.4 1 .....4., _, 10: , TRANSPORTATIoN LINES. • ; -•- • PatYCL. For the Thal ortettfia ot mg Ito TormiLADELIIII.4 let.Taiona. NEW YORK I ours B k i 7 1 1 o 1S „Tor7„1 tb re Lure rr.pee Friday evenings el dy 6 P ' sl :and You.sTainem the pultlie 1,0 Ittr, prettntert re st rant tor. next mortal, t k—o'cloc mter.ing. leave. Voungs. Weld Vicicht with de tuch. tate at lowest rale• town Tuesdae. 'Petrels,. aad Satardrry evenings at 4 Thr) weed also el Mr nacooon oupeer , f;, I" eaeh Hr ,, s ,, t . ntr ,„ .„,„,, I armrt tone sect :Lel 14 31* eando)..d ocrn A LLP.MIEN arnetne, dt Foist urgh at o atlt•lretetnnott, ate urn). 1.0 the. and lit PI o'clock. exocrumoed eaptain.., The packet BAIIKAWAT. Cala line...mg. : :oh:dyers .Ira,, .4110,0.. fi.o. leave Beaver Tuesday, Theriot, a.. 1 eve, Lc: Pal. L.... , lot the mire WS P. al, rem t r. leave :New Cate r. Mu ea), rallgems )1. Colarolha to la el Wel:lands,' and Friday evenings at ti 4: M. aeos e... ltmore t•t „ n i rt .„n loan fu , l'atehunth. ettll e itat.utpte o These pee ~..r ere lined on complete cote, hay. IrctiLl in 1 . 0. r, )),...) en.. fine „ .tuttutta tu! nod Per• may rely os gre.ter LI:E,d, .1 No charge 1110 Jr tor r, shoYd'a or .d'alo •.4 then higa I,CI Obtawed on tOtit-• elttage• I ITIT II A. C...• I• WA ile ,' Age• t, Pat , iin I AB t:NTS :atm .rat . Ben, r A ila tuunrc •. It tuclt.ll II tt t tt t.teehnzu ...t rI ,s,i‘gnl t - L r y,s 14i ACaN At. & B. BOA The elegnat stealer, t. ll:..\l'ClAPer.ft. leave r ,)311, . ‘I rr s Arr. , ' ftlaQll.k. I I FAST I . .ittn ht . L. 1,,) • Paltv4wrK 14arda,101,1 and BeiOnaore. as.voty In: • Waxman an Cleveland Paersenger Line. • Canal l• tei V. AL: A), _OCEAN. "l'he itu. dt 1 L A r 1 i . k ., : • :," . . ,0 7 dm ta-.n A.:: g,sr, r to Warren, when they ronnert ti ,I :oat. • " n . l:X t r ,::. t i t it „ rt. art , Anna and Clevmeed, orri.inc. of tl.e.e , • n,., wait. •rrtt rat nx C '' befog* iught one at the loam: 1.1 arr.,. dart, an d `.' other 103,3., 'IA, '3l 3Yr .he °p et SR. M.. and arrave lacaver miner to take itn , rtte t.tr . t . t „ tr ., tt nnt , mowing Lost for Pot.l.urcl. C E:S LEI-TIM:WELL & Co, Warrell. ) nnnrY nn ‘ 'n m TA Vl,Mit. Pro ritrz.u..ll Day.. RHIN A CAI:LiII , Agent. apt] co r r ,,, Wet, n o .l. sn ot . t fi n ni ..„ nr intorrnetton. natty it Ir.' unlrf. IllottonefiheJa 4t' 1.1. Lt II A Co. lt.rtti. Id.t.in . tie." p N prop, or the ahoy,. low are to.w 1S4)• Lilo' or Pro run a.ove cr about Jar, w•:I. it.- Ilr vnino Rao Road Porn UNION LIN E . , that nate a Its• ket twin tett, rt rr, tooth. tt even I Time c, ON Trim. rE.NN.A AND 01110 CANALS.: B.H.LIANCE PIiBTABLE BOAT LINK, Caster°. & Cuseeratda Cleveland, .. r R. G. Tins Line 311 be mere rd on me ape of 3. k." ". 1." IMaM 1S• 1 9 Z i g I t gallant tu trenniturt Ire V L nrlst end Puerragerst In rirrsticitmi C 1.1.1. nNll, In tt, ,)01111 the Canal and Le„. The Cued ~ I 1/1.11.11 , 0 a eurirfirsed t. waiter, qU)) I 'Y ,3Pllelly 0) e pertenet. of captu.n., and cdreicile. Agent. One Boa. leaves Pttl.l...rgh ~,dl' eve,nl daily tnn. mug in eorineenott with are .iraniere LAKE:ERIK AND Botaaren Plit.i.orgi. and 11... a i fir, env-. Steamer, Protclier, and Aux.ers— t: Park.. Beam. I•a \oang.Oows, own Al B Taylor. Warn,. • Cyan. Preunas, ICITCI)33. Wheeler A Co. Akron. Crawford A ehumberl.a, Cleveland, 0 Sears S. Griffith. Iludu.o, N. JOHN A CA Col I E N' t Agent. Office. eor Water end Seta:Meld I:le t /Muhl/ten. soch.2l:ly BRAVIGH PACK XTS• Steamer AN No. 2—Capt. (::: inn LAKE:ERIE. •• • l;311,10)) THE above regular aidwell known Beaver Peek. Ma, L. commaticed asr.e their datly trim and from Beaver, mod ell: r.....aue ru. beiworn Pittsburgh and lteovet regularly oaring the ‘VailLl)l. a. feilloarat— • Michigan No 2 leaver. Titt.lor reit 'dude at 9 o'cloet. A. M., and Beaver at 2 01..10ct, I'. la 1.0.ae Ery leaves Balser daily mr ricamk. at 3 o'clock, I' )l. These steamers will run in ection vrtth R Perks' F.spreas l'acto Urico ttne, for Erre; Taylor & Lodungwell , Warr,. Paekets. Union L. Fraigut Beat. tor t%rvens..l, Clarke & CO•111 . 11.01turgh tad Clete:lore Luse Freight Doan. Et B Parks daily New Castle racket. CLARKE:, PARKS & Co, Beaver, Agents. .1011 N A. CAUI.III-I'. Agent- Pito:l:urge. Meli3l eor Water end Smithfield .1. jE 1849. PITTSBURGH AND CLEIE LAND LINE, . • ON THE PENNSYLVANIA A NOOIIIO CANA rilllE Proprtelorkof llu old r,itrloLhed end popu . nr Idolly nue...mune :q xTEEN fi,t Cal.l pools, owned by therageivee and runtw.e uou wub the au.noi lII..AVES GNU CLF:Ii COPE, ate enaLted. to oder un.quar, far. the trausportanon oi freseat and opening ol ana: .riga'Lnr....n n.I ote sylvants and Ohio nod N o• 11 ea NI U,V ELLA. c . ul It WELL. mol l Water .!rrrt.ll,....l,untA Pouburgh BIDWELL B, BROTHER. Forwarding Slertnants, BEA VIIR. !Leonia fur as Pittsburgh awielevrlan,l bur gh and Ems Linn via Erir,au.i 10-am Loa. Bearer ow! Caleb (7. 1 . e. Ituotng pc rchuArd the largo awl Bow past built for the Nit)Floll4 Purer, vette the addition tVorehou , ... OA, roo, :o outmodabonA for ree,.,ag aal totsvlo , A .1 pledge Oe utakom otenuon. pnnoptt. eonslgumeut4 thelr eare. awl rrlv o, tbel lt.. for it trial. a RR, PITTSIIIALuII AND I,ttlk. LINK. 18-19. • - . . ON Tilt' FR II- 5.7(11,1,00 , 4 t' AN. tt I miff: Props, Of Of th.. wen k *masa on. ot 800t'.,. now prent.ted to transport 1.1,..ence. and Fieight lo nit yc.i on the I r.e• York Canals nini the La n. ke. upon the m ml favors... terms••nd with dtt.polch This LIDO ran. to tooth. with the steam BF.AVER mid CALELI COPE, between Pot arch and Beaver. C M Reed • Iduc oi steam boui• am , ses sets on the lase., a , d the Troy'and 'Ombra , . I-tte Boat Lino on the VOTli CO/Pol. Ai flf U Propr .or. Bidwell b. Brotter, A cm,. lk W T Nlarber, Agent nt J !' ' ttcer 01See l l, No CONSIGNEES—V.' C Nit, , J I. RheaTwbergi Smith k Ihtwist..4 do J it l• demo,. Wear. Greenville, Wick Arum a P Co. do 1k to Ili ,). Renshaw.; D ',mid, datolt h Co: Sandukty, Joy /1 Ariu.datti, ~01 Noe/berry, Sheboygan. M i'iur, on 11 .. kie; Kamp, Marley a. DO., Knev,,e. h„.,„ Chicago; A %Vtitteler Co car York Plttablaeglh and 111 al raville Packet Line ligtEtMl 1 849. fs±l T " istAVlrti spreadtd Packet Boats to not doting the cw, he• wets and PlOolflaff tam , to Le wr. t eel by three horses, and every edurt made to accom modate passengers. Darairream.—Boais will leave Pittsburzli every Monday , Tuesday. Thursday and Friday, as "lo'ciciek. Y. nom Lthurveille. every Monde), \Y, dite•oni Thursday and ,viurtia. at 7 u clod,• . a..d strike at Pmsbar n rhosame day. A two hotstracs from • boat at Salisourait 1.0. U. on op t. ward arid d. trip—putting pa ..ene. r•thionel , Ipmtll place day. Freight tf0r1.. 7 , re Ine will be ree, red st die hdime of tbA. t . . Las.. by Jon. b erten k Co.. who are Carl, Agents All freight received HaelNa4Healta..tiavt•i ,. for Young•ura ot. arrival alto lioali—pr g o• to horn in morn ice from PLitabvt4u93 •to a v..cl si r Of Boakrierri Id or t rough “.”, PuttenutuAitletrill:nll.l.b. Oar,. atitiMlB49..filikfft Forty Traksporroason of gm 1,, u..“ frusa PII79I3IIIRUIt, DELP HI A, BALTLIIUIt F., N. YORK. BOSTON, A, . Taunus 13 mama. PusladetpLi.i. Turra k O'Gottnoa TlB aid estalniabmi Line being now Oft Mt, opera. Bon, the propnetors are prepared tatm rite • eatentuve arrangements to farward mere...a. , pro duet., at. to and from the above t two , . terms., with the regularity. despatch and gaiety o tar to thmr mode of ~,, Aro ob. ,ou. v. itt :rat, shipment on the way ot avoided All consignments by and (or this line received. chart Res pdldi, and forwarded to any required coons free ofof far commission. advancing or iota: c. No Interest, directly or rectly, m steanitioats Ail commumentiop. , prompt! y encoded to ou applies lion to the following agents TIIOS BORDIIR.I. I / 7 " Market ...Philadelphia TAAYFF. is O'CONNOR, Canal Bann Prto•nryh. O'CONNOR Ss Go, North .t. Baltimore tartel.t _ . 184 4 .).W, eilitanems , T uAtesrou.liTiu PleOlatrrons, Joan Bumsax, - Toot It:statute, We HINGISJA, hone I,ct. Condi:M.o on .toot Sabbath -keeping proiesples. 1188 Propnetors Nn old establiihed Lute have politica , stock to tts< too.; cruals,itr order. and a•ss thoroaghly prepared to forward Produce sool :acrchroo dim to and Nous t/sc Eastern cities • Wa treat that oar long c in the carrying betainesa, and =Wuxi attention to use !late, et.. ru, roamers, mil/ secure to us • eantidoussre and is se real& of dm patronage nursers° extended to Bingham • Los. Our arrangements eta , emits's. It. to t arry t eight with the otmoiss dein.< h, and oar . ersrei •ho , ' 0..0 • be as low aa Na lowest charged by other scipoasible Lines. We baste opened an °thee In. o 1,1 M between lth and oth sta. lor the .....tsvcsisersec of shtpp ee and Merehandose wlll be rec..s•od and for. warded, East a ut o`Wait. anthem •oy s.sr tur• I w.ranlls ad.ai fralght , storage or Bills of Lading forwarded, and es'ery dsrecnon promptly attendee) to. Aildreis, or apply to 'WM./11%1,11AM, h. Cana/ liaatn, ear Liberty S. WAyto ni No Itglmoi tr7a Markel strees. l'bs iota. JANIES.WILOON A gent. No MI North llusarisra *tree. Ilastsmore WILLIAM TVOtiN. mein N. In %vO, stsr - e, Ne• linos 1849, Trignefinetation ine. viA' PENNSYLVANIA CANAL a HAIL L !MAIO+, To 1•111,11.0.,1• ANL SALT-O rtIFISE Canals and Kati Roods 'being new open, and goad order, we ara prepared to forward sill kld ' s ormerchandow nod produce to-Plisladesphsa and Baltimore, itoth promptness. mid Oe•paten. sad on rut good terms as ally other Lino. C A McANCLTV .k Cu., Canal Basin, Penn it, l'ittissure, Astxtrre--CBARLEO RAYNOR, rhiladelisnra mai ROSKMORKILIst v.. Hainan , . Fi—o-aarylvaala 'Canal 41k, Roll Road Ex presayaat Packet Line, alkiMAI B - 19 ..MM FROM PITTABUCII TIMO TO IIIIOADELVIJIA A BAL. Rkl. (Eleineive y Pnieeneare ) ITlMEgnablin are re speetfaily,ininrued • eat the , Line 4.11031 eammence manure on - thr. 1911, tnn, end can- Una throagttort the Seamn. The boats are near, and of nenpenar f:104, watt en tug,* "cabins, which will give greeter comfort The CMS an the latest conrtruerson. A. Matadi! elw ay. be in port, and traveler.. ere le. end aeretne there before crhe agate wale Irtg'oely le dollars me (Me of the ham. ed thin Line will leave toe landing Mame". U. nL earner at Penn aural and Canal, every night et nine o , cloak Tune 31 day.. Far Warman", alley at the ()Mee, Monongahela 'loam, or to U Co mehl7 Canal 80-;o M=ll TRANSPORTATION. For the is-nneiloneuo" n 1 . /111..\1/1.11 . 111.‘ AND VI out., '.11,,,••••; J iii !our •ert,on 15" , " • ' , " • "`", ••-": " • - • • . , tr.,• is or ritsrroir..ercc r. rrar.re r r t.rerrorr, sorpp,4 or ror oi.rgcs Ali loff wardril w doipuic 11..000 u.• rciauttimi)tir ir rum., 0111 Ltlic \I l'A N A Va. eanu; ‘L. J., NI DAVI, On, marl Z.r7 Nit" I.nt tr. 54 ~,,, own JOHN 515FA1/F.i - lc c 1,,,,n1ing 5n3 non 11etc1mu1..0.51321 Hann. I . chn 1 . ....na36 3 JANIFS3. 1/.% vla s. co. Finur F inor. 5../ Conie,. •Jon Nl.relnunk .223ffilarkni 1..1,1 Conlon i. runt I lErALlnanes.s aia9r 1.:, ensnrn, Etn. nlnrvr Wool 3J14 mtatt:and.zn cono,nr.l tnnm sor IJ .15. e 211/AIIt.CHASTEIt , WAY For Llnun.vnle. Jipunnowli. .04 all thn.rmo4.oso p.ncc. c>' antra • , Astocno—C A NDANUI.II" 1c P V-st.ur,h I) I: Wd.h,lt! Jr, rt , ,vn Jot. Mitt., 1101,20,4,0 . . RArrAimx.--Jastres Int.loss, , eszon Ur I' tqloool.orgc . . R Alopre. John l'n , ter. F o how SC, su LAl,mer Co. J. , 2 NT IN illy., l'ltosborgh, John I,llr, t , ousr., Nto.hoAn ILA, Ino t.r.ir &Co. sl.r.vfil-. GEED, P. 131103 IL Co's. PAC/LET LINE. 1848. HEAVER AND CIIVELAN D LINE VIA Conal Itatl.et—lV ALLOW, Cow lord. Cup: %X nHeri / NE of Om tr.l;ovr Pack,. le•ve lie aver ,oHdals e l c i 3.l Luta a 1 rive t.r.xt M0T311 . , Worry, &10-re ,v1;1, Ho- r. 'Aro. eirvelr.oo urnvolf nt Pro tt 01....,...,;•- uctote mgt. th, r., et 5r M end •I ;" osHug olcausbon:jur & L.ELR'INti E 1,1,. Warren. til TAVLUIR roprc.'v u.AVER Akin Erin: L,'E 111411 Jll 11 1 ,11 I, , 1.0.1 1 1,1 1141 an roam, troclret-WENTINTLkII./k 1,1 11,-• .1 .• U.lll rnc l - [TIAN, 1. Thr At.,o,re AAA' ntot •p: rod.. I,trentter. Vecnct-Mtrr 0111,11 rd roro.,Cm Itrttammr, HEA V 1111 A \ .1 Ad A rill) rer.t...", tim mono! m 1.0/1 Eric 11,1F:01.1 1 11111g 11 - Or, or /Mot cr mr, AV, m rt• or Um rturnenlre4t Mmtnern morn I , tottorreir fr Louts arc rl(..w mot comfort.", form-or,. nod Ihreurn Tjo forty mom. t•rmnrrmcm r., rot orronn r I.ornE, or trr Nommu wirr mm roam Me too. ennui...Mr exprrltuou• 1, tem orromh to •.J itort - 2 nn tro. Late coo ne ,moron,: : ~.p:v.vgm uc nurfonefor : 111.1.11 7'+N lift..S Co c , . ver ..1011Nt1.1. ltrilt. a co: Wm.., I'S -.lea C,llmrtnon, Motu o 1 C Irrerri, In., I, CC Mr I..(mcnnrtlir. 11,1'FArnAd end Kure. ltre Ltrnol. l'a liar • , C Ma.nrs.nitaron Urt. C *Warms. l'...nnat. ra. It runnumharn. Nrrar "num NURiiC I +: 46 CO'R FAST EXPILEsS MOM= PVEICTIII Co...kr. 10th, t,ti 0, Swop , - Lke•r. r I ...try 14.1, , au. Com m. ...net NN ...I St Cherm hat le-en the meant ot mutant a t•v•re l a t wt... p.n. e :: • , am , . utcode fare a wove. cough. Mat !Imre u.. the reawdre• whtt I hod re... t0...1 cot:mane on t,i niy cute sti... ail the Gamin.. al 1m...1 Comm...ton k sera tame I had wemed ~ nave no elle, mrd , r otnotatott tncre.ed sot-raid , ..! •,.....1. a• w-. 1 us tut w.I. 0.1. ap an hors 01 T At hre ttrae t ars. reromotand. no try ..:;•,...le. merne..re I CM a° WII4 Mc mom I'm, Tt„ fir.• matte M.d the effect to loos. toe e . a ortme ute to ar. wrote Its-eft, and toy the rt. I Lad used CI va l e nOtt Wes ,teeny e welt, ..I•20 as L...., • rash ver nay da, m d d would toe happy to risc stny tn....0n reap«Ong my eue, that outer teffcren May arose the hertel. for winch I MIS .a gremlin. For int uutt of Ma m?. statement I ref, eon te. Peter Rauh, Corms. Waal or Vf:40113 I parch.. the a me n '''. 1 : • •• •-%fti ; yOll. r.. eat Alloa.h. D--mittfit!en•' of a iWatiaaftst Nina.. . t.. i I le. a dell of math.. to „ ..,.. a m • to-I ..! rand. ta troller HA diNDFIN S C.. ; ! t u oty ut m•of oi lor Compound Sy passenger !'atiad tterattlisatc• Lulea. _', ~. d . sere, .o ame three Team Utter I tem 11 . 0 N if Off:. . t.' r tonu!toe l" ' , la i'''''''f , j t 4 I- au I..•;td ototh rota and teffainmanon of We " "S'''''" "' 1."..",'"“ ." " r ' l '"'. . ' .. ' L7 ‘ cI, r i 1 ..., a•nrr. 00 7. n , ,W 1 II a Matremung ".“.4 '''. " "' "".* ''''' ' " L '''' " ' ..'' I.irLl, pain • • it le hrt mit antl head. a very monaideors , aual piton... rtantl attention la ;it war., m u cont. 0 .: ~ ..„,, , „S et .. muco• nom the long....pa in" reamed r''''''' '''' W ' ''' ''''''' ' '''' . • .41 ' udt• in t nalme col weather. however slight At Le hy tte tornedtng wampt Mai t.c..... wa. ,. I ~....:„., ,„ arm morn. toy ...tan. hot watt 7..7 . "r's " ".... ''''''''''' 01 'o' '''' e" ''' 0 is tivrr.l Mat I wad rapid') got. into cousarma. port th em and gee no tra ava.. heing. mai de. tpurch then. nen ataut any 4 , ...,0.1 I.y the LOO to.. - , a „..,, ru m s au., Of .7 4 ' a .a .. • ...P c 't • al. W•• any •""• n•.•4•"4. '" 4.0 lo)) 0001 "l ..? '.• 00. I• 1 • ex--eutne we tkorm of my fangs During thil et• to show ma'utey were dellll,lcal 4. bouri 1., la I !I, :7 ' . 1 . .. ,ed V•flOal. prePhr.ao.....P m ' cr O a ... laarpoot. who•a thoustords of ut.ier . Me, 4 , 14,41,J , 7.". . ' ,„. 4 ..„, ~,,,f-40,pntr, 301 a, 1404 IrO." JIMA '".".. '' "-t C" L"...."‘"' ."'"' ' ' ''''' . ' :,..„1 IL so. a.... mod verges. ay a dear frtend J a n " i '' '..r w"""44 "'"'"""' "".4...' ".`” ' ' th " k • Mit ntng.l to ma. Iva! of your Syrup of Wild Cher. v ' ; '' l ''''" . lt r.r. v... ..''''' ' .5 • a''' es .. I Mile% 104 111 Mal remously I Lad been what " n44'. 4'144" "‘"•.'" ''' r.'4' ‘" '''."‘ .• a want irate r tnecEetne, and Ima 11sTalnal with ether office ff a -wino enhek petlorru .drat MI, or 4 a , e ‘ d fmang oot ot Lite hands of empmfes. but uneer, when tt muted ma. eonvemenee. contlt. your c.a..' to the profeetion and brae in D '''''' dr '"? " P "'"" . .r ..Y ... '.. ki . med..- and antral,: unpile. IMM In the toying of my 1.10.1, payalde 11l any of the puma. buna• fot Ire- ; f,,,,,, I jarthmtn. purchased of Dr :vbs.°. of your and, Fs/gland, Savona. and kV.. ; , its • a few man.. •rul commenced. aw. bly d.- , ......)..L.b 11.,111biy3oN. ' en4e e a . t mat tar of WO, AS months' standing. eon- Furor. Old Ist4LET, Arent „ e „ au, a lt was daepll fini.- I .... h '''''` ..er . TALL i,- Ai EGII RA ' V C ' . 1"ir. """ ;::;::141 -... D ' L .' 1 ' N V O 4 a . ' ' :. :,... :''" ;, : : ‘ , l 7 .' „,, i'''':v p d rt''r e . : ll t. lo V7K 4 rai n Fr ' of e:r : the'l:l : "?: 4l .l7..l.;l:‘: AND V.A131-kik.P WA 1....091 thereny ruptured 1.. 'remelt th•t had aim y on.. .✓'.- . - to hem, 111 tics way. doubtless , my Cafe or. greatly .. re.f, ..tform the: 00'• ~, I t,1, - I,e c . er d d d In emtacquence of acUng that Isntlently ra------=l.' retie ~for hccc . ht• fat. on.. I ... to use twelve or fifteen h e befl,„ Y e a r. per -7-.-• .-=--- -- ---..--Nk. °feet •., a' tk• inuln ~,, t AI., ; fr.,- ...wed I hove no queetfon. a mach 010.11. taff.--..-----_,.. ratty e.t. d . . a roma .t- 1.011 ....her of 1,0144 t, Vrotti4l boor mode me sound, hal for 0 .-d -...------- ____.........dr , In..° or , •••••I‘,l link.. a •t, Vt.• ' the anove tothwrelmt. The. Syrup o.loyed the fever ,_-• ...... -11..ter• ar• It; t...: ' tit ban....toolt ea. trte I...wag cough. put a atop i=="2,... der fos the ...1 0, le. ...... anted „ me e ta charge of matter from the lungs. and gave r-,... . good health I based oter -1‘..c.--.2€ ol:'7.o"'''''''.'":7;:l. l ' '^n r lc.:: :" .7!: ' ' :t n i:- ' ' ,.. o d .n off . e " r 4 lnT o ll . :: 4 • l4- r 4 tift •'a4 e good now, for the purrs. = tool.• old of a ter,. ditre. tr Iclng rt.... tat.. anth the pertn•ttoncy of the V--."' t r,... e pore..., tto e tan, •orc a. now dim Icm perfectly wed I offer ot gr. .•` - a - - toounol aural oi ure esfarretm. ' a naarrre. 111 , 1 l' Joao,. l------ate-o •- ottrl.•n toe. a Hum.. yA 11 'B.Ol I Dublin eounty, N C .::::.--=,--'-'... * .7.. land, I ern °red:tied to form. - . ,-,.., ••.'' tr. old euttomer• a• watt ti- lartorretr. Ciarreson- Read' Recri! the Patti y at. a.ll. car 0 her r Lo.o Tr re t• hut unc genuine preparation <110,14 Cherry. Agee, y, N aitcorauf rare, Prtte.rgh * l, 1 ,,, 1 ,, t, SAW ~t 'l, the lust ever offered to Mc e.t.a r j A " H" ‘ " '' ...04' V. Mr, •130. lkertil pool Int.. throughout the kiDAPER lIANMS-- 1 osit now 1... 0...4, titr err, imeti stAte• a. wane parts of . Lunn,. mod .11 pre , .1 from the manutarture. .. No ra 1 orlt IM. mor e ..... mined to, Me name ot M rid therry homer ten . fan altlMOrr. • 4175 , - 0,4 11,,... , d0e•1 ....mrt can fmr out mice mt., under covet of um. deceptive ...o the late. and 11.0 0 1 ill,trov.,l .1, . 0 • a. err 111 order tu give curry., to Mow mars no. glazed and• COMM. Parr.. it ANI.INt.S. 0011 114 • Inc ob., eton, no person need nanitake the m•trarrename from tur 1 101 se klach mattle aMe geom. re 111,1 e. unmet of Parlor and Fres. . ram . troml ....:, n 0,....t. tut once. mtg. vr Eng. v.. me 0,000 - Hatt and. '.. , um, , Icor.. of N Voltam. rent , torrent, altar Dr Sway. 101041 lt Dittotr-rnenn. rhunt.r and office ogrrato. and a• further ter or., Mc leartra. of la. Part -v.,. Fur.. pm re,. ~ tr.. , tr. atc.on are,. vett oc atid.d ammo rr, 00 m m Minium.. ro :how Itamtm hot.. to paper, to ern sod .1 tent. ..... f•reporm ~,,, hofn stot turfs Now. il n watt out tor at Me Puper Ware houte of al' 1111.1.. .me ,1 0 1, eillutiv, ~ ~ , ta.• amS k nu... •irtsr• or 111. ' ur word et ! V.v.., r. ontoound 00 1 uP . 1 % tot Cart ) , aton` sod - 4 to give eurtmtcy to Weft / I ARA. riiii,ir .... 1 41 n.. ;,1 0r . i Vr. tg W r ... ' ''''‘ . '.'" '" " r " „ , 1 , ~,,,, ~ ~,, kj ~ iar Ke rt..ol.nent 0, F 4.1 ) V Alil Kr) 61101), - .' .....u. ...r..... " "" : ....... 0 4 ... 0 0 ~....., 0111.001101 111 pall of Art.. - fo.•. ILldron.. lon . et. Ilro.. Ch.") : Rcnkva lla : 01 " . " . 1 ' • • or Dr sway.. and u a. nut deceive , PIrI). tio, Caar, Loetw.e. Cautittica Nemo° t. lA, „, . 0 „. " e „.. n d R ...., ...,.... Vella, Shawl, Pongee Ilaud.remett, pen. t -.aria, , ' nallin , lac c • 011 . 1 ) ertighath mul nun liatrdarthorN. o Ortlea Shots, , Pln,..^ .v at. , . ~., „„,,, • „,... y. °edema Silk, Threads, Iluttons Coml., 1... c. Cl, kor .., w"":"^•": and r ' . ' I ' l .'''''''. .....• ~ . Wry, Ac. An. ti.noutty a nd calf. ddo .i i ,,,, 0 , 0 dm . DKr, mar and 19 mad nie. I: AI- A , IINk--.11n.. 1 r 1 5 . . 0 1. artful shviteff to rt. I and exam.. It. ttucs. No e 4 1 '''''. al ,10 `and 101 ..• l llt ' l G', ~,,l V " "' •I', . mut street rfklier of Donnond alley .„,,, . rift tH"s al Market 0 , S JON kau. leal 1-1.001 at r.lO • I 1 , /NI, ea 11,111 taJ,il I , 1,1%1a. ltH a IN Atcti• ux - ritAcr OF Cr ,FFEE-An a 11.1 4, wll4, 14 ra- 4.1.1.. Alleirheny e.ty. and try at; V . ,k• - • ‘111 , ••• •le , t H a t e. to J 4 py come, troo use o• a woureetnne.....lll. ; rueollemc to ~.ti Or un temoullefuerage. temg note afea•aht pm/ pi, , 3,414,,,,,,,,,,1„,,,,,,r„..,,,,„,, „„ ~,,,,, , A UT IfUNt• r.VIDF , P. the Ur .1A Prs 4;4 La oating *toy ten Ct.. , .• 4 I 00 li. larya Wu, 1 ri et...it/DAN r es outer or to of other ...dies for poundsof Curacao SI anotortured sr mgt.,. unsumplaus, Brackett, Aohm• ...M. Pus , 1 101 IN S A11t,1.1.a. roomer.. Pa. ! tai •ffi'lmat•' l lte l Ike na. P`teal. w"c°.....oced ma Sold at wholktate by II A FAUN 1., t ...A d e o d o . .ulo at ther ffm.l.e. tut ymrt um. shit ref. ou. all I corner of Ftr.l i'lLI NY Loa . ..LI runt. nod Wotal nreeto 'the' r.e0 , ... , ". kmd. . 0 ware... kae keek ...la. , Inittiourrlt ; „ 1 ,,, . a try toner veep., um they haw maw. ntarrahty he. - luarimared to re. mug the Murat wind. mot r tem.., i IALIFIIINI.at 112011FII. 1:00i i,--11., r., era,. .... d ,„.....„.„.„.. a d ., .„ . dm m o ., s, the „ r ope..., I ‘' 34 Un' " i°"' " ... . 'hr.' coat ''' l ' l''' '" l. ' 0r 1 t I l ul l . e 14 Ars.' I.ldraf an : au. sta lc Patre all had Almon, Ur., la lath,. Hug, a . ''''` '' ,','"',.. , ' lO ' O , . ~., ..r 7 . , tam, Tanks. .f. 0. 12 g rte. earl., lal ea ort„.. I 1 . ' '....4 1 ' 4. 4 4 """. t '". . •• ,4 arohatoty never had oven. ... arra/nag p.m.., ,seyel gal.,: each, Calor WM' t .11 fl Money Delta I do DIU ol . a at i t 1 h "''"k " I Th. , ~....< ~K.I. ~, ,„,.. ~ „... 1., , rel.f. co.] . t a.. P ,„ oladeilna, • end told uu I trutfintrchomblteuntent No a 1%,....1 tt tne.4 • .1 tg II PHILLIPS : "A.'" Oa Fourth al Dr. W. P. lialand'a Pramltana all IA r ' l4- '" F l n ,..'"' C ' ' ' ' - ? .. l .', R. ' 10 " ., ' , ' L ' '' ''' n ''' I ir ',/t 10. 1 . 17.1..101 U. of me alemeat Cotlege 01 1"1:10. f s • • e.t.a ca lye'' , to v at"'"C a hos erottn.... If ad... 70 . ,. one! oder. to Um puhitc th• Indian 5 AI dom rti Clove , on, P ool , rim. Poontout Platt., 00 t qUalillts of whi..n, ma r Cl ' po.„, i wog sod tried ear 1.00100, mit 1,00 •1001.4. 1... W„,, ~,,,t, g ado , pt. ~,,, .. „ , 0 , 0 ~. , 1 utoolhared Itr air woo.' wfiu mu) 0 0 ,` 1411.,., 1...1t AI m a n e, p rc „,..m. , d . er „, d ; „, , , rr , S ' , ~ . ,7, , ': ! ... r .' . I•rotaros 11,us or 701100 Wroots. ue I. 4011i1114.14. I,i• ..) , e 1 i 0,,,q, guar,. ro, A rm. nod .1...,01 mare 110 Mr "IN " ' 4l3 ' ; tluct sp s t. to num • woo to itce week •. if her eat n 1.1. a N ViLis-•th note In Iron A tor it. nolo the 1.1. r t care and reet-....5t rd.. au the roan... tomato.. A ...cattle...o.. or.straotrot wu: , t ot. tonnt. , and expetter. t 41.404r..0 long in use. Th. . fee, on a. and sapioned In coder. I.) • co... Minot In oatitta. non e trionnue "' s ...., . 4 "' l- l" • ".. N t'l Wood kt , o n one eat ...,.. 01 tide r hutuired ad htty•thrce pa• ( ) hk: FCRPMAt:t. HEAR dil, guano... tcd inns, - superior =nem of lion.. I ore 111.11 t lay, more .1 Mr ,71e 1,0 0114.11 Is /ONE, 'AL f INltt HE, a Nl' TIIF I , ...tal'ltHA riv, Yropvt , toctv WI. Latc have put on \.w Stott, I NI lid a:r tut-mare , tolta-Aennl pack.g••• of ••• de , T U°n. ""' ." e '" : "` • ` 1;;L at.8 ;w1.111.. , I• I 7-4, 1:811.11,• • el:II Air. fl. SA. Wittlace Au r,nx ii•ed lir,ri!, ni ruin iiituirzy Anil inymisi lair, la/ Ilor pronounces it Super.r IV the I.cerkne na Atenc, m 1 c 16 VIBE: N pp,•e•irioue ...ages.ni our own 4wportawon I . olllllleit . e. 110.11 RCM. ,u.t re. v.J wr saln p 4 MILLER/ 1111:1•47PUN ClinlO4,—/..1 pr. pro e noutpoul new .l me. on.-ludner 4 , 34 elOrnutp . (And ,/a p$ E=CI 1% ...tatto , Ftmg.of '2l coral an•ol 1,14 Itr , Pi.,. Eta thus. th•ce..,•. 1.., 8,14 44 atone, Sr I IV IV 4411,1 N. 1. 4 f. corner 4th ono %Intact at. IrEI•VET RilitlON, Just recemml ot %rt.,. Kn.- , try , . Ala.rket Atrert, 33 pa G(110;Vd VeMM It/bLan. atoned colors; U Moat u embtoidary amp; II pa mule Nam, he. ,fees , 1 , 11.t2 , 1-Al ...b's I Aril, ME emra ttf FICI - 31, Pon tattling ai elphatmum.llmlcl l'artt rthm.• throuolc out the Units6Smtem the antms from tVa.lorrgtlM. U. EOM= . . hi hlttng the Y( Ufficca to each cent, as wail a. C(11.14- Iy, yea appendix in the Vaned Stair. and lintich Tanfra. last reed by JOIINSTON h CTUCKTON, hire corn= 3d and market gs M EDICAL. gyn tita , liASlTCYlo.lsltige?, - -L" the Nicallninen of the day... ix liana +a 1,11101, Ohio. blay 23. Iran). 12 t sellers • 1 tame it nett for the benefit of ethers to L”, tset.• m relation bloat excellent Fasei• 'y 31. nein.... 1 rave I,ed year Venni/age l•rnely ix my own fay rive frequently cos wenne for expelling large / . 'nee worms from Iwo children. 1 eau, 1-tver rills and annigh Syrup In • any /1.. liact le every instance produced .trert dewed • l au, •nener merehandising. I run able to Mtr. thail 1 here !.et to near of the first failure where I.r mrilt,i; ie.. nave been used in my Farallon or the con center. In riurron. 1 may mate that 'lacy are Ms • medn•mr , n Jar andh . tre ce.uood to have very our.. re.pretfully. W Pteems. vaotagrou Prepared nod stmt by R. E. SELLERS. No Si N ood sin et .11.1 .not L. Drugs . .. a'teraltY la the two er I•ks •Ittd r•amY• mo3l CARD g • ythsT la VI-114 CO IPIT, by he Atfeht abettor. ottry true. and gent... faser . thg Dahaw•lot 1.71 . • L S•rrrY Inert y• :•y• I rasi. or the pl•ce rti Jon. Faros Jr rens., re punt.l , m. 0., the pal. , and the am., rota R st- rer• tank • duly I owe tornerof the r•omiwng. thor he ts co m .!, . „ Inir .thth that l have NI arum. lams.' and Foe nska 014 kalwra. Irk.., al .4.. , wl.l. I , sc losnplakut lor a long sler L bra I. L tr. sa or 1 :d:. mat an at funned and um., ,„„, hr rd 0( I Di osE —lwo rest P to. r pis irons 11e.....r spur ,sled Poot too,. fur sale by A R llose- got weerved tor !Ito Bora,. or m • Snag. .. V.,. I tbero . and revonrateuded nte by to who, vett, be held at store tor few Mt, The um rt.,. tar Ur E. saran I co...lusted to gar• mom llas tt Rentror Cont.. ' t expre, a a w n! , afa . :PI, . I pureirtored tow hoz. and found them to the here deloo'ment• of ,herll •••• , ~, sg. Aral A M. Aorta arr.) . are resummeadert, THE BEST la. . 1 1..1 to rasa and esamtne noel tn.. •hern VIAL PI lA. /..1 1-.lt USLIL, sod trdot.g roar 1 • 010 * ...111( "g, Ihe. I° a" , test Irre, / W. kkek. env..., tett etre, 11,74 I on. now Marl , Mora , to eartetuun PM. pert..., 0,1 Re-pm:trolly you D m it coLE:mAs. 1 0 1 (0 et lalorrL), March Pu r lo-IP ) the Corren, 11c:anee Vomparty of Pr 0..., I gentry tha. siTI persobally ...summed with 01, will be opetoor ler the Rohn, or the Dowd ot trade. on Co total, stn. t.ott ar tesotoorry to Me truth of the the trrst Icarr•o, 1.1 Noveruher Item. at Ina t 'or • • r. ato. er art:cum A R SHARP r Wm 1.11/1101, Jr Roheri Woods. l'he germ.. lavrr Pais are prepared and .010 by 00 M. II 01•Cture, Jowl.. Plummer •- R's No 47 ood street, and by drums. I SSI Roo Jo•tah Knit. o. rte ta••• ea. • John Sheriff. Aloe. Roseburg. lir T PUBLIC —The one...only 1.. I .d R. D /Ong, ti. lover rtio ore prepared by It E sailers, and have , •oirottrarott Cann.. .torte, no .r.ort. stoopeol to bloc, wog kite Ird or cat.l. GOLD WASIIERS. ognam , Mt the amt.n r rAint, ~,vented t reolclor:e for wo.lanc tl larld for arhreh he haft made ar 11/Walton) for a •ortt I: SILL:FAY. Iropoctor patent. They are now oderml tor as te at the A • t•- DO. JAY X.Y.'S CARMINATIVE BALSAM home of Parry:Scott Co. No Ir.l Wood •,r. I, I,wltl .A 1 .71r Rev ASA SHINS, It well known •na pop Paol:rah. mar 1..11 (~.XlOll 0 . 1 the Protestant Methodist Crturela Ativroturrr• C•itforton are to•roxt. so on, tool 01. 'The undeolynerl having been alfinted during the pat lhgmar sre •trn. motet woth se, ofibe stomach. sumettnici pro. or area eatt.orterrort. eaory truomoned n. toe i ,the machosto r:toot tverl, boon muLe• or hootte, woo.loo, solooll• er, r,/a..kAl. nil alter having tried varmos can Ito put kii °reran°. in hart an tiour Theycart or Itzlit W. , 11 , Cal.k.l.)VlSrl37ll/Shed with a 00111, rd watt m0m.... It 1. rm. oration of I nl hrate bo I/r I:dn./he's Conopaave 1101. am. Thu he sederue• have seen 110 oral of one cr , these en:felon., or dotal •-•1 mid., to b.. doections. and found in•sriably tto lb.. use. ma IA mm. 'DII wam the mo.era pout tau oard th• pan to abate In three or Mgr non loathe.. ur *mot or moat in a day.tro• ro aid e ', ' firtgur. 01 twenty Tr mates evert ono., poorer, of the materna Flog on 1,, lac. 0.00 at. re wootticrt Arts courtly gamed. The ruetheine ve. •f. tool worked by water or mule power a vortairm tgrses rd 4 used whet:eve, Indio...fa the ayptoar , al 11, operators work without gong Into the water or pan wee nergeged.and the pal n was Metal, prover.. In tog cartored to wet, awl eraweriumalv aht ut too rd (lo t t tot *rued to tot, the medirsoc eeryevry c•t-notg Margot:ls Moo hearth They wal rectal, Ira a at 4.1 warreame• n the inorumg, 11 o. Orook, stream a water. and eon Iron sed the whole sow.. bc...1. wa so fa-restored, that the •¢Errey robe. and earl pal into opera.. where there k • not rah_ tom a ore amount of orpressme porn. From ea grew water to vl. it. the usual veal . oer tnoreferc. he ' ran oonfirluntly recortoner d P nee nf smallest •101 WIS. Orders from abroad.... _I/ erono 'taut e as a satutory to comp:mist:l by each. A. he promptly htlerl It, re.' smmach and bowels. A 1111330 H. PARRY. to Parry. 5.,. 1 Pn's. Allegheto ct ry it relft•dtf No ILO o,a ov sl. P.a.r.roa • r•:artre I I Paul orgh at the PEKIN TE, 11111,pralt 6 Sono' Soda Alai. nroir Wood, and .110 at thebrug .11,fir 1' ,„ pp.rvz 11,oloral .11001 MIS; • .` 1 ol Inter, three vetoer, ma the Junta. VALI. AIME DISCOVERY! Nledslbno untl hay., sowed at Phoode.plaa ).YS TI V' E.S. RE O.Y I'o UR L'AE "I"..arr•ad ts'l'alrae•lhe StePlren D. tOwth mid DK sWA N'NE'S Leda. shoot) der theytherefore roper., to moat, orders They will freers,. dor.< the Ann - COMPOUND Lllll ~ P OF WILD cling!. ter and sprit, regular sup's., vo New I nes" Pus ultr-gt 0.1111( 00 , 1 , 1 W MIII'IIEI.TREE Consumption. Cough.. Cold, Ld"" OUNT EAGLE TRIP , /I.l—For along Lent 1.11 do • and run, glosses, saver plutn, Bro t47"1C1":1;...MT•'411 ( a l ta ""d 4 lire lh as ffi g, " l : :Jp c. to r o l o '7 :: th l tamos outer ware It ramaty mac. out s. .r o f. the Ile., Induento.. Croup. Broken Com urtf aor remora..., no 1,.1.111)1, arol aural rt• sot utton. Sore Throat. Novo., WAIL- laLtre trl now woro luta feer.ved nittl tor •me. Iy. lt,lll all Otte•wor of Mc Throat, 113.10 sod moot by JOHN D NIORI•AN. 111 tot asol larttg, the most cf. Drogarst Iccruur and speed,' ea, - e'er ncw. for ally of t h e owls, date.- D R. S 7 ' ;Y N r • g' 0 tope wnal Syrup of Wild Ctorry2 This too s• tottottget arnoug Ittoo< doobtfu, marg. It hasaway from the thousands daily rasnehrd upon the 11, or expert:nom. and rt , ow •ta-d• matter ot rrrtontlon NIA t. 11,011111,Z more xtettsrmf ty tra•••1 Ma. nay other tot-pant:fon of oredgate ever produced tor Lite ream or sutfernof matt It h. hren attroduoed very generally through Me S:ale• and Europe , and ibere are few tos a„. totrattlattre hut what rootato some remarkable 1,, ,I , It• rood ar., For prow or the turt,o.., 111,:1 ot tar' satue and edteoey or kl).llltirkl , - " , flakk •Isefl a few 01101 mot y thou. . eer ro..tord to tam ..• ori ,ars . r . r7:l L' of tar brat r,..l.arlalukils men no roe mg., „ and f tou,. Ulan la a el'• /.• 01,1131. •' • (her a 'r•rt.'""l‘L:{ 1.. Is ell/ao.la,ked .11 Ikk kw 1.. pl,ttovvo,r.. wed "r. • ur.tl• tool toe ttour•oottable ausltort rrr " opt. ......attiatteou• 'oho( it o. 'rr „ tolto-nro thtloyyd through roe it y roost sgrecoure "1, -(Chet rm.. scuyy tram surometraons tmiase• ofa r , r; :s f .. t: h t od) .go-pose, aad r rya , . errmaer 1„ Hogan ,Moral (lamm• 1110 HOME CERTIFIr ATE , • or Prhart. Imeararmor Stu, Aar:from • Irtere rteor wa• tenartly ono hmt been as sumo...fn. dr•rerste sa.o , or reausurnotron as Dr Swa, • I rood syrup rif Chtr,. It strengthen. the " t rfi +or.. lo Use we. , ott Ule lou, (R.& lOoro Pu°• , ••••ed s° I rear tool II" , • cr .„, a i•o far Itheartratreni and Weal 11 oe fleet. at• tend., Wall ain. thrre is notiting toeseel ty..• Viartgr adorning renelar rib-rung rure For •••i• tr, Lilrox, earner al Inarannd end :Market .1 Irraun Iditerty and St Clair Ida 111 1 Sargent Federal an and Diamond, Alle• rSreir • n 1 Jaenue. 1 Co, s Denman and [amend llirriarrig• 1) E. 5K1.1.1,11, Drugg.rt. l.br uff Iruf Dr Town., off'•ll , , •Sff , f‘ff'fri • for• J ur, rrectved Jurrft of Ur, If fnr•garrag find ffturffErt Illedaefor Puff Itur•r• •tfoufff rwolltet that 11 1: rolemg.,. oft P.: sburg, 1)D1 Curry for Allf,Leny upff g 01.1) N gilt,' KR r I.EV Y.N % ATI,II. ‘Jr E t - g la.algi t tagde 14y tag reatbrated Ilaciter of I.malott Al I Tots.. of Llacrpool. and a largr gasorlotect of detached gold mad rllrer igtvcra. 111 , , 1 1 , the ~...11;rotcva mattufact ..... . 1 ,. d. kerne., Cummuniten Warein seq., Pro, /ewe., in eat, •nrirey; Silver Spoons, Fork !se Watch rrpul,tqg tierulnl In the two;mannrr W W WILSON. Al'A I'I.AV ENt.I.AND-11ntht, !toe ...Imam lilVovrlh per , ra.l, . cloth -75 cr,. til volae For role by JOUNSII-4 , 1 d I , llhl4'roN, ad? Bomar Market and 3d ma MISCELLANEOUS. II Oft DOOK•IS PATr NT DASHER CHURN. =CZ= It' oneoticm of the public nin+l.o.l tr. tore arty 1 vuloable Chu, which htt,t.r. • • .reulelt o ere in comlumng the ohl ova i.e. .:‘....ut.0r..• uulily of We Invention ta &Dram, e. 1., •nn' pie prone.. the air tri forced beneath olu•n. and does away with the necesonly of purt•haritic ncn Churn, a. it r app l ie d to any rhari, In ure. ald for cony dollar can A• an the nucroseinent. he age conanned with nines of gather.sig lac Butter ,n the usual .yey The pubis,. ere tnvited to rail and 'oda for them selrea before porehao,ng elm.where. at .7, of Nlartel and Fsflh ftreetc or at hi Iltmon.l ells. be tween Wood und Market street., l'bit,out . m f .;„ . m 11111. I. CLI . 10 the remturting paaumrs. ha. det) rrtirrd Isom •Ito firm Frlquary In 1-19. • Ki.ll .11.1NUFAi1T RFS —Tne under .s,nrol Agent iO/ the usanulacturers, Ixso , on nnv ona l• oot,itani, r,...tg to or l i i 01, rn•Or In I,lt•burg le and •,mtly at Mob I' offers for 'a,. a 1114.11k1 . •rluger• pr.cca. CAW COVIIII.A2N. • wont! " 1 11l ASIII.-1 FM.. !mule. lel:n Run tter an excellent VI.. IC tor rendertng Una. •ttne• 1.. , .eet wn , er prr x.ttl ..tlt att n tneer c or ..e •py.te anon of 14i• rtryste to tutfil....ot mat P imerrv.out tn water N.., or too. t..• eet nrc•retetive Imre thr lerohrr rnet....t.' nottl ..nlc IPac 11,1. Runt.er 14.1 n l\ .t.ielat 1'1111.1.11, LOWELL FLETCHER, ItAl,Arl[ll.l• ALCOHOL AND PURE WRITS Corner Fr.., ana VLnr Woe.. ri,r.nn.ls II p - 111,1'110i IEE , 112 cft 1111 141 - • *"."" tS Onto, flirt l'in•t•oret for .A . cutoA. rot.. t-t•• OA Rm. or Reettfted Whttket., tot)l votort, t•••• .1,1 to •1 'norec or•en otottl•Anly . • DI,CI-11V ik 1r . s‘,. Carp, 1 , • ,• It hewn. Nin Yonrth went Jo do To in a., I I't, J An n•• A Wonted Jo Jo do I blot Dornatt; l'ar;•nt Itoolsntz, lArl•no more, ALSO-Como§ Goth•no Trun.oaren, Shad., •••••••turr• Vo•ort Ou do kL•h do do do Chte•Ata do An An Lt id Vle ltt I till t i t • I.Atnitnton ar..l I . • 1, - , Fl.l. 'Me •Lmli Vt. .....d. •,( of air r.. or, ...a •:, I ra 01.r7 1 A111•1..r, K. t-r.c..1 tq.. J.l Ji li3C roar ulacturer : 1 1,./ lApc•iz y 1 ply Carpel, es tr• super IS do do do • . r Jo Bras,ls. very elo,p. do nrh soiors alsper Insrnin 14.14.tul Se•vy Venet,aa N. Z. 4 isasi tea:mama Jo All of satisce erl I 1 al a •ma.l sdv•n as. anarsaluar as low al T.,. rotehas, • •slel ts! I COACH MAKING FROM the •ery itberalr.r. enenurse *NV or...the atrbaer , ber t.•• teyed be has located hourelf n 5,,,,te haa ,educed htso to tale • !..-a-r., h term or yen", on tne property he no occupies. .n Iles.ver street. 111161[4111.1r/y bes“le t. Persbstertan ante h. From the loot ette...oee •n t st,ve bal.,. and a demur to pleas, he hopes tom. it sod rece,•e a .here or pothhe patron ate Not. an hand and [minion. to order. Rue ks•ray lla ru n e open and top Burgles, and every Jeocrsplpon Cams.. made to older. from seventy•Sve dr.:!ar• met , hor•ret ;sets.l.4lf, „IttllN ,-,ou'rH Ph. •Ileeittetty Cemetery. AT the scr.eal meeung of the Corporator., U. rr the bib Intl, the rolloarme person@ were um rhoor.ery re-e Ig TIIONLAS Al. lILAVE, year ,errl JIIUN 1119:4:1.L, rwr If KIIS, NATHANIEL 111 , 1 AIVS. V. lI.FON 111`CANIA,KAS, /01IN II eIIOKAIIIERGEIL, JA Al EA H. AYKER., J. Fools, Jr., fieercterY and Thaarmr, The annual statement prerserntml Me near. 11l I Company in a rosy prosperous comfit/on. I boor on. in the arty l• No 37 Watt, styel. TOIL STAR OF THE WiraiT *O.VI.NITIAbi BLIND MAN CFACT , ill East aol. or Me La•momt. ...bore V..,. , . Blinds Mali Me Marrow s, • nod are tom on hand orto moor or tiro late•t and mom approvo.l l'.0•Iero lo torts, at lle soonest nolicr nod ost Um tn. reasonable term.. Also, the cheap Ilosion roll or gul.l T• 11 g " Tansy sod Pager Ca nalu% ol all thr patterns, on nand sod thr rule mar ,or ." Imo Blinds p•iniell over and 3... poured thig d4 R , . 01 W ',TER H. V Pro ''' work mao•htp, Arol t ‘ o h lo.r.gloge .' Wilgus suglh g Allegheny city, Aug 10, Itlis TELEUnAPII CONIPAN 114,1,11...1•ND ‘VE,TEIth LINE °T.. at the l‘aehetage, lialttroare. C El) u.‘Ti, —The rilar,• rr•lia era 51.,••,,gr• to or fr ,, en ~,,,, r I•,tt, ma,icon all tr,raptor drapviehr.tl,,rwarard 1/101111.1.- woo, Went ~I•,tl•l,urrgh.Pt Ft...rm.—The ...large for • lehetaph despho• front Baltstr,,,,, .• 15 cr I.'. lot the [trot ten .0,1, Q.t . , 3 re,,ts lor ra•rt, word. Li - No chnr, Is a.adc far me addreas knal •Jrnn. LT= Telegraph nom \ length, let., io Ne 11•1CLIC• C•I.. wrornrcled to .LI A1:111 , SON I/ n its r r•li. i i. r iiir lip 111 Wix)ltttttt . •K • 1 . .. 111.101,1 u Nll,lll - ., r 1100. Vi ttttt "reel Lil Itir 1.1 Isolewa , 1,11 nr.g tlwir 1.11, Nii FOUII4f ) [1.111,111111, Isik.l Curp , eur 141 v.+ ul o Col k' The vb.,. 4. .u.tablr ror paper., r, rooms 10.1 to-. d.rr; from Itvri., 04.41 lor • v.... Mr wi tt ml,n , 4•,l n(r: 1111.1. llrr nog 4..41 da • i41.0r on.l wavitooard L11.1 . •1 tt 1.1011 • 41 jwln I,ren tn tate Ilan Are. ~..•n ell, without t/...1iKh1.•11140, to 4 ,4 out ,1101 , 1Lc OA the tluor 20 cents. For role I,y J Sktllol/NMAKER mrM V 4 .4.1.1 Cane Ana Jo. Hypo Sniph Soda Jo Al,u oo No. titanavill do Coom do I.:novtllt Lorton do' Chiorotono do Ju•rre.,..l nod Ka oda by II A FAIINYXTOCU A ro :„;;6:1: =2=l FLO/afilltdi AD- SONS, - • -- Banker •, Exch•oge Broker•, art, plat.ens Si, DR A FTQ, A 011.:NrA N , 11. r Ell D kiA \U I pn, • :.:.y yo., of Lac. im -11 INk.E on N-kr York. Yhtmd,rllik , I I:, •nr •n le 0 1: C. , 1 , 1.!..15 , IVE X N" UNLS o..reittuat, low,etrn,• N lit rl. \II I )ILLS , or •, ESCH li ANIr Ts I •t,t, Jrl 14111 y, ...... of F.lTngce, of •{1ape.,1,4414, hv Onkt, I- 1 . .• J., \1 1 , I) n'1:1V1 pc NI I. pa , .t.lut ,1110,1 Itl- Fa•o• rn .1 o. ~..• •roollar 1-artetry L waz. • work. tc, I ~ .. ~„ •v ~. -J iii ~ q ~~ .. i.r. ~. n.~i.~.. i ~..0 ....,. ~. N , • t • u ; . r ll 1 PARTNERSIIIP. t", 1,11.1,1 ..11,11N lotouo4o 000 Rrol hoc !or ooto, L I L EXCHANGE BROKER?. Ml=lllllll ttnEla rsnn w ke r n r t ail', NIZZIM2 rtsc ht nrd‘nary terrc ,no. and often n,e• J Ltli =MEM . e i.l L ~_.i i~ T ~ .. nor =MEI '"--- - •p' - - ,--,,it;',.----'4-:;:e*---; 47 .1 C ....., - )41 0 , .--, -, V l 4 ~- :•••'• ~,-' ;ft d' ;il' `' . .. r . - --&- : 4 -*. .r.Z. 3, , '5• ;. ~Lf CHICK v.niNws PIANO FoRTL:4 =Ma 11 ‘11:1.1. 'll r Ayery for 111 usana a Clark's ria.sos w ,., A t•ti r. %.Pi9 %il /t I !I h:N't ,1111•611‘1.1, Pre', 11 • ta at .tt -I .I. Chic ke ring•. Plnw.os. SRI n .11/ILN N I 1.1.1,1< e4,WSW,. •="0.1r• . ;011 • ei • • 0 Crisp.. I a “litt• %.•ji stt. uyylY~ni whur end ".orrd ,Iter "ceit ats j.sta . tbit,l UA lAILS & _ - -It' ••• , 17,.= - = • g = 4 • CD co LI i i;.E ce = Z; Z O CC w o 2 r- LI A Ka o E.... I- C., wet E l . < `Ag4 c 4 o I V:N T lit —NVNI J ACKSON, JOUN D. MORGAN. Pitt the reh. D M. CURRY. Allegheny City; A. PATTERSON, Birmingham. MEDICAL M'ALLISTERIS OINTMENT atif W-,,•.--- iNTAININI• N 0 r -.....---- 1 ;.. , Dtini..,-,. MER,:l•RY,oroltter NI, r4* .z ...'4. k . ~.:7,,, , e,,,r, era,— li Itn• power to -7, •-••••,. el ~4 , St RES. SCHOEUI.OUS iC i dep- , . ^--.. inntii , . i WOUNDS to discliarne . ~.,•' t u h t e e i n r putrid tuniter, ult.: li . - -;;F': 1, 7 1 " 4 1 . 7. , d ';:,. .' A I I n -HT l . n I' ), \ ,""7 .6:44*ielt, ''' ",..'" ,-- .I,c' citr.,..,', , , i ,i,,,,:, 1,- . ' F - •••• ~. that ii vim, tto 1.• :ten! ..... . . r."'' 1 havr turd tt tor lite ix, .ttn . L.-:, ti th e 1. r..77• : .; , . ' 'ie d" ' rt 1 tee i • ii•• tor nli ditsuasen oi tur rlie.t. in V 71,11111( ..I, .teen a nd re spoit,,llity. nod I ,clure ••••e• . n..te e tt and mu, Innt it tit otte en.. huF it tn.., ti. ti ,• • ' . vrhe, the patient venu ',mint. :nc , reueli /ad, Icirned in :he prof-.:,0n I , ••••• 'wires of the ben, n.a'- • r. uf ine • • poor use tn curry vuilety ot ..! • • •en t.ut one voteeone tunrersal • '— .• .• .L.IdTER, Vut'fi uINTME.N'c ~ 1 r 1 ,7.1 -it r.c.r..ef if /M.. nediatclY ..• e the pu-li ecuL.es ! ....re Las eured personol'of Ihe e• - "we v years utnn.llng, und who tiad n e re voluivn, Wog plate. EAR- I • ...rti! AUL 61K EVIE FACE. i 1' it I ~ ! We have rum! e ili usedel netualty seu.en. el! tit< lo• lE.- man :aid uu he bad upeol .. • '.. ut:tho.. any benefit. erhen u few .1,.; 'wt.., the tare of • • I: , to tl , O world for .re yeuriy curet! bf I.:'• tu eiv:uc r,.cf for lbc I • arr d.r.ciu,. Co, 01.11 4 g r rump/amt. r yore. Sec, find. Sore Syr, Cerny , htu.l arro nonnor, fkarn .. ..o Lar or, Co. rte trpo, Pon• ,I/ralrng a/ tronro..l Sorro, ltd.nortarrorn. ..1 For r ror, Sore:' co Broke, Brrao. Twa r rr rnaoptnti.t. pn In tro. ot tno or 0, eo aolrnreonnspa r,,, , r"., chorale, 0 rorr rrtrn rronerly ) II tb. prl,,al rm... nK;tl Mi= eI:NT , Pill lic,V • .1 , .1 I ftlt 1 URN: E..1,111.1WH311 7, 1 - 1 . , aad -.• •••I..et 11 1 ,dratr..av h•• made 1 ••• •••,• •L• at° • country—Ow E.:, ••, •• ••••••••“••••• duainv• rifera ni tad water a m.. ect utt10..031 . .11 , •utf,e4 . . • ' • I.rs - ..... .1 ...I. c...esfully au. ii,llroplllll, •••os now u° rare. •IctiL lnud - m- I.n:nrrt ..•nra ~~~l.nlu .~~. -toter the tet,:et re of the In n..tr unt La' text teretteth the Eitel .t.trted te tee I ttited • A.., au•As , A e t wc , cy AnJ bappy :or 1 . . •••••4. thcm,rrn of the kivitn, ott ;ors,- utlte•• the tottoterit t or lre mod co,. tot, It) the 11,A:opt:tato . ro , herootory tor r 0 ..1 per..., 14., !ins Agit .V 141 1 .1 t. I 1 tr 4, Ites‘e , I•. tl Arni,o, Ile•trv, lieuv, 11. l". 1,1 p.1...444 nL 11. Nlr ‘V • r.,-cx • • „Fl. ‘• c•F \ 31 . MPTIoN ••• .. • irreut ve;•, t.• 1•1+ r 4 c.1.-nln.l .• C•civt. mr•r-,4 —Coughing d•••.•., v.. trixrai olrbilsty. . • • . nut r•oupetu:,. ..qtt .1 • vit. ovo. at.ov, . • dtenct,g <old tartan ome, on tto • common Itto nt.not the oartttd whon tint dt. ip•rted ...ntotd-, onmat of at- •nap ettntd cono`t t• tnoer troultlo• st o etottott t• no raxod ntt. 1•1.41 di.'. Itroa.ing, wittellt at., 'rho n:yenrencc of tho rrc oninnao, allot:rod (rout a thick to a titian:, su , t,attar n.o ,r 7 u tt nto i , una Tn • ant , otnit• an uttrt:onoon. mien to a t+ on untlOrM appearanca. attd.ls • tr. 1,1,4. Grp ait and moot., at on milittgitt part and.optart ow.nts. Tltts dsotttaea nity ettlat or an ..tY ntni c! , nraa , • roan tnrtt r rouet : n I I ..; i.ttrtw.trt. t tfertt Chet v... Iltts in• li tt t .ct 1.2;1 \Vh; t rttv.:t th.• meth taw,. wr hettr i 4 .ttece•th th.l• ..t her.; twinre the putt... I. , t 1 lAtt• bcen , . . r • ror Irk! otioto,to.t• of the ..0,. and ant, tlttl.• , . riorgy,n.l tltti•r sotto 11. too ben, on • out .1. 1 n o ,•erti , allelllloll Cr the aF . it ..tvti they w.ll try it. . or nut for l• ul.t rye the ntu.z Whoterale Depot, 71110,qm:to 1.."••••••-1 , by I 1. , lu , g. 11".",41 c. I. , •,I.,rkrb Kt, 11sm, Kt , cob Nod !1. • 5 L.ll.cr.y. I•twe r.^luced (SRI., h r. tne la-rst Vl' Mill tag It .1 at.an 11l riven? s.r an Ills fatally 11, .1 iI 1 ‘ .1 Irtv ty. I ti:.e my 'and!, 1 gnv. .• m pn•ved, l l , 111 brat ugn 11 NI v ../IrRIIIN, 1/ro:orn, ntle,. on Wool, Von, Red Cocoric Fvner loroo. 17,41114 N, 1,1,114.1, ,•.1 Ex iquns,:m. K ,EI.I.KitS. I II Nl, ',PT I I lON "F. I PA • 0 , n .. punt,ve, the dnoger. room*, 3.. Nslts , oeaneloc as , mplAnprat•le or a , o hr .111. rre'd I It I 57 Wood it Wood .trtet ~ 1" n 11.. l i~~~. ii.e ~~1. lid • 111, , Toin - IF . ENt;i:Xxii: - .:1 3 „, t , • ail the al r,..•e Cahn, If oJ g f Lb.. London edillon, rm %,:lt a rol,.ke. of the author.-1 Vol.. In One nhh.,1,1,:e, A large supply of the above so. al.l for ralr by JOHN II MELIA)I4 mr1,1 4 .1 a. ,, ehl I 05NA.1V11 D 1 .;:c pr,,taa. Chu-oute nod Cocoa; al so , gconotz or.t. ree'd and for sale at the Store. 711 oty2) F , l , •.1 Augars. juin reed and lor tp) t' t 4.1 t att Me Pc kin Tta :tzar, 7u Faucit. 0. W ,g ;. , tit ili :l4i l- 13 ,, l a 14 tt4 Et, At , 4.3,-,34:,19.t.423z37‘, iii;;;a4.6 Lc., 2- 1 - 4 1 ,!,;4 1 ,•!..t2-7,liiiii. E 7;2 3 5 1 1 -- 5 54 ri10 - e,"zt.;l4 >IE-4:1?./1.1782=-'.'243' 442 gi 'q . 17 etA t .'..a.7.1, 4 ,;•."-iVi-.1, 4 5e t-, `,S vs. -4C als.-.1.4413...A4:.t..zid=;E1' ;.", cy.E. iz! gs, !it iA PlTizn::s . l 7 .l l l: lav2 m c 0 g es E t''S e z o, o I !t? Lz. FE- ! Itzs-44.,4-.2.5.; ; ;y•;,t ; :i.: z „, ;.• • 0 MEDICAL, S ALT YCIVII GINSENG PANACEA! .1 , 0 THOSE SUFFERING WITH DISEASED 11.11preeeannted &meccas whlch hos t.othol the nce of tne GINSENG PANACEA j all the •anop. form, Which irutWon of ILe langs.. lumc•, has induced tha propnalAr agau , to can west ool, WoNVERFUL PREPARATION. eftworabla weather Trothica marts uut tau and ••:.tet mouth, Is always a (maul Aourec of COLD AND COUI.:118. netllceted, are but the pTerunfors of that fallCu••e, frulttyet, COSUMPTION. the quemdon, then, hove shall we nip the destroyer to ne inid . how shall we bet nicer or our coughs vtd is of vital importance to the public. TIII-: GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY an! Dr round ut the Gunwale Panacea. In proof of this ay. have from tiler to urne published the certificates of Wien. or our Le.l known otlecos, who have experi enced ice curative powers. Thurs, with • am. of tea 'to mvy (rem ad pans of country, Rum NI t.IDWI. NI EN OF THE FIRST STANDING, NI musters 01 the Gospel, rte d tore tleer with copious nof ared from the JOURNA.LSOF TILE DAY, ! hove embodied in pamphlet form, and may be had iron hoot Use country. C". `r7LKIg t d /I , ILTPLES have been in thus D ! THOUSANDS AND TENS OF 77101:SANDS Itmuehout toe Untied States and Cartatle, and we the vnge ar.i man LO falilt OM • SINGI.E INSTANCE vrtteb, ...best taken meeordlng atrectioara, mud be • fort the luttra hod become faudly duargs..uued, It hu over to 1.141:CT A PERFECT CURE. Why. wen, need :tic lutticted hesitate! tt 47m00n to l ne llol,Mlll3. gotten up borne ors. v utonted name ofo to 'bound pity ; utunn. a.nul pufred unu, autoricry by certificates C. pot- Nually unknown' Whilst medicine of I...‘I . A.MALI.ELED EFFICACY Le had, , •tio.e voucher* are rtt home,—out neigh Qom—many of wiicitu it ha* . In ordrr tbot tin, invaluable inedtetne nwly be Mooed ...oh. tole teach of the poor sa well the nett, we bays rat the pr, at ONLY FIFTY CENTS, loat one 521 the usual coat of coogh medicates. ti ll Mr su e try our mgr.". nearly every mi f en and village Ine see, moo etre prepared to 6tre urm full infos /0...u. to IL P.SALTLYI, Proprmlor, R roadway . One mrsvu. CH. I 1.- , r. .1 and for wale try 5: Wood st. only Agent for Plitshorgh. ,un V. Agent for Allegheny my DBOPATIIIU IiSTABLISEIBIKST o rirtorsartott, Al i n O" y ,it 1•11./ , AIM ACKEII. Mace th. mean. of re. / tur. • Its tosou to ma filen. and the patella Wo Mr wove pstruonge Sc has received, and of w oo,. eg 111.10 that be Out lately erected a large and - • ea...trees. I•urldoeg. fur the caelostve purposes r. W. 5 YER L 1.1. f.\ , al, aold al PlollTsburstr. ou Ohm n rer, app., the soromboot iondore at am..., es.e ic ready ec a. timer,. and treat them au y - r, .or ,nro .roe• In addruon to Ids long c.c.. -.ems whichha. t•eremfore at : or. to arum. or comuutted Lo• ewe, . ,he uddormtal facto.* odorded Loy .11. c•he erected exprssly lot tLe purpose, ent, .., • 411Ilknwh011• and sty e moms, and hued up v.. • • ssory npl tralus for t.long, and donna,. tou .fral/11[Ill to the utmost Oenebt .4 comfort .....oront l'anlllt..aret I. a mom delexbtfol and .t•F V oeceas and ut t.oe lo•d litlit.lolllC 1,1100. Dr. Acaor assures , r,1,• .•.I;renons• wbo may place theur,elves tor n e.thot rev,. urtennon .11.1 he paid to the:. ornorrt. vro .or avrormave or the saiedunuril benents he to ,' eanftneaee La are ban. or • rr. eora ha,. Leen ,ormanZortly eirmvl et hie estato . toronent The Water Core ler,. no utjo nova °Kea, , trent., re. it too erten the tun with arose who have ye. aid system. It 'swages the tlO rtiergortoe. the system, protects from the rl.gers the weather, creates • natural ee voneue, a wn imparts vigor to the 44verstive btnadi/Ig I I [1.1.111•biC. rrr.r. realer • myna< at the estat.lishozent, or trie proprretur Phillipsburgh. sorevt.l I=l===2=l cbe mrc ordorturd by Mrs. Roee o(e corn per. ,er by Dr. Jaynes AlUrrattve, which , •ure: ord) over every other remedy of the . . • n.l sh , •• on, noca athlete." toe the last 11110=1 years r±6B or Vi 111 rg eWfLIANUS, attendee and enfol..ltton of vartoult Font,. It r.og sv, oh Kat-nanny pieces have heel, threhorged from ,he tontal ot tee frlllllllo.fram both her anus, .or • ..nd Lends, and from both mem and from the tell end from the r.ght knee, heaviest petered r pans of her penal, which have bottled th o• nonlife, of the vv. emtncla peyetelonsot out 0.1 - durlng m. , st of the true her sotrertnga have ear uz.ng and deplornbk *bout three mont h . , the vr,l illdUCed try Dr. Jayne . * Alterouve. 001..1; n. had an aston.*lanlll7 happy .des , up. her. F l, r,suarnx al, rn.a ana sw.itross, and sous:l4 We ,f so fff whfle et the rattle Cane her gcnof heeldf offs lsco.“r eotno, why motored,. that We now owlets s.l tvs morn men she dot Otiose Ott toosifsenewl use use ot thi. trot} rAlff atflL prepal fon.-ISal Eve. Coat. of rt r • Wormation,lnquire of Mt.. Here, No. 12S s , fttfef I rt. fshllfsde:ps.a. Fro se.c .0 Poselwreb, u Wle PEKIN TEA STORE., 32 to.. m,,. Wool. it 2 Tu W NSF:NITS iIiAttIiAPIHILLA.--Sli dozen jJ juat received or Dr Town.end's .ftraaporilln, the mo , t ertraordinery medicine in the world! This Ex t. put op in noon bottles. It is sal tones cheaper, o.ru.anier, and warranted superior to any Pula. it willu+ut vomiting, purging, sickening or dctodein,,nr the peount. ..• • • 1,00. 0.7 rua IkIrr•TIU. —Unpnuetpled persona have copmd our labels, and put up medicine ur the same Fe that each bottle hu the wrttten rig o P Toornaend. R. SELLFIRS. Draws; 57 Wood rum*, between Thad and Fr arta, 1• Dr. Townund's only arlaalcaase and reta, agent for P ' and of whom the genaine 4r,, ran uc trad. Curry hen been appointed the solo agent for Al:egneny cay, or whom mu 'enema aruclecan Le Jatl ap-1 u. W. F PI:: aurruto u n le ‘ crr ''' ::: l .llttsbargh. U. Drug bole••le Drug Blurs is thi. City , I=l rteIEIZI ryillE undersigned are enensimiy engaged in the bole le Druf business at No. AS Join street, in tee en,. of Near lark, and arc prepare,' to sup!, Unrsens •ed smutty Merchants with Drees, Panits, t / , tnerstuls, Vera to and Amene. Perfumery, den or. A errre, k Mender. C.:weals, to( their own sir el other anteles In their line of trusi eat. or a 'cretin , l ..Nutlity aa bar M they can be purr re., I In his or any emtarn eity. ~:or York Feble U A. YALI , I , 3TOMICk r 1:110LEKI 6IEDICINES. 71 , 11 E,..... ~c rrque.ted to rrad the 1011. I Ac.. Thi. tnedirtne to eztensively ttae4 si. Lite Svu.hern and Easteru \\e do eenity ;bat 1k Lucia %Twain'. of York, PO, toot ander Ine care und nitiliagetne.n. 'on or shout the arai ni 0000i,01 lao ~ a young swan labonng sialat ~.urea ... ul s'Aalaue Cholera.' Thal we C 0...- ined me 111ir nt, and found him to be In the cot- I nnal state. of that Moots, with frequent and copious ne water Min Imre... That we pronotouceil an ease „gene eldnera, and deelnred moreover that We re:mwed theraid patient WWI ilr) . 011d the hope of coed nn' awl. In fact we thought the patient orolild dlr r and ~enured ut the ume NV, tanner "July tate stud Loom Aieter put ht. own made a(ireauent and administered hi• i'aolara flemady. and ed,eted a care of the' patient. ,V e .hut in four do, • tn, :caner the said young man Min at wart, and vertectly Jug, C Dour,. M. U. T. ti. Ilcocrrr, N. IX I eerhir Ole! I ooral ow. of modllted Cholera an , itre .1 Dr I.ols 'Maker, earl IEII I helm , roe threw., reoeved lam NOlOOl Marl:add, usiunglim County w , to yea. emir) that I 100 acquainted ,tit the grad , 111,, Wo hate vetted We watltin eartifteates a Or. W"l...kec. anti they am men of reittn - eraW.l' lllteettcoott) whereof hereunto suh.ertt lay s name. and a/11.% the seal or my other.Mit nor • - • 'a'ay of November, eighteen handfed and 0 I/. Clert Wactungtou Camay Coup. Maryland. I wtiornaeil the adraimrtratann sar. futChnlera, to ta, plamering hussars, lit, was a well luarke.lea• ,. ,,l_‘___uf -a. with !tee venter evarnat/0n,..2 , _!!1•T . L7;' ,. ti to tgue., small lte,nuloul pawl , •nuat.olt 11414 erwea. and alazan ,lau• to Dr. Wtcl,y, And L .7 w ,- „,7; trpooll al tbe hrol ao.e Dr. p, ". " ."'""attend LU mai wora al Ina ree blc at sure ha Inn k POW] Od10: bat Dada /gi a law days. I a. , the naedletne ad.:named M. a ,e Itrmaau Wiciay9 4.:11.4era Tic only Ira ' '"'nu r .are..l and Pohl Wl.taall. and 11' 7 r M , '" .11 711 AIONGA AN, Drogrio •uu • t .Lev. Wo/klln " door ~w rt ft oTPPI . t• for the vet) labeyal encouragement I T have ,etssfol ror so many year.. I hove doter enturd to surg emy tortsideflOOl. 11•Ving s sownetosi Foreman, i will lit enabled to h dad order. promptly, and do the wort in oar mead of, le and at fat: Formes, and ark we •ttention o( snee ..a sod r 04 1 , 16 to my largo ruse k of UPIIOLSTE.- It otatl.P 4 Lted., alattroom. and Bedding. Cur w Nlater,air. Iftutaska and Marren, Coarnicro. Frio. s or d s r,aco, and tlands. and retry true], tonally kept ut on cetablurhoacut of the [ld Order. respectfully .opened and promptly at. tended to. N. B.—Carpets made and pot down. _ . LA It D-40 keg; No I Lard, for sale. ;TO 11t'fitLLS k ROE _ . RI/D A PYLIS.-40 b.oata" D; i . . .ai - -Z_ .: I ; MISCELLANEOUS. • =tit 4 -t;•41.111.44,4 . - • • (a/1B irreales:nod lieu Tamely eeerodered is thla any I before—mule on the most &promised Eastotopirme— omit fashionable Eager nattern. and odors. AIM TI Ca RAP BOLL, or BO drON BLIND, on ht.' vr mode to of all uses, and at all omen eO6l. y Merchants suit others are Invited to mall and ex:twine the above fur themselves-vs ell win be sold wholesale or retatl, and a liberal dedvetton made to orbviessio parehmers. avidly A ndrEft,_d.l.l' =M=EI • • • • • WE hereby notify our friiiiiita and tretpondenta Tit at home utti abroad, that we will not, usact mactilatutitct., receive freight :rent any nos , ( Or which J. Newton Jones it aatint .N 1 ItitilUES it ...1.00101 0 . _ JOILN KELLY ..h. CO., touccesso, in Rritith Wine• brew, A CO . late llerehaat Tsilors i ) No. Istil aitt.wNuT etreci, above Third, beg leave to inform their friends and ',sir°nc that Chet have received the latest SPRING AND FASHIONS, with a large nisei - hoe:it of Now Style HOODS; comprising Cloths, Cessna, ris. Feeders &c. of every descripusio—sill of whofh .on uf their own Lai nortatior having been csreiully selected m Paris i Landon, ha. 112 - otrangere visiting PYllaitelphis, are respectful, ly invited to call and czarina° weir esicasive shack. inclasidGm INDIA ReIIBER 1 . 10. , TH--Just reesrvuw„ avow bottles of Rubber Peat, superior erne., lughls important to persons that wish to keep their feet dry It prevents the leather (root enteltri4. nod will take s polish over IL For sale at the lintia Itu4Ler Dep., No 5 Wood street tears J Or It 14411,1.1P5t GOLD! 0016011 lAOLDItI UtILDIIII 'TINE subscriber, wholesMe ntanutacrare: of EI.R Y, invite, wholesale dealer, and p, , ,dlars Ira ding South and Weer—also, country rt,re /rapers tO tall and czoonoe ho t st ,s of ,j,w,try, which will h sold at the lowest prtees ior cash or approved creep. lances. Constantly on band and manufactortng, a large atisorwent suitable for ally Cr country Wade. I: A, 11.5h5,11, corner of Fourth and Ilr.inch • . up stairs, apttedhat Paper Ilamagtage. HAYING purehmsed et :lirsont tu: largest Facto ries in the Fast. INr.v York., Phdadelphla rind b. , wore,' a large a•vortinenrof d , 1. west and most wproved style, of PAPER 11_1:NL.INt4. , ,LWILDEllS, . and nisue arrangements by wh, , t will be ena bled to procure all new rath.rms, ..multancout moth there appearance In the Sonora mart., I *moat m ew the atienuon of those tagttt I,,ve their hour. s with the latest sty.. of paper, to eall and ea am. stoelt, loefore purelig-mg ..sewhere • I have now on die way wont the pie eet of 1.051. NtlUlc Glazed, and voinnent st rayer which I can ,ell m artee• rungtor, c.o clb 80 IP piece. lochls 1111,. , L. P 7 ward HAVING psei rem., U.,AgorOur Comic houses, gue are prepare]to. InuaE, O. 1 , 19011 C ta Ilte Inu. , a men biklil,l3le manuer. The Louse. •1,. hued rt. 1,10,10.1 Awprovr tarots, and kre apable ',NUJ"... lbs. each. Cun. Basin, a.l !Ir., Seven. at iptiN rISiI rm•Kit—iitlTllll, m, elcluatv, agrney (a On sn. of Ilse AI/11 lirove Prudirg htper. 13. & C Mart.. Prop,Tr.:or%) wo conuataly talaptn,i r ov.. or otwerior nitn. oar, at the tun Vu. rrgu," REI :VOLD:3 .k ;MIER, Y and Irwite DUSLCKSESS: WORKS ILAILSIAN tr. 17-$ comsat. to em, facture :Nur. Spring hint Ain. Pdi.ter Steel, Piot4rh. Fork .d Hoe Steel. fleets. ,pske. and Wro't Inro Nuns, all tuxes. together wt. Couch and KltpUe Sprlngs, Alf Pot, Taper runt common Axles. itaysne reduced the price of Wrought Iron Nets, engine boa... end others ow, wen ..eh-, wsll Marl it la their interest to give this new btar,is of Pittsburgh trumuisetorei then . attention. Vouch tnmnnnß, and raa;enble iron on liberal tonna. Warcbou., on It an, SW Fourth 1‘,4.20.41 SAW,- GRAY, MERCHANT TAILOR, ST. CLAIR STREET, PITTSBURGH, And .s now rreetv tug a 14a. L,urtEnclo or CAOTIIB, CABBI ÜBRBS AND VESTINGB, OF THE IIFST lit'itsry AND LATEST STYLES, And in the lete•t F.•hion• Comer at I . ourth .Ld ,in.be,l ',recut, 1.1 menu nut, Pa. ;tTHOTII :TWO TT Last., v....mole:wed he general Hoot wld 1 4 Itoc 1wune,4,711 whole4aw and r. ud, would respectfully in attetwon 1111,11/0101 0101 we publi, e ratty, to the,r ne , s ow men*, woment', boys', mt..- s' nod Wo run• wow of evvr) visrlots, outowle iur we ...woo. at pm,. to sou the mom spW,,WI arta, of hone tondoork, such •,1 gentlemen.hue Hoots, loWes„misses and ct,4,lrens hue wow. Please call end ezeznlnotor yourselves Tkorit W 0.17. - . comer 4m anti Sawa Gehl sta Y. 11.—Travultog Trout", Carp,. Uugs.d.e. •1- trays en hand and :ow for c t:t Country morchatsts would find itto the.. Interest to gi•e rue evil when ttla.tu, the tltv. m-hl4 LOOAN, Illll`ORTfdttS sou Wooletorde beaten to Form. and Adme.e. Hardman:, Cutlery, Naddlory, aUt ‘l . cton eet , IhttaLturgh, are now luny preparnd anti , rocontly otaporind stook of Hardware, Cutlery, a...ti dier), Curponterk' Tool., he., m ofet very great 01. ducementa to Western AlerchattM, sot ut adtntlon t • the many advantage* hut by out predenee,Orth Mea . Log. A. li...env, are It.tve greauf Increas. our (aniline, end pure.. ail our goon. Into firm Lunch on Ito vnry beet teram. Toe junior member. of the firm devote their whole attenuon enlos, and fconng confident of grong an .4tuou, reweetfully aoliett a can mom Ott who may TIM shot market. rannYl BRICK 1 . r, ule mideraigtted ode ier sam • supeor article of briet or building, made by ilia S ri teuo Press, improved machine, for which he has obtained ri paten., and agreea to give porchneers • Written guar:wive Mr. they are stronger, wiilrosist a.id 'seri wept.. cr and Imbibe le. moisture or dittlirrtf.• 141,11 ally oth. cr Lands, ...e.sieg greater od) slat I•nporwr se•turu uul mach more daratde se eve° 'ls each brta• being subjected to and por- I sesiallig • handsome saiooth suree mid even odgea, they male a vain equal in we best kt Irma brick. 'lley has. green we ream. P. 111.14011011 who have purchased. A sib, eau be sex r aL my emote, arid I specimen the Gazette alike. I rlw, basin, •upened wernsel yrs For :hell La:Wings, and wisi..g lianeuitue tront br,es. qr superwr bard and solid pawn bnet, eau 00000,, tbeln I.AAC &Saks(' al; 110 Cam.; ham. lu lul'b-1 1 .1 : pf ler tat taavau vas.. .1 a 1..,,. Ty dar,.. g”...1..• 01 cieun warncd wool, ny tu,..11 II LE, I.lAest y • fah c 7 ,27: C. 1103111.1011 Ituyenern yolm WAluo.L. underthr firm of .1011., WAIT It 1:y, Jttllti WATI• Pittal.rgh. dind fl 1,19. . uwe of t•ro•oc S UL L H o! " l‘ 4 4:.. "" C:C•rounaue l'ota•b. Mu.* of A.. re " , CasutocClo,iar of Ixad, , 'oloto.lc No• 14 al.l ettione. 0.1.er, on IS -d lila for Ime 41 - - PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, rout-Lt Elt De ILI, flu-Wr:CALt a WEFALY At AA 3d .t, co, ILATJeati tate ADVE.LITIO/1110. 0.1E12E11100 al laltner, or ...... SO bD Two inileftlollll without alterations 0 15 Three " '• " ..•.. ..... I (it) One W eat 1 60 Two Works " " 1 - 60 Three • • One Monte, 4 IX/ Two " 600 Three '' . .......1 60 Longer advertisements In tame proponiee. One square, 6 moutlis, without alwration,... 10 05 " " . 1 15 00 Each additionard lemma for 6 months, 6 08 , 0 0 ..... One square, morallm,ranewable at pleasure, I 6 OD r, ~ it t. o 2 .000 Each additsoml square for 12 m0uth5........ 1000 Two squares, 6 months re'eralile at planate, 50W Each additional square , Mouths, ....... % 800 oil SW- IN natal' 7 / 1/116 One square. 3 Insertions $1 50 " each mdditionatinaertion,••••••". 311111111tEM CARD*. Five tine. or lees, one year. ...... 6 00 ale moot ...... .. o• m te one year, doily & ereekir. t 0 W eta months " ADVIIITURIIIIIITS TN VIIICSI PAM!. for 12 linen, or leis, One leurtion, Three. '' ""“••• °G " " Dine ~.to.. 5 60
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers