,G,NETIC TELEGII ' REP. TEb , a. TELEGRAp . M4D, FOR THE =SWAMI DAILYG&ZPII --- FOREIGN NEVIS. i A 1113117 AL. 08 TUE STEAL 11114:13 CANADA. 1 i 0, -a 11•4 1 7 1 I. ,---- e 111KVEN DieVIILATELIt. /TON 21140 0 .FROSPFC'I OF AN AB ANTI 11.484 t ° CuCU Flllillellg. .g VEST. 11.14rina zEr+, ,° urnt„. l l d 011DINOT RECALLED FllO5l THE cp.v, MAND OF THE ARMY. ; 1 1 * Aston! of Sto.'otho P.P. or Itaa4 Do army ,holoptiro,--Vootos atit hal ottri ri: i New you, Aug. .,... , 4, By Hoedown's ropers' them St. Jotted, t r steamer's news was received al Boston this ;dot& lag, the Cands having arrived at &tarok Iksi event., after Wiring been considerably4Bl'll -by beery weather.; 1 .k ll COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE I P Livraram., Anil 1.7,, Every department of trade comma. ,heitltft. There has been rather less business emit ilia Re produce glaring the past week, but pripel bilVe been well supported, and wear a eteerfal fail :. £:: 1 .1 ii Corron-The demand throughout the weak ai. been active, with , large attendatme of pttreine l i ll ! ' s Holders having little disposition to meet; HO fie- 1 e_______,...___ mind, buyem auumMed La an advance d,i i id' to . , , on American- , 1 , 1 tiOltibliiitilL9.l : It Emma operations-commenced noderralingtile 1 lel, 1 All.llAil AC. easement, damper/lag premise Man nbuntiltol 1 ~. AUGUST. I 1 , yield. -- ili i r 2 5 0 8: riVA rl 1 The Grain market is depressed, and !t decal. Isr Homing, , was eel:abated on Tuesday. Then to a teile4e - , LB T . , ,tri n t4. 7 „ . mond for joddat, gum, owing partly to the rot:fees 1 31:1 Tharsday, of the potato rot. Iron In steady, and pri:tteajm. 31 Fr'O.Yr ~ proving. ' li The manutittanag districts are actively 'O M- , played. I ii l 1 The Danish minister of Mance has dile i ' ed,the 1 , ` -1 04= Parsousion a...gar', / blockade to be raised on the llth of August. , V Bann.. Menials Jaime v... 1,49 t Tho stock.' bullion in tea bank of Eagladd, of Ti t er ' e th er r ee ' eTd lt .. 0 eel.' and eke..., and X 14,600,000, having sl , g h t l y a,, c ,..,....,,,5 "4,4,,,,i a,,, in O, genare hays fan Oman; of bosoms, was done . I QoaMnank generally use. antbout fel:mare, and sales past Into weeks, console slimed on Ttiumail et . 5 4,1) efinfeed to Maned lotr. 921; on Friday they re robed 930. P.A. '4 5 1 are ci rbe riser melt ale ni4d y red:wiling • and freights to quoted at 8011Hel .1 I 1,. i . trieinneh and adtanci growl:the porno) decline cans - Oa the Pans Hearse ,on Thursday, tlMOoirern- I add by nf.lbe in 0. ti:tt i." meat ascertaing the conchnuon of the ireetty of 1 F 1.000.-11. work Prewlet• nation , ' new R , - P.ace between Sardinia acid Amer. tcittsel an I ' r i p ' " °u°" ye ' , ' l ''' A° th e ere° " ° c° "'" it'. On, relic sirs citioralluns may be contin rogpn3VeMent. Five per c.o. eloami . 11 1 Ml 1 171 0 . SS 1 „,, mod :_: ' 4c. l. ',eta arat't, sto ;mall low at 0.4 5.13.4 DI COX. The ooprovmxmot commo.o , molt toe d °c " , and front store tales m dray W Lead lon at cis- 64,75 V advanced one Cm. after Bourse. I , .. 1 bbi .1 I I COTTO 4 I-$111.04 Of fair Upland at 510 of I GRAIN-Bet into ineltbry 0 11.111 read for any aru fair Mobile, at 51 , NO, 5i(H5l, and 6ititsl:b. for 1 el e midei dui head, aai pe market in without any ma fair to middling. ci,,, ,, I troal chilageirent oar 14st qoArted rates Flour-The demand is of a retail 0. 4 I! J ~,, Glitar.,RUIES-We note a sale of 16 Ahds of a good , .. article oe N 0 Sugar erne 41 . 03 6 mos Sales of N 2.llfras tlid per bbl. , , . ~. O. kfolabses in oak bb :t at &.4, and in cypress bids at Coon-The dales yesterday were censilderamel gee p gl#l Hales of 57 sorts Ale Coffee at 74,41, ranging at 21,(421. ad per qr. for yell Ar. Wt.. each one tune Rica Is fiery , e, sod In demand at scar. at 25fee63 1.. , I Sin i 1.% bylha tierce. . Coon M oo y-Solea at 144014. 54 p,41,1.1 l EACCIN-Me note 'rept+ sales at full, num. d Pe bean of erred ii iet f i d go i. rataii, for ben bagied slid sugar erred hams lii . and 10 Llt . an oracle h itddrior ram Dams ore al have homed Bacon is in steady demand .t 5 . „1,,,, ~ , u, of ,4 11 p 5, ..,,, ~,, ~, ‘ „,, d , ~,, former prices. Lard is not muck i4ts.dlre4 for ' moul ittfi4roo Sao Idem and Sides KR steady at -i prises, however, arefirtrily mentame#, ind.nold- 06 , Strip, !bolt eon tly eared bacon, in loose lots, is era are asking an advance of 63 per at. r ipe4r Sella I sold at Barb all:Dilly ia ow fins above fem. readily at full TWICE, 1, If ' I LARD. -Very little ta doing in the arum- li is re. THE QUEEN'S RECEPTION IN IRELAND ...lit want 613 0 1 1p ID la kegs and bbls The &low , " 15 ,, , ,, , ~,,,.,,,,,,, with A i ; tr 4 , , . ;,. r. ,, , CANZLIVe-We noirur quoiatuans at 213Vc or ctlfr autr,lolllo# tor W. o ould, nod 9c far cameos %Imamate accounts of the reception Of tits 5, - ,Noren e,,,„,.e.; I , in Ireland i " :-', I `'-",,e, 1 1 a ) v Su.: -$ll. of ctn . mad Cinclunaii TO•ku at 41341 CHOLERA IN LONDOO4 I i j and ofetaurgyated gild:010e , The cholera is said ;to be on the" 4 iliMilde In Dni4D k tuff- te l t market adoll and sales mod 1 irate lis,,foll,Peuhe 1 25 ,Lza, lad for Apples 530 London. e t I n 47 , , 55e 2,14 FRANCE. . 1 , / n ___ GLASS 4- AVe emucre,no ea...re in once+, of Window The 1411,11atnr of Fiume., to a .mietstera to ttm i .1...1 thd,,,, of City' brands 9by 10, $4,1:1w, 10 by 11 Asulgabt, nays that the deco on Me lotted' J.- nicsint3 VI le 04, amt. ' do 10 by Ii to 1 6 by .. 41 nary next, will le 150,000,000 Irmo" B.fiNtrthar , $10,50351. 11 P ter t estimated that the def.it in 1850, will be 9:0,000; I For Mo 7ortoo • • •of noeotrY Window Glen. the , t following ill a regularly eatelphsbad Mt or pricer. 000 franca t . . I 9 ray ; In 153, 1 11 by 10 lat - 4 The President denies that he h. may elo..sve tO to by ; to .•2,601 tt by 1., 4 .: 4 cheng. tr. , . form of Government. 1, I to m; 14 • 31.5 12 by m 47. to bv,ts 1. 4 50i 12 by 17 Gen no-lobo, has been appOillae:h Eadihratuder to by' Itt . 4 -4 4 4 eel 12 by le WY in Chief i..' the Franck army in Bali, in !Once of .1° l'' l] W1)01....-The folionlingis a fair ekkobd of the raw, Gen Oudtoot. !. t - v,i • oert4MnV ea s de,, r. . The Emmesuies of the Pope hive env.' at v• blood .. - It lin .? Tr. have dissolved the; Who‘r, ermY l a d .... . d ._ e, en those aleph. beed favorable ID ihe"Pope. , .I Sloan -.'. -t - - , . It Is reported that Goe th e. hadT betteim Ans.. 1 , , rlneter dancers. out force that had eneked him- iHe 41 been , .1 1 1 PIiMfIJOILLYItI, August Del I4J joined by many of the Hungerland 1, . , , -rdSALIES OF 10OCKS.--A,FTD.R BO 4E94 WIS sit,demtand 'tie following sales we. mode to VENICE.. I 1.-.. dar.,nfatf, lee sdpialiantens of , he Meld. Ventre rill holds out. It is saidlihat Or. A. 1 n . ,,....,,, , P r ,,"' l-1° „,.. 11 ,. . 1 7= 5 „ 1 ,17, " ,,,,,, 6 , 1 `..11, 1 i 5 51 '4 ~5 14 " , ..11 mem. or Arne:teem ships had errrve Itiah pro- , I rail al4d - 6.., It ii,,lsrr, 59 oh Reading It il l ' 7l 5-000 ; i rl i PeniPx Sltt. sn, sipb Penn , . Y. on rule,:' for the tea egad " m„, ee,. i l a nte -- , lllllteild . ID:11.51 :MOM HUNGARY. 0 . 1 Ido din Oil too fie ing It R, S a let -( t o aroeer '' I • a The nears from Honey still emiliattel,favant - t 5 1. 1 I New loss, migali 21. 1.19 . We to the Hangartllllll. .. I I I SALV4 AII THE iSTOCK EXCHANGE l ' t ' e r47l ' "/ lb " 13.14 with 4 0; 040 • moo, had Ciiited 5ta . 11 , .. 411%2.113 Mt dlo dV967 114/ do completely beaten the alltanian forch „cd" hp,ooo In 1 tal l a 7,,,, ~,, 1,„ e ,t , rsl i, "" r ' I'CA h'l Tmneylvmla, and that he had bilteiAleruotn - Al MI b0n,, , :: 43,.„ . Yl it tr,3l,ll7:d i r n :4 . ,,,1. e j j , ‘ ,.,1, atadt and Croustade It is also retrietOrat Clt,, b 1 „.„—,,, 17 .-,z,1„,„,1., eloard at yesianlar s once. leer, the Haagen. Gehere bad itietekl Raab, att9.ofsf b. 5 .41 . 4 . , , ,,724.7.12 L. ~.,„ ~,, and ' " e "' "g a L'rg*q....7.100?0,.... i 1 b0T',1,....1,..,,b.n. for th e ..-„ .nd ,b manatees of we,. liad Wen back Gdobtira roux :111 a tulle diner than th eme relied ter the previ ----------- b ask t. I oriepaditet. Wayne.. fallow.:-On London, 10040 I , i I tiflll ?kis, of Wed( Mao, CO day 6411 rid 5f tedier3l SZOOND DESTATOIVI ~ , NI for akort sigh Antaterdam.aeaLdi. /I.nboor ..Die , FRANCE. i e , I , 7 35Pant Bremen 7201--- 51-11:0ra.d.4 5 Some of the Franca domes no4ol.olalthe visit. of the President to the Western 4,44.,,..... a I fallore I i i 1 _Pit Rostohn 11 10 be commanded br the , i, 1 army In Italy, in place of Cl:dint-4 ' 4 l U+, , ''''''reeall et I said lo be brought altsrat by his ~ ' ' weak in 1 harmony with the Gevernmeat plitehleb haw ~ ewes , . looked upon him with seib 1 1 , . . The rumor of a change m the I pin k?' is very , general to day. 1: I , t.; HUNGAILY. 1 , i i t a ~1 ' 11 11 As far as kis poslll'l3llB to trace oli• vi...used and contbcting accounts of the opere*klai the 'con. 1 tending armies, it is believed Mall iltai Know.. still mamma their position. *Me kAdiettaiall , prevails respecting Beal, In Trenigil a s. The London DallyTranscrlpt iiivit ` rrency to I, the fallowing-. 11 t i t , 6 1111 The Anertan and Russian fonplsi.oo#o Wrong, , having accepted Hermaustsda iiiidqCronstadt, 1 Hem, who had raised 40,004 1 0 1 attacked I the older form, and ended the 104'6 lie rem- I piece overthrew of the Itoperial.N.l4itiko fled pre cipitately, leaving 10,000 men 1513111, ,liao wounded la, the field, together with neat* eill,, t artillery, and 9,000 prtsoners, captured ltpt Ibtok catguts.. Bete then took possession of lllft+ilthustlidt and Cronus&, 1 1 e- 1 Bader head of rioted latellkeitQ' the Euro.. 1 peon Tunes, says that the Fun* SORMIIs, of the 5111 Iratant. supply us with neitiiii itlebo Minder' , which is °ripest Importance, , 'l1401,;It nPPenn that the lishoganans ovate io, 9111, 0 , 11 an, nod inwprilied the Gamma of Radii td#barp conflict ensued, whrta ended in the„ 146tin4ris caPlarlelf the fnrtresa and the City, will.i litt ini q.tse amount of promotes, together with two Mrortianies of the Anstrian Inlantry. Taapr.e r cttliteeihded the Hun ger= ad t ro ops, who afterwards *b the coy of Raab, and took up their .. a , .h. (ones,', Where they seized the Vienandi 1 ROME. 'I 1 .l 1 The latest intelligenee bet 411 1 " dates from Rome, up to the 3001 • It. 1,14. Final arrangementsiaving,taitaeolded up) Di things generally remain in theYllinkilate as whe a Oudlnot entered the 111 il ' : 1.. s reputed in Frau= thatzGliitnedt, after de. Mance the Mattine carp% emetic: hole Re public of San Martha and eLaihdilis protection. It Is for.et reeled th at C arribliral been soloed by men, ci the gout ,anadti• , trleelared their , intention. 1 citruidio line same'ililill!Ottola V ENICEit,I 2 I I T' e Zillo says OW three A.Xer, (An vessels had <mimed Venice, will , money 4ad iproartsioaa, for I Inc relief the haute ea . 1 6 sll' ' ' o I CHOLERA IN NPR{ tRE. 1 51.4 is Aug. 21 , There we r e 53 eases ofdilcite. I 7 death' I ~,, ada mu, doting the It holto (rl.l4rog a t o , to ll el 4 Ej 4 .. 't, By Overland Expre THE QUEEN'S RECEPTI, C05T19176.1) IitICCESS OARIANO DEFICIT ECTIE FRE', lOWA ELE*I - 4 - ,44.*Ln. Aug 24. Th. Bo u t eoni (lave) Gezett, ilea the reit' lures alrea cc Ul dy received see 4.414.:i,, fall to du it certnio that.' the entitaleiNre tie State tieiir et is elected. . htt FIKE WM€l4ll. P011444.Q., Ang.21..! Paiton'e Pluting Male acKi r cii.r Yeel, sdje °eat to the foot of Brawn stleyityre re de ttroyeil by fire leattught. The lotet.Ote - Out.wd W „oat, 540. 000— P e et' towed .yy _ L TtN MEURER ELECTION. F. Cuvelauttot, Aug. 21. It 1300 W rule ermined that th . , Legislature will I „., be • tie onjtit7an ballot. The *togs have. three ILO majority in theme. . 1 ISALEALIFUL EXPL — ,l3lOti. I, Creel:tour,. Aug. 21. One of OM iioders le Ambrooh & Row's plain- illg maehinel,An Covington, eolibpsed a flue, yea- terday idiet446on. The boiler- was earned four 1 hundred feetilpsasing through etveml shops, had doubly landlig tit the second story of a frame house. A man nrundd Yelentme was Carried slaty fort in adieus.. Of the boiler, and dished in pieces Another hat4his skull fractured,d is oat expect ed to live. "X .... The emphiSion le attributed th the carelemoess of the engineer. .-•,- , 5.. 'NEW YORK MARKET. New ;Toni, Aug. 24. The matVot is generally unsettled by the steam. eras news, eird we forbear quotidian". The Canißla will be due at New York, at seven o'clock on Saturday. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. Primainctirmii. Aug 2t. Florlr--799 announcement 0 . 1 the arrival of the Canada dila morning suspended operation, hod the marke quiet. Holders 'are asking 5.5 per bbL for scitind old stock, and 5,121 for fresh, but no sales Wirth reporting bay* transpired. Grain—The sepplica of Wheat arc moderate. Good nod prime Red are grlFferl at I Orlcii Otic, Rea Whiteiat 1120115 e per kn. Corn Is out much inquired after. :ale of yelloticorn at 65 as per bushel. Cutton—XThe market's inactive, and holders are very Reath these demends. -' Whisket—Further sdlSs al 21i, both to hhds and Lb!. to. '. 1 . ECORD • SIIII Still rises. PlTTbUttaou tweaD OF TIL&DE , xnearrratt AU(I"aT. SLILMOGALSIL ea I G ' are pleased to inform their r, okstomers 1 the,ablie at le/v.oller they have eas •MO enstra snook of MAHOGANY, and lie_ we ed Melly !eat by the trade, watch key one a fedlodtimg unusual Ism pnem, Mr ir ft. of Cirdreh Vancers. from Eto 3i ers. Per ft. Ildayth auk Plank ...f all thickness, well sertioitid. i ..450D:0 . aldidad Wood Verniers, from Ito3l as pen: fokt. ft of teimers Myrrh.. morbid MaA/41211.0 Am ' Oita, in dia suoDat. Ve neers, ;60,00D ft Ragemood hem 2 to Acts. .23,01:0 fr Whoo Ihillt,f all thtekneso i Wa g e s clibut from oar Wag experience, the .1 I vauteges ani aim hierrover k tam and morbm, that we • altall!elaraya imitebt.hil to eep on hand a Hoek o UMo et . , MI natal!) , and finely figured sr , Ist llbc vary Wares liturkO tames,' saved to the tstme. o We ad. fmtidi aortic may be pleased to favor in ' • •Othlheir patranage. Atlantan poiloptly lined and carefully packed. • • IIAWIDi /s. GRAHAM , WO& 11l C/le st..:mo doors North of Came at T. mo:aloa 1 , NEW YORE. '' '' '. i.. .:: - r , IPOU 40 LADIES SEMINARY, t ''' ° .lUTIlitiN Si' 10 1 l r. hi Institution co ~ Tt , it ~. elite my first Mondry in September , th,ilts o:Podidel 01(001, In *Colonade Row," WI dot fq• R .:gr:,, .a4A,-,%.,r. Moto , 00 nye Atom . ... , pee l. 44l.,irticent. sad:adios! Reading, Orthogra. i t Mud eilar, Wrtung, Fpaltsh Grammer, /loci.. tig, togle, Edglit b flompostuon and Criticism, Geo. igil.p: y , Ili s y,ti, i, nqametle cind the mber branches etlidlighannagida; NeMrel pkulosohy, Chermany, As. stemminv. °no ylursatogy, Gaaior, Intellecutol ' Mil ift or al Peolstme. sad !Rather braitelreo reunion.. to 3 OtneatO. • - • fa. 0 . r,"'c1i0:1,4?ap1).,h,,,,,,, 1,.1,,ding the Laun and Greek . 5 CI DJ ' I A, 1 N1T.,. S ' l4 " il ... .. . • elo 00 ' '.l . i'll*.ttai 0 - - - Melu ..o o - or co nom t e..6. C' ',..7... an d ts deo re ft . n Fren ch a nd , Mlutiu Eintenkg Pair., VR.. 4 rd"lo' e. OLD desirable ' in a Ea. , pti. E. , .' t. d 0 al r.r,_ 4a.., or aam ,aaa, y e ko, y , , seetved at any , r Iltoc,tre chatt el at die a l.tre rit:‘ .. , (.. ":"' 'o°o 0 Rinclince. &d.4,,ns ~,,,, sna g,. .or absences, ex• !bid in Cams 14pr...uttered 1 Rae.. .g, Earth, infOrtnenoti may ti a obtained. '''..' l „ . ;: i t7 - ,, 9.44 ..cs bt 0 , 11104 up. din ?mews', , ' ~,,,,,.., ~ , 111 federal atilett, or* klu I.,ring., to 'lra , • 0 „.,.,.. lAbgny 6 Isee4,.Plsttsb,lot.yert 1.1 az lib . ~,..,. 11 1 . T ri?t ' vr ' " gh the IN'tf''‘facAt-ni7. : Allesinay Au .7: ' 'au . . lit g, - LW-f-------------- ~' ECILECrO MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 'F' N Li CINCINNATI, 01110. Tr it :i i E roIouiIANIVILL COURSE OF LF,CTUDES : i n thin run commences on the first Alosular ~....tso7o4VeroMite . in atlf, Annelpr.cloiztnnryttescti,,lol,..the. .„..15th..17,..n.0f IZ. teStat *amt.! La Oetaber, and continues one Ir. i• I I `PAC .,, L ' N. P: GATDDIELS, IL . on Special, General and ..•:PdihaloglettlAsuatoday . It' .2. R• RUCINANAN. M• D., Physioloa y end I n stitute. . ioliftledielital '-. • ; . V. MININOWIIL D, Theory at al Dracut , of Ity_tlierue antliPathAMH • r. 'lose. pf. a, P.rincoples end Pruett en oPI tontoe , P• 11.1. 111 11.1.1:G Obewtries and Poe r,y an 4,. . 1..1: 30. 1 &, N. V., Alatoria Med. t,.. MC (It pt . 000, d NettlieTtani 4. a Err O. A M_. Chtllll.ll, V. 1111. 1, Z., Mhdieal Ju redebe i ,IIVOO.OTIIII REACH, Al D., Emeritus Prohmor of Clinical Iditgleine.. 4 • MII Alrp IL i4De_moryt l th tratt r of Arnaleiny ~, or w .le uetetr. E7O ....IFr.i .O W .1.1.4c0dl be rrceived•• peyote .4 10 10,1 Of 0 tlet44delll . 1 , 1 attend m sumy emirs e• m ins, IA necesee gi lon hie graduation. ~Morrie uladltin fee .Si Demonstrator's rye Ice so, nib .4 Lihritry 11l ' lloardtag may Le had in goad boo las et f.... 00 to II .iir.r.Cem4intestfor groduetten. in eddinon to the prellnatimay,•terta Of malty, must ham attended Iwo 101 l e o n e 0 some legally totem , rated Malical twi leac-tbe lair of attach mum be in nuo-or ova full arnase stuck havtog been in rept:m.l.le pro four rer, a. , teller* *Sling !Ord.} ininfrostion must be address. ' 06 IPoill itiol. die undersigned : The Coil age Dlillee ord. insw ohm, . o waked on Ole motegq court and Plam streets. ib,, ,N ‘d o . tr . s 00.4t.5:7,73,1"t.b::;,k,ezi , i.!ts , t . es iii s o t; te , : , . the . . il T V 11101111 . 0 W, IV D. aogtstavt ; Demi of dm t , seulty - r 1011111 It. ausriraN, M'Otl.kEV e o . a .allor at Law, A. .toot/'tor the State of Penneylvanta, (laid , l2lPiitstoargh.) Rasica&—Fillsbiugh lion. W. Forward, Liao tp tam tr. ta 111, Weandlass M'Clurr. Joan P.. Parke liisseth k /bernplit, PITCord Vans suOldky Pi OF PITTSBURGH. A RAttlArEti Loins McLane, Bentsen, Brownsville. R %Vwetionn. T.lLubeth. Poytone,-, !delileeeport. Reveille. Stone. Beave . f. Doddridse, Brownwedle St., Rime r s, Wenovelle. UEDA ELT ' ED. Loom McLane, Bennent, Brownsville R Worbtman. -;;MeKeeeport. Peytona, Mlircuport. Reveille, Stone, Beaver. Dolphin. Hulett, Ceockinate. Euphrates, Calhoun, culminate. Ludlow, --, Zanesville. Tug Ting:B.—There vrkk 2 fret 2 inches in the angel, by metal marl:gest evening at da.6 .ii falling. _ BOATS LEAVINII THIS DAY. Ca McLane, ❑mmvsrllle, 5 P. M drell a, —, IM:=I U. Leech do Co.,' pjicket line. 9 P M. Co'.ot rx K. 1/Attv hCanal Parkm, 7i o'cioct, r MEM! Ilertrx or P.POstottoo c.. Cnntresi, t August it,to Tr,•:`,",:::.'?„`,"r2;`:::::':„.".'Lth`„,,,! - ::'.7`e‘• 7,osnpnits, nn Nlattilky, Opt third dal o( Neptetottes pose, between the hours 002 t oss It , for the por• pose tt,eletjtsK two persosos scree me Trustees of eatd ettsnput, for three yew,. nugl,Vse J icNtoUrtFialEL-AINK,--W It Slur: dly ho. rod drab Matjar dr I.alne• at Id rta per rte do at NJ; olaa bl,el as low a. •ll wool. striped drab, lead, add dark grata a. low a.. 2.5 ets so. SILK NETTS Or Capes. Yetis. Se., Lat.es r/r Tetuanina, and a itssortrnent Monsen* tur Sltrus—wlide, atm, tend ;:ind black, al the corner o Fourth ant Nls dirt or, -kr" lIIHIKI. Tl' es1.11•11EU —hat matt • Calanettin and I Iregtdif rail, Moo Fremont , . Caton rata satin:Oregon. Igen° Itusllll I Seven Lam A rehttre . .are, itmo. work.. near oilanrn ed. Itrao. Gs te,sts Kanh and MaaAgnso. Gartioncll's klialory k, no ILtslo Moore , 1e11C16.1 Worka, ed. I thrso. C o o and Idea stirs ot SbWrwen.re, oly, 111ttists Foots, ISpao. For sale be angle / A. I/ LOCKWOOD . , 63 Wood si sa Edibrargls lll•relevisr—Dlaganlyl EDIN RURG/1 RE VI I FIJR JULY, ISO.-- Colrrurs Transportation or II no./5 is. Sh•kapeare's Crtues- Efelitith and Foreign Us Torques/11;e'. Eekg 010( XV. Dent.: Etruria Poor ; ,I•atle. COOpfell Iglll.lllUO. Ilaslwer bytton. Eing Arthur . Tyndale'. bard nun aktrta and Ilungarr Uncut/4y'. History or eateland Fc•r—Sqltalo Ntat: tor sale. Tlst• day publish od, and for sale by JASIKb' 1.) LAICK‘N l 01D, GI Wood IA Agent for Reprtats the //nal-tot...ea anti DI/Lel, wood, Tenn, sin per Var. when all aro taken to , . ant% y i Ltnseed f IEF.A Its • to arrt re this day. •nd 1, Jur sale by 00il5 1 II CANFIELD_ aCKERFA.-1 7 .S nt , IA d Boston Slacker „ !, to •rrtre . for ss,enp KIER h. JUNKY/. atiels Canalßos in JPlA rA HUM/tie-4u tons sur .ale by 00015 KIER & JONES C 2 UN 1/1(11,•-1 75 boshels sop , ) for lon do CI porn,. Rye. 100 Ja dir-Flasseed.ll,lot landing (rota 14.11 boot Rough and Ready and ler sale I.y L s NYATERM a. 15 31 Water and al/ Front at 4 41 351 I 4l .6 • 6 4 0 '; j 4 I ' 6 3 53 - 5 ' s ' 6 " l .54 SUGAR AND MQ][..kt,INFS—S ands N ,ux•r. S \ - 1 ens:. bon.- Molns•es, just Inntinnt ‘ron , Sc. , bon , Wing. anal on C011.,1k1,1[11 . , !or onle by IVA ri-aNIAN RI (21GARS—S.3, 1 Vri Corn. Ctrarr. strm e land sor lovr up S A W HARD.. vuKli:4 Watt, 1 1' INDO% (.LA,,,,9011 tar rotv'd sox, reed - Isrd 'lv vale DV •Itg{ s S W )18111381%H PACON SIDES-3 egk• ,ovlrv,rl and for ode to SS fl H ARLO. Otsll `•JHA ASII-- I n at and for .ale sy vela S A W 1181081 , GO SSugar. TiTH il;,"1 1 ;;'1; . (aro, by vocll J St . HOONNIAKER 6 CO ALlig—ltt blot. t. 5 nos,' • J StI,IIOON.IIAKER kCO , Ft.tx. gr. - FINEDS env,. !um rred end for val. ()Ix I I J SCITI StSllAli Si: 8 CO vo 'I3A SFR—It so sus \S•raroong Sap.. ovid, von j evn and Port do. for gale by ns.l4 J StI.IIOOSINIAKV.R At Se 1' and vstc ' t.; " a;t3 ." ;;;l2L ‘ rltViti . l. ? (F 4 ; 7l7.4 rrRIF.FT VERMILLION -1 00 It., rre'd vorl tor pa t, BRAUN & REITER TO COINTELiS. ing 2.5 pair of Czar a:, founts Fowl 'Atter, different alt es, :a0 Newapaper Cala, eta to order, 10 Coo:panto. Suelga, 11.1 teem Prout Saila, Int. I Bro. gleam, Rule., Br.. Role. of tsL deamptuans, de. - A..1/kYrat - S. 41 . 21 fin Tea.,:alore, 70 Fauna, at N. D. —Oriera reeetirrii for ne w Type. •0100.1 t w itatet i a' sem ti - 3r rale. /ANTE PAIR tat:O.4ND lIANDENU/NE4 ,I 10 inch ll eyllndera. 4 feet , strolge; t &Alert, YO feet loag, incoes l dmmete, - [oat cadet, trill be sold at • bareala, if app'orat,ao be made ..aon. They Aare ant, been :a ax 2.t...L in-panda. For paroculer, inquire of ,a 1; di) R 11A1r , , i,rene office —•-Yia 6 , 6 , • ,e -- WATCI - 1166, JII AV Us EL4fang. 111.1 ts /1.513 SIIsVIC.II . THE subserloch who has been in loudness nln Me same nall,ttne Mr the last thirteen ye v r,. t s s .clime all dretruitions ot Inn , hold sad Ft, ver %Catches, Jesselry, and ledver Ware, al mum. at Me very lowest pnees rd.,' and Stlver Eltglisn entreat Lever V. stohe I. tsohl And Sutter Dm ltd Laver aosltn-rone Watches. hold unt Stiver Illirmonial and vets. Waichea Goal and thlver It:dependent Second Watehes for 11.1.1111.1 n orses, 6,07 (muted. f. 4 4, attti vest Chu. Gold Spectacles Gold and rid ear Rape", (told Pros ladle d Gaol and Aime Ilracelets Gold Leekets tinitt and SLIT!. Th1111134E4 Inantond Rums and Puts. Imellei and tleMblbtelle Brematma. Merl at 71Iver Ftlbons, Cans. Enrhs• ae• 4 " hold Wah, het adios. us an to tie. 6 each. Watches and .14-44Iry exchanged. tgetoat and Foessyttsted on ....ratan 10,1000. a Ln. arucle. All Wal.rl,lo4l,4lM,Ltolcid to teen good urns o the tooney returned.' Jewelry mpalred. and ,Vatenc the and repatred In the best manne r .. mock im , than the usual pricils 1,60 C ALLEN, Importer al V.stflum and Jcsrelrv, vrtottesale an Wall, 51 Wall strced, 4., stu 4 ra.l NEW % ogg. tteCedgmis ,_ s _ Ros 3. PROOF IRt)e. pill , . undersigned have erected mocks in the My 01 I Noo. roil, forlhe purysme of lialvenine all arti ro cle. of In n , which. a destrable in PROTFATIf FROM RCST. ruck as Telelrapo Wiropolln, Sptkea, Neu*, Wire thr F' F or a - 1141 May other arnele veruch may be Rope. For Honor for Casks, WI a ovhstuute for bale Rope. tor Clothes Ltnes, Idghlatng Rod., and a boat or other appltenunnsi:il 00111,0 Mend cheap and durable. They would partlaltlarly call attention 10 the I ial•ant. god Woo for fen b; it Yminires no rtamt. andtt] not ram. Also to Fretes and Rolm, servab , the pre on of which ts oleo matt unportunee, that It v.II 0061113001 Itself ot the nonce Of all therms interested GFAt It. BiOREWOOU & CO., Patentees, - neCtlbtla vslvT -14 an,l 16 Ream , 'a. N York r -. Pants roe ant Public.. In relation 16 that cirri vailed faintly Salve, DaLLEII koctud, PAIN MESTI SION of a respeemble Ph y Read the followinet whireased to my Agent, !dr F. Iler• ryareather, Cinema.: Corm - sari, r'eti le.th. Sir A sense ottlaty eon:theta me to give my tribute to Dalley's Pain Extractor Ilerng onpowal to quack ery and nil no•trytas having for their unmet utast. s—Duireallarng nuieh good front the "King of Pain Killer/1 , -1 am induced to welder you this certifi cate. I have used a tri my tamtly . 111 my pracure, and with all the harfoy nerd wonderfal effects that wove possiliq be Imagined. 11. 1 Dann , . M. 117 Dr. lirmlic ta the senior punt. ol Brothel Levi, Druggist , . inffignimortory Klunsmolius. The followurgientmontal rooter from • source fa; tonna le many &those traveling . on our Wrstera wa ters. fir Glimei . th e well and tavorably known pre, prianr of the rkerahurg Hotel, husband LO the lady whose lentil annex, Ps atursanto, Vs. , April 11 1.11,1 To henry Dailey. Circlets, he—Sir: Having for merly. been long irdbcted with viol.. Inflammatory elluattiem which appeared ao firmhr seated at to defy all or d . nari appliance , to allay the severe pain attandurx Ir. I vv. induced to try your Magical Pain attractor, and 'llaving armed, almost aa hy Ma. sir, no immeditpe relief, and also, to all appestane. so enure and pp fir cure. lam induced for the bene fit of ethers wire may be afflicted with pain, caused fry .y kind of Inflanainalloni to write to you, decthring that in my opMme. founded on actual expertenre your Alagical Path Extracto is th e mutt valuable dis covery or thu accent nee Ma r tha immediate extrnetion of Moldy porn. It is an almost namedrue and a per feet mire for Parris and icalds, and all external fiammat , on Having many acquaintances formed by If." vi.nto at ray ohao hotel in this place, I Lave supposed by your showing theta these maw lines, it may possibly I be of benefit into to theta and yourself Etixaarts (Wale - (1 entertain see hope er that Mr... Clime will pardon the ochlieny givn- glue-or h letter, as well on the score of aay u o:itri being the surest mode of bringing it E it the motice her fornsia--11. DALLZI.I Felon Cored of a yther, dated Ilataloor. by Nov ..1.4 . 3 hi, 11 . D a •lty: "I have tried you. i'lllll Extractor 131 nos e „r w on ; if ray own ilrmily , whirl, it re.icved and earral la lay -0 , short in haste, ours e xet,tfullY, • Jae 111. You.. cr Doran and Scalds, Pile, Entplian. '6We, Wa.lnac and all In. ytrld• readily to We wonderful proper tie, o Ha mm f la. uurtaalied fare Hut. tit the same pro poem, that yf,cl I,•••••!^,^nrfilnuatir 9r,,lfixnuz eaua,ll Le tioured oy e,cte ri •11 "ZnArios;ol, and apply only to the inventor. ttat.,,at. Iltimdway, New Vora. 0 , in los an II . JOHN II blllftriAN, than.. ageri.?, General Depot. Pituburen Witty P Nhwartx, Allegheny. Agent, I. Roam Wheriig,Jatune W Johnston, Nieyaviiic, A y , rr, Lyetiker, CineinatiL U., lialatia I Delmi N .1,1 IDe severest Duras and herild• it extracts ver foil.' itit 4 th i,on .2yew2.l,nutes—it nr t\' ANTED ut this office, to carry and told pa , .ers noel t c...‘r-rca ht. brown Chilliemhe nu bu t C 1 Id. RI ye llow do rtm in sloth and for sale by . h111.1.F.H ILICICKINON magi! L St. , ,Eotl A EfitNIALIC ; ;. , Th „, e o, h t i t g o h . Vtueglrr"es'ac'rrY.rit7o; superior in Co and tnmc Vogric water for the ord,,,a,WOurposes of the toilet, ourpauing the lat. ter in as miler., It revert. and remover. pouplea, ti-ner and ail . ..Reny of the skin, it refreshes and whitens In • attn , rein...rine a salt sad emir tit. It your,ts the eicntiny nr,47..bitter taste of the mouth, importing a fresh sn a pleasant breath. It Citt•{l.l.ll and whitens the ie. and h:Ordenii gunao For all the abwie pur pose. .it seed with writer an such nronortion as may in. (oat maul agreeable. Hy tnlialing it and 'oblong it .on terapies, it will remove headache II apphed to a barn or v itiatedbraiwill eventually prevent naratraUdia. It eorreets v •ur, and guarnrittes from contagion, ft or therefore very pera' for minding inirthuittrot ellertmento For sale by 5 E tIFLLEII-4, Whol.ale Dragglst. 31 Wood street, Pittsburgh LOCAL HATTERS. .EPOIITED Tat win PITTSMIRGIU DAILY C.CITY BeoOptaoo of flop Prosldosl r===i We hcre been ftrininhed by a Inend with the following parttcotnrs of the reception of the Preti• dent at Economy. The President and Governor left Piftsburg • at eight o'clock on Tuesday morning, en route for Beaver, accompanied by a numerous escort, and were met at different points along the road by large assemblages of the c .untry people, gathered together to pay their respects to their distinguish ed visitors. When the cortege arrived at Cap. tsin Hays' tavern, it was met by is delegation of young gentlemen who requested the President and Governor to make a short halt at the female seminary, with winch 111,Lailon they readily coin. phed. The young ladies met them with Pottle*, and bang that beauttful national at; •The Star Span. glee Bann se" which the old into has oftener lis tened to when landing his brave toldiers to meet the foe. then In the peaceful walks of private Itle. Speeches were made both by the President sod tiovernoe owe Gazete of yesterday) after which the carnage. nto•ed forward to Meet the elnie. of E:cotionty. A very large number of the citizens of Bea. nor county met the President, and he was wel comed by the lion. loon Dtchey, and Chief Mar shal Logan, while a fine beans band, stationed near, played some nor finest national ens The process. was here met by Mr. IL L. Baker, the eltaS member of the Economy Society, who, is campany with the President, and followed by the whole assemblage, advanced to the droner table, Was set ant is a room as large an wly is Pittsburgh. Un one site, the ladies belonging to rim Society were ranged, &caned with perfect one firrn d lly,—on the other, the men, who were also al reseed in clothes made of the same material a d of the name color. A table was reserved for the President, Govertinor, and escort. The Presi dent sat at the head with Governor Johnston on his right, and Mr. a, L. Baker no his left, beside whom sat three venerable members of the Econo my Society, and then came the Plusburghera, with appentes treshened by their nde, and prepared to do full justme to the good thing. of this life, which were spread betore theta in abundance. The dia. uer was most excellent, and the (runs,—apricots, peaches, plums, apples, pears, &c..—were of much belles qual.ly than can be procneed to WlOO, made by the soesety, was also met oat. bt. he writer itt n strict temperance man Is can .1 spent: as to its quality. After droner, the President and Governor were corted rencd the different inatinfeeturing estab !ncut', which certainly are kept in better order than say we have ever seen . On motion, the Ilan. WalteriFormaid, who, by the way, set,llle to lie a great favorite with the Elcononsitca, was selected by the Pittsburgh dele gation to return their thanka for the kindness shown to the President and Governor no well ne themselves. (dinner having been furnished to all gratuitously Mr. Baker responded in a short speech, after which three cheers were given for President Taylor, Inter for Governor Johnston, and orce Crd Walter Forward. Mr. Baker, on the part of the cameos of Econ omy, presented t heir distinguished visitors with some metros of beautiful silk, of their own mann torture, after which the Preaident and suite drove nIT midst loud cheers, the greater part of the Pate burghers returning to town. Eidoerstox—Professor Alexander Kennedy, for rarely of the Royal Belfast ledge, Irelac& he more rceemly of the Western Reserve College, Obto, in giving to toght, no will he seen by ferrnee to nu advertisement, art can-natant composed of St-nous - 31, ebakespeaneo, and Miaow , aa readings nod recitations. Prntessor Kennedy has shown u• very satisfactory teos- MOMMO, as regards hie merit as an elocutionist, it of the most eminent literary characters both in Europe and Arneries, particularly from James f Sherilun Knowles, author of the Iltinctinark. V,r. gime, seal other dramatic works. P00...500t Ken nedy aucceeded Mr. Knowles, who was formerly Professor in the Koval Flelfast College. are truly re; 'iced that Our ,t none !Mee so favordoe an opportum,y pperuttly n pie Sant and infareCtiVe hour afforded them. aid trust that they will embrace it. The recitation.. will lie given in the Fuorsh Ward School llouiw, on Penn street and will commence ht eight o'clock. We understand that Professor Kennet(} is giving instruction. m elocution to several large classes, which are compooed of oar most respectable nit , Monk and contain nearly -all our clergymen Any person wishing to Join, should make applica tion to Professor K the Fourth Ward Sehned •t n quarter past /wadi n' -lurk in the even- t - - lag. or Cl Mr. Ray's book store. ; X,/ 3 MACIO.IIIKI..- 3/ bt..• .... We none that Oita gentleman wry be endured to IA 0. ., „ ~,,,..., ~„,,,,., favor our ratseno by gle:ng a series of Shattapear sag la JANII, DALZ1...1.1. Isn readings. Ilia talenla render bun equal to the S . llnnrl;:.'-:V.;:::.,-.T.O4,,,I,.I.":0':.,t,.;.'lir':, ' 4,'„, " :.:, " ,,, taxi:. herruleart though it be, and ht. atter,. else- : aunt° 1a NI l'..- onl.Z all.l. . where- warrants as :n prethettng that the name t I . otlCK—la tall I - Ito tiro I. tu j a: A r.v s rt.l , ; . o , , ,. ! z a;. i. d7a . good Ibttune well attend biro hag. I 1!) ''' et,. , ; ,_ , _ , ... ,.ic05,., _,,,,,,,,,,,., ~,,„, ~, li ;tre w ad tor .., tow to tlitor •aarla.nrat. tt9 . . 'tad!. JAIIII->t DAI././ . .1.1. A ".. 1 1. 4 ' ;r 41 ''.g. 0151 71ZarNIVANnI , F. sta 13''a °' Irelo'lUF''-'" '''' ‘N !+ l l t:la a WC ANI/1.F,“ r l a AKA l rru sNUFF -3 on, reed and tor .00 .0 Willi te WC AND1.1.,0, a. 14 Untst,..ll•at.—Twelvt perrona Joe.' oi the Clouarra. llareaugnana, yelleTd•y, 1101.11- Um, (her, were trent y•tave new eases. wan, - of virtuch 1!!3=11:11:11:11Z11 The Inhatutanla are still leavnag town In 'Oast nom ,,, and lanat el the dwellinge are atoll of The arm haute• the enuntry, wll.hto three of lour voice or the town, are hheJl ernh Om., 117100 lro. the Pe•hlenen The toortallta ,ecettle,, when we cononler the note • . Nor nt ont,ott• mat left town en the yorronu• Jut t• greater than hn• 'et been. and. todgnto from the nutuber of or at canos, wol' tor reave rawer Wen thmtn -1•It to tiny - • 1,110,M1 IN Air. so.tr VlN.—There was one death sront he AlleKhrtty, TbUtedor. The •Irtiro mr. a ;entteman lusted Parkhurst, who lived at the corner of Ohio and SAndusk y streets Man heir —A colored man named Leonard Brooks. had a quenel. yesterday afternoon. with another col ored man named dent Swede Brook. assert. that ?vede crock him lir., and the. thereupon he went to the Mayor nth, to complain against Irm The por n.. met mama to Wood street, and after some had word.. Brooks discharged a pirtol at his opponen , , who reevci the content* mhis thigh The and was dremed by 11.1 r Wil.on, wheextract wo ed twenty p.n. of Mot froin a The wounded man is in no don- Iger, and will aeon recover MKICANTII-6 Lonaar Assocs. - not --We paid a visit yesterday to the fine room of the Mercan tile Library Association, and spent same time very pleasantly in examining the library. We were pleased to sec that they have already collected quite a number of minerals and geological speci mens, which are neatly arranged in cases. If our river men would pay a little attention to lola sub jeet land we hope that they will do sal they could, in a short time collect, many specimens which, if presented to tine Association, would tie conspicu ously employed, and he productive of good effects in increasing the knowledge of the community on this important bronco of science. Considermg the short time this Association has been in being, their collet:sloe of books is very creditable to them, both es regards number, and the excellence of the cannon editions. We hope that our citizens will come forward to its support, and enable it to ex tend its sphere of usefulness. Mayon'. Orrice, Allegheny, August 24—The morning watch retornalo day, catubited a beggar ly account of empty bases, there being only one painun brought forward, who was charged with diaarderly conduct. As be had no money to pay bin fine, be was committed to jail for five day. MATOR . II Orsco, Pit tsburgh, August 21.—The Wilt only one case brought before the Mayor dos.. aceosed ot drunkenness and disorderly co duct. lie was committed to jail for ten days. Tim great sale of Ron! Estate at Brighton 00 curs, it will be remembered,. Wendneeday nem We be gratified to find that sales shall ban been ' at la, prices. and arrangements mad tdr extending the manufacturing improvements a the Falls of Heaver. We were pleased to learn that Mr. Collins, sent a sack of papers, manifests end bonds to hu one , ccaror yorterriny morning, requesting. seller they 'Loud ha cannoned and iniheduled, areceipt kir them. This la miliml he should have done himself or mated hoe hat esocesvor to do long since. The Chronicle yesterday morning contains a , exhibit, of the staie of Mr. Collins' books, nib time of his removal. the vorrectriews of which I vouched for by i`a litencetest," who furnished it fo pnbliestion, which exactly COMPpOllirill, 111 figure with what we have published heretofore. On Del.:ch.-- ......... 578 ,000 t Surveyor of Port 101,060 4 l Col. Bond 'moored, Balance due,..• • • • • a 15,21 25 We ate anxious to see how the Once apisist Mr. °Ana may be accounted for. -- \Volum—as thls Is the season of the year when nes are mom formidable among children.the road s... of DM:l,es Venn:foe , beg leave to ran ox parel ta, solictUng their attention to its strut. the expelling of the. money Log and often fatal e.t.a. , of rioldren. Tow invention by a physietan of k experience tu 'Ann., and liner along it for several yen., m his own practice, and finding WI FUCK... , OD mrsal. he h. toren induced at last to offer It to the panne as achenii hot certain and excellent tned,cloo. Call and varch.e at the Drug store of myBMitser. 1. ®DD & CO, !3=l:=l WESTMINSTER REVIEW FOlt JULY. 10.10 - if I , Colovrra—Tennyaon't Poems. Aueleut dt.ay• rm: Later/Ware of Nlidttic Apes; Damn, prefequapee IA New Zealand;Freehold Assetellec wit] Iloltsrate. non; Hoarser. 1.014 Napoleon—French IDeenona Forman lAtellgttle, eroleal Nohefa idol roohl.•hed and for sale by aura . /AS I) OCKWLNJD Tupf1.113.1331 114T111110 V•T &BLUM. NIF.NT—Open from d o ll a r). lo IV P M Bath '0 ctn.. or 6 for I Ladle ' department open from Ir to II A. M. and from 2 to 5 P. NI The llelreahment Saloons are unequalled in atyle attendance. Reclterc he lee Foram*: T I'Vtorlctor Wwpleh ape 6~S6an cult .11110 Ar C W lIAILUALA;II,d - Prof. Trim:ninon l e Female Seminary. 9 , llF an . FALL SF.SSIO of Ito. Soho& will corooneore AIUNDA y. SEP N I' :hi, 1.19. et to. Rooms In I room , Raw, Liberty stmt., trot Amon l'lmd and Fouffiz str A eets. s new eunttem will Ito formed, 1.1 elootolingly de.artthle that pupils should to: to inrnitfl,,i ni the operott of the totolon opphootton will to• tie. ce.attry at the num., of papilt Looteol JAAIKS 111 0 htllktt h t, Principal rq IL rat terms •itd trfrrence, vlrvulnr, he hod at Om plintorol book 5101,i, or oc Proi T. • 1.1.1:11,11.1 WHF.P.RAP. John P. lintmwell. or the t tty Patr. burgh, Merehaut Taro, by'lo• deed, hearam date the Milt, day a July. A It.. 1-11. and rceorded th the grander. tame of Alle,hehy roma, y. In deed hook Yet pope 49a, asargue , nod t mmelerred to me all hm estate, real sod perarom 1, ta Poet int hie rredo tore myricE I. hereby amen it WI perkone tedelmtl true...ate to make ae)rneet to the undemta amt. to , Plum hay tag clam. as •t r, rm.,t them tor ket Clement IMlhl.l A Nil l GLY DV. A• to nee. ayßll rmshurah. _ - Light I Light 11 Light I II TIDE Nativ celehrated horning Uord can'now he hod at the Ilutern Lamp Store, No. SA Thad .trees. between Wood and Slaritet Fora portable hoaie light it ha• the pre!are are to all of the eastern cities, being perfectly gore nod cheap void at omoka, great. or any of the diaaarecahle st and ants to light. now in common oar: also. a hcault ul ao.orunent of larva of the lava pun/crow for burn. ng the same jy:triOnto V. J. DAVID. — A - 61 D — CIIVTrNg7 ---- 13INE AND CI.:DAR nVARV NIANUFACTURV No. re], comer of Market ant Filth irreet*, Yu burgh. The subecriFer terra conotsintly ou hand wholeare and retail. very low for cig.h %Vash Tub , Darrel Churns, Ilattt Tato, , Stair Charm. Ilnree Backe., I U.S Bustle &c Au onoer k4o.b. of Ware to U.. 1.135 octet u ortle 1.01 SANIUKI. & CO cder Om, roure of to /1.. Si A. lks •1 Fda.o.rn wttu:eaald rao.s. for do) Our atm.& comprt•ct ve ore Sato,. Ch&tztettoi beavv Brocade, aattn btr.pe. chanytable. Vcieu• d Unmoor , ...Iva de Milne. hi' he eltoup oae nice Gd MArke. or,/ Si Woo rec d and Cur chle by N . V soil! BR P.ITCR it -SO cask% l'olush. o .r.nr• sod ter .ate •uCla J NI Ft , DAL% ELL .1.71 an! cypreso et:.,5: Lb!, )rt ,to, sale by ouglti Wt:ll.l.s & ROE PU11%1'1:11-1° '' .17. ' 1.11.L.. re 11(IE .. .. 1.).Y.C0N,1111.0 AND LICT rER—For sale I.y j_ll augla A LUM-53 .bl.t pncur quclay Ctnr annum I.l.nrato ry, ,tor Byte hY •uild COTTON YARN. Candltyartra. Sll•eunp., C.lasurgs, Iron. Nan.. Sooreln, and I..l‘..bortrh manafarnires encrally, rwntlantly on hand and rot axle. ngls Arr.ll.t.S a 1101, SUGAR -0 3 61“1. N o sugar on ron,nalrrA and (or sa:e by nag'. HAI A a kCO B UT Iv1: --41'" U"'" lAl.l7llM ' ll f lt= 011...,,V,1T6R/OL-31tArtro)• on branl , nr i i , d , ho i r , A CO 5 11 , 11 . 2A , E , CrR y crr ce.Nia:giy JAIUI)t Ur C-11,10P jort rrtaagla .;.I . n i nj . to; 4.. r i e , LlA SA ,, A 11 4 _ - • 1% seer NIA-1:411 CH.OLCOAL—Jestrted end far We Ly It E R"'" T2I.:ATIIKIL.-41sts Fr•lfters. now landulg Worn r ueam er I,etunge And lot sale by A. 117, 10515.5& CO ll 01,,,,5.4EU-15 0 N Molasses. In ann4 t•edr. yyi and la, sale I.y sag', d N.. ~LS luawne. now lanUng from sum lJ /la:Lange _ .1511 11 , .1), II DICKEY &CO Altl,Grease , tovr lauding Uoro War lirahange and int raw L., trAlAlt DICKEY & CO uric Wnil, I do lizsarni, 3 do Flas rec..lyed and (01 sale by .I,Kr 10 •15/1 DICKEY OOMOt(jaa/ 0 lot mate iner 10 Clis•r Ly I .417 'SAT& II DICKEY & FOR 8.1L,1 , 5--A good ;astrtn [metUnliwy , nFarly new Euqulre •LEXANI)E , H & DAY, anKt7 rot All,. thaiPatid and Nlurlle . , CGAII.-1.14h 4 . N 1150501, uuit rece,vw , 0 00)11 C II I, H A NT. II 11 awr 04.1131 mud' tor "g I ICE—II ,, rs ut slot , And , .5,, 0 OA I' —tre le. No I Soap, for ..eby A il ...X," . 4 , L. I 1 I.'K h , m . ,V.S. ' eirq.l.,lrr‘ L"“ \Z . ! 1 1i k. 1'..1:.71.1.F- -, 5 .. ,,._ U V PEACHES—I. •‘• . 1 •.,< NICK ,,T & hI'CANDI.J..I4B l`k RV A PPLES.—Ott hood and for sale by auglo WICK k SCC.ANDLESS bozos or oak. by ll attain WWI( M•CANDI.FRS ' V ' nor ' order( Shoulder.. recoved and (or sae by augl3 ROBISON. Lirri.t: COL L ITI LthertY II rrE BRANDY—hi ptpciitt hue grandy V V for preeoretog, on draogbt and for *ale by MILLER a BICRKTS.N. anell No. 172 and 171 Latterly at Ni AC ia.Rl 7 lt (ohlo No 0 sliikerel; 00 hf bbls do do, tor tale by nogl,l MILLER 0 RIORE NON F;""CB-5"1 S a “ 141V1 % m :—LC:; 'Mt:" Jf TIR MEUCCI ANTS OF dingr k 0 eTinutiou In t w he ho ars dea.rons ot ven ,- tr bkoan... of Fayette, tifoen, Somerset. end 01.0 to coo:Lotion Western V trpnia.atll find the PA V irrrt: publlshed at;mono - on.. demn able medium,es tt Ilea largely to the place. specified abore Trona moderate snrlt,ditn• XY FAN' AND VALUABLE sERIES OF SCHOOL 101.10001— Parker's Natural and Experimental Ptolosopiay Jo lir.t lessons do Chamber. Treasure of Knowledge, do Elements of Zoology, do do eliettot.try and Electooly; do do Geology; do do Vegetable and Amnon! Pley , Lology; do, do Natural Phtlonophy; do do Dravonai Fulton and Eamonanla Single Entry Book Keeping: Teacher., Porn. s, tool all odourottereond in the cause of education, aro requested to co I knd caarutne the above afore., at the hook .lore JOIINSTON k STOCIFTON, corner and Market eta 11.1110VALT'9 WIIITIRO FLUID. 111111F.1tTS SUPERIOIIIII,.I, ainsurrs MACHIN F. Ail' A LL these differ from .dd nd, I. as they are all /11. cherntc•l winner, roidaldi .4 •imid mAt . ttr, flow freely from any kmd of pen—the color dee p : bright and durable. If there have Leen boner erne!. made, I have neither seen nor heard of them Sam. pM tattles can be obtained grans, by the merehanst generally, from 11. A. Fahneetnek !loony I' geherarta, Allecheny, or of the 61.1113(5CU1 , r, .1110 S 111.11,HT. thole. and Ciletryl.l. C . 01,1.f . of L. 1.1" y and Smithfield street, ritteburgli, Pa N 13--Any bottle riot price will tatisfortion lan bo returned and the price will be refumled. WHOLESALE CLOTHING WIEEIIOCSE: wt hand the lamest wieortment CLOTHING IN THE UNITED KrATE3, LIU,. TO 11111,611[11. n nruele of SMELTS and DRAW BIM krep nu en ullegm nnety. the mn.t eileative manufgetuter , nF Oil Clothing and Covered Data le Has world. PLAIN AND FASHIONAHLF. CLOTHING U( mil kinds. C., slogu-• dr stork sent by gll4ll_ flNer. prompt I,Ewl. HA:NFURIJ. Nos. M1.:1.331 0,1,1 2.5.. Pea. .>_ N. V FAV AND VALIJAIII,Ii WOititiS JUNT rkl 1,15111 , 1/ A Compcniltont lt,ccletdatuenl II tory. by Ur John C. I. Irtestder, CONl.Ulflai 100 rani Ordtodry Proessor or 'leolotty trotttnet hoot the iounh editio f n, rersord mod untended. Tra 12..4 Dont the . Gerutan, by Samuel Drostdoott. I. I. A History ot the Coded States of Amer.,. iron, a 01 Ibe Col.ibr 111 thr ortronits crneneut ander tAe Federal Constdunott, tty Iltruttl Ilitdrettz Just 'real wed and tut JOHNSTON & STOCKTON. trtr7 corner Market nt,ElTtord vas. (...! AI. too tads Nn I Salt; :DO .1. Da ry . do, just sj d elved nod for solo by n0t;111 NULLED A DICKETSO3 $l4O bi, ',I 02 295 it' bucket. (reel Muer. ,ost reed *nd for.nle by :Logi° C N °RANT V lAK3I-51 bbh 'eat rceii on coustornteent and fur 1, . 41. b y ..;to 1811.1M1.DICREY tCO bble rea a eaa lor rate by eagle V7IIIARHAVIAI whotheir [ w trie d ho have tried a- Mr. G., m e t, 41 Elm et, New York. Mn Matilda Rae Yea. :Bartle ay. Brooklyn. Mr. Wm. Tualatin a. ig.l King Ft, New York. Mr. Than Jackson. Mau:ours Island, near Pittelnargh ILE. Cohen, la, saber steamboat S. Atilefie. And more than hundred other. mute. though this wLk6ee, taust,rutßee, that It .111 foree mu hair to gm% on the head or lase, stop It ratline oft strengthen the room removing Karl sod dandruff tram the roots, making light, red, or gray or a inmate a Elite dark loot. and keeping dry, harsh or wiry ha+ , aloha and beatuthal a erre. very Long time. Sold hy the Agent. M. JACKSt , N. I.tbeny rt. Pittsburgh. Price 37i, 50 rants, and one dollar anthdtearT U Tit a 'Um& or a vita Bantu la not more appal. sive than a had, patrol breath, or dart, yellow dine... ed teeth, if persons have these it is their oven Imal they can, for two staffing*. buy nu article that will make their breath pure and sweet as an. Spry Air e It care. di teases of the °urns. sPnngY a'ret . ' d • and for the Teeth it is unequalled, removing the tartar. fastening the term Li, the rums and clean them white n. the snow ths frozen Noeia Suet, reader, are the properties of 10tt.. , Amber Tooth Pittr. and, without praising it ourselves, hear what one ot our eu mom respectable and trientitse K Field. at New York. soy.. -I bone both used and analised this beautiful and an palpable •rtiele, (Jones' Amber Tooth Psste,) and ran recommem.l a as poasesonig ail the deuittic"c'eint . ed for it." Render. we can nay no more to convince. only that if you try this °nee you will tie wall planned Isis psit up berotufal ebinn Pt is. for 23 cents. ttold by the Agent, WM.ACKSONr.d&v•T. lAbet tr . ty seet, Pittsburgh. vwe - - - V' LADIES. ARE. CALITIONEO AGAINST 1.7. Sllili COMMON PREPAILKD CHALK. They anh not aware hoar fnottfutly inierioas it is ~ Ose skin' how .onrse, how rough. how est i.... ) .I,ow, and unhealthy the Skln ai.. I,urs ater using prepared chalk' !fe it—. ti is inturios. containing o larr, qaa,nity of leeall We L. ve 0 ., pa.e . a • rantifol vegetable .Title, esti, , ... .... , 1 11.{Iit.If . SYANISII LILA W 111 IT. It is per!. rill innocent. beteg purified of all Meter,. OtOl qua it.e•, 011,1111-twart • to the skin a natural. heal thy. alabs-ter, rmar, Irv.ng while; at the came tone strung as Teoam4.ue on the skin, making it soft and smooth. Sedd by The Agent, WM. JACKSON, Ili Lib erty at, Pittsburg . mire 25 cents. ang7.d..twT 117- E. C. 110.1 Moo hal3 Dralsam.—JONES'S Ital ian Chemical so p causes a five peropirotion. ond at the same tote ni lifirs. softens, and whitens the akin, giving it the text re and beauty of an infant'. Sever!, Sake ultra vita Kolas, are coon s not only healed. but rare, by its use. im at least seven Physi mans in New V k know, who nee it in such cams, and find it unroll ng—as also in Vnarua. ItLeo nas,FIMCILTS , or any other akin dm ease. The read r is assured that this is an useless Is puffed nostrum, one Ural will prove I could <nu mere. at least i persons cured ui Song Heat... R. 1.111,.. , Seas Bunn—Boy it. and use it. and he 1.2.1.. is again assured I would 110‘ cruelly .01 for the above.unless I knew it to be mil I state Thom who are treble to ens... Cannon. on CuarroTi.mot, will find this a cure Any one afflicted all ally of the above. or sun- Liar dowases. will fin.. dila all and even more (.Idmira ble ill iis properties} than rotate. But, reader. the stores aro floaled w.th onstanons, and . be sure yon fist for JON KU'S Italian Chemical Soa Sold by WM JACKSON, ..9 Liberty street Pttuburgh. angd.l,kerT co ntax,.. anon, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 46 Market street, LI A VINO purchased no extenstve and carefully sc 11 teeted .toot of Sprint and Summer Dood•, th , suhserther respectfully informs Ito (need. and lb. pain... that be n now preparing to reeetve told ese rote rhea ord-r. with dispatch. and in tea :wow. room wth.tanual, and iulnonable manner At he ts determined to do hustuess en the cash system. he flat ters himself that he will be able to do work cheap art It can be done at any estelthsbutent In the country. Ills stork is •arted, hit of CaflillnerrS. Woad. cloths, Ventotes. . watch his friends aro respe. ful. I y toned to examine tor themselves GRORGE A R-110R G OLD PENS—rd. S. Ftfe's Patent tharnond Pointed Gold Pent, tenth and wnhout cases. lust reo`da.nd for sale by JOHNSTON a. IrroccroN, our; corner Thsrd and Itlartret at= RP I SIO I Z P F:D i' to • p ee l :e l :Wren stoly " :r t 7ek alti••• • Wxt" ; • thfi t d " Itt . to en enure ael. on the reetton ponciple. with • beau. oral represent anon of the natural Item—restonne the °engine] shape of the lam s.—Teeth extracted with little or no pate. Decayed Teeth permanently 'used by Ptheßlogt Pro echoes the Kolb ache, which is uch better into co rm; it. though It should be ddone m hen mint tn., yr area meth:my stpl4:ly P. A Oil NT E.4.DIXTRIPOLI , for Poliehtng. a newly IV/ dierovered suhsinuto for Crocus, Rotten Stone, Rowe. Penalties have found it Invaluable for theme sliv a enar,e American.'r arares—tn short, as reatarked by the - Se e tar In an article upon It, no( all the substenees which hsve been applied to polish Clines and Motet.. none eon equal that substance tnown by the name of 'lrmo —this a • au pertor arti-le to that I Ir., brought from Italy by .the Venetian.. and used by them in heirt palmy days or making. to el , It that pecultar pal.sh so much admired by other notions. It should be to e•r ry Cata.lY and ele c t shoP l by avail/- W oral st ILeaTtlllt , AND .11tht..1.“1 —l'ne !an.crlber VV Lb a• now. on hand a Ilya assortment of beet Rog. lost/ and i.enev• tient and Silver Patent Geyer (Vatch en. at mar nrtees a. arc odered in the Kasten. eihea Vi I.t good order 4;14 WWl' n anted_ Vt' 11' W 11, 4 0 N, enrol, 4th sod Market sts PEKIN TWA STORE.. MILE an, rttnn hos non reeetved at the Pekin Tea tinne. 7tt Foorth Leer. a very largt nod wed •e• hnnehl Mork; of pare I,IIY EN AND MACK TV:‘ ,4, Iron/ New Tha. a: , of wineP ha• he , / re.n•ed no. rain, no • the hr, of Fehruhry as,. ..a....•ua; or ail the, diger grade. grown to the enlesual Inapire. th„, „p g .a w o n t , the ,argest to the Wen, we art prepared to lllaaale. on tartar Prot. than any other lennao Weicoy. NV, tnelve retaalwroneretwoat/ aro! est/mina ouk •toek and Flees. They ean have nose te ed in and I lb pankafea, 5 Itt On canny/lets, or by half cheap. n/ eon their nottlententn. Our ratan price. •a, for Oolong, Blank Tem. from 50 eta. to 61 Nina VonOR Sonnnonti• ctn. Conn. 50, and Ennltah Itrenkfast NI. Young Spann. Gunpowder and looprnal. front 35 a nd ra t per lb. Faradic. are moueeled to sew/ and get azoople• am of our 'rev., and try them before purrhaa/ng A 1 AVNIF.A. IV Vaunt /treed Fan Roug!p• Card.. &Wan:, and Con•umptton . 'R. GREAT A D ONLY FIFIMV:DY for the cur of ilia above t• the HAI...ANI OF . I bs 4r , eclebro,d I.)r Buchan, of Lobo., nrodet.ed info the holed Sta. •be . .• ersiiiebdener of the inventor. tob. , • - warrants Ainelic•n Aget• • t , •Lr ,I , tko. worst poo•ible ea ea, . onur,ur. , :y —visse• xltat •relt ra•r el eonounn n-usedies of the %r e(I,, b) the soost distinguished ph, , oen•n• a• confirmed and incurable. The Ilunguei ab Itel.am tia. cured. mutwill rare, the mom aeop•rala It i• no quaelt no-thutu. but a standard Eng bah n 1,1,111, of known and c,ubli•hcal cdseacy. Ev-ry factirl'y in the Uiuted Staths should aupptied vr‘b Buchan's Ii ungagan Ital..= of Life. not only to counteract the embrueoptive tendencies of the Climate, but to be used as a Preventive tueMet o ni - ta all cues of c eVet . i. tcrr'..7aboOn"::;t.rf,ore'tite'r lirogths.eb"dehrtad difficulty of breating. beetle fever, niabt. sweat, eclat,- atAnn and general debility, aathmo, cough and croup. Bold in lure bottl. as per bottle, with full direc tions for die restoration o( Pamphlet. cont.:mg • MAAS of Flglish and Ameri. ea. eect.ifieues, and other endetied, showing the un equaled menu of Mi. great Engn.di Remedy, may be obtained of the Aa.eats. gratuitously. For to by It Ak• AIINF.STOCK Co., earner of at and Wood and Wood and nth intblaurtt ISI=I Ii 10 TIIK LADIKS—JuaI received, a fall assortment L of gold and rile, Thread, rord and limit also, Spangles and Itrillien, for enahreldiinnir and other or namental work. Also, gold end silver Tuatels, Fringe, a Jewelry of the latest fashions. to great variety Winches n( superior qualny and be patterns, andtir sale at Eastern prmes W W WILSON!, ou r 7 corner Market and Fourth slit__ UNITISE STATES LK WIS •. ILANVOILD, aocru narrow. are honorablymated mat am tho uctuai qualnica o( a 16 bottle of r.ooranve If they doubt our them, !richly respectable emzenr, (*rest lanignislll Remedy •- MEDICAL 1i SURGICAL or viohc, .• No. 55, DIAMOND ALLEY, a few doors below Wood street, le market UR. eaurans, baying bee* remlarly educated vs the medic. to and been for Mole Ur. th general penance, now confines , . •ma &mown to treatment of • thosepwvaw .. end . h e neheate coat! . • , pthan. for w 1.1.1 ch se opponranweg TA, and capcnence peculiarly de w• • him 11 years soar a) dev al oted study • treatment of those complaintsddortnit which time he has had more ftenetten and has cured mare pa. nente than em over fall to the lot of any private race nuance) amply qualifies him to offer assuranoth el speedy, permanent, and satisfactory role to all attlicte4 wits damsw Aimams, and all obeease• miming threat Dorn. Dr. Bream old Inform those alfitoted with private diseases edit h have becalm chrome by time or resented by the e, of any of the common nostrums 01 the Jay, the their complaints sae be radically end thors °uglily cored.; he having given his careful attention to the treatmeni of each elms, and suitheedeil to bemired. neck tances at coning and of indanunation of the neof therblatider, and kindred diseases which one,, !swish Irma those cases where oaten have eonsigned them to hopeless despoil. Ile particalarly torttea such m have been when unmecesstally treated by others to e onsalt bin; wn every eatisfactum will be giver them, tu id their cases treated to a careful, thothagh and inLelhgent manner, pointed out by a long expedencs gady, and inveshghtlen. winch le is impowthle for thee engaged ot een,raL promice of medicine to give on one class of theam. Lgtilemta or Ruptum..—Dr. Brown aim [mime per: sons enlisted with lye to call, al he has path Nano . plat attention to this disease. CANCERS aim cared. .bin diseases;alsllPt! a, Palsy, ate., epeedily eared Charge. very low. N. B.—Patienta of etth sex living sat a distance, by .tuna their dthease in venting, loving all the sy - Mpt tome, em obtain methetne. with directions for nee, by addressing T. BROWN, M. D., post paid, and enetose nig a fee. (lce No. 61, Desmond alley, opposha Die Freely 'loose. Ritenasest.—De. Brown , . newly discovered reme dy for Ith,umaninn Lit a speedy and e •nato remedy for that painful trouble. It ne Data, (Mice and Private Consuittna Roosts, De o:tend alley, Pittsburgh, p.. The Doctor alwaYs at home. I T Nn ems no pay Ahele Extension of the Baltimore amid t... foil Roach i DI:01' S k1.Y.4 ARK INVITED FOR THE GRA.DI.I.. L ATI tN AND MASONRY aS h, an d of Owe road not sires y undo? contract between Cootheriand and the Ty gl rt , Volley rover—n dbitanee of about litl mtlea. ' In. number of Rectum. now to Ire let will be alio. &r. of which Oloveur between nualb , 1•1111 and the moat of the ravage over— the glade., an ,i the ream ndnr on Rouen.. and Thrce Porta creek, The "or will generally he moderate. although tht arc 1111/11-mq of w.ebniia worth the attention of ca. traeior• aeenst tined to heavy ' obit Y tliweification. and olen• erdi be ready at Cumber. I . 'The andio.als, addre , wed to An undenigned, w t ti t,,, , I- cal at Curttheriand , Ma, Mod, up ua Sathrd a y the , 1..1,1i uf September w et... , Further information I man be had al the Cumin.), OlLeu iit Cumberlutul. ii; Fan t•atimaniab wi 11, revairud from there unknowh, 11 , h i, a nder, eat, It, order of thn President and Di. It moon, BENJ. 11. LATROBE, he i .. 11.1 ~ : -1;,,:: An Chief Engineer r ' d ! N ','.. ..' tstM.MS .. -d. A MsbON & t street, have t anr M enewed eol'd I`7llltngo. Moe r and t. C0u4,....e,and fanny do; 11 U FUr . . MLA, 1.4r11,1 I 7 :,•• harSi atul strlp'd d haw. • plum faun... , . ildele, tie. a angtO DU& OOODSAT WHOLE:BALM. W. °proud in to• erholeale Rooms, on Yd pot?, northeast corn , .1,1, and market straeta, Pittsburgh. Dm , Icon; ties aerond supply fog this sprint, he lass maul studs of goods at reduced prices, and,noso mks not to Ix fututd ebewhera larkiltw'r !![!!!MIZ pa 14 NRIFAMINZI NO. 944 LI ['Eli °epee.. amtwat,“ Mar hie Mammy. eleammeet• Teelhira.ble a lure variety of the atom 1K0Y140.11 keel. made *Me flue.t quality a foretga arid domestic yoltrOlot always on hand or made Oa onler. I.y the aid bt ices. mo. dont- ry , the yhoriest notice and at the loxes! pr N. o.—The Cauoiry Truk turniyheo with all kinds or Marble arenaloorest rues. Ad orders promptly at tended to or 244Likenl. oPPo9M9Oodthoid or. ary3CedGm IV W WALLACE snlaT IPatent Stone or Erette,h Barr SNIUT MA j o,llll%E—the best arnele oftle kind in axe; they ran light, clean fast, do the work welt. s„,d will l as t a Inn ulna. About :AM of them arc to axe, in the hest mai. . o the ecostitrT, tuld we nave the n strongest leans mony ot competent per4on• as tee, upertorny oeer ell tether ens. Machtnes. For Ittrther par.mulars, ad -4.1 rens the •obscrtber at thl4 Liberty W St. PlVrosbu L L W A CE , 1.1 TEA M h.NI. I St r.zt AND BOILERS—For 1..) and other ro,ll, aiways the ood, or otatieto order on sort short nonce. and atloweat prices. All or ders promptly •nended to at 214 14borty street, near the Cana , tny3to IV IV WALLACE_ pl , a ., ml, ,‘ an . .d . other purposes, twey. aa'nm,ll at Yu r0r. 21 _ tiV WALLAIIII — T illlnt'Lic chSIENT—,..." .241 li Lth.ert) st. my:a/ W IV IVALI.At)E RINIKTT/NE,l—All altosant , ctn., always on hood at 214 Ltherty Street. _ my. . w TEAS! TEASII TEARItt • IT is with Measure thatthe .itt.sertbera - intorm the entree.of Pinst.urgh and • emir,. that they have rani,;-ted armlet mem. wi th NI. Jenk Co of Phil.tdelptita. veer ,' !bet, 10, , et,0; PACKP.O TEAS, 1, And 'slit hereafter be kept constant , y on hand. They are !wavy erne , ) M ; up in metalitc, packs or and I !I, earls, t watt their mated card—showing to kind 're one,name ni the enneern and depot in Phdadelphia , with an invitation to return the Tea, a not Inked. Vara". PRICIta tillnpOwder ...... CI Ltui 111 peal - 3 1, ..6 00 1. I ..fori y.on ........... alt Ida 1.25 IN . • . ..50 Crti t,fai 1,2 z, ,r,ti B "'"" Frne and extra Tine. .oh lASI 1,25 1.5 n We will warrant all the "I ti.. , lS we sell to be equal to, if not Warrll.loll la any sold in Iltis c.ty. and should they not prove aecepuble to the taste, they can Le re turn be ed. and the money will reloaded, as 11 le only wall that understanding we aell We ask a fair mai, that the public may to able to siege between our Teas and those heretofore sold by other companies in 'AP* city All lovers of nett, delicious and good flayomd TEAS, stion:d dive us a call For sale by HIS S hl. i'OUNG In CO.. N W earner 4th .d Ferry streets. 031.1 F YOUNG de CO., mylo,46mis eornera4 and Rost streets N DR. T KM" (Late of New Mork.) Oratca—Santhfield street, between Seventh and Strawberry alley. N IL of the mouth. gum.. and teeth treated Ilunnropattue ally d.97.1.1bat 12iM=111iii11 ONE PRICE STORE, - • At .11 grraler ured A A M. .k. CO desirou• of reducing and ci out their Sink preparatory to receiviug their New Fall Goods, will of, wawa,. inducements than ftt Their reeent lug) purchases wt the New York i41(14.1111lee el 1,11 telreril.t elerifiees !rout cost.wilf all lie varied out them •ur ruinous rates. Ainoitgat the ar‘tele• recent y d. airy mntion: 6 ea,. fast eoloreit Lawns i flit ° and hlualata. ° mid Dr A large stock Silks. Shawl. and Vl.ll, ,ry low. et NI tie Lnlere, Itie " lot Serra., at one half pnre •• 2,0 tiingbarna et Iljr •• Embroideries, re, ahem,' " Bonnets. half pnre • " HeMely, Glovrai Laces, Tninatings. he es,. Merrimack Calico,. at air 5 - lii et Calicoes at tic bales brown and blenehzd Masan, cheap. Irma Linens at 16e; Linen litautruns fauna Ittlabon 16e, Waves at 4c Wait an immeate variety of other Canards, .11 of which will prove a +Aetna to ptlfehsf<re of flaw :13 to . 50 pre re Tile etore .01 he denied one day for marking down sod prepartag the •tork for the safe- A A MASON 11:0 PICKLES, puzszuvms, a... WELLS, MILLER &PROVOST ID Front erred, New York, rain. CATF—N PRE...SERVED BROVIsION.. Bich as Oyater, Lobster, Salmon, Mackerel. Shad, Meat, Vegetab , e, A l e. Importers lives. Caper, Salad Oil, Sardine., Rain and Weiiiilndia Condiment, ei, Their ex.". is more extngive, than at not variety. wad ig put up in better .yie than that of any ether Bowe in their bo.ine.. In the United Slate. Their aciod• are packed in al, the various paciaers. .ud in so lode ans to Oa ar transportation to any part oldie roardry S. B. Catalogues may be scan at dm 'Mee of this Leant. in Boinoni Silas Peirce & Co. Philadelphia, Jo. 11 Baal., Baltimore, A Bart a. Son. St. Loma: Liao Buchanan I.onille. John Fonda .0 Co. Cale nil.. Beery Brachia._ 1 I.'FS 13001,•KBE .. ILlNl.—ii..i• lot ter.ehiiiit F' 1111 the uuth.r ...cum. er. pnnted on the rover.. A i.upply last meet - red from Near lora. mid for •ale by 41111 N 11 MELLOR. sl • . ATHENEUM. SALMON, AND BATIIING S6T.\BLI6IIME T. T. M l R . F .;g A 4.;.l ' ' ' vl . e ' : „‘ :; ' , " L ' l ' laT 'l4 t: ' :p ' :nt. l.'„7 e shove e•Locla.hment. cvery aucouon paol lotto: convort of those who easy faro, hoe with a c.a.' Lthert,' street. between Seventh and \Coda. lee Creams and all other delicacies of the ...aunt. c . Luirrom MILL. 1::::fltr,::.111.t 1 & , 77 - 7 ,, Tt. '"'" r,r -101 are or the , publle. and the former cudt,enTrsthoi p.. .g. mot artner.!l They w at at , tam, keep no hand a genral ar rortment oc wr,aa. rappatk, to and motil e paper, lona, har..,ta, ha w!. hack.. etc. etr... which the) air. aArhaa, $o vir.an lad co rail, s. frn, goat irteb..sher• ca. trr, ruppac•J w r ith ery deornpho , t of annum, nap, at •...lon ani at a.riaral racer Tilt , M PSON !JA NINA Apra I. la —nrvZl dam Enmt • vils /1) al • A•sllgnee's Notioe. upt el. the atm of •h 8 Joh.at hon. usartc the *truaerther. • a•roanialent of .11 their r.r.arer (Or the hanefi , of roil:kelt ererlitors.ite shah welkin twit toonths Tram de Jain thereof el roo t. mad d01t.., to the sand Smirk e d Jututroo • MI ute release of their rerrecuve r,suma ohd demand*. Notice IS hereby arven that the oral:lra...A and re lea rt ir now w the oci , of the AllOSerther ou Fourth *treet, ut tire ruy of Put*OurAh, for inspection and *l owan. wall all whom it moy oue,. wit Atslrrlee Dr_Arrir Vt. illtNANltha! , *Cr.* ensta.,Ller.— uta I.* LA•ramourt, Al Wood arecg ha. rust rerelred some 0a...11,111y orisprnerlled Ii IL ATE APRON .or a ••nr.ty Oattoru* and valor. • elitTlssiste raper for oruaroaottit; : looking gitursos, Nature frame; or lama, ad MI 1849. Iteavat . ..ndWlte Fzpr•s! P.cket Line. IL U. PA RK:t. Deaver, Propnetor. TILE neat and elegant Passenger Packet, NI AG A lIA, lSm H II Jednetu PENNSYLVANIA, / II lloginatr„; LAKE ERIE, Irony, QUEEN CITY, Itlellallt Forming • daily lane between Bearer and ttn Elm, have commenced ruang,.ati,l anti continue donna the sea son to make their reenter Ines, leas me Bowler after the sertsal of the monidtg Lout from Pittsburgh, II eltick. r. a I and ern wc at Ene te UNE far passengers ho take the morning boats to Heal° or up the Apoke. Taken , through ho Erna and all Lake pons.kan be had by attenuation to JOHN A CAI:011ET, Agt, corner of Wale! and .lanthheld eta M=M=l sioder)he St Charles !lois' Ile. • Trimmings gds.', for 1E Advent. , now openimt. t7l tS'ater street. L Nene York, n complete atnenroent of HATTERS' TRIMMINES, et leehimselfkern the manufee• lories Frnnee end (icemen!, erWeh will he sold low' for cash. Please cull sod elsuude before purr hantng _ elsewhere. Iyl7-dlin Now Volga. Jo lllO. NEW uutir_ h•vc ,cetved a Int to J.airit of rations sizes and hind...ola new construction that Is unite simple and complete—some ornamental Alto, the article to burn in them called -Darning Fluid. or thi:nal ^ It ha. ram qualities which reconsinend a to the attention of meam heat men. hotel keepers, and boa., keeper., tor clatinhonas.econnurr. end brilliancy. surpasses any thing portable note ase. Portion. who please to rail no u• wad he shown the proilianurs of this near compound. A,constant supply of he Fluid and Lamps kept by SCAIFE A ATKIISIJN, First A just hot,vecn %Wood and Idaeket_ N AIL D W AILS oTOILE. SIGN OF Titre. PLANE AND SAW No. 78 WoOd street, Pittsburgh. • Ur USER AND LAUFSIAN, Importer. and dealers ut Foreign and Demesne HAILDWAILE, In all tor vartetica, are now prared to telt es low and on as reasonable them , no tan be parch.ed elsewhere. We solicit our friends, and the public generally, to rail and examine our stock. whim+ consuls in pan 01 icpacle,S, and FORKS, POCKET mill I'EN KNIVES, ,tcnssoßy, sisKAKS, KAZOILS, Douse Trimmings, such as Locks,Latelies, limn.. nod Screws, together With every article usually kern m Stones. We invite the attention of Canynnters and )h ave general) to our agaormtrto nrroote., which have been seleseted with gret care, and which we are deteren. ed to sell so es t c a ntor satisfaction. opt.dilew r - THE sub.crtbers be; to call the attention of efillildera, Architects and °amnia of Building, to the wan y a d vati a,,,, , ... which these plates possess own all other metallic r obatances hitherto .ed Mr ormline, fie , . they possess at once the llghtneu of iron, without its liability to rust, basing now been tested foe •rscral ears In this particular, both this enuow , mid Eu rope They are leas liable to expansion s e nd contrac tion front sadden change of the atmoophar, than eon, nint. iron, nr any wrier metal okw used for roofing, mil consequently (min a much better and tighter roof; requiring far leas frequent repairs, whilst the first cost is but a node room A full supply of all sixes, from In to W. G., con stantly on amid and for sale by OF.r , n. MOREW01)0 is. CA., 11 a nl In Denver street, New York. The atent right tor this article henna been seetwed for the p lone , ' Suites, a;1 puttee Left - moths thereon, either h waro.tation or otherwise, will I. lie preset,- ted • - JiIIDES D. LOCKWOOD, fror many rears eanneetc.l wtth ltle•era. Wilay Putnam, anti late Jolv. Way, N. Vora and Leandon,) ar Ot.isEl-1.1,1g °ID IllTUirMai FRI.:NCI! ANIS littattlAle BOOKS, nti Wat/Itiltll6l7, lNeaflY Oppo<ite w< St. CharlesHowld rrsßußGu. t cr Enen. , b, French. and German Renicsva and blegasinca, and Neetepdpers imported io order, prices of which [nay be ascertained on appbcauon Mr. I. entwineue, nrntis tnyll ua. ail) AT, I*3lll l/rt boon. Corner of Poartli and Decatur, bctsessen send-dlr. Marker anti Pert • W'. Ell—luttO Wel win_ A FAIINI, r 444 eurnet Flirt a: IS A MTRWAN 1100 , S: IIAttrEIMR The Amer , 2 - 1. ton Dort. •laspontor , a Drat,. ripe° Arcrater Um, Cosmos , and Nloul,l.ogr. Froloins. Drwrs, NT-I dorse, and iito/rs. toc.lher oritla Ow moat'eopoporit prinelpler of Protocol geometry , llatriaidi 1.1 est +v. , wise over 3,sy eurrolrlos. sµ,lo JArS /CK STOOD ID Wood St Nv ThC togfisit Ott-• L paid (dia.a woolted W.ll, GLEE, Libeny HOUSE ==l „M:N THU THE SIXTII WARD FOR am..s. A IAI of Ground having • frontal' 4.1 fest ens Felton suoci. by RO fee , deep to . 1 .7, on which Is sacred two good two story brisk Niel.. Bosses. Tbs abow property is well imploved dna pleasantly situated. oral snit 'sold very isassnat ty, (entire altogether or pan ofit.l tf •0P1ic.W.t. 11 .. 1 • 40 sotto to HENRY B. MAGILL, on the premises. angyAillf FOR i..LA Brink 'Moine. (but (b one year built,' and Loy, on Robinson sow, Allegheny. trees Old Bridge. Nino low and tonne 151. y 1n46i1• of jysli S sci!ovea, 110 Second st _ . son RENT. FOUR new two story Rock Dwelling Heuer, well finished and in complete order, on Centro Ave or Moor - rode need, Weird- Po , - s<tsioa givenlino onmodtamiy. Rent low. Entire tid .OitaWAIT CO. eonacr Liberty anik Matsu ROLL 8.111.14 II A VEEP dearable madame m me boll) rough of Manchester, an mining Jolor Door long. Veg. The Lot is a comer ono, (taffeta hoot nr one handred and ninety feet deaf—ualt • taro alai Back liouc, tweat)-five tees front, with two ostler, Maim room,d kitchen ononfins floor A carriage ruble ai the lot fail , K That trees, all In good enter. Knotore et the sateen. Ger, Lumber Merchant, Allegheny city. tulindreatlT /NO. PATTF.RSON T'OR RENT.—The threemory Beek Dwelling Untow, on Wherry, bmereou Hay and !Barbary time. now «copied by W. Graham. Jr. Emmett. lon amen inunetliately. Enquire of WM. Graham, or. Gooktiore of JOHNSTON fr. STOCKTON, ranter Martel and Third vireo. Property . in ALlogboloy City for Salo. T H lg E no7s b iruu n tni i ' ll . 7;e l c n ou " f r Vo;d= o n f g r ir anitimon ground, on gory terra. Inquire at W. till. ROBINSON. Any at Low, Si Mu RI or ed JA ROBINRON , on the premlms no 1 ,411. wirr Dem/rabic Properly for Bale. get+ AT bemoan'. well known and healthy resulence, nary oceupted by tic. K.l Stewart, doch4) on the ton of the hid weal of Smut.- nville, U.. and aelSola loc thy Stenbenctte and Caml,culge road. The lot contents about Nat tuna pan meadow, and ender. yowl ft nee.rhtroprovements ana two story. Snot Dwelling moan and Stichen, brick wash beams. and chicken hoer, a good frame amble, he. There to 'rotten. of fruit trees and ahrubbery. but • bit deser,p en thin well known property in deemed mince... eery. it to one of the most lionaufol neat rv,cam in Me vicinity of Steneeneilla, and la perhaps one of the =at nenithy.—combifung the many tiolvantages of town and country, with few of the inconveninteca of eithet. The nue in unexceptiOnable. Poccescion can be given on the full of ciclovesnoer. Per fhnher par dueler., apply through the Post Odlre, addrecn tha subscriber. Edlettsville., Jefferson county. O. or at tn.,. reatdence 011 the bank of the Ohio.opposhe New Conk benand, V a. JAMES R. hi. WT. SWART, prtf , ernoti Kir of Alex. Stewettc.deeM POll. - [LENT AA larre stoic on Market at. borasercn anland 4th sts. well Einidied and hlntlaornely fitted up oods, being u gc..od stand Gtr that ',axone... E D IiAZZ Offlre. 3rd mt. °vet ?Ado Hall—Ehnen hours frcan r in It! A 1l FOIL SALE, n A TIIRA". storied Dwelttog I low, Itt . in; the k aratd Ono , from Penn street, in Sotto, Row, on ny ttreet. I aed.. possession wilt sitett. Ettputrr of DAVID Attorney At I...tor—Wilco on Fourth street, betert•en C"aorry and Grant SITGfI Itiltrttltt ri:333331 FOua new two story Unek Dwelling 'louse.. well (noshed and In complete order, on Center A venue. 7th Ward. Possession given Inly Rom low. fi:nutian of /01IN WAIT A. M), lust eerier of Liberty and Hand at; TO PAILIICILS AaD LUDIfigIIXER:II• lIILI F: undersigned offers for sale In M`N.aan county, I Pa., Iraq acres of well timbered LANE', with tio cellent Saw Moll nearly new; and two new Frame ex ouses. out 41 feet front by 47 back; the rubor fort front be al back. Also, good new (canto Itarn.thirty by lorry feet_ 'rhe woad land are adorned four miles from the Allegheny river. A great deal of PINE TIMBER of the best quoin-, cud also a coat quantity of the •ery beat hendoek. one &nth on the hank. of the Allegheoy, near a cote, mast admirably adapt-. cd for tufting, where Intaber corn.he rafted on the Icv winter. and be perfectly . looms om all freshets. Price Slid.. or Et 3 ne. noon Will met a well eleared small farm, with goal house and or c hyd upon i as peat payment., of location ennoble. and the /mianee to lamber, or as may be agreed or. This an excellent opportunity for lomberring; and the probannity is great that in two or three years tits property will double its value, on consequence of its proximity to the. Mew York and Erie Railroad. bet aufficient to wear out several sitar mills-and bey. era: mill once oh the amain which ran* nearly throne b the centre of the land. About fifteen odors ta gra.. No hall to more to healing lumber from mill to ri ver. Trout rood game in abundance. For farther partieit.. lat., address, Iporn-poid,) P KTEMPI.bTUN, lara.l,l.tortfii Onaetto office. Ponsitrah. Two Lot* for Bala TIIE subscribers wal sell al envele sale, taose ter , ~ ..e.euhle Lens of eitnetcd Tnruato . .1.• Tb.rrl Want of Allegheny City, each hoo4)1 •• tient of .111 feu:, runiung ',ark WO feet in depth fee aney, upon whichbuig a mon< wall, Y. oy Ito winett contain. stone 4110agt .0 b... l4 redid tyre connrtable darllnts honee.. and In from to ere Lila, o al, Ad, trees, nee yenrs growth, and Or •.,1 • wank,oun.,l with tmet, oil of mbich 1/vOl be sel.l at Pateourgh 101 l Allegheny, or Goodly A r:p. end be tftken In payment. .1 k II Nl5 W,e..1 or be \ \I. BENSON, nornetlintely °poen... 4011.1 11.1Z3 . F un,.,1.rt . ;11 n e 4 nr m i y . •tt m a , e t . u e . t: 1,11 11..p.,u4n0 sireet maelbered . in 1' klauxermi s 4'. 71L..1. :We:l—Lot 075 1(11U/ 11, on Ale A.,. greet. 7u (eel deep, the other tout irons 0,0 .0 feet Jeep. part of purrnase mane) moo , r .••r seeared m.rtga,e. Vor pv 1 seecet) .t Vialatabllto CISAi Le•tad fear' Azle. — _Au3u p t . 2 f:ar R0 :2 , 1511 0h 100 ..T. Ve i, L , 11.11 1 N . :0 , . , 2, , Tot i tt:t . r.f Itte verr best qualit7, sat.l easy of twee.. Ito) number of acres, front torenty-five to a lionarmi,itagta be otaame4. Persons del . ..rotas of purebasoi.4 coo rail on IVALKER ILEIIII, to toe el Wm. Reed. opposite the Post °thee. Ay lot will Give any to • ' l:l7 , a * Xa n t a " g " r7a.t n ri, t a t."' P"""1. To LET—A good brick llsvOlitsicuo 4.11..1.. . Rnlktmson street, Allegheny. Emote., of my 141 5411,11M , )1 , 4 SCIIOVF.R - - - OR SALE CIIEAP FOR lot of groom! L' roue. on Web., street, 23 faro from Wei errrt; . .31 fret t tout ea Wrb-ter, by feet to a fire ken alley-41nor clot, tri 1111 W our Love. Place R 239 Term, U.130' rom In Min& Milonee in one, ten, thorn Mel Mut yrom Item it, !it'd of Aprd lost. omm and t:dy Scrip Mkt.o Tot ertgb payment. In oy rt vSt`lll.3'liFt.ll.leerond 0 260 At rei!"o... l.e.fd lot a 21. l 4p, • • SITVA te-Lf on In, nnp the,. neer about Measles from tee rapt , ono ..buvr fbird tact, in the annic.ttute neiitt`..o`chowl , :cr.ws. Lyon h Shorn and qtr. John Ikrbun's t-nity of Coat sold at the low pnce of topper •s.r.—one aunt to leand,holanee in free equal annual perorate, oraltout Intercsi 'rifle tode.putall, Localson very noil--wantuat be lowpossed. For further partWura“ enquire of P. LIAL-SLXV, who roe a draft el soil pro perty. Residence etd st,bolow Ferry. Nlr Ad tow' Row . N. IL Taere ta another &Vain of real on Otis tart, about ,at feet above the lower, of execilc:nt oath:). jrit:dtf 1' It. Iltallartag Loin for Ssile.. at gent. te e sen t, s , aathur.....4 t, u. 10 offer at, prAve .1 sale wed upoe hiply fa eotat,:e terra., stunalwr o f very valuable Badding Lets, f - oropneotg a !erg,. portion of the Lots uumbetzd he, OJ u d 70, at Woinls'lionerul flan of Use C.ty of Fataborth. eitua led at the liaata eattsvanily corner of ['men ant Wayne same.. fronting :Id feet on rho loniser, and tit:notion( atentg the toilet afloat nero Wet, Allegnea v lever, mad being a part of lbw Real ritate of the LA, lonic. L4.,itevensou, A plan or subateisma or the el.ove 'Lots, lo confe r tenty wp4 whtch tt oe psoposad to sell, way be woe et the office at the undo reigeted, on Fourth between Nat • Cal alai Ferry .u. WILLIANIS myzt TWO 110IIi PUS. n Tsvo Lars o t Lte aver street, to C. coy o 141. AA,gheny, above the mmereorommts,on whorls ts erected frame boalding, two ntormw high' sa.tehlt. for two small tenements. The nos are each twenty , feet to front by one handred fem deep, and roe bark to a snit forty feet +ride. The betlEttoes on the pre. mons unit pay a very handset:A mterzst no the Itter nl.) meat, and the property roil be cheap lot ett.41... to II :drool, tSett's othre, V S. or to nn., e r ilotaoni LsaQTor O. T r : S k„p l e e , K , .owe 10. to soli na teal:Lae-Ts. For further patirr• W,..41,441 C. 01 to WASHINOTO74, nore-d1( above Smith:hid sr „ t:RuG.III VOA SALE.—Thersol...mhe offer. for sale the three uory brick Wit...hour, i JV oe Wood arpet, decuwsl by L. Tmwcr k Co !Id WM. FUB PALE: —A fear of l:roond rlowie on iron street, between lloy and hlarletry Streets, ....iron me Imuae and lot now 4w:copied 1g Richard Edward,. havota a front of 25 feet, anti on depth Inc fort mlt sold on favorable terms. Title unexceptioanb ' le. En gum of • C. O. LOOMIS, 4th st, on. , Wood. oesll.4tl aMfM A DESIRABLY. Building Lot 111 Allegheny eity, r vorehly fixated, in who td.,nel hal( SA nu rei •u will be sold or. eettoramodaling terms. Inquire of A J D WILLIAMS, ILO wood el . _ eon n.E.Nrr —A • iToni - 111 iWron4 CO TT, N. ....vet • - - AT ORGAN'S W 4 HtIigKILLEII. Ihrrsnoson, Jour 1941. Mr John I) Moro:,rt—Theor / Rova 0 00 ...Poo' rah n( Jour %Voir Ktlier to one of my children. nod o .uort um.... one hal( hour it pasted IFtruty tar the I fez! safe to reroramrsldlng yowl Veroaug il.l the 1.00 medtrtno that Can I.e used for eap , •lho worms ?10an... noar NOhicAtoorn. Prr pared and sold hy the propnerol.JOHN MM.,/ AN. Drowli. ono door below diamond alley. Woo wet, alley ISHACKGUTT & wurrb:. DRY GOODS JOBBERS, IN WOOD Silt F.ET, Ait„ now venctelog a very lace vtok of fro I.nodv, 0/ mew. 'ton two, and maportattan,whi they unn vett to :he twulevarn pnees ae tannot t V. nee ennregaholtwoon. City anal Country Mr:rennet.. are Invited era{ at exainine inle Woe, hewn , purebwong elsewivese. rove CESGM= O . PIE DOLLAR, or o.rn Depatonrat open fro n P to II fir iuuk, A and . 210 3 o Y. NI Aqtnamum Paxson mtpl Dalkon( FAtobtiomen . . r PFALL, Proprieso DOOKS . BIN HiS . .—A Vial to bbn C. D S.llo%ui Sortit Americt. by S. rbsrtoi I.yell H. S. iU 1143Sorytse Amet..•s Ser,ety. (tom gr onslation 11 tne pre,a , sme. '.v IV P. Smlt' eee e f the ti f te,t's cwt.. wtue Orkitl.lo Rev N I. .0( c..,, , m.5t part Yl .oath. y'a Comm...) l'ivec STOCK rtm nip ...in., Third and Market .t .111E0. W. Sal IT ill IPIPO(L'd taw friends runt the plablie no longer any connection 'ak their adanaadd p on e utrect, known as toe Pittsburgh Bre • rep:loved their enure Pittsburgh to the PO! qpv.,VV.N" 1 )lief 1 S.. large •oriety, of it c qualitie• and he.t tort... .•erts, made or •ianeard coin artd , ;Lin :14 , taTIIIHnt Patent . • Lanl Lamps, uo.v a.nd giving best and •el,apest Cutlery, Tcu Calamanlou %Vara, Spec... mu, I told Pen, i.e. W W W 11.40 I`i, ou;l2corner Market and Fourth qr . and, FIT SOY IL,Y .t RICKIRTStiti. Wholesale tironery. floport , r... , Brandi : al, Wine. rind . Pd and .74, cotant of I.ilerty.a.nd Irwin ettevls, I ALTO, Pa Iran, Nails4Cadon Varna, kn. kn. • sunny on hand. . anti
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers