The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 25, 1849, Image 2
THE 111T6EUR811 Gpd,ati I•lTT'euultou, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 25,p,09.61 er1.0.1111 DAM h 1711146 ;. Tr.WttcklY. entl Weekly.—The Ihtly li•EteTek. Dollen:pet settepti the TA-Weekly is Five polhetit summit the Weekly is.Tro Dollars per anattakrit 4'l _ ... - - - ECTADvaartem are mentally mutated to I, ... • -aete tavern aefere Sr. lc, tad as tarty in the 1411 bractierGle. 'Advereacatenta nal Inserted for It' aae ee time win al nivenablyta charm] anal and . • _.i Adveniseraeava isalsabeenratana to the NeletiehaPe .il and United States Gazette, Philadelphia, thhr ,tri Qui 6rotarded from this *Br , ..,,: d I _di_ 1:., •NTILISULSONIO AND INUID TIC ~,'' I . - 'cm CONYWIONZIL . : -,, r Cos .24, HENRY P EIR YM. FULLER ' Of Ultima Coart7„.1 1 L I , MAU, V WILLIAM iiAsixtr, . i Bala c04Y.1 - ...X1...1-T, i . 1V ~-',:, ROM'. C. WALKER, of Eli , ghs , S U.°* ' :f i-I JOIN Mlbl.Hl, , oi NbstpsbargiL ',:,.; CAI.F4 LEL!, of• . 1 wi, WU. ESPY, of Loirer SL Clairli, '. gum., [ -"P d l' r i CARIT:n CORMS, of Pinsb mt. hi .. raorgareormirr, .-;i! N. CEO. S. HAYS, of Upper St Clair. Ai 4 . TIMUTELII, '? '.. j . JOHN MORRISON, of talef*.q. iii :: Jes. eirrcitial,*( P**-bk. i , Li ecrwro, WV A. Arrtivias, of P.0.b.r0- 4 . 4.. ..m., ..,:' JOHN DVEII.9 of Floeasy. liiii For Loral drattarr re., mart paEr. ae• west pugs tor Talograptdo TOE WEIKEL IBIG BREEN* “This bridge is so far;complefied,sis to if l i3ittb, passage of hoot passingdosoverit daily , la paid ao appiteation to pendidg before JudiptOrier. of the U. S. Oman Court of Pennsylvania,* stay the erection of this bridge. Judge - Gnet.;l4' not of the Virginia Circuit, end we do not tetelhant he eon take jurisdiction of the care."—Cits.ala. Our Oincientui brother is probably ettg re...that Congress has declared that the navigadifti: , of. the Ohio River shall be for ever free to nil itetts tit the Coiled States, and to facilitate that tiff: galion, large appropriations have been matiOalta of entry established, of which Pittsburgh ope, li cences to vessels are greeted, and the e4olpmertts of meant boats prescribed, till by the itiOimity of the General Government. ..13y the fourth article of the Ordlean4oll7Bl, it was ordained that - the natrWable waif:4 le-ding into the Mississippi and the St. LastOcet, and the carrying planes between the anmgi,lithill be eomwon highways, and for ever freetlgit well to the inhabitants of sold territory ' as to Witi °dismal , of the United Steles, and those of any OiNer Estates that may be admitted into the confiederaiiif. without nay tee. impod. or duty therefor."—l S. Sta (oh" of !Orgy, 02. • ..This article was a regulation of.;:eilincierce entoh; the several elates according uilifsti Coast, tenon, and therefore no binding upodvlitte other stales, as these formed from the NortittVest Terri tory."-3 Horeurd, U. S. Reps. 229. ;15 Pennsylvania, as opo of the States o4be Onion, Chute, before the &Lucerne Court of 'On United States, Jollier Grier presiding, and clique en in. junction against certain tom of citizens*Vavots, which, it is averred, will obstruct theltlavigauon of the Ohio River, which PeanavivenitOisites the right to navigate, in common with her iier Antes. The Bill sets forth, among other 'That the Ohio river being rine of thi'atavigable waters leading Into the Mississippi, l i i : and for a long time bath been, an ancient nevigible public rivet, and common log away, free to be ;hsvtgated by the ettihens of the State of Pannelleanis, as weft au by all other Musses of the United That heading at Pittsburgh, io the stlili of Penn sylvania, and running through that Sate for the &mance a fifty miles, nevisa , le tor Jut whole az tent from Pittsbargn to us month, emu, :etueens of thus State long bare been. end of right Were, and still are accustoited to navigate said river, to pus and repass ~ulime :is course and channel moot, stunted, and at pleasure with their Steamboats transporting pas•eneere it great nand:mil, cm,/ ipg large gnanuties of freight. and candacting • vole ab,e trade and contemns. between the city of Pitts burgh, in the ante of Peonstlvania, and the port cf Cincinuali, Louisville, St. Louis' , New Oplems, and many other ;deem on the Oaio end Mitt= put ri vers and their branches. -That the defendants are erecting ti rbridge one hundred rniles below Pgmburgia. imroSir the than• nal cf the Ohio river, between Zum'e4.littnri and . the main Virgicia shore or taut at liVhcaling."- Taatailia brides - veld titular and preen& the pas. sage of citizens of the State - of Piliiiiiivania Moog said river under said bridgMlWith their steamboats as they are oneamooty meet:mutated to do, and will ohstruct navigation no Ihd Ohio river. That it wilt interrupt, binder and ditihrb the Md se. of the State of Penowlvania iCtheir lawful use and enjoyment of the Obto Aver i? a einamon htghway, iu passing and rep:wing tbei same, will increase the difftmlty, hutted, and egpense of nav igating tt with their etestrthoate carhyto4r passen gers hp d freight as they have been acciAndomed, and are now doitg.and have lien to do; fad will inter rapt, diminish, and grimily discurl. iiiil iradcc m,- Crete and bulimia's of tee einzens o Penti.ylva.. Ida over and upon said nver; end between the ci ty of Pittsteirgh and other picnic 0[1: the Obio and rivera and d their branchedi, to the great mage and common , nuisance of Inn etustans of Peooeyly®W as well no of other ethherts of the United States, and to their irreparable', injury." The Bid prays for on Injuncuon, and for general relief. Sympathy gar Eineigsay. We select the 14lb:raring resolotionii l stod Address, from the proceed,ags of the Great Meeting in In. dependence Square, Philadelphia, , lam Monday evening. We feel twsured they will meet with an anserentis chard in the hearta of all our raadera The meeting well one Of the lamest and most enthusimtie which ever 'assembled in that time honored spot, which is Cninsected anti so many orsoclations stored to itherty. The fol.. lowing were among the resialuticala passed: Reseirkol, That the Hungarian diet, in at:mirth ieg the privilege. of natality, freemi,the lied., in. vesting the annuli colhastors of Menai! with Gee. hold rights, proclaiming and maintaining freedom a( the peers 'and of religions belief, piecing all citi zena on an equal basis before the leers, and ores. deg • representative republican foqn of govern ment, he, shown a devotioo to libeelt and mdutht card principles, which oedema it nol atone to the country under its guidance, but to the freedom 01 them Coiled Suomi, and to me repriblicans over the whole world. Resalced, That we have beheld with ['relies. of regard and veneration, the whole o:maim of that doe-hearted •republican and chivalrous pauses, Joins Kossuth, who stands before the universe in the b'gh red holy addede of the champion of Er , lightened Freedom tdEnrOP4andAttat we pledge to hint and his haroidpuntryinen, In their present gallant struggle, the sympathy, akin:Matron. end individeal cceoperatimi.4 alive ni,l4 independent people. , • Readied, That the--Republic citliongare him given ample emeleuee to the woralbatit a driecto as it is riders, a free and. indeperitoot 'Weak au. we call upon the constituted authoiltjezi of oar aim onion to recognise the anbasenlat of Bunsen, as mon mi be shad present himself property aur.. credited; and to teha the nemassaft, steps to open diptotnaticand commercial retatic4with the Wort try which he reprmiyuts. The reardations beiag adopted'; 1. W. Forney, from the permanent Committee of Ftfleen, (Col J. 8.0111 Snowden, Chairman.) appciinted to invoke aid and sympathy from the peophs'of Penneybra. nia, in the cause of the Republic Pillictegary, read the fol Lowing Address to the mettles. It Will re ceived with repented cheers, and was then rinsed measly accepted: 4addratail to the Pimple of Petaasylwasata. gnaw Cmects or Pwaismilrima.—A brave people, etivironed be perils, ire fighting the haulm of Liberty in the Veller of the ,Liannbe Their achievements have excited the idea:ration of the world. Their ,accrues hove siiiialled the coo. federate tyrant. who assail thena. 7 l , . Every steamer brings us intelligence of some sew deed of dazing done, or Were imposing advent:lie won in the name of Freedom Bet tale's the hearts swell with joy at the tidings of Hunginhe vienary, we tremble with maxim at the sceetacle of Despotic int e rventioh, with its hordes of Wild warriors edu cated in the work of blood, and ititiaxicated by pm.. mime of . ..spine and spoil We tan indeed to the fair fields once darkened by the fig of A mum, and rej .lee to see them now dlaminetdd by the banner of Liberty. W. beheld, too, that by a happy, end, let tts hope, Providential coincidence,i„the theatre upon which the present enntOst to to b§,Accided, is the nano upon which, caroms. ago; robtistilnify 010r1 some elite noblest Hearies. Eat the banners of Hangar, float alone, while the Mize cross of Ritasi• mutated to the crimson standards! Francis Joseph of liatishargh; and both implocaltinvolte the bles sings of God open a cum mitten*. nal/ be sue , easeful by the dined; We have ft - certify too welly tatilited tbai inttifpid (tenpin . has bat little to hop. fur tram European °ethane. False rrantut Mot hrlatteeiti hernia Rome into the arms of sacerdotal tyranny; while httf own indignant masses are held in auh,ixtionAiyal hired soldiery. ' Prosaic has smik beck' pundyvkil by disastmous events to other gainers, Into tlM.arms of the mon archy at Barite. Genoa he" legett--it.eoolll hat Eli.VOCElheli...-Piedmont Is threatter with new hoe. rors--and Monet historic VeniciC olds out tamely against :he butcher Ilndetalry. Nate e. the Carpathian amantions, by Abe shoresof the over Theis., and on the broad petit ragged plains of Transylvania. the fadiftivereitf Luna Ewsutti wake 'halt . last wand triest thr paced forces and the eceoredbited verigcunce o(Pnercitotatad af fihrbted Llsetolient. Ruch is the..cosition or the Milne, in behalf of which we invoke the alder the People cif Penegy!. TWA. Otte of the old Thirteen alletats There is a pecnhat propried)th such s Jeirdnuwatloo, be cause &eve is a peculiar ilinilatlty betweta the Magyar ItorobWon and oat arm Tee smug ragtime his the same Otbearatice node: . - outrage, nod the some etnifitlettee 61 a treacksietoun Meg bin beet aMeifeeteal 04 the Pen ...Pend ant 'Hungatif 4.1 preikeded Otte owe straggle wrest Erreoe. Thereee p lwe of Hapsburg has Imitated antlitneroved n a Fir*Wit example on thisconllneet,i it hay been replallyerelehenarta and creel; equaleleortraptand Watirentby; equally false Ito all the 'Weed gratitude and 00.d:ed. Hon ', gary, like thenriglual Mateen colonies, has fought I the battles ofehe haounreb that rip - pressed bee. On more Marianne memorable oiecasme, Magyar valor nvediene metre from pining into other e hands. Butelike Great Britain, iffire h. reereloa• I _ ed to the Waite of a patient alit oncenotiatnew I tus Pawn.. SIM ton NatraVavvrita—We have ;ide s. , b y re p eate d i reer e e o a nd lanai results; seek- , hero neither Inattentive our pacoocerned °beery , mg to obirtehett all traces of thffir amulet lade- i era of the President's propene on his tour of emit peedence, blinting them enormowly, and then l / atron to Mosel pans of toe lemon with which he denying to thee° the right of representetion tle- beeSe li as paanUaleted—u step urn appose ich we appose through, ago by si written Constitution; and, would scarcely have teken,nt surer a sickly w h s .' bonny, bi cofoplelo the deem= parallel, her el- i son, had he not been Impend,. by a ...eclairs citedarnmel,the ruder popolatron of Servia and to know some thing Of the Knple and eireumnatv Croat* • febellion Met foe a time led to the most I as 05 three stales, before tee. meeting of Gangrene Ifrightful abriebloode temltr—only paralleled by I and the preparation of his reeesage to that body. the inter . ..thin Instneted by Great Britain oolong At lead such on idea seemp rentionatee, In view the e edd „, eSe e.yee o f Or own wilderness bet lof the known character of 7 moo . It appeared an d th r e er geepe seven years war neatest that a bold step, to commencer .h a tour enurely no hwulthlY P..' i I am...panted, seeing that be was about to held Bet If An trace trail singelar resemblance be• l intercom , . with a pennon atebe American people tweed the,'.*egyar Ineolution and .r own, bow l Mitering vastly in their babes and in then view. much Itkeithe leadelnl and berets of '76 are the ' on ninny important neteects,ffiom those with whom chatepionenf; flungersh Indepeedence If there f he had been accustomed to Misocieter and especi is no Weeffeen roe to cheer and Inspire tile rerug- ally when it in remembered that the first Piz gling Maaiiil 4 there IS n Hossont, whore fame in I moatha of his political and official life hove not yet .ready 4 . e it e m i lee no the world; whose i tanned away. Perhaps no tithe: man than Gen. oratory h9l all the fervor of Smar, tee hold-' Taylor would have owe trots; none could have eras of PteMnskr, 11l the orfeirailey of Ftset• l done it with noire emperors euccese, both as to the no As gad wheat were of endurance minted ' compereng of himselt before the people, and the us ecustatilly of t4e leepless dhief that lad our , confirmation of the public +deuce to his patriot. armies et;rPrineeterwd sufficed with them at im, and doe-fiction. sad bin easintereated singleness Valley Feete. ki easy to area in the reamer of purpose to exemare his pewee end indueoce Le But, the nierity Ina vigor of i l i a 'Serest —in tlei tuneouniry's good. Every, where his reception Yonne Greemexy, satidier 111.tatmv— ia nes beets enthusiastic. end 'every where his pore I Ommennef e the reseal ices nail coulneis et Gnerne i republena m tone. have made him appear and Poland obi:inbreed kir oar contest tor Wier-iv...MI ' Mel di Mute ens eg Itu fent. meeees In, in maffirilban one time we find American wren- One would have finpposoij that tar Washington or repr.4,llted in eritleeVens or Hungary, slt:r . by Unou —of the numerous 'smaller jourenta that mderarith!he hens.! f P o lnod.. - fallow Its lead we nay notning—would feel end • How rigbhenuto, for Peeneelve.• to Pe'. profit by the rebuke thus afiministered far the di, eel her he MY hl ' Pop. sorb •....! how courteous personalities resteclinfr the chief imagis m.. that mth shored grove, wt..wourown 1 nide of the notion in vetich it has indulged. Indepeneefiee wee!' proclaimed. we should erth h i When the law Me yolk-Slatted thin end other open ome:Ifellow eitlkens of thin State Li respond cities in hu official cepaty, the Whig Journals, veith. to* cryif,,hocoor thateiquee from the ar although they 1,,,,d ample Je.r .. 00 t„, complain of mew, to f•lebleh hen,' bean ceetimithed the . .. 4 I of the eitsrepresetentiop--if WI were living we would rescuingilkin Old Wnrld from the Gees of Itie op- say the teek—to stretch heaeserted. in the semen. Prete& Ir Shell keel]. less fied.P , the° EPPW`P d ' ous bane leper, to securenu election, uartormly Shall thiettepubli4,Always the test lo commenter a heeled Mtn with respect Ir' the wake of toe office ...filbert toPleefil e l in diet sty .hwh th e Be . he held. • hey never ...urea b. spontaneous farmer, in edoe gay. hero rew.P.° e1...' iipeceties, if spoutnneous Army were, or sought to The celamitteeitO whom wee Intrusted the duty bring yoeioibp „ fpoo binsoy ... roomy because WePPenn e 14 to the peple of Pefle. l "."" ho o ' 4 of they do-approved of his leleical view*, or were Wee Move'Meet, been not dou bted _ that their 0 1 1 1'. 1 mortified at the Meilen ley which his elevation to will be inievrerod'Ohgerly. lye do not propose no the Presidency won secured. His election to the exPr.effi,,.li e of bol fler relfhPellfi l i re.mkebh. only Creel Nlametracy beviite,been accomplished. he for Ontilrad she Arid forgot - tee like any other ex b ecome to [heel the repreieutattve of their country peeled tiddimOM 4. Hoeg." , ph., the Ireland oh and or republic:awn:lr on ate eentillent, and revere. Austritietir God p ies weed Elkr from the famine ~,i r „..... f1y th . fall 0 , 0 ,..,. of their ~,,,,..,. which ilithat isl Aid we were the drat in relieve. Very deleiere has been the conduct of the Wu!, In his shiie Protittenee he has elothed her plaints logton Union, and very dtrediteble hen is count with (rtiitfol berWri ,I. and fropnlated them wall a been to any journal pro asing to be republrean happy ind a stalleart nee. But Sr we may not mulched to the Ankencawforue of government and weld *rein tb.netreet me...der We cony of lentil to American tueututions, and edited by American aid in entering tich recommen of her mdepen- de ,„ e y an d gent l emen . e deuce Vent Chan Govern'sneut. , We do not hicutaile to fwiy that the course par- Sne r b4" " ryi Al4elnid be bel : ber n benefit ns cal- tr ...ued by the theme In 1 untillhat which a jourtd, rat eable eil i fegold onerlonnted or editions or volunteers. 0.. ,, ~,,... 0, „ „, p.,..„ ,, ,00 ,,,, . 0 , ..... .... g . It '''' b i l a pp al b t-• race , c'c'iru,' her st'"" sod to avow it, would imlow i l seeking to tinng repub. 611 he, Il o,.°Plk `h"l 5r.,.'hl hopes,W'll "" n e' lt um ' licenser Into ceoremra ire the estimation of other wil m tri .Ititec t ans it may be done lolly and nations. The Vioun loI)ows the tactics of times prornpr Why atoold it beeelaed? Oar Mato. , , Irish newerrepern which II ois often applauded as 'l and Pe' e 'l" lb i nb '' n '" und l , wit h .. preceden ts, d reeent oak to weakening-the power of monarchy. any aro tiecassatthipolotlag 0 4 , ~ ..1 ,...""''''"!,4 , " 'lli. excited:revelutienkry feehngs and republi- Werocaplal4iMd.fitne'lnreireawdeer'nertehq4l':fiS o Prance, ' what affirm lad - rit e 'o ocatZonidneffonnd'heio'hinonolid*:neff`fdonin:flf.fnnb7oannTio"'n,i' was sollintinded!With the elf4suries of morarchy ,' . vase regent., and mon. rchteal inantutiona by and .4414 she k:terrtabled me Aim .uncerminty and f „off. ., rtdicuM and ab se upon their sovereign novelty , ' Or her emeition. Wee, were the first to hal ' and her erne., and Km I. in trying to do the independent; of Texasewhile Sr pence with tust the tame thing with Aeferen. to the President her mfr.! enetni. We meet the first to hail the - , it this republic nod Its egbinet. We do not won ichl.'"goi'Lrhi" a r e th. bulb 6 """'"' ibe P nblh "`' a'er that Jousts have already been expressed of while ten atosii by hostile to. indifferent. Why ion niffionody of toe tittion's repabliciwom. Is l " f P n e bt li ef t P . ' 4 4 , i t h g ic ' e n g m y - 11 ,..," 4 " r Y d tbe , b ,.' n ' tfi could net well do more stun it has done to make is n ' b l e "....."" w rL f eee re ' es e! " te "''', r e e eer-e mn. country's institutions Ilea, at fault, or to make T th b e . na co c n oz:n o. p ,, hb m in r,.. i ., n ( (hit eyes t . hie bo zo , cid h . i — ch cony rmtertre t at . ''' e riert b " I : te r r - iii ' moor r' a' . - h e ti rr brad M is o f o I i a ii li re otimt•tthho tat cone . I . l 9il' ed .1 R 'P''' i ' n- it direcrn waren the etitgf magistrate to equally di isra? Wee we *fleeted by tne appeal of that other reeled ageing the tostifutioea which gave to the eespoterho in pea God to favor him in hit bloody nide the power toe , di:et him to his high office; dotogo','Hungp7 le clearly e hence , tind destined nd ~, as one woutdpginottnce that subject dis t° begs 1.40,. Republicp",n-r," , .. ,,, - ~,,' I who mem I his *worms° 1...menet...1y, i. l "" e rV e d"",•`. fto our "r e P n r "y a ,'" h e y e er) , ' and lo ya l iti itou•.7; ro.seilltd him wifh false acereia "*"'hleii. " a "...... l a elh"`"" of w"'" history stone of b u yimeriny and (competency, no have we esn f*lsh fetneparallela • a right to Perm pronounre dirt citizen unlatthful to re. Lee'ayieribie, then, etfeerk out ardently end eathidniono, who infeiiiinn, th like efnooo. .._ f ,.... eambitieally ticlier behalf; sad the issue Will be ; oefonooffiff do nod ffooftin ., "of the people' as creatlible treeffirsel yes *sit will be fortunate to ' v to eresgoly. the malice of Freedom in ilia distant theatre upon e Fortunately thr eweer rend influence of the whicli,l4 la meittettined by n greet and glorious Washington Faroe are rue • Tsai to is malice.— georW, L'g , T , o , e_positle it trel tzter h t:e i n to , Adm .r iList ,. ratio l o , ThVballossihg rerolutioni then subreeted by Ck - e. lEW Ceenelle:Weeepnwireorrely adopted.— I l court know n , re d len Is generaliy known, atm. that wen . reduced po werte4T*l w Amender., we have beard . with; • ° co ny ", the till of the R ot eee Re- salon cornea•nut r ooetorstru t elo::, tr , u p t n the . loss , pehlinee* patina tank Mitre we , . defend , . ?' . '" b ' l3°l !' h ,l l ' cu. "l he " I ' :r l i n Sro,. the their - 60a Garcebf Goverummit; end that wt.. we nave watched tee eeeeee en d . lee temper t give titterance l ift the seorri yetrieh Me uuwarratit- Ihitjtii donna J. ~,t vftifti.n.:7, ' Imvili-iim prepared able enterferg* and refel. canoirq of the a, believe that ocii . ner nizi h s ,b .I ,be v ery pia , stsn.e. F.liiaauleVialr-ttiett in threnoso. a every true '`. e d0. , i 1 tvi.iv , v , e et' 1ey.... paper frhandfd the Ilights of Mtn, wit deeply sym • would hike.. treedieffimilY .red edei.. l 9 ei b e . mu, Abe be n i e reye p„ ei ey , e , b „ ed , cause sa very lugubriously—Meta eyed the keenness P ,„„„„...„,„„,„, the dice . a b e i o „,„ iii welt which It feels tuille poem. Stlit . ettleMll— et elite. Trai.itt , inliti... I i. , <amine.. tioneit ~ motion ,anew proper d ou r- bey w o rl d. theire9evotfore In liberty, and that they are ern -1. , maatirehtfttsn — kl , abikkin (taro .h.ll oo Pell • `let keorthipiel freedom Ariel of free iesittudonsi with the new hdiairostAtion, except Ca bear= arid on veal perky- twee., ever Tit should be euspected, /ay..° of no.. sincerity and purity of mauve (mug humiliating to eevery honorable man. But deserterea and delicacy .rem to have token their everlasting flight from the office of the Washington I.Taeare and with the whole on boa appreciatiag its sierffid motives, and in their Kenn. de-pi-tog the Meatiness that prompts a to vela its spleen upon t'Prn,opeople' s of the people's cheer it mill reel...fe to perpetuate us Wen ie e,.,.• .in ilivrepidalkie coarse. It most suppose that the people are bleeder., than bats or mores, if a thinks they cannot rice through the mercenary impels. of . tualeweie.nce. Verily we Mott It fame the Union's eyes were opened to its prepraleteu• baby, not for the Pres. deete sake, bid tor theicredit of there nubile. Wo en not .appose that step thing the Union may say ean disturb tee Premdenes equanaterty for a torment, or mar ttee harmonicua relations of hewer( and fun Calmiet, or worse them as swerve for a moment from siech a course as they thin it right and expedient lir parson. We beheve the Presulent to he immeeeable in what ho conceives to be right. afer &reed...eon and deliberation with hia chosen ease.; and we bebeee, elan, that he and they forte en administrenon quite es capable, and cernalio quite as honest, no that which the Union so renrooderately and profitably lauded. We have entire confidence In them io tegnty and patirelista: Thu we arty to all bonee ty, titer:winced by no favors, and having none to 0015 or dean . and Almost without reference to party predtlecusne And as Americans and re publicans we feel proportionately the mortification of seeing virulent enteenty—tbe .mrstakahle hereof dtuppointed ambition and curtailed emolu ment—earned to spry excess that even the shelf magueys:a of the narear. apd his official &Angers, most be asealied wegurcknarnes and commute°ua pets:realities. each In no gentleman w mold resort to, end no Amenceneought to hear &pelted to the incumbents of thonserees. Though not ourseeves dietromil to fierce petty coadiet. believing thil the calm expreaston of epic. ton and asgu meat IP more potent for coovienon, with even the made& of the people, than harsh nod declamatory linguae - Si, we yet can snake allows°ce for those who prefer, in political con troversy, to give iheffisel Yes op to the excitement it is calculetedio geurieate. We can indeed enjoy a hard fight In the Menaced arena, when the come Weems are gentlemen, awl one .nob intellectu al weeper. BA a geiiikm•h in entitled In Inn.— But we think thee:country has Inane long e nough the Union's elms° el the country's highest Affi.r. . • TO itepobil6dusea an Ouch, noun the prob.. litihd the Ohigs may I in n minonty in the Hoot) of Rephtutives ah - the nut session, with the ejlosoing *duration:4 • - It-tying that; reviewed tie ' platforms of the two arent - Mnrues . ---paned at thei late elecson, to Geo. Tay let tot look a moment at the platform of Inc 41exttnisttadroo and the( - Whiss. We see bin Inlet:o on ro ot C:rddlelr disapposinimeot oa %n, n evepf ice 14Sfrer Haase, the we inenste, pro to be iii:bppositlon. -The wilt of the people. ezt4issesit ltitsttbat their obilabiononal organ.. Pi I thettlenly thief. This is !tie bestowal; and rod of tics . palter-4. - the p6pular von prevail," saiii:Ar. Wet der.' one ofida pregnant defauteans of Winds poltwylatad duty; 7"let the popular me< twee-411,meg tabu its free course lonely and Imaest- Iv , tlhontt dbiltrol and *Shout erasion." The ttitialitistrattA)chicti reposes on ibis principle can bolt snit:wog on tiny expression of the putdlewill; to they have 4ononeeed beforeL.d theiPineoinaililitto of its rigblful supremacy. Ad ver ,:enapardiea, acting wiftsta emtentutional scrgtons, hi,* no tenon Or item. Factions op-- peva-Wu will bb ante 10 meet with its deserts from thnifieopte• 'pia the peoples will “mstannonally matsggsted, tigtht to he the law of the land." The rtljewebaseoll la notaireat. I , kr some4te past, the ',telegraph Ma been bn shrt4a of information respecting the tt4ett state* the city of IdcattreaL The fallow n4Rom",the:AiontrealGssette of the 15th, es plai Iktiesese 4stlltese dieturtuances, while it tile trarrt the 914tiags of the British party 112 Gn st,l,4‹. thatidlitien of a good deal of exeitemee art laid yeglerday, and use fear, of an excitemeut, urtdcb, tf pteinedioge go on, will lead to results of nev , Atsall=inset , . I Elir et that General Rowan, mrsimander of thefirces, hid left town. in tending . to be absent for g time,l.and was at the Caledonia Sprung*, atoll a d.agnlitels reached him on Saturday last, reirfirtrg Immediate pt!esence in 2dontreal.— OnrOss•ei, ;it is said, he well made acquainted ori . pi r ' , l favtis, tee one, that Lord Elgin was home. Mir:By goo**, leave the . ountry. and the other, tblclue pohlied arrests so long talked of were at Isqqesolved mem, Arrangements were made on Whitley forlthe speedy paten,: of troops from the efIIIA of Stfl.Belen to the City, to reinforce the gar . nstm, in said the civil prier should be overpow• etia Thelßriion's Club-tle secret society, whose net. Iber anlillobjecte are . neknowo —were called up l ift gartelithy evening bY handbtlis, to be preen. Viglar asytitmergency, ag a memern'a warning. :iettspedt that this had. some refereeee to the colkompleasUy of the Gthvernment,although we ly tell. :fade koonrit that Lord Elgin'* moveables me all p_ioked may for a move bumewhere; whether to U 1 far Cent* or the United States. erronte for England, age.know not. We heard fast night that ho-departs England to day. This may be true,• an:lr..thing dilly be true uner•adaysi or It may be celntriof dwarf minors set eflenix, on OUP.. to Me slett peoplg from believing the truth, when he is aettially hagn. ~We mat af present upome mine, of which a mad htinistry ocommand. 7d single spark may blow theta, and*: body clad, Into the air, and dimity IMO the d Suttee SiThe Mei Gs:setter of Thursday, the 16th, rictetaina tiglistrre particular and intelligible account of the &atria that etty no Wednesday night, mace. ;Natal bygqie emote stale alluded to,then the tet. Oaph halt furnished. S,EntlY oft Wednesday Morning, writs for the ern rtig of ainiogarrsons were headed to the High Con slible. tfhring the degseveral of them were er.. rented. swig of whom W ere Inhumed to bail. end gleotherelakil was refused, end they were commix g'} to jail. There waicousiderable excitement tlatingbotlt the day in cationtquence of these pro d at nightfall group of people began t6!.easerubl4, and Wags Pepe to look more acs. BSc. mob to soon colletged and proceeded to La. Mtaine'si!4hts Prime udaideiro house, hooting, owing knees, ilk. The Meister, however, per- Mips antlidgiatiag such pr&cedings, hod, during the =disked lnto his &nose a number of Fermi's giagoised In Webs clothes. The Ma 4dans, obit, the mob beghts to peh the hence, fired, 4which:r(Overal were igodhded, one named Ma io*, mortifly. Thin end4l the attempt la this quer. Vet. if,Arsothici?;branch of thii mob assembled in the p4ince d'Artnee, but Jiggered oo the approach of Ars Between to and eleven o'clock, a cgipn ofelvalry wan sfiarehed to Menkaind to t_{mama Gard Elgin, eneanother urns placed near Okintablie 110. a, At Mont II o'clock bein itgedes witigb commencal!ln Noire Dame street.— flftseir begVeades were ;erected donne the night. d innate; shots were heard in ditferent parts the Of . until a late gout. At en early hour NiXE mamma, t he Gemernment pl•ced • large Antlll=l ikree at the Government boom, end 5o st if' d „inn, In anticipation of farther %mu les. : "The utentunate um-saw.. says the Gatette, ~ liorlitichlute dreaded, has happened, end deer .1% do pre ';',..deplore It sit the commencement of *et undging bad feeling of which the end is not The.firet Mood hp been abed, and lthe We mkt:tato lam that Mr. William & Harvey, MI aged 04 respematikerritixen ol Greene manly, !ifta,lawalliordered on Mtiday tut, by Ma lam win! : the irathitand non were grinding in axe, when - 40 idiot alptah . ed the 14er and hawed him down! The folloorme article is no mach to the purpose, as calal and yet ED muly KY..", and speaks our own thoti:;hts so much bette4than we could ea press them ourselves, that we. commend it to the considniate attention of our tenders. We have long fel that the course or the?Washintes Union, and of its weak and son le*tams, was a dis grace to the Amerman press' ? end we thank our bred., of New York, for tn4ieting so merited eartigation:— nairsletre Proclizeo•thass to the (Leman.. i We transtate for *'fa Tribune lattutot's admit ahlc Proclarnanon tai the Klemm. In the name of God sad the People, oh Romans' Brute tome haa subdued one city, but in no respect one changed or damf,embed our right,. The Ho man Republic will gee eternally in the hearts of theta - me men who have proclauned it, in the aeon tarthous adbewon oeleil the ele mu or the Stale, in the faith of nation. woo have looked with ad narration on our protrected deice.", and in the blood of martyrs who hove died fir it beneath our waits. Permit We idenders to violate their solemn promises. God wig not betray his own. Submit with tlrmileas and &watery to the true which He ..boa tent nine you..'for a short time, and do not doubt the future. y q ,leuee boa but a abort dere boo, and trtumph iS certain to the melon which hope., and cambial', and suffers fur the holy cause off tutice and liberty. You have given brilliant proof. of your milithry courage; now "bow your civil courage. lity qo shot you bold sacred, fellow citizen., keep yourrelvea free (root •II cowardly fear, from all base aeilishorte. Let the whole world ever -cm the - distance between you and your invaders Home relay be their camp, but let ti not be their city. Look upon livery cad as s traitor, who, to violation of his cOnseience, parries from your city to the camp of the enemy. The Euro pean power can nalrer content to Rome becoming We con/pleat 01 therreneb or any other nation. Maintain, then, lies occupation In Its character of a conquest; isolate the mammy, and Europe will not hounds. to rate Its powernil voice in fain Mem. No one can prevent the pee cars...ion of pier wit/heat Orgainze, then, publicly their nsaili- Immo. Let your tunnicipablies repent with calm ness .13 ttrahleint,abot May, &deem from chowri to the Republican awe, and to the abolition et the temporal GoVernrilaol of the Pope, and that ,hey regard ail soyernmhota AS Illegal which hate not hero freely approved by the people. From every quarter, from every city, let hats. covered web count/mid amines attest the same belief, and opposed L. the raise nglii• In the streets. In the theatre., m oil public plarszi, let this cry he nnese.•mgly beard, "No more (Livernarent of Priests." Long live free itudrege. All who have tattoo the mite to the Republic Ought to leave their functions wherever the pontificial standards are raised. A whole people, cahoot be imprisoned. Men canlint be forced Pa thew limo dear - edema. You will degrade yourselves, Oh Koreans, drafter bac ,ng an n ounced in Europe Mal you wish to be free, after herring italtilai for liberty, and lost thousands of year brother., rim will yield yourselves to slee t cry. and compromise, so to say, with detest. Annum. your fathers were great, nut so much because they knew how to corn:rues es hemmers they never despaired in public estimates. le the name o f God and the people, he great your , father. Now, ...then, you have to plead a world —We Italian world. Your A asembly is dissolved. Your Truer 'tr. althoug t t their pulliVe Seto. h.been ...Penile. by brutal erne, leallitpuly -for the suitable moment to Alarms° R anew. AT 11.11131. We select the Fallowing net= tithe President's whit to Beaver, hum the Aerie,- accordance with the artungetttents of the Committees, t h e President and Governor were met at the County line, and escorted to Economy, where the whole party, numbering over two hen. dred, were hospitably entertained by the Harmony Society, In a way to all forth universal cornmea -1 dation. After dinner the President and Governer visited the socithe's silk manufactory cod other localities, when a procession of carriages and boraarnen mu formed, under the direction of Mai. Logan and hia lasstatints, and left for Beaver.— At Freedom, flags and banners were displayed, with appropnate Macripuons, and by arrange• meat. the procession halted for near half an boor, which enabled many of the citizens, Including the ladles; to pay their respects to our distinguisned visiters. Here also, • military escort was in wait ing, composed of the Beaver Guards, Captain Hamilton; the Darlington Artillery, Captain Pop e.; and the Hookstown Cadets, Captain Jodnes, who with commendable spirit, volunteered for the occasion, and who by the way, presented a very handsome appearance. The procession then pro ceeded through listicb.ter, across the Beaver, through Bridgewater, and turned down to Mr. Shepherds Point Hotel, which had been selected as their place of lodging. Here the committee of reception were in waning, and upon the arrival of the President and the Governor, its chlorin., Mr. Fetterman, addressed them as follows. [We are compelled to ocatfldr. Fetterman's el oquent address, for want of room.] Mr. Fetterman having concinded, General Tay lor responded no follow": Frozow Cream—l cannot find word• tide. mate to express my heartfelt gratitude for the kind and cordial reception given me by the citizens of Beaver county. I have come here to meet the people in a plain and social way, without ostents con, as heffia the President °Cues great Republic; and to examine and become acquainted in dem I with their agricultural, commercial, and manor= taring resource. The subject is one of great im porumee to the whole Union, and especially to the State of Pennsylvania; and so far is proper In the Execuitve to inter fere, ' I shall cooperate with the National Legislature in all mereares best calculated to develope and amain her prosperity. So far as Internal Improvements are concerned, I am strongly to teem of a system by which we shall have good harbors and nevigable rivers; and will do every thing proper to produce a result desirable. In regard to my military arvices I can only any that forty years atoll life have he...opens in the service of my country, OrtamPffilY to the field; and rt cannot therefore be expected that I should possess the same facility in addressing such a large and respectable audience as many of your enlaces doubtless du. The credit is doe for the success of the operations in Mexico to the officers and soldier. , both regulars and volunteers, more than to myself, but glorious as those vottones were the have left many a pang behind. The wife who loses a husband—the parent who loves a child—finds but poor coneolation in the act that victory was achieved. We are a nation of soldiers,trons Maine to Tez. as; and the great thing to be feared is,that we may encourage to much • warlike spirit at the expense ' of the arts °fees.. Peace le the Mae polio, of the country. and although we csanat hot sympa thize with the struggling nations of Europe, we should remember the axiom of Washington, and avoid all ecutatagling albances,' still, damn canc. as it sometime. most. I am in favor of carrying tt on, with all the force and vigor we ;assess. The Preadeui, after a few more rennarks,clissed his address, by again returning kis thanks to the citizens of Beaver lor theft hearty reception. Du ring his remarks and at thew close he was loudly cheered. Governor Jobraton was then loudly called, and addreesed the people in substance, a. follow. -He alpacad the people af Beaver for their Mausfestation of friendehip and approval; remark- mg that the demonstrations which had been made in favor of the Precedent, had given him heartfelt aretsfuotan. He considered it a duty as well a a , pleasure to accompany that distinguished guest of Permalvants through the Suite, and to show the President of the United Steles how rapidly ike country would grow under the arum el FREE I LAW& In General Taylor's honesty, oPeahe netts, and catsseily to administer the government wisely nod justly he had the greatest conadeace, and he could leisure those who had met here , day to welcome him, that the confidence which many exhietted in casting their votes for him had not been moola ed. The President hod not come hem o o poetical eland; hat had come to ace men of all panic., and all pursuits, nod conditions He harbored oo pernme•l feelings, nor mere his view. moaned within any geographical lines. He alluded in gloartag tenon to the vaunt ad vautures or the county, and the enterprtse and in decay of it. Inhabitants, as displayed In the flown Wong m• nuractories. extensive mining opal:awns, and the high state of agnenbure, whole ho had vrentoped in his progress toward. the place. He had Intended to have been present at the breaking of ground for the Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad; hot moo:patina rue visit of the President, he had been thus obliged to defer tt. The Goverour again thanked the people for the confidence they had exhibited, as well as (seiko welcome which they had extruded tome* him, and eat down .midst reunited ebeffria or mowahlJarise soma the Imossat seddeltyms taro witnessed in the colony upon any occacon,-- the mass of the panatela., irrespective of piny, cordially uniting to paying their respect. to ourPlas Monet and Slate Execative. Al, we believe, were well plamed•with the arrangements or the day, —with the plain, republican manners end candid mmtligent comatose:me of the Presidern, and the manly bearing of our truephetertal and pathetic State Ezecuove. This morning the President, at his own lostaace, will visit the site of Fort Macintosh. within the its mite of our borough, where once his father was stationed; and then pastes through then:mut sp un the Beaver, will give attention to oar Manatee- Lure. water power, Se; aid et II Yea:kook will take a packet at Brighton for New Castle, where he and his company will lodge this earenna.— Thence they proceed by the direct rents to Erie, and through the State of New York to Scewn.— They seemed to be well pleased with their visist to and reception at Beaver, and certainly it lit given gretlficauon to oar citizens., whose kind whams attend time in their journey. PROM NW YORK. Correspondence of the Pmabergb Gaze.. Na. You, Aug. 11, 1E49. Haleness now claims the almost undivided at tention of people here, and it is done in earnest. The heats from the East and North came loaded with merchants and the betels are mom than con.. Geniality fell. The valan of good. daily withdrawn from under Custom House never was so large, and foe the week ending the 20th, may be estinte tad at full eix millions of dollara Some kin. of , goods, more particularly those of French and Ger- • man manufacture, me rather deareroutil to mod- i 'crate amply. Is no department Is there any de spondency shown to the prospect. of trade, hot I all is confidence. and an anxiety to sell largely. L ,oefimoism is at a sorry ebb here, and the , rank and file mock Mc-lined to recrimination', at the result of the late convention, which It.. oempletely dispelled all hope of re-uniting the , party kir the falcamparge, and consequently past laming thetime when the 'weary laborer than again get their hands in the public crib. There is • not the least doubt that the Whip. will imam the Canal Cam ivasioner and the State Legialaturei and that by a handsome majority. The Free Sod , "democracy" bone made up their minds to rush into the arm. of the abolitionism, bat the junction of the two keno. canons compete with the Whip strength. There has been • few deaths within a day or j two by a matiuoaot drunter, ' which has fel lowed the ,pholers, and causes considerable I alarm. The cholera varies from day to day, but has assumed, In aencrial, a rather harmless character and removes hole notice. it:l,aq lower put of the city it has quite gone,suid oho an a l / ye op town to ;come in contact arlibilt at a11,a14 hote lmen men need. ha we no fear of teeing 130.m5, with so i le cte earned by, while magma puichasea of goad. In money matters them is ad Improvement qot only in the demand but in the late of interest.— T. banks see well supplied with paper at the le gal rate, and !maim apeslista have little trouble in fiodna good use for their deposita The soca moieum of specie in the SabsTreartUry now to three million, of dollars. The mum at ray other time would cause alarm on the part of the bank. but is not regarded at all The amount of coin now hoarded is good and autfielent beats fur full fifteen millions of bent: currency, which, if added to our pea. , tacillues, would giro rise to I a degree of alwi elation na altogether desirable. Sacksare ttttt re in request el better prices, and fur same a large advance On time is offered— Among them is the Erie, which, to six weeks, will be opened to Cornagolcveloptug ■trade the nab a. of which is not easily to be estimated The sterchatip for Bremen took out $60,000 but it was I as io consequentm of the price of bill. atone. The ! next English pleecner has some min engaged, but how mitch is not knows. Oa 'Change acre is a good deal of activity, and the sales in protium large. Boa sorts of sakes tie Up, with sales et Sti, di Per gond State door the I rate Is 55.2fe55 nl f, a the name 1. tr Ohio; rye , dour $3 3i 013,27. Gond corn is wanted at 030, and dt for wbite cad yellow del. Cottm in quiet, sad the tom of the midget rather favors ths buyer. Wo lave an arrival at fruit from Malaga, bat no sale. There ere no mocha to private haw). All kinds of oil are (Mot with a good demand. In provisions, o fair trade, at $ll for prime pork and 810.750510,b1 for rocs. Cut Meats rather del at 7e for hazes and 5 fur amblers. Batter. State, 12014 a aad 701 1e or Ohio. Good cheese di*. Some prime aro at 7e. Low plea Ohio Whisk y has hold at 231, ad 213 for high. State has sold at 201. Tuts whole list of article shows that pri ces are fully remunerative to the producers and that the couotry was never in • more healthy or rink Nate than cow. C. Nathaniel Denby, late Navy Agrad, has koala". std judgment in the United States Datrict Coon 111 Ptillatleiptua for the sum of 6169,443 67, being the amount drained by Government will entered. Mr. Lreaby Gull rammed to custody, the Header A eatery pursuant to Loan:tenons basin' taken oat n aa. against hew He dal not appear la Coon, being woriebaltated to Ism,e his bed. Hip health was dated to have become greatly Imped ed dace tar arrest. TholLs M. Gaily, one of the mart eloquent Temperance mlaccates in this country, was nerd. deadly killed by a home a, kw days suace, while proccsakui at aTeraperanee cola • • • Lynaborgh, Va. Mr. Gaily was Worthy Gnarl Patriarch of Virtonla at the time of his death. hamar= Munsono or Puszavneo Moo, pets ented by F. li. F. Lotus.—The milk is to be mix ed with Well clotted raw sugar, four ounces to the gallon. It is then to be evaporated with agita tion. When nearly tot d, u meat be plowed mtn cakes of suitable sloe. Steam may be used for the evaporation; or. II time la no object, spontarreous evapowsnou in very shallow pus, with the Mud not more than one-tenth of so inch in depth, or a drying chamber may be used. the temperature not to exceed 122 deg. Fahr. The cakes remain sweet and fresh for a long time, and are soluble In warm water. Another process le, to heat the sweetened milk nearly to the boding point, and before it become@ cold, to curdle it by rennet or a weak acid. The curd in separated from the whey, and by strong pressure, after washing to cold water, it is obtained (rye from adhering water The whey is to be evaporated to duo g The cord, Owed over a slow fire, se continually stirred, and the dried whey added very gradually, with a small portion of to-earbonate of soda. Aller a while, the ingredients melt and unite. A small quantity of finely pulverised gum dragon, hastens the wildification. Cream may be preserved by the same methods—Chenstaal Gazette. Pmt. POTATO. —Paven, the great French 3; chemist, tetanus us that starch is hot bound in the epiderrals, or to the unities immediately SUbjfiCW , but that ititrogenixed matters principally, reside in these part. of the tuber. Hence a toss of the moat notntions portion of the vegetable to incur red by the common mamma of peeling oil the rind and pans underneath, before the boiling corn-- Metiers. IL should also be remembered that cold water dissolves, while boiling coagulates, albu men. 4f potatoes, therefore. are thrown into cold water, and gradually heated, much of their nitro glitired principles will be extracted before the water reaches ebullition• while, it it be made it boil before they are itaroduced. the coagulatnit will craw the matters to be retained within Itt issue of the vegetable. From dr, Nano.' Kr , To Phan IX • The cannon's brazen lips Are cold. No red shell hisses down the sir, And sweet and tower and temple old Are silent as despair. The Lombard wands no more at bay, Rome's fresh young life has bled is vai Dead in the ghastly trench are their, Or, wounded, writhe in pain. Nov, while the fratricides of Frs.° Are treading oo the neck of llama, Rider a. Gaeta' *else thy chance' Coward and cruel, Coeur' Creep low from Naples' bloody skirt. Thy 'rummer's put was acted well While Rome with .teel and fire begirt Before thy crusade till. Her death groans shoveled to thy oral, Thy chant the drum and bugle call; Thy lights, the horsing vats'. glare. Thy beads, the shell sad hat" Let Anstrm clear thy way with hands Foal from Ancona's cruel sack, And Naples with his dastard bands Of murderers, lead tare bank. Roma 's lips ore dumb: the orphan's wail, The mother's shriek, thou may' sit 501 h. Abase the faithless Frenchman's had. The tinseled shaveling's cheer. Go. bind on Ramo her cast off' weight. The double curve of crook and crow. Though woman's scorn nod msoboud's From well end rt.( dash clown. Nor heed those blood statues Co the vs! Not Ttbet's flood ran wash away, Where in thy rtately Qotrinal Thy mutated •tetwos lay. Let the 'world murmur; let du cry Of horror and dom. be beard, Truth stond• alone, thy comer.] he Is backed by lance and synod. The cannon of St. Angeto, And chanting pones and clanging be And beat of drum and bugle blow, Shall greet thy coining Let lips of iron and loaves of slave& Fit welcome give thee. for her part, Sonar, frowning o'er her new mode g Shall curse taco then her bean' N• wreath of way Carapaarna l a Sow,. Shall ehlklhood In thy pathway ding, No garlarbla from their ravaged buwe Shall Teml. maiden brats. I.Bet, hateful uthat tyrant old, I mo. Therroodriag aritneaa a( ht. clime ' • Thlll6.l* stain teallaleit eyes I.held The Nero of oar time. Stand where Rnsne's blood teas freest abed, ?dock Heaven sulb Unrous thanes, and cal ita curses on the patriot dead, ha Weaning. on the Gant' Or, aLL apoo tby throne or I. A poor, moan Idol blood 'Whom eve° 0. vrorshypers derp.r., Uohonorod, onre.ered. Yet. Scandal of the World' from thee One needful troth contain.' stall learn That ling• and pram. to Liberty And Ood are fable in turn. Earth wean* of thew, and the loag Meek sulleranae of the Heavens ;loth fail . Wo for weak tyrant* when the uroag Wake, wroggte, and myna' Not vainly Romeo hearts bare bled To feed the Crosser and toe Crown, If, roused thereby, the world obeli tread The twin born ranaptres down' I. u. W. • The writer of theselines is no enemy of Cath olics He has os more than one occasion exposed himself to the consume of his Protestant brethren by his strenuous endeavors to procure indemnifica tion for the owners of the Convent destroyed near Boston. He defended the cause of the Irish Pa triots long be4ye it had become pbpular in this eo angry, and he was one of the first to urge the most liberal aid to the suffering add starving pop ulation of the Catholic Island. The seventy of hut Isogonic dads its ample apology in the relov. tent confession or one of the most eminent Riornish priests, the eloquent sad devoted Father Ventura. raceme Lhatod BVl24lll.—Pmpad by J. %V. Kelly Watts= arced, N.Y nod for rte b rey 41. J•yoes, No. 70 Fourth street Thu ixtll be &and • delightful arti le of beverage in familice, and parueselarly tor sick rooms. • • •• BALM'. Dll/11..—An improvai Chocolate prepara tion, being a comtanatiolt of Cocoa nab innocent. in- Treoraimg and palatable, highly re-rommended porn,- nlarly for invallds ?Tapered I.y W Baker, Dorchra , ter, Masa, and for sale by A. JAYNKS, at the Pekin Tea Stara No. 'ft...Fourth at ruchll Five and Marla. Insarasoe.—Tr. Prrn. num N•rtansori An Fin Issuntsce Conn.— throttled tre.:—encornes to insure, upon every de ! ',Trion of nnerty, et Ors tongs rner. Urn., No. 111 Merkel street. !SAMUEL liOßhil.V. Preort. PINAR. Berl . do holder - • W. A. Wright.. X. D., Dentlet, 0 - rtrt. and •den on Fourth et.. oppoone the Pituburitit Otntr . 't'ro"'nt"./(ro7l'o0r1t&t'orli:. It :1:4-1.Ynd Imp. menu to Deo ttttt y. I DR. U. 0. STEARNS, 1.1. 01 Beeee9 I. prepare, to tnunufseturo end set Bran. Thorn la whole •nd ports upon Shame or Autow.plaenc Soetlon Irocertucus mu. is nye where the nerve eXpelowl Ofhoe and re...tenet+ next door to the MUY or. office, Fourth straw, rttuhu_rxh. SAres B. ht , Facklen. F. H. Fwton. Ala JOO PILIBT/140. DILL lIKAPS, CARDS, CIRCCI..hItS, flinvallfeats, Bab Laing, Conn - nes, Lao wait, itano Sada, war-4, CNITITICATTY, rouel., no an., Printed at the ailOncSt SEOLICe, at low price:, LI wa dean 6azarra time. Thoun StiZST DICBINITMT ...111 . 1t . lava one of the mFt ernn• mon, as well a. Um most fornodatile diseases known to Am ererlC•ll physician. It has to noca.. holed to attract the closest attention from the Focally in all unarm,. of the Union. hull, however, thousands notify perish, mid thousands more are mode to fuel life bate...mac by Wu' The proprietor. of Altana. Liver rills feel confident that they rarer to the ettlicted is remedy which it has meted, and hos toner tatted of success when a fair mat has bean gi ven it. Call and purchase a box at the Unit Store of julatd/terS KIDD & CO 117 - A gentleman of Pittsburgh. wino bad fallen into upon cellar after the "1.1 real nee," sprained las an jseverly be was astable to refrain from cry ing out with the at A Mend who had been urtng 11. A. Fahnestock it CO , l RllbriZelent mat been eared of Rheumatism, gill, him what remained In me bottle, and altboagh his limb was greatly NVIO3C/I, he was completely restored to health twelve lour, and freed from pate. This is hot one of a great sher of ease, which beer tome under the observation of the proprtetots. Prepatied and sold by 11 A FAIINFATOCK & earner tat and Wood; also, comer Gth and %t"oed sts • II At Evansville, Indians. on tbs lath In,. Bon Inn Ix, Jr , ti.rmertl of N. ettyj In the 30114 year ot ego. At Pbit:tp.bum, Beaver county, on Thur.O•, morn. Ina. at 10 o'clock, Mre. Main Eussarrit Von, relict of the late Charles 1 Volt, Esq, of dos coy, to the 1..k1 year of her sae. limallews And Itecttallons•. MA ALEXANDER RENNEDS. Professor of Elm canon in %Peons., rt College, 0, formerly prof..., of the Royal (Henkel College. Ireland, re- Tactfully an l give selection of rxsurruHAL, tiIIAICSPEAREAN, MILTONIAN AND IdISCELLANLOUS READINGS AND RECI TATIONS, in the Fourth Word School building, Penn street, on sATURDAY EVENING, the :.tb Inst., at o'clock precisely Many of oe finest and moot effec tive pursages will be given. TleketsYS cants--io he rumored al Keys nook store, at the ALba14,032, and SIM< door. Mr K will remain in hr city o tasseled, to give tu• be known Mon In Elemo at d the en office of th is paps, an Pd at Ka . s . Temmarodcrate. arleumn ma) . References. Rev. Dr Riddle, Rev. Dr. Upfol t d, Rev. West. Row. DT Black, and Bev. 510, Pussy.. • A, PALL 10 *ABIOS POR HATS. ps IdeCOAD A Co. mill isArodooo 11.6 dely4-64, tord.7, Aug with,) th e fall Mk, of (ieutlemeo (no Saw, comer of Path ood Wood streets. aged xi" AOIC WATCIL—Watch roolosocors or. Invi- ILL toe to call sad bet a oeor•tyla of Watch,jostre- OLd , cd. and veil beautiful anti convenient. W W WILSON. _ ong2:s corner Market .od Faun). er. ATCEI REPAIRING —Pine Watet, repalnag. o( VI every desorption, done ra • reper. by W W W ILSO N,man .11gs rner Fourth end Marvel ot M•I u t .eored st, C U tUe .4ec r Front..reet atul for otlt—by laur2Ul .1 U CANFIE:LD '"at by 11 CANFIELD Hilt Fetntly our.. and int tut, Ity 200 rr FOR BLASTING-10 ut • tor 4elc I.y Lauttl2s J $ DILWORTH Co • e - YrOUACCO--3 bozo ion Cured Notorai lernf, for sale by ie.a10.3) S DILWORI'II 11 - 111 Tb: GOODS -A. A Mason & Co., No GO Mar , 1 •rne the Car color atierionii of por ch. In Ihror extencre ansoornent oi• White Goode, yo Joon), Stem. nod Mall Nlusloin, Barred, Striped and Corded, Ilphop and V tonna Lawns, ke.,,k.e. ear•y at Inc on y cheep one price store, GO Mar lon att,ol .05 A - fqq.F:+-15 MEM= ICII-30 bbln extra farsniy. for wie by aupls VW, BONSiliOlinT NEN If DK FS-solf do, tenon Hdki., (root 8 cr. , . to s' , nem. even. •rn for .ale at the only cheap our ul A A MASON & C(1. No an Market st AllNErls' un . i . min —Dr Ilnitled • Inns Inn. Lee 31a,, , ne11e Rernede• lot eale Icy L Wdeo.2.lf. ner of -ILIL and Markel “rects, POW/oral, Fa , rde Cl...clean/I New 1....10.1 it, I ' o.. II Maaard. won Wove, Th.. 'E' Reno, New Rrighton; Waf D. Clark. New W. Inmaloo. Nlerrer County. A. Cremh, N, mOl,lllOOll. Waelnnalon enunty, Ica, 1, :lead. No, Allegheny county, 1 . 4; McFadden, Went annotown, Wa•lonnzon county, Pa., lionston & Co canon. urat,. WaMr y oil county. lltt ;Md. MT For 'uF. rreen, Wantnniglon Co.. Pa; Cooper, Clintn, ne Allegheny Co. Pa, au6L5-w3ro3 CY -- PLEASE TO READ THIF,ZI Gears' Nasr Pictorial Works for 1869. ' li L CIIANCd: (i Book Agents to clear from Sk9 to S Irul a year' —Books of Ussiverml 1./111. Sesrs' New mid Popular Pletorml Works: the o.t • endatty stratcd Volumes for famthes aver .•11rd on me lt Anl•Ticatt Coalmen', conlainlnt utOre Itatt lour thousand engramng.. designed and executed the moat erns/lent Arlksis of F..tmtu,l and America 'lle, chttst..l 0( the following: A New and PePsIM 'num Devermtio, of th e I'noted States; Pictorial b.", of the Atuertran Revolution; Seems nod tel Europe: Descriptions rat : Great Ittgam .tutt riolottal Family Armes% T it rsa, •II hnou lutormatton for the People; TheenFa rth It actor, I',e tat Samlav Bret; Whir Borgia 1!,••le I/sory. a nd Seem 41 Turin of the Wonders WorPt A..• •-. W.,:crrn in every Town nod County throuth our 111 , t molt. to ...II the olmvs New and Popular o W nutrur , sll. acknowledged to he the best and r h r ,ver pu1.11.4. as they certainly are the .1.1, uruve stern may clear $.5101 or Ulu , A e ash capital of at least 5.:5. or SRI wt I Ise nr, e•s-tr, 11141 oar:nut/ars o( the prtnetples and pro lA, Id 1..- :mem, 01l applirtallult. t per ither ur loser. she postage. must in nil cases paul mem to adders, SEARS, Publisher, lb Nasmau 4Near lurk. RI tit I ARr" MAIL BFAVER r. 'rue splenthel (am yenning sunnier • ILEVKILLE. Sin e. mnetc . fry .11$1,e , 1101 nnamedmir parr every morn br :4 ,, but 12 turtle. wotu r. I, ""'''' " ‘ 1 1;1/14. A „nt Lour) ; utut, 'The heb draualit CINDRIIELLA. lla.taaatrr.mill iravr for above land ail inirrtu<d.ate ports this day. al A M ~_.ti ; ` ATO LET-- lime' House. pleuent:v .. uhh..l ereet.opporl, the Post Odle, 0,1/11Y1/1111, MOMS, n hood erne, The ho,l hrv gochi stand for n hostrathe house 1 .•111.1r , r11 hist of - October. Reut 9e50. Inuts.v. on the premier hug:hi Proctor Cincto .0r.:4 BA GALEN' a est rrit 11 nod Wood ot_ VO. 3 M Nes:ERE:I.—LSO LW. Massachusetts imps, /Iwoo 1n prune OHM 101 sole ley nucli • lIAGALEY t SMITH II MOLASSI:N—tnO bbl. ebo•ce branTsalin 0 . by IIAGALEY H sopcnor pe and `l Ilorvnn vug:l4 ''" TIALIALI-X .4 SMITH •. nt•otort.l namtocr.. fo HAGALEY &SMITH TO.\Y SUGARS—WO 1,1.1 j sair I.y Bog, of N net mod 1.1,t% more Sale Leather. Morocco. Enoch Calf Stint, Sr . which they haVe ru•t reeetved Inc IS. Intl Ira, tt062.4 • TO TA NNEtti—Mm Salted Pains hip Slims. pp ,erteed and for m•le be augl.l SNCR3 I, 011.--1,010 , linters, Flerhos. 1.,. en/omm 0 an hand and for 1•111• to a ed 34 %V al VOL NG a, CO. 1.13 Liheny . . _ LUMBER YARDS rpo LEASE, Fitt ,M ONE TO FIVE YEA.II.9.—A of sta Ibe Noah ‘Vnttl, below Oro lata:vele, ou nod neat thn Allegbeuy rtver. Vll. 11 RLINO mg, tr.-34:1n At IL Datitnatnn't. roactit 'PALL FASITION. s Nll , ollld. TS Wood rdmet,‘rrlLL .i.oro-4 do, MC t PlyNI of 1.1 r , ~ aurpasard. at.or2l J J.% -Ana. late N n. 0. W.* rum • CRAW ✓ dir. SKINNER, • • - • . f ER Couttonodon and FoeNoned. tng Nlereldud., No. W. Market at, INunt.orgh, f....f • rompt attention !oven to the purellue and sale. of all lEnt.l. Procure. ILasra /..—John Watt b. Co.. MOnphy. Wtlaor k 1 . .. /.avenon k hill, Aishlon .dde. tt. Jolo I I nHerrept & G rten• YNl.Jeph.n. ,ad adMitat k Co. Greg, & NA..., New tr ttletnawc. Hon. C D. t.'offin. ion-ulna, loaugatove,ll. WSOM. dam t . :edniand, U. 111151..4 . 1• t't ;tee.. tat, the AMA ot the atty . l'ittattartra have had a rneetsttir. anti re...lyr, at 1 r 01 . ...01C100(1 . 001 to reit NltUt at e,l than iajlowtaa prtrat 1001 • Warta cents p, quart Cream at twenty•hve cents. Jr.t• A Ptr REh:NWOOD GARDEN —litost's Prize, the Apv-tn.hin nurrtt. SL nJ per hundred View. and Nor.,'. ;ree.Sltngs. :10 eerrt• per houralred—illi thrifty punt. rs.“rante.l Ordrr• (rem a &stance carefully pal up and urrurarded An u. • large colleruud of r.rr eunou.. Plittr. rastolph and Taylor's Seedling Karecerry. he rSINIISCS leuve• the A:hechony t:sty end of the Slilllr Suer, Bridge. for We Darden. every half hoot dun., lhe d.rc roc steam boat wilt commence to regu:•r trap. a.ruoti al the neer rise. ouch/AMES NVKAIN. Post and Doprurir copy fl ' , II F. Amnon' Veettng of the Stockholder. of the 1 Northern labertteo Itrvige Company. ..di he held at the Ton llou.e of aanf brtdfre on ttotorday. the 2.1 h ai o'cna.k, l' , far the popose of electing \.n<Nlannee fa and a Trea.nrer, tor ,he en.oing rear. Al.egbiloy. doe V. ISlD—dii YOR BEAT—One of thesmall stores la the building. corner of Third and Market streets. iso, the elegani room in the story of the tame building—aim Miter being well ad•pted for h a wale lesiste •artet) store, or would suit for an Ice Cream Sale°. .03 E D o p y AZZ.ISI. Mereoff . and Dispatch c_ , cCIS:t62 , K ass Just received suitable for as uirtment of CARVES'S, suitable for Fall *ales, among which may be found • general assortment or Tapestry, itrasseis. extra. and roper 3 ply Carpets ,upeit re, fine, tut.l common Ingram Carrels. We recommeo.l all %etching to purchase I carpets, to eel; on M'CLINTOCK, )3 Fourth et angl.l, Fri h so hose Si.n vttns M 0 ; ,ni Transpartutt $1,040', which u 1 point o• beaks,. and neatness SW," any thing ever brought to Mt+ mar ket angel (11 ,, TCRITNTINE--3U Lido rre'd and for rat 0 1.; .3rucLl BRAUN tr. RFITER II . E..ft „.. l: , r 3 rn+—ls IJ A 4 Ors No 1 /,reAsim.Es, FF (111 Kt:Sr.-113 Lae Chee., reed and for rule WICK if. WCAISIDI.I.I4B - D r “x. ree'd nnd for solo by ator2.l \VICE O. AVCINDLESS IMEN pp b.. 9 NV. Ms., for gala by Ii IC% & l'irCANll.l.l*34 111 TE Ifl 31 bbls for sale by WICK & MT&NDLEAS - - byy g VICiAtZ;YILFSS n. I I 1 01'141 orate Purttans I) llt n l istud and the Pitg!ito Felber., complete in I vol I.tlula and Jeththsm in its Rodunents, Isaac Taylor 'Yhe UPIIII.I. of Scotland. or Lk etches or erouut. enery,Literatare and Religion, by Day. Itonert Tcrithur, tilt inion. The History of the urelt of 1:11;11.4. by e 11 shop Short; Eesaine's Got pel Satinets. non!, Warfare Neve York The n M u o mut, .i nsC o o t t age hceitre La . s o t r Dthye s Poufl E its o P y U e r s n sp lrsh gr . t droned; published by Am. S. S. Unmo. The Wthuter• of Vegol.tuom I üblithed by Am S triton. For • ab• by F.LL1 4 51 - 1' & augl 7tl Wood et CRE SE—.lO bozo, And re'd fat nt 4, Hum, ad Cheese Depot, by / H CANFIELD (111,-7 lAnteed,just reed sod for Rate by J 13 CANFIELD PRICKS REEDFCI34) . . BURR NULL znanufarra- A red in Franca. ouinposed of loat few Itniclra and road Gin.—a largo • meat, We heat of the kind, always on 1 liond at greatly reduced prices. ALSO—FireCh Darr Mill Stones of toy own manufacture, made of s new r . and superior quality of Mork. These Iturrs are tondo under tny Dorn superin tenrlau,.. art en Vo. ref, to. Laken tu make nnlhla it.o.r. and to ha • the Wol. eaca efone emTer, they arc warranted m he 0 ( t h., eao ithly, soperinr .o tho.o imported from ra Ire; and also asps c ud to ihr •re In. of those made to trio , cow try. aud at m ar lower Man have ever h ;ora l•ren offered in this arket. Laare: WI. 51..1 ;atones, all war• Cld:h4 all namoenc of the beat qnality, war rlnlrd g,e •ansipOlion to We purchaser, and at greatly d nitres. Mill A pn YJlea . .lfll Iron , . Screws and Picks,. plat• form tacalcs, Corn and Cob Grinder.; Grist and Saw 1 , 101 Castillo of all kind', and M4l Furnishing in gen eral. A.I order. promptly intended to at el 4 and *id Lib arty •i • net, near the Canal, l'auttargh. nVi'M 3rsre W. W. WALT ACV L EAF LA iti)-4 tads and 13 lep. med am! for sale 11.1423 1 . 6,58EY DFST )LA H I. ASII-IUUS lUD to store arid for Inge ET TABSKY to HEAT P0T .. A..!1-1 <As for redo by T4SREV nE•sr I+l , l) . lo 4 —unba lb., prima recd this d mot tar sale by pARIPEACIIES-1 ak ro,,=t e , Ter Ds9T By John D. Davis. Asethiaear. .9.apte anrr Pane, Dry Goods. Oo Monday Riorning, And. drib, or o'cloCk, the Comomminl Soles Rooms, corner of Wood and Fifth streets, will be sold. wiihout reserve-- A hinge lgolbrltlf , rl of foreign end domestic Dry eomprir int tworir ail the variety ovally kept tin a iarge rim' dry .tort, which may lie exam toed revisit. io ;he •aie dt • • Grocerie, queeneararc„ Farnham. de Young y and lumeTW Va manufactured tohleen• wt., and tetappeng palace. acre and ea(es. •havel..nader arca. bamboo, tranopa. rent veindnor dy nem, .antel clucks, lonkang pia r, carpeting. feather hada. to. A Inrre and general .o men Of near and second Muhl imaerhoL) furniture. Pe At 71 o'clock, A 4, 31 k may of fashionable ready:node elottong. brow and •hoes, hats. curs, fine eu.lers. go'd and wives sealehes. shot guns, polio,. mownl instrument , vkni ety good, ac . sug•N 1=1!!!IIMI On Saturday evening. 2.514 met, at') &alone. at the Commercial Sales Rooms, canter of Wood and MN ste na.l Le ...ell— A laree callecnon r I valualdn rna.rellaneous bonk, in the or It eratora and •eteuen. among arlainh are ...lard Itl.rary edinons of chola° work, Walla and pocket hann, blank bon!, ruler and rap wrung paper, gold and onnl ono, Inc pen knaves. anon JOAN D DAVIS, Aunt House and .12 fie Sixth It'ard at ortOtan. On Saturday afternoon. Mtg.. 05 M. nt 4 ortll be sold onthe prermsea, one vailuble Lot ot Groond. situate on Rim s' nen; Frenlitto ot. bas - ing 1.010 of 1.41 feet on Yin; Si, and extending back 90 feet in Congress t. on vets eh is erected good two stray looms Dwelling Howe wn!, seven rooms, nl.hed. nod other nooroventeuts. built by 1,1, Joh, NV raker Terms, one-third rash, residue in two equal annotl 111) - 0100i , , with aum resi wort! JOHN D DAVIS., Ate' Ten litiartmg Loa in tie '7Ol Hord, sn auction. On Saturday &Cimino', Avg. 23th, at 3 o'clock, null be sold on the premises. ten valuable Building Loth, snug. near the residence of Ws. Agnes Irwin., Gee of whien front on Centre Avenue, nod the other five front Dnucan streak This properly is handsomely loco led to highly improved neighborhood, and onn greet luducements topurchasers. Plan of lot. may be seen at the Auction RllOll.l. . Terms st vale. augtl JOHN D DAVIS, Auct _ _ =C3 . . persons interested will pleas take notice that it Letters of Aduniustratton on the Estate of HEN RI,' MANSON, deed, late o( the coy of Pittsburgh, Sore neon arsided to the sabscnbers. All persons haying elicit. or demands against the estate of the inte deeede 0 , . era requested to wake towel, the same t "twin without delay, and those knowing themselves tudehted to mate payment to ZAi'IIARIAH rE:rEas. ,e.h Ward. Pittsburgh. GEORGE ItAUpf. hilt Wird, Pittsburgh. Admen,' t tutors of the &state of !Jenny Manson, deo'd • us t:Ptims I)ACON—&4O prim, Bacon liams;,soC9 do Sides, do Sborilders, no ready for sale by •ae - Al W& R NrcuTcHRON, LW Liberty . rt lAAri,. 13 , 1 A IS FUN SALE—To =anon eaual boYit. Abigail and Held, in fine order (or busi eras, hying nearly new, now lying in at Blairs ville, Pa ere offered for sale an neeommodnung terms. Apply to RAGA LEY & aostl le and Eti Wood et un E b V oN IE (W.4SA, RTRa L UL ANIDWJSamT fipNßTshEeßd and (or .ale by JAS 1) LOCKWOOD, 63 Wood at Reeeraly Pub,ish,l—Edinbereh Review (or Join; Slack wood, Magian. roe July aneyi lITAULINO MEDICAL 60L-i—.E.CIE, llM== I'HE Anneal emu . . of Novem rommen.ta Me fir. IVEDNE,..IIJAY ( IM, ber, I and tO.lll. •Lxicen weel. FACULTY. • ear, - II Childs, NI I). Pro( of Cnotetries and Dis a of Wolllell and Children. • lin Butterfield, IJ-. Prot or the Practice of bled- lt,eherd 1. Hoernitl, Al D., Prof. of Surgery. Je•ite. P. itaillunit, M. D., Prof of General and Soo. etel enn ort4 t.ernuel M Smith. M D. Prot of Manisa !adieu, The wetter* end Median , Jurtrorodooce. Francis Vero, M S. Prof. of Pbyatology and Gen eral Pathology Frederick Nlerttek, M. D.. Prof of Chemistry nod Botany. Nonnan flay, M. D. Demonstrator of Anatomy. Three I natures daily, coat:luting a preliminary course, will tie siren during , the month of October. frontal , tiring the first Wednesday! on the following •urt.dnenn Alma, Surgery, Insanity, Petrone. Aimee.... meal Anatomy, and Physical Diognoris. That enema ill tm rum and students are earnestly advued avail Wu:use:eel of Its advantage.. FEES. Lectures ••••• • • 4= [ Matriculatma $.3 00 0 r,4 6311011 20 DO Disoreung Tmltel•• W Numerous reset Surgical operaisous liroh, before We elate Aroote 'meddles are afforded:Damao woo wish to pursue Practical Anatomy. The means of is ltalloll are amp , . among these, are two sepa -1 nor compound M.croscopea. Goal Board may be °blamed at from 6130 to CLOD per week SAML. M. SNIITB, aermhd2wlo. it roar. Own of the I)ALDWIN MILLS EXTRA FAMILY FLOLTIL— ID The subscriber will keep constantly on hand the arose POCTRA EIrOVIL which he 'Farr...real. the been brands to the cadet. Families are request. TITOODS AND 11ACIIETlimIlSiatea y Diopenaa *mry.veer edirlon—pnbliatied July, 1.9 lb. Statement Manael-1 1 b0 addrewea endsgea of the ['maiden. of the U. S, irem 1.7i6 recaawith mei:mired ihdPreaidenu, History of Mei, Admild, Weriona, a.c. Se.; compiled by , F.durin Williams: tole. Lawiartinee Pilgrimage to.rxix Maly 4Wmd, d eelai loyardN Nineveh, a now seppry—evola, •o;llisietrated. WAS.' Pqem, rewhod edition; 1.04 opted.. lemur Po Svola eve. taindin s/w. Wear on Irving. Wart. II vol., Pommel enlace= 04i. gmeo. ram, MI • ?dittoed, lVork. I 'SI, OW. sheep. $4,11,, :Wimp., 4 vole, bro, .beer, marbled edge. Chamber. , Geology Gimp , . 'neology, I rid, :510. "lora . . Lexicon and Mix Flora s Inter premt. Ancient Geography and AU,.. WALIII. on Me Mind, now edition. Crane DanclOg. Thee day received and for sale by noir B. HOPKINS, F polio nodding., Ith Frrramana lane 6,1 M. NI. T. I; 111 si a—Dar din I I mre now been tieing your Writing Fluid end Red Ink ft t near tam year, and GEM Mein the beet I ewer put n pen Into. 'honk we e a: gm along wahout any Imported article in the Ink him hereafter. Voor., respeettally, C. lIARTWRI.L. For .ale by U. A. Fahnesrock d Co.. Puttbatgh; G. P. Sehw•n. Allegheny city; and by the numernmerer Thomas K 111. en. Druggia and Chum:and, Emma( el I.:berry and Srettldostd stream, Pittabars. P. auell,eve [IR KAN! CHI.:Pk.`-230 his just 'tied at the Butte ll erur t'beese Depot, and for sale by coral D CANFIELD L ., a .,, D- :2 2 bble for ule by CA.NPIF.LD IPLOUR--b0 bbl. Pugh's ern', Patruljkloor, jos rreeesved •tut for sato by socit DURBRIDOE, WILSON & CO, Wetter at ro b r b . l: .. Puh , s brand; adfil ARMSTILONG A CEOZER C H .n Egt o 2l , o , . I.ZA\ , ,real.fll RetCr. Cheese, land DALZELL & CO. Lawny at WORKS JUST 'axial VED—Perekra's • 5i,.,.k 2 vols. Duna Medical Memnon, Tattfor's Medical Jariaprodenee. Taylor on Poisons Amon'. Physics. Cyclopadm of Practical Medicine, 4 vols. llooper's Medical Dictionary. lhooton's Preetme of Medicine. Sandi end Ilarnerta Anatomies' Atlas hlassty's i‘11.11001101.1 Atlas. For sale by anagl JAS D LOCK WOOD, 03 Wood et PILLOW CASE =surds, SLIFETINGS, Ac.— \t' It Weeny tnvites the attention of home keepcn to his emenlive assortment of the followlfit( Goods, via: Pillow ea se Linen and Shectings; do ?destine for der, lAA.] Table Diaper, Linen Diaper Table Cloths; Cot on do, bleached and unbleached; colored dot Wool. ed Table Cover, Deeper for Toteelllna; Crash fordo; Dtaper for crumb cloths; Dimity for bedsproadr white counterpane, colored de, all at low cash prices, at notthemt corner 4th and pocket sls. 110K/A . . FOILICIORFURANDLES , __ a T TIIF. WIN 14 STORE OF J WEA VER, Jr., coo -Itier of Abliket and First streets, wholesale and retail. For side, in glaiv, by the bottle, or dozen— Tn. 1 Leger Frvre, vicar. Cognac, .1503, '2O, 27, an tat I '3 , ..3.1, ^3O, '4l. LIE CITY Old 3laalirry Cognac, vintage 1440 f. . Old Pale Nectar. do 183 R The following are for vale in half pipes and qoarlari, octaves, or at retail by the demijohn,: I.varr Freres Cognac, vintages POI, '36; I.iihi yet, do '3l, 40, '4O; Mord: Depay .S. Co. do 'lO, AS; Pined. Cosnllon e Co. do 'dl; Old Nlaglory Cognac. do '33: Jo Pale Champagne, do '4% - do Cognac, do '47; Olyampaole Cognac,eo 41, 'l7, James Ileunesay, do 47; ( C rlliala Nectar, do do 7 17; iad; 1 Pclevotton, de 'le: Raman Ckternlynn. do 47; 1.1 Dopey, Ilordeaus, 49; Chattiest do 'l7i TOgelher .rich reveled elect ronetlee. These Brae• dies are of the highest proof.. Moore theml itre Old, ILLId embrace alit the fine flavors and higher vades from Rochelle, flordenoz, Cognac and AtAljhae— INDUS bettor norcheaper.. Boyers can rely op= obouning• pad inlets 0114 rotaoh•hmant of We runeenbrr. AMEILICAN GSW doyen old Peach ktrittidy i bolds! in 1835. b.ila tEd7 Peaoh Ilrananniudo from tbd rlpe cud not dui dry (nu l. Old Apple brandy in Old American Itrantiy, In plper. A few , don Cherry brandy, botricolilnl.49. IbAckbetry weedy by the Cale ai bout. JACOLI %MUMS, J C Xl:' bto Jost reekt and for SCAN PIF.LD, 112 Fiord et, bet Woodeetti Smithfield e dee tat col.—Met bble ltbt2, lame. Mud it, 11'1 Loot 2lackerel,l22l Mehl teed form& by zed ., Set W lIARBAUOII BIOTIC/M. rp Permit, and 'Guardian, of Aliqtb , "le h r .°4 rii,iniurch, me notified that Reboot will tieopeu• td iti dur Lowegnenl of the Nell:maim Church on Soma Mlcatteny„ on blonde,. Her , 3J, ma kindonagned be etteriMenee daily the week p t :c. s. ti7muoi‘t)Mli:troornloe4mrsiett.i:anit"etiedis:rm•..ed chow putril " his ability to tram puptle stormily, mentally and_phy ‘ ti iv;tad from ht. long experience Pt the prokraq lioprt to merit • share of pohlie pstrou.ra• • JNO. OKEOORY. tmat.dler• rrttiMmripin and Chtlatiess advert. copy It. . . ----- 1300KA—XNGLISII AND AXIM1110AN• TAMES A LOCKWOOD. 11 lle 03 Wood street, volt leave in tee dpa for N. Pork. Boston. &e .10 attend the T ftc he kt.,44,. eae , n te any ordrra for . o a. . 6 inn?e er&ruced to tunl sages lay. now by sutra, landini! aod for gale BARLEY -19—i2 bg. ISAIAH DICKKY &CO WILLI _ ADter . ner at room and Fem ,1 00, tedB. 0.00 'lBlee (pro- d Iles K r :A: _.,n1.0.&T-. t t p porl per r yn e ..c v -tie ( 6 " petted en tlnest—rdelni-u -.r d 71 . 0 1, i n humid, r otor? y do in mat at not l& east Founts nod ket .to atallB A ii,L . A. cK ;n r cfr. c im able ea l h m,..k o i,n k g a rl i :pans ii for d . hoat ealf ' Works, and rgiting small .team engines *Ad trotters A good citation Is now offered to such a person, to establish hiontol , to to/other. where he era empioy two at throe hand.. Apply to KIER ts JONES, 01'014 subserntrerr, near Turentant, (or further InforonstlOO. Timm eg KIER, LEWIS YETERtrON Ronne Pall Works, July IK, WV. =JIM Tascurse9ri & perrs - ii; eon • all • 13,AiLv-••P-ACKET torero tine af s.waeal tow. era ia noel rt tOtred ef at. 'Wel , ' rAnhelt., bee fi l e.shed orol rorntah OM moss passe to, WAS. pa 0. ext. Every seenctohodotont nut ettan Con ton ...hoe. don proenre4h. buseMosidoa. a, paw baS LII °Lwow , fos ova yea. —hag a afig.k. of apple without Uwe lettetinho rit to their pereorn. The an [IA LI Ix' a the kat ed Wood then the day prettied) to Fanner. *dm map. Lao of freig to net the entry of panavaite. oa da. ter. la oil clues the pastime money mon Ate paid lo &thence. sun DAY PACKM`t. The ISAAC NEWTON, Captain • ea l'auburall eatery Sunday anornisa at 10 ottaalP h-rline <aro . Faraday evening at le : May aa, lA7 frtosnilri i icoltwr. The MONON(. A Cr-a Sroava; bacith every ;Honda)y manaag at IU du..., WlLeelini eve: y Monday evening at le ros9tlAl PI 1 . The MISER:VIA No._ 2, veningCain. J. Kl.nciraLiacit, ugh every Tuesday raorniav et ta tO 'eletek: re ry Tuaailaa e, NIStEIfiEtIDAY PaG&N.T. The NEW ENGLAND No. 2, Copt. n, pt !, viii tense every Wel:tor/ale) . O, , MIX j ot It o'clock; Whetltr, every WeArmatlav ov,ains • 10T X TII The BRILLIANT, Cap, 0.00, leooo burgh emry Tharsday trioriung 8110 o , •intic; WhetWog every "Eleredny rventnr et 10 r. t TJe CLIPPER No. 0. Rig , R OOO . 111 Pimburgh every Friday mermag at to o'etook, WlOOOl Illy every Friday ever,r4/ et 10 r. _ . RU II UllblEll. Mo AIUIARIG M IEVI ERITS lee 10.0. NO:Sti.% [LA ROUTE. Only 73 blllaa 19,t.0g10w. Via lirovenmille awl il Cumbe Ip rland to Baltimore, and Phadehie. Mill splendid and fast refining II S Moll steumen I. ATLANTIC, Copt J Perkins.; BALTIC, Caps A Jacobs; LOMB APLANK (Nap 11 Bennett; are now , makuig soohk dolly trip. b.. , ... rirrsuu au a An D muminisVu.t.s: no morning boat will leave the bionongslicla Wharf, above thB midge. doilyst 8 o'clock precisely. Paiweilgera will mho BURERLICOACREZ at Brown. silts, at 3 o'cliek. P. It, and the splendid ears et the Rater:acre and Ohio Railroad, at Cumberland, jit 8 o'clock. A. hi., and arrive In Daltintorntho samseien ing, to time for the evening line to Philadelphia and Wmhington city. From Pittsburgh. tq Baltimore, only 33 Wars. Pare d• 0.00 Prom Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, onl 41 y 40 hoax Pero 1/0 The rooting heat Will leave nth Mcluk, swept St. 1 day irecuangs. Passengers by this boat will lodge on board in comfortable State Rooms thelLret eight, pass over the mountains We follo,nring day In Fatima built Coaches. and lodge the second night to Cumberland. 1 Passengers have choke of either Steamboat or Rail i, Road between Baltimore and Phlleidelphlie, and the , pnudece of mopping, at Cumberland lead Baltimore. land coming their seats al pleasure. Coaches chary weed to parties to travel as they please. L We make up the loads and way hills for We Conch f es to the Pittsburgh :Aces, (In order lti 0100 time on I arriving at Brownsville,) it is therefore important for ~.acngen to ger their ocke.s before going on board of We boot, at our ofbee, Monongahela 11011.10, lVator .treat, or St Charles Hotel, Wood at, Pittsburgh. a •Sultins ' I. Blllisa.Kl M EN, /igen, Plltteberzgg • 4 boulavIll• Pnehet LID* FUR CINCINNATI AND LODI:WILT c orsiELTbo splendid new *tem= TELEDILotPfI Nat, Ilaslop, ouster, will leave for above ut intermediate ports on Wedner day. the 611, ins Val ledeleek a. at. For freighter pasmlß&on br v ,r a ej. N ,, b. 0., a.l CIF.CI 1111111ANDERGEJL PITTSBURGH AND WULSVILLE. k'ACRET LINR Tho now add .podia filsspassas” bar P""lVl.EcatArit ra." 9. Immo master, will leave in Cum/. rust sod Louisville on ' Thursday, the BI Jou, at le o'clock, A. .5.1- Foxl, ht oEpossage ap ENBERGER.pIy Orllmar4, to DuRsHIDG B MIL T E, WILSOr. Co, or CEO sari Lonisvllll. and 81.1.0 W. Pucka& Lis.. 1849. 1840. RIRAILAR TUESDAY PACKET FOR ST- LOUIS ...,... The fine feat tanning gateau. steamer ATLANTIS, Geo. W. Meat, master, will leave for tho above and lammed:co ?one every Tueeday, at le o'clock, a. et. • For freight or peattage apply ea board, or to E. C KING, No. 113 Gem Raw, .irsaam i...i..ut. REGULAR SATURDAY PACK FOR Eft LOVI The Stm Gmmans Imssmtger steamer GEN ro . LANE, A. kleThersoo, master, will lesva for ho above-sad intermediate ports mus sy Saturday, it 10 o'clock, r. !It For freight or passage or te E. C. KING, No 111 Cosa Rom, pairs-dkro Locintille FOR WHEELING AND IMIDGEPORT. The new zed substantial attune . 181 aL blealllty, matter, will parrot at. menlar trips between Plttsbargh Vlebehting and Bridgeport. She mill leave Pittshogit on Wednesday mad a...4.Y. For freight or passage, app/Loi. bastrd...... 19 • .4 VIMPNBEEEINO - AND BMWS/1 The fine steamer CINDERELLA, GeorgEl Cathona, mater, ern. leave or ...we and ...termed . i.s p .m On Mondays mad Thandaye, ar 10 a, v _ For freight or passage, applytm board. apl7 .. . The U. P. Moil neame;ifiefilUatri ingst li i t :l7 , ll =LI att .e di et; e pp, ae . wu, Lme.:lllF at 9 dclod, re ilea= ad Fare he ite my er and Le ek, cTirreklay' Y. ;U. c..., mrts The reamer BEAVER will lease ' 4 l the wharf, oppoune the Aronotrong. hula Hou., even , Sunday mordlug o'clock, for Deaner. Rt/want, wilt kayo BCEIVCT at I o'clock, AI, and urn. at 4 o'clock. Fare, Twenty-A. Ceuta. taysi4 MXPIMESS PAIDICET Lllll9. FOR 'PIIILAIM.74IIII. AND BALTIMORE,' kseluslvely for Pos.:mem i lakagi—The Boats Mikis Line Rfll leave as follows, al 9 o'clock at dem Lltno—Cupt A Craig, Tuesday, Aug Pdst. Loaisimm—.l P Thompson, Wednesday, Kentacky--Capt fraby,Thartday, Indiuna—P Dorsey, Friday,SL Ohio—A Craig, Saturday, W. Lomminis-4 P Thompson, Sunday, W. Kentucky—ll TIM % Monday, W. Indiana—P Barka', Tuesday, 27. Ohio—Cam. A Cram, Wedusiday, Lonisiana—J P Thompson, ThartdaY, 20. Kentucky—Copt H Truhy . Friday M.- For passage apply to 817FCH, Monongahela Milne, angel or D LEECH 9. Co. Camilliaairt EDgWh and Inasinloar Aiiidemay. ROOMS IN Tiread paEsirmarlN CHURCH me, Insanities, I. designed 10 be pennaneza. pit Academy will be re-opened for the ramekin of Ladrand young Ocurksocn, on the drat Mon ay dic ad day cu. yteptembon rite coarse of study will embrace the common brain. ekes of on English education, and the higher depot: al ‘ meats of Me kJ:Tilsit BeirneeN with the ?din, Greek, French and German Languages. Pupils can be thoroughly prepared' to enter College intelligently and unembarrassed. The course of amdy far those not destined for College, ts both conaprehea sive and practical. Thegoverranont of the Initiation will he mild, yet derAed and fem. Authority will always be sunaineo by reason and arecnotr, and to aerate a properjegrand to the general government of the schord, oar proem. to, full, we endeavor to convince the pupil that what. we require is reasonable: neat, that II secure. his own personal interest, as well as limped of that whole. Punishments- for misdemeanors •when abate lately nec“etrY, are of such a mum, S. to .drat W.' the the mind th. the body; not as amisthetion far des *dance, but as prevention -to the roentrAtee of similar: offences. Hating(omitthismodeofgovertaoent Pm torah e, It will be adopted in future. notes sllentiort will 11l paid to the Phyacali the telleetsal, sad the More/ training of the imitates of this School. The Prlnelpel Is happy to be able to anuottneetothe public, that he has secured the celestite tomcat re Witruns, . a gran/etc of Prlrecount, N.J. end Mr 3.traostel, n graduate of Lafayette College,. Easton, Pin, gentlemen of the . 144.941i1<1.7. 4 Gouda allanuents. Misery desirable that stadstrieskelld rtller the School at the commencement of the sesslon, h = i r . Witter claws may be systerenteally and amity _ q=ll iced. 'No deilort will be made for absence, exaept case of protracted alclsess. Writing books, nenr,tut, medal ether stationary. will be fernialnid as Trg as per session. L cApnit, Principal. nee. D. IL Riddle, D. D. Mt. alelteAltderaniA . d. T. wont lin D.. " idWil.,„tahmiot Con. A. W. LA.., a Milton, • -- Mr. (troop Al ecat de n n Clrevlars emits obtained at tba Bo* Awe of /AU Loom, Na Ea Wood omen and also at Rub radii. Dees.Co's.Na. NI Market M. augnAgtir --Poleiccitie — tostibrusisgT --- „,,,,,.., mar.. Farmaar.! Barteldlanairs., ACOO WEKVER, fi .1 - R. COPELAND respectfully rliDurtmees that the Au dudes of this establishment will t recanted (lb yy on Monday, September lid,And that young gen tlemen have now an opportunity or being theroagtly and expeditiously ettellfie4 Na duties and requite mew of SCUM life: That the Principal is , -ast merely • sound echola. but also • jiltkligi” and most auseessfal instmetor'l malt be apparent to ally intelligent and onb iamed mind mind from the number of Honore and l b. prses obtained by him la Trinity College, Dubiltu Dem Teatime mats received from several of its marl mineral Fel ton and Professors; and, finally, (ram the satisfaction eaptsseed by parents at the proficiency made Ur his pupil. For additional mformation as to the peculiar features and eilventagos of this Institutio ,ts see Pros pectus, which, with Testimonial. can be procured Mt the PRINC/PAL, lite Digitate, or in I edetal oppoia to Colonnade Row. few begotten will be received, whom e y et i ttrl d :l i davialleetaal orlyancer w en= be O, KTIllelO KW —THE !Cult GuIinSLIICEN CYGLur.P.DIA. .OP BCIENCi, LITIMATURE ANDART—!:riled by Beene, P. Herd, Profemer of Natural Science in Iheithnson .allege, Carlisle, Pa- Illustrated by flee hundred meal engravings, complied by J. G. Heck. Th., complete area will Conn roe yob. limes of tem, and the Macrae' clam e of pimps vdl merlin/ smarm, dila% &other they ea. bo Wawa to epee, more volume*, to mdt the taste and weans* once of the parchrerer. The work wit be published II tweenti , liee menthly pa rt% commencing in We mode M September, 1977. Fachport will consist of tworal Liana, MT , quarto ateelmagraviage, and .p...LE of gIjaZAIRON PRICED:NIX ONE DOLLAL Subscription lists ate already opened. All pupa l tory anangrounoto have been made to seem. them, ular coneaustiOn of the wort. tape:ahem ,4: a each elere, ate annexed to this prespeecire,oon: filemla of Mama., Mu amee rod the an; 14,0' ~,,,.'L to 011/I at des Agents' stare and exaeollic Ibex. The Icoeepaphie Encyclopedia will be , the finest style, au liimr payers, end will cover Op. ..or • attar) page. limper royal octavo, the vetoes ceder tei practical am by complete indexes end lOW Of eon . tuna JAMES D. L0G1C14:9002 OEM , YEWS: LIESIITII.OII.IIOIngt pENN.SIT.F.ET, between %Veen. and Used. by resented be profeeelonal donee, cnnef, L" . dans on the Rano, °dna, and in nova Item. analtdit =ZED=