The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 29, 1849, Image 1
TABLISHII) BUSI SS CARDS. _ll /..P stratussr -; ••u UAIIID EITENILICT . Tt A T I OFIN GIN AN COO N*IiLLORS • 11.. I uurill ousel, :s• ten kW:um/told her! Greeli ' i Ps. _ pal.l Jolt" Y L V Y c. A Tr . : , NE,y,g A LAW, Filar* Stl4 PGA, GratiLi jitt!af .41 w.,1 Uerders 11,11 Produce, No, 21 Marker stmA: rßtsbersi. I dee , B. A. nisliVll/Ja. O. LILAIIII W. ...{ 11,) UtittEle:Lsi tr. LEADER, Whoiessie dealers Bi• ,j„) Dry GaAs, G eerie, Boots, !Sheet, Phlsborgl; sosrevactured uru es, Ac., No. ert, Liberty itrel: yotibutgla. - 7 • Ldramt rs ruse inursai Itatnut I : , HAW , IX WholeaJe wad Betail Drur4 JO psi, (truer et 'belly add Bt. Clarr Streets, Pitui burp, PO' CCLrI rson, 1L 1 1 moss,. • DROW, I t CULBERTSON, Wbotenlle Grocer(, A) nod ( onanduAr. Merchants, No. ltd,; Libcny nusbug.a. 1 A I AHNESToCK A Co, Winnesir o and Hod . no: Bmgglna, corner Wood and Sinn... JP ; _ . , Wingrarade Orro[o., lb M n set Pinsbargd. -* A. c.DITTLTY & Co., Fbraranbidt and . 13oorq kJ. nausion Mcrthants, Canal Dania, Ihß.bargh. Duquesne Spring, Axle ;Steel add Jimmie ka. Work.: , rIOLFZIAN,•II.I II al AN & Co, reanntattot ere eV I t j Coach and Eltptie &piing Illamostred Azte4l: $ pring and Plough EltecL, Iro n, Warehouse on, I W oleo . and Front streets, Pittsburg& • Also, dealers 414 Coach Trm&lngs and Malleable Casts& a tuella NalinLli WOli&, UN Salinas Y err, UgPOSITE. THE irEAD Ur WOUII, grl 7 l , Bl,lU.Rtifi 81)BIOND 'WILK Ws, CON WOES m tuanufuemsai M.:Armen., Dula( Vaults, Tand.m,llead 8101Mhildantel Places, Can, ue 1.01 rio , 70 1 . . 1 .t../15. dameaue marble, at • regular and fear price. N. Bi—Dravrings for monuments, vaults, fra. fantod,. ad, of any de senpuon. soliOu • snare of publia .. ` 11:10=1,111 Wl4•, • ,! raacca a. ,t.a.amrn. - ENGLISH 14200 - 617, (ate palish; Gable bt. 4 . Od Comm salon wad Gable bet. wardor esetaanta, and reodnee nod Pius.: bon+ I.lekavalenares, :.17 Wood sL, Getateeta 24 meets. oeU . 4.. p.m...., Illerrbom, Ivo. J V. 004 strait. Pituutugh. myli • Denim Lacey tux. PACTOILIic ljf AUILION tiTEWAILT, atotaffachuss or Hoary AU. 51,1etlaja,Chteko, to., Rebecca whet. elty novts-51y• Iji LEE,l.cconoo - 51,frphyoLee,' Vl'ool Dent er and Comatizoion Merchant, for lho salo of Antatiean Wootchs, Liberty. oppOalte. sth ti fohl7 . .. - V nA.LI-D . BAILIMOID. A. 3. ISVCISCIL, lUDWA.I[I3 W.A.LIN i plai r “h . .C. C...WV., JOU" 1.. WAJ1.411., la /QUAD & DUCE:NUR, Tobacco Commiasion Mee .ll. chants, la Nora \Navas . et, ,t LS North Wharves, Nulls , ,leav3o.ll ftato 11711..:i. Joan. ij AHOY, JONFZ & Co., (suezessora o Atwood, JUL Jones & Col Commumen and Forward.% filer chante, dealers in Pittsburgh Meantime:tied owns, Pittsburgh, Pa _ . bnett27 7 1 - 3 - elan DM.", 112.27 tatcrr, itahlAll =LEY & C. 1., Wholesale &roam, thron &denim) Merchants, and dealer. in Proddoe, N 0.56 atm, and 1.7 Front streets, Play b. port 101113 TOWNSIIiII, Lona tad Apoilicemay , U No. 47 Market It. Once doors se Tho ru et. l'uta: burgh, will have constantly on bumf a well seketod na; sortruerd of the best and freshest Illedietnesirstn-h ha will sell on the mon reasonable terms. Pky —ohms pending, orders, will be promptly nllendul 14 and sup plied articles they may rely upon 00 getannta Mr . Payne... Presentruons will be aceufately and needy prepared from the hest 11:tombola at ally hear or INS day or med. Also for sem, a large noel of fresh and Ord Perin &• ANRELD, Oate tarp, °le Wap Cote.... .J . 11- C s ion cull Forwanang tilsrchant., and Irholceala denier In Western He/servo Cheeee, Illitter,f Pot and Pearl Ash, and Western Produce igetteraltg, Water treat, between Snail held end Wood, Patabonh. apa 101114 WATT, (successor to Ewan et Gebben4 ap Wholesale lineer and Contotiossion Merchant., dealer in Produce. and Pin:charge f ll annfactiren, Ow ner of Liberty and liana Meets, Pittsburgh Ka.. Wel il - AWLS S fifeliUlll.E,late ofittt finn 4Algeo and U Metre/re) Ideretratil Tailor , So. Charles IlidbLngs, porn arret, near Wood, Pitutbditl Alfri..: - ..&: — /itlital;6s, h - 0 Lea es Ilotchbon & Co, ft , onnisaton hliscands, and Agents of didLoess StonedStoned bug= Behnery. No. 40 tont, EL and 71 front streets, Pilteourga 4 NlilLgokrit N Co., %%flamingo lj for ."' d uc ti c egel)ls w as Co. of N. Y 4 No. V Wood et, U OII.MI WiDoorele *eglet, 11.1141. or le Dye eine., Punts, 0111, V seilleoe.s,A.4., bi 0.03 Yuoe rereci, onc door :Dame 01 Marione Alley, Pats. tugh. 0411 I 43+1E.0 , i OR l lr. , .1: eo, lenreesserDepeU. U derv.; AV/Dees:met- poll I WV: 11. A 4111.1.011., Vieoluale RoPOiA deniei U eluroc aDdlittszeal Dieu - men* Bettool to eaper, Steel Yens, Limns, Preaers' Osier, end Dra turnery ge4e rally, No. 11 Weal et; Yeasbeigh. V' Win bough or !alma, le trade:: f LICK.CreIAKLYI Or Co., Wholesale Deuwass, No. 10 owl .areel, l'iusbaree4 "... • ... . conies 5111 ane %kr ik±, 1.1, - DAVII4, AneTtinteer, eorneiPtll ancl Wood strums, Pitllltmj.. 7te JOPASTUN & STOCKTOPlTl3ookisencrs, Priam" anal Paper Manufacturars, No. 44 Aktartet a, Plus burgh. , JoUN Flain. alma. Flom J. tr. FLOYD, Wholegate meets, tbusSutoll and Denicre rroalace ejtolind church tinddingr, rronLug on Liben4 Wood and Cab atretu, Pntsbar,3, l'a. mya - J'Mf noicutto I , loter,Cetan,on a tdetehann and dealer to Yrodneti and Put/burgh L....nation. ten No. :11 Water et., ritultuu - gla Junta J11 • Rd; ol la„ ao•aleind Reinfl bed; ti ler 111 Yotet t fn Wide., and Luiaorsond old fdomn. Gattela Nye nd.koya, <o roor Ptrat and Moan{ am 112 , .I..loNE:d.crorw.oddng utd aturols/uou en.unl/ealete to Produce and kiltaburg ma tat:wren at - note., Canal 11.1aut, near :Lb an 1 tra IBUU II CIIILOS la CO, Idonardosureza ofrory JCL anpertor 4-1 Sheeungn, Carpet Chain, 'Cotton '1 wine and llatt-oz. L.2t1.7 Voss". Ins oilno Iron W. 111V1S, 11LLE14. & Co., raanainiAtarara of ail jr :es itar, :aeon Boiler Iron nod Iliad of die beet quality. Waxanouse„ 14 wale/ and 11 front an: • ;man __ • _ 1. j 14 ‘NTATkit.hl AA, 'Wholesale (11;17.4 F4llr7.i7rOxd . ing and Commonion slerchmt, Dealer in l'stn.- burgh Ilinnui.otures and i'mluce, Noll. :11 Vli'aier sit, ~., • .. autl tte Irma , 1110311. 1. - 91M1 N, anti. a. !FAN, KUN EDY t T OOKING (,14S Idnnufadtarent,' l / 4 ,nd Wlldludale dutalera to foreign add Oddment/y.l. 4„iowla, Western racreharna. Pedlars 1.1 ordeal, are'nvitdd to eall and exam:m.llw prtecsand Instap, ourittoei, pa with our preset. incrunacd furature.klu anunirdetar g and purehasurg, we trunk we cp.ti oder .4; great andt.eorwau to tatycrs r.ny other /Ldp. welsoof rue Mount... rat-4y - rlaga e4M1.1.1.d /10E, Wittcgewilc Unwept fi and Cann.- woo A/crelauna, Nu. EH ldberty,rd.., Pl./part U CZ i ti - Itotte ° tle Co ra 1 1 3 " gryl6Md M 5,1 th o! 40 wood Civet, ritatm etds-.V. MAITUEW WILSON, roman arid'Slutiaioniratiu ter. Booms, tuner Cl rad (Mee Al o and Fourth Street, 0/..11.0 oa for near Ainliter. dec0.411.0 I ITITSBURGD STEEL WOHES oIf,ND SPtUNG AND AILE FACIDRY.I. ILla.o ALM, , 401121 C. den.. JONES ft 41:1100 if. 1 AKANUFACrUILLIW of apring and blister tech yyj piotiO vthel plough wing; crigmett and clip Lc vpnaga,touriniered iron axle., and idesier• iti oral leablet ebv wigs, bra cosi. lamps, and Coach Crumb:lugs generally, corner of Ron and Front as., Tiarli,uren, Ea. • fah' rki HOWSE., A SUN, Nu. OA fliarlerrec - ru - d door from [eruct of roar* dealers in Foreignand Domestic Uilis of ESeLeAre, Cerofithilesof *Pnlv• It, Sank Nob.. mid Specie. Collet-nuns road on all the principal diner inrougLoui United Slain. der.l7 liCciOusTEß, AinnnorLif—ilfdde, Foortb bard door above Sinnitheid, booth .de. vonvoya,cmg of 01 rod. dore viit4 .. Wo mate., care am Legal accuracy. Mies te Hr Ecatr.crinuned, 0c[360 Du... uEousue. .IIeCOGH. --• • • OFFICE, - chtz - rt; West, neat braab, In the loam lately eeberawl by Alderman Mu l e:, immate ly opposite Mr. }Sate s. 11c may I,eloalbl at bigat t. ito. 71 Pi. Cbarles liulcL U. T. Roberts, U. D., (I . THALlille RDIDN, sent attend to the beet le= of Discesesof ne Eye. has been named or Isis the Medi.. eal parketten for stamen years, arra bes eenduete.l. eetablisionees (or the treatment of diseases of the eye alone for several years. - Unto and residence, corner of deadest - 7 it and St•sweerr, alley,Allegro., ci PEECIX TEA. STOLLE.--No. Fount n, near \Vood—All qunfidea o(.6re...end Deck Teas, done up to quarter, bat!, and erre pselrees, nractins (mm ens. per potted 111.50 n. A JAE.S, Art for Vette Duels CARD. 1 4 0/11:. , UN dr. CU, [uvula ...tided THOMMit sale.GroCi:r : L' trOd r. : , :d " ¢n ' t l47 ?ool 'n rr. ' k t :rlo u nina th sl72e ' ss Vb .s.rt Le couunueo o.aer um taw of iloOlsonoA. On it Co 11)0151.,UN. LITTLE; CU.. N 0.102 Wherry stree4 Pattatmlgo. 11rbolesalt Orocera, eroduce and L 01111111541,1 alcreannti, dealer. Lta Pillatnirgb alanota,te,o. /Y 7 war. Roe wa. =Oa to - rce- 0a.K1.1. aoluati, °'s :d0011.1...,• Wholesale Grocer, Reculying r. 'lett/. la Produce, Plttsbutzti Manlitae tures, an. Oe Forman and Domestic Wines Cid I.n. 11 Liberty street. Ou land terY ed, , etitir old :denongatiela cy, Lsk..“ inw lor cash. DALItEII. a. t,o, — llTlMicsitie G0idu ,, ...0n and Pormarding Alercsnuta, &Allen !'mount Pntsbirgh Alinnitactures, Liberty at. Pitt, Jr;•,. la_ • (dal_ K, peeler n. ,i...2:ll%,C;l:jAv?l,lt,.b.Vai[llll=rlTlL`tr, Si. 144 1.11.,..ry r JY,!2 RICTN...3, -IT.Tonte. RE - 11%0UP". l. tillE2l, p.m...111 w and Commi4iion lierenan., fur Ma Allegheny RAT.' Trade, deal .," Greet-nue, Produce PUtatnitgl Mannfactlres and Chloride nt Lituc, ' th e h lg hrat ogre, as enset. Vatd 01 all lilacs fm alum of 151. ml 4 Inent .kincia.Krr W &UTE, Wh a t Z.. Dealer* In syre.lan attd . purnrsttc br) Good,. N 0.99 %Vogel • feblhf at BAG C. , Wholesale Grocers'and p.a.,,,wert, Ng ItGlslarkelatreeltltattreagsth and 6th. North rude, Plillatelptn, netg ‘l . I. W. 11..51thAlitiii, Wool Merchant, feelers Llernduce generally, and Forwarding an? Cotostasston 'Marginal., No 53 Water st..Pini. Lorth ...., - • ; :.. , •il ... --. .........,, : ,_ , i llOr . . ...* : , C l4 , . 1 , ' - i N.. 1,,„ ~, .. .F s . 1 ' i' 1.0 4./ . . .., "r . VS .. I. ti, 4 ...• I 1- , 41 1 1 . • ~ ..1 ., . ,1., • I 4 . 4 -,........ m E , ... : t ..:,...,.„ _._.., ..„. ~ ‘1 4.,T I :,.., :,..., .z....,., .• 01, 7 .. h ftl ,' a 4) • 14 ~, 1.,, ' ,i ' . vt! k - - i " •v 1 - , .! e ~. ) l'. t$ y 1 i• / , et -.:, i :11 779 ' .:.•••• • Ti - -., .. 0 .1 ;6. . ! . . . PITTQ DUI:WITT AT 1 ,- rvw'r-r-,-, i l 1 -. r -..- , . _.. ___;1.,,... - "r "" -- - - - CART) s . • mrtnermn. _ roux ment0n....‘11....., Ch. LESS le INICOLS, Produce and I,e, t =lemon lercktents, ho. 17 Liberty .r, I ktt*,,ursu perm, lammed and Lard Ods p VoN BONNtitiftsr & Co., 0 „ Sem Fortran:ling And Oommusamo NI, emus, m rambursh tinaftetures and Western Pro duce have removed to Mem now warehouse 1,4 41, , , n1) No corner of From 4 and Chancery Lone oodna-, rntsburals. n n T `SO rP R ,t, n k ot. SCOTT, Witoless'e and Retad dca ere In Mans, Shoe*, Trunks,. Carpet Dap, a.e., • AV corner of 4th and SruititSbld am, kNnsburgn, I' )N 'ORS "3- DAVID 111,11 - ‘1,1,, WIVK SI.CANDLS, (successors L J 11. • Wholcsald Grocers, Forwardms and Gonamicaton Merchnns,:dealers ut iron, INssis, ^nfLofton 1 erns,and l'ntslairgn Manufactures Kens,. , Wootl and Water .trees, httAbil•Ch IV • Lg V. . " = . canal mar. lI—`ON. W., chft, Jewel r). SO', r , N we. and Ifltinory Goods, corner or Dark et am' I:h 1 etreeta4 Pate•burgi o P. N. li —G. atette• end I , w k a eareEnqy repaired t. Orel PT SOWEN--c7am.,..t0. ..1 rons,,r,thnt Ad el west. tilereLant, No 90 Profit at between Wow , nod ark f0t.2.1 Wg. aiußPtit , ‘ l 2laoloodle uol 1G toll boo., to •'r•Weign and DOintaue 1)17 Gouda, north root i Corner bf Alaviret avd Eniinh •t• aur2d , W. know, , /NO N. 01,, !mayIAT m. Youxu a Co -.)ealer. In u. ether huG•. ~ a e T L . l.lbery ea _ , ~11.5.. r vvt 4. . ~ 2r rot tw . R. M'CVTCII N. ll isnl-•,,,, Groe• rt. doe. • ,lew in Prodooe7ton. N... ir;AAS. Mild i',olo iburgh Jilonefaeture. genajany, 1. I.,beny to, Pot,- ' or, 2 ilar ,W W1.L..40N, ' Alder u, * l , l'etebee, if , V..rr Wet T I • Silver Wore, Altillory Goods, we., No. 07 .91•, at • .. WM. IrOlh . 4k, Co.. LEATHER. ttlorore t rerveT rie!ing huge asattruttett ,v.e d t" nrucle. "te:t i“Je. t. ;which the or s lr c co.. • sTEA BOAT Au 1: NI S Orn xravt Atzem ACo ortH Nn Wcer INSURANCE. OF PITT S BURGH. CAPITAL 1:00,000. ;4- Wu! im Sen". rp, R Jr.. 1 . /v.l am matort:all Sind. of ruts, FIRE AND MARINE. A L p Llrasev will he bberialty oniusted and prompt.}. !..) A home instatution--inanaged by Dtrectors whe ate Skit knove n in )130 community. and who ore deiennin. "ittld by pramptnesa and Itbemlity to ranantsan Me r ;slater which they have assdband, otlenog the• !protection to those who dealt . , to be Insured Lhaite-roas—R- hillier, Jr, G. J W r. )14i. Holmes, Jr, Woo. B. Hilares, C Thrown. Geo. m !Jackson, Wm. Lyon, Jas. Lippincott, 'no, I: );.itra, /aloes ArAttlay, Ninnci, Thos. Semi. Omen, No. Mi Water owlet, (warehouse of Spa Co., op abates )PittsburglC. tob,l:y —_. • rE DELAWARE M 9AFETY IN9l'• RANCTti?CtrANt.'F.I-riel'eliNtoorth Rormalthe Fla Inhelaang.—Boaldi4s, Merebondtae end other 41operty to eosin nodmlditt~tggss, roexfti. Insured anninet Ins, or ,Istedage by boo at the Inwesl.mie ot premium ihlsatat Ivansmams—Theralso Vesseiv Car .thes, mid !Freights, foreign al ronetaise , under up,. or 'apecial pOlicies, as Me auare4 may desire , labstanTaantsreavarioa.—.They aka insure roercasn• •PdEse traneported by Wagobs., Hat:rood Cals. Cana! ..fiati and Strom Beata, on ,:rivers nod inkes. tin me Mier liberal terms. JeDIRFX , TORS—Joaeph H. heal, Edmund A Sonde, ohn C Darts, Rehen.Hurtoo, John R Pen rose, S.llll di.,Edwartla Deo Leiprr. holward Dar , t. pun. Ga., •Itr,Davis. WWI!. Folvrell, Jahn Newlin, Dr It NI Hus. En, James C Hand, Theopfulos It Join. Dronks, Henry Sloan, Hui Craig, G00 , ,C lipeneer Mellerun, Chutes.. any, 1 Johnson tk Ham Ilay,l/r 9 Thomas, lot. Seller, W. el' , Jr ansecrorts AT PITTSGURGIi—D. T. /3astriey, In°. T.,, WILLIAM MARTIN, Fret:dent Etbenaln S. Newtronn,Siertary . ~_. .) !Cpv °Mee of the Comparm. No 42 Water .treet, JulAdtf MADE:Mk, .4 ~,1 1:1:E1 AND SIAR.II*.i3.IISSTIIIANCR. THE INSURANCE CO. Si North Antertca sent male oestrus:sent and lobbed Insurance en pev !aßtmther.e.,itioreds, v a i n Cr t !t r , s, rdu h Comp.} , are Well itresjnl, and furnish able fund Ice the ample indjzty tit I , eGues t o m! dealre to be protected by ins ranee. =yid WhL FAO ' A r=l •! .. •I.YDEIII4ITY. Ve Prima/ix /ire in.ruragetv Co. of Pitiirso iRIC RS.—Clwlee Nalaneker. Thomas lit,. v;, Tolosa Wagner. !Unmet liron4 Jacob It 5r0...1t. Cite. IV ittehartio, 31ordeca4D. Lewis, Ailelpti, tUlte, Mold S. Brown Morris Patterson. lst Casimas 151[. Sancta; President . .qmrles G. /Mocker, &sugary. Continue to make inure:id!, Petee. , .. , or litellod• Oli Every ilevetiptiem of propemy Intown or country, Vitus unless to are eonsterept with security. 21) Company have reurved,,S large conangent Fund, whisk who Mew Capital and premattott, wifely in vest edihtlend ample prouctun to 'Me ass ured. The titmice or the company, un January I w. a . grceably to on accor Assembly. wste foStVeNa.. ;. Irto 11 Rea: Cstate• Tempera:" Loans s. L. Slot . ti Cad:, dt.e... 21.T2.1..212 71 gib their ineorpormaon, a period of la yearn th,Y hail yard utarettels of oue four 13undred onitjlollara,,:oars by Ere, thetruy affor, :n r . vtaa.or [flit* odynntanna ql ILI.UI I / 1 06 • [ Le the al 4.. tr ankrliapoattion to meet arna Otoruptare, nit I:. I J. GARDINER LOFFIN, Actor marl -d 1 OfEnas Y tedir•er Woes: nod riXEriNlatitrittlft2.l A. 111AD221tA r Argent ai,Ptusburgh tor th e vnut: t:P.lnto I ealety Inantloce Company of . - odn:libia. fire Rinks upon nolr2rlaona nod Inerrlmndar. or C.2ery Loserlptroo, and 11.4ine Miran tmoa or “irpos of treafela, taken upon In most reve4,44. tort. fEr OZlee in the Warehocaepf lira . yste,47 Water, near Market auto; Puvl . hrl , 14 :Br7'he aneeeTs of tha Cfunpany .lime the • haihnent or the Agency in this nay, with dm prompt nerOuld liberality with whielt:every claim upon :nem forPgas hos been KA, aced, fulfy warrant Me num: in invlang the Confidence mdpattiinage of hit friend.. smi the; Comm:tray at large to dm Delaware ht...ln.c• rannh Company, while it has the addm.onal V:t se• u*- institution among :n the moat nounu/4g . I'hin...ini phna having u: among cap,:al, which by the apeftuon of ma charter eons:an:ly increusing, yekilng to each person maureg hm doe wain m un. prohts of Ite cuinfLany, wahoif involvlng h . an) relksaibilitl whatever, uld ovretore the Mutual prmerple diveTtvd r every oon.,rmu., ma. turaihand In mOst oltrostlve;ibrot ;.c • 1 .P9LItE AND MAIN lE . IN 9 Ultai ti rf , llP. Inrirance company m -kmr..• duly authorized Agent, the ',lmam:Lot. uncrs =Ad pentanent and Innited ligmmance on prnpm, • this city and Its umnity, and off 'bionic:a. L.. Ca al faild linters DIRECTOP.S ' ,Vhazics Taylor. .A.Labro.e iJecob Al. Thomas, 'Jowl H. Neff, . Richard D. Wood, ...Wm. Weigh, I,yraluta H.ken., A¢.l4nAllthon, Arcknikt 0 Cob., ta:ol V i j rfr J014 , ..t...11r0vpu, Jobil:What, Thator.s P. Com Sanitiol P.tub, 02#00 Brocoo, arou " 7. A RTH ÜB. U. COFFIN. Itlny D. Imam, nee,. TO to We Oldeat Insnranee Comp.) in the United Sorel; havint been ehortered'in !V ii ha manor to perAtual, and:front Oa high .whiling, long elpem 'lre, ,oelkinoanor avoiding all At 011.% of an r rya has arddita charm ler, it may be ennindered at offering nth. PL. OttrlitY ,„the pubtle. • W P. AIM-S. Coangog Room of Atvgood, JOll. & Co., lA'a• ter atti Prong erects Pettaeargq tout 5 liardliffSlikikEli Irma beep appointmi Ag:eset pro kit. of thdtloauriutce Ooropdny of North America, nod Y / LI tnue Tolle., and Intel) to the otter tru , .00.; of llid,fAgene4 at die wareboui.. of Atwood, Jiro—. A Co. S apib WAI:4I . onto: FewmiDlNG &6SO4MISSIOA L. &ioett. !, ~- I. C. ..... 0.111.. A. . _..i ,. . 601,./D & BILE 11 - FOC:LE, FOrLWARDIPif.; & COhlrol.O.illN AIEUCIIAN pp. ato*&eaters lin Itiatte Lead, Woolo ss Wass, Ac , . . j;o: ill . lire ond went, Por:otturgh , Pa. NVul - arend prOrtiptly to 1110.'1110.4d bp.A.neles colt lls..ti II 1. , .. to th eir care: Rana so-- *galey & Smith, lt. Tanner & co , P. & W. ifirbaugn Kay & Co, 111o6thy a tOton a Co.. Poralo,roro. II nab, Gros.= & Co, aud the cocr. eltuttfta‘generally, New Luton, Q. II & a NPLionald O. Cer - .greo. W its, Weltrtale, t.& Wei.° a o J Bigger & Cob Fenner &11 . .41en, Massillon, ‘,l - Ma & Co., Watvr g, I.tylor & C.,., John H. AnAo. & v4i, Phlladeiputa. .4n. t.. nJet.trenon & bro anima, Mi 1112.1 4. Co., Ciaelonau, IJ /obit P , I , flowa&J, Lau stile, Ky. JoOn ...4b3.1 at, No 1; Oro t .ros Geld; liar na,C/eveland, 0.• A . J. Lndloy. L.,... Geld; Clar' Parks & Co.. 84” , ., /... - - 14ons W ' t. 11 OF PORK AND BEEF, riiriffikliOn Merchant and Forwarder, 10. 4 CANAL C/NCIPCY ATI 1111111 aritentar attletaton pond. the oi .4t . . mc iL i t.roduce te thtnnteritct Min to ' the lining or • te..411 ,Hen, to czars plus 'issuer & en, gliarutt & Steckwa 115; C. Fams; , ;Eappine & Co. - filer A lnes, l'u 6W6 o linos - Co g4 . 4k las I o , J 1 pOitIVI7EIo transact t p canon i . geotrat u‘, ki ka, c.lay the purchase tuiti ol can gaturactu Cs and Frduen-tutl it. / forvrii . fing CietcPis consigned to hta earn A. Agent !dr the .s!„.inctfactedett, he will be ectastandi supplird thnpnlikespal allteles of Pittsbarth NialtuLtcto re . unc losseidOecholesele prices. Orders and ate_ r_g*etinitt solicited. ) In gilatit.sttd, r. rlfl,lS F su. 14N,.,,11 I.NZANTIAN, PITTMAN & FORNODiIb k COMMISSION 51ERCIIAM g, .1162 tieconiP.Street, traargianittens ST. lArl'lrt. Nr . cart FT . , FT. ISCNIPE & ATKINSON. Fiarritc arm*. WoM AND Van., I'lrrseretwt UItrTINU tO ma..entre s/t was at currEn. 11N AND sitiwr IKON %VA E. A Dinc - maicnrk. trted*lionts built to order. §peingl attentipa given to irmtaat we Hannon hands arum asaoranon el Ciippc r sad liras. Keteltle c Titt Wade, &e.&c. eat °irking Snores. Pentad& Forget!, seri.. sues- aj very eons Quit lit .0. llcle Rielacaitticas, Cattlernia eratieracia„ or rp..l aom n r ‘ontild re&ectfully 1011. steam boat w Ix oh4Hdl on acid othensigitall add sec MI article/ and moos union. elmallirhetn. I I 17 ••,f,, • II HOTELS Aso lot e..itol ther h9Fc oor ot the .noot r 011 , 0 1.1..".• • • 1.14.i.n0rr, iitplervnoe olve •olt inpreerwre. At• ocp poop hat town oddrit. room.: iiroew d 1,-, •Inepurtartuteniv. ndolester,ve I.ntlt ren . , - 1.1 and lip, oo .•• n room. n• feet the ...• 1•.. ~ eett-Teroleled. • •. • 10, .4r propedetoto town.t. the coml., in. , pie Ow. n o • the • .., ehst/lenge, nvitpar•N,, "I the 1 Thotr aril! • iiikon,.• 1 0. wippited with us v•I ...1. .oat 4 luxorr which the ininiirt nth•ol. up in ait nor 0n... •sot.e tr, iht• wet) to: 1, ...t they rnri. ot in - pos.., In coneqs• the propelein. 1, le env. trim i.hi. • •rill lel 1111.111 M. 1141 their pi.. nod oh the pel.r. aw.tnittatito vender th. h ot e l Po. ro Lerd Tottroio.O.ltr Iheir friei., od:he The prlrt. for board hnve IV\ ri rel,:red .. the folloorzeWk..., I..odlitol(huinaro. 111.75 per .tar lirotkolevh, 110 N. goo., aeon a.. moo. o o,• era).. .ii,orttl Cnr and :Wean:boy 1.n...111., whir l& Pi ,4 lronvey lowveee to end front the 11..1. ' Poe at eheer nryl . F.XCIIANGIC 110TF.L, .4.1037 re, a,.per .1 &II ~. PITTPfII th r• TPA iniliverthr, !ei, e we n:Mitt of th. :nog r•. 1.1.11, and pepii:, Ihor noea i . 11141C CCilltar V that lloworr •, ,•1 I nr d to areowtPoontr thato • •• 1,0 o • : so-rointrd ;low 'lle notioe oep IL r...turr to• re pei, wino. weed to :woke the Lari.nrier •,4 e) I.e:A.-I, in the cont., tuoikrtngorol ...ortrita n rn er the rer44.1.1...tai ,111,11 L, tr ifle Hon, I.t, I,—, ',ore ...rived. • 'I I IILOIAS OWST. IN MARTINE 110VSE, 6 11.7.17 •TIEVII, 1117,V t rreo •titewriber respectful.' n0m...v.11,0t LTA. nove opened h. new and rieri.rot fortAF arrontmorimuon .rmvelr, and the real.... rroenany Tbe boo. , and trrotterr rooredlnew. land no pions o n ripr have toren •::or- P. And, It on,. of the mom cotwota , • r.n.: p.r.non.: to the etc, Thy nuO44.lnr or &tentage.' to dr.erre, end .I,ere.. hire nehettv, gluier of public patrone. JACX - Iti MAUI!, 1••nr, tor T.MITED STATInti 1 - 10T111., call} CrA l r6l rot nr7l.•rr ,ate Funk of tbr Unned,, 1., / doloo4N NI POPE MI ctrl:El , LA\V OFFICP.r. WM 7111111.1. N ATTORSF.I" P., W ILL taco nne•nd in e•,^tt M. to It :14 Itetcr R Floyd. LA, ,I:.atek Nr,nha: 41, ko, ti 47n . I A:tor,t, ott oNlir , l,l Chllr , l 11n.r,, P;,i.urce, Mend prott4ily to -no Grp., Ocruni:ro, Pa ' Arno .• Ft IQ-711 TO a) Bell a co. ) (hump *C:imam), k Pitt) vu rah I) T .131(1 r.•I K•rru.. tk , t;.llsptlt%:au ' nucnall . 0 1111 1 1. , 10 ,1, ..1nf Ole Slate et ty;‘, (At ulkult pouitlnlir. act/mt.-ltd., rr.4')!CJI Cum, Ct.nthe.r.. Hays. t lIITS,CAPS AND BONNETS' if! 21.C.01.1..D Os co., to 3CCor.I A K.:, Fp,a,lonable of W.d ci/14.1 /4. , 111 • utent.on p.rol to on; Rrl, 1,111,44 rno o thrtf rTonf °O l t:mak:fro:7,ot oe trot x•ol : . • rapontr,n : .t3riufic arlin:yan y n nrd a nur Sto. wr run .“'Alith confidt.,. LIE , rrourn• • mud ratcx tit , not ir • .oni,ino,ri 0- , • y noun/. in I . ll..*elptua... CaIkORNIA Il AT:n— If .' a l uau r 1r1,17 enru..• 1,1.1, it Winn fr.DSPRINA: f . (o.llloL'a.) /..1114 Mn tn. S; ua..734.1 a nen: an,: ~,r lin:. art. rail to. n fy:11 •.yr I/O.INKT al h.., .1 runp:i •i. of new and iftlayinrinrr Y.., Alan. nr air Eg Nei, tag, Lunen 4.4ii,r• I . I. A 1... in• 4 JnOoneta..em.l.^ Yot: Nur'nia. , fr.:. • • n Inge nasontrt4l Al nprtuf genera! I . a. coast corner 4ga:find Marl., at roe,. Wboiraa!uourni inn,. api• . • Arr N E RS.III Pti. _ R it mL Copar prr•ht nr! 2r } li 01 K roirtrogphrp to.rrornre orol r A Bract., 464t0 wh. •ro!, IA, ore.- 91 .1, 11rm H /•err.r! : P (01101,1111, Wurrhou=rt fierr. So 112 I. l r. (...r1 .1 .P 5 9 war'''. rho. df/1\ oorupo, 1.; 1 . A 1.1, • hl treo or. ro! ...1 . •.' r. .° lll F- 1, al.!! • r!....•• DIS,OLII 10S. under the fir 1 9 411( inlemo ihr,9l-79 10 11u•lhe d A APPCI.II.• • • duo hr ,o ,111 1.01 . ,, I, h. -. IS 11c•hn, viol 11 deht, our, 4- the 1,10. firm 1./,l:irt hr 1- 1 I, P:1011orrgl 1 5ir9e 141. 1-'lli. IV II 11A15, 110 .1 1 A111. r l lll l —, I. 11 •,10 , P 47 .. 111111:1114,1 Ugh,. h. I h , 1,1,11.1 1 , 1 1 • • . 111 . 1111 Arh 1-1 ot 111' , . 1. I,C 1.1 1 :A 11l II Liherly rah. , or,o I,llle r 2 I ~ , tl.- ! jj r f.e - ti the •nt ?n uz7 T llV]ronip,p.-t•tr•- •k:.. - • .11./I , 1.^:W•• !. . the ',mile ol orattale- Lit• r. • A r,.. , ziyl.ll,lnlved : rtern.l 31..., ern, for ••••,,PhAlt: u •,• nn• atp1:47,0,1 i. .m 1 a me. notVcr•:: \A THONIA. BARNES. The umlero,¢), Aare thl. day ••*O,I,I(LeMA , u."• In the name ro:Rh,:& thc pu Of rrkuhr“rt Proof h he 1.1 the of L•.h Co:oz:or. I ~r‘e t i ro Car. wh re tiny evil, to receive the We,.filihomers of tr.. and Mel: (nth., I .MUNI, P.I:II.CF. In tout, e irc4l do t firm of'tt Horan A , I tont, tttt Ott-tttture roroton, tut dl ^m. But, Ltartto. to toe ctblfitlettee of to, r tu t tl the p0t.,.. Feb. t t , tAtN,TABLE, obit-tat KTIMIIEMO . ,- - - • • THE ”. , t. , r9116 oi N I . lll'll} /t I.F.E Ix t 4 ., day Air,. -;: I,Sfynai;;;ll The 44,(11 , ./ Of lilt Inge bun x;:ll , ettled 11 Lee. J. 11. NEC/11 1 1iy, Pi tw.. ur 0, Jµ' ; 311, 1,19 11 LEE. ‘Vnol n .d, Lim ...1!...11,u1,1%. We old itt...l 11.1.1./.; In rettrvig froileL Ow firm of orpli, I Vout inot,orr rw °unlit:nu, Nfr nolideowe of nikrowda n:“1 n. Jore.,'AJ. J 11 M ['FILMY ros , menbßiall,.e tthy 11, To. togetpir rOf pu or 11,/, I/K bolesale aro: r Dry t.ood, nod Gr.c.-17 ••. • t No WU oppoKite n-yroti. - t,o tyle am/ Grill 8+1",,,,. /11::411}11-.!,1, & I I . r.tOurt 11..,'ntanry I, -to N. 1 , -0. old:l,..totner. orr o ea ti 1:1t I;t , 1.. A7:4 T Ira Ar v. enttiii iota irar.rre...• :r wee rA 3... A I FIF. A..: r• 6 • r r. 6:6r rrr. Cop., NO I ArrAtft Iron I, ..; xo. iLI. I.r .•.r I . .imeurrr: erwrdinou qi vAr6 wrw-rwrrArra: w orllt I dti - rwr, A wrry• 'rorltr 6 , 6, r urn, r Co. C IO-PA tt.TANRSTI 1P- 0.1: el! "us!, h 1 v 1 n.\; ❑I \ I HENN eTT 8. 9ROTHCR I ntruat-egg..tal ragt.r 1•10.41/arTh t 4 crcnoo .. •. :4 13 I, ,: (.r•tc , -41 NVII.I, rt,..: 1., • 4..1.1 ,4441 I, pilx 114,4,•, 1. . • .11 f.,: ~• n. 4.• • •,. ~ .e4per (II Le'•' tnc Urdo r, at ‘VI-: .‘ .11 1 , 11.1 I.Z ! larhmer, ' er. " '''' k". Itr - rt4rttl r tor woe - rk tot ttott tt tor a.:l koala to tiotittro tar ry te, my low rtoo ,11IN I Nett ., `Orr +or", gar,. g root., machos., rt, rtottrot, jar A. ,ktkolr, and bond totttott root tool. ,tt g,• All Itto,tk oNtrotto, tow* to nrttrr. or pit.. trtr • co for scant., I.tetursok mot. •t r rot rryr RIM,* Jo—knurled y, Clo Id • h . {Lark Our Ylk Vito, PctiOek rt. I'o la. A brat ' 13001 k: TRADE. AA It 1 . I'III,IE A'11,0,/,.-. A Ler. Obor , elate, Cocoma o gle. •In•treal Ilmrer r ~ W Baiter.. Arlefleb/1 roe French l'herelate, Vrepar. r „ r Erman, Past., aroma, l'woo lihana,"Ae. „„ r„ . •rn I, I rp) r ei rearm... Ishs arm. parehrMe I. .1 -re Ma.. j Sct hes( prentuem of Comm. free from aMeerrateM r II ". ,r„. A m .,.„ ,„.,, , mem mermeos Mee Ire nr fl.l yinlll7 ueml• m,lMl,rth 0,1 ...mi. Me •,..rrlert rerememr, r0,43v. art.rler, by 1,.. tooeutsetur...l by hoar. oml sr.. I ,011:/.1 eanto„ o me .1 55 1 . 51 mfr. It D II . ltroom 411•1 .lehrme, polgtehle, Mere- Aot Y e. IS. ~,,,,s • mt ree , MlTererMs, Mgt 5 , •Tm, .T.l! ragrover• ether, orr pre, red by melt esteem phyaicinga, sup,roof rprkrx.".. mnsuthetuna ormworth are ulmoy• .1550. In any tmant,th by the mOgII* Co. me N 5 rrls nio., 1 yol -y9 , rP,^tablr mties. ohd eel I nem,. Ilmer•,l ern v H0. , 011. Jame., 11l MW. , tr. re. Ilartinr , l. Cm. Ile•sey 4 Murray, Neat Yorkr bream men, • roomer V 13rundi60,041, tn, . ead ge,log 1 L.` Ciglonau. OW. WALTER BAKER. Itotris•sterdlata, Pot rale by attell IlAtiAl .ItllTtl".igU Wrought Watt Cast Iran THE reborn., bra have to ratorm pablia that .1 they have obtain. from the E. all the late and fashionable dr,. fer Iran RaMeg. both for notate. a. ventemrmo Pr mono ortsbrog to proeora hand sme patterns (s - ,11 please call and e.t.a , . and judge for...elves 11.1rog .11 lie fu meshed at the short mt nun.. aml be•t Menem. at the center of anal Erbcrea rime. Allegheny city. 1.A31, , !‘"1' A lVtf,X. i• • r; rtirrn rt. 1 , 1 Jl. Ilrieher I) I) .11.111 iil,oll,i o.r.splty w. 1,01,0 Kir rdninn In Ihr prn/1 `lra nl,l 8. tnrJonlnn I. nvn wnti nutn•rour mnr• and rn .nr• 11.34 •uin . • 111•10, ol England A nrw nupplY " 4 •l' , • • •0.• out. Orel wlition. .neep 4 " " N.•nob,er Hertnry ',lnn' Church Isla by U r Ilunots, Erni On hand and tor sale by H HOPKINS. nue/ Apo Buildings, Fourth If t At l'l/lfR OF 1110DERN I'MN -111- !dry, Lamp. of Arylutertury 1,1 Jolt. Ifudlfio..rl'h forrou. 11.0 s, dra am! Ylollel tot Atilhro- our yo , Ido.tralsortno /oat a;..1 Po. I r JAME.. 1) LOCKII' wl, oyo fliflf WI Wood M. N '" , -) . . Com;Joil ?Ise, rook, xotilm•ls, /oho I. net, I , .ry of Ju.lual WIIL enzravulE4. JOIINSTN 'S STOCKTON, c O or ).1)))1,1 end Thsrd •12. A. 112 , HE). de.—Aineriren Farnlves Ettel• 1....))).), • 4 C,r111 ., 1n knzxdont. •vo Oa v, Ikreottrur• rn A2r)tuno re. hr. )2,1 1.1).),-•The Atforaltur“) Chemstry. 12.n0. Itcx)i. )2 ono A. , . • Ann firms. ) nrin 800, 12no • OtnneAue An,mxia. Irmo L 1 el .frr S. Park'. Ootne•m• ~,,, y, 1))1, -.. F" ) " 1.011))2.111,OCKl%)Mill, 12.1 Woad 21 Coma, 121,111)1227: 1).1)0....0n ...I)) o 5ur,),..1 do, C1i..11).: Syror o•• do do .1 1 )erliethy's %lark, 2 vol.. 0.. I 'ert)•. )-12,fn .00 Ilec, .ruvo.kivr, Anglo.).l. NV.) .on on of Lt, ).1).1). l'e r• 'rte. Al Nlvdrot no Therttproles, ol) Erupt, ve d.• on cm or air, and W 02121 Pratt,e of N12 , 112)1.e; 1)2.12 .I)) do. . ao n .arev nnd ft), .supply of Ma... 8 )) II no Imo: end for 1)) ny ELI-It/li' a FiNGLIS/I. %Vold •1 iii i'irr It ENIARKAI3LE Tliß NIN[I,I —NIIII,OI and its Re ad account of it •1,11/1 to the Chia/dem hriitien• Kurd/can. nod Yerddls. or Level War r • and •i naphry ono of ter. and aria of ine &neon, Aar, ha Au•ten Henry Le)e , d , F:ay. I/ I' 1.. ;0 Iwo volume, with numeral ilitieullinns. •a rornartaid , re 41 delJelard, 1 , 1 ee wort I. , drore. Yu. ,a/.c decover, and tn. iorrona e pe,oll4i mural:on ',eh at we remember in •Irthier wort trave! or , I , rovery • • Alr Lay• on. nrya-•ed o'd travelers. In herot rn tier. ,ar •'oT he h.. int., he eery moth vitro... e• iheni aII - pi al that thr rr hi, lire:. surlt in any hoot travel, Park 01 1,1( b ra vr or :nor. ai!rrtiturout, Burkhardt not more trutlifiti. Frithrii riot miirr gay or Icel....nue. than the hero or lir Leek tr. - -I.ounoil lia•miner • - AA , emarkab:e vrorY. a the ere.' [An 1•. t: TLeten lee: reretve,l asel (At •sle by II JAMES D LacKwoon.G, c oed Ilrltlslx Peri. Steal Litergalttr•. I 'I ulna lthanrr:y Itrverev. 2. I h • I , l•ebur,•l; RrelP-or, Tn.• '4"." J Ine Nor, / 5 11-oct wood's 1.1.10n-oren llncerlon—Flonl,:y ' li nn,ure Prockltral• are ternnted Nete ork. imn rorrtertzeul 1 , tee Brno. tlealorre, :4 to - audul linen ryl,- col floe tehlt- roper. en are .t.thfal nannet of tee o r•rr ea IF— Moe twootr t Macs.. twine on Ise, 1 1 te••4111.1 1 1,/t• Elallinlr Cl,llllOll. ronet of 'he repnntn ern , lo o one third Dr .110, 1,1 :ne to,:ta e 11114,111 07 ern nn 4 . 11 7 wen rinno,tl In,ado. ail 7 11e1 •dvantate . A. tont., 141e1 •11 1.04. 1 1 4stt—t Payment to nonte in Orem - I - 1 ror ant 0.0 01 tht• foot Itnntnoty. • 311 /•11 two lit - / 4 1 ol tut,- m A ‘a N; a l , : l l , - Phi")' t o il , e t .1 ~ nr o i , i , ..k r o , ( - 0 , , i ,, ,, , ,} ~ , ,r : ::,, r - ~,,::, dealers erreralty. to.- t0.0.0-ter brands 'former., ro more had to •trave sh.m. b..i., i . ol....,tinicet. ih. rect from,. Le as . nettled to suII at ram era pewee lir 1 .II W Cre ',taw 5., 0 Ir.r 1 .• James Molt-on -5., l 1 - lamertat, hu, RI 1 . Alarebeau ss, RI i " 1 . 411.111 5. and 1., I . Rohe,. A St•.on 5., ^ 1 - t twat Hurl 51. I I . loons &Le wts Is, 3 1 - Warw. S. sum Is, tom • /Our, J. Jain, So, It ant us., f.htl I. , IVA 1 ER31.1 N Pitt Machine Works. mud Foundry. JOHN WRIGH...T IM as. prec.ced tO ..u...1 Carron and Worn.. flat ot ever de. , •tree ~ as Canby: 01.tct.0.11 ...ou :..... r r 50i..... i.,....dr, wi i ~ .rue or ...i bream% From , • , b... a. laeml•. SI s r;` ,. .. 'b....e1, 11l Kin b..1.71b- , - I In.. a, eserut as.. .1 for parlor Drewoug Fraser, Loc.,. Wet) d.c It rough, or de,,na onno Iron !their., •..., , ) a.! tor• 1. C., hot.. Pal : MII MN,. 01- , KP.-For tar r flange. of the Weal parer.,all, eft ha ul Eautes r o n g „h., ory t , r., a h r .. nben..., and too. of an undo CoMogo or eve. de.rrtpboia •s, in ..., e aeed a yet furnished eat short 001.061. Patterns Asa, In turd. for la visrhe Mall Gem - mg, nanthg, aka Sr•an Ptpe for 1 . 0 5 t .. A, not . 0..-. t. -cal nn reenrusurntlaunn the tho Factones. Cate Iron %Valdese Pasha aad 1001) i m heauly o ne e .• ...• 1., tile) are warromed ma it, get lino generally Orders 1 , ,A al the SS arell,ce w i our ol 1-1 , 6, I' la 11 . be fi, Tool Inlereele to ra.l. ...01 Palmer & Co, L./belly stroet, von have prompt our n- ern.. I. true:es arthe ramolariarers store. No Lisha. urt Flnrif *tn.-. Pot r ani. In adaintoar to the shore Pierer tO Illaekatork Bert & Co .1. II hioor..held A.,' mivanutges, they sr., proof against be. Co, ti E M •owr , Joh, Ira. & bona. P.tuno rot , U uachld s lAMF-a W M i eiDWEI.L. C. &J. IL Wl...Prier, wrote.... faille - COA-0411 MON COACH FACTORY, , Patent Geminated Gairwr. &luny and Pam' •I.Leancarr ln...nlaretd Pau forMed.r..l and ctiofr rA N t BITE A c.l. 'soma moor nuke inform I Prk 1111 1 is the eel,. mew of the kind trai fat ' er . sr In . tue poker 11,/,, 1.1 00, ere.. a shop on . I . been per an d w h en country or Europe foe rend- Laemkt tamove .- ta Fcalmat a ' `mad... savrt• 'n.. - y real porportes end is the onty one over canno n ed kn•rn to man, •re ~0 0,01..4 s. ..0 ~....... • It• ...I, orders • tor by whams the or fluttl can at yto the hu. cur ry•11... 0' , • '..1. , . , 0..1.. CLartut • Ila. mar, cy... the ear, the Irmo. or to toy part of the bud 7., rouehs Buut.•-• Poa too- 5 ' • A , ' .as boat , roo ember exterata.ty or taftrnalty, I. a dcbmic gehhe long e n s pert , - • r t... 1, Ulatllo Lit 14 re ot ne above work, .r,ssn. wefts,: shock or paa-with perfect lately-- •titt tlte tar. tr. Me , ea ar tor tennbile, then Ore find on, won the b)pwret, e11en..., ...W.W.I In .10 ernrt. o•I me mos. re ...Me terms aft Tna moor vaa spparetes U. now highly arcroved t., 0. , .•o'roß 010 1 , :.0 , lo L.. ~.1...• by many or ore most council Nomerit. of Miscoun ta., it. b•rornea ale - no , ab` M ser . efte Of mate- try and Europe, to whom um red and others whom . - •..... .rir 11.10.. a. • 1 pa. par Fah., ou's• mad am aag hone bht amnia - wan workmen, theY at may con.. it an be referred Reference wall o roar., tor Or• , „ lime:lust , 1.. I• , . ...0,, t.l a.i rriti.os then work De he glee., many thelaly respettable elluena t who bore - IS nr g ro , r „ , . ~,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,„ 110,11 cr „.„ , -r h,oak the unr..ftta or int put., to tin. oh., torn cured by rora . us of Liman/est valuable oppanous MI oter' . .np M ~, btarht•, N H Itepoira• g acoe... tin. be.l nor.orr, aur on rue or mole of the most thyme.. nervous tnrwrder• whmk I pa,: truer:ma., a. at rm.. run ne re... by au) other known mem. a Nt ors Sta.t..l., ' ry,, cirrfirs I'S II WuraLFN ii...,1 , ~,t .. A„,0„, serious othes, It has heen proved to be ad- A very taas. arsornuerat or commen t roe,. aft other 1, ft FR, -11 a.. ana, o at, na..r. io r a on. t0...1y adapted for the cure or the reirourang disease, ....v. 1.. 1.141 rms. to mouton, I 01.,,t •,opp IL. FAt . ft Of 1 FINDING , . or le g. „ vim nerve. headache and other doweses m the *hiss 11l bavam Ram* furooned on the Mom". notare. I 01 low :meet OW And :bleep Holes 'lsms, Leer Ica- ' It w alth tam arParMa• ea.° gm the andste 01...1 on Mt most remoitable tenet M. 1.5 the,. h e a r ., a e „, smarm s . rirmr, runt„, t.r.,,,,,,,, convey the mag.scoc dual with ear. safety to thet r cure aniwurosas, to L. ear le Diaphragm Pill r, for 11j - drool Water.' N" 5: . , 15 BA! ' ' ' '',V , '„':. LL. "" A r `,: - '""""'"',:. ' ' „", r ,T o ' r . ' , " 7.7, , ,7f, ' ,t/ t ,,, , , 00 nom ro „ or . or ., , o , ,„. THIS tam error, t i ts , r hove no , I to tLiS a t . n c . Patent r 6 er • Bruth .. .Weaver.' Bru. . La i r 2„, ae5. , .1 „ N r. ..15..1 ,, 1 .. ...11.0 .„ N p,, & ,a, f . , f ,. / (`/1., slam thabra7:aaPeedeteat:Ln,tr,thh,, I , !L ' :....e i n i t , L•, , r a o , r panned Livlngsro, Rona" A- CA . . ve Sole Am.. for the side of leen:nes . m • , - - -- - I trt defter.. paralysas, or palsy, gout, chorea or Bt. .4. 4 , " Patent thoprahrtn Film. for We ell ' DORT WINE:S-0Mo), Webber a Forrester, 1,4, , ~,r o . god , ~,;;„.7; ~.,,,,,,, fro. .p;,;;;;,;;;;. ties or Pettshargh •nd A tlegbeny I / Purr nob end dry liould. Campbell tt Co's old 1 ~,,,,,,,,„ ~,,,,,,,,,, “; L ,...., , , .. ;; .,.„ ‘ „ LL a ~,, ;.;;;,, lolls roDsrrN, Age, I dry Imo I astenarn a I-31. Purr Ic4o Pure /wet per t r 00 , , ,,,,,, ,rr0 oro I A•asts -t•ssyr - for Water AI (.010011. 340 Lll,slars). , lt:' also Port,. llama & Souls. Prue . Jule, thread . , tl , :au. , R.,..g00rr far ~o r. r ooorbor, 0000r.roo op ‘,„.„, ~..., and Iu e and ~ sle I trap , . rho•e atom' tot MI e - I °' 'a 1 privilege. sub the instrument., may he put - Miasma, und , rat 10 1'?. I red ,or tier, rertficol reopen..., aud min It had whole- 0 r 00rn ,,,,,,, ror too coo , or g r .„,,,,,, tee have Lee, ustot orte ur tbe above erne,. at the se cor fe , tt , iLe W ~. snare rl, Full matructinns veto. he given for the venous eherrts- other nr the Novt-d, Worts Inn Lora-nro .n, on mei, Or: 1 Au,013 WEAVER, J r. l cats to Ise used for various Wlleues, Mid She best man- ' 0..t1 1.)el peree, v ....flea that at as • useful 1 1 101•Ill101.. MANOR! l net for operuung for the eon of those diseases sot ar- . ..: 'at 'me r ....11,. to rerommeradarte them as a use . v • Ulm.; 1.1....0....r offer* ior mac a lame end splendid ,so be fully explain. le, the purchaser, and a pamphlet l - " .. " P P. a .". . c P mc P.m ' " rd ' r. Fm ' l b e . 1, ...rne., 1 rotra pod and mahogany grand Ae• full iaft his heed. C/f.Pety for these purpse., ran , ' .”" L '" ! " IP---! ''' "" I! A" PP l'''' A ' raft nano@ ultra nod ultimo Common's celebrated y prepared by the pdie . 00.,.. Ennelr of FOR GREKNWOOD °Alibis:Ma. .......,.. ~ The smom boat A MASON 4 ..,, i. ,, ,-.,,,, 01'' 0 r." 1 :Hoban AttSct...., t rt, e .1, 05 ,, 0 00, 00 ,,,,,,,, son „ 5 ,. ocit.l4ll) 0 WILLIAIIB. Yitte 0.. l'in•barvh ' He •,t ...little Pilteriniii Cock, io be ecru. to az., manatectured In Ibis rolln- THU AIIkIOARITA..I3 . ~, I , ,'„,l :ma. run. troin the roil., font .. l't ;R PI ill - ) LNG WA rER, , tcy , ~,,,,t sell: 1,. ..,,a rawer thee oily brought nom We THE strentton of the perdue is reopecartury called to I ' IT or I.4.ert, ',vet. to the Gar. IVI/ten re/wars torb.4 water pose by F.,,,,,, F BLUNIF- No 110 wootl sr. I the . osmosis eeruficalts: 1.-reoving ot I o erne. A. M .alto :1 . ..., ; ., 1 . ..rn- ,4 ell •elot.ince• I. 410...te in 2d door above sth j slt le Essars-Ilurlng neared a qumnity of Gold , m toe bench/on; 01 each hour until 9 PNI Vksiters .' en.o.E .... c. , r r.,, ern.. aster ut N. fora. IN A -City Reap 0111 be rale, sr pr, (or a few II wetthed by ) our Aremneter. I find the result proves faaM r"!! , oo I, nr the boat at the hour the naves •-, I , f tilbil L. ..l` a throrab..b ., ' ...A ale M the eve- Yet by above assortment sort F.II a your instrument eorneen and recommend rho ase cf i i toe Gorden. in 1 , 100 nip. al 10 o'clock y ~..:. J.,.. neer, n I,a-se. hum through MA Hardware... Cheaper .h.ei E.,..., , . ibe, go., to Conform. ex the best mane. for oL• ' Tin. son , . it • ,a, advancing. and those wash:. m '- ....fp brie r m. , ^A‘L' show A A .arc de !I - /N:A.Y. ‘% 11,4_,N & CU, Importer, ar,d M Manila. I Muting the real value ef tiold• Reath yours, I men Mt. da•tbt.'at r e •ee'll. .0 , 1 , 1. the time to spend a robot v •übm maa't wormy .., 1... 1,,,, Dealers to Hardware, Outlery and ..dd.. No J. i UNLEVI, Gold Dealer. , tes• hours. ft, to the smule and rhi.l al the city, but in I d a o rr n u „ re rs atmosphere. perrumcd with the fragrance of .• . he es. , more or .cm w tt . ,' at! II A“ -- `, A ,' LA M .. ~ 29 M mal street. aim ve Fmk hoer noes loamre a very I PitOherga, March 0 , /Ma. 1 0.• If, at rmule L - Pt ta tteat o °. amabab and . r hoop aud well selected mock of 11an..., Iniportre I - ot uneodett wait Cue tocortrsonmec incident LO o . hrr ~,,,, ~L , ~, , ,L L, c,,,,r0.„, in yard,. and ,a,ad,, dd.), 1 pr-maseemr, March 7, lo4y. i All kind. of Tfreshments except rtatogicaltng dnnks, as at t s e j esn „,l„. yo k ono r, orng n o d am, , ~, deterlsonell I. ell torresterod.otly Ina Slerctiants 1 M. E....U.-Don , Ehr. 11asuor emanate. the 'Aram- are kept on the • premise.. Ur. 'oboes, Plants, and ..... wet. p.pc, by merely Leming Mc key or Land , . 1 „ n „ no „ ~n , o 11 , r o o h or ,„ of ~,,,,, ~,0 , ,, nrr „ non . . m o r rE o na,,,,,,,er cre d m )our room, id. of he a ri,,,,, I Bouquets or cheat, flowers tor sale. Owed on Sao. : , o .c . ...... to the other. Ry thus easy poet., the ~, r enn ,„,,,, m r„r, and Jon i ~,,,,,o , or „,,,,, oo a m eommend it to the use of those gentleineu who an I del /I . AL JA IN Al' m a r N coons of water . charged, and all anew:avian°. fo 0 , „ 0 „4,,,„,„ L,„ 0 „, 0 they 0 . 1 0 0 „.., ~,,,,, ,„,„,,,L,„ about removing to Canton. In search of Gold. OV - change of lantiang made on oresamit of lam Manor , isu•lnccs arc driven off stencil(' Instantly, ~,,,, It gives • close apprentlnatne I. the specific gray: er - vrohoot Ups. r•wdtg the hilthr. It also bows sea the c;‘ , , ,0, ~. „, ;,, ;; L _ , ..._ „__. LL , L ._ , 4, _., . 1 ty or melt.. null wan certainly robin the adventurer I StalOtailst edvantau, of a imp cock, wid ...di to many i I ‘ ,Z,..C ; ; '" : " LLL , L ; ; ”.. .l" , ';';' , ' ; . .., ; L ::: LL : ; .„7::, ,, '„';',.,: ,„ to aecertasn when tits placer La reldtng Gold. cases oil, be •ery cOnaement and Deena:weal. I _,,,.' ,'„, L ,,,, ' ,„„ .,,,, , L,, 4 „7,i ,: r • ~..,.....,„„.,.5...„,, inartS S our. trap . ) I R AoruA"Toeß ! - GEO D. MILTENBERGER S. B -Usk...NT, alldva,,aa.bca va d l a m a e , l . ta td A d r t z th z, - ., - ,:21 . 4 . ,.. ..;.„ - L h lb ~..'1„:„; ,„%.-.,„.“„,, . 0 , ~,, „.“ h r, ir, , , ,, , ,. :r. ,, ,,, , :‘ , i j ., : m p ,f 1 ,,, k ... R ru i. , 11 , 1 , 1 0 1.. , : i 1 , 1 . 1 : bi 5 : , f I r i r i:i I : : 7, . 1 ::::e , e r : e n 11: :,o r tae 1 ; :hn.,,,,,,,.L. h.,,,,:,..,...:r0,v,,cd..t,.. so , Fran,.:. ~ ,0,,,‘ woo, r.rannliog .....I Con/m05...0n Mer. 05, W. I 4 UN, l.c ” `"d ` II ' wr ' '') 1% %tit NG& Co, I L. I : bos I.prdott A. a conmote u•sonment or . of the sole Arent. . 17 corner of Fourth and Market .0., , ,er..., - gas, for mit of pums and ion_ For sale at the . .P.' -- -- - :DAr EA f ~,LA RLA RD LAM Pe-An rate..... i n., k,,,,,,,, D r , 0 ,,, ~ „- ~,-, g , g LLl,i..k.,' VERAUFLAIE. INkuEblifilAr-I- DELL A ND lIILASS FOUNDRY. , ... muortmeor or eon.. , tr. tM s moritraied mann. b ' -' ' ' ^ AFt 1. - I . ON, B.! ond Itrass Fottoirr ha, re- . • - I der;. 1A it Pl l / 1 .1.11'8 I A-L Conclllstno Jan. taih,l64o. • , f ar re. and morror to - a o •r• in use •ftried to - - - b e o t „,,,, ire red Itta•ant .at hot on •' . .t . I. c 0„.,,,„ ~,a to„ o arr r aa .r„ r ,,, g„, r ,„„ g „ 0n ,,,,, no d , 1 L - 61 Nta...1.1V1...-- lire , Inn, of bicse so ,utiti rr l or - well, . avbere be will be Webyed in see 11.• oid cunt. I 0r ,,,, 0rr or ,„ 00, In ~,, no„, a , . „ r, „ d a ~,,,, ,,,,,, a I d ~,,r , ,,t h, m „ ,.,.,,„„,,,,,, ,„,,...,. i , ~y .... Ir .. 1 .! , . r . , . 8 :,1::;n", 7 . 0 p . :: c r n V o7Z'a u l'wt: h 5 : 1 : 1 • Sod • r end lantliant radt I ...b00r... LIM. Thmtterg and et, ar great percormers, together j !L oo rT e c , .. - ` A t L e• • .m "a'uf the " t 0 " .... ., a e,,,,,,,,,,, tun , ..r..1 IM::. 01‘ ,, ,Y .r. . r"'m I." tit, Iles, 1...: re. ,, urairlubratAilohts, LaP h A Im a a amm... " °( _,' PacL " .°! ' Am ' .M ' A -M L . L. ' rSonhdent " I ' ' . ' 7o .. ' •,1 "'" '"....' ' t h" ; h" o rd c' e r 1 ' ti n ll lb. , :mood. ra•t num imur.• came mom npor..• $„,,,, „ ~,,,,,,, r .,,,,,,,,,,, r r .„, ‘ v r „,, n ,„., , „ n o „„ of my own arm...tett . • I Ile st../ve n. , and Iste 1 1 1,. 1 g o , , r , r .L r ono n „':', A ro d ,r - O, , , b i o . ,„ A o ,,,T od . o A r C AA " b At ed ororl•I, nod athrrnatted to be ea Mr tr•t roatertu.. . , o , .., ~,,,, ,r. ~,,,,, nna ....,;;F;;;;; warranted to m be tea • ton every req.., and will be CT sup. u;,; 1 , r 1a v nt ,.. r , , , t , 1 a M a t n a , te a r ,, P r u , m ,, , ,,, P i n „. 111 .3 .7 , „ , ! , ,:: , 1 ,. 1 . r. , ,, „ &:• ,;,. n0 , - , 1 "2,2;" " . W W t5 - 11.a4/51 Ift market m Imbi new I °' 'ma • . Ity ... lor 5 gin. lour. respect. ry, F BEL .11, ! . drela No IN Wood „ *1 door nn '•h ,Fairaet from letter J R. CARTER. ta•ilvd ..11,01., in the /lent... manner I WARTED, For California. '' ._ Prepared mel •old by RE. SELLER.S. 37 Waal si, AE ts • 1t ,. ..... proorte.or of Haste -Cs A Al , -Arra , , 11.111. V mMc CAL nMa Oil , Nil , . I DEI.PHIA, PRP eelebramd !tensor Ride Pow.. an kr . n,t - !!' I' ' . ‘ -.41. K A ." At ~ NlEssf ... ,c),., celei,lbd l', We f-luclien 01, 11 NEW roAK Bite frrN ANL/ 11....; talll.l.:k Nr 1 ....,,,,,,.,,,,...„,..„ ,„ r ~ „, • • tarn 0 . frret.on th tt tehrotry Tte Ito/. and '.soroposatton OEPIERAL Attl - Vek AND Cillll,...rwi oFFWE ,„,,,' J:4 OIL, OR llrt t 0. ;',,. It 7 R 1 . 1.11 . 1.11 EATON, A ER'S ihICA PE. TO LIR .an re rm., ra non at n.. um, _ IntAl II )Dung :O SA In ll . ,,esale .Ir , .L stare, .111.1 0.01 ill JA . Nl. - TL,. ,•-•t.c., 0.. , ”Imrdialely after ! respectable Lannert. to at.. . • It r, t-ier,, [Siti•ll • DILI* GOODS. , lia../r.r air. ruled a. brother. woo dted of eonsompton 111 , .riongatteia Livery giablei ~,,,,,,k . , ji i. , ,,,,,,, ~,,, „ torn ,: I men, Irs 11..olarefar• tI , .. • 1 tfter , .. Cam - . i SHA C K L ETT off. VV 1 ' TL. ~,, Afar , n. ~.111, 1 ss as nal, •14....101 the COnstwlption ~,, . ~,.,,. ~,,.„,„; w„.„,,.., 1 ins, . to rt e usAre., Ito., .. -•. ...t . .to, Cllect. o- Dry Goode Jobb... or •1.. m. Conlidetto awl a .... reduced o low ' , nth the w oo , ~„, "„ r ith e rg ' Over...lst al, broom. ..a . • ~.. to 05 e Lin e . 1k - o int WtrOD STREET- wo,o /.... - ,/. ...„ ~,,.„.,,,,,, 0 t run .. 1„ L , ~,,,, ~,, 0,, hums. , ~ L 1 ~, .mer,,,,,,,, to thete large .0. , . ~ ~ , , I in, ba.i./......, e,ther at • 10 • tttt , to shroud, Lem,' for the k ttt the XlononeAriela non., , . „ 0r., , ~,,,,,,,,,,,.„ ~ job pay s front JAN; 1.• 1..1 ''.. , I J rnuni h, aft Fore a DRY att./I/71,n,, reecoa t ~,, ~t , t o , I most hole C. 1 1,,, ,./ 10 oIY , wi , l ea the shove per:- w• at au cm+ , 5' a ' a ' M " rror cr „. or ,T;',„. o . , wont of omen... • . mon du st eft to gtve porters slid Maim., tore, ..01 , 1., n .r.e ,a , , .!'" '-* " . '" L ''' '''' '111" "'''' ' ~,,,ily t o f a. relb. we his..t o- , eau hOl the a ova. el- at very low ran. frr cam or arprOV.., •41 ' ' ...KO.. Pl , ' ..e. l'l• all" aumbethes to the etueount of I ties, sehreot wall en .- J• • act cVel j applicant . , 110, stork . nosy full and complete, am a r': nor. ' ',. treermltt arty benefit thcretion, I, 4 ...tuah.e scua . /.0, ,t. .rt...t n.llr. We Lase s th e attennon of Inivers, es u c are deTnntned to „II AMY. L 1 'cam. - ''',' .b. 6 Dr. 1 .) , ... Med. large argue/mutate .t. . tar ob. e named eine, lat mela retremely low pnees as e ahem fa.. tat nn at ' 'me. 0,,,1 M " , . ' L '" .ne- a A r P--- Af I'm avar a kme , Mo.. see trust w.. 1 r hr. o • ugly° mune mtssfae• i „wen. an 4 , mereltsuu o Make., 1.......5. 1 I me , h..... , . lb.' .. am bY T. ,,,,,, ” r . , i ,, s. u+, 11111 10 1 ~ 'Ar lo Inas Inv, . - ,s. b 4, ' ... 1. . ~,, I , O, .r., , , en) 1,1 I ailVe cclnpleteir re-.... "0 1." ''' I'l M : 5. .„,.. N e 1 , so ." ,7, ' , , I L I ' LL I : 0 ; ; ;7 51:A e, D . 1.....z. , , I'l li ti 1,, 1 ) ,,, V . 1 . , .: , !,..1: i ll , . , -;/1 , 1 , ..10 d c o , si„,/,, , , ) „,. ~ „.,;. , .:, ,‘,. . t ' ,. :.: ,e , :..,, ‘ r,, , I : . a l a br , ...... , .... ,.‘ t , hr . L1: a I, rinu,,,,,,...=:,e,,,a1L%s \' • '``'... ' v., '..', ~. , 111.., mantled in t) adds.., ot ut a n, (Pokbram I 1 ' tot. • , a• lt, so titans titer wtal t or., r. 1., Ireultre ood Cl. • REMOVAL. : p....... what r, 11. W.( WI., , 0 411 1., II r by count 0 , /1 , 111.: subaerther ourt . o,o,lcl hts Wholena:e Eno.- • to im rat . ur 4 seri , eillelownero /Pr 1 .1.0.V5 . , , i ry Store to the turner or llaticock street •id A , Adder sty. TAI t.l'll A I'AVNIAN, ! gheny Wharf, next door to the l'erry Rouse '; ' No Al rerond street, I racloU7rdlf JOHN F PERRY 01. .45 dif Dentine, Aid ' WILLA Ail TIE 11911; - - _ _ I It /LE, EY . FOR CHAM PS' . Mafinfartfiref . ot Mineral Water Apparalns. w"un,,:,,..t,:r1,,,..!;,,.,,,;::.:,,',,,::.”,:':'.1:,7,.,. S 1 or rim town, ...out /xi rocTst,s. . 4"."o7,''%''..'';', " , ; , I , ' ; ‘' , ' ,. ' , " 1 ,','.`.7: - ' l ':' , • ".",' " ' Nn . ' N°" i l! ifit. ' ;u.ll4iin.."" '' n ' I rt ' ar n tprottratra. ma.; 0pr.....-Loa o ' l ' . w 4 rr u M "' OrTat " at s we. •I A N AA F ArAmAA 0"omIA ikon ."M m Y cA " "' -I. ` , „, ~, o insert.'„ , ~, _ , , , , ~ o„ o, ~,, , d , r ~,. , .., x manufacturing of Aline.. Willer ArnbtX ca. ti.t , p . , ... ,0n .. .i,,,;, ~,....,,,,.. 1,0 ~.., , iie prell,wlnn of Mineral, MOl.lll ilell. , an. I out - ..boubl be ottl.oe,t lc•At one. ; '....' no tin e.. ”" l `" sr 'LI , . , tth a s etl nub. and Pr. , I Hi 41 kneestedna "f of 1.,1, , rane hes of bounces. leer otth recent improvements on the cunstructiorr of he ti me Apparatus met tor repartee of the WeWrt witch aa sureeeded 11l adopung sm. his emir tO Pan., .011 after year• al elnac •t odyl/tact:cal rtpphos. try.cas applied to thr arts In klt•elialues mut Clarino , lash}, the subst•riher . come bero-c the public with, cubre cooltdunee, 51,11 oulm them :hr bean and rootmostomplete Appormov. or 11.0 mt. ru.rnarr of Mo. sealer iu H0te1......1 hos..bsoss ...nt san I, / al tushetl in thr 1 toted ,ntoes Ile aka dna, tont., ha. be . nr:rd•ceeess be bay ow t err, a.l , cse.), .1 ritenelve and 6. ll l 1n0...m. In both,,e ii.t.. dn. p.0.e.., arr.-a...he ;nom .11V1.1, .. Of bet oft -uper ort.) ul Apppl all. over move of to. Miler, .5.,1 1. , •b.- runty and yenta..., o r the War e , ome ra r „,„, wht, root r the Apparatus from a dtstaime may be msared I. at thco is:motet ft. shall Ira funnier t I, t. 014.0.1 , 111% nod so rote are a. 1., retry ..let) roller by tat. I or a vatr..., port ratite U. roams 1o a I. • .. 0 .11<31..frd 10 these wl.O L .1.,... ...c , Itelita ...., tfie •)' al sea .", to to. 001,1 t..c.r ..n.b.r• .. .. earl) alder ai coo. • ‘1 etn: EVEN MEM J M K. , 11 Lock Iv, , Do rr Importer of Formen 800, sj wood .t. tnr Jury, bar ;art Ler, .511111,1,/LNEOUS. Jx.ntEs W. t Modrrn and Antique Farnitur, , a, Twat, rmrsaraull. a.t..,rtm "' en c t O ' f 'd ru7[T. ' ,7 l ;e d . le Mr Stam,. at.. liot.ts :wprlvate ewe, con.l.4nsy ' on hand and made to Orthir. Tor r.,.ent stock on 6vad cannot manuicetorT in the wentern coar.try ` Yet epos •./ung purcaa, would do wed: to vv.: no. a coa l n.l :an 4, ,, ,,ined my pricrn shad please. Pan ol • • Rua, Cbo-c }clizalwth ob. r mit I 4.u.• XV C:prnoin,i,r. Malilii= 7 ' • m k• C ' t " 44.*1- 44 .1. - a:4 1 1 ei $0 .1 4 v i rnmat „‘ , . 1 ,41 1;•,&•. 5,0 g, A lc EMI F 7(T mod exre.r.rot.ol Physicom frool the r00n...,:. offer. to treat Ail ease. of a be:o.n, coro svott pronapoo-sa go.d socreor, and other largo tour, too two , ' prn e,I Al rhit,rn n uod<ntq si", hi. rule. ;,0/111JUient Old ea.o. Si.r.ciure,,cro Ilocuto4o.m. A4Lie,,yi.1.0., to MO tl.o-to or it rt.r cu.,. r..,i.0t0t1 or r 1.1.1, ,, ref0r..1,4 K. from the litoelre t0..1 nfl ri 111, Do,Kra”.. tue wotr, case. el cur ' " npl4.dly Improvement In 1.1.n05. -••" r . i •er tot.e..t to to. r t). Nlr ot toe tato.. Imo to, uott noon fororobl i f , nowt. A. the turtur; Letetto.t. ott• reeent4 ett..l tt• Num, rtl, liz• rvp, ot,o, utne• n . , °nal rntor In:noun nn n,I ~ nerd nlr .• bawl, 1,,r rn ,r moot vn,irtl and Se, n . n-• ,, ,ri-1,1 In 011,r,0 hOle. CI of x tirel, rid •inantnn• AO, nod on neronunOola• • ,, A; la 'inn. II KLEI.EIt. J W Th•rl.l .1 -1)1 , ,•••••,,•••.s r,lll fou,l .t‘ too warr Y •• k ••••,- A. ior Now,. 1 Clark W '' lle n gZa t '" vrZo ' Person. vouttlit: ••••••ti articles, •re telvttrtl to gall and re •L !FE a ATKINSON'S, tmverceo Wood Merkel ISCELLANEfIUS Manufactured Tobacco. 4S I . ' S X .r. " ; l " ,atlr it r% ""." "P 7."" 17 or do Pried. & Harwood'. " .10 do do .5 do do Prldl & llnrwooal • .• 5,k ,1.. 14 J R.d.10,0r, 5: hi do do .1 do do Wm Dese,on 103 do 'r Wngbd. 37 Jo 1: Andcr.on v do 1. T 5 do 11 !darn., go ftn,l4 Just landlng Irmo , trasner nd ocket, .1.1 f_ . by a LILCKNOR p & Co, or sal% 41 north waorr •t and Id norm wharves, 1034 I . loladelplda 2.3 ni a .lone. 73 21,111.. 52 /q.t. 1,11.1 .111.rr,or erytet s...sups 1113 La '• lower ° g3I I,golty & Ito% v., •33 & .1 Lure) " 5. In Alel,rod g I . c w,nor Lot., S.& C. plug Ju.t land., from .t , undr. god for en, I.y lII . CICNIIII3s Co, 11 1 watcr nod 13 N wharves, wyJI W. 6 J. GLENN, Book Moder.. "' i d =T ' lt Tte, :hove 171,7. C t.? n e e ryt r tr, Err prep•red to du ao, work to our low with do.. pawl, We atend to .IT work PuottoioUY offd trWit factton tU hi t ,;iv•-n trgard At nretnest and do rafolitv Wank Bookt ruovi to any panty, and bound onb .lol4lilly Book. 11 nutotter• or oid books bound c ur y o r ',We'd I Nome. put oo books in go to :contra ?bow tfitt have WWI, in our lute ore 1utt1..4 to NO Prtret 11,1. TN ,At NOTICE. HAVING told our root- tto , k to (7 II Gum. 'rah a •wwb Ono, our old t LOOTIOIM IWY berruy tan: tee poiroaage of :It our fwersdn sod Cot- Oanuor.t. Poi NI/EATF:R., IIk:I .I IINDEXTF:k Pakburth. Aug Ith, I t.. 1? H "RANT. l ' oinn i sinon And Forwnrdind , ilninliart No 41 Water .t auld Bowles, Cooking Stoves. , ARSIIALL. 11, CI.. Hound enuroh, corriint Liberty and Vi nod worn, ollonliontore nod naor (or wide Fioor and Counter Welt., of Mr anon impwwwidiiint..t). ntove, tor wood and coo:, Egg noweii DI rariunii Porlor and COMIII.I Grate, Iloiniw Were. dr.c. Sr They ono noAnufacturo K/Ica , cll Ronan-, wt., pven I .l'n gonorol in. Ito to dawn ingving it in ow. to nil of n tuna thry would roopecoully 11.1. .0 annotion oi tuna ond pouli i gout roily dt; oIIOWE ATIONOON. PiTtSII ,o 7 I eret at. %Vow] mew Theft el Scr . oll4 MC3IIIIOII 1.1 ...I 1.1,111111 W, 11/11.1, 1 . gory eel Mr. geld Mr, toconeko. for the preace, rear, will r1.1111111V,,, the Or Fehr,.ry meg t. •011iee NO. 52 I.Werty stret. Arrangement% 11/1./.. Ire.n med., hy 101.1071 itecy of, Lo atete to feetwaff level fader. Ifte e nethec equut lc o% in the 11'c for 1-yegee•h, Cent•e col, and rretetweete., ..!w e twol .1 (tie you rffee al l'a.• hwe Pme o e . 4 Cur ttio.a. I.oc,rea ..- 11 tfc ft...word ttureleg I 4 weiettr, fon orater, I. annaratter The n!a„a. du o , Vooal ohd Hanoi/owe:li gut,— lelelerlf lentegungecte. DreWtteg 11, 11111. 1.11 We were°, rfutrepeten. Profrecor Ity r e to•e wttotneo cr /north anal Itort;efong: finprovement oi theor pu le, the lerenripula taf t ec tea mret a rontwuraireee of the moon. patrong4t, Jer e , ttger !wham° cofoyed. of wywe, at, ,retthir appi) to the rrene tools Or. McLane In enessee. THIB t• nertify that I purehneed one Ist of Dr j Hel.anes Worm Sonetfie, .ome two snontas i 1.40 11114 save M n son ef 91.111 C, some seven yeam ohl, two .peons lull. sod Suburb the amount may sponsa navy yet I have on doeht hut was upwards of nee Won. nued from nun, nnesennog from oets quarter on en (Or h t.l two welte• lun g . HOLLIDAY. Ancute• Cr.k, Cann) en Tenn , Dee V. 3 , 347 10$1 MISCELLANEOUS. oetopiertl, OLOTHIIi I)ECE IVELITWDACenteIing and Oil Cloths it or the laleit egd4gOsi APpyrreed pattonts, and at prin. to soil partheithll,Al3o Cheat, to can be per- AllaseJ•ln any Girth.. Pll. l .l4lll4l44,eolUPridns th o fol lowing ou newest— EllEntlioral V01.24P11e Copular MIIIIIIO4. Carpets; nay du hell moots or vest r pR V a l B ru n t. In r l p y Mirk carpe..; raltlii sup 3 ply do flinattehr do do IVaperfine do do Metall° Eng.; • EXlrn sup Ingrain de Tatil.l lirt"6" do g/l ' ens . :l Door rook, CnnizilOrr do do Taged do do 44, 34*-JTapestry Adelald do do snit do Sholp . skin do do 4-4,3% IwPd Ve- 104 Emit's.' Planorimers net:half de 4-4 do Tebbe ,to 4-4,34 /El Oda do do d 4 wool do do Cagan lamEn do 4-4 worsted and 'mon In do 40 Venetian do Bra. Stair Rode Psi Cotton Dragget; 1.64 00001 crumb 10-4 woolen do Stair Linen do do 4-4 table do Uiglish Table Oil cloths ; Diaper do Borman; do .do do do Crash u 4 flora Oil clot 4 Annw-Drop Nape/tic 74 do do do Cnmson Plash; o-4 do do do Purple do 0-4 do do do Maroon do 4 , 4. do do do Carper Binding: Sheet Od Clothe, of newiranap'nl Window Shod. I.l l P :t * n " e Y % P urr o n.; 0 0 0 011 1 W eals ' tend y r' l 7or Opti n g Moit of Osroe., Oil Cloth. Rteamot Tores, to with we 100110 the intention of all who wish to id. nob th erm houses Or Illoalaboani as we will be able 10 offer goods solos, as they can be purchased in Ole East, and of the richest and late, Axle.. Call and <r emote. nur 'web haunt purrhasit g ediewhere_ WA rc. house, N 073 Founh .1. mchTl W. ETU NTOtlii PAPER HANGINGS. 91 /11 SERN. JAS. HOWARD 4t CO., ?to. 81 'Wood Street, vErouLD call tbe attention of the public to Urea V PlOOOOl stock of Pap. liarigmatt, which for va rmty, beauty of finish, durability and CheARll.ll, by any eglablishemat la the Unto. lksrdes large and fall agronninnt or paper of their own nlimufiemre, they act now receiving dare, 11111- rortation of French and English styles of Paper Hang onds,marchesed by 31r. Levi Howard, one able firm, now in Europe, consisting oF Parisian ruenufuctare, 10,nn 0 pieces. London do 4,0101 do Or their own manufacture they have 1C.1,000 piece. n'all Paper, and 1.1.,1= pieces smut glazed Window Molds, .k.c. breams, /Imes Howard & Co. have spared neither expense tier labor in their endeavor. to rival the east ern wall paper eatablishmeurs, both in quallty o( man ufacture mut vantip of pattern, aLd they am aroma+, ed )0 sounog the partite dist they have succeeded The whole as.rtment, (ore... and home niaturfac hog, will be offered o mons to low ati those of ..t. •ro manufactarers an dironortera ineto!Tlllf N'T FAY COMBB- 2' M ZEBULON KINSEV'S, tt , Al.. ket street ... very high back Shell Tuck Comb. 3 " mediu to 01 plant Leh 11 marrow 1,ertd.....: top 30 fancy top Untiale Phs'. //rod* corn Horn: Aldo: shell sale. addorted zrq, erold cony bora Ssde..l do/ .hel; dr...sing do. 12 dux Buffalo do Jo. I do Imornfion do do, SO .10 befit hog Bab liorn, d do 1 , 1 S S fine Ivory, ectta our. IS do S den o Jo. In bodr, 12 2 roe, S fine do do. 1 do comb 1312 or, 1 W• /07.11,, 111,..•. 'WM 114.121, PALMER. 11ANNA I I Ilkureenoor. to !homey. Ilanna k , •• of Depootte. {tank Note, nod , n•-•, . .• n • earty opposue the bank of O ' I ne l . recolved on deponoo—S.ya collect/ono made on nearly all • .., ••nlrtA m thel'neted Plato. The toghoot pre...pant for Fare,: a.... nwenenn Gold Adlanaes made on constgort,, d:Ynio pod Illan !weal tonna +pi GiIEAT I'S VEY FP l N *- VALt ' AISLY. 11stp Pnramrr Ser,ten Jaxc.tar l• 1•4 t• Tune..: masa-lever ecrseannelt Mi l k:A. Sofa, bunainr, Lknak Cox-, 111'r - thug Drala. LEV Eli OF IVIi1W1•11T IRON TAIILKIN far aurpasung every ....1 tg• a . ara”on 0 , tan o now extant Tu.,' d:., i•-• nll otke• aod ava agf • tdouranly adapo. Or stontololao. pet,. 4 .,m,d, • . • orno int when r • obed roma e, : 4 1/F2, AND III'REAI o - Thole anode+ nre11:731,• oatAie, kat, tz.., to 1,11 nho wtak to reono none room. ono onaert moan apartment tato a parlor 01 ,II,IIK room u• . non he opened and ..aut a: . - oneen.rao, wt.,. lin the beddiag raem•- en A x••••at 0n.1.1, r ~,,,, nod roil A Mr , rapea ed. •orro hoot ., nl of -co of P.t• dare Fne w roirser t. rour :o•ed U•.l sod I.ora, 1a4,12e Alto, al Water Apparatus. Generators, Pomp. and Poutants. oostoont. .td rod rot for et.nd. County,* am.' Liars te lor doming illdsaat Water. tuarther ',ono, alp" Tyra Macaw, and evorylltog appertatioug to Mr strove [mantra.. constant') oo Itand aod for sale on the lowest tenor lor arAttdcladdat DRY . GOODS,_ ka TliDI/egfr MICIIS—W. H. blarpby lona on .1i band afar. white andnamed galas, nrhinh he WO , eloseoot el /new view tik 14.11 V Tisr , rtvwkit mull me who., r r 'rot !tunlitner Onodle, at reduced prinar, an. DrArs lawn., Chnahnons, Bangor, Tissues, Ore.- aro,. llsfiltrines, Mummer Shavela n Scar* Duane. Rellincs, Mean' and Bays' Planner West, NUMMI, svaattsg shy abass, or call ther tis.elst 1100 Of liey Clon4m. anti do wr.3l to at noslaaat COhhtsOftith tad histsket .tn. /YID F , ( rn )ll Dl , l.s4S h Eth one —W. zh i ; plain whiten Mons, from floci plata Sort.. dcat_byrod Sorts. do; som a redtidt aaan harrs./Jaokooots; sod latched do; .ado atiiptd do. foil sanatad sasonotrot of White etood., spell on plan and filmed Natl..; Latech F.dg• HsKs, —at nor thantrt sort*, Ith and hilartet sta. Wholotala Roo* up .infra Ja . Sl Jol 4 I ofyth J h amoct bnyt , ta hem incited down. Witt to ode red fit the greatest (tarpon., I . llreisafterf may de pend open st•rannq goods at LOWV.It RATIOS than soot Info,. r‘C.ll-3... CA RFET, , .—Tne larg4.t ursetunrot o , Itru.rels Carpets ev•r rid-red l/1 tins city, I.r ra.o .04 Cur Pet Warehouse el' W. bl'enntock. No :...F °doh st romproong the turret and richest rty le and et poet- .lower th.", ever offered In the market. A.ll wtwant Itrurect• Carpets, should call hewer purch,lng coo arbor ,ul4l W M`CLISTO . A RTIFICIAL Firo WEE/le—Materials for A rubel al A F:our., v,t. Plain usaae pap,r, .poood do. Gor r cune pape for rotoring, Ptak .atreerr,l.caver, or °ve il, loon, bad, nor, and [altos., can he obtutaed at F II EATON & Trimming Slot, apl4 0.1 Phurth at I., , AIHROIDERY—Worsted patterns for , monmn, Pmno ritoo:a, Table Cover., Traveling Rage, 0.214 if rem lonely of rmail paltpraa. Mao, Worsteds of all color , and rhadc, thel pound, Coen, or skein tor Kale by apt 4 EATON & Oa, 80 ro.rthl ECONDIutI P PLY- , W R Murphy, no northeaat ear 0 ner or /Nand Market streets, hu now open his laccurn 'wryly or aortae - and rummer Goods, and boa a large acutrunent of Urea Good, of nei..l sqlea, and •taple (:oodu of c very kmd, all of which will to .old w. amf7 fig IV 1/00D3, 1649. T; 1S N FUN' & W I"Eit, corner Wood and Fourth IV street, are now receiving direct from first hands, large stock or Fancy and Variety Goods, including Clocks of every viety, gold and er Watches, Jewelry, French ar ComhS, 1100 ks nod EV , . , Waves and Hosiery. Suspenders, Gan Caps, and all other articles in their use—all of which having dean purchased personally or the manufneturera east, do g the last 'sonar, expreasiv for me Spring trade, ‘ r r u i L ll he sold wholesale at n• ;mall advance DPI cost. Coo•tanuy on hand, all de.cripoons of Looting Glass es, of our own manufacturing. at eastern pries.. rnh23 ENV FANCY A NI) VA RII.7I*Y IJOOI.I6—AI ZEE XT L'LIJIS KINSSIPS, 67 Market street -100 pr. One China Vases, s'd; 175 sets twist end eat velvet eon Britton, 49 One velvet Carpet Ban; 20 do do gent, traveling; 100 gron fancy Buttons, for dross,-., 10 All Nail Brushes, uss'd; lOU gro fine 1,11 Vest Buttons, and; 000 do do gilt and plated, do; dO dos rosewood 11a., Brushes; 1 do Washington do: I do Barbers do, 3 gm Fob Lines; Fob Hooks, Lime rick. Se JFVELF-V. kc —co gl>id lever Watches; al do de ached levcr Wswaea, In do Lepton do; 10 One dia.. mond hozer Moto, I don' lon gold Vest md Fob Chg., 2 do do OttardS; pron. Von, Finger Maga, (—M.O dos Is<hes Col'oo Gloves, ivied; 300 go do Lisle Tbrend, 11:07 top, k-e., 10 do gents' •,k thorrs, 12 do do k,d do; Ado ladles kid,'d; 10 20 do fancy top 01k. VARIETY UOOD3---77 ply American Pins; 300 Cotton Cords; 75 ps Paper abut.; 500,000 nbbod l't re us..on Cops; mugro dress Whalebone do; 100 do. .vory .'oalbs, Dressing Combs, Back Combs, /se. to. .6,10 & CO. art no or r . nook of Tr,rtnsonrs, ronw w rtiwnt utng their rt o( rtng 1.4• and Drew Fnnges. Gimps, Mac, and col d Laces, black F:ounce Lace. Buttons, rinds, Bonnet Trusntnes, nehts. ladies and rhildeeno plam and wh ey Hosiery, Shuts for men ant be,., Combs. Ivory and other Fans, Y+llll., Span Conon, Need:es, Tapes, Bob bins, ihna, Inc t.ewhtch ate, elder rat wale, loth wholesale and renal,, atibtr Trimming Store...! Fournb street, hetweer Wood and Market. soli - - - WRYER SPRING GOODS. Kinitklett O:I:MN IJDCAIANI Fr-,PI CM)"GO3,fi hll. uu vine rrzuhr •uprooes r( Etna good•dOrthg •aust, hn.l dc•rklet • Large •tmre of thew attention o huct.on •a:c., they cah cothStlcohy h..note .. ay th, vvi:l Lod It to :Lett Intere,t to czar/aloe thet• • I.' t. Jun i tooo,vcd, Nree. invoices a new styli. Dm., 'oovl•, Vrtro, Cassimorr•. Cott, !•iumsner co!•. Woor (Aeolis, Iris). Linens. Tsilors' I .ictions• s o , proven nool 1/rochrd 9h-exit:;. to Daguerreotype orate". Irri! s • 111'71:K WIIetKING INSTRU.III'..VN - to-or roa•ttrararro The•r• h:struaavata ovr r a:l of he r • ever mad,. crraelan, a . 2.3 ~ze rr durra,ll. ti mc or mlltr, oar•lr.all. a all proda,,,, tnh defined pc• tare thra.ore., •-•ee the ottvattr•A ot , Ar • racPara errert,. or /mending to encirrrin l•rtaLr:e.a. e tor rut,. 131::.. A4..rerll!avn,ler•g ,ustly brad Alan . teeti D.gutrrea. qt. MAte nab, at the lovre.4l raw.. ALM PETEFt SMITH, etncinnau,lth,o, I. not ad tbormed 1,43. for the 'talc of the Aim:, Inxtrutn,t,. A List at 7 tree. can be obtain,: by obtreFalng, po.t. paid, by. S F' LANbsF.NFIF:iNI. 11,han,e, Phtledetonra. • Imponera of FFAgaerrroirposAlatenalx, and Iton.ral Agent. for the .al• Vogthg,der, optteni Itliu EtHRIOVAL. Toil\ ri:11S , 111, ia.lor has removed I . tr. No :1 Mrtetet •trect. door trom Second. Thar, Euot.l.. Myst laser, he itc•perte: • patronage th.tim•ustotner, te ,c "gy p ot al Mat, rsw mitts as rxeru,tl thn mort • ..nth.. arod wan dlopatc I. Ai: on Ault. naroruuttrt el ready trradc Clo A. •r; COr.lp for rag], of cohrme. ..• VurtitAahlK 1.00.14 al: °tea rariener n 4.11. A n r "Thins. Collar, Cm . • , xr, 11,,,erv. Surrender,. roekri h • Se. Se. ke. • clam G — REAT \NESTERS ot tutor...Jou not •tt tlte public trenera: tt4t Mt bete Me. lareeet t.tnelt or the following named rt• clue of too OW. manulacture to thi• rtty —Saddle, Iler. noes, Trunks and Wove, .01 ofvultten eta CVIII , uta to be made of the beet tnatertoJ aidlore: "etch. Imre tet A.:eutteny county Ittelog ttetermt.irtl to eel, • alto...root tore, ...wt-Utley tauter Man hut been et- re• tofore sold It y any e totter ottatettettaten, I/I Or 7, Ite tytta.,l tn.rsone neett of toe oto rot.o. o ante', to to. sae reboot., N. 114-1: Ltitert) u •or into uth. Ate. Lamle mod, to order for 1/Ine . ot,Pt 0. ICE/ill V otseen erote, N V. aid L,l I.'n tot • 1.44t4 II este ts. toe ile tor IPe O b N elts Loose t..J..1 FAA: A II EAT. ovoCeol. N , s t.s.tst t-t s , )al lIIPOIITA NT TO TIIII AFFLICTED. Ur. hose's Celebrated Remedies. I J A.701i ff tlos thseaverer nod sole pro ' ['rotor of tttese sotto ootso•tr :sone fletal ot.d• etsol • so • ts rotor of the erleSsrtstest 01,1411• mcunrm c• to rote tsf •.stt. (sot •• t..!.• nolonse of tee t:14,44, •1 4144:1 yt.dr••144C:.1.314(1 •11,,d 14 4 4,..14,404 of slovale no the arid.. my, turn ennnection er , th h ~., pr,s ) ._•,. ',rt. l ', a and othe r of to• remedies. _ .... hr L.. ' g "•'''''' nn •I r '' ''''' til rnrunt Y‘sr •,.. I,y R. P. SF.J.LERS, Sole Alent for Pitts Moe , . rtiesu , ' , ,•, lum thamd.... Tut ,, , , ar Con- ho roh It NI CrRRY, Allegheny, A PATTERRON. ,„,„ „, • u.,. •e. ~n rfall. rth"1110 1 1:•ttl . A ohms, it,,,,,„,,, o, aull4:4yl Ft v , r ,o,.l)leue, F. yr, to ‘,l lows. ChrOPLIC Er yalp.. 1 Jayne.' S. 1 peeterant. In. aml xi' woe: ~,• ilate ',seas, ' m ru .ar to lommes. Ind'eed rem) :ono n, do., •, r nmsh-• muter me use , Sst.ra, Columlnana ers, O, Apr. 24., till. of n's rernern.,:o on. I, hat. :. •,..• ot . triT -' la I hy the 1p H D. JAVNI.:S: Das• Mr —I (eel bound to you ..., ~ ot ,, ~,,,,„,,„.„, „.., . ..,.. ,j,,1 „.„,,,,,„u„,, and An, allhcn,4 public, to strati myself of thistly., anth Phr stolo,cel 1..r.5. lint I. y the ..... tot Us ream- urn... or ermulf returcOY tO the aileaCordsnary effects ~,, „ ~,,,, , ~,, ~,,,.., ~„. ~„,, p„,,,,, f,,,,,, of your P.xpectorael on Wyatt(. Ilavinlbeen 'aimed el .il+C•lit. . for several years urnh a wean con beetle (ever Dr. Romer, TOlOO A , ti.r.r.r, re P.., when toed are In. ' end '''' r^rn ' . .nt d. dirrlre. and seemed only doomed o•rml'ly se k Nos le4;ed In , •,.. rp, ti, an miler, as In linger out a short but ~s , L b le „,,„,,,,,,,,, ~,,, ~,,,, . p0,0,,0 0, 0,0, 00 , , ~...,,,-, ~.. ,„ ey Inter the fall oi I eJS. when, hemp mom oeserely attacked. mut treere's rip... 4 fret front ro•,etsr at alo, ht. ! hnntlC rewo , eti to all my fan,,,,,,d,, ~,,,i the p . re _ uo, ,-0 ~ .„ ~ 0 . 0„L„, , Ir. ho ‘o„.,r, ~....e . ,,,„e . . wription• of taro of Me 61041 respectable physician. lo i„,,11„01,0%..,-;,..,,_,, .'.. a i e ~,,.,,,„, ~,“ he , , the nerghhoroood vihhoot derrneg any benefit, or the ....,,., , r OO “ ~..,,, 0.0, 0, ~0t., , 00, , 0 e 0„,,,,,,,,, w h at , consolation of anyvistlng [rut a few days or weeks or hos been Raul m the n.. 11" of the most •Sepocat I frthest—When the lam gleuna of hope' ,ran about to The allin,cd me ,1,11,4 or eall aro, me egret, and . venish e I bad recommend.' to one your Eipecutunti.- permor,grausi one ur 114 t DI.. .r . • parephiele, memo and bibued by that Beth( who does all things ar t Me s deuole, a. r ....; of es,i. rem., 01,0 ot applicanon." WO of tbe memo—and contrary to the agpematione ot Fon .ale . , ti, 1.0 47 as well ~. by most my physimans and fnenda, I woo m a few days 'wise,: D re gro e th•tonst.out the ,ounl : from my bell. and vu enabled by the use of a bottle, kr .I ger..., ur. ,ser A l'o. el tY, street, pm.b.rghi anend In my Mumma. enjoying since bellerttealth titin J M r0w......... druogna. ie Alarket st s I had for ten years previa.. , ~, A ~,., ~,,,o , . nour the Jr 0 Allegheny , eitr, Respectfully yours. tor, , W...Engt, 10. li.sro.ey,l,rttuatoo, Bearer meaty, pb. JIM Li, 01.,' P.:”10.1 V Clry, '• . 44 For street m Pulabtlegbh at the Pekin Tea More, 79 Fourth glars9 T Adam, tien,nr, n_ROttND NrrB-.-Mil bb.b . (brTiG o,y DOT 10-0 I y I IJI naglll WICK It ArCiNDLESB , MEDICAL. lltrUhe, 07 SARZAPARILLA w.■aer mad Mambas of Ur Av. GREAT STRING AND swim lizinciNg. Th.. p...... 1.., pet lip in Quart Bottles; h lash dare rbraper, plesaentar, sad entreated superior to say wed. It esre• M....tentage. yarning, parsley, de/t -en/au pr debilitating the reheat T. peat heathy lied typeriority a Ws SareaperMe orer ell ohm /tedium. ih while a endue.. die, II on•otoratn tie body. It ism/ Odle eery best SPRING AND SUMNER REDIVIEN ..... knee, ; II net only peruke the whole eystles and strellgtharui lb. ponews. but It enema we, pan end Ha a l bred : • power poteeseed by no other Medicine. And in hes the greed secret of Its troederthi •nocae It h. perforated elthln lie WI two rim% more Dun one ha. tboomted C-01 . 21 of worn cue. of disease: at leen. 30.0D0 .. p ad Incurable. It het slated die ...• of bora thaw/1003 children the those put sesame 614mAnkt Deltaic/ ALL mixt AI fil /Dix. D. TotetmerhYs Sarsa errow. parilla ie. We *bats cd+e ee permainady. Teo those who ea lea Pia. MO are. by We Ores. a( medkJant, sir lodlocratioa i - oraauttad yea., at the ascot.. IndoVen. pma., and .raeglit ea by phyll=ala a the ....systae. bush.* vast of Watley sr. prematar• decay and dedi basitedrig eo that rat. db... Ceseaorpolen, can be antbehr mooed lir ism p 1... remedy. Th. Sanwparilla Weep. SW' to toty DIVICIORATEICI CORDIAL. A • Miff. awl tovveratsfthe apse. rit. activity to Ow limbo and ...marl to the anweabirayaram to • nest cotrannt.a. dep.. ![:erus , !atle , a Cared. Claus.. and Stranehesi. Constouptlatt to b. cared Oosmocottoo, Lioor ComaLdat, Colds, Catarrh. Coy.), dethma, Spettutr 81.4. Aare:rues to Cies; Fhisk, N'yyLt S w at, Deffs,alt er uall Prefase be Linectsralio, Pain ix Us Side, 4r, hat,. hehe ymit cared. Spitting Blood. Da Toormaown—l verily belhava yaw Barsa hu parala bwro the moan., through Provide., of moony my his I have for several yenta had • bed Cough. h b. worm and worm At 1.. I ralud home quardttle• of blood, had night meld, and was greatly dabllititted and reduced, and did oat ea..t to km I bare only used your elaraapatilla • Owl time, and therm ba• • wonderful enamel. harm of me. lam now able to walk ati I rai.e no blood, and my cones has len rem re...n well y imagine that I am thankful {tar these soul. Tour obedient servant. WIT. MUSSEL, 55 Catherhum. - This is only one, of more than four thatmand cases of Revemallsal that Dr Townsenfa Sarsaparilla has cued. The most ...wand throttle cases ere weekly entdicared lay Its ertnerirdinary virtues. Janis. Commies, Es u .. ims of the assistant s la the 1... natio Asylum, Blackwell , . Island, I. the gerdieAtett ken uric the fullovrin; lamer BlacksroW• Lid. Sept 14. 11117. Dr. Tonsusestf--Daar Si, I have suffered terribly fbr sea. yeers wuh the Itheonvetima coneiderable of the time 1 ette blow .1. sleep or welt. I had this abloom die trusses pains, and my limbs. were terribly motley. I base used four boolem of your Smateptsrilla t and they have does me more than one thousand dollars worth of rood. 1 mu se mach better—indeed, I am entirely re lies ed. You are et liberty to ass this far the benefit of the aneted. Your, respectfelly JAMES CUMMINGS. Flu: Rita!! 'lg.::: - - .. • .. Dr. Townsend, e . a haymir lead Ids Sanaalls in ea.. off., of oar, receenoteand it. ad wee oorprieed to receive the following hoot a intelligent a_di reepectable Fernier a Wentehes.r Conaty; Zona..., "pa 13,1847. Dr. T. • De. Sir I be. • has cid, seven yea. of ea, who h. been several yeas.fflan4 with 1 . .. we tried elision everything for her, Lot •ithont .neee.: et it. etthough we mold and no ncommeads. Euo le year ciao/era gar ewes like hia, we thong... vary delicate health. we ...Id pee A' your Sarespertlia ad en very glad we dtd, ha- It not •My remora her waft* hat ea hes ad so rerun of h. Fi t e. to our r"at planate ad arpra. She Lebo oecoant roma ad healthy, for which a (at gretefoL Your* respect:hay. JOHN BUTLER, Jr. Female Illectielmes. . . ....... . fir Too noeurssera.p.rula le a wr.rezin sad epretla ror. ler Inr epenet Co.ompauo, Parreonosa Prolapses Ito Or 1 , 111.n0 of the Womb. Costireaear, Paes, Lew: aryl., or Whites. obstruct. cc "krarelt Mettstno sou, Incootteeoce of Irene, or lovoluotory Ilitabarge ot..rof. sod for the revert' prortradoe of the .76. muter .hither the ranker inhere. career or "".••• a.ducol irrnainlarity, ilinesa as-cadent Vt., can he more surpuising thm invigorating ef. r—u 0o the human frames - Pm,. noldiess aad bear nsde, fire. mho. it, at ewe beeorne mthetst and full of etterry Lew!, Its influents. It immediately reurturaem the nere5e......... Ise female frame. which uthe greo eoun. rt . de er...amnia It lard on expected. of na to deheare nature to exhibit certates of err. overarmed, but ere CO.. axone the afflicted, that hundreds of coos hore been reported to us. Thourande where families have beer. without ckdbrfrea after io. • taw Luddite of this invaluable litedlcinahrombeca c hietred eith floe, healthy *aspen.. Grant. Ettesaing to Illektaers and It n tire suf ansfinamt effectual medkim ferporifyina it, gyn.% and relieving the suffer-lays attarsilmt upon child birth aver discovered. It otrangthens both lbw am to,. sad the child, prerents pain and &masa increases imi he the feud those oho base ond it, think it at mdrepcomfda. It is tughly uselLl bath before and Arne condom:tient, aa It proem, dlsrmes attendant opal • pon (151 Firth—in e.t.a.'s, Pries, Crampa, Seiellimf al Fret Domedmicy Heartburn Fontidnfe Fein Main Rol and Lattla. False bons. H e ns ,bra and In mole. truy the secretions aud tbo cirmilatlon, it hes no equal.. The great Meaty of tins medium is, it la al • 0 . 1, safe. and the moat delicate use to moat somas- Inky. eery few corm require say other medicine, in Wl .CattOr O. or if •••••la Kaakkkla lodic an, and light food wok, this toadinins, lOU snare, • secure a rare and soy eattatationah Denney auld Health. C, , ,,u.un k Chalk, .0,1 variety of preparation grow ral, ....a. when Anatol In the face, eery nano spoil it iit'm beau y, The clam the pores Otte akin, anal-check the rlrculattort which, ebrin nature Is eat thearted by do.s.e or powder, oe the aloe inflamed by the alkalies need ...Ts. Moodie. It, ora production in the" ha man face Drrioe.o as It. as in the imolen of rich and delicately tinted venerated Moran A free. eetire-aed ealthy circulation of the gods. or the cottony of the nine rich blood. to the eatrernitea. a that which ppamm th. einintmence to the meat exquisit beauty. It is o ftha • nick impart. the indemnbable shed. erul flashes f cline*. that all vim*, but on can docribe. This the offspnog uttwe—qt my.r. ;t* not a lady .. nd healthy etrculaten. there 111 no or no, If the lady for as driven ono, if eta paint. use cesmetres, and the Mod is thick, nob] mil un. •he it ma beautiful. If she bat brown be •.i.I there is pure mud act,* Wood. It pa. • rk...0 bloom and a brilbancy In them eyes that in tas. Thu I* why the souther...if eepecially the Spanish sreso mush solo:trod Ladies la the north. who Lice hid lode ell{errlSll or are conflood is close met, or have e•osied lb., complexion by the application of solcierious mitten's, if they •ish MPin disehellY of stop buoyant tom., sparkling eyes awl beaetifhl nozo. alexia, they elioold use Dr. Dowassiners Saraparilla. l'hoosende • ho have tried it. tow mon than sist ate driirhi.J. Ladies of every station crood our ailloo the Ladles. Thome that mote. Notice Dr. te Toiresend's Saco panTN hat. I n t srubly called their stuff • greet Remedy far ' , ovules. err.. ec.. and have copied oue bill. and mrctileesh winch eel ie. to the compLnata of seamen, eon] tot eried—other men eh° put op titere, tense the vein meccas Dr Torrusenirs leareepeetlla in complete.. incident is recommended thews, although pte•ioully they did on, A neat., of thew llitotores, hi* Sc. are Won oui too;maim as they aggravate dia.., and andermnie up, ropiotitio. SOSIDTITLA 013118 D. This crruilcale concloalvely proves thnt tbi. Bananr he. p.rfect eoutrol mem the moot obstionte disease" n• Blood Tbree persons cured in one henna 6 on. 11. Tearnstrad—Dear Sir; I he; the Oeuvre to kr form ri that three a( my children hero hewn eared of tho rroritie Ly the tow of your etrellret mediae. Tbry were efllirted very **retol!, with bad Son. bete tetra mile bow bottles; it took them away, for which I fr•l ~Leif under ;rem obliketton. Very rearectrally. iy tAC W. CHAIN,IOS Dont let the. Dla Sereral tiinnand children died tu ttua et.) me it lin mold bare been saved by using Dr. Toni:nem:Near. ssparill, nod there am thousand. a children vim ore nose suffering (rep bad seers and bionien—intha n are pans and ircakl)—seho, unless assisted. WI make Otani. nate ulna arid enter, J they do not di, which uhighly nrubahlc. Dr Toirnsenil . • tlarsaparilla rill may this. it is peculiarly adapted to rbildrrn of slender erhatitn hos, and rhea diluted with water. it LI a delightlld beverage, and children love it diiarly. It rill preiraris and cure Ott D tio iarrhea, Dyne:nary and Cholera Morten. VI e trust the rather or mother ebb /a p•ou nr odiu re msa aa to deprive their children for• • dollar, ii tiesinvaluable regard, which will ...airily resters. 110141 SO health. 0111110ns Or PirThICRANS. Ile Tewasend ie oilmen daily reeeietng °edam from Phi memo. w different parte alba Umoo. 'rho o to Terrify that ye, the oaderes i mied.Pkystruni ke die I km of Albany. here numerous care. 91 •SCrlbf d 11. Tee nreekre timseperille, and believe it to be ems .r n.ket refeable preparations to the market. H. P. PI/LING, If D. J. WILSON. H. D. S. R BllltiMS. X. D. Allienr. Abell 1,1041 . P. L. ELMENDORF, ti V kg.Reakierro/.—.lfter the drat of September. Mir Dr P l'orineend, New Yerk (Mee will be I. the Rayon Chan,. No e 2 Sanaa 'Meek which le moo •11 thornagA Cl2lllgP, zed .all be limed for eke h Ike eementokeletem nlthe replete.. soil Me public. Tab. ye...melee .kkitte. —No flereimerilie is the mem. the ana nkMinet lie Tovemendlit thireassarille. vale.. r.^-Red on, .1, No El State •trni. N,. I. Nn 1.1'0.1[1 alroor, ft,o:on Soon, likrtAor 5, L...., • lloojj r,„ct, Salem • It Cr..., Wm. , .111 room & Gook 1 flak 4 & Koos, Aa .sod 31. plearally ... Uotto,l %tot., IV..t 11,11•., an.l the C.. , ; ,A Aetr, • • 45. 4 : k :r.ret A. . 0 e ' l 7e97 -s ' isl; 4 " . ' I,* 4, • .., AI ~.. ,j, - 1* 1. e . ' 4 4 . I l i' 1 ' si. I. 4 -i ~ 1 „',. , I r:4'; 4' a f 4 i 14 : 1 - 1 i : 6 , ~ , L ,F, , 1 t., i l I