The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 30, 1849, Image 4

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m4Avelnoaintlow4 Ni "'
11E' 'TM A 7En. 0,,t. ', l't>nleyj win
!....;e.n, An./ Mor.ltot. Ntr - rtinbday
r "1.9' , '111:012.r.ut 111, and ague a 1 VotiourA
fo' 2 111101"Amie at t• - ticlo•lt—retarn;ilz, loam You
low?, 711 e41111,111.areday •r1:1 Sitfirday I.riluzal
P. Of., ma
.440C11 IleAver oate CO, the mOtttsw
ALLlXiiiLltlr CLIPPEII, annexl;l4 at littstAlr.
12 cetock.7. , I
liA FIKA IVA f'dpt. Ilnainin¢. 4,1/
ka.To lieoicirrurulay, Tlauntday tied S.tijrany cfre•
tot. u 0 Pi 31-rr.orma, lewro NV•i:
117 e 4 limul•*,,tod II eVcIII3IC. P al.° qi.o
ting w, } alt MOM', boat in, Pot ,, oro.
Tb•ma prtp.l4,, art 41,1 up ,” Otoplet, ord., lA.v.
2, p3...411ger5,
Islay relritonrc puf. , ,ellty slid great davatch
tn.', t, l
Mawr Iro
1. A. D .1[01.. : . • ouh,town
IL. OW. Cooto.,zttain.-(:vatic.Tba elesofrit plrarner. ALLEL IJ CLIP (:vatic.PEß. wlll
leave 13earc1:;sly ni A. AI., autl , httsuon-,11 at 11'.
M.,nzag i.,
sneost,u,cuon ;clo t
• 1849.
e., Cleveland Parisarlnt.
Canal klarket—SWALLerte.
IQR Of oeitio,, Packata laevelleaver every day
(flatida2a etecpted)and arriva next moraine to
ern, adlettltkey cattail. walk att ,•,toaar,,, for
Ak a nd athving at ete r l of the.< plact•
bef night4i . One of theparsiv. lertive Warren daily
at 5 OrW., 401.1 at Beaver in Mar in take :he
morn{ boatliji i'lesbargh.
CE 8 LEFFINGIVI:LL tr. Cr 4 Warren, pm
J/ 1 -kITAYLOR., do r
, 7 ' JOIIN A I:AUG/111Y. Aarnt..
_eon corner Woeoothliel,l ant
aSUM3 1S41). "--
C.. 0117016 A
R. G. Patna Beaver, Po. y. P "T"
HIS L ., will he preps ed ot, toe fn,; of JA:O,
om •
frets et and n
e • ITtIIBURCO. CLEI, ELAN Arlo `ar,y
the Canal anildless.
The fulLtican( t the Line are upsuria.sed/nredneer,
avalu oral eallet y or Bon., rzprree of dant/mi n
nd celcioncy 74 Avon
One Boattleakeal ittsburge m ail Cir4lau‘t Jail, run
ning it connedtion vrith teeonenmer.
Between Fenalkrgh and Ilea var. tied r
&cement, Propellers and Vevvelv on We Lover
Aswan—WO Parks, Beaver, Po. • 7
Jena Baldwin . Vonog.toirn. Ohio.
MIS Taylor, Warren,
Cikielard k Chamberlin. dievelana, 0
N - Lim I. Griffith, Budnick, NI y.
I/N . A. CA UOIIEV, Agent,
Office, eor Walar a ndimtLficld st ag Pan/nage.
lach2lly •
Beitliqdit PACK/C.48.
Steamer MICHIGAN No.
LAKE ER/ E, Lordon
MIZE strove rrgalur and wr:l known ll,aver l'aek •
eta, have tbillMenr if,nkr.olF, their dady trips to
and from Gest ,ier '! , nnunne :0 - run Ilturee:.
Pittsbonri t turd ,tre.4r dur,ng the uakon,
follows: • a.
Michigan It 2 lear-• daily 0 1 011 c k,
A. N., and aver at 2 o-ri m. N lake En .
leaves Beaver /illy ate 0 , 0,0 k, A. Itl..and Plait:arse
at 3 o'clock, P. Al.
The. manikin toll run to eellon
R 0 Parka' I.ronn . sor,) , .rte;
Taylor & ..rr,n karketr.
Um. Line et Praia at Boat, lor veine d;
Clarke &CoaPaiveurgh and Clevelerid Lane Prc.get
R G Parks drill - TM,' Cu. le
CLAIM ike Co, Beaker, Arlene,
JOHN A. CA C1.111'.., , aecne
,meo3l _ , ; Wan r and s'autefirid vt,
q 1111.: Prorinctocci;of tins r,nb na
I 'duly line. ectlinichtw nf N N rit o
hr %raw., vr• -u”noic
Uon with the earnt hon:c 'St .\ V 11: :0.11 Li:t.
COPE. are el. WW to oilor
thr coo l intrirleimii br 41.1
opening rwa.ito, to al/ the I i
nNlCaniti snd 01o4Iihod N ..r • , nn nI • nod ihr I
NI. I• I rcil c,;.et.,...AA.;
A. Ilk 01:111-:/I.
iP J. C. 111 I/1VE.A.14.7':',...L'‘0...'"
W. ,
& BROTHER. : 3.1 wP: rtt:l":',.,"u",,:::".7::Lcu,',::, 'ln'. \ - I .': t :
itsiturdin! airrcliants, • pt ..,,,., Er.utort...c.a.,
:BEA VER. It! . • t.,e /1..... y., ev, t evey, 1111/11,1141, ad, the t
Agnst.r for the Ptit..6org, k er....,,t 7. , ..-1,....N.rn• . Pit,. vl.:-...!t:',:lt":"''''',l,s2:,`..,"':'''::.."""' 1:""'"e^;:,„
4.rgh ood I, ''' I-..^ +-''', 1,- ''' a , " l ./,' ~,,, ‘ , ll tun altr n oo ' r . nti tory .t " .....; '".. l•ity ' t:t. u;
Ants Bearer anil raid. Cope. .
~.mi no the 1,....... or ot N.., o a 1., .. u . h , •,
Having yorehasiPtt , tar. 1,.1 eutt.tletW Wtort •ttote the moo roititorm,,r ,1,11., .11- . r. l
Boat mat badt for tt, Mom I'3'6e, t,ti . • , 00tteli to ~ ~ .. 11, /...1 .,11 1 •111 1 1,11,, 1/
will the adder...La ll at 1 :11441/, 1,. 1 , 10.13 111,1, tir. 4,14,1.10 l. proprietor.
rommodat met redr.,.. , ' .orw art.. t. So t HI.EII, PA RA. A , '• 11. ...,
pledge thetr ouno.t . halentito. ... •,.., • aipt h ~•,,, JOIIN ACAIt./I E 1 . A, 1.111-1,.,1,
in consign...a. toithetr ro , -..t......; .ot thr 1 r ho-h...
for • inal. ~orirt,..i, IL A Itotl PS. •-.lns C flarrt-ot ra
i. Itudalo. N lr
PITTSBELLGIi AND 1, ILI F.; 0 N E. . C Al Reed. Erw. Pa.
C C 11, ack, Greenvale, Pa;
11111Mli 1-8•19 A.,....4
• APParianti and Km, }{l4.• lii•ild I',.
11, •• et num., hhe•ft.tturgir, P.,
W I' Malan. Sharon. Pa.
D C Mathews. i t ta..t. Pa:ON TOE ERIE EXTF:NSIiiN CA VAI.. R W 'Cuunrnfllto.l , ,.. Ca.lle. VI .. /
%MP. Preprtetor oV thi. molt known L...te of C.ittt. VD
I IM''''
' ‘r"" r;:rtFirt ' Z ' i:,:
. gt
' " q;.t7,- " . ' o h t:antu. iost" fly ;;-illt - . AMMAIII
Vora Cutlet. and t , , , , ,
terms and with de, lob.
II tR Cl. rilitEt:l.ANl./. H. sit ilit., AND TII
This I.n. run. intemineelion vrttii the sWam boa,.
BEAVER and CAIIERI .POPP between fPut.b.iry It " ST ERN Crrir-S
-aoa H aa „ r, C HI K Sr, i.,,,, n ? ~,,,,,, h a m.. and ~,,,. t I , IIE Propr.tors of this 1411 t have pm on N , t‘tv4o.•
se/son the Ihthe-• sell the Troy awl Al whirno Lai, -1. and it , ' pr'l'or , in torward Pact.., of .1 'I
•t r.riloo. dat y ut the low,. rah,
Bolt Line on thr New Vora raiint
t'.., Itt !111/. I t ro, -, E-ie. Pa ' J. c ~,; , 11 '1:!.I.. Age,
Bidwell A. Brengt,..,,Oth 1 1 .IY, -
Ri tut . .--tt• . t,, ti r ti t.,
'W T Mather. tAkkoi as J Ale.t.tinet... P.t• .c.r.r,r : o ,
°ls o.,Monot• , ltitat.l.ureb. .
C.ONSIGNEES—WC :Ratan 5.t.t..0.. J I"; A , fill.,
Bt. WO South tgp Dowtoog, do, Jli huninier.
We... Greenville; Wt. .I,re A i'o, do. WI. 11.,
oscra , i . a ,.,. . , „ 0 ,,. ~..a . , :
. o . ~,,,o cc, ..,,,,,:k 0:16,P...f7.7-Nglif.tEN'ldCon. eTiti,t,temto':ritT7:7,....„
on Jaa li: a in.trime. Lair., 1:41..trd .t. ,
i j i.
trnm au, part of Enc'.....!, 1r •tand. t,ol and t
%Pate., oyott 1trt.1.1.1 tames/ wry,. woo uw.
Newberry, Sheboyedig . .l. Cl*, h. Witti...., fli tit., a- I ,
Aunctuala% and atintuton to tor tV.tlll. V, 4.t.
kie; Ram; Morley Allot.", Racine. -loan 1.1 kingid. , ',-',.1',..'(
..,,, w d , t . . ... ..'
C 4 iC.SA• A Whr'.q.'• Co. Y e ` v rt . rb' ' ' t t'' , i'.. rotZfirrtht:..wietit'ilt;:',!'at7tt:a"tYtTlC.7.l2...r;.,'
Pittsburgh arublitisirtvilla Pack* 1.11110 , p..rts, as w, test, merge of tbein Ite ri,,,,,,, o , tt,, , , ~
UST) port them.etvcs • • and see to Urea '4 , 11 beteg a.:d to
• • latiit t -patch theta wttltnal any L1..1011,11, the fiAl•ltitt.
1 1, t`lllll/ this (mirk:4oy, 11111 we defy one ot our pa.,
SllssE pub.,: sr. r4t ,,,. .. , T oitormed shpt 1 AI, . e..-r• to spoor that they were demoted 1. , hour. I.y LI,/
Ji. MARSHAL!. Sg, U. Lave hued ..Hew awl i 1,, verpool, who., thousand, of other. were detahh,
splendid Packet ttnetetlo rito ductng too 'tett:too, be• I moot., until they could be ant .1 some old craft, .1
tweet, Blairsville tuaila.t scrtt -- do l ltoo- , , o ,••• ~,,•-• 1 c. y rate, wnieli too frequently pr0,..1 their radian
ed by there horse, - loci, ram, mode to., acre.- 1 ., , ,„,,,, t , y, „f orm 0.„„„",..,, ~,„,,0 „ .,,,.. c.
MOLlate pybengcra. ;% -
,awl It usuy, 6111111. Pet .1:V. lltt rat, 41,, Itt/.111.
DcP.Airrra.. -I . 3 o.A:iiin. ~ ..v, l' ,-,,, Y , ..,th ether officer..—who either periorntad not all, o.
Mendel., Tuesday, Tharldny mid Friday, at 7.'eloes. ~,,,,,, „.„,,,, „„. ‘ „„„„ mc „„ .
V. Y. from Illairevtifo.evelY AltutdoY, Wc dne . "). Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for any twin from II
,i ce
Thursday and Saturd4f, at . o'cloet.s. 0 , and amt. c
~ ,,5 „ ,,, p„y e t,,, e ,,,,,,. 0 ( 1 , „,„,„, 0 , „„„,.
„, ir,
at Pntsbargh the raciFtty. A L.,. un,e track tram r „,,,,,,,„„,, sca,,, old .t. 1,..,,,..
indium will meet the at al sansba reit, Loth nu up.
ward and downward . ip—puttlog ya....-i. ers . th rough
European and General Arent.
from that place in onelday.
• MAI .7.1- nn• door hetow W..... 1
Freight for the sboiß.Litie nil I, Treemnd al the
house of the Berattnerritl.lnr. by 11m. Parrot) h. eo.
who are our authertmillAgent.. All trught recetvm
free el cotami•sions. 12 J ll MARSH ALLA- C...
-INC PA MIEN h. Co, Aeon,
Canal X,, , ,,,a, Lawny .0., Piti4o , ch
A Back leaves Blatgagllie for Youngstown...GO II
arrival of the Wt.:ll—re : 4llH to boat la 1140/IltPtt. I.
from Pittsburgh to' ougetOwn ed—,errved 3itt offir
of Boatmen'. Lin- 0111,4 ...tilt,.
intliiiit li•G 11 IN . + i' A JAL all. 130,r 111, A
. .
ati=llS Y : ' 4sl
For lA. Tre.,,,portatka t'eight to awl Jr.,.
07Coirxon, Pitisbertib.
cans old can:Mashed LinejterinK now in 'Opera
jthe proprietors]dre prepared with thetr t u•nai
extensive arrangements:6 (Jrainrd mcreltundiae, pro.
dace, ke to and trout thhklnive pert, on Itherartermo,
wiW the regularity. deapitch and .tirety peculiar to
their reale trunsporUitinii 1.0 obvious, vrticittran-f
ehiprnent or. the way is i , nrlted
API consignments by ft. tins line tee...medic her.
Fes paid, and de
t try retteired directmits free
of charge ter eotainiis .4. .:. , . vuller. g or inn - tier:
No interest. directly tre e ti y, Abesuri.alF.
All t061.0111/Icationa I,4knpt! y attenti.i.d lo co applica
tion to the following are*:
THOS. BORBLlkilif pt. Philatieiph in.
OIXINNOR C., Notth Belomore.
EMMA 1 0 9. 't
11/.190/11Antir TILARISPOR l'A. PLO ki
PRoPlittrTokry 4
Joan Ibitanast, Titus .
Conducted on ..trict Sribbeith-keePrnir
put IHE1 HE Proprietor. of tint este bli,ned I tie tore
their .tort tot Mr complete ord, r. nod or, , I roughly prepared to intatird Produce and blerilion.
Mee to and trout Palter,
We trust the, our lotte experimiee in the earti•ng
business, and rennin. atte4"ditta to the snit-reit. orrl4.-
turner, will seen, to us 4:eotttitintre and tor
of the patronage hitherto eitiended to Hinettenit•
Our arrangement., will Citable os to c'erry
with the utmost destinteklitsul our prnie. ihan idsiays
be as low to the lower, di:111,1 by utDer fr , pontlible
We hove opeoCgl an orbit In No 1,1 P.Litiet rtgart,
between 411) nod sth au, for tot con .rentimre
of ahtppen.
Produce sod Morelsandtitg wlll I.e terctged andlor
ormclod. Koat cod Wect, wittamt any char, for 'for
warding, udguttetng trete hi, "range or fOlll/LIAI.IO,
Mlle of Lading and eget,' Mt - repot]
promptly attended tn
Addroga, or apply , W?I IIINI:1 IA
Canal Darin, ear Idtc-rty
'4INt.IIA & 1/01.:4.
No and 210110nel •ttect, PLO•diL
jAhfitcl WILSON, A gent
No Ln4 North !foulard earn, Lirouroom
WILVAANI T 1 cd./N. Agent.,
t No 10 'Wegt Ntreet. New York
Morchmatall Trasiop•ration Line.
/PRE Cemala and Rau 111,44, t.gang now open, and
!batman, with prat:m.lo4ml de.putrit, and 0.1
good term... any other Igac:
C A Illif
on h
NI N:n a co
Canal B.MlIn. earbmgb.
Ammers—CllAßl.Rß RATISTO Pltdadelottm
ma] Rberb: mon 11.11. tr , a
frii, yI va • Can - 44... llatil Road
premnyaat PedbkOt. Line,
imam 18481.M.46...
FROM rirr&BLIGII To 11 1)U/tar-LP/ILA a LiaL.
(Exeltreively fogPanchgen
MOE public •re nopretfullt: Informed that tht• Las
will commence mooing Ott Me 1:411 ta-t. and roil
wine thranghom Seamell •
The boars arc new, and orka.mmer,or a , wch c4b .
barged eabum, wlur4 will per:Vona. r rummest.
can &mrtle IMMO Tolulrli coot,
A boal almayr be In phtt, and rio I , ers are
quested w esti and cc AMU. Lefore ngoEing pes
are only nine dollars tbremth eve Grim. boatgqf
a Lind vnll leave the lund6lo topcoat, I.
!Mel .(Perm
. crem aml Could. every o,bl 01 111/10
clock Time day.. For Worrnonna. opply rb,C
Office, MonOngsbelc Hem , MP , co 11 1./..1.3 It
Mehl) 7 Canal
i :
3 •
• d ••44b.
4=5 . 3'33
7 • 7 klicatiii-nr WWI' LINt
leagVlMllaA t • .
, ranox. Ohm Slay
krm o o t t u R. K setter.: • I think ix right forth.; benefit f art
TO PIIIL.AI:Ifr:LYIII.A. 41ALTIMOR I; k. NEW ' • """ e rd.ion to your exeelkor *
rhe publte dm: tiler are prepat, r. • ~c '
Award Freigli with despatch. tit,.
They %would al.o I/ ale rot •nli,,r I
trara ua the t that .he t,•,;
tr , lptpelrtat...., art oa..led I.y tr., at mow by
pert,nce.l 5..,
Shipper/ of Meat 111 11.1 i syt!l tole adear.tliey,n•
• , hip 1,, Pat Lily, a. the Yul,,erthery ve
ratigeitients =i Columbia to have .0 , 13 i I , 8. , .
Imyytled directly li me I.nato tr. ear, th , reby sa
vine surei.cru.e.
Fre,. la Philadelphia ems dear ,heouel
43= •
- I aye
No chart.. made for rettoring.http,ut a,ranctot
harter. KIER te Protr,lnr,
AGE:WS—John A Shaer Jnn Canna /k Co Hallman, J... Steel Co. I'mlacle,-
pllta. Eraang A Thom., I, l,ntabi,
PMSN s VAN IA CANALa It. ItCrii) - W,
1S 19.
j a gnaprgA ra Pitir:ie;4 to and
.Leinenveiy for l'n•.eneer• I
TILE , I , ln r b t, / m . e m are ,u.
r e r zr ,,t nl , , II rnf~~rmeJ Char ILi• Line
'the beau. of tin. urr ol
enlarge.4.,nnd Cabins, vrhann will R,ve
aver Pnr•
ststwat will always he trt port and mtveirm nr ,
quested urt call and gain them before meat, pa•
sage by otter routes. They wilt leave the landmg op•
pocte the 1./ S. Hotel. eon,. Irmut Army, and Con •
every night at 9 &Meek.
Tiose-31 Day,.
For ioronortoon, apply on tho o r.
7klononer ß,,,. t. •••
House. Of CO LEEOif & Co. Canal
S. H.—Toe propmetorr of Me nbov, lane are OW.
building on tuldatormi lane of Parket•, to rim N. O , OVO
on or about Jam. eormemion watt the l'amms -
ennia Kati Road from larvet•ms, ta maarrin• at
timt mot km sr, iravr for
ine Time in rough. do any.
IS-19. ft-Alac
For thr trut.r.tfloanti ut ticrt.h.r.ttette.
1117 r w FEN P 1 1 {LA OEI.I'IIIA ANL, r ITTSU I
rico] to four .crtiott Portable Itoa. ovcr laud utttl
te, —to .htttcra o Incrrhathl:ce rryttrtt. careful
ttemtlitn, this of t otottahce Ni cuarg toth.le tor
P,CI v .nz or stupplog, or for wit/WWII, I: here, A , l
forward, with dt•patch. amlou reasoouttic
term , . as tty wry other JUIIN
Canal Hamm. Penn ott. Pttchurgh
mar] 21 , 7 Market A .54 ittrontorce ot. Plena.
!MIN McFADF:N k Co, Forvrarthug and Coutoh.•
con Merchants, Canal klastn, Pr 11.4 Plttsburgh
JAMES M DAVIS at Co. Flour Factors and Canons.
010(1 Merchants, ta Market and Al Contracted .ton,
ll. j rXn A „ d d " o7a7r r .
18 4 f ) iErt :ZZ
For llaarrtatlle. Johnstown. Holltdayatoiralt, and
all imermeMate places
F i t Lane Ira! continue to carry all y Good.
wire thmr 11,44 deopatch. dod fa.r rate. ko
AsArn--0. A M I ANCI.TV & Co. PO.ol , urrlt.
I) I: Wakefield, Johnstown
Joint Miner. Ilalliday•lough
nanaaxatn.--Jtime. Jordon. Smith A. Stio 'no. 14 /'
Shoetiberger. It Moore, John Parket. e I' Von-. Ilona
no. Co, Wt. I.rhater .k Co. /no M'lJetr.:• A Ito-.
Poishorgh, Joint Itory, Saran, NlulltoPait
brad & Co, Illmrsathe
CNlnal Puc ken—S V. AI.LIrIV . Car Ford.
OCEAN Cpt. la attar.
NE of the alonve Pru-kr.t. Jou,,,vr,V
czca.p....l, a. art.., NrI11114•111111
Warren, sanern they roma, noth 0.1, ,taar.
Nam.. sad Ciryetatnt. arm?, ta earh , tt r " P''
:. A
,tniore ta
L. ;41.. tnte • r.. 1 .t.
311, J urr:vr at I:cart— „nut to la,
uro. ann. nett/alma! tar I • lnalturra
Ctli' F., .1 wmr.,
13 . 1 L.4IE,
131 , -11. 1 1'.R AND L 1111.: I I A OK KT LINE
1.1,611 }. l ll - 113. , Flo," .1.14“
' Faccrta,,
Tl, above ,;.,vv;:,2
neruk,nr,.l ' •
~.1...................:LL.E01111N,YH.,V.,,1:111 B„LeIND.,:t.
~. ..::,....1...7."::: :•
~ ; ..l 1 1 , , , n4R - N af o ou Id reap.,
..;:-----. .
oi the Daamood. A lie•
t:r"—. - -1r.,... pen,' env. • compl , te maw,
i1:..7-....,:,:=7::: ndisiti plume,. ar mat, to or
F—.................._,...„1,, dcr J 111- 1.,t .ire. warrnated
..._______:_%;..=. equat L.. nuy In the 1..„,,,,,..,
—... ----- e=.. -- -- 11. Illaud eon t... removed se.,
E... ------ out e old of a wren tie,
,:.F.„.....ewww.E.7 zi:., ,, : m od ,n o[ o crod /lithe estonet ee.
f Hanway tr. ).1 , :lel
1? . ...---. . .i . lone), I am prepared to ramie!
..• -...--.,, the, oid customer.. ae wed ne
lthe itthlte at lam% with every llung 111 their D.,..
Arenc P
y, No a r 0.1 etrecl, Patedwrgu.
turhlal J A fllti/WN
TA , P l :.. ll l ‘ l e A , Z , l , i w ll l i l . “ , %l ,, arn ll tio .s •P w re l l, df.; direr
~ : da.:arcl Ealutoorn..a 1.4. 11J.11;‘,1 ee r l ' e r e;ro X..7 ' .
..n• d t of all the /01001 and eno.t poproeen et> ,• of .n. l
ba. pinzed ond rommon P.II . ER lIAM.iI \ GS. rot
~ ..latg of—
' PUMA pieces of Parlor and rre.eo,
MOM .. Hall 110 d 1- , 0•1.111211.
10,01X1 " I/ming-room, eliantl,r and /Are
..Ter—s• - blen I would pallieularly 100110 00 01 , 1101.
II 1110, having hounts to poker, to eau +u, exam.,
It the: Paper Warchotwe of 0. C HILL,
el; wood el
1, ARLIUTIIN(ff ham commenced to mem,. et
4.. iILI/E emaartnacro of Fancy YAM heTh t.meltpep
deo/opting In part a) Anthem., geleltona, Laces 11c.
eiry. Wove, Crepe., Lem., Notearecy, Nemo., Lae,
Vette. Shawl., Pongee Hatedkerelnett, gene. Cravat,
*upbeat and cotton Ilatedhorenterv, cooled
`vltet bilk, Threads, F01i0,,., Comb..Jcwe.ry.
14ry, or Sr. Homely and city enereltant• are rx.
jatethoty raPirerl 10 tall and 01 , 01/114 , Atnek, No e
I-No.l atm.. ,erne. at Inamened alley. the loge
E X . PRA CT OF CPIFFF:IH—AO arucle whirl l• ra.
ptdly come, into ova an a wholetomr,
nj 41 de imge beverage. teeing more pemetam and pa,
thelete than common Coltee, and far cheaper. AI rllll4.
tp, casting re y len cats., po a. lour
e COder. Mame factored by
JOHN S. MILLEH, Petbdeureh. Pa.
Void • wholemle A l'A/INESPoChe A Co
Minter of Font and Wood and PIIIIII end Wood otreete.
Flu e-hargh
v 1 n 1
(1A I.IFORNIA RUH/IF/I ClO/DS—Ju•t reeetvet'.
Ikt Canto Manic., ;ft calorrr maw, IS pm Punt,
etett-bned bletneep Bum, In !Ohm., Hag,
whirr 'fang, 600 In dine, etett Po ranter...
gel nit each; I dot IM. 11.4... Money Lich.; I do oiled
calen to dar do do. 'lltd uteeve ceoete tor at the Cub.
Etmlelsale met, h .,, W ii etevl tl.
Ssmt - rED srici-S--Itat up for tamely tete, m leo
11 can.,encbluitard.losed 111 It viedeng lid box. remittent,
Cannamon, (nacre-.
Clove, Peep,,
WarranMd pore For tale so the arty Spire 11,-I
hi Llell.rod Factory, ranee r of Ferry C l
sfis lis J..11\ is s.r.s.s.
'ought I ~,,, Anted, 0003 tho l'efeeer.
aneevelln wore.. vex eranted, o -e.l be t ;
on meld and cupphed he order. ley
my,/ leFie eN/IHIR AN. Woo, et
FURNACI. IIEA ft I.o.llolacturrd fr4r4 4
/ vapertor arm te at Holm ae Hrecii CI,. 14
a.hre toed for mee I 7 61E6 Ar..l4.Nr›.
Ile IV. 15' .ce hating u.e.l a Hearth al tame,
y peubly and 11141;y1. ',Art tor me pan menet,. mono],
roaouncea it surecetur 10 die heart:, now m cmmral
LINF:V.I.N•Nnt' 11 11.ANDIT.--e-q betel pep,: emu.
vinlag 44. 0104 r own 1111portr111011,1
Hotel Dored-anx.e.,, abd h" . -atc
1ill.1.1•11 A issruKTSON
OLO CHAINS—J. 3.4 rceeteee t.eoe,/,eleseort•
men, ladeeet and pollee:nen, 1.041 444111
COaleta. front gib to Sin each, -ateerte pcees
C.c.:plot}, Hugs nl carat crod cold / t eele. F."ri,f4r
r 111144. hat Ring, Lerr•pet hay, ecetete. ie.! Pm,
IVacischt, Sc W NCH., ,
Iteh earner 415 and .Market .t.
er hetvcel al icbatoO hen-
V Markel rtmet,
'yip, colored Velvet Hebtem. exsorled color,
sl k V t it
opumr olphattoorol lot: of ttrin.•throts.t.t.
owl tir• Untt..d Stn., dlontorett from Wa.ttspou.
tate torritofiat Cupilabi trperie:).
I..balibg no Post 1 , rertt Son., a. noon
ty, with op,nat. of l'ottod !gat, not /Irto•A
ra,d. Ja.l motel i.y IMINSTUN ...--rock*ToN
.iyicrorner 7d and mute; it.
your Vennifuge largely in my own fun
..., 7...mently answering for orpelligng large
, • • Ino mast worms from two children.
your Pill. wad LAmgla Syrup 111
idmi. they have In cacrr instance prodnded
die rural desired.
A. lam snored merehandming, lam able to
'tam I hit I here' yet to bear ef the hitt failure where
c an r m
e. c, /o
hem. uil ra
ain y mend., of the
eth rium.,m oatidia.ton
rod I may sum that they are the
nr' pre 3 . 3 5 , 1131,1 to
erne,rte,.,..pope, it) Your•. pee DahatDv e awry
Prepared and odd by It F. 1.1:1.1.EIts11 Flamm..
No Si Woo m
•trect. end wild by Druggist. eerier-ally the two •
and viernnt
R h.AT CURE. tIF 1.1 VEIL COM - r, hy Ise
Llormnial, oily genuine Liver Pill.
Stingy Cases, ohm enemy. nra.
Morel. WM, Istd.
Mr R. lispaiser.• I,.sr 3[33.33 II duty owe
in ,im ami to the pun,. esurra ly, ..Isle that 1 have
M., Doa:mum tor a long
time. mid -o .•10/5 33,333 .11 Ise... formed and broke,
. 1 .3 3 3333331 at. .1 err, 333.3 a 1311.3. /13333333.3 heard of
33333333 relebra., Liver rid. 13333.3. thla hy Alt
131.1, 03 We, Liberti. and recommended to tar by
tar on ..m,rn, E semi, enneluded to give them
a. Did purelia.ed nor lg.. and (sand them to
M. Jo.. what they are reeornatended, lIFST
V I'll Ill.:. EVER USED; nod atter taking four bor LI.
1 find the Morns, ha• eurthei,.. let t me
perts.m.y well. Respectfully yours., m now 1 a
We .t I, COLEMAN. '
Ldwrty, March no, lath.
I cenity that 1 lin personally , ...gummed wall Mr
roenann. and 3 3 .33 boar lest:ninny to the truth of the
a..ove certificate. A it wIIAIII .
Tie: vermin. Idver P.. 1. are prepared and thld
R r. No 57 nod street, and by drugglslY
tne 3 , 3 3 3 1 elrs
133 'nil': 1 . 113L1C —The onc-Tnal, only true and gem
woe laver Pit, are prepared LI It and hive
-.• oat.. wanaped to block wax upon Me lid of euel l
hos. and hia Denature on the outside wrapper—all
um s Iry emnierfeltt, or nwe L.11W103311.
1.3310 R 1.1 SELLER.r, Prom irtor
lii t Rey AA ',MINN, a well imowit and pop
a' LW, thl
C h ie e
rgernan S ofthe Protestant:ll.l.mi, Charm.
The undersigned haying been alromed during the pas.
...met with r d.seAse Mille stomach, aorrietintes pro
decog midi 3. the stomach for tens, twelve hoe,
sr, the t !Merino, ton, rad after hamogi tr.ed
rVied 33131 31 3 .131 1.113 e elect. net. (311 3 1131,..1 with a n.<
at Dr UJapbrc I ..arntinmme Datum. 'nu. Ito sand an.
cording to tad dm:coons, and found Invariably Dim te.
medicine ....used the pain envyte rit three or arms )) fo
and in fifteen or twminute.. every arm.
...nthn was euurety gritted. The nirdicam wax aC
terwatda used whenever IndtealLons of Me ar.proneb nl
pain were PereetVed. and the pain urea thereby pre•env
ad Ile continued to use Me irtedmine every evening
and sometimes t Removed,g mid in a (e.g +dela
health was Yo Car v that the suCcrer ?eke,
ed Dom a melte amount of opprra.tve pain. tom el
pen , nce, Itsare_fore, Ito eat confa.lently resumed ❑
Dlayer', Cann, native Balsam, as a salutary ....mei..
for diseaaes of thcatomach and kennels. A ,11114 ND
For gale Lll Palshargb at the PF.KIN TEA :TIIR
72 Fourth .tret: near Wood. dt.l .Ipo at oveltrue
• ••
Oftfur Muff [DT 1,11.
emiehs, Cold, Amffnm, ItrticellMf. I
m , srliplaffft, num Blood, Difficulty of Itrfmfl,
11,, Vain in the SW.. and Pens., pulpit.tton
the Heart, Influnono, Croup, Broken Cott
itllit(lll. sorn 'Ph root, Nervos Der.,:
ty. nod all Dianna,. of the - tern:,:.
pre., and 1.,f the Mo., cf•
fee turd and speedy num
ever blown for any 01
i.el above Mac.-
Dll. IN t A NK' tl
Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry!
Tiro Aortltrnto At no lottgcr Ptuonty Oruro 1 . 1 .1,1(5e
,Itty. It Pat paryr.l away from tlw thontartJ., duo,
attached upon the tale trt oxpertnt, CI II ttil /low
al, tier ue ,ere,c!o,e:el i.orontunt morn cannot,.
natal than y orb, proparntiou In. Elit./lit. cru:
ondarett or the yrltel or .111 k rsl, 111101
It part lon, I:lltfriitl4 ,. .l vary rrrler,:y Otrourit thr
tadSOO, at: Europe. stol Corot not (Awr toryto
morotanc, Itto witat Annottor -Anne Artanri aloe r,
enco Ors rood ofrerty For prow nt ow fan - rotor;
.t letstentt. and to rairre niftrarr o th • nit h
llad. the proortwor well war, a tow of Orr two. y Own.
our trot:mown, .A., Iwo, twett Inv-word to prep
If O' wyorrtotwl.ty - wen wlto hove ItnOrrr
It An oatand ortnon than to net
ity incty, I..wAton . w.AI .1., another a tarot ...I
t ttooric war ot -aproot,- r yrwtentr r•tsti..tow.l
iy its st.triss.s. saisti ussi,ur.utissalsie ' , Lotion
y oil istri•sisi r. is,
‘,.,1 1( 1 1 1:111,1,,IdU. , 41
• 1.0. e II .111. 1., y•e . . rs issicrs str.rrelabie
rissedy tor she
If 1,-\11:1•1( ER
n , tsFolard: tttttt io trutl. cat • itmog.
tr.:lmolly, 0. , 1ra) tfir,
READrnr a tr. Lit i . ll,
STILL A Not - LIES eV 1 • 1. LU.,N4aI
droperateCet......tiiapuort, a. Ur ontotund ,yrt, ot lVtttl l'itorrt, It oro.oolooto
tern, and “I'toottt to Li.u, 111 Ulue, lu
. .e.ith
n.. r r. I.e I.evr Cum.
...14.t t
nle.l .r•rr. r• r.rur h. 11.41
..)!h. •)..1...
I.t w) il.„ I .„„„
hnve .der!. :Alla &PI y Or. rt arr.] •rrr.....1.
Ihnt Irtrmls h. wr/1 tn) rt.', K:11, 11, kit 110,••••
rrrovcr) 11.• 1..1. 1 wh• r , i•cslVrarndc.l I.
urualJc ford.. :..e I 4.1 .o with the mast hr.,.
'flee h.. 1 the rarrt to !nor,. mr
1w...h...., r rrthrl) and Iv We
c 1 had need hr. I SVAt r111.11,1y
kV .11 hearty aa
F , 111.6 er• r A
hr happy to rive arty shformathweerpeetlity my
dletr. Wal 'acre, dr-rwr .he her.clit ire
Itrh las so grawlul For Ute truth of Inc ..ove
tern.r.t. I rr you to Petry Host. Grocer. Kest
e•trr.l.L, or whom I hu,hharrl We eteritrtua.
ILesprrlldul.) J..... Mahar 1
ll'o,ddirrfa/ en.. o Ali :Lefdr
_,rn) Ile— Dear S.,- I reel a debt olcatitmle doe
. you —and a day to the Milieu-el generally, to eller
r huniblettearlMenly to favor of your Compound Sy
\\'.,d Some throe year. moue I was
eimently at.acked with cold and inflammation of We
arb.ett was areompenied malt a thstreasing
ough, p.m i.l the breast and head. a very colluder',
al,¢ar,e of offensive tudieus from the lung", es,..
etally upon chanac of weather. however rhght. At
Ira; I feu no alarm about my condition, bat wars pretty
.00n convinced that I area rapidly genng into consamp
to.a. I grew dotty weaker, sod al length Ivw aearee-
I w vredk about,. speak clove a mhupeo, .ugh
, eds. the cieeeddng weakness Grisly lungs Gearing Mit
aoar I had tried various pre-para.. and presonpun.,
but found no relief—aro...log ai, the Lane worse. Just
' here I ma. advised and Twrsoadled by a dear friend in
doungton to make trial of your :syrup of Wild Cher
' rY I must confess that premously bad Lienprem.
I Most again. patent =ld I am Bud aawast
thosecoming oat of the hand. of troperies. hut under
, ...tiding com
your claim. to tar profession and practice of
medicine, and linvnte implicit faith to the saying of my
fr-dnds, I forthwith pdreh..d.l of Dr_ Shavenor of your
! agents, a few boulcs nod commenced. use. My did,
at that time of ?a or 15 months. month., con
sdquenwtly tt mss deeply aerated. I round, however,
conoderal. rehcf from the use of the first four or five
hottles. Hot being a pablrc speaker, I frequently ate
I teotpted to preach with iny uscrenoine strength, and
memby rupturrd morsel Mat had already idegon
to Lea:, it this way, doubtless, my curt wait greatly
retarded. In consequence of acting M r
on into...lA
I nod to use twelve or fifteen bottle. Leiner I was per
! featly restored I hove n a touch smaller
rah., of hot,. %amid ! havee made tue sound, but far
~,e above todtscretion. The S., rup alto, ed IL.. fever
••o tlaia, look rrx,ky the th•tteeusittte voug, put • stop
1.. the di
motor Irmo the and pave
hero and the rioter es -tent good health I hove deer,
r,d odcnitg crruucmie now, tor We purpoaa
petit ctly .nh•lwal 0, of Ow
etnd atm Utat fccl peticeuy lar,/1 I otf, will
Rv.J Joixu,.
I.lPAIlst county, N C
husersa,a errotton— Redd' lenr..L'
There ts
one ginur preparanno of Wird Chrry,
1 swl 'hal or Dr ,wsrnai, tle first rver offered SI hr
patolic arlortr has in,. sold largely throughrtistilre
trrOet; States and ...Inc parts or Europe, and .1 pi,
parlor,. earl,l try Orr wattle oi Writ! Itherry have
herrn put ont mare tins, under rovrr ol rome decry, ve
etrcuinstanres, In ordr r no
ea treror thsrr
Ily a little otrrva,to no prrson m,nakn the
Senator train ton ti north' or Me ,Clllllllr ma
rrivrloped rand! locator:ln rlnr rnerdt tint. the
direness of Wrlllant Penn therron, onto. :,valor•
ngtraturer and at unty, inn portrait or IJr
orotllC wril Lc added ion ratter, on sv.
Ins preparairon rm.. all others Now, l or wt. 101 ent
Ore great torah,. proporors and Soon, V 11. 1 ,• tor Dr,
no,r) an's Compound Syrup or Wrrd tin - rry, trt,art
vrohlrl not tre endeavoring to in , rorreney ,
`finutrouri nostrum." lry strafing ore "awe on 11,1
Clirrry Ilnorealrri 11IWY5 1,/ I 1111 l d Ort .
01 Or Sway., and he not rinr•orrd
- - . • •
rrlncipal 10fice, corn, 01 h: 1 10 11 h and Rndo 0, 0,111.
1 . 11114.10100 a.
For sale 01.0100. r und 0,01 by 1/1.1/1 , :"I n SNo
eat . 0.1 and ./AOO.l et, it A FA II NI F.O l'inJh A
car and \Yew, “1 and Inn n. 00 11
I'll 4 /ItN,S.I Marcel AA .11/NI.:0, 1,11 I abn•l, , tAv
A /ON F . ,. car llnnd and 1 1 0/01 ,nn, J. oIIN All r.
1 - .1,1„ Allegheny oily, and oy all 10,00tat/10 drat. II 111
th STROM/ MIME,. Y. 11. Dr J A YNE . i Ylf
ri. 1.E., DORA NV so nipar,or 1,. a.. 4ther resaadle. for
.:ouch., Consumption,, ktionehiti., A.m., maid onn t Palate
vary a ffeetsona,,athat the mina p•rantis 01ine0ni......1 the
y• ca 11. thasr frovilie• le. Kb Still Fitter it to .11
n., yawls . a ofth. kind, aml nlicra my beat Lean indueed
to try oilier preinrabom they hate almon dimriality been
bwmadtt.d la re,,vtag lb. benefit 01,04, Oa. te......ati0
itatted from the high pra.e. bestowed ny iliepromto.,
ands. returned to Me ace of J LLLLL ' k:sea. Toe. ter a.
. ry Ili, has tweet la.ied le rete.a theta and aloe!. I -
probably trey, bad a.m.... arrentog polotaioleldswaciaa D "..onoble tarot"
Prepared only by De n Jayir. Mohde Mina, .ad ...t a u Ala, l be Hirst, Ilincton roll or itpin Blind Tramp&
A ~,..7.. ill o h -, mite y and In•taer Corte.. 0(011 tbe thiforent ma, and
Illeolf bY
72 r ...., :0 r , pal rl,, on hand end for male him tor otialy Old Vent
Dr. W. r. Inland'. Pretalana Platter. i " e " j::: d iOr ' 7 " ., " "'".ttr /114.147;11'VVPInro'np""
7 - 1 R. ‘V I I INLAND of Me Med... one, 1., Mi. I P a y II --Ad A. three with the beat ma ' .1 . :.
If adelphtn. now odors to Ma puLtse hi. hi.. V•K I worhasundepi, au.l warranted to pleante Ilia mo st ta n s!
motile Premium Pluoter, the qUltlllir. of whr. n, mlione
lottg land tried esperinnee, tom Leen 1.4001i00 0y e s Allegheny nit y, Aug 10 ,1808. . '"U"I '
tabinthed, To 01 WOntrll wlan rainy he unties.. wish ---
~, ,,, .p or,o ~,, r,o
or Fon .. ~..7,,,, „,.„„„„,.„,,, ,„. AEI It RICA at TELIEGRAPiI COW PANY.
naminiren, eireanclion •ito arlittet_llo.l
in.., plaUrallievoug ura. itsid speedy i aie .., !t.
Inirt cone, of front two to Mee work •, II :6,1,1"d in,.
rorr , .„, ,ni-...mseardsite all the cousin, .. nicii ()Mee a 1 the Exchange, ktaltlthorth
tea, t penatve bandage.. lone In U... 1 . 14.• be 4 ..”1. , 1,1.://14•1.:11 RATE . , —The g o gwo b oo , r . OOO
r 0 .,..
~. ~..„..
0 „... , , , ... r.
o. , 0. , 0 ..
„ 0 , ,„„„,, , lh rril Ori nil Me.,,Fri lo or front Roltintore, Pitts-
one rape out of throe hundred nod tor, c„,..,. p, , : 71 . 1 1 0 ::r . 11 , ..i ; ;.
i r
r l
a i • 5,, ~ , 1
.. ; 1. , r ,1 , .. , .
L e: o , : r::jr .
~. ,
.%. ti
d l.
r , 4 z o d ,
n u e i n b
. oi
A..-n for Rheumati•in and Weak 11,it.t or l'. k. at Ittn„.'e " eat . .ttsabeldln Fa
I. no onto ~„
r „,, „., l.„.„-, RAY. -The 4 harge tor a telegraph Fi
nd m or
iii atfornstig relief or effecting a r ore For', .. I , y 1 Dom 1, lill•torrgh and II heeling, It ay emu,.
I. 40 Imo., rorner of Diamond and Maria , •I , for Ille Mat ten word., astd 3 cent. tor each additsostal
i am ,.
Mann h. Reiter, •• Liberty and S. Clair •.
Dr J Scagent Federal 41 and Litam.mis, Atle• I ID' No rhargo or made for ate add,. and lingua
Fbeol .ly
..,,,,,,„ & (~ ... on,mg. and Digm on a 8,,,,,,,,,,, , Until the Completion of the South Western Line of
~.2 , . ; Tele av r , i t ., frm o Nlanizo o lA, ,,, Te h rt.. to New (Meat, dea
I) E. 01. 11.L1.:11, I nun et, No Va r ~ 000 . I i. . titted tor Ale. , 0rb.... '''''''.
Too' raill "d
11...., Sole Agent Inn IJio •.i. of Di. Townaentr•!iim.
ANZ/4CA 1 . /. PA l'Fß—
ante ,armitantris. lin• j4/.t reeeived •
220 dozen of Mt. , ,
oo ,r o r 0
0 , ~,,1 n 0, ,,,
or moo„.
Greet nmsno and nuisaF•er Alin-keine..
" Cerro I.7o l r ' do.
Yoruba..., •Isetisil rem, tem Dint Hlf Seller. o• sole ' b .. b
Baena Vim,
agent lot Pt/mineral, end li :II Curry tor Allegheny ,.
apt Yen s Yana; .
(:Lunde L)obi
old/ AND :411.V Y.lit l'A 11:„N'l LE Vh.l2 WATCII- . I ' " " thlra.Flllll^mill
Ur K`t —Doi. a 11,,, I,r. made by the celebrated . I " " 0
CA ....The;
Cooper of L.te. ' , ''' 1. h J 'robes, of Liverpool, surd a 11 . •'..^ . .....'k (or Pefm.trig large public
large ...coma,. oi detanhed gold and sliver Levens . roOht.- duat rea'd dire. from Fart., anal tor tittle •1
made try In. 1..-,, i.eneva ntanufiteturera. , the warehouad of alinl 1. C 1111.1.
' , pentacle. ... dli 1...5.b., Concom moo kv g , in ~,,,,, . 0110 I.' A Itl I I. / P. td---Cheinical limunl lor wattling
Gold fern; Joni .r.i In Mire via:lair, ncia e r sip., ,
..I,ogloit,Lx,hr,4;/..7.14; aLl , k a • lt l .ol 171 fi,:t0ure0r,..,1111,111:7,—.-
Fork.- b.c.
LU- Watch repast., carmine., in u m i nni c mgnicnr wa.hboard. The kite. Wilton earpota, ll: h • g
%V th• W7I4N, beam on aso eleven ycara, hare beam perfectly r re ' s:.
"'y I 9 eEnr r 'tiara, osid Ith ids od, without Me slightest onjury to the Her
anal with.
NifACAULAY'S CNNLAND--11,-,.. f,,,,.,,,,,,,,,, ~::mi. , ',"„",1',,:,`,".' ~',".„,,,` ° p. n r - y fi ., 7:4 r.,1.".1 ..
IVA. e.O wi th portrait. emu. -7:, neut ~.., vol . 74 rents For •itto by 1 ISCHOIINAIiaIci.- 7.R.d........"'
For sale by JOIINNTON a ,To ca r"s "."'
101 wood 01
;pi carnet alaltei mall/ NU • i
..A . LEXANI: ; i I : O H. h DA Y, 7 . l .llarket street, Mattitteest
tl7 il;7;" mock ofEftt bcu l(4. °l 7grcute3 :s
. r
hhese goods bane rec..] y he, ~ r,u,,,,, e ,;d" e„,.,,,,
meriE, Itemltemthe Auction Nl:fli at the East, and th ,
the importers and manor:whiter, %We Imre deeided
' upon *derive this 0100 k 01 eesel. at prtces az, red ered
es to meet the approb 111011 01 . Laos< who do latsinees
on the roe es A prioritile
The Silk Ilea eat is very extensive,
the different kinds of dre,. and mantilla ks, racing Satin
de Chenea, and e•meliona tarn de Khoo,
The Shovel Depanment embracer a splendid umr,
me h i of Indio Crape Shawls, from the lowest prices to
the finest qualifies. eleeanuy embroidered. Also. it re
'ta di ss el
mi., Hemet., Stiminr, N en. et, and splendid figured Silk
AREN—Eand Mark he silk, to
DRer and ra
Gttedtne R•mfil
other .n f-' otter
and novel styles of Bennie,. Silk Tisanes. OODS— and other
I non one*. 1 , 11.10, worthy or the attenuon of the ladle..
I.All'h, LA R'\ S . - —I n the leawe department, Oar
ald,:tone from the Etutern 2.11.,011, are g onearge,
l e
etuhrer Iris elegant styles at remarkably low Ar
Imported atol Domes. Gazette.. ', a
• Prints and l'hintres, Drown and Bleached Muslin.,
Chects. Tickuies. Flannel,
s ni tSupeno iellah `pa French ^ laths and Cassimeres.
Sauter, • .1,11., 1 .10011 stripes and Dr.litite•
All of wart, le offered at such a rmhtettoa of pr.ces
that pnrehhaer, cannot fail to he r,....i.
_ • , vd
. 11 ..) - .X.tNitEtt h 1111'
Cheap Dry 044.41
1 / 4 7 / %,‘,, VA:11 , TS Al oaquao Bars (074'
roarn Mu•ltn
I Blearle,l
VCaiocoesarecoletts 2.3
• :1
. Goo 4 quality. do Ot)
Mous de Lames -
01ng Lam. 12
' - .
Erma 110. .
Silk and Wool Llurayes .. 25
o A I-1
- . ..
80 1 / 1 1Ct Stiabora IV{
Good q UAW y ilid Glove.. 111
. :171
B 1- Iroad Cloths " SI 21
A. A MAsIIN I CY/ Lave pood. ai p
a 1.,. ril l C •000 at th e ouly cheap mw
...Mays et ret
M V It D O
ex raw,. uro or 5 or 10 zulr-ro
. . -
p a
1.. onention of th publicli invited to this very
.aluable Churn, which has the advantege of all
n in combining the old and new Inventions to
Tbe utility outhi• invention is apparent. as by met,
plc often,. the air is forced beneath the dash, •iiii
J away with the necessity of purchasing • to
Churn, as it ea. be a ll to any churn iu use, and
for one dolly, can have the tinproveinehts of the
11,,, combined with thaw. of gathering the honer in
the tiewst way
b poblie are invited to call and Wee for them
purchasing elsewhere, at ti 7. 01
Milrket and F at hh rireels, or at trl Lhainoud alley, be
twon (hood id Market street. Pitutntreh.
my . .
dAlen. ----
Tv., md,erwing:Ldliita,,vtz
rosy. tn the place 01 John Finney. Jr., re Rued, re.
•pec dully luthrini ho public and the friends and ono
1 tomer% n( the Company, that he Jo preparedtake
Marino. !Moral and Fire risks on liberal tern, t at then
rillit, No .1, Warm sums P A AIADFJRA,
toy I r
1 oltir III.PIP. —HMO legit ..1 3 plylnk,.Rubber
If Rose —ie . st . ferelved dos thenionoahollarbea.
tor. which will be held in more (or • few day. The
theeoll Be/1111g Couip•ny expes
~ a strong deur, for
the fire departments al thr cities al Pitialmrgh and Al
egheny to call and eaamme and make • tool of them.
The oomph.) Is willing to put than to any Mot they
thlol proper to conclude man
ni, In
IA II PHILLIPS, 5 woad al
(F,1,1,:/:-1LF1.:110,.,,5e rt . ..IC:N o '
, 9 1 /4 „ I=IC
will fie opened in We Rooms o the m Lord of
. fa d e, o n
the limt Slummy of November next, ni 10 o'clock, m la.
Win Lai truer. Jr. Robert Woods,
IA el It. MI lure, Joseph Plummer,
P %I Kier, Jonah Krng.
Julio Si,. rill. Also. Roseburg,
nod H. D. King,imlli dr , ,vl
do naromotolvem
GOLD westriens.
II . Pld...°l4R.l,,,r"o:Ceril,....tichTp*phl::,..7lhori'
unn-in They are 001/r Offered for wale al We WWI
1000, 0: Poer,. Seoul & 120 , No HU Wood Mee
Atlyoniummie Califorma are melted to rail sod el
an., these laboosinvlng nmehrues They are simpl
,ii itio:r im , tur hn. easily troimported on the hock c
min. , air bother. wmohnig etahty pththd. each, elll
/ . .0. lie put in operation in holt an boor They ean Is
ll' rt.! wilt, provision. Ito the oponion a( those whi
liv ye semi thr trm. 01 one of those machine. ni snail.,
nre that two itimi will simian Lhe •1110, r 0 trona IN
fio•iiel. in sand or mirth in a day, wollmat Smile. or i
pa rue. id the lameral The) elan be inerearo
mid o water in mule peweel,llo.ll.llll
The 010 rrior. work without going 11110 the water 0
I.lFle etpo-0/110 ems. and consequently wlthout en
dvuorrlng Mom Monti They will
hot a mord
-nor in ni v.v., and can he used the whole semsiii
and cm, In. pm into operoutni where Mere o not math
on .ii water 10 wr..11 0a the urea! vni..T.
Priee oi small., sii e 1145 °niers from abroad, or.
-00 /10211404 /.). rath will heopromprly tilled
serif .In 11. PARR,. m Parry, Scott & Co'.,
No lot Wood at. Pittsburgh.
al oaprati a. Sows' Soda Aab. -
'VHF' •01 .. 4. 10e.r. ,e now reretemg Mem Fall stock
I 01the 0000 e article. three yeavels, Mr . hrt Juni.,
Moth.... aud I.VII/a. hayllfgarrive/I at Philadhia
Imol 11an..,,,, re. old two more, the Iltophen lialthvin elp and
. ia. Morn, ' , heeled. they are. Morelore, prepared
in looms ender. The, will recerve during Me win
ter sin, pin, roculor snip,. via New Orleans.
tins I t 11 2 & 51 51ITCHELTRRE
i '
.1; - Tiiirtn ' .. _
.I—For cleaning wit
11l 11,01, (7.'''.:1•\T.n.,111A‘'i .flame Want plate, Imam, Ur
1,1 0114 vit4 other ware It ramdly takes out all oi
1•0: .1 , 10. and reproduce. the healthful and dum *p b]
imor ni oew ware Just reeemed and for Sale, whole
and rem.. hy JOHN D MORGAN,
r tz t g ., 7l , l l , x man ri
6 "."
..naalneng partners. ha. Lhia day reUreare d rebraary h49-Er
I j/1-1,41A,Rt.11 The unitar
y Ar,ot ior rtainalaraarera, hat On hand
a., J. ron•usooy rn - etvlng a nail supply ex.3110,s
Jr. 1 . ...t.rra.a and • trnnty. "'taci t t he
orood s.
Hl3 PASTE-1 gra. brsilealnalia - Ran.
J. I•er 1••• Ir, err<llPnl arLelP for rudertn, boo la
a”.I•Lo to pr perfrrlly rap, proof. and soft a. a prone of
oppOrmson of tlaro past. torfarienl to
make thrto pumr,our to solar for V or 3 months, and prrrrntanrr from the leather crack/lig.
itrr'd sod 0.. r •ale at ihr Intro Robber lanrsp, No 5
Ntr•Cre.l3l Or
Corner Front and Vine Wertz, Cineannad, 0.
ded prtee. -.4117''.
1.) - V.AJI.11Ve ?TilTh-7,TT ;sir - house. No Fourth ore.lbe raw Carpel WZra.—
Rich embossed I'ton° coven Plato Turkey red Clo,,
do do Tolle do I Fur'd do do do
L on
th lO
do do do Bordering;
Grern more Cornet Bindings,
A I,so—Campe Gothic. Transparent Shade,
Se riptu re Views do do
Turkish Vie ws do
r i bittets do du do
Drapery Chinese do do
Moonlishe View, do do
LAlllhl.llpe do do do
T I iolloiel4 do do
ord and 'Possels, Stolen, and Slots, Rork Ponies,
Rider hands .
'Plie &Love Goods •ie of the richest and newest
ire. to iistini I, ore invite the attendon of our friend,
ie nd ~,, ts.
hosts and and tho wishing to /uncap p ...ion o.
TI.. Allog/a...ay ~,,, MTLINTOCX
A T the annual meeting of the Corporator; held
the fin lost-
one following persona were anon
u...saly ICI elected Managers for the shorting year:
TtiumAs M. MOWN Prow:tool
WILNaN Apt:ANULFI+B, ' , onager.
JOHN 11 Slllollifir.RGY:ll,
act,. . Secretary and Treasurer.
I .titietnret presented the antra of do
luelpsny io • vrry yr...porous condition. Their ogle,
tiu. rill t. \o 37 Water street.
i. of th ITIA N BLIND flf AN UPA MO RY
Fla sne Diamond re whe Yeoman
M I n ds in all the different 1.. d colors
are kept no hand or made to an
order ane
the latest end most approved Fastens (oohs
ons. at the shortest none° and on the moo
3. FIOLDIRS tEl•nk•ra, zre hange U r .....
amlf ca. FT
NOTF.S. DRAFTS,' Actzsi . i . .., Net t.” 1.1! k
iCOLI.W7IIOt.•ZOg4f'd', Z".?-2.0d
p a rola.. IAI an Part of the I; n.on. rnlierte.: mo,
fa vorable.terma.
EXCHANGE an York. Chdadrlphr, .u,l Eal.
Ileum," al., Cinefonon, 1 .0”,11Ir. S.3:111 LOY, /I
N Orleans. rof”oniftly rot ,nfo. ll.!
DAN, - Nate , on all .1 , 17 , nt , •nn 1,1
I.l.ind mates J csrountrff at lbo 1.13.4, A . liod •
ForrLan and GOUI .111 CClri I, llLiChi
and sold:
OiSce No. Market creel, between .14 O. and 'gh, Pl.
Pon.. ir./GB c
13, Ear :rd. Ire e
, tn , t u n , od a Ar .,,,,.,
auli";;;;":.1,1, .n r Par ,
of he 111.1 ('
w"aTt i!L!ltl':lB3l4:',M'oratd'it:ot."„?. ROM Rtcrt~n.
s•AL°. r.arooceo anon (tcovral Agent, othec .../4 At nr
door won of wood.
411. "•10....
}L Alflelt ILAH wua
j)ANIERS AND EXCHANGE IM ottitHs tt,alit r
AJI Forvi t t n and
or r" , 'Pttattxt, Dant ttenzeatte
Noir. and Coin,
earreta, thrertly oppo.ote St Chart., lett
pnraittAed a. the lovregt rate., hy
N. 1101,111".8
:1511arhet %tree,
Near York,
pl 3
Constantly for sale by N. HOLMES A SON:3.
30 Markets:.
Biii - no. Tligii..
0 Fos —Eureka, u Prose Poem, or, die YhTaleal
end klemphy.mal Moven., by Edgar A Poe, 1..... q
handsomely printed, 12rno. cloth. :5 ro
• abet) he greatly surprised if thi• work doe. noi
erestl profound sensation oolong 11, literary and
wiedofie elegem. all over the Union. Mrplayg ar il
does • rrawnioig power and grasp a
thoughts altieli
cannot possibly fail to excite the ••peCiel wonder of
even Die moat eureka* reader..—Kapress
Nineveh and Or Remain.; with an ancOlint of a visit
to the Chaldurin Chrizotto. of Kordiman, end Lise le.
ueie, or Until Worshippers; and an legutry !ma the
nanner. and urD of the Ancient At.) nun, by Austen
teary La and Esq., D. C. L.; in 2 vol., aa , ./. imiller-
utts illustrations.
Oar of the moat remarkable works of the age '—The
Time., (London.) Feb. O.
The thslamaimer, • Legion of Abe Iron Furnace. of
Rockland county, N.Y by E. Dube. Smith, with
In.trwions of barley; tht ed. I 2 mo eluth. 7:. ens
J. Fenimore Ceoper, The Spy,' a new and boom/-
fat edition, reri.ed by the author, with uew premee,
i., to be followed by
be Pilot, in the palm. • yin.
The Works ol Wa•lotiguan Irving; revised and en.
forged by the author. in Id elegant duoderimo Vtdinnee,
brauthhally pruned in new typo, and on superior paper,
motto expressly for tho poqase.
For role by JAhIF, U LOCKWOOD. (Mr many
year. connected with A1e..,. Wiley .k. ('mean, and
late John Wiley, N 1" ) Fl kVocal .t.
Mr. 1. ha. piat retuned from the Eastern ei lull
s _
F:tt, itOnKet:—lrving—Tbe Crayon Ah . ..r . 110. 1
Nromprtsma rlso Peron, AbboDtord, Nvesidni
Abbeyo Complete in one volume—elegant, prii...i.
in Illonastenea oldie. Le Simi_ Port ',N.,
A volume 0(131011, than ordinary Interval. Triad.,
series of moat carious and MIMI auming dventure
• • • The Geld occupied by Me n
'titian., a la alatoe ,
entirely new.--Commeretal Advertmee
ok of gentle/trimly, Mien!, .chelarly memot.
yr itch i f no not of Ileeklord, Spain. I ,
cantons, or the rmo.l eamern renonovenneey or Kottien
Liten k try World
plrCooper--(New eduinn of early wed. SpY.
revised, de watt new torreahrevon and font,.
te I 101. Ul tionnlW Irroati's work, 81.
The Spy and the SCetch-ltook arum Me hr., Anicif
eon hooka which were unmet...illy acknowledged to
COl.lll a performance m a• a Promo,
well motel:ober Me w Mc trey
re coved, and the proud eap,critallon. which they
awakened mnong the nunde.l abroad and Mr
pat/lone at hi me Irving tem anon ellnwed a limit by
Me aide of tkild•ontb and Aildmnii, and Cooper um
tranatated 111 every , 011111, of confine. where
any tonere. wraw ni a foreign tile:Amore laterairaid ,
(World For wale by JOI AA . 1; WWI,
Fir MIA /KS—Complete %%ork+ of Jon, tll
D D, in 4 rola
AI ardi end a Viiyasre Dr, by Herm an Alel
Bonier Wartare of N 1 ork, by 11.• •V ComPbell•
Ilere a Lulli. and There a Little, by the 000 nor
cLune upon lJne. and Precept maim Pmeept
alcurimm oleo,: Youth. by A De hamartni,
1111 111 1 / 1 11M1 Lhe Of part inir . rem :mid
and for oak by JuIINSTON STc'hTt/N.
corner and Market eta
11C,EW throKS—Dr. t'uvrintry'a
a, ork Fpnle
11 Cholera, tm I limn) Canar l'e Wtno int
uiry a.m, trout.
ehilc.op4 y of Rehgton by J. P. Sinrett. A hi
Bourne'. thottelottot of the Siennt Ko,ltlo.
ttlsamtwe. I., rtotterbt. of Litrrature, 2 eolr
tytt. I,tte ntotott,.tecl pletet.
I'lethtnixtr•' hloterliatty ul htteftsl at] Kitterthotto,
ttowtrdge— Ito trot., 12 not Ittoetratr.l
Advtce to %hot, Me, by T Arthur, rill
" loon* \hornet, .•
Mettle-tor of ]let-orotoyy, I,y J Itroellr• n A
Proved.. for the People. by K A NlaFoon.
I love/troy Serf...oh Ity Ur \ Vaytou,l
French'. ilut
.etrat intytl..erturer or 1-44-7 —•Th. loor•tt
S ertititto,
,11,1.41./ co
I Yol, hvo
tt I . Yttaktest'y 1.110, Otto:irate..
reetvytl thus daft ttY
R /11 /PRINS,
Apollo M.!Um,.
N EW PI/ 11.11CATIotalkl—F,arry 011 11. 11, I 1000
ialliarch 0101 Stair. by Rapt,. W .Noel, 01 A
1 VOL Man.—Rl...irk An , aura ettatton of the, work
ara• saki in one day. 011 na 0 0011 0211011 In 1...,01.105,•
Leaves lion. Alai - paint rirtion's Journal, 111 the Pro.
vines of /V eisaisclioacint Ray-- Ifi;e ta 1 vad,
Hoyt'. Poen", hea 01 1.110 asid I.slialic ape. hi
Rcv Ralpb 11.8,1 —nets ea ciiturpc,l,—..suh ellualrell
A i'aierbrort of Pm Puy. Engine. illsatranvc rdihe
acienlific pnaceplas upon watch a.. operation depc , nla.
and the practical detalls of its alruciarn, IP , applona•
iscut in anima, mill., strain none anon 01111
C E. canon I
vol.s ...wallow. of unpcor enien.: by J Itenirne
Moo 70c
Clicever's laccierna on lb. Ptlcrun'• Pr
eat Ilkno, Rice it-ducat! in 11.1.0 u. okrt....—nen.
Tile Canons, a Fatally hunts, Pant I 1,.
Franklin's dlualtalcd. Paris IV and V FA,I
llonorica; by Prof. Ty l er—PYino Poi talc
uirll24 4in it
.e of announcing the sir oval of a nem and
aesortmelat of Pomo, from the ousin,,ory
..n•a Checkering. lloaion—atnong thaw a maaa
enl Romthenosl lull Grand Plena Forte. 7 oealvea.
Also, superb square Plano Forte, neustes, earve.l
rosewood, of the so kof lAN.. Xi V, h sanel
se and 0 oetaves, to which the auentio.. of purvh y
aa of
en a respectfully solicited.
Sole Agent for Chickenng's Piano !'one. Inr Wesi
em Pr limy I vsn.
tloi•Agazkey ter iluilina 41. - Clark's Plan npM
JUST If h:CFJVED and opening. 3
fillispinew lot of elegant 1 . 1A1., from the
celebrated famoey of Nunn. A r'hart,
N l' , m3rapnaing 6,61 and 7 octaves,
with Impornant improvements, both in mechanism and
exterior, pueeessed hy no others.
A I.SO—A Goa self, Min of Chickenng's 1.114,10 A. bout
6 to 7 octaves. 11. KLEBEIt, Sole Ages.,
•t 1. W Woodwelfra. M.l Third tt
N B Tye slave will be sold at manufaeturers or lj
ecs, ariihout any addinon for freieht or expenses.j
erit/ Journal and Cb re:licit, copy.
A SPEKR. 7 lrltuo.romen t
mon! and Rosewood Poona., lost h..
the latest pattern and lona mamma i
soil end be sold lo ' ;: d ico . ote rb sl " h7 "4.'" ."'
Y. IiLUSI/..' 112 Wood street,
211 door above Path
R-Those who are in want of a goad nostrumeno,
ten respectfully Invited to ettomone Mese before pur
enasong elsewhere, its they ennstot be r vertical by I.lly
no the cavalry, and will bor sold lower than any braved
111110 the East. Al.tum term mid, two pianos of Iluno
burgh marintamure, worooontml to be superior to any
ever mold on tbm erounorya3 oentJ P. It
T ' f i h ' e . sa " ' 1 . ;71 to VI rla l 4l .P l r lorgf e ll Vril l ; htl.% " : I /1;,- r
UN", q 9 4,4::,'`,;;',7.1,.:7„dn'.'.'". 7,;.•—.1.'4'..b,y'.1:47::"
and esomot being tout lour ....mya Mein NI re 11, ,
o accordance with Me of cmeore nnol demand,
re attended lie scale of
loationneum lo II stol
n 5 orta•rs, obros 'oohing ot posetuccade no perlortn
• them any music woolen fortno I mem or Organ
,thenlaner lso, 1/W1 been month taarooved by pl
/m oy of etrummot 111 , 011 a roost iron oue
/y bronzed and ornamenied, render., a so
171tO1O elegant mod extremely des:robin •ruele.
price Is Vol so law MA 10 bring a Wll l llll 111 G reach
, very ono to obtani a perfect /1/11111f131 toostrunomot,
nl, at the same time, a mart elegant poems ol fun, b
for s comparative tilde. IL KLE/IER,
Al J IV Woodwe ire
,J Imo Jost received front Euro sod for,star, un
monody new inventoon of Piano Porn', called tile o 'A 11-
INET PIANO PORTE which passemong more
one auslioweetnem Man the square Piano, occupies tout one
Moab as much room, and m a mooch more showy and
the iv, It IX parueularly damn.-
tole where the gor space man object, bcong et o
eeednogly nn! and copact, and orteopyi no mere
room do. • small Soo
table. The subwber Imo on
hand a lestlmotool of ota superoority from 11,0 eclebm.
ted manna, Moschella-a in hos own hand wronng,wboe h
nosy be Inspected.
AI 1 IV %Voclise-I's
—_. - . ...
Chleknorlogio Platoons - . ---
.lIYST reeet red mid
Mr sale la mom
ofneouren ponies. TOilarggir new hobo
1119 ppr
Fames, a GI and 7 OCIOVI,I Oi 11101110111
elegant putter. cf tto roott tore, awl with
the lam improved wale.
Al. 011 hand and for mole low, 3 second h•not 1 ' ,.,,.
lo oIIN'II All :1.1,1C,
Sole Ageno (or Closekroyong's Poemr or t \ i rodern
Pennsylvania, el %Vinod street
XTEW MUSIC 111' HENRI NERZ-Th - e lo•o Rose
11 of Somme r. with an ontrooluctoon mod MI/Omni va
usu.. oor ohe Piano Pune, as perlormed ot c:1 16/1
canneroo no Me (Mooed States toy Henri Iles
lolttafory Polka, by lien. Iler,
Comte Polk., it a
solver Ltell Polka, a
Jost rtre.•.' - •
td sod for sale by
mils 13 JOHN II fiIIII.I.OR L t.. 1 wood .1
Vocal R aaaaaaaa
,& NDW , I.FrA , UIt/S, wt. NH arcompa none, pupil
1 .1. ?tan-forte, adapted to the trouts ot private ,
to vocal waste Neleetrol bout lalllll,
French and German compoacra. by Lowell Alattit,
Mr, page. af closely pruned must, ..4011.11/1, I.
cseretres progriusively arrattged l'rme ~.1 ceout
JILIIVCCATMI, • supply of Um above, dui...111,n the
publishers, by JOHN 11. MELLOR,
:11..1,00.1. I
W I . I LL E b t : " T —' III:/ ' hb"
n'illd"..Ot4.ll"l:.‘";"' I
' Ir r171 1 : 4 5 6 11KG 8:L •11t; ' 10 . 1 * •121C U I:T?i ' ('IT ' ;';cT.7:11:
meat by tell JAAIII4S HALZEI.I., SVltter st — i
LI ItltSiN tiltArlf ANO eltlilqt:LlOc.—.lit ft AI Co
kJ cos ha* received a @apply of white and roloced and
Itsse--autottg the latter green 004
Other dcorable eolors Also,- wrote, p.a. and bloc
ht. and IV•rt, Bloods.
(r i l: 1 11 , 1S-150 L. l'arla,AT.4l,oriti,lLlTAnTrla by
--->,:,.,.:'--.,,:,•:•„ -...,.7,..".c....i,,1.
. .".. cii f a.--ItIcTIVI•?Xa r .1 . ir - -r4" - nr: r 4r.z•N . to* sr - I . rz.z ' -- ,1..*.a• ..i.. .r!.. .N.
o ff` :C3 .. -, t.'4 .2 3? - t - ;-= .., 10 1 - ,,- - z:'. l *.E - ;- ° - i 47e, 1i i'•
. : 1 4.1-. ... 4 f-t--..t;E:. - 31-.='• Tt * 2. :2;411', 1 7 4 :4 .ettfF.V l= l'7:ThV •-- - i &, 6
ca E;-,':: `,:..F.;.;.7-,14 !:;:iii! . .T.1fi1ea.;.. 1 ,-,-Z.-q-. 1
,11= 1 Ci iiih 5_111.:g"-PJ.64-1 ...,..414..:.:,
= . 5 f .c.::.:
.3 ..±. 2 f - E eT: ... 9 =:.,i' i.r.i i? 2 2 5 , a. 2: 2- . 7 ::: - : ° '5.zi•=.1...;:•• 2 i.".ei= If li.-6' :?. ea ..t
co I T .4 =-“,r1.;,!4,,t,".1 • •-,1 1:.1 . 1 . :Al.•; . 4 - El . :t7...J. , ?: E t - 2 5 : = 1.1t 3 74.,i'i.s - ;---- ;:b - = aCS .?
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30 s ., ~. f- , Zs! x '',. ~ 4 . - .7. .s. Z` a' - L. , _- : t' 1' ••- ..
= ,
'IV ,-: es ?. 2 r'-'1 . ..i",e5•1 v e . a..
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~Z . ,,,-3-2' ”", ...1-,_ :,.E-- • :!-.-- . ,-,%; . : 7 -7: ! :1
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“ A -'
Llaut Notes;
- _
_ _ _
- - 7 ' - ' , 9t lee..-- tAINTAININCi N 0
"„ 1 , - . ''' - MERCURY, or other Alia
a t .t...". ~... P . - ~-i n, end. —lt ban power to
--"- to i;....1.5X. canon ell EXTERNAL.
?...f . ''' ' -, A ~.t. ., - At PORE:S. SCROFULOUS
4 : -.1.7.- _ 1 11/MOR,t, SKIN DIP..
- .4 :' ...< "fa' EA ti liS, POISONOUS
I' '......
.;;az.,—....i7 WOUNDS, to dinebarge
_ .!.e.lf il `...,,,,,. ir Weir putrid matters, and
-'-' t - ..,
h'th ig th ;tTy . mobil
et , Z,.. % : , - A L i L t - 7 II r EALING, for
~ , •
..-:dic.-4,.. there is iteareoly a din i
". 7 '''tegee. 17:: " „ ' '‘7.7 1 ,:::, "Z„',7„: :
.., -0' I have used it for the loot WS
shall n theit Year. for all diseases tif the Ole' , involvtha fie 'Patio., then, how ahall we ninths destroyer in
Cie innis dormer .d rape...tiny, .d I declare die hod? how shall we get clear iff i est, (fought, and
bcfor• heaven and nian, Rut not
one case haa it is
is of vital importance to the pub le.
failed to beerlit when the patient was within the retell THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY
Will be found in the Ginseng Panacea. Id proof of this
of mortal mean..
I have boil physicians learned in the professiOn. I we been front time to uma published the idertiAcatea of
nave iniapter.: 'I: the e,orpel, fudge, of the bench, al. lour of our best known citizenry bolts.we expt.ria
dern.cii. In w., ers, sy•ntlemen of the highest erudition. roe. tts cur.., powers. These, with d masa of te
.1 multitudes of the peer nee it In every variety of :moor nom all par. or the countryProta
way, and there lots born but one vetee—one universal AILDICAL Al EN OP THE EIRST STANDING,
In sn y i ng — "APALLISTER, YItUR ttINTAILNT Nturmurs of the Gospel, Itc., together with cop.. ant
ices trout the
RIIEUMA . TI/..i31-11 removes chn.t Immediately JOURNAI.B OF VIE DAY,
d.... tddrianwition and ravelling, when tlie pain ceases we I.ave ewliesated in po.raphlet lona, midway be hot
Read the shreetions mound the 1.Z./ crabs of any el i cit, tam. throf=itt !earn:W.
It y,IS.AI I P—Tne .alve ham eared perm. or the IILNDREDS OF
betht-a. ~ of twat, years funding, and who had It have been used in
tea ••e, • e scry week so that vonanittg took place. EAR- THOU,A NOS AND rENS OF TIIOUSANDS
AC If 1,1 t it rTI I.Aell E. and AGUE IN THE FACE, througbout the Wined tea and Canada, and we chit
mu tiscpeil vrob lik,saecesn.
.ettge .y uta t out
SCA I .li REA. 1)--We have eared eases th at amenity LA
dafian. 'err Wing known, as well to. the ability of fife it winch when taken according to threctiena, end be
atenecitty doetora (hie mon told .be boil .fient fore the lungs had become fatally aloorganthed, It his
pr. , ea lo• r Inkier, wilbon .y benefit, when a few aver haled to
hole- of i neon en l mire I them.
TErttElt- T here in nothingbatter for the cure of My. then. need We afflicted hesitate! Wily resort bTett.,
tso inv.ernble nontrums, gotten up by oar onraindivid-
Pr IINS It 14 one or the bast dungy in tile toot 111 (or moo Ler the aaamml name of acme co sheeted p op .
...ow, and pad,/ onto notoriety by certifier.. , per
il LES—Thou.:An arc yearly cured by thin Oen, sons equaDy unknown! Whilst a medlelne of •
meld Ii OLVKIt toile in giving relief for Me it des. (IN EA ItALI.ELED EFFICACY
IL, - A Motet the box am three... or ening , 111,1 ,eilo be had, whose vouchers are at hotne,—oir nalgai
I..stes's ifionneerrer Isar, Comphriat. Esperye- I OurS,—morly of whom it has
Lis, Tea, (:Asfirasas. Scala liras ( . Nor, Ey", (jams), SNATUDED I'IDLIAI medicine AVE
aors Taman Deonchthi, Newel. Affshon, Pain, Dr, Ili Order dint this manta.. medicine may be placed
rase of Mt Spa., Wail ail, mime. Oral's's, Arrr arra, itriMin the reach of We poor as well the nett, wit Lava
Dam, Caen, all Dares, of the Ski, Sow Lips, P , rn. pot we pace at
Plel. d'r. . hierfifiig s/ the Lind, Sews. Olsesszoasn, , ONLY FIFTY ORNTS,
P..... raid Fart r nap, Nterf , rd or Broken Brea., York 1 runt one halt the amal tOlit at coach natedreinea. it IS 1
orie..dgite ~. 11, Pare. 4-c ifie. / For .ale by our agen. 111 nearly every lawn und village
CI ;LI/ ht . :Er—Liver Complaint, pain It the i 'he.' ; osi.r Ow went, who ne prepared in give full infant.. , 1
anti Side. I,tl ling nil of Mr heir. or the oilier no enema- 1 lotl re , .vc to it. T. SALTER., Prtoprietor,
mon 001,1 1 . .. et I'Tlit• I mitinent i• ilie true remedy I it ;
Remakes,. tlinetnnathlthie
i• a nun. •ign of 111a.a..• to hare cold de et
~ . i kit n. v. 'DAV NeENDN AI .LWO
t'....RNIS- Oren- ~,,, al nap ol rte" , w '" a' i I I dozen of Dr 'Townsend's Genuineen Sa,fparilla,
wa. corns 10011 grate ug Peep.. need never 1 ,,.., ~,, „,,,,, tel n , , yen
lc troubled with them d tliev use it fri4literitly
•57 Wood sr only ,1-rot for Ihusliurgh. I
a.f - TM. Outme. i• ath. to nit 7 Pon et ihe hod," P I
pH Sly 1.1 AI CURR Y. Agent for Allegheny my
er inn 4. when ind'itited. lit . 00 n' .00,-a it .h " .. d h ' I If I DROPATIIIO ESTABLISEUMNT. ...
„,,„,,, u„,,.
r I tint evinu, • azoVa t., ro. <`.. I
a . are.... '''''.'",'"' ' , 'l/lV'''4l/ IC
k bar means el' er
ia ' . A e L eT.l " .l ' \, - /•'- ' . fi' h 1 ' e '" .1 " 171..1 ' ,5 " 1 7 1-1 1 1 I ,• won,. WIII, n pea ' 1 1%,',.;,„ ; „t„ th , - . ~,' ,VlZtj .
~..- -4 - cc .
r .i . ;
1 1
tor Lb,- rll tenure patronage be brut received, and of in-
For •0 , bl. inr Ace.. in ul , the pll,lOl it run' a'" l mein... them that be h. lately erected a large soil
.n F o r in the I•tittril Staten
. ell eriintracted building, for the ezelusiv pat°
1 A MI:S 111 , A I , LI ,r rFiL to Ins WATT ,R el. RE ES TA III . IB IIIIIENT, ' at hie 014
sal , Prnprieior or the 0tt,,,, med..' ievatinit. id Phillipdsurgli, Pa., on the Obio neer, opt..
UT vrlnrl,l o l 1 Mire, Poo ...." North Third 011. et, Py.: nite the •tentnlioat landing at Heaver, where he is ready
10.1,11 0.
la receive patients liE Onararri, and treat do al on Ily. ,
Pft li - 1 , . 25 cI:NTS 11,11 RI 'X.
diem... , mi. 1,.1... In addition to his loim expert.
Ay sr.,. :I
4 1 1 1( - .1110011 - 1 1 rnen . fiene, ^^ , a , r r. ~.,,, ion/ the great •ucrane which has heretofore, al.
I.,bei ~ and e ll ' u i '`. 1 4. "'."'... I''. '"'" , l. Ito .• ;refitment or paned. coutiohted la Inn care,
si ark., .1 soil the, al. eict 01 Id , a t••t 1,. has nowilie sildninnuf facilities afforded by an ex., Id • .•. 111 Cass, pier 01 tr i c e 0011 0/01 1,0 1 1C „.., ~,,,,,
~,,,,, Jerre .‘..,.. air the
...... sv, wa rd; and • abl at ti.e IONA; .hor in 5112111111., , a , ~, ~, r‘iii „„ aiaria .,
airy : iia,
that 1 :. 24 ; , s;
~. A, ,„:„ 5..,,nd 01, in A them , V lhpli I . evrr) neve,. ry upporeina toultudiung,aad admin.-
„,,,eneta ithd l Say.... La .1 0 Smolt. lirveg t .i. Inf. ~. 'mg the Ireanyelll to the unnont benefit and comfort
natitelistai I/ Nealry, I.est Liberty: II Roar tuii.i. Ale. i
, i , ai. thaiiiththaraii to o
ke — Pe'. 1 ~., , , . ti, ........ %mt.'. 1,11 Y• iN healUiv sol.tge nosy ur access by nicouttmart, s ouldof-
It Down, In d in, and .1 T }tore, Moo nevil.r, John ~,,„ I„, 0 , 0 ,,.„.,.. 0 ,.,..,.. 55 ,
, 5c , ,,
lair\ ir . Itcsree. P., a re 011uie•ale agent.
1.10! wtY (hose italietril !a . m.,' who may place l nes un
de trios cure, that every attention shall h e e
prod to their
WA rED CII R. 14 k: LI TA LI Ellifila W.l--i-V,--
in..:nd as an... rune. ol the llbstOnti6i benefit.
PHILIPSRUItti, l'A. to be dented, he pouts. wan confidence to the Loth
9 GO: rupe.l • 1 1ole• 0 - I,leh Ilvdropatby hex made deeds who have le en corinammily cured at his eaten.
1 . it., it• , etrieltietniii two in. counry—Mc let 11..liment 'The Water Cure leaves no injurious caeca
luta and atous.tung CtlledtlVe edema at et sant, in iY-11.J. us . too once the ruse with those who have
, biome and seuta OhboOFC, when employ. atter the in.en treated Oil lhOnid MYStOUL il remove. the dis.
method or the celebrated Pricsiote, have frOIOVOO_O OM 1-4OLC, OIV1•011Orn the .steni pow,. from the thsoge n .
the nand of nn Intelligent and discerning public every oteident . eh... of ) the weather,
COMM% • natural
i• tencie 14 ll 000. as w its e Mrs, y, wail ea irted it mu- and active oppro le, and moor. vigor to the dice-slice
~ er.e I (a vnr I '0. m It.
air u use:boor tor ) resul, powers. Toon. oi treatment and Inianling reiwonabie. 1
GI e-meal,e. hereto:ore usral la the treatment or elitonn. Pur further Pa rtteular• inquire at the est:adult...,
Onlj.l alll4, teottiotaints, too, whir h are increasing rv- address the proprietor at Plod...rah •
era year.) it noi•t le• 4 natural wish to nee the sneer.. augthil
..,__. ~,.
of n nimmyl by which on molly nitibriunnte rude.. '
Lir— JA 1 N IPS ALTERS fl i 11....
ves II I- treed trom Men pm. ond it:hemmer. We Lave been informed by 111 n. Rove of it core per.
TO a na , nerther bovitig Premised s ne r e.sfidi , this We
on herby Dr. Jaymats Altorativo, which
medial tor eight years mI. llydr , patti. e•tablish- rind e. 'lr •UporiOrtly reverye other remedy of the
mem, whirl, tiu• p er
considerably enlarged anal ina. rind She ha. been afflicted hard. lost sixteen yaw
proved ill all 11• pu no, and ill every, re .peel, . 1101• 0.01 0 N ECM PSES 0, tY/lITE SWELLINGS,
r e ady to ',ewe nod aceornmodate patients who ma ..,:, tileeration• and enfobation of various bon., da •
ritouse in roar, tberu •
selvee under lus cure, ii kill n od nag artacli nine mane Immee hos'. hOoo Czehanged a r ms,
win ann dal none or the cranium, from both her arias,
pyipp.,. urg . situated noon the lell bang of the thill. . et. hand., and from both legs, and hem the led
p. pose the mouth a n
toe Itig Beaver. 10 well known feu i n tone, and from tee ht knee, beanies pain./
i ce it. etain. and salutinoun nrmestinere. its de- le,. o other parts of her ponce, which have bugled 1
. bah toll quietness and charming natural scenery , coin- a, 0 1 1 0 0 , a , 00 ./ ~,, ornate ~,., phy ,,,,..,
inning every requisite to resider the amount of the 00 bee ett, —during wont or the Irma be, sadennes have
vit MI aerceith.e mid emoritinnea um a little to eras- beep ex crooning nod deplorrinle About three month, ,
liablish impaired health and physital strength. nince sac less induced to try Dr. Jayne'a Alteratsve,
Th., entablisitineny Me lino ...led 11l the United • witch bus bad an ssrmashinely happy effect tipon /mil l
Stair.. emitumn every thou, 1.. r o pe nne. end i,y rei nee ,,,, ci p noi ~,,,, ~v ri h ripra, ...... th . ,
eowdort i eslrulated lo insure - . aliciWY n happy icr- ulcers to heal, stillest the tame time her general health
inincios in the minima. 01 Me 1 . 0.10 t,
has bccou tecomplemlyrestored,so that she now Yemeni
Pen.. winking to avail themselves of the Inlet.”, . 3.5 lbs mom than she did before the commeneed Me me I
gas here °tiered, will pienw addrmis We manic n,r :at this truly it prepation.—{Sitt. Ewe. Post. ,
'II Inter. mot-paid,' •t
i t. _^‘'oe .. Pt r i'ule the For' artter inform:nu., inquire of Alta Rose, No. ID '
bv lure or well vOnirletillt, I OOLICI ID deCid• r
and ail- F,,,,,„,,, , 1.,,,,,d,, p ,,,..
0 lae 011 melt Innen. and eusaniniv by the itydroomltte For sale ,0 Pusbargh, at the PFJUN TEA STORE,.
1 rratnienn and also wino will he ii y tor mein to . pr. ro,cr, l i n c , w 0 ,,,,i .
tare nang, fur their
.pima and personal use
tiri - ix) w ',/ EN Lr its. ---- kri•ititi -----, • 11'
,s. .. A A .A,—.+o dozen
1.1.) , A A RI.I ACK ER, hi D I . O 1 ,11•101, :
mitt received of Dr. Towneend`a Sarsaparilla, the
Philipsbrg Deaver county,
h a lt l
. ~,,t,........ _
j ., ,, , , , , i ,,.,,, ,,
~ ,,,,,,,,,, o,; , mord raordinary medicine in the world! Tbis Ea-
Fart. /-....: do. /101 l Tl,omae lira,. bearer. Pe , be ''''" '. P. , ant. quart bibles. It lo au cute. , limper, 1
Lfii,sor, Ye. 1,01 t'n lino, Pittsburgh, Pa, 1.. C ' r•ii'er....,,,me.,..
,--„,,,:thiyirmtvara.:°Petth7abt to r tli_.,ld. It 1
Pi /kis, F., imm Rev is It Sneed, New Albany, ~,,,,,,.., ,
p ..., g , r .. ir dr 'a. , .snsg or 1
Rev. M AI co. Tinter. , '''' i " T. . 1 •• St “! . ''' F•ri• , Wm LOFT 11/011 illitT•lllo,ll.—Unprincipled personshave
" ,,,, v 1i. , . 13 ' 3.,,,.'"1rr ". '' ,.b. rg; "n r j t Mr. , rooted our labels, .11 pat up raedicine in the a
inicel I ....; i sms berm; A- Dultvell, East., du.
shaped bottle. See.. eaeli bottle has the written sup
no h. e
—.. —___-- nature of S. P. Townsend
Li PECI Ar . P 1 It l e rtihlS OF CONSUNIPTION , R. E. SELLERS, Druggist, 57 Wood meet. between
, ~.r,„a ri i thr ,„. r„,,a,,. general ~,, ,,e.., I Third and Pcurdt, I/
l i t hoe onhy wholesale i
iria ` rio
i ,‘4....
rar,,,, .pi,, ‘ „,, ~„,„,, . mid naafi agent for Pittsburgh, of wthiat the genuine
pia. before, Om...oder blades belond , article can be had.
INVOLLIBLY ' B ,II IOTONOi or COMOOORION —entlrhill• i II Al. Curry has been appointed the sole agent for
nicht and Jay. doltby muscle., general debility. great
h o d* ehY. or who m lie ream. aniele ean be
of breath on root,:
tilt tn.., ithaending o hod * .
._ apt
hdl, ce waking nut a hide nun pulse always above IIS A. Isitnorrocal . Al). Guth, N: 1 - 1. i... -- ;ti
on, bombed. .r sweet. together, drenching cold I It. I. P. 0111.0., Pittsburgh
scree. unearth morning.
I G. W. Formative,
i ntai dial Consumption manes on 1,0, a common i W Roloriala Drug Store Int Lb. Olt, or
catarrh or cold. but about the period when dint di.. New York. g
rally • expected to substile..osne of die *yen. rp DE ender.inned are ealeinziVely ...god Wine
ton. are agoiavawd. The rough te norm trould.Y. '
.I. Wholesale Drug Furriness at No.
411 Joan street, ill
•notr, tepe,eally when ly ins down. There is no heed , the ,dry of New ler*, and are prepared to„aopply
'..... In Me chest, Lai 11/ffleoll hrenthien, otneh 1.. 1 Druestata and nonstop Merehlinta en. ragre.Palithiy,
worst on lying down. The appearenee of the rpee. I tits, Ilye.ooda, Ratio end Atheric. Perfthatery,
to re WI, 0011.-il . rnototet, is cbuttged learn a p t hiek j,..aaoact 4 nuttier% Chemicals, (2air wont
yet lot inure, to a donne, substance, it ~ very un- I WI OillatiCW/ a.s . all ether article,' in their 1 . Wheal.
pie a.saate the putiea, maid rm. an unpleasant ...II ; wit. al * atirsll l oa.riralilT 11.3 loons they ran be per.
o hen t a r,,, , c nei et an tumoral appearance, ands• I +bawd In thin Or .7 a11.W.. , ell.
~,,,,,,,,,. ~ mixture 0r,,,,.. n a .sene, as o e ~,„4„ I Near Verb. Pebill li. A...PAII.WrIIeir & ,
7awith osier part soik . and part swims. Th. disease I Dr. Wlekr—C-iarebrathail-----
.rr , r4..,. " , ' ,,. ") ;,, 1 1, ° 2r,V r ,,74,... ") ; ‘ , * gj c ; "d
rne Rid,. oi LI rrrwort rirr,” the rare anti, to- I ritl I E paid. see reque•red n 3 rend the [olio
•ohon• lime., hp expectorati., soot. and heal. the • I. 1160.100 This NOoLfiCult IA extensively used in
ntleeted lungs, It never hot, 3 Yherever this mein- iMI the Southern and Ea.tem eines.
riar , bar Len, i ,,,,, , , a ,, y en , of I. gore,. pe n ,t,,,.. We do coolly that Dr Louis %Vita., of York, Fa.,
101, )core n It. been before tha public, and ha. been ; look under his One and anon T'
on or about tit
thoroughly leen, our ad eomploint• of the Lung, end . linn ot th.timer la.l, a young man laboring n,,,l ey a ,
hi. moved it.en superior in merit to any thing in une. I severe attack of •-Aniline Cholera." That we exani-
Warainght give hundred. of lenitmontabi trona ph y•i. r men the mid patrnt, and found hint to be In the cot
e..., file pre-+, eieree. and those who have been en- i lisplieti•lltO, al that downer, with frequent and copious
reit bat all we desire is to call thr attention of We •f- I nee water irm eliortea Th. , we Prontineo Massed,
Itv tee, and tor toll own Rood they wilt try it. or genuine tilted/ire. and deelured over
that we
is , ot nutter counterfeits ! Always observe Me rie. , believed the •suil patient Will beyond the hope el reed
mitr:, li t.oo. Taylor, M D." on the engraved label, is
aid. In fart we thought We pan e , .„,,,,1,1 di .,
ono erepgred, at die INhotreale Depot, 71 Beekman I mid so declared at dm nine.
ninety New C.
~,-; We ninth, eertify that the satd Louis Wietey pm
?bib] in I t nomoreh by I D Morgan 03 IVoml iit, .1 , suesi ht. own mnde in treatment and mlntinistered his
Townsend. 1:a Market 11, Ii Sterner, ear Market and I l'bolelis 111- itiedY. aed elreeted 3 cure or th e p,
... 1
1,,,, , r,,,n,
.5. ~,,, 5 i ii , irri , . i pi.,„ ~,,,,„„i i IVe dinil in four date 'bewilder We said young lia.
o 01.. per ~.., . _ _ !marl I war ut Mull. and OCIIECtIy WOE
It A I let. A N's at 1R NI 1 111,1. ER is the bent %/smut.< l i, l'i! -...i,,,..ittk
INI. wit 011/ Inv,in rue tIVo Of kl, lb Lis 11.1111kr
IoNI los es , tYrnimorrland , Pa.
NI r John D Morgan -Tins in. certify that I have
reit netting your 4'r:induce lot some Uwe. au) about
le yes, -at.] iii that nate I have never knows II 10
1 01 1 01 1p .... 0 0, NYTII/011 away, when the symptom.
heare.i the', pre•Oner I had oceaston to give it to
Crown op weather. of 1111. ' •• • •
nr In s
faruily: lare ' eael. o
ilwittoor and on. of thew et/toad:Vl/ g and Ibt. °Ot
ero', aan oorni• la LI., beat Vrrunfugo that any
Enna I.+ la Ill• fano., J. W. Vous..
total, and .nl.l I.y J MORIISIV, Druga.o,
onr door plow . Diamond %Hoy, an Wood at. ,u 5
1%, y . :711r.yur'.1:n„'ird, lilac
sundow, II bar Pree.anair, I') anal, Polatb. Iwo re
reord nod for tole by NV
.111101 i
Eat. Bork Preen, loltde Iron,
Norm. Silver. On Copan.,
Tondos, Corte And.
ynalu, t'hlnncsllher,
lsu,.,- Blida, Barran Qua.- la
J... 1 we'd and lor rule by H
57 Wtatd
lIA —lt dreontotor. the or or precool plane/
or ....11,101.1. dotrz,. 1,1710VV. ant
out r Wavle. ol room., &a Ily , Its cleansing suer
gy It woes... sleet., and ...swept. all sumenonasuble
thart..... win ther in mall or can .5.r. Jutl reed
awl for sale by pall M lsl .l.lDiaa, 57 Wood al
A T the sign of the Plano and Saw. 78 Wosul Woe/
T,wlaenrop.efr Itoantraeul Cuseinnau Cooper.
. len ta/r i.y myln 1 11:11KIt & 7.A IIPNIAN
le r'. stigma, rota:lnane all lite matter, verbuirn
el Instant, of Vol. I and a alba London edition C
bellisloal von. porlron .11 the aulhor-2 Vol.. Ill'one..
Poen. compare, stk.. A large supply of tlio above re
ell yrd and for Kole by JuIESI II MELLOR,
.1 wood n
‘2 ' llro h la " .t. No I Vhorolule and Cocoa; alat,
Pekin ' o t ch7o oetoat, not reed and far .al,, al We
ea Stow Fourth t.
IX.. -Gore.
Wu...record ougor, pun "r"7,''
bbl or am road, al the Pekin Tea SlO're'd, 79rF:.frnl:
LUNGS.—The suprecedomed success which has
er ;hied the awe of the
a:I the. ',rictus lonas which trritautto of the lane. er.s.
nom, has toducul the proprietor again m exit .tteni.
tioii to this
ebangablo weather which marks oar fall sad
vetoer months, is always a Inlaid source of
rho-e, u* neglected, SA ND
but Uto precursors of that fell
i I r , rtaly t het I vbnied a c.e ol modified Cholera un
dr, the rare to Ut. Louis IVlckey, mod ti t ., I h..he,e
In. rmuhrtne to.l.eved lam.
Stair of 51:10 [awl, IVaeloneon eoonty, to wit
I ~r tsty that I eta weJl a cquantleal volt the on 1 0 .
nt,t who hove wetted the VVIiI//1 ertilimte• ot .
lwmirt \V and they
ea moo of rmtpoetobtoty.
In trAionon, whereori hatmanho suboorthe tor'
1... o. nom , . and sit x the noel of toy otter, Mt. foot.
Irr !Oil day of Nov.:ober, elEbtrmt hundred aod
%Vollingto I
O. R. XVII.LIA Ms, clerk !
n County Com, Maryland. '.
I witnessed the a dministration of Dr. Loom lViek•
e ,. a for Cholera, to the r.sif ot no ape's.-
tii the Masts ring bumitess in tins town Mager.-
104,11.1 wu a well marked ease of Ana.: Cho
er with nee water evaeoutms, told clammy skin,
itil to mile, small Trelanioll. pulses-1 ronsidered hot
soustion truly critical and itturnuns. saw him Pre
sto. to Dr Wis key and was pressen: to the admit..
trait., Male dose of medicine, anal saw boos re-
P .d, r`dJY during the emend.. of Dr. IViekey; he re,
so as to be nide to attend to and worst at Ins
ade a few days. 001 sure he mdk 00 . 0 ° the , b.'
asedieMe alb:noosed by Dr. ‘Vis.Y7:..
RICIIA•15 W. Dam,
The only tree an.l arvinue Da. Wreirea Chula
and Lharthice Net ,11r2 prepaml mad sold whole
male'nd retell. by .101111 ix MORGAN, Draggal gj
PAlitrn door below Dumont! alley Ns'ew •
A 1:1JUILls
(2.R. I tTEFtiI, for the very littera/ eneooragoolint 1
kJ have receured for m many years., have deter
mined to enlarge my business consulmably. lem. Davin
engaged"naaed a ma nn -em. Foreman, I .111 he enabled u t
Ell an order. Ivomptll, and do the work in oar usual
+ly le cud a , f a , attem, nod ask 1110 / 1 41.111011 of mer
chants and ransena to my large stock of UPHOLSTE,
It 1" GOOD& and 11ed.,• &fantastic+ and Umlaut', Cu r .
one lilaterauls, Ddramis and Marren, Cornices, Frut
ges, &orderings, Taasels,h o ll er Minds, and
every murk, usually kept in an ruablutunent of the
k/nd ed Hiders reapeetfully Nolsetted and promptly at.
N. R.—Carpets mule and pot down.
A RD-10 krg• No I lard, for tale.
Arlita4ll. ROE
And in the latest F•sliton,
llead CLuarie-ra forßeate susd Maws.
Corner of Vourth and Staithfield streets,
Prerrsossu P.
i tfii
~ , T R, ,O L I L t ri SCOT T.h.rasni7,co jal . l t .
rk. wholesale and retal, would resprettaltyr 1
um .1.1”140, 4.4 ilt,r Irleirds and the pa 11.3 gem.
ernily. to their splendid new stock, eintsbnitixortnette,
vrinnens% 1.1 , 1 0 . , MlX•et . and children. wear Of every
variety, suitable fur the season, and at prices to suit
the mime. A splendid article of Immo made vibrk,
such as gentlemen's fine boom, ladies, misses and
eluhlrens fine work. Please call and examine fur
yourselves. Yitorti A G•urr,
N. U. — Traveling Trunks,
corner 4th and Sinidifield sts Carpet Bags, An. An ; al.
ways on band 01,0 low for Cash
Country merchants would had It to that Interest to
gave us a call when mantas the city. le •1114
LOOd:11, WiLisonf is. 4. --- 7(C ---- ', --
INIPORTERSAhd WliOksale Dealers inForagn and
f / Domestic hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery, Ae.„, Vag.
, Wend sheet, Illtsburgh, are now hilly prepared with
,II• recently imported stock of hardware, Cutlery, Sad-
LT c',ufP,`,,°r..,' Trrlat'l,l:‘°.:tl.orldg'"."7;
the nanny advantages had by our predecessor",
Mr. Logan & Kennedy, we have gretitly increased oar
,facilines, and humbugs, all oar gouda tram firsthand%
oti Um very best te
The hauler memberset the firm devote their whole
altenttou to salmi, and fcelloig antfillynt arriving sat
tsfachon, respesuially solicit it 0411 ,= al, .....Y
visit this utarkeL
sieM _
IV fine[ i ' r " lO r ; ' i d ea id d l o e r e . , re " 714;t77 . 6141=1 ." „ ' s 1 :
gi ve,suseli for w web Loins tined a patent,
and agree. In epurcuswers • writ. governess that
they are stroaser, awl I.lllrruot frost urea smih
s, slut imbibe lees nioisthre or de/apneas than any al t b.
Immemstar smiler baly and haperior Mature
mid much more durable every resSmet, each lama
being sisbjeetrd to a prewurc of .V • orall.o., mollies.
sassing a handsome smooth 'archer arid even edges,
hey brake a front equal to 4 he lw.t froth brick.
They have swat e saustantion Mall who
have pdoeha se d. A kilt, on Lc ter, .. r , works, sod
apretmetr at the OusueMeice.
Those hams
w. supplied th,lo.ellre• for thclr building,
and wisng handsa front brick, o` superior bar,!and solid paring brick, rk, obtaiu than
S COH We::
Rirenagbam. Jana I; Is-1.. I tf
WiioL—Tne lushest price ,n ca. iaid for all tho
afferent grates a clean washed 00/, by
aye/ It 1.1:1, 1..1 , ,ny •I, 3ppoejle.SUl
itriYARTNKILAIIIP-1 have thor 414-y assoem
ki and me to the what-woe Grocery, yreduee a sed nd
Cann:worm nommen" Ale toll. W Ligon. landrilhe firm
01 JOHN ft All' A Co
PPS wArr.
tireharsh, April YU, till
//, aL FilZYclatn neul,
SilaLl':"ril:.4l::"l:l!firLOllatti l'o:a•ta. Name of
Sorer, Ca/ocu•ol,'ZoJiLat
of soda anal
Cldorse Ether, on Pend mod ror sal. by
J 41DD fr. CO.
1 . 0111.1811K0 HA 11,1 f, Tio.W 2:FaiLY a. r.raci..l.
Ara* Gns_ye BuOlawg ", ad yd., meow au Pan
. 1y. 4 .
RATES 0110 ADV/2/I.TIO/810.
One inaerttou of 12 lines, or lesta
Two ineertione without al terationn,... ...... JO 40
...... 0 78
Three • •
•••••••... 1 00
Ono %Veek .." •••• ......60
'Two Werke • . I
Three .......... 2 50
...... ...• 3 OD
One Month, ''
..4..... 4 00
Two " "
Ilinee '• ..,..
' •..... 61/
.... 7 50 0
[la-Longer advertisements in nine rOportiell.
on e aquue, 6 mouth, without alteration,••• 10 00
'' "• 12 " " w
.... 1.5 00
knell additiouaal allure for G months, ...... 600
12. • 4 .... IP 00 •
One squant,6 tr o4 ll ta,renewabl e aa •
pie are 15 10
wl2 w "4.. w w ‘.. V.I op
Caen additional square for 12 moutta...., .. 10 00
Two squares, 6 mootig, 't o wable at pleasu re , 5° 00
Each additional intuare,o mouths, .. 800
wiser.' Oa rat-w ..... II nalit /car",
One square , l insertions, . .... ....... ...... ."'.,
" • each additional ineertion,....••••• 8.
" ....
ail moats. Piro tine. or len,'
ow. year, ..... ...4••.. 6 °°
8 CO
" "
.. " one year, daily & wo4iy, lo oa
" . int months w ..00
An reirinelliteiTs TN ' , elixir .... .
roe 12 lines, or lees, Oue 1N•r(t05..........4° 3°
0 13
' " Three, " .......100
'.. " noes mostler, ......., 300
wu. Nnut.F.
--Azgi;L t "
. '
91 ,11 Egyeettstand beat variety everoSered inthiaen,
brine—made on the mast approved 4:astem plane—
and most frichionabla !Ramer_ a pattern. amdmalon. Also
or mode to order of aid nate, onkel all price/6
Country Merchanni•nd otherilreln• flea 10 call and
examine the above for the all will be wild
wluilearde or retro!, add a Irberal deduction made to
wholesale parchuera.
aoldlr •
A \ Cv.s - rmt VEL!
Notice are the Public.
W E at itnr „ Vg nobly tar fron ds and , creep y
Cdr ciarnstera e acTA ' raecTivae. 'frir.Tel7teZnijrin"yl.l.Orf"or
~loch J. Newton Jones or agcul.. -
- tipll
OLIN Le brewer
CO., ee..Crill.D.
to Robb . , Wine-
brener A Co., late hierchm .o rsit Tailored No. I °'
IIffLOTNUT Street, above Third, Pleridelattia, beg
leave toinform their friend., end p•trens that they
.have received the lama SPRING Jr NOSE/01M
PARIIIONS, with a large assortment of New Style
wow, uompersing Clothe, Oaa rimerca,VeWarge, Nc
of every deactiprion--all of which an cf their own urn ' ,
punation, having been ear/dully tadmicd lir Perla,
LOpdoll. at.
lij7tr'"vi.idgPhilalpht 7'" inidocaTl andeiuntneteraieni;:=.l&d6.
fliilEA FIUIIIII.4R PAtirtg----JOsiiccenrignTei
Ji. bottles of Robber Porte, a anywron *ruck, Weds
Important to perso. th at wish in keep their feet dry
It prevents the leather from cranking,
rind will take a
pOhab over th. Co. sale an the India Ruhbor Depot,
No 6 Wood street mars .1 .t. II PIIILLIPP
. - GOLDS GOLLII/ (.461rellr Clotifi
T SS aulmenber, wrth's/the sominfocuiree of JEW-
Kt.rt v, La VI., wholesale dealers and p«llantra-
ding booed nod Weat—also, country Mere tampon to
call and examine lim shwa of Jewelry, "think Will ba
sold arm,, loweet.perce• (or cashor approved aecep.
lances. Consumily on hand and nartenfactneing, t
large moron/nem suitithie roe city or country leader •
Ell. A. BALER,
a/4M M
corner of K . /meth and Bruriela ate, Op noire,.
. -•
Plolodird/oltli_ .
1 Paper Ilanarlsag.
ItA r, VIN!) ,, pcir,ierelwe.4d
(a.,t,,r•orrrfthilill.edrypaLfht., etth
thortmored • large aasermwor of the ire wen and anal
improved style. of PAPER II ANO weft
.., he., and made armaments by which / will be ena
bled to procure all new Par/erne, smelters/yr. anth
their appearance In the Eararru marker, I would in
,. 11, attention of th ose draine r ; to have then bermes
papered with the cleat etylee of ipt,r, 19 eall and
e.t.a..., lay Bloch, hefore purelta.lng erscwhere.
I have now on the woy troin the Ea... :Nolen preces
of fiord. Sault Mated, and common I'a :r
which I can aril at once, rungury from 12) eta to V O
Pre , rucliLS tt 1.1.11 ILI. S 7 wood at
Henan Saarskliutk. 7-------
EFA VINO 'uncompleted lira rebuilding of oat emote
MU, housea, we are novenrcpured to mcpive meat,
and smoke ii or the ru olyrancortible Monogr.
The hooves arc third with all the modem improve- ' t' ''
meat., and arc eapatheof mmtararng 600,.. lbe each.
N KJ ER A Jr /Airs Canal 11.11.1
ear bevantb a •
i j auiri NG' PAPFX4Dirritrg the exelesiakt agenoi•
I_ for the ante of the Mill Struve Printiag Paper, pt.
It. & CI P. klark/e, Proptiletar.,) we .111 be constantly
supiale.l walls J:2l the dater,. oboe of airpcnor nuality r
winch we offer at the lower. recularmetaa.
10 /41Se. StIF.E,
feld.l ev ince Penn stiff Irvin au
nCILEMAN, fIAILAIAN rt Mk cos:mune to mane
%_r facture Small Iron, Spring and Arts. linear Sleet,
Plow h, Pork and Soo Steel, krona, Spikes and WWI
Spring Nuts e lf
Patsres, together walk Coach and Iltpne -
s,t, Taper and comaten Astra • •
ilelrieg reduced the price /1(1 Wrought Iron Nora,
engine builders arid others urging the article, will- gad
n to these
interest to ewe this newbraneltof P/itaborgb
manufactures thew attention.
tkrach 1241131/111K0 and nanleablet ran op Ijberalkenna •
IVarehouse on Water and toortk ate ' feb•Allf
EXC64.1.106 11.01i.131111G11,
, 17. ius-r liereaNCO
And is now renolvinh a Rna nom...mot
Which be la prepared to make to ordn'