The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, August 23, 1849, Image 4
IBMILTAtim MAIM - ,'_'III Y C•40,1110/lst .1 I • -ur P E fm,,Ckci 13F.A.VER, tdirt. Heart" reguLerly un Stukdae.Madnetslay ahn Friday evatangs or Yaintakmu nes . % ramming sue Wefoe k—nitliiraunZlAeavelileoungs• tolna Tueuhsy, Thursday audit... 044 T 44.. 0 14 irs U 4 I , ix 7.4 BC-Ever , for, to• morGlag A I.LkililflNV CIAN'EII, a nvkol Ill.tibangh at Ito'clock. Th pacSrl HARK/LW/at, CaX Doweling, aißl lass, Pearce Tunably. Thuitday trp eraturday eve. I /IQ, nt 6 V to rung, lent Nelerr.striei.klutiday, WindflOAAV Wu l rrolay even g• ate. P Al nutoe9o - wah tare thunrior load krrlllishurgte, Thema pa.- sH. an-Land rut la ectlgiplete older. ber ing Ems 3,CaNg1a1e... 1 . 0 1 1 % 1,11•SCOgC11, arid thrums anat (It bat r.rusetuality antLefreauWdespateh . roan kat 1,11/31, lieert °Owned an ItuNkr nutria. h. H. VITO! A rpii Proprietor` Lidlre,ll, Ilott•ler3b. ' IL thtes. A. D. Jr.ebt.; VourSgarotut?. It W. Car tfiny.hurai.'lieve.Caralrs The •Itranr. stew:nix; ALLI-.Clit Ert CLIP-P~:R, mill deals LHass ., .dailT itS' 4 A ht, ancOntishviglt at 3 P. NI ro,narlibon avl!ti the abase dime iril3 s Ea l 1. 0 . wag . ....,....i =Am. ilidP4s.nfros .. diva P.k.4-sw t.,Lowt:' , . ~ .•. -*cr. . (NR ted dm shays rae thileamtbeaverfeverrday N. / (hdridays erizepsd) rid, arrlit*lnext Morning xi Warren, whoa itiay can aril [with ihd MailsEitageStor AY ion and Ciavitliant, a rolirig at earrla of Maya OW c taiore nighi. Unearth picked. ifih, Watren illidr iii 5 1%51.; and or nee hi. thiaverl'O time to mridithils morning nowt fur Sisatiatr.liii ii.`; t C E S LEFFINGI , WLL. ths, Warr., 1 ~,,, 5114 IA SLUR JUIN A CAOIIEY, *Fent, apl3 Mart Wairritrid Smithfield 7 aix ---",--- W 4 ( ) • i • W 4 ( ) I.' atilli n Ot7 , , ~ iI.II UNION LINE ON TON PENN'A AND 4D.10 GANA.R.S. Caser7o.l/ fr. ClLLYkatidX,ClsUb.d,4. t p,,,01,,, 7 . , Puma, t.., ,, ,•:Beenwr, P.( i '7 g FIRM 1.11. WIII be prepa,ii. on Bib opening of earl- - J. gall., to transport fret adll Passengers from 1•ITT.VIIIIIIGil awl CLliir Atllik• to ailY Doha cm we Canal and Lakes. Ile „ z : . ., ; . The facilates of the Linikil , Ce asswislia...lO. .tti" ib ' Quality and capacity of WAS. atm/calif captains sad eineteney of Age:dui:l Otte Dotal Phut, iiiitand' eland dattnren rang in connection with I WatrarP-ts LAKE ERIE IgD AIRBUS:AN; Between Pittsburgh end Billow, iiird mimeo' . fir - stab.. Steamers, Propellers ...dr la..Jr dm Liken . li Arlerrra— G Parka, Bekker, ~t k r• Jesse Baldwin; You Stow, Ohm. NB Taylor ; Wore - l Cirrus Prenturi; Ilawilajta, 3. Wheeler A Olii.Akro . '( I' . Crawford se Chlwabellp, Clev*lsuiel, 0 Bears (cOnllt Bu R3l N. Ir3i JO IN A... , "' IJOHEV, Agent, °Nee, ear Water and. hail& sts, l'illsburgb. gr.eb2l,ly 1;! lial 7 • . DlZAlgratl i ACifrIrbTISCI 5.. m,,, mu:RIGA:NV°. - .4qD , 0 , -: 0 .r..: ' ' ' LAKE Lt i .„ rielden. '• ' F RE above regular rout Well wn Heaver Pack. .I. cm, have commencer( kaki, i their 4.eily trips to and from Beaver, and will conillthe to Ort between Pittsburgh mil Dewier regirlarllyering the season, at Wove,— , I , .1 = Michigan No 1 leaves Ilusturrik itarly*t 9 o'clock, A. ki , tinJ air aver at. 2:..d.i 1 P- , f , L'lt'll'E/. 4 laave. Bearer dotty .n eniack rd. ht. ned Pittsburgh' a; 1 o'clock, P Id „. : I Z . 'Mew a:earners will ran in Cattnectinh with. RI/ Park , : I.:glues. ?net et Lint, for lava; • Taylor A Lei:move l'r; Warr@ Packsi l' won Law of Preir,ht L 4141. ItlLrlCleifilatiOLl Clarke A. Cu . . P.. urea and e,,1157e1an41..ine Freight Boum It Li Parks daily NewChtille I,lit Leta. ...; CLARKE- PA REfi v Co, Beaver, Agents. JOHN A. I.:Au:ton', A 0.. t. Pittsburgh, nielt3t -• • a , ?a terst(l . tiand SMithfield ats sevwev SlaLgill. • t•• 164. "'V (). s . -4 ,• gti, 1' ; PITTSIIIIRGII-IND F I IE VEL4fiD LINE (~,, THE PENNSYLTBNIA OD 0160 CANALS.' r(SHE Proprietors of thiii old rruntaished and pirlar. I. daily line, ronalsonirllXTEEN.Srclasst. anat. Boats, owned by Hearse vet a.Ott runic to I.llllllDetl DOI with the Slento boa BEAVER A. Cr CALEIS cork:, urr enabled to lifer .0.9.449911t4" faelluico tot' the 1/%104/1111.011 Di lII4rII WOK pzu,e4ers, on tliti , orates of Canal autigin On, tw•Sti PlimilkontkVroav'l *) I v Kn. end Ohm arid N. Vorki'anals lied theal.akr4 E.:M.9IIpH .9.'entllcrelaml. 'HOWE:LI:A BROVIER. ; ! I Age* Beaver. 1.4 uiIr;FISLL, *sent, mar 2 . 1 Waist streerf • Patsbargh I 1 D llOWaLti Pitimur,th Flienver. ; BIDWELL id. BROTHER. 1 Forwarding ilerthantr, BEA YEIL PA .. Agrras fur the Plasbarkh ami(Nevelothl Lsne Patio boor., and Era !Alb , rollit'io, Maid Pr..... al.. &rarer dm/ all& Curb Baring pareLeved the ?arge ,Itad subatiannal What! Boat met built for the „Monongahcla pmetetz, hate with the addition of a Warehoillse the Mar ample ad. numadauom. for reS4mnig: , and foriverdism, and pledge their utmost atteritton, plump...AV and derpntch to runalawnents to dautdarc. rely en their foetid). tur it trod B &inn() PlTTsulntlldAN aliifEal 1849: , ithl tl filistia Ltne ON THE ERIE. E.VII.IFSION„CANAL HR p eo pom,,, e t tate writ Ittiown Line Of Cana l ' f TBoat, is 00.• prepared VI transtet Plarnseesil Faht to ail puitta on ttt . t.nte I tension, Netw4 lurk Canals nal tbe hiss,, n the Most favorable , tcrm. and wals dapaloh. 0 This Line runs coatecuolavith Me steam boats , and CALEB coop,. betwyea Pittsburgh' and Beaver, C M Roof" steam boats and vila f l twit on the Lake, mid lb. TOY and Mthingatt Laketl Boat Line on the New york iftnal. 7 • 1t I C. AT BEE% Proprtmor, Elia s I Bidwell & linottdr, Ovals, licagor. i" W T Mather, A e at I MesklAgenis Passengir' Office, Monongulaela Ita at me s flatsburall.. CJUNISIBNEES— WC Marisa, dgci J EA !I ftherpsberty, Smith In !Dtwittlog, West (nem:mite, Wich, A cart , C., wet 11001) Ilanstown; rums & dawn. diaido, Barites,. Baba Co, San.luaky, .1. A Artn-tri/lia, Lotrefo, Kirkland'di Newberry,l3lmboygatt,i hi Clam A Wffilsorm,hlitwah.l aim Enap, Murk m Murky A Deno, Raa, John Chicago, A Wheeler &Co, rieW t orß tin3l.l Plttabuzggh and WatrAvllle Oauket. l anidi 1849. ' rwlF eg '" !L nr g?: , r l . l", a Bbd splen h did Packet Ileats,to run:dame (ho ...son, lie: tween Illairsallh- and Plushalgle—theputts la be, taw: ed three Loma, and every', Kurt thadc LS !weasel' moth. passengers. '1 r 0.4117....—Lbi11i Will i d e ate Pitisbarch every Mooday, Tuesday. Thatthay,Und Fri ,day, ra_ Ytotti or Monde), IVednesday, Tburthey and Saul , and anise at nuthatch the thm day two heath Hack fora Inthana will weer the , si atklolithutik, both onlayS ward and downward tip—phaing paatengela ththP3ll from that place In ond Stay. Freight for the abrooft LlnetWill he :received alike house of the klotittnett , a Lola, by Forma A Cat, who aro oar authorial:it Aged... All !Infield receHeo tiro ot cououlthfons. 1,43 ARCH ALL Cl.: /NO FABBEN BICo, Agents, - , Canal. tiamii,; Liberty... 4 l'ilisburall I A Hack Italics Illntesattle Ott 1 imagstowil 00 Ihr atonal of the nom—ratan! 10 boot fomenting rate fr o . ni.hurch Youngstown s.l.—theeiva at Fa gee of ltonwthn's Line thro.rh Pllll'SESiltilaLii•VitiassuassaZi asset la InaM 184'3 A" For the Trusseporturron kthigh 111 a ril poi* PITTSUUIIIsII, HULA 1H.1.4 1 111A. HALTHIultki N. VORA', 130STON, ' Tomas 1.111. a. rttitadelpbta. t" Taralia & CPC.0.014.,P111411.1rgh I THIS old estabothed Line Pont, now to fog okra rit- 1 Lion, the ptopnetors are pfrporefkuntu then *goal extensive artthgetneths to lament thercbakithethpuss duce, &a to add frotalthe abitt,c port.. ultseral with tins rcgolanty, Iltspnitti and safely pethiiit to their morie of tratiqieruaddlt Wlmn B.Jh shipierut au tee ..r is avottpid All consigthanue au d alk,this hat received, Choi. g cs pull, and forwarded to.iy rcquttpd &town* free of charge ter comultmoot wilatinetug or storage. No °Octal, dared, mot/Wetly. to thatoboatil% All cottanunic.o/ I Pronto7 ...1). 4 non to the rollowtagfagentsil I THOS UOII.ISIIV.LE V . :, &Smart et,"PhilthlalphoL, 7'AArpll h ICCOHNOILIZasiaI Muth, Plusho O'CoNNOit 4. Co, roida ip !saint:H.lre. atiaMtlgA,,,9 . , • .iilt . 111NOLLAALEif 'CAA NeePOLL'IPHT/AS rursta ktugs, Jona Drsonsw, 1 Tklm H., l k•stalS Wu. ' Di na Lac. Conducted on molt Babaattokrofaug pinpfdlti , 'yin: Proprietors of dos iflit eatabohed L11133./IV, put their stock tit Inc melt complete order, nod ste t wrought) prepared to Inmeard Prather add rghloi am to and from the E..isterit cities We tn.: that OUf long rlapenenrer in Cattling business, mid natal,. anent. to the Intatrat. OF,cus tome., ;Mil secure to us a f eontinuanee arid itiercase of the patronage hatterto et:bruited t 0 Dtc ,Oro Our arrungentc4l.ltll 111.1 c 04,.. ct . y ItCalght with the utmost de ALA cla and our Nice. ullaiays ho m tow ria the loath ettatged by luther?thruilathle Lusc• ,VI We bate opethitioffuitrio No INI Market Shaul between nth and 5 ' , tot the touvettfsWee ra cP.A.!' and hlceillandom roil boi,teceVerd .n for warded, East awl Vst, without say cattne fps. warding, ....ncayit.Nail i ki sragepr coalsturt4tin. Bella of Ladiugilorsrar eel, earl) , dievalon ` promptly attended tr. in Gil Add/Cl/ 11 , or appl).N ; /11. N, • Canal nor 1 . 7 g,Z 1 ,111; , 1 E I NZge, No I.4l*nd Alarmll street, Pio*. w ti.soN, No L* c s ‘7l h r A 4' %7l ) ;;Zu. "'l g ua pr verhln ell West strict, Nr A w ' York set lioAn 101 1 `AV. • Alferetthostalt TkAtt•Pov , •• ••1•1•• C raf t . VIA YENINtsV LUAU I A VANAL:a. HAIL. RO , ADS, ressakturota 4. esima n n . air. Ti!!:Cinrs d p s ,...p he M le a 'lo itt ' tt t ort 0r::“.1.:dlie, sad produce to Ptolttdelphia and Balton., tenth pre . tiltaiwesi gdpl daspatell, good era. at .1 tither l 0 ane • • A aIcANUL A TV Donol Basin. Ponn shlittotiarght A ovoes—CllAttLFO HAY:SAHLI Chilodelpthe mr-17 RO+N=btbaß}LL & CO. 11.1111.....± P *mmayll 'Cm.llll{) & Still 11.0. preatjadaat racket Lleskait M=o,lB49..fiet. FROM HITTSIIO44I 1 1 1111 , 614.1,3 • 1111 A &UAL TISIpI2.I.- ! • (EietkiiactAfor l'asaingerai ,4 litilE public ataßtaptethilly infiirmed that tide L.ine A, 'rll calcine ...A inataittp au taa lath fait, atiii [lll3- Emile Ihratighteit lb+ ..CacaSen. j The beats ere Ott, ace of a superior Clem, iththica. huffed cabins, iehiCit wafer , . grtater eacularil 71 e can an the latesticii ~,,, slEllolt. : d I teleriiiiire re- A boat arill alantp• be its port, an tra qaested to call 1.14:t a taitilte thank helareAstaa!Ohg p.... Sine eloevrilenf."l ~ (Fare only rinte4allarakaagh.) Oac'ef the :boats of this l.twall leafcthe a, )opposiir lj iq o f er as re. sll a edl: I. etas net athice a' Mack Tian 3) . . , Mgr ilifontuatod, apply at the Odusx, Moaorkpoil horde, az to;1) ~.1 „ ,,,,,,,0, • mell7 il anSkpasM . . noN 4 4iCallttr ' • 81A.,=1 OM .Be -"n k. NEW SORE ID CBINFArI an Abe-C.21 liqing tow resanacci, the XI alltopritiora of ahe abaverlene texpectfulty inform 114 itilblio ihat s rltbel to moat. dad for- I VP* Ff.41114.1U. 11.4nd at kerma rases. p r, • 10teLlr h oeld alt . the atte (ho Bcib ntion of e algpers , East em ... oat?, aro... bible. and lontun T anded by beet Meat in Bo(k {Will find a advantqco. Ai by M.fC., Line, ... the rabaenbers nave made la. Mtge. .menu'. lit Columbia to !rave such french! (or 13.1. Lr..„ II - ni .140 dimity from ;boats . car., thereby sa vor roareltat. handling. t . t ght JO Pahodelplaa goes clear thwart . the ' lt: • •No cbardernsule for melting alityplng or advancing eta}ge. ..1 , b 1 ER ay Jioor.S, Propnetora, • Ca.. 01 Bann, troventh 0.0. LIKIENT.4,-John A. Shalom Cincintott4 0; J. ble. ,h Lc.. gt e lholotac ,Jas Bleat 1 Co., Pailadal• Ala; i'nultia A Thomas, Cailambi. —1.—.... Mahal .....d.I9T9LiVI NIA. 0 /Gl4& illitatfth 1849. Mill tl THIPHiSS FdIiT,ACKRI ITao* i Patrgh to Pislaclelyiltio and Bcslli•ti:.rc -1 itschnively tae Panenge rig ritnE Fatale aro respectful) informed that Rua Line a.; will wiltrune&ic rantanton Monday, lOth March. Pbb boalss of Oils Loo ll* . of • stipertor ohm, with ialittrged dibms, which will gine greater comfort to plusesigers4 A boat Will aliens be in fort, and travelers an re tillested ta tali sod examLnwtheat before an 9 999- 999'9 by oats motes_ Thetwill leave the op- Rawl. the O. P. Hotel, coerce Penn street and (Moat, , toiry niali4a 9 o'clock. IP&RE—NINE D0M..% RS THROUGH. i : ; Time--Si Days. Far infOrination, apply 41.. the office, Monongahria. Irilabe, 410 D. LEECH & Co, Canal flesin. la—lb" a proprietors Of toe above Lane are now / nkn . a l tja V di e u lTt7 j in U eT s trt enotif Packets,: rool re :I% b tsy 'v l . - bOttalitailAtoad Irina Lewistown to Philadelplan. At ~Eay Winne ilYanket will leave every morning toe even ,' Twit through, 21 nein , f[Reuse eSI;/ CL PO S TSDLB GOAT LANE - , itao . / 849. Matak Art a transporuto or alercltariabre, 1•1111-Abei. lIA ANL Pirrsitunc WWI carried on this Line are not trinvitipped betoken Pittsburgh arid Philadelphia, bentig ca :blend in (apt seen. Port.. Bolos over land and tom sitno-to arras of otartilandiss nAntiring ihindfingt ta Is or import... So charge made for Or Shipping, or fds advancing charges. AL forwarded with disratek, .d on as re.onsble asibP ant other Lonna 1011 N &I'FADEN & Co, Canal p.a., Pconst, Pittsburgh ~ . .... . .. , JA.b. 111 DAVIS & snarl : I ;ll Matire4 64 Corameres id, Pte. 30114.1DeFADVIN & CO, Foranadurg slut Comma sic& bleJObanuf, Canal Boise, Pearl al, Plftsbargls JJAMF:Dtd DAVIS & Cos Flour Factor* and Comma on Alelbbanta, 27 .11ankFt and SI COMILICTL , areal, PhilndeAttla. .arl bAirher of the above on Floor, 41:1;abir'orre'r'in'edr'ehafitAise eoussgned to them for sale. : ; ::; mvl3 atb4l22 1849. illaEllll 111C11O 'WAY PRICIBRT LIN la. For Man' vine, JohnsOsa, Hollidaysburg!, and interamdtata places ZHIS , Yana will coauntie to carry all Way Good. wide Omit usual d e s p atch , and at fair rates of g yp' I Ausatll—C A. I'IPANVETY & Plusburgh D Wake s. Johnstown John kidler. flolltdaysbnrga Itaraidlwomk-Jarnet Itiolon, South a Sinclair F thoonbarter, R Moore, Man Parker, fl F Von Bono. orstat Wm Leland% Co, Jun M Devitt Bre., pu.botk, JO. IVOVY, milhog.. g RaP, Lou brad E. H III, Blatmadle =chaff' PARRS &Co's. PACKET LINE. I 1 Is4B. vim AND CLEVELAND LINE, ma WARREN Camd Packet—SW.l3.l.oW, Caps. Fond. " OCEAN, %Vatter.. V NE st the above Packet. leave }boor, every day, ISaddays ageeptedff wol 0.17100 1.21 monung at arrettoshere th ey costae. wait the Mail Stages for ;Amu aila Cleveland, ...tavola at each of . these Maws of k F.'M, and e.reiva er Heaver in lime to lob, the o 4 p TAYLOR, r u Propst'n BEAVER AND g PIE PACKET LINE. num. visamass m saps: Packet—Pwalimasm, Capt. Jeffries, Talffiturs, rollock, " Lsa.Esit, Truby , I " Pmnamm, a Drown, Ftualkma, a Sayer Tar alavenew splandth Pallfengef Packets have soauudared running bekareen BEAVER AND v E.III and will rna galarly.tdurtng the veavari—one boor Mayo* Iwo etrt,y moramg at a o'clock, sod one Hay ia• Headier every 100, muusdirdely siker the wit 00101 Ihe ette11100•11114 - 01/su from Pittsburgh M. boa. are new comfortabl (wombed, and wit. tan through in UN , hours Pa y . ssengers to sr, palmitin the Laken, or kg Masan Fades wdl find dim route She moat comfortable and errant°. Twit.. throat& to all ports en Om Lake cut be prectirml hy itSP',llff m thaP"'"' xlD, PARRS& Co, Orstorr . I JOHN A CAU‘HEY, Art, Pittsburgh, cdr Water and .0 • C Harratun, Durfato, N 1 C M it.-4 c C ®® E di Ps, Iff'FarlanalN . lag Bend, Pm Hay & Sharimburgh t Pa, W C Malasp,Sharer, Pa, 1)C ?daffier, Pulaski, Ps, t W Connffikkam, New Castle, P. Vi Inuits & crkg FART EXPRESS euNitiEltleSa i r UM aMUELE, AND' THE C. I'llll4 Propriatortf Bits tine have pat on New Stook, 1 Odd are ptrpassa to forward packages of all de .onotitto dolly, at Be lamest rate. , • t. j "tgia l t 3 e in t B72ftt= ' , ROBINSON o. BORIC% 0,41 i OS South Chariot st, Baßituort HARTIM & CO'. Piskanolgor lad admittance Ottlest. AiIIIANHUMNI k CO eordmue to bring permos from nay pall bf England, ',Wok Sconand gJ Wal., upon Ho mom liberal terms, with thar usnalpormuidlny and Attention co the wane and cos. tort extuargnsom Wor do trot alkneourrorsengers to Le nrbbed by the swimiti . attar infmt toe rear Portkas are take chat of th em the moment they re =rimt:;:a L o t i on) , roten th Vor7bV i th b fre I ' 4 de. ten thts fearlowdyl *a we defy one of oar pawnor ' kers IA show that , thorwera detained 40 hours by as in L'lno"nr, a"'''''emild of onto In eh; late r which too II: proved thew l eorinn4 wa Wend to perforin oar convicts honorably, cost retook okay, and note. as sew the ease loot wawa, ender:Ow oßeenn—wher either performed not W, or whesit snitod their oartrealeacer. Diem drawn Ecrtsbi t t b egh , fo o r ony tam from AI to pal d, at=oL d e v c mootal Ranks to ire , ikr"L' 1. JOSHUA ROBINSON, mean and Gwriaral Agent, is id FlO N. o no door babe. WarreWr IBBITLII-21 BLIND, T SI7ArtFDJOBL. A. BROWN would,respero • info= the publicil that he on hand at Ws stead on Use . side of the Lhamend, airy, • complete assort ; of Venn= Minds; also Ve t Amen an made to or. one best style, Warranted A to any in the United /Wawa Mud* can to removed an watt .. aid of a smear driver. log pa:abased e smelt, ;, d wood of the cabmen ea 'Mama of Ramsay & a w I prepared to fmish old am carmine, m ell Id _eery thing in their line. street, Pittsburgh. " `_A. BROWN _ rjAPKR IftiriGlNGg=l-rua -diroe I I front theamsau ( actarers in Na.. York, Philadel phia:lnd Baltimore, 4 large and well selected assort, melltlof all the latestiand most unproved styles of se linA Placed and colloWtort PAPER UANGINGS, coa sistlyg of— IWODO➢mecca of Parlor and Fresco; l 11),C00 v go and Commin; DOA= chambyr and office Papa—lrkidCh I Wlllar/d partiettimly Invite the aVen.rn of &Mee haelnic houses to paper, to mill and exactas., at Ito Paper Viarelehnse of tIC. a 7 wood st has manmeneed ream. tw NJ,,e taw assault:Mat of Fancy VARIETY DOOM , con/listing us part of I,Arhacialf, Ribbons, Laces, Ito siciP, Cloves, Crape. Leis., Cambrica, fitatings, tom Velfo, Shawls, Ponape limMkerebiefs, gents Cravats, ginaltam and cotton Ilandacteluefs, corded Blurts, hewing Bilk, Thmatt, &mums, Combs, Jewelry, Cut lery; tee On. Coulttry and eny raerebuits are res. ratfal/yinvita/ to ;tall and uaralne ilia stock, hl No al , VPW 4 omm, corner:of Diamond alloy. ITUACT OF 40/ITEM—An [Miele vette. „ L,Ledly coming Ago am as a wboleaome, nottnaung aiitrileemons boverMye, beloll most tad...ld p atssi- Art e aper, . a *mall IluiLtYt 00 000 0 oulyten cents, will go at for as lour Ledtads of Cam. Manafactured by • HAL'S S. MILLER, PittrAm3b, Fa. SOld at wholeearn by U A FAIINESTOCK A. do, totem of First mud Wood and Math mid Wl:iodate.; PlLAborgh!P. 1 (*LIFHLINIAIgaIUKR GOODS—Jaw received, .ALIS Camp HMV 30 onkel coma; 12 pm Pante, 16 Mom nett Heed Ivor Uooui; In Latimer Hap; 3 ender Tama, 6 (Ma in ayllons each; 60 canteens, A gallon each; 1 dot paeltaltA Hooey SAWN I do wldd cittbrlo do do. TIM above goods {UT .ale al the uli tulk,m Outimeg EaCildratanent. Nos Wood at Iraelt3l J& UPHILL! PS • ,(SHORTED 13/46ES—PotTap for family use n IX ii•ns enclosedln a •Ilding lid tdia. co1111.1ru " n " U K h4l, I•pice, Intraoluen, Ginger, Cloves/ Ppper, iWerrantosl porn; For sale et the new Ppiee and NlSllitard FlittOry, tOtticr of Ferry tr. Idherty au. iNya _ t JOlll4 II /MILL yg, IdeI r l:91---Wrollgiiiir;r7i TtiriTbVirorTi—die-TemYeT anneonle worits, warranted; will be COnstuill y . oh hand and' supplred to order, by sara9 P GGII COCHRAN. al Wood._ • . . ` : ENE FURPIACIII HEARTH, manotastoredstront • ' I k./ superior astiMe of Rohr. Fire Brick Orty, 11 store and for We h 1 KIER is JUNES .ildr. W. W. Wallace having used a Hearth of same, cpitthly and tomolf6stare for the past eliglllooo miasma, pfinutotece It soli4lor to the hearths now in general aid mvl6 r4KCOUNBO 4 II . ILANDIESI half pipe. vohous vintages, of otfr own importation per Commerce (Mtn Ibinnizatis, AN meld am' for sale by :motel •' tOILL.ER I FLICERVSON ..% uGliGiiiitest reeitred, -• beautify} Amon. X meat of ladies and icutlenunal Gold Gould Cbait+. from 610(b EP each, eastern price. Also, Woodall Studs 11(t.leand gold; gold Pencil. Finger 01.6.4 Lot Ilitla,*rendi rsno, Bracelets. Gotd Pon% W.clelsoo, Am. , W W AVILSIJN, ! .. lug ; earner Itt. god Atortrat in. Yt.LVEP RiLtlptil..s-4oetrneetved at Zooid. lurk. .eyls, 67 alaticet street, 31 pa colored Velvet Ribbon, warted eolorsi 36 black tlElbnliatlTY Gimp; 10 pa wide Plain, &e. .L4IHAV PUiTHVEICJN; eest twining sn alltitabetteal list of Post °Sees litroggh. t the United Stews; distances / r o te Wastaggtoil, Ifi AL; suite and tent oriel capita/. respectively; 1I ei• !Wong lb., Post Iltneeslie eneb Slate, as well se eosin. ty, with an appendix or the United States KM" Whisk tt,dukerc res.ll by JOHNSTON tit smerros. myU warner 24 - ifitif lade; al --~E~. ELLEItS' FAMILY MEDICINES—.they Ste tke Medicine* of rho day." butts - Sri :trolls:CS, Oh* May 95, MIL R. R. P. Sellers I think it right tot the benefit 0f others •uoe tooe facto 2n relation SO lorry excellent Pornit• ly Medicine. • I have used yortilVerratfogil largelyln My morblikels ily. one Mat frequdjally answering foragpellityg Mtge rinavtities (soy 1001 worm Rent Ems Whin= have alm used yogi LiveT Pills md Ccrogh Slurp& mY emdf. end thq have in every instmumproduced the effect desired- 0 . As I rim engaged to merchandising, I .am able to motelhat I have ygt to hear of the first failure Where soar atothohlos halts been used in my toehou of the Meetly. In cone Mum, I may sum that they are rhs medicines of the ads. and are detained to have a very extensive popularity. Your., respectfully, W. H. Pixamx. Prepared and sot by It. E. SELLERS..o 57 Wood street, and mid bylhoggisto generally to the twoes hes and ytetnity. meat REAT CC RE;rOF LIVER COMPLAINT, by he ,3 orlglna4 only true, and genuine Laver Pill. /itioir Canon. Ohio county, Ca. Mooch Inth, 1819. Mr. EL FL Setters Dear Sir—l trunk it a duty I oat to yea and to the rerbite glnera ly. to exam that I have been lathered map' the Liver Complalnt toe a long time, and so badSr that an whams formed and broke, which left me in awry low stout. Having heard of your celebrated Liver Pula being ter sale by A Sharp, in West Liberty, and recommended to me by My phymelosh Smith, I concluded to V, them a fart wet I combated one box, and found them to be rust what thezire recommended, THE BEST LI. YEA PILL EY USED; and after taking four boxes I find the disease mnrely len me, and I am nom per/telly weiL tßeapeetfally your., D H COLEMAN. West Liberty, Muth 00. let 9 I <entry that Rbm personally acquainted with Mr Coleman, and car( bear testimony to the tenth of the above certificate.: A II SHARP The genuine Pith are prepared and sold by E SELLERS, lo 57 Wood street, and by druggists in the Iwo cines.f. TO THE PUBLIC.—The original, only true and gen uine Liver PRIs Qv prepared by If E Palters, and bare his name clamped. to black war upon the lid of each boo, mid his stemma on the outside irrupper—all others are counterfeits, or time imitations. apes R E SEL.LERt_Proprietor DLL. J NW, csaislakilivz ROM the ReirARA MU NN, a well known and pop r ai. Clex p qn of the Protestantlklethodist Chunk The undo having been afflicted during the pain winter with a dincase of the stomach. corneumer pro. ducing great outran the stomach for tenor twel•ehourr without iniermiaffon, and after having tried •arious remedial with little effect, was famished with a bottle of Dr D Jayne , . garrnivatiire Balsa. This he used an. cording to the dintetions, and Nand invariably that ten medicine eausedkhe pain to abate in three or four min. cats, and In fifteen or twenty minutes every enemy sensation was mfilrely quieted. The medieme was af. miwardsesed whenever indications of the approach of peeveee perceiied, and the pain was thereby prevent• ed. lie enutitrafid to one the medlMne every evening and rometimes u 5 the morning, and in a rem week. health was so fafirestored, that the sufferer was relics ed from a large "Mount of oppressive pale. From ea perienee i thereftlia, he can confidently recommend D JayneinCarnrinative Balsam, as a fillutary rnedle.n roe diseases of t*storriach andAlleg bowels. A SHIN N D heny city. iyl For sale let nasburgh at the PFKIN TEA eiTliff 72 F°"24' stevet~ and rt°em.". .m. !• ILE DLI3OO Vl4lll , I :S, RE ON POUR GUARD. DR. BWAYNE'S cumeoumb SYRUP OF WILD DUMMY. ------- 10IV Of Ti PROW` • VAJ AIII ONSUXIIIVE: :lux emus VISIMOT VOX Consumption, kSocha, Coble, Mummy Meacham, L. er ComplataStiltung Wood, Difficulty a Ilreath. the, Vain i Side and Breast, Palpitate. of We Ile Influenza, Croup, Drokea Coo siMiticii, Sore Throat, N e rte. tY.tktkdall Duca.* of the Throat, Britt. and LAIOVIO Ott moat cf (Actual end speedy core ever known for any of the above diseas es, Is Be swArxr.,s, OintepOsaniiir rili p ollaCherry! lh . madientis no longer among then of doubtful noddy. It h.... away from the Monsen. daily launched upon, e tide ot experment, and noun an. higher rcpt.-Won, and is becoming more extensive ly used than edy other preparation of medicine ever prod for tre relief of suffering Man. It has been "introducd very generelly through the milted States isnd Europe, and there are few towns of Importance Det what contain some remarkable eel denee of itsiood effects. For proof of the foregoing Matausents, of the value end efficacy of th. medt eine, the prop etor will Insert • few of the mall thou nod testimongils which hare been presented to him by mg. of fir -0 men who have higher mewl of moral responsibility and mance, Wan to enr• ttly to facts, tensest. it will do another • favor, and Mclnnis. rat tentative. barb tenen ors. as rov e shit con ann.... by i t . i n e r ni.jd mem, and the un questionableun autbort public ;minion, The inetanteneees rebel it furls,et u and thenoodung influence Mused through the whole frame 3 y its use, renders 4 a most agreeable remedy for the adlicted. REMEMBER/ "When .4, stern from conntcnuous isepulae, voluntarily tap r watimony to the truth of a thmg, or pactealar fact, each testimony, he contrary to their worldly ,sod and purpose, coerce. convicuott of its truth, end commends itself in • special manner to """ VLSIVE"iiVr Alli;!C'aPlrtVst AAortart Con or Pemionniv Co.leeeleMeM— There never • • remedy that has been es success/el in des...teases of Consumption, as Dr Su - sync , compound Unto of Wild Cherry, It strengthens the system, and appears to heal the ulcers nu the . to creating ricnund rich blood; power posse. no other modichia. MOOT. CO, April 25th, lie testrarni--Destr Sir I verily twin. your Com pound ramyrcri ;A'al,,dgt,.:ll,ll•l2„hca,s‘ r ee o zi in ,, eana d ot cery'ie.greveyorojeffe. attended with a aerefe co c as , l ' t. r lh o ti; reewnd all tom' remedies which I bad recourase to, soil mermoting 11011 my ease exhintual all the symptom. of t Pulmonary Glinctrarolon Every thing I tried nemed to have tie el:mt, luta my c omp./rumen-and so rapid ly that Wend). well myself, gave op alt hopes to of my recovery! At able ls lama I was recommended to y year usvaloaltde medicine: I Jul in, with the most hap py maul.. The hest nate bad the effect M oos n Um cough, causb.i. ma to expecte.. freely - ,nby the urn I had eix toodes,l was enure. well, ntd am now •• he a mane ever was in my We, and would be hagp7 t'ittererrynta'llTrse';i7e.Mitl " fo i that otter r which lem , Ao grateful. For the troth of the alio. • Greer you to Peter Rosh, Genes, West Chester, 'of whom I parehased the median. y yours, /nue nomatis. 'Wow:Urfa Cet+ of e IltetAocivo Moue+, Dr Swayhe- Dear her. I feel a debt grahmds due m/ ou—atuk • dory to the lammed gunotully, oder horVislia.Nimenrryy in 1.000 of your atop i e lensy atesl,ll with cold and inflammation of "1 tery bloodiselurgsnof oeffILSIVO mucus nom the hinsps, "' e• p s t. '. firs! t til kruTahlaariOut may'lee'Mtibtlerrii7e trahr,Ly,„ shoe convitund thal I wee rapidly going IWO G01.1601p- Lg .. tr yi, ; I.AV treAdECT, rai d at length was scace ly able to 101 k about, or speak above • whisper, such was the escdtedlng wellness of my lunge. p.m/ the. WSW. 1 hod trd varlet. premsnmions and presemptimm, hat found u Teiltr--growilag alb time worm. Jut here I was to and persaaby • dear friend to ilmingtod to make trial of your Syrup of Wild Cher. ,y.y noisCeoufess thgerviously I bad been prole. tow :is g = get olthe hants‘:i} ;Map:ries am t? t under. Mendips yrfur claims to the profession and Omen. of medlcone, and homing faith in the saying of my (Meads, I fdtthuith pum hosed of Dr. Shave, one of year agents, • for bottles, and commenced its us. Aly I suss Was of that time of Kier months' stanches, cent frot l ,l7=A:TZ ' ho four or Ave bottl e ! , d'llo4top Wang a public apeaker, I frequently as with my incrummg mar, end ruyturra to l Stow vessels that hod aim y seg., mfreal in this way, doubtless, my core was smutty , ',inconsequence of acting thud mnprudeody, I ha to esti naive or fifteen bottles before I wus pm. fezlrcit e l I have Ito queation, much smaller n ro • es would have mode me sinthd, but for the above Anhamencre. The Syrup allayed the fever tab habit,Mak sway th e distressing cough, pm a stop AO eke doctitarge of 01.01 from too luuys,and gave them and the enure symem good health I have deter mil astir* this centheste until now, for the porpom of being peifectly minified with the permanency ot the cum, and OW fuel pCdOCtly l@r it with 171.1.110r0. • Rev. J. OROLN Dublin eStorty, N. C lqportang Counon—Ren& Read) There tai ut one ;cuisine preparation of Wild Cherry, and into lain. Dwane' . dm fast ever acted to the pub., setaeb ha been wad largely Batumi:MO the united Stia , tes and some pens of Europe; and all p s ,". potations 3alled by the none of Wild Cherry bare been put 001. deed this, under cover of some deceptive ciremistairces, in order in glee currency to tharelllca By a Bale ,obarsanou, no person need months the genuine fr4l the lola. F.ach bottle of the gam. is enveloped: With a bettenful steel enereviog, milli the likeness o(Williart Pe n thereon; also, De Dwayne's signal:ay.:ad as further ...linty, the portrait of Dr. Dwayne *ill be added hereafter, so ea to dieing - mat rtia preparation from all others. Now, it it eras not or the great earstive properties and known virtues of Dr. Dwayne's Eouthoand Syrup of Wtld Cherry, persons would nob be endeavosum to give currency to there "fictitious tionstromse by mention the name or Wild Chao , 11..ermeenber, always beer in mold th e name ol Dwayne, ad be not deceived. Principe! Office, corner of Eighth and Race steer., Ptilodelplrth. For salewholesale and retail b 7 Of/DEN SNO eraW DEN, nor :td and v end sts; II A FALIPMArrocK Co, Id and Wood, and Oth and Wood am; Whl ill/PLN,C3 Market st; S JUNES, lea Liberty et; lAd A JONED, ea Hand and Penn eta JOHN urn:ti t:Li., Allegheny city, and by all respectable deniers in medicine. octlJ A STROM; EV IDENt tact Dr y NE.A E x. (1. PEL.II3B.ANT is ,opener to all .we remedies for ,:englm,Colnamption, Bronchitis, As th ma., sod other Palm .) efectitins, is that the some penons who commemed the Ita of d eeri est Mathes tea as ago all prefer it to all other retesOMl edit kind; end where any hen knee induced to try °that prepentas they hen almost amenably bete happoodel re nesaing the liemsfit winch las raseerthly saltapated front the high prams bedewed by the proprietors, and tom. tete rosd to the tom of elm.' Lamellas ss Wordy that near failed to relate them, ad wit . mh probably aver had its egad in arresting pulmonary &masa Prepared wily by Dr D. Jaya Philadelphia ad sold en ALES. JA gdortAibetf 71 Fourth et Dr. W. V. lalast.P. Premium PI DIL WC P. INLAND, of die Aledirol College Id Pt.. adelf t lia now offers to the public Ms Indian Vee. amble Plenum Plater, the qualities of which. tater k' mg and Died ...thee, ham been sunefeeturtly es toblishedB To all women who ray be arthen-A moth ProlepakUterla or Fallen Womb, he recommcmle I. plater, ilaranbeeing a sure and speedy cure ni the short sewn , of from two io thee weeks, a applied with eate ansPiest—diaardthe all the comities. instruments and espeasive bandages so long in ea. Th.. not . he feels coneeiceDon• in stating, as be h ha l In one cite oat of three hundred and fin) -three pa. bats. Also fzia Rheamanon .d Weak Breast . Bn-L, ab tended loth pain, there ss nothing to excel tto• •dsteil in affording setter. effecting • earn. Forsat y L. Wilsoz, corner of Dtamond and Mrket Bread}.Reiter, " Liberty and Ss Class .. Dr J Biriyant " Federal el and Inastosad. Allo abealy .I.qubs " Denman and Lha.mond BErtning ‘43 •. ICS E. BE.LLEIttt, Druggist, No 47 Wood srvet, L • 150 k Agent for the sole of Townsend • tie.- sone Samoa:lna, has just received 20 , 1 dosed of thot Glreat Swing sod livollEer Porebison should meolleei ihor HE Sellers u. sole •,gent Cot Fitabttlgh, .d 1) 61 Curry for Allegheny Cill ep3 G "4 AND f — ifEVER . P - 4;EVEK Ark: ES:—Doplez Watches, mule by the celebrated Coop fif London, M.. 1 Tobias of Uverpool, s tarp Itißortotent of detached sold and ether Levers, nude b& c ihe best tioneva roam:lecturers. epee ice of all kinds, Comntolnot, Ware In sets; tid Paint; /Caret', to large •artety, Sliver Spoons, rite s he... Tareb repurtng eteeutedis the best m.ner. W WILSON, earner Merkel and 4th M64MAYIIII3:4I;LAND—IIarpeeI Lne 8 [0,481i6 ekah-73 cent. Pee wok°. Vor salo , by JoHNKPUN a sTuclauN, 11417' comer litutei .3.4 34 its MISGELLf!OIJB. PMEEIR BUMMER GOODS. A 1.. FS AIV o I:a fr. DAY, 75 Mhzket street, northwest It comes of use Diamond,are now opening • choice stank of fresh SLIMM r'.. GOODS. A Insgc portion of these goodshave recently been purchased at a.greal sacrifice, from the, Ple . eno ,,” /Gales at the F.ast, and from the importers and opon offering Gus snack of goods at poles so red teed as us meet the approbation of finite who do business , th e cheap cuh promote. TThe Silk Department ts very ezmusive, embracing the differnms hods of dress and mentllla Silks, Satin de Chelsea. and Camelt. Gro de atones. The Shawl Department embraces a oplemini assort roent of India Crape Shawls, from the lowest micas to Me finest Qualities, elegantly embroidered. Also, Ore nadinc, Berge, Mohair, Nett and splendid figured Silk Shawls. SCARFS—BIack i.erage and tinned.< Scarfs. BERM.W. and other tilt, liliODS—EleKant and novel note. of Thanes, and other tern awe. Goods, worthy of the attennou of the lates. LAWNS' the Lawn departharnt, oar addstlans (rota the Eattern auctions ve quite three. embracing rlegaist style" at real arkaLty low prices. Imported and Domestic Gingham, Primo and Chintz,, grown and Blesehed Chee ks. T. c 1 mg., Fla. eels. Superior Englil.h and French ^laths sad Cao.nneres, KaLancia and -leans, Pantaloon and All of whlch La offered at such a redoeuon of prsees thal purchaser* cannot fail to_ h rp . lpard y 4 ALEXANDER Ss DAY Chomp Dry Goods. {UM WANTS ?Sups. Boss for 4f cents Heavy Brown Mush. for •• Bleached Superior 34truoletle Calicoes good quality. do Aloes de Lames Glnighams Alpaceas Extra do. Silk and Wool Berates Cotton .4 Bonnet Radoors at d Good pull.) , KO Gloves. Cast meea la, Broad Cloth. 111.21 A. A.MASON CO. have Goods at pm.; owed above Cali oil at the only cheap one price store, Market street. MURDOC K'S PAT= NT DASHER CHURN ~,,, at pooccoso or 5 or 10 lox,. T. rum :row Mix. , It attention of the public is melted to this very I valuable Churn. which has the advantege of all ers comlnnoig the old and new inseam. to gether The mlltry of dn. Invention is apparent,. by a slml pie process the air to iorced beneath t h e dash. and does away with the necessity of porchuing • new Chum, as it eau be applied to any churn in use and for one dollar can have all the improvements of the age combined with those of gathering the Better in the usual way. The public are In•lted to call and ,udge for them selves before purchasing elsewhere., at 87, corner of Market and Mb streets, or at 63 amoMi alley, he tween Wood and Market sorrel, Di at y 79 SAhIL. rpur. undersigned havlng been appointed Agent of 1. the DaLLNYA. 6lvrekt. Bart, [marmites Com ran, in the pia. of public inney. in.. resigned, re speetfully informs Me puand the Blends and cus tomers of the Co that be is prepared to take Marine. Inland and Fire risks on liberal term., at their othee, N 0.37 Water sweet. P A. MADEIRA, myt, Agent. HUSk2!—ltaai tees it in 3 ply India Rubber Hose—nist received fort e Borough of Manche*. ter. wiltsk will be held In store for • fear days. The Boston Belting Company express • mrong desire for the fire departments of We ewe. of Pinsboralt and Al. legheny to rail and examine and make • tnal of them. The company is strilltng to pot them to any test they think proper to conclude upon myth 1 t /I PHILLI7'/4, 6 'mod at HP AOH, , CclurTiuN ?Rick 11001:14 FOR T company 0,„ 1) " th r t a a r Room. (t e. ar d , on 1 1i7 , :hion ' Ony 'n of November nert r, , at In o:eloelr, 0. N'mlArtmpr. Jr. Robe , Wood. , wm lizlh e N Kir, Alto. Reneg, H. The Sh.nrr, a D. King, Commissinner. EMI GoLIS LT PARRY has luveuted a machine for waahing Gold, for which he has mode application for a Th , y art now offered for aide tit um 'ova< of Parry, Scott A Co., No 103 Wood street, l'atstturah. Adrenturers to Ca&omit are molted to call and es• amtne labor-savlng machines They are simple in their nstruction. easily transported on the hack of males or co home., welching eighty pounds rant, and an be put in operatton in half an hour. They eau be 6bed strttli prowlsious. It is the opinion of thou who e===t==2:l toe, that two men will was. the mint r tl from 150 baehels of and earth la • day, without the low of • particle of the mineral. They can be increased to WIC and worked by water or mule power, If expedient. The operators work 'without gotng tato the water or being expored 'set, tmd consequently without en. dancering their health- Theyhe will require but a wall stream of water, and an wed the whole season, and can be put Into operation where there le not rulb• •tent water to wuh in the usual way. Price of smallest sire $35. Orden from abroad, se. wopardsd by moth, will be promptly filled. 11. PARRY, at Parry, Scott at Co,. Ittl 'Wood st. Pittsburgh. fttlaspratt Seon A:sE subscribers are now teems.' their P.ll .toot 1. of the alio, aridele. three rowels, CM the Juniata. Medallion aid Lydia, hewtog sensed PhtladelPln. and Baltimore., and two more, the Stephen Haldwm and Leda, shortly expected; they are, therefore, prepared to reeetre orders They will receive during the win ter and .prang rrenlar sapp:tes eto New Orleana tuart3 W a Id MITCHKLTREE aIOUST TRIMLI—For cleaning w dew. tad lamp glswees, diner elate, bras, lin manta- rood Other ware. It rapidly takes oat spot" an 4 tad reproduces the !Kalinin/ and durable nitre of oe. , ware. Jawrecerred end for sale, whole. ale and retail, by JOHN it MORGAN, twel Druggist_ • . A m A t l b l ; Co. ea the remaining partners, It as this day retired from .he arm Pebnlary 1,)I MANCPACTITIMS. Tba ander goknal, Arent for the trianulbeMrarra,k. on band and NlcouetanCy o-re.eina • tall supply of the Ankle. made in Pittel.orgh rietnity. *lnch br offer. for Hale •I manufacturer. once.. (.P.O COCHRAN. at. le b Lai wood st IDIA KC - 11110i gross Ihdia SU:L her Pave. an eseellant article for tendertng and shoe, perfectly ...roar proof. and WO as • meet of cloth Mc • of this pasta t• "demo to make them Huperrtoos lo easter Mr 11 or 3 months, and • perfect prevents..< own the leather cracking. Hee'd mut ion sale of the India Rubber Depot, No 5 Wood ot,_ _ reb3:l J II PHILLIP'S LOWELL FLETCHER, 1111.0“ r•Crill. 07 ALCOIIOI, AND PURR SPIRITS, Corner Front and Vine .veers, Cnteutnad, 0. I=l= if y , f 5 t1 ,... , 44::1;N:...11 , ..t . Y ;,r a , 5 , t_Le. tau.; V., eiWa re. Ft/eh embouued Piano covers Plato Turkey red Munn do do Table do Pied do do do Woruud do do do do llordenng; Sloe Daustauk. Carpet Phodlogs; Green mimeo ALSO—Camps Goalies Transparent %miss; Scripture Views do do Torkoh do do do Chine. do do do Itra,rery Chines. do do Moonnaht Views do do Landscape do do do T Gothin do do • Cord and Tassels, nolers and Slats. Each Putties Beier Enda. The above Goods a , of the richest and newel . styles, to which we Invite the attention of oar friend , an de ustomes, and those wishtng to furnish or re plenish ottani boats and houses. - msr7 W I.I'CLINTOCR The Allogh•say Vem•tory. T the sztvoal moettng of the Corporator, held or 11 the WI OM. the foliowmg persons were imam mushy .isatadl.l.•ge thers tor twining year. THOMAS M. H y Preaulant. /CHIN BISSELL, Jr.SSE CA !Krim V.R NA'ERAN I RI. il.lO aV 11.80 N hIV NIA. JOHN tqIOENLIERO .R, /AMEN R. SPEER, Finical, Jr Secretary and Treazurer. The anneal statement presented the arrears of the Comany in • very proeperoos condition. Their °thee in th e e y is No V Water et met ielS =ll 4 0. VENITIAN BLI hi DAIANCIFM7TORY East side of the baud, where Venntan Rhode of all the different tiles and colors are kept on hand or made to order ane thel the est end 610 Si tlpprove4 E•4lGril lesb ians, ine elOrteal notice and un the Ines Also, Une ehrup 1 rollsr opltt Mind Trams renc y and .elon 1 , •,...r I . 10,11.11 1 1 of all the dtderent stars end patterns, on hood and for ..lo low for euh. ILIA V el, pan Llllnds pa t 0.. ., over and repaired, or Inken on part ayment for new It hi WII3TERV ELT, Pro'pr N. li—AU wine done with the beat matenal and worktnanslup, and warranted to p!eaaa the most Ina. tithona. aug ID Al y • Allegheny nay, 000. /0, DM. CorIPARY NITHSCROIII W 11.1,10. WV:STERN LINE. 0111•• at the Exchange, Ile' Elmore. 'DEDUCED KATI', —The charges imve heen edu lb Alemages to or from Italtritiare. I. burgh or Whewling, mid corresponding redoc made an MI ioldigrapiori I ~,,, anted nom UM- Imo', Vicar of Pittsburg-. 6—The charge tor a uelerrapb despatch tig or from lialdroore, h and IN heeling, is 43 cents for the first ten words, and 3 nents Inn each additional vrord. . . • [r_r No ebarre os made for th nddreu and ulna two. • Until the conirletlen of the South Welton Line or Tia=re ' ein " =l , !er ' 7 , M4ltlVie n lp n' ha N sry Zhu rouse, and marled for New irrir...k• LA DrrCA PE I' A I mei. a view of the Ilartle of Molar rey; , “ Cerro Gordo; „ linen* Vislre, r , Fero de Partsi 1 •` Chase de Igoe; I " " Garde Franeal.E I " " Col C Artvergue; The above it suitable for papenng large public I 001.•. Jo. teed direct from Pans, and tor sale at Jost of api el C 1111.1. Y A Al I 1.1 t!, 6—Chemical Lipid for wmini.g clothe+, C•fpet., 1111 m, paint and fine furniture— saving ball tlt+ labor and dispensing entirely with the wubboard The fin!. Wilton carpets, alter geeing been in am woven years, bare beer perfectly rester. ed, without the trOury to the fabrte, and with. out removing Isom the boor. It will net injure the cloth. Directions accompanying Oath bottle. Price 23 cents. roe sale by J SCIIGONAIh KKR a Co, aye 04 woad at EXCIM4E 'BROKEr X. HOLNXII i SO XX, ==f== - env DULA= In N OTEZ, DRAP - M_ACC EPLII.NCES, GOLD,BILTER A.hM HAM{ NO. COLLECTIONS.—Drafts, .Notes TES and Aederancel D eyeblo m pen of it. Mood, collected on the Most lc vocable tents. - - EXCHANGE on New York, Philadelphia and Bal. d abort. also, Cincinnati. Louisville, Saint Lows and N ese Orleans, eon...lily for sale. BANK NOTE:l.—Pious on all solvent tatnks in the nited Maus discounted at the lowest rates. All knots of Poreipn and Amenean Gold and Silver Coin bought Ind sold. Office No IS Market street, between 341 and 4th, l'inaLurrh, Pa. oenC. EXCHANGE. _ . . 1 -3H -Ls on Err6land. Ireland, and Seodand booghr any amount xt the Cunent Roses of Exchange. Alto, is payahle In any pan of the Old Countries from LI to /ABM, at the rue of 155 to the tnethiti, without deduction or dutcount, by JOSHUA ROM', SON. European um General Agent, office sth or one door west of wood. octlutt k 11.101[Rower) n IKI tun it RANES. at HAIM, DANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. dealers V) in Foreagn and Dorneitue Bills of Fichungo, ufieetes of Dcpoulie, Bank Notes and Corn. corner of 3..1 and Wood streets, directly opponte Sr Charles Ha tel. mar&dly WEN 'ERN FUNDS -Ohm, Indiana, Xeritunky, Missouri, Ba nk No tesi purchased at Use lowest num, by N. lIULM & SONS, eepl3 33 Market street. B ILLS OP EXCEL ADIGE—E+Ight Checks on New York, Philadelphia, dalumore, Oonstently for .ale by N. 1101-3038. & SONS. sepl3 33 Market st. IJUUKS. " USIC, &o. NEW ItmOKS Frqt. SUMMER RE.A.DING Pea—L'oreka, a Prom Poem. or, the Physical and Metaphysical Universe, hr Edgar A. Poe. EA' handsomely pruned, Idnin. cloth. 7 ma .We shall 141 greatly surprised if this work does not creed n prolOund senion ninon' the literary arid sateduhe closes all aver t the Onion, display.' as It does a reuoning power and grasp of thought winch cannot possibly fell to excite the 'special wonder' of even the most careless reader.,—Express. Nineveh mid to Hainaut, with an account of a .1111 • the Choldaean Chninans of Kurdistan, and the Ye or Worshippers; and an inquiry Into the • and arts of the Accurst Aasyriaria. by Milian fenny Layard. Esq., IL C. Li in Y enl, anal nuiner as din...nous. One of the most remarkable works of the age:—The Times, (London.) Feb. 9. The Salamander, a Legion of the Iran Furnaces of Rockland county, N. Y., by E. Oakes Gmith, with 11. lustre ions of Dailey; 04 ed. ttmo. cloth, 70 ets J. Feintimore Cooper, •The Kpy, • new and beauti ful edition, revised by the author, with new preface, he., to be followed by the Ptlot. to the mete tylc The Works of Washington Irving; revised end en larged by the author. to 13 elegant duodeenne volumme heminfulty primed in new type, and on .opener paper. made expressly for the purpose. For sale by JAMEm D LOCKWOOD. (for many years conneeied with Mean. Wiley & Putnam. and late John Wiley. N. Y 1 13 Wood at. Inl3 Mr L his net Warned from the Eastern tines. *TRlPiloolo3—lrving—The Crayon MiseellianYr— Plcomp g The Prairie, Abbotsford, Newstead Abbey. Complete it. one v alurne—eleg :only pruned. Curzon—The Nlonastenes of the Levant. Post eve; 1.93..9.91941 A volume of orero than ordinary interest, relating a series of moat canoes and often arousing adventure • • • The held occupied by the to almost entirely new —CommerelsJ Advert.. A book or - gentlemanly. liberal, scholarly Interest, which reminds us not • little of Beck ford'a Spottish a cumen& or the vivid eastern remmtseences of Eothen. Literary World Cooper—(New edition of early works.)-11. Spy. record. Aa . with new introduction and n Com plete to I sot Ur tier= with Irvteg's work s. SIX, The ttpy and the Sketch-Book were the firm Ameri an hooks which were univentally acknowledged to contiun perforomice as well as • promise. We well remember th e enthuaiasm south which they were received. and the proud expectations which they awakened among theJilwral minded abroad and the ppmnotic at h. ine Irminr was soon allowed a seat by me side of rimd•rnith and Addnon, and Cooper was tra,..lated in every country of the continent where any interest yr. fell in • fore wit hterature.—Literory Iccald For *ate by I.A/CK WOOD ,ul4 63 Wn. al .1 N k i r( i), ll , l , :o 4 l( v ei nT. Complete SVorks John n 1 Malmo. Mardi and %%qtr. Holier, by Berman Melville. Border Warfare of N York, by W %V Campbell. Ilere a I,aile and There a Little, by the author of "Line upon Lot, and Preeept upon Precept .1 Memoirs of my Youth. by A M Laniartine. Illuotraied o( Franklin, pan nth, A. recruited and for sole by it NSTON & STOCKTON. afe.4l corner 111 i rd and Market vb. lOW BOOKS—Dr. Coventry's Work on Emden... 11 (Iholera..“ Mc Dry, Camara, Pathology and ire at- .• Philosophy of Religton. by J D Morel!. A M. Itourne, lbstechiwn of the :Stearn Kopf, Chamber'. Cyclopedia of Engusti Gterstare, 6 vols. or b. fins edition. steel platet Chamnbers• Mmeellany of Useful and Emerbamtng Knowledge-10 •..1.. II too Illustrated. Adetee to Young 31ea, by T N Arthur, Pit. - - 1 oung Women. • '. '• Elements of Nletrwrology, by J. Brocklesby, M A., 'n r::Trr; for the People, by F. at Magoon. Untrerstly Serena.. by Dr NVaylaasf French's Iltosean Leeture, to to M r 1-4,7 —.Tim fitness of Holy Sertpturus for unbitng e spirstual Um of men ' I yob iso i No 6 Fronal,nbt Idle, Illoatratea Received thm day b) A HOPKINa, opal Apollo Dutldings, eth st NEW PUBLICATIONS--Essmy on the the Vltion .f Church. and state. by Haab,. W Noel, Id A. 1 sot Ittroo.-161 Cfm An enure edam,. of thm wort was ..010 to one day, on . cabin...non in London' Leave. from Margaret South's Journal, in the Pro vince of MansanhOsens 11a1-1P76-10. I vol. 1.140 73e lloyt's Poem. —Skosenet of Life and Landscape. I.y Res. lialph lloyt—wew ed. eutugni—wstA Mtwara ... 12mo. $1,60 A Cate:ch.= of the Steam Engana,tll.trative of the setent46e principles upon welch . operattan depends, and the onctiesJ dmatls of its structure, to Ito applies. uoa to ousiss, mai,. steam nastganott. and railways, ar. •anoossurg..uon• of unpm•coacm: by J Bourne C 1 , .. 1 sob Ohre. 73e. Cheever's Lectures on the Pllgnor's Prognvss-00 1 . ...I. Itno, Price reduced to al Ont. I The canons, It ranasly riature. Part 1. Ise. Franklin's Life, I:lustrated. Parts IV and V kies t . Tamms• Ilmtortea, Ly Prof. Tyler-11,00. For sale by mcb2.l 11 HOPKINS, 4. et oulcur.rtiarcvs PIA FO FORTES. JOIIN 11. NIKI-LOR, No. el Wood street, has th e pleasure of announeing the ureteral of a new and splendid usortment of Pianos, from the manufactort, of Jonas Chmkering. Boston—among them •• cent Rosewood fall Grand Rano Forte. 7 octaves. Also, • superb Knave Plano Forte, 7 octaves, caree•l rosewood, of the style of Loam XIV. wan a •ranety 01 7, of and aoctaves, to seheiti the atienuon of purchas ers ts Fespectfolly sotieltea. _ JOAN 11. NIV.LLOR. Sole Ment for Putno Fortes tor West. -rn I'enn•vivanic 'p2l MEM=MI= fivim JUT RECEI V FID and opntn', it new lot of elegant Pianos. from the celebrated factory of Nunn• dr Clark, N 6, ti and 7 octaves. with Important Improvements. bore m mackteeted and exterior. 1 cd by /. others. ALSO Etna scleell. of Ch It kertnes Plano., tiOUI il lnc octaves. If. KLEIJER., Solo Adam, et J. W. Woodwell`e Kt Third st N B. The above wet he sold at manufacturers prtj ces. without any addluou fur freight or expeormal runrlll Journal and Chrouiele copy. .. . _ . _ ..._ PLAJ9OI. fiffin A SPLENDID assortment ;est , trans and Rosewood Phan° fi. t abed. T.. Instruments are made of the latest pattern .4 best mammal and Intl be sold low for cash try F. BLUDIP.IIII Wood street, 24 door above Filth N. a —Tho ite who are in want of • good tostrunient, err reepectially invited to cranium these before pus , chasing elsewhere, as they cannot be excelled by rep in the country, and writ be sold lower than any broorhi from the East. Alsoomt received, two pianos of Ilitua burgh maitufseture. warranted to be superior to any ever sold in this eountry rter u STILO Mid& T• „Ns." ronsiniactu le of ud and sou path -matt by Messrs. March er. White, of Cinemitau. Ihe usual compose and exteot being but four ociaVi.. Messrs Al A. N , in accordance with the general some nod demand, have extended Me scale of these mai, amen. to end " or° ..lo rry, tam' tooling It Praelmultle la perform upon them any music wrmen for me I Milo or Organ. The exterior, au has been merit Improved by PMeteg the body of the instrument upon a can iron kerne beautifully bronud mid ornamented, rendenng it at mire moot elegant mid extremely desirable aruele The price is put so low as to bring it within the reach of every one to obtam a perfect musical instrument, and, at the mom Mme, • 0.0 elegant piece of farm tube Our a comparmive Mille. 11. KlaUtEll, At J W WoodwelPe . . GREAT MUSICAL. NOVELTY—The subscrtber h. Just received from Europe, sod for sale an entirely new invention of Piano Forte, called the t:A LL I N Els PIANO FORTE, which pomeseing more twiner and asseemess than the square Piano, occuptint but one fourth as much room, and Is • much more chewy and handsome piere'of furniture. It ts par ocularly desira ble whore the sa•mg of .peen is object, being ex eeedingly neat and compact, end occupying uo more ruaal than small aide table. The subscnber b. in hand a teanstionial of its supertorUy from the celebra od inmost, nloscholles, in hat own hand wnunt lc, loch ilia) inspc..l.. K LED ocutl At! %V Woodvreis NIT.II.IWr seccoved and los sale at man. al.:lasers tames, rota - rasa new P e n Fortes, 11, fie ants 7 octaves, of the PM. elegant patter. or nrrorroro, and with we nate tropto•ed scale. • Also un band and for sale 10w,.3 second band Pm. os JOHN H 111,1•:LIAM, Fdde Agent for Chickering's Poulos for Western Pennsy I vania, oosl street. man NEW MUSIC BY HENRI HBRZ—The Last ROIIC nf damns r, with an Introduction and billbant va riations for the Piano Forte, as performed so all his concerts in the Untted Sums by Henn Hera !Ililoary Ponta, by Henri Hera; Comte Polka, Pil•er Bell Polka. ° Just mewed and for sale by inch 17 JOHN 11 MELIA/1121 wood 0 A NI) SOLFE.6OIO)4. with ast urcoutpanment for the rien.forte, adapted to the wants of private papis t or classes in vocal tousle Nolected fm m lultatt, French and German composers. by Lowell Mason: 711 large pages of closely prosted music, contaltungH)) ogarctoss progressively arranged P.c. TS cants. Just received, a supply of the above, direst from the publtsbera, by JOHN 11. MELLOR, meta, NI wood at lir urns LikIA:110 1 -0 bins Bolan, reed and oar told by lal3 . R hPCUTCHEON lIERRIN(I9—emu bet No I Herrings, 1w dowe t . ed, to more and for oale low to clove cOnsigo. main by tall JAMES DALZELL. Water et RE.2.4 CRAPE Al tle CRAPE Illet—W 1.111 has received a supply at white and colored (:tape. and Crape Lae—among the letter green tad other dutiable colors. Also, white, putt, and blue Stile attd Warb Blonde. Jail (V 1 10 N 7 1N tat e Pare'., )tin %ANL ta c t r&ifit 14 tip.11.4.--Itilsriatrlnct-a 4 . 1.. 1 ;- 1 ... , ,.,.., • .. ..%I' . - i',....71:1r!..., - , t f.g1.:,.. :-... rier ttriz;ZE.l , ll.o; 2 ei 'l s a J , -.4.e.41=0tnE21=V•132i s ''.' "l7 ' 8;2: -lil.l=ifi t= i.. 1 • 5 Elk-°,gilsigt.2--:ELzig.z.• F . . n• , -.- - - ....c. ..v.t - . E • . .93 ..g •S 3, ..,,I. tzt3.A2.,:E37..„-,:2=.1,11 ti 4;03 -,'„5•..;:-. ~_ •. 0 .+3 .4. ~., .. d . 121 frei34-"V -..-80N.`-',4-,'=-.1--K;'-il-e, '6 ..: ', . ' l'oolo-,good IF rr,:.5... o . ' W ri'•la- .44 , - - f..szligt.:j 7+:5,“E-.22, E. -4 3 . 4 ,:g-t-I.Z.t-,--, -52 .45-5 , 4 e,i......,3, 4:4.3-5...,E,5,%-i-2.•;,8-E1,....--7..1.E.. V.S.:: L: - "t:- 'CI . 5 ,4 t, t 2 3 QC , " . 4....r.El.eiiii•-•.;:e;'....,.=,.- Tcn ..; 2:' , A :4`,..3.53°31.r,.. ‘ E C-ZZ. ~..c -, ..,, 31 --_---,-ai....-- - =. - ca-5 ~ ..,-tea....? ...Er -'..q.•.1., .... .g.,:. , 1 ....... 5 U.i7;;:f7r.t-P:,.4ii.:] i:4 2 . ' - i , .',, riialifilEFtlEiTi ii lit 11 ''''..= >_ it tl '..,.. i,, - .52::4.1;FK- , i ,- .... , - i•ii - ,, qi i q ....:liitir',.4.l:--'.re1.....'4 11.2'1 ' ''' : 75!':1Ti11111171 ';§ il .7 " el ;.' 2 . , - - '. 6 ..:.^;' , :' - ': •. 3,r0.143 Ems _ - ; ~ • = ‘, 1 2 8 '''' - ..1) 1. 4:' . i . Z11- .1 1 P. Z 8 g 0 , I.!..i= -,,2.3.•mp,-4,749,1X1 q ' ..... W 0 1 OCI 0 ?..-i,..ti t. 310;... , t_ =..• r .. ' ll ' 2 ;, E; I 6 Z;i,--f...z.-1.5.1..s .-'. 4 2 -: ,• .• . c. 2 ,_ . k a. rs,:arval.zigs:t? ii El ! Um ti ~.-. ..-.7.. te11:74:24.-3.q ?El t co ,E t o . 4 3 ibz...i-Valzg: i ag < -.,1 {L =1 Ce q CI t ( ' g e 1A 1 : ... _ 6 . 44 ,_ ...... fo Th ,...- 1 a - _.:4i.t.lz . 1:•;.-9 --.-6. 7..1 4 c. z 1 v , ! . i zi L - 7. ; f,,E; . itici:.41 .. . - ittgi . t:lfiff: 1- • %it S. 4) - ba -32-..gV.,77;..31;•tir0,-t:t .3Z,..1 '3 D &'• 0. . 7 "' 47 : 4 v: 1-o"3••.3:.;=:`"E''.Zott' 'O"ii -f CC -..-... v ~..E...?...1;• : 2 4..... 0 •:.. Q .:' ~: C ,t1r.0z 2 ...3. ,3 .... -,, _ Z )IC le 4lf i 5 EV ..g.i - - '- e -! 'g'. !. - c ! "- 1 .'1"-2 '' > .,.. 7 . .... s . z . z .ezarzF,.:-:E_9“ -°.g.1.32g, laj 2 iIP iIP-iillifi - -: - 1; 11 1 11FA!!11 1 iii 7 ; 1. - 4]',-irit-jj.t":slill!:l.'3l-!l7=l;l,tt %'1 . ~... :411 4 .".... , 1. '-15... '§-gs. E' .C.. . -) es, -.5-.---:...?... -••-•E,-I,o'o ,i --.-:,•'44.2e6=4.1d;"i1q,1tta•,4....',..1.Ei,, ~5 Z 214.5.,..-i-i.zit.gE;Eit,.; •E W 0 &.1.!•57-11i.;:-.1.1-il''gt,:.q21i.:i; ' 2 `t-'alV'7.-4,;-:1-:- ': t .n . . R:1:111:4i.:.'...-L;5“..0"''51=3*-v"Et;t:' . '' ::.f..`2'..i...,+.4:t..2.,..-7ti.1':.7:31';•-•Z 51 4.“;•,' ,-iz,"1"="1".-2!= at n. t 's -5 -:,7,-;,f.,..t..,1i-,.i,t.x i; CO, ° t."-ri'r.":l,:s-454.7t:.:2.--:1";;.iz",=-"ILI!=5`.:g;•,.,4.i.-..--.1''-t-r...,° "! 417,1,,:, t ..-7q..- ,- ;.,5:1 - . - zE-s . '' '.....:,•': -.. cr. -_- ; ;.:ti;Ca•,,ilt.t' .- ;: ,-5. ...i ) : CO ~2 . ? :4.'''''''.l.: l t . 'i l, Z' = '': ....i.7:l.-,..::-= •st . '.-.-4 r...---1.,1,..',',.,i21... I._ :; , 12 7 7. .. 4 I 1 i 1 7 t . : 1 ." i i ..A : 1 F 3 r, .....: ,t IT 4 ti..1d_t.....&_•••=g,;7“,1-.;•=-:-:1-,--i .(7 t,..i.73Laii'ligrliE!l•:-A i.:7;.....:i;;;-.-.:.'-'.;:2".•'•±-:iii4'. ID" AGENT/'—Whl JACKSON. JOHN ahl a .. MEDICAL. M'ALLISTER'S OINTMENT '',"- MEPATIVNI.I., V. ...•-•.!:', - -::4 , .. - y.,,,,,, . ;,.,._ It h_e_. 'c we to ... , er.-,,i ' " ' 1r,.. - 7.! cause all FITERAL - I ' ll.: Mt\ „ t 17:7 SORI , S, _SCROFULOUS '',...,.-., C.; ,c,... , g,... HUMORS, SKIN DIS. -'` EA 8 RS, POISONOUS 7,7, : i.,-...- :: ', e-..:‘ ,.. ... 3 -..? WOUNDS to discharge ...1. .. A : - - .• then putrid matters, and ,--T -..,--zr then heals them. 4',... ' lli tro-t - -. : 3 It La rightly termed _,_, ‘''' , 4, ALL- HEALING, for - h.' , " '''Trr there is scarcely a dn. •rr C . = ; ..,.'' ',.,,, ease exterttal or internal, .MITI: t , ,; q• that it sod' not benefit ''-; - ' '..,''''. I have used it for the last COSUMPTION. eilmoinlermi Ihr stadia... of the chest, involving rb. ottenton, then, how than we nip tee da...7.0 ...t the limiest danger nod resonstbdity, nod I deolare We hod? hose shall we nit clear of our meets and before heaven and mar, that net in one case has it olds! Is of nut importance to.the pmblie. failed to benefit when the patient was within the mach THE GR.7' AND ONLY REMEDY of mortal meths. frill be found to the Ginseng Panacea In pros( of this I have had physicians loaned in the profesaion. I we base Dom unto to tuna published the certificate. of . have minicar* of We gospel, judges of the bench, al- lethne of our best known einem., who hove OKFeI , dermen, lawyers, gentle.. 0 1 the highest emdmon, need to et:mouse powers. These, with • mess 01 Ith and multitudes of the poor nth it in every thriety at noway from al/ parts of the eotibtry,_—from way, and there hth been but one volee—ont unlversal MF.DICAL MEN OF THE FIRST Gaol Dice IayIng—.IIPALL.LITEII, YOUR OINTMENT Ministers of the Gospel, fee., together with copious. noil IS GOOD 111 tem from the RHEUMATISM—It removes almost immediately , JOURNALS OE THE DAY, the inflammation the retelling, when the pain ceases. we have embodied in pamphlet form, sad may be had (Read the directions around tie box..) It r A D-ACILB—no wilve has eared persons of the any of our athnts throughout the Cowan. C." of HUNDREDS OP BOTTLED hessehee be of twelve years standieg, and who had 11 have boon used in this city. re• •r every week so that toms took place. EAR , THOUSANDS AND LENS OF THOUSAND'S Asst I , TOOTH-ACHE, and AGUE IN TILE FACE, throughout the United States and Canada, and we ohs ars bathed with lite success. lenge may awn to paint out • tiCALD HEAD —We have eared cases that thwally SINGLE INSTANCE Mak thievery thole known as well as the ability of fil. a which, when taken if to directions, end be aten o twenty &them. One man told us he hod spent font the longs had beCOSete filthily disargaolled, 6 has gas en ho children withou any benefit, when • few ever !aile d EFFECT 00Taa of Otolsocal easel them. EFFECT X - PERFECT CURE. TI is nothing better for the care of Why, then, need the allimed hesitate? Why ~,,on to Tow, the misetable ocaanlaels, gotten op by ant owls least& RV RNS—It to one of the ban things tn th e world for •als • and the fled nam some co thirsted phy• Burns. umna, and puffed Into notori etyby certificates C. po- PILE.--Tboosattils are yearly cured by this Oj os tom tonally unknown? Mast • medicine of ment. It earth to to Menne Yillef for the Piles. UNPARALLELED EFFICACY Wr Around the Lox are dim for vents lit Al. I. to be had, who. vouchers are at horne t —ear Night /tort'. Chnorual las Scroluta, Oro Cow-plans, tr. I bon ' l ef whom it hth Los, Taw, Cthhistn, Scald Hail. Sore Eye, Gthnep, I SNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE Sem Tames. Ennektass. Nossms Affections, Puma Do. In order tbat Bus invaluable medicine may be placod e‘e y ea r ,h e Spa* Head ache, estknea,Deafestri. Ear thee, setthin the reach of the poor as moll the rick, w• Lan Surnt, Corm, all ihjeOlal of tar Simi Ben Laps. Polo pat the once at pia. do , Swelling of Bis iisishs, Semi Br w, ONLY VIIPTY OENTN, Pths, cad F., Croup, Swelled we Broken Brew, Tisyk lust one half the nosed cost of cough thetheincs. 1100 1 eat, ategve g.. gi• Fate, do. dre. t ter ode by our agents to nearly every , town aud vane cow., FEer...L,., c o mplaint, pain in the Criert , ever the west, who arc prg i gared to give full informs. and Sale, falling off of the Sao, or the other seem** , I don relative to 6 . SALTLR, Proprtetor mos cold feet (Teo Ointment is the true remedy.) , It : Broaslway,Clnetrwati Gino 1 , sways • sure sign of disease to hot cold feet rhfl. S. P. ToWitinKNIA3BARSAPABILLA-- 7 eSO ClltiS—Oceashastal vise of the tholoseat will a). v do ,. ,D, ~,,,,,,.„ ~,,,,,,„ ~ , ,L , , swys keep corns from crowns. People need never , se , e , e . t , ~,,d fo, ..y, phi R ES ELLERS, I be troubled unit sum If thery use it freeneutly. Sr Wood st. only Agent for Pittsburgh. This Lhotmem a . roo for mrf P.. of the bed,' DT toy D M CURRY, Agent for Allegheny city or buns when talented In thole ethes 6 should be 11YDELOPAT1110 ER v. 1 ithphed often. r sturrsarmon, v.v. co, ri, CA CTION—No Ointment w il l he genuine unless the DR. EDWARD t o hi. takes liii• meths of re-' nate< of JA NI abe t MeALLIsTER o einem. with • pea turning bts than]. to his fnends and the bite on every label for the encrust patronage he itas reaelaral, sod orb,- . For tole I , y m 1 Ac...." ~. P"^c.P." . 0 .. 0 ' foromns them Na t he bat Imely erected • large and to tu we Cinted States.„ 01l rounnicted buildig, for the exclusive our JAMES hie ALLISTER, of ho WATER CURE ESTBLISHMENT, at Ms old Sole ihoPnethr of the •,... st re e t, location, at Phi Ps- on the Ohio river , e 1)5 , Pnnetion Oaten No do North Third street, Phil. , th , ~,,,,,,., hdthi at 4,...., , ~,,, IX; adelplaa. to receive patients as boardrs. and &eat them on fly ' II CENTS PER 60X. _ _,, dropathte pnneiples In additum to his long elperi. -. 'i PRICE • . Aitawsl•trrssastn—Brann k Rene, corner of I.thery cod St Clai m ..*, and L. Wtleoz, Jr, corner of alathei st and the Diamond, also corner of 110 and ecuithheld Jlt Cassel, corner of Walnut and Penn sts, sth ward, and said at the bookstoie In Smithfield st, door trine Second .04 in Allegheny city by If P A c hwerth and I cement; by 1 Synth, Druggist, Bar. month... D L esley, East Lawny; If Rowland, Mc- K l eesport; A texander a Sim, Monongahela CON N Dorvisiat, and T Resets, Drowes•illei lash Iwitley. Deaver. Pe; are wholesale agents. teton.deotily - WATER CULL RISTALIGINELDIRINTa PHILLI S. PSBURG,. PA.,raptlodms,trrle:uowuhTah.lld.ropatby has made nem anr as ' iontshthig curative effeets '' or ei chrome and anent diseases, when employed oboe the method of the celebrated Ptiesnita have removal (reel the mind of en intelngent and &scenting public every paittele of oath as to its efficacy, end gained it sto vers& favor. Considering the unsatisfactory results Cl remedies heretofore used in the treatment of ebtonie leonthlatnts, too, whieb mothawng ev ery freed it must be natant' wish to see the success of a metal by which so many unforrunatd soirees. will be feted from their psi d ) thiamine. The tObscnner havutg practiced sueeewfttlly thia method tor eight years at. hts Hydropethie ertablthh. mem. whieti has been conmderably enlarged and im proved in all its porta, and In every respect, is neer ready a receive and aemtmotodate patients who may chwase to place themselves under has caw, skill and ' Thi r lrpaMcg, situated upon the left bank of the Ohio, opposite the mouth of as Bqr Deaver, Is well known for B re(eshlng and salubrious annewilhere, Its de. nightie! Waif lOC•• and °harming natural wenery. the every MOWS. to render the serourn of the ill • rand agreeable, and contnbaneta not a little to re-es. thblish nommen! health and abysmal strength. The establiahment, the first started in the United i4ates, contains every dung, both for pleasure and comfort, calculated no Inthre • speedy and happy ter. ourtsuan of the min:tenth of the Ittent. Persons Isotonic to avail themselves of the advanuc se. here offered, will please address the sub.nter st by letter, ipo-paid,) among as near as posslble the nature o f their complainu, In order to decide and ad vt. no thew fitness and curate-1M by Me BydrOnmhie treament, and also what will be necessary fee them to take along, for thew especial and pethonal use. EDWARD ACKER, M. D. ropnetur. Philipsburg, Beaver P comity, Pa R xxxxx mcm.—Rov . d. Armstrenr, Y. D. Carl, ISq. do; lien. 'Thomas Henry, Beaver Pat Dr. Barker, dm Prof CO Ptlthbutilt, LC. Perkins, Coil 01,10; Rev. A. 11. Seeed, New Alb., Rev. M Al en, Prthceton, T L. Stamm, E.q., New York, LA. CO. Winter, Philipsburg; Wm. Me. Cannel Slat Putsburgli, A. Indwell, Esq., do. me IcAt • • • -- PF.CIAL tiYhIPTOMS OF CONSUMPTION— S quirk pulse, hacking cough, general weakness, re Hies. sleep. ••riable appetite, Irregular trowels, pains between the shoulder blades behind lusuntka Nrairrous or Couviarnon.—Coughing night and day, gabby muscle., general debility, great shortous of breath on going op slates, ascending a hill, or walking but • Inds fast, pulse Meru. above one hundred, for weeks together, drenching cold urea. towards morning. Catarrhal Consumption emus on like • common catarrh or cold, hot about the period when that dm ease uually is expected to satanic, acme oldie at oymp toms arc aggraved. The eough Is more Haab', *wee, especially when lying down. There is no fixed pain In the chest, hot difficult breathing, which as worst on lying down. The neonate.. of the expos toranon, which is copious, is changed from a thick pallow mere. to • thinner substance. It is very utt- I leasant to the patient, and emits 11.11 unpleasant smell hen burned It. of an uniform appeainnee, anCs protrubly • mixture of pus and morn., as on mignigth rip water part sinks and pert mime. This disease may _cear tn any Patin or at an mti, arid is char.- tensed by the peculiarity of the c y ough. The Relearn of Liverwort effects the care of this in sidious diseaae by expectoration the and heals the affected lung. It never W is. Wherever this medi cine has beets used, we hear of Its soiree.. For thir , teen years it has been before the public, and hag been thoroughly tested for all complenns of the Longs, and h• peeved itself supenor merit M any thing in use. W• might give hundreds tat testsmontals from phyai elan', the pre clergy, and those who have been cu red bat all se ss, c deore is to call the attention of the at doled, and for thou own goad they will try it. Look nut (or counterfeits' Always obscene the sig ileMre, •"Lra. Taylor, hi D.," on the engraved label, and rrepa i rcd at the Wholesale Depot, 73 Beaker= steet, New York. Sold In PitHirurgh by J D Moor. 93 Wood Hi I Townsend, 43 Markel st; Bagger, eor Market and 3d sH; Henderson h Co, 3 Liberty at erica reduced o 111,50 per bottle. mart hA ORGAN'S WORM KILLER Is the best Vermtfuge LT/. that any 121.1e111 rice or um tu his Dimly. WarOlNo7oll'Tp., Westmoreland co. P. Mr John D Moritatt: is is 10 certify that I here been selling your Tettritfuge for some time, say about one year--and in that time I have never known II in to fail in tingeing worms away. when die symptoms indtemed their tiremera had onnnxkin P i m ii i n two grown up members or my (Unity; I viva each of them one dose. and one of them pused mid the oth er over ISO win in•. It 11 the best Vertinfuge that any man ran use in his family. J. W. erepateil and sold by INC. D. :DORGAN. Druggist, one door below Diamond alley, on Wood st. ios Sutphur. %Vitae Pmeipitate, Cyummt Potash, mot re reined and (or tale by tad E SELLER, GS!!— Chloroform, Eat. Hart i`reetp. lodide Nitrate Silver. thl Copaiba, Jam. Poynter, Citric Acrd, Chlovide Soda, Chlorie Fibre, Extra. Rhetany, Extract quassia. Joel reed and for tale by R E SELLERS, PSI 57 Wood .1 PECI'I NO ekoLirrioN OF' CHLORIDE SO. iJ DA.—lt decomposer the virus or peecant prinei pie of tut contagious dieeoes. It removes the danger ous effluvia of look rooms, the By . Its eleutein,g one,. gy It mimeos siren, and intomept. all communicable titeems, sarbethor In moo or animals, he. Just reed Lod for .ale by lull RII SELLERS, 57 Wood et A T the sign of the Plane mtd Saw, 78 Wood &treat CI. • complete usonment of C.:lei/ Coopem Tools, toccata by en yl6 HUDER LAEMILAN ItigAtAELArS HISTORY OR ENGLAND—DM /VA edition, containing all the matter ' verbatim et Ittereum, of Vols. and It alba London e dition, em bellished with a portrait of the author-9 Vola. in one. Peen, complete, Stir A loge supply of We above re. oeured and for sale by JOHN l MELLOR, motor , di 'rood at • iiHOWLATE, COCOA AND BRONA—Dalter ki Brom, No I Cnototato and Cocoa; also, Sebago sweet spseed Chocolate, pat nse'd and for sale at the Paton Tea Store, N. Dearth at. rare WRpulverisedlTD SUGAltd—Losentties lass, creased law Soros. Dist reel and for sele by Lae bbl or at retail, at the Pokin Tat More. 70 roan!. M. atylEt Plunborgh: D AL CURRY, Allegheny City; A. PATTERSON, Big MEDICAL. Lumeive GINSENG PANACEA! 1 , 0 THOSE SUFFERING WITH DISEASED L LUNGS.—The impreeedented insccess which has trended the en of the GINSENG PANACEA all the various fem. which Irritation of the lungs us tomes, hos lodaced proprisior split 10 cull suen. him to WONDERFUL PREPARATION. Phe changable woodier sable, marks our fall and miner months., ts always a fruitful source of COLDS AND COUrillfl. If neglected, um hot the prseurvars of that thil lestroyer, . e ;le and M nice t great success whh has heretofore at tended his imminent of patients committed ta bin mire, he has now the addalonal facilities afforded by an ex tensive buttons erected expressly for the perpo., con taining toren:odious and airy moon, and fitted up with every necessary apparatus for bathing, and &mi tering the treatment to the inmost benefit and oomfon of the panent. Phillipsborgh is a most delighuirl andl healthy voltege, easy of water soesonboins, and &f -iords fine and wholesome Dr. Acker assures those al:aimed persons who may place themselves der his care, that every anettion shall be paid to their eorn(orn and as an ....ranee of the substarnial benefits to be derived, he units with confidence to the boa died. who have bran permanently wired at Ms est.. totesent. The Water Care I on Mimi.. ..seta behind, as to too often the cue with thou who have been treated on the old system. It removes the dis mue, invigorates the system, pone., from the dangers incident to changes or the weather, creama • natural and active appe ute, and imparts vigor to the digestive I powers. Terms of treatment and boarding reasonable. For further pertieulan inquire at the establishing., et address the proprietor at Phillipsbergh. Rep. DR. Jab NE'e AatOLAII v We have been informed by Mr. Rose of a owe per formed uher by Iln Jayne's 14terattwes witch proves as ...starkly es. ..try other remedy of the kind. She has loco alllicted for the last Oilcan years with NECROSES or WHITE SW ELLlNOSittustded wnh alcermlons and =foliation of various bones, do-, nog which time many pice* have been dia.:mired from the /nodal bone of the e . ramans, from both ber sans,, artate end heals, and from both legs, and from the lei , femora! bone, and from the right keen, besides Ptiond ulcers on other puns of het pore., winch have baffled the skill of • 'somber of the merle..ent physicians., our eiti —daring moat of the time her suSerniga hove been estimating and deplombln Abut three months since she was indoeed to try Dr./sync', Alterative, which b. had an .thaislithgly happy elect spot b. by removing all pain and swellings, and mutates th; by to heal, white t aka same time her general health has compleMly motored, oo that she now wetglis sit les more than she did before she commenced the tie', I of thm truly •eltrable prepatroa--(tiat. Eve. Posh For farther informentin,iunint of H.. Hose. No. ITS Filbert to, Philadelphia. For sale in Pinstiongh, el the PEKIN TEA STORE,. TS Foarth at. tear Woo& )1. 5 DTOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA.-50 dozen, lest received of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, the most extraordinary medicine'n die world: This Eo* u act is pat up te quart betties. It is six times cheaper, pleasanter, and warranted seperior to any sold. It earns dimsne without visanting, nerving, actual or 1 debilitating the patient. Loos oar nu Dararrosa — HOPint.rini persons h.w. coined oar labels, and put ap medicine to the setae shaped book. Sea that each horde has the mimic sig nature ot , S. P. Townsend. 65t I Villa, Drualsit, 57 Wood novel, between Thad and Fourth, os Dr. ow - nutter only wholesale and mull agent for Pittabargto, of whom the genum arucle can to had. D, Al. Curry has been appointed the sole agent for Allegheny city, of whom the genuine article can be had. ap4 B. A. lasaanuaL A. II Ilea, 2 , 4. Lur IL L. FAzunnocz,}Pinabingh. 0. W. FAamma belwala Drag Altos. I. Ow City ad How York. • 1 , 1113 wader and enuondeely engaged tbe W holesale business al N 0.49 John *mem, In Ore any of Nam 1 oskand are Karam , ' m mPPIY Lirealdsta and cintatl9 ilembants vllh Lunge, Paints, • ids, L 7 .slat, Famign aml Aramaean Perfumery, risn•-or, Assn, II Manure Chemiesis, (of drain eon raroMathotl eat' ail attar alleles in shear lino of bud ••mse. d a =pada t.zaality u law as they .an be pun. Muni In WI or any eastern shit. Neer York, Peblll IL A. FANNIN:77OM( t 4. Dr. Wicket.. Celebrated CIIOLBRA SAD viasentsi REDICINBIL Ipubho are requested to mad the folletng cer .l ve ufieares This medicine is extenarmly used m all the Southern and I.:einem eine: Wo do certify that Pc. Loots Wand. of York, Pa., took under his care and mithenmest, ou or about the g e e of °non, int, yang man laboring usder vere attack of -Sainte Cholera.'" That we exam ined the said patient, and found horn to he iu the col lapsed state, of thasdimatterwoh Smitten and coptous rice eraser discharges. That we pronouneed te a ease o r genuine Choi..., and declared moreover that we behaved the said patient was beyond the hops" armed mal aid. In fart we thought the patient would ate, and se declared al the time. We further certify that the end Louis %Vishay pm sued his own mode of treatment, and administered hts Cholera Remedy, and effected a cute of the pellent. We :1114k ra (OW days Wooster the and young man was an work, sod perfectly welL does C Donn, M. IL T. /1. Docxerr,M. 1 eerufy that I 'toned a case of modified Cholera un der the C.! of Dr. Lout. Wieltey, and that I behave ht. umbel. relsevcd Wm. . . Seale of Maryland. Wuhtngton Coonty, to wit 1 certify that I eel welt nennainMd 'nth the gentle men who have elved the within certificates of Sty. Louts %Vaeltey,•nd they are men of tespeo . obilil• le re.urnouy whereof I hereunto entrsenbc thy L.. enure, end all. the seal of my offiee, tel. four- • ie..niti . toyember,..ylhteen tn....-...... and thirty-threo. 0 N. WILLIA3IS, Clerk Washington County Cony, Maryland. I witnessed the admhunration of Dr. Lords Wick- eV. T repan:ion for Cholera, in the ea. of an appren tice to We plastering bow.. in ads town (Hager. town.) His was • welt marked ea. of A.m. Cho lemma with rice water erac.uota, and clanon9 skin, cold tnigue, small trannalo. palsas.-1 considered Ms situation truly criticed and alarming. I saw Wm pre y.. to Dr. Winkey, and was prewar at the minim.- ..ion of the firm dose of medicine, and saw hat re peatedly oaring the attendance of Dr. Wiekey; he covereA so as to be able to wend to and want at his trade in • few days. lam rare he Irak none mbar but the medicine admintsed by Dr. Wake), Mats. W. Davy Tit D. Ths 0 , 4 rear and gentllne Da. Wax.% Cliclera and Darrhann Medicine is prepared and sold whole sale and retail, by JOHN D. mcnipAN, Dreggist jidlidgm ono door liabine Wood st --- z,.a. GRATFF. UL for the rely liberal encouragement I neve received for o n man coed. I have deter mined to enlarge my gloes , rably. lianas p competent RIMS., I mill be enabled to orders promptly, and do the work in our anal style and at fat: priers, and ask the attention of mer chants and citizens to my large stack of UPOOLSTSI - tiOODS and Bed; /delouses and Bedding, Cur. Mid Platens's, Dantuka and Moron, Commecn, Prim Sordenings, Tassels, Split and Holler li , inda and ovary amnia asually kept in an einablishment of the kind. Orders respectfully solicimd and promptly au tmuled N. o.—Carpets Buda and pst dawn. Wht.NOttl.R LAlifl 7 4o - It7gi o I Lant, 17 8 MX/ILLS & ROE TVILED APPLES-300 boall utAc lu t4ovit ic b 7 I/ ill MISCELLANEOUS. befoee-med oo d most fasidatt ' abie Zamora pattoros Lod colon. Also THE CHEAP ROLL, or BOSTON BLIND, ais Itami or made to order of all late, and at ali pls.& Colour, Iderchatne arid others era mvised to ea sad examine the above for themselves, a, all will be wild wholesale or retail, said a liberal dedastiria =BB IV wholesale parehasers. • WESTERVELT E:17311131:3= „ „ • • • 1 - IrE hereby notify- oar friends and correspondents TT as home and abroad, that are .111 004 P.n met rano...ranee, react. freight frinn .47 U.. f . ” bistr J. Neaten Jones Is alas. Hell NODE k. ALCORN. OHN KELLY b. CO., (mem.. to Robb, Mea d bream W Co., late Horeb = Tailor%) No. 107 CIIIETNUT Street, above TWA, Philadelphia, bog leave to Inform their friends and patrons that they have received the latest SPRING AND SUMMER FASHIONS, with a largo auonotent of Now Pnyla GOODS; comprising ClotEa, Casslmeren, Vesting., to. of every duoriptlon—rdl of which are of their °warm. portation, havum been camfally selected m Paris, London, wk. Orr 'Stranger. visiting Philadelphia, are resPeettal, ly invited to oral C. 111.11110 then CSLCIISiTO stock. meta:deco NnieIiESDEEL PASTE—Just mous , irons I. battles of Hebb. Paste, • superior artififs ? bight) important to person dm wish w keep their cet dry It prevents the leather from wackier, Led will take • parish over It. For rale or the India Bekker Depot, Nod Wood sweet. inars ] t 11 PIII LLIPt3 GOLDI GOLDU GOLDIII GOLDIM 1. E sabserlber, wnolesale numnfaeturer of JEW ELR Y, invites wholesale dealers and pvtllarstrw dam Swab and Wew—ulso country store simpers te call and examine his stoet'ot Jewelry, which will be sold at the lowest prices for muds or approved steep manes. Constantly on hand and manufaetwing, • large assortment suitable for city or country trade. E. 0. A. BAYER, comer of Fourth and Branch sit, up win, apltbdam Misdealt& Paper Hangings. HA6nNi°.PfechErV, jr!JaVo a r t k,Thi=hit ..c ard ktalticaorej a large assortment of tae newest and most unproved styles of PAPER HMI INC/A, Hol e eon. and made arvanirements by whichy, will be eon. bled to present all maw Patterns, siroultaneons with their appearanee in the FAcern market, I would in vite the attention or those desiring to have their boas. papered with the latest styles of paper, te call and examine my stock, before pimhasing elsewhere. I have now on the way morn the toot, t°,040 pieces of Gold, Paris Glazed, and common raper Hangings, which I eon sell at pnees triaging from LSI eta tos9ll. niehlS HILL. 157 wood sr Usecos Smotrln i. — AVINCi just completed sh e rebeildingoroar woke Douses, we ere now prepated to receive meta, and soke a in the most merchantable manner. The [lmmo. are fi n al ern!) all the modem improve ment., and arc capable of containing Idud/XI lb.. each. BIER tr. JONE.II, Canal llama, EM2=2O MU PAPER-Having tie excluitive ageitisi fat the sale of the Mill Grove Printing Payer, Itt LL b. QT. Markle, 1.wpm...4 we ..111-be =lnanity suppaeLl with all ttie thilerent sixes of stmerterecnalny, winch we offer at the lowest regular prier. REI NOLLYS SURE, febb4 eorner Penn and Irwin sts Dtrokrzsar. woturos. - - - 'COLFAIAN, HALLAIAN t CU. miuhnue hi manu facture Small Iron, Spring and Am. Blister Steel, ough, Fork end Floe Steel, Rivets, Spikes and Wrial Iron Nuts, all itif sizes'to gether with Coach an ELM. Fat, Taper and coma= Axles. Having reduced Me price of Wrooght Iron Nuts, engine ballden and others using the article, will grid It to their interest m give this new ',math of Pittsburgh menufactrinis their alumina .1. Leach trimmings and makable iron on liberal terms. Warehouse on Water and Fourth its febrA-tf SAM'L. GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, ZICLIANGZ btrlLDltt,g, CLAIR STREET, PITTSBURGH. BAS MR 11:191.31. Ball NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, And is now receiving a fine assortment of CLOTILE, CASSIMEKES AND VEBTIIII3, OF THE BEST QUALITY AND LATEST DTYLIEIS, Which be is prepared to make va orde' lEll= And in rile latest P..hion• maan - Head Ciumrtere for Boot. sad Shoo. Barrffsr of Fourth and Smithfield street., rrrnecmon, IIITROTH SCOTThavrag commenced the general Boot and Same binimets,pit wholesale and retail, would respectfully tarns the attention &their friends and the pollis gen erally, to their splendid new Hoch, consizfing dtcens, vs . omens', boys', mine.' and children, wear of every variety. suitable for the seasnn, and at pines In suit the nines. Is splendid article of house made work, smelt as gentlemen's fine 11..4, ladies. an d children, fine work. Please call and ernsdne for Tr/unwires. TROTH d SCOTT, corner Ith and Smithfield a. N.D.—Traveling Trunk., Carpal Ono, ie. to., al ways oa hand Loa low for tag& Coono7 march.. .mold had it to Omar iotatoti pot as a call whet. mai • . Lb° ci ot:hl4 IiVILSOIS s Ca, IMPORTERS and Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestics Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery, dr.e.., Wood auto, Pittsburgh, are now fully prepared with a recently Unported stock of Hardware, Catierystlad diary, Carpenter.' Tools, fro., to offer very great to. damsons to Western Merchants, as in addition h , the many advantlkjes bad by our, Mew. sra Logan fr. Kennedy, we have greatly Incensed our facilittes, and purchase all oar goods tram tiro hand. on the very hest terms, Toe Ardor members of the firm devote their whole attenuon to sales, and feeling coefident of giving sat isfaction,respectfully soiled a call from all who may soil market. 1.1123 THE unc*sigtted edam for sane • superior antele nt brick for building, made by hr. Ekes. Press, improved machme, for winch be has obtained a patent, and agrees an give purahasenia rerinenguaramee abet rimy ase stronger, end aril must neno and wet area.- et and imbibe less moiMure ...nen. Wan e ty oth er brick, posselsing greater body and *ripene tamtnre and Mu. mare durable an every respect, brick being subjected to • premium of several teach aud pos sessing a *sandarac. .month surface and even edges, they make a front equal m ate Sze best front brick. They lave men Wagreateet ...Anion to all mho have purchased. A kiln eon be ore,, at my works, and speetmen sr the Ouse. once. Those hiaiug supplied themselves tor their banding% and wig.; heroism. from beck, at smarms hard and wird paving brut, can obtain them. AAC GREGO; Ittrmingtravi,J.e PI, 1848. I tf WooL—The gheM pnee emit pmd Mr ati TT ditlemat grades of clean wombed sby myll II L.Ekji4berty st, opposite Silt CupArtrosß9llll.—l have U. day meociatogi with me 111 the wholesale Watery, Prodded and Commiamon Dame., .11r. mita Wilma, ander the him of JOHN WAIT CU. JOHN WATT. Pntsburgh, April 31.1, 1949. SUL7II of Qumine. oxide of Tut, rruale nod, en ram ol Iron, Carmmate of VolaM, Nitram of Sorer Calomel, Zodiae of Leary Chloride of gods and Chlorin Ether, en hand and for male by 177 J. KIDD h CO. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, V ÜBLISIIED DAILY, TM-WEEKLY fr. WEEKLY 4 Ms 4sarx“ Brie:tiny, 3d sa, wawa. Tea Wiwi. KATES OP ADVEIIITIE 15113. One ineertiou of Mines, or 1eta,..... ..... SO 60 Two insertions without a1terati0n5,.......... 0 711 Three " " • " .......... 100 Ono Week .......... 1 60 Two Week. " " ........., 2 60 Three w " , ...... 4 .. 300 00 " One ..........hicth, " ... 600 Three " " .....‘ .... 760 pa. Lon., advertisements to came properties. One aquare,6 math., without alteration,... 10 D 3 0 ty .14 CI •• 15 00 Each additional square for 6 month., • 6 a) 12 ~ to mt ao Onesquare 6 montha,reniwahle at pleasure. ~,, / 3 .. ~ j 2 ~ i, Each additional agnate for 12 months. ..... .. 10 2: 0 3 Two equates, 6 months, re'vrahle at 'leasers? 3 ° ..., Each +Miliaria! equare,6 mouths, ... . ...... 6 0. aims. W. 1.. . 01 1111- II DAILY - ~.. ... r One eitere. 3 Insertions, ..........•• ...... ii " " each additional inaertion,.......• II IMIZIAM canal. 00 Five or leas, on` Yaar. ...... "•*". . 6 6 00 all months,. ............ .... 00 ova year, daily & weedy, Z u ix , " " " at: mouths " abritalinairra ur Wsaaat russ.n• JO fm It Ines or len One nmenmo •-•••••••`' Two„ o Mnie, ••••••••• 00 „ - llire• i50a5t0,...., 6 of