The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 25, 1849, Image 1
. • ".• tr.* : . • ES' BUSINESS , BARDS: ti IS AIMS IikaII2TRILIZTTk• - ATTORNEYS ANIS COO SELLORS - .WV LAW, Fourth street, Demme Smitaficld HMI Grant, bu rgh, Pa. _ _ _ VHS 2002! a. Lan. Vettmkan. LAMAS IVILLIZSZP, u Fourth iltreiglarll3l . lll3L Trom.y.s LAW, ,Oulfutf'. It&to'f fltaNtf &LH Z Annan,. ,dlarchmu . t „d .I.), m ws Prod. No. Maaket lame( 1%717/Ir,L'D Tutahttg,l.. deed . k LEADER, WhoktalkiMer• in B ' Day Good", Carotene., Boom. bhoeka•Vlttatrawh atanufaetuted amebas fte., No. C•U LOANS ono, 11lyp ..! __•_6•f•t- V, awer at L.Ltyod St. Clair putt butet, tor m• 714 • / z.xxoweg. ROWI4 f CULVERON, WhoHmal&•Grocom, sod lnisiamm. Merchants, No. 1423 115, Mus-06r<I, PA I) A I'AUALuTOCK & Co., Whole nib. andl4- .1). nit Leuggista, eonfoLWood and Mk SMITH, Wholesale Groikfu, In and at Wood street Pitubarith. d' A. AMAMI - LTV k Co., 1;om lJ amadoo&torclomm,Canat !Win, PittWaurga Pa. meta Da”.44no.npring,,AzlWorka. e, Steeciitidlnisk . OLitatZt, ILMLZIAN IS Co, manuFaiturers of Ceara and Carte .Spruurs, thunuariold tales, Slums, atm riough Steel, from &c. Warn/mum on Water auk r: , .. Wee., Fiala - burgh. Also, de., • y Ct . tact+ Trinamings andrklallettle Gammas. ocUl kl <OWL& WORM. UN LibtuaT V 0T,V1.71-1-A -7'HE take." OF Wkatola PITIVIWGIAL EILIMIMD 111/UNILIBIB, ;!: C 0:1 , 17 . 1r1.b rax i cs.: s c w itc ,l 4"•.• . tratt', RarLt WI and Piot 'lmmo( eureka mad dome. l utrunr, a. • .0 1 . guld au - price; • N. IL- Draminim for moirrmiroto, rooks. &Q. format. ed, of Go descopuok He Banana a altard,,b( pool,, patronam • .11c1,11/-4117 W. IL =IGLOO, . .1.1. 1. .21:11-.. i,INGLIsn LIMN aa, (late ELgUalt,l yultagher Td f CO4 Wholesale lirocers, COnMilillioi(loul For. martinis Merchants, mid dealers In Produce. and NG burgh alanufacturea, No. a) Wood on., I.c<slimu ad and :Manama octl ••• • ESTABUSH - Fp IN 170. lAtinaol.h, Ca...sum oat gariTaroiii I,j Aterabant, No. 20 Wood laver PatdJaith. myl7 I/UMW Lb: AG UN. WA 0 Tolle "nr" ADLILI UN Ott:WART, ainanfactarra sOf Helm) Shaun.. Chock., Lc., lanbeeca stritt. any al A iloahroy. trovltidlya • 11. me"han''l67"d` zth fob!: DDDI DONDLILD 11.1.11, D. D...1eD.1,-9.13":1, /01.1. WALIDD.I4 n BALD & 13t7CSNO11, Tobacco ersouniakum Me, Jj. 0. , .. 07,1 North Vitae: &10 NoriloV6arves, PD.lin. -4. P... aril& lam. ll MOP, JONES & Co., (successors Westwood, _k_& Janes & CP.) 0011112.11 Cal =la Posuntratiug blu r hoots, ousters in Pittsburgh htsmulrotuted Oasts, ibuspgis, P. meh27 11:00.1 . tqVCT, .18. A. IA/1 DICKEY CO, Weaken:a Gropnra, Corn cciEaiOn Merchant% and Celle. Prodece, Nes.66 tam end IU7 Front amen, leabnrgh. OHN Al. 4•uw:weziD, Ansignl tad Meelmetn7 al No. as Markel at, thee doom above Tinto'. Ye% burgh, mu hale nomnantly onhand a well sipletted et% sornacL of the best and tresheat hledrein.klebtel ha u mll on the Moil reason:lWe terms. PAyileala amebas , orders,,%ll be prnteptty mended Wand piled nue outteleo they may rely upon es pllljaitic ICY VoymeMni Premepeona tent be neculuely and cenlly prepared from the beet manna% u sfriy boar of no nay or Ought . .• . Also la/ sale, • larp stook of fresh sad good Pee*. 111017 _ -r it CANITIKTIZITOTWarmst, likio,).Slosiliiir s) s • ion fall tents...log Mucha., usslsObolosslo desks Is Wooten, Reser., Cheese, Muer; 'Pot soil ?sari Ash; and Weso.lll nodose generalllg • Wazor treet, betwees slmafacld and Wood, Pitts 6. b. ILO 1011 N WATT, (tuccotoor to &v. & ;Gab.%) Wholetolo Groom,. and Corcoohmon ;porch.% Scaler in Produce nod Pittobotgh Ithootfischtte.s, cot , "or °Mate r_ty: and . Don a ottohto, Plushauetyl : ha-11 hhiteit - s Etat ellt&Tiltitoof Porto! Algroita hlctitutoA hit:lx:m=l. Tailor, St. Marko &Atli.; littrd cure near. Wocxt,./.1..mab0t... J tillES A. 111.111.111L'iOri, b Co.-Pocchtsor• W Letris litactfoon & Co., C05.161i021 Marr.42., and ...tot of the SL Low Stcont bogor Mastery. No. 46 Youlttr and tot. antes, rituttrorgti' 1.1 .. 1 S. DILACCIPIII & Co., W hoieenle timbers, Pro rt t/ . duce nod Coeolaelon htertharda, add', Aguas ftr the ILuard Poerdet Co. of N. Y., No. =Wood al, Pitteburgh. 1.1 Jaz 1 011N"11. 1110RWI.N, Wholeaale Omar dealt U " in Dye B.IP, Pahlts, OIL% Va rn ishes, No-93 Wood street, aric.door South of Diamond ey.Ptriiii burgh.' 'it rant . 1 .e. 0-Ti . - fttal — F - t,...GTy7. Co w 0, -,-. a I, D.,,,, &top Chandlers, ad Water atreet;i s t toed ,2.• j ii . iit a l2.l.. e 04 vitoit ;w weemla .n ;ad ;t i t do done'; Paper, Slates, thee/ Pens, Wills, Printers' Chyds, Sos douary generaily, No. el Wood a, rittablirgb- Jr , Lt.g. 1.? , ./'” ""...4!"."*. 1 TCTIGUNII.W.Eit & Co, WietteiTaiti *m t ..; U U. No. at Wood street, Pitteburp. I,i; i 1 (PIM D. DANIS, Aueuoucer, comer 611, 4til Wood! t! .treets, PinOttrgh. • - • ULINSTON.N .Ii()CKTON, rnmerui 4.11 and Paper Bianolhaorrers, No. 44 AlarkeVaL, nos., burgh. 1./ jog • J it K. FLOYD, Whotesale Grocers, Uti.:ltbinitioii' it) Mem..., and Dealers v Producci, Round Church ISuildingt, fronung ou Liberty, 11..4 thud titil creels, Piit.burys, Pa AIIIL6 uei Ck,LL, hoicac t.rocer, ouss.un Mcieltant, nod dealer /2. Prixtucc uttd Onsboratt filbaufsclircs. No, 21 IYster ritttbrirgh.ljunl6 . and oidilloaun Vitusksys, comer neat and hiardill /r2l c - IT LEN I JONES, l'orwusdir.g Co...l;Pqu Al claw., Deakers Yroduce .HlPtimburtin mahuli f.unred aturk, Lanai Basin, near Ith jfr' . 41 . 1/ --- 1 7 4. 1 .1. 1, - k"PFFraffilial, • 17 ENN FAA . WAYS Mattufzetme. Cot vrry supenur ay , lieetngs, Carpet Cbai44Couou mtuc mm Catiing . Veouvin. iron Work.. y, ILWL DALZELL, a Co, inomufactatentist RJ -1 srs Uns, lava and Natl.o 413ality. %Varebouse, gm,: ead 105 Irma • ,u 1.9 - eFffitA 1 •IV Iry iTs.7/1 e Ing and Comraiwon blorolouo Denlor nos- MouttfaelutoOand Produoe, Nos Ul Witor and GY Front or.- ffatalINERY t SAWYZH, 1 GUMMI, Minalacturess,ant! stinithath As dente= In an/11103.611C Vasseth , liothis. lVestern therchanth,-Pedlars and °thus art Jostled to call and casucune are prism and qualm eto ousck s as with our presenl inures/Ind incluse is mantsfactui mg and porchasSns, er l think we Con arcePs 11.11.C351.1u to buyers as coy other Louse anthS of tm Mountains. JOUN 11,141. 341. D. 11,11. L. WALTO ' r. ROL. ii I:ILL9 S. RUE, {VI Gttlesrs and R:Ommi•- LY.Lway ld<rc Witty \o. 104 LAbarty l'Otmazgh. t y LAWNY, WILSON a (NI, linte Jones, Diatypay 11l On.) Wholesnle Denlcra in e Ors linedro. rN 4S; iront, Plunburan. • ' k rriliEw witso korunti.....oar. iv/ ter. Room., comer of to Office AReg and ' . Imam aseta, entrance on th near Market. durti.s/D _ _._- 1111e.BURNEI STEEL. WORKS AND OPRIND. • A_ND AXLE FACTORY. •C 10012, :011114 Qtra, 3CYNES & 141:31130, XI NUFACIVIILIR3 of airing and bllstni met; AU plough amef r zmul plough mugs, amen t s4l4 nap he mriugs, hammered iron Axles, and deateCsln ma engine lamps, and conch runingi nencrally, corner °Mem And Mont sta., I Paternity let* ikrllol:AlESicsbN7rl;. - .L 1 • doumrom tomer of Fourth, dealers onn i o . ,and bonneue Hill. "of Exchange, tArtaficate.OF a Dank Ames and Speen, Colfeettorte mad on oil the prlneCtita m eg throughout the Usdied Mules. CKAIAnTER, AtammesA—Utrice.'fonah it:: I •./S1 I/D . Mad door shove Seutthircht, south sidelif Canvegoacing or all lauds done wan Int grentest care and legal accosting. Tale. te Real Ramie examined, Ae. IleAßslg DR. ,fIEOIIGIE • UFFIcr; Fourth aimed, near Wiwi, in the Mons lately ceedined by Alderman Shaer, jradtedlete ly apposite dlr. Lek careirs. He may be ma :Cat wed k An. 71. al. Cherie. Hotel. D. Ts Roberta, Es D., , . IPTHALMIC StiAlikkilii, will auend s hit . treat. in Y. me of ihaesues of me Eye. i . ' ~ D. H. h. Lean engaged in Mu branch of Ake mesh. .Iprofemon for line. year., 4111 d tine cur/darted ad “ kki •lkkood kk kie.treutiant of diseases arks. aril alone lot invaral yews. Omni 110111 scan:tenon, corner of Sandusig st and krl.criy silty, Allegheny any. i ;. 01.13 i i ae.,LaPIGEIBI TEA STOILEs—No. iii Fourill A., near Wiwi—All guaranies of ()Men ..4 knack Teas, done up in punnet, ilijill, and oue peons packages, ranging from nO cu.r p on d III.W. JyJ A. JA I N}3 _ Art for Pekin a Co. 1 CAILD. - D FLOBILLO Jr. CO. havlng aaaoelatedpi e, OMA miti llama In hooduaa, Wfaul4 R Oraa - a , Y, rlieWee wad Ceesateeszot ba,4l3ems Led be cobllnuca ae eseal we., we fine el Holcieop, Lle a Co. , OUISON, LITTLE &. Co., Na street ridadurgb, Whaletala Grocer, Prodowe Onanuseiou Alefelums, and dealer. Pittithargb Manataciarea. LeOetwa.. nen. urn.. WILL IL eerewee. -13 ulna:7 Whelewle Grocer, lik . cisfyinLi Distdler, beak, In Produce, Pudabdrahji..".l wraa, , and all k inds of Enfant. sod Dame vinefi d adLAgeort, No.ll Lb,,,r tte hr a Iraq jaqe stork nt superior old Mounnaabular*ldskey', 'aide. Will ha .old Wye for flab. r " : -i kiliktµ"LLTorltramg Arre=l,. produce AA Pilletursh ElamLeLeleree, Weeny st 4 feLL24 -CUNflairlLelemelet °nicer', 11, Dealer. in l'nxinda and jl Youbargla hlaratfactaresi. 144 LihanY at. . La LY . anniinn, ---, REV:OLDS & &IMF, Fannadunaind a trransion m u ch,san, for the allealieny River Tana deWl en in 6r...eyes, Protium and Chlaraic al Ldnn. The bignext mite. ; in ca, pan d at 071 time/ (or lags. earner of Pend and /Ma sta..__LlZl c.nacr r uln - r, l lA _ MITH, Efjit:A.Ltri 3 Co, WhateLale Waters 'dal Prudueedelier.N. , , L.vd4NA.aea dna and nul Nona side, Philadelpina. navy L . ‘4 W a-I,Ana v eir.PAradace generany, and ont =Wan Merchants, Na. d 3 Watir:aL, 1711rilL • c • .11 '4; A R D S' • o.. t hitylo mrsEctoon. / 0 12VtOrttola, Yawn Corn-Loth & LiICOLO, Prodati add General - miston Merchant, No ..17 Liletty at., Pituburgh. norn:f.into-od idotitotO WS. 7 S'PT'. VON BI UYNIIOIWT ICo , VVaoidrmle Gr . ; . ears, Famed:ling_ wad Corrufaitalon Mcrrhama, Dealerirn Piusbdrth filnuufnesarga and Wgwerm Pro- Ince, byr e remorgd wawa 11,, I.JetitlO,Aold No. 33, Corner of Plant at and ankocery iill44l,Wiikreardoiikaeek-alnir3kkrini;k -sioiOderehat*, and dealers tr,Produco. N 0.15 nod at, Murmurer ;ra Rorti SCUM', Who)o, de and Rejil deafen in J. t3oiria,l3horrLA'runki, CarKt&a., S. W. gorncr aldtatrulginnitkaeld Plwaborgl, P. sel O Dam titC.ocoLhits UT lO N(suenermora mL. Wlddesola Grocer's„ Forwarding and M. ,F h !MS, dealers in Iron, Nalla, (rlnra. Lotto& awns., andi . attldnargb AlsurmPtetarea genermlly, troy...Of:Wood CM Wale, neat W. IVA ~AcE,3-1:1 Furt:l-.1;• glrr—.,,-,tolanimard, N 0.194 lidwray al , rent the .! "inartt.s :Y. VI.. ~,t4 oteit'eejec . eiry,stl•eiOtore . nd Mader Goods, rornir et' Market rola 11 N. T;itn• ...,enllo.-repairedn, der I -Eilt 130,0 1i--Commounoti .nd - Forw ri *!chann.,Mn. OD FTO.II gq.l,lWitert Wood and 4wri.r.-e4rels. ill If N -- Wisiclosi.. 4 l... Iktfordraior io T • 41, 7'6. is =t , DotnEn.ur Dr* tioal., north east -• egk Fourth . : nom rno. un - enn. 1 • •• —lleaiers Iceitlwr hide, • , - ,An5-1v noes. scrt - ronnon aijt SPetTCHEA)N, WhokAaJ, (.rocr,, deo • .1:11-. in IlfOuve, Iron ' and rat, norgb ...Slithnfiket44 generoll7, WI Liberty pt, Pan. bnrgii &v.? WlTvii WILSON. Dealer ititcf levarlry . aer Wraat., Minn., "oda, fee_ No U no, We; OUIEG r.kpErsa 'malt DES AN I) Le,:vri,git. ftf ornteo, 1.1 Slni, Finding& & No. 1.1.3 Laberly.......t. hove reerlvrd tirlt SPR c... ING sTo0: 0f0.30.A.: corn 'f'f ant.9ttinent arockif, in gre tine. winch rib artenthlt , n'orpurelanarrs r 1000000 jino 2 r Pk - a"kici d napt E. A M B ki.l"-: I : aft Co. ,* 8 No. 4'l W.Rt,;"%'°' -".1 insti !-.• 5.% gni to Mires. Jr, Prr Preset On l oat all koids 01 ruts, "•-; PM: AND MARIN.E. AlsLintsto will , lie liberally aidnitcil and promptly pair.;; A botrivinnitufitteß—arantued by ' Directors who me well knopin in theattiminnuiiy, and Who are rho,.detectieil by prediptnnela*Ltherahty to thatntain no acthr tetra they Imre assumed, as, ofienne the lest proOmbri4 to those! who desire to bialnsured Dotiteistas--IL Ittfiller, Jr- Geo. Mick, 1 R' Bullet , N. Relailst, Jr , •Wdt. it Holmes,th Ihrusen. (bras W lacksonsfilllira. AE 'Lyon, Jos Liipineott. Thos. g Liter, ladies AP,Agtfey, Alex. Nienich. rhos pron. Oeica — Ne. fid {ricer street, oral:actor of Span, A Co., tr i Taterra) Oditsburgh. ~ mildly .__.‘.., Illisumeac.E. , MBE filth:LAW/WE AICTCAL SAFETY (Nell .l. RAR:CE cogrAriy.-01Ece. North ll , hhtti co the EXChtsaArt}•Third alfeet. Philadelphia. Foie Ipmestim Cis. , ./teultlings , alereltandisc and other property:O. rows dist carom. alluded men..., los s or damage go} fires t Re lowest one arprendern atom •Itescastithey also Insure Vessels. Car goes a 'reigatalifdreign or emotes - Irv, under open or special pi imcs, ea (be assured ma - emirs. LaLsartsynantirolkanov.—They alio Insure merchan dise trefepormd hy, Wagons, Railroad Cm,. Canal Dorms atertneum Rife., on nye. 'and :ales. on the most litifilLterma.. t DIRE!. Ilri-irifirph IL Seal, PA ^ tound A Sind, John C D. vu, Railcit Harlon, John R Penrose, Some el Ededri, Geo a Leiper. Edward S•arlieguin. tread R Davis William Fifitrell, John Nedlla, Dr It Al Hus ton, Jihlfhi C 11.4 , TIleophIlu• Phalchng. II lopes linsoka, 'Peary 8: ' Heel Craig: rimer Bernie, Spencer Dlallirain.4 .barles folly. .1!G Johnson. W,l Hare Defltllr a Thbibas, John Sellers, Wes Eyre. Jr DIRECTORS A,r , PITTSIJUROJA—Ir T %Joon, DayAtey, Jna:T Logan W'''' .- - " Virill,taKt MAR*IN, Pre idetit RloSEb. S. Ne!oriotri s Seerrtarya pi W i l . s.t. of j. lb i t 4 r.4. , fithail . Y, A. N, a y. i ttl o W ate , r sh eer, PIOT: AN I), it A lr. IPS lit [ A RD fifiliN C r ; 1 - Tllli IPISURANV: CO. al North Amends& will mafilsermaripAt and limited Ituuthnee on pro. petty In this on i 5,46., vicinity, and 0.0 shipments by Canal, Riders, Laded, and by Sea. Ton oro i . sertics of this Com Any are ierPll lovested, andlarnish no root able fun drlor the nipple Ord.: duty of persons who desire to ke protedled by Inthrseee.4 . style •!-. whit P. JONES,. Agep, 44 Wale., ht. prom lINITY, '- Tho Fritifin• Foe: harstrortre Car sPhifirrisigAira. TAIRM/ORS.—Pitarles.N. Renck r, Thomas Dot, ji Tabigs Wagner, Samuel Great, !swab R. Sou th , G eo. IT lirehards,ehlordecal a Led., Adolphe, E. Done, IWO El Brritii, Morns Panerson. iCßeaxaa N. llasefore s President -, C1i.....L.0. BaneSidr, Secretary. Cantlthrirlethand Rourauva, Perverse' or domed, 00 sverTfie.adrilthrlti.iif property in bead or rountry, al mine eralow as ett!eansident with heron'}'. To CoMpetiny tiara reserved a large mooniest Fond, which wk . !. their engird and Preemodo. safely leers, est, afford temple prOdenon to the assured. The salvia on the eismpeny, no Jaadury tit, ILti, its ptioLithetlesgreenblyle an act of Avilenthiy, we, via fellowA ~ t 4, ,• etra .‘ iges• • • 81A17.13e 4 1 Re tam.'. : tir,ret -.; TeOlibrary Lpitne . h 6.010 •.. Stotstafi, v I fit,..... _. Gaip, Ac. • • ,• cl. 4 , • 3-.. sit , v------ Sl,..r.leAtrJ ;1 Sonde relic 1 , . corprzatton, a period (!f IV Years, Pol. 1 Mon petr2) . erslifitl one million la. headrest thous and h 5 - fire, thereby addrenso evidence ...f the sad', e•ecsolisoareithe, as Real . the athaty and • , ..ocirt..sin .0 atliei with prontlnnfirs all li.,l,thues. .„! • iIIARDIN ER rOVVIN. Agent, marl-sit.; Other N Ifi car. or Wood and Ad ds ITIEGA i)*A7iriritt;TuA./. amTitf•hANCIL Co. A. tiADE:i • - .lsrent at Pnothirgh for the Liclial j s weft' At stem' cry Insurance Gslnparty of Pit ad adelphia rAri re Risfitution bedtimes Hod merchundi re i or every Devenputho sod Marine ILIVer upon balo or cargoes ch.„, vertsclii, tatea upon the. Most favonslito terms. I!,:re - OiLigin the Warehouse of W. 11. Holmes ..4 Bre, No 37 Ws., v• ~.kfirket street, PlZsliareh. N. IL—Lhe . e.•111,of this Companfi'lince the fond, lishment mr tat AghriCy Ull this city, rah do- prninht nes. and C•fai•tuisty *rib which every firm upon them for loss ads t. t .Ufitttood, (ally warysto the agent in Inviting the coth.dene,t sod patronagmbf o r ends and dui cocurrvitity tit lorge 113 the Deltic:ewe rends S Innis ranee Corriparly, while" has the additional advaitiaholt as . . iron: Winn amend them t don't/luso m Philtoicl phin—or kolas an SSP , . pai d- . eaprual, which by the operation:al its charter ntly increasing. as ite/dlng Otettha pefion insured his due share of the profits of too eumphity i wrath. InVOolloff himin any responsthlF.ty whatever, rod therefore to possessthir the Alundisprtnetple direetedof every ohm. ious ict. m o re, and Li ten most attractive farm. . eta +4 b`lllo ADD IaiA.R.INR. iNerne x c ie.. T E L L ,iltr. - ..`f . o2V'Tgq . n°,` l,:`'.3',.t`r,`,',`, - ,:oar,"rT:'l: Make pelleßhellt Yip limited Insanunth on property . at this city all its vicnity, and oh ship!fiono by We Ca nal and Rtyers. . igezerons. Arthur 13 Poffin, . ; Clit Taylor, Ratal W.Zoites i . Am rase White, Edward tlrdth , Jac , hl. Thomas, ... .. - . . lOLIN John A. ffi o,' John WhiO, ! RlCterti Thomas Ftiopc, Wto. , ,Welah Samna' Franaa lios)cena, Samuel Brooks,v. Autilia • AATIILR G. COFFIN, Presl. Thin B,maar sp, This is oldest ansurenee Compatty in the Untted SOU., leAng Leen chanered m 1701. ha charter is perpetnalAnd from !IP high standing,;ong raisertrnee, amok. nacVas, and dividing mks Or extra ha.- tido. chtipleter, :''nuns Go consols rs• as arena; an.- pie secarikr to the kaphe. P. At the t„.l !anuoir iloAtn of Atwood, JimJe• Wa ter and F cmetid. Pitud p atrah. am TE 8 SCRIIii* has been - appritated Agent pto tem. ht.tahrn ConWanT ot,North Amens . .. and swill Inge Pohl a tot ttend to its other toooncsa alba Agi4ey, at tAtei warotu.., at Atwood, Jour. et Co. , apl2 Al P. .I , V , oak, it RJlKAltibtlric COMMISSION. UV. cart. F "itCOPEtilir BRIG THOWar., FOWLVAELING tummi.vmuN . And dalgtro With.. Lew, WindO re 1A..., Ac , wW Seeo¢tlNtrent, l'lttsbute, I'm. , attoill prompllj;to the mile of otticlos entrll6 Led nt.tott.l":' p ita thou. cart. t4-11a ti&IL Tarn, W. llugagh, IC y:& Can t Aturphy,t inton , rittlibtif OtOntot sad the nu,- Shinto SantollY4itito Ltabon, 11. D unlit Jr. Co., litik %Vett Walloville, 0. Jcitteph Wat.on, J lltgitoe4. ,etiber /I.lll . Jattlen, Itlnsetli 0 Lloonett4lstrun Weaver, & C o .o John 11. !I4, l atlolptna.. A. 14. 11.,chntd. I, A. Ma, (30(417 -1101 .1{, k etnemakt., 0 John F. likward4!toutsvillOCy. Jobn litrotal C od l lr Hind O. A. .e tClafk, It Co.. Beaver. I'n. 00,aatt • , Aon A. snAle, II: g&CKE :OF PORK Alt lIF,EF, cam Italoa Atrebant and 4orwanicr Npro.4 CAN&& ST.,CINCINNKTI 011 irr Plieulur didleituon paid . t.te i ',,,„, 10 of any affele of f *Wee In our c ,„ilk,,. A r: . .. ^' forum of ticuudlrtencroll) I t x 4, In Alto 4. we Mere.Johri.4uruaey It CIL motio R. !Rockwell ri, r , ‘ ,„, „. B. C. Parkhrttlß, Eq. f lafrpineoß &&o. ... Kier & Jona, JP.Uallurgu, p., r...ty.h It uaicies_ -; mart 'U.. --------., ci-Elp,Urato cociiit — AA: - - commisAion Ana WorwArdisig Me rohscat. . a. W.llloort R., rn-resto, ciONTINUFZ Aeinn.act • general, nunl.,uon Imp. ( ‘.. 1 ...4. I.cthliT lb th e purchase 134,1 sdr of Au.... eau him -.Mee. pad Produce, ond!rn r•ercatt, , l'ufwatth . Goods *61.4,0.1 us WA cure A. Ageot :oi the Mau6„, 1.111V1,1,4 vrlll be cattrodar supplkd end, the princii&l artielrtof Ptnsbarge grundocture a , the lowest sw,,toletale,risees. Orders dlad cormrszneno , toe resferkfully mlltitted.. . 0 YrildslAN.toeu.....p. e TD14.11, • PITTDIkS du co., VOll5 461111th It I.IOIOII6SIOEIIEfiCIWITS, No lkil , Sceoud se'rerl. welebtd6m• ' ; S±. 1.001 0 , MO trot •Kara - awns •ruboa. 1151:31IIIM At ATKISSON, P.31 . 11.041Z,V14ii kt•nop litAstlEtr, l'ir - racccatt CIONTLI L IIX to 'tic:lto/1641cm an IM MO Of V *MANI) b/IXST IRON %VAR?, Ai., Mar C • smith Wq4ll. t. Submplioalt built otdcr. Mer e e 4 =l rei E:us% le e ft o '" 4 " Io c e ;“,d t e =o T r O e s e• aiPor . V=7 e Delo for Alitanaboattl4itiorso• e ' rVd rc.cp.66 1 11 • to etc boat taco kn.] °therm? e “"" "4 • land our articles and prtecc before purenzwit ave.' • 17. FOUNTAIN HOTEL. LIGHT STREF:y R . II.TIMffF moo MID nicliiion. reo . rmmos, establtshment lone and wide 'y' known ri• being one of the most commodious m ilis soy of ar, has t ~annarrecently tonimeone very rale, nna ons soisl improvements Ali entire new mom has been added. robtaining nuinercm• tont liry oPortMents, and diet Mahn, rms., Tee departmeig has aksa Leen completely ire...gait/zed and hied up Id , n twos unique end hermit. ful style. In fnrt the a arra k enter II to the Hog, ha• been remodeled, with eV , on tit' the proprietor, Inwards t.l4e einnfOrt and idensure ;heir nnd As. maiden., its‘ert challenge eninpor.., with any in Me , Their tilt will always he stipplied with evi r, Mania! and luxury whieg the market sidord. ...•rved up in a stipenur .1)1r, whig/ In the way of 11't..e.. &v. they trill not he surpassesE In conclusion the prop:l6lor. Leg m sns... Mkt . 1ip. , 1.e will he left undone on ilietigion. and on the par, oi their SIMIS tan., to render this lintel wool, On mmtinaril patromiae of their friends and the piddle r Thu pnees for Maud hatze ako t eeii redo..., .0 it, !allots - log rams: Ladies' Ordinary, 11,75 per tlaY Gentlemens F 1.50 N. 11.—The liammais Nit ton of Mr !Woe will M aim), be found at the CsMand ftleambror wEtch .111 convey Imagsgi to and from the Ilntrl i'Srs. mn,,t . .• ESCIIA NOEL HOTEL.commt or romr• ND ota, The sub.rritter hOing noTuned O,e ~,,i ot•• ZI trent of tlibt long e%Fth.lebed mod porn., rerpeetfull) antioutite, to,'Frovelle , • .I,r Whlie e• - • he *Jill he :11 all tour pr - tmeommndom them in ol.l.thtnpi de,attable o err - elated I Intel hunt M0.0 . t , 1) revaited . .hrotlohout. and nay,Putpante one no otos. sri:l r ed tn moi , the Exchonge of the r , ty Hotel. in the rourry The andrrxmned reopeetkplly mr of the very liberal Nat...tit+. the Douro ha. hetet.,lnte treeoved. T. 11031.39 OWSTON, • _ febadti Th . np , mor LkUtARTIIIIii EIOUSE. CO.N. ortavat AND olththe Moon, m1 . 10,1:3,11 titTHE aabaerther rettollv ann.:mm.l,lnm he hes now opaned now rind excellent llotri for the aecornreodo or traveler., hoarder., and the pnblle xenerally.. Thr. boa., mod Inrinture are enurclyand no paina or .peuse have been toured to render it one ol Ftex mesa rontintable und plcaPaat How/. in the ethyZ ne thtthenithr deter - n*l.lth deserve, end there to,. tohetn, a Liao,. of polido pthmon octl4-.lly taillli 11 01161l,l'roprithar. UNITED FITTER HkITEL. clothm, err- arrevect OUR., 1,11,11 .111 ryitS/TE Late Rank 4- the UnitthlSthth, Ithll%. Ith,PthPF: MITCIThI,I., I.thocolo, .ANCII. Bend - c uff Pent 'SBURGH. $300,000. LAW OVFICES. ATTORAIIIt AT LAW, WILL also attend In eorierdana and all other u km , V em: entrated to Inlngin IIn:ler and Arm-trout count...a:Pa Refer to I A R Rtherty at W. WWaiture, do J Marahng: Pttistatreh ' dly Kay fr. Ca.. WtArtl at fJan: JJII SiVErrZFEt. Altal4}, at Law - , ace. 1:1 at., , onpootte U. t7l:arles Note:. i'ittahuruh, wlll alao ad prompt:) to Wa•lnnoon.FayAile nth (.; recta • punt", lIKFIt TO • Black trek. ltel: A Co.F ) Church A Carother, ~.I. t tiat.ureb A Aiortan, • '• lIKNR Attorne,A and Conn, Ho, at Law. rd, ~ 0 41„,011IL t4I ,outhrr:: and 111 Indiana. and to Knainek,. p• , are• luny attended to Connatoinner fad the :Alan: ri ,Ivnrti, (or tilting Ocrweno:::.. nelnowledenwm, A.e. der. RW - Ceo—llon Wen Fle4 li de Swn, earns. enowl: Carott:enA Wm. /lay., Fa.:.t.Wllrock A Da .•t.. _,- ~ lIATS,CAPS Mil) BONNETS. BVCOILD ii, CO., 4 (Successors to Nl"Cord .4. Kate) 04 6 Fashionable. Matter's, Corner of 111.1 on ,I I. &re... P ARTICULAR WM:Ciao:man: an oar Retail Trade. Gfront aentl o em r establistunen Cue I,ly en o ?un getune their lia t_. and '0,01,1111,3.1111., of the, I....r.w.korrtse, end et the Lowterr Tall., • Country Merchants, par aline by lerholeortle are I respectfully armed to gall e. d examine our Stock: a* "so eon my srlth eontnlen .e tbett au regards gt, t. , r, und I . X.MX.. it wilt 1101 ratter I • companion vent ssy house in Yhtlndelpina. I. lebt: A CA.LIt , ./RNIA 11.AITS-11 dos water proof Caltfornia 1100, not kceived and for sale by WO .RI , h. l'n 1 eel? FPITItT sth and Wood .t. noSPRFAG FAhtliiiisi FOR 1.40..4 ArCO111). Co. lottl.lntroduce on "am,. .411111 dip, March 341. the S7rtng style of linTs. - 11.< In moot au nest sontrupetmr het. are nt‘t:ed uncoil at. corner of sth and tiVontl *fret t.. um Y.! ... . SQPIIIISti ItONNET RIRIELUNS, ke.—W It Mu. per has-es.. - oPer“ssuoply ill.pimg Donn. 151.i.0u., ornew and handsome 5ty1e*.. Ab.;.......7 1 t , t Nof.ui..islotos.. - . , . rr.,..r roe. 1 . 111r4 1.10,[..11 Edging.. V,elpf,i3 do, pints Mas..n..u.d .Iseonets.erabrotderefl Sort. 1514.41, .I.r. . lo• +.3-. 1 large rumen:nen: of Sprtng 0 1 .00.1 A general,. ~: 11,1 - 01 e.t.a comer 4th and MartretVreet. • Wholessfe Room. up stall:s. si, :O.PARTN &FISH IPS. Gap. raniir•hlis. ' 177 u.. 0, lu s.!l-1.) rymi: puttee,' 1p heretolaa j•• A A BRA ,tj r ed • the tle. en•e toi l• lirodioy The bu..e.e.. If • Brad.), who w.. 1 ,tlt, Lu......•• of Ow 4r RisAtIIV —.t. t1r..., -, 1.9 13 9, - 119. , ,0n.e.1L , . 'fon 1 19 Warolloo.e oton No. • •9. 1 0 , f00tl me, lo No 9forelo orolio••41 9) Ir. A Iterr),uLe oral kt.ep 1k I hood n rent•l3 l 3l.9orottr,:: ,moe. Ifoltow 9 10 1,11 . A , 1,11 DIS•OI.XTION. parl.mralrip her ummtu zmung laturmm 1141 , H Bughfir mai WI .ans II 11.$ a atm., undur rhu ram 01 ...111-11.44 , H 11,11 . H.Itaarb , n, it , 1 dremlued by Wilarau gl. II .y• run., ha mar, Mare. mHa lam In S Ilrellurtateul Al her 011.11 , Eh." Ilte [am wol male/art by S to deb 1. due by the late fora ‘rr be mai hy lLe Pula urgh. June •g1t.1 , 141.f 11. 11.11 S CO-PA IiTNF.:I2,I , IIP.—S.AI havor day atoociared voila Ritossit Ilaaay I.rwoxa. li.ruserly of !Gafford. Pa.. and racen4 of tar ,43001.1 i HOP,. kysi . coaultur Akl. 1w ...or. order ialo of III;Ski Fl I.D LEA DEft. us thr old .sasl No ,o ..rty •to-ct_ II 111 ,I1F11:1 MEffigilliME3= Ilravror. retired from tir&r•forttrer Luronc..... I Ink P1..0... reronfroerralst.g [ry tr.reer...ror• 11. , ~.1 r orrery. of my rAfrnomerer rrnri me pub!, I,l,ral'y . TILE renpartnrythip Iterettilott r.ost,trg lorme•a the •ut.ttnntrt. in the naraF of t onttatola But,. tt Co•• Lt not Jay iltsnolvtd byplutual can:. Moo., Burke Bar.," •ctnt ;be loutinott ' oft tit t 0..- ccrn, for wltlell putivo.r :hoj , ure natharited u.r. name atilt C 40,00 NATAANIV..I.I , INSTAVI.F., E.WWNI) BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. The an.lerslgned have EL 4.y associated themselves In the name ILK F. fr. BA FS, for 0ur.... o Inanularturs, Fire Praal Safes, vault At. Ae.. at the ..tantl al the lulebtras at Constable. llorlie Cu.. Where they a.ral to recelve the es- Imilage al the 11,0111 e rn a( hot house a/al their Meads , EDNIUND THOMAS In retiring from the firm of C0n..a1.1,, Burke* , 'o. I Withro , onan..nd fluor , n. Banieq to tbr 0011hdrI/Ve oriny Biro& and thrt Feb. 0, I+lo NATItANIEI. CONSTABLE 4.4.1:1-dd nisscobtSTioN• um: porluerslup of h I.F.F. I% 01.. day by tou:unl eoia.-ot The I,u4sne. , t of the at+, (.rat wlll he ...Ord 11 Lee. J hl UK I'll V, Jan VI. I . ALI II LEE. lerc—The actlcr.ttgnertl will rottutt, thc Wool 4. tc”crs.t act' attend to tlta Mkt of %V., itoc.l tcld ctusttl II LEK Lr rettrtog (tom Ilaa leral'or Alurplzy it I take r. at piea.are to re vamm , iyallne Air II Lec to 1.. oal..lettec of my (nem. un4 the pol.lir. I'lttn4urgh, Jan J It. NI UPPII T ,, iii, aul.r.colwr. ha., I. tiny r.ortated then, .elve• turether for 11,e:rlitm,or , oft ransartotC • orbolc•alem•lret.m: Dry rierwis nod liror,ry hOOtte.tx, e 1 \o :h. id he rty, opt... I...yrulh .t ~I. under the Ay , mid lam tort' ill.SIII'IF:1.1 , A. HA Vr , I . ll.t.rgh, Jeknoary 1.1440 It--1 ur okl custom," illd the public. arr lortked toewt. ll• X cr, .1. 1a.5 • . k , f o Orr,AE L. ThINI.WF." I/II ktir Como., rtIo: ,lo Wotk. 111:.1{1/11,:ir y 11:aek.tootong to o• ,rato at the old kton.l of kllll ..i..111(e. F.rei Wont, near Wood. Par:motor 41..1011 grir rt to oteumboat wot k. or EY jA VE hag day wlth inr Lit lite ay .Wei.rocer). PrAtice n lotolhcr Joseph, uudrttbUhrtunl J 1,11.14 I ?it Ili C,. .1 S. DILS‘uI4III J:trwary I. I-40 110—\l \ ..ustscl2.oo..R Vs.o. -"r issi N tr t.. .l Rwtsts M'Cusse. ..s. ronslites...l r . 16c " r'"' ".'" l'n , t hr' M'CUN BEN N ETT i BROTHER, AI.A_NUFA , TUREN. , Itelrmlngham. ;altar PlLlteb.trill.tlP.“ Wcrchourrf, N.,. 137, ly,da:rul, Palaburgh. W ILL carottaittly icy ott b•onts a rod,..C• •u meat oi Wale, o: 0.17 own rouistourture u , tutt: pe.oryoultt ait-t woo/tn Me , eL•itt• art, tt••,trtlf•Cltt tit vtittd to call and ittotnt for tttrotse,r, t , Wt. •re dttlerratned to WI cheapertitst t retort been offered to Itte Pub tOrders /ty "snit, Ai - eon:pen rd by the Ity relert,, w .1 be prong., fe lt tt,, tt. Vl'uo, I !Itit tart.ltt, trout 1.0 bon., and 100 Penn Minihoe Shop. WlGllT: ll .4N—Menufneower of n md• of rot• IL, ton and wt.lieu mateltinerv, Ilegnnny ett)• l'• The above work• 1 , .rt0, now In +lnd tureent.iol op• chain., •^, Prernred to ntotrute rtlero With dr b lot oil kin& ed Instettmery M my Itt,e, worth no 411 10 4 , 14, `Pr.'"d"'. ormditly •rnse, dynoring 1,14,•,1 cants, double or *mole. mr nin mint. or eountr, work, mules,janks.tee.,.anle nod bliel le 01 •t, and toult in een. etoL All tot& of shoo shaoLnt"nonelo, oder, nr plattA en (or gearing • feetonee at pith, ..,,,,onoble Ban TO—Kennedy, chtiqp ai co Ithelhooet, Oeo & Co., King, Pennock h. en.: A • tray • S .. v : ..).,.• ~„,..6,.....,. .:.[., ,:. •t. , -, -.- • ..-., a .1 • ; PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY MORNING. AUGUST 25, 1849 HOTELS IV I . VIILIC AVON..? —A fornprnilitun nl F:eele -1,11 •Inatreal Illoory. by Dr I.trsrles. ronseotorial roansr.or and ordinary prole...or I.( Throtody lio• tioava ols, , we Genoa. by $ Da id..on, of thr St I. Ainerieft, by Rich ant ifildreth 3 vols. or, NI Iherrt Antertel h) Jos leiter. D D tht ihrtorteat t.ogrvphy or the Ittltlr I. •to 14nelt r In Ile. Drad Sett 1,11.1 Pt verionJon Larve vvo with truntetour moot and en ttra,t,•, . ILtury!..l An• •ort`iv Homer •L. r so, on.. °et •I•rep • • • I,t , on tttn I Into, Fy I. r.. Rll.Oll EMI On hand and tnr •rne by I t HOPKINS, nott9 Apollo Frottnt rt N OF,MIIOO}:RN PAIN. Joitnidnankin,lnioth'novtnet.„. author ono vol t2rno rctlitored. no•I for .1 A AlAFdt 1.) I.OOKNN OW, :tar! , o Wood 21 C 0 1.11111011 J. 11.• ..1111A11,V. John I). It. • ' , wort . of Cepa, with mgr. nor Nlarkom and Thad SIC A t.klitT ur u r_ he —Amnrlean Fanum . o Luny %mall, • ,urntatlin Knlgnom. LM•y, lA.r n Aur,runUre.hc, Sthirnien—The Pian,. , Vo. .Irre , ultura ilse.roury. Ithrna. Abner.. An,rtrao 11., !Mot, .I:run. Atrnmenn Farm linos. I.2nm 1 122 C Wool PI xl EDI. 11. 0001, •SlarttcW• l'lnlosoishy of iamb. In ea: ,tettn. r .. Tteattwe on Parma; 011 Intinsts. bv Cowan: limpe* Alm:heal DictlOaaryi last tele go n't tin do: (Met 111. Semen! de; Cheline tent 4.1 Sumer • Ittboonts do dot Al:mm.l6oi Wont. ti volt. urge, nv tie Item., litme an the Bran. ruvrtnlntr's Anatole, llilson on Diseasca el dm I‘ista. rem's, Matettv )eth'ra and Therapeutic, l'haprn•tt OIL Ernonee revers; do oft theiltoralce and Al„!. o ., nn t v t . t .era; Wood's Itraclil-e or Medicine: Du rut ir mt, do do. I:herby , . do .40. Alva, ta tart, and tresit supply 'of Mass S. S. enton Boot s. on band mid tor on re Sty t ) I ! EL1.1017 & ENGT.rqr. Wnal NIoST REMARKABLE WORK slr TUE —Lavivea Nntommt —Ninevrit nod It Re 'LM an seem.. of • omit to e Chaldean Chrtsuen• c.l ordivtati 'and Vciidtr. or Devil Wor .lttprer•. and a imotry MIO the IMMIZCIII 1114 arm of Lean .tertt Assyrtatts, by .0130011 HenryLnyard, D if. 1.. In taro vont., era numerous illnalmnions. -'lltentn. remark:Otte dellehlfal combination 'tile or, twfore 44. oi vet tan. d.scovery and in .sr:rertnov pet .intts; niarrotton. mett as we remember so Ito allestiat taints ~1 travel or discovery. • • Mr. Lope and is not soritaued by tie otd traveler,. In the won der. ei the story he has to tell, he very reach swim.. es th.tni -11 repent Ow there has been no •arh picture In any onrdern on/. or travela. Part Itert braver or atom ulrentarous. Burkhardtnor trallirraL Farasen not renrt any or pleturesque. thanmore thr hero of the bunk Uerore - -I.nnoun Examinee -One to Ice moat remarkable wort. of thr " Loudon Jost reversed not for sale by I) , I Jpnny IT 1,01•KI1'OOD. ha Wood st 12114416 h Periodical Literainre. I The IceJtm quarterly !try. us'. 1 :I us ll.evie.x. II he Wertmn., R I qa3rterir eview. 4 The North Irrltlsh Rensess, h ortnal • hUtchurra Nionthl 21-rre Perio-Jirni• are repruitcal in N.'u.' Fort. uurned...trl, on their arnral hr a I.ruetoul ar Ivp., 0/1 4rte lkupe, and are rauhrui coo,. nt lar -- zinal•---1:14r1woral • Threat ~,,, , r la. • iar•...n.a. nI tar ralinl,r-qh Ti.. r• roar•at• are a... our ni n........urren cornea. and while thry rue raua:ll wrll rxre...r.l eatur.l all but lady aniar,c to ;or .1 turriirru r lingl.4. 1,114 Par rlrea in Le mimic. in adry For any nor IL, four 8.-ntrvra • 9I Un per an l'o en, tern - a 011 Fur an, threr y • 7 tar For all II ar Mr Ravreava . u. in, Illaelrarnort's - I On rOf Iturelwno.l and the tour Ttry...wo, lu ra hi - Itlrkvrood , for lair, has lun lwrn rye, U. toma e. mluov, JAME W. WOO D WIL L L Modern and Antique. Farnitare, tYLLT, A large nod plonalai nita:rrhe ' fir:= 081% Hotel. a4d private dsv,l. eo,,ainntly on band and mad, to ord., The prroont cost on hand cannot he exceeded 11 any manufactory - Ira thentry l'rrrmor ...lon, to • pare mmr woula do moll to owe mr • rail, lam deterooned ny proem shall ploo o. Pam of me •tort mr..ortr Tfoym lout. XIV - tiaff., goer., FM rfOrth cram, uo Tattle.. 'rote 03nrondo •01.,- , • 1,01 rovers. olnri•iv top WM.! . ..,114%. ova I MOTE., olor Fvno) Work Stan., A very P•o , rivnent 0,01.9.011 al.l other loro.tur: too .6ornerou• to monono MISEIiaIs.!IIMI Diaphragm Filter, for ilydramt Wald... 4411410.. Ti , ~,, to certify thst I loore up, grunted lantsgtoots. Iloggen r, QOl., ist.tore for the sale of Jettrone , Pnzent Filter, for the i ii tars of Pittsburgh am! Allegheny. JOIIN ISIBSON, Arrni. Mr Wolter ltIlsilmon.:1411 Llroutlw•y Ir. t 10. IMs ‘ r nave !tern lasing 011r1 of Me stlio•e strucien to the er olthe 'mem- Works for throe mom., rot trial, nod me! pet IC , 1: V Anuefied that it is ri u•eful inventom, ni d tor tal. it.rusue to nmomsoeng them . • toe. fut utile., oi oil mop love pure water Modesto eetli tie tuustitully rem tired nod promptly euerottorl. nil. I.IVINtioVIN. It alliMN Ain Itre•orolble Pillaring Cock, FIR PURIFYING WATER, • • ‘Vhieb readrr• turbid 'water pure by .1.44 C., , ,r . 7 .l7l?.. il e ' rt: , 7 " :•Ttrin ' t n t ' ll ' . re, j v i l: r a ,, ug , h , e p l . c . a x r . atp port t r o u tp n e , :y h e, Irt Alterupw cock. •howa a large 4 60 ' 1 ' 4 import aub•irrnecx, .orina, Ire , Thlt ta Or ca,e morr or leas arab al:hydrant ar.e. Dlssol at, on The Kcvereible Fllterer in neat and durable, and I. not attended with the tneorivantence Incident to other Fllterere. 14 It le cleansed wither/tie-tog detached (ran tLe water ripe, try merely turning the key or hatulh from one t.le to the other. Ily tine easy procers, the course cf water Is changed, and ail Reel/soutane. ft Impure out...sperm etre dares off almost inalantly without LIMICIVIVII, the Filter. It a:so passersea the ndratita, ot being natty cock, and oe such in many cows will I.e very convenient and economical. It eon be. ttnehed where there ia any pre ore hih or low Lo caelt. tank, Mb, kn. with ease. To be hoe of the Agent, W. W 13,117 comer of Fourth and Nlarketnts BELL AND BRASS FOUNDRY. _ • AA rl 1.11;N. Hell nod Hrairs Foto.ler. Itus M inn!, tool vomit...treed trostors. ro tot old stand, whrtr he st,ll Ire pleruell to see Itis old 011.110t11. rrs told trietnts Chore h.utentol.nt, and Bells or every sirs, from IU In 10401 pnunJ.. e art fru. rnoern. of the must appro.- eJ and wurrnmed . Le of the Ikest touter.' i Minend Wuter Punip..Couriter.. !biding. Bc. to Cher with every variety of Brans (num.,. II required, li/Tll.l and hittiateit in the neutral manner A t• the .1.• proprt,or ni tio.t.res /m-Arra:- in, ju•11, cel , hreacal inr the relluctiou of frirlP. ottorlzi:icry stud r. hull nt,til tsalcs. jalo Monongahela Ll•ery tillable. r ? 1t4,111.:1iT 11. I'ArI , .:INON has opened the large tivirtir nu Flr.ii to. runiiiiir throne. ..eritill at. hetureen %,. pod nnil Smithfield 11,111 the teat of the rilttuntirahrla, W, vritn un entirely new ittot.ll of 10t,.,l and Ittrrin‘err of 1,-.t gunltty asol latent styles. 'lows kept nt live ry In the but tnnituer. JY2dli LtAD Tf, 1b.1 ,A 1 DON B 4 A N KAIINENT and oil - genet:teed Phyagetan from tin of rg yearn stundang, offer,. to treat 1 . .1 coxes of o Drlmage Nature with pronaplues. and .suet)'. ll...incr. in Buffalo and other largo rit,e• hat m hero proyerhgal. jigs char Res are oderate, viol log run., permanent. Old earwig of Wert, Stooture, ,rra , fella lunr A 11 , 14.. litteumauagn. Ague.:qphilts, unto) chrotor or t avetera Le ca.e. 'toile /red A rurr warranted. or barge rettlittled. / tOrgolug. 01 cow I.lrvet. door • toom the nr.d,e Ter. h F-xtra,ged olvir r. Cl gigs Hon- gra, g N —Dr A.4lra.eon ca.... , of any al/../0/ /n 1,00/urgl/ n/ arl4:dl y Improvemena In Plano.. are N ate . n. Put. t Me Memo of Nati., Irk • t .rout , PICO I <emu, of evertor. brainy of l 5 ,1•11 rind supe.rtortly and Marti. nnTsee any tlamd et er tnntig•bt Ito tam en, slr Clark of :be at ore firm, Int, andmnet Invert°, know,t da Me :nrmet knead. in tbe erlebretted Plum elltabffiehment al Ittotaltrodel. Inadom hav teem, y imptoved and var. seete,l ILe Ha ttoe of Num,. 8. Clark. N 1, to aa ea. tem who - It. antote•tonstatt.t. ent.tie diem to tue Hint mom, of IMPlip me v• wet, a• e ehrtifed 1 . 1.1.• to be got En IL,. rodatry li,, tet I,sne 111 na,on'. Ilte m 1.1, 1 ,0.141 redommendation a att tnmerment 111 me .t 1 ,e and tnti•lt. t•lnalt inak es Mem at utter the mug elegant and taxty rierr Innstabt out ' Me,: to,ether nilb Ibe stock nil hand, fano the moat estenstve. varied and tk a•/Mlnte at ere, altered bare, all in artnett mdi be eold at manumeturera 'ice., and MI areommoda. lug Inrmv H. KI.t.,IIKR. J W Woualreell's JThud.t 0 —The reherrwer well be found at the ware bee. , from 11 to 1.2 A 51, end lo 5 I'. NI PA H. g....i. Ag.set for Nunne..4 rinrit W E pl!r •V:• ' f., P , '' o ! - ,.. " ,;, ° 17. ' ,„ " c " ,, V., '" ,. ° .!..77 d Prttone wanntn, mach arttelee. are mrned to tan and Bee them et !WAIVE it ATKINSON'It, MOS let, between Wood Mutat Me BOOK TRADD outher's Common Pine- by 1.. son .1.1aw,..1 . W. Kann. a D . . H.q.., a Mut, 01, I.y wlth enKray.l.¢. llntitry ol Jo I,,ar, I, Jar,. Ahhotl. rug I,eru. by 11..bry lcatiftworth LY•norfrlbmv. MMIMMI= IM=llo=l Alien'. I,...e•tic Ann..le. I•Snn Web..., A Paws Don...llSe Esnno.ny, thwe nee.. Fur .nle I.v JAMES II LISJEWOOD, '~~;~ MISCELLANEOUS. EMS -_ 5:.~.:w_......._ G . ... . . ..„ ..., .. if- ' = - .: 1 :3.:' , "‘ ••• • .t MISCELLANEOUS Oho.°Late, Cocoa, Wfitaker's American and French Chocolate Prepar. <4 Cocoa, Cocoa Pule, Broom, Cocoa Nhell., at , Timerchun. awl eonsomers, who would purcha r:b.. products of Cocoa., free Imin adulteration, se mote nottmoas than tea or core, and in quality 0/I.r. paged, d.c subsenber recommends the alone nrhelca. Main far to red by himself. and stutuped with It Immo. Ilia Drown end C0.1 ., as delicate, 'rotatable, anti salutary drink. for invalids. con ylesrems, and other, are pronounced by the most etntuent ph purism. itopprior to any other amt . ...moms 111. routaitac:ures •realways on sole. In any mummy, by the most rm .Peclabir grouts die 1 . .10,11 CIIIVS, and I,' then 'grata Ha we, Ilray sten , of Boston, Jam.. nonce cO. llortlord, t!outi, Hussey Fe Murray, :Sew t ork; Grunt a, *our, Plidadelphia, Ttomms V Mundt,. Vol tioatam, and hellygg Bennett, Comma., t WALTER 'URFA, Doreliesu r For sal , by eurll 11.1 (id LEI & by,, Wrought and C••t Iron Railing. sta,,,Let. be 4 Leave to inform Ille rnl.l.c. that they lovee obtAincd from the F.mel nll the •me n..kl Iseblon..ll.le de..pre for 1.1.111 int lm remelertes w,.lng to roe., 1...t1- .Ine palter?" , will plea. .all u/eleittniine. awl ,u.lg• of thetne<ive.. w.!! be iJrnlalleel est notice. ./I l.eet CO,rlul Cntig Rebeer a sr ree., AlleAllen ) aturnan A I.ApoNt FC1 , 41::( ,_ . . . Manuftetured Tobacco. • • . • 48 A x :.`";,"„ - L. k .„,. 1u ,1 ^ " .. -" P6- .7— !`1. 5 la I.IAo Pnee & Harwootrn " 5 :I dud., do • 15.d0 do Pearl k Ilar.roud S& 'II do J Itoldtuon 57 ado do :V do do WmDo wan •XI do T Wrlgto 37 do U Auderan 9 do IIT thole, 5 do - 9 do 11ateliff . " lb " JustJandlaUg from of and reae4sta, and for ale byTWORNLIII & Co, ~ north watt r at c ml.lO north wharr,:a. iet,4 PbaLadelphot .1\A..1.1%44t. r /1,/,1/ TOII,IIIIII/— . l, Ili lit 5 .Jooca 141. &Son, aoperlo t sweet lb !u cup/ 11 half hr. Wetrater apenor 'wee, S. lemma IS " Lawrence homer " . YS " (:entry & llo44'Er • 1018 58 " " I/upon' ide la Karel " " It " .lleLeod " Lawrence Isomer " S.B a. plug Jost londolg from steamer, and for .ale by liFJa/.41, DUCKNOR k Co. 41 N water at ad lit N wharyea, my.ll l'hdadelphos. W. ok J. °LENS!. Book Binders. I,IVE ary suit engaged m the atsoye bustrus.... comer 4, of Wood tun! Tt..rd atreeta, Pat..loargt, where wt. are prcpart..l 10.10 any N./ our line ty,at posh. IV,. attr.nti one 040, perao.Jol.y. and son.. 'action 0. 111 be given to regard toll. 1100.1110101 and du. ratsolity. Blank BooLs ruled to any pattern and bound sub 'onliney hooks t nsber. co old be.oks Lound cure. luny or repatred Nam,. put 011 110004 111 0•10 letters Thood that hove wort in our Itne are mmtett to roll Price* tow. tny2ll-V NOTICE. IDFAVING alit our east re noel, to I' ChaaN - r, with J.J., a view to closing our as bustnesra. we hereby sm. Ilea for bon the patronage of all our frtentls suit cos -50141004. 110 r(nNuKyrkat. eIR. GRANT . Whole.ale tirnenr, Cornaussion rood Rorvenrtlion Mereloatut No 41 %Valet •t auu Scales, CoeWag Stowe.. O , Lc. Air ANSHA WAS.L.ACE e 1:1/. RoOptd .I.IL Cornea I,lonny •A• 1 Wood •trerts. utatoanonure adal afar for .Jrv Plauortn. lion and Counter of the atort anproredoodlny Coo: out Stu, rs, for wood and onntl; Y.ngStores tot v•rtous loxes, Pk g., and common Orates, Rafters" Warr. Or &e They also moot...tura tlso Kochro Hauer. .which laso• tre,. •ortt yealerai eatostacooo to Owl. havinu tt an use. to all of Which Rey would respectlully tu•or We attooltoon nt einar no and the puha, gr , urn:: y ort - r7 dif :IN J 1 AX.LAct:,I;I.I. he Tll , rl a hr n dealers artaerul/y. to the h o. tor 4,4.14 Toloarros. •noto and to artive, who. h too, vt.: , •icttsur..l.• Fr..l trlr'annuttloetuorrs. .• roodhlrd crab. erpt pfMtd' taxa eren•hnor •• Janke. $1....1 El Lusaratte 33 31staLeau - Putnam Roberts kSkt.on $ • mcar Burl Johns k Leans 1.; Ilcory Warsaw.. su, & Jame Ja, le and ea, fob ATERAI !I Pitt'llsohlue Works and leolandry.. JUllflitPxlUlfTt Go . are prepared to totold Colton and liVoolen Maehervery of err, draertptiao, sorb ICod Macarnea. rrlort g Prarnes. speeder, Ora.," Framer. 10an.,. !leads. Warpe Spoo:rrs, Dressmaraines, Lc..... Cate trrlnderr, &o IVrought Iron Shatlttle turned. all stres of Cast Iron. Pulse. and Ilangerapt we ie.,. patterns. their and hand Lathes, and WOW ofell ktudv Ozanne. of every detertptm Mlorardtdarn short nonce. Patterns MIR& to order for II riejatra.g, lope Nailrag, to. Strata rtpe for heat mg Factor te.. Vast Iron Window Sash turd tansy C a , Its =rolly. rrrd;ll . l .‘ lrA at thz . n . :lMaie . filk, itan Refortolook . ..took, Bell & Co., J. R. 1/loorritrod & n It Warn.,. lotto Irwin & Sotto, P.utburge , U. J 11. W Arta,. Steoltonvitle tottl9 LIRW COACH FACTORY • I Awi are kCO ould reapeetraliy inform th e public. that they have erected a Letwea h tar as .1 hrevralrivt! arree... .0.. p They .• r. nevrrlyhtri. 01 ,na•tan v. Ila• • xprnet.t r mantthketure th .lie tartttortt ittry hat, they wri orrit:-to they _.. to tto work on the mewl, trrink w.lll •• ..I . iiyl ti II ""k. MMii!EME aAt ettcaatllka of 11, plitalr to tly• nl 1 It Ile dot.. /II the lur.t rnoour r laet t111..•1 r•atl urt.l •um•Jaat ms •• pa,...) T " VALl'olil ~YllLl]p r wilt ` r- At..lSl , erp Lac Arr.. R..,+nut,* 1/1 t., IS [kat 11motarg, US frluClach ti rtPWuR 0 " , .• to IS 14. P,. I) ct‘ • • • USA N. WILSON A 00. 1:5 , ICrn •irret. 1,/tala4mn PORT WINK:4-OWe, r moor a. korr•rer la.ol If drc rf elf and dry Gould. Caorpfrall 1 r4r, cod dry I-, lryborarfo•• i.<ll ryi r• Dago. Purr duff-cf . "' n.ulcer fort. firms A, l'orr Coo. Ide sod 'ln t l.'rfrypc• lsc.. •re ali ccfc, r t., for Urea co-Oscar orrareruna. and can Oa had rano,- •••• or. rotor] at Lao rill.' :do, of J ACtril WEA VER. Jr EMEECO anbhorrbor offers tor sale a large and splendid j emeeortmeni of rosewood and maim/rem, grand .tc hon Pomo*, verse and within; e.lernaeCs celebrated Aiolll,l Attachment. The above 11131,111111311. arc ranted to be equal to any inane uctuTed ire the• coun try, and will be hotel lower tha- any hrneant from the Fast. F lILL:hIE, :to 111 arm. 61, deor dhovd :oh r a —Ctty fricinp will be taken al par far • Icor of he •brd , r F. 11. Il&rdwaire—Claeapii than Ever% LMAIN. WILSON & CO, lanporter• and Wholealle Doak" in Hardware. Cutlery and naddlcry, No It) IN and street, shove Fin& wive mice I/1 rot, • very cheap and well octet-tied atoelr of ware. ttivionted roue the deciinc of pro., in Eaftipe, and wtoeli they •re detertnizied te rotrerpoodniciy low Sir 11.111 S WhO hive hero to the halm Cl cooly Fan. portten• larly retiuriated my roll end fink lierouch our noel,. we contolently believe they will gave their 0de...t0, h op.& IA LI , Slildrod--do iloc genuine ki tench tdiit t.4tio. eery fine article A few doren• Situ, front the manufactory Cl II NI Crawford, to which the mainline 01 101,1 tn. lost. invtled. duel received nail air oil.. by , IV I 01. !NG & Co, I El I)ATKLYT SUL.% It I.AIIU LAMB'—Au ttattlalve; nosortm.,l4sl Carimliot t. . L.elkormetl Loam, fuetam, and Itui•rrLor To all r• OdUalrti 10 priVale hxli., una to ell Aber J • • vrlicre x eltrup, altdlirililAnt 1,01 A ko,Goramlulem. 11.11 Lunt -reek Camlelabrne.lilotwa, :Thad., Meta,, eau. Tremmern,B.,, A lan GAM Chan/Alit tx.,from 011 e to Cour ItgUls e, de kV CV II IY. IC market .) o=l x\ 111.1' al the HALTotORE, ousrtm; AND :NEW N AtifINCY ANTI C 1 IMISSIIIN OFFICE 1 onus Al ShN in wholesale nod no, stores and reapertonie bonne ,tow t oft 1n...a-keeper, lin,* men, 'loner., IlanSecp, • iv- • Vanners. Coo n. men, Cur Acents, BookAgentr, ans Ascii., Collectors, rernler. I:, all brace` ••• n•. Le. c have ILIII,I a ',qge tan, ner sullenest, on ho ...t whirl, pay from :100 no sss , ~er Imam. Tito, lo want of at awa... of an, nn, mould do well to give a roll, pit we each of the •Iw .ore en whlrh en plain. every applmant to auttable slluatton at the none. We lihve large acorn ...leer . the above named eines, which we treat will ...toile us to give ennrc nite.fae, uou to .1i • La may favor u• with a roll. TA VIAIR A 'TA Y MAN, No.:At Secood Ipcover In South and N. I 3 -mons living to any port of the States, and mobill Ito obtont a 111 lloltiolore. tn. titer 01 tbr above rite., will have their wont. anon - dole() attended by addreasing it. a line,loost-pa,o) as by so dome they will curtail teeth trouble and at. bar,ye whieh the) other Wl5ll wood inter by coming to the coy, and seeking riarlof.ment for thennaelves Address, TA 1 lAill TAle MAN, No. AD Second at rev t, my-Ada Baltimore. IiTZLIZF FOR CRAMP& WE HAVE Allik/All NAL WARM liflS made from the ielost appro•rd Enehoh pattern, fannshral and reetnitmeadrd by Thom,. llotewell, Elsq., and • somber of hf being most convene cot spparaltio for lIIC application of worm or lan wo• ler to me bowels. e•se of cramp. to Cholera As ri) per.. sslaset .u.ldest attacks, no amity should he wnliont at least one, 'WAIF)", h ATNINuON, 4u7 Fin 4.4 hen...en Wood red ' , lintel PITTSOILIELOU iNsTIT Lyric phiti tt.teond nettoon of true Lomita., ruder the I ear. of Alr. and Mr., InnenotrAt for mere,,,cadettt. . 0,1 coinutence rt. the hers it l'obrua pint La thc 4/1111,- litottAng., N0.:4 I.hotty 4ttreet, Artaaturtnettn ha, horn mane by who, they wtil be able ta Ittrltlah young ratites (acetic. ennui to ne) In the Vest for 01.4 mi, a thorough 1.:11g11411. (lawn con and nrnatuental e4lneatunt. A full roar.- of Pa. lisovint .41 end Coetunal Leciurce 10.11 deloermd onryng unto., ilk. ..rated by •pparann. Th, dr punnet. of Voonl and Inyttuntental Mu., Modern Language, tr•wour and Patnung, willear.ll be tinder tbe care am eotupetcni Profernor. By 010.0 attention to Ow moral and tuLellectu, unprovertmil on pu ma, the Principal. hop., to met. • rano/10000n oh the liberal patronage. they hare halt.. conned. Fat firma, aco cacuLur or apply to the rnuerpal• raZoolll Dr. ItteLane in Tentaaasee. 111118 to to eertify that I porch:toed one Vial of Dr. itelanots Worm tipoethc, wane two month. otto and on to e .on of nun. Lome seem] Team Md. two ....p... WI., and although the amount may appou tarp, yin I luv. , no doubt not there wu upward. of WOILIL• pawed Irma 1t0.4 nriey tom au gleaner of no meh m tvn luelteus lona. U W WiLI,LDAY. rtzeuni Cr oat, Cnrrol co Ten , Dee ...e; te.l7. MISCELLANEOUS CAILPETIL OIL CLOTHS' Le RF:CEIVEII THIS DAV, CarpaniK and (rd CLollts of the latest and most approved pattern, rani at pnees to run parehaaera, chep or can I urr chased tn any ant, Eartern CHIC, e compriatng the p (oh loartntr V11111•11CR: Extra Royal Velvet pile Carpete, ALanuarder Carpet.; any str.e hall room* or `Moll Tapest, du nbeles. Sup Royal Bro‘ze!l Tape.ry osrpris; Vitro .up 3 ply do Itromtel• do do Superfine do do Rue., Extra .up Ingrain do Tolled do r•uperfine do do Moue's do do, do Chtmole Do, man, Common do do Tolled do do 44, 3-4 Ar 'Tapestry Ade'Rod do dr, Dantriek do Sheep .tin On Jo 4-4,3-4 b. I twPd 14-4 Eml , sed l'osoo vovr4s t-uut do fi-4 do 'tab* pluin do Jo 64 moat do Cotton logruin do 41 rvor.ted no.l hnon no , o Jo Vertottin do itra.s Slain Sod. rottuet Drugget; 1:1-1 woolen do 134 wooi ,nnab 1.13r3 133121E1 F.00.10.h Toolc 011 cloth.; 100 per 110 , sorloo.l .10 .10 . Ju Crn../. =MEI =CUM M=M=M MMEI 1-1 tin do do Corp< Binding, ni newTratutfi'sulctroloat Shade Topeftty potiorro, cut to fit • • TII tile I\ WWI c we aie onstantly le rmr, nor Stock of Ciro..., Oil flotthsand Steamboat Tr 1/111111,:i. In which we 11141,1h0 attention of all who re nigh their hniiiice or atennehoito. WC Will he eililc to infer gocdi low lie they can lie parelineed the ga•t and of the(WheW and C lute, style. all e hit ex amine out .mullbefore pure eiec iViire houcc, No 75 rouril. narli . 2l W. 51 el.lNTi r iCh _ PAPER HANGINGS. JPIEBEIRS.JAS• BOW AHD & CO., No. Wood Street, w o , , m De t nt .n.che n at nof the poblir In their nety. bes4 , lll , y of firtudi,dsrability and eheopnenv, un- SUTyllave loy any ealahtiahment in oho Beside.' largo and foil u•ortenent or paper of their own rnanafortare. they are now Rei,Ving affect op on.. p una or Preneh and EnKlish.tylevot I . noer s.svhimed by Alr. Levi Howard. one of we finu, 'tow 01 Kopp, conaiming of Parteraa manufacture, IMO/ pleeea. Londaq do .5.000 An Of thettielarn ro.ofoetare they have 100otal omees Wall PllpSt, and 10,10al ',wee. satin Oozed Wine &e. hieing... /nova Howard & Co have spnred ncithrr ogpenor nor labor in their endeacera to rival the ray, acnii pin:Cr r‘tablishrnent, both id quality of man• vfacinre and vanety of pattern: and il,er are ern ed in ayaoring the public dint We, have succeeded The vehnle nvyormel.t. fore., and hot...main, velii he offered on term. e• Inv. a. illove ot cast crit innnufneturert and ,n3portery mrh17:1111 EV: COMITS—AI ZF.1311,0N h; l evireo, dog very high bark She!! Turk C0m1..; Inw n t a plain high " " I/ narrow beaded top " fancy top Buffalo " In v plain v rit Froze coal horn; 110 dot Owll told, asaorte•l u• tre; ;Al grou coma hone Safe, 3 dot shall dre£rold do, 111 dot liolfelo do do; 4 do loaltotitm do do. 50 do hen Knglilh Horn; B duNlt o fne 1107, rstr• 1- 1 do SS do do, in boics; 11 g rub. O hue do t 10; Ido mh Cle•nnerr. . • • 16 arrroutor PALA.. .1011.11 v• ILL.NNA. Ivy 1.1.1•1t7 PALNINR, FIANNA 111, CO.. (8..teee....0rs t H(neey. Canna tr. C.a 77)) I: EXCIILANC.O LIRUNERS, and Ara te, .1 ). ~ ,vetrnontl Comeau< Esehanxe, co !lAA: Notre. and Sper,--Pnurth trert. Lr 3..., the Bank .4 l'lttlbargh Current ehet4tg for au.: eu..ert .. tau. at, tien peutespal pe.u..te TLc h.ghe pr. mlum pall far Foreign and American Go,d. AdvanCos made no conair,lurnents n( Produce. shop taut, 011 littera/ terms tat,: M=letatrEi cro..aeorr evenduow &fotA, Jr,,uas hu. Writtna LEvEit oP WILoUGTIT MIN Till!. TABLICS far .orpassistg every nth., y veanon o. We tend now egtant. They ra/i ra• tended yum ton to twertry•liee feat. and when Hayed the leaves are all roniatned :aside; Wry are made to ell urea and ohapea, and a/ •thallratily adapted for Sommlroot•, Hotels, and 1a.,,r0 pnvole famtlle., fora, mg wheel e , oned a enropleir centre tabk, SOFA, AND ISUREACS—Those orryles nreanval aide. partseularly to Chase who yvish to aeon.. am , oom. and rennet-I octal, apartment pun a 7t " ct r l:e r ol ' i h r,oTrf.nd when al •We ed. A great itarlag la 00•..te •41e ter/ t.ed t strode rebel moved !aria a piety of !a.o nc m.., Ifor . parlor or swing room till/1,1( - A nen. and uw-fts, artirle fur pm or or drawing room IYRI DESKS —For law odor, roil ng Amon.. and other orSee.r. when opened a nap.° ronvenieni tyd •lnad, when closed a irtrfeet {leek and Letrrary gluon viorMA. All torso article. need no rtyr...e.....tron rho beauty of the whole is, thej are warranter) not 1 , 1 P11tt1:174%W 1 .41e S 1 Third street, Pinsbureh In addition to the ab.oce I advaatoger, they yr proof agoltert ha, ' mrair. J AMEN NV NV 0011 , V GOAD'S - - - - • Potent Graelooned Gahomse Begun, and Para In.ruLlned Poleafor .andical and other Titin le the only Instronlout of V. kokti t one ever presentrd Ws country or I:aropc for need rot per-palms. and a the only one ever known to mo, by which We galvseue tend c. conveyed AO the t n o. one:. ton car, the hr., or to any put of the I.rn , etWer ex•ernnfly thttreally, on delicate fen do uhiowothout ...he or pow—with perfect omteti ften the happoest <dee.. ro rtartt apptroote is nor* highly approved el oy moo, the :mixt emote-al paratelaha cl wham tot mai rope. to wham Ihe aelleted mead mutts wham it t0..1 ronteru eau IV referred. liekronea 5.111 10. to Itiany highly reapeciablehluxems. who Imre rra eutod meat. ol Ilats latest •.uaLle apparviur of some of the wart tuecteratt ucevous disorder• oral. coo, remov,l by 0.17 other know!. th* Aelane arhuo other.. II has hron pmved t an he alh. snot Lay tolttotert tor thr cute of the (alit thae•v, ,1: nem,. hea.dheue stud other theca.. of the town watt It ttittotratue • trot ttott Ott uterratnt can cwt.-) itatit.rt.c God with ea. and aaiek) to the • r, to restore rtGht.• to curt ma outzter, a ur at , . re•tue beurtng; to ate tongue sad 011ir :gen:m : l4 i. epeerh, sad to the 111,10.1 par. of the t•i,y. 113 , the eurt. Cl ehrosue theornatoun, 2:Lattlate, neutthets, or Ike tittl.oureux, para., eta, of tot:ey, gout, Vllta •:I ruteo, rm.:trey, oeolous from epta.l . .0111 t fl.settor. pecattar lemalea, cooliactiot..l tt .tee.. loefj•w.ete em 14.1plitt •unrottsoctlns countle• of we , erg , tort onvOcotts, with the tostnatteatt., may he purchase., auo alao to•vO for the curt of Jtscascs Full uatruetton• 111 be given for the va nous chem. in wlre tr , ,rl for vim.., autl the bast maw net tor opera", for 11, eure of those rltocacco will al .oho fully n.sp,uurd to go, porch:ace, sod • puterrittel put into luo sand. elprotaly tor these porpooco. rare y prepurcu try nand' pater., Lottutre of tuLl3-il I y S WILLIAMS, Vine , .tiliGOittliedrk...lJ 1•/ft'. am ot public a retcpcertut.) ca.led the tollovrtnq rern.ficate: Ma r 4 F.sctso—lln , rtcc testeda quanuty of Gold weighed toy your Arcola-tot, I find the remit proves your tn.:route:, rorrcr:, sod recommend v.c use of tt Le those Kotos Ca.tforols, th e host mottod .or et,. tabotig trio real vuloc of Cold. Reap. your., J. 11 1/UN LEVI', Gold Beau, l'lttaturgh, Starch 9, 1-19. Prrntswaoe. March', le-W. MA. Lamm- Dour Ft: Ilavoig camained lie meter," manutactured at lour room, I do not Unitalc to commend it to the u t these gbelloinco who are Monet removing toCMtmritia in vouch of to,:d. It gives u dupe apprommatms: to He apebthe amyl ty ot metals. end will certamly ratable the adeentarat to ascertain when it. placer I. ytoldtog Hold marllt Yours. rrsh . v. 1 It. IWOLINTOCK INDIA lb churillNC.—Just rcrotrod the Cuitiorma i•aprallll/1, xerFell”,,,, ul Guru 1 , ./estso Clothing, at prices ranging ham d'ra'm 'aitt tor mot of coat. pool. and hat For vale at the India Hebb, Item, No a \ boot! rt. der,. II Fllll.l.lPli FLTeF Inr• more et tuo.c. noirlY oelobratod uartl mom:only by Thano•rg e4A r growl performers, together with • largo ammo., ot ronewood and mahogatty, of my own migmatite,. • The atom,' instrunlents •rn warrantml ta imrte. In every respect, mid will be mod hoe. Mr mod, t 2 Wood .1, HI doer from hth tlAsarg Potle Powder. In keg, Lull geg,liulutex• andan., for ',le by S Dit.wmrrit h CA, 27oritod it DRY GOODS SH D ACK G L o E o TT 4 WHITE, ry d• Jobber., Na up saftl . ler—lVentld call 00 attention of Merchants m Nett lame xtoek 01 Doom.. owl Foreten DUN 00(11kr,la., mve ,,, eg from the b". porters and Nlanufattarera, and which they wed sell at very low rates for e.h or approved credit. - . Uur gook la now full and complete, and well worth lor uttenuon of buyers, as wc am determined to anti ..uch extremely low price, as cannot lan to make It Tml . anlancmea k r mernimata . male a lull grub 4,2 PA DM, 0I OVgl.,t, .I.r do: ttpasles and Sho.. 0 vrt, 40 do ?ilorture Forks, YU do Gram Shosein.Lo do Soc.., do, Axe., lb...arta, Mattocks and P,eki , for .nle at roanumeturers Ly I,ovim "0.4, cilcilltA N. 00 1.1 11E310 VAL. qnw. subsenber has removed los Witolesa/o Groee ry Store to the earner of Haocockstreot tual ,- ,uclay Wharf, noir doo. to the Perry Hoorn. meta7:dtf JOHN F PERRY _ WILLIAM - mews, Manufacturer of Mineral Water Apparatui, mete 07 11. CO.. F007117/0. No. 213 North Second 11., above Vlne, Pill LA DF.L.PIII A. A N experience of more than twelve year• in thy /I. manufacturing of Mineral %Voter Apparels., and the preparanon of Mineral Water in Dottie.: and roan lain, on an emotive seal...with a emennLe sad pose. neat knowledge of of both branritea of hogireee, toge ther with recent inrnrovemenia in the construction at the Apparel.. and Me prep of the Water, wrneh be In. ceded to adepunc onion Ina 0150 to Pint, and miter year. of Ho, .I,ely and plachbal Rorke.. hone appbed to the arti Mechanica and Chemir try. onside* the ouhaenher to come before the pabh, oral, enure confidence. and °der them the beet and meet complete Apy77ooD, lac lac munufneturo of Mind ral Water 111 IPetlee and lountuddie, that eau he tar. tithed lu the United Slate, Ile also natters molten that the enlarged success he has met with. a.. 1 be pre., ot extensive and' daily to reasitig sanos..i m. bassos." both the above de. i, , ,rtineuns..t:tin•nc• UM must convmetthg pr.., of Itio se, "ortty ai Apperatua over llama 0(511 ollmrs. and or runty and salubrity of the %Vats, prepared therm rota Persons who o.drr sun Apparatus from a distance may im assured drat their instructions shall Ise faithful- Iv common! waft. sod so pocked a, to carry safely either by and or won. r to env inset of the It. Slates. To scoot titesoP.tmlnellt. 1 , •• recommended to those who ~,,,a sd le ves flee approaching sea. um. to us, Inca ostrs a: us early • dor icon. venie. • Motesal IVater Apparatus, us . ..razors-, hoops nal rostatanta. ornament.' Un,. and Pedestals rot Stands, craniara sod liars of Hotel.. (or drawls]. H ydrant Wades. tug ether wills Corkinc and Tythir Siisinen and every Hung appananttog to the shove bonne. .. ronstantly on hand, and for sale on he lowest tering ion cash, aft2scdcodOsn DRY GOODS, &G T REDUCF.D M..t1 ,1 4 :V haml e has. white and colored qua., sihieh he er,.l elow, oat al low pc ieea. VEA, C,, ,'-Iv. IL Mr aria will welt the follow- in? Summer flood.. at reduced price, VIE La Wnti Gingham., Buragaa, Tnsuea, Grena -111,,0. IlAlzaroma, Abawly., &aria, Ito act Ilehuir•. Mn.e' and Boys' Summar Wear. Yer.on• vrn 1111, n hovv, o r an other deretio -114111 o• Dry ; a ood, m,il do wcii ce y ll Si ourdwast e_orsr d J.I. .nd ' MTV , FOR °Rt.:SSE:I—W. R bh ,, Phr has n law 11,40,111,111 of above Good( tidy reet,rd, .art. an play. whirr Moll( from 12ao par yd op In eery otle, plait. : I T. do; tarred 50.. , ort.- .fo.dered do,•harredl.....netn; to ft finished do; tin, reoro..l n0inn0.....‘ of White , Good. ow., rd.ain f.ear..l I•ace.. FAX inpf, Re —at northea.r r,rr and 1e1.4e1 asg. Wholo.ale .Moir.. 1.14 _ I —A. A. k, to id, .1!.. ui their muck Itavin be, m "4 , 1 &v. t•• adere..l nt the ;real;,. hirgo n• er • pond upon .r..nrint: goals nt ,(VA Ell I:A ever Iwtore D111 . :441 , 3.S C HPFZTS- ) Cu mete over od , red in Min nue, Mr .gt, at dm Neve Cornet , Varrhouot rf W. 11,711.0.1.. 73 Fourth nt. rumor the Iwo, nod 'wheel ot)Jet. at priren lannor than Pyre run red In the Pla na I. nII who wont tlrn••ele Carpel, should end Itrfurr parcha•lng . ehervh," I. W 7,,INTOCK 4 RTIVICIAL FLOW Flowers, l'lnin ti..ur •potted do. 'lry tn.o. pApor 0r rolortng . , Saueor. .rll 0,..- ry torm, tins. end callow., ens obwinc4 at I' 8 EATON a. Co.' 'l . lt.nmain g .pt , l Frntrth et NIDIII./IDFNlV—Wonsted patlel,l4 sor ottoms E , Pi , rmn..§lpula, Table Covers, Travoling_BnA-4, an gro.. treldrye - di small patterns. Also, Worsteds of e lle color. and shade, ht the pottnd, ounre., or skein for ewe oy apl4 I II F:AI ON G en, tit! Founts st O..E.CY/ND SUPPLY—W It Altsrphy. at northeast eor• 0 nra of ath and Alarliet tamers. OpCII 1115 gams° supply of soma; and Summer Gonda, and has a large aw.aron,st /d' Dross Goods of newest style-. and .flarde (:notir of every kind, all of whets will he sold law are.r/' NEW GOOD*, 1849 F:NNEDY It SAWYER, turner Woo.: and Fourth •treet, are now reevtving direct from Lrot hand, et large •tovk of Pulley awl V•riety Goo., inonding Clock., cold aid 'liver Watches., Jewelry, French le,nle Conlin, 800,. and Eyes, taoves and Ilovwry, Suppertgerro, (ion Cap, nod all other ertigle• in their line—all of which havteg porchnved pvrvotntllv of the Tonngthrturvn rant, de m, the Invi whner, egovevt:y tor the Sprier trade, will hr I.lld ...., le at arrunil e.tvanen east. l'on•ttn•ly on ba .vv nd, all ..I , ..ertottch • of I.n our own inthothrtu•otc. al canteen orme • might JEW I • ANCV A N I, VAKIETV (.01.111,--At 1.:1.. , .01 t; Market sure. Ito pr• La Churn Vas., ac.'d, 175 s twist mot rut ed.., colt Hutton, 40 fine velvet Carrel I , n, 20 do do rent'. travel: 11z 11.10 coney Dutton.. rot Jr..., 10 d". Nod Ilrowhes. eus',l; Km Lott I,tg Veit a•: d. 250 do do ,g,lt and ',lewd, do, TS dor roxwood Hour Bro.hes, do W•ststn.Von do. Ido Kerr do, 3 gra Fixll 1100 l Lime /wt. Ae JEWELRY. he—, go:4 lever Weletec r. do de ar nod lever Watches. 10 do Legnee do, JO fing Co. mond Fonser R. to,l do: fine. geld Vea nod Fob do tiuxrus; Ure,t Pn.h, Meg, Ear Meg, r • 41411/i , , , . Ana 1.0.10ra Cotton filovra 24.%1: 3 ,, 1 43 Ao lasir Tbre.l, farr lop. hr ; 11l ,In Jo du k,d da, ,o .1,, le „rt• k.J, tu.4, IV do do fancy top .4k VA 121131 . pkg. Antertean P 16” Canlnit Conti, p. Var . ' Muklm. :00,11 , 10 gro kl:h.,,,,bhne do; mod. Hack Comb., he he . . II KA run are noon g mmr sprmg r . mar k rom.i.i , m In putt of AL.-- 1111 a and Wm.. Murk umt vol,l Lam,. I.laet noun,. Lace, Duman, Bonnet Trlumning•. gent, Imam. and cloldrrna pin. [lnd lan ry Ilomery, Shen., Inr ho , a. Comb.. 1 . my and other FA..., Yam, lsommt, Nemloo, Tape, 11.1.- 51, Pm, 1 wlitEM Icy nJrr k.r ,syM wholevtale and rem... al Store.. betweer ”ml Markel. VREBII t“IODS Shatklett 4 White, _ . TN RV G , 10D9 Jta:ntins, U 9 Wood Mreck ask the 1.1 kuMMOII MMerrLoom to Mr, stock of AMERI CAN ANT) FORFiGN DRY COMIko, dlr., from kr, hand, Rreeivtug regular •upphm DC Ent goals durinu. the ...sou. and dog a huge share nf tt,etr we.. buyers Ewer,. Auet,ort sales, they . eatt u.sure buyers they find it Kt Weir ilk/trust to examine the,. rior.t loa receierd, in vole,• of neve xryle Ore. Claths, Summer Lnar. White unn4l, Insh Ttannull. 6...1 brown and Llencl4.lSdceungt of v- Solace to Dag type • ,J DER'S: CiI'ICKWORKING arta conoruction rumentt peat... 3 ort.nt a.ltantoart tol mat,. ever mad, ouverona a O. 1 V oaao. the tou r, e r tmLit 7 e ti oats enrage 4 nr Intending to en;agc t e lit tho hott.o-nt. rtace for ton rabe 111 , 1 A general ntanrtment VotaTtaender'• toally re ybrgto 4 Inatrontent,n.tll rit...114 Dn avero. re type 1,,0r0t0, at r Mcgrate Well 24 rates. Ntlt. r , rrEn • QUI' Po. thorwe4l octal (or tee .alt of the ehnvelnagnm•ota A I-latot Pro•es con he obtained hy addressing peat. prod, W k F I.A.Nt.t:NIII".III. rbstrulrtpll.. ilfic.ter. of Daguerrentypr Matrrialn. mod lOr the L.! Voigt I Itm,nl 133=2111 0 , •100 'lo4' ien,ooi al 0 'am Litt, •••., .row .S.mthamth E.t.a •mie '11,0401 •th 04•: raanra. r•- so`amto • rerooooo mr thm matron,' mmMaMorm• and Ith , onae 11,1 patruomme. or as 111211, men. onc• ma uth thm Na. •Itham. "Ha, 11. 1 , , 1,1107 .t/1.1 felltrAl 111 the mot. fmahk.nalth. manner. 0.1 ith .I..pat Aktl. n fmatoonnble nathruutut of thady madm rim Wog, 1 .1 al, km, IMoam for taah. of rourac. l.ettteran.aa' FarinCana lion,. all t way. nd, a Sun.. am,•n,n ea 11,1f,,lnyk A. Se ur ,-, Inah ry r , Ilt. elle! rock. torn a r ia NIV I it c" . A MLR, II Tterrs AND Will P.1..1 AN s - 1 'PAC ante,ersher ;Aker thin sonlhod ottntornetne Ins trieinla 1;o1 the pistols In general that he hes . she lurgtoo ..‘ the toi.owsne Isuce ort.- eis• ; to.olneutnolo te in this c;iy—Sndtlles. thr oes), Tru..l.• .11,1 NVlpips, of which 0r will senerant to Le ltd. ;Olio. maloTinl arta hy Iln• ;neeh. anic) Allsebent Onnote. LW, del& nn; nod to sell ht.tnuitulnt •omeihn, lower than I,es bseta hors 'afore sold Lure. sny cseal;ltshmseml .1; the ; Lt.Tvolll.l u e pen orth vi ol vintve 32:.en,d arti,leo to FLA wt. mhou•e, No 111 Linen' ' , strres. nein, SOY $sse;;;1; Als.n. I„ t. mods order for mach.... or2lo-1 KERLIN% • POLL UELEIGNVI/OOD , 11,1,1 Witt A Ai IS4 nl 1..1.0rty rot. to the rr. al o rioIL. A Al,mod rot Net b<ACIMAIIIK of C. Arll hour tr. AI V ~, may toly on findtag tho loret et 111 hour. Sho toorc• at. Garden. the Imo up too. nt la o o'ork. Thr eea..on (Art...riven...lg. hod Mo.< vrodon, to vlsnthiodettrittful rotreat, now Is the tone to rpro.l Cow hour, to. in the sono4o 11.4 dna ot Inc lily. hat to apurr ronoophore, verrunird ..INtregranor of fiower, All /ml, of refre.h moot,. except intoalcannz dnntg, c I -pt Do the premowN Greenhooae Plan, a nd n aariudo, &on,' dower. Inn gal, Clog,' Do Sun day JAM KS 31' K.A IN (;/..C7hanac of ianding made no account of low wa. cr. H.E.nultat. GIGO B.IIEILTEISWERGE.O. S. it. Al,}tNT, Forwarding and Comm:soon Mer chant, ban removed In Na at Front, ion dICYD th ond and ON:II-obeli, .tmot.. 8 v Mr R. H. n igh :—}'our Venotfuge h. sold well, anal hat been h y trioken of by all who Lava used a. From the success attending the adminutration of your Vernuluan lit every ease I hove heard of, I am confident 1 can sell more during the coining season than 1 did last. I will he glad so receive another 'ap ply oft or 5 gross. Yours, respectfully, [Etract front letter 11. CARTEL Prepared and Fold by R. SF:LLEAS, .7; Weed at, and sold druggaan gearntliy, hi rah and AI legbny ELI/lAN CEKTIFICATE TO DA JAYNE.— Ma cero6oo, Mat ,mmedrately of,, bovine anemic,' my nrother, who ‘1,0 , 1 of consumpr-on to Marc!, te , 4l 1 a. taken .0: 'run Mc Consumption or Liver Com plaint. and ay. , reduced fa low Ovith the charnel., lbsitor foot yen, was unable to artknd to lay Inaaneas, 9ther al home or abroad, being for the coma lade cordate/I la my bed. Daring the above peri od of time, I had eapended for medical attendance o regular Phyrovians and medicine, to the moan% of &VW, without rerrising any benefit therifrorn. In July, 144.1, 1 eominciired asking. Dr. Jayne's Medi cines, and base taken them more or less ever enter, 01.1 111111 11 . 500 z by persevering it their etie, that 1 eau now hely eerieat I have comp/ea:I) Otto, , re d he Ibe Mot Jaytte's 5a..., Pas and Expectorant arc the best family sned:cines Slaw In ant. I reel& SprlttgLeld, Otango manly, N ad carr y ni t a taro., as./ machior ehop to mut plane, and ant not :nterected in any manner in the above and make Ibis cerulteate tor Me tee chi 01 iho.o Whirled. 1.1,1J.0.1 1 EATON. Spriligheld, N. V., Sept. 16 1,4, lag IMPORTANT TO TUE APPLIOTI4D. Dr. Itost's Celebrated Itemedlee. D a p L A ,. o CU u I ; t'ltLeßee"Srua% .nt.'wpt'llcranTrje'nnellt7 ut ma r alto the attgallar Lb. celObtalad MUM. mall& for inflahog the Lungs, in el:reeling a cure of Chronic diumies, sena a student of that mashie tit physi cian; Doctor Physic, and is gnadustie of the Delvers, t y of 1'CIIII•riV41111. land far thirty ye...ince has hem" engaged to the i11VC.111,411011 o 1 th.ensL, ilnd the apple. cation 01 retard.., Through the Lat of him tullating mho, in rAmnection and, his Prophy lactic Syrup and other et Ins reviedire, he has gained no imparelell•al onnnenac tuna; dreadtta nod fatal inalothen, Te ‘ berrolar Con eumphon. Serui4la, Ithrunarnism, -Litany; Fere. and Agee, Poor fa of aL kinds, Chrome Erysipe las, owl all those obsttnale dsse.os peculiar to fomdry holeed every larin.eiC disease Vanishrn under the use of Ine recatilteri,M search humanity Is heir—not hy. the wof one compound only, fur Oat IncoMpalible ih Ph) atalogical Lew, (int by the use of Ida UM.- dies, adapted to and rte.:rased for each ptelatall forte of disease. Dr. Hoses Tome Alterative Pills, when need are ia. eattally acknowledged to be superior to all Mher, a purgative or liver pill, ...mar! lacyleave the bowels perfectly tree from cosuvetter, peal s . hi e Golden POI. is admitted by the fi.alty to po..sets pet It. properties adapted to female diseases, but being samilled that a bare trial is auffictent to ratahltatt nom arta been said it the minds of Me mi.> skeptical. The afflicted are leaned to call upon rho soveot, aml proeur,gratoil oat of Ma Ilortur • pamphlet., giving a accous4 'equally 1114 /15 pphcation. Von son, by the fail - owe, Owing w . f., A.,114, by of Druggist. throughout die cout.:ry: J boo, maser Ater, 01 Wood Pinsnorg6; J 111 T0....nd, dri,{lot, 15 .010,101 .51 hes A Liceltham. - near the it Jo. Hartley, Darllarion. rtt tataty, P. JllO Elliott,, Conon Valle, T Adams, Hearer, novlo-dly VOL. XYII. NO. 15. hiE I~AL. ID? leammilor - 7ki li my " X r iiiiiii 4-- "1 ;Vpintsol o . ' Rut min"' PI • 7= ILL. OF ICE 14111411ACTORE- DR. TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA {Venter sod Blooning of tho Ago. . . . . . . IifIFAT SPRING AND . 13113131 MR. Extract t. pot up in QO,lll Bottles: It la sixth:los ...brayer yievamer, old irstrusted superior to *ay obl. It cures ebarasa natant vomit*, purgiut en", drinlitattuptha Patient. ;peel beauty mid ruperturtty of this Snreapartlf• r all nth. Medicines ie, while it rembeatas ilium!, It int i..retet the body 'h is oan'orths eery best SPRING AND SUMMER MEDICINES 1at.0., . It net only purities lbw whole syslMll-eld .trtur.phon• the per•uu., but it cringe; wee, pure end tiblb 0..1. • peer at atter Medicine. Lod in resod secret of Its enniderfal rveceaa it ,rformed akin the Wt tiiiryortre, more time Quo Inuuirrui tbousiked cures of ss e er! asset of dhease; 1.,:i.K1.000 yen, een•bilteed loenribh it has tb• or inerethen . I.l,ootehildren the three pest seasons. 100,000 Alpo* if Getteeill whims of Nervous Kairay. ih Toe's:metro HassUparille inviter.. the *bolo pethatuthtlf.2.'ito thanytin Iwo loot their now rotor esergy, by the erects of otetlicien. or lediscrettoti ortbe eseerslntlad.lo.o , or the . itoy phyttgLattpulon orthe emcees syebstei: tletramh of eDtthtseen. satiorub preittelnyo deny eatrdeenon, lil y laten, that fatakdiaessa Otlesumptim combo mutely mooted by this plea... remedy. Tbl Soneeporillo is far sup. 1 . 101 . to say INVIGORATING CORDIAL. A• it renews end soeigaratat the system, g iv vctivity to tl,r 1.h.. end etreopit to the muscular era.. to • 111.1 e.traortfam7 Je„Tree. Consumption Cum& flr•ote &ad 81,restirthen Copuorplion catr-he con. /frau-Mi., Couranapti, Liver Complamt, Cetorrit, Cavis. /Mu,Spittiv of ElLea4 Slovenes. N.Hr.. Flesh. Rigid Senate Affieelt er Profut Ervreteratio., Pei. u the Sae, booth boo. .el I. coxed. Bleeds Qa TOtritnnnt—l verily believe your Barmpardla hay been the memo, through Providence, of saving my hfe. I have for several cave Lad bad Cough. It bss worse aml wars. At Wt I raged large quantitlea of blood. bad melt sweam and tam pearly d.biti4Lod azd ',dosed. and did not expect to live. I have cult used your Sarsaparilla • short time, and there 1t... • wonderhd en,. bee. wroueht In me lam mow able to walk all os.v sto mty. I mss oo Wood s and my awn kaa kamta °au° well imamno that I am thankful for doom results. Your obedient servast. Wit RIISSEL. tb CatherbmaL I===! o, only ono, of more than row thoonand um of R boo moose. that Dr Togo.. T•Elartaparilla Ito coral. Tbo moot wren and chronic eases au , oukly ormilentod 6y I t, ouroordtury lames Cummings F-acy, one of the asslstannie We Lm nue Asylum, illackwell's laland, le it. gvllemm IVO k.o atm the followinu kiln: Bl k /slam!, Sept. IL IBH.. Dr. Toarneml—Den : I hare suifered terribly for mar rears otth the Rheumatism; conaiderable of the nom f could - not e2l..lrep or wall I had the tnmoasdLs hnnrioe pain. and toy limbs were terribly prollen. I en card four banks of your Banaparilla and they hen doneme more than ouo thousand dolLars worth of fog,. .I Aro much hetter—indoed, I am nanny re. bond. Yo M u met hbeny to me this for tie ban& of the adismed. Youn, respectfully lIMES Townoci.l. oat having toned Ir. Banitiparilla in aft., of never recooastioniiini i 4 nail was urprit,gl oe the following from ow intelllgent.l espectildre F a rnne in Woitchimixr County; rardtkma, ..level 13, 1647. Dr. Totntsead—Dear Sir: I have s bttle gut wren yeat• of age. who has Way saTersl years altered with ots .e used olutoat everything for her. but without sae.... at last. although w. could dud oo reeorruttetultb won 0 tour circulars kw eases like hers. we thought. ai •n. a. very debts. Inselth. we would give her woe at tour 6... pantie and are very (Lad we dot. for it cot reatoted her strength. but she has had nolisturn of ttos F. to our great pleunte eud surprise. She is fast becoifong rugged and healthy. for which we feel grotribL Yours, respeetlblly. JOHN autcza, Jr. Females lileullastews Dr. Townsend's hisruparills la earanten eud speedy • • for Incipient Cousomptbus; Barkeuneass Prulolnsue Cwt. or Fall, f the Womb. Costiveness. Ptlea, Leocorrhees, or White, obstructed our difelcuh also, Indootionoc, of 1/rink or inroluutary discharge thereof, and ker 0. general proetrettou of. .be rya tent—au matter whether the 341111il oguthereot out. or fuudwurd by umeolarity, Moe. or accident).. u uut, eau be more surpruing thee im Invigorating •G cto ov the human frame. Personae!! weakness and lam oiude, Mum mein.; it.. over become robe. aced fall of rarsz tm.irr pa tudisawce. It inutiedi..• eatititeraets• thy s ~ trews.: frau., winch jtv,i, It oot espatted io •.,r to drliewe a P.M, to exhllet CollifietaCt of corm 1.4.6 w -tried. hut we cam esaure the afflicted. that Itomtrada otessolnaseliwww.seps..l *mote Thosakotlfs of cams whore. litemiham have been wuhout after ste, a foss bottles of this Invaluable Illedieirie, hese bete hlemed with der, healthy orspria;. Great filienutling es natincra and Child, no the satst ancrnirrst effectual medal., for paritbum the stria. and relieving the talfermics artnildryt upon mold lortit ever discovered. h Mr.gthrim both the mo ther and rim child, mamma. pun and thew, income. sad usuilms the 11.1; those who here used think r 1 is indispensable. It is highly Lawful both before and sr.. rontinentonu prevents &seam. attendant olio* h. 1.1 lirM—se Costiveness. Pd. Cramp; Swelling of treauoudertri. Vomsong.. ram M hn and Lions, False Asia; herimrehime, and ting din seerroo.oll.ill/114 the circulatiorb ti Las uo Ti,, great Leanly of this usedivim is, it is a 1.1%, .1%, rale and die most delicate es. it omit succe.. tato. se, few cares require an ether dne, in some iltlie C.tnr nr y Ono-Mb me ilotertise the °po Ir. sod light food arab this medici., ow %vs roe.. • safe and easy confinement Ittrauty and Ilealth. . •• . c0.,0t h. a I•balk, a n d a variety of preparatthas gens• rail. to ttic. when applied th th e facet, very woo spoil It , t( am beau a. The lick., the poresofthe akin, end check cuculatton, which, 1. heti natwre not thatutad by dt.ea.c powder a or th e skin tuflamed by the alkali*. awid ,n snaps. heauhrua it. erwa production la the °bib °tali fare Dotee." tot well as 311 OD harden of rich sad actuality hetea varignhal (lower. A frac, active owl healthy eircolanoa of the Acid, or tha caught, of lb. pug rub blood. to the caucusing. a that winch pats*. p. countenance in the Malt exquisite beauty. It L. that wlll[ll imparts the ;be naiades and Ilarabbis of it°. lug. ;bat all admire, but none Mil describe Th u .uty t. the °Reprint( of nators—sot of poledre to *gip. 11 mere a not • frig and healthy euralahen, there ut tea beauty. If be lady is fur as drireu ring, if she palms, at, contutwa and the blood Isithick, cold and inc. par., Ow is not healthful. If she to brown or yellow, and tturc la tour,. atill actin. blood:ltrii , •• • nth bloom to Lae cheeks, wall a brilluney to their rye. that is law galena Witt why such outhern, arid especially the Spwiirti ladles are madmired. Ladin in the nurik. who 1.14, hat hole exercise. or .manned ia ream. , .polled their complexion by the applica of J.., wee,. anaeures, they wok le regain <intl.tion] of luouoint spirit, sparkling ayea and beautiful cone pl. slow they rhould use Dr. Tolessaud's Banaparilla. l'oroainla who have tried It, are more than ebthded, are delighted. Ladies of enry station crowd our office . • . • • • • • - . Thorn that 1111.4tfl Dr. Twat:need's lisnaparills. b.. q*.'.nahly called th e...tuff • veer Remedy far Fe• 114111.1. 4e.. sod have eopled oar bills aud circulars, which relate. to the cotopLator. of amts., word for word—other •os,, eh. pot op tordsetse, hare, since the great sexes. .1 Totso.code Satreapartlls complete's itteldeut feot,Jra, resume:tended them. allboexhpreateettly they dtd of these Mixtures, Pills, ac., are fhpart ••,,. to female, AB they saturate dlsesse,..aud underlain. [o.lllllll.lora. SCOM:na CURED. T. certificate coneinairely prove., that ttibt earrspa• .1. hes p.rfirt control over the most obstinate diseases ~r th• Three persona used h:t one bow I. Dr. Towated--Deer Sir I have ilia plumate to b.rta: mot that three of my children have hate cured cd . he Scrofula by the use of your excellent ;mach.. They were alfllmeal very severely with had Sorel; have taken only four bottles it took them away. fur width I feel myself under great obligation. Very respectfully. ISAAC W. CLAIN, lON Wooster... Den , t let them Dle. Several thousand child...dialln dtia city leart .ruost, •he costal here hero mired by 4021 f Dr. Townsend . .. Ser. uparillk - and there are thee:muds of tbildreo who and Dow autferthr from Led sores end homore—others are pray and •ethly—whu, only. wined, will make effkiel loot, and ;emu, thay do not die, which la tiliehly probable le Ilr Townsend . • Samaparilln will rectify dila t ts poolliarly adapted to children of Wender co.:ratio, ir bolo. an.l wm diluted with Are., it t• a delightful Lever., children love it dearly. It will prevent and rare the Otarrhok, liysentery and Cholera Ilorhut. eto them is no father or mother who is . wa pen.. cools or inhuman uto deprive their Children for • dollar, ;I" no. Inviduabie remedy, which will certainly room . 141.1 to limlth. OFITTIONS OT RTY'ZICIAZIS. _ . D. Tootoaad w almost daily rev:atrial oddity tons Ptoctortans to dttresout pettier the Union on" u to Candy that are, the otaderv4ted,Plysielato of the city of Albany, have HI ouaterotts caves ptesetihvat Dr Toot .end'* Sae...paring and behave it to b. ape of the rtoot valuable prepvalloes to the market P PULING. SI D. J. WILSON, 11. D. R. R. RELIGISS.,D, &Mann &Pelt 1.1647. P. E. ELNIENIX)III , , 6. to Nair. afßerafro.l.—Allet the Ono of September. Isle, De S. P. Toon.otors Now York Office 41 h. no mu South Baptist Chursh, No. 82 N.. 0 mono, whin% Ir no. too/no-eon a thorough rhea, sad .111 to &Out fir the b. oar announaodation of the posorsetnrs and tb.p..hbe Tots parntalar Se...perdu is the eon.- We nee nrutinat Dr. Tonnueni's Barotquoilb.. oat.. r; edhyS P. Too wont • Auserro.--Reddose a Ca, No. 8 State s treet, ~.1 she Kohler. No led Cod,. street, Do.too • :bonne; Ksd,lnt, Jr_ Ileary;Prote, Salem; Juno , 11 I,eno Woe. ; &Soon & Gaols Content I..Unich & Pop nteonn and by Deur,. and Merck... evoarally .ho ,shot Ole United aides West tad.,. sod dm 04. For sale by R. Id SELLERS, Pole Agent for dab bortiii U. AI. CURRY, Allegheny; N. PAT,TERSON, Btrunuouto nepleolvt Columbiana eisi, r oa.Apt. V, 1041. TIE P. /Alai - kis. bus rirai—.lle.erfbougd to pp. LI and thu e t 11,14 puhlte, b Itotagrrp;lelrof Mixon pommy,- awl ring publicity to the en:rapt/wiry erlitto fry oar SUF.-roma. amyself. Ilaidrig been ailliete or several yearn soith seoere eougn. herd: reser and IS concomitant d01e..., sad seemed only dornned to !Inver oat • news butmiserable is enterioe, until the fall et 1219, when, being lucre severely adatked, and 'haring rerarted In all myfermersentedies, and depre sent-mon. of two of the Inset renpectable physieinun in the orignbortood outhoto deng any . benefit, or the en of surviving hut leo any. or wean at raithesi—when the laet 01eam of hog. too , 'stn., to ranteh, I had recommended to nee 7 . 4 ., Eepeetnenro,-... and bloused by dint Pciolj 'midi 'does all Wags in the 60 of dm rorone--ead contrary to the orpecindorto my pays:cusp. and Mena, I W. in • four day. raised (nun tity be,i, nod sena enabled by the era of bottle, to ttend to or, bounce. ; cruosing sate beder heahh than I had lor tett years Jae. N. EMU. Fe , Faka t Fluatirgh, at the Pekin Tea stot,,n Feerth meet • atarS, ("AROUND NlYrii-- . .Xt . toiT.a. kA . 40611 WICK& •- • •i•-•: ' -'•