TRANSPORTATION Yomagatow .1" evr Casil• Packets. _Lille 2=291' , y ea 7 t Fr lIE packet 11F-117.R, C.p. San ej , Itsl% 'jive Crewe re,larly A 1..... av, Wedneo4 r&nd Friday Vinnnl,L ni 6 P. NI and ar•tva ai Irt.4ll s tnn Beat morning a , tieloel—returning, leavetV , I• Timmlay. Thurulay and Saturday everglai P min reach Heaver iuttme for the naorlAladen. A14.0011.:141' CLIPPEIL arriving at POWA o'eloel. The pack. HARK.AWAY, Capt. Mlitiirts". leave Hearer Tuesdny. Thursday and Sato ; SO !tn inns tit G P 11.. returning, leave New Cast.Crid.Way. Wrednrsda, and Friday evenings at 6 P waf vrnh inn lemming limn for Pm.nargka Them par nre 0..1 up io complete Ontertisar• ing him se comm c nations for onssenger. ••diitilhilOarra may rg.iy ot morn punetuality and greatero,44.q&telt than has Ire leen ob,uned on these rotags.,-1 L.. NI FITCH & Co- Propdhlit J. Lidwell, Agent. Pancotrg Ardw ell & iteUteri A. :probs. `• Yocidgpitakar:,n. H. W. Caritingliata."NevALlisPe. The elegant steamer. A1.1.E16111.N1 . L1 d. leave (leaver. daily 4 A al.. And rtttia*43 P. Al,rutm!ngm connection with the games. lA ~.. l 'i 1899. ..l_4mkelik Warren and CleWel Passer., • f . •fa Canal Packet--BWA LOW. if.. 1 ~., (AND of the above Parka a leave Beavefifltrd•Y —OCF fd k.) , (Sunday. excepted/ I. ARUM next BM mdg at Warren, when they conned with the MailiKl.lloll for Akron and Cleveland, arrif ns al each 01 fifeli4 ti..,,_, , ff" before night_ Ono of the p carts leave Weilit/RWS at SP. hi.. and arrive at aver in time dike morning boat for Pittsburg/ :I,:f g:/1. C F: S LEFFINGWI. ,I. & Co, Warilit i l t o II 11 TA YLOR. do f.:: . /011 N A CAUGHBYik . S , ' apl3 corner Water and Sng( el 'ls aljai 18 9. ~... ll UNION LINE, irlilst'i , , ON THE PIRNBPA AND oulo 44,10,1,..5. Caaorroan & Cr.tornmaart,Cleveland,l.A,..,e,„ R. G. Pangs. Beaver, Pak. ; 2:7 T III: Lino will Le prep r a l et iim . fts. r i ze . ft . :kr i b r o m t. 1. IT f ....12411 4 :Ireinfl gt!EVELAND, to ify.,11./3t on thr Canal and Lake*. The Mediates [dam Lino are tiesdirmuseAkWdsiMber, quality :vn capacity or Boat, experteneefip Opfdidtis, and efficiency of Agents fi - d/li E One Hoar leaves Pittsburgh and Clevelaitkßti#/ run. rung in eon U.. eenbn With tbo stesoneis , tl c.,., LA ERIE AND miclitGA7tig ..,. Between Pnisburat and Braver. and a linfrof ikfrlaso Steamers. Propellers and Vessels on the 40.64-2 Asuerns-11(1 Parka Beaver. Pa- 0..c/j If. /ewe Baldwin. Youngstown, !tog.: Al R Taylor / Warren, / ,-, 1 1 1.. rd Cyrus Prentiss, Raven., i. 22: f.:: . Wheeler A Co, Akron, Ct . 4, k Crawford & Chamberlin. Clerpa, .:',O Sears k Griffith, Buffalo, N. N.died JOHN A. CA ROHM &Vent, Offiee.eor NValet and Srall4llfld an.. P#Arflea. inetifilfly/,'F.l V.. Bor:ii'vku - I , mittlemsqs' --', Steamer /MICHIGAN No. I—rapt. Gi agdl4li .• " LAKE ERIE, " Geßliffußd, THE above regalar and well known Itb#4/ Par k ets, have commenced aking their dadytiflps to and from Deaver, and will continue to fait 101 ween Pittsburgh and Beaver regularly duringthe wren, ao follows: Atichig. No. ?leaves Pinoburgh daily it I pf_ ,elock, A. M.. and Beaver at 2 o'clock, P. M. Lit,. e En , : leaves Beaver daily sin o'clock, A. M., and PlCburgh at 3 o'clock, P. N. These steamers will run in eonneenen ad 4,. R 0 Parks. Express eacket Late, for Erie; t:// Taylor A I:vlnm/ravel! , Warren Packets, ~//./ lion Linear Freight Boat. (or Cleveland; ,f . ./' Clarke A Co's Pittsburgh and Cleveland LtnOreight Boat, BCI Parks daily New Connie Packets. / I ' , ... / f.c.. CLA RM.:, PARKS A. Co, BeaiktJ Allsnta. JOHN A. cAuGitEr. Agent. Piltabifkili. meo3l - nor Water and SkiHrfikiii far 1849. f Eig i i PITTEBUIIGLI AND CLEVlliiillr t; - , . !.. LINE, t,, . - ON THF. PENNSYLVANIA AND Olill*CkoNAld.f.. THE Proprietor. of this old esiablisbq imdpoputo L daily line, consisting of SIXTI•I. - -N Grafito-4 Canal Boats, owned by themselves and runntng in'dfonfire. non until the steam boats BEAVER AND'ALEN E. COP arc enabled to over unequalled !fur e• for the trunspormtion of freiglf and Oe,r ,ln the opening of Canal nn cleation, to all Tinian/rib tßglye rat sylvetnia and Ohio and N 1 art: eas/els 464 tlet.l.ake, E. M. FITCH k t'ci,illeedland. BIDWELL k it ROM l'clk A,dIA2/02Ct. I. C .1111 . 1 5i n , .1 . .1., Aggli".' mart! ttree& rt n • ' r; h 1 r 211.,.M.L., ' D. 6 'i..t.ii, ' ,,,,,, Pittsburgh. 141i....5t,. BIDWELL & BROTHSB. Forwarding Merrhantii ! ',.1 BEA VEIL PA.. !.', .. ~kr .. ; . Ageatt far th e Paisharghan.iCleada..6.ll.aftf, l'at, burgh and Thom' Lone ma Erie, fifriri ,. / ., mom T Beaver and Caleb Cape. t'.; Ilavtng purchased the large and aribliflat4lWharf Bout /wit built for the Monongahela i•Sitiff. liar ,. with the addition or a. Warcbonse, die o,abi file ae• cairn:landed/one for receiving and foßtard.„o, and pledge Met, utmost attentniti.proolomedblikddespatce to to consignments thetr earn, and rely .iti. ..filfriends (a, v. trial ,ford-Qty f .. ' . 6410.0 PITTSUULLOII AIIID 1a.1.1.14 //41 - #1114. latatM 1849. '-,1,-,i-'itg-- lid hrtal , lobed Lone. , l -,` E' ON Till. I,lllf Is\ rt. N`tION lati.tteli TIIF. Proprotor or tan. wen known 0111 r C,llai Bent , ts now prepared Co tran.Ack t F latell,el, and F. e.rbt to alt funntx on the I TIE one m, New York Clilril• 111141 tae l ate.,upon We thoit Fkirorable termr and unth despatch Th. I. ne runs in connection aoh ald Stalin hon. FOR L :EUNIBERLAPII 3 , EALTIIIORE., AND TIIF BEAVER and i MIX COPF. bernritA" Flttsborgh , kA-STERIN CITIES end Ikarer, tAI Reed , Line of steno - DEMO And ‘e- T ' ,l P'''' 7rTi r. ,arr '' d ' t ''' n ' a b ril v p ' silt . a o g:sa . :l ' s ' i L" ,I: ne , L. on the Lakes and the Troy nod Mnelnigan I nite b, ~,,,,. duly, at th, „ 0 „,,,, ~,,. Root Litie on the New I orl. renal ; , t, r C.M 111 I- 11,r ~ I'r n• line, 1... . s C. higtrFt I- !ven' Bidwell A Lrother, AL. ,IA 1 ,, . t•lr , . . . W T Meth, Agent nt J lit sktofctil}. La... 4 n , 11, ro,:o N.-1 ,• .0 1.1., 111 en ...In IL.. 0. 11 Ilan more Office, Monongahela I louse.hit-otorelf. ~ , t...ONSIGNEFS-1Y t Molar. -.hated, i EA .3 I lul , Sharpaburr, ...tenth A Downing, do ( +YO ititunier West Cerrenville, W, tut, A chre & Co 4v; ?ARC I fen, Hurtatons, Devoe A °Sutton Iluffnlo, Ilitnesplrihos A Co, Sandusky, In. A Arm ,roog, Detrain !kakis/id A Newberry, Sheboygan Al Clare ts. VN auamittl.. ,,, .. km, Kann, Merles 0 Dorton, Rae me, ?Van tkt,,,... Meng., A ‘Vheeler tr.. Co, New I ork 1 'ordl Pittsburgh and Blairsville efttihk .1... :: - .........7== 1849. Witki fit TtiVirArl' Z TithTzv.. - T,7:11.1ft...1.Mtul splendid racket Uoute to run during ttog Wet., ,led'. I Lk n dl and Flits'oorah—the fiat!. he tow ed I.y three horn and cve” effort na6dA lt,accona manure passenger. .. , .! . Limostrrostes ht will leave Fitillorr.4 every Monday Tee rdsy IF ThOTIIOy and Fro! jottit-I,Velnek, r 0 k ruin tliair.ville every Alondotr WffimendaY, Thursday and Saturdar, et . 7 o 0 lock.Al it,, OW, arnve at Pittsburgh the same dayA iveo h r rl IBikk from Ind... Will meet the Loot m Sanntni 14 ,trelt on frump ward and downward tnp—pralng p. tube Wive& from Wm blithe In 011. day. Friteld for the above lone ...n.l he fte6 at the house of We Bowmen s Line, 14 /min, .. Co .. Who are our authorised Agents A.I hEet ceived free ol corattoratut. 111 .IIA 16. & 1,. 1 11\ 0 FAR REA! tir - ,irvn. I V Crone] Resto Whe Pburgh A Hack I c Ills.r.ville an 1 ouninthaN on the arrival of the host—rethros to tront in beellruMg. Fare from Fit.borgh to 1 moo fontanel, R.2—relt.l.Vegrat °Mee of Routine. , Line thr•meh `:1 are.:llein ~PITTBIII.IIIO II Ptitt . r/tiLit. A - ,141R".91.1.11/e. ataMlB4 9 . For hoe frouryorfsfron of t reighlp 0.4 ) ..., rirr.uullt.H, ItIiILADE.I.PIi lA.IIRtiTIALIRI,N 1 URFI. I.IO , IYFY, Ste 1 , l• 4 Tome. I.lmarnarr. Failadeltitin Y 0 0 Co•LsoaClotregto TRlPolLeapta,obrt,tted,..Li.rn:rl.,eti..,Lnedo m h , f 114 14 ,01::: :, arrangentent. to (rear mOtelb t oplre F. duce, A.O to anti truer the above pns de..4 111 tem., with sloe regularity, despateh end .akly plitar to their made in tr....pen:Loon no °toy nine, whentran hipnen or the any is sivonten , All eonalgurnents by mid for this Ilan =fetid char gcs paint and Mr wooled ut any regard) dirt. len of charge for commission advenenis ei- /to At No Interest. dire. tly or Indirectly, in sdelm . Ali emammuenisonsprompd, silendid in do*PPlrea -11011 to the lollowner agents iu,, 1, rum+ BORIJIIfftI , ..I 7 n Alert, at ,hillulaabla TAAFFE ... 0 tONNOR, eon, Ile os, Pod bureh rreuNNoll A Co, North • 1 Huh:nu:lntl 'an h2l . aIaM IS49 . EIIaUIIAZIEP IL` ILANSPOIt A ASA to t +. 1 eo.olateSolo,... i . 1 .. ri.. Jane t 1.3"1,n1.11, t ‘v. Itooman. Conducted on ..flot finhhath-ke r e A p o : g c ' oco 'n' o b t i r ledat -. 4, and are thotoughly pmpared to forward PO dint tiOr rehan dtar to and front tar Ertoer, erne, We tat that r 10.4 Os Pe.c , fer f tlf.. 4 arn'toff tumoral, and reftlou• attection to the .44dttC.cla of rut- LOTl]rit. oat] reun. to ut a . ntutuna,ttlifkuerratr of the patronage 0110001.0 extruded to pilfutifth. , Lzar. Our arninacrocort will runt, at oft4acC34 l with thr unttoot derpateh. soul nur alw.V• ho as lour at tae lowest effaterd Lox*. We have openrd art offire Nn Ilfl9.4trot •traet. betwoon 4th and .sth rt., cddirenfenre of ab•pperr. ; • 1..1; • Produce and Ateertraothsr writ Le reVql , ,Rr. and for warded, hoot and lVro , wt about •ny'Alltfto.. for roe. warding,ad• educing rr. lc ht. •toracr btrat/larosa. 111. of Lading forwarded. and ir.ifft -141trection promptly attended In. .prty o IVAI piN,ginht, Canal Boon, cur lAbetty fr. Way, 41.4j;Pt15,t0u,t, BIN(' htlCl‘, No tot and .I:ft Starlet it.Ohtfada No 123 North toward attedt,l4lornore 14'11,1.1 ANI TV ELK :ef gent. tarhal No to 11 . ....tstrtr i 1 ;Sr?! Vora 1110(13dall.' TratLairort•thth no. VIA PENNSI-L.VANI A CANAL aittAl 14041.):4, rn• •au saurelidatrZe 'PRE Conal• ;or Rad Road. betog . 7(tri; , ,apen, and 1 £0 eoed or d e r..., are prepared:An fMtvg.rd ell k md. of merchanthAe and prooluee to Milatilorou rnol Bah/more, WWI rollionros and good ieroot •• any other hinn.1,1.4 I, C A NicANUarie, Co , Canal Benin. Pend q 4 P,4l.turgb. AarArp--,11AR1.Y., RAYNOR, 1 . /d, ildtiOhta tort!: ROSE ;MOLL Co. Riltint4 , Plil&AYIV•f1111; CALRIaI & n e ".d pr..," aft Pate kat 1140C . , 1 : 1549. F FROM 11TTSBUGII TO PHIDADI 'PHU k BAI, TWORE, I: lE.clost•ely for Paase-nlerei THE poldrc are reepertAllly tnforoVd: UMW. Line still commence nutmeg on the 110..u:k.4.1, and eon none throagbout the deason. 1.: boar* up new, nod of • araperpH en larged colons. vetstell 1•411 pre grcaro ed The • cars are the laresg coustruclum. j, A taut alsr•y• rn port. andUitHAr• are re. quested meatl and easnune them toelinl:ersAgine pas. ii4offtie hawser( oa. Line grill leave the landine lop S earner of Penn •trect add i'..mnd crest Rialkirt note o . lock T r. r 3i days Fur ininnoo m the Ofhee. alononertheth Heave, Of l 0 1.11}8.81 ACo 0,*b17 I^l Civo DOOM • tTi! SPORtATION. Hag PO/ATARI/I . BOAT LIKE, FOr the Transport...el a reightso TO POIL&OELPIILlo RAE:M . IOIMA NI IN YORK no the Opal being nom nesnyo,A, we IJ Pmpribtors 01 the above One respectfully inform the publie ihnt Mee are prepared to receive and for ward Fret gat with despateh. sad at 1011•CA{ rates. They 'redid aleo call the attention of shil`Prt , VAst ward to Modem that the Maid employed by 0,10 In -transportation. •re owned by them and mm emby experienced eapounr. ribipprrs Meat to Bulk mill find a edvaelneroei to ship by this Line, tut the satdicrtbere bee. nodd: oir• rangetueuni at Colombia to lager writ (re,r.•• be lint timore Implied directly from inynts oaric, nor rriiy to. s-rrlioate f Freight to Philadelphia gore flea, 11.11 1 111 1 ,u .e boots. No charge made for recrivini .h'av'oc or advancing charges. KIER b Plopriotor•. ennui 'Alain. -seventh site, AGENTS—John A. Sca:a. . itt Cullough &Ca 112.1tutiore: Jare Strei & . I.,ll,Adri pbta; ' , rano. A Thom., Collin3l.ta. N tt ;01171C A if,A 1 . • IL. Itt) APIs, arci 1849 MPH k›.l , FAST IliCnr:r LINE. 1,110,6 Puttsiursh to Phtirscie4irta and &dramas,. iESciumvely , for f . .a.senger. I T " - i iir ' , l o ll . - .%7c:7,17,.7n ." ; 1 1 , 1; " . ' nt ,' ; '. . ','„,`, : ht . ,1 !; '," ; The boat. of this Lott are aid asupertor c",-... with ns enlarged cabins, winch will . ti‘c greater rotation to pasungera A bout will always he in kr, and traveler. are re• Quested to tall and emsmtne them before engaging pn., sage by other tortes. They dill leave the larofing, op posite the U. b. Hotel, cornet!' Prim street and Coot' every night at 9 o'clock. FA.N.K.--NINE IX/I.OLFItr TIIII0U1:11 not.' — ' 3 h . A r i , '' For tnforioatoin, apply at the other,' hlononga he'd House, al to LL I.Eficll b. Co, Cann' Ha.... N. IL—the proprietors of be above Igor are 0 . v building aft addstoutul Lora al runketa, to run u• 01. , 100 cnor ahogt June Ist,,lft roonectiou with the l' , -ai•-y I. vonia Rail Road from Lea . .. Ow l, or Plituoelp , i , .\e that time a packet vvtll leave.Uvery to• main; and e.,n ing. mrt through...l daya4 Loch,. RELIANCE PORTAPLE . 130 IT LINE:, alliga 1849,, IM.**/, For the Inanzportarlint 01,tenui 1 ,,.. nerwEry HULA DELPI. A Atilt'!'!!',llt,. Rt.II. t 1 OODS earned Oa this pne a, not irnoslupped be lateen Prtothorgb add.,l'biladelphot. henig ear rind In four section Portahle Iloa.. over andl and u 0 ter: --to shippers 9f merclatinltae retorts.; earelat liandltng,thrs Is of import.aoe 'so etiar, ...tie nn receivong or aloppsug, or forladvaneiii:. rna , ce. A . l aids forwarded with, and noa•• reauui.n.., ierm• a• by any other Line.. .101. IN M'FADI:N a Ca, Canal Rev i'nun an l'atitha cell IA? ht DASH , 0. Co, marl V. 7 Market In IA Commerce si Phil., ' JOHN hieFADILNIL Co,. Vrwariling anti i' ~,,, no • awn aierthantl, Ca.l linat9, tent st. Put.lntrrh J AME M DAVIS A. Co, [dour Fnrmr and Commi mon AleretteAlt,sl7 Niarkr47s .trr, • • • • - - rttlitedelptil. irrASIVILOCCS raadr by <Aber of the aboe... h)nor, Wool and other merehandize enn•ne,ned to tketn inr attic. alkiea 1849, ;:'-' , 54 1 5Et DIERCLIAB WAV For Illairsvtllr!, Jotkosoorh, llollida) rbor and oil Interr;;;:iFte-p.lace• rill.? Late gontinneA* 7 -- en . rry all Way Good. %vigil their tomul dcspo.Vl.l, anti ni rntof • scierts—c n. m -A N l'i.yy a Cu. l'itimi.tirgh 13 It Widgetirli.lojohiniitown rgh ([plllo. --J Imes Jor6n, Sinah S Smtl a., Dr I Shcoenbener, 11 Moore, Joh. Pnr4cr. S Von bona S Co. Win Lcboaer keo, Jno & Ern+ husbaigtt; Jots Ivory, Snfoll, 3tulbol!am & Ilny, in, PARKS L GIIP A. PACK ET LINE 1848 REA Va. AND C LE.TELAPID LIN F.. VIA ‘S A iatti• Cariiil Packet—SWALLOW. lAlpt PON. OCE.AX. Copt V. atter 5. 9NEV . the above Parael, leave lac., rre rr ISOdaya excepted' 0.1 arvlve t ornsae ~,P,hohere they etthoggt vesth the ca ,thve. sor Akron gJol CleVe/1111A. nen ?„:1, at each of pt+er , . reMgt.. One of the rat Leta leo., art= flatly. al 5P and •rvtve at Lk,. •:. :oat. to tale. .e O . rung (or l'Abono CUM. , A LEFFINI:VrAILL, ar.en. TAYLOR, C., P rotet iItAVER AND ERIE PACK F7l' LINI: p-rrro . wow., FmteurPri t no. Om, Ile , V mod splealkd rat have roonmoauccd r aiming betera,to BF:At:EH AND . mod wal run regularly dant, orm...att -..0r I....vati e•rry morno4 at o and a• toe Hatt,cor every evensugyrosocanatrly oft, tur a., ui ate steamboat MteroKan Isom l'lttsbutt.t, boats are Vitae arid antra - 0r...1.y lorniat.rd. vans ,ark througu m forty hoar. l'am.ogura at,, pc:amnia the Lakes, or to ?i.m.g.ra Fe , la. IMO Ila louto ate moat comfortable mud ra n tbroorfa to all ram. on th e Lak, ran I, pro( or, L. ...,psprtat to am proprictura. Ii FIFA; PAR.K.a A. Co. 11.. a arr I afallN A. CAI.4IIIEI, Aat P 01...., et.. era. Nate .ta C liars iamb r N Y C.AI Hama, Epp, I.a. C C Wiek,Gttiemsa:e. T laarland moaning, 11.0 Hero!. Pm, & Plumb, Sher,hargb, Pa, tV C Mainn,Shanaa, C Matheers;Pulaslu, Pa; X Wthnutitrham, New Castle. PA I, I 8.11118.8. 00.19:.VAST EXPRESS 11.AFLNDFV & Railmager and eamittanee Oftlea. _art lIAN/IDEN de Oo4.eomotoe to bone 'Perron. from any part of Errgland, It-land. Reonand or ZinEgWalca, upon the rang Irberat mats, w,to thee 'meal Donau:any and attertuon to the WWI. and root. fort ofikamigranut We dclnot allow out passen,er. robbed by the mirmdlmaras Mat mfest Toot., 5.1. aft take charge 4 them the tornt they re port trtemselvea, and sec to them well treing. c.,,d de. rpatehem waout any doenoun by the bent only. We ads this fearlealy, an 'see defy one of our ons•en• a bit Dhow that they were detainedle hour, by os ,n L,eedieeol, with theeelLeflal at others were dem., montlrt, unul they could 4 tent in some old craft. et s e h; p winch too freutzently proved their rottuts. We tntend ho perform oar contracts honorably. root w h at ft nay, and Tart eel this wa. the ease last ...rt.°, with otheroflteers,—conve who etther performed not an, or when Pit tnited their me nee. Drag. drawn at PittsbArgh for any earn from It to i l n l n tUrayab d l , e 6 Lt ti ano . T i e v Elvreal Rana. to Ire. JOSHUA ROBINSON, EIZIOPC. and General Agent, taCt pnU atrest, no. door I,sinw‘Vonot • ALLEGHENY VINNITIAN BLIND, f.. AND IiABINNI 1VA..}:80051 -.. J.:•k.. DRIIWN would reaper., '.• ',..-;-' - _..L..... fill/linroria 11, public, that he _4 . :,.. teer/4 on hood at hit mond on the ~....,....-, wriscaide 01 the Diamond. Al,. 1:: 7. .F.:... - ", Ineeseof Yr ity, og yon Blue,. tr olon Vr =---s.---2i moat; Shutters her :node to r• ..,!-------tetrr-e•Le- der it; the bent •4 tr, warrantee tr,______.,.- coon s . any in Ole I.' retr4 Slater 1..:16.- -- e......=7- 110 III.d• coo lie retno•rd erttle. 1.......6---....--.....,- out t.,< ottl of . a .errorthttarr 1 , -..-....6.6 Ila win purchased I h r metro. 1 - - -.-. -...L,- - ..6" . -:66== tool l 6 all 6 orate of to co le net er• 7-;:Z- 1 ,..t1 eslthiluntutorHottatoy & NI ',el. ''' ----7-'4 ' .-i L IT: 1 1 r , Ohr co ' : lo " re r' „ ' . .‘ ar ' c ' • °, .r. the oil, at tth eefrY 1111114 of Ihoif hoc . A ty2i4 No* Wood "" r ' P'''" .l " A . . 11K„WN PAI'ER HANIiINI/S4 am ono tree:vete, our from the youlolarturiNs iu Now tier, h/1....1., ploa lipd lloltitoose. a olgl and wri: pothered tah•ero trent Yg all the ice. a, 6ort i l OOroved •1, ,si • oi •a - On. ilaaed and comas, ,I i A PIN DAN 1.1 \le ‘ut, •I •l/1 I.i- I4.11(.10 pincer of Parielyand Vte+VO. 111. 1 00 Dolt atid ~0.41=12, 10,1.1 '' Diningittean. ahead., ..nol office Pepe 1. 1 Would naforularly ioyor tlii anri.hict lAI 11101. havlng booae. to paper. us rail sa w r LAMM , . at Mei Paper Wort heart of . I , 1 1 11.1., aril i , wood at illlTlLTtliNtir r couarnenerd toirce,.. . ‘...f• ;large .0 , 0,11,1e:11 of. Poor y VARA ET% 1.111111.11 ,- pert 01 Anke,...., rca,,,,.. 1.., lit._ mry..tiloyea, Crape. Lauate.CaStif ,l 4 , .. Ne11ie,...i.a. , Vrilai hhawlit, Pongee theiciterr hie,, rant. cr., a t•. eihalthlu end eiatlon 11frij,d4rrchorfa, centre 111,11, treerfiltt *4O. Thread., /Wenn., Comb, .b.w• t" , ,. Cut Irry, de 6.c. Country aEhil Illy meo-liant. arc 0• %' c orl " tir ' e n el '° ;: j orn o ef " o l f l l o gm ' o ' n ' tralre; ." "r'0 1:11.1 . 7.1 ." , iirli.i6i pF• - * • _.14. , I.OFI Ih-An 001110 1R1.1, - 11 I* .. 6ldly oottutrx into ore>. a arholaroin, nou 11.11.0 ared cleocionißeveroare, hrtog more plrorttot 00.1 pa. ,ell s lean common Coffro. and iar cheaper a. a ...,i liNoie colon. only ten eViit.. 0, 1 1 F. 0. , e , o ' ll ' o ' poeuelo or Coffee. liiiiitifeetored I.r .11 /11N S.IVII 11.1.1:11, Potrliorch 1 . . Soil at totholroalr by it A FAIINI-1.+1 , 0•N a. co 4jr corn of rust and Wurelhnd 5,0. sod Vf...1.....t. I I'dtrhurgh 1 iii,l : IIA . A 11 1.. 1114.11 (01011,-Jort,. k., : 4 Como Blanket., Nt.n Near root.. In pr• Pao, telt. ne“ lined htilonte now, P! I.thrr at Ihter, 3 torte Tonto, 6 and 10 ythror •ael., 50 ran.l., to hr. l gat oh oath, I do. harkOharkh Mn...', 1411-. I ostrot earolhie do do. The slot r eoodi lor onic 01 llsr I 1411• wroll Oulhung lioabhelifnent. Nu:. Wool •t MeLk! I It 11 P1111.t.11 , 1 kt . 44,. JILTED SPICES-::Tut up tor foen..y taus, entloaed in a 4,am g ?dastard. A ...owe . , Cinnamon, j longer. Closes, Pepper, tNirranted pure l'of rale me new Sm., m, ?doodled Factor). corm Ferry k I..oert, lulls ikv Ij.k.-1k /ought liOn Anvil., fro.. Me I netvilla .vary.. watranual, w.ll con-mot. on Inlnd Ind sopolied okder, by 110VIIII A Y. lo Wore: •t • FIItNACE ril. inanolarturrd • ilpertor nruele of l' Flre Ur,eY Clay. Mord and - for .ale by < bIER Nit. IV. IV IVsillace hobo, used a Ile.rlb of Jan, quality and manufacture jor the po.t eigiaress pfodill,es olnpenor tonbe beam. mow getter. I fINF:} 1g DI L.fp,e‘ •1•111.0• temtages, of our ow import/mon per Courtier.. front lionJeauk, just reed and or sale by . 104 ; MILLER . I t. KICK ,N Imams , . Im.ort • .ant 1141,5 0 d gentlemen,' fmol Cb0:10s. from Slut to SSOkarh. custern pnee• Also Wedding Rung. 0122 eario gold. gold k.'envil, ;hog , . Fir Maas, I'ma, Bracelet.. tiobl 1V beg. de. W W I . }k,comer (Lb and klarkel vIia,VI.7TRIBLKINeI—T , J inn mcelved atZeou ton KA/1 y , 67 Mark. Mr!, pl Colored Veloettllibbon, manned colors, black " , ernbroldery 010 p; lOps wide Piton, a,. ors _ ; 'rnisiik or Ft to• or h ICES, r. Itst of rt.OtErc. through out ihe Vatted Sw th op. ltmucv• WutAunston. O. C 4 .01-ste 004 tersto,ml cp vital* ruopert,,ely; haat:4 the Pool Wire. In eudb Slate, us well as r.oun ty,'Orith m uppendtx Ul that Stated Sures and Whist, ?atilt. Jan ,ve'd by JO/INSTON a STOCKTON, corner 3d And Narketus y-:_ l 3 '"_ 1 ~~ I ~ rY ~~~ G. ?MEDICAL. ri lER I'AMII.I I er r a, FRESH SUMMED. GOODS, AT REDUCED PRICES iY•rm3. 0 1 / I M. May :15.1E.V.A LEXANDER DAN'. 7.1 Mutket rtrect. northwest R. E.:aril..., I thenk nail melee benefit of others LI. corner of the Diamoad, oreouwo,lllllgn e Later to oom .anne In rotation to year excellent Farm. stook CI Irmo SUMMER MOODS. A ~,e 0 ?cc... at 1y alomeme. theye (owl.. hare recently Leon purcha,./ at a crew I. wool now Verb/form largely in my manf aannfice. from the !mato.. 1 4 ales at Mr Yuan . Y , frealuentlr74 . mwerme for erpcihod Eerie the ...pone. , nod manufacterrro. We have . Ito 3 13 11Nr„_ onto. trom tern eluldren. I open ocierme ihm mock of g00d.," ~.c „ o Iv. . emn your oml Conch SITUP ita et to umet Me upprobatoct of t.,ore who do huouro. ino,3v. am/ therhilf" . . r instane produced on the rhea.. cash pnnetole etleet aleOr.ol I The ralt Department ts very ..atenyivr. entbrnetar A. I ant ,n l o nm 11.4. to the dale, ot iloda of nod nanntl, a1..111. tam et to`j.tor .a• first: ure where hearßhil,. 01.1 nod.. ,ar ha.. , -r-,au of the i Thc Dopartromo oihrocer a, mmof ry I mai , ale Mat mey are Ihr MGIII of lady. Crape Shawl, from t 1,.. t.orr• :o medo.,..e• o Itte 11:11. ai3l arc doso.d to ham. n very / the Gael elegant.) rmi,roa.laral A y 1 rp.irrpol.l 140 y Yuen. reavoctru..., I nod... Lterag, Mohair, Nat: and ,p1....d0l ft, re, • W rtntltt,.! Spew,. Itrettlntett :tool tt , t ,741. r SELLE.IIS. No 5; Wool/ w".\ RE:-11 art olio :wrap. atd I /r.1.0 , 110r zeneraliy In the tom RERAGE 11.11L:01a,r 1.1/ 1 1( 14 --E•eca t „..,/ 11"1 I nod novel o rte. 0( Iteroe , . 0 . k utul f .or 1.1 VER CO 4PI.AIN r, by he tem 0r. , • 4.4 11, 011e:Ilt•41 •,• onatnal, nay trtleillad ,111•11 lit• I.lyer LAWN, I...NWN, • •-lo tar JAW'. y „wa3 Mot rowdy, Vu. addlor a/ from tie 1,11,1 •Vilq Tro I I. etntoraoirt, rt , C utt •tlltutt , ‘ r . 'n'ark.t.t) 'tut , ,•,'• t r Moos u duty awe Impurtutt anti Donootitt tutt,ltutut .4, -„ ertt tv •lale that I Auer atut rrown atut hot Mt.t. t titito . ted ot roautuuttil tor lung •• Cheea.,Tms tuttf.uu tt.tor, lortuutt uutt LtrOlt.. SUN'tior .•h a al 1 Io:10 AsiU kr•t• 11, ...taa hrard 01 t , .ttlt..ett, rout 1 . ..q.t./1n our et-Ot:two lut I t.t.. httoo., raM 1,, All mDred el, wet. Na and rvonimmided to om hy tom 1 00 .Mm 0, • ranmo.o.• . Dr 1. SON,. l e e ei,hided m etv• Mem t 1 a m r I purtmorMl nod found them lat tut tto.l u hut thr, terotnits , nll,l. THY: lIEST LI VER I'/1.1. Ur I RD 0.1,1 atter ink, „ g four hozea 1 find um 0.11 111, 01111 1 001 11010 ttorttet•) 101.1 Itosrectlutly your, D II CIII.IIIIIAN. I.ll.erty, MArch 111.1,11 I vorttiy that I am ketymmily uequamicd 10110 Mt Catleittatt, atul luutifie•ttuttotty In me truth of the rube , A SIIARP " I 'L7r ;. t' N y Intl t rer are r'e r 4.701 ' I.y 0 R " d In (111110 'i duc.—dric. u.or and grn r 1., , ,, Pma are p4nred atol have 10.. ante ammo,/ t, 3oci *ea OM./ thr, Oi La , 11 t.oi MI. ognatal4; on toe outattlr wrapperr--MI , I ~I 1 I:.+. _.• roureer, aeor Imes Im 17. 11 /1 5F.1.1.1111 .1 . Proprietor Dll. J AY 61:'A CA:it-KIN ATIVI6 BALSAM (.` RUM the Rev AS/I.IIIS :1, n well lutoieli and pm, ul•r Plerevreen ol ll be Prolestent Meth/Wm Chart Tbe d l,ao % rr l•een ell:m.11 du noel/. e paw welter ew crimach, uoree:lmrs ere p.un et tl,l l `,stomach for tenor twelvel.witE h,. e, read act... ha lug Ir e,l lallu eat, t. Wk• ler nwhe,l l ot .' r et Or J.) ne, l'ameWsto, ite o•rd xr tvrtlete m the elreetml4, and weed Mot this me.l , ritm eatmed thr pelt. m el,Ate In three Or Mar m•e and , hnern 6t twenty inmut m.,•mum entweler, lel The el. WrIl• I Wo .1,10 Cal if i1<1., 1 I .J1..11..1011 1 the u. AMA, • kl , l•ltne p.m Ira. clo ,• . . ..1 'lr t tt.o tned..•tott avori caaning pd apawunp.. tr,p, V•orn.rtg. 11/1.1 ill • faw weal" iza ..11 twat wo at 1c...1ad, that thc •11::cr, waa irnrn a lortr aoptuttEd errl , slal, pa t n. Fro.' t• 1,, ,, r0cr.t , ...p0ra. heti an confidently recamme P Jat pa'. Comma...P. P • at aa:utery d maws 0( ItiCaltnOrt. t.n aln d bowalt A tsll !NNE , I.eahen v Fur sale in I . ,ttat•a4 at t,he PEAI N TIA t... 1 1 11! Fourth atrort. W." 1 •I•n •• .4;11 W 4.Prat ac , cr , •.twaL A,. • VALUALItE niscovictivi rex. , 1;E o.‘ YOUR GUARD. . . SW.k% CUMPOLND NIKP OF WILD CIIERRY TIII .C3t1.3.31, 11.31111 . 1 son l'ou•umpuon. Cow:ha, Cold, Anlimn, Ilrnaehot.. 1.. v• cr ttompunat. F.,/anic 1/iond, Lhdirutty Wrath. Inc Pam ot the 61tOr 1111i1 /41 . 1.14413 a , 11111 , 31 , 1 113 e Ilcart. Innutiaaa. Croup. Iltokon COL' 1 , 1111101;3 Sore - throat. Nrryoua IN•ltt'r atalnd.T,..a•vr ot the Thou out, Ittranang tur r loctua. woo.:y cute curt rat/want: n) tar.4 l, nro throu •:, . .1 \1: n3l Compound Sprup of Wild Ch e rry ! • 1111 n 11,11,111 e 14 L1e . .011/n , 11111011 K 1111.• r of dounteat uhlsty It has inn/re/law , from the thnunaho• aurho.l inn./ ilta raportmt/111.• cur her 111 wrututton. t• her onwty mole erto. ..... 'y tuanl that/ ollarir I,,Parlthutt Mothunto ever rrtlar/ 1 r to• rutalal ull.lrtaa :nun It has horn intro.:trod very renerally Through tho Cented Stair/. nral h:aforr.antt there alo Irtv lawn 11,1KM/hoe hat wit/m•'. ntmo romariah, Warmato. utta u. tout retch.,)' tu the 0py..0 lan,/ 11,/ onan. rand 11,111111.1,. itlll3 13 A v 13,..13 inc-etJ to . ,he fir, hunwr ,, u,i.h/ auomer ...vor the.aatlrc. trn 11.;unfto tat , to•timoav rwrroa oar caurtvola that /t• nw t ,lrtnne -/xta I ow o..taht-tnal hy its Intwonv m-rtar Iror unquo•unant. l . 411131011• 11 public 141111t1t mann/ninon , ot a. onl.. and the woo. - atauottre auraldal throurh / mint, trato 1/) r. rrnclen/ it -t actor/mine nordy . tor n : h/ IzE-MENIItER . nhat .60;th rann, ta. /. . Iheir Tlll - : P. 1 ,01 1, CI An 34,11,3,3,3 11.411 or 1,13,1,1111 1, 1 ,1 mrriutr•- . thore nevrr wa. r4i31131y nt, horn at ntocr•ou /losperut , rawa , C. rtigooll yn., of ot, taw, It wraa/h...... .).am and atau u at , luny• I. oft, . .•by g•••• war., attouood wto 4 -I , •re rugh. to.. ww•utoo sit ow wotec t irs ttntn I ba4 o•vourw t••tra•tp untli my cit.: wiltiboc ,l Ail Ow •) toplont• p p op o p„,, oroottoppo. I lord worn., „„, ppy„,, pat,,o.kt trn••,l •••• MIRA IrtruP• p• vet,: vb•w,. Put -, .to Popr• of rerovety At Ow. t•ow wu• tr , onanepApd toot o.valusble rnott:pw 1 , ..1 no ullii 14, .04L 'Cu•r ktro 1•4.1 , .cu Irpt Ino r .p•-• boa, 1••••: , VIII by IL tourl nod ustli toet cttt.r•by ont.: nrO Poi ,ow it,prty I P•o, we• tap :Jo. a l y mrop'..lbn nappy e ospecoup :ewe, :Pat wit-, •IpScrot• may the lone. whop,' po t no gow:fol. ill Lb, trail of the ...eve tt.tteplero. I role; . .you 1., P. wr Iln.t. I•tocer. Ire,: bt.tewt. it p , whoin pal. - 1••.•wo J-t yeOrs. Jun ldossan. ,wayhc- Pea"l lac. e .13c a ,aa--and dew to the enacted erne: y . no‘nble te-honony .n favor ot Tod( Compound; y fur of %V ..d Chet r v ,oror tare , years *tar,. •• ereion n! Ibc tly an.< leed with coal and intiananauon Lungs, which a• accotaramml wtm distrna...,., mug}, pm.. in the latest and heal. • cry ennui bin dia.-Large of Dane. , Ehnen+ trona e •,• catay upon ..age weather. however, At lit I (env o alarm a1...00t mmhtinthi,i af•• pretty son co,ineed that; asas ralmbY gacl mtd co m'. so tuoi. I G,cm ateaker. and at lenelli sews *cane. .5 able in 'Niue abode, or rpeclr •13.33, wkaspet. •uf h was the racerthile of My lanes Dunne ut,, ue tune I had tried ear* , r el...un. arid prc..cnpun but found no 'chef—drug.. all unae worse. ju a , re I was ad vt•ed penunde4 hy a dem, friend al jouneton In mmada'mal of your !syrup of Wild Cher ry I Mart confrcr I-)at prcvura•ly Iheen crew aicsd epaulet potentaniedirmes. and l ad tun suil against most coming out of q.t. hand. of ervertr, hut under sLand.hc your elainzein the rrofe....on and gran., of ruesbetne, and havul? impae.t la sth in the sy., ot my friend, I forthwuh parch seed of Lk She w. unc avast, u ge nta, a fear ta,thei and commenced us ow, My due Bose w. Si that um tot he/or US months' atandmat. con emetently it era. deeply Austad I found, however, ennsiderable 'elm( 41.11 , ore of the fart four or bye hoitlca. But betne§pul.lle ape..., ireataciitty at tempted in preach th roa I .. nc reLowl atreang end merely ruptured tit e neve that ady in hen! in Una wayaidnul....., my ro. waa reaCy telarded con..4enee of ac 333, 11331• imprudently. I Red ha use ttaelre 0 (Omen hottlr• re I war per. f”,,ty ".. unr ed )4tre uuratton, 2 match rtredtler number ome. wtod ht, mat , fur •natid. yer Use attove nultecreurate Iht tup apet tt, the mver teir [mom toot umayghe a u ftrerottuf put a rine t he d t eettaree at alter troth tart .uff., and mese them •nd the enure el. ut Seed Lave dent, red Oflanna ama cef6lntat• unut num Mt the purpora 11 !rattly pefteelly ratS-hett Yeah the permauetto ut : t u n, tu yf no t t u that Efeet perlectir well I oder With tYlcanure. Ilxvl out' Ilublth county, 10,7w -ford feral' Recut' There i• hula , erbut.., preparation of VVio.lllterry, and that IC 11, tiro ever °lre trd lo the 'eh/eh h.t. .trit Auld lorcety throughout the Coiled Alote• tool sailor pl. 111 Luitipe. ottd 1•11 pre por•unts• CA:lrd tido, et: V. ail Cherry have •ceo put out otter 10E, w./ rover o• elf, deceptive itteruoionorea..ii ore., oi etre currect toast:lr aolea. 11, o nolc eitarra oh:ht. r u e pr nerd ntionke Ihr ,enuts, trout the 1.4,, 1 act. troth. 01 tca getout, 1- 1 •tive loped wt. • heent.i. orrl cite/name, wt. Me .troco• Of Wcia/.,1 wr• lon. Or Sway. - • aiguatu re' tud tue.hiortv, the porliail of 11, ,erlay, whl adtail or trotter, ao o. tit cootileotac 0.• preparnoon front ottio, Now o ou• ,1111 terrot eatralive pe9trotat• tool know vowel', or. ro '.l.oroppeo4 rep id WI, t, t „"„. would not etele4ormg to rat - eur , coe v Mc, -eitttous no•trunot atrial., 0 , coo , of od ih,r, Re-menthe/to warn ,ar In • .... 1 to• non. ot ewtat,i, itattl te not Ceti...arc god inher, ttOot r ahctillt nr..l Mare FOulualalph , I 111 oat, tiolrant•rao., /riot , cti,l l l.N -. 1 ,11V• Co, eo• lao OiteJll. utia felt •itil tptil •• •, 1, NI 1 1 111.11 ti, ., Altoa , .• 111 to; I.,:terta cot 11.0.1161.11 cl Pret. o-. I,IIN All 1 1 1 11 ritlo ••il •.: tt •. trj.ln • • P1111 ! ),ItJ JU1 , .•.• J. 11, trr J •• 1 ti pt (full ,ve,• ,•t• r Al ,t• • •• ,•in•Jica 411.. Ig ••. en, ~••• ••••, tJ.Juced liveoe.mtsel nr. rCt 4.ruerst C. I .....amy WA:4ml., fo. the h•f. rt. le, .4W., 1,•• vael Lars •eizire,•4 to. it, ••• vl v.v . re. re.xe e• reol•Jy thai Las 1••••1'r reJ eve noon usJ •raoLly t•••• 1.••• •L• •rr•••ing pt. 11,••••••, J l'reper.d amil b, [Jr .1.1..• i i ,•••• • ALF Jet,fleidertf 721-'O,, .1. • n.. W. P. Inland'. Premium Platt... K. W Y INLANIt 01 Ow Alert, Al Crrlregr. Irr LI aopoo, rotor efl.. to We prarlo • illrrrurr Vr.g on Prorrettort Prost. r .r. woo wor rortc wort trirri esprrtet.. r. rot • co • . lror N., r otwohorl. To ra:t wow., vrior may or I• ri Ir Pro:owtos l'tonn or I..a.trit cont, tor r. . oturtcr gr:twee...ol -orr wort operoty oor: rpoor ua of /Mao WWI. tr.r. wort,. tr opw• .1 1. ' r,r• and r.l—oloratillw all tw / • wrol eq.-more trart4, - • .rr low w ore. Th.• outittr. trousnourr. and Lot t iro ~. •wo en rol : to root pore owl nfr.thrro tawrollrrl toot. r „ AP. for Ittoeurroogro and Wool Utrowt or II rql. Lerrrirli wilt, 1.111,1114 r I/ 110111111, ILO rarei o rldrrt irrr, rrilrl or'id , rtio, cu., Fo., • I. Mr . i/ecis r enriref 1.4 Ihnoond owl Motif., 1 0 0 /trawl & Itonor ° I .wortY Ott , tt't t `' MC= .11 e.l) Jorg e & ib. hem l>,smal, and Diamond 13irtaing 4.3 Irrut:tr-t No al . INtrort SO/C A vr.l litr Ore bore or Dr Towrltt,d , rr•rt. toot , Surturorilin. loot uro rroolvoJ 201.1 doze.. ot Oa. Ur , . "IN!, nrol tort. r P.or Nletlrroirt l'otolor.rr*•houlii r Oral It E Sol , tr• .ror &gout rot I'M-burgh, rtrul NI utry lot A.lrglrroy uo.l - --- _ i i 77,i.t)AND si in.:it PSThN I 1.1. V g.ll W51 . " 1- Ur 1. 1 ,1 —1.., •to ..., tovile iir toe celebrated Cooper 01 Idnolort, 51 J TW.u• . Liverpool. will • large ammorttnetd or retarlied gold aiid •ti yet Lever, made Ity lite bed Geld., manarnetuserr 5 ,,,,,,,.. „ i ~iggi,„i, Condo. 00000 t Warr in Gold 1,11., Jerveiti Iti Lir,. vaned, ~,,„, 5 p0 ,,,., Fork, ko. . WI. Watch 'Cr" executed; r rnyl9_ eorner lattet and gib_ " MACAULAY'S 1n1.1.,1ND-12arpet't hhe '*" pa r p , . For sale by ap7 corner Mar tel anJ au MISCELLANEOUS ALFAANIO•R 0,1 C heap Dry Goody, VllO WANTS Alu.esind Ilnr• Jur WI/ 0r . 1,1 ' Ilen•y ilrneen Nlu4nns rnr 4. 141euelsed `• • Ssnernn .ond dunity. dn • Mous de I dnor• , 0n44 1 ...d• A•p4terne • Sdk •nd Word Derage• 124 Bonnet Rodoolot 13nollquanty •• Ileoad C1n.114 A NI I,St CI Good, ri roe. Iteinvd '. .I,IIV [lv :4 p or, prle , ..lrr M..rlrt -I•re I. NIVRDOCK'S PAT'NT DASHER CHURN Ittel.n., Illt . , 1 1' 0 11 . 14 11,1 led tin. s I I,:out.le Churn. In• t ativa..l 44e n: •ry the u , l mud new, ~,,, 1..• 'rho utliry ul 1141• .ayraLina tiappuront a. I.y a ...on Inc pruoot. on. nlr ra Jorood I.ononth am, dot& away ,v,h tao nevoys, al purchn•lng a wo: Charn. ran apntood lo any churn al nod lar ono our can the unoravornont. thr ago coln,int.l w:1/4 :boar ol cathortno tao Lr Tbo are inYtfird to rail and !u.i.zo for their aolvey Leto, purehamt, rlyraraoyo a! 147, vorner 31arti anO Fo.h •troe.N. or nt Diasion.l *no), 4- we and Marl,: •trooka.. Polytol rely tO)P :YAM?. kR(11,,,,EN .111 , 11 F 3333313,3,33.31 havtru, 13,, app. - m.31 .. t ent of . Inc 43..3333 Nli it AL SAFFTY 1 . 11,1. ill the ' , are 333 J.. nun,. Jr . rc•igt.3l. •pertiadre 3331.3.-113. pub. 33.31 3.33 mem, end 3.33.. 101114•`• n: 1 3 , :- lute N 14 3 -33 3 ,3 Inlnno mer 33.3.3 P. 33•133.. 11 , A Nr l A trr3ll•,ll:4l, 1,11 e, Nn uol . " 11051 . —Mauioot t p,v It, , , ,u•I rerrovod Wl' the ~,,, 11. T It u( NI., ler who h lo" ha IA„I atorr tor n day. Ttse Itoo"on Brlhog t , ohOonv o•Pf , "•• • .."••• ray thr tsre depot oneatto or„hr etto . • ni Ihtt•huroh slot h.- Ireorots so eoil otol exanamo an.l ttnLie [mil or Owen. ul:lmg to pun them to .11) trot they thoo, rover to roorluslo open, J Jr II 1 . 1111.1.11',1. 5 wood •I l ir , P . r , rani hr troonnfl Room. oi Ike !torton o i of Trade, on I.r-r NlonedntNnocntlrer nes! "I 111 riroo.t. A. Id. 11111 r. Jr RoOrIL 11/d..1.. to I: Joorol. PlOnint , r, o klrr "" II I). KW., I,ll' YRS. fN Invettetl • stutrlttne (tor wnnhtn• It. It.thl. tor nettieh he ha. nil, •, , ,thentlttn ht. • putt,. y ntr now eery.]htt nate & thr ware• holt, ut r•tt), ',Ott & . NN t•mt ntrert, ihtt•hu,ntl. .r ttc4ltt. I . rter tr mg:a ,•....r !LS Urdcr•:root orott• , tr rompamod tt, *to to' prompt:, t.' II P AIM\ m , • NO 1111 N 1 I. ovidatt a. bone Soda A.O. THE odor r merivlng Orr,Y.h oork O0004r:a:r.. inrre 500.0.•.vd Slc,n-10. Ind tiavlnK errivr.l I,r•ltotrt ••x,etra, Ihey •re. thrmwrr. prepnr, Irt .prmg r,Y.aru,puN V 1 aCW naa Vo ITCIIELTA r lenning virnr jj nod ooror •La.n• nod erodo.—•rLebrnantui nnd duratdo u-trr 00, Are du. rrodt..l nod 'or ...Ir. wt.,- JOHN D MORt.AN. lea ',rate nt M\ r, u.IIIIIC ' p r a ' r : i ' ncr_a . 1 7 h l%: 1 e .pie 4 7ra trt,lo iol asths. 1a rrtatJ February li. I-1:•-:r t)ir, 2,01 MrfOrI:FACTL The under I ruf Arr., fof •ur row on. fr•or-, haf mold arof f• rohyinot.) rrf opofy if Ofr artteir• fir of If r:ff -Of a ft-if fuor oft, rh oder* for I \IHIA RI 1114.1 l 11. I ,r0,..t.0,1.• Rz Y••••e. lame, our rr,..:•••••••,. •••••.• • ••••+- •••• •Ir , ••r ••r a ,r 1 i•u••• from •,..• tt•...,4 • lIMME ALCOHOL AND PURE SPIRITS, Unriitt From an, ttrrr., Cincoinau, 0 MEM , • E N I N , FifiDi 4-4 ni 5 . 5 7 , ±4410 n tbt im § f. ,agr „ . Q (beer. Inert I,lt.hurgh tor Atcono . Purr tJpo 1•., New or Steenbed Whiskeytertll he prompt!, anent Jeri In et toutrent mart., toner torhl, 11, DE:FF.IFr 1.) Thii ---- 4 DA Y: . tat I to. rem Currrt SS' arr • 6 t". h' - ' td "r • It. ALF 111. ti ~• r .tgent l. hou.e 10 7A Fourth rarer- tat J II %F0r...A...T. - I rut, ot ntelt enthorteed Plann COVrT4 1 I.lam Turkey era C:urnt. I N I. rl, ~....,.......! rd. .0,2 . 111:111111:1•111, , • 1, Jo th• Turn, d o F., ,5 ~,, , ,„ re. wt Ito. 6L., a k1.1,••1, ,of trt got or rzitro•r. , Wonted do do do I do Itrtrderta ;, - ' o. ..e up blue Itornurlrt ! Curpst Mut:An,. PIANOS. c• , u,...,,, • A ••1 . 1 I.:, 1 , 1 Ir nt.ordnrnt Al.: , -d'ampa llotlurn Trtanettarr to Shodr•, S. ot, Vrevr. dn do rut.‘ nett lior tenor Ittant,.. tuttt 't . t•hrd Thr.r notteuenert• art mud- ot To rltt•h do tlo do tote tr•o., etittrr , u,trt I. •t maw , at Inst., l'hitte•. tit. eo F 111 AlEt I ItJ %Vont! etre, Morro.: a! % tr. nes do do At door trtto.t. .I :5, do do do r; Cord nod I tr••• k• fro , r• nod , ri• Fur) Ito I llnt-i P 1111!• r •1,11 , 1 1.4.3:1. 11 , 111 11111.1• C• TII• Allegheny Cemetery. 4 T l he erne. , meet m t! of the, held o 1i 1. am, lollong perm. were unen, , ...tidy to .e.mted Elamite...lo, th maw og year: T111)NIAS 11 e OWF, 11/11A J[-.SE CA1140115118, N A131, 4 111:1, 111 , 4 NI FS, Nixoneerc ‘,11.441!, JOIIN 11 -.IIOF.NIIER(.I.IIt, AMY, II I 1,...,4, J. nry nod Tr-moue 'll.urmus , the :It r, ormporoo. c.m.lthon Th., 4,1 , I• 1,, ;7 -4 TILE STAR OF TIIR. WEST )1 4 0. \ I,ITIAN MANI/ NIA SI "I'Ai - 11, Tr; I, t oto ol the bounotol. wit. ro V ...woo Ittottl, of All ill,. tittlorent Ittar• not! t.ot,cot or, 1,1.1 tot lotoll or mad , to on, t tote Co. te •1 mod moo approtool 1,10 , 1r , 11 TA .i. Mc %Lotto., nolo' , non on 111 , ino• 0.0 , n0 roll or .01, ll' o , ' ou. 14. JiJe rent. y •ort 1 ailer:la t sod tor ..rtre 'ow lot 1111,icis pr...0...1 over sod tritatr,.l. or intro nr pay torot tot . es, M 1,11.11V111.1. Vro 11- An wo.. don , will. ti., r 1 wool tnattslop, rverrndted to plow , . rr.0..1 uu,ltt.dly .11/ , qtreny en, A.., 10. Int, AMMILIcAN TELEGRAPM COMPANY • vir,“ . l RN I.INII. ) (Mee at Ilse Kichange, Ileltlystore • The leume• r . to or omen It morn V. too of l'oot p t ot t:11 it• rt. - Thr ldrAtnAl, tlt •eti. • ler the bent nett word* nod J ceitte for rut, ethlthottu. wort!. ALA ; No ciLargo too.c lor the noldro, and 1111,1/1 Until the comptrtton of the South fit !Azle hf Telegraph trout Stet/aphis, Tr.., to New patches east he orw, tted to hlrtititht• of maw. a htl moiled tor Neve f Lel] 1 AND:rt.:A Ilr. • 01 , ~r PnPer:fl— oht.trer; I " • 31rta, • nits tie hart, •• dr Lyon: •• Fraitrotr. I ° • •• •• til Auvrrg Thu above o kutiol,lr tor papering Inrer room* Juni rro d doret from rariti, utt4 Ito •uo this warehocoul apt! t• re . .!;:l ' fin " a u , waving halt If • lottor rind toupenuote enurrty thr womhootod 11. Lou. euritet, alit? having 4reoutite 0100.0 ycnits, have been iterfoetty tnitato rd, without Otr 'tightest intion to (alarm, m o d woo. out reoiouttig Irian lb. floor. It will not tiourr ti :1 , 016 'acopeoyanylba n,l obi. 23 room For We by jSCIIOUNAIAYEit yo . .24 wood at EXIIIAIdGE BROKER? , I.IOLXISCs El:111S, Banker•, Exch•nge Braker•, aaa to N OTES.DRA Frs. ACC ).I , rA GoLD,SILVER AN I) HANK NOTES COL.I.F.CTIONS.—Praft. Not, and Acceptances payable to any par cq die t mon. enlirt-tcd on It, moat is I:NeIIANCE an Near N.trk. Pitsiatirlphla and morr; tt;:lcznittn. 0:111 !0,11. sad N att. (teeava. a"nall .tly hale IJA .NOll. ‘.n a.i ao'v•nt honk. rrt No Nlartr. trre:. nal or tr. FOREIGN ElicrlNNulc.. i l! and Scot.and bong,: bra) n. n• pat ',at,. ant part n( tho t ntl . v J1,11:1 lillillN .N t.'areqtran tt.tneva. Avant. tan t. nce t.lumrx. ILAJeI ER 6 ttA (IM, i )A AND v IL !'l'a: N FCN v. Nl.•.ourt. Nom, pu rannted at the rc. I`l' 7`. , 011 arpl.l Mare, 1; it.Ll4 OF le X CIIAINu ehecx. ',v. , Inrl. • at.. ha'•:ra„, Itonoan.ry for an e ny • 110;.:11E , arnl:l as Markel. IMMO 1 IF Ft*, ICEADIN, .1 \ . 1: ' , v F.,lgnt A l'it I Au . \ •,”1,r1.a,• re. u%r • —'llL ut,. lot•ttn 1.., 1/1 s. tdd ed ldmo el., td eta cthor. I 14.1 i 0 1 . 1 1,. 111 1110 •1100. • 0 larded I s t e •unle•. Is<duti , t v.. te tst.e..snu eut.etor pamr qtr ed o , t , ss r p4v. r Fur •I{lr J Ir I 1,1•KIV4,011 /toll \ 1 erl ood 1111.1 rrtr. prtatrol r it i.• rt. :V, litsr .y Jit,v tr A • rrie•er A lu.ot u • • en...11n, ). r.l •rno . nr, znt•re, Irm.r.J• neu ./•! !•pa..l. It 1.1 u rs , m. r.r tbe • t •••••te. m 11110,0,1,, Of Kothrn lan %wry enopAr-- • !Nu tr r•uurrt rur v vr;•• • - " The ..,••• revArd, t. u. Int*lN,C 1111 l 1 6.14 t n iu.t.• 'Att.. us I su. U. t•Aral lrutul: • wor ,• Si 2 •• Iml; • A luet. ••• 411Iver,,t, n• - • c‘tre runtum P.'11 , 11111.,, 11. ••••• u, • ; •;.n act, re:nu - tube r ure etltu•la•tn • lot •.. .I‘ , ll \>il, \ 11=1 =CIE 11111=111131 R I • 1x.... •••wat., itere,v,.lluL.- It /11•1•KiN4 trA - Ar•••I , t• :„ I•1111.II•ATIOINS o, I I:, Nrr. 11,1- .1 ran. n. a V... • 4.34M:-- ,- -:-04: -, 'P••• 7- •.f . i . , _.,..... - -• - %- ..r. 4. , :,... ,, ,,,A...,, , cri t../ - ..... r....;.: , .4..,., -1 ; C re.82 1 1 .1 .7,Z - 7:"`ttt:Mr" . ",-4 3 r.&gr?'. ....•-....__.....„..,„. ~,),..,..,,,,.,;,.:..,,,,, -. . - fe . .:.i.-:'; ' • 1 N. ,, , CHICKRIIING•S PIANO FORTke. , . 3 1, , : , 1 , , .. ,r 1 , ::: , 1 $, 1 ; : ; : 0 . u t: ,;, : , , ... , :t,:5;:.,1;.:,,,r,,i MO=lll Solo Agency for Stu.. & Clark's Piill36 refii iiiti J 1,7 " ‘" •1.1,1'1, nr..l no, ^rw I , i \ v N II n . /, M. LIE STIII 3114:111 . . II sit 1*- 131t . e.. , p ME:.1.1 MEM. It EAT NII a , al. Nt, I, , vir 113 vr ~f l,litio. Forte. ra11e.1,,, A 1I 1 i . / I rn•rup,m4 mar. h, clund Wlll . 1/0 00.10011., 11. 1 1 ;1.Klii./{, I t n.KI — Clilekertng•• Plano.. J 1 -1' ..... t.. 1 u..ti n ,i i~:,..~ r.. Ju•: rt t mittl tot, tt, ort I.y J., ill:1.1MR, .1 Vocal Kccce c se. A Awl I, t tt r" MNM EEB Jon t , ; ER110... ox• oil 1A011,D%1.1.i.1.1.. , aPg• I caner t.. - •aab, rola,. raft an I a I'' 11a..a 1:11!s6 lA, at Farr,. lu.l rea aaa lot ..Tei, ) U A FeicreArrucK Je co wwir, /114. aJ..l,:a ~.. -, 11." ^.3Pnki ---: g1. ,4 :i41 11 !1' fi t'S It. e., ....33...0.:gt1, 2 1 7- V ' .2st_tF.4 ; ic l SllVlV." l ,.?t . ': Ji..,'..1 flif"l7i• . `a;" --44-- ::':Fe •,--. ei , ...1 -v.- - ; 1 :5- -- i-;• mat .L•i: e ;V:'-zi'.l:2-.' :E;;.14..g . ft i 1 ;1 . 7 Z 3 :1=1: f ' 1 ....t.5.=1...L.,,.,,--.. z3 5, -,. E., 1. di .. en Eo n a` .. .:f?...,.. - 1 - ~“ s'i . t " .21 2. • ° l ..i:;i 2 ;gll i:i= :E . 3 1:: si w 2-41,i'; . ' 4 l` l. l"•iffi l t: .. . 11."- ;;; ;-74 :ga - o•Ve4i-ii,.!-Fia t iE V : 5 . ;,,47t 112 C ..1 Vic`l:-2 t ~i1. ' 2 ' ...2 6 '. ' -5,:-a1....7 . ,a :. 7 ;'1 1. :', '''l W 7 - 7 l -, ;i.,;.!!....i1'i. 1 2". 7 , : , ::: .-. - - -: 1 1..3....;-1-' , :rFS. 4 ~...,- _ . , F- E .- s :§....y.s.Hz-_--31..15-22!-Az t-?..8 az >g ii-. ,, ,E.;1;-?.,!..i..7.2.1:4i.E---. 1 ; f..:.- -- .. - !;- 1- _ .0 . 3 - ,- -i-izAPti:---:.3.2 f.; ,- zi X.. _I V. l .:,... 4 '..'::.';'.igfii;S:lii. L•-:.7.' 4 ,•.. E. 7:E . :ai y . ..! . i. : tf-a Et ;. r.,, , 5. 1 -,;...'! f eii..z.i.,_...1.:•,,,:.g..1 i-.,. ....3 a , ~,' ,- ,t s ' .2. = '.-1..5..r.e5cir . Pg.“ 2 ' ..;1 . Z 6 g ipf: = ta , '..-,' e4-.1,...5--:-..:7..1.-rs!? S'.. o tr, , . 4 t n F . , ;-..- LIS ..? -, .._• - r`t.=il-'-'7 .• , .;i am" u=r. C. 3 Icc * Jr , ii .ti * :-.' g z.V B 'g, - i-s - i - o.•.:'..ig="fliEl . :, , `"--d , q . .< - :. -2, —,1 ,- ;r?-41••?.:..1:,.-1 E , -.' -Itz, i.,•;':-..1-153:.g2z,' E: , •3 . ~ N, N, 2A -;'. ' i ! 15.1 !'i.:1:1;g!!. 11 .,.;:..1 -.,: :g ‘''''. 3 - co ~,_ 7-7'----, ~ g - i :- -i th- ; l':.%.t, ! fltif'. ; p: - .'; . ttE. ;= - . -- ; , ... -. 4.4i.a..'"' -- * F;E! , te-1.E,.... ,, ~.- ~. _71'..:; , ,,.2.....r.-,-...,...,.. -, ;- C.D i ''' ; 1-, :•. - -"" i':: :. '"' g.t..: . !:.:':. - az ,- .' EL..:E€.z'r. l :l2ltr; met , 3 1 .. t Nk. .-: .t . 3 '. : . 4 T -7 .....1 ,-, 1 7. 0 -1 .:.:•-.1.-;-7E-.7 . ;- -' i: , 2 a 1.,,,, ---:, •----': ' -- ''':-..i.-5 - '-.C.L. , ,,..---,-c. E , ,,,._ ; ....;.. , _ i ,...-: : ". LW 2 ,:.Til ft*. : .!..; . 1.::" ' 2 '; - :: :: ` l q -1-51 1il li q' 2 " 4 :9 ; li t:;''.':-.,::'-7;::•f.:11. 7 ,1 ::. , -.:;4 . :!;E. - -: . Ez.-2' Ti 0 i i.;• 1 4,-: i .. ... 7--55 .L' --- t':-;;j 1 ,. -z - z - l• coo a c ri,;,:i.r.,?:.7,---ii-E.E.'",..:12.'3.771.-.-E-----:,7-'-' -: _ii`-.7,-,--4,;.-a,l.tzt-g.C.ii.;.:ill-:“.•i_,.-- 1;-.. 4 i-,:-. , --- C. 5 ACZENTSs—WAT JACINON. JOIN D. SIORDAN. D Al. CURRY. A;;•Gh<ni City: A. PATTEMON, Dinningh‘m EDICAL M'ALLISTERIS OINTMENT ..,,-Ei_,' --z_ CONTAINING N 0 41_71•04-i', *1%7.. All.. Rel. RV. or other Mtn ~.t. r iT G f.,';:".-:4: , r r .e ' rl ' , -- tr ' :! ' 7..;(17.;;1V • .rfj.'" -- :' 0 ..:p' , ra SOItES..9.I:IIOFULOI • et .;.• ...-...:.: 4 r,7. 1..... .,...,.. , F:ll . lr . R.',e. ,KIN . 14.4. ...TZ,.. ,... ,_'.. = r -L' 7 . .; .' -17; i '. t gr' . i3;r P to '" l ‘ l ' • ' .... * lV ' e: :4 • 1 _.„. th e:, ratrirl 'rawer, and It ter,e,? .. .7 , .7 7 r . rg - ;,., l i r , ne ,,, aln then , t„ .....a -.IP; ' 4 .4, AI. I,- HZALINI. lor ' ''"C , • ' r ' t • --...... e re,•.. :,. ,ArrPre Irtrere et e'er, a dlr.. ....e ' , ~,,, ra-r enernai or : I. • '-„S' • ~:.._, r ' ...-r- Iha : Lt N p 1. berrebt. • 4..7- I Inv 0r,...1 RI., the tarn , r,.. ,etr • ,7 a.' dice 0/ li, o cher, rareolvinr ,i ~,,..1.,,ri, end I declare , ~r•• r, r yen ILIA twin, that "01 to 011 V case i 16.1 a lar.:erl to be ...h1 whrr. the Retreat was veal. tn.. reach ' i 11 Mr....a , ~,, ‘• FVe Will , r.per :ern 111.2 , 1 i in the prole...Lion I have 0r... .r. or thr eo•r•rl• :adder of Um betheth... ,rero e.l Lan ~ , grnt r r th ee of 11, lughest eretchtroe. no,: 0,t,,,, .4 rr e por LIFIC .: .r. every •artety of .. ~. ar,rlth. re ha. erne us, v0.,..---or, urnver•a: , r.• r •rte . .r ALLISTER, YOUR. OINTMENT I , ,4 ..I,' . . 31, 41 removes n.olto.t tmn.c.d.ntely t 4 .tsusi.oo nod when the pato ceata,a 11•031% nrour.d the 1.0.11 I. , -A‘'lll.---'llo. lota cored personn of the yeary ktanding, and who had .1 ..t• werc •omiung :ook EAR. I,tyl• 11•Ae I !E. 0r.4 MAIE IN tilt: rACE.. 0••i' 111,1, We ouve cured 4... that InuetllT att eG • I.on •• • t Itown. as the ability 01 fif laca .• t -do. on- One roam told Et, he 1.44 vent htlo,t, talthaa may 1.ene1.4, a Lon a few 1.17, •Fit 4,(c . thrrn• i r 1 • ElS—There ootit.og better for ac corn of en: yclrly cured by ;In. 01. tr, -, 1 It NV V 1.3 11111 A nciVlng rrtl. lIIC P•it•• . . MUI! :he ;krt. dlrt-k-t.urn. sof umal M fur M , ., .(n. r rug/fawn:. 10 1,P 0- W. Tett, t .Scru-a Mad. (7 , v 1 Afie,suon, Yam. D.s. • . • ,•• al Ne .arne . H•ual aene. warm, 11••••••,,., E a . 1%••••• DN•age. qf Ne Skin. Sor• bra, P.n. Nu-c.a., L.irn,. RArlrmaram, [hot, 2•M. , ~, s brokers Prea.r..Thars.4 Flee. .4er .1.1. Comp:arra. Pea , M •r ha mg ad o Mr !ma. ca. Ira. other aecomp, h.• rharnma the rma. rrarer, I; reatrartarr tme mr wtrl 'll. ' rutu Prop, neva ort,rr wart tartar ri they Ireqrserrhy m I • r`rn . mera .• Komi rar p.trn am tra..l iu whr, .111,smal In Imam rianald r.c pH - Orea,tut. a• 1 An :AIIN thottnrw ermuntn'ep u,the 4161 , Nl‘., wfltlC/1 Wllll a ElaiiiMillniaiMil •. . • ANIFdi NIcA So, Prorrirtor of the al.ovr triedtcrne. arr Irrati.r. thrldh. d'r North Thad trrrra, Pot' 11[1,11 1 . .11•111,11 1 faun♦ Root, enroor a. I er ,t' aLr ••••. aoo I. W11(11.1 Jr. tomer a, 1.1 • itho ..... .tlan rllll, rof 4th oad ,aot.laral •-t• j II • ...• of ‘‘•lnut asol Poo. ~••• wan!, alo soot La klo• toark-,00 111 1.111111i117/11 • •.. . . . •• .on 4 rt. rill 1.7 II I' arkal 7 , 7 J t• t.tlll l / 1 . brug !. gt,llit• 11 1,•( I II now 6, 511.. , t I an, J r A.T.E2t. I,.:STALII.IbII2II , LPIT, l'lllLll,-,1{1:11Ci, 1 . .1 L •llFwh.nt , Ilydropallty ha* [nark. I nn "au thsn ronnry—tn^ cane. at o.d %vote r Vi,r111,11, 1 10,.1 •flnr 1,1110,1 n Plin• .I,,,s.rse,enovv. , . front Bllti .n .2,11/IL, evnry :fir •rraksgtc. 01 4,110111 , WI.II tO St, Lin , • . prart,ed Ll”a par,. ••••1 r +c.o. e. , pert. , nt,.• ,1 or,s•mo...Le pm, wk. ip, tufty vr• under .• c•tc, aut.l loc Ilse the eo,outo tO the ot. d . ut; Itot WI:, to re-cll. , Lhe hrfit ,aand al an UnitrA t•otn for p.en•oate utal ...urn aad nappy tr., • s• avast• of :ha advanta tt..,, hiltpica , solu's... tssr C ,c ccd a• ssear sas... , ,Lse Use omit ts• &aid, cars ,' ssy s., Use. Its sllns.stSllll. ants ao ars,as mt. Lst neve•vary tar us as La ass say st vs. s 1 pvrvossa, s , < KEIL M D.l . aatru'su , si...tourg.l.4ca , vr vuutssy, l'a •• •h Rev .. ,rfy„,lll•;tori., N . I) ~ 11... Irsart...• 11,st, &cast , . L., v It svcs New , us. . A IlLiwri,,Flss. du. s u, NIP - D.llu ough. goneral weak o. cormloc up,cule, irregulgr humerus, ofe•houldur c‘olosi,ll/.1 S -, . “ N:A. LI I'll ,1•11,0111% or Consclarruo4 --enueonc Ilabby to oot, Fen to m ;at ,00n.•. to orrrott mop up sista*, uornding ur J•t. bp: tt . roc, pul, alavoys Clove 1n0,...r0n :or sr,. nogroner, drettetong cold towards n,011111.C. enmen 01, like st rommon en i xrrl, hut spool the ',root when mat dos. sys-s .1. a.. y crises-its! to sub•ide some el the syrup. sons• die a s :era...trd. 'The rough is inure trouhl-- -sour, .--preta.iv when Lyme down. Ilse re Is no bred the chest, ht. didterth lorrationg, which is , ty, 1,11110w41 Thr appears., of the capes. Joann, olds n L rnln. (-banged from n thick e-ow U.. 10 It IlAginer •13 . ••larMe It Le vs ry so me paboa and esti. an son:eas. stall o hen barood It 1. as ass usurer. appearance, and;ot /•,,,ar.l, a 111,0‘nre 01 ,• and mucus, sin oil mtaingsit o wan, psrt uni• and part swims. Thos disease I v. us ot any Itadt or at any age, and is charae. tro L Los-shorn . of the rough. The Balosia ol Liverwort rdects the our.. of ths• n.,aenne I.) raoerlarauan • sanoth. said bet. the no -essol Wogs It nee. r Wherever thts toed, hu.. nonl, we beer lis succe,s. For thir. leur. it has hero before the told ha. been ..surouettiy %e.t.a tarill ro,ll,,inlals of the Lungs, end Soo proved 11,11•ups.rior incr. to any gang to use. • bocht co, hundreds °i testi:nom,. nom physo sns. tho s rel. end the.(- who have been ea r- 1 Out all We ,I,..qte the attennois of the af sass:a the own von/ they Neill try It 1-oos out ar enaliterfealn ' Always observe the sig. : sslar.• • .. Taylor, NI D." ins the engraved Label, ypa,sl L.t that %Vitals:sae Depot, 71 Oceanian • , se•t. New ..r , • La.PlitsbArah by / D Morgan 93 Wood sa / II Stbs ser. tor blarkes ussl .1. • I na ACo , Loherty st Prtne reduced o 01.50 per homemar/ 14 cm, 004 wi otAl KII.I.FR st. the brat Verantage st , can en, 0r Lor h, family `A'' sesioS Tp, Wralmorelalla cO Ps. Mr John II Murcan -Tins L• to tert. , y Mat I Jaye be L g Verm tier forsome inn, say about as. y ear-. atd thnt ttmr I hnve nr,r innwn 11 to 1.1 tar ra Worn,' Avner, when the •ympion, L o b, so y presets, I had °erosion to give It to • os. gnther.. a ists Inntil). I ones each of Moo. "so d 0.... an I one °Winn passed Ani and Mr otto r r worlll l II l• the hest Vet-nurture that tut, mats • his family J uens. Fr. ,411,11,11•1 odd tsy U. Misfit:lN. Drusgt.t. one siss. helaw Ulntnnnil n•le,. 011 c% tael el Yes phu: WILL, phi: daunt Potash. as re et vest sate by nil R E 4E1.1.11,- I )R , ss . OR • Fr- Freesp. Issude Ina AL.,lse l . 11/14 Cline .1,1 Soda. C111...n. 1: I y t Ili ny, I...anJes quo-, .1.1.1 sad for I.y R I: ,F 1.1.111,. oral •1 ) L St I. po s L anosis.nou• di•eases. IL remove. the da,cer. isa• k roomy ar. 11) . finer ster. y.• eel,. sad onerrepts rommuntcable stools,. o helper a inan or anon., Jta, rte'd and for 11.111 it SE.l.f.Elt!+. 57 Wood T ...cts us a lbane Ala Saw. 7, Wood street n oonspy, u. air of Fillet:mats Coespera Tool, .or by lii HUBER LA I. FAIAN A I Si HISTORY (if I.INULANDL-Irst. raw., contains:se nil the matter, verbatim eL Li of Nuts I and a of the London'edition s d won a 1,0.'1,1011bn autnor—a Vols. In ono. Pr- romp, te Ane A large supply of Me above re r. earl Ind nor sale by JOHN II MELLOR, el wood et il.n C.lti`OA ANL) BRON—R Aniter s Ikons, Nos 1 L'horolaie sod Coco.; also, Bch... so, t •po ed Lust reed and for sale at the I`.•lss s 'les Ns Fourth si mrl2 tir it I il..,,,!.s . lts.—tos,sisTess vt , , yrAll..lllalrce'd mud for sale by the bail so at retail, el the Pekkt Tea Store, 70 n j ura. mra MEDICAL RALTEWS , 3INSENG PANACEA! TIIGSE SUFFERING WITH DISEASES' 1" LUNGS —The unprecedented succesd which Wu Rended u. IGe or Inn MiMI2?!E2M WONDERFUL. PREPARATION. weather sahlert mark. our fill and ..arer munths. ot always a fruitful roarer of IM=U= DE= question, then, how shall we nip Abe destroyer In bud' how mall we get clear of our coughs and aer ,13 , impertance to the public. THE IiREAT AND ONLY REMEDY e,ll tn. found to the Gitteeug Yenswearln proof of this .e have from um,. to tune putoll.bed`the coruficatce al foie..of out t known cation., who have experi ...cod it. moron., rower, e maze of lel from au par,: of tee eountry—frum NW-Olt:AI. MEN oF 1111: FIR:4T trrANDING, q.:11.1to. of th, toge; with copiaoe no, , eue from the ./OURNALd3 OF T/IE DAY, vve have emhdthed pamphlet fdrtn. and may b. b4 (rang of any of ear .I,CIII/ throughout the eountel• lIENDIIEDS OF itorri.E, baee been mar.ltn tins ot7, TDOCSAN DS AND rEvs OF TIIOI7SANDS .hrougboal MC Ltuted Shin. and GdAdda, and ne cb • enge .7 man is point 01.11 SINGLE INSTANCE which. when takciarcon.llng to direction.. and be fore the laues ha 4 i,cuine fatally diurguured, it LL liver fa:lc.l to FF:C7 A PEIIFECT CL'13.121 Why, then, !iced the ntibeted arsitatc! hy , wort to ttaraLle no,rumn. notten up by a, nalt la. u r ae asauntn/I name ai soma C. pby. .clan, anti putted 1111.0 laolortety by cart:Amu. c. pu • equal... unklll.Wll' Wlitlat a fa...haute el CA ItAI.I.ELED EFFICACY MMNIII=M • Sr . qAT , '/11..D FROM TIIE AVF- In order that tht. iltaniunt ettedirtne may IK pkeed w.Jtmlmo rep,. of poor a well the rtch, yrs bird the rter at ' " lust one hull the worn. eleo of courh mddrcinc• Is !or aux oy dur age,. trs neorly every hown ruolvdture tier the weer. wUo are prepared Ist rive uoururn. do, retatle• u r SAUTER, Yroprretnr, ftrnarlueue. Voleirroarr.lrdn novN,ENty, auran or Irr rerworend, larrourne Surenparilirs, a a .dtor •arr. o; ft 11..".1... on:y Apslit In/ lltiLAburo. 0 11 Cl 11110.• AKent for Ail,henr lIT DROPA TlllO ESTAISLISIIIITENT, KD Mkra 1111. 190•101 of re rn., a., thanlt• to 1110 "'tends and the puldte lor to ir ,tronuer ne has reversed. and c .tie them Mot ma 0.• lately erected • large l oad tat, enn.rueled I:utlabs.g. for tpe 0010.1011, purpose, of Ins %VAT! tt CI RE: }_ETA BiAsiimx.vr. at Iris old I re.atten at Pholtpsharith, nn the Ohio river, opprs .te Me stearrthont at Heaver. woe, hats ready rt—e:ve conclin orders,ond trmst them n 1 Ily• I. C 0,402, nlaerple• addl., to cis lone e h xperi ence a i d , ere. success which ha. heretorom at tended ate treaancnt 01 pstriePts commilles.l Is his care, Lac us aow Ir, 01i11,000:130110,11 a/lorded try on c - t4iteiye tnetiinte erected VA recut,' for the iturpante, eon tou teeve.ttr. 4 ceo m 11,Tt o .0 odo 0 u a s n a I s o n e d l n o t B 0 n suiy 0 lro looraS L ms n , ianng d , hoed d cotlopa a et i v a na n trr iM. I measr U li i l,l?lldhtiul tandt r sr....ce. east or are,. try stearettonts, and of .. el • 1..1t •a water. Dr. Acker assures . hosc h:Il - E ',moat who may place theinatelves :nt tha: ery attention 01.01: 1, 000110 ate, enamor:, arm a. 4it a 4 saran.: or the seta...Mal Pena" to he derv, 1, he 00000 *lll, 0011fidt0GC to hun dreds who 1, :ve ...Its permanently cured at his estab tstmarnt. ate r re leaves no injuriace. :•••inad. a. t• :on 1111.11 the cue wish tteac Who hove hers: treat., oa lin and system. It reelect, the dn. to, tavotoratr. a pro , roto ro, ton tangelo. colon t roancrs H of tar locator, creotr• a natural o of co of c appo,:c. tool USW.. vigor to the IiKeILIVID For pm:uvular. lutiulif. nt thr,...:1•1,1/4hurlent, of ,Warean tlr. Nuprzetor .1 .14.1apKtourrh. LIFINI _ • r eave oorn .olormrd Ly flora of aeore pet c. d twr by Dr. Jaynes Alterative, watch • roper.or., ovrr carry other remedy of Me She Ik...Lcro 011imm+1mr Me Mat catcall yea!, MIMM=IIIMM==tn or to ohoo• and enfol anon of 5mi...a bone.. dm b !I:no man, ;neer.* bake been d,xbarted from or me cranium, from both her arms, .•.• • and Ir= boa, ler, and from the left .e., ,0., and from the rght knee. Leaden pantie! .e.., • on oth-r var.: of her perm', which hays bottled .tore ~Ennorr of the Illnflctn:nent pliyvlciansol our 1 —dor rg toort of the t,mc her oaffermes bare and deplors Mr Afloat three months • oc e too mduced OP try Dr. /dyne', Alterauve. , na und an &Ammer:m.oy happy oboet upon her, o!I Nun and and ran•tilit to b..,e , s to nen, while at the same time her general health 3:4uecome compktely restored, so that 4he now wrelebs : more that the d.d before she commenced the use or enittabh. prermation.—(hut. Ere. Posh I or •nr r.....,ormot,en,.nqu,re of hits awe. No dbe.. 2,, I For oa thsPEKIN TEA STOELE, IAR. TO WINSEIN U'S tt A litiA rARILL.A..-411ttoson J lust recettrect of Lir Towitttetttl's Sarsaparilla, the ato.l sat raortlittary medictitc at the world! TL Ex t wet et pot up on quart bottles. II at SlXwne. cbeaper, p:rtvtattier. o.ttl warr.te.: •optrtur totut; sold. It vote. e.ll. votu,Unp, pasvinc nsekenlng or dotattottios toe pausal. • lawn 0 , 111 I auvavcaca—Unpranctpled penance have copned our lane:, and put up tecatetur In the saute ehapod bon] , One that each bottle ham the arneten atg r./1.0.01, 01 Toarnaend H. E Uramiut S, Wood street, between Tlttrd and Frani, L. Dr. l'awaseiLLlN aniy sw.halatale retail agent for l'itubtErgh, of wham the gOnOltle cc., C. bc had. D. M. Curry ha , appoutted the ads scent for Allegheny city. of wunnz the genutne urttcle can be ,t A I -suss-hoc, A. U. N t voy I. Fsusurrecsl.llOsbusgh. u. W W holesale Drug Store la the City of New York. til F. under turned ore r monovely mignired In the V. nodose. Ursa business at No. 40 2010 street, in etly el New Sort, •nd are prepared to supply Ul U. •od cosintr7u Mums,wi Paints, li,e-studs, Ferree and Amerman Perfumery, use er. A roe., al 111 ander's Chen:mud, in( Moir own to; oratiorti sr_' all other articles to them hoe of !Mob st. iit • SUN no ...mality as low ga they can be intt tos.eJ in this or Only <worn AIM co/ York. Feb IA IL A L'A I' Dr. Wlekey's. Celebrated CHOLER:I AND DlialilltE I NEDICINEti. rfnLr::;;• all the Southern told Fa•trrn raw, - We do cerldy that I, Lori. WIL 11,. 01 York, Ps, took uthler In. care r/h1 nu...drone U. 011 .ar about the hod °Webber host. • young - marl laborreq ut.der a revere nnack at en,taue CLolar• 'Mit we cram ' teed the .aci pr,L d nod towel tom to be et the col , . I urret' state, ot that down., with frequent and copious rive water dsscharger. Thai we pronounced tr rave co coon:no L:11011 1 r, and declarerl moreover that we I,e or ved the paul patirot Velat t cloud the hope of mod teal old In lu. w .u{ht the putieut would Mr, and .o deoia rod at the time. iumher certny mat the said Louis Wietey Imo •neo own ton o(treannro, and administered Ele I,in•-,,,...2 .. -.lrleord a eurE or the panto, m foe, Ilte r,anr the young,man was at wort. ao:d j.erfeelly well. C Doiscr, 111, U. T. II 173 , rccrrr, M. D. I eertlfy :hat I vi.ite,l a case 1 , 1'1120a...1d Cholera an. der ihe 01 Dr Lou.. Wickry, awl that ht. rrneved 100. ~ L ate of ,V3,4l.ington County, to wit : I eert.ty that I am wet; acquainted with .the gentle -111,11 Who, have s•gned the within certificate. of Dr. I,mis Itchey...,d they are menu( respectability.' In whereof I hereunto subscribe my s name. and Mks the seal or cry other, this four rventh day of November, eigliteen hundred und nurty-Wive. WILLIAM:4, Clerk \ Veshington County Court. Nlsry rand. I witneroted the admlnisoration of Dr hair Wick e,'. p remora . ton for Cholera, no We an or an appren tice to We plastr ring. basincsa In this town (pacer ,. town Ho. was St writ walked cow of Amato! 1.0. W. rice water °snowstorms, cold clammy skut, cold twogne. small tremulous putset.-1 ronsnlered his ...leo WWl' erotical and raw M. pre to Dr Wirkey. and ors. present at the guroom.- ..anon of the WM dore of Invlirme. and saw bonalre per twit y durum the mtendanee .4 Or Wielrey; he re. covert* so as to be 0.0 io atlr lid to and warn at hot trade on a row Map, am re to, k sane other but the up:dodo. admpused by Dr-Wlealt:9 Dam D rho only true and pentane Da. W,CIMI . S ChPir7ll talc n m i o , l "r ch 't a 'n 3 1 1 ,; ± 0 /1711 7i " irEllritf:A " N ' , ' aro ' p;;! ' n ''' nOniWn one door be ow Waroond alley. 1,!!„,,,., GRATKFUL for Me we, nneral eneoaraen., haye reemeed My m many yearn, I leave detnr. mined ,darce my Imetneris considerably. Ilaatny crtyaged a conk; Omit 1,108110.11, Will 110 001011111 10 511.1 °Men ornnipt:s. and do Mr wort Inour umet pricey, and a3lr tlnVanemnon M mar- em.en• mlama mock of U1 . 111,14+ r lII' (iotya.4 ancl Re.. Maur... and Bedding, Cur. Imo Mawr. , Daina eta and More., Cornice, y,,„. gee , Spin and Rot. LS Ind.. and every aroma uenally romultetunent MWe Ordere respectfully anitcmcd and promptly at. tided to. Y. o—Carpent made and pot down. WS( LARD -10 kegs No I L.ard, for 43110. JO N6'lilf.l-4 44 ROE 11111E0 APPLE---3W bush to aurks, for salt by 1.1 & ROE c;s , ,&_ MISCELLANEOUS. „. .eru sod moot fashianable — Easmrn patterns and color*p ts... Also THE CID:AP ROLL. or BOSEON BLIND, on hand or made to order of all amen, and at all pnoars. co s nvy merchants and others are invited to call and exstalne Ilia above fors hemselves , as all wrill-beo old oreolesale or retail, and a !Metal dednetion mad. In wholesale oarchaspra. A EATER ELI Notteo to the Public TXTE hereby cooly our friends and correspondents! at home wad abroad, thrd we will not, 0:11:112 CICCMOM meet,. fmght (row way Bows far 11 . 1.4 1. Newton lo ANCII3, on as agent. • app RI/ODES ALCORN. A KIAJIIII. TORN KELLY P. CO, (snecessora to Robb Mow r.ll breezy A Co., law Merchant Tadors,) No. 1119 CIIININUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia, beg leave Or inform Weir (non& and patrons ttint dwy have received the latest SPRINti AND SUMMER FA:11110NR, with n large assortment of New Style ISOODd; compel:lug Cloths, Ca...snores, Yestinga, ko, of every daseripooe--itll of which are of their owtt powwow', havutg inert easefully selected in Parra London. Ar.• 17 ECritA ' tn n Ul :J i :P n4 c.L ' arille " t d :creitersir r ritroV l melted:dein 111:1111ER PASTE—Just rceeivinz, i 2 von I Ltonles of Rubber Paste, superior aril Important to per,onn Inah to keep tlcLiq cei dry It prevents, We loather from eruekt,iF, and will lake • poluda over For siue at We Ind. R Depot, uFber Dep, No 5 Wood nnmt. zunrs aoLnrablain - tibr.m THE subscriber, *Thalamic manufacture, of JEW 1. FAX) ~n rites whoiesale denial. an..l pedius tra tang Sum, and Wr,t— also, cnuntry store teapots to cal: and c :amine bia mans of Jew:dry, which will bo sold nt the :owcat prices for cash or .pro Ted Scrap. Maces. Constantly on hand and manuf.turing, a large assortment Rentable It city or counts! trade. E. ti. A. RAKER, corner of Count, and Branch etc up stairs, aptihde,n, Phdater.lohhs _—_ _ Paper Missing.. LIAVINti purcha,rd at three of the Wiest Facto lA, rice In thn East. (New York WI Pia .d Eibliunre,i re large as,ortiarn ' -- 4 4 - 1, moat ....eree ,..arEl unproved styles of PAP • .'-' '. %;,....r.,,, , ' ERS, itc.,. and made arming :,, ' Et'67,,'" ill he ern. ' A" ' p .c.. ' ' Ada , ~..tle r .,. ~'' lancOus with their appear, ; ~,E,,,,,g:', „ ;, t ,„ )Y--'' r et r arniald In ane ~0"- --- gto have eir houses papered wt...,.;,).1..' Sirs of paper y to call and ; examine ati, , ,, , w - , afore purchasing chiewhere. , I have no .on the way tram het 1 . ...41.1, Ha p' ,of Hold; Satin td axed, and common Paper H.gings, which I cart sell at prices ranging nom lob eta to ed IP . piece. ructii,i S i: t1LL1.„,.7 wood st Macau § - maing. TJAVING ju•trotapteteel the rebuildingef our amok. Imme.,,ere arc um. prepared ter receive meat, and atuoke .1111 the sue., merchantable manner. The hues. are fatted with all the modem ilapralrc. ewe., eaul are capable e( canteen:is' b 1.1.1,000 lbs. tad:, KIER dr. JOKE.""zti Canal Buhl, near Seventh at TEINTrairiPAPER-11aving the exelnalve agency Y for the sole nitge Mill Grove Printing Paper, pi. U. & C Clarkin. Proprietors,' we Will be constantly xi:Lop/len wins all inc iligerent mixes of anperiarlinalny, which we otter al pie lorresl rilular prices. Hlh N0L.1.1.9 &FPlcorner Pena and Irwin eta DUQ,CE9NE WOillil4. .• • 00LETIAN, ItAILTI, O N d. CO. continua ta mama facture Suudi hot, etprlntg andßlister meet, Planet,/ Fort and floe Steel, Re.teta, Spikes and Wrol Iron Nut. tul sacs, together wait Coach and Eltiale tipnag. Ni Fui, Taper and common Axle. reduced ins price of NN rooulit Iron Nuts, onzine I.uiltiers and others using the ornery velll---fluit it to their uncre.t is sive thisDCW branch of Pittsburgh mannfacuro their somotion. Goartr trunnung. maleable Iron on Lamm. Wnrehousc on ly ate r vnd Fourth .tt febodn-ti SAM'L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, ST. CLAM STREET, PITTSBURGH, JOSTAISIT.I9 NEW YORE AND PHILADELPHIA, And is now o. hat usordnesid or Cho7llB, CASAIDEDES AND VIBTINDS, oF - ritEDF-T QUALITY AND LATEST STYLES, And in the Talent Faehions that,. Load quarters for Hoots wad Shooas uprintr of Fonith and Smithfield streets, Permit:mon TA. il l TROTH ts. SCOTT having commcncetlii i if, the general Soot sod Shoo nutmeg, wholesale and remit, would respectfully tna nacitunit el heir trunds 0124 the public am,- eral'y, to their splendid new stock, consisting amens, volumes% boys', ints.set. and children, wear of every •anely, suitable for the season, and at prices to snit the dines .0 splendid arils, 0(11mi. made work, such /13 genSensen s anc Snots, ;stilts, misses md ehildrens fine wort. ficase call and examine for yoarselres. TROTH Jr- scurr, comer 4th and Smithfield au N. U.—Traveling limits, Carpet Bags, &a, al ways on hand and low for cash Con.ntry inerchuns would hod It to their interest le . 2!E.A`u°. • g 9 G 0 . ,• IM POIC11:14S a. Wholesale Lank. in Foreign and lammue Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery, ke, 199, Wad street, Pittsburgh, are now fully prepared with a recently imported stock of Hardware, Cutlery, Sad dlery,Capemere' Tools, 91., to oder very great in ducements to Wes.rn 'Memnon., as in addition la Inc many advantages had by our predecease., Mess ste Log.k Kennedy, we have greatly increased oar facilities, and purchase all our goods from first bands on the very but moms. The Prater manners of the Goa devote their whole atte... sale; and feeling confident °frying rot is action, respectfully solicit a call from all who may visit this market. meld/ 1111.1C1( FOS SALE. 11"3 ttnde.igirra army for sale • superlorataele of bock fur building, made by his Steam Pram, tmproved machine, for which ho by obtained • patent, and agrees to gore purchasers a wnnco guarantee that theyare Stronger, and will rata frost and wet weath er and butane lessVirOisture or dampness than any oth er brick, possessing greatterbody aaperior ammo and much 'Moro dlialite is every respect, each brick bang aubjected to a pramre of several lona, and pea sensing • handsome smooth serrate mul 0041 odsva, they make (mut equal tba last frutit They have peen me greatest milsfaxtion bell vrho have perehased. A kill eao le met at my work., and sPecunan at the Gazette ochre Teat having supplied themselves lot their buildings, and wis btu; itanaonie Mull bock, or superior hard id s o l i d par tog Dock. roll 01.111 thorn. ISAAC GREGG; U "'"'''''''' junr I' " ''''. , , i.:' , : A - torT.4r --- . vi/ out--•I, “, g 1”-,., i.,,< ~ . 4 b u . 'TT dub""'''''.ll'L(ls.7l.n.,l,-:47 gt. 7 47•oxi r o Slh ^o2 ' (IGI.AKTN,IIt,IIII.-1 netve tit,* clay ux/e5....0 1 ,.., Intli men/ be w,,,,i,:..,, Grocery, ono C 00161.0.111. G.G.,,,,,,, Mr /011 it Wthlon, under the him ~..,,,up, VV., rr 4 ,'I. JOHN wATe. rtsul,arel. n, , ,11 .1, ~....t., S . • 7 1 .:. 1 .1 1 l u tt/ly u i.. 4 o e ll o o.le na o w l Lr, , ,' . ' Zo aide o( Led C , ettlorstle ott hand and for dale • PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, eI:O,3OOED THI.SVEYJCLY a wErza.; Al 4.1. GAZA. Boadows, 3d .s., Eng OF A OVEILTIS/rt Una ~..eetio.; or It lines, or SO 00 Two tovertions without a ...... 0 75 Three '• 100 " One Week " yr ..... 1 50 • ' To Werke " •••• ...... 1 50 flume •• " 300 OneMetah, . 4 00 I'wo 600 Three •• 760 U Longer adverWinnenla In ame proportion. One snuara,G months, without alterati.,... 10 00 It " " 15 00 Cub addittonasiequare for 6 months, 500 •• " 1:. 10 00 ,One tonere, monthe,renevrabl, -• ' 15 00 , we at 14,41Uve, 1 5 •' It' , 4 4 , VI 00 Each additional square for I: m0nth5......... 000 l'wo squares,6 months, rewahle IA pleasure, SO 00 Each additional square, 6 mcmt/m, ...... 00 norrnYnnt On T111 , W11341.7 In DAILY //V11& One square. 3 ........ " each additional insertion,..„,... 1171111.11 cnIIDS. Five lines Or Inn., o.• year. ..... 60° " " ' months bOO " " ," one year, daily & week!), I ° ° a " " six months " GO •uveurrszziszTs IS WLLL2 flail* For 1: lines, or less, One insertion ........l0 SO Three, " " " Three m0nth5,...... , 6 11,1
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