masora. /tunes Howard fa Co. have spared nedher
expense nor labor In thew endeavor, to nerd the cam
wall paper eambliahmouts, both no quality of man
ufacture .11 varmly of pattern; and they are warrant
ed In assurlne the public that they have surceedad.
The whole assortment, foreign and home manafnr.
tore, wilt be offered on terms ns low as those of east
ern manufacturers and waporters. nerhgt.dtl
N V i t;i . :ooelll , -_ le—At ZEBULUN KINSEY'S, 67 Mar
i dov very high bark Shell Tuck C0m1..;
" low e
et "Ohio high " e
11 narrow beaded top " a
" fancy tap Itatfolo "
Wen.. cam. Hord; 7o lox rbnl l .Lide, owtortrd si
zes; 30 gross corn hors Sole; 3 do 4 Mien Arcumg do;
13.d0r gaffed° do do; 1 do Itaitetfon do do; ho do boat
English Horn, e eo z S Sent Ivor, extra uvv, do
S S. do do, to ',sal; le grow XI hoe do do; I do calla.
Cleaner, 0106
.0271va lealota. wet rowel
en.Ltaxa,.p.msien s c 0.,.
Dideeessors in Matey. 11.na_
le ,
1)A Ng EDS, FIX.O RANGE IIROKEDS, • nil dca.ors
1) sn Forcurn and Domestic Exchange, ecruneates
of Denositc, Dank Nona, and Duccio--Foarth street,
neatly opposno We Dank ot Putsbunitti. Ourtent sun.
nry ree, rod on deposile--Sight Checks for sale. and
colleruon• made on nearly WI the prineipa/ panv in
the United Plates,
The highest premium paid for Forelgn oud American
Advance. made on coning:meats of ?rooftree, ship
it .! Eau on /theral terms ap2
EAT I'M 'PION— vAillinig l4rtilAVE - 1141
rJailler reitcz.a. IAsr•ST 1f4 0 .1.
Patna non-kw rzter-swo Tkats, .94fiGul, Buracus,
Book Case,, Wruine
LEVF.R 0f wßoutirr IRON.
Mille. TABLES far Duro/Ism:On every other in
of the kind now en/I
act They cant , el
eaded from ten to twenty-floe feet, and when clowd
the leave. are all contained inside. 4 they ere tnadr 10
mxt, and 'hope., end ore adatErably adapted for
Steamboat, Hotel, and large private lanulles, font.
Wis. elated o e. town, table.
SOP AS I ND LIUFLEAUS—These arneles are invak.
nahLe. par . ..Leman,' to tante who wish to econo-
Wolf room ; and ,onierl; apartment into a
ern orting mote. k• they can be opened and then
at contence. and when 'hut. beddlne Efl enclos
ed. A areal suring in room and rent. A the bed
mead, when cloyed in rte twanutul pteCe 01 fltr...tdre
Cur 2!161 . Of stizog
1300 k CASES.. —A damp,
end natl . ., aruc.E. sar parlor
Brainwing ream.
WRJTINO IJRAKS—For I.v oißre., rourvan myna.,
and v., tobrr, .• op<ard a most collverw.nt
perecrl Peat m,id Librnry aloar
All Mess ante., need uo reroninmetbutott, the
In let me wee e they am warm , ma mit re tit
out of repair. it will be Mr your Itttetetti. in coil and
examine the articles, at tee mandfarrarer's -tofu, No.
KlThinl street. Pittsburgh. /ii addloott to the above
advantage., they are
mettle JAME S ‘l,r Writ ID NELL.
i remora Gradvated 6altumst airr..yi and Pcceas
Imsulated Parr for Illetheal qsd eqorr
Titz ,n a r the only. e
to thin wntuof the
ntry n k o ltd urr u c itt
to sf w e r ner
I purposes, hod is the only one ever known to man,
by which the gal - same Raid can ho conveyed to she no.
mad e, tin ear, Me brain, or LO any pan of the body;
titter externally or internally, in a delGese ironas
sCream, lent:tool Cheeks OT pun--with perfeet safety—
and °Rau wan Me happiest effete.
This important app t. tow lushly approved al
by many of the most eminent physic... 4 of Mu eosin
try and lamp°, to whom the Witted and °Loon whom
it may concern eon the reigned. Reference also
be given to malty highly TropCelible entrees, who into
',eon cured uy man. of Uttermost Vaillable apporw.
of some of Ihr roma tiervnesdimordor a wh ic h
roan' not be rentored by any other known means
Among various others, it has been proved to be ad
mirably adapted for Or cure of the fehowlng assesses,
Itls nervous headache and other Mimeses ot tho
ss wink dos apparatus alone that the operant can
convey the unagtienc duld with case and solely In the
eye, to restore slet, or mire WltattloliaLli LO tan ear to
restore beams - , to Me tongue and Wbor argon. yr.. co .
Owe speech; and to the vane. pant Of the for
the mire at eibmnic rocumatism, anima, imerattpa, or
tte &doomed, paroly., or palsy, goal, chorea or Lti.
Vitu's dance, epilemiy, weak lima Imre sprains, mine
dtseues peculiar to reinalog, fort.CLIO.I uf the ]min,
lockjaw, etc. WO
pn tio , y , ts
, for w carro .
i and n i . ejt u e . oLo t, Oe . :: y f
, N , Ve p le c l . l , :% anal
arm, tested for therein et disease..
Yell be
us e , • 01 be peen for Na rancor ehetai
t al. to be used for venous Carcases, and the best man•
nerfor opend, for the eon of those disenees
so betally eZplanied to the porch..., and a pamphlet
taut, bar head , . expressly far these carp..., care
fittrar4 b
/rine attention of th it e
pubhc respentruny called to
the tellowing cern:mama:
Ala B. Cann.—Having tested a queenly of liOld
welched by your A reometer, I find the result proves
your tut correct; me. rectueraeurd the oat, of it
to those grimy to California. as the bast method for ob.
tenon lin real Tanta of Gobi Hem lour,,
J. D. DUN - LEVI, Gold Dealer.
Pittsburgh. Much fr,ISCC.
Premenart, ?Jamb 7,1049.
Ma Easirio—Doar ellet clammed the 'A rep.
meter,” manuracturnd at your roe., I do Z. cy
COOll4lMa It UP the am of those gentlemen who are
about removing to Caluarnia le search of Gold.
It gives apro
close pxenation to me specific purl
ty or tootle, and will cettnnity rooter tee sexed:arm
ID amermin whim his placer isyielding Gadd.
month Tours man, J. R. APCI.,Cin . POCR.
INDIA RC*UQ6R CIAYPHIYR-I.Joni itecaea for me
California Kapeditroa. a moityleto asatrunent dr
time Elastic Clothing, mu c< ring Rom bado
1111.5oRie miter coin, pants and bat. ang For au', at the
linna /lubber Depot, No I Wood M.
deetdi J & II PHILLIPS
O(JOT Rlin2RlVElT—"itroe moref those DO many
celebrated Ilstiobsenh Piano., usedconatontly by
xst, Thallierg and ob.iir great performer., together
with a large asecirtrari of rosewood and mahogany,
of my owe etaimfacm.e. Tee above lourtunenia are
warranted Is bo pen, m every reapers, and wilt be
wild low for rash. P
deals No 11l Wood wand door 'Warta?:
Par Canforoln.
PRE celebrated Ilaienl Ride Powder, in keg, malt
kegs, quarters and runs, for nalety
bib/3 J tl DILWORTIfiyr. Co, T2woold xt
Dry Goods Jobbers,
/. 99 WOOD STREET—WorId call the rotation
of hlerehants to their large .toot of Dome..
and Forrign Dar fIOODS.B. receistng from the Im
Manufacturer. and winch they wall seh
at very lons rated for east, ' or approved credit. •
Our stock, ta .w 101 l and rompleto, olla wen worth
the attention of buyers, to we are determined to sell
at tuck Isktreenery low piece as cannot fat/ to make it
Odsoratro k e merchants to =Ant bti/ with
El/ 1.0,11
k , —5O dos Spode. and sibo•
kJ cols; 40 do &Gator Forkr, de do Gralo ethovol, 59
Jo Socket tlOi Axes Ilatebsta, Mattocks and rick.
Bellows, 7setea,ke., , for solo at rantudardureo p ri er.
by .ori GEGSGCGRAN. 1f 'road o
THE rabectiter hoe renstqi RIO.V
ed Wholesale Groro.
ry Elora to the Corner of Ilazeo lda
elt atrert and Alle
gheny ttriterf, next door to the Perry House.
outT7axlti JOHN P Matti.
e emus,
Manufacturer of Mineral Water Appardlns,
wow or rst oarorii &tots oioi totimwri,.
No. 113 North Booond •1. above vine,
AeN a/ of more then twelve year. in the
tuoufractorlog of Mineral Water Apperatna, and
preparadkn of Mom! Water In Q.t., ,:).1 e 01).
tains, en en extent.° .tale, with a saienddc no/ pnic.
Ilea' knowledge at of both lir... of
thee with recant lawrevesnants in the earlier:retied el
the /wipe..e and the preparte; of the Wu, r, whorl
has h. succeeded in udlopuna once hL , voiL lo
and after yen. of close stud; and practical erpb c ,
lions as applied to the in. in Alechanice and
l a j Ai "' err: couttier, ne e t d r" oiler ' t4ril t rniet ' eft ' n
Most ea:deplete Apparel., fur the marrefeeture of hi.
eral Water in Bottles and Four/mina, Out can be—fur
nished in the United State..
Ile also dunces h assolfthat the enlarged success he
hu nail rim, and :be presentesseassve and daily in:
creasing satsuma of los Misuse. in Loth the above de
parypenta rurtlishex the most convincing proo( of his
aloha lathe mparmrity of Apparatus over those of ail
sanctn and of the panty and mlahrity of the Water
prepared auercurten.
Asnmoos ache mace Apparatus from a dissance,
may is :assured that Mats inaltuotaons shall be laillmula
arly ias, awl
so lto packed so cry slle/y
maser Ly land or water any purl o as
nh, ar
To scold Csuppossisment, is Is recommended to tbose
who manna supplying shear •:Lve• the approve hasp me
ws, lo (onward lima orders /0-11. early a day as eon.
aluterai Water Apparatus, ljeocrilms, Pampa ana
Founnuna, Onsasnomot Unts tortd Potionsla for Slaada
flaunters and /Sara of Ilwela for drag n:or Hydrant
ard, simulate with C. 6111, awl Tying , Alneldnes,
aad events/dna apporounnus us the above tuattneata
coustautly on hand, and (or sale oat the loweas terms
POI talk, dpllblesalarn
. ~ C3v~~:
DR! .'ljeoku
t.rikEY Wt'—W. Mosterr seal set thefoltove-
Isig Rummer Goods, at reeneedveit - - '
tineraMlemev, Dur=
T• Houne
Ilittj, al largrancriaph' thsh , hih - WW.
• • demi
Perm. mania&agty ohm, or any er
Mot Of Dry Goods,'lMlTllll - Vell to call at northeasi
cortmr 1:44a Attut rkat . 41 0
WiIITE.GOOOs-rou klurphy
v hos a largo assortment of above deals, lately
it d, nu+ as pliin , White ?Sans, lege per Pe
LTt'zr2c.„th' F ,e'''lll. 4. :o7 l 2, Mel%;
mare Striped do; and: , * genire Roo • tof
99:44 ssh us, plain antifittureet= E4B-
R-ht. 4 7llnm ester 411. h meet sta.
amens up stairs." , ' 1004
71 — LOPEPIED—A. btrem tkers Dek ' Wwa
tabhtunont h av ing be b een opened on Ftutay, July . Ott,
All of their stock h dleaked tinll be
berried at We Fen= tiagains....Purem may de
peed upon .coring good. at LOWER tkArli6y than
ever before. •
auss:!•:is 4,7 A Olirtrl..—Trke lorge.l aartonent o
Emmet. Conreothaer clientele dos lay, 1..10
at he Nov Carpet Warettou. or NY. No
Fourth st.cbmprialhe the late. nee and at prices lower Mum .
wew -
ell who 11.111 BT4IOOO elsewile're
Fiala-yr., .14 Chia
ry tofu, butlA.'nogt. nn•
LI.EATI3N & ColaTrunnidiStore,
.1.14 'mirth irt
10h1111101D16117- - 4orsted ponerns for unorriami,
14 Piano Tibia
,Covers,TralolanyLßogs, with
a real gouty of wat/ portend.- Also Worateds of
all color, sbadoor by thr-potiod, ounce, or alreln
(or sale by apl 1 Fif EATON to Ca, 111 Fourth at
SECOWITSUPPLY—W R Murphy, tit ntriherw•cor
-10 og of 41.1 i rod Marker antes,. tow n open his
ogrono ,
supply of spnna soil moaner Oa** •nd boa •
large woortment of Dress Goods oroorsonsi styles, and
swple (foods of every kind, oil er latifelloardi ho sold
kw, y gra,
1111 W 1191104, 1849.
ENNIIDY & SA WYER, cargo, Wooslaml Postith
It. meet, ore now reeelvlnfr direct Schram& hood;
lug a stock, of Fancy and Variety dead i; including
Clocks of every sanely, gold and silyariVatetass,
Jewelry. French Print. Comb., nook. oad
Move. and Doviery, Suspender; GuirCapa, nod all
other article. in their Ipso—all of which haring neat
purchased pereartally of the truutufacturßro cam, die.
nag the Wet winker, exPrearlY for DiePopring trade r
Le laid wholesale rata 'mall ailvanlre onroil:
ConWontry Oa Lund, alldose/100cm df Looking Dhow
es, of our own fannutarllartng, at cuter,. wares. rats'
1. CI,ON KINS111"s, Of Market street
Iwo pr. fine China Vase., raid; iii eel twat and
cut velvet root Demme; 10 fine 'civet Ca et Bag; 20
do do gent a travehng; 100 groanßangy as k Bono
far dnawers 10 ion Nall Washes, data; 100 gro Gee .;
hlk Vest Ila,na, aged; 230 do do gilt nod Rioted, do;
0.3 dos rtMeßnod IfeHilrualse4.4 do Wulanghro do;
I do Barbers do, 3 gro Fish Idnerl Fists Hooka, Lime
ricJEk, lee.
WELRY; 34.—glgoldlever Watelscik MY do de
tached lever Watches; 10 do Lopittel dot 10 fine
mond roger Rings; 1 dos Gno - gold Vert . 0 4 rob
Chaos', 0 do do Caunlv; Oria2t run, Mager Amp,
Ear Mee; de.
ISLOVES, frc.-1331 dor buditet Cotows Glove; awed;
am do do 1.1.51 c Thrwal s D. 1 1 ,7 top, deo 1 0 . 1 0 goon ' eilk Glow, 12 do do kld d 0 30 do ladtea [M s awed; 10
dodo fan, op Wig ' •
vAvigtv GoODS-751,Lrt Waterfeas Pine; aoo.
Loa Cohan Con* 13p. Pope? histallm , 5100.000 ribbed
rv er .r et
o teritC , ap ir, : r ; kaalg t re i s , d . reas , Plhaleteira.t: 10IV .
io con pier
5 800 do
F. 11..R.eroN Mare now opcsups their Sprays
stock of Trlnatalngs, mph/login part of Man
tilla and Orton Fringe*, catripc 'Wad' .4 col/ Silk
Laces. black Flounce Laeo, thrlflona'Brilla Domes
Tronnongs, gavot, ladies and ekildrens plain and fan.
cy ilotoory, Shim for oleo and boya,Coadsclsorir and
other Fans, Yam, Spool Comm., Neesilos, Tape; Bob
bins. Pors, kc., 'Ouch they offer tor gale, both
wholesale and retail, at thfcTrltartilaS Suva, Pk Fourth
smirk overtone Oland aka Market •pli
PliElsl.l 13PRiird 00005.
Nbacklett & White,
DRY GOODS JOBRUS, O wood street, ask, the
attention of Merekaata a itch Malt d AMERI
CAN AND RAMON DRY GOODS, now receiving
Ofreet (corn ben bands.
Receiving minds, auppii= of first goads thrring the season, nod devoting 6 11110 OW. of their attention
to Miters Auction sales, they can confidently lisinre
buyers they will find it to titett latctutt c
it etc stock.
Jam received. fame low Jae, at new aria Dem
Goode, Peery iPrinu, Crunneeret, Clears, Sonar Gberk. Lance, Mine Go o 1n,.11 Linens, Tailors'
Trienninne end brown ea blenched Sheenerrsof vexir
nos brand, ner3
Notice toDlgiy yr; Arilsta.
rt.rtre rrteited a innall invoice or V iNGTLAEN
new co:mu - nett.. Those Instrument. mese" great
ad vantages over W °them ever mulch covering a 2-3
sire rime, reducing the umc of sluing eaoholc. and
producing a .darpor, clertrer and better defined pie.
tare limy, therefore. deiceve the artendou of all At.
taus engaged or nuandingto mime in the business.
Prom for we Tnbe 61`h,.
A exert.' atone:tan of Voistiornuter's jolly eel,
bated Intaromente. of ell urea, well as Daguerreo
type hlntrrials. al the levant rater.
I't.:TER .4311T11, Chteinnoth Ohio,
4 oar let
thortad area for the ale of the aborelnatturuertis.
A Lao( Prices can be gloated by addressing, poor
pant, W. tr. P. LANG P.ll
Inverters Oflrlanaerntotrpe Malaita., aop
d General
Aran. for the ale of Voielaeadethr Optical bona-
Dana sattax&lnta
. . .
TORN FORSYTH, Merchant Tailor. has omoood
t) ta No. di .Hitler scree; ono door from ...Second,
Th.lliti for past favors, he ompoetfully sohells a
onntinaanee of the patronage of his fanner customers,
an 4 likewise the patronage of as runny now ones as
art of the onto stripe.
Orders six Tatlorinq bon enornand In Me most
Gislossmols manner, sod wink disputc/4
Also, a fashionable assortment of remly made Clo
thing. of all kinds. Cheap for cash, of eoutro.
Grenlemvos' Punishing Good. In Alt their varieties
atvvoyn oo hand, rich or Bain, Bosoms, Collar, Cra
ats, irtock, Nc arts, lsoninry.SesPoudons, Pocket
Odkiti Glover, Orsomm r timlarellas, &o. &o. An.
I -01 W AT WESTER/4 -.----
I 17PAtt"FORY.—The anbeeilber take. VAS method
of Informing his Mend. hod thiepablie In general Mat
he ha. the !argon stock of the following named arti
cles of hu own manufacture on d eity—odaddlea, Har
ness., Thinks and Whips, all of which be mitt warrant
to be muds nithe best material and by Melds, mech.
notes to Allegheny coun ty . Iteito,gdeterreinedto sell
ho••amotonart ore. something lower than has been here.
to idal by any ainalstestaislishotent in thethy,
he would Loy , . Pee...! to heed of the above loomed
articles to hie tvorehouse, N 9.1244 Liberty motet, oppo
site Seventh. Also, bend. Made to order for ninibinc
rY. oet3thly O . ta:REt v.
The .main boat A. NIAS4N4
now runs from the Point, foot
orlsatoerty Street, to the Gua
rHeasongt. at o'clock, A. XI, and
at the bectrunto4.or etch hood WWI 9 P. H. Visiten
may ref,. On Endtoog thebeid it the boor. She leave.
the teonicia the lest op trip. at 10 o'clock.
The season Is fast advuneing, and those wishing to
+tad this daliyhttidetreao nous i s the time to spend
lone boo, not /II the smoke and daskof the city, but ho
pure amospoers, perfumed with .the fragrance of
Alt hind. of refreshmenu. except intorlenung &mks,
ara het. oft the promise.., Greenhouse Dtants, and
Bouquuts or choice [lowers tor sala ClOAled on Om-
prg-Change of leading matte m asmunt of low mm.
9. D. AGENT, '
Foram:dreg mud 001/111111.110IL Mer
chant, hut removed to No. 17 Front, betweert Wood
and Dmithfleld ittTorio
S Vt.:ROWE/GE IN ainw,..t._:—
CoLta l l 949
Mr. R. K. ?,lien:—Pour Vermitu bo o to l d well,
emitters been high y spoken of by a who have nsed
lb From the success attending the adstunisslotion of.
year Veretithge in every case I have heard Of; I am
confident I eon sell more during the coming ammo
Mon 1 did lost. I will be glad to receive mother sup
ply 014 or 5 grorn. Yours, respectfully,
„LF,Groct from letter" • R. CARTED-
Prepared and sold by PIE-LERS, - 57 , Wood at,
and toll by druggists generally, Its Pittsburgh and Al
xi - a. hW/A I IttAiGiaho ctarriPlGATl•f'll)lll
IMiNfi-r - Tlits etsruke, that minedostely alley
hav,egmended my bibther , "
wrist distil of rontemption
in Manch, Is4l, was Lam tick with theConnumption
or Liver Complann, and Woo reduced to low with the
.ILse.A.o, ilia, for fear Frani i won unable to attend to
my basin., enters. nt boom or abroad, hemp (or the
olOot now. conlrfted in my Md. ' inning thei them peri
od of ?me, bad expended (or medical Mendmee o
regular Physicians and otedlemen,a o the a..., of
s3lx s without receiving aity • benefit Iherefrons. In
July, 1041, I commenced taking Dr. Jaynes Medi
cine s, and hive taken limn more or lean ever since
and behests that it was ,IrY persevering in their nse, ,
Oat I can now truty my LOat l have completely rem-.
vcred my brobh Ihellove that Jayne's klepailve Pills
NJ Expectorant are thelem fintilratedsentes now to
reside An Spratgficild, Otsego county, N , and
care) to a lataams nod otschltat Oro" in Mu place,
and am not totems.' in may sumo.' in Use rale of the
above meth MOS. 1111 d make this eertificate tor the hee
-1 efit ot those artheteal. • FIAJAII RATON
Surtnefteld, Y. Sept. /6 144.7. jet
Or. Rose's Celebrated Remedies.
fDR J ACOB S./ROSE, the discoverer and sole pro
pastor of Move most pepular and beneficial mad
ames, and also the inventor of the celebrated Balm
meat for Intisung the Lungs, in electing A emu of
Chronic diseases. was a student of that mammal phyki
clan, Doctor Physic, seam gradotte of the re/Verel
ty o(Partnsylvuutn, sadder Lturry your. olnce bas been
ear:aged in the insestsgsnon of diamme. 'mut the appti.
C ation ol rem thereto.;
Taranph the use of his iriOnting tube s its conheelma
teak ht. Prophylaeae Syeap and other orbis remadles,
be has awned an mmeralelled eminence m curing
ttasse dreindul and Meal usaladtes, Tubers/War Con
saturants, e.t.a/es, Seroiales lUteamatasts, Animas,
Fever am/ Agua s Fevers of all kmals, Chrome Erymps
les, and all those nit Ablate diseases peculate to females.
Indeed every dorm of disease sunlipes under the use
of hisremadms,to match taratturty her -.
rootby the
use of. one coutisonnd arab far that is lacenimatible
Leah Ph, side/gad Lam, MB by *amid of Ins realm
adapted to and prescribed/Or grtert pet/dm farm
of dasemo.
Or. Rossat Tonle Alterative nu, when used statlra
rartahly acknowledged halm sapertor to all other,
s pargstme or hoer pall,tnasmneh as they tears the
bowids perfectly free anstcostiveness; es also his
Urolden Pill- is sartutted by the faculty to possum peea
ltar prope rue. adapt/ad to female &senses, but bent;
satisfied Mat o bon mat is suificlem to establish what
has been mtd to ma made of the most seer/devil
The nfilleted era matted to Val epos the sgee; and
procure igrmuAi one of the lkoeme's pampAk , o, ,rt.Ag
detailed secoact of cactirenitaCy wants appneatteute I
Far sale by the tol'owistnenm, no melt es by,mase, I
Dmappsumbroughout the Cfllllll,}l
J eichootaimiter et Carpi tY6W errata, Palltbsrgh;
MTo vett d, 411/lash 4.3 Mirk. at a
Lea 41 Beckham, " uent the
lley IL/artis,
y,2. L Allei
2 e
43 elyr, , J no Ba ot, Eason Va es e ßeaver et..tit/a
T Adams, Sesser/
NO2.', 2.
S R P'A It 7 LL A.
Weeldee 3 11histili if tie
Gaerr orb` Milord& -
rwsnreht WPM ep.ld Queritettlet; It Is ak dike
chasmq plettantar. maki *ann.* iliptdol. 110
•Pld (scam itletbq b MO.& .111.•
mkt oe'debllitatley tee Paint
Ttue hetat beeney auath.e q : ead momenity eefelde kompettee
ongarau.the body. ll home of dm miry beet
ammo mazogrea.
eAtt lump ;It on, only parifleCtlee • nu m up
etremphinittbet Itremettme, eerhed i
heed ; • pare* by terattl &elk
ann goad mem of it. nondinthl mete s k
boa rad Orouittd . t or.tinna•
to Pate
h aeltamemmembietedlaesrable. It hasemel the
ie... et mote tho lUMelelktrat the them put .moan,
ooietyp.eseey tor litapal Debility tub •
itaereY lettreput
Toeme.e:Abetellelie . U.-•b%
y. -Tetherae mho hare kat tendrils.
cepeizr erecTyt m elp•tetof etelleSge, oriedieneeke
or UM ereeterke belettue• et the
yemotekeed .Wetees. byphystmel:rattatime Um,
tam. Insaitada, trunnuon.
evince premien* deny zed letthek. Week, tessera'
that ( mht dee*" C. ceitto teleclyretumel
by die Omani remedy. iints...ll. Cu aplin
ma to ivy
tietrIGOUATING 111111=111/.&11.
Miretabla e
rn rota.. rim eatelY
Innbn and nrart.l. to ths iathntottOrie •m a
emmendlemy derma
Cosestlerpeiete Ctimie
Chum pi &Merkel! . Cleepearptheteme to nest
Flereechitie, Oesamptios.. rim amtintat 044
Ostarrn Ones taboo Beath, of BLINK 501..11
fig the Chen, liertio, nit% tfitmee Dila& or
Prof.. Erpsdarilfro, lois he the Sifkire., lass ego
melee. feared
Tostittiani—lea* barn ltett
ML been the mem, thread rt'enridastee, of ! e i lVik i ;
Ufe. hem LA mowed yearnind Abed Consit. he.
dame worms and none. At La Weed !VP tmtithnt
othlood, had idebt eireste; an n•ii TreAlly dittelead
and rodused. and did not overlap Ctn. Introm*
you r nen ohm bo l a
and then /we • noodeditl
thutre hose ...en lam how thhp m weilk ell
cu). I rein oo Wood. and *Mk W halm
t.i sec nett intagi. dun tin 16, them mocha
"Too, obedient ninny; •
nth CLASEAt CACetheflehe.
TltexAsealy pea, et eilltrelbsia fear tbaer.ead OM ef
Rlisomatem that Di. Townworaellaraapeillo Immo&
The mart eareriairlehrook air:were ereeklyaredicated.
ey 1. extreardieeo virtraroe .._
Jamee Comarioge Eat. arre <I'M. weratorrtela the law
at. amyl... Illeekarelf • 141..1. • iials= now
hen ofus the Callow./ ke y .
Bisarselle Sqt. I( MIL
Dr, Toweeawd...-Deergirr I bwr ld etfihred terribly Iter
sine leers with the aberratetbertreerosiderehlr al the
tr. A .
time I erreldreat eel. deep or walk I lad . der
...of parr. cod ley Drabs Mlle ' walk. I
hare used foot bold. of yora ..d they
here done UM Rem thaw Du d worth et
pal 1 am se meth boton.....hred.l'ea entirely Fa.
breed. Toe are at litmrty . to rue Ws for the Weaker
the 41..47 Yarn, raepeelfh.L am
Float Fire!! 1 / 1 0.111"
Dr., rat been WWI. gireapanlie he
*sew arr., of ream, severtweeraeroated . end we*
surprised se the fehowitor frau am eatellhfout mad
rerpectable Verner. Werteleister Canary r'
rodo% "pm LI.
Dr. Tows....l—Dear 81r: I n
lurvatelolkabi„ mover
yeara of are, .ho has bee/ .enrol Perri =brad witer
tea; we tried elem. weerrldah for Iv/ but
encase r et bee. although we maid liad,ao neracerarrode.
tine !a year then.n fWr cases like here, we therrhkr, so
she was iv very deli.ta health, we . 0011 hr, are..
71 yourElmrsaparDle...l ere very tied we did, Gait eat
3aly restored hes stron hy boasie - has had m. reeve of
the Fite weer avut ore +ad rrorria.. Sire b feu
beriardt. rarged earl ,frw which.. (eel grerafeL
T.'" '
"". .IC ' VI 81M11111. Jr.
. . .
Feaale Nicalasitifi
Dr. Tow oreorrs hemorfarilte la a ahrereils al=
to I...pine Caoroalsorare Ihrsagnma.
C gm, ea 14111 a tha Welit, COStilleets; Pole.,
id...reheat ar Whit, obethrobed,..e.ol4ohlleroare.
.430, la...mei of urine. otbrerrleatori litotredr. •
11.reo( ted Cor the gerneria - pret.eatheo of the ere
.lll-..c0 natter eballer ite 'Malt el Wel.= career
. _
citum. yudertal bY knegabinty, ilbseth o
Nutmeg easi be wore veep teleg theely. bliVO=l.4
fee. on the hneeie hems. Perms all wethants. b.
Undo, flea WO., It, at ones become robed and felled
new, under
to tallest., it iteneedimetranodsrann
re , yelnasneee Of th e Pun & Itioste.whinkbt tho glen
i4lrreneees. It will mu be thpeend of ea M
ot dab.. • new, to Wad unlike.. 04
cu., performed, but we can opt. the eglielett
• huu4rediref care. have Leen upeintel to Us., Thom..
ctho• whale funnies have been Mtheicridlildren,
than s few Whits of th is invaluable Medinneplinve bee.
blee.eJ ,th Gee, hcaltly ofrnpring,
Cunt Ilibeelmen mei children..
hi. the Mat elide.. eliketall medicine' for partly."
f 'Y.... nod relieving the ailikeringuantsind.t mem
Mlid.both weer discovered If strengthen. both teas
t aide. child, menthe inthwasee
Anil enriches the food; those who have third I 4 thimlt
b Inaltuathable. It le highly Mier Mellinger. and
lithe conheinnent, as ityromat Mosses Witham ape.
abilitlarth—in Cullum; Pyle.. Cnenu p Peening of
the Peat Despithdeney, Ileatther.Veddilag PM Le this
Buck and Loth, Fake Beim Hmenanungla main regal.
one dm secretions end equalising the circulation, It has
uo rood The peat heathy of AL tk Bb at
we, safe, and the met delicate the le men teeethr
full very few men milt. any other .00414... wins • bale Castor Olt se Narattegansl Remise
la the open dr, and light food with this undid., win
abreyt teem • thfe end my unkthemint.
Beauty mud Ilauttla.
va • *wady arataataa gar
rally In um wtnta applied to the face, easy.. spoil It
ofa, beau Tben Moe the pore. et the AI. and check
the maul... nble.h, When riantuliamit liudthli by
&ace.e or ponder, or she skin Lamed Intl. Malls.
usesl in veep., bmitigne its prodonion le the `ho
mes face P.m." wed/ ea be the athdentif rich mad
debcately tinted variegaml dower. ofree active slid
Ledthy air:dation of the find, or Merlin of the
pure, rich blood, to the em thalsehleli
the countenance Co the mod eiquislikibennty. h Lulu
which invert,. the indescribable &aged aset mss. of
I..eltunee Ikea all admire, bu none ma &ma. TM
r...? 1..1. ~(11rraixig of nahrrel—motefrilit.fer nu,.
If there u, not thee and healthy chieslamith thana is no
ta-awry. If the lady is fam th driven sittow.if th e imam.
and use coaninles. aid blood thick odd wad im
pure, no le not beantifd if ath b bums or folio.,
and there 1. pare and actleettlood, It4llMl • rich bleu.
to tha ace., end a Imilliancy tai them Outlet Ls fas
Thia is why the noulhern, andupe ally ladle. anew one► gee Spassith
admired. Lulle. to cis theth.
mks but.tatle eserelea. as armeadnedin elm room,
or here eroded their compleatha by the application of
delaterious mixture. If they wielt no rep. iliktlichr of
sivp. [mount rphita sperkling_eyth and beintlfel com
plestan. (bay ahobldi nth Dr. Tthenmer. Sthea
rhoupauda who hen mind It mu sou than
d elighted. Ladith.of area etatlcat crowd :one .40.
Nodes to abe Lass
Those that halt.. Dr. Tolramatda Doraiapiatana.
iimariabli tailed their irtuff a veal Rebuts/a,. /maim,
fic..4r.. mei Woo copied ear bills . aid <mob" Adel.
!nib, complaleta of *anon, 'need premed—other •
be pat cp mad_ ate, bat. all
, .. dm groat comma
of Dr. Tom:medal Daroaparilla compliimti Drtideat to
female.. Iscalancmided Dadra olifimitVlifii4O
oat: A amabor of dome hfilatoroi; „
omc oal
aim tetra:olra aa taor meant. dlikassi Wad itodormioc
(14n ems motion.
TM+ certificate ceeelltdryly imam this iht Ilisnop.
W. haserfect manual over abO moot abalmni &mom
th p
. 1310 A
Than. fersoulgared in au
.11 . eym. Is me.
Dr. TUrassad—Dear Sir t 1 hens She pleases es
form yen that three or my ehildi o buns an
cued al
Scrofula by rho assi of your ateslbist medlebss.
They were allieted very sulk* with bad Baru ; haws
mkeacusly "bur banks t it Sash sham waselte whkh I
feel myself under vaat obligees.
Very 'up/kW*.
Sevenl tbausind chiblletuu dthem
i d la tDie.his sky We mum
who sued' halal.. saved by nee( !h. Towiessad . a Slaw
uputlla, aml tikew an Summands of stab= who aro
now sului. from bad tents and humant—othen an
and weakly—ertsb nakishasistad s *SI sinks awl.
luatamou .4 sauna, if the y disuse Ob./Weis hie*
probable. Dr. Tow autul's Sarsaparilla will malty Ws.
It as prcullarly adapted en Whims Wf Andet l seurtiew
Boer, and abet, dilstrad with wake, 11.14- a_1 1 • 11 11 1 . 11, 1
bursa., and and.. 'ton it 'dais*: li' War r 07.211
sad Clllll the Must.; Dylimeary iaa Cholera' •tabu.
We trust theta b ua faller math. who IQ* perno.
Was or inhale. as to dept.. or
their Childs. Sw •
of oh.. Invaluable femedy, whites will einmamy menu
•hent to health
• ,
OPIMONS or nnriamars. .
Dr. Townsend la almost daily modal* Odors l Photirtaat in
parts alba Unind. •
T. o Certify that we, tha trade:Amok Plpiciass
af tha Coy or Albaay, lova ha anmitionsitaaan ptersibed
Dr. Tonasetter• Sarsaparilla, .ad bellay. Ilan Jae ono of
tha moot valnattler,parationt in thermal*.
11. P. 'PULING AD.
wpm*. AID?
• •
A. 2610011. AL D.
Alban). April I, 18.11 . . P. S. ELMENDOEIT, tl. D
:Da. of ReraoraL—After thh first tifilleidectarr.l6ll,
Dr. M. P.Towngtondla New York OZ. orillibe In tba
Pottui Umtata Charcb, No. ED otoatt,,Pbleh i• wow
aolleetioor • thorough done, and will ho ated for Ina
haute atettentoodation ord.* propriaenee notilthe potato—
Toe, Notice.-No Oaslapar4lalo tbe geom.
tor Wed vaginal - Dr. Tow nmast. Satetaparins , voles.
.fiord lay S P. Townseast
Anotorthe—Rohlate & Co. No 8 State atrial. sad Nee.
P. Kidd,. No. 108 Coen anon, Booted; ettion.l Kb" ,
.1, Lowell, Henry Pratt, Saban; Jamas B. Govan. Was.
caste, Alfoote& Gault. Concord Sala & Boa Pr.
Ind ler Ilrarrie. add Harahan" patently
th.intiehont the Casual &tag West lolles. and oh. Cs.
For bolo by R. R. SKLLERS, ftlo dAmat for Fitt.
burgh; D. M. CURRY, A/by:boor A. PATTERSON.
rmintbann. .• • ' ULtEdyl
umm, Coloothtmaeo.,(4Afttlfl. lGlk
rill D. JAYNE& . gem-4. m e t g..." sod the adlieted publte, to Imrs.ffilds op
portunity of giving publlelrg lo tl , 3p
ypg, E.p1ft,15,411n Onlyself. , 11 , ibeed algletmi
for mayoral ream wp.b seem* • beetle aver
and Its eonewaltam and me oelll doomed
fo linger ooh a Merl bat le exisloomittmll the
fall of
m tgle, totted - , .Ipolog *bre seeerelg atMeked, and
haying oiled to Oirslf Rosier tmki, lad tea p
.ctiptboos altlfer Of lba flflasi rtrspelelleglipbrdeisna in
tiE nrighborboo4 wishoutdaththg any
canscilation naltriag huts few talks; meets at
fardkost—whed 'thet lam gleam of tome.wgeolvat to
.aerdalo had reenetweeeed to markt Zepeeloram—
and blamed bithm Being who date . alkthittga in the
oft a alputlitentnu7 IDA! :maw tageosof
my pkgalelatut and Le/M1 Ina few en. niece
from my bed,
.44 woor4 b.Tg. Moor abonlO,
*Mild 04071410gritii baster boa au'
!" 1 . idA mt
tt=7-re 1 . , k A!
Fee -ate P1:
Fourth Wee:
=it • 4
t: ~,, • -;; 7+J t4'•4l'l'.-1.1;:'-er.:76-'
ayt~~:H~ M ,~ ;