TdE riTTISBURGfi G.` TliF. PITT.SOUIIOII.* THURSDAY MORNiNG, AUGUBTEP3,IE49 , ,---. . Cell. rtratea.ti DAM, Lists - mil o:,pabltii.ited May. Trm•Weephansi Waktpe—Tbe Digli is blite. DMlsera per aerate TriAVeekly is FPiptpenel„ ,P. , seam; On W ekly is 'Two Dollars per 061...4 ...1., ft advonta. .• L i A,.,,......-4 --....... .. re essnesuy rag —t is mid in .er , - , - .• - 0•wi .. ...„%,.. N., and ss es ist the 07 II pratticapte. A verier-aients aca kaaerta gat a steel. se., Mae will usaarlabil ba Gained asttSkbaderca net . , .. palLeuct.inais nou..rn stitiniiv*N. ki , crtUnhaento end Isrluansioas to dattiont , Amer csn owl Unscd Buses Uszese, Flats& . .... o, re.SI. , asel rotors/11a from Cr. oCee. ',4 NV A NTIIIIIIIIIIII3 itICIC.)CT is i f(4l CAN, C 0111111•103 ~ pi • 1100.1 . M. peuxa, a L... hon+a WILLIAM HASLETT, of INIIIi4 County. ~ ...Wait, I" . ROUT. C. WASUCER, or E.'lrsafrar lioiusgli /CCM MILLER, or ShorpOnslt, CALEB LEI;. yr tPdubuigh. BIM- Uri, of Lower Sr. CLIO. 111170.1.,. CARTER CURTIS, of Prszbolgb T 1.0.1070111111, GeV HAYS, of Upper St . Ckth. T1M.C13.1, JOHN MuHRLSoN, o( Anekb...l. C 3 1, JAS. KITCHELL of Peebles. ea..., WM. M. AILTIWILS, or Paw bugli h JOHN DYERS of Piadi.T• The Miners Journal 604.11 en that tileneml Timms and Gar. Joanna:l will Man Sh4uyikill County, on ban return (rein Boston.. The people ci the Mining Districts insist upon q.Vid 'Lark' rving them a visit, and be has yielded to their ?be Whe•liag4ige. Our Cinemnati neighbor., very uageneraiialy We think ympatbila with the Wheeling pen* In the Endge enntrovervy. We think theiwould karcelY lit.. to have the Orao nver spanned by a 4:ridge ar Maysville, or at. Madison, which saould trn terially obstruct the on vigation, and If cod Is auth4trized at Wheeling, there is no reason why the Otter may udt be obstructed it the same may from its head to Its mouth. But if they mtul actively usite in th 4 contr.,. •crap, favor of Wheeling, we wish thdy, would; be a little more careful of their idatements; and a . little more chary of their In•rnundore. Au article: dated Cincianau, and published to the ticAh Awe nets of Friday, designed doubtleis to opeiate upon the Court, ttenunds with misstatements, slid in the most gross !insinuation. We bake, ho4:ever, too much telamce on the intolligeoce of the qourt, and the public in general, to rake up the mile of oui traders in reply. All see ask,: on Ischia( of the rib zees of Pittsburgh, is a fad: stateuitint of tha case, and ell impartial henring,i if the /isei Is agsaast us, sad such nttixtides are legally ati thurtsed across oar greavntielgablc st i ehms, oh ts which an immense tonnage *Pat, ne9fw° mop submit, that is all. Bal. we ANA not hhi the sufferer. Let the precedent onpit be 54:and there will be no (trait to such Myelin:l. ° mm. 119beoling and Cincinnati will both be eioal sne4fers with Pittsburgh, to the long rim, wid!artll dc4ty lameht the short sighted policy which Illst cucenceinced losing game. flowever, we have Do team of the 141riit. We do oat believe the lailt will p. 6,4 thQ'Wheeltim Bridge le stand, obgreetiog a5 1. 1. , t OndoOitedly rdf I the navigation of the Ohio river; but if litre etre FiF tatien,.d hail in every legal niennsoricldrens, We shall try to =commode.: onradives to kiitr eiretim* *lances, and when we cannot Faye! in:gleam km, age iailroad ears. Ii Cincionati odd ~Vhecl leg persist in obstructing the ileer, ste will inn our red toads past their doom and lab the rite' below them. They cannot prOrent that . ...,... • Another Aettioveceserat' or alsl Whig : I StateA d11212.ii IFILLS0311( A eeetion of the Appropriitaa B1(14 passe4 . , the last semino of the Legialmilre, au itherizeil appropriation of 5150.000 towneds [Mc:Completion', of the North Broach Crum4 pib, i led Ikea timdtint, of rorphia funds should acetina Wale Itt the Tisis4 wry, shove what was neemenuy to pity the Siatil merest, the specified amounexo the Sulkies; Fend: and the other 'authorized mile upon the Treasury The last Harrishurgli 3eyatt he ar.t4ihnces chat the accounting officers were Making The neeeinia , ry examinations, and prepaling s raped . ha our, summer the law, but exprefeed thelopinion, that la consequence of the divendOn of 2.40,000 to the Sinking Fond, nothing conill .be at/red tee the North Branch Canal Will : Mir. The wish woe t int:Milers father to the thought, but rile Keystone was nevertheless mistaken, • , • From :he American, of yeaierdzy,lWe learn that While Gov. Jonmroari woe its this c 4 ' he received report, from the proper cOmers, strides that the I contemplated surplus was to the treasury, :and the Governer has, in pursuance of tfie,law, direct ed the transfer tithe amount authidixed to the credit of the Canal Commtetioners,iwith instrac. non, for its immediate application tit the purposes contemplated. ' When it is considered that the North Branch . Canal has already coat the Item on : immense sum of money, without benefittlng the odmmouity, or affording any revenue, front !Ile un4ished Windt. ton, it tea matter of monk gratuffolon, that the State is now able to go on and migalilete this im provement, without involvih,y herrelflin further rn debtedoesa When theM Werke/al 'finished, 111:ey will not only greatly boned! the c4entry thiough whtch they pats, but will else yietila revenue to the Commonwealth. ' Truly the achievement:lief the irigarons Whig Administration of the State !base btigo of no ordi nary chareicter. Blocs the Whig; have held the reinstal l power, in the short,ipaec of hoe yeah, they have raised the State toe linenciat.Cosition which the most sanguine could nut have ixorsed for a few years ago. • The ioterest,.lnstead .a being paid in s tuaphodem, and partly With borliWed money, is now paid in par food. out Of the demerces of the Treasury. A .Siutrag gioul in jitee egyiblished, which has coraroeneed tdj temoviit Oat commons debt, which has as long likeiglaeilttowo the met gies of this great State. :Or noofire have SILO; 003 appropriated from st4ifor Miennee, to COM: mane. , the impotent writ l it of tit:46in tie NOrth Branch Canal. . n i The ranting pout, a 004 t object with the people of Perinsylves ssF.i trithoV sueh a menlare, they oura be atlas, t4aed to pay inte rest, lam Won a favorite !theasure*tli the Admin istration, as t shoold be with evity riglit.minded citizen. The LocofocoOpposits,hilias, however, opposed it limn Oa start. Their probably envy the Whigs fur the happy thotiglial:Od wish to pre vent theca from carrying it into practice.: Their efforts have matted theta notti4og, hosiever.— The Administration has Weedily rMrsued Its amine to promoting the good of, the wtnle people. Underthe able and vigorous administration of'. Gov. Johnston, the State if now Ea a carter of un wonted prosperity. All that isfilmw wannest to tree the Commonwealth. from all its enibormaa• menu, to fur the Whigs le proceed; with their good Weak, by okopoglicorr H. Foi.x.ra CaDet Cain misnames. If we bad the cotardeof the Canal Uf- Hee, to that the machiodry of g4Sernmeat Could move in harmony, Much more ;Sinai" ha netam- Plitannt. The majority elite prey4ht Booed appear 'to try how much they den mobil:ram the Admin. lunation, Instead of '0. 6 . - wmthl ob jects, and the Whig party will 101 l of us.lugh mu. la3a,, if It doe. not roryeillots fortes for the coolest Oils &IL Tut Naar Cittommatuamt. Elhotmaroa• . . -- We re gret m ao ttoo a di.pealuon 4trady mhodhsong itself to agitate the queition of Eke Go ideonatorial nomination for 1651. iii. altointh , toe woo to Wing forward this ountrios. aunit cannot tail to prove mischievou.matte lin. II in: time .msgh to do no when Otto. Johnston shall make publicly known his dettfirmiuntida not agalo to be a candidate. Should !rich be Nts deem:m.lloe, , as is intidated by the Pedforaeorrespnedeto of the PiMibunrhGemette,*e agrel with the Erie Ga. sells that no man to thellitste wld be inure l lhw ly to lead the Whig perry to 111 vietorY the Hon. Jam. PollocledNioffinntherland coun ty.We doubt touch, a the Gaiette does,-isheth er there is It Min in th State Oho in ■ higher degree than Mr. Polioa,' the elements of great personal populatilY.'—,l4 Neu% Tae Noladelphie riineris etirely ofittaken as regards a "Bedard correspond Ot of thei'ittaburgh Gazette We have ell welt cottesPondent.— We published El lattli!frOM t ¢ 6 it e dro r d practice of the RytiUic, tOch spoke of Gov. Johnston's declining run aiiecond term, when we toot °comfort to that fie thought lb. mei- . Ler in error, in troppoldog that fide. Johostoo would decline a nomination, and stifd—“we , should ria.i .. grel. If any thing abotild prefest his leading the, , ? Whig bast. et the oext And We now way crObaticiat that We exceed-I mgly desire ho have OP s• 1 4. nem. kir oar near! candidate, thieve ergOest the" itoentotoo oputtosent of he r. ; • PivraipaauAtan ! err. Lovig• An ,titlde , We i4i4'ioPe ;time elk, ott the iaiieit ids canOccitoos all [Wad Gorr Oubuilla to St. I.43th,lini at Tay general al;tetnion rejoicing soma Itna &others. The tiers 4aVe WelV.*llr to (4 . 6111 and u law they erne net , in the to which ire placed ,Whileitsstasitt:anrally known itan vulvas rail roads merle chtutefeo, and is prootis of coo artienpu in nionsylvsl4a, Ohio, and lednott, fern watettorare tgin a ntuyttier of these LJn - taed a di real and contlanoos Iftte of prospective railway from Philadeliihin to 'teilo Haute, on 6 . 4 W"e" Indiana Stmci.Line. , bur Cier , nilstl noir* re are juatly itlarrneu at the prospect of a greaf: , , central tail mod passing from seventy:five to Oiundred wales rt(irth of that citY,b7od south ~ : l l ing , ibe travel hod produce of the mighty ale's Past her doors, frithout a 3 Ouch as saying. "by 'poor leave" Thy fultoorie.g paragraph, witch we OM from a commtga ' icabon in the ancirintil,C-aser.ti„ , Will show boce.they view the aubjecc .Pittsburgtiarßlsooit become a aislerifSt. Louis tinned together by binds of iron, trmiersing tail State; Indntis, and cenuall9 l / 4 • Whore Will" . roam, or ibis State go in (but event! When will rndlarnei.great surplus find a market? Where will ~ . /ite Socket's go to dlsposf of prairie Productionst, Ohio will ship north by the Lakes, and east byTittsbrugh Indian with, ship mum awe, some 4 Louisville, some to LaWrenceborgh end,consldemble to Sri Louis, as her lonthern oa- Vibration is enluterropted, and ones hating the felt, and, pitiful Winne to greyest the passage of the best claw of boats, leaving tis, as It were, a fgere paciirt 'millet hasp trade. Shall wo.see ourf.Werehtmw s idle and Minply. (100 to occasionally,'sis you pass and ewe theme steated , al the termintif the Little Miami Raitßoad whit is doing the n, Oer sty bircumwribed, arid shall' Pittsburghif Lsurreuee bomb, Louisville, 14, tauntingly say, thus far libels thou tome and no further? Are we satis fied with die produnts of II mon county, lodises, 'and no Mantles uft Ohio' If so, sull; but if not, call *clings !lite articles, 'Bill tip the ea, nen., and (avast the milhous of dollgrs nlready of our &spotlit!, on route to St. Ennis. If we can get • iis!iatt to Si. Loafs we are'Aafe, for one .111 Doan end certainty be constructell from Hills boro: a very intelligent and thriving down In High -1"a Ohio. Id, this place. HOlshoro' is on the direct and best route to connectjaith the trmon and!Ohio Road. This being lone, we have direct coniinunication by cars from 'she sea board cies thrOggh CinclOnnu tr. St. Loo s e s Col Be ti nton Ig:waiting, With steam op, ti) push a train over the Bosky SithOutains." It is strh,age that nor Cincinnati Oiends cannot see the sgti board: except through the Baltimore and Ohid Rail Road, when they '7have a much better Tonle by Pithaborgh, by wan' of Columba. and Loudonville, and the Ohio audYPentwy [Yawn Rail Rota, It The 12410 - wing litter, from a distiniMshed citizen of Illat4 now iniPostoo, shows 'hi; interest taken in our ovemeati in the Prairie sdite. The let ier was I.i:deeded foe out own info(ination, bet we who the liberty of Publiehing it ease, as we con ceive th4.infiartnalitio it =Wain*, tte ..... portant to the Public. pie reader will see that there Is a pros pect that en este* scuion of the': Legislature of lll4aoio tell be held the corning falille winter, when ' a charteg will twist hkely be obtolbed, to continue a rail ro'gd from Terre Route to it. Louis. Thh, will beg more popular mote than, the one tuned at by Cincinnati, Which eaten tile Stale at Vitt ,eennes,,bud pn.tiea through the sonthern and poor 'eat partinf the Stale. v RosaortAug. 14, 'sig. To an . Feletar of, at Petesbur g h Sro.-4teing ohs visit been from the State of Illi noia—Oso. being Much interetteb in the temple tion If* in this State of Ilhaoie, a nd more pi*rticularfithe one from Cairo, to connect with ti)is propose!) rail real acroSas that State Irma St. Loa)* to the 10dina• State Wm the' lib erty of,:wri r ting isti article relative' to these roads• I haveilain read the ant* in yofir paper, relative to ttinj rail mart now being sh , veyed, and for whiehparters ateNranted, exteltding from Pitts burghrothe Illinois State line, at Terra Haute. agree Inlly unlls you, that the lutist d,rrrt line o' rail riii•st from li.hiladelphia to Si. Louie will secure most .41: the travel between thole two points. ! ' ant rite:l4 adVised from ilhnoia. that a called !wedeln of the fgigislata (she place in the fall, a it that a rill rood will be ichartered across the Siate from st. Louis to tee Indiana hoe. with a Israel (if req fired) therefrom io the yjauth the Ohio river. Thia . branch fp the month t?" the Ohio (or the coan4tion withllhe Great Wealem Rail Road, a. readyiehartered by the State a Miaow) is very, very iiitportanttn the Central BbS Road from St. frmisitt Pittsburgh, as it waked oil seasons. se cure the swath Wystiirs worst on Idis northern orate which . , without this conceetionAvill take the 104 em table. ThrEgreat committee will, hereafter, In 6:dlke travel between Nest Weans and the Norttii—the SeiSith are exicatling rail roads to shorten the thick and distance between New Or leaniend the North. and prevent the travel up the Missiisippi rive. Now, as Mgt and the - Ohio riv er arra,ll3o:lo pet of the year, closed above Cairo, Chit la a good, reamon why the travel will take the Southern rotatt But, when the Rad Road is made fro Cairo, to Mania with Melon:tie rood to Pieta b,ergfe, or made!, • part of ,d, tier Northern mote would lee the yeefernnl one, rat ail wowfata. I *mild call lour attention lb taw stmgestior, that yen may remark upon it 4 your paper. whet you dm the enclosed article., Very respectfolloe. CriILAT WI:1?M% BAILWAT or ILLINOIS —Th. ivotittamir eininteries vita St. Louis, Cin ...Safi. mid; ather Oretloll, as a:awry —Th. oyeal Westeist Railway of Illinois la summing meat attentioo at this Woe, and the more the im portance of the road is considered in its relation to this state, end with the West genendly—and espetially an imoneeted teat the proposed road beistreen CM:clonal( and St. docus—the greater wdl appear Rile necewity the/ Mu road ahoold be completed. The first object all great highways is or should he, in ratteA a poh always pro to the walhard. Nov, this iv not hewed either at St. Limits or Cineinnati. Wheretre, then, the ohtwn anie of • rail road between those two mties ! Tiny certainly have nooOnounity of interest. together. Ott the conharY, c they are node in ery..braneW, the mechastical arts, manufactures shit and buildinkand they ever will be; nor will the travel between itusse: two points alone, suitain the lead; for when the rail made now coo. ettecting, or projected, thnifigh the stale. of 111i uoli..ts' and Ohto, to tile Lakes and to Pitts. boigh and Whetting, are coftpleted, the immense trafiel which'brot berth:Orel:been confined to the tint', will be almost wholly changed, hod those rso . Nod mute, which are tic most direct. speedy, certain, aod cheapest, will he sore to control and seism the principal travel .nod tranaportatiOn of the country.; Therefor% to , josaify the construe tioe of tbe.proposed road tween Cinc inn at i and Sti, Louts. tudispenes necessary that it should open mimmunicuttissi with New Orleans. 14 the Of of Mexico, the whole AllasOli — sod tura can only be accomplishtd by connection with Mil Great Wewera Retlarag, which has it. South. ere terminus at Cairo, whe(ge rieer navigation it Ahoy, apes to the araborael. New Orleans, weal! aticalt, is the principal ship pre( port Rube whole, War, and most mintinue itabe while the rivers ion to the sea. Nearly ov• ...11, tow. I l i the West, illnot in the Union, has eta or brlllatel earllarellOna with that eity; none olLtri s • than Cineinnati and St. Louis Hence it is all important that this rad rota to , E 6, month at the Obto, taboilld be made; ant we alk.only stitprlsed the company askaig oar Ltgia. le4ttre for akhatter Or a road across the State, did rhtrequire the privilege oft:taking this branch to A Cairo. gisnett at the rail robe map of the United ales. willahow that next to Cairo, St. Looi. will elite mart Of the rail coat and river interests of the countrykthan any otherfeity in the Union. Al , rinds the tad roads tonktrocting from Norfolk, dharlesto9,,Navaanah,m4hdobile, are !caking to the month Of the Ohio, fort their conaccoon with the great West The coalitnimiou of these and outer roads' all leading to St. Louis. well teed more dian any thing etae, to ore:Molten the position ma of that e'ty, ea the hest and most dealt thrminua Of the Great Pacific Railroad, elating of tie mouth of the , Ohio have - • ee dence ittiimportance.—Cairo Deka. L•wectee OWN , ' W yta Comvcrnox.—Por. =tot to prorioun eppointnleot the Whige or LaW tietce °Witty auetubled $a Convention et New ftsile on the 14th instant: nod with n full atterti ince of I)oegules, put in um:titivation the following ticket , Prolhenotary,—James D. Clark, of Mercer Ioooty. is Reglad:and Reeorder-4James McLane, Fkaver ootity. Treiworer--Joxph Justice, New Coed. 1. Sher Emery,Nercer Co. Cominbeiloners—domed Oliver. Mercer Co.; John Randolph. Beaver el.; John A. Serial:ler, do. Auditor}—Atfm. Workttleaver co.; J. P. Base, ' , Mercer Ci.; Ales. GalloWay, do. Coronet—John L. Wainoek, Beaver co. This deter is selected trout the best men of the ..; Monty, .14d the election' of the whole of u 4 e iMatier beitond doubt. We do not know that there be any serious oppoiltion. GOtrreil 1.4DV11 800., for Septemte , ,i• promptly band,lilllnd with interesting matter, sad adorned voitms tasteful ted'iinsuactive eagraving*, • • MOM St LTS, 01',10 (Atha very bete of 011, comes oat to ova type. Wo rejoice , ti merit metes *eh its reward. Nasasug: ll . Tlte S4oisis itu again tacketrout in Gallatin. asd Twelve deeds ocuarreni itssi4iidneallay eon until 9 o'clock oared* , and eyes Grunt nest coo, which would peobabli , ,,provu feud.' The seal of the Pabbergi;;,Pact, in its crusade 'spine the mannfactonny "t*tilo of PiltninYi: yenta., frenuently leads It Into Fatale naXISLIS Ignorance of ofhohs !subject in controversy. That paper ofeireadvishai morning denominates the proceedtasinna ti ua>a ttacdthe respectable Iron Masters:, man held thenoteieting in this etty last Sunning, as lomblingety and de , 'twaddle,"idtc., ofd then undertakes to report their stales...MS, as Onows. Ansa gtatag a lung sisal of twaddle, the emus:alma of the meeting as .ext “That pig lion which anuiSl ready mood in INAS and until 1.47* t MOO and p: um pet t• nOw withootdennand."tind sales weekly repor ted to us of good um:. at $2O per ton. theln votY mast eoloronlat We American. ifo. , • which paper we clip the (or&o.nag.) we God We fol lowing editorial item:— Pro "treet-,—wr ...le thismorn ing o( tun ion• (Imams e 0.1 tumid si o mos , to Messrs. seaside, fimset' This, the editor takes mike a ooniplete retuta bon °fate statement of the4ron Masters, whereas It tins no learning oh the skliject. The sale of Iron quoted in the American, ft a peculiar and very , •aluable article, "Cold Wait ganging Rock" which always fetches a good priel,and which cannot now be brought to this market,od account of the low state of the water, which of .fititio enhance. its value for immediate use. 111111tedlign. will look at the apzeze, of yesterday, in Hifi Weekly Review of the market. he will find the fifilowlng quotation.. HIG V CTAL—The lasi 4ported 'knits new. Ii tons Cocci h, b at fith and lal Qinion H It e b ni 5r Or The penal is open, andhe ordinary Pie of our Furnaces, rules atthe prio mentioned by the Iron Masters. Will thy Purr tone for ttr ignorance, end withdraw its alutdeMus statements. Tlmneaara—All the funnies have been heard from except tight, whichiif they give the same ma. rontiee now as in make Trousdala'a ma p:low in the State In regard to the LeelbilliUrO, the True Whig any.: The majority on jointssallot is yet in doubt. The Whigs have the Senate ;by a nisjorny of three.— The eleettoo in Morgan:and Bledsoe, for Repre oentattve, as we undoes:laud the law, will hove to be run over, in which client we expect the election in a Whig, which will efeinee the Democratic ma mmy in the House to ctiree—maknig a rte. The alleged illegal voting i4Fentress involves the li - allay of the electein oljtne Itepreaertatige and one &cantor, both Democratic. lithe vote of Fentress should he thrown out, 4.0 the propriety of which we do not pretend noWltt express an opinioa, the Whigs will bane a inaesty on Joint ballot. irsw- Tux Pioossat.—Brourtfal remark of Goo. Johstsum.—TLlS progress of the Presidest through Peonsylvanie; - abowsgs with lucre:mpg incidents, which we regret vie have not room to publish. The a frectittit and admiration with which the Old Warrior we. terevved by the inhabnants of the interior, was truly: remarkable. They could hardly Gad means to ism..o their regards. The iollowmg lociiregt we copy from a letter in the New York Tribuity, kir the beuut•lol remarks hay. "At bleCoritellstotkl, a small place near one of the mountain ndges, t large collection stood In the rain, awaiting the President's arvi vat Az Una coach drove °P. they ' , Wicked around erns} , to see the man of Buena \runt, yet ball afraid to come up and touch hum. Tug President at once alighted notong them—taking .brich one by the band, in that easy, plain, but *mean manor, which at once as sured them. They!Pexpebied n speech, but the President was too Iveak Then they called for Gov. Johnston, who* easy mantle'. and free tots, cootie with the people is not less remarkable than that ot Hen. Taylor Oneself The people hovered around their ttlustnobts goes:s. and Hoy. Johnston, n nn off. hand manner, said that he touch regret ted that the President woo pot nob , in that cohost health which he twit ail along enjoyed up to liar. rivßurgh ; but he kers, that if he was at all able it would gl.O him tie' greatest satisfaction to speak to them. lon find kern (conunoed Goy. Johostoni ea aged titan breveting through a vast domain, con toining twenty-twd:Lbuillione people, without a guard, without prolgenon, and entirely without a warlike or deleueiVe weep di of any kind.— Through your omen, cootarning thousands. through your towns, your iallagea, your valleys, end your 'egged mountain pitsser, he goes, invoking no pro. teetion but Hut which the people volunicer, throwing himself entirely upon than perfect free dom to act as they please. How ne has been rny nerved you all knyiw. At every crossroad and hornier he has Ixerrinet as you have met bit here. Vont Learns in your hand., and your adeenons where t:te id u Iron people will always im wand. - hifse here. my letinw.citintas, a beautiful dluetretleee of Republican principles No potentate of the 91d Nord. iiowever powerful, dare go at any time fifteen rods beyond his own domicil without no armed guard to protect him from the vengeance of the people whom lie pen tends to rule. There Is no other people on the face of the globe like ours, where tne Chief Exe cutive can traveMbrough the wapiti and breadth of the country without a guard and without orioles. The .13•40wal of Oen. Lamm ===i .. • noise about the ralsoval of General Lane, from tb Governorship of gtegon--oven the fora about Imo Sum. Drumm cluhl ecarenly equal it- It oi a Et!M= of every one, the( it was uoisersally understood, at the time of General Lanc's !pp.:unseat, that to would be renter e 4 by General Taylor. It was an insult to General !Taylor, ender the eirctunstances of the case, to mike this appointment. Just before the commence m.4it of his admiuiatration, and every honorable man vitll applaud hop for remortrig hr slanderer from °ewe. The following tames'a the sul•ject, are torn the Loutlivilk. Journal:- thi "Every man, who knows any thing obout K. knows perfectly well that Premclent Taylo could not have :umatinued Lane in cams withou setting a deep sogtua upon his own name an, hone General Lone, durnot the last President., canvass, in ht. teeny speeches and publication remove to the bade of Buena Vista, charged Get Taylor twenty 4tnes over in the strongest and otTenstve terms with intentional and deliber ate talechood. al course, Gen. Taylor, If ha knew btmsclf not to be guilty as charged, knee/ that h. violent and vindictive accuser svas an unprincipled cslomniator, and. he could not, alter co‘cnnit upon the diachsrge ol , bss duties as Preaideni. have kep nat io nu in °Zee without thereby saving to th n neither thiSt the said accuser hod nol cal 2 . =:= summated eallunnialor ub an office of high trust and responsdaldy. lia woe bound to Msmlss Lane by every consiaorahon cl honesty and self respect II be had retaiped him. all the Loeofxos would have sworn that,he was afraid to remove hire, nod they would alsoam se sworn that it was tantamount to. a full imkno9sledgemeut of the troth of bin at- caret's publics Ans. Soma Whlgettroagly isdnimed President Taylor to let Gen. Lade alone, an a matter of mere policy. To •II such adVice the old hero Wave but one an swer. He kelt Gen. Lane to be an untruthful sod unprutem d 'nen. and he scorned to keep such a Man to oak. rum soy counideratiou of m policy. He wa. resolved, an far an possible. mtill offices In his gift mith honest men. disdaining to tiss responnilde Gar dishonest once. He was der (ermined to do his duty faithfully, leaving the peo ple to do theist If President Taylor were ataur ed that the succicia• or his Administration or los re-eleciton to 'Abe Presidency depended upon his retaining a dishonest man in office, he would scorn to be guilty of it. He bad the courage to do his duty in the midst of an enemy's country, sur rounded be tab Obi:mend periis, add he has the clurage to del* duty to hi. own ocuutry under circumstances; equally formidable. If Gen. Lane had been a man of proper pride or of the least se& respect, he would not have wan ed for President Taylor to dismiss bun from the Governorsnip of Oregon. Ile mould have die damned to hold the Ohms by the nutfitace of oar whom he bad ',wearily and public I r denounced as itplisifier and a calunan.ator. But he has no self rospent whatever. We know this from n our own espeeoce of hma. Lissi fall, after having, ins we tubsequently learned emu the written testunoey of twenty will:lessen, denounced our paper la the most opprobsteus terms. to Iris public •teeches as a mere ',MOM., of lien." lie called upon us in per son, assured tts that lie admired our paper more than soy other in the 1 wintry, subscribed for it, and then asked us in publish a stalesseot that arced out to be • falsehood, mid which wa stamped as a falsehood by his own pubbahed ad dicts to theacitisens of Indian. . . The Lotosydie Democrat says that the Senate of the UoiteskStstes certainly reject the anim ation of Gee. Lane. successor. Of course, the Senate will tio just a. it p easel. in the matter. If he Locofocus of that body a.m. to eject a saint nation for thyg. Governorship of Oregon, the Prev. dent will arrdoubt matte n second, and. if they reject the seiroad, he will ucquestionably make a thinl, hut, if they think that they tan, Lv rejemiun after rejeettelp,Aarce him to renommatelone. they will bud thdowelves most cgregriousily tale. Leo, They can, kJ,/ the rejectioa of all the D OM:tattoos made. rams Oregon to he Irlthoot a Governor, but, if they t in to, the responsibility will be their own, and not the' Dissident's, and they will had toot he enn get along without a Goveruur t Ore gon as wells. they con. 11 I. his right and duty, sit limn as he is Pre...lent, La tolerate to Man as Governor d territory in whom he boa not con. hdenee, mirk he wilt exert,.e that right and that duty tlitaptte of all Ste Landow Senate. and other L0c...4,..0 bodies in the United Slates. =EI n must be dear to ali toltdo, that Oa ly decided trienhmotild gam from Mr. Clay a Man aminel linqthe following letter. Oce feature of It strikes os 13111 pomunc peculiarly to that personal quality of dr. Clay by wkoch he teem to have ..mor; all !Maws, and t Ito capable of inspiring a greater annmet of Pomona! enthusiasm than any other pa* nom We allude to the passage shot. ins at!ii intermit In iho lineaments of °morn. mace, apirearanee, ohmmeter, and habits of mind of those of,'whom we have bead to the walks of life. No has had no much of that interest a. Mr. Clay, and it results (om his ready tynapathy Amonpc 6i. thaissind - tdboter., Mr. Haat has Mce mceciiiitc.stlal Jun ilduable than this : • Asartiann, 20th July, 1E149. Dean Sint—l wish to COMM to you the gran& eirtkna f derived; on receiving the July number of the AfirtrAants,Jlfacrintas sad Caawnevasi Jimmy, `from viewing your portrait in the hegira:wig, and 'from resdink Tony addreni to your friends at the end of it. When we fed under obligations to those who have contributed to our information and amusement, we are naturally desirous to Pos se., ell the knowledge of them, of their Anne:ar mee, ef the features of their countenance. nod of the character sod habits of their mind, which he coo acquire. You have placed your numerous readers, (at Mast you have me. if I may not speak for them) under those oblig-tions ,• and the number of your valuable work now befo re me, in some degree, satiefies the desire to which I hove altos dad. • I have become quite familiar with the Magazine •nd Review, arid have no hesitation in expressing my humble opinion that it is eminently entitled IC the public regard and support. It collects and ar ranges, in good order, a large amount of Statisti cal and other information highly rueful, not only to the Merchant, but to the Statesman, to the Cul tivator of the earth, to the Manufacturer, to the Mariner, In short, to all classes of the business and reading coastal:lntl. Entertmuing this opinion, I am glad that it has been, nod hope that it may long nominee to be, lib erally patronised. Odertng you cordial assurances of my high es• teem and regard, I am truly Your limed, And 'Medico' Servant, H. CL AY. HIM From the Sr Lou, Republican of A.. 13. Immense D•faleation In the Bank of EC= A portion of the community were, yesterday vetting, thrown into great excitement by the du vet of an natoondiug obstruction of the funds of the Bank of the &aid of Monouri. The disclo sures were made in the following manner, as we learn feint ottt .em of the Bank Some year or so ago, a re,solution WWI passed by the Directors, to count all the fonds of the Bank. and such an was not needed or immediate on ores put to hags, sealed and marked with the amount, end the names of the Directors who counted it.— The bags were then placed in boxes, which were also sealed and marked with the amount and February, of the ltircotors The counting commenced inFebruary, and terrottuded somewhere in March. Among the funds of the Bank, wt. a large amount of foreign gold, chiefly theism, sovereigns and ten guilder pieme,which was countedand laid away with a view to have It regained. t in Friday last, it became wee-wary for the Pay ing Teller, owing to some temporary abeam.", LI the nem-Amory keys, to resort to the gold, to pay large draft held by Merars. Page Hiroo. A boa. purporting to contain two hags, eah othlataing one thousand ten tbaler pieces, and another box purporting to contain four bags of one thousand roverrig. each. were turned over in par. ot On opening the holm one of the bags of ten Ora lers was coming. and also one of the bags of sc. yerrigns, amounting in all to 512,650. This led to further examination yesterday, by the President and lbrectors ; and in examining the boxes of lo reign gold, from one to thirty-three, it was discov ered that there was a defaiiience of vas hundred and roans thousand trod raven hundred &Warr. It was also discovered that some of the holes had bare opened since the date of the counting, and resealed. The wax was different, and the impres lion very cluaray, and apparently hastily done.— A. yet no e met has been made of the Amertcan gold, or of the silver in the Beak, hot 0 is believed the. the perposo of the perpetrator was best sal, served by taking the foreigo gold—that being a deonripurin of coin which was but seldom tommed for any purpose. Suspicion immediately reared upon Nathaniel Chtlils, Jr., who soul a few weeks same, held the position of Paving Teller. which he then restyled. This position he had held for many years He was rent tor, and weal to the Bank, but could give no explanation of the deficit. It seems he had been entrusted, donna the counting oh the money by the Directors, with lee bonging of the boxes bent the vault to the Garbler. room, end of returning there to the vault, and to cute cases with counting and airmng the seals. nod outs or both die belies whoh were tiro discovered to be deforest, had his poi, ate mark on them It seems that these are two seta it keys to the vaish—one kept by the Cashter, and the other ry the Paying Teller. but the Garbler has but hole. it any occasion. to visit the vault. The President and Directors, upon making Oita dtacorery. chimed tile flank, and took possesil,n off all the keys, hooks and payers. Upon the •ffidavt of lodes Sbuilds, the - Cashier, a anteas mu. ed by Justice Butler, and Mr. Chills was taken into ccootly. Yesterday evening, Mr. Childs gave bail in the ram of s3o,ooo—Messot. Wdgus tool Alexander hit seeentien--to appear for fo ober ex amteation on Wednesday eeoc It would ba improper el this stage of the nl l f , di to allude to the circumstance which give direction or color to the yet-sent suspictons. The Directory entertain the belief that the deficit is of old stand• log. probably running through a period from near ly the commencement of the Bank, and that, to cover up these deltintai We name fl.mitn gold was counted over several Cities. This la the only le. lotion that can now he given, but we must wad for further developments A severe blow hoe been given in the Bank, hot it Is of suck an one as lardl affect it. solvertey or credit. It bah still ahmad tint mean, to meet Its iv:Matti.. We telect the following acres from the Nation al latelligeomr of lard Monday: The Hon. Annoy LAmItE ., Ce., recently appoint ed Er'torrey Extraordinary and Motoder Plcuipoteo - (men the United State, to Great Itrita.n. in at preaent on a in tto this city. He will probably not take his departure urn bit mission till tow ards the end a! next month. The Han. \Vv. C. P.. 0 ES. appointed Ed , o, Eh traordinary mod ?thumb,: P entihgenttory to the Repabbc of Frher-. phsoell through Ibts city a tiny r taro agn. end will had Err Romp° in a tete days. He takes London In 1/121 way. llt Rives us p:easure to learn that the Hon. Ros ter P. Lrrcon (late Governor of the State of Kentucky) is expected to this city to the course of the meek. It to rumored that be how been offer ed, and mill accept, a Ibreign Minion. AA en • honorable &stein:ton by his own Government, fear men could be deemed more worthy to rcw • cetve it. The Hon. DAY= M. Bnounnon, appointed En voy Extriordinary and Minna. Plenipotentiary to Spain, is, no we observe by the netnapapeoh at swim:one in New York, prably await ing conveyance the seat of his ob mission. CIE= KOSSUTH AND BEM-ENTUSIASH OF THE PEOPLE—THE CRUSADE. The following letter we translate for toe Tint. nor, from the Credit, a dolor journal of. Pans.— It was written •ppatently seine Irma early in June. Our renders nun find it intensely interesting: ON T. Dan - n - et, mnit Pnacnn,l in board sleavl boat,uned as seat of 'i i invern mem. I write Gum the deck of the veuel which car• re, the brume of Ho ngryi OUT grub, our io viac thle Knuuth. Y te have learned that on armed steamer a the palace ehosen by the hero, a floating palace who•lt tranypurte him to Heath. to Camaro. to Haab, to Buda, whatever his prewance is neressary. Hardly does the palace touch the shore before the population, tall of enthusiasm, throng up from every aide The red 'sword, and red Cress at the head of the proccuton. the cierey came followed by the peo ple, who surround Kotautn. Then there Is pro- found silence, and in a rapid and stnktog impro• vioitton the apostle of Independence preuhes the holy war, east., the meteor) , of thu dead, blessed', la thn name of the fatherland, the mothers wno have born much sons. and promises victory became the Lord and hie sword are with its. Then the placate raise their voicesi in pious hymns, every heat' is bowed, we prey for the fatherland, sod amid benediction , and good wink er, ficiesuth returns to his floating }Winston, elch at once fo.,vea with full steam toward now sores, where be electrifies other manner, Whet a nature is that of this num' It has no parallel eSeept in that of Rem. Oece Beni had not slept for three days. He was near giving out wait OAHU , and la the midst at a desperate battle. sit turnout of respite :tatted tor a repo( coflec li wan brought to him, and as he was engaged an order with a peach he had n ret upon a ii•le of wood at hand, over vi toco floated the honorul Independence, and which was naturally the point aimed at by the eacmy'a utillery. A flight of balls armed away the wood with the coffee and wounded Bem sllgtly in the heel. “Another cut,'" he awd quietly folding the a-- der. Ilia oflictra surrounded him• implored hint to change hi. paattaln. and not useletaly expose hi lifee—but the General refused. ' I shall not dm till Ih!dl, when the Indepenenuce of 'limitary will no loaner be &emoted," he replied simply, with that soft sail look which you know Is peettioir to bon. cannot tie denied that there is a movideutal aureole abut the men a' our head which protects them; you who tit , e seen on at Featb, at Grim. and who know us neatly all, know the better than., other. Lake the her irie i• • c.i they bear upon their cesques the reuisneecti illuannes the obscure night of the future r.. die to morrowl—thte evening , Well ',hot el that! Does not Freiligrath put these Worda nt the mouths of his dead mow "Our bursar.: broken, our flesh torn in pineee, by the rnye l 'the but the pride of triumph gleams under our bloody brows, and in the hopes of leaving you heirs of our conquests, we repose m peace uuder the rod. • • ••• g The King. shun tleo' The Royal Eagles and Dens shall der' Toe Fnture ahall be made by the ttloveretnn People, end for them alone' Arise!" Chanting Min ever popular hymn of the pest German poet we go Into eau% and receive death as Gad sends to The Austrian headquarters are theerry-larnend Thei morning black smoke oppos of the steamer appeared upon the horizon; the cannon thundered, the drums and trumpets of the fortress replied. Columns were formed on Me ramptkrts and marched muse loam river. Ko s suth. the savior and chief of renewed Hungary, came to animate his Grano:llM victory. Shall I repeat to you au pamionaw, ardent counel I cannot. By turns majestic and supplicating, new i n °ante of tondarnen nod now of Indignation, hu real rweetrated every wool mooed. and especial hl- closing wards wars seeeive4 with anthetpreor able Ihnll They ara as follows OHe whoa we qpnthat, the Emperor of Austria, is at once young and old. rrYoung in age, old in hew. He is the worthy on ci his mother, that envenomed genuine of the liberty of ostiona. By providential foresight Sophia caused him to be taught our language, oar Magyar 1 .4n1M undennands it, he speaks le omy broth er. such was the will of God. ta order that be might understand our sonny of triumph and of war, our hurrahs whoa we rush to the combat, oar real edicuona and our prayers to God who bears them and fulfils them"' —la fact the young Emperor knows the Magyar, and even eaptesses himself with much facility In that language, so settle known beyond the frontiers of our cotrutry. You will understand what a tempest of hurrahs and of invocations followed the Inspired words o lineautti. It appears that Jellechtch is decidedly t • cum prornired position. No doubt the future reserves tor blot the most terntile of lessons. Who would nOI pay a m. SO nchly endowed, no imposing, SO powerful. degrading his genius under the black and yellow banner, and becoming a mercenary traitor, when a whole enthusiutic people are ready to open for him the curer of Ferment and glory. That people have been long in envying at a eCnr, prehension of the fact that Jellacbiob is iosensibte to the impenal injuries and treasonsi they refused to believe it; they sun hoped in their ehtef, whom biblical eloquence bad so often excited them tinder his control; but the moment is not distant when the predietton ciao, priest of Agnes will be ac- omplwhed concerning Jellachich: 'Thou art a reed in the impart God: he will break bee if diseabendmt not before the wind.. That wind is the wind of e ufnuchisemeet -- of indepeedence. That is the wind that breath. from France, from &inland, from America, and which reaches our plains quick as the thunder— bolt., and charged with the genii. of HAL How• ever great and powerful be the genius of a Men, be must band before the accumulated Farce of ages, before that spirit of God which emeepa away all ambitions and crushes all pride. Farewell, Monseur, and in all 1011pOrtatil cir cumstancee count upon a letter from me as much in detail as the little leisure at my commend will permit. I shall endeavor to prove to you that I remain faithful to the friendship formed at lospruck near the tombs of theme K.mgs whose heir we had nee to salute with sentimaLs which he was pre enied front becoming informed of, What was it we then dernsdeidt Whitt Austria would now sire gold, could she but ace es atit.ept it. With us were our hiabops, privets. men of the people, so that the Emperor might know that we were sincere and complete representatives. Ile proudly refused to hear as. What an audience was that' ..Austria must have a great faith In her genial OM to design to lay inch a storm at this. 1 know that her Engle has sailed above many tempests hut he to old. his Bight u lower sod we are young We will die or we will he free' Such was the oath of Kossuth at Comore; sva pealedit w h ith h im. shallWe Fro. ate daruolK of Monday The Abduction Caa•-7oaa Omuta, • nay. We learned lent eight, by telegraph despatch nom New Orleans, that the eSSIEBIIIOOIII in the case of Don Carlo: de Espana, the Spatash coo nil, arrested on the charge of kidnapping Juan Garcia or Rey, closed on the I /tit instant, and that he was required by the Untied States Committaloo es to give bad with securtnes in the such of live thousand dollars, km his appearance at the next term at the circuit court of the ended States— The other defendants were held to bad by the State officers. , We do not hesitate to say, from a perusal of all the evideace, that tbere has been more perjury and villany diecloeed on thes trial than ordteanly meets the eye or ear of any Old Battey lawyer. It can scarcely admit of doubt, that bribery to an mina menae amount ban been employed to suborn wit nesses and to induce them to fommear them seise. We cannot believe in the innocence oftbe Spac leh conataL The weight of credible Macaw. tat. wdes cs that Garcia was fraudulently, if nut Gar eth!y kidnapped and earned on board the Mary Ellen. . . • A em day ago, in our anxiety (or justice in this levee.% we published the Spantsh Censors Jr. fence without one word of comment. The slaty was aruulty drawn up, as we now believe, to con ceal his god. Garcia was ktdoapped, because, as toe second jailor of the prison at Havana, he had aided in the escape of Vtlierxrda, who was eon. tined to • dungeon for high treasoo. The Count of Alcoy has been, we fear, guilty of aiding and abet. Loa in this io lemons act. How much money ha. been enbeuded in bribing witnesses at New Or leans as well so agents engaged io the abduction of Garcia, we Late no means of knounng. But the outrage is one to which the American people will I out submit; and although the President 01 the Cm ted Staten ttas recently enured to IA Spanish au- Monne*, and to the world, hie def. - mutation to rappreas all underhanded and unprincipled efforts to m. the Islabd of Cuba, yet tee know that, when once convinced that a bee roan, be be firm aqui:mot 01111 re. has been Iran do lenity and forcibly yidnepped in en American city, by order of the imatatt antbonuea, be mall be prompt to resent tbe and compel a speedy atonement &mho out• rade from the Spmitah Government. W. ti.wright. it. n.. Dentist, Orrscs and reardsence a. Pearth .4P 9 i copy.* the Pocossarlh Bank. Mc boars trona 9 o•ebek to ir A M.. es. from 9 siesocis too P.M. 0r914-17 linprov•ananta Ditialistieri DR U. 0. STEARNS, luta of Donna, n prepared t • .:.a.nlaeturo and act ULM'. Tartu lll anion and part nn. upon Seem. or Aanotpttene SaeUon Vlana- Too - MACH. . 171 /ITU 111101CTIVI., share the 111.-Ve • 1,0,1 Klee re,Jenee nest door to we May • • • utlreo, Fourda atm', I . tuaborga. Ilir at To-1 IL. 111 . 1 , a.laca. F. II Eaton. JOIS PILIBITING. , RILL lIF-AUS, CARDS, CIRCULARS Man Mantle.. see Contract, I,,se i fs,, lIAND MI. LAMA. clorralcarza, Carta*, &t. ae Prlnted at the •hartest pouee, at low pnees, at tha dew 4,. err. Orrtca, Tat. snuff Premium Straw lasts, T KKK?. WOOD 6 ARDEN —Dust , rnae, tbe premium plant, Mpg per hundred Victoria end /lover . reed/mg...10 cents per h00d...J-011 thnily pang. srarranOtol. Orders (rem • ....lance carefully pot up and forwarded A 1,.., • !avec soileetton of (ire mimosa Planta. Fastolph and raying's Seedllna Raspberry, he An U.hl V lUC $ le•ves the Allegheny Coy end tithe St. Clur Street Brolge, for the harden, every half hoot during the day The steam host anti commence its replier tnps 4 soon at the near J .O. auggl J A.l/03 hI.RAD/1. Post and Dispatch copy. __ gleotlon. at the Toll Houte of mad bradare on baturday. the al 4 o'clock, V. N., for bet porpnm of elerung Nom Managers and • Treasurer, for he enmana Tear u. kl WARNE& ALlcahmT, Ana 11.1.. 1 , 49 —dSt jaFOR ILENT--One of toe small stores to 114 00,1101 01 Third and Market 1012001., Also, the elegant room itt the dd star/ of the sae butlatnig—lbe latter home well adapted for wh m lambs variety atom, or would .u:1 fur an lee Cream Saloon ausT-1 h: D GAZZAM. Post. Al.:teary ono Dtspatch ISl . . C" .o iN ctut ro aOt K of b t;lli7 . 7. - R ` .7. d bt h,s .Vgr , among which may be mind • general ly ”e of Tapestry, Brussels. role., and roper 1 p Carpets.— A.•o, supeline, fine, on common Ingram Carpets. We recommend .11 wtshing to purchase tarpon, to call on W M'CLINTOCK, 75 Fourth at ftegll _ Fourth t„s, e ~s I,lns ,. r o ce . : t w , e .r t t n b c t b s o Trlnapt rent Shades, whlch in pot of beauty and gloat... .lrysts •1 1 1 Ming over brooght to Wm mar let earn rs TURPT:NTINE—Iat bbls reed and for sale 0 by aura ISIIAUN ar. RFITFH • I f;ST PUBLISH!: —The Ilistory of the Puritans in Englato and the PElgrim Fathers, complete in vol. Loyols and /monism m it. Rothman., by Lose Taylor Tb. Ciento. cd Acuttand, or Sketches of Sao itst. Scenery. Literature aud Religion, by Rev. Rot en Tornboll,