fiTTSBURGH PAM PITTS 01312.1511 i. , MONDAT MORNING, dtrutrEsT IMO lEstted Phfvvliaa . le' Din ciitni i 0411,1*WasItlyoutd vireektT.—The utui yz r , 'bumper moan = Five - alum; .4 WallyW ire pet ttnetee, tmeut • . tcrelmancrn aUu7 . . wommisl to UM la Amer favorCbefilire C114',./td ad early is theday at practicable. AdittliSemetagettaismenta for led time mill ektricad notitordered out -,earrualusolito4lll) iartna Ticitra. waxiam 14214 T, of attikrirnly i n asiiiin ' Ron. C. wiLticeu.:o, .A.,.t. MEN bfiLLEW, of ego , buMb CALEB LEE, of Pmann . WM. ESPY, of Loom Bt. Coo, CASTER Cl7=b.Oro GEO. IL HAYS, of Uppor sc. Chit, 120 .0 .1 ". JOHN momusotiog takiehm Jag. MITCREIL,of Peabl,*, Wbf. N. AWYRURSiftfyinsbbfltk; JARmimt, JOHN DYERS of Per Local, Natters Ivo aeu pogo. 800 Mott pogo for Toloorraptili, Moor Toansno.—Our country papers aro bringincos amounts of a dread/tit t woad°, which pasted thrones a portion of Onto, on the 216 alt. h qtc, manna a Awe:aka tooth of Canton . , Starke eorifity, 'and passed to a south caw direction*. through Pt:a mpulla Trumbull counties, espentitng io fury . s'Aigioew oleo:luta forty or fifty ralltn) ,- It gambled biases and bums, swept away nblOia:of hay )tad oda, and fences, uprooted °taunts, and did moan attar mischief In its ticrifie warm:. Tbe Bost, with its, characteristic decency, is eamenen:bleg ha swills upon Geq. Taylorjthst ths thertestof Ids visit With that nerrouthess case Airhinti can sew nothing etetet t h rough the jautulieed vision or t ocotical partisan, that Paper charges that Gan. Tayloe's visit is au .strerisseiring saltow" and tt waratthe Deme.raey, against any activeparticipation lithe welcome a be giten to our illustrious Chief Magistrate Ills unneetitherY for as to reply to mu* litrinness--the whole public knows that Gen. Titbit des'ened to visit eh last winter, bat waspreveatod by his detention on the river, and the difficulties of the nasigatiou, 110 then promised as a visit, this suuritter, if within his power, and be is now Conner; to redeem the pair .1 advt. The Post anetts at the ptoposal to remise the Preaident without regard to party, no e'riripany trickoiPederalitut..... Very well , —Mr. Hsrpir, and all Loceifocos who'approve of bin narrow View., may consider themselves nut Meted—their room! is better than their company. 1 . 34 every 411..11- can citizen who fedi he has n greater StAtIOG Mel country than he has le the mere iritice.s of tparty;; . , and who has suillcieet independeithe to thigh nod; eel for himself, be he Democritt, WTF, ti stye'. American, Piet Soifer, or Uhl:ay man, is)riviteti to pin receiving nod entertaining thg Chief ldsgistrate of the Untied etlalCS, end the otivernoi of the Commonwealth of Penns-71'17.W liataglatrad and She Mosquito Kidittloosi Some of our Calera city par', haV lately been making a gredt ado about the Mt:Nuke king'f• dem, a small territiry ln Central Atnerie4on the Cambean au, ladle. they any En;land ta:kibout to take pneseraion of. or has .heady gut uudri bee 4.- paelaus thumb. We think, however, it wallas (nit to be no great matter after all- The fulkniing denied ensue:tent, from the l' r ,ruvict.nee . 5 ,/ournto will give our reader. a Correa knowlet* of matter: There appears to be trouble.brewier iii a quer. ter where few bale dreamed there would,ever a paint of coutentirm betweep Berland :and the United States. Allusions to the miners Mye ap peared in two or three instances in thy pubtie prate, dealer the last year, but as our rea4e notice not be familiar with the caw. we lsy betizr them. rt A few years ante, a Britaltherenuuleilionee .h ma doily besieges with the Janette': 20 anal pat of the enamor Cluatattoiliromat contieWisue that Island, connived to get 'Seine of the chars deeply to their debt, whethfr ;pretty °elms des not appear, and to extort froni,thent e mo)igagebn considerable portion of the rumors “captedley them. What the nature of..thu tiro ;or :eaurm4e was, which them trader. had 'ohimacii, is Sol known to ass but it seems that-the Branik govern ment thearta it a favorable opPeinuetty to oleo in, acknowledge the claim, L. welt air tint o accuilty bald by the traders, and seize n the telvintriiee mortgaged. A 1111113 of war Silikeuly appearedVl the town of San Sean, sent its Mrre betaken Mere and forcibly toott'posnession.' o stoOtien their claim, a coniza. Was sent ta:t e ametty by:the British government, who endeavored to get aele knowhedgetnent from rev 044:eiele,a a ts io, o f cii." Mica and Nicaragua, of the. terroo.y ae—cal ek,„” by Went from the DZI called Mosquito Moot. Anti the promisee( sdme ea .ameretal etliroritirres state porter Boa Juan. Coate atcri rm. New Grenada near the lahnitie of Peuerke, one littrtohei ward Nicaragua lake, with along hoe orthe Pani to imam. To obtain advertise. or st yen 00 en fry ee:ait* opposite mat masa moat desioble object, ,o rt e ever way they might be obtimed. And, tile • land, undar the plea of supporter the sovereiil.tay of a pet'! Inane Cater, halted the 3. hto,..fito ging,* world grant three iillesmageryamtpl! by receiving from Coact Rica an acknowledgement of her claims to • nortlee of ine,territorY;:belochring to the stale of Nicaragua, ebb moald tie so but to the people of Nienragua jith z-Mneplito Riot" was • ems peremage, end bore the 11.3i40 tetyiem to them as the ['dun and Red Jacket, did to their day to the U. Staten. To acknowledge, theteetue,•the transfer:at a liege tract at country, the navigation a their principal, idver, and their only mapert and barter, to, the BOA government, by one Or thew Wise chief.. tsaistoo ridieuloaa to be coitaidered. Tho 04.11 no delegate to; big .-Matcredo Majesty' wag not acknowledged toy the aushoraie. of -Neardeus. nor any - ehaime watch he made to the,rterrittity. The etzentry claimed by Ike British, hoer which 'they pretend to exercise losisdicuen in belatif of this Indian tithi4 extends torn the mouth of the river San Jean to the Mackin, as (ans.:oh-at bait tags up thaqtream toward) a:eke N 'clang° aut along the coast between 'three sea tour hurt shed miles northward. An. 113 the extent inland. it is probably as far ma Goateitiala will permit ihem to go, or rather we might Ay.. far .abey checse . to go, for what can thin Gmble republic do against England! It Moot the seizure of this territory undo the Miserable pretence of suantiniert the'soverliOgrity of the to called z-Moequitir Bing" thatgi yea ilium, but it is the fincible pose:appn of the only prat and river through which nehipthll3Bl ant be conetruct ed by the way of Lake Nicaraguaun the Nein. And what manse the matt particularly annoy ing uthis time is that the sate. of Nidaregue hie lea grazers' to an ' et erica • ny'thrt prtiolize of muutructing a 'p o prat to ado /a an.. -• • Lotostore it Am cia I The, New Yeti; Fest oon's Journal, the organ nt! Bishop Hugh., nail the leading Reman Coli:kir'. paper is the lilted Stites, has the following aditornal mac!. "Int this country it buttn meat lienal to omit the eooatomsty appellation, of e Ler-dallier and "My Lord," le speaking aloe addreasins mar 11,1. Rev. [).shops.. AceericaO.CatholterFwbo are - ccistomed to the emecultaa and co .vouch that arise from inMrconatewith Minimaare equally at borne with Ititt,itse or thy °mi a nium of the title. !fa man should'atop then,in Broadway and ask for the residence-Or " His Liontazip,” not one of them would bane ibn least doubt as to the prereanage inquired Su, hut in speaking with our asuntlyzean, we are mostaccustorned to thietrople title of "Bishop." This Saved+ cer(elaly foss re aper:Uhl and pate, but lightly or lorrittij, it-is Oonsidered somewhat Mese republican. y * The Bishops of the Critholie Cakirch See the amorma and "lords' of alt tlas Grithfuilin Christ in Ickes here of, the Cube& if be be not a:elect% taken the bleating of a hilltop, by bedding M. knee Ltd killing the eptscopstilug on hr. haerE The bishop of a diocese is eM Over it by 4 hick, /dither itY, and sot commissioned by a demodratac electron . 19i• jaishjszilease tie mors, to do send. the arprita wet of Asir budtop ikemAity ha= villa do:falling of the Amen of rut. ; . . All this may mend utile nieurni to afloat. Worm, bat it certainly grates main harshly on the earn ole Republican Protestant,:who colla'no Ulan no earth lard, or inaster, ale "one is Ma Master, inner Christ," Mid who trice's to none saes the king at !leaven. • Rar n ;fo 4,---: • Tethanoin " has 'alined his cattainitiatit appontneg Wednniday,,. August latonwhich to oleo , cikrinve Coafeenajind alp a Qmsaail, and lifedio of rtoreftentativoe The ineindOture u to meet in acanco at SA: . Viol, on the 3d a. September, pelt. HAL 'Odd; Abb PrOent dekg will probably be the -Wbig cAnOidste tar :Se ateeslon. ; , Emzpinswes oStslos or !Asalucs NOUN EIX hill recent tihnk an thiii country, u VW. Jlmerics. is tbn. poly poorer on vain' the Great Brltsts boo to diitisl" It MR not the polltical at =mar rime of On United Slates thai the Bask Goironsisst lila to dread, is:cording 14 Ms. Madam but the , West sad amsentstioss Spa gas d patmeitind tI4 Pragressite achieYomanu ydatwttiseunticpptafkinntion.• prir,llllllllld ' #I.IIIOTION.I. 1 . GicanseTartaa to Patemnir.vanta.--Thria North, 7 41 Stlt Wee be aldeeed - I Any - rime in expressing iti gratification gft the vat indltritelr,ifYinsfle,thet Whigs - asks' Statikelthise lof Gen. Taylor, but ecterei t ;th the following pars.l ,mirritafaitinfly'ridified the islain. Tif* Loco- pipl , , the sentiments of every Whig in the State: 1 Latiosi demented theNiGottincri,theiLegfylature, owe desire loathing better than to hive General Taylor introduced to the people of Penn lvania Lod to id l arge l y th e c oomot t otta l dotes...two k ° '64i the e'idenFts to every man ..-1110 trieratele of which Is mot yet derminly r, what syl hood hat be ie chased by Ws calumnious., to be. burin, TM fallowing remarks, by the Nisi York Let every ate la furnished ynth co fes of the' 'Mime, an to the purpose: — • Unicna, • nil Peansylraniora.; 4 ad lPittafergis Posta atht,State of TeI:LOOMIS Was among * miry enoWloW4 every bum ettd'heter accusation. Lot all read them, and then go - shake bend. and look nit and mast - vehement in forwarding thegtomios- Sete oreneral Taylor to the Presideney. s o into the face of him who Was never charged with SlMka . • was her try for Ilia se sod that , 1.) aired one oingle unworthy act, or thought, or delletencY, D e l es so s e k es ... ch i y ~,d , so d p g )..411y . Pte before the moment when, et the command of the kering Mr. Clay, were constrained to Tote animist merlin, he unbuckled ha Sword sad stepped tor theft Wen armlet°. in the rbiladelglia Coo- we le Perfene the new &0.. twolifeed him to . tetiticita Her vote to that gathering was Oast solul evil °face- Pace to foe., mho his heed to their., f o , a co oet . o t T ay l or on ere , ballot. me moll leave it to the people of Pennsylvanta to Genetal Taylor is elected, Tennosat4 having doetdo whether Geom.. ] Taylor boar to a =weds H ots bi as her vole by over Six Thousantr.mnproy. of In a few months . changed his whole character H o t po p o t or gi ff n ,,,, in his b e b a b to lei t h en —or any patrol a; whethet be is not the memo great sad vet hhh s f or a ny 1, oleo. even *, ow . and jest men now be was a year ego, and ha ',s at *, * 6.,,,,,,d T aylor h os ht „,t . " s t t 4. 4, o h been ad kw life—the Come Mare, the same resolute. 1 &rea thus assigned . an, but has thus Ear hod no the mole faithful, the thnle Pwriotte, the some his opeorterdia to d eve l o p tot Goo of pm *, „„ r to . mane, the mate heroic, pen.: ,rout who exhibit- I make touch impression either May on tho puhbe i ed, this"! th ee ° ream ore , et Fort Hessiiwo- Pre - mihd iof the country. He isconsidering,Sreporiug, I emett. dome very lights nod linesman , of et:matter I malt:o4 agitations to be aubmieed to the People ' which were eddy more strongly detected, because I through their Representatives at the tne4na of the I me. nlmiedelY dloPleYed. at Sows. laws' Tee I nein peas next November. Mean :lime Teti- , took of the any old heto will enswer and du- i Idon . . ta Informs him in Wthstance,Lthet Oen expects, i prove all th e calumnies that have beeo, and are de lam and his Cabinet to ti:) . nothihg but ex. I Yet to be, concocted Waled hinx and no honest e d e . u se less.. th e y ~, is, or ~ ,0 0, ba_ mode i sod disinterested Pennalleanian can ever clasp She hil two o wese , n Whi tt p rea id oo t by iii .;. ,,,,, too . I his had without feeling that it ta the hand of one , matt, no d d es see d s a b 00 ,0, a , c o os io n al •as hottest nod dminterested on ininself,—the had D o j es ott o „ to i r e that p,,,,,,,td 00t 1i Sandi' oo d pro. of I pure. virtuous, ace: noble, character, whore vitae his doing any thing. . ... .. path, whithenoever it may now lead him, amid , • .Or. p re m i li o, i t i s we ll 0 0 „,,,y , wee ;.verse ~,, (*mods or enemies, it still the path which conducts oar prevalent American magi of Mei= two him to toonsonality. trienthes to a Legislature, preferring the Preach pl,itt of a single chamber. He remarked that the I Pt:at - nom, Facto . — lt has been Mated several 1 idea of forming o Legislate., of tWo houses, mt. , . tmes lately that a life Of the notorious Captain v arvi ie gy " of l :111:th'"insetrim:itni,ISo7nV'md'ad brie Binders mss in preparation, and we presume hi I It. g, . 0 ‘,.. bow ~,,..,t , bilo b o d, o aye . a horse . maw newly ready for the prem. The Boston At- , to each end and whipped ilp,lboth Ways. The fu makes the following' singular dtarlosure. f feeemseeans seem to haven lout &limiter Phm there be many More nosh statement in the fimilt -4 rarrytug on a atvemulient. .'. t We write m explanWiMt, 04 is torrow Such coming ''''''''' it ' ill !'"Y open t o t he ...Id 5 d eetehee . are eeteeh the ee ,,, h , t oc id ett t o 0 , counts of degneeful condom that the public are free linditudons. They are not to torte hardly prepared far: It . f, hot no rid,ferdr.t?p,.. tedtz, think-b I a "The editor of the New 'York Sunday Ail., ose easo era, is especially subject to theiii. Had it the lan- t lt ., ° , ..."'"'.. h.ltev eh_ w 14, - a SontbseeSt. I St! • Italy itom, the Spartan di d at its antago- •-•". tirmse Meer. hod formerly the Now York Ana. it would be less exposed no this Ode. Rat its '''''''...l" °.d. ,. , of the Swine Post, trod.? the WV jnetibect when and struggle ,Only saAorig a, the tt "_,'". r° °I ",'° h° ,.. s ° . , °h. it., .. of "hwhele." has been recess Is mteitesato each ;u they .6.1. ~5"!. .1 , ...g ..‘,... i , oittatit w.V..ent of the Empire Havi n g wee a signal victory, they : yield to the '"°. The "ter wile that the lelatoetron 01 'Sen. of exhumation, and Yoram thrt another et- the Empire Club twat ,ftynders individually four fort can be. necessary. Feutio'pad bean buroings thousand dollars. The Sachem. of Tammany „woe th e des of offim se a l ., so , , Hall thaliked to acknowledge fellowship with 'cal jealousies annin unwonted prcenittence. The Synder', and would not contribute money to aid .restilt that the President of their yhotec grasps na me operotious. But the Cannon boner upon but a broken scepter, and his A dminietratun ta wham to draw, and w hum to bleed. to the mouth she fee ea ., ea ... what it etas ee . e . etripease _ of September and October, 1541, upwards of forty std to do. - r a • *mad dollar. were collected from forced bans on the New York Custom House, and paid over We °eh' ash the People telreee Ot m things tted to the Empire Club, to be used to operating on the make allowance for them. It. i woe t he Intl nava- then pending Presidential election. TAts closeted oath a of Behr , w boots go When the Egypt... itable fact is vouched fur try the editor of the Att.. refined them straw, yet insisted cu their oinking w h o sra he .era. himself sass , he , epee t 0 ee ,. their full stint of brick the mune as before. 11 the e ,,,,, 0g to .boot ,b 0 .p 011,,,,,,, 0 , 4,0, him .. . People ewe" to mile's, thto'new ita... 4l, iuon common toot pad,. he escaped emotion. It was Its supporters and Ipporters from alt matponsitrility with tee- i r , t hi s way, that too Whigs in New Yotic were peel to Legislative mlicy Cr of the . .' mernment. beaten hy '6..,,,,,,,,,,,, mosey:' very well. But would nbe y!ght to expect them, with • hostile Home as welt as Schad, to e ffect The same Doper Usti contains the following— Impormat and benificiat cheep:wile nor public 'Con. Taylois Prose:yr:on —We learn from the policy, and Name them or attest disappointment if Wastington liepublie that the batch of clerks de. they did not' Answer elitaidly-1 is all we re- changed from the Lad Office hist week. and in gum. .. ,_, reward to whose dismissal there has been such We had certainly hoped or a ilt - Ferent state of wailing and gnashing of teeth against Presuleot things—we will not yet distisir of it But if, Taylor. io the Union sad other oppotition mints, through Whig anytime.. or dirciml. cumornog were all of them nibitenbere to a fund for sending with toe superior activity and scare organisation en Siegel eaten m Pe0t.12...* du-nn the Into nit the 0 .,„„..... 5 . T een:wow .* ",„,,A,, o i n e 1..0. Presidented Media:TM wepublte has the names w il,, t0 r0 0 0t. ,,..,,,,,,,,,J,,, .4.&4. 3 ,,t, hai...m., it of these secret foes to our liberties, and the sums a h igh probate that the ;Homer win be lost— severally sohrcrittedby them. If to send such mis- True, it seed net Ire—a desperate etch in the Stat. errata puking be Ineserption," the. at bad yid to choose may save it—ialt theiationeet are on proscription na wet , Can Gencnil Taylor'. pledg ! that aide. Should the less-Ivelmithe prropect be es be coast, rd es a kuuniee th at moh characters thus realized, it will but the:more ell the Ad. should not be diaturbed in their official security , , miniatrotion to sagg.t auct changes in our Na, Who would hove voted far him In such an maxi ti sal policy and knitting" p• see calculated to Imlialo ° ' rerve toe arm of L.bor—taffilinsiaoiversoilv the blessings of Improvement ad n re s ter knowledge and practice of the art, of jodustry nod Pence.— Should a hostile Goitre. Sr en,pinocrod and im pelled to reject and defeat Those sugarcions, the reeponaibtluy will not rest with th4Administration oor with its faithful supporters. lr , There may be momentary delusion and Idisapt)intment, but in time all will be seta in the true Wit. Let us be 1 , patient and faithful. The following article, Orin the italrintore drama. . rife, in relation to the Iran fi . rarrrs4 of this country, does net in the least exaggerate th, depretaed state of Mi. tiopoonot branch of ie.anufeqUares. Although it may snit the morals and political instincts of such papers as the PladorglrPasr, So reprenent our ,ean business to be in a prOsperois state, and that I the Tariff of '4G agora. en paeonOte prorectico, yet those who take the leant trouble Xci inform them reface on the subject, lonivr Shah all such atate- Meats are tette. We adroit that Finsbergb, from her peculiar eitllittiott, her !dratanee from the sea board, her facilities for claeap tramportatinn, end In cheap manufacture, is:,ess in)ered than other Lrefona of the State, and 1110 meet, by the effects, of the Tariff, yet even here its opemtions are seriously detrimental to thi prespenty ofthistiranch of brininess, es wall as every other "Tux Amsencan Inns lortieteno.-ieThe importation of British iron for Amerman railtsman la becoming very general. We obseried them her day a para. I graph *tilting that the Ctrail4rianil Vscev mom anirriburg to ,• , • • ri•-lad with imported mart_ Theicad run, tar .ragh One of the best Mon reincins rif ?hal:sylvan. , F. in the Went foretim rt Stn} luta , C. The Lemsvllie Courier min that mum eery iaernaer hoot New Orleans brings me leas railroad iron for the Lesitition and toe mi ce and Frankfort railroad. The direct eof them mad: bevepurchaned 2,440 tons of foreign r. ou. Tennessee u sutfcSug in: bar iron intermit riots similar cause. Sir • iss.4u a contrderable event, been drives out of the New Orleans market b sbrpments of Scotch pug sm. hiliirsiond has her full sham of depressiim au zlem, alas, in her wen Interest. We are well aware that the Opponents of pro tect,. will ray that this la Xll riabt, and that ir foreign Iron can be Istei domain this mentor at cheaper rates than oar :own Manufacrureni can maim it for, It in to nee leterestmo import it. The moureent on this point and it. mutation nave been m often repeated that it ,Parnoldlbe uselem to ds 'en.s the mention here, One Ailing, however, is elan, vio, that the national policy in reference to the sullject ought to be One thing or another. If there re to be no protectk)o, let 'fr . ; be so ri d and so understood. Bat It in ellwmtlyy of a great nelson to palter with the intrrairs an the industry of as I people, sod while preteAding ter a reality to Annie oil with a mere mockery.. Under the Teed of 142, with a hoed duty, our riron interest arose fromFprontornion and flortrithed MI over the cue ntn. Fhir it lathe happy lot of this land to poser., in almost every portion of Its tern. terlei, large and rich agoras toe moot valuable metal. Wan the Trust( or 1,316 came au ad rer loam du y, contrived with a fh'onefirl ingetto , ty tO se when the price of iron kir:Europe in no high that a eannot to imported berg and when oo coa -1 te. II in is ne ded, rind toiall as the price falls abroad, and When irOnOttatiooh-pOltrittg iota the country under those low prima render protection radia -1 frameable. When the Tariff of 1346 PM adopted, and far some time subssunently.the immense conaurn Moira of mon Great Mum for railroad purposes kept the prices so loch there that oar manufacturers suffered nothing from the change of Turn's. The case now,.hourerre . . is xvidclis,drfferent. The rail road manta in England has ',Melded, while tier" large production of moth strsdinted try it, eaw eel; to go on, and Won a Were surplus is romtarNon" hand to be disposed ofin ouranntkets. It cornea it the clam ofballast nen at altnost nominal freights across the Atlantic. • ; Now if the duty of thirty per cent. under the present Tariff were • fixed duty orr a fair mini mum voloation—if it were really and truly what it perporti to be, a reliable duty; steady and cavorted —then our manufactiseni could calculate with some certainty and coodue3heir operations ac cordingly. .But the present system, melding pro tection when it Is not Warned, end denying pro. teminn when It In essential, hi of all systems the most tatalising, detective, and ruinous. T,re Quarr's VISIT TP lagutho.—The Que en and the Royal acute would start on the 2nd of August . and reach Cork on or siboatthe 4a. Dublin por. eels are opposed to any expensive demonstrntion on the occasion, but:the Lord Mayor, O'Brien ihiairs that in common decency there ought to be an "illumination." Alluding to the subject, the ' tory Evening Mail says: ''They (the Corporation,) with fistsome eagenthas of adulation thus bring upon this impoverished city the espensa of an depounstration of farthing candle joy—at a prattle:a Wotlay, let the ethibition be ever no contemptible;Hand pontemptible it will be —of name 1,000 or 0,000.1 • As Fatrwacet's IlL411C11“4.1, vtoroay.—A Ber lin carreopendent of tac Wadi. News says when Nicholas heard of the me 'cisa of the Rmeians over the liungarians, and,the occupation of Debrecsin by Geodajeff, he rximmeneed danmng aborit the room in his shirt- iseall3 that he continued for three whole henna t 4 In thin extravagant way, the joy with w4ach time news of so quick a triumph had inspired FOZZION ltsota—klarattivSmith, the novelist, n dead. The Emperav ?Cabello !ilia retuned from War saw to St. Petersbutth. The Pope is aboqb m villa Naples. M. Galast /Lao faintly Have unveil at Havre. Cobdesi is not In stied heal& The Princene atones! , awes eleven steamers, with which she Inutaill Walfrel i ca WS. to Eorope. Mr* occasionally *La her cum ventures as El- Pmerithi A nam church 1464 61 for Ffaber at Cart. A week called •ltaa Art of Duns Mating." has been published in Loudon. Umbrellas ate Ow manufactured dation& From me Rt Jemepb's Uszette. Lat• Arrival tram the Plattke-.-B From California grailfrants Yesterday we had a few momenta conversation with Dr. Pjee of Keokuk wooly., lowa, who left Fort Laren - , on the 'ad June. Tee Daeior Icit Conned HlutG m May teat far Colt6trnta, and har ing seen quite enonth of '•the elephant, much. ded to return from Fort Laramie. To bun we are indebted for severeliterns al intelligence which we lay before our readers alp to the time he left Fon Laramie, 4.500 wag. Out had passed the Fort; and between ibis plan and the Fart; he met about 0000 more, arnica would make in .1110,500 wagons All were em igrant wagons except about 300. which belonged to the Government train. Dr. Price was induced to return on account of the greet marring of arass beyond Fort Lamm:. He received Information from tarn Mormons who retarded from Salt Lake, that for slaty miles along the nowt beyond Fort Laramie, there wait no scarcity of genoa, but br - y0,...1 that point to the crowing ewe Platte, a die mace emote seventy miles. the gran was very .carts--not bang millicreot Lae the autruals. The emigrants were detained in large numbers at the creasing of the Platte, 123 miles beyond Fort Laramie. Two Mormon, went engaged in iCrrytng them ter..., but were nit Wile to cross ov-r sixty kragana • day. The number of magmas arriving dairy at that pomfgreatly exceed ed those that wejmable to gel over, consequently the number detained were Increastng. and it ens feared that there would be much auffeemg front r the want of gran, before they would be able to cross. Ilesidea this, the road would again be . mor,led Rad the •ame difectl'Hea that th ey hid ..t• hhte , oi •• toe ~o.nen, - ......hL 0' , 11e.,,0w. ccy. would agate occur. Tnere •s anshoed., of grass between this place and Fort Laramie At Fort Laramie the emigrants were throwing away bacon, dour, beans, Ire., Ito. and in fact thnoat every thing could be seen from I...teaspoon up to a marking stove." The traders at the Fort , would no . purchase provisions at any price, and Dr. Price assumes LIS lie saw splendid ,aragilana set- I,ng from $3 to $5. Companica were competed to throw them sway m order to get through, their wegoas being too heavily ladened. The Doctor's eau:many had abeuadnned the idea of getting to California this fall, and had resolved upon taking thew teams au far as possible, and then o tare it on Gott to Oregon, and go to California next spring. ' Dr P. saysthat the ox thaws ace far in advance of the mole teams, and are much better adapted to the trip. COWS stand the trip hatter than either. besides famishing IC good supply of milk. The pack male companies were doing well, and in ad vance of all the others. lie states that O'Nenl'a and the Platte City completes lea Fart Laramie two weeks before be arrived. Major Bandanna was at Fort Laramie when I Dr. Price left. He had succeeded In purchasing 1 the Fort at $l,OOO, for fiovernmeat purpose,. There bad been hat two deaths by Cholera at the Fort, one an emigrant and the other a trader. Ha beard of no oases beyond that pia._ Dr. Price met 509 Goverament trooms sixty Miles this side of Fort Laramie, destined for Bear nye,. He elm passed Wil•on's command on the 4th of July, en camped nary mile, beyond Fort Kearney. They were celebratiag the birth day of Aineriean lade peadenee. He met Turner's Pioneer Line sixty miles this aide of. Fort Laramie—their males were, to a certain extent, broken down, and the ox team. were pawning them, which canted the passengers to he much diasatistied. Met the second Pioneer Line on Little Blue, about 100 miles Gem thin It ce. From the best information Dr. P. could obtain, I he estimate. the number of persons who have died on the plain. between tell i lace and Fort Laramie at 300. The health of the eutsgrants had greatly improved, . he heard of but few cases of sickness no his return. He commenced taking ` the names of arose who had died on the plains, lll ham 411rWme , k1 IC a d to t : . m. i t, a i La rn na i scri m ty . c a ri 4 He recollectiaasing at a Si. am walled Loop Fork. the grave of n Mr. Crloo WISC 00•10, who had been killed by a pony tans. On hie return hr passed a war party o on, about 300 strong. lie made an effort LO purchase a pony Of them, hut could not succeed. They treated him kindly, land after ahaktng 'hands, smoking, &a , they permitted thin to pass on watuaut otkrtng the least etulence whatever. Wit made inquiry of Dr. P. in relation to several companies, lint he was unable to glee any tnform mien by which we weld identity any partrcular cne. Ile brought In Gout the emogronts wren' hundred letters, which will be sent from the pow office to morrow morning, and It is hoped that they wrl'l convey gratifying intelligence to their friends at home. MoutLu, Aug. 2. The royal mail steamer Trent, Capt. Clark. er 'sited at Mobile Point yesterday, in three day. from Havens. She bongs hot ooe pareenter to Mobile, and 25 for Mexico, and has no freight large yule- ; titles of goleksiiver. The obliging pilot of the Trent gives cis the Lb louring items or news The rehoonor that Look I Francis. Rey, alias Cinema, from New Orleans, , touched at Havana on the 2lth ultimu,.and trans ferred Senor Rey to the Amencan brig Andrew Ring, at quarantine, the -golation not allowing any to land without performing eight days quusto. Inte. ln.ntuflortaty on bearing of Refs reported ab. dnehon. Gen. Campbell, the American Consul, went alongside of the burg and offered his servi ces and protection to take too brig outside of the harbor, and pUt Rep on board of the packet about to sad fur New °Amur; but Senor Rey declined the Consul's aervuma, saying that he roan tiers by ha. on frrowiLL So the Consul dropped the mat ter. Capt. Clark heard from different persons, fohUe off quaranunet that Havana was unnanally rankly. The black vomit a maktug .ad havoc among the manna goarantlan regulations are enforced, but are expected In to soon repealed. Ju+t seventeen the sweetest age Tines, catered in fair beauty's page, Lips like the two-hod deft in twain, With pearly gems the oleft to stale; Eves like twin wars beneath some cloud That come their sparkling light to shroud; Bich trelnes of the suborn glow. Free 'goring o'er a brow of anew; And then, the bosom. heaving, atarelllng, Where tickling Cupid bolds his dwelling 01 vrotnan's life, no year l weep, Like son, meet, pouting seeetueen - - . Hoe. kitrnorn Lownentpw died at Ware-eldest') .stenng party of Indiana, irbowere rgyiliethAlld GlssPontaido hie., ChiTbittioday evening, 3d init. at saMpelled to retreat. in the morning the bairn the .10 0 : 4 73 Vein , Mr. Long feline wen one of one of the Indite. was Wad deed on the ground the meit'distingukbed grittiest of 'New England, as near to the block home that hie companions end kerning years held an eminent rank is the were unwilling to incur the risk o( an attempt to politics, rind at the bar of his adopted gate. - He earry Idm eV" wain leader of the old Federal ',shoot m bl-ua ebonite before the scristranoe of Mine from that , Nee Rostrums in Lasnso.—Tbo New York State, and was honored with the lost:test marks of b ¢n o f v: , ant „,, d . y _teraftdence from his fellow citieena. The political! anociste of Strong, Gore, Cabot, Dame, Fisher , Strascrnearo DT HIO BAIL—E. Z. C. Jells., Ames, Prescott, Otis, and other dtsunguisbed Fed- , alms Ned Goodin., who stand . indicted for rout erallsts, he was chosen a member of the Hartford tine a riot at the AstoclAnce Opera Iloua n the Convention in 1814, of which body at the time of taut of thv 10th May last, end who wee bailed by his death be was the only survivtog delegate brew , Jsmes G. 13 , unett,orne last evening , iittendsred Mereachusetts. with the exception of we vonera. ; by his hail, when he was taboo into custody and hie Judge Wilde, of the Supreme Judicial Court of; committed. that. Commonwealth. Huwee man of great in. tellemttal aruieneee and prrmrtrstion; as a lawyer, celebrated for his nice and subtle ducrimination; as a polatemn, of unsullied purity nod fidelity to bin rondletioori as e o ember of rare emeenty of manners, delightlul nod in mnoversai ton. with a memory eel La the moo of a long and dieenaded experience, u. a Cirs tan, devout in hie feelings. rigid to WA 116 cert urn to duty, and without a taint of sectarian bigotry.— For the kw last years he h., .utiered a undual decline of health, but without soy pereeptiVe .11m unlace of his public 'gait or hisIOtIgHEOI in SO, sty. Mr. Loagfellow woe the father of Prof Lorelei linirrh.ardlL`ritti.,vearainty6shriLehr, at Fall Rl....zgr klass—N. I'. Trtl, Stu Am,. Wcw Cs. Dtctoxo —ln the B. Districl Court at Philadelphia, on ?di - witty, Sedge Grier delivered the opinion in this pent ewe, involvjog property to the mount of 5600 OCO The decision le to favor of American heirs. the issue at brother and sister, of had blood, nod ad event to Enribsii or common law heirs of he v. hole load, end also orate ! next of kin but emote man of the whole bloat. Tlat in .11 RC, •rdanee tauh the speetal law of Petutalvma 791,arhich the Jodie say. governs in thr the will being merle ,n:th.s Sitae, end the F.,,nglieh and common law is not therefore considered. The Philadelphia Ledger any. "Matthias Asoden wan born in Philadelphia, Le ace the Revolution, and at the tone of lie on, linenernent of the troubles between the colonies and the mother country, he was a merchsat in prosperous Mamma. iodinate towards the Ene• llsh cane, or at any rate, (entrap that the colo nial would not succeed. he left the country aid west to England Whilst there, ha large landed property in Oft Slate Was roallseated, and he at dented all 0 traitor. After the revolution me at tainder was rotten att. but the coellacation remain. ed. lie Caine back to thus country and made a will in this city, returned to:England, and died there la 1421, termed • very large amount of per= social property. By his soli, made in thin ely, he devtded his estate, real and perroultOto the In,- win who should be his heir at law," nod in anoth er part °fain will be directs that. tt should ao ti, person Who should he hit lawful heir" The ques tion then was, who was entitled, and as the male, •nts eteeeded two hundred, each of whom had relatives and diced t also interested, it may le rum pmed that the ease has excited a lively mare. in QOM , The words,' heir et Isar /0 PC110.1(10111n1, mr the person woo mould be entuted, under the et tuts, of the Sudo, and not the hew at the return Ira. The decree is therefore in favor of the io•ne nt Mara liarr.ton and Roster Hardee. The ma irr to referred i•i a Master to make donrihrtoon. and bill. of the Czelrers and the Aspdens are du:aimed reaar,ra , run Cemonna Mot—Mach intem perate reproach has been showered, lately, on Mr. Clayton, rev ''.:_emetary of State, fur his relusal issue a passport, tram that department, ton Mr. Hambletun, a person of ruler, who applied int snots a document, to cuniemplation cf n visit le some foreign country. We call the reproach in temperate. because it is adrinntsteted with an Im - plied representation, or amump ton, that Mr. Clay ton acted in the matter simply under the influence al a non uncontaimn In this country. on his own personal judgment or inclination. and es in a care when he had nothine,to consult s-ep his own pleasure. Rut this we take to be a very erroneous end unjust mew of the trail.... We have nut at head a copy of Mr Clayton'. written reply to the application of Mr Hamblen , but It mat very brief nod specilig. Pepin.. in at ft words as official ermaracy mvotd permit. that mu not the role of the Department to grant put poem far colored persons. and that "protecti mere issued only to ri , loradymuont in theeervt of hi intsterl.or other Government fuoetioonne•. Now. it is very true that Mr. Clayton might— lust tar aught we know—hare taken it upon h: self to disregard the long established rule of the d pertinent, and set up a new one. We do ni know that any body would have "Molted" Mtn 1. doing tar that he would, by doing it. have mot. ted any duly of propriety. Bat we am quite rain that he bat uot violated any ditty or prupriet by adhering to the tutting rule. Forma and rut and precedenit are every whereto la, emenimi go vent:nee MI departments: perhaps too mut h omen but, as a gem at thing, the value to them has the tactual/ OtelM,, Inane. limos time, eves In 'waters nppsieat otlitlTe mon. , are very opt to cause 'rouge and chdlrulty, •nh Mews are lean: Axpecini. It in more than probtble. Mo. tked Mr. Clayto, attestrou was not enacted particularly to titre/ use or any principle involved in perhaps If such bad been the ease he would have thought proper ti establish g new rule, or at least to consult the oth er heeds of liopertniont• as to the propriety of do te; cog The probohdity is that it dsca r e to-forc hum merely as one among a host of routine gnestions calling for no r such refusal. A strong mewl the other wry Is supplied in the feet that out of the United States, generally speak ing. and especially In Europe, no diorarimn made between white and colored ettinents In En eland the black man hes no sae f racism from the white; in France he takes hie sent, crab the white men, in the halls of .I:notation, and every where else. For the United Stews, therefore, to reed, nine him as e charm, at least to the extent tit fin mg elm needlul protection, while just in toren would be to aboren front the alternate of an Ito plied slur upon the m rgnanimity of other nations sad at the same lime remove the a-casino fore nn ill-founded reproach erne our own. —N. Y. Co-nr , n. - - Stekneira Ist Ohio. The Cleveland Herald given the following gum teary account of the prevalence of Cholera, and other diseases, in Ohio 1 . For yen., sickness hen not been so general and so severe In tne towns or Onto gia nt this tne. In addition to the fearful mortality at Sandusky, and recently at CIOCIIIMIL, dlO *mail and large towel. in the western hair of the State have been much af flicted. The towns in the neighborhood of CM* etrinedi have generally lien, visited with cholera, and to some of tnem the mortaiity hat been great. Clermont counts has been severely ,dieted. Co lumbus. including the Penitentiary, abases a fearful bill of mortality. Dayton has been badly scourged. though the epidemic has nearly abated. Xonta, and the laborers on the Railroad in Green county, nave antlered severely. The total number ci deaths by cholera in Xenta for three wee.. ending Aog lat, was 37; other diseases 13; total trO. At Eaton Preble min niy, the Register reports 32 death* in a week. At Spr usfield there weru 13 deaths for the week ending the 2.1. and the Republic says the general health of the town n unusually bad there being many ease. of MM.* fever, &c. A number or caves have occurred at other towns slung the line of the railroad, and at Lower Sandus ky and Tithe, the cholera has appeared and pro doted a panic among the people. Several deals, hove occurred, and otany of the citizens ird.— The publication of the newspapers at Lower San dusky and Taut has been suoperided on newilint of the siokoess nod alarm. At Toledo the Choir ra prevails though not to an alarming degree, sim "venal fatal oases have scoured at the email villa. gel in Lucas county. The Macaw prevails to Kuane extent in towns a one the Wabash Canal At Lit. (aye., Logansport, the, a number of cares are re. parted. It is worthy of remark, as indicating the proems. and localities or t he mysterious epidemic, that the eastern half of t lhlu has so Cu almost entirely es caped us ravages We hear of ao cases in the towns east of Cleveland, and Dune along the line of the Canal through to Portsmouth. with the ex ception of a stogie rake! at Newark, nod I very NW at Clishoottie. ZeauvJle, Steubenville, New Losboo, Inc., continue exempt from the' disease as an epidemic, though neethional Cee of cholera morbos of secede type r I 0 ec U their seems to he a prethsposioun to ',ousel "sulphitets this sea- NM ail over the mate, in the country as well as in towns and cities. Dasru or a Piossza —The Cincinnati Chronicle announces the death, to Gallatin, Ky., of Cement Jacob White, one of the very earliest Natters of the Miami Valley, in the ninety third year of hie age. While a boy he left New Jersey, with hie father'. Gmily. far the Redstone settlement, on the western frontier of Pennsylvania. and was at that place when the Declaration of Independence wu adopted and published. lie mingled freely to the frontier claims of the revolutionary war, and the Chronicle says of his et:Mosier taperer “Ile wee oneSeett the email Om that planted themselves at tfelbmotith of the Lints Mimi, and commenced the village of Colombia, in the Yell of 17£8, 'which was the drat settlement made within the limits o( , Jude Sictuaes'a patches& Being a b o ld, frariesi adventurer, he left the settlement, erected ablock house on hie land, seven or eight tulles in the wilderness, to which he removed his tardily, end began an Improvement soon after the eammeocement of the lodine war, which was ter minated by the tenet of Greenville, in 1195. Dur ing the wet his block house ems *Wicked by a Dio;tallty of Cincinnati al The follow./ statement shows the mortality this city, from all disease* for the period of seven art•rit., ending Monday !art t 4 gulps June gfuu ...... ......... :an r uding July ..... ..... 910 \‘',ug t tiding July 9th 10g2 W t ek ending July kith (irtg Wert: end us July 23d 312 Week ending July 30th Week ending Aug. 6th 211 Total mortality in seven week 5........ 1/5b The daily reports sift., 19th alt, when the Cho.- ern began to abate, have been as follows • Cholera other I ',nesse, Total, I'4 to 20th 32 21,0 222 33 53.1 29 24th 20 25th 19 25th 15 07.14 17 25t 13 29th 14 30th Aug In • :hi 13 341 1U H 4th 1:=11=1 The spiders bat so nearly disappeared, that Board 01 Health have determined to meet and pun but three tunea a week RECEPTION MILET'INO A tneetint, of the citizens of Allegheny roomy, to mate •rrmgcmeuts for the reception of the President of the Coiled Stater, end Governor of the Commonwealth, who are to arnve here on Ihe Ihth ma, will be held et toe New Court House, in the city of Pittsburgh, on Tim...lay, :ix 144) mist, at P. N. Aihree Evan H. Geo Yorineee NVne Memo s Faun, n N to 1V Ilutie• John Fri:oilman Janie. Cross. U 11,4 I: C Rohew.. 1 R 11.,1 ei 1. Annormis 110,1 Mackey onni lion .9 John little., IA ANIL,. J a• Belot en (tree,. M'ai NI•oi key land Gcnose inn tir.ery lllaeS %Via Comas, Jar II Mortar II Burk hammer Adams Geo y las W ood Alen. Como., Henry Hay. Artnierrong Al en Cordon Javoh Ilistelry Hof I. Sew charl. Craig, 5)0,, Hays Joshua Rhoades W•ob.Collm Jun B Nl'Fadolen John Matthews Harmer Elena) banal loVNlenter Thai Steel I.). Hen, ISO, Rob. (Inane TIAI• Dor mge 1.,,,,••• Nelson John Ramat Il Harlin/Ham A Ninack Tens Bakevroill Join, Hail S epees Niortham Henry IVowls () Haughey NV II Nonotek J Mel/Crosson toollionsloerl John tin% ‘llllootl Ilumbert Sam) Iloweeurg S Richardson (Vra Heel sln µeschew, James Scott Morgan Hall Joe. NV II Herrington Philip Rhodes lon Rem Hon:bison Cobb• Wm Porter U Hooter It NI Boolelle Jae lie. ohrnct I) Vaal Chao Gregory Jao \V P Irwin Sr NVrei sempoon Lwow, I.soder S R Johosoon FL Simpson John AI Wooy Robe, Soo) II C Sawyer Wm NI Smith IT Kincaid. rr losepte l'oroon V•ientinr Satoh I T Emceed. )r Stephens George C Craighead John Keret., James Sharp John Lupton Jos Milean John itio Jos Rohm. m In. Lone Wen T. xa.,44 John Doc • Roue ) K Lielk Jooeph Ito.• Sarni Burns Roue Le. loaner Fealon Sarni Graham Nelson Lee A A a En John Graintai la. Alackeral lame. ly le• al`Cone A Mason Wo•cerUy darn/ Paeoley li Mawr, Inwoy Rich thighmi Andrew Moller Ve Nl*Candleas Marlin Richards I. FL Massey Joiren Lemon Dared lll'Keo S Morten ennui P...racr 5091 M`Cone Trios kliFad.len Jona Barr Thu. Ilowswell John David.. Jahn Hereon James Pollock Henry Park 1 S Ilielo•rdwou Naikan loPearigo Ileury loorrett C Itdl I) Solomon F II Fawn - J II Ilia Parker R Hind. Wea Evans sl itAl.nron (Woo A.cotn FL edrannoon Resin a Hitler Inv Woe as Jo. 11 Clark en Won Irwin loon 1.1413111. , Dane, Kelly Crew Stahl JJaepti Low,. Hasid Fnl i searello oi Palk. W. L.) nen. Woremit Tao. Wino. Wiser Hon - Mono Llwartl. Ger, rhos Doe.. view Peno Kruttet 1.14 e• %%AA.. Chi, SJI4.Or, Joh 0 Paiter.on J alcKea Swint, .1 Wens -.Joaspl , WessaiWallSi Webet Itoheri Whoimme J.,,a /nook /I Month., James Wilinurnise L Fel enigma John tlanna Bo nen lValacr C Looms Wm lochrtiMin Jodni While C Flame:mon Dr Del entwele VIII WUktnenro David lira,. Jobn Vocally Jacob W SAM Morrow C0m1.,. Bea hos R WI,. Algernon S 801 l C Claher W S Havens Jamas Reed Coo FreivOrwl Ili,Wd.: I 1.1 riweteacr, L o Walter rli NVliia F' Loshiner Joseph Seattle NV W VVllwn Level Ednistrols T L •es NVoreleitrn Jehn nr. , Itsahen Hager , -5) IV,. I.- p. 1.. II W'bii emir. Nock ins %env , ~Het.. luau K II Se. .1 G Ca.', Chars., 111Ihsre A Wash.... Ii Wto.rono Decree I:irel James W Dino. Jo• n Itool lot-1.0 Allen II W Leorni Jo h n. Saddler Pilo ' , ohm., John hletVden Jon A Bonn I leolo tierong Ruin hleCuleheo Tim. Sargent V I:Lavine, NV M Corral) J. On Fal.erionG ,Vey Mle Johns Henry IleGeary II Piertellen John hlchlielisel Done. McCall. S Rem li D klellkain 'Wm P Read Zu-ny Zu)yo;ul Jame. Mackey John leach , . It Iturkh.ird Ttos Clall It 11 Glerin 0 FrEl.mthe, Abr. Palters. John Speer A Preiduy 11 E MeGowin i. II Ward Win Neat, 1101,1 Wright r.' hie( >ovein John Penni., Panel 1-eseallart Jansen Gilcitnyt /aro) lA,teench Aaron 11r1gego Joseph Kiser A D Sim. A'es IdeCurd) I II Irwin Jame. sieGreve Spencer Jame. 31 I David Rmith John Rhiptora Jacob Ton.; Reuben Palmer 0 J Charaberlw Jacob Gehhart. iri warge Wenenor Wm Boston John Diekorn ?I_ Virginly Wm Anhu i Can. II cici.ely Jane , Ermmeer Jams. Arthur. win Pork ton 11 13 Mowry 0 Badger rknerge W DN.,' Kiales Robinson W. Mined , . PI TP Jot. Aiken R I. 11uhnebe A 13 Curing( John Allen W II Erskine John Leirughlin Tho• Doll A te Bell Jame. Nl...iinoth Seinoel Cashey Dell , Irwin Jno McMaster* Jr Oconee hen, N Ca . rdirch Wra Snick Ilrohset Rainer. IV 111z.nurnon. lieo Thurston Win Dawyon NV A I.:harken Dr Cochran Del ip D /I Wil isms ti A Sampson John Cowen I) II Franck, lorepli Keith Pete Fleeter Chn. Rowan A Ilange• 'rhos 1411 Deol Armstrong 11 Klapetier Jo* Cep Thus Bean Jewel nr.nein la, Deep IkV Loden,: I'MAIIIIII, MU.. I•tiof King John Ilutheriord l) m Shaw Bin. 1(1040 Cho. Ilesin Jotl,, 1 Muse Aaron Braked, Reel Lone Laud WK., (,soresFS Ha,. Jo. 01011.11 John Tooter Wm Dee klishb Mr Mew, David Cone \V. Nixon (0.0 ?pls. I. 5 Johns John Morrow Win nehl.rektio J Slalivium Thos Perkins Ito. Palmer Harrison Parr) 11”011.1100 Rosa John Herron loinpson I lornr, r Jaz Trento) Theo P. rrow Rohl Greer W. Dregs Ile. ry Jones Win J 11m. 1...1 John Young John D Mahan Thor. lents Alex McKee David Imin Jr. Mai, Martin Clover David Reeler A.OO Franklin Ja. Rivets John 13utier Ti. A Rowley Wm Markt \ Val Creighton II Dan hlngeelinnAndw Itogg• Ales Rwehure AII d1e1.10.-mnii Wm McCormick Jo• Reny John Slegnewan Jacob Goy John Horner Tho• Turner Jacob Alter John Stoner Wm 311,11rit Ands Pierce W. Milligan Wm Woo.Yrord 'Wm Kedlo.o Henry cl o omni W. MelCnicht Jacob MeEssen rloadman Colter Enhratm Jones o%' C Lorene Jo. Stewart W,l Poor John 11InEtroy John Wreirob•l, la• Diro, 3Vra Elsns Wm Alexander AS R. Dahl Phillip. John Sin,. Jae SloNcilo `save Jones Sitainel AVallace Rohl R Sterhric S Minty.* NV. APCully 'Phori Morehead Durkin Yvan. Col R Carothers Wm Chapman Tristan N /Goes Nuban . l Minor Jos Wroclaw Nettori Jones II Mllrorlienridgelsone %Wigan,. Pow. Mel} R loner, 1 Moore Jo. Jones II Ilarsockgcr Jahn htDoiman John Jones D I' Inet , ”oll Geo Fortuna Aldo :summer. Jos W Level. John Meeeehey Jahn Siormley David Hunter Wm Mackey Mose. Cher. Alex. !Inv John Arliaire Jahn Mora-urn John Whit.. r, NV (.. I .edow Wm 0,00, ‘ / Thompson John I/ Da.i. I' Neventould /II 01)11,11and 11 Kinked Deo Darker Ir Adam. J S Slop head The* Richards \\'m AJam• I M Enlirad Philip James Wm Jo. FOO.l/I W 133 Chess thilkiel Reeher Geo Dare. Samuel Nall Thos Wihiy And II Itioters 1 1(1 'I ouryincem rm. Patrtor John kl'Oill Stephen (1,011(1 A Bart, Ma 11... Arch( kl`Card Richard Pflfy F Ramps Maili, Iladdrik 1) Idliannigle John G rman Wm 11aker `:ph L Brooks W G Net... NVin Barites Richard Er,,, John I la., o , IL 11,00.11:rani Rota Path IVrn Nlr.aock Jos kFtitiningle In. Andorran John Is o ,er Nt'Reo /oho Robinson Rol. Cochran Janies•Rnlille John WICoe .1060 Ernericir I'riab . Aoldce o e JohnDnlll , Wm 11 Denny II Apple. we David ekes, Ns RS peer Sion. I D wrung John Speer J W Dullest, Oliver ()rm.,. .ps. hui o Wm B ISEClurn 0 0 toregg /s roll. re Jame% ('lrwin 111 Page Jo. le.m.. Deirn M'Condleas R Cunningham . Jo. AI rlelland Jneo(o Abor James Hay' , -- - - loins. K , D . , ~, , 11,,,, , DRY APPLES—On hand rend for sale by A I. t I",au xvicx h. M•CANDLESS Rota Alen .n o.lVid 1,41 r. James Ikrrion ,-- 10 ° A lire hie , ^n. Deer) Henry I . I ITSIc I iIIIEMIK—.7 3 bozos for !tale by Alex Hilands PI . Ilia„ Joe I-.OOtOCC , ‘,../ 0.110 WICK & NECANOLFS P. ter Savage 'David Calhoun J Walker Ica, A rirleooll I nd Brown iRO4SI John Willne It F RFAII BETTER— , bocketa fresh Duller. Just resod WmLeckey David Argotic ris Wm Ml.:Dien? : and for sale 1.1 nue° CII GRANT A ""' D.l " j.. " " ....d Jo. " P "''''l_, , LOD R-51 bbl. Just reed on consignment and for John ll.y I ' l,, 01 . 1 . Ci e. l ' 1.11 " , sale by engin ISAIAII DICKEY ACO Worn II nod. 'l'l,'.ki'lica 11'm 111:andles. Wm Oully C Innis.. !olio Oalt ' li t 4 ACKEREL--1 0 .> WA • No 71111 Mackerel, la are A 1 II T While FA ward Rithards BIL rive and for sale by Wui Courtney John Shaman Lewes lecilbach . aug II ISAIA II ' , ICKES st dCh FIV , IO lit Robi Verciirau IVni Farce Land Irwin IjUti3 lIKADS —I. lAA, on conaitalneut and (or John Sampson 1 Ineoenn Henri Barker s o , n , ~, , L, , 1...' C 0 , n . Jame. vi n ,,,nr jLL sale by anglo IRAIAIII DICKE./ ACO --- Co., Clover David 31,01e0n /armee Wilaan KOU Ern,' Robert G 1... 11 5 Willman. Jahn Cnder TEE commodto. Dwelling Ranee, and Sgarouude attached, containing about eight urea _--. - - -- - - nested between Algh.y and Ataricheuer, Racer nos . lea Patatocarr .no Goosaana.—lt la and noccn. KW B.A. 01. of OBT. T. KENNEDY, bored that oar over • ailent Firemen will be prep. , . A ., b .d., or HARMAN DENNY. ed to tam oat La theta fa il ttteugth to receive the Comarkerctal Joarnal cad Mond]. hterenty copy. Preiident and Governor, on Saturday, the lea inst., A bi , R ic A N HOUSE c , R pr,,,,,,_ Tt . ..,..,,- and to make arr.oementa fora Torchlight lir... 11. eon lino. Carpenter, a ueati. up., Arch moo to the even... A cordial invitation will be on. tare. Cornier and . Mealitiega. Fin/thug. Doom, Wit.- , dol., and Stairs, together wlth iimilnitist important tended to due woe by the come/Wee • prtnetples of Practical Geometry. By A.Q. muse.; .03 MOtu Pastas. 34 ed. 0.., with over 3113 awaiting', Fbb ate by cotta JAS D LOCKWOOD. 63 Wood n_ vv lIMNG- So eh'. reed and for Bale try V h eugl I BillUN dr. REITER F tz! OLD BRANDY—Ch. Mtllrd catk. DM, us Ceirtee, htet,reeetved end for sate by the Ttr VER.111..11.1110N-1110abilaaavAnd 1 rale , i d 'L i n n*t bwk., b y mcou WEAVER J. APOLLO 11 at* smnsrrn WEEK ni.tris*Atrize loncsnte.t.s? E FARMS MINSTRELS *cleave tit nano. TIC C that lathottorqtreaceof the traragoungwansocento attending their Concerts dunng the pan gig week., they ore fodaerd to Announce their L.EIVVirli SE, Itlitati. ram:avenging on Monflay naming, Asg. 13a. And oontinuing •rety evening doting the wral Mr. IL It Sitter ant: meaty introduce hie mach admired area. Choflee of Pmzruzooe every e•ewing 10 - IJeketa, 15 cern, irrDoort. epee at o'clock: Concon to cooleftenee aaxl:/ ICH JKWO.Fit-Airlid and Silver Watefies to IS. large vanetF, of V e finest qualities and best 1.. - 1,11.: .t , tiver Spooas. made of standard nom and War ranted; Military Goods: a full assortment Patent Solar Lard Lamps, nosein universal use. and green[ Ike ne.tbenne* , Table Cutlery, Ten Were, Communion Ware, Speetael,a, Gold Pens, hr NV NV NVILSON. nut IS earner \larket and Fourth so - - • in•rEaIIANDMI--hi IMO Brandy. for ;Tr.-m.1,, on ArAtigbt u.ol for ra:o np fL LER A 111.147:T50N pra.4,l Noe 1711 rlntl 174 I.4lr•rly .1 M A d C . K: , i ,; 71 t 4;.,......- , 71 ,,, 4.b1s No 3 Ahekere 4 GU b( bbl. 1u57 ; • \ 111.1.1:K APIC K 0.1 .) ICE—.S rces Rice, in siore unit for tale by I • L ono., CIE RIKTSON r— r • , t'S las brostotChilliedthe SoOO:ru b No C Ido do 40 yoloor do do; in cavo Rod lor Axle by e rit MILLER. & RICK 6'l-3U14 dog rrceived 1) and for sale by null 11 ItRAKTSON `A 1.r.-111U bbls No I !Soh; IMO sks Da.ry do; juin re etormi ona for solo by mita hlll.l.Elt RICKETSON WANTED AYOUNG MAN ore. , welwil qshe s ualified u a Salesman tu • Dm situaunn tbat ea- Farity, t.,ilarrioods St tit it wholesale or a retail cans:MO.lmM an ei•n mmaceptiosable recommendations. Ha bast co.iderable onflurnce with country trade. Perseus addres•ing -11.• Gazette office, will num with prompt .0103 PEACIIF-4-75 bash superior Dry Peach. .1.1 lot EtIqUI fel Of 114,11 . ditt • JOHN ]('FADE Canal Basle Q F FLOUR-50 tibia in store; for • ale by O. ii11:1 J S oto,vokurii lk CO, V 7 Wood at W64.4.—Ttic Itilthost pace in cash paid for dem washed Wool, by H 1.1.:F. suglilLiberty st uuN-w cults Imtgar cured cau•Kr.ed i ID Nana order; 110, p'am Ilam. a cuks prim- Shoulder., meeivrd and for ss'e 14. avol3 ItiIUISON.I.ITPLE it CO. 11/2 Liberty st PALL7AIILE SERIES OF SCHOOL Porter'. Natural slid Experimental Phdoscpby. do • fir.t ientonl iv do Chamber'. Treeouto of Knowledge; - • do F,leatent• of Zooton', du Chemistry sad kleclneity; ..0 du Geology, do do egote.le mod An 411211 Phys.,log); do do Natant' rhhosoph); do do Drovemg; F. 1.11 and Slagle Font, Hook Bee ,af Trechrr.. Paten ~ st.d all od/er• mustested Me w~of cducoucn, oru reqco.ted to and ezazetr. ,uve ...rag at the boot store of _ JOHN TO k. tiIIICITON. earner Third and Martet ris To aloreloartoo Trading with Phnada phis. THE II.1LT1111011.1.: aIHILADF.LPIIIA STEAM- J. 2.OAT CV. ANY, tErielivon Steamboat Line,) respectfully notify On *mune.. public, that they have made cite.. erranatrtnents toe the prompt nerd:Mi l...anon ol the trade tmtween the colic. of Fallen, ph.. and Baltimore, Metchandi.e. Produce. Horse., Carrias. Fennture an.l tiooda 01 all kends are ven.ported t ineither three . at lu cent. per lON pounds, for dry goods rine tware; produce mid coal". aftelie at pruner nommiy Ir. rate". Goods fratn Philadelphia are for wan', tu ad paLeet South and Weet of Nal.aere, wnn •entam and care ad without any charge what •• ye, 1 y carnullitricata Wof cosupenvation Key shape. Apply 19 South haives, Philadelphia, to A. G'" Jr , nt. Gaol. are in like laminar receiveßOVE.d at Ilaltita Age re, for. warand In I . lllladelpht • a. and thence to 'daces atm, and east of that city, in tee most careful manner. withal any harp. fcr comm, sious at either end of the line. App.y, to Ltaltimore, at No 3 Light tom, to 1. ALEX SHRIVEN, Agent. Person, ensgling to •Tan themselves aloha iacillues of tam line are tespectnelly requested to give poeitive anc explicit direction. to have thetr scut to the save named Agent• of th< Pr.r kson timanahoat Line. letters (post paid) addie.a.e4 to either of the above Ales, promptly attended to, enquiries answered. and any drvinal an . Ondallen elven. anet:edll • - UNIVERSITY or m&avLAND, PAOULTT P RI III: ESSION Or 1e149.-.'so.—Tbe Lectures r. 0 menet- on IIONI)A1, Zorn October, and noon italLl the 11th of March, teetnne• Chroanuil sad Pharmacy—WlLLlAM A. AIKEN sitage —A &THAN I. .S3IMI. ra Tbepeencs, Al ate nu Stalies and Ilygiene—SAM U OH KW. N. U. Athlcroy end Payatology—JOSEPH RUBY, M. D. T h e and Preen. at Medieute—WlLLlA:d POW 1:11. U. 1./;itery nod Domes. of Woman and Childrew— lIICIIAIth /I THOMAS, N. U. I...ecturer on Pathology and Demithatrator of ithato.. my--OEURGI: W MILTENIII.:IIGER. Inotraction in Clinical Medicine and Clinical Surge ry noon' fey at the lint Infirmary. opposite the 31ethcal College The moms for rime.. anatomy will be P ees lat. under the charge of the nee:unto rant, Pees for the enured ourse S.W. G.- lomat, hoard may be obtained of the Medical CO lege, 2r $4.50 to ge.1,43 Pen WILLIAM El A. AIICEV, Dean of the Faculty. subsenber Wu , on hand and ,or ule, as Agro I. ofl,natuu A Co, u(Phoadolpkup, th e follw, '"F• tlywArof Cane; 43 Attune Roney better, di lerent sires; atu Newspaper Cam, uou Ws [wads. em to order, to CoropoainiPtteke; tuo Yet. neon. News lot: Brass Galley, Column Rules, Brass Rules of all desenputeus, ter. A. JAYNES, Pekin Tea SUMS, 70 Rant!. R.—Ordare reeeiveildOr new Type. au300.1•3 01110 AND PRNNSPLVANIA RAIL ROAD. lEe I PHZ." 1 ::41. - 2 1 ,"1,7.7..`„`""" th" Wik. p y o ta lbe worn of Alusilloa. Stark mutely, Ohio, mall mimeo of rodeo, the 1.-,O of Septeralier lAN, for the Goadieg and Masonry of the Iles bearer-a Canton am/ Wooster, a distance or ahoy; thirto.two mils Proposals taay addreonol to Robins°, Jr. President. or Soi -1 omit. W Rohertt, Chief Ramarer of the Company. I 'Aiming.. and sp., of tbo vont lobe let. moll xhibited at the race 10 Mitsaillan for • meek be ! fora the tellies, by Jesse R. ittraitaridn, the Resident j Gnpnrrr of the NVestera Oy order of the Board of Moretti.: W5l. ROBINSON, Jr, Prevalent Plarstanrsta, Awa. 11, MIP. Jaw Irr Pow. Journal, Amrriem Soapwort. Memory, ropy daily I week. Railroad Jraurral. Mr Vemop Tote sVnlg, N Amerman, Cirmiwau Oareare, Oa& Swe Journal, copy weekly Till Mk Sept. TUBS AUO CrIIIRMS 'DINE AND CEDAR WARE MANUF'ACTORT, .1 . , corner of Mark. sod Filth streets. Pato- Lorgh. The .11bArriber lt,orm ronyttutly on hand orbolesor sod moil, very low for rood. WmhToto • Darrel Moms, Both Tabs, Ilona Dinkins, &e. All other kind. of Wore ro tifly . M . lnezarlde to order: , .0011 SAMUEL IRTOESEN. AIIRHEAS. John P. Hopewell, of the city of Pine- VVburgh, Merchant Tailor, by bis deed, benriog dose the of day of July, A. D., lee, sad recorded in the Rec. tiler's Office a Allegheny country, m deed book Vol ad, page alio, assigned and transferred to tee all hi. rebate, real nod pentane, In train for hi. coed,. tots ND flux ,0 hetet.y given to all persons ittdebad .d cams to mate oar:tent totbo endersign.l, and tit.... basing elann• against 16 to prevent diem for set litutent ItENJAAIIN GLYDE, Assignee. 00411 Pinshorgh._ LINA , EtiD OIL -4 IPoly reatt i !;74 ,. ... l o,', lTEß SQP* Ij TURPENTINV-13 bbl. reed and for sa _I by elicit BRAUN tr. REITAX POT A 911—A choice article, always on hand and for rale try Suitt I BRAUN A lIF.ITF.R rn "2,n . &°gANDLFISS rFPER i VO Varprvontatrz.t.smr STEAM PFLESIIii&D ULLICILs 34)0.01111 FOR SALE--Guarantered at LIU wreath tind body, and to rams wet and (rat better, and • watiother earth., comwelantly mak log a more solid. dry and handsome common brick, and ay low priced. Orden , through the Post cam Itlonorioshola Bridge, or Work., will hb Promptly attended to. Samplesseen in the new Ntedindist Church and Public Seh.l Hrw., Poo. Pittsburgh, .d in the kilns. W.ll. IL HUTTON & CO. ntrunnebant, Aug 9.1949. W A NTKD—To contract with cementer. and ma. tons for creating route buildtnga. Also, an Fogineer wanted—an old mau et boy, Immediately. augla,lll W. if. s A co. lvi n b otc s , s IN TR to r ,.. YING wn d r o, A l r 41,:f4 rutwn .s.Tecmdzriget,i 430 owe by merle WICK & 31ICANDI,F.4„: 2 , ‘, l..C .Vii — o lD Able far tale - by WICK & MICANDLESS S C' sut i o "6s-49 ( 1 1 1I1C 0 :1r. "' m•cetiol.Ess _ • pOTAR/1-14 blots prime \ , ic i k ic re k taAtu c e ir f . er s;le by J_ angle AL".I.",NIr 99 A. LSPIC:F.-44 bags Alsplee, for sale by WICK & IIPCANDI.V3 9 • r)ACON SIDES—For sale by 11 suet° WICK A 3FCANDLES9 /I..AlgrLF:rrs SNUFF-3 bAls ree'd and for eater by tg./ WICK A. AFCANDLF/tS OAP—CO b. No I Kosp. (o sole by ouglo WICK Et NI•ChNDI,FIka iIDER-0 b&. Sweet Cid.n 3 do do balled, for We kj by .bou 'WICK & SrCANDLESS ,ICY 'kit f W or sole by WI a M':.:ANDLFS'it TO LET, - . • MOLlT . FeA re, ?L . L s vi u ril, ter 1'4%7 itOute, ts.c. Familia. have Mond it Invaluable for their wives and comae, waren—la .hos, al remarked II the "Scientific American." La austral:it . eptua to, 'of ail the .0900000'. which have het, applied to polish Win+ and Metal, none can equal mat aulsetance halals by Ms name of Tripoli—this ia a wperioi art-let 0 that firm brazen from lus'y by ov Vettetianv.and used bi them to thew palmy des • ot altwa Makinet m le. olt hot peculiar pellsh en mot, admired by other outman. It rhea id Le tit every family and kee„naa, d 9 ache. wide. I do Indigo bloc str4ye lY 'ea wiper wool dve Idaek cloth; on de do br'n eln ' th• ::-y, Larvae., balzertno. de lain, alone.: nn e, nma . nun damask te• vbaw:. umbrella, parawi., lo..nets, Coats' area arta.. At 1 afolock. Grtaerles, Ljaccoilwalc, Foram, a,. Yong thorn and Iropera' i tea. Yn mlacwnd tobacco. No I oath •oap. wrting ua vervopi„. per. •ps,de. forks. axe, ohet, k„„,11, key. for lock.. but Ll/Irll, hoods..clock.. w 0 1 .ektruith • rasp., window blinds, mantel carpoting..oo A lame 014: general assartillcal 4.11 new aid kind Curato lN r, /to A drink. Ready male etalling. lan" n •Loca, new and m . nd troak., wrap., cam,. 4411 gum, Itairle.2l matron . .., inagle & e. - - 111UT.T. ue e. prime Ir .k R~ 101 l Pri;G:OL';'4 SGAR CI RED lid:Mt=in tier. es - Taylor &C 0.." aura eared llama, as store an.• for sole by _ tog: SF:1.1.1:11S te NI OL arl OSAIUITO pilirriNG—Wltur. u.arn and barred: IN/ • Amber supply rreetvell al the ttry goods house kV sae N F. corner 4th and ilartot au On'CHONO TEA-15 hi chest. Itik lb Y papas. Ant rez'd and ~o r sate br .157 C II (IRA NT. it %Vat., rt DOTASII-20 est* for sale by / doe Jlt IIANFIF.I.IJ OIL AND TURPENTINE lIARRKI.r; for Esale by sago R SEL.l.l:l4zi, Wood st PATENT PAlNtarirbills Ursa co:or: 0 do Idaho Ity do, reeelvad on eouslportant and fur sale by audd (IF.O It MILTMNII/intil-:R. , 7 Front st PAINT FIRS and others wt.htng n chran Ind data. We Pain will catl and .ee anernaen. nt soh. wribara, who t. be A iwa, supp t•-d wnh dantent cs loss. an GEO B E:n h.- &cora COPE & BRET BOOLE, FoRwARDING k COAIMISSION MENCIIASM, And &ewers tda White L. Wltaldtv Wan., &c., Inn Second meet, Ptaabumh, Wdl attend promptly to the mm of agnates en:tux/ad to weir care Ras. rte--Ragnley & SmtN. B. Tennor & Co, S. & W. Ilarbaugh, Kay & Co, Murphy, Wilson & Co. Pitreburgh. Hannah. Granata a eo., and the mer chants senerelly. New Lisbon, It. Mee D trllonald ti . Geo. Weds. %Vellsvitle. 0. J o sboh Watson. LI I Bigger Co, Fenner o filen. 0 Manus & ho, Weever. Taylor & Co , 1011, 11. Drown &Co . Philadelphia A r.. Richard...l a. lire , Groff. Holmes &Cu . 0 John F 'toward, Loursedle. Ky. John Sem 0, New Ot,e''• Handy & Rittman. Cleveland, 0 I 020,e, . NI.• • field. 0 Craze, Parts & Cs, Dee le:, Po, a acil.di 'NOM rnilLG RE CZ" II —Rrrescuto etrussesses Gst.bser.— I 41- LWasiC Erarnm.—Reivertis Ga,'ery en Sliaastware's Drunistia Werke, in In monthly peos. each port will contain al or more beaunfot env mimes, with eaPlo• notary' letter press I.siglish end German, neatly alone up In fanny rover., and will be supplied in subscri bers far the whole eerie, et the extremely low Imre of fifty cent stapes , . The s unsertber is confident, from tho ee lebrity of the demaner of these Plus rationa, tom the sale will be commensurate won the internal worth of the work: and from the feet of Me whole script' or eight plays, when COMPIC , C•, bring offered for price of two of we original German The work will be completed in 10 toots, issued Me let and lab of every month, and will contain Hada let, pits: King I.ear, it pits; Macbeth. is pita; Tee . , Tempest, 12 pits, Cabello. nlm, Romeo and Joliet. phs; &Jerry Wives of NV ritilmr, 10 plt.; King Henry the Fourth, ports I and 11, 10 plates. Four numbers of the taiove are already published, viz: Part I to 111 of ItaraleO Pert IV Eaelielb Subscribers name. received and •rtiele camber, for sale by JAAIMS LOCI(W001i, attaft llookoeller, Wood st ARCITFTECTS--Just received, The LlO'ilSe - rs Gnide, a practical treatise on Grecian and BM/WI Architect. by Chester Hills, p.c.." A rehtleet revis ed and improved, with additions of Villa and School 1100.0 Artbll.ltl(6, by H. Austin. Arelowet. Toe AMCMZII A reht,tr,eoll2pri.illit eciatir& siesta , . of cheap country and village resulenc , . with derail., rpecificmions, plans, hr. The designs by .hlO. Ritch. Architect. JOIiNSTON & iy3l corner :Id and hIerkSTOCKTON,et ate limiglttes for Bele. ONE PAIR SECOND RAND EPrIfilNE4, 10 inc h cylinders, 4 feet stroke . Boilers, 20 feet loug. 3 inches In diameter, all in goad order, will be sold at bargain, if epplicetion be made loon. They have mill been in use about le months. For particulars, Bangor' , of ryliidtf R. /lAN S, t.niette °Ewe, .1 best double refitted Wlliter Strained Lard' hei./ Oil, received and for R sole by & . 11F11' rcti EnN, PTV' No. buy Libeine street REESR—SO bore. ni store trod fur sale by /04 S & CO La LOUR-3SO bb's Float., superior qualds, for sale byS DILW. troll A co M l l u landing and fat ; 1 ,. .4 ,, 1 y arp0 eckere.l7 tplp p 0) J S DILAVOATII & CO WFirloW es for al; side by WESTON BOWEN. IY2S Peso) rtreet. - • -- MAHOGANY. •Q•AWFS & GRAHAM me pleased In interim Mess Customers end nap atine at large. that they lowa, cm head a "ter s e:tonsil, *leek of aIA •nt alt other "mod ken , •hetred , wior e the oder lune fallowitot unusual low priers, re= ..7714:ZitueflEro.d.telt.V. fr . r . e n o . d e e n ta , pe w l i seitamod. 50,C0t Minded Wane Vellettg, from &to em per SSW ARM fl of Ow mint tuperter Mahn slay rro offasd Its this mattes. Altdaal ft Rosewood Veneer.. from g to a et, 45.000 ft White Holly, of all thickness • We feel coafident from our long experience, the ad amantwe hare in immoning and taring, that we shall always be ambled to keep en hand a stock of the most nineties quality add finely figoted.wood, (00 the eery lomat market priees,} sui ed to the taste of the most feuldloas, that may be plca,ed to Otter us with theta parsonage &linden prompOy filled and easefully peeked . Ha t lYfirl &Ir A hi. 178 & Centre at two doors North a( t`enal or .44.-41110 . NOW YORK TAR. COMDITS InvivEltset GLIDE TO HEALTH .1.1 AND LONG LIFE--Or what to gat, Drink and Avoid; whist Enrolee to take; How' to emorot and Regulate the Femmes and Appettiew and ou the Gen t Castanet of Loa, "Mentor Health may be second, and, happy and comfortable Old Are aetatned; that 441, %rhea OUT earen le conelutird,stre may -Like npe frutt, dean our Mother's I. or be with nee • Canned, not harshly pinekett."—Mmitot The above valuable work It pet:fished and sold, 'Melanie and wail. ley and 'JAMS'S D IA3CKWOO D. Al Wood at -•-- IGOWCHONG TFA—Siil half ahem, m handsome f lb. Dopers, Am sale by aagfi C H GRANT, 0 Water • If agnafit. GEO Br MIL TENBERG -7:77 , 777•Z . 7-'-': R. IA AGENT, Forwarding and Comm ...ism Mar. chow, has removed to No. a 7 From, Lets-ten Waal and Smithfield unto. • SCHOOL BOOKS —Brook's Orid's liletencepbostv; do Coßoman. Evangelic& do Greek Lenerre; do Lotin do; Clark . % Practical Grammar. in mbich word., Armee anti aentenwe arc etconfted and Clostrated, by comp;ete system of diagrams, Elements of time table and Animal Pbysiology. by O. Hamilton', Id. D. Elements of Zoology, by D. Its /teem, L. I. D ; Page's Dectletgy, edned by D. M. !!nose, / f. 1.. D.; Elements of llVimilkand P2ectricity. In two pans—mart In by EL ral ltt P o . M. D.; pins by A. ham; Elentenut of Ha hilosophy, in 3parts—tat, Laws of Maher and Motion; 21, illechsoles bd. Hydrostalles,llydran. bee sod Pneumatics, by W. & @ °bombers. Parkin& Panel Compendsmnof Natural sod Expo ' Ptillowiphy. with a desetimion of the Bloom QQQ• Locomotive Engines. arter'. let Lewin. In N.lnd PkiioSollhr. Fllll9Let k EILSOMIN Book Keening. Also, the whole of Nam. hiathemaitenl comer, on hand and for sale by ELLIOTT & ENGLISH,. ____Lym :0 Wood rt 13ETZCHni ILLITSTRATIONS or SUA griPiCA Ur: n o These ineautillti Illustrations now being pub- Hailed in pans—two parts apnewine monthly—to be eroupicted • in sixteen =mixer, twit with sti engrs.. vines and explanations. The witiscribers are ante ageing. for We work, et whom it eon be procured at the pabfirheie pre, co cents per part Fzuarr k Elral.thrH, ~4 79 Wood ri.b9rgh DAPTRY 51,011 P-10 bwels freak ground, white wheat; 35 do extra family. 1.0 rale by guys 8 P VON tIONNIMRST k A MIFF vuifitt—ra hair of ht l.lpCl . lol . Market} of Family Floor. f=at reedNr ,n 4 ea a byJOHN MiFalrriiii h. CO .CHEk 254,6° '"'° (a l 1 . 7 .' , t b iiFIFI.D VVIOL y¢gy IN ErrRINGS-Wi bundles hr. Yunhiy . En,... !lab and Italian Violin Sinning, direr t front the ntanotaemmrs, and for sale wholesale and retail by sup AIN MELLOR, VI Wond .listic 1249. Mn. 8. K. nrattarr—tr: t he ;rent pleasure In va. omme brinding yoar Mitt, to the entire al the patine. I' In my firums, I have nand a great gnontity or Int, andl give root, tbo nrefarenee flax Ali 01 hem I hays, toed. HamrovY Ink a good: so is Arnobnr. hot nhr lon, as it doe. not mould. novicet Ate k by be• mg al - posed. and beenme• block Ina law tunics after it a o n me paper. 'Washing yon cam, suntans in, your tautness. am yours. very teneviedelir, JOHN FLEMING. City Acre.... rpr .g ar b . y IL A. FahnestoOk rt. . Piuthurgio It. It. Soh wt Allegheny oily, and by Thomas IL gibber!, Maggio, and Chemist, norner of Liberty and StnithSuld street., Pittabuigh, Pa. lyff-ddin NW AND VNI,LIAtILF, WORKS JUST PUB. Compenditot of ki.elesissiteal Hie 7, ,y Dr. John C. 1.. theee'es.Coni.,sioital skinnset• for and Qrslinary Profersor 01 Theology Got:Doren, from the fourth edition, revised nod anhoided Tian. hoed from the Demon, by Samuel Davidson, L. L. D. A Illatory of the liaised States of Antenea, front the discovery of the Continent to the 011.4.175tin11 of Gov. eromend ender the Federal Cones...on. by Richard Whited.. /an received and for we hy JUIINSTari & STOCNTON, • eater MarketMarketand Third 011 Hinter.' Trim:mum. Cheap for Camila. rt t l:adreniser lane. opening. at 171 Warm meet, Nem York, a complete noorfament of HATTERS' T selected by banself from the mnnofoe tariu Prance and Germany, omen will be sold low for eutk Please sail and 021161i0e before al:meaning elrewhere. ty27411m Naar You, hey, 194.9. 713 IMO not W.111(0., ELLIGOTDS MILLs 1:40.1 POgI,OFFIOE. - - mom me nummos or Mrs. Lineoln Pb•ip., Avisced by ems" able Praturrrs and Teachers. WILL cometence a new mbelamie year oe the nate of EILYTENIBEEL NEXT. Pupae emenng for Mir oew year tan be accommodated dunes the mea. boo with board no the inatimte, odder proper moen vision or bammins. Terns 814 u, for board nod ail neemasies coneested with it, and for Eagitte educe. bon for the lnholastle year 0( forty.fonr amts. Ile noserp44¢tlenis, Lnagllngef, ha. , wan bOlll4 In V... don, Mira 100. p.. Far brAllbfahmos aloe-MIN (situated la imeh and MinbriOua Mien ' ) Meaty of scenery, and racmy or oecteefor Crave - Lets,lb. Pataysno lemma In tinClz. paused; - Thu adosontipes tor 6... towing a flocral sad eeMenpriobtel education are appreciated by the Yebllefis My demonstrated by h. not and present prosperity. mei:Clamber—Nab. Pat. T OW PRICED BRANDIES—High Pryer Preach va = 37 1 WI golars.d trades, for sale whole. lin JAMB WEAVER, Jr,