The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 30, 1849, Image 3
BY MAGNETIC TEI4E - GRAPH EXpOETED & TELEDIpIi ED FOR THE PITTSBURGH DAI#Y GAZETT DECISION OF JUDGE O.IER- Pintansu*l, Aug. !29. Hon. Judge Glut,r declared l . ", opinion Ihi trioreieß. In the case of Pennsylv niuti vs. I.lJiteut lag Bridge Company, on mown i'or on iiiinne non: He believed that the Wheeling 4ridge was not such es authorized by the chid:ter—that the Company was bound strictly by its charter, and cannot subject the navigate,. of St . be Ohio river to trouble, expense, and delay. It is no excuse that thr encriziheliment Urea: navigation is smial, or lilde nausnre ; nor the additional coat or e4perise .'of property in enusteeeting the bndge aolleleueettliat, as. Vie. grate hes not matbonsed ti bridiqiehe is not tier eesmurily a pony to the proileedine—that the pres ent application Is not lon !Me, bed:env:l there was no reason to anticipate that ' the decedents would violate their chartyr--that t e right Pennsylva ma to proceed for an in) netiongSguinst e none to enters, without her own Ovitory, is now questioued ; but if the could not mitiet ground, by ressOn of injury to ber public ainrke, she tnay proceed in this Court. Yet, that ltiuestiiin being new, and involving n queen - au if jtirisdictiou, the iejonction will not now be grantert. becamie the Injury apprehended is not imminent and irrepa rable before the toning of the Supitime Court.— Tee Company and individual members ate liable for all damages that may be done,;6fid that they will, gale no advantage by delay; Air if the d e s ace goes agrunst them they wilt .bnite to late the bridge down at their owe expe:iivre. l ial a tt a •-sl ti e nll have precedencei bh the h et on outlay ILI December, an 4 the complain ant mill have an opportniany of moryi tho (loon bar as injunction on the bdl end anOier. The *meet - this Sudo has been; 'gained by the add the ►Nation oc the chart4er the bridge cheerly exposed. ; Mr. Sianhpi„ of Pittsburgh, deed:lies gm-ea cred it fur the able mariner in which !xi Managed the case fur the Commonwealth. HEALTH OF THE PRESIDENT. Ems. Aug. 2. The President-i• alotvly reeovering from hia re. cent Meese. He was able to sit 4 this morning, and take Borne /etre:Mateo:, IRCOND 17 1 6111,1C11. Preadent Taylor i 3 much better: Ile wrll re main in Erie for two or three rloyeril 'MILD DUPATCH Avg.: 28, 3, P. M. The Prerideat le tddl improviagFhnd ts tilde to ait op a abort time at intervals. Hermit leave peat week, if pcnreiblo, direct for NiagaraiFads. WAsimicrtoit Aug. D. Mrs Taylor and daughter left Washington to-day, for the purpose of joining the President at Erie, to consequence of his illness. 14UNGAILIAN MEETING. Cmcut.ii, Aug. 29 A large and end:lll34.lin Hong. Han meeting was held m to Market space last night, at which some 10,000 to 15,000 portions more present. Several eloquent speeches were delivered, and spirited resolutions adapted, calling dd Our ilovern meet to protest against the conduct of She Austrims and cease all intercourse with her. Ahaa to notify the Court at St- Peteraborgh that on inter. ..we in the affairs of Hungary must nee., or t Stat. Wdl cast Its strength on the side di: /stance nod right, against tyranny and opprem+h; and that it is the duty of our Government to recognize the lodopeuden. of Hungary. NEW YORK PIARKIit =ZIEZI Flour-The market is rather 411.4 end mote. , change- Sal. of .barter demripodrte of weigh mate and Western at 53,5085,62 pei Aye Flour is firm at 53,37 per bbl Gram—Jersey Wheat i; firm at Sid oal,is. COM la doll at 60(a61e for yellow, arid 58 for 01 ed. ; ' Ohio Whiskey is selling of 26. t. Provisions—York is rather heavy; 6.3 cannot be quoted over $10,68 for mess, 114 55,91 for prime. Vire and Marine lataerrancea—Tax Pak. num Derneanar aka Fin Itravaarkie Coarater— chartered 1823—eantames ta inure, open every servant orprenny, Si de Swear rank • t Urn., Ira. 2.1 Market Street ii SAMUEL GORILLA% ?reek Rant. Pitmen. dee'r I , k:hie:dam W. M. Wright, M. D., Dtdatist, au n t tre d t'Ziale ' re " eel tt 6 tll:. " (tk ' t - e Ma a haunt front ettleek to ill M.. aid frene . r treleek to 5 P. AI Prmaanzion, Voile 6.1,0. Vi T. K. llorne.—Dear Ole': I 61100 now bke laming your Wriner Fuldluta Red lull nrar &at yours. and find them the Leal I over poi • penintoi twat we can tot along without any iolpdriod artrol. in the lino'herenuer. Yours. roapoOttiilly. . C. ile.“-rwmai, For asla by IL A. Fahn,,teek k Co..Tift.4zugh. II P. Schwartz, Allegheny city; and by thdo4nolnetw, Thomas K. Ilibbeit. Druggist and Cheitlal. corner o Lbrrty and Smithfield stmt., Pdtabeirgh, Pn •or.ll-il2vir Light) Lightit Light,' miff: justly celebrated burnmg fluid citt how be had 1 at the Eastern Lamp thore, No. ett ?lard satdel, between Wood and Sleract. Fora portable boos h;liit it hat the plittereneC toad of the eamarn clue, being perfectly. sal - a And ehdop void of smoke, greace or any of the dtdOgrecable ot eudante to light. now in common use: alai, a bead.- ul new ant. at of lamps of the latest patterns for bittn• no the Rome Pietaltrun V it., On yin. gabs - burgh tcov.evr..—Msouuts lay I E DINDURGII REVIEW FUR JULYi ISifo Tranaportation as it now ta Stiskspeare's Critics: Braila and Foreign. De irpe4sesithets of Lords XV.. Mazda' flirt. Free Trade. Cooper's Ignatiimum. , . it l Balwer Lquor. Wlng Arthur. ATyndale , . Sen'inta. Aostrta Ilunise7 aga.lay'a 'Maar) . of _ . 53 per y—Siroglo No. for rale. nob day pabhAL and for ~Ie by JAMES LI LUC/L.5,00D, • 41 Wood sr Agent for Reprints of she Cavarterieriand Maar wood. Terl9l, $lO per year, When all 44e. token Rather. ALUM -20 bbls prune qbalicy Ctnebbleti r 7, cab by bugiel /11 , 01141,3 & ROF) .. --- fIOTTON YARN, Ltaning, C.dtrowink, Sheet/et, %._,l Carnage, lend Nail. Shovels, nand Pinabn h manufactures genthally, .intatuly ontand and r ea. .tgle. hroitts t RUE ... . . _ ____ , 0 UOAR-30 Male N 0 Seger . d i em etid 0 fine sale by attiOn 18A1All DICKEY It COI 'WITTER-6 kegs 8.., in more .ditir vale by ,110 angle ISAIAH DIMEY &CO OIL VITRIOL carboy. hand and for este by y L . .gl6 J latinD inCO gfiINFORD'S EXTRACT LOGWOODiItEO ibe j,,,,,, reed and for vale by nvel6 1 REM ACti CANARY SEED—= lbe ,nst reed Kadt or sale by e ..P.' /RADE &COL &FRP LOT,rifitOlobis - noireehl'and for I.e N./ by anglo J ODD I CO TLldffilY SEED--I'+kola borne Ttnibeny ?end, 6 good akipping order and for sale by?: I good J en,R FLADYDI. NEW BOOKS—An illoatratedinemOir orliat4i Mathew, watt an account of the Father Mated,. Tower at Cerra, Kidd the interior.. carmine.. anaut indi.hryltee of the foundation SUMO, and Opening 'tof the Taw. '. The Bream, or Tree History of Deanna Giles Distil lecY sad Deacoo Juno.' Brewery; n eholdh of mare than two hundred Temperance Aniccdores, se enmdatmj through twenty yearn, 111448.1166 .11. intemper•riro. .I.lso Juni receivedda largo add fresh sanly of Am. S Union 800k5... .6. 16 .• 16 F.L•LIOTT tr. ' Wood gt. lIOOS IIEALIB-111 tads on conetolrilif el end for W. 17 anglo ISAIAH DICPaY &CO farrs.TURPMTINE-15 bb , a reed Midi...l. kir " FelAno—... exude. m,. 47benilqd 4., 4 war Zr sale by angll kill t.O ei XE:I reR ROUND PF2Pkal--Oo prime Gratind Poppet, for orio by amain WICK s OPORNDLESS TROT . ; o kre p me reed and for saie by aori PELLF.1”11:1991...4 BA NICER'd MAGAZINE—Jima U. 14}i Dort bay been appointed Agora for tie Bankers , Maga.. and Statistical Hamster, edited by J. Hilaith •so Esq.: imbhshed montlby at ftd,t* per libitum in ad. me. "It prosents matter s•Lieli is not to be met with is arty other mitilleatton.” rho work is as well adapted to the Wants of tht businessman generally as the banker " "No Presldaut, Cashier, or Teller of a Bank should be without Its "Worthy of a liberal support" anta9 Jam LI LOWCWOOD Wood at WATCH REPAIRING—In all as hrithelnes, ear. nod on with special care and attention-. ling nog the most skilful and expernenewl workmen inmy employ, and 'rising conetact per It no rotennon te Ma t braze!, 1 eon promise tbe sattafinetnen all oho raeT Ws.' me won Mew work. W W WILROY , Wawb Maker, )7!1 al if 221er et S---chooL I.looKs—trroolira-CTsida filetrmornmsea• d e Colleetanea Evansgallar, do Gl a d Lea..., do L e lia du, Clark's Pram:cal Grammar, m 'Which word., ceraans ft.ta f , ”whni aulEilagnswated, y . o sara, blernerseo Vege table sad AllOrnal Pay 1.1, Elemental of Znolney, by D Res, L I I ~o i vr, edited by D. al. iteew, L. Di neaten,. of and zaLzat c zari IA by Piatral Pfdo Reidy L so p Pi;9? " :” 3 Pt.."... Ladra Vratt: d bl e u.; NJ, blechne,!; .1, lin dronualdra, and by dr. Chambada. Parkeris e and e ee l Coroperabom of Natural and Expo n e p., a ophy, with a desert pttotr en s ... and L,oco rlmenW mettve engine._ Part er's Ist Lowmas tn Natural pbilea . nphy. Potion' fr. Eastman's Book Beepang.. c , Also, me +bola °"V2II.I.ZTV hand and for sale by 17.51 W , oe setel _ . LA, Pe lit. , 10;14:1.00.1 - 0 , ~.treed • Ttiii=ira,,..i< t minta.s At Rut: cur.,LAIII , AM) B 1 .1111Aaugt6 e()P4DIERcLi9, RECORD. jarursr.,x4v I ALBIANAC. I 2:1:1 , I Swurduy, TEiti nalny. ...... 5 "XI a4l r 7 ...... . 2 WI.. 4 4 ,1, To' g'.'1::;. ! ", 1 • , . I I PITTEILIOUGH LIOAILD QP TELADM COMNITME FOR A UGC. T. avvlve Prrnurenon Guam, I Thursday Mermen, August 3 1.849 The mar Yet yeatenley au unchanged In every re even (re RI 1:11r last general real.. I I PLI a maintains Ia usual qua..., vr. small sales 0„10,, W . ;:edrYl ed, tram mare. and 114 58014 Pt (rota wog.. rittattatod4-13acon coeutooca et, firm. yeah an ad. 'ranging tendency. Sale. to u tur rxtc rat wen-- Inc,. acteil at tau plus Ham,. Ye; puma Idlaged and sugar eurddlOJlttitt Sidenl4. and Shoulder, cAgase—The hot weather ot very trytng on dm art, cle. ltettee -de romparauvely luw tutdes ndlted for the bettgr guattuat We note .ale l trgood II u :147 tic, ogd or rrkkat at etlaoin v to the caldera ms rtes ....aa-11113 mark, cntinue. rem lam. sr., S. a44.eiar Whdene: We now w.mte the ran,. ft , . 31 Ifitie for ....umlaut lo bekt yunlity. Coilrak—The market, ti any thmq, more firm,l.ut ari11444.•. ykl. any advance Rto may in tao's gtm ted of 1111, 4. Flll2 —The. markrt contittor• quttr. (trot at pr., tou. quotaliotto, t.tiy. for etrw No 2 !Mackerel. Et.lo. for ot2 No. p, bbt. No No I'a, in market No :. NlOrret are nt 55'7.50'26 10l Ittt:.. arid ,t!.. , 1 'IS for bail bbl hales of lierrtog at t 5 awe.. of Mott at $l, :4 121 C7., , upplic• continue rather bgb rule. brie a: is {fr It, by the tierce honey Metter. . YEW AuGu•l 21-1' NI 'mere wan better l'etttnq Stoektr to da y. anti rem •ralIV the F at ere a mile hen, An improvetn-pt / r. 4. rent was tied. For tionetntammt there{ wt. ;rota imiatry Ere. anterattmtaraln, can'tpeed attaeka at the Herald. very firm. aml euta Pt 61 b. 4 TO< - .harts . are lenthae money on n without inter Pat. for the parposc of gettote, not•a•es,•tt of thP thank IP mate delieettee lu Exchnottes there Is not much tlotoc, 4nl • hr mar. ket tt not ace/ firm. Prt.itflos aril quiet.. the Produce mask., t• loa h.vb for shapmenik The netounal rates sr, Is for Flour, Id for qort, for Cotton. 11, fidft..,, .103,) Naval 5t0rent. , vrith. 1 4.6 , .. ,,,, *.f k 7 v •. k•f , ettt ko gageinents Rl•mborg of lu.ol/0 von.. Ila at 2e. 2.1 halea.,Clotton al ie..4 103 tons detail wettrltt al 2rts. That klonesi market eon:notes to . er r abundantly sul , llled tan call. loans are ea 4 to Feat, heal class paper, 5.10 4 ,0 c-ni tor shorg 7 for Juba. The Banks ate donna all oar oder they ing*, han, and .1.4 eely ven d a surplus to lend on call. a Inch not li 1 hti amount of Dunes to day was 5119.11.. !levet!. at Salt.Treathry, SIIILOSk Payments. Yl•l.tlb7, aneef, , ,•v...iltt. A constdersnie amount ot totem s cola has beetisent to the trout for Atnertrant.n. Tov 001003, at Palladelpbm In idly seas sl34•Oott of zo:d, tv43,1.11211/ or ad.,. It takes att., IMO weeks to get a returil of gold:dollars atom the Malt. . . . A sistementhas been rung the rounds et the papers. purpasuog to be the monthly reeetpts en dunes at Mt. port, tttit wl - 401 is eridently erroneous that we /11 ., ettY POPer Magni ha found eau-1.,. enough to cool , It. Ihe RC - elev., donee eutleeue.l. tur mato, for sla months culling July. Is put At ..!r-45.57 I. to sebllB the arWal amount was 8103411.300 the ' very 'retie Me statement alluded to fir. appeared in a nopci, the duiles eolierted here rear bed nen rl v 'l4c EEMMiinaa= •, SHIPLEY it CO'S CIRCULAR [Pe! Canada jj .I..ivEnrecoot„ 10th Augu•t. Stoic our tast Circular. of Id anat. tie•e agate lout n revive., Of truce demand for .ian. 'sod an ea • tentugh Laguna. 'nth n further &dram, at idth 1 , 1 pr,erk The 4tionaooris to-day are 51.1 I nenee.l. Old ode fair Mitibile,Si for fair •,1d ..: touldliha if tos The stales for the week amount to L V. 4.000 is put to the account of speenlantra aital gtato (or export, and the Amerwan de scriptions cooing of Ittglet Upland at 4+23i. leans at 4.IP6t.'ESSO Malian - in and Mobile at 4-1,1•51. aud 190 Sda e 1 lb This tretele enoteueeee the snit/IC is drought edite+ to en.. mainly from the aeononts br the lust siehmer born the Ltoited States, artiieh etre looked upon el riving stronger eeedleareonee or n o.rruti lobed growtogieMP. The stork in lieu. port Is nn w es• Planted at fiL,IJOD hales, of which Stto. IS A fue.nran The. Corn *Ants hare eounnuett to decline, from the Otalproluunng proapect of an •Leesuclaut horn..., a .! for Flour $ theftss only It retail demand at stisdatel bbl, for eou d parcels, Inferiors 41 ly unsaleable, and 11221) he quaned nuethaalt, 10.0541 s P Wit. For Indian Corn there la mote totems... ,Itt theta owing partly to some reports the last ttrree di, • of ppearuhce of the Potato disease in the grow', crop, tin some localitiga, both in Ills. r ,, ur or 31,1 LI 11.16/3d To-day there have been some c ,n•utrr .1.., sales of good ,'e 11 . Corn of 24.(02.1s fed eV et whet., es scarce, tmel;o4 ll* ta amen parcel, at •-`4l , ..eatetee yr. The gales or Tar this week MP • y amount to about ;lOU P Ahead gene] qualsty feLem the at ee 3al For gammon American Run, bet , kte• Mani/ at :ht 70 Att. ed P cwt. Nei*. Bedford Olt Blarket. (For It/ week ending Atiettet Ott, 1,49 Stre!le—C.oniirmes letnre demand. era we et further edvelsce 0(.5 ceuta r r.on wre-e our met -- The trensalene9l. the firm of the were en.rneed ee, two 101011 paveiele. nowt:none to 300 hh , s Heel Ilic bet stti .tlve demand epreng up. en.) ee.e• ee c r. mode o: t Akko bble at i 1.10, red a cargo ul 11,04, bb , est 11.50. esith. In Wnet.s. irt. SOII,, the market re main. ,Tory Got, and the trans:tenons shots- • tor her sayenee of 2ri e tallan The sales snetude Wo huh at 44, gad 700 tolls at 44 eta, clostng fit-my et the latter pnee. Wteehratoes-t-Tbo market rornoter• setter. and the styles of the teci-k embrace .4000 tts o 4 N W Cot.: and Sundt See ,t 31. it cts cash. the 'unreel rifts., firmly At '45 et4.l nN. W Coast end e..Ott4h tt+4. and 40 inn Pant. I I:Amines-2544es of Site.. et 33 CU, equal to ensh 3rleteety - _ nor, Aug rf..i 1.40 Wodl.—The In for Mid utmle during tlirr. we, has beidu atera.ll. ar.d rkMer on Mir hunt rtaehed IP.OOO !b. Ohm, lig I Nlermr, aold /44,4 tvenidg :Jae all round. itt,d 40.1110, !tit I 0. . ed lota Ohio mad. Primsylvanm. which PO II 11/111110 she week h 300314. The market 10-d•y may On prol, a. Collems Am t an Piece.. Z•lo . . lull W 31 aal cribo ,• • 1:3:[:1• I sild I do • • • 3i o."I Lo. rs sib vo ob. I 010 ~... Ropabfine pulled. could's.. No. t i do N o(flue polfrd,bily, • 2 .• • • • • •Ti41:11 o 2. I do lambs , 1760,.../ .laur.a) WA*Hirt JZWELRY, AND SILVER WARE. Ittiv' Tarr obveriner, who has been to banners lin the vime building for the I 'm W year, la selluM all desanynona of Pme Gold and SI, er Waiehe . a, Jewelry, and Sliver Ware, a: reail, it the yak, lowest price.. re Silver F.ngliabPaten! Lever Watela... Gobrltiana Silver Derbd Lever and Leptne WAI/thr• 1.10/4 a nd tailvyr llorixonnil and array Wsnehes Gold and Silver Independent Second Watches lot dating hotaa. Gold Pourd, Mb and neat Chains. Gold Sprelarla Gold litnd Silver Pencil... Gold rens. Lathes' Gold and Stone ilmeelem Gold Lockes4 Gold and Salver Tearable. D1111.1.511d Ringo and Plus. Ladide and Gentleman. , Breastpin., Sterhisa slilelllpeams, Cops. Forks. de. Cold Watch.. ex low as tan to 825 each. %Vetches and earelry exchanged. Spooda and Fiwks plated on larrman Shiver, • fine article. All welchers warranted lo keep prowl urnc.or eaolfey reterhed Jewelry repel red. and Wa.ches cleaned and rephlreal in the hest manner, na mneh les• than th 4 usual otsees C ALLEN, Impotter of %%latches and Jewelry. wholesale and retarl, Si Wall s(reet, (op sMira,l NEW NUKE. IsMdlters i PRICES REDUCED • JUltft :MILL STONLM. =mauler-a bun few gr00r..r.:1 , ,:,:,--71.°: the best of the ind, ' Zwi:y " s n o n- u bend at greatly reduced' prices. ALSO—French Bun Mill Sten. o f rrall my own manufacture, made of a tiew add superior quality of Blocks. Triers Btr . ra are mane under my own Repents- Modena, and ire.' care la taken to make the joints chase, and to bane tau the blocks In earn atone of • unllbrut temper, they are warranted to be of the veA bdst q today, auperior to Mese reverted from Fratmenand alert supenor to the •re•l masa att., made ins cousetry, and at prices lower Wan have ever Wore been offered in hi. market. Laurel 11111 Mill Stones, all use.. Boling Cloths, all numbers; of the beat quality, salt, mated 441 give saimfactien to the purchaater, and at greatly reduce d prices . Mill lit(tindlea, Mill Irons, Scream and Picks, Pleb lone Scales. Com and Cob Goode biritt and BIM Mill Cagange of all kinds, and Mill Purrusateg in gen eral. All Order, promptly attended to at 214 and 316 Lib. yelpstreet, near the Canal, Pittsburgh. oardtbdidot IV. IV WAI.I.4CP TUBA AVD CHURNI PINE. AND CEDAR WARE AIANUFACTO RV N 0.27, corner of Market and Foh street.. pm. burgh. The subscriber keeps constantly ott Lund telvdronde and retail, very ifj•• for cult: Wo,da 'rob , Dt.rrel t'llora., Deal tab., Statlf Churns, I lorantbeekets , Han Budhe'•. &r All other kl Ild 4of Ware co hi. hoe collar to order 00011 s Amt.!, KH,,,,,,,, A A. 111AbON CO oder their entire .rock 04 nc. A ADIE. at F.'airtern whole.le rate.. for. few d.,. Our attiock computes nob Tare botin•. Chamelmo., heavy Elforade, anon rtrope. changeable, Vele or de Otiotand, toms dt Rhine. d.e. tee. Cheat:l l o= Pr.° Mo., No lb Market st. atiew Elegises for Sale. trANE.4I"AIR SECOND lIAND ENGINES la ink lJ cylihdera alfeet etrokr . I Boilers, no fret to, e. 3 melte. Adiameter, all in hood enter, oral a. I.iartga4,jlf applicision be made soon. T h ,y 0 „,, been :a Oa about lb Menthe. Pot particular., impure of 0 jytlulff R ILA VS lament office N°:cFM3.l TRI P O L I, P T " I 'w 41.,11 f e,7ot f ree r, He art, e. Yam:lira have found it invaluable for aim, Allyn/ and coulter wyr—tn abort, La rel . /tatted by the Atner .att," an article upon 'of all the substaneks whie have been applied to polmh "um. end Metal, none can equal Mau aub.tnee know n by the name of Tritiolt—this m a super tor article w mai tint brodUbt from Italy by ,tha Yeoman.. and n... 1 1 Lem in their palmy day. of glass making, to gi ••-• peedliar p llph semuch allowed by other I .too It .honal be In retry famtty and every work I. for sale by E SEI.LEItm aerial 57 Wood .4 OUPSEL'S ZIOMATICIC VINI;A.A It.— I tee bleb ly sanatorydbalumm and tome propertir. of u.O Vinton: reader superior to C 010,,, water for the ordulary purpose. of tbe ourpas.lng Int im in a. perfume. It prevent. and remove. pimple., letter and rendering of tbe skta s m oothbet end Wll/I<4lol the skin, tendering 11.11 and oot It 'tom,. toe mammy and bind/ taste of the Mama, itnpurnna rrnsb and 11/E11.211 bltata. It elem.., and wh neo. the teeth, and harden. the fatal. For all the above pun pewee, a mind arith water In ouch nroportion a rubbin g be found room agYeeable. Hy Inhaling and rubbing trll 1. , /erpplcaill will remove heßdar he If earthed 1..41,14 to a burn or bruise, it will eventually prevent onortsficadion II corrects vitiated air, and enamour. from col:Seaton: R is therefore very u.etel for partially and perdeming aB t. . For •atlo by It F SELLERS. Wholesale Druireua, , 0111 57 Woad ~reel. .11;x6/1,1 iTierTteM",osto, out .i. I dodo, 40 yiliorr do do: in score and for woe Li .011 hULL}:ft ILICKET*ON PORT OF PITTSP,UPt ; t 4 ARRA' V ED. Louts McLane, Etenneu, R Wightman, EliseErf b. Peylonn, -----, McKeesport . Prim N... ,i, Shunt, Ctn. A risible, Unobtll , Brownsville. DEPARTED. McLane, Bennett. Brownsv.ile R Wighttnan, Ehtsbeth Peyton, -. 'Keesport. To, a, Poe, Ctu Saint Francis, Abrams, Cincinnati. Tan Filvaa.—There terra 22 /11 t.hc, tte channel, by metal mark, lettt ev rumg at dtt.t, nod at a stand. BOATS LEA VE , i( THIS DAY Louis McLane, Brownsville, .; P. hi Put 1,111-40 eu,1,11. I). Leceo& co's. park... hne 9 P :VI TOR Kr.., I:,;. IL/Lir S. CO . . Crum, 1.1.6,1,1; 0 ...or u ll= C.ileounnta —l . er c 4 1.• baenn. , & Nfrob...wrw•l 4 44., I j it/m, ... 11, J thiwor. J 1,, s .. ;Jt Jo tiro ,tus,l, JJ. .1 111 . 1 e.the,. ehrst• tom‘e.,vner. nboard MIZE Orricx ov I'll - rant:l,sn ( Auplat Ia I-aI F:rTING oe k 5.1.1 e I. o• the C0n.p.,,,, will I,e an Ilia nth' e ar a. • .'omanov, 5Io•al ay.ln,rd .In, or ,riarall., or betwern 11.” tion r* o:. M ,r tlan la , I••• rlerao, I n yer•ooa to nerve a. Truoter• of Cornnnlay for r' suet...l2w J 5 \11 , ,1 31 CIIRI`ITV T-ea,orer =MMIZZIEDIMI Iteroreed Su Pi. Senate rend Holm. of Iteremeniar r• el r'errnmoremerslM of kbtrosyeein, in seams' id, fon, That ine Con.titunott 1'0011.011.1,14,1 ontosinein the seentid Kee., of Ste hr. ante e. that it .0,1 rend , follow.. The .1 thi,s of the sn• rero. Court. of the cevernt Court. of Common It en, and of sash other 1.0111114 of Record as are or *hall I. r•••iblo•hed by law. •tmfl be elected by the quAtheil els...for. of the Corniuntinceslth la them anner fobow. ma. to wlt • The Indg, of the Supreme Court, by nie sash lied elector. of the rhanstionwenlth aturge r)“. Prewileto Judges Of Me itetrcrud Court. of Common Plen. ot .uch other Courts of Record as are or nisi I be exmlAtothed by law. and MI other Jude, re• gutred to, learned In the low. by the qualtfied of of be respective noilliets over which they are to pro. or ,t n. dredge.. And the A. 140,1111.1 Judy of ins Cort. rit 1 . 011111 &&&&& Pleas by rue uttelthed electors ot rhe a count!, re•pectivelv The dodgy. of the so. prem. Court .1. hold heir olleen for mit terth of Itf_ seen rtir•. it itt, I .0 lour lit-tiny. thenhielv-• web. ttosltiret to Oar 111 1 ...arta 11 , 1, 1111,1 1 Marl, I roe. suos.cuent Me hew mecum, The Proffit... duds, of Me s vers.! Cons. of Corbaion Pies., and of cu.sie other out em of Record st. are or stall I ee•• listed by .nw. tind all othe, Jung, required to be learned in the las, st all hold their office, for the to ,rt sear., if thou •h•tl wi behave thern.elyr. wt. The Awforiste Judges 111 Ibe Coosa ••• Cootruott Ine hold their °the, rMe term of ye•rs, It Inev anal , so long behove tbernselve• wet: ad 01 wboni slysil be cornea...toned the t but for any mowiettlile eau, wh.el. *hell not be /11.2011[111 ground. of isopearbthent. the Iwtvenfor or. remove them on the of iveo.trorrls tit each brunch co the A-is...lure 'rue first ...ern.", shalt take tutee at tllO setters. election of tht• common even m &her he. doption of thi• mneudi,ta. and ‘11.• counntstboit • ut sti tbe wi. rosy be. then In nth, 'Mail expire oft the nr.t Mundt.) of IScernmer tu.towi,. when lir. Iran, la ueor tudgen.,ll The per.o, sou 'hall then be weer...llu 1:re• of me Sisnrente Court .111.. hold their whets., foltuvr• one ment for to lee eor., one tor .. ran one for rente esr, one rot to,h- year, ort,l vote for hOced J e t t• the tr ro; •FNICJI oretded o; loi tot ine rmd olce-. atter .he eieeto, •• eonventeot •;;;;3 the r •od rend, cd ;.• them 10 toe I.uvrioor. the; the ronoul•Goo• Joh; tsvued ;;; nreordaitre Metro; The mAre who, erentu.vo, o; I fir, rim, el ;I' I - ; - tre• to-tme du• n m at. term. ond thereulter euel J llll , U 111 ,.. eom o.v-m ahal expme 1 111111w', Clll, J... Ime. tool vitt., or more •Goo• .h• ere', on the 101111. 1 .I.m. me Jer.• hodloir ;rem •;;;;;I d,ole lot o wl.rdtl; •oe.; to - the Cho, J ;Artier do; ;•onot;ev h•ppelog or craw re-Ivor:mu, othe,re;•r 111 4 1 1, Of the •cel cowls, thal; he It ee 1.1 •ostomitrom; d. th; Governor, to etym./me 0.1 - dm 01.1 loom, ill erctloer .hrocedom the Imi; • emeGoo. load,• 0 the oupreme ;:our; xtut ;he 1, .; leo r; tle revere: Cour,. tloommo I I ;ed. -h.; revehre tor me, verGeer ;to adet,tram eno,eool;e.n. 10 he; fired 0. :me, whim; •1;;;;I not dtmoorlm.l do; ;toe their eat 11111.1.111te 1/ 011 : 1,1 . rreolve Fro ;ee• or Ise office, linr Ai.; whet - odic, o; rrohl wed, Oar Commouo t eudth. or hod, Mr [tl, emmeot Iv the l ' oded et•ter, or 1111 . 1 other mem ;hit kl/011. The 1,,• or 11111,,,c Coy. otb, Whole vrt.ho; Oh. l ' ototnd •rol; 0.1.1.; Me other Jodees ;oh; eontaluort. to WM, v•AII r. i(0 dlon ;he ; P .m; or rounit wu Lars wile tr•vertiv.., eteried FV11.1.1.% or :Ito Moo, or tirprrro-Fortiver. I rFF DAFISIE r or Frac :v4... I. v. March 1.1-Iw S.-rnke/. That :l resclunent...“ Neu. 21 '4,. th Art.irum e Jon•, ,AML Clert I • IC lion. , or t i.farl /ruin It, Jouit. =El= A I. RI LLn o SLY, w tip th 333,33.1 corte,3 row o d /1,3311,333.3 333 3[333,3. 3 .33,-. 3 1 A.,e - 91.1, - ,•“111ted - 11Lcsointion rellnurr lo • Aulicadnaenf 113. 3 Coostitut3o33, - 31. fame relatui 011 C/0 .1. 01.., wfiereu. I nu,. L. MI Gan 1,4 Elbe „ .11111,10,aq mG e n y J.„- . our•and 1...4, - r I ;0, , y..“ 1.- [N• L ',IA • ,L.... 11m n • lii Foroym, I lawu •. .14,.0. I 11.43, M in• ~,,, 14D Hu, N,A y I 11 ••N t: 1- NI Br-, Drum Fri. a. htha he. •theatioLier n .1 - oi•-,er, d sie Soma, --••• fir. rr11,0...11.1 ifuth•l le " • J0,AA.... 0+ TheliAser ne the "She.l resomiino is•••• 1 - 1, seas Ari•l n , aya were thaeh pro V,10.1 arue, or sa ne Con..noon. end are a• uulf • aaie les . •r. 4,1,00 J Hal. David I lien,Craw Prier if 111 Dei.l.l NI Ile., Theo larato Cal{ .1 ehn II Diehl. Nainiiniei A "Je.sciui Imre?, ,In, Eshimunn. , r% thin, •aio. •John Fans/Oil, st Lauri Nege , • W llenri N. of Tiiontha tirove. Roth, flan, son Limore I' IN, es .Lorna. I ll••ifitie..thaenh I Cliara•4 II fru, Jos,. It. 110-a,-f, Hole, Nlnts. "Harr:aim I. Tni Abraham Luiniierton Janie. I Irene, re. Lou,. Jisreti SI J. 410 I' II 1a .ura. I. ugh NI Kee John Whaneiiiiii. Nl' , I \V- ravelled V 't X eft I.lf •elsoa.siewari Prazre. Jain, Porier. Nee, Pron. Alen. North. fireiciree Hopis, neMlnre ft,,A a „ , Pittetelrgh 10 ioultraitict the r , fve sinlrmea 1. 11e 'NrnmrdNJohn l'IAl the aithilee•l has almost entirely dom.. risithii Sona,. l'hoone• l• Wee., JeresnifLa •Stithlia. Jost, Shitinhin \lei..., Swan/ areitler.SA f Ile red •tt thin t ear.. Iseoree T • , athlml" is NI • • • he e sin hew att.e....anthel tree. A 'ono, I Wt.. nx • • ' 'Daniel • Witham F Pace, ter- 5- a >ketch of Pillehargli, take° in the year 1818, NA.T.—M.I.•• August. N n,Liarid Tune, . • e Dae! beau, He n ry e.e„„„ lent, ye,;e„ . which, OA a 1:1211, 01 r.0111,C, WAR n yams "Ir." cocoas, Goie•p , r. Jo On " ""°.• le• There we, only, In that day, one single loud- Hen,. lame. J N fit. Joseph . .antiaen, Nu- /../0, NIVAilne.A. Jnn,h , I'Nee• Wil- mg ,the Catholic /;burial above where the canal now is while between that point and the town the Joln A. Oslo, ithathßoles. 1 Joh W Hoar-No. "berry. John IL Rutherford. k Randle ',ha, Johh lielJa ol grain and pasture fields extended. II is -Salsa, John :bud,. bear, Walters at d (Mind F I somewhat astonishing that the aid Pittsburgh 0 . V.v..n liet , determined n, the all finailee " Foundry. nom standing at the corner of Fifth and Ilarri e S Southfield streets, was in esive ice then, and has sbu so r, Inns IJ Isr I survived the ravages Of lithe and neerdenr, while a. 1 a great part of the ray has tern burnt down lime I° and again since then. Il has been on fire one U " - " the .w,"- hundred fa least, wohn our recollection, oh the /omen., of the iwo Sinner. of rho I,ene holes. . • reel t,„l ltsgesnli/y of thiS COrOfnOdWelilill Tor the fr., on of which dove not b.f.!, very fur and being Wtmett 'mud and ihir seal of .aid °thee. the 6, multi or the roost combustible materials one would t.0.4.h,u'ff..,'.'" Junco \ll i imagine that the II itn.coOld not lie enally gunnel, rueltillinvolm ices See'ey of it, Com moo xeialtli i ed. A few buckets or water, however, has always Forte for the Public. I sudimed tu extinguish them 1 while many a tine In relnOthi to that anneal led family Saler, I inch house has hero burned m tho grotAll all DALLEY'S MAGICAL PAIN EXTRACTOR. ruE.KIIMONI of a rmotecinble [thy sr rine --Read the rollowtog, addressed in my Age, Alr F Mer• rya - cattier, Cinetan. CttgctxxArt.. 7 ” , • I L, !PIO - Sir. A scn••• of duty compels u•u to g.v • to • trtiottr to Oulleyts Pam Extractor Doing toppooral titt•k cry god all /10..1:1111 bairn,. for att•tr at•ptrt •untater• lootto•-•—ttut rewtoong much good tram thr ••h•tog of I rat KtVer•''-1 am Imlay., to 1..., you tho• 4 rrtirt• cote. I hove u•cd tt my aunt, 1 , 1 y preetten .ridwitn all tOr bunny attl wonaltrial carp .g "old posololy be imagined .1 Mow, Al .'t Dr. Brod. t• m. .rotor parlour of Mod., i IA •t, ' Druggtsu. njfes..autiarr IJal,manr m. The roma. from v NOY ff la many ol Ole4artmlnalm, marrlam on nu/ Wm.,. ma. ter• I,:snm, arrli and mynraldy known, pr, prictot a l l Mr rarkrralmrg Ilatel, Indatmnd la tae lady wlanc !eller I Kam, Partaiturtrao. Vn , April I I. 1 , 130 To Haney Palley. Ar tor• atetly been long ulhirted withitidaimnatory Rheurnatmin, which appeared an fifthly limited ea in dedy ail ordinary appliance, to allay Me aroma pain attendling it, I virm induced iry your hiaatcal Pain Extramor, and it tia•tim etlemed. animal se it - by rim. Atc. un immediate feller, and also. to all oppearatiee• an ntire awl perfect cum an...limed the hen.. ht ofothers who may &dinned watt pont, calmed hl any kind mob indmiimation, to seri. lei r, that IN my op.: ~,,, founded on arlUil: we yOUr Magirtd lit in Extractor is the mos: vadiatilt die. co•ery err , the.r . ..el. age Ito the immediate ran/at-Inn 111 huffily pain It if :11010.1 Isiinte,ilt rim, a aer ie., aura for Barns and Pcalds, und n.i corm. in damihation • • Ilairton many nequ.iiithnees formed I.v their voin. ot My loo.toand'• tio• pOkee. I odve •0pp...0.1 liy your MII.MIO, MCM (ror hoe MY) pos.iiiiy ol ben. hi to them ood •• I•'....eAsorrsl II r..t• , lsm ibr two,. 111 NI r• 1.1 tn,•• •ffoi tt: pui.ll3:y cvc her le tter. n tottrll ott ,itc .co• 4114,4441 n• of O• Irr.og •uro, 4' 01 6 , 44.14 41 114. 44,G DI 1,/ tr,mll • II II•11.10' Felcrn Geo etL. .. • • , - !Simms., kv Nov 1.4 Mr /I Dalin), isnvn ;rind rnetor nnon .'flan. on snv tnntt ',gins-, nurn,i to a vnry storl tuna In I,n, In, yon, J•‘ V.v.,. Mil= Itreurt, r.rupttotot, Sores, rho, Wop tool tl u, ytelOr tenthly to the 'omelet/et proper,. tht• u.olvalled uontly .ale. Bat, of the •tortr it ”lat roe ..rh I receive Iteneht lo toe ere you w.l , tot tittered by the dolt:tem/tot tto ok lot countrrfra .calve. CAI TIIPN—Ite •ute and apply AnIA , Io II DALAAv, 415 Iltu•dway, New York. r. 1.1 au Waned agents JOHN It N/111, il3. N, Dcpc, Pitccctoerth 11 , ccry !cc-Cowl...ET A liegt.•lly, Accead. J. /J•ler. Vn . W Jont.•lcm, Nic, , ,11,, Al . ccirmweciclsc-r.c I N doe et vrr• Bu r rn% and Makl. illyt • • cr p•ccc In Ivw it•ituw• I F ‘ : i' vc% R nYl l o; ' :n 7 r 't' yl '" • 15AIA II DICKE 1 4 \ , . r Froqi LOCAL ITATTERS lo thirrsirtinon.—Tnus disease, which a few days ago threutro"l once more to return •rnoopu us, has a , nnua altogether tto.optreu , u. ) , there hems no eases on Tuesday, oat but one death ourtertlay. L'llot_ca. n FAtsosismkau.-11npurt of th, San atory Cunssuiliee of harm ochani from 12 oclock on Tuesday. 201 h, 0 13 cie.u.d: id Joy. 29,/i Au gust. LAI!. Iledrittli, reported yeeterdev—pultrovv4 Mr*. Trayttle. Tr ported yetttertlav —stt ti h. in;. Cath.trtne l'haler. 5 years old, nutlet:et! thin Wdb. , ll Wrigi.l, ni taelzeJ yr.oarrtiny at num. and tiled Inet each: at I o, 4 It. ('try, luattwr tner,lkant, th, mor,,:ug Sttnniory It.rnutigham, Aupt.t 1515. Ilcnan Choler r Wu. height Rlr/rnoghom, the to:turn' nile..tuni neerned to be sundered, iiteildn denersed Iriendc and parents Weir children All was cousternntion—n. 14 gene•utly the cane when tich u .:ate el tillage takes place, the bater leeltnan colour nature, When pre allit n. to regard our own interests alone, worn developed. But there were ext•rpt,ons rule—mere there good 1,..at0ut.- tan. r•r,o lbw peer, awl expended the, wmidly means to be of Beryl:et , " their fellow inen. Forrlnted nno t ; baud et toe Ken. C I in ndtsttsayed by the ravage. the pestilence p misking among his neighbors, be imitated the wit Bnerfiring spin, of his nteel: and I egiy Master, and went about among ibta pent how,' 01 Birmingham, walling on the steL, ituntsterOm sinotual csolation to the , dylng, nod taking rare of tha vhd on dren whoa, parents were sommonnd ny by death. We would suggest toour charnshie ettraens that they should rat, money to be pinned ,n this gentleman's hand, nom far t to purpose of being /lett:Muted among toe %offerers by phi. (ennui ca lamity. Many wtdows and orphans nose oed assistande, and we snow of na one who is better saquainted w , h tue:r wows, or who "more ann. , u. m reheve them than he wnr, so,tbed the :34 haure of tome dying husbands and parent.. The Rev. Mr. %elle veil? Inert with it,. reward, trnot in thmt world, in that brmartmer land where the wm.Wed erase [rum troalMing, and the weary are cad the until tton of our readers to the adverti.rment of Proles ror Kennedy. who wul deliver a serws 01 Sliag• theand Mittonian rentltngs. and to a t the Fourth Ward School House tan evening. Weant vca's .a too lugh terms of of this geni:eman's athiny, and hope that hr will have • crowded haus- lie we:l read several oceans cf the Nierchant of owe to nigh.. AL./.1131.T louts—The Allegheny river lc/wet-man it hag been I, many yenta, and men ate hu•gly employed nut :n the channel, gatberng %,,r• r r plyne the &tree, They can ou/y be nbiu,ned when the water i. unu•ually low. 14 all good ours. which urn r iorinrrly ngnr toe snore, have bean lone ~agr lucked up IL:—,Fone person,. connerled wol. Ilie zet, pa)Pog vo..t Lb , Pal N 1.1! nt Steuhrovi: e and alter g,.ng a dry Furtn , r muirlox•iou ma, “e• ~,, ..••1 atit11,•••11, 11,001,11 we or, 1•••••• 1111,r, st fI'ALF Al•••;1•en, A u; I+l9. lli /I WILLIAMS' %ELECT ACHOOL, ••••r -. r ol I uurtn and Fr", •tr••••••.. verui •••• o;••-n rti n • u•urtut,. Mr••Uny. 1,9 u.,A• POUTOLLA INSTITUTIC, IV.• 1 , 0'•••••11 reply lu tlh al•oYe AuAA rr . nstvvret f• - , PEILAL u•rn ~ a 'a / 1 , 1 • 11 vl.l cr 1 0 ,11 01 I he uul. et.tetttuttry. mutes that the tittout•ty ritfirs iturrtirrd hushel. el cot, • l• 4111. y tltextunett in 11, e.trttt..hetent We ,touid hue to nave the trot-Ur tnl•rm tut Low ;natty turn Ole trte - tut tutal tutu tau turvat, Sot,. ot••••ur I'l.o nr.rr•-habm nuke a rt titre tt they wouid rontrag I In supply teat utt'l Tl, t;azet, had better learn end tnterru •ee ra.z-tu . . tutu• mut, ett,tl dad,' trete, n Ron,. ••I cur .Arto. 11,1 tug NI:I, 4. v. r.lten Fen 140. 11 :41.4n Paper M.. 1. We e nut th.nl4 . tom 41 v.,. =IEEE not t, ;1,1 to ,lottht our mat, Tie Erin, of the roat. raulrne.l to donor Ice aratertienra etraze .0 the t ;are., v•r that the Gimloa Pa haul cumonted :010 los.hel. of r on: per Limn] ..rive: amount 1..:110 per orty—ur hou - 4—cort II he famine ham self to make ruguincs al the Captoiu of tl.e .I,lea enner Na V or of any mean . . Log that ho. the argne honoree of holier* we have. he wall find he we. only imowine that Ota knowledge at ouch Mal ley§ Vll% rerr inutted. try puirl,l4 ug tho piece en- Idled In lag 1 - Mdaya paper. We have two met , r..trlr 4eeprog ler, ls r twelve hotm. who attend the enerne and throw • tnal amount Alto Inc lurnare T 11 hi I=l I=l EU 'EI an,wer chn,e lailllSe on Fcdwni atrcct, A,1., Len,'', al it) A iivect Alanitia —We call the allentn.n aer merchant. 1,, the advertieetnent iat the Fay. et, r , tanty Whig in lbe nripropttete column This piper I• puhhaued at Faioutown, nail has an et ire nitrulation in theroll., of' Fayette, and :...m.r•el nas well Wasiern s'ire n Our•n men wilt and the, e. abovr , 1.1.1[1”, rimlern apps ar• I.; be r. rng Ity in the low, end ol hos. l'ot•burch beard yr..rany IA: icon rocrx hnd died it; one boo, —Poe at' 11',...t.0.1,a Marna: Chuucc, R«•burgh, Auguet 29.—Five men and one woman, made their appearance aline muffling watch retarn In -day. The woman was v..1 - flitted to p.l lot twentysfour hours. on a charge of drunkenness. (Inc of the men was chs durged, and another paid his no,. Two men named Foy and Phillips, hod been arrested last malls on a charge of disorderly conduct. They an.. d ten dollars each whorh Ifl llipe pawl, and at default of payment, wan commuted to I lor ten dlys. We are Ills 1 to we the Mayor imposing he.. y tines in rase of Una hind,since the streets ore in• iestcd every night with gangs of drunken rowdies who amine then,-'Ye , by keeping the more sober portion o f our ed.'s, asst, by their uproars*. - .sad boisterous behwrior. . _ Man. a Irene a, Anna belly, Angunt RN—Thar lwr,•onn were brought ben. , the Mayor inn; warn tat two areured of drunkenne., end dbrordorly enndoet. and on woh drunk lattenn and prolandy. The lag r n lined one dollar and twenty fine een, for drunkennn, and Malywven and a half news apiece for the oatha he h. , d /morn. nix. in nurner and het.. unable to pay 11, was cennil. Led le pd. oe other two Were mere common care, and were rent up to the h Mr twenty Mur hluri each. Fotv.—A hre brohr out veaterrlap evenong lu Mr. Wlll. Wds,rn VanclyStort ta A Ilepheuy.l low Beckham', loop tqdre. h waa put out be t. fre the artival of the eng.nee. though were glad 10 1.011 that the firemen of Allegneny, them apparatut. WOO' promptly on he groued The damage done w.f.) prolfahly n exceed fit y d ullnrn, 11011 the tire I. cuppoxed to o. have orlgina. led from !be draught of the door Nome cart. tm ou u !sun, which had been incaouourly left In ramp Co' near them l'aeu cla Ceuo. ,fed b, 1 IV 11,111 Wilu ae , V. fer azoe by 1. . No. 7n. Fon. t *en et wand ..11011e1t) 0111. of bey era, all 1.:14.1.0., and inar,,eularip tor rm.l^,ms. Ikon, Barrio. - o rr0rr00....1 i'hotratme ere-phew a.a.razr.l eat, ~r. lagil) Tee..,llu pa., u arly hr .a Prrettntd by W w ••• , 'al au. A A 7aa:tt at the Peale Tor Ft.urth ri. orchl4 .:F~ ~,~., PITTSBURGH FEMALE INSTITUTE THIS lugtime. under rho cure of J 71. GOS HORN AND LADY. will roirloon nu Sonelty, :he 17th of Scotember, in theravic room." No 3 . 2 Litietly weerllan ¢ 'touter! the Irumb, of tivir puri:r, the hope to =tiro P c00t...0n0 or ilia: 'ilorrol potrotinge they have hi•herto etitolied l'orentr I eel urtioroil Otto every oilvontace o i•I iiitonled their dati.iliter. ot' pi red uotier toetr id,- tioroo rii Etoroh, acid 1,1111M1 , 411.10 eilueution Singing Academy. • ..t tiro , core. cot., ot Fh .0 Sow Late hl .1. . . 44 Thr ittr•oh• 4":4•4 coinr•44• 4 , stairday Id:AL ttl ; a dlot• k. 1 1 M Ada't 4 I aot un Monday ereet•d the .14101Sept,alitcr s“ 7/ Li, Term hie dollar and lady rcula per 444.41,adart 14.4.4 d &Inuits Ihr • lady notlacemletnadt, d 7 atl•IL ct.“, pt, 41 the exp.rataull of th• ..14; 411 t I. RINI:11AM. Pr 1444,414 ----- Prof. Thompson's Female Seminary. !FM.. VALI. SKSSION at tht• Sttahatt att ; ratan/oat, \ V SI , r Lt.-111. at Itt. 111 Ire tth'• How, Ltlatrty • 4..1 Pam h atrret• t. I'Ll NKETT, T. ISLACKNIOH.E, J. 111A1SoN, A• u. , e•. 4 rxrerdrot,Y 121n1 1.11, 1.1 ...Leodam ty.ll 1. , . Ise. o• oLo J io., of oa, l• AMT., Tlll.ll Y, os, 1..41 r m.. p , 1,1 Nook .orr •, or l'n T • o and Cla••Ir al Academy. ,µmo•NI , INT/11-.ld 11.1tIAN To,. Ls., Je.1,...d to Le ocrotnorot. frill'. Av.., wt 1 1 r .0v0.....1 for the J.-vein on of nhu ,rl , l,loril, on the loco Nion lA. ~i1..n0 or 'I ...oar,. of •:...1, r.. rSC no, the ontonoot on”. rhe • 01 'RAI , 1111-1. the higher dot.n•t moo.. of the to g. 0,11 Sown woh llir Inntot Fr." Al nod , orneno I.n• on , • 1,,,n1. con be thorto,,lf croonroJ to order C o l .., to:o.herot“ .oloothorran, .1 court.. ot .ttly for "not , hot , o•.4noti (111,1, emo,trnen ace nod retoo, The rvr...moo 01 1.1.111,na wi L, ru.,4, firo, • SIJ•14$11r0 Jouot • uLt ....Li or •••• roe prop,' rett....l io toe Krooral fore-Lonroli or the 00 WO OJT pru Lrst, Lye 0,1 4 ,. /tVOrIO COlll titr, the phoLl that whet vue 0•1110 , i• 1 , 1,011116/c urat, lkal It 0,00. ,kl. perotout L Lore, nu 0 , 1 u• good or 10 010,10 tor 10,6 , 111e1t, Oft. when alone. 0 . 03 1 . Iteer o .4l.. of ALL., a : alien r..• O ure rer the tuoul t Ihrt,olt L11..31....n..1100 Lor the 011.0 e, ores... Lon , Lo theollre 01 1.1“111. itAVIRK tl),. 100110 roorrosnent pro lorul. 0, wil: M.l,rd tfuturr 00 . 101 410•01..... 01. or 0tt..1 ...L. VIII Iteol. lbe la ' . ..-1001. Land O.< .11.00 1 tae inmate* 01 lt L. School INnielpat .111 , ullimunce io ihn ru,. t,:11 .. t . c• N •• Mt I? , VIL/aA., 41. wall . 4.: Prolvetut. Mr 1.1/..owv. n, tn.°, I'm, ,fi ur lIIC Illetory uml MEM IiSEEI S\roLl. lar/ar. irs . no.l : who, •iauoaur r , art laralrhe2 at 371 itrv I/ II lI.JJ • o hard I - tow:art, A SI U I ail, I.raaa, llon A IV I,raula.' W : . rarr. I.ear,r Ail•rer ••11. irl , atraaan i • lrrawra ttaa tJtlnta...l at Boa.ll ,atart• ..t NI/ Luke 1,10-0112.... t• - • taal •A••••• nlal altta ai arJ 11ea..., Al,O, No AlO/ art at Isaqt Jl+ 1 01:111G LA °IRS tift.3IINAIIN, THE i 1101,111,411, At.l rommaaa , Arti Moat's, iu N-pLeinJer..- Itotau, I....derni crret. In - Coloi.,lr Ito a "22 sloop Irrtm Ihr: budge ¢A run or rt •Kit .11[10Vol or 6,6 Ni. 3,116 En, Lneprroo ~,, to , Hoodoo, ./rdnoriu• psl, n ••I Derooor. nVe I ..not•h I/rooms - rt. I 11 , rtorr, 11.0,, Mgr., ..,•tocort ovnowny. notary or% 14tel row M orn, ~ roor,11•14 mt.., I•raort.r. re,ntaor lo I:..oosea, Driongoorw. in...v01., :o 1.6,6 3r6.ll.rrek I.ann , or.rr, rural • • • • 6 IC 6116 •61.6 , 411.• .rur ;v. 1.,/ fi r. ,o, (. 6 116.1.6 1.3.1 M ”ot m •1,0,111. • 111.1 4a1,1r • ./4..1 add unldaffarti mind. Iron. Ihr 1.1.111,f nf Honor. and ;owe, oldadned f•fd tvfn Tr.nffy Cfslega, lafintn, (tam Ina Teat/mt. dta.. frnon arvnr•l of ad mnst ertundat Idta• a•d and. Dom I, • Kn.:arum, wtah nu • prneoreNl Iru. ritiNvli. A •• !Or InAlluae, 11% Federal •Lr7et..!,ppo. tir lo KOW N —A level Noenl•rs voil red, whoue Ler...A, carillon ar, intetleclan. c..l . r.nrement will be Toren..., u. Mixt. Lill lITAIALINO MILDICALCOLLICGE, COl.l hi 1111 S, Ichill II t NI 11. r.. t I. NI I , I Jwi...• Ni ••••. (-cm , npr•oi,na .ni,rw will /A. .1,, during n nra tat ednrwlay. o•• /to nwl, Motor tin ren ri . innanui. Pannott• rwrii• p , n 1 Anauhetty, wail I.ll•,inwl conrse • •.111, and ....Wu. an earnorly sdroym to Mystmelver oi to .oltr• e. VES:A le. lomat th.s. 11...v010u0n •1:1 00 ...stocatom Domeono Teter tre tonerno. st. rate a. oeratton• •re bet ': its. or the <lass Amp e Met el. agorded to Wow vertn wish to puma.. P. scorn! Anercony The meat-. of ilhotystson tory e %more them, are tyro sups . compoond 111.. •• EN - . 4 • 1%1 m.r Ue permeek aturS2Ather(o. a Jour I) E.NN STEIVrh:f tre,reen Warr< and fluid. hart returned his professional demos, rvinfr mono.- tfof • or, he Grow, and I n Vocal Nurse . sndl4 ley ""'"""' 71 11S Wl-.I , IIINSfEII FOR T , 1 , 1•01 , I . IWIT • Arre trur I.4ter:rrr4r. or Aer•. Bow,. rnr.!,arS.-• rta Sir r• Zeal,: A. l'rerlro:A A 4.4, ree Arrrl r rvirr.s• purr. Ithrt,ars Lot., NorpolAcrr trrtrrrlr Klernon4. Porergrt 14:r re Pr. 114,1 N.,. -4 .Irr•t Cub: •Irtrl arW for 4, 41 , arr,JZ J 14 1 ArCgACI/4111 TIIRLEVIr lIATIIISU AI/LlB/1- , 11...\ -Ili.,iroret Ir A SI In II I' NI Senor .r•Araurr. 4 I ArroAr 1,4,1104 partinrur *pen from 14 to II A AI Awl ~,,,, 144 P the IteArrrAirtircrtit r ,r tr.... 4.01441 /II 410 r atirtAlArr rA Irwinrrrn• I SI' x PAI.I, ProvirrrAtor bA Ot/L WAN'I Y I me I, •agl L.,. I' 'lto coy ot Pith• dote 11, Volt ttuy to /toy. A I', t-rvor t trtt tlo rth-r ort-r nottottry. deed '"k I' ...a r., anti ponattal...l trot.: fin 1,,. crodo •B.• 'Byrn to ott pcßtort....nem.d In make pot oto , •' it , tlt'' n'o' Btu,. having clam, otzt,tott • inv.,. 11,t It . (11.1'1.8 . •otKoce, 1101 l'ittatturgh ic ENV &NU VALUABLE o: t•F Btllllol, II !BBB: , Porltritt •intor t o attol Izr.i n t . hmult., %Treo.orr o, do Firm,. 0!%.. do do l'benso, • EMMEN Fulton rind E1k , 111.101 Niis, I attv Host Kottartc Teract,o,ansrara. writ arr sae, driers-red Ir. tat criusulrerrt art re.rote•trtrt r r aro r.r.orr.t.r. the mast, tort • . at Ir. Wok orror sr JOHNSTON ,trottK nuell rro T.lti .n 4 Ci•riel ttr lIIIIIIICItT'S CIIIUIICAL WILITING FLUID. HE ultr.wrs PF:81.1( IS Pl. INK. 1111111EKT's M.‘ , IIINI, COPY INK A LI• dui,. ~ nellin4rT n• they ;kn . all ehrnoir.l oon i honn• rarltAg 14, Nt1.1.1 11.414 r 11 . 4. /run. y nl pen —II. lor Art . a, Mir.M mid , 'lnmo•ir. I , them hove tor y, L.m.t. ro roortor ler M. , . 1 Imo. nctibry Not Saln plc gym., toy ,hen ...Inn, Ve ' re r,' n ' o ' i ' ,. ............ 1 111 liIYEHT I,tio,r Si,!. Cliciniri. coon. r laLory. 1 1 stibarld I.,ll4i•uryli, -- An). inatir onv ¢,ort,ta •ituoartion, returitrol mid itr poi. will Iv. relkon..l,l. nola deorn 111101,KRALli ULOTIIING LEWIS & lIANFOItr), • 'IA. YSI 2.16 and 21.1 I•KA., Snot.. It.elwa , l F . ...a .1 awl 14.1.wg Slwo NKSV I aye We lirrrot nalorunritt of CLOTIIIN IN TM: N111:11,T1TEN. aLI. MA6I,, In tile world. ANII PASMUNAHLE llf all hod, 11%,161,,,,. to Ito, vl,l by rfly,l 4,leye prompt:y 111,1 L E .1 lIANFORD. 111;11(i.01.111'E. pur.- r. Isll ,Annamon. 14tneo, 011 Wioleygreon, - I I.lvor ull. prorarryd. for .aI. by .0114111 N MAK...11 t t 4) VV./4 YI u.ssue su opro stud 101 l p r ,, • ..314 EDUCATION sm.., SI 1) ). n: 11 '4. 4.. a Nam mod .1 from SLAW to diliP) +AMI.. M. SMITH, Ikon of the Faulty PROP. HEART ROIIBOIIti W 0.1 Wubtvay yr..l by Yl\\' UGH =MEE Jo N /1 , 11,1 1 . 1 , ,•-•011 Jo I)rn I=l 01 au MA's and DRAW ERN, wr tcrp enalleas variety =l= Oil Clothing und Covered Hall =2I=IIMM MISCELLANEOUS r JOTWeII Coral Iltur lbestaraure If they dooln oar word, who h avey ca thennot theoe hAatily respertable cluzetoi mod It:— Mr. Ono Ikea, 41 non si, New York Mn Matilda Enevec Xlvrtlo ay. liracmiya. Mr WM. Truanta, Yu king ..•• Nev. York. Mv Thou /aelmn. Momours bond, near Potslmirgh 11. E Cullen, lai c barber utensinboal S. America. AnA mot than a honored oilmm mate. though thin :awn sutfire, that tl will large he Inatr . grma the hued or fate. )top It falling oil. strengthen ine mom. reinovum war( and dandralf from heart t mating Imbt rnd. or gray hair ousame a hoe dMot. aal kneptim .14). hand) or wiry ha momt, mit, (legal and beamMul ve,. very long iime. So,l by the Agra, )VM. J ACKZUM, ry Lamm, at. rilln.lreh Pilot 371.50 Cent, and cum dollar auft.dkwT Err T., .1.431111 1,/ A VILA limormn m out more repo,. sive Man A 1.1, pUlfl4 Prowl., or dark, yollovr dmeao• ed mob. I( person. have Me... li, ll' OW,. NY] I Ilory Clan. it two •Mille.yo. buy al arnele Ma: ovC; mak b e thmr reaM pure and awry; ao lA. Spay Al. r Arnm ',urea 4.1 J wro/cs or the I.utu.. %pun,. or u , enrated, and ti Ine Teel!, It h. udesruarled, removlue tart, fiasteume the tenth th• gums and clean theni an adore a* the mow .1 she frlrtert Suclh red lll2d . aer, re lon propesurs 01 . .10110..• Arlan TOOlll R I shoalpratingprating II ourselvrt, r , o.ur what one ul our maw respectable and sciennho Dea• tram Mr E.. Field. of Se. York. say.: .. 1 leave both used nat. auallsed Ilal• beaualul a palpable ari tree, (Jones' Andres Tooth P ,ste e l y a nd ova ter . ..nun/old 11 as na the quaddin • el ed fur '' Iten/ler. rag. aay no more In collat., only that ou try Uns once you will he well plon.rd II is pat up dt beaauful I.:arra:ph Clone /It IS, Int 25 cents. Sold lBn the Agent, J ACKSON. I.lber ly street, Ihttehurgh. angfadherT QT I.A UI As ARA CAUTIONED AGAINST U )AN): COMMON PREVARF:D,NIAI.Ii. oat , aware ' bow frwtaltel; 'Nu noun to thr •k;ri hoer contr.,, how murk. ihow •al • /OW. yiJour, end uuhralthr 0, 0.111 op• pro,. after tsmom preparrd chalk • He odes 11 t• It,unouG, fOttl.l.ll/1g a large toenuty of Load am V. hove preparral a t•esuolui • •retah, ele which ‘a-r, rail JONF:S' SPANISH LILY WIIITF: . , It le perfectly trituieent, berm purified of all deleten. one y tuid it Inv arty to the ekut auto rat, lecu thy, alabaster, rloar, tonne white: at the eat. , tune arune tee crtontetic nn the •Itt 'Flaking 11 xtit and eooth Sold by tne Apint. W:11 n, JACKSON, -9 Lao cr m ty st, Pitteburph. ['nee Y. 3 rent. auralhwT [1.7 . Elerrn iitu Aerie Dietaexe iNFatit`te ehetnteol Soap cauee• a free re...watt°, and at the eatue time loonier, sonene, and aebttene the slut, Ft et the texture and Iteinuty of na talent's. Soon,, 'SALT .11 SUR.. are voott not only ut healed. but cured by t wit.. tee at tenet seven only titan. tot New York know. won aft it toeach cotter, and had tiunfatline—se Won ht Misults..... or any othrr bk raps. l'he rensist, is Assured 01.1.4 I no oscie• puffed nostrum,. one .01 Wlll pro.- I could ems inernos. Irs.t `SP p.eritaHt en rrd of So. ll.a I. nosy Lwn syn So. Bastin —Buy It. and us.. n. end the reader is aiyain assured I would not crunlly soli II lot the altos, unless I Ittiew to Ise all I Those "run nrr hulde Cif CAA zz O. ox CLOII. hnd this • rote Any nue afflicted with An, of it, shove, or liar will find this ail and even in/no IndEniru• hl. in n. propcmcsl than I ma, lin rcadrr. the stores ore flooded with mown°, and be sure you gist for JONESS Item. (Ibennesi "nip nob.' by WM. JAYIK,U.N. CJIIII•Lugh •ugnMwT GICORGE A6BIOR, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 46 Market Area, L 7 A VlNfi purchased sot cite's., end etwefulty Jrc,“ stock of Spring isnd Summer Crowds. Lite •anscrtitet respectfully inform* bts friends nod the putt,. 1)141 l• 110 preponettr to reer tee end ere. rule lite, with dispute,. sad in the It/tate, MO*, •141 , •t,ttie, and feetwon•ble manner A A t• detcrinettml to do nuttiness on the cash st stoat. he Ilst ter• hanseil taat hr witt able to do wort sta cheap n• ea. let done st any estatthshtneut In the country. Ills •Tal. ILI, via, tett. cottststerm of Cass/mere, Brood :othr, Which ht. Irtentl• or respertful /y invited Inexasutne for themselves ytfl tit! C:1.'41116E. A FLNIOK. ;Lot FLfo's Pttient DI IllnOnd Yl/1 111A41 Pea.. Aral, and r rrc d end Jt..itINNTUN A St stue4 earner Thittl sod ‘l•rtet •tot Os W. DIDDLE, Dentist—. RF. IV F.I) to et new three wary brick 11 111...;. ntt tennthicitl street, owe (SOO!' w Sixth ttrect Teeth nowt,. trout mot re re,. Ore ,sereon pror, erple. se - OO tremo lo, reprerreouor-o of thenolorol Kuru—remorroor Ho. ori,.ranl r.rtajer of Hie (are H --Te•th errerrelerl rer..h rot, or no pa.n r• • - • . . Ik rtl rev.. per - m.l/I , M y• • IYed Pr" p•aryl•l,., 4,1111:1, vrlucit much • tliough 11 .001, I.e Juin. trt 6ee ee•ov•lrs. v. 41 N:11, lien! I. er. enee- ar are viler,' In tfte Ferrerocarer, order rr,”l erarrer3,l ly W11..0N. earner i A mnd gat, oi teet /err i ril et I . tieta Tar it Fat,. •Ireal. a re re terra rad are, •a -e at p•••• ,HKEN SCK whir a.- art. rattelvatt it Out. ....hrrlrsJ.e urrl { , lrry ortar•rrt.s or roe d.tterctri grade. "own rear thr Err.rrr iter. urroh, the :rart,te, thr Wert we nrr hr./ LtAkr: rrr thr %hr. :yr, grrrrr. tor,: atrif 1 . 1:1 . 11113e irtsr pner. The) rat, 43V, plick• rn I art.l ' um partgr cru rtn rr.rottrr, or try rtre l rr roltlelf rnn•el,/1-- poet. rm.) 1.. r Oolonc. Woe! Teo. Irons 3 ,4 et. 4.. 61:u per 11,, NI, 1 ou,lo ~, , r o•hortg, .50 11 , alboot Yoon, 4.4ropouralbr rod hoperbo, rrow 41.1 co, $1.15 o•-r Poolose• aro r.. 4 arotod 1,, 14,12 and act aourplo. of or our Tea.. •'.l rf, them before ourrunotoo JAASEN, :0 Pout, otfrot ill I . rnn.l. a anro of dont and olvar Turead,acoo (lord and Nl. timid:ttmea also,l Spar:ales anJ Ilainon, for nenbron.lectna an 4 urtser or aad wort. Also, gold+aad alaralr'iteadla, FldralSa. Jewelry of the latest (patinas, la great 'fumy . W ale hes of eery , rior-qaaliry end beaatifu, pattern, oale at Kamera pncoo W W WILSON. corner Market end Fourth - - LIE DICA 1. t SURGICAL OFFICE, No. SS, DIAMOND ALLEY, a few doors below ‘Copl street, to market. 7 DR.. BROWN, having lweu regMarly educated to to /ord., .^rofroo 00 , aunt born for wtme umat Kenentl pracurc. now roa n . aitentloo to :he troolanani ol poet. and reel Mutmu l er ' , luck. oPPortanates . • cod expeneureculiarly q•altr. tom 11 year./ us deyotrtl to tau • y tfratment Woe. comptalntAidurtne which had toad mere precut, mod boa cared more pw crv thou fan rtm fad to the lot of any per•ate prat twortert amply quota,. him to oscr au CelUtece of •orrOy, porn:mr., and wt.fartory cure in all aHlteted aork delteate thowasea, amd all dtarases aruttsi three( lir Brown would inform those Ciliated with my.. d,veirees winch haws become chrome It, War or air gravated by the was of arty of the cowman 11 0fIrt101I 01 Lb, day. Li n n rem, coondainhaect be [...neatly .ml nn nog lily cured, he having given tits careful anctltton the treatment of sue h esveir, and stireeoded hundreds of instancesl coring pvesoits of indarnatatron of thy nark of the bladder, and Itindri, drseases which often result from those case. whore outer% have consigned them to nopeiess despair Ile panicularty it naeh as Kayo hen° long and amroceowslully treated by trt heel 01001 10 consult two, rent, ever) careful will Le given acid their cave...treated in a careful, thorough and Intelligent manner. 'mimeo oat Ly a long erperlenee stall), cid travesties.. which it is tnirnmsdite fur ttios engaged in ernertl omen, of cendieine to give an one el.. of inwase, o: Ruptute.—br alaa Inattea peal soa• aaliteted with H eroin la call, as he has paid partao War attention to thin shmea.e. CUSI=ZO gam dorms., also IN' a, Palsy, eta., speedily naiad Charge. very low, N IL—Patients of mat art ;ylrig at a &atane., suiting Heir ,harass in wit q t trains all the gym tom.. rnn obtain inedirine• wlth direction. Inn use, by addressing T BROWN, M. 1.), pool paid, mind snow.. " I.);e ''' ..No 03, Diamond alley, appoinu Na atarry House. Rit...s rsa.—fh Drown , newly diseosered rens, dy for Rheurtinusto I. a speedy and certain reined, for Nat painful iront.le It never hallo thfice and Tents Consultr. Room., Na e 3 mond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Csvinf is always at 111011112 ? D ... ft. ease on ua, deals tareat MaCilat. Ilemetty. i;aiift Cough, Colds, A.B.:is and tYitianroption! TLv I` (JR EAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the core oi above thermic, is Cie Et N 0.% RIAN BALSAM CD doicovered by A.eitlebrated Dr. Buchan, in London, England. and totrodderit inn, the Untied Stele. ander the Immediate Rupertniendeuee of the inventor. The enraordinary of i hie niedicion. in cite of Pulmonery iliacawas, otareants Wn AnUniCan non.% in aoliening for treatment the won. poaalble era Mai con be found In the 'totem:miry —emir. that seek relief in vain from soy of me common remedied of the day. and have beau air.. op by Me most diauneutelied obi as confirmed and ineiimble. The II ,sun Ilaimin him coml. nod will tore, the most Jr vomit ni 111.,1,1 quark neeinim, bolt suanderd kali medicine. of known and eambhehed edieacy. Ea," intuity in lin. United Stoma should be supplied act!, Buchan . * ilauganan Bahmen of Life, not only to conincraet the roneumpti re tendencies of the ellinato, hut bc n praventive medictite is all caeca of colds. toughs, apiiiing of blood, pain in Mits pole and obotl. irrthition nod ...orenes. of the lunge, bloat:this ditrieulty of lactating. horny. fever. night stmt., d general dcblloy e amiqueiolttionza, whoopin, 15 ' 0,7:h a :rid croup r. , ..1.1.n ldr7ce hattl., at *I per bold*, with fall dime unn• ror Jre remnratinir of heal& ?amplclem, ...suing • ms. En• Amen .11 c^ralenum, and oast, cruirnrc. •hogring dm on enucland mem, of Mt, grew l'smlnA ilemedy, may Ls o monml of Me ...won.) ) . .ale)1 A 1 11•11 , 24T0CK h C. norm rof .t nod V. ood and Won.) and I , h qm. Aetentlon of the Baltimore and Ohio - . . Knit Hemel. I )11 , ALS Mil.: INV! r FOR TUE GRA Mi AND Cl ArikONHN . of Ibe fart of Mot 'mid noi :iietury under contract trelween Curialioriund and ilie ,411 . • Valle y rkver- n distance of elioni 111.1 nde. nee n of sermon. now to he umber w. Ui. of it kirk nerurd.etwerin Curnherlatel uml the moo. h tit me Save, nver —I Ihn, and the ..icieron Ran corin and Three Fork. emelt • TM work will um lin modern, although Mere iiu LLL .er of ...coon. xi, ill the aimmiun of can u.l imed to heavy roh* eke, illealhk..• and plan. relit Ike 4 al Cu:T.1,1.- I.nd. on anti alley llre of AI,LIxI ruireal This addre..ed to Me under•nem . d. 'km re• erkykkil Cumberland. Mark 1.41, io Sutohlay the rif rhiptelier inclu.rre Funkier inionuallon muy he had al T i t he Inbeeeumberlaud. Fn. F.tilootilal. sr, rekimfed limn ' Mose unknOurti mMe amlerhuned Iti "tide. ni me Ilre.ulnnt end DI• i m . n r. IiFINJ II LATRLDIE, :mull -kJ Intl ' I V FAY 1:110DS `ACAS lAA A a. Maw,. fr. t• , No an N 1... At., have ,asl reeetved .• Inapt , rA, N. s. cord Woe and ar..aea IN.. A Neel, wad raoey do; r..Fr.zurr 4:0 1.1 I,Ao Awn, I.mon flollaada, I. Mull NW... , • ,AAIAA Jo, har'Ai and sittp'd do auglo tt.V.T PROOF MON. T it a n drr.tened In.c er , clerl works in the city of N.,r von. ler ‘, purporeGalvanizme all aril. clea of I rrm, wherit 1. cle,trable pturr ix ,o r FROM R rN'nurrrl. Teleeraph Wire, HOile, Flukes, Nails, eore•. notl any nther arnele winch may be for a• t rohnntom for bale Itotr.nsrr'mth ,. . I,,t,r,l.l.tahmine Nod., andn host of .{ will tre founo heal and dwable. . They trod.' pa rt....sturdy call auentron to the Ile'Tani. Led v. •.r 6.ndost d requires tto pants, and loth not A 1... to NoS.t. and Bolts, the preaervatton of 01 to.p.oruree that it svtll coast.. luotif ht then otice of all those int e, ertuted. (IFS II 7.lollVdt WO ft CO., Patentees, r..datuddolol . 11 and 16 Beaver at. Y York "Nan re. 1.03 ':YhtIELLER 9ICICERSOrI EISCEILANEOUR Ple label - v - Ith Simian BliaabfiiliVerillea:' ivro. a 44 LI I ER 11 - , op , oiite upheldstreet.— Mande Mon; meat. TonyhtTritila Topa, /co . a ;Kne rarie:y of Me most k.nd, mluh, of the fine. qualita ar foreign ann dome,..ic marble, on wind or tondo to onier. hy the aid, of ma chinery. nil the Nhortest nod, and at the lowest prices. —The Country Trade furnished yeah all kinds •I lio• • DiVes, rates All order,' prompt!) at tended to at 1H Liberty, 'opposite itmohtiold . roy3o,4tim W W WALLACE =M=MI!! • ULL'S Pruett, Stone ur Fnmeh Barr 85117 T MA s best article of the kind in use; they run halt, clean bit,, do the work well, and will LAC • lien ume. About Son o( Ebert, are in use, in the ben nut, In therountrv. uml we nave the strongest tesu• mny of rompeteltt per.). as their supertority over all other Smut Alsentnes. Por banner osnientars, ad r as. the subsertber at 044 Liberty at. Pittsburgh mytaltdOot W W WALLACE Qll-AM F.:40011,t4 ANIS (1411LEFLi—per Brut, saw 1,3 sml other mill, always on band, or made to order on very shr, notice, and al tba lowest pnee• All or der, nrAmptly attended to at 2.2-1 Linen}y street, near the Cans, tny W W WAI.LACF: l'Ekt 1..4 bow. and other purposes, slurs,. on hand at 014 Liberty •L IV W WALLACE L Li,: , :i - ,NlLvt— , tiwany• on twit, i 1 Lwn, at nest IV NV WALLACH. GRINBSTONIES— ...F. and gnu., always haini at 044 Liberty street • • TEAS! TICAgIt ♦ IT m wtlll pleasure that the subrenbers inform litr• ( . 111,11* of Pittsburgh end vt tied) that they have completed arrange mem. Ispth J Jenkinr A. Co. ai of Phtl phln. In reertne Mem supesor PACKED TEAS, And hereatter E. kept rp t ,.. gA tly en send Tlte) •re nest y and securely pul m inetpille packs t. .I and I lb eap h, mak Mmr primed eardT•howittg the kind of Tea. prter, name I, the concent •ipt ot dem Pluledriplus, prph an Invdattun retsom the Tea. duo, hk erl Gunpowder • • • 321 73 1.0.3 I 0 450 Li Imperial . SO 15 1,00 1:45 1,30 I i l Ys OO 50 011 75 1.101 145 „ ..... dal 7 5 1, 00 0 1 1 , t .... • . 3 / 7 1 50 8 " ... ( Fine and extra P'lne •70 1,.23 1,5 U We vallararat all the TEAS we sell to l be equal to, 11'not acrtaton to any sold in thra cm . . and 2110,1041 may not prose acceptable to the taste. they can be re. turned, and Me money refunded, only ernethat andel-ma unel. mbo we sell W e est t thatMepublie map be able to edge 1,10..e„0ur Teat and thonc heretofore cold by ether emnpames IF,. env. All lovers of nab. delicious and good flavored TI.LIS, sha:,l ay..a 3. nail. For sale by Re , S. M. 1 . 01.1Pi1l & CO.. N W corner ith and retry slrcets. and E VOL NG & met. .lanes W corner .1 and Ito. streets Dn. W. H. D AMA, 13 1 1 tith DENTIST, rrTa .ate o( New 1 ork.) Orris—Smabheld street. telwedn :breath and Straw,erry N II —D scnaes nt" the tanuth. CUM. and teeth treated 11ortmsopallueally 1s94:110 _ _ coNriNUATION I,l' Tiff:GREAT SALE AT A. A. MASON & CU'S ONE PRICE STORE, AI .11 g - rroter A• A 01 k CO . ddairout of rednetng and closing out their Stock preparatory to receiving their New Foil Goods. will osier greater induocrnents than ever Their recent large nurehaws at the New York Salea, mode nt each snertfwea (ma coal,will al; be Hosed out ale sane nano.. rate. Anunigat Inc amen.. recehhy opened. they niention: raie• fast colored Lawns, at 7 cw 0 • and NI whits, and Ile A Fug-.rock tidk.. !thaw'. itad \twit., very low. Let NI tie Laineg, Isle •• lot Bereges nt one half pnee .• 115 , I Inneuitins St Igfe Entliroideries. very <heap i• 1101ine a. totifpnee " Horn, y, Gloves, Leers, Tnraratngaie 7 C., Mernmeck Citileora, at Se 6 Ige et Cane., at efe bale. brown and bleached Maalia, cheap. lint-n. at I.; Lm.a flinehntna loin Bonnet Ribbon • and Ile, Glove. et 4r t‘ an •n immense variety of other Gels, all of wawa will prove a 'aging to purchwiers of wont 25 bl-0 ' Per cent The store win closed one day for ,v 1g down and preparing the stock for the sae. A A NIABON &CO PICIMES, PILESCRVES, •.e WELLS, MILLER & PROVOST /17 Front street, New York, xf AN UFA , 7ll 7 lll'll2+ of nary vart^ty of I • l,,ltlea, I'r . -WA., Jllll, Sauce, :+y• rv,a, Vlnernr, Mu.,01 S,teca. Evrqr,, PATE.x r ,D Pitt VISIONa. .ueh I.l.ater., haa,moa, Start cr. Shad, Mama. Vrgetathle., Ar. , . Imrter* of 01,e, rpe, ealnal Ott, Sardine., F... a po nd tt , ...t loth, roodtmeeta eto Thr.r ftner 1. more estetoove, r.r111,1•••• ,remt, varmtv. nod P• 1.. honer style Jou of uty outer Ilona,- in their troone.a 321 the United Stares.— Tile, emu,. em packed in ali toe varector pak4ges, anct to sale a manner as to bear trattrportation to nap part or the ',teary *MIM= Aaron 1 , (000. re.rerS. ('0 110((01-1p.bla• ins II llus(ter Ituftmort, A Ilan, S(00 Az 1,0001. 4,0 1:00110110, A ( . 0. I,nm.atlk Join Fonda h. Co. l3(0r00(sla Ilesorv11•10-1(matt ..(t.201 ) l' Fr, WO /X - KEI:I'INI. - - - •(10,1s 1(0 (caching thl• Vinl • • :1.41.i1k," • i:rir[11011.1 11 . 01'n r• prlnts.l . (10 (.osr, A ((•.A. supply Just fuer,. re, Irmo Now Vt., root for oil I .101 IN II NtELLop. 0 “0...1 RllB,llOl SILOUN, AND BATHING ESTABLISHMENT. T. 3 1,'.',',: . '::..Irf,„,'.V."Lrxhht" - 0,"I',1“,Z; raintd,,lnneo, overi onennon be paed ow oomenen of mow who 'nay Inater hem wan Law', awe, orwoorn :+e-retwle and Wa..l Ice Crean. and nil Waal- ache:lowa tel Ibe Dr. WI. paloaly CLINTON PAPILIN. MULL. po the oven n artn Bann th Sou, where PIRO, at the. Clinton Pape the pu 31111, where the) enil pltneed In meet,' Ibe pan", age of Ike poen, and We ionnar customer. of um ee mar ',lnner Tory anti nt ionek keep nll I.lli geueral at aorunrot krounc, vetupping, le, mud woll parte, tootoor, boon,. tokokk, etc etc., whie.l/ they will elekan, tor • •ktt louto nod cotton rug% riot, rt •ul Hook l'uolltnere eau I.e •utudied with , verl"•l lolpct ao etton nuuce. and at rotllwled Poo". HANNA :J..,71 EtINII.7N I) S. lin ' , I • - Asslgnee.• Retiod: I.nI".R,111';:;.ht,"1:::Y.11" :74):Alat:n7qe1:,%.rO4alibngs. ton .r the firm of South b. Johns.. bare mule to the autoteritetr. ak..tocuent of nil thet, gt.ate ran the tomefi• of a Ultor uutlito two month., from the date thereof ezeou, and Unmet to the attul SOlllilJob 1. full and alaaolute release of al then. rt...prollve nut! denieutts. Notice to hrrroiy ott . that the asatfoutonf nod re tow.. la Theer el h• oh ul the stllle,rther, a* Fourth otter, in the city of Y.ltaburgh, for I.:rape...ant and alg iiutnro with whom it may coodartt. ydordtato (VW MeCANDLF.SCa. Aamenon D EACTIFUL tt RNA %II:, IA Fildit Y.+ ni.uaida.— 1.) /Amax I). L. , .,w0n, 03 Wood W 1,54 latts Judi ,cotved torsa heactufully ornament.. ()RATE A YRIaNA, of a vancty of ratterna calor, also, cut Two, ?moor for oroameutsug .Aiwtoy, leXtrire Irene. Or inn,. .tUan 9 ' aikkoll and Itirk l334 titapress Packet Lane. It hi. PA Rat , aver, Proprietor. MllEnew , and elegant Pamenger Pockets, ( NIA i cant II Jetlnea . PESINSILVANIA " 111 Holman,. LAKE ERIE, " M freMy,• r quEzt:-.; CITY, J Mckfally; Forming dao. Ltne between Boa oar and Eno, hail: , commenced monme, and wdl contlmm during the ma son to make their revrui a, Mpg leaving Deaner after Ike•roval of the rennin,. boat from hltanargh, (I &- clock, r. j and erns... Ene in moo fur prusenrera to take I k e laorrutig boat. to Butfalo Or no the Lak_ "Hetuta through in Erto and an Lake porta,',enn be had by aftplicanoa to J tHIN A CA LUHEY. A r aa corner of Water and Smithfield eta o• GEORGE KECK, under the It Char ea Hotel Hatter.. Trimming., Cheap for Cash. adveruTer l• nu x oponalor. of I:I Water coact. New Pori. a complete $1 , 11.1,10111 01 lIATZERN TRISLITIINGS..a loelN h> hmaTell from Om manufac.. torte*. France and Germany. Tableo anti he cold low for and eaaminc ',allure purchasing criewbere New Yon. Jo I. 1.49. llaTt".W LIT; 111 -.e nave recepretl • 01 WWl,yO ol l 'earmu• nod k/nd t, of y new oonfory,,,on, 11101 5 5000 *poop. and complep.—Tome al., me artmle to born In Ittern ••Llurnpm Mot, or Mersa! It ha. rare rnn namattes watch recommend Kt to the mtention of meam boat men: bowl keeper, sod hum, reaper, for elconloTes, economy. hrl , lmoull mrPa...le• aaY Ihioa Porbtole now la uTe Penuaos who please to can on 13f wOl be Clown the pecultantm• tht, new compound. A con•tatit •upply of the Floul and Lamp, kept by & ATKINSON. P.M et lull between Wood WO !darker NEW 1.1 A rt OW A ILE ISTORE • SIGN tIP Ills PLANE AND SAW, %o. 70 Wood street s Plltabetrgla. 11011705.5 AND LAUFAIAN, Importer• and thialers Foreign end Donlan. DIAILOWARE,in all its varieties, are now prepared to low and on es renridde terms mace. be pal chased elnewliere. We solte . ,i nor mends, and the public yeneralty, to nail and ernnune 0... r stock, which cony,. at, par Lot KNIVES and FtiRKS, POCKET and KNIVES. N KNIVES. SC/SSWIS, SNEAKS. RAZORS. Douse Trlunnings, snob as ~ oelts, !Awn., Hinges nod Screws, menthe 'thevery artie.e u•nally kept in Hardware Ylorra, We ittienuon of Carpenters and Mechanics ) teak ge nered , on r assortment of Tools, which have been areal care, rind which we are gateman. ed to soil so as to give antn.61.14141. ap2dkteT 11..00d0g.--43alwasalied TUE subsvi /hers bee to call the attention of Lltulders Arean, and owners of Buildings, to the many a d,, n nta s e• , inch these plebs possess over dl ether mntialhe substuneea hitherto used for rorshne ? So , as they pos.,. at once the Debtors. of it witntzt to liability to rust, having nova been reeled foe revera: years in tin. purist-al., both in this country and in Ea rope. They rre less liable to exponston and contrac tion from sudden change of the atmosoncre, than com mon tin plates, iron, ranc, or any other metal Dow roved for roolute. and •: , y turn. a tun,. nijuer ono torbier root', renum, :or ...•• the best ens,. bat n • A fan supt,,,. of s:i train In to JO W. U, con- Militly lotnJ and form,.by GE" It Mt tRRWtIODA CX)-, 1,1 and It Seaver •,reet. New Vnrk The rural et,GIC. tar Lite for tlie United Sti.tcs, ail Panics 111,11,,,,th,/tOti, either L y importation or otherwise, stnit proseet, oeCtit-dAtel' JANM:ta U. 1.0 - Cli WOOD, (For mu, vears Crt , ineet!4l will,Wileynnol, and lam Job, Wney, N Nock and London,/ 11 1 .10,51:14-1'.8 • MI .1141 . 01(7,111 ov ENGLISH, I'ltli'iCll A N Gt.:lOlA N BOOKS No. 63 Wool, sratrr, ,Netv:r oppwite the St. Chalk, Hotta,. jrl. RI; II I:oglinit, Frenob, and German Review, totO Mtmanumn, \Mt Nownottoors moored to ardor, pore. or .cinch mar be aseertatned on %Titration to Mr L Cotaluottm wan, tat, . . Da. D. 111JEI7 1- • nt . 1.01.t. COrrtir between Decatur, between Market and Ferry anee , .. nep7-dlYn , WANI'ED-ImM TAat.r..,,,z,n4t,..K Iy 3o en..., Eters and Wood •111 A hIE:RICAN 11(SIPSE CARPENTER —rho Amass. fl CAII uor or pruttr s upon Arraitnr• lure, Cnrrrce• Moahltngs, Framaug. lhaors, Vitt , doss, and Solo•. togrltter with the Laos' important pnnelptes ol Praelscal (Prometry lip RR G.Auttkid; Ast eft rvo wltn cps,' gat eneraysngs For isa, li p mug Iv J 1.) LesiN,ISTX ID. tVos,r/s1 0111.-Th. borl,rst prior ill cash paid foe Hews washed \ Vool 11 LEE, sag I J Llerry at HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, REAL EgTATIO 14141,1 THE THE SIXTH WARD FOR HALE- Lot of Grimed hawing • front of 42 Act on hoe street, by:lX:feet deep to au alley on which is erected two good two story brick tont Holm. The above properly in well intlidusid plemantly Created. end will be sold very reastuably, i either adage:h. or part If application be made on to HENRY EL MAGILL, on the premise. angltidd FOR - VALF.L - 44 bo:14/ and Lot, on Robinson woe. Alleg heny, near ohl Bridge. PTi. low and maw easy.- Inquire of jytt SCHOYER. Seeend st . FOR RENT, FOUR new two story Bock Dwelling How.. Resell finished and in complete order on Centre Arena. or blii.orsclle road, 7111 Ward Poo session wen munedlateiy. Rent /ow. Sunnite of JOHN :YAW k 00, 17.1? corner Litimtymd Hand Ca FOR SALE, A VERY desirable residence in the bog ili rough or Manchester, admit:ln Joan Dow ning, Foy The Loris a comer one, fifty feet hoes by one bandred and ninety feet deep-with a two story Drtvk Rouse, menu-Rye feet front, with two owlets, dining room, and kitchen on fuss floor A cnrnage house, cable and grapery, and the lot hill of abet:, find trees, all to good order. Enquire of the sobs.,- bey Lumber hlerelant, Allegbenr Carr PIN:ALVA/TIT Ago. Pirrsesori FDR RENT.—The th ree story Brick Dwelling Dorm, on Lite,l7. H.y and Ittarbuy vtreeth, now occupied W. Graham, Jr. Puthethina given rodentimmedily. Dut of Wm. Graham, or at the Booke JOHNSTON A KTOCICTON, corner Market hod Thltd weed. ))17.thr Desirable Property for Sole, ri , IIAT beautiful, well tool. and healthy remderite, / timely occupied by Alm E J. Stewart, dee'd4 on the top of the Mil weal of Steubenville, O, and adjoin • ma the Steubenville and Ceethndge Mod. The lot tontines about eight acres. pan meadow, and under g.od knee. The improvements are a two Mars Britt Dwe•heis House and Kitchen, brick mach house, and chicken helms, good frame stable, Au There to a vanety of fruit teem and shrubbery, but • hill &stamp. tion this well known property is deemed naneeee ery.o f It is ime ef the most beentillsi rural eg.Nets In the vituuty of SMubenville, and is perhaps coo at the most ttealthy,—wombirung the many edam:dares of mrm° country, midi few of the ineonvenientes of rube, The title ts uneaeepttonable. Possession can tw given on the first of November. For further pat oculars, apply through the Pon Mee, address the subscriber. P.llionsvalle, Jefferson county. 0.. or at his restdebee on the bank of the Ohio,opponte New Catto lierland, Vs. JA MEN R. M. STEWART, 010.mget3 Err of Alex. Stewart. deed. - • • - -•. A lame store on M at, between 3nl and 4th oh well finished and handsomely Sued op for yKaads, being a good nand for that business E D tjAZZ A %I, st, over Philo Hall—OSee hours ft , os i d , It is FOR SALE, ATIIREE storied Dtirelling twlnt the second house from Penn stmet, rirder Row, on Hay street Immediate possession wul bus riven. Enquire of DAVID RITCHIE, Attorney at law—office on Fourth meet, between Cherry alley and Grunt street intAdtif FOB. RILINT, FOUR new two story Brick Dwelling Homes, well gushed and In complete order, ma Center Avenue, 7th Ward. Possession given July tat. Rent low. Enquireof iattri WAFT A CO, inn comer of Liberty and Hand sts TO FARM/LOS ASS LUAOtai RIC: londerupled ogee for agile in APZ•mn county, 1 Pa., MU acres of swell unitierat LANs\ with an eteellent Sow Mill nearly new, and two new Frame Houses, one 41 feet front by 47 bock, the other ati feet front by 91 back. Alm Rood now (nine Unto,Han/ by forty feet. The mill and land are situated four miles from the Allegheny neer. A great den/ PINE TEDDER of the best quality, rod aim, a vast q M ualnity, of the very beet hesnloek. Also, one acre on the bank of the Allegheny, near • cove, most admirably adapt ed (or rattily, where lumber eon be rafted on the ter in winter. and be perfeetly safe from all freshets.— Priee 2ht,000, or SS. acre. Terms easy. Will take a well cleared small farm, with good house and or chord open It, past payment, Flueen,. 0. taitahle. end the balance to lumber. or tally he weed on- Tn. is an excellent opportunity for lumbennit; and the probability i great that to two mithree-yenrs thh, property will double its value, in coMismaenee of us proximity to the New York and Eine Ftailroad. bar sufficient to wont out severs] saw mills—end rev- •• • eras null saes on the stream *inch nun newly through th. centre or the land. About fifteen acres in grass No hill to rite in hauling lumber from mill to neer Trout tour game In abundance. Pot further parttcot lays, address, lust-paid,) P. B. TEmPJ.KTON, nivrtidicer.N. Gazette other. Pittsburgh Property in Alleghen City for Sale. Taubserdiers odor for sa fe s number of chyle. I. Lots, situate in Me Second Ward, fronting on the Common ground. on easy ierms. Inquire ot W. WEI. RODIN/REV Ally et Lay St t Ilan st or of JASROI3INSIIN:on myl7:dkrtfT Two totiTitsiiSikie: - • • •••• • subsertbers willsell ala ri• safe, Loose twa r aable Lot• or tirmucl, situated ou Tomato n, to the Thud Ward of Alleetieuy City, each Lavine (tent olUti feet. rousing Leek 100 feet in depth to a . ..1) lett stFey, upon which is Wilt a •1011 C nnin, by lob reel. which eon:otos 800 e enough to build cellars Tor two edeaCirthblo dweillits bottles, Cad in nom there are ree ores 01a year. erwth, and the aide rra k • reed 0,10 ',net, all 41 will tr a. !kW...1.7,...burg1i and Alm:teeny, of Canal} Serip, aid Le taken 10 payment, or to 11 . 31 BENSUN, numedtatel, opposite stud lota re-1 B.tErc-l'ive tuts rlttimy siliatco iii iho - soar sown of ilinuomnau Thears otto. .4 Denman street, nuntlierett to F Bauma . . • pin., AL It and . 11-1.01 No :.:rooting Meet coo Ma ry street 70 ,set deep, the other Igor al feet haat ...ten. by ett tem deep. Tenn. -tin-at, port of pureitaae moneyMa) , I, Innns.o( mi 'ears, secured by mortgage. For porn, slurs, impure of 8 8C11()YEIL, "l) Ito second at Valuables Coal lietarg,foe St /UT fodt naleasmove Loot No. a at tan mouth „ri..of Pine Hun, lquitosseahela River. The. thual to cl ho crribALO ireaftly, and easy aembia Aar camber of !tot,o= po=tty Is a hundred, aut be °blamed.. deatrou* parehasing, cm, call on WALKER REND, on thrs_preatumes, et Won Reed, opposite the Post °Nee, weolirill give say in lormation coseerning the property. The shove w I. be sold at • great bargaia my:Li:Sae R fI O I3LET-6 good brick Dwellin&itoote, situate oo I, do uon Street, Allegheny. Enqatte . of 00 3 16 SOLOgiON SlAtOrPre SAL , CHEAPFon SCErn'-ni lot of greeed sonata on Webster alreot. tn feet from High street. tai feet from on Webater, by €.O feet to a five feet alley -geneethee to new coon bonze. Price SOSO. Tenn, abtoeush in hoed; halmee In one, two, three •nd years from the gist of April last County and City Strip taken (or cash payment to gain. of 0116 an/MYER, 110 seeund st 110:11> Aare* Cie. sane sot sue. - OITNAlth.Nea the ftlonongahethriver,lbOut Moen. 6) (took itaSeligh and 3 miles above thin! Lee*, in the tonnertrate neighborhood of Messrs. Lyon A. Stimb, aud hie /oho Illereonht pureha.r. Thin toe body of Coat will be sold at the low price of 1:33 per acre-ono third In band, billarieo in five mien! annual payments, without interest. Tule indisputable. Location very goad-t'• nos besurpasscl. For further parlieiveri enquire of who has a draft of aid pro. pony. ilesideneedd st, below Parry:Mr Adam. , Row N. it, These ta another same of twat On this trout, absestSo feet above the lower, of excellent quality jraltdif 8. a litsalldhig THE sntsaeribers ore authonsed tardier at private sale ; and upon highly' taroratile tern., a nntnnal a very valuable Ituildtur, Lots, cOmpriane large orno, of the Ems numbered 07. b.; tt, and 70, p Woods' (ieneral Pion air the City of Pitt.liorgu, muta t/41ot the south eastward', corner M Pero and tl'ay os etyma, frontier, 810 feet on the former. end e;ton,, along the latter about 0,00 (COI to the A lieghstry E. and being a part of the Real Estate of the laic /mu cr ,. 0. Solomon, Kay., deceased. • • • . m A plan or of d !above Lots, , n confor num with Which it ts proposed to sell. tees Oe at the office ante undersigned. on Foarth, nottstten kel and Ferry au. WILLIAMS A. KUHN ' tity3 TWO 110 - 6FliflB ASD LOTS Vint It eLa.m. tI A 'r H lr e i , " ( b )l n A i Yrn , , 1 1, 4:17 ,5c r , s t i „ m m e ,L t u ,u o s is eblob rected • frame butldsng, tist, Blanita ktett, for two small tenements- The lots am race tweets feet in front by one hundred Cent deep. and ran LaeL to a street forty fret Wide. The btuldulgo on'tbe pre ; 1,61.01 wall pay • very handsome intern. on the invost,, mein, and the property 'nil be sold ebettp for tad. Apply to 11. Sprout - , Clerk's oftlee; U.S. or UV 1101-V KAY lc C? , Soweto llottorrarfteed — fOi — Batee — -- 1 EN ACRI*3 OF LAND, vaunted to. Peebles loon *Lop, an theMonoughttela, three miles fn. Foes butoit —ln lot. to tact pare/mem. For farther pare. Oars apply to Henry Woods. 3d el, or to A WASIIINGTON, orn-dtf ith. above Smithfield lo .. .6.W Alit:1101;8R FOR PALE—'he umeortoot '1 off. for ...43 lbe Litre° con- beet Wombm... o Wood street, occupied by K 'ranner h Co. apt] Whl. WI L...-4/^l. Jr. ,"...I.UAISLE REAL KnTATELIN V FOR SALE—A Gm of 6 , onud .nitate on Penn • mreet.betercen flay and 3larbory mane, nthotoleta tile non.° and lot now. 00e4p:ed oy Iltehard Edward., bonnyn front of VS fnyt, •nd to depth lie fort, yetil Ina .old on Ineorat,ln o•rizu. Title unoircßUOnahlo. En finite of C. U. LOU R 1,4,4111411, near Wood. oet2l-eltf ADESIRAIII.F. Ilauldm: Lot :n Allegheny cuy, I. voraNy I - stac about half sn acre, .14 sell! be sold on sccomelodAting term.. Inquire of rehG J U WILI.IAMS, 1:n wood M A.,s, FOR RENT—A room to the second Only. 8.11 . 01 lVeml .treat 54a. IVI - - - - bRUAN'SWOR3I KILLER. • Prromrsurt June le kr, Mr. John Nlorr.m--Dem Sir - I gene a imteaspoon 1011,4 your Worm Keller tu one of coy chrldred, sod In Jr., ' , holt tone of or, half bout it passed tur , nly largo ,ns. I fent •1 , r....ontm,ding your Verutifette Is U... mcd,rl., tbst e• 11 ~ e usol for expelbror usom• .f...mats Moo m. uear 1 . 1 tred ro!d by t proortetor, /00,4 0 Mt/R. DAN. Drugost. oar door tre.ow lhatuond alley. Wood pA u ri .t is , roß a li , 1,01.1.4 R, n. a uo,o ISrparsnoult np..n iron tu II u'..1n..1, .% am' 1 to S n P A.tirnmum Saloon and 11.211bArtr. Eatahh.l.mert , T. SIIAA/KLETT & WHITE, DRY GOODS JOBBERS, WOOD sfitErr. Sr: now rarr. vtag a vary tat, •t o o k fo"•h itoca,. co . aztt pantlatut anal 4tkpottatata t ottoqi ay., xiil Dadeat .at u j.c.ce canaot ;mut to r.vt. ,ntste •atolartton. C. It' t,Juattr Menhir. •, Jo tototi to tali tn 4, ej4.1 , 1e 011 e befota glint...pan t I' GEO. W. 61211T1.1 6 CO. TNFORM their (muds mad Ina public that taea bay ♦ ji no looser any win, their late estattraa lln Yen r a fl oat, t pintsburgh !reds.: hsta•nr, removed !bell entire 0 ...less to the POP% 1. , t• *raw. orr_list at , . ICU JEW El.ltY4kild add Stlyee Watelt. tn. Li. large vanety. of amts.eakomllnes and best pat. tern, :lilac. ,p,em.. of Irandanl eom and war ranted; Idonary lioo,ll, a lull assortment Patent Solar Wed Lamp., n0w.1,F.3.1 use, and walla IL. Lest and .tot,el 11;40 Table Coders. Pan Ware, COSTOW.2. WO, Spectael:.. Gold Pena, ,t..e tti W WII.sON, nual3 corner Market and Potted, ma _ . ern tot.r.ta, PZasla. tr s.csartioilTtartpllitr. holeatstoEmegOlt.l al Importer. of Brandi, Wliool and rl/4Dina. 172 nod 174, COTO. of dn , Irwin +nut% Junin, I'. Iron, Nath, COIIOII Varna, te..k.e. es w dandy on hand. - augla . DRY GOODS AT WHOLESALE.. last eRo ryi ,monolotoml flab cy neast oh I ...krt •treetßigte. g cor • tmq,, tortko oprotale hsa. puny' .goads reds:sea , prt noino ! , • styles not to bt tiKllkerti . 01.