•rib . ." - : 'l i l A . • '_Awl , / .nd : - ~ .4L ilt a r= g 1t14 ,, , , ,i-Aar. , 44 1 ...*, .a, ,„. 1b.., ..,, E , „y en . 4 ,,,, t. I. rio, e, Monday, . - ' t tit I f *IP or .p,v 4 =PG -- -•:41 - -stedittfalki`tdigit .1.1 tract, km, . t ..100oentko• Idf wane. PPan , -t. l, takro rodonddlitl akkrAnt 44411:11 . '. lllPtkhoMobt.h.a 0ri1b4.*41.1 s 4 ra...., -.." ...,.. . ~ , ..,, i ., 4 .. ~. Y..3 ... G b . t .t . VITG I4 "I t k ii g lli c epPg 4 a l t, t rg b i. , .., ,ik ~.,......)/ka, ,, ,1i L 5,, ,, ' ../ 6 0.'et• ~ - ~' -:* '``.-.,, ~ r 4 Ikli' v ""k% lAkkOrOWn." / f..Z 4+. ) ,'‘Thi4iiiwitito.s.o,ifi. 7 o 4 N.o -7- , , ,.5 ' 11%,i . ~,, - tn ~...BiA.dr• Lip USA-St: nOd. Phtontgh din P. -.1 , 1"y0'..—T. '2l l. Coo.kddon`kltk 04 t 141049.410 . 101 l ,4. , • a ; ~.'* : 4 1 , , ,,"- t ,z...' .-. i... •-A . , t ,.:"; ~ ---+ Tc..l , 1,d49 .- -,,,,_--• ~-f- -- .r -- .. , ti , 1 :, ,---,-„,-_..—„, - -. '4 - ;,,,,c."*-4 1 -riF-. l °Afr.,ll.dor""er . "a ''.4 ~:" 11'..' ,, 1 ," '`l ..;;OC , EA N. i=. 'r 3 , ' 1 ' ;....i , %.- '., ' 91111014t0 aboan Packatalonar It. cam' day -.,. ~ I.Sag 4l, Olooldorllan4 atO do m oving at Au.4=k ti tk c e i Zat:o., ,z . ? ~,,,a. si.r. r., 2 1:141.• balloon niald. Ona of the pat " gleVeVarran Pi rll , i f "I . . , , 1 alo tid.,. ..dortvo so Idonotr in o r , mulatto :FFINML It '. oB,4o . red, - - ; . ' ~-• ''' ' - OEN A catmatin . , Arent, `'`' '9,•••-o"I3-------- e'''..--2"4Y!'"l"l:rWa ''''' '`'-'-----'- ' 1849, sail .„ , , - , , 1 °Nu m PE - ;-. Aar. +nix NW o A AMII• 01 CANALS '4 , ` , " R-43.-P o a d ans h . -. „,,a linkrat,4o. P "P rfl ,- -4 rg,...tx..r.' Fz.,,,,,==.4:1 ity;. .-...:—.1.:,-, , , , .:-IstrrEintGli '" a Ctg "' L ' "D ' tV"r P'im " ': 1 ...- mg and u; ... - ;., - ,namier, , - 4rnalti 12./..P.-41- a Boats, erkt • v—OCCI , Dte4e • , s I, .: .:111141 ... einstancy of AgNts , I,le r ,izrj...mzrnfh and Cl::V.od dlAlty,csa• i LAKEERIE AND 311CIIIAN, ~._ , 1 ...- - Astandoarosabruth and Boat/ aliOn ottnotelnat .OtiMACT.. P.Ptik. " Y ...4"4114"a'' ' •Adakrk.ld G Paoks.,l.kaver,Pa. , ; d i• , , . Jew Baklann i, VotadpokTO, Tin. 1 - ."- • Erma/int k Clataberka, Chadlttno, 0 ' i ' Boon " ' gt h i kA D 'a I . s gAlligy , ' o.i! car Ways; and 0010161 1041.,tua. lOAWWI-Y ' m &VIC xr.ll" - r - 44=*4 . - i!ierter.latc liioLAHLl .mt..No.l—ctottagf • - mu above regular and ;elf kno ' it4l3eake ' r Park. • .1, no, kV. eammencad maklng ,pr, daily trip. to ,• - _ Jpood, Bette; and will condom pr, tan • booreen -1 ' ~ V a . ant Sorrel cognlnto7lci V the ovum, no A. l !ki k t ig" and i tea l a i g Y rrettc.c, 'lh LP4 4l . 4l)4l c a"k' - - - lawns Ikkaer dolly nto o *look, 4. F 4-0113 Potosandsb 13 oktiodo,l2. - ... ILTlZZ a'a ft=rfetilrn ' et Er ' l7, Wt _ Ilt . or t il o rtxrelWY . :lo l c l a !V i al „ : , Costa k C4aPtottorgh and ClookL%d Ldro FreinLi RC/ Parg , tl , 1.. CO oll, leid/k. rAnxs a. c.., ifraver' Agmt.• ' - 3011 N A. CAUGHEY,Asen a'ttuottrjb, Ito.k_ t i_l , dor Valet en Nokaleld kta Argil 1849:', ' ~..... fITISBUIWII MID aililLitiD LINE ON • 1 ON TEE PENNSYLVANIA AND lIOCLANALS. A.OE Ptoptietots Of Odd old eldabliiked and Dakota; daily lana,conedoung of 5..6'W.EN Ark. els. Condi Soddy owned by doomaelvoa and tOatnn . ut con ned.. nek. non anik *nom bona BEAVER. AND CILF.I3 COPEOIde enabled to ofer addqukr : kd Oo.illk• I .o * Ohs trutiportailon of thigh and plikkagera, on dm :7= l M . = a g i d g ff.ler l en f ordr s Tee= E. FL FITCII4,er Newland- EIDWELA a trAOTIIER. .1 G. air 5 T se a,.'"' • woi, a. __4 ri..b.,gh. i:"11 ::-._;,.: .- ( i'' '' , . i-P- - ,.=77 4 '', I.e.mu'lnu-' . ' 'l-1.4 HER. piwome, -, 1 , till'Og- Bi D w t , .... . a c t e u ta t s , li FOrivartin t , ~ BEAvElUtaa L. Pia' A= tar dz. Pite,thargisor. :. .. 4 axa for ... .I.Sn. , Li" "Lbr`TE ' and WA Cer ~,,_ ~' ii.„,reella Vih. Elergi, the kret- ... psesets tiara ll ' - ` - hallt far the bfeeee tV. 0 .. mp l e Rey Firoseir,,,, oft Wasehrl T,4%,,y,u ng , . 2 . 14,4 .-- for reef'thqt 1:0,,, e end Ore tiSte....o.lione.,,Liort , t:l .7r, tc..r, ther" .1 ishee:Lte ~. ti''', "'1 44 I a fr. E.fl. 1 , - - for eAria II All '-- W ,it,!` --1.-7,TrimIILLO -, 1, (01 ., , ±. ' --42-06,.......___...,y,..- .'". 184 . '' . E _ - _ •.::fin.0110..-.---,--, '..... i 4 ; t ....,., E...t,r..)..... 1 ( • CANA.. _; , -- -- '-' ... Rid V.X_.L.4‘--f..a tAIIO of C.:741 A-mr.°P.ii.P"'''''' th";,Zi:iiiint=dP'9l 1 Boznon 'l7 P `' l lion- 14 % (~,, le. ..nd Fn..„015151.1 gmt.ss"''' WI '. Sosti' Ir n ' t -- & - Iruh nnnirw-n.'r.iiiin '.'l' steamir.bn'tli urTrAme r...jyAri cot!? "gul ..tril BEAVER wePS.Reed. L ‘ 555 ..§ fillehle.. .tratamt . t . .„,, tt t um 'WY ~,, % seleo." s t i. Nes `lonql, •'` Iota; Ed., P .. l ' ' ' 11.01144.6 'l' .51-11EFIV. , ' , ' r ma.r e" it ik. 13%the1 Ayel,A,s7 •sres , .. rers ,l g4 - .7.. .. Mr T-515 ....,y' 1' ffe. !muse: r_l s ?* 00 o h : 3 Pr ' Je. S 15. 4 4. *ICaBI6I-44-Wl ' ellt.=l6 4'i r a lrt 1 117 V arei 4,. -.lo.l33l...,...„bligivElttlrici' Acl4tr. 5145'' 1e,t.10 kLc.,•:•-,- ..'-`;,"';',..., ',. w-miit,-,.„,,,,,Ltt5:e2.11,,101Tra„.11751,N.a ;=1;-,:' ' - ontsimoVt,torg.i7A4..gaii;, Jon.lix,Tl 4,k,f,: - _"- • , -- - ,-... , , • lial"'"'Alsur...,,,Y4 ire, r,torrqd,. - - '' List , q. 2 '' , -, `:' ',.. jdm. it% #._..,....Wk.'"'"". uhakill,P.l,l"st I. Y,\ ~-: _ , ~ , , witt",3l.s" 4849 4 far i gti •:1` I • :;.,-:- Ham ika,. I,',ineed 0-.4.14 • s ' '''-' , _.' .- - ; 111::...." . .-. 8.1471.7 b,, ~ ~1 . . "' Ite,Tt Salmi- 55 g 5 .=, I, e." - 5 ,- ,_. • -1, s' . .31.4913....,„,-Trije,,,,,r5e5e.d.440.,.. „..,serss. 4 -., _, hp o'"'" . " isd pr e e te nt"4.....d .. . is se esq3 i • . L - A.ecal:l4.ll. ro ~ , ,,,mteirert ..g ... ~,,ek r.Z. p....g.-;,,, .6,1. init-Arb:froo...ll ....4.4 4 .-=-, ._ ~,,.! : ,:,„ ~ •At.. nx.4.0.-ur,u.d.,,,,,bili.„„")..terrini,w.d.e.dyii sed smelt . ....,:" ',.• 4.-.7:5.5...1) - ''' '-, zit:, Fee= Ille" a Z 0.114.. JIV E '. met frog . • ' .:::. ..,i , „7-1, ' '....: ' ,'n0n46,...,,.7."'hith.....:d.tr.,-iz,„0,5b:,,T,74, • ~ .r i, ~. .., ..,,i`ll4l-,67..wa.,___Ambegtrp4mun,4,l: 4 --.-.',. -: : -,- t,.d..,Ad-,---um ii,..d.7.-....,„4„, T,,,...iirc4 t , ' ?' ^_. " ' . . tr....,lfProrthe tbaftit24, 4:0- , Y i ",== '• ; ' • bsiCei - or the =l-Ssims-get rn tartr& C. 1.1 ~ , '' , . ..,,',- ~.., --, ,' • .erteelll:=o. ions F. 141 .M.' Csl,,,4gTr' A .-,-... - , i i: ,- , ..,. ,Lt... 0 n oCa e 1 ~,,,,,A , ,0 , ,, ..., , ,g, xl 1 „-. :.. _ T. ?:- ~-..., ,:• -- Nook /we' 131.11,11:w b4R Wr.,',lgitor.t . ' . 't a the boa t -roegzpi..*lttr,.9 _ ”. - -- --, ^' '' ,' l " ,t :- ' Fra ' S ' IlitteVAtt,,,gli• , '44.1,,,,,----11+ %7 I ',. ' ' t f -51'.'.." ., ,-" .:- -0 ''''' n ' en i mul i ruitrus ~.. •:•;...st4-1.; " , ... - .0 , ;,..: -'' -- . :.. - !. -1 7'4T*P - - isilij. T;; -- rilsix , • --...,..-..;. l''-- .' „.4.zir,,t,-.L.1. REq - 1 ''''' ' FefillThall.t2lll=alft,relelLial% fi '-- - :: , - . .. 7:..).111=-4'..agtt 4 '- ' . %. , • - :,..1'..,;"-' Vttra67.1214,3i,04°F44/4, ~, “11". '' ' •-•1, •' . - rgitagrtZetc-t, tr-Aw4-11'"-ax," -: 1 ';,- r'.. - ....' ..-= -, ',1...4*,;fx=rtf._,..,..,g1z,,,7:,,,.4. ~.•;,-4.- .'-:,-!-;;,,,,--!- -oa_st,:vrithd-- tpot ,a-,Ets-- ~44.. ~,, „.... ~., :1 -_-:.,....,„, theif ---..,he 'rat 1.L,,,,,,, - 4 - „., , , ,f .,a, ~,,,, ,-, i' . ...... ~ .. ~, i, ...' . ' ' - 'l b rn a tansigwzr,,taihuoir!..4F - L - Tr.umkr'' I': - A- - -- • ". '-'- , -,:- ' ; ',49" , 'l,l ~,,,,ImOnigi,;;WA. ,!.!........ 1:. -, - ''' .'" ' 1,1•712 Mt, dm47,1.3gri41. , Id 1,'71 , ! '•'''' '-'-'. -1 ' 1 •.', .-, .*- -. ',- '' , AiEeeleteirrye_o ..` a - IhiletlelPhlNA TAAFFEa Noon . ~., • MO 1840 ~.. .I'-..e. ~:...-;..... Id Xi " 1 IlleigPs„.l3.Azdll4.o '..' G 11 1191?°.'..^ ' 77.°12 ,, r,7D°ll4. L.'"""l ' ii ~,.., • '''' ... ' ,', r.migallaX, LK ' i4mlrser,..l •-....‘ '3 -... :- ~ -'„ - '3 ' '.. ', ("1:- ,, ifi: nisstexr . ~,i , .,-,,,,r d prim p '-'..,. Othraes±s_elf,l6,,..; ...._ e.,,,,k,„14... 2i-.'i it .1; , e -.;,--., .-- z 5. ,... ,: ' -,..• ~ ra. 1L " =1 , ,, ,, , , 1 ~,,,,„....1 , r . A .r,r,,:„L. me r ....--....,, L ~-, ,- - -31tainnirdr...16..E.zcZdtt. in th* "7,1 4 1 .• ~.; - ....y: - ..r...;,•",.."" • duotio d“--,-,-..- ions- ~,..0,-wiernet..„..-e,,, ..,•.:Wetins:,nd.e.yolonnn4l„'ioAdea Rol Loa -.,.,A, ..i. ' ''.' ~..,- - .o:t-:- --- ira...-,,ilis.cdretalt:z„..,li. _LUC }....1et 1--.t.=preuerserSeksss.,g, ~,,,h3s. la carry d i ,74 7 , a '.. 3.; .17:1..-'-':irj,-.131'32T13.1.?,,VS- ; 4 4. ~ _ ......I=fsmelellstebr._....t. r . pee. re.Yea515,15 ''C..,.6-7.v'-'1"-q.:?'----:A.'0ythal""'m '4'7'',--7 awk.t-,dl ..7.4.-i30",..40i-lin"-,4.4=';=_.; ~,,,i;.a og , - , ..4,4 the cd , ''l , ,Ne?17:,,:!;;:, ' - ; : i .,.. '' 141. s.livir.1 14 '!.. 1 ?-4. 4 d,fic-;;,5 d,,,j..1 „..• ',. _,.“ 'e•A 1:-'' Z' . .; 3-,. ... ,- . - ?'-' - P'k ,... ,.` , . " iteoii , dv.i..will= 2 “,,,,. or r '_;?:.,....4=E1; '..45.,:7.-nrsadwnot * 51 : 4 1-414 arcom=7ll.,„ "X,,:,:::' Ulgl'Aliphoehrg,..... 4 6 .o‘ l 4 ; *t errr7 '' • . 1, 7 . r ' :-." etA",a l , tin ow , - -77, a t - itiNGHAI k , I ...... ~..... '.. . , ....,,:1,v.• ~..., 1 &DOC ' • . t . = 3. ...- 4111,,- t..f.aeey 1111 , ..,- ,s ~ 1 / 4 .0, 4, • ." ....4,' ol g ; aid .z,V -,-.1.011' • Nar . t, . -; . A _' - Nrreirelegq3n SP% J. 3.-. , ... ,;._., , ~..,...3,..319-11S, 4,11,„,44,=,4.,., ~, ~ ..-:„...-,..:1,-,:i.:::::42....„.,&,:::\.7-A.....,_,rhgatgka n' .. t . „.____:,......,...'.......,., 4 itimion Lairalis: ' 4. - t-,k.; =,..' ,'' -,,"; • 4/0"2"-‘11..ksgr, ifai /b ` • 1 1 , 'tuararmaien,ind , , tvaq.-.iirstrtlNM4,rr rai„..,40, ,`,.sl:-''''';',; 'Ai - - - ' ,, . ',.' ..-,'= 1-hiiiionualgo. W .APplftl i "Vr a n r.l-:4 4',,, 1. ,,.... ..,:f.:.".. - , i&-zr,...).4.1.1._::10,!g..5=-`,..6' ~,i ; ,- ..tE.: 2 '.• 4--•'' ~... 31i5.5----Lier OtiiiiiiVL.. 5- t ..--1--,..1,,,,--,`. .-' 13 2 - 1 - 1 ' e------ .pa sn'tS k`j - i.;" ,-7- . , -.;' , T, .^ • ',Male-T,8,1- ... ci; phibpdelphLt. 4. Cr. _....,. .. 1 . 113 41.4, Dads . ,,ere• ~ , 7 ,,,, ,, ' '-, ',- - A ec opet.Cll'-g-g0 - .1, - 11i1-1,„. 1 1 X ,- ' -„E., ~,,;.I.' T -2 - , "":41-- , ' 1,, sew • , itl• - ---- tr" - ".a -, t , „vane(' .. ,1 • , c * V O 4 •!*• ; :'/' ' . 4 . ;`; , :• : .4 — rvgai1f:.,....,, , ,eitir 1 ! !Ct -.•!, , ''':. ; 1:,•- • ;:4 ; - :•'`.., 4' ," ?''''' ~•:: ,-;=e:. 4 ,, -- -- '.llg-q;;47•:- 7- ' :- '': .: v-f,'--V-.i:, . - E - :'... - c-=-1 - -L' , gin!! ~, •-' ELPSII-s"t .. 47: ' , " . . 7 ' ,..- :c ,- V t., ,,, , :k' . .!=, 3 `..;%- : ~- 1-,- ...‘ - P. , ',:•:', - ---_, - -.malty IL .. e, - il ea= nir ,,,,,c o_j1„, .....,,,,,t : f•••• . ~.--.,,,- - ~ ,. .....-i, - ..- -, go - 1- ..--• -- .-,_ .- ~, -- , - ~gleotosmoo, se _ = llisto ,-.4bi ~ ""- K ,, . - = -4 :4-''';-:. - -, i. -, c , r kmde 4 ..,,,,,,a 4P ` 4" posaton., 1.: ' V ` 3.-- ' ' ; ,- :=:1: - . -, ', - - , `4 T .;, -' ..,_ .t. 7%,"" 1,444. .- M- ' ' ayd - k -'-, .1 „ .....r.. - ...,..., 1, , ~_-,..- _, ...- ... ~,,,,,,tess, ..., ‘4P-'ir:',l4kl:-;,4 ', : 'l, ' 4: * will ai rra .. . • '‘t".'-'''77 pflii%,T4lerit ~, F i'- ` :, -' , -, ,..t0a.,„. ~a. -i;*--,-4w.e.._.1., ik,„,4 -i - - -- 2 - FsgErio..,.. a. •-....1.4...,,L,7 raol,.laizu, • ' • „ ....;.• ~,..,, , 1,14:,,, --ii r ,. • .. wiz..*aracifr.,_(.4 , ~ ~,,,,,,,,-..-z.-17-g,:,,' ..1_,„..„.0 ,, tr..... it. a dk riviit-1,1 f, t"- D " Gin!lM7,_ . 1 : 1 -e,.4-;[ ' -.1 , 1 :', ,,- T -- ,•,-".t',` : - • Wormu"Pli4,,•l ' ka4l--',-'7"'-08211T, ~ ,,-, :e5 P L4,- " :1, : - ,-,,t•-: "„ F : l ,' .- -,-,_:-,.- .." .-,r. , p ''',.:i - - ' , 5;','7:7'... ~4::.:',;':-,::7:'-.s''_-K: .tr7= -- • -',-, - 1,- tiz , ; - :;6§- , t! '-, I , • -----,z...,1,;i:.-...., -' - . , --, - 1 -,,, - ‘,l!lfil ', d , ::5.- • ',,-;,.,„ , ' -- --,;.L..- L:l4 'l'',,,---.--r ,==t"c4==,,, ~. ~ „, • . ; . zit dot ipTATEAtret O ff e . •lyfolor' 41; obdte - ITic g e i n aerthilly inform IhieVab ".thitt'ther are gamed to rweeive and for med Weighted% deslrgeh, nod at lowest rams. They tauntafw ceititra attention of Aimless East- Mirid to*, g et dies the •Iftet r ecialoyed br them to de:eveedate; ate owned by them arid commanded by iie_rfraiectr dt ereini.: idaggess . Mess Is Dalgenll _Sad admatageons IT ititejuthe taincritiers have -Co se.' IWrigezientwpeColzoibla us wee siteh freight for Ilia tiotliWibro lan d de s tirie acrUyli f era cod, thercLyq fta watch ,T deer through to the j;VeW ' D'TO letle torrerid geliWng or advaneiag Kure & Fro 11ai4 Sea g t ro ., z, t. Pbzur, Chimionali, 0 ; itoegfik ga. Balsamic, ,Tris Steel & co, Ptil%'ffeaes Thoraa., ' mehhl Its:l — “ — r ---- . ....!5t 6'331.1 CAJNAL. t - 6. 1464.014 1849: -.3.4- ~, EVINIES VANX , PACiET LINE, ,'4l. .1 4 .40,4111Erders Pkilodslitkia end Babileors. h , , . .111:Jelustvely (or Pessen,„-ers), , itg , giotlte ere respeetfa.l7 Wannest that Mrs Line t hi, • will ratanse.a running em hjetidsir, igai Mara. it ; ,tawag÷'shis Line sue of • amenogelass, with reglergett which will give greater eatafen to P6 454 45 5 n , - , .'lst beat eri , lalimsys be io port, and travelers sze re. griststee to eitll and szoodne them before engssirrg pas ,urwlty othrir routes. They wilt leave th e lambus, op . ' the IDS. Bowl; corner Penn street and genet. OaryaliglaNtll Weiner. i, : • XAIF,E—TaNII.DOLLA RS THROUGH . I% i , k - +91 —..31 Dap. 2 VtiVrortuttl66, apply et the diet, Wrongs-has '64-1 - X- • 1). LEECH fr. Oa, Canal llama. ils . Tea proprietors 01 dm abov,, Line are now halidingateaddatuotal Una ofPaekets, to run as above 11:16.01.*Mulijune 1.1.,131 - CclonertiOn wlth the Petitt.6l- 6nla Rod goad from Lewistown, to Philadelphia_ At *Kt dem a peeket will leave eters minims and evgu. IPlLffiitiosiMirmelt, OS Oels. .i emote —' 01 Is 1 life, lOkiggi 1849.„-Mia Ter,..the Italutporlation of Otercmteume, pEritiß 7 lal PHILADELPHIA AND PITISIIUItraII. ODDS Or Iseter*lol=ea'andl4l:sleolpiTta,"'lsmehigPeV. bed llsfollOectloo Yonabli, ISaacs Over.W.d .Ad w.. eari,so sharpen el .Ateretiondas requiring sea Itresdinti„ons is of importance. No Menge mode for , retevistrdrshippmg, or for advancing cameos. Al teft6 foretiardseler dispatch, ted au as wessemble ints as bf any other Lute. M . . I J OHN lADti A - Co, ii - Canal Duna, Penn st, raublugh 1.1 JAR 11l DAVIS i Co, II most' ; VT blarkettr.s4 Commerce at, Phil. 11 MAIN 544"ADLIS it Ca, -Potwanling and comas. I dea Farcliants, Canal Esain, Pen al, Pittsburgh. tI JAMS al DAVIS It Co, PLenr Funnies and Commis ' Wlerekults, V 7 fdatket and 54 Commerce '" sweet, L _ID 741666 made bienithes of the abort on floor, 41V00111.12401h7.1 Mesehntullso esolligned go them for ' - A masse L. 7.. 1849 ---.1 - -' -.--•. • ~nuitiTss.errho weir PUILIGUIT War. E . Fat lartsville,Jahristogra, Itolhdayaburgh, and i • 1 1 all later mediate places. MIMS Una sill condo.° to carry all. Way Goads 1,1, alt lantr usatkl deep.-Bh, and at tau row or /rola Agiani-C. A. WANULTY & Co, Polsborga. Ca, r D Wakefteld,Johnttoartt. t , r Jahn Mar.. Holladaysborgh fatomutd=t—latora Jordon, sm4 Or. Marini , Di. F oenbarger, @ Moon, John Parker. =8 F Vonrldano tat. & Cal, lllta Lasted & Co, /no 2.l`Dovnt & /trot, IntbatA John Ivory, Sionit,Blalltollon &R. Jou tall &a, Blatrardle. atchS7 , a turxv(putics 4 fkos.PACICECT LINE. i t atEM 1848. tail, !iIEdiVESAND CLEVELAND LINE,ma WARREN. ‘ t Illanstrasket—SWALLOW,. Copt...Ford. j" e " OCEAN, Capt. Wafers. cfir. on the above Packets leave •Bmver every day, . fibmPays excepted) and arrive next morning at -11 aim, where they natret with,the nail binges for ,Ahren and Cleveland, arrumg al, each of them phima adore mthf.. O ne alike Duckeishemetit arren flatly, pas e. My 2.1 arrive at Deaver in time to take Me 2'4.lABS""ir...LEVPlliiDialtaNnarma, i . . ?tomtit.. I ill BTATafft. • I 1 sawn AED ERIE PACEET LINE. ' 1 In can noVILI. i -Lam IrregtflVirmr.vast:, Copt Jerrie.; 1 i u i 6 . Tattionamu, ` ,, t Pollock; Kam, Traby; 1 t " .F. " PILTIV3I4, . Brown; • .. _j ".., " . Fatmunia j it Sayer. I Th e above now and apiendM Passerf ir Eck co have JicontamnOed miming between R d o n L EHI I andj willttmri reititilar ooym ly daring the —one boat i oe , and one Mar '''''''g Vet crery eve ely = ' B Zi c a l lety k alter Me arn. .0 otg . mentriboat Allehimn from numerals. i! tfL. ta am new and comfortably tarnished, and j ' wal A it brought in forty Mara Pamengera tO ort, I *rum tabs L i ea, or to Nimes. Falls, will end tho ; route t.* most comfortable and expediumra. Tickets 1 Womb fro all pore on the Lam can ba proctored by ..14"4:W the .. "''P''''. REED, PARK? A Etiti heaver. , `.. JOHN A. CAUDILEY, Apt PitoLorgh, cor. Water wt , so ' t I t Ef —Jae C E on, Buffalo, NT. CAI Reed, Ene, D. C C Wick,Greenvill , Pa, ' L....7 ' 4 l arkVi ia =;12./43:di.Z., . - W C Idalaa,SliatoN It's; ' DC Mathews, no.l, Pa • Wen Camel ha.. Now d.. 1.. n.. WV DDILICE & CO'S FAST ReTFILEI9S . FOB lIIMBERLAN • N D BALTLMORE, AND THE Irroprieton of ON lino have put on New Stock, fag are prep du forgrOd pulpeze. of all de. se pthaeas daDy: at the lowest rase. J. C. BIDWRLLAgene, Water street, Pkokbargh. ROBINSON BORON, 91 Soath Charles et, I.ll.ll4uLpre :PsiSanger and Mang&lassos Oar. •• LLANILDEN a CO. commie to bring persons j f ro m goy part of England, lelongcettard or Wales, upon the mow liberal re with their astallie . actuate, sold anention to the wants and ewe tort o !Many - nom We do not allow owpasseagers to pbe robbed by the sanedling wasops dun threw the sea orn we lake charge of them the moment then ru• pcirt thlainselven, and see to their weth'being, cod de irpatehirm withant coy demonua by the first clips.— We m, _kr th is rearluthy, as we defy ore of our puree. pas idle- how that they were detained 4th Ileum by as in Laverprel, orkilst thnusands of sobers were druoned artmthLuthil th ey eonld be sent in game old crath at a eh , which too frequently peered their coffins. e to perform ae a contact. hoaorably~ con d .ithe her 'alliceny—esho either performed nth all, oi When glstrited Mete convetherice. Draft. drawn ad Pittsburgh far any roes from 'labor at any alba prow:end Ihniks to ire l a ,Seelland and Wale. • • JOSHUA ROBINSON, Campeau end General Agee,. • geld PAN etreebeine dam athow Wert BiaIID, ratotEHOO.G. MOWN would respect irm the public, Mai he hand ¢t his stand on the of the Daamoud, Alle tp, a comptate amen- VelatianEllinds, also Ve lma...s are made to or . best style, cremated any bathe United State.' ads can be removed math aid of a screw driver. pa based th a stock, la'food addle cabinet.- bent of Rah:Walt SPClel ant prepared to famish d enstomeas, as well as r Ming In Meat litm. , Pitobergti. .I. A. GROWN. Xmiasmic receiving, die ma Gcm the mannfaembir. in New York, Philadel phia end Dalll.OlV, a large aed aelected assoro meet eallthe latest and mom leyptdvml styles of sa tith.aas- and uaratnort PAPER HANGINGS, con 4. " 100 — plece of Parlor and Preaccg :1400 0. Halt and Colsemi ' Dining.rooto, chamber and oft., -Papet—which I would panicolarlyinvitethe attention of Mane having - tonnes 111 pVer, to Mallard examine, at th e Paper oft. HILL, el wood at CI XILBUTLIPiOT heseontmenced to !reties it 1.../..¢...large asscrunent of Fancy viduers GOODS, tonsideang to pen of Artificials, Ribbons, Laces, So. -store; Gloves, Crape,,Leisw, Caulbrica,Nenings, Lace Vello Shawls, Pongee Ilandkereblefs, gents Cravats, gingtoin and cotton Handkerchiefs, carded Skirts, tlewibg Silk, Threnda,Buttons, Combs, Jewelry, Cat. lory,db.e. kn. • Codrary and apy, merchants arc ice. ttally invited to call and ekentine Ida stack, No 04 Voted street, corner of Diamond alley. - meb2o RACT OF COFFEE—An article which is ra. idly coming into 11. as a wholeaosne, aourisidng 4. nod . rieum. beverage, being more pleasant and pal atal, thsw common Cadet, scid far cheaper. as a unall pa , .ostmg , only ten cents, will go 0.1 far as four po of Codee. Alannfattorrid toy JOHN S. (TILL Pinsbureb, Pa. 841 isl wholesale by B A FAIINESTOCK I ibti, to i tend Wood and Sieth nod Woonweets, litteporgli . apll eI*FGENIA RUBBER GOODS—Just received, 1../. Caws Blanketr, 20 officer coats; 1.2 pr. Pants; 'lb phrs nes lined Idlelng Boots; LILA.. Bags; 3 wet& Tanks, 0 and I:2 gallons caeb, P 3 canteens, { galtibi each; 1 dos Durkelts , 1110007. Sett% I deotled eartSrio do do. The above goods for sale at the Cab forirapt ring Eatablishment; NOP Wood mt. . - ch 24 , i 10 II PHILLIPS . ...._ _. BSORTED SPICE—Pct np for family use, in lln C.Alld, endow-din a sliding Ed bra. containing Mustard, Alspien, e • annanton, Ginger -... 4 Molls., Nogg?, pied pima For +ride at them. , Spice and antasy, comas of Ferry Jr. Libels es. - JOHN ll BELL AlylLN—Wrougbt loan Anvils, (ma tile Tempe r • ancosillo works, sranantedi will be the -On Fond and sapplind to coder, by ' ,nl9 GEI) COCHRAN:2I Wood st dIaIIEII.III2IAUX 11E&RTI1, manalacturad Isom a Xj., , taimioi, article of Boli.ar Fire Britt Clay, id ,1.. e slid for sato by . KlXtt tr. JONES wmr..ov.w,ium baying wed a ilearfb of m 13.1, iiiditily and gotaalantara for ibn pas - coign:con mom' progo.= TIO urices it oaparlor la the bentiairdu. in genera' .., coa , di NAI3 BRANDI Ed--11ITZTpric• 'aria; ier ' enobigos, ofour own importation per Commerce 4rag Illordeaati Jut reed and for sale by f: .74114 , t , '. i !mu.= & nicKgrsoN ust reeifir'id, 0 lie . atitifol moat 0( 41 1 , 141:m 5 r guatemene p f.:old . 0:2 fw4aeurainga of 22 carat goLl l3 se PP.= Flunr Rum, Mo a t Pins, nocelete, Gold Pool, AVrilehl.S, &O. W W WILSON, earner C. 17 and Markel S. tsr XIW/NllSS—lioireetread at Zeutdon • - .44144 67 Minket tam,. - .. .:44.11C1ps colored Velvet Ribboose,inturrla colon; ." - • egarMlacry GUM 1014 nage ke. 'MOLL OF ruvr of. ncEs, “u. 1" 4/1 "" Wait ri atu. Ovate,- : tsitddralt aliAtabell oo ms.h, oa a g 66l pup 11 1 1 L I roll A (M rtim e t = 4.7p " .••,ittlya VtO Cl! b) ID~POft — tirl *repp ft. — Just iyeM try JOIDISTOi sToorrorr, apt? sad Karkei Ct! ' i • Pl*R44paiu. F.lipilaPo.olll2 , thigtqCll4)3:LaThag am di WV . IT 0 1.7 wllehnee .„. 6.. 0f the LE: :Joao klieg rash eedit of Otheit Arta • M wtqw , Caoteth*litiao tOMlMaXeullel4fluai: IlFetatiniMite( theymblie this serz M Medicines, • ..., nimble Citureormeh kw the advantage of I bare/Med yourNertegagekergily inlay owit Wt. GO ars In Mathielag the old and. neva invention.... UT, we Mal frequently asumermg eapellinglazge I gather. gm' (mY to Mtrute , freet tuna elnidroat , 'l The utility of AL inveldion wareni, as by a arml bee. eh* eved y..laver Pills sad Wish Elyrap In pie poxes, the a t is horned bmwalliihe das . hoolor h, and. the .mitre and they have la entylustanew predated dnea. wag *in t oned of the efeetrieslred. Charm as It ea be applied to any Mare to ma, wad . .he em•engeged nweeltendlaM/Y. l an able to for one dollar am have ell the 116DMVCCUMS of IEO mats that hoe. Yet to bear of thu hett Were V.v. use combined with thou of gathering the Boner la yea, mamma have becn need in my .01 , [tian 11V. , the usual way, reentry. In eoncleston, Lmay ripe that they am the The public are inched to call and judre for Mete medicines Mille day, and Me daunted to ham • 'MT selves before perrinuing elsewhere, at ST. corner of estenslewpoynlasity. Years, resprellay, mower and Fillh Prep or et 03 Diamond alley, be- W. 11. Put=.l. mown Wood Put Market sumo, Pittsbarel. l'repared and sold try IL E. YtELLEBS,No Ea Wood wyr TROP.SEvt. mem, and.tote by Dumps. generally to the Wm ci ues and vmmity. oft uvgitaiSCHMlNlT;lie 1.. T original, only trot, and germinal Liver PILL SWIM Coat, Ohio county, V. Worth W 111,1641 Mr. R. E. sailw: Rear Sir—l Mb* It I tally 1 0•0 to you mid to the public gmera 11, to Mote that I hove been &filleted with the Liver Complaint for a long and ao badly dull arCabeetta fanned and broke, schletiell ms in a very tow state." Having bawd or your celebrated Liver Pilli being for sale by A R Sharp, hi West Liberty, and recce.. ~ d to Ito by physkian. Dr. E. Smith, I concluded so one them fair vial. 1 purchased. one box, end fm. them to be pm what *boy are reementended, THE BEST LI VER PILI:EVERUBM and aftertaking four born find the disease has entirely len me, and 1 ism new perteetig Well ItorpectMlly yams, D H COLEMAN. • Vint Liberty, March MR I certify that I am persoually acquainted with Mr Coleman, and can bear testimony to the of ARS P To::crn:e Liver Pin. are prepared andoid b E gELLERS, Wood Sweet, and by dnaggit In the two clues. TO THE PUBLIC...-Tho original only true and gen nine Liver Pills are corporal by RESellers, and hove bus tome tamped as black wax twee the hd of each box, and Ms rignatere on the amide wrapper—el olden ire asumerfelts, at but imitation. sole it E SELLERS, Proprietor . eY it Fthe Rev ASA SH AS INN, a well known Amanita ohm Clergsmattef the ProtestanthiethodirtChmel The units disc Manic becataßlictaiduring theorist later, With a disclose ofthe rwmach, sometimes pro. dating penman in the stomaratter tenor twelve boon ornhootimermisaion, and after. having Wed 'mime, remedies with little etrectortuf Washed with a bouts of Dr I) Jaynes Carodnative Uslamdt. Thu he aced me w:dingle the dbectiOns, and found t hree Mat this medicine closed the Cain to abate in three or fora min utes, end in fined 07 100017 reresevery meaty sensation was entirely mdmed. medicine Was terwthistmed whenever indioadonsof Me acetone , ol •paluirete perceived, andthe pun was thereby proven. ed. HO continued to use Me .medicine every tooting anti tomes al the morning, and in • few es hoolth souse farrestored,thot the ardiererwas relies from!ed lallre =MUM of oppressive' paid'. From es mmeneel theretbre, he can confidently recommend D Jayne a Carminative Balsam, as a Salutary medic In for Manses ofthestomach and bowels. A SHLN ND Allegheny city.o3l For itle,in Pittsburgh at the PERIN TEA STOII 73 Poet* greet, near Wood, and also at theDrog " SCHWARTZ. redeye! dose. Aileron. VABLE DIJICOVEILYI CONBUDIPTIVBS, BB ON YOUR GUARD. DR- SAVAMF7.4 COMPOUND SYRUP OP WILD CRESOL . 1311:110111Wi ILNXITYTOII ooustntolon Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, U. er Compla int, !envy( Blood, Di/bully of Breath. of 1.1‘41, Side ° 1"g':. icliutatohßore Throat, Nem. Deb ty,snd DiectSee th e the Throat, Mean and Longo, netietef ?y , _ toenail sod eneedy cure C CT Idtovrn for any of - above dine's . es, is DII.i3WATIVVer 001spotand Syrup al Wild Cherrpr Thiagesdne I. nolonger among th ose of doubtfal nobly. It haspessed away from the thousands duly lerunnhed upon :halide of experiment, and non stand. mem m pp.ado*, and is beteming mere extenere. ly WWI than any other preparation of meehaine ever pm:tithed for the relief of suffering man. It his been leonine. eery generally tbrouh th e uadd States and Dmps, end there Co. Co mas:f impoitence but +that to COMA testunkable &nen. of Its..rd, erect. For proof of the foregethg matiMents, of the value sad ethcaey of nos mud ine;dre proprietor will linen a fern of the =thy thou sendthatiotonlats Which have bum pfesented him by nano/ the fast respectability -co. aim hace higher Mena of =nal responsibility and justice, to cer tify to hate, becalm it mill do another te favor, and thenstelyss no iniastice, Bach testimony proves eon olusnaly,that its onmislag excellence Is estithlished by its inninsth menu, and the umptestionable eatEori ty Of public opinion- The instantanrous relief it theist end the mothers inilueme dine. through the sehohl frame by ire see, ruders It • most agreeable remedy On the adhered. "When men, awing from COUselenl/0. impulses, voluntarily bone testimony to We truth of • timer, or pantheist fact, ouch testimony, being com racy to their worldly Luterel ie and pnrposes, coerces conviction of to tenth, and commend , itself in a special manner to anieersal ensdettea.-o'llogsn's Morel Maxima READ 110b16 CEIWITPICATM gitiLL Annexe Coax as PISMO.= Cosammasr , — ramp mem was a remedy dun has been no racer-than in desperate eases of Calthmentioo, as Dr. Peraynele Cestogemsi Syrupof Wild Chum, It streng th ens the TOet, alai appears to Leal the altars on the teem. neer and rich blood; paws peasessed by no other medicine. Cu.= Co., April 1819. Dlscaste—Dear Pitt I verily belie. your Com poundl3 P.m of :Wad Omni has been th e mouth of wing my bre , I cenght a severe cold, ertdelt grade city gem nurse, amended crith • severe cough, th at relented ell the Peomdies widen 1 bad mean . to, still. inetessing until my ease exhibited ail the mental. or Pelmoisara Conseendloo. Forery thing I mei seemed 5 , 00 ug , g yy g .gy i .g.e. complUnt increased so vapid gmeg meads ms well as 01. 1 176.* . op haP - m. of loymeenery. Arens time I nes recommend. to tr y leavelstebter.todree I did zenith the most bor. pp Malta Teeniest bottiolend the offers minims the tiro".uoirt4yf.' * d=:l.l"i'.?:dl.-71=enrirtedir;:ell- :Lithe= eon es Sentry a cone- -t. CV. W. to ;nib, tad would be be-fly! to rt. any Information respeethig my ciao, that @M.. nearer , may dense the benefit for which IMe no grateltd. For the crank of the abot attteastail:r you m Peon Roth, CU.., Weal Chatter, of whom I Pareltaxed the madlaine. y yen" Luxes blasute. • Wonderful Curs of t litichafiu Itruartrr. ru,srrrynu—anur Sir. I feel e debt ef granted., dm ex Ton --and a dray to the of generally, to tart. ex, oftle testimony ha of year Carttpound Sy. pop Wild Cherry. Some three years game I was 'Wendy at with cold ett4 ittettleSelitett of the which •waa encompassed wall • distressing LlRmai in the breast and Mad, a m e considera ohs discharge of offensive muem frtun the loop, cape. bran[ o ften eltange.4.l ..,...ttlanrosbar aru er ... eligh p L . At mad eenvinactlthat I sem rapidly got late aoransm7.- tiwy daily weaker and at length was mama liable to walk about, or siteak abo lu n gs.hisper, such was the came:ding weakness of soy Darblg this time I bad tried 'aims preparations and lams:Apneas, bat found no reDcf—growlog all the time wore. lust here I was viral and per:meal by tt dear friend fa Wilmington to male nisi of your Srrup of Wlld Cher slr I mem teams Mat premomly I had been prem. dicad against patent median., and Ism against dune condres oof the he of empectes, but ander standing year ut r claim. to the prefessten and mode. o f , medicine, and having implleit faith the sarong of my ffiinds, I forthwith purehmed of Dr. Shaw, one My dia. of your aqms, few bottles, and counnancedits ma ease veal at that time. of TOW 23 months , minding, ettno Witten:EY it was deeply seated. I foontl, howeam, samiderable relief from the use of the first four or &ye Wale. DM being a . publie speaker, I frequeraty at, re .th with =lt, cgun and :=4 rirttis I+4, doubt', lost1 ost 4 m ' y stare wes Snag retarded. In commentate° of acting than ErnYnttEentiY, I had m use twelve or fifteen bombs before I arm per. Welly reamed. I have no gumbo°, a mud, smiler nnabee bOttle• wottld have made me mooed, but for dm above indtserenna The Syrup allayed the fever fibtuthir, took * away the disnesdng cough, pot • .my * the discharge of Mauer from the loom, lad gave theta and the °nate gone grial Mai*. I have defer :ad offerint this certficate until neer, for am puma* Pilaurfectly wished with Me permsratocy al Me sate, . s now than feel perfactiv , stalll offer u ;Omura. Dublin county, N. C. 1 JOS.* Importa Cariasm—liaidl &o&a& Ihere Is b nt lame gentane ereentsnonof Wild Cherry, end that le Dr. Sworn's, the first ever offered to the pablie, which has been sold largely throughout the Una= Rua. and mote par of Europe; and an pre parations caned by the mew of Wild Cherry have bohn pea oat since =gout= cover of some decepove itremostancee, in order of give eurremy to their vacs. fly • Rule obserration, no person need nage= the genuine from hem. Run bottle of the ecotone ts enveloped with a ;remain:l steetengisvlng, with the Deems of William - Penh thawing tie,also Dr. Etwayne , e ehrtatare and as farther security. pt of Dr. Dwayne will be added beresher,so es to diathoptleh pis prmesnulonfrout ',Roam Yiewill tt WWI sot tot the grealeuradva properties and Yawn "W.. of Dr. etwaym Compourni.layrup of Wild Che rry, persons would not be eudesnarted.tvive enrrenes to their "Actiticata nostreme n by og the num *LW= Cherry. Routembet, always beer in Enka the mute of Dr. Swam:l4ga= not deceived. Principal Dace, corner Of Eighth and Race steads, Philadelphia. For sale wholesale and retail by oaDEN A sNovi , - .0E14,00r Wend Wood au; LI A PALINESTOOR Co, cot lett= Wpod, awl dat and Wood Our; Wfd T.llORN,WAlarket et; 8 JONES,IIBO Libony et. LAS A - JONES, CAW Hand md Pena erg Kitiri MITCH ELL., Allegheny city, and by all respectable =Wars In medians. oett3 A STRONG EVIDENCE thst Dr JAYNE.* EX i3 I. miseries to all ethic rosedias for Desti.Coassasptlsa, Detasehltia,,atahanood aher Vaasa way eVedlowsla that the same pew= Ishoessasseoesall the toe of It its the& 4Wl= hot rats ago. slit I prefer It Is all onoseties albs k ad when avy hero tom Mooed I o ssappost alol try . o.tter prepatal4esse th.ry tsars atm. isrearia.hly bon • m receiving thelmat which ova reaawahty latiattolall from the high podia. tatoweg by the peopnelors, and hoe Wanted to thease el Javan' ETISCROWT Reedy that too weer &teats. ration, theta, .ad which pebbly sour had Ito egml ltseems. Peeparal ealy-OrDt D. JaA n tlsli = oa at.vl ALEX. /EV NEB Wetted. et — DrTlACPTlttland , s Prom Wes Piaster. jig W. P.OLAND,ofthe tadieulCollege bf Phil jJ =waren to tha public hie halm Veg table Prennam Pasta, an =alias of which, atter laultrld o eijr=l4l been teX u to . 2 . 7l Prolaprei theca or Fallen Wo ' ent: ' ,.h Y e rev:moan& his Vaster, guaranteeing a sore artel sreedy =re be the - short apace of from two to thee weeks,.lf *plied with gare . and rest—dlecarding all the 11 as instruments xpepeive bandages so long In ea. The he feels eenseetesteauS In elating, Inseanwh as he ha. out failed ono =so oat of three hundred and 11117-three pa ants. id7o for Rhenam L mim and Weak Ban or Doak, at. tended with painibere is nothing to thla Pluter arronling relieror effecting* ear. excel For rale try Lcoroar of Illiamood Markel Brun k. Bettor, 0 Liberty mul Bt. Clair ar Dr.; &rota. Federal et and Diemond, alio . -Omni havers k. Co, 0 Denman and Diamond Hirano* , : 10 , • E. SELLERS , Dr*Cll,n, Na 07 wood AILSoId Agent for the sal. of Dr. Towns.td's Go is "usoe.g.moug ha. jam resolved Mr.. dosedof Ude 'Groat Ewing - end SWAM. Modlehme. Purehaiern shoeld recollect that R E Sellers le sole ',gun tor Plltiburgh, And DM Carry for Allegheny h.p3 • • re OLD ANO SILVER PATENT LEVER WATCH- Vi" IM—Llano;] Wataltes, made by dm salabratad Cooper cd London, M. J. Tobias of Liverpool, and a Jorge assortment otdetarlod Sold .1.1 Los.% midst's the best Simeon mandamMors. , SpostacJne 6(.01 kinds; Communion Were in sets,• Gold Pens; Jearetry large varlets, Silver Spoons, Yorks, to. • W.Lth .I. l fino exec:god In the best manner. W W WILSON, corner Market and 4St Es llisecAnars ENGLAND—FIarpea am edilion, .IYI a vo.,mit . von.* dab—Maas pow Tatham "Far =lob, . 10M9TONt nOCITTIM, WO' most ll,iutetasl i 1 W ~~ ~^~. TEM undersigned baying been appended Agent of the Ifloseemin Brine& Serrer flan Com rum, In the place of John Finney, Jr, maned, re spectfully Informs Ihe'publie and the friends and tes ti:muea or the Company, that be is prepared to take I M' freN4r37 . 't i Vtlr Fi stree ' " L A. Vbt't.littllMPlA' their myts Again- T.TLIBR kicreiul—lloo tent I In. 3 ply India Rubber JUL. Hose—Rua renetted for the Borough of klarieb.- ter, which:will be held is sone for a feet days. The Bolton Belting Company express • Au ow-desire the the fire departmconi of the cities of Pittsburgh and Al legheny to call.*examine arid make • trial of them. The company la mining to pet themto any test they thlek proper to eimeltult urn. II PIIILLIPRK wood st ria --- Fir. 'ERE 81.111SCIRPTION (.IPWhial tho Citisamtlmatranso Company of Plustmrsh, wtll be opened in the Rooms of the Board of Trade, on atoll...l?dors:fay °Mosul:der next at It/o'clock, n. Was Latimer, Jr. Robert Woods, Wm. B. hltClure, Joseph Plummer, S. hi. Kier, J 0.1.11 Mug, John Sheriff, Alm Roseburg, and B. D. rimj, aptbnitsErst C0M1111.1.... CRinb W IQ PARRY has invented a machine Co. washing Gold, for which be has made application for a patent They ma now offered for nab at the ware- • ousel of Parry, Scan k Co, No. IpJ Wood street, Putaburch. Adventurers m California are meted to call and amine these lab...sing machines. They me simple In their fOillannliCel, easily crampon. on the bask of moles or bones, welching nighty peonds cash, and can be TM to operation In halCan hoar. They c. be Lb. wok Trevino.. It is the opinion of three who have men the Lialpfatte of thew maekioeeofsmalien ttels am. o oboe two m r e e ” arViu w e a li k ay th e , it'hoi7llllielrom tbll l of a panicle of the mineral. They can be if size cad worked by wooer or mule power, if expedienk The operators work without gooey Into the inner or being exposed to wee, and eonselpieutly without env danger* their health. They twill require but • small stream of weer, and ems ho the whole season, d can be pat let;ope - ;Sloe wbere - lhere . ieel ;m. eat water la wash Ia the usual way. Price of =tallest size lab. Orden from abroad, Sr napattled by tub, will be promptly filled. EL PANAY, at Parry, Peon a Co'., feb6-dtt No 103 Wood at, Pittattureh. - Maspratt T HS subeenbers are near acclaim their Pall Week 1. of the above article, throe vessels, vizi dm Awn., Medallion and Lydia, keying !mired at Philadelphia mid Habanero, and two more, she Stephen Baldwin and slimly expected; they are, therefons, prepared to receive orders. Thug WM receive during the win ter and erring regular apples we New Orleans. navy W t /1 MITCHELTREE OUNT EAGLE TRIPOLI—For cleaning win- Jig doves and lamp glasses, silver plate, brass, Bra- Manta, and other ware. It rapidly takes out all spots arol stains, and reproduces the beautiful sod durable lute of mew ware. Jr. received and for ...le, whole. tale toad retail, by JOHN D bIOROAN, pr..l Draggut ltir FL &OIL. H. HA RTItIAN havolg sold his utter- J.est ut the co-partnership of Coleman, Mailman & Co., to the rerroduing panzer. au this day retired from the trot. February 10, 1840-tf birrsauktin haNUVACTUILES.- The 40.4 Agent for dm manuNemrers, has cm band and is mit aady receiving • hill supply of theartml. made in Pituburgh and mcinny. which ha Mims for Std. or maaufactaren price.. GEO COCHRAN, febV 26 snood st NDIA. RUBBER PAHTE—I ran bottle. India Mill i. ben Paste, ut excellent article forrendesini. boots and shoe% perfectly water proof, sad sort as a piece of cloth. Due application of this paste is sufficient to make Them nopervtous to under ford or 3 months, and a pecfect preventative from the loather cracking. Heed and for sale at the ham Robber Depot, No 6 Wood at, fa= 1 fe II PHILLIP% _ LOWELL ALCOIIOI, AID PURE APIIIT , Corner Fran% end Vine nreen, Cineinstail, 0. /51) hatrse,No. 715 Foarth itmE =boated ?tram rovers faslsTarkey sad Minis do • do Table do Fled sla do Wonted do do do do Illotderlng; Von Damask . ; Ccrpet Elndlngs; Green =teen ALSO—Cunps Chalice Tampa= Shadesl Seliprons Views do do Turkish do do do. Chines, do do do Drapery Mar.,. do do Moonlight Views do do Landsespe do do do T Wattles do .le Cord and Twat., Balers and Wats, Hack rallies, Bolos Enda. Tn. above Goods are or the riches*and newish styles, to watch we invite the attends= of our friends and customers, sod those wishing to fernier or on- Pion iA steam basis and bosses. mar, W. Iit'CIANTOCK NEW C.Ailliglii=rieeelWr titis — a y itirearti — vai the mentifeetwee— New style Tepesuy 3 ply Carpets, exalt super; do do do do super; do do Brits.ls CarpetA . do Brussels, s p ry ebeaS, do de Web colors says. Ingrain do 44, 34 and Att beery Venetian do 44,3-4 and 68 common do do AU of .bleb will be sold et a small edema., end vrlll averwitee ea lose as ewit,dparettased In tbe eut 0e5443 W bITIZITOCK.,I3 Fourth cc COACH MAKING FROM the very liberal enebaragel nmet the enbsedber has received knee he ties 10C11C4 himself to Allegheny, has iadseed Ws to take a leue,Gyr • term of years, on the Prnr-rtY ha row occupies, in Deaver inner, esonedlate/1 beside, the Presbyterian Charch. From the long experience In the shove trimness and a desire 4s plasm, he hopes to ems it sad reealve a stare of priblis patronsige. New on band and Saran to order,'ltocksmay Beg- Eies, open and top Motes, and every description of Verrtages nude to order from seventy-live d o llars LO • isto Minaret lircAdtfl s The Wile lousy Ceettea A T ib thAanottal . of Om Car . Gaustaly set= Managers foNt7 ' ents THOMAS to- UOW JOHN DISSELJ., NATHANIEL HIRA .ILSSE CAROTHFI R., I WILSON APGAR lIL }Manager. JOHN 11. SHORN JAMES R. SPEER, I. new, Jr, Seeman , and Tree= The annual statement presented ' Company in a veryprosperetm consili In the city to No. 77 Water street ~:~~~r.~a.:~~ry3:c•~~y , .::oJ 4 * . VENMAN BLINDMANUFACTORY Gan aide at he Dimmed; her Verutien Blinds of all the different sines and colors are kept on hand or made to order ads the latest and moat approved Eastern Mali. ions, at the shortest notice and on the moe reasonable mats Alm, the cheap Boon roller RIM HUM Transpa rency and Paper Cattalos °fail the different slim and parttime, en bond andtor ante leer for cash. Old 1 Perd u. /Was painted over and repaired, or taken in part pnymers ter nee, It hi WESTERVELT, Pro'pr. N. It—/nit arm. don. ..Pith ,the beat material and workmanship, and warranted to please the most Ma ndlona. atigle-dly Allegheny coy, Log, tO, ISM LUgUICAN 01/3PANY ILLSIXotI, LIO .311,1.5. WF.STEBN LINE, oaks. at the Blehatige, Baltimore. AMMO) BATED.-The chitty. have Deep reda ct:4 on aU filmset. to or from Baltionite made, anti no Wheeling, and a tancrivrtaing on all telegraphic despaleitesfitrorarded froze Bal. liinOre West of Pittrbargk,l'a. Rana—The charge for a teleggraph despatch iv or Rom Baltimore, einaltargh and Virbeeling, is OP eonts for, the first ten words, and 3 cents for each additieuml Ivor& [l7 No charge Is made for the sutdrAts and sign. tam. Until tie completion of the Bonet Western Lane of =h from -Memphis, Tenn., to Niro Orlmms, can be forwarded to filettiphia by this smite, am! method ter Nay. flrieena. Mal AIITNEUBHIP • • . • . ACHESON WOODHOUSE A JOHN WOODHOUSE, gAVM; 111. dey astociatad themselves together In partnership, under the firm and style of A. & J. oonotraa, for the nnuantheture of TIN, COPSES AND SHEET-ISON WARE, on the corner of Rohm sent street and Me Cu.& in the in Ward, Abbeanner [MI, where they am prepared to fennel" to order, ',rhythm!. and retail, ail Mich. in their line with prompuman tadTkfl:V et d ittiestia " te ". Mte " illi n ii7 Co Ueito y of Allegheny, Feb. • T AfirtgbArg PAPER— ect, ,a ote:e ofpe Battle Me I " "' Cerro Dordo; 1 " " " Dimon Vistm 1 " " Feu do harm; 1 0 Chase de Lyon; A F r=r g " n ". c The above is thimble, tor papering largo public 'MUM Just reed direct from Pen; and for sale at the 'reecho:rod of apt . e C HILL 0- 01.01 A ... !:11 , 1 I. . 447 L r . 17 0 w ast . win i = thga o bLexilAispertmny entirely with the Wl4lOll carpets, after haring been in am Morten years, haw. bee. perfectly tremors cd, 'without the shektem mind to and fabric, and with oat mamma tram the door. it will apt Were the cloth. Ditheitone emetionneth , cool bank. Price 1.5 amis. For sale by J. lilatWrilMAKEß A Go, 1073 t 4 wood la D RlloB—gtolzr a otaiit, In lb m: ar, botth Hypo. SWIM. Soda. do Sob Nit. ISluarith do Creosote . do Omnillo Whin do Chloroform .. do .11M merilvd and for sale br my 3 B A FAHNESTOCIC & Co ItAkES-30 arm _ VON 130NNITORST & CO 0.41.Xt0i&0-4 costs I from meow Cem bertimd and far ads AIINESTOCK k CO Ili :01; LI t St VON RAG • ' tIOLIIIMIS a, SOWN • flask*, Pic. Si** b • is Ca :H ralkazALs. ticrra3,Dß4rlsiAccErrmooLrks2orEat COLTSTMTION AIij Notes and Actotances maid. in so panto( thio pion s collected on the mast facorable•terats. • FSCBANOEoo NeweVork, Pldladelplus and aim, Manna* Lonaisoidle, Saint Louis and ZiDnl nelmns, corenhandy for sale. BANK Nl:lllll3.—Notes on alCaolvent bankiln the United States diaconnotedli the itYlitrit rate, Al: kinds of d Forsivi and Amine. Cold and Silver Cow bought an sold. Mee N. 55 Market street, between 3d and 4tll, Piusbaret, P. sebts FOREIGN EXCIIANGE. _ . F1111.1,/laboul, and Scotland bought DyadsALlt at the Carrera the of Exchange. Hs, payable bs any part oOld Commies, from 11 to 1.140, at ato rare of 84 to the 1 Fterimg, without &dant'. or &stoma, by JOSHUA ROBIN. SON, European na 'General A.gent, adich sth st one door aunt of wood- octlEar auss lamtzt en LIDS 11.1111Df. I).v/was AND EXCHANGE lIHOKEIIB, dealers 1.) In Foreign and Doenailt Bills of Eichange, Cer. tittcra. of Deposit; Bank Now and Colo, rem. of 31 and Wood wee., Broody opposite St. C.a. Ro tel. osar..l W it . / !TT - r . 3..glenaus— Heramity, lusorus, Bank Notes, pnlehased al the Imam rates, 'by N. iIOLNIk & 29./N5l, iepL3 1i Market street Bastal OF IDIOtrA6tIB:--13a - CiTeika - 013 New York, Philadelphia, wid lialurnerre, Constantly for sale by N. HOLMES & BONS. sepl3 31arketst. MAK USIC, is N - . EW ROOKS FOR SUER aEADING.— AESI Poe—Eureka, a Prow Poem or, the ehyaical atid Meta •hys/eal Universe. try 4:43. A Poe, Esq ; • • • sb I be greatly surprised if ,his work done cot ennui a profoundsensation among the Itterary and wiedlifie classes all over the Colon, displaying on it does a reasoning titterer and grasp of thought which cannot possibly fad to excite the `special wonder' of even the most careless reader.'—Express. Nineveh and its Remains; with en accoontof a visit to the Chaldecan Chow.* of Kootistan, and the Ye nem, Of Devil Won sippers; and en inquiry Into Inn mower. and seta of the Attestant Assyrians, by A/15131,1 Henry Layard, bleq-, D. C. L; to tavola, with nonmr ons `One of the most remarkable works of the age:—The Tones, (London.) Feb. 0. The Sslemandeto it Lemon of the Iron Fumeces Rockland county, N. Y. by E. Oakes Smith, with d. lestraions of Darley; 2d ed 12ra. cloth, 75 eta. J. Fenimore Cooper The Spy,' a new end beauti ful canton, reamed by the author, with new preface, L to be followed by the Paw In the same ryla... The Work. of Worthington Irving; revised rind en larged by the author, its IS elegant duader tore volumes; a node printed In new type, and tat superior paper, c ols, for the purpose . Foe solo by JAMES Lt. LOCKWOoD. (for many year. connected wok Messrs. Wiley b Putnam. nod Late John Wiley, N. D7svcAd )111,1 Mr. has jut returned from the Eastern antes. NEY7oCesl4l3—lnung:-The Crayon Miscellanyt:- ompriaing The Frame, Abbotsford, Nei:monad Abbe c y. Complete in on volume—elpgantly printed. Corson—The Monasten e . of the Levant Post Snot insisted. A Voinfue of more than ordinary interest miming a serms of most canoes and once amustog adventure. * • • The field oceopted by the volume is Itimetat courtly new.—Commercial Advertiser. A book of gentlemanly, liberal. scholarly Interest, whack reminds eta not a bade of Reckford'e Spanish k/- canton., or the vivid eastern reminiscences of &Abe., Literary World Cooper—(New edition of eery , works.i—Thei Spy, revised, be . with new introduction and notes. Com plete th I eel. Ursform with !ming , . works 01-21. The Spy and the Sketch-Book went the first Ammi eau book. vatteth were immunity wksiosetedgedto contain a performance as well as • promise. We well remember the enthusiasm won which they ware meetvill, and the proud expectations which they awakened among the liberal minded abroad and the pianore Os hemp. Irving vs. Poop Olowed a seat the ode of Cioldsmbh and Addison Bud Cooper was translated in every country of the comment where any interest was i (Clint foreign litecature.—Literary World. For sale by J O LOCKWOOLA lall G 3 d st tutOKS---Oaniplete Works at John SI Mason, 1.1 DD, in 4 vols. Mardi and a Voyage Hither, by Herman Melville. Border Warfare of N York, by W W CaMPhidt Here a Little and There a Linde, by the author of "Lute upon Line, and Pmeept open Precept." Memoir. of my Vomit, by A De Lemartine. Illustrated Lite of Franklin, part eat lest teem , . and for ..le by JOtLNSTtJN h. STOCKTON, apRl cornerTbird and blanket et. XTEW ROOKS--Dr. Coventry". `Work on Epidemic II Cholera, its Hiatory,Causcs, Pathology and treat ment Philowphy of Raglan. by J. D. Modell- A. M. Bourse's Catechiam of the SM.. Engide. Chamber", Cyclopedia of English Lucre tare. R vols. octavo, fine edition, steel plate. Chambers' hitheellwy of Useful and &demoting Knowledge-10 eels, It me. Illustrated. Adak., to Young Men, by T. B. Anhur, Young Women, Elements.of Mclean:don, by 3.l3rocklesby,l4. A., `7"'''f* rove"r • for the People, by E S. Magoon. University Semen., by Dr. Wayland. French's Hainan Lecture., tor 1240-7.—The fitness: of Hely itcriptstres finuMelding the spiranal Me of moo.'ft., Na. 0 Freak lin'. Life, illustrate, Reeelrnd this day by a HOPKINS, ep2l_ NALEW PUBLICATIONS—Emmy on the the Union ,s,odartl44ltA; L Ran (wld ow_day, on Its mabileation io tendon! .eaves from Meopost South's Journal, In thal•io elute of Alwywhnisetts Bay—HoS-0. 1 val. Moo. 45e. Poorns.-•Sketches of Life and Landscape, by Rev. Ralph Heyt—new ed. enlarged—arid& atilt.- (Ma. Moo. 11,10. A Calrelthma of dm Steam Engme,illusthative of the PnoeiDle. upon which 113 operation depend., and the practical details of its 51311313113, In I. applica tion to MMus, Mills, Oen= rwrigatioo, avid milveale: with traria. suggeatto. of Improvenacut; by J Bourne 'C. E. I Yob Venn 700. Chesser's Lector. on the Pilatitto's Propels—new ithant, Psi. reduced The Cameos, a Family Nature. Part I. If Fewklin's Lath, ithunoned. Pans IV and Y. Enna Tacitas' llimortes; by ProL Tyler—M.. For irsrlo 110YKINS,IF OHICICEIBINGPO PIANO FORTES. H. ofd.MLOR, No. the " street, has the , 1./ pleantre nnouncing anise! a a ucw area splendid assortment of Manna, from the manufactory of Jona, Chie kering, boston— among them a maginfi sent Roeerwood full Grand Piano Fort, 7 newer, Also, • superb square Pia. Pone, 7 octaves. emacil rosewood, of the style of Loots XIV, with •anetv or and 6 octaves, to whicti the attention of {laminas era is respectfully solicited. JOHN H. MIILLOR, Bola Arent for COlekerickg's Moo, None* for West. ern Pennsv e72J 8010 Airostojirer Neo. 6 Ciiiikfie Plano& JUST RECSIVED maul openiur , a 091 unto lot of elegant Pianos, from the colebrausd factory of Nunn. tr. Chair, N. Y., comproung 6.61 and I octarra with Important unpuarcutenta, both in theclthilisna and exterior, possessed by no others: ALSO -.A flue se/talon of ethekering`o Pianos, truth 0 to 7 OCIaTOIS. H. SURBER. Sole Akent, at J. W. Wpalwell'a,rel Thud et. N. D. The above will be sold at otannfacturcra psi: ces., without any addition for freight or elleousaul marlo Journal and Clarctucle copy. we, held •• •• • were mixed • II, '" f•nsweli"neni. PIANOS strain of a Their oZe. A SPLENDID awortment 10119 gamy and Rosewood Pianos, Juat fin tubed. These ins Itrittitirilla OM. Matte of the latest pattern and best material and will be maid low for cash by F. BLUME, 11l Wood mere SI doer ignore Fifth. N.D.—Those who are In went of a good kusinthient, are respectfully tnyited to examine these before pur chasing elsewhere as they cannot be exeelled by any in the coeutry, end will be sold lower than any brought from the Fost. Maisiust meeved, two thanosernaes burgh reauttfamere, warranted to tar superior runny ever sold in this eountry. oetsl3 F. IL N I.lw Inc sTutraticrr. THE subscriber has been appointed Bale Agent for the stde of CARILARDS IMPROVED MELODE ONS, am MillMfaensrod end and refrained by Mawr. Murek & White, of Cincinnati. 10a baiter ramps. and extent bang but four °claims. Mcarc M. In accordance with the general Coma and demand . babe extended the scale of these ls arutnents n 44 and erten a rutatres, Was making It proud table to perform upon theta any music written Comma rant or organ.. The exterior, also, litui been much*.ibtoved by placing the body of the unstrumeat upon d coatis= frame bead/fully lacocca' and ontamenter, rendering it at once a most clegait end extremely clearable ankle. The price Is put so leer air to bang It whim the reach of every ore to obtain a perfect ontaleal instrument!, and, at the same time, a mast elegant piece of Jam ul. for a comparative trifle. • IL ILLEBE, 1.1.1 W Woes fIREAT - MUSICAL — NOVELllrirdde - rirrei kg has on recelved (MI6 Enrope, and Rid cube mu entirely new Invention of Piano Forte, called the CAlf -INET PIANO FORTE, winch possessing more power and eareetacar than the square Piano, occupies but our fourth its much room, and la a much more showy and handsome piece:of furniture. It it pardcularty Oruro bit whore the seeing of space is an obis... whove the suing of space is in object, h . cing ex ceedingly mat and eompant, and ocean Ting no snore room Man a small side Labia The subseraier Leese hand • tostimonial of as supedority (ions the memo ted pussust,Momisellm, in las own hand Tontm4,wluch may be invented. liLsKilkah ChAcker's:WM Plasres. JUST reneived and for tale at man ufacturers pruesfmturnam new Plano flppplel Porte& 8,8 l and 7 octaves, of the most elegant paw:quo! Emanate, arm with the iota Improved warm Also on head and for gala 10w,3 second band Plan- JHN H AIELLOR, Solo Agent for Clucketrars Pianos for Western Pentoilrmils,Bl Wood erect. mad NEW MUSIC llf HENRI Ilk - Di—Tbe Last Onto of lintamar, with an IntradliClAoll and br il liant va riations for th e Plano Porte, as performed in all hfs coneert Com s mthe United States by Henri Herr. Wintry Polio, by Henri here,here,bs ?oft& Sliver Bell Polka, , s u . Joe received and for sale by orchl.3 JOHN 11 31ELLOR, 81 wood at _. — Vessel Exert:lava AND SOLFTIJOIO3, with an aecoraprmatent for the Pirm-forte, adapted to the warms of private pupils, ar el a s. to voca l de. front Dana& French and Demon composers,by Lowell Mason: 70 large pages of closely pruned musks containing lOU xercises pmgraslively arranged. Nee 75 cent. Just mceiveti, a thpply of the above, direct form the publisher', by JOHN IL MELLON, meta 81 wood st WHUN DEANS-1/ Ws lealll4 tact ', t oy, . u d riji , by jum v & It JWCUTCHEON HEEIRINGS-20U bss No 1 Hein stoo -.--- 7 - , ---- w s ;, - .. d, in Mote and for sale fol , to clots molt nt wa by Inn JAMES IIsoSELL, Wow. s IKEA:LI ettArE AND ekt - ITIN 14 Tiga w a. m - _K MY has received a supply of *ldle and colored Ctapes and Crape Luc-amen; the loner peen and other le - colon, also, 'abbe, pink, sod bin Bilk and Nub Blonds. 101 l , fttliCONF.-100,0, Pares, just ree'd rata iiTr We 0 Ws PO B A FAJINESTOCK tCO . . A _ _..„....,,.... . i -Vk;:=., . f • ~',"‘,. '4''''' ' . - . . iI I t. • ~. .. . ..z. ".4 '. ..1 4. , ..,. - • / . t . a . - -A,.. - ra ttuA Lai; Is c .... #. 4 -,a• - !- 4 -3 -.3-- z 1 - 33,..i 'lt fr' L 4,, ,l4tigi4tatZtlfillEilzia.4ia•g4lar 1 - '41;23: Pl• t if 11 '-• •ri Tilpi °SI s" n . lit 1 -4 ` . ." -7 - I,4 rft:firi, 2 „ii-l.lll.lriftZtAt.. a. 1:; , Z , lizi it It u z 3. = 0 , urr,11.:•41,3 tar,:M..ll- k 1 It 6,4 4tt .c0ggrr4441441.,,,r...t ti • iet•e:,._ 27 gl i ; al p. i.. 5 .1. ; v, ~.1 CI ta egra,,t , goll„ r itt ..se t . r/3 V t14,,,.!, 01 41,, ; z C ar. ' 114 ZI,I la's l7 a4..l 2 tilA -°' ''. °•1. 3 . - 4: 4;1 8 3 .-: 4...11. I:: 1-. 0 Its s r 1... 0d...,7._ 2.6 ..5.1, 3.4 1 —a ce ia.,.4l'-'-" _.3t..--E•grIlAA-471.4i..y. ?-.f.e. '' let 5 0 = 4 73 I ' a. -4e.:a5 . .3 . 5 . 7 . . - arl i = J 4, , oj Q :... 8 -.1.i. ... r.. 111•••., . 8 , • ,,g - .st z , 4 m is = p,... 1t „10 - ra:A - V!:1749.,314 Iv s 0 C., 0 : V i o z zretil -- prial:ol ;p.,!, it Es = % e rag -. . I z. Fi. 121 '73 4/ q ta....." 1 .d .. - s •Ittn - - . .r. 41, .. -,05 --oaf7 till cc re g 0 ca at E r cc < •4 0 1 3 4 t. .4 ._ "a 4 .g pix. 0 ,14,14 , • c og -74 4.6 , s kritz-vii*.q11.11232.:11 F.titi;- . ."-it-2, ,2 6 :0 '4ll Mil-]4l. __a.—_IIESO JOHN D. MI MEDICAL OINTMENT - CONTALNINO N 0 MERCURY,or calm Ma 7 1 ..;., - 1, h agigAr. SORINr. SCROFULOUS RUMORS, SON E A Sh.b, POISONOUS fi WOUNDS IS discharge ' 4 Soar tottrid7acsacra and _ liteve Med ht for the last sixteen years for aft &masts of U.' invultind the utmost danger and respowtibUirl , and I dent.. before heaven and men, that not In one ease has it failed to burnt when the patient was within the reach Mineral mews. hare had physicimu Wanted In the prodission. I have unthaws of the gospel, Judge s of th e bench, al dermen, lawyers, gentlemen of the higher ermlicony and multitudes of the porn use it In every Vaßtty 01 and them hoz been bosom voloo—one universal InTing—nftrALLISTEIL YOUR OINTMENT IS GOODP' RIIF.UMATISJI—It mow. almostAlo l,l i o,ol l' the intim:mutton and w dui .welling, when erases. (Read the directions emend the bon.) It t AD-AMR—The sat. km cured permits or the Mut-echo of twelve year. mending, und tali[ reg.et.very week gm that voratingtook place. EAR.. AC I TOOTH-ACIIE., and AGUE IN THE PACE, are oohed with like success. tivl..-D IIEAD—We have eared cases that actually doh as every thing known, an well as the ahUlty of HI - late twenty doctors. Ono m told al he had fast tits on ht. children vrithon nny an benefit, when a noses of Ointment cured the. TErrEa—Them. athirst boner for the °mesa Tele, BURNS—It is one of the beet things to the world fos Hume PlLES—Thousand. are truly timed by this Din t. it rcesta fads in giving reLef forties Pilch Err. Around the tai arc directions for .in g RPM. fister..oisioneet.fer Seroftifts, Compbtho, Drip. Tfinsl, BathrHead, Son Are, Quincy, Sons Tenter, Brenclims, Nenwew Allectianes, Pan. Du twee Spine netg, ,Ear matcs... Bunts, Ciencell Diseases ef the Ema ron pees, co l d Swatting al .ftems, Rhumserthm, Pilto, cold Foci Croup, Swelled or , gent, nag Ws, Ague in the Pam, OP. it. COLD FEET—Liver Cceelade; pate ha the Cheat and Sole, off of the Mir, or the other eccomiac ties cold fem. Thin Ointment Is the tree remedy.) It is a annt sire o disease to have cold feet CORNS—Ocensinnat me of the Mumma will M. way. keep corns from grouting. People need name be troubled with them Utley use larmluesuly. 09- The Ointment Is good for any part of the hod . / or limbs when inflamed. In Mae maim It should he motet often. CAUTION—No Ointment will be genuine union the mote of /AMES MeALLISTER is mitten with a pen • .• . . on ever,' label. For saleby my Agents to all the principal ritla and. towns in the Platued State. J AbrEZ 510ALLPATJt, Bole Proprietor of the above medicine. Za.. Pnacipel Office, No 29 North Third street, Phil- PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOY. AGMs to Yri-rsarluant—Britnt & Reiter, corner of Liberty arid lit Clair is and L Jo, of Market at and the Diamond, also corner of gth - and' Smithfield as; J II Coat!, corner of ore and Paan au, ath ward, mud sold at too bookstore to tilinithEmld in, ad door from Second at; in Allsgbeuy city by It P Scharana and J Sargent; by J G Stolth, Druggist, Bit , olnetam; Negley East labertyli Jf Row • EMM:O= AWAT/I—eiTILE KUMASI. PHILIPSBURG, PA. rill:Li rapid .aides which ilpdappaffilt tas made ,daeetu aanduction boo NU eountrp-ihe bril liant Ind astonishing . arett .... :m effects Of cold wales in o ty v p nv e. and acute c s, when employed after the method of the celebrated Priesnim,bmaremoved from pmild of an intelligent and discerni public every anic', of dottbi m Its efficacy, an te amed It oa tmeal Awnr. Considering the novatisfactory results of remedies heretofore and hi Mei:mamma of ehronie complaints, (complaints, too, witleh an lamming se , ery year„) a must be a natural wialt to sea the *teems of a method by which so many onfOrtanato secrete will ho ;reed from their pans Indian:olden The submtibra having practised trinomially this meshed for elghtcoon et his Hydrepathic establish ; mem, which nes been his mile:Teti aid ink proved at all as parts, and in every. tespee• is now ready to receive and accommodate patients who map choose to tame theamelves raider his min, skill end mperieme. Platipitmrg, emoted upon the left bmk of the Ohio, opposite the month a the Big Bcanbr, is well kmanni for 113 refreshing and saubmnis slitiorphere, its de henna neatness and charming natant nervy, emv. Wong every requisite to reader the sojourn of the In valid intimate, and comnbutiognot • link to Mem bablish unpaired hcaltb and amend strength. establlahment the fast started m the United State., conudm every . thing, both for pleasure end connon, calculated to M.. , Z b ee and happy ter. oeltiatton allot ailment. alit! Panda. Pemous lashing to avail theumelves of the advanta ges here offered, will please address the aubscriber by loom, Ipost-pnidd stating a• near sa possible the n.0...0bba. complaints, in order to decide and ad mg. on their limas and curability by We Ilydropialide treatment, and also what will be neceluary for them to lake sloop for their especial and personal Me. P.DWARD ACICER, Id. D. Proprietor. Philtp•barg, Beaver catnap, Pa. ' Respartcrt—Rev'd. Ki ll ikelly, Armstrong; Y. D. ' Blatt, Ku/. do; Ron. Thomas , Ooocy, lieomei Pal Dr. Baker, do; Pro• Ch. Elliot, Pittsburgh, Prat I. ft, Perkins, Le. Oh* Rev. B. IL Sneed, New Albany; Rev. lit. nceion, T Stamm, Esq., New York; Dr. Cb. Winter Philipsburg; Wet. IL M. Coyne'. Rad. Pdtalturgh; k . Marti!, do. meting PF.CIAL SYMPTOMS OP CONSUMPTION.— tr.. 7 quick pulse, hashing cough, general weakness, restlese sleep, variable appetite, Irregular bowels, pains between the shoulder blades behind, lee .teas STEM. On COESOVIIIIO3.—Coughing night and day, flabby netsuke, general greet shortness of breath on Oleg Mt ...w.f. hal, or walking hat a lade fast, prase always above o. bandied, for weeks together; drenciung cold sweats towards marning. Catarrhal Consumption comes on like a common catarrh or cold, but about the period when-tha t dies owe ...try is expected to subside, some; thee - map. toms are eggnsmi. The coughmore trouble. ammo, especially when lying dam. There Is no flud pain to the chew, but ditheult breathing whielt ie worst en lying down. The appemenee of the expo. Motu., which is copious, Is changed hem at ick yellow meats, to s thinner IrtanOLOCO: Iris very tut pleasant to the patient, and emits ea unpleasant smell when Wine& It to Or no 11011 . 003104,40411 net,. ats4s probably a mixture nip. and amens, nll on t with water part stoke and pan mites. lain-dims. on, L...t0 0030014 i or 00 .07 age; and lecher.- witted by the peculiarity of the cough. The Hamm of Livenvort &recut. care of thie eLdious disease by ealwetroadmpaothe end heale the aticoted loop. It never rids. Wham& this me& Me ha been used, we hear of its tattoos FOL . Mfrs teen years I t bas been before the eagle, and has been , thorocedy ested for all emendate of the Leap, and hum proved , itself nevi. in emit to any thing In lote: , o.e might-glee handreds of testimonials tract Pon.' the M., clergy, and those who have beetle& • Metebut all we desire is to call th e attention of tbs.:- Meted, and for their own good they will try it, " • Look out for counterfeits! Always obmrvethesks mum ut.lea Taylor, /11. D.,* on the cop:toed label,. sne n otes at the Wholembe Depot, 73 ibrket?m. Imo ,flow Yerk. Sold In Pittsburgh by D Morgan 03 Wood eX ornsead, 43 Martel ell 31 SM.; ern IthellteiOnd , , Henderson h. Co, S'Liberty at Primprdamd. `Der bode. SORGAIeI3 WORM ElLLtii i. the ben Verositage WA that any ohm can givens use In his family. Wsentnowa Tp., Westmoreland esaPa. Mr John it Morgan: —This to eallity seat i Wen selling pont. emattroge for soma tie, say alined onfaear—end in that lime nom . tierce arum it lea to in bnoeing worms wan.. 11..7112pbitell' Indicated their presence. I had onsaidon MAO,. laza. two grown ;tem.:Mem or my Istaßyi Frossteeselt of them one dose, and ...althea: passedtat =atm Wt.. 0, over Zu svelte. It le Ow hest Vestal:Os thatany CM:=Et:EI MCA C.U. in hi. family, erepamd mid ,old by Jt one floor below Diastiem4l ffto. D. MORZlA,4tramet, alloy, on 'Woods*. std. UWS, At tee .— Para Rod lodide Potash, Strychnine, Chlarida Lbw. suirdoar, Whim Proolottne,Cyarouol Permit; Warm. erbed and far silo by M E SELLERS DROCK DRUGSI! t ' Chlooldino, • Chloroform, Dark Pm -40. la:Unbar; Nitrate Silver, Oil Cora*, Jame Powder, Chile Add, Chloride 8010,. mod. Itker Extract Maury, Extract Quad. • L Jut reed and for sale by 11 F: SELLERS, jail a 7 Wood/ta • • ISINFEAMPaIi SUI4IIUN OnUltlAttllDta 150, DA.—lt dm :mammas the viral of peceant pie of all eontarnous diseases. It numoves the dange lm effluvia duck rooms, ae. liy W slesnlini Mtn rj it relieves steers, and letterespts all eumenuneabla dmeases, whether In men or animals, Ms, lon ray and for .ale by Jail lt F.BELLERS,S7Weed.* Tools, for We b * y m7O HUH= & IjansmAN laidita;AYnTinsat c'll*r--rELVILAND—us -I.la lees ediuon, containing ill tka =Wet 'minas et tittaslms, of Vols. I sk.lll . o.sitho I,- oso. bellished WWI a portrait of the •Illiiital — Vobr. i.-- Price. complatcybe- A 1003 supply elle ceived and Cos We try I JOIUM MELLOF2 useb.23 j . INOCULATE, COODA AND lIRODA—;,...e. la Buns, No I Chocolate and C. 014 ...I.' , V.. 4 tool WA It the Pekin Ewe, 70 Fourth n. =re WWarn UUSAS,Lalrrnag's Puly.rizedB.lPngst ischt sod for saths by fhb aglal bbl Or at ,111 the. Tea Scam TO Pr IL mya 51 q C:4,t; s llo,iii:i l _ piiiii li 4.5 ; ;11 `am .l 31 : -14. 4 1 :1:Alia 1 4 ff ::. E 1 ° ni Z i a ?,11.1 . 1 :14 t 11 1V1 11 k I ti t " e i n -2 . 2 triltzziitZ ,-_,..-, ~,.... , 0 1 ... ri3poAt....ifir.„ ~,,.i ....., .85 , :.? zaagx". i ..,...-- , ... F. *.ri tt, 2,2 .5.'1....!: E1 . ; 2 1.1,1'4X iZ"...it as g• ' E.° i.i g l i:t lfV''' h .. ,it. 02 i tA t: b 1, fr- ..E ..: : 4 4 g1 .22. - -It s Z41;1I.0 t .: .1 w gl-1ee.1.91 ....s:s 11-.1 ,3 2-3 g .4,1 . 1 11,,gte,s 'oro ' 3.. t z tlit:rl - . • . .,: 4 ,', 4 t/ 4 7 4' .9 * M E 12.1 .....gh g:i c: - :•*.i . V.;;'t4 a.l .r.„-.- - g c.) t 5, ... i .i g411 . 1 .2!p , r 1 itt1zi, 3 13t - '3g it r; F1 3 0i.r.04 1:44,t2 . e . 7-: Aiisi ;i 7 rl , 0 ' ..14`..°7 4 1'. - ZtAt a] A 1%; ;;Ac tr A- z -0,-.1. 2. 7, - ....17,.., =2,•1 1.i .. 2 2 4t .... ...<71...LP , I Z.e ~ i i!,112“. i l >, 'S i 1.• "' et 2 .0 . 1 . 01.37' h Eap - s 2 0 ,.. ~ i. e -. :tr2E,:z.l-3:?N'a •=,* -,-77. . 92. ....r„arkib„....t.t , 5 :Z"5 :I. Li .t :r ,, • = Plsg.:• - ,istigp 'E . 7 .qtj. „; .Wii - ia. , 2::l:e; - : -, 41411 -51ZF..!,..g. Pgs'7.ot Z. 11 4 : 1 t::itUtglt.vi;••=511iiit2t i i°•igisz 7 3 - 4;7441 2 7 ....4 113 1 2 P E.5f72f,--:12:ia..: 1;e ra'l3 . ' - a.. l '? l.4 =lal . F' 2 a' 2.'t ;) sa4.Toas p ! a a ,:. Air •i: ri . ...., p ... .. .2, ..'; - e 4 ii , t- , t- ,,, - -- ~ ,d,,,,,,,,, ,RGAN, Pltubregta I) M. CURRY. Allegheny Chty; A. PATTERsoN, almingh,.. i . D<EWI iNSENG PANACEA! TnosE SUFFERING. wren mum) LUNGS.--Ttus attprectdcalad sums irblelrhas tzended the ass of GINSW e ENG PANACEA all the varbmsicteets which hrhethrn tate MAP am tames, has lanced, die proprietor spirt to can EOM. don to this ,- WONDERFUL PREPARATION. rho chertgable weather which masks is, all and ewer months, is always a (nadal sows% of COLDS AND Neese, If neglected, an but the precarson d than aO destroyer, ixtsinarnoN. tree quotient, then, how Omit we nip the destroyer m We bud hoer shall we get clear of oar ommhs and olds! Is of vital iterionance to the prablio. THE GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY silt be, found to the Olneeng Plumes. In proof of aim e have hem tune to time published the cetwilicateS of dare. of oar beer known citizens, who have expo ri nted its centavo powen. Those, waters of , WM a movT (toot all of the town OP T Shesters el Ms Owed, Al, tegethrs with eopirms Ices from 'the JOURNALS OF THE DAY tme mho-Hod nr pamphlet fonts, sod mai Si OA gratis of any of our agents MooM m os =Mfr. RTINDREW OP boon bolo need lo this city. THOUSANDS AND TENS OP THOUSANDS throlughout the Meted Emma and Censde., and we ebb lenge soy twmoas GLE tgrsTANCE • which, wham taken according te_filitoodonesand !ore b.. the hum had bee®( manes It ha ever ailed to EFFECT A PERFECT CURB. Whga . te . A. need the eglicted heeitaie? Why town to the graten vp hyena, sa le ter le ":" =name of lame es sheered phi Seise, end pared tom mnoriety by cordleedne m porg go. equally antnown! Whilst a mediate of UNPArt PIE EFFICACY .-* is or be, had, whose vouchers an at howee-wer =Wei bars,-many of whom it has ATOMFROM 1116011 &YE • loadsthat this inveloable medicine ow be placed within the meal:, of the poor as well the rich, we Wm pm the price a . 0111.1/ worry CENTE, mu one ball the, mod cost of conk meAleinee.. rtze Sor sate by otu• agents in smarty every tams andel/Imre ever the west, whe prepared to give NU inform. don relative Wit T. SAL,,t , Prapricon Imestanty, Cincinnati. Ohio. • .• L L i.riihtly termed A L IIIALIZO6, for Mere is eoareelir • a easeerternal Of Internal, that It ;ill not benefit. P. TOWN:init./I BA/LlAPAlUl.t.e—mat doz. of Dr..Tqwnsend'e Genuine flanteparilla, j.t seed and for ode by II IS 07 Wood es. only Asentfor Plenbarsb. Jos By Dhl CURDY, dlold AlletheeY oily B. EDI' V.A.nr.E=Caltc2A-tearte peelre- Pturning his thanks to Wends and the ps r the extend. pallonage he has receireal, ender In. Catmint them by lately crated • tarp and conms.ted haildrogjor the e.brai. • of We WATER .CURESTADLISIIISENT, 11=41 'vendee, at Phillipebstrah, Pa.,'en the Ohio river, app. site Me steutboas landlng at Besmwhets beta ready to receive patientase taunters. end lasstchrom on HP:- drops.. principles. In addition to his load exp., ence, and aut reel success end. WI heretofore sto tanded his treatment cd patients • ...ined ta hie eve, ,• has now the addition."' faelfolcieffindml by an es • ! tenet. beibllns . ereeted expresety for the perpeee,cro. WM. commadtme and alry toemlzidfined op with /very ...sari anent. far mod delmial* using the treatment* to the mown bone t and comfort of the patient. Ptdll.lpeius6 Is a meet ilPtip;btfol and • e of ammo by srearnbmes, and af , "" e_wster, Dr."*.er asenr. thMy _, dothir 4.741,7-:-Wegettntmura; coleforn seXiCttessureneeoftlartsubsteetial benefits on hetiorred.•,' he points with confidence to the hen, dredverho hue be. permanently mad ALIA* anat. lialdnent: ' The Mater Care leareento inJorietts effect. be en le too often the ease with those mho itllllll been Wand en the old menn. It removes the eis nrivertnes the a sps:4 protect. from the danger. r. .14 ' 11, " Impvt• weam rig\ rlt:r . di 4"nni geed" Terms of treatment and onsoro • dd: rrlrn.lter pvtienlars inquire at the Liebman; or edema the proprietor at Philirpsbanctr. toCcad • . STIIUO • • • . Waimea been informed by Alm Hose of a ears pen fanned au her by D. gloves , * Alteratives which {11 . 0.01 Its superiority ant nee* other remedy of the kind. She has been eflietedtn`tho last time. years with NEXKO9E3 or W HITE SWELLINGS, wended woh necrotic:es and exfoliation of 'annex bones, dn. rtnywhich dose many pleees have/bean discharged ftm the trowel Woo at the ersniam, from both her arms, wAss end bands, and from both legs, and horn the lea ' femoral bane, and Atm the right tnee, besides painful neer. on 0121 C, pans of her person, wide!. have bolded t & 0011 l of • umber of the most ernille2lt physicians of oar r—danag most of the tuno her stagerlngs hare been ozermanng and deplorable. About three months sumo no was induced to MY Itr..Tarne's Alterative, which boo bad an andatabiggly happy effe . ei goon her, b uleo " rirtot g al,....lC l atthe s amd 'artllionel:4lammalhi the calth has bouts. eompletetyrostond,so thxt she lOW weighs g•O Itlantore thou the did before she cOminented dos am of thin truly valnabie preparsrx—F3anEae. Fest. • For further lefortnamon, pagans of Mb Rote, N 0.129 Fdbert at, Plilladelplua. For tale in Pimbargh, at the PEZINVEII. STORED Pi Foonb rt. near Wood. DR TOWNSEND'S SARSAPILIIILL.b--40 down! just rcurred of Dr. Towasead , s Sarsaparilla, the moat catatonia:ten . medicine In atewerld: This Err is act Is pta op in quart Denim. It la AU times cheaper, plasiamer, and warranted superb: to tad& /1 ewes disease withota amain, purging, sletaslnso &Millman the platens LOOLOPI baunom.—trlaprinelplni pandas bate corned oar Labels, and put up - anedhane La the some shapedtxrale. • See that each kale Imam writtenmt. swam Of B. P.7oernaand. IL E. SELLERS, Druggist, 07 Wood Mreet, betwuca Thad and Prank Ls Di. Townsend% may w Aoleale and =tall agent for Pittsburgh, of whom the send= article can he had. IX ILL ChM hie been appcdeted the eebe c irmt Cot Allegheny city, of whose the immune art can be end-. ePh B. d Parlllolo., U . le U. Lazy O. I...Yeeesene4PLusburykti. O. W. P W holZ r ararag Store Is the . City at New Perk. riantlers% us Eteadvely aimed IA th e Pask•sle bagdam• Lick. 40rota Om; in any of rim l ark, and an prepared to mpppPl7 Drove. , " and cowry Idarebaaur•ruk Mulch 117eatal• • Arnim sod AfeetiCall Parfamerh dander, Worm • itsadathr Chatataals,lof thatr ova urrotallea) NO all mbar arack• Le emir lbw of bud. • UMW—mall aa brir ta MO east Wpm. 160.1 lo thia•Y Sarea.LbUf ally. Now York. MIS IL lOCGI r. --.--- 117.71;171e1r.eyse Colabtated CDOLIMIL.SNII DIARREIES . MEDICINES. • T a tar bli° ee. %de req = sa "" 6:l2 l 4l7 l : ff' s'f; all We asoulters owl Etats= Cilia* We do certify that Di. LoatoWicturr, ad' York, F. leek caw his cans arid mensamst.% snot &bout the fire of Octets, test, evens .outo Isbatin. tutees a twerps wawa of "Adede Cleasre.” That we =sac Wed Weald ware; and &mad hies to he In the ore. Lyme state, *feu diswew with frequent end ces ec e rice water We:Wanes. Teta prowanneed &case of retrains Chasse, wildeclaW caorwrow matte believed the sale pawn eras kayoed the hope or wed lest in Um we thoeala the Ruins wtmid ale; and Se distend et Weans, _ Wetarthos =retreat the Wad Leib Way suet hls ammo& oftrotatattnt i end Model at. Cholera ihmsedwana elasea, ewe ef the sweat We thitat Is fan slays thentaasr t;te, wattyoan( srm *IS i11),0944114 Paibetir Ina Jowl:. Dauer, IL a Tak Detwart,hf. • 'lewdly Watt Waited a anise Madded (Maker* Inn• deb the eve of - Dr. Mai. SVlekey and WWI hellare ids =dinned relieved Man • Dude e Maryland, Wasbiartaa CoanlY. ph acclaimed web :the gentle idenedr tildtritbin ealirenms a D. lenifiVink ,ey and the a.. wen etrowwW•bilDY. Untimay mime! tabselibe my a. a.- swim, anddfdrehe wal 0 ff 2 .4 Du' wendh day em....kU.S Cite .• Wen handfed and • 0. t I witllelaiiiho adadadtnatna Id Dr. Wink ndon far Mahn* CAM. ain % m tbewligaing WNW.. 12 . 611 00 . 67 . 8 4 - las Woo a well awaked aide el A.121/111CM irirywith dee ender wacsatteaa, cal bew—l c eoa la ddemor IA his 'anidtozawn, wan trowdona pand dnattten. truly l aaW *nu to Da. Winkel, ru les alton./ d a o ded woe kin ate ptcil attendenne el Dz. Winton he re , .Paaw17.7.4 ..ea be able so attend tonal/en it Ids .o..dayaam awn betook none what bed adanatwd by. Da. %Wady. . Raman. W. DAM" U. 1): . Tho os ly. =dna gamine Da. Wanze's Cholera and Dlaftiwasiblediene prar.,ased and add artele .l,l..aa retell, by /OM DaOIIOAN, Droffisr j , 5 , 13 , 3 one door bekh• Diamond alum Wend at t.'*".°4=. `IAN, P. rnRATEFUI.: for 11;;or . y Mara enernuagament 1 . Moro received for roomy mak ; I . him dew, ' mined to mania =7 mimes+ eM1WN .,61 7. Heetog Mre• oonmedont Foromary 1•111. be enabled, n rders or:lmpair, and do tim work In oar noMI arlo rod al fon ruMme, *Auk the Aland= of mon 'Mms and aim= 'kV. monk of lIPHOLSTEO 'KY GOODS nodllods; amused and Diddle Cm , takr itmennls, MmaMu Noreen, Cornlom, file. ires,llarderindo, rime., Sp& and Boller Biado' and onerf nrdelo fondly In n ertatillubsonnt of the kind. 'Odom *inked and rowdy , an ' It.ll.—CtiMna made and pal dorm IL (aO . Nal 4udaor , , ~]p~~~,, tors:fa e D 1 T' 17 " :44-1- " :-!1 ' ' •=0) tiozT r, iiglll.l . ll E s 3 - A-thi-s..grriVk MEDICAL. =UUS===I ILI&EOUS. rr . 1 betre7-roTelo on the itithiriproted Fara= plans— and moot !kabbala:do BaumOtelommdeohrot.= THE CHEAP 50u1,., re WS TON I 4LIND, or made to order orLf stmoutoi at all prints. Co Diorama nut ffit are Inritee to tailing Waminehis the thernsetires,to ell yell ha told orks:ale or reuthlOod • Moral delosticus oheSo ettolosala purchasers. anldly ' ' A wESTERVIEL Montt to the Public. • Tuns !web) , notify our Crioada and e ou boom and abraskthatAnArill so tor ettcoteutcoo, moire &meth Man ai for whirl J. Newton Joan is agent • • qiu RAIODEB.& AI4OIIN. rRN & CO., tome:sots to b, Wine HE - Deemer /S =LIN ' Co., late Ilereltsat No. CI TNUT Street, above Tbisd, -Pldl beg lease to Leona thee Wends ead,,pau m M• base reeekred ttus West SPRING' su PASI3IOPIB, vitt a tar t assottment New &roe wow; couquktag Cln Coulatio eaUeSs, && arms,. deseription—all o erbleti the& ogre Ca sortsoloa. luring bees carefaCT &ICS= Palls,. lg . Omegas tithing Phllsdelpl.‘ led resgsaeteti Ig witted to etal sad ecualnettbelgekiaethe stook teldtbdeat . EDI& RUBBER. Y.ABTE,--Jipsi ncebring, f_ gran beam of Rabbet Piste, • Olperloe wade, blgkq matt to persons ? amc tat orlekto 04 7)CV9:... ar t. It wads s Lemerr;oa n t t a te p e oc ra Wood stook area • i & GOLDI GOLDI 3 GULDrIt (1014 . 4111 EIE sabseribLowoolesale maanfienrrat al JEW halesslo &salsalnd poSdart tr. zdd natl th. lowest prima Car Lab OT approval an carom Coavardly on Lad isnd. maardanning, a Jam assomorra salable Co eta ot orM i ltra earner of Pariah and Elraneb swap Vila b Weald& P liasaaPaill. TELVING perehaeoll etShmeot!the largest Facto rize MM. East, (Nese York,Phlsdelphta odd Dal foolery sawrnment of the newest and mop improved styles of PAPER HANGINGSAORDERS, ay, and mule arrangement by oddest:will be one. bled to procure all on. Palau, aisultanernis with thew sp.:ulna In the Engem =Mar I wend in= rile the attention of thud &Mune mhatklhetrhones papered wuh the buses etyma of , papa, to en an examine toy Gut, Sallee perehasing elsewhere. 1 hue our en the way frolo,the EuS, AMOCO pines of Gold, Patin Glared, and common Paper Elang ings, , hi ch at ni eon sell prone. nths from te ma. ser.hls . 3.1111114..87 wood st linet — sia fait let. HAVINO Jost completed Ma rchtuldingotour meta Itausesore are ewe prer.d,lo receive saw, and amok. triolke most meratehltr : instance. • The houses are fined With tilt Ihs modem hareem meats, sod ate capable otcontnLeiniOXlooo Ihertach. WE& &JONESi Canal Basin, at Seventh et _ PINTBTOPAPER7IIaring the ogees — ire serener Mr the We ache Mill Grove Flimsies Paper, (O. • & C. P. Markle, Proptioutra,rerewilltessonstantly., moiled with all the elegem.= afresh( septet. Sonlitri -, ‘ &tat '!e• • career PCIIIO.III lrwi n set - -- Duciusr.sarslaroitiza. LEMAN, HAILMAN & C0...0011ms to mans. PChaste Small Iron, Spring and Am. Blister 131.0, Polkaed Hoe Steel, Itevent,elplkes and•WroN , Iron Note, allsizes, together with Cmob and FJlptb Sprints, hit Pat, Taper end cononotreAgles. • Flame rediaced the price of WrottgAt f oa Nutt, ringlets benders and others main the enmity Will Ind , he their Interest le give Oar. lOW hooch or PletAtlllOk • noteuhtetures their 61.11tiOri. ..NetrrwrffTrr7 t SANPL. a FLAy, ; MERCHANT T R, . Rio u.. 2.13 1 In liiiiiiiii ST. CLAW, STUMM' P . I - nu roll Intl l e NEW YORK AND PRII,,AD, T And it coutuniTkre puuict mils, tisslasitES Alllll I. OF TEE Mii3T qtraurrmito .14 .' Which be 6 premed to p*; I And in the likici.”Olcuts. nosucquotrtors for oot and &Moe& CM= of Peonies:4 timillateld mamma, . . . - .Ptrzeolto, Ps. t v i TUTU B B c o nee=iribr . to thelr splendld oesr eo of= aromas , ' WM/oboes! sad _Ottlyizeol wear of 0T127 ariety. suitable ay the lessou.. istul sillrleve m oc k so *a time; A golondld artleleAfhooto mode such as asolleaerk's Eno lloolo r luau& ecdssesvoo 1 chlldrens fine wort. PiessO volt • and exude& for yourselves. TROPir 8001 7 ., • eostAr , Pli ta d Smithfield in 4s-110.7'hrgraTtuViotadCr A ' s " `/- -coottuv mercluous wool& Outl ti ;alit-Wale:re& to Prow a tag vrtteo. etrtz • :3.• meet{ - COGAN. - W meant. 1111PORTEILS and VirhalelatODeakfa Jo Poreltn sad Ikaaeado liardyrarO, Callary,Eaddkay, 21411 a•Wvdeet, Plusbargb, are ziovr Adly prepared old: neatly tagarrted wait of I.Lardwase, Cadaty, Sad diary, Calyeatatal, , Tools, ido,ao afar very pad La duaemeats to Western Han:bast* d b wham the - many adrantayea had by. oar yrodedwoora, Yap vra.Loyva & Kenuody, havtiyiknorvaaad oar fv,iea and ama allow alptia,:hr hm" o iiK n the ve m ry tsar lama . - Tlo oaSor dataheya ortho aro d. 4 Matti= .o. rt . kollag confide^ auto:a; rei y soden a dal ft 'WI Oil' 'TAMwitheraidned Wars - ler sale, I of hnek •fee nilding, made by improved wanbineAd enhialetterhased, and Kroh ro g ieeparehanis s it witttien itand i m im "" fibir I " ft* bunt, poses Muer iwir and e and witeliwore .didnbis In own, ktigniiecned toeipseesampf wend num a JWidenenweendetli SWIM, th e d web IL Croat ownal tdabeet: ues gfulli Lk* IMISCit iparchasest. -.A Winn= IN sews at specious sites weave Odle& : , i 21 4 .. andiair eppl inweeme hetet.led thiewelres for a d 46.414 wan:did dewing brink, Wukoidait 1311101risham,Jana 12184E4 , • TTO highaiteinne lama saw 1 dAferent "mutes efeleaa wulted wool, Lf trOli HUM Libertys4 opposes eta iTOPARTNWILIIIIP—I haws this dal uneweenni ea with In. in Ow wbelenaladitoday,4 Vindana and Commis lon entalitess, JedillWilson,anderthe 1111. ofJOLIN WATT*. CO_ • • JOHN WATT. Pittebargb, April a% 1910. • ULPirof 01.14 c Tuyrrnaze Anld, roe of Iron, Eli Carbonnierof-Yotafh, og Sayer, Calomel, Zaal.na or Lead,ailoruTe of Soda and Chlorin Met, on toad and for Wel PITTSBURGH -- GAZETTE, mamma) DAILY, 170•RZERLY & WKEILY Lai Gaunt Boudixte, id,,. wit/ 00110‘ lIXTEO3 . 0W .A D mmarts z onainsentonot be Two tesertiosumidulattiteratkn 04I? : Three one Week ". 4 ,---P rf . " .... SO 0 - ... .. ..,•••• .. T*o Weeks „. ,I :;"--. - „.,:. 3 w ' lictet " • „ -- ' '.. 21 B „,„.. 4 01:V. MeZd°ll,l4 0 -"*. ....0 641 ?. Tho '• : • ;( 41',4 . j . XI • Tine " 07 Lasser edralllstoseatt I. OD ' Chicmcnre i 6 artrthiold , ~. ~ .... 15 p) , guhulaitioaul nut" f0r E1 4 114 1 %...„,1 IS ~ ' - I= Y ''' p ma., 15 ip-un ,6 stmatlin,rattmltbst . 0 20 IL ° I -.. 13 „._..--", 1 .. io w glik Idd li onalegnare for Ilin,zwi,.,,”''' ;30 CO Two' ,6sinaill, . H UM'. O . Sub ' . Inc" _. 6 C L IMU R_2,.. y . usuT -01 UV - WHIST Ws •• ....41 Om span. 3 Insertion, ...:60. ........ 4 .. , ... , ~ - . Alio, additional . 122 . " tr. ....... 6 g ~,,. lii.s t i. t‘,,, OW 1114 ' , : * r ........... top . .0 0; •• .- 'SIT 1001ati,1,11,, m 0417.10 • • u _ A c •.: - 0 ~, c ine Nu 0...,../, ..1 - r . ,r has, Olgr • STYLVI, • that, vbehs o 2 /4;1 t; molt= than fury . . -^ • ' sad ail nrko ,• 7 works, and 0 ORF,GIO4 1 , rum' 0 N. A roe«,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers