The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 30, 1849, Image 2
T4E PITTSBURGH GAZETTE s:v wurm k co PITTSBUR.GAIDI THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 30,180 gulekailver„ jewels, and preehoms ston, antigens* and the innumerable and rimmegm in ot elements of commerce which woo be brown hlto life films the depths of the ten, from new igil unexplored regions, by the caterprtre and in gurruity of our countrymen. 1 hete elements would big distribined throughout the Colon. giving a new hinpubse to population, to trade, to industry, to art, nod to all the employments of our people. Our atirplas Meal and bread, cotton goods, nernp anti cOrdage,' lard, leather, nod hardware, and other producti•Would, find a new, alanto and i ncreasing Market 15 return; while the Bible, the Pontine Ebanit,:the Ballot Box, and the Steam Engine, would receive 4 welcome passage into vast end tenet generated fields, where their magic puwem and blessed influences am greatly needed. But on the other band, if we fail to make this sited; and California and Oregon remain without aby practicable or convenient conhemou with the old State. of the Union, who can doubt that n new Kerruhhis will grow upon ths , shores of the Pacific. *bleb usotOd perhaps become independent of the Onion, and obtain a supremacy of their own ['pan an Ocean favorable to steam navigation, "tad the very home of the trade with Asia.— The whale fishery, the present American trade with China, the Pacific Islands and the North West Coast, would be shared. Jf not monopolized by the now Republie. The central authority • would find their rower over ecotde to remote to be feelide end insulLment. With greet mineral wealth In their - pnsitenatien, with o trade before them Which has been the Cyaosure of commercial nations during the whole Christtan era, and ex perience and energy of the rove when.•. they rive their urge, who no doubt their future rit.wer aid progress m complete independence of ;lb Out er nations. Therms potteg of our government rodr i'rVi therefore, in reterence w too, punier, is at The great import...nee nterioic twee...oy of this conamooteetion nitre. the Continent, by rii.l - and Telegraph, men he anorectic.- We confidently trust that a will be crtried nn tinsel means and authorities, us one i.l the inied powerful onilianes to the miser y and petiivinitv of the Union, end to the rotation of our country to promoting sad extending the In duence of the no. ble cause of civil and religion ebertv, cwil neon, and humanity. sit We, therefore, gee tally invite delegates from every State nod Territory of the nation— Laying aside lee the moment, party nod private engagements, we bespeak from all parties, a day in 0600 for the genernlrrood. We ask every dis inet to send its representatives—that we may Moe them from this mountain and troll] the i.;a1[1..11 . ..10 the cities and from the county, from hilts of New England, and from the VLlVntina , of Georgia; that they Will coma to or tram the north and the south, from the east, and even lien the Went, pouring in upon Oa by at, the numerous avenues of eonycy enee which converge at this nowt, en that the hoe pitalitir of St. Louis shall rejoice to the littlest ex and enjoyment of its means. and that s mud:ening voice may go forth from the Assembled Soars Po...sem—Ws learn front the proper nun Maan•that shall give to the great m eesurc Amari.r, progress aa.urnnce f nit thortlYi that then woo in that stato T.". 7, a fe w ;.! Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Piusburgh, ton hope daysago,after paring the M/ LlT' m " egg "' al `r. to see largely represented in this gonveritun.— other "g"oa"d demands,' over 09.000 Should St. Loots be the starting point on the id, parson of this ante has been Oct !pert. according!, for this road, Pittsburgh and Pearisylvh to acts of the last Legedn in utu,xo th e Sinking Food; n on Will be on the direct route from the Atlantic nod to the North Brooch Cal.'. ;Waving a no-. the Prtofic, Irons England to Chinn, from Cure: c adorable surples in the Treasury far the ordulary, Adia. Who inn entonte thc 'thine ot and extraordinary expenses Of GoVeroment, .• a work to our city:, Who cat n view son on It must be a matter of great rejoicing to the pros cv;;,, m ania,„ de, furore ple of this Old Commonwealth to Ladits finances I - in so dounahtug a condition. All can look buttAsorraga is.—Tao steamship Canada • few years, and contzmpltue th e i r y,n, mo wn,,, from Liverpool arrived oil the “L•ght iittip" New lion, and almost despair which 4 1 ,p res , e d every York, at 10 Ueteigh yridstr nigh:, and run foul o patriotic meant, when the Mteiesl was ornate; the British brut lane. boon,' Wow New Pork . the name or the Slabs sby *ord./Ind the debt in. LiverprA wen a care of prov.s.ons. The :do creasing' Then the tuagatiude oC rho ilebt ties was 'eat down to the wgwr ••• "T' absolutely appalling, and prospect of filial lis went to the hrrst ., stnstancr rt..'" " 4 w" t!.. imidstion exceeding 'y dine.' The, nm ouot o f an t brig *as ithic to dial, and was towed to Sandi tonal interest olmost f r i g ht e ned m g t good ni i• gen s, link and placed to charge of the sinatner A; at and they were ready to pito tryp or detpair. Neigh Thisinemdent enema ineipt.eable Tee night int without any one !min °ppm ,he interval, Li beaall'al• and Wes" oust boor hern gross gaglr regularly paid, a Suking Fund to r i m- h or n th e d o ilt en. someeitiere. Dana P. , DDha D WY, Tn.. Weekly , and Weekl7.-9./Ite DWI Seven Dane. m. Knee., Tri-Weektf it Flee Pet annum ; the Weekly is Two Dellarsitier ienesn, strictly eituaises. 11.7 . Abvtrruun /113 LIMIC.II.I !tat • •to ham! In .heir favors lclore r. c, and In the aulr praeucuble. Adveruseutemt. not itioetteil fora .peel Ited tune cl I Inguriably be eharirUd until entered oui AaTI TicKET. I(ENRI" M. FILLER, of Ldsetne Count) Wu..l JAM HASLETT, of. Batirr Couniy. anmrt, ROBT. C. WALKER, of ElizOtth JOHN MILLER, of ShareeLOTA CALEB LEE, of ,Pousbesee. WM. MPY, of Lower IL CB,B, CARTER CUR719,;(71 . It;b4gh ==l intsoocasu, : • JOHN MORRISON, of /Meilloly CVSIXIONIK, As. MITCHELL, of robiei: CVIZONIM, %V3l. hi, ARTHUR.% t'f Pootturgb JOHN HYLIII3 of Fi gll.y.•_ Per Leer! Dlsttcrli erf next 1.. next peg. for 4 rel4grapille New, DErarreat or rut tees:wet --1.3 e. John,ton , \ 1 otl POtaborgh, yeaterdn morning ; rn mute no Kotanniug, where he era remain fora abort tune before he returoa to liar atntigli. (3.. Tart. ar Esor..—WWlennil that tile Pres. ]dent will remain in Erie until it time to leave' Seethe great Agricultural Consinta4n it, Syracuse, which tat. place on the 10tH Of September. Pre , • nOIIS to his IIiZCSS, it was has, lineation to procevo through the State of New Yeik to tionon, where , be war, to arrive on the Sib of y•pieintier, and then return to Syracuse. Itis al Bess, however, rendered it necessary for hhfl to lake some rest, and recruit his physical enet4lev. intro lard at- Motions of the people el Eiji, a 4 the pleasant tad healthy Lake breezes aril] doubtless soon re-: store him to ha wonted ripe. 41 last he wan much better, his disi4se briclng yielded tot the skillful administration atlas physician. We, understand It IS still his hittetiyion to volt Horton; after the Syracuse. Fair. has been commenced, and aseles W aria, lahrehn ac ...ARRAN Arrca REY —A sOp (Yore the P noel mnllh'o• of ro'°°Y , 2r° recvihcg the °:°°°' saexda Gaz sue. dated A ueust IS.h, eays that Co. complete/an. ; • ' modore feeler went to nen en Me I:ch eu.e., with TOM& great and treanear4eimpr6veineat has bee the digate Itaritaa. The t eaaham and, roan els that ken place in the management of:the State linen- Corte Parker has orders,' loan at !heave and Jr' cos, under oar excellent' Wlet.4 adneinistratet-ea, mend lbe sr „, .ba nc ,..i p . ,, cannot be denied. ihAe. 1•11,0T•5 deserve% tee --ie..— hpiny thanks of 00 ,,,. j0 i 50 of!th, Stale for the Thu Tamer Conc. - nos —The eurivenneen r wholesome reforms he hay - lot:deduced, and tee the Southern nod Northern deie e hi "' '''`'''" Ne ' salutary measures lee lea. temedireended and pelt P e " h"..4-• on " e h " h i e " h° art "- e -me ' h lier of la operation. Should he be. titrriteeted to continue rif f did n'''' arc-orno." ''''''''• 'Tho et '6 '"''''' ' and merry out his taco isreGen4ryildia he State n°4 settled, we bee'''. wee the W °°- 'of ch°"' minainouranou unuiolesteti„ we hale the mold le g , if Pe"ib;et the h " w hee° ad veld"' h. 'h" 6eA slight mama., of duty a i troa, cot% AVO abiding maddened that lie imilgelace the Seater in a most enviable positioninihni her stater iti: and .°"ls and ee"on iteetewi was th.erb , 3 1 1,, publics. . l, bid. Severs; commenenes weee an:vie:deo to 1 To this end d well requite thd unabated .ra range d ,,,,, s .., to e° " e 'P' hi w"h net moat nannin n o nan,tiona of the Nth party of the scam 01 the country on this subject Mr. Una. Stu., in the approachingL f lE F l etiOns. Nv muja Inienison, of Worchniver, Nts.....dis chairman cif th , elect a majority of the s i 4L na .iaj annnn, an d t h e llolool nee to which aiber comusitteny nre en Canal Cammi.ioner, so 13tu ufwessonable toid captious hindrances may !Pithe interposed by Stk. DCATIS or Ma. Pastes—The London papers opposition, the leaden of V/Inchitem to M mi. an tonnes the death, on the 30,b of July, of J sec. 'mated, we regret to my, were b¢ a desire m prei. form e r', m Boston, ,", lot many mote Oeir panic srer,or the chats- rears residue: and astel.lisied in London. the , -m -attero and advance the prosparits . , - of the t rain an. Ocular at curie or on sa al and ei Car mei arid c der a Whig adniln.strorti,i; transform- ' in his ,3d So Ger, every thing lootralSell pod encouraging for - oor success. Latino hatitioufc invane in all our ranks. The party in Sql6C with itself, with its poaitton, and with is suered.fed leaders. 4i that is wanting is, tor rani Yndividmi member to The week closes with the 10100.1 feel that he has a duty to peiLentl, and to net th everb depanment, not oTy at aueordence salt that du ty.Tro iyaceeed, we mull plemittre, and New York isorce more the ga bring out our whole ilder.,sWel are as nearly teoli careless [heist:polls of the Weaken Cee balanced in the. 'Bette, to t Ore a` ogle vu er . :h nen4 ready to recorra the last onprmsoit ,ua this county we can ready . eked our ticket, and ter *nether grave or gay. The Sas:tory Cr., perms a thousand Vhtgs to atafi at bone. Bill tathats have th fa hell , thee' last orating, such a roans emild Ime us the: Canal Commis: nuunreport nothing but fatal times, which are, stoner, sad wduld parnlyee thd ctforta of nth. the telegraph asseesteses datlY , reef sthath bet friends t o those esuotea not no pk oaso tty eanmel mt.l not at the same time be denied that 1.113111 Lei to see, then, that our tirbotelvoto fa out, snit e .o/lusts arest ill trou hl emmc.— that our whale ticket a voted, add the result will wid now I. a malt-gnant llY.aillaaY, which l'hv not be le,s gratiry,ng to the i s ,miy, than Is-no- ricusss find it handwork to control, and which has floral to the Sate. • pro4cd fatal to many of on best &tuella. Nterchauls arc sausfi • r their salespost now, Death has cut down one ; of ou t oldest and molt and are loelmed I. .r., rather ther. respected citizens. `tai airs. Efru_sim ts no ruorifr. want, pro. Wednesdayrnortitolg, fir the attltir d„p v p‘dere,n . ; yond the safe potnt meat ‘ d. thn laa ` a g a and W an g' canaa '" aa ' look as, an bag ' '' . attended, and ;once , Christianity. Few minutia 'cat , ' inure tt anriactory. Money 'a abundant, and borrowers and favorably known, and ,none :were more at., to get all ttry want, at an per cent I ,r ,mm vernally and highly resprnied. j Hews one of caul paper, seven for long; and as low ee bar per the first brokers in Putsburnb, Ord has for a grekt , cats cad, unth good collateral,. The bank, many Y... done a varp . ta.abq c.b "l dha " - " T sbutnivace of mcney to loan, and we ha, Daring his whole life bib , .4. 1 ... 0 ao inb tests known a more aattsfarnory money market Prnbchrthia character, .0 Pi:i"aaarad the ea - tlpr bey has teemed with cocoa t 41. 1 -11 ship, teem of his fellow lived nod died a to ;ley. First came the Canada, nom Istverpoot humble, sincere, and devotUd Cllriatian. Ihn re; near the Cherokee, trona Savannah, Oli h nv at. ed b, =oval creates creates a virld id the circle of old t o ~ Jareh Sandy Irom Liverpool , winch was u cllimaca, which will ba falhicbd no cave , ' be ntrabger has has no idea by 01 the number of Men fbe ai twat, filled that drulyleave our dock, A fatat idea of thr dithered by of this brooch of commerce may be Railway to the Peettle. ' dithered by remembena6 th at A deep end do spremitdirrist is now madi- diode, thirty Brat class hos'ts lave tr o m the first ""' vide (wed, th roughout the u.,4,,n ,i, project of a rill la lOontl , In. a tlaleenth of ara d ' a le ily e ; o s w o n d to an . 0 " raom ,„ ~,,,,,,,p pi, ,i,6,,e . ,, , , , ,r . , ,, ..d i old fastuonyd barge lxist, of one hundred feet heel. either in Oregon or C.:allot-kid. The scheme is ode . 1 17:,,t d ,7:::. - : ' ,:: ' : °lr e m ` nY m `" ''''''' tln almost roblime In its contalridiortil and snagaitmfd, and (Crete , that contact e ti l s7u n d u n t' th b' e r s o ki f t'w hoot' end is one worthy villa , ofd dread minor, goveredd toy. Long and Sheen Islands ere how o' m s er a n ' j se 'r h. - hard to New York, sod holding the same relstive by free Institut/ow., and labiate kerntorter extedd nosition with Birmingham avel Allegheny City to (lam OCEIIII to Ocean. The inter. kit In the ildh. Paid: audit. The AihaVaelly Wye, vexed . . ) ,„ c ,,,, „„ g reat, It . , mport4uc . 4 so nA nd e 4, d,,, it /14 bridges, New York harbor is as literally co ' vrd DeCe..ity, f " Ih ' '` llint ""I :Perpetuity:Perpetuity of 'lr e d with steam boats. A, point of interest him pa/ be derided no to al wide Union is sou rgent, tkint wee: pect, if we lie right of stock holder. to carmine the books of co but a kw yean longer, iD seel the groat woik potations, agEMIII the consent of the director. • • b o ldly oa d any l ea; y a w Ever AMC! he Erie Rail Road woe, planed under A. such a Work would he purely national to Rs the knn,t gem eot of u n P" ' en ' d '" 4 " arTM :nen "arr"- ho sae ito chan 4 cier, and wholly onseicuocal in its effects, - M • aws. Bakear ldi nellg the , LOMOZ. m Itabiti isii sen u . L here , that yon, &q -ualities all alike, and marnal4tbe welfste add der,lrica, Oa orith you, an offer boa been making by glory orals nation, we shOuld be pleased to see the brokers and theroolhers irtdu ant, who lir.. 41.61 and feet Wrdi Street, to break the company the proceeds of the yobbo landi set apart kir this down, to order that y light rot no the spoils great object. From the mere:wed value given io To do this they have sold a large quantity of the the national domain, by each !road, Ste °audit coat abort; toot is, agreed to deliver, at a certain tired, at a price then under the market. and are would doubtless be amply ! remuScrated, and hir now! Doable to gel the stock, or to find our Who treasury mould receive beak, front the proceeds Of holds A. In this sad dilemma they cume f.,rward land ones, all that the hadiald due This, heti- and lask to we the stock ledger and the transfer ever, y a a smart ; lam m comparison to to mo w book, to enable them to fad out where to hog or andpolitical effects. .• buy the stock, to wive themseivea The request to the the backs wee not entertained, and the hint le order to promote thia great atilotli a Narrower may be taken by &Deers having charge et other Rd Road Convention hie been called by tie road's opposed by buoy bodies. people of St. Louie, to be held in that day on in° The Hada.. River Road C ompany have P a to pay Peter Cooper, of New Jersey, n third Monde or °eta. , heat; eed eleeteeet $54,60, go be released from their cootrael address has beenumned to thospcopk• of the United fir Eton. They will make money of this operation. • Swa y hiyaieg them 10 meet and eonvyli c ., 00 ,t. fir an abundance of iron can be had at SI 9, instead From Wtd adduced or 567 which they agreed to pay. The Chief 44 'hi. tnsguilloo P " '4 ' Engineer ' er °role Erie Rail Rood, Maj. T Brown, we take the fallowing eau-nets:— bra barn offered the supenniendence of the :in , "Let almost/am theconsequenees ol ereci pedal ROM. IL.I Road, lately held by Major nag tin toad, with those 'tablet would maws it Whistler. Ilia road is 420 inles Meg, and is Wore to make it. Were i ll completed, the br at Amerman in Int being built by American brains car that alsonld rumble over the Stony Mountain* end tabor, from the first survey down to in its fiery course across the Continent, tram the the 01 4 4 0 . 0 Pall of the equipments, Atlantic to the Pamite,would send a oesslthosauoa Cotton Las gone op ander the steamer's DEWs through the world. ••Braeauta, Eager, of the roe ceMl , with large export aalaa Flo '? Bas,' keingesuolt of her pr..,eritemi her peel large, demand her the eastern and home testae, with =. 1 40a employed in the [Adis wade, Mould feel e laulue off to the export wants, that the kgmthai ' D. of that ilaPramael Were about the hart noes and improved appearaneo of the crumble, while, from thedey Cape, Or the me coop abroad. Wheat is dull, with liberal supplies Hands of the South Pamacy end eons sate emit., or svytaserst Corn is also heavy, and in good imp atiens and Island. of Asnand Austrwasa, and ply. Pork IA doll, and mess ceo be had (reedy at ttuoetgboot ell the terra fir se of the Padifin Sexy CO 15, sad posse, /Pi 75. Cot meats &redid!, and '' wmild be awakened a newatilni, ideas Of • [wet taco! pone would be taken. lard, 614'9c Pig 'skestiny, nod feel Lags d at arm attmcdon. Tbd acid Wanly, math nu new ann. Whiney eyes of thou - undoes would be drawn t 0 the new is up, Lad Ono worth 113026 i. Considerable lights, which will illurninatethe peaks orthe Siena iransetion to tebseeio, at 51 for Kentucky. Back Nevada, oar would their gate he mooed 'until Met, Tess me rinses, sod wanted, end sell very freely. negetlerand merchant vessels, moored !n AmeriS gad bra be, me la demand, and the mar can barbels, should have exithanged their malty ket laroviss.. !Arew sale. of wool have been ' banal/64w the substantial Modems of the United made—fell I = , 0,220 ie cOmraon and half blond. 25; Stout Attracted to the gnat enteral station of half and three 4WIWCh M.* 31; full blood :161037; the Continental Road, to steel to the Magnet ti Saxony, 2N0444 The 'Lack islarge, and in sperm frit& would roll down apes the States of thei leers' hands, and utd vat of the market, which in Indoa, such u the ladle n:•teitules airrer paw higher. C, etebraeWe rho furs of the north, the drew and spices of the south, the teas, stk.., end crap. of Mat, the cashmeres of Ththe, the diantend• of Iddia and Borne, the Velf,l l lS FirOdllCtf at the Jo plin !slangs, htleachoorie, Accrete... and PO.l - Wd rettotte of the whale fishers., the hatrt, Faon NEW YORK. , orteire:4dence i'lusbur7,l u PROM S. CROPS-HT TUE CANADA I=l Lo.on, August 10,1849. Wears. now at the dull period for Erbeish news, aril but ter the wreathe; with B.121:41117 the coed. 0,.‘ also wanld promise • tensperuy person. Toe toes, is in Irelend, removing a welcome whoa, desivilted as it lo in on, almosto reverlirrate in London. In RCM the French beve tnade no advance except, if Mali., on tee road ol degradation. Between Anstrin and Sardinia the treaty of peeve has been definitively sozreed From Hungary there are • variety of detail., nod - ono - tout. have just been received of an exploit which has struck new terror tato the hearts of the intitertaltate; nod from Primo, nil toot we bear is timely as lathe Increasing financial embarranemenot of the country and the abject anti hollow crunching of the people before the devout .= of "order." The efpolsioa of the "foreigners," as the Italians of other than the Rotuma states were desquated by the French, has not answered the intended par.. pose, and the Roto.ds, now they are left to them 'rives show no not:cation of their scorn for their deliverers. Outhnot, therefore. hos been compell. I ed to take the farther step of expatriating the toast Ott, ye tad influential °vireos, to order to prevent in every way the manifestation of popular opinion. M. Marniarni, well known as the Minister of Pica the Ninth during n portion of the Pontif. career • of minim, having expressed to print a decided hos linty to the re-edablthimmt of the government of I the t h e wain forthatch advated by k in k to The Queen. comb. not been:attended by nay co country, mid n ienk kin de _ remarkable Incidents. bat the enthustasm of her pi ny" for Marsedles on the gith oi July. Dartor I reception has been unbounded. One Dublin cati pc„intenne, a pkyniem„ of eminence nod :nen approached her carriage in the street. and es friend of M Mentitarto. received o similar mums- bry mmraratt •P aramiSuuth "neu,' 000, lot, unlike M. Manitnati, he declined to fob isa° " is has been the only peculiar ernamatnnre lb With eingulur courage he virtually told the midst of the genera l ree e e"'"'• seal Uudinot that, his internee he worth • In London, the cholera is rain never, Lentlvn (klO nelidi a year, had no Himont. or saitnfictsig week the dent h. from all diseases were 1967, bo o through terror either Cl French or of Pupal yen- tug nanny the usual avenge of Iho ""- , son. The deaths from cholera have steadily in- Accord:cc to the last accamom' in rince ccra•ed dunng the past seven weeka, the numbers been „tterutly „ndersmod In Rome t - cat the unditt- • 'stuns been '" the Mill"sslugorder,"itts-Ig—/0, itudted mount ption of power by the priest* as. . 121. 152. 3'2J,675, 154, and last. week, 9Vti. about to take place wallow delay. Three of the A canons cane ban been heard at one of our po ardtna's had already hero natned, and had arri- be manna Me Count., of Landsfeldt, Lola Monte, h. ion been apprehended on a charge of veil to the city, to vim the government eololnle , On the other nand hL do Toequevllle, the French '"4ninv It seems that after her forced retreat In"" tylporoch. Where rho was the cent, of the To day's back, in the National Assembly oil Paris, into sittlratl""l" she ram " M Lo" Jon, end in he "mould pledge himself that Inc Pope had doter. July last married a Mr. Heald, a young men of Mined to grant liberal inentlationa." Thu speech. 21 ' ° lraistetimu i " Mel " mg. " 'elate " .C64° however, was tilled with tan old and esaineless Veer. had. however, been marrted in Ihr to in ,„k om i, „b orn ton.,mgrmen of terror" from , a Captain Jame* in Ireland, and although a de• / (tree mparanon bad been subsequently pro wltteh the Romans bad been relieved by the French err the eousistory Court, it did not give • artily, and a pledge „„pled with such instances of nicotinism can be entitled bet to small regard. ellt ri lle i ,„„ e Ps,rl,lnr,:clii°„,"lrah"Y„ te inth to The probantitty tent the only thing amignt at ' t whom she has been unded has caused her but as the yea= itnti. - press„ in re „ rinth the world with tine „reeeke,r, to wade Me Pope he quietly restored, and that come trasraled rm. "' mu g' „ o „ i i nn i L.„„irreenimie will then he announce ,. the man Imnself had no wish to dis.lolVo the union, and the sum [mold bring no prcnl that the first carrylng out of whteh will on one pretext or a, husband, Captain James, who Iran last heard of „liar alwuy. lie ,„ II rth blare while must n in inethiy. ,; with los regiment In loth, May not Gave been Franneh trcops ream, and in the tart that by de" the of time M the Prase"' marriage, the ma . by Frintente whom the ease was heard felt extern e their power, instead at by the ponce el the A us maw., the Romeo people are held in subjectlon i y doubtful " s M his power M order mmuts'ltal' and at length decided upon aocepting curettes, France at; recogritse that her 'honor" sod her I In .U.,00 earn, and the Countess herself m -ClOOO. eclialate influence' are sustained. A 4 the wild advancen, however, the sequence The nest day the paper* announced that the lady • and her new husband had taken Me". departure between crime and it. penalty to mns in every in- . stiller to heroine more clearly raptly traces- ler the es'iiilm"M le. The bpanoth marriage r..11 - air 1,:o. Phil- Amore other evidencen of the trtumobant po. can oh n „ nnmeine „ miner , ark. . rtici. actsmon of our „„bierloreigh hircre et the close ,mieminek an the :clamp of Loom Nnri,iicee to of the recent nennion. m mentioned that not leas nennte th name star-' ha• been st..l t ime, hone than 100 reedit:wren( the Home of Comma. have den ant. at: has n ; mittscribml tor his portrait, which it is intended to rlos lt 14 irrip,,,le no: to Itelteve that • Prase”' Lndy ruittrassran' n, rhelar•• the intouttntary 'lash Of ....13,es• casinjEttt tat. avyatta can have paaand away the thunder a rebuke ma, Consols. wl ten last week were at tt2; have chased to Any et 1 , 1 In boar ems there Mu been n t alteration The Board cot Trade resume tor the rnonto coding the sth of July show very favorable results • Out consequence of the 5,101,.1.1 of the Hunan a in the aystn has bran shown In flit, I. she to detach a part of tbrq ant,. to the natooftt eriPA) rues. to tua, an inroad upon alaniarat. one of the Daaubtaa prat...mai:bet arrraaoc , d llasrinn ttarn, 'fie reau.t at tat. movement is oat vet boo tor; but .t rant: n 1.;.! tond ; crest'y to the ferp'etittelk of the Kets , fao., by render.; rr it neceadarg tar theta a f keep up n wide distrlintt;oa of their 'wee. It nua for ewe lane been allootta-; ced tent the Emperor cf Ituanta has called o ut the re.erve. or he , ',lnv. and It .• avowed, even by more who are tavoralde to the anno,ubntn. that he=USI ocelot, t.. 0 utter up another hecatomb of ,00 000 men bethre be can hope to terminate the ta.k he ha. herrn. Auatrm hkewtre ha. ancoun red n loom h conwrynon of I: , men not of every 100 d tahn.etnnt. of the Emp're. Thu. 1. the I .urth connestp,on with, n twelve month. and It et., ”•.1 rettme'y pre,eve no outbreak bum It to Au. 1,4 and Bohemia were a not for the v ance whichme mac. arge Is roc attuned at Vienna and Prnpue. It appears that the neighborhood of Camaro ha. romplctetv ccared of the Austrians that tne hangman gareann have been abte to smite the moat tormolable nod ritettatve itnt!trini In one tnawnw, about a m g t .0 the otrtetal record the , An-tonna th , in-elves then ea :led tof 40 Atistrian 'obit,. and d ollicera, and taere earth , " nn doubt that tnia w a very Intuertein aii. -vtntut the mosque .untn Loud!loth< tuber hand the re pant a trunk, o! the It tapianriatie %I n pia, earedurtuch the 11.1ngartsto. !Opt :it)o killed cud 1000 WOUndi•ii. white me lm ant low, was onto a I,:led • id wounded The value of this story nowt be measured by the remembrance that the 1,, accounts received front Jelinchtelt, at the date ri los utter an omit/Won, purported to des-nine • v.eotry - he had estnesl, to whet the reed. were Oen Hy smuts, Indeed en well is the nature of Austrtan now understood at Vienna that, although every ac count of a reverse ts suppressed, the real One of of the war w as thmverh'y be-we s , if the wbo'e truth were minutc'y preen Farther coniesat se_nut.o• • :r ,o binct-"a , ata announce We tuorbou, ut iron eadi, ih rran-yiva nia. of thelKuasuan and Aultnan curios under the (I st , o ;Jii•S and tne r • ,enner liermanvtadt, sad the defilsw it ruothenttiunn. These debtors are ii,lcored to have been (breed in spite of a desperate resistance be the Hungarians, Wood at whom were compelled to By into where they were disarmed. On Ibis c,cascro also the Impentilista took 300 trounces and Id pieces of art.llery. They nave also oecopied Herman wad:, shoe rouung 300 Fluniransna by whom the p,arie was defended. All these, tt !anal he borne in mind, are Austrian scrountii, and are actually nnt worthy. in tbe ablence of other testimony, of • Moment's ennelderStlon. We have ,itemise had Mt.lEll rumor" of the toktrt of Sze-teethe by the impel...bats, hot these have been acceriamed to be wholly (abe, I laynau, to the Nat ace.nontc. was englamm Jones Gum that my. This wan on the 29th of July. and aic pro battle that ha ban once matte an attempt upon it. or been cohered to occupy It nowl!V, In order that he may be lured att . ! farther Into the heart of the country. Kossuth and the Gevernment are be e ved to be either at Gyula or thrommarden The Hungarmas, it la mid, are (stool to possess most formidable ausilhanes in the wild population scattered over the vast steppes and forests of the 'hien°, particularly those who tend the unlit hor ses at the plaint and who are dreaded by the Ana trtha troops steer all their other enemies. The only weapon they use is the whir with which they catch any boa, they wish to tame. This is about twenty f,et lons, with a leaden ball at the end sad smaller balls at interval. like shot on fiahing line, and in a moment they brine a man od his horse or stake him dead with unerring dexter ay. The tartneherda, alt., ais said, use a small a.x.. which they can throw with than s tall as to salt:ea man down at sit or NO yam, Meetings minnow: to be held in the various towns of England to fit:Write •yrtipallr with the Hungarian cause, and the onanim ty of the public on the gnostic, denyte. the strenuous efforts of s portion of the London press in C.v., of Austria, a very apparent. A lam' meeting his also been held In Edinburgh at which the Provost took this Mae. These meetings re likely to receive a great itn• pulse front new. which has been /semi/eel th.. af ternoon. The detail. I have given atnye of the' progress of the war ere merely such vs could he collected from the scattered accounts, chiefly Aus trian that have come to hand. and to en for as they may be unfavorable to the Hungarians they ate to be recei red, nil have said, with extreme distrust News of an opposite fibrin/ter. however, cony .1 eon, se not only he erred 0r.0., hot its xnivirt mar be "(mated at motile and treble it. apparent vs, ue. and hence the killnwing. which ha. now male / from Vienna, will convey the idea of a crushing blow for the Imperialists. The limiganens have surprised the garr son of Raab and dnven them in /hi/liven. flight neon j Presburgh, capturing two roinlanies of Austrian foot and sin pteees or nrihery :These, together w it h! large stores of proV.siOns and arrimunitiou, which they found in the ruby, besides 1 .1000 bushele of oat. and 2100 head of:cattle. have all been carried ar to Cornorn. Aft, their V:olorf th,y did hot arante thetr strength in nitempitne to keep ton.c•- mon of the city. but have left it for the reqiccuita. lion of the Austrian. and Resat/ins whenever they may hire, by entering it again, to expose thorn- selves ton repottion i (what they have juin expert- : rhced. 'Ths greatest coneternatum," it is 'reign, at Vienna and among the Impermlists at Preshunr." To make the importance alibis movement more clear, the reader most recall that Presblng is only :is miles from Vienna, Raab betng :39 miles faun Preaburg. Comore to 70 miles from then., and about 12 or I' , miles frum Raab. The en, f the d ustran and Rottman troops being drawn ir 1., the tntenor of Hungary is thus shown tit the freedom of nenton which n has given to thr large garrison of Comoro, who will be ehle to keep the Autttraan capital in a constant stale of ter- in addition to the above, there iv flogev.-tung a rumor. by way of Constanitnople of arother great battle having been gained by Rein, and of hi. having imam driven the 'Liman, and A own .. out of Croaatadt and lierronnatadL Th.., now ever, altogether require. confirmation. The treaty between Saril,n a and Austria, which was suspended owing to the demand of an am nesty for the Lombards who had fought in the Santinieo ranks, ha• been definitively agreed to, Austria having riven way upon the point in dis pute, with the exception that she Will 111•1111.• upon exoluding about 100 persona. By this means, she will keep out .1 the auto, and intelligent leaders of the people, and II u undetatood that France la quite satisfied with the arrangement. Austria will accordingly receive alsoutBls,ooo,ooo, (about $3,000,000 down, and the rest by instalments / which will be appropriated to the furtherance of her lanputies is Hungary. Venice still hold. out. In Tuscany. Guemitai, the chief of the Provisional Government during the period when the coarprdlg Grand Bob" len hi people without a governthebt,.nuw upon hi. inal There 3 no new from other parte of Italy, ex cent In the shape of some reports that Garrfluddi's leg= has been dispersed, and that he himself has been compelled to surrender. The Armen= aro bombarding Venice, cad the city is said to have been net on lire in IlLeVeral places. The Prussian chambers were to isimmence their sitting at Beets on the 7th instant. The Midst.. Ord statement made on the occasion contained an intimation of the determination of ?mons to per with energy her policy of forming a German union, and it Is siserted that in anticipation of this the Manners of Misuse, Bayern, and Russia have recently protested in the TOM energetic terms salting the ind4iondent course which Plaudit is adopting. ti has been said that since the cecupation of Ba den by the Prom. troops, 'Professor Kinkle, one of the chiefs of toe inserreettan, has been shot-- Hu character and career bad placed him high in the estimation of the people, and his sentence is another example of the instinctive hatred entertain ed by all military governments to literary or pro fessional men. It appears that at Berlin, although the state of allege a removed, the police regulations are suffi ciently strict lo prevent the Welling Of any stools nonary insignia, red being a prohibded color. It happen., however. that carnations are in meancin, and the people wear them in their button holes, a Inauifestatioa which is antßeiently plain lathe roa mer°, hut for which it is hardly possible to twad men to prima. Tile murease of the exports, as compared with the chtresisroding month of last year, was not len than .1:1,491.251 i sod it new appears that thr total exports 01 the Ural ale 11100thit of 1049 have been .C. 3.74 t ell to alarm of the exports during the snine period of the preceding year, and we sqtial to those for the first half et 1047, when Europe was ,n a slam of profound peace. We have, there. tore, ant over the check produced by all the recent convolvarei and tat. ha these farts in corionelion with the !adox ci thhhOP crlaLch has so lona pre vailed from all parts, a stronger tentonony in taros of free trade or a complete refotahno of all the .penal predictimore ons Whiea were made by its opponent. umuld non have been desired It has keen tOleard by the French nuance mm ister that the total deficit of Mft1:11.112 nom Me date of the revoluhan In triable the Ist othaenary.l,:.l/. will amount to SllO 000000, nod that the sum 01 $lO 000,000 at,:i be required !Or muscatexpend.- tore. Tildes these ciraumataneea be iittl.ts upon an incres., oftnxe. nod a reduction of the many as the only "matures that can be rewortool to. The Gov however. are not in a condtbon to try either ernmeut. vi them. ,Nan whsle money most be had, and n project t on loot, in which llamas and mner.sato to be interested. to supply $:A,000,000 from are tam ellt,. Ur, ennly le the %halm of • purchase of the Par and Lyons railway. The prem.." terms era o.! known, sod tar itlaa annot come on tee dwelt wan Indio French Chamber until the trot week °Soho, The loan Ot $1:1,000.000 which tall tot requoed by Sardinia will nioat likely be mooed hy the ILOthtethili• In Para, the public debt of hoe dime baying never been introduced on any other market. The oreether continues oweleruistedly tine, and atm. coopied moth the retain, of the blockade et j the baltb• ha+ caused a auttJeo decline et • bead( 4. per quarter ea the junta of Wheat- SPECTATOK quarto Victoria's VIOL to icellasid—En I try tato Diatillo—litothosiostic Recap A large space in the Tones is devoted M an ac count of the Queen's Volt to Ireland. We mate room tor a descrption of her perldie entry tow Dublin The Lord L.Sotenant then advanced toward the W.tiren, area hawtait lon, stepped bases her no the gangs's,. Her Majesty allowed, lea.. on Prince Albert's am, and ...seeded by ihr royal children, with a train composed of the nobles and gentry rat attendance. On the instant bee Gut pressed the *hoer, the /lark. Maser, Lieutenant Humbiresion, It. N , hoisted the royal siaodard on the landstall, while it sienuhaneousty disappeared from the maintop of the nivel yacht. The guard of boaor presented arm.; all the coleus and flags were hauled down a. if by magic. the yards ,it every seunre.naged vessel to Inc harbor were m•nned , the crews cheered right lustily; the heavy 01 pounder...el La Hogue thundenag through the deafening roar al the lighter armamenia of the other wer steamers, seeming to shake the earth and *es, drowning at ones the clangor of the band•; Lot loud and clear above all these sounds rise the w , id clamorous shouts or her Memsty Irish nage, is It was a sight never to I,e fiergotteo—a sound to be recollected for ever. Ladies threw aide the old formula of waving • white pocket handker aud cheered tor their hires, while the men, presaine to xo closely as to throng to the very edges of the pavilion, waved whatever came first to band, hat, stick, wand, or coat, foe the day was very hot l and rent the air with shouts of joy which never decreased in energy till tarn. beloved Sincere gn was far out of sight. The queen turn ing rant, aide to aide, bowed low repeatedly— Prince Albert shored en, and acknowledged the plaudits of the people, while the royal children were the objects of universal attention and eco , - mon. 'Ott • queen, dear"' screamed a stout old lady, 'imake one of them Pnoce Patrick, sad all bolted end die kir you'" Indeed, her Majesty seemed to feel the warmth of her reception. She paused at the end of the platform for • Trio moot, and again `making her acknowledgmenes, was hailed with one universal and tremendous cheer, as she entered the terminus. Mem her Majesty was received by the directors of the ....- pony, and having been greeted With umilne tokens of loyal attachment ley the elegantly dressed groups of women who filled the station, took her place in a handsome, carnage, both fur the occamon, and preceedell Lisrards Dublin, amid repeated and re newed cheering, the hissing of the steam from the raglan, as it left the station, being the null atbellant and ei scordant wend which was heard through. not the day. Ail the houses along the line were kited with enthusiastic multitudes, who vied with each other to capreaing their joy at the freelance o: their :berretta. At Sandyrneunt, an old and obsolete sleben on the line, the neon, clopped. Iler Majesty stepped out au a platform novena with seance cloth, and took her place ha One of Vac row a/ carriages, havtog graesonely acknowledg ed the cheers of the ladies and gentlemen esteem bled. finery available point hereabouts Wag Nell.- ed on as the tole of a well filled phstform. Every hedgerow was leatuoaed with flap; the poorest o tug, had its wreath of flowers or every... Toe engines on the hoe, sad many Mike manages were profusely decorated with laurels and bnght dower.; mottoes end devices hung about in in distogiiishable nhundance, and -Bel Vittoria platfaina," and Queen's Royal booths ' of all mikes and prows were perched in perilous hate on the surrounding walla On leaving the plaamei, her Majesty wan hand. ed to an open carnage by Prince Albert, mho took nest beside her. the Prince of Wales and tee Princes, Koval being seated in front. The nest iton s , wo g iwiwpicd by Lady Jocelyn. Mtn liawsnn, nod the other royal children, then inflow carriage with Lady Foilescue and Sir 0. Grey—and another, in which teens the Lord Lieu tenant arid the Marelaioneas of Landsdowne. A tine canines. cocaine,' wens pensons belonging in the royal nn lieu All the emocriation. lioing completed, the royal cortege set out. It min. prece ed by her majesty'. not. m livery out troop or hurlers, and GA lowed by the oilier portion of the guard of honor, with a Mug :me of carriages belonging In the high sheriff, the members ol the depuraunn, and other country gentlemen, and at either aide of the road was drawn up a considerable number of horsemen. The royal c urge having pained through Upper Begot street, arr.ced at the canal budge at 20 min gle, to eleven on the city side of which a grand arch and gate were erected Thin was re ally a grand pine of architecture, consiethar of a great central seen and snag., 127 het wide and 92 feet high. The greet gate in the entice won 20 feet wide and 35 Ice thigh. it wibl =atm:acted of wrought iron, and bore on the ono compartment the letters "V. IL" end on the correepondlog one, "A. C.," the whole exquisitely decorated with 'te tee and floral wreaths, and surmounted by an in. meow .60mo:wt branch. Owe, tale stood en are chttrave, ornamented with artificial dowers and laurels, aunts:ohm, the royal atom, with the arms 01 ihe city oa either rode. The whale was cap ped by au apnea/al mown, of beautiful workman ship. I 0 tent to diameter, with thel unoil national emblems—the shannr-ek . row, anktbistle. On arriving at the gates, which were thrown open by the city marshal, her Majesty dcwred Earl Eertergoe end Sir George Gr e y to rammer] the bard Mayor of Diddle to her presence. Its lordship having done so, he, incompany wall use u sherilf and recorder , made theusual ohr,woci •nd the principal officers knelt at the roy al A . Ol , wage, preseefing the mace and sword, whsle the 'city keys were placed one •plendid salver by the mayor, and banded to the Queen, whom tun lord s/unaddressed an follows May it phrase your hlsiesty—A• chief limy...— teat, of this your ancient and loyal city of h i . h . a b v i e y . on i t ti m e . p., p4trt u.ui o i f y mt to y o tl zm i o ve io e , pour Ms jelly on your safe and happy Arnett!. I V.eij humility la deliver the keys to your Majesty, and pray your Majesty's Mod permstston to conduct you through the city. The queen having returned the keys raid 'if am delighted to be in Dublin. I ern gratified with the reception I have met with t❑ thin, the ..erond any to my empire." Hereupon the riotous eorporatom. rushing round the royal carnage, cheered 1,0 VOClierou•lV that to, ?dainty proceeded no farther. Famarilltatu street wee gained, and on antenna Marion Square, the effect of the numerom, bah:ca lm and countless ornaments and dotal eindlcma of the boons in the floe open space was very welt. , ergot., to nee house a number of tine children with blue rashes round their waists, and bearing a host of hole banners joined with their tiny voices o the duet shout 01 the people. The Print e of Wales, whose' natural graceful• nese secured hint the applause of every woman. ecknowledged these marks of revert with much earnestness and vivacity. Al the entrance oi Nassau street a aplendid Gothic arch extended acrota the street front the top of whiell the royal standard of England dented. Upon the crown 01 the arch was the word “WVICO.C." in large letters formed of laurel and'oalf leave., and over it a gorgeous harp and crown, with tha letters •V. A." at either side. It was one of the brig designed nd roost elrgoot etrorturev of the kind ever wit °cooed. On arriving at the noole area whieh surrounded' by the nook of Ireland, the Pont of Trinity College and Dame street the cheering be came overpowering. Thin, we may State, to the locality so well known to many of our traders aa College Green. The Inacade of old Trinity wea blocked on to he second story by a huge platten., covered • an thousands a those who had intereat enough nb the body corporate of that seat of Icarenia o procure admission. The batik bore on carol on equally large assemblage. Every house top bud numerous occupants With similar Minors the procession moved slowly on till a r uterett Sactreville street—that extremely wide, and n. doubt very ruble thoroughfare, with whose breadth and length the citizens are wont to si lence any comparisons between Dublin and nth the trogt of the post office, the towering height of Nelson's pillar, (with Is huge ensign stroaming from its top) and the dome al the Rotunda ter minating the vista, presented a magnificent spec tacle. Here, again, the enthusiasm was great. In his manner the proesosioo passed on to the arch no Eccles street, where a dove was lowered from a window Into the royal carriage. which Her Majesty placed beside her. aced loud cheer• from the vast multitude anseixibled at this lion:, after which the cortege moved on, oud passing along the Circular Rood, reached the V‘evreca, Lodge at a quarter past Id o'eltwk. The Illuminations were antversal. There was scoreely a house trona lb%realm to the furtherest suburb. of the city as well a. the adjaceut vtits. alsh which did not exhibit a blare of lignt. The pubic hoildings contributed to the effect by rare and elegant devices Towards midnight the rain c one d iwu nut In did no duniaHh the turbos:as:lt of the vast acid orderly toultaude who tilled eve cry atreet_ Dore cr Manna A aoanws —Died. at .Stettben •ille, Ohio, on the 42.1 August, !S', Martin Am tews, ou old and highly reaper...l citizen of that city. !unmet< ly acquainted as we have I , eeh with the deceased far strum Pony veers, I.v lig n large portion of this time hal neighbor, it is hot an net of jostle! in us to hex, testimony In his worth. The manta rarely found more universnlly esteem ed by all his acquaintance, kw unbending , nlegrity. Industry, social qualities, or as possewsay, of a Inr• gee share of those good qualmes whreh center the atleehons of communitres on those most estimable residing in their midst, than was Mortin Andrew. Ile won an ltbio Pioneer, and one of the bear *pc ermen• of that class. lie 4 . .. to reside in Steu benville shanty aher the town rens laid eel. and continued to reatde there until his . %tenth. At an early day, whirs Llatuana was a Spanish prov.iter, and before ste•inars were known on t , or wioere hraenurpnw led him to engage in he rodei to New Ortezma. Derwending the neer In n•, bratto. and r.turnirg over land,paeknagsperie. the pruned.ot his adventure, through the lr dian moron, Inc voyage was then one of four nronth,' lie has ever store been more or less engaged m trade, for a number of years pawl spending L., wit, ten in New (Weans.. In that ,ty, and alum; the u Irvin th•nre to Pandmrgh, he was well and very ravorslAy known Some year. e.nee summer. were spent to the none-we•tern iron- tier. tndong for tun WWI the ia tule• and Indian,, e' Derma. Miehtlimae.rtak. and other patoes in that region. Ile has closed Los wog and busy hie, Inv,' by to. relativos, esteemed gad regretted I.‘ all. He was ill but a r w oy• before but di ah,to I when first attacked. he said to the trienthinek.und him, that he abouirl not oureive, yet he we. calm and rewgned. A Christian, his lest alotho?1.• were tendered corniortable by the assurances relinton and an alsdrog truth to ha Creator. lie died at peace anth all men. —C an, NAVAL Eatorrtms —we Intro that a Board of F:latorners wog r covered at Ploltaktpara oo the 'oth teat. for the purvarte of earrattn.asr the lint,. Deers of the ( * ruled ' , role. Nary. fur prewar", W110•C absence from the I otter; rhatro, rat foret•rt servtee,preverated then•ppertraro, beton, preyr rata boards. The n. 11.6 lor irrom.tron mm rrrottorte uottt the 1.1 Art Frenterotrer, at sarh h me the etammettona tor .dm as.trrn yr.?! roam meoce F• rry esodnistes have perm.. to appear twtore the Board, teo of whom are to Iwo arterted, whould•lMCll • oumber lie found oualtherl.rbree only of wt..", trod !horse highest 11. terra, are to Get appointed 3113metbagelv--lbe reina.mag he •opo,nred.o the r r eea are retiorred.-11att. San nn, or le, —we ienro that lnr portn4on of Iron lulu h. 11•Intort Sale/rOny wn..bout 1500 ton, Inettnline 1 1 ./I t. :se liadmad hnt, Irvin Wan... mil iv t.a.t.n 11 sninil Illehldlag 11,4 ht nod daty. Inn 1,,w pn.v 1.1 IttlV• tire dollar. per ton. l'oder the Tend ot 1,15. IMMII=EM Tan Mori,' Cata,r.—Thc Washington R. public eaprrsaeothe 1T4n1.311 that England w.i. tot throw any obstacle in the way to prevent an An, • ican company limn opening a common:coin/a lie- Wren tee• IWO great oceans at the Sea Juan. eve though she may ...en her chugne nu Ire tetr.lnry In quesbou. Improvements In U.n 7. DR 0 KrK.ARN,.. late Iktstun, potr. . ... I:t matt...eureset Tanawhnlrttrul stun ol sum. upon muclutt: ur Atuuturthenc Suruon 1 1 19,- Totrru•uttc9l:9,oo, net, expootul lit tuul rettdroer 1.00 dour to: 'lir y odute Fourt %IMO, Yruotturill Rar99 9u--J Ii 91.9991.1•01. 9 1 II Entno ,nl9 JOG PRINTING. HILL 111:ADS, CARD,I, CIRCULAR... fiLsnsfea., 11/ Ciuttraets, Low 1:lavIs 1111. SILL, L•• 41.14 r.T11 , 14,1,21. rt 11,21., rt.. 0... kr ke., •t • e. at low pr,eet I••xstra ',atm Tlll. /MIMIC( On Wednee,l,y ittopaita, at I o'clock. Na Ilintatatt. 1,11101 in the yraf at hit age. ll's Inn tat %col take place of losll,ll/PlIC• On ' liantrty creci, chi.. Looming at Illo'cirma 11'. ir erri's wad acquit ataricc• are to attend without fur. tart natter . - - IVrEW 1110K+_Iltmory o, the Nottoont ContoMeot O•semitty Woo May. It It .y rootratt. Eto Ilium . ) of Pendoe nts. lotfortune., onol 1214/fitll.ll, hot friend. and tomtits. enemy, L., Wm %I Tuacke r•v Rothe. of °Yattoy Fair " itetrttooton, 0, the Vote of Shodow - s, a tale of row. mon. L,) Emmet LE Nevett Somhworth Just nnhl b) autlO VIA NUFAITURF, OF' IRON —To lo publi•lied 11~otomly. The 111an..tarittre oft ron, in all its brJit- Ora, from ilia .I.agina ni iron ore and coal in the ma king orcharecal and coke, No building end of West Ammer. by Thereto,. anthracite end coke, het blast and blast machanea, he Ace., including eit casey on the menet...our. , of .1,1. by Frederic Ov., man, M a una Egon,' Complete inone .o, •, 000 pages. with laWlf•tion, cliaca•nd on `wood Droe. rolmenbere So Lse npouns recetved by ausTl JAN D LOCKWOOD, at Wood at . .11111N8rtnv • $ rO('KTON, comer Mark, etnil Third s“ RAGLE SIAROLE WORKS, 15TA111.3.. MAI .t WIL.CNP, No. let Liberty et, Lend of Li Wood, Pittsburgh aloriuments, Portal Vaults, Tombs, !load Sibnen. kr. Al .tile! Pieces, Centre and Pier Tops always on h and made to order. N. IL—A choice selection of Showings on hand. Copartn•rahlp Notice. ANIVEL. 11. HARTMAN and P a. BRUNO r n.,. kj tag eseh purchased an into in .lietheld Iron and Steel Warts. ilate bingo, Nicholson b. the manufacture ia Stem, Limier and Sheer Iron, At lee lepringe, d to Aner, Vice.. e do., will be hereafter cos, °acted in the name 01 SINGER. HARTSIAN b. CO CARD—Monne sold lOm firm of Som. r, Nichols... A , shottold Iron sod Steri Worts in !Samuel 11. Gunman, 1 to lot great pleasure os rerom metltng to my friends the firm of Singer, Ifortmun Co. •cromdiv. A.S. NICIIOLSON CITEEN.E-4, ha. Cream Cheese, rerriOrd sod for sale by emelt. M A. IV lIA RRACUII S UN ()HIES —.On I, x . 4, (n ( j,,nr (g,..„ Inn WE N 0 Molannes. (in 014,1 NI do n H du la( burl( Jrled l'nnehee, tu wior • •nd (or slain by norau 11111 .N IVATT & el,. 1.0.(r1y sl - 2 ,e, 14. k. HAND r 1111DUK S FOLK. fur sulc pi C 01.0510 N S 1 110 ER, WHITE FI.III —l6 Lbl. White Fish, 10 La jo•t received and far We by ItiAlti II DICKEY a Cl, I lOFFEE-15U bgs CaGe, now landing mid fur Aide %,,,,, by suadU I+ AIA II DICK EV 4 CI 1 IKA--40 la chest* Y II and Mack Tea, lure 'red from New York and lur eale by suel.l 11+AlArl IJICKFIC .1. r:o_ • W :V . 21 . 4;1 . ,...n , snatsig ituKau JAS 1/AI.Z ELL, .4 %Your st sIA bbl. large. No U rd•rk. rcl, rnR by Cabal and iur sale by aur3U JAS DA I.ZELI. DoT esle Pow.h orr J fur sale by augn JAM PROCL ALEIATION `7711 ER RAP. In and by the Act of the OCOeral Ae sewbly of Pennsylcanla emceed a. Act rel.- to ,leelsOn• of this Corm l loll , rellAh. it le entainal to give notice et loch elections to be held. nod In to web notice what otheer• ore to ha else, ue In romance thereof. I. Joon Fo.rro. Sheriff of County of Allegheny, do thereto , e rotae knew. ft/A R., oils putdic nonce to the electors of said coon et A that gent ral election sill be held in on ;,,•• SEC( it Tl' FS DA yOF IT. I at int several election districts then, c •of If, Ict oral of flferf, of 111 I.firch few, at ftector houcc... Mrs Jour I.ltfic, al the cox not Ifor It Foorflf carols. of .ofd word . • • , re.ors uf Me MI sward of the en.? Pinaburrls. meet sl bon, of Wm Armstrong, corner Tnlrd moimfield streets. In mid ward e'rmorr. Mc :Id warn oi the eny nl Pumburgh nn-e Innis.- of And. WAlsmler Esq. 1 . 1, memo/. of the 41t1 sward a l'inabmgh 111 the Wmoing.on Coffee !louse. corner Penn nvl Vtt Clan m• Theiectar•rtf sth ward Mthe Clic of Pittalturgln meet at the house of Ales. Clint.rr in mud Wand Tltt of the nth wordth e <oy Piitsior ah, o meet at the pap lc .r hoof hnus, •414 ward. Ihe riectotoot Mr 7th word of the city of Pittsburgh a no, at I . ke pnt,ir . m . hon.., in •aldworth electa, in me IL/. word ot the city of Pitmliumh n meet the rata, . boot brawn in said ward. Theetre tor • or the Silt ward of Me rite o: Pittsburgh n nee at the gtot:te e, hog! bracer to mid venal. The elertors ut I• 1 wool oftbe city of Allegheny. a tarot at Me hoses of 1. Woodhouse, on Rolonsoit et The clef tars 01 the 4.1 ono, of the env of APertheai, o meet at the bmwe or Jo. 'olive, formerly oreitpirol Jo]. tomto.. corner in the Diamond sea (Poo to. The Live-tot •01 Ine .1 ward of the tidy of Allegheny. meet at lite puhlt • school boom In sht I ward, on ILO Poet The ...Mot. at the Ith ward of the city Alleithen, to Atm. at bun... eel Mr. SVytte. Nast Commont Thr cleric,. to toattelttp in meet at the nottte of \ tr. "i tor, %tot, me Al...tamest and rarmerti Tortm.M. rm.l tot mod to tro•hm: eseept the qtaMtned , mete re , 'e •-. •eet to ,• Noe 1, 7 and 14 of the voT nrrovt •IPir elect...lla the th newt] et the rot tvt Patotto/re,ll 'rue el-etor. town•lsvp to meet ❑ the von., tv(lnhe the vvila.v. of Ken , Iva . .) . n• IV.II, Inn town•lop Inert at the Of 1k• 1•on, on the Franktlown t t, • nd, 111 VVIk.,II, )11.. ••1•••••••• wii•l• nf ruin mrct el lb, hop... (Jr.. v 11,1 , In, in • I,.Lp. Iluchlw.r. Ine're,ll.l.l MO. and James Mr • •ru ifs,prc or, 411Illi utherd are du ,I,•rird The Wel", iti lion town.tian to meet al the house of Jorl is sat I town-hip, and Stanrl Flags •hiol /oil,. Wit ium Carothrra and Darn! Insoseturn until otloira are duly cteetod. Thn e •• int..' Varuolles loarualupto meet at the Whs.. I lan...y co,upiei.l by Tango. Noel. on thr I• ,• urs h and Ureen•liorgh to f untie road. to ea The ...into/. Ilinaheth lownah)p. Incloiling the bui.itailt of I. tribe.h. tn nu el the oausa formerly (MCI/I , li Ir o Jana \ Val Inn, sn aaul loornugh ha 010nlor. Jellerana township to meet al the Infuse J faint lormerly °neap. by Jos Kitt,' t farnslip 11i Tho sleet., of Main invnghop hi meet us lb, linoi• of Zino, Wilson. formerly e.-upiefl by Jos 11. Neel In said toortisht• •••,-wr• ~per r l t 1 1 1rur townolho to mert the ho u••• 1,.w• •uld towTwlnp 1 1 1, • /41,w, r, Clew towlhablp to tut., nt 11, Jowpll, lower furry l to sal ti. creetor• O Robin,. i tow:whip to meet rit the hour, or emr .S formerly Auilley land, or •rial awar), elan'.. Fr.rd:ny townahrp to mem at Me Louse ot Credand .1 Armor, tormerlar occupied by /dim truer,. trt ih • atilaat of eli.itort. m said tuw ciector• ortlonri In l: to meet et Me boom • Peter Ilirsiorr ro wird to I or. cr-eiare or in to wrirlam tameet Of the Loam -01 Ray, ra purl 'lOO memo, of e ,u h:.. township to 111(el . hcur,rtnet, ocetimed by .1 ' , Mom. in sold township ' I c - tom cr ttre lairrrogir Alancherter ta almt p.. •' c oruir 'I brume T.. • eulars of Rearm, %newish, tn meet at Ire r.i treirt, Mairor seri tovrp,hip recto , . a( Itimla r rn toyer..., to meet at the hour rr. John Cowan. m sard to uship Thec cr tare el Snowden . .rierr•hro to meet at the L 0 r. ic rd Pmer Royer in ward,towitalr.p. 'rue erector, o r :Moth Fa;Otte townalrip Inert nt Um n( II flay• on the farm °Ur 1 tw,ulte r. Inc ' , error. of North pa ye . towns no to nice r at the!:•• ear oce•plcd Irc F.1.11C11 Jasimm, Ro tem Mill, 1/1 /Laid re otiohrp 7 tic crelnril of Rum tow nal. , to meet ot Www or treome Cooper ori the Frans,: road gait town The e.eflor• of Prue iowarhip to moot al toe node. re W. earn l'rreuran. K, la met farmiship The r e actor. of It Deer marmot, to meet at th• boom of Nadine erode, 1.1 mat ma - m.llm Ihe Mector. of Law Llcer tour mato,' to meet at M. nubile •ritmoi nom,. rit me Nun,. or Tarentuta. 'yne lertor• of Italiala tup to alert at lb 1..1.: former, ' otatuatatt Ity townx litt,k.ty to taw ID wi nic-Lort of Shatof tosonsloo of moot at Jot. townoloo Inc qyi oohed rotors d . wet nen of 11.11.11,a tuton•Ld redo., lath. lollow;o• oaeardenl boundary, -ea vote oet ••i•enera. a.ecoo o e Lar Lo rnug• oe ',harp rely e: ,rruon pod In ••oi boeoudo, e 1111:1t 411 L.,4 A.lrghtly) were et the apPY nf the farm of Ja• 1t0... and reveling • riorthori Lola:cn oho taro. of eaed J eeno• Koss •nd Jo, end Erenrit I,aoy N E rorear of loud Jam INe•• • furor —Vocare re JJJJJJ n veacerty canna to Ho tow :me, eucly • enannyr /ea in embrace 11/ . /a 14111.• or laa teia•tod ol Colotogleant ' a wtor ate da Lao weer tracta ato•c ar,eit boundary Th.r er.r . of I.tstootto of Iltrmtnrltam to mt. • Ktott tt.rit.lncholt tt.tvrt II Ortost., the ft R0.L.1 oaar. t 44.r.ut In Duque.. totrunell to meet al the pat ^., hour lo •st, zerroogo Tire elemor• of the borrow, ot Lawrenceville to meet s' eh. Artiag3l la.U•n, to salkt Intrough. 1 he eh. hot of Os t.n.r u 414 ni Shoritstot rah to Meet at it, hodse or darner Stlrn tosel lotroogn The r rhe hormieti of SI Keesport to tome et ore moo rorar. a h • o,sborough of South Pittsburgh to ee. .he m- noirerir nortinsed K 11 . .annhoth. , s r dr, ~,,,, noLtselat IpndKr, d.s sot.) borougl • 'I itsetlor• ot toe herrough of West Plant,. so nom a: r. pat ....Moot house. in said IrorOtiab. Al Wilson tame and places the qualt.ficd eleetiXa. ea/resit. vet, elect ballot:— One psesuir uur Chasm/ thoomissioner 11, yr I,qt Mr went:est of nie Senate of Vends, , vv th a .tt comodetion with Ruder county. ~ • .1 , nr ,urn3l.,s of Auw, iv rut , t nom ft tr porno/ or Vatioia Treasurer person tor Coo., throtmoomancr I F. terror, toranrorter Me pers.., f r Audi.. !tad :ro. or the OM room, ret. ocl of shot! or Jo., ors• corm teal Mat or., neroon cell Jut of the reatte WOO .tell hold an MTi•e or sp . pout meat of word or trust under the Government of rloded pro.. Eh:. Sotto or oral. etty. or in • epo.eted ndner entnentasnmed officer or otle:arr.. s •ate .r agent, who la or rots.. rano, tr.:;ls; the Legisletore Judiciary. or hereto; deportment. of mi. State or rho Tolled Stats. o of aria /roles or omorporoted dtstrici. nod . ' thetavery mender of Conger as.. and of the Sloe Istairtotors, of the Select and common C0411[116 of an erw , soronseinters of any rororporated dionet. hy rata mem-mitre of hosfing or exerelsrng at. 4, ram.. l.ots ;he once or aplAttilltrilV I of Judge. inspee no. OT Clerk of arta o.ectiort thlt Coottrioriarealll 004 that mat losorelor. /oder. or other veneer of an, • t• ern. read not De eugible to any ottee to h. voted tot A.., tit and 1.7 the 4.1, svenon tA an net approved the ur Aprit, Itt.s ensteled. 1 too the 1301 se totn of int ntt ;itt., i y I ,• Al onntvd an at t Atung to 1: tt ...moos tio• Common ssetAth, n rotor u. o pro wool any mOroa Whorl. Of I'll 011, orl.cor, horn aervine a• Jo.h, In•por:or. or ele; at way lreLeral or .r.r.r.crar I,lecoon ;a mu Comma wea And tbr return Judge. of the reepective etnrreanl, a requee.ed '• meet at the Court Home the erty Pals , outtb. on ute ATTCII YU. tONI Trittoo. nr vex" then ono there fop n•re for thee antler eett mod by love dayunder 1111 hand and aeal at Yttaatuirnts, this 2:1 or Anglo, .1 It 1,9. and of the lottencattenc of tb. Vented Stator, the sevenl,-fourth 1213711128 EM=I weir. r., 1.02,ny our,. oppo.or tbel,sd of WO.l. vetli mtroduce the to of tiAT,n. on ...figy, th. lb tool. whtch, for besuly ui 13ACON • :12 Toylor a cu'. +C 8 Ithd pivot dolcier, otorB aBd (or 'ale I. It 1.•1- . .-10 'mule Race. rum reccecd and dor 941 guardSFJ.I.FIRS & NlOOl,l I t te ag4i ' ; d A7114(7111 1 ::071 A Ca _ . . m bbl. lust. No 3 Mackerel, to eta )ANIKS A iirrcinsoh A co ENTO- -40 bog. rre1 v.3, ,,..41 , for .oA 6y augt , JAVA """'" ;- ""`'",V,(71th,`,. (%1" " —Io h Ver rA . I7:ANDLIaiS 1 .)A 1:1 , 1% S ol - 4 4 .r l ' e ' r: °' 4, ' , " :::::: • Ly 3°°°" ag' 2 .l WICK A bIeCANDI.ESS lIIEKSE-40 W R Chqese fur sale by nur, \VICK & • - i j)AN I.' —4O bush rooO arol for save by I I w pi: k IIIeCANDLESS Tlll-: third floss of preferred creditore of tha Ist. lirm el Mu:LORI) & CO- ale hereby no unmt that she Ala are now proposed to distrihnt • di, 101 on account of interest. Thaise havirg claims i s interest, Will prowl. theca a lay tallier \o 112 Scr,iid et, u • atm, betsvoeo th. hours ot 21,1 If M and 2 nod P. M. DZCOMSMCI E PftKS !I NAST Pi si T LIN/C. ==l VI 't TIIF I.RI.AT CENTRAL RAIL ROAD, y 1) PHILADELPHIA AND BALTEIfOR.E. 11L „, 1 . 0 . 1 , 3 n n r d r r b e y r .I , LoteL evo I 1.0 rool °vet the Cosorel Roil Hood Isom Los onow.. II orn.t.orgh, and Imo thence oo ~) me Ilorrosburgh and L'.:amino It tal Routs.— II yotrongrooon r...,nyers nooll go through in s.Nr. ri Mao hot /What. Inc roosts of Wks Lune are neva and alba heat Th.• tot, for solely, speed and comfort. Is Me too r.Mle mow lo Use to Ma Vastern cam, lin" Roads are all puksed 1n dal ~g hL rtra , Tr fun Dollars. For iszforrnos inn apply' la W Monongahela House 0;40, nr to I,_ te CO, Ormal Basin NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. OHIO ',ND CcNINsI7.V.I NIA RAIL. ROAD Co • • 1.111. i.orlthoklerg of the Ohio and ronneyivaula )131i un,a common{ re hrmlry not , fir4 to pay rite IWllara per rho., on or I,eiore Aept,niber • The moelho:der• re.oding tn rennoylvanitt, winpay the •a , .1 o.talruet to the Prpatdent al the COMPutty, ofhcn en Thad .treat, Youburgh. By order of ues Zhu ego's: J. J BROOkS, Treasurer. u, 21, 1012 auwarattSmia...l mezzo Rom. Dar" Fedr ad door below H. "•ehovarts. Drusll4. NI It JII ~Kltig:S. gnulna:te of Yale College I n Opt'll Win lc Coot ier leJe nu Monday, 3.9 p. inmber d. - . 1/ISI,IICIIOII will 1.0 given in the Latin and Greek lenruagra utd ro..b tirauctie• u an adapted to the Fowls stage of aJvaiseetuent. oirs—s . 4 per •et.ion at hen MOllth. The ituuttc,ar w tuuncul, utd applicant. e. bare cc Interview ith the teacher at but lodgings in wt, How," Liticrty w, Pittsburgh. Rstuattwea W.A Pazwvant. Pro/. ThewP ang2tdder• b()1 ) att . i..tquotics Real, Am tecta 1 a; i n: j!..iyiltetobt ILI EitOIIANTII of PITTSIIIIRaiI who al e are dustmen at coed:Wing &debt:mess in dna Wot:Wes of Favetto,Orwtoes, blotetwert. raid also -10 estern ICI filed Lao FAN KITE WiliGe publtabed at Untoutoarz, a desirable medium, al It dr eulates largely teitbe places apeeireed above. Tee= moderate. ar nuelllurtea• roxe ca...on c os'iarsz. T liEll/Idtlrstgned, Factotum... to Arthors te , Aiehol beg leave to tafaral the ettrven. of riusburgh and pahile geneenliy that they have rebuilt the P.O - and are new In 1041 operabon and hare port or theirpalt.rll% ready for thr. futuitel,— nsaang . ,lare eooame Utovee ilea! nod Wool Steer.. WIILI rplendld ntr•tiala et.m. Stove. %blab IS flaw tOptCeding other elite. th- conatoren ruund Stare. A lro. cheap rcul ionhrne r‘thve. for entail farralwr. with a 1,1 , 1 aasortmeill of roue aloe and amnlel Grate.. \Ve would annieularly site the auenuon of perroox loulddig to call at ollf waretionee before pure hartng. audexamene a eplendtd amete of enatunte , led grater. finished In tine stlle-- enure!, nerve In U.. market. W ntrtioo.. Yu. 1.:1 I.l4etty a. opposde Wood et. augtu:elti NIC/101...c0N NEW BALL GOODS \1 :71 Dy.LutoNl. IS North Third rt. Philit.dolpht, oder*. the Trade ht. . et of FRENCH KID GLOVES. roiarcol. Leo tuarr 40slart Velvet, ott Crucuto. !truth Lure. etr., ire. tomer, rol at the mot retotontatle oleo curit o . J4t 1 . I L.looot. l-0c..; rate low 1., elo. ro Mparlleur y NVIL;NON k CO. mug lo Woe, Kt Steam Brick Works for Sale. Tug au bungee oilers Mr ode. me :STEAM BRICK WuRAS, above I.4wrence4ille. roaniniong a Stearn Engine, a Roder., d MooIJ Machine. cop.,le of manufacturing aktain Prraed Bricks tout of dry clay. as taken burn the hank.) per day, with throe acres of land on the Alieghrity river. on which arc 4 kilns and, machine nod clay abed., arlicalb4rrows. trucks. imovela, spade, ke, every thing requionn to coin. menrcnpuat an hours Miff Price, including he patent richt In use said machine ST.Uno—terna 01 !playa,. 10.100 cloy Wtthout the land. 11.5,Unti For poritrulars, eddeea. HF:IS RV MERRITT. au.r:7.dif No Iln Monongahela Boum 1 p top Utl Met reed and (or sale LY 00 U/.. pure J KI DO & Cii TRESII DRUGS—Chloroform, Wood Naplaa, Chin rno Ether. tuft rend and (or sale 1 KIDD & CU MS3IIEMIIIIIIIIII=I J KIDD & ro ..:; C ( ' F .,, F g —im " 4 " y1r;vfni....m5..,,,, .1 13 I.ACK TEA hal( chests, CSiTlf Clanton, ' " Ning Yong. For , ante I,y tingf7 J 1) WILLI/151S, 110 Wood Foga, I ease Nato goo 1,7 i 111 Cloves, 1 bt,l I do Saltpetre; 4 do Alum. =ll=B==== - alo rozale :1.0.p; I ems Hyde's Palm Poop; I do Candid do 2 do Almond do xml• by aus2 4 J D WILLIAMS boo Cream; 10 do Ena/kEt Dozry; for .ale by aug2s J D WI (AAA MS 111EF:SE-4O rr. W Ittbecsa, fo d xTr , reca;i vmg and (or xale by 0ug2,4 BAHALEY d SMITH, IS .1.20 Wood It MI/ I SA lA:RATIN—aI oaks and 50 bz.• premium, u•.for .oio by amr23 SAGA LEY tcSAIITII X ANLIFACTURED TOBACCO— /AIL :54 tar h. Henry k Jamrs. 5 loam., 11.1 do W Il Lirams s`• and lOu do K S Myers' sup, Va. on hand: for kale by eurLY tIAGAI.EY k SMITH (I.4tIMON SEGARS-,100,000 Common Segura. a J good article. for gala by . . nil-3 mor. and L for ode t'y MILLER & RICK EDSON. on.-14 171 an.l 174 lAberly st T ARC 01L-2I bbl. No 1 Lard Ott, In more and for by aurßt MILLER A RICKETSON 11.111RANgt+-20 Cal" Zaino Corynno, In none ;114 kj fur sole by aar.N MILLER & RICKETEON EICONONII' bbl. Economy Cider, to .Er awe unl for sAle by MILLER & RICKETROI4 A 5 7 . C4 . 11 , L1 0 ,:1 „ 1 . ~ , i , oN d D . , t , ! s t I I Cr e ltl b intomx o for tale nn 2O Mdo ILLER k R/CKEIVON rup , nor Re/alto S.fors; IRO do t!o. varguo brands, dart reed nod fur fade MILLER & 11/CKETSON I OCE—gI fresh Rine, Just reed and for ..In by nurkt C II GRANT bal. Mane feat ri,i fo A r male 11U1-1115 111.ACI:1‘'OOD FOR AUGUST.—Con--Chaa. Latot, The t orlon, part XV. Jonathm In Arta. The Great Fland—o t l fthort" t arn . part III; For the Wag pure oi -Oar Alhanr, The litsurrecuon In Ha d..., Launtrone's Revolotton of 1,4, Ana Dorealra, No. III; Chriatoptter under Canvass Zhu day putt. nalted HI per year—Rlnta 'tingle No. . • jetMFe , D LeJCKWOOD.63 Wood IA Juo ruhl”hed—Edinburxh Review for July . Loudon quarterly (or July. ' • We•nniavicr for July sue& rIVEA WA received, aeveral neer patter,. df Dl/011 . 11ceiebralevil Katliviv Benanav fl. Sena. llieve pattern. me Very lievut.dul. and rio.ely fezenv lee the real vilver CoAl NI ONION WA E— AeorrVete ..ortmont of Tnrrartis, Goblet.. Plato en d Ilepuswal Boob of Itrtetwo% Mare. for ',air GULL, TENS-Jun opened this iley, twelve cloven • pry due -IV W NV ilsoti` Gobi Pen, soil superior to any other tbatiuluelore 'Air sale by • " . ant'. earner Market and Fourth slot lIACKLEIT ‘VIIITE, Dry Good. Jobbers, 99 CI Wood wt. I'Lltabutth, two doors above Diamond alley. sue& liNsEre--11 eases blue and fancy plaid Linacys, A food ar ucle, jowl opened atul for vale by not-tw N HwCKLFTt. IVIIITE 99 Wood st TEAM 130 AT 1 , 1111.1—a--3 Swale. extra heavy 67 , 0 . Itrtilter •ustable tor huat deektne. an hand wn I •r tale by awe, SU:kr:Ie:LETT .2 WHITE IA DDIN Mil dot black and 'elute %Wadding. V for sale by ear. SIIACKI.F.ITA WHITE VALI. I'l[lNT: 4 —Five cases new style dark Pmat. opened and for sale by suAll SHACKLETT & WHITF. IPA NCV peg E Cassteicres. for Fail salee,jest ree'd ~d opened toy cue,. IHIAC KLETT & WHITE 1)1, NL-T AL _.. tens Ilsegine Hoek - Metal, fur sale ay Ill:RHRI & CO, Water st Dissolution of Partnership. copuriner.lop of HENRY HANNEN CO., 1 'of - muds Hannoo, Muller & Co., In ilos Window d Colored Gls.. business, t• lids day dissolved by the vratullooral of Mr Mredenek Muller. The Itusntras will be conanned by the vederwwwl, under the arm of HENRY lIIANNEN d.. CO. Were• Levee No Second AI. Where we will have constant •unities et gayeties Windcrar Wass. JOHN HANNEN. HENRY HANNEN. HUGH ROBERT4ON YlutLurgh. Aug V. 'O. HENRY USISTEAD. e 1 . ?77 e ar ' etpt " ;!‘ 6 . r ' st P44 rs c t a , and Room; a boat Weaver, r and a good Cotton and Wooi In rt. Apply to J W DITLER k. BRO. 24 at, Pittsburgh. or to ANDREW ALLISON. Agent, Lebanon, Tenn Vt l / 4 1 ITING lout• .arm. - _ . .. • . 24 Wood in_ Q rinr. ft. 11.1. EN riTig—•: bisla in rood order for 1,:7 .ale by our: , .1 SeIiOONMAKER h ' ;:7,o . / trthhnt TA irrAR-11 WS frtUre, lat sale by V aucts . 1 SCHOONM AKER hCO 1A MS Gla F:1 , , , i.--Iloat quality. dry and tit od. for .ale by muir2, J SCIIOONIIA KEA kCO 1 - ONI .4A L.TS-10loblITI.; rale by eur2 , J SCHOONAIAKER S. CO THE utalermeneal offers for sale, hes present erv e, on Coal Hell, vnth the eareuty acrof ground nnuenr.l thereto, Tte lion.e la in rood order, and the ground conold °reliaterably improved. Including a largo garden tuul foe Ile will al.o sell, if desired. the whole or any portiOh of Ins houscargd Furniture, Bonk*, Pletares, EURERT FINNEY, 1o0;4( No Yl Market street 111. T.i LET—A Dwelling House, pleuirtlly clouted on Third sure, opposne the Yost °Zee, rental:one moms, wan • good cellar. The aLave would he • good stand for a boarding house. Pours... elven MI the first of October. Rent shO. Inquire on the prcaoses .1421 1: 4 , 1.0 1:1 - 1-30 tads extra family, for sal{by 100.5 8 F VON RUNNIIORST AiFALL PA.IIIIION FOR UATI. MeCORI) & Co. 1.111 umainee this daygllA. 18atard•y, Aug 25th.) the fall style of Gentlemen's fiats, corner of Fdth and Wood s.reets OIC In:1 4 ;e; styleWaicn c To: " onve ee d, and very beautiful and conventent W WILSON, mur23 corner NI arket sal Fourth sta. 0 ATC/I REPAIRING —Floe Womb repairing, of y y every deaenpuon, done to a mpectorMaimOr, by W W WILSON, cOM..Poorth and 51 ttttt W. OIL - 4 bbl. Loma, mai rectl and sain-LT „I 13 CANPIELD. Ito Front at, onglS between Smithfield and Wood. etREAM CliE/p5--97 boxcar, put rec enen ,i V Rutter and Cheese Depot, No 11l Front Creel. and for .ale by laug-M] J LI CANFIELD (2 SALTS —lO Obis, for ..le by onueZr J II CANFIELD --1/ I HID, finurrryq 'Mar. m rt.. — tQ7 -- r kale by il, 4415 J S DILWORTH &CO i4AFTY FOR 1111011;151(1-16-C.Earlirire,i anetts S DILWORTH & CO Tm Su OBACCO—d bein Cured Nauira - 1 - 7 - ja r sale by_ 1aug.251J25 DILWORTH &CO & Co., No 611 Mar- P V km street, ,septa t h e particular mimeooo of pur chasers to their rrometve annum.. of White Ocala, via Aaron., Kama and Mull Mullins, Barred, Stnped and Carded: Rt./mound Victoria Lavas, tec . Ase. Call early at the only cheap one price wore, CO Mar. ket reel mcls TIRY bbbt for cote by .L-f env% 1 I SRN HiSi FS-500 - doz a Ll P eeTl N ld ß° .ll,7rem ii° s ß e S e r ati A to 53 coots each, •re fur sale at Me oay cheap one price glom of AA MASON ]k CO, tess No Co Market at pkros 7 ss.6Al'-:It. b. Proctor a timatne'iCroottil eau hmml, retro/Mg and for ash by _trectl4 HAGALIW & 11517T11, 15 and 20 Wood at Vo 451 - Ai Ll3l 'EI.-3:i Al esla cb la se as inepec ii Het, In pram order. for auk by anal iimIALEF it SMITH r S . 11.OL MA13.51-54 21 , 0 WI choice brands, for vale RAGALEY & SMlTH tlliii - 511:11AR_5341,303 superior - Principe and by 5111 1 / 1 00 Regan, for ..le by tag% LIACIALRY & SMITH Mi t bbla , , , :=4 . nr=or M. VOUND & tAt, 143 Lalrerlyw, inVireT anpn- V deo to • very large and carefully selected mock York and Dalumere Solo Leather. Momeco, French can . &e., which they have rust reermed for Ore toll trade. ..4 rI ,u TANN Salted Patna - lup Rkin. , Ma .I.received and for Silk by tattc,l wAI YOUNri & CO JOHN FLEMING, Agent tor the Aa•ignee• ri , AN N °lL—Corner's Knives, Flosttra. I.ion None, dr., conatantly on band and for snie WM YOUNG & CO. 149 Liberty st 0 P rd. TURPENTINE 7U bbls recd and for pal< by aur2.l MAL N & REITER lIIEROO7S-15 bx• Havana Cheroots. for ale by Ci WICK b. ATCANDLMS IyA RD-14 kg. Not Lardo 51 , W for ante b RICK & CANDLES. 3 i:11:1-41 bbls t , ..geet Cider, 4 do do do boiled ; fi n . ,ala by alien & MY:ANDLYNA ACKEREL—sou Libls il;ta, large, brass. to;;;; ..., M tiott)llattctel, toot:tea and tar sale by aoyl Yt W HAttehi By John D. Davis. Auction... Large Sale of Fsne SAtrtt, nrt,;.l Cloths tr;tiStlL ildlfs. at attetiott Oa FM nf morun , 31 .‘at In e:ock, ibe Cocemerenai *vie Hoorn, cornet of V.... 04 nr,t, w us, all be sold on a cretin of nine, ..tij• on BUM. OTer WOO. no layette- of supernal. •n.n.. ekt,b. and hak4,rooste,M, of Fate ne , .t. Prnnea •ieerv, broad nee eerk bound and Fronon ettihroutercnad .hit. •etured of , ennelrtor ha-„ hart • null fnony and red Gannet One's, eno ma tt len .. ... .•oven end vrvol black ce‘....larr, tine Pongee sun Canton eilk rockii hdkt. • aunnges may he o•trained .ales reale& •eg3.3 JOHN fl L,‘Vl3. Aocr Staple aud &may Iktr On Thursday taorninat AaC• "Anh• O'cloya, xt the Commercial Salty Booms, tort, 0i Wood mist Fl a tsstre ba lameets. noortment of foretan and domestic N, Goads, email, which are aaParftde cuastmeo, tara at*. jam, rottooatles, Jr Dina. u. t gm ;Moss. splendidbovns. rarer Prisoa , main.. Opp, flesh ulha. blotch , d .'id brown fin, hossery. doyen. shawls. bd at, t1.1...05. lays, a, - • - Gro.,rws, queensmare, Ftrn.iure. Young Py.oo and loopertal tea. Ye tnanutue‘an4 tobacco, fin , - lostet and shaving wire and an dated. patent ba , ance, onou'er tc ren. , • and sweightt, .hovel.s, spades, forks. ales. hahet,. Loser and ho.. wendow blind., Lynnts. mann. Hoek.. beton glad. dcd. urpennr, mattrassea pmt A largo a. gencral aosormornk of t.c.a. and .eand baud household fornnurc, he At 71 o'clnek. A quantity of faah.oashl, rs.rr eno,,rlothing. 1..1. and shoe, ha. rap, fine cadet, gohl and.over vratehe.s, shot gun.. pistol.. tnlo,1!‘”, tan., leaser and rap among paper. vas tarty good., Ac. aux.:B Premium Strawberry Plante, AT GREENWOOD GARDEN.—LIui3V• Prue, the premium plant. Sl,OO per hundred. Vittoria and Hovey'. Semllings. w cents per hund , ed —all thrifty plants warranted. Clrders from a di.tauce cadetully put up and forwarded. Abu, a large collent o e ut Greenhouse Plastic Fastolph and Taylor's Seedling Raspberry. Ac An I /SI NISI'S leave. the Allegheny City, end of the St. Clatr Ntrcel Mika, for the (ratan., every half hour during the day. The Steam Lout Mi.i1:0231211.2e< its regular trip. as coon 24 the rarer rkes angt.!..l /AM.'S MICAIN. 11 , 1 POlt RENT-LOne or the unall stores . . the huddled, corner of Ttonl and Markel !nowt.. Also. ilw elegant room la the tld story of the sumo banding—the Inner being well adapted for • soh• lesalo variety store, woalt stet roe ell lee Cream Saloon. augird B. U. SiAZZANI. . Ik VCCIVIbfiCIC,PIa: 7 . S roarth st. boa received this V.l day another lot of Wow hat. Womo r,<nch Transparent Shades which to taunt or beauty and ueauteas samosa ouy Wog ever brought to this mar ket auld3d „ . . LF.ASF. e . FR hl ONT. TO Fivr YEARS! —A 1 number of Lout tntne Ninth Went, below Cro. ghanevale, on and the Allegheny neer. WM. M. MILLINGTON, =MO= .. , . . .. . - mettle, At IL Darlington's, Fourth at 4 PA - LL FASHION. R. 3100Ith, 73 \V o f .reef, will 1 3 'b the Fa I rtylc of ItATS on the Y3th, ethic for beatuy of lay le cannot be •urpaceN. nuMul3t JOHN a. mut, We of N . Labe, O. 1 . 4 mull. CLIENERAL'AGENCY, _Contenisw. and Fontrar.l - inK Mereennts. No. 4:0 .11•rket . Brusburet• Pl or yt n o d m . p . t f a i lte r,l io c n e.g ivey to the porch.. otta .1110 liven to—John Wen & Co., A:Tilt, Wilson & Co. Pitwhorgh, Pa., Lawson & Hill, Mahlon Moulin, Wellsville, 0.; John Brown & Co., iirigg, Elliott & Co.. Pluladelplue, B. W. Snodgrass & Co., Greet & Ntwo. Now Lisbon, 0.; Fr. Planner, Hon. C. 11. Cohn, Ciueinn.; J. P. Youngstown, O.; W. 1.. Soso dart. Cleveland, 0. matt_ Ia berehy peen, lb. the MILK MEN of the city of .1 Pittsburgh have hoda meeting. and solved after the first of Pepte tatter not to re Slit at lap, than the following prigs.: MI ends fourth rents par quart for Milk, and Cream at twenty-five eenm. Mass. . antatd6t• CHFreed and for ntle by S.-5 113 baa Cheese, eaß' 2 3 WICK k ACCANDLESS I)OTANII-15 eat.teed end rot sale by •[4,23 WICK & M'CANI)LW.3 Giaat. for Ttirle r ly WIC3K & NI'CANDLF9 V I' MTV. Ititla for rale 1.1. nuill WICK A AFCANDLIISS -- 0 OAP--1 ZS boa Clnetnuan Rosa, •¢le by aa tt ti WICK M AN DUNS' OltEn CUE -14 g—ttlet bora. toot r..eta and tar sale ki at ow Bolter and Cheat, Depot, ans - z 1 J It CANFIELD OIL -7 bb ,3 l-1 111,, d, xat met, and 131. gals by atig2.3 3 II CANFTELD LEAF LARD- 1 1.13.1 and 13 he, Frc'd ELMS at aele by augW- TAI I , t EF4T EARL A-- . 741L200111bs in tune 13.1 fel .ale by P aatti TASSISY a 1110aT p . OTABII--110 enka fm ! 31a by TASl4lll , lfr, REST lb., pr arncle, MOM 11,1$• day and far sale by avr:33 AILED PEACIIEJS—I got fOf aught! & nEsir TO PRINTERS. gr , lIE subernhor hos an hand urd for or A g e. of 1.. Johnston & Co., of Phil:We the folks, ZS pair or CASt, 4$ fondue Fancy Letter, different lutes Net Newepancr Cuts; bille tbs. Leeds, rut re order, IU Composted Sucks; BM kcal Proutls News Ink; I Braes ancy, Coltman Vales, Bruits Rotes et en descriptions, tee. A. JAYNES, Pekin Tea Ptnev, 70 Fenn!. le N. 8.--Ordent received for new Type. aultkliterS [WEIDE! trANVE.I4 & GIjAIIAIII are pleased to inform, 0,1, eastunaere and the ['obit< at /nrge, that IS, s ave on hand • very ezten•ove stock of /11A/1(X/ .NY, and sll other wood usually kept by the Trade, wjdol, rh s y Ayer at the followine unusual low priers, yla, 175.00011 of Croteh veneer... from i to 3/ eta. pet 11. 1811,1 VJ Boards and Pima of di ddoknesavreis seasoned. WAG - Shaded Wood Veneers, from to 31 eta per fooa 60,0:0 ft Resewood.Vemwr, from 2to 5 en, • 4001111 White llelly, as ell thick..., We feel confident from oar lone experience, thr srd. var.'s., we have it, import/or: and rowin, Mat we shalt always be enabled to keep on band a week of the neon superior quality and finely figured wood, IL the very lowest market prices.) saved to the Mile of the most tasudions, that may be pleased to favor as wah peunknage All orders promptly filled anrkewerolly packed. . ILAVVES A GRAHAM 176 A l7O Centre at. two doors North n( CAna! el. ..!tusdll33. NEW YORE tornellt Xove floods, front lowest priced to finest—plale, sa tin sieved tad Ulm barre 4. also fancy do. CO tens variety of Myles, at slant eon corner Fourth and Mar ket sw. matilt AIBEEsE—ta; uss lnat Real onotor este by J B CANFIELD, angle 112 Front st, bet Wood and Southfield BOOK: AMERICAN. TAMES D. LOCKWOOD. Mam A.ND maLax AND lemma. E/ a. 63 Waal street, .111 leave in a Mee day. for N. Tort. Boma% U.. to emend the Trade maim mg will be happy to execom any orders for Books, Me.. which may be eetrorml to lam DARLEYe.-19 bg. trnt ley, now !analog .64 for siVe -) is og-:0 ISALIII DICKEY & CO Uai Plink With: —The litstoty et the Postale , in Englaud and the Pildrim Fishes', complete m vol. Loyola and JGAMIiIIO3 In in Reibentroa, fly Isaac Taylor. 1130 Get.. of Scotland, oe Sketches of Seo tie h Scenery, Literature and Relirion by Roy. Robert Turnbull; allt editton. Zito His toi7 of eat Church of England by II shop Shon: Erskine , . Co.. pet Sonnets. Roeder Warfare of Nes , Volk. The , Raoul ins of tha Bible. Lost Days of Mahe, by Rea, macho, Cottage Locums, or the PilastsCaßrottesa. Practically Explained; published by dm. S. S. Dowd The Wonders of Vegetation; published by dm. S. a Moon. For sato by ELLIOTT /t Woodst' uit. WC EEDIZ2! d ScLINTOUR has just incesTml a bnoomono f.l. wrtment of CARPETS., mituble fee Fell taloa; among which may be found a peneml amortment of Tapestry, Brows* extra, endsuper 3ply Carpets...— Alm, superfine, firm, and common ingrain Carpel, We recommend wiebitra to vaginae tattoo'', to cal/ en W. AFCLINTOCK 73 Reath at. r.o gel OTilat:— • A LL persons interested will pie., take 'mum Mar 1 - 1. Letters of Administration on the Kora of RE'lle RV MANSON, deed, late of the city of plushorgh. have been granted So the mbecribers. Alt persons davingClaim. or rinilatnlis against the *MOM Or the tale decedent, are requested to make brown 'he same tattiest withr.ut delay, and those knowing themselv es indebted to make payment to ZACHARIAR PETERS, ph Word. Powlsark' GRORGE BAUM, nth Ward, Tinsinnatt Administrator. of the Shaste of War. Mmuon, deed. liPeTanWrnß - 500. 1000 du ahoulders, now ready for sale by utmlo WA R AlTUlT'llitfo2,l6p !Away el ic.fiVAT. IttlAl.3Et/R sAl.e;—'fite minion cane) I 6. J boats, Abiasit awl Hold, in fine artier 'Or buri n., being nearly new, 5.0 10108 in SWAM tu Blarro vine, Pa, ore oared 1. sale on neermumilming terms. Apply to ItAcALEY A SMITH, amen IS and al Weqd sg • , LUFIEEVINEIIIVUS,AIFOrrEILVI i .. I A:ID D S4 L 9—" mx TrAittst wr i xi ort7T.RIiAbea and for sale by 63 Woad st Recently Pabllshed—Edintiorgh Review for July' . Blackwood's 'Revalue for !My. 0t0r22 EI — ALA:AVM MILLS EXTRA FMCS' FLO!, fir: F) The mbecriber will keep constantly on haad the Wove EXTRA FLOUR, which he warrants 6 qua' to the hest bends in the market. Families ere req., ed pee it a that H C KELL,V; 1.019:43. e A o c nr i r rs E , ifl u h %and m AlLeract alley WW toryTh',l4LlDediltion—plol6.l:e"il levntanie Memel—The addrevms raid of Preen/mum( the, U.B , Irmo 17el. to 1016. W ag U/ memoirs of the Presiden history of her Adelina mations, Ere. be.; compiled by Edvatil William.: y . cola nvo —mviin. Losnaruneh. Pdminiage to we Holy Land, t ..sun. La) atoll-. Nitieveh, • new inagrp/v.--st vela, yr, Inustramd. Poem., reamed ellitioo) I 'tor, arn& gumndetz' Jexuits,t)•ol.l.Bw, [maim : W pion trving's Works, lu volt, Putnam./ eniforid i edi tion, green, comb. Mille laniard!. Work., tve I, bre, .neap. Sermons, vole, hvo, sheer, enabled edge. Chamber...Ler:dogs, &nap , . The elor e, I eel Sea Flora'. Lemcon and Mr.. Hale'. 'Aev e l,, i mee ' dreier Ancient Le 'no nod Allu. Wafts , on the Mind, new edition Dv ene „e Dancing. Thie day received a nd for talc by HDPKINS,A S.t Buildings, dth at — J01.1.11" TTOIINEY and Coon.e.or at Law, .. , HI, L ., and Coomus. MO. On Mo to e l P fohisborgh.) I.r the Mate of , me „.l„.. Reßeraeateea — Pitwhargh: Hon. W. Porward, Ila n) & M'Caddless A M'Clure, John H. Park/gimpy, ityconrs. King. andltally S C IETHINH t SAV .—THE lets&Oiiltarrlio YCLODA:DIA OF' SCIF.NCR, LITER:STOKE ANU Alt l, --Ediled by Spencer P. Baled, Profess t oy Natural Detenee in Dicitinvon College, Carlisle. Pa . illaavaldd by five hundred Heel engro Hop, earwax .1 by J. G. Heck. The complete work will form v. , . omen ate., and the didervust chow. of grove a Pt receive wparste titles, so that they eau be twitod one or more colionea, to soil the but., be 0 .11. mum ie of the purchaser. rt., wort wili be eo wi d hei.lo twenty-6,e month!). parts, eonsmenciug Mir ah of September, IMP. Each part will e, we t of two sty plates, large guano ousel ecgravuirs and oevveuts 'ItVITIPTTS):i'PRICE ONLY oNE DOLL& IL Solwartittiol2 hat. are already tr , ,,,,, e d Alt prrl N' t al arrangement. bore bow. „ e ,,, e ve ibe reg lar cOntionation of Lon wort , st o(each crate, are r d oss o ged ~,, the, eommen *ne ~,,ensa rod ffi.'o4 and th . e a e. rts. tue tootled toroll e , the &vat.' etnr e dn r, z .. ppo theca. The le elddemPair 1. -eyelopedor will tn , P a.. e 4 _; , ! the wyle, ou fur parer rind will cover t a . .71 e CeDOCI page. larger, , roVal octavo. dr ' 6,1 1' .t e .e.e . to poetical ule mauler indexes Lod tab ea ox tents 63 Wood st nue: .1. 1 / 4 .11M D. LOCKWOOD, AUCTION SALER =ED LUMBER YARDS o,l:Luc ai siminipmn, ===