THE PITTSBURGH GAZETCE )loluctatuan 4tirs. * Toe Fromm , —As . evidence of the - as entbestfam and almost itiploal pal:iamb of be Her , weed." , eee Vannt th e Itilki trend It, of the Litany el.fill*_ Nod by— .llfarOothi It la tio fonder , that the Filllegadams dela arell, when Dimpled with their ..-/ Pre Yeri to hi:alley tithes the riettal °fillet, long fat of °porcelain and grevaneed • :Luarry of Ilimgoriass cad Putts.d, Warrsora. ;, God and Father, 4tho hut bttnght thy people rtothe alavert of Egypt, and. hart lend them , a Chrigist,land--flestote ea to our coon. , - 4 - , don and Satin l r, Whig having been crucified, 21t risen, nom' re' td glOirrltegenerate our e i, _,- Mo t her of God, ho out fathers proclaimed 32treen of Hungiry tad t Poland 4 -Sare these oor Attherland., _ - • . ~'.* Stanulaukpothectifir orPolipi d l. S te paen, unit Am; of Hungary—Petl for 05 " e .... Casimir, protector! olpthuraulti—Pray for 0. Protective mints di o r infant and struggling mi llions—Pray fot iffe- ' From the slavery 01 Mitainevy, Austria, and Prossia—Delimre us / o Lord, -6 By th e martyr,doos thin th ousand, all. nt 'the battles of Bar and lestath4 who died for their limb sad liberty ,4 -1341iver use alt Lord l' By the martyrdom of tevety dun-muted of the fahabitanm of Prep, slain kiiittrair faith and their llisertY — Delivefos, h Cord.' • By the manytflo attar ytetthful sons of Lahti ',anis. alma by the org to Tie tames and In exile ,-Deliver us,diLord. By the martytdord cill the peniple of Onntiana. Strangled in their hilmels and m the churches cf heir el'lmeeeehf•—lleliver tati,bla.ord. [ 1 ^ By the =arty-Moth of aoldlert, massacred at Pis it'd= by the Pyitialsouvl-DellYer as, oh Lord. ,I.' By the ntUlghleln et soldifire immolated by the ,Smoot at Crort4iit by the Muscovites—Deliver Vim, oh Lord. '., „' By the bloolof all patriots dam for their faith - feud their bbeit—Vkliver tus oh Lord. ; By the monads; he team, mid sofferings of ell Per Local Matters sae mega page.' 'he elan" and l tlfilde of fluege4-I:3eKeer on. eh See meet polo foe .I%t•irmode 11 0116. ' L t . ') al mar ro the liberty of thy read ow 7° `' , :v . tlth it.,. eA Now roue—Let no one fail to th! ' Gnat us ' our antra and ' the emblems of our ne arside eater this head, In soother column. fit it tied—Webesacchthee,oh tot& so very rare, that a really new idea Is deveitilped l i Grant ee a. haell den too.:51 the field of battle that it La delightfully refreshing to meet with ono. -- ,3l , beeee i ..4....11Xi.'7,="d, the ~,p , ,.. of our ao beautifal and sablime as that rifv.led ils dui r . n .,,,,..1 ' iirTb,,,e,,,,A thee, o f, L or d. article referred to Z, Grant on the in.dependeace, the integrity, and the liberty of ouricountry-.-We beseech thee in - the name of the Flutter and the Son and the Holy Ghost—Await. . fi M=MEI P1TT813011.911/ MONDAY MORNING, AUGIISTA7,IB494, iJW. - Tim Prronrosos Dow( Oitera . Wabibls ,4‘. Oady,TwAVettly, sod Wookly.—The Dilly 7 lo Boodn parlors per wmom; the Tri-Weekly is FWo paw. 01. , outdo; the Tirtekly to Two Doll= PW onowor Yi wroodrot. iI7A . • • • .heit rava przefteabl led um. vrij .• ate earneady reqweebnd 6 band:in •ecore v ar., and as early In thedaylar Advarliseenenianotirounied fora crania invariably be charged until ordered 0111 PULL IZLPIIIA HO/ITR ASIEBICAN Asisertisemints and sabscriptions to the NorthAiser can and United Bunn. Gazette, Plnlndelphis, recorye nut Unsalted kola this stfice. • i AMTEMAIONICI , AND wain; TICK= ;Aoli csaLecoixint4cci. , Mtißir, lM . FELLER, of Laamt, Cemray. . Attie* ' 1 WILLIAM HAZLETT, of Butler County. 41MAXILLT E 4 BOOT. C. WALIEIs, of Boron*, JOHN MILLER, of tSbarpsilurgh. CALEB LEE, of , Plrgatl. MIL ESPY, of Lower et. lair. sonar, i CAICTEIL CURT[* of Pitolborgt s. HAYS, of Upper St. C. /WIN MORIUSON, of Antgbeoy. JAIL birrcHELL, of P.m..- wes.. M 41.61111313, of Pin::lld Ann., JOAN BYERS af Fuldlxy. . . 'The truth is, the Democracy will sweep Penti.,• sylvan* from the Ohio to the Delaware."—Tri This le the commencement of that wistdm Orri bragging which the Pont so freely indulges in short time before we general election. Last•yeit'.-?, the editor went alumni into =metes at the &riot prospect of Cass and Butler, claiming Pennirylv.4 M Banner Ma as the State, end said that if ansfoth Stabs gave Gus lanthan thirty thousand 0u4h04 they would be behind Pennsylvania! The:resifti showed that bin prophetic powers are aboul eqqil to his sense. He even went no fin as to - clathl Alleghemy county or the Democracy, and should not be surprised if he should do so ageN this fall. What would he think if we slomild claim Westmoreland county for the Whfga? Botr . rs man•writc themselves down asses, because thNt think their readers are hob. r • Taut Sums or nue Past_--Southern filavfiry finds It not only necessary to bind its ail:tic:110 thin shackles of physical subjection, but the migs Of allwho live among it must be shackled al4. Free thought and free opinion, and a Gee babfit box, wither and die at its touch. We ace it mated in the papers, that the Islaricovr, D.A., formerly of Bolton, but Who flits the many years occupied the position of Piesl4ut of Georgetown College, Hentealry, has been +s pelled to resign his office, through the odium klr, ed upon him, and the prejudice excited amify*t him by the anti-emancipationist. in that part of State, for the Emancipation vote be gave' at '2l4be recent election. He bad managed the ailaire , sal the inaUtution most successfully, but nothing cos)d save him but that slavery of soul to which he Wt d The Louisville Eumiher states that D. 701- cam, for the make of peace, had yielded 'Vary thing he could. He had not stilmenbed;for 'Apt paper, which is the able organ of the KeattOry Emazeipatioplets—he had not circulated ltd • bills—had not even conversed °pent; upon Atte subject. Bat he was not willing to give trepe last privilege of n freeman—that of voting necsFd. ing to his sentiments—arid the proelavery s hit said to hlin, ,, GM" He handed in his res4tteepn to a celled meeting of the rruatees, and ll:ll44ba c-,1 thedfately accegtgAL. Of a piece ahath this illiberal procedure; watike attempt last winter, in the Legislature of bint'..bY, to deprive Augusta College of Sue charter, r*t• Gutty because ft was not of the Methodist CMulch So.a. In commenting on this illiberal treatment oefer. Malcolm, the New York Courier makes the *is' w ing remarks:— 1 'A . _ .Could there tea keener satire no the prob4ed liberality of the present age, men to furinstiell by this incident! We are food of exulting id freeiriun of opinion as chameteriatic of this enontrY "41abi s age: we have many a glowing oration printout, d over the glorious deliveratice of humauityfroeahe thraldom of the pas,—many a boast of auperfirity over the times when men a sentiment. 'Work as completely ander control of public lavi asiWaii their conduct, and crate a difference of **ion was punished as a critic. To he sure, tacktidind inax4onment have gone oat of fashion aapetiOttea for the crime of thinking fur one'. sell—batifittra we not substitutes quite as elective and eiOnilly odious to all just notions of liberality nail fiefdom , of thought] 4:. Thought is 'free in this Republicarr.Garern ment—but it moot take good care not to diffeigrote the dominant public sentiment. Men emOtold what °pillions they please,—but they main be4tre fhl to bold none but those that snit the built :Vile in which they live. The intolerance iodinated litthe Wean:mut of Dr. Malcolm, is quite as tdgefeitind quits as disgraceful on that which tortured . and those who are pithy in it, would ore b€ ' a mo m ent, oat of any regard (or principle jos. tice,to apply the thumb screw for that Confiknon til tiowelcome sentiments. , - Then is satisfaction i n the thought die any ex cessive bigotry never fails in the end to dktroY itself. The South, by It. extreme- and: Caospria tional tandem ip regard to eavery, in diring4ore than the whole world besides could de to nre its speedy and complete extennlnationA ' 'i 01111 BOOK TABLE.. .1: Loewe Quattrazeltsvurw,—TheJnig orerober of this Review has been received havOnly time to note the etriustits, which 1 ere, Aatroatealleal observations et the dap! drroa Flom Beahle'a Lire ofrabit pet, Campbell; ear; s c ati ‘ k, Abbey!, end Ctathedrals; The . 14 - 2 1 4. Relation; Lyell'e Second Visit to the Salted tee; British Fore*, Policy; Democracy., of Fourth Street, is the , agent. f. "Sind of t/o Soma trAie.4 weeded tke' ;' .copkgro of 1 1 IVarkaregren, tha 'finial., mild* Nits cijagosg. 1814. Philadelphia: Carey tk. Hart.l j. This is • work, of course, of but fed iitigan, but they are intended to elucidate an lintergiting, though a painful leans American HistMtl Tia au thor, E. D. Inosatua, Baq.,tells as thattractNden . tat eirenureamee 'educed him to view e T nod cm which thebattle of Bladensburg r 'as ft./tight, and • desire to become beuer acquakttell, wlHa the state of things which preceded that: event, led him to arch informstici 014 ms m m frog va rious sources. Having iatiafied his own oiriosi ty, • hippy thought suggested that 0the146114 feel the same interest, and this led to this Oiblitat.ion. As for as we can judge from a contort :asqlona tlou of the work, the autho has Isithfify p,;rrturn. ed his teak, and done essential servicetjthetuse of ow 'country% history. I Goya:anon ionStrOl—Tian Chaawn;.4oute of the Looof.wo leaders,says the Moocti tonirhary. are already beenning to MISe a pent lido at.: 1 1: cry about the Banks end the Currency, and ribaoe up. on Governor Johnston the crane of haqing ayiendy extended, to en alumina extent,the ba.hltiniOrivi leges of the State! Governer Johnston jt true signed two or three Bank charters, tad j nntil be had 'admonished the Legialature 't Anser c branch of which wee Loccifoco, of the imprlriety of the extension 6f the banking prtilleg and the re-chartering of that did no 4 keeiijiheir paper at par, and above satiafa,torily thht tlyeYrorcre in a soand and healthy condition, and ioliCable. if called upon. to liquidate their debts. Nakienotts applications were made, and some chatq , ragrinted by a midority of bath branches, and skrnedlity the Governor, and fur the. complying with lie will of the people, as expressed through kbeirfiepre seutatives, he I. charged, by embiditis kdemsi gognes, with extending chartered ptivilitis and monopolies. The currency of the contnryan now in a tolerably sound and bunny n°4010244 nd if ' 1 leit . to the cared such men as Governior Johnston, the people will have little to fear. The atii.iing op of old Fejndieen, b 9 Miring dema;o(ples, EE lweys tend to destroy coafideface and hapair 6iiscsevettey, and the soonerittadiimanteoanned bititerpeople the better It will be Le them. We nee ad:apelc lost of any bank, or am °thanks, but aiMpl4tuathhe requires as to say that petition ls to ise gued to 018 people by Wpias °PA cominueti,. op go the hurdh ingataand currency of ' • 17 ' .it Tiosoaszt..Steda"Ttiti fiipowing ratement of the teccipts,o three pr the ;(yßielly lines of Tele graph. ahga the 4i)cr4 , coizimercuil, shame that the bosinew of o,l.egiaphhig catistbe very profitable Althoagla into iidalicy;the amount paid for tele graphing ia„hot feW reins three iplarters of a million of dollen! 'We pert noi„ aware of the extensive business dee hi, their lides, Within a tew days, the DetroltPriva 'Mks; we have received private reperit of three xi! them, &mn which w gather the liillottring.recripue Philadelatria o.'ndl , ittslitirgi, 6110611 PittsharCiocintitui Ithdlouisville 99,731 Lonisvitte:and]St. Lewd!, • 63,312 Mattral—t 41osse Exemption.—The Legislators of Maine a r ifhatied tag Wednesday morning, after • session Wile I(ttle timed Own three rnonths. The Portlxo Aidvertisei says—" The Home Ex emption riplipy been sigrieti by the Governor. It exempts reel estate to the ialue of 3.51)0, and it a debtor is c the owner of teal estate to tbat val ue, then 000 Of personal property, to be by him eetected, in . nddhion to the specific exemptions al marls provided for. 'Lite ebarige is not to affect existing debts.'' E. Berms Vattoost tax Pane -- The Irish stamp office authonties have, by direction of Gov ernment, refused ID register the Fireweed new se ries of the Naten newspapir, in supply stomps for IL Therefore kr. Duffilt new project is knocked on the heed.--Gtoba This—tems4s the liqihnielphia Amermott—ts • commentary boon the !tniOposed freedom of the men in Great 'l:trash:6 !n:Franee, Proem., and other Ccmtleentalamerl,vrbether free—in eitate-e or othervi have :a direct may of stfopree mins obnejiiclosjournala4 by !mixing them and lock log up th*editars In tngband, the press is per fectly freiNin theory; bey itappearr, as to the case of tbe Haien, pm the, government can supp any joureal in MOMegli, by the simple ex pedi of recusigg,to sepply stereos. Cassia Johp i very respectable and aordi old bentlemen,bm entilety cif/eels:l 'be bitigines. • • • , The Mrsspriag stattnityresents the amount of money oi*. Itonpsth &On Treasury by the Co nal and Ds§siliOnditsfEn..M, Once the 11-1,1 of Apr last: e. Paymnidisost a-4=ml of Ose Public Works, fro the Ilthttil 4,1 the 2111 of August: . • James signel • John 610 inn . • ..... George 13iate4betger. Dual COMinhalonens• ThornalVenok... .1. El. N. K. Ben e.. . Wm. hfr.PherYnn. C.:11 - .1.12 - 1:,G;t4 Fund, to p.y officers.. 41,000 GO The alum presents • state of facts for the con templation of tee TAX PAYER., whose is coddled! wittEthe 64111nel:is of L. 04.0 extrava gance and frauds. Upwards of FOUR TTL'- SAND DOUAI:IS A DAY are drawn fro me Treaenry4tßO the hands of Lembo, office- W ere to be et's:laded by' theta without cheek or re. grain; laid tilted:ha an electioneering food to pur chase wheel io hetcrate th e system of extrava gance, kttd, jt =feting practiced on toe pub- Le smoke: We ashithi n. peisple of Pennsylvania if they ere prepamt to etton,44eapport such system! if not, lit theta OM and all, for RIIKRY Ft mt.gfe, who, If elected, will make sock an ex posure *tempts at (rand and peculation, as / officinally pin an end to the whole systgto.— Ifor. ' I • .Al3lofilllt for aid debts shi drawn_ :tffl===l=l NI/J.OlOlllllll STINDAT.-It and that the Penn- Ryles-etc:o=ns have decided that marriage is a. c: otl cohttact; and that they have also decided that no contrikt Olfade on Sunday is valid. The Items. kr Ilya that the question 'la nag) , agitated, whether rnennalto. made in the atAte on Sunday are law.tal, and' whether indictment& for bigamy een be sustamed whieve the first marriage and taken place on Idund#.—?Badon Rap; This repori Is rather settees to a good many mar ried peotde, U It t& true; rut marriage•on Sunday urn 1111i1:46i4 bat uncommon. In fart we have seen the“Onnovict” entered into, more than once, 4;:rthd Church, at the elate of aervice ; and thil time; and place ate Mien selected by pref. emcee: Tlt■ ' 1.111061> Cr COH4.+Thit 181.41 is 621 . - in estretade Idsgth, with #width of 22 to 117 cadet, and cotters an area of 3%000 square mile., being about tlitkalse ache filate of Matte, it contains a populantm. itt the present time, of 1,400.000; of which blot :810000 are -*bites, 190,000 are free colored., hod 800,000 slakes. lu imports in 1847 were 839.389,L19, of whkh 87,019 975 were from the Utalliki Sham Its Exports during the same period tderel 837.498,770, of which 512,39076 were to the : Inited Stated , 1171817 the number of vocal** I , teru wu Y,740, and the number of eesranCes 3 its principal bu es bo are the 5- 8 .. 10 , 1 . 11 . The *taunt of American to employed In the Wade with Cabe is 4,78773 too. 101.4195 miles oVrail road coo:inlaid and is succcieful operation, End 01 miles in commie of t °ataractic:4 It it well watered by numerous riv. no., surface, except in the central puritan of the id d, liversilled with mountains. Only two oh, oily ruce ere vet sated- Of the remain i-g tkreBB ,: tfis, now 'neat d, one is probably lutritue 0015 hall:orb. agnevitaral moored undere4chl: The eltainme is to genial that it yields taro ciops a year of many of its productions. if alto alnudds to materiads for manufacturing par. poses, and its mounkaindeontairtzeinu of copper, winch ; ate Worked to carusidertale advantage — Brown, Trueserept. tir Fin-mitt sho It roast !....This is the banner no. der arhihhdie friends °gibe National and State adminitiratians will rally at the next ensuing electio4 Mr. Fuller is the candidate of !bore mho are in Item bf economy Weld reform to the mange meat of; the! public, works' nod will be ropponed by ail Wbo regard the great interests of the Com mon wealth, which the Locorocos themselves •d -mit hare bet: . badly betrayed by their own Offl- COM The ple wautpist notch n rusup . Ml. Fuller to koYtafter their tittered.. He p saes coot the coo, Sagacity, antkiodepeadence t detect, .xpowt:ardi: f rrest the Itteat of public plunder I at thei . rieo papers re obliged to adma coat the taspsyers hundredsi!of thousands of dollars atonally,re will be duel • check upon the scheme* of rood and villitsy practised by the Lo voiceholder; male& nave enough to com plete Ilia Muth Breach dual, besides keeping the public World. to aood or4r. lutelitsat Lxolooot how ated eickook ags tql., mid sea have no doubt bat tbottssoda oldie bowel,: men of that puny snit veto fob`My. Fuller oai`that account. To the whip, plea we toy, baUp and doing. Unfold to the bre& e your bounce which. is inscribed Ful ler and rektm; and call to action the freemen who frTiro, tted cede of Pennsylvania to-Old Zack" by a triumphant 'majority. tba time for action has come.' lfori have bat • little Over a month to rally the kiwis, wad prepare fOr the ousel- Be up aced doing Illerefore at once. Let there be no delay.-- Circulate rile documents, and inspirit the Elleless audpugiwanu to actioaduid cease not anal the day enriettall tassed." — #4. Tot . . forrerpondence of :be Republic A NEW gDEA. BObtOli. Aug. 20, 1E49. APC it:ea is more of agnrity nom II drys thin ft nevi book; ey, than abl DOd VOlSlttabOtili nevi book. Mehra. Crosby dr. taphols have jun is•ned a LW , : honk—shook, the whole conients of which, wanll not IV-Capy more tietiTtam 4ohinnui ReptNic. 'lmmo type, ispiir and whieh yet COD; 'lain. not only T new but a *ery grand lam Them are .ine readers who will kroaonum it fanciful. but oihers will eft in thia.iory sciffolding it pre seats the means of ciimbing to sublime contempla tions of troth, or rattier star the reason readily aerepts of us likely to be triah. The teneirrre, which I mould introduce to your readers, to entitled "The Bears and tor Earth, or Thoughts upon Space. Tend. and Eterany. From the third London edoioo.'7, The vs raer beees his ..... . pccul tint oa that ma Tpotan propoadion, that a land •ous holy, =sing al,* certain distance fro observer, casual be peihroved to the very se= of LIMO in which it:Unwires luminous; but period of unto, although Infinitely chose. passes through 2tetween the object and our eyes. Per instance, 1M light travels only two hundred and thirteen thoteland attire Ina second, and so the moon Is 210 00ti trines distant,tt (allows hit the moon rises abode the horizon a second ad a quarter before it beqtnes visible tout The •on of our system beinE'niaety five millions of miles distant. about eight 'Minutes elapse, after the first ray fross the outermost edge of Mr disk reaches above the bonbon, beforejt passes into our eye. It requires arty two mioirkpr for the light from the planet Jupiter to reach usAand two hours for that from Uranus- For the ligsi limn the fixed stars to reach as it requires a tetra longer period. A ray of light requires, before tt4eachm the errib from a star of the first magnitude, from three to twelve years; and from one of 'hi. seventh magnitude, IPO years; and from one of tricturelfth magnitude 4 000 . . , nears. Thus we see th*star in Centaur as it was three year. ago; Vega ,F it was about twelve years yea ago; and a star of e twell,h magnitude as it shone four thousand y ars spzo Having presented these admitted propositions, the wnter proceeds logltOy . to evolve an interfer ence, one of the, most linblime, and at the fame time moshintelligible, among the guesses of science. Premistng, from the famllktr illustnoton of the ciee trie telegraph. that it dods not contradict the law. of thought and of possibiEty—that we may be ena bled to move from one fildee to another with speed far surpassing the rapithl4 n( light, he say. 'I now continue in tit supqmsition that I have hitherto made myself peYeerly understood by the trader, that the idea of4icomibtlity, which I have laid down, has as little tin do with dream. as it has, on the other stde,smth qoeation cf practicability With this Idea, we may maintato that it is p.m ble—s. e. not in contradietion to the law. oithonah —that a man may tread to a star to a given time sad that he may cheer this, provided with so pow erful a telescope as to to able tome every g iven distance, and every light and overco ahadow in thn object to be examined. With Mita supposition, nod with the aid of a knoidedge of the position and distance orevery elven fixed star, (to be attained by the study of astranoiny,) n will he posaible to recall sensibly to our very eyes on actual and true repregOOLIOIOO of eVOMISICOOOOL of hAttora toot has passed. If, for inameme, we wish to see Luther before the council at Wormer we muse transport OnfikeiVel in a second! to fixed star, from which the light requires about three hundred year (or so much the more or lees in order to reach the earth. Theaea the earth wilt appear in the same stole, and with the nine persons mooing upon u, its a genially mar at the tone ier the ref. median. "To the vicvq.of emuhe vv. from another fixed star, our Sevin& appnetes nom upon eerth perfarm jag his miracles nod isteending into heaven; end thus e very moment sihich has passed during the lapse of centuries doatp to the present time, may he actually recalled so:50 to be present. "Thus the universe : Zibelines the pictures of the past, like an led...nibble and lecoiruptilile re cord, containing the pitrest and clearest truth. And wand pfopagniea , lself irt the air, crave a( . . .. . eve, seethe stroke 'M the bell or the roar of the t enon is heard oalgiV those who stand ricairad, la the same momen t hen the clapper strikes the bell or the powder eiplodea, but each more dis tant spectator remarks a soli greater interval be .. i. ._ .... . .. . .then . the light and .pond, until the human e no longer able to plgeetve the sound on sewn the distance . • or initake a still clearer exempt thunder and lightning ere in reality riniultar .tna, bot itt the atatm the &stunt tbstoBer follow. the interval of some :Ortitltee otter the t o litre manner , uomeitiou to our ideas the petrel of every oeettrenee p:topagate themselves irro tht &stoat ether, upon the wings of the ray of light and, although they income weaker and email ' - " , yet In immeasurable distance they sull have es los and form; and. as Otery thing possessing color and fortis is visible, /Omuta these pictures also be said to be visible, Matever impossible it may be for the human eye utepereelve it. 'rims, that record' which spreads Itseif out fur- thee and further inlibc uaivenic. by the tub non of the light, ready and actually exists and viable, bat to eyes Fawn powerful than those "The pictures of til secret deeds which have ever been traussmesfs; remsso indmsnlable and in delible forayer, rote llair from one sun beyond another. Not only upon She filar cf the chamber is the Wood-spot ct(Psurder imfelstUs tiled, but the deed glances Culler and further MIO the spa cious banyan. 'bit this moment' is teen, io one of the stars. the image of the Orate from wh:ih Casper Han. ran was taken, to *enclosed in a living tomb for eo many years, in dog:ether star alasoes the dash oi the shot which kilidd Charges XII liar what need i. there to refer to thdrudual instance.! It would Se easy to crrry iretat to the stnaheet death.; tan we leave this to it:Wry of the reader, and only mimed that he aril not *corn three images no • childish. "As we imaginedino observer from a star of the [vela magniitode,!itopalale of approaching the earth in an hoar, .we will now once more sop. into that be can dy,ibrough tae sneer in • second; or, like the eirgetortnagoenc power, in an tomer: soluble short ti.. 'He would now Ave through the period of Poor thonaand years, with all Dont events completely and as azzetly in s'lnomenl of time a. be did be. fore in the space of Co boor. 'The human halal tt is true, grows giddy at the thought of such a Oahlseentiee train of images and events; bat we catgiatally attribute to a hasher ar the highest spirit UM power of damogushiog and comprehending with accuracy every itidimdual wave in this astonishing stream. 'Heave the ootioMthat the Deity makes use of cm measurement of tank. is became Oen, and intelligi ble to as 633,611 63 . 18,714 00 29,661 .115 .1 1 5:.16 92 . 7 , 9. 0 00 122,600 0 . 1.603 on .39100 00 . 15 6'90 02 . 14.500 00 . 17.600 00 10,093 00 $536,206 10 . . "When it is wrilten, "Before Gs.l a thousand yens are n one day," it is a mere empty word, on. lest the idea is recidered perceptible to our senses Bat when, as we tine done by sensible and actual suppositions, we nib enabled to show that It is pos. Bible ter a being simply endowed with • higher de. gree of human power to live through the history four thousand peen ta • second, we think we have materially entribnted to render intelligible the plolnophical tenement, that time is nothing existing for Itself, titit only the torte and repository, without which we cannot imagine its COSISSISI, via the revel of COlthe'ntlitiel erects." I have quoted nough to ntitify yin that this is no ordinary prodqnon. As an English optic remarks of it “Ltroited as is the apace of this pubheation, it mutinies a fund of deep thought which larger worhsoo 1111,0110111iell subjects have seldom developed It is most logically ounce,— Step by step, foam . tiedentable Femmes, dons the wnter prone his pint, until the omniscience of the one great Deily to made apparent to our Olen. tai vision and in go extraordinary, new, and clear er light." Man MORTALITY, Sr Su.—The packet ship Oxford, Capt. Goodohnuon, arrived this morning from Liverpool, reptitts forty-five cues of cholera art board, twenty-boe of which proved Isis!, from the 24 to the Gib OfAugust, after which time not • single cue °manta. This visitation of the cho lera happened hhoot the same time and ex tended over aboni• the same number of days an that on board the Sheridan; at least the difference a ruch ea, eidopuOi a cortam theory, might be ex• plauied by the posirMus of the two ships apoo the ocean. We waled suggest that the respemive captain. pablish their exact tat:tude and lonsutude, with the prevai4g wind, when the disease com menced and wherilt diaappreared. We are told that both its appetirence and departure at Me are sodden and welt defined, and taking all these facts Mtn consideration, we can supporie that, with the data naked for ab:ccre, those well conversant with the habits of the dlleseo might dedure from them soma important idrUences.—N. Y. Corn Ataaaau &actinll.—All the Congresalonal trims of Alabama have been heard from. and the results show the tern to Conarew of two Whigs and eve DOMOCRilfylt 6110131/5. William 3. Alamo, Henry W. Hilliasid, Sampson W. Harris, Samuel W. lase, David Mbbard, W. IL W. Cobb, and Y. W. Bowdon. Of the Legtalaturhithe Tutudonsa Monitor, of the 15th instant, arty "For the first tibia in the Instory of Alabama, the Wing. have the ascendancy in one of ito It retal iate bodies. The Renate is Whig. In Inc House we have gained 14 'members, and lost 8. Had oar friends in the eil/nifea in which these Irmo., no. timed stood maitUly and Glithfally by their can didates, we shodli this day have,been proudly eneded to annonhee that Alabama, freed from the bondage of LoenUoisni, was 'redeemed, regenec cad and disenthrulled.' Regrets ate awls.,, nod we have no dearrerto indulge in reproaches or re crimination." • lquornewea., Augur 22. Disapproral. of ill! Cholera, Fire, Great Ezra,- came, The cholera hal`disaPPeered front No eaves has been:tenoned far thole day. There Is an inpltauce of .C 6,000 in the :Etna ethos no t h e Cyrus`Hotel, which we. destroyed by fire yesterday. Atother fire occulted last hi,itt, which destAryed 'ur house. It is believed to have hero the w6rk of an incendiary. The pros needing* of the inkuests bane been suspended. The Government has adrift:awed a letter to the Mayor of Montreal, inquiring if he could not pre serve the peace of. the city. The Mayor burned, arely called thelltudesnal Council together, who alter consulembiel deldiemucie were unable to gram oPoo any: definite plan of action for hit purpose—WhereqUon the Moyer replied that in the present state of things he could do nothing, and was therefore unnkle to give any guarantee agliord disorders and rfiolipa. Fine of the Ifigurance Campania% of the city have paned reaohniona bi award premium. to all who will lend thdiii aid in protecting the city from the eneroachmenb( and outrages of Incendiaries A portion of the .poltee, apprehending danger to their lives, have :fled from the city. A body of armed men are paid to be In readinese, to strike the blow for Indeperdeneet All the Execonve Councillors hare arrived is town, and were in session yeaterday.and today. The excitement is My great =El2={=M= It is Important lot the too payers to know that the appropriation demanded by the Lei:orate Cas nal Comatuiroelifot the public wo.tis, the pre ileet Tear. ezeeetre ONE MILLION THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS !! For the troth of this, we niter to the het of aPPloPria• lien published in the pamphlet lama Here Is solitetent evidence of the rztraragantr, ranotosurr, sad FRADEr3 admittedly the Loco-I feces •to be perpetrated on the public moths, by which hundreds of thotrtanda of dollars are an- nnalfy taken, from the pockets of the toiling tax payers, to pamper party favorites, and dishonest • demagogue!. We ask the tax-payers to remember that now, I , under Loctoklco administration, the appropnatten to the support of the public snoring, exceeds SI ,300 • 000 a year, while the whole revenue from them will at:steely reach that sum. This is a state of things that should be made known to all, that the public may be able to see and polar of tee fideltty of the Cats! Commissioners tied their disbursing officers—Ear. Td. SCOTCH SABBATHS I have heard many curious stories illostra -tire of that venei anon with which the Sat.; bath is regarded in Scotland. Let me men tion one or two. A geologist, while in the country, and having his pocket-hammer with him, took it out and was chipping the rock on the way-side for examination. His proceedings did not escape the quick eye and ready tongue of an old Scotch woman. "What are you doing them, man P' " Don't you see! I m breaking a stone." " Y'are doing main than that: y'ate breaking the Sabbath." Another old woman's inquiry of one who, on the Sabbath, pegged her on the road, singing as he went, was equally char acteristic. It was very brief : "Songs, man, or psalms!" Now, 1 am well aware that many readers will at once say, "What ultra severity !" and will be only able to see something absurd and ridiculous in these sayings. Others, among whom I readily number myself, will view them in a light altogether different—CM apt, amusing, and characteristic, no doubt, but as most valua ble testimonies to the strong religious feeling of the people, and to that 'habitual decision with which many among them carry out those scriptural principles, regarding tho ob • servance of the Lord's day, which they have imbibed in their childhood, and pot into practice from Sabbath to Sabbath during the coarse of their lives.—Trench. FOOD OF MEXICAN BEGGARS Each one of these beggars averages and receives, one day with another, six clacos per day. These are copper coin, something over the value of our copper centa, as they only require sixty. four to the dollar. These six clacos are equivalent to 9 3 8 cents, or one picayune and a half. Each one of these beggars, it is said, fives upon two of these clacos per day, which is one-third of what they beg. They subsist almost entirely up• on frijoles, which is a very strong and nour ishing bean, raised in this country in great abundance—and also upon tortillas, which is a kind of pan cake made of Indian corn soaked in water, and then mashed or ground by hand between two stones, and made into tortillas. These two articles constitute their principal load, and two clacos will procure one of them a toll supply, for twenty-four hours. This is cooked and eaten principal. ly in tt e open streets. Most of these beg gars are the aborigines of the country cross. ed upon the Spaniard, and the rest are thor oughly Indian. ANECDOTE OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. When toe Declaration of Independence was under the consideration of Congress, there were two or three unlucky expressions in it which gave offence to some members. The words, "Scotch, and other auxiliaries," excited the ire 01 a gentleman or two of that country. Severe strictures on the conduct o. the British king, in negativing our repeated repeals of the law which permitted the im portation of slaves, were disapproved by some Southern gentlemen, whose reflections were not yet matured to the full abhorrence of that traffic. Although the offensive ex preessioria were immediately yielded, those gentlemen continued their depredaiona on other parts of the instrument. Dr. Franklin remarked, to a person outing near him, " I have made it a rule, whenever it is in my power, to avoid becoming the draughtsman of papers to be reviewed by a public body. I took my lesson from en in. cident which I will relate to you. When I . . _ e was a journeyman printer, and knytom -panions, an apprentices hatter, having screed hie time, was about to open shop for himself. His first concern woe to have a handsome sign-board, with a proper ineeriptiom He composed it in these words—'John Thomp sw, barter, makes and sells hats for ready money,' with the figure of a hat subjoined. But he thought he would submit it to his friends for their amendments The first he showed it to, thought the word ' batter' tau tologous, because hollowed by the words, 'makes hats,' which showed he was a' hat ter.' It was struck out. The next observed 'hat the word 'makes' might as well be omitted! because his customers would not care who made the hate; if good, and to their minds ; they would ouy, by whomso ever made. He theretore struck that out. A third said. he thought the word's, 'for ready money,' were useless, as it was not the custom of the place to sell on credit— every one who purchased expected to pay. Those words were parted with, and the in scription now stood, 'John Thompson sells hate.' Sells hate,' says his next friend, why, nobody will expect you to give them away. What, then, is the use of telling that!' That expression was stricken out, and his inscription finally stood, 'John Thompson,' with the figure of a hat sub; joined." n. T. C. Baltsmore, July, 1849. [S. S. Ale WHAT NtXT.—Dr. J. F. Wright, of Green field, Ohio, has invented a machine to print the names of subscnbers in newspapers, by which eighteen hundred papers can be di rected in an hour with the greatest accuracy. It is to be patented.—/ilthcaakie The Doctor should now turn his attention to some process by which every subscriber will be made to pay for his paper. Such a discovery would render him not only rich for life, but, what is of more consequence, the idol of the press.—Albany Joyfud. limes COBALT.—A new field of cobalt has been discovered in the East Indies, in the mountainous country of Rajpoolanah. It is found lying in the state of sulphate, of great purity. It consists of pyrites of cobalt 05.6.4, sulphur 35.36. The Indian jewellers use it to color gold of a rose tint of great delicacy. ZION'S RIVER. • Naha lxvi.; Isaiah xxxiii. 2 BY DAVID IVlrs. There inn river deep and broad, Whose waters as they flow Makes glad the city of our God, Hio dwelling-place below. Among his everlasting hills, It finds t ample sonme; And every land with blessings Whereet it takes its course. There let me bathe, and prove its power To wash away my aM ; For Jordan'♦ waters cannot cure The leplesy webin. There let my soul its thirst allay, Nor tempt the world again; For there as Ide without decay, And pleasure without pain. Lead me, 0 heavenly Shepherd, lead, Beside these waters fair; There let me in thy pestnres feed, And find salvation there. [Landon Primitive Church Meg. Improve rnents in Dentistry. DR. U. Ivry-, R NO. lota of Boston, Is prepared to manulerturo sodth.ors Terre in whole end parts 01 emu, upoa nr Erranaphorne Section Plates.— T. ,, tHsett• rrnato tm nye en,trves, where the nerve Is •rro* , l glnee rrnrl re.llloooo next door to the Itlsy 0r . .. office, Poo rib timer. Prilaberritri. Rt.o 00.—J 11. hl . l , addeu, F. It. Eaton. 1.19 Jon PLUNTIRCI. BILL 111, US CARDS, CIRCULARS, Metrufwee, 1.4.1ing, Contract..., Lew Monis, nsns cuss, cmalcscsa cams, rotaten, ae. ac pooled at the shorten notice, at low pile., e , th e dot t,a[mtl)mcß Tumn mart. D1M4NG6.1.2.1 run io one of the mat COYD. we•l • • Ilse Li o n. ttdabo diseases know° Alno.r/r.. 0mt.,.. It be. Jo no case failed to aurvei the ciooevt ationlion from the Faculty all quarters eine Union PIA however, thousands are nosily perish, nod thoevande mere are made to feel Wrfr botion•oloo by Ito, .Ispose. The proprinton of 1.... layer Pols feel confident that they Geer to too adlicirtl co, atedy wldch tonn has tested, and has novo( ntiled of moms.. when .• fair wild Me been gi en it. Pall and purchase • boa at the t. ; Store or talilidawb 1 KIDDi CO TOPICS NOT STRICTLY BELONGING TO PERM The following questions are often con founded or blended .with Peace; bat Mr. Sumner, in his late Peace Address, thus sets them wade, u irrelevant or unessen t al . I begin by carefully putting aside several questions, which have often occupied much attention, bat which an accurate analysis of our position will show to be independent of the true issue. Their introduction has per- plexed the discussion, by imam - erring to the great cause of International Peace the doubts by which these questions have been encore- One of these is the alleged right, apper taining to each individual, to take the life of an assailant in order to save his own life— compendiously called the right of self defena, usually recognized by philosophers and pub hoists as founded in nature, and in the in stincts-of men. The exercise of this right has been carefully restrained to cases where lite itself is placed in actual jeopardy. No defence of property, no vindication of what is called personal honor, justifies this ex-, treme resort. Nor does this right imply the right of attack; for, instead of attacking one another for injuries past or impending,rn need only have recourse to the proper ibti gals of justice. There are, however, any most respectable persona, particularly f the denomination of Friends—some of wllom I may now have the honor of addressing— who believe, that the exercise of this right, even thus lirnitecl, is in direct contravention of high Christian precepts. These views find faithful utterance in the writings of Jon athan D:imond, of which at least this may be said, that they strengthen and elevate, even if they do not always satisfy the un derstanding. "I shall he asked," says Dy mond,—" suppose a ruffian breaks into your room with his arm lifted to murder you, do you not believe that Christianity allows you to kill him t Tnis is the last resort of the cause. My answer to it is explicit—l do not believe it.' but while thus candidly and openly avowing this extreme sentiment of non-resistance, rte is careful to remind the reader, that the case of the ruffian does not practically illustrate the true character of war, unless it appears that war is undertaken simply for the preservation of life, when no other alternative remains to a people than to kill or to be killed. Bat, according to this view, the robber on d, who places hie piglet at the breast of the traveler, the pirate who threatens life on the high seas, and the riotous disturber of the public peace, who planes life in jeopardy at home, cannot be opposed by the sacrifice of life. Of coarse, all who subscribe to this re nunciation of too privilege of self-defence, must joirt with 111 T in efforts to abolish the Arbitrament of War. But our appeal is ad dressed to the larger number, who make no such application of the Christian precepts: who recognize the right of self defence as belonging to each individual, and who be lieve in the necessity at times of sorrowfully exercising this right, whether against a rob ber, a pirate, or a mob. Another question closely connected with that of sell-defence, is the alleged right ti revall or of rerehgeke. Shall a people endure political oppression, or the denial of Free dom, without resistance I The answer to this question will necessarily affect the rights of three millions of fellow-men, held in sla very in our country. If such a right unqual ifiedly exists—and our sympathy with our fathers, and with the struggles for Freedom now agitating F.ttrope, must make ns hesi tate to question its existence—then these three millions of fellow-men, into whose sonls we thrust the iron of the deadliest bondage the world has yet witnessed, would be justified in resisting to death the power that holds them in letters. The lover of Peace, -chile admitting that an exigency may unhappily arise, m the present state of the world, fur the exercise of this right, must confess the inherent barbarism of such an agency, and admire. even if he cannot en tirely adopt, the sentiment at Daniel O'Con nell: "Remember that no political change , is worth a single crime, or, above all, a sin gle drop of human But these questions I put aside—not as unimportant, not as unworthy of the most careful consideration., bat as finesse:in:ll to the establishment of the [peat canes which I I have ao mach at heart- If lam Inked— as the advocates of Peace are often asked— whether a robber, a pirate, a mob, may be tesisted by the sacrifice of lite, I answer that they may be so resisted—rnournfully, tie tessarily. If I am asked, if I sympathize with the efforts for freedom, now finding vent in rebellion and revolution, I cannot hesitate to say, that wherever Freedom struggles, wherever Right is, there my sym pathies must be. And I believe I may speak, not only for myself, but for our Soci ety, when I add, that, while it is our cm slant aim to diffuse those sentiments which promote good will in all the relations of tile, is filch exhibit the beauty of Peace every where, in the inferno! concerns, as wall as In the imernutional relations of States, and while we especially recognize that grand central truth, the Brotherhood of Mankind, in the clear light of which all violence among men becomes dismal and abhor - red, as among brothers; it is nevertheless no part of our purpose to question the right to take life in honest selfwiefence, or when the public necessity shall distinctly require it. nor to question the justifiableness of tesist , ance to urgent outrage and oppression. On these several points there are individual di versities of opinion among the friends of Peace, which our Society, confining itself to efforts for the overthrow of War, is not ne cessarily called upon fo determine. Pamav Laos Site...—Prrpannl by J. N. Wlllaarn .treet., N I', and fat tale by A Jaynes, No fi Fourth .11,er. Thu vrll he found 111 dellabaral .11.• ale of beactaaa In families, and partici:Just) . Int Mei tOcal.• H. 1.41 —An Improved Cbocolato prepara tion, bcoo, •ocmbotalln• of COCO.] nut; nooment. •.coroiing andrrdavble, prdanable, luirbly recommended rub, arty for sovvibi.. Prepared by W. Dale, Dorebe. tor. Maas.. !or sale by A_ JAYNV—N, awe Pcit Tea Store, No. 7. Fourth at. meLl4 Fir. and Illarline Inanrane•.—Tirt Prn, rim! PlAvlnAllo3 •OD FLIA InselLaNCl Con,.ll— Inad—e.mliose% to swore. upon every de sertiniOn of pro,orty, at at 41001 row. I/MCI, No 22 Marko strect. GOREILIC. Preget W. M. Weight, 11. D., Dentist, Oratcs and reudenee nn rt.. commie the Pt...vett Hank. %JIM Inwr. (nn 9 o'r/delt I. 12 A a.. ~,a !MIA ../o'cl.a to P.M. atql-ly irr A Cent:mann of Pitteharatt. woo bad fallen Into open cellar lifltt the “Grea& nre," opt owed hi. an. 0:0.0 ...ern tout he Wan enahte io refrain tram err. tete out with the ram A Irtet.d vita bad been using It A. Feline ttne It GO, Etut.e , aelent awl been eared of Tramirnall•m, cave turn what rematrieJ in inc bottle, and although hi. limb Wu. grently •orollen, be WWI completely re 410 1 .0,1 liner:l IR twelve hours and treed front Pant. This If but one of reat number of ea., front have cable under the obtorvatton of the proprietor. Prepared and .o',l Ii by & corner Ist and Wood, also, corner WI awl Wood .0 underragned ednrs for sal, Mr present rnm. jr3Ter on Coal 1101, with rim ”orenty notes of ground attached thrrain. T., Howe , le La goal order, and inn ground eanald• ernldy irnprovrtl, including a large garden and fine orchard. Ito erol Alm •ell,ll tieured, the .bole or tiny pot.° of 11. Illosthold Furniture, lin oks., Viclutes, &E. RUukltf FINNFX, No 91 Mertes greet !Singing A c odemy Mll on ll . l i N . tl i :A . ! ( ll ,w w o i l poen h ,, , t e u r , 1 . 11 . n i g .i r. , ..a: . :7 1 ;,. 1A.., *Ace store, corner of Fink .11 Soli bfield sU. 7 he Juvraik clots common. on Saturday next, at P. M. Adult Clara on Monday evening, the 'At of nopteruber. at n delock. 'farm.' One antler and fifty rent. per 'choler, or ton, dolor. for. lady and geed..., ed. don, payab!e et ine °entrant. of half the term. S I. IitN6IIAM, Procipal stoma Brick Noel. for Sr le. pirg subscriber reaftre for sale, the terrEA NI BRICK WoBaS. above Itawreteee‘ille. corteproeing Steam Rogow. ,o Mould Machine, capable of I,o,ierd Nested !hicks (out of thy clan . taken own doe hanle.l per day, we'll three arena of laud on the Alicgleray voter, On which are 4 Mena and abed.. notebook and clay aledt, erneatherrovra. true4a, Motrola, toad., der every Ineng requi.tta to rotp, Earner operate - . at 011 bolero 011000. Price. including the pito.. weld to use an tnatletne, 6703ne— loan ot pay Defeo made v.) , NN ohm. elle land. BBOLVL For par:LA-alma, addrest lIE O OI MERRITT. nogtretlif No 111 !doe ongabtta Honor 100 OZ. ..."„`77` "'" j'" "" .1 ." 1111Z AL " 1 1. . " F RF..411 DlM:o76.—Cblomfonn, IVocni Naphm, cinn- Ether. ~.t reel and for sole by a ura _ J KIDD It co 5( )0 ths2;:ciporica Root, Just rced and for ule nj, J KIDD CI I CATO 'm thus manufactures, mm r. rd utol for , sale by itm, for solo 11- (11,(121:;o1 7c0,1 s. B LACK TEOil -IA halleou, nu. 10 • .Noglong; o Oolong, For male b .ur4. UZ=sl:=3!!! jaT.; LET—A Dwelling Douse,jilshga„,l, nif usteal on Third street. epos. the Post Office, coniaming is room, with a good cellar. The shoos would I.e a goal stand (or a boarding house. l'essessloo gist n oti the fart of October. Dent VISO. Inquire on the premises. aura _ VLi ilf,R - A bbl. e tire fsially.foi aalethy . sogi43 g F VON DONNIIORDT SiLI. ...VASIIION.POIL tylslll McCORD & Co. win intrOdate:. this It±atilrallq, ALI 2564 tha i.ll .171 e . 0f Gentlemen's Mu. corner a Fallg end Wood 'wets: ..ansr.. IL; AGIC - NV ATM—Watch caramel= ara lari t. !echo atli mud aces new styled/ Watdb;jaat re ceived. atd vary beautiful and eanmaaar. liugl NV W WILSON, 5 earner Market and Fourth sm. ATC/I REPAIRING—Pine Welch repairing. of everyor manne, 'rY d"'"'""' doner by els • eorm, Pooh and blarrei sot bbls Lome& ,nat reed and for WC by 1 B CANI.IELD. 119 Peent u. g•`-.5 between Smithfield and Wood 'IIIIIA M CHEESE-197 boxes, jest vecalvedal the V./ Reiser aod Cheese Depot, No 119 Front areal. end for role by (.bral J B CANFIELD Q 8A LTR for sale sor2s - J B CANFIELD ou H.` 3 ,44 P -1 Y i'vltz7;"4ll:°'Joby ULASTINGLIO eltitor set; hi 8" F° 1 ' J 9 DILWORTH &CO r , OBACCU-5 box. taseCwia - Natoisirreiii, -Ter Diiviciani k. co sale LT Istag-2.11_ 17,011 TE COODF--A. A. MA•os Co, No GO Mat r tat street, netts the portents, attention of pal sham to that extensive assortment of White Goods. s; Jaaantst. Swiss and Moll Muslin.. Barred.. Striped and Carded; EliAllop and VIC.. Lawns, he., lee. call early at Ina only cheap one price store, CO Mn k et 'treat. •Ui2 s Pl'Lhl—a We for ;ale .7 ntletls F V2MI3ONNIIOII.9T I(NM 110KFS-500 Jai Linen Haiti's, (sin 8 coin A to fo) teats anti, ore for nit at the only cheap one ante store of A A MASON & CO. nutro No BO M•rkei R ° :a t tl ' A SO raiY. ;e n Te v t lS ! tg , and forlll=bte's and.. ' " noret IIer:ALF:Y & SMITH, 18 and 23 Woad V - 0.3 NIACKFMEII.-150bblallassaeboaensinspec -1.1 don In prone order, Cot sale by oarde BAGALEY & S . Il i7 blOLA.9Bl:3—=o btd; 3 lreegar a ud i s 4 lio r tita i la PANIBII SWAMI-50000 "Pert" Frlaelpe "d Haynon Hagar . , for sale by eurdt LIAGALEV t SMITH_ OAP SUGARS--10u bbl. KnottmlimmberS .ale by aura 3AGALEY &eunlf o ,o lT , G er h. y tz an en sekend ; f York and Baltimore So Urge ud le Leather, Ilortthech French Cat! .web they have J., reeethed for the fall trade. ate% Yr() TA Ns Es , -6“) Salted PIMA Kip Skins, Jolt recrived and for sale by aur..4 TANN maw OlL—Carrier's Knives, fulner., Chtor ly ine stones, &c., constant ly hood and for sale by bolt:{ WM YQUNO & CO. 143 Llbeny or MINDER YARDS 41 , `0 LKASF, FROM , 0 . 1 . 0 1 7 .4,, Tg 44 ,, V n T , 1 1 ": 1 1029. E t,n,or ol Lot h g"" WM. 11 4 ' LT/t n rICII:I7nON, Al IL Darlington% Fourth at FALL FASHION. S MOORE, 7$ Wood .tenet, MII Intr o- doer ihe Fad Pty be of HATS on the 2.511 — . ortn,“, .r be ably of 5710 cannot be aurrused. ouc24.d. =Mtn=E mew sgKINNER, . . F.N En AI. AtiF.NC Cosarni..ion and Forma& ,rg Merchants. No .26 Market et. Pittsburgh. Ps. 1:- r Prompt stleotton gsvrn to the purcht.e sod We f a,l ot Product.. Kurz ro—Jobn %Van & CO, Murphy, WII•on& Co. P , ncourgll, Lawson & Hill, Mahlon Martin, . John 11. 0r..,... & Co., Gant. Elliott to Co- I, ntle,phia. H. W. tlnotieproal & Co. Gulls & Nang 1..1,0n, t r , Fr. Nkioner, Hon. C. D. Coln, J Youngstown, 0.; W. I._ Stan dart -ve.0...1, 0. 1..1E2.1 S Itere`q given. that the MILE MEN of the city o Itittt burgh have had a attesting, and rea,ltred after the fir. t•epteuther not to veto Milk at lene than the folinvong pries. ell tout a Inane cent* per quart tat lilt ttnd Cream at twenty-five cents. Mang. an,ll,lnt• Premium Strawberry Plants, A T GREFNWOOD DARDEN.—llatst's Pnre, hr premmuk plant, el 011 per hundred- Vlearria .114 llovel'• Pr.-Mingo. n4l ragas per hundred—all thrifty wrneramed Orders from a dietartee carefully put up sod Inrararde.l A 1.., *large collection Of lirrenhou, Tfunts. Fannolph and Taylor's Seedling d C A. 1111 N -1 BUS leave* the Allegheny Cot end of tan St Oat,. Str.ret Undo, tor the Garden-every half hour donna tan Jay me .ream boat Intl f..1:12.11 /LS rcgular soon as dm rivet Oa. as Kl JAMEY AVICAIN. Post mod Dtepalch copy. 13==21 rill: Annual ‘'ectlng of the Stoolholdere of the 1 Ner.cro [Aherne. Ilrolre Company. wall beheld at the To.I Roo, of gaol bridge on Saturday. :be D b "co,: A o'clock. I' p. for the purpose of elecong acd a Treasurer, f 3 r :Le;.r.tstlnlfzakLear. Ml= POD. /LENT—One of the all stores to the buildinc. corner of Thad and Market storm Aleo, Iba einem room in the 771 curry, of the same tinleinc —the latter beturr well adapted for a ..cry more, or would.. for ao Ice Oreato Salton. 00g1.3 B A GAZZAM. Jost. _Memory ano Dispateh copy It aCLINTIEIX. No 70 Fourth in., hasreceived Oita ,lay another lot of thoo lkaa bosom hence Transparent Shade., whlet, In point or boaery and neat.. surto any thing ever brought to dila ertilc het. 'Mar eNTIIVE—.IO bbl • reed and for we Ll . 4 0 BRAUN I RZITEIL etkEßtXttla az* _Naval:. Cberoots. far tale by ataal aVICIt 11PCANIIT.M9 Plot for solo by oorn WICK./.11/VANDLES3 111 DI.II-8 et. Cider; 4 do do do boiled; to .ado by at.= WICK c WCANDLV33 flfl , F.--414 blo Choc.. oted ...It= =to anitCl WICK*. hI,CANDLILS P _ skt—ta eat. reed end rot nit, hi Purr en= WICK k. CAND LESS W. G e 6 .4 " .:l 3—M° b" 'r9Z6ITNitISIrI.bAS I IL • rIITE W.I. tor Lab! by V Y augW, WICK et WCANDLEEIS (.:0 biz Calornaatl SOW>. for male by •nF.v WICK & ?IVAN DISSIII ( - IRE% kf CHF. '9E—COD boxes ism sec's'smad tat sale et As Butter .mad CSee.e Dep., by aural J a CANFIMD 1)11,-7 6We linseed, inn reed and for ..b by suet, J 12 CANFIELD LEAF .""71137EATIZr auB,3 I)E A GIL ASH—noo lbe idore i Fid Mr it dea rr au 01 DIVVY SII-10 est. for eats by I suer! TAMMY& BEST I "XV:: blUbb--Youo 12.4 prune ...bele,met! btis day mad for sate by nor& DARED PEACH}-1 act for valetry ..g 2 TASSEY & BST TO PILISTEII/11. 1 01 117 ati "' sta b :CO!, bor,ibirlilln 2.5 pair of Criaeiii founts Facie,. Lotter, dlilerent riser; 31X1 New.papor Cum 500 lbs Leads, eat order 10 Cowrie...a Buck.: Itri 100 Prowl. Near. Ina: 1 1100 Galley, Colima Rules, Braga Hitler of ao dereripttoos, try. A. JAYNJW., Pekin Tea SeamlS Worthn racieieed ram Type. .100,...,9_ BIAHOGA/IT Fl A el v et " ocne 4 rs 6 A li m puno P u t flari d u, ' lnt n t f l:67l?l,l: ne, band u verd sktenuive stock of MAHOGANY, and el , other wood metal kepi LT 1.10 nods sikauh Ma, ihe following' unusual law kneel s GI: a :a uon d Ai/Crotch Vous/ars, Hosu j M eta perlt cloati hoard. And Plunk of I thickness, well su.uu - Shaded Wood Veneers, from 11055 cm war Innt 6.500 n or the mart talperior nada llahorroty exv offere.l in a I Roseatrod Veneers, from 2 to 5 Om • • • rikon 11 Nnuto flatly, oriel Wage., Vet feel enelldent from our long experience, the ad vantages we have in Unissued sod sawing, that we shah always be enabled to Yew, on hand a stook i ttvP the men &opener quality and finely flared viva., . the very lowest market prteeal gored to the leate of the most fastidious, that may ba pleased to favor vs wait thrtr patronage. Atlantan peen:TOT Filled and carefully peeked. 11A WEI 4 k GRAHAM, 1764 I r, Centre et. tyro doors North of Canal et ationtdlot• V OVUM LAD/E6 SEMINARY, •III.IIUT. 'I7IIE AUTUMN SESSION of this Institution rolll tornsurnee on tbri first Monday ha September.— !looms on Federal moat, nColonade Rost," 2d door from Irr,dge. RAT. moon rat strpos or nos Manua Kii,i,•ll Department. inelodhor Reading, Onhogra• phy and Defining, Writing, English Grammer, Coola nt. lorir, English l - lanaporktion and Crinielsoa, Geo gfaMrph, I listory • Arithmec the bleier bracer. onoirtnaties, , Protoral P hi l osophy op, CheanAry, As• p 010.... Botany.' Physiology, Otology. Intellectual and Moral Seirnee, and all other branch. requisite to •le 'loch Edoeatlnn • • - - 220 31 Cliviceal Department, including the Latin 104 atTlah I,Anerterit, ear!: • - - • • a 210 00 00 French 110 Ott .0 renal, Thr• armee. of competent teachers era scented for Ruch nr ,lc•tre lorinaction In French and 0011.11, and ol.nlll Drootne, Painung and !dusk. It IR des rnoletrist pupils enter at Om co,truneace• meta of a wanton, rat 01 , 7 Ard dal qtly lime, nod ore charged al the abyss rates rota Ina hoe of rot:suer, No andantino. all Marla 22 ahlrednell, cep t It ra Res of protracted ItArcirs. Further Worm:Watt am, boob:Ward MO APP.U.. ~ 1 C fly celltna stuns Cie PriacipaLat Ids roam. on 0, Ida 10d2intyr tanr. l o 4 loa m " y Pidatt=bettacca 3d 1114 .tract s ', Sr by 2,lilorrana, tha Pittsburgh, Post Mee, the PrinoipaL IC W. METCALF. Allegheny, Aar. 7, 1212. dtf SOMA 1701tNEYand Camelia.. at L. Etd Coaau. XL Omer for the &au ftaasylvatati. 444 r 1.10 (Imo of Pittelnaga.) Itanntracsa—Pattbutth; l _l9 , !,mr. Ram:24 Lima tan,• td'emattaa&MClUra, Jahn& taste, Icc,•11. c e,cmpla;ll"Cad Elm cacitslty - ortErkfloil3 Ar.W.—Til • liAtnUtilitirlfiUßN -0 CYfti.uP/EDIA OP =MOIL LITERATURE AND A ET—Entml tity Spencer P.,llaird, PottOseir of Natural eeieoee in Methuen t.htllegthCertieles Itluettomd by five humindl Meal engr t vings. ocamilai by 3.11. Heck. The corollate worltwillfoßtwo volt' mace of ten, and the &Tercel aroma of NMee wW ectobre sep rate Mink co Um they sett he hoard fa one or more e par voyAOS, to snit 1110 UAW ate! COMMA, ene of th oscr. The Imark will be ptddiehed It tweet, -eve monthly pan., emetatteeltmlo the email of ecgoember, ON. Each part will =Aida Many plates, large quarto steel engraving, and upward. Of ra ev lettor rem N gUkt es sCRIPTIO PRICE ONLY ONE DOLLAR.--: attbscriptlon Hits Sc, already eproed. All prepara t ory y'mange:n.l. have been made to ware - the Ita, aloe coottunaboa of the work. Epechoenplawa, este clench el.y are mrtesed to this prone:cm, and au friends alrctence, litatAtara and the arts, ate irialisd to cell at the Agents' moons and clearable them. - Ths konoaraphie Encyelopedia will Is, printed is tha finest style, Os fine paper, and will -cover apa t a i t. o f we, p e w. lancet coyal cetera, ato whole adapted to practical ace by complete tadexessadtableriof con tents. JAMBS D. LOCKWOOD, avert M=l PROF. RICISRIif Rousocix. prs.:N eTREF:T, between Warn:llM Hand, baa resonasd tos professional doses, idssag h e m, Cana oe au ?moo, Guitar, and in Voenslidaass. onsgll4lll AUCTION , S,IaS, ;.'l By John TY., Davis. Ailatamaear. Stap4 mat-Fancy Dry Gina. • -On Mondayroomier, Aux. myth , ltlvgelock, et eta ComPeeroott Sales Room, corner of Wood nod Fah Mocha, will be sold. webaAlleaervee- A lame am:moment or foreign and dotneade Drf Gads. comprising nearly •Il the rariety asua.4 Item to a leave wad dry good* stop:, which may be exam. toed previous to the tale. At 2 o'Coek. - Groceries, Gceenewase, Furniture. Sr. Young N y!on nod In - /penal tea. Ve ret.nufermwd hovel writing end scrapping paper, wain end utt safes,s, spades forks. aim hatchets, twurspe. rent window dy nets, rArntel clocks, Irwkwlr glasses, carpeting, feather beds, Sc. A large andgeneral assortment of new sod second band household furniture. be. • . A quantity of fashionable reedy made clothing, boots .1.1 ebony hem cap!. Ana collect, rend surer anuelie, shot run, ponola. mullein! instruments, vari ety goods, he. noVIA TUST PUIHISUFG—The History of the Puritans e. In England and the 'Pilgrim Fathers. condHete to I vol. Loyola and lemmata in U. Rudiment., Isaac Taylor. The Genius of Scotland. or Sketches of Seo VIM Scenery, Lnermure and Helision, by Rev. Robes Turnbull; GI. minion. The Ilishary of the Chdreh of England, by Il .hop Short: Erskine'. Gok pet 13onnem. Harder Warfare of Now York. Th. Mount ins of the Bible. Last Day. of Wash.', by grip number. Cottage Lectures. or the Pilglinee Pmgress Practically Explained, published by Am. S. S. Union. The Wonders of Vegetation. f üblishmi by Asa S. IS Unarm. For sale by ECLIOTT k. ENGLISH, mrel 7v Wood et MYCLINTOsIK bas r 4., r ec ,„„d tonmcnt of CARPETS, suitable for Fall sal., among which may be found • general usoruoent of Tape.ry, Brawls, nova, and toper 3 ply Carpets Also, superfine, fine, and common Ingrate Carpals. We recommend all wielded to purchase °triple, to call on W. ht'CLJNTCKA. 75 Foerth st. Et gill PIIIOEI3 REDUCED BURR MILL STONES maoufnem- A red In Prance, cum po of but few Blocks and solid ayes—a large anon , meet, the best of the kind, always oat a hand at greatly reduced peer. ALSO—French Barr Mill Sum. of • I . la Imy own manufacene. made of a near •••• ud superior quality of Meeks. Thew Sons are made under my own superin tendence, and as great care I. taken to make the joint. close, and to Inve the blocks in rue atone of a uniform temper, they are warranted. to beef the • very bort qualtty, superior to those imported from France, and also suposior let the ere •t• mass *Otiose made i n Win country, and at rakes lower than bus ever Islam been offered In this mukat Laurel Hill Mill Stones, all eau. Bolting Cloths, all weraltena ar aw1...19.. 1 4a war ranted to give satiefamion to the puma..., and at greatly reduced prices. ?MB Spied., Mill arms. Scrams and Pieta, Plat form Soaks. Co. and Cob Grinders; Grist and Paw Mill Castings of all kinds, and Mill Fundshiste in gen eral. All orders promptly attended to at 514 and .146 Lab arty street near the Coral, Pittsburgh. madam W. W. WALLACE. MI YOUNG & CO . . ALL persona Interested aRI please lake notice that Letter. of AdMilliStfid. 00 the Knuth, of HEN RY 111 ANSON, dined: late of the city of Pittsburgh, have been granted to the subeerlbera. All persons having elann, or demands against the GMue of the rate deeedeui. are requute4 un make known ihe same in thorn vrithbut delay, and those'kuourlng themselves indebted to make cement to ZACHARIAII PETERS, Eth Ward, Pittsburgh. GEORGE PAUM, Ott, Ward, Pittsburgh. AdMilliStrill.llll of the Eagle of Money Manson, deed, aurkhdni. ACON-500il prime liscon limns; WO do Sides, 10_u do Shoordor, now ready for sale by acml W& B fri 'MITCH MAN, 162 Laberl7 at CANAL t{t , KIS FUR SALE— no antioei al lola, Abigail and linido, in Inc order for bed va, belay belay newly new, mile lying in Bann at Blairs ille, are offered for Fide on aceommodaung imam Apply to LIAGALEW & 9111M1, amen IS and 10 Wood a LONDOItf tjUARTERLY REVIEWS, FOR JULY, 1845—Just published wed for sale oy !AS D LOCK WOOD, thl Wood us Recently Publisberl—Edinbursla Review for /111,i Dlsekurood's hlogasioe for July. nus 22 ST &EILLISO MEDICAL COLLEGE, Tlit Annul course of I -octaves will commence no I We first WEDNE S DAY NM) November, If CJ, and COOlirilie ekmen weeks. henry H. Childs, D. Prof of Onetetries and atm of Women and Ch.thirem loan Dauerfteld, D. Prat of the Practice of Med rucherd 4 Howard, M. D., Prof of Omer,. /mire P. ludkiim, N. D, Prof of General and Spe cial Macon:gr. Ssineel ft. Smith. 11. D. Prof. of klamira kfrdica; Thempenties and Aleatical Jurisrmedemee. Francis Caner, 2.1. D., Prot aPhydoltrgy and Gen. era! Pethotoil. Frederick Ofernek, N. D.. Prof of Chemistry and Norman Or y, 81. D Demonstrator of Anatomy. Tbree I,semrea daiy, conanurnag a pfti gai .7 course, .ill bo Alyea during the month of Onloher. teorommreins the fins Wednerdny, on Me following suL ject. Minor Sammy, remarry, Poinona..llle roma. Meal Anatomy, an d Physical Duagnoals. Thie tonne ,II be seta, modents an earnestly arlvired to avail themselves arm advantage. .. - Lectures 550 00 1, 115atricalatron • - ...;7 CO Grat:foliar Di. Morseling Ticker. • SCO ' bleatertore cases alai Sur rat operations are bre% before the class Ample facilities are affortlecltotbrac area atria to parent Practical Anatomy. The warts of Wv.tntioo an =Pk: among ease, are talisape nor compound Miororoopti. Good Board may be obtained at from 11.311 m pp? par week. SAUL. Al SMITH, atorithdSortO. S. /oar. Dena of Me Faculty. ntALDWIN MILLS EXTRA. WORMY FLOUR...- . Jia/ The mhaoriber wUt keep constantly on band the aroma EXTRA FLOUR, which berainerronts eiprel to the beet brands in the maraca Famines are rocoest ed to awe it a trlal N C KELLY, attpftd3wr corner Flab or and Market alley W ") torr, A l D rom2 CßES' bli r s i h= ". , Statesmar " .o mental— ne u eddreseee and inmates Mute Prealdenm lb U. S from 172) with emanoirsof the Prceblite, Ilbnoryof their Adminis trations, be. he.; compiled by Edwin Williams: 2 rola live —melte, Lantartine's Pilgrimage to We ilely.Lami, 2 vole, ninmin Levant's Nineveh, a new • supply-2 vole, 9 on. ilturtrated. Willis' Poems, revised cditionil camti. Mermen' Jesuit., vols. Ivo. maim.Waels ington leviers Works, to rots, Putnam . . mdform eel non. peen, camb. Mi.. Warming Works, I vet, levo, sheep. Senile. Sermons, 4 etas, Ivo, Weeciarbied edge. ChemberstOcalary. Raap'e Theo wgv, vol, boo. Flow's Lerieon and Para Halals Elora Later pow. klitritell•s Ancient GeOgrapity and Atlas. Warta' en the blind, nevialltion. Crum on Dancing. Thls day reeeived and for UM by euggit a EIOPELNS,E pito Rniiiiityment a PrrrOniranks Jane 0. lee. Ma. T. K. Grinvar—Dear Sim I have now been sum your Writing Fluid and Red Ink ter near two years, mend find them We best I ever on a pen , I think m wet along without sew Imported *Weis ht the Ink lion herealler. Vows, respectfully c. HArrtitem. For sale by R. A. Fahnestock & Co.. Pittsburgh; 11. P. Eletiorans, Alleabeny elty; end by lie Manufacturer Thomas IC Hibben, Druggist and Chemist, tumult of Lamm and Smithfield streets, Pittsbarglh Pa. aarel-dser ißkSiff ciiexze—ZU his ma no% as she B;- ‘../ and Moe. Depot and for sale by _mop' At CANFIELD Alll3-2 bbls for ..lo by uldb. bllLYztt e le.Ora boom. .resat BUITURIDOE, WIL Nlb CO, Woes o FAA4LY LI.OIM-60 bbl Posies brand; O 0 do Glow% bto :red .d for sale by • bora ARIISTRO.NO S CROZEIX Haan° Cheap, km& • ing and :or, sate nr by torn 1¢ DALZELLi CO, Liberty .1 WORItt.IUMILECISITE/k—Perensia Malaria Mammal vole: ogling'. Motile& Dictionary. • Taylor's !anneal Jarispnidenee. Taylor on Pais.. Anon.. Physics. eyelopmdia of Practical Medicine, t vols.. Ilcoper's Medical Dictionary. Illiottores Practice of Medicine. Dann and Goner's Anatomical Ansa Masse's Anatomical Alias. For sale tiy anrtl /AS D LOCK TODD, el Wood si 'PILLOW' clan musLtris, DIMMING% W. It Meaner invites the attention of house keepers to his eztensive anoninent of the following Goods, vim Pillow one Lino mad abeeingsLdo Mulles for dot Lille. Table Diaper, Linen Diaper Table Cloths; Cos ta. do, bleached nal anbleached; colored do Wool ed Table Coven: Diaper for TOwelartir; emit 4.1 de: nape, for onion cloths; Dimity totsbobsproado whin comitetpanea colored do, all al low cash prices, at nanb.St corner in and Market VORSION TILLANDIKII AT . T . II , E a II I, INEII7 . O d Itr ,; ! . IIP.L WE AVLB .1 r., Co,. mull Fin asZt glace, by the OPte: r er da e LlV—, "4l 1 ra. Leger here, viang Cognac, Idln, hal, 47, steer or 20,111,:31, tag . nuCcire Old memory COglme,, I:W.0 Mt Old Pate Nemo,. do IMO: The fat mots all far sale in halfploes mrd guar.., octaves. os at te:01/ hy the demijohn.:' L,ir,=,t-.. c...- .rouge. 11, '4,; NC ?`l:eilUt P l k e P. 1: '4CC stt ' Old Maginry Coml., 00 - go, do Pole Champapos, do ‘4% di t lf: p jvjc,,,,, ~ d: ‘117; 14.4 rennessy, ' do sil, 4.4 Comb ', l: 14 Old dale Naetar, Pelecalsor. do '4j Kane. Chap:lyre, do 471, 1 J Dopey, Idoldemta, VA . Chatehet dci T.lOl. with mrseml ethet xcledjae j 'mei. a m , die. are of the Teel ppoef , um) , of Jena are old, and smbraee a the hne fiatrarli adighliber trades frorp, hmhoLley airaaa, caglan‘mtd . nal Nolo beam ear cheaper. 1,0 10 0, eo. rely .P. 3 obalanis .pare an 10 k..2 the establishment of the sahmesher. ugh JACOB WEAVES, Jr . •M koack I tWAR:AN BRANDIEI3—A realasea Brandy. bottled HU 1817 Peach Brandy, made.fteat We rte..'" ttet the dry frau. Old Apple Etraway . YAW& 014 ahreeirleA6 Basaer,l4lplet. A fteß &SUMS, ruxty ly 41.64141.,biatt1ed 1.. ankhom B the moor Nog.. upall JAKOWWEAVEaIiJr . paboi.u_o 7 11.2 Pr= se, Iva Wood aed Smithfield IFlEPantnts pod Guardians of Allesktersy Qv end -I.l4thWlCh,tirs entified dna • School will be n tlict basement of, ilia Dieshodiet Cburc on e us C 4 Mil, • Aiiegbeny, on bleralaY , 3 4 , ' , eh.. the enll be In attendance daily the week pre *Maga= yip state terms, uni sheer tow l• from amin■nt and nueispettalsources as to abatty 1 4 , u m i n p morally, meni a lly and ' physl• Whi and from his lens eePerleoe• in-the Pretclieon, hopes m Maria • &are of Pchhe Pcirenge 04dt:din. uREGOIEY. Presbyterian and Cbristiso Advemme copy It 800118-81NOLIR8 MID MUM.yokat. TOMS LI, LOCKMOD, ann lam as.V sa. a 3 Woad sonar, .1I leave In a how days for R. York, Ronan, 61,.. to snood th e Trade aates, and Imil 1,,,,h,py to e aeonta any olden for Book', 6.0, which ' MI.") EY " — " r i t br, Id:LT-, . Itwdlig - andr: ' IL I EP b ..11 0 MAI all DR.:KEY & Cr' lovirvrA • F - a mom., ear • net of Fourth and rem mum*, will bnoPan• ~ monthly, Monday, dogusmlD. 1.840. anydo . aCir . ALP#9.lO46.e . ..l:Vi. R. Ilarphfßiii-eat aueutiou of te.,.. t 0 to km oupstlui issornmeninf •L. Goods, from lima* pneed to fineottain, sa suipad .ad win band; also homy do. in mat • variety of ogles, at um* out comer Fourth and liar• kat sts. wpb STRAII BOATS. REGULAR U. S. MAIL DEAVER PACIES. The splendid faste:m.lns gunmen REVEILLS. Stone, Mager, less foe Risme all inierniediem ps t ms,,, tn Reveille drawn bat inePes tat.. FIR freight or wane, eppli.da based es te D NV It FOR CIISIGINNATL , • Xt ••••-•• i Tao iryleadid light tir-Apgh' ~..e , • ~,...,.14 CINDIIRF:I.I.a, simiii ett, tanner. will leave for above lea all ibitermadialoljaala this day, .1 10Weloct, A. Al. rat Might or pusage, apply on lioanl. iiilkiliVNATl It PITTSUCIFLaiI v at', DAILY PACKET LINE. nKus well known Lino or splendid passen g er Stems. en! Lo now composed of the Intgest,sopflast bas ben mud famished, and most powerful beats ou tlst waters at the Watt liveryancommodminn Ltd es nu fort that money ean procure, hat been preeidedr.P.. magma. The Lute boa been in opetatbm An' 5" 10001 —has earned a million of people nubs. timeless: inju ry to Weir persons. The boats will lm at the foot of Wood street the day previous us starting, forth* reo o 9 - duo of freight and the enn7 of passengers oa the regi. ter. la all eases the pottage money moat be paid 10 MIDWAY PACKET. The ISAAC NEWTON, Comte Ilee/ISSIL rl ere Pnabargh every Sander retonve.A at 10 dekreg • •elier every Sunday evening at le r. 11. May C. 7,1517. The MONONIOAREIA, Chit. tirnar, willte.s, Plus burgh tarry Ittooday mgreing at 10 o'elxt; Meek*, every Monday eventettst 10 p. ; _ _ TTe HIBERNIA NA Capt. Kl.orlanATAN vW itoAs rinsay mo, h al ttllost; 'Wheeling arm. TauAmu crewv al la r. X. . . . . The NEW ENGLAND Na t. Gap:. S. Vt A r an kayo PlAsbarAti every WeglAwdny morn. ,a 1 It o'clock; WbeetingtmeryWeAnetAar ervAning A Mt ■ TlETtrglikiritTe. . The nnmwavr, Capt. Gum, 'mg' leave Pita. hmgh men' Tharaday morning at Id Ledo* Mae*/ every Thongs) , everungat to y.m. VU.obirirl+AV/C/i0•0•.. Tee CLIPPER IC. 11, Capt. Pan DeoW 0101 10001 Pituberxh every }Way =ming .110dislooki Lint 'every Prlday evethtit at 10 r. W. • • • • lagnitiat SIMILE= ARRAINGIBEENTO ter'lß*ll. MONONGAUELa ROUTE. in. Only yn7. 3 ...l E =L Et t: I.ll=, snd T*cHE splendid aaPhiladelphia fast rantung U Mall comers ATLANTIC„CaptJ Paskinson; BALTIC, Cot obs; g ) LAN D S, LOUIS AULANEtrips, „Captil Bean= tad mw maltin enable da between PITTSBURDII AND BROWNSVILLE. • wJjI The momlag boat will leave the MontageUN Wharf', above the Bridge, daily at 8 o'clock proalseiP passengers will take SUPERB COACIIF3 at Browns. at 3 pailoet, P. M., and the splendid eon of do moret, and Ohio Railroad, at Cumberberd, eta M., and arrive in Baltimore the memo ores Mg, nt time for the evening lino to Philadelphia and Washing(lte dr/. From PUndittorgh to Baltimore, only 38.1itr 0 ma 181.0,0 From Pgshargh to Phi:l462lphi., only 40 koun. Pares 012,0 The evening boat will leave at Gotbaehi 0 eneept Sus. day @weenie.. Passengers by this boat will lodge board in comfonabln Stale Boom.. the firm tught, pas. Cer the mountaini th e Ibiloanng day in Ea bent oaches, and lodge the second eight to Catubtrlang. passenger bays choice of either Stelzeboit or Avid Road between Baltimore and Philadelphia, and tbe privilege of stopping at Cumberland and Dardmare, and resuming their mete at plena.. Casella cher. tared to part e. to travel as they please. We make up the loads and way hUla for the es the Pittsbargla ogees. tin order to save time b at Brownsville,) it in Uterethre Important for passengers to get their tickets berms. going en board of the boat, at our office, Monongahela Rosso, Wales meet, or Pt Charles Rossi, Wood It, flushing', • apealem J. MISKIntRN, Amos COLVAICILIIS, OHIO. Pltisiousgh 6 Louisville Poets& Lino FOR CINCINNATI AND LOULYVILLF. Tba isluAld new steamer vEl.wanen No. l, Ilulsp, maker, nal losm for slums d mtermedhlla Fon. on,WoineS. dsi t ets so I, at 10Vdelselr 111. PPoor ra'ala " Vrgaili b iW i ll 'n rO. CO. lai OEO II AULA-...difIRROEIL PITTSBURGH LNG - LOUISVILLE YACEICY LINE • The new and aplre.liti fast pasisetv g" P.'k aLF.GRAPIF fay.% . aeon, mxttes. will leave for Cler.L4 awl and Louisville on Thursday, the ad teat, at Ye o'clock, A. M. Pot freight or passage apply on board, to BUBBIUDGE, WILBON/c Co, or GEO B MILTESIBERGEB. meg Louisville wind mu Louis Paohut }Anon. 1849. REGULAR TUESDAY PACKET FOR ST. LOUIS rho Nal intoning plumage armor ATLANTIS, Oen. W. Wielio, vonsuir, will - • •r. the anoint inid•totenneillow prate every .1.413 , y, al tablas/if, 0.. For (mien or passage apply on bond, or to E. C. KING, No. LAZI Com. Row. loars-dGin • • , REGULAR snre ir gra rActier KIR ST. LOOM The fine Cut rennlnipeasepsel • t creamer EN. LAN A. DlePheis - on, einete en 1 leeTe Obt above and Lnte IVItS •••- Ty @POPO sy, xi ID o, Wort, r. A r ._ E. C. For Ireght or pommy apply be'as ol kV alo mars-dreo ELNG, No Row, _ Lospnride FOR WHEELING AND BRIDGEPORT.. . Tim and substantial steame; HUDSON. matitv=av i t: r" , arLl r=ir. Wheeling and Beidirepart. BM will leave PiDeburg an Wedoieday and P9a: frtight or pa.sea&a,Aaplycalloyd.2EUL FOR WHEELING AND BUNT/Sq. The dm eteentar cnioximme, jaill will tto~wm er7EVeorga Ca li.d. 11:11.PROOLIO pots on ?dander and Thanedays, at 0 et For fret& or passer, apply on board. 1017 M=MI 12133221 WILD• NISD • V eactterr SUNDAY TRIPS TO BEAVER. The U. P.Mall amour, MICHIGAN • . Na 9, swill leave Re landing mottle the Monongahela Rouse, ovary Sao. • J miming it a o'clock, for Beaver, . Saturate", silt :truce al I otclack, P'. M. Fare ytti to Beaver and back, Twenty•Svo Cent.. . m SUNDAY TRIPS TO BEAVRit:, 7 the w m a th The steamer BR&VPA ,erm kw beta harf, comma Ins Dlononon Home, evql Unary rooming t 9 o'clock, for : UNIVIttt. Idenernink. aro, leave Beaver at I Welock_ h . .... 41., and ,airlut at 4 o'clock. Fare, Twenty -4u Grule ,04n,e4 • E.XPILIMS Pb' LUIS. 'KULADELY ArmauximOßE, Facladvely forP...mirem -Tb.. Boats of this Liza will leave as follows, at S A T k at night: Üblo-Vapt L. 7g, Tuesday, Ulm Lot/Warm-4 P Ttuotpaon, Waduesday, lientaelry.-Qtpt U huby,Thetsrday, s 3. I adlaz,a-P Murray, ?thin'. 21. 08/0..-A Craig, Saturday, PS. Loam:ma-4 P Thenemon, Sunda!, I& Surnaoar 8 Truby, Monday, V. Ludiana-P Mote], Tuesday, U. .Ohio--Caps. A Crug, Wellneaday, Louisiana-,) P Theurpson, Thursday, $O. Sso lumage. applyntelry.-Cape to Eby, Friday, X. Pb? p Mortoagahe= . . _- gull D =CU & Co. Cattelltais • magnak sad CleaslealAeadsaar. (ROOM I.Y TUB .141 PRESBYTEIILLef comm. Thli Imatuflion is deef i reed to be Davabellt• TIS'A eademy and he re -o pe n ed for the oflads and lean[ Cie deem, eta the beet day; the 11 day of Septa/24 ' d. - • Tbe coarse of toady veld embrace the ednameabdaa dm of ea klizels6 education, sad* the Wither dePat , menu Of the Isaidish Selene; with - the Lado, Gawk. Fdea and Gera. Leareasta. =ili . 42 . 2 . bo d t=ltly prepate l skr enter . = for those not destined for Carry kW& eol.oolldi. , dye sod praelleaL The id ovatmoma 111. Lunation 'di be lad, pc deelded ao 4 that. Ataherity swill always ler emealurar bl Masan and election; end wreeeeeeereperrn.d at the Ileadtal rovertheent of the erboals•bar praceee id, tan we eadot w ectedinee the pep. that *ha , We Papaw is /mumble: ant, that It /MP= ail aum personal intedesttaa wed as the goat of whole. Pord shwetats , fodaada....`" * . L'V' en ate of seek a name, as o• effect re thee abeo eeeee.eoy, teladdral the bedlyt not Ywhfaetloe fatthe offende r bet es pieta:lea or the reeetrawe of elatLar otratda n Meter foiled Vas made of godentemapre• fere ada P a.l ..a 4"° „, "".. physteal, do• a te a lls u. s c h :an n' a of - the inmates of . p t ip e ippx jp wept to be able to annonnee teem fitux Ito bax wanted Om valuable marvium tut Utah. Wtmlatot a (Imamate of PrimetOn, aJ. and Mt 1. utuva. & platinum of Imdayena Centex,. Eamon, P. penmen alba highest literary pad .ot entifio attruantenut It la miry desirable tbu oedema ebricad motel the SW at the commencement of Me melba, In Order, that O dames may to systematically Mind haisoni *We premixed. -bio deduction mil' be made Cot Mimeo, MUM ert.:; ease ot protracted dame& %v e iling books, pent. ink, and oar. PlatiOuntl;.- Mll ibmiabott VI ets per mule. L. cal* Principal, Rea. lk H. Riddic, Lk U. Mr. Richard Edwards. , A. T. MVIII,II. D. ' Lake Loom* . lion. A. W. 1.0021., " W. W. Wilson, Mr. Works Alarm " Haory Mtwara& Cuesnos can en ohudexed at tho Rook Stare of Mr. Lake Loomis, No. an Wood mat, and alum Rick ard H. Boom & Pd., No. EXI Marion sk ' soloali► • I olly il4 I Bourn, sT., say.. flow.i.asc Saimtan ALLEGHENY CITY. $ B - d. " 2 "." .."71 ) nphlt.hmevt wilt by resmamh tr.) ealmiday, Septembm 3d, and Om younggem lemen have no an opportunity of being thoramitilp ' and expeditionaly qualified for the Mules and regain mama of active LIG, That dm Principal is and merely • emerat bauum, a judicious and mon succesefol hretnectOn* mast ha amount to any intelligent lead toilciammt mind, Gm the number of Ronan and prium ob.d by him lit Trinity College, Dahl* from the "1. mon Emend of ton bunt '!ea Fel loth and Prolamin; and, finally, from dm saillfaetioa expremed by parents at a iha proficiency made by his pupils. hat additional a ration as to Me penalise • acorn and advantau• o the Itiotitthm, see Pies swims, which, with Insilm.iels. can be procured. rom the PRINCIPAL, at thelnetltota, or in hedorni nmct,opewelta 10 Colonnade Row. IV. B. few boat:dere A• 111 be received, Seta.. health, condo:lmnd Intaileetaal tararizentral urefolly auended to. augignitt . A BLACIESSIITit callable of making salt was ®' surs, and funtbdans each work as Is raim".,___ about One Works, and repairing wall amuck e.g.. wribollers A good siltation i. now areal re seek ertabliM lamest , in easiness where es owl= too or three hood. Apply to Kira ir..101463, orate subscribers near Teratatua, for to niter Information. TIIO3IAS WAN_ LEWIS PEM , ESuN Pallets Wt West. inly Isa. .N4A t : . ; , Xk;... 7 : . :*i1Te111111419, m p